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A03861 A hyue full of hunnye contayning the firste booke of Moses, called Genesis. Turned into English meetre, by VVilliam Hunnis, one of the Gent. of her Maiesties Chappel, and Maister to the Children of the same. Seene and allowed, accordinge to the order appointed. Hunnis, William, d. 1597. 1578 (1578) STC 13974; ESTC S106275 129,432 274

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sprang out also vii withred Eares of Corne So thyn and blasted with the Wynd worse Corne was neuer borne 31 And those vii Eares that withred were and blasted with the Wynde Deuoured vp the Seuen good Eares and nothing left behynde 32 This haue I told my Southsayers and Wyse men of my Land But they hereof can nothing tell ne oughte do vnderstand 33 Then Ioseph vnto Pharo sayd both Pharoes Dreames are one And God doth shew what he wil doe to Pharo euen anone 34 The Seuen good Kyne do signify Seuen Yeares that happen shal The seuen good Eares are Yeares also but one Dreame is it all 35 Lykewyse the Seuen ill fauord Kyne that after them came foorth That were so Leane so poore and thynne appearing nothing worth 36 Are eke seuen Yeares the blasted Eares of corne that did appeare Shalbe Seuen Yeres of Dearth so great as Eare did neuer heare 37 This is the thing that I haue sayd before my Lord the King And God to Pharo hath declard what he to passe will bring 38 Behold Seuen Yeares of Plenty great in all the Land shal be And after them agayne shall ryse Seuen Yeeres of Penury 39 Wherein such Famine shall abound and bryng the Land in Thrall That those Seuen Yeares of Plenty great shall be forgot of all 40 Thus Famine shal consume the Land that none remember shal The plenty past by reason of the Honger that shall fal 41 And where the Dreame the Second time to Pharo doubled was Behold God hath establisht it shortly to bring to passe 42 Now therfore let the Kyng prouide for such a Man as knowes And vnderstandes what Wisdome is and set him ouer those 43 That do inhabite in the Lande to beare the rule and sway And vnder hym such Officers as may in tyme puruay 44 And let them take the fyft part vp of Foode through out the Land That shal in those Seuen plenteous Yeeres fall in th'Egiptians Hande 45 And let the same and Corne also that they shal then prouyde Be vnder th' hand of Pharo brought the same to lay asyde 46 And that there may in Citties all be stoare of Foode to serue Agaynst the tyme of Hunger come that People may not sterue 47. And that the Land not peryshe may through Hunger that shal growe This saying pleased Pharo well and Seruauntes his also 48 And Pharo sayd his Seruaunts to who then were hym beside Where shall we fynd a Man lyke this in whom Gods Sprite doth byde 49. And Pharo vnto Ioseph sayd for so much as I see That God hath shew'd these thynges to the which thou hast told to mee There is no Man that wisdome hath nor Knowledge like to thee 50. Thou shalt therefore ouer my House beare all the Rule and swaye And what thou speakste my People shall in euery thing obay 51 Onely I will aboue thee bee in Kingly Seate and Throne But otherwise thou Gouerne shall and Rule the rest alone 52. And sayd behold I haue thee sette to Rule ouer the Land So tooke his Rynge his Fynger from and put on Iosephs hand 53 And hym arayd in Cloth of Raines ▪ as Princes wont to weare Lykewyse about his necke he put a chayne of Gold to beare 54 And set him vp aloft to Ryde a Charret rych vpon Which was of all that Pharo had the best excepting one 55 And as he rode they cryde before to Ioseph ●owe the Knee Thus Pharo made him Gouernour of Egipt Land to bee 56 Sayd Pharo then I Pharo am but yet this vnderstand Without thee shal no Subiect myne lift vp his Foote or Hand 57 And Pharo called Iosephs name in Hebrew as wee fynde Zaphnath Paaneah that 's to say the Opener of the Mind 58 He gaue Asenath to his Wyfe to feede his ioyes vpon The Daughter of Potipherah the Prince or Preest of On. 59 Then Ioseph did prepare him selfe the Land to goe aboue There 〈◊〉 no pe●●e of Egypt Land that Ioseph sought not out 60 And Thirty 〈◊〉 was he of Age when he before the Kyng Did standin grace and had the charge to gouerne euery thyng 61 Thus from the presence of the Kynge did Ioseph now departe And went the Land of Egipt through with humble Sprite and hart 62 And in those seuen yeares plentiful late spoken of before The Earth of Corne and sundry grayne brought foorth abundaunt store 63 And Ioseph gathered all the Foode that those seuen yeares did yeld And looke what Cittie lay most neere the foode of any field 64 Within the same it was layd vp vnto the Off'cers hand This was the Order that hee kept through all th' Egiptian Land 65 The wheate that Ioseph vp had layd to serue in tyme of neede For multitude was lyke the Sand it nomber did exceede 66 And ere the yeares of hunger came Ioseph had two Sonnes borne By Asenah his wyfe that was of whom wee heard beforne 67 And hee the first of those two Sonnes Manasseth did he call For God sayd hee made mee forget my Fathers Houshold all 68 And Ephraim did Ioseph call his other second Sonne God hath me fruitful made sayd hee in mine affliction 69 And when the seuen yeares plentiful were ended with their store Then came the seuen yeeres Famin foorth as Ioseph sayd before 70 Though Famine fel in al the Landes yet Egipt Land was free For when the rest of Honger dyed yet Foode was there to see 71 And after this the Hunger came into th' Egiptian Land And then the people gan to crye for bread at Pharaos hand 72 Sayd Pharao then to Ioseph go and what he sayth to you The same perfourme and you shal see great goodnesse shall ensue 73 The Dearth was great throughout the Land and Ioseph went apace To eu'ry Towne where store was kept and sold in eu'ry place 74 All Countries els to Egipt came of Ioseph Corne to buye The Famin was so great abrode the want made manye dye The Contentes of the XLII Chapter To Egipte Iosephs Brethren come some Vytayle for to buye And Ioseph knowes them very well and doth his Brethren trye And Simeon in Hold is put in Pryson of the king Tyl they vnto their Father goe young Beniamin to bring His Father 's loath to let him goe because hee lou'de him best But at the last contented is and grauntes to their request AND Iacob saw that there was Corne in Egipt to bee had Sayd to his Sonnes why gape ye one an other on so sad In Egipt there is Corne I heare therfore let vs be glad 2 Now get you downe and thyther goe some Corne from thence to buye That wee therewith may feede and lyue and not through Hunger die 3 So went the Sonnes of Iacob downe which Tenne in number were And Brethren all by fathers syde to Ioseph that was there 4 But Beniamin who Brother was to Ioseph in whole Bloud Their father would not let him
fere 28 But now behold there is thy wyfe take her agayne to thee And so departe that I and myne may from these plagues bee free 29 And so be streightlye gaue in charge his men should safelye bring Both him his wife and furniture with eu'rye other thing The Contentes of the Xiii Chapiter How Lot Abrā did depart out frō th' Egiptian lād How they their Cattel did diuide is here to vnderstād The second time God promiseth to geeue vnto Abram The Land that Lot and he went to that 's called Canaā THen Abram out from Egipt went his Wife and Lot also And with thē tooke such as they had and Southward did they goe And so frō thence to Bethel towne whereas hee was before Of Gold and Syluer Abram had and Cattel eke great store 3 And when he came vnto the place where first he pitcht his Tent And to the Aulter which hee made where sacrifice he brent 4 Euen thereupon the name of God deuoutlye did hee call And God him heard and him preserude so that he might not fall 5 And Lot also with him that went had Cattel Tentes and Sheepe So that the Land not able was the Heardes of both to keepe 6 For why the Substance was so great both of the one and other As that they might not without stryfe there soiourne long together 7 The Flockes of Sheepe and Heardes of Beasts of eyther was so great That both their Heardesmen fel at stryfe and did ech other threate 8 Then Abram vnto Lot thus sayd good Brother quiet bee And let not any strife at all fall out twixt thee and mee Ne yet betweene our Heardesmen now but louingly agree 9 For why behold before thy face doth all the Region lye Take thou thy choyse and so depart which way shall please thyne Eye 10. If thou the left hand for thy share wylt well vouchsafe to take The right hand then shal mee content I wil it not forsake 11 But if thou wylt the right hand those I am content also To take the left hand that thou leaues choose which thou wilt and goe 12 Then Lot lift vp his eyes to see and viewde the countrye well Which round about all Iorden laye that somtime did excell 13 With goodly waters eu'ry where til God forsynne did shen● Both Sodome and Gomorra too which afterward were brent 14 I say til then this countrye fayre appeared to the sight Euen as the Garden of our God wyth pleasure and delight 15 And as the fruitfull Egipt was in all respectes was this Until thou come to Bela towne whiche Zoar called is 16 Then Lot well liking all the coastes that were in Iordan syde Did take his iourney from the Easte and would no longer byde 17 And Abram dwelled in the Land that 's called Canaan But Lot in citties of the playne tyll hee to Sodome came 18 And in that tyme the Sodomites did Sinne exceedinglye In Pryde in Lust in Idlenesse and fylthy Gluttonye 19 And after that when Lot was gone where hee desyerd to bee Almighty God to Abram sayd lift vp thyne Eyes and see 20. And looke from place where thou art in by North by South by Est From poinct to poinct the compas rounde a longe vnto the West 21. For all the Land thyne Eyes doth see I will make thine to bee And to thy Seede for time vnknowne that shal be after thee 22. And as the Dust vpon the Earth which no man number can So will I make thy Seede increase aboue the reach of Man 23. For who that number can the dust that on the Earth doth lye Shall then thy Seede accoumpt by tale and certen number trie 24. Arise and walke the Lande about take vewe thereof and see The length thereof and breadth also for I will geue it the. 25. So Abram then his Tente tooke downe this sayinge pleas'de him well And so went to the Oken groue of Mamre there to dwell 26. This Oken groue in Hebron is a towne in Canaan Where Abram vnto God did builde an Aulter there to stanne The Contentes of the XIIII Chapter This shewes of Lots Captiuity And eke of Abrams victory By whose successe it came to passe His Brother Lot deliu'red was Melchisedech with Giftes also VVyth Abram meeteth as they goe And blesseth Abram in the way To whom Abram his Tythes doth paye IT chaunced then within a while in dayes of Nelams kynge Whose name Reder●aomer hyghte who wyth hym then did brynge 2 Three Princes great with puysant power which came his parte to take Agaynst fiue other Kynges to fight his quarell good to make 3 The first of three was Amraphell the kyng of Synear The secōd king was Arioch the Kinge of Elazar 4. The thirde the kynge of Nacions was and Tidnall was his name These foure did marche in battell raye by Armes to trye the same 5. Gaynste Bera Kinge of Sodome Soyle and Byrza of Gomora Semeaber of Zeboim and Shineab of Adma 6. The fifth the Kinge of Bela was which Bela now we saye Zoar to bee where after Lot desir'de from plague to staye 7. All those in Armes to gether met where salt Sea nowe is founde That then the vale of Shibden was where slime pittes did abounde 8. The cause of strife and bloudy Warres betweene these Kinges that fell Was that these last recited Kinges conspiringe did rebell 9. For twelue Yeares space they subiecte were and did their Tribute paye The thirteenth Yeare reuolted they and did the same denaye And in the next Yeare followinge began the bloudy Fraye 10. And or they met in Shibden vale I tolde you erst before Rederlaomer with his Power destroyd the Countrey sore 11. And smote with Sworde the Raphaims which mighty Giauntes bee Who gaue them selues to filtch and steale and liu'de by Robbery 12. Hee smote the Susims and Emims the Horites eke also Th'Amalechites the Amorites and many Countreys moe 13. When Bera and king Birza heard what mischiefe they had done Howe Townes and Citties were destroyed and slaughter great begonne 14. Then marched they to Shibden vale with all the power they might Did guide their Army in such sorte as redy were to fight 15. With them the Kinge Semeaber and Shineabe also And Belas Kinge forth went as one to geue the ouerthrowe 16. Against these fiue the other fower their Battailes dyd empale They all in fight together ioyn'de alonge in Shibden vale 17. It so beefell the Sodome Kinge and Gomors Kinge likewise For feare did flee and sawe their power fall downe before their Eyes 18. And such as yet were left behinde made speede to scape awaie And to the Mountaynes fledde for life forgettinge Battell Raie 19. Rederlaomer and his power which now the better had With Sodoms and Gomorrans goods went thence away ▪ right glad 20. And Lot likewise with them they tooke
goe but kept him backe for good 5 Least some Misfortune might him hap as hee of Ioseph thought And so the Tenne to Egipt went and Corne for Many sought 6 And thus among the preasse they past with Monie in their hand For yet the Dearth was very great throughout all Canaan Land 7 Now Ioseph beeing Gouernour deliu'red with his hande The Corne and sold to all that came inhabiting the Land 8 Among the which his Brethren came and fell before his face Downe flat vpon the Ground they lay and him besought of Grace 9 When Ioseph had his Brethren spyde he knew them wel ynough And made him selfe al straunge to them and spake in woordes ful rough 10 From whence come you they aunswered from Land of Canaan To buye some vytayle for our Coyne in humblest wyse we can And al this whyle they knew him not from any other man 11 Now Ioseph to remembraunce cald the Dreame he dreamde of them Which hee them told ere he was sold vnto the Marchaunt men 12 And sayd you are but Spies I know which hither make Resort To see where as the Land is weake the same for to report 13 Not so my Lord wee come sayd they some Uittal for to buye We meane but troth and are no Spies as deede it selfe shall trye And are the Sonnes of one man all this Troth is and no lye 14 Sayd hee I know you are but Spies what ere you beare in hand And hyther are you come to see the weakenesse of the Land 15 Sayd they thy Seruauntes Brethren be twelue gotten by one man And he our Father doth remayne in Land of Canaan 16 Our yongest Brother Beniamin wyth him doth byde this Day And Ioseph that our brother was is dead out of the way 17 Sayd Ioseph then to them againe this makes me doubt you more To be but Spies vppon the Land as I haue sayd before 18 And hereby shal I proue you true or false in that you say Now here I swere by Pharos lyfe you shall not goe away 19 Except your youngest Brother come whom Beniamin you call Therefore send one who may him fetch and come hymself wythal 20 And you in pryson shal be kept to proue this truth or lies Elles by the Lyfe of Pharao King I take you al as Spies 21 And so he put them all in Ward wherein three Dayes they lay Then Ioseph came to them agayne and on this wise did saye 22 This do and Liue for I feare God and will not ly to you If you be Men that of your wordes wil Iust be found and true 23 Let one of you in pryson House be bound for all the rest The other Nyne shall victuall haue ▪ to carry of the best 24. Least Famine fall your Houses in but bringe you vnto mee Your younger Brother that your wordes may true appeare to bee And that you dye not through the same and so they did agree 25. One Brother to another sayd our Sinne was very great That wee gainst Brother Ioseph did when hee did vs intreat 26. Yea in the Anguishe of his Soule hee gently vs besought And wee would not regard his Wordes but set the same at nought And therefore are these troubles great vppon vs iustly brought 27. Sayd Ruben then did I not say and warninge geue of this Wee should not sinne against the Child least thinges should hap amisse You would not heare and now behold his Bloud required is 28. They thought that Ioseph had not knowne or vnderstood their Tongue For that by an Interpreter hee spake to them amonge 29. When Ioseph heard