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A15970 The vvhole Psalter translated into English metre, which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes. The first quinquagene; Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. Parker. Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575.; Tallis, Thomas, 1505 (ca.)-1585. 1567 (1567) STC 2729; ESTC S102297 215,780 544

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they are So wrougt to man of Adams lyne they passe mans wyt to 〈◊〉 6 He turnd the sea to land whose worke alone it is that through the sea dry shod they went our father 's ioyd of 〈◊〉 7 He rulth the world by myght hys eyes the Paynyms 〈◊〉 And who rebels as voyd of fayth no grace shall them ensue 8 O blisse our God wyth thanks ye people more and lesse And sée ye cause all speche voyce that they his laudes express● 9 For he hath set our soule in lyfe most safe and sound He suffreth not our féete to slyde to slyp vpon the ground 10 For thou O God most hye hast proued vs narowly Thou hast vs tryed as siluer is by furnace fined therby 11 Thou broughts vs nye to traps of foes besiegd strayt Our loynes backs bare painful lodes of griefs in heuy way 12 Thou hast set man on vs on thus our heds to ryde We past by fire and water to yet roume thou gauest vs wyde 13 Thy house I wyll go in wyth offringes brent therfore My vowes to pay I wyll not misse to the behight before 14 Which vowes dyd cause my lyps themselfe to open wyde All which my mouth dyd promise iust when trouble me did stryde 15 Brent offryngs wyll I geue to thée of lambes most fat Wyth smoke of rambes wyth ore and goat I wyll ful glad do that 16 All ye that God do feare O come and harken now I wyll you tell how louingly my soule he dyd auow 17 I dyd but cry wyth mouth my hart fel● strayght his ease My tonge therfore dyd him extoll wyth prayse it did not cease 18 If I yet thus in hart ought wyckedly had ment The Lord my sute would not haue heard in suttle false entent 19 Where now the Lord heard me ▪ by proofe it is discust My voyce and vowe in prayer made he dyd consider iust 20 O bless be God which did no tyme my sute relect No tyme his grace forsooke my nede he neuer me neglect ¶ The Collecte POure into our hartes O Lord ▪ desire to glorifie thy excellent name and maiestie that while wee endeuour our selues to decline the vayne amitie of this worlde we may be refreshed by thy grace to beare quietly all thy probations trials which thou sendst to purge vs wyth still to sing in hart thy perpetuall laudes Through Christ. c. The Argument Psalme LXVII Thys song in all propheticall Doth cleare expresse Christes raigne in flesh Whose beames so bright dyd shyne in sight That all to come must prayse his dome Must prayse his dome 1 GOd graunt wyth grace he vs embrace In gentle part blisse he our hart With louyng face shyne he in place His mercies all on vs to fall On vs to fall 2 That we thy way may know all day Whyle we do sayle thys world so frayle Thy healthes reward is nye declarde As playne at eye all Gentils spye all Gentils spy 3 Let thée alwayes the people prayse O God of blisse as due it is The people whose mought thée extoll From whome all thyng they sée to spryng they sée to spryng 4 All folke reioyce lyft vp your voyce For thou in sight shalt iudge them ryght Thou shalt direct the Gentiles sect In earth that bée to turne to thée to turne to thée 5 Let thée alwayes the people prayse O God of blis as due it is The people whole mought thée extoll From whom all thyng they sée to spryng they sée to spryng 6 The earth shall bud hys fruites so good Then thankes most due from it shall sue And God euen he our God most frée Shall blesse vs aye from day to day from day to day 7 So God our guide shall blesse vs wyde Wyth all increase no tyme to cease All folke therby on earth which ligh Hys name shall feare and loue hym beare and loue hym beare ¶ The Collecte SHine thine amiable countinance vpon vs O Lorde graunt vs thy heauenly benediction that while we acknowledge thy worthines in reuerent feare we may be made worthy to receyue the fruite of righteousnes in presence of thy maiestie through Christ c ¶ The Argument Psalme LXVIII The Hebrues sang this Psalme in warre against their foes to fight So Christen man at Christ his foes may pray the same in sprite 1 LEt God aryse in maiestie and scattred be hys foes Yea flée they all hys sight in face to him which hateful goes 2 As smoke is driuen comth to nought repulse theyr tyranny At face of fyre as wax doth melt Gods face the bad mought flée 3 But let the iust be glad in thys and ioy in God hys sight For Gods great power stable truth in myrth let them delite 4 O sing to God sound out hys name sée hym ye magnify He rydeth on heauens hys name is God in him reioyce ye hi● 5 He father is to fatherles of widowes iudge he is Euen God hymselfe which euer dwelth in holy place of hys 6 Thys God he makth the desolate in housholdes great to grow He loseth the thrall quyte out of bandes and bringth the wycked low 7 O God when thou wentst forth as guide before the people out When thou dydst walke in wyldernes which thyng thou dydst no doubt 8 The erth then shooke at face of god the heuens did drop swel Mount Synay Gods face dyd feare Gods face of Israell 9 Thou pourdst O God thy fruitful shoures on thine enheritāce When faynt they were wyth ease agayne theyr strength thou didst aduaunce 10 Thy church and flocke to dwel therin thou shalt it thus refresh So thou prepardst for all thy poore O God in gentlenes 11 Such good effect god gaue hys word to them that shewd his might They dyd ●ut preach his armies strong how they exceld in sight 12 How kyngs wyth hostes most fiercely set yet fled discomfited And householdes whole that kept at home the spoyle they dyd deuyde 13 Though ye haue lyne among the pots as black as coale in sight ye shal be whyte as doue with winges milke white and fethers bright 14 Whē God great kings threw out of land though earst hys flock was blacke then gan they loke as white as snow as lyeth on salmons backe 15 Gods hyll is fat as Basan hyl a mount that stately standth Wyth cliffes on hye lyke Basan monnt it riseth it is so grand 16 Why leape ye so to spyte thys mount ye toppy hillockes gay This is gods mount where God hath dwelt he there shal dwel for aye 17 Gods charets be ten thousands twyse of angels millions Wyth them is God wyth hys good grace as God loued Syna ones 18 Thou stiedst on hie thou thraldom caughtst receiuing gifts in men Yea faythles eke thou tookst to grace that God myght dwell in them 19 O blest be God who day by day doth heape hys gyftes on vs Thys God is God
haue put their whole confidence and feede theyr ioyfull soules in hope of thy grace graunt vs to be illumined in sprite euermore to loue thee and to celebrate thy name in pure conscience through Christ. ¶ The Argument Psalme CXLVII Thys psalme exciteth the Iewes to prayse the Lord most chief So good to them who priuatly did worke them all reliefe \ \ 1 PRayse ye the Lord alway for good it is to sing To this our God for sweete he is whom laudes we ought to brin 2 God buildeth Hierusalem he doth her sure protect The poore exiles of Israell he shall agayne collect 3 He heald the brusde in hart who wayle in sprite contrite Theyr plages and sores he bindeth them vp he cureth thē al ful light 4 No dout God them beholdeth who starres by number tels By proper name he calth them all he knowth theyr rests and cels 5 The Lord of ours is greate and great he is in power His knowledge is all infynite his name as strong as tower 6 The Lord vpholdeth thafflict So gentle is his will He throweth to ground all wicked men So mightye is his skill 7 O sing to God our Lord prayse ye his raygne abroade Confesse his power hys will his skyll In harpe sing ye to God 8 Who clothe the heauen with cloudes and raygne to earth prepares He bringes forth gras on hills to growe to serue mans dayly cares 9 Who geueth to beast theyr foode to all both great and small The rauene her birds he féedth in care whan they forsaken call 10 In barbed horse of strength his pleasure standth not in In legs of men in force of armes it pleaseth not him to wynne 11 They please who feare the Lord by such he fyght with strength who trust all whole his gentlenesse these only please at length Lauda Hierusalem O Thou Ierusalem prayse hye the Lord of thyne Thou Sion mount auaunce thy God in hart therto encline 13 For he makth fast the barres of all thy gates full prest He blissth euen so thy childer al in midst of thée to rest 14 And he doth stablish peace In all thy borders sure He féedth the full deliciously with wheate the flower most pure 15 Who sendth his word on earth and swiftly doth it renne Both rayne and wynd his biddings heare to serue the nede of me● 16 And snow he geueth like woll the earth so warme to be The hory frosts the mislyng dewes as ashes scattreth he 17 He cas●th abroade his yse like morsels so congelde and his great cold who can abyde that he so hard hath seald 18 He sendth his worde will he melt them all agayne He blowth the winde then they anone to waters flow most playne 19 Yea he reuealeth his word to Iacobs seede and stocke His statutes true his iust decrees to Israel his flocke 20 He delt no time as thus with other landes I say He shewed not them his domes so playne O prayse the Lord alwaye ¶ The Collecte STrength fortify the gate of thy church O Lorde and make her to be enlarged in peace and vnity reueale thy word to her vnderstanding that she may be wholy directed by that to please the in truth through Christ. ¶ The Argument Psalme CXLVIII To prayse here all be byd what heauen or earth contayne The Lord so hye and sapyent nothyng he made in vayne 1 PRayse ye the Lord from heauens ye heauenly mynds I call Prayse him on hye as hye he is ye powers celestiall 2 Prayse hym ye Angels all his legats ye that be ye hosts so cald his armies great prayse hym in maiesty Prayse him ye sunne and mooke in course so maruelous Ye starres so bright ye Planets all prayse hym most glorious Ye heauens by heauens-distinct prayse him with all your shyne ye water streames aboue the ayre so stayde by power deuyne They all might prayse and laud the Lordes good name of myght For he the worde but spake at once they straight were made in plight He constituted hath that they should euer dure He set a law which shall not cease by ordinance most sure Ye earthly thinges on earth prayse ye the Lord with them Ye dragons grim ye depes and gulfes shew ye his power supreme Fire lightning thunder hayle both snow and vapours drye ye hurling wyndes tempestuous which worke his word full nye Great mountains hils and clifs low hillockes all and some ye fruitefull trées ye Ceders all prayse ye the Lordes renome Ye beastes and cattell all both sauage wylde and tame ye serpents flye ye fetherd soules prayse ye his godly name So kinges of earth most due with all their people met So princes hie and iudges all on earth as Gods be set So yonger men and maydes in age syncere and pure As older men with childer yong with all their busy cure The Lordes name let them prayse for it alone is hye His glory passth both heauen earth as thyngs here made do cry He hath his flock aduanced so him his saintes shall prayse Euen Iacobs séede who drawth him nie praise ye the lord always The Collecte O Lord the woorthye prayse and ioy of all thy creatures graunt vs thy grace that we worthely magnify thy name through Christ. The Argument Psalme CXLIX Thys Psalme the Iewes doth moue Theyr God to laude wyth loue It sheweth that grace on them shall lyght So glad their foes to quyte 1 O Syng vnto the Lord A song of new accord And let his prayse declared bée In good mens company 2 Let Israell be glad in God hys maker drad Let Syons youth and childer ioy In their most princely roy 3 Let them prayse out in quiere Hys name to them so dere In Tabret loud in harpe so soft Sing they to hym ful oft 4 For why the Lord reioyce And loueth hys flocke in choyce The meke forlorne he will adourne wyth health to serue theyr turne 5 So godly men made frée in ioy and prayse shal bée They shall reioyce vpon their beds That God did rayse their heds 6 Their throtes shall prayses sound to God by duety bound Two edged swordes in both theyr handes to smite all forren landes 7 To be auenged right of all the Paynyms spite To be a rod to chastise smart straunge peoples froward hart 8 To bynde their kinges wyth chaynes to quite their wrongfull meanes Theyr nobles eke to kepe in warde wyth iron fetters hard 9 To bryng on them in spéede theyr iudgement iust decréed Which shall his saintes to honour rayse prayse ye the Lord alwayes Alleluya ¶ The Collecte O God which art a God of all goodnes vertue whiche doost vse to exalte them whiche humble themselues and to deiecte those who aduaunce themselues graunte vs on earthe to ioye in all puritie of lyfe as thy saintes in heauen ioy in thy glorious presēce to the prayse of thy name through Christ. ¶ The Argument Psalme CL. Thys psalme is last
