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A14476 Here fynyssheth the boke yf [sic] Eneydos, compyled by Vyrgyle, which hathe be translated oute of latyne in to frenshe, and oute of frenshe reduced in to Englysshe by me wyll[ia]m Caxton, the xxij. daye of Iuyn. the yere of our lorde. M.iiij.Clxxxx. The fythe yere of the regne of kynge Henry the seuenth; Boke of Eneydos. Virgil. Aeneis.; Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375. De casibus virorum illustrium.; Caxton, William, ca. 1422-1491. 1490 (1490) STC 24796; ESTC S109601 103,701 172

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the meanes to make Eneas to abyde deuysynge vnto hym ▪ that he oughte to doo soo Seynge and considerynge the wynter that is alle dystempred the grete orages the sygne of Oryon that rendreth the watres to be proude and cruelle Also the shippes that ben alle crased of the grete tornementes that haue hurte theym here byfore saylyng in the see The influences of the heuens so spytefull dyuerse contradyction moeuable one apposite ayenst another causynge dyuersite perturbatyffe in the lowe elementes whiche myghte be cause of his destruction yf he vndertoke ony vyage atte this tyme passinge the see from one lande to a nother By these raysons and other that by the desirous affectyon of thy wylle shalle be vnto the aduysed and shewed to the perfectyon of thys thynge thou shalte mowe peruerte the oppynyon of Eneas for to seiourne in this countrey that byfore was alle determyned for to goo The whiche thynges and other persuasions seruynge to the mater whiche enflamed the corage of Elysse esprysed with brennyng loue towarde Enee gaue a stedfast hope to her sorowfull thoughte leuynge by dyspense abstractyue her first vowes of chastyte promysed ¶ How Eneas aftre grete fortunys of the see arryued in cartage And How dydo for his swete behauoure and fayre spekynge was esprised of his loue Capitulo xiij BOthe togidre of one assente went the two sassustres fore named to the synagoges and temples where bifore the aulters thei offred sacrifices with grete supplycacyons and prayers and slewe sheep weders for to doo sacrefyces destynated vnto the noble goddesse Ceres to Appolyn and to Bachus and specyally vnto Iuno the goddesse of wedlocke whiche is lady mastresse and wardeyne of the connexes or bondes aminicules to whome they offred in pacifique Immolacion a white cowe by twix the hornes of the whiche Dydo by grete deuocyon shedde the fyole fulle of the holi libacion makynge the consecracion ouer the sacryfyce there dedied and doon in diuerse wise by solemnyte merueyllouse aftre the custome that was vsed at that tyme Dydo wyth her suster Aune went In to the temples and symulacres knelynge before the awters makynge requestes and prayers and aftre loked In to the entraylles Interiores of the bestes there slayne For to fuldo the sacryfyce In delyuerynge and sechynge aftre the moeuynge of them the comynge of the future maryage But what ouerserche nedeth more to be enquered wherof thys folysshe thoughte cometh to the woman thus a tysed wyth the swete flamme of loue esprised in to the mary and synewes whiche inseparably goeth thrughe the bones as depe as the. veray hertys roote To goo sekyng wythyn the symulacres the consentynge of lyght whyche is alredy determyned for to be acomplysshed Thys lady hathe norysshed pryuely in her thoughte the wounde of ambycyouse desyre whyche is so procured that she can not hyde it noo lenger She is graffed and myserably sette wauynge and tournynge here and there wythin her cyte embrassed and take wyth loue insacyable in contynuelle thoughte As a personne furyouse lyke as an hynde that is rought to the herte wyth an arowe goeth rennynge by the forestes and mountaynes Thynkyng vpon her sore onely wythoute to conceyue ne comprehende the wele of her abydynge Aftre wyth Eneas goeth thys lady deuysynge thrughe the towne to shewe hym the grete rychesses that she hath broughte from the partyes of Thyre asketh hym hys aduyse of the edyfyces of Cartage cheryssheth and enterteyneth hym to her power in alle thynges that she thynketh to be playsaunt and agreable vnto hym and atte last she yet spekynge her speche deffaylleth alle sodeynly and can not kepe purpos ne countenaunce as a persone transported from her vndrestandynge and ouertake wyth ouer grete loue inestymable Of it that other parte she doeth make grete appareylles for to feeste Eneas ryghte highely in dyuersitees of metes entermedled wyth some Ioyous dysportes playsaunte and in syghte aggreable After she taketh a delectacyon in his talkynge playsaunte requyrynge hym that for her loue he wylle recounte some grete fayttes or other aduentures that he hath seen in hys tyme in the werre of Troye And taketh her Ioye and consolacyon in his swete wordes and drawynge that atysen and enterteyne her in a contynualle thoughte towarde hym Soo that after theyr departynge from eche other that tyme the mone obscure comynge in his ordre supprymeth the lyghte of the sonne and the sterres launchynge theyr bryghte sparkeles excyte the appety●e of slepe The lady that alone entreth to her chaumbre tryste and pencyfulle leuynge her bedde reste syttynge vpon tapysserye werke or other parte alle solitarye and desolate as a thynge habandouned Desirynge the presence of Eneas by Imagynacyon impraynted wyth in the fauntasme of her entendemente Her semeth that she seeth hym there presente heringe after his wordes playsaunte And deuysynge wyth hym and there she passeth ouer a parte of the nyghte in suche medytacyons and contynuell thoughtes ¶ And emonge she taketh in her lappe Ascanyus the sone of Eneas otherwyse callyd Yolus and holdeth hym bytwyxe her armes byholdeth kysseth and colleth hym Considerynge the beaultye and grete delectacyon of the fadre In whiche she is rauysshed by the representynge of his sone And no thynge there ys soo gretely greuable but that it is alle ynoughe facylle vnto her to be experymented for the entreteynynge of her loue wherinne she myghte be deceyued for the grete serche that she doeth wythoute ceasse for to eschew alle thynges that in this caas myghte be nocible and contrarye to her ANd for by cause of the whiche forsayd occupacyon or contynuelle thoughte wherinne she is Inexplycable occupyed as transported and rauysshed Alle the werkes and doynges of Dydo are taryed and lefte in the astate of Inperfection The w●rkes of the grete yates toures and othre edyfyces that were begonne for the perfectyon of Cartage be lefte wythout eny more werkyng alle Imperfyt the excercyse of armes is dyscontynued the noble men wexe robuste and rude wythoute excersice of fayttes of werre The brydges poortes and passages ben lefte wythoute warde And the deffences ben voyde add emptye wythoute entreteynynge redy to receyue the enmyes wythoute ony contradyctyon Alle werkes ceassen and appyeren interrupte for defaulte of conductours The stones of the walles that are bygonne whiche appyeren alle awry sette croked bowed and counterfette by cause thei be not fully made and polisshed Shewynge theyr teeth to threte and byte in to the other stonys redy to be masonned whiche oughte to haue be contynued and Ioyned to perfourme the enterprise thus lefte as alle to cutte and perysshed The grasse groweth faste and roteth on theyr heddes theyr teeth ben spredde wyth mosse all to tourne rusty and fulle of lothlinesse The grete edyfyces are lefte vncouered in dyuerse places And shortely alle falleth in to ruyne by cause of her grete furoure ¶ But Iuno the noble goddesse wedded wyff and spouse of Iubyter seeynge that the goode renomme of Elysse myghte
not to be merueylled yf she be wycked as I say● for she was wickedly begoten and for an euyll occasyon the erthe granmodre of the godde was ones wrooth wyth theym And for to doo hem a grete Iniure engendred two horryble monstres the fyrst hight Seceo and the seconde Antheledo whiche were geauntes stronge and puyssaunt aboue alle othre men of that tyme and exempt from the subiectyon of alle the dyuynite and had a suster named renommee orfame that was the last procreated and in signe of a mocke was to her youen the facultee and power for to reherce and saye alle thinges that sholde come in her mouthe and to speke eyenst all folke be it kynges princes or lordes or othre knyghtes ladyes gentyll wimen marchauntes labourers and maydens goddes gddesses they re sequele withoute hauyn grewthe ne regarde to ●o manere of l●synge no more than to the trouthe of the dede to her were gyuen wynges alle of fedders and fete and handes and body and hede wherof was made a monstre fulle terrible that hath as many eyen in her hede euermore wakynge and alle wyde open as she hathe fedders vpon her and asmany eerys mouthes and tonges in lykewyse that speken stylle without ceasse And for her talkynge neuerthelesse cesseth not to herkē and bereth well awaye that that she hereth Alle the nyght she fleeth betwix the clowdes and renneth ouer the erthe spred abrode rushynge and makyng grete noyse as thondre tempestes nor can neuere wake so longe that she can gete luste to slepe She sette herself somtyme atte the gates of the townes castelles fortresses and of grete lordes houses with theporters and mynystres for to questyone them what rewle is kept in the towne of the astate of the kynge and of the prīces and of they re moost famylyer seruauntes After she goeth vp in to the hall and somtyme within the chambre and hyde hersef in cornes and behynde the tapytes a nother tyme vpon the highe pynacles and toures and wyth theym that kepe the day watches whiche beholden alle the towne ouer nothynge is there so secrete be it in house or in strete but it is sone manyfested vnto her The grete cytees bygge townes she doeth trouble somtyme wyth sorowe and yre by her report●n●e Alle is goode for her and alle is to her paye Alle thynges wherof she aduyseth herself be it good or euil trouth or lesynge she telleth and reporteth alle to her guyse This meschyne of whome I speke that Ioyeth her to recyte aswell the euyll as the goode and more lesyng than trouth byganne to renne by the townes cytees cas●elles ●ther places recountyng vnto all them that she fonde hew Eneas of the lynee of the troians was come in Cartage of whom the fayr dydo had enamoured herself and bothe togydre helde hemselfe alle the winter passynge the tyme in grete playsaūces festes playes sportynges all occupyed In theyr delices wythout to puruey to the gouernaunce of theyr royalmes lordshypes as though they had forgoten it alle dedycated to theyr playsures wylles how be it that it was other wyse And in passynge throughe the landes reportynge all thise tidynges was aduertysed that the kynge Yarbas resident in the same contrey and sone adressed her se●fe towarde hym the streyght cours And to hym recounted the manere How dydo hadde esprysed her owne herte wyth the loue of Enee and alle the thynges here a fore wryten wherof this Yarbas that was kynge of the grete Libye hadde a grete dyspyte by cause that this lady hadde somtyme refused hym that was a grete lorde and of the lynee of the goddes sone to god Iupyter a renouse that men adoured in Lybye and of one Nyuyse goddesse of the fontaynes doughter to Gazamas that had be rauyshed This Yarbas was ryghte deuote and in his tyme had construed edyfyed and made an hondred temples wythin his royalme wyth an hondred othre sacraryes in whiche he had consecrated the fyre brennyng without ceasse that he called the daye watche pardurable of the godde And made there contynuelly so many sacryfyces that the erthe alle there about was alle made fatte and molyfyed wyth the blode of the bestes that were there Immolated to the honoure of the goddes And replenyshed wyth alle manere of good odours swete smellynge for the grete haboundaunce of the garlandes made of floures that he gadred in that place And whan he was adcerteyne● 〈◊〉 the dooynge of dydo and 〈◊〉 Eneas he was therof vtterly dysplaysed wherby agrete acumulacyon of yre and wrathe he begate wythin the roote of hys herte and as tryste sorowfulle and besyde hymself wyst not to whom complayne but onely that he wente in to the temple before the awter and in Ioynyng his handes togydre made the prayer and requeste that foloweth ¶ O Iupyter almyghty god for whome folke of Moryenne where is made the roughe tapysserye in pycture alle dyuerse haue made an assemble magnyfyque of metes and of wynes for to kepe a solempnelle feste in the worshyp of thy godhede knowest thou not oure sorowe hast thou for euer determyned to solace and dysporte thy self euermore wyth the thondre and weddrynges for to gyue vnto vs tremoure and feere wylte thou feere vs onely wyth thy fyres by the sodaynly sente throughe the cloudes in grete tempeste and murmure and occupye thy self alle to that wythout rightwisnes to be by the made vnto euery chone How Yarbas complayned hym to Iupiter of eneas that edefyed the cyte of Cartage and how Iupyter sente sodaynly Mercuryus towarde eneas for to make hym to retorne in to the coūtrey of ytalye ¶ Capitulo xvj WE cōplayne to thy ryghtwysnesse of a woman whiche is come in to the lymytes of our londe habandonned as lost named fenyce or dydo that hath take vpon her to edyf●e a cyte of lityl pryce that she doo to be called cartage to the whiche by curtoysie we haue gyuen londe habytable lawes for to gouerne her peple and haue required her ofte tymes to be our wyf spouse but therof she made none acōpte and hath habandon̄ed hersilfe in alle manere poyntes to receyue the false eneas as maister lord of alle her londe The whiche seductor of ladies as parys that enwedded the fayr heleyne kepeth himself in maner as a woman in their companye wyth his longe here 's that he maketh to be enoynted kemed for to be yelow as golde makyng theym to be boūden in a coyffe roūde a boute his hed wythout to thynke vpon none other thynges but only the delites of wymēly loue wherin he is contynuelli ocupyed wyth her and we that alle the tyme of our lyf haue serued to thy temple doon many sacrifyces oblacyons to thi lawde praysinge are dyspysed habandouned wythoute to bryng there from some rewarde or a vaūtage the whiche yarbas makyng this his complaynt and prayer wrthin the temple byfore the awters
he had had desiryng abowe all thynges to flee leue this swete contrees of cartage for to 〈◊〉 a place of surete thynkyng in hymselfe te be in daūger of his persone as longe as he dwelleth there wythstādyng the inuectyue monycyons doon to hym by the cōman̄dement of the goddis knowe not what to doo so moche he is esprysed of sodayn sorowe immense nor by what wayes he maye notyfye thees thynges to Dydo ne what termes he shall take at the begynnyng of his wordes hymself to valyde to gyue a coloure to his byfalle abode longe in this thoughte doubtouse and varyable wythoute to sette his purpose to condescende to ony parte of that he wold do vnto the ende that it semed hym for the best to calle thre of hys knyghtes One named Nestor a nother Sergeste and the thirde is the stronge Cloant to whome he commaunded that alle secretly they sholde doo make redy his shyppes assemble they re folke take they re armeures and alle other appareylle for to depart incōtynent that he shold ordeyne And that they sholde doo this couertly in dyssymulyng their goyng to th ende that yf it were aperceyued by some waye men shold wene that it were a manere of a feynynge ¶ How dydo knowyng the departyng of eneas ranne thrugh the cytee of cartage as a woman disperate and from herselfe Capitulum xvij THe felawes right gladly dyd fulfylle ryght soone the cōmaundement of eneas the whiche trowynge that dydo sholde neuer haue thought vpon the brekyng of soo grete a loue nor that he wolde habandoune leue her stro of wyth hymself by what wayes he myghte signyfie it vnto her in what wordes or what hour and in what maner moost honeste for to gyue her lesse sorowe But the quene dydo atysed of the grete couetyse enflāmed wyth desirouse loue that can neuer be sacyate ynoughe felte firste this barate by cause that the fyne louer that alwayes kepeth hym selfe wythin his warde and fyndeth noo thynge soo sure but that he putteth it in a doubte can not be lyghtely dece●uyd For fame that euyll goddesse reporteth vnto her that Eneas made his nauye to be armed and repayred wherby she ymagyneth fyrste that he dyde soo for to departe and goo oute of her lande Incōtynente as alle furyouse oute of her wytte toke to styre her selfe rāne thrugh the citee of car●age as a mad woman as thyas the grete prestresse dyd in tyme passed whan she wente to incyte and somen the matrones and yonge maydens to renne furyously and wythout shame thrughe the towne by nyghte to the feest and sacryfyces of the goddes Bachus and Venus atte the daye of theyr solempnyte ¶ How dydo sorowfully bewaylled the departynge of Eneas by swete and amyable wordes Capitulū xviij ANd thus rennynge aboute she recounted Eneas to whom by grete dyscomforte reforced wyth merueyllouse sorowe wherof her herte was surprysed in gret accumylacyon of extreme dysplaysur she sayd these wordes halfe by manere of a reproche in dolaunte lamentacyons rewthes and complayntes O ryght dere eneas sedycious ryght cruel how haste thou had the herte so vntrue to thynke so grete a treson as for to wyll departe out of my lande sodaynly wythout to make me a knowen therof Is there thenne nothyng in the worlde that can make the to abyde here nother the grete loue that is bytwyx vs bothe wherof we haue somoche loued eche other the grete re●uel that I haue doon to the the grete ayde socours the worshyp that the hast had of me whan I receyued the in to my londe that tyme that thou come firste to me as a man exyled and naufraged nor the deth horryble cruell that for the I must receiue wherof I shall redyly slee my selfe at thoure of thy departyng nor the paynes traueylles that thenne I shall must endure O man of all other the moost forcened oute of thy wyt doled out of the sure waye how in this harde wedder of wynter that the wyndes ben in their furye the see full of tempest of grete voraygeouse wawes the tyme alle indisposed more than euer it was hast thou purposed to moūte vpō the see to flee from my psence for to goo with a lityl puissaūce to werre and bere greuaunce to ytalye a strange londe wher from thou shalt be sone expelled at thys tyme For yf thy wille were to goo to troye thyn owne londe yf she were yet in her beyng that thou were well sure to be there honestly receyued yet thou oughtest not to goo there nor to take the see now wythstandynge the daūgeours aforsayd Alas fle thou not from me therof I requyre the admonest the for pyte of the sorowe that I bere and for the grete teeris flusshyng doū from myn eyen that this to doo incyten somone the. by the swetnes by ▪ thy well wyllynge and by the yeftes alle other thynges that I haue doon vnto the. alle at thyne owne wyll in suche a wyse that no thynge I haue reserued for my selfe but that it was alle habandouned vnto the more redyli than to myn owne body By oure kyssynge and swete cully●ge by oure byhauynge and louely countenaunces by our Ioyes and playsures delycyouse in fyne loue bytwyx vs mutuell wherof we haue loued eche other soo that in noo wyse my dyligente thoughte hadde neuer no wylle to be cruell anemste the. but hath be atte alle tymes desirous for taccomplysshe wythout ony gaynsayng alle the I knewe was to thy playsur And thenne yf I haue deserued to haue some good of the yf thou euer toke playsaūce in ony thyng that by me cam playse the then̄e to haue mercy of this poure desolate frende that shalle be sone broughte to the poynte mortalle and my cytee dispeopled and to grete ruyne delyuered by thyn infortunate goynge And wyll chaunge thy courage yf my requeste and prayers can haue place of merite to acquyre mercy ayenst the. thou seest that the folke of Lybye the cruell tyraun●es of Myronde and they of the cytee of Thyre that many tymes I haue offended hate and haue enuye atte me for the my ● chastyte pudyque and alle hee praysynge is there loste And my fyrst fame goode renomme wherbi I was electe taken vp to the sterres as a veraye goddesse is now by thy departynge sodaynly extyncted why wolde thou thenne habandoune and leue me thy kynde loue dyscomforted redy to deie for to flee passinge by this coūtrey lyke as an hoste that lightly forgeteth his lodgynge and the place that he goeth fro departeth Ioyously wythout to haue eny rewthe ther unto haa I perceyue well that of the I wende to haue my f●ēde my true husbāde espouse no thing abideth with me nowe but onely the name of an hoste what can I wayte for nowe O what recomfort may I haue that am voyde from alle hope and noon other is there but to falle in