what moane they made hee turn'd aside and wept And by and by with them did talke and still his Count'naunce kept 30. And Simeon hee tooke from them and bound him for the rest And so before his Brethrens Eyes was made a Prison Ghest 31. Then Ioseph did commaund to fill their Sackes with Corne good store And that their Money should bee tyed within their Sackes before 32. Also he willed they should haue some Uyctaile for to spende As Homeward they should passe the way vnto their Iourneys ende 33. And thus did hee and they it toke with show of thankful hart Theyr Asses did they Lade with Corne and did from thence depart 34 And in their Traueil as they went an Inne they came vnto Where one of them went to his Sacke the same for to vndoe 35 To giue his Asse some Prouender and when hee it vnbound Behold within the Mouth therof his Money all he found 36 And he vnto his Brethren sayd I haue vndone my sacke And loe my Money is therein to me restored backe 37 Theyr hartes began to faint with feare and were astonied sore And one of them to other sayd alas alas wherfore Hath God our God thus delt wyth vs to make our sorrowes more 38 At length theyr Father Iacobs House by Trauell great they wan Who d●d Expect theyr cōming longe in Land of Canaan 39. To whome they told eche thing that hapt and sayd vnto him thus The Lord himselfe that 's of the Land did roughly speake to vs. 40. Who sayd we came as Spyalls there his Country to betray We are no Spyes but truly meane did we to him then say 41 And are in nomber Brethren twelue the Children of one man One is away the yongest is at home in Canaan 42. The Lord agayne then sayd to vs hereby I shall wel knowe Whether you meane as you haue sayd or Spyalls be or no. 43. You shall leaue one of you behynd for to abyde with me The rest shall take of foode enough for Housholds yours that bee 44. And if you brynge the Yongest Sonne that Brother is to you I shall then thinke you meane but well and all your sayinges true 45. And so wil I deliuer you your Brother backe agayne And you shal occupy the Land wherein you do remayne 46 And as they emptied al theyr Sackes theyr Father beyng by Ech one of them his Money found wythin his sacke to lye 47 The sight whereof made Children all and Father theirs afraid That in so much the Aged man vnto his Children sayd 48 You haue me robd of Children twayne for Ioseph he is gone And Simeon the Lord doth know what hym is falne vpon 39 If Beniamin you take away the youngest of you all I doe foresee the sorowes great against mee that shall fall 50 Then Ruben to his Father sayd I haue two Sonnes you see Slay them if that I bring not backe this Beniamin to thee 51 Deliuer him into my hand the charge of him to take And if I bring him not agayne my twayne kyll for his sake 52 Sayd Iacob then my Sonne shall not that way with you downe goe His Brother Ioseph's dead and hee is left alone you know 53 If some misfortune should him hap the waye you would him haue My hoarye hayres you shal then bring with sorow to my Graue
them my Father to beeholde If that the Childe be not with mee vnlesse that see I woulde The Sorrowes great on Father mine ah las that happen shoulde The Contentes of the XLV Chapiter Howe Ioseph makes hym selfe well knowne vnto his Brethren all And doth embrace Younge Beniamin wyth weepinge teares that fall Hee sendeth for his Father deare wyth Horse and Charettes fit The olde Man doth beholde the same reioysinge mutch at it IOseph could not him self refrain before them that stoode by But cride away w t eu'ry man let none but these be ny 2 And euery Man departed thēce not one was left behinde Saue these his Brethren vnto whom Ioseph disclos'de his Minde 3. And Ioseph Wept and cride so loud vnto his Brethren tho As the Egiptians heard him cry and Pharos house also ▪ 4 Ioseph I am Brethren sayd he doth yet my Father liue His Presence so abashed them they could no aunswer giue 5 Good Brethren myne sayd Ioseph then come neere I pray to me And they came neere astonished and wondred hym to see 6 I am that Ioseph brother yours that you to Egipt sold Now therefore be not sad for it but merry be and bold 7 For God before you did me send into this Land I knowe For your good Preseruation and Lyues of many moe 8 For now two Yeres of Famyn great haue ben throughout the Land And fyue Yeres more are yet behind I g'yue you t'vnderstande 9 Wherein shal neither Earyng be nor Haruest wyth encrease Untyll seuen Yeres accomplisht be this Famyn shal not cease 10. Wherfore God hath sent me before in this same Land to be You to Preserue and keepe aliue and your Posterity And by a great deliuerance your Liues haue kept you see 11 Now then you hither sent me not but God who doth foreknow Of thinges to come who hath me made a Father to Pharo 12 And made me Lord of all his House and ruler through the Land Make hast therefore to Father myne and let him vnderstand 13 And tell him thus thy Sonne doth say who Ioseph is by name God hath me made of Egipt Land Lord ouer al the same 14 Come downe to me and tarry not and thou with me shalt Dwell In Goshen Land and be neere mee And al thinges shall be wel 15. Thou and thy Children here shall dwell and Childers Children thine Thy sheepe thy Beastes and al thou hast bryng it away in tyme. 16 Also I wil thee nourish there for yet Fyue yeares remain Of Dearth make hast lest thou and thyne doe sterue with pyning payne 17 And loe beholde your eyes do see and Beniamin likewise Who onely Brother is to mee doth see before his Eyes 18 It is my Mouth that speakes to you Expounder haue I none And in such Language doe I speake as is to you best knowne 19 And therefore do my Father tell what Honor I possesse And eache thing elles that you haue seene the same to him expresse 20 Then fell he on his Brothers Necke wyth Teares out from his Eies And Beniamin fell on his Necke and Wept on him likewise 21. And Ioseph all his Brethren kyste and Wept on them also And afterward they spake with him as Brethren ought to doe 22. The Uoyce or Tydinges of the same in Pharos House dyd fall Iosephs Brethren are come sayd they thus Range it through the Hal. It pleased Pharo very well and eke his Seruauntes all 23. Then vnto Ioseph Pharo sayd this to thy Brethren say Goe Lade your Beastes and so depart to Canaan the waye 24. Your Father take and Household all and come agayn to mee I will you geue of Egipt Lande the best your Eye may see And you shall eate the Chiefest Fruictes within the Land that bee 25. And I commaund thee thus to do from hence you Charettes take For Children yours and for your Wiues and for your Father sake With speede go bringe your Father here that wee may merry make 26. As for your Uessels and your stuffe set not your eye theron The best of all that 's in the Land is yours to byde vpon 27. His Brethren did as he them had and Ioseph to them gaue Of Chariottes fayre as Pharo had commaunded them to haue And for their Iourney victa●l gaue theyr Life and soule to saue 28. He gaue to euery Brother there excepting neuer a one Chaunge of Apparell for to weare theyr bodyes them vppon 29. But vnto Beiamin he gaue three hundreth ▪ Peeces fayre Of Syluer fyne and eke fyue sutes of rayment for to weare 30 And Ioseph to his Father sent of Female Asses tenne Well Laden all with chiefest things that Egipt yeldes to menne 31. Tenne Asses more he Laden sent wyth Wheat with Bread and Meate For his good Father by the way thereon to Feede and eate And fall not out sayd Ioseph then each other well intreate 32. From Egipt thus they passed thence to Canaan the way Where they their Father Iacob found to whom they thus did say 33. Our Brother Ioseph is aliue wee lette you vnderstand And he it is that gouernes al and Rules th' Egiptian Land 34. The hearing of these wordes in deede made Iacobs hart to fall As one that stoode twene hoope and Dread beleu'de them not at all 35. They further told by Circumstance as Ioseph ●ad them say But Iacob yet amazed was and stoode in doubtfull staye 36 But when he saw the Charriottes fayre that Ioseph had him sent His body easlye for to beare it dyd him mutch content 37 And then his Sprite reuiued fast and sayd ynough I haue That Ioseph liues I will him see ere I possesse my Graue The Contentes of the XLVI Chap. Heere Iacob with his Houshold all to Egipte goes apace And Ioseph meetes him by the waye wyth Teares alonge their Face ANd Israell his Iourney tooke with all the goods hee had And vnto Berseba went hee with mery heart and glad ● And offred Offringes to the God of Isack Father hys And God by Night in Uision spake to Isrell sayinge thus 3. Iacob Iacob Who aunswered behold Lord heere I am Sayd God I am thy Fathers God with thee that hither cam 4. Feare not to Egipt downe to passe for I wil with thee goe I will thee there a People make in Number greate to growe 5. And also will thee bringe againe and Ioseph shall likewise Put downe his Hand when thou shalt dye alonge vppon thine Eyes 6. Then Iacob rose from Berseba hee list no longer staye His Sonnes their Father carry did in Charryot for to lay 7. Lykewise their Children and themselues and Wiues were redy bent To goe into the Chariottes sutch as Pharo for them sent 8 And so theyr Cattell and theyr goods they gatte in Canan Lande Wyth them they brought to Egipt Soyle by Gods Almighty Hand 9 I say both Iacob and his Seede came altogether than Hys Sonnes and his Sonnes Sonnes wyth him from Land
wee perishe in thy Sight both wee and eke our Lande By reason that the Ground is free from Labour of the Hande 28. Buy vs and eke our Land also and giue vs Bread therefore So will we binde our selues and Lande to Pharo euermor● 29. And therefore giue vs Seede to sowe that we ma● liue not dye And that the Land for want of Tilth should not in wast thus lye 30. So Ioseph now bought all the Land of Egipt for the Kinge ▪ And euery Man his Ground had sould and euery other thinge Because the Force of Famins powre them greeuous●y did wrynge 31. And hee the People did remoue abrode from Place to Place Unto the Citties such as were and so in tyme and space 32. They were remou'de from side to side or to the Borders end O● Egipt Land thus Ioseph did abrode the People send 33. But yet the Land the Preestes possest toeyrs Ioseph did not buy For they vppon King Pharoes charge continually did lye 34. And had theyr ordinary foode such as the King them gaue Wherby theyr Land they kept vnsold and to themselues did saue 35 Than Ioseph to the People sayd beholde you see this Day I for the King you and your Land haue bought you not denaye 36. Loe heere is Seede for you to sow g●e Eare and Till the Ground And of Encrease of Grayne and Corne that thereon shal be found 37. You shall the Fift part giue therof to Pharow for his share The rest is youres for Seede to Sowe and for your better fare 38. Yow may the same at will conuert to vse for Foode or Meate For you and for your Housholds al ▪ and Children for to eate 39 ▪ Sayd they thou hast our Liu●s preseru'd let vs s●tch Grace yet find As wee may P●ar●es Seruauntes bee to do what shalb'assignd 40. Then Ioseph made it for a Lawe remayninge to this Day That they the fifte parte of encrease should vnto Pharo pay 41. And Israell in Egipt dwelt as you tofore hero tell And in the Countrey of Goshen did Multiply right well 42. For they therein Possessions had and Grew exceedingly And Iacob there liu'de Seuentene Yeres and then dyd after dye 43 An hundreth Forty and Seuen Yeares did Iacob liue in al And so when as the time drew neere that he from Lyfe must fall 44. He called Ioseph vnto him and sayd as doth appeare Thy Hand now put vnder my Thyghe and truly to me sweare 45. If I haue G●ace found in thy sight Deale truly now with mee In Egipt do not Burye mee but where my Fathers ●ee 46. When I shall sl●epe wyth Fathers myne lette me not heere be staid ▪ But carry me and burye me where Fathers myne are layd I wil sayd Ioseph do in al as thou to me hast sayde 47. Sayd Israel then Sweare to me and Ioseph so did Sweare Towards his Beddes head Iacob then both blest and prays'd God there The Contentes of the XLVIII Chapter Here Ioseph now with his two Sonnes doth to his Father goe Iacob Gods promis doth Rehearse and doth Receiue also The sonnes of Ioseph as his owne and doth the yonger blisse Before the elder Sonne whereat theyr Father moued is AGayne it hapned after this that one to Ioseph sayd Thy Father Iacob now is sicke and very ill apayde 2. Then Ioseph did hymselfe prepare his Father for to see And both his Sonnes toke he wyth hym each one in his degree 3 And one to Iacob sayd behold thy sonne is come to thee Then Iacob tooke his strength to him and on his Bedde satte he 4. And Iacob vnto Ioseph said at Luz did God appeere To mee in Land of Canaan and gaue me blessing there 5. And Sayd ●ehold I will thee make so Fru●●tfull in the Land And wil thy Seede so Multiply in Number as the Sand 6. And Likewise will I gyue to thee and to thy Seede also This Land for a Possession to thine for aye to know 7 And as concerning thy two Sonnes which borne are vnto thee In Egipt Land before I came to Egipt thee to see 8 They shal be myne as Ruben is and Simeon are myne But Linage thyne whych thou bee got them after shal be thyne 9. And they after theyr Brethrens names shal called be also As they in theyr Inheritaunce are named where they go 10 Now when that I from Padam came Rahell my wyfe did die Upon my hand in Canan Land as I the way past by 11 One half● Dayes Iourney were not we to come Ephrath vnto But in the Waye I Buried her as best was so to doe 12 Then Israel beheld the Sonnes that Ioseph to hym brought And sayd to hym whose Sonnes are these which after me haue sought 13 Sayd Ioseph then they are my Sonnes whom God gaue here to mee Bryng them to mee I may them blesse for scarsly can I see 14 For why the Eyes of Israel were Dymme and Duske of sight So that he could not wel beholde nor wel discerne the Lighte 15 Then Ioseph caus'd his Sonnes to come Iacob did them imbrace And holding them vpon his knees did Kisse them on the Face 16 To Ioseph then sayd Israel my Sonne I had not thought Thy face for to haue sene and yet God hath me hyther brought 17 And I haue sene thy Seede also vnto my great reioyce Then Ioseph tooke them from his knees and so wyth humble voyce 18 Fel flat on ground and worshipt him and then with his right Hand Toke Ephraim his yonger Sonne and caus'd hym for to stand 19 The left Hand of his Graundsire by Manasseh so brought he With Left hand his gaynst Iacobs right by Byrth in his degree 20 Then Israel his right hand stretcht vpon the yongers head And his left hand acrosse his Right ful wysely forth he led 21 And on Manassehs Head it layed the Elder of the twain● His Handes thus placed on theyr Heads did so acrosse remayne 22 Also he Ioseph blest and sayd the God of fathers myne Beefore whose sight in Reuerent feare they walkte from tyme to tyme 23 I say the God which hath me fed the Dayes of al my life The Angel eke that me pres●●n'de from ill debate and strife 24 The Children blesse and let my name be named on them still Likewise the Name of Fathers mine that they may grow and fill 25 As Fyshe into a multitude amyd the Earth to bee When Ioseph Iacobs right Hand now on Ephraim dyd see It him dysp eased very much and therefore thus dyd hee 26. His Fathers hand wyth his hee staide the same for to remoue From Ephrims to Manassehs Head and sayd tweene Feare and Loue 27 Not so my Father this is hee the Elder of the twayne Remoue thy right Hand to his Head and lette it there remayne 28. His Father so refus'd to do as Ioseph badde hym tho But sayd I
