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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17684 A little booke of Iohn Caluines concernynge offences whereby at this daye diuers are feared, and many also quight withdrawen from the pure doctrine of the Gospell, a woorke very needefull and profitable. Translated out of Latine into Englishe by Arthur Goldinge.; De scandalis. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1567 (1567) STC 4434; ESTC S107218 91,712 246

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but rather we ought to call to minde that the Churche was ordeined for this purpose that it should continually goe a warfare vnder the Crosse as longe as it wandereth in this worlde But if we were handsome and indifferente interpreters of the woorkes of God the thinge whereat we take occasion to be offended shoulde be the beste comfort for vs that coulde be For wheras the state of the Churche is for the most parte miserable and alwayes vnstable or rather for asmuche as it is continually tossed with diuers stormes as it were in a roughe sea firste the Lorde giueth an euident token of his wonderfull prouidence and secondely it is a profitable and as muche necessarie exercise for the triall of our faithe and patience If the Churche were so founded and altogither fortified that it might staye vppon the owne power it shoulde differ nothinge from an earthly kingedome neither would any man doubte that it were gouerned by mans pollicie if it had stoode all at one ordinarie stay vnto this daye But whē we sée that through as it were innumerable deathes it hath neuerthelesse continued aliue so many hundred yéeres it can none otherwise be but we muste néedes gather that it was preserued by the power of God This greate power of God other circumstances doo make more manifeste in that when it was assaulted on all sides with deadly daūgers wherwith oftentimes it might haue bene ouerwhelmed maugre welnéere the whole worlde whiche wrought the worste it coulde againste it it alwaies scaped as it had béene from shipwrecke I say nothinge herein whiche any manne may not easely acknowledge in him selfe who so euer will sette before his eyes the Histories of all times This is an olde cōplainte of the Church that it hath béene assaulted oftentimes from her youth vp and hath had the vngodly her vtter enemies that they haue ploughed vppon her backe and drawen longe furrowes vpon her By this voice the spirit of God would rayse vp the godly sorte that lie gronynge vnder moste greuous miseries to the entent that rūninge through all degrées of ages from the beginnyng of the worlde thei should know that the Churche hath alwayes ouercome by sufferance Heruppon ought we to set our mindes continually to the entēt that if at any time the present state of our time doo trouble vs the remembraunce of those thinges whiche our fathers haue suffered in time past may refreshe vs. And therefore it shalbe expedient to haue a description of all times gathered togither to the entent that euery one of vs may from thence set before our eyes examples méete to asswage our miseries as often as the race and néede shall require Howbeit ere I procéede any further it is néedefull to note wherupon so many and so sundrie chaunges whereby the Church of God is oftentimes turned and as it were whéeled about doo arise The knowledge of this thinge is not to be fetched from farre obscure coniectures seinge the continuall starting of men frō God hath broken the course of his grace whiche otherwise had bene continuall whiche thing ye may vnderstande almost from the beginnyng of the world When Moyses speaketh of Seth and his sonne Enos it is there recited that at the same time the name of God was begonne to be called vpon Whereby we vnderstāde that the true worshipping of God which in the cursed ofspringe of Cain was in maner vtterly decayed was restored anew againe that it might thriue florish in the world Scarce eight generations passed when all the posteritie of them whom God had segregated to himself for his owne children had throwen themselues in such wise into all kinde of wickednesse that with themselues they destroyed by floud of water all the whole world defiled with their abhominations At such time as the Church was brought to eight persones it séemed then at leastwise so purged that y e little séede whiche remayned should of it selfe bringe foorth nothinge but pure holinesse And yet anon after it diminished almoste by the fourthe parte The posteritie of Iaphet also within a while after fléeted awaye There remained no more but the householde of Sem the whiche it selfe ere it was any longe time grewe out of kinde also so that God did worthely exclude frō him a greate parte of it When the Ofspringe of Abraham beynge by wonderful power brought out of Egipt had passed the redde Sea and was goynge towarde the lande of Promisse who would not of luckie beginninges haue iudged that there shoulde haue ensewed a continuance of a happie state Notwithstandinge euen the very same in whose deliuerance God had shewed so manifest a proufe of his power made no ende of sinninge vntill suche time as by horrible meanes they were all destroyed in the wildernesse At length the children of them toke possession of the said lande but yet suche a possession as wel néere in sixe hundred yéeres after had no stabilitie bicause they themselues throughe their owne falsenesse and vncōstancie did eftsoones trouble it Neuerthelesse the Lord did diuers times restore them to a tollerable order All the which notwithstandinge neither the remembrance of their first deliuerance nor the rodde that was laide vpon them so oftentimes to chasten them nor the present féelinge of punishments nor the often pardoning of them could kéepe them in awe but that by shakinge of the yoke of God they procured newe mischiefes to themselues Moyses had tolde them before how it would come to passe that when they were fatte and well fedde they would kicke againe but the thing in déede was farre woorse what doth the storie of the Iudges reherse but continuall backeslidinges Wherefore if any be offended at the sundry shakinges wherunto they sée the Churche subiect in this worlde let them caste their eyes vppon that Glasse and they shall leaue wōderinge to sée them haue vncertayne abidynge vppon Earthe who with so great vnconstantnesse of faithe doo wauer before God After that the Kingedome of Dauid was erected there séemed a more certaine grounded kinde of a state like to continewe to haue bene stablished But that lamētable slaughter of the Pestilence which by the space of thrée daies after a monstruous maner raged in the worlde abated greatly that felicitie By and by after the death of Salomon the bodie of the Realme was deuided and the torne members ceased not afterward to byte one another And moreouer both Kingdomes were miserably turmoyled by forraine warres Shall we say their destenie drane them thereunto Nay rather they thēselues through their sinnes enforced and hastened the vengeance of God For euen wherein they séemed most innocent namely whyle Dauid goeth through with numberynge of them bicause it was the peculiar faulte of one man yet the holy Historie saieth plainely that God was wrothe with them all At length followed that greate conuersion little differinge from vtter destruction when all the whole Nation was led captiue to Babilon But surely if their owne desperate