brittle state of mans lyfe desired God to direct so his shorte life that he might follow wisdome read Lord thou hust bene our refuge 90 If thou wouldest comfort thy selfe and others in true religion and teache them that hope to God will neuer suffer a soule to be confounded but to make it bolde and without feare for Gods protection syng Who so dwelleth vnder the fence of the almighty shall abyde 91. If thou wilt sing on the Saboth day thou hast It is a good thing to geue thankes to the lorde 92. If thou wylt sing on the sonday in meditation of gods worde desiring to be instructed therein whereby thou mayst rest in Gods holy will cease from all the workes and doctrines of vayne man reuolue that notable psalm Blessed are those that are vndefiled in the way 119. If thou wilt sing in the seconde day of the Sabbothe thou hast O come let vs syng vn●o the Lord. 95. If thou wouldest syng to the Lord thou hast what to say O sing vnto the Lord a new song 96. and 98. If thou wilt sing the fourth day of the Saboth syng O Lord God to whome vengeaunce belongeth 94. for then whan the Lord was betrayed he began to take vengeāce on deathe and to triumphe of it therefore when thou readest the gospell Wherein thou hearest the Iewes to take counsail against the Lord and that he standeth boldly agaynst the Deuill then sing the ●oresayd Psalme O Lorde God If thou wilt sing on good Friday thou hast a commēdation of the Psalme The lord is king 93. for then was the house of Gods churche builded and groundlye founded though the enemies wente aboute to hinder it for which cause sing to God the songes of triumphante victory with the sayd Psalme and wyth Many a tyme haue they fought against me 129. and wyth O sing vnto the lorde a new song 98. If there be any captiuity wherin thy house is layd wast and yet builded agayne sing O sing vnto the lorde 96. If the lande be vext wyth enemies and after come to any rest by the power of God if thou wilt sing therfore sing The lorde is king 97. If thou considerest the prouidence of God in hys gouernaunce so ouer all and wilt instructe any wyth true fayth and obedience when thou hast first perswaded thē to confesse themselfe sing O be ioyfull in the lorde 100. melius 147. If thou doost acknowledge in God his iudicial power and that in iudgemēt he mixeth mercy if thou wilt draw nye vnto him thou hast the words of this Psalme to this ende My song shall be of mercy and iudgement 101. If for the imbecillitie of thy nature thou art wery with the continuall miseries and griefes of this lyfe and wouldest comfort thy selfe sing Heare my prayer O lorde 102 If thou wilt geue thankes to God as it is most congruent and due for all his giftes when thou wilt so do thou hast how to inioyne thy soule therunto wyth these Praise the lorde O my soule 103. and 104. If thou wilt prayse God and also knowe how and for what cause and wyth what wordes thou maist best do it consider Prayse the lorde ye seruauntes 113. O prayse the lorde ye heathen 117. Behold how good 133. Praise the lorde O my soule 146. O praise the lorde for it is a good thyng to prayse and Prayse the lorde O Hierusalem 147. O prayse the lorde of heauen 148. O syng vnto the lord 149. O prayse God in hys holines 150. If thou hast sayth to such thinges as God speaketh beleuest that which in prayer thou vtterest say I beleued and therfore I will speake 116. in the ende If thou féelest thy selfe to ryse vpwarde in degrées of well workyng as though thou saydst with S. Paule I forget those thynges which be behynde me and set myne eyes on thinges which be before me thou hast in euerye exaltation of ●●y progre●se what thou mayest saie in the xv songes of the s●●yers 120. If thou béest holden in thraldome vnder straying and wandryng thoughtes and féelest thy selfe drawen by them whereof thou art sorye then staye thy selfe from thenceforth and tary where thou haste founde thy selfe in fault set thée downe and mourne thou also as the Hebrew people dyd and say with them By the waters of Babilon we sate downe and wept 137. If thou perceyuest that temptations bée sent to proue thée thou oughtest after such temptations geue God the thankes and say O lorde thou hast searched me out and knowne me 139. If yet thou be in bondage by thyne enemies wouldest fayne be deliuered say Deliuer me O lorde 140. If thou wouldst pray and make supplication say Lorde I call vpon thee 141. I cryed vnto the lorde 142. Heare my prayer O lorde 143. If any tyrannous enemy ryse vp agaynst the people feare thou not no more then Dauid did Goliath but beleue lyke Dauid and sing Blessed be the lorde 144. If thou art elect out of low degrée speciallye before other to some vocation to serue thy brethern aduance not thy self to hye against thē in thyne owne power but geue God his glory who dyd chose thée and syng thou I will magnifie thee O god my kyng 145. If thou wilt sing of obedience praysing God with Alleluya thou hast these O geue thankes 105.106 107. I will geue thankes 111. Blessed is the man 112. Prayse the lorde 113. When Israel came out of Aegipt 114. I am well pleased 115. O prayse the lorde 117. O laude the name of the lorde 135. O geue thankes 136 Prayse the lorde O my soule 146. O prayse the lorde 147 O prayse the lorde of heauen 148. O syng vnto the lorde 149. O prayse god in his holines 150. If thou wilt sing specially of our Sauiour Christ thou hast of hym in euery psalme but most chiefly in Vnto thee O lorde will I lift vp my soule 25. My harte is endityng of a good matter 45. The lorde sayd vnto my lord 110 Such Psalmes as shew his lawfull generation of hys father and his corporall presence be these In the lorde put I my trust 11. Saue me O God 69. Such as do prophecy before of his most holye crosse passion tellyng how many deceitfull assaultes he susteyned for vs and how much he suffred be these Why doo the Heathen rage 2. Blessed are those that are vndefiled in the way 119. Such as expresse the malicious enmities of the Iewes and the betraying of Iudas be these Heare my prayer O god 55. Hold not thy tonge 109. The king shall reioyce 21. The lorde euen the most mighty god 50. Geue the king the iudgementee 72. Saue me O god 69. Such as describe his agony in his passion the cruelty of the Iewes the conditiō of his death and sepulture be My god my god 22. O lorde god 88. and that he suffred not for himself but for vs is declared in the Psalme aforesayd 88. the seuenth verse sayeng Thine
O Lord I cry my rocke on hye rest not thus still forsake me not Or els should I resemble nye the déede that be in pit bewrapt 2 Heare my request of humble brest whan I so méeke do sue to thée Agaynst thy seate of mercy swéete my handes on hye when lift they bée 3 And draw my hart from wycked part wyth them O Lord that worke so euill Theyr tonge cryth truse w●●h hart refuseth theyr myndes all set to stroy and spill 4 As is theyr déede so let them spéede retort their craftes they vse to delue Theyr malice great the same to get wyth lyke by ryght to quite themselue 5 Theyr myndes disdayne Gods actes to frain● hys stately workes to marke euen so He shall them stroy and not employ theyr lyues no tyme in wealth to go 6 Well worthy prayse is God alwayes my mouth in song shall hym forth sound He heard my grone my prayers mone he dyd not me wyth shame confound 7 God is my shield my strength in field he helpt me iust as I beleued For this good chance my hart may daunce and sing in laudes so wel releaued 8 To my small host God praysd be most that tymely health he soone dyd bryng The Lord is strength and fence at length to his most true annoynted kyng 9 Thy people saue O Lord I craue and blesse wyth ioy thyne heritage Féede them as guide promoote them wyde to prayse thée God from age to age ¶ The Collecte O Lord most strong forte and refuge to all thy people preserue vs from such as goe downe into the pit of schisme and dissention and knit vs together in vnitie of mynde beyng children of one onelye God and of one fayth so that we may holde fast in harte that we outwardly professe in mouth through c. ¶ The Argument Psalme XXIX This doth inuite to note Gods mighty power All stately might to note Gods mighty power Hym iust to serue and els can them deuoure Who can preserue and els can them deuoure 1 YE sonnes of God sprede ye abrode the Lordes great power and strength Bryng ye your lambes of mighty rambes to God hys laudes at length 2 The Lord ensue wyth honor due extoll his myght and name And eke expresse his holines hym laude in court of fame 3 His voyce so grand on sea and land note how the floudes it stayd Gods maiesty you then dyd sée on them when thunder brayd 4 Hys voyce rulth sea how houge it be hys voyce is sterne and stout His voyce is thus most glorious when it dryueth leuyn out 5 This voyce so frée breakth Cedre trée no force can it repell It dryueth euen downe of Lybanon hys Cedres though they swell 6 He made them skip in rootes to flip as calues do vse to praunce So Lybanon and Syrion as Unicorne to daunce 7 The Lord by voyce the fiery noyce of flames in partes can send The cloudes among he lightneth strong wyth shoures he fyre can blend 8 It can distres all wyldernes yea Cades desert wyde The beastes I say which there do stray it make themselfe to hyde 9 This voyce doth bynde to calue the Hynde thicke trées it open layth Therfore men all in temple shall hys honour prayse in fayth 10 Where they shall sing that God as kyng hath rule of waters all On whom he setth as kyng is fit and so for euer shall 11 The Lord all wealth and stable health shall geue hys people kynde God them shall blesse wyth full increase all peace and rest to fynde ¶ The Collecte GRaunt we beseche thee Lord vnto vs constancye in thy worde and make vs the temple of thy blessed sprite so that we may reuerence thy godly voyce to rebound the same to all powers of this world that they may be compunct therby to present themself to thy honour wyth due sacrifice of thankefull hartes through c. The Argument Psalme XXX Thankes here be ment for iust deliueraunce To God so sent for iust deliueraunce And here ye spie in Gods good gouernaunce All suertie in Gods good gouernaunce 1 LOrd thée all whole I will extoll for thou hast lift me hye Thou wouldst not make my foes to crake agaynst me ioyfully 2 O Lord of myght my God of ryght to thée I cryed in griefe Thou gauest an eare to heare me neare thou sentst me healthes reliefe 3 Thou broughtst ful wel my soule from hell O Lord thou didst wythsaue Thou me releuest my strength thou kepest thou pluckst me quyte from graue 4 To God sing ye ye saintes agrée hys prayses eleuate And mynde ye still hys holy will his graces celebrate 5 Hys heauy wrath short time it hath lyfe standth at hys good grace At nyght we wéepe yet after sléepe at morne we myrth embrace 6 Whan well I was in ioyfull case I sayd as then I thought That