that I fynde of the deth of the sayd dydo I shall reherce here after now in a nother maner whiche is to be presupposed was moeued of the grete hate euil wyll that Iune the goddesse cōceyued ayenst parys his frēdis parents alyes and by cause of ouer sodayn iugemēt that he made whan he gaaf thapple to venꝰ as the moste fayrest of theym all to him holden moost dere bycause of whiche bate whan eneas sone of venus nygh kynnesman of paris wold departe from troye after the siege of the same for to goo into the cōquest of the prouynce of ytaly to hym ꝓmysed by the goddis at request of his moder Iuno the ryght noble goddesse wyllynge tempesshe and lette his gooynge dyd doo calle and assemble yolus and Neptunus goddis of the wyndes and of the see prayenge exhortynge theym moche swetely that it myghte playse eche of theym to putte theym in payne doo theyr deuoyr to empesshe the goynge of the sayd enterpryse and makynge to breke and destroye alle the nauye in plongynge vnder the water and parellys ayenst the roches for hastely to drowne and destroye alle the hooste of Enee the sone of venus whiche enforced hym to make werre in the goode royalme of ytalye whiche was in his desire pryncypally aboue alle other In whiche thynge soo doynge she wolde rewarde theym wyth suche guerdons as apperteyneth to grete and hie goddys to be stypended and shall doo honoure to theyr frendes and treate theyr lygnage and veray alyes and socoure theym wyth alle hir myghte whiche that the goddys hadde graunted to hir right gladly And they made theyr preperacyon eueryche in his regyon for to warre vpon Eneas ¶ How Iuno for tempesshe thooste of Eneas whiche wolde haue goon in to ytalye prayd the goddys of wyndes that eueryche by hym selfe sholde make concussyon and tormente in the ayer Capitulo xo. ENeas thenne sailynge bi the see was recountred by yolus whiche smote wythin the saylles grete assaultes effortes bataylles in many maners And made to come the foure windes to gyder one ayenst another wyth all theyr sequele Of whom was surprysed all the nauye and terryble troubled ¶ There myghte ye see sayles rente Cordes and ropes broken And crampons of yron wrythen a sondre and plucked oute the shyppes vassaylles lyfte vppe highe in the ayer and after plūged in the see in suche wyse that neuer was seen suche a merueylle On that other syde cam vpon theym Neptunus wyth all his vorages wawes alle full of scume as a wulfe enraged brayeng in the botome of the see his grete gulle or throte wyde opene redy to swolowe to deuoure alle thooste cryenge brayenge vnder the shippes temppestes horrible of the woode see oute of whome yssued in to thayer on hie a clowde and after decended impetuously vpon the flote whiche semed somtyme alle to be drowned couerde wyth water And anone after they were lyfte vp on hie wyth the wawes whiche sodaynly braken departe that alle the nauye descended nyghe to the bottom of the see whiche were anone recuyelled by other wawes remysed in a momente vp on highe and separed transported in to dyuerse places And in dyuerse wyses were tormented wythoute hope of socours Longe tyme dured this troublous tormente whiche caused grete fere drede vnto the coūtreys nygh neyghbours also ferre of This assemblee the whiche after grete losse perdicyon as well of Anchises fader of Eneas as other dyuerse and also fortunes whiche longe be to recyte passed The nauye arryued almoste alle to broken vpon the coste of the see of lybye nygh the sayd place of Cartage whiche Elysse dyd doo edyfie by grete and subtyll moyens of the whiche I passe ouer And in descendynge and comynge a lande in to that countrey was reculed and receyued by dydo And opteyned her grace for to soiourne for to refresshe alle his people and his nauie ¶ In whiche doynge he toke grete acqueyntaunce and ofte repayred vnto the palays and wyth the ladyes byhaued him soo queyntli swete and curtoys plesaunte and amyable fayr and wel byspoken merueyllous hardy in fayttes a grete enterpryser loued of alle men preysed of his people he was moche noble and a ryght fayr persone by cause wherof dydo toke grete playsir in his conuersacyon and deuysed wyth hym moche gladely wherof folowed that she was greuously hurte wyth the darte of loue And the wounde nourysshed by longe tyme enbraced wyth the swete assemble inuyncible in hyr stomacke considerynge the grete vertues of whiche his persone was decorate his noblenes honour of the peple of Troye his grete beaulte swete langage whiche she ēprynted in her remembraūce that her membres refuseden the swete reste of slepe And kepte this thoughte in her selfe by ryght longe tyme in suche a wyse that in a mornynge after that the lyghte of the daye rebouted putte a backe the shadowe of the nyghte aboute the lampe and the sonne rysen for to shyne on the erthe ¶ How dydo coūseyllid wyth hir suster anne Capm̄ xj THis lady bythoughte herselfe and purposed to dyscoure and manyfeste her faytte vnto one hir suster whiche was named in that tyme Anne sayenge to hir in this manere Anne my suster and frende I am in ryght gret thoughte strongely troubled and incyted by dremes admonested whiche excyte my courage tenquire the maners lygnage of this man thus valyaūt strong puyssaūt whiche deliteth hym strongly to speke in deuysing the hie fayttes of armes perillys daūgerous whiche he sayth to haue passed ne weli hither comyn to soiourne in our coūtreys I am so persuaded of grete admonestments that all my entēdement is obfusked endullyd and rauysshed I byleue certaynly that the man of whome I speke to you ys nyghe kynne and parent of the goddis or that verytable by one comyn assētmente they haue assembled theym selfe to destyne his birthe in delyuerynge and gyuyng to hym allone alle the highe vertuouse yeftes whiche nature hath of custume partyculerly to yeue to dyuerse creatures and maye be supposed that she hathe produced hym in excellent dygnyte for to make one fayer chief werke to thexemplayre of alle other For they whiche ben borne of basse parentage ben ouer moche ferdeful conuerte in theyr fayttes and drede theym fleynge and kepe theym oute of the palayces courtes of grete lordes And yf it happen theym to entre anone they retourne or hide theym in corners vnder the tapytes or byhinde the grete fote of the ya●e for to yssue and goo oute first wythoute makyng ony bruyt or medlynge ne seche nothyng but thyssue for to flee yf there were ony medlee ne neuer by theym was there ony valyan̄ce proued as it is sayd But god forbede that it may be sayd of Eneas that fortune vaynquyssheur of grete bataylles comynge to the chief of alle enterpryses to haue reproche
to the handes of Pigmalion my cruelle brother kyng of Thyre that shalle comme take my cyte and put alle to destructyon and brynge me to mendycyte Or that Yarbas kynge of Ecctuses that I haue so oste indygned for to auenge hys Iniuryes shalle reduce me in to captyuite Atte leste yf afore thy harde departynge I had had of the som lynee or som lytell Eneas that I myght haue seen often playnge in my halle for to take theratte som comforte wheryn I shulde haue take my dysport thinkynge vpon the remēbraūce of the Ioyfull playsaunce that I haue had of thy presence whyche shulde asswage the harde dysplaysaunce that I shalle haue of thyn absence I shulde thynke that I were not so sore wasted nor alle togydre habaundouned as presently I am ¶ How dydo alle in arage complayned her to Eneas and to the goddes ¶ Capitulo xix OF the whiche wordes Eneas not moeuyng hym self in nowyse but in holdyng hys syght alwayes Inmobyle atte anothre syde than vpon dydo sighynge sore in his herte for the loue that he had hadde to her sayd in this manere Certes quene I answere not but that thou haste deserued of me moche more of goodes than I can nombre or by som wyse thynke ne telle and so shall I remembre elysse as longe as lyffe shall abyde wythin me and by cause that thou hast spoken first I wyll telle shewe vnto the that I wold not haue departed furtyuely out of thy land vnkonwen to the. but sholde haue sygnyfied it vnto the Also I am not come hider determyned to wedde the nor neuer toke presūpcōn in me for to do so nor to take aliaūce wyth the for suche a cause And yf the goddes wolde suffre that I myghte vse my lif to myn appetyte to be at my fre wyll I shold take habytacōn in the grete troye wyth my kynsmen other that are there abyden escaped from the distructōn And yet sholde troye be made vp agayn by me but the god Appollo of the cytee of tymbre wyth the oracles in short preceptyue of the lande of lycye cōman̄den me to goo in to ytalye and syth that it muste be thus doon it is my lande my desire to accomplyshe alle theyr wylle And it semeth that thou oughte not in no wyse to reprehende me ne to haue enuye vpon the troians of theyr goynge in to ytalye a strong lande out of theyr nacyon sith that thou art of thire come from the meane regyons of fenyce to enhabyte in libye to take thy playsure in thy grete edyfyces of cartage that thou doost make presently for to preside in hit forsakyng the swete groūde moder to thy byrth For to a peple yssued out of strange lande is licyte to seke strange places for theyr dwellynge And it sholde be a shame to me that haue enterprysed the cōquest of ytalye to reside in this land of lybie wythoute to acoonplishe my wyage whiche thynge for to doo I am incyted in dremys by the soule of my fader Anchisis the whiche atte alle tymes that the nyght obscure couereth the landes of her shadowes humyde whan the sterres togyder maken theyr rysyng apyereth byfore me vndre the speche of a terryble ymage strongely indygned and ayenste me sore moeued Also of a nother side I am sore conturbed wyth a drede merueyllous for the grete Iniurye that I doo to my dere sone Ascanius whiche by my longe taryenge I doo pryue of the possession of the royame of ytalye wherof the successyon is vnto hym due of ryghte heredytalle and by veraye destynacy after my deth but there is no more by cause that thou shalte not wene that of my selfe I haue enterprysed this besines for to leue the yet in trouth and also I swere it by thy hedde and also by my owne that Mercurye the gret messager and grete Interpretour of the goddys hath ben hastely sente fleyng by the ayer from Iupyter souerayne god whiche hath brought me maundemente for to departe alle incontynent I haue seen hym manyfestly in lyght of godhed to entre the walles of thy cytee all clerly of hym herde his voys wyth myn ●erys properly wherfore it ought well to suffyce the wythoute to presse me wyth wordes ony more sith that the goynge and enterpryse that I muste doo in ytalye is not of myn owne wylle IN sayeng the whiche wordes by eneas dydo lokyng at one side torned hir eyen sodaynli wythout to speke neuer a worde as a persone furyboūde furyous and or euer that she coude saye ony thyng as rauysshed helde her sighte all mobyle wythout to areste it vpon one thynge of a long while and after by gret yre gadred by inmense sorow intrysinque wythin her hert sayd to hym in this wyse o man right false and vntrue that what someuer men sayen was neuer borne of no goddesse nor procreated of royalle lynee comyng of the puissaunt dardanus fyrst founder of the grete cyte of troye but arte engendred of Cancasus whiche is a moūtayne terryble in ynde all ful of harde stones of dyuerse fygures of merueyllous height that recheth almost vnto the heuyns soo that neuer ony birde myghte passe ouer where groweth hungre that was neuer satyffyed to ●xstirpe waste alle the goodes comyng oute of the erth The whiche how be it that she hath chosen there her habytacōn for to deuoure all thynges that comyn vnde her All this nethelesse suffiseth her not but sendeth don̄ her colde messagers as snowe froste heyle tempeste transported caste of the ayer by the colde wyndes into the lowe regyons and after doe●h peryshe the trees the herbes the corne all other thynge growyng oute of the groūde and this doon whan she hathe no thyng more he parforseth hyr self wyth hir grete teeth to ete the rotes vnder the groūde that haue hidde hemself wythin the entraylles of ther the their moder for to achieue that all were brought to destrucsyon as thou wylte doo of me in folowyng the cōdycions of the subsiduous modre that hath made the to be norysshed and fedde wyth the mylke of the tygres of Yrcanye that are made wythoute to haue pyte of ony thynge that is borne in this worke what holdeth me but that I shalle sone goo fro my wyttes replenysshed of grete madnesse why is it that I dssymule to goo alle oute from my wyttes wherto wylle I thenne kepe my selfe no● lyue more from hens forth syth that this euyll man a traytour for what wepynge that I make dayneth not gyue oute one only syghe nor torne his eyen to loke ones vpon me nor haue no pyte of me his sorowfull loue for to styre hym to one sighynge only or to atere descēdyng out of his eyen what I ought to do ne what parte to torne me what I may saye to what ende shold my wytte mow begynne nor where to haue recours I wote not O goddes celestial
that is to sacryfye hir self with funerailles mortalle by fyre horrible knewe not that she was accensed nor esprised in her corage of so grete afurour nor that her sorowe had be wers than was that that she suffred atte the dethe of her late husbonde Sycheus And went and determyned her self for to fulfille the commaundemnt of her sayd suster Elysse and to doo alle by ordre that that she had charged her for to doo The whiche thinges thus doon of the queene dydo willyng to procede to her sayd sacryfice went to see the place where the grete fyre shulde be kendled whiche she founde alle redy made garnissed with agrete quantyte of logges and vnder h●m and rounde aboute grete foison of drie fagottes other small wood for to kendle the fyre lyghtly toke herself for to encence it and to susfoūge the place And crowned it with garlandes made of herbes and braunches that men haue of costume to putte vpon the corces of the dede bodies vpō they re graues and tombes and also ouer the ymage and fygure of eneas that she had doo make after the femblaunce of hym for to be brente ther with her And toke the swerde that he had left with her that she hidded in the same place for to accomplysshe the werke that she thought for to doo Aftre she welde goo with the sayde prestresse to her sacryfice of magique that she had ordeined to be doo and were the temples and awtiers welle prepared and garnyshed of oblacions and other thinges necessayre and conuenable to this present obsequye And thenne came out the olde witche of charmouse magyque in her raymentes made in dyuerse maneres alle her hed shauen for to fuldoo her sacrifyces Atte the begynnynge of whiche she inuoqued and called thre tymes by hidous wordes thre hundred goddes infernall and the grete habitacyon of hell sempyternalle wych their confusion the moder of magyque in her triple proporcyon and the thre faces of the mone that shyneth by the quarfours somtyme wyth two grete hornes and somtyme as it were cutte by the myddes Another tyme she appyereth alle rounde wherof many one ben meru●yled By cause that they ygnore the causes the whiche yf they knewe theym they sholde not happely merueylle Also from wythin it is obscured moche more in some places than in some other So that men myghte saye that it encloseth that it is the tryple fygure of the vierge dyane wherof maketh her Inuocacion this lady olde magicienne And thus dooynge she dide asperse the place with the waters obscure venemouse and blak representyng the lycoure of the hydous fontaynes of helle After she maketh to be brought to her certayne herbes freshe and newe mowen taken by nyght whan the mone shyneth with sercles of coper wherof the Iuse is passyng venymouse and of coloure alle blake And with this she taketh the lytell skynne that remayneth of the secondyne within the forhed of the lytell foole that must be scraped awaye from hys forhed whan he is newly borne afore that the moder lycketh it of wherof after that doon he shalle not be knowen of his sayde moder as it is sayde so that she refuseth to gyue hym souke as it were not her owne And also it is named and called the skynne mortalle loue bi cause that after the saide prestresse the foole shal neuer haue luste to souke hys moder but yf she liketh or eteth the secondying or atte leste that same skinne that he hathe in his forhede and men shulde saie that by the same cause shulde procede the moderly loue yf it were not that inclynacion naturelle purposed ageynst the same But alle that is sayde aboue made the forsayde magycyenne Dydo beynge ther present that helde in her handes a grete stone alle rounde with one fote bare and the other hosse on Alle vngyrde and vpon her knees as a vassall that doeth homage to his lorde of a parfytte corage as she that is redy to Immole herself vnto all the goddes in syght of alle the sterres that ben coulpable of her falle by their coniunctions and moeuynge and influences celestyalle that sygnyfye and denounce the dysposycion secret of the deuine prouydence saynge that yf ther be eny mercyfull god and pyteous that medleth hym to receyue and behelde the consideracyon of louers that maketh theim to enterteyn well togider wythoute varyaunce that it wyll playse hym for his pyte to corrige and punysshe th offence that Eneas hath cōmytted ayenste her and wylle retrybue hym iustely alle after his demeryte After alle the whiche sacryfices oblacyons prayers requestes thus made in grete deuocyon and affectyon synguler as aboue is sayd and that the tyme after the daye is paste and goon whiche is couenable in all landes for the bodyes humayn that haue traueylled to take reste that thenne is to theym playsaunt and agreable was come to his ordre that tyme that the grete woodes and forestes the see also and all thynges that ben cruell nuysyble take in hem selfe reste and slepe And whiles that the sterres ben in theyr courses well yocked whan alle the feldes ben in silence the byrdes and bestes brute and whan the grete poundes and ryuers alle thynges aquatyque the busshes and the large playnes and alle that the erthe conteyneth are in grete ceasse and in reste vnder the grete mauntell of the nyghte that gyueth triews to alle labours and by slepyng maketh swete alle peynes and traueylles that men hath suffred afore Alle this neuerthelesse she fenyce clysshe or dydo that thenne abydeth desolate and alone wythoute companye can not by no wyse induce herselfe to gyue a reste vnto her eyen by a lityll slepe wherby she myghte aswage the presente anguysshes that she bereth atte her herte but redoublen her sorowes amd her trystesses enforce more vpon her the fore loue reneweth hym selfe that torneth soone to madnes whan it can not be recouered ¶ How dydo made her lamentacyons repreuynge the periuremente of Laomedon Capitulum xxv THis lady by grete distresse tourmenteth alto renteth her self aftre she thinketh in her courage what she may do alas sayth she poure wery where shalt thou mowe become must I nowe thenne sith that I am alle ashamed that I habandoune my selfe and retourne towarde theym that firste haue requyred me and that I requyre humbly the companye of the myroūdes and of theym that so ofte I haue caste in to dyssdayne and refused to haue me in maryage Certes I ought not to doo the same and bettre it were to me for to folowe the nauye of the troyens and to submytte myself alle togydre to theire mercy They haply shalle haue recordaunce of the grete aydes and bene faytes that ben comen vnto theym by me For often cōmeth in mynde to theym of good recordaūce the benefayttes that somtyme were doon vnto theym And supposed that eneas weld not haue me nor take me in to his