and see his Father in Heauynes (a) Not that hee vvas ashamed of his kīred but that he vvoulde couer his Brethrens Faulte (b] This exāple teacheth that vve muste by all meanes comfort them vvhich are truly humbled vvounded for theyr synnes (a) Albeit god detesteth Synne yet hee turneth mans vvickednes to serue to his glory (a] S●ing hee had remitted the fault don tovvards him he vvould not that they should accuse one another (a] Conducting the by my povver (b] In thy posteritie (c] Which appertained to him that vvas most dearest or Chiefe of the Kindred This Er Onā died in Canaā (a) or to prepare him selfe a place (b) Hee vvas not ashamed of his Father and kinred though they vvere of base condicion [a) That the King might be assured they vvere come see vvhat maner of people they were ▪ (a) Iosephs great modesty appeareth in that he vvould enterpryse nothing vvith out the kings commaundment * Exod. 1. * Some read that hee fed them as little Babes because they could not prouide for themselues against that Famine (a] That is the Land of Egipt and Canaan (b) Wherein hee both declareth hi● fidel●tie tovvard the king ▪ and his minde cleare from Couetousnes (a] For except the ground be tilled sovvē it perisheth is as it vvere deade All the Land of Egipt becam Pharos [a] By this chaunging they signified that they had nothing of theyr ovvne but receyued al of the kings Liberalitie [a] Except the Land of the Priests vvhich vvas not Pharaoes Cap. 50.7 (b) Hereby he protested that hee died in that faith of his Father ●eaching his children to hoape for the promised Land Cap. 49..32 a) He reioyced that Ioseph had promised him and setting himselfe vppon his Pillovv praised god 1. Chron. 29. b] Which vvas Man●sseh and Ephraim He mo●e estemeth that his children should be receiued into Iacobs Family vvhich vvas the Church of God thē to enioy all the tresures of Egipt Cap. 28 17. a) Which is true in the carnall Israel vntil the comming of Christ and in the spiritual for euer † Which vvas Manasseh and Ephraim Cap 35.23 b] The faithful acknovvledge all benefytes to come of gods fre mercies a) That is to say his tvvo Sonnes from the Knees of his father b] gods iudgement is ofttymes contrary to mans he prefer●eth that vvhich man despiseth *) Which vvas Ephraim (c) Which vvas Abraham and Isaac d) This Angell must be ●nderstand of Christ as cap 31 16 32.1 e) Let them be taken as my children Ioseph faileth in byndinge gods grace to the order of nature (b) In vvhom Gods grace should manifestly appeare (a] Which they had by faith in the promis (b) That is aboue the rest of his Brethrē (c) 〈…〉 you 〈…〉 d) Begotten in my youthe a) Meaninge that hee neyther consēted to them in vvord nor thought Cap 34.34 b) For Leuy had no part Symeon vvas vnder Iudah c) As vvas verifyed in Dauid and Chryst. (a) His enemies shall so feare him (b) Shiloh is Chri●t the Messias the geuer of all prosperitie vvho shal call the gentills to Saluacion (c) A Country most aboundāt vvith Wines an● pastures is promist him (d] His force shal be great but he shall vvant courage to resist his enemies (a) That is full of Subtiltye (b) Seing the miseries that his posterity should fall into he brasteth out in prayer to god to Remedy it (c) He shal abound in Corn pleasaunt Fruictes (d) That is a Sonne of encrease (e) Are the daughters (a) Israel Stone is God (b] Because ●t vvas more nere to the accomplishment of the promis it had ben more of ē confirmed [c] That vvas vvhen he vvas sold from his Brethren or els in Dignitie (a] That is hee shall deuide the spoyle Cap. 37 46. This field is beside Mamre in the Land of Canaan * They vvere more excessiue in Lamenting then the fai●●full Cap. 47.44 (a] The very infidells vvold haue othe● performed * Or Svveare (b) They vvere an exceeding great company * Or the Corn Floore of Atad Which vvere the Inhabitaūts of the Land [a] Or Abel M●zraim Cap. 23.19 (a] An euil cōsciēce is neuer fully in rest (c) Meaninge that they vvhich haue one God should bee ioyned in most sure loue (a) Who by good successe seemeth to remitte it and therfore it ought not to bee reuenged by mee [a) Hee speaketh this by the Spirite of Prophecie exhotting his Brethren to haue ful trust in gods promise for their deliueraunce
also And sayd increase and multiplye and fil the Earth and growe 2. The feare drede of you shal bee vppon al Beastes on earth Upon all Foules on Wormes and Fish on all that draweth breath 3. For all is geuen vnto your handes and all that Lyfe doth beare Shal be your Meate and as grene her be so giue I al that 's there 4. Onely the Flesh that 's with his lyfe which is his Blood to name Who so he be that eates therof shal perish in the same 5. For verely the Blood of you wherein your lyues contayne I wil requyre it at your handes the same to quyte agayne 6 I wil requyre it from the Beast that willoweth in the myre From Man and from Mans brothers hand I wil Mans lyfe requyre 7 What Man from Man doth shed mans Bloode putting the man to payne By man lykewyse shal haue his Blood so shed and spilt agayne 8. For Man is made lyke vnto God com●it not then such sinne But multiply and bryng forth Fruite the Earth t' engender in 9. To Noah and his Sonnes with him God spake and thus sayd he A Cou'nant set I vp with you and your Posterity 10 And with eche liuing Creature els that from the Flood was free Both Foule and Beast and Cattel all and what so ere it bee 11. Upon the Earth that was with the and from the Arke did passe According eu'ry lyuing thinge as then my pleasure was 12 This is the Cou'naunt that I make from henceforth neuer more Will I agayne the world destroye With water as before 13 And of my Cou'naunt this shal be the sygne and token sure Twene me and you and al the World for euer to indure 14. My Bowe in Cloud I haue there set that when a Clowde shall falle This Bowe therin shall then be seene of liuing Creatures all 15. And I wil not vnmyndful be of this my Cou'naunt past Twixt me and you and euery Flesh Whyles that the Worde shal last 16. But stil will thinke vpon the same and loke vpon the Bowe The Token Signe and Seale most sure of Couenaunt that I showe 17. The Sonnes of Noah were but Three that from the Arke did passe The first was Sem the second Cham the third yong Iaphet was 18 And of them three all men that be or hath bene since the Flood On Earthe haue sprong and shal so longe as God shall thinke it good 19 This Noah Father to the three graundsire to Chanaan Could digg the ground and Uineyardes plant and was an Husbandman 20 It chaunced hym so much to drynke the Liccour of the Uyne That in his Tent he naked slepte as ouerchargde wyth Wyne 21 And Cham his eldest Sonne saue one Father to Chanaan Came in and sawe his father lye asleepe and naked than 22 Did see his Fathers Priuities and laughed at the same Went forthe and tolde his Brethren both and they wyth honest shame 23 A Mantell on theyr shoulders toke and so they backwardes went And with the same did couer him thus sleepyng in hys tent 24 As soone as Noah was awake and force of wine was donne And wist well what yonge Iaphet did and Sem his eldest sonne 25. Hee would not curse this Cham his Sonne which naked did him see But sayd a thrall of Seruantes all yonge Chanaan shal be 26. To brethren his and God of S●m bee blest with lastinge praise 26 To brethern his and God of Sem be blest with lasting prayse And God younge Iaphet blest likewise with such increasyng dayes 27 As he may dwel in tentes of Sem and prayse the Lord therfore And Canaan shall serue them both from henceforth euermore 28 When Noah thus had geuen his curse on Ham his second Sonne And blessed both the other twayne for that which they had donne 29 When three hundreth and fiftie yeares after the floude was past Euen then to God he made accompte and gaue the Ghoast at last 30 So all the dayes of Noahs liefe to vs as may appeare Before the floud and after was nyne Hundred Fiftye yeare The Contentes of the tenth Chapiter This is the Genealogie And lygne of NOahs Sonnes al three From Mada and Iauan The Medes and Greekes foorth cam Iaphet Gomer Ahkenaz Riphath T●garmah Magog Madas Ianan Elishah T●rshish K●●m Dodanim Tubal ● Meshach Tiras And out of these the Gentiles came that in the Islandes were Whereof ech one his Nacion had and language eu'ry where ●nd from the lygne of Mizraim great People did aryse Thence namely came out Philistems and Caphthorims likewise ●nd from the lygne of Canaan the Cananites forth sprong ●he Kinreds great the Landes were large Ech nation had his tongue Cham. Cush Seba Hau●lah Sabrah Sheba Dedan Raamah Sab●echa Nimrod Misraim Lud●m Anamim Lehabim Naphtuhim Pathru●im Casluhim Put. Canaan Si●on Heth. I●buri Emosi Girgashi Hiui Arki Sim. ●ruadi ●mari Hamathi ●imrod from Noah by disc●nt ●he fowerth was of his ligne ●●ah had Ham Ham had Cush ●nd Cush had him in fyne ●is Nymrod grew on earth was great and tearmed was aright ●mrod the Hunter strong stout ●hat hunted in Gods sight Babel Erech and Arcad ●nd Calneh eke likewise ●hich is in land of Shinnear ●●s kingdome first did ryse 〈◊〉 from the lande of Shynnear ●●ne Assur came also ●hich built the Cittie Niniuie ●yth other Cities m●e And trulye Sem the father was of Ebers Chyldren all To Eber Sem great Graundsire was yet Father did him call Sem. Elane A●hur Arpacshad Shelah Eber. Peleg Iockta● Almodad Sheleph Hazermaneth Ierah Hadoram Vzal Dicklah Obal Abima●l Shebah Ophir Hauilah Iobab Lud. Aram. Vz Hul. Gether Mash And many kynreds grewe of them which did the Earth possesse From Mesha vnto Sephar mount with infinite increase In Pelegs tyme it came to passe That then the earth diuided was ▪ By reason of diuersitie Of Languages as we may see From these three sonnes that Noah left and others of their bloud Haue sprouge all Nacions on the Earth that hath bene since the floud The Contentes of the eleuenth Chapiter The Buyldinge great of Babel Tower The Tongues confused in one hower Of Sem good Noahs eldest Sonne Here is the Generation Vntil the tyme of Abraham VVhich went with Lot vnto Haram ANd all the people in the world had but one kinde of Speach Ther was no maisters knowledge had mo tounges than one to teach 2 And in their traueil frō the East a goodly Playne they found Within the land of Shinear a loftie Champion Ground 3 Wherein they pitched downe their Tentes and made their dwelling there The floud that fel in Noahs tyme did yet these People feare 4 And therfore th' one to th o'ther said come on let vs go make Of Claye some Bricke and burne the same
that Fyer may it bake 5 And other some did take in hand to get together Slyme UUhich stoode in steede as wee do vse our Morter made of Lyme 6. Thus when they had great Rylles of Bricke and Slyme to bynde withall Let vs sayd they a Cittie make so'strong as may not fall 7. And in the same a Tower buylde to reach vnto the Heauen The top whereof it selfe may stretch aboue the Planets seuen 8 And to our selues lets get a name for it may come to passe Wee may be skattered on the Earth abrode as others was 9. And God by power and sight deuine came downe and did behold This worke that Adams Brats had made with courage stout and bolde 10 And sayd behold this People great hath but one tongue ye see And thus haue they in vayne begonne to skale the Skies to mee 11 Ne yet wyll they leaue of to make Their Turret high and strong Come on therefore let vs descend and myngle so their tounge 12 That what one man to other sayth he shall not vnderstand So by and by to passe it came through worke of mightie hand 13 Thus were they skattred on the Earth and left their worke alone And ech one had a seuerall Speach vnto him selfe anone 14 Wherfore that place is Babel cald because confounded was The onely tounge of al the World as it so came to passe 15 Also because they skattered were from thence on earth to fynde Same other place abroade to dwell as God to them assignde These are the Generations of Sem. The age vvherein they begat their Childrē Sem. 100 Arpackshad 35. Shelah 30. Eber. 34. Peleg 30. Reu. 32. Serug 30. Nahor 29. 〈◊〉 70. Abram Sarai Nahor Milcha 〈◊〉 Lot Hovv lōge they lived after and had Issue 500. 403. 403. 430. 209. 207 200● 119   The Age vvhere in they dyed 600. 438. 433. 464. 239. 239 230 248   Moyses to Sem retourneth backe in this Genealogie That he might create of Abraham the worthy Hystory This Haran did depart this lyfe at Ur in Chaldea Which on the West adioyneth to Mesopotamia 2 And in his Fathers presence dyed that Terach was by name And both his Brethren tooke them wyues Moyses recordes the same 3 And Abram was the first of twayne and hee did Sarai take But shee was barren from her Byrth they they could no issue make 4 And Nahor maryed Milcha fayre that Harans daughter was And afterward by tract of time at length it came to passe 5 That Terach with him Abram tooke and Lot sonne to Haran And Sara Abrams wyfe lykewise from Ur to Canaan 6 And there in Haran did they dwell the rest of Terachs dayes Hee was two hundred yeares and fyue and then he went his wayes The Contentes of the XII Chapter How God did Abram blesse as hee with Lot did goe Vnto the land af Canaan this chapter heredoth show How God did promise make this Canaan to geeue To righteous Abrā his sede that after him should lyue Into Egypt also how Abram iourney makes And how his wyfe he sister calles name of wife forsakes And how for them God sent vpon king Pharao His heuie great mightye plague is here exprest aelso AND then the Lorde to Abram sayd depart thy kinred fro And get thee from thy fathers house to 'th Land I wil thee shoe 2 I wyll ●hee make a People great and mightie in the Land And wil thee blesse and make thy name so great on earth to stand 3 That thou a blessing mayst be made and who so blesseth thee Or shall thee curse shal be agayn so blest or curst of mee For all the Nacions on the Earthe in thee shall blessed bee 4 And Abram went as God him bad and Lot with him also He was iust seuentie fyue yeares old when Haran hee wente fro 5 And Abram tooke his wyfe with him and Lot his brothers sonne And all the Goodes which they had got and by their traueil wonne 6 Also the Soules with him hee tooke which they begotten had In Haran vnto Canaan they merye went and glad 7 And when they were come to the land I told you earst before Abram to Sichem f●rther went and to the Oake of More 8 To Abram ther ethe Lorde appeard and thus hee said to him Unto thy Seede I geeue this Land the which thou now art in 9 With humble sprite did Abraham than an Aulter newlye make Unto the Lord that then appearde for his great Goodnes sake 10 Then Abraham departed thence and to a Mountayne went Which stoode by East of Bethel fayre and there he pitcht his Tent. 11 This Bethel being on the West and Hai vpon the East To buyld an Aulter to the Lord there Abram thought it best 12 And when hee had his Aulter built and cald vpon his name He Southward tooke his iourney thence and so did leaue the same 13 And after this it happened so great a Dearth to bee That into Egipt Abram went to rest in that countrye 14 And ere hee came the Countrye in vnto his wife hee sayde Behold thou art a woman fayre and I am halfe afrayd 15 That when th'Egiptians shall thee see and know thou art my wyfe They wyll by force take thee away and reue me of my lyfe 16 Therfore to them I pray thee saye I am but Brother thyne So I for thee shall better fare and saue this lyfe of myne 17 So soone as hee to Egipt came the Egiptians did espie The beautye of the Woman suche as did entice the eye 18 And so among themselues they sayd this woman sure is fayre And Pharaos Lordes that her beheld to Pharao did repayre 19 And of her beautie made report and Pharao did require To haue her brought into his house according t' his desire 20 Shee thyther came whom when hee sawe to Abram thus hee sayde My Frend is this thy wyfe or not or is she els thy Mayde 21 O mighty Prince sayd Abram then Shee is not wyfe to mee But shee a Mayd my Sister is and yet from Bondage free 22 Then Pharao tooke her vnto wyfe and did entreate her wel And cherisht Abram for her sake gaue him Sheepe and Cattel 23 And Oxen Asses Camels eke of either kinde great store Of men seruaunts and maydes lykewise and what he would els more 24 But God vpon king Pharao and on his house also Did send downe great and greuous plagues til Sarai he let goe 25 King Pharao then for Abram cald and thus to him sayd hee Why hast thou dealt thus craftely and doubled so with mee 26 Wherfore didst thou not say to mee this woman was thy wyfe Why didst thou saye she was a mayd and led a single lyfe 27 For what intent shouldst thou tel mee shee was thy sister deare And caused mee to make her so my louing wyfe and
