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A17848 Remaines of a greater worke, concerning Britaine, the inhabitants thereof, their languages, names, surnames, empreses, wise speeches, poësies, and epitaphes; Remaines concerning Britain Camden, William, 1551-1623. 1605 (1605) STC 4521; ESTC S107408 169,674 306

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of Flaunders nephew to this King William the Conquerour sonne to Robert who vnhappy in his state loosing the hope of the Kingdome of England dying of a wound in his hand was not altogether vnhappy in his Poet which made him this Epitaph Vnicus ille ruit cuius non terga sagittam Cuius nosse pedes non potuere fugam Nil nisi fulmen erat quoties res ipsa mouebat Et si non fulmen fulminis instar erat King Henry the first for his learning surnamed Beauclerc had this flatterng Epitaph as Poets could flatter in all ages Rex Henricus obit decus olim nunc dolor orbis Numina flent numen deperijsse suum Mercurius minor eloquio vi mentis Apollo Iupiter imperio Marsque vigore gemunt Anglia quae curá quae sceptro Principis huius Ardua splenduerat tam tenebrosa ruit Haec cum rege suo Normania cum Duce marcet Nutrijt haec puerum perdidit illa virum Of him also another composed these in respect of his peaceable gouernment and the troubles which ensued vnder King Stephen both in England and Normandie Anglia Iugeat hinc Normannica gens fleat illinc Occidit Henricus modò lux nunc luctus vtrique Vpon William sonne of King Henry the first and heire apparent of this Realme drowned vpon the coast of Normandie I haue found this Epitaphe Abstulit hunc terrae matri maris vnda nouerca Proh dolor occubuit Sol Anglicus Anglia plora Quaeque priùs fueras gemino radiata nitore Extincto nato viuas contenta parente But well it was with England in that he was so preuented which threatned to make the English draw the Plough as Oxen. Hypodigma Mawd daughter to the foresaid King wife to Henry the Emperour mother to King Henry the 2. who intitled her selfe Empresse Augusta for that she was thrice solemnly crowned at Rome as R. de Diceto test fieth Anglorum Domina because she was heire apparent to the crowne of Englād was very happy in her Poet who in these 2. funerall verses contained her princely parentage match issue Magna ortis maiorque viro sed maxima partu Hic iacet Henrici filia sponsa parens Alberic Vere graundfather to the first Earle of Oxford and his sonne William were buried together Anno 1088. with this Epitaphe at Colne where he was founder afterward Monke as it is in the Annales of Abingdon En puer en senior pater alter filius alter Legem fortunam terram venêre sub vnam In which the maker seemed to imitate that of Conrad the Emperour at Spires in Germany Filius hîc pater hîc annus hî proauus iacet istic Thomas Beket Arch-bishop of Canterbury had these Epitaphes expressing the cause the time place of his death made by his especiall fauourer Pro Christi sponsa Christi sub tempore Christi In templo Christi verus amator obit Quinta dies natalis erat flos orbis ab orbe Carpitur et fructus incipit esse poli Quis morritur praesul cur pro grege qualiter ense Quando natali quis locus ara Dei For Theobald of Bloys Earle of Champaine nephew to King Henry the first Giraldus Cambrensis Bishop of S. Dauids in Walles made this Ille comes Comes ille pius Theobaldus eras quem Gaudet habere polus terra carere dolet Non hominem possum non audeo dicere numen Mors probat hunc hominem vita fuisse Deum Trans hominem citraque Deum plus hoc minus istud Nescio qui● neuter inter vtrumque fuit Vitalis Abbot of Westminster which died in the time of the Conquerour had this Epitaph Qui nomen traxit a vita morte vocante Abbas Vitalis transijt hicque iacet And for Lawrence Abbot of the same place which died 1176. was made this alluding to his name Pro meritis vitae dedit isti Laurea nomen Detur ei vitae laurea pro meritis These two happely may finde as much fauour with some if one word do not preiudice as that auncient one of Floridus so highly commended Quod vixi flos est seruat lapis hic mihi nomen Nolo Deos manes flos mihi pro titulo Geruays de Bloys base sonne to King Stephen and Abbot also of the same church was buried with the foresaid in the cloyster with this De Regum genere pater hic Geruasius ecce Monstrat defunctus mors rapit omne genus William de Albeney Erle of Arundel and Butler to the King was buried at Wimodham which he founded with this Hunc Pincerna locum fundauit hîc iacet alla Quae dedit huic domui tam sine fine tenet That mighty Monarch King Henry the second which by his owne right adioyned Anioy Maine and Tourain by his wife Aquatine Poyctov and by conquest Ireland to the Crowne of England and commanded from the Pyrene mountaines to the Orcades had this Epitaph according to his greatnesse Rex Henricus eram mihi plurima regna subegi Multiplicique modo Duxque Comesque fui Cui satis ad votum non essent omnia terrae Climata terra modo sufficit octo pedum Qui legis haec pensa discrimina mortis et in me Humanae speculum conditionis habe Sufficit hic tumulus cui non suffecerat orbis Res breuis ampla mihi cui fuit ampla breuis Rosamond the faire his paramour daughter to Walter Lord Clifford and mother to William Longspee the first Earle of Sarisbury aeternised by maister Daniels muse had this nothing answerable to her beauty Hac iacet in tumba rosa mundi non Rosamunda Non redolet sed olet quae redolere solet William Longspee Earle of Sarum base sonne to King Henry the second by this Lady had an Epitaph not vnlike to that of his mother Flos comitum Willielmus cognomine longus Ensis vaginam caepit habere breuem The glory of that magnanimous and lionlike prince king Richard the first renowned for his Conquest of Cyprus The king whereof he tooke and kept in setters of siluer and for his great exployts in the holy land stirred vp the wits of the best Poets in that age to honor him with these Epitaphs which follow when he was slaine in viewing the Castle of Chaluz in Limosin Hic Richarde iaces sed mors si cederet armis Victa timore tui cederet ipsa tuis Another also writt of him Istius in morte perimit formica leonem Proh dolor in tanto funere mundus obit An English poet imitating the epitaph made of Pompey his children whose bodies were buried in diuerse contries made these following of the glory of this one king deuided in three places by his funerall Viscera Carccolum corpus fons seruat Ebrandi Et cor Rothomagum magne Richarde tuum In tria diuiditur vnus qui plus fuit vno Non vno iaceat gloria tanta loco At Font Euerard where