the other and cam ayen atte euyn The houndes of Ascanyus founde thys herte and hunted hym sore tyll that Ascanyus hadde espyed hym and shotte an arowe att hym and rought the sydes of hym This herte alle thus wounded and sore hurt came home ayen as fast as he myght there as he was noryshed and cryed and made mone after hys manere Syluya came fyrst there where he was whiche was ryght sory whan she dyde see the hert that bled sore and was a deynge Thenne caae there turnus that was moche an angryd and wroth therfore founde the wounde and blew a horne for to moeue his folke ayenst theym that had slayne this hert And no moo wordes were made there But they went toward the forest alle armed where they founde the troyens that were come after the hert And the churles ranne soone vpon theym with suche armures as they had The troyens deffended theymself with they re bowes and with theyr swerdes but the most strengthe was styll with the men of the countree Neuertheles the medlee wexed so strong that ascanyus kylled there the eldest son of Turnus with an arowe Thēne rose ther a grete crye Soo that the troiens were of the wors syde And whan Eneas wist of hit in his fortresse he came brought there a grete part of his folke ¶ How turnus sente for his folke for to chasse dryue Eneas out of his londe ¶ Capitulum xxxix FOr this occasion bigan the bataylle to be grete and mortall that was not apeased anone There was grete effort made bigge estoure after that Eneas was come there For of that othre part of the bataylle they of Laurēce came there and of alle the other contrees about that cursed the kynge Latyne that so euyll folke had receyued and lodged In his contree To this sorowe came Turnus and whan he sawe alle the folke of laurence so moeued ayenst the kynge Latyne he bigan then̄e to swere and saye that euyll shosde come therof to the kynge Latyne and to the troyens for yf he had not Lauyne to his wyff he sholde doo brenne the cyte and the palays also And thenne he ascryed his folke and alle theym of the cyte in whiche were many knyghtes and sayde that hym self and theym of the cyte sholde yssue in bataylle Thenne spake kynge Latyne to his folke and to Turnus and tolde theym that ayenst the wille of the goddes and without rayson they wolde fyght aienst the troyens But for thise wordes turnus nor the other wolde neuer withdrawe theym self the kynge that sawe they wolde noon other wyse doo he lete theym shyfte fought tyll that the euyn departed theym Thenne came ayen they of the londe to laurence eneas ascanyus went ayen to theire fortresse turnus had sent for his aide in the centreye all about made grete folke first of all came to him mescayus of cusye causus his sone brought folke wyth them thēne came they of lōbardye of to scane of the ualles of ytalie besides all thees came ther canulla a mayde that was lady of prouerne medabus was her fader this damoyselle brought with her grete cōpanye of medeus all in armes for to gyue socours to turnus that she loned sore whan she was come to laurēce she was gretly loked vpō of the ladyes ef the cyte bicause that she mayntened herself lyke a knyght she was stronge hardy more thenne eny other creature Hw eneas wēt to seke socours of the kynge euāder capo. xl THus had turnꝰ assēbled his folke for to chase eneas his folke out of lōbarde for he wold haue the doughter of the kyng latyne eneas had wth him litil aide but of them that he had brought with hym he toke no care nor abashed hym not bicause that the same lōde was promysed to him for to dwelle in hit vpon a nyghte cam to hym a vysion that tolde hym that he sholde goo to seke helpe to a kynge that was called Euander whiche was neuewe to kyng Thalamus of Archade This euander slewe his fader by exhortynge of his moder that vyceta was called and for this cause he lefte archade and came in to ytalye and dyde so moche that he her berowed hym selfe and his folke that came wyth hym vpō the mounte palatyne Vpon the tonyre Where Euander beganne a lityll cyte that he named Palence after the name of kyng Palantyne of Archade that now is called Rome thys kyng Euander had a doughter whiche was called after the name of his cyte Palencya and also he had a sone that was pre● and hardy that had to name Palas the whiche werred euer ayenste turnus and the ytalyens Also turnus wolde neuer haue concorde nor peas wyth this kyng Euander Eneas sayd then̄e to his folke that he sholde goo fette socours and helpe And then̄e he entred his shyppes and his felawes wyth hym And rowed so moche that they cam to Palence where kyng Euander receyued theym wyth grete Ioye honoured moche eneas and sayd to hym that he had well knowen his fader Anchises Soo longe they spake one to thother that euander sayd that he sholde helpe eneas shold take to him his sone palas foure thousād men good fyghters Eneas thanked the kyng right moche of the good wyll that he had to hym And whan the mornyng came that they had cōcluded togyder of ther befines they toke leue of kyng euander they that were most in age ētred in to the shyppes And the other that were strong wente by londe ¶ How a grete sorow was made whan Eneas and Palas departed fro palence Capitulum xljo. WHan tyme came that they sholde departe the quene wepte sore tendrely and the kynge also that called hys sone full swetly saynge Ha a fayre sone yf I were as yonge as I was somtyme with grete peyne I sholde late the goo without me And I promytte the that Turnus sholde neuer make so good watche to kepe hym self but that I sholde doo to hym demmage ryght grete But olde age reteyneth me here that happeth to hym well Now praye I oure goddes that of the. they make vs gladde And that I may see the agayn alyue afore that I shalle decesse For I hadde moche leuer deye than to see thy dethe ¶ And thanne Palas and Eneas made sacrifyce to the goddes prayed theym the they wolde be to theym socourable this doon they toke they re leue of the kynge euander walked so long that the nyght was come thēne they herberowed themself behīde amōtayne ¶ Hw turnus came afore the castell of eneas for to sawte hym ¶ Capitulum xlij ●Han that Eneas was goon toward kynge euander cam turnus afore his fortresse ascanyus was with the troyens for to wite yf he coude take theym or entre within the castell but the troyens that sawe theym come putte theymself in to theire fortresse and made
after this transitorye lyfe he and we alle may come to euerlastynge lyf in heuen Amen ¶ Here foloweth the table of this present boke How the ryche kynge Pryamus edifyed the grete cyte of troye capo. primo How the cyte was cruelly sette a fyre flāme And how Eneas armed bare his fader oute of the same cyte capo. ij How Eneas sacryfyed to his goddys in the place where Polydorus had be slayn capo. iijo. How Eneas in makynge the forsayd sacryfyce hewe the trōke of a tree oute of the whiche yssued bloode And how polydorus declared the sygnyfycacyon of the sayd myracle the wylle of the goddys capitulo iiijo. Thobsequyes of Polydorus capo. vo. Here bygynneth the historye how dydo departed from her countrey capo. vjo. How dydo arryued in Lybye a strange contrey bought as moche lande or groūde as she myght cōteyne wyth the space of an hide of an oxe in whiche she buylded and edefyed the cyte of Cartage cao. vijo. How a kynge neyghbour to Cartage dyd demaūde to wif the fayr dydo quene of Cartage the whiche for the loue of her late husbonde had leuer to slee her selfe than to take the sayd kynge capo. viijo. A comendacyon to dydo capo. ixo. How Iuno for tempesshe thoost of eneas whiche wold goo into ytalye prayd the goddes of wyndis that euerych bi him selfe sholde make cōcussyon torment in thayer ca. x. How dydo coūselled wyth he● suster Anne capo. xjo. Thansuers of anne to hir suster dydo ca. xijo. How Eneas after grete fortunes of the see arryued in cartage And how dydo for his swete behauoir fayr spekyng was esprysed of his loue capytulo xiij How the goddes accorded the maryage of Eneas to dydo capitulo xiiij Of the gret tempest storme at maryage of theym ca. xvo. How yarbas complayned hym to Iubyter of Eneas that edyfied the cyte of Cartage And how Iubyter sent sodaynly Mercuryus toward Eneas for to make hym to retorne in to the contree of ytalye capo. xvj How dydo knowynge the departyng of Eneas ranne thorugh the cyte of Cartage as a woman dysperate and from her selfe capitulo vijo. How dydo sorowfully bewayled the departyng of Eneas bi swete amyable wordes ca. xviij How dydo all in a rage complayned her to Eneas and to the goddys ca. xixo. How dido wyth grete cursynges gaaf leue to Eneas capytulo xxo. How dydo fyl doun in a swone and how she was borne awaye by her wymen and also how dyligently the nauye of Eneas was made redy for to goo in to ytalye ca. xxi How Eneas brake the ooken tree of the grete loue of dydo capytulo xxijo. Of the wordes of dydo to her suster Anne ca. xxiijo. How dydo in grete bewaylynges prayd her suster to make a grete fyre in a place most secrete in her palays for to brenne the harnoys and raymentes of eneas and how by dyuerse sortes she supposed to haue destroyed hym ca. xxiiij How dydo made her lamentacyons repreuyng the periurement of laomedon ca xxv of the vysion the eneas had for to depart towarde ytalye c̄ xxvj How Eneas encyted the patrons maystres of his shyppes for to departe capo. xxvijo. How dydo full of grete rage dyspourueyd of wytte slew hirselfe wyth the swerde of Eneas how be it that to fore is made mēcyon of this occysion It was no thynge but for to shewe the dyuercyte of fortune And here thexecusion of the dede is shewed capitulo xxviij Of the beaute of dydo capitulo xxix How Eneas sayled and how by tempest he aryued in Secyle capitulo xxxo. How eneas toke the see for to seke the regyon of ytalye ca. xxx How kynge Egeus lete falle hym selfe in to the see for the deth of his sone Theseus capo. xxxij How Eneas arryued in ytalye ca. xxxiij Here it is shewed how many kynges had ben in ytalye to fore that Eneas came thyder fyrste cao. xxxiiij How Eneas byganne to bylde his fortresse vpon thyreuer of tonyre capitulo xxxv How Eneas sente his messagers towarde kynge latyne capitulo xxxvj How kyng latynus made grete Ioye and good chere to the messagers of Eneas capitulo xxxvij how kyng latyn sent certayn psentis to eneas ca. xxxviij How Turnus sente for his folke for to chace and dryue Eneas oute of his lande capo. xxxixo. How Eneas wente to seke socours of the kynge Euander capo. xlo. How grete a sorowe was made whan Eneas and Palas departed from palence capo. xljo. How Turnus cam tofore the castell of Eneas for to assaulte hym capo. xlijo. How Vysus and Eryalus made theym redy to entre vpon the hoosts of Turnus capo. xliijo. How Vysus and Eryalus entred into the tentis of Turnus hooste and made grete slaughter and destruccyon capitulo xliiijo. How the two felawes loste eche other in the forest whan the knyghtes of laurence chased theym capo. xlvo. How bolcus slewe Eryalus how Vysus his felaw slewe bolcus Of the deth of the sayd Visus And how the hedes of the sayd two felawys Eryalus and Vysus were broughte vpon two speres a fore the fortresse of Eneas capitulo xlvjo. How thassaulte was grete atte gate of the castel cao. xlvijo. How Eneas cam ayen from palence wyth moche folke fer to socoure his sone his peple ayenst Turnus ca. xlviij How Eneas sought Turnus alle aboute the bataylle for to slee hym for the deth of palas capo. xlixo. How Eneas smote Merencyus wyth his spere in his thie a grete stroke capo. Lo. How Merencyus made grete sorowe whan he sawe his sone deed capo. ljo. How Eneas sente the body of Palas in to the shippe and sente it to his fader capo. lijo. Of the messagers that Turnus had sent to diomedes ca. liij How kyng latyn coūselled for to make peas wyth Eneas capo. liiij How Eneas cam to fore the cyte of laurence ca. lvo. How the quene Camula was slayn in the bataylle ca. lvj How Turnꝰ cam to the felde his folke wyth hym ca. lvij ▪ How the Couenaunt of the batayll was made bytwene Eneas Turnus capo. lviijo. How Tholomeus made the bataylle to bygynne ayen grete horryble capo. lixo. How Turnus dyd grete damage to eneas folke ca. lxo. How the quene Amatha hanged her selfe by desperacōn capitulo lxjo. How Eneas and Turnus fought body ayenste body in a felde one ayenste that other capitulo lxijo. How Eneas wedded Lauyne And hadde the royalme of ytalye captiulo lxiijo. How kynge Latyne deceassed And Eneas soone after hym And how Ascanius was callyd Iulyus capitulo lxiiijo. How Ascaunis helde the royalme of ytalye after the deth of Eneas his fader capitulo lxvo. Explicit TO the honour of god almyghty and to the gloryous vyrgyne Marye moder of alle grace and to the vtylyte prouffyt of all the policye mondayne this present booke compyled by virgyle ryght subtyl and Ingenyous oratour poete Intytuled
wolde gyue to hym knowleche of this materyalle vysion The whiche prayer ended and wythoute hauynge ansuer of the goddys troians by hym adoured and callid on After by courage more haultayn wythoute ony proude thoughte purposed in hym selfe to arache or plucke vp a gretter tree whiche was there whiche empesshed and ●etted hym by force vygour and naturalle myghte wythoute socoure of ony instrumente artifycyalle And for to demeane this to effecte Eneas sette thenne one knee vpon the sonde and that other ayenste the branche growen and comen oute of the lytyll hylle where as was buryed Polydorus And on that other side he toke the braunches of the sayd tree and by grete myghte and bodyli strengthe enforced his puyssaunce for to arache and plucke vp the same tree Durynge the whiche efforte was herde a voys feble as of a persone alle sorowfulle and bywepte and nyghe alle faylled and deed The whiche sayd alas Eneeas this is but lytyl prowesse to the to proue and excersice thy robuste puyssaunce ayenste a body pryued frome his lyf or vpon a deed corps to take vengeaunce soo Inutyle And by cause my ryghte dere brother and my goode frende I very sorowfull whiche so moche haue loued the whan the lyf was in me and that the naturel hete of blood humayn comforte my membris made theym vegytalle wyth sencyble moeuynges I swere to the by the goddis whom thou seruest whom thou now in ꝑfoūde deuocyon hast requyred that thou cease to trauaylle and poursiwe me deed For herof I make the certayn that I am Polydorus sone of Pryame kynge of Troye he lyuinge whiche haue ben by cruel deth and trayson hidde couerde vnder holy amyte putte oute of this worlde by plasmator kynge of this countree and regyon For the auaryce Insacyable whiche was in hym And that had hardynesse to commyse and doo this cryme soo moche deffamed and full of so excecrable cruelte arrettyd O cursid and false deceyuable auaryce whiche blyndeth the voluntees humayn and maketh by his subtyl arte the ryche men suffretous and poure and ferther for to gete rychesse to commyse cryme and homyside by dampnable treason And I Plyodorus ferthermore shewe and manyfeste to the that the haboundaūce of bloode whiche thou haste seen yssue oute of the trees whiche woldeste haue cutte and plucked vp is not orygynally of thyse trees but the sayd trees haue taken theyr foūdemente and firste begynnynge of theyr rote in my body and by that moyen is the sayd bloode largely comen and hath aroused the erthe and yssued oute of my body and nowher ellis And for this cause I the exhorte and counceylle that thou ne defoylle no more thyn hondes wyth my bloode And holde it by cause of my suster crusa the whiche was gyuen to the for wyf of my parentis and frendes in maryage ANd by cause that thou Eneas haste bygonne to edyfye and bylde a newe cytee in this royalme of Trace in the perfection of the same thou procedyng hast now vpon the grete materyall foūdements made bastelles of werke ouuerage magnyfyke but the wyll of the goddis haue ordeyned and concluded by a counseyl emonge theym selfe that this lande shall not receyue ne socoure the But shalle be chased and fugytyf fro Troye but bi the sentence irreuocable of theym is destenyed to the the swete countrey of ytalye ful of fruytes for there to be releued And to comforte the myserable heuynesse whiche thou haste longe suffred ▪ by cause of thyne exyle Soo departe thou thenne fro this londe maculate and ful of fylthe and ordure by the blody faytte vppon me doon by the false and cruel Plasmator kynge of thys regyon And goo thou in to the countrey whiche is ordeyned for the and thyne by the prouidence benyuolence and prouysion of the goddis SO moche Polydorus hadde opened and declared to Eneas the secrete of his vysions that eneas was surprysed wyth drede Inestymable alle in a traunce And soo abode a longe tyme ynough lyke a corps wythoute entendemente And wythoute partycypacyon of sensityf moeuynge And for tymorysite and thyng not acustumed merueyllous Insolute as sayd is his tonge abode clyued to the palate of his mouuth in suche manere that durynge the langorous tyme. that polidorus tolde this vysion myserable It was inpossyble to hym to excercyse thoffyce of his tongue to hym destynate by nature neuertheles after that nature hadde stablysshed his wytte and spyritte and giuen to eche of theym faculte power to excersice theyr offyce and wordes The sayd Eneas ordeyned that the cause of Polydorus yssued of his bloode and genealogye sholde be restored and halowed honours funeralle And to his goddis make sacryfyces apperteynynge for to gete the grace of theym that they myght rendre theym selfe benygne mercyful debonayr and propyce vnto the helthe of polydorus ¶ Thobsequyes of Polidorus Capm̄ v. FOr the obsiquyes funerall of Polydorus to bryng to effecte so was the aulter establysshed for to halowe the sacrifyce And therupon putte sette the goddes of troye whiche were of colour sangueyn reed and eneas his felaushyp̄ chosen by hym for to make and exhibete the sayd sacrefyce weren alle generally symple enuyronned wyth bendes of his whiche enuyronned vnder the throte mountynge vppe to the temples bytwene their frontes ere 's vnto the toppe of the heed And vpon theyr hedes they had chapelettis of braūches of cypresse whiche grewe nygh the montycle or lityl hylle where as Polydorus was buryed whiche is a tree sacred and ordeyned to the ende that by the vehemente odour and swete smelle of the same tree maye surmounte the infecte odour of the caroynes of the dede bodyes And the wymmen of Troye whiche had folowed Eneas whan he departed fro troye were tofore the sayd aulter with oure apparayll ne wythoute retchynge ought by theym selfe in ony wyse For the sayd wymmen were alle dyssheuelled or bare the heed makynge merueloyus synacles as theyr custume was in that tyme in that coūtre also and semed better wymmen oute of theyr wyttes than porueyd of coūte ¶ naūce or constaūce For the cōsōmaciō of the said sacrifyce eneas ordeyned to take many cymphes that ben vessels ordeyned for to make suche sacrifyce ben in maner of lityl bokettis or lytyl shippes of a strange stone of dyuerse colours as iaspre porphire of whiche som were full of blood of bestis sacrefyed other ful of mylke clere clene the whiche vessellis in habūdaūce of deuocōn they cam about the sayd mōtycle or lityl hill of polidorus in recomēdyng the sayd polidorus to the debonnayr clemence and mercyful iustyce of the goddis THenne Eneas and all his sequele made theym redy for to accomplysshe leue the sayd coūtrey of Trase by the admonestement of the sayd Polydorus sone of pryame kynge of Troye mounted vpon the see And was there longe and mauy dayes Soo thenne we shall
