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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B07393 The doctrine of the Bible: or, Rules of Discipline. Briefelie gathered through the whole course of the Scripture, by waie of questions and answers.. 1608 (1608) STC 3024; ESTC S91084 142,227 493

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rich and fruitfull country ch Thirdly by assuring them of all assistance yea the very hornets and flies of the ayre should fight for them chap. 7.20 Qu. Of how many thing doth God counsaile them to beware vvhen they are once setled in Canaan An. Of three things Qu. Which be they An. Vnthankfulnes presumption lack of charity Qu. Hovv did hee shevv they might bee vn bankfull Answ By enioying the fruites of the land not praysing his name for them chap. 8 10. Qu. Hovv presumptuous An. By attributing the glory thereof to theyr own strength and not to the free mercy of God chap. 8.17 Qu. Hovv vncharitable An. In hauing aboundance and shutting vp their hands against the pouerty of their brother chap. 15.7.8 A sinne too common in these dayes Qu. VVhat other vices doth he forbid An. Forsaking of Gods seruice for the loue of any friend bee hee neuer so deare chap. 13.6 The impouerishing of Gods Ministers chap. 12.19 Confusion of Sexe as a man to weare womans apparrell or a woman mans chapter 22.5 Detayning any thing of anothers which wee find chap. 22.12.13 All manner of crueltie euen toward bruite beasts chap. 22. vers 6. All doublenesse of heart hanging betweene two Religions figured vnto vs by the garment of linsie wolsie chapter 21. 10. 11. All violating of virginitie chap. 22.25 All bearing of false witnesse chap. 19.16 All employing of euill gotten goods in the seruice of God as such as think they may be charitable with money gotten by theft vsury or whooredome chap. 23.18 The takeing of any thing to gage whereby our neighbour gets his liuing chapt 24.6 All partiality as not to punish one for the sinne of another chap. 24.16 All security and flattering of a mans selfe in his owne sinne chap. 29. verse 19.20.21 Qu. If they did or if we doe offend in any of the2e sinnes how will God execute his iudgement vpon vs An. Without respect of persons ch 10.17 Qu. VVhat may we pretend for an excuse if we be found guiltie of any of these sinnes An. Nothing Qu. Not ignorance An. No. Qu. VVhy Ans Because we are as the Israelites were daylie admonished of them by the Ministers of Gods word chapt 30.11 Quest Did Moses neuer enter into the land of Canaan Ans No only he had a sight of it and then died Quest VVhat was the reason An. His sinne of distrust in Gods power committed at the waters of Meribah Qu. VVhat may we learne generally by his whole life An. Six vertues for that one vice before remembred Qu. VVhich be they An. First boldnes in his calling that feared not to speake to Pharaoh Secondly meeknesse against wrong that was not moued at any despightfull words giuen by the Israelites Thirdly patience against trauaile that did not onely guide the Israelites in their iourneyes but at all times decided their causes Fourthly zeale in Gods glory for the aduancement of vertue and repressing of vice Fiftly loue to his brethren to spend his life for them rather then they should miscarrie sixtly faith in his end not enuying that hee might not enter into the Land of Promise considering by death hee was inuested with a greater patrimonie the king dome of heauen The end of Deuteronomy Ioshua Question WHho succeeded Moses An. Ioshua Qu. By whose appointment An. By Gods Qu. What was his charge An. Two-fold to keepe the lawe of God and to bring Israel out of the wildernesse into Canaan Qu. VVhat especiall vertues had he An. Three Qu. Which be they An. Faith wisedom Courage such as all good gouernors ought to haue Que. How did he shew his faith An. By beleeuing Gods promises Qu. How his vvisedome An. In gouerning discreetly Qu. How his courage An. In leading on the people without dread of their enemies Qu. How doth Godhere encourage the people Ans Three manner of waies Qu. Which be they An. First in renewing his former promise and telling them they should diuide the land for an inheritance ch 1.6 Secondly in giuing them a captain endued with the spirite of Moses and able to be their conductor cha 1. 5. and thirdly by assuring them hee would cast a faintnes of heart vpon their enemies chap. 2.11 Qu. How were the people confirmed that Ioshua had the spirit of Moses An. By two miracles that hee did Qu. Which is the first An. His diuiding the watets of Iordan and his and the whole hostes passing ouer dry-shod chap 3.19.17 Qu. Which is the second An. He caused the sunne and moone to stand still in the firmament chap 10.13 Qu. How Ans By Prayer Quest What do we learne by that An. Two things Qu. Which be they An. The effect of prayer and the obedience of all creatures for the glorifying of God Quest How was God glorifyed by that miracle An. Joshua by that meanes had a lōger time of day-light for the vanquishing of Gods enemies Qu. Were none of the Tribes placed on this side Iordan An. Yes Qu. How many An. Two and a halfe Qu. Which be they An. Reuben God and the halfe tribe of Manasseh Qu. Did they sit downe in peace and suffer their brethren to go to warre An. No they shewed more brotherly loue Qu. How was that An. They left their wiues children cattell in the possessions which were allotted them and themselues armed went formost and would take no rest till their brethren of the other Tribes were likewise planted aswell as they chap. 1.15 Qu. When they had passed Iordan how did Ioshua shew himself thankful to God for so great a miracle Ans By setting vp a memoriall of his power Qu. What was that An. Twelue stones for the twelue Tribes of Israel Qu. For what purpose did he so An. For two causes Qu. Which be they An. First that such a remembrance of Gods mightie power might serue for a further condemnation to his enimies and secondly that his seruantes might the more reuerence him chapt 43.20 Q. Which was the first citty they meant to conquer An. Iericho Qu. Did they rashly go and besiege it as prowdly presuming that how soeuer or whatsoeuer they did God wauld bee with them Ans No like discreet Souldiers they vsed three things Quest Which were they Ans Deliberation consultation and sanctification Qu. How deliberation An. They took time Q. Hovv consultation Ans Two manner of waies they sate in counsell amongst themselues and submitted their counsell to the directtion of God Qu. How sanctification An. Tvvo manner of waies by prayer and fasting Qu. When they had taken counsaile what did they An. Sent spies to know the fate of their enemies Qu. What danger vvere they in Ans Of death Quest By vvhome An. By the King Qu. Who saued their liues An. A vvoman harlot Qu. How An. By hiding them in the toppe of her house when the King made search for them chap. 2.6 Qu. What mooued her to doe so An. The fame which she heard of the workes of God Qu.