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A23591 Here begynnys a schort [and] breue tabull on thes cronicles ...; Saint Albans chronicle. 1485 (1485) STC 9995; ESTC S106502 430,579 577

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paralo Ioathas son of iehen regnit in israel .xvij. yere in whos days helise the ꝓphet d●●d and he began to regne the .xx. yere of ioas vide plura 4º regū Ioam son of Ioathas regnit ī israel xvij yere he trobuld ●zia plura vide 4. regū 13. ¶ Off kyng Leir son to bladud ̄ of the ansuer of his yongest doughter that graciousli was maried to the Kyng of fraunce AFter Kyng Bladud regned Leir his soon and this Leir made the toune of leycestre let call the toune after his name he gouernit the 〈◊〉 wele ̄ nobulli This king Leir had iij. doughteris the first ●d Gonorill the secunde Rigan ̄ the therde C●●d●●ll and 〈◊〉 yongest doughter was fairest and best of ꝯdicions The kyng hir fader became an old man ̄ wold that his doughteres were maried er that he died but first he thoght to assay wich of hem loued hym most ̄ best for she that loued him best shold best be maried he axed of the fyrst doughter how well she hym loued and she aunsuerd ̄ saied better then hir own lyffe Now certes quod hir fadre that is a gret loue Then axed he of the secūd doughter how moch she hym loued and she saied more and passing all the creaturs in the world ꝑ ma foy quod hir fader I ma no more axe and tho axed he of the thrid doughter how mych she hym loued certes fader quod she my sustres haue told you glosyng wordes but for so the I shall tell you trouth For I loue you os I aught to loue my fader and for to bring you more in certayn how I loue you I shall you tell as moche as ye bene worth so moch shall ye be loued ¶ The kyng hir fader went that she had skorned hym and become wonder wroth and suore by heuen ̄ erth she shold neuer haue good of hym bot his doughtres that loued hym so moch shold be well auaunced and maried And the fyrst doughter he maried to Maugles kyng of scotland and the second he marid to hanemos Erle of Cornewaell and so they ordined and spak bitwene them that they shold depart the Reame bitwene them two after the deth of kyng Leir ther fader so that Cordeill his yongeste doughter shold nothyng haue of his lond but this Cordeill wos wonder fair and of good condicions and maners that thee kyng off fraunce Agampe herd of hir speke and sent to the kyng Leir hir father for to haue hir vn to his wyfe and prayed hym therof and kyng Leir hir fader sent hym word that he had departed his land and yeffen it all vn to his two doughtres be for saied and he saied he had no more land wher wyth hir to mary ¶ And whā Agampe the kyng of fraunce herd this aunsuar he sent anone a yene to Leir and sayed that he axed no thyng withhir bot only hir clothyng and hir body And anone kyng leir sent hir ouer the see to the kīg of fraūce And he ressaued hir with moche worship and with solempnite he hir spoused made hir quene of fraunce ¶ How kyng Leir wos driuen out of his land thurgh his folke ̄ how Cordeill his yongest doughter helped him ī his nede THus it befell afterward that tho .ij. eldest daughtres wold not a bide tyll leir ther fader wos deid but wered vpon hym whilles that he wos on liue and did hym moch sorow ̄ sham wherfor they benōme hym holi the ream and bi twene them had or deyned that one of them shold haue kyng Leir to seiourne al his liue tyme with xl knyghtes and squyers that he myght wurship fulli go and ride whedder that he wold ī to what contre that hym liked to play and to solace ¶ So that Manacles kyng of scotland had kyng Leir with hym in the maner os is a boune saied and or other half yere wer passed Corneil that wos his eldest doughter and quene of Scotland was so a noyed of hym and of his pepull that anone she and hir lord speke to gedre wherfor his knyghtis half and his squers from hym wer gone and nomo left with him bot only xxx ¶ And when this wos done Leir bi gon for to make moch sorow for encheson that his estate wos empeired ̄ men had of hym more scorne and despiet then euer they had before wherfor he not wist for to done and at the last thoght that he wold weind in to Cornwaill to Rigan his other doughter And when he was come the Erle and his wife that wos Leirs doughter hym welcomed and with hym made moch Ioye and the er he dwelled with xxx knyghtis squyers And he had not duelled ther scarsly xij month that his doughter of hym was weri and his companye and hir lord and she of hym had gret scorne and despitte so thatt from xxx knyghtes they brought vn to .x. and afterward had he but .v. and so they left hym nomo ¶ Than made he sorow ynouh and saied sore wepyng Allas that euer he come in to that land and saied yit had me better to haue duelled with my fyrst doughter And anone he went thens to his fyrst doughter a g●ne bot anōe as she saw him come she suore by god and bi his holi name and by as moch as she myght that he shold haue nomo with hym but one knyght yf he wold ther a bied Then begon Leir ayene to wepe and made moch sorow ̄ said tho alas now to long haue I leued that this sorow and myschefe is to me now fallen for now am I pooer that sū tyme wos rich bot now haue I no frend ne kyn that me wyll do ony good ¶ But whē I was riche all mē me honoured and worshipped now euery mā hath of me scorne ̄ d●spite and now I wot well that Cordeill my yongest doughter saied me trought when she said as moch as i had so mych shuld i beloueid and all the while that i had good so long wos i loued and honoured for my riches but my two doughtres glosed me tho now of me thei set litell pris and soth told me Cordeill bot i wold nat beleue it ne vndiyrstond and therfor i let hir go fro me as a thyng that i set litell pris of and now wote i neuer what for to done sith my ij doughtre haue me thus dissaiued that i so moch loued and now most i nedes seche hir that is in an other land that lyghly i let hir gone fro me with out any reward or yeftes and she said that she loued me as mich os she aght to loue hir fader by all maner of reson and tho i shold haue axed hir nomore and tho that me other wise behightyn thurgh tber fals speche now haue me desauid in this maner Leir long tyme began to make his mone and at
fle fled ̄ for soke ther landes ̄ houses as well for the gret hunger derth ̄ scarcite of corne ̄ other vitall as for the horibull mortalite ̄ pestilence ī the land went ī to other landis for to saue ther lyues left the land all desert and wast so that ther wos not any man to trauell and till the land ne eir ne sow the land· so that the lond wos bareyne of cornes al̄ other fruytes for defaute of tillers And this missouētur dured .xi. yere ̄ more that no man myght e●● ne sowe ¶ How Cadwaldre went out of this land ī to lytel̄ britan CAdwaldre saw gret hunger mortalite and pestilence and the land all poer and failyng cornes and other vitales and his folke perysshid and saw also the most pert● of his land all wasted and voed of pepull He apparailled him and his folke that wer left on lyue and passed ouer in to lytell Breton with a lytell nauye vn to kyng Aleyn that he moch loued that wos his cosin and that his fadre had moch loued in his tyme ¶ And as they saled in the see he made gret lametacion and so did all tho that wer with him and sayed ¶ Dedisti nos domine tanquam oues escarum et in gentibus dispersisti nos ANd than began Cadwaldre to complayn hym to his folk pytuusly and said ¶ Alas said he to vs wrecches and Caytyfes is sorow for owr grett synnys of the wych we wold not amende vs while we had space now repentaunce is comt vpon vs thoro myssauentur wich chaceth vs out of our own reame and propre soyle fro ̄ out of the wich some tyme Romans Scottis Saxōs ne Danys might not exile vs ¶ Bot what a vailleth it now to vs that before tyme of tsythes haue gotē mony other landes sith it is not the will of god that we abide duell in our own land God that is veray Iuge that all thinges knaweth befor they be done or made he seith that we wold not ●esse of our synnys and that our enmys myght not vs ne our linage exile fro out of the reame he wold that we amēded vs of our folies and that we sene our proper defaultes And ther for hath shewed to vs wrath and wyll chastise vs of our mysdedys Sith that he doth vs without batalll or strength of our enmys bi gret companyes wricchedly to leue our own reame and ꝓper land ¶ Turne ayene ye Romans turne ayene ye Scottis turne ayene ye Saxons turne ayene ye Fraunsois now sh̄eweth to you Bretan all desert the wich your pouer myght neuer make desert ne yet your pouer hath not put vs now in exile but only the pouer of the kīg almyghty whom we haue oft offendid by our folies the wich we wold not leuen vn till he chastised vs by his diuine pouer Among the wordes ̄ lametacion that the kyng Cadewaldre made to his folke they ariued in litell Briton and come to kyng Alyne beforsayed ¶ And the kȳg resaued him with Ioye and made him to be serued wonder nobully and ther he duelled long tyme after ¶ The englissh pepull that wer lefte on lyue and wer ascaped the gret hunger and mortalite lyued in the best wise that they myght and moch pepull sprong and come of them ¶ And they sent in to Saxonie wher they wer borne to therfrendes for men women and chyldren to restore the cites with pepull and the townes that wer all voyed of pepull and for to labour trauell and tyll the erth ¶ When the saxons had herd this tydyng they come in to this land wondirthykke in gret companyes and he●berd them self in the cuntre all a boute wher that they wold for they found no man them to lett ne wyth stond ¶ And so they waxen multiplied gretli and vsed the customes of the cuntre wher of they wer comen and the lawys and the langage of ther own land ¶ And they changed the names of citeis tounes castelles and burghis and yaf them names and called them os they now be called ¶ And they held the Countees the Baronages lordshippis and trees in maner as thee Brotons be fore tyme had compassed them And among other gret ꝯpanies that com from Germayn in to this land come the noble quene that was called Sexburga with men and women without nombre and ariued in the cuntre of Northhumberlond and toke the lond from Albiō vn to Cornwaill for hir and for hir folke For ther was none that myght them let· for all wos desilat wid of pepull but it wer a few pouer Bretonis that wer laft on mountans and wedes vn till that tyme ¶ And fro that tyme forth lost the bretons this reame for all ther days and the Englissh pepull begone to regne and deꝑted the land bitwen them and they made mony kynges about bi diuerse partes of the land os heir bene deuised the first of westsex the secund Merchenrich thee thrid Estangle the fourth kent the fifth southsex ¶ All thos regned in this land after Cadwaldre wos passed out of this land ̄ duellid in litell breton with kyng Aliyn his cosin and trewe frend ¶ And when he had long dulled ther and had knawynge that the mortalite and pestilence wos ouer passed and that the lond wos replenysshed of alyen pepull he thought to turne ayen in to his lond and prayed kyng Alyen his cosin of socour and helpee that he myght be rastored ayen to his own proper reame and fyrst dyngnyte and kyng Aleyne graunted him his askyng ¶ Then did he apparrell him to take his way and viage in to this land and prayed god almyghty deuoutly that he wold make to him demonstracion yef his prayer in to this land wer to hym plesaunt or none ¶ For ayenes the will of god almyghti he wolde no thing done Whan he had thus deuoutly made his prayer a wis fro heuen to him sayed and bad him leue that Iornay a way in to Englond and that he shuld go to the pope of Rome For it was not the will of almyghty god that bretons regne more in breton ne neuer recouer the land vn to the tyme that thee prophecie that Merlin saied before be fulfilled and that shold neuer bene vn to the tyme wer cummyn that the reliques of his body shall be brought fro Rome and translait in to breton And whan the reliques of other sentis that haue bene hid for the ꝑsecucion of the paynyme folke shall be funden and openli shewed than shall they recouer ther land ayene the wich they haue so long tyme lost thurgh ther desertes ¶ When Cadwaldre had herd this ansuere he meruailled gretli and told it to kyng Aleyne ¶ Than kyng Aleyne did send for the clarge of his lande and made thē to bringe the stories and prophecies that Merlyn and Sibill had sayed in ther prophecies ¶ And when
Willamꝰ Cōq̄stor Here come Normans and expulsed Harold a saxon ANd when this batall was done harold bicome so proude and wold nothing ꝑt with his pepull of thyng that he had gotē bot helde it all to ward him self wherfor the most part of his peple weer wroth and frō hī deꝑted so that only with hī left no mo bot his soudiuors ¶ And vpon a day as he sat at mete a messenger com to hym and sayed that wylllyam basttard thee Duke of Normandie was ariued in englond with a gret host and had takē al the land about hastynge and also myned the castell ¶ When the kyng had herd this tydynge he went thider with a litell pepull in all the hast that he might for ther wos but lytell pepull with hī left ¶ And when he wos comen thider he ordryned for to yef bathill to the duke willm But the duke axed him of thes iij. thinges if that he wold haue his doughter to wyfe as he had made and suorne his hoth ̄ behight or that he wold hold the lōd of hī ī truage or that he wold determyn this thyng thurgh bataill ¶ This harold was a proud man and a strong and tristed wonder moch vpon his strength and faught with the duke willm and with his pepull bot harold and his men in this bataill wer discomfited and him self ther was slayn and this bataill was endid at tōbrigge in the secund yere of his regne vpon sent Kalixtes day and so he wos beried at waltham ¶ Of kyng william bastard how he gouerned him well wyseli and of the were betwen him ̄ the kyng of fraunce WHen willm bastard duke of normandie had conquered all the land vpon cristynmasse day tho next sueng he let croune him kyng at westmynster and wos a worthy kyng and yaf vn to Englisshmen largeli landis and to his knyghttys ¶ And afterward he went him ouer the see and comen in to Normadie ̄ ther duelled a while and in the secund yere of his regne he come ayen in to englond and brought with him Maude his wyfe and let croune hir quene of englond on withsonday ¶ And tho anone after the kyng of scotland that wos called Mācolyn began to striue were with the duke willm ¶ And he ordeyned him toward scotland with his men bothe by land and bi see for to distruy the kyng Mancolin but they wer acordid the kyng of scotland become his man and held all his land of him And kyng willm ressaued of him his homage and come ayene in to englond ¶ And when kyng willm had bene kyng xvij yere Maude the quene died on whom kīg willm had begoten many fair child that is for to say Robert curthose william rous Richa●d also that died Henri beauclerc and Maude also that wos the erles wife of Bleynes other iiij fair doughters ¶ And after his wifes deth gret debate began betwix hīm ̄ the kyng of fraunce Philip but at the laast they weer accorded And tho duelled the kyng of englond in Normandie and no man him wered he no man long tyme. ¶ And the kyng of fraunce sayd vpō a day in scorne of kyng willm that kyng willm had long tyme lyen in child bede and long tyme had restid him ther. ¶ And this word come to the kīg of englond ther that he did lye in Normandie at Roen And for this word was tho ill apayed eke wonder wroth toward the kyng of fraūce suore by god that when he wer arise of his gisin he wold lyght a thousand candels to the kīg of france ¶ And anone let assēble a gret host of Normādie and of englissmen And in the begīyng of heruest he come ī to fraunce· brened all the tounes tha the come by thurgh all thee cuntre and robbid did all the sorow that he myght thurgh owt al fraunce ̄ at the last he brenid the cite of Mandos and commandid his pepull for to bere wod as moch as he might bren himself holpe ther to all that he might with a good will ¶ And ther was gret hete what of fiere that wos so gret of the sone that it wos wonder hoot that it stuffid him so that he become fell in to a gret disese and sekenes ¶ And whan he saw that he wos so strong seke he ordined and assigned all normandi to Robert curthos his sone And all englond to willm the Rousse and bi quathe to Henri beauclerc all his tresur And tho he thus had done he vnderfenge all the sacramētis of holy churche ̄ died the xxij yere of his regne lieth at Caan in Normandie Anno domini M.lxvi. GRegorius the vij wos pope after Alexander xij yere This man ordend ī a generall sinodi that no prest shold haue a wife ne shuld duell with women bot tho that the holy sinodi of Nicena or other decreis haue suffred and then the prestis set noght or litel pondrid his ordinans this pope commanded that no mā sh̄uld heir masse of a prest that had a cōcubine And he on a certan tyme whan he was cardinall and legate in to fraunce ꝓcedid sharply ayens prelatis and prestis that wersymonyes And amōg other ther wos on bisshop that wos gretly famyd with symonye and thos that accusid him priueli he hired them to say the cōtrari The wich the legate consaued and afore all the pepull he sayd let this iugement of this man sese at this tyme. for it is dissauabull And let god dispose for it and sayd thus it is certan that the dingnite of a bisshop is the yefer of the holy gost and who sū euer byes a bishopprik doys ayens the holi gost Then if thow bisshop did not ayens the holy gst Say opynli afore all pepull gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto And mony tymes he began to say it bot he could neuer speke spiritur sancto ¶ Then he wos deposit of his bisshopprik and after he could speke it well ynough Victor the thrid wos pope after him on yere And this mā was poysenned with vennū in the chalas Vrbanus was pope after him ij yere This man cursed the kyng of fraunce for his avoutre and he called a counsell at Clarum in the wich he ordined that matyns of our ladi sh̄uld be said euery day ̄ on settyrday hir solempne mase it is sayed that this was sheued vn to the freris of Cartusis Also he called an other counsell at Turam for the holi land to be won ayene ̄ ꝓuokid the pepull to that mater with ī a litell after that tyme. the most parti of the holy land wos recouerid the glorius sepulcur of our lord ihū crist and an thyochia with mony othyr nobull cites wer takyn from the handis of the sarisēs And it is sayed men beleued that ijCM cristyn men went to that iornay
mony of ther kynghtes and of other frendes that euermore were and contake shold be amonges vs brut tho and all his folke consented well to that counsell and this thyngꝭ they tolden to kyng Pādras and hee for to haue his lyfe graunted as moch as they axid and a none yaf vn to brute gennogen his douter to wyfe an hūdreth shippes with os myche os them neded of all vitalles os befor wos ordenyd brute tho toke his wife and all is men that for soke the lond of grece and went them vn to the see and had wynd and wedre at ther wyll and com the thrid day in to an I le that wos called Lorgres this brute anone sent of his mē a lond for to aspye the maner of the contre they found a nold Cite al wasted ̄ forlet that nas therynne nether mā ne woman ne no thyng duelling ī the mydell of this cite they founden an old tempull of an feier lady that wos called Diane the goddesse ̄ they comē ayene vn to Brut told hym what they had seyn and found they cōselled hym gone doo sacrifice vn to dame Dian for she was woned to yef ansuer of what thyng that euer men prayed hir ̄ namli vn to them that hir honoured with sacrifice Brut wēt to that ymage ̄ sayd Diane noble goddest lady that all thyng hast in myght ̄ ī thy pouer wyndes waters wodes feldes ̄ al thyng of the world ̄ all maner of bestes that ther ī ben to you I make my prayer that ye me cōcell ̄ tell wher ī what place I shall haue a counabull duellyng for me ̄ for my pepull ther I shall make ī honor of you a welfaier tempyll a nobull wher ī ye shall euermore be honoured when he had done his praer Diane ansuerd ī this maner Brute ꝙ she go euē forth thy wey ouer the see ī to fraunce toward the west ̄ ther ye shall find an Ile that is called Albion that Ile is bicompassed all with the see no mā may cū therī bot it bene by shippes ī that lond wer wōed to be geantes bot now it is not so bot all wyldernes and that lond is destenyed ̄ ordant for yow and for your pepull ¶ How Coryn becōe brutes mā ̄ how kīg goffar wos discōfid WHen Brute hade this ansuere of diane the goddesse anōe he let the ancres wynd vp sayled ī to the high see ̄ whē he ̄ his men had sailed xx dayes and mo they fond fast beside a cost of the see a thousand mē of the lynage and kynred of Troy and ther souerayne ̄ ther master of all was called Corin. and whan Brute wist whennes they weer he tho toke them with moch Ioye ī to his shippis ̄ led them forth with hym this Corin ther becōe brutes mā to hym dyd homage ̄ so long they sailled forth ī that se till they comē ī to Gascoyne and anōe they arriued ī the hauen of liegers and ther they duellid viij dayes them for to rest ̄ ther sayles to amende ther that it wos nede tydyngꝭ sone come to kīg Goffar that was lord of the lond how that moch pepill of strange lond were arreuid in to his lond in the hauen of liegers wherfor hee was sore angreyd and anoyde that they come and arriued in his lond with out his lysens and his leue And anone he ordeyned hym a gret pouer for to dryue out Brute and to shend him and all his pepull bout it was so that kyng Goffar wos discomfited and all his pepull and hym self flede in to Fraunce ther to seke helpe and socour ¶ And in that tyme regned in fraunce xij kynges and a xi of them assemaled a gret pouer for to help Goffar and for to fight ayenes Brute this Goffar duelle with them of fraunce halfe a yere and more And in the mene tyme when goffar was in fraunce Brute and hys companye destruyed all the lond of Gascoyne and let take all tresour that kyng goffar had and ther let bryng it all in to his shippes And this Brute founden in that lond a fair place and couenabull theyr brute made a faire Castell and a strong ¶ When that this wos done kyng Goffar come fro fraunce and xi kynges with hym and brought with them .xx M. men for to fyght with Brute his compani and brute had but vijM. and iijC. men neuerthelees when the ij hostes mett to gedre brutes folke thorgh help of hym selfe and of Turyn his cosyn ̄ of Corin that well and manly hym defended and fought so tell that lytell tym they had kylled of the fraunshemen ijM. and mo anon all tho that were alyue fled a way ¶ And in this batell Turin brutes cosyn was slayn and brute let enteer hym worthely whan he had space ̄ leyser in the Castell that he had made and tho let call that same castell Tours for be cause of the name of Turin that ther wos entyred and yet in to this day ther is a nobull Cite that is c●lled Tours And when kyng goffar wist that Turin wos deyd he cō ayene with his men and after yaf a strong batell vn to brute bot brute and hys men were so wery for fighttyng that they myght no longer endure bot to meegre hym and all his and than Brute went ī to his castell with all his men ̄ made the yates fast for to saue them and for to take consell amonges them what were for to do Brute and Corin yaf counsell and ordeyned that corin priualy shold goo oute and bussh hym in a wod til the morne So that in the mornyng whan brute shold fight with his enymys Corin shold cum with his folke in one side and sla and do all the harme that he myght And in amornyng in the dauyng of the day Brute went out of the castell ̄ faught with his enmys and they fersly defendid bot with ī a litell tyme brute and his folke slew viijC. of gofears men and then come Corin with the busshement and smot to ground he his compani all that wold stond or a byed so that that kyng goffar and his comp●nye war descomfited and fast they gun to fle And Brute and Corin with ther companye fersly them persoed and kylled moo of them in the fleyng than they did in batell ¶ And in this maner Brut had the victorie and nertheles brute made moch sorow for his cosyn Turin that ther wos slayn and other also that he had lost of his men that is to say vijC. and xv the wich nobulli he let entier in the some castell of Tours ther wher that he had entyred Turin his cosyn ¶ How Brute arriued at Totnesse in the I le of Albion and of the batell that wos by tuix Corin and Gogmagog WHen all
this wos done Brute wold no longer ther duell for to fight nor for to lese no mo of his pepull For kyng Goffarus pepull mygth euery day encresse mo and mo And bruttes lassenned and therfor he toke all his men and went vn to the see had wynd and weder at ther will And the fyfte day afterwaard they arriued in an hauen at Totnesse and comen in to the I le of Albion and ther nether man nor woman as the stori tels the fond but Geautes and thei woned in hillis in caues ̄ Brut saw the lond wos fayr and at his likyng and wos good also for him and for all his pepull as Diane the goddesse had hym behight And ther wos brute wonder glad and late assemble vpon a day all his folke to make a solempnie sacrifice and a gret fest in honour reuerens of Diane the goddesse of the wich he had counsell first for to cū in to this lond And whan that they had thar solempnite done as they vpon a day sat at ther mete ther come in vppon them sodanly xxx geantes and kylled of brutes men xxx Brute and his men anone sturten vp and fought with the geantes and kylled them euerychone bot one that was called Gogmagog and he was master of all the geantes and he wos stronger and heyr than ony of the other And brute keped hym for encheson that he shold wrestyll with Corin that was brutes mā for he wos gretter and hyer than ony of Brutes men from thee gredyl sted vpward ¶ Gogmagog and Corin vndir toke ther for to wrestyll and so to gedre they went and wrestilled a long tyme but at the last gogmagog held Corin so fast that he brake ij ribbbes of his side wherfor Corin wos sore angri and ther he toke gogmagog betwix his armes and kest hym doune vpon a roche so that gogmagog brak all to peces ̄ so he died an euell deth and therfor the place is called yit vn to this day the faut of gogmagog And then after brute yaf all that cuntre vn to Corin ther corin called it after his name Cornwalle and his men be called Cornwailles and so shuld men of that contre be called for euermore And in that contre duelled corin and his mē and thee made tounes ̄ houses ̄ inhabited the lond by ther own wyll ¶ How Brute made London called this lond britane and scotland Albyne and Walis Cambir BRute and his mē wēt forth ̄ saw aboute in dyuerse places wher that they myght fynd a good place and couenabull that they myght make a Cite for hym for his folke Soo at the last they come by a fayr Riuer that is called temys ther Brute biganne a fair Cite and let calle it new Trey in mynd and remembrance of the gret Troy from the wich place all theer linage was comin ¶ And this brute let fell doune wodes and let erye and sawe landes and let maw doune medoys for sustenāce of him and also of his pepull and he departed the lond to them so that euerychon haad a parte and a certayn place for to duell in And then Brute let call all this lond Bretene after his owne name and his folke he let call bretons And this Brut had gotē on his wife Gennogen iij. sonnys that war worthy of dedes the fyrst wos called Lotrin the secund Albanac and the thred kambar And brute bore croune in the cite of new Troy .xx. yere after the tyme that the cite was made and ther he made the lawes that the bretons holden And this brut wos wonderly well belouyd emōg all men And brute sonnys also loued wonderly well to gedeer ¶ And whan brute had sought all the lond in length ̄ also ī breyd he found a land that Iuned to bretane that wos in the north and that land brute yaf to albanac his son and let call it Albanie after his name that now is called Scotland ¶ And brute fond an other contre toward the west and yaf that to Cambar his other son and let call it Camber after his name and now it is cald walys and whan brute had regned .xx. yere as be for is sayd then he died in the cite of new Troy ¶ How Lotrin that wos brute son entroed wyth moch honour and gouerned the lond well and worthely AFter Brute regned Lotrin his son that wos the secund kyng in bretane the wich be gane to regne the secund yere of Samuell and this lotrin wos croned kyng with moch solemnite of all the land of bretane and after whan he wos croned kīg Albanac and Cambar his .ij. brether went a gayn ī to ther own contre and ther they liued with mekyll honour and worshyp and Lotrin ther brother regned and was kyng and gouerned it well and wyseli for he wos a good man and wonderly well beloued of all his land And it be fell so that Albanac duelled in his owne lond with mekell hoonour and worshipe and then come kynge Humbar of Hunlond with a grett pouer and ariued in albine and wold haue conquered the land and by gone to were vpon kīg Albanac hym kylled in batell ¶ when albanac wos slayne the pepull of that land fled vn to Lotrin and tould hym for he wos kyng of bretan how that his brother wos slayn and prayed hym of his help and of his socour for to a venge hys brother deth ¶ Lotrin ther anone let assemble all the bretans of kent of douer in to derewent of Norfolk and Southfolke of keftefen and lyndessey and when they war all ensembled they sped them fast to ward ther enmys for to yef them batell and lotrin had sent to Camber his brother that he shuld come vn to hym with all thee pouer that he myght make hym for to help and so he did with a good wyll and so they come to gedres and toke ther way preualy for to go and seche Humbar wher they myght hym fynde ¶ And so it befell that this Humbar wos by side a water that wos a gret reuer with his folke hym for to disport ther come Lotrin and Cambir his brother with all ther folke sodanly or that ony of that other wist ¶ And whan Humber saw them cū he wos sore adrad For as moch as his men wist it not afore and also they were vn arayed And anone Humber for drede he lepyd ī to the water and drenched hym self and so he died and his men wer all slayn that none of them ascaped And thefor is that water called Humbar and euermore shall be for be cause that this kyng Humbar ther in was drenched And after that Lotrin went to his shippis and toke ther gold siluer and os moch as he fand vn to hym self and all that other pylfre he gaf vn to other folke of the host and they fond in one of the shippis a fair damysell that wos kyng
the last he shop him to the see and passed ouer in to fraunce and asked and aspied wher the Quene myght be fonde and men told hym wher she was And whan he come to the Cite that she was in preualy he sent his squyer vn to the quene to tell hyr that hir fadre wos comen to hir for gret neides ¶ And when the squyer come to the quene he told hir euery dele of hir sustres from the begynnyng vn to the end· Cordeill the quene anone toke gold and siluer plente and toke it to the squyer in counsell that he shold go and bere it vn to hir fadre and that he shold go in to a certan Cite and hym aray and wasshen and than cum ayene to hir ̄ bring with hym an honest companye of knyghtes xl at the leyst with ther menye and than he shold send to hir lord the kyng and sayne that he were comen for to speke with his doughter hym for to seen and so he did ¶ And whan the kyng and the quene he●d that thei com with mych honour they hym rossayued And the kīg of fraunce tho let send thurgh all his reame and cōmanded that all mē shold bene al 's entendent to kyng Leir the Quens fadre in all maner of thynges as it war vn to hym self when kīg leir had duelled ther a moneth and more he tolde to the kyng and to the quene his doughter how his two eldest doughtres had hym serued Agampe anone let ordeyne a gret host of fraunce men and sent in to bretan with Leir the quenes fader for to comquer his land ayene and his kyngdom And cordeill also come with hir fader in to bretane for to haue the reame after hir fadres deth And anone they went to ship and passed the see and come in to bretan and foughten with the felous and them scomfited and kylled ̄ tho had he his lond ayene and after leued iij. yere and held his ream in pees and afterward died ̄ Cordeill his doughter hym let ētyr with mekell honour at Lecestre Anno mūdi iiij M iij C xlix Et an̄ xpī natītatē viij C liij AMasias son to Ioam regned on the Iues xxix yere after the wich the kyngdō of Iues wos with out kyng xiij yere This man worship the goddis of Seyr vt pꝪ patet 2º para 2● Ieroboam son to Ioam rened on isreell xli yere y● with was manly and victorius for he ouer come the kyng sirie ̄ restorid israell damaske after the word of Iono the ꝓphet bot he wos not good ther foor sayeth Austyn yf good men regne thay ꝓphet mony mē ̄ yf ill men regne they hurt mony men Anno mūdi iiij M iij C lxxxviij Et an̄ xpī natītatē viij C xi OZias or Azarias son to Amasie regned on the Iure lij yere the wich leued well a for our lord Off hym is no ill thyng wretyn bot that he vsurpit the dyngnyte of prest hoid vnder Azari the wich he for bed hym for the wich cause our lord strok hym with a leper vt pꝪ patet ●o. para Ozee bisshop and ꝓphet was this tyme the fyrst of the xij is send a yanes the x. tribis Iohell the secund of the xij ꝓphesied of iuda Anias the iij. ꝓphised agās mani peple ¶ Abdias the iiij of the xij ꝓphesied agayns edom Iacharias son to Ieroboā regned ī israell vi monethis the wich be gan to regne the xxxviij yere of Osias and wos nought in his leuyng as his predicessurs war And zelluz kylled hym and regned a moneth And Manahen kyllid hym toke his kyngdom vt pꝪ patet 4º regū This manahen regned x. yere that wich be gon to regne the xxxix yere of Osias and he ruled him myscheuysly and our lord toke hym in the poer of the kyng of assuriorum ̄ he payed to hym M. talentis of siluer vt pꝪ patet 4 regū Phaseia son to manahen regned in israell ij yere And he bee gan to regne the .l. yere of Osias he wos noght ī his leuyng Phasee slew Phasaia regned xx yere And he be gan to regne the lij yer of Osias and did as other cursed men did plura vide 4º regū And after this israell wos with owttyn ony kyng viij yere ¶ How Morgan and Conedag that wos nevus to Cordeil werred wpon hir and put hir hir in to preson WHen that kyng Leir wos deid Cordeill his yongest doughter regned the x. yere of Osias kyng of Iuri And after hir ragned Conedage the xv yere of Osias And Cordeill that wos Leir yongest doughter after the deth of hir fader had all the lōd v. yere and in the meyn tyme died hir lord Agampe that was kyng of fraunce and after his deth she left wedo And ther come Morgan and Conedag that wer Cordeill sustre sonnys and to hir had enmite for as moch as ther aunt shold haue the land So that bitweyn them they ordeyned a gret pouer and vpon hir wered gretly and neuer they rest till they had hir taken ̄ put hir vn to deth and tho Morgan Conedag seysed ale the land ̄ deꝑtid it bitwene them And they held it xij yere ▪ and when tho xij yere were gone ther bi gane bitwene them a gret debate so that they wered strongly to gedre yfere euery of them did other moch disese for Morgan wold haue all the land fro beyond humbet that Conedage held but he come ayenst hym with a strong pouer so that Morgan durst not abide but fled awey in to wales and Conedage pursued hym ̄ toke hym and kylled hym And tho come conedage ayen and seysed all the lond in to his hand and held it ̄ regned after xxxiij yere tho he died ̄ lieth at new Troy ¶ And be cause the mater contennys most comediusly to geder of the kynges of bretan now called Enegland for the tyme of them is not certenly knawyn what tyme of the world thes kynges foloyng regned Therfor they shall be to geder tyll it be comen vn to Guentolen kyng of bretan now called Englond ¶ How Reignold that wos Cōadag son regned after his fader ̄ ī his tyme it reyned blode iij. dayes ī tokennyng of gret deth ANd after this Conedage regned Reignold his son that was a wise knyght and an hardy and curtes that well ̄ nobully gouerned the lond and wonder well made hym beleued of all maner of folke and in his tyme it rayned blode that lested iij. days as god wold and sone after ther come gret deth of pepull for hostes with out nombre of pepull foughten tyll that all myghty god therof toke mercy and pytty and tho gan it cese and this Reignold regned xxij yere ̄ died lieth at Yorke ¶ How Gorbodian regned in pees that wos reignold son after he died and lieth at yoik ANd after this
Reignold that wos Gonedag son rened Gorbodian that wos this Reignold son xv yere ̄ then he died lieth at yorke ¶ How gorbodian had ij sonnys how that one slew the other for to haue the heritage And how ydoyne ther modre killed thatt other wherfor the land was destruied WHen this Gorbodian was deid his .ij. sōnys that he had become stout proude euer wered to geder for the land ̄ the one was called Ferres ̄ other Porres And this ferres wold haue all the land but the other woldnat suffre him this ferres had a felons hert thought thurgh tresō to slee his brother but preualy he wēt ī to fraunce ther abode with the kīg Syward till vpō a tyme whan he come ayene ̄ fought with his brother ferres but ful euell it happed tho for he was slayn fyrst whē ydoyne ther moder wist that Porres was deid she made gret sorow for enchesō that shee loued hym more thē that other ̄ thought him for to kyll preualy ¶ And preuely she come to hir son vpō a nyght with ij knyues therwith cut his throt the bodi also ī to small peces who herd euer suche a cursed moder that kyllid with hir owne handes hir own son and long tyme after last the reproue ̄ shame to the moder that for enchesun of that one son she murdred the other ̄ so lost them bothe ¶ How .iiij. kynges courtasly held all Breten and what be ther names ye shall heyr after WHen the ij brethern war deid they nad left behynd them nother son ne doughter ne nōe other of the kynred that myght haue the heritage ̄ for as moch as the strangest mē driuē scomfited the feblest ̄ toke all ther londes so that in euery cōtre they had gret were ̄ strife vnder them but emong all other thynges ther were amōges them ī the contre that ouer come all tho other ̄ thurgh ther myght ̄ strenght they tuke all the londes ̄ euery of them tok a certayn cōtre ī his contre let call hī kyng ̄ con of thē was cald Scater ̄ he wos kīg of scotland that other wos called Dawaliere ̄ he was kīg of loegers ̄ of all the land that wos Lotrins thatt wos Brutes son The thrid was called Rudac and he was kyng of walis And the iiij was called Cloten ̄ was kīg of Cornewaill but this Cloten shold haue had all the land by reson for be cause thar wos no mā that wist nōe so right heir os he was butt they that were strongest set litell bi hem that wer of lesse estate and therfor this clotē had nomore lād amōg hem but cornwaill ¶ Of kyng Donebant that was Clotens son wone the lond THis Cloten had a son that was called Doneband that after the deth of his fadre by come an hardy man and a fair and a curteys so that he passed all the other kingꝭ of fairnes ̄ of worthenesse And a none as he was knyght he wist well that when his fader lyued he was most rightfull heir of all the lōd and shold haue had by reson but other kynges that were of moch more strength than he toke from hym his lond ¶ And afterward this Doneband ordeyned him gret pouer and conquered fyrst all the land of Logeris a and after he wold haue conquered all the land of scotland and wailles and Scat came with his mē and yaf him batell and Rudac come ayene with his walys men for to help hym but so it be fell that Rudac wos kylled also Scater ī playn bataill and so Doneband had the victorie and conquerid all the land and well maintined it in pees and in quiete that neuir befor it was so well mayntined ¶ How doneband was the frist kyng that euer bore croune of gold in bretan THys Doneband let make hym a croune of gold and wered the croune vpon his hede as neuer kīg did bifore and he ordyened a statut that and a man had done neuer so moch harme and myght comē in to the tempull ther shold no man hym mysdo but gone ther in safete and in pees and after goin to what lond or cūtre that hym plesed with owt ony harme ▪ and if ony man sett any hond vpon hym he than shold lese his life And this Doneband made the toun of Malmesberi and the toune also off the vise And when he had regned well worthely xl yere then he died and lyeth at new Troy ¶ How Bronne and Belin deꝑted bitweyn them the lond after the deth of Doneband ther fadre and of the were be twix them ANd after that this Doneband wos deid his sōnys that he had deꝑted the land bitweyn them as ther fader had ordeyned so that belyn his eldest son had all the land of bretan from humbar southward And his brotherbrenne had all the land from humber to Scotlād but for as moch that Belī had the better part Brenne therfor waxed wroth wold haue had more of the lond ̄ belyn his brother wold greunte hym nomore wherfor cōtake were a roso betweyn them two But brenne the yonger brother had no myght ne strenght a yens belyn ̄ therfor brenne thurgh cōsell of hys folke wēt fro thens ī to norwey to the kyng Olsinges prayd him of help socour for to cōquer all the lond vpō belin his brother vpon that connaund that he wold haue his doughter to wise ̄ the kyng Olsinges him grāted belyn anōe as his brother wos a go to norway he seysed ī to his hond all the land of northhūberlōd ̄ toke all the castelles ̄ let them be arayed and keped the costes of the see that brenne shold not arriue ī no sied but that he war take ¶ The kyng ol singes let assemble a gret host and deliueryd his doughter to brenne all the pepull that he had ordeyned ̄ this damisell Samye had long tyme loued a kyng that wos called Gutlaghen and to hym she told all hir counsel̄ how that Brenne shold hir haue hir lede with hym for euer more so he shold lese hir but that she myght for sake brenne And whan gutlagh had herd this tydīg he lay for to aspy brenne with as mony shippis as he myght haue so the two fletes metten to gedre and long tyme they faught so that Brenne turned ayene and wer discomfited And kyng gutlagh toke Samye and put hir in to his shyppe and brenne sham fulli fled thens as a man discomfitied ¶ And this kyng gutlagh wold haue went in to his owne contre but ther come vpon hī sych a gret tempest that ·v dayes lasted so that thurgh that tempast he wos driuen ī to breten with iij. shippis and no mo ̄ tho that keped the costes on the see toke Gutlagh and Samye
all his folke them presented to belyn ̄ belyn put them ī to preson ¶ How Belyn drofe out of this land kyng Gutlagh of Dēmarke and Samye HIt was not long after that brenne come ayene with a gret nauye sent to his brother belyn that he shold yeld ayene his land to his wife his folke his castels also or els he wold destru his land belyn drad no thyng h●s malas ̄ wold no thyng do after that he had said wherfor brenne come with his folke fought with belyn brenne was discōfited ̄ his folke slayn ̄ him selfe fled with xij mē ī to fraunce And this belyn that wos brennes brother wēt then to yorke and toke counsell what he myght do with kynd gutlagh for kyng gutlagh profered to be come his man and to hold his land of hym yeldyng bi yere a M. pound of siluer for euer more ̄ for sikernesse of this cōuenyant to be holden Gutlagh shold bring hym good hostages ̄ to him shold do homage all his folke And yit he shold swere vpon a boke that it shold neuer be broken ne saled ¶ Belyn tho bi counsell of his folke grāted hym his axyng And so gutlagh become his man and belyn vnder toke of him his homage by an oth ̄ bi writyng the same conuenantes and vpon thes couenants kyng Gutlagh toke samie and his folke ̄ went thens turned ayene to Denmarke euermor after were the couenants holden and the truage payed till the tyme that Honelus was kyng of Denmark and also of this land thurgh his wife Gildeburgh that he had spoused for sho wos the righ heir of this lond ¶ This belin duelled tho in pees and worshipfully hym held among his barons and he made iiij· riall weyes one from the Est in to the west and that was called watling stret and an other from the northe vn to the south and that wos called Ikelme strete and ij other weyes he made ī bossyng thurgh out the land that on is called fosse and that other fossedike and he maintened well the good lawes that Doneband his fadre had made and ordened in his tyme as befor is saied ¶ How a cordment wos made be twene Brenne and Belī thurgh Cornewen ther moder BRenne that was Belenꝰ brother had long tyme duellid in fraunce and ther had conquered a gret lordshyp thurgh mariage For he wos duke of Burgoyne thurgh the doughter of the duke Fewyn that he had spoused that wos right heir of thee lond and this Brenne ordeyned a gret pouer of his folke and also of fraunce and come in to this land for to fight with Belī his brother and belin come ayens hym with a gret poer of bretōs ̄ wold tho haue yeuen hym batell but ther mother Cornewyn that tho liued had herd that that on brother wold haue destruyed that othir and went bitwene hir sonnys and them made accorded with moch peyne ¶ So that at the last tho .ij. bretheren with mych blis went to gedre in to new Troy that now is called London ̄ ther they duelled a yere and after they toke ther counsell for to go ̄ conquer all fraunce ̄ so they did and brent tounes and destrued the land bothe in length in breyd the kyng of fraunce yaf them batell with his poer but he wos ouer comen yaf truage vn to Belin and to his brother ¶ And after that they wēt forth vn to Rome and conquered rome and all Lumbardy Germani and toke homage feaute of Erles Barons of al other and after they come in to this land of bretan and duelled with ther bretons in Ioye and rest and tho made Brenne the toune of bristowe and sith he went ouer to his own lordshipp and ther dueld he all his life and belin duelled atnew Troy ̄ ther he made a fair gate that is called belynges gate after his own name and whē this belyn had regned nobuly xi yere he deid lieth at new Troy ¶ How kyng Cormbatrus kylled the kyng of denmarke for encheson that be wold not pay hym his truage ANd after this Belyn regned his son Cormbatrus a good mā a worthy the kyng of Danmark wold not pay vn to him his truage that is to saye a M. pound as he had sworne bi oth for to pay it also by writing recorde to Belin his fader wherfor he wos euell a payed ̄ wroth ̄ assemled a gret host of bretons ̄ wēt in to denmarke slew the kyng Gutlagh ̄ brought the land ī subiecciō all new toke of folke feautes ̄ homage and after wēt ayene ī to his lond ̄ os he come forth bi Orkeney he fōd xxx shippes full of mē ̄ womē be side the cost of the see ̄ the kyng axed what they war And an Erle that wos master of them all curtesly aunsuerd vn to the kyng said that they war exiled out of spayne ̄ so that they had trauelled half a yere ̄ more ī the see to wit yf they myght fynd any kyng ī ony land that of them wold haue pite or merci to yeue them any land ī ony contre wher ī they might duell ̄ haue rest ̄ becum his liege mē to hym wold do homage feaute whilles that he leued ̄ to his heiers after hī ̄ of him ̄ of his heirs holden that land And whē the kīg this hard he had pite off them ̄ yafe them an I le all wildernes ther that no man was duellyng saue only wyld beestes and the Erle thanked moch thee kīg ̄ becom his man did hym homage ̄ feaute ̄ toke all his folke went ī to the same yle and the Erle wos called irlamall ̄ therfor he let call the land Irland after his owne name This kīg Cormbatrus com ayene in to his land and regned xxv yere and after he deid and lyeth at new Troye Anno mūdi iiij M iiij C xl Et an̄ xp̄i natītatē vij C lvi IOathan son to Osias regned in the iure xvi yere Off this ioathan nothyng is wreten of bot that he toke not a way excelsa os other did vt pꝪ patet 2º para Amarias wos bysshoppe And Ysoyas the nobull prophet wos in his dayes Olympias with the grekes be gan the fyrst yere of ioathā after iosaph̄ꝰ after Beda Troy wos destrued yere afor the fyrst Olymphias be gan vnder E●alo a iuge of Athens in the wich Corebus gat the cheualri a monges all men Olimpꝰ is the name of an hill in Grecia the wich for his preciosnes is called the hyll of god And after Ierom on Olimpias cōtenes fulli iiij yeres in the wich iiij yeres iiij yerly pinces ar made thes Olimpiades ar places ordant to the worship of Iupater vndyr the hyll
assemled a gret host and agret pouer and went ouer vn to Rome and ther toke the cite and kylled all that ther wos in that wer of mysbeleue that he myght ther fynde And tho wos he made Emprour and was a good man and gouerned hym so well that all londes to hym wer attendaunt for to be vnder his gouernance ¶ And this duell ̄ tyrant Maxence that tyme wos in the land of Grece and herd this tydynge hee become wode and sodanly he died and so he endid his lyfe when Constātine went from this land vn to rome he toke with hym his moder Elyne for the moch wisdom that she coude and iij. other gret lordes that he most loued that on was called Hoell and an other was called Taberne and the thrid Morhin and toke all his lōd to kepe vn to the Erle of Cornwaill that was called Octauian ¶ And anone as this Octauian wist that his lord was duellyng at Rome he seised all the land in to his hand and ther with did all his will among hygh and law and they held hym for kīg whan this tydynges come to Constantine the Emprour he was wonder wroth toward the erle octauian and sent Taberne wyth xijM. men for to destruye the Erle for his falsenes and they ariued at portesmouth ¶ And when octauian wist that he assēled agret pouer of bretons and discōfited Taberne and taberne fled thens in to Scotland and ordened ther a gret pouer and com ayene in to this land an other tyme for to yef batell to Octauiā ¶ When octauian herd tell that he assemled a gret power and com ayen towardes Taberne as moch as he myght so that thos ij hostys metten to gedre vpō stanysmore and strongly smot to gedre and tho wos octauian discomfited and fled thens vn to Norway and Taberne seysed all the land ī to his hand tounes ̄ castelles as moch as they ther had And sith octauian come a yen fro norway with a gret pouer ̄ seised all the land ī his hand drofe out all the romans and wos tho made kyng and regned ¶ How Maximian that was the Emprours cosyn of Rome spoused Octauians doughter and wos made kyng of this land THis Octauian gouerned the land well and nobully but he had none heir saufe a doughter that was a yong chyld that he loued as moch as his lyfe and for as mych thatt he waxed seke and wos ī poynt of deth myght no longer regne he wold haue made one of his nepheus to haue ben kyng the wich was a nobull knyght and a strong man that wos called Conan meriedoke ̄ he shuld haue keped the kynges doghter ̄ haue maried hir whē tyme had bene but the lordes of the land wold not suffer it but yaf hir councell to be maried to sum hygh mā of gret honour and than might she haue all hir lust And the cōsell of thee Emprour Constantyne hir lord and at this counsell they accorded and chose tho Cador of cornwaill for to wende to the emꝑour for to do this message ̄ he toke the way ̄ went to rome tolde the emprour this tydyng well ̄ wysely ̄ the emꝑour sent in to this land with him his own cosyn that wos his vnkyll son a nobull knyght and a strong that wos called Maximian and he spoused Octauians doughter and wos crouned kyng of this land ¶ How Maximian that wos the emprours cosyn conquered the land of Amorican and yaf it to Conan meriedok THis kyng Maxmian becom so riall that he thoght to conquere the land of Amarican for the gret riches that he herd tell that wos in that land so that he ne left man that wos of worthines knyght squyer ne none othir man that he ne toke with him to gret damage to all the lond for he left at home behynde him no man to kepe the land bot toke them with hym fro this land xxx M knyghtes that wer doughty menys bodies and went ouer ī to the land of Amorican thor slew the kyng that was called Imball cōquered all the lond ¶ And whē he had so done he cald Conan ̄ said for as mich os kīg Octauian haue made yow kīg of bretō thurgh me ye werlett and distrobled that ye wer not kīg I yeue yow this land of amorican and yow ther of maketh the kynge ¶ And for as moch as ye ben a Breton I wyll that thys land haue the same name and no more be called Amorican but bi called litell bretan and the land fro whens we ben comen shall be called moch bretan ¶ And so shall men knaw that on bretan fro that other Conan meridok thanked him hendely and so wos he made kyng of lytell bretan ¶ And when all this was done Maximian went fro thens vn to Rome and was tho made Emprour after constantine and Conan meriedok duelled in lytell bretan with mych honour and ther let ordand ij M. plough men of the land for to erie the land to harow it and for to sowe it and ●effed hem richely after that they wer ¶ And for as miche os kyng Conan and none of his knyghtes ne none of his other pepull wold not take wyfes of the nacion of fraunce hee tho sent in to gret breten to the Erle of cornwaill that men cald Dionothe that he shuld che●e thurgh out all this land xiM. of madens that is to say viijM. for the mene pepull and iijM. for thee grettest lordes that shuld them spouse ¶ And whē Dionoth vnder stode this he made acōmandement thurgh out all the land of bretan and as mony os the nōbro come to he assemled to geder of maydens for ther wos no man that durst withstonde his commandmētes for as mich that all the land was take hym to warde and to kepe to done all thinge that him good liked ¶ And when thes maydens wer assemled he let them cum be fore iym att London and let ordan for them shippes hasteli ̄ os mich as thē neded to that vyage and toke his own doughter that wos called vrsula that wos the fayrest creature thot any man wyft and he wold haue sent hir to kyng Conan that shuld haue spoused hir ̄ made hir quene of the land but she had made preuali to god a vowe of chastyte that hir fadre not wyst ne no other man els that wos leuyng vpon ethr ¶ How vrsula and xi M. maydens that wer in hir company went toward litell bretan and all they wer martired at Coloyn THis vrsula chose vn to hir company xi M. maydens that of all other she wos ladie and mastresse and all they wēt in to shipp at on tyme in the water that is called thamse and cōmanded hir kyn and all hir frendis to almyghty god and sailed toward litele breton bot whē they wer comen in to the hygh see a strange tempaste arose