And soone yssued oute the lady moche nobly accompanyed that hadde a grete mauntelle of veluet cramoysin pourfylled rounde aboute wyth brawdrye moche enryched wyth pre●yous stones after the custome and manere of that tyme ● Her herys bounden wyth thredes of golde and her ryche g●rdell that appyered moche precyous alle a boue her raymentes She hadde also a fayr tarcays couered wyth fyne cloth of damaske alle fulle of arowes and therwythalle the bowe for to shoote to the wylde beestes and otherwyse atte her playsaunce Thus appoynted she mounted on horsebacke for to goo to the sayd chasse wyth hir barons knyghtes and her gentyll women and also the lytylle Yolus or ascanyus that hadde putte hym selfe in poynte for to conduytte the quene wyth his fadre Eneas the whiche wyth a ryght grete and fayer companye ridynge afore the lady appyered aboue all the other wythout ony comparyson the moste fayre Lyke as the beaulte of the god Appollo that is the sonne doeth appyere and shewe vpon the flode of Exanco whan he cometh in wynter in to the cyte of Pathere in lycye to gyue his anuswers and kepe the courte of his grete godhede And fro thens whan the. syx monethes of the wynter ben passed and that he wylle retourne in to the Isle of Delon for to make semblable his aunsuers duryng the syx monethes of the somer the places partyculer of Crete as Agatyrse and Dryopes doo ryse and goo ayenste hym for to see his grete beaulte whan he comynge casteth his bemes vpon costes and mountaynes of the countrey in manere of golden here 's descendynge from his hed and as the lighte of torches sparklynge well enflammed wherby alle thynges renewen them at his commynge as the trees that to theym maken garlandes of leues grene the erthe taketh a newe cote full subtyly weued aftre the werke of fyn gras powdred with floures of a hundred thousande maners of colours The byrdes renewen they re swete songe gracyouse The bestes becomen fyers and of proude manere The ayer purifyeth and clenseth hym selfe for to receyue the Impressyons of influences of this god Apollo to his newe commyng whiche is so fayre and sore desyred of all thynges Lyke wyse in alle excellence surmounted the yonge yolus all the other that were in the ladies felauship for to goo to the sayd chasse And when they were come in the dales and narowe wayes of the busshes vpon theire courses for to destourne the bestes that yssued oute of theire dennes with grete effortes rennyge in the playne valleyes and mountaynes by dyverse places the one opposyte to the othre in confusion merueyllouse The lytyll A scanius or Yolus that in this toke grete playsure ranne aftre vpon a corrageous hors alwayes redy for to r●nne so that he ouer ranne often the bestes and was before them And some tyme abode behynde alle wrothe of the grete cowardyse of these bestes Desyrynge to recountre a wylde bore or some lyon that fledde not for to fyghte with hym ¶ Durynge the tyme of the whiche chasse And that alle the assistents were departed And stronge chaffed rennynge aftre the bestes In many and dyuerse countrees Iuno the goddesse wyllynge accomplysshe the maryge of Eneas to dydo thrughe suche meanes as ben spoken here aboue byganne to make the ayre to be troubled And to couere the blewe cote of the heuens azured with cloudes blacke and obscure full of wynde Impetuouse of rayne and of heyle of thondre tempeste alle medled togydre Of the whiche the forsayde hunters apperceyued them not nor made no force for it withstandynge the grete entermyse and besy occupacion that they had Inhande to the poursiewte and destournynge of the bestes wherof euery of hem was atte astryffe who sholde doo best for to be praysed and acquyred the grace of the ladyes vnto the tyme that the sayde cloudes were well thyk gadred with the stronge wedrynge that surprised them all atones and soubdaynely enuaysshed them and tormented Rygth asperly with rayne mysell and grete heyle stones amonge Aftre cam a stronge wynde lowe by the grounde that agetted theym in suche a wyse that they were lyfte vp on hyghe fro the grounde and were caste backewarde forewarde and atte eyther side whan they wende to haue drawen hem selfe one towarde other by the thondre and tempeste that descended doun from the clowdes and ranne by the grounde alle enfāmed in suche moeuynge and perturbacyon that it appiered of prymeface that the heuens were broken and parted a sondre wheroute yssued fyre ardaunte whiche Illumyned attones alle the erthe And aftre that this lighte was goon the ayer retourned in to a grete derkenesse for the grete Impetuosite of the orage as thoughe it had be nyghte For the whiche cause the tyryns and the troiens wyth the hunters and other of the sayd chasse and also the lityll Yolus sone to the sone of Venus that is Eneas and neuew of dardanus his grete vncle whyche was the first prynce that edyfied Troye were constrayned for to flee and to seche euery one after hys power some vyllages or habitacyons for to wythdrawe theym selfe whiles that the fallyng of the reyne russhynge doun from the mountaynes descended in to the valeyes Also of a nother parte the quene dydo and Eneas in fleeynge founden a caue vnder a grete roche in the whiche they hidde theym selfe bothe togyder alone ther the goddesse Iuno quene and patronesse of the cōmocyons nupcyalle by the assente of venus that lyghtened the torches fo to receyue hiemen the god of weddynge accompanyed wyth the erthe moder to the frrste goddes whiche for to doo this hadde prepared that secrete place and the reyny wedre therto propyce and conuenable whan they hem selfe goddesses of the watres fontaynes russhyng doun in grete haboundaūce from the toppe of the moūtaynes assembled made thenne the forsayd maryage of Eneas and of dydo wythoute other wytnesses to be by but the god the goddesses that be declared aboue wherof folowed after that this daye was the firste cause of the grete euylles and deth of dydo the whiche coude neuer be dysmoeuyd from the same by her grete vertues and merytes ne her laudable renōme and wolde not kepe her secrete as she dyde afore but in publique for to gyue a coloure to her falle confessed hym to be her husbonde And therof was grete spekynge made that sone ranne thoroughe the cyties of Lybie and of Affryque wherby arose one euylle goddesse callyd fame or renōmee whiche is more lighte than ony other thynge and by mobylite vygorouse encreaseth her forse in rennynge Atte the firste she is ryght lityll for doubte that she hath to be seen and anone after she maketh her selfe grete and mounteth vp in to the ayer And in vyagynge thrughe the landes hideth her 〈◊〉 bytwyx the clowdes And thenne she vttreth and sayeth alle that she wylle by cause that she is ferre from the p●riy●● And it is
and Iuno grete goddesse O Iupiter and alle othre goddes gyue socours to me thys vnhappy and wul permute rigoure to equyte in this bihalue ¶ How dido with grete cursynges gaf leue to Eneas ¶ Capitulo xx ALas I haue receyued this man poure myserable and nausraged vpon the ryuage of the see and as euyll aduysed haue kept hym and well entreated and lyghtly gretly coloqued aboue the moost grete of my lande his nauye I haue do make ayen that was reduced all in peces his folke that were alle perisshed and alle lyuered to deth I haue delyuered them therfrom and receyued in to my cyte not onely receyued but entreteyned furnyshed and susteyned as them of my house And nowe for to rewarde me therof I haue the rage of furoure atte my herte O what anguyshe what lesyng what treson full of desperacōn how he swereth that the god Apollo by his aunsueres and angurements the sortes preceptyue of lycie and the interpretour of the grete god Iupiter Mercurius messager of the goddes haue pressed hym strongly by ryght grete commaundementes for to goo ryghte sone in to ytalye O alle puissaunt lyght permanēt bifore whome no thynge be it neuere so secret nor couertly kept can not be hyd how weneth this man by his false and deceyuables wordes made stronge with right grete and horrible othes to make me to vndrestande that ye alle ben about for to make hym goo from me as that ye had nō othre besynesse but only to send doune youre knyghtes messagers towarde hym O how thou art a ryght stedfast lyar that d●●deth not to calle the true goddes in testymonage for to conferme thy lesynge and yet more to Impute to theym that they ben cause of thyn vntrouth Now goo thenne syn it is soo into what someuer partyes that thou wylt for I haue not the kepynge of the I holde the not in no wyse nor wyll not that thou abyde for me crye strongly and calle the wyndes and doo the worste that thou canste calle after Yolus Neptunus for to lede the in to ytalye hie the and make it shorte mounte vpon the see and tarye no lenger For I truste that the goddes of equyte pyetouse haue suche puyssaūce thou shalte abyde naufraged wythin the see thy shyppes broken ayenste the roches and shalle calle me often to thyne a yde in grete complayntes merueyllouse rewthes that thou haste thus habandouned me dydo dysplaysaunte and desolate that sone shalle folowe the by fyre mortalle inslāmed whan the colde deth shall haue separed me and taken awaie the soule from the body my spyrite shall aproche the nyghe in all the places of thy flagellacyons peynes tormentes for to see thy sorowes and to here thy wepynges and sobbynges and grete lamentacyons wherof I shalle make my reporte vnto the pryue goddis beyng in the lowe shadowes ¶ How dydo felle doun in a swone and how in what manere she was borne awaye by hir wymen and also how dyligently the nauye of eneas was made redy for to goo in to ytalye Capitulum xxi IN sayeng the whiche wordes how be it that dydo had de purposed to saye moche more she brake her speche alle atte ones by ryghte grete sorowe Toke and dystourned her eyen from the lyghte where she was inne And felle in a swoune as alle ded to the grounde she was soone take vppe by her wymnen that bare her in to her chambre marbryne leyd her vpon alityl bedde Wherof Eneas how be it that he had grete pyte and compassyon of her and desired sore to comforte her wyth swete amyable woordes for to asswage her sorowe in grete sobbynges for grete displaysure sorowe that he had to see his swete loue suffre suche a peyne Alwayes he determyned hymself went his wayes for to see his shippes Thenne whan his folke maryneres sawe hym they dyd hie hemselfe yet more fast to werke for to haste their goyng transported the moste parte of the nauye that was talowed well garnysshed wyth pytche oute of the hauen in to the rode made oores of wood all grene comynge new out of the forest and toke also ryght grete trees and foyson of other tymbre for to apropre to their other besinesses in grete desire to departe fone hens ye sholde se troians of all sides that ranne some doūwarde and thother vpwarde alle of one wylle to haue furnysshed theyr shippes euyn soo as pysmers are woūte to do dredyng sore the wynter whan they haue founde a shokke of whete or other corne goo sone oute of theyr nest and alle by one waye for to bere awaye their proye Some lade themselfe som helpen the other and thother drawe after theim the that they can not bere that other cōmaūdeth setteth hem all in ordre a nother forseth hym self to swepe the place a nother kepeth that other bystoweth it And the other incyteth to make dyligence one renneth a nother cometh agayn and that other seketh what to lade hym selfe wyth alle a nother hath somoche laden that he late falle som by the waye And then̄e he calleth for helpe soo that the waye is neuer deliuered of theym tyll that they haue doon theyr besinesses ¶ Alas Dydo where is thy wytte bycome thy fayr maynteyn and swete countenaunce what goode what Ioye and what playsure nor solace of Ioyefull remembraunce maye thou haue byholdyng vpon thyse thinges What treys ●nd grete sighynges what complayntes callynges and lamentacyons dyde yssue that tyme out of thy swete brest whan thou were in the highe lotfe of thy grete towres and sawe the see alle troubled and tourmented with shyppes and orys ¶ O right grete loue Importunate to who me alle thinge diffycile semeth to be facile for to come to her entent how hast thou so grete strengthe ouer the corage humaine This dydo for to serue the nowe fonndreth all in teeris after parforceth herself by praiers and after submytteth hersilf to alle daungers and to alle thinges dyuerse leueth nothinge how strong that it is how sharp harde nor grete but that she wyl parforce herself for to experimente them alle or euer she delybere herself vtterly to the dethe After she dyde doo calle anne her suster germayne and to her recyteth apart of her sorowe and with grete rewthe byganne thus to saye vnto her Anne beholde and see how this folke haste hemself assemble from euery syde in to the hauen they haue drawen vp alredy theire hyghe saylles vpon the grete mastes of they re shippes alle spred abrode ayenst the wyndes desirynge and waytynge after the storme for to lede hens the nauye alle attones whiche they haue garnyshed wyth floures and garlandes and with crownes in sygne of Ioye gladnes that maketh my sorowe and heuynes to be moche the greter Allas yf I had well thoughte to haue fallen in the Inconuenyent where I fynde now myself ynne I wolde haue purueied therto in suche
wise That I shulde not haue come by noo waye to thys greuouse tourment of mortalle sorowe where I am so ferre come In to the bytternes of grete myserie that by noo wyse I can not bere it noo lenger socorus to the must I thēne seke my swete suster my right dere frende saue my body saue me my lyf and for to doo this I praye requyre the. that one message only it playse the for to do for me towarde that traytour that man of euyl corag that hath loued the gretly and hath vtterd his secretes vnto the entierly so that thou knowest this condicōns his dedes the places the houres mouementes and the oportunyte of the tyme moost propy●e for to speke wyth hym Goo thenne and ne my suster wyth all humylite to requyre myn ēmye mortall the false eneas whiche is ayenst me so fyers shewynge vnto hym pietously how I haue not be in no wyse thynkinge nor consentyng in the cursed yle of Aulite whan of one assente all the grekes folke swore that troye shold be distroyed The harde conspyracion of the same grete excysion was made ferre from my lande and neuer socours ne comforte by me nor of my supporte was gyuen to theym for to doo that my shippes nor my armye were neuer sente thyder for to gyue greuaunce to the twians nor neuer of me came euyll vnto them nor no thyng that was to theym nuysible Also I haue not rented vyolated ne broken the pyramyde of his faders sepulture I neuer dyde amys nor neuer offended ayenst hym wherby he ought to leue me aside Infestaūce obprob●e ne vytupere to anchises whan he liued that called hym fader of Eneas nother to his soule after his deth were neuer ●on of my behalue Alas why suster in shewynge thyse thynges vnto hym wyte of hym why he hath me in suche indygnacyon that he refuseth to lene his eeres for to vnderstande my wordes that ben soo iuste and resonable as thi self knowest O he wylle now goo soo hastely atte this tyme whiche is so daūgerouse atte leeste that it maye playse hym to graūte a yefte to me his sorowfull loue that is onely that he wylle tarye and dyfferre his departynge vnto the newe tyme that the swete wyndes shalle putte hemselfe vp in pacifycacōn of the see pestilencyall that then̄e shalle permytte hym facely lightly for to do his vyage safly I do not somone hym for taccomplysshe his premyse simulatyue of the mariage of vs two nor that he leue his purpose for to goo in to ytalie but I requyre only that he putte this thyng in delaye for a certayn space of tyme Duryng the whiche I may induce my self to sorow that infortune admynystre to me my sorowes by proces of tyme one after a nother wythout to suffoke me now vtterli in to the depe see of amaritude wythout ony reysing so doo I praye the my suster hauinge of me remēbraūce that it playse the to goo make vnto hym this my present requeste thus doynge I shalle make the myn heyre to enioye receyue after my deth the renues of all my londe ¶ How eneas brake the oken tree for the grete loue of dydo Capitulum xxii The whiche thynges thus sayd by dydo Anne her s●ster went incontynent towarde eneas to make vnto hym her feble legacōn the whiche he wold no● graūt by cause that the dyuyne cōmaūdementis inhibytores that had stopped his eeres of pite were cōtrarie to the same and many goynges comynges were there made of the sayd āne from one parte to thother that fynably were all frustratoire and percisted eneas like as a grete oke tre ātyque inuetered of many yeres among the grete stones harde strongely roted whiche is ofte caste of many wyndes orages wherof the foure wyndes happen ofte to assemble togider one ayenst the other for to ouerthrawe hym doūe wyth their grete blastes taken his hie braūches whiche they shake bowe ūto the groūde make hem to braye ●rie by impetuouse moenynges tendyng to distroye hym vtterli wherof the gret trone aūcient that the more that he is olde hie braūched spacyouse grete the more thicke depper ben his rotes spred wyth in therthe related bytwyxth harde roches abydeth euer styl ferme moeueth by no wyse In lyke wyse dyd semblable Eneas that how be it the he was strongli impelled in his corage by the persuasiōs harde lamētacōns confyte in pietous teeres rēnyng doūe the swete face of dydo that he somoche derly had loued by her was restored from deth to lyf from āguisshe calamyte in to right grete prosperite wherof the remēbraūce greued hym ryght sorowfully by incytacōn compatyble whiche admōnesteth hym to socoure this dolant lady the whiche by her suster maketh hym to be induced to doo the same by many exhortacōns pyetous remōstrances excytatiue of all well wyllyng noryce of loue in dylectōn mutuelle of swete charite condolaūt ouer them that ben affliged all this nethelesse the resolucōn intrinsque of his courage is euer reduced to thobeyssaūce of the goddes to their deuyne cōmaūdementes the whiche all thise thynges reiecte from hym he enterprised for tacoomplysshe after his power ANd what wylle the swete fenyce foūdrynge in teeres the for ony thyng that she may saye do or thynke can not cōuerte the courage of eneas she taketh her re●ours to wyshe deth ouer moche noyeth her to lyue lenger in this worlde fleeth all mōdayn playsurs fleeth recōforte all companyes fleeth the palayces her chambre arayed fleeth the lyghte of the daye fleeth the sone the heuyn shynynge In her closet hideth herse●f sore sighyng makynge grete sorowe But yet for to augmente more her sorow in desperacōn thus hid makynge her secret sacrifyces wyth the lyght of the fyre brēnyng ēflamed vpon her pouldres of frakenceus wherof she decored her oblacōns for to Immole byfore thawtres of her temples she sawe aperceyued horryble thynges that made her fulsore affraied moche more than she was to fore that is to wite the holy waters dedicate to the sacrfice became blacke obscure chaūged in horrible licoure And also apperceyued how the good wynes of swete odour ordeyned for the lybacions or washynges of the sacryfices were cōuerted tourned in spece of bloode cruell all dede almost rotyn whiche for certayne was to her a harde thinge to beholde wherof agrete malencolie enuaded thēne her herte her wittes all ynoughe troubled of the thynges precedent whiche thinges she kept clos shette withynne the shryne of her sorowfull thoughte without to notyfye them to eny body lyuynge alle were he neuer so gretly her frende not oneli to her suster anne that afore had well knowen all her secrete thoughtes other pryue thinges amonge the whiche she hadde a lytell sacraire of marbell made in manere of a temple in remenbraūce of Sycheus that his
