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A52302 The present interest of England, or, A confutation of the Whiggish conspiratours anti-monyan principle shewing from reason and experience the ways to make the government safe, the king great, the people happy, money plentifull, and trade flourish. Nalson, John, 1638?-1686. 1683 (1683) Wing N111; ESTC R16235 30,815 50

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be at first view especially among the Republicans who cannot indure to hear of parting with Money to the King may look like a pretty Court-project and Paradox but as I am no Courtier nor have the remotest dependency upon it so I doubt not but both by Reason and Experience so to support my Assertion as to make it evident that I am a true Countryman not according to the Factious distinction of a Countryman as opposite to a Courtier but such a Countryman as would by supporting the Honour Safety and Dignity of the Crown and Court also advance and improve the Interest of the Country For let the Commonwealthsmen say what they will the Court and the Country are not two separate Interests and it will never be found that a Poor Exchequer made a Rich Country And therefore first in point of Reason In fact this is most evident that the more Money the King hath the more Money circulates through the whole Nation and that except as before what London and the good Towns of England expend in Provision for the Mouth the greatest part of the Money that runs through the Kingdom is what arises from the Branches of the King's Revenue for the King's Money is really current Coin in all senses it does not rust in the Exchequer it does not lie there for Purchases Mortgages or other Bargains and Trade but does continually issue out again to defray die constant Charges and Expences of the Government and is distributed into a multitude of Hands who have their dependence upon the Crown and these again issue it out to supply their own Necessities to the trading part of the Kingdom for the Native Commodities of the Nation so that it runs in a continual circle Now the Revenue manifestly falling short of the Expences of the Government insomuch that his Majesty has not onely been forced to retrench his Houshold Expences which occasioned a great consumption of our Native Production and by consequence the circulation of so much Money into the Country but hath notwithstanding been involved in a very great Debt the supplying the Crown with such Aids as may enable the King to set up his Royal Tables and Discharge his Debts and not be forced to involve himself in new ones as it would be highly honourable for the King and Nation so it would be no more in effect but the Kingdoms giving their Money with one hand to receive it again with the other and the putting off so much more Money to circulation throughout the Nation And this again would likewise be abundantly recompensed both in our Foreign Traffick and Domestick Trade as I will indeavour to make appear in its due place But secondly the truth of this is most evident as from Reason so from Experience which in my opinion is an Argument of the greatest force and strength for many times Reason may be so brought to oppose Reason and the combat of Arguments may appear so equal as to leave the Judgment in suspence to which Party it should incline to yield the Laurel of Truth and Victory but though one cannot possibly see into every minute Circumstance and the little concatenations of Causes and Effects especially where the number of them renders it intricate so as to be able to penetrate into the abstruce and intangled reasons of things which like a ruffled skain of Silk may be difficult to be wound up to a bottom yet if constant Experience shews that thus it hath always been in such and such Cases then it is a very sound Argument that thus it will be again and that certainly there is a true reason why it should be so though possibly it be too intricate to be drawn into a Demonstration though for my own particular this point of the circulation of Money before discoursed of seems so forcible as to be undeniably the true foundation of the following Experience in matter of fact We will not travel out of our Kenn in this particular though we might run as high as Queen Elizabeth's golden Reign which we have been told was as plentifull in Money as it was in Glory the true reason whereof was that She was never denied any Money by her Subjects for the support of the Government though sometimes she rejected the Money Bills when the Golden Hook went a fishing for Royal Prerogative But to come nearer home it is in the Mouths of the Countryman and Citizen and hath been mainly improved and insisted upon by the Faction to beget in them a good opinion of their Commonwealth Cause and to put them out of conceit with Kingly Government That Money was never more plentifull in this Nation than during the times of the late Vsurpation The Fact is plain though the Reason is not so to the many but this will unriddle the Matter For it is evident that the Trade of the Nation was nothing so considerable then as now and the losses at Sea were extraordinary it being computed that the Nation lost during the