as it wos goddis will ¶ and vrsula with hir shippes and hir company wer driuen to Hundland thurgh tempast and ariued in the hauen of the cite of Colonie the kyng of the land that wos called Gowan was tho in the cite when he wist the tyding that so mony faier maydens wer ther arriued he toke Elga his brother and other of his houshold with hī wēt to the shippis to se that faire company and whan he saw thē so faire he and his companie wold haue ouerlayne them ̄ a take fro them ther maydenhod but vrsula that good mayd concelled prayed warned and taught them that wer hir felowes that the shuld defend them with all ther myght and rather suffre deth than suffren ther bodi to be diffoylled So that all tho maydens become so stedfast in god that they defended them thurgh his grace so that nōe of them had pouer to do them shame ¶ Wherfer the kīg Gawan wax sore anoyed that he for wroth slew them euerichō anōe right ̄ sower all tho maydens martred for the loue of god lieth at coloyn ¶ How kyng Gowan come for to destruy this land how a man of gret power thot wos called Gracian defended the land WHen all this wos done kyng Gowan that wos a Sarazen called his brother Elga and said to hym that he shuld go to conquere the land that all tho fair maydens wer in borne ¶ And he ordened tho a gret pouer of Pehites of denmarke of orkenay and of norway and they come in to this land and brenttounes ̄ slew folke ̄ cast a doune chirches and houses ̄ relegiō and robed the land in length ̄ breed ̄ put to deth all tho that wold not forsake the right beleue and cristyndom ¶ For as mich os ther wos no souerayn that moght them helpe For the kyng Maximian had taken with hym all the worthi men whē he wēt to conquere litell kretan And in the same tyme that ye here now tell was sent Albone martired thurgh the woed tyrant Dioclician in the same place wher is now an abbaye made of sent Albone whiles that he wos apaynem ¶ But he conuerted hī to god thurgh the predicaciō of a clarke a wise mā that was called ancibell that wos herbored a nyght in his house And this was after the Incarnacion of Ihū crist ijC.xxvi yere and mē shuld vnderstand that sent albone suffred his martirdō be fore that sent Edmūde wos martired and therfor is sent albone called the fyrst marter of Englond ¶ This Gowans brother ̄ his folk that wer sarazenes wēt thurgh out the land ̄ destrued all thīg that they found ̄ no thīg they spayred whē this tydyng come to rome how that kyng Gowan had begon for to stroye this land the Emꝑour and tho of rome sent a strong mā ̄ of gret pouer that wos called graciā with xxiiijM. men well fightīg for to cast out thos sarezenes of this lande and all they ariued at portes mothe ¶ Maximian myght not cū hym self for as moch os he wos chosen Emꝑour after the deth of Constantine that wos sent Elene son ¶ Whē this gracian wos ariued with his host he let a spi preueli wher the kyng gowan myght befounde and he vpō hym sodanli as they lain ther beddes descomfited hī ̄ slew them ī ther beddis euerichone that none of them ascaped safe gowan that fled with moch sorow in to his cōtre ¶ Sone after it befell that Maximian wos slayn at Rome thurgh treson And when Gracian wyst that tydyng he let croune hym kyng of this land ¶ How gracian made hym kyng whan Maximian was slaī and afterward the bretons kylled hym for his wikkednesse THis Gracian when he begone to regne he become so wikked and so sterne and so moch sorow did to the bretons that they slew hī emong them ¶ Tho kyng gowan had vnderstond that gracian was slayn and done to deth he assembled a gret pouer ̄ come ayene ī to this land if he had first done harme tho did he moch more for tho destrued he all this land the cristē pepull that wos ī moch bretan so that no mā wos so hardi for to nempne god ̄ he that so did anōe he was put to strange deth ¶ But the bisshop of lōdon that wos tho that was called gosselin scaped wēt thens to them of Rome to sech socour to help to destru the sarazenis that had destruyed this lond ¶ And the romās saied that they had be so oft annoyed for ther sendyng after folke ī to bretan all for to help the bretens they wold no more so do ¶ And so the bisshop gosseline wēt thēs with out ony socour or helpe And tho went he to the kīg of litell bretan that was called Aldroie ̄ this was the thrid kyng after gowan meriedok as be for is sayed ¶ The bisshop prayed this kyng Aldroie of helpe and socour And the kyng had pitte in his hert when he herd how the bisshop fled ̄ how that the cristyn men wer so slayn in gret Bretan thurgh the paynems and sarazenes he graunted hym Constantine his brother hym for to helpe with pouer of folke and them did araye hors armur and shyppes all thīg that them neded to that viage ¶ And when all thyng was redy he called the bisshope ̄ to hym sayed I take you heir to helpe ̄ socour Cōstantine my brother vpō this couenaut that if god yef hī grace the paynems ̄ the sarazenes to shend discomfited that than ye make hym kyng And the bisshop it grauntid with good will ¶ Constantine ̄ the bisshop toke lefe of the kīg Aldroye ̄ betoke him to god and toke ther men xijM. and went to ther shippes and sailed toward gret bretan and ariued at totnesse ¶ When the Bretans herd the tidynges that to them come socour they wer strongly holpen ̄ ordeyned them a huge nombre of pepull and come to them and vnderfenge hem with mekyll honour Gowan anone as he wyst of this thynges he asemled all the sarezenes and come ayenest them yaf them batal and Constantine slew hym with his own hondes and all tho other sarazenes wer discomfited and slayn that nōe of them asscaped but tho that were conuerted vn to god ¶ How Constantine that was the kynges brother of litell briton wos crouned kīg of myche breton for his worthenes ANone after the bataill they went to london and crouned ther constantine and made hym kyng of this land and the bysshoppe Goselin sette the croune on his heed and annoyntid hym os it befalleth for a kyng to bene and tho bigan cristyndom ayene ī this land and anōe this kyng constantine when he wos creuned anone after he spoused his wife thurgh counsell off the bretons and he begat iij. sonnys on hir ¶ The
in to an other contre wher that they mowe lyuen as ther auncestres did them be fore ¶ And therfor sir kyng yf ye haue ought to do with our company we be come in to your land ̄ wyth good wil you will serue and your land kepe help defend from your enmys yf that ye nedeth ¶ When vortiger herd this tydyng he sayed he wold gladly them withold vpon sich couenant if they myght dalyuer his land of his emnys he wold yef them resenable londes wher they shuld duell for euer more Engist thonked goodly ̄ in this maner he and his companye xiM. shold duell with the kyng vortiger and moch they did thurgh ther boldnes they deliuered the land clene of his emnys Tho prayed Engist the kyng of so mo●h land that he myght make to hym a cite ̄ for hys meny ¶ The kyng ansuerd it wos not to done with out conceill of his bretons ¶ Engist prayed hym eftsones of as moche place os he myght compas so with a thonge of a skyn wher vpon he myhht maake a maner for hym to duell on ¶ And the kyng hym granted frely ¶ Tho toke engist a bull skyn and cut it as smale as he myght all in to on thuong all a round and ther with compassed he os mych land as he had vpon a faire castell and when this castell was made he let call it Thwong castell For as mych as the place wos marked with a thwong ¶ Of Ronewen that was Engistes doughter and how the kyng vortiger spoused hir for hir bowte WHen this castell was made and full well arayed Engist preualy did send by letter in to the cuntre wher he come fro after an hondreth shippes fyllid with men that wos strong bold and also well fightyng in all batellis and that they shuld also bryng with them Ronewen his doughter that wos the fairest creature that a man myght se ¶ And when thos pepull wos comē that he had sent after he toke them in to the castell with moch Ioy And hym self vpon a dey went vn to the kyng and prayed hym ther worthely that he wold cum and see his new maner that he had made in the place that he had compassed with a thuong of the skyn ¶ The kyng anone graunted hym frely and with hym went thider ̄ wos well a payed with the castell ̄ with the fair werke to geders ther they eten and dronk with moch ioy ¶ And whan nyght come that the kyng vortiger shuld go ī to his chamare for to take ther his nyghtes rest Ronewen that wos Engist doughter come with a cup of gold ī hir hand and kneled be fore the kyng and saied to hym wassaill and the kyng wystnot what it wos to mene ne what he shuld ansuer for as moch as hym self ne none of his bretons coud no english speke ne vnder stond it but spekyn in the same longage that bretons done yit ¶ Neutheles a latimer told the kyng the full vnderstondyng therof wassale and that other shold ansuer drynk haill ¶ And that wos the fyrst tyme that wassaill and drink haill come vp in this land and from that tym vn to this tyme it is well vsed in this land ¶ The kyng vortiger saw the fairnes of Ronewen and his armes laid a bowt hir nec and iij. swetly kytsed hir and anone right he wos a namered vpan hir that he desired to haue hir to wif and asked of Engist hir fadre ¶ And Engist granted hym vpon this couenant that the kyng shold yef hym all the cūtre of kent that thhe er myght duele in his pepull ¶ The kyng him graunted preuely with a good wyll and anone after he spoused the damysell and that wos moch ꝯfusion to him self ¶ And therfore all the bretons become so wroth for be cause he spoused a womā of mysbeleue wherfor they went all from hī ̄ nothyng to him toke kepe ne help hym in thing that he had to done ¶ How vortimer that wos vortigers son was made kyng ̄ Engist wos driuen out and how vortimer wos slayn THis Engist went in to kent and seised all the land in to his hond for hym and for hys men and by come in a lityl whyle of so gret pouer and so moch pepull had that men wyst not in lytell tyme wich wer the kynges men and wych were Engist men wherfor all Bretons had of hym dred and sayed amongꝭ them bot yf that they ne toke other counsel be twen hē all the land shuld be betrayed thurgh Engist and his pepull vortiger the king had be goten on his fyrst wife iij. sonnys the fyrst wos called vortimer that secūd Catagren the thrid Passent ¶ The britons euerychon by on assēt chose vortimer to be ther lord souerayne counceller ī euery bataill crouned hī ̄ made hī kīg ̄ wold suffre vortiger no longer to regne for enchesō of the aliance bituix engist ̄ hī The britōs ordined a gret host to driue out engist his cōpanie of the land ̄ yaf hī iij. batallis that fyrst wos ī Kent ther he wos lord The secūd wos at Tetford ̄ the thrid ī a shire athis half Cooll ī a more ¶ And ī this botell them met Catagren ̄ horne Engistes brother so that ych of them slew other Bott for as moch os the cūtre wos yef lōg by for to horne thurgh vortiger tho he spoused his cosin ther he made a fair castell that is called horncastel after his own name ¶ And vortimer wos so annoyed for his bred deth catagrē that he wos deid ī sich a maner Wherfor anōe he let fell the castell to gronde ¶ And after that he ne left night ne day till he had driuē out engist all his pepull of the lād ̄ whē Engist wos driuē a way Ronewen his doughter made sorow y nowe quentely spek to them that wer next the kīg vortimer priueyst with hī so moch she yaf hī of yeftes that he wos enpoisened ̄ died at london the iiij yere of his regne and ther he lieth ¶ How the bretōs chose an other tyme vortiger to be ther kīg ̄ Engist come in to this land and they fouhten to gedre AFter vortimers deth the. Britons by hir commune assēt eft sones made vortiger hir kyng vpon this conuenient that he shold neuer after suffre Engist ne none of his eftsones to come ī to this land ¶ And whē all this wos done Ronewen the quene preuely sent by letter to Enegist that she had enpoisend vortimer ̄ that vortiger hir lord ayene bare the croune ̄ rened and that he shuld come in to this land well arraied with moche pepull for to a venge hī vpon the britons and to wynne this land ayein ¶ And whan Engist herd this tydynges he made gret Ioye and apparelled him hastely with xv thousand men that wer doughty in
¶ The bretons lad hym to the mount of Anbrian som tyme was an house of religion that tho wos destruyed thurgh paynyms ¶ Wher of a knyght that was called Anbry that some tyme wos found of the house and therfor the hyll wos called the mount of brian and after it wos called Ambresbury and shall so be for euermore ¶ How Aurilambros did redresse the lond of gret Bretan that was destrayed thurgh the Saxons HOw the kyng aurilambros let a mēd ̄ redresse the house of Amlesburi and ther in put monkes but now ther bennonnys a littell from the plaace that wos called Salisburi ther that the Saxons kylled the Bretans wher Engist and he shuld haue made a loue day ī wich tyme ther wer slayn a M.lxi. knyghtes thurgh treson of engist ¶ The kyng therof had gret pitte and th●ught to make ī mynd of them a monumēt of ston that myght endure to the wordes end and of this thing they toke ther counsell what ther of wos best for to done ¶ Tho spake to the kyng the bysshop of london that wos called Ternekyn that he shuld enquere after Marlyn for he coud best tell how this thīg myght best be made· and merlin after wos sought ̄ foūd ̄ come to the kyng ¶ And the kyng toold hī his will of the monumēt that he wold haue made ¶ Tho ansuerd Merlin to the kīg ̄ sayed ther bene gret stonys ī Irland ̄ long vpō the hill of kyan that mē called Geāts karoll ̄ if they wer ī this place as thei be ther. they wold endure for euer more ī remēbrance of thoo knyghtes that heir be entered ¶ Per ma●oy ꝙ the kīg as hard stones be ī my land as ī Irland ¶ Soth qd merlin ¶ But ī all your land ther be none soch For geantes set them for grete good of them self For at euery tyme that they wer woundet or ī ony maner hurt they wesshen the stones with hote water and than they wesshe them ther with and anoon they wer hole ¶ How the bretons wēt for to sech the gret stons ī Irland WHen thes bretons had herd of this thing they went swore emong them that they wold gonne seche tho stonnes toke with them vter the kynges brother to be ther cheftayn v M men and Merlin counselled them for to go vn to Irland and so they diden ¶ And when the kyng of Irland that wos cald Guillomer herd tell that strangers wer ariued ī his lond he assēbled a gret pouer ̄ fought ayens them but he his folke was discomfited ¶ The bretans went be for till they come to the moūt of Kylian and climed vp vn to the moūt ¶ But when they saw the stones the maner how they stood they had gret meruell and sayed bitwyn them self that no man shuld hem remeue for no strength ne engyne so huge they wer so long But merlin thurgh his craft he remeued them ̄ brought them ī to ther shippes ̄ come ayene in to this land And merlin set the stones ther that the kīg wold haue them and set them in the same maner that they stoden in Irland ¶ And when the kyng saugh that it was made he thanked Merlyn and richeli him rewarded at his own will and that place let call stonhenge for euer more ¶ How Passent that wos vortigers sone the kyng Guillomer come in to this land and how a tratour that was called Cappa enpuysened the kyng Aurilambros ANd men shall vnder stand stat Passent that was vortigers sone leued in the same tyme and come in to this land with a gret pouer and ariued in the north cuntre and wold ben a venged of his faders deth vortiger ¶ And strongly trusted vpon the componye that he had brought with hym out of the land of Germayne and had conquered all the north cuntre vn to yorke ¶ And when kyng Aurilambros herd this he assembled a gret pouer of Bretons and went for to fight with passent and he wos discomfited and all his pepull but passent ascapped thēs with sum of his men and fled thens in to Irland and come to kīg Guillomer and prayed hym of help and socour The kyng granted hym with good will and sayed that he wold help hym vpō that couenant that I my self must gone with you with all my pouer in to breton and I wold me a venge vpon the Bretons rather for they cum in to my land and token the stones with strength that is called Geantes karoll The kyng guillomer let ordē his shippes and went to the see with xv M. men and ariued in wales and be gon to rob and moch sorow did ¶ Hit befell so that kyng arilombros lay seke at wynchster and myght not helpe him self So that he sent in his name vter his brother with a pouer to helpe wales and thederward he went as moch os he myght The kyng of Irland and Passent had herd tell that Aurilambros was seke and to hym ther come a Sarizen that was called Coppa and sayed Sir duell ye her all in pees with your host ̄ I be hyght you thurgh my quentize that I shall sle the kyng aurilambros that is seke Then sayed Passent if ye doo so I shal yow richely auaunce This ttoraur Coppa put vpon him an abbyt of Relegion and let shaue hym a brod croune and come vn to the kynges court and sayed that he wold help the kyng of hys maladie· Tho sayed the tretour Coppa vn to the kyng Sir ben of good comforth for I shall yef you sich a medicin that ye shall swete anone right and lusten to slepe and haue good rest ̄ thee tratour yaf hym sich poysin to slep anone right and died in hys slepyng the trator sayed that he wold gone out in to the feld till he wer a waked and so scapped he a way for no man had to him suspeccion for be cause of his habbit that he wos in clothed and also for his brood shauynne croune but when the kynges men it wist that he wos deid they become wondir sori and fast sought the tratour But they myght not fynd hym for that Coppa turned ayene to the host fro whens that he come ¶ When Aurilambros was deid a sterre in the morne wos seī with a clere light and at the bught of the beme wos seyne the hed of an horribull dragon WHen the kyng Aurilambros wos thus deid ̄ enpoysened at wynchester on the morne after that he wos deid a bowt the tyme of prime ther was seyne a stere gret and clere and the beme of that sterne wos brighter then the son and at the bought of the beem a pered a dragōs heed ̄ out of his mouth come ij huge lightes that wer as bright as ony fier brennyng ¶ And that one beme toward france and stryght ouer the see thiderward ¶ And
his pepull or they wist wer that they wer ̄ them egrely asseilled ¶ The kīg cheldrik ̄ his meny defēdid them māly bi ther pouer but kīg arthur his mē kylled so mōny saxōs that neuer wos seyne sich slaughter ¶ And Cheldrik ̄ his men that wer left a lyue fled a way ¶ And arthur them pursued and droue oute them in to a wod that they myght no ferther passe Cheldrik his men saw well that they wer brought in to moch disese ̄ them yold to arthur in this maner wyse that he shold take ther hors and ther armur all that they had they must onli gone ō fote in to ther shippis and so they wold gone home in to ther own land and neuer cū ayen in to this land ¶ And vpon assurance of this thyng they yeuen hym good hostag●s ¶ And arthur by coūcell of his men granted this thyng and resaued the hostages and ther vpō the other wēt to ther shippes ¶ And when they wer in the hy see the wynd changed as the deuell it wold and thei turnd ther nauy and come a yen to this land and ariued at Totnesse wēt out of the shippes and toke the land clen robbed it moch pepull slew and taken all the armur that they myght find and so they wēt forth till thei come vn to Bathe but the men of the toune shittē fast ther yates and nold not suffre them to cum with in the toun and they defendit them well and orpedly ayens them ¶ How Arthur yaf bataill vn to the Saxons when they com ayen ī to this land ̄ beseged the toune of bathe ̄ them ouer come WHen arthur herd this tydyng he let hong anone the hostages and left Hoel of bretan his nepheu for to kepe the marche toward Scotlond with halfe his pepull and hym self wēt to helpe and rescu the toune of Bathe and when he come theder hee yaf a strong bataill to Childrik and kylled almost all the peple that he had· for no man myght hym withstond ne endure vnder thee stroke of his swerd ¶ And ther bothe wer slayn Colegrin ̄ Bladud his brether ¶ And Cheldrik fled thens and wold haue gone to his shippis But when arthur it wist he toke .x. M knyghtis to Cador that was Erle of Cornwaill for to let ̄ stop his cumming ¶ And arthur hym self went toward the marche of scotlād for messingers told hī that the scottys had beseged Hoil of bretan ther that he lay seke and therfor he hasted hym thederward ¶ And Cador pursued after Cheldrik toke him er he might come vn to his shyppis and kylled Cheldrik and his pepull ¶ And when Cador had done this viage he hasted hī ayen as fast os he myhht towardes Arthur and fond hym in Scotland ther that he had rescued Hoel of britan But the scottys were fer with in Mounref And ther they held them a while but arthur them pursued ̄ they fled thens in to Lymoigne that wer in thatt cūtre lx iles and gret plente of briddis ̄ gret plente of Egels that wer woned to cry and fight to geders and make gret noyse whan folke come to rob that land and weren as moch os they myght so they did for the Scottis wer so gret rauenours that they toke al that thei might fīd ī the lād of Lymoign with out ani sparīg ther with charged ayen the folke in to Scotland for to wende ¶ How kīg arthur axed of merlin the auēturs of vi of the last kīgꝭ that wer to regne ī englond how the land shuld enden ▪ SIr qd Merlin in the yere of the incarnacion of ihū crist M.CC.xv. shall come a Lamb out of Wynchestr that shall haue a white tong ̄ trew lippis ̄ he shall haue writē in his hert holinesse ¶ This Lam shall make mony goddis houses he shall haue pees the most ꝑt of his lyfe And he shal make on of the fairest places of the world that in his tyme shall not fulli be made an end of ¶ And ī the end of his life a wolf of a strange land shall do hym moch harme ̄ sorow thurgh wer but at the end the lamb shall be master thurgh help of a red fox that shall cum out of the northwest him shall ouer cum ̄ the wolf shall dy in water And after that tyme the Lamb shal lyue no while bot he shal die ¶ His seede shall be in a strange land ̄ thee land shall be with out a gouernour a litel̄l̄ tyme. ANd after this tyme shall come a dragon melled wyth mercy and eke wyth wodenesse and that shall̄ haue an berde as a goot that shall̄ yef ī englond shadow shall̄ kepe the land from colde ̄ hete ̄ his on foot shall be set in wyke ̄ that other in london and he shall enbrace in habitacions and he shall opyn his mouth toward wales ̄ the trimbilyng of the hidour of his mouth his ere 's shall strech toward mony habitacions and cūtres and his breth shall be full suete in strange land ¶ And ī his tyme shall the reuers renne blod and with brayn ̄ he shall make ī places of his land walles that shall do moch harme vn to his seed after his tyme ¶ Then shall ther cum a pepull owt of the north west during his regne that shall be lad thurgh out a wikked hare that the dragon shall doo croune kyng that afterward shall fle ower the see with out cummyng ayene for dred of the dragon ¶ ̄ ī that tyme the son shall be as reed as blode as mē shall se thurgh out all the world that shall be tokyn gret pestylence and deth of folke thurgh dynt of suerd and that pepull shall bene fader les tile the tyme that the dragon die thurgh an hair that shall meue ayens hym were vn to the end of his life that shall not fully be endit ī his tyē ¶ This dragō shal be hold ī his tyī the best bodi of the world and he shall die by sides the marches of a strange land the land shall duell faderles with out a good gouern and men shall wepe for his deth from the I le of shepey vn to the hauen of mareil ¶ Wharfor alas shall be ther song of fadroles folke that shall ouer lyuen in his land destruied ANd after this dragon shall cū a goot out of kar that shal haue hornes and a berd of siluer and ther shall cum out of his nosthrell a domp that shall be tokyn hunger ̄ sorow and gret deth of the pepull and moch of his land in the begynnyng of his regne shall be wasted ¶ This goot shall go ouer to france and shall opene the flour of his lyfe and deth In his tyme ther shall a rise an Egle in Cornwaill that shal haue fetres of golde that of
pride shal be with out pere of the land ̄ he shal despise lordes of blood and after he shal flee shamfully by a bere at Gauersech and after shal be made breggis of men vpon the costes of the see and stonys shuld fall fro castels ̄ mony other tounes shall be made playn ¶ In this tyme shall seme that the bere shall brenne ̄ a bataill shall be done vpō the armes of the see in a feld ordeyned as a sheld ¶ And at that bataill shal die mōi whitte heedis wherfor his batal shall be called the white batiill ¶ And the forsayed bere shal̄ done this goot moch harme ̄ it shal̄ cū out of the southwest of his blod than shal̄ the goot lese moch ̄ of his land till at the time that shendship shal̄ hī ouer cū and than shal he clothe him in a lion skyn and than shal̄ he wyn that he had before lost and more ther to ¶ For a pepul̄ shal cū out of the northwest that shal̄ make the goot so soyr a drad hee shal a venge him of his enmys thurgh cuncel of two owles that fyrst shal̄ be in perel for to be vn done but the old owle shall wend away a certayn tyme. and after he shal cum ayen in to this land ¶ Thes two owles shall do gret harme to mōy on so thei shal̄ councel the goot to arere were ayens the forsayed bere ̄ at the last the goot the owles shal̄ cum at burton vpon trent and shal̄ wend ouer and for dred the bere shal fle and a swan with him fro his company to burton toward the north ther they shall be with an hard shoure and than the suan shal̄ be taken slayn with sorow and the bere taken and heded alther next his nest that shall stand vpon a broken brige on whom the son shall cast his bemys and mony shall hym seke for vertu that from hym shall cū ¶ In the same shal̄ die for sorow and care a pepul of his land so that mony landis shal be vpō him the more bolder afterward and thos two owles shal do moch harme to the forsayd flour of lyfe ̄ hir sh̄al̄ lede in to distresse so that she shall passe ouer the see in to fraunce for to make pees betwen thee goot and the flourdelise and ther she shall duell til a tyme that hir seed shal cum sech hir they shall be styl till a tyme that they sh̄al hem clothe with grace and they shall sech the owles ̄ shal put them to despitous deth ¶ And after shall this goot be brought to disese and grett anguissh and in sorew he shall leue all his life AFter this Goot shall cum out of wyndesore a bore that shall haue an hed of a white lions hert and pytuus lokīg ¶ His visage shal̄ be reste to seke mē his brest shal be stāchīg of therst to them that be thersty his worde shal be gospell his bering shal be meke as a Lamb. ¶ In the fyrst yere of his regne he shal haue gret payne to iustifie them that be vn trew And in his tyme shall his land be multiplied with aliandes ¶ And this bore thurgh fersenesse of hert that he shal̄ haue shall make wolfes to becum lambis and he sh̄al̄ be called thurgh out the world bore of holines fersnes of nobulnes ̄ of mekenes and he shal done mesurably all that he shal do vn to the burgh of Ierusalem and he shal whette his teth vpon the yates of Paris and vpō iiij landes Spayn shal tremble for dred Gascoyne shall swet in fraunce he shal put his winge his gret tayll shall rest in Englond softely Almayn shall quake for dred of him ¶ This bore shal yef mantels to ij tounes of Englond and shall make the Reuer rene with blod and brayn he shal make mony medous reed and he shall get as moch as his auncestres did and or that he be deid he shal beyr iij. crounes and he sh̄al put a land in to gret subieccion and after it sh̄al be releued but not in his tyme. ¶ This bore after he is deid for his doughtynes shal be ētered at Coloyn his land shall be than fulfilled of al good AFter this boor shall cum a lamb that sh̄al haue feet of leed and an heed of bras and hert of a loppe a swynes skī and an hard and ī his tyme his land shall be in pees the fyrst yer of his regne he shal do make a cite that all the world sh̄al speke ther of ¶ This Lamb shall lese in his tyme a gret paart of his land thurgh an hidous wolfe but he shall recouer it yeue an lordship to an Egle of his land and this egle shal well gouerne it till the tyme that prid shall him ouer cum Alas the sorow For he shal die of his brethers suerd and after shall the land fal to the forsayd lamb that shall gouerne the land ī pees all his lifes tyme ̄ after he shall die and the land be fulfylled of all maner good AFter this lamb sh̄al̄ cum a moldwarp cursed of goddes mouthe a caytyfe a coward an hare he sh̄al̄ haue an Elderly skyn as a goot and vengeaunse shal̄ fall vpō him for syn ¶ In the fyrst yere of his regne he shal haue of all good grett plente in his land and toward him also and in his land he shal̄ haue gret presyng til̄ the tyme that he shal̄ suffre his pepul̄ lyue in to mich pride with out chastisyng wherfor god wyl̄ be wroth ¶ Than shall arise vp a dragon of the north that shall be ful̄ fers and shal̄ meve were ayens the forsayd Moldwarp and shal̄ yef him bataell vpō a stone ¶ This dragon sholl gadre ayen in to his company a wolf that shal̄ cum out of the west to meve were ayens tho forsayd moldwerp in his sied and so shall the dragō and he bynd ther tayles to geder ¶ Than shal̄ cum a Lion owt of Irland that shal fall in companie with hem and than shall trembull the land that shal be called Englond as an aspyn leef ̄ in that tyme shal castels be fellid doune vpō Thamyse and it shall seme that seuerne shall be dri for the bodies that shall fall deid therin The iiij cheif flodes in Englond shall ren in blod ̄ gret dred shall be and anguissh that shull arisen ¶ After thee Moldwarp sh̄al fle and the dragon ¶ The lion and the wolfe shal thē driue a way the land shall be with out them And the moldwarp shall haue no maner pouer saf onli a ship wher to he mawend ¶ And after that he shall gone to lond whan the see is with draw And after that he shall yef the thrid part of his lond for to haue the fourth part in pees and rest and after he shal life in sorow all his lifes tyme ¶ And ī
emprour had .v. men or vi ayenest on of his ¶ Kyng arthur wos bold and hardy and for no thyng him dismade and saied go we bodile in goddis name ayens the Romans that with them lede sarasens and paynyms that no maner trust they haue in god but only vpon ther strength ¶ Go we now and sech them sharpely in the name of almyghty god and sle we the paynyms and cristyn men that be ayenes vs with them for to distruy cristyn men And god shall vs help them to ouercum For we haue the right oppynyon and therfor haue we trust in god and doo we so that the enmys that be to cristīdom and to god may be destruyd and ouer cūmyn and that men may recorde the worthines of knyghthod ¶ When kyng Arthur had thus saied they cried all with an high vois ¶ God that is fadre almyghty worsshipped be thy name with out end amen And grante vs grece well for to do to destru our enmys that be ayens cristīdō In the name of the fader the son the holi gost amē god yef him neuer grace ne worship ī the world ne m̄ci of hī to haue that this day shall feynt wel for to smyt ̄ egreli ̄ so they riden softeli ordyned his wynges well and wysely ¶ The Emprour herd tell that kyng Arthur his folke wer redy araied for to fight with him and theder they come and he ordined his wynges ī the best maner that he myght and more trust vpō his strength than in god almyghty and that wos seyn afterward ¶ For when tho ij hostis meten the Emprour lost iiij of his folke ayenst on of Arthur and so mony wer slayn what in that on parti and in that other that it was gret pitte to wit be hold ¶ In this bataill wer slayn thurgh kyng Arthur v. kynges of the paynyms and of other wonder moch pepull ¶ And kȳg Arthurs men foughten so well that the romans paynyms had no more strength to withstond them then xx shepe ayens v. wolfes ¶ And so it befell that in this bataill ī the showre that wos wonder hard ̄ long during in that on side and ī that other the Emprour amonges them ther wos slayn but ther wos no man that wyst for veray sothe who hym slew ¶ How kyng Arthur let entere his knyghtes that he had lost ther in bataill and how he sent the Emprours body to Rome that ther wos slayn in bataill WHen the Romans wist that the Emprour wos deid they forsoke the feld and the paynems also And kyng arth r after them chased till it wos nyght and so mony of them kylled that it wos wonder to tell ¶ And tho turned kyng Arthur ayen wen it wos nyght and thanked god of his victori And in the morow he let loke and see al the feld for his knyghtys that he ther lost that is to say Borel erle of maunt Bedewer and Key and Ligiers erle of Boloyne vrgeti erle of baac Aloth erle of wīchestre Cursael erle of chestre and after holden erle of flaunders thes wer the gret lordes that kyng arthur lost in that batail with other worthy knyghtes them emong ¶ And sū he let entire in abbeis by the cuntre sū he let be borne ī to ther own cūtre ¶ And the Emꝑours body he let take put vpō a bere sēt it to rom and sent to say the romās that for briton and france wich thatt he held other truage wold he none pay And if they axed hī ony other truages right soch truage he wold them pay ¶ The kīg let ber Key to kenen his own castell ̄ ther him entired ̄ Ligier wos borne to Boloyn ther he wos lord And Holden wos borne to flaundres and ther he was entered ¶ And all the other he let entere with moch honour in abbais ̄ in houses of relegion in thee cuntre ther that they werdeid ¶ And arthur him self soiourned that same yere in Burgon with his host ̄ thoght the same yere f●loyng to pas the mount of Ioye ̄ haue gone to Rome al for to take the cite and haue put the romans in subiecciō but thee wykked tirand Mordred him let as after ye shall heir ¶ How the tratour Mordred to whome kȳg Arthur toke his land to kepe and his Castelles and he held hem ayens hym WHen kyng Arthur had taken to Mordred his Reame to kepe was gone ayens the Emprour of Rome ̄ was passed the see Mordred anone toke homages ̄ feautes of all them that wer ī this land wold haue had the land to his owne vse ̄ toke castels about and let them be araied ¶ And after this falsnesse he did an other gret wrong for a yens the law of cristīte he toke his own emes wife os a tratour shuld ordined hī a gret host ayens arthurs cōyng to hold the lond ayens hī with strongth for euermore And to slee kyng arthur if he myght ̄ sent by the see be land let assemble panyms cristī pepul he sent to saxons ̄ to Danys for to help him ¶ And also Mordred sent to Childrik to done men to cū to him out of saxoyne that was a worthy duke hight hī if that he brought with hī mich pepull he wold grante hī in heritage for euermore all the land frō beyond hūber to scotlād And all the land that Engist had of vortigers yeft when that he spoused his doughter ¶ And Cheldrik come with a gret strength pouer of pepull ̄ Mordred had assembled also ī his halfe that they had xlM. of strong knyghtes when that they had nede ¶ How Arthur enchased Mordred the tratour and how he wos slayn and also kyng Arthur wounded to deth WHen this tydynges come to kyng Arthur ther that he w● as in Burgoyne he was full sore anoyed and toke all fraunce to hoel for to kepe with halfuendel of his men and prayed him that he wold it kepe till he come ayene for him self wold wēd ī to Breton and a venge hī vpon Mordred that was his tratour and forth went his way and come to whitsand and made hys men to gone in to ship and wold haue ariued at sandwich and brought with him a gret host of fraunch men also with his owne land men But or that he myght cum to lond with his pepull that wer comen out of his shippes Mordred wos comen with all hys pouer and yaf a strong bataill so that kyng Arthur lost māy a man or that he myght cum to land ¶ For ther was Gawen his nephu slayn and Augnissell that held Scotland and mony other wherof kyng Arthur wos full sori But after that they wer comen to lond Mordred myght not ayens them endure but anone wos discomfited and fled thens the same nyght with his men and vpon the morne come to
children ¶ The saxons wered ayens him often tymes but he them ouer come And so he wos in pees all his lifes tyme he regned xiiij yere and after he died and lieth at London ¶ Of kynge Cortif and of Gurmond that come thurgh thee paynyms in to briton AFter this conan regned his cosin Cortif that was bihated of all his pepull and nothyng beloued And this cortef lost all Britan thurgh were and in his tyme fell that gret myschef in breton that cristyndom wos destroyed and all the britons wer driuen owt of the land the land lost w●th out ony recouer but afterward left the lōd to saxons as ye afterward shal heir ¶ For in that time ther wos a paynyme that was called Gurmond that wos the kynges son Daufrikes of the paynymys folke that had the reame after his fadre and wos kyng sauf he bequaeth and yaf it to his brother saied that he nold neuer be kyng but yf he myght get and conquere a reame ī a strong cūtre ¶ For he wos bold strong of bodi ̄ of him ꝓphesied Merlȳ sayed that he shuld be a wolfe of the see and he let assemle paynyms with out nombre and let a ꝑell shippis ̄ wēt by mōy landdis toke homages ̄ feautes of mony ̄ so he went bi the see conquered mony diuerse londis ¶ So that he come to Irland and cōquered that land that oft tymes wered vpon bretons and bretons vpon them ̄ oft wonen and oft losten And yef hostages to bretons and so they sent to Gurmond ther that he was in Irlond that he shuld come in to Briton help them ayens the britons to help them to deliuer that land of them ̄ thei wold him hold gladly for ther lord for he wos a paynym and the wer paynims and the bretons wer cristin well ought he them for to help so as they wer all of on lawe ¶ When Gurmond herd this prayer he hasted hī as moch as he myght ariued ī scotland come ī to Northhūberland ther that the saxons wer duellīg thei cōfirmed the cōnauntes bi twen them that wer made bi othes be hostages for to beir him trew fay hold him for lord ̄ pay to him truage by yere ¶ Tho began the saxons the affricans to destruy rob ̄ brenne tounes destru all thing ī as moch os they myght and spared nether man ne woman ne chyld lered ne lewed bot al̄ thei kylled cast doune tounes castels chirches ¶ And so put they all the land ī gret destruccion ̄ as sone os thei might fleyn they fled thens as well poer as rich bisshoppis abbotes chanons· ̄ all other gret and small sū in to litell briton and sum in to Cornewaill all tho that shippis myght haue ¶ How kyns Gurmond drofe the kyng Cortif to Chechestre and killed the bretons and thurgh quentise get the toune COrtif the kyng sled thens in to Chechestre that tho was a good cite and a strong ̄ ther held him xx dayes And this Gurmond come and it beseged but the cite was so strong that he might not get it by no maner of wise ne engyn that he myghte done ¶ Tho bythought thei vpon a gret quētise for to brenne the toune they made engynes with glew of nettes and toke peces of tunder and of fier and bond it to the sparous fete and afterward let them fle And they anone right flow and logged them in the toune ther that ther nestis wer and in stakkes ī euyssinges of houses the fyer began to tende ̄ brend all the toune ¶ And when the britans saw that ī euery side they hied thē out faught bot anone they wer slayn ̄ discomfited whiles the bataill dured the kīg priueli hid hī ̄ stale a way ī to wales mē wiste neuer wher he become and so was the toune of chechistre taken and destruied ¶ And after Gurmond went and destruied cities and tounes that neuer wer afterward made a yene as it is seyn yit in this land in mony places ¶ How this lond was called Englond for the name of Engist and how mony kenges wer made after in the land WHen Gurmond had destroied all the land thurgh out hee yaf the lond to the Saxons and anone thei toke it with good will For the saxons long tyme had desiered it for as moche as they wer of Engistes kynred that fyrst had all the land of Breton and lete them be called Englissh men for be cause of Engistes name And the lond they let call Englond in ther langage the folke bene called englisshmen for os moch os ī his tyme it wos called Engist lond when he had conquered it of vortiger that spoused his doughter but from the tyme that Brut come first ī to Englōd this lōd was called Breton the folk britons But sith the tyme that this Gurmond eftsons conquered it yaf it vn to the saxons and thei anone right changed the name os by fore is sayd ¶ And whē this wos done Gurmond passed ouer in to fraunce ther cōquered mony landis destruyed all cristen pepull ther that he come and the saxons duelled ī this land ̄ bigane fast it to inhabit at ther own will and they wold haue made new kynges lordis but they myght neuer assenten to haue only o kīg for to be to them entendāt ̄ therfor thei made mony kxnges in diuerse shires as it was ī Engistis tyme ¶ The fyrst kyng dō wos Kent ̄ that other southsex ̄ the thrid westsex and the fourth estsex and the v. Northūberland the vi Estangle that is to say Northfolke and southfolke and the vij Me●chenrich ̄ that is the erldom of Nicholl huntyngdō herford glousestre winchistre warwyke derby ̄ so deꝑted the englissh al̄ englond in vij ꝑtes ¶ And after that it befell that tho kyngꝭ wered oft tyme to geder euer he that was strongest toke hym that was febelest ̄ so it wos long tyme that they had no kīg crouned emōg them ne no cristyn man wos tho amonges them ne cristyndom nother ¶ But wer paynyms till that sent Gregori wos pape of Rome that had seyn child of the naciō of Englong ī the cite of Rome that wer wonder fair creaturs ̄ had gret will desire them to behold ̄ axed of the marchantis whens thei wer of what nacion men told him that thei wer of Englond englissh they wer called bot they and all the pepull of englond wer paynyms ̄ beleued not vpon god ¶ Alas qd sent gregori well mow they be called englyssh for thei haue the visages of Angels ̄ therfor well ought thei to be cristē ¶ And for this cause sent gregori sent ther sent Austin ī to englond ̄ xl good men with
to northhumberland that wos his own land ¶ And after the pepull of Leicestreshire made with strength Cadewan that wos Brecynals son kīg of Leicestre and he after regned nobulli with gret honour ¶ How Cadewan kyng of Leicestre and Elfride kyng of northhūberland wer frendis and of the debait that after wos betwē Edwyn and Cadwalyn that wer both ther sonnys ANd after that this bataill wos done the Bretons assēled them and went thens and come to Leicestre and made ther Cadewan that wos Brecinales son kyng of Leicestre ̄ of all the cuntre and he toke homages ̄ feautes of al̄ the folke of the cūtre ̄ after that he assemled a gret host ̄ sayed he wold go in to Northhūberlond to destruy kig Elfrid sle hī if he might ̄ whē he wos comē thider frendes wēt so betwen them ̄ made them accorded ī this maner That Elfrid shuld hold all the land frō hūber vn to scotland Cadewan shuld haue al̄ the land athis side hūber to the south and after that they become good frēdis all ther lifes tyme ̄ loued to geder as they had be ij brether ¶ And this Elfrid had a son the wos called Edwyn that had ̄ held all the land of northhūberland after his faders deth as his fader had holde all his lifes tyme ¶ And Cadewan had an other son that wos caled Cadwalyn that held his faders lond as he it hel̄d whiles he wos a liue ̄ they loued to geder as they had be brether ¶ And the loue lasted bituix them bot only ij yere ̄ after began debate bitwen them thurgh a lither ēuyus cosin of cadwalyns that wos caled briens so thatt they assemled a gret host ī both ꝑtes at the last it befell that cadwalyn wos discomfited edwyn hī pursued ̄ droue hī from place to place so at the last he fle ī to Irlond ¶ And this oder destroyed his lōd cast doune casteles brent his maners ̄ deꝑted all cadwalyns lond among his frendis ¶ And long tyme after come cadwalyn ayene frō Irlond with a strong pouer in playn bataill kylled Edwyn all his frendis ̄ namly tho that with held his londis thurgh Edwynes yift ¶ How kyng Oswold wos kylled thurgh kyng Cadwalyn Peanda and how Oswy that wos sent Oswaldes brother regned after him and kylled Peanda WHen that Edwyn wos slayn Offris his son vndertoke the were ayens Cadwalyne his eme so that this Offris died during the were ¶ And after the deth of Offris tho regned a gentill cristyn man that moch loued god almyghty that had all the land of Northhumberland by heritage that was cald Oswald and he wos kyng of all that land ¶ But for as moch as he wos frend to Edwyne and held a gret part of the lād of Cadwalin this same cadwalyn wered vpon him and drefe him toward scotland ¶ And when Cadwalyn saw that he wold not abyde Cadwalyne nold no longer hym pursew but toke some of his folke to Peanda his brother in law and prayed Peanda to pursew after Oswald till that he wer taken and slayn And Cadwalyne turned home ayene ¶ When Oswalde herd the tyding that Cadwalin turned home ayene he wold no longer fle but aboid Peanda yaf him bataill Peanda wos discomfited and fled and come ayen to Cadwalyn and sayed that he wold neuer hold o fote of land of him but yf so were that he wold a venge him of Oswald ¶ Cadwalyn let assemble a gret host for to fight with Oswald so that he Peanda come to Northhūberland ̄ yaf bataill vn to Oswald in the same bataill was oswald slayn and his heid smyten of and after he wos entered at the abbay of Bardeney ī wich place god hath wrought for him mony a fair miracull both ther ̄ els where ¶ And anone Oswy his brother seysed all the land in to his hond that wos thys Oswaldis ̄ the folke of Northūberland loued hī wonder well held him for ther lord· but he had men of his kyn worthy ynough that wold haue deꝑted the land and they wered to gedre well and for as moch as they wer not strōg ynowgh they come to Pianda and prayed him of helpe and socour and biheght him of that land largely vpon this couenaunt that he wold them gouerne and helpe ̄ counceill ¶ Peanda herd ther prayer and so spake with the kyng Cadwalin that he shuld ordeyn a gret host and fast ordeyn him in to Northhumberland for to fight with Oswy ¶ And Oswy was a meke man and mich loued pees and charite prayed Peanda of loue and pees and ꝓferrid him of gold and siluer gret plent● ¶ And this Peanda was so proud that he nold graunte him pees for no maner thyng but for all thing he wold with him sight So at the last ther was set a day of batall ¶ And Oswy euer had trast vpon god And Peanda trast to moch vpon his pride and vpō his host that he had and to geder they smyten egrely but Peanda anone wos discomfited slayn and this was after the Incarneciō of our lord ihū crist viC. lv yere And this Oswy regned xxviij yere and a kyng that wos called Oswyne that wos Peandais cosin wered vpō king Oswy ̄ to gedre foughten but Oswy had the victori of Oswyne oswyne was discomfited slayn and lieth at Tynnemouth ¶ How kȳg Cadwaldre that wos Cadwaleynes son regned after his fadre and was the last kyng of Bretons AFt the deth of Cadwalyn regned his son Cadwaldre wel̄ and nobulli and his moder was the suster of kyng Peanda ¶ And when he had regned xij yere he fell in to a gret sekenesse and than wos ther a gret descorde by twen the lordis of the lond that euery on of hem wered vpon other And yit in that tyme ther fell so gret derth and scarcite of corne other vitailles ī this land that a man might go iij. days or iiij fro toūe to toune that he shuld not fīd to bie for gold ne salu bred wyne ne none other vitaill wherwith a man myght leue but onli the pepull leued by rotes of herbis for other lyuyng had thei nōe so mich wos it faillid all a bout fisshis wildbestes all other thing so that yit to this missauētur ther fell so gret mortalyte ̄ pestilence emōg the pepull by the corupcion of the eir that the leuyng pepull ne sufficed not to beri the deid bodies for they died so sodenli both gret and small lord and sarnand os thei ●ten goyng ̄ spekyng they fell doune ̄ died so that neuer wos herd of more soden deth emonge the pepull for he that went for to beri the deid bodi with the same deid bodi wos beried ¶ And so thei that might
restorid and ayens his othe he come not allonly to Rome bot to ofer him the dingnite of the pope for the wich ther was gret alterecacion Bonefacius the sext wos pope xv dais Stephanus the sext on yere and iij. monethes Iōa iij. monethes and xij dais Theodorus the secund xx days Iohannes the xi wos ij yere xv dais Benedictus the iiij wos iij. yere and ij monethys Leo the iiij wos xl dais Zpōforus the frist vij monethys Thes viij popis wer bot litell tyme. And ther for we cannot tell of them no notabull thinges bot yf we shuld writ sclander of thē that myght be found for the vnherd strife and cōtencion ī that holy apostyll seet for on strofe ayens an other and repreued the dedis of an other And for to tell how they strofe it wer no gret honour to shew for that holy apostils seet Ludowicus the thrid was emprour after Arnulphus vi 〈◊〉 This man had not the popis blissing for the vnstabulnes of them the wich regned in Itali and he was constraned to expuls beryng And this man was the last emprour of all the kynrad of karolꝰ kīg of fraunce ¶ This tyme the empire was remeued and translatyt and deuyded For the frenshmen holp not the chirche the wich ther faders had hedified and fortefied bot distruyd them ne help not the Romans ayens Lombardis the wich vexed the romans right sore Therfor by the comyns assent they wer excludid from the empire ̄ the Italians be gan to be emprours ī Itali the Almans in almany vn till Ottanem the wich regned in both the places The frenshmen wer constrenyd to abide ī ther own cuntre and no more to be emprours for ther mischeuus leuyng Beryngarius the frist Conradus and Beringarius the secund and Hugo wer emprours after Lodewike bot they ar not nōburt emōg the emꝑours for sū war bot ī almain ̄ sū ī Itali ¶ Of kyng Edward that was kyng Alured son ANd after this Alured regned Edward his son and was a good man and a wyse that wos called Edward that was wonder curtasse ¶ The danois did moch sorow in the lande ther pouer encresed begō for to wax from day to day for the danois comen oft with ther companyes in to this land ¶ And when the kyng saw that he myght no better done then he toke pees with them and granted them his trewis ¶ And nothelesse thee trewis durid not long that the danois ne began strongly for to were vpon the englishmen and did them moch sorew wherfor kyng Edward did assemble a gret host for to fight with them ¶ And tho this kyng edward died when god wold This kīg edward regned xxiiij yere ̄ lieth at wīchestre beside his fader Anno domini ixC.xiiij SErgius the thrid wos pope after Xpōfer vij yere This man wos a cardinall of rome and wos expulsid by Formose the pope and then he went to the frenshmen and thurgh the help of them he come ayen to rome and expulsid cristofer the pope was pope him self And to a venge his exile he toke owt thee body of pope Formose wher as he wos beried And arayed hym in the popis arayment and causid him to be hedid and to be cast in to the water of tibyrby rome ¶ Then fysshers fond him ̄ brought him in to the chirche And the holy ymages of sentis boyed doune to him whē the bodi of him wos brought in to the chirche that all men might see honorabully him halfed Yit Sergiꝰ distruyed all that thyng the wich the holiman had ordand Anastasius wos pope after him ij yere Laudo wos pope v monethee litell they did Iohēs the x. wos pope then this Iohn̄ wos the son of Sergij pope bothe of natur of maners and he by might was pope and he wos wricchedly slain of Guydoys knyghtys for they put on his methe a pelow and stopped his brethe And after hī wos on other put in but anone he was out and therfor he is not named os a pope Henricus the duke of saxoni was emprour of almane xviij yere This Herri wos a nobull man bot he is not nombred emōg the emprours for he regned bot allonly in almanye And he had a veray holi woman vn to his wife and his name wos Matild●●n whom he gat ij sonnys that is to say Ottonem and Harri Otto succedid him in the empire Herri had moch land ī almāy And he gat an other son that heyght Brim●n ̄ wos a verey holi man ̄ wos bisshop of colan ̄ he foūded the monastery of pōthaleō ¶ Of kyng Adelstone AFter this Edward regned Athelstone his son And when he hod regned iiij yere he held bataill ayens the danois and drofe kyng Gaufrid that wos kīg of the danois and all hys host vn to the see rested by scotland and toke strongly al the cūtre an hoill yere ¶ And after that tho of Cumberland the scottes of westmerland be gone to were vpon kyng athelston ̄ he them yaf so strong bataill that he kylled so mony of them that no man coud tell the nomber of them ̄ after that he regned bot iij. yere he regned in all xxv lieth at Malmesburi ¶ Of kyng Edmond ANd after this Adelstō regned edmōd his broder for kīg adelstone had no sone and this edmōd wos a worthy mā and a doughty knyght of bodi as nobull al so And the iij yer after that he wos kyng he went ouer humber in to that cūtre in the wich cuntre he fond ij kynges of danois that on wos called Enelaf that other Renant This kyng edmond drofe them bothe frō the land after wēt ̄ toke a gret prey in Cumberland This Edmond regned but vij yere lieth at Glastenburi ¶ Of kyng Eldred ANd after this Edmond regned Eldred his brother that avenged edward his fader of his emnys that did him kyll and afterward he seysed all Northhumberland in to his hand and made the scottys for to a bowe and meke vn to his wyll ¶ And in the secund yere of his regne come Arnalaf guyran that wos kyng of denmarke and seysed all Northhumberland held that land ij yeree and after that come kyng Eldred with an gret pouer drofe him out of this land ¶ And this kyng eldree was a nobull man and a good of whos goodnesse sent Dūstane preched this kīg eldred regned xi yere lieth at wīchest ¶ Of kyng Edwyne ANd after this eldred regnd Edwyne the son of edmond and he was a lither man toward god the pepull for he hated folke of his own land ̄ loued ̄ honored strange men and set litell by holy chirche and he toke of holy chirche all the tresour that he might haue that was gret shame ̄ vylanye to him self ̄ perrill to his saule and
maude wos afterward the emprisse of Almayne ¶ And in the secund yere of his regne his brother Robert Curthose that was duke of Normandie come with an huge host in to englond for to chalenge the land but thurgh concell of the wise men of the land they wer accordid in this maner That the kyng shold yeue the duke his brother a thousand pound euery yere and wich of them leued longest shuld be other heir and so bitwen them shuld be n● debate ne strife ¶ And when they wer thus accordid the Duke went home ayen in to Normandie ¶ And when the kyng had regned iiij yere ther aroos a gret debate bitwen him and the erchebisshop of canwrburi Ancelme For because that the Erchebishop wold not grant him for to take talagie of chirches at his will ̄ therfor eftsone the Erchebisshop went ouer the see vn to the court of rome and ther duellid with the pope ¶ And in the same yere the Duke of Normandie come in to englond for to speke with his brother ¶ And among all other thinges the Duke of normandie for yaf vn to the kyng hys brother the forsayed thousand pound by yere that he shuld pay vn to the duke and with good loue the kyng ̄ the duke ꝑted ̄ ther the duke went ayen ī to normādi ¶ And when tho ij yere wer a gone thurgh enticement of the deuell of lithermen a gret debate arose bitwin the kyng and the duke so that the kyng thurgh consell went ouer the see in to normandi ¶ And when the kyng of Englond was cumyn in to Normādie All the gret lordis of normandie turned vn to the kīg of englond and held ayens the Duke ther own lord ̄ him forsoke ̄ to the kyng them yelden and all the good castels and tounes of Normandie And sone after wos the duke taken led with the kīg in to englond ̄ the kyng let put the duke ī to prison ¶ And this was the vengeance of god ¶ For when the Duke was ī the holy land god yaf him such myght ̄ grace that he was chosī for till a bene the kyng of Ierusalem and he forsoke it wold not take it vppon hym And therfor god send him that shame despite for to be put ī to his brothers p̄son ¶ Tho seysed kīg herri all Normandie in to his hand and held hit all his lifes tyme ī the same yere come the bisshop Ancelme from the cour of Rome ī to englōd ayen and the kyng he wos accordid ¶ And in the yere next commyng after ther began a gret debate betwen the kyng Phillip of Fraunce ̄ kyng Henri of Englōd ¶ Wherfor kyng Herri went in to Normandie ther wos strong were betwen them two and tho died the kyng of france and Lowys his son wos made kyng anone after his deth ¶ And tho went kyng Henri ayen ī to englond ̄ maried Maude his doughter to Henri the emprour of almayne ¶ Of the debate that wos betwē kīg Lowis of france ̄ kīg Hēri of ēglōd ̄ how kīg henris ij sonnys wer lost ī the high see WHen kyng henri had ben kyng xvij yere a gret debate aroos betwyn kyng Lowys of fraunse and kyng Hnri of Englond for encheson that the kyng had sent in to Normandye to his men that they shuld be helpyng vn to the Erle of Bloyes as moch as they might in were ayēs the kyng of fraunce ¶ And that thei shuld bene as redy to him as they wer vn to ther own lord for encheson that the Erle had spoused his sustren dame Maude ¶ And for this encheson the kyng of franse did moch sorow to Normandie ¶ Wherfore the kȳg of englōd was wonder wroth and in hast wēt ouer the see with a gret pouer and come in to Normandie for to defend that land And the were betwyn them lastid ij yere till at the last they two faughten to geder ̄ the kyng of fraunse wos discomfited vneth scappid a way with moch payn the most parti of his men wer takē the kīg did with them what him best likid ¶ And sum of them he let go frely sum let he be put vn to the deth But afterward tho ij kīges wer accordid ¶ And whan king herri had holy all the land of Normadie scomfited his emnys of franse he turnid ayen in to englond with moch honour ¶ And his ij sonis Wyllm Richard wold haue commen after ther fadre and wēt to the see with an gret componye of pepull But or that they myght cum to land the ship come ayens a roch brak all ī to peses all wer drenchid that wer ther in sauf on man that wos in the same shipe that ascappid ¶ And this wos on sent Katrines day thes werthe names of them that wer drenchid willm Richard the kīgꝭ sonys the erle of chester Ottonell his broder Geffray ridell walter emurci Godfray erchdekē the kīgꝭ dought the Cūtes of ꝑches the kīgꝭ neci the Coūtes of chestre mōy oder whē kīg henri ̄ oder lordis ariuid in englōd herd thes tydyngꝭ they made sorow ynowgh al ther myrth Ioye wos turned ī to mornyng sorow ¶ How Maude the Emprise come ayen ī to englond ̄ how she wos afterward weddid to Geffroi the erle of angoy ANd when that ij yere wer a gone that the Erle had duelled with the kīg· the Erle went from the kȳg and began to were vpon him and did moch harme in the land of Normandie toke ther a strong castell and ther he duellid all that yere tho comme to him tydynges that Henri the Emꝑour of Almayn that had spoused Maude his doughter wos deid and that she duelled no longer in Almayn and that she wold cum ayen in to Normandie to hir fadre ¶ And when that she wo●s comyn vn to him he toke hir tho to him and come ayen in to Englond and made the englishmen to done othe and feaute vn to the emprise and the frist man that made the otho wos willm the Erchebisshop of Cantorburi ¶ And that other Dauid kyng of Scotlond and after him all the Erles and Barons of englond ¶ Also after that the nobull man the erle of Angoy that was a worthy knyght sent vn to the kyng of englond that he wold graunte him for to haue his doughter to spouse that is to say Maude thee emprisse ¶ And for encheson that hir fadre wist that he wos a nobull man The kyng him grauntid and consentid ther to ¶ And tho toke he his doughter and lad hir in to Normandie and come to the nobull knyght Gaufrid and ther he spoused thee foresaid Maude with moch honour And the Erle begat vpon hir a son that was called Henri the Emprisse sone ¶ And after when all this wos done kyng Henri