Which did at Sodome dwell Of all the goods hee then possest they left him nere a dele 21. And one of them which had escap'te to Abram ranne apase And toulde hym all how that Lot to them nowe Captiue was 22. Abram with Mamre brother then of Escoll and Aner Together these in perfect league confederated were 23. Uppon this newes prepar'd themselues and Abram forth him spedde And Harnised his Yongmen freshe borne in his house and bredde 24. Three hundred and eightene were they and euery one a man They all pursude the Ennemy vntil they came to Dan. 25. And Abram there vpon them set hee and his men by Night And smote them and pursued them to Hoba in their flight 26 ▪ And there recouered all the goods and brought thence backe agayne His Brother Lot and People all that then were left vnslayne 27. When after hee returned had from slaughter of the Kinge Kederlaomer and the rest of Kinges that hee did bringe 28. There mette him in the Ualley playne which Kynges Dale is to name Kinge Bera Kinge of Sodome Lande and halste him in the same 29. Melchisedech of Salem Kinge came also forth in fine Him to salute with Presente meete and brought forth Breade and Wine 30. Hee was the Priest to God of Gods in perfecte doctrine staid And by the holy sprite of God hee Abram blest and sayd 31. Blest bee thou Abram euermore of God the Lorde on hye Possessor both of Heauen and Earth and all that liues thereby 32. And blessed bee the God most high the God of Sea and Lande Which hath thy Foes deliuered by might into thy hande 33. And then the Kinge of Sodome sayd to Abram in this wife Geue me the Soules and take the Goods as please thee them deuise 34. Abram to him thus aunswered I haue lifte vp my hande ▪ To God that owes both Heauen and Earth before whose Face I stande 35. I will not take of that is thine what euer that it bee So much as is a little Threed or Lachet shooe from thee 36. Least thou perhaps hereafter say Abram is rich by mee Saue onely that which eaten is by these Yongmen you see 37. And eke the partes I do except of those with me that wente Aner Escoll and Mamre eke their partes shall them content The Contents of the XV. Chapter The Lande agayne is promysed To Abram and his seede Abram beleeues and therefore hee Is Iustified in deede The Prophecie of Bondage great To Isralites that fell Howe they vnder Kynge Pharao Fowre hundred Yeares shoulde dwell And howe they were deliuered This same shall also tell ANd after when these thinges were done and Abram wel apayde The word of God to Abrā came in Uision thus and sayde 2. Bee of good cheare not afraid for I am thy defence Exceedinge great is thy rewarde ere thou departest hence 3. Agayne to God then Abram sayde Lorde what wilt thou mee geue Sith I goe Childlesse vp and downe th● Dayes that I do liue 4. The Childe of this thy Stewardship that 's of my House to showe Is hee the same Eleazer was borne at Damasco 5. O Lord my God behold and see thou geuest mee no s●ede And loe this Ladde borne in my House myne Heyre shal be in deede 6. The word of God yet once againe came vnto Abrams Eare Which sayde the Ladde borne in thy House hee shall not bee thine Heyre 7. But of thy Body one shall come thy Sonne and Heyre shal be And then God brought him out and sayd looke vp to Heauen and see 8. And tell the starres therein that bee if thou them number can Euen so thy Seede on Earth shal bee surpassinge reach of man 9. And what the Lorde to Abram sayde of Abram was beleeu'de Which reckned was such righteousnes as might not bee remeu'de 10. To him agayne the Lord yet sayde I am that brought thee free From Vr out of the Chaldee Lande to geue this Lande to thee 11. O Lord my God sayde Abram then whereby shall I this knowe That I this Lande shal so possesse as thou hast sayde or no 12. God hade him take an Heifer yonge of three yeares olde to bee A Female Goate a Ramme likewise whose Ages shoulde agree 13. A Turtledoue a Pigeon yonge God also had him take And Abram knewe after what sorte hee should diuision make 14. All these hee tooke and in the midd'st deuided them in twaine And then one peece gaynst other set in order so agayne 15. But yet the Foules hee sundred not ne woulde them so display As Birdes vppon their Carkasse fell hee draue them still awaye 16. And when the Sunne declined was and Darcknes did appeare On Abram fel a slumbring sleepe and eke a sodayne feare 17. And in the same God sayd to him let this be knowne to thee Thy seede shall dwell in forrayne Lande and as a Straunger bee 18. And Seruauntes theirs shall they become and do what they them will And for their paynes foure hundred Yeares shall they reward them ill 19. This Nation yet whom they shall serue shall Iudged be of mee And after shall thy seede departe with richesse and be free 20. And thou in peace shalt passe away whereas thy Fathers lye And in an Olde ▪ and goodly age shalt buried lye them by 21. And in the fourth Age after this they shall agayne come heere For why the sinne of th'Amorites more fuller shall appeere 22. And after so it came to passe when downe the Sunne did goe Aboue vnder the Firmament a darky Cloude did showe 23. A smokinge Furnace and a Brande of glowinge Fyer seene Which went the peeces as they laye oft to and fro betweene 24. And in the Daye when this was seene God did a Gou'naunt make With Abram saying to thy Seede this Lande haue I betake 25. From Egipt vnto Euphrates by Riuers as they flowe The Kenits and the Kenizites and Kadmonites also 26. The Hethites and the Pheresites and Giantes fierce and fell The Amorites and Cananites with Kinreddes where they dwell 27. The Gergesites and Iebus●tes with all that these possesse Unto thy Seede haue I this geuen by Cou'naunt I confesse The Contents of the XVI Chapter To Abram Sarai geueth leaue to take her Mayde to wyfe The Mayde her Maistresse doth displease by which there grewe much strife And Sarai doth intreate her ill the Mayde doth runne away The Aungell meetinge wyth the Mayde commaundeth her to staye And to her Maistresse to returne sayinge all shall bee well And that the Childe shee went wythall shoulde calde bee Ismaell ANd Sarai Abrams Wife that was bare him no Childe as yet And hauinge in her House a Mayde shee thought her for him fit 2. And therefore vnto Abram sayd the Lorde doth me restrayne So that I can no Children deare but barreyn still remayne 3. I pray thee goe in to
to bee quenched out And ouerthrew those citties all and Region round about 40 Thus all that in those citties dwelt consumed were with woe And all that grew vpon their Ground was brent to Dust also 41 And very earlye in the Morne aryse did Abraham And got him to the place agayne where last from God he came 42 And looking vnto Sodome ward● Gomorra eke also And toward all the Land about and Countrye there in showe 43 The smoke of all that Country rose much lyke a Furnace great And yet God thought on Abraham in this consuming heate 44 And vpon Lot God mindful was when he his Angelles sent And hym deliu'red from the myddes of Cities when they brent 45 And Lot from Zoar did depart he feared there to dwell And in the Mountaines chose a place a hollow Caue or Cell Where he and his two Daughters lefte Contented were to Dwel 46 And in those Dayes Lottes daughters sawe how eu'ry Man was slayne And none but Lot theyr father left alyue that did remayne 47. The Elder to the Yonger sayd good sister myne beholde Ther 's not a man left in the world to know vs as men should 48 Come we wil make our father dronke and fil his head wyth Wyne And lye wyth him and rayse him seede the first Night shal be myne 49 And so that night they made him dronke she wyth her father laye But Lot knew not when she lay downe nor when she went her way 50 And in the Morning so it hapt the Elder Daughter sayd Sister behold this Night that 's past no whit at all afrayd 51 I lay al Nyght my father wyth let 's make him dronke also Againe this nyght and to his Bedde thy turne shal bee to goe 52 That we to him some seede may raise hereafter for to growe That Night againe they gaue him wyne and did hym ouerthrowe 53 And then the yonger Sister rose and lay wyth him likewise Lot not perceyued when she came nor when shee did arise 54 These daughters twayne their father knew and were wyth Child begot The father ouerchargde wyth Wyne the thing remembred not 55 Howbeit th' elder bare a Sonne and Moab was his name The Father of the Moabites hee is this day the same 56 The younger bare a Sonne also whose name was Benammi To Ammons broode hee father is vnto this day we trye The Contentes of the twentith Chapiter How Abraham as straunger went and did his wyfe denay And how the king of Gerar land tooke her from him away ANd Abraham now left the Playne of Mamre where hee dwelt And went in Countrye of the South where more Sunnes beate he felt 2 So there betweene Cades Sur a further truth to tell In Gerar pitched hee his Tent to soiourne there and dwell 3 Abimelech was king thereof and hee for Sarai sent Because t' was sayd a Woman fayre abydeth in his Tent. 4 When Abraham demaunded was what woman shee should bee Shee is sayd hee none of my wyfe but Syster is to mee 5. Abimelech had her away in purenesse of his Harte And Abraham did seeme content to let her so depart 6. But God vnto Abimelech by Night in Dreame thus spake Beholde sayd hee thou now shalt die for this same Womans sake 7 For shee is Wyfe vnto the Man that thou hast tane her fro Abimelech yet touche her not nor no time did her knowe O Lord sayd he and wilt thou slay the righteouse People soe 8. Did they not both to mee affirme his Sister shee to bee O Lord thou knowest with guiltlesse Heatt this thinge is done of mee 9. And God likewise by Dreame did say I knowe it very well Thy Heart and Handes were pure and cleane as thou to mee dost tell 10 I also thee preseru'de and kept agaynst mee not to sinne And therefore woulde not suffer thee to knowe what shee had bin 11. But see that thou deliuer nowe the Man his Wyfe agayne For hee is a Prophet and shall praye that thou maist liue and raigne 12. But if thou wilt not let her goe and set her from thee free Bee sure that thou shalt die the Death and all thou hast with thee 13 Abimelech betimes therfore that Morning did aryse And all his seruauntes did commaund t' appeare before his eyes 14 And in their eares declared that which God to him had sayd The hearing of the which in deede did make them sore afrayde 15 Likewise for Abraham he cal'd and sayd what hast thou done And what haue I offended thee that thou hast thus begonne 16 To bring on mee and kingdome myne so great a Synne as this What didst thou see in mee or these to do so much amisse 17 O King sayd then this Abraham of truth such was the cace As I did thinke God was not knowne nor feared in this place 18 And therfore hauing such a wyfe as fayre is to the eye Lest for her sake I perish should and so too tymely dye 19 I sayd she was and so shee is my Sister as you see By Father but by mother not and Wife became to mee 20 And after from my Fathers house when God did byd mee goe Then to my wife in sort I sayd this kyndenesse do me showe 21 In places where wee wander in if any aske and saye Is this thy Husband yea or no thou shalt the same denay 22 And mee confesse a Brother thyne whome Nature doth compell To wander thus about wyth mee in Countries where to dwell 23 Abimelech the kinge then tooke of Sheepe and Oxen store Of men seruauntes and Women too and brought them him before 24 And gaue them vnto Abraham for euer to remayne And with the same deliuered Sara his wyfe agayne 25 And sayd behold before thy face my Land doth open lye Choose where thou wilt therein to dwell as best shall please thyne eye 26 But vnto Sarah sayd the king Sara behold and see I haue thy Brother Siluer geeuen a thousand pieces free 27 And hee the Ueyle is of thyne eyes to all that are with thee And al men els and therewithall reproued so was shee 28 So Abraham to God did praye and God his voyce did heare The King made whole his Wyfe and Maydes did Children after beare 39 For God thus plagued had the house of Bimelech the King The Matrix of them all were stopt they might no issue bring Till Abraham his Wyfe receiu'd thus happened the thinge The Contents of the XXI Chapter How Isaac that promisde was is heere of Sara borne How Hagar wyth yonge Ismaell in Banishment doth morne And how the Angell of the Lorde vnto poore Hagar cam And of the Cou'naunt made betweene the Kynge and Abraham AS God before had promised as hee to Sodome went Sarah to see in his returne so ere the time were spent 2. Shee knewe her selfe to bee with child and bare a goodly
Sonne Accordinge to th'appoincted time that God did say was done Thus in his olde Age Abraham a Father was become 3. And Abraham did call the name of him that Sara bare Isack and then this Abraham with diligence and care 4. Dyd Circumcise his little Sonne when hee was eight Dayes olde As God before commaunded had in order howe hee shoulde 5. An hundreth yeares was hee of age when Isaac was borne But Sara sayd nowe God hath made mee to bee laught to scorne 6. Who would haue sayd to Abraham that Sara sucke should geue For in his Age I haue him borne a Sonne Longe may hee liue 7. The Childe did growe and Weyned was and then as was the guise Uppon that Day hee made a Feast in very solemne wise 8. Then Sara sawe how Hagars Sonne that was th' Egiptian Mayde Became a scornefull mockinge Ladde to Abraham shee sayd 9. This Bond mayde see thou put away and eke her Sonne also Hee shall not ioyne with Isaac my Sonne as Heyre I troe 10. This sayinge greeued Abraham and nipt him at the heart Because from Ismaell his Sonne hee loth was to depart 11. But God thus spake to Abraham greue not hereat at all For Ismaell nor Bondmayde thine for Isaac I le call 12. Heare Saras voyce and do therein as shee hath sayd to thee For as I sayd in Isaac thy Seede shall called hee 13 Also the Sonne of thy Bondmayde because hee 's of thy Seede I promise the I wil hym make A Nation great in deede 14 So Abraham rose earely vp and did him ready make And eke prepar'de for Ismael and this pore Hagars sake 15 Breade and wyth water Bottel filde and to her gaue it there Setting the same her shoulders on and Lad also to beare 16 And thus a way was Hagar sent who wandred vp and downe In wildernes of Berseba far of from Cote or Towne 17 In time she had the water spente that in the Bottell was Her Sonne through want was like to dye a woful mothers case 18 She cast the Lad v●der a Bushe and went on th' other side And sat her downe a Bowe shot of sayinge whatere be tide 19. I will not see the death of him and therewith all shee wepte And wronge her handes with greuous grones continuall mone shee kept 20. But God did heare the cryinge voyce of this her Lad or Childe And out of Heauen Gods Angell spake with woordes to Hagar milde 21. What ayleth thee ▪ hee not afraide stand vp therefore and rise For God hath heard thy only Sonne where as hee lies and cries 22. Arise therefore the Lad lift vp and take him by the hand I will of him a People make and mighty for to stande 23. And God her Eyes did open so as shee a Well did see With water did her Bottel fyll and there wythal dyd shee Giue Drynke vnto her Louing Chylde that erste nye deade was hee 24 And so God styll was wych the Lad In Wyldernes he dwelt He grewe a pace an Archer was and Bowe and Arrowes felt 25 And when he grew an hable man and for a woman fitte His Mother out of Egipt Land a wyfe there did him git 26 And at that tyme it chaunced so Abimelech the kynge An● Phicoll his chyefe Captayne spake to Abraham saying 37 God is wyth thee in al thou doest and therfore sweare to me ▪ Euen by the name of lyuing God Wh●ch hath donne much for thee 28 That thou wilt do to mee no hurte nor to my Chyldren deare Nor yet to Chylders Chyldren myne I say thus shalt thou sweare 29 To deale with mee and Country myne Where thou a straunger wast As I haue shew'de my selfe to thee in kindnesse that is past I will so sweare sayd Abraham and tooke such Oth at last 30. Ere this the Seruauntes of the Kinge by force had tane away A Well that Abraham had Digg'de and therefore did hee say 31. With some rebuke vnto the Kinge thy Seruauntes beinge stronge Haue tane away by violence my Well and donne mee wronge 32. The Kinge thus sayd I knowe not who hath done this thinge to thee Also agayne vnto this Daye thou neuer tolde it mee Yet neither heard I of the same it shall amended bee 33. And Abraham gaue to the Kinge of Sheepe and Oxen faire And both of them together made a Bond of Frendship there 34. And seuen Ewe Lamdes did Abraham alone together ●et What meane these Lambes then sayde the Kinge alone that 's hyther set 35. These seuen Ewe Lambes sayd Abraham thou shalt take at my hand That they may witnesse vnto mee the Well to vnderstande 36. Was Digde by mee and to this Daye thus Called is the place Berseba for because that there they Sworne together was And then the Kinge and Phicol both rose vp and turnde agayne Unto the Lande of Philistims whereof he King did raygne ▪ 38. And Abraham did plant a Groue wherein he digde a Wel That he therein the name of God th' almighty Lord to tel 39. Continually did cald vpon with perfect fayth and stronge And in the land of Philistims remained very longe The Contentes of the XXII Chapter The fayth of Abram proued is in offringe of his Sonne How Chryst from God is promised for VVorldes redemption Of Nahor Abrams brother eke the generation AFter these thinges were sayd done it came to passe also That God did proue this Abraham if fayth he had or no 2. And so the Lorde then did him cal by name of Abrahame Who answered with humble Sprite behold Lord here I am 3. Sayd God to hym now take thy Sonne That 's Isahack by name Whom thou dost loue to Moriah land thou thither bryng the same 4. Thy onely Sonne there sacrifyce for sacrifyce ●o me Uppon one of the mountaynes there which I wil shew to thee 5. Then Abraham rose early vp in morne before the Sunne His Asse he sadled and preparde and iourney his begunne 6 He toke two young men of his owne and Isahack lykewyse And wood did cleaue and ready make to burne wyth Sacrifyce 7. Then Abraham with his young men and Isahack also Rose vp and got them to the place whereto God had him goe 8. The third day Abraham lift vp his eyes and saw the place Far of and sayd to his young men staye here with th'Asse a space 9 I and the Lad wil yonder goe and worship as we oughte And after come agayne to you so tooke they wood they brought 10. And layd the same vpon the backe of Isahack to beare But he a Knyfe toke in his hand and fyer that was there 11. Together went they vp the Mount and passing on the waye Then Isahack to Abraham his Father thus gan saye My father deare who aunswered thy Father's here my sonne Sayd Isahac here lackes as yet the cheefest thing vndone 13. I see said he her 's wood