War with Spain above 300 Sail of Ships besides their Goods But the true reason was this those Vsurpers raised what Taxes they pleased upon the Nation and constantly above double the King 's present Revenue yearly and many times treble and there being a necessity for the defence of their Vsurpations to keep up great Fleets at Sea and Forces at Land the payment of these and the charges they were at to keep themselves in and the King out of possession of these Kingdoms obliged them to issue out that Money which came in upon the Assessments Excise Customs Crown and church-Church-lands Sequestrations and other Funds for the defraying of their Charges by which means there was double and treble the quantity of the King's Revenue which constantly circulated through the whole Nation by reason whereof Money was made plentifull and all Commodities bearing a considerable rate Lands let at good prices and those heavy and illegal Taxes were the less felt And sure it is a very hard Case that the Nation receiving a benefit by it too they should be unwilling to assist their Lawfull King since they could so tamely submit to do it to those Vsurpers And to come a little nearer let it be inspected and it will be found true since his Majesty's happy Return that Money was never more plentifull nor Lands let better than when by reason of the free supplies which the Loyal Long-parliament gave him the circulation of the Crown-revenue ran briskly through the Nation And on the other hand that Money hath never been so scarce within the memory of Man as for these last six or seven years that the Conspiratours of the Faction getting into the House of Commons stopped the Money-springs according to the advice and project of the E. of Shaftsbury the English Achitophel whose devilish Counsel this was and though not in it self treasonable yet was by him and his Traiterous Adherents designed as one principal Way and Means to enable them to accomplish their
the King according to the accustomed goodness of his Nature with a gracious smile only made him this mild reply Mr. Alderman I know not how to make you confide in me but you shall do well to believe those that lie least Now to apply this passage I will beg the Readers Patience to enquire into these particulars and to examine who have spoke the greatest truth the Kings in their repeated promises to secure our Religion Properties and Laws or the Faction who have made such extraordinary promises to the Nation in all these particulars and have endeavoured by assuming to themselves all the glory of securing our Religion Laws and Liberties most invidiously to cast an Odium upon the Crown as intending to divert the People of them I do therefore in the first place peremptorily challenge the whole Faction to give one single Instance during the whole Reigns of King James King Charles the Martyr or his Illustrious Son our present Sovereign King Charles the Second wherein any mans Property to particulars or that of the English Nation in general hath been contrary to the known Laws of the Land invaded or to shew wherein the Monarchical Constitution hath governed Arbitrarily What life hath been taken away except in the just defensive War against the Rebels but according to the known Laws of the Land Who hath been outlawed or banished disseized of his Freehold imprisoned or any other ways damnified by the Kings or their Ministers but per legale Judicium Parium by the Common Law of England and by the Verdict of their Peers What mony hath been raised but by legal and Parliamentary ways What Force of armed Men hath been made use of to overawe the Nation how much necessity soever there hath appeared of more then ordinary Force both against Foreign dangers and intestine Rebels Certainly if there could have been found any Instances of this nature we should have had them soundly repeated in the Ears of the Nation and every man of the Faction would have been a Trumpeter to proclaim them for it is a maxim with them never to conceal any Action that may redound to the disparagement of the Government and rather to create falshoods where they fall short of truth And for want of particular Instances wherewith to charge the Government and fortifie their Calumnies the Faction have always been so well aware that in all their Clamorous and most virulent Pamphlets which have been stuffed out with so many bitter Invectives against the Government upon this Topique of Slavery and Arbitrary Power breaking in upon the Nation they have either charged the Government with Design and Intention only or else with Generals only cunningly foreseeing that if they had descended to give particular Instances they must have betrayed the weakness as well as falseness of their accusation and have exposed themselves and Cause to the View of the whole World as guilty of Forgery and Imposture and the two most remarkable Pamphlets of this kind intituled the first and second Part of the Growth of Popery and Arbitrary Government the one written by Marvel sometime one of Oliver Cromwell's Latin Secretaries and die other by that notorious Traitor Ferguson the Independent Tubster the most daring and malicious of any thing of that Nature yet have strictly