said masse thurgh out all london ̄ so after thurgh out all englōd ¶ And the next yere after ther began a gret debate bitwene king Iohn̄ ̄ the lordis of englōd for encheson that he wold not graūte the lawes hold the wich sent Edward had ordeyned had be vsed hold vn to that tyme that he had them broken for he wold hold no law bot did all thīg that hī likid desheried mony mē with out ꝯsent of lordis ̄ peris of the land wold desherite the good Erle Randulf of Chestre for enchesō that he vndertoke hī of his wykkidnesse for cause that he did so moch shame ̄ velany to god and holy chirche And also fer he held hauntid his own brothers wife lay also bi mony other womē gret lordis doughtres for he sparid no woman that him liked for to haue wherfore all the lordis of the land wer with him wonder wroth and went to london ̄ toke the cite ¶ And for to cese this debate and sorow the erchebishop and other gret lordis of the land assembled them before the fest of sent Iohan baptist in a medow besides the toune of stanes that is called Romnemede And the kyng made them ther a chertour of fraunches such as they wold axen ̄ ī soch maner they wer accordid and that accordemēt last not full longe for the kyng him selfe sone after did ayens the pointis of the same chartre that he had made wherfor the most parte of the land of lordis assembled them and began to were vpō him ayen and brened his tounes and robbid his folke did all the sorow that they myght ̄ made them as stronge as they myght with all ther pouer thoght to driue him out of englond and make Lowys the kynges son of fraunce kyng of englond ¶ And kyng Iohn̄ sent tho ouer see and ordeyned so moch pepull of Normans ̄ of Piccardes ̄ of Flemmynges So that the land myght not susteyn them but with moch sorow ¶ And among all thes pepull ther was a mā of Normandie that was called Faukis of brent and this Normand his ꝯpany spared nother chirche ne house of religion bot thei brīt robbed it ̄ bare away all that they might take so that the land wos all destroied what on oon side on other ¶ The barons lordis of Englond ordeyned amōg them the best spekers and wysest mē sent them ouer se to kīg Philip of fraunce and prayed him that he wold send lowys his son in to englōd to be kyng of englōd ̄ to vnderfenge the croune ¶ How Lowys the kinges son of fraunce come in to englond with a stronge pouer of pepull to be kīg of englond WHen kyng Ppilip of fraunce herd this tydyng he made certayn aliaunce bitwene them by ther commune eleccion that Lowys kyng Pphilipes sone of fraunce sh̄uld go with them ī to Englond driue out kīg Iohn̄ of the land and all that wer in presence of Lowys made vn to him homage and bicome his men ¶ And the barons of englond held them styll at londō abiden Lowys the kīges son of fraūce this was the next saturday before the Ascencion of our lord that lowys come in to englond with a strong pouer that tyme kyng Iohn̄ had takyn all the castels of englōd in to alyens handis ¶ And tho com Lowys be segid Rouchestres castell toke it with strength the thursday in whitson w●ke lethonge all the aliens that wer therī the thursdai tho next suyng he come to London ther he wos vnderfenge with mech honour of the lordis that a byden him ther all to him made homage ¶ And afterward on the tewysday next after the Trinite sonday he toke the castell of Reigate ̄ in the morow after the castell of Gilford ̄ the friday next after the castell of Farneham ̄ the mōday next after the cite of wynchestre to him was yold ̄ in the morow after sent Iohn̄ day the maner of woluesey and the tewisday after the vtas of sent Petre sent paule they toke the castell of Odiham and the mōday after sent Margaretes day he ordend him toward Bawmore for to sege the castell and ther he duelled xv dais ̄ myght not get the castell ̄ than when the thens ̄ come to london ̄ the toure to him wos yolde ¶ How the pope send in to Englond a legat that wos called Swalo and of the deth of kīg iohn̄ ANd in the same time the pope send in to england a legat that wos called Swalo and he wos prest Cardinall of rome for to maynten kyng Iohans cause ayens the barons of Englond but the barons had so huge part and help thurgh Lowys the kynges son of fraunce that kyng Iohn̄ wist not whidder for to turne ne gone ¶ And so it befell that he wold haue gone to Nycholl and as he wēt thiderward he come by the abbey of Swynes hede ̄ ther he abode ij dais ¶ And as he sat at mete he axed a monke of the house how moch a lofe was worth that wos set befor him vpō the tabull And the mōke said that the lofe was worthe but and halfpeny ¶ O quod the kyng tho here is gret chepe of brede Now quod the kyng I may life soch a lofe shall be worth xx shillyng or half a yere be gone ¶ And whē he had said this word moch he thougt oft he sighed tok ete of the bred said by god the word that I haue spokyn it shall be soth ¶ The mōke that stode before the kyng was for this word full sori in hert thoght rather he wold him self suffre deth and thought if he myght ordeyn ther fore some maner remedie ¶ And anone the mōke went to his abbot ̄ wos shriuen of him ̄ told the abbot all that the kyng had said· and praid his abbot for to assoill him for he wold yef the kīg such a drink that all Englond shuld be glad ther of ioyfull ¶ Tho went the monke in to a gardeyn and foūd a gret to de therin toke hir vp ̄ put hir ī a cup ̄ prikked the tode thurgh with a broche mōy tymes till that the venym comen out of euery side ī the cup. tho toke the cup ̄ fillled it with good ale brought it before the kīg knelīg said sir qd he wassale for neuer the days of your life dranke ye of so good a cup ¶ Begin monke qd the kīg ̄ the monke dranke a gret draught ̄ toke the kyng the cup the kīg also dranke a gret draught set doūe the cup ¶ The monke anone right wēt ī to the farmori ther died anone on wh●● seule god haue merci amen And v. mōkis sing for his
only with x. knyghtis and set him round about ̄ to him went smoten of his hede presentid it vn to the kyng Edward ¶ And in this maner the prince of wales was taken his hede smyten of ̄ al his heiris disherited for euer more thurgh rightfull dome all the landis of the reame ¶ How Dauid that was Lewelins brother prince of wales wos put to the deth DAuid that was the Prīces brother of wales thurgh prid wened for to haue bene prince of wales after his brothers deth ¶ And vpon this he sent after walshmen to his parlament at Dinbigh ̄ folishly made walis for to arise ayens the kyng and began to meue were ayens kīg Edward ̄ did all the sorowe disese that he myght bi his pouer ¶ When kīg Edward herde of this thyng he ordeyned men to pursue vpō him And Dauid fersly him defendid till that he come to the toune of sent Morice ther wos Dauid take as he fled lad to the kyng ¶ And the kīg commaūdid that he shuld be honged ̄ draw and smyte of his hede quartir him send his hede to londō the iiij quartirs send to the iiij chief toūes of wales for they shuld take exampull therof ̄ beware ¶ And afterward kyng Edward let cry his pes thurgh out all walis ̄ seised all the land in to his hond and all the gret lordis that wer left a liue come to done feaute ̄ homage to the kyng Edward as to ther kynde lord ¶ And tho let kīg edward amēd the lawis of walis that wer defectiue ¶ And after he sent to all the lordis of wales bi his letter patent that they sh̄uld cū all to his ꝑlament when they wer comen the kyng said to them full curtesly Lordynges ye be welcome and me behoueth your coūcell and your help for to wend in to Gascoyn for to amēde the trespaces that me wos dene when I wos ther and for to entret of pees bitwen the kyng of Aragon and the prince of Morrey ¶ And all the kynges liege men Erles and Barons consentid and grauntid therto ¶ And tho made him kyng edward redy went in to Gascoyn and let amend all the trespaces that him wos done in gascoyn And of the debate that wos betwen the kyng of Aragon the prince of Morrey he cesid made them accordid ¶ And whyle good kyng edward the quene Elienore his wife were in gascoyn The good erle of Cornewaill wos made wardeyn of englond till that kyng Edward come ayen· ¶ And tho enquerid he of his traitours that congetten falsenesse ayens him and eche of them all vnderfenge ther dome after that they had deserued ¶ But in the mene tyme while that the good kyng edward was beyond the se to done them for to make amendis that ayens him had trepassid ther was a fals thefe a tratour that wos called Risap Meridoc began for to make were ayens kyng Edward and that wos for encheson of Sir Payne Tiptot wrongfully greued and disesed the forsaid Risap Meridoc ¶ And when kyng edward herd all this he sent bi his letter to Risap meridoc that he shold begynne for to make no were but that he shuld be in pees for his loue and when he come ayen in to englond he wold vnder take the quarell and amēd all that wos mysdone ¶ This forsaid risap meridoc despisid the kynges cōmandemēt ̄ sparid not to do all the sorow that he myght to the kīgꝭ men of englond but anone after he wos takyn lad to yorke and ther he wos draw ̄ honged for his felonye ¶ Of the redressing that kyng edward made of his Iostices of his clerkis that they had done for ther falsenes how he drofe the Iues out of englōd for ther vseri ̄ misbeleue WHen kyng Edward had duelled iij. yere in gascoyn wylle come to him for to wend ayen in to englond and wen he wos cume ayen he fonden so mony playntes made to him of his Iustices ̄ of his clerkis that had done so mōy wronges ̄ falsenesse that wondir it wos to here ¶ And for wich falsnes Sir Thomas weylond the kīges Iustice forswore englōd at the toure of lundō for falsenes that men put vpō him wherof he wos atteint proued fals ¶ And anōe after when the kyng had do his wyll of the Iustices ¶ Tho let he enquere aspi how the Iues desaued ̄ begiled his pepull thurgh ther sine of falsenesse of vserie let ordeyn a priue parlamēt among his lordis they ordeynid emōg them that all the Iues shuld void out of englōd for ther misbeleue and also for ther fals vseri that they did vntill cristyn men ¶ And for to sped to make an end of this thīg all the communite of englond yaf vn to the king the xv peny of all ther goodis meuabull ̄ so wer the Iues driuē out of englōd ¶ And tho went the Iues in to fraūce ̄ ther they duellid thurgh leue of kīg Philip that tho wos kīg of fraūce ¶ How king Edward wos seised in all the land of scotland thurgh ꝯsent ̄ graūt of all the lordis of Scotland IT was not long after that Alesander kyng of Scotlōd was deid and Dauid the Erle of Huntindone that was the kynges brother of Scotland axed and clymed the kyndom of Scotland after that his brother wos deid for enchesō that he was rightfull heir But mony gret lordis of Scotland saiden nay wherfore gret debate arose bitwen them and ther frendis for as moch that they wold not consent to his coronacion the mene tyme the forsaid Dauid died ¶ And so it befell that the same dauid had iij. doughtres that worthely wer maried The frist doughter wos marid to Bailloll the secūd to Brus the thrid to Hastīg the forsaid Bailloll ̄ Brus chalenged the land of scotland and gret debate strife arose bitwen them iij. for encheson that ych of them wold haue bene kyng ¶ And when the lordis of scotland saw the debate bitwen them iij. They come to kyng Edward of englōd ̄ seisid him in all the land of scotland as chefe lord ¶ And when the kīg wos seised of the forsaid lordis of scotland The forsaid Bailloll Brus Hastynges come to the kynges court and axed of the kyng wich of them shuld be kyng of scotland ¶ And kyng Edward that wos full gentill ̄ trew let enquere by the Croniclis of scotland of the gret lordis of scotland wich of them wos of the eldest blod And it wos foūde that Bailloll wos the eldist And that the kyng of Scotland shuld hold of the kyng of englond ̄ do him feaute homage ¶ And after thys wos done Bailloll went in to Scotland ̄ ther wos croūed kyng of scotland ¶ And the
Scotland how his men faired that wer with in the castell send hī word bot if he wold remeue the sege of the englisshmen· that they wold yelde the castell vn to the englisshmē ¶ The messinger tho come vn to sir Iohan bailoll that tho wos the kyng of Scotland wher that he wos with his host and the messinger told hī al the case ¶ And sir Iohan toke tho his host ̄ come in the morow erly toward the castell ¶ And sir Richard Siward saw him cum that wos master of the counsell keꝑ of the castell ̄ said vn to the englissmen O qd he now I se a fare cōpanye well appariled I will gon ayens them ̄ with them to mette them assaill ¶ And sir hugh Spenser saw the falsenesse of him the treson said to him O tratour take ̄ proued your falsenesse shall not a vaill you And hugh the spēser cōmādid anone for to bynde hī ī all hast wēt ayens ther enmys and killid of the scottys xxijM. For the scottys had that time no man with them of honour sauf sir Patrik graham that manli faught ̄ long ̄ at the last he was kylled And tho said the englisshmen ī reproue of the scottys ¶ Thes scaterand scottys hold I for sottis of wrenches vn ware Erli in a mornyng in an euell tymyng went ye fro Dunbare WHen tho that were in the castell saw the scomfiture they yolden vp the castell vn to the englisshmen and boūdē hir bodies londis castellis to the kīg Edward so thei wer take ther in the castell iij. erles and vij barons ̄ xxviij knyghtis and xi clerkis vij Picardis ̄ all wer presentid to kyng Edward and he sent them vn to the toure of londō to be keped ther ¶ How kyng edward of his gret grace deliuered ayeij the scotis out of prison that wer chieftens of that land and they drew thē to the frensshmen thurgh coūsell of willm waleis WHen kyng edward had made tho an end of the were and taken the chefetayns of scotland Tho come sir Iohane bailloll and yelde him vn to kyng Edward and put him in his grace he was lad to london And when kyng Edward was comē thider they wer brought before him and the kīg axed of them how they wold make amendis of that trespasse and losse that thei had done him thei put them ī his merci ¶ Lordīges qd the kīg I wyll not your landis ne your goodis But I wyll that ye make to me an oth vpon goddis body to be trew to me neuer after thys tyme ayenst me bere armys And all they ꝯsentid to the kynges will swore vpō goddis body ¶ That is to say sir Iohan of Comyn the erle of the strathorne the erle of Carrik also iiij bisshoppis vndertoke for all the clarge so the kīg deliuerid them yaf them saufe condithys to wend ī to ther own land And it was not long afterward that they ne arisen ayen kyng Edward for encheson that they wist well that kyng Edwardis folke was take in Gascoyne as before is sayed but sir Iohn̄ bailloill kīg of scotland wist well that his land shuld haue sorow and shame for ther falsenesse in hast went him ouer se to his own landes and ther he held him and come neuer ayen wherfor the Scottys chosin vn to ther kīg willm waleis a ribaud and an harlot cumen vp of noght ̄ moch harme did to the englisshmen ¶ And kyng Edward thought how he myght haue deliuerance of his pepull that wer take in gascoyn ̄ ī hast went him ouer see in to Flaūdres for to were vpon the kīg of fraunce And the erle of flaundres vnderfenge him with moch honour ̄ graūted him all his landis at his own will ¶ And when the king of fraūce herd tell that the kynge of englond wos ariued in flaūdres ̄ come with an huge pouer hī for to distruye he praied him of trews for ij yere so that englissh marchantis ̄ also frenssh might saufely go cum in bothe sidis ¶ The king Edward graūted it so that he must haue his men out of p̄son that wer ī gascoyn ̄ the kīg of fraūce graūtid anone ̄ so they wer deliuerid ¶ And ī the same tyme the scottys sent by the bisshop of sent Andrews in to fraūce to the kīg to sir Charles his brother that sir charles shuld cum with his pouer ̄ they of scotland wold cum with ther pouer and so they shuld go in to englond that land for to distruy from scotland vn to they comen to kent and the scottys trastid moch vpō the frensshmē but of that thyng they had no maner graūte ¶ And notheles the scottis began to robbe ̄ kill in northumberlōd did moch harme ¶ How willm waleis let sle sir Hugh of Cressingham and of the bataill of fonkirke WHen this tidyng was comen te kȳg Edward that willm waleis had ordeyned such a strong pouer and also that all Scotlond vn to him wos entendant and redy for to kyll englissh men and to distroye the land he was sore annoyed and sent annone by letter to the erle of Garren and to sir henri ꝑcy and to sir Willm Latomer and to sir Hugh of Cressingham his tresorer that they shuld take pouer and wend in to Northumberland ̄ so forth in to scotland for to kepe the cuntris ¶ And when william waleis herd of hir commyng he gan for to fle and the englishmen him folewid and drefe him till he come to Striuelyn ther he held him in the castell ¶ And the walsshmen euery day them escried and manaced did all the dispite that they myght So that the englisshmē vpō a tyme in a mornyng wēt out from the castell the moūtenāce of x. mile ̄ passid ouer a brigge And willm waleis come with a strong pouer ̄ drofe them a bake for the Englisshmē had ayens him tho no myght but fled they that myght take the brigge ascappid but sir Hugh the kynges tresorour ther was slain and mony other also wherfore wos made mich sorow ¶ Tho had kyng Edwar sped all his nedis in Flaūdris and wos ayen comen in to englond and in hast he toke his way in to scotland and come theder at the Ascenciō tide And all that he foūd he set a fire brent ¶ But the poer pepull of scotland cō to him wonder thyke prayd him for goddis loue that he wold on them haue merci pitte ¶ Wherfor the kyng ●ho commandid that no man sh̄old do them harme that wer yoldin to him ne to no man of ordir ner to no house of religion ne no maner chirche But let aspie all that he myght wher that he myght find ony of his enmys ¶ Tho
sentence vnder his bulles of lede vn to the erchebisshop of cantorburi and to the erchebisshop of yorke that if Robert the brus of scotland wold not be Iustified and make a mendes vn to the kyng of englond Edward ther lord and make amendis of his losse and of his harmes that they had done in englond and also to restore the goodis that they had taken of holy chirche that the sentence shuld be prenounced thurgh out all englond ¶ And whē the scottis herd this they wold not leue ther malece for the popis commaundement ¶ Wherfor robert the Brus Iames Douglas and Thomas Raudulfe erle of Moref and all tho that with them comuned or them help in worde or dede wer cursed in euery chirche thurgh out all englond euery day at masse .iij. tymes and no masse sh̄uld be songe in holy chirche thurgh out all scotland bot if the scottis wold make restitucion of the harms that they had made vn to holy chirche werfor mony a good prest and holy men therfor wer slayn thurgh the reame of scotland for encheson that thei wolde not sing no masse ayens the popes commandemēt ayens his will ̄ to done ̄ fulfill the tirantes will ¶ How sir Hugh the spensers son wos made the kynges chamberlayn and of the bataill of Mitone ANd it was not long afterward that the kyng ne ordened a parlament at yorke and ther was sir hugh the spencers sone made chambrelayn and the meyn tyme while the were lasted the kyng went ayen in to scotland that it wos wonder for to witte and beseged the toune of Berewik but the scottis went ouer the water of Solewath that wos iij. myle from the kyngꝭ host priueli they stele a way by nyght and come in to Englond robbed destruyd all that they myght ̄ sparid no maner thing till that they come vn to yorke ¶ And when the Englisshmē that wer left at home herd this tidyng all tho that myght trauell as well mōkes and prestis ̄ freris chanons seculars come met with the scotis at Miton vpswale the xij day of October ¶ Alas that sorow for the english husbondmen that coud no thīg of the were that ther wer kylled and drenched in an arme of the see And ther chiefteynes sir willm of Melton Erchebisshop of yorke and the abbot of Selby with ther stedis fled and come to yorke and that was ther own folie that they had that myschance for they passid the water of swale and the scottis set a fier the stakkis of hey the smok ther of wos so huge that the englissmē myght not see the scottis ¶ And when the englismen wer gone ouer the water tho come thee Scottis with ther wynge in maner of a shelde and come toward the englishmen in a ray ̄ the englisshmen fled for vnneth they had any men of armes for the kyng had them almost lost at thee sege of Berewyk and the scottis hobilers went bitwix the brige the englismen ¶ And when the gret host them met the englishmen fled bitwen the hobilers the gret host and the englishmē almost wer ther kylled ¶ And he that might wend ouer the water was saued bout mōy wer drēchid ¶ Alas for ther wos slaī mōy mē of religiō ̄ seculers prestis clerkis with moch sorow the erchebisshep ascapid therfore that scottis called the bataill the white bateill ¶ How kīg edward did all maner thīg that sir hugh spenser wold ANd when kyng edward herd this tidyng he remeued his sege from Berewik and come ayen to englond but sir hug the spenser the son that wos the kynges chambrelayn kepid so the kynges chamber that no man might speke with the kīg ¶ Bot he had made with him a fret for to done all his nede ̄ that ouer mesur ¶ And this hugh bare him so stout that all men had of him scoornne ̄ despite And the kyng hī self wold not be gouerned ne ruled by no maner man but only bi his fadre ̄ bi him ̄ if ony knyght of englond had woddis maneres or lordis that they wold couet anone the kīg must yef it them or els the mā that ought it shuld be falsely endited of forfit or felonye And thurgh such doyng they desherited mony a good bachiler ̄ so moch land getten that it was wonder· ¶ And when the lordis of englond saw the grete couetise the fassenesse of sir hugh the spenser the fadre ̄ of sir hugh the son they come to the gentill erle of Lancastre and axed hī of ꝯcell of the disese that wos ī the reame thurgh sir hugh the spenser ̄ his son And in hast by one assent they made a p̄ue assembull at shirborne ī Elmede ̄ they made ther an oth for to breke and destroble the doyng bitwen the king ̄ sir hugh spenser ̄ his son vpon ther pouer ¶ And they went in to the march of wales ̄ destruid the land of the forsaid sir hughes ¶ How sir hugh Spenser his fader wer exiled out of englod WHen kyng edward saw the gret harme and destruccion that the barons of Englond did vn to sir hugh the spensers lande and to his sones in euery place that they come vpon ¶ And the kyng tho thurgh his counsell exiled sir Iohn̄ monbray sir roger Clifford and sir Gosselin dauill and mony other lordis that wer to them concent wherfore the barons did tho more harme then thei diden before ¶ And when the kyng saw that the barons wold not sese of ther cruelte the king wos sore adrad lest they wold destruy him and his reame for his meyntenance but if that he ascented to them ¶ And so he sent for them by letters that they shuld cum to london to his parlament at a certan day as in his letters wos contened ¶ And they come with iij. batailles well armed at all pointis and euery bataill had cote armures of grene cloth ther of the right quart wos yalow with whit bendis wherfore that that parlament wos called the parlament of the white bend And in that companye was sir vmfrcey of Boh●ne erle of herford and sir Roger of Clifford sir Iohn̄ Mombray sir Gecelin dauill sir Roger Mortimer vncull of sir Roger Mortimer of wigmore sir hēri of Trais sir Iohan Giffard and sir Bartholomew of badeles more that wos the kynges stiward that the kyng had sent to shirborne in elmede to the erle of Lancastre and to all that with him wer for to tret of accorde that him allied to the barons and come with that companye ¶ And sir roger Dammorie ̄ sir hugh Dandale that had spoused the kinges neces sustre and sir Gyllebert of Clare erle of Glocestre that wos killed in scotland as before is said ¶ And tho ij lordis had tho two ꝑties of the erledom of glocestre ̄ sir hugh the
the same cite of paris with all the hast that he myght ¶ For soth the nobull kyng Edward when he com to Paris brugge and fond it broken with in two dayes he let make it ayen And in the morn after thee Assumcioō of our lady kyng Edward passed ouer the water of seyn goyng toward Crescy and distroyed by the way tounes with the pepull duelling ther in And in the fest of sent Bartholomew he passid ouer the water of somme vnhurt with all his host ther as neuer before hand wos ony maner way ne passage wher ij M. wer slaī of them that lettid ther passage ouer Therfor the xxvi day of august kyng Edward in a feld fast by Crescy hauyng iij batailles of englishmen countred and met with Philip of valois hauyng with him iiij bataillis of wich the lest passed gretly the nombre of english pepull ¶ And when thes ij hostes mete to gedre ther fell vpon hī the kīg of Beme the Duke of Loren. and erles also of Flaundres Dalaunson Bloys Harecourt Aumarle and Neuers and mony other erles barons lordis knyghttis ̄ mē of armes the nombre of a M.v. C.xlij. with out fote men other men armed that wer nothīg rekened ¶ And for all this the vnglorius Philip with drew him with the residew of his pepull ¶ Wherfor it was said in commune among his own pepull Nrē beal soy retreyt that is to say our fair with draweth him ¶ Than kyng Edward and our englisshmen thanked god almyghti for such a victori after ther gret labour taken to them all thyng nedefull to ther sustinance and sauyng of ther lyues and for dred of ther enmys rested them ther. ¶ And full erly in the mornyng after the frenshmen with an hugh passing host come ayen for to yef bataill and fight with the Engl̄ishmē with whom met and countred the erll of Werwik Northamton and Northfolke with ther companie and slew ij thousand and toke mony prisoners of the gentils of them ¶ And the remenant of the same host fled iij mile thens And the thrid day after the bataill the kīg wēt to Calaysward destroyng all the tounes as he rode thidder whā that he was comen that is for to say the thrid day of September he began to besege the toune with the castele and continued his sege fro the forsaid therid day of septembre to the thrid day of August the next yere after ¶ And in the same yere during the sege of Calys the kyng of Scotland with a full gret multitude of Scottis comen in to Englond to Neuiles crosse about sent Lukes day the euangelist hopyng and trustyng for to haue found all the land destitute and void of pepull For as moch as the kyng of englond wos by yond the see sauf onli prestis and men of holy chirche ̄ women ̄ children and plowmen and such other labourers and ther they come and robbed and did moch priue sorow ¶ But yit fond they ynow that them with stode by the grace of almyghty god ¶ And so a day of bataill wos assigned bitwen them and certan lordis and men of holi chirche that wer of that cuntre with other commune pepull fast by the cite of Duresme At wich day thurgh the grace and help of almyghti god the scottis wer ouer comen and yit wer ther iij. sold so mony of them as of Englishmen ¶ And ther wos slayn all the Chiualri and knyghthod of the reame of scotland ¶ And ther wer taken as thei wold haue fled thens Dauid the kyng of Scotland him selfe and the erle of Mentif sir Willm Douglas and mony other gret men of scotland ¶ And after that our Englishmen whā they had rested them a few dais and had ordeyned ther kepers of the north cuntre thei comen to london and brought with them sir Dauid kyng of scotland and all thes other lordis that were taken prisoners vn to the toure of londō with all the hast that they myght ¶ And ther left hem in sauf kepīg vn to the kīgꝭ cūmīg wēt home ayen ī to ther own cūtre ̄ afterward was the kīgꝭ r●ūson of scotland taxed vn to an C.M. marke of siluer to be paied in .x. yere that is to say euery yere x. M. marke ¶ How kyng Edward beseged Calays and how it wos wone and yold to him IN the xxij yere of kyng Edwardis regne he went ouer the see in the wynter tyme and lay all the wynter at the sege of Calays the wich yere the while the sege lasted and endurid Philip the kyng of fraunce cast and purposed trechouresly with fraud to put a way the sege ̄ come the xxvij day of Iuyll in the same yere with a gret host and a strong pouer ̄ neyghed to the sege of Calais ¶ The wich Philip the last day of Iulij sent to kyng Edward word that he wold yef him playn bataill the iij day after that about euensong tyme if he durst cum fro the seege ̄ abide ¶ And when kyng edward herd that with out ony lōg tarieng or long a visement he accepte gladly the day and houre of bataill that Philip had assigned ¶ And when the kyng of fraūce herd that the next nyght after he set his tentis a fire ̄ remeued ̄ went away thens cowardly ¶ Than they that wer ī the toune in the castell beseged seyng all this how that they had none other help ne socour of the kyng of fraunce ne of his men ¶ And also that ther vitales within them wer spendit and wasted forfaut of vitales and of refrishing they eten hors houndes cattes myce for to kepe ther trewth as long as they myght ¶ And when they saw and wos found among them at the last that thei had no thyng among them for to ete ne lyue by ne no socour ne rescueng of the frenshmen of that other side they wist well that they most nedis die for defaut or el̄s yeld the toune and anone tho thei wenten and token downe the baners and the armes of fraunce on eueri side that wer hongen out and wenten on the walles of the forsaid toune on diuerse places as naked as ouer they wer borne sauf onli ther shertis and ther priue clothes and held ther swerdis naked the point donward in thi● hondis and puten ropes halters about ther nekkis and yelden vp the keys of the toun and of the Castill to kyng Edward of englond with gret fere and dred of hert ¶ And when kyng Edward saw this as a marciabul kyng and lord receued all to grace and a few of the gretest personers of state and of gouernaūce of the toune he sent in to englōd ther to abide ther ranson and the kynges grace And all the comminalte of the toune the kyng let go whider they wold in pees with out ony harme and let them bere with them
wherfor the erle of penbroke wos sent ī to gascoyn with a gret companie of men of armes for to distro the sege the wich passed the see and comen sauf to the hauen of Rochell ̄ whan they wer ther at the hauen mouth or that they myght entre sodenly come vpon them a strong nauy of Spayn the wich tho ouercome thee englishmen in moch blemysshyng hurtyng slayng of mōy peple for as moch as theenglish men wer not than redi for to fight ne warned of them And in the cūmyng vpō the Spanyardis all the english men othir they wer take or slayn x. of them wer woūdid to the deth ̄ all ther shipis brint ther they toke the erle with an huge tresour of the reame of englōd mōy other noble men also on midsomer eue the wich is sent Edeldredis day ̄ led them with them in to spayn ¶ And of this mischief wos no gret wonder for this erle wos a full ill liuer as an open lichour And also in a certayn parlament he stod was ayens the rightis and fraūches of holy chirch And also he coūceled the kyng and his councell that hee shuld ax more of men of holy chirch than other ꝑsons of the lay fe ¶ And for the kyng other of his counsell acceppid toke rather ill opinions causes ayens men of holy chirch than he did for to defend ̄ maynten the right of holy chirch it wos seyn after mony tymes for lake of fortun grace they had not ne bare away so gret victorie ne pouer ayens ther emnys as they did before ¶ This sam yere the kīg with a gret host entred the se to remeue theseege of Rochell but the wind wos euen contrari vn to him suffred him not long time to go ferfro the land wherfor he abode a certayn tyme vpon the see costes abidyng after a good wynde for them ̄ yit come it not so at the last he come thens with his men to lond ward ayen anone as he wos on land the wynd began for to turne wos in an other cost than he wos afore ¶ How the duke of Lancastre with a gret host went in to flaunders passed by Paris thurgh Burgon ̄ thurgh all fraūce till he come to Burdeux SOne after in the xlviij yere of the regne of kyng edward the duke of Lancastre with a gret pouer went in to flaunders and passed by Paris thurgh Burgon and thurgh all fraunce till he come vn to burdeux with out ony maner withstōdīg of the frensshmen ̄ he did them but litell harme sauf he toke ransoned mony places toūes mōy men let them after gon frely· ¶ The same yere the kyng sent certayn enbassetoure to the pope prayng him that he sh̄uld leue of and medle not in his court of the kepyng reseruacions of benefices in englond ̄ that tho that wer chosen to bisshoppes sees dignites frely ̄ with ful right might ioy haue be confermed to the same of ther metropolitans ̄ erchebishoppis as they wer wont to be of old tyme. ¶ of thes poyntes of othir touchyng the kyng his reame whan they had ther ansuer of the pope the pope enioyned them that they shuld certefi him ayen by ther lettir of the kynges will and of his reame or they determined ought of the forsaid articles ¶ In the same yere died Iohan the Erchebisshop of yorke Iohan̄ bisshop of Ely willm bissh̄hop of Worcestre In whos stedis folowed were made bishoppis be auctorite of the pope mastir Alexander Neuyll to the erchebishoprich of york Thomas of Arundell to thee bissh̄oprich of Ely sir Henri wakseld to the bisshop of worcestre ¶ In the wich tym it wos ordeyned in the ꝑlamēt that all cathedrall churches shuld ioy haue ther eleccions hole ̄ that the kīg fro that tym afterward shuld not write ayens them that wer chosē bot rather help thē by his letter to ther ꝯfirmaciō this statuti did moch ꝓfit ¶ And ī this ꝑlamēt wos grātid to the kīg a dyme of the clergi ̄ a xv of lay fe In the xlix yere of the kīg edward died master willm witlesey erchbishoo of cantorberi the mōkes of the same church askid ̄ desierid a Cardinale of englōd to be erchebishop And therfor the kyng wos agreuid ̄ had mēt purposed to haue exilid the monkis of the same house And they spēdid moch good or they myght haue the kyngꝭ graci ayen and his loue but yit wold the kyng not consent ne graunte to ther eleccion of the Cardinall ne of the pope also ne his Cardinales ¶ And at the begynnyng of August it wos tretid ̄ spoken at burges of certayn pointes and articles hanging bitwene the pope the kīg of englond and this tretis lasted almost ij yere ¶ At the last it wos accordid bitwen them that the pope fro that time forth shuld not vse ne dele with the reseruacions of benefices in englond and that the kyng sh̄uld not graunte ne let no benefices bi hys write that is called Quare impidit But as toching the eletcion aboue said ther wos no thyng touched ne do ¶ And that was wyted and put vpon certayn clerkis the wich rather supposid and hoped to be avaunced promotid to bisshoppriches wich they desired ̄ couetid bi the court of rome rather than by any other eleccions ¶ This same yere about candelmasse ther met to geder at Bruges mony nobull worthy men of both sides and reames to trete of pees bitwen tho ij kynges ¶ And this tretis lasted ij yere with gret costes huge expensis of both ꝑties And at the last they went and deꝑted thens with out ony accord or effect the next yere after the .l. yere of kyng Edward iiij Non̄ of May beyng yit void and vacand the Erchebisshoprich of cantorburi master Symond sudberi bisshop of london wos made Erchebisshop master willm Courtney that was bisshop of Herford was than made bissh̄op of london and the bisshap of Bangore wos made bisshop of Herford ¶ And this same tyme in a certayn tretis and spekyng of pees trews wos taken bitwen them of fraunce englond fro midsomer to midsomer come ayen all an hole yere and about the begynnyg of Aprill the duke of Bretan with mony erles barons and other worthi lordis men of englond went ouer se in to Bretan wher he hath had all his lust desire and purpose ne had the forsaid trwys be so sone take the wich lettid them moch this same tyme the I le of Constantine wher that the castell of sent Saueour is in that long tyme was fought at and beseged of the frenshmen wos than yoldē to the frenshmē with all the appotenaunces in to gret harme and hindring of the reame of englond ¶ And this same yere ther wer so
to owr lord Then iepte wos enspyred wyth all myghtty god And faught a ganes Amon and. Sedicios pepull off the hyll off Effraym And for an vnprudent voy hee slew hys owne doughter fullishly did sacrifice to god with hir iudicū 11 12 Ozy this tyme wos bysshop in israel and he wos of the seed of Aron by the line of Eleazari the wiche deed through the ꝓuisiō of god the bysshoprike turned to the lyne of Ythamaran C xx yere in the wich line Hely wos the first hee bisshope Abiather wos the last Ebessam wos iuge in israel vn yere and he wos the xij iuge and he wos named other wise Boos the wych wed ruth Abialon the xiij iuge of israel wos iuge x yere and vndyr thes tymes the chyldir of israel warqwiet and therfor no notabull thynges was done in theys dayes Abdon the xiiij iuge gouerned in israel viij yere and a bowte this tyme the histori of Ruth wos wreten Authāis this time wos kyng of asserirum Priamus kyng of Troy son to Laomidō byldet his cite a yane meruelusly strong and be gone batell with the grekys in to hys owne hurt and he had a son wos called Hector a lefull gettyn son bi his wyf Eccuba this man wos faythfull and wysse and in cōꝑabull of strengh nobulnes this Priamis had a nother son wos called Paris the wich toke a way fro the lond of grekis Helena wyfe to Menelayus the kyng Agamenon the kyng brother to menelay the leder of all the grekis oost faught a yans Troy and at the last he won the cite falsly to the grekys the most shame ̄ sklandir that myght be for certanly that myght be cald a vnhappy batell wher no man gewes louyng to the grekys bott euery man reportis sham Eneas wos kyng in Itali iij yere ̄ this Eneas after troy wos destuyt of the grekys come in to Ytaly wyth xx schyppys and did myghty batelles ther and this mā had wedit Priamus doughter Elinsuram and he wos made A god thrugh the errour of the cōmyn pepull and of this man come Iulius cesar Octauianus augustus Vlixes an eloquent man emong all the grekys after mony parrellys on the see wēt home to hys Penolopem the most faythfull And the most chastyt woman that is red off and the grekys parychit wrecchytly aftir they had destruyd Troy bothe on the water on the land os they went homward a yane ¶ And that wos thee principall date of ther writyng after that victori for the wrot ther histores ̄ odyr writyngꝭ sic Anno primo uel secūdo c. post troiam captam And that wos the .iij. yere of Abdon iuge of israel Circa annū mūdi iiijM.xxv. Et an̄ xpī natī M.C.lxxiiij OBeth of cristis lyne son to Boos is rehersset in Math. Samson the xv iuge regnet xx yere this Samson wos the most strong man that euer wos And he delyuered israel from the Phylistians and for hys meruelus strength mē trowed he had beyn hercules Eteiꝰ mirabilia oꝑa vide iudicū .13 Anno mūdi iiij M lxxv Et an̄ xpī natiuitatē M.C xiiij IEsse son to Obeth of the lyne of crist odyrwyse called Ysay fadre to Dauid thys tyme leued a noaull man in honesty no kyng ne gret gouerner bot of hym mony tymes is made mencion in holy scriptur for of hym descendit crist our saueour Thys tyme Hely wos iuge and bisshop in israel the wich had ij sonnys Ophni and Phinees and for he coreket them not sufficiently He and they were ponysshit bothe of our lord for they were slayn of the Philistions and Hely feell of his seit and brake his nec This hely wos iuge next after Samson and not of the linage of Aron that wos fyrst Bisshop of god electe bot off Ythamar the linage duryt C.xx yere in the wych lynage Hely wos fyrst bisshope and Abyathar the last vide plara primo regum This tyme Saull wos kīg in israel̄ after the master in hys histories ̄ Iosephus ī his viij boke this Saule wos first kyng ī israel̄ and regnet xx yere the wich or he wos kyng wos a good man and electe off god bot afterward wrecchytly he fayled And he wos slayn and his iij. sonnys in the hyllys of gylboy In the tyme of saul Samuell wos Iuge prophet in israel an holi man ̄ borne of a baran moder mony a day ̄ he mynystred a foor our lord from a child to his age ̄ wos not hee Bisshope bot he iuget israel all the dayes of his liffe ̄ wos the veray prophet of god .ij. kynges he anoyntet Saul fyrst ̄ after Dauid this Samuell alone and Moyses ar red that thei prayed for ther enmys in all the old testament Of thys Samuell and Saull be dyuerse opynions Isodyr sayth that Samuell and Saul ruled israel xl yere and Iosephus in his viij boke and the master ī his hystories sayn Samuel to be Iuge xij yere aloon after hym saul to regne xx yere plura vide pri o regum Ascanius the vij kyng of ytaly wos son to Eneas beldit the cite of Albion ̄ he wos cald the kyng of Albanorum ¶ Thys asconyus got Siluiꝰ the viij kyng of Italy the wycch siluius was fadir vn to Brute kyng of bretan now called Englond And I leef of the kyngꝭ of Italy for they did bot litill nobull thynges tyll it be cōmen to Romulꝰ ̄ remꝰ that rome wos bilded And then shall thos kyngꝭ cū a yane we ꝓcede to the cronicls Albion Here ye may se how Englond fyrst began at albion of englōd for the wich this boke namly is maade And venis and Padua wor bylded a bowte this tyme of the resudw of the troyans Homere the gret poete a bowte this tyme wos the wyche wrotte and fened gloriusli mony a lesyng ¶ Incipit regnum britanie nunc dict anglia ¶ Afor that I will speke of Brute it shall be shewed how the lōde of englōd wos fyrst namd albiō ̄ by what c̄chesō it vos so namit IN the nobull land of Sirrie ther wos a nobull kyng myghty ̄ a mā of gret renōe that wos called Dieclisian that wel ̄ wortheli him gouerned ̄ ruled thurgh his noble chiualri So that he ꝯquered all the landes about hym so that almost all the kynges of the world to hym were entēdāt Hit be fell thꝰ that this Dioclisian spoused a gētill damisell that wos wōder fair that was his emes doughter labana she loued hym as reson wold so that he gat vpō her xxxiij doughtres of the wich the eldest wos called Albine ̄ thees damiselles whan they comē vn to age bicomen so fair that it wos vōder wher of Dioclisian anōe let make asompnyng ̄ cōmaunded by his lettres that all the kynges that helden of hym shold
one wos called Gogmagog and an other Langherigan and so they wer named by diuerse names nad in this maner they come forth and wer borne horrible geantes in Albion and they duelled in caues and ī hylles at ther wyll and had the londe of Albion as them lyked vn to the tyme that Brut arriued and come to Totnes that wos in the yle of Albion and ther this brute conquered and skomfited thes geantes aboue sayd ¶ Here be geneth now how Brut was goten and how he slewe fyrst his moder and after his fader and how he conquered Albion that after he named Bretan after his owne name that now is called Englond after the name of Engist of saxonie Thys Brute cam in to Bretan a bowte the .xviij. yeer of Hely BE it knaw that in the nobull cite of greet Troy theer wos a nobull Knyght and a man of grete pouer that wos called Eneas and when the cite of Troy was lost and destroed thurgh them of Grece this Eneas with al his meyne fled thens and comeī to Lumbardy that tho wos lord and gouernour of that lond a kyng that wos called Latyne and a nother kyng ther wos that wos called Turocelyne that strongli wered vpō this kyng latyne that often tymes did hym moche harme And whē this kyng latyne herd that Eneas was comen he vnderfeng hym wyth mochel honour hym with helde for as moche as he had herd of hym wist well that he wos a nobull knyght and a worthy of hys body ̄ of hiy dedes this Eneas helpet kyng Latyne ī his were ̄ shortly for to tell so well so worthely he did that he slew Turocelyne ̄ discomfited hym ̄ all his pepull And when al this wos done kyng latyne yaf all that lond that wos turocelinis to thys noble man Eneas in mariage with Lauyne his doughter the most faire creature that any man wist and so they lyued to geder in ioye and myrthe all the dayes of theyr lyfes tyme. and after Asconyus son to Eneas wedded a wyfe and vpō hyr he begat a son that wos called Silueyn ̄ this silueyn whan he colde sum resun of man vn wittyng his fadre and a yenst his wyll acquentyd hym with a damysell that wos cosyn to Lauyne that wos kyng latynes dougter the quene that wos eneas wyfe and brought the damysell wyth chylde and whon Ascanius his fader it wist anone let enquere of the wisest masters and of the grettest klerkes what chyld the damisey shold bring forth and they ansuered ̄ sayed that she shold bring ofrth a son that shold kyll bothe his fadre and also his modre and so he did For his moder dyed in beryng of hym And whan this chyld wos borne his fader let calle hym Brute and the masters siyd that he shold doo moche harme ̄ sorow in mony dyuerse places and after he shold come to gret honour and worshyp This kyng ascanius dyed when god wold and Silueyn his son resaued the lond and made hym wonderly well beloued amonges his pepull and whan Brute thatt wos Siluenus son wos xv yere olde he went vpon a day wythe his fadre for to play ̄ solace ̄ as Brute shold a shote vn to an hert hys harew myshapped glaced so ther Brutkel led his fader ¶ How Brute wos dreuen out of the lond and how he helde hym in Grece And when this myschance befell all the pepull of the lond made sorow ynowgh and war sore an angreyd and for encheson therof they driuen Brute oute of the lond wold not suffer hym amonges them and he saugh that he myght not ther a bide he went from thens in to grece ̄ ther he fond vij M. men that were of the lynage ̄ kynred of Troy that wor comē of gret blode as the stori telleth as of men womē ̄ child the wich wer all holden in thraldom ̄ bondage of the kyng Pandras of grece for the deth of Achilles that wos bitrayed ̄ slayn at troy thys Brute wos a wonder fayr man a strong and huge of his age and of glad cheyr and sembland ̄ also worthy of body and wos wellbeloued emonges his pepule This kyng Pandras herde speke of his goodnes and his condicions and anone made hym duell with hym so that Brute bicome wonder priue ̄ moch beloued with the kyng so that long tyme brute duelled with the kyng so at the last they of troy and brute spakyn to gedre of kynred and of lynage ̄ of acquantance and ther plened them vn to brute of ther sorow and of ther bondage and of mony other sh●mes that the kyng Pandros had them done ̄ to brute they sayn vpon a tyme ye ben a lord of our linage ̄ a strong man a myghty be ye ou● captayn lord ̄ gouernour ̄ we wyll be cume your mē and your commandmentes done in all maner of thinges and bryng ye vs oute of this wrecchitnes and bandage ̄ we wil fyght wyth the kyng for trouth with the grace of the gret god we shall hym ouercome and we shall make you kyng of the lond and to you done homage ̄ of you we shall holde euermore Brute had tho gret pite of ther bondage that they were brought yn and preuely went hem from the kynges court and tho that were of Troy wē ̄ put them in to wodis and in to montaygens and them the helde and sent vn to kyng Pandros that he shuld yeue them leu sauely for to wend out of the lond for they wold no longer duelle in his bondage The kyng Pandras wax tho sore annoyd and tho swore that he wold slae them euerychone and ordeneyd a grett pouer and went towardes them all for to feght but Brute and his men manli them defended and fersly foughten and kylled al the kynges men that none of them ascaped and token the kyng ̄ hym helde in prison and ordeyned counsell bi tweyn them what they mygth done ̄ sū said that he shuld be put to deth and sū said that he shuld be exiled out of the lond and sū said that he shuld be brent ¶ And tho spake a wyse knyght that was called Mempris and said to Brute and to all tho of Troy yf kyng Pādras wold yelde hym and haue his lyfe I councell that he yeue vn to brute that is our duke and our soferayne his doughter Gennogen to a wyfe and in mariage with hyr an hondreth shippes wel araied and all hys tresour of gold and siluer of corne and of wyne and as moch as os nedeth to haue of o thyng and other and than go we oute of his lond ̄ ordayn we vs a land elles where for we ne none of our kynred that comen after vs shall neuer haue pees in this lond amonges them of grece for we haue slayn so
humbars doughter and she wos called Estrild ¶ And whan Lotrin saw hir he toke hir with hym for hir fayrnes ▪ and for hir wos ouer taken with loue ̄ wold haue wedded hir This tidīges come to Corin and anone he thought to aueuge hym vpon lotrin Far os mych as Lotrin had made counand for to spouse Corins douhhter that was called Guentolen And corin in hast went to hym vn to new Troy thꝰ he sayed to Lotrin now certes quod he ye reward me full euell for all the paynes that I haue suffred and had mony tymes for Brute your fadre and therfor sen that it is so I wyll a uenge me now vpon you and he drew his fauchon an hight and wold haue slayn thys Lotrin the kyng but the damisell went by tweyn them and made them acorded ī this maner that Lotrin shold spouse guendolen that wos Corins doughter And so Lotryn did And nertheles whan that he had spoused Guentolen Corins doughter preualy he come to Estrilde and brought hir wich chyld ̄ gate vpon hir a doughter the wych was called Abren ¶ And hit befell so that anone after that Corin dyed and after when he was deid Lotrine for soke Guendolen that wos his wyfe and made Estrilde quene And ther guentolen that was his wyffe went from thens all in gret ire and wroth vn to Cornwaill and ther seised all the lond in to hir owne hond for as moche as she was hir fadres eyr she vnder toke feautes and homages of al the men of the lond and afterward assembled a gret host and a gret pouer of men for to be a venged vpon Lotrin that was hir lord and to hym come and yaf hym a strong batell and ther wos Lotrin hir hosband slayn and his men discomfited in the v. yere of his regne Guentolen let take Estrile and Abram hir doughter and bynd them b●the h●nd ̄ fete ̄ kest them bothe in to a water and so they drenched wherfor that water was euer more called after Abram after thee name of the damysell that was Estrildis doughter and englyssh men calleth that water seuern and walsh men callis it Abram vn to this day ¶ And when this was done Guentolen let croune hir quene of all the lond ̄ gouerned the lond full well and wysely vn to the tyme that Madan hir son that Lotrin had goten vpon hir were of xx yere of age that he myght be kyng and so the quene regned xv yere and tho lett she croune hir son kyng hee regned gouerned the lond well and worthely And she went in to Cornwall and ther she duelled all hir lifes tyme. ¶ How Madan regned in pees all his life THys Madan son to Lotrin regned on the bretans xl yere The wich be gone regne the xv yere of Saull And this Madan liffed in pees all his dayes got ij sonnys Mēpris ̄ Maulyn Then he dyed and lyeth at new Troy Anno mūdi iiijM.C.xxij Et an̄ xpī natītatē M.lxxiiij Dauid the secund kyng in isreell regned thys tyme a man Daui● Here begīnith the fourte aage durīg to the transmigracion chosyn after the desyre of god And he wos a noynted in hys yong age by Samuell and after the deth of Saull he regned ·xl yere this Dauid wos as a meruell in all man kynd In whome euer was y found so moche power and so mochel humylyte So mochel nobulnes an so moche mekenes So gret a charge of seculari thynges And so pure and dewoute a contemplaciō of spyrituall thynges So mony men to kyll And so mony teres to wepe for his trespas plura vide primo regum Abiathar this tyme wos bysshope and he fled fro Saull vn to Dauid and he wos glorius wyth hym all his dayes Gad Nathan and Asaph war prophettes than and Nathan wos brother son to Dauid ¶ How Mempris slew his brother Maulyn THis Mempris and his broder maulyn str●ue fast for thee lond ̄ mēpris begone to regne the xxxv yere of Dauid and for enchesō that he wos the eldest son he wold haue had all the lōd and Maulyn woldnat suffre hym so that they toke a day of loue ̄ acorde ¶ And at this day Mēpris let kyll his brother thurgh treson and hym self afterward held the lond and anōe let croune hym kyng and regned and after became so lither a mā that he destroid ī a while all the mē of his lond and at the last he bicame soo wikked and so lecherous that he for soke his owne wyfe and vsed the synne of sodomye wherfo almyghti god wos gretly displesyd and wrothe with hym and vpan hym toke vengeance for be cause of his wikkednes For on a day as he went forth on huntyng in a forest ther he lost all his men that wos with hym and wist not what he shold done and so he went vp and doune hym self alone and cried after his men bot they war gone and ther come wolfes anone and all to dreu hym in peces when he had rened xxiiij yere and when his pepull herid that he wos so deyd they made Ioy and myrth y nowgh and anone mada Ebrac his son kyng and he regned with moch honour Anno mūdi iiijM.C.lxv Et an̄ xp̄i natītotē M xxxiiij SAlamon the kyng of Pees of the gyft of our lord had a synguler excedyng a bown all men that euer wos in thys world bot alonly god in wisdom ̄ in riches indayntethis ̄ in glory and famyliarite with god And all thogh Moyses and Dauid Peter Paule Ierom and Austyn and othee moo excedit hym in holines bot yet they excedit hym not in Glori and reches And this mā so excedīg all mē wrechitly fell Of thys Salamon is red in a pystill of sent Ierom that he got a chyld on the doughter of Pharao at xi yere of his age vide plrā regū Sadoch this tyme wos bisshop And for he declynet not to thee he part of Adonie Dauid son bot wos with Nathan for Salomon ̄ Abiather on the other parte wos deposit Anno mūdi iiijM.ij C v. Et an̄ xpī natītatē ixC. lxxxxiiij ROboas succedit Salamon his feder in his kyngdome bott not in wysdome he wos dessaued thurgh thee counsell of yong mē lost x. tribꝰ ī so mych that he awnsuaid not the pepul wisly as it is opyn tercio regū A chymyas wos bysshope and wos the son of Sadoch vt pꝪ patet primo paroliopo Reges israel incipiunt Iherobaas regned kīg ī israel xxij yere And he wos fyrst of the housold of Salamō ̄ a good man bot whē he wos made kyng he wos a myscheuꝰ mā ī ydolatri ̄ made israel to syn ī ydolatri ̄ mōy gret vncōuemētis war done almost to the destrucnon of all israell for he wos the fugour of machomyte plrā vide 3º regū Abdias the son of Roboas regned ī the Iuri