brother pygmalyon had pu●te to destruction whiche duryng the maryage of hem two dede haūte there full oste and made it to be welle ornated hanged with fayre tappytes white crowned well rychely with crownes of golde well enameylled right curiously proprely kerued of other somptuouse thynges in grete honoure reuerence out of the whiche sacrayre wthin the temple aforsayde after that this dydo had vtterly submytted dedicate her self to eneas out of the place of maryage in brekynge her first feithe promysed to sycheus her semed that she herd come ther out often some veyces of her sayde late husbande Sycheus hym complaynynge and blamynge her by cryes and lamentacyons in right grete wepynges quarellouse plaintes and after atte euen about the gooyng vnder of the sōne whan the derk night taketh the landes vnder her gouernance she beynge alle alone in her sercrete and pryue houses vnderstode herde at euery owre the owle whiche is a byrde fleyng by nyght ferynge the lyghte of the daye wherof the song termyneth in pyetous extermynacōn whiche dooth quake fereth thertes of the hereers constristeth theym wyth a sorowfull mynde wherby it is sayd that he is a byrde mortalle or otherwyse denoūcer of mortalite And cōuerseth often in the chircherde vpon the temples symulacres in places that ben solitare pestylēcious this byrde aboue declared cam almost euery nyght vpon the temples hie pynacles of the palayce cyte of elysse in syngyng of fyne manere in grete draughtes of a longe brethe his right sorowfull songe soo that ryght often he moeued of dydo the corage in to grete teres sobbynges malencolyouse full of trystesses merueyllouse thoughtes and of another side come to her remembraūce the grete iustyces dyuynacōns presagyous aruspycyous vnto her tolde sōtyme denoūced by the anguryes prenostycatures of her harde and aduerse fortunes that to her were frustred wherof the most parte she had well knowen approued to haue ben veritable that contryste her alwayes to sorowe more than afore After whiles that she is lieng in her bedde wenynge to slepe take some reste horrible dremes cruel comen to fore her in hir mynde that tormente her in tremoure merueyllous her hert semeth somtyme that eneas foloweth her of nyghe as alle forcened replenysshed wyth rage tormented in furoure for to distroye her vtterly subcombe her in to persecucyon extreme And after seeth herselfe lefte all alone wythout companye goyng by longe wayes dystroied deserte vnhabyted as a woman loste vagaūt aboute the landes vnknowen to her where she goeth After wyth this dreme cometh to her aduyse that her cyte and landes of Cartage are all dystroied and tourned in exyll wherfore she fleeth for doubte to be taken and retourneth towarde the marche of thyr wenynge for to come to a place of sauete but sodaynly cōmeth tofore her in her remenbraūce the grete Iniurye that she hathe doon to the tyrynes withdrawen theire folke and taken theire goode and alle the rychesses of sycheus the whiche to be had pygmalion kynge of alle the lande made hym to be slayne and mordred falsly wherfore she doubteth lest asmoche shulde be doon to her yf she went thidre And thus she remayneth in this poynt desolate without eny hope of some refute to haue as all tourned from herself for grete sorowe in to a rageouse franesye euen thus as was the sone of pantheus cardynus whan in his grete furyosite was conuerted and tourned by Acho out of his witte so that hym semed that he sawe the felawes of the Emmendes and alle theire excercyte that is to wite Thesypho Megere and Atheleto thei thre furyouse goddesses infernalle incytatyue to alle euyll thynge that dystroyen and bryngen alle to nought kutten and choppen breken and marren alle the werke and subtyll artyfyce that men haue made Clotho and also Latheser that neuer ceassen to spynne and weue To sette to gyder and to coagule alle natures for generacyon Wherof are produced alle the creatures that out of the erthe ben heued vp to the ayere Of another syde she sawe also to her semynge two sonnes shynynge one by another that presente hemself by symulacyon wythin the fantasme of her entendement alle troubled in grete confusyon of dysplaysures and sorowes excessyue alle dyuerse in contrary qualyte And the two thebes grete citees merueyllouse that appieren in aduysion to be bifore her eyen whiche to her semyng are bothe proprely one lyke another How be it that there was neuer but one whiche akyng of grece called cadinus made sotyme that foūde first the lettres the arte of writyng whiche he sent in to diuerse coūtrees pryncipally in the land of fenice where he made scriptures grete bokes cronicles lerned the folke to rede to write wherof right grete lawde was to him at tribued to haue foūde by subtyll artyfice suche a manere of waye that men may doo knowe all his wille notyfie it to whome he will by one symple lettre be it nyghe or ferre be it of peas or of were of amyte or of eny other thing without to departe himself from his place but onely by a messager whiche is sent ther whiche haply shalle knowe nothing of the matere alle be he dombe or specheles yf he take the lettre vnto hym whome it is dyrected vnto howe be it that he were atte roome or in nauarre in hongary or in englande he shall therby vnderstande the desyre of hym that hath sente suche a messager vnto him wherbi yet atte this owre with a good right a Iuste cause is lefte of the god cadynus here in erthe his grete loenge and good renōm●e that neuer shal be eytyncted nor anychiled nor here after abolished But in token of this that the first lettres wherof he was inventour came out of fenyce equypared to purpre coloure By cause that in that countrey were the pourpre clothes fyrst made and the coloure founde We wryte yet in oure kalenders the hyghe festes wyth rede lettres of coloure of purpre And the grete capitalle lettres of the bygynnynge and princypal of the psalmes and chapytres wythin oure bookes ben alle mayde fayre ther wythalle ¶ But yet the grete trybulacon of Elysse is equypared to that of horrestes the sone of Agamenon welle ofte recyted in the comedies senoyses makynge mencyon Howe In sygne of vengaūce of the dethe of hys fader And turpytude dyshonest of clytemestra his moder after thoccysion of her that he torned himself in to furrosite him semed that he sawe incessan̄tli his saide moder clitmestra or ꝓserpine of hell the gret goddesse or the moder of the emēdes that I haue named aboue all enflamed in the face with fire brēnyng the hed all full of right grete serpentes graffed there vpon as thike as heerys that pursued hym at alle houres in alle places for to distroye
shippe ther shall be some of the oost after that he shall haue refused me that shal be content to take me but sorowfull caytyue lost who bringeth that in to this folye to thinke that this might be art thou madde or out of thi mynde hast thou lost thi knowlege knowest thou not that the troiēne folke is alle yssued descēded of the forsworne laomedon this laomedon was the first fader that dyde enhabyte the grete troie and brought there a grete nombre of peple that made right faire edifices also multyplied wthin alitell tyme in grete quantite well grete in nombre for the good polycie that they kept also for the fertylyte of the groūde of that coūtreye And by cause that laomedon was all ynoughe occupyed for to make the palayces other edyfices intrinsique of the cyte that hym thought ouer moche diffycile to lōge a thinge to make the walles closed roūde aboute the towne he made acōposicion with phebus neptunꝰ that ben goddis grete and myghty by the whiche he promysed theym and conuenaūted by his othe to gyue theym a tonne full of golde yf they were playsed to make the walles roūde aboute the cyte of troye The whiche goddes hauynge confydence in trustynge his sayd promysse dyde close hit wyth ryght fayre his and grete walles And thus doon they somoned hym for to paye them that whiche he had promysed theym wherof he wolde neuer doo ne paye ony thynge And for this cause they submytted hym to suffre bere susteyne perpetuelly for euer more the detestable hate and reproche of a man forsworne ¶ Of the vysion that Eneas hadde for to departe towarde ytalye Capitulum xxvi THis lady whan she dyde remembre the forsweryng of laomedon of whom the troians are descended made grete doubte to folowe theym and stryuyng wyth in her tryst thoughte to herself sayd in this manere Alas myserable sorowfull what may I doo now oughte I to leue all the fenyces theym that I haue wythdrawen from thyr for to goo wyth the troians or that by puyssaūce bi my hāde strongly armed I shold geo to destroye their nauye brynge theym to perdycyon wythout fawte I wote not what to saye and me semeth to harde a thyng for to habandoūe my good subgettes whiche by well subtyl meanes grete dif●●culte I haue brought out of thyr and out of the lande of fenyce to expose bryng theym now sone in daūgers of the see to the harde peryll of batayll namly ayenste theym of Troye whom they haue no quarelle Verely whan I me aduy seit is better that I deye as I haue welle deserued And that my sorowe poure myserable be sone fynysshed by swerde O what hast thou doon my swete suster germayne of my teeres emense wepynges thou hast ben the first cause of the grete furoure where I am now in thou hast charged vpon my sholdres all the grete euylles that I bere supporte thou haste absorbed me reclosed in the grete see of amarytude thou haste foūde me well pesible but thou hast betaken me for to werre ayenst myn owne peas thou hast broughte me from solysitude remysed into resolysitude thou hast taken rest fro me hast brought me in to ryght grete turbacōn thou hast abolysshed my fraūchise for to entre in to grete seruytude thou hast dyuerted my honour in to dishonest infamye thou hast conuerted my cyte in fe●re drede perdurable thou hast all puerted my wyttes reduced in to madnesse forsenerie thou haste deliuerde me my traytour peruerse enmye vnder hope of loue benyuolence what eyleth me tryst poure weri full of tee●ys O fortune euyll fortuned why haste thou not permytted me suffred that wythout forfayte or ony cryme I myght haue vsed the residue of my dolaūt lyf chastly alone wythoute companye of man as the bestes in the forestes doo lye as it apiereth full of ten all alone by theym selfe Yf thus I had mayntened myselfe I sholde neuer haue come ne falle in the sorowes displaysures cōplayntes clamours where I am now in all doled of grete furour forsened more than euer was woman of moder borne vnto this tyme presente but I beleue veritable that it is for to take vengeaūce of the feyth of the grete othe that I had first promysed to my husbonde sicheus whiche I haue violated falsly broken wylfully wherof I am ●alle in grete tormente replenysshed with langour mortall Alas what harde destynacye happed to me that daye that I was so ferre doled from my wytte so madde to habandoūe my selfe to a man alone For whom I haue lo●te all in a sōme at one daye at one owre in somoche that I abyde all alone wythout cōpanye habandoūed fro all comfort thus made this fenyce her rewthes her sighynges in suche a sorowe so dolant termes that she fowndred all in teeris duringe the whiche aftre that alle the nauye of eneas was takled well nyghe redy for to departe ther appiered to eneas that nyght that he entred his shippe was leyde a slepe a certayne god in the propre fygure that mercure appiered to hym first for to admonneste him of his departynge in suche manere of semblaūce of voyce of coloure of heeris of golde as well proporcyned of mēbres fayre facion of yongthe of fayre beaulte that sayde to him in this manere O eneas the sone of a goddesse how art thou so moche forsened to take rest of slepe in this grete daūger wher thou art now ynne knowest thou not the fortunes perillous aduētures that enuyronne that on all sydes seest not thou the tyme couenable for to saylle the swete wyndes propice why cōsumest thy self slepynge without exploityng that in thy vyage thou knowest not what the fayre dydo prepareth for the whiche is tourned in turbacyon thynkyng in herself what frawde or decepcyon or som grete myschef for to doo to the a greuaūce why feerest thou not lest she doo that to destruction sith that she wyl brynge herself to the dethe thynke thēne what euylles what harde aduētures what displaisirs what grete decepciōs iniuries she ymagyneth ayenst the but more ther is yf thou departe not with all diligence thou shalt soone see the see alle couered wtth vesselles of werre with grete strengthe cōmynge ayenst the with torches lyght And cressettes esprysed of fyre brennyg for to brule and brenne thy nauye And wythout respyte ne remedye thou shal be dystroyed yf thou be foūde whan the prynge of the day shal be comen Aryse vp quykly without taryenge and abyde here noo lenger For awoman is founde euermore subtylle in alle her dedes As sayth the fable A grete daunger is thenne to the for whom she is thus endulled and fallen in dysperacyon to abyde in hyr iurisdyccyon nor to reside in her contree And to th ende that thou be not
myscheued yf thou loue me thou shalt departe forwyth alle the whiche thynges thus sayd the god of whom I haue spoken here presentely remysed hym selfe in to a derke clowde vanysshed awaye sodaynly How Eneas encyted the patrons maysters of his shippes for to depart Capitulum xxvijo. ANd thenne eneas all affrayed of his grete vysion awaked sodaynly from his slepe and then̄e he called to hym all the patrons all the maystres of the shipe●● incytyng the maryners for to departe in all dyligence he made some to hale vp the saylles thother for to drawe thancres made theym to take their oores in hāde recoūtynge shewyng vnto them all theffecte of his vysion how by what rayson the grete god of heuen cōmaunded hym by his messager that he must departe ryght soone And for to hast them yet more he admonested them of newe for to sprede dysploye the sayles cordes that were wythin the shyppes to make soone redy all thappareylle alle that neded then̄e for to departe incōtynent alwayes recōmendyng hymselfe all his to this grete god of maieste that had thus incyted somoned hym and to hym sayd in this manere We f●lowe the right holy god debonayr whosomeuer thou be in grete deuocōn redy for to obey thy cōmaūdementes ioyful glade wythout extymacōn and to the we praye deuoutely that thou be of vs conduyttor benygnly helpyng to the prosperous dysposicōn of the cours celestiall regyon stellyferaūt yf her moeuyng were trryted ayenste vs by pestyfere influences bryng vs sauffe peassyble to the portes of ytalye And anone drewe out his swerde clere bright cutte asondre the cables that with helde the shippe within the hauen also made the mariners to rowe myghtyli for to be hastely thens the whiche with alle dyligence forced hem to putte or sette their orys to the see that soone was couered with the nauye that saylled partyng the waters asonder whiche semed brayenge right Impetuously by the tourment flagitacyon wherof the see was bette in righte grete violence by the opressions of the shippes that opressid her in their saillyng so that thei carfe waie in the water yet the oorys that entred within her entrailles smotte asonder her aūcient wawes whiche she myght not suffre nor pacyently bere but reputed it to be doon in opprobre and confusion iuhomynyouse and full of despyte wherof it happed soone after that the see wexed right sore inpacyent indigned Wherfor they suffred moche whan the see was well chaffed and by their fayte ayenst them sore moeued as it is more playnly spoken in the. v boke of eneydos where as the harde sorowfull admyraciōs that thēne made palmyerus that was maistre of eneas shippe ben declared whan he myght not withstande ne contreste the tourment fortune tribulacion of the see but that she was maister ouer him gouerneresse and was constrayned to habaūdoūe alle his nauye to the fortune that cast hem in to the ysle of cicyle wherof was kynge atte that tyme accestes comen of the lynage troiāne and ther was be grauen anchyses the fader of eneas that deyde in makynge the vyage from troye in to lybye And alle thus they left the hauene of cartage takynge their way toward ytalye But or euer they coude make alle these dilygences for to departe And that they were as yet nygh the hauen in syght of the cyte And that the fayre lady Aurora that holdeth the spryng of the daye enclosed wythyn her chambre wyth her swete spouse Tytan Was rysen out of her couche well arayed and had opened to hym the gate for to go sprede abrode his newe lyght to illustre illumyne the lands delyuer theym from the derknes of the nyghte The quene dydo that was not a slepe seeng the first openyng of the daye sore besi to chasse the tenebres calompniouse away arose vp lyghtly for to see out of her chambre wyndowes loked towarde the hauen whiche she perceyued all voyde smothe wythoute ony shippe there And after castyng her sight ferder towarde the see she sawe the saylles wyth the slote of the shippes that made good waye thenne byganne she for grete distresse to bete smyte thre or four tymes wyth her fyste strōgly ayenst her brest to pulle her fayr heres from her hed as mad beside herself And spekyng to hirself sayd in this manere the wordes that folowe O iupiter souerayn god and pryncipall of all other shall thus departe saufly the false euyl man eneas that tratoursly hath mocked me fraudulently seducted Is it not to me well licyte to send after hym by force of armes to dystroye hym and bryng alle to deth And that alle they of my towne cyte goo to confoūde and destroye hym alle at●ones and breke and brynge his nauye all to noughte God goo hastely and destroye alle incontynent sette all on a fire kylle slee and brynge theym alle to perdycion haue awaye thise oores saylles brēne brynge all in to asshes take hede that nothing escape haue no mercy ne pyte of ony man that lyueth foūdre droūe altogider in to the botome of the see perysshe all in a sōme to th ende that of they● be no memorye nor no more spoken emong the lyuyng peple vpō erthe Alas poure dydo what sayst yu. in an euyl houre thou were borne what thynkest thou doo I trowe that thou art ferre out of thi good wytte orellis taken wyth right ewill peruerse fantasyes or that the goddes that ben wythout te pyte myserycorde wyll peruerte retourne thy grete clemence in to furiouse cruelte Alas it is not possyble at this houre that thou sholdest now ouertake them ● but this thou sholdest haue doon that tyme that thou receyued theym whan they cam first arryued in to thy londe afore that ony alyaūces hadde ben by the made wyth theym Men sholde mow saye of the now that thou were cause of his goynge and that he bereth awaye wyth hym the pryue goddes that ben of thy royame for to assyste to the obsequyes consecracyon of anchyses his olde fader and that he is departed wyth thyne assuraūce by cause that in no wyse thou hast not lett●● nor gaynsayd his goyng openly whan he dyde make his appareyl for to make redy all his nauye whiche thyng thou knew and was doon in thy presence Myghteste not thou whan he was wythin thy royame wyth the. haue dystroyed his persone and his body to haue ben hewen in pyeces and also his felawes to haue ben caste in to the depe see And in lyke wyse his sone Ascanyus myghtest thou haue made to be alle tohewen and chopped smalle And to be soden and dressed as it had be good mete for to haue made hym to be eten of hys fader And to haue sette hym in stede of other seruyse