Letushim Leummim Medan Midean Ephah Epher Hanock Abida Lldach Ishbak Shuah 2. And ere eight score and fiftene Yeeres of Abraham were runne Sore sicke hee fel and gaue his Goodes to Isaac his Sonne 3 But to those Sonnes that hee begat by Lemmans his that fell He gaue them Gyftes sent them farre of from Isaac to dwell 4 Thus in a goodlye lustie age when hee ynough had lyu'de Death him approacht and in due time of Lyfe bee him depriu'de 5 Then Isaac and Ismael when death his lyfe had caught Their Fathers Bodie decentlye into the Caue it brought 6 Which Caue doth stand within the Field of Ephron Zoars Sonne Which Abraham before had bought and with his monye wonne 7 Within this Caue was Abraham and Sara eke like wise Entoumbde with Rites and Obsequies as such was then the guyse 8 And after this it pleased God this Isaac to blesse That hee a mightie people grew with infinite increase 9 Hee did inhabite by the Well that named was to bee The VVel of him that euer liues and euer seeth mee 10 These are the Generations of Ismaell to show● Which Hagar bare to Abraham his Mayde that was you know Ismael Nebaieth Kedar A●heel M●bsam Mishma Dumah Massa H●dar Tema Ietur Naphish Kedemah 11 And by their Townes and Castels eke these twelue did take their name And of their Housholdes Princes twelue did spring out from the same 12 The yeares of lyfe that Ismael vpon the Earth did beare Were Iust one hundreth to accompt and seuen and thirty yeare 13 Then fel he sicke his time was come no longer might he byde And after Death then was he layd his people them beside 14 These are the Generations of Isaac to name Who Sonne was vnto Abraham for he begat the same 15 Yeeres Forty old was Isaack when he to Wyfe did take Rebecca who for hym alone her Parentes did forsake 16 Shee Daughter was to Bethuel the Aramite you know And Labans Sister th' Aramite this Bethuelles Sonne also 17 And Isaac wel knowing that his Wife now barreyn was Made humble prayer vnto God and so it came to passe 18 That God of hym intreated was and she conceiued Life And both the Babes together stroue in Bodye of his wife 19 Said shee therfore if it bee so what helpeth it at all With Childe to bee when in my wombe such strife doth them befall 20 And therfore vnto God she went to be resolu'de of this To whom God sayd bee thou content nothing is there amisse 21 But in thy wombe two people are which shall from thee proceede And Nacions twayne sure shal they bee vpon the Earth in deede 22 The younger shal farre mightier be much more then shal the other Also the elder shal become a Seruaunt to his Brother 23 And when her trauayling time was come deliuered for to bee Behold two Twynnes forth from her Wombe into the World brought she 24. And he that first proceded forth was Red and rough about And Esau they his name did cal and after him came out 25 His Brother holding Esau hard with hand vppon his Heele And Iacob called they his name that Brothers Foote did feele 26. These Children grew and Esau then a Hunter good became Also the Earth did Till and Plow and play the Husbandman 27. But Iacob was a perfect man and in the Tentes did dwell But Isaac Esau his Sonne did loue exceding wel 28. Because he Genson often caught which he thereof did Eate But yet Rebecca Iacob lou'de and wel did hym entreate 29 It so befell that Iacob this of Rice that 's red did take And did therewith as well he could a messe of Potage make 30 And as from hunting Esau came and fainty was withall Upon the name of Iacob then his brother did he call 31 And sayd I pray the brother mine haue some remorse on me And feede thou me with Potage there that 's made of Rise I see 32 For I am weake and feeble too and faynt as man may be And therefore Edom was he cald as witnesseth Abdye 33 Sayd Iacob then fel me this Day the Birth right that is thyne And I for that now wil the giue a Messe of Potage myne 34 Sayd Esau then behold I am the Dore of Death hard by What profit then can birthright this do mee if that I dye 35 Iacob hym sayd then sweare to me as thou hast sayd before That I thy Birthright shal possesse from henceforth euermore 36 And Esau there his hand forth put vnder his Thighe and sware And sold his brother al his right for which he did not care 37 Then Iacob gaue to Esau that that did him best content Of Breade and Pottage made of Rice and so away hee went The Contents of the XXVI Chapter THe Iourney Isack made Abimelech vnto The Promisse made to Isaac and to his Seede also Howe hee rebuked was heere vnderstand you shall For that his VVyfe hee did denay and Sister did her call The Sheepherdes fallinge out for digginge of the VVell How Isaac was comforted this lykewyse shall you tell And of th' Attonment made heere well perceyue you may Betweene the Kynge and Isaac and of theyr Feastinge Day ANd after this within the Lande a Derth there such becam As far did passe the Derth that was in Dayes of Abraham 2. Then Isaac from where hee dwelt his Iourney forth did passe And went vnto Abimelech Philistine Kinge that was 3. And there the Lord to him appear'de and sayd thou shalt not goe To Egipt downe but here abide in Land I will thee shoe 4. I shall thee blesse and bee with thee the Dayes that thou shalt liue And after thee vnto thy Seede these Countreys will I giue 5. And will performe the Oth I sware thy Father thee before And as the Starres wil multiplie thy Seede for euermore 6 And in thy Seede shal Nations al that on the Earth shal be Be blest because that Abraham hath harkened vnto me 7 And kept my Law and ordinaunce my Statutes and my wyl Therefore as I wyth him haue bene with thee so wil I stil. So Isaac in Gerar dwelt and did Gods best fulfil 8 And they of Gerar where he dwelt beheld Rebecca wel And saw how that in fauour she and beauty did excel 9 And askte of hym whether or no she was his spoused wyfe Affrayd hee was and her deny'de lest they would take his Lyfe 10 Beecause of her and therefore sayd shee is my sister sure But not my Wyfe whom Nature moues wyth me thys to endure 11 And it befel by tracte of tyme after theyr long abode The king from out his wyndow look't and cast his eies abrode 12 By hap did see this Isaac Rebecca eke also Sportyng and playing louingly as they together goe 13 The King forthwith this Isaac before his presence cald The sodden
charge thee take no Wyfe of these where wee thus longe haue stayd 2. But rise and get thee to the house of Bethuel Graundsyre thine Who Father to thy Mother is and louinge Wyfe of mine 3 And there amonge the Daughters such of Laban Bethuels Sonne Thou shalt a wife from thence chose out as I tofore haue donne 4 And God Almighty do the blesse and make the great to grow And multiply thy Seede on Earth so mighty for to showe 5. That Multitudes of People maye springe forth and growe by thee And blessinge geue of Abraham with thee and thine to bee 6. And that thou maist the Land possesse a straunger where thou art Which God hath geuen to Abraham so Iacob did depart 7. And to Mesopotamia to Bethuels sonne he went And did performe his Fathers hest in euery thinge hee ment 8. When Esau sawe that Isaac had Brother Iacob blest And to Mesopotamia howe hee was redy prest 9 And how that as he blessed him he gaue him charge also To take no woman vnto wife of Canaan to know 10 But that he should a wife fetche thence from whence his mother came And saw his father liked not the Seede of Canaan 11 He also went to Ismael and daughter his did take And to those wiues he then possest a wife of her did make 12. As Iacob went to Haran ward a place he chaunced on Where as he ●aried al the night because the sunne was gone 13 And of that place a stone he toke vnder his head to set And layd him downe his head theron and thus a while he slept 14 And in the same behold he dreamd a Ladder longe to see That stode on Earth the toppe wherof to Heauen did seme to be 15 Upon the same went vp and downe Gods Angelles in his sight And God vpon the Ladder stode wyth Countnaunce shininge bright 16 Which said I am the Lord and God of Abraham that 's past Likewise the God of Isaac that euermore shal last 17 The Land where on thou sleepest now I will gyue vnto thee And to thy sede that 's yet to come which after thee shal be 18 And as the Dust vpon the Earth thy Seede so wil I make For multitude vnspeakable this wil I for thy sake 19 And thou shalt spred abrode on Earth alonge vnto the West And to the East the North and Southe as I haue the exprest And thorow thee and seede of thee all Kinredes shal be blest 20 Behold and see I am wyth the and wil the kepe also In euery place where thou shalt passe ▪ or where thy feete shal goe 21 And backe againe vnto this Land I wyl thee safely bring And wil performe what I haue said to thee in eu'ry thing 22. When Iacob from his sleepe awoke wyth heauy chere and sad The Lord sayd he is in this place and I no knowledge had 23 Afraid he was and therefore said how fearefull is this place It is I see of God the house of Heauen the gate to passe 24 So Iacob earely in the morne stode vp and toke the stone Which he had layd vnder his head to make a pillow on 25 And pitched it vpon an ende and as the Text doth tel Hee powred Oyle on top thereof and nam'd the place Bethell 26. Which Luz before that time was cal'de and Iacob vowd a vowe If God sayd he will be with mee in this my iourney now 27 And wil me keepe and geue me breade and clothes to couer me So that vnto my fathers house I come agayne may bee 28 Then sure the Lord shal be my God and this same Stone you see Which I haue set vpon an ende the house of God shal be 29. And also will of euery thinge that thou to mee shalt giue The tenth thereof geue thee againe all dayes that I shall liue The Contentes of the XXIX Chapter Sauen Yeares doth Iacob Laban serue For Rachel Labans Childe Vnto his bed is Leah brought And Iacob is beguilde Hee marieth both and serueth yet seuen yeares for Rachell more And Leah doth Conceiue and beare and prayseth God therefore THen Iacob lyfted vp his Feete to pace his iourney oute And came to Country of the East and as hee lookt about 2 Behold in field there was a Wel and Flockes of Sheepe hard by And on the mouth of that same Well a mighty Stone did lye 3 So thyther were the Flockes al brought that they might water take And then the Stone was rold away more roome for Sheepe to make 4 And when the Sheepe had dronke their fill they put the Stone agayne Upon the Wel til watring tyme the Mouth did close remayne 5 Sayd Iacob then vnto those men my Brethren whence are y●e Of Haran Syr sayd they we are and Shepeheardes as you see 6 And know you Laban then sayd hee that Nahors Sonne should bee We know him very wel sayd they a vertuous man is hee 7 And is hee in good health or not I pray you do me tell In health sayd they and see where comes his Daughter young Rahell Driuing the Flocke of Fathers Sheepe to bring vnto thys Well 8 It is but early day sayd hee too sone haue you brought hyther It is not tyme the Cattel should be gathred yet together 9 But insomuch as ye be heere and by the Well remayne Water the sheepe and so departe that they may feede agayne 10 We may not so our custome is to gather all in one Then from the mouth of this same Well wee rolle away the Stone And so we water all our sheepe and backe agayne are gone 11 Whyle hee yet talked with those men young Rahel came apace With Fathers sheepe for shee them kept and when shee was in place 12 No sooner had young Iacob seene this Rahel in the face But from the Well he rold the Stone and so in little space 13 He watered the Flocke of Sheepe that Rahel thyther brought Which Flocke of Sheepe Laban in deede his mothers Brother ought 14 And Iacob there did Rahel kysse and lifted vp his voyce And wept and shed such teares of ioye as men that much reioyce 15 Hee told her then how that he was her fathers brothers Sonne She ranne and told her father all what was both sayd and done 16 UUhen Laban heard of Iacob there his Sisters Sonne to bee He ranne to meete and him embrast and welcome sayd to mee 17 And when hee had him frendlye kist home to his house him brought And Iacob there to Laban told the matter all in thought Which hee against his brother had by mothers counsell wrought 18 Sayd Laban than thou art my bone and eke my Flesh also And heee abode a Month with him about his worke to goe 19 Though thou said hee my Brother bee should thou for nought serue mee Tel mee what shal thy wages bee and I wil