I no day should fele decay and neuer moue to nought 7 For thy good will so strenghtd my hill O Lord most stedfastly But whan thy face had tournd hys grace I than fell troublously 8 In thys my payne I was full fayne to cry to thée for might My God wyth cry I dyd apply and prayd both day and nyght 9 What gayne sayd I hath lyfe thereby if death cut short my dayes Can dust declare thy power in care in graue to tell thy prayse 10 My God therfore spare me the more O Lord I thée desire My simple sprite despyse not quyte but helpe I thée requyre 11 Thou tournst from mée my wo and grée to myrth in cherefull voyce The mournyng wéede thou changest in déede so fensd I dyd reioyce 12 Wherfore euen still all good men will thy glory sing and prayse O Lord of loue my God aboue I thée wyll laude alwayes ¶ The Collecte MOst louyng and mighty protector almighty God suffer not our enemies to triumph ouer vs we beseche thee but so strength vs wyth thy strong hande that after heauines is turned into gladnesse we maye geue condigne thanks and laudes in due remēbrance of thy holynes through Christ c. ¶ The Argument Psalme XXXI Thus Dauid prayed from Saule so scapte in letter thankth he so But Christ is ment vvith all hys church for sprite bodies vv● 1 IN thee O Lord I put my trust let me neuer be shamde Rid me in thy true righteousnes which thou for me hast fram●● 2 Bow downe thine eare make hast to me deliuerd that I be Be thou my fort my rocke so ferme so stabled iust by thee 3 Thou art my rocke castell sure my fortres large and wide For thy names sake lord lead me forth be thou my light and 〈◊〉 4 My foote O Lord draw out of net full priuy set for me Thou art my strength as I haue said al hope doth rest in thee 5 To thy good hands I yelde my sprite O lord to thy great ruthe ▪ Thou hast redemd me certenly O lord thou God
My God my helth he is no lesse O graunt all this ¶ The Collecte ALmighty God the fountayne of lyght euerlasting we sue vnto thee and most earnestly craue of thy bounteousnes that thou wouldest sende downe thy truth and veritie into our hartes replenish vs wyth the clearenes of thy eternall lyght thorough Iesus The Argument Psalme XLIIII This Psalme wyth God expostulath That helpe he long delayes It prayth for men all desolate In olde respect of dayes 1 O God so good before these dayes we hard with open eares The fathers sage tolde vs thy wayes thy workes of olde ferne yeares 2 How thou expulst the heathen rout to plant thy people dere What people stout thou dydst wede out to roote the fathers there 3 Not they by sword did winne the land their owne arme saued them not But thy bright face thyne arme and hand such loue at thée they got 4 Thou art my kyng O God my weale none other sue I to As once thou holpst good Israell helpe Iacobs stocke euen so 5 By thée our foes down shall we throwe our hornes shall burte them downe In thy greate name full well we know to make our foes astowne 6 For trust is none in strength of bowe that we can bende and draw My sworde to weake my strength to l●we to helpe not worth a strawe 7 But onely thou euen onely thou sauest vs from all our foes Thou filst them all wyth shame inough at vs that hatefull goes 8 Of God aboue we make our boast all day in thankefull part To prayse hys name in euery coast for euer iust in hart 9 But what meanth this thou art so far wherby our shame thou séest Where thou wert wont to be so ●ar our armies now thou fléest 10 Thou makest vs fast to turne our backes vpon our enemy And who vs hate wyth spitefull crackes they spoyle our goodes at eye 11 Thou letst vs all as sparpled shéepe to be deuoured quyte As scattred flocke we mourne and wéepe among the Paynyms spyte 12 To heathen dogs vncircumcised thou selst thy flocke for nought No gayne to thée do ryse in déede though we be solde and bought 13 Thou makest vs all rebuke to take of them that neygbours bée Of vs but scorne and scoffe they make about vs whome we sée 14 Thou makst vs now as laughyng stockes a scorne vnto the heathen They shake their heades as we were blockes deryded vp to heauen 15 My shame and eke confusion standth full to daunt myne eye My face all shame as put vpon no ende therof I spye 16 We heare to oft the flaunderer how he blasphemth our fayth We sée our fo what hate he bearth how he to vengeaunce layth 17 Though yet these thinges be come on vs we do not thée forget Nor froward lyke vngratious thy couenaunt we reiect 18 Our hart yet standth not turnd aside to séeke for other God Nor yet our steps begone so wyde by wayes to walke so brode 19 No though thou hast vs smitten sore where Dragons cruell dwell Though paynde we be and tost the more wyth death the shadowes fell 20 Among thy plages if we so euill should God in name forget To holde our handes in straying will to other Gods beset 21 Should not our God inquyre for thys to searche where we become Who knowth our harts and doth not misse the secretes all and some 22 When thus for thée all day we bée as drawne to death and slayne Appoynted thus as shéepe we sée to slaughter driuen a mayne 23 Then wake O Lord why sléep●● so déepe as though thou louedst not ryght Aryse be nye thy people kéepe aye leaue vs not to spyte 24 Why turnst thy face so irefully we lowly sinners bée Why doost forget our misery our troubles great to sée 25 Our soule to dust is brought● downe euen iust at deathes gate Our bellies cleaues in paynfull swowne to ground in fearefull state 26 Aryse O God and helpe vs soone deliuer vs so thrall For thyne owne sake we be vndone for mercy we do call ¶ The Collecte ARise O God by thy mightye power to helpe vs from all tyranny of persecurion and where thou didst once for our fathers subdue al Heathen nations so deliuer vs from all our enemies bodely and ghostly through c. ¶ The Argument Psalme XLV A laude ye see of king and queene set out-most glorious But Christ and eke his spouse is seene more nye described thus 1 MY hart breakth out swéete prayse to syng my song to kyng I make My tonge as swift to do the thyng as scribe hys penne can shake 2 More fayre thou art more amorous than Adams sonnes I say Thy spech of lippes is gracious for God blest thée for aye 3 Begyrd thy thigh Prince valiant with sword to vanquish stout To thy owne laude as mete it stant thy fame must shew it out 4 In worship spéede and prosper hye ryde on to fence the truth In mekenes clad and equitye great acts thy hand ensueth 5 Thyne arrowes kene full sharply goes all folke to thée shall fall Among the mids the kings his foes their harts to vanquishe all 6 Thy royall throne O God is fast which euer shall endure Thy kingdoms mace all right is cast to iudge in truth full sure 7 Thou louest the right and hatst the wronge O God thy God therfore With oyle of ioye anoynts the stronge beyonde thy match the more 8 Thy garments smell of Aloes of Myrre and cassia From Iuory ●hel●s out brought they these to glad thy hart I say 9 Among thy maydes so debonayre kings daughters there were tolde Thy right hande helde the Quéene so fayre in colourd cloth of golde 10 O daughter heare and sée full kynde inclyne thyne eare to mée Thy people whole cast out of mynde thy fathers house to flée 11 So shall the kyng thy bewty lyke hys loue shall ioyne to thée He is thy God and Lord to séeke wyth hart then serue hym frée 12 So Tyrus land shal thée enriche and they that richest standes Shall bryng thée giftes thy face to seache wyth thée to ioyne theyr handes 13 Thys kynges swéete Quéene is glorious all whole wythin to sée Her garmentes wrought all curious wyth gold enbroydred bée 14 So brought she is before the kyng in clothe of néedle wrought Her Uirgin maydes her companieng her frendes shall nye be brought 15 Wyth ioye and myrth they shall full nye be brought to hym I say In palace there most innerly where kyng hymselfe doth lay 16 Thy fathers romes such auncientes thy sonnes shall iust succede Whom thou mayst make as Presidentes all landes in rule to sprede 17 Thy name to all in memory I euer wyll denounce The people so shall durably to thée aye thankes pronounce The Collecte O Lorde Christ the euerlastyng worde of thy father by whom he once dyd create and yet dailye doth create all thinges liuyng wee beeseche thee to preserue
thy churche broughte together of diuers nations and countries that we may all in pure hartes so loue thee in the righteousnes of fayth to attayne to the heuenly habitation with our welbeloued fathers who lyuest and raignest one God with the father and the holy ghost worlde c. The Argument Psalme XLVI In this Christes spouse elect full well Her thankes to God extendth For that he dyd her foes debell And that he her defendth 1 OUr hope is God and strength at eye he guidth wyth hys good hand A present helpe in trouble nye hys grace therby doth stand 2 For this we néede not care and feare though world be cast in stowne Though hils to sea were thrown euen there though all turne vpside downe 3 The waters though they rage in streme how euer they do swell Though mountayns quake at noyse of them yet iust man hopth full wel ▪ 4 For why swéete brookes and floudes full nye Gods Citie glad shall stéepe Hys holy place and sanctuarye God strongly it doth kéepe 5 God dwelth in myds of her alone no man shall her remoue Ryght early God shall helpe her sone hys church I meane aboue 6 The heathen though they rage to fonde and realmes resist I say God raysde hys voyce and so in londe our foes dyd melt away 7 The Lord of hostes so strong euen he Wyth vs he standth to fyght So Iacobs God our refuge be we feare no humayne myght 8 Lo come and sée how God in wrath great meruayles aye hath wrought What landes to nought he scatred hath how low theyr Idols brought 9 He put down warrs and stryfe in feare the whole world where they went He knapth the bow and breakth the speare wyth fire he charets brent 10 Be still and know I say all ye that God I am aryght To heathen all knowne will I be the world shall sée my myght 11 The Lord of hostes so strong from hence wyth vs he is I say And Iacobs God is whole our fence our boast in hym doth lay ¶ The Collecte MOst trustye refuge in all perylles and aduersities which hange ouer vs O blessed Lorde to sanctifie the inward tabernacles of our hartes with the liuely springs of thy blessed sprite that we may trust stedfastly in thee our God in all our battayles to haue the better hand through Christ. ¶ The Argument Psalme XLVII This Psalme to ioy exhorth all christen men in sight That Christ by power ascended so whom glory sued aright 1 TOgether clap ye handes ye Gentils all be glad Reioyce to God in melody with thanks for mercy had 2 The Lord is hie in power and ought be feard I say He is the king of all the earth to hym all thinges obey 3 He shall so vnder vs the people soone subdue All Gentils cast at feete of vs at vs their Lordes to sue 4 He dyd chose out all vs an heritage so fayre Euen Iacobs hie magnificence whō he did loue as heyre 5 God is ascended vp in ioyfull noyse on hye with trumpets noyse as once his arke euē thus vp hie did s●ye 6 O prayses sing to him O prayses see ye sing Sing prayses still vnto our god and laud him iust as king 7 For that our God is king of all the world so rounde Sing ye his prayse than prudently with vnderstāding sound 8 For God by strength doth raigne vpon the heathen all God sitteth vpon his holy seate all thyng doth heare hys call 9 The peoples heds be met with Abrahams god seede Of god they be to shield the earth but god doth thē exceede ¶ The Collecte ETernall God which art the kyng of all worldes realmes whose kyngdome is aduaunced vpon all people and kynredes we beseche thee to subdue vnder our subiection all heathen vyce and sinne that whyle we sing to thee our God in wordes of wisdome and vnderstanding by thy ayde we may haue the better hande of them through Christ our Lorde c. ¶ The Argument Psalme XLVIII Gods Citie here a type of Christ hys spouse Is praysed clere a type of Christ hys spouse It