romās for ꝑcialyte of ij bretheren s. Aristobolus and Ercanus bothe of them for enuy of odirkest them to the Romans that they myght regne ¶ This tyme iij sonnes appered in heuyn toward the est parte of the world the wich be lytill and lytyll wer brought in to on body A gret signe it wos that Affrica Asia ̄ Europa shuld be brought in to on Monarch and that the lordship of Anthom the senetour and Lucus Antonij shuld turne in to on lordship Marcus Cicerio Tulyus the most excelent retricion wos consull of Rome this tyme. ¶ How that the Bretons graunted vn to Cassibolan that wos Ludd brother the land In whos tyme iulyus cesar come twyes for to conquere the lond of bretan AFter the deth of kyng Lud regned his brother Cassibolon and become a good man and mych belowed of his bretōs so that for his goodnes and curtesie they graunted hym the reame for euermore to hym and to his ayres And the kyng of his goodnes let norisch worthely bothe the sonnys that wos Ludis his brother and after made the eldest son erle of Cornwaill ̄ the yongest son he made erle of London And while this kyng cassibulon regned come Iulius cesar that wos Emprour of Rome ī to this land with a pouer of romans and wold haue had thys land thurgh strength but Cassibalon ouer come hym ī batell thurgh helpe of the bretons and drofe hym out of this land and he went ayen to rome and assemled a gret pouer an other tyme and come ayene in to this land for to gif batell to Cassibalan bot he wos discomfitied thurgh strenght of the britons and thurgh helpe of the erle of cornwaill and the erle of London his brother and thurgh help of Gudian kyng of scotland and corbond kyng the kyng of north walles and of Bretaill kyng of southwales ̄ in thys batell wos slayn Nennon that wos cassibolams brother wherfor he made moch sorow And so went Iulius cesar out of this land with a few of Romans that were left on lyue And tho Cassibalan went ayene to Londō made a fest vn to all his folke that tho hym had holpen and when that this fest was done ther euery man went in to his own cuntre ¶ Of the debate that wos bitwix cassibolom an the Erle of Londō of the truage that was paied to Rome ANd after it befell thus vpon a day that the gentilmen of the kynges houshold and gentilmē of the Erles houshold of l̄ondon after mete went in fere for to play and thurgh debate that arose emong them Enelyn that wos the erles cosen of London kyiled Irenglas that wos the kynges cosin wherfor the kyng swore that Enelyn shold be honged bot the Erle of London that was Enelyns lord wold not suffre hym wherfor the kyng was gretly vexid and wroth towarde the Erle and thought him to destru preualy the Erle sēt lettres to Iulius cesar that he shold cum ī to this land for to helpe hī hī a venge vpon the kīg ̄ he wold help hym with all his myght And when that the Emprour herd this tidyngꝭ he was full glad ̄ ordeyned a strōg pouer and come a yene the thrid tyme in to this land and the Erle of London helpe hym with vijM. men and at the thrid tyme was Cassibalon ouer comen and discomfited and made pees to the Emprour for iijM. ponde of syluer yeldyng by yere for truage for this land for euer more And then half a yere after passed the Emprour weent vn to rome and the erle of London with hym for he durst not abid in this land and after Cassibolan regned xvij yere in pees tho he died the xvij yere of his regne and lieth at yorke ¶ How that the lordis off the land after the deth of Cassibolan and for encheson that he had no heir made Andragen kyng AFter the deth of Cassibolon for as myche as he had none heir of his lefull body begottyn the lordes of the lond bi the comyns asent crouned Andragen Erle of Cornwaill and made hym kyng and he regned well and worthely and he wos a good man and well gouerned the lond and when he had regned viij yere then he died and lieth at London Circa annū mūdi vM.C.lix Et xp̄i natiuitatē xl IOseph of the lyne of crist abowt this tyme wos borne and after wos husband vn to our lady Antigonus was Bysshope this tyme in the Iuri This Antigonus was son vn to Aristoboly and on euery side he was fals for he obeyed not to the Romans and a gret plage he brouaht vn to the land for to destruy Hircanus his vnkyll that he mygh regne kyng And so Hircanuu was expulsed and Falelus wos kylled· and Herod wos flemyd bot whē Herod come vn te Rome and told to the Senetours all thes thynges The Emprour creatit hī kyng sēdīg with hī an host the wich toke ierusalem And Antigonum the Bysshope taken led to Anthony the senetour the wich made hym sekyr And so wos Herod confirmed in to his kīgdō ̄ he a strang regned on the iues And so the kīgdō of the iues seesyd as Iacob had said Titꝰ liuiꝰ historicꝰ and Ouidius wer this tyme. Incipiūt imꝑatores augusti ●et dictus est Augustus quia augebat populū OCtauian wos Emꝑour of rome lvij yere vi monethes and x. dayes This Octauian Neuew to Iuly wen he wos a yonge man toke the Empire vpon hym His florichyng youth he spend in were .vM. batels he did And chortly after mony batels he brought all the world in to on monarche This mā had no felow And in his dayes pees was ī all the world thurgh the prouision of the veray god that the temporall pees myght glorify the Natiuite of our sauyour crist ihesu This Octauian wos the fayrest man that myght be and hegh in witt the most fortunate in all thynges and he lakked not the vice of his fleshly lust This man made all the world to be mesured and the .lij. yere of his regne wos our lord Ihesu crist borne the sauer of this world the wich granteth eternall pees to his louery ¶ Hic nota secund ieroīmū that Anna and Emeria wer sistirs and of Emeria wos borne Elezabeth mother to Iohn̄ baptiste she wos fy●st wedded to Iochym of whom she toke Mari mother of crist ¶ The secūd housbond wos Cleaphe he gat on hir Maria Cleaphe the wich wos wedded to Alphe of whom procedid Iamys the lesse Symon Cananeus Iudas Taddeus ̄ ioseph the wich is called Barsabas ¶ The thrid tyme anna wos wedded to Salome of whom she toke Mari salome the wich was weddid to Zebedi ̄ of them cō iamis the more and iohn̄ the Euāgelist the first mari wedded ioseph broder to Cleaphe a fore sayd ¶ Thys tyme Sibilla tiburtina ꝓphesied of crist And sayed to the Emꝑour august that he shold not
god yit kepe the forme for to the appostill the bisshoppis succede and to the discipuls prestis to the wich ij ordirs all the chyrche is geuen as a godly gerarche vt patet in decreto Damasie pape Iohēs wrot in Asia ī greke lāgage In principio erat verbum etcc Lucas wrot ī grecia in greke lāgage Fuit in diebus herodis regis iude sacerdos etc Marcus wrot ī ytalia bot ī greke langage Initiū euāgelii ihū cristi etcc Matheꝰ wrot in the Iuri ī hebru langage Liber generacōis ihesu cristi c ¶ Her begyneth the ordir of popys of Rome and continuys as the lyne of crist did afoor for ī th● god l●st hi● 〈◊〉 Anno domini xxxiiij PEtur a Iue the fyrst pope wos a blissed man and a glorius postyll of crist he wos heed of the chyrche after Ierom xxxvij yere And he held his bisshoprik in the est v. yere and said masse he made our lord and alone said the pater noster ¶ Thē after he come to Anthiociam and ther he a boed vij yere techyng the way of trowth and Symon magus he flemed a way that seson he prechid to the pepull that wer circumsisit the wych wer in pōto of galati Capadecia Asia Bithinia ¶ Thē he herd that Symon magus deludit the romans thurgh the lufe of the faith he come to Rome in the iiij yere of Claudius the emprour and ther he preched the word of god and shewd the falsed of Symon magus and turned mony aman to the fayth Then he send his prechours bi diuerse prouynse by whom cristyn relegion was myghtyly encresed ¶ He ordand the fest of lentyn a fore estyr and the aduent and the emyring dayes to be fastid of all cristē pepull in to the merour of the frist and the secund comynge of our lord Then when he had be pope at Rome xxv yere vij moneths viij dayds he was slayn of Nero. eiꝰ plurima oꝑa vide actibꝰ apostolorum Gayus this tyme wos Emprour at rome and regned iij. yere and x monethes This Gayus wos full vicius in leuyng for ij of his own systres he mysused and on of them hee gat a doughter wich child he set be twix the keis of Iupiter in the tempull and fened afterward that iupater had be gettyn hyr wherfoor he did cry thurgh the cuntre that all men shuld worshyp hyr as a goddesse ¶ This mon also made an ymage like hym self and send it to oon Patronie presedent at ierusalem vndir the romans cōmaundyng hym that he shuld compell the Iues to doo worship therto And for thes enormytes and mony other owr lord suffyrd hym to be slayn at Rome in his own pales ¶ Of kyng Gynder that was kymbalin son that wold nott pay the treuage to Rome for the land that Cassibalon had granted and how he wos slayn of a romayn ANd after the deth of this Kymbalin regned Gynder hys sun a good man and a worthe and wos of so hygh hert that he wold not pay to Rome that tribute that kyng Cassibalon had graunted vn to Iulius Cesar wherfor the Emprour that wos tho that wos called Claudius cesar wos sore annoyed and ordāt a gret power of remans and com in to this land for to conquere the tribute thurgh strength and for to haue it on the kyng but this kyng Gynder and Armager his brether assembled and gedired a gret host yfere of Britons and yaf bataell to the Emprour Claudius and kylled of the romans gret plente The emprour had afterward one that wos called Hamon that saw ther pepull theer whaerfast slayn and preuali kest a way his own armes and toke the armes of a d●ed breton and armed him with his armuro and come in to the batell to the kyng and sayed in this maner Syr be ye good of hert for goddis loue for the romans that be your enmys anone shall be slayn and discumfited euerychon ̄ the kyng yaf no kepe vn to his wordes ne his speche for because of the armes that he had vpon hym and wened it had be a Briton but the tratour euer held hym next the kyng and preualy vnder the shulders of his armes he smot the kyng wherfor he was deid and fell doune to the erthe Whan Armager saw his brother deid he caste away his armes and toke to hym his brothers armes and come in to the botaill among the Britons bad them hertely for to fight and fast lay a doune the Romans and for the armes they wened it had be kyng Gynd that afore wos slayn that they wyst not then begone the Britans fersly for to fight and kyld the romans so at the last the Emprour for soke the felde ̄ flede as fast os he myght with his folke in to wynchestre and the fals traitour Hamon that had slayn the kyng fast anone gan for to fle with all the hast that he myght and Armager the kynges brother pursued him full fersly with a fers hert and drofe hym vn to a water and ther he toke hym and anone smot of bothe hand ̄ hede and feet and hewed the body all to peces and tho let cast him in to the water wherfor that water was called Hamanus hauen and afterward ther was made a fayr toune that yet standeth that is called southamton And afterward Armager went to Wynchestre for to seke Claudius cesar the Emprour of Rome and ther Armager hym toke and Claudius the emprour thurgh concel of his romans that with him left a lyue made pees with armager in this maner as ye shall here that is to say how that Claudius the Emprour shuld yeue vn to armager Gennen his fair doughter for to haue to wife so that this land fro that tyme forward shuld be in the empreurs poer of rome uppon suche conueant that neuer afterward no Emprour of Rome shuld take none other tribute of this land bot only feaulte and they wer acorded And vpon this conand Claudius cesar sent to reme for his doughter Gennen and when she wos comen claudiꝰ cesar yaf hir to Armager to wife and armager spoused hir at london with mych solempnite ̄ myrth tho was Armager crouned made kīg of Britan ¶ Of kyng Armager in whose tyme sent Petre preched in Antiochie with other apostoles in diuerse cuntreis THis Armager regned well and worthely and the lond gouerned and Claudius cesar in remembrans of this acord and for reuerence and honour of his doughter made in this lond a fair toune and a castell and let call the toune after his name Claucestren that now is called Gloucestre and when this wos all done the Emprour toke his leue and tho went to Rome and Armager tho was kyng and gouerned the lond well and nobely all his lifes tyme and this Armager gat a son of his wife thatt wos called Westmer ̄ whiles that this Armager regned sent Petre preched in Antioche and
seknes Marcus Antoniꝰ the trew ̄ Lucius Comodꝰ wer Emprours xix yere Thes ij toke the empire after Antoni the meke And then began ij ēprours to regne bot Luciꝰ comedꝰ decessed and Antoni wos empror ther a lone the wich wos a victorius man and a nobyll Bot that hee made the iiij ꝑsecucion to kyll cristyn men This marcus wos of so gret sadnes and stedfastnes that for no chawnce he loogh neuer ne changed no cheir nother for gladnes ne for sorow ¶ And when he wos a childe he wos of sich manhoed that on a certayn tyme whē he loked his tresor ̄ had not the wich he myght giffe his knyghtes ̄ his men when he went to fight ayenes the Germans the Sclauos ̄ Sarmatas he wold hurt ne greue no body bot had leuer to sell his wifes goldyn vessell hir araymēt hir beddyng all hir riall stufe thē take tax of the senetours or of his ꝓuynce vnder hym bot he gat the victori of his enmys and recouered all ayene and relesed the ꝓuyncis of ther tributis And thos that wold sell hym his wefes tresor ayene· he restored them ther monay and thos that wold not he neuer greued them bot the tabuls of ther dettys be twix hym and them he briynt opynli in the marketh place and changed them at they helped hī ī his necessite ¶ How kyng Lucie regned after his fadre that was a good mā and after he become cristen AFter kyng Coill regned Lucie his son that was a good man to god ̄ to all the pepull he sent to Rome to the appostell Eulēthre that tho was pope and saied that he wold become a cristen man and resaue baptym in the name of god and turne to the right faieth and beleue ¶ Eulenthre sent .ij. legats that wer called Pagan an other Elibayn in to this lond and baptised the kyng ̄ all his mayne and after went from toune to toun and baptised the pepull tyll al the land was baptised and this wos in the yere C.lvi. after the incarnacion of our lord Ihū crist And this kyng Lucie made tho in this land ij arche bisshoppes on at Canterberi an other at Yorke and other many bysshoppis that yet be in this lond ¶ And when thes ij legates had baptised all this land they ordeyned prestys fer to baptise chyldren ̄ for to make the sacrament and after they went ayene to rome ̄ the kyng dulled in his land and regned with mekyll honour xij yere and after died and lieth at Glocestre ¶ How this lād wos lōg with out a kīg how britōs chose a kīg THis kyng Lucie had none heire of his body begoten thatt was after ward gret harme and sorow to the land For after this kīg Lucis deth none of the gret of the lond wold suffre an other to be kyng but leuyd in were and debate emonges them selfe .l. yere with out kyng But it befell afterward that a gret prīce come fro rome in to this land that was called Seuerie nought for to were bot for to saue the right of rome But nerthe les he had not duelled half a yere ī this land bot that the bretons hym kylled and when tho of rome wist that Seuerie wos so slaī they sent an other gret lord in to this lond that wos called Allec that was a strong man and a myghty of body ̄ duelled ī this land long tyme did moch sorow to the bretons so that after for pure malece they chosen them akyng emenges them that wos cald astlepades assemled a gret host of bretons and went to London to seche Allec and ther they fond him and killed hym and all hys felows one that wos called walon defendid hym fersely fought long with the bretons but at the last he was discōfited ̄ the bretōs toke him and bond hym handes feet and cast hym in to awater wherfor that water afterward was called euermore walbroke ¶ Tho regned Astlepades in pees till on of his Erles that wos called Coill made afair toune ayenes the kynges wyll and let call the toune Colchestre after his own name wherfor the kīg wos full wroth thought to destruy him and begon to were vpō hym ̄ brought gret pouer of mē yaf the erle batell the Erle defendid hym fersly with his power ̄ slew the kyng him self ī that bataill ̄ tho wos Coill crowned and made kyng of this land ¶ This Coill regned and gouerned the reame well and nobilli for he wos a nobull man and welbeloued among the bretons When tho of rome herd that Astlepades was slayn they wer wōder glad and sent an other gret prince of Romans that wos called Constance and he come to the kyng Coill for to chalengf the tribute that wos wōt to be payed to rome And the kīg answerd wel and wisely and sayed that he wold pay to rome all that right and reson wold with full good wyll And so they acorded tho with good will and with out any contake and so bothe they dueled to geder in loue ¶ The kyng Coill yaf to hym his doughter Elene vn to haue hir to his spouso that wos bothe fair and wise and good ̄ weli lettred And this Constance spoused hir ther with moch honour and it befell sune afterward that this kyng Coill dyed in the xiij yere of his regne and lieth at colchestre entired ¶ Of kyng Constance that wos a Roman that was chosen kyng after the deth of coyll for as mych that hed spoused Elene that wos kyng Coill doughter AFter this kyng coill Constance was made kyng ̄ crouned for as mych that he had spoused kyng coilles doughter that wos heir of the land the wich constance regned well ̄ wortheli gouerned the land and he begat of his wife Elene a son that wos called constantine this kīg bore trew faieth and trewly did vn to them of Rome all his life and when he had regned xv yer then he died and lieth at yorke ¶ How constantine that wos kīg constancis son ̄ the son of seynt Elin gouerned and ruled the land and was Emprour of rome AFter kyng constance deth regned constantine his son and the son of sent Eline that fond the holy crose in the holy land and how constantine become Emprour of Rome Hit befell so in that tyme ther was an emprour at rome that wos a Sarzyn ̄ a tyrant thas wos called Maxence that put to deth all that beleued in god ̄ destruyed holy chrche by all his pouer and slew all cristen men that he myght fynd And emong all other he let marter sent Katrin mony other cristī pepull that had drede of deth that fled ̄ come in to this lond to kyng constantine and told hym of the sorow that Maxence did to cristīte wherfor Constātine had pitte and gret sorew made
frist wos cald Constance and that other Aurilambros and the thrid vter this Constance the Elder brother when he come to age he made hym a monke at wynchestre This Constantin ther fadre thurgh tresone wos slayn For it befell on a tyme that a Pehite come to hym vpon a day in message as it were and sayed that he wold speke with the kyng preuali in councill The kyng let voied his chambre of the men that ther wer withyn and ther a bode no mo bot the kyng and the Pehite ̄ he made a countinance as tho hee wold haue spoken with the kīg ī his ere and ther he kylled hym with a long knyfe after that he went quaīteli owt of the chambre in to an oder chābre so at the last no man wyst wher he wos bicomen ¶ When the kynges men wyst that ther lord wos so deid they made so moch sorow they not wist what to done ¶ For as myche as his .ij. sonnes Aurilombros and vter wer so yonge that nōe of them myght be kyng the thrid brother wos mōke at wenchestre as is saied befoor But vortiger that wos Erle of westsexe thought priuyly in his hert thurgh quētance to be kyng and went to wynchestre ther that Constance was monke ̄ to hym sayed Constans quod he your fadre is deid and your ij bretheren that ben with Gosseline the bisshope of london to norissh ben so yong that none of them may be kyng ¶ Wherfor I councell yow that ye forsake your habit and come with me ̄ I shall make sych a meyn vn to the bretons that ye shall be made kyng ¶ Of Constans that wos kīg Cōstantine son that was mōke at wynchestre and how he wos made kyng after his fadres deth thurgh consell of vortiger that wos Erle of westsexe for as mich as Aurilambros and vter his ij brether wer but yong of age And vortiger let sle hym to be kyng hym self THis vortig●r consceled this Constance so mych tyll he forsoke his Abbot and went with hym and anone after he wos crouned kyng by assent of the Bretons ¶ This kyng Constance whan he wos crouned and made kyng he wist ne knew bot litell of the world na coude no thing wat knyghthod axed and he made vortiger his chief mastir and conceller and yaf hym all hys pouer for to ordeyne and to do as mych as to the reame apertened So that hym self no thyng entermelled but onli bare the name of kyng ¶ When vortiger saw that he had all the land in his warde and gouernall at his own wyll he thought a preuy treson and to sle Constance the kyng that he myght hym self be crouned and made kyng and regne and let send after a hundreth knyghtes of Pehetes the worthiest of al the land and them heeld wyth hym for to duell as to be kepers of is body as he wold wende thurgh the land to ordeyne thynges that apperteyned to a kyng ¶ And this vortiger honoured so moch the hondred knyghtes and so moch yafe them of gold and siluer and so riche iuelles robes hors and other thynges plente wherfor they held hym more lord than they did the kyng ¶ And vortiger told them yf he might be kīg ye as it wer thurgh treson he wold make hem richest of the land So at the last thurgh gret yeftes that he had yefuen largeli they cried thurgh the court thatt vortiger wer better worthy to be kyng than Constance wherfor vortiger made semland as he had bene wroth and he departed thens from the court and saied he most gon elles where for thinges that he had to done and so the tratour saied for encheson that they shuld hym slee that is to say constance ¶ When this vortiger wos gone it befell sone after that tho hundreth knyghtes of Pehites broken the dores ef the kynges chamber and ther they hym slew ̄ smote of his heed and bore it to vortiger ther that he duelled and when vortiger saw that heed he wepped full tenderly with his eye and nerthelees he wos somedell glad of his deth ¶ And anōe let take the houndreth knyghtes of Pehites and bynd ther handes be hynd them an led them to London ther they wer dampned to deth as fals tratours And anone after all the bretans of the land bi the commune assent crouned vortyger and made hym kyng of the land Anno domini C.lxxiiij SOther a martir wos pope after Auicetū ix yere the wich decreit that a Nūne shuld not towch the pall of the awter ner pit in sence ther to And that she shuld were a wompull about hir heed and mony ꝑellis he saw a bout matimony ther for he ordand that no woman shuld be called a lefull wyfe bot if she wer blessed of the prest Elentherꝰ a martir wos pope after Sother xv yere the wich ordand that cristyn men shuld furese no mete resonabull that wos mannys mete Nota. Also that no man vn acused in acrime shuld be put from his dignite or his degre til he was conuyckyt thurgh ensampull of criyst the wich keppid styll Iudas scaryoth not a cused And crist knaw hym gylty And what sum euer he did among the apostils for the dyngnite of his seruis a boode firme and stabull And he send also Legatis vn to Lucie the kyng of Bretan the wich baptised hym and his pepull And Fagus and Domianus legates the wich the pope sent fyrst preched in englond and this cristyndom durit in Bretan CC. yere vn to the tyme of Dioclision the emprour when sent Albone wos martired Marchus Antonius and Lucius Comodus wer emprours bot marcus dyed anone and Lucius comodus regned Comodus wos called profitabull of scorne for he wos to euery man vnprofitabull he wos yeffen vtterly to lechori mony senetours and cristyn men he made for to be kylled he dampned his own wife to deth for age he died a sodā deth with stranggilling among maydens Helius ꝑtenax after this man wos emprour sex monethes and wos a man of gret discrecion whom Iulian the gret lawyer killed And he entrid the empire and was slayn the vij moneth of Seuerꝰ Victor a martir was pope after Elentheriū x. yere and for the discorde of the pascall tyme he called a counsele in alexander wher be was present that tyme. mony other wher he decreit that Estyr day shuld be keped on the sonday bot he most kepe the change of the mone of aprill And that wos to differ fro Iues. for mony bisshopis of the est a boid that tyme the same day the Iues did haloe that fest ¶ Also he ordand that in tyme of neede child might be cristyned ī euery place ̄ ī euery water Zepherinꝰ a marter ̄ a Roman wos pope after victor ix yere This man ordaud that cristen pepull of xij yere age a bown shuld resaue his god on estyr day on s ●● yere Also he ordant that all the
ne shuld not wasshe the awter Celestinus a roman wos pope after Boniface viij yere ̄ ix dayes the wich ordand the psalme a fore masse s. Iudica me deus etcc and at the begīnyng of the masse shold be saied with a verse of a psalme and at the graell and at the offertory shuld be saied a fore the sakirryng this same man send sent Patryke to Ireland to cōuerte that land and Palladiū a dekyn of Rome to the scottys to be cōuertid ̄ ī the iiij yere of this mā ther wos a gennerall Synody at Ephisina of CCC bisshoppis a yenes Nestoriū an heritike Theodosius the yonger with valentinan his neue regned xxvij yere In his tyme wos the fest ordined wich is called Aduīcula scī Petri ¶ And in his tyme died sent Austyn in the yere of his age lxxvi ¶ And this tyme wos rased the vij slepers the wich sleped ·CC yere This man died at Constantinople and ther wos beried ¶ This tyme the Soxons entrid Englond ̄ anone be litell and litell they grew vp myghtely And at the last they obtened all the land Sextus a Roman was pope after Celestinꝰ viij yere This was an holy man and a meeke and litill of hī is writtyn bot that he byld scā maria maior Leo Tuscus a confessur was pope after Sixtū xxi yere This man was as holy as ony man .v. tymes or more in a day he wold say masse and on a tyme after it be fell when a certayn woman kyssid his hand he wos temped with hir and for the trespas that he had done vn to his pennance he made his hand to be strekyn of And when the noese rose vpon hym that he myght not say masse os he wos wont to done he wos right sory and allonly betoke hī to our lady in prayer to help hym ¶ And our lady restored hym his hand a yene than he sayed masse os he was wont to done so that myracull wos opynly shued to all pepull ¶ And in the tyme of this pope Marcian the Emprour beyng ther. wos congregate at calcedeny the iiij vniusall Sinody of viC. xxx bisshoppis a yens Eusticem the Abbot of constantinopolitō ̄ Alexandrinū epm̄ qui negauerūt in xp̄o veram carnem fuisse eciam negabant carnis nrē resurreccionem And after he had made mony notabull sarmons and epistils he decessid Marcianꝰ and valentinianus wer emprours this tyme vij yere in whoys tyme wos the gret Sinody a foro rehersed when Eusticem and Dioscurus wer condempned ¶ In the tyme that Marcianus wos emprour in rome vortiger wos kyng in Bretan now called Englond in whoys tyme the Saxons come in to bretan and made mony kynges that is to wit as is playn by the crouniclys vij And be cause it is tediꝰ to mannys reson to reherse mony diuerse namys to gedre os vij kynges of englond in on tyme the emprours and popys Ther for the cronyelis of englond shall be set to geder tyll it becūmyn vn to Alured in whoys tyme the Danys com ī to Englond and the popys and the emprours and other thynges in thee same tyme shall be set to gedre Circa annū domini .iiijC.xl ix ¶ How the wardeyns that had tho childrin to kepe that were Constantine sonnys lad them to lytell Bretan for the treson ̄ the falsenese of vortiger Engist Here begīnith the fift parte during to the cōing of the danys Thys tyme come the Saxons that wer pagons fyrst in to bretōnow called englond vnder vortiger the wich wos crouned kyng of this lond This time tho that had thies ij chylder in kepyng the wich was Constantine sonnys that is to say Aurilambros and vter thurgh ordinance of Goslī that was bisshop of london after ther faderes deth that is to say Constantine durst not duell ī thys land with thos chyld but conueyd them vn to the kyng of lityll Breton for as moch as he tho wyse the treson of vortiger that tho wos made kynd thurgh whom constance ther eldyr brother wos slayn wherfor the hundreth knyghtes of Pehites wer put to deth and beren all the blame as that vortiger had not wist ther of nether to consented ¶ And so the kepers of thos tow childer dred lest vortiger wold put them to deth thurgh his treson and falsnes as he had done ther brother be forne And therfore they wer lad ouer in to litell bretan ̄ the kyng them resaued with moch honowr and let them to norissh ̄ ther they duelled till they become fair knyghtes and strong and fers and thought to be auenged vpon the deth of Constantine ther brother when they saw ther tyme and so they did as ye shall here tell afterward ¶ Hit wos not long after that the tidīges come ouer see to the kynred of tho hundreth knyghttes of Pehites that wer dampned put to deth thu●gh vortiger ī this land therfor they wer wōdirly wroth suore that they wold be auenged of ther kīnes deth and come ī to this lond with a gret pouer ̄ robbed ī mōy places ̄ killed ̄ did all the sorow that they myght Whan vortiger it wist he made moch sorow was sore anoyd And ī an other place also tydynges come to hī that Aurilambros vter his brother ordined assembled a gret host for to cum in to mekell bretan that is to say in to this land to be auenged vpō Constance ther brothers deth So that ī on half in that other he was brought in to so moch sorow that he ne wist whider to wende ¶ How Engist and .xi. thousand men come in to this land to the whom vortiger yafe a place that is called Thongcastell ANd sone after this sorow tydyng come to vortiger that a grete nauye of strangers wer ariued ī the cūtre of kent he wylt not whens they wer ne wherfor they wer come in to this land ¶ The kyng sent anone a messenger thider that sum of them shold cum speke with hym for to wit what folk they wer what they axed ī to what cūtre they wold goo ¶ Ther wer ij brether masters ̄ princes of that strong cōpany that on wos cald Engist and that other Horsse Engist went to the kyng and told him the encheson wherfor they wer comen ī to his land ¶ And sayed syr we be of a cuntre that is called Saxonie that is the land of Eermayne wher in is so moch sorow that of the pepull be so mony that the lond may not them susteyne ¶ And the masters and princes that haue the lond to gouerne and to rule they make to cum before them men and women that boldest ben amonges them for to fight and that best may trauaill ī to diuerse landes ¶ And so they shul them yef hors and hernes armuri ̄ all thing that them nedeth and after they shall say to them that they gone
chambre ther that I was allone but how he come in to me wher I wist it neuer ne yit wot it not For the dores wer fast barred with me he did game of loue For I ne had myght ne pauer him to defend fro me ̄ oft he come vn to me in the fore sayed maner so that he begot this child but neuer myght I wit what he was ¶ Of the ansuere of merlin wherfor the kyng axed whi his castille myght not stond that he had be gonne ner proue WHen Merlin had herd all that his mother had said he spake to the kyng in this maner ¶ Sir how I wos begoten ax ye no more for it falleth not to yow ne to nōe other to wit but telleth me the encheson wherfor I am to you brought and wherfore ye haue sent after me Certis quod the kyng my wise cowncelers haue done me to vnderstond that the mort of a werke that i haue be gone behoueth to be tempred with your blod or the foundamēt shall faill for euer more· ¶ Sir quod Merlin will ye sle me for my blod to temꝑ with your mort ye quod the kyng or els shall neuer my castell stand as my councelars done me to vnderstand ¶ Tho ansuerd merlyn to the kyng Sir he sayed let them cum by fore me tho wise concelers and I wyll preue that they say not well ne trewly ¶ And when the wise mē wer com Marlī axed if his blod wer the encheson to make the werke stand and endure All thos wise wer abashed and coud not ansuer ¶ Merlyn tho sayed to the kyng Sir I shall you tell the enchesō wherfor your werke thꝰ faleth ̄ may not thand ¶ Ther is vnder the montayn ther that ye haue belden your tour a gret pond of water in the botom of the pond vnder the water ther is .ij. dragōs that on is white that other reed that fighten to gods ayens your werke ¶ Doo ye myne depe till your men come to the pond and doth your men take a way the water all out then ye shall se the dragons as I haue you told that to geder fightē ayens your werke ¶ And this is the encheson wher fore the fundament faleth ¶ The kyng anone let digge vnder til that mē come to that pond ̄ let done a way all that water ther they fond ij dragons as Marlyn had them told that egorly foughten to geders ¶ The white dragon egrely assayled the reed ̄ laid on hī so strongly that he myght not endure bot with drew him rested ī the same caue ¶ And when he had a while restyd hym he went before ̄ assayled the reed dragon angrely held hī so sore that he myght not ayens hī endure but with drew hī restid And after come ayen the white dragon strongly fought with the reed dragon bote hym euell and hym ouercome that he fled from thens and no more come ayen ¶ Off the syngnificacion of thas .ij. dragons thot wer in thee bottom of the ponde that foughten to gedre THis kyng vortiger and his men that saugh this batayll had gret meruell and prayd Merlyn to telle hym what it myght betoken ¶ Sir quod Merlin I shall yow tell ¶ The reed dragon betokeneth yourself and the white betokeneth the folk of Saxonie that fyrst ye toke and held in your land thatt fightten ayens yow and yow haue driuen and enchaced ¶ But bretons of your linage ouer comen them and driuen them a way and sithen at the commyng ayene of the saxons they recouered this land and held it for euer more and driuen out the britons and did with this lond all ther will and destruyed cristīdō thurght out this land ¶ Ye had first ioy with ther cūmynge but now it is turned to you gret damage sorow ¶ For tho ij brethern of Constance that wos kyng the wich ye let sla Shall cum bi for a quinzeme passed with a gret pouer from litell bretō and shul a venge the deth of ther brother ̄ they shall brin yow fyrst with sarow And afterward they shall sle a gret part of Saxons ̄ shall driue out all the remenant of the land ̄ therfor abyed ye here no longer to make castell ne none other werke bot anone go els wher your life all for to saue to god I you by take treuth I haue sayed to you of thinges that shall be fall ¶ And vnderstond ye well that Aurilanbros shall be kyng bot he shall be enpoysened and litell tyme shale he regne ¶ Of kyng Aurilambros how that he pursued vortiger and Engist and how they diden MErlen and his modre deꝑted from the kyng and turned ayen to Karmardine ¶ And sone after tydyngꝭ come to the bretons that Aurilambros ̄ vter his brother wer ariued at Tottenesse wyth a gret host ¶ And anone thee Bretons assemled them and went to vnderfonge Aurilambros ̄ vter with gret nobulnes and had them vn to london croned aurilambros made him kyng and did vn to hym humage And anon he axed wher vortiger that was kyng myght be founden for he wold be avenged of his brother deth and after he wold were vpō paynems ¶ And they told hym that vortiger was in wales so they lade hym thiderward ¶ vortiger wist well that tho brether come hī to conquere and fled thens ī to a castell that wos cald Gerneth that stood vpon an hygh mantayn and ther hym held● ¶ Aurilambros and vter his brother ther folke had beseged thē castell full long tyme for the castell was strong well arayed ¶ Soo at the last they kest wildfyre and brent houses and men and all ther aray and os mych os was with in the castell So that vortiger was brent among all other and so he died with moch sorow ¶ Tho was Engist in Kent and regned ther and hard this tydyng and anone fled ̄ wold haue gone in to Scotland for to haue had socour But aurilambros and his men met with him ī the northcuntre and yaf hym bataill and Engist and his men defended whiles that they myght but he ̄ his folke wer discomfited ̄ slayn and O●ta his son fled vn to yorke and Aurilambros hym foloed egrely Otta a litell while ayens him stod but afterward he put hym to his merci ¶ And arilambros vnderfeng hī ̄ to him to his men yaf the cuntre of galeway ī Scotlond and ther they duelled ¶ The kyng arilambros wēt thurgh out the lond put away the name of Engistland that engist after his name had called it before Tho let he it call ayen gret bretan and let make ayen chirches houses of relegion Castelis cites burghes ̄ tounes that the Saxons had destruyed and come to londō let make the walles of the cite wich Engist and his folke had casten doune
out of that beym rome vij bemes full clere long as it were the light fier ¶ This sterne was seyn of mony a man but none of them wist wat it betokened ¶ vter that wos the kynges brother that wos ī wales with his host of bretōs saw that sterre ̄ the gret light that it yaf he wōdred ther of gretli what it myght betokē ̄ let call Merlī prayed hī for to tell what it myght betoken ¶ Of the betokenyng of the stere MErlin saw that starre ̄ beheld him long tyme and sithen he quoke and weped tendirli And sayed alas alas that so nobull a kyng and worthy is deid ¶ And I doo you to vnder stand that Aurilambros your brother is enpeysened and that I se well ī this sterre ̄ yourself is betokēd bi the heed of the dragō that is seī at the bought of the beem that is yourself that shal be kyng ̄ regne ¶ And by the beem that standeth toward the est is vnderstōd that ye shall get a son that shal conquere al fraunce all the landes that belongeth to the croune of fraunce that shal be a worthier kyng ̄ of more honour than euer wos ony of his auncetours ¶ And bi the beem that strechys toward Irland is betokened that ye shall get a doughter that shall be quene of Irland ¶ And the vij bemes betokene that ye shall haue vij sonnis euerichon of them shall be kyng regne with moch honour abyde ye no longer heir but goth yef bataill to your enmys ̄ fight with them bodely for ye shall ouer cū them and haue the victori ¶ vter thanked hertely Merlyn toke his men and went toward his enmy ̄ they foughten to gedre mortali so he discomfited his enmy them distroyed And him self kylled Passent that wos vortiger son ¶ And his bretons killed Guillomer that wos kyng of Irland ̄ all his men ¶ And vter anone after that bataill toke his way toward winchester for to done entere Aurilambros kīg that wos his brother ¶ But tho was the body borne to stonhēge with moch honour that he had done made in remembrance of the bretons that ther wer slaī thurgh treson of Engist that sam day that they shuld haue bene accordid in the same place they entered aurilambros the secūd yere of his regne with al the worshipe that myght belong to sich a kīg of whos soull god haue me●ci ¶ Of vter pendragon and werfor he was called so ye shall here And how he was ouer take wyth the loue fe Igerne that was the Erle of Cornewaill wife AFter the deth of aurilambros vter his broder wos crouned and regned well and worthely and in remembrance of the dragon that he wos likened to he let make ij dragons thurgh councell of his bretons ̄ made that one for to be borne before hī when he went in to bataill and that other to abide at winchester in the bisshoppis chyrche ¶ And for that cause he wos called euer after vter pēdragō ¶ And Otta that was Engistes son commendid vter bot lytell that wos made new kyng and ayens him begon to meue were and ordined a gret company of his frendis of his kin of Ossa his brother had takē all the land frō humber vn to yorke but tho of yorke held strongly ayenes them and nold not suffer them to cū ī to the cite nother to yeld the cite to hē he beseged the toune anōe right yaf therto a strong assaut bot they of the cite hem keped well ̄ strōgly ¶ And whē vter herd ther of he come theder with a gret pouer for to help rescu the toune ̄ put away the sege yaf a strōg bataill Otta ̄ his cōpany them defēdid as well as they myght but at the last they wer discōfitid the most ꝑt of them slaī ̄ Otta Ossa wer takē put ī prison at london ¶ And vter hī self duelled a while at yorke ̄ after he went to london ̄ at the estir after he wold bere croune hold a solempne fest and let somen all his Erles and Barons that thei shuld cum to that fest and all tho that had wyfes shuld bringe them also to that fest and all comē at the kynges cummandmēt as they wer cummaundid ¶ The fest wos richely arrayed ̄ holdyn and all worthely set to mete after that they wer of astat so that the erle Gorloys of Cornwaill Igern his wif set●̄ alther next the kīg ̄ the kīg saw the fairnes of that lady that she had ¶ And wos rauysshed for hir beaute ̄ oft he made to hir nyse sembland ī lokīg laughyng so at the last the erle ꝑceyued the preue lokīg ̄ laughyng the loue bitwen them ros vp frō the ●a●ullull ī wroth teke is wife ̄ called to hī his knyghtes ̄ went thens all in wroth with out takīg leue of the kīg The king anone sent after hym that he shuld cum ayen and goo not thens in despite of hym ¶ And the Erle wold not cum ayene ī no maner of wise ¶ Wherfor the kyng wos full wroth and in wrath hym deffied as his deidly enmy And the Erle went thens in to cornewaill with his wife in to the Castell of Tyntagell ¶ And the kyng let ordin a gret host come in to Cornwaill for to distruy the Erle if that he myght but he had put hym ī sich a castell that was strong and well arayed of Tyntagell wold not yeld hym to the kyng and the kyng anone beseged the castel ther duelled xv dayes that neuer myght sped euer thought vpō Igerne vpō hir laid so moch loue that he not wist to done So at the last he called to hym a knyght that was callid vlfyn that wos preue with him told hī all his councell and axed of him what wos best for to done ¶ Sir qd he doth send after Merlyn anone for he can tell you the best counsell of ōny man leuyng Merlin anone was sent after come to the kyng and the kyng told him all his councell his will ¶ Sir qd Merlin I shall done so moche thurgh craft that I can that I shall make you cū this nyght ī to the castell of Tyntagell shall haue all your will of that lady ¶ How vter bigat on Igerne that wos the Erlis wife of cornewaill Arthur kyng MErlyn thurgh craft that he coud changed the kynges figure ī to the liknesse of the Erle ̄ vlfyn garlois his chāberlayn in to the figure of iordan that wos the Erles chambirlayn So that yche of them wos transfigured to oder lekenesse ¶ And when Merlyn had so done he sayed to the kyng Sir qd he now may ye go sodenly to the castell of Tyntagell axen
entre ther haue your will The kīg toke priueli all the host to gouerne ̄ lede to a knyght that he mich loued toke his way toward the castell with hī toke vlfȳ his chābirlayn ̄ merlin ¶ And when they come theder the porter went that it had bene hys owne lord ̄ when tyme come for to go to bede ¶ The kyng went to bede with Igerne the Erles wife dyd with hir all his will and bigat vpon hir a son that wos called arthur ¶ And vpō the morow the kyng toke his leue of the lady and went ayen to hys host ¶ And the same nyght that the kyng lay by Igerne in bedde that wos the Erles wife the kynges men yaf a gret assaut vn to the castell and the Erle and his men manli them defended But at the last it befell so that in the same assaut the Erle hym self wos slayn and the castell taken ¶ And the kyng a none turned ayen to Tyntagell and spoused Igerne with moch honor and made hir quene and sone after tyme come that she shuld be deliuered and beyr a child a son that wos called Arthur and after he gat a doughter that was called Amya ̄ when she come of age a nobull Baron that was called Aloth that wos lord of leons wed hir ¶ When vter long tyme had regned ther come vpon hī a gret sekenes as it wer a sorow ¶ And ī the meyn tyme tho that had to kepe Otta that wos Engist son and Ossa his brother that tho wer in prison they let them gone for gret yeftes that they hom yaf and went with them ¶ And when tho .ij. bretheren wer ascappid and come ayen in ther own cūtre They ordined an grert pouer and begon to were eftsones vpon the kyng ¶ How kyng vter chese Aloth to kepe the land of breton whiles that he wos seke for as moch as he myght not for his seknes ANd for as moch as kyng vter wos seke and myght nott help hym self he ordined Aloth son of Eleyn that tho was chosen for to be wardeyn and cheftayn of all his folke and so he anone and his bretans assemled a gret host and yaf batell to Otta to his folke but Otta at the last wos discomfitid ¶ Hitt befell thus afterward that thes bretons had dedignacion of Aloth wold not to hī be attendant wherfor the king wos anoid wonder s●re let put hym in a litter in the host emonges folke ¶ And they lad hī to veroloyn that tho was a fair cite ther that sent Albon wos martired after wos that cite destroied with paynīs thurgh were ̄ theder thei had sēt Otta Ossa ther peple entrid ī to the toune let make fast the yates ther thei held them ̄ the kīg come ̄ them beseged made a strōg assaute but tho that wei with in māli them defended ¶ The kīg let ordeyn his gōnes and his engynes for to brek the walles ̄ the walles wer so strōg that nothīg myght them mysdoo ¶ Otta ̄ his pepull had gret despite that a kīg liggyng ī a lytter had them beseged they toke concell a monges them for to stand vp ī the morow ̄ cū out ̄ yef batall to the kīg so they did ̄ ī that batall wer both Otta Ossa slayn all tho other that ascapped a lyue fled ī to scotland made Colegū ther chyftayn ̄ the saxons that wer on lyue ̄ ascaped fro the bataill brought ayan a gret strength emōges them they sayed that if kīg vter wer deid they shuld well cōquere the land amonges them they thought to enposin the kīg ordeyned mē for to do this dede and yaf them of yeftes gret plente this thyng to done and they ordined hem thiderward ther that the kīg was duellīg clothed hem ī pouer wede the better all for to sped therlyd purpose but neuertheles for all ther falsnes quātize they might neuer cū to nyghthe kīg ¶ But so at the last they aspied that the kīg drāknōe o th erlycour but only water of a cler wel that was negh beside ¶ And thes fals tratours vpō a day preuali wēt to the wel put therī poyson so that all the water was enpoysened and anōe after os the kīg had dronkyn of the water he begō to fuell ̄ sone after he died ̄ os mōy as dronk of that water died also ¶ And anōe as this wos aspied folke of the toune let stop the well for euer more ¶ When the king wos dred his folk bere hī to Stonhenge with gret solempnite of bisshoppis of barōs that werther hī to bery besides Aurilambros his brother after turned ayen tho euerychone send after Arthur his son ̄ they made him kīg of the land with moche reuerence after his fadres deth xvij yere of his regne ¶ How Arthur that wos the son of vter was crouned after his fadre deth and how he drofe Colegrin and the Saxons and Cheldrik of almayne out of this lond WHen Arthur wos made kyng of the lond he wos bot yong of age of xv yere but he wos fair and bold and doughty of body and to meke folke he wos good and curtas and large off spendyng and made hym wonderly well beloued among all men ther that it wos need ¶ And when he begone to regne he swore that the saxons neuer shuld haue pees ne rest till that he had driuē them out of the lond and assembled a gret host and faught with Colegrī the wich after the time that Otta wos deid the saxons mayntened this Colegrin wos discomfited fled vn to yorke toke the toune and ther hym held ¶ And the kyng beseged hī ther but he myght nothyng sped for the cite wos so strong and they with in the toune kepped the cite well and orpedly ¶ And in the meyn tyme Colegrin let the toune to Bladulf fled hym self to Cheldrik that wos kyng of Almayne for to haue of him socour ̄ the kyng assemblid agret pouer ̄ come ariued in scotlond with .v. C. shippis and whē arthur wist of this tidīg that he had not pouer ̄ strength y nough to fight ayens Cheldk he let be the sege went to london and sent anone his letters to the king of litill bretan that was called Hoel his nepheu his sustres son that he shuld cū to hī with all the pouer that he myght and he assemblid a gret host ariued at southinton ¶ And when kīg arthur it wist he wos glad i nough ̄ went ayens them them resaued with moch honour so that thos ij hostes met assembled them and toke ther way euen vn to Nichol that Cheldrik had beseged but it wos not taken ¶ And they come vpō cheldrik
his tyme the hote bathes shal̄ becō cold and after that shall the molwarp die auentou●sli and sodanli A las for sorow for he shall be drowned in a flod of the see his seed shall become fadreles in strange lond for euermore And than shall the land be deꝑted in to .iij. partes that is to say to the wolfe to the dragon and to the lyon ¶ And so shal it be for euer more and than shall this land be called the land of conquest And so shall the rightfull heyris of englond ende ¶ How Arthur ouer come Guillomer that was kyng of Irland and how the scotes become his men WHen Guillomer that was kyng of Irland hard tidyngꝭ that kyng Arthur was entred at Glastenbury he ordeyned a gret pouer of Irissh men and come to the see with his Irissh pepull and so come in to Scotland ouer the see and ariued fast by ther that kyng Arthur wos with his host and anone as he wyst ther of he went towardes him and yaf him bataill and ouer come him anone right and guyllomer fled with his men ayen in to irland ¶ And when this was done ̄ he discomfited Arth ● turned him ayen ther that he wos in to the place ther that he had left the Scotys and wold haue them all slayn But the bisshoppes abbotes and other folke of the cuntre and ladies open heed cō befor kyng arthur and cried him mercy and sayed sir gentill kȳg and myghty haue mercy and pytte vpon us And os your selfe be of the right law to hold and maynten cristindom for full gret dishonour it shuld be to kyll them that beleueth in al̄ myghty god as ye done and for goddis loue haue mercy and pytte of vs and suffre vs for we haue had moch sorow and pyne for the Saxones has mony tyme passed thurgh our lond bot that is not ynough to you for often tymes they haue vs done serow and disese ¶ For our casteles they haue taken and our bestes slain and eten and moch harme they haue vs done and if ye wold vs now kyll hit wer no honour to a kyng to kill them that cries him mercy ¶ For ynough ye haue done to vs and has vs ouercūmyn and for the loue of god that ye wyll suffre vs for to life ̄ haueth merci of cristē peple that beleuen ī crist os ye doo ¶ whē kīg arthur herd this sorow he had pytte of them and yaf them liyfe and lym with out any more harme and they fell doune to his fete ̄ than kyd him and become his leige men and he toke of them homages ¶ And after that kyng arthur turned ayene with his host and come vn to yorke and ther his bydyng made during that viage ¶ And tho yaf he all loegers to Aloth that had spoused his sustre and other yeftes gret plente and tho was Gawen his cosin bot of yong age and to all his other men that him had seruid in his were he yaf rich yeftes and he thanked them moch all of ther good seruesse ¶ How kyng arthtr spoused Gūnore that wos gūnores cosī Erle of cornwaill and after he conqured of guillomer all Irland WHen Arthur had brought his land in pees and rest and in good state and all wos well in euery cuntre tho toke he ̄ wedded a wife that was called Gūnor ̄ made hirquene a fair lady and a gentill that Cador the erle of Cornwaill had norisshid in his chambre that wos his own cosin but neuer they had child to gedre and neuertheles kyng Arthur loued hir wonder well and derly ¶ And anone os wynter was passed he let assemble agret host and all his barons and sayed that he wold wend in to Irland for to conqure the land ̄ he taried not long that he ne passed ouer in to Irland ¶ And Guillomer the kyng let assemble a gret host and yaf bataill to kyng arthur But Guillom wos discomfited and yeld him to the kyng and become his man and to hī did feaulte and homage and of him held all that land fro that tyme forward ¶ And after passed kyng arth ● forthermore and cōquered Gutland Island and toke homages of folke and of the land ̄ ther duelled xij yere in pees and regned with ioy myrthe and ther wered no man ne woman vpon hī ¶ And he become so curtas and large and honorabull that the Emprours court of Rome ne none oder thurgh out all the world wos not accompted to kyng Arth ● that ony man wist of ne none so well pr●sed ¶ And therfor the best knyghtis of all maner landes come vn to him ther for to duel̄ and he them ressaued with good will and reuerence ¶ And all the knyghtys weren so good that nomā knew the werst And therfor kyng Arthur made a round table that when they shuld sit to ther mete all shuld be elike hie and euenly serued at the tabull that none of them shuld make a vaūce that on werhier than an other ¶ And kyng arthur had at thatt table Britons ̄ Frenshmē Normans ̄ Flemynges Burgōs Mausers ̄ Loherms of all the landes a this half of monte go rye of his lād of breton ̄ of the gret Cornwail̄ of wales of Irland ̄ of scotland ̄ shortely to tell of all the lādes that wold worship cheualrie seche come to kyng Arthurs courte ¶ How kyng Arthur went in to Fraunce and conquered that land of Froll that was a Roman and how he him kylled SYth it befell that kyng Arthur thurgh conceill of his barons and lordis wold go to conquire all fraunce that tho was called Galle thurgh romans that tho held that land in ther pouer and in ther gouernance ̄ the romans had take that land to a nobul̄ knyght a worthy of bodi that wos called Froll ̄ when he wist that arthur come he ordend an host a gret pouer ̄ fought with the kīg and he ̄ his folke wer discōfyted fled vn to Paris ̄ entred the cite ̄ closed the yates ther hem held ¶ Arthur wyst that frol̄ wos gone to paris he pursued after come theder ̄ hī beseged but the Cite was so strong wel̄ araied tho that wer therin defēded them well manli ¶ Kȳg arth r duelled thermore thē a moneth ther wos so moch peple ī the cite ̄ dispēdid al̄ ther vitails that wer with ī ̄ so gret hunger bicom amōges them that they died wonder thikke withī the cite for hunger and come ●on to Frol and prayed him to be accorded with kyng arthur for to haue pees and they wold yelde them vn to him and the toune also ¶ Froll saw that no longer he myght hold the toune ayens ther wil̄ trust gretli vpō his own strēgth ̄ sēt to kīg arthur that he sh̄uld cum fight with him body