Nursenames came these pardon me if it offend any for it is but my coniecture Bill for William Clem for Clement Nat for Nathaniel Mab for Abraham Kit for Christopher Mund for Edmund Hall for Harry At and Atty for Arthur Cut for Cuthberd Mill for Miles Baul and Bald for Baldwin Ran for Randal Crips for Crispin Turk for Turktetill Sam for Sampson or Samuell Pipe for Pipard Gib for Gilbert Dan for Daniel Greg for Gregory Bat for Barthobnewe Law for Lawrence 〈◊〉 for Timothy Rol for Rolland Ieff for Ieffrey Dun for Duncan or Dunstan Duke for Marmaduke Daye for David God For Godfrey or Godard for otherwise I cannot imagine how that most holy name vnfit for a man and not to be tolerated should be appropriate to any man and many such like which you may learne of Nurses By adding of S to these Nicknames or Nursenames in all probabilitie we have Robins Nicks Nicolls Tho●s Dickes Hickes Wills Sims Sams Iecks Iucks Collins Ienks Munds Hodges Hobs Dobi Saunders from Alexander Gibs from Gilbert Cuts from Cuthberd Bats from Barthol●●we Wats from Walter Philips from Philip Hai●es from Anulphus as some will for Ainulphesbury in Cambridgshire is contracted to Aiusbury and such like Many likewise have beene made by adioyning Ki●● and Ius to those nursenames making them in Ki●s as it were diminutives those in Ius as Patronymica For so Alfric Archbishop of Canterbury the most ancient Saxon Grammarian of our Nation noteth that names taken from Progenitours do end in Ins so Dickins that is little Dick Perkins from Peir or Peter little Petre so Tomkins Wilkins Hutchins Huggins Higgins Hitchins from Hughe Lambkins Hopkins Hobkins from Hob Dobbin● Robbins Atkins from Arthur Gibbins Simkins Hodgekins Hoskins Watkins Ienkins Iennings Tipkins from Tibald Daukins from Davy Rawlins from Ra●ul that is Rafe and Hankin for Rand●ll in Cheshire In this manner did the Romans very names as Constans Constantius Constantinus Iustus Iustulus Iustinus Iustinianus Aurelius Aureolus Aurelianus Augustus Augustinus Augustinianus Augustulus c Beside these there are also other diminitive names after the French Analogie in Et or Ot as Willet from Will Haket from Hake Bartlet from Bartholmew Millet from Miles Huet from Hughe Allet from Allan Collet from Cole Guyet from Guy Eliot from Elias and Beckvet that is Little Sharpe nose But many more by addition of Son to the Christian or Nickname of the father as Williamson Richardson Dickson Harryson Gibson for Gilbertson Simson Simondson Stevenson Dauson for Davison Morison Lawson id est Lawrenson Robinson Cutbertson Nicholson Tomson Willson Leweson Iobson Waterson Watson Peerson and Pierson Peterson Ha●son from Hankin Wilkinson Danison for Daniel Benison and Benson from Bennet Denison Patison from Patrick Ienkinson Matison from Mathew Colson from Cole or Nicholl Rogerson Herdson from Herdingson Hodgskinson Hugheson Hulson from Huldric Hodson from Hod or Odd● Nelson from Neale or Nigell Davidson Saunderson Iohnson Raulson from Raoul or Ralf So the ancient Romans vsed Publipor Marcip●r Lucipor for Publij puer Marci puer Lucij puer according to Varro As afterwards in the Capitolin Tables they were wont to note both father and grandfather for proofe of their gentry in abbreviations as A. Sempronius Aulifilius Lucij Nep●s that is 〈◊〉 Se●pronius sonne of Aulus grandchild or nephew of Lucius C. Martius L. F. C. N. c. Neither is it true which some say Omnia nomina in Son sunt boralis generis whenas it was vsuall in every part of the Realme Some also have had names from their mothers as Fitz-parnell Fitz-Isabell Fitz-Mary Fitz-Emme Mandle●s Susans Mawds Grace Emson c. As Vespasian the Emperour from Vespasia Polla his mother and Popaea Sabina the Empresse from her grandmother In the same sence it continueth yet in them which descended from the Normans Fitz-Hughe Fitz-william Fitz-Herbert Fitz-Geffrey Fitz-Simon Fitz-Alian Fitz-Owen Fitz-Randoll being names taken from their Progenitours as among the Irish Mac-william Mac-Cone Mac-Dermot Mac-Mahon Mac-Donell Mac-Arti .i. the sonne of Arthur So among the Welsh-Britans likewise Ap-Robert Ap-Evans Ab-Yihel Ap-Hary Ap-Hughe Ap-Rice Ap-Richard Ap-Howell Ap-Enion Ap-Owen Ap-Henry Ap-Rhud which be contracted into Probert Bevans Bythell Parry Pughe Price Prichard Powell Benion B●wen Peurbye Prud c. So in the borders of England and Scotland Gawis I●k for Iohn the sonne of Gawin Richies Edward for Edward the sonne of Richard Iony Riches Will for William the sonne of Iohn sonne of Richard The like I have heard to be in vse among the meaner sort in Cornwall Daintie was the devise of my Host at Grantham which would wisely make a difference of degrees in persons by the terminations of names in this word Son as betweene Robertson Robinson Robson Hobson Richardson Dickson and Dickinson Willson Williamson and Wilkinson Iackson Iohnson Ienkinson as though the one were more worshipful than the other by his degrees of comparison The names of aliance have also continued in some for surnames as where they of one family being of the same Christian name were for distinction called R. Le Frere Le Fitz Le Cosm that is Brother the Sonne c. all which passed in time into Surnames Many names also given in merriment for By-names or Nicke-names have continued to posteritie as Malduit for ill schollership or ill taught Mallieure commonly Mallyvery i. Malus Leporarins for ill hunting the hare Pater noster for devout praying The Frenchman which craftily and cleanely conveyed himselfe and his prisoner T Crioll a great Lord in Rent about the time of King Edward the second out of Fraunce and had therefore Swinfield given him by Crioll as I have read for his fine conveyance was then called Fineux and left that name to his posteritie So Baldwin le-Pettour who had his name and held his land in Suffolke Per saltum sufflum pettum sive bumbulum for dauncing pout-puffing and dooing that before the King of England in Christmasse holy dayes which the worde Pet signifieth in French Inquire if you vnderstand it not of Cloacinas chaplaines or such as are well read in A●ax Vpon such like occasions names were given among the Romans as Tremellius was called Scropha or Sow because when he had hid his neighbours Sow vnder a padde and commanded his wife to lie dovvne thereon he sware when the owner came in to seeke the Sow that hee had no Sow but the great Sow that lay there poynting to the padde and the Sow his vvife So one Cornelius was surnamed Asina for that when he was to put in assurance for payment of certaine summes in a purchase hee brought his Asse laden with money and made ready payment So Augustus named his dwarfe Sarmentum i. sprigge and Tiberius called one Tricongius for carowsing three gallons of wine So Servilius was called Ala for carrying his dagger vnder his arme-pit vvhen hee killed Spurius So Pertinax the Emperor being stubbernly resolute in his youth to be a wood monger as his father vvas
Geffrey the sonne of Robert Fitz-Maldred and Isabel his wife heire of the Norman house of the Nevilles tooke the name of Nevill and left it to his posteritie which was spread into very manie honourable families of England In like manner the sonne of Ioscelin of Lovan a yoonger sonne to the Duke of Brabant when he had married Agnes the onely daughter of William Lord Percy so named of Percy forrest in the county of Maen from whome they came and not of piercing the king of S●●ts through the 〈◊〉 as H●ct●r B●●tius fableth his sonne and posteritie vppon a composition with the same Lady tooke her name of Percy but retained theyr olde coate armour to shew from whome they descended So Adam de Montgomery marrying the daughter and heire of Carew of Molesford her sonne relinquishing his owne left to his posteritie his mothers name Carew from whom the Barons Carew the Carews of Haccomb of Berry of Authony Beddington c. have had their names and originall Likewise Ralph Gernon marrying the daughter of Cavendish or Candish left that name to his issue as Th Talbot a learned Genealogist hath prooved So Robert Meg the great favourite of king Iohn took the name of Braybrooke whereof his mother was one of the heires So sir Iohn de Haudlow marrying the daughter and heire of the Lorde Burnell his posteritie tooke the name of Burnell So sir Tibauld Russell tooke the name of De Gorges to him and his issue for that his mother was sister and one of the heirs of Ralfe