teachth agayne of prayse to pay theyr vowes All Christen men of prayse to pay theyr vowes 1 GReat is the Lord wyth hye accorde so praysed ought to bée In citie great where God is set hys holy hill to sée 2 For Syon hyll is fayer still of all the world the blisse This hyll so wyde holdth North on syde Gods citie hye it is 3 Our God euen thus most glorious is knowne in palace great As refuge sure all men to cure that place is hys so neat 4 For lo the kynges theyr gatherynges in earth made her to spoyle Though thus they met wyth fury whet yet her they could not foyle 5 Her walles and holdes they dyd behold and merueld all agast Theyr hartes were danke theyr brags were blanke eftsones they downe were cast 6 Such feares and panges theyr harts so wrang in tyme of theyr assaute As women knowes theyr bearyng throwes wyth feares lyke were they fraught 7 So dyd they quayle as Tharsls sayle felt wreckt by wyndes of East For Paynyms all be worthy fall Gods heritage to wrest 8 As we dyd heare so saw we neare Gods citye hye and strong Thys God of oures the God of powers wyll strength her aye from wrong 9 As we conceyud so we receyud O Lord thy mercy great For we dyd wayte thy helpe most great in myds of temple set 10 As EL thy name is strong in fame So is thy prayse well sene The world full out and so no dout thy workes full ryghteous bene 11 Let Syon mount her ioy recount let Iudas townes be glad For thys thy dome to pull a downe these Paynyms frantike mad 12 Walke ye about the wals so stout of Syons gostly house And tell her towers her fortes and bowers her prayse that ye may rouse 13 And marke ye well how strong she dwelth in bulwarkes how she lie That ye may tell it euery deale to your posteritie 14 This God euen hée our God we sée for aye and euer strong He shall vs guyde tyll death so wyde of hym shall be our song ¶ The Collecte O Most terrible God most worthy to bee magnified in al thy workes which art so glorious a prince in the heauenly Hierusalem enlarge vs in spirituall vnderstandyng so that after we haue receyued thy mercy in the mydst of the temple of our hartes we maye duely extoll thy name through Christ c. ¶ The Argument Psalme XLIX The Iewes be here theyr honour not to see Reproued full nere theyr honour not to see It doth inuite of worlde the pryde to flee The Christen knight of worlde the pryde to flee 1 O Heare ye out ye gentiles stout thys thyng that I wyll tell But ponder it wyth eares vnshit thys world all ye that dwell 2 Ye Adams broode ye noble blood heare ye my spell
vs poore miserable wormes crepyng here on earth and also doost not suffer vs to bee confounded with shame for euermore we beseehe thee to fulfill our lyps wyth thy worthy prayse and exercise our hartes in continuall meditation of all thy goodnes declared to vs Through Christ c. The Argument Psalme LXXII In letter prayd king Dauid playne His sonne to spede in all hys raigne In sprite more true yet m●nt it is Of Christes God sonne and king of blis 1 BEstow O God thy iudgements true Upon the kyng annoynted due Thy iustice eke geue thou therto To this kings sonne in it to go 2 Then shall he iudge the people ryght The good to saue the bad to smyte He shall the poore afflict defend The meke to quyte the proud to bend 3 The mountaines great swete peace shal bring Unto thy folke in gouernyng The smaller hils shall righteousnes So sprede a lyke in faythfulnes 4 The simple sort in misery To holde their right he shall applye The poore mans childe he shall protect And briber stroy that him so wrect 5 They shall feare thée in reuerence As long as sunne hath influence Or while the moone her face doth showe From age to age from hye to lowe 6 He shall come down as rayn from seas On grasse new shorne or woll the flease As showers swéete on earth do lyte To cheare all thing in fruitfull sight 7 In his good dayes all rightwise men Shall floryshe then and rise agayne Swéete peace shal be on euery side As long as Moone ▪ her sphere doth ryde 8 From sea to sea his rule shal be From Palestyne to déepe red sea From Euphrates to holy land From cost to cost how wyde it standth 9 The Ethiopes in wildernes Full méeke to hym shall bowe their knées His foes shall séeme to licke the dust All prostrate ligh to hym they must 10 Of Tharsys kings and other Iles shall gifts present him otherwhiles Of arabye and saba kings shall humbly bryng their offeryngs 11 To make short tale what kings there be In earth must geue hym homage frée Yea nations all shall them submyt To hold of hym and kysse his féete 12 For he the poore shall soone releife The crying wretch to ryd from griefe The nedy man all comfortles Without all helpe he will release 13 I saye agayne he will be good To nedy man and poore of bloud Though here he be both torne and brent Their soules to saue he will consent 14 Their soules from fraude in vsurye He will them ryd that tyranny Theyr names to him shall shine full cleare Their bloud his sight shall count full deare 15 And liue he shall to hym shal be So geuen the golde of Arabye He shall for poore make sute alway The poore for it shall prayse hym ●ye 16 One hand full sowen of wheate on hyll For growth and length then shake it will In Lybanon eke trées so hye As gréene as grasse all townes shall lygh 17 Hys name shall still and aye endure Before the sonne it was full sure Hys grace shall blesse all people iust All heathen him ▪ shall prayse and trust 18 This God our Lord he blest full well Euen iust the God of Israell He wondrous thinges doth worke alone All mysteries by hym be done 19 Hys name be blest in vnitie For euer one in trinitie This name shall fill the earth agayne Say we therto Amen Amen ¶ The Collecte WE acknowledge O God almighty thy holy name to be worthely magnified wherunto we now resort with humble supplication besechyng thee to suppresse all hostilitie of our oppressours who enuye thy prosperous and blissefull raygne of thy sonne our Sauiour Christe geue vs thy people such peace wherby we may ensue all righteousnes godlines through the mediation of our said Lord sauiour who wyth thee c. ¶ The ende of the second booke Here beginneth the thirde Booke of Psalmes ¶ The Argument Psalme LXXIII This musing Psalme by Dauid made to A●aph put to sing Doth shew the endes of good and bad what vice what vertue bringth 1 O Good is God to Israell To them of perfect hart Though wycked men haue here the swéete And good men féele the smart 2 But yet my féete wel nye were gone to dout of godly wayes My steps of lyfe almost were slipt to renne in lyke astrayes 3 For why I fret ▪ all who●e in zeale to note how sinners were In peace wyth blisse all whole beset the good men all in feare 4 For they of death féele no distresse nor much it doth them fret Theyr strength is fresh in euery part well fed and fat they iet Yet good is God to Israell To them of perfect hart Though wycked men haue here the sweete And good men feele the smart 5 Misfortune none befalth these men no labour pressth them hard They haue no scourge as other men all welth is theyr reward 6 Of this ariseth their hawty pride wherin they vaunt so stout All clad they bée wyth wyckednes and wrong euen round about 7 With falnes foule theyr eyes be sweld their gullets féele no ●hurst Their paunches ful their helth so quart theyr hartes excede in lust Yet good is God to Israell To them of perfect hart Though wycked men haue here the sweete And good men feele the smart 8 And others they corrupt with talke they speake all that is nought They do blaspheme euen God aboue such rage dewraith their thought 9 For vp to heauen ▪ they cast their mouth Gods prouidēce to scorne Their tong in earth must beare the rule by them the poore is lorne 10 This makth all folke to fall to them to sue their wealth vnto Their water cups to drinke in part to ease theyr want and wo. Yet good is God to Israell To them of perfect hart Though wycked men haue here the sweete And good men feele the smart 11 The people mad tush say they all do God such matters know Hath God aboue respect or care of thinges so done below 12 For lo say they these wycked men they prosper well in all The world is theirs as ioly men all goodes to them befall 13 And some of them sayd thus agayne my hart I clensd in vayne To purge my lyfe from suttle art I count it folish payne Yet good is God to Israell To them of perfect hart Though wycked men haue here the sweete And good men feele the smart 14 Thus vext I went afflict in hart all day by wycked sect In early morne sore scourged I was to haue this ca●e detect 15 I had almost sayd euen as they lo then I had bene wood For so should I haue euill reproued thy flocke of children good 16 I sought and sought to search it out O Lord what this might be But thou O God so secret wart it was to hard for me Yet good is God to Israell To them of perfect hart Though wycked men haue here
the sweete And good men feele the smart 17 I doubted still tyll God I sought in hys most saintly place To note hys wont in all their endes at last of all theyr race 18 I spied thou setst theyr slipper state in brittle goodes vnclere Thou cast thē down on hed to nought yea when most hie they were 19 O how they quayld most sodenly cast down and perisht quyte For their misdéedes wyckednes to nought brought down in sight Then good is God to Israell To them of perfect hart Though wycked men haue here the sweete And good men feele the smart 20 As dreames so vayne do vanyshe quite from man that wakth frō slepe Theyr image Lord so shalt thou stroy thy citie not to kepe 21 Myne inward ghost sore vext it was before this case I knew It pearst my raynes and rootes of hart to note their workes vntrue 22 So fond I was and ignorant in secret workes of thée To brute beast lyke all voyde of wit so dull thy trade to sée For good thou art to Israell To them of perfect hart Though wycked men haue here the sweete And good men feele the smart 23 But yet O lord though thus I thought I was held vp by thée My right hand yet thou heldst so vp that far I dyd not flée 24 As me thou taughtst so hence thou wylt teach me thy secret wil And after that with glory bright my soule with ioy to fill 25 For whome haue I in heauen but thée to loue or trust aright Or who in earth can health impart but thou my harts delight All good thou art to Israell To them of perfect hart Though wycked men haue here the sweete And good men feele the smart 26 Though flesh hart here fayled me thou didst not me forsake Thou art O God my strength of hart my part thou art to take 27 For lo who far from thée do stray they perishe shall no doubt A whoryng who eke renne fro thée thou driuest them al to nought 28 But good for me by God to hold in thée O God to trust To tell thyne actes how good thou art in Syon gate full iust O good is God to Israell To them of perfect hart Though wycked men haue here the sweete And good men feele the smart ¶ The Collecte GEue vs assistence of thy grace almighty father so guide our feete in meditation of thy righteous iudgementes that we slyde at no tyme or be offended by vndiscrete zele or enuy at the prosperitie of thine aduersaries eyther to misconceyue thy euerlastyng prouidence or yet to bee the slacker in the godlye wayes of thy holye testimonies so that we may alway ioyfully beare thy crosse sent vnto vs hauing thee for our lot and comfort therin and so hauyng our hartes pure in thee we maye prayse thy rightuousnes in the eternall gates of thy heauenly Hierusalem and euerlastyng habitation Through Christ c. ¶ The Argument Psalme LXXIIII A sore complaint here may ye read Agaynst Gods foes so vayne Which Christ his worde and eke his flocke Pursue wyth myght and mayne 1 WHy art so far O God our God For euer wylt thou flée Why fumeth thy wrath agaynst thy shéepe Of pasture as we bee 2 O God our Lord thinke thou vpon thy congregation dere Of olde so strong possest by thée whom thou redemst so clere And thynke vpon the chosen lot of thyne inheritaunce Of Syon