for body and so shuld they deꝑte fraunce betwene them two ¶ Kyng arthur anone grāted it ̄ wold not that none of his peple vndertoke the bataill for hī ¶ And vpon the morn bothe come well araied with out paris ther that they shuld fight and anone they smyten to geders so fersly so well they foughten in both sidis that no man coud deme the better of them ¶ And so it befell that Froll yaf Arthur such a stroke that he kneled to the ground wold he nold he and os frol̄ withdrew his swerde he wounded kyng Arthur in the forhed that the blood fell doune by his eyn and his face ¶ Arthur anone stert vp hertely when he felt him hurt as a man that semed almost wo●d and he toke Tabourne his good suerd ̄ drow it vp an high ̄ yaf Froll such a stroke that ther with he clafe his hed doun to the sholdres so that his helme myght not be his warent so he fell doune deid in the place ¶ And thē tho of the cite made gret sorow for froll and euerichon yeld them to kyng Arthur the toune also and become his men and did to him humage and feaulte ̄ he vnderfenge them and toke of them good hostages ̄ kyng Arthur after that went forth with his host and conquered Augien and Angiers Gascoyn Pehito Nauerne Burgon Berri Lotherne Turyn and Peithers and all the other land of fraunce he cōquered holli ¶ And whē he had all cōquerd ̄ taken bi humages feautes he turned ayen to Paris ̄ ther he duelled long tyme. ordined pees long tyme ouer al̄ the cūtre thurgh out all fraunce ¶ And whē pees wos made ouer al̄ thurgh his noble kynghthod that he had also for his own worthines ¶ And no mā werhe neuer so gret a lord durst not meue were ayenst hī noder to arise to make the lōd of france ī quiet ī pes he woned ther ix yere did mō● gret wonders ̄ reproued mōy proud men lither tirantis them chastised afterther deseruise ¶ How kīg arth r auaūced al̄ his mē that had trauild ī his seruis ANd afterward it befell thus at Estren ther that he held a fest at Paris richly he gan auaunce his knyghtis for ther seruice that they had him holpen in his comquest ¶ He yafe to his stoward that wos called Key Augien and Angiers And to Bedeler his botler he yaf Normandie that tho wos called Neustrie and to Holdyn his chamberlayn he yaf Flaunders and Mance and to Dorell his cosyn he yaf Boloyne and to Richard his nephu he yaf Pountif and to all other he yaf large landis and feys after they wer of estate ¶ And when arthur had thus his knyghtis feffed at auerill next after sueyng he come ayene in to Bretan his own land and after at whitsontied nex sewyng be councell of his barons he wold be cronned kīg of Glomergon and held a solempne fest and let sompne knyghtis Erles and Barons that they shuld come thedre euerychon ̄ ther was Scaterkyng of scotland Cadwere kyng of southwales ¶ Guillomer kyng of northwales Maded kyng of Irland Malgamus kyng of gutlande Achilles kyng of Iseland Aloth kyng of denmarke Gonewas kyng of norway and Hell his cosin kyng of dorkeny Cador kyng of litell breton Morwith erle of cornwaill Mauran erle of gloucestre Guerdon erle of wynch es tre Boell erle of harford vrtegy erle of oxford Cursall erle of bath Ionas erle of chestre Eneral erle of dorsestre Kimare erle of salusberi Waloth erle of cante●beri Iugerne erle of chichestre Arall erle of leicestre and the erle of werwik and mony other mo riche lordis ¶ Bretons also ther come mo that is to say Dippon Donaud Gennes and mony oder that be not named heir wer at that fest and mony afair fest kyng arth r had holden be forne but neuer none such ne so solempne and that lasted xx daies with moch honour and myrth ¶ Of the letter that wos sent from Rome for prid to kīg arth r THe thrid day as kyng Arthur sat at his mete amang his kynges and amonge them that sittyn at the fest byfo● them come in xij eldren men of age richeli arayed and courtesli they salued the kyng and sayed they come from Rome sent os be messangers fro the Emprour and toke to him a letter that thus moch was to vnderstōd ¶ Gretly vs meruyleth arthur thatt thow art ons so hardy with eien in thi heed to make open were contake ayens vs of Rome that owne all the world to deme for thou hast neuer yit be forne this tyme proued ne assayed thy strength of the romans and therfor thou it shall in a litell tyme ¶ For Iulius sesar conquered all the land of Bretan toke ther of truage and our folke haue it long y had and now thurgh thi prid thou witholdes it ¶ Wherfor we of rome commaunde the that thou it yeld ayen and yit hast you more foly done that thou hast slayn Froll that wos our ba●on of fraunce all with wronge ¶ And therfor all the communs of Rome warneth the and commaundeth the vpon life and lymme that thou in hast be at rome amendis for to make of thy mysdedis that thou hast done ¶ And it be so that thow cum not we shall passe the hill of Ioye with strength and we shall the sech wher euer thow may bee founde and thow shalt not haue a fote of land of thyn own that we ne shatt destruy it afterward with thi bode we shall doo all our wyll ¶ When this letter was red al̄ men it herd they wer annoied all at wer at that solempne fest ̄ the bretōs wold haue slaī the messangers but the kīg wold not suffre them ̄ said that thee messangers shuld haue no harme may bi resō nōe deserue but cōmāded them to be worshipfulli serued ̄ after mete he toke cōcell of kyngꝭ erles barons what ansuer he myght yef ayen to the messangers ̄ they cōcelled him at onys that he shuld assemble agret pouer of all the landis of wich he had lordship and māly auēge him vpō the Emprour of the dispite that he had send him such an letter ̄ thei swore by god ̄ by his namys that they shuld hī pursue brenne as moch as they myght and sayd that they ●old neuer faill kȳg Arthur rather to be deid And they let write a letter to send to the Emprour by the same messangers in this maner ¶ Off the bold ansuere that kyng Arthur sent to the Emprour of Rome and to the romans VNderstondeth amonges you of Rome that I am kyng arthur of Breton and frely it holdis shall hold and att Rome hastile I will be nat to yef you truage but for to axen truage For Constātine that was Eleyns son that was emporour of
Rome and of all the honour that ther to belongeth And Maximian king cōquered all france Almayn mount ioye passed cōquered all lumbardie thes ij wer myne auncestres and that they held had I shal̄ haue thurgh goddis will ¶ Of the reuerance that kīg Arth r did to the Emꝓurs messangers· WHen this letter was made and enseled kyng Arthur to thes messangers yaf gret yeftes And after that the messangers toke ther leue and went thens and come to the court off Rome ayene told the Emprour how wortheli they wer vnderfong and also of sich a rial companie that he had him to serue and how he wos more riale serued than the Emprour of Romo or ony kyng leuyng in the world ¶ And when the Emprour had ouer seyne the letter and herd what was ther in and saw that Arthur wold not be ruled after hym He let assemble and ordeyne an huge host for to destruy kyng Arthur yf that he myght ¶ And kyng arthur as touching his pouer and parti ordeyned his pouer and knyghtes of the round table ¶ Of the kīgis ̄ lordis that cō to helpe kīg arth r ayēs the Emꝓ● THe kyng of Scotland and of Irland and of Gutland of Denmarke and of Almayne euery of them had x. M. men The duke of Normandie Gascoyn flandres Pehito and of Boloyne had iiijM. Gerin of Charthres had xM. Hoell of bretā had xij M. ̄ hī se●f of his own land xijM. and of arbalastters and of archers and of other folke in foot that no man coud the● nombre And when all wer redi for to wend kīg Arthur his lād Gūnore his wife toke to kepe to on of his nephus that was a wyse knyght and an hardi that wos called Mordred but he was not all trew os ye shal̄ heir afterward kyng Arthur toke all his reuame to this Mordred saf onli the croune ▪ ¶ And after that kyng Arthur toke his host and went to southamton ther that the shippis wer brought the folke assembled and they did go vn to the see and had wynd ̄ wedre at will and os sone as they myght they ariued at Har●let and os sone as they myght they went to lond out of ther shippis and spred all ouer the cuntre ¶ How kyng arthur fought with a Geant in spayn that the wos called Dinabus that kylled Eleyn that wos kyng Hoels cosyn of litell Breton KYng Arthur had not duelled in the cuntre but a lytell tyme that men him told that ther wos comen a gret Gegn● in to spayn and had rauisshed fair Eleyn that was cosyn vn to Hoel̄ of lytill bretan and had brought hir vpon an hill that is called the mount of sent Barnard and ther was no man ī that cuntre so bold ne so hardy that durst with him fight ne cum nye the place ther that the geant dulled that was called Dinabꝰ and moch sorow he did ī the cuntre ¶ When kyng Arthur herd this tydyng he called Key and Bedewere and cūmanded them to gon preuely and espy wher the geant myght be ●unden they come to the Rinage ther that men shuld go to the mount that wos all enclosed about with water and yit is and euer shal be ¶ And thei saw abrinnyng fire vpon the hyll and ther was also an other hill nygh that and ther wos vpon that an other fire brennyng ¶ Key and Bedewere come to the next hill and ●ōden a widew openhed sittīg besides a tombe sore wepyng ̄ gret sorow made oft she sayd eleyn elein Key and bedewere axed what she was and wherfor she made so moch sorow and who say in that tombe O qd she what sorow and mysauentur fair lordes seke ye her for if the geant may you heir fynd he will you sle anone ¶ Be styll good wife qd they ther of dismay ye not but tell vs the soth whi that thow makest so moch sorow and wepyng ¶ Sirs quod she for a damysell that I norisshid with my brest that was called Ellin that was nece to Hoell kyng of breton And heir lieth the body in this tombe that to me wos takn to norisshe ¶ And so ther come a deuell a geant and rauisshed hir and me also and lad vs both with him away ¶ And he wold haue forlayn that mayd that wos so yong and tender of age But she myght it not suffer so gret and so houge as the geant was ¶ And for certis if he now cū os he is wont to do he will yow both now kill and therfor wend ye hens Then bespake thes two messengers and sayed vn to hir wherfor go ye not from hens ¶ Certis syrs quod she when that Elin wos deid the geāt made me to abyde to done and haunte his will and me must nedes it suffer and god it wote I do it not with my will for me had leuer to be deid than with him to deill so moch payn sorow I haue when he me forlieth ¶ When Key Bedewer had herd all that this woman them told They turned ayene and come to kyng arthur and told him all that they had seyne he●d Arthur anōe toke them both with hī wēt preueli by nyght that nōe of his host wist come on morow erli to the geant faught with hī str●̄gli at thee last hī slew ¶ And arthur bad bedewer smyt of his heed bring it to the host to shew them for a wonder for it wos so gret huge ¶ Whē thei come ayen to the host they told wherfor they had be out ̄ shewed to hem the heed ̄ euery mā was glad Ioifull of the worthy dede that kīg Arthur had done that wos ther lord ¶ And Hoell wos ful sorowful̄ for his nece that wos so lost ̄ after whē he had space he let make a fair chapell of our ladi ouer Elins tombe ¶ How kynh Arthur yaf bataill to the Emhrour in the wich bataill the Emprour him self was slayn ARthur and his pepull had tydynges that the Emprour had assembled a gret pouer as well of sarasyns as of paynȳs cristī men wher of the nombre wos lxxx M. hors men with fo● men ¶ Arthur and his pepull ordined fast forth in ther way toward the Emprour and passed Normandye and fraunce vn to Burgoyne and wold haue gone to the host for men told him that the Empronis host wold cum to Lucie ¶ The Emprour and his host in the begynnyng of August remeued from Rome and cam forth right the way toward the host Tho come kīg Arthurs espies sayed if that Arthur wold he shuld fynd the Emprour ther fast by ¶ But they sayed that the Emprour had so gret pouer with hym of kynges of the land and of paynyms and also cristyn pepull that it wer bot foly to kyng Arthur to metē with them for the espies told that the
london bot tho of the cite wold not suffre him to cum in and from thens he fled to winchestre ̄ ther he him held with his pepull that come with him ¶ Kyng Arthur let take the body of Gawen his cosyn and the body of Augnissell and let them be borne in to Scotland in to ther own cuntre ther they wer entired ¶ And after anone kyng Arthur toke his way to distruy Mordred and he fled thens in to Cornewail ¶ And the quene Gūnor that wos kyng arthurs wife thatt tho sogerned at yorke and herd that Mordred wos fled thens that he might not endure ayens king Arthur she wos soradrad and had gret dout and wist not what wos best all for to done For she wyst well that hir lord kyng Arthur wold neuer of hir haue mercy For the gret shame that she had him done and toke h●● way preuali with iiij men with out mo and come to Karlion ther she duelled all hir lifes tyme neuer was seyn amonge folke hir life during ¶ Arthur wist that Mordred wos fled in to Cornwaill and let send after his men in to scotland and northhūberland vn to humber and let assemble folke with out nomber come fro thens in to Cornwaill to sech and pursue after Mordred ¶ And mordred had assembled to him all the folke of cornwail and had pepull with out nombre and wist that Arthur was commyng and had leuer to die and take his chaunce th̄en longer fle aboid and yaf an hard bataill to kyng arthur and to his pepull so that so moch pepull was slayn what of that on side and of that other that no man wist who had the bettir parti ¶ But so it be fell at the last that Mordred wos slayn and all his folke and the good chiualri that kyng arthur had gadred and norishid of diuers landis and also the nobull knyghtis of the round tabull that so moch was prased thurgh out all the world werther slayn and arthur him self was wounded to the deth but he let him be borne in a litter to a vyoun to be heled of his woundes yet the bretons supposen that he liueth in an other lond and that he shall cum yit and conquere all breton ¶ But certis this is the prophesi of Merlin he sayd that his deth shall be dowtous and saied sothe for ther of yit mē haue dout shul haue for euer more as mē sayen ¶ For men wot not wheder that he is on lyue or deid ¶ Arthur was borne to Auyon the xxij yere of his regne after th̄e Incarnacion of our lord thū crist vC. and xlvi yere ¶ How kyng Arthur deliueryd the reame vn to Costantine the son of Cador his Niphu WHen kīg Arthur wist that he myght regne no longer he let cum before him Costantine that wos Cadors son erle of Cornewaill his cosin to him bitoke all his reame and to him sayed and bad him therof to be kyng till that he come ayen for as moch os he had none heire of his body begoten and harme wos ●t that so nobull a kyng and so doughty os he wos had no child of his body begoten But all thyng that god wyll haue done must be done whos name be blissid with out end Amen ¶ How kyng Costantine was wered of Mordredes ij sonnis THys Costantine wos a nobull knyght and a worthy of bodi tho ij sonnys that Mordred had begoten had grete envy vn to Costantine that tho was crouned kyng ¶ And so it befell that they begon to meue were ayenes hī assembled a gret host of them that wer be fore with mordred and had bene driuen away and that did moch sorow thurgh all that land that ●on brother ordeyned him to london for to take the cite· and that other to wynchistre ¶ But Costantine come to london and slew him that was ther. and after he wēt to wynchestre slew him that ther was also So that bothe his enmys wer deid ¶ And when Costantine had regned worthel● iiij yere then he died and lyeth at london ¶ Of the kynges Adelbright and of Edell AFter kyng Costantines deth ther wer ij kynges ī bretan that on was called Adelbright that wos a danoys he held the cūtre of northfolke ̄ southfolke that other hight Edell ̄ waas a bretō ̄ he held Nichol̄ Līdesei ̄ al̄ the lād vn to hūber ¶ Thes ij kīges fast wered to geders but after they wer accorded loued to geder os thei had be bore of o bodi ¶ The kīg Edell had a sustre that wos called Orewenne ̄ he yaf hir thurgh gret frendship to kyng Adelbright to wife And he begat vpon hir a doughter that was called Argentill and in the thrid yere after come vpō hī a stronge sekenes that nedes he must die ¶ And he sente to kyng Edell his brother in law that he shuld cum ̄ speke with hī ̄ he come to him with good will ¶ Tho prayed he the kyng ꝯiured also ī the name of god that after whē he wer deid he shuld take Argentill his doughter the land that he keped hir well ̄ norisshe hir in his chambre ¶ And when she wer of age she shuld be maried to the strongest and worthiest man that he myght find and than he shuld yeld vp hir land ayene ¶ Edell it granted and by oth cōfermed hys prayer whē a delbright was deid and entered Edell toke the damisell argentill norisshed hir ī his chambre ̄ she become the fairest creat r that might lyue or ony mā find ¶ How kīg Edell maried the damisell to a knaue of his kichē THis king Edell that wos vncle to the damisell Argētil̄ bethought how that he myght falsli haue the land frō his nece for euer more falseli ayenest his oth thought to dissaue thee damisell and to marie hir to a knaue of his kichen that wat cald Curan ̄ he become the worthiest ̄ strongest man of body that ony man wist in ony land that tho leued and to him he thought hir shendfulli haue maried for to haue had hir land afterward bot he wos clen dissaued ¶ For this Curan wos Hauelockes fō that wos kyng of Kyrkelane in denmarke and this Curan cōquered his wifes lond afterward ̄ slew kīg Edell that wos his wifes vncle and had all hir land os in an other place it telleth more openli he ne regned bot iij. yere for saxons danys hī killed and that was gret harme to all breton ̄ bretans bore him to Stonkenge ther they him entered with moch honour ¶ Of kyng Conan that wos Curan cosin AFter this curan regned Conan that was his cosī that wos a wonder proud knyght and regned coud haue no maner of loue but euer he was medelyng with his pepull and toke his vn kill with were killed his ij
he knew that the ꝓphesy that festome had ꝓphecied of the Egle and other ꝓphecies accorded to the dyuine ansuer that Cadwaldre had herd he councellid to leue his pepull and his naue and submitte him to the disposicion of god and done all that the angell had commanded him ¶ Than Cadwaladre called Ynor his son and Yuory his cosin that was his sustres son and saydd to them Taketh saied he my folke and my naue that his heir all redy and passe ye in to wales and be ye lordis of bretons that no dishonor come to them by interrupcion of the paynyms folke for defaute of lordis ¶ And then he him self left his reame of Bretan and his folke for euer more and toke his way vn to the pope of Rome Sergius the wich worsshipped him moch and so he wos confessed and toke pennaunce for his synnes ¶ And he had not longe duelld ther that he ne died the .xij. Kalend of May the yere of grace .v. C.lxxix ¶ How kyng Offa wos soueraxn a boue all the kynges of Englond ana how euery kyng wered vpon other IT befell so that all the kynges in that tyme that wer in the lond as thei of Westsex Merchenrich Estāgle of kēt and of southsex and of other costes eche wered vpon other and he that was most myghty toke the land of him that was most febel ¶ But ther was a kyng amonges them that wos called Offa that wos sent Oswaldes brother This offa conquered all the kynges of the land and regned a boue them all ¶ And so grete wos the were in euery cūtre bitwen kynges that no man might wit how the lond went ¶ But abbotis Priours men of relegion writen the lyues ̄ dedis of kynges and how long euery of them regned and in what cuntre and in what maner euery kyng died ̄ of bisshoppis also And ther of made gret bokes and let call them the cronicles And the good kyng Alured had that boke in hys warde and let bring it vn to wynchester and let it be fast tached to an piler that men shuld it not remeue ne bere it thens so that eueri man myght it se and ther vpon loke ¶ For ther in be the liues of all the Kīges that euer wer in Englond ¶ How the kyng of Northhumberland Osbright for lay the wyfe of Buerne bocard thurgh strength and after this buerne conquered the kyng with pouer and strength ANd thus it befell in the same tyme that ther wos a king in Northhumberland that wos called Osbright and soiorned at Yorke and this kyng went hī vpon a day in to a wod him for to disporte and when he come ayene he went priueli in to a good mans hous that was called Buerne ̄ the good man of that place wos gone that tyme to the see ¶ For often tymes he wont ther to aspie theues and robers that oft tymes wer wōt to cum in to the land to rob brene and sle ¶ The lady that was buernes wife was a wonder fair woman and the kyng com vn to hir when that hir housbond wos absent And so she trastid none harme vn to the kyng and welcomed him with moch honour and worthely him serued in all thing ¶ When the kyng had eten he toke the lady by the hand leed hir ī to a chamber sayd that he wold speke with hir a councell ̄ all the folke frō the chamber he made void saf only the lady he but the lady wist not wherfor he it did till that he had done al his will And whē he had done this dede he turned ayene to yorke the ladi he left ther wōder sore wepyng for the dede that the kyng to hir had done ¶ And whē hir lord was comē home saw hir wepe sich som mornyng make he axed of hir what she had done why she made such sorow ¶ Sir qd she queinteli falseli the kīg Osbright me hath done shame velonye ayens my will· told hī the trewth how the kīg had hir forlayne with strength wher for she sayd she had leuer to be deid than lyue ¶ Fair leef be styll ꝙ he for ayenes strength febelnesse is litell worth therfor of me shalt thou neuer the lasse be loued and namly for thou hast told me the trewthe ¶ And if almyghty god grante me lyfe I shall the well auenge ¶ This Buerne was a gret man a myghty lord wos well beloued gret frindis had and let send for the grettest lordis of the land to them made his ꝯplayn of thee dispite that the kyng to hī had done said that he wold be auengid how so euer that it wer all his frendis concelled grented to wend vn to yorke ther that the kyng wos ¶ And buerne toke hys meyne come to the kyng And whē the king hī saw he called hī courtasly Buerne by name buerne him ansuerd and to him saied Sir I you defy and yelde vp feutes hoomages and londis and os moch as I haue holden of you and so fro this tyme forward I wyll neuer of the nothing hold so he deꝑtid from the kyng with out more speche or ony a bydyng toke loue of his frēdis ̄ wēt in to Denmarke plened to the kyng Godryne told hī of the dispite that kīg Osbright to hī had done of his wyf praid him of socour and help him to auenge ¶ When kyng Godrine of denmarke and the danois had herd the complaynt of this Buerne and of the preier that he had they wer right wonder glad ī hert for as moch that they myght find a cause for to gone in to Englond for to were vpō the English men also for to auēge Buerne of the dispite that the kyng Osbright had done vn to his wife ¶ And for as moch os Buerne wos sibbe to the king of Denmarke Anone they let ordeyne a gret host of men let ordeyne them shippes and as moch as them nede to haue to that viage ¶ And when all the host was redy the kyng made his ij bretheren cheftaynes that wer nobull knyghtes of body and also bold that on was called Hunger that other Hubba ¶ How the Danys toke yorke and kylled the kyng Osbright and afterwarde kyng Elle WHen all thyng wos redy tho ·ij bred token leue of the kīge Godryn and went toward the see for to wend ouer in to Englond as fast as they myght spede Now is Buerne so well comforthed and fast hyed him with the Danois that they bene ariued in the north cuntre and comen thurgh out Holdernesse and destruyed all the cuntre and brenned tounnes and robbyd fol̄ke and kylled all that myght be taken till that they comen vn to yorke ¶ And whē kyng Osbright saw them cum he toke his pepull that he had with him and come out of the cite and
and weddid his sister and thurgh the help of his brother and the Bulgares he recouerid his empire and kylled Liberiū and Leonem the vsurꝑ of his reame and as mony tymes almost as he wyped any drope from his nose the wich they cut of So mony tymes ne he made on of his enmys to be kylled Leo the thrid wos pope after Sergius ij yere This man wos made pope by the pouer of the romās and was not put in the nombre of popis for he yll entred bot he did no yll Iohēs the sex a greke wos pope after him And he wos a martir bot of whom and wherfor the cause is not found in historiis it is said that it wos of the dukys of Lumbardy for thei wer emnys vn to the chirche myghtely Iohēs the vij a ronan wos pope after him iij. yere bot nothing of him is writtyn Iustinianꝰ the secūd wos emꝑour ayen with his sonne Tibiri vi yere And this wos he the wich wos reued the empire a fore bi leo And when this man wos restored ayen he toke him to the right faith and worchipped the pope Constantin and certanly he destrued Creson the place wher he wos exiled to and all that duelled in it except child he killed them and he come ayene an other tyme to haue kylled the Innocentis and the men of that cuntre made ther a captayn a certayn mā wos called Philip an owtlay the wich anone went to him in bataill and kyllid him for hys cruelnes ayenes thos children Sysynnius was pope xx dais and then was gret strife and he decessid bot lytill of him is writtyn Constantin was pope after him .vij yere This man was a verey meke man so blissid that of all men he wos loued he went ower the see to Iustimian the emprour ̄ wos resaued with gret honour and died a blissed maij Philippe the secund wos emꝑour on yere the wich fled ī to Scisilya for the host of the romans and he wos an heritike and cōmanded all picturs of senctis to be distruid wherfor the Romans kest a way his coyn ne wold not resaue no monay that had his ymage or his name writtyn vpon it Anastasius the secund after he had kylled Philipp was emprour iij. yere This man wos a cristin man and he leued well bot be cause he put out philippis eyn ̄ kylled him afterward Therfor Theodosius faught ayens hym ower come hī ̄ thē he wos made a prest leued so quyetly Anno domini vijC.xiiij GRegorius the secund wos pope after Constantyn xvij-yere This Gregorii wos a chaste man an nobull man in scripture And about this tyme the popis began to deell more tēꝑally with the emprours then they wer wont for ther falsenesse ̄ therherici and also for to remeue the empire fro oo pepull to an other as the tyme requerid This man cursed Leo the emprour be cause he brent the ymages of sentys This same Leo commandid Gregori the pope that he shuld brine chirches and destruy them And he set nothing of his sayng bot commanded the contrari manly And so it is opynli shewed that the destruccion of the empire of roome wos the cause of herise For certanly faithfull peple with ther prelatis with on wyll drew to the pope and constranit the Emprours to leffe ther tyrannyde and therherise ¶ And this tyme in the est parte of the world strongly failed the veray faith for that cursed law of fals machomyte Theodosius was Emprour and regned bot on yere and he was a veray cristyn man and euyn os he did so was he done vn to for Leo deposit him and made him a prest Leo the thrid with Constantin his son wos emprour xxv yer This Leo when he wos myghty he deposit Theodosiū and regned for him and wos desaued bi a certayn apostata the wich bad him that he sh̄uld take and brene all the ymages of sentys wher fore he wos ponysshed bothe in bataill and in pestylence and with other infortunes and because he wos a cursed of gregori and bode ther in the iij. days therfore the pope with comyn pepull toke fro him all the west parte of his empire commandyng that no man shuld obay him ne socour him be cause he leued like an aritike· ¶ Holy men sayd ayenest him and mony bi him wos martired and exiled and at the last in his mysbeleue he died writchedly ¶ And in this mans dais bot that Karolus marcellus holp the cristyn faith and faught manly ayen the saresens and drofe them bacward ī to spayn the wich they had subduid Els they had entred ī to fraunce ¶ And Karolus slew .iijC.M. sarasons and mo of his pepull wer slayn bot xvM. Nō This man for the continuall bataill toke to lay men the tresour of the chirche whe●for sent Euchery the bisihop of Aurilian as he wos in hys prayers saw that same Karolum in saule and bodi payned in hell And the angell that shewed the bisshop this man sayd that that wos the iugement of all thos that toke away the goodis of thee chirche or of poer men And to fortefi that at the bisshop sayed and to preue it The abbot of sent Dionis went to the sepulc● ther that Karolus wos beried and opyned the chist that he lay ī And ther they se a dragon go out bot he had no bodi Gregory the thrid a Roman was pope after Gregori the secūde The wich conformed the worshippyng of the ymages of sentis with the cunsell almost of M. bisshoppis and he cursed horibly all the dispysers of thes ymages as the emprour and other that wer of that condicion Constantinus the fifthe wos emprour after his fader Leo .xxxv. yere He was a cursed man and a pure heritike so that he did sacrifice to deuels he pursuid the chirche nothyng that is good of him is writen and so by the sufferans of god the chirche wos trubelled long tyme. ¶ About this tym wer mony merueles And ther wer meruelus erth quakis and certaij cites that wer set on mountens they wer remeued ̄ borne a way with the hilles in to the feldis sex myle thens as they stod and the cites wer not broken ne hurt In the land of Mesopotanyan the erth wos brokyn bi the space of ij myle And also ther wos a Mule that spake ī a mannys voce ash fell from heuyn And in the see of Pontico ther wos ysse for gret frost that was xxx cubittis of thyknesse And sters fell from heuyn so myghtely that men trowed that the end of the world had bene comen all thes betokened meruelus thingꝭ to cum Anno domini vijC.xliiij ZAcharias wos pope after Gregori x. yere This Zachari wos a nobull man and arayed with all uertu with all men he was loued for his mekenes and he desposed the kyng of Fraunce Hydery and put ī his place Pippinū for he
therfor god wold not that he shuld regne no longer than iiij yere died lieth at winchester Leo the sext a roman wos pope sex monethes Stephanus the vij a roman wos after him ij yer Iohn̄ the xi a roman wos pope iij. yere Stephanus the viij a germane was after hī viij yere Martin the thrid wos after him iij. yere and of thes sex popis is nothyng had in scriptur for what cause I canot tell Anno domini ixC.liiij AGapitus a roman wos pope after Martin ij yere viij monethes and nothyng of him is writtyn Iohannes the xij a roman wos pope after Agapite almost viii yere he had a fader that heght Alberyke wos a worthi man in the cete of rome He inducit the nobull men to swer that after the deth of agape they shuld chese Octouianū his sonne pope so it was done ̄ was named Iohn̄ and he was an hunter and a lecherus man so that opynli he kepid women wherfor certayn cardinals wrot to Otthoni the emprour of saxon that he shuld cum ●on to rome for to help to distruy the sklandir of the cherche this the pope persaued and the hand that wrot that pystyll he made to be cut of And mony timis he was warned by the ēprour the clarge that he shuld correc him self bot he nold not for nothing then he was deposed and Leo wos put in vn to his place wherfor the emprour wos anoyed and come ayen and beseged Rome so long tyll they toke Benedict to him restorid Leo. ¶ Of kyng Edgar that regned a bone the kynges of scotland and of wales and how that he was begyled thurgh the takyng of his wife ANd after this Edwyne regned Edgar his brother a mā that moch loued god and pees and holy cherche also And was a worthy man a gret lord of blod myghty ̄ mayntined well this lond in pees ¶ And this Edgar wos lord ̄ king aboue all the kynges of scotland and of wales from the tyme that Arthur was a gone ̄ neuer wos sithen kyng of his pouer And this edgare wos sent Edwardis fadre when edgares wif wos deid that wos sent edwardis moder ̄ entered he hard speke of the fairnes of Estrild that wos Orgarus doughter a baron of deuēshire that wos so farr a woman that all men did speke of hi● he called on of his knyghtes that he moch loued ̄ trustyd vpon ̄ told him Go quod he to the nobull baron Orgar of deuēshire se if that is doughter be so farr as men spekith of if it be soth I wyll haue hir vn to my wife ¶ This knyght that was called Edelwold went forth his way as the kyng him had sayd and come ther that the lady wos and when he saw hir so fair he thought to haue hir hīself to wife and therof spakē to Orgar hir fader ̄ hir fadre wos an old man and had no mo childre but only hir and saw that Edel wold wos a fair yong knyght and worthi and riche and wos well beloued with the kyng and thought his doughter shuld well be maried beset vpon him and granted hī is doughter if the good lord the kyng wold consent ther to ¶ Then thys Edelwold come ayene to the kyng and told him that she wos fair ynough vpon to see but she wos wonder lothly Tho ansuerd thee kīg said that he toke bot litell charge Sir qd edelwold tho she is hir fadres heir and I am not riche of landis and if ye wold cōsent and grant that I myght hir haue than shuld I be rich ynowghe In goodis name qd the kyng I consent ther to Edelwold thankid tho the kyng moch and went ayene in to Deuenshire and spoused the damisell in that cuntre he duelled ¶ And thꝰ it befell vpon a tyme that he told his counsell and all this thing vn to his wife howe and in what maner he had begiled his lord the kyng that wold haue had hir vn to wife And anone as she it wist she loued him neuer more afterward os she did before ¶ This lady consaued bi him a son and ●●hē tyme wos that the child shuld be borne Edelwold come to the kyng prayed hī to heue a son of his at fontstone the kyng him granted let call hī Edgar of his own name ¶ And when this wos done he thought that all was syker ynowgh for the kyng that he wold not taken his wife for as moch as his lord wos a ●oly mā an amerous ¶ How that kīg edgar weddid estrild after the deth of edelwold THus it befell that all men in kyng Edgarys court thospeken and sayed that edelwold was richely avaunced thurgh the mariege of his wife and yit they sayd he was a vaunced ▪ an hondreth fold more For he had spoused the fairast woman that euer was seyn And the kīg herd speke so moch of hir bewte he thoght that edelwold had him dessaued and begiled ̄ thought priuely in his hart that he wold gone in to deuēshire as it wer for till hūt for the hert ̄ for the hynde ̄ other wild bestis than he shuld se ther the lady or he deꝑted thens And this lady wos duelling at a maner place beside the forest ther that the king wold hūt and at that maner he wos herburghed all nyght and when tyme come that the kyng shuld sope and the sone shone the kyng asked after his gossip and after his godson and edelwold made hir to cū before the kyng And neuertheles if it otherwise myght haue bene she sh̄uld not haue comen in his sight by his will ¶ The lady welcōed the kyng and swetly him cussed and he toke hir by the hond ̄ tho next by him hir set so soppid they to gedre And ther was a custom ̄ an vsage in this land that tyme that when on dronke to an other the drinker shuld say wassayll and that other shuld ansuer say drinke haill and thus did the kyng the lady mony tymes ̄ also kyssed And after sopper when tyme was to go to●ed the kyng went to bed thynkyng hertely on the fairnes of that lady tho was ouer comen for hir loue that him thought that he shuld die bot if he had his wyll on hir vpon the morne the kyng aroos in the forest went him for to disport with hertis hyndes ̄ all other wild bestys of the hertis gret plente he sent to that lady thris he went to solacen speke with that lady whilles he duelled ther in that cūtre ¶ And after that the kyng remeued thens ̄ thought hī how he might best deliuer edelwold from his wyfe as he had him fryst dissaued ¶ And the kyng anone after viij days let ordeyn a parlament at Salesberi of all his baronage
vn to the erth The quene for this dede yaf the knyght gold siluer gret plenti ̄ of other riches ynough And the knyght anone as this wos done went him ouer the se ̄ so scappid he out of this land ¶ When this kyng Edward thus wos martired Hit was in thee yere of the Incarnacion after our lord ihū crist ixC. lxxx· yere he had regned xij yere and an halfe ̄ lieth at glastenburi ¶ Of kyng Eldred and how the kyng Swyne of denmarke held englond and how eldred that wos sent edwardis bred was not beloued ī his reame therfor he fled in to Normandie AFter this kyng edward regned eldred his brother and sent Dunstan crouned him and this sent Dunstone died sone after that he had for yefen the quene hir trespasse estrild for encheson that she wos cause of kyng edwardis deth and sent dūstane had hir asoled and pennance hir enioyned and she lyued after chaste life and clene ¶ This kyng Eldred weddid an englissh woman on hir he begate edmond Irenside an other son that wos called edwyne And after died the quene ther mother And in that tyme come Swyne in to englond that was kyng of Denmarke for to chalange and conquere all that his auncestres had before that tyme and so he conquered and had it all at his axyng ¶ For the good erle Cut●ert of lyndesey ̄ all the pepull of northhumberland and almost all the gret of englond held with Swyne that was kyng of Denmarke for os moch as they loued not kyng eldred for encheson that his good brother wos slaī edward falsely for encheson of him and therfor no man set but litell by hī wherfor kyng swyne had all his will and toke all the land and eldred the kyng flede tho in to Normandie so spake to the duke Rechard that the duke yaf hym his sustre Emma to wife vpō the wich he gat ij sonnys that on was caled Alured that other edward when Swyne had conquered all the land he regnet nobeli leued xv yere ̄ then died ̄ lieth at yorke ¶ How kīg eldred come ayen frō Normande how knoght the danois regnet of the were betwix him edmond Irenside AFter the deth of Swyne that wos a Danois Knoght his son duelled in englond and wold haue be kyng and tho come ayene Eldred owt of Normandye with moch nomber of pepull with a strong menye that Knoght durst not abide bot fley thens in to Denmarke The kyng eldred had ayen his reame and held so gret lordship that he by gan to distruy all tho that holpid Swyne that wos a Danois ayens him ¶ And afterward come ayen this Knoght from denmarke with a gret pouer so that kyng Eldred durst not with him fight but fled fro thens vn to london and ther held hym ¶ Tho come Knoght and him beseggid so long tyll that kyng Eldred died in the cite of london and lieth at sent paulus and he regned ix yere BOnus was pope after Benedictus on yere This maij abode bot litell tyme. Bonefacius wos after him .v. monethes Benedictus wos after him x. yere This man crovned otto the secund and made mony romans to be take he gedrit a consell ayens the kyng of fraunce wher Gylberd the Negramensier wos deposit Iohannes the xiiij was pope after him viij monethis and he wos put in castell angill and wos famed to deth Iohannes the .xv. wos after him iiij monethis Iohannes the xvi wos after him almost xi yere This man was taught in Armys and made mony bokys and els litell of him is writtyn Gregorius the v. wos pope after this man almost iij yere This Gregori was made pope at the instans of the emprour Otto the thrid for he wos his cosin And when he had be a litell while pope and the emprour recedid from the cite of rome Placentinꝰ wos put in bi Crescencio a consull for monay and then was strife a few dais bot the emprour come sone after ayen and toke Crescenciū the consull and stroke of his heed and put out the eyn of this man the wich put out his cosin of the dignite of the pope And maymet him on odir menbyrs and his knyghtis ne his dukys holped him nothyng For he did that thing that he sh̄uld not haue done and he suffred that at he diserue●d Nota ¶ This Gregori wyth the emprour Otto ordand ther the chesers of the empire the wich from thens forthe hath a bydyn vn to this day For the frensshmen nor none oth●r myght not breke that ordinanse thos chesers of the empire by the pope and Otto wer not made for ony blame of the Saxons bot to eschew the ꝑels to cum aned the namys be writyn for lerned men in latyn in thes versis Maguntinensis Treuerensis Coloniensis Quilibus imꝑij fit cancellarius horum Et palatinꝰ dapifer Dux portitorensis Marchio prepositus camere Pincerna bohemus Hij statuūt dn̄m cunctis ꝑ secula sūmū Palatinꝰ est comes ren● Marchio est Brandeburgensis Dux saxonū et Rex bohemorum verum vt quidam dicūt thurgh this occasion the Egill has lost mony a fether ̄ in the end he shall be made nakid Otta the thrid wos emprour xviij yere This man was a worthy man all the dais of his empire after the wisdom of his fader he wos a veray faithfull man to the chirche and in mony batailles he ꝓsperit be cause he wos deuote to almyghty god his sentis and yaf mighty worsshippyng to the Relekes of sentis oft tymes he vesid holy places This man wos crouned bi gregori his cosin ̄ at the last he decessed at rome No Anno domini M.iiij SIluester the secund wos pope after Gregori iiij yere And he wos made pope bi the help of the deuell to whom he did homage· for he shuld yef him all thing that he desyrid he wos called Hylberd his emny gat him the grace of the kyng of fraunce and he made him the bisshop of Remensis bot anone he was deposit and after he gat the grace of the emprour and wos made the bishop of Rauēnie and after pope bot he had an end anone so haue all that puttys ther hope in fals deuelis Yit men tristin ī his saluacion for certayn demonstracion of his sepulcur for the gret pennance that he did in his last end For he made his hād ̄ his leggis to be cut of ̄ dismēbyrt ī al his body to be cast out at the doore to foulys thē his bodi to be drawi with wild bestis ther to be beried wher sū euer they restit as an hound and they stoed still at sent Iohn̄ latronys ̄ ther he wos beried and that wos sign of his sal̄uacion Iohannes the xviij wos pope .v. monethis Iohannes the xix wos pope after
him v. yere and thes ij did litell thynges Henricus the frist wos emprour in almane xx yer This henri was duke of Barri and all acording he was chosen for his blissed fame the wich he had it is red that mony of thos dukis of barri were oly not alōli ī abstenīg of fleshli desiris bot ī vertuus leuīg And he had a sustir that wos as holy as he whō he yaf to wife vn to the kyng of vngre and she brought all vngre to the cristī faith ̄ his wiuys name wos sc̄a Kōnogundis with whom he leued a virgin all his days he did mony a bataill al 's well ī Italy as ī Almane ayens rebelians prospert rightwysly at the last with a blissed end he decessid And in the lyfe of sent Laurens he his wife be put for sampuls Benedictus wos pope after Ihon .xi yere This man had gret strife in his days for he was put out and an other put in And this Benedict after that he wos deid was seyn of an holy bisshope in a wricchid figure ̄ he had gret payn And this figur said he tristed nothing in the merci of god And nothing profettit him that wos done for him for it wos getyn with extorcion ̄ vniustly ¶ Then this bisshop left his bisshopprik for dred of this sight wēt ī to a monestari leued vertuusly all his dayes Iohannes the xx was pope after him xi yere lityt profettit ¶ Of kyng Knoght that wos a danois ANd after the deth of this Eldred Knoght that was a danois begā to regne but Edmond Irenside that wos kīg Eldredis son by his fyrst wyfe ordyned a gret pouer of men and began for to were vpon kyng Knoght and so he did mony tymes and oft and the were wos so strong hard that wonder it was to wit the quene Emme that duelled tho at westmynster had gret drede of hir ij sonnys of the were Alured and Edward lest they shuld be diffoilled and misdone thurgh this were wherfor she sēt them ouer see in to Normandie to the duke Richard hir vnkyll and ther they duelled in safete and pees long tyme ¶ Thys Edmond Irenside and Knoght the danois wered strongly to geders but at the last they wer accordid in this maner that thei shold depart the reame be twix them both ̄ so they did and after they become good frendis and so well loued to gedres as thei had bene brether gettyn of on bodi and of on mother borne ¶ How kyng Edmond Irenside tratoursly wos slayn thurgh a tratour that wos called Edrith of stratton ANd after tho regned kyng Edmond Irenside Knoght the danois But thus it befell afterward that in the same yere that they were accordid and so moch loued to gedre wher for a fals thefe tratour had enuy vn to the loue that was betuix them and frendship whos name wos Edrith of stratton that was a gret lord that wos Edmond Irensides man and of him held all the land that he had and nothelas he thought his lord to bitray make Knoght kyng of the land ī ītent richely to bene auanced and with him bene welbeloued wherfor he praied his lord edmōd Irenside vpon a day with him for to eten and to duell ̄ the kīg courtasly hī grantid to him come at his prayer at the mete the kyng riole wos serueid with diuerse metis drinkes And whē nyght come that he shuld go to beede the kyng toke his own meny ̄ went vn to chambre ther that he shuld take his nyghtys rest as he loked him about he saw a fair ymage well made ī semblant as it wer an archer with a bow bent in his hand in the bow a fine arow ¶ Kyng Edmond went tho nerre to be hold it better what it might be ̄ anone the arow him smot thurgh the body ̄ ther slew the kyng for that engyn wos made to kyll his owne lord tratoursly ¶ And whē kīg edmond wos thus deid slayn he had regned but x. yere and his pepull for hī made moch sorow his body thei bere vn to glastīberi and ther they hī en●ed And this fals tratour Edrith anone went to the quene thatt was kyng edmondis wyfe that wist of hir lordis dethē anone he toke from hir ij sonnys that were fair and yong that hir lord had vpon hir goten that one was called Edward and that other Edewyne and lad them with him to london and toke them vn to kyng Knought that he shuld do with them what his will were and told him how quently he had kylled king Edmond for enchesō and loue of him so that kyng knoght all englond in his pouer holly myght haue ¶ O thow fals tratour hast thou my trew brother that wos so trew thus slayn for encheson of me a man that I most loued in the world Now be my hed I shall for thi trauaill the well reward as thou hast deserueid and anone let him be take bonde hand and feet in maner of a tratour and let cast him ther in to Thamyse and in this maner the fals tratour endid his life ¶ The kyng toke the ij childer and put them vn to the abbot of west mynster to ward and to kepe till he wyst what that it was best with them for to done ¶ How kyng knoght sent kyng Edmondis sonnys bothe in to Denmarke for to sle and how they wer saued AIt befell sone afterward that kyng knoght had all the land in his hand and spoused the quene Emma thurgh consent of his Baronage for she was afarr woman the wich was Eldredis wife and the dukis sustre of Normandie and they leued to gedre with moch loue as reson wold ¶ The kyng axid vpō a day consell of the quene what was best to done with the sonnys that wer Edmond Irensides ¶ Sir qd she they be the right theires of the land and if they lefen they will do you moch sorow with were and therfor let send them in to a strange land afer to sum man that may them defoull and distroy ¶ The kīg anone let calle a danois that was called Walgar and commanded him that he shuld lede thos ij childer in to Denmarke and so to do ordeyn for them that they sh̄uld neuer heir more of them ¶ Sir sayd this walgar gladly your cōmandment shall be done and anone tho .ij. child he toke ̄ led them in to Denmarke and for as moch os he saw that the childer wer wōdir fair also meke He had of them gret pitte and rewth wold not them slee but let them to the kyng of Hungri for to norrich for this walgar wos welbeknowen with the kyng and welbeloued ¶ Anone the kyng axed whens the childer wer and walgar told him sayed that they wer the right heiris of englond and therfor men
child so made hī to go about the stake till that all his bouels werdrawen out of his body ̄ so died Alured ther thurgh treson of the erle godwyn ¶ When tho lordis of englond had hard wist how alured that shuld haue bene ther kyng was put to deth thurgh the fals tratour godwin they wer wōder wroth suore bitwin them god ̄ bi his holy names that he shuld die a more werse deth than did Edrith of strattō that had betraied his lord Edmōd Irenside ̄ they wald haue put hī to deth bot the thefe tratour fled thens in to denmarke and ther held him iiij· yere ̄ more lost all his land in englond SIluester the thrid wos pope after Bn̄dic This Siluester was chosī and Benedict was expulsid And afterward was he expulsid and benedict was put vp ayene And after he was put out and Gregori wos made pope and he wos but a sympull letterd man and ther for he chose an other pope to be cōsecrate with hī and when mony men wer displesid with this gydyng of ij popis the thrid was brought in the wich shuld ocupye the place of both the two And so they strofe emonges them self bot then Henri the emprour come to rome and deposit them all ond made Clement the secumd pope whom he made anone to croune him and he sayd to the romans they shuld neuer chese pope with out his assent so v. beyng pope the sex wos put in But mony men sayth this Gregori was an holy man Damasus the secund wos after Clement xxiij days This man was an vsurper of the pope seet he died sodenly And anone the Romans asked to haue a pope and that the almayns sh̄uld haue none for they wer so herd hertid that they myght not incline to the ītent of the emprour the wich said ther sh̄uld be no pope chosin bot if he wold be of counsell of the eleccion bot for all that they put in this holy man Leo. and after he had of that consciens and refuseyd and anone he was chosin bi the comyn assent This Leo put crist in the forme of a lasur in his own bede and in the morow he fond no thyng ther. ¶ Of sent Edward the confessour that was Alured is broder how he wos kyng of englond ANd when this was done all the barons of englond sensē an other tyme in to Normandie for that Edward shuld cum in to englond with moch honour ¶ And this edward in his childhode loued almyghty god and him drad and in ●●●●ste and clennes lad his life and hatid sin os deth ¶ And wh●n he wos crouned and annoynted with a riall pouer he for yat not his good maners ̄ condiciōs that he frist vsed And for yat not all good customs for no maner honour ne for no riches ne for no ●●ner highnesse but euer more more yaf him to goodnes 〈◊〉 loued god all mekenes and loued god holy chirch passing al maner thyng And poer men also he loued and them held as they had bene his own bretheren and to them oft yaf gret almys with full good wyll ¶ Of the frist speciall loue that god shewed to sent edward leuīg IT befell on a day as he went from the chirche of westmynstre and had herd masse of sent Iohn̄ the Euangelist for as moche as he loued sent iohn̄ euangelist more specially after god and our lady than he did any other sent ¶ And so ther come to him a pylgrame and prayed him for the loue of god our lady and Iohn̄ euangelist some good him for to yefe ¶ And the kyng priuely toke his ring of his fynger that no man ꝑsaued it and yaf it to the pilgrame and he it vndirfenge and wēt thēs ¶ This kyng Edward made all the good lawes of englond that yit bene most vsed and holden And was so merciabull and so full of pitte that no man myght be more ¶ How the erle godwyn come ayene in to englond and had ayē all his land aftward sent edward weddid his doughter WHen the erle godwyn that was duellyng in Denmarke had moch herd of the goodnesse of kyng Edwarde and that he wos so full of merci and of pitte He thought that he wold gone ayene in to englond for to sech and to haue grace of the good king edward that 〈◊〉 ●●●cifull was that he myght haue his land ayen in pees a●●●ayed hī as moch as he myght and put him toward these 〈◊〉 in to englond to london ther that the kyng was that tyme all the lordis of englond ̄ held a parlament ¶ Godewyn sent to them that wer his frendis ̄ wer the most grettest lordis of the land ̄ prayed thē to besech the kynges grace for him ̄ that he wold his pees and his land grant him This lordys ladd●n him before the kyng to see●e his grace ¶ And anone os the kyng him saw he appeled hī of tresō and of the deth of alured his ●●●ther and thes wordis vn to him seyed Traytour Godewin quod the kyng I the appele that thow hast betrayed and slayn my brother Alured ¶ Certis sir quod Godwyn saue your grace and your pees and your lordship I him neuer betrayed ne yit him slew And therfor I put me in reward of the court ¶ Now fair lordis quod the kyng ye that bene my lieges erles barens of the land that here bene assembled Full well ye hard myne appele and the ansuer also of godwyn And therfor I will that ye awarde and doth right ¶ The Erlis and Barons tho gadered them all to geder for to done this award by them self ̄ so they spoken diuersely emonges them For sum sayed ther wos neuer aliaunce by homage serment seruice ne by lordship bitwen Godwyn and alured for wich thing they myght him draw ¶ And at the last they deuised demyd that he shold put him in the kynges marci al to gedres ¶ Tho spake the erle Leuerich of Couentre a good man to god to all the world told his reson in this maner and sayd The erle godwyne is the best frendid man of englond after the kyng and well myght it not bene gayn sayd that with out consell of godwyn Alured was neuer put to deth Wherfor i award as touchīg my parte that hīself and his son euery of vs xij erles that bene his frendis wend before the kyng chargid with as mich gold and siluer as we may bere be twix our handis ̄ prayng the kīg for yefe his euell will to the erle godwyn and resaue his homage ̄ his land yeld ayene ¶ And they accordid vn to that awarde ̄ come in this maner as is aboue sayed euery of them with gold siluer as moch as they myght bere betwen ther handis before the kīg thei said the forme the maner of ther acord
comforth solacen as he was woned for to done at that worthy fest ¶ Wherfor all ther myrth and cōforth emōgꝭ all that wer ī the hall wer turned ī to eare sorow for encheson that they dred for to lefe the gad lord the kyng ¶ And vpō sent Iohanes day the euangelist tho that come next the kīg vnderfēge his rightes of holy churche as it faleth to euery cristī man and abode the merci the will of god tho ij pylgrymes he let be fore him cum ̄ yaf them rich yeftes betoke them to god ¶ And also the abbot of westmīster he let before him cum toke him that ring ī honor of god ̄ sent Marie of sent iohn̄ the Euangelest the abbot toke and put it emōg other reliques so that it is at westmynster euer shall be so lay the kyng seke till the xij euen tho died the good king edward at westmīster ther he lieth for whos loue god hath shewid mōy a fair miracull ¶ And this wos ī the yere of the īcarnaciō of our lord ihū crist M.lxv. and after he wos translate put ī to the shrine by 〈…〉 Th●●●● of ●to●●●● VIctor the secund was pope after Leo lytell of him is writyn Henri the secund wos emprour after the frist henri xvij yere This man wos cosin to Conrady ̄ he wos borne in a wode and twyes takyn to be slayn when he was a child bot god defendi him euer more When he wos made emprour he made a monasteri in the same place in the wode wer he vas borne This man wos a victorius man And he entyrd in to Italy and ther he toke Pandulphum the prince of campony Stephanus the ix was pope after victor ix monethis Benedictus after him he toke the dignite of the pope Stephyn by strength and keppid it ix monethis then dicessed Henricus the thyrd wos emprour after Henri the secund This Herri was an in quiet man And mony tymes troblid that holy man gregori the vij And frist he askyd foryefnes was a soyled bothe ꝑsauered not bot brought in an other pope ayens him And sayd he was an heritike and Gregori cursid him And the chesars of the emprour they chose the duke of Saxon for to be Emprour whom this Henri in bataill ower come And then he come to rome· wyth his pope and pursued pope Gregori and the Cardinales also And then anone Robert the kyng of Napyls droffe him thens And delyuered the pope and his Cardinales neuer the lese yit he wos a man of gret almys And xij tymes he faught in batall and at the last he died wricchetly for he wos put therby his owne son for so os he did to other men so wos he done to Nicholas the secund wos pope after Benedict ij yere Thys Nicholas called a counsell ayens the archedekyn of Turonosēs the wich was an heritike he taught ayens the faith for he arrit in the sacrament after wos he conuertid and wos an holy man bot he coud neuer conuerte his decipuls Nota. Alexander the secund was pope after him xij yere This Alexander wos an holy man And he ordend that vnder payn of cursing that no man sh̄uld heir a prestis masse whome men knew had a lemman vt pꝪ patet 32 dist preter hoc He had strife with on Codulo bot he expulsit him as an vsorpe● ̄ put hym out as a symoyer ¶ How harold that wos goodewynes son wos made kyng and how he scappid fro the Duke of bretan WHen sent edward wos gone out of this world and was passid to god ̄ worthely entered as it apertenyt to such a gret lord for to be The barons of the land wolde haue had edwarde Helingus son to edward the owtlaw that wos Edmond Irēsides son to be kyng for as moch as he wos most kyndest kynges blode of the raame ¶ But Haroldes son thurgh the erle goodwyne ̄ the strength of his fadre Godewyn thurgh other gret lordes of the reame that wer of his kyn vn to him sib seised all englond in to his hand anone let croune him kyng after the enterment of sent edward ¶ This Harold that wos godewīs sone the secund yere after that sent Edward was deid wold haue gone in to Flaunders bot he wos dreuen thurgh tempast in to the cuntre of Pountife and ther he was takyn and brought vn to duke wyllyam And this Harold wened that tho this duke william wold haue bene a vēged vpon him for encheson that the erle Godewyn that wos haroldis fader had let kyll Alured that was sent edwardis brother and principally for encheson that Alured was quene emma sone that wos Richardus mother duke of Normandie that wos aiell to the duke william ¶ And neuertheles when the duke wyllm had harrold in prison and vnder his pouer for as moch as this harold wos a nobull wise knyght and a worthy of body that his fadre and he wos a cordid with good kyng edward ̄ therfor wold not misdone him but all maner thinges that be twix them wer spoken and ordeined harold by his good wil swore vpon a boke and vpon holy sentis that he shold spouse and wed duke wyllm doughter after the deth of sent edward that he shuld besili done his deu for to kepe saue the reame of englond vn to the profet and a vauntege of duke willm ¶ And when harold had thus made his oth vn to duke willm he let him go ̄ yaf him mony riche yeftis And he tho went thens ̄ com in to englōd anone did in this maner when sent edward was deid as a man falsly for sworen he let croune him kyng of englond falsely brake the counant that he had made before with duke willm wherfor he wos wonder wroth with him and swore that he wold vpon hī ben a vengid what so euer him befell ¶ and anone duke willm lett assembull a gret host come in to englond to a venge him vpō Harold to conquere the land if that he myght ¶ And in the same yere thot harold was crouned Harald harestrenge kyng of Denmarke ariued in scotland ̄ thought to haue be kyng of englond ̄ he come in to englond kylled ̄ robbid destroyed all that he might till that he come to yorke ̄ ther he killed mony men of armys a thovsand ̄ an hondreth prestys ¶ When this tydyng come to the kyng he assembled a strong pouer went for to fight with harold of denmarke with his own hand hī killed ̄ the danois wer discomfited ̄ tho that left alyue with moch soreu fled to ther shippis And thus kyng harold of englond kylled kyng harold of denmarke Anno domini M.lxvi. ¶ How wylliam basterd duke of Normandie come in to englond and kylled kyng Harold