atte hys table And yf he wolde haue be wrothe ther wyth and moeued werre ayenste me Howe welle that the fortune of baylle is doubtouse Yet nethelēs I myghte haue doo brenned his shippes and conuerte hem all to asshes to th ende they myght not haue gon for to purchase ony socours And durynge the same I myghte haue doon brynge to the dethe the fader aswell as the sone wyth all their parentes and frendes of all their lynage and myghte haue slayne brent hem or otherwyse haue doon wyth theym after my playsur wyll and then̄e wythin the fire I myghte haue cast my self for to be ded after that I had be auēged of his falsenes oultrage O fayre sōne that shynestste full bright the illumynest with thy beemes all the werkes operacions of the erthe O Iuno the noble goddesse vnder whome alle werkes operacyons humayne with their solicitudes are gouerned and submysed after theire disposicion euerych in certeyne or dyaunce to theym sette stablyshed by thy deuyne prouydēce highe puissaunte grete patronesse lady and mastresse of alle artes and seyences magyques ryght often called with voyces vlutatyue by the grete quarfours and by wayes within townes and cytees and ellis wher In tyme of nyght obscure O crulle vlt yces wycked vengeresses Furyes infernalle and Iusticers of helle O alle goddes goddesses haue pyte on me sorowfull Elysse concluded delibered to the deth to the whiche I goo delyuere me vnto Entende to my wordes and enduce the cruelle goddes to punyshe the euyll men as they haue deserued playse you to receyue my prayers oracions inuectyue that I doo make presently to you yf it be so that the sacred destynacyes of the souerayne god Iupyter haue ordeyned that that traitour eneas vntrewe man shalle come saueyl in to som hauen for to descende alonde hole soūde or that the ende of his lif be not yet come to his terme that prefixed was to him atte the first tyme of his birthe at lest I prai you requyre that he may be vaynquisshed recoūtred of hardy peple cruell strōg rebell alle c●trary to him vexed broken traueilled of grete batailles assawtes rebuked reduced chassed from his lance and lordshipes alwayes putte ther from without to recouere eny place of his lande whiche alwayes be so stronge and myghty ayenst hym that he be expelled euermore ther from namely of Ascanyus his sone and prynated ouercome and exyled out of alle his kynnesmen frendes to hym also be gyuen by necessite to requyre ayde socours wyth gret requestes prayers and yf it happen that some other doo hym ony plaisur or som good he haue therfore a myscheffe sorow peyn perpetuel myserye In grete assawtes in bataylles be he slayne put to a cruel deth ferful horryble Alle his folke wythout mysericorde afore his eyen present be put to anguysshe not mow socoure theym for to encreace his tormente whan he shall take ony triews or make peas or alyaūce that it be all at his owne prayer in cōfucōn greuaūce to his folysshe enterprise his dysuaaūtage to his gret vitupere hurt charge in somoche that he may fall therfor in a rage grete sorowe And yf it be so that god forbede that by his tryews or alyaūce som londe abydeth wyth hym for to make there his residence he neuer be in asuerte to soiurne there pesible but all atones wythout taryeng be he cast therfrom shamfully lyue like mendycaūt a poure lyf and nedefull whiche maye come to hym sodaynly afore all other werke Sooner than to be sure of ony goode fortune And that after hys deth wythoute sepul●ure as an ho●nde or other dounbe beste be he caste in to the depe shadowes of helther to suffre tormentes right horrible cruel this is in effecte that whiche I requyre It is my request prayer that to you I do make wyth an hole herte at the last poynt of my l●f whiche I doo offre to you redy for to deye at this houre receyue now ye my soule wherof I make to you a present O ye tiryns all they of fenyce that enhabite presētly cartage all your parētes frendes alyed alle they of your affinyte that now ben present And that are to be borne herafter yf ye euer toke playsure to doo to me ony thynge aggreable I requyre and admonest you at thys tyme byfore alle other that ye haue and bere eumyte mortall hate pardurable ayenste the false troiās that goo for to cōquere wynne Italie And yf it happe by ony wyse that they may haue dominacion cōquere by theire puissaūce som lāde or region I exhorte admoneste you to make eternall werre ayenst theym this requeste ordenaūce that I make vnto you now it is my bequest it is my testamēt my last will my cōdicylle my willynge inreuocable permanēt And to th ēde that yf by som wyse ye wil not accōplysshe it or that your children after youre dethe wold putte hit in oblyuion I haue ordeyned stablished that hit shal be writon in ha●de stone wherof my sepulcre shal be closed right nyghe my bones it shal be sette vpon my visayge to th ēde that it shal bere testymonage ayenst you yf in eny wyse ye putte hit out of memorie that god forbede it shulde so come to but deffyaunce without to haue peas and without benyuolēce werres discordes batailles I wyl that ye haue euermore with theym for of my bones of myn asshes after that they be rotyn in erthe shall yssue atte leste how longe some euer hit tarye a vindicatour and a man of ryght grete courage hardinesse that shall auēge this grete treison of the false eneas of all his folke whiche shall blēne hem all in a fyre in flāme shall slee destroie them in diuerse manere som by wepen the other by hōgre som shall he drowne in the see some he shall make to be byhedde theire mēbres to be brokē all to hewen the other to be hanged the other within his prisōs shal be flain from hed to fote the other he shal doo cast out of the widowes doū to the pauemēt to other he shal make theire eien to be pulled out many other euylles he shall make thē to ēdure theire townes theire castelles cites lordshipes possissions he shall take theire captayns of werre knightes barons he shall doo destroye banysshe out of theire landes shall tourne them in to grete mendycyte They re wyues that thenne shall be come to the astate of wydowhed their doughters also their children their grete treysours all that they be worthe shall be rauysshed habandouned taken departed in to an hondreth thousand shippes chassed caryed transported exyled from theyr contrey and putte oute of their nacyon the one slayne
of body and large atte the raynes The thyes harde and grete withoute eny blemyshynge Fatte ynoughe aswelle the body as the membres The legges well Ioyned and somwhat small on the noder parte lytelle feet and smalle with the toes well euyn sette togyder white vnder clothes and fulle swete and smothe of skynne smale handes soupple and thynne with long fyngers and smalle and the naylles well euyn swete voyce of fayre eloquence and well in langage sadde of behauoure and of symple contenaūce plaisaūt for to see replenyshed of all good condicyons like as it were one of the wymen best accomplished the nature had produced syth her begynnyng vnto that tyme. Wherfore thenne sith that thou proserpyne can not shewe noon other rayson but the sayde submyssion wherof thou hast spoken here afore I saye for to kepe equyte that ther was som deceptyon or frawdulent induction that hath made her to condescende therunto as men may manyfestly apperceyue by the premysses a boue writon that see theym all alonge wherfore the falle well vnderstande well assoylled well deffended may welle haue releuement But a nother waye I shall take with the yf thou wylt be of acoorde and content bicause thenne that after thy poure and myserable descendynge in to helle in the coniunction makynge of the with Pluto Thy fayre heerys were tourned to In horyble and hydouse serpentes sette vpon thy hede I shall gyue to the theym of dydo for to make sacrefyces therwith vnto the derk shadowes and tygres infernalle Yf thou wille renounce alle the ryght that thou pretendest vpon her Wherfore thenne Yrys made the fayre herys of dydo to be cutte and toke theym to proserpyne And thenne she toke vp on her selfe for to vnbynde the membres from the spyrite of lyffe wherof the hete was soone extyncted and was anone rauyshed with the wyndes that bare her awaye a grete pas and delyuered her free and quytte to that place after her demeryte that to alle folke is propyce as it is ordeyned by the prouydence deuyne wherof the regne shalle neuer fynyshe ¶ how Eneas sailled how by tempest he arryued in cecylle ¶ Capitulum xxx WHat shall I more saye of the quene dydo nor of her sorowe that she made nor also of the grete moone that her folke made for her after that she was dede But now I shall telle of Eneas that went in to Italye for to haue the londe that the goddes had promysed vnto hym whan thenne they had rōne saylled so moche that they were in the highe see a stronge weddre arose that brought to them agrete tempeste soo that they wist not what they shulde doo nor saye habaūdouned theyr saylles for to bere they re shippes atte the wille of the horrible wyndes in whos power they were the mayster maryner said after his semynge by the sterres that he sawe that they made waye towarde Cecylle wherof Accestes was kynge Whan Eneas herde thus speke the maryner he was therof gladde and sayd that to noone other londe he wolde more gladdely goo yf the goddesse wolde For Accestes was his frende and of the lygnage of the Troians And also the sepulture of his fader Anchises was there Soone after ceassed the tempeste and they saylled soo longe that they arryued in Accestes londe that hadde grete Ioye whan he knewe of theyr comynge And soone after that they were entred in to the hauen Accestes ryght gladdely receyued theym wyth grete Ioye Whan the morne come Eneas spake to Accestes the kynge of the londe and to his barons and sayd to theym in this wyse That the annyuersarye of his fader he wolde make and that he was ryght gladde that he was come there soo sone And that he wyste welle that hit was the wylle of the goddes Thenne ordeyned and aduysed Accestes and Eneas for to make playes of dyuerse maners abowte the tombe of Anchyses Wherfore the yonge bachelers shewed there theyr prowesse Tourned theyr horses and ranne and lepte and proued theym selfe one ageynste another And atte this annyuersarye that Eneas dyde doo make for his fader was made moche of prowesse For alle they that were there dide putte hemselfe in peyne for to doo well aswell Eneas folke as they of Accestes ¶ How Eneas toke the see for to seke the regyon of Ytalye Capitulum xxxjo. Whan they were comen ayen from the sepulture of anchises theyr shyppes were set in a fyre had ben all brēt yf it had not be a messager that anoūced this to theym there as they were And sayde that the ladyes that were within the shippes hadde set theym In a fyre Bycause they wolde fayne make there they re dwellynge place for they hadde ben seuen yere and more out of they re countreye and were sore wery and broken of they re longe vyage ¶ Whan they vnderstode thyse tydynges Ascanyus that was sette vpon a ryche courser went with other in hys companye and rescued the shyppes wyth grete peyne but alle wayes there were thre of theyme loste and brente After thys was doon Eneas was conuseylled that he shulde begynne to bylde ther a newe cytee whiche he sholde people with the folke that were comen with hym that were not able to bere armes nor for to goo to bataylle And thus he dede it by the wylle of Accestes And deuysed the gretenes of the cytee and sayde that it sholde be called the newe troye But they of the countrey named her aftrewarde Accestre for the worshype of Accestes by whome alle the lande was gouerned In thesame cytee lefte Eneas the wymmen and the chyldren and the olde men and helped hymself with thoos that were stronge and that myghte welle endure the traueylles of bataylle for to ha●ue theym with hym In Italye A fewe men he hadde but they were gode and socourable bothe by see and by the lande whan this was doon and that Eneas hadde doo make the tombe of hys fader He toke hys leue of the kynge and of hys owne folke that he leste behynde for to enhabyte there that made grete sorowe for hys departynge Thenne retourned Eneas with his folke that sholde goo with hym In to Italye and entred hys shyppes that were well appareylled And made the saylles to be hyssed vppe toke vp theyr ancres and departed from the rode Thenne myghte ye haue seen the ladyes and other wepe full sore makynge grete moone for their frendes and theyr chyldren that they sawe departe from theym Eneas wente streyghte towarde ytaly but one thynge hapred euyll to theym For theyr chyeff maryner that vpon a nyghte was halfe a slepe vpon the forcastell felle doun in to the see and was drowned wherof Eneas was ful sory and alle his folke also And soone after they landed in an yle whiche is called Tulyola where was a cyte that was named Thetys after Thetys the neuewe of Eneas that gatte hit and peopled it after that he hadde conquered
trouthe For whiche cause I leue it and wryte not of it Whan Eneas had taken his reste there awhile he and his folke departed from thens And went so moche that they came in ytalye in a grete forest where the ryuer of the tonyre renneth and falleth there in to the see thenne cōmanuded eneas his maryners that they shulde sette hym alon●e there and alle his folke and they dyde somoche that they came and entred wthin the hauene for they sawe the countrey fayre and delectable and the forest grete and full of bestes Of this lande was lorde kynge latynus that had noon heyre but afayre doughter that was named lauyne The kynge latyne her fader was of grete age and many one had requyred his doughter to be theire spouse And amonge other a bacheler of ytalie shulde haue had her whiche was called turnus that was moche preu and hardy but kynge latyne wolde not gyue her to hym though the pucelle was in age able to be maryed to a prynce of a lande ¶ Here It is shewed how many kynges had ben In ytalye afore that eneas came ther fyrst ¶ Capitulum xxxiiij Afore that Eneas was come in to ytalye there had be seuen kynges that successyuely hadde kepte the londe The firste was Lanus whiche dyde enhabyte there firste peopled the contree and after hym Saturnus but this was not the fader of Iupyter of whom the auctours speken After saturnus was Pyrrus kynge of thys londe after hym came Famus and after hym his sone Latynus that thenne was a lyue and kepte the royame There reygne lasted a hondred fyfty yeres afore that Eneas wedded Lauyne by whom he had the royame And after theym regned eneas in ytalye and they that yssued of hym foure hundred and seuen yeres vnto romulus tyme and thenne seuen kynges reygned there after hym that is to whyte Pympeyns Iulyus us hostylius Marcus ancus Pryscus tarquynus Suluyus Tullyus Lucyus thyse kynges reygned two hundred xlo. yeres vnto Brutus that fyrste was made consulle of the londe And fro brutus theym that after hym reygned vnto Iulyus cesare that was the fyrste emperour was v. hondred iiij yeres ¶ Now wyll I telle of eneas of his folke that assone as that they were come a londe they sette hemselfe atte dyner made trenchers of brede for to putte theyr mete vpon For they had nother dysshes ne trenchers and atte laste they hadde soo lytell brede that they ete alle theyr trenchers and all that was lefte And whan ascanyus sawe this he began to lawgh And soone whan eneas vndrestode it he wyste well that he was come in to the contre that the goddes had promysed to hym For his fader hadde tolde hym in a vysion that where he sholde happe to ete the releef or brokelyngrs of his borde there sholde be his dwellynge place Eneas hadde this thyng sore faste in his mynde And whan he sawe that this was soo fallen he was right gladde in his corage and sayd to his folke that he wyste well for certayne that they were in the royame that the goddes hadde promysed vnto theym and that theyr traueyll sholde be fynysshed there Thenne they made grete Ioye togyder and broughtte oute theyr goddes from the shyppes that they hadde broughte wyth theym oute of Troye and to theym they made sacryfices and their orysons prayers that they wolde helpe theym Thenne demaunded Eeneas of som folke that he met by the waye who kepte the contrey and who was lorde therof And they tolde hym the kynge Latyne that was sore auncyente and hadde no children but a doughter and that dwelled not ferre from thens that is to wyte atte Lawrence ¶ How Eneas bygan to buylde his fortresse vpon the Tonyre Capitulum xxxv NOw shalle I telle you why this cyte was called Laurence for she was fyrste named Lamyna kynge Latynus hadde a brother that was called Lauynus that sounded the same cyte and sayd that after his name she sholde be called lamyna and whan he was ded the cyte apparteyned to kynge latyne that made it more stronge than it was a fore and was alwayes called Lamyna tyll that it happed that a laurell tree grewe there vpon a hyghe toure wythin the cyte ▪ And therof it fortuned that kynge latyne dyde calle this towne Laurence whiche he loued ryght moche For it was the chief cite of alle his royame whan eneas vnderstode that the cyte where the kynge of the londe dwellynge was soo nyghe and that this cyte was soo noble and soo well peopled he was ryght gladde therof And after he loked abowte hym where a place was moste strong and there he broughte alle his ooste and rounde aboute this place he dyd make diches barreys for to defende hemselfe if nede were And for certeyne wythin a lityll space of tyme they made the place so stronge that thei doubted no body that coude hurte theym nor take theym vnbeware ¶ How Eneas sente his messagers towarde kynge Latyne Capitulum xxxvij WHan Eneas had begonne his fortresse he called to hym a hondred of the wysest men that were in his ooste for to sende theym towarde kyng Latynus in his cyte of Laurence for to requyre hym of peas of alyaunce and that he was not arryued in his londe for to doo to hym nor to the contrey ony dōmage but besoughte hym that he wolde not lette hym of that he had enterprysed to make a castell vpon his groūde that was begōne For he made this for to rest hym and his folke and for to dwelle wythin his royame by the commaūdemente of the goddes wythoute to doo hym ony hurte nor greuaunce The messagers wente soo longe wyth theyr ryche presente that they bare from Eneas to kyng Latynus and wyth garlandes vpon theyr hedes made of olyue tree and also in theyr handes braūches of the same that peas and loue sygnyfieth that they came to the cyte of Laurence where they fonde alityll wythoute the towne a grete feest of yonge men that proued and assayed theyr streyngthes in dyuerse wyses Thenne entred the troians wythin the yates of the towne and one of the Iouencellys that thus dyde sporte hym selfe there wente a pase afore theym and cam shewed to kyng latyne how that a companye of noble men and to his semyng of ryght hygh astate were entred wythin his cyte for to come speke wyth hym that they semed well to be riche pesable folke for they bare braūches of olyue tre in their handes the kyng cōmaūded anone whan he knewe of it that they sholde be broughte vnto hym And so it was doon The messagers come before the kynge Latyne to whom they made reuerence prudently and hym dyde salue in they re lordes byhalue The kynge that satte highe in his throne withyn hys halle where as were purtrayed fulle rychely alle the kynges of his lynage connyngly made how they hadde kept