de Gorges as it appeareth in the controversie betweene Warbleton and the saide Tibauld de Corges for the coate of Armes Lozengy Or and Azure 21. of Edward the third before Henry Earle of Lancaster and others at the siege of Saint Margaret Not many years since when Iames H●rsey had married the daughter of De-Le-vale of Northumberland his issue tooke the name of De-la-vale Heerevnto may they also bee referred who changed their names in remembrance of their Progenitours being more honourable as the sonnes of Geffrey Fitz-Petre tooke the name of Magnavilla or Mandevile when they came to be Earles of Essex because their grandmother Beatrix was of the house of Mandevile as appeareth by the Abby booke of Walden So Thomas de Molton tooke the name of Lucy and many other which I omit Others also have taken the name of them whose lands they had As when King Henry the first gave the lands of the attainted Robert Moubray Earle of Northumberland being 120. Knights fees in Normandy and 140. in England to Nigall or N●●le de 〈…〉 who in the battell at 〈◊〉 tooke Robert Duke of 〈◊〉 prisoner he commanded withall that his posteritie should take the Surname of Mo●bray which they accordingly did and retained the same as long as the issue male continued which determined in Iohn Mo●bray Duke of Norfolke in the time of King Edward the fourth whose heires were married into the families of Howard and Barkeley Remembrance of benefits made others to change their names as William Mortimer descended from those of Richards Castle tooke the name of La-Zouch and named his sonne Alan de la-Zouch for some favour received from the Lord Zouch of Ashby de la-Zouch as appeareth by Inquisition 11. 21. Ed. 3. In respect of adoption also very many in all ages have changed their names I neede not particulate it for all know it Some of their owne dislike of their names have altered them for as I have read in the booke of Fornesse William Fitz-Gilbert Baron of Kendall obtained licence of King Henry the second to change his name and call himselfe and his posteritie Lancaster from whom the Lancasters in Westm●rlaud c. are descended Heerevpon some thinke that without the Kings licence new names cannot be taken or old names given away to others Yet Tiraquell the great Civilian of France in Leg. quin. Conub Tit. 92. seemeth to incline that both name and Armes may be transferred by will and testament and produceth Augustus who by his Testament commanded Tiberius and Livia to beare his name How in former times Herevile Dunvile Clauwowe gave and granted away their Armes which are as silent names distinctions of families and the same was thought vnlawfull afterward when the Lord 〈◊〉 would have done the same shall be declared in more convenient place But the inconvenience of change of names hath beene discovered to be such in France that it hath beene pr●pounded in 〈◊〉 at 〈◊〉 that it should not be permitted but in these two respects eyther when one should bee made heire to any with especiall words to assume the name of the testatour or when any one should have a donation surmounting a thousand crownes vpon the same condition But to retyre to our purpose Not a few have assumed the names of their fathers Baronies as in former times the issue of Richard Fitz-Gilbert tooke the name of Clare which was their Barony and in late time since the Suttons came to the Barony of Dudley all their issue tooke the name of Dudleyes that I may omit others The dislike of others hath caused also a change of names for King Edward the first disliking the iteration of Fitz commanded the Lord Iohn Fitz-Robert a most ancient Baron whose Ancestours had continued their Surnames by their fathers Christian names to leave that manner and to be called Iohn Clavering which was the capitall seate of his Barony And in this time many that had followed that course of naming by Fitz tooke them one setled name and retained it as Fitz Walter and others Also at that time the names of Thomson Richardson Willson and other of that forme began to be setled which before had varied according to the name of the father Edward the fourth likewise as I have heard loving some whose name was Picard would often tell them that hee loved them well but not their names wherevpon some of them changed their names and I have heard that one of them which tooke the name of Ruddle being the place of his birth in that respect And in late yeares in the time of King Henry the eight an ancient worshipfull gentleman of Wales being called at the panniell of Iury by the name of Thomas Ap William Ap Thomas Ap Richard Ap Hoel Ap Evan Vaghan c. was advised by the Iudge to leave that old manner Wherevpon he after called himselfe Moston according to the name of his principall house and left that Surname to his posterity Offices have brought new names to divers families as when Edward Fitz-Th●●bald of Ireland the Earles of Ormond and others descended from them tooke the name of Butler So the distinct families of the Constables in the County of Yorke are saide to have taken that name from some of their Ancestours which bare the office of Constables of some Castles In Like manner the Stewards Marshalls Spencers That I may say nothing of such as for well acting on the stage have carried
Schollers who were bigge men Which when the Emperour sawe hee smiling saide In good faith Maister Iohn you are no indifferent divider Yes if it like your Highnesse verie indifferent saide he for heere poynting to himselfe and the two great fishes be two great ones and a little one and so yonder reaching his hand towardes the Schollers are two great ones and a little one Idem Wenefridus borne at Kirton in Devonshire after furnamed Boniface who converted Freesel and to Christianitie was wont to say In olde time there were golden Prelats and woodden Chalices but in his time woodden Prelates and golden Chalices Beatus Rhenanus libr. 2. rerum Germen●arum Ethelwold the Bishop of Winchester in the time of king Edgar in a great famine solde away all the sacred golde and silver vessells of all his church to releeve the hunger-starved poore people saying That there was no reason that the senselesse temples of God should abound in riches and living temples of the holy-ghost starve for hunger Whenas Kinnad King of Scot● a vassall to King Eadgar of England had saide at his Table That it stoode not with the honour of the Princes of this Isle to be subiect to that Dandiprat Eadgar who was indeede but of small stature yet full of courage He vnderstanding thereof withdrew Kinnad privately into a wood as though hee had to conferre with him of some important secret where he offered him the choice of two swords prepared for that purpose with these wordes Now we are alone you may try your manhood now may it appeare who should be subiect to the other retire not one foote backe It standeth not with the honour of Princes to brave it at the Table and not to dare it in the field But Kinad heere-at dismaied desired pardon by excuse and obtained it Malmesburiensis pag. 33. The same king Eadgar having brought into his subiection the aforesaid Kinnad king of Scottes Malcolm king of Cumberland Mac cuis the arch pirate lord of the Isles with Dufnall Griffith Howell Iacob Iudethil● Princes of Wales was rowed by them in triumphant manner in his barge vpon the river of Dee at Chester at which time it is reported he saide Then may my successours the Kings of England glorie when they shall doe the like Marianus Scotus Anno 