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A89225 Great Britains remembrancer, looking in and out. Tending to the increase of the monies of the Commonwealth· / Presented to his Highness the Lord Protector, and to the High Court of Parliament now assembled. By the author Ralphe Maddison, Kt.; Englands looking in and out. Maddison, Ralph, Sir. 1654 (1654) Wing M245; Thomason E818_18; ESTC R202851 23,222 47

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or such things as we want for therein lieth the thrift of our Common-wealth and so on the contrary what Trade forceth out our Moneys and per consequence imbaseth our commodities This publique Thrift or reformation as I humbly conceive would not be held in mysterie but made more common and easie to every intelligent Gentleman because he is in some fort interessed in the same for the advancement of the Publique good and therin his own particular is intermixed Therefore I am bold and humbly commend the generall or theorical studies of the Merchandizing exchange and the balance of Trade unto your Wisdoms to be regarded and for these purposes the keeping and the observance of the balance of Trade will be found very usefull There be also other things to be met with in the publique thrift which for the present I forbeare which before I have done or finished my intended discourse I purpose to enter upon if it please God notwithstanding the dispute that may arise by them that would endeavour to frustrate this businesse for private gain never wanted colours and pretexts to stupefie or inveagle the understandings of such as have not bin versed therein Give me leave I pray you to repeat one thing twice though the same have bin in effect said before for the better illustrating what hath bin said to those that were never seene nor studyed any thing herein It is a sure tenent or maxime that it is necessary for our Common-wealth to keep constancy in our Mynt at home so is it as necessary to change with the changer in all forraign Coines either Gold or Silver reducing all foraign Coynes to a par or equality with our constant Coynes and to that end in antient times there was a paire of Tables set forth expressing the same demonstratively the one for Gold the other for Silver Coynes with whom we had to deale beyond seas The French Crown did answer to six of our shillings our unite to contain 3 French Crownes and a Third so the Dutch Ryder although it goe here but for 21 shillings it is of equall value to our Unite so as all forraign Coynes severally reduced to our Coynes did show and expresse what was to be given and allowed between strangers and us in accompts which is called the Merchant Exchange this equality once known and expressed as aforesaid we may be deceived 3 manner of wayes First if we watch not forraign Mynts by the sheeres in coyning whereby it may come to want in weight although it were of equall finenesse Secondly by putting in more Allay or Copper into their Monies which is not perceived or discovered how much but by tryall in the fire in melting some part and refining it and comparing the remainder of pure Silver to the like quantity of our Monies refined as theirs was Thirdly without lessening or embasing to call any of their species higher up a way commonly used in forraign parts called denomination which must be watched and prevented by new expressions as aforesaid so often as there shall be cause by such as the Lord Protector and his Council shall depute for that purpose most proper for the Council of the Mynt affaires I humbly conceive this is a sure way of preserving our Coines at home with good reward giving to the discoverers of exporters of Gold and Silver for there will alwayes be some of those offenders even if it were made Fellony for once it was so yet availed not good recompence is far better then life This is a sure way or the best can be of preserving our Gold and Silver at home without which the Bankers both forraigners and domestick have power to deceive our Common-wealth and lessen our common stock of Gold and Silver which will turne to a fearfull effect in time and in few words not to be expressed and double losse when the ballance of trade is against us to our losse together with an unequal Exchange and that Country or particular Trade that gains the Ballance gets our mony be it friend or enemy And if we lose both wayes how should we long subsist without home poverty and Canker-eating consumption CHAP. VII WHereas I proposed five things to be useful to this Commonwealth the two first unequal Exchange and Ballance of trade being in some measure laid open the third is to wit a Bank and a Banker What they be is declared but the feats and activities of the Bankers are not touched tending to their private gain which is an enemy to the publique For the most part all Corporations be hurtful to the Publique if not overseen by the States supreme government that preserveth and intendeth the publique good But for and by this that hath been said of the Bank this reason may be given Contrariorum contraria sunt sequentia 1. A Bank of Foreigners was and is most hurtful to us in receiving from us the increase or loanmony given to the Bankers by those that dealt by exchange with them 2. Ingrossing of commodities and indearing them to us may be otherwise ordered if we had a Bank of English goods and English subjects that harm that was done by strangers to our Nation vice versa would be altered and we defended if no further but so it would redound much to our profit If Banks of native Subjects were not both useful and beneficial to the Commonwealths wherein they live they would not nourish them as they do both in Italy and the United Provinces And for the preventing of the