observed this Rule and have therefore indeavoured to impose upon the Credulous or those that were willing to be deceived by charging the Government with Generals and wresting the most innocent Actions and Words of the King and his Ministers to make them depose some extorted Sence tending towards introducing of Arbitrary Government in these Nations but from the one End to the other more cautiously then honestly avoiding the giving any particular Instances wherein the King or his Ministers have actually exceeded the Limits of the Laws Which is a Demonstration as clear as the Meridian Sun that they durst not adventure at what they knew there was no possibility of proving and consequently that the Government is clear and innocent of what they accuse it But now on the other hand notwithstanding all the horrible Outcries against the Government and all the smooth Pretensions which the Commonwealth Faction have made of securing the Nation against Arbitrary Power and Slavery there is not any one Branch of Liberty and Property which they have not violated and wherein there may not be a thousand dismal Instances given of their Exercising the most illegal tyrannical and exquisitely Arbitrary Power over the Lives Liberties and Estates not only of some particular Persons their Enemies or Opposers but of the whole English Scottish and Irish Nations Volumes will not contain the Murders Rapines Oppressions Sequestrations Decimations Imprisonments and what ever can be thought of that was Cruel illegal Unjust or Arbitrary which were exercised promiscuously over their Friends and Enemies by those Persons to whom the Gracious Act of Oblivion was granted at his Majesty's happy Restauration And who were these Arbitrary Tyrants but those who complained of the danger of that Bugbear from the Monarchy who fought with the King to secure the English Liberties as they pretended and who so often promised the People to ease them of their Grievances and defend their Liberties and Properties but the Liberty ended in the most absolute Slavery Nay I do positively averr that the Slavery of the English Nation under this usurping Republican Faction was in some measure greater then that which is exercised by the Turkish Sultan for where he Conquers he leaves the Vanquished at intire Liberty to keep their Religion Whereas when these English Turks had gotten the Victory over the King and the Royal Party though they tolerated all Sects Heresies and Schismaticks yet so far as they could they made it Unlawful and Criminal for the Loyal Subjects to Exercise even that Protestant Religion which by Laws unrepealed and the most solemn Oaths from which they could not be by any Power whatever dispensed with they were bound to perform So that they had no Choice left but Perjury or Punishment For during all the time of the late Usurpation the whole Body of the Clergy many of those who were the forwardest even from the Pulpit to promote Rebellion such as Barges Marshal Nye Case c. were under the Obligation of their own voluntary Oaths of Supremacy and Canonical Obedience to their Ordinaries the Bishops and the King as supreme Head and Governour of the Church and to his Majesties Ecclesiastical Laws and the whole Body of the Laiety of the Nation were obliged by the Act of 1. Eliz. for Uniformity and all those other Statutes made during hers and the Reign of King James for maintaining Episcopal Protestancy both against Papists and Schismaticks which then and to this present Day stand unrepealed Insomuch that by obliging the whole Nation to take the Solemn League and Covenant and thereby to Swear and Vow the utter Extirpation of Episcopacy the Liturgy and all the Ceremonies of Divine worship which were established
Execrable Conspiracy so miraculously discovered by disabling the King and his Friends and depriving the Government of the Power to oppose them in case they had proceeded to actual Hostilities and Insurrections And now according to my promise I must answer the obvious Objection which the Gentlemen and People of better rank in the Nation will certainly make to this that hath been said they know their Rents are fallen their Lands every day thrown into their hands and that they are forced for want of Tenants to turn Farmers themselves and to stock and employ their own Estates All this is most certainly true and I know it experimentally my self Now will they say This would be very hard upon us to pay the same Rates and Taxes as formerly when our Estates are lessened a third part of their yearly value To this I answer First that admitting what before hath been said to be true and till it is disproved by stronger reason than that upon which it stands it ought to be so esteemed I know no way to raise and increase their Rents in probability like this for upon the circulation of more Money it must certainly be more plentifull and all those little Hoarders and Bankers will be obliged to let some part of theirs circulate who now keep it up and Money becoming more plentifull all Country Commodities will advance in their price the rising of Country Commodities will enable and encourage Tenants to hire Lands and will advance their Rents So that upon the matter the