973. When Hinguar of Denmarke came so sodainely vppon Edmund the king of the East-Angles that hee was forced to seeke his safetie by flight hee happened vnhappily on a troupe of Danes who fell to examining of him whether hee knew where the king of the East-Angles was whome Edmund thus answered Even now when I was in the palace he was there and when I went from thence he departed thence and whether he shall escape your handes or no onely God knoweth But so soone as they once heard him name God the godlesse infidells pittifully martired him Vita Sancti Edmundi When Brithwold a noble Saxon marching against the Danes encamped neare Maldon was invited by the Abbot of Elie to take his dinner with him he refusing answered Hee would not dine from his companies because hee could not fight without his companies Liber Eliensis King Canutus commonly called Knute walking on the sea sands neare to Southampton was extolled by some of his flattering followers and tolde that hee was a king of kings the mightiest that raigned farre and neare that both sea and land were at his commaund But this speach did put the godly King in mind of the infinite power of God by whome Kings have and enioy their power and therevpon hee made this demonstration to refell their flatterie He tooke off his cloake and wrapping it round together s●te downe vpon it neare to the sea that then beganne to slowe saying Sea I commaund thee that thou touch not my feete 〈◊〉 he had not so soone spoken the worde but the surg●ng wave dashed him He then rising vp and going backe saide Ye see now my Lorde what good cause you have to call me a King that am not able by my commaundement to stay one wave no morta●l man doubtlesse is woorthy of such an 〈◊〉 name no man hath such commaund but one King which ruleth all Let vs honour him let vs call him King of all kings and Lord of all nations Let vs not onely confesse bvt also pr●fesse him to be ruler of the heavens sea an● land Polydorus and others When Edric the extorte● was deprived by King C●ute of the government of Mercia hee impatient of the disgrace tolde him he had deserved better for that to pleasure him hee had first revolted from his Soveraigne king Edmund and also dispatched him Whereat C●ute all appalled answered And thou shalt die for thy desert when●● thou arte a traitour to God and me in killing thy king and my confederate brother His bloud be vpon thy head which hast layed handes vpon the Lordes annoynted Some reporte that he saide For his deserts he should be advaunced above all the Nobilitie of England which h● c●mmediately performed advauncing his head vpon the Tower of London Florilegus King Edward the Confessour one afternoone lying in his bedde with the curtaine drawne round about him a poore pilfering Courtier came into his chamber where finding the Kings Casket open which Hugoline his chamberlaine had forgotten to shut going foorth to pay money in haste hee tooke out so much money as hee could● well carry and went away But insatiable desire brought him againe and so the third time when the King who lay still all this while and would not seeme to see beganne to speake to him and bade him speedily be packing For he was well if hee coulde see for if Hugoline came and tooke him there he were not onely like to loose all that he had gotten but also stretch an halter The fellow was no sooner gone but Hugoline came in and finding the Casket open and much money taken away was greatly mooved But the King willed him not to he grieved For saide he he that hath it had more neede of it then wee have This at that time was adiudged Christian lenitie but I thinke in our age it will be accounted simplicitie in the woorst sense Vita Sancti Edwardi This Edward hasted out of Normandie whither his expelled father king Ethelred had fled with him with a great power to recover the kingdome of England from the Danes neere vnto whose forces hee was encamped ready to give them battell But when his Captaines promised him assured victorie and that they would not leave one Dane alive God forbid quoth Edward that the kingdome should be recovered for me one man by the death of so many thousand men It is better that I do leade a private and vnbloody life then be a King by such but chery And therewithall brake vp Campe and retyred into Normandy where he staied vntill God sent oportunitie to obtaine the kingdome without blood Paulus Aemilius Harold as hee waited on the cup of the said king Edward chanced
backe vnto his flocke Whereuppon the King sent vnto the Pope the armour that he was taken in and willed his Ambassadour to vse the words of Iacobs sonnes vnto their father when they had solde away their brother Ioseph Hanc invenimus vide vtrum tunica filij tui sit an 〈◊〉 This wee found see whether it be the coate of thy sonne or no. Nay quoth the Pope it is not the coate of my sonne nor of my brother but some impe of Mars and let him procure his deliverie of he will for I wil be no meane for him When the French king and king Richard the first beganne to parlee of peace his brother Iohn who had falsely and vnnaturally revolted vnto the French king fearing himselfe came in of his owne accord and suppliantly besought Richard brotherly to pardon his manifolde offences that he had vnbrotherly committed against him hee rehersed the straight league of brotherly piety he recounted the many merits of his brother he bewailed with teares that hitherto he had beene vnmindefull of them as an vnnaturall and vnthankefull person Finally that hee dooth live and shall live hee dooth acknowledge that hee hath received it at his handes The king being mollified with this humble submission saide God graunt that I may as easily forget your offences as you may remember wherein you have offended IN the wofull warres with the Barons when king Iohn was viewing of the Castle of Rochester held against him by the Earle of Arundel he was espied by a very good Arcubalister who tolde the Earle thereof and saide that hee would soone dispatch the cruell tyrant if he would but say the word God forbid vile varlet quoth the Earle that we should procure the death of the holy one of God What saide the souldier he would not spare you if hee had you at the like advantage No matter for that quoth the Earle Gods good wil be done and be wil dispose and not the King Math Paris When one about him shewed him where a noble man that had rebelliously borne armes against him lay verie honourably intoombed and advised the king to deface the monument he said No no but I would al the rest of mine enemies were as honourably buried Idem When diverse Greekes came hither and offered to proove that there were cettaine ●rrours in the Church of England at that time hee reiected them saying I will not suffer our faith established to be called in question with doubtful disputations Fragm antiquum aeditum à P. Pithaeo Yet when the saide king Iohn sawe a fatie Bucke haunched he saide to the standers by See how faire and fatte this Bu●ke is and yet hee never heard Masse all his life long But this may be forged to his disgrace by the envious Math. Paris IN a solemne conference betweene king Henry the third of England and Saint Lewes king of France the onely devout kings of that age when the French king saide He had rather heare Sermons than heare Masses Our king replied which some will smile at now but according to the learning of that time That he had rather see his loving friend meaning the reall presence in the Sacrament than