mount wherin thou dwelt wyth thy good ordinaunce 3 Lift vp in hast thy féete and handes confound thy foe in face How hath he stroyd thy sanctuary the seat of thy good grace Why art so far O God our God For euer wilt thou flee Why fumeth thy wrath agaynst thy sheepe Of pasture as we bee 4 Thy foes dyd rore full hye in pryde in tyme of feastfull day As conquest signes in temple there theyr banners did they splay 5 Where he that once did cut and hew a beame or sparre of wood To beautifie thy temple worke was thought deuout and good 6 But now they boast and brag herein to pull all down to nought To breake with mall eke wyth are the gates of caruers wrought And yet art far O God our God For euer wilt thou flee Why fumeth thy wrath agaynst thy sheepe Of pasture as we bee 7 Yea fyre and flame now haue they set vpon thy holy place They haue defylde cast to ground the house where dwelt thy grace 8 They sayd in wrath to stroy them quite let vs in one consent Gods houses thus in all the land they haue all wholy brent We now can sée no wonted signes there is no Prophet more Not one wyth vs of wisdom sage to ease our bondage sore And yet art far O God our God For euer wylt thou flee Why fumeth thy wrath against thy shepe Of pasture as we be 10 How long O God shall thus in spite the aduersary brayd Thy house thy feastes thy fold deface hys brags at thée be layd How long I say shall he so mad thy holy name blaspheme For euer thus hym shall we sée thy power so lyght to deme 11 Why than O Lord hold still thy handes winkst at this his spite Thy hand draw out of bosom soone to stroy thy foes by myght Why art so far O God our God For euer wylt thou flee Why fumeth thy wrath agaynst thy shepe Of pasture as we be 12 Yet God my kyng and Lord he is of olde in yeares now gone He health bestowd on all the earth himselfe doth it alone 13 Thou didst deuyde the sea as once by myght of thy great hand The Dragons heds thou brakest in two so drownd by sea land 14 Thou crushedst the head of Whales I say Leniathan so great For thy dere flocke thou madest hym meat which was in desert set Then why art far from vs O God For euer wilt thou flee Why fumeth thy wrath agaynst thy sheepe Of pasture as we bee 15 Of stony rockes so flinty hard thou broughtst out fluds springs And so thou driedst great waters vp for all theyr gatheryngs 16 The nyght day be thine at will thou spreadst both light sunne The sunne by day to shyne so cleare by nyght to shyne the Moone 17 The costes of all the earth so wyde thou dydst them place ful due Thou summer madest and wynter both eche other right to sue And yet art far from vs O God For euer wylt thou flee Why fumeth thy wrath agaynst thy sheepe Of pasture as we bee 18 Remember this in mynd O Lord thyne emnies how they vaunt How folishly the people haue reuylde thy name a taunt 19 Geue not thy turtels sely soule to beast of cruell port Forget not aye the company of thyne afflicted sort 20 Behold thy pact ones made to vs for darkenes pestilent Is spred the earth where théeues do dwell both false and violent And yet art far from vs O God For euer wilt thou flee
so hard from vs his loues and mercyes great 10 At last I sayd this wauering declareth my frayltye fonde But I entend in mynd to bryng the chaunge of his good hande 11 My Lords great actes I will recount my fayth to hym to bynde His wondrous workes how hye they mount In tymes of olde to fynde 12 In all thy workes so wrought by thée my study whole shall stand My talke shal be most frankly frée to spreade thy dedes of hand 13 Thy way O God I sée is set in holynes all bryght What God is like in glory great as this our God of might 14 Thou God art he which openly workst wonders hye as God To people farre and sonderly thy power thou spredst abroade 15 Thou hast redéemd with might in déede thy people tenderly Olde Iacobs stocke and Iosephes séede escapt by thée they be 16 The waters déepe saw thée O God the waters déepe saw thée They were afrayd to féele thy rod the depthes dyd quake to sée 17 Thy cloudes raynd down so waters fell the heauens for sound dyd ryng The stones of hayle were arrowes fell by them thy foes to wryng 18 Thy thunders noyse dyd rumble stout in ayre the sphere aboue Thy lightnyngs shoone all round about the earth dyd quake and moue 19 Thy way in sea is large and wyde thy pathes in waters great Thy footesteps yet cannot be spied how there thy féete be set 20 Thou ledst thy people pastor like as shéepe in all theyr way By Moses hand thou didst them kéepe whom Aaron helpt to stay ¶ The Collecte O God the wonderfull workesman of deedes incōprehensible most specially in the element of water sometyme by staying the rage of them to the defence of thine elect to the cōsuming of thine enemies sometyme in turnyng to the nature of wyne to the cōfort of thy seruauntes we besech thee so to accept the voyces of our cryes that we may feele thy mercy continually poured vpon vs to preserue and to comforte vs Through c. ¶ The Argument Psalme LXXVIII This hye profound oration A monitorie is To God to turne to trust vpon by workes so great of his 1 MY people kinde heare this my law true lore it full auowth Inclyne your eare in gentle awe to harke my wordes of mouth 2 My lipes sage sawes shall now vnfolde which parables might séeme And prouerbes straunge of yeares of olde how we should God estéeme 3 Which thinges we haue both hard and tride to be most certen true Which fathers olde to vs a lyed vs tolde that should ensue 4 Not we therfore will hyde the same from their posterytye To them to tell Gods lauds and fame his wonders straunge to sée 5 He made a pact with Iacob iust and law set Israell Wherin he chargd our fathers trust these things their seede to tell 6 That so myght all their linage know in ages still to come To ryse and sprede to hye and low Gods actes to hys renome 6 That so myght all theyr linage know in ages still to come To ryse and sprede to hye and low Gods actes to his renome 7 That they therby myght truly set in God affiaunce strong That they should not hys workes forget but kepe his hestes full long 8 Lest they should proue theyr fathers lyke a faythles stubburne kynde A people loth the ryght to seke which fell from God in mynde 9 All lyke the tribe of Ephraym in armes wyth dartes and bowes Yet turnd theyr backes at fightyng tyme and had foule ouerthrowes 10 They kept not lo true tutch wyth God hys pact they oueryed From hys swéete hestes they strayd abrode to walke hys law they fled 11 And soone forgate what done had he to them as beastes vnkynd His wondrous workes that they had séene were cleane cast out of mynd 12 Great meruels wrought his mighty hand in theyr forefathers sight At Zoan field in Egipt land to shew hys power and might 13 He cut the seas ▪ apart to stand as walles erect on hye He led them through to go to land while they like heapes did lygh 14 He led them forth in Iorneys right by clowde as guyde by day By night whole out in firy lyght his angels kept their way 15 He claue the rockes in wildernes how hard so euer growne Where out he slackt theyr thirstines as flouds from depthes had flowne 16 He made the stone to gushe in streams from them did water strike Though flyntes by kynd kepe fiery leames God made them drinke to kepe 17 For all this yet agaynst his will they sinned more and more They hym prouokt in desert still for all his gentle store 18 They tempted God to proue hys power theyr hartes went much astray They would haue meat at present hower theyr lustes they would assay 19 Agaynst theyr God ▪ most euery where they spake lyke rebels thus Can God prouide a table here in wyldernes for vs 20 He strake the rocke the waters spred as streames they flowed in déede But can say they God geue vs bread or flesh hys flocke to féede 21 When God this heard he was full wroth his fyre in Iacob brent Hys heauy plage in anger goeth euen downe on Israell sent 22 Because no hope in God they layde that he could féede theyr want Nor yet put trust in hym for ayde God made theyr hartes to pant 23 He dyd commaund the cloudes aboue which flote the ayre about He bade the heauens theyr gates remoue to poure theyr giftes full out 24 Then rayned downe that Manna swéete therof that they should tast He sent them down about theyr féete from heauen thys vyand cast 25 O wondrous act that man dyd eate such foode of aungels strong He pourd them down theyr fill of meate their pitched tentes among 26 He made the East wynd blow hys blast amid the heauen in length He forst the southwynde blow as fast by hys great power and strength 27 So than he raynd as thicke as dust of flesh aboundant store And fetherd foules to fill theyr lust as thicke as sand on shore 28 Amid theyr tentes it fell as motes not far to séeke therfore Euen round about theyr dwellyng cotes it dyd them serue the more 29 They thus dyd eate and fed they were full vp vnto the chin He graunted them theyr lust so far what they could wishe therin 30 Theyr lust was not abased so for still in lust they quothed And whyle they chowd both to and fro in mouth this meat they lothed 31 Lo wrath from God was kyndled sheu he slew theyr worthies great He feld to ground theyr chosen men in Israell beset 32 For all this yet they sinned still theyr wonted guise they playde To trust to hym they had no will though wonders he displayde 33 Therfore he spoyld theyr lyuyng dayes in vanitie to lygh Theyr yeares he spent in feares and frayes to vere both hart and eye 34 As long as God them strake and slue
agaynst vs thou seest howe weake we be of our selfe assist vs therefore O Lorde with thy godly protection to glorifye thy holy name in earth as thy holy sprites doo in heauen thorough Christ c. The Argument Psalme CIIII. This Psalme setth out for prouidence Almighty Gods magnificence His wisdome power his goodnes eke Of night of day of yere of weeke His excellence all thyng doth kepe ̄̄ 1 O Prayse my soule the Lord of name O Lord my God of worthy fame Thou doost excell in dignitie Wyth honour clothd and maiestie O hym proclame Prayse his degrée 2 For he is clad most cleare wyth light As he were deckt wyth vesture bryght He spreadth the heauens as vayle most fyne Where lyeth hys grace and power deuyne O séeke hys sight To hym incline 3 The vpper heauens be so arayde Wyth waters lyke as beames be layde The cloudes he makth hys charet swift On wynde the wynges hys walke he listh O hym estéeme Expend hys gyft 5 And he doth make hys aungels sprites In wyndes and blastes to worke theyr mightes The flamyng fier is minister Whose worde to do they waite full nere O loue his lightes Trust hym intiere 6 He setteth the earth on bases sound The seas they be O wondrous ground The world to ende it shall not reale It can no change ne ruine féele O hym rebound Hys myght reueale 7 Wyth waters depe this earth was shet As it wyth coate all darke beset For once the seas as mountaynes stoode Most hye aboue as raging floud O prayse hym yet Repute hym good 7 Though thus theyr waues the waters spred At thy rebuke they swiftly fled At thy rough voyce in thunder hard They fast gaue vp their hold and warde O hym a drede His strength regard 8 The hils then hye in sight dyd mount The fieldes fell low as now they wont As them thou stowdst ▪ in most due place They stand euen so they moue no space O hym recount Extoll hys grace 9 To all thynges made thou gauest hys roume Theyr proper place not out to come Thou doost the seas in boundes repose Not backe to turne the earth to close O hym renome His hand disclose 10 He springes sendth out to floudes to grow And they in sea discharge we know Betwene the hyls they kepe their flote To fresh the earth with new gréene coate O hym betrow Hys larges note 11 All beastes of field there drynke theyr fill They séeke them néedes though fed on hill The asses wilde they slake their thirst Most dry which be so made at first O marke hys wyll His care betrift 12 The●● fetherd foules séeke harborow As nye their drinke