Dutch from indearing the East-Indie commodities that would sell them as they list unto us our East-Indie Company is approved by us So the like it is with the Bank or Bankers and for the aforesaid reasons allowable and profitable to have an English bank to prevent the forementioned enormities if but so But this being a policie exceeding my mean skill or knowledge I humbly submit it to the high Governors of the State to determine And whereas something hath been heretofore objected against the having of a Bank in England in times past that might now be answered but herein Cynthius aurem vellit and willeth me to be silent at this time CHAP. VIII THe fourth thing I humbly conceive is A standing Councel for Mint-affairs to be setled constantly to sit at the dayes appointed to give audience concerning all affairs that concern the ordinance of the Mint or that may obstruct or be obnoxious to the Mint either by exportation diversion or consumption the great defrauders of the Mint and to bring them all both offenders and accessaries to condign punishment according to the Law of the Land And when this Court hath any cause concerning life or forfeiture of monies to be assisted with one or more of the Judges learned in the Law and in the mean time to be a Court of inquisition or presentment fitting the offenders for speedy trial for delay abateth the edge of the law and experience telleth us that where the State doth not
dangerous thing to meddle with the Mint either in embasing the monies or cutting it smaller with the sheares or making it lighter for if it be embased first it causeth counterfeiting secondly that part as so much as is embased will carry so much fine silver out of the land and when it is perceived the amends is as evill as the disease All those in whose hands the base monies shall be will be the losers of so much as is minted within the land before it be decryed and what grievance would this be able to cause the commonalty to hate the Government and fall into uproars and unnaturall rebelions as it hath bin in times past when the Commons rebelled in Henry the 6 his time and wrote these words in their banner or standard Rex est qui bene regit This and some other mistakes and misgovernments was the means that set the Crown on Edward the fourths head The like inconvenience to embasing cometh by coining of Farthing-tokens and giving them currency and decrying them If the money be made lesse it giveth so much to the lessee Farmer or borrower All revenues that stand upon constant fees of this Common-wealth as Customes Imposts Taxes such like ancient leases or rent charges all such as be leased shall lose so much the Noble-man Gentle-man and Usurer shall part with so much in proportion as the monie is advanced in so much force is raising of monie by often raifing from 20 d to 5 s the ounce as it hath altered the places of Common justice and this is not all the inconvenience price of vi●●ualls will be advanced accordingly and all wages raised and good reason for it So whether monies be raised or embased it maketh great disturbances and discontents of many in effect miserable Therefore there is no stirring of our Mint up nor down for the reasons aforesaid no gain to the Common-wealth but infallible loss to some parts heart burning discontent fit to bring in a foraign Enemie will ensue the tampering with the Mynt Therefore I conclude this point that there is no safe way but to stand constant at home change with the changer abroad in matter of Commerce and stand constant at home which can no wayes be done or known effected but by the tables of Exchange mentioned in the Law of Edward the 3 known and put in Execution ever since in good times of Government So it was in the time of Elizabeth And first to prove the Merchant-Exchange unequally carried is the Efficient cause of Exporting our Monie give me leave to know whether plenty of Monie make our prises of every thing to rise and scarcity of Monie makes small prices which no man I think will deny and that Commodities are prized according to the goodness of the coyn or to what end serveth fine Gold and Sylver If it be not to prize all things And if in our commerce with other Nations we do give more fine Gold or Sylver then we receive or undervalue our coynes in commerce with others it is a sufficient out-let or way to carry out our Monie or Bullion when thereby those that perceive the advantage to be had shall leave the true use of trading in Merchandize and turn Monie Merchants or Exporters of Bullion or Monies for no Laws are prevalent against gain And if we do not carry an equall hand with forrainers in preserving and encreasing our Monies as forraigners doe we shall in small time undervalue our commodities for want of Monie and consequently overballance our trade in price or quality and continuing the same course send out our Monies in change for commodities and have no more commodities then we had before which course will infallibly impoverish the Nation exceedingly and when there is want of Monie or wasting of Bullion the Commodities of the Nation Wool and all other home commodities will fall in price the commodities falling rents will fall accordingly when rents do fall by such a necessity the necessity spreads it self over the Land and Tenants having taken leases at inhanced prizes of Country-Commodities not knowing the Efficient cause of this change of prices will lay the cause on the Land-Lords and grow in hatred towards them not knowing how to hold their Farmes nor what to doe when they give them over This is a fearfull effect that followeth the want of a convenient stock of Monie to maintain the prices and to beat or maintain our home-commerce proceeding from forrain causes and not from