to heare never so much good of him by others in sermons This I note because it was then thought facetious which I doubt not but some wil now condemne as superstitious G●●l Rishanger Pecham that Opticall Archbishop of Canterbury who writte Perspectiva Communis when Pope Gregorie the tenth who had created him Archbishop commaunded him to pay foure thousand markes within foure moneths vnder paine of excommunication hee that came vnto the See then deepely indebted saide Beholde you have created me and as a creature doth desire to be perfected by his creator so I doe in my oppressions flie vnto your Holmesse to be recreated Archiep. Cantuar. Sewall Archbishop of Yorke much agrieved with some practises of the Popes collectors in England tooke all patiently and saide I will not with Cha● discover the nakednes of my father but cover and conceale it with Sem. As Constantine the Great saide that hee would cover the faults of Bishops and Fathers of the Church with his Imperiall robe Mat. Paris Pope Innocentius the fourth when he offered the kingdome of Sicil and Naples to Richard Earle of Cornewall with many impossible conditions You might as well say de the Earles Agent at Rome say to my Lord and Maister I sell or give you the Moone climbe vp catch is and take it Anonymus qui incipit Rex Pictorum Alexander successor to Innocentius sent vnto the saide Earle Richard to borrow a great masse of money but the Earle answered I wil not lend to my superior uppon whome I cannot distraine for the debts This Richard is reported by the saide Author to have had so great treasure that hee was able to dispend for tenne yeeres an hundred markes a day which according to the Standard of that time was no small summe Idem In the raigne of king Henry a Bishop of London sto●●ly withstoode the Popes Nunci● that would have levied exactions of the Cleargie Whereupon the N●●ci● complained vnto the king who shortly menaced the Bishop and tolde him he would cause the Pope to plucke his peacockes toile but the Bishop boldely answered the King that the Pope and he being too strong for him might bereave him of his bishoprick by might but never by right and that although they tooke away his Mitre yet they would leave him his Helmet Lib. Cantuar. Wicked rather than wittie is that of a Deane high treasurer of England that had demeaned himselfe so well in his office that when he died he made this wicked will I bequeathe all my goodes and possessions vnto my liege Lords the King my body to the earth and my soule to the divell Idem VVHen Edward the first heard of the death of his onely sonne hee tooke it grievously as a father but patiently as a wise man But when hee vnderstoode shortely after of the departure of his father king Henry the third he was wholy deiected and comfortlesses whereat when Charles king of Sicile with whome he then soiourned in his returne from the holy land greatly marvelled He satisfied him with this God may send more sonnes but the death of a father is irrecoverable Wa●singham This is that king Edward the first who as in lineaments of body he surpassed all his people being like Saul higher than any of them so in prudence conioyned with valour and industry he excelled all our Princes giving ther by sure ankerholde to the governement of this realme waving vp and downe before most vncertainely Which hee effected not so much by establishing good lawes as by giving life vnto his lawes by due execution And as my Author saith Iudices potissimùm iudicans quos constituit indices aliorum Who addeth also this of him Nem● in consilijs illo argutior in eloqu●● torrenti●r in periculis socurior in prosperis ●●uti●r in adversis
amiddest the ennemies And God bee thanked I have sufficient revenews left by my A●ncestours to maintaine me in your service Whereupon the Prince praising his prudence and liberalitie confirmed his gift made to his Esquiers and assigned him moreover sixe hundred markes of like land in England ●rossard William Wickham after Bishoppe of Winchester came into the service and also into the great favour of King Edward the third by beeing overseer of his great woorke at Windesor wheras before he served as a poore parish priest Wherfore he caused to be written in one of his windows This worke made Wickham Which being tolde vnto the King hee was offended with Wickham as though hee had gone about to robbe him of the glorie of that magnificent worke But when Wickham tolde him that his meaning was that that worke had beene his making and advauncement the King rested content and satisfied Vita Wiccami When the saide William Wickham as it is commonlie saide sued vnto Edward the third for the Bishoppricke of Winchester the King tolde him that hee was vnmeete for it because he was vnlearned but hee saide In recompence thereof I will make many learned men The which hee performed indeed For he founded New Colledge in Oxford and another in Winchester which houses have affoorded verie many learned men both to the Church and to the Common-wealth When Henry of Lancaster surnamed the Good Earle of Darby had taken 1341. Bigerac in Gascoigne hee gave and graunted to every souldier the house which every one should first seaze vpon with all therein A certaine souldier of his br●ke into a Mint-maisters house where hee found so great a masse of money that hee amazed therewith as a prey greater than his desert or desire signified the same vnto the Earle who with a liberall minde aunswered It is not for my state to play boyes play to give and take Take thou the money if it were thrice as much Walsingham When newes was b●ought vnto king Richard the second that his vnkles of Yorke and Gloucester the Earles of Arundell Warwicke Darby and Nottingham with other of that faction who sought to reforme the misorders of the King or rather of his wicked Counsellors were assembled in a woodde neere vnto the Court after hee had asked other mens opinions what was to be done in so weightie and doubtfull a case At length hee mernly demaunded of one sir Hugh a Linne who had beene a good militarie man in his dayes but was then somewhat distraught of his wittes what he would advise him to doe Issue out quoth sir Hugh and let vs set vppon them and stay them every mothers sonne and by Gods eyes when thou hast so done thou hast killed all the faithfull friendes that thou hast in England Anonymus KIng Henry the fourth a wise Prince who full well knew the humour of the English in his admonition to his sonne at his death saide Of Englishmen so long as they have wealth and riches so long s●alt thou have obeysance but when they be poore then they be alwayes ready to make insurrections at every motion Hall King Henry the fourth during his sickenes caused his Crowne to be set on his pillow at his beds head and sodain●ly his pangue so sore troubled him that hee lay as though his vitall spirites had beene from him departed Such chamberlaines as had the care and charge of his bodie thinking him to be dead covered his face with a linnen cloth The Prince his sonne being thereof advertised entred into the chamber and tooke away the Crowne and departed The father being sodainely revived out of his traunce quickely perceived that his Crowne was taken away and vnderstanding that the Prince his sonne had it caused him to repaire to his presence requiring of him for what cause he had so mis-used himselfe The Prince with a good audacitie answered Sir to mine and all men iudgements you seemed dead in this world wherefore