ytalye one after another with the aduentures that were come to theym and the grete bataylles that they hadde made Answered well peasibly to the troyens For alredy he hadde well vnderstande that they were of troye that was alle distroied and asked theym what they sought and what nede had brought theym in to the londe of Lombardye whether the tempeste hadde chassed theym or yf they hadde lost they re waye For in many maners comen peyne and traneylle often vpon but how so euer ye be arryued and comen hyther sith that ye requyre peas ye be ryght welcomen to me The londe is gode fayre and the countrey swete and delectable And well ye may ease youre self therynne and also ryght and rayson requyreth that ye doo soo For dardanus that fyrste kept the regne of troye was of this countrey borne Thenne gaffe the kynge seassyng to hys wordes And dyoneus one of the troyens that were there beganne to speke saynge In thys wise ¶ Gentylle kynge and of hyghe lynage and puyssaunt prynce Thou shalte vnderstande well that none stronge wedrynge ne tempeste hathe constrayned vs for to comme In to thys londe but we are comme hether with oure goode wylle For we ben departed from the ryche cytee of troye That of lordeshyppe surmoūted alle other cytees that were In her tyme. And after the destruccyon of the same that was soo grete as thou haste well herd telle We departed fro thens and haue hadde syth soo moche of peyne bothe by see and by londe that longe after we hadde lefte and habandouned our owne contree we were cōmaunded of the goddes that we sholde come in to thyse partyes for to haue therin our residence And we requyre onely to haue a lityll plotte of grounde where we maye dwelle in peas and no hurte domage ne greuaūce shalle not be doon to the of vs by no maner of wyse And ye muste knowe that we myghte haue be receyued in many places and in a good contrey for to make there our dwellynge But the destynacyes of the goddes sente vs in to thy reygne for to haue our permanente residence there as Dardanus was borne And appollo cōmaunded vs the same and for this thynge sayd Dyoneus we are arryued in this londe And also Eneas that is our kynge sendeth vnto the of his Iewelles that he hath brought with hym oute of troye where he was in grete honour and a prīce of grete lordeshyppes And thenne he toke to the kynge a riche maūtelle a crowne of fyne golde all sette wyth precyouse stones and a cepter royall that kyng pryamus dyde bere often in his honde ¶ How kyng Latynus made grete ioye good chere to the messagers of eneas Capo. xxxvij THe kyng latynus receyued the ryche present and dydneus helde his peas the kyng latyne praysed moche the troians not for the present that eneas had sent to hym but for loue of the maryage of his doughter And why he dyd soo it was for bycause that he had graūted his doughter to a worshifull knyghte that was called Turnus the sone of kynge Darynus of the cyte of Darda that was not ferre from Laurence To hym he hadde couenaunced his doughter Lauyne but theropon he had an answer of y● goddes that he sholde not gyue her to hym but he sholde gyue her vnto a knyght straunger And whan kynge Latyne hadde mused alytyll in hym selfe he ansuered to the message Fayre brother the gyste that thou hast brought to me from thy lordes byhalue I shalle not refuse but I receyue it gladly and so telle hym that I am ryght glad of his commynge and that my londe whyche is goode Is atte hys wille and yf yt playseth to hym he may herberrowe hymself wyth me within thys cytee And also ye shalle ▪ telle hym that I haue a doughter whiche the goddes deffende me that I shalle not gyue her to no man of this countreye and wyl that I gyue her to astranger of whome shalle come a roayalle lygnee and of grete name thrughe alle the worlde and but I be deceyued It most be he ¶ How kynge Latyne sent hys presentes to Eenas ¶ Capitulum xxxviij WHan the kynge latyne had thus spoken he made to be brought afore hym a honderd fayre horses welle rychely enharnyshed and nobly arayed and to euery messager troyen he gaffe one of thys horses and sent to Eneas a ryche chare alle appareylled for to fyght In a bataylle Thenne toke the messagers there leue of the kynge latyne after that he hadde made theym goode chere and ryally fested and came alle ayen gladde and Ioyouse to they re lorde And recounted to hym altogyder as it was sayde and doon Wherof eneas was ryght gladde made grete Ioie The tidynges were spred alle aboute the londe of lombardye and was annoūced vnto Turnus that the troyens that were escaped out of Troye were aryued in that londe and hadde a lorde that was called Eneas To whom kynge Latyne hadde habaundouned alle hys londe and also hys doughter that Turnus sholde haue by maryage But the kynge wolde gyue her to the troians for to enheryte his royame of the lynce of troye And that kynge Latyne hadde all redy consented to theym for to buylde and sette a castell vpon the ryuer of Tonyre soo that they sholde not be cast oute lightly from the royame by force Assone as Turnus wyste of thyse tydynges he was sore an angred in his herte And was ouermoche wrothe for the damoysell that hadde be graunted and gyuen firste of all vnto hym And well he swore that Eneas sholde neuer haue her as longe as he were man on lyue Turnus by the counceyll of his fader sente for his nyghe frendes and kynnesmen for to haue coūseyll vpon this thynge And whan he had assembled theym togyder they did counseyll hym that he sholde goo towarde kyng Latyne atte lawrence towarde the quene for to knowe whi they wolde gyue theyr doughter to a nother contrary to their promyse that they hadde made to hym Durynge that these wordes ranne Eneas and his people wroughte stylle to make vp theyr fortresse And ascanyus by the lycence of eneas his fader wente to the foreste that was nyghe by Lawrence and dyuerse of his knyghtes wyth hym for to hunte the wylde bestes Turnus hadde two sones and a fayr doughter whiche was named Syluya this siluya had norisshed a herte tyll that he was onergrowen and grete that her bretheren had broughte to her from the foreste soo yonge they had take hym awaye fro the moder This herte was soo tame that he suffred well that the damoiselle layed her hande ouer him for to make hym fayr and euyn and that she shold make him a garlonde aboute his hornes he was well fed and moche loued of her and also of Turnus her brother And whan that this herte had be longe atte home he wente in to the forest among
wyth their sp●res And atte their comynge hande to hande togyder there was grete noyse of horses and of harneys And they launched and shotte soo thycke and soo faste the one partye ayenste the other that all the ayer was troubled The Latynes hadde the wors atte the firste comynge togyder For the troians rebuked theym and caste theym abacke vnto the gates of the towne ¶ Thenne retourned agayne the chyeff capytaynes of the Latynes wyth theyr companye well horsed vpon the twians and beganne the medle and the crye of newe And the Latynes bare theym selfe full well a while that by force of armes they made the troyens to retourne bak But atte the last the troyens that were neuer wery of bataylles made there merueylles of armes so that the latynes myght susteyne noo lenger the weyght of they re swerdes but were ageyne putte abak ¶ How the queene Canula was slayne In bataylle ¶ Capitulum lvj THus It happed that tyme that the Latynes were putte twyes abacke by force of grete fayttes of armes And whan came to the threde tyme that the bataylles were all ordeyned thēne was ther grete destruction and grete slawghter made bothe of men and of horses byfore the barres of the towne where the valyaunt knyghtes made merueylles of the one part and of the other but aboue alle other that were ther the queene Caunle dyde best In armes and kylled and slewe the troyens on eyther syde of her For with the swerde she had a●owe and a sheeffe of arowes hangynge by her syde One tyme she shotte Another tyme she smotte grete strokes with her swerde and hewe cleued and cutted of hedes and armes clene from the bodyes ¶ In the bataylles of the twyens was aryche man that was called Cleonis that afore hadde be a byshop In troye of the temple of one of they re goddesses He hadde lefte his offyce and hadde taken hym self to the fayttes of knygthed This man hadde moche ryche armes alle couered with fyn golde and of pre●yous stones ¶ And whan the queene Canulla sawe hym she dyde coueyte sore moche his armures and made her self redy for to slee Cleonyus ¶ A Twyen that was named Anyus apperceyued the same And with this he was also wrothe for the grete ocysyon that this queene Canulla hadde made of the noble troians this man began for to praye Iupyter that he wolde gyue hym strengthe poure and hardynes for to auenge his wrathe and his frendes that Canulla hadde slayne And whan he had thus finysshed his owysen he lete go his horse towarde the quene whiche was not aware of hym he smote her vpon the lefte sholder wyth his swerde a vengable stroke soo that he dyde cutte the harneys and made his swerde to entre in to her white flesshe ferre wythin the body of her soo that anone after she felle ded to the groūde And after as lightly as he myghte he departed awaye For he doubted sore the quene But nought auaylled hym his sleynge for a mayde slewe hym in vengeaūce of her lady the quene ¶ How Turnus cam to the feelde his folke wyth hym ¶ Capitulum lvij WHan Canulla was fallen doun from hir horse thenne was there gret sorow made and the bataylles of Latynus began all for to tremble and shake for fere and noo recoueraunce was there more but cam agayn wythin the barreers and many of theym were thenne ouer throwen and cast doun in to the dyches And the ladyes of the cyte moūted vpon the walles for to defende the towne And whan they sawe bryng the body of Canulla the worthy quene they sette nomore by their lyues but gaaf theym selfe to traueyll for to defende sooner than dyd the men thēne was sente a messager towarde turnus that was at his wat. he wyth his chyualre vpon the moūtayne as it is said afore Whiche shewed vnto hym the grete sorow of the batayll and how Canulla was ded turnus toke soo grete a sorow therfor that he wyste not what to doo But lefte his watchyng after Eneas and came to the batayll After this taryed not long that Eneas came and descended from the moūtayne for to come afore the towne for to conduytte his folke And thus came Eneas and Turnus almoste bothe togyder attones to the medlee But it was soo nyghe nyghte whan that they came there that lityll faytte of knighthode was there made But the Turnyens and the Latynes wythdrewe theym selfe in to the cyte And Eneas and his folke dyde lodge hemselfe withoute the walles of the towne where they dyde pyghte theyr tentes And whan the mornynge was come Turnus that was full sory and wrothe for his folke that he sawe dyscomfyte and slayne came byfore kynge Latyne in a proude manere And sayd that he was redy for to doo the bataylle body ayenste body ayenste Eneas But sende for hym syr sayd Turnus and take his othe and doo deuyse the couenaunte And yf he ouercome me lete hym haue the lande and the pucelle lauyne to his wyff And yf I maye conquere hym lete hym goo his wayes and leue me in peas wyth Lauyne your doughter and wyth your royalme The kynge thenne sayd peassibly to turnus Ha ha valyaunte bacheler I doubte sore the aduentures of bataylle and yf thou bethynkest well thyselfe how grete a londe thou shalt haue in thy holde after thy fader is deceassed and also that thou haste conquered grounde ynoughe by thyne owne proesse And how many ryche maydens ben in ytalye of noble blode and of highe estate of whiche thou myghtest chose one to be thy wyff Syth that the goddes wyl not nor graūte not that I gyue my doughter to no man that is of my royame how be it that for the loue that I haue vnto the. I had graunted her to the for to be thy wyf and namely atte the request of my wyff I haue taken her ayen from Eneas the preu worthy knyghte and haue suffered the for to vndertake the cruell bataylle wherby I haue loste myn owne folke and thou haste hadde grete dōmage and we are atte this owre in soo grete peyne that we maye nomore and no longer we may not well abyde wythin this cyte Also the feldes ben all couered wyth our men that lye ded vpon the erthe what shall I reherse all our euyll fortunes were it not thenne better for the that thou were wythin thy londe whiles that thou arte hole sounde in good plyghte and ioyouse and also afore that thou had lost thy liff Loke beholde the aduentures of the bataylle how they ben grete haue mercy on thy fader whiche is in grete age ¶ How the couenaunte of the bataylle was made bytwene Eneas Turnus Capitulum lviij WHan Turnus herde the kynge speke thus he taryed tyll that he had finysshed his wordes and sone whā he myght speke he sayd good kyng haue no drede for me nor no doubte but suffer that my honour and
praysinge be encreassed Am I thenne soo feble and doeth my swerde cutte soo lityll that I dare not fyghte wyth Eneas and is my flesshe more tendre the bloode of my body more nyghe goon more than is his And I doo hym well to wytte that yf he come so nyghe me that he be woūded he shal be ferre frō the goddesse his moder to whom he trust moche yf I fyght wyth hym To thise wordes came there the quene Amatha that was sore troubled and all a ferde of the bataylle of the siege of the cyte And whan she sawe turnus that wolde fyghte wyth eneas she beganne to wepe make grete mone and sayd Turnus I praye the by the teeres that thou seeste falle fro myn eyen and by the honour that I haue alwayes borne and doon to the. that thou fyghte not wyth Eneas For yf thou deyed I sholde neuer lyue after nyght ne daye For that owre I wolde neuer see that eneas shelde haue my doughter to hys wyffe Whan Lauyne sawe her moder wepe she was therof fulle sory and wrothe and with this she be came rede In her face And whan Turnus sawe her the more that he dyde beholde her The more he was taken of the loue of the pucelle And more wyllynge and sore chaffed for to fyght with Eneas And sayde to the queene Madame wepe not for me Nor doubte not of no thynge For it is better that we two fyght togyder Than that oure folke sholde slee eche other Whan turnus had spoken thus he dyde make his 〈◊〉 to be broughte afore hym and his harneys armed himself moche rychely as of custome was after the facyen manere of the londe atte that tyme And the kynge Latyne had sent his messagers toward Eneas for to announce vnto hym that Turnus was alredy appareylled for to fyght body to body aienst hym Of the bataylle was eneas ryght glad and anone armed him And of bothe partyes they assembled theym alle In afayre playne afore the cyte for to see the bataylles of this two barons whiche sholde haue be merueyllouse And the ladyes the pucelles were moūted vpon the walles the quene also The kynge latyne was yssued out of the cytee with Turnus and with hys men And of bothe sydes they made sacrefyces for hym with whome they helde And the kynge Latyne and the other barons deuysed the couenaunces That who some euer were vanquyshed Other Turnus or Eneas that he and hys hoost sholde voyde out of the Londe and sh●lde goo In to another countreye ¶ Whyles that they spake thus and that the conuenauntes were deuysed and made and that rested they re nothynge But for to goo bothe togyder An auenture happed there a merueyllouse thynge whiche appiered to all theym that were there An egle grete and ouergrowen came fleynge hyghe bytwene the cyte and the tentes And thenne lighte hym selfe doun harde among a grete many of swānes that were in a water nyghe by And toke one of theym bytwyx his clawes whiche were grete and sharpe and bare hym vpwarde by grete force And anone all the hepe of theym arose For they were aferde and floughe all highe towarde the clowdes And were soo many that all the ayer was couered-wyth theym And soo moche they dyde enuyronne all aboute the egle that she lete falle the swanne oute of her clawes in to the water And the egle fledde and heelde on his waye How Tholomeus made the bataylle to begynne ayen grete and horryble Capitulum lix WHan the Turnyens and the Latynes sawe this thynge they hadde therof grete Ioye For they trowed that it hadde be to theym a goode bytokenynge And therof arose thorughe all the ooste a grete murmure a grete noyse and houered in theym selfe soo sore that for a lityll they wolde haue ro●ne vpon the troians Thenne spake a deuynoure that was called Tholomeus and sayd in audyence Lordes turnyens this was that I desired for to see some tokens from the goddes That egle that lighted amonge the hepe of swannes sygnyfieth our enmye stranger that is Eneas that wasteth and dystroyeth our londe But lete vs aduyse also that we enuyronne hym rounde aboute wyth goode men of armes as the swannes dyde the egle And lete vs deffende Turnus agaynste hym and well I wote that he shall flee awaye oute of oure countrey And thus shall we be delyuerde of hym And thenne whan he hadde thus sayde He shotte an arowe towarde the troians and smote a knyghte and ouerthrewe hym to the groūde bytwyx the other that were therof all abasshed ¶ How Turnus dyde grete dommage to Eneas folke Capitulum Lxo. TEnne beganne agayne the bataylle of the one parte And of the other Eneas ascryed to theym and sayd Lordes why doo ye fyghte Ye knowe well that the couuenaunte ys deuysed and made That Turnus and I shall fyghte for you alle Whyle that eneas sayd thyse wordes and cryed vnto his folke that they sholde not fyghte There was a quareyll launched in to his hande and wyste neuer who shotte hit Thenne departed Eneas from thens and Turnus and his folke ranne soone to fetche theyr armures And thenne Turnus smote hym selfe in to the troians Turnus atte his comynge on dyde grete dommage to the troians For he was a ryghte valyaunte knyghte of his body And desyred moche for to dyscomfyte theym He satte vpon a charyette wyth foure wheles and foure whyte horses dyde lede hym He hadde wyth hym the dartes for to launche and caste And hys other armures for to assaylle and fyghte from ferre and of nyghe ¶ Soone after that he was come to the medlee he slewe Thelemon and Thamy toun and Potym and Glathome and Tasdome And after came there a troien towarde hym that was sone of Ozon of troye that was ryghte well armed of ryche armures And to the same lauched Turnus a darte and ouerthrewe hym full sore wounded And assone as he sawe hym a grounde he made his horse to tarye and alyghted doun from his charyotte and sette his fote vpon his necke and shoued his swerde in to his throtte And after he sayd to hym Troian here is the londe that thou hast requyred for to fyghte ayenst me whefore I shalle gyue to the thy fylle therof and with the same he toke hys hand fulle of erthe fro the grounde and fylled hys throte therwithalle while that he was apassynge And wite for veraye trouthe sayde Turnus to hym that alle thus I shall rewarde theym of thy nacyon that shall comme ayenst me In bataylle Anoone after that he hadde sayde thyse wordes to the troyen He recountred another that was called Habitem and was the felawe of hym to whome he had thus spoken And slewe hym incontynent and after hym many other moo And while that Turnus went thus thrughe the bataylle alle att hys wylle sleynge the troyens Eneas and Menesteus and Achates and Ascanyus came to the medlee For Eneas