for ther went of statis old men and yonge riche and poer no man compellid them and this passage was made bi the vision of our ladi and the princes of this pepull wer diuerse On wos Godfray the bollion a nobull man of all the world ̄ a vertuus man And an other was Beemūd the duke of Napuls The thrid wos Hugh the kynges brother of fraunce and mony other the wich did full nobully for the faith of god and it wer to long in this bake to reherse the glorius actis that they did ¶ Of kyng willm Roos that wos willm bastard son that destruyed tounes houses of religion for to make the new forest ANd after this willm bastard regned his son william the Rous and this willm was a wonder contrarious man to god and holy chirche let amende and make the toune off Cardeis that the paynyms had destroyed ¶ This kyng willm destruyed holy chirche and ther possessions in what ꝑte he myght them find ▪ ¶ And therfor ther was so moch debate bitwen him and the erchebisshop of cantorburi Ancelme for encheson that he vndernamme him of his wickidnesse that he destroied hol̄y chirch And for encheson therof the kyng bore to him gret wrath and for that cause he exiled him out of this land and the erchebishop tho went to the court of Rome and ther duellid wyth the pope ¶ And this king made the new forest cast doune distruid xxvi tounes and lxxx houses of religion all for to make his forest lenger and broder and bicome wonder glad and proud of his wod of his forest and C the wild bestys that werther within that it was meruell for to wit so that men called him keper of wodis and of pastors and the lenger that he leued the more wekked he become bothe to god and to all holy chirche and to all his men ¶ And this kyng let make the gret hall of westmynster so vpon a day in the witsontyde he held ther in his frist fest and he lokid him a bout and said that the hall wos to litell bi the haluē dele ¶ And at the last he become so contrarius that all thing that plesed god displesid him and all thing that god loued he hatid deidly ¶ And so it befell that he dremyd vpon a nyght a litel or that he died that he wos let blod and bled a gret quātite of blode and a streme of blode lepit on eigh toward heuē more than an hundreth vethem and the clerenes of the day was turned vn to nyght and dirkenesse and the firmament also ¶ And when that he a woke he had gret drede so that he not wist what for to done ̄ told his dreme to men of his councell and said that he had gret dred and supposed that to hī was sum mischance to cum ¶ And the secund night before a mōke dremed of the housold that the kīg went in to an chirche with moch pepull ̄ he wos proud that he dispised all the pepull that wos with him and that he tok the ymage of the crucifix and shamfully bote it with hys tethe ¶ And the crucifix mekeli suffred all that he did but the kyng as a wode man rent of the armys of the crucifix and cast it vnder his fete and defouled it and threw it all a brode ̄ a gret flame of fire come out of the crucifix mouth of wich dreme mony men had gret meruell and wonder ¶ The good man that had dremmed this straunge dreme told it to a knyght that wos most priuey with the kyng of all men and the knyght wos called Hamūdes soon the monke and he told the dreme to the kyng and saied that it shuld betokyn other thing than good and neuerthelas thee kyng laughed ther at twyes or thries and litell set ther by and thought that he wold go and hunte play in the forest And mē counsellid him that he shuld not that day for no maner thīg come in the wod so that he a bood at home before mete But anone as he had heten no man might hī let bot he wold gon vn to the wod for to haue his disporte ¶ And so it befell that on of his knyghtis that heght walter Tirell wold haue shot to an hart his arew glensid vpon a branche and thurgh missauētur smote the kīg to the hert so he fell doune deid to the grund with out ony word spekyng and so endid his life days ¶ And it wos no ferli for the day that he died he had let to ferme the erchebisshopprich of Cantorburi and xij abbeis also euer more did gret distruccion to holy chirche thurgh wrongfull takyng ̄ axinges for no man durste withstond that he wold haue done and of his lethernesse he wold neuer withdraw nother to amend his life therfor god wold suffre hī no lenger to regne ī his wikkidnes ̄ he had bene kīg xiij yere ̄ vi wekis ̄ lieth at westmynster Anno domini M.lxxxviij PAscal̄ was pope after vrbā xviij yer v. monethis the wich the xiij yere of his bisshopprich with his cardinales wos put ī prisō bi Henri the fourth the emꝑour ̄ they might not be deliuerid till the pope had suorne that he shuld kepe pees with hī that he shuld neuer curs hī on that ꝓmis the pope yaf the emꝑour a p̄uylege ̄ on the yere after the pope dampned that p̄uelege ̄ said on this wise lett vs cōp̄hend all holy scriptur the old testamēt ̄ the new the lawis ̄ the ꝓphettis the gospell ̄ the canons of apostils ̄ all the decrees of the popis of rome that at they held I hold and that at thei dampnid I dampne and most specialy that preuylege graūtid to Henri the emꝑour the wich rether is grantid to venge his males then to multiple the paciēs in vertu for euer more I dampne that same preuilege ¶ Of kyng Henri beauclerke that wos willm Rous brother ̄ of the debate betwen him Robert Curthos his brother ANd when this willm Rous wos deid Henri beauclerke his brother wos made kyng for encheson that willm Rous had no child begoten of his bodi and this henri beauclerke was crouned kyng at london the iiij day after that his brother was decessid that is to say the v. day of august ¶ And anone as Ancel̄me that was Archebisshop of Cantorburi that was at the court of rome herd tell that willm Rous wos deid he come ayen in to englond the kyng beauclarke welcomed him with moch honour ¶ And the frist yere that kyng henri regned ̄ wos crouned he spoused Maude that wos Margaretis doughter the quene of Scotland and the erchebisshop Ancelme of cantorburi weddid them ¶ And this kyng begate vpon his wife ij sonnys and a doughter that is to say willm Richard ̄ Maude And this
duelled al that yere in Normandi And after that long tyme a greuꝰ sekenesse toke him wherthurgh he died ¶ And this kyng henri regned xxxv yere and iiij monethis and after he died as is before sayd in Normandie and his hert wos entered in the gret chirche of our lady in Rouen and his body was brought with moch hoynour ī to englond and entered at Redyng ī the abbey of the wich abbey he wos begynner and founder HEnricus the fourth was emꝑour in Alman after Herri the thrid xv yer This mā put his own fader ī p̄son ̄ ther held him till he died he toke pope pascall with his cardinales ̄ present thē as it is saied a foro for the wich cause as it is supposid he lackid ussu for he weddid Maude the kyngꝭ doughter of englond bot afterward he come to grace all the lawys of the chirche the landis frely he refined to Calixto the pope besought him to yef hī in pennance that he shuld neuer cum ayen to his empire that he might haue remission of his trespasse and after the opinyon of mōy a man he was willely exiled ̄ died and his wife bothe at chestre in englond Gelasius was pope after Paschall ij yere and fled frō Henri the emprour in to Burgon ther decessid This emꝑour chose Benedicte a spanyard to be pope the wich strofe wyth Calixto Calixtus was pope after him ij yere v. monethes This Calixt was the son of the duke of Burgon ̄ was chosen in the place of Gelasii ̄ whē he shuld cum to rome he toke thee forsaid Benedict made him to ride a fore him shamfully for he on a Mule turned his face to the tayll of the mule held the taill in his hond as a bridyll till he come thurgh the cite ther he was put in prison and this pope made pees with the emprour Honorius was pope after him ij yere litell of him is writtin Nota. Harri the fourth emprour of Alman decessed this tyme and wos beried with his progenytours after sum men with suche an Epithapei Filiꝰ hic pater hic Auꝰ hic proauꝰ iacꝪ istis bot it is likly to be truyr that at Gerald sais in Itinario wallie wher he says that after he had prisened his carnall fadre his spirituall fadir the pope with his cardinales after he was recōsiled willely he was made exile And he left Maud his wyfe the kīgꝭ doghter of englond prēuely leued an harmytes life at Chestre x. yere wher he might liue as no man knew hī he called hī self Godiscal̄lus the wich godisson is cald So the Emꝑour secretly y went away And Maude his wife the Emprisse ther she went to hir fadre Herri in to Normandie wher anone after she wos weddid to Gefferay Plantagines the duke of andegāme vpon whome he begat Herri the secund after kyng of Englōd vnder whom sent Thomas of Cantorburi regned and died Lotharius wos emprour after henri the fourth xij yere and litell of him is writtyn bot that he wos manerly to the chirche· and that he subduid Roger the vsurper of the kyng of Cicely Hugo de sancto victori was a nobull man this tyme at paris a nobull doctor of the nacion of the saxons The ordir of sent Iohn̄ baptist at Ierusalem began this time be the worshipfull man Raymond mightely disposid to werkis of merci all thys ordir make ther waye to serue poer men Anno domini M.C.xxxiiij INnocencius wos pope after Honorius xiiij yere vij monethis This man was a veray deuote man with sich men he societ him he had striffe vij yere ayens Pers of Lion the wich names him Anocletū and by strength he toke the popehood the wich Innocent saw with ij galeys he fled in to fraūce and wos worsshipfully resaued of sent Berenard the wich that time had all the kynges ̄ the princes in his hand he ꝓuoked them for to bring this pope Innocent in to his dignite ayene all the last althyng was cessid his emnys wer distruyed thurghe the iugement of god ̄ he wos pope ayene and leued profetabuly and was beried at Lauronynce ¶ How Stephen that wos kyng Henri sustres son wos made kyng of englond AFter this kyng Henry that was the frist was made kyng his nepheu his sustres sonne Sstephen Erle of Bolloyn For anone as he herd the tydyng of his vncles deth than he passid the see and come in to englond thurgh consell strēgth and helpe of mony gret lordis in englond ayens ther othe that they had made to Maude emprisse toke the reame and let croune stephen kyng of the land ¶ And the archebisshop wiliam of Cantorburi that frist made the oth of feaute to Maud the emprissi set the croune vpon kyng stephens hede him anoynted ̄ bisshop Roger of Salisburi mayntened the kynges partie in as moch as he myght ¶ The frist yere that kyng Stephen begā to regne he assembled a gret host and went towward Scotland for to haue wered vpon the kīg of scotland but he come ayens hī in pees and in good maner and to him trustid but he made to him none homage for as moche as he had made vn to the Emprise Maude ¶ And in the iiij yere of his regne Maude the emprise come in to englond and tho began debate betwin kīg Stephē ̄ maude the Emprise ¶ This Maude went vn to the cite of Nicholl the kīg hi● beseged long time ̄ myght not spede so well the cite was keped and defendid and tho that wer with in the cite quantely ascapped away with out any maner of harme tho toke the kyng the cite and duelled therin till candilmasse And tho come the Barons that held with the emprice that is for to say thee erle Randulfe of Chestre the erle Robert of Glocestre Hugh Bigot Robert of morlay And thes brought with them a strōg pouer ̄ faught wyth the kyng yaf him a gret bataill in the wich batall kīg stephen was takē set ī prisō ī the castell of bristowe ¶ How maude the emprice wēt fro wīchester to Oxford ̄ after she ascapped to walīgford of the sorow disese that she had WHen the kyng was taken and brought in to warde in the castell of Bristow This Maude the Emprise anone wos made lady of all Englond and all men held hir for lady of the land But tho of Kentheld with kyng Stephens wife and also william of Pree and his reteune help them and held were ayens maude the Emprise and anōe after the kyng of scotland com to them with an huge nombre of pepull tho went they yfere to wynchester ther that the emprise wos wold haue takē hir but the Erle of gloucestre come with his pouer ̄ faught with them ̄ the emprise in the meyn while that
to say the cite of Karlill the castell of Bamburgh ̄ the new castell vpō Tyne and the erledom of lancastre ¶ The same yere the kyng with a gret pouer went in to wales and let cast doune wodes and make wayes and made strong the Castell of Rutland basingwarke and emong the castels he made an house of the tempull ¶ And in the same yere was Richard his son borne that afterward wos erle of Oxforde and the iiij yere of his regne he made Gaufrid erle of Bretā And in that yere he changed his monay the vi yere of his regne he lad an huge host vn to Tolouse and conquered it ¶ And the vij yere of his regne died Theabult the Erchebisshop of Cantorburi And tho all the cite of Cantorburi al̄most thurgh meschefe wos brenned ¶ The ix yere of his regne Thomas Bekit that wos his chanceler wos chosen to bene Erchebisshop of caūtorburi And vpon sent Barnardis day he wos sacred and ī that yere wos borne Helienor the kynges doughter ¶ And in the x. yere of his regne sent Edward the kīg was translated with moch honour ¶ And the xi yere of his regne he held hys parlament at Northamtoon And from thens fled sent Thomas erchebisshop of cantorburi for the gret debate that wos betwix the kīg hī for if he had ben founde ī the morne he had ben slaī therfor he fled thens with iij. felowes on fote onli that no man wisten wher he wos went ouer the see to the pope of Rome ¶ And this was the principall encheson for as moch as the kyng wold haue put clarkes to deth that wer atteyntit of felonye with out ony preuylege of holy chirch ¶ And the xij yere of his regne was Ion his son borne And the xiij yere off his regne died Maude the emprice that was his mother ¶ The xiiij yere of his regne the duke Henri of Saxon spoused Maude his doughter he begat vpon hir iij sonis that wor called Henri Othus Willm ¶ And in the xv yere of his regne died the good erle Robert of Glocestre that founded the abbey of Nonnes of Eton. ¶ And in the same yere Marike kyng of Ierusalem cōquered Babilon ¶ And the xvi yere of his regne he let croune his sone Henri kyng at westmynster ̄ him crouned Roger Erchebisshop of yorke in harmyng of Thomas erchebisshop of Cantorberi wherfor this same Roger was acursed of the pope ¶ How kyng henri that was son of kyng henri the emprise son and of the debate that wos bytwen him and his fader while thatt he wos in Normandie AFter the coronacion of kyng henri the son of kyng henri the emprise son ¶ That same henri the emprise son went ouer in to Normandie ̄ ther he let marie Elenour the doughter of the Dolfyn that was kyng of Almayn ¶ And in the vij yere that the erchebisshop 〈◊〉 Thomas had bene outlawed the kyng of frunce made the kyng ̄ 〈◊〉 Thomas accordid tho come thom̄s the erchebisshop to Cātorburi ayen to his own chirche ¶ And this accord was made in the begynyng of aduent And afterwarde he wos kylled 〈…〉 the v. day of cristynmasse that tho next come ¶ For kyng henri thought vpon 〈◊〉 Thomas the erchebisshop vpon cristinmasse day os he sat at his mete ̄ thees wordis said That if he had any good knyghtys with him he had be mony a day passid avengid vpon the erchebisshop Thomas ¶ And anone sir willm Breton sir hugh Moruyle sir william Traci ̄ sir Reignold fitz vrse beres son in Englissh preueli went vn to the see comen in to englond vn to the chirche of cantorburi and ther they him 〈◊〉 at sent Benettes auter ī the moder chirche ¶ And that was ī the yere of the Incarnacion of ihū crist M.C lxxij yere ¶ And anone after Henri the new kyng began for to make were vpon Henri his fadre and vpon his brether willm O thus ¶ And so vpon a day the kyng of fraunce and all the kynges sonnes and the kyng of scotland and the grettyst lordis of englong were arisen ayens thee kyng Henri the fadre and at the last as god wold he conquered all his emnys ¶ And the kyng of fraunce he wer accordit tho sent kyng henri the fadre speciali vn to the kyng of france ̄ prayed him herteli for his loue that he wold send to him the names by letter of them that wer the begyners of the were ayens him ¶ And the kyng of fraunce sent ayene to him bi letter the names of them that begon the were ayens him ¶ The frist was Iohn̄ his son ̄ Richard his brother and henri the new kyng his son Tho was henri the kyng wonder wroth and cursid the tyme that euer he him begat ¶ And while the were dured Henri his sone the new king died sore repentyng his misdedis most sorow made of ony man for because of 〈◊〉 thomas deth of cantorburi ¶ And prayed his fadre with moch sorow of hert merce for his trespasse his fader for yaf him and had of him gret pitte and after he died the xxxvi yere of his regne and lieth at redīg ¶ How the cristyn lost the holy land in the forsaid kynges tyme thurgh a fals cristyn man that bicome a sarisen ANd while that kīg henri the emprise son leued and regned the gret bataill wos in the holy land bitwen the cristyn mē and the sarisens but the cristyn men wer ther kylled thurgh grett treson of the erle Tirpe that wold haue had to wife the quene of Ierusalem that som tyme wos Baldewyns wife but she forsoke him and toke to hir lord a knyght a worthi man that wos called sir Gnyꝑches wherfor the erle Tirpe wos wroth and wēt anone right to Soladyne that was soudeyn of Babilon ̄ bicome his man And forsoke his cristindom ̄ all cristyn law and the cristī men wist not of this dedis but wened for to haue had gret help of him as they wer wont to haue before ¶ And when they comen to the bataill This fals cristyn man turned vn to the sarisens forsoke his own nacions ̄ so wer the cristyn men ther kylled with the sarisens ¶ And thus wer the cristyn men slayn put to horibull deth ̄ the cite of Ierusalē destruied and the holy cros borne away ¶ The kyng of fraunce and all the gret lordis of the land let them cros for to go vn to the loly land ¶ And amōg them went Richard kyng Henri son frist after the kīg of fraūce that toke the cros of the erchebisshop of tours but he toke not the viage at that tyme for encheson that he wos let bi other maner weys nedis to be done ¶ And whā kīg henri his fader had regned xxxvi yere
v. monethis iiij dais he died lieth at foundenerard Anno domini M C.lvi. ADrianus the fourth wos pope after Anastasy v. yere This pope was an englisshman the voce of the comyn pepule saeth he wos a bondman to the abbot of sent albons ī englōd And whē he desired to be made a mōke ther. he wos expulsid hee wēt ouer the see gaf hī to study ̄ to vertu after wos made bisshop of Albanacens then he wos made legate ī to the land of wormacian he cōuertid it to the faith thē he wos made pope ̄ for the woundyng of a Cardinall he enterditit all the cite of rome hee cursid willm the kyng of Cecill causid him to submitt him This man the frist of all popis with his cardinales dueld in the old cite Alexandre the thrid wos pope after him xij yere This Alexander had strife xvij yere and the iiij striuers that the Emprour set ayens him he ouer come them and cursid them ̄ they all dred an yll deth ¶ This man also accordid Frederic the emprour Emanuell of Constātiōble· the kyng of Siculorum And this man norisshed sent Thomas of cantorberi ī his exile Nota. Sent Bernard wos canonisit bi this alexander his abbot forbad him he shuld do no mo myraclis for ther wos so myghty cōcours of pepull And he obeyed to hī when he wos deid did no mo Lucius the thrid was pope after Alexander iiij yere ij monethes and of him litell is written ¶ In this mans dais decessid Henri the frist son of henri the secund ̄ this his his epytasi ¶ Omīs honoris honos decor et decus vrbis et orbis Milicie splendor gloria lumen apex Iulius ingenio virtutibꝰ hector Achilles viribꝰ Augustus moribꝰ Ore paris Vrbanus the iij. wos pope after Lucius ij yere This man decessid for sorow when he hard tell that Ierusalem was take with thee sarisens Gregori the viij wos pope after hī iiij mōthis he practiset mighteli how Ierlm̄ might be won ayen bot anone he decessid Clemēs the iij. wos pope after hī iij. yere ̄ litell did ¶ Of kyng Richard that conquered all the holy land that cristī men had lost ANd after this kīg henri regned Richard his son a stout mā ̄ a strong and a worthy and also bold and he was crouned at westmynster of the erchebisshop Baldewyn of Cantorburi the thrid day of septembre and the secūd yere of his regne kyng Richard him self and Baldewyn the erchebisshop of cantorburi ̄ Hubert bisshop of Salisburi Raudulfe Erle of Gloucestre and other mony lordis of englond went in to the holy land and in that viage died the erchebisshop of cantorburi ¶ And kyng Richard went before in to the holy land ̄ restid not till that he come forth ī his way vn to Cipers toke it with gret force and sithen that kyng Richard went forth toward the holy land and gete ther as moch as the cristyn men had ther before losten and conquered the land ayen thurgh gret myght saufe ōly the holy cros ¶ And when kyng Richard comen to the cite of Acres for to get the cite ther aros a gret debate bitwen him and the kyng of fraunce so that the kyng of france went ayen in to fraunce ̄ wos wreth toward the kyng Richard but yit for al that or kyng richard went ayen he toke the cite of acres ¶ And when he had taken it he duelled in the cite a while but to him come tydynges that the erle Iohn̄ of Oxford his brother wold haue sesed all englond in to his hand and Normandie also and wold croūe him kyng of the land ¶ And whan kyng richard hard tell off this tidyng he went ayen toward englond weth all the spede that he might ¶ But the duke of Ostriche met with him toke hī brought hī vn to the Emprour of Almayn the emprour hī brought in to his prison ¶ And afterward he was deliuerid for an huge raunsum that is for to say an hondreth thousand pound And for the wich ranson to be payed eche other ●hales of Englond wos molten and made in to monay and all the monkis of the order of cisteaux yefen all ther bokes thurgh out all englond for to done them to sell the raunsom for to pay ¶ How kyng Richard come ayen from the holi land and avēged him of his emnys WHyles this kyng richard wos in prison the kyng of fraunce wereed vpon him strongly in Normandie and Iohan his brother wered vpon him in Englond ¶ But the bisshoppes and barons of englond withstod him with all the pouer thatt they might get and toke the castell of wyndosore and other castelles ¶ And the forsaied Iohn̄ saw that he had no might ne pouer ayenis the barons of englond for to fight but anone went him ouer see vn to the kyng of fraunce ¶ And whē kyng richard come out of prison and wos deliuered and come in to englond anone after candilmasse in gret hast he went vn to notyngham and the castell of Notyngham to him wos yolden And tho discōfitid he his brother Iohan and tho that with him held ¶ And after hee went vn to the cite of wynchestre and ther he let him croun kyng of Englond ̄ after he went vnto Normandie for to were vpon the kyng of fraunce ¶ And the kyng of fraunce come withe v. C. knyghtys toward Gisors and the kyng Richard met him and tho wold haue yefen him bataill but the kyng of fraūce fled tho and an hundreth knyghtys of his wer take and ijC. stedis were ther trappid with yren ¶ And anone after went kyng richard for to besege the castell of Gaillard and as he rode vpon a day by the castell to take auisement of the castyli an arbalastier smote him with a quarell that wos enuenyned ̄ the kyng drofe out the shaft of the quarell but the quarell heed abood still in his heed it began for to rankill that he might not help him self ne meue his armes ¶ And tho he wist that he had dethes woūde vpō him that he might not be hole for no maner thing he commaūded annone sharpili all his men for to assaill the castell So that the castell was take or that he died so manli his men did that all the pepull that wer ī the castill wer takē the kyng did with them what he wold ̄ cōmandid his men that they shuld brīg before him the man that him so hurt so woūdid ¶ And wen he come before the kyng the kīg axed hī what was his name ̄ he said mi name is bartram gurdon wherfor said the kīg hast tow me slayn· sith that I did the neuer none harme ¶ Sir said he though ye did me neuer none harme ye yourself with your hond killed my
cum out ther of ne to no amēdment ye shall vnderstand that this tyme afterward the sentance is vpon you yeffen and holdeth stede and strength vpon all tho that with you haue communed before this tym whethir they be Erles Barons or Knyghtys or any other what so euer that they be we them assoyle saufly vn to this day fro this tyme afterward of what condicion som euer that they be we them a curse that with you comyn ony word do we sentanse vpon thē openly and specially ¶ And we assoill clene Erles Barons Knyghtes all other men of ther homages seruis ̄ feautes that they shuld vn to you done And this tydyng to confirme we yef playn pouer to the bysshop of wynchestre ̄ to the bisthop of Norwiche ¶ And the same pouer we yif in to scotland to the bisshoppis of Rochestre of Salisburi ¶ And in wales we yeue the same pouer to the bisshoppis of sent Dauid ̄ of Landaf ̄ of sent Asse· ¶ And more ouer we send thurgh out all cristīdom that all the bisshoppis be yond the see that they done a cursse all tho that helpeth you or ony cōcell yefeth you in ony maner nede that ye haue to do in any ꝑte of the world ¶ And we assoyell them also all by the actorite of the pope and cōmand them also with you for to feght as with hī that is emny to all holy chirche ¶ Tho ansuerd the kyng what may ye do more to me ¶ Tho ansuerd Pandolf we sayn to you in the word of god that ye ne none heir that ye haue neuer after this day may be crouned ¶ Tho said the kīg bi him that is almighti god I had wist this or that the come ī to my land that ye had me brought sich tyding I sh̄uld haue made you ride all on yere ¶ Tho ansuerd pādolf full well wēd we at oure frist cōmīg that ye wold haue be obedient to god ̄ to holi chirch haue fulfillid the popis commandemēt now we haue shewed vn to you ̄ ꝓnouncid the popis will as we wer charged ther with as now ye haue said that if ye had wist the cause of our comyng that ye wold haue made vs ride all an hole yere as well ye myght haue said that ye wold haue takin an hole yere of respit bi the popis leue ¶ But for to suffre what deth ye coude ordeyn we shall not spare for to tell you holi all the popis message his wyll that we wer charged with ¶ How Pandolf deliuered a clarke that had falsed ̄ conterfeted the kynges monay before the kyng him self ANd anone tho commandid the kyng the shereues bailies of Northamton that were in the kynges presence that they shuld bring forth all the prisoners that they myght bene done to deth before Pandolf for encheson the kyng wened that they wold haue gayn sayed ther dedis for cause of deth all thing that he had spokin afore ¶ When the prisoners wer com be fore the kīg the kyng commandid som to be hanged ̄ sum to be drawen sum to draw out ther eyn out of ther hede ¶ And among all other ther was a clarke that had falsid the kyngis monay And the king commandid that he shuld be honged ̄ draw ▪ ¶ And whē Pandolf herd this cōmandemēt of the kīg he stert him vp smartely and anone axed a boke and a candill ̄ wold haue cursid him ̄ all them that set vpō the clarke any hand And Pandolf hī self went for to sech a cros the kīg folowid hī deliuerid hī the clarke bi the hand that he shuld do with hī what he wolde ¶ And thꝰ was the clerke delyuerid ̄ wēt thēs ¶ And Pandolf Durant his felow went from the kyng Iohn̄ come ayen to the pope of rome told him that kyng Iohn̄ wold not amended be but euer abiden so accursed ¶ And notheles the pope grantid that yere thurgh out englond that mē myght sing masses in coueneble chirchis make goddis body and yef it to seke mē that shuld passe out of this world And also that men myght cristyn child ouer al the land ¶ And when the pope wist and saw that the kyng wold not ben vnder the rule of holy chirche for no maner thīg the pope tho sent to the kyng of fraunce in remision of his sinnes that he shuld take with him all the pouer that he myght ̄ wend ī to englond for to distru kyng Iohn̄ ¶ When this tidyng come to kyng Iohn̄ tho wos he sore anoyed sore drad lest that he shuld lese his reame hym self be done to deth ¶ Tho sent he to the pope messangers and said that he wold bene iustyfied cum to a mendment ī all thinges and wold make satisfaccion to all maner men after the popis ordināce ¶ Tho sent the pope ayen in to engloted Pandolf and other messingers come to Cantorburi tho the king abode And the xiij day of May the kyng made an othe for to stand to the popis ordinance before Pandolf the legate ī all maner of thīges in wich he wos a cursed ̄ that he shuld make full restitucion to all men of holi chirche ̄ of relegion of the godis that he had taken of them ayens ther will and all the gret lordis of englōd swore vpon the boke ̄ bi the holydom that if the kīg wold not hold his oth they saied that they wold make him hold it by strength ¶ Tho put the kyng him to the court of rome to the pope tho yaf he vp the reame of Englōd of Irland for him and for his heires for euer more that sh̄uld cum after him So that kyng Iohn̄ and his heires shuld take tho ij reames of the popes handis ̄ shuld euery yere pay ferme vn to the court of rome a thousand marke of siluer ¶ And tho toke the kīg the croune of his hede and set him on his kneys and thes wordis said he in hering of all the gret lordis of englond her I resigne vp the croune and the reame of Englōd in to the popis Innocent hand the thrid and put me holy in his merci and ī his ordinance● ¶ Tho vnderfenge Pandolf the croune of kīg Iohn̄ and kepid it v. days as for sesing tagyng of ij reames of Englong and Irland and confermed all maner thynges by hys chartur that foloweth after Of the letter obligatorie that kyng Iohan made vn to thee court of Rome wherfore the Petres pens bene gadred thurgh owt all Englond TO all cristyn pepull thurgh out all the world duellyng Iohn̄ by the grace of god kyng of englond greting to youre vniuersite and be it knowyn that for as moch as we haue greued and offendid god ̄ our modre chirche of rome
soule specially shall whiles the abbey stādeth ¶ The kyng a rose vp anone full euell at ese cōmande to remeue the table axed after the monke mē told him that he wos dede for his wombe was broke ī sūder ¶ When the kyng herd this he cōmāded to trusse but all it wos for noght for his belly began to swel so for the drink that he had dronkē ▪ with in ij days he died on the morow after sent Lukes day ¶ And this kyng Iohn̄ had mony fair child of his body begoten that is to say Henri his son that wos kīg after his fadre Richard that wos erle of Cornewaill and Isabell that was emprise of rome Elenor that wos quen of scotland ¶ And this kyng iohn̄ whan he had regned xiiij yere and. v monethis and v. dais he died in the castell of Newarke his bodi wos beried at wynchestre Anno domini M.CC. FRedericus the secund wos emprour xxxiij yere This mā wos crouned of Honorius the pope ayens Otto that he shold fight with hī the wich he did expulsid hī frist he nurisshed the chirche after he spolid it as a stepmoder wherfor Honoriꝰ cursed hym ̄ all that wer ꝯtrari to his oppynyon the pope assoiled ̄ the same sentans Gregori the ix renewid and this same man put henri his own son ī p̄son ther morderid him ▪ wherfore when this Emprour an other seson wos seke bi an other son of his own he wos mordered in the tyme of Innocent the fourthe Honorius the thrie was popo after Innocent x. yere and confirmed the order of Freris prechu●s mynors made certā decretals· ¶ Of kyng Henri the thrid that wos crouned at Gloucestre ANd after this kyng Iohn̄ regned his son Henri and was crouned at Glocestre whan that he was ix yere old on sēt Symondes day and Iude of Swalo the legat of rome thurgh councell of all the gret lordis that held with kyng Iohan his fader that is to say the Erle Raudolfe of Chestre Willm erle Marchall erle of Penbroke willm the Brener erle of Feriers Serle the manle baron all other gret lordis of englond held with lowys the kyng son of fraunce ¶ And anone after when king Henri wos crouned Swalo the legate held his councell at bristo at sent Martins fest and ther wer xi bisshoppis of englond and of wales ̄ of other prelates of holy chirche a gret nombre erles and barons and mony knyghtys of Englōd and all tho that wer at that counsell swore feaute vn to Henri the kyng that wos king Iohanes sun ¶ And anone after the legate enterdited walis for encheson that they held with tha barons of Englund also all tho that holpen or yaf ony counsell to meve were ayen the newe kyng Henri he a cursed hem ̄ at the begynnyng he put in the sentance the kynges son of fraūce Lowys ¶ And notheles the same Lowys wold not space for all that bot went and toke the castell of Barcamsted ̄ also the castell of Herford ¶ And from that day afterward the barons did ther so moch harme thurgh out all Englond and principall the frensshmen that wer come with king Lowys wherfor the gret lordis ̄ all the commyn pepull of englond let them dresse forto driue lowys and his companye out of englōd but sum of the barons and of the frensshmē wer gon to the cite of Nicholl and toke the toune ̄ held it to kyng Lowys profit ¶ But thider come kyng henris men with a gret pouer that is to say the Erle Raudolfe of Chestre and willm erle Marshall and willm the brener erle of Feriers and mony other lordie with them and yefen bataill vn to Lowys men And ther wos slayn the erle of Perches and Lowys men wer ther foule discomfited ¶ And ther wos taken Serle erle of wynchestre ̄ Humfrey de Bowne erle of Herford and Robert the son of walter and mōy other that begane were aynes the kyng ther they wer takyn and lad vn to kyng Henri thatt wos kyng Iohaanes son ¶ And when the tidynges come to Lowys of the discomfitur that was the kynges son of fraūce he remeued from thens and went vn to Lōdon and let shit the yates fast of the cite And anone after the kīg sent to the burgies of lōdon that they sh̄uld yeld them vn to him and the Cite also and he wold them graunt all ther fraūshis that euer they wer woned to haue before and wold confirme them by his gret new chartre vnder his brode seall ¶ And in the same tyme a gret lord that was called Eustace the monk come out of Fraunce with a gret companye of lordis ̄ wold haue comen in to Englōd for to haue holped Lowys the kynges son of fraūce But Hubert of burgh and the v portis with viij shippis tho met with them in thee high se and assailid them egreli ouer come them with strength ̄ smyten of Eustace the monkis heed toke also x. gret lordis of fraūce put them in to prison ̄ killed almost all the men thatt come with them anone drenched the shippis in the see ¶ How Lowys turned ayen in to fraūce ̄ of the confirmacion of kyng Iohanes chartre WHen Lowys herad this tydynges he drad sore to be dede ̄ lost and let ordoyne and speke bitwen the kyng and lowys by the legat Swalo and thurgh the erchebisshop of canterburi ̄ thurgh other gret lordis that all the prisoners on that one half and that otheer shuld be deliuered and gone quite Lowys him selfe sh̄uld haue for his costages a M. pound of siluer shuld gone out of Englond ̄ cum neuer more therin ayen ¶ And ī this maner was the accorde made bitwen kyng henri lowys tho wos lowys assoiled of the popis legat that wos called Swalo of the sētance that he was in ̄ the barons of englond also ¶ And after this the king Henri ̄ Swalo the legate ̄ Lowys wēt to Merton ther wos the pees confirmyd bitwen them ordeyned And after Lowys went fro thens vn to london ̄ toke his leue and was brought with moch honour vn to the see with the Erchebisshop of cantorburi and with other bisshoppis ̄ also with erles and barons and so went Lowys in to fraunce ¶ And afterward the kyng and the Erchebisshop and erles ̄ Barouns assembled them at London at Mihelmasse that next come tho ●ewyng and held ther a gret parlament ther wer tho renewid all the fraunches that king Iohn̄ had graunted at Romnemede ̄ kīg henri tho ꝯfirmed by his chartre the wich yit bene holdein thurgh out all englond And in that tyme the kyng toke of euery plough land ij shillyng And Hubert of Burgh was made tho chief
Iustice of englōd ¶ And this wos in the iiij yere of kyng henris regne· in th●●ame yere wos s●nt Th●m●s of Cant●rburi 〈…〉 after his ma●dō ¶ And after it wos ordend by all the lordis of englōd that all aliēs shuld go out of englōd ̄ cū no more therī and kyng henri toke tho all the castellis in to his hond that kyng Iohn̄ his fadre had yeue and taken vn to aliens for to kepe that held with him ¶ But the proud Faukes of Brent richeli let aray his Castell of Bedeford wich he had of king Iohans yeft and he held that castell ayens kyng henris will with myght and strength ¶ And the kyng come thider with a strong poer and beseged the castell And the Erchebisshop mastir stephen of langton with a fair cōpany of knyghtys come to the kyng him for to help ̄ fro the ascēcion vn to the assumpcion of our lady lasted the sege And tho was the castell wone and take ̄ the kyng let hong all tho that wer went in to the castell with ther good well for to hold the castell that is for to say lxxx men ¶ And tho afterward Faukes him self wos found in a chirche of Couentre and ther he forswore all englond with moch shame went tho ayen vn to his own cūtre ¶ And whiles that kīg Henri regned Edmōd of Abyndon that was tresurer of Salusburi wos consacred Erchebisshop of Cantorburi ¶ And this kyng Henri send ouer se vn to the erle of Prouynce that he shuld send him his doughter in to englond that wos called Elinore ̄ he wold spouse hir and so she come in to englond after Cristemasse and in the morow after sent Hillarie day The erchebisshop Edmond spousid them to geder at westmynstre with moch solempnite And ther wos a swete fight bitwen theym that is to sai Edward that was next kyng after his fader flour of curtasi ̄ of largesse Margaret that was afterquene of scotland ̄ Beatrice that was afterward Count●sse of Britan. Katrin that died maid in relegion ¶ Of the quinzeme of goodis that wer grantid for the new chartre of the purueance of Oxford ▪ ANd thus it befell that the lordis of englond wold hauen somme addicions mo in the chartre of fraunches that thei had off the kyng and spekyn thus bitwen them and the kyng grauntid them all ther axyng and made to them ij chartres that on is called the gret chartre of fraunchises that other is called the chartre of forest and for the graunt of thes ij charters p̄latis Erles ̄ barens all the cōmyns of englond yaf to the kīg a. M marke of siluer when kīg Henri had bene kȳg xliij yere the same yere he and his lordis Erles ̄ barons of the reame went to Oxūford ordeyned a lawe in amendement off the Reamme And first swore the kyng him selfe and afterward all the lordis off the land that they wold hold that statute for euer more And who that them brake shuld be deid But the secund yere after that ordinance the kyng thurgh councell of sir Edward his sone and of Richard his brother that was erle of Cornewale and also of oder repentid him of that oth that he had made for to hold that law and ordenaūce sent to the court of Rome to be assoyled of that oth ¶ And in that yere next comyng after wos the gret derth of corne in englond For a quarter of whete wos worth xx iiij shillīg and the poer pepull ete nettylles other wedis for gret honger died mony a thousand for defaute of mete ¶ And in the xlviij yere of kyng Henries regne began were and debate bitwene hī ̄ his lordis for enchesen that he had broke the couenauntes that were made bitwen them at Oxford ¶ And in the same yere was the toune of Northamton taken folke slayn that wer within for encheson that thei had ordeyned wild fiere for to brenne the cite of london ¶ And in the moneth of may that come next after vpō sent Pancras day was the bataill of Lewes that is to say the wedynisday before sent Dunstones day and ther was takyn kyng Henri him self and sir Edward his son and Richord his broder erle of Cornewaill and mony other lordis ¶ And in the sam yere next sewyng Sir Edward the kynges sone brake out of the ward of sir Symond of Mountforth erle of Leycestre at herford and went vn to the Barons of the marche and they vndirfenge him with moch honour ¶ And the same tyme Gilbert of Clarence erle of Gloucestre that was in the warde also of the forsaid Symond thurgh the commaundemēt of kyng Henri that wente from him with gret hert For encheson that he said that the forsaied Gilbert was a foole in his counsell wherfor he ordeyned him afterward so and held him with kyng Henri ¶ And on the satirday next after the myddes of August Sir Edward the kynges sone discomfited sir Symond de Mountfort at Kemlworth ¶ But the gret lordis that were ther with hī were taken that is to sayen Baldewyn wake and willyam de Mounchensie and mony other gret lordis And the twisday next after wos the bataill done at Eusham and ther was kylled Sir Symond de mounford Hugh the spenser and Mounforth that was Raufe Bassettz fadre of Draiton and other mony gret lordis ¶ And when this bataill wos done all the gentillmen that had bene with the Erle Symōd wer disherited ̄ ordeyned to gedre ̄ did moch harme to all the land For they distroied ther enmys in all that they myght ¶ Of the sege of Kemlworth ̄ how the gentilmē wer disherited thurgh councell of the lordis of the reame of englond and how they come ayen and had ther landis ANd the next yere cōyng in may the fourth day before the fest of sent Dunstan was the bataill and scomfiture at Chesterfeld of them that wer disherited ̄ ther was mony off them kylled ¶ And Robert erle of Feriers ther he was taken and also Baldewyn wake and Iohn̄ delahay with moch sorow a scappid thens And on the sent iohēs eue the Baptist tho next sewyng began the sege of the castell of Kemlworth ̄ the sege last till sent Thamas eue the appostell in wich day sir Hugh hastīg had the castell for to kepee that yeldid vp the castell vn to the kīg in this maner that him self and that other that wer with in the castell shold haue ther lyues ̄ limme as moch thyng os they had therin both horse and harnes ̄ ▪ iiij dais of respip for to deliuer clenly the castell of them self and of all other maner thīg as they had with ī the castell so they wēt frō the castell And sir Simōde the mounteforth the yonger ̄ the Coūtesse his moder wer flede ouer the see in
the englisshmē wer discomforted ̄ sorowed in northhūberland ¶ For enchesō that kīg Edwardis son set by the scottis no force for the riot of Perys of Ganaston wherfore Alas wos the song thurgh out all englond for defaute of they re good werdeyn frō the I le of shepey vn to the I le of marcill the pepull made moch sorow for good kīg Edwardis deth ¶ For they wened that good kīg edward shuld haue gone ī to the holy land for that was holy his purpose vpon whos soule god for his high grace haue inci Anno domini M.CC.lxxxiiij CElestinus wos pope after Nicholas v. monethis and nothynh nobull of him is written bot that he wos a vertuus man Bonefacius the .viij. wos after him viij yere This Bonefaci wos a man ī thos thinges the wich ꝑteneth to court for he wos vere exparte in such maters And because he had no peer he put no mesurnesse to his prudens And toke so gret pride vpon him that he said he wos lord of all the world and mony thyngꝭ he did with his myght the wich failed wriechedly in the end he yaf a sampull to all prelatis that they shuld not be proude but vnder the forme of a veray schepard of god they shuld more study for to be loued of ther subiectis then to be drad This man is he of whome it is said that he entred as a fox he leued as a Lyon and died as a dog ¶ This tyme the yere of grace was ordeyned from an hondreth yere to an hondreth yere And the frist Iubile was in the yere of our lord Ihū crist a M.ccc.. Benedictus the xi was after Boneface xi monethis This mā wos an holi man of order of the frere prechours litill wile liued but decessid anone Adulphus wos emprour vi yere this mā was the erle of anoxone And wos not crouned by the pope for he wos slayn in bataill Albertus was emprour after him x. yere This man wos the duke of Anstrie and frist was repreued of the pope and after wos confirmed by the same pope for the male●● of the kyng of fraunce the wich wos an enmy vn to the chirche And to that Albert the same pope yaf the kyngdom of fraunce as he did other kyngdoms bot it profettid not for at the last he wos slayn of his nevu Clemens was pope after Benedictus almost ix yere And he was a gret bylder of castelles and other thinges and he dampned the order of templaries and he ordeyned the vij boke of the decretalis the wich be called the questions off Clementyns And anone after ī a counsell the wich he held at vienna he reuokid that same boke· the wich his successari Iohn̄ called ayen īcorporit it pupplicit it This Clemēt first of all popis translatid the popis seet fro rome to the Auīnon· wheder it was done bi the mocion of god or the boldenes of man diuerse mē merueleth Iohan the xxij was pope after him xviij yere This man was all glorious as for thos thynges that wer to be vsid thurgh the actyue liffe And he pupplishit the constitucōis of the Clementines and send them to all the vniuersites and mōy santis he canonised thes fat bisshopbriches he deuidid he ordined mony thinges ayens the pluralite of benefices and mōy heritikes he dampned bot wheder he wos saued or not oure lord wold not shew to thos he louyd veray well Henri the .vij. was emprour after Albert v. yere This Henri was a nobull man in were and he coueted to haue pees by land and water he wos a glorius mā in bataill And neuer ouercummyn with enmys And at the last he wos poysened of a frere when that he houselid him bi resauīg of the sacrament ¶ Of kyng Edward that wos kyng Edwardis son ANd after this kyng Edward regned Edward his son that was borne in Carnariuan and this Edward went him in to fraunce and ther he spoused Isabell the kynges doughter of Fraunce the xxv day of Ianiuer at the chirche of our ladi at Boloyn in the yere of our lord ihesu crist a M.ccc.vij And the xx day of Feuyer the next yere that come after he wos crouned solempli at westmynstre of the Erchebisshop Robert of wynchelse and of the erchebisshop off Cantorburi And ther wos so gret prece of pepull that sir iohan bakwell wos deid and mordred ¶ And anone as the good kyng Edward was deid sir Edeward his son kyng of englond sent after Pers of Ganastane in to Gascoyn and so moch loued him that he called him his broder And anone after he yaf vn to him the lordship of walyngforde and it wos not long after that he ne yaf him the erldom of Cornewaill ayens all the lordis wyll of the reame of englond ¶ And tho brought he sir Walter of Langton bisshop of Chestre in to prison in to the tour of london with two knaues allone him to serue For the kyng was wroth with him for because that sir walter made complaynte vpon him to his fader wherfor he was put in to prison in the tyme of Troilebaston ¶ And the forsaid Pers of Ganaston made so gret mastries that he went in to the kynges tresorie in the abbey of westmynster and toke the table of gold with the tristyls of the same mony other riche Iewels that sum tyme wer the nobull and good kīg Arthurs ̄ toke thē to a marchand that was called Aymeri of Friscombaand For he shulde bere them ouer see ī to Gascoyne and so he went thens and they come neuer ayen after wherfore it wos a gret loose vn to this land ¶ And when this Pers wos so richeli auaunced he be come so proud and so stout wherfor all the gret lordis of the reame had him ī dispite for his gret bering wherfore sir Hēri the laci erle of Nicholl and syr Guy erle of warrewik the wich good lordis the goode kyng Edward sir Edwardis fader kyng of Englond charged that Peris of Ganaston shuld not cum in to englond for to bring his son Edward in to riot ¶ And all the lordis of Englond assemled them a certayn day at the freris prechours at London and ther they spekyn of the dishonour that kyng Edward did vn to his reame and to his croune ¶ And so they assentid all bothe erles and barons and all the commyns that the foresaid Pers of Ganastone shuld be exiled out of Englond for euer more and so it wos done for he forswore Englond and went in to Irlond and ther the kyng made hym chiuetayn and gouernour of the land by his commission and theer this pers was cheuetayne of all the land and did ther all that hī liked and had pouer what he wold and that tyme wer the templars exiled thurgh all cristinte for encheson that men put vpon them that they shuld done thynges ayens the faith and good beleue·
¶ Kyng Edward loued Pers of Ganastone so moch thatt he myght not forlet his componye and so moch the kyng yaf and behight to the pepull of englond that the exiling of the foresaid peris shuld be reuoked at stamford thurgh them that him had exiled wherfore peres of ganaston come ayen in to englond and when he was come ayen in to his land he dispised the grettist lordis of this land and called sir Robert of Clare erle of glocestre horeson And the erle of Nicholl sir henri the Lacy brustynbely and sir Guy erle of warwik the blak hound of Arderne ̄ also he called the nobull erle and Thomas of Lancastre Churle and mony oder scornes and shame them said and mony other gret lordis of englond ¶ Wherfor they were toward hī full angri wroth right sore annoyed ¶ And ī the same time died the erle of Nicholl bot he charged or that he wos deid Thomas of Lancastre erle that was his son in law that he shuld maynten his quarell ayens this same Pers of Ganaston vpō his blissing ¶ And so it befell thurgh help of the erle of Lancastre and also of the erll of werwic that the forsaid sir Pers wos hedid at Gausich beside werwyk ī the xix day of Iune in the yere of grace a M.ccc .xij. ¶ Wkrfor the kȳg was sore annoyed prayd god that he myght se that day to be a venged vpō the deth of the forsaid Pers. ¶ And so it befell afteerward as ye shall here Alas the tyme for the forsaid erle of Lancastre and mony other gret barons wer put to pytuus deth and martired for enchesō of the forsaid quarell ¶ The kyng wos tho at london and held a ꝑlament and ordeyned the lawes of sir Symond Mounford wherfor the erle of Lancastre and the erles and all clerge of englond made an othe thurgh counsell of Robert of wynchelse for to maynten tho ordinaūces for euer more ¶ How Robert the Brus come ayen in to scotland ̄ gadered a gret pouer of men for to were vpon kyng Edward ANd when sir Robert the Brus that made him kyng of scotland that before wos fled in to Norway for dreed of deth off the good kyng Edward and also he herid of the debate that tho was in Englond bi twene the kyng and his lordis he ordeyned an host come ī to englond ī to Northūberland cleyn distruid the contre ¶ And when kyng Edward herd this tidyng he let assembull his host and met the scottis at edstreuelin in the day of natiuite of sent Iohn̄ baptist in the iij yere of his regne in the yere of our lord Ihū crist a M.CCC xiiij Alas the sorow ̄ losse that ther wos done ¶ For ther wos slayn thee uery nobull erle Gilbert of Clare sir Robert of Clifford baroun· ther kyng Edward was scomfited and edmōd of maule the kingꝭ stewerd for dred went and drenched him self ī a fresh riuer that is called Bannokesborne wherfor thei said ī reproue dispite of kīg Edward for as moch as he loued to gon bi water also for he wos discomfited at bannokesborne Therfor the maidens made a song therof ī that cūtre of kyng edward of englond ī this maner they song ¶ Maydens of englond sore may ye morne for tiȝt haue lost your lemmans at bannokesborne with heuelogh what weneth the kīg of englōd to haue geten scotland with rombilogh· WHen kyng Edward discomfited was wondir sore and fast he fled with his folke that was left on lyue and went vn to Berewik and ther held him And after he toke hostages thatt is to say ij child of the richest of the toune and the kyng wentē to lundon ̄ toke counsell of thinges that wer nedefull vn to thee reame of englond ¶ And in the same tyme it befell that tho was ī englond a ribaude that was called Iohan Tanner and he went said that he wos the good kyng edwardis son and let him call edward of Carnariuan and therfore he wos take at Oxforde and ther he chalanged the frere carmes churche that kyng Edwarad had yefen them the wich chirch sum tyme was the kynges hall ¶ And afterward was this Iohn̄ lad vn to Northm̄tō and draw and honged for his falsenesse and or that he wos dede he confessid and said before all tho that ther war That the deuell behight him that he sh̄uld be kyng of englond and that he had serued the deuell .iij. yere ¶ How the toune of Berewyc wos taken thurgh tresō ̄ how ij Cardinales wer robbid in englond ANd in mydlentyn sonday in the yere of our lord Ihū crist a M.CCC.xvi Berewyc wos lost thurgh fals treson of on Pers of Spaldyng the wich pers the kyng had put ther for to kepe that same toune with mony burgeis of the same toune ¶ Werfor the children that wer put in hostage thurgh the burgeis of Berewyk folowed the kīges marchalsie moni dais fetered in strong yrans ¶ And after that tyme ther come ij Cardinales in to englond as the pope had them sent for to make pees bitwen englōd ̄ scotland ¶ And as they went toward Doram for to haue sacrid mastyr Lowys of Beaumont bisshop of Doram and os they went they wer taken ̄ robbid vpō the more of wynglesdō of wich robbery sir Gilbert of Middelton wos atteint take and honged ̄ draw at londō ̄ his hede smyten of and set vpō a spere and set vpō new gate the iiij quartres sent to iiij cites of englond ¶ And that same tyme befell mony mischefes in englōd for the poer pepull died in englond for hunger so moch so fast died that vnneth men migh them berie for a quart of whete wos worth xl shilling and ij yere an half a quarter whete was worth ·x marke And oft times the poer pepull stole children ete them ete also al the houndis that thei might take ̄ also horse cattis And after ther fell a gret moreyn among bestis in diuerse cūtres of Englond during kīg Edwardis lifes time ¶ How the Scottis robbid Northumberland ANd in the same time come the scottis ayen in to Englond and distruyd Northumberland and brend that land ̄ robbid it and kylled men and womē and children that didly in ther cradeles and brend also holy chirche and destruyd cristyndō and toke and bore Englisshmens goodis as they had be sarisens or paynyms and of the wikkidnesse that they did all the world spaken thurgh all cristyndome ¶ How the scottis wold not a mend ther trespase ̄ therfor scotland wos enterdited ANd when pope Iohaij the xxij after sent Petre herd of the gret sorow and mischief that the scottis wrought he wos wonder sori that cristindom was so distroid thurgh the Scottis ̄ namly they distruyed so holy chirche wherfor the pope sent a generall