I as your next and apparant heire tooke that as mine owne not as yours Well faire sonne saide the King with a great sigh what right I had to it and how I enioyed it God knoweth Well quoth the Prince if you die King I will have the garland and trust to keepe it with the Sworde against all mine enemies as you have done Hall KIng Henry the fift when he prepared warres against Fraunce the Dolphin of Fraunce sent him a present of Paris Balles in derision but hee returned for answere That he would shortly resend him London Balles which should shake Paris Walles Anonymus Angticè When King Henry the fift had given that famous overthrowe vnto the French at Agincourt hee fell downe vppon his knees and commaunded his whole armie to doe the same saying that verse in the Psalme Non nobis Domine non nobis sed nomini tuo da gloriam Not vnto vs O Lord not vs but vnto thy name give the glorie HEnry the sixt did take all iniuries whereof he received plenty so patiently that he not only did not seek to revenge them but Gave God thankes that hee did send them to punish his sinnes in this life that hee might escape punishment in the life to come Vita Henrici Sexti As the Emperor Fredericke the third when he heard of the death of a great noble man of Austria who lived ninety three yeeres most wickedly in fleshly pleasures and yet never once afflicted with griefe or sickenes saide This pro●veth that which Divines teach that after death there is some place where wee receive rewarde or punishment when wee see often in this worlde neyther the iust rewarded nor the wicked punished The same King Henry having in Christmasse a shew of yoong women with their bare breasts layde out presented before him hee immediately departed with these wordes Fie fie for shame forsooth you be too blame Idem He receiving on a time a great blowe by a wicked man which compassed his death hee onely sayde Forsooth forsooth yee doe fowly to smite a King annoynted Not long before his death being demaunded why hee had so long held the Crowne of England vniustly hee replied My father was King of England quietly enioying the Crowne all his raigne and his father my grandfire was also king of England and I even a childe in cradle was proclaimed and crowned King without any interruption and so held it fortie yeeres wel-neere all the states doing homage vnto mee as to my Auncestors Therefore wi●● I say with King David My lot is fallen in a faire ground I have a goodly heritage my helpe is from the Lord which saveth the vpright in heart Idem Thomas Montacute ●arle of Sarisbury when hee besieged Orleans and had so enforced it that the Inhabitants were willing to articulate and to yeelde themselves to the Duke of Burgundie then being in his company he highly disdaining it saide in the English proverbe I wil not beate the bush and another shal have the birdes Which proverbiall speech so offended the
of himselfe and yeeldes his vnderstanding as the Apostle saith captive vnto faith Of this also did hee often admonish those that woulde study the sacred Scriptures That they should specially beware that they never went to the reading of them with this intent and minde that they might dispute of them to shew their learning and by that knowledge to get them honors and riches for both purposes were every contrary to this kind of studie Wherevnto ought to be adhibited first fervent prayers then a lowely mind and finally an heart voyde of all ambition and greedy desire Thus farre of this good Cardinall Wil●iam Marq●es of Winchester being asked how hee continued of the counsel on the troblesome times of divers Princes aunswered By being a Willow and not an Oake Hee woulde also often say that he found great ease in this That I never sought to rule the r●ste and to be the director of others but alwayes suffred my selfe to be swayed with the most and mightiest As another Courtier of former times saide he had borne off many court-stormes indangerous times By suffering iniuries and giving thankes for them A lusty gallant that had wasted much of his patrimony seeing master Dutton a gentleman in a gowne not of the newest out tolde him that hee had thought it had beene his great grandfathers gowne It is so saide maister Dutton and I have also my great grandfathers lands and so have not you A reverend man my first teacher would often say in the middest of his mirth Sorrowe is good for nothing save sinne onely NOw we draw to an end have a few savings of merie M. ●●elwood the great Epigrammatist When Qu Mary tolde this Heiwood that the Priests must forgoe their wives Hee merrily aunswered Your Grace must allow them Lemmans then for the Cleargie can not live without sawce He being asked of the saide Queene Mary what winde blew him to the Court answered her Two specially the one to see your Maiestie We thanke you for that said Queene Mary But I pray you what is the other That your Grace saide he might see me When one told him that Pace being a maister of Arte had disgraced himselfe with wearing a fooles come he answered It is lesse hurtfull to the common-weale when wisemen goe in fooles coates than when fooles goe in w●●e m●ns gownes When hee sawe one riding that bare a wanton behinde him hee saide In good faith sir I would say that your horse were overloaden if I did not perceive this the 〈◊〉 you carry were very light When a man of worship whose beere was better hopped than maulted asked him at his Table how hee liked of his beere and whether it were not well hopped Yes by the faith of my body saide hee it is very well hopped but if it ha● hoppea a li●tle further it had hopped into the water When one saide that the number of Lawyers woulde marre the occupation hee aunswered No for alwayes the more spaniels in the field the more game This vsuall speech of sir Th Moore both of himselfe other Book breeders which is also extant in an Epistle of his I have reserved to close vp this part Booke-makers are ful●●se folke who p●ine and ●●ne themselves away by writing to subiect themselves to the censure of such which in Ordinaries and in Ale-benches will 〈…〉 pull them by their wordes phrases and lines as it were by the beards when some of them are so pill● themselves as that they have not one haire of honestie or to vse his owne wordes Ne pilum boni hominis But these he resembleth to those vnmanerly guests which when they have bin well and kindely entertained flinch away never giving thankes but depraving and disprasing their curteous entertainement CERTAINE Poemes or Poesies Epigrammes Rythmes and Epitaphs of the English Nation in former Times POEMS OF the dignity of Poetry much hath beene said by the worthy Sir Philipp Sidney and by the Gentleman which proued that Poets were the first Politicians the first Philosophers the first Historiographers I will onely adde out of Philo that they were Gods owne creatures who in his Booke de Plantatione Noe reporteth that when he had made the whole worlds masse he created Poets to celebrate and set out the Creator himselfe and all the creatures you Poëts read the place and you will like it Howsoeuer it pleaseth the Italian to censure vs yet neither doth the Sunne so farre retire his charriot from our Climate neither are there lesse fauourable aspects betweene Mercurie Iupiter and the Moone in our inclination of heauen if Poëts are Fato as it pleased Socrates neither are our Poets destitute of Arte prescribed by reason and grounded vpon experience but they are as pregnant both in witty