hadde be alonge espace therfro for cause of the wounde that he hadde had In his hande and spored hys horse atte that syde where he wist that turnus was And he and hys knyghtes made roome afore theym and slewe doune many of the Latynes and turnyens att euery hande of hem and soone abashed the Ytalyens so that they trembled for feere Eneas slewe Afram and Osanum Achetym and Pulerum and gyas and also Atherantum And tholomus that be ganne the medlee lost there hys lyffe for a scanyus slewe hym atte firste stroke that he smotte hym with the glayue Thenne a rose the noyse and the crye sore grete of bothe sydes But the Latynes myght noo lenger endure and tourned they re bakkes and went awaye Eneas that chassed wolde not slee theym nomore But dyde calle and sought after Turnus In the grete presse And with noon other he welde fyght Turnus taryed not longe In one place But went euer here and there alonge the wynges of the bataylles wherby he dyde grete dommage to the troyens thenne dyde Eneas assemble alle the grete bataylles And aduysed hym selfe that he sholde drawe towarde the cyte that was all abasshed Thenne called he to hym Menesteus and Sarestum that were connestables of his folke and of the bataylles And sayd to theym make oure folke to wythdrawe theym from the bataylle And brynge theym towarde the mountayne nyghe to the cyte For I wolde take hit yf I maye or elles Turnus shall fyghte wyth me And they dyde soone as Eneas hadde commaunded theym They made theyr folke for to drawe towarde the walles of the towne or cyte and broughte ladders wyth theym Eneas was a fore and cryed on hyghe to kynge Latyne that full ylle he kepte his couuenauntes ¶ Amonge theym wythin the cyte moeued thenne a grete dyscorde and varyaunce For some wolde haue opened the gates to Eneas But the other wolde not soo but wolde defende the londe ayenste hym For they heelde theym selfe of turnus partye ¶ How the quene Amatha hanged herselfe by dyssperacyon Capitulum lxj WHan Amatha sawe the thynge goo thus and apperceyued the ladders that the troians dyde sette vppe to the walles And the fyre that they casted in to the cyte and sawe not Turnus that sholde defende her Wherefor she wende that he hadde be slayne Thenne hadde she her thoughte sore troubled And anone she wente in to a chambre wythoute companye and toke the lyffe from her and hanged her selfe And whan the tydynges therof were knowen in the towne they were soo affrayed that lytyll deffence was made there Who thenne hadde seen Lauyne pullyng and rentyng her yelowe heere 's hadde hadde of her grete pyte And kynge Latyne that more abasshed was than Lauyne rented his roobes And pulled of his heere 's And blamed hym selfe ryght sore that he hadde not gyuen his doughter to Eneas Duryng this Turnus vnderstode the grete sorowe that was made wythin the cyte by a kynghte of his that was smyten wyth a glayue thorughe the thyhe and came ayenste hym as faste as he myghte spore and waloppe his horse And sayd Turnus haue mercy on thy men For in the is oure laste hope Eneas fyghteth harde ayenste the cyte And threteneth all the tow●es to be broughte doun And wytte that he dooth fyre to be caste in to the towne And the kynge Latyne blameth hym selfe moche and knoweth not what he shall do But to tourne hym selfe ayenst the wyth Eneas and gyue hym bothe his doughter and his royame And that more is Amatha the queene that loued the so moche and that was to the so good afrende hathe kylled her self her owne hande wherof the towne is sore moeued And afore the gates is noon of thin that defendeth ayenst the troyens Sauff Mesapus and Acyllas they withs●ande and kepe thentre ayenst the bataylles of the troyens And thou art here gawrynge aboute nought Whan Turnus herde the same he was ashamed and ryght sore wrothe and on angerd And loked toward the cyt●e and sawe the flame of the fyre within the towne Whan he saw that he lyghted doune from his charyot and went toward the gate where were the grete bataylles Thenne beganne he to make a signe to hys men that they sholde drawe backe For he wolde fight for theym with Eneas hande to hande In a felde as it was deuysed afore ¶ How Eneas and Turnus faught body to body In a felde one ageynst the other ¶ Capitulum Lxij ANoone as Eneas herde turnus speke he made noo taryinge atte alle but went assoone as he myght toward the felde and lefte the sawtyng of the walles and of the toures that they hadde enuayshed Thenne departed from the assawte the one partye the other for to see the bataylle of the two barons Eneas and Turnus were bothe In the felde all alone well appareyl●ed and aproched eche other ryght harde lyke two bulles and drewe out they re sharpe swerdes Thenne was there noo sparynge But that euerych of theim smote his enmye so that the sheldes wherwith all they couered theymselfe were alle to hewen and broken alle to peces the bataylle was fyerse and cruelle for they hated eche other ryght sore But atte the laste turnus was ouercomme and he cryed mercy to eneas that he sh●lde not slee hym And wytte that Eneas sholde haue pardoned hym that that he hadde mysdoon ayenst hym if it had not be the ●ynge the gyrdell of palas that turnus dyde were vpon hym for whan eneas dyd see theym the sorowe that he made for the dethe of Palas that turnus had slayne was renewed in his herte whiche redoub●ed thenne hys grete wrathe and sayde to turnus thou shalt abye nowe the gladnes that thou had of the dethe of Palas For thou shalt here deye for his sake And anoone he shoued his swerde thrughe the body of hym wherout hys sowle departed All thus was conquered alle Lombardye and the pucelle Lauyne by the hande of eneas ¶ Hw eneas wedded Lauyne and hadde the royalme of Ytalye ¶ Capitulum Lxiij ANoone as Turnus was slayne his frendes departed ryght sory and wrothe And many other wyth theym that loued hym for his proesse ¶ The kynge Latyne that was ryght sore of his grete myschaunce Came to Eneas his noble men wyth hym and gaff hym his doughter and all his royame And receyued hym wyth grete I●ye and thenne was the peas made towarde theym that hadde be agaynste hym Anone the troians and the latynes togyder wente for to brenne and reduce to asshes bodyes ded that were yet in the feeldes And whan that was doon the quene Camula was sente in to her londe and the quene Amatha was rychely broughte to her sepulture Thenne was ceassed all the sorowe thorughe all the royame of ytalye Eneas that had hadde many a sore peyne by the space of seuen yeres syth that he came from Troye toke to his wyff Lauyne the doughter of
loked behynde hym and sawe not his felawe nor Erialus were wherof he was ryght sore angri And sore sighynge he began to saye O swete felawe where haue I lost the. where myght I seke the And whan he hade said this he retourned ayen bak that waye that he came And he had not gon longe that he herde the noyse of the horses about erialus that his enmyes had taken alredy and aslong as he myght he had deffended him self but alle that he coude doo auaylled him not visus went so longe rennynge tyl that he sawe his enmyes about his felawes whiche they helde Thenne he wist not what to doo nor how he myght delyuere hym from theyr handes And whan he had aduysed hym ynoughe he loked vpon a dart that he helde in his hande and threwe it with alle his strengthe and smotte a knyght betwene two sholders therwith alle so that the yron went thrughe the body of hym whiche felle doune ded to the groūnde frome hys horse Hys felawes that sawe thys loked alle aboute theym and had grete merueylle and wyste not fro whens that myghte come And whiles that they merueylled theym selfe of suche a fortune that was come thus sodaynly to theym Vysus casted ayen a nother darte and smote a nother of theym in the breste and soo slewe hym and fell doun ded afore his felawes that were ther of sore abasshed ¶ How Bolcus slewe eryalus how Vysus his felawe slewe Bolcus Of the deth of the sayd Vysus how the hedes of the sayd two felawes eryalus vysus were brought vpon two speres afore the fortres of Eneas Cap. xlvj THenne beganne bolcus the conestable to be alle forcened wyth grete rage for to knowe fro whom these strokes cam in a grete anger sayd to eryalus who euer hath doon the same the peynes therof shall abyde vpō the with y● swerde all naked in his fust cam nygh hym wold slee hym whan vysus sawe this he coude no lenger suffre it by cause that he wolde not see hys felawe to be slayn but he began to crye late hym be in peas take me putte me to dethe For he hath forfayte nothyng While that vysus spake thise wordes bolcus smote eryalus wyth his swerde thorugh the body of hym wythoute moo wordes kylled hym And whan vysus sawe the same he ranne ayenste theym alle and adressed hym towarde bolcus wyth his swerde in his fuste and so nyghe he approched hym that whan he dyd ascrye vpon his men that they sholde take hym vysus smote hym wyth his goode swerde thrugh the mouthe that he made hit to come oute at the necke of hym soo that he slewe hym and fylle doun ded afore hym and all his folke His knyghtes that sawe hym thus slayne ranne alle vpon vysus oute of alle sides soo that they gaaffe to hym his deth wounde and neuertheles he defended hym selfe vygoryously as longe that he myghte stande But his enmyes charged hym soo often wyth grete strokes of their swerdes wel sharpe cuttynge that he spred hym selfe vpon his felawe Eryalus and soo fynysshed there his lyff Thenne toke the ytalyens their armures and that they bare and the body of theyr lorde Bolcus amd departe wyth grete heuynesse and wente to the lodges of Turnus ooste And whan they cam they sawe there theym that made grete sorowe grete cryes for theym that were slayn wythin the tentes Whan thenne the daye was come Turnus cōmaunded that alle the ooste sholde be armed And that euery prynce sholde ordeyne his folke for to assaylle the castell And they dyd soo by grete wrathe And thenne turnus made the hedes of eryalus and Vysus to be smytten of from theyr bodyes and sette vpon two speres and broughte theym afore the castell wyth a grete noyse grete callynge for to fere and abasshe the troians therwyth that were wythin wyth Ascanyus the sone of eneas Whan they of the castell sawe theym they were full sory sore tryste and anone they ordeyned theyr folke putte theym in araye for to defende the place And thenne they of the ooste blew vp their trompettes for to gyue a sharpe sawte And taried not but dyde hie theim for to fylle the dyches and for to dresse vp the ladders ayenste the walles And they that were there vpon the walles brake theyr sheldes and theyr pauesses And the hardy knyghtes troians that had lerned for to defende casted vpon theym grete logges wyth sharpe yron atte the ende and gret stones They that cam firste to assawte the place myght not suffre no lenger the strengthe of the troians that were vpō the walles of theyr fortresse For they brake theyr sheldys helmes and theire līmes all to burst they re bodyes whan Mesancus sawe this he made fyre to be cast to theym and Mesapus made the diches to be filled vp the ladders to be sette vpward ayenst the walles ¶ How the assawte was grete atte the gate of the castel ¶ Capitulum xlvij BEfore the gate of the castell was a grete toure and knyghtes were within that deffended it they that were without assailled strongly by grete rudesse and all they that were within deffended theymself ryght well vigorousli but they of the oost made so grete force ayenst them that they dyde sette the toure on afire and whan they of with in sawe the toure that brenned alle in aflame they were aferde to be brente there ynne so that they most nedes habandoūne it And thēne they wolde haue yssued out aienst them of the oost but the toure fille soone doun And thus alle they that were within were ded fauf two of hem Elenor and Elecor And whan elenor sawe hymself amonge his enmyes he ranne vpon theym with his swerde in his hande as he that wolde not escape nor saue his lyffe But elecor that was ryght swyfte lyght fled toward the castel for his waraūt ¶ How Eneas came ayen from palence with moche folke for to socoure his sone his folke ayenst turnus ¶ Capitulum xlviij MAny were there slayne of one part of the other but the assawte was lefte for the nyght that came thenne vpon toke awaye fro theym the light of the daye The troyens kept well theire walles For they knewe well that on the morowe they sholde be assaylled agayn Eeasn thenne that was goon for to seke helpe and socours and had with hym alle the barons and namely the kynge Carton abode not longe after this But that he came wyth .xxx. shyppes well laden wyth men of armes whiche approched soo moche that they came to the socours of theym that awayted sore after theym And that hadde grete nede of helpe whan Turnus vnderstode thyse tidynges he wente agaynste theym wythoute taryenge Alle the sayd shippes entred wythin the hauen excepte the shippe of kynge Carton that was to grete Turnus peyned hymselfe
full sore and his knyghtes also for to lette theym of theyr landyng But Eneas that wyth his barons that were in his ship wyth hym was landed first of alle And defended the porte ayenst the ytalyens tyll that all the folke were come alande Thenne beganne the bussynes and the trompettes for to blowe of the one parte And of the other Eneas atte his comynge vpon he ouerthrewe slewe Sythera that was moche rychely armed and of noble and ryche armes And after Latam also the geaūte that bare a clubbe wherwyth he hadde take the lyff awaye of many troians there sholde haue eneas adōmaged turnus ryght sore yf it hadde not be a heuy aduenture that happed For Turnus slewe there Palas the sone of kyng euander whan he was ded he toke awaye from hym a riche rynge of golde Whan Palas was slayne there was made grete sorowe for hym of Eneas and of his felawes But therfore ceassed not the bataylle his men bare hym oute of the bataylle And made for hym grete sorowe Whan Eneas knewe it he came all wrothe and sore an angred vpon his enmyes whiche he hewed and slewe wyth his swerde as preu and hardy that he was Thenne yssued oute of the castell Ascanyus his sone and the goode knyghtes troians that were enclosed therin and that hadde suffred grete assawtes the daye afore ¶ How Eneas sought Turnus alle a boute In the bataile for to slee hym for the dethe of Palas ¶ Capo. xlix ENeas was thrughe the bataille sekynge a bout after Turnus that was ryght valyaunt preu and hardy In bataylle The fende that sawe that Eneas sought Turnus for to slee hym that wolde not that he sholde be ded so soone to th ende that he sholde doo yet moche harme and euylles more than he hadde doon all redy dyde transforme hym self In to the fygure of eneas came a fore turnus that forced hym self for to make grete occision of the folke of Eneas whan Turnus apperceyued hym he wende verily that it hadde be Eneas hym self and ranne vpon hym with alle his myght and whan he was approched nyghe hym he launched a darte atte hym and the deuyll tourned to hym his back beganne for to flee awaie thrughe the multitude of the people that faught whan Turnus sawe that wenyng to hym that it had be Eneas that durst not abyde hym he began to enchaunte hym sore with wordes but he that fled sette nought by hys enchauntementes fledd so longe afore turnus that alwayes folowed him that he lept in to one of the shippes of Eneas that was nyghe by the shores lyke as it had be for grete feer of his lyffe Turnus that helde his swerde in his ryght hand and his shelde fast afore his brest and that had grete Ioye in hym self For he wende that Eneas had fled for fere of hym and that he durste not abyde hym went and entred after the deuell that was in liknes of eneas within the shippe full vigorously for to haue killed hym but whan he was come within he foūde there noo body with whome he myght fight And sought alle about bothe behinde before within the shippe but he fon̄de nothinge so was he thēne sore abashed wolde haue cōme out ayen for to retourne to the bataylle but the yssue was to hym full euyll redy For the cables of the shyppe that heelde hit were broken and fallen vnder the water ¶ How Eneas smote Merencyus wyth his spere in his thye a grete stroke Capitulum L. DVrynge this while that Turnus wende to haue chassed Eneas was eneas in the thyckest presse of the bataylle callynge after Turnus wyth a hyghe voys and broughte many ytalyens to their deth wyth his swerde Turnus that sawe hym selfe brought ferre from the shores knewe well thenne that he was deceyued and wyste not what he myghte doo nor where he sholde become soo sore an angred he was whan he founde hym selfe in that plyght Thenne he heued vp his handes towarde heuen swetly and began to calle vpon Iupyter why he hadde broughte hym to this grete sorowe that he sawe his folke that were kylled slayne afore his eyen And that he myghte in no wyse socoure theym one tyme he thought for to slee hym selfe another tyme he wolde haue drowned hym selfe And while that he was thus in this thought for to doo the one or thother the ship̄ went doūe the ryuer of tonyre wyth the streme that was so bygge tyll that it cam in to the hauen of the cyte of darda where as kyng daryus the fader of turnus was Merēcius was yet in the batayll forced hymselfe to dystroye sle eneas folke wyth hym was his sone Lansus that was preu hardy this merēcyus ranne vpon the troians with grete force his swerde in his hande made grete fayttes of armes he slew acren Merēde many other mesapus made also grete slaughter of the troians for he slewe Lamon lycormon cycartem many other worthi folke thus were medled the bataylles merencyus confoūded distroyed wyth his swerde alle that he fonde afore hym And whan Eneas sawe hym he beganne to come towarde hym and Merēcyus byhelde hym comynge whom he doubted not And eneas auaunced hymselfe soone and launched at hym his grete espyotte or spere and smote hym thorughe the thye whan Merencyus sawe the bloode come oute he was therof fore an angred And anone ranne vpon Eneas sayenge that he sholde auenge it vpon hym But his knyghtes toke hym and hadde hym awaye fro the bataylle for his wounde bled alle to sore and yet was a parte of the spere wythin that greued hym ryght sore ¶ How Merencyus made grete sorowe whan he sawe his sone ded Capitulum Lj WHan Lansus sawe his fader merencyus thus sore hurte he wexed therof all full of wrathe And assembled ayen alle the bataylles togyder and ranne vppon Eneas There was slayne many knyghtes of the one parte and of the other eneas smote Lansus wyth his swerde vpon his helme and cloue hym vnto the teeth there was grete sorow made whan lansus was ded Durynge the while that this happed Merencyus wyth a grete flote of knyghtes was descended vpon the ryuage of the Tonyre and made his wounde to be shwed vppe that was yet full sore Thenne asked he after his sone Lansus and commaunded that he sholde be broughte from the ooste And that he wolde wyte how he hadde mayntened hym selfe im the bataylle For he wolde here and knowe of his proesse And as he spake thyse wordes They came wyth the co●pus makyng gret mone cryeng full heuely merēcyus knewe soone that it was his sone for his herte was heuy full of tristesse who thēne had seen hym cōplayne sighe wolde haue hadde grete merueylle He rented his clothes and tare hys herys from his owne hede and was an angerd and wrothe without mesure And whan he