they sit on bough Where byrdes do chirme the trées among To God theyr Lord in cherefull song O hym auow And praise hym long 13 He wetith the hyls and makth them soft From heauenly cels by dewes aloft By frutefull cloudes which wrought his hand The showers fall down to moyst the land O laud him oft Him vnderstand 14 He makth for beast the grasse to spring And herbage els for man to bryng To serue hys néede his bread to get In earth such vse in beast he set O serue this king His actes intreat 15 Whence wyne is geuen mans hart to cheare And oyle his face so bryght to cleare And bread fro thence he doth addres Mans hart to strength in stablenes O count him deare Hys laudes expresse 16 The Lordes own trées by man vntyld Wyth Sap by showers be fully fild As Ceders hye of Libanus Which he hath plant right plentuous O praise him milde His care discusse 17 In these hye trées the birdes do nest God geueth them wit to séeke theyr rest The Storkes there build and houses haue In trées of fyrre themselfe to saue O loue him best His loue ingraue 18 The mountayns hye a refuge bée For buckes and beastes of Uenerie And so the rockes all inaccesse To Conies bée theyr sikernesse O praisd be hée Hys workes confesse ●9 The moone he made for ceasons due The nyght to cleare wyth chaunges new The sunne so hye a creature Hys down fall knowth and kéepth it sure O good ensue Hym worship pure ●0 And after day thou bringst in darke So nyght comth on and blyndnes starke The Sauage beasts yet gayne therby So créepe they forth to féede full slye O note hys warke Hys reed espy 21 The Lyons whelpes most fierce they rore In rangyng long of pray the store They séeke by darke their sustenance Prepard by Gods good ordinance O hym adore Hys worke enhance 22 When sunne returnth and shewth hys rise Expellyng darke hys light surpristh These beastes by heapes then soone remoue They kepe theyr dens for lyght aboue O thys aduise Hys prudence loue 23 Thus man goth forth hys worke to do More bold that they be thus ago To tillage true he maketh hys gate And spendth hys day till it be late O stand hym to Recount thy state 24 O mighty Lord my fort and holde How be thy workes tride manifold Thou madest them all in wisdome hye Of thy great goods full therth do lygh O hym behold Hym magnify 25 The sea so houge the Ocean So large in armes and space for man Theare liuing things saunce number créepe Great beasts and small therin do kéepe O search it than This meruel seke 26 The●● ships by sayles the bilowes passe Where men transport ▪ theyr wardly tras●e There playth his vages Leuiathan Whom thou dydst forme to sport theran O marke this case ▪ Reuolue it man 27 All creatures of thée expect Their foode most apt for euery feet That thou shouldst geue theyr nourishment In tyme of néede most competent O hym respect To hym assent 28 When deale thou doost they gather strayt In hungers stresse themselues to bayt If thou splayst hand wyth blessyng méete With good full good they be replete O hym awayte Esteme hym swéete 29 When face thou hidest and nought doost send O then they wayle to death they bend If breath thou stopst decay they must They must returne into theyr dust O then amend Regard hym iust 30 When thou returnst thy sprite agayne New thynges by thée new breath optayne Then yerely thus thou deckst a fresh The face of earth wyth new increase O holde him fayne Hys loue possesse 31 Gods maiestie be it for aye In glory blest in all hys way The Lord shall hye reioyce in thought In all hys workes so godly wrought O soule thus pray As thou art taught 32 This God when he mans sinnes to fynde But lookth on earth it quakth and twynd When he the hyls wyth hand but touch They smoke for feare and low they couche O soule hym mynde Thy Lord auouch 33 For I will sing to thys my Lord Whyle I am here and hym record In Psaltries swéete I wyll my song To my Lord God in lyfe prolong O soule accord Performe it strong 34 My talke of hym most pleasant is
No day I will be found remisse To ioy in God I will not cease He is my health my rest myne ease O soule him blisse Hym séeke to please Where sinfull men from earth shall fayle All wycked freakes God let them quayle But thou my soule thy Lord aduaunce Prayse all the Lord hys heritaunce For thyne aduayle Syng still all hayle ¶ The Collecte MOst excellent almighty God which doost wyth thy blessing hand most richly refreshe all liuyng thynges wyth theyr foode and sustinaunce graunte that our soules may so be refresht in the contemplation of thy godly maiesty alway to behold thy glory in heauen in the meditation of thy wonderfull workes here in earth through Christ. ¶ The Argument Psalme CV Gods actes here lauded be by stories order tolde His pact alledge no thanke to man but God most due extolde ̄̄ O Prayse in voyce the Lord Syng out wyth iust accord Exalt hys name search out hys fame Hys worthy dedes record 1 O prayse in voyce the Lord vpon hys name to call Denounce and tell the people cleare his doynges liberall 2 Syng out wyth iust accorde and play in instrumentes Tell all hys factes most meruelous sprede out hys ornamentes 3 Exalt hys name wyth ioy most hye and most deuyne And let theyr hart that seke the Lord to mirth all glad inclyne 4 Search out hys fame and power the Lordes right famous arke Séeke here hys face still euermore draw nye to note hys warke 5 Hys worthy déedes recorde which he hath wrought as God His strange foreshewes hys godly domes so past his mouth abrode O prayse in voyce the Lord Syng out wyth iust accorde Exalt hys name search out hys fame Hys worthy dedes recorde 6 Ye séede of Abraham hys seruaunt thys respect I you appeale praise ye the Lord ye Iacobs stocke elect 7 He is the Lord our God yea none I say but hée His iudgementes be in all the world but most wyth vs to sée 8 For he hys couenant myndth for euer it to do In thousand worldes still fast to stand hys word commaunded so 9 Hys pact to Abraham fast made with fayth endude Hys othe also to Isaac agayne the same renude 10 And he this league as law to Iacob sure decréed To Israell as testament for euer well to spéede ●1 Thus saying geue I will to the land Canaan For plot of your inheritaunce as met with lyne by man ●2 But thus when few they were to them in lyke respect And there in land as straungers set as Pilgrimes whole reiect ●3 And strayed from land to land of nations wandringly From countries wyde to other realmes of people diuersly 14 He suf●red yet no man to do them any wrong For all theyr sake yea kinges be chect and plaged them among 15 He say touch not my Christes that sacred flocke to mée My Prophetes true afflict not ye which preach my maiestie O prayse in voyce the Lord Syng out wyth iust accorde Exalt hys name search out hys fame Hys worthy dedes recorde 16 When he sent dearth on earth to stop theyr foodes reliefe And stroyed of bread the sustenance which stayd their strength most chiefe 17 A man before he sent to them as herbeger Lo Ioseph sold to seruitude to serue in Egipt theare 18 Whose féete they wrung in stockes by Putiphars complaynt In iron cast wyth chaynes I bound hys lyfe felt hard constraynt 19 Untill the tyme was come that iust hys cause was séene Whom God approued and throughly tryed by Oracle deuine 20 The kyng then sent and hym dyd lose by men of hys The Prince that there the people ruld did him frō bondes dismisse 21 He made hym Lord in chiefe of all hys court about And ruler sole of all hys goods in hys Empyre full out 22 That he might bynde and lose his Dukes and lordes at wyll And wit to teache hys sages all by hys approued skill O prayse in voyce the Lord Syng out wyth iust accorde Exalt hys name searche out hys fame Hys worthy dedes recorde 23 So Israell in went to Egypt glad and sad This Iacob olde a straunger liued in land of Cham the bad 24 And there God multiplied hys people notably And made hym far more strong and big then were hys foes at eye 25 The Moores then changd theyr hartes as God dyd them detect That they dyd hate his people sore with guiles hys seruantes checkt 26 Then God sent Moses out hys seruant good and true Yea Aaron eke whom he dyd chose his hart on them dyd rue 27 Which there to them dyd splay his workes and wordes by signes Hys meruels rare in land of Cham such power thē God resignes 28 And he depe darkenes sent all thinges then darke was so The signes themselfe ne Moses yet rebeld Gods wyll to do 29 He turnd theyr waters all to bloud not them they dranke He slue theyr fish theyr nourishment for all theyr waters stanke 30 The Lord euen so brought frogs in numbers wonderfull Which crept vpon the beds of kynges theyr priuy chambers full 31 He spake the worde then came on heapes all kynde of flies So lyse of dust as myngyns small in all theyr costes dyd ryse 32 For all theyr raynes and dewes he gaue them hayle to change And flames of fyer so mixt wyth thē in all their landes most strange 33 Wherwyth he smote their vines their fig trées flat to ground He brake euen down their fruitful trées in all their quarters round 34 And when hys worde came forth of grashoppers on heape In numbers theare nigh infinite dyd Caterpillers leape 35 Which dyd all whole deuoure theyr grasse about the land Yea frute and all that grew in soyle thus heauy lay hys hand 36 Theyr fruites first borne he slue in all theyr realme in length Their pryme offpring most principal ▪ of all their natures strength O prayse in voyce the Lorde Syng out wyth iust accorde Exalt hys name searche out hys fame Hys worthy deedes recorde 37 He then dyd lead them out wyth gold and siluer stuft And none there was in all theyr tribes that fell or febly puft 38 So Egypt ioyd full glad when they went out of realme For they the Iewes drad fearefully theyr feare so fell on them 39 He spred on them a cloud to couer them by day Wyth piller bryght to cleare the nyght he dyd dyrect their way 40 At theyr request and sute he brought them quayles for meate He filled them with bread of heauen swéete aungels foode to eate 41 He claue and opte the rock whence water flowed full prest They ran lyke streames in wildernes to comfort man and beast 42 For why he bare in mynde hys holy promise thus Hys loue also to Abraham hys seruaunt vertuous 43 And full wyth ioy and myrth he led hys people forth Hys deare electes wyth iubilies so taken well in worth O prayse in voyce the Lorde Syng out wyth iust accorde Exalt hys name searche out
hys fame Hys worthy deedes recorde 44 And last he gaue them whole the gentils landes by met They all possest for heritage for which the people swet 45 To th end that they should kepe hys statutes true and ryght That they should aye obserue his lawes prayse ye this lord of might O prayse in voyce the Lorde Syng out wyth iust accorde Exalt hys name searche out hys fame Hys worthy deedes recorde ¶ The Collecte WEe sue vnto thee most louyng Lorde besechyng thee by the power of thy name that where our fathers were conducted therby to the ministration of thy heauenlye aungels foode that thou would so vouchsaue to feede and comfort vs wyth thy misticall nourishment of thy body bloud to whome with the father and holy ghost be The Argument Psalme CVI. The Iewes which dwelt in Babilon thus sang their thankes in harte They do confesse gods onely grace they blame their owne desarte \ \ THe Lorde so good with thankes confesse Who can hys power expresse Well true men bee then Lord teache mee Thy seruauntes state to see 1 The Lord so good with thanks confesse sing prayse laud him hie All good he is for why hys grace for euer standth full nie 2 Who fully can his power expresse wyth tong he Lord so great Or cause be harde hys prayses all who can hys grace extreat 3 Wel true men be in hart most blest who iudgemēt true performe Which worke alway that righteous is in iust and lawfull forme 4 Thē lord I craue teach me ful kind haue mind to work my welth As friendly thou thy people mindst to me resort wyth helth 5 Thy seruauntes state O Lord to sée shew me their blisse at eye ▪ That I reioyce wyth thy good folke and thanke thée ioyfully The Lord so good wyth thankes confesse Who can hys power expresse Well true men be then Lorde teach mee Thy seruauntes state to see 6 We all to thée haue sinned sore as oft our fathers dyd We haue gone wrong and done amisse most wickedly in déede 7 Thy noble faytes in Egipt done our fathers noted seald Of thy great loues no mynd they had at red sea they rebeld 8 Yet he full kynd dyd them preserue for loue of his great name To make hys power so notable the world to feare the same 9 The sea so red he dyd rebuke then soone vp dryed it was And through great déepes he led them dry as desert men do passe 10 And he by strength defended them from aduersaries power He ryd them sure from enemies hand they could not them deuour 11 The waters depe so whelmed such as them dyd vexe and greue That none remaynd not one of them he them dyd quite remeue 12 Hys stable word they then beleued to spy theyr foes distresse And then they sung an hymne of thankes to prayse hys worthines The Lord so good with thankes confesse Who can hys power expresse Well true men be then Lorde teach mee Thy seruauntes state to see 13 In their great heat though hast they made his works they soone forgot No tyme they would his counsailes byde no tary would they not 14 They fondly longd in wycked lust for meat in wyldernes ▪ They tempted God in desert hye wyth shamefull sturdines ●5 And there euen there he gaue them full their asking redily But yet theyr bane they tooke therin theyr lyues destroyd therby ●6 And Moses guide yet they prouokt with wrath in their own tentes Yea Aaron eke Gods holy priest wyth foolish brablementes 17 Wherfore in hast the earth dyd ryue swalowd Dathon quyte It couerd whole the route and band of Abyram in sight 18 The fyre frō heauen fell whote and fierce amids their company The flame dyd burne those wycked men wyth all theyr familie 19 Eftsoones as God a calfe they made at Horeb mount most fond They worshipped this moltē worke which made theyr proper hand whole 20 And thus they turnd Gods onely glore who was their worship To shap of calfe but eatyng hay which they did hye extoll 21 They God forgot and left full soone who them to grace dyd take Who wrought as god in Egipt land ▪ strange dedes for al their sake 22 Great thyngs to sée O wonderfull in land of Cham I say And thynges of power most terrible at red sea there in way 23 To stroy them he then full decréed if Moses his elect Had not in sight vp start to treate his wrath to stay vnwreckt 24 And they despisde and lightly scornd that land delicious No fayth they gaue vnto hys word but went contrarious 25 They did in hart eke grutch and moyne in all theyr tents vnkynd They heard no tyme gods holy word it was to them but wynd 26 By liftyng vp his irefull hand God sware vnto them all That he would them in wildernes destroy wyth shamefull fall 27 And that he would cast shortly out their séede where gentils byde And sparple them as runnegates in countries farly wyde 28 Yea yokt they were and knit in hart to Baal Peor fast They glad dyd eat the sacrifice to dead men which was cast 29 Thus they all out dyd him prouoke to wrath by filthy vyce So hie that néedes Gods heauy plage on them did sharply ryse 30 Then Phinées stoode vp in zeale as iudge he vengeaunce tooke And strait the plage did stay cease gods wrath so them forsooke 31 Which godly zeale reputed was to hym for righteousnes From age to age Gods prest to be wyth all hys séede no lesse 32 They also greued and angred God at waters namde of stryfe That Moses meke gate harme for them for God abridgd hys lyfe 33 For they prouokt hys gentle sprite wordes doubtfull out to lashe Wherby he spake without aduise with lips to swift and rashe The Lorde so good wyth thankes confesse Who can hys power expresse Well true men be then Lorde teach mee Thy seruauntes state to see 34 They did not eke in warre destroy the Heathen peoples sect As God them bad most earnestly that they should them reiect 35 But myxt and ioynd they were full nye among the gentils sort And learnd their workes outragious wherof they made but sport ●6 Wherby full soone they honoured and serued theyr idols gay Which were a snare so sought by them to brede their own decay ●7 So far as blynd they doted than vnnaturall and mad That they to diuels did sacrifice their sonnes daughters glad 38 Much giltles bloud they spild shed● of their own childers brood To Idols slayne of Canaan the land foule staynd wyth bloud 39 Thus foule to foule with their self workes they were defild staind A whoryng far their fancies straid no fayth to God remaind 40 Thē iustly gods most dreadful wrath his own good people brent That he abhord his heritage where stoode hys regiment 41 So that he gaue them wholy vp to Gentils cruell handes That they them ruld which hated them before
that man can do Most vayne to trust it is euen so 13 In God we shall all strong endure By hym to do ●duentures sure And he our foes shall sone debell To treade them down though hie they swell ¶ The Collecte PRepare our harts O Lord ready vnto thee to confesse the power of thy name and wheras we know how thou early as conquerour didst ryse to raygne in kingdome euerlasting so we may in life alway ryse from our earthly conuersation to be pertaker of thy heauenly resurrection to whom with the father and the holy ghost art one God worlde without ende Amen The Argument Psalme CIX Here Dauid vext by tyrannye hath Doegs spite bewrayed Whose successour we Iudas spye who falsly Christ betrayed 1 O God my ioy and all my prayse in whome I glory most Hold not thy peace thy vertue rayse destroy my haters bost 2 For wycked mouthes and mouthes of gile at me be open set Wyth lying lippes they me reuile wyth tonges most false they ief 3 Wyth hateful wordes they compasse me such gall in hart they haue They fight at my sinceritie they causeles me depraue 4 For loue I had to them in hart they séeke my hurt and bloud Yet dyd I pray to ease my smart wherin I wysht them good 5 For good they euil agayne requite to malice so they bend And so for loue I shewd in sight whote hate they do repend 6 Some wycked man O constitute ▪ on hym to breake hys band Let Satan stand and execute hys power agaynst hys hand 7 When iudged he be for any déede let hym as gilty come Hys prayers whole ill mought they spéede to sinne turnd all in some 8 And let his dayes abriged be in yeares but fewe to go His office eke withall his fee Some other take hym fro 9 Let all his séede and issue sprong full sone be fatherles And let his wife be widow young and curst with barennesse 10 As wandrels make his childrens stray to beg séeke their bread Depryued so their houses gay abroade to desert led 11 Yea let his goodes the vsurer all wholy catch in net And let also the forriner by spoyle his labours set 12 Let no man be in any place to pitye hys distresse And no man helpe with any grace his children fatherles 13 To wast be led his progenye to ioy in no degrée Their name be blot from memory no second age to sée 14 His fathers crymes be they reuiued in mynde before the Lord His mothers sinne to her deryued and styll of God abhord 15 Yea let them hange in open sight before the Lord for aye Dryue he their fame all whole quyte from all the earth away 16 Because no loue he had in brest to any nedy wight But did pursue poore man opprest to kill the hart contryfe 17 He curse ensued he ioyed therin it came hym home the more He blesse eschued none would he wynne it shal hym flee therfore ▪ 18 To cursednes he whole was set as clad for all the nonce As water yet his bowels wet as oyle it pearst his bones 19 Let it therfore ▪ as cloke to be hymselfe to wrape therin With gyrdell gyrt so like be he alway euen next the skyn 20 This mede from God to them befall which me resist in hate To them euen all in generall agaynst my soule that prate 21 But do thou Lord my Lord with me as it becommeth thy name For swéete is thy benignitye O ryd me far fro shame 22 For sore afflict and poore I wepe I am all destitute My hart within is wounded déepe in death nye constitute 23 As shadow fast I passe away as day doth low declyne As grashopper remouing aye from place I am so dryuen 24 My knées do reale all fatigate in fasting long from meate My flesh is dryed for lacke of fat or oyle to make it sweate 25 A foule rebuke to them I séemde on me they strangly gase As laughing stocke they me estéemd shoke their heads apace 26 O helpe me Lord my God withsaue to thée alone I clyue Preserue me sure thy grace I craue and shortly me reuyue 27 And let them knowe in this thy ayde that this is whole thy hand That thou thy selfe my state hast layd so strong by thée to stand 28 And let them curse so thou do blesse O Lord of all most drad Yea let them rise but foule to misse to make thy seruaunt glad ●9 Let all my foes with shame be broke as clad therwith echone Let them be wrapt as with 〈◊〉 cloke in their confusion ●0 And I with mouth will celebrate the Lord with thankes on hye Whom people most be congregate I wyll his la●des applye ●1 For that he stode in poore mans nede at his right hand so strong To saue his soule frō iudges drede who might him stroy by wrōg ¶ The Collecte O Most pitifull Lorde and intreatable God whiche didst vouchsaue to be cast vnder the malediction of the law so bearyng the wrath of thy father to the ende that thou would discharge vs from all curse and malediction we beseche thee so to deale with vs mercifully that we may escape from the tyranny of synne that doth haunte vs and also to bee defended by the power of thy name from all cursed detractions of euill men so that we may fully ioy to be in thy fauour in the enmitie of the world to whom wyth thy father and holy sprite be all honour and glory for euer Amen ¶ The Argument Psalme CX Though Dauids raigne be somewhat ment Yet Christ is chiefe here prophecied Who was both kyng in regiment And priest in death then after stied To heanen to sit as priest and king His frendes to saue his foes to wring Wyth death the sting ̄̄ 1 THe Lord most hye the father thus Dyd say to Christ my Lord his sonne Set thou in power most glorious On my ryght hand aboue the sunne Untill I make thy foes euen all Thy low footestoole to thée to fall As subiectes thrall 2 The Lord shall send from Zion place Of thy great power imperiall The royall rod and princely mace Whence grace shall spring originall Yea God shall say thou God vp ryse To raigne amids thyne enemies In princely wyse 3 The people glad ▪ in hartes delight Shall offer giftes in worship frée As conquest day of thy great might In shinyng shew of sanctitie For why the dew of thy swete birth As morne new sprong dropth ioyfull mirth So séene on earth 4 The Lord did sweare and fast decréed He will hys worde no tyme repent Which sayd thou art a priest in déed A kingly priest aye permanent Of order namde Melchisedeck Whom peace and right ▪ doth ioyntly decke As Gods elect 5 The Lord as shield kepth right thy hand To make thy raigne inuincible He shall subdue by sea and land All power aduerse most forcible He shall great kyngs and Cesars wound In day of