you daughters ours and yours wee 'le take also And wee will rest and dwell with you and so one people growe 19 But if you will refuse to doe as you haue heard vs say Wee wil our Daughter take againe and so depart away These woordes did please them very well to which they sayd not nay 20 This Youngman would no time defer this thing to doe among His Lust on Dina was so set he thought ech time too long 21 Of all that were in Hamors house none might compared bee To Sichem ▪ for of all the rest best thought vpon was hee 22 Then Hamor and Sichem his Sonne vnto the Cittie went And so before the gate thereof declared their entent 23 And sayd vnto the Citizens touching Iacobs request Affirming that which Iacob sayd to bee all for the best 24 They bee vnfaynde to vs sayd he and dwell within the Land And do applye their busines with labor of their hand 25 And in the Land is roume ynough for them here to remayne Wee wyl their Daughters take to wyfe and geeue them oures agayne 26 Herein they onely wil consent vnto vs for to dwell And bee as people one with vs if you shall thinke it well 27 That is if all the children borne which Males appeare to bee May circumcised bee like them then wee and they agree 28 For shall not all their substaunce great and Cattel that they haue Be ours if we gree thereunto what can wee further craue For they wyl styl dwel here with vs tyl they possesse their graue 29 Unto this tale that Hamor told and Sichem eke his Sonne Did al that went out of the Gate agree it should be done 30 The Men-children were circumcisde according as was sayd Not one that passed through the Gates the same thing that denayd 31 It hapt the thyrd Day after this when they were full of payne By reason of the foreskynne cut which did great griefe constrayne 32 Two of the Sonnes of Iacob came the City gate wythin Which Symeon and Leui hight that Dinas brethren bin 33 And wyth theyr Swordes bothe naked drawne throughout the City went And slewe the Male kind eu'ry one as they before so ment 34 They Hamor slewe and Sichem too with th' Edge of sword that day From Sichems house they Dina tooke And so they went their waye 35 And then the rest of Iacobs Sonnes comminge vppon the deede The Citty spoyl'de because they had defil'de theyr Fathers Seede 36. And tooke their Sheepe and Oxen fat their Asses as they goe What else within the Citty was and in the Fielde also 37. Theyr goods their Children their Wiues they Captiue tooke away And hauoke made of all that was within the house that Day 38 But Iacob sayd to Simeon and Leui Brother his You haue this Day sore troubled mée and greatly done amys 39. You haue also made mee to stinke before them of the Lande The Cananites and Pheresites when they this vnderstand 40. I beinge Fewe in number Small not able to resiste They shal tog●ther ioyne themselues and slay me as they list 41 So shal I be and al my house destroyd for euermore Should hee sayde they wych sister deale as wyth a common Whore The Contentes of the XXXV Chapiter How Iacob vnto Bethel went and Images did hide And Earynges eke vnder an Oke that Sichem is beside Deboras death How Rahell dyed in trauell by the vvay Is here exprest and how Ruben wyth fathers Lemman lay How Isaac fel sicke and dyed this Chapter shal bewray ANd God to Iacob sayd aryse and vp to Bethel go And the●e prepare thy selfe to Dwell an Aulter make also 2 To God that vnto the appear'd when Esau thou fled fro Then Iacob to his houshold spake and all that with him were Away wyth your straunge Gods sayth hee that are among you there 3 Henseforth be cleane your Garm●ts chaunge for now we wyl arise And vp to Bethel wil we goe and make in humble wise 4 An Aulter there vnto the God that heard me in the Day Of trouble myne and was wyth me where as I went the way 5 They gaue to Iacob those straunge Gods that they in handes did beare And al those Ringes which in their Eares they wonted for to Weare And hee them hid vnder an Oke Which was by Sichem there 6. Thus when that they departed were and on their Iourney gon The Townes and Citties round about God sent a feare vppon 7. So that they did not make pursute to follow any Man Whereby they saulfely came to Luz in Lande of Canaan 8. And there an Aulter Builded he● and so did call the place The God of Bethell for because God of his mighty Grace Did there appeare sutch time hee fled from Brother Esaus Face 9. But Deborah Rebeccas Nourse by Death had such a Stroke As after Death shee buryed was beneathe vnder an Oke 10 This Oke did stand beneathe Bethell and they the Oke did cal The Oke of Lamentation to be so knowne of al. 11 And God to Iacob once agayne appeared and did say When from Mesopotamia Iacob was come away ▪ 12 God blessed hym and sayd thy name is Iacob now I see Thou shalt no more be Iacob cal'd but Is●el named be 13 God had him grow and multiplye for I wil make sayth hee That People great and mighty Kinges shal growe and sprynge from thee 14 And eke the Land which I did giue to Abraham before And to thy father Isaac and his for euermore 15 That same Land wil I giue to thee and to thine after Seede So God from Iacob did ascend and it performde in deede 16 And in the place where God thus spake Iacob set vp a stone To be a marke and powred oyle and drynke offryng theron 17 And so the place where God thus spake be Bethel did it cal Whych is to say the House of God to vnderstand wythall 18 As they from Bethel traueiled to Euphrata the way Which signifies the house of Breade as vnderstand we may And Bethelem it is also th'Interpreters do say 19 When they with in a Field bredth were then so befel the case That Rahel beyng great wyth Chylde in painful trauel was 20 And in the peril of her payne the mydwyfe to her said This Sonne is thyne sayd she also therefore be not afraid 21 Then as her soule departing was and that she nedes must die The Child with Trauell that she brought shee named Benoni 22 Benoni the soune of sorrow is so to vnderstand But Iacob cald him Beniamin the Sonne of the right hand 23 Thus Rahel dyde and buryed was euen in the way they went To Euphrata or Bethelem and there wyth good entent 24 Did Iacob set vppon her graue a stone the same to show Which Rahels Graue stone called is for passers by to know 25 And Israel departed thence and pitched vp his Tent
Ioseph than Yet tell it me the Buttler first to shew his Dreame began 8 And sayd Me thought before me stoode a Uyne that Buddes did beare And in the Uyne were Braunches thrée that al be bloomed were 9 And after Bloomes came Blossoms forth and Grapes at last did growe And with my hand those Grapes I tooke that rype were to the show 10 And wronge them into Pharos Cuppe and Wyne therof did make Me thought I gaue the King the Cuppe and hee the same did take Sayd Ioseph then I wil the same interprete for thy sake 11 Those Braunches three are these three Dayes that with this Day shal fall In whych the King shal lift the vp and giue thee therewithall 12 Thyne Offyce that before thou hadst and thou shalt giue also The King his Cuppe as thou were wont and so in fauour grow 13 But if thou chaunce to thinke on me when thou art in good case Thy mercy then vppon me showe abyding in this place 14 And put the King in mind of me and bring me out from hence For in this Dungeon was I cast not guilty of offence 15 I am an Hebrew borne by byrth and stolne away was I And chopt and changde as Bondslaues bee this wretched life to trye 16 Now when the Baker saw and heard the Butlers Dreame was good He also vnto Ioseph tolde his Dreame as he there stoode 17 Me thought sayd he vppon my head three wicker Baskettes were And in the vppermost of thre was sundry bakte Meates there And for the Kynge me thought I did these Cates and Baskettes beare 18 And yet me thought the Byrdes did pecke and stil vpon them fed And out of Basket did they eate which was vppon my heade Said Ioseph then this signifyes thou shortly shalt be Dead 19 The Baskettes three are dayes yet th●●● that with this Daye shal be For this Day three Dayes shall the Kinge take of thy head from thee 20 And shal thy Carkasse hoyse aloft and hange vpon a Tree And Byrdes that flye shall eat thy fleshe that we vpon thee see 21 It hapned that the same thyrde Day was Byrth day of the Kinge Whereon he feasted all his Men with cheare and Bankettinge 22 And that same Day he did lift vp the heads of both those twayne The Butler and the Baker eke whiche Prisners did remayne 23 And so the Butler to his Place hee did eftsones restore And toke the Bakers Head him froe his Seruauntes al before 24 The Butler gaue the King the Cuppe appoynted to that Place The Baker hangde as Ioseph sayd So all things came to passe But yet the Butler did forget poore Iosephs heauy case The Contentes of the XLI Chap. King Pharos Dreames expounded are by Ioseph Iacobs Sonne Chyefe Ruler is he made of all in Egipt to be donne And Pharo chaungeth Iosephs name and gyues a VVyfe to hym By whom he had two Sonnes to vvit Manass ' and Ephraim ANd two yeeres after it befel that Pharo D●eam'd a Dreame He thought he stoode a Ryuer by and sawe come from that Streame 2 Seuen Kyne that fatt● and goodly were Which went before his face Into a Medow fayre and Greene wherin they fedde apace 3 And after them Seuen other Kyne came vp that Riuer fro That very Leane and Feeble were il fauord to the showe ▪ 4 Which stood the other fat Kyne by vpon the Riuer syde And these Leane honger starued Kyne with bare and pilled Hyde 5 Did eate vp all the wel fed Kyne that nothing did remayne And Pharo Wak't and fel asleape and so did Dreame agayne 6 And in the same him thought to see vpon one stalke to grow Seauen Eares of Corne both full and large That Rācknes great did show 7 He sawe come vp Seuen other Eares that s●lender were and thynne Be blasted with the Easterne wynd as Scorched they had bene 8 And these last Seuen deuoured cleane the goodly Seauen that grew And Pharo wak'te and look't about t' was but a Dreame he knewe 9 But yet when that the Day was come his spirite was troubled sore His Seruauntes sent he forth and sayd bryng hither me before 10 The Wysemen the Southsayers that be within the Land And when they came the Dreame he Dream'de he made them vnderstand 11 And what the meaning therof was of them he fayne wold know But none of them Interprete could nor meanyng therof show 12 The Butler sayd vnto the King I call to Mynd this daye A Breach of promise that I made when I in Prison lay 13 Such tyme as Pharo angry was and me to Prison sent And when the Baker of his House a Prisner with me went 24 Thus when we both in Dongeon were it chaunced in one Nyghte That eche of vs did Dreame a Dreame which after fel out right 15 There was with vs a fayre Yonge man that was an Hebrew borne Who Seruaunt to the Marshal was we nere him saw beforne 16. To whom we told our seu●rall dreames and he agayne to vs As afterward the same fell out the truth did then discusse 17 I was restored as he sayd to Office myne agayne And eke the Baker hanged was as he declared plaine 18 Then Pharo sent and did commaund this Ioseph for to haue Forthwyth from Pryson they hym brought out from that filthy Caue 19 And Ioseph then did shane himselfe as was that tyme the guyse And better Clothes did put him on and went in cleanly wise 20 So when he came the King before the King to Ioseph spake I haue quoth he late Dream'd a Dreame but none can truly make 21 Interpretacion of the same but yet I haue heard tell That when a Dreame is told to thee thou canst declare it well 22 Then Ioseph to King Pharo said my Lord the King shall see That God shal geue an Answere good to Pharo without me 23 Sayd Pharo in this Dreame mee thought I stode a Riuer by From whēce there came .vii. Goodly Kine wel Fleshed to myne Eye And in a Medowe did they Feede which was the Riuer ny 24 And after them I saw come forth out from that running Brooke Seuen other Kyne both Pore and Leane and ill vppon to loke 25 Such as before I neuer saw within th' Egiptian land So thynne so bare so pin'de away skarce able were to stande 26 And yet these seuen i● fauord Kyne that Scaruelynges were and leane Did Eate vp all the vii fat Kyne that goodly were and Cleane 27 And when they had deuoured them a man could not perceiue That they had Eaten them for why their Bellyes stil did clea●● 28 Unto theyr Backes in Starueling sort as when they did begynne So Leane were they so il to see so pyned poore and Thinne 29 I did awake and Dream'd againe and then me thought I sawe Seuen Eares spring out of good full Corne vpon one Stalke or Straw 30 And after them
of Canaan 10 Hys Daughters and the Daughters such as his Sonnes gotten had ▪ And all his Seede brought hee with him to Egipt very glad These are the names of Iacobs Lygne whom Israell we call Whych into Egipt came with him in order as they fall These vvere bo●●e to Iacob in Padan Aram Iacob Leah Ruben Hanoch Phalu Hezr●n 〈◊〉 Simeon Iemuel Ianan Ohad Iachin Zohar Saul by the Cana●●tish vvoman Leui. Gershon 〈◊〉 M●rari Iud●h Er Onan Shilah Thares Hezron Hamul Zerah Isaker ▪ Tola Pha●ah Iob Shi●ro● Zebulon Sere● Elon Iahl●● These ●e the Sonnes to Iacob borne by Leah his fyrst wife Beside fayre Dina Daughter his for whome there fel great strife These are the Childrē of zilpha Whom Laban gaue to Leah Iacob Zilpha Ged 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 Asher 〈…〉 ●●ui Ber●ah 〈◊〉 Ma●c●iel Serah the S●ster These are the Sonnes from Rahel that did fall To Iacob borne were fourtene Sonnes in all Iacob Rahell Ioseph ●●enath 〈◊〉 ●●●ghter Manasseh Ephraim Beniamin Belah Becher Ashbel Gera. Naaman E●● Ro●● Mup●●● Euppim Ard. The Soules with Iacob that downe went to Egipt on the way Were in the whole Sixtie and Sixe as wel perceiue you may Besides the wiues of Iacobs Sonnes of whom wee nothing saye Two Sonnes in Egipt Ioseph had that borne were vnto him Manasseh was the first of twaine the younger Ephraim And these the Sonnes of Bilha were whom Laban as is sayd Did geeue to Rahel Daughter his to be her waighting Mayde Iacob Bilha Dan. Hushim Nephtali 〈◊〉 Cani Iezer Sh●lem So all the Soules of Iacobs House which into Egipt past In number are three Skore and Tenne from first vnto the last 11 Then Iacob Iudah sent before to Ioseph in the way Hym to direct to Goshen Land where in they made their stay 12 Then Ioseph readye made himselfe his Chariot eke also And vp to Goshen Land hee went his Father for so know 13 To whom hee did himselfe present and on his Necke did fall Whereon hee wept a good long space to comfort of them all 14 Then Israel to Ioseph sayd now ●et my lyfe depart Sith I haue lyu'de thy Face to see and that alyue thou art 15 Then Ioseph to his Brethren sayd and fathers Houshold all ▪ I will goe vp and Pharao showe and tel him what 's befall 16 How Father mine and Brethren eke with Housholdes all that bee Are come from Land of Canaan to Goshen me to see 17 And that the Men but Shepeheardes are and for because of that Their Sheepe and Cattel haue they brought and al what euer what 18 And if that Pharao call to you and aske of you and saye What is the trade that you do vse or how spend you the Daye 19 Then shal you say thy Seruauntes are as Fathers them beforne In tending Cattel occupied since tyme that we were borne 20. That ye may dwel in Goshen Land for eu'rye Shepeheard is Among th'Egiptians hated much as men that doe amisse The Contentes of the XLVII Chap. Iacob before the King is come and Pharao doth him giue Leaue for to dwel in Goshen Land all Dayes that hee shall lyue And Iacob maketh Ioseph sweare with hand vnder his Thye VVhen hee is dead to burye him where as his Fathers lye THen Ioseph came and Pharao tolde my Father now from fa And Brethren myne then shepe haue brought and now in Goshen a●e 2 And to thement the king might see what kynde of Men they were Ioseph presented to the King Fyue of his Brethren there 3 Then Pharao di● demaund of them What is your trade sayd hee Thy Seruauntes Shepeheardes are sayd they as Fathers our haue bee And for to soiourne in the Lande is cause we come to thee 4 For Seruauntes thyne no pasture haue to keepe our Sheepe withall So sore the Famyn in the Land of Canaan is fall 5 And therefore now wee humbly pray thou suffer vs to Dwell In Goshen Land where by thy Leaue wee hope for to Liue well 6 Then Pharo vnto Ioseph said I vnderstand and see Thy Father and thy Brethren are come hither vnto thee 7. Behold the Land of Egipt lyes all ope before thy Face And in the best part of the same do thou therein them place 8. In Goshen Land let them remaine and Soiourne there and Dwell And if amonge thy Brethren be in prowesse that excel 9. Let them be Rulers likewise made ouer my Flockes of Sheepe And other Cattel that is myne in safety them to keepe 10. Then Ioseph vnto Pharo broughte olde Iacob Father his And Iacob there saluted him and did him also Blisse 11 What be the Number of thy Yeares sayd Pharo to hym then Sayth hee my tyme of Pilgrimage is sixe Skore Yeres and Ten. 12 Few be the Dayes that I haue liu'de ▪ and also very bad And I haue not those yeres attaind that my Forefathers had 13 And Iacob then did Pharo blesse and did depart him fro And Ioseph with his Father went and left the king also 14 His Father and his Brethren all hee placed out of hand And gaue them Ground for to possesse in best parte of the Land 15 Euen in the Land of Rameses as earst the King did say Of Goshen which a Cittie was where Pharoes Treasure laye 16 And Ioseph did prouision make of Bread wherewith to feede His Father and his Houshold all his Brethren and their Seede And as young Children were they fed Such was the tyme of neede 17 For in the Land was want of Bread the Dearth exceeding sore In Egipt and in Canan Land was neuer lyke before 18 So that by reason of the Dearth these Countries famisht were And Ioseph gathered all the Coyne and Monie that was there 19 For to bee found for Corne and Grayne the which of him they bought And layd it safe in Pharoes house as faythful Seruauntes ought 20 So that when Money fayled them that Corne they might not buye Th' Egiptians all to Ioseph came and on him did they crye 21 And sayd our Money all is spent geeue vs therfore some Bread For why should we before thy Face with Famishment be deade 22. Sayd Ioseph then your Cattell bringe if Money yours be gonne And I will geue you Bread to eate ynough for eu'●y one 23. So they their Cattle brought to him Horses and Flockes of Sheepe Their Asses al and Heardes of Beastes they wonted were to keepe 24. And for the same hee gaue them Bread ▪ so mutch as might suff●se For one whole Yeare and then agayne they came and sayd thus wise 25. Wee wil not now b●ee from my Lord sithe that our Coyne is gonne And that my Lord our Cattle hath and Heards of Beastes ech one 26. There nothinge is amonge vs left in sight for to bee found Except it please my Lord to haue our Bodies and our Grownd 27. Why shall