Land-owners or Tenants at home So it followeth that those that look to the home cause as evil-making or Dying of our manufactutures or such like do not amend the matter or raise the prizes so long as there is no more Monie to make the prices any greater For it is infallibly true much Monie much price little Monie little price and it is as true that inhancing of Goldor Silver in France will draw our Monies into France as is before said But there is a more secret way which hath bin practised by Merchants and Bankers and long continued a biting or Canker-eating Usury upon us namely the Merchandizing-Exchange which at the first was devised for good use and moderate gain to the lender and ready disparch to their affaires and for the avoiding of hazard importage of Monie as aforesaid which being abused is turned into inestimable losse and damage to this Common-wealth with whom it is not understood in generall by the Merchants that use it as here they doe not but take it upon trust from the Bankers Whereas amongst the Dutch it is so commonly known that some women do know it and I my selfe do know one now an English Lady that is skilful in the businesse of Merchant-Exchange and the Dutch are so wise that they will have banks amongst themselves and no forrain banks do fit down their because they see that the gain of foraine bankes returns not profit to the Dutch but to themselves I could wish that this were resented by us Likewise the gain that was gotten by forraign Bankers was certified by 25 Selected Commissioners in King Iames his time to be an immense losse to this Nation mistake me not I pray I do not speak against Exchange but against the carrying of our Monies out of our Land by the Exchange unequally carried by strangers who are the rulers of it My desire is that every Prince or Common-wealth might have the sole use of their own Monies within their Dominions and for that cause with other forerecited causes was the Merchant Exchange devised in old time returning value for value with usance according to reason for forbearance and so might our Exchange of England grounded upon the same reason be continued and the Law of the land commands the same The true valuation of Monie makes the price of exchange for every place wheresoever we have to doe and the want of knowing and putting into use this Mysterie of comparing of our coines with the coines of
Seas without government both Sea and Sea-ports would become Receptacles of Thieves Sea-robbers and Pyrats which would destroy Sea-traffick if they be not mastered and destroyed which cannot be without government Which being granted as a thing necessary to be at Seas as at Land not one over all Seas for that is too vast a government to be under the rule of one if it could be without injury or wrong to others Who then should Even those to whom the government most properly belongeth And who are those Even those Principalities or Common-wealths who have the best Sea-harbors by site of nature and near those Seas are fittest for the government of those Seas adjacent and withall the eldest prescrition of the possession of the government of those Seas Of which both Harbors and possession of Government of the Seas Great Britany hath had the tuition and government unless it were in the times when the Inlands of Great Britany were in Civil wars and so the government of the Seas became neglected And to manifest this begin we with 1. Our several Conflicts with and Victory over the Dutch 2. The times of Queen Elizabeth whose actions are fresh in memory and her famous Conflict with the Spanish Navy by Gods special favour obtained and never to be forgotten 3. The famous Navies and Victories of Edward the Third whereof the best and brief memory is his golden Coin yet to be seen called the Rose-Noble or Spur Royal by his Image pictured thereon as the Stears-man of the ship and Governor of the British seas Whose title of the British seas descended to him from Richard the First who in his way to the Holy wars so called then ordained new Laws and confirmed the old in the Isle of Oloron ever since called the Laws of Oloron well known to Sea-men He held the prescription of the soveraignty of the Seas from Henry the first And had the Seas been guarded in the times of Harold the Usurper which was neglected in the times of Edward the Confessor William the first had not so easily entred England So King Edgar had the soveraignty of the Seas when he had eight Under-kings or Vice-roys to row the Barge and he himself the Stears-man and so entred Westchester Whoever had the mastery of the Scas Saxon or Dane gained the Land Even so it was in Julius Caesar's time at his entry testifying the excellencie of the British ships which he after imitated in his future wars leaving also a Memorial of the British government of the Seas and Sea-ports The Britains were masters of the Seas and sole Merchants the Gauls being ignorant of the Inland of Britany and so kept by the Britains from the knowledge of Britany the Britains being masters of the seas What Nation can say so much as Great Britany And therefore it behoveth us to regard our Seas and Sea Ports and whom we plant in them lest neglecting them we become a prey and booty unto Strangers Your Suppliant as a weak Remembrancer having according to my poor skill and ability passed over the Cinque-ports of the Profits of our Land I hope my boldness herein may be excused proceeding from the ardent desire I bear to the welfare of our Country and Commonwealth Etiam in magnis voluisse sat est FINIS ERRATA Pag. 5. l. 21. for then read this p. 15. l. 9. for manufactritures r. manufactures p. 28. l. 13. for ten r. twenty years p. 28. l. 28. for a light r. or light p. 29. l. 33. for Watchman r. Watchmen