Money granted to the Crown is but the best way of putting out some part of a Man's Estate for die improvement of the rest and like sowing Sain-foin or Clover which from three or four Shillings per Acre will raise the Land to double or treble the value And if there were nothing else in it the Experiment is not so chargeable but that it is worth the Nations trying and I dare presume to say there is scarcely that Gentleman of Estate in England but would upon as slender Inducements venture as great a proportion as his part of any Royal Aid yet granted has amounted to for the improment of his Estate And at the worst should it not succeed yet the Nation has but done their duty to the King and themselves in supplying the Occasions of the Government by parting with some part of their Estates in order to the securing the Remainder from Foreign Force or Domestick Vsurpers so that at most it is but so much Money to insure the Kingdom from the devouring Flames of a Civil or Foreign War But if it should succeed as I cannot see how it can doe otherwise it must make the King the greatest Prince and the Nation the richest People in the World For besides the advantage and security we reap by inabling the Government to protect us in all our just and legal Rights at home against the Machinations of Factious Traytours and Commonwealthsmen this will give extraordinary encouragement and countenance to our Foreign Commerce which is of mighty influence to the Inland Trade by disburthening the Nation of the surplusage of its Native Commodities for how desirous soever any of our Covetous or Ambitious Neighbours may be to spoil our Markets or rob us of our Trade they will difficultly be persuaded to break with us or come to blows for it when they shall see the Crown of England in capacity by strong and powerfull Fleets to give Laws to the Ocean and to redress the wrongs and injuries done or offered to our Merchants though in the remotest corners of the Earth Nay it is more than possible that the Strength Riches and Reputation of England may thereby come to be so advanced as to render it the great Emporium and Exchange of the World But secondly I answer that for my own particular I am for easing the Land as much as is possible and think those Impositions the best which grow and arise upon such things as are least felt such as the duty upon Liquours where the burthen is born by so many and in such small proportions that it is scarcely felt by single persons And possibly it would not hurt the Nation by some Imposition to restrain the excessive luxuriance of buildings near the Cities of London and Westminster which certainly make the Nation weak and Riketty and depopulate the Country and by withdrawing so many hands from Husbandry and Manufactures in the several Counties of England make Tenants scarce and Rents fall But thirdly I am clearly for setting the Saddle upon the right Horse and since the Dissenters have occasioned more than common necessity for the supporting the Crown and securing the Government against their Attempts to oblige them to bear the greatest part of that Charge We have had many boasts from them of late years how considerable they are for number and wealth now since they have by their repeated indeavours made it visible that they would mis-imploy their Strength and Riches to the subversion of the present Government there is all the reason in the world and their own reason too when they had the power that they should bear the Charges which they have created and that the honest and Loyal Party should not be obliged to suffer in their Estates to secure the King and Government against their disturbances and wicked attempts But besides it is not onely reasonable and the practice of all Governments but marvellous just too They cannot complain of Adonibezeck's Law especially since the return will be but to pare their Nails in requital of their cutting off the Thumbs nay the Hands and Heads of the Royal Party They have had their day and took all it is but just the Royalists should have theirs too and take some The Riches they value themselves so much upon what are they but the spoils of the late Rebellion when they grew rich and great by oppressing sequestring taxing and plundring the King the Church and the Loyal Party For when they had the poor Royalists under their power they made them defray the greatest part of the Charges of the Nation out of their Estates and surely they can have no reason to complain if they receive some part of the measure which they then called the highest Justice and did so liberally dispense to others And truly it is but a Pig of their own Sow the Child of their own Politicks for if they can believe it so high a point of Reason of State to keep the King from Money that so he might not be able to traverse their Designs or hinder their Attempts the same and far greater Reason of State lies against them not to permit them to be Masters of so much Money as to be able therewith to hurt the King or disturb the Government And truly it will be a great kindness to them to disable them from doing mischief like the taking of a Sword out of a Madman's hand for fear he should kill himself or some other with it