know it well my Sonne right well I do it know He shal said he a People be and shall be great also 29 But his yonge Brother Ephraim shall greater be then hee And eke his Seede encreasing still shall full of Nacions be 30. So he them blest that Day and sayd in thee shall Isrell blisse And say as Ephraim God thee make and as Manasseh is 31. And Iacob sette the yonger Sonne the elder Sonne before As one in whom Gods grace should bee much manifested more 32 To Ioseph then sayd be I Dye I may not long remayne And God vnto your Fathers Land shall guyde you backe againe 33 I haue thee geuen aboue the rest a certain peece of Land Which wyth my Sworde and Bow I gotte out of the Amorites hand The Contentes of the XLIX Chapter Iacob here blesseth all his Sonnes eche one of them by name And sheweth them what is to come as they well finde the same He geeueth charge to buryed bee whereas his Fathers lye And plucking vp his feete in Bedde most quietly doth Dye THen Iacob called for his Sonnes and sayd come vnto me That I may tell what shall you hap in future tyme to be 2. To gether gather now your selues and heare what I shall saye Geue Eare vnto your Fathers voyce and beare his words away 3. Rub●n thou art my Eldest Sonne of Leah borne by right Beginning of my Noblenes my Dignitie and Might 4. Unstable as the UUater is so shalt thou proue alway And shalt not be the Chief of all because thou went astraye 5 And did defoyle thy Fathers Bedde with Bilha Rahels Maide By whom two Sonnes I dyd begette it cannot be denayde But after thou hadst do●ne this fact that Couch● away I sayd 6. Also thy Brethren Symeon and Leui thus I tell Most cruell Instruments are they in places where they dwell 7. In secrets theirs come not my soule nor Honour myne lykewyse Shall coupled be wyth them or theirs but do the same dispyse 8. For in their wrath they slew a man the Sichemites also And in theyr selfe wyll dygd a Wall and dyd it ouerthrowe 9. And cursed be their furious wrath for sh●meles sure it was And cursed bee their fiersnes fell it cruell was lyke case 10. And for the same in Iacob sure I wyl them both deuyde And skatter them in Israell abrode on eu'ry side 11. But Iudah thou my Sonne art he whom Brethren thyne shall prayse And in the Necke of Enmies thyne thou shalt thy hand vp raise 12 Thy Fathers Children Brethren thyne shall downe before the fall And Iudah thou shalt still preuayle aboue thy Brethren all 13. Iudah my Sonne thou shalt come vp from Mighty spoyles alow And as a lusty Lyons whelpe thyne Enmies shall downe throwe 14. And Lyon like he downe shal touche and as a Lyonesse Who dare him styrre or rayse him vp that shall not feele distresse 15. The Scepter or the Kingdom sure shall not depart him fro Nor a lawe geuer tweene his feete shall passe away and goe 16. Untyll that Shyloh come whiche is Gods Sonne to vnderstand To Iudah shall the People come together in the Land 17. And he shall bynd his Asse Foale fast vnto the pleasant Uyne And tye his Asses Coult to that which yeldes the Noblest Wyne 18 Hee shal his garmentes wash in Wyne and eke his Cloake also Shal washe in bloud of Grapes the best that in the Country grow His eies al Red shal glow within his teeth Mylke whyte shal show 19. And Zebulon my Sonne shal dwel hard by the Salte Sea side And shall an Harbour be for Shyppes that waste with Wynd and Tyde 20. His border shall to Zydon stretch that 's in Phenicia And hath vppon the East also the Lande Arabia 21. And Isachar an Asse shal be that 's great and stronge of Bone Hee shal touch down twene burdens twayne But courage hath he none 22. And he shall see that rest is good the Land pleasaunt also Shall bowe his Shoulder for to beare and vnder Tribute goe 23. And Dan my Sonne shal be a Iudge the Peoples cause to try The honour of a Trybe is his and shal be till he Dye 24. Dan shall a Serpent be also that by the way doth lye And as an Adder by the Path that wayteth tyme to Spye 25. To byte the Horse fast by the Heele as Rider passeth by That Ryder his may backward fall and on the ground to cry 26 Then Iacob lifted vp his voyce to pray and thus said he O Lord my God I wayted haue for sauing health from thee 27 An H●st of men shal set vppon and vanquishe Gad my Sonne But yet at last he shal preuayle and shall them ouerronne 28 Asher my Sonne in Corne and Frute shal plenteously a●ounde And shall geue pleasures for a King his Bread shal fat be found 29 And Nap● a●i sha●be a Hynd let goe abrode at large And wi●h fayre woro●s shal ouercome more then by force of charge 30 Ioseph shal be a fruiteful Bough euen by the Wel spryng syde The yon● smal Boughes y e Walls shal climbe ▪ and spread theyr Sprayes ful wyde 21. And yet the Archers greeued hym and shotte agaynst him sore As Bret●ren his and Patiphar and many others more 22. But Iosephes Bow did strong abyde his Handes and Armes also Did by the Hand of Iacobs God in Myght and strength styll grow 23 Of Ioseph Herdmen are become it cannot be denayd He was by God thereto assignde which Isrell Stone is sayd 24. Euen by the God of Father thyne which shall the helpe at Neede And by the most Almighty God which shall the Blesse with speede 25. Wyth Heauenly Blessings from aboue shal God the Blesse and keepe With Blessings that beneath do lye and Blessings of the deepe 26. And eke with Blessinges of the Breastes and of the Wombe also Thou shalt of God be bles●e alway where euer that thou goe 27 The blessing of thy Father sure shall much more stronger be Then blessing of myne Elders were all whych shall light on thee 8 Yea euen vppon the head of hym who seperated was From Brethren his these blessings shall on hym bee brought to passe 29. But Beniamin shall as a Wolfe go rauen for his Pray And what he catcheth in the Morne at Nyght shal make away 30. These are the Tribes of Israell which twelue in number bee And thus their Father spake to them and blessed them ye see 31. And euery one a blessing had vnto himselfe alone And after charged them and sayd when that my Life is gone 32. Let me be buryed in the Caue whereas my Fathers lye Whych is wythin the Hittits Field that Ephron is to try 33. In that same Caue which is in field of Machpelah by name Whych Abram bought to bury in and Ephrons Field wyth
same 34. And there they buried Abraham Sarah his wife also Isac Rebecca and Leah I her there buryed too 35. The Purchase of the Field and Caue and all that therein stoode Of Heth his Children purchas'de was to Funerall the good 36. When Iacob ended had the charge he gaue his Sonnes vnto He pluckt his Feete into the Bedde as some in dying doe 37. And so he yelded vp his Ghoast most quietly to see And to his People gathred was as he desyr'de to be The Contentes of the L. Chap. Iacobs Interment is exprest Ioseph forgeues his Brethren next And seeth vnto the third degree His Childrens Seede then dies hee THen Ioseph fel on Fathers face and wept vppon him sore And kissed him w t heauy cheere as one right sad therefore 2 And to his seruāts thus said he sutch as Embalme the dead Let Father mine Embalmed bee and taken from his Bedde 3. So Israell Embaulmed was as Ioseph ●ad in hast When Forty Dayes accomplisht were so longe the Dayes did last Of sutch Men as Embaulmed were Which time they haue not past 4. But yet those Folke of Egipt Land that were with Ioseph then Did sore bewayle the Death of him iust three Skore Dayes and Ten. 5. And when the Dayes of Mourninge his were past and gonne away Then Ioseph sp●ke to Pharoes House and on this wise did say 6. If I haue any fauour found before your eies at all I pray you then to Pharo speake as I now tell you shall I pray you then to Pharo speake as I nowe tell you shall 7 My Father made me sweare and sayde My Sonne behold I Dye Entoumbe thou mee in Canaan whereas my Graue dath lye 8. Ah las now therefore lette mee goe I humbly do the pray And I my Father burye will and come agayne this way Sayd Pharao then goe vp and do as Father made the Say 9. So Ioseph with his Father went with him there wen● as tho The Elders of Kinge Pharoes House and Seruaunts his also Yea all the Elders of the Lande likewise with them did go 10. All Iosephes House and Brethren his his Fathers House likewise Theyr Children onely and their Sheepe hee did as then deuise 11. To leaue behinde in Goshen Land till their returninge backe They went with Horse and Chariottes store no furniture did lack 12. And when they came beyonde Iordan Goren Atad vnto With greeuous Lamentation they made there mutch ado 13. And Ioseph there his Fathers Death bemoaned seuen dayes longe And when the Cananites this sawe they sayd them selues amonge 14 This is vnto th'Egiptians a Mourning great we see And so their Lamentacion they nam'de the place to bee 15 Thus Iacobs Sonnes did vnto him as hee to them had sayd They caryed him to Canan Lande and in the Caue him layde 16 Which is in Field of Ma●hpelah that Abram somtime bought Of Ephron neere to Mamre soyle an Hittite as is tought 17 When Iosephes Father buried was they all return'de agayne Into Egipt where Ioseph gaue them thankes for all their payne 18 But now when Iosephes Brethren sawe their Father dead and gone Perhaps sayd they that Ioseph will his Wrath vs wreake vpon 19 And wil vs hate and pay agayne the Ill that wee haue done Therfore to him they sent and sayd Ioseph old Iacobs Sonne 20 Thy Father did commaundment geeue before hee went away Thus shall you Ioseph speake vnto forgeeue I now thee pray 21 The Trespasse of thy Brethren past that they haue done to thee And now forgeeue our fault likewise for wee Gods Seruauntes bee 22 When they thus vnto Ioseph spake hee wept a certayne space And in that Tyme his Brethren came and fel before his face 23 And sayd behold thy Seruauntes wee attend vpon thy wyll Feare not sayth hee for vnder God I am and wil bee still 24 When you pretended ill to mee God turn'de it to the best That hee might bring such thinges to passe as this day is exprest 25 And many People sau'd aliue that els had now bene gone Feare not therefore I●e norishe you and Children yours ech one 26 So kindely vnto them hee spake and entertaynde so well It was more comfort to their hart ▪ then any toung can tell 27 Thus Ioseph and his Fathers house ▪ in Egipt dwelled styll He lyu'de an Hundreth yeares and tenne and then did Death him kill 28 The Children yet of Ephraim ▪ did Ioseph lyue to see Unto the third descent of them by order in degree 29 Lykewise hee Machirs Children saw Manassehs Sonne that was Whom Ioseph brought vp on his knees and thus it came to passe 30 That Ioseph to his Brethren sayd I readye am to dye And God wil surely visite you as time the thing shall trye 31 And bring you safe out of this Land vnto the Land hee sware To Abram Isac and Iacob and ryd you so from care 32 Then of the Children of Isrell an Oath did Ioseph take And sayd God sure wil visite you for his great mercies sake 33 And you shal cary hence my boanes thus did hee Prophecie Beeing an Hundreth yeares and Tenne and in that Age did dye 34 And after they embaulmed him and put him in a Chest In maner as his Father was so him th' Egyptians drest FINIS IMPRINTED AT London in Fleetstreete neere vnto S. Dunstanes Churche by Thomas Marsh. 1578. Cum Priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis The Creation of the World The Spirite of God moued vpon the face of the Waters * God savve that the lighte vvas good did call the light Daye and the darke Nighte The light vvas made before the Sunne or Moone vvas created *. the vvater in the cloudes *. the vvaters of the sea and Ryuers * that is the Region of the ayer and all that is aboue vs. *. God calleth the dry Lande Earth the gatheringe together of Waters called he Seas * The Earth at the bidding of God brought foorthe Trees Grasse and Herbe and Trees herbe brought forth their fruicte each in their kinde before the Sunne Moone and Starres vvere created * The Lightes are the Sunne Moone and Starres a Both Fish Fovvle had one beginning vvherein vvee see that nature geeueth place to Gods vvill the one is made to flye the other to svvimme b That is God gaue them povver to ēcrease Chapter 8.21 *. The creation of Adam in the fielde of Damasco ▪ who the same day hee vvas brought into Paradice sinned and the same day after mydday he vvas thruste out Methodius * The propagation of man is the blessing of God Chapter 8.20 and .9.1 *. Gods greate liberalitie to man taketh avvay al excuses of mans ingratitude *. That is the sunne the mone the starres and planets *. the 7. day dyd God first shevve mercy For that hee gaue to man and beast that day rest ▪ vvher as the day before they Were damned to
April and part of Maye b. Noah declareth his obedience in that he vvould not depart out of the Ark vvith out Gods expresse cōmaundement as hee did not enter in vvithout the same Cap. 1 15 ▪ and 9.1 (a.) that is he shevved therby himself appeased and his anger to rest b, the order of nature distroyed by the flood is restored by Gods promis Cap 1.15 and 8.21 (a) A libertye graunted by God to eate Fleshe vvhich the holy Fathers before the Flood neuer vsed Cap 1.21 [b) That is liuinge Creatures and the flesh of beastes that are strangled and here by al cruel●y is forbidden (c) The lavve of the Svvord (d) Not onely by the Magistrate but oft tymes god raiseth one murtherer to kill another [a) The Rayn-bovve in vvhiche is expressed both the colours of vvater and fye● the one parte blevv the other red that it myght vvitnes both Iudgmētes the one past the other to come [b] vvhen men shall see my bovve in the heauen they shall knovve that I haue not forgotten my couenaunte vvyth them (a) No a●●inu●ted the vse of vvyne for before the flood vvas no vvine dronke nor Fleshe eaten (b) Of vvhom cam● the Cananits the vvicked Nation vvho vvere also cursed of God c) because god before had blessed him d) Cham is cursed in his seede † That is in his posteritie Aftervvardes the Families of the Cananites vvere spred abroade in dyuers placs In the stocke of Sem the Church vvas preserued and therfore Moyses leaueth of speaking of Iaphet and Ham entreateth of Sem more at large [a) Or of these came diuers Nacions (b) vvhich vvas Nymrod and his company vvhich vvent from the East that is Armenia 130. yeres after the floude [c] vvhich vvas after called Chaldea [a] They vvere moued vvith pride and Ambicion thinking to p●●s●r ●heir ovv●e glory to goddes honour He cometh dovvne and shevveth himselfe by his vvonderful vvorkes [c) God speaketh as though he toke cou●●sell vvith 〈◊〉 ovvne 〈…〉 dome 〈…〉 povver (d) Or fusion Some thinke that this Sara ● vvas Iscah Harans duaghter and Sister to Lot Milcha [a] His bretheren vvere Abrā and Nahor (b) He speaketh first of Abram not that he vvas the first borne but for the history vvhich properly apertayneth vnto him [c] Haran vvas a City in Mesopotamia [d] That is to say ▪ he die 3. (a) From the floud to this time vvas 363. yeres [b] In appointing him no place certaine he proueth his faith and obedience so much the more [c) The vvorld shal recouer by the seede vvhich is Christ the blessing vvhich they lost in Adam [c) The vvorld shal recouer by the seede vvhich is Christ the blessing vvhich they lost in Adam [d] The place vvhere his father Terach died Cap. 22.26.27 [e] The soules are seruauntes both of men vvomen (f) That vvas the Land of Canaan Cap. 13.21 15.1 a] Because of the troubles that he had among the vvicked people [b) He vvas the first that taught the Aegiptians Arythmeticke and Astrologie Pe. Comest 42 Lanquet Chapter 20.21 (a] To be hys vvyfe (b) The Lorde toke the defence of this pore straunger against a mightie king and as he is euer careful ouer hys so did he preserue Sarai [a] To the entent that none should hurt him either in his person or goodes (b) He called that place by that name vvhich vvas after geuen vnto it Cap. 28.25 (a] vvhich vvas betvvene Bethel and Hai. Cap. 36.3 (b] The Cananites and pheresites