conceits and deuises and also in imitation as any of them Yea and according to the argument excell in granditie and grauity in smoothnesse and proprietie in quicknesse and briefnesse So that for skill varietie efficacie and sweetnesse the foure materiall points required in a Poët they can both teach and delight perfectly This would easily appeare if any lines were extant of that worthy British Lady Claudia Rufina so commended by Martial or of Gildas which Lilius Giraldus sawe in the libraries of Italie or of old Chedmon who by diuine inspiration about the yeare 680. became so diuine a Poët in our English tongue that with his sweete verses full of compunction he withdrew many from vice to vertue and a religious feare of God or of our Claudius Clemens one of the first founders of the Vniuersity of Paris and doth most clearely appeare to all that can iudge by many learned Poems published in this our learned age But whereas these later are in euery mans hand and the former are irrecouerable I will onely giue you a taste of some of midle age which was so ouercast with darke clouds or rather thicke fogges of ignorance that euery little sparke of liberall learning seemed wonderfull so that if sometime you happen of an vncouth word let the time entreate pardon for it when as all words haue their times and as he saith licuit semperque licebit Signatum praesente nota procudere nomen We will begin with Ioseph of Excester who followed our King Richard the first in his warres in the holy land celebrated his acts in a booke called Antiocheidos and turned Dares Phrigius so happily into verse that it hath been Printed not long since in Germany vnder the name of Cornelius Nepos The passing of the pleasant riuer Simois by Troy the encounter betweene the waues of the Sea and it at the disemboging or inlett therof he liuely setteth forth thus Proxima rura rigans alio peregrinus ab orbe Visurus Troiam Simois longoque meatu Emeruisse velit vt per tot regna tot vrbes Exeat aequoreas tandem Trotanus in vndas Dumque indefesso miratur Pergama visu Lapsurum suspendit iter fluuiumque moratur Tardior totam
his body was enterred with a gilt image were these sixe excellent verses written in golden letters contayning his greatest and most glorions atchieuementes as his victory against the Sicilians his conquering of Cyprus the sinkinge of the great Galiasse of the Saracens the taking of their Conuoie which in the East partes is called a Caruana and the defending of Ieppe in the holye land against them Scribitur hoc tumulo Rex auree laus tua tota Aurea materiae conueniente notâ Laus tua prima fuit Siculi Cyprus altera Dromo Tertia Caruena quarta suprema Iope Suppressi Siculi Ciprus pessundata Dromo Mersus Caruana capta retenta Iope But sharpe and satyrical was that one verse which by alluding noted his taking the Chalices from Churches for his ransome and place of his death which was called Chaluz Christe tui calicis praedo sit praeda Caluzis Sauaricus Bishop of Bath and Wells a stirring prelate which laboured most for the redeeming King Richard when he was captiue in Austria and is famous in the decretalls lib. 3. tit 9. 0 Nouit ille had this Epitaph for that he was alwayes gadding vp and downe the world and had little rest Hospes erat mundo per mundum semper eundo Sic suprema diès fit sibi prima quies And the like in late yeares was engrauen vpon the monument of Iacobus Triulcio a military man of the same metall as Lodonic Guicciardin reporteth HIC MOR TVVS REQVIESSCIT SEMEL QVI VIVVS REQVIEVIT NVNQVAM But ●imilis Captaine of the guard to Adrian the Emperor when he had passed a most toylesome life after he had retired himselfe from seruice and liued priuatly 7. yeares in the countrie acknowledged that he had liued only them 7. yeares as he caused to be inscribed vpon his monument thus Hic iacet Similis cuius aetas multorum annorum fuit ipse septem duntaxat annos vixit It may be doubted whether Wulgrine the Organist was so good a Musician as Hugh Archdeacon of Yorke was a Poet which made this Epitaph for him Te Wulgrine cadente cadunt vox organa cantus Et quicquid gratum gratia vocis habet Voce lira modulis Syrenes Orphea Phoebum Vnus tres poteras aequiperare tribus Si tamen illorum non fallet fama locorum Quod fueras nobis hoc eris Eliijs Cantor eris qui cantor eras hic charus et illî Orpheus alter eras Orpheus alter eris Vpon one Peter a religious man of this age I found this Petra capit Petri cineres animam Petra Christus Sic sibi diuisit vtraque petra Petrum Vpon the death of Morgan base sonne of king Henry the 2. was made this Epitaph alluding to his name in that alluding age Larga benigna decens iacet his stirps regia morum Organa Morgano fracta iacente silent In the time of king Henry the third they began to make Epitaphs as they call it now out of Propria quae maribus as some do in our age but among them this was short and good for William Erle of Pembroke and Marshall of England buried in the Temple church Sum quem Saeturnum sibi sensit Hibernia Solem Anglia Mercurium Normannia Gallia Martem And this was not bad for Richard de Clare Erle of Glocestor and Hertford which died Anno 1262. Hic pudor Hippoliti Paridis gena sensus Vlissis Aeneae pietas Hectoris ira iacet I doubt not but this time of Simon Montfort Earle of Leicester slaine at Euesham found fauour in that age as the Earle himselfe who was so followed by the people that he durst confront his soueraigne king Henry the 3. and as the Epitaph doth implie was the peerelesse man of that time for valour personage and wisdome Nunc dantur fato casuque cadunt iterato Simone sublato Mars Paris atque Cato Vpon a gentleman as some thinke named None buried at Wimondham who gaue nothing to the religīous there was made this Hîc situs est Nullus quia nullo nullior iste Et quia nullus erat de nullo nil tibi Christe Excellent is this which I found in the booke of Wimondham for Pope Lucius borne at Luca Bishop of Ostia Pope of Rome and dying at Verona Luca dedit lucem tibi Luci Pontificatum Ostia Papatum Roma Verona mori Imo Verona dedit tibi verè viuere Roma Exilium curas Ostia Luca mori If you will see an ould Deane named Ham● Sol resembled to the twelue sonnes of olde father Annus which had euery one as Cleobulus was wont to call them thirty daughters some faire some foule all dying and neuer dying read this epitaph Participat mensis dotes cuiuslibet Hamo Circumspectus erat vt Ianus crimina purgans Vt Februus veterana nouans vs Martius ipse Semina producens vt Ap●ilis flore coruscans Vt Maiu● facie plaudens vt Iunius intùs Feruens vt Iulius frugis maturi●● adultae Messor vt Augustus faecundans horrea more Septembris replens vino cellaria more Octobris p●stor pecundum sed spiritualis More Nouembris epulator dapsilis instar Omne Decembris habet hiemalis peste quiescens Another playing vpon the name Hamon made this for him Olim piscator hominum quasi pisces ab hamo Mortis captus hamo celebrat conuiuia vitae But witty was this whereas he died in a Leape yeare vpon the leape day accounted so vnhappy a day of the Romans that Valentinian the Emperour durst not peepe out in that day one made this Hamo Decane iaces toto fugit exul ab anno Interitum Solis ausa videre dies Verely he was a man of some good note in that time for I finde another of him alluding also to this leape day Nulla dies anni nisi bisextilis et anni Iudicio damnata sui nec subdita mensi Sed noctis lux instar erat lux nescia lucis Et lux existens inter luces quasi bubo Inter aues huius poterat concludere vitam Solis et humanum genus hac priuare lucerna Alexāder Nechā a great learned man of this age as appeareth by his books de diuinae sapientiae laudibus was buried in the cloister at Worcester with this but deserued a better Eclipsim patitur sapientia sol sepelitur Qui dum vinebat studij genus omne vigebat Soluitur in cineres Neccham cui si foret haeres In terris vnus minus esset flebile funus A mery mad maker as they call poets now was he which in the time of K. Henry the 3. made this for Iohn Calf O Deus omnipotens vituli miserere Iohannis Quem mors praeucaiens noluit esse bouem Robert de Courtn●y was buried at Ford as appeareth by the register of that place 12 ●2 vnder a stately Piramis who whether he was descen●ed from the Earles of Eodessa or from Petre the sōne of 〈◊〉 the Grosse K. of Frāce had but this bad inscriptiō which I insert more for the