exiled out of englond for sent Thomas cause of Lancastre that is to say sir Roger of wigmore sir willm Trussell sir Iohn̄ of Cromewell ̄ mōy oder good knyghtys ¶ Wherfor thei toke ther coūcell ̄ ordeyned amōges them for to make a mariege bitwen the duke of gnyhē the kīgys son of englōd ̄ the erles doughter of henaud that was a nobul knyght of name a doughty ī his time ¶ And if that thīg myght be brought about than stode they trowyng with the help of god with his help to recouer ther heritage in englōd wer of they wer put out thurgh the fals congettynges of spensers ¶ How kyng edwar thurgh coūcell of the spensers sent to the douzeꝑs of fraūce that they sh̄uld help that the quene Isabell hir son sir edward wer exiled out of fraūce WHen kyng edward ̄ the spensers herd how that quene Isabell and sir Edward hir son had alied them to the erle of Henaud and to them that wer exiled owt of englond for encheson of Thomas of Lancastre they wer so sori that thei not wist what for to done ¶ Wherfor sir hugh spenser the son said vn to sir hugh his fadre in this maner wyse ¶ Fadre cursed be the tim and the coūcell that euer ye consentid that quene Isabell shuld go vn to fraunce for to trete of accord bitwen the kyng of englond and hir brother the kyng of fraūce for that was your councell for at that tyme forsoth your wit failed ¶ For I drede me sore lest thurgh hir and hir son we shall be sh̄ent bot yf we take the better councell ¶ Now fair sirres vnderstond how meruelus felonie falshed th̄e spensers ymagened and cast for priuely they let fill v. barellis ferrors with syluer tho soume amounted v. thousand pound and they sent tho barrels ouer se priuely by an alien that wos called Arnold of Spayn that was a brocour of London that he shuld gone to the d●usepers of Fraunce that they shuld procuren speke to the kyng of fraunce that quene Isabell and hir son Edward wer driuen and exiled out of Fraunce ¶ And among all other thynges that they wer brought to the deth as priuely as they myght ¶ But almighty god wold not so for when this Arnold wos in the high see he wos take with se land res that met him in the high see toke him lad him to ther lord the erle of henaud ̄ moch ioye was made for that taking ̄ at the last this Arnold priueli stole away fro thens come to london ¶ And of this takīg of oder thīges the erle of henaud said to the quene Isabell Dame maketh you meri be of good chere for ye be richer than ye wened to haue bene take thes v. barell is full of siluer that wer sent to the douzeꝑs of fraūce for to kyll yow and your son Edward thinketh hasteli for to wend in to englond taketh ye with you sir Iohan of henaud my brother v. C mē of armes for mony of thē of fraūce ī whome ye haue had grett trust done you for to scorne ¶ And almyghti god graunte you grace your enmys to ouer cum ¶ The quene Isabell sent tho thurgh henaud and Flaūdres for hir saudiowrs and ordeyned hir euery day for to wend in to Englond ayen and so she had in hir cōpanye sir edmond of wodstoke that was erle of kent that was sir Edwardis brother of englond ¶ How kyng edward let kepe the costes by the see ̄ let trie all the prise men of armes fote men thurgh englond WHen kyng Edward herd tell that quene Isibell and Edward hir son wold cum in to Englond with a gret pouer of aliens and with them that wer outlawed owt of Englond for hir rebelnesse he was sore adrad to be put doūe and for to lese his kyngdom ¶ Wherfor he ordeyned to kepe his castels ī wales as well as in englond with vitales and ther apparile and let kepe his riueres and also the see costes Wherof the v. portes toke to kepe them and also the see ¶ And at the fest of Decolaciō of sent Iohn̄ Baptest the Citizenis of london sent to the kyng to porchestre an hondreth men of armes ¶ And also he commaūded bi his letters ordeyned that euery hondreth and wapentake of englond to triours as well of men of armmes os men of fote ̄ that they shold bene put in xx some ̄ in an hondreth some cōmāded that all tho men wer redy when any outese or crie wer made for to pursue and take the aliens that come to englond for to benomme him the land for to put him owt of his kyngdom· ¶ And more ouer he let crie thurgh his patent in euery faire and in euery marketh of Englond that the quene Isabell and sir Edward his eldest son the erle of kent that they wer take and saufely keped with out any maner harme vn to them doyng and all other maner pepull that come with them anone smyten of ther hedis with out any maner of ransome takyng of them ¶ And what man that might bringe sir Roger hede Mortimer of wygmore shuld haue an hondreth poūde of monay for his trauell ¶ And forthermore he ordend by his patent and cōmaūded to make a fire vpon euery hyll beside the riueres and in law cuntres for to make hie beekenes of tymbbre that if it so wer that the aliens come vn to the land by nyght that men shuld tend the bekenes that the contre might be warned and cum and mete ther enmys and in the tyme died sir Roger Mortimer his vncle in the tour of london ¶ How the quene Isabell and sir Edward duke of Gnyhene his son com in to lond at herewich and how they did WHen quene Isabell and sir Edward hir sone Duke of gnyhenne sir Edward of wodstoke erle of Kent and sir Iohan the erles brother of Henaud and ther company drad not thee manace of the kyng ne of his traitours for they trustid all in goddis grace ̄ com vn to herewich in sauthfolke the xxiiij day of Septembre in the yere of grace M.ccc.xxvi And the quene ̄ sir edward hir son sent lettres to the maire ̄ cōmmalte of londō requiring them that they shuld be helpyng in the quarell ̄ causa that they had begonne that is to say to distroy the tratours of the ream bot none ansuer was sent ayen wherfore the quene syr Edward hir son sentē an other patent letter vnder ther seales the tenour of wich letter here foloweth in this maner ¶ Isabell by thee grace of god quene of englond lady of Irland Countes of pountyf we Edward the eldest son of the kyng of englond Duke of gnyhen erle of chestre of Pauntif of Moustroill to the maire to all the cominalte of the cite of
̄ for all Erles of englond ¶ And sir Hēri Percy yaf vp also ther his homage for him for all the barons of englond ¶ And tho said sir willm Trussell I yeld vp now vn to you sir myne homage for me also for all the knyghtes of englond for all them that holden by seriauntre or by any other maner thyng of you ¶ So that from this day afterward ye shall not be clamed kyng nother for kyng be holde ¶ But frō thys tyme afterward ye shall bene holden for a singuler man of all the pepull And so they went thens to London ther that the lordis of englond them abode And sir edward abade in prisonne in good kepīg that wos the day of Conuersion of sent Paule in thee xx yere of his regne ¶ Of the ꝓphecie of Merlin declarid of kīg edward the sone of kyng edward the frist OF this kyng Edward ꝓphecied Merlin and said that ther shuld cum a Goot out of Carre that shuld haue horns of siluer a berd as white as snow ▪ and a doppe sh̄uld cum out of his nosethriles that shuld betoken moch harme hounger dethe of the pepull ̄ gret losse of his land and that in the begynnyng of his regne shuld be haūted moch lechorie ¶ And he said soth alas the tyme for kyng edward that was kyng edward son was bonre at Carnariuan in wales for soth he had hornes of syluer a berd as white os snow when he was made prince of walis to moche he yaf hī to riot ̄ to folie ¶ And soth said Merlin in his prophecie that ther shulde cum out of his nose a doppe for in his tyme was gret honger among the poer pepull and strong deth among the riche that died in strange land with moch sorow ̄ ī were in scotland and afterward he lost scotland gascoyn whiles that him self wos kīg ther wos moch lechori haūted ¶ And also Merlin told said that this Goot sh̄uld seche the flour of lyfe and of deth And he said soth for he spoused Isabell the kynges sustre of fraunce ¶ And in his tyme Merlin said that thei shuld be made brigges of folke vpō diches of the se And that was well seyn at Banokkes borne in scotland whan he was discomfited ther of the scottis ¶ And Merlin told also that stones shuld fall from castels and mony tounes shuld be made playn ¶ And he said soth for whan kyng Edward wos discomfited in scotland and come tho southward the scottis beseged tho castels did them moch harme and brend tounes vn to the herd erthe ¶ And afterward Merlin told that an Egle shuld cum out of Cornwaill that shold haue fetherris of gold that of pride shuld haue no peir and he shuld despise lordis of blod and after he shuld die thurgh a bere at Gausich and that propheci was full wel know and found soth ¶ For by the egle is vnderstond sir Pers of Ganaston that tho wos erle of Cornewaill that was a wonder proud man that dispised the baronage of englōd but afterward he was heded at gausich thurgh the erle of Lancastre and thurgh the erle of werwik ¶ And Merlin told that ī his tyme it sholde seme that the bere shuld brenne and that bataill sh̄old be vpon an arme of the see in a feld araied like a sh̄eld wher shuld die mony whit hedis ¶ And he said soth for bi the brennīg of the bere is betokened gret dred thurgh cuttyng of swerdis at that bataill of miton for ther come the scottis in maner of a sheld in maner of a wynge slew vpō swale men of religion prestis ̄ seculers wherfore the Scottis called that bataill in dispite of englishmē the white bataill ¶ And after merlī said that the forsaid bere sh̄uld do the Goot moch harme and that shuld be vpon the southwest and also vpon his blod and said also that the goot shuld lese mich dele of his land till the tyme that shame shuld him ouer cum and than he shuld cloth him in a Lyon skyn ̄ shuld wyn ayen that he had lost and more thurgh pepull that sh̄uld cum out of the northwest that shold make him to bene adrad him a venge vpon his enmys thurgh councell of ij Owles that frist sh̄old be in ꝑell to be vndone ¶ And that tho two Owles shuld wend ouer the see in to a strange land and ther they shuld duell vn till a certan time ̄ after they sh̄uld cum ī to englōd ayen ¶ And tho two Owles shuld do moch harme vn to mōy on ̄ that they shold cōcell the goot to meue were ayens the foresaid bere ¶ And the got the owles shold cū to an arme of the see at borton vp Trent ̄ shuld wend ouer ̄ that for drede the bere shold fle with a Swan ī his cōpanye to Buri toward the north thurgh an vnkind outpul̄ter that the Swan than shall be slayn with sorow the Bere shuld be slayn full ny his owne nest that sh̄old stond vpō Poūtfret vpon whom the sonne shall shed his bemes and mony folke him shall seke for vertu he said soth for the good erle Thomas of Lancastre was borne in the northwest ̄ cosin to the kīg and his vncle son ¶ And by law he made the kyng lese moch land the wich he had purchesed wilfulli till at the last the kyng ther of toke shame him self filled wyth cruelte ¶ And after he gat ayen that he had lost moch more thurgh folke that he let assemble out of the northwest that made him to be adrad and a venged him of his barons thurgh coūcell of sir hugh the spenser the fadre and of sir hugh the son that be fore wer owt lawed of englond for ther wikkednes ¶ Bot afterward they cume ayen in to engloed sir hugh spenser the fadre out of fraunce And so moch cōceled the kyng that he shuld were vpon Thomas of Lancastre ¶ So that the kyng and the spensers and the erle of Arundell and ther pouer met with Thomas of Lancastre at Burton vpon Trent and him ther discomfited and sir Humfry Erle of Herford wos in his companye ¶ And after fled the forsaid Thomas and Humfrey with ther company at Burbruge with sir Andrew of erkela that is called the vnkind outpulter ¶ And also sir Symondward erle of yorke they come mete with Thomas of lancastre with an huge companye them ther discomfited ̄ in that scomfiture the erle of herford wos slayn vpō the bruge couherdly with a spere in the foundement And the erle Thomas wos take and lad vn to Paūtfret tho was heded beside his own castell But afterward mony men him sought for miracles that god did for him ¶ And in that tyme Merlī said for sorow and harme shuld die a pepull of his land wherfore mony other
moder Dame Isabell by sir Roger Mortimer ¶ And as they wold all thyng wos done both emong high and low And they token vn to them Castels tounes landis ̄ rentis in gret harme losse to the croune ̄ of the kynges estate out of mesure ¶ How the pees was made bitwene the english men and thee scottis ̄ also of Iustifieng of Troylebastone THe kyng Edward at witsontide in the secund yere of his ragne thurgh the councell of his modre sir Roger Mortimer ordeyned a parlament at Northamton And at that ꝑlament the kyng thurgh hir councell and none other of the land with in age graunted to be accordid with the Scottis in this maner that all the feautes and homages that the scottis shuld do vn to thee croune of Enlond for yaf them vn to the scottis for euer more by his chartre enseled ¶ And forthermore an endēture wos made of the scottis vn to kyng edward that wos kyng Henris son wich endenture they called it rageman in the wich wer contenyd all thee homagis and feautes Frist of the kyng of Scotland and of all the prelatis erles and barons of the reame of scotland with ther seales set theron and other chartres and remembraunces that kyng Edward and his barons had of ther right in the foresaid reame of Scotland it wos for yeue them ayen holy chirche And also with the blake crosse of scotland the wich the good kyng edward conquerid in Scotland and brought it owt of the Abbey of Scone that is a full preciouse relique ¶ And also forthermore he relesid and for yaf all the landis that thebarons of englond had in scotland by old conquest ¶ And this pees for to be hold and last the scottis wer boūd vn to the kyng in xxx thousand pound of siluer to be paid with in .iij. yere that is euery yere x. thousand pound by evyne porcions ¶ And forthermore aboue all this they speke bitwen the ꝑteis aboue said that Dauid dritonautier that was kyng Robert the Bruit son the fals tyrant and fals forsworin ayenst his othe that arose ayens his liege lord the nobull and good kyng Edward and falsely made him kyng of Scotland that was of age of .v. yere ¶ And so thurgh this cursed councell Dauid spoused at Barewik Dame Iohane of the toure thatt was kyng Edwardis sustre as the geest telleth vpō mare Magdalene day In the yere of grace a ·M ccc and xxviij to gret harme and empeiring to all the kynges blod wher of that gentill lady come Alas the tyme For wonder moch was that fair damisell disꝑaged sith that she was maried ayens all the commune assent of Englond And frō the tyme that Brut had cōquered Albion and named the land after his own name Bretan that now is called Englond after the name of Engest ¶ And so the reame of Scotland wos holden of the reame of englond and of the croune bi feaute and by homage ¶ For Brut conquered that land and yaf it vn to Albanak that wos his secund son and he called that land Albayn after his own name So that the heires that comen after him shuld hold of Brut and of his heires that is to sai of the kynges of Bretan by feaute and homage and frō that tyme vn to this tyme of kyng Edward the reame of scotland wos holden of the reame of Englod by feautes and seruices as aboue is said ī the crenicles of Englond and of scotland bereth witnesse more planarly ¶ And acursed be the tyme that this parlament was ordeyned at Northamton For ther thurgh fal̄s councell the kyng was ther falsly disherited and yet he was with in age ¶ And yit whan that kyng Edward wos put out of his rialte of englond Yit men put not him out of the feautes seruices of the Reame of Scotland ne of the fraunchises disherited him fer euermore ¶ And neuerthelas the gret lordis of englond wer ayens to confirme the pees and the trew●s abaue sayd sauf only quene Isabell that tho was the kynges mother Edward and the bisshop of Ely and the lord Mortimer bot reson and law wold not that a finall pees shuld be made by twene them with out the cōmune assent of englond ¶ Of the debate that was bitwen quene Isabell sir Hēri erle of Lancastre of Leycestre ̄ of the ridīg of Bedford WHen the forsaid Dauid had spoused Dame Iohane of the t●ur in the toune of Berrewik as be fore is sayed the scottis in despite of the Englisshmen called Dame Iohane the Coūtesse make pees For the cowardyse pees that tho wos ordeyned but the kīges ꝑson bare all the wite and the blame with wronge of the makyng of the accorde And all wos done thurgh the quen and Roger Mortimer ¶ And it was not long after that the quene Isabell ne toke in to hir own hand all the lordship of Pountfret almost all the landis that wer of any value that apperteyned to the croune of Englond· ¶ So that the kīg had not for to dispende bot of his vses ̄ of his Escheker For the quene Isabell and Mortimer had a gret menye of ther retenaūce that folowed euermore the kynges court And went and toke the kynges prises for hir peny worthes at good chepe ¶ Wherfore the contre that thei comen ī wer full sore a drad and almost distroid of them ¶ Tho began the comminalte of englond for to haue enuy to Isabell the quene that so moch loued hir before wen she come ayen for to pursue the fals traitours the spensers from fraunce ¶ And in that same tyme the fals traitour Robert of Holand that betraied his lord sir Thomas of Lancastre was tho deliuered owt of prison and was wonder priue with the quene Isabell and also with Roger the Mortimer ¶ Bot that auailed not him but litell for he was taken at myhelmasse that tho come next sewyng after as he rode toward the quene Isabell to londō sir Thomas wither smote of his heed besides the toune of sent Albons ¶ And this sir Thomas duelled with sir Hēri erle of Lancastre and he put him ī hidīg for dred of the quene for she loued him wonder moch prayed vn to the kyng for him that the same Thomas myght be exiled out of Englond ¶ And the nobull erle sir Henri of Lancastre had oft tymys herd the comune clamor of the Englishmē of the disese that wer done in Englōd and also for diuerse wronges that wer done among the comune pepull of the wich the kyng bare the blame with wrong For he was bot full yong and tender of age And thought as a good man for to done a way and slake the sklandre of the kynges parson if that he myght in any maner of wise So as the kyng was ther of nothyng gylty wherfor he was in perell of lyfe and lyme ¶ And so he assembled all his retenaūces and went
to Baillollis folke ̄ said Now for the loue of god almyghty bene of good cō forth for ye shal haue bataill anone right ¶ And tho spak sir Fouk the son of Gareyne a baron of gret renowne of dede of armes ¶ Sirris lordinges vnderstōd what I will say I haue seyn mony diuerse wīges as well amōg sarisēs ̄ Iues as amōg the scottis And yit saw I neuer the fourth ꝑte of the wynge fight ther far if ye will abide our enmys we be ynow for to fight ayēs them But if we be not of good hert and of good will for to fight with them for certis we bene full few ayens this compani ¶ And therfore for the loue of god take to vs good hert ̄ let vs bene bold thynke we neuer on our wifes ne on our childre bot onli to conquere our enmys ī bataill ¶ And thurgh the help of our lord god we shall them ouer cum ¶ And with that come the host of the scottis towardis them full serely ayens sir Edward Bailloll ī iij. batai●les well araied in armure ¶ And wonder fersly they come toward the bailluls compani But whan sir Donald erle of Marcill that was with the scottis saw all this he said vn to Robert Brus the son of Robert the brus thes wordis ¶ Sir Robert ꝙ he full sore me forthynketh at my hart that thes pepull that the bailloll hath brought with him shuld die with dynt of scottis swerdis sith that they be cristyn men as well as we ben ¶ And therfor me thynke that it wer gret charite to send vn to them for to yeld them vn to our mercy raunson them thurgh grevos ranson for as moch as they haue taken our land and done ill ¶ Now certes quod sir Robert the Brus I haue well ꝑsaued that thou art an enmy a traytour vn to scotland sith that thou will ꝯsent to saue our dedeli enmys that hath done vs moch sorow ̄ shame now it semeth well that ye bene of ther assent ¶ Now certes Robert quod sir Donald falsly ye lie I am not of ther cōpani ne of ther ꝯsent and that hastely ye shall see For I will fight with them rather than any of this ꝯpani ¶ And certis sir Robert said he I shall ī maugri of thy hede assaill them or thou ¶ And with that they pricked ther stedis fersly vpō Caskemore ̄ ther wyng them folewed on a renge tho come they met the bailloll his cōpani at a hongyng bough of the more ī a strat passage ̄ so fast they hasted them vn to the englisshmen so that thousandis fell to the groūd ech ouer other ī to an hepe both hors man ¶ The bailloll his men myghtely stode ayens them fast killed the scottis to the groūd ̄ mony they sore woūded so lōg till that they stod vpō them ̄ foyned them with ther suerdis speris thurgh the● bodies ̄ so sore traualed vpō thē till that thei become wonder weri wist not what for to do and the scottis that wer left an liue fled away for to saue them self ī the best maner that they myght ¶ And tho pursued them sir edward Bailloll his men and killed of them till it was nyght fro thēs thei went to sent iohanes toūe ̄ toke it held them ther vitailed them self at ther own will for they foūden inough wherwith to make them meri ¶ Tho made the bailloll his men that wer wōdid go to ship for to wend ī to englōd to hele ther woūdes ¶ And ī that time ther was a flemīg ī the see a strong thefe a robber that wos caled Crabbe ¶ And this flemmyng was driuen out of flaūdres for his wikkednes therfore he come ī to scotland to hold with the Scottis and did as moch harme vn to thee englissh̄men as he myght ¶ And this Crabbe met the bailloll men in the se that wer wounded before in bataill that wer sent ayen in to englond for to hele ther wound●s this Crabbe yaf vn to them a gret assaute and wold haue killed them euerychon bot the englishmen defendid them well manly and discomfited crab and his companie ¶ And tho gan he fle in to scotland and as he come toward sent Iohanes toune he fond a gret cōpany of scottis that wer comen ayen to gedre after the discomfiture of Gaskemore the wich beseged Bailloll and his men in the same toune of sent Iohn̄ and anone told the scottis how that he wos discōfited of the englisshmen that wer woūdid at gaskemore that wēt toward englōd for to he le ther woūdes and said to the scottis that they shuld haue no pouer ne myght ne grace a yens edward Bailloll for encheson that he scomfited empired all the chiualri of Scotland with an handfull of men as to accompt as a yens the Scottis that wer slayn Wherfor he coūcelled to remeue the sege from sent Iohanes toune and kepe them in the best maner that thei coude and might ¶ The scottis vnderstod that crab said sothe forsoke the sege and wēt thens by night ̄ helpe them self ī the best maner that thei might ¶ When this thing wos know thurgh scotland how that the lordis ̄ knyghtis wer discomfited at gaskemore of scotland thurgh sir edward the bailloll ¶ Ye shall vnderstond that the lordes ladies the gentils of Scotland com wōder fast to sent Iohanes toune and yel̄d them vn to the Baillol and to him did homage and feaute for ther landis yelde them to his pees and he them resaued frely ¶ And fro thēs he wēt to the abbey of Scone and ther he was crouned kyng of scotland And after he let crie his pees thurgh out all the land ¶ And at that same tyme it befell that kyng Edward held his ꝑlament among his lieges at the new castell vp Tyne for to amēd the trespaces and the wronges that had be done in his land ̄ sir edward the bailloll kyng of scotland come to him thider and did to him feaute and homage for the reame of scotland ¶ And in this maner kyng edward of englond gadred ayen his homages and feautes of scotland wher of he was put out thurgh councell and assent of Dame Isabell his modre and of sir Roger Mortimer erle of the marche Tho toke bailloll kyng of scotland his leue of kyng Edward of englond went thens in to his own land of Sotland and set bot litell by them that had counceled him and holpen him in his quarell wherfore they went fro him and went and leued by ther landes and rentis in scotland ¶ And so it befell afterward not long that the kyng of Scotland ne remeued and come to the toune of Anand ̄ ther token his duelling and thidder come to him a company of knyghtes
kīg thugh his coūcell let orden ̄ make hys new monay that is to say the peny the grot value of iiij pens the half grot of ij pens bot it wos of les weight than the old sterlīg wos be v. shillyng in the poūde ¶ And in the xxvij yere of his regne wos the gret derth of vitailles the wich was called thee dere somer ¶ And in the xxviij yere of his regne ī the ꝑlament holden at westmīstre after Ester sir Henri erle of Lancastre wos made duke of lancastre ī this yere wos so gret a drought that frō the moneth of marche to the mōeth of Iuyll ther fell no rayn on the erthe wherfore all frutis sedis and herbes for the most ꝑtie wer lost in defaute ¶ Wherof ther come so gret disese of men and bestes derthe of vitales in englond so that this land that euer afore had bene plenteous had nede that tyme to feke his vitalis and refresssyng of other out Iles cūtres ¶ And ī the xxix yere of kyng edward it was accordid graunted and sworne bytwen the kyng of fraunce and kyng Edward of englond that he shuld houe ayen all his landis and lordeshippis that longed to the duchie of Gnyhen of old tyme the wich had bene with draw and wrōgfulli occupied bi diuerse kynges of fraunce before hand to haue and to hold to kyng Edward and to his heires and successours for euer more frely pesabully and in good quiet vpō thys couenaunt that the kyng of Englond shuld leue of and relesen all his right and claym that he had claymed of the kyngdom of fraunce and of the titell that he toke ther of vpō wich speche couenauntis it wos sent to the court of Rome on both sides of the kynges that the forsaid couenaūt sh̄uld be enbulled bot god ordeyned better for the kīges worsship of englōd· for what thurgh fraud discert of the frenshmen ̄ what thurgh lettyng of the pope ̄ of the court of rome the forsaid couenaūtis wer disquat left of ¶ And ī the same yere the kīg reuoked bi his wise ̄ discret coūcell the stapull of wol̄les out of flaūdres ī to englond with all the libertes fraūches ̄ fre customys that longed ther to· ̄ ordeyned it in englōd in diuerse places that is for to say at westmynstre Cantorberi Chichestre Bristow Lyncolne Hull with all the forsaid thynges that longen ther to ¶ And that this thing that shuld thus be done the kyng swore him self ther to And prince edward his sone with other mōy gret witnesses that ther wer present ¶ And the xxx yere of his regne anone after witsontide in the parlament ordeyned at westmynstre it wos told and certefied to the king that Philip that tho held the kīgdō of fraūce was dede And that Iohn̄ his son wos creuned kīg that this Iohn̄ had yeuen Karoll his son the Duchie of Gnyhen· of thee wich thyng kyng Edward when he wist ther of had gret indignacion vn to him and was wonder wroth and strongly meued ¶ And therfor afore all the worthy lordis that ther wer assembulled at that parlament he called edward his son vn to hym to whome the duchid of Gnyhen by right heritage shuld long to ̄ yaf it him ther. byddyng and strengthyng him that he shuld ordene him for to defende him and a venge him vpon his enmys and saue maynten his right ¶ And afterward kyng edward hī self his eldest son Edward wente to diuerse places ̄ seintes in englond on pilgrimage for to haue the more help ̄ grace of god of his seintes and ij Kal̄ ▪ of Iuyll when all thyng wos redy to that viage bataill all his retenue pouer assembled his nauye also redy he toke with hī the erle of warwike the erle of suffolk the erle of Salusberi the erle of Oxford and a thousand mē of armes and as mony archiers ̄ in the Natiuite of our lady tok ther shippis at Plymmouth ̄ began to saill ¶ And when hee come and wos ariued in Gnyhen he was ther worsshipfully take receyued of the most nobull men lordis of that cūtre ¶ And anone after kyng Edward toke with him his ij sonys that is to say sir Leonell erle of vlton sir Iohn̄ his brother erle of Richemond sir Henri duke of Lancastre with mony erles lordis ̄ men of armes and ij thousand archiers ̄ failed toward fraūce restid hī a while at Calais afterward the kīg wēt with his folke aforsaid and with other soudiours of beyond the se that ther abide the kynges comyng the secund day of Nouember and toke his iourney toward kīg Iohn̄ of fraunce ther as he trowed to haue founden him fast by Odomarum as his lettres couenaunt made mencion that he wold a bide him ther with his host ¶ And whē king Iohan of fraunce herd tell of the kynges ꝯyng of englond he went away with his men cariege cowerdly shamfully fleyng and wastyng all vitales that the englishmen shuld not haue ther of ¶ And when kyng edward herd tell that he fled he pursued him with all his host till Hedene ̄ than he beholdyng the wāting and scarcite of vitales ̄ also the cowerdise of the kīg of fraūce he turned ayen wastyng all the cuntre ¶ And while all thes thynges were a doyng the scottis priueli and by nyght token the toune of Berewike slayng them that withstode them no man els but blissed be god the castell wos saued kept by englishmē that wer therī Than the kīg ꝑsaued all this he turned ayen ī to englond as wroth as he myght be wherfor ī ꝑlament at westmynstre wos graūtid to the kīg of euery sake of wolle .l. shillyng during the terme of vi yere that he myght the myghtelyer fight ̄ defend the reame ayens the scottis othir misdoers ¶ And so whē all thynges wer redy the kyng hasted hī to the sege ward ¶ How kyng Edward wos crouned king of scotland how Prince Edward toke the kyng of fraunce sir Philip his yonger son at the bata●ll of Peyters ANd in the xxxi yere of his regne the xiij day of Ianiuer the kyng in the Castill of Berewik with a few men but hauyng ther fast by a grett host The toune wos yolden vn to him with outen ony maner defence or difficulte· than the kyng of scotland that is for to say sir Iohan Bailloll considering how that god did mony merue●les and gracious thīges for king Edward at his own will fro day to day he toke yaf vp the reame of Scotland and the croūe of scotland at Rokisburgh in the kinges handis of englond vnder his patent letter ther made ¶ And anone after king Edward in presence of all the prelatis othir worthy men and lordis that wer ther
day after met sodenly wos smyten with a palasie lost his speche on marie magdelene dai died ¶ Of the deth of kyng edward how sir Iohn̄ Monsterwarth knyght wos drawen honged for his falsenesse RYght anone after in the lij yere of kyng Edward in the begynnyng of october Pope Gregarie the xi brought remeued his court with him from Auinion to rome ¶ And the xij day of Aprill Iohan Monsterworth knyght at london was draw ̄ honged than quartired sent to iiij chief toūes of englond and his hede smyten of set vpon london brigge for this same Iohn̄ wos full vn trew to the kyng to the reame ̄ couetous vnstabull for he toke oft tymes gret soumes of monay of the kyng his councell for men of armes wagis that hee sh̄uld haue paid them toke it to his own vse he dred that at the last he shold be shent acused for the same cause ̄ fled priuely to the kyng of fraunce ̄ wos suore to him ̄ bicome his man ̄ behight him a gret nauy out of spayn in to confusion distroyng of englōd ¶ But rightfull god to whom no priuite is vnknowne suffrid him frist to be shend ̄ spilt or that he so tratoursly falsly his lige lord the kyng of englong ̄ his pepull in his ream in the wich ground the same Iohan wos bore wykkedly thurgh bataill destroie or bring his cursed purpose about ¶ In the fest of sent George tho next after kyng Edward yaf to Richard of Burdeux his heir that wos prince edwardis son at wyndesor the ordir of knyghthod made him knyght the wich kyng edward whan he had regned li. yere and more the xi Kal̄ of Iune he died at Shene and is buried worshipfulli at westmynstre on whois soule god haue merci amen ¶ This kyng edward was forsothe of a passing goodnesse full grecious among all the worthy men of the world for he passid shone by vertu of grace yef to him fro god a boue all his predicessours that wer nobull men worthy he wos a well herted mā a hardy for he drad neuer no mish●ppis ne harmes ne euell fortun that might fall a nobull weri our and a fortunat for both on land se in all batailles and assembles with a passing glorie ioye he had the victorie he was meke benyngne homeli sobre soft to all maner of men as well to strāgers os to his own subgectis ̄ to oder that wer vnder his gouernaūce ¶ He wos deuout holy both to god ̄ holy chirch for he worshipped holpe ̄ mayntened holy chirche ̄ ther mynisterres with all maner reueraunce he wos tretabull well auised in temꝑall and wordly nedes wise ī coūcell discret meke to speke wt. ī his dedis ̄ maners gētill wel taught hauīg pitte of them that wer ī disese plentious in yeueng of benefaites almose bisi ̄ curious ī bylddyng ̄ lighili he bere suffred wrōges ̄ harmis whē he was yeue to any ocupaciō he left all oder thīg for the tyme tent ther to semly of body a meyn stature hauīg all way to high to lawe a good chere ¶ And ther sprong shone so moch grace of hī that what maner man had behold his face or had dremed of hī he hoped that day that all thīg sh̄uld hap to hī ioyfull likīg ¶ And he gouned his kyngdō gloriously vn to his age he was large ī yeuēg wise ī spēces he was fulfilled with all honeste of good maners ̄ vertues vnder whō to liue it wos as for to regne wherfor his fame his loos sprong so fer that it come ī to hethennesse barborie shewīg ̄ telling his worthenes ̄ manhod ī all landis that no land vnder heuen had brought forth so nobull a kīg so gentill so blessid or myght rase such an other whan he wos dede ¶ Neuer the latter lechorie and meuyng of his flesh haunted him in his age wherfor the rather as it is to suppose for vnmesurable fulfillīg of his lust his lyfe shorted the sonn ¶ And here of take good hede lyke as his dedis berith witnesse· for as in his begynnyng all thīges were ioyfull and likyng to hī ̄ to all pepull ¶ And ī his midde age he passid all pepull in high Ioye worship and blissednesse right so when he drew in to age drawyng doūward thurgh lechori othir sinnes litell and litell all tho ioyfull and blissid thyngꝭ and ꝓsparite decreced and mishappid ̄ infortunat thyngꝭ ̄ vnꝓfitable harmes with mony euels began for to spring the more harme is it continued long time after CLemens the sext wos pope after Bendict x. yere this mā in name dede was vertuus mony thyngꝭ that benedict was rigus ī he made ese certan that he depriuyt he restorid and the rigusnesse of the faith of Benedict was laudabull But moch more laudabull wos the mekenesse of Clement ¶ This man wos a nobull prechour and mony sermones he geddrid he let no man paasse from him bot he yaf him good councell And decessid a blissid man Karolus the iiij wos Emprour after Lodewik xxxi yere This man wos the kyng of Beeme a wise man a myghty And this man wos chosin Emprour by the cōmaundement of Clemens Lodewik beyng on liue in his cōtemacy be cause he asked mekely the popes blissing ̄ to be crouned of him as ather good kynges did Therfor he wos proteckid of god and preualed ouer all his enmys And mony fauerabull lawes he made to spirituall men the wich yit er called Karolma at the last he decessid a rich man ī vertu and goodis Innocencius the sext wos pope after Clement x. yere And he wos a gret louer of religious men and he founded a monastery in fraūce of the ordir of Cartusiens and was a gret canonyst Vrbanus the v. wos pape after Innocent This man was abbot of Missolens of the ordir of sent Benet a doctur and is take for a seint He made the crosse to be prechit ayens the turkis And he made a pasage to the Turkis· And to him sent Brygit wos sente from crist for the confirmacion of ther rule And then he wos poysenned and decessid Gregorie the xi wos pope after hī viij yere This Gregorie did litell And after hī foloyd the tribulaciō the wich our lord shewed to sent Brigit for the sinne of the clargie Venselans son to Karolus a forsaid was Emprour xiiij yere And he wos a child and was chosen when his fadre wos on liue but he toke no kepe of the empire and when he wos warned mony tymes to take heid vn to it and wold not he was deposed For he yaf all his delite and lust vn
annoye ī the feld that all the pepull of accord shuld cum nere ̄ here his clamours and his crie and his wyll ¶ And the lordis the maire and the aldermen with the comynalte hauyng indignacion of his couetize and falsenes and his foull presumcion And anone willm walworth that tyme beyng maire drew out his knife and slew Iak straw And anone right ther did smyte of his hede and set it vpon a spere sh̄aft ̄ so it wos bore thurgh london set an high vpō londō brigge ¶ Anon thes risers misgouerned mē wer void clene vanisshed as it had nought be they And than the king of his gret goodnesse by prayer of his lords made ther vi knightis of good worthy men of the Cite of londō That is to say willm walworth that at that tyme wos maire slew Iak strawe And the secund was Nicholas brembre ̄ the iij. Iohn̄ Philipot the iiij Nicholas twif●●d the v Robert laūdes the vi Robert gaytō And thā the kīg with his lordis his knyghtis retourned ayen to the toure of londō ̄ ther he restid hī till this pepull wer better seced set in rest and pees And than by ꝓcesse of tyme as they myght get and toke thes rebelles ̄ risers they hong them vpō the next galois ī euery lordship thurghout the reame of englond by xl ̄ bi xxx bi x. by xij euer as they myght be geten ̄ taken ī ony ꝑties ¶ And in the v. yere of kīg Richardis regne wos the gret erth quake was generall thurgh out the world the wedenesday after witsonday ī the yere of our lord a M. ccc.lxxxxi Wherfor all maner pepull wer sore a gast ̄ dredfull lōg tyme for dred of vēgeaūs that our lord sh̄ewid and did ¶ And in the vi yere of kyng Richard sir Henri spenser bisshop of Norwich went with a Croiserie ouer the see in to the cuntre of Flaunders and ther they gat the toune of Grauenyng and the toune of broburgh Dunkerk Newport and ther thei laded and fraughtid li. shippis with pelage for to haue comē in to englond with thes shyppes and goodis ¶ And the bisshop of Norwich and his coūcell let brenne thes shippis with all the pelage in the same hauen all in to hard asshes and at Dunkerke wos done a gret bataill bitwen the Flemmynges and the Englishhmen And at that bataill wer slayn a gret multitude of thes Flemmynges an huge nombure ¶ And than went thee bisshop with his retenew to Ypers and beseged it a long tyme but it myght not be geten And so lefte that sege and comen ayen in to Englond For our englishmen wer fowly destroyed and mony died on the flix ¶ And in this same yere come the Quene Anne in to englond for to be spoused to kyng Richard And hir fadre wos Emprour of Almayne And kyng of Beme ¶ And with hir come the Duke of Tassi hir vncle and mony other worthy lordis and knyghtis of hir cūtre of beme and of other duche tonges to do hir reuerraūce worship And sir Symond beuerle a worthy knyght of the garter other knyghtis squyers that wer the kynges embassetours brought hir ī to englond so forth to londō And the pele of the cite that is to sey the mare the aldermen and all the comunes riden ayens hir to welcū hir and euery man in good aray and euery craft with his mynstral see in the best maner mette with hir on the blake heth in Kent and so brought hir vn to London thurgh the cite and so forth vn to west mynster vn to the kynges palais And ther she was spoused vn to kyng Richard well and worthely in the abbey of westmynstre ther she wos crouned quene of englond ▪ And all hir frendis that come with hir had gret yeftes and weren well cherid and refreshed as long tyme as they byden ther. ¶ And in this same yere ther was a bataill done in the kynges palays at westmynster for certayn pointes of treson bitwen sir Iohan Ansley knyght defendant And Carton squier the appellaunt But this sir Iohn̄ of Ansley ouer come this Carton and made him to yeld him withī the lystes ¶ And anone wos this Carton dispoiled of hys harnes and draw out of the listes and so forth to Tyburne ̄ ther he wos honged for his falsenese ¶ And ī the viij yer of the regne of kyng Richard sir Edmond of Langley Erle of Cambrige the kynges vncle went in to portyngal̄e with a fair m●ny of men of armes and archiers in strengthing and helpyng of thee kyng of Portingale ayens the kyng of Spayn and his pouer ther the kyng of portingale had the vyctorie of his enmys thurghe help and comforth of our englisshmen· ¶ And whan that iorney wos done the erle of Cambrigge come home ayen with hys pepull in to englond in hast blissid be god and his blissid yeft amē ¶ And this same yere kyng Richa●d held his Cristemasse in the maner of Eltham ¶ And the same tyme the kyng of Ermoyne fled out of his own land and come in to englond for to haue help an socour of our kyng ayens his enmys that had driuē him out of his own reame And so he wos brought vn to the kyng to Eltham ther as the kyng held his riall fest of Cristemase ¶ And ther our kyng welcomed him and did him moch reuerence and worsship and commaundid all his lordis to make him all the chere that they coud And than he besought the kyng of grace and of help and of his comforth in his nede ¶ And that he myght be brought ayen to his kyngdom and land For the Turkes had deuoured and destroid moch parte of his land and for drede how he fled and come hidder for socour and helppe· ¶ And then the kyng hauyng on hī pitte and cōpassiō of his gret mischief and greuous disese anone he toke his councell and asked what wos best to done ¶ And they ansuerd and said yif it liked him to yef him ony good it wer well done And as touchyng his pepull for to trauell so fer ī to out landes it wer a grete iuꝑdie And so the kyng yaf him gold siluer and mony riche yeftes and iewelles and betaught him to god And so he passed ayen out of Englond ¶ And in this same yere kyng Richard with a riall pouer went in to scotland for to were vpon the scottis for the falsenesse and destruccion that the scottis had done vn to englishmen in the marches And than the scottis come doūe vn to the kyng for to tret with him ̄ with his lordis for trews as for certayn yeres ¶ And so our kyng ̄ his coūcell graūt them trews certayn yeres to ther askyng our kīg turned him ayen in to englond And when he wos cumyn
vn to yorke ther he a bode and rested him ther ¶ And ther sir Iohn̄ Holand the erle of kentis brother slew the erle sone of Stafford ̄ his heir with a daggar in the cite of Yorke werfor the kyng wos sore anoyed greued and remeued thens ̄ com to londō ¶ And the maire with the aldermen the cōmyns with all the solempnite that might be done riden ayens the kīg and brought him rialli thurgh the cite and so forth vn to westmīster vn to his own palais ¶ And ī the ix yere of kyng Richardis regne he held a ꝑlament at westmynster ther he made ij dukes a marqueyes and v· Erles ¶ The fyrst that was made duke was the kynges vncle sir Edmond of lāglee erle of Cambrigge hī he made duke of york ¶ And his other vncle sir Thamas of wodstoke that was erle of Bukkyngham him he made duke of gloucestre sir Lyon ue● that was erle of Oxford him he made markeys of Dyuelyne ¶ And Henri of Balynbroke the duke son of Lancastre hī he made erle of Derby ¶ And sir Edward the dukes son of yorke him he made erle of Ruttelond sir Iohn̄ Holand that was the erle of kentis brother him he made erle of Hontingdon ¶ And sir Thomas Mombray erle of Notingham and erle Marshall of Englond And sir Michell de la pole knyght him he made erle of Southfolke Chancelar of Englōd ¶ And the erle of the march at that same parlament holden at westmynstre in playn parlament amongis all the lordis and communes was proclamed erle of the march and heir Parent to the croune of englond after kyng Richard the wich erle of the march wēt ouer see in to Irland vn to his lordshippis and landis For thee erle of marche is erl̄e of vlster ī Irland ̄ bi rightline heritage ¶ And ther at the castell of his he lay that tym thir come vpō hym a gret multitude in busshementis of wild Irishmen hī for to take and destroy And he com out fersly of his castill with his pepull māli faught with them ̄ ther he was take he wall to peces ther he died on whos soule god haue merci ¶ And ī the .x. yere of kyng Richardis regne the erle of Arundell went to the se with a gret nauy of shippis enarmid with men of armis good archiers And whan they com ī thee brod see they met with thee hole ●lete that com with wyn lade from Rochill the wich wyne were enmys goodis And ther our nauy set vpon them and toke thē all and brought them vn to diuerse portes ̄ hauens of Englond ̄ sum to london and ther ye myght haue had a ton of Rochill wyne of the best for xx shillyng sterling and so we had gret chep wyne ī Englōd that tym thankid be god almyghty ¶ How the v. lordis arisen at Rattecot brigge ANd in thee regne of kīg Richard thee xi yere thee v. lordis arisen at Rattecot bruggee in thee distrucion of rebelles that weren that tym ī all thee ream ¶ The frist of v. lordis was sir Thomas of wodstoke the kynges vncle duke of glocestre the secund wos sir Richard erle of Arundell ̄ the .iij. wos sir Richard erle of werwik the iiij wos sir Henri bolinbroke erle of Derby the v. was sir Thomas Mombray erle of Notingham ¶ And thes v. lordie saw the myschef ̄ mysgouernaunce the falsenesse of the kyngꝭ coūcell wherfor they that wer that tyme chief of the kynges coūcell fled out of this land ouer the see that is to say sir Alisander Neuell the erchebisshop of yorke sir Robert leweermarkis of deuelyn erle of Oxford and sir mychell de la Pobe erle of Southfolke chancellr of Englond And thes iij. lordis went ouer see· and come neuer ayen for ther they died ¶ And than thes v. lordis aboue said made a ꝑlament at westmynster And ther they toke sir Robert Tresiliam the Iustice and ser Nicholl Brembre knyght and citesen of london and sir Iohan Salusburi a knyght of the kynges housold and vske sergeaunt of armes and mony moo of othir pepull wer taken and Iuged vn to the deth by the councell of thes v. lordis in ther parlament at westmynster for the treson that they put vpon them to be drawen from the toure of London thurgh out the Cite and so forth vn to Tyburne and ther they shuld be honged and ther throtis to be cut and thus they wer serued died ¶ And after that in this same parlament at westmynstre wos sir Symond Beule that was a knyght of the garter sir Iohan beauchamp knyght that wos stiward of the kyngꝭ housold and sir Iames Berners wer foriugged vn to the deth and than they wer led on fote to the toure hill and ther wer ther hedes smyten of and mony other moo by thes v· lordis ¶ In this same parlament and in the xij yere of kyng Richardis regne he let cri ordeyn a generall Iustis that is called a turnement of lords knyghtis ̄ squiers And this Iustis and turnement war holdē at london in smythfeld of all maner of strangers of what land or cuntre that euer they wer and thidder they wer right wolcum and to them and to all other wos holden vpen housold And gret festes and also gret yeftes ther yefen to all maner of straungers ¶ And of the kynges side wer all of sute ther cotes ther armur sheldis hors trappure And all wos white hertis with crounes aboute ther neckis and chaynes of gold hangyng ther vpon ̄ the croune hangyng law before the hertis body the wich hert wos the kyngꝭ leueray that he yaf to lordis ̄ ladies knyghtis squiers for to know his howseold from othir pepull ¶ And in this fest comyng to ther Iustis xxiiij ladies led thes xxiiij lordis of the garther with chynes of gold and all the same sutes of hertes as is before said from the toure on horsbake thurgh the cite of london in to smythfeld ther that the Iustis shuld be holden ¶ And this fest ̄ iustis wos hold generall for all tho that wold cum theder of what land or nacion that euer th●y wer ¶ And this was hold during xxiiij dais of the kyngꝭ cost And thes xxiiij lordis to ansuer all maner pepull that wold cum thider ▪ ¶ And thieder come thee erle of sent Paul of fraūce and mony othir worthy knyghtis with him of diuerse parties full well arayed and out of Holand ̄ Henaud come the lord Ost reuaunt that wos the dukes son of holād and mony othir worthy knyghtis with hī of Holand full wel araied ¶ And when this fest iustīg was endid the kīg thākid thes strangers yaf them mony rich yeftes ¶ And than they token ther
men that theder wold cum ¶ And in this same yere Dame Blaunche the eldest doughter of kyng Henri the iiij wos sent ouer the se with the erle of somerset hir vncle and with mastir Richard Clifford thā bisshop of wurcestre and with mony othir worthy lordis knyghtis and ladies ̄ worthy squiers as longed to such a worthy kyngꝭ doughter and come vn to Colayn ¶ And thidder come the dukis sone of barre with a fair menye and ressaued this worthy lady and the bisshope of wurcestre weddid and sacred them to geder as holi chirche it wold ¶ And ther was made ariall fest and a gret Iustīg in the reuerence and wo●●h̄ip of them and all pepull that thedder com ¶ And whan this mariage and fest wos done the Erle and the bisshop and all ther menye token ther leue of lord and lady ̄ come home ayen in to englond in saufte thanked be god almyghty ¶ And in the v yere of kyng Henris regne the lord Thomas his son wēt ouer the see and the erle of Kent and mony othir lordis and knyghtis with men of armes and archiers a gret nō bur to chastise the rebellis that a fore had done moch harme to our englishmen marchantis to mony tounes and port●s in Englond on the see costis ¶ And the lord Thomas the kynges sō come in to Flaundres be fore a toune that is called the Skluse among all the shippis of diuerse nacions that wer ther. and after ther they ridden with ther shippis among them ̄ went on land sported them ther ij dais and come ayen to ther shippis and toke the brode see ̄ ther they met with iij. Carikkis of I●ne that wer ●aden with diuerse marchandize and well mannyd they foughten to gedres long time but the englishmen had the victori and brought the Carrikkis in to the Cambre befor wynchelse and ther they cāted thees goodis and one of thees Carrikkes was sodēli brent ther ¶ And the lordis and ther pepull turned them home ayē and went no ferthir at that tyme. ¶ And ī the same tyme serle yoman of kyng Richerd robes come in to englōd out of scotland and told to diuerse pepull that kyng Richard wos on liue in Scotland and so moch pepull beleued in his wordis wherfor gret ꝑtie of thee pepull of the reame wer in gret errour and grutchyng ayenest the kyng thurgh informacion of lies and fals lesinges that this Serle had made ¶ For moch pepull trustid ̄ beleued in his seyng But at the last he wos taken in the northcuntre and by law Iugged to be drawe thurgh euery cite and good burgh tounes in englond and so he wos serued and at the last he wos brought to londō vn to the gild hall before the Iustice ther he was Iugged for to be brought to the toure of london and ther to be laid on a hurdell and than to be drawen thurgh the cite of londō to Tyborne ̄ ther to be honged than quartired ̄ his hede smytē of and set on Londō brigge and his quarters to be sent to iiij good tounes of englond and ther set vp thus endid he for his false treson ̄ desseyd ¶ And in the sext yere of kyng Henris regne the iiij The erle of Marre of scotland by saifcondit come ī to Englōd to chalenge sir Edmand the erle of Kent to certayn courses of were on horsbake ¶ And so this chalange wos acceppid and graūted the place taken in smythfeld at londō this Erle of Marre the scot com proudly ī to the feld as his chalenge asket ¶ And anone come in the erll of Kent and rode vn to the scot and manfulli rode to geder with sharpe speris diuerse courses but the erle of Kent had the feld and gat him moch worship and thanke of all maner of men for his manfull dedis ¶ And ī the vij yere of kyng Henris regne the iiij Sir Richard Scrop erchebisshop of Yorke and the Erle Marchall of Englond gadred vn to them a strong power ayens kyng Henri ¶ And the kyng hering ther of in all the hast that he myght come with his pouer northward and met with them at yorke ̄ ther wer thes ij lordis take and brought to the kyng ¶ And anone the Iugges wer set thes ij lordis brought forth and ther they wer dampned vn to the deth and both ther hedis smyten of and ther they maden ther end on whos soules god for his pite haue mercy Amen ¶ And whan this was done the kyng come to londō ayen and ther restid him Anone god of his gret goodnesse wrought and shewed mony gret miracles for this worthy clerke Erchebishop of yorke that thus wos done to deth ¶ And ī the vij yere of kīg Henris regne Dame Luce the dukis suster of Milane come ī to englond so to londō ̄ ther wos wedid to sir Edmond Holand erle of Kent in the priori of sent marie oueis in suthwarke wyth moch solempnite and gret worship ¶ The kyng was ther him self and yaf hir at the chirch dore ̄ whan that they wer weddid and masse was done the kyng his own parson brought and lad this worthy lady in to the bisshoppis place of wynchestre and ther wos a wonder gret fest holdyn to all maner of pepull that wold cum ¶ And the same yere sir Robert Knolles bnyght a worthi weriour died at his maner in Northfolk and from thens he was brought to london vpō a hors bere with moch torch light ̄ so he wos brought vn to the white freris in fleetstret and ther wos do and made for him a solempne fest and ariall enterement for tho that thidder wold cume both rich and poer and ther he lieth beried by Dame Constance his wife in the midde of the body of the chirche on whos soule god for his pitte haue merci amen ¶ And thus ī this same yere sir Thomas Rampston knyght Constabull of the tour of london wos drenchid at londō brugge as he com fro westmynstre inwardis to the tour ī a barge and al thurgh lewdenesse ¶ And in the sama yere Dame Philip the yonger doughter of kīg henri wos lad ouer see with sir Richard thee dukis brother of yorke and sir Edmond Courteney bisshop of Norwych and mony other lordis knyghtis and squiers ladies gentilwomen that apparteyned to such a worthy kynges doughter and come in to Denmarke and the kyng resceyued this worthi lady for his wyfe and welcomed thes worthy lordis and did vn to them moch worsh̄ipp and they wer brought vn to a toune that wos called London in Denmarke and ther wos this lady weddid and sacrid to the kyng of Denmarke Norway and Swythē and ther was crouned quene of Denmarke with moch solempnite and ther wos made ariall fest ¶ And whan this fest