dvvelled at that time in the Land [c] The Ebrues vnderstand by this vvord brother al Cosins Neighboures and al that be of one stocke [d] Abraham Resigneth hys ovvne right to buy peace a) Which vvas in Eden [b] This vvas done by Gods prouidence that onely Abram and hys seede myght dvvell in the-the-Land of Canaan (c] Lot thinking to get Paradice found Hell [a] Meaninge alōge time vntil the comminge of Christe Cap. 12.8 and 15.1 [a] Which vvas ▪ Babilon [b] By kinges vnderstand such as vver gouerners of Cities [c] that is a people gathered together of diuers Natiōs (a] Ambicio● is the chyefe cause of vvarres amōge Prynces (b) Called also the deade Sea or the Lake neare vnto Sodom and Gomorra (c) In Asteroth Karnaim (d) in Ham ' (e) in shau●h Kiriathaim (f) in theyr mount Seir vnto the plain of Paran vvhich is by the vvildernes and then turned they to the vvel En-mishpat vvhich is Kadesh● [g] Kinge of Sodom [h] King of Gomorra [a] Afterward vvas ouervvhelmed vvith vvater so called the salt Sea [b] The godly are plagued many times vvith the vvicked and therefore their cōpany is daungerous [c) At this tyme Abrahā dvvelled in the Oke ▪ groue of this Mamre the Amorite This Hoba lyeth on the left hand of Damasco [a] Was Priest vnto the moste high God and after the death of Abraham vvas kinge of Salem the Ebrues suppose him to be Sem the sonne of Noah because he liued after the Floodde 500. yeares a) Abram gaue Melchisedech the tythes of all his pray (b] By the Soules is signified both the mē and vvomen [a) The vvord of God cometh vvhen he shevveth any thing vnto vs by reuelatiō and is a maner of speach of the He●brues Chapter 12.8 and 13.21 b] his fear vvas not onely that he should bee chyldles but lest the promis of the blessed seede shold not be accomplished in him [a] To beleeue Gods promisse vvas accōpted to Abraham for ryghteousnesse (b) this is a particuler mocion of Gods sprite vvhich is not lavvfull for al to follovve in asking signes but vvas permitted to s●m● by a peculier motion as to Gedeon and Ezechiah (c) This vvas the old custom in making couenauntes Ieremy 34. [d) to y t vvhich god added theise condicions that Abrahams posterity should be as torn in peeces but after they should be coupled together also that it should be assauted but yet deliuered [a] ●ccōpting from the birth of Isaac to their departure out of Aegypt [b] To Iudge in this place is to take vengeaunce [c] Or after fovvre hundreth Yeares for an Age or Generation is here taken for .400 Yeares [d] Thoughe God suffer the vvicked for a time yet his vengeance falleth vpon thē vvhen the measure of their vvickednes is full (a] The Giantes be the Rephaims [a) To go in to her Maid is to knovve her carnally For it vvas the manner among the people of God that if y e Wife were barrē by both their assents he might haue an other Secōdary Wife not to take for Luf● but to multiply Gods people [b] Abrā had dvvelled 10. Yeares in the Land of Canaan before Sarai gaue Hagar her Mayde vnto him (a) Which vvas Christe as appeareth in the. Ca. 18.19 (b) This Foūtaine of vvater vvas by a Wel in the vvay to Sur. [c) God relecteth no estate of people in their miseries but sendeth thē comfort Cap. 25.12 (a) That is the Ismaelites shal be
vppon gods prouidence a] That is by ●trevve obedience thou hast declared thy liuelye fayth b) Signifyinge that there is no greater thē he Cap. 12.3 18.35 b) Or Holdes a) Sarah died in Kiriath Arba the same is Hebron in the land of Canaā vvhen she vvas 127. yeares old Petrus Comestor 59. b] That is vvhē he had mourned so the godly may● mourn if they passe not measure and the natural affectiō is commendable ▪ c) that is godly or excellent for the Hebrevves so speake of all thinges that are notable because al excellēcy commeth of God a) Because one caue is vvithin another b] meaning all the Cittisens and inhabitauntes c) To shevve them that hee had them in good estimatiō and reuerence (a) The common Sikle is about 20. pen so then 400. Sikles amounteth to 33. pound 6. shillinges 8. pens after 5. ● ster the ovvnce Cap. 50.16 (a) His seruauntes name vvas Eleazer (b) This shevveth that an oth may be required in a lavvful cause (a] He would not that hys Sonne should mary out of the godly familie for the inconueniēces that come by marying vvith the vngodly are set foorthe in sundrie places of the scripture Cap. 12.8 13 21. 15 1● (a) Lest hee should loose the inheritaunce promised Cap. 28.3.14 [b) He groūdeth his prayer vpon Gods promise made to his mayster Verse 63. (a] The Seruaunto moued by Gods Spyrite desired to be assured by a Signe Whether Cod prospered his Iourney or no. (a) God permitted manye thinges both in Apparell and other thinges vvhich are novve forbidden specially vvhen they apertaine not to our mortifycation (a) For hee vvayted on Gods hande vvho had novv hard his prayer [a) The gētle entertaynment of Straungers vsed amonge y e godly Fathers (b] To blesse signifieth here to enriche or increase vvith Substaunce as the Text declareth a) The Cananites vvere accursed and therfore the godly cold not ioyne vvith thē in mariage b) Meaning among his Kinfolkes verse 60. a] signifyinge that this praier vvas not spokē by the mouth but onely meditated in his hart a) He shevveth vvhat is perduty vvhen vve haue recei●ed any ben●fite of the Lorde a) That is vnto thy maisters Sonne (b) Tha● vvas Laban a) This shevveth ●hat parentes haue not auctority to mary their childrē vvithout consent of the partyes b) That is let it be victorious ouer his enemie vvhich blessinge is fully accomplished in Iesus Christ c) This vvas the exercise of the Godly fathers to meditate gods promises and to pray for the accomplishment thereof a) The custom vvas that the Spouse vvas brought to hir husband hir head being couered in token of shamefastnes chastitye b) He vvas 40 yeares olde vvhen he maried her vvho bare him no Child 20 yere after August c) Or had left Morning for his mother a] The Ebrues say that this Keturah vvas Hagar vvho of a Lemman vvas made a Wyfe after the death of Sarah August [a) And sent them eastvvard vnto the Land of Kedes to auoide the dissencion that elles might haue come because of the Heritage [b) He died in the yere of his age 175. and vvas put to his people in Hebron August de ci li. 18. And Pet. Com. 66. (c) The death of Abraham vvhich vvas before the incarnacion of Iesus Christ. 1838. Yeres Coop Cap. 16.16 The Death of Ismaell [a) Which dvvelt amōge the Arabians from Hauilah to Shur That is tovvardes Aegypt the vvay to Ashur and vvere seperated from the blessed Seede [b) Or hurt one another (c) That is seeinge y t one of them shall destroy the other (d] For that is the chiefe ▪ Refuge in al oure Miseries * The birth of Esau and Iacob (*] Or a man of the fielde (a] Of Canaan (a] Gods prouidence alvvay vvatcheth to directe the vvaies of his Children Cap. 12.8 and. 13.21 15.1 and. 24.9 (b] He cōmēdeth Abrahās obedience because Isaac should be the more redier to follovve the like [c) Whereby vvee see that feare and mistrust is founde in the most faythfull (a] By vvhich it myghte bee knovvn that she vvas his vvife [b]. In al ages ▪ men vvere persvvaded that gods vengeance should light vppon vvedlocke breakers a] The maliciou do enuy the grace of God in others b) The ●brevv vvorde signifieth a flood or valley vvhere vvater at any tyme runneth a) Or springi●g b) Contentiō or stryfe c) enmity or hatred d: Largenes o● roume e) god assureth Isakac agaist all feare by rehersing the promise made to Abraham a) To signifye that he vvolde serue no other god but the god of Abraham b] The hebrevves in svvearing began cōmonly vvith it vnderstād the rest that is that god shal punishe him that breaketh the Oth Here the vvicked shevv that they are afraid lest that come vnto them vvhich they vvould do others a) Carnal affection vvhi●h he bare to Esavv made him forget that vvhich god spake vnto his vvife b) This subtilty is blame vvorty because she should haue taryed til god had performed his promise a] The assurāce of God made hir bolde b) Althoughe Iacob vvas assured of this promise by fayth ▪ yet he did euil to seke it by lies the more because he abused Gods name there vnto a) This delcareth that he suspected somthinge yet god vvould not haue his decree altered [a) In perceiuing his error by appointing his heyr against gods sentence promised before [b] In the 25 Chap ▪ he vvas so called because he held his brother by the heele as though hee vvold ouerthrovv him therfore is hee here called an ouerthrovver or deceiuer [c) For Isaac did this as hee vvas the myn●ster and prophet of God (a] Because thine enemies shal be rounde about thee (b] Which vvas fulfilled in his Posteritie the Idumean● vvho vvere Tributaries for a time to Israel and after came to libertie [c] Hypocrites only abstaine● from doing euill for feare of men [a) He hath good hope to recouer his byrth right by killing thee [b] For the vvicked sonne vvil kil the godly and the plague of god vvil aftervvard light on the vvicked sonne [c] vvhich vvere the vviues of Esavv (d] Hereby shepersvvaded Isaac to agree to Iacobs departing Isaac blesseth Iacob the second tyme to confirme Iacobs fayth lest he might thinke his father gaue it him vvithoute Gods Motion [b] Iacob is forbidden to take a vvife of the Cananites [c] Laban vvas brother vnto Iacobs mother Cap. 24.14 [d) The godly fathers vvere put in mind continually that they vvere but strāgers in thys vvorld to the entent hey should lifte vp theyr eies to the Heauens vvher they should haue a sure dvvelling (e] Who vvas Laban brother to Rebecca Iacob Esavves mother [a) Or beside his vviues (b] Thinkinge thereby to haue recōciled himselfe to his father but all in vaine (c( The sunne vvas set (d) Iacob dreameth of the Ladder (e] Christ is the Ladder vvhereby god man are
ascēd vvhen the vysion is ended (a) The Hebrue vvoord signifieth as much grounde as one may go from bayt to bayt vvhich is taken for halfe a dayes iourney The birth of Beniamin Cap 48.10 c] The aunciēt fathers vsed this Ceremony to testify theyr hope of the resurrectiō to come vhich vvas not generally● Reuealed [a) Herein appereth gods prouidence vvhich causeth the vvicked to giue place to the godly that Iacob might enioye Canaan according to gods promis Cap. 13.6 These are the Generations of Iacob or the Story of such things as came to him and hys family (a) He complayned of the euill vvordes ▪ vvhich they spake did against hym (a) God reueyled to him by a Dreame vvhat shoulde come to passe [b( The more that god shevveth himselfe fauorable to his the more doth the malice of the vvicked rage agaynst them ▪ a) Not despising the vision but seking to appeace his brethren b) He knevve that God vvas Auctor of the dreame but he vnderstod not the meaninge [c] This Israel vvas Iacob their father [a] The Holie Ghost couereth not Men● faultes as doe vaine Writers vvhich make vertue vice Cap. 42.27 a] Their Hypocrisy appeareth in thys that they feared Man more thē God [a] to vvit the Messengers vvhich vvere sent Cap. 44.37 (a] Or I vvill mourne for him so long as I liue [b) This Potiphar vvas an Eunuch vvhich vvord doth not alvvays signifie him that is gelded but also him that is in some high dignitie Cap. 39.1 (c) Moyses describeth the Genealogie of Iuda● because the Messias should come of hym (d) Whiche Affinitie notvvithstanding vvas condemned of God * The byrth of Er. * The byrth of Onan * The birth of Shelah [a) This order vva● for the preseruacion of the stocke that the Child begotten by the second brother should haue the name and inheritaūce of the firste vvhich in the nevv testament is abolyshed (a) For she could not mary in any other family so long as Iudah vvould retaine her in his (a) God had vvonderfully blinded him y t hee coulde not knovv her by her talke [a) That hys vvickednes might not bee knovvne to others [a) He feareth man more thē God (b[ We se that the Lavve vvhich vvas vvritten in mans hart taughte them that Whoredō should be punished vvith death albeit as yet no Lavv vvas geuen (c) That is she ought rather to accuse mee then I hir a) For the Horr●r of the sinne condemned hym b) Their hainous syn vvas signified by this mōstruous Birth c] Or the seperatiō betvvene thee and thy brother d) Phares in Hebrevv signifieth deuided The birth of Pharez e] The birth of zarah Cap. 38.48 a) The fauoure of god is the fountayne of all prosperity b) Because god prospere him so hee made religion to serue his profite a) The vvicked are blessed by the company of the godly b) For he vvas assured that al thinge shoulde prospet vvell therfore he eate and drāke toke no care c) The feare of God preserued him agaīst her continuall Tēptations a) This declareth that vvhere ●ncontinency is ther vnto is ioyned extreme impudēcy 〈◊〉 a) God vvorketh many vvōderful meanes to deliuer his Cap. 41 14. a] Or can not god raise vp such as shall Interpret such thinges b) He vvas assured by the Spirite of god that his interpretation vvas true c) He refuseth not the means to be deliuered vvhiche hee thoughte God had apoynted a) Or as some Reade Baskets ful of holes b) He shevveth that the Ministers of God ought not to-conceale that vvhich God reu●leth vnto them c) Which vvas an occasion to appoynt his officers and so to examine thē that vvere in Pryson (a] This Dreame vvas not so much for Pharao as to to be a meane to deliuer Ioseph and to prouide for his Church a) All these meanes God vsed to deliuer his seruaunt to bring him into fauoure auctority b) This feare vvas enough to teach him that this vision vvas sent of god a] The Wise of the World vnderstand not Gods secrets but to his Seruantes his vvill is reuealed b) Hee confesseth his fault agaynst the Kīg before he speaketh of Ioseph (c) The vvicked seeke to the Prophets of God in their necessitie vvhō in their prosperity they abhorre (c) The vvicked seeke to the Prophets of God in their necessitie vvhō in their prosperity they abhorre (a) As though he vvold say if I interpret thy Dreame it commeth of God and not of me a) Or both his dreams tend to one ende (a] The office of a true Prophet is not onely to shevve the euilles to come but also the remedies for the same (a) None should be preferred to honour that haue not y e giftes of God mete for the same a) His age is mencioned both to shevv that his auctority came of god ●nd also that he suffred Imprisonment exile xii yeares * The birth of Manasseth [a) Notvvithstanding that his fathers house vvas the true Churche of God yet the company of the vvicked and prosperity caused him to forget it [b] or in the Land of mine Affliction (a] As men de●titute of Counsell (a) The Aegiptians vvhich vvere Idolaters vsed to svveare by their kings Life but god forbid deth to svvere by anye but by him yet Ioseph dvvelling among the vvicked smelleth of their Corruptions [b) And therfore am true and iust (a) Affliction maketh men to acknovvledge their faults vvhich othervvise they vvould dissemble Cap. 37.29 (b] God vvill take vēgeaūce vppon vs and measure vs vvith our ovvne measure [c] Though he shevved himself Rigorous yet his brotherly affectiō remayned [a] Because their cōscience accused them of their sinne they thought God vvould haue brought them to trouble by this Money (a] Which vvas Iacob ▪ [a) When vve are in necessity or daunger God forbiddeth not to vse all honest meanes to better our estate and Condicion (b) Our chief trust ▪ ought to bee in God not in vvorldlye meanes (c) He speaketh these vvordes not so much of despayre as to make his Sonnes more carefull to bring again their Brother Beniamin * Or Stevvard of his House [a] So the Iudgement of God pressed ▪ their Conscience [a] Notvvithstandinge the corruptions of Egipt yet Ioseph taughte his Famely to feare God (a) For they tvvo only vver borne of Rahell a) The Nature of the Supersticious is to cōdemne all others in respect of thēselues (a) We may not by this example vse any vnlavvful practises seeing God hath cōmaunded vs to vvalke in Simplicitie (a) To signify hovve greatly the thing dyspleased them and hovv sory they vvere for it (b] If vve see no euydent cause of our affliction let vs loke to the secret counsel of God vvho punisheth vs iustly for our synnes [a] Equall in authoritie or next vnto the kinge (a] Rahel bare to Iacob Ioseph and Beni●min Cap. 37.44 (a) Meanynge hee had rather remaine there prysoner then to returne