of Bergeuenny and of many other great Lordships whose body resteth here vnder this tombe in a full faire vaulte of stone set in the bare roche The which visited with long sicknesse in the castle of Rohan therein deceased full Christianly the last day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord God 1439. he being at that time Lieutenant generall of France and of the Duchie of Normandie by sufficient authoritie of our Soueraigne Lord King Henry the sixt The which body by great deliberation and worshipfull conduct by sea and by land was brought to Warwicke the fourth of October the yeare abou●said and was laid with full solemne exequies in a faire Chest made of Stone in the West dore of this Chappell according to his last Will and Testament therein to rest till this Chappell by him deuised in his life were made the which Chappell founded on the Roche and all the members therof his executors did fully make apparail by the auctority of his said last Will Testament And therafter by the said auctoritie they did translate worshipfully the said body into the vaulte aforesaid Honoured be God therefore His sister the Countesse of Shrewsbury was buried in Saint Faithes vnder S. Paules at London with this Here before the image of Ihesu lyeth the Worshipfull and right noble Lady Margaret Countesse of Shrouseburie late wife of the true victorious Knight redoubted Warriour Iohn Talbot Earle of Shrousebury which worshipfully died in Gien for the right of this lond the first daughter and one of the heires of the right famous and renowned Knight Richard Beauchampe late Erle of Warwicke which died in Roane and of dame Elizabeth his wife the which Elizabeth was daughter and heire to Thomas late Lord Berkely on his syd and of 〈◊〉 moders side Lady Lisle and Ties which Countesse passed from this world the xiiii day of Iune the yeare of our Lord 1468. On whose soule the Lord haue mercy For that valerous Earle her husband the terror of France I found no Epitaph but insteed thereof I will giue you ●o vnderstand that not long since his sworde was found in the riuer of Dordon and solde by a pesant to an Armorour of Burdeaux with this inscription but pardon the Latin for it was not his but his Camping priests SVM TALBOTI M. IIII.C.XLIII PRO VINCERE INIMICO MEO This inscription following is in the Cathedrall Church at Roan in Normandie for Iohn Duke of Bedford and Gouernour of Normandie Sonne to King Henry the fourth buried in a faire plaine monument which when a French Gentleman aduised Charles the eight French King to deface as being a monument of the English victories he said Let him rest in peace now he is dead whom we feared while he liued Cy gist feu de noble memoire haut puissant prince Iean en son viuant regent du Royaume de France Duc de Bethfort pour lequel est fondè vne Messe estre par chacun iour perpetuellement celebr●e en cest autel par le college des Clementins incontine●● apres prime trespassa le 13. Septembre 1435. Au quel 13. iour semblablement est fondè po●r luy vn obït en ceste eglise Dieu face pardon à soname Vpon an auncient Knight Sir Iernegan buried Crosse-legd in Somerly in Suffolke some hundred yeares since is written Iesus Christ both God and man Saue thy seruant Iernegan Happy prudent K. Henry the 7. who stopped the streames of ciuill bloud which so long ouer-flowed England left a most peaceable state to his posteritie hath his magnificall monument at Westminster inscribed thus Septimus hic situs est Henricus gloria regum Cunctorum illius qui tempestate fuerunt Ingenio atque opibus gestarum nomine rerum Accessere quibus naturae dona benignae Frontis honos facies augusta heroica forma Iunctaque ei suauis coniunx perpulchra pudica Et faecunda fuit foelices prole parentes Henricum quibus octauum terra Anglia debes Hic iacet Henricus huius nominis VII Angliae quondam rex Edmundi Richmundiae Comitis filius qui die 22. Aug. Rex creatus statim post apud Westmonasterium 30. Octob. coronatur anno Domini 1485. moritur deinde xxi April anno aetatis Liii Regnauit annos xxii mens viii minùs vno die This following I will note out of Hackney Church that you may see that the Clergie were not alwaies anticipating and griping many liuings by this worthy man which relinquished great dignities and refused greater Christopherus Vrswicus Regis Henrici Septimi Elemozinaerius vir sua aetate clarus summatibus atque infimatibus iuxtà charus Ad exteros reges vndecies pro patria legatus Decanatū Eboracensem Archidiaconatum Richmundiae Decanatū Windsoriae habitos viuens reliquit Episcopatū Norwicensem oblatum recusauit Magnos honores totâ vita spreu●t frugali vita contentus hic viuere hic mori voluit Plenus annorū obi●● ab omnibus desideratus Funeris pompam etiam testamento vetuit Hic sepultus carnis resurrectionem in aduentum Christi expectat Obijt anno Christi incarnati 1521. Die 23. Martij Anno aetatis suae 74. This testamentarie Epitaph I haue read in an ould Manuscript Terram terra tegit Daemon peccata resumat Res habeat Mundus spiritus alta petat The name of the defunct is as it were enigmatically expressed in this ould epitaph Bis fuit hic natus puer bis bis iuuenisque Bis vir bisque senex bis doctor bisque sacerdos In the Cathedrall church of S. Pauls in London a stone is inscribed thus without name Non hominem aspiciam vltra OBLIVIO This man yet would not willingly haue bene forgotten when he adioyned his Armes to continue his memorye not vnlike to Philosophers which prefixde their names before their Treatises of contemning glorie Another likewise suppressing his name for his Epitaph did set downe this goodly admonition Looke man before thee how thy death hasteth Looke man behind thee how thy life wasteth Looke on thy right side how death thee desireth Looke on thy left side how sinne thee beguileth Looke man aboue thee ioyes that euer shall last Looke man beneth thee the paines without rest The Abott of S. Albanes which lieth buried there in the high Quire suppressed his name as modestly as any other in this Hic quidam terra tegitur Peccato soluens debitum Cuius nomen non impositum In libro vitae sit inscriptum In the Cloister on the north side of S. Pauls now ruinated one had this inscription vpon his Graue without name VIXI PECCAVI PAENITVI NATVRAE CESSI Which is as Christian as that was prophane of the Romane AMICI DVM VIVIMVS V●VAMVS Queene Iane who died in Child birth of King Edward the sixt and vsed for her deuice a Phaenix has this therevnto alluding for her Epitaph Phenix Iana iacet nato Phaenice doendum Secula Phaenices nulla tulisse duos The noble