of armes archiers ayenst the duke of Orliaunce And tho went ouer the se the erle of Arundell sir Guillebert vmfreuill Erle of Keme and the lord Cobham Sir Iohan Oldecastell and mony othir good knyghtis and worthy squiers and men of armes and good archiers in to fraunce and come to Paris to the duke of burgoyn ¶ And ther he resaued welcomed thes Englishmen the lordis and all other meny ¶ And than it wos done him to wit that the duke of Orliaūce was comen to semtclowe fast by Paris with a gret nombur of men of armys arbalasters and thidder went our Englishmen fought with them gat the brigge of semtclow ther they slew moch pepull of frenshmē· and arminakis and thee remenaunt fled and wold no longer abide ¶ And than our Englishmen come ayen vn to Paris and ther they token thir leue of the Duke and come home ayen in to Englond in saufte and the Duke yaf them gret yeftes anone folowyng the duke of Orliaūce sent embassatours ī to Englōd to kīg Henri the iiij besechyng hī of his help socour ayens his dedly enmy the duke of burgoyn ¶ And than the kīg made Thomas his son duke of Clarence his othir sone Iohan duke of Bedford ̄ his othir sone Humfrey duke of Gloucestre and sir Thamas Beauford erle of Dorset the duke of awemarle he made duk of yorke tha the kīg ordeyned his son sir Thomas duke of clarence sir Thom̄s Beauford Erle of Dorset and sir Iohn̄ Cornwill with many othir lordis knyghtis and squyers men of armes archiers to go ouer the see in to fraunce in helpyng and strengthyng of the duke of Orliaūce ¶ And thes worthy lordis with ther retenue shippid at Hamptō sailed ouer ī to Normādie ̄ landid at hogges And ther met with them the lord Hambe at ther landyng with vijM. men of armes of frenshmen iij ▪ sergauntis of armes with them and all wer put to flight and takē of them vij C men of armes ̄ iiij hondreth hors with out tho that wer slain ī the feld ¶ And so they riden forch thurgh out fraūce toke castellis ̄ toūes ̄ slew moch pepull of frenshmen that withstode thē ̄ toke mony prisoners as they riden And so they passed forth till they come to Burdeux ̄ ther they restid them a while set the cūtre in pees and restid till the vyntage wer redy to saill And thā the duke with his menye come home in to Englond in saufte thāked be god ¶ And in the same yere wos the kynges coyn changed thurgh out englond by the kyng and his councell that is to say the nobull half nobull ferthyng of gold ¶ And the xiiij yere of kyng Henris regne the .iiij. he let moke Galeys of were for he had hoped to haue passed the gret see so forth to Ierusalē ther to haue endid his liffe but god viseted him so sone after with infirmites and gret sikenesse that he myght not well endure no while so feruently he wos take and brought in bed at westmīster in a fair chambur ¶ And os he lay in his bede he askid his chamberlayn what they called that chamber that he lay in he ansuerid said Ierusalem than he said that the ꝓphecie said that he shuld make an ende and die in Ierasalem And than he made him redy vn to god and disposed all his will And sone after he died ̄ wos caried by water from westmynster in a barge vn to Feuersham And from thens he wos caried to cantorberi by land with moch torche light brinnyng in to the abbey of Crichurch ther he wos entered beried 〈…〉 thus endid the worthy kīg Henri about midlentyn sonday ī the yere of our lord a. M. cccc.xiij on whos sovle god haue merci anen Artī the v. wos 〈◊〉 after Iohn̄ xiiij yere This mā was chosen by thee coūcell of Cōstantinoplī othir wos deposit that streffe and so come pes in the chirch the wich long tyme afore wos desyrid and necessari for thee defence of the faith This was the myghtiest 〈◊〉 that euer wos of riches and a gret Iugge he edefied tounys wallis stretis and he distroyd herises and he did moch good thurgh the nobull prince Sygmunde And he gadred moch monay for the holy land to geten ayen bot deth come oppon him and lettid him and he made a coūcell afore his deth for that mater and ther decessed ugeniꝰ wos 〈◊〉 after Martin xvij yere This Eugeny wos chosen pesablie after the deth of Martin no man dowtid bot he wos 〈◊〉 bot after shortly he wos expulsit from Rome for it wos so that he fled nakid Also he wos cited to the coūncell of Basiliens and deposit bothe chargid not for that ayen began thee striffe the wich stode to his deth ̄ thos that fauoured him said he was worthy moch louyng and the cōtrari said thos that wer ayens him bot what sum euer he wos after hee had takyn the dignite vpō hī a fore he wos of gret abstenēs of good fame ̄ that he did after I leue to thee Iugemēt of god Circa annum domini M.iiijC.xiij. Of kyng Henri thee fifth that wos kyng Henris sone ●Nd after the deth of kyng Henri the iiij regned kyng Henri his sone that was borne at Monmouth in wales that was a worthy kyng and a gracious man and a gret conquerour And in thee frist yere of his regne for gret loue goodnesse he sent to the freris of Langely ther as his fader had do berie kyng Richard the secūd and let take his body out of the erth ●yen did bring it to westmynster ī a riall chare couered with blake veluet and baners of diuerse armes about and all the hors drawyng the chare wer trappid in blake and beten with diuerse armes ̄ many a torche brennyng by all the way till he come to westmīstre and ther he let make for him a riall and a solempne enterement ▪ ̄ beried hī by quene Anne his wife as his own desire was on the ferther side of sent Edwardis shrine in the abbey of seint Petris of westmynstre on whos soule god haue merci ¶ And in this same yere wer a certayn of lollers taken and fals heritikis that had purposed thurgh fals treson for to haue slayn our king ̄ for to haue distroid all the clargie of the reame they myght haue had ther fals purpose ¶ But our lord god wold not suffre it for in hast our kyng had warnyng ther of of all ther false ordynaūce wurchyng come sodēly with his pouer to sent Iohanes without smythfeld anone they toke a certayn of the lollerres fals heritikes brought them vn to the kīges prisence ̄ ther told all ther fals purpose ordynaūce how
distroy his nauy And anone he commaundid the erle of march to be chief chiuetayn and mony othir worthy lordis with him with men of armes and archiers to go to the see that none enmys defoulid his nauy ne entred his land in no partie for to distrouble his viage ne his iourney ¶ And anone the erle toke his menye and went to ship and scummed the see and kepid the se costis that no maner of enmye durst rowt vpon the see anone the king sent his heraudes vn to the capitayn of Touke and charged him for to deliuer him his castell and his toune els he wold nothir leue man ne child a liue ¶ And anone the capitayn and iiij othir burgesis of the toune brought the keis vn to the kyng and besought him of grace And the kyng deleuered the keis to sir Iohan Kekeley and made him capitayn and commaundid him for to put out all frenshmen both of the castell and also of the toune ¶ And ther beside wos the castell of lous ̄ thidder the kīg sēt the erle marchal with a fair meny ̄ sauted the toūe anōeit wos yolde to the erle ̄ brought hī the keis ̄ he brought them to the kīg and the kyng toke him ayen made him capitayn of the castell of Louers of all that longed ther to ̄ chargid him to deliuer out all the frenshmē ¶ And than the kīg held forth his way to Cane that was a strōg toūe afair a riall castell ther in anōe he sent his heroudis to the capitayn chargid him to deliuer the toune and his castell or els he wold them get with strength of hand And they ansuered and sayd that he toke them none for to kepe ne nōe they wold deliuer vn to him ¶ And than anone he laid his sege vn to the toune and laid gonnys on euery side and bet doune both walles and toures and slew moch pepull in thir houses also in the stretis And the good duke of Clarence laid doune the walles on his side vn to the groūd And so within a while the kyng by his councell sawted the toune all about ¶ And anone the duke of Clarence had entred in to the toune and slew do un right till he come to the king and sparid nothir man ne childe and euer they cried a Clarence a Clarence and sent George ¶ And ther wos dede on the walles on the kyngis side a worthy man that wos called Springes the wich the king commaundid to be beried in the abbey of Cane fast by wyllm cōquerour on whos soule god haue merci ameij ¶ And than the king come ī to the toūe with his brothir the duke of Clarence and mony othir worthy lordis with moch solempnite mirth ¶ And than the king commaūdid the Capitayn to deliuer him his castell and he be sought the kyng to yef him xiiij dais of respit if any rescue wold cum and yf none wold cum to delyuer him the keis and thee Castell at his cōmaūdement ¶ And vnder this composiciō was the toūe the castell of Baious with othir toūes fortresses and villages in to the nombre of xiiij vpō the hill before the castell of Cane our kyng pight all his tentis that semed a toūe as moch as cane by that tyme com tidingꝭ that no rescu wold cum ther. ¶ And so at the xiiij days end the capitayn of the castell com out and deliuerid the keis ̄ the castell to our kyng Baious the othir xiiij· toūes wer deliuerid vn to him also anone the kyng deliuered the keis to the duke of Clarence ̄ made him capitatn both of the toūe and also of the castell and made him Capitayn of baious and of all the othir tounes also ¶ And so he entrid thee toune and the castell and ther he held Sent Georgi fest ther he made xv knightis of the bath ther wos sir Lowys Robersart salyn Chaynye Mougomery and mony othir worthy men· and the kyng commaundid them for to put out all the frenshmen and women no man so hardy to difoule no woman ne take no maner of good away from them but let them passe in pees ī payn of deth ¶ And ther passid out of the toune in on day mo than xv C women ¶ And than our kyng let stuffe the toune and Castell with Englishmen and ordeyned ther two Capitayns on for the toune and an othir for the Castell and chargid them vpon ther lifes for to kepe well thee toune and the Castell ¶ And or our kyng went thens he gatte valeys Newelyn ̄ laid a sege to Chirburgh and that sege laid the Duke of Gloucestre with a strong power and myghti and be processe of tyme gate it and made ther a capitayn of the same toune and this same tyme the Erle of Warwic leid a sege vn to Dounfraunte and gat it and put therin a capitayn ¶ And for to speke more of the Erle of marche that the kyng ordeyned tho for to scum the see and to kepe the costes of Englond for all maner of enmis the wind arose vpon them· that they wend all to haue be lost but thurgh the grace of god almyghty and good gouernaunce they riddī afore wyhte all that storme ¶ And ther wer lost ij ▪ Carik kis and two balingers with marchondize and othir gret goodis and all the pepull that wer within them and an othir Carrokke droue before hampton and thr●w his mast ouer the toune walles and this was on sent Bartholomews day ¶ And whan all this storme wos sesed this worthy Erle of march toke his shippis with his meme and went to the se and landit in Normandie at hogges and so ridden forth towardis the kyng euer as he come the frēshmen fled ¶ And ther come to them an Anthony pigge and folowed the host all that way till they come to a gret water and theer they drad for to haue bene drenched thee water closed them so that they myght no wher get out But at the last god almyghti and this pigge brought them out all saufe and ther they caught a gide that knew all the cuntre about and hee brought thē thurgh a quike sand ̄ so in to an I le and thei toke mony prisoners in ther way toward thee kyng in ther iournay ̄ so they comē vn to Cane And ther the kyng welcomed him and toke his Iournay at Argentun and anone tho it wos yoldē vn to thee kyng and they had ther liues and went ther way ¶ And than our king remeued to a strong toune that was tho called Cese and ther wos a fair mynster and they yeld it anone vn to the king than the king went him from thens to alaū some ̄ wan thee toūe and the brigge and thee kyng sent the Erle of Warwike to a toune that wos called Belesme
bene withstonde ¶ For the kyng ̄ all the lordis of the ream of Englond wer departed except the lorde Scales that kepid the tour of london ¶ And the fifth day of Iuyll he did done smyte of a mannys hede in southwark and the nyght after the ●naire of london with the aldermen and the communes of the cite concludid to driue a way the capitayn his host sent to the lord scalis to the toure ̄ to mathew gohe a copitayn of Normandie that they wold that nyght asaille the capitayn with them of Kent ¶ And so they did y come to londō brige ī to southwarke or the capitayn had ony knowlege ther of ther they sought with them that keped the brigge And the Kentishmen went to harnes and come to the brigge ̄ shot faught with them gat the brigge made them of londō to fle slow mony of them this endurid all the nyght to ̄ fro to ix of the cloke on the more And at the last they brent the draw brigge wher mony of them of londō wer drowned In wich nyght Sutton an aldermā was slayn Roger heysant and Mathew gohe and mony othir And after this the Chancilar of Englond sent to the Capitayn a pardone generall for him othir for all his menye And then they deꝑted from southwarke euery man home vn to his own hous ¶ And when they wer all deꝑtid and goon· ther wer ꝓclamacions madem Kent southsex and othir places that what man coude take the captayn quike or dede sh̄old haue a M. mark And aftir this on Alixander Iden a squier of Kent toke him in a gardē in southsex ī the takīg the Captā Iohn̄ Cade wos slaī ̄ after behedid his hede set on londō brigge ¶ And anone after then the kyng come in to Kent and did his Iustices sitte at Cauntorberi and enquered who wer causaries chief cause of this Insurreccion ¶ And ther wer viij men Iuged to deth in on day in othir places mo And from thens the kyng wēt in to southsex and in to the westcuntre wher a litell before wos slayn the bisshop of Salisberi ¶ And this same yere wer so mony iugged to deth that xxiij hedes stode vpon londō brigge at on s ¶ Of the feld that the duke of york toke at brentheth ī Kēt and of the burth of prince Edward of the frist bataill at sent Albons wher the duke of Somersete wos slayn IN the xxx yere of the kīg The duke of yorke com out of the march of wales with therle of Deuīshire the lord Cobham gret puissaunce for reformacion of certayn Iniuries and wrōges also to haue Iustice on certayn lordis beyng about the kyng ̄ toke a feld at brontheth beside dertford in Kent wich wos a strōgfeld for wich cause the kyng with all the lordis of the lande went vn to the blake heth with a gret and strong multitude of pepull armed and ordeyned for the were in the best wyse And when they had mustred on the heth Certayn lordis wer tho sent vn to him for to tret and make appointement with him wich were the bisshop of Ely and the bisshop of wynchestre and the erles of Salisberi and of werewyke And they concludid that the duke of Somersete shold be had to ward ̄ to ansuer to such articles as the duke of yorke shold put on him and than the duke of yorke sh̄usd breke his feld and cum to the kyng wich wos all promised by tho kyng ¶ And so the kyng commaundid that the duke of Somersete shold be had in ward And than the duke of york brake vp his feld and come to the kyng and whan he was comen ꝯtrarie to the promisse afore made the duke of somerset was presēt in the feld a waytyng and chief about the kyng made the duke of yorke ride before as a prisoner thurgh londō and after they wold haue put him ī hold But anoyse aroso that the erle of march his son was commyng with x. thousand men to londonward wherfore the kyng and his coūcell ferid and than they concludid that thee duke of yorke shold deꝑte at his own will ¶ About this tym began gret diuision in Spruce bitwen the gret mastir and the knyghtis of the duche ordre wich wer lordis of that cuntre For the comunes and toūes rebellid ayenst the lordis and made so grete were that at the last they called the kyng of Pole to be ther lord the wich kyng come and wos worshipfully resaued and laid sege to the castell of Marienburgh wich was the chief castell of strength of all the land wan it and drofe out the mastir of dansk ̄ all othir places of that land And so they that had ben lordis mony yeres lost all thirseygnorie and possessions in tho landis ¶ And the yere of the Incarnacion of our lord M. cccc liij on sent Edwardis day the quene Margaret wos deliuered of a fair prince wich wos named Edward That same day Iohn̄ Norman wos chosin for to be maire of londō And the day that hee shuld take his oth at westmynsire he went theder by water with all the craftis wher afore tyme the maire aldermen and the craftes rode on horsbake wich wos neuer vsed after For sen that tyme. they haue gone euer by water in barges ¶ Ye haue well vnderstond before how that contrari to the promisse of the kyng and also the ꝯclusiōs taken bitwen the kyng the duke of yorke at brentheth the duke of Somerset went not to ward but abode about the kyng and had gret rule and anone after he wos made capitayn of calais ruled the kyng his reame as he wold wherfore the gret lordis of the reame ̄ also the comunes wer not plesid For wiche cause the duke of yorke the erle of warwyk the erle of salisburi with mony knyghtis and squiers and moch pepull come for to remeue the said duke of somersete othir fro the kyng ¶ And the kīg hering of ther comyng thought by his coūcell for to haue gon westward and not for to haue met with them ̄ had with him the duke of somerset the duke of Bokyngham the erle of stafford the erle of Northūberland the lord Clifford mony othir ¶ And what tyme that the duke of yorke ̄ his feliship vnderstode that the kyng wos deꝑted with thes lordis from london Anone he changed his way and coste the cūtre come to sent Albonys the xxiij day of May ̄ ther met with the kyng to whom the kyng sent certayn lordis desired them to kepe the pees and deꝑte but in conclusion whils they treted on that on side· the erle of warwik with the march men oder entred the toune on that oder side fought ayēst the kyng and his ꝑtie and so began the bataill ̄
fighting wiche endurid a gret wyle but in conclusion the duke of yorke obtened had the victorie of that iournay ¶ In wich wos slayn the duke of somerset the erle of Northūberland the lord Clifoord mony knyghtis squiers mōy mo hurt ¶ And on the morne after they brought the kyng in gret astate to londō wich was logged in the bisshoppis palais of london ¶ And anone after wos a gretꝑlament In wich ꝑlament the duke of yorke wos made ꝓtectour of Englond the erle of werwike Capitoyn of Calais the erle of Salisberi Chancelar of englond And all such parsons as had the rewle be fore about the kīg wer set a part myght not rule as they did be fore ¶ And this same yere died pope Nicholas the v. and after him was Calixte the thrid This calixt wos a catalane and thactis of him shall be shewyd sone after ¶ In this same yere fell a gret affray in London ayenst the Lumbardes The cause began because a yong man toke a dagger from a lumbard and brake it wherfore the yong man on thee morne wos sent fore to cum before the mayre and the aldermē and ther for the offence he wos comytted to warde ¶ And then the maire deꝑted from the gyldhall for to go home vn to his dynner but in the Chepe the yong men of the mercerie for the most part prētises held the maire and sheriues styll in ch●pe and wold not suffre them to depart vn to the tyme that ther felow wich wos comitted to ward wer deliuered and so bi force they rescued ther felow from prison and that done the maire and sheriues departed ̄ the prisoner deliuered wich if he had bene put to prison had be in iupardie of his life ¶ And than began a romur in the cite ayenst the lumbardis and the same euenyng the handcraftimen of the toune arose and ran to the lumbardis houses and despoiled ̄ robbed diuerse of them wherfore the maire and aldermen come with the honest pepull of the cite drofe them thens and sent sum of them that had stolen to newgate ¶ And the yong man that wos rescued by his felowes saw this gret romur afray and roborie enshewed of his frist meuyng to the lumbard deꝑtid and went to westmynstre to sentorie or els it had cost him his life For anōe after come doune an Oeyr determyne for to do Iustice on all them that so rebelled in the cite ayens the Lumbardis on wich sat with the maire that time willm Marow the duke of Bakyngham and mony othir lordis for to see execucion done ¶ But the comunes of the cite secretly made them redy and did arme them in ther houses wer inpurposed for to haue rongyn the comune bell wich is called bow bell but they wer let by sad men wich come to the knowleche of the duke of Bokyngham and othir lordis and incontinente they arose for they durst nolanger abide For they doutid that the hole cite sh̄uld haue arisen ayenst them ¶ But yit neuerthelesse two or iij. of the cite wer Iugged to deth for this robborie ̄ wer honged at Tiborne ¶ Anone after the kyng ̄ the quene and othir lordis rode vn to Couentre and withdrew them frō london for thies cause ̄ a litell before the duke of yorke wos sēt fore to Grenwich ther wos discharged of the ꝓtectourship And my lord of Salisberi of his Chancelarship ̄ after this thei wer sent fore by priue seale for to cum vn to couentre wher they wer almost deceyued the erle of werwike also and shuld haue bene destruyed if they had not seyn well to ¶ How the lord Egremond was taken by the erle of Salisberi sonnys and of the robbyng of Sandwich THis yere wer takyn iiij gret fisshes bitwen Eereth and london that on wos called mors marine the secund was a swerd fisshe and the othir twayn wer whales ¶ In this same yere for certan affrayes done in the northcuntre bitwen the lord Egremond and the Erle of Salisburi sonnys the said lord Egremond whom they had takyn was condempned in a gret soum of monay to the said Erle of salisburi and therfore comittid ī to prison in newgate in london wher when he had bee a certayn space he brake thee prisun and iij. prisoners with him and ascapid and went his way ¶ Also this yere thee Erle of werwik and his wyfe went to Calais with a fair feliship and toke possession of his office ¶ About this tyme was a gret reformacion of mony monasteries of religion in diuerse parties of the world wich wer reformid after the frist institucion continued in mōy places ¶ This same yere wos a gret bataill in the marches bytwen the land of Hungrie and the Turkye at a place called septedrad wher innumerabull Turkis wer slayn more by miracle thā by mannys hond For only the hand of god smote them sent Iohn̄ of capistrane wos ther present and prouoked the cristyn pepull beyng then aferd after to porsue the Turkis wher an infinite multitude wer slayn and destroyed And the Turkis said that a gret nombre of armed men folowed them that they wer aferd to turne ayen and they wer holi angellis ¶ This same yere the prisoners of newgate in london brake ther prison went vp on the leedis fought ayens them of the cite ̄ kepid the gate a long while but at the last the toune gat the prison on them than they wer put in fetrris ̄ Irons wer sore punysshed mensamof othir ¶ In this yere also ther wos a gret erthquake in Naples in so moch that ther perisshed xl· thousand pepull that sanke ther in to the erth ¶ Item in the yere xxxvi sent Osmond sum tyme bisshop of Salisberi wos canonised at Reme by pope Caliste And the xvi day of Iuyll he was translated at Salisbery by the bisshop of Cantorburie and mony othir bisshoppis ¶ And in August after sir Pers de Bresay seneschall of Normandi with the Capitayn of Depe and mony othir Capitayns and men of were went to the see with a gret nauy and come in to the Downes by nyght on the morne erly before day they londid and come vn to Sandwych both by land and water and token the toune and Rifled and despoiled it and toke mony prisoners And left the toune all bare wich wos a rich place and moche good therin And lad with them mony rich prisoners ¶ In this same yere in mony places of fraunce Almayn flaūdris Holand and Zeland Childer gadrid them to geder by gret companies for to go on pylgrimage to sent Mihele mount ī Normandie wich come from fer cuntries wherof the pepull maruellid and mony supposid that sum wickid spret meued them to do so bot it endurid not long be cause of the long way and also for lake of vitaill as they went ¶ In this
yere Rainold pecok bisshop of Cheiester wos fonden an heritike the iij. day of December was abiurid at Lambheth in the presens of the Erchebisshop of cantorbery and mony othir bisshoppis doctours and lordis temperall And his bokys brint at Poules crosse Ye haue hard before how certayn lordis wer slayn at sent albons wherfore wos alway a grutche and wroth had by theyres of them that wer so slaī ayens the duke of yorke the erles of warwik and of salisberi wherfore the kyng by thauys of his councell sent for them vn to london to wich place the duke of yorke come the xxvi day of Ianuer with cccc men ̄ logged at baynardes castell in his own place ¶ And the xv day of Ianuer come the erle of salisburi with v hondred men and was loggid in ther●● his own place ¶ And then come the dukis of Excestre and of somerset with viij hondreth men lay without temple barre ¶ And the erle of northumbarland the lord Egremond and the lord Clifford with xv hondreth mē and loggid without tonne ¶ And the maire that time Gefferey Boleyn kept gret watch with the comunes of the cite and rode aboute the cite by hol borne and flet strete with a v thousand men well arayed and armed for to kepe the pees ¶ And thee xiiij day of Feuerer the erle of warwik come to london frō Calais well be seyn and worsh̄ipfully with vi hondreth men in rede iakkettis brodderd with a ragged stafe be hynd be fore was logged at grafreris ¶ And the xvij day of march thee kyng come to london and the quene and ther wos a concorde ̄ a pees made amonges thes lordis and they wer set in pees ¶ And on our lady day the xv day of Marche in the yere of our lord a M. cccc lviij the kyng the quene and all thes lordis went precessiōn at poules in londō anone after the kīg the lordis deꝑted ¶ And in this yere was a gret affray in fletestrete bitwen men of court and men of the same strete In wich affray the quenys attorney wos slayn ¶ How the kynges housold made afray ayenst the erle of warwike ̄ of the Iourney at bloreheth ALso this same yere as therle of warwike wos at councell at westmynstre All the kynges housold menye gadred them to geder for to haue slayn the said Erle but by the helpe of god and his frendis he recouerid his barge ̄ escapped ther euell enterprise How well the Cokis come runnyg out with spittis pestels ayens him· And the same day he rode toward warwike and sone after he gat him a comission and wenten ouer the see to Calais ¶ Sone after this the erle of Salisberi comyng to london wos encountred at Blureheth with the lord Awdeley and moch othir pepull ordeyned for to distroy him but he hauyng knawlech that he shuld be met with wos accomponied with his two sonnys sir Thomas and sir Iohn̄ Neuill and a gret feliship of good men ¶ And so they faught to gedres wher therle of Salisberi whan the feld and the lord Awdeley wos slayn and mōy gentilmen of Chesshire and moch pepull hurt and therles two sonnys wer hurt and goyng homward afterward they wer taken and had to chestre by the quemes menye ¶ After Calixt Pius wos pope and was chosin this yere a M. cccc ̄ lviij And he wos called be fore Eneas an eloquent man and a poete laureate He was embassatour of the emprours a fore tyme And he wrote in the coūcell of basilie a nobull traittie for the auctorite of the same ¶ Also he canonised sent Katherine of senys This pope ordined gret indulgens and pardon to them that wold go and were ayenst the turke wrote an epistle to the gret turke exorting him to becum cristyn ̄ ī the end he ordined a passage ayenst thee Turke at Ankone to wich moch pepull drew out of all ꝑties of cristyndō of wich pepull he sent mony home ayen because thei suffised not anone after he died at the said place of Ankone the yere of our lord a M. cccc.lxiiij the xiiij day of august ¶ How Andrew Trollop ̄ the soudiours of calais forsoke the duke of yorke ther mastir therle of warwik ī the west cuntre THe duke of yorke the erles of warwike and of Salisbiri saw the gouernaunce of the reame stode most by the quene hir councell how the gret princes of the land wer not callid to councell but set a ꝑte not onli so bot it wos said thurgh the reame that tho said lordis shuld be destroyed vtterli as it openli was shewed at Bloreheth by them that wold haue slayn the erle of salisberi ¶ Than thei for sauacion of ther lyues and also for the comyn well of the reame thoght for to remedie thes thyngꝭ assembled them to gedre with moch pepull and toke a feld in thee west cuntre to wich the erle of warwike come from calais with mony of thold soudgers as Andrew trowlop othir in whos wisedom as for the were he moch trusted ¶ And whan they werē thus assembled and made ther feld The king sent out his comissions and priue seals vn to all the lordis of his reame to cum await on him in ther most best defensable aray and so euery man come in such wise that the kyng wos stronger and had moch more pepull than the duke of yorke ̄ the erles of warwik and salisberi For it is here to be noted that euery lord in englond at this time durst not disobey the quene for she rewled peasibly all that was done about the kyng wich wos a good simple and an Innocent man ¶ And than when the kyng wos comen to the place wher as they wer the duke of yorke ̄ his feliship had made ther felde in the strongest wise ▪ and had purposid verely to haue byden and haue foughten but in the nyght Andrew Trollop ̄ all the old soudiours of Calais with a gret feliship sodenly deꝑted out of the dukis host ̄ went streght vn to the kynges feld ther they wer ressaued ioyously for they knew th entent of the othir lordis also the maner of ther feldis ¶ And than the duke of york with the othir lordis seyng them dissaued toke a coūcell shortely in that same nyght deꝑtid frō thee feld leuyng behynd them the most parti of ther pepull to kepe the feld till on thee morn ¶ Then the duke of yorke with his secund son deꝑtid thurgh wales toward Irland leuyng his eldest son the Erle of the march with the erles of warwik of Salusberi wich rode to geder with iij. or iiij ꝑsons streght in to Deuenshire ther bi help and ayde of on Denham a squier wich gate for them a ship wich cost .cc.xx. nobles with thee same ship sailed from thens
in to garnesey And ther refresshid them and from thens sailed to Calais wher they wer resaued in to the castell by the postren or they of the toune wist of it And the duke of yorke toke shippyng in walis and sailed ouer in to Irland wher he wos well resayued ¶ How therles of march warwik ̄ salisberi entrid in to Calais how therle of warwik went in to Irland THen kyng Henri beyng with his host in the feld not knowyng of this soden deꝑting on the morne fonde none in the felde of the said lordis sent owt in all the hast men for to folowe pursue after to take them but they met not with them as god wold and then the kyng went to Ludlowe ̄ dispoiled the castell and the toune and sent the duches of yorke with hir child to my lady of Bokyngham hir sustre· wher she wos kepid long tyme after ¶ And forthwith the kyng ordeyned the duke of Somersete to be capitayn of Calais And thes othir lordis so deꝑted as afore is said wer ꝓclamid rebellis gret traytours ¶ Then thee duke of Somerset ●oke to him all the soudiours that deꝑted frō the feld and made him redy in all the hast to go to calais ̄ take pocession of his office ̄ whan he come he fond therle of warwike therin as Capitain ̄ therles of march of Salisberi also ̄ than he landid by scales went to Guisnes ̄ ther he wos resaued it fortoned that sum of tho sh̄ippis that come ouer with him come ī to calais hauen by ther fre will for the shipmen ought more fauour to therle of warwike than to the duke of somerset in wich sh̄ippis wer takin diuerse mē as Ienyn finkhill Iohn̄ felow Kailles and purser wich wer behedid sone after in Calais· ¶ And after this come men daly ouer the see to thies lordis to calais and began to wax stronger ̄ stronger And they borowed moch good of the staple ¶ And on that othir side the duke of somersete beyng in Guysnes gat pepull to him wich come out and scarmusshed with them of Calais and they of Calais with them wiche endurid mony dayes During thus this same scarmusshyng moch pepull dayly come ouer vn to thes lordis ¶ Than on a tyme by the avise of counsell the lordis at Calais sent ouer master Denham with a gret feliship to sandwich wich toke the toune ̄ therī the lord Riueris the lord Scalis his son toke mōi shippis in the hauē brought them all to Calais with wich shippis mony marinere of ther fre will come to calais to serue the erle of warwike ¶ And after this the erle of werwike by thauys of the lordis toke all his shippis mannyd them well sailed him self in to Irland for to speke with the duke of yorke to take his avise how they sh̄uld entre ī to englōd ayen ¶ And when he had be ther done his erandis he returned ayen toward Calais and brought with him his modre the countesse of salisberi ¶ And comyng in the west cuntre vpon the se the duke of Excestre amirell of englond beyng in the grace of Due accompanied with mony shippis of were met with therle of warwik and his flete but they faught not for the substance of the pepull beyng with the duke of Excestre ought bettir will more fauour to the erle of warwike thā to him and they deꝑted come to calais in saufte blissid be god ¶ Then the kyngꝭ councell seyng that thes lordis ●ad getin thos shippis frō sandwich takyn the lord Riuers his son· ordined a garnyson at sandwich to abide and kepe the toune made on Moūtford capitayn of the toūe that no man ne vitaill ne marchand that shuld go in to flaūdres shuld go in to Calais ¶ Then they of calais seyng this made out master Denhā mony othir to go to sandwych so they did and assailed the toūe by water by lond gat it brought Moūtford ther capitayn ouer se to Rysebanke ther smoti of hys hede yit dayly men com ouer to them out of all ꝑties of englond ¶ How the erles of march and of warwike of salisberi enterid in to englond And of the feld of Northamton wher diuerse lordis wer slayn ANd after this the fore said erles of March warwik and of Salisberi come ouer to Douer with moch pepull and their landid ▪ to whom all the cuntre drew and come to Londō armed ¶ And for to let the lordis of the kynges councell know their treuth and also ther entent assembled them ̄ told them that they entendit no harme vn to the kyngꝭ parson sauf that thei wold put from him such ꝑsons as wer about him And so deꝑted frō londō with a gret puissaunce toward Northamton wher the kyng was accompanied with mony lordis and had made a strong feld wyth out the toune and ther both parties met and wos foughten a grete bataill In wich bataill wer slayn the duke of Bokyngham the erle of Shrowesberi the viscounte Beamond the lord Egremond and mony knyghtis and squiers othir also and the kīg him self wos taken in the feld and afterward brought to london· ¶ And anone after wos a parlament at westmynstre during wich parlament the duke of yorke come out of Irland with the erle of Rutland ridyng with a gret felish̄ip ī to the palais at westmynstre and toke the kynges palais And come in to the parlament chambre ̄ ther toke the kynges place and clamed the crouned as his propre enheritaunce and right and cast forth in writīg his titell ̄ also how he wos rightfull heir wherfore was moch to do but in conclusion it was appointed and ꝯcludid that kyng henri sh̄old regne and be kyng during his naturall life For as moch as he had be kyng so long and wos possessid and after hys deth the duke of yorke shuld be kyng and his heiris kyngꝭ after him And forthwith shuld be ꝓclamed heire apparaunt· and sh̄uld also be protectour and regent of Englond during the kynges life with mony othir thyngis ordeyned in the same parlament and yf kyng Henri during his life went from this oppoynttement or ony article concludid in the said parlament he shuld be deposid and the duke shuld take the croune and be kyng all wich thyngꝭ wer enacted by the auctorite of the said parlament att wich parlamen̄t the comunes of the reame beyng assembled in the comune hous comonyng and treating vpō the titell of the said duke of yorke sodenli fell doun the croune wich honge then in the middes of the said hous wich is the frayter of the abbey of westmynstre wich was taken for a ꝓdige or token that the regne of kyng Henri was endid And also the croune wich stode on the hyghest toure
he had taried a while in the north that all the northcuntre had turned to him he returned southward leuyng behynd him therle of warwike in tho ꝑties for to kepe gouerne that cuntre ¶ And about mydsomer after thee yere of our lord M. cccc.lx and thee frist yere of his regne he wos crouned at westmynstre anoynted kyng of Englōd hauyng possession of all thee reame CAlixtus thee thrid wos Pope after Nicholas iij. yere v. monethis This Calixt was an hold man whē he was chosen pope· and wos continually seke ne he myght not fulfill his desire the wich he entendit to do ayens the misbeleuyng Turkis for deth come vpon him And he wos chosin ī the yere of our lord a M. and he died the sext day in the wich he made the fyguracion and also he canonised Seint vincent a frere precher ¶ And ther wos a gret reformacion of many monesteries ī diuerse parties of the world And theis reformaciōs wer made mony times but almost none abode but they returned ayen as they wer a fore by succession of tyme after the deth of thee worshipfull fadris ▪ ¶ The fest of the transfiguracion wos ordined of Calixt for the yeft of grace of the meruelꝰ victorie done ayens the turke ī hūgarie on sent Sextis day M. cccc.lvij for ther was a meruelus victorie yeuen to the cristyn men in hungri ayenst the gret turke ther he lost mony a man and fled shamfully for drede of enmys and no man folowid them bot alone the hande of god ferid the turke and his host on sent Calixtis day sent Iohan de Capestrano was ther seyn present· And he ꝓuokid thee pepull that wer a ferd to folow thos misbeleuyng turkis and ther was a grot vengeauns on them· for the Turkis saied that ther wos so gret a nombre of knyghtis that foloed them that vn nethis they durst loke bacward And therfore they flede and leften all ther tresour be hynd them and they wer holy angellis that caused them to fle Nota. Printerys of bokis wer this tyme mightely multeplied in maguncie thurgh out the world and thei began frist and ther held the craftis And this time mony men began for to be more sotell in craftis and suyfter then euer they wer a fore PIus the secund wos pope after Calixt vi yere This Piꝰ wos chosin in the yer of our lord M.iiij hondrith ̄ lviij he was called Eneas an eloquent man ̄ a gret oretor a laurittit poet ̄ a fore he wos the Emprour embassatour and in the coūsell of Basilien he wrot a nobull tretis for thee auctorite of thee same This man desirid to haue a passage to thee Turke And mony of all maner ꝯtres com to Rome he yaf them his blissīg and sent them hom ayen for thay wer not sufficent for the Turkis host ̄ anone after he decessid PAulus a venicion wos pope after Pius vij yere This Paule wos chosin in the yere of our lord Ihū crist a M iiij hondreth and lxiiij And anone he aloyed the fest of the presentaciau of our Lady as Pius did This man wos a tought man in rightwisenesse and he saied it wos better for to make few thynges and kepe them stedfastli thā for to make mony sone reuoke them And he made a gret palais at sent Markes and he decessed or that he had endid it In the yere of our lord Ihesu crist M.iiijC.lxxi ¶ Leodiū the land of luke wos appressid with mony tribulacions and after in the yere of our lord ihesu crist a thousand iiij hondreth and lxviij vtterly it wos destroyed bi caro lum the duke of Burgoyn the wich weddid Dame Margaret sustre to kyng Edward the myghti the fourth of englond ¶ Also the same duke Karolus entred in the land of Geldyr conquerid it holy ¶ The yere of grace also wos changed bi pope Paule for fauour of mannys soule from xxv yere vn to xxv And because that cursednesse haboundid so sore grace haboundid also sore SIxtus the iiij a Ianuens and a frere minore wos Pope after Paule and is yit at the makyng of this boke This man wos generall in the order of thee frere Minoris or he wos Cardinale And he wos chosin in the yere of our lord god a ·M iiij hondreth lxxi And wos called afore Fraunciscꝰ de sanona of good fame and vertues he wos chosin Cardinall without his knaulech till he wos made and the same yere that he wos chosen pope the turke had taken from cristen men ij Empiris and iiij kyngdoms .xx. ꝓuyncis ̄ tow hondreth cites· and had destroyed men and women with out nombre And that meued the pope that he shuld dispose hī to go to withstōd him and for an army to be made ayens the Turke the pope yaf gret indulgens of pardon of the tresour of the chirch vn to all the cristyn reames that he myght ordayn sum tresure to withstande that mysbyleuabull turke And in the lande of Englonde the worshipful fader doctor Ihon̄ thabbot of habīgdon was the popys legate to dispose thys godli tresure of the chirch to eueri faythfull man that was disposed and that wolde habull him to resayue it ¶ Here ende the Croniclis of englōde with the frute of timis Sanctus albanus
hym In this tyme he repared the law and the holy bokys the wich the caldes had brent And an happy wittynes to all the world he left in scriptur He fond new litters and lighter in faccion the wich thurgh the holy gost fulfilled he come ayene to ierusalē with a gret multitude with the kynges preualeges that he shuld teche the pepull that law that he had repayred And ther he died in a good age Neemias an hebru butler of kyng Artraxerses at his lord commandment went from babulon in to ierusalem wher he yaf xij yere the ledīg of pepull And the v. yere he be gon to repare the yates and the wallis of Ierusalem the wich werke he endit in .ij yere and iiij monethes and that with gret inpedimentes for the halfe of the pepul stoed armeid with out the Cite to withstond the pepull of odyr naciōns intendyng to destruy them And the other part labured in armes holdyng in the ton hond stonys for wallis and ī the notobull odyr hond a swoord or ne by it vide plrā lib o suo Permenides phelosophurs and namly in morall thynges war a bowte this Socrates a phelosophur the wich vndirstoed mych of the power of god ̄ he wos Plato maister Democritus Ipotras and odi● of whom the nobull werkis a boode Circa annū mūdi iiij M viij C ix Et an̄ cristi natī iij C lxxxx AZor is rehersed in the lyne of crist in mathe primo Bot nothyng off his dedes is wreten in the scriptur Elyasib or Elysaphat succedid Ioachym in the bysshoppryke vt dicit Eusebius et magister histor Camillus wos Dictator at Rome in whoe 's days myscheuys playes wer ordand that the pestelans shuld sees at Rome Off thes playes Sent austyn tretis delygently in repreuyng the falshed of the goddis The wich desired to be plesed with sych writch it playes So shamfully thes playes wer vsed with naked men ̄ womē that honest mē ne womē wold not be at thos playes ne yet behold them vide plura in Augꝰ de ciuitate dei Darius nothus regned at the perses .xix. yere Plato thee diuyn phelosopher And Aristotill his discipull wos this tyme nobull and famus clerkis Tytus quintius wos Dictator at rome and he wos a couetus man whom Austyn de ciuitate dei bringes in a yens couetus and prewd cristen men Gayus wos a sonetour vnder whome was a gret batell a yens the kyng of Tuscorum and viijM. men of them wor taken Marcus valerius was an other senetour thee wich with .lxM. Romans fought with the fraunshmen and had the victorie and mony of them kyllid Artharxerses kyng of ꝑses called a yene to his empyre Egipt and he put Nactanabo the kyng in to Echeopiam ̄ mony Iues ī to transmigracion also he send vagosū a prince ower flumiordan to aske a yene the tribute that was for yefen to Esdra that was the vij yere rent pp̄ sabbā tre Arsamꝰ succedit hym and regned an yere Darius the son of arsamy regned with the ꝑses xxiiij yere This darius wos a myghty man and a bold the wich asked of the Grekis a tribute And that wos the cause of the descruccion of the Monarch of ꝑsarum for it was translatit to the grekes after the prophesy off Daniell for it is sayid that Darius brought xvC.M. fightīg men whom all alexander slew Iodas the son of Elyzaphat was he bisshop ī ierusalē in tyme of Mardachn Iohēs his son succedid him Aristotiles the most sotell and famust Ppilosophur leuyd this tyme. Senocrate the most chast phelosophur was this tyme with dyuers other mo ¶ Bi cause the kīgꝭ of bretan next after leued ī peese most pte lytyl of them is wretē therfor they shall be set to geder tyll it be cōmī to Cassibulon kīg of Breton the wich wos brother to Lud ANd whan Crombatrus was deid regned Guentholen that wos his sō a man of good ꝯdicions ̄ welbeloued he gouerned the lond well and wiseli and he regned xxvi xere and after he died and lyeth at new Troy ¶ How kyng Seisell regned and well gouerned the land after guentholen ANd after this Guentholen regned his son Seissel well ̄ wortheli well gouerned the lōd as his fader had done befor him he regned xv yere and died and lieth at new Troy ¶ How Kymor regned after Seissell his fader and he begat Howan that regned after his fader in peese ANd after Seissell regned his son Kymor well ̄ nobli xix yere in peese and then afterhym regned howan hys son x. yere and then he died and lieth at Ikaldoune ¶ How kyng Morw t died thurgh myschaunce thurgh a best AFter this howon regned Marwith ̄ become so weked ̄ so sterne tyll at the last gret vengeance come to him for as he went vpon a tyme by the see side he mete a gret best that wos blake horibull hideus he wened that it had bene a whale of the see bent an arblast ̄ wold haue slayn that best with his quarell but he myght not smyte hym And when he had shot all his quarelles the best anone come to hym in a gret hast and hym deuored a lyfe and so he died for his wickednes thurgh vengeaunce of god after that he had regned ix yere ¶ Of Grādobodiā that wos morwith son that made Cāmbregge AFter that this Morwith wos deid the Bretens crosned Grādobodian his sō ̄ this grandobodian long tyme regned ī goodnes made tēpuls tounys this grādobodiā made the toune of Cambregge ̄ the toune of Grauntham ̄ wos wel beloued of rich poer for he honourd the rich helped the poer this Grandobodian had iiij sonnis Arthogaile Hesidur Higamꝰ Petitur when he had regned xi yere he died lieth at new troy ¶ Of Artogaill that wos grādobodians son how he wos made kyng ̄ sieth put doune for his wikkednes AFter Grandobodian regned his son Artogaill v. yere he become so wikked ̄ so sterne that the britons wold not suffre hym to be kyng but put him doun ̄ made Hesidur his brother kyng he bi come so good ̄ merciabull that men hym called kyng of pytte ¶ And whē he had regned v. yere he had so grete pitte of his brother Artogaill that wos kyng before ̄ anōe he forsoke his dignite ̄ toke his brother the croune ayene ̄ made hī kyng ayens all the britans will ¶ And afterward Artogaill become so good of cōdicion that he was welbeloued of all the land for he become so bonair fre and did right reson to all maner of men and he regned vi yere and died and lidth at grantham ¶ How Hesidur wos made kīg after the deth of his brether AFter the deth of Artogaill the britons crouned an other tyme Hesidur but his ij bred Higamꝰ Petitur had of him gret
spite scorne and ordined them help for to were vpon the kyng ther brother and so they toke hym an put in to prison the secūd yere of his regne ̄ they deꝑted all the land be twix them both but higamus leued but vij yere ̄ tho had petitur all the lond he made the toune of Pickering How the Britons come and toke Hesidur out of prison made hym kyng the thrid tyme. ANd when this petitur was deid bretās toke hesidur anoon ̄ made hym kyng the thrid tyme and tho regned he īpees xiiij yere and after he died and lieth at Karleill How xxxiij kīgꝭ rened ī pees eche after oder raft the deth of hesidur AFter the deth of hesidur regned xxxiij kīges ich after other ī pees ̄ with out ony long tariyng I shall tell thē all and how long eche of them regned as the stori telleth ¶ The fyrst kyng of tho xxxiij was called Gerbodia he regned xii yere and after him regned Morgan ij yere and after him rened Cighnus vi yere ̄ after him regned Idwalan viij yere ̄ after hym regned Rohugo xi yere ̄ after regned voghen xiij yere and after hym regned Catill xv yere and after hym regned Porex ij yere and after hym regned Cherin xvij yere and after hym regned Coyll xij yere and after hym regned Sulgenis xiiij yere and after hī regned Esdad xx yere and after hym regned Andragie xvij after hym regned vrian v. And aftei hym regned Elind ij yere And after hym regned Eldagan xv yere and after hym rened Claten xii yere and after hym regnid Ouirgunde viij yere and ofter hym regned Mortan vi yere and aftir hym regned Bledagh iij yere and after hym rened Caph i. yere And after hym regnee Gen ij yere and after hym regned Seysell ̄ kīg Bled xxii yere And kyng Tabreth xi yere and Archinall xiiij yere and Croll xxx yere and Rodingu xxxij yere and Hertir v yer Hanipir vi yere ̄ Carpour vij yere and Digneill iii. yere ̄ Samuell xxiiij yere ̄ Rede ij yere Ely vii monethes thys Ely had iii. sonnys Lud Cassibalā Enemyon ¶ How Lud wos made kyng aftir the doth of Ely his fader AFter the deth of Ely regned Lud his son gouerned wel the lond and moch honoured gud folke tēpred amēded wikked folke This lud loued more to duell at Troy then ī any other place of the lond wherfor the name of new troy was left and tho wos the cite called Ludstone But the name is changed thurgh variance of letters and now is called London And this kīg made in the cite afayr gate ̄ called it lud gate after his name the folke of the cite ar londeneres and when he had rened xi yere he died and lieth at London ̄ he had .ij. yong sonnys that oon wos called Andraghen and the other Tormace but they coude nether speke ne go for yongth and therfur the Bretans crouned a strong knyght thas was called Lud that was Cassibalamus brother ̄ made hym kyng of bretane now called Englond Circa annū mūdi iiij M viij C lxxxiiij Et an̄ xp̄i natī ij C xv SAdoch of the lyne of crist is nōbred ī math po. bot inscript ther is nomore mēcion of hī Iadꝰ the son of Iohn̄ was he bisshop ī ierusalē This tyme kīg alexander rened the wich wos wroth with the pepull of ierusalē come to the cite Thē Iadꝰ arraed ī his pōtificall ornamēts ran to meyt hī he sodāly wos plesed worshipped the bisshope and with pees Ioye entrid the cite ̄ he made to be brought to him the boke of Daniell ̄ the ꝓphesi to be exponyd to hym the wich was spokē of hī ̄ that doon he ioyed strōgly for all thyng the wich he had herd bi the drem ī dew ordir wos fulfilled it wos likly to hym that he shold be the same ꝑsō of whō daniell ꝓphesied ̄ of that he toke more hardynes to fight with Darius kyng of ꝑsarum and he did the sacrafis ̄ cōmanded the Iues to aske what they wold haue he granted that they shold kepe ther own lawis ̄ at the seuent yere shold be with out tribute vide mrm̄ ī histo The host of Alexander as Orosius sayth wos xxxij M of foote men and iiij M hors men and schippes C.lxxx And it is vn certayn whedre it is more meruell that he shold conquer al the world with so lytell a pouer or how that euer he durst go vpō them with so lityll a pouer And ther wos of alexander ̄ his host slayn thee kyng of ꝑsarum Et vt orosiꝰ dicit quīquies decies cētena milia Enias the son of Iadi wos bisshop after his fader Manilius Papiriꝰ ̄ Fabiꝰ wer cōsules at Rome This papiriꝰ whhen he wos a chyld he wos veray wisse ̄ he fenyd mony a fayr lesing that he myght keip his master cōsell the senetours when he cā to a man he wos so nobull a werur that when the Romās dred Alexander he was chosen to go a yenes hī ̄ of the goddis he chargit not bot he scorned ̄ rapreued the goddis sayng a fore that vn happy thingꝭ shold fall ̄ that to his gret louīg holy docturs saeth Incipit Monarchia grecorum et cessat monarchia persarum KYng Alixandre thys tyme be gone to be lord of all thee world and he wos called gret alexander for his gret victory the wich he had in so litell tyme. it wos an euident iugemēt of the wroth of god ayens synners of that tyme. certanly sum myraculs our lord did for hym in helpyng of his pouer for the se of Pāphilicon wos deuided to hym as in olde tyme the reid se to the iues when he pursecutit dariū Also at is prayer the hilles of Caspij war schit that certayn of the cursed iues myght neuer cum ●wt bot at the last in babulon with venum he was poysumt and dyed the xxxiij yere of his age And the v. yere of his monarch the xij yere of the kyngdom of macidon Nōnd that when Alexander was deid thos xij to whom he deuydet his kyngdom myght not a corde And then by gone infenite batellis and at the last iiij· obtened all the kyngdō vide plrā in orosio Anno mūdi iiij M ix C ix Et ante xp̄i natītatē CC.ix. AChym of the lyne of crist son to Sadoch is nombreid in Mathe prio. ̄ of hym his nomore had inscripture Symon wos bisshop this tyme an holy man and also rightwys he wos named of the pepull Eleazarus wos bisshop after symō This man send to Ptholameo kyng of Egipt lxxij lerned men of euery tribe sex to interpret the law of the iues the wich translatit from hebru in to greke thurgh a gret myracull that so moni men shold ī
euery bataill and come in to this land ¶ And whan vortiger herd tell that engist was come ayene with a grett pouer in to this lond· he assemled his bretons and tho went ayens engist for to haue yef hym bataill and his folke ¶ Butt Engist drad him sore of the Bretons For thei had driuen him beforne and discomfited hym with strength wherfor this engist prayd hym a loue day ̄ sayed he wos not cūyn in to this lād for to fight but for to haue his land ayen if he might accord with the bretons and of them to haue luffe and grace ¶ The kīg vortiger thurgh counsell of his bretons graunted a loue day thus it wos ordeyned thurgh the bretons that the saame day shuld be holdin fast be side Salisberi vpon an hyll ¶ And engitt shuld come thidre with iiij hundreth knyghtys with out mo And the kyng with as mony of the wisest men of his land ¶ And at that day the kyng come with his counsell as it wos ordined but Engist had warned his knyghtys preualy and them commanded that euery of them shuld put a long knyfe in his hosyn whan he saied fair sers now is tyme to speke of loue and pees euery mā a none shuld draw out his knyfe and sle a breton and so they killed a thousand lxi of knyghtes and with moch sorow mony of them ascaped ¶ And the kyng vortiger ther hym self tho wos taken and lad to Thongcastell and put in to prison and summe of Engistes men wold that the kyng had bene brent all quyke ¶ And vortiger tho for to haue his lyfe granted them as moche as the wold axe and yaf vp all the land tounes Castelles cites and brughes to Engist and to his folke ¶ And all the bretons fled thens in to wales ̄ ther they held them styll And Engist went thurgh the land and seysed all the lond with fraunchisos and ī euery place let cast a doune chirches ̄ houses of religione ̄ destruid cristīdom thurgh out all this land ̄ let change the name of the land that no man of his wer so hardy after that tym to call this lond britan but call it Engist land ̄ he deꝑted all the land to his men ther made vij kīges for to strenght the lād that the bretons shuld neuer cū after ther ī ¶ The fyrst kyngdom wos kent ther that Engist him self regned and wos lord ̄ master ouer all the other ¶ The other kyng had southsexe that now is chichestre The thrid kyng had westsexe ¶ The iiij king had Estsexe ¶ The v. kyng Estangill that now is called Northfolk Southfolk Merchemerich that is to say the Erldom of Nicholl ¶ The vi had Lecestre shiere Northhamtō shiere Hertford and Huntyngdon ¶ The vij had Oxunford Gloucestre Wynchestre Warwik and Derbyshire ¶ How vortiger went in to wales and bigan ther a castell that wold not stond with out morter tempred with blod WHen Engist had deꝑted all the land in this maner betwen his men and deliuered vortiger out of prison and suffred him frely to gone whidre that he wold and he toke his way and went in to wales ther that is bretons dulled for as moch as that land was strong an wekked to wyn And Engist neuer come ther ne neuer know it befor that land vortiger held him ther with his bretās axed concell what hī wos best to doo ¶ And they yaf hī concell to make a strōg castel that he might hī self ther ī kepe ̄ defend if nede wer ¶ Masōs ī hast tho wer fet ̄ bigan the werk vpō the hill of Breigh but certes thꝰ it be fel all the werk that the masōs made a day doun it fel the nyght ̄ thei wist not what it might be ther of the kyng wos soro anoyed of that chance and wist not what to doen ¶ Wherfor he let send after the wisest clerkis and also lerned mē that wer thurgh out wales that myght be found for they shuld hym tell what wos best to done ¶ For they shuld tell wharfor the foundment so failed vnder the werke and that they shuld hym tell what wos best for to done ¶ And the wisest men long tyme had studied they sayed to the kyng that he shuld done seke a chylde borne of a woman that neuer had with man to done and that chyld he shuld sle and temꝑ with his blod the mort of the werk so shuld the werke euer endure with out ende ¶ How the kyng let sech Merlin thurgh out all wales for to speke with hym WHen the kyng herd this he commanded his mesangeres anone to wend thurgh out all wales to seke that chyld yf he myght hym fynd and that they shuld hym bring forth with thē vn to hym and in recorde and in witnes of this thyng he had tak them his lettres that they ne wer destrobled of no man ne lette ¶ And tho the messangeres went thens and sped so fast thatt they come in to a toune that was called Karmardine and os they passed forth ther way they funden ij child of xxiiij yere age chydīg yf●re with hasty wordes and on of them sayed to that other Donebat quod he ye do all wrong to chide or strife wyth me ¶ For ye haue no wit ne no resō as I haue Certes Merlī ꝙ he of your wit ne your reson I make no force for mē tell ꝯminly that ye haue no thyng of god almygfty sith ye had neuer fadre but euery mau knaweth well who was your mother ¶ The messingers of the kynges vortiger when they herd this strife be tuix the tow gromes they axed of them that stood besides them whens that Marlyn wos borne and also who hym norisshed and the folke hem told that a gret gentyll woman hym bare in Karmardīe that wos called Adhan but neuer myght man wit who was his fadre ¶ When the kynges messangeris herd this tydyng they went anone to hym that wos wardayne of the toune and toold hym the kynges will and his letter shewed hym wherfor they wer comen theder ¶ Merlyn and his moder anone wer sent be fore the wardayne of the toune he cōmanded them that they shuld gone to the kīg as it wos ordand by his massengers ¶ Merlyn and his moder went thens ̄ come vn to the kyng ̄ ther they wer vnderfonge with moch honour and the kyng axed of that lady yf that child wer hir son and who hī begate ¶ The lady ansuered full tendirly wepyng and sayed she had neuer company of man worldly ¶ But sir quod she os I wos a yong mayden ī my faders chambre and other of gret linage wer in my cōpany that often tymes wont to play solace I beleft allone in my chambre wold not gone forth for byrnyng of the sone ¶ And on a tyme ther come a fair bachelar ̄ entrid in my