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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17182 A commentary vpon the seconde epistle of S Paul to the Thessalonia[n]s In the which besydes the summe of oure faythe, ther is syncerelye handled [and] set forth at large, not onely fyrst co[m]myng vp [and] rysyng with the full properyte [and] dominion, but also the fall and vtter confusion of the kyngdome of Antichriste: that is to say of Machomet [and] the byshop of Rome. Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; R. H., fl. 1538. 1538 (1538) STC 4054; ESTC S108939 53,970 140

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Byshoppe of Rome and they had lyghtly obtayned it but that the goodnes of God hauynge pytye on the symplenesse of the people dyd dysclose thys mysterye of iniquyte to all the worlde before that it was fully fynyshed and ended to the derogacion shame of oll other false myracles I thynke that the buyldyng of these cloysters of beggynge Frerers is one porciō of the chefe of these lyenge sygnes He shall not be beleued I know well amonge our posteryte that shulde tell them that beggers in so shorte a space had buylded so large goodly houses of the whyche eche of them are sufficiente for to receaue noryshe kynges and prynces But we se many thousandes of these buylte vp on hyghe and retched forth bothe longe and large and besydes that to haue gotten the goodlyest porciōs of lande in all contryes and cyties Yee and these deceauers thēselues knowlegynge thys wōder do say No prynce or kynge coulde perfourme in certayne hundredes of yeares the whyche we beggers not wythout myracle haue fynyshed in so lytle a space Yee and haue so fynyshed them the our buyldynges maye compare wyth the moost goodlyest olde places that are God hath opened by this thynge saye they that the rules of oure orders do not so greatly dysplease hym as thoughe Daniell had not sayde longe tyme before that thys shulde come to passe For thus we reade of Antichrist in the .xi. chapter Such as wyll serue hym he shall geue greate worshyppe and power yee make them Lordes ouer manye geue them the lande for naughte c. Paule addeth therevnto in all deceaueablenesse of vnryghteousnesse vnderstonde that Antichriste shall come after suche maner That is to saye when he commeth he shall brynge wyth hym all kynde of iniquite wherewyth he myghte brynge men away from the truthe equyte honestye ryghteousnesse wrappe men in ypocrysy and erroures We know therfore that by the meanes of antichrist the commune iustice all honestye holy truthe shal be moued oute of theyr place vnryghteousnesse ypocrysye vnshamefastnesse voluptuosnesse moost vayne persuasions to be set vp in theyr steade Whyche thynges he the seyth not to haue all ages and degrees in possession nowe at thys tyme lacketh both hys eyes hys wytte But all mē shall not be deceaued but the reprobate that is to saye they of whom the truthe was refused and lyes receaued that is to saye such as do wylfully peryshe And because that a secrete questyon myghte be moued Why the Antichrist hath so greate power and prosperethe so greatlye Why hathe God suffered Satan and Antichrist hys captyue to haue so great power By a solucion he preuenteth the question and sayeth because they receaued not the loue of the truthe that they myghte haue ben saued That is to saye the iustice vengeaunce of God requyreth the same thyng to be done For theyr obstynate rebelliō agaynste Christe deserueth that all they whyche receaued not Christ that of hys charyte was wyllynge to saue all men for hys truthe sake dyd opē those thynges whyche belonged to saluacion that they myght haue ben saued shulde nowe by the sufferaunce of God for the truthe haue falshed in the steade of charyte tyranny and for a saue●ure haue a destroyer and that they shulde nowe beleue the lyes of a wycked man whyche wolde not beleue Christe that tolde them the truthe For our LORDE hymselfe sayeth in the Gospell of Ihon Ye wyll not come vnto me that ye myght haue lyfe I receaue not the glorye of mē but I knowe that you haue not the loue of God in you I came in the name of my father ye receaue me not yf an other shall come in his own name hym wyll ye receaue Ioh v. And oute of thys truly it semeth that that noble sentence of the commune people was takē They that beleued not Christe shall beleue Antichriste And herevnto belonge also the wordes of Paule that followe wherwyth he maketh that whyche goeth before more clearer sayeng And therfore that is to saye because they receaued not the loue of the truthe and were not the louers and followers of true relygiō God shall sende them stronge delusiōs that is to saye moost euydente seduccion and deceate that euen lyke madde persones and men rauyshed of theyr wyttes they can not chose but beleue lyes And for thys cause that all they myghte be iudged that is to saye tormēted punyshed vvhyche beleued not the pure and symple truthe but rather approued vnryghteousnesse ypocrysy superstycion and erroure Ye haue now a reason how it cōmeth to passe that the worlde nowe a dayes is so readye to beleue the myracles doctrynes and rytes of Antichriste It is the iudgemēte of God whyche hath shewed myracles ynoughe by hys sonne by hys prophetes and Apostles and hath also prescrybed vs doctrynes and rytes clearlye and sufficiente ynough But all these thynges set asyde we had rather be deceaued Therefore these prestes and monkes Antichristes knyghtes deceaued vs by gettynge awaye our moneye and neuer ceassed to thruste in theyr lyes vnto vs vntyl that they had emptyed all mens cofers Suche thynges as myghte be brought out of the Byble semed olde forworne thynges ▪ all men daylye desyred to heare new matters and therfore was it fre for euery man that wold for to inuente euery thynge that he lyfte He was best alowed that had brought in ony new thynge into the churche and so throughe theyr vnshamefastnesse and our curyosyte and foolyshnesse it came to passe by the ryghteous iudgemente of God that all truthe was banyshed many yeares sence and errour hath raygned myghtelye thorow oute the cōgregacions Nowe though it be thus and that experience it selfe do proue these thynges to be ouer true yet are ther certayne euell occupyed persones whyche go about to boulster vp the corrupte captayns of the moost corrupte relygion whyche are bente to dostroye the sprete of the mouth of God But the truthe which is inuyncible shall ouercome bothe those vayne prelates of the churche and also theyr foolyshe defenders and shall also ouerthrowe them and bruse them all to peces excepte they conuerte vnto the LORDE Hetherto haue we disputed more at large then we thought to haue done at the begynnyng of the commynge of Antichriste of hys kyngdome and confusion for the readers pleasure and for the erudycion and warnynge of the symple people Nowe wyll we returne vnto Paule and the Thessalonyans For Paule hymselfe after he hath fynyshed hys dysputacion of Antichriste turneth hym vnto the Thessalonyans But vve are bounde to geue thankes alvvayes to God for you brethren beloued of the LORDE because that God hath from the begynnynge chosen you to saluacion thorovve sanctifyenge of the sprete and thorovv beleuynge the truthe vvhereunto he called you by oure Gospell to optayne the glorye of our LORDE Iesu Christ A notable place of the election Theophylactus knyttynge these thynges verye goodly with those that are gone