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A89448 MonarchiƦ encomium est sceptrum sive solium justitiĆ¢ stabilitum; or a congratulation of the kings coronation, shewing withall, the right way of setling and establishing the kings throne, and causing his crown to flourish upon his head. By way of explication of the first five verses of the 25 chapter of the Proverbs of Solomon, with an application of them to the occurrences of these times, / published by Tho. Malpas preacher of the Gospel at Pedmore in Worcester-shire. Malpas, Thomas. 1661 (1661) Wing M341; Thomason E1856_5; ESTC R210373 32,700 77

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in more such Judges especially you would but give leave to the Ha●●maid to wait upon her Mistris For mention is made in humane story of one Verlenius who was in the days of the Roman Emperour Alexