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A13030 A summarie of Englyshe chronicles conteynyng the true accompt of yeres, wherein euery kyng of this realme of England began theyr reigne, howe long they reigned: and what notable thynges hath bene doone durynge theyr reygnes. Wyth also the names and yeares of all the baylyffes, custos, maiors, and sheriffes of the citie of London, sens the Conqueste, dyligentely collected by Iohn Stovv citisen of London, in the yere of our Lorde God 1565. Whervnto is added a table in the end, conteynyng all the principall matters of this booke. Perused and allowed accordyng to the Quenes maiesties iniunctions.; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1565 (1565) STC 23319; ESTC S117862 206,452 546

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shewed to their kyng the ieopardy that might therof ensue and aduertised him to auoyde the danger and expell them out of the realme but all was in vayn For Uortiger by reason of his wyfe bore suche fauour towards the Saxons that he would in no wise heare the coūcell of hys subiectes Wherefore they with one wyll and mynde depriued him of his royall dignitie and ordeyned to theyr Kynge hys eldeste soonne Uortimerus VOrtimer as before is sayde beyng made king in all hast he pursued the Saxons and by his marciall knyghthode vanquyshed theim in iiii greate battailes besydes conflictes and skirmyshes Untyll at lengthe he was poysoned by meane of Rowen his stepmother after hee had reygned .vii. yeares Uortiger obteyned agayn the kyngdome of great Britayne and reygned after this tyme .ix. yeares But shortly after Hengistus whiche was chased of Uortimer into the Isle of Thanet entred the land with a nūbre of Saxons but when he hearde of the great assemble that the britons made against him be treated for peace which in fyne was concluded The Saxons in Britayne by priuy guyle and treason got the kyng Uortiger into theyr handes and kept hym as prisoner and by that meanes constreyned the Kynge to graunte vnto theym thre countreys in the land of britayne that is to say Kent Susser Suffolke and Norffolke Than Hengist beganne his dominion ouer Kent and sendynge for mo saxons to inhabite the other prouinces shortly after made warre vpon the Britayns and so chased them that he kept his kyngdome of Kent in peace and warre .xxiiii. yeares Uortiger fled into Wales and there buylded a castell Of whiche buildyng and longe lette of the same and of his prophete Merlyn the common voyce of the people speaketh many thynges Aurelie surnamed Ambrose and Uther the brethern of Constantius king of brittayne whiche was slayne by the treason of Uortiger landed with a Nauye of shyppes at Totnes and by the healpe of britaynes whyche gathered to them in all haste made warre vppon Uortiger and burned him in his castell in Wales where he kepte hym for hys moste sure defence Aurelius Ambrose was ordeyned kynge of Britayne whyche immediatlye hasted hym wyth an army towards Yorke against Octa sonne of Hengist who wyth hys saxons kepte the Citie where he discomfited and tooke prisoner the sayd Octa. A Saxon named Hella with his .iii. sonnes and a company of Saxons landed in the southe parte of britayne slue the britons chased many of thē into desertes and wods and subdued the countreys of Southery Somerset Deuonshyre and Cornewall which after was called the kyngdome of South Saxons A saxon named Porthe landed wyth his .ii. sonnes at an hauen in southsex After whome the Hauen is named Portsmouthe The kyngdome of the East Saxons began in Britayn vnder a duke named Uffa The kyngdome wherof conteyned Norffolke and Suffolke the kyngs of that lordeshyp were called Uffines great murder veration of the britains was at the entryng of those Saxons In the ende of Aurelie hys reygne Pascentius the yongest sonne of Uortiger who for feare of Aurelius fled into Irelande inuaded this lande with a great armie at which season Aurelius was sicke at Wynchester And therfore sent his brother Uther to resyst the malice of Pascentius Guillamour king of Irelande In the meane tyme Aurelius dyed as some write beyng poysoned whan he had reigned .xix. yeares VTher surnamed Pendragon was crouned kyng of Britayne and reigned .xvi. yeres He was enamored vpon the dukes wife of Cornwall and to obteyne his vnlefull luste made warre vppon her husbande Garelus and slew hym in bataile he was buryed at Stone hynge ARthur the sonne of Uther Pendragon a striplyng of .xv. yeres of age beganne his reigne ouer Britayne and gouerned the land .xxvi. yeares hauynge continuall warre and mortall battayle with the Saxons Of this Arthure be written many thynges in the Englishe chronicle of small credence and farre discordant from other writers but yet all agree that he was a noble and victorious prince in all his dedes● and they testifie that he fought xii notable battailes agaynst the Saxons and was alway victour But notwithstanding he might not clerely void them out of his land but that they held theyr countreys whyche they were possessed of Iohn Frosarde affirmeth that kyng Arthure buylded the castell of Wyndesour and there founded the order of the rounde Table The fourthe kyngdome of the weste Saxons beganne in Britayne vnder a Saxon called Cerdicus They landed first at an hauē in Norffolk called Yarmouth With this Saxon Cerdicus his people Arthure had muche trouble and warre This lordshyp cōteyned the west part of Englande as Wylshire Somersetshire Barkshire Dorsetshire and other Arthure when after many and dyuers battailes he hadde sette his lande in some quietnes he betooke the rule thereof to hys nephewe Mordred and with a chosen army as saithe Galfride and other sayled into Fraunce where he dyd meruaylous thynges and vanquyshed Lucius Hibertus the Romain Capytayne whyche thyng semeth not to agree with other histories MOrdred whiche had the gouernance of Britayn in the absence of Arthur by treason was crouned kyng through the healpe of Cerdicus kyng of weste Saxons Of whiche treason when relation came to Arthur beyng then in Fraunce wyth all haste he made backe to Britayne where he was mette of Mordred whyche gaue to hym .iii. strong battails In the whiche manye noble and valyaunt knyghtes perished And lastely in a battayle foughten besydes Glastenburye Mordred was slayne and Arthure wounded vnto the deathe He was buried in the valley of Aualon and afterwardes at Glastenbury COnstantine kynsman to Arthur by assent of the brytons was ordeyned kynge of Britayne and reygned three yeares This man was by the two sonnes of Mordred greuouslye vexed For they claymed the lande by the ryghte of theyr father soo that betweene them was foughten sundrye battaylles In the whyche lastely the twoo bretherne were vanquyshed and slayne Holy Gildas our countreyman flouryshed in this tyme he was called Gildas the wyse Aurelius Conanus a britain raised mortall warre against Constantine the kyng and after sore fight slue hym in the field when he had reigned .iii. yeares and was buried at Stonehyng AUrelius Conanus was crowned kyng of Britayn he was noble hardy and therwith very lyberall but hee cherished suche as loued stryfe and discention wythin his Realme and gaue lyght credence to theym whyche accused other wer it right or wrong He imprisoned by stren̄gth his vncle whiche was right heyre to the crown and dyed when he had reigned .iii. yeares The kyngdome of Northumberland began fyrst in Britayn vnder a Saxon named Ida. This prouince was fyrste deuided into twoo kyngedomes The one was called Deyra which conteyned the lande from Humber to Tyne The other Brenicia whiche included the countrey from Tyne to the scottyshe sea
strong power came to London where they caused the kyng to cal a parliamēt whereof hearynge Alexander Neuyll Archbyshop of Yorke Syr Lionel Uere Marques of Deuelen syr Mychael de la Poole Chaūcellour erle of Suffolk fearyng punyshment fled the lande and died in straunge countreys The kynge by counsayle of the aboue named lordes duryng the parliament caused to be taken syr Robart Triuilian chiefe Iustice of Englande syr Nycholas Brembre late Maior of Londō syr Iohn Salysbury knyght of houshold syr Iohn Beauchampe Stewarde of the kyngs house syr Symon Burley syr Iames Bernes and syr Robert Belknappe knyghtes and a sergeaunt of armes named Iohn Uske the whiche by authoritie of the sayde parliament were conuict of treason and put to death at the towre hyll at Tyborne And Iohn Holt Iohn Locton Rychard Gray Wylliam Burgth and Robert Fuithorpe iustice with the other foresayde lordes which before had voyded the land were banished and exiled for euer Anno. 12. Sir Nych Twyford M. Tho. Austen S. Adam Gathill S. This yere the kyng kepte a great iustes in Smythfielde whiche continued xxiiii days This yere on the fifth day of August was the battayle of Ottyrborn where syr Henry Percy slewe the erle Douglas of Scotland and after was taken prisoner Anno. 13. Williā Uenour M. Iohn Walcot S. Iohn Loueney S. An esquier of Nauarre accused an englyshe esquire called Iohn Welshe of treason for the triall whereof a daye of fyght was betwene them taken to bee fought in the kyngs palais at westminster where they fought a strong fyght but Iohn Welshe was victor and constrayned the other to yelde Where he was dispoyled of his armour and drawē to Tyborn and hanged for his vntruth Anno. 14. Adam Bawme M. Iohn Francis S. Tho. Uiuent S. The duke of Lancaster vncle to king Richard sayled with a company of souldiours into Spayn to claym the realme of Cast●le for so muche as he had taken to wife the eldest daughter of kyng Peter that was expelled his kyngdom by Henry his bastard brother be conquered the countreye of Galice and made league with the kyng of Portugall but by great mortalitie whiche fell among his people he was fayne to dismysse his armye and shortly after loste all that euer he had wonne Anno. 15. Iohn Hind Draper M. Io. Chadworth S Henry Uamer S A bakers man bearynge a basket of horsebread in Fletestrete one of the bishop of Salisburies mē toke out a lofe y t baker requyryng his lofe the byshops man brake the bakers head whervpon folowed suche parties takyng that the Maior and Sheriffes and all the quyete people of the citie coulde not order the vnrulynes of the multitude there gathered togyther but that they woulde haue hym deliuered to them who brake the bakers heade or els to breake open the gates of the sayde byshops palaice who was the kynges high treasorer for the whyche the kynge seased the liberties of the Cytie and discharged the Maior and Sheriffes of the rule of the Citie and committed the gouernement therof to a knight of the court called sir Edward Dalingerige The citisens making great sute and labour to obtein the kynges fauoure coulde not thys yere obteyne it Anno. 16. William Stonden Grocer M. Gilbert Māfield S Tho. Newingtō S Thys yere by the great sute labour of doctor Grauesend then byshop of Lōdon the liberties were shortly restored in reward of whiche paynes he desyred the Maior wyth the citisens of London in their liueries to resort yerely on their ix pryncipall dayes to the Churche of Poules vnto the graue of the same byshop after his decease who lyeth in the myddle of the west end of the sayd churche and there to say De profundis c. As ye may reade in Robert Fabyan Anno. 17. Iohn Hadley Grocer M. Drew Barētin S. Rich. whittington S. A truce prolonged betwene France and Englande for .iiii. yeares Thys years dyed Quene Anne wyfe to kynge Rychard Anno. 18. Io. Frēche Mercer M Wil. Bramtō S. Tho. Knolles S. Aboute thys tyme was Wikliffe famous in England King Richard made a voiage into Ireland which was more chargeable then honorable And this yeare was greate tempest of wynde in England Anno. 19. Wil. More Uintener M Roger Elys S wil. Sheringhā S A truce for .xxx. yeares was made betwene England and France and kyng Richard toke to wife Isabell the daughter of Charles the Frenche kyng Anno. 20. Adā bame goldsmith M Tho. Wilford S. williā Parker S. The duke of Gloucester king Richardes vncle wyth the Earle of Arundell and other was put to cruel death for so muche as they rebuked the kyng in certayne matters ouer lyberally Anno. 21. Richard Whittingtō Mercer M. williā Askhā S. Io. wodcock S. Thys yeare deceased Iohn of Gaunt duke of Lancaster He was buryed in Poules Churche on the Northe syde of the quyer The Duke of Hereforde and also the Duke of Norffolke were bothe banyshed the lande Anno. 22. Drew Barētin Goldsmith M. Iohn wade S Io. warner S Kynge Rycharde lette the realme of Englande to ferme to syr Wyllyam Scrope Earle of Wyltshyre and to .iii. knyghtes Busshy Bagot and Grene. And then in Apryll he wente wyth an armye into Irelande leauynge for hys Lieuetenaunte in Englande syr Edmund of Langley hys vncle and Duke of Yorke Kynge Rycharde beyng occupyed in Irelande Henry Bolynbrooke Duke of Hereforde and of Lancaster whyche was banyshed into France beynge sente for of the Londoners came into Englande wyth a smalle power and landed in Holdernesse in Yorkeshyre to whome the Communes gathered in greate number whereof Kynge Rycharde hearynge aboute September he returned and landynge at Mylforde hauen he went to the Castell of Flynt in Wales where he rested hym entendynge to gather more strengthe In the whych tyme Henry Duke of Lancaster came vnto Brystowe where he tooke syr Willyam Scrope Ealre of Wylteshyre and Treasourer of Englande syr Iohn Bushy and syr Henry Greene. Syr Iohn Bagot was there taken but he escaped and fledde the other .iii. were iudged and put to execution Kynge Rycharde beyng in the castell of Flynte hys noble menne forsakynge hym was taken and by Henry duke of Lancaster sente to the tower of London where shortly after he yelded vp and resigned to the saide Henry all hys power and Kyngely tytle to the Crowne of Englande and Fraunce knowledgynge that he worthyly was deposed for his demerites and mysgouernyng of the Common weale King Henry the fourthe Anno Regni .1 HEnry the fourthe was ordeyned Kyng of Englande more by force as it appeared then by laufull succession or election Whyche thynge tourned hym to muche vnquyetnesse and caused often rebellyon in thys Realme of courage he was noble and valyaunt and after the Ciuile warres were appeased shewed hym selfe very gentill and louyng to hys subiectes He began hys reygne
Castile King Henry the eight Anno Regni .1 THe renoumed prince Hēry the eight beyng .xviii. yeres of age succeded his father in the gouernance of this realme and began his reigne the .xxii. day of Aprill in the yere of our Lord .1509 and deceased in the yere .1546 the .xxviii. day of Ianuary so he reygned .37 yeares .ix. monethes and .vi. days Of personage he was tall and myghtie in wytte and memorie excellent of suche maiestie tempered with humanitie and gentlenesse as was comely in so great a prince Margaret mother to Henry the .viii. buylded .ii. colledges in Cambridge and Willyam byshop of Lyncolne buylded Brasenos in Oxenford Kyng Henry maried the lady Katherin late wyfe to prince Arthure Richard byshop of Wynchester buylded Corpus Christi Colledge in Oxenforde Anno. 1. Thomas Bradbury mercer M George Monoxe S Iohn Doket S Thys yeare syr Rycharde Empson knyght and Edmund Dudley Esquier who had ben great counsaylours to the late kyng Henry the seuenth were beheaded at the tower hyll the .xvii. daye of August Whose attachement whervpon folowed y e execution was thought to be procured by the malyce of theym who wyth theyr auctoritie in the late Kynges dayes were offended orels to shyft the noyse of the straight execution of penall statutes in the late Kynges dayes by punyshment of those persons so saythe Halle Thys Edmonde Dudley compyled one notable boke and named it the tree of common wealth The oryginall copie whereof I haue seene though rudely written worthy for the excellencie thereof to be written wyth letters of golde A copy wherof I haue geuen to the ryght honorable lorde the Earle of Leicester Sir Wylliā Fitz wylliās was disfranchysed because he would not be sheriffe This yeare master doctor Colet deane of Poules erected a free schole in Paules churche yarde in London and committed the ouersyght therof to the maisters and wardeynes of the company of Mearcers because hym selfe was borne in London and sonne of Henry Colet whoe was a Mearcer and Maior of London Anno. 2. Henry Keibell mercer M. Iohn Milborn S Iohn Reste S Henry the fyrst son of king Hēry the right was borne on new yeres day for ioy● wherof a great iustes was kepte at Westminster on saint Mathewes day folowyng the chylde dyed Anno. 3. Roger Achiley Draper M. Nico. Shelton S Tho. Mirfyn S King Henry sent the lord Darcy with a goodly company of men into Spayne to ayde the kynge hys father in lawe against the Moores but ere he arriued a peace was concluded betwene theym wherefore shortely after he retourned home agayne The same tyme syr Edwarde Poynyngs accompanied with the lord Clinton and dyuers other was sente into Gelderland with .xv. C. archers to aide the prince of Castile at the requeste of Margaret Duches of Sauoye and Regent of Flanders Syr Edmond Haward and the lorde Thomas Haward toke Andrew Barton and .150 Scots with .ii. great ships The kyng of Scottes requyred hys shyps that were lately taken to bee restored accordyng to the league but answer was made by kyng Hēry that the matter perteined nothing to the league because that Andrew Barton was a pirate and robber on the seas The .xv. day of Ianuary was holden a parliament in the which two fiftenes and two tenthes of the clergie wer grāted to ayde the king in his warres that he entended agaynst the French kyng Anno. 4. William Copinger fishmōger M. Rob. Holdernes S Rich. Haddon S Rob. Fērother S This yeare was finyshed the beautifull steple with the lanterne of Bowechurche in cheape The lorde Marques Dorset with diuers other lordes and knyghtes was sent into Spain with an army of .13000 men who a good part of the sommer dyd much harme in Guyon by spoilyng the countreis But in wynter returned by meanes of a flixe which fell among his men Sir Edward Haward admirall of Englande with a great nauie scowred the seas and then went toward Britayne Kyng Henry sent forth a nauy of .xxv. shyppes among the which the Regent a shyppe royall was chiefe Sir Edward Haward lorde admirall of Englande through his to muche hardinesse was slayn in Britayn after whō his brother syr Thomas Hawarde was made admirall by the Kyng The nauies of Englande and France metynge at Britayne Baye foughte a cruell battaile in the whiche the regent of England and a Caricke of Fraunce beyng crappled together were burned and their captaynes with theyr men all drowned the englishe capitayn was sir Thomas Kneuet who had wyth hym 700. men in the frenche carricke was sir Piers Morgan with .900 men Anno 5. Williā Brown mercer M. Iohn Dawes S. Iohn Bridges S. Roger Basforde S. Kyng Henry beyng confederate with the Emperour and the kyng of Spayn passed with a great power into France where hauyng in wages vnder his banner the Emperor Maximilian all the nobilitie of Brabant Flaunders Holland he discomfited the whole power of France conquered Turwyn and the great citie of Turney In thys time the kynge of Scots not withstandyng that he was sworn on the sacrament to kepe peace inuaded this land with a myghty Armie but by the good diligence of the Quene and the policie and manhode of the Erle of Surrey the kynges lieutenant he was hym selfe slayne with .xi. of his erles and the Scottes discomfyted but not wythout great losse of Englyshemen Before this tyme the townes about London as Islington Horton suche other had so enclosed the common fields with hedges and dyches that neyther the yong men of the citie myght shoote nor the ancient persons walke for their pleasure except either theyr bowes and arrowes wer broken or taken away or the substanciall persons arested or endited saying That no Londoner shoulde go out of the citie but in the hygh ways This saying sore greued the Lōdoners and sodainly this yeare a great number of the Citie assembled in a mornyng a turner in a fooles cote cam crying thorough the citie shouels spades so many people folowed y t it was wonder and within a short space al the hedges about the townes were cast down and the d●ches filled and euery thing made plain The kynges counsaile hearyng of thys assemblie came to the graye friers and sent for the Maior and counsaile of the citie to knowe the cause which declared to them the noysance done to y e citisens and their commodities and liberties taken from them though they wold not yet the cōminaltie whiche were anoyed would plucke vp and remedy the same When the kynges counsayle had heard the answer they dissimuled the matter and cōmanded the Maior to see that no other thynge were attempted and to cal home the citisens which when they had done their enterprise came home before the kyngs coūsell and the Maior departed without any more harme doyng and soo after the fieldes were neuer hedged Sir Iohn Wallop burned diuers tounes and villages in Normandie
S. Austins at Canturbery S. Paules church iu Lōdon S. Andrews in Rochester Saint Peters at Westminster buylded 613 Mahomete fyrst begynnyng The vii kingdome Paulinus buylded the great churche at Lincolne Iron cuppes fastened by welles fountayns for trauayling mē to drynke on 635 The fyrste Schoole in Cambrydge buylded Policronica f. Columbe cronicis Colmanni The byshops see of Winchester buylded Glasynge brought fyrst into Englaud Chertesey in Southerye was afterwarde destroyed by the Danes 683 The kyng becam a monke The Ilande called vniuersally England 686 The colledge of Welles the abbey of Glastenbury newly builded The quene of West Saxōs was abbesse of Barkyng the kynge her husbande became a religious man 724 S. Beda in this tyme wrote in Englande 729 Two comets or blasynge starres Crowlande buylded Beda deceased 745 The kyng depriued and slayne by a swyneheard 748 Winchcombe abbey builded The abbey of S. Albons buylded The Kynge Kenulphus slayne 778 It rayned blood The Danes fyrst entred this lande The kynge poysoned by his wyfe 795 The Danes seconde entryng thys lande 832 Ethelwolphus gaue first tithes in Englande as Iohn Harding affirmeth An hospitall for englyshemen buylded at Rome Oxenforde buylded 855 856 The Danes third entryng this land 893 This kynge deuided y e day and nighte in iii. partes 8. howers to serue god .8 houres where suites of his people and viii houres to take his sleape reste The Danes landed in Northumberlande Kynge Edmunde slayne by the Danes Iohn Lidgate Women to kepe their chastitie disfigured them selues by cuttinge of theyr noses and ouerlyppes The king Etheldred slayn by the Danes The prioryist Excetor builded 872 The kynge counterfeated the mynstrell Shaftesbury Ethlingsey buylded The fyrste grāmer scole in Oxenforde buylded Newe abbey in winchester 901 This K. Edwarde is called Edwarde the senior Herford castell buylded The monastery of S. Peter at Gloceter buyldyd 925 The Kinge was crouned at Kyngston Iohn Lidgate 940 946 The Kynge crowned at Kyngs town 955 He was crouned at Kyngstoune A vicious kinge The kyng depriued 959 He was crouned at Bathsome saye at Kyngstoune This kynge builded and repaired xi abbeis in England as Wilton Peterborowe Thorney Ramsey c. The wolues in Englande destroyed Good lawes made agaynst quaffyng and alehouses Eight pety kyngs rowed kynge Edgar vp and down the ryuer of Dee 975 The Kynge crowned at Kyngston The kyng murdered by his stepmother A blasynge sterre Almsbery Warwel builded 978 The kynge crowned at Kyngston Englande became tributary to the Danes The Danes besieged London Great tribute sayd to the Danes The Danes sodeynly murdered slayne A great number of Danes aryue in thys lande London besiged by the Danes S Edmondes Burye buylded A great fire in London A boke in the Guylde hall of London named domes daye 1016 Edmūd with the Iron syd● 1038 Kynge Edmunde slayne with a speare thrust vp into his foundment as he sat on a priuy I iuste reward geuen Iohn Hars dynge 1018 A parliamēt at Oxforde Polidore Vergile 1038 1041 Reynolde of Chester Robert Fabian 1043 Robert Fabian William bastarde duke of Normandye Thomas Couper The lawes of S. Edwarde the confessor 1066 Willliā duke of Normandy conquered this lande Waltham abbey Thomas Couper 1067 Thomas Couper The names of Normanes and other that came with the conqueror 1068 Two castels buylded at Yorke one other at Notyngham and other at Lincolne 1069 1070 1072 Iohn Hardynge The new forest in South-hampton Iohn Hardynge Execution at Wynchester 1079 1081 10●● 1082 Srhewsbury and Wēloke bbeys buylded 1085 The numbre of men of cattell and howe many hydes of lande was noted in Englande A greuous reaction 1086 Great plages in England A parte of Poules churche was brent Battaile abbey and Barmondsey abbey builded 1087 It remaineth in recorde of good authoritie that the best payre of hose then to be bought for the kyng coste but .iii. s. as one Robert affirmeth who wrate in the tyme of Henry the thyrde 1088 A great earth quake 1089 1090 Greate tēpest in Englande The roofe of Bowchurche and syxe hundred houses in London blowē down 1091 Newe castell vpon Tyne buylded The roofe of Salisburye churche consumed with lyghtnyng 1092 Great frost The welshemen rebelled The dukedome of Normandy morgaged to y e kyng of England Chester abbey buylded 1093 The kyng of Scots slayne in Englande Greate pestilence 1094 Great morein of men Strange sightes sene in the ayre 1096 1097 Westminster hall buylded Iohn Rastall 1098 Great flouds A welle caste out bloud Great flames of fyre sene in the element 1099 Iohn Hardynge 1100 1101 A tribute payed to the duke of Normādy 1102 The priory the hospitall of S. Bartholomewe in Smithfielde was begun to be buylded Smith feld a laystowe 1103 1104 Teukesbury abbey builded 1105 Rebellion in Shropshire Cornwall 1106 A blasynge sterre 1107 1108 1109 The strong castell of Brystow builded Euisham abbey buylded 1112 A great earth quake Hyde abbey buylded A blasyng sterre 1114 1117 1119 The kynges chyldren drouned in the sea 1123 Readyng abbey Cisseter Windilsore Woodstocke buylded 1126 The gray friers first came into Englāde 1127 1131 Fountaynes abbey builded The priory of Norton and the abbeye of Combremore buylded 1132 1135 Henry the first toke his death by a ●all of his horse 1135 Hector Boice 1136 1138 1140 Kynge Stephen taken prisoner Stratford abbey buylded 1144 1144 1145 1148 A great frost 1150 1151 The abbeyes of Coggeshall of Fourneys and Feuersham buylded 1154 1155 1156 Two sonnes sene in the fyrmament The castel of Rutland and the abbeye of Basyngwerk buylded 1157 Thomas Couper 1159 1160 1161 Great fyre at Canturbery 1163 Thomas Becket bisshop of Canturbery 1167 K. Henries eldest sonne crowned hys rather beynge alyue 1170 1171 Thomas Gouper 1172 1174 The kynges sonne the seconde tyme crowned 1175 Henry the sonne of king Henry rebel● agaynst his father 1177 1179 1181 The Kynges son deceased 1184 1185 1187 1289 Thomas Couper Iohn Maiore Many outlawes in Englande The fyrst bailiffes in London 1189 Many Iewes slayne in Englande Quene Elianor released out of prison Ranulph of Chester Guido 1290 The Iewes in Englande were robbd many of them slewe them selues 1191 Kyng Rychard wēt to Ierusalem in his absence his brother rebelled in Englande 1192 Thomas Couper 1193 Kyng Richarde taken prisoner 1194 1195 1196 Great ransom payde for the kyng Kyng Rychard agayne crowned at Wynchester A preacher called Willliam wyth y e long bearde Williā with the long beard forced by fyre to flye oute of Bowchurche in cheape 1197 1198 Kyng Richarde wounded to deathe with a venemous arrow 1199 1199 The kynge toke .iii. s. of euery plough lande Kyng Iohn dueorsed 1200 Ranulph of ●●ester 1201 Fiue Mones sene in the firmament Robert Fabian xxv Gouernours of the Citie chosen 1202 Great tempest in Englande 1203 Great dearth of wheate in Englande 1204 England interdicted A monstrous fyshe taken 1205 Normandye loste 1205
contrey dyd remayn By this meanes the Britaynes with theyr kyngedome loste their name But they whiche affirme that name to be deriued of their kyng or queene without doubte be deceiued The countrey soyle towardes the sea coaste and in other places in the valleys and playnes is most fertile which yeldeth bothe to man and beaste great plentie of fruite and grasse but in other places for the moste parte it is bareyne and lesse fruitfull because it lacketh tyllage for whiche cause husbandmen do lyue hardly eating Oten cakes and drinkyng milke myxte with water and sowre whay There be many townes and strong castels and .iiii. Bishoprikes if the byshoprike of Hereforde be coūted in England as y e late writers declare The fyrst byshoprike is Meneue so called of Meneua whiche at this day they call Sainct Dauids a Citie very auncient situated vpon the sea coast and boūdeth westward toward Ireland An other is Landaeffe the thirde Bangor and the fourthe All Saint Asaph whiche be vnder Tharchbyshoppe of Canterburye The walshmen haue a language from thenglishmen which as they say that fetche their Petigree frome the Troianes do the partly sounde of the Troian antiquitie and partly of the Greeke But how soever it is the walshemen do not pronounce their speache so pleasantely and gentilly as thenglyshmen dooe because they speake more in the throte contrary wise thenglishemen rightly folowynge the Latines do expresse theyr voyce somewhat within the lyps which to the hearers semeth pleasant swete And thus much of wales the third part of Britaine Nowe foloweth the fourthe and laste parte of Britayne named Cornewall This part beginneth on that syde whiche standeth toward Spayn westward Toward theast it is of bredth .iiii. score and tenne myles extendyng a lyttle beyonde saynt Germains which is a very famous village situated on the right hand vpon the sea coast where the greatest breadth of that countrey is but .xx. myles for thys parcell of lande on the right hand is compassed with the coaste of the mayne sea and on the left hande with that arme of the sea whiche as before is declared parteth the lande and runneth vp to Chepstoll where the coūtrey is in fourme of a Horne For at the fyrst it is narowe and then growethe broader a little beyonde the said towne of saint Germaine Eastwarde it bordreth vpon England West south and Northe the mayne sea is rounde about it It is a very barreyn soyle yeldynge fruite more through trauaile of the tyllers and husband men thē through the goodnes of the groūd but there is great plentie of leade and tyn in the myning and dyggyng wherof doth specially consist the liuynge sustentation of thinhabitants In this only parte of Britayn euen to this daye continueth the nation of the Britaines whiche in the begynnynge brought out of Gallia occupied inhabited that Ilande yf credite maye be geuen to them whyche reporte the firste inhabitantes of Britaine to come out of the Cities of Armerica The argumēt profe wherof is because y e Cornishmen do speake y e langage which the Britains vse now in France whom the Britons do cal Britonātes This thing to be more true an old ancient chronicle dothe declare wherin I found written not Cornubia but Cornugallia compounded of Cornu a horne the forme wherof that countrey hath and of Gallia out of which contrey thinhabitantes came fyrst the maner of which name is not to be mislyked Their tongue is farre dissonant from englishe but is muche like to the Walshe tongue because they haue many wordes cōmune to both tonges yet thys difference there is betwene them when a walsheman speaketh the Cornyshe man rather vnderstandeth many woordes spoken by the Walshman then the hole tale he telleth whereby it is manyfest that those thre people dooe vnderstande one an other in like maner as the Southerne Scottes doo perceiue and vnderstand the Northern But it is a thyng very rare and meruailous that in one Iland there should be such varietie of speches Cornewall or Cornugall is in the Diocesse of Excetour whyche was ones woorthye to bee counted the fourth part of the Iland as well for the contrarietie of language as for the fyrst inhabitantes thereof as is beforesayde Afterwardes the Normans which constituted a kyngdom of all those thre partes reckned Cornewall to bee one of the counties or shires of the contrey Thus muche of the particular descryption of Britayne that the whole bodye of the realm by the membres may be the better knowen to some peraduenture that neuer heard the same before The forme of the Iland is triquetra or thre cornered hauyng three corners or three sydes Two wherof that is to say The corner toward theast and thother toward the weast bothe extending northwardes are the longest The third syde whiche is the south syde is farre shorter then thother for the Iland is greater of length then of bredth And as in the other two partes is conteyned the lengthe euen so in the laste the breadth In whyche place the breadthe begynneth and so continuyng from the South parte to the north it is but narowe The fyrste and ryght corner of whyche Ilande eastwarde is in Kente at Douer and Sandwyche From whence to Caleys or Boloygne in France is the dystance of .xxx. myles From this Angle which is agaynst Fraunce to the thyrde Angle whyche is in the Northe in Scotlande the mayne whereof boundeth vpon Germany but no land seene and there the Iland is lyke vnto a wedge euen at the very angle of the land in Scotland The length wherof is .vii. hundreth myles Agayne the lengthe from this Corner at Douer in Kent to the vttermost part of Cornewall beynge saynt Myghels mount whych is the west part or weste angle is supposed to bee .300 myles Frō this left Angle beyng the west part and thuttermoste parte of Cornewall whiche hath a pros●ect towards Spain in whyche part also standeth Irelande sytuated betwene Britayne and Spayn to the northe angle in the further parte of Scotlande in which part the Ilande doth end the lēgth is .viii. hundred miles in whiche parte there be very good hauens and saufe harboroughes for shyppes and apt passage into Ireland beyng not past one day saylyng but the shorter passage is from Wales to Waterforde a towne in Ireland vppon the sea coast muche lyke to that passage betwene Douer and Calaice or som what more but y e shortest passage of all is out of Scotlande From this last Angle to Hampton whiche is a towne vpon the sea coast with a hauen so called toward the southe and therefore called South-hampton betwene the Angles of Kent and Cornewall they doo measure by a strayght lyne the whole lengthe of the Ilande and doo say that it conteyneth 800. myles as the breadth from Meneua or Saint Dauids to Yarmouth whiche is in the vttermost part of the Iland towardes the East doth conteyn .200 miles for the breadth of the Iland is in
when she had reigned .v yeares and was buryed at Leycester in Ianus temple by her father Morgan the eldest sonne of Dame Gonorell claimed Britayn and warred on his nephue Conedagus that was kyng of Camber that nowe is Wales and of Cornwall but Conedagus met with Morgan in Wales and there slue hym which place is called Glamorgan tyll this daye And then Condenagus was kyng of all Britayne he buylded a Temple of Mars at Perche that now is S. Iohns towne in Scotlande placed there a Flamyne he buylded an other or Minerue in Wales which now is named Bangor The third he made of Mercurie in Cornewall where he was borne he reigned .xxxiii. yeares and was buryed at London Riuallo sonne of Conedagus succeded his father in whose tyme it rayned blood .iii. dayes after the whiche tempest ensued a great multitude of venemous flyes which slewe muche people And then a great mortalitie throughe out this land whiche caused almoste desolation of the same This Riuallo reigned ouer this whole Iland .xlvi. yeres and than deceased and was buried at Caire branke that now is Yorke In the yeere .1554 after the vniuersall Floud and after Comerus the fyrst king of Italy .1414 after y e destruction of Troy .432 And after Brute arriued in England .356 Rome was buylded in Italy by Remus and Romulus Gurgustus sonne of Riuallo succeded in the kyngdom of Brytayne who reigned quietly but was a cōmon dronkarde wherof folowed all other vices when he had reigned .xxxviii. yeres he deceased and was buried at Yorke Scicilius the brother of Gurgustus succeded in the Kyngdom of whome is left but little memory but that he reygned li● yeares and was buryed at Bathe Iago or Lago cousyn of Gurgustus reigned .xxv. yeares for his euyll gouernement he dyed of a litargie and was buryed at Yorke The game of Chesse about this season was deuysed by wyse men to mytigate the myndes or hartes of tyrantes the yere of the worlde .3339 the yere before Christ .614 Kynimacus succeded Iago in thys realme of Brittany wherin he reigned liiii yeares and was buryed at Yorke Gorbodug succeded his father Kynimacus in this realme of Britain as our Chronicles write He reigned .lxiii. yeres and was buried at London Forrex with his brother Porrex ruled this lande of Britayn .v. yeares but it was not long ere they fel at ciuile discorde for the soueraygne domynion in whiche Forrex was slayne And Porrex afterwardes by his mother was killed in his bed Thus cruelly was the bloodde and house of Brute destroyed when that this Realme by the space of 616. yeares had bene gouerned by that lynage After the death of the two brethren Forrex and Porrex thys Realme was deuided with ciuile warres for lacke of one soueraigne gouernour whiche continued by the space of .li. yeares vntyll that noble Dunwallo reduced the same into one Monarchie MUlmutius Dunwallo the sonne of Cloten duke of Cornewall reduced this realme into one Monarchie beyng before by ciuile warres and discention seuered and brought into dyuers dominions he was the fyrste that ware a crowne of golde he constituted good lawes whiche long after wer called Mulmutius lawes he gaue priuileges vnto Temples and ploughes and beganne to make the fower notable wayes in Britayne In London called then Troy Nouant he buylded a great Temple whiche some suppose to be S. Paules some Blackwell Hall whiche was called Templum pacis Finally when he had brought this Ralme to wealthe and quietnes reygnyng herein .xl. yeares He dyed honourably leauing after hym two valiant and noble sonnes Belinus and Brennus as Fabian writeth He buylded the towne of Malmsbury and of Uies He was buried at London in the temple of Peace before named BElinus and Brennus sonnes of Mulmutius deuyded thys whole Isle of Britayne betwene them Unto Belyne the elder brother was appoynted England Wales and Corn wall Unto the other the North part beyond Humber But Brennus a young man desyrous of glory and dominion thinking hym selfe equall with his brother in marciall prowes was not therewith content Wherfore he raised war agaynste Belyne But in conclusion by the meanes of their mother they were accorded and Brennus brynge geuen wholly to the study of warres lefte his countrey to the gouernance of his brother and went into Fraunce amongest the Galles where in the Prouince of Lions for his excellēt qualities he was greatly estemed of Siguinus kynge of the countrey whose daughter he maried And of the Galles was made Souerain captain whē they made their vsage to Rome Belyne in the meane tyme both in ciuile iustyce and also religyon suche as at that tyme was vsed greatly increased his Realme He made three Archeflames whose seas were at London Yorke and Carlion He fynyshed the fower great waies begon by his father He subdued and made tributarye vnto hym Denmarke In London he made the hauen whyche at thys daye retaineth the name of hym called Belynes gate and as Iohn Leyland writeth whose labour and industry in most diligent serchyng out the antiquities of this Realm is greatly to be cōmended builded y e tower of London He maried his daughter Cambria vnto a prince of Almayn called Antenor of whō these people were called Cymbri and Sycambri Fynally after he had reigned with his brother and alone .xxvi. yeres he died and after the pagan maner with great pompe was burned his ashes in a vessell of brasse set on a high Pynacle ouer Belyns gate as saith Robert Fabyan he builded Carlion and also the temple of concorde whyche after the opinion of many is nowe the paryshe churche of the Temple Gurgunstus sonne of Belyne succeded his father He subdued Denmark compellyng them to continue their tribute and in his returne home mette with a fleet of Spaniards which were seekyng for habitations because theyr contrey was so populous and not able to susteyne them to whome the Kynge granted the Isle of Ireland to inhabite and to holde the same of hym as their soueraigne Lord But the Scots write that the Spaniards arriued before this time in Ireland This Gurgun●us reigned .xix. yeares and was buried at Carlyon Guinthelinus sonne of Gurgunstus was crowned kynge of Britayne A prince sober and quiet who had to wife a noble woman named Marcia of excellent learnyng and knowledge She deuised certain lawes which long time among the Britains were greatly estemed and named Marcian lawes Fynally when this vertuous prince hadde reigned .xxvi. yeres he dyed and was buried at London Cecilius the sonne of Guenthelyne and Marcia reigned .vii. yeres of hym there remaineth nothyng notable But that as the Scottes write in the fyrst yeare of his reigne a people of Almain called Pyctes arriued here in Britayn and possessed those parties which now be the marches of bothe realmes
Englande and Scotlande Cecilius was buried at Carlyon Kymarus succeded Cecilius and reigned three yeares in Britayne he was slayne as he was huntyng Elanius called also Danius was kyng of Britayn .ix. yeres Morindus the bastard son of Danius began to reigne in Britain he as our Chronicles saye fought with a kynge who came out of Germanye and arriued here and slew hym with all his power Moreouer as they write of the Irishe seas in his tyme came foorthe a wonderfull monster whiche destroyed muche people wherof the king hearyng would of his valiaunt courage needes fyght with it by whō he was cleane deuoured whē he had reigned .viii. yeres Gorbomānus eldest sonne of Morindus reigned .xi. yeres A prince iust and religious he renued the temples of his gods and gouerned his people in peace and wealth Oure englyshe Chronicle sayth he buylded the townes of Cambridge and of Grantham Archigallo brother to Gorbomannus was crowned kyng of Britayne he was in conditions vnlike to his brother for he deposed the noble men and exalted the vnnoble He extorted from men their goodes to enriche his treasurie for which cause by the estates of the realme he was depriued of his royall dignitie when had reigned .v. yeares Elidurus the thyrd sonne of Morindus and brother to Archigallo was elected kyng of Britayn a vertuous and gentil prince who gouerned his people iustly As he was in hunting in a forest by chaunce he met with his brother Archigallo whom moste louyngly he imbraced and founde the meanes to reconcile hym to his lordes and than resigned to hym his royal dignitie when he had reigned .v. yeares Archigallo thus restored to his royal estate ruled the people quietly and iustly .x. yeares lyeth buryed at Yorke Elidurus aforenamed after the deth of his brother Archigallo for his pitie and iustice by the generall c●nsente of the Britayns was agayn chosen kyng But he reigned not passyng two yeres but that his yonger brethern Uigenius and Peredurus raysed warre agaynste hym tooke hym prisoner and cast hym into the Tower of London where he remayned as they write duryng their Reigne Uigenius Peredurus after the takyng of their brother reigned together vii yeres Uigenius thā died Peredurus reygned after alone .ii. yeares He buylded the towne of Pyckeryng after the opinion of diuers writers Elidurus the thirde tyme was made kyng of Britayne who continued his latter reigne honorably and iustely but beynge sore bruised with age and troubles he fynyshed his lyfe when he had now lastly reigned .iiii. yeres and was buried at Car●●le Gorbonian reygned in Britayne .x. yeares Morgan was crowned kyng of Britayne who guyded the realme peacibly xiiii yeares Emerianus brother to Morgan succeded in the Realme of Britayne And when he had tyrannously reigned .vii. yeares he was deposed Iuall was chosen kyng of Britayne for his iustice and temperance which he gouerned peacyblye .xx. yeares Rymo gouerned this realme of Britayne .xvi. yeares In his tyme was great plentie and peace Geruncius reigned here in Britayne xx yeares Catillus reigned peacibly in Britayn x. yeres he houng vp all oppressours of the poore people to geue ensample vnto other Coilus succeded Catellus in the realme of Britayne who quietly reigned xx yeares Porex a vertuous and gentle prince reigned in Britayne .v. yeares Chirinnus king of Britayn through his dronkennesse as our Chronyclers write reigned but one yeare Fulgen his sonne reigned two yeres in Britayne Eldred reygned in Britayne one yeare Androgius lykewyse reygned one yeare in Britayne Uarianus the sonne of Androgius succeded his father in this realm of Britayne He wholly gaue hym selfe to the lustes of the fleshe reigned .iii. yeres Eliud kynge of Britayne reygned v. yeres who was a great Astronomer Dedantius kyng of Britayn reigned v. yeares Detonus reigned in this land of Britayne .ii. yeares Gurgineus reygned .iii. yeares in Britayne Merianus was kyng of Britayne .ii. yeares Bladunus gouerned Britain .ii. yeres Capenus reigned kyng of Britayn iii. yeares Ouinus ruled Britain .ii. yeares Silius reigned in Britain .ii. yeares Bledgabredus was .xx. yeres kynge of Britayne He delited muche in musycke and gaue hym selfe to the studye thereof Archemalus was kyng of Britayne ii yeares Eldelus reigned kyng of Britayne iiii yeares In this tyme dyuers prodigies were sene as globes of fyre burstynge oute of the ayre with great noyse Rodianus was kyng of Britayne .ii. yeares Redargius reygned kyng of Britayn iii. yeares Samulius reigned in britayn ii yeres Penisellus was made kyng of Britayne who gouerned it .iii. yeres Pirrhus ruled Britayne .ii. yeares Caporus was kyng of Britayne .ii. yeares Dinellus the sonne of Caporus a iust vertuous prince gouerned this realm of Britaine .iiii. yeares Helius the sonne of Dinellus reigned not fully one yere king of Britayn Of this prince the Isle of Ely toke this name for that he there buylded a goodly palace wherin was his most delight to lyue and also was there buried LUd the eldest son of Hely succeded his father and reigned .xi. yeares in Britayne As soone as he was made Kyng he reformed the state of his common weale for he amended his lawes and tooke awaye all vsages that were naughte Moreouer he repayred the Citie of London then called Troynouant with fayre buildyngs and walles and buylded on the west part therof of a strong gate whiche vnto this time retaineth the name of hym and is called Ludgate Fynally he dyed leauyng after hym two sonnes Androgeus and Theomancius who beynge not of age to gouerne their vncle Cassiuelane obteyned the Crowne Our Chroniclers write that London tooke the name of this Lud and was called Ludston He was buryed nere to the same Ludgate in a Temple whiche he there buylded CAssiuelane the sonne of Hely as oure vulgare Hystoriographiers write after the deathe of his brother Lud was made gouernour of Britayne whiche hee ruled .xix. yeares In the .viii. yere of his reigne Iulius Cesar who warred longe in France made the fyrste vyage of any straunger into this Realme and afterwarde subdued it Whan C. Iulius Cesar had warred seuen yeares in France Germanie commyng vnto that part where Calaice and Boloigne nowe stande hee determined to make warr into Britain whiche vntyll that tyme remayned vnfrequented and vnknowen of the Romayns His quarell was because that in the warres of Fraunce he perceyued the Frenchemen to haue muche succour and aide from thens Wherfore hauing prepared .lxxx. shyppes he sayled into Britayne where at the first beyng weried with an harde and sharpe battayle And after with sodeyne tempest his nauye almoste destroyed he retourned agayne into France there to wynter his men The next spring whiche was the yeare before Christ .51 His
Conon Meridoke a Britayn was a stryfe and debate in whiche they both sped dyuersly but at at length they wer made frends Maximus reigned .viii. yeares Maximus kynge of Britayne made warre vpon the Galles and sayled into Armerica now called litle Britayn and subduyng the countreye gaue it to Conon Meridoke to hold for euer of the kynges of great Britayn Maximus was constrayned of the souldiours to take on hym the imperiall crowne therfore beyng in France passed further into the lands of the empire subdued a great part of France and all Germanie Gratian the Emperour of hym was put to flight at Paris and slayne at Lyons Whyles Maximus was occupied in the warres in Italye Melga kynge of Pictes and Guanius captayne of the Hunnes vexed the Britayns Wherof when Maximus had vnderstandynge he sente a captaine named Gratian to withstande their force Saint Ursula with the .11000 Uirgins whiche were sent into little Britayne to be maried to the foresayde Conon and his knyghtes wer slayn of the barbarous people beynge on the sea Forthwith the foresaid Gratian that was sent into Britayne of Maximus to defende the land from Barbariens toke on hym the kyngdom of Britayn and exercised all tyranny and exaction vppon the people for whiche cause hee was abhorred of all the Britaynes and by theym was slayne when he hadde reygned fower yeares Then was the Realme a good space wythoute heade or gouernoure In the whyche tyme they were nowe and then very muche vexed wyth the foresayde Barbarous people and other foreyne enemies Nere about the yeare of Christ .427 the Britaynes were inuaded agayne by the Pictes and Scots which not withstandynge the foresayde wall that was made by the Romanes spoyled the coūtrey very sore so that they were dryuen to seke for newe helpe of the Romanes who sent to them a company of souldiors which agayn chased the Picts and made a wall of stone of the thicknes of viii foot in height .xii. foote Which thing when they had done comfortyng the britones and admonishynge them hereafter to trust to their own māhod strēgth they returned agayn to Rome The Scottes and Pyctes yet once agayne entred the lande of Britayne spoylynge the countreye and chasyng the commons so cruelly that they were altogether comfortelesse and broughte to suche myserie that eche robbed and spoyled other and ouer this the groūde was vntylled whereof ensued greate scarcitie and hunger and after hunger deathe In thys necessitie they sente for ayde to Aetius the Romayne capitayne beynge then occupied in warres in a parte of Fraunce but they had no comfort at his hand And therfore wer forced to send ambassade to Aldroenus kynge of little Britayne to desyre ayde and comforte whiche they obteyned in condition that if they atchieued the victorie Constantine his brother shold be made king of britayn for to that day they had no gouernour Which thyng of the Ambassadours beyng graunted the sayd Constantine gathered a companye of souldiors and went forth with them And when he had manfully vanquished theyr enemies obteined the victorie accordynge to the promise made he was ordeyned their kynge and guyded this land .x. yeres Here endeth fynally the dominion tribute of the Romans ouer this lande whiche had contynued by the space of 483. yeares from the tyme that Brute began to rule this lande .1541 After the citie of Rome was builded .1585 yeres THen it folowed that when Constantine brother of Aldroenus had chased and ouercome the Pictes and Scots as is beforesaid he was crowned kynge of great Britayne and guyded the lande the space of .x. yeares in quietnes In the courte of Constantyne kynge of Britayn was a certayne Picte in so greate fauoure and authoritie with the kyng that he myght at all tymes come to his presence who watchynge hys tyme by secrete meanes trayterouslye slewe the kyng in his chamber Then Constantius hys eldest sonne whyche for his lofte spirite was made monke at saincte Swithens in Wynchester by the means of Uortiger duke of Cornwal was taken out of the cloister and made king vnder whose name the foresayd Uortiger ruled all the land and vsed great tyrannye Constantius kyng of Britayn was slayne of certayne Pictes or Scottes whom Uortiger had ordeined for a gard to the kynges bodye Whereof when Uortiger had knowledge he wept and made semblaunt of greate sorowe and heauynes and caused the sayd Scottes or Pictes to be put to deathe thoughe he in dede were the chief causer of their treason and murder So this Constantius reigned but .v. yeares And Aurelius and Uther the kynges younger brethren fled into little Britayn Uortiger was by force ordeined king of Britayne and gouerned the realme .xvi. yeares not without trouble For the nobles of Britayne suspected that Constantius was not murthered with out hys consent And therfore alienated their myndes from hym In Britayne was so great plentie of corne and fruite that the lyke had not ben seen many yeares before Whiche plentie was cause of idlenes gluttony lechery and other vices so that through their incontinent and riottous lyuyng ensued so great pestilence and mortalitie that the lyuynge scantely suffised to bury the dead The Pictes and Scotts also hauing knowledge of the death of their knightes whyche were slayne by Uortiger for murderyng of the kynge inuaded and in most cruell wise spoyled the land of Britayne Uortiger beyng sore abashed for so muche ashe knewe the myndes of hys people to be alienated from hym after some mens opinion sente for the Saxons named Angli whiche had no place to dwel in gaue to them inhabitāce in Kent By their helpe and manhoode in many batails he vanquished and droue back the Pictes and other enemies and therefore had them euer after in greate loue and fauour Hengist one of the captaines of the Saxons founde meanes that Uortiger kynge of Britayne maryed his daughter Rowan a mayden of wonderfulle beautie and pleasauntnesse but a myscreant and Pagane For her sake the kynge was deuorced frome his laufull wyfe by whome he hadde .iii. sonnes For whiche dede welnere all the Britones forsooke hym and the Saxons daily encreased bothe in fauoure multitude and auctoritie and from this tyme sought alwaye occasyon to extinguyshe vtterly the power of the britayns and subdue the lande to them selfe The Saxons couenanted with the Britons that they shold attend to their worldly busynes and the Saxons as their souldiors would defend the lande from the incursions of all enemies for which seruice the Britains should geue to them competent meate and wages And vnder thys pretence caused more Saxons to bee sent for entendyng at conueniente tyme by force to haue the lande in their subiection Sainct Germain came into Britayn to reduce them from the heresye of Pelagius to the fayth of Christe The britayns consyderyng the daily repaire of the Saxons into this realm
After this day the britayns decreased dayly in lordshyp and rule and drewe them towardes Wales so that the countrey about Chester was the chiefe of theyr lordshyppe Uortiporus the son of Conanus was ordeyned kyng of Britayne of whom is lyttle memorye lefte sauyng that Guido testifyeth that hee was a vyctorious prince and that hee in dyuers battailes discomfited the saxons he reygned .iiii. yeares MAlgo a duke of Britayne began hys reygn ouer the britayns and gouerned them .xxxv. yeares as wryters recorde This Malgo was the comelyest and moste personable man of all the britaynes then lyuing and therwith indued with knyghtely manhode but hee delyted in the foule synne of sodomy and therfore was greatly spoiled by his enemies the Saxons Ethelbert kyng of the Saxones in Kent gaue bataile to Ceaulmus kyng of the west Saxons in whyche fyghte were slayne .ii. dukes of Ethelberts hymselfe with his people chased Thys was the fyrst warre betwene the Saxons after they had lande and dwelling within this realme Cutwalphus the sonne of Cerdicus kyng of west Saxons fought valiantly agaynst the Britaynes and berefte them of .iiii. great townes After the deathe of Cutwalphus before named his brother Ceaulmus desyrous of honoure made sharpe warre vpon the britayns and wan from them the cities of Glocester Worcester and Bathe CAreticus began to rule the Britons This man as witnesseth al writers loued ciuile warr and was odible both to God and to his subiects they moued the Saxons to warre vppon hym who toke from hym a great part of his land The Saxons heryng of the discention betwene Careticus and his Britaines beyng accōpanied with Gurmundus kyng of Ireland made warr vpon Careticus in suche wyse that hee was fayne to take the Towne of Sicester where they assaulted him so sore that he wyth his menne fledde from thens into Wales by whyche meanes he lefte a great part of his dominion and shortly after ended his lyfe when he had reigned .iii. yeares THe Britaines which were chased by their enemies into Wales as is before sayd held theim in those parties and assaulted the Saxons some while in one coast and som while in an other vnder sundry dukes and so continued the space of .xxiiii. yeares In Britayne Ethelfridus gouerned the Northsaxons who made suche continuall warre vpon the Britaynes and chased them so sore that it is thoughte be slewe mo of them then all the other Saxons kynges By this crueltie the faith of Christ was almoste vtterly extinguished among the Britayns which had continued since y e tyme of Lucius about .400 yeres many of the britains were chased out of the Iland the reste remayned in Wales who there kept the christen fayth which they had receiued The britains being chased out of their countrey into Wales the Saxons obteyned the whole domynion of this Iland Sauing a part of Scotland which was subiecte to the Pictes and Scotts the britons kept thēselues in Wales In Anno domini .596 S. Gregorie sent Augustin Melitus Iustus and Iohn with other learned men to preache the christen faithe to the Angles whiche were fyrst receyued of Ethelbert king of Kēt whom they conuerted to the faith with diuers of his people This Ethelberte as some write fyrste began to buylde S. Austyns in Canturbery S. Paules church in London s. Andrews in Rochester he also excited a citisen of Lōdon to buylde the abbey of Westmynster CAdwane Duke of Northewales was made soueraigne of the britayns who comyng out of Wales gaue stronge battaile to Ethelfride kinge of Northumberland theyr moste deadly enemy in diuers encountres so discomfited the said Ethelfride that he was forced to intreate for peace After which concord made betwene those two princes they cōtinued al their life tyme as two speciall and louyng frendes he reigned .xxii. yeares Edwyne the sonne of Ella whiche was persecuted of Ethelfryde kynge of Northumberlande made sore warre vpon the said Ethelfride and slewe hym in playne battayle and then seysed into his possession the kyngdome of Northhumberland This Edwine was the fyrst christian kyng of that countrey Aboute this tyme began Mahomete among the Turkes Also about this time began the kingdom of Mercia or middle England vnder the strong painim and Saxon called penda which lordshyp conteyned Huntyngtonshyre Herefordshire Gloucestershire and other and was greattest of all other kyngedomes At that tyme reygned in dyuers partes of this lande vii kynges Sibertus among the east Saxons Redwallus kyng of East angles nowe called Norffolke and Suffolke Ethelbert kynge of Kent Ethewolphus of Sussex Ringilus Quincellinus of Weste Saxons Penda of Mercia Edwyne of Northumberland Edwyn kyng of Northumberlande was baptised of holye Byshoppe Paulinus and after hym manye of hys people he for the refreshyng of wayfaryng men ordeyned cuppes and dishes of yron to be fastened by such clere welles and fountayns as dyd runne by the wayes syde CAdwallyne the son of Cadwane began his reigne ouer the britaynes He was valyant and mightie and warred strongly vpon the Sarons made Penda kyng of Mercia tributarie to him he reigned .xlviii. yeres and was buried at London in sent Martyns church by L●dgate Kyngilpus kynge of weste Saxons was turned to the right belefe by a holy man called Berinus Segebert Kynge of Easte Angles or Norffolke ordeyned good learnyng to bee taughte and erected Schooles in dyuers partes of hys dominion as he sometyme hadde seene in Fraunce By hym was the fyrste common schoole founded at Cambridge Kenwalcus kyng of west Saxons in Britayn was dryuen oute of his kyngdome by Penda and kepte from thence by force the space of .iii. yeares Penda kyng of Mercia warred vpon Oswalde the good and holye Kynge of Northumberland and slue hym in battayle with many of his knightes Oswye the brother of Oswald obteined the kyngdome of Northumberlande who slue Oswyne his brothers sonne and made Odilwaldus partaker of his kyngdome Kenwalcus kyng of Weste Saxons was restored to his kyngedome by the helpe of Anna kyng of eastangles He builded the byshops see of Winchester and made Agelbert the fyrste byshop of that see And after him was one named Wyne of whome the Citie tooke the name of Wynchester Benet the monke and maister of the reuerēd Beda was famous in Britain This Benet broughte fyrst the craft of glasyng into this lande Cissa begunne to buylde the abbey of Abington and Erkenwalde byshop of London buylded the abbeys of Chertsey and of Barkyng in Essex CAdwallader was ordeyned kyng of britons and ruled only .iii. yeres He vanquished and slew Lethayre kyng of Kente and Athelwolde kyng of South saxons and then forsakyng his kyngly authoritie he went to Rome and there becamme a religious man and was buried at sainct Peters churche at Rome He was the last king of Britayne And this lande after this tyme was
called Anglia and the inhabitantes therof Angles or Englyshmen and the britaynes were called Walshemen whiche name they tooke of a duke called Wallus This happened .1791 yeres or as saith Fabian .1822 after that Brute fyrste arryued in thys lande After the conquest of Cesar .735 yeres From the entryng of the Saxons vnder their leaders Hengist and Horsus in the tyme of Uortiger .236 or nere therabout Thus ended the reigne of the Britons and nowe foloweth the reigne of the Saxons Althoughe the Saxons had deuyded this realme into seuen seuerall kyngdomes yet I wyll nowe speake chiefely of the weste saxons in order because that in proces of tyme they subdued the other kynges and brought it agayne into one monarchie AMong the west saxons reigned a noble man called Iewe of greate power and wysedome and therewith valiant and hardy in feates of armes very expert he mainteyned such warre agaynste the Kentyshe Saxons that hee constreigned them to seke and intreate meanes of peace geuyng to hym for the same great gyftes This man buylded first the colledge of Welles the abbey of Glastenbury he payd the Peter pens fyrst to Rome When he had gouerned the west Saxons by the space of .xxxvii. yeres by the earnest labour of his wife Etheldreda which was an holy womā and abbesse of Backyng in Essex gaue vp his royall power and became a pore man and wēt to Rome on pilgremage he is of Beda called Hunne or Iewe. AFter hym Ethelarde was kynge of west Saxons in whose tyme the reuerend Beda was famous and wrote his boke called Anglica historia to Offrick kyng of Northumberlande Ethelarde reigned v. yeares ●Uthred was kynge of West saxons This man made warre vpon Ethelwald or Mercia and lyed therin diuersly In his tyme appered twoo blasynge sterres castynge as it were burnynge brandes towardes the northe He reygned .xvi. yeares Ethelwald before named as Hardyng writeth buylded the abbey of Crowlande The holy man Beda whiche for hys lernyng and godly life was renoumed in all y e world ended his last day about the yeare of Christ .734 he in his lyfe compiled .lxxviii. bookes SIgebert was made kynge of Weste Saxons he was cruell and tyrānous towards his subiects and changed anciente lawes and customes after hys owne will and pleasure And because a certayn noble man somedeale sharpely aduertised hym to change his maners he malitiously caused the same persone to be put cruelly to deathe And for soo muche as he continued in his malice would not amende he was depriued of all kyngely authoritie and lastely as a person desolate and forlorne wandring alone in a wodd was slayn of a swineherde whose lorde and mayster when he had reigned as kyng he had wrongfully put to death when he had reigned iii. yeares KEnulphus of the lynage blood of Cerdicus fyrst king of West saxons reigned in the kyngdome .xxxi. yeares The vertue of this manne farre passed his fame At the begynnyng he appeased certayne murmours and grudges that were among the people for the deposyng of his predecessour Sigebert Kenulfe kyng of Mercia buylded the abbey of Wynchecombe Offa a noble man reygned in Mercia or myddle Englande he had warre with theym of Northumberlande and for a tyme subdued theim He warred also agaynst Etheldred kyng of east angles and vanquyshed and tooke prisoner Egbert kyng of Kent Offa kyng of Mercia builded the abbey of saynt Albons he chased the britons or Welshemen into Wales and made a famous dike betwene Wales and the vtter boundes of Mercia whiche is nowe called Offa dike Kenulphus kyng of west saxons as he haunted to a woman whych he kept at Merton was slayne by treason of of one Clio the kynsemanne of Sigeberte late Kynge He was buryed at Wynchester BRithricus of the bloud of Cerdidicus was made kynge of weste saxons and knyghtely ruled his lande y e space of .xvii. yeres he maried one of the daughters of Offa kyng of Mercia by whose power hee expelled Egberte that was an vnder kyng in the lordship of west saxons In his tyme as saythe Fabyan it rayned blood from heauen whiche fallyng on mens clothes appered lyke crosses The Danes fyrst entred this land of Britayne but by the strength and puissance of Brithricus and other kynges of the saxons they were driuen backe and compelled to voyde the lande Brithricus was poisoned by his wife Ethelburga For whiche deede the nobles ordeined that from thenseforthe the kynges wyues shuld not be called Quenes nor suffred to sytte with them in places of estate EGbert the saxon whyche by Brithricus was chased oute of the Realme hauynge knowledge of the deathe of Brithricus returned onte of Fraunce and in so knightely wise demeaned hym selfe that he obteyned the gouernement of Weste Saxons hee tamed the welshe men vanquyshed Berthulphus kynge of myddle Englande and subdued to his seignorie and obeysance the Kentysh saxons eastsaxons and Northumbers reigned as kynge ouer the more part of Englād the space of .xxxvii. yeares and was buried at Wynchester The Danes with a great host entred this landd the second tyme and spoyled the Isle of Shepey in Kente agaynste whom Egbert the kyng addressed hym with his power whom the Danes forst to flee the field After which tyme som of the Danes continually abode in one place or other of this lande EEthelwolphus the sonne of Egbert began his reigne ouer y e more part of England This man in his youth was wyllyng to haue bene a priest entred y e order of subdeacon howbest after he maried a wyfe by whome he had .iiii. sonnes whiche reigned after hym successiuely He went to Rome where he repaired the englysshe schoole whyche was fyrst foūded by Offa kyng of Mercia This schoole was after tourned to an hospitall for englyshemen whyche came to Rome he fyrst founded the vniuersitie of Oxenford which some wryters attribute to Offa kyng of Mercia that was in the tyme of Charles the great .ix. yeres before this tyme. He reigned .xxiii. yeares and was buryed at Wynchester EThewlaldus after the death of his father began his reign in England he maried a woman whiche his father had kepte before as his concubine and dyed when he hadde not reygned fully one yeare EEthelbert the brother of Ethelwold was made king ouer the more part of Englande In the begynnynge of hys reigne the Danes entred the west part of the realme and spoiled the countrey afore them tyll they came to Wynchester and by strength toke it But by the kynge and his dukes they were forced to leaue Wynchester and in retiryng towardes their shyps they lost a great number of theyr men He reigned .vii. yeares and was buryed at Sherborne ETheldred the thyrde sonne of Ethelwolphus toke on him the gouernāce of Westsaxones and other Prouinces of Englande He was a man framed of nature
as wel to peace as warr Amōg his subiectes he was mylde gentill louyng and pleasant agaynst his aduersaries seuere fierce valyant and hardye He lyued in continual warre with the Danes whiche all the tyme of his reigne vexed this land with most deadly warres as Iohn Hardyng writeth he deuided the day in three partes .viii. houres to serue god viii to heare suites of his people and .viii. to take his sleps and reste A company of Danes landed in Northumberlande and after manye skyrmyshes and battayles to theym geuen by strength they possessed and held that countrey the space of .ix. yeares and got also the Citie of Yorke A company of the Danes entred the countrey of Norffolke where they slue the holy kyng Edmonde which gouerned the prouince of Norffolke because he wolde not forsake the faith of Christ. Of this kynge Edmunde Iohn Lidgate monke of Bury hath compyled a goodly treatice in englishe meter heroicall At Colyngham saint Ebbe abbesse cut of her nose and ouerlyppe and persuaded all her ●yuers to doo the lyke that they beyng odible to y e Danes mought better kepe theyr virginitie in dispite the Danes burned the abbeye and the Nunnes therin Also those Danes landed agayne in Southery and went forwarde tyll they came to Readyng and toke that towne and cattell at whiche tyme whyle Etheldred was busyed agaynste them he hadde woord of the landyng of Offrike kyng of Denmarke with an other companye to whome the Kynge gaue manye stronge battayles But in the ende he was put to the woorse and receyued a wounde whereof he dyed when hee had reygned .ix. yeres He buylded the priory of Chanons at Excetor and was buryed at wynbourne ALured the fourthe son of Ethelwolphus beganne his reigne ouer the more parte of England and reigned xxviii yeares This man was of fayre stature and comely personage no lesse renoumed in marciall policie thenne in Ciuille gouernaunce of hys commune weale Hee was wyse dyscreete and learned and raudured good Letters excellentlye well In youth somewhat he was disposed to the vicy of the fleshe and therefore besought god to chastise hym by some continuall sicknes wherby he might serue God the better and yet not to be made vnapte to worldly busynes Wherfore by the ordinance of God he was taken with the euil called Ficus and was ther of sycke a longe space The fyrste yeare of his reign in sundry places he fought vi tymes with the Danes by meanes whereof his people were so weakened that he was glad to make peace wyth his enemies The Danes brake the league made with Alured Wherefore in as secrete maner as he myght he assembled a chosen company and set vpon them sodainly and after the fyrst conflict held them so shorte that he constreigned theim to geue hostages for suretie of peace Alured was sore ouerset wyth newe companies of Danes but at length takynge to hym a valiant courage he enterprised to espye the maner of his enemies in this wyse he dyd on hym the habite of a mynstrell and with his instrument of musyke entred the tentes of the Danes and in shewynge theyin pastyme and songe hee espyed all their slouth and idelnes and heard muche of their counsell Then priuily returning to his armye with a chosen companye fell vpon the Danes in the nyght and slue of them a great numbre and lastly concluded a peace on condition that as many of them as woulde be christened shoulde inhabite the prouinces of East Angles and Northumberlande the other to depart into France As Guido writeth he buylded the house of nūnes at Shaftsburye and an other house of religion at Ethelyngsey By the counsell of Nottus Allured ordeyned the fyrst Grammer schoole in Oxenforde and franchised the towne with many great liberties He buylded the newe mynster in Wynchester and there lyeth buried EDwarde the Elder sonne of Alured began his reign ouer the most parte of Englande and gouerned this land well and nobly xxiiii yeares In knowledge of good letters he was not to be compared to his father But in honour worshyppe and marciall prowes nothynge inferiour and was also profitable to the cōmon weale in buildinge and repayringe many castelles tounes and cyties whyche were raced and broken by the Danes He in hys tyme builded Herford castel and adioyned to his lordship al this Iland sauing onely Northumberlande whiche was possessed of the Danes He lyeth buried at Wynchester by hys father in the new mynster and as Fabyan writeth he buylded the monasterie of S. Peter in Gloucester In this tyme a noble womā named Elfleda syster to kyng Edward gouerned y e prouince of middle Englād This woman whan she had ones assayed the paynes that women suffer in trauaylyng with childe euer after hated the imbracynges of her husbande sayinge That it was not seemely for any noble woman to vse suche fleshely lykynge wherof shold ensue so great sorow and payne She tamed the Welshmen and in dyuers battayles chased the Danes After whole death Edward helde that prouince in his owne hande ADelstane after the death of Edward senior his father begā his reign in Englād he was a prince of worthy memorie valiant wise in al his actes and brought this land to one Monarchye for he expelled vtterly the Danes subdued the Scots and quieted the Welshmen He reigned xv yeres and lieth at Malmsbury Of him Iohn Lidgate monke of Bury hath translated a goodly story out of Latin into english meter which was compiled in Latine by Girardus Cambrence EDmūd y e brother of Adelstan toke on hym y e gouernāce of this realm whose short reigne take from hym the renoume of most highe praises that should haue redoūded to hys posteritie for he was a man disposed of nature to noblenes iustice he reigned .vi. yeres and was buryed at Glastenburie ELdred succeded Edmunde his brother for his sonnes Edwyne and Edgar wer thought to yōg to take on them so greate a charge This Eldred hadde the earneste fauoure of the commons because hee was a greate maynteyner of honestie and also most abhorred naughty and vnruly persons for his expertnes in feates of armes he was muche commended Whereby he quieted and kept in due obeysance the Northumbers and Scottes and exiled the Danes He reigned .ix. yeares and was buried in the cathedrall church of Wynchester EDwine succeded his vncle Eldred in the kingdome of whome is left no honeste memorye for one heynous acte by him committed in the begynning of his reigne In the selfe daye of his Coronation he sodeynelye withdrewe hym self from hys Lordes and in the syghte of certaine persons rauished his owne kynswoman the wife of a noble man of his Realme and afterwarde slew her husband that he might haue the vnlaufull vse of her beautie whiche acte and for banyshings Dunstane he became odible to his subiects and of the Northumbers and people of
myddle Englande that rose agaynste hym was depriued when he had reigned .iiii. yeres he was buried in the cathedrall churche of Wynchester EDgar brother to Edwyne began his reigne in Englande He was a prince of worthy memorye for hys manyfold vertues greately renoumed so excellent in iustice and sharpe in correction of vices aswell in his maiestrates as other subiectes that neuer before his dayes was vsed the lesse felony by robbers or extorcion or briberye by fals officers He chastised also the great negligence couetousnes and vicious liuyng of the clergye he refourmed and brought them to a better order of stature he was but litle but of mynde valyant and hardy very expert in marciall policye he prepared a great nauy of shyppes which he disposed in .iii. partes of his realme and had souldioures alway prest and ready agaynste the incursions of foreyn and strange enemies be reigned xvi yeares He buylded Peters Bury Thorney Ramsey and many other was buried at Glastenbury Ludwallus prince of Wales payd to hym yerely in name of tribute .3000 wolues by meane wherof within .iiii. yeares in England and Wales myght scantly be founde one wolfe This Edgare in his floryshing youthe was some deale geuen to the luste of the flesshe whyche he afterwarde greuousely repented In his tyme as well the Danes as all other people in Englande vsed the vice of great drinking The kyng therfore rode through the realme and put downe many alehouses and would suffer but one in a village or town except it were a great borough and ordeined certayne cuppes with pynnes and nailes and made a lawe that who soeuer dranke past that marke at one draught shoulde forfayt a certayne payn wherof the accuser should haue the one half and the ruler of the Towne the other halfe It is written by Fabyan and others that Edgar bring at Chester entred the ryuer of Dee and syttynge in the bote he toke the rule of the helme and caused .viii. kynges to row hym vp down the riuer vnto S. Iohns church and from thens to his palaice in tokē y t he was lord king of so many prouinces EDward the sonne of Edgar by his fyrst wyfe began hys ceigne ouer this realme contrary to the mynd and pleasure of Elfride his stepmother and other of her alliance In all kyndes of honest vertue this man might well bee compared to his father and began hys Reygne wyth suche modestye and myldenesse that hee was woorthylye fauoured of all menne Excepte onely Elfryde whyche euer bare a grudge agaynste hym for so muche as she desyred to haue the gouernaunce of the Realme for her owne soonne Egelrede Edwarde whyle hee was huntyng in a forrest by chaunce loste hys companye and rode alone to refreshe hym at the Castell of Corffe where by the counsayle of hys stepmother Elphrede he was traiterously murthered as hee satte on his horse When hee had reigned .iii. yeares hee was buryed at Shaftesbury After his death God shewed for hym dyuers myracles Wherfore he is numbred among the sayntes and martirs Before the death of thys Edward appeared a blasynge starre of meruailous greatnes It is of some authors writen that the forsaid Elphrede afterwarde take great penaunce and that she buylded twoo Monasteryes of Nonnes Almesbury and Warwell in whyche Warwell she after liued a solitarie lyfe tyll she dyed EGelrede or Etheldrede the sonne of kyng Edgar and Alphrede was ordeyned kynge of Englande and crowned at Kingstoune He was goodly of shape and visage but wholly geuē to idlenes and abhorred all princely exercises a louer of ryotte lecherie and dronkennes and vsed extreme cruelty towardes his subiectes hauyng his eares open to all vniust complaintes In feates of armes of all men moste ignorant his crueltie made hym odious to his subiects and his cowardise encoraged straunge ennemies to inuade his kyngdome By meanes whereof thys lande was sore afflicted with warre famyne and pestilence In his tyme decayed the noble kyngdom of England and became tributarie to the Danes whereby the Danes when they had spent the sayd tribute fel streight again to robberye and arryued in sundry places of Englande as in the Isle of Thenet In Cornewall and Sussex and after many damages by them done and ryche gyftes receaued of the Kynge they retourned into theyr countreye for a tyme. But shortly they agayn entred this lande in so many places that the kynge Etheldrede was to seeke to whiche coast he should fyrst go to withstande hys enemies In conclusyon for aduoydyng of further daunger he was compelled to appeare them with great summes of money but when the money was spente they fell to newe robbyng and cessed not to spoyle the land and lastly besieged Lōdon And to augment the kyngs sorow Elphricus that then was admirall of England traiterously fledde to the Danes And after beyng reconciled fledde to them the seconde tyme While this cruel warre continued in England by meane of a byshop named Elphegus a peace was concluded at whiche tyme as Polidore wytnesseth the kynge made his lande tributarie to the Danes the payment wherof from the summe of ten thousand poundes in few yeres was raised to fifty thousand The bloudy flixe the burnyng feuer wyth dyuers other maladies vexed the people throughout all Englande Etheldred kyng of England toke to wyfe Emma the syster of Rycharde Duke of Normandie whyche for her beautie was called the Flower of Normandie Etheldrede beyng greatly inhanced in his mynd for this his mariage sent forth into al partes of his realme secrete and strayght cōmissions chargyng the rulers that vppon a certayne day and hower assygned the Danes whiche proudely vsed great crueltie in the land should be sodeinly slayn and so was if doone Which thyng was after cause of great misery For Swain kyng of Denmark hearyng of the murder of the Danes and beynge sore moued therwith landed with a strong armye in dyuers partes of thys realme and so cruelly without mercy and pity spoyled the countreye and slue the people that the englysh men wer brought to mooste extreeme and vnspeakable mysery But yet after certayne space a peace was intreated For whyche the Englyshemen payde thirtye thousande poundes Howbeit dyuers princes of the Danes styll continued wastynge the lande in dyuers places Swayn kyng of Denmarke repented of the former couenāts made with the englyshmen thinkyng to attayne to the whole dominiō of this land with a strong army entred fyrste Northumberland than myddle England and so wente foorthe tyll he came to London whyche he besieged and destroyed the countrey of Kent At this tyme Egelrede the kyng despairyng of all recouerie not ones proferynge to resyste his ennemies with his wyfe and children fledde to Richard duke of Normandy then possessed Swayn y e hole kingdom of this realm who spoiled the landes of s Edmunds But after his death succeded Canutus
William shold succede hym in the kyngdome of England Harolde the sonne of the Erle Goodwin went to Normādie wher he made faithfull promise to duke William that after the death of Edwarde he woulde kepe the kyngdome to hys behalfe on whiche condition he brought with hym at his returne his brother Tosto The noble kynge Edwarde fynished hys laste daye whenne he hadde reygned foure and twenty yeares .vii. monethes and odde dayes Hee purged the olde and corrupte lawes and pycked out of them a certayn whych wer most profitable for the commons And therfore were they called the common Lawes For restitution whereof happened dyuers commotions and insurrections in this lande Hee was buryed at Westminster HArolde the eldeste soonne of Earle Goodwyne beynge of greate power in Englande and therewyth valyaunt and hardye tooke on hym the gouernance of thys Lande nothynge regardynge the promyse that he made to Wylliam duke of Normandye Wherfore when William sente to hym Ambassades admonysshynge hym of the couenauntes that were agreed betwene theim Harolde woulde in noo wyse surrendre to hym the kyngdome whyche Wyllyam claymed not only for the promyse that was made to hym but also because hee was the nexte of Kynge Edwardes bloudde In thys meane tyme Tosto whiche fledde oute of the Lande beyng moued agaynst his brother the kynge of Norway who entryng in the north partes of England with a great puisance discomfited .ii. Erles that gaue hym battaile But Harold in reskuyng his people slewe the kyng and his owne brother Tosto and chased the Norwayes with disworshyp to their shyps When William Duke of Normandye perceyued that he could not by any meanes brynge Harolde to fulfyll hys promyse nor by treatie to yelde to hym the kyngdome by force he entred the lande to whome Harolde gaue stronge and sharpe battaile In the end wherof William by pollicy obteined the victorye chased the englishemen slewe Harolde and obteined the gouernaunce of this lande when Harolde had reigned but .ix. monethes Hee was buryed at Waltham abbey whyche hym self had buylded and was the last that reigned of the bloude of the Saxones in thys Realme This happened .617 yeres after the fyrst arriuall of the Saxons or Angles in whiche space they reygned dyuersly Fyrst began the kyngdom of Kent the yeare of our Lorde .475 vnder Hengistus And after that .vi. other kyngdodomes at sundry tymes tooke theyr begynnyngs Whych all at the last were broughte into one Monarchie and subiect to the West Saxons by king Adelstane the yeare of our Lord .ix. hundreth thirtie eight Whiche monarchie continued .129 yeares durynge fiue and twenty of whych yeares the Danes reigned in this land vnder Canutus and Harolde A Summarie of King william Conquerour Anno regid .1 WIllyam Duke of Normandye surnamed Conquerour Bastarde sonne of Roberte the syxte Duke of that Duchye and nephew vnto kyng Edward the confessor began his dominion ouer this Realme of England the .xiiii. day of October in the yeare of our Lorde 1067. and deceased in the yere .1087 the nynthe day of September and reigned .xix. yeres .xi. monethes lackyng fyue dayes He vsed greate crueltie towarde the Englyshe menne burdenynge theym wyth greuous exactions By meane whereof he caused dyuers to flee the lande into other countreies And lyke as hee obteyned the kyngedome by force and dent of sweard so he chaunged the whole state of this common weale and ordeyned newe lawes at his pleasure profytable to hym selfe but greuous and hurtfull to the people Thys Wylliam was wyse and politike ryche and couetous and loued well to be magnifyed He was a fayre speaker and a great dissembler A man of comely stature but somdeale grosse bealyed sterne of countenaunce and strong in armes and had great pleasure in huntynge and makynge of sumptuous feastes Wyth thys Wyllyam Conqueroure entred into thys Realme dyuers noble menne and gentylmenne whose successoures for the moste parte to this daye doo remayne in greate honoure and reputation To whome he dysposed and gaue greatte possessions and reuenues And because those houses maye not bee vnremembred I haue thoughte good in thys place to recorde the names of theym as Iohn Hardynge in hys Chronycles dedycated to kynge Henry the syrte doothe particulerly recite theym That is to saye Gospatryke to whome he gaue all Cumbreland and made hym erle therof Perey Bohune Malot Bewchamp Menylebyllers Umframuile Le Uause Taylboys Musgraue Muschaump Bailiol Bruis Bepount Neuyle Sent Clere S. Poule Melchynes Menvile Albemarle Le Fortz Courtenay Albenay Councy Gournay Gaunt Beer Latimer Darcy Ayncorte Lescrope Maundeuile Ledespenser Purpoynt Momboucher S. Elo Seint Iohn Uernon Estontvile Delauale Euers Bonuile Belasyse Uescy Bouser Clarell Fitz Raufe Fitz Roger Fitz Waltar Fitz William Bulmers Fawcomberde Claruays Fitz Waryne Malory Longchampe Matrauersse Fitz Robert Mandit S. Quintine Fitz Thomas Fitz Henry Caunvyne Iohn le vicount Normanuile Forniuale Lassels Scrutuile Mantalent Manley Mortimer Claruayle Mountforde La Poole Lucy Ualence Lusours Longuile Ferrer Engayne Longspe S. Uay Lacy Longchamp Coluill Toures Lisle Tracy Chauncy Bowlers Mountagu Sourdeuyle Fulgers Belknap Coniers Someruile Champneys Longuillers Maners Fitz Urcy Glaunuyle Bewfort Chauser Mountpillers Mortayn Graunson Moruille Breton Broyne Gascoyne Daynvyle Chandose Paruynke Dabrygecourt Deuerose Keruyle Cheuercourt Fitz Hugh Cornuyle Morley Fitz Rayner Pudsay Harecourt Cheyny Dela hay Delamore Gargraue S. Omer Moyne Poynyng S. Richar Chartenay c. Hitherto gathered out of Hardyng The reste I haue collected oute of other good authors Pyget Bertrame Tochet Camoys Hauteney Warrayne Chauent Loueney Bygotte Mohant Marmylon Baylyffe Marrays Estraunge Monbray Audeley Ueer Souche Couderay Brabanson Brabason Butecort Bysette Bassette Tressy Caunuyle Iaunville Andgilham Bascoruile Chamberlaine Logenton Hastynges Muriell Bures Malebraunche Mortymer Dyne Lynnesey Fenys Boys Muse Peache Daubeney S. Amounde Riuers Meuille Chamburnon Uerdon Rydell Hanley Mortmayn Gower Botiller Fylberde Sent leger Paynell Traynell Peuerell Daniell Arundell Riuell Loueday Denys FitzNormāduk Rous Trusbutte Corbyne Mounteney c. Anno. 2. The town of Excetor the North-humbers rebelled whyche were both subdued and greuoufly punyshed This kyng Willyam buylded foure strong castells Twayne at Yorke one at Notyngham an other at Lyncolne whych he furnished with garrysons of Normanes Anno. 3. Canutus kyng of Denmark beyng encouraged thereto by certayne englyshe outlawes inuaded the northe partes of England passed through to York frō whens he was driuen backe by Williā and forced to flee into his own coūtrey Anno. 4. The Scottes wyth their kyng Malcolyne inuaded Northumberland and spoyled the countrey Anno. 6. William kyng of England made suche warre vpon the Scotts that he forced Malcolyne to doo to hym bothe homage and fealtie he also disherited Gospatrike and exiled hym the lande and gaue all Cumbrelande with the honour of Carlylle to Raufe Meschynes and made hym earle therof Kynge Wylliam by the counseyle of the Erle of Hertford caused the money and
whereof began the vsage custom y t the kings of England made their eldest sons dukes of Normandye Warre was renued betwene kynge Henry of England Lewes of France Anno. 18. Lewes inuaded Normandye wyth muche crueltie toke the Citie of Lingnes in Cause Wherfore kyng Henry assemblyng a strong armye met wyth Lewys in playne field and fought with hym a cruell and deadly battayle in the ende wherof Lewes was ouercome cōstrayned to flee the field Baldwyne erle of Flanders was there slayne and Henry recouered the town of Lingnes Anno. 20. Wylliam Duke of Normandie and Riicharde the sonnes of kyng Henry of Englande and Mary his doughter Richard earle of Chester with his wyfe the kynges nece and other to the number of .160 persons passyng from Normandie into Englande by ouersyght of the shyp maister were drowned sauing one butcher which escaped the danger Anno. 24. In this yeare the abbey of Readyng was begun to be buylded by kyng Henry the fyrst he also buylded Cisseter Wyndilsore and Woodstocke wyth the parke Anno. 27. The gray fryers came nowe fyrst into Englande and had theyr fyrst house at Canturbery as saythe Ro. Fabyan Maude the daughter of Kyng Henry after the deathe of her husbande the Emperour came into Englande to her father Anno. 28. The order of sainct Iohns Hospitalles Templars and other lyke beganne fyrste at thys tyme. Anno. 32. In this yere began Foūtains abbey Geffrey Plantagenet erle of Angew maried Maude y e empresse doughter of king Henry of which .ii. descēded Hēry secōd which reigned after Stephen About this time was builded y e priory of Nortō in the prouince of Chester by one Williā the son of Nichole Also the abbey of Cōbremore in y e same prouince was buylded about the same tyme. Robert Curthois dyed in prison and was buried at Glocester Anno. 33. Henry king of Englande because he hadde none issue mal● ordeyned that hys doughter Maude whiche had bene Empresse shoulde succede hym in the kyngdome Anno. 36. Kyng Henry of Englande beyng in Normandy with a fall of his horse toke his deathe and was buried at Reading when he had reigned .35 yeres .iiii. monthes and one day King Stephen Anno regni 1. STephen Erle of Boloyne the son of the erle of Bloys and Adela Wylliam Conquerors doughter aud nephewe to kynge Henry the fyrst tooke on hym the gouernaunce of this realme of England the seconde day of December in the yeare of our lorde 1135. and left the same in the yeare of our lord .1154 the .xxv. daye of October so that he reigned xviii yeres .x. monthes and .xxiiii. days This was a noble man and hardy of passinge comely fauor and personage in all princely vertues he excelled as in martiall policie gentylnes and liberalitie towarde all men and in especially in the begynnynge For although he had continuall warre yet did he neuer burden his cōmons with exactiōs Only he semed in this blame worthy that contrary to his othe made to Maude the doughter of Henry he was thoughte vniustlye to take on hym the Croune For which cause he was vexed with warres all the tyme of his reigne At this tyme was great trouble and slaughter in Englande for so muche as diuers of the nobles mainteined Maude the empresse agaynst Stephen whiche was in possession of the croune Kyng Stephen made warres against Dauid of Scotlande because he refused to do him his homage for Northumberlande and Huntyngdon whiche he helde by hys wyfe In thys warre the Scottyshe hystorie sayth the Earle of Glouceter was takē But at the length Stephen made peace and agreed with Dauid kyng of Scottes and receiued of hym homage after that he had wonne from hym certaine townes and castels and gaue to Henry the sonne of Dauid the erledome of Huntyngdon Anno. 2. A vayne rumour was spread in Englande of the death of Kyng Stephen which was cause of muche trouble and busynes in the realm For diuers of the lordes got them to their holdes whiche after might scantly with great laboure be quieted and pacified After whiche tyme Stephen passed ouer into Normādye against Geffrey erle of Angew the husband of Maude the empresse which was right heyre to the crowne● and whē he had quieted that Prouince he made Eustace his sonne Duke of Normandy and ioyned frendshyp and league wyth Lewes kyng of France Anno. 4. Dauid kyng of Scottes repentyng him of the former agremēt made with kyng Stephen and purposyng to recouer the crowne of Englande for Maude his nece cousyn and daughter of kynge Henry in moste cruelle wyse inuaded Northumberland where by meane of Thruston bishop of Yorke the Scottes had an ouerthrow and slayne in greate numbre and Dauid was constrayned to geue his sonne Henry in hostage for suretie of peace In the meane season kyng Stephen was occupied in ciuil warre agayn Robert erle of Gloucester others which fauoured the partes of Maude whome the kyng subdued part of them were forted to forsake the realme Anno. 6. Maude the empresse came into thys lande out of Normandie by ayde of Robert erle of Glocester and Ranulph of Chester made strong warre vpon king Stephen In the end whereof the kyngs partie had the worse and hymselfe takē prisoner and sent to Bristow there to be kept in sure hold But the Kentishe men and Londoners fauourynge the kyng warred vpon the rebelles and in opē field toke Roberte rle of Gloceter● But shortly after bothe the kyng the duke were deliuered out of prison by exchange And Stephen without delay assemblyng a strong armie in suche wyse pursued his enmies y t hee forced Maude with other of her frendes to forsake the realme This warre continued a longe time to the great domage of the realm About this tyme was foūded the abbey of Stratford Langthorn within .4 myles of London by a knyght called sir William de mount Fichet Anno. 10. About this time the Iewes crucified a chylde vpon Easter day at Norwiche in derision of Christe and his religion Anno. 11. Geffrey Plantagenet the husbande of Maude the Empresse who had long continued the warres against king Stephen of Englande wan from hym the duchy of Normandie and streight thervpon dyed and his sonne Henry succeded in the dukedome Anno. 12. Stephen kynge of Englande after long warre and muche trouble was agayne crowned kynge at Lincolne but Robert earle of Glocester made newe warre vpon hym in whiche he hadde the vpper hand of the kyng at Wilton so that the kyng was like to haue fallen into Roberts danger and escaped with muche paine Anno. 15. Thys yeare the ryuer of Thamis was so stronglye frosen that horse and cart passed ouer vpon the yee Anno. 17. Henry duke of Normādy in the quarell of his mother Maude with a greate puisance arriued in England and at the fyrst wonne the
greuous ennemy and hard to be pleased Desyrous of warre abhorryng idlenes enclined somewhat to pryde lecherye and auarice but moste of all he was to be blamed because he semed vnnatural towardes his father as ye haue partly hearde of hym and his brethren what warres they raysed agaynst him In his time were many robbers and outlawes amongest y e whiche as Iohn Maiore in his fourth booke De gestis Scotorniū writeth Robert Hoode and lyttell John renoumed theues continued in woddes despoylynge and robbyng the goods of the ryche They kylled none but suche as would inuade them or by resistence for their owne defence The sayde Robert intertayned an hundred tall men and good archers wyth suche spoyles and theftes as he gotte Upon whome foure hundred were they neuer so stronge durste not geue thonset The tales and gestes of this Robert be comonly knowen by songes and balades vsed within this realme he suffred no woman to be oppressed violated or otherwyse molested Poore mens goodes hee spared abundantely releuyng theym wyth that whiche by theft he gotte frome abbeys and the houses of riche ●arles Whome the sayd Maior blameth for his rapyne and thefte but of all theues hee affyrmeth him to be the prince and the most gentle thefe In the fyrste yeare of thys Kynges reign the citisens of London obteined two officers to guide theyr Citie which were called Bayliffes whose names shall folowe here vnder Anno regni ● Bayliffes Henry Cornhyll Rychard Reinery In this yeare the Iewes were very brag here in thys realme for that theyr number was so greate But the cōmon people especially about London fell vpon them and despoyled them without pitie or mercye they so hated theym for theyr vsury and other euyll conditions The kyng though he were not lyttle dyspleased wyth these offenders yet coulde he doo no execution on them for the fact the numbre was so great wher by they all escaped without punishmēt Also thys yere the king set at liberty Elianor his mother whiche long before at the commandement of his father hi● husbande had ben kept close prisoner But after her enlargement the realme was muche gouerned by her As sayth Ranulph kynge Rycharde gaue ouer the Castels of Berwyke and Rokesburghe to the Scottyshe Kynge for the sūme of .x. M. li. for the charges of his voyage He also sold to the bishop of Durhā his own prouince for a great piece of money and created him erle of the same Wherfore the king said after in game I am a wondrous craftesman I haue made a new erle of an old bishop He gaue his brother Iohn many dignities as the prouinces of Notingham Deuonshyre and Cornewall and created hym Earle of Lancaster This yere the king was assoiled of y e offence that he had cōmitted in rebelliō against his father in recompence wherof as sayth Guido he voluntarily toke vpon him and promised to warre vpon Christes enemies But other authours affirme that his father hadde so wylled hym in his lyfe whervpon preparation was made towarde the perfourmance of thys iourney Anno reg 2. Bayliffes Iohn Herlyon Roger Duke In this yeare kyng Richard betooke the guidyng of this land to the bishop of Ely then beyng Chancellor of Englād sayled into Normandie when he had appoynted good gouernoures ouer that countrey he went to mete the frenche Kyng Philyp the seconde and hauyng made sure league one with an other went eyther of them the sayd yeare onward of their iorney toward Ierusalem In this meane time the Iewes in diuers places of thys Realme as at Lincolne Stamforde and Lynne were robbed and spoyled And at York to the numbre of four hundred and more had their maister vaynes cut and so bled to deathe Anno Reg. 3. baylyffes William Hauershall Iohn Bukmotte Kyng Richard in his iourney towardes Ierusalem subdued the Erle of Cypres then ioynynge his puisance with the French Kynges in Asia conquered Acon where ther grew betwene king Richard and Philip the frenche Kyng a greuous displeasure For whiche cause Philip shortly departed thens And cōmyng into France inuaded the contrey of Normandy And Iohn the brother of kyng Rychard tooke on hym the kyngdome of Englande in his brothers absence Kyng Richarde of England restored to the Christians the citie of Ioppa and in many battels put the turke to great sorowe Anno Reg. 4. Bayliffes Nycolas Duke Peter Newlay William byshop of Elye to whome kyng Richard had cōmitted the gouernance of England dyd many cruell deedes and oppressed the clergie and also the laitie He woulde commonly ryde with a thousand horses and greued abbeyes by meane of his guestes and his lodgyng with them Kyng Richard erchaunged Cypres wyth Guye of Lesyngham for the kingdom of Ierusalem Wherfore the king of Englande a long tyme after was called kyng of Ierusalem Anno Reg. 5. Bailiffes Roger Duke Richard Fitz Alyn Kyng Richarde hauynge knowledge that Phillyp of Fraunce inuaded Normandie and that Iohn his brother had made hymselfe King of England made peace wyth the Turkes for .iii. yeares and with a small company returnynge homewarde by Thrace was taken prisoner by the duke of Ostriches menne and brought to Henry the Emperour and there kept in strayte prison a yere and .v. monethes Where it is sayd that he slewe a Lyon and toke out his hart Anno Reg. 6. Bayliffes Williā Fitz Isabell Williā Fitz Arnolde William Longshampe bishop of Ely cōtinuyng his crueltie in England was lastly by strength of the lordes banished the lande Then he came to the kynge beyng prisoner alledgyng for hym selfe the best that he could but when he saw he myght not begyle the kyng with his sugred wordes he returned into Frāce there to tary the kynges commyng This yere Iohn the kings brother by the settyng on of the Frence kyng whē he herd of the imprisonment of his brother made great warr within the lād toke by strength the castels of Windsor of Notyngham and others And the Frenche kyng made stronge warre in Normandy Anno Reg. 7. Bailiffes Robert Beysani Ioke le Iosue Hubert bishop of Salisbury was by kyng Richard sent into Englād to haue the guidynge therof and also to treate with the lordes cōmons for the kings deliuerance howe he myght be set at libertie The sayde Hubert was by the monkes of Christes church in Cantorbury chosen archebyshoppe of Cantorburye Anno Reg. 8. Bailyffes Gerrad de Anteloche Robert Durant This yere as sayth Fabyan kynge Richarde was deliuered oute of prison for the summe of one C.M. poundes of sterlyng money for payment of which ransom all the woll of white monkes chanons was sold and rings and crosses of prelates with vessels and chalices of all churches through the land and .xvii. shrines were scraped and spoyled of the golde and syluer c. Kyng Richard being thus deliuered shortly after landed at Sandwiche
won muche of his landes But shortly after kyng Edwards commyug a peace was concluded for .ii. yeares and thens he went to Burdeaux The Scotts by the enticement of the frenchmen and settinge on of one William Wallace rebelled and put the englishmen to muche trouble and losse of many men emong which was sir Hugh Tresyngham This yere certain persons of the city of Lōdon brake vp the tonne in the ward of Cornhyll and toke out certain prisoners that thither were cōmitted by sir Iohn Britton for the which .ix. of them were greuously punished by long imprisonment and great sines The tunne aboue named is now y e cūdit in Cornhill The kyng comming againe into England and so to Winchester the citesēs of Lōdō made such labor vnto his grace that they obteined grant of their liberties that had in some part be kept from them by the terme of .xii. yeres or more Anno. 27. Henry Walleis M. Richard Reshā S. Thomas Sel● S. This yere the kyng made cruell war vpon the Scots and had of them a great victorie and then they yelded them selues agayn to his grace and mercy This yeare also the kynge called in certaine coynes of money called pollardes Crocardes and rosaries Anno. 28. Elis Russell M. Iohn Armencer S. Henry Fringrith S. Kyng Edward heryng of the vntruthe and rebellion of the Scottes made his third voyage against them wherin he subdued a great part of the land and toke the castel of Estriuelyn with other and made the lords sweare to hym fealtie and homage Anno. 29. Elis Russel M Luke Haueryng S. Rich. Champeis S. Thys yeare the Kynge gaue vnto Edwarde hys sonne the Princedome of Wales and ioyned there vnto the Dukedome of Cornewall and the crie dome of Chester Anno. 30. Iohn Blunt M. Robert Caller S. Peter Bosham S. This yeare the Kyng helde a greate parliament at Canturbery Anno. 31. Iohn Blunt Maior Hugh Pourte S. Simon Parys S. This yere Kyng Edward made great warres in Scotland where he had many great victories Anno. 32. Iohn Blūt M Williā Cōbmartein S. Iohn de Burford S. This yeare the Kyng caused great inquirie to be made of the behauior of his Iustices through out his realme which was called Broyly Baston Anno. 33. Iohn Blunt M. Roger Parys S. Iohn Lincolne S. Wylliam Wales whiche had don so many displeasures to Kyng Edwarde in Scotland was taken drawen hanged and quartred at London on S. Bartylmewes eue and his head sette on London brydge The nobles of Scotlande in a parliament at Westmynster volūtaryly were sworne to be true to the kynge of Englande and to kepe the lande of Scotlande to his vse against all persons Anno. 34. Iohn Blunt M. Raynold Doderil S. Wylliā Causon S. Robert le Bruse cōtrary to his othe to kyng Edwarde before made assembled the lordes of Scotland and caused hym selfe to be crowned When kynge Edwarde heard of this treason he went with haste into Scotlande where he chased syr Robert le Bruse and all the power of Scotlande and tooke many of the noble men prysoners Anno. 35. Iohn Blūt M. Symon Belet S. Godfrey de la cōduit S. The warres continuyng in Scotlād the noble kyng Edwarde ended his lyfe the seuēth day of Iuly in the yere .1307 When he had reigned .34 yeres ● monethes and .21 dayes He lyeth buryed at Westmynster in the chappel of saynt Edward vpon the south syde in a playne tōbe of marble at the head of his father King Edward the second Anno Regni .1 EDwarde the second sonne of of the first Edward prince of wales borne at Carnaruan began his reigne ouer the realme of England the vii day of Iuly in the yeare of our lord 1307. who was deposed the .25 day of Ianuary and in the yeare .1326 so that he reigned .19 yeres He was fayre of body but vnsted fast of maners and disposed to lightnes he refused the company of his lordes and men of honour and hanted the company of villeins and vile persous He gaue hym self to ouermuch drinkyng and lightly wold disclose thinges of great councell and beside that he was geuen to these vices of nature He was made muche worse by the counsail and familiaritie of certain euill disposed persons As Piers of Gaueston Hugh Spencer others whose wanton coūsaile he folowyng gane himself wholly to the appetite and pleasure of the body not regardyng to gouerne his commune weale by sadnes discretion and iustice Which thing caused first great varīace betwene him and his lords so that shortly he became to his lordes odible aud in the end was deposed from his kingdom Anno. 1. Sir Iohn Blunt M. Nicolas Pigot S. Michel Drury S. King Edward toke to wife Isabel y e doughter of Philip y e fayre king of France He gaue Piers of Gaueston the erledom of Cornwall the lordshyp of wallingford was ruled al by his counsell Anno. 2. Nicolas faringdō M. Williā Basyng S. Iohn Butler S. The kyng callyng to mynd the displesure don vnto him his familiar Piers Gaueston by the bishop of Chester commanded hym to the Tower of London where he was streightely kepte many dayes after But the lordes perceauyng the kyng geuen all to wantonnesse and that he was much prouoked thervnto by the meanes of Piers of Gaueston caused the kyng to banishe him the realme and so hee wente ouer into Irelande where the kyng notwithstandyng comforted hym wyth many rych gyftes and made him chief ruler of that countrey Anno. 3. Thomas Romain M. Iames of s. Ed. S. Roger Palmer S. The kynge and hys lordes were at great stryfe for the banyshmēt of Piers of Gauestone in so muche that the king would not be pleased vntill he were agayn restored This yere was the Ile of Rhodes recouered from the Turke by the knightes of the order of saynt Iohn Baptist. This yere the crouched friers came fyrst into England Anno. 4. Rychard Rofham M. Symon Croppe S. Pet. Blacknay S. Piers of Gaueston more and more encreased in so muche that he had the custody of all the kynges iewelles and tresure of the whyche as sayeth Fabian and other he tooke a table and a payre of tressels of golde and conueyghed thē with other iewelles out of the lande He also brought the kyng to manyfolde vyces as adultery and suche other Wherfore the lordes agayne banyshed hym out of England into Flaunders to the kynges great displeasure Anno. 5. Iohn Gysours M. Symō Merwod S. Rich. Wylford S. Piers of Gauestone was agayne by the kyng called out of Flaūders wherfore the lordes beyng confederate besieged hym in the castell of Scarborough where they tooke him and brought him to Gauersyde besyde Warwycke and smote of his head to the great discontētyng of the kynges mynde This yere the kyngs fyrst sonne named Edward was borne at Wynsore Anno. 6. Iohn
Poūtney M. Iohn Lambyn S. Adam Lutekyn S. This yere was many good lawes made in the parliamēt Londō wher vnto the kynge and his lordes were sworne Anno. 7. Nycolas Faringdon M. Adam Burdē S. Hugh Baytō S. The Englysh men encountred with Robert le Bruse and his Scottes at Estriualen where was fought a strong battayl● In the ende whereof the Englyshmen wer discomfited and so egrely pursued by the Scottes that many of the noblemen were slayne as Gylbert de Clare Erle of Glocester syr Robert Clyford syr Edmond of Manle with other lordes and barons to the nomber of .xlii. knightes and .lxvii. barons besyde .xxii. men of name which were taken prisoners and .x. M. cōmon souldiours slayne After thys tyme Robert le Bruze reigned as kyng of Scotland Anno. 8. Iohn Gysors M. Stephē of abingdō S Hamōd Chikwell S A villain called Iohn Poydras a tanners sonne of Excester in diuers places of England named himself the sonne of Edward the first and said that by a falsnourse he was stolne out of his cradel Edward that was now kyng put in his place whiche was but a carters sonne but shortly after he was conuict of hys vntruthe and confessed that he dyd it by the motion of a familiar sprite which he had in his house in likenes of a catt whom he had serued .iii. yere and he for his seruice was drawen and hanged at Northampton Anno. 9. Stephē abingdō M Hamōdgoodchepe S Williā Readyng S The castell of Barwike was yelded vp to the Scottes by the treason of Peter Spaldyng Two cardinals beyng sent frō Rome to conclude a peace betwene the kyng of England and the scottes as they wente through Yorkshire were robbed by two knights called Gilbert Midleton walter Selby with .600 mē which .ii. knigtes had don many robberies in those partes or they were taken but they wer afterward condemned drawē hanged at London And the kynge recōpenced the Cardinals double so muche as they lost Shortly after sir Gosselyn Deinuile his brother Robert with two hūdred in habite of Friers going about as exiled persons or outlawes did many great notable roberies despites they robbed spoiled y e bishop of Durhams palaces leauyng nothing in them but bare walles and suche lyke robberyes for the which they were after hanged at York Anno. 10. Iohn wēgraue M. Williā Caston S. Rafe Palmer S. The scottes entred y e borders of Northūberland most cruelly robbed spoiled the countrey sparing neither man woman nor chyld To this mischiefe was ioyned so excedyng derth scarsity y e wheat was sold for .iiii. mark y e quarter y e cōmon people did eate hors flesh other vile beastes many dyed for hunger Anno. 11. Iohn Wēgraue M. Ihon Prior S. williā Furnex S. Kyng Edward assembled a new host and went into Northumberland wher he layde siege to Barwike But in the meane tyme the Scots by an other way inuaded y e borders of Englād wasted the countrey euen to Yorke and slew a greate noumber specially of religious people wherfore it was called the white battaile King Edward was constrained to breake vp his siege and return again into England Sir Hugh the Spencers the father and the sonne were of great power in England and by the fauour of the king practised suche crueltie and bare theim selfe so hautie that no lord in this land durst contrary them in any thynge that they thought good whereby they were greatly hated of the nobles Anno. 12. Iohn Wēgraue M Iohn Poūtney S. Iohn Dallyng S. The Lordes and nobles of Englande detestynge the outragious pryde of the Spencers in suche wyse conspyred against them that they caused the kynge halfe agaynst his mynd to banysh them the Realme Anno. 13. Hamond Chikwel M Simon Abingdō S. Iohn Preston S. This yere king Edward contrary to the mynd of his lords reuoked the Spēcers from banishement and set them in lyke authoritie as they before had ben to the great disturbance of the realme● and not long after pursued the barons and chased them from place to place as fyrst at Liedes castell in Kent after in the marches of Wales where he toke the Mortymers and sent theym to the Tower of London Anno. 14. Hamond Chikwel M Reinold at cūdyt S william Prodhā S This yere king Edward ouercam the barons of this realme in many batailes and toke many of them whome he put to death in dyuers partes of this realm to the number of .xxii. noble men Master Iohn Baldocke a man of euil fame was made Chancellor of Englād who extremly pilled the cōmons of this realme for the whiche he was well rewarded after as ye maye reade in the xix yeare Anno. 15. Hamond Chikwel M. Rich. Cōstantin S Rich. Hakeney S This yere the sonne appered to mens sight as red as bloud and so continued the space of .vi. howers The last day of October the Irishment by the ayde they had out of England droue the scots out of theyr land At whiche time many noble men of Scotland were slain Amōg whiche was Edward le Bruze the kinges brother Anno. 16. Hamond Chikwell M. Iohn Granthā S Rich. of Ely S Kyng Edward with a great army entred Scotland but with sickenes and other misfortunes that chanced amonge the souldiors he within short space was forced to returne into England wherof syr Iames Douglas and the Scots hauyng knowledge pursued hym in suche wise that they slew many english men and had welnere taken the kynge at an abbey called Beighlād from the whiche he was forced to flee and leaue his tresure behynd hym Anno. 17. Symon Francis M. Adā Ealisbury S. Iohn of Oxēford S. Charles of France warred vpon the landes of Kyng Edward in Gascoyne Guyen and tooke there many townes and castels Wherfore kyng Edwarde sent his wyfe Isabell to entreate wyth her brother Charles for peace or as Froisard sayth the Quene her selfe fleyng the tyranny and mischief of y e Spēcers fled with her yong sonne Edward into France and was gentilly receiued of hir brother whiche made greate promise to ayde hir against the tyranny and iniury of the Spencers Anno. 18. Hamond Chikwel M. Benet of Fulhā S Iohn Causton S Quene Isabell by the ayde and help of syr Iohn of Heynald with a small company of Henoways returned into Englande to whome the Nobles and the commons gathering in greate numbre pursued the kynge the Spencers and other ennemies so egerly that shortely after they tooke them and kepte the kynge in pryson at Kenylworthe And after at Barkeley they toke master Robert Baldok the Chācellor both the Spencers the father and the sonne the erle of Arundel with diueres other and brought them to the towne of Hereford Anno. 19. Richard Betain M Gilbert Mordō S. Iohn Cotton S. The morowe after
scarsnes vitaile and other merchandise were exceding good chepe for at London a quarter of wheate was sold for .ii. s. fat oxe for vi s .viii. d. A fat shepe for .vi. d. and .viii. d. syx pigeons for one peny a fatt goose for .ii. d. a pyg for a peny so all other victuals after y e rate This yeare appered a blasyng sterre Anno. 12. Henry Darcy M. Walter Neale S. Nicolas Graue S. Kyng Edward for the expedition of his warres agaynst the frenche Kynge sent embassadours into the parties beyonde the sea to allie with hym the erle of Heynault and other lordes whiche obeyed not the french king of whom by the meanes of Iaques Dartnell he had great comfort bothe of the Flemmings diuers lordes princes of those parts This yere the kyng granted that the officers of the Maior and Sheriffes of London should beare maces of syluer Anno. 13. Henry Darcy M. Williā of Pomfret S Hugh Marbre S King Edward for more establishmēt of amitie betwene hym and the Hollanders Selanders and Brabanders sailed to Andwarpe where he concluded the matter with his aliances and by the consent of the emperor Lewys was proclaimed vicar generall of the empire In this meane time certayn French men had entred the hauē of Southampton and robbed the towne and brent a great part therof and vpon the sea they toke .ii. great ships called the Edward and the Christopher Anno. 14. Andrew Aubery M. Williā Thorney S. Roger Frosham S. Kyng Henry helde a parlyament at Westminster and there towarde his great charges he demaunded the fyfthe part of euery mans goodes The customes of the wolles to be payd .ii. yeares before hand and the ninth sheaff of euery mans corne Which was granted vnto hym But before it were all payd the loue of the people dyd turne into hatred and theyr prayer into cursyng c. The kyng changed hys coyne made the noble and halfe noble The noble at vi s .viii. d. which is nowe .x. s. King Edward ouer and beside a great army of Englishe souldiours hauynge with him welnere the power of the hole Empire entred the borders of France and made claime to the whole realme of Fraunce as his rightfull inheritaunce and for more auctoritie named hym self kyng of France and entermedled the armes of Fraunce as it remayneth to this day Anno. 15. Andrew Aubery M. Adam Lucas S. Bertholo marys S. The quene of England wife to kyng Edward beyng at Gaunt was deliuered of a sonne whiche afterwarde was called Iohn of Gaunt which was fyrst earle of Richemont and after Duke of Gloucester This yere K. Edwarde sailynge into Flanders nye to y e town of Sluce mett with the Frenche kynges nauy where was foughten a cruell battaile wherof the kynge of Englande had the victorie and the French flete that was in number .400 sayle was welnere destroyed and the souldiors taken slayn and drowned so that of .33000 fower escaped aliue Shortly after this victorye kyng Edward besieged Turney and the towne of saint Omers during the time of whiche siege dyuers out rydynges and enterprises were aduentured by the Heynawes Almains and other his frendes to the great hurt of both parties At the ende of .xi. wekes after the siege a peace was concluded for .xii. monethes and the kyng returned to Londou Anno. 16. Iohn Oxenford M. Rich. barking S. Iohn Rokesley S. This yeare came into England .ii. cardinals to treat a peace betwene the kinges of England of France who cōcluded it for .3 yeres but it lasted not so lōg This yere the quene was deliuered of a mā child at Lāgley which was named Edmunde of Langley was kyng Edwards third sonne Anno. 17. Symon Francis M. Iohn Luskyn S Rich. Kyslingbery S This yere dyed Iohn duke of Britain by reason of whose death warre strife grew and partes taking by the French kyng and kyng Edward Anno. 18. Iohn Hamond M. Iohn steward S. Iohn Ayseshā S. This yere the king called a parliamēt at westmynster In tyme wherof Edwarde hys eldeste soonne was created prince of Wales This yere y e king made a coyne of fine gold and named it the florentine that is to say the peny of the valu of .vi. s .viii. d. the halfpeny of the valu of .iii s .iiii. d. and the farthing of the value of xx d. whiche coyne was ordeyned for hys warres in Fraunce for the golde therof was not so fyne as was the noble before named Anno. 19. Iohn Hamōd M. Geff. wichinghā S. Thomas Legget S. This yere the king held a solemn feast at his castell of Windsor where he deuised the order of the Garter and stablished it as it is at this day Then king Edward sailed into Sluce so into little britain with a strong army But for that he was disappointed of the Flemmyngs by reason of the death of his trusty frende Iaques Dartnell he turned again into England leauing behynd hym the Erle of Salisbury wyth a stronge company to ayde Iohn Erle of of Mountford against Charles de bloys Which Iohn by the aide of Englishmen wan diuers towns holdes in Britain This yeare the kyng sent the Erle of Derby with a strong army into Guyen for to ayde the erle of Northampton Anno. 20. Richard Lacer M. Edmōd Hēpnall S. Iohn Gloucester S. Thys yere kyng Edward made great preparation for the warres of France and Philyp de Ualoys kyng of France made as greate preparation to defende his land against king Edward Anno. 21. Geffrey wichinghā M. Iohn Croydon S. williā Clopton S. This yeare kyng Edward sailed into Normandy with .1100 sayle greate and small and with him his sonne prince Edward they ouer rode spoiled destroied the countrey before them vnto Parys and gathered wonderfull riches of pray which he sent into England Shortly after he encoūtred the french kynge nye the foreste of Cresse when he had not in his host the eight man in comparison of the Frenche army and obteyned of them a triumphant vyctorie Where was slayn the kyng of Bohem with .x. other great princes .80 banners .1200 knyghtes and .3000 common souldiors After this victory kyng Edward went toward Caleys and besieged it In the meane while Dauid of Scotland by procurement of the Frenche kynge made warre vpon the borders of Englande but the byshop of Yorke with other lordes gathered a greate company aswell spirituall as temporall and nere vnto Durham dyd hyd the kynge of Scottes battayle where was fought a cruell and fierce bataille But in the ende the victorie fell vnto the quenes syde and ther was taken the kynge of Scottes wyth many of his greatest lordes there was slain one other aboue .15000 souldiors Anno. 22. Thomas Legget M. Adā Bramson S Rich. basingstoke S This yeare after king Edwarde had lien afore Caleis a yeare more it was
place Kyng Henry by letters complained vnto the princes of Germanie of Luther who had writen to sharply against him and desyred theym that he myghte not translate the newe Testament into the vulgar tongue Sharpe warre and often skyrmishes betweene the borderers of Englande Scotlande and France The Erle of Surrey burned .37 villages in Scotlād despoiled y e coūtrey frō the east marches to the west and ouerthrewe dyuers holdes and castels Anno. 15. Syr Tho. Baldrie Mercer M. Michel English S Nich. Ienyngs S In Decēber at the cytie of Couentry one Philip Scholemaister to the kyngs henxmē Christopher Pykeryng clarke of the Larder and Anthony Maynuile gentlemen entended to haue taken the kynges treasure of his subsidie as the Colectors of the same came towarde London therwith to haue araysed mē and taken the Castell of Kylyngworth and then to haue made battayle against the kyng for the whiche they were drawen hanged and quartered at tyborne The .xi. daye of February the reste that were taken were executed at Couētree The Duke of Suffolke with many other lordes and knyghtes was sent in to Fraunce by kyng Henry with an armie of .10000 men who passynge the water of Some without battayle tooke dyuers townes and castelles and destroyed the countrey before him In December he returned agayne into Englande The erle of Surrey brent Iedworth in Scotlande and toke dyuers holdes The Duke of Albanye besieged the castell of Warke and had in a redynes a great army to inuade Englande but when he heard the erle of Surrey was commyng he fled back into Scotland The souldiours of Guynes tooke a great bootie at a fayre in the towne of Morguyson and syr Robert Iernyngham and certayne dimilaunces of Calys toke dyuers Frenche prysoners Anno. 16. Sir Wil. Bailie Draper M. Raufe Dodmer S Wylliā Roche S The fyrst weke of Lent the Lorde of Camphier and other came from the Emperour to kyng Henry The byshop of Dunkell and other Ambassadours came out of Scotland and a legate from the byshop of Rome to entreate a peace betwene England and Fraunce Syr Raufe a Fanwycke Leonarde Musgraue and bastard Hearon were slayne in Scotlande by to muche hardines in pursuing their enemies at which tyme .300 Scottes were takē prysoners by the englyshemen Clement byshop of Rome sent vnto kyng Henry in token of great loue the golden rose that he vseth euery yere to consecrate before Easter Great triumphe in England for y e taking of y e French kyng by y e Emperour The Cardinall obteyned lycence of the byshop of Rome to suppresse certain abbayes to the intent to erecte two colledges one at Oxenforde an other at Ipswyche and to indue thē with lādes whiche colledges he began so sumptuously that it was not lyke they woulde come to good ende Kyng Henry was lyke to haue been drowned by leapyng ouer a diche in followyng his hauke This yere was the castell or towre set vp at Grenewyche This yere the coyne was enhaunsed in England Luther by the counsell of Christerne king of Dēmarck certain other wrate very hūble letters vnto kynge Henry of Englād acknowleging a faulte in him self that he had writtē before so sharply vnto hym but when the kyng in his answere blamed Luther muche and noted hym of lyghtnes and inconstancie Luther repented his doyng and wrate that he was deceiued when he thoughte to fynd Iohn Baptist in princes courtes and amonge them that were arayed in purple A murmuring was in al partes of the realme for payment of money and in Suffolke .4000 men rose agaynst the Duke and other commissioners which were appeased by the Duke of Norfolke and other A truce betwene England Fraunce for a certaine space and Ambassadours were sent into Denmarke for restoring of their kyng whiche was then in Englande but the Danes would graunt nothyng they dyd hate hym so extremely for his crueltie Anno. 17. Syr Iohn Allen Mer. M. Iohn Calton S. Christ. Askew S. The .xi. day of February being shrofe sonday fyue men of the Styliarde dyd penaunce three of them bare fagottes at Paules and two of them bare tapers of waxe And an Austen fryer called doctor Barnes of Cambrydge bare a fagot at Paules the same daye and there was present at that tyme the lorde Cardinal with a .xi. bishops y e bishop of Rochester made the sermon against Martin Luther and his doctrine The same yere the .vi. daye of Septēber was a proclamation for goulde the Frenche crowne was valued at .iiii. s. vi d the Angel at vii.s vi d the Ryall at xi.s.iii.d and so euery pece after that value Anno. 18. sir Tho. Seymer Mercer M. Ste. Pecock S Nich. Lābert S The thyrd daye of Iuly whiche was in the .xix. yere of kyng Henry the lorde Cardynall of England with great pōpe rode thorowe Cheape and so towarde Fraūce where he cōcluded a league betweene kyng Henry and the Frenche kyng whiche both sent their defiaunce to the Emperour and a stronge armie into Italy to delyuer the byshop driue the Emperours power out of that countrey The great maister of Fraunce came to London with great triumphe for the cōclusion of y e ●ornamed league The .xv. daye of Iuly was one Harman drawen from newgate to tyborne and there hanged for coyninge of false golde Also in Iuly and Auguste was the sleweis made in Fynsebury fielde to cōuey the ill waters ouer the towne dyche by pipes of lead into y e riuer of Thames In the same yere was suche scarcitie of bread at London and all Englande that many people died for defaulte therof And the bread cartes that came from Stratforde to London were met by the waye at Myles ende by the cytyzens of London that the lorde Mayor and Sheryfes of London were fayne to goe and rescue the sayde bread cartes and see them brought to the markettes appoynted for the same Anno. 19. Syr Iames Spencer Uyntener M. Iohn Hardy S. Wyl Hollis S. The first daye of Nouember the lord Cardynall with the Ambassadours of Fraunce were at Paules there was proclaymed a generall peace betwene kyng Henry of England and Fraunces the French kyng duryng their lyues a twelne monethes and a daye after The .viii. day of December thre scholers of Cambridge one Forster a gentilmā of y e court bare fagots at Paules The fyfth day of Ianuary the Cardinall with many byshops abbottes and priors went a procession at Paules and sang Le deum for the escapyng of y e Pope from the Emperour The .xiii. daye of Ianuary was a great fyer at Andrewe Moris keye in Thames strete and at an other keye by it where was muche harme done This yere a frenche Crayer of .xxx. tonne beyng māned with .xxxviii. frēch men and a flemish crayer of .xxviii. tōne and .xxiiii. flemynges metyng at Margate the one chased the other along the ryuer of Thames to
one of the Sonne the .xxiiii. daye of Ianuary and three of the moone a straunge thyng and suche as had not happened since the tyme of Charles the great In the beginning of lent lorde Edward Seymer erle of Hertforde was made lieftenāt of the north partes and sent thether with an armie for y e defēce of that countrey The beginning of Marche Germine Gardyner Larke parson of Chelsey besyde London and Syngleton were executed at Tyborne for denying the kyng to be supreme head of the churche and shortly one Ashbee was lykewyse executed for the same The .xxii. daye of Marche the lorde Admirall with a great nauy departed from the port of Londō towardes Scotlande The fourth daye of Apryll a gonne poulder house called the black swanne standyng vpon east smythfielde was blowen vp with other houses nighe adioynyng and therein were burned fyue men a boye and a woman Upon Maie euen in the .36 yere of Henry the eyght died the lord Thomas Audeley hygh Chancellor of England After whome succeded lorde Thomas Writhesley Upon May daye the nauye sente by the Lord admirall which vntyll thys tyme had no good wynde tooke their voyage into Scotlande from Tynmouth wyth whom was the lorde Edwarde Seymor Erle of Hertford the kynges lieutenāt and generall captain of the army whiche the fourthe daye of May arriued at Lyth the hauen of Edenborough and toke the towne of Lyth and spoyled it after which they made toward Edenboroughe where at a certayne brydge the Scottes had layde theyr ordynance but by the pollicie and manhode of our captaines and souldiors the Scottes ordynance was won and discharged against them selues and thereby were put to flyght after thys the towne of Edenborough sente vnto the armye pretendynge to delyuer the towne vppon certayne condytions to the behofe of oure Kynge But when the armye entred they were inuaded by them for whiche cause the Towne was destroyed and cleane wasted Kyng Henry and the Emperoure agreed ioyntely to inuade the realme of France wyth two great powers About this tyme kyng Henry made great prouisiō for a voiage into France A proclamation made enhaunsynge the value of gold to the rate of xlviii.s and syluer to .iiii. shyllynges the ounce It is to be noted that at thys tyme the kynge caused to be coyned the base moneys whych was called down the fyfth yeare of Edwarde the .vi. and called in the seconde yere of Quene Elizabeth After the whytson holye dayes the Duke of Norffolke and the Lord pryuie seale with a great army tooke their voyage into Fraunce and besieged Mutterell where they laye vntyll the Kynge hadde wonne Boloygne Not longe after the Duke of Suffolke with many other noble men passed the seas and encamped before Boloigne on the East syde The xiiii daye of Iuly kyng Henry hym selfe wyth a goodly companye passed from Douer to Calaice and the .26 day encamped on the north syde of Boloygne after whose comyng the towne was so sore battered wyth gonneshott and certayne of theyr Towers beynge vndermyned soo shaken wyth force of gunne powder that after a monethes siege the captayne sente woorde to the kyng that he would yelde the towne to his behofe vpon condition that all whiche were within myght departe wyth bagge and baggage whiche conditions Kyng Henry mercyfully graunted and the Bulleynors departed one and other to the numbre of .4454 The .xxv. day of Septembre the kyng entred into hyghe Boloigne wyth the nobilitie of hys realme and the trompettes blowyng that it reioyced all the whole hoast to heare The fyrst daye of October kyng Henry departed frome Boloigne towarde Douer and at his goyng he dubbed .iiii. knyghtes at the water syde Ambassadours were sent both frome the Emperour and the french Kyng for peace to Kyng Henry but for so muche as he would not geue vp Boloigne nothyng was concluded The .ix. day of October in the night the frēch mē cam vnwares vpōth english mē in base Boloigne and slewe of theym a great number Howe beit they were shortly chased from thense and the base towne holden after in good quiete Anno. 36. Williā Laxton grocer Mai. Iohn Wilford S. Andrew Iudde S. This yere was taken by the Kynges shyps of the weste countrey and of the Englysh coast the numbre of .300 frenche shyppes and more The .xxvi. day of Ianuary there camped on the weste syde of Boloigne beyonde the hauen an army of Frenchemen to the number of .xviii. thousand and laye there ten days and the .vi. day of February they wer all put to flight by the Erle of Hertforde and the lorde admirall then beynge Lorde deputie of Boloigne The .vii. day of Iune in the .37 yere of kyng Henry the .viii. a great army of Frenchmen came nere to the hauen of Bulleyne and skirmished with the Englyshmen and thys armye beganne to buylde a fort whych before they departed they dyd accomplishe The French kyng prepared .ii. great armies agaynst the Englishmen one by sea an other by lande that vpon the sea was aboue .200 shyppes besyde galeys This nauye made shewe dyuers tymes to haue landed in the Isle of wyght at Portesmouth and other where but euer they perceyued suche prouysyon made by kynge Henry that nothynge was done woorthy memorye but that theyr sort by Boloine was in the meane tyme fynyshed Worde was brought that the french menne entended to lande in the Isle of Wyght Wherfore the kyng wente to Portesmouthe At whyche tyme of the kynges abode there a goodly shyppe of Englande called the Mary Rose wyth syr George Carewe the capitayne and many other gentylmen were drowned in the myddest of the hauen by greate negligence and folye Certayne frenche men landed in the Isle of Wyght but they were dryuen away with losse of theyr captaine and many souldiours In August the lorde Edwarde Seymor erle of Hertforde was sente by the Kyng into Scotland with an armye of xii thousande men where he destroyed dyuers towns and the middle marches and greatly endomaged the Scottes This yeare in Auguste dyed Charles duke of Suffolke a very noble gentylman and full of actiuitie This yeare the .xii. day of September the Churche of saynt Gyles without Creplegate was brent Anno. 37. sir Martin Bowes goldsmith M. George barnes S Rafe Alleyn S The .xxiiii. day of Nouember a parliament begon at Westminster where was graunted to the Kyng a Subsydie of ii.s viii.d of the pounde of mouable gooddes and .iiii. shyllynges the pounde in landes to be payde in twoo yeare and all Colleges Chauntryes and hospitalles were committed to the kynges order durynge hys lyfe to alter and transpose whyche hee promysed to doo to the glory of God and the common profyte of the realme Aboute thys tyme the Lorde admirall landed in Normandye and brente the suburbes of Traiport dyuers villages along the sea coast and destroyed and toke almost all the shyppes in the hauen which was a
Danes discharged 44 Tempest in England Tewkesbury abbey buylded 61 Twenty gouernours of London 75 Twelue yeeres in Englande 91 Terme kepte at Shrewesbury 99 Tunne in Cornhyll 101 Treasure conueyed out of England 101 Theues in apparayle of friers 101 Three hundred men slayn by misfortune 141 Two Maiors and syxe Aldermen of London dy● within .viij. dayes 164 Thomas Kneysworth hys charitable dedes 171 Turney and Turwyne wonne 171 Towre of Grenewyche buylded 180 Thomas More Chaunceler 181 Thomas Cromwell 185. 188. 193. 198. Towre of London repayred 185 Thomas ●unflow his charitable dedes 167 Thomas Whyte his charitable dedes fo 225 Trinite college erected 225 Three folde plague of London 245 U Ueye a ryuer 4. Uniuersitie at Stamforde fo 11. Uies buylded 14. Uortymer poysoned by his stepmother 29 Uillages and towns drouned 89 Uisytation of the abbeyes fol. 189. Uoyage to Moscouie 220 W Wales described 4. Welshemen fo 4. Wolues deuoured kynges fol. 10. Wynchester buylded 11 Walbrooke howe it tooke that name 23 Wall of stone betwene England and scotland 26 Wyndsore castel fyrst buylded 31. Wynchecombe abbey buylded 37 Wolues destroyed in Englaude 43. Warwell buylded 44 Walthā abbey buylded 50 Wenloke abbey buylded 55 Westmynster Halle buylded 58 Wyndsore buylded 62 Wodstocke buylded ibid. Wyllyam wyth the longe bearde 72.73 Wynchester abbeye buylded 81 Wardes graunted to the kyng 83. Weyghts and measures 95 Woll staple kepte at sandewyche 102 Whyte battayle 108 Woll staple kept at Westmynster 119 Wolstaple kept at Chychester ibide Wolstaple kept at Lincolm Brystowe and Canterbury ibidem Wylliam Walworth slewe Iacke strawe 127 Whityngton colledge buylded 135 William Taylour his charitable dedes 155 Wyat taken 229 Y Yorke buylded 10 FINIS Imprinted at London in Fletestreete nygh vnto S. Dunstones churche by Thomas Marshe Anno Salutis 1565. Polydore Virgil. Now at thys presente there is a byshop of Glocester Ther is now a byshoppe at Peterborow London brydge Cornelius Tacitus This arme of the sea as I Iudge is nowe called Anste where is a passage betwene the village of Anste and Chepstoll 1108 London builded He stablyshed the Troian lawes in thys kyngdome 1084 Howe the ryuer of Humber toke that name Howe the ryuer of Seuerne tooke that name 1063 The Queene reigned durynge the mynoritie of her sonne 1053 The king deuoured by wolues Policronica 1009. Iohn Hardyng The king destroyed of wolues 989. Policronica Gaufride Iohn Hardinge Dumbritaine Edenbrough Bawburgh and Yorke buylded 929. 917. Carleile builded 892. Canterbury Wynchester and Shaftesbury builded 863. Stamforde buylded Iohn Hardyng alledgyng Merlyn Bathe wyth the hotte bathes builded The king attemptynge to fly brake his necke 844 Leycester buylded ●0● Galfride 800 Howe Glamorganshyre tooke that name S. Iohns Towne in Scotlande buylded Bangor in Wales buylded 766 It rayned bloud .iii. dais Rome was buylded ●21 684 636 The game of ● hosse deuised 612 559 496 Porrex slewe his brother Forrex and Porrex was afterwarde slayne by his mother Brutus lyne extinguished 441 The fyrste king of Englande that ware a crown of golde who builded Black well Hall in London The seconde lawes were Mulmutius lawes R. Fabian The towne o● Malmesbury buylded 401 Iohn Hardynge Three archeflames in Englande Foure notable wayes made in Englande Belyns gate in London buylded Iohn Leylande The tower of London fyrst buylded Carlyon buylded The old temple nexe to tēple barre builded 375 The Spaniards fyrst inhabited Irelande Ector Boyce 356 The thirde lawes were Marcian lawes 330 The Pictes fyrste inhabited the marches of Englande and Scotland 323 321 311 The king deuoured by a monster 303 Cambridge Grantham buylded 292 The kyng depriued 286 281 272 270 The town of Pikerynge buylded 261 258 248 234 The kyng deposed 225 207 191 173 A good ensample 163 143 138 137 135 134 133 136 124 120 118 115 113 111 108 106 104 94 92 Prodigious sygnes in the ayre 88 86 83 81 78 76 74 70 Now the Ile of Ely ●tooke fyrste that name 69 Kynge Lud buylded London from Lōdon slone to Ludgate and named it Ludston 58 Iulius Cesar made his fyrst voyage into Englande The seconde voyage of Iulius Cesar in to England London submitted to Iulius Cesar. England first tributarye to the Romains Iohn Lidgate Iulius Cesar a bakers son cōquering y e worlde and beyng the first Emperour was in the capitoll by the senate slayne with bodkins The castels of Douer Canterburye Rochester the tower of London builded Salisbury Chichester and Excester builded 42 19 The byrth of Christ. 17 Thomas Lanquet 45 Southampton howe it tooke that name Gloucester buylded whiche before was named Carlyon Peter and Paule crucified 73 Chester town builded 126 Colchester buylded 180 England first receiued the christen faith Gildas in his boke De victoria Aurelii Ambrossi In this tyme as Gildas Martin a chronicler dooe write xxviii temples of Flamynes were made cathedrall churches and bysshops placed in the same as Flamyns before had bene Lōdon York and Earlyon were archbyshops Adrians wall repaired by Senerus which is yet called the scottyshe banke 213 218 Polydore Virgile 226 Alectus slayn by Asclepiodatus 232 Walbroke in London how it toke that name 262 Asclepiodatus slayne 289 S. Albon of England martyred Iohn Lidgate 310 Wherfore the kynges of Englande weare close crownes The fyrste christen Emperour S. Helene an englyshe woman 329 Ector Boice Polydore Virgile 283 Maximus cōquered lyttle Britayn S. Ursula of Englande 391 The Scotts and Picts inuade Englād A walle of stone betwene England and Scotlande The Scottes and Picts inuaded this realme so sore that the Romains refused to defende the same but rather to lose theyr Trybute Beda de gestis Anglorū 433 The kynge slayne in hys chamber by a Picte 443 A Monke made kyng of Englande The kynge traiterousely slayne by certaig Pictes 448 Great plentie of Corne and grayne A great pestilence The Scots Pictes spoyled this land The fyrste Saxons entryng thys realme Kyng Uortiger deuorced from his laufull wyfe and maryed Rowan y e daughter of Hengist the Saxon. Pelagius heresy in Englande Uortiger depriued of hys kyngdome 464 The king poisoned by his stepmother 471 Hardyng sayeth the Saxons slewe on the Playne of Salisburye iiii C. and ix barones and Erles toke the kyngeprisoner Abbot Ambry buylded Ambresbury Kyng Uortiger burned in his castell in Wales 481 The seconde kyngdome of the Saxons How Porismouthe came to that name The thyrde kyngdome of the Saxons 218 500 517 Gildas made a boke de gestis Arthuri Iohn Frosard Wyndsor castell buylded The fowerth kyngdome of the Saxons Galfride Mordred the traytour vsurpeth the crowne Mordred slayne and Arthur woūded to deathe 543 Gildas the wyse 546 The .v. and vi kyngdome of the Saxōs 548 Guido 552 The fyrste war betwene the Saxons in this realme 586 Gurmundus builded Gurmundchester so sayth Hardyng who alle●g●th Beda 589 The Saxons had the whole possession of this realme S. Augustin came into Englande
Frenchmen Iohn Hardyng alledging Govver 1380 Gonnes firste inuented The Sauoye burnt S. Iohnes in Smithfielde spoyled Iack Straw slayne Why the city of Londō geueth the dagger in armes 1381 An earth quake 1382 A combate 1383 Execution at S. Albons 1384 1385 1386 1387 Robert Fabian 1388 A iustes in Smithfielde The battayll at Ottyrborn 1389 A combat Execution 1390 1391 A fraye in Fletestrete 1392 The liberties of London restored 1393 1394 Iohn Wiklef 1395 1396 Execution 1397 The duke of Hereford banished thys lande 1398 Englande let to feruie Kynge Rycharde taken prysoner by Henry Duke of Hereforde and of Lancaster 1399 Ioh. Harding folowing M. Norham doctor in Theologie 1399 A guage of battayle A conspiracie agaynst kyng Henry the fourthe Exec●tion Kynge Rychard murdered Iohn Govver in hys booke named Vox clamantis 1400 Execution Rebellyon in Wales Great dearth of corne 1401 The cundite in Cornhyll buylded A batayle at Shrewesbury Execution 1402 Plymmouth spoyled by frenchmen 1403 Execution 1404 Execution 1405 Rochester bridge builded 1406 Execution Whityngton colledge buylded 1407 A great frost 1408 A great iustes ●● Smithfield 1409 Execution in Smythfield The markett house called the Stockes buylded 1410 Execution The Guylde haill in London newe buylded 1411 1412 1412 Ioh. Lidgate Syr Iohn Oldecastell 1413 EdvVarde Haule Rebellion Execution 1414 Execution Ioh. Harding folowing M. Norham doctor in Theologie The battayle of Agincourt 1415 1416 Robert Fabian A fraye in S. Dunstones churche A fraie in S. Dunstones churche 1417 Execution The parson of Wrothā with his concubine 1418 1419 1420 1421 Shene and Syon buylded 1422 Tho. Coper The kynges colledge at Cābrydge the Colledge at Eaton buylded Ioh. Harding after maister Norham 1422 Execution Newgate buylded 1423 Execution The kynge of Scottes maried at saynt Mary Adries in Southwarke 1424 The first custome payde by the marchauntes Robert Fabian 1425 A parliament at Leicester where the duke of Bedforde endued kyng Henry the sixt with the order of knyghthode then the king dubbed nere 40. knightes 1426 1427. A murder quit with murder 1428 1429 Iohn Lidgate 1430 A commotion at Abyngton Execution at Tyborne 1431 The Stādard in cheape buylded The kynge of Englād crowned at Paris in Fraunce 1432 A comete 1433 1434 A great frost 1435 Calleis besieged 1436 A part of Lōdon brydge fel downe Euery stranger payde to y e Kyng .xvi. d. the weeke 1437 1438 Thre hūdred men slayne Great dearth Xviii persons murdered Robert Fabian The Condyt in Fletestrete buylded An obyte for mayster Roberte Chicheley 1439 Execution at Tower hyll The posterne sanke 1440 Robert Fabian Edvvard Hal Thomas couper Execution 1441 A great fraye in Fletestrete 1442 Paules steple a fyre 1443 1444 Alsoulne colledge Bernarde colledge buylded in Oxenford 1445 Leaden Halle buylded 1446 Hūfrey duke of Gloucester arested at Burye Mary Magdalen colledge buylded in Oxenford 1447 1448 Roane yelded to the Frēche 1449 A Murder A commotion in Kent by Iacke Cade on Blacke heath 1450 1451 The duke of York begane a commotion 1452 1453 A battayle at saint Albons 1454 A great fraye in London by saintuary mē 1455 A ryot in Lōdon agaynst y e Lombardes 1456 Great fyshes taken Sandwitche spoyled 1457 A great procession 1458 The Science of pryntynge Bloreheathe fyeide Symōd Eyre deceased 1459 A battayle at Northamptō The Duke of Yorke made clayme to the crowne A battayle as Wakefielde 1460 The seconde battaile at S. Albons A battayle at Sherborn on Palmesondaye Kyng Henry the syxt fayne to flye the lād 1460 1461 1462 1463 A battayle at Exham Kyng Edward secretly maried Kyng Henry takē prysoner 1464 A new coign 1465 1466 1467 1468 A battayle at Banbery 1469 K. Edwards fled into Flāders Execution 1470 Barnet finde on Easterday A battayle at Teukesbury Crueltie The suburbes without Algate and Byshopsgate burnte Murder 1471 1472 1473 Execution ●● towre hyll 1474 The conduite in Cornehyll enlarged 1475 1476 A part of Lōdon wall new buylded 1477 Murder 1478 A great pestilence 1479 Execution 1480 1481 1482 1483 1483 Quene Elisabeth toke saintuary at west mynster Murder 1483 1484 A battayle at Bosworth K. Richarde slayne in the fielde 1485 1485 The greate Cundyte in Chepe newe buylded The first yeomen of the garde A sweatynge sycknes Arnolds chronicle of London The Crosse in Cheape buylded 1486 Kyng Henry the .vii. maried lady Elisabeth daughter to K. Edward the .iiii. A battayle at Stoke the 16 daye of Iune 1487 1488 A great taxe the Earle of Northumberlande slayn 1489 Desperation 1490 Execution Creplegate of London builded Arnoldes cronicles of London The Cōdite in Gracious strete 1491 1492 A fray in Lōdon agaynste the Styliard men 1493 Good cheape wheate and baye salte 1494 Herrynges at iii. s.iiii.d y e barreli Perkyn warbecke Great execution of .160 persons 1495 1496 Black heath ficide Execution Perkin Warbeck besiegeth Excetor 1497 EdVvarde Haule English marchantes receiued with procession 1498 Execution at saint Thomas watrynges S. Antonies church in Lōdon buylded 1499 Perkin werbecke other hāged drawē and quartered at London Execution at London A great pestilence The kynge quene sayled to Calyce 1500 Arnolds chronicles Richmonde Baynards castell Grenewich builded s. Anthonies churche fynyshed 1501 Prince Arthur maried Arnolde 1502 The death of Quene Elisabeth The kynge of Scottes maried 1503 Fyre on London brydge A new coyne 1504 150● The cundite at Byshops gate buylded The kynge of Castyle lāded in Englande 1506 Prisoners delyuered 1507 1503 The hospitall of the Sauoy buylded The new chapell at Westminster buylded by kynge Hēry the .vii. 1509 Kyng Henry maried ladye Katherin his fyrst wyfe 1509 Paules scole buylded 1510 1511 1512 A battayle on the sea 1513 Turney and Turwyn Edvvarde Haule 1514 1515 Lady Marye borne at Grenewyche 1516 A great frost All May day 1517 The sweatyng sycknes The Citie of Turney yelded frenche 1518 1519 1520 The duke of Buckynghā beheaded Edvvarde Halle 152● Kyng Henry fyrste nawed defender of the sayth The Emperours coming to London 152● The Rhodes taken by the turkes The kyng of Denmarke came into Englande 1523 1524 The golden rose sent from Rome The Cardinall first suppressed abbeis Kyng Henry in ieopardie to haue bene drowned The coyne enhaunced 1525 The goulde enhaunced 1526 Execution at Tyborne Great scarcitie of bread 1527 General peace proclaymed Generall procession Fyre in Thames strete A shyp chased to the tower wharfe A sweatynge sicknes A legate came from Rome 1528 The Cardinall discharged of the chauncelorshyp S. Thomas More made chauncelour The newe testament printed in english A parliament at the Black-friars 1529 Fyre in the Uyntrie Execution at the towre hyl Execution in Finsbury fielde Execution To sende to the court of Rome forbydden 1530 One boiled in Smythfield The Cardynall deceased The Clergie condemned in the premunire The kynge first named supreme head The kynges palace builded at S. Iames 1531 Execution in Smythfield Execution at Tybornd Execution in Smithfield Great
and Rochester bee in Kēt Essex Middlesex part of Hertford belongeth to the bishoprike of London The bishop of Chicester hath Suffer Wynchester hathe Hampshire Surrey and the Isle of Wight Salesbury hath Dorsetshire Barkshyre and Wylteshire Excetor hath Deuonshire Cornwall Bathe and Welles hath Somersetshyre Worcester hath Glocestershyre Worcestershyre and part of Warwikeshire Hereforde hath parte of Shropshire and Herefordshire Couentre and Lichfelde Staffordeshyre and thother parte of Warwikshire Chestre hath Cheshire Darbyshire a piece of a Lancashyre nere the ryuer of Kepel The Diocesse of Lincolne which is the greatest hath eight shyres lieng betweene thei Thames and Humbre as Lincolne Northampton Leycester Rutlande Huntingdon Bedforde Buckyngham Oxford the residue of Hertfordshire The byshoprike of Ely hath Cantabridgeshire the Isle of Ely Suffolke and Norffolke be in the circuite of Norwiche Diocesse And thys is the Prouynce of the Archebyshop of Canterburye whyche is the primate of all England wyth Wales whyche hathe iiii diocesses as hereafter shall be declared The byshop of Yorke hath Yorkeshyre Notynghamshyre and a piece of Lancastshyre The byshop of Durham hath the bishoprike so commonly called and Northumberland Carlisle conteineth Cumberlande and Westmerland And this is the other prouince of tharch byshop of Yorke whiche is another prymate of England was of long tyme also primate of all Scotlande but these Diocesses take theyr names of the cities where those seas be placed The chiefe wherof is London where in the beginnyng was the Archebyshops sea but afterwardes transposed to Canterbury a Citie in Kent placed in a soyle amiable and pleasant London standethe in Middlesex on the northside of the Thamis That moste excellent and goodly ryuer beginneth a little aboue a village called Winchelcombe in Oxfordshyre styll increasyng and passeth fyrst by the vniuersitie of Oxēford so with a meruailous quiete course by London and and then breaketh into the frenche Ocean by mayne tydes whyche twyse in xxiiii howers space doth ebbe and flowe more then .lx. myles to the great cōmoditie of trauailers by whiche all kyndes of marchandise bee easylye conueyde to London the principall store and staple for all cōmodities within this Realme Uppon the same ryuer is placed a stone bridge a woorke very rare and meruailous whyche brydge hathe .xx. arches made of .iiii. squared stone of height .lx. foote and of breadth .xxx. foote distant one from an other .xx. foote compacte ioyned together with vaultes and Sellars Upon bothe sydes be houses buylded that it seemeth rather a continuall streete then a brydge The Ocean sea doothe bounde Englande the fyrst part of Britain east and South Wales and Cornewall west The ryuer of Twede deuideth England and Scotland north The length of the Island begynneth at Portsmouth in the South part and endeth at Twede in the north conteinyng 320. myles This Realme aboue other is moste fruitfull on this syde Humbre for beyonde it is fuller of mountaynes And althoughe to the beholders of that countrey a far of it may seme playn yet it is full of many hylles and those for the moste part voyde of trees the valeys wherof be very delectable inhabited for the most part by noble men who accordyng to auncient and olde ordre desyre not to dwell in Cities but neere vnto valleys and ryuers in seueral vyllages for aduoidyng of vehement wyndes because that Ilande naturally is stormye Humbre hath his beginnyng a little on this side York by by runneth southward thē holdeth his course eastward so into the mayn sea greatly increaced by the ryuers of Dune Trent Trent beginneth a lyttle from Stafforde runnyng through Darbyshyre and Leycestershyre passing by Lichfield and Notyngham on the ryght hand and Dune on the lefte so that bothe those ryuers dooe make an Ilande whyche is called Aurolme and then ioynyng together on this syde Kyngston vpon Hull a goodly marchant towne they falle into Humbre by whych ryuer they may aryue out of France Germanie and Denmarke England is fruitefull of beastes and aboundeth with cattell wherby thinhabitātes be rather for the most Grasiers then ploughmē because they geue them selues more to fedyng then to tyllage So that almoste the thyrde parte of the countrey is imployed to cattell dere red and fallow gores wherof there be store in the northe partes conyes for euery where there is ioly maintenāce of those kyndes of beastes because it is fulle of greate woddes wherof there ryseth pastyme of huntyng greatly exercised specially by the nobilitie and gentlemen Of Scotland an other parte of Britayn I purpose to say nothyng because I haue promised onely and briefly to remembre thaffaires of myne owne countrey as beste trauailed and acquainted with the knowledge of the same Wales the .iiii. part of Britayne lyeth vpon the lefte hand whiche like a Promontarie or forelande or an Isle as it were on euery syde it is compassed with the mayne sea excepte it be on the easte parte with the Ryuer of Sabrine commonly called Seuerne whiche deuideth Wales from England Although some late writers affirme Hereforde to bee a bound betwene Wales and England say that Wales begynneth at Chepstolle where the Ryuer Ueye augmented wyth an other ryuer called Lugge passyng by Hereforde dooth runne into the sea which riuer riseth in the myddle of Wales out of that hill but vncertain whether oute of that sprynge that Sabrine dothe whiche Corn. Tacitus calleth Antona For euen to that place there goth a great arme of the sea which passyng through the land westward on the right hande leaueth Cornewall and on the left Wales Whiche Topography or description although it be newe yet I thoughte good to folowe Therefore Wales is extended frome the towne of Chepstol where it beginneth almost by a straight line a lytle aboue Shrowsbury euē to Westchester northward Into that part so many of the Britains as remayned alyue after the slaughter and losse of their countrey at the length beyng dryuen to theyr shyftes dyd repaire as ancient writings report where partly through refuge of the mountaines partly of the woddes and marshes they remained in safetie which part they enioy euen to this daye That lande afterwardes the englyshe men dyd call Wales and the Britaius the inhabitauntes of the same Walshmen for amonges the Germaynes Walsman signifieth a strāger an alien an outborn or strange man that is suche a one as hath a contrarye language from theirs for Wall in their tongue is called a stranger born as an Italian or Frencheman whyche differ in speeche from the Germane Man signifieth Homo which is a mā in english Therfore englishmen a people of Germany after they had wōne Britain called the Britains which escaped after y e destructiō of their cuntrey after their countrey maner walshmen because they had an other tong or spech besides theirs the land which they inhabited Wales which name afterwardes both to the people and
nauy being newe rygged and increased he passed the seas agayne with a greater armye But whiles he went towardes his enemies on lande his shippes lying at anker were agayn by tempest almost lost for either they were dryuen on the sandes wher they stacke fast orels through beatyng one an other with force of the tempeste they were destroyed So that xi were lost the other with muche laboure were saued Upon lande also his horsemen at the fyrste encountre were vanquished and Labienus the Tribune slayne At the seconde conflict not without great daunger of his men he putte the Britayns to flyght and pursued thē to y e riuer of Thamis on the further side wherof Cassiucian with a great multitude of people was keping the banks but they not hable to resist the violence and force of the Romaynes hyd theim selues in woddes and with sodayn eruptions oftentymes inuaded them but in the meane tyme theyr strongest citie Troynouant submitted it selfe to Cesar delyueryng vnto hym hostages whyche exaumple also the other cities folowed whereby Cassiuelan after many losses was constreigned to geue pledges and to agree that Britayne shoulde become tributarie to the Romans Then Cesar lyke a conquerour with a great numbre of prisoners sayled into France and so to Rome where shortely after he was slayne with bodkyns Iohn Lydgate in his boke named the Serpent of diuision writethe that Iulius Cesar buylded in this lande diuers cafteis and cities for a perpetuall memorie to put his name in remembrance that is to say the castell of Douer of Canterbury Rochester and the Tower of London the castell and towne of Cesars bury takyng his name after Cesar the whiche is nowe called Salisbury He also edefied Cesars Chester that nowe is called Chichester and the castel of Excester c. Thus ended th● warres whiche hee made in Britayn wherby he rather opened onely a waye for his successours to come to the same then that he delyuered to them the dominion therof Thys cōquest was made .2255 yeres after the uersall floud .1057 yeares after the arriuall of Brute .702 yeares after the buyldyng of Rome in the second yeare of the .181 Olympiade the .1116 yeare beefore the conqueste made by Wylliam of Normandye and .1615 years before this present yere of our Lord .1564 Theomancius the sonne of Lud and nephue to Cassiuelan succeded in the realme of Britayne and reigned quietly xxiii yeres and was buried at London Cymbalinus the sonne of Theomantius reigned kyng of Britain .xxxv. yeres and was buried at London The most blessed and pure virgin Mary mother of our sauiour Iesu Christ was born of the holy matrone Saincte Anne the yeare of the world .3948 the yeare before Christ .15 When Cesar Augustius the seconde Emperour by the wyll of God had stablished mooste sure peace thorough the world our redemer IESV CHRIST very God and man vppon whom peace wayted was borne in the .xlii. yeare of the reign of Augustus after the vniuersall Floud .2305 yeres From the birth of Abraham .2012 yeres After the departyng of the Israelites out of Egypt 1509. yeares after the buyldynge of the temple by Salomon .1029 yeres From the buildyng of Rome .752 yeares after the captiuitie of Babylon .614 yeres And in the laste yere of the .194 Olympiade But here is to be noted that the fyrst yere of our Lorde hath but vii dayes after some computation for he was borne the .xxv day of December the fyrst of Ianuary folowynge began the second yeare From this place folowing the yeres synce Christes byrth are placed in the margent at the begynnyng of euery kynges Reigne GUiderius the fyrst sonne of Cimbalyne began his reigne ouer the Britains in the .xvii yeare after the byrth of Christ our Sauiour This man was valiant hardy welthye and trusted muche in his strength And for that he thought the Romayns had their tribute wrongfully he of great courage denied to pay the same For which cause Claudius the .v. Emperoure came into Britayne wyth a greatte power to clayme agayne the payment therof and lastly slew the sayd Guiderius when he had reigned .xxviii. yeares ARuiragus the yongest sonne of Cymbalyne and brother of Guiderius was ordeyned Kynge of Britayne he reigned .xxvii. yeares He slue Hamon neere to a hauen of the sea and threw hym gobbet meale therein Wherfor it is now called Southāpton Claudius the Emperoure after dyuers happes of battaile tooke kyng Aruiragus to his grace And for so much as he perceiued hym to be a valiant prince in token of frendship as the english Chronicles testifie gaue to hym his daughter in mariage named Genissa Thys Claudius as saythe Fabyan buylded Gloucester and Aruiragus was there buryed Peter and Paule by the tyrannye of Nero wer crucified at Rome after the byrthe of our Sauioure Iesus Christe 68. yeares MArius the sonne of Aruiragus an excellente wyse man was ordeyned kyng of Britayn He reigned .liii. yeares In his tyme Lodrik kyng of the Pictes whiche were a people of Scythia accompanyed with the Scottes inuaded Britayne and spoyled the countrey with sworde and fyre against whom Marius with his knightes assembled in all haste gaue theim sharpe battaile Wherein Lodrike captayn of the Pictes was slayne wyth a great number of his souldiours to them whiche he remayned Marius gaue inhabitance in the further part of Scotland And for as muche as the Britaines disdayned to geue theyr daughters to them in mariage they acquainted them with the Iryshe men maryed theyr daughters and grewe in proces of tyme to a great people This Marius as saythe Fabyan buylded the towne of Chester and is buried at Carlyon COilus the sonne of Marius was ordeined kyng of the Britaynes He was brought vp euen from his yong age in Italy among the Romains and therfore fauoured theim greatly payd the tribute truly Som write that he builded the town of Colchester he reigned .liii. yeres was buried at Yorke LUcie the sonne of Coilus was ordeined kyng of Britayne who in all his actes and dedes folowed the steppes of his forfathers in such wise that he was of all men loued and dread This Lucie in the .viii. yere of his reigne that was about the yeare of our Lord .187 sente louyng letters to Eleutherius bishop of Rome desyryng hym to sende some deuout lerned men by whose instruction both he his people might be taught the sayth and religion of Christe wherof Elutherius beyng very glad sente into Britayne .ii. famous clerkes Faganus and Dunianus By whose diligence as Gildas wryteth Lucie and his people of Britayne were instructed and baptised in the faith of Christ 1294. yeres after the arriuall of Brute The yeare of Christe .189 Lucius kynge of Britayne when he had reigned xii yeres deceased and was buried at Glocester after whose death for so muche as of him remained no heire the britaines betwene
his sonne who inclosed y e same with a depe dyche and graūted to the inhabitantes therof great fredom And after builded a church ouer y e place of his sepulture and ordeined there an house of monkes enduyng them with fayre possessiōs And after it was vsed y e kings of Englād whē thei wer crouned sent for an offering their crounes vnto S. Edmondes shryne and redemed the same with a good price The englyshe men sente agayne for Etheldred out of Normandye who by the healpe of the Normans and present assistance of his commons expelled Canutus but shortly Canutus returned agayne into Englande where he spared nothynge that myght be destroyed with sworde fyre In whiche tyme king Etheldred ended his lyfe when he had reigned .xxxviii. yeares and was buried in the Northe Isle of Paules churche in London aboue the aultar Fabian saythe that in the seconde yeare of this kynges reigne a great part of the citie of London was wasted with fyre but how it beganne hys aucthor telleth not But ye shal vnderstand that this day the citie of London had moste housyng and buyldynge from Ludgate towarde Westminster and littell or none where the chiefe or hart of the citie is now except in diuers places was housynge but they stoode without order So that many townes cities as Cāterbury York and dyuers other in Englande passed London in buyldyng at those dayes as I haue sene sayth Fabyan by an old boke somtime in the Guyld halle of London named Domes daye But after the conquest it increased and shortly after passed and excelled all the other Aboute the .viii. yeare of this kyngs reign dyed Ethelwald byshop of Wynchester who was born in Wynchester and ther buylded an abbey of Nunnes as sayth Fabyan AFter y e deth of Etheldred great variance fell betwene y e englishe mē for the election of theyr kyng for y e citezens of London with certayn other named Edmund the son of Etheldred a yong man of lusty and valiant courage in martiall aduentures both hardy and wyse and one that could very well endure all paynes Wherefore hee was surnamed Ironsyde but the more part fauored Canutus the Dane By meanes wherof betwene those two princes were foughten many great battayles in the which either party sped diuersly to the great slaughter of thē that toke their partes But lastly it was agreed that the two Captayns shold try theyr quarell betwene them selues onely In which fight although Edmund semed to haue the vpper hand yet be condiscēded to deuyde the realm and make Canutus felow with him in the kingdom whyche agreement was at laste concluded In this tyme there was an englishe Earle called Edricus which by hys falshode had wrought muche hurte to hys naturall country and lastelye was aucthor of the deth of the noble Edmund And therof himself brought fyrst knowledge to Canutus the Dane sayinge in this wyse Thus haue I doone Canutus for the loue of thee To whom hee answered sayinge For my loue thou hast murdered thyne owne soueraigne Lord whome I loued most entierly I shall in rewarde therof exalt thy head aboue all the lordes of Englande And foorthwith commanded hym to be headed and his head to be set vpon a spear on the hyghest gate of London These princes reygned together .ii. yeares Thys Edmund was buryed at Glastenburye VUhen Canutus was stablished in the kyngdom he had knowledge how Olanns king of Norway in his absence inuaded the coūtrey of Denmarke wherfore in all hast he sped him thitherward by the māhod of the english souldiors obteined of them a noble victory recouered Norway to his seignory wherfore when he returned into England he demeaned him toward all men as a sage gentle moderat prince and so continued .xx. yeares Canutus called a parliamēt at Oxēford where it was decreed that english men and Danes should hold the lawes of Edgare late kyng Canutus subdued the Scots wherby he was king of .iiii. kingdoms y t is to say of England Scotlād Denmark Norway After that he wēt into Denmark and so to Rome And after returned again into England Where he kept all his life tyme good iustice and did many charitable dedes And after his deathe was buried in s. Swithins at Winchester Of this Canutus Polidore hath writen a notable history in y e end of his vii boke of the historie of England HArold the sonne of Canutus by hys wyfe Elgina for hys swyftnes surnamed Harefote began hys reygne ouer thys realme of England In the begynning hee shewed some token of crueltie in that he banyshed his stepmother Emma and tooke from her suche iewelles and treasure as she hadde He reigned iii. yeares Hee was buryed at Westmynster and after at S. Clementes without Temple barre HArdikenitus king of Denmarke after the deathe of Harolde was ordeyned kyng of Englande He for the iniurie done to his mother Emma caused the corps of Harolde to be taken out of the sepulchre and smyting of the head caste it with the body into the ryuer of Thames where by a fysher it was taken vp and vnreuerently buried at S. Clementes as afore is sayd He burdeined his subiectes with eractions and tribute and in meat and dryncke was so prodygall that hys tables were spreade .iiii. tymes in the day and the people serued with great excesse whan he had reigned .iii. yeares he dyed sodeinly at Lambeth not without suspection of poysonynge and was buried at Winchester Hardikenitus beyng deade the Danes were beaten slayn and dryuen out of this lande into theyr owne countrey xxviii yeares after that Swayn began fyrst to reigne EDwarde the sonne of Egelrede or Etheldred by the aduice of Goodwyne and Leofricus Erle of Chester after the deathe of Hardikenitus was sent for out of Normandie to take on him the goueruaunce of this realme of Englande whiche hee guyded with much wisdome and iustice from whom issued as out of a fountaiue very godlinesse mercie pitie and liberalitie towarde the pore and gentylnes and iustice towards all men and in all honest lyfe gaue moste godly example to hys people He discharged the englyshmen of the great tribute called y e Dane gelt whiche was often before time leuied to y e impouerishyng of the people He subdued the Wes●hemen whiche rebelled and made warre vpon their borders The .xvi. yere of this kyng Edward died y e good Erle Leofricus erle of Mercia of Chester who was buried in the abbey of Couentrie which he hym selfe had caused to be buylded He purchased many great priuileges for the aforesaid towne of Couentrie Willyam bastard duke of Normandie about this tyme came with a goodly company into England and was honorablye receyued to whom the kynge made great cheere And at his returne enriched hym with great gyftes pleasures and as som write made promise to hym that if he died without issue the same
castell of Malmesbury then the tower of London and afterwarde the towne of Notyngham with other holdes and castels betwene hym and kyng Stephen were foughten many battayles wherby thys realme was sore troubled Anno. 18. But at the last peace was agreed betweene Maude the empresse hir sonne Henry and kyng Stephen vpon thys condition that Stephen duryng his life should holde the kyngdom of England and Henry in the meane tyme to bee proclaymed heyre apparant in the chief cities throughout the realme Kyng Stephen buylded the abbey of Coggeshall in Essex He founded an other at Furneis in Lancashyre and the thyrde at Feuersham in Kente where now his body resteth and deceassed the xxv day of October in the yeare of oure Lord .1154 when he had reigned .xviii. yeres .x. moneths and .xxiiii. dayes King Henry the seconde Anno regni .1 HEnry the second of that name the sonne of Geffrey Plantagenet and Maude the Empresse daughter of kyng Henry the fyrst began his reigne ouer this realme of England the .xxv. day of October in the yere of our Lorde .1154 and deceassed in the yere of our Lord .1189 the .vi. daye of Iuly so that he reigned xxxiiii yeres .ix. monthes and .xii. dayes He was somwhat redde of face short of body and therwith fat Of speache reasonable well learned noble in chiualrie and fortunate in battayle Of couragious hearte wyse in counsell and one that loued well peace liberall to strangers but hard to his familiars slowe of answers vnstedfast of promise geuen somdeale to pleasure and an open breaker of wedlocke By his greate manhode policie the crowne of England was muche augmented wyth the annexyng of Scotland Ireland the Isles Orcades Britayne Poytow Guyan other prouinces of France Anno. 2. Kyng Henry cast down diuers castels which were erected in the tyme of Stephen He wente into the northe partes and got from the Scots Cumberlande and Northumberland which they sayd were geuen to them by Maude his mother and set an order in that countreye Anno. 3. In England were sene .ii. sonnes in the fyrmament and in the Moone appered a redde crosse King Henry wēt with a strong armye into Wales and quieted that countrey and after buylded the stronge castell of Rutland and founded the abbey of Bassyngwerke Anno. 4. About this tyme came into England certaine Germaynes to the numbre of xxx which taught the abrogation of the Sacramentes of the altare Baptisme and Wedlocke Anno. 6. Lewes Kynge of Fraunce gaue his daughter Margaret in mariage to Henry the sonne of Kynge Henry of Englande By reason whereof was pacifyed the Warre and grudge betwene Englande and Fraunce for the landes of Poytowe and others Anno. 7. This yeare as sayth Fabyan kyng Heury went into Scotlande and made freshe warre vppon their kynge William so that at last he toke him and made hym yelde the castell of Carlyle the castell of Bamburgh with dyuers other and receued of him fealtie aud homage Anno. 8. This yeare the citie of Canterbury was fyred by negligence and a greate parte therof brent Anno. 10. Thomas Becket byshop of Canturbery fledde to Rome to complayn vpon the kyng to the byshop Anno. 14. King Henry caused Henry his eldest sonne to be crouned king as he thought to the great quietnes as well of himself as of his realme but as it proued to the vtter disturbance of them bothe Anno. 17. Thomas Becket by the mediation of Alexander byshop of Rome and Lewes the French kyng was restored to his byshoprike and not longe after by certayne gentylmen he was slayne at Canturbery Anno. 18. Kyng Henry sent ambassade to Alexāder bishop of Rome to purge him self of the death of Thomas Becket Among other thynges it was enioyned hym in his penance that it should be laufull to hys subiectes as often as them lysted to appeale to the sea of Rome and that no man should be accompted as Kynge vntyll such tyme as he were confirmed by the Romayn byshop Anno. 19. Thomas Becket was canonised by the byshop of Rome Anno. 21. Henry the sonne of Kynge Henry of England was crouned the second tyme with his wyfe Margarete the frenche kynges doughter Anno. 22. Kyng Henry the sonne by the setting on of the Kyng of France Alinour hys mother and certayn other nobles toke armes and raised deadly warre against his naturall father Dyuers strong batailes were foughten as well in England by the deputies and frends of both parties as also in Normandy Poytow Guyen Britain where they wer corporally present but y e victory fel alway to y e father There toke partie agaynste kyng Henry the father Lewys kyng of France William kynge of Scotlande Henry Geffrey and Iohn his own sonnes Robert Erle of Leicester Hughe of Chester and other But in the ende the sonnes with their alyes were constrayned to yeld to theyr father and desyre peace which he gentilly graunted and forgaue theyr trespas Anno. 24. In England fell greate wetherynge and tempest of thunder and lyghtening in the myddes of wynter and in Sommer folowing fell hayle of suche greatnes that it flewe bothe man and beast Anno. 2.6 At this tyme were manye Iewes in Englande whiche agaynste the feast of Easter did vse to sacrifice yong children in despite of christen religion Anno. 28. Henry the eldest sonne of Henry of Englande ended his lyfe Shortly after began the warre betwene kyng Henry and Philyp of France for homage that the Frenche kyng required to be done for the lands of Poytow and other and for the castell of Gysours Anno. 31. Heraclius Patriarke of Hierusalem whiche had ben in dyuers partes of Europe came to kynge Henry desyrynge hym of ayde agaynst the Turkes but was denied thereof as ye made reade in Fabian the .239 Chapter Anno. 32. At Bury the Iewes crucified a child in despite of Christes passion Anno. 34. Rycharde Earle of Poytowe made warre agaynst kyng Henry his father and taking part with the French kyng wan from hym dyuers cities townes and castels and namely the citie of Cenomannta For sorowe wherof shortly Kynge Henrye ended hys lyfe the .vi. daye of Iune in the yeare of our Lorde 4189. lyeth buried at Founteuerard Kinge Richarde the firste called Cueur de lyon Anno regni .1 RIcharde the fyrste of that name for his valyantnesse surnamed Cueurdelyon beyng the second son of Henry the seconde was crowned Kyng of Englande He began hys reigne the .vi. day of Iuly in the yere of our Lord .1289 and he deceased the yere of our Lord .1199 the .vi. day of Apryll so that he reigned .ix. yeres and .ix. monethes He was bygge of stature and had a mery countenance in the whiche appered as well a pleasant gentylnesse as a noble and princely maiestie to hys souldiors he was fauorable bountifull to hys frendes and to strangers a
so came to Lōdon wher when he had arested him with a certayn nūber of knightes he rode to Notynghā wan the castell after that the castel of Tikhil by force● and so called a coūsell of his lordes at Winchester where he reposed his brother Iohn then beyng in Fraunce crouned himselfe sone after again king of Englād in y e city of Winchester thē he called a parliament where he called agayne into his handes all suche thyngs as he hadde eyther geuen or solde by patentes or otherwise by whiche meanes he gathered a summe of money and sailed into Fraunce where shortly a peace was concluded betwene the two Kings for one yeare Then Iohn which hadde taken part with the Frenche Kinge against his brother made meanes to Elianor his mother by whose mediation he was reconciled and became a trewe Knight to his brother In this time there was one William with the longe bearde who moued the common people to seke libertie and fredome not to be subiect to the rich and mightie By whiche meanes hee drewe to hym many greatte companies and with all his power defended the poore mēs cause against the riche The King being warned of this tumult commanded him to cease from those attemptes But the people stil folowed him as thei before had doone and he made to them certaine orations openly taking for his Theme this sentence Haurietis aquas in gaudeo de fontibus Saluatoris Whiche is to saie Ye shall drawe in ioie waters forth of the welles of your Sauiour And to this he added I am sayd he the sauiour of poore men ye be poore and haue assayed longe the harde handes of ryche menne Now drawe ye therfore holsom water foorth of my welles that with ioye For the tyme of your visitation is to men This William was commanded to appere before the kynges counsel to answere for hym self in suche cases as should be layde against hym where he appered but with suche a multitude of people that the lordes were afrayde of hym and remitted hym with pleasaunt wordes for that tyme appointyng some priuily when he was alone and then to apprehende hym By whom he was after taken in Bowe churche in Cheape but not without sheddyng of blood for for he was forced to forsake the church which they fyered about hym And whē he was taken he was arrained before y e Iudges and with .ix. of his adherentes had sentence of deth and he wyth those ix were hanged the morowe after who of the simple people was after honored as a martyr in so muche that they reserued relikes of hym as it is declared at large by Robert Fabyan Anno. Reg. 9. Bailiffes Roger Blunt Nycolas Ducket This yere the warre was renued betwene kyng Richard of Englande and Philip of France in whyche eyther of them spedde dyuersly Anno Reg. 10 Bailiffes Cōstantin Fitz Arnold Robert le Beau Kyng Richard of Englande besieged the castell of Galiarde and was wounded with a quarrell that was shot from the wall and therof dyed the .vi. day of Apryll in the yeare of our Lorde .1199 when he had reigned .ix. yeares and .ix. monethes Hys bodye was buryed at Founteuerard his bowels at Carlyle his harte at Roan King Iohn Anno regni .1 IOhn brother to Richard aforenamed began his reigne ouer this realm of England the .vi. day of Apryl in the yere of our Lord .1199 and deceased in the yere .1216 the .xix. day of October He reigned xvii yeares .vi. monethes and .xiii. days Of person he was indifferent But of melancoly and angry complexion He contempned the byshop of Romes authoritie whiche if he had doone constantly with iudgement to refrayne abuses as he semed to doo for couetousnes and of a froward mynde vndoubtedly he had ben worthy commendation By his cowardnes and slouthfull negligence the crowne of Englande greatly decayed Anno Reg. 1. Bailiffes Arnold fitz Arnold Richard Fitz bartilmewe Philip kyng of Fraunce in the quarell of Arthur duke of Britayn whom certayn of the Lordes had named king of Englande made warre vpon kynge Iohn inuaded Normandye and tooke from hym dyuers castels and townes Kyng Iohn hearynge of thys warre in Normandye assembled a counsayle wherin was graunted to hym .iii. s. of euery plough lande thorough England besyde the subsydie of the spirituall landes and when he had made redy for his dosage he sailed into Normandy wher he spent the tyme to his losse and dishonour But aboute Mighelmas a truce was concluded betwene the two kings of Englande and of Fraunce This yeare was a deuorce betweene kyng Iohn his wife the Erle of Glocesters daughter because of nerenesse of bloode and after he was maryed to Isabel the doughter of the Erle of Engolesym in France by whom he had .ii. sonnes Henry and Richarde and .iii. doughters Isabell Elianor and Iane. An. R. 2. bailifs Roger Dorset Iames bartilmew aldermā In this secoud yere as sayth Fabian Raynulph Erle of Chester by thexāple afore shewed by king Iohn left his own wyse named Constance whiche he before had maried by counsell of Henrys the second and wedded one Clemens One Chronicle saythe he dyd so to haue issue but he therwith displeased God so muche that he wold suffer him to haue none issue but dyed without This yeare as is reported in Polychronicon the kyng of Scottes dyd homage to kyng Iohn at Lincolne An. Reg. 3. Bailiffs Waiser Fitz Ales Symon de aldermābury This yeare in Yorkeshire were sene v. Moones one in the east an other in the weste the thirde in the northe the fourthe in the southe and the fyfthe in the myddes of the other and went compassyng the other .vi. tymes as it were the space of an howre and vanyshed away soone after Philyp of France inuaded Normandie and toke diuers castels and townes whiche he gaue to Arthur duke of Britayne But shortely after the same Arthure with many other noble men wer taken prisoners by kyuge Iohn and led prisoners into Englaude In thys yeare wer chosen .xxv. of the most substantiall and wysest men of the Citie of London to mainteine and kepe the Assises of the same Citie of the whiche yerely the Bailiffs wer chosen and after the Mayre and Sheriffes wer taken of the same numbre Anno Reg. 4. Bailiffes Normand Blundell Iohn de Ely This yere fell excedyng lyghtnyng thunders and other stormes of wynde and rayn w t hayle of y e bignes of henne● egges which perished fruit corn houses and yong cattell Also spirites were sene in the ayre in likenes of fowles be ring fier in their billes which set fire on diuers houses as R. Fabian reporteth Philip of France continually made warre vppon the Duchye of Normandye tyll at the last be subdued the same to his dominion with the prouinces of Guyen Poytiers Britayn which before pertayned to the crown of Englād
Kyng Iohn saylyng into Normandy warred on the borders of France but of his victories is lyttle written Anno. 5. Bayliffes Walter Browne Williā Chāberlain This yeare by meanes of euyl weather in the yeare passed wheate was solde for .xv. s. a quarter whyche was thought an extreme price Kyng Iohn maried his bastard daughter to Lewlyn prynce of Wales and gaue with her the castell and lordeshyp of Elyngsmore beynge in the marches of Southwales In this yeare the byshoppe of Rome w●ate to king Iohn frēdly and gentilly requiring him to admit Stephen Langton into the bishoprike of Canterbury who before was chosen by the monks the monkes by him expelled frō their owne abbay to restore them agayne to the same but the more his lordes aduised him so to do the more was he bēt to the cōtrary In so much that the bishop of Romes messengers returned without obteynynge of their request Anno Reg. 6. Bailyffes Thomas Haueril Hamond Bronde The bishop of Rome denounced king Iohn with his whole realm accursed because he wold not admit Stephē Langton to the byshopricke of Canterbury but he little regarded his thretnynges and would not obey him At this tyme in Suffolke a fishe was takē like to a man was kept liuing .vi. moneths vpon the land with raw flesh and fishe and after when they saw they coulde haue no speche thereof they cast it agayn into the sea Anno Reg. 7. Bailyffes Iohn Walgraue Richard de Winchestar King Philip of Frāce subdued y e countrey of Normādy which sens y e time of Charles the symple that is to saye the the space of .300 yeares was not in the possession of the kynges of France Anno Re. 8. Bailiffes Iohn Holylande Edmonds Fitz Gerrard About this tyme the Iryshemen and shortly after the Welshemen rebelled for that as some aucthors affyrme he leuied on them suche greuous taskes to warre agaynst France so that the king was fayne to raise a great taxe throughout this realme of England to withstād theyr force He requyred of the white monkes .6000 marke but they refused the payement of so greate a summe so that the Kynge toke great dyspleasure against them by reson wherof after his returne out of Ireland he vexed theym sore and exacted of them more then before he had desyred whereby he caused some abbottes to forsake their houses Anno Reg. 9. Bailyffes Roger Wynchester Edmond Hardell Kyng Iohn sayled into Normandye wher after certain skirmishes he made peace with Philip of Frāce for .ii. yeres The .ii. bayliffes aboue named were discharged and in theyr place roome ii other chosen for the rest of that yere Also this yeare was graunted to the Citizens of London by the Kynges letters patentes that they should yearely chose to them selues a Mayre and .ii. shiriffes on S. Mathewes or Mychelmas day whose names were as foloweth Anno Reg. 10. Hēry fitz Alwyne Maire Peter Duke S. Thom. Nelc S. Thys yere London bridge was begon to be builded of stone where as before it had ben builded of Timber and repaired by a colledge of Priests which then stode where the priorie of S. Mary auderis nowe standeth And for wante of other recordes I wyll declare the opinion of master Fowle who was the pryor of y e abouesayd S. Mary auderis concernynge the originall bothe of that bridge and also of Saint Mary auderis church Fyrst that beyng no bridge but a ferrie to cary and recarye wherby the Feryar gat great wealth lastly the Feryman and his wyfe deccasyng left the same to theyr daughter a mayden named Mary Audery who with the goodes left to her by her parentes and also the profites which came by the said Fery builded an house of sisters whiche is the vppermost ende of S. Mary Auderis churche aboue the quire where she lieth buried vnto the whiche house she gaue the ouersight profyt of the same ferry but afterward the same house of systers was cōuerted vnto a colledge of priestes who builded the bridge of timber and from tyme to tyme kepte the same in reparations but consyderyng the great charges in repairyng y e same now lastly in the yere of our Lord .1209 by y e great ayde of the citisens of Londō other they begon to build the same of stone and then the abouesayde colledge of priestes was conuerted vnto a priory of chanōs bearyng stil the name of the maiden whiche kepte the ferry and so called S. Mary Auderie Anno Reg. 11. Henry fitz Alwyne M. Peterle Iosue S Williā Bloūd S The Englyshemen which were sent by kyng Iohn to ayde the erle of Flanders as sayth Thomas Couper chased the Frenchemen and in the hauen of Sluce compassed and toke theyr whole nauy of ships which was in nūber .1020 sayle Anno. Reg. 12. Hēry fitz Alwine M Adam Whetley S. Stephen le grase S. This yere Pandolph a legate cam frō y e bishop of Rome monishing the king in sharp maner y t he shold restore maister Stephē Lāgton to his see of Cāterbury the monks vnto their abbay the king callīg to mynd y e dangers he was wrapped in both in his own realme also in Normandy made promise by othe to be obediēt to y e court of Rome as at large apereth in Ro. Fabiās cronicle At that tyme were granted the Peter pence Anno Reg. 13. Henry fitz Alwyn M. Iohn fitz Pet S Iohn Garlond S This yere Stephē Lāgton archbishop of Canterbury w t the other exiles lāded in Englād y e king receuing thē ioyously was there assoiled of the said bishop after y t the king making restitutiō to y e bishop other according to y e third article of his othe the lād was released of y e interdictiō the king being boūden that as well he as his heyres should euer after be feuderys to the see of Rome payyng yerely tribute a thousand markes and to holde the Title of the Crowns by the byshop of Rome Anno. 14. Hēry fitz Alwayne Mair Rādolph Eilād S Cōstātin Iosue S This yere fell greate discentiion betwene the kyng and his lordes partely for that he wolde not mainteyne the lawes of Kyng Edwarde partely for the displeasure he bare vnto them for that they ayded hym not agaynst the byshop of Rome and other causes not here spoken of Herevpon the kyng fell at suche dissention with his lordes that a greate numbre of people were raised on bothe parties The Erle of Chester with the other lordes toke the Citie of London and helde them there a certayne tyme. Caxton his chronicle wyth other saye that a great parte of this variance betwene kyng Iohn and his barons was for because the Kyng would haue exiled the Earle of Chester who oftentymes had aduised the King to leaue his cruelnes hys accustomed aduo●try which he exercised with his
brothers wife and others But by meanes of the archebyshop of Canturbery and other prelates a peace was taken for a whyle This yere as saith Fabian on the .xi. day of Iuly a great part of Southwark was brent and in the moneth of August next folowyng was much harme done in London by fyre The kynge and his lordes mett with great strengthe on either partie vppon Baramdowne where a charter or writyng was made and sealed by the kyng so that the Barony was with it contented and departed in peace euerye man into his countrey Anno. 15. Roger fitz Alwyne M Martin fitz alis S. Peter Bate S. The peace whiche in the laste yeare was agreed betwene kynge Iohn his barons was this yere by the kynge violated and broken Wherfore the lordes assembled to them greate powers and made sharpe and cruell warre vpon the kyng in somuche that he was constrained to send into Normandie for ayde Then came into Englande a Normane knyght named Foukis de Brent whiche broughte with hym a companye of Normans Flemmyngs and Picardes He and his company were so cruel that they destroyed as well religious houses as other and dyd muche harme to the lande puttyng the lordes to the worse the kynge made Foukes other of his company wardens of castels and strōg holdes in England The lordes seynge the kynge perseuer in his wrong that he wold in no wyse be induced to holde his owne grauntes but to do all things after pleasure and nothyng after lawe or iustice cast in theyr minds how they myght bryng the realm in a better rule and by one consente wrote to Philyppe kyng of France that he wold send som noble mā into England and they wold yeld the lande vnto hym This yeare kyng Iohn caused to bee drawen and hanged at Warham one Piers of Pomfrette and his sonne for speaking of dyuers thinges against the king Anno Reg. 16. Roger fitz Alwayne M. Salomō basing S Hugh Basing S Kyng Iohn laying siege to the castell of Rochester wan the same toke therin certain gentilmen that had conspired against hym sent them to dyuers prysons placyng strangers in the same castell The barons helde them together at London abydyng the commynge of Lewes son to the French kyng whiche lāded in England with a great army so cam to Rochester wan it with smal payne he caused all the strangers therin to be hanged and after came to London where certain alliances and couenants were established and cōcluded betwene the lordes and him and receiued of them homage as is mēcioned in Polycronicon Then he with the lordes departed from London and gat the castel of Rigate of Gilford and of Fernham and from thens to Winchester where the City was yelded with all other holdes in those partes and then he with the lordes came agayne to London At whose commynge the Tower of London was deliuered to them they slewe all strangers that had ben placed by the kyng in any place Roger Fitz Alwine for that he was accused to the Lordes to be fauourable to the kynges partie was discharged of that office and one called Serle mercer was Mayre in hys place the reste of the yere whiche was viii wekes Kyng Iohn beyng thus ouerset with his lordes sent messangers to the bishop of Rome shewing to hym the rebelliō of his lords and how they laboured his destruction Wherefore the byshop of Rome with all haste sente a Legate into Englande called Swalo The whiche after his commynge commuanded Lewes to returne into France and laboured to the vttermoste of his power to appease the Kynge and his baronye but all his labour was in vayne Anno reg 17. Williā Hardel M. Iohn Crauers S. Andrew Newlād S. This yere kyng Iohn the warre betwene hym and his lordes continuyng dyed of the Flixe as is recorded in Policronicon at the toune of Newarke he was bowelled in the abbey of Croghtō and buried at Worceter in the quier of monkes To tell the opynions of many auctours concernyng his death it wold in this place occupy to muche tyme. To be brefe Caxton affirmeth he was prisoned by a monke of Swinsted abbey in Lincolnshire for sayinge If he myghte liue half a yere he wold make a halfpeny lofe worth .xx. s. others ar of other opinions some y t he dyed for sorow heuynes of hert as Polidorus some of surfettyng in the night as Radulphus niger some of a bloudy flixe as Houeden some of a burning ague some of a cold sweat some of eating apples peares or plummes Mathewe Parisiensis writeth that as he wente from Lyn to Lincolneshire and there hearynge of the losse of hys cariage and treasures vppon the washes fell in great heauynes of mynde and so therby into a feruent feuer beyng at the abbay of Swynsted whiche agew he encreased thorough surfetyng and naughty diet by eating of peches drinking new cider And when he was thus sick was caried thēs to the castel of Laford from thens to the castel of Newark and there departed this lyfe was buried as afore is sayd at Worcestor It is written by Fabian and diuers other that he founded the abbey of Bewley in the new forest in recompence of the parishe churches whiche he there ouerturned to enlarge the forest and an abbey of blacke monkes in the citie of Winchester he decessed in y e yere of our Lord .1216 the .xix. of October when he had reigned .17 yeares .6 monethes and .13 dayes Henry the thirde Anno regni 1. HEnry the sonne of Iohn of the age of .ix. yeares by the counsell of William duke of Glocester the erles of Pēbroke Chester was proclaimed kyng of England who began his reigne the .19 day October in the yeare of our Lord .1216 and decessed in the yere .1272 the .vi. day of Nouember So he reigned .56 yeres and .28 dayes The noble men before mēcioned with their retinue kept sharp warre with Lewys the frenche kynges sonne who by the couenants made before with the englishemen claymed the crown But after certain skirmishes battailes Lewis began to desyre peace whyche lastly was concluded and Henry was crowned at Gloucester Anno. 1. Iacob aldermā M. Benet Couētrie S. williā Blūtiuers S. Iacob Alderman was maior one part of the yeare and Salomon Basing the other part of the same yere But the .ii. sheriffes aboue named stode the whole yeare Swale the byshop of Romes legate accursed Lewys the frenche kyngs son after all suche as toke part with hym agaynste Henry He accursed Lewlyn prince of Wales and interdicted hys lande At the last Lewys toke a● M. markes or as some authors affirme .xv. M. markes of money departed this realme Anno. 2. Serle merser M. Tho. Bokerell She. Rafe Holyland She. When the land was deliuered from straungers inquisitions were
made to knowe what persons assisted Lewys agaynst the kynge of whiche the kynge pardoned many of the laye menne but the spirituall men were put to suche fynes that they were compelled to lay all that they hadde to pledge to please the Kynge And also besydes that to sue to Rome to be assoiled Thys yeare Raynolffe Erle of Chester toke his iourney to the holy land Anno. 3. Serle Merser M. Iohn Wayle S. Iosenus Spicer S. A parliamente was holden at London by vertue whereof was graunted to the kyng .ii. s. of euery plough lande through Englande This yere as is mēcioned in Policronicon Thomas Couper kyng Henry began to buylde the newe worke of the churche of Westminster Anno. 4. Serle merser M. Rich. wimbeldeye S Iohn Wayle S Alexander kyng of Scottes maried the lady Iane syster of kyng Henry Thys yeare was great harme done in England by violēce of whirlwynds and fiery dragons spirites were sene flying in the ayre as affirmeth Robert Fabyan This yere was a proclamatiō made y t all strangers shold auoide the realm except such as came with merchādise to make sale of them vnder the kings saus conduct whyche was doone to auoyde Foukes de Brent and his complices who kept the castel of Bedford against the Kyng This yere was kyng Henry secondly crowned at Westminster This yeare Rainolph erle of Chester came out of the holy land into Englād began to build the castels of Charteley and of Beston and after he builded the abbey of Delacresse Anno. 5. Serle merser M. Richard Renger S. Iosence le Ios●e S. This yeare was a counsell holden at Oxenford of the byshops of England wherin one was condempned whyche taught that he was Iesus Christe and to confirme the same he shewed the tokens of woundes in hys handes body and feete he was therfore crucifyed on a Crosse at Alburbury tyll he died This yere as some write the grey Friers came fyrste into England and had their fyrst house at Canturbery Anno. 6. Serle merser M. Richard Renger S. Iosens Iosue S. A conspiracie was made against king● Henry by one Cōstantine in the citie of London for the which he was drawen hanged and quartered the morow after our Lady day Assumption Which conspiracie so moued the kyng that he was in mynde to haue cast downe the walles of the Citie Anno. 7. Serle merser M. Richard Renger S. Thomas Lābert S. This yeare Iohn kyng of Ierusalem came into Englande and required aide of kyng Henry to wynne agayne Ierusalem but he returned again with small comfort This yeare the kyng began the foundation of Salisbury mynster Anno. 8. Richard Renger M William Ioyner S. Thomas Lābert S. This yere the Lordes and gentllmen of Englande first granted to king Henry and his heyres the warde and mariage of theyr heyres which was then by lerned mē called the beginning of euils Anno. 9. Richard Renger M. Iohn Trauers S Andrew Bukerel S Richard the brother of kyng Henry ouercame the Frenchemen recouered Poyters and kept the Gascoyns in due obedience Anno. 10. Richard Renger M. Roger Duke S. Martin fitzwilliā S. This yeare the pleas of the crowne were pleaded in the tower of London Lewis kyng of France wan certaine castels in the countrey of Poyters and shortly after spoyled the citie of Aniow Anno. 11. Richard Renger M. Stephē Bokerel S. Henry Cobham S. In this yere was graunted by kynge Henry to the Sheriffes of the Citie of London the sheriffewike of London Midlesex for the summe of CCC poūd by the yeare It was also granted to y e city fre warrē that is to say free liberty to hunte a certain circuite about the citie It was also granted that the citisens of London shold passe tole free through out all England and also granted by the kynge that all weeres in the Thamis shoulde bee plucked vp and destroyed for euer Anno. 12. Roger Duke M. Stephē Buckerel S. Henry Cobham S. The liberties of the Citie were this yeare confirmed and to eche of the sheriffes was graunted to haue .ii. clerkes and two officers without any more Anno. 13. Roger Duke M. walter winchester S. Robert Fitz Iohn S. Kyng Henry sailed with an army in to Britayne agaynste Lewes kynge of France where after spoilyng the coūtrey a peace was concluded betwene the .ii. yong princes Anno. 14. Roger Duke M. Rich. Fitz Williā S. Iohn Wodborne S. This yere was ordeined by y e Maior and rulers of the Citie of London that no sheriffe of that citie shold continewe lenger in office then one yere because that they shoulde not by long continuance of office become couetous bribers Anno. 15. Roger Duke M. Michel of S. Cleue S Walter Guffilde S This yeare was much harme done in Lōndon by fyre which began in the house of a wydowe named dame Iane Lambert Anno. 16. Andrew Bokerel M Hēry Edmōton S. Gerrard Bate S. Uariance grew betwene kyng Henry and his lordes bycause he put from his seruice Englyshemen and trusted strangers as well in his counsayle as other offices nere about hym Anno. 17. Andrew Bokerel M. Symō Fitzmare S Roger Blunt S In this yere y e king began y e foūdatiō of the hospitall of sainct Iohn without the east gate of Oxenforde In whiche yere also fell wonderfull sore weather with suche thunder and lightning that the like had not ben sene And there folowed an earthquake to the great fear of the inhabitauntes of Huntyngdon and nere therabout Anno. 18. Andrew Bokerel M. Rafe Ashewy S. Iohn Norman S. This yeare the kyng put from hym the strangers and restored the English men to theyr offices The Iewes dwellyng in Norwyche were accused for stealynge of a chylde whom they purposed to haue crucified Frederike the Emperor maried Isabel sister of y e king of England Anno. 19. Andrew Bokerel M. Gerrard Batte S. Robert Ardell S. Kyng Henry maried Elinor y e daughter of the Erle of Prouance There appeared as it were hostes of men fyghtyng in the element The statute of Merton was first enacted at the parliament of Merton Anno. 20. Andrew Bokerell M. Henry Cobham S. Iorden Couētry S. Quene Elynor founded the hospitall of saint Katherins besydes the Tower of London for the reliefe of poore women Anno. 21. Andrew Bokerel M Iohn Thesalan S. Gerard cordinaner S. Octobonea a legate of the nynth Gregorie came into England and ordeined good ordinances for the Churche But not all to the pleasure of the yong clergie of Englande Wherefore as he one daye passed thorow Oxenford the scholers sought occasyon against his seruantes and fought with them and slue one of the same and put the legate in suche feare that he for his safegard tooke the belfray of Osney and there helde hym tyll
the Kynges officers comming from Abyndon deliuered hym and conueyde hym to Wallyngford where he accursed the mysdoers and compelled the regents and maisters of the vniuersitie to go barefoote through Chepe to Paules at London there to aske him forgeuenes and so were forgeuen Syr Symon Mountforde maryed the Kynges syster named Elianor counties of Penbroke Anno. 22. Richard Renger M. Iohn Withall S. Iohn Goūdresse S. A clerk of Oxenford or more verily a souldior fainyng him self madde enterprised to haue slayn King Henry in hys chamber at Wodstocke but he was takē and put to death at Couentrie This yeare was borne Edwarde the kynges sonne called Longshankes Anno. 23. Williā Ioyner M. Reymōd Bingley S. Rafe Ashewy S. This yere Symon Fitz Marie who before had bene Sheriffe of the citie of London procured the kynges letters to the maior and rulers of the Citie to electe hym agayne to that same office Which the Maior and rulers of the citie refused to do consyderyng it to be a derogation to the libertie of the same Citie This yeare on Candelmas daye the king created syr Symon de Mountford Erle of Leycester Anno. 24. Gerrard Batte Mair Iohn Gysors S. Michel Tony S. The kyng subdued the Welshemen which oftentymes rebelled Anno. 25. Reymond Byngey M. Iohn Uoile S Tho. Duresyne S This yere were aldermen fyrst chosen in London which then had the rule of the wards of the citie but were euery yere changed as y e sheriffes ar now Anno. 26. Reymond Bongley M. Iohn fitz Iohn S. Rafe Ashewy S. Kyng Henry sayled into Normandie with a fayre company purposing to recouer Poytiers Guyan and other coūtreys but after many bickeryngs somwhat to the losse of Englyshmen Henry treated a peace Anno. 27. Rafe Ashewy M. Hugh Blunt S. Adam Basyng S. Thys yere the pleas of the crowne wer pleaded in the Tower of London And in thys yeare Griffith whyche was sonne of Lewlyn lately prince of Wales entendyng to haue broken prison fel ouer the inner ward of the Tower of London and brake his necke Anno. 28 Michel Tony M. Rafe Spicer S. Nicolas Batte S. A Iewe dyggyng in the grounde to enlarge his vineyarde founde vnder a stone a boke wherin was written in iii. languages greke hebrue and latin of .iii. worldes that shoulde be of the whiche he appoynted Christ to the begynning of the third world which was expressed in this maner In the begynnyng of the third world Gods son shall be borne of a mayde By the occasyon of this boke the Iewe was turned to the faith of Christ. Anno. 29. Iohn Gysors M. Robert Cornehil S. Adam Bewley S. A maior of London and a sheriff were both deposed from their romes because they were both proued periured and other were chosen in theyr places as testifieth Geffrey of Monmouth Robert Grosthed bishop of Lincolne with other prelates complayned to the King of the wast of the goodes and patrimony of the church which dayly was wasted by alliant byshops and clerkes of this land who shortly were auoided Anno. 30. Iohn Gysors M. Symonfitz mary S. Laurēce Frowike S. Thys yeare was much stryfe for the election of the emperour some elected one some elected an other Amongest the rest some chose the Kynges brother Richarde Kynge of Almayne and erle of Cornewall But at the last Radulphus Duke of Habspurge in Almayne was by one assent admitted thervnto Thys Richarde the Kynges brother buylded the abbey of Hayles Anno. 31. Piers Alleyn M. Iohn Uoile S. Nicolas Batte S. In thys yeare was a myghtye earthquake in Englande that the lyke to it was not sene many yeares before This yeare the Kyng seysed the fraunchise of the Citie of London for a iudgement that was geuen by the Maior and aldermen against a wydow named Margaret Uiell but shortly the Maior and sheriffes were agayne restored to theyr offices and thys yeare was a new coyn and the olde called in Anno. 32. Michel Tony M. Nicolas ioy S. Geffrey winton S. Thys yeare the wharfe of Quenebyue in London was taken to ●erme by the Communaltye of London to paye yearelye fyftye pounde for the same Anno. 33. Roger fitz Roger M. Rafe Hardel S Iohn tosalan S This yere dyed Robert Grossehed a famous clerke and byshop of Lyncoln who compiled many famous Bookes whyche remayne to this daye in the latin and the frenche tongue the names wherof are partly declared by master Bale in his story of Englyshe writers Anno. 34. Iohn Norman M. Humfrey Basse S Williā fitz Rich. S This yere was a great wynde vpon the day of Symon and Iude whych did muche harme in many places of Englande Anno. 35. Adam Basing M. Laurēce frowike S. Nicolas Batte S. The frier Augustins began to build or inhabite in Wales at Woodhous Kynge Henry maried his daughter Mary to Alexander kyng of Scottes receiued of him homage for the realme of Scotlande Anno. 36. Iohn Toleson M. Williā Durhā S. Tho. Wimborn S. This yere was graūted by the king that where before this time the citizens of London did present their Maire before the kyng wher so euer he were and so to be admitted nowe he should come only before the Barōs of the exchequer and they should admitte him and geue him his othe Anno. 37. Nicolas Batte M. Iohn Northāton S. Richard Picard S. This yere in the moneth of Ianuary tho sea rose in such height that it drowned many vilages and houses nere vnto it in diuers places of Englande This yere also Thames sprange so highe that it drowned many houses about the waters side by meane wherof muche merchandise was perished and lost And this yere was graunted of the kyng that no citizen of London shoulde paye scauage or toule for any beastes by them brought as they before tyme has vsed Anno. 38. Ri. Ha●dell Dra. M. Ro. Belingtoni S. Rafe Ashwey S. This yere also the liberties of Londō were again seased by the meane of Rychard Erle of Cornwayle because the Mayre was charged that he loked not to the bakers for theyr syses of bread so y t the citie was forced to please the Earle with .600 markes and so they were restored againe Alphonce kyng of Castell gaue Elinor his daughter in mariage to prynce Edward the sonne of kyng Henry to whō his father gaue the pryncedome of Wales and gouernance of Guyan Irelād wherof began that the kynges of England ordeined their eldest sonnes princes of Wales Anno. 39. Rich. Hardel draper M. St. Distergate S Hen. walmode S The kyng agayn seased the liberties of the citie for certeyn money whiche the quene claymed for hir ryght of y e citizēs so that they gaue vnto his grace .400 marke then were restored to their lyberties agayne The .22 day of Nouēber were
the city and sayd the kyng had receyued the wrytinges and would fyrst that they should take awaye all the chaynes that were in the streates of the city and shoulde pull vp all the postes out of the grounde that the same were fired in and should bryng them all both postes and chaynes to the towre of London and that the Mayre with .xl. citizēs should the next daye folowyng attende vpon the king at Wynsore to confirme the graunt of theyr wrytinge and they should goe and come safe And in wytnes therof he delyuered to thē the kyngs letter seale for the terme of .4 dayes The nexte daye the citizens beynge at Wynfore attended at the gate vntyll the kyng came from huntyng at which tyme the kyng would not once looke on them And after the kyng was entred they would haue folowed but they wer forbydden But shortly after they were called into the castell where they were locked in a tower al nyght with homely interteynment worse lodgyng the next day the kyng gaue fyue of the best of thē vnto prince Edward which was the Mayor foure aldermē and the rest were cōmitted to seueral places to prisē Anno. 49. Tho. Fitz Thomas M. Peter Armiger S. Greg. Rockesle S. This yere the king came to westminster shortly after he gaue vnto diuers of his houshold seruantes vpō .60 housholdes and houses within the citie so y t the owners were compelled to agree redeme their houses and houshold with al their goodes or els to auoyde and suffer suche persons to enter as the sayde houses were geuē vnto not only that but also all such landes and tenements goodes cattalles as the sayde citizens had in any other places of Englād● and then he made one Cuftos or Gardeyn of the citie Syr Othon Constable of the towre which syr Othon chose to be bayliefes vnder hym and to be accomptable to hym to the vse of the kyng Iohn Adrian and Walter Heruye cytizens of the same citie And after thys the kyng tooke pledges of the best mens sonnes of the cytye that hys peace shoulde bee suerly kept in the same the which were put in the towre of London and there kept at the coste of theyr parentes And shortly after by great labour and sute made all the foresayde persons whyche should be in the kepyng of the bayliefe of the castell of Wyndsore eyght onely excepte and all the other londoners .31 in number were delyuered and came to London Daily sute was made vnto the kyng to haue his grace and knowe hys pleasure what fyne he woulde haue of the cytie for theyr transgressions by thē done for y e which the kyng asked .xl. M. poundes and stucke at .lx. M. markes but the cytizēs alledged for thē selues y e vnhabilitie of y e citye as that many not of the worst of theyr cytyzens were fled the reste at home were spoyled and robbed of theyr goodes For whych consyderations and many other whyche were tedious to wryte the cytyzens besought the kynges moste gracious fauour and pytie to take of them as they might beare This matter thus hāging the kyng departed from Westmynster toward Northāpton before hys departing he ordeined syr Iohn Hind knyght And maister Iohn Waldean Clerke to be gardens of the citie and tower the whiche were named in the kynges wrytynges Seneshals or Stewards of the citie Upon the daye followyng that the kyng was rydeyn these two forenamed stewardes sent for .24 of the most notable men of the citie and warned them to appeare the daye followynge before the kynges councell at Westmynster where at their apparens was shewed vnto them that the kynges mynd was that they should haue rule of the citie in his absence vnder the aforesayde senescal●es and that to see good rule kepte within the citie they should be sworne there before the Councell Whiche beyng done they departed agayn to the citie Such continuall labour was made to the kyng that lastly it was agreed for .xx. M markes to be payde by the cytie for all transgressions and offences by them done certeyne persons excepted Whiche the kyng had geuen his sonne beyng as afore is sayde in the tower of Wynsore For the payment of whiche somme at days by agreement sealed syr Roger Leyborne and mayster Robert warren clerk● were assigned to take the sureties for the same After which suerties receyued and sent to the kynge at Northampton the kyng sent vnto the citizens a charter vnder his broade seale which ye may reade in Robert Fabian Then for the leuyeng of this fyne were cared as well seruauntes couenaunte men as housholders And many refused the liberties of the citie for to be quite of the charge of whiche nomber many neuer retourned agayne to the citie Kyng Henry besieged the castell of Kenelworth whiche Henry Hastynges defended against hym the space of halfe a yere and then gaue it vp into his handes Anno. 50. Williā Fitz Richard M. T. de la fourd S Gre. Rokesly S The olde franchises and lyberties of London with a newe graunte for the shyre of Middelser were confirmed by a parliament at Northamton Where al so many noble men that had taken part with the Barons were dishery●ed of their landes and therfore fled to Ely strengthened it in suche wyse that they helde it long after Anno. 51. Allen Zowch Ma. Iohn Adrian S. Lucas Bitēcote S. The gentilmen of Englande whiche fled to Ely robbed did much harme to the countreys next adioynyng namely Norfolk Suffolke Cambridge shyre thei toke the city of Norwich spoyled it and raunsomed the ryche men therof at theyr pleasure A legate of the byshop of Romes labored to the kyng that y e sayd dysherited gētilmē myght purchase their landes of him by fine raunsome To whose request the kyng lastly agreed y t y e said gētilmē shold haue their lāds agaī by fine of .v. yeres valure of their lands About the .li. yere was made the statutes of weightes measure that is to say that .32 graynes of whete drye and round takē in the myddes of the eare shuld waye a sterling peny .xx. of those pence should make an ounce .xii. oūces should make a pound troy and .8 poūd troy shuld wey a gallon of wine and .8 gallons of wyne shuld make a bushel of London whiche is the .8 part of a quarter Also that three harly cornes drie and rounde should make an inche and .xii. ynches to a foote and three foote to a yarde and fyue yardes and a halfe to a perche or pole and .xl. pole in lēgth .iii. in bredth to make an acre of land thes standards of wayght mesurs were cōfirmed in y e .xv. yere of Edward y e third And also in the tyme of Henry the sixt and Edward the fourth and lastly confirmed in the .xi. yere of Henry the seuenth Howe be it in
might geue to hym warnyng Anno. 6. Gregory Rockesley M. Iohn Adrian S. walter Lāgley S. Mychelmas terme was thys yeare kepte at Shrewsbury Anno. 7. Gregory Rockesle M. Robert Basing S Williā Merser S Reformation was made for clypping of the kynges coyne for whiche offence 297. Iewes were put to execution In this yeare began the foundation of the churche of the frier preachers or black friers by Ludgate and also castell Baynarde The towne of Boston was greately empayred with fyre Anno. 8. Gregory Rockesley M. Thomas boxe S. Rafe More S. This yeare was fyrst coined halfpens and farthings of siluer where before other coynes of other mettal ran among the people to theyr great losse noyāce Anno. 9. Gregory Rockesle M Williā Faringdō S Nicolas wichester S Dauid the brother of Lewlyn prince of Wales vnkyndly traiterously moued his brother against king Edwarde Anno. 10. Henry Waleis M. williā mazerer S. Nicolas wichest S. King Edward sent a cōpany of souldiors into wales vnder guiding of y e erles of Northūberland Surrey Of which cōpany many were slain and syr Roger Clifford taken prisoner The welshemē subdued certain castels and holdes of some townes threw downe the walles Anno. 12. Henry Waleis M. Rafe Blunt S. Haukyn Betuel S. Lewlyn prince of Wales was slayn by syr Roger Mortymer and his heade set vpon the tower of London William Marton Chancellor of England about this tyme buylded Marton colledge in the vniuersitie of Oxenford Anno. 12. Henry Waleis M Iorden goodchepe S Martin Boxe S Dauid the brother of Lewlyn prince of Wales was taken and beheaded and dyuers holdes and castels of the Welsh men geuen to englishe lordes Prince Edwarde of Caruaruan was born in Wales at the castell of Carnaruan a parliamēt was held at Shrewsburye Laurence Ducket a citisen of London was found dead and hanged within saint Mary Bowe churche of Chepe for the whyche were condemned .viii. men whiche were drawen and hanged and one woman brent This yeare the great conōuyte standyng agayn sainct Thomas of Acres in Chepe was fyrst begon to be made This yeare began a greate stryfe betwene the Kyng and the Erle of Glocester whiche after grew to the greate disturbance of diuers townes of Englād and specially of the Citie of London as after some deale shall appeare Anno. 13. Gregory Rockeslei M Stephē Cornhil S Robert Rokesley S This yere the liberties of the Citie of London was agayn seysed into the kynges handes and Stephen Sandwiche admytted for Custos and the Maior discharged as some write for takyng brybes of the Bakers The newe worke of the churche of Westminster vnto the end of the quire begon in the third yere of Henry the .iii. and continued in buildyng .66 yeres before it was fynished Anno. 14. Rafe Sādwiche M Walter Blunt S. Iohn Wade S. This yere were enacted by the King the statutes called Additamenta Gloucestria Anno. 15. Sir Iohn Bryton M. Thomas crosse S. williā Hautein S. Kyng Edward sailed to Burdeaur and from thence rode into Frāce wher he was honorably receiued of Philyp le-beau kyng of France This yeare the sommer was so excedyng hot y t many mē dyed through the extremitie therof And yet wheat was so plenteous that it was sold at London for .iii. s .iiii. d. a quarter Anno. 16. Rafe sandwich M. willyā Herford S. Thomas staines S. Great hayle fell in England and after ensued so continuall raine that the yere folowyng wheate was solde for .xvi. d. a bushel and so encresed yerely the reigne of this kynge and his sonne tyll it was lastly sold for .xl. s. a quarter Anno. 17. Rafe sandwich M. Williā Betain S Iohn of Cāturb S Rice ap Meriduck a welshman rebelling against Payne Tiptoft wardeyne of the countreye was by the Earle of Cornewall in the Kynges absence taken drawen hanged and quartered at Yorke Anno. 18. Rafe sādwich M. Fulk of s Edmōd S Salomō Lāgford S This yeare kyng Edward returned into Englande and was honorably receyued of the citesens of London Anno. 19. Rafe sandwich M. Tho. Romaine S. Williā de Lyre S. This yere the staple of woll was ordeyned to be kept at Sandwiche And this yere the Iewes were banished the land for the which cause the cōmons gaue to the kyng a fyftene Anno. 20. Rafe sandwich M. Rafe Blunt S. Hamond Boxe S. This yere died quene Elian or the kinges wife was buried at Westminster in the chapell of sainte Edwarde at the fete of Henry the third This yere also dyed Elianoure wyfe vnto Henry the third mother to this Edwarde whose heart was buried at the gray fryers in London and her body at Ambresbury in the house of Nunnes Anno. 21. Rafe sandwiche M. Henry Balle S. Elys Russell S. The Kyng helde hys parliament at London to the whych with diuers lordes of his Prouince came the kynge of Scottes This yeare .iii. men had theyr ryght handes smitten of in Westchepe for rescuynge a prisoner arested by an officer of the Citie of London Anno. 22. Rafe sādwich M. Robert Rockesley S. Martin Aubrey S. The .xviii. day of May fell a wondrous snow and therwith an excedyng wynd By violence whereof great harme was done in sundry places of England as ouerthrowyng houses and trees c. Anno. 23. Sir Iohn Bryton M Henry Boxe S. Rich. Glocester S. Madocke with the Welshmen rebelled agaynst the kyng wherfore he in all hast made against them ouercam thē Thys yeare the frenchemen arriued at Douer and spoyled the towne and brent a parte of it in whiche skirmishe was slayne one Thomas of Douer Anno. 24. sir Iohn Bryton M Iohn Dunstable S. Adā Harlingbery S. Iohn Baylell was by kyng Edward admitted to be kyng of Scottes and he for the same dyd his homage and sware vnto hym fealtie This yere was takē Madock or Meridoke captayn of the rebells in Wales he was drawen and hanged at London Anno. 25. Sir Iohn Britton M. Thomas Sulff S. Adā de Fullam S. Iohn Bailell kyng of Scottes contrary to his allegiance by the settynge on of the frenchmen rebelled agayn king Edward Wherfore kyng Edward hasted hym thither He wan from him the castels of Barwicke and Dunbarre He slewe of the Scottes as saith Fabyan xxv M. and tooke prisoner sir Willyam Douglas and other noble men He conquered also Edenbrough wher he foūd the regall ensignes of Scotland that is to witte the croune the scepter cloth of estate In this tyme the englyshmen susteined many stormes in Gascoyn Guyen Anno. 26. sir Iohn Britton M. Iohn de stortford S williā de stortford S Kyng Henry sayled into Flanders to reskue Guy theyr Erle which was greuously ouerset by the Frenche kyng so that he had
yelded vp to hym as ye maye reade at large in Iohn Frosard his chronicles Anno. 23. Iohn Lufkin M. Hēry Picard S. Simōwoseley S. In the end of this yere about August the pestilence begon in diuers places of England and specially at London and so cōtinued tyll that tyme twelue month Anno. 24. Williā Turke Maior Adam Bury S. Rafe Lynne S. This yeare was Calice lyke to haue ben betrayed but the kyng in tyme preuented it The Kynge caused to be coyned grotes and half grotes the whyche lacked of the weyght of his former coyne .ii. s .vi. d. of a pound troy And about the end of August ceased the death in London whiche was soo vehement and sharpe that ouer the bodies buried in churches and church yardes monasteries and other accustomed buryeng places was buryed in the Charter howse yarde of London as saith Fabyan .l. M. persons And also many persons of good credite yet liuyng in the citie of London affirm that they haue redde the like writen on a plate of laton fastened on a crosse of stone in the same Charter house church yarde and also to haue sene recorded in one olde Booke of the sayde Charter house that at that tyme the said mortalitie was so great that there remained not the tenthe person alyue throughout the realme Anno. 25. Richard Killingbury M. Iohn Notte S. wil. wocester S. This yere king Edward had a goodly victory vpon the sea against Charles the constable of France where he toke xxii of their shyppes Anno. 26. Andrew Aubery M. Iohn wroth S. Gibbō staindrop S. This yeare the castell of Guynes was yelden vnto the englishmen dwellyng in Calice by treason of a Frenche man Also this yere y e englishmen beyng in Britayn had a goodly victory ouer the Frenchemen where they tooke many noble men prisoners Anno. 27. Adam Francis Maior Iohn Peache S Iohn stodeney S This Sommer was so long dry that it was called after the dry sommer for from March tyll the latter end of Iuly fell lytle rayne or none by which reason corne that yere folowyng was scant Anno. 28. Adam Francis Maior Iohn Welde S. Iohn Lytle S. The Duke of Brunswyke made an appeale against Henry duke of Lancaster for whyche was waged battell in the frenche kynges courte and beynge bothe ready within the lystes to fyght the french kyng stayed the matter and toke the quarell into his handes so that either of them departed the field without any stroke striken Anno 29. Thomas Legget M. williā Totinghā S. Richard Smert S. For so muche as the townes in Flanders brake their promyse before tyme made by Iaques Dartnell and now fauoured the french partie king Edward remoued the market and staple of woll out of Flanders into Englande as to Westminster Chichester Lyncolne Bristowe and Canterbury Prince Edward the sonne of kynge Edward passed into Gascoyn where he made sore warre and destroyed castels and townes before hym and tooke the towne of Remorentine wyth other Also this yeare was the house of the Friers Angustines in London finished whiche was reedifyed by syr Humfrey Bobune earle of Hertforde and Essex whose bodye lyeth buried in the quier of the said house before the high aultar Anno. 30. Symond Francis M. Thomas Forster S Thomas Brādon S Edwarde prince of Wales nye to the citie of Poitiers ioyned battel with king Iohn of Frāce of whō the prince by his marcial policy wan a noble victory notw tstandyng that he had in his army but 800. souldiors on the french part were 6000. fighting mē In this conflict King Iohn was taken with his yong son Philyp and many of his nobles brought● into Englande Anno. 31. Henry Picard M. Rich. Nofinghā S. Thomas Dosel S. Great and royal iustes were holden in Smythfield before the kyng of Englād the frēch king being prisoner the kyng of Scottes and diuers other nobles Anno. 33. Iohn Stody M. Stephen Candish S. Barthol Frostling S. This yere Dauid le Bruze king of scottes was set at libertie when he had put king Edward suretie of .10000 mark for his ransom Anno. 23. Iohn Lufain M. Iohn Barnes S. Iohn Burys S. The englyshemen in Britaine tooke the towne of Ancore and dyuers other and put them to great ransome Anno. 34. Symon Duffild M. Simon Bedinghā S. Iohn Chichester S. Kyng Edward with his son the prince passed the sea to Calice and from thense rode through France by Picard Artois Roan Champayn and so foorth to Britaine euer destroying the countrey before him hys garrisons also made warre in Beauvoisin in Picardye in Brye in Campayn and spoiled well nere all the counntrey Moreouer the kynge of Nauarre vexed sore the marches of Normandy Thus was the realm of France miserably beset at this tyme on all sydes At the last a finall peace was concluded betwene the kynges of Englande of Frāce on this cōdition that king Edward should haue to his possession the countreis of Gascoyn and Guyen Poytiers Lymosyn Baleuile Exantes Calice Guynes and diuers other lordships castels towns all the landes to thē belōging without knowlege of any soueraigntie or subiection for y e same and the king of France shold pay for his ransom 300000. crownes so King Iohn returned into France Anno. 35. Iohn Wroth M. Iohn Denys S. Walter Burney S. King Edward returned from Caleys into Englande and brought with hym many noble men of Frāce for hostages This yere men and beasts perished in England in diuers places with thunder lightning and fiends wer sene in mās likenes aud spake vnto men as they trauailed by the way Anno. 36. Iohn Peche M. Williā Holbeche S. Iames Tame S. This yeare was great death and pestilence in Englande which was called the second mortalitie in which died Hēry duke of Lancaster then was Iohn of Gaunt the kings third son which had maried the dukes daughter made duke of Lancaster Also there were sene this yere in the ayre castels and hostes of men fighting as sayth Fabian Anno. 37. Stephen Cādishe M. Io. of S. Albons S. Iames Andrew S. This yere was a great wynd in England wherwith many steples and towres were ouerthrowen King Iohn of Fraunce came into England and shortly after died at y e Sauoy in London Also this yeare was a great frost in Englande whiche lasted from the myddest of September to the moneth of Aprill Anno. 38. Iohn Notte M Rychard Croydon S. Iohn Hiltofte S. Prynce Edwarde sayled into Burdeaux and receyued the possession of Guyā that kyng Edwarde had newly gyuen vnto hym Anno. 39. Adam of Bury M. Symon Mordant S Iohn of Motford S This yere the kyng began the foundation of saynt Stephens chappell at Westmynster whiche was finished by Rycharde the second sonne of prince Edward Anno. 40. Iohn Lufkyn M. Io. Bukylsworth S Iohn
Oreland S This yere the kyng cōmaunded that Peter pence should no more be gathered nor payde to Rome This yere Prynce Edwarde had hys fyrst sonne whose name was Edward but he dyed at seuen yeres of age Prynce Edward entred Spayne with a great puysaunce where he ouercame the Spanyardes and Frenche men and expelled Henry the bastarde and set Peter in his former estate as kig of Spain But not long after the prynces retorne home agayne Henry repaired his army and warred vpon his brother so fiersly that in the ende he vtterly vanquyshed hym and put him to death and thē without resistance possessed the kyngdome of Spayne Anno. 41. Iohn Louekyn M. Iohn Warde S Williā Dickmā S This yere was borne the second son of Prynce Edward named Rychard Anno. 42. Iames Andrew M. Rich. Torgold S. Williā Dickmā S. This yere appeared Stella cometa that is a blasing starre And this yere the erles of Armenak of brett of Perygort with other nobles of y e duchie of Guyan appealed the Prynce of Wales in the Frenche kynges court that he had broken the peace and wronged them as in exacting of them ouer great sommes of money c. But the Frenche king deferred it for certayne causes to long here to reherse Anno. 43. Symon Mordon M. Adā wymbinghā S. Robert Gyrdler S. This yere the kyng of Fraunce proceaded in iudgement vpon the appellation before made by y e erle of Armenak the lorde of Bret and erle of Perygort agaynst Prynce Edward Wherupon discorde variance began to take place betwene y e two kynges and those lords which before were sworne to kyng Edward dyd nowe yelde dyuers townes of the coūtrey of Poytiers vnto the Frēch kyng The Duke of Lācaster aryued at Caleis and entred Fraunce with a company of souldiours wher not farre from Arde the Duke of Burgoyne lodged within a mile of his army with a great power the space of .xviii. dayes and neuer profered battell But lastly went away by nyght and then the Duke passed further into Fraunce Anno. 44. Iohn Chichester M. Iohn Pyell S. Hugh hoiditch S. This yere dyed Quene Phylip wyfe to Edward the thyrd she buylded y e colledge in Oxēford called quenes colledge In this yere was the thyrd mortalitie or pestylence wherof dyed much people Anno. 45. Iohn Bernes M. Wil. Walworth S Robert Gayton S Iohn Barnes Mayor of Londō gaue a chest with three lockes and a. 1000. markee to be lent to yonge men vpon sufficient gage so that it passed not one 100. markes and for the occupying therof if he were learned to saye at his pleasure Deprofundis for the soule of Iohn Barnes if he were not learned to saye Pater noster But howe so euer the money was lent at this daie the chest standeth in the chamber of London without eyther money or pledges for the same This yere the countrey of Lymosyn with other became obeysaunt to the Frenche kyng and fell from the kynge of Englande by reason that Prynce Edward had lately assessed vpon the inhabytantes of the countrey a great and greuous taske by meanes whereof he lost the loue of the people Anno 46. Iohn Barnes M. Robert Hatfild S. Adam Staple S. The Erle of Penbroke as he passed the sea to reskewe the castell of Rochel was encoūtred with a fleete of Spanyardes whiche kyng Henry of Castell had sent to ayde the Frenche kyng Of these Spanyardes after cruellfyght the Erle was taken and syr Guystarde de Angle and other to the number of .160 persons and the more part of his men slayne and drowned Anno. 47. Iohn Pyel Maior Iohn Phylpot S. Nycolas Brēber S. Iohn Duke of Lancaster entred by Calays into Fraunce passed throughout the Realme by Uermendoys and Campayne nyghe to turdeaux in Aquitane without battayle not withstāding the great hurt and domage they dyd to the townes countreys as they passed Anno. 48. Adam of Bury M. Iohn Aubery S. Iohn Fisshye S. Dyuers entreatyes of peace were made betwene the kyng of Englande Fraunce by meane of the byshoppe of Rome but none was concluded Anno 49. William Walworth M. Rychard Lyōs S W. wodhous S The entreatie of peace continued but not concluded but for foure monethes at the moste in which tyme of entreatie the Frenche kyng wan many holdes townes of the Englyshemen as well in Guyan as in Brytayne and in other places Anno. 50. Iohn Warde M. Iohn hadley S. Wil. Newport S. Many wonderfull sycknesses fell among the people as well in Italy as in England whereof there vsed an exceadyng great number Anno. 51. Adam staple M. Iohn Northampton S Robert Launde S Prince Edward departed out of this lyfe who was in his tyme the flower of chyualry He was buried at Caunterbury and then kyng Edwarde created Richard sonne of prince Edward prince of Wales and because the kyng waxed feble and sickly he betoketh rule of the lande to syr Iohn of Gaunt duke of Lancaster who so continued duryng his fathers lyfe This yere kyng Edward the thyrde ended his lyfe at Rychemonde the .xxi. daye of Iune in the yere of our Lorde 1377. When he had reigned .50 yeres fyue monethes lackynge foure dayes and was buried at Westmynster he left behynde hym foure sonnes Lewes duke of Clarence Iohn of Gaunt duke of Lancaster Edmond of Langley duke of Yorke and Thomas of Wodstocke erle of Cambrydge Richarde the second Anno regni .1 RIchard the second sonne of Prince Edward of Wales was ordeyned kyng of Englande beyng as yet but eleuen yeres of age He began his reigne the .xi. daye of Iune in the yere of our lorde .1377 and left the same the .xxix. daie of September in the yere .1399 so he reigned .xxii. yeres .iii. monethes and eight daies In bountie and liberalitie he farre passed all hys progenitours but he was ouer muche geuen to reste quietnes and loued litle dedes of armes and martial prowesse for that he was yong he was moste ruled by yong counsayle and regarded nothyng the aduertysementes of the sage and wyse men of his Realme for the chiefe about hym were of no wysdome nor estimacion whiche thyng tourned this land to great trouble and him selfe in fine to extreame myserie Of hym Iohn Gower wryteth as Hardyng affyrmeth these verses in latyne folowyng Principio Regis oritur transgressio legis Quo fortuna cadit humus retrograda uadit Quomodo surrexit populus quem nō bene rexit Tēpus ad huc plangit super hoc quod Chronica tangit Stultorū uile cepit consiliū iuuenile Et sectam senium decreuit esse reiectam Tunc accusare quosdam presumpsit auare Vnde catallorum gazas spoliauit corum Whiche may be englyshed thus When this kyng fyrst began to reigne the lawes neglected were Wherfore good fortune him forsooke and thearth did quake for feare The people also whom
he pol●d against hym dyd rebell The tyme doth yet bewayle the woes that Chronicles doe of sell The foolysh councell of the lewde and yonge be did receyue And graue aduice of aged heads he did reiects and leaue And then for gready thirst of coyne some subiectes he accusde To gayne theyr goodes into his hands thus he the Realme abusde Anno Regni .1 Nycolas Brymber M. Andrew pickmā S Nyco Twyford S By the entisement of the Frenche men the Scottes began to rebell and a squyre of theirs called Alexander Ramsey with .xl. persous in a nyght toke the castel of Barwyke whiche was rescued recouered by therle of Northūberlād Anno. 2. Iohn Philpot M. Iohn Boseham S. Tho. Cornwalis S. This Iohn Philpot Mayor of Londō aboue named gaue to the citie of Londō certayne tenementes for the whiche the Chamberlayn of Londō payeth yerely foreuer to .xiii. poore people of the same citie euery of them vii pence the weke which is payde to them at the .iiii. quarter feastes of the yere as any of those xiii persons dye the Maior appoynteth one and the Recorder of London an other in their romthes This yere the warre was agayne renued betwene the king of Fraunce and Nauarre who shortly after allied with kyng Rychard of Englande The lorde Neuile was sent with a cōpany of souldiours to raise the siege before Fortayne in Poytow and to ayde the kyng of Nauarre against the Spanyardes of Castill Anno. 3. Iohn Hadley M. Iohn Heylisdom S. William Barret S. The Frenche men with galleis and other shyppes entered into the Thames and burnt dyuers townes at the laste came to Grauesende where they spoyled the towne and set it on fyre and retourned into Fraunce with muche ryches This yere as Iohn Hardyng writeth alledging Iohn Gower was suche a pestilence in Englande that most people died A parliament at westmynster where was graunted that all men and women beyng of the age of .xiiii. yeres or vpward should pay to the king iiii.d by reason whereof great grudge and murmure grewe among the commons and this was graunted towardes the warres in Fraunce Anno. 4. William Walworth M. Wal. Ducket S. Wil. ●mg●thod S. This yere the makynge of gunnes was first found in this maner a certain Almayne whose name is not knowen chaunced to haue in a morter pouder of brymstone that he had beaten for a medicine and couered it with a stone and as he stroke fyre it fortuned a sparke to fall in the pouder by and by there rose a great flame out of the mortar and lyfte vp the stone wherwith it was couered a great heyght and after he had perceyued that he made a pype of Iron and tempered the pouder and finished thys deadly engyn and taught it to the Uenecians when they warred agaynst the Genuates whiche was in the yere of our lorde .1380 For this inuention he receyued this benefite that his name was neuer knowen leste he might for this abhominable deuise haue bene cursed and euil spoken of whylest the world standeth so sayeth Polldore By the meane of the payment aboue named this yere the cōmōs of this lād specially of Kent and Essex sodenly rebelled and assembled together vpō black Hethe to the numbre .60000 and aboue whiche had to their captaynes Watte Tyler Iack Strawe Iack Sheparde Tom Myller Hobbe Carter and suche other whiche were animated to this rebellion by one Iohn Wall or ball a very sedicious preacher As ye may reade at large in Iohn Froysard the first boke the .381 chapiter They caused muche trouble and busines in the Realme and chiefly about the citie of London where they practised much vyllanie in destroyinge manye goodlye places of the nobles as the Sauoye saynt Iohns in Smythfielde and other They let forthe all prysoners and set them at lybertie they spoyled all the bookes of lawe in the Innes of courte the Recordes of the Counters and other prysons They set the kyng forth of the towre of London compellyng hym to graunt al bondmen fredom and that he shoulde neuer demaunde trybute or taxe of his commōs and also required Iack Strawe and Wat Tyler to be made Dukes of Essex and Kent and gouernours of the kyngs person from thenceforth both in peace and warre whiche thynges he graunted for he durst in no poynt denye them But Wylliā Walworth Maior or Lōdon beyng in Smithfielde nere vnto y e kynges person and seynge hym stande hoodlesse afore Iack strawe rebuked the saide Straw of his great leudnesse and with a dagger slewe hym and brought the kyng into the citie Whereupon the rude company was dispersed and fledde as shepe some one waye and some an other so sayeth Hardyng In memory of this dede the citie geueth the dagger in their shylde of armes Anno. 5. Iohn Northāpton M. Iohn Rote S. Iohn Hynde S. This yere was a terrible earthquake throughout all England whiche threw down many castelles steples houses trees Whiche Iohn Hardyng sayth he sawe the .xx. daye of Maye Anno. 6. Iohn Northāpton M. Adā Bawme S. Iohn Selfe S. This yere was a combat foughten at the kynges pallais of Westminster betwene one Garton Appellant and syr Iohn Ansley knight defendāt y e knight was Uictor and Gartō was from that place drawen to Tyborn and there hāged for his false accusation Anno. 7. Iohn Northāpton M. Sy. Winthcōbe S Iohn More S This yere was one Wall or Ball taken at Couentre by Robert Treuillian and iudged to be hanged at saynt Albons for that he was the anymator of the Rebelles spoken of in the fourth yere of this kynges reigne of whom ye may reade at large in Iohn Frosard Anno. 8. Nycolas Brember M. Nycolas Exton S. Iohn Frenche S. The kyng went towarde Scotlande with a great army but when he drewe nere y e borders such meanes was songht that a peace was concluded Anno. 9. Nycolas Brember M. Iohn Organ S. Io. Churchmā S. Kyng Rychard maried the daughter of Uinceslaus Emperour of Almayne Anno. 10. Nycolas Exton M. W. Stondon S. Williā More S. The Erle of Arundell went into the Duchse of Guyan for to strengthen suche souldiers as the kyng at that tyme had in those parties or to stoure the sea of Rouers The erle kepyng his course encountred with a mightie fleete of Flemynges laden with Rochell wyne and set vpon them tooke them and brought them to dyuers portes of Englande wherby wyne was then so plenteous that it was sold for xiii.s.iiii.d xx.s a tonne of the very choyse Anno. 11. Nycolas Exton M. Williā Uenour S. Hughe Fostalse S. This yere Thomas of wodstoke duke of Glocester the erles of Arūdel Warwyke of Darby and of Notyngham consyderyng howe this lande was mysgouerned by a fewe persons about the king entending reformatiō of the same assembled at Radecocke brydge where they tooke their counsell and raysyng a
Nortō S This yere in Smithfield was helde a great Iustes betwene the Henowayes and Englyshemen in the whiche were many feates of armes done Anno. 11. Richard Marlowe Ironmonger M. Iohn Lawe S wil. Chichley S Iohn Badley taylour was brente in Smithfielde for the Sacrament of the Aulter This yeare the market house called the Stockes in London was begon to be buylded Anno. 12. Tho. Knolles Grocer M. Io. Penne S. Tho. Pike S. This yeare a squier of Wales named Rice ap Dee which had longe tyme rebelled agaynst the Kyng was broughte to London and there drawen hanged and quartered This yeare was the Guyld Halle of London begon to be newe buylt and of an olde and lyttell cotage made into a fayre goodly house as it now apereth Anno. 13. Robert Chicheley Grocer M. Iohn Rainewel S Williā Cotton S This yeare the .xii. daye of October the Thames flowed thrise in one day And this yere the kyng caused a new coyne of nobles to be made which were of lesse value then the old by iiii.d in a noble Anno. 14. Williā waldren Mercer M Rafe Leuēhind S. williā Seuenoke S. This yeare after the great and fortunate chaunces happened to Kyng Henry beyng deliuered of all ciuile diuision and discētion he mynded to make a voiage agaynst the infidels and especially for the recouery of Ierusalem and for that cause prepared a greate army and gathered muche treasure entendyng to set forward in the same sprynge When he had thus prepared all thynges necessary for his voyage he was taken wyth an Apoplerie of the whiche he languyshed tyll his appoynted hower Duryng which sycknes as auctors write he caused his Crowne to be set on the pyllowe at hys beds head and sodeynly his pang so sore troubled hym that he laye as all hys vital spirites had ben departed such as had cure of hys body thynkyng hym to be deade couered his face with a lynnen cloathe The prince hys sonne beyng therof aduertysed entered into the Chamber and toke away with hym the crowne and departed the father beyng sodaynly reuyued out of his traunce quickely perceyued y e lacke of his crown and hauyng knowledge that the prynce had possessed it caused hym to repayre to his presence requirynge of hym for what cause he had so misused hym selfe The Prynce aunswered syr to my iudgement you semed dead wherfore I as your next heyre tooke it as myne and not as yours wel sonne sayd the kyng what ryght I had to it and howe I enioyed it God knoweth well quod the Prynce if you dye kynge I wyll haue the garlande and trust to kepe it with the sworde as ye haue done well sayde the kyng I commyt all to God and remember you to doo well and with that turned hym selfe and shortly after departed in a chamber of the Abbottes of Westmynster called Hierusalem the xx daye of Marche in the yere of our lorde .1412 When he had reigned .13 yeres syxe monethes and nyne dayes and was buried at Cauntorbury King Henry the fifth Anno Regni .1 HEnry y e fifte began his reigne the .xx. daye of Marche in the yere of our lorde .1412 and deceased the last day of August in the yere .1422 so he reigned .ix. yeres fyue monethes and tenne dayes He was a Prynce of great noblenes prowes of stature and personage talle and sclender of nature gentle and lyberall in dedes of armes expert and cunnyng wherby he conquered manfully his enemies and broughte Fraunce to his subiection before the death of his father he applied and gaue hym selfe to all vice and insolencie of lyfe and drewe vnto hym riotous and wildely disposed persones but whan he was admitted to the rule of the land sodaynly he became a newe man and turned all that rage of wyldnes into sober and wyse behauior and vice into vertue and that he myght not be agayne corrupted he charged all his olde companions that vpon payne of their lyues none of them should come within tenne myles of the place that he was lodged in He caused Iohn Lidgate monke of Bery to translate certayne verses of the psaltar into english myter whiche he vsed in his deuyne seruice This yere about haruest tyme was syr Iohn Olde castell knight appeached for an hereticke and committed to pryson but he brake out of the tower and went to Walis where he lyued .iiii. yeres after Anno. 1. Wil. Crowmer Draper M. Ioh. Suttō S. Iohn Mycol S. Certayne adherentes of the forenamed syr Iohn Oldecastel intending the destruction of this lande and subuersiō of the same assembled them in Thickettes fielde nere vnto saynt Gyles in great number whereof the kyng beyng informed toke the fyeld afore them and foke of them so many that all the prysons in and about London were filled The chiefe of them whiche were .xxix. were condempned by the Clergie of heresie and attaynted of hyghe treason as mouers of warre agaynst their kyng by the temporall lawe in the Guyldhall adiudged for treason to be drawen hāged and for heresy to be cōsumed w t fire whiche was executed accordingly in Ianuary folowyng The chiefe of these rebelles was syr Robert Acton knyght Iohn Browne Esquser and Iohn Beuerley priest as testyfieth Edward Hal. Anno. 2. Thomas Fauconer Mercer M. Iohn Michell S. Tho. Allyn S. This yere the kyng made great prouision to sayle into Fraunce with an army whyle he was shipping of his people syr Rychard erle of Cambrydge syr Rychard Scrope treasorer of England and syr Thomas Graye knyght were arrested for treason and so strayghtly examyned that it was cōfessed that they were purposed to haue slayne the kyng by the corrupting of the Frenche men wherfore they were all three adiudged to die and were headed at Hampton Then kyng Henry tooke shypping with a great power and sayled into Normādie toke the town of Harflewe where he was compassed about with a great hoste of french mē to y e nūber of .40000 He hauyng but .13000 footemen and 2000. speares He slewe of his enemies 10000. and toke prisoners nye as many This was called the battayle of Agyncourt of the whiche ye may reade more at large in Fabian and Hall Anno. 3. Nycholas Walton Draper M. Wil. Cābridge S Allein Euerard S This yere the Emperour Sigismōd came into Englād to entreate a meanes of peace betwene the kynges of England and Fraūce but al was in vayne for in the ende no peace could be concluded and kyng Henry went agayne into Fraunce Anno. 4. Henry Barton Skinner M. Ro. Wodyngtō S Iohn Couentree S This yere in Fraunce kynge Henry obteyned many victories and gotte all the townes and holdes in Normandy sauyng Roban whiche he strongly besieged This yere on Easter day was a great fraye in saynt Dunstones churche in the East the begynners thereof was the lorde Straunge and
syr Iohn Trussell knyght through the quarel of their two wyues through the whiche fraye many people were sore wounded and hurt and one Thomas Petwarden Fyshmōger slayne out of hande wherefore both the frayers were brought to the Counter in the Pultrye and the lord Straunge for begynning the sayd fraye was the next sunday accursed at Paules crosse Anno. 5. Richard Marlowe Iremōger M. Henry Reade S. Iohn Gedney S. This yere syr Iohn Oldecastell was sent vnto London by the lorde Powes out of Wales the whiche syr Iohn for heresie and treason was conuicte and for the same was draweu to saint Gyles fielde where he was hanged on a newe payre of Gallowes with chaynes and after consumed with fier About this tyme the parson of Wrotham in Norfolke whiche had haunted newe market heath and there robbed and spoiled many of the kyngs subiects was with his concubyne brought vp to Newgate where he lastely died Anno. 6. Wil. Seuenoke Grocer M. Rau● Barton S. Iohn Parnesse S. Kyng Henry conquered Rone subdued all Normandie and was proclaymed Regent of Fraunce for terme of the lyfe of Charles beyng then kynge And after his decease y e crown of Fraūce with all ryghtes belōgyng to the same to hym and his heyres For confirmation wherof he toke to wyfe Catheryne the daughter of Charles Anno. 7. Richard Whittingtō Mercer M. R. Whittinghā S Iohn Butler S This yere kyng Henry retorned into England and so to London and at west mynster Catheryn his wyfe was crowned the .xxiiii. daye of February Anno. 8. Wyl Cābridge Gro. M. Iohn Butler S. Iohn Welles S. The Duke of Clarence kyng Henries brother was ouer set by the Dolphyn of Fraūce and slayne to the kynges great displeasure Kyng Henry went again into Fraūce and made warre vpon the Dolphyn Anno. 9. Ro. Chichely gro M. Richard Gosselyn S. Williā Weston S. The begining of this yere O. Catherin was deliuered at windsor of a yōg prīe● whose name was Henry and the tenth daye of August was the newe weather cocke set on Paules steple And this yere the Queene retorned into Fraunce to kynge Henry where was a ioyful metyng but after folowed sorowe for shortly after the kyng being at Bofes in Uincent he wered syck and died the last daye of August in the yere of our lorde .1422 when he had reigned nyne yeres fyue monethes ten dayes he buylded the Shene and Sion and lyeth buried at westmynster King Henry the sixt Anno Regni .1 HEnry the sixt being an infant of .viii. monethes of age began his reigne ouer this realme of England the last day of August in the yere of our lord .1422 he was deposed the fourth day of March in the yere .1460 So he reigned .xxxviii. yeres syxe monethes and foure dayes continuyng the tyme of his youthe he was committed to the gouernaunce of Duke Humfrey of Glocester his vncle whan he came to mans state he was of wytte and nature symple gentyll and meke and loued better peace thē warre quietnes of mynde then busines of the world honestie then profite rest case then trouble and care all trouble veration vnquietnes iniuries that euer happened to hym whiche were many great he suffered so paciently that he reputed them to be worthely sent to hym of God for his offences He fauoured good letters excellently well in token wherof be erected two famous Colledges the one at Cambrydge called the kynges colledge the other at Eaton by meanes wherof good learnyng greatly increased In the begynnyng of this his reigne dyed kyng Charles of Fraunce by reason wherof the kyngdome of Fraunce should come vnto kyng Henry and the nobles of Fraunce except a fewe that helde with the Dolphin delyuered the possession therof vnto the Duke of Bedford Regent of Fraunce to the vse of kyng Henry Anno. 1. William Walderne M. Will. Estfield S. K. Tattarsale S. A subsidie was graunted for three yeres fyue nobles of euery sack of woll that should passe out of the lande A priest was burned for heresie called William Tayler This yere the West gate of London now called newe gate was newly builded by the executors of Richard Whittington late Mayor of London Anno. 2. William Crowmar Draper M. Nicho. Iames S. Th. Wadford S. This yere the Duke of Bedford wan from the Dolphyn of Fraunce manye strong holdes and townes and nere to a towne called Uernell be discomfited the Dolphyns whole power for in that fight were slayne .iii. erles and many other noble mē .5000 cōmō soldiours Syr Roger Mortimer for treasō was condemned by acte of parliament and hanged and quartered This yere Iames kyng of Scottes was deliuered who had remayned prysoner in England .xviii. yeres and he maried in saynt Mary Adries in Southwarke the lady Iane daughter to the erle of Somerset cosyn to kyng Henry Anno. 3. Iohn Michel M. Symon Seman S Iohn Bywater S This yere the kynge of Portingale came into England and was honourably receyued This yere by the parliament holden at Westminster was graunted to the kyng for thre yeres to helpe hym in his warres a subsedy of xii d. in the pounde of all marchaundyzes brought in or caried out of the Realme and .iii. s of euery tonne of wyne the whiche was then called tonnage and pondage but synce it hath been renewed at sondrye parliamentes and nowe is called custome Furthermore it was enacted that all marchaunt straungers should be lodged within an englysh host within .xv. days of their coming to their porte sale and to make no sale of any marchandyse or thei were so lodged then within .xl. days folowyng to make sale of all that they brought and if any remayned vnsolde at the sayde .xl. dayes ende that then all suche marchandyse so vnsolde to be forfeyte to the kyng Anno. 4. Iohn Couētre Mercer M. Wil. Milrede S Iohn Brokle S Grudge and variaunce betwene the Duke of Gloucester protectour of England and his halfe brother the byshop of Wynchester whiche was appeased by the regent of Fraunce and debated by a parliament at Leicester as ye maye reade at large in Edwarde Haull Anno. 5. Iohn Raynewell Fishmōger M. Iohn Arnolde S. Io. Nightham S. This Iohn Raynewell Maior of Lōdon before named gaue certayne landes or tenemētes to the citie of London for the whiche the same citie is bounde to paye for euer all suche fyftenes as shall be graunted to the kyng so that it passe not three fyftenes in one yere for three wardes of the same that is to say Dougate warde Bellynsgate warde and Algate warde This yere the englysh men besiegyng Orliaunce the noble valiaunt knight syr Thomas Mountague was slayne by a great misfortune whose death was the beginnyng of al mischiefe to the Englysh men for after this mishappe they lost by litle and litle all their possessions
in Fraunce Anno. 6. Iohn Gidney Draper M. Hē Frowick S. Rob. Otley S. This yere a womā dwelling in white Chappell paryshe without Algate of London was in the nyght murdered by a Bryttaine or Frencheman whom she had cheryshed and brought vp of almes Who conueying suche iewelles stuffe as he myght carie was taken in Essex and brought vp to London but a sone as he came in the parishe where he had committed the murder the wyues cast vpon hym so muche fylthe and ordure of the strete that not withstanding the resistaunce made by the Cōstables they slewe hym out of hande Anno. 7. Henry Barton Skinner M. Th. Dushous S Iohn Abbot S This yere the Duke of Norfolk was lyke to haue been drowned passinge through London bridge his barge beyng set vpon the pyles whelmed ouer so that he and very fewe escaped beyng drawen vp with ropes the rest were all drowned Anno. 8. William Estefield Mercer M. Williā Russe S. Ranfe Holland S. This yere was kyng Henry crowned at Westmynster of whom Iohn Lydgate mūke of Bury made many goodly verses in prayse and commendation of hym and his coronatiō as ye may reade them in Robert Fabian bothe of this coronation and also of his coronation at Paris in Fraunce Anno. 9. Nicholas Wotton M. walter Chertsey S Robert Large S This yere at Abyngton began an insurrection of certayne lyght persones that entended to haue wrought muche mischiefe but they were quieted by the lorde protector and the chiefe authour beyng baily of the towne named Wylliam Maundeuyll a weaner otherwyse namyng hym selfe Iack sharpe of wygmores land in Wales with other were put to death This yere was one Richard Russel a woll man drawen hanged quartered at Tiborne for treason Anno. 10. Ioh. Welles Grocer M. Iohn Adyrlee S. Step. Brown S. This Iohn Wels of his goodes caused the conduit named the Standarde in cheape to be buylded in Anno .1442 This yere kyng Henry was crowned at Paris by y e Cardinal of Winchester And this yere the kyng retorned into England and so to London where he was receiued with great ioy triūphe Anno. 11. Io. Parneis Fyshmōger M. Iohn Olney S. I. Paddesley S. This yere was sene in the southwest a sterre called a Comete or blasing ster Anno 12. Ioh. Brokley Draper M. Tho. Chalton S. Iohn Kyng S. The Erle of Huntyngton was sent with a cōpany of soldiours into Fraūce where he atchieued many great feates of armes Anno. 13. Roger Otley Grocer S. Th. Barnwel S Simond Eyre S This yere was a great frost that such marchandise as came to the Thames mouth was caried to London by lande This frost endured from the xxv day of Nouember vnto the .x. day of February whiche was .x. wekes And this yere deceased Iohn Duke of Bedford regent of Fraūce after whose decease all thynges went backwarde with the Englyshemen in Fraunce Anno. 14. H. Frowick Mercer M. T. Catworth S. Ro. Clopton S. Charles of Fraunce recouered the citie of Paris and wanne by force the towne of Harflewe and of saynt Denis expelling murdering the Englyshmen in great number The Duke of Burgoyne besyegyng Calieis was fayne to flye leue muche of his ordinaunce behynde hym at the commyng of Humfrey Duke of Gloucester who pursued hym eleuen dayes and destroyed the countrey as he went vnto saynt Omers Anno. 15. Iohn Mychel M. Tho. Morsted S. Williā Gregorie S. This yere on the thyrd day of Ianuary dyed Queene Catheryne mother to kyng Henry the syxt and wyfe to Henry the fifth and lieth buried at Westmynster This yere on the fourtene day of Ianuary the gate on London brydge with the tower vpon it next to Southwarke fell downe and .ii. of the furdest arches of the sayd bridge but as God would no man therwith peryshed This yeare it was enacted by a parliament that euery alient housholder in this realme shoulde paye wekely to the Kynge .xvi. d. This yeare all the lyons in the tower of London dyed whiche had ben there a long tyme. Anno. 16. William Eastfield Mercer M. Wil. Chapman S. William Hallis S. The kyng caused a greate obyte to be kept in Poules churche for Sigismund the Emperour who was knyght of the Garter Anno. 17. Stephen Browne Grocer Mai. Hugh Dyker S. Nicolas Yod S. This yere on new yeres day a stacke of wodde fell downe at Baynardes Castell and slewe .300 men and hurt many other There was so great a dearthe in Englande that the poore people made them breade of fetches peason ferne rootes This yeare by the falle of a strayre at Bedford .xviii. persons were slayn In this yeare the Cundyte in Fletestrets was begon by sir Wylliam Eastfield late Maior of London and fynished of hys owne coste without any one peny charge to the Citie This yeare dyed Roberte Chicheley grocer and twise Maior of Lōdon who wylled in his testament that vpon hys Mynd day a good competēt dyner shold be ordeyned for .2400 poore men housholders of the Citie if they myght bee founde and .xx. li. in money distributed amongst theym whyche was to euerye man .ii. d. Anno. 18. Robert Large Mercer M. Robert Marshall S. Philyp Malyas S. A prieste was burned at the Tower hyll on the .xvii. day of Iune whiche of the common people was counted an holy man for that he said the poster n shold synke as afterwardes it dyd and suche lyke thynges they made theyr prayer to hym and arrered a greate heape of stones and pyght there a Crosse by night vntyll a commandement was geuen by the kyng to the contrary The postern of East Smythfielde agaynste the tower of London sanke by nyght the .xviii. of Iuly Anno. 19. Iohn Paddisley goldsmith M Iohn Sutton S. wil. Wetynhale S. Elianor Cobham wyfe to Humfrey Duke of Gloucester and other persons namely maister Roger Bolynbroke a cunnynge negromancer and Margerye Iourdemayn cōmonly called the witche of Eie were accused that by sorcery and enchantmentes they practised the kynges death as by an image of ware whiche through their diuelysh incantations should lytle and litle wast and consume and so lyke wyse the Kyng to weare out of his life Wherefore beyng examined conuicte Elianor Cobham was iudged to doo penaunce as to beare a taper .iii. dayes thorough the chiefest streetes of the Citie of London and so to be exiled to the Ile of Man vnder the kepyng of syr Thomas Stanley knyghte Roger Bolyngbroke was drawen hanged and quartered at Tyborne and Margerye Iourdemayn the witche was burnt in Smythfielde Anno. 20. Ro. Clopton Draper M. Wil. Combis S Richard Riche S This yeare the Towne of Depe was besieged by the Lorde Talbot and rescued by the Frenchemen Thys yere was a fray in Fletestrete betwene the Innes of Courte
this Maior was rowed thyther by water For the whiche the water men made of hym a songe begynnyng Row the boate Norman c. The fyre of enuye that a good space had couertely smouldered betwene the Duke of Yorke and the Duke of Somerset with other of the Quenes counsayle at thys tyme brake out in hot and fierce flames of warres In so muche that betwene the Kynge who defended these persones and the Duke of Yorke wyth hys alies at Sainct Albons a cruell battayle was foughte In the ende wherof the victory fell to the Duke of Yorke And on the kynges partye was slayne the Duke of Somerset the Erle of Northumberlande the Lorde Clyfforde wyth many other honorable men knyghtes and Squyers After whyche tyme the Duke wyth great reuerence broughte the Kynge frome Sainct Albons to London Where by a Parlyamente hee was made Protectour of the realme the Crie of Salisbury Chauncellour and the Erle of Warwyke captayne of Calice Anno. 33. Stephen Maf Foster Maf Iohn Field S. williā Tailor S. This yeare in London was a greate fray at saint Martyns le grand by sainctuary men who issued foorth and hurte diuers citisens but it was appeased by the Maior and other There was suche greuous complaints made therof to the Kyng by the deane of Sainct Martins that the liberties of the citie were in perill to be seysed Anno. 34. William M. Marrow M. Grocer M. Iohn Yong S. Tho. Dulgraue S. By meanes of the Quene and other lordes the duke of Yorke was discharged of his protectorshyp whyche thyng was cause of newe grudge and malice A great ryot committed in London agaynst the Lombardes and Italians because a mercers seruant was caste in pryson for strikyng an Italian Anno. 35. Thomas M. Caninges M. Grocer M. Iohn Steward S. Rafe Uerney S. At Erith within .xii. miles of London were taken .iiii. wonderful fishes wherof one was called Mors Marina the second a swoorde fyshe the other twoo were whales A fleete of Frenchemenne landed at Sandwych and spoyled the towne with great cruelty Anno. 36. Godfrey M. Boleyne M. Mercer M. Williā Edward S. Tho. Rayner S. A fained agremēt was made betwene the Kyng the Quene and the Duke of Yorke with his retinue for ioye wherof a generall procession was celebrated in sainct Paules at London At whyche solempne feast the King in habite royal and his diademe on hys heade kept hys state in procession before whome wente hand in hande the Duke of Somerset the Erle of Salisbury the Duke of Excester and the Erle of Warwike and so one of the one faction an other of the other sect And behynde the kynge the Duke of Yorke ledde the Quene with greate familiaritie to all mens syghtes But wo worth dissimulation for theyr bodies were ioyned by hande in hande whose heartes were farre in sunder as appered shortly after Anno. 37. Tho. Scot M Draper M Rafe Iosselyn S. Rich. Medthā S. The noble scyenco of printynge was founde in Germany at Magunce by one Iohn Cuthenbergus a knight he found moreouer the Inke by his deuyce that printers vsed .xvi. yeare after printyng was founde which was the yeare of our Lord .1458 one Conradus an Almayn brought it into Rome Nicolas Iohnson a frenche man dyd greatly polyshe garnishe it And now it is dispersed thorough the whole worlde as saythe Poliedore Virgile William Caxton mercer of London fyrst brought it into Englande aboute the yeare of our Lord .1471 and practised the same in the abbey of sainte Peter at Westmynster The Duke of Yorke the Erles of Salisburye and Warwicke with a greate hoste met the Kyng and other lordes of England vpon Bloreheath nere to Lōdon where because Andrew Trollop a captayn of Calice the nyght before the battaile should haue ben fledde with a companye of the beste souldiours to the Kynges parte The Duke of Yorke the Earles of Marche Salisbury and Warwyke mystrustyng them selues to bee to weake departed wyth a preuye companye and fledde The Duke into Irelande the .iii. Erles into Gernesey and after to Calais without any notable battayle This yeare deceased the famous citesen of London Symond Eyre Who as before is saide builded the Leaden hall in London and in the chapel of the sayd hall was written in Latine as foloweth in Englisshe The honourable and famous marchant Symond Eire founder of this worke once Maior of this Citie Citezen and draper of the same departed oute of this life the .xviii. daie of September the yeare of the Incarnation of Christe .1459 and the .38 yeare of the reigne of King Henry the .vi. Anno. 38. William M. Hulyn M. Fishmonger M. Io. Plūmar S. Io. Stocker S. The .iii. Erles cōming frō Calice with a pussaunt armie the .ix. daie of Iulie mette Kinge Henrie at Northampton and gaue hym strong battayle In the ende wherof the victorie fell to y e erles and the kynges host was dispersed chased and many slayne amonge whiche was the Duke of Buckingham the erle of Shrewesburie the lorde Egremount with other and the kyng taken in the fielde The Duke of Yorke retornyng into Englande made suche clayme to the crowne that by consent of a parliament he was proclaymed heyre apparaunte and all his progeny after hym Margarete the Quene in this meane tyme in all haste possible had gathered a company of Northern men and neare to a towne in the North called Wakefielde in a cruell fyght discomfited and slew the Duke of Yorke with his sonne the erle of Rutlande the erle of Salysbury was taken prysoner with dyuerse other noble men Anno. 39. Rich. Lee M. Grocer M. Rich. Flemyng S Iohn Lambard S The Quene with hir retyne we neare saynt Albons discomfited the earle of Warwick and the Duke of Norfolke delyuered kyng Henry hys husband Edward erle of March eldest sonne to the Duke of Yorke came vp to London with a myghty power of Marchmē accompanyed with the earle of Warwycke and by agreement of a councell was proclaymed kynge of Englande and called Edwarde the fourth shortly after he pursued kyng Henry towarde Yorke where he gaue a sore battayle to the kyng and his company This fyght was so cruell and fyers that in the field and chase were slayne .xxx. thousand of the commons besyds men of name of the whiche were the erles of Northumberlande and Westmerlande the lorde Clyfford Androwe Trollep and other to the number of eleuen And kynge Henry lost all and was fayne to flee the lande when he had reigned eight and thyrty yeres .vi. monethes and foure dayes And Quene Margaret with the yong prynce fled to her father the Duke of Angeowe King Edwarde the fourth Anno Regni .1 EDwarde the fourth began his dominion ouer this Realme of Englād the fourth daye of Marche in the yere of our lorde .1460 and lefte the same the .ix. daye of
dayly as well by the Quene her selfe who oftentymes hadde masse and Latine seruice before her in the tower as also by diuers sermons made of them that at that tyme were appointed to preache about London The .xi. day of August certaine gentilmen myndyng to passe through London bridge in a wherrie were there ouerturned by violence of the water and seuen of them drowned The .xiii. day of August master Bourn canon of Paules preachynge at Paules crosse sayd as foloweth This same day v. yeares the reuerende father in God Edmunde bishop of London our diocesan preachynge in thys place and thys same gospell whyche I nowe preache for the same was cast in prison and hath there remained tyll this tyme that the quenes most excellent maiestie hath deliuered and set hym at libertie whyche saying of the precher so offended the audience that they breakyng silence said the byshop had preached abhomination other some cried meanyng of the preacher pull hym out pulle hym out and some beynge next the pulpyt began to clymbe towarde the preacher to haue pulled hym out wherwith the preacher stepped backe and one mayster Bradforde a preacher of Kynge Edwardes tyme stepped forthe into the preachers place most myldely and gently persuadyng the audience to quietnes and obedience whose presence lyked the people well but neuertheles Bourne standing by Bradford one threw a dagger at him whiche hytte one of the syde poastes of the pulpet and rebounded backe agayn a great way whervpon maister Bradforde was fayne to breake of his speche forced hym self with the helpe of Iohn Rogers an other preacher to conueye Maister Bourne oute of the audience whiche with great labour they brought into Poules schole Doctour Boner that was depriued in king Edwards time was now again as ye haue heard restored to his bishoprike and dyuers other byshops for Religion were displaced as Cranmer of Canterbury The archbishop of Yorke Poynet of winchester Barlow of Bath Farrar of S. Dauis Harley of Herford Houper of Gloucester Couerdale of Excester Scory of Chichester c. And al other benefieed men that either were maried or wold not forsake their opiniōs wer put out of their liuinges other knowen to be of the contrary parte were set in the same especially if any were aliue that in the time of kyng Henry or Edwarde were put out of the same bishoprikes or benefices as bishop day of Chichester Heth of worc Turberuile of Excest c. The .22 day of August y t duke of Northūberlād was beheded with him wer put to deth sir Iohn Gates and sir Thomas Palmer called Buskin palmer knights Peter martyr who in king Edwards tyme was reader of diuinitie in Oxford obteined licence and safe conduite of the quene and departed oute of Englande to Argentine whens he came In this time y e people shewed thēselues so redy to receiue their old religion y t in many places of the realme vnderstandyng the quenes plesure before any law was made for the same they erected agayne theyr aultars and vsed the Masse and latin seruice in suche sorte as was wont to be in kyng Henries tyme. The .xxvi. day of Auguste in the euenyng the notablest shyppe in the world was burnt at wolwich called the great Hary by the negligence of maryners she was of burthen a M. tunne The last day of September the quenes hyghnes rode thorough the citie to Westminster in moste goodly maner the pageantes in all places accustomed beyng moste gorgiously trimmed And as her grace passed by Poules a certain dutche man stode vpon the wethercock with an enseigne in his hande flouryshyng with the same and vnder hym vpon the crosse a scaffold garnished with enseignes banners and streamers and vnder that vpon the holle an other scaffolde with enseignes streamers very strange to y e beholders And the morow which was the fyrst day of October her grace was crowned at westminster by doctor Gardiner bishop of Winchester The .v. day of October began the parliament at Westminster and masse of the holy ghoste was songe The .xxv. day of October the barge of Grauesend by greate misfortune of a ratche running vpon her was ouerthrowen and .xiiii. persones drowned and xvi saued by swymmyng The .xxiii. the .xxv. the .xxvii. dayes of October were certayne disputations in the longe chapell at the northe doore of Paules concerning Transubstantiation but nothyng throughly determined Anno. 1. Tho. white marchant tailour M. Tho. Offley S. Wil. Hewet S. The same syr Thomas White a worthy patron and protector of poore scholers and learnynge renewed or rather erected a college in Oxford that was in great ruine and decaye nowe called S. Iohns college and before Bernard college indowyng the same with landes reuenues to the greate prefermente of learnyng and comfort of poore mennes children Renuing by that ensample the worthy monuments and dedes done by the lyke godly disposed of ancient tyme in bothe the vniuersities whiche maye wel be called y e two Eies of the realme whose sight begyn to grow dymme thorough the coldnes of charitie and want of deuotion late crept into the hartes of men God graunt they may be restored to the clerenes of their wonted syghte that learnyng may flouryshe throughe abundaunce of schollers with maintenaunce for the same And that the able and riche may liberally imitate therample of this vertuous gentleman who both there and in many other places as by erection of Schooles at Bristoll and Readynge hathe planted the rootes of learnyng the fruites wherof no doubte in tyme to come shall flouryshe to the great cōmoditie and singular ornament of the realme The lyke College also now called trinitie colledge the ryght worshypfull sir Thomas Pope knyght deceased to his great praise and singular commēdation erected whiche some tyme was called Durham colledge also ruinous and in great decaye he reedified appoyntynge for the maintenance of the fellowes and scholers like possession By whiche fact he declared that like as God had indued him with greate rychesse and reuenues by policie and the princis seruice acquired and gotten euen so he therby ment to dedicate some portion thereof to the honor of lerning and gifts of the mynd that his naturall countrey might attein that honoure whiche is or ought to belonge to euery christen realme For he remembryng what benefites learnyng dothe conduce and brynge to a well gouerned common wealthe thought not to beslack in distributyng his portion to thaugmentation of the same Cardinall Poole who fledde oute of Englande in the tyme of Kyng Henry and was in great estimatiō in the court of Rome was sent for by Quene Mary to returne into hys countrey About this tyme the parliament dyd conclude that the Seruice of the churche should from and after the .xx. day of December next ensuyng be used in all places in suche maner and fourme as it was vsed in the laste yere of kyng Henry the .viii. The .xiii.
no doubt the poore remember it God bee mercyfull vnto vs and defend vs from the lyke if it be his wyll Anno. 5. sir Iohn White grocer M. Edward Bankes S Roulād Haiward S This Maior begynnyng his yeare the xxviii day of October kept no Maiors feast at the Guyld hall as it had ben accustomed before tyme Also he toke his othe at the vttermost gate of the tower of London The .vi. yere of the quenes maiesties reigne begynnyng the .17 of Nouember thankes bee geuen to God was a peaceable yeare and the plague of pestilence well ceassed in London yet neuerthelesse for feare thereof Hillarie tearme was kept at Hertforde castell besyde Ware This yeare .1564 the .23 day of Apryll was a ioyefull peace proclaymed wyth the sounde of trompets betwene Englande and Fraunce And nowe the plague beynge thankes be to God cleane cessed in London bothe Easter and Mydsomer tearmes were kept at Westminster This yeare through the earnest sute of the armorers there was on the Uigile of Sainct Peter a certayne kynde of watche in the Citie of London whiche dyd onely stand in the hyghest stretes of Cheape Cornhyll and so forthe towardes Algate whyche was to the commons of the same citie for the most parte as chargeable as whenne in tymes paste it was moste commendably done where as this beyng to very smal purpose was of as smalle a number of people well lyked The seconde daye of October in the after noone was a solempne Obsequie kepte at Saincte Paules Churche in London for Ferdinando the Emperour late beynge departed out of this mortall lyfe and lykewyse the morowe nexte after in the forenoone where was a goodly hearce erected in the vppermoste quyre of the same Churche garnyshed wyth scutchins and baners of his armes very costely and sumptuous The whole doyng therof wyth the sermon are at large sette foorthe in a Boke of that matter in print Anno. 6. Rich. Malary mercer M. Edward Iackman S Lyonell Ducket S The .xx. daye of Nouember beyng monday in the mornyng about .vi. of y e clocke through negligence of a mayden with a candell the snuffe fallynge in an hundred pound weight of gunpouder thre houses in Bucklers bury wer sore shaken and the backer partes of the same houses were blowen and shattered in pieces the mayden was so burnt that she dyed therof within .ii. dayes after It is to be noted that if this pouder had layne in a sellar or lower parte of the house as it laye in a garrette it hadde done muche more harme Wherfore I aduyse menne to loke warely to suche ware The .21 day of December beyng S. Thomas day began a frost whiche continued till the .iii. day of Ianuary on new yeres euen people went ouer the Thames on the yce alonge the Thames from London bridge to Westminster and agaynward great number of people playde at the foote ball as boldly and thankes to God as safely as on the drye lande on New yeres day beynge monday on tuisday and wednesday dyuers gentylmen others set vp pricks on the Thames and shot at the same and great numbers of people standyng at eyther pricke beholdynge the same And the people bothe men and women went on the Thames in greater numbers then in any strete in London The costardmongers stode in dyuers places and playde at the dyce for apples on the yce on the wednesday at nyght it began to thaw but men went ouer and along the Thames on thursday all day but on fryday beyng the .v. day of Ianuarye at night was no Ice on the Thames to be sene but that all men mought row ouer and alonge the same it was so sodeynly consumed whiche sodeyn thaw caused suche great flouds and hye waters that it bare downe many bridges and houses and drowned many people The .26 day of Ianuary being friday at night tyme were .ii. tides in the space of .ii. houres at London on the morow beynge saterday was lykewise .ii. in the mornyng and .ii. at nyght on sonday beyng the .28 day of Ianuarie were lykewyse .ii. tydes in the mornynge and at nyght but one as orderly it had ben accustomed This yere in the citie of Chester was a wonderfull cure wroughte by the power of god in his minister master Lane vpon a maiden named Anne Milner of the age of .xviii. yeares who had bene possest with an horrible kind of torment and sycknes about the space of .18 or .19 wekes All whiche time of her sicknes her tormentes beyng terrible and her sustinance very smal or almost nothyng now sodeinly the .16 day of February she was restored to her perfect healthe thanks be giuen to god as ye may rede more at large in a letter imprinted of the same subscribed by the handes of diuers worshypfull knyghtes and gentilmen of that citie The .xxix. day of April the archbishop of Almacarne a byshoprike in Ireland made an escape out of the toure of London who had layn there prisoner about iii. quarters of a yere There was great searche made for hym but he coulde not be founde within the realme The .xx. day of Iune the Lady Lineur was sent prisoner to the toure of Lōdon This yere on S. Peters euen at night was the lyke standyng watche in London as was the same night .xii. moneths or very lyttle better The .xvi. day of Iuly about .ix. of the clock at night began a terrible tempest of lightning and thunder with shoures of hayle which lightnyng and thunder continued vntyll .iii. of the clocke on the next mornyng In the whiche tempest much harme was doone in and aboute Chelmsford in Essex as by destroying● of .v. C. acres of corne the heatynge down of all the glasse wyndowes on the east side of the said towne of the west and south sydes of the churche the beatyng of the tyles of theyr houses throwyng downe dyuers barnes and chimneys with the battilments of their churche c. The hayle stones beynge measured were found to be vi inches aboute as ye may reade more at large in a boke of the same matter imprinted At the same tyme was muche harme doone in many other places of this realme as at Ledes at Crābroke at Douer ink ēt c This yere Christopher prince margraue of Baudon with Cicelie his wife sister to y e kyng of Swethlād after a lōg daungerous iourney wherin they had trauayled almost .xi. monethes saylyng from Stokholme in Swethland to Finland then crossing the seas ouer to Lyfflād from whens they cam by land al the voyage about by Pole land Fryseland Russye Mahelbrig thoroughs Saxon lande so to Antwarpe in Brabant then to Calaice at the laste in Septēber they landed at Douer and the .xi. day of the same they cam to London and wer lodged at the earle of Bedfords place nere vnto Iuie bridge wher within .iiii. days after that is to say the .xv. day of
Commotion in Kent 148. Crueltie of Edwarde the fowerth 157. Commotion by the bastarde Fauconbridge 157. Cundyte in Cornhyll enlarged 158 Cūdyt in Chepe called y e gret Cundite new buylded 164. Cross in chepe new bylded ibi Ceyple gate buylded 165 Conduyte in graciouse streate buylded ibidem Cheape wheate salt 166 Cundit at byshops gate builded fol. 170. Charles the .v. emperor came into England 177 Conspiracie at Couētry 179 Cardinal fyrst suppressed abbeys fol. 180. Cardinal discharged of chancellorshyp 283 Cardinall deceased 184. Clergy cōdened in premu ibi Clergy sworn to K. H. 8. 185 Cōmotiō in Lincolnshire 191 Cōmotion in Yorkshire 191. 193.199 Chantries geuen to the kyng 205. 209. Cundytes at Algate Lothbury buylded 206. Cōmotion in Cornewall and Deuonshyre 210 Commotion at Norwich 211 Charles Gauaro commytied murder 213 Cōmotion in Kent by Thomas Wyat 227 Coūterfait spech ī a wal 240 Cardinall Poole came into Englande 231 Cōspirators mynded to haue robbed the eschequer 235 Calaice loste 238 DEscriptiō of Englād 1. Dune a ryuer 3. Dunbrytayne buylded 10 Douer Castell buylded 10 Danes first entred this lād 38 Danes second entring ibid. Danes thyrd entryng 39 Danes besieged Lōdō 45 46 Danes sodenly murdred 45. Danes dryuen oute of thys lande 49 Derth of wheat ī Englād 75 Death of Kyng Iohn 80 Delacresse abbey buylded 83 Douer spoyled 102. Drye sommer 118 Dukes of Herford of Norfolke banyshed 131 Dearth of corne 134 Duke of Norffolke lyke to haue ben drowned 143 Duke of Suff. murdred 148 Duke of York began a commotion 150 D. of york claimed y e Cr. 153 D. of Clarence murdred 158 Dyches sylde and hedges cast downe about London 174 Duke of Buckyngham beheaded 176 Dagger throwen at Paules crosse 223 Dearthe and plentie of corne in one yeare fo 238. E ENgland described fol. 1. Edenburgh builded 10 Ely howe it tooke that name fol. 18 Englande fyrst tributarye to Cesar fo 19 Excester buylded fo ibidem England fyrst baptised 22 England fyrst so named 36 Etheldred slayne by the Danes 40 Ethelyngsey buylded 41 Eight kynges rowed Edgar vp and downe the ryuer of Dee 43 Englande trybutarye to the Danes 44 Edmōd Irōside murdred 47 Earthquake in England 57 61 88 127 215. Euisham abbey buylded 61 Englande interdicled 76 Enterdiction released 78 Edwarde the seconde murdered 111 Englande lette to ferme 131 Elianor Cobham 146 Edwarde the fourth fled the lande 156 Elisabeth wife to Ed. the .4 tooke saintuarye at Westmynster 156 Earle of Northumberland slayne 164 Excester besieged 167 Englyshe marchantes receyued with procession 167 Euyll May day 175 Execution in Paules church yarde 196 Embassador of Moscouy 236 Eight tydes at London in .ii. nyghtes and one day 247 F FIrste Kynge that ware crowne of golde 13 Forme of the ylande 7 First christē emperor 24 Fortiger sent for y e Saxōs 28 First saxōs entred this lād 28 Fortiger diuorsed ibidem Fortiger maryed Rowane daughter of Hengist ibi Fortiger was depriued 29 Fortiger burned 30 Fourth kyngdom of the Saxons 31 Fifthe kyngdome of the Saxons 32 Fyrst warre betwene the saxons 33 First schole in Cambridge 35 Firste Tythes geuen in England 38 First grammer schole in Oxforde 41 Fountains abbey buylded 62 Fourntis abbey builded 65 Feuersham abbey buylded 65 First bayliffs in London 69 Fyue moones sene in the fyrmament 75 Fyrst mayre of London 77 Frewarren granted to London 84 Fre toll grāted to Lōdon 84 Fyrst aldermā of Lōdon 86 Folkmote at Pauls crosse 91 Famyn 108. 145 Fray in Fletestrete 129. 145 Fray in S. Dunstons churche in London 139 Fall of a stayre slew .18 persones 145 Fray in London by saintuarye men 151 Fyrst yeomen of the gard 164 Fraye in London agaynst the Stylyard 165 Fyrste marchaunt tailours of London 169 Fyre on London brydge ibi Fryer houses suppressed folio 187 folio 195 First frutes geuen to K. Henry the .viii. 188 Fyre in Roode lane 194 Fyrst pencioners 198 Fall of money 215 216 241 GLamorganshyre howe it toke that name 12 Game of Chesse deuysed 13 Grantham buylded 16 Glocester buylded 21 Gurmondchester buylded 33 Great church at Lyncoln builded 34 Glasynge fyrste brought into England 35 Glastenbury new buylded 36 Great fyre at London fo 46. fol. 84. 79. Greate flouodes in Englande fol. 58.89 Graye fryers came into Englande 62 Great wynd 88. 120 Great cundyte in cheape first buylded 100 Great hayle 101 Grauesende spoyled 125 Gunnes fyrst inuented 126 Guyld halle in London buylded 136 Grenewyche buylded 168 Golden Rose sent to K. Henry the .8 180 Golde enhanced 181 Generall procession 189 206 George Barnes hys charitable dedes 19 Great Hary a shyp brent 224 Gon shot into Grenwich 236 Gramer schole builded by the marchant taylers 242 Great frost fo 91 57 64 97 120 135. 144. 175. 192. 246. H HUmber a ryuer fol. 3. Humber howe it tooke that name 9. Hot bathes buylded 11. Holy Gyldas 32 Hospital at Rome for english men 38 Herford Castell buylded 41 Haroldes bodie cafte in Thames 48 Hospitall of S. Bartholomew buylded 59 Hyde abbey buylded 61 Hayles abbey buylded 88 Halfe pens farrhinges coy●●ued 100 Hotte sommer 101 Henry Duke of Hertford landed in Holdernes 131 Henry the syxte crowned at Paris 44 Humfrey duke of Gloucester arested at Bury 147. Henry the .vi. fled y e land 153 Henry the .6 murdred 157 Herring .3 s .4 d. y e barel 166 Houses of office buylded to y e Guyld hal of Lon. 168 169 Henry the .7 buylded y e newe chapell at Westminster 171 Hospital of the Sauoy buylded ●bidem H●ngman hanged 194 Houses blown vp with gunpouder 202. 218. 241. 246. I Irlande situate 7 Iland deuyded 9 Irō cups fastned by wels 35 Iewes crucified children 64 67. 68. Iewes slayn in Engl. 69. 9● Iewes robbed spoiled 70 Iewes executed 89. 99. Iewes banyshed 102 Iustes in Smythfielde 119. 128. 135. 155. Iohn Philpot his charitable dedes 125 Iohn ●ycklefe 130 Iohn Oldcastell 158. Images taken down in churches 194.209 Ioane Butcher 214 Images brent 241 Iohn Raynewell his charitable dedes 14● Iohn Moore faynynge hymselfe to bee Christe was whypt 242 Kīg deuoured by a mōster 15 King depriued 16. 17. 41. Kyng Edmond slayne 39. Kynge counterfeated to bee a mynstrell 40 Kyng Edwarde murdred by his stepmother 44 Kynges hose cost .iij. ● 56 Kynges childrē drowned 63 K. S●uen takē prysoner 64 Kyng Richarde taken prysoner 70 Kyng Rycharde wounded to death 73 Kyng Iohn deuorsed 74 Kyng Iohn sworne to the see of Rome 78 Keni●worth castel beseged 95 King Henry the .iij. besiegeth London 96 Kyng Ed. the .ii. prysoner in Kenilworth castel 110 Kyng Rychard the second taken prisoner 131 Kyng Edward deposed 110 Knyghtes of the gartar 116 K. Ri. the .ij. murdered 132 Kynges Colledge at Cambrydge buylded 141 K. of Scottes maryed at S. Mary Audryes 141 Kyng Henry the .vj. taken prysoner 154 Kyng Rychard the .iij. slayn in the fielde 163 K. of Scottes maryed Margaret daughter to
Wales and Irelande rebelled 1207 The fyrste Mayre of London 1208 Lōdon bridge bnylded of stone S. Mary Ouerys in Southwark buylded 1209 1210 A legate from Rome The kynge sworne to bee obedient to Rom●● 1211 The land released of the interdiccion 1212 Great discention betwene the kyng and his lordes Great fyre in Southwark and London The Kynge made a charter to his barons on Baramdowne 1213 The king forced to take y e ayde of strangers to defend him agaynste his barons Piers of Pōfret his son executed at Warham 1214 Kynge Iohn besieged the castell of Rochester and wan the same Reynold of Chester The Mayre of London discharged and an other serued the rest of the yeare A Legate frō Rome 1215 Reynold of Chester The death of Kyng Iohn VVilliam Caxton Polidorus Virgile Radulphus niger Houeden Mathevv Paris The abbey of Bewley builded The abbey of blacke monks in Winchester 1216 Kyng Henry crowned at Gloucester 1216 1217 1218 ii s. of euerye plough lande granted to the kyng The newe work of westminster abbey begon 1219 Spirites and fyry dragons All strangers banyshed thys land but such as came wyth marchandyse Kyng Henry crowned the second tyme at Westminster The castels of Chartley Beston the abbey of Delacresse builded 1220 One faynyng hym selfe to be Christ was crucified 1221 Execution 1222 Salisburye buylded 1223 The fyrste grant of wardes to y e king ●●24 1225 1226 Sheriffwike of London Midlesex Free wareyn Toll free 1227 The cities liberties ratified 1229 Thomas Couper 1229 No sheriffe in Lōdon past one yeare 1230 Great fyre in London 1231 Warre in England betwen the kynge and his lordes 1232 Saint Iohns without Oxēford begon Great tempestes 1233 1234 The statute of Merton establysht 1235 S Katherines by the tower builded 1236 1237 Kyng Henry the thyrd like to haue been slayn by treason 1238 1239 1240 The fyrst Aldermen in Lōdon 1241 1242 Griffith of Wales brake his necke in the tower of London 1243 Thomas Couper 1244 Geffrey of Monmouth 1245 The abbey of Hayles buylded 1246 An earthquake The kyng seised the franchise of the citie of Londō Coyne changed 1247 1248 Robert Fabian Iohn Bale 1249 The great wind 1250 1252 1251 The Maire of Londō sworn in the schequer 1252 The sea arose and drowned many vylages in Englande 1253 The liberties of London seased The kynges eldest sonne Prince of Wales 1254 The liberties of Londō seased by y e king Execution of the Iewes 1255 1256 The Maior of London diuers Aldermē and the Sherifes depriued The mad parliament holdē at Oxēford Twelue piers chosen in Englande 1257 Bakers punished on the tumbrell 1258. Thomas coper A Iew drowned in a prime marg 1259 A folke mote at Paules crosse An othe to the kyng 1260 Gylbart de Clare Earle of Gloucester 1261 A great frost The barons of Englande rose gainst the kyng 1262 Fyue hūdred Iewes slaine at London A battaill at Lewys 1263 The battayle of Euisham in Worcestershyre A parliament at winchester London lyke to haue bene vtterly spoyled The kynge gaue y e maior of London foure aldermē with all theyr lands goods to his sonne prince Edwarde 1264 The kynge gaue dyuers citizens of Lōdon with all their landes goodes to his houshold seruauntes Kenelworth castel besieged 1265 A parliament at Northamton 1266 Norwiche spoyled The statute for weyghtes and measures Iohn Ras●al The alteration of the coyns from iiii pence to xii pence 1267 The kyng besieged Londō Foure persons for roberies putte in sackes caste in y e Thames 1268 A great ryot in London Execution The Maior of London iiii Aldermē released out of Wynsor castell 1269 A great frost The Citie of London geuē to prince Edwarde 1270 The steple of Bowchurche blown down 1271 A great ryote in Norwiche Execution 1272 1272 1272 1273 Greate stryfe for chusyng y e Maior of Lōdon 1274 The castell of Flynte buylded 1275 Alienynge in Mortmayne Execution 1276 1277 The terme kept at Shrewesbury 1278 Great executiō of Iewes 1279 Halfpens and farthings first coyned 1280 Rebellion in Wales 1281 1282 Execution Thomas Couper Marton colledge buylded at Oxenford 1283 Execution A parliament at Shrowesbury Laurence Ducket hanged in Bowe churche The great cūdite in Chepe begon to bee buylded 1284 The liberties of London seised into the kyngs hande The newe work of westminster churche 1285 Parliamente at Glocester 1286 A hote sōmer and greatte cheape of corn other grayn 1287 1288 Execution for rebellion 1239 1290 The woll staple kepte at Sandwyche Iewes banyshed 1291 Quene Elianor deceased 1292 Execution 1293 Great tempeste 1294 Douer spoyled by French men 1295 Rebellion in Wales 1296 Kyng Edward wonne Barwyke 1297 The Tunne in Cornhyll is nowe the Cundyte The liberties of London granted again 1298 1299 1300 1301 A parliamēt at Cāturbery 1302 1303 Iohn Hardyng 1304 Execution at London 1305 1306 Kynge Edward the first deceased 1307 1307 1308 1309 The Rhodes won by christian men frō the Turkes The crouched friers came first into Englande 1310 A table with tressels all of golde conueighed out of Englande 1311 Execution in Gauerside 1312 1313 The battayle of Estriuelyn Guido de columna 1314 Iohn Hardyng A barkers son made clayme to the crowne of Englande in an opē parliament holdē at Oxenford Execution 1315 Iohn Hardyng Iohn Hardyng 1316 A greate famyne 1317 The whyte battaille 1318 1319 1320 Great execution 1321 The sonne appered as red as blood 1322 1323 1324 Kynge Edwarde hys Chancellor y e Spencers other taken prisoners 1325 Great execution Kyng Edward deposed 1326 The liberties of London cōfyrmed Kynge Edward the second murdred 1326 Parliamente at Northampton 1327 Scottyshe tauntes 1328 Execution 1329 Execution 1330 Barwicke wonne 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 Great cheape of vitaye 1337 1338 Southamptō robbed by Frenchmen 1339 A great subsedye Coyne changed The armes of Englande and Fraunce entermedled 1340 Iohn of Gaunt borne at Gaunt A battayle on the sea 1341 1342 1343 A new coyne 1344 The order of knyghtes of the garter 1345 1346 The kyng of Scotts taken 1347 Caleis yelded to Edwarde the third 1348 A great plage 1349 Alteration of coyn to a smaller value A great pestilence 1350 1351 1352 The dry sommer 1353 1354 The woll staples kepte at Westminster Chichester Lyncoln Bristow and Canturbery The frier Augustins churche in Lōdon buylded 1355 1356 A great Iustes in Smithfielde 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 The seconde pestilence 1362 A greate wynde 1363 1364 S. Stephēs chapel at westmynster begonne 1365 1366 1367 A Comet or blasing starre 1368 1369 The quenes Colledge in Oxford buylded The thyrd pestilence 1370 A cheste in Guyldehaule hauyng three lockes and neuer a peny therin 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 Edward the third deceased 1377 Iohn Gowre in his booke entituled vox clamantes whiche treateth of the infortunate time of Richarde the second 1377 1 Froysart Barwick taken by .xl. persons 1378 1379 Grauesende spoyled by
the tyme of kynge Henry the syxt it was ordeined that the same ounce should be deuided into .xxx. partes called .xxx. pence and in kynge Edwarde the fourthe his tyme into .xl. partes called .xl. pence And in kynge Henry the eyght his dayes into .44 partes called 3.s S. ● but the weyght of the ounce troye and the measure of the foote was ordeined euer to be at one stynt Anno. 52. Allein Souch M. Thomas Basyng S. Robert Cornhyll S. Gylbert de Clare Earle of Glocester for vnknowen displeasure allieng hym selfe with the exiled gentilmen other nobles of Englande rose against the kyng and held the citie of London buildyng therin bulwarkes and caste dytches and trenches in dyuers places of the cytie and Southwarke and fortified it wonderously The kyng lying at the abbay of Stratforde also assaulted the same citie more then a moneth as it is to bee red in Fabian but by diligent labour vpon his partie and by the Legate and the kyng of Romaynes on the other partie Agrement was made betwene the king and hym In this meane tyme many robberies were done wherefore foure that bare the cognisance of the Earle of Darby were put in sackes and caste in the Thames Anno. 53. Aleyn South M. Williā de Durhā S. Walter Haruy S. Uariance fel betwene the felowships of goldsmythes and ●aylers of London whiche caused great rufflying in the citie and many men to be slayne For whiche ryot .xiii of the chiefe capitaines were arreigned cast and hanged Aleyn South was discharged of his Mayraltie by the kyng and Stephen Edworthe made constable of the towre and custos of the citie The disherited gentylmen were this yere reconciled to the kynges fauour And the fiue citizens which had remayned prysoners in the towre of Wyndsour the whych the Kyng had geuen to his son Edwarde when they had made theyr ende with greate summes of money were deliuered Anno. 54. Thomas fitz Thomas M williā Hadstock M Anketil de Aluern M The ryuer of Thamis was so harde frosen from the feast of S. Andrewe to Candelmas that men and beasts passed ouer on foote from Lambeth to Westmynster The marchandises was caried from Sandwiche and other hauens vnto London by lande The citie of Lōdon with the reuenues therof was geuen to prince Edward Anno. 55. Iohn Adriā vintener M. walter Potter S Iohn Taylour S Prince Edward sailynge into A●ia agaynst the infidels by his policy manly actes so demeaned hymself that often times he put the Turks to great shame disworshyp For despite wherof they suborned a false Sarasyn by whose treason he was wounded with a venemous dart and therof was longe sicke after This yere the liberties of London wer newely confirmed And this yeare the steple of Bowe churche in Cheape fell downe and slue many people both men and women Anno. 56. Io. Adrian vintener M. Greg. Rokesle S. Henry walleis S. This yeare deceased Richard king of Almayn and Erle of Cornwale brother to the kyng and was buryed at Hayles an abbey of white monkes by hym before tyme buylded In June began a great riot in the citie of Norwich wherethrough the monasterie of the Trinitie was burned And for that fact the king rode down made enquiry for the chief doers therof wherof .xxx. yong men were condemned drawen hanged and brent This yere were diuers prodigies and strange tokens sene in diuers places of Englande Anno. 57. Sir walter Haruy M Richard Pari● S. Iohn Bedill S. In the beginning of this yeare kynge Henry sickned and he called before him sir Gilbert Clare erle of Glocester and caused hym to be newly sworne to kepe the peace of the lande to the behofe of Edward his sonne then dyed the .xvi. day of Nouēber in the yere of our lorde 1272. when he had reigned .lvi. yeres xviii dais He was buried at Westminster vpon the southe syde of saincte Edward He buylded a greate part of the same Churche King Edwarde the firste surnamed Longshanke Anno regni .1 EDwarde the fyrst after the conqueste surnamed Longshanke began hys reigne ouer this realme of England the .16 day of Nouember in the yere .1272 and deceased the .vii. day of Iuly in the yeare .1307 so he reigned ●4 yeres .vii. moneths and .xx. dayes Of stature he was tall and mighty of body but nothyng grosse● his eies were somewhat blacke in tyme of anger semed fyerye Of suche a noble and valyaunt heart that his courage neuer faynted in moste harde and dangerous enterprises Of witt excellent of great towardnes and apt to euery thing that he him selfe applied Anno. 1. Sir walter Haruy knight M. Io. Horne S walter porter S In the end of this yere the kynge returned into Englād Ther was yet busines about chusynge of the Maior for dyuers would haue made such a Maior as they had lyked But for that tyme they were disappoynted whiche in the yeare folowyng vpon the same daye toke further effect Anno. 2. Henry walleis M. Nicolas wichester S. Henry Couentrie S. On the day of Symon and Iude whē Philyp Tailor which before was chosen to be Maior and should as that day haue taken his charge in the Guylde hall of London diuers citisens put hym besyde the maires seate set therin sir walter Haruy y e rumor wherof came tofore y e kyng who put them both out and chose Henry Frowike Custes of the citie who continued tyll Candelmas At which tyme Walter Haruy was set in auctoritie as Maior and continued the full of that yeare The kyng of Scottes dyd homage to kyng Edwards for the Kyngedome of Scotlande The kyng ordeined certayn new lawes for the welth of the realme emong the which was one that bakers making breade lackyng weight assigned after y e price of corne should fyrst be punyshed by losse of their breade and the seconde by enprisonment and thirdly by the correction of the pillorye Myllers for stealyng of corne to be chastised by the tumberyll And this to be put in execution he gaue auctoritie to all Mayres Bailiffes and other officers through Englād and specially to the Maior of London Anno. 3. Gregory Rockesle M. Lucas Batencourt S. Henry Frowycke S. Kyng Edward buylded the castell of Flynt and strengthened the castell of Rutland other agaynst the welshmen Anno. 4. Gregory Rockesly Maire Iohn Borne S. Rafe Blunt S. The statute of mortmayn was enacted by kyng Edward Michell Tony was hanged drawen and quartered for treason Anno. 5. Gregory Rockesle M Robert de Bracy S Rafe Fenour S King Edward gaue vnto Dauid brother to Lewlyn prince of Wales the lordshyp of Froddesham This Dauid attended in the kynges courte and dyd vnto hym pleasant seruice to the intent to espie the kynges secrete counsel and if any thyng were done or spoken to the hurt of his brother that he
the dead corps of kyng Richard was broughte to Leycester and there buried at the Gray friers churche King Henry the seuenth Anno Regni .1 HEnrie the seuenth began hys reigne ouer this realme of England the .22 day of August in the yeare of our Lorde .1485 and deceased in the yeare .1509 the .xxii. day of Apryll So he reigned .xxiii. yeares and .viii. monethes he was a prince of meruailous wysedome and polycie and of great iustice temperaunce and grauitie He so behaued hym in the time of his Reigne that not withstandynge manye and greate occasions of trouble vnquietnes and warre Hee kepte his Realme in ryghte good rule and order Wherfore he was greately estemed reuerenced of foreyne princes Anno. 1. Hugh Brice M. Goldsmyth M. Iohn Tate S Io. Swanne S This yeare maister Thomas Ilam Alderman of London and marchant of the Staple at Calaice newe made the great Cundite in Cheape of hys owne goodes The Kynge ordeyned a numbre of chosen Archers and other stronge and hardy persons to geue daily attendance on his person whom he named yeomen of his garde This yeare was the sweatyng sycknes of the whyche a wonderfull multitude dyed and in London besydes other there dyed .ii. Maiors within .viii. dayes and .vi. aldermen This yeare the beautyfull Crosse in Cheape was newe buylded and made Towarde the buyldyng wherof Thomas Fysher mercer gaue .vi. C. marks Anno. 2. Sir Henry Colet mercer M. Iohn Perciuall S. Hugh Clopto● S. This yere the king maried Elisabeth eldest daughter of Edward the fourth by whyche meanes the twoo famylyes of Yorke and Lancaster the whyche had long caused diuision was knytt together in one About this tyme Francis Louell and Humfrey Stafford rebelled in y e north with them was Martin Swart Which commotion was quieted by the policy of the Duke of Bedford but not without bloud shedde For there was slayne the Erle of Lyncoln the lord Louell Martyn Swart other aboue .iiii. thousand And this yeare was borne prince Arthure in the moneth of September Anno. 3. Williā Horne Salter M. Iohn Fenkyll S. williā Remingtō S. This yere was quene Elizabeth crowned at Westmynster vppon saynt Katherines daye Anno. 4. Robert Tate Mercer M. williā Isake S Rafe Tinley S This yere was a taske of the .x. peny of all mens goodes and landes through which the commons of the northe slew the Earle of Northumberlande wherfore Chamberlayne their capitayn with other was hanged at Yorke Anno. 5. Williā white Draper M. williā Capel S Iohn Broke S This yeare one Roger Shauelocke slewe hym self For whole goodes was muche busynes betwene the kyngs amner and the sheryffe Anuo .6 Iohn Mathewe mercer M. Hēry Coot S. Ro. Reuell S. Hugh Hēberton S. Syr Robert Chamberlain beheaded This yere the Kyng required a beneuolence which was to hym granted toward his iourney into France Thys yeare Creplegate of London was new buylded at the costes and charges of syr Edmūd Shaw goldsmith late Maior of the same citie In Iuly was Henry the kyngs second sonne borne at Grenewiche This yeare the beautifull Cundyte in Gracious strete was begon to be buylded The stone worke wherof was fynished in the yeare .1494 But the fyrst water ran out therof on the .xix. day of March in the yere .1503 the .xix. yere of Henry the .vii. and not before Whyche Cundyte was buylded at the costes and charges of sir Thomas Hyll grocer as it doth appeare by certaine verses writen on the same Cundyte as hereafter followeth Thomas Hill knight late Maior of this citie with his wife dame Elisabeth of their charity For the loue of God weale of the cōmonaltie Of their costs onely thys thyng dyd edyfie Out of the ground with all thyngs necessary Anno. 7. Hugh Clopton mercer M. Tho. Wood S. Wil. Brown S. This yere kyng Henry toke hys voyage into France with a greate army to aide the Britōs against the french king Anno. 8. Wil. Martin skinner M. Wil. Purchas S wil. Welbecke S This yere was a peace concluded betwene the kings of England France and kyng Henry returned agayne into England And this yere was a fraye or ryote made vppon the Easterlynges or Stilliard men by Mercers seruauntes and other For the whyche dyuers of them were sore punished and the chiefe aucthors were kept long in prison Anno. 9. Rafe ●stry fish monger M. Robert Fabiā S Iohn wynger S This yeare wheat was solde for vi.d the bushell and baye salte at iii.d ob the bushell Anno. 10. Rich. Chawry salter M. Nicol. Alwin S. Iohn warner S. This yeare was white hearyng sold at xl.d a barell beyng good Dyuers gentylmen in England were appeached of treason and for fauoryng the conspiracie of Parkyn Warbeck of whiche some were pardoned and some put to death Perkyn Warbecke whyche by the counsayle of Margarete of Burgoyne namyng hymselfe Rycharde of Yorke Kynge Edwardes seconde sonne arryued in Kente where hee was dryuen backe by the Uplandyshe menne and other of the inhabitauntes of the countreye wyth the losse of dyuers of hys men and shortely after were hanged an hundred and three score persones of the forenamed Rebelles in dyuerse and sundrye coastes of Englande The .v. captains were Mountford Corbet Whitebelt Quintin and Genyne Anno. 11. Syr Hēry Colet mercer M. Tho. Kneisworth S Henry Somer S The Scots brake into the north partes of England by the setting on of Perkyn Werbecke and dyd muche harme to the borderers Anno. 12. Iohn Tate mercer M. Iohn Shaw S Rich. Haddon S This Iohn Tate builded saint Anthonies in London a goodly foundation as shall hereafter be declared Where kynge Henry made preparation for warre into Scotland by means of a payment that was graunted to the Kyng by act of parliament a new commotion was made by the Commons of Cornewall whyche vnder the leadyng of the lorde Audeley wyth Mighell Ioseph the Black smyth and dyuers other came to Blacke heath where the kyng met with them and discomfited the rebells and toke theyr Captaines which were shortly after drawen hanged and quartered The lorde Audeley was beheaded at the tower hyll the .xxviii. day of Iune Kyng Henry sent an army into Scotlande under the guydyng of the Erle of Surrey and the lorde Neuell whyche made sharpe warre vpon the Scots A mariage concluded betwene prince Arthur and lady Katherine the kyngs daughter of Spayn Perkyn Werbecke landed agayne in Cornewall and assaulted the towne of Excetour and other places but finally he toke the saintuarie of Beaudly and was after pardoned his life Anno. 13. Williā purchase mercer M. Bartholo Rede S. Tho. windought S. A peace proclaimed betwene the kinges of Englande and Scotlande for the terme of both theyr lyues Perkyn Warbecke endeuoured to steale away secretly out of the land but he was taken
agayne by his kepers and by the kynges commaundement cast in the Tower of London where after he was shewed at westminster in Chepe on scaffoldes and stocked to the great wonderment of many people This yeare one Godfrey a carpenter toke downe the Wethercock of Paules and set it vp agayne This yeare the Englishe marchants beyng long absent out of Flaunders commynge into Flaunders with marchandise wer receyued into And warpe with generall procession so glad was the towne of theyr returnyng whiche was by theyr absence sore hyndred and impoueryshed Anno. 14. Sir Iohn Perciuall mar tailer M. Tho. bradbury S Stephē Ienins S At saincte Thomas Watryng a strypling was put to execution whych called hymselfe Edwarde Earle of Warwycke and sonne of George Duke of Clarence whiche George synce the begynnyng of Kyng Henries reygne was kept secretly in the tower of London Thys yere master Iohn Tate aldermā of Lōdon began to edifie S. Anthonies churche iu London with a notable free schole to the same adioynynge and also one almes house for poore people The .xvi. day of Iuly beyng sonday and the next sondaye folowyng .xii. persones bare faggots at Paules crosse Anno. 15. Nicholas Alwyn mercer M. Iames wilforde S. Richard Bronde S. This yeare the .xvi. daye of Nouember was arraygned at Westmynster Perkyn Warbeck and .iii. other which Perkyn and one Iohn a Water were executed at Tyborne the .xxiii. daye of the same moneth of Nouember And soone after on the .xxviii. daye of Nouember was the Erle of Warwike put to deathe at the Tower hylle and one Blewet and Atwood at Tyborne This yere was a great death in London Whereof after Fabyan dyed .xx. thousande but after Halle hys Chronicle .xxx. thousand In Maye the Kynge and Quene sailed to Calaice and at saynct Peters they mette wyth the Duke of Burgoyne Anno. 16. William Remington Fishmōger M. Iohn Dawes S. williā Stede S. This yere the Kyng buylded new his manour at Shene changed the name therof and named it Richemont and he buylded newe his place called Baynardes castell in London and repayred his place at Grenewiche with muche other buyldynge Syr Edmund de la Poole Duke of Suffolke departed secretly by meane of whom was lyke to haue ben a newe insurrection Kyng Henry trouthplighted his daughter Margaret to Iames the Kyng of Scottes and the .4 day of October landed at Plymmouth Katherin daughter of the kyng of Spayne and thys yeare was fynished by master Tate the churche of sainct Anthonies Anno. 17. sir Iohn Shawe goldsmith M. Sir Lau. Ailmer S Henry Hede S This syr Iohn Shawe mayre of London before named caused the kitchens and other houses of office to be bnylded at the Guylde hall of London and sens that tyme the Mayors feastes hath ben there kept where as before that tyme they were kept eyther at the Grocers or the marchant Taylers Halle On saint Erkenwalds day prince Arthur beyng but .xv. yeare olde was maried unto Katherin daughter to Ferdinando Kynge of Spayne the .xiiii. of Nouember whiche Arthur shortly after departed this mortal life at Ludlow and was buried at Worcester The dyche from Thames to Holborn bridge was new caste Anno. 18. Bartho Rede Goldsmith M. Hēry Keble S Nico. Nines S In this yere began the newe worke of the Kynges chapell at Westmynster and Elizabeth Quene of England dyed at the Tower of London in chyldebed and was buried at westminster Shortly after was dame Margarete the Kynges daughter maryed to the Kynge of Scottes This yeare the felowshyp of Taylers in London purchased a graunte of the Kynge to bee called Merchaunts Tayloures Anno. 19. sir williā Capell Draper M. Christo. Hawes S. Robert wattes S. Tho. Granger S. The .xxi. daye of Nouember was a dreadfull fyre vppon the north ende of London bridge And vpon the .vii. daye of Ianuary were certayne houses consumed wyth fyre agaynst sainte Botulphes church in Thames strete and the xxvii day of Marche was an house burned against saint Martins le grand and the same day was hurt done wyth fyre in the parishe of saint Peter the poore This yeare was holden a parliament where was ordeyned a new coyne of siluer as grotes halfe grotes and shyllinges with halfe faces and in the same parliament was graunted to the Kyng the loane of .36000 li. Anno. 20. Iohn Winger Grocer M. Roger Achilley S Williā Browne S This yeare the lyberties of the Cytie of London were agayne confirmed Anno. 21. Thomas Kneisworth Fishmōger M. Rich. Shore S. Rog. Groue S. This Thomas Kneysworthe Maior of London of his owne goodes buylded the Cundyte at Byshoppes gate Moreouer he gaue to the companye of the Fishmongers certayn tenements for the whyche they be bounde to fynde iiii scholers that studye arte two to be at Oxenforde the other two at Cambridge euery of them to haue .iiii. li. the yere for their exhibition They be boūd also to geue to .xiii. aged poore people of their company to euery of them euerye weke viii.d to euery of them at Bartylmeutide a winter garmēt of frise or such like for euer And also to geue to y e prysons of Newgate Ludgate euery yere xi.s whose notable workes by him done are wel worthy of remembrance and to be folowed of others Edmonde dela Poole was conueyed through the citie vnto the tower of London and there left as prisoner This yere Philip king of Castile and hys wyfe were weather dryuen into Englande as they were passynge towarde Spayn● who were honorably receiued by the Erle of Arundell at the kynges appoyntment with .iii. C. horses all by torchelyght Anno. 22. Sir Rich. Haddon mercer M. wil. Copinger S Tho. Iohnson S wil. fitz william S Thys yere the kyng of his goodnesse deliuered out all prisoners in London whiche lay for .xl. s. aud vnder Anno. 23. William Browne mercer M. Williā Butler S. Iohn Kyrkeby S. In the ende of Aprill dyed william Browne maior and for hym was chosen Laurence Ailemer draper who serued out that yere This yeare syr William Capell was put in suite by the Kynge for certayne thynges by hym done in the tyme of his Maioraltie Anno. 24. Stephen Genings M. M. tailer M. Tho. Ermeu S. Rich. Smith S. This yere was finyshed the goodlye hospitall of the Sauoy nere vnto Charing crosse whiche was a notable foundation for the pore done by king Henry the seuenth This yere dyed this moste noble and famous prince kyng Henry the seuenth which was in the yere .1509 the .xxii. day of April when he had reigned .23 yeres and eight moneths and was buryed at Westminster in the new chapel which he had caused to be builded and lefte behynd him Henry prince of Wales whiche after him succeded lady Margaret quene of Scottes and lady Mary promised to Charles kyng of