wrath all them confound By fearefull sound 12 He iudgement true shall exercise As iudge among the Gentile sect All places he shall full surprise Wyth bodies dead on earth proiect Abrode he shall in sunder smyte The heds of realmes that him wyll spyte Or scorne hys myght 13 Though here exilde he strayth as bond And shall in way but water drynke Of homely brooke as comth to hand Pursued to death and wysht to sinke Yet he for thys humilitie Shall lift hys head in dignitie Eternally ¶ The Collecte O Lord the eternall sonne of the father which wart begotten before the world was made and art the first of all creatures we lowly beseche thee that where by the session of the ryghte hande of thy father thou subduest thy enemies so make vs to subdue all the dominion of sinne rising against vs to be made meete to serue thee in all godlines who liuest and raignest one God wyth the father and the holy ghost Amen ¶ The Argument Psalme CXI This laudatory is and thankth Gods gentlenes Who made all thyng and vs redeemd from sinne and wretchednes 1 WIth all my hart I will the Lord commend on hye Met secretly with faythfull men in church eke openly 2 Full greate be all the factes of this hye Lord in name Most exquisite and may be found of them that loue the same 3 His déede is worthy prayse most worshipfull I say It Glory is and comlynes his iustice lasts for aye 5 Of all his wondrous workes remembraunce hath he made The Lord is good and mercifull to Israell in trade 5 For meat and spoyle he gaue to them that feard hym due So myndfull he will euer be his pact and league to sue 6 His actes great power shewd to all his peoples sight In geuing them the heritage of Gentils landes for right 7 His workes of hands be séene all truth and equytye And his precepts all faythfull be in iust conf●rmytye 8 Upholde they stand most firme and euer wyll remayne For made they are by verytye and equytye agayne 9 He sent hys people guydes which them to fréedome lad His pact he bad should euer stand whose holy name be drad 10 The feare of God is sayd of wisdome first the way Who kéepe hys hests haue wisdome cleare whose prayse shal ner decay ¶ The Collecte GOd whose glory all thy saints most gladly delight to confesse graunt vs to haue the feare of thy holy name wherin consist the beginning of all wisdome that wee beyng enstructed in thy will and pleasure may be fedde wyth the heauenly nourishment of thy worde through Christ c. This doth recite of hym that feareth the Lorde The prayses right of hym that feareth the Lorde Whose constancy in God by faythes accorde Lyeth perfectly in God by faythes accorde ̄̄ 1 THat man is blest and liueth at rest that fearth the Lord most pure Who hath delyte most exquisite to worke hys byddinges sure 2 No doubt hys séede shall firmly spéede in all felycitye These regents hye theyr progenye most blessed shall they be 3 He riches store in house the more wyth plenty shall possesse Hys righteousnes in stablenes shall last and still increase 4 And light shall spred from darknes drede to godly mens reliefe The Lord benigne aye pitiyng and iust to ease their griefe 5 This blisfull man he pitye can and lend with diligence His word and déede by wisdoms réede he rightly shall dispence 6 For moued he can neuer be Gods arme shall hym defend The iust shall sure in fame endure till all the world doth ende 7 At tydyngs euyll no tyme he wyll stand dreadfully hymselfe Hys hart for why stands stedfastly he trustth the Lord of health 8 His hart so great is stable set to feare nothyng aduerse Untyll hys eyes their lust espies on all hys foes peruerse 9 He spredth hys store he geueth the poore hys iustice yet abidth His power shal be exalted frée with glory large and wyde 10 The euyll shall sée and fret shall he shall gnash his teth and lowe● ▪ The wicked lust of men vniust shall wast and turne full sower ¶ The Collecte GRaunt we beseech thee O God which art the light euerlasting and guyde of our hartes that we may loue and feare thee aboue all thinges to delight only in thy praise and so to deale to the necessitie of ou● neighbour in thys prcsent lyfe that in the next we heare not that sharpe word of reprobatiō for vnmercifulnes through Christ. c. The Argument Psalme CXIII This praisth Gods grace on hie therto it doth inuite His dignitie and prouidence it doth in part endight \ \ 1 YE seruauntes all ye children méeke prayse ye the Lorde of all Prayse ye hys name extoll ye due hys power potentiall 2 Gods worthy name be blest frō hence tyl all the world haue ende To dread and loue his power aboue God graunt we all contende 3 Frō time the Sunne doth shine in rise til downward fallth the same From East to West O blessed be the Lords swéete holy name 4 For why no fayle the Lord doth rule on Gentils all that be Yea heauens he passth in glory bright thys Lord of maiestie 5 For who is lyke this God the Lord in glory fame or power Who hath set vp himselfe aboue as chiefe and gouernour 6 And yet he bowth himselfe full low of hys great gentlenes All thynges that be in heauen and earth to sée in carefulnes 7 And he it is at will alone that liftth the poore from dust The nedy man he doth promote in dong that low was thrust 8 To make hym hye and equall sit wyth Princes rule to beare Yea that wyth Péeres of age most graue of his own people deare 9 And he alone the baren makth in fruitfull house to dwell As mother glad to ioye in babes O prayse the Lord then well ¶ The Collecte WE geue all prayse most due to thy blessed name almighty god beseching thee so to preserue vs in the lappe of thy welbeloued spouse thy church that we maye encrease and be stablished in the perpetuall knot of charitie and vnitie Thorough Christ. c. ¶ The Argument Psalme CXIIII Here ioy is made that Iacobs seede Did Aegipt scape in luckie speede That led they were by Gods great might To Canaan land to them behight ̄̄ 1 WHen Israell from Egipt went Where God them held in chastisment When ryd from thrall was Iacobs house Of people fierce and barbarouse 2 Then Iury land was consecrate True God to serue full dedicate Than Israell was hys Empire Hys subiect made to rule intyre 3 Which thing whan that the sea did spye She fled to sée Gods power so nye And Iordan floud reuersed was As geuyng place hys arke to passe 4 The mountaynesleapt as Rammes full light Aboue the waues th'appeard in sight The Hillockes eke did skip full glad As Lambes in grasse all fat bestad 5 What meanst thou
short extrete of loue the strength So large in length in tast so sweete O charity thou art I wisse Of Man the blisse in ech degree O charity wyth vnity 14. Canticum graduum ̄̄ 1 O Come and see how things most meete It is and sweete where men agree Whan brethren bound together dwell In peace so ●well In loue be founde O vnity keepe charitye 2 It is as sweete as Balme the best On head well drest which downe did fleete By berd and throte ▪ the berd I say Of Aaron gay his skirt of cote O charity seeke vnitye 3 It is as sweete as dewe that wont Fat Hermon mount to make so weete As dew no dout that heauenlye stils On Sion hils euen round about O vnity beare charity 4 For there euen there the Lord hath chargd Where peace enlargde most rule doth here All blisfull lyfe for aye to be Where men agree and voyd all strife O charity stirre vnity ¶ The Collecte Poure O Lord vpon thy church thy gift of brotherly charity and christiā vnity that we may be sprinkled with the dew of thy ●pirituall oyntmente and so that we maye euer reioyce in the grace of thy benediction through Christ. c. ¶ The Argument Psalm CXXXIIII The Leuites set in nights to sing To God so great their Lord and king On steps in sight some one by choyce Dyd thus excyte all mens reioyce So met to bring Both sprite and voyce 15. Canticū Graduum 1 LO ye all here Ye seruants déere And ye that stand Of God so grand Now prayse the Lord By Gods accord By night in house And glorious Draw neere recorde His hand with vs. 2 Your handes lift hye Gods sacrary The Lord proclaime Enhaunce the same In holynes Due laude expresse Blisse ye his deede In fayth and dread Apply no lesse His fame to spread 3 The Lord of grace Blisse he this place Who heauen did make For all our sake From Sion Hyll Your hart and will And earth I say Both nighte and day Embrace him still Awake and pray The ende of the songes of the Stayers ¶ The Collecte WE thy seruantes all O Lorde who of duetye doe blesse thee alway with our thankes we hart●lye pray thee to vouchsafe to lighten vs darkened as we be with the night of this world whereby we may obtayne most large blessinge from that while we lifte vp our hands in good workes of our vocation through Christ our Lord. ¶ The Argument Psalme CXXXV This Psalme endited seemth for ministers in quiere Gods workes it telth vayne Gods it scornth it singth Gods laudes full cleare 1 O Worship thanke and praise the name of God the Lord Ye seruauntes all of thys your God laud ye with one accord 2 Ye ministers which stand in God the Lordes good house And kepe the courtes of this our God O prayse hym glorious 3 Laude ye the Lord for why the Lord is gracious Syng out his name for swéete it is to man delicious 4 The Lord no doubt hath chose vnto hymselfe in care Olde Iacobs stocke all Israell for hys peculyar 5 I knowe the Lord is great and hye I him estéeme And that our God passth other Gods which mē for gods do déeme 6 And what it lyketh them the Lord doth it in déede In heauen and earth in sea full out in déepes where fishes bréede 7 He vapours lifth from earth and they to clouds do renne He lightnings turnth to raine in store he winds drawth out of dēne 8 To quite their cruelnes he smote in Egypt land Theyr fruites first got not one to scape from man to beast in band 9 In midst of thee the Lord his signes and wonders sent Thou Egipt land which Pharao and all his seruants shente 10 He many countryes smote and dyuerse nations slew He vanguished most mighty kings and made them all to rew 11 Of Ammorites theyr kyng hight Seon hie in throne So Og that hog of Basan king and Canaans realmes echeone 12 And gaue theyr lands and holds for heritage of right For heritage to Israell his people whole and quite 13 O Lord thy name endureth for euer world to ende From age to age thy memory in fame shal stil extend 14 For now the Lord hath iudged his peoples cause most playne He them auengd and pleasd he was with all his flocke agayne 15 The Gentyls Images be siluer molt and gold But handy worke of wretched men how euer they be fold 16 Mouthes haue they made in them but speake nothing at al So eyes they haue and nought they see blind Gods and casuall 17 And eares they haue in shape and yet they heare no sound Where beast most domme hath life and sprite no breth in them is found 18 As they be all to see theyr makers be the leke Domme deafe and dead brute stockes and blocks so all which thē do seeke 19 Ye house of Israell do well prayse ye the Lord Yea Aarons house preach ye his praise the lords great actes record 20 Ye Leuis house and seede blesse ye the Lord all whole Ye all that feare and worship true this Lord most hye extoll 21 O praysed be the Lord of Sion nighte and day His place is set Hierusalem O prayse the Lord I say ¶ The Collecte O God of all comfort and swetenes whome all the world for thy incomporable gentlenes more worthely prayse we besech thee to kepe vs from all vayne errour of the Paynyms vanities to worshippe thee in sprite verity through Christ. The Argument Psalme CXXXVI The Rectors This Caroll sweete exhorth vs clere Gods goodnes great to prayse in quiere The Quiere That men wyth laudes should them inure For thankes breede thankes and grace procure The Meane So redy bendth hys loue so pure Which will in ioy our hartes assure \ \ The Rectors COnfesse and praise the Lord most kynde For God he is as man doth fynde The Quiere For euer standth hys mercy sure Hys grace to vs wyll styll indure The Meane So redy bendth hys loue so pure Which will in ioy our hartes assure Rectors 2 Confesse and prayse the God of Gods Who made vs first of earthly clods The Quiere For euer standth hys mercy sure Hys grace to vs wyll still endure The Meane So redie bendth hys loue so pure Which wyll in ioy our hartes assure Rectors 3 Confesse and prayse the Lord of Lordes Who made all thyng by strength of wordes The Quiere For euer standth hys mercy sure Hys grace to vs will still endure The Meane So redy bendth his loue so pure Who will in ioy our hartes assure Rectors 4 Who wrought alone actes maruelous 5 Who formd the heauens by wisdome thus 6 Who stretcht the earth on fluds from vs. The Quiere Who dyd all this in hys good cure For euer standth hys mercy sure The Meane His grace to vs doth still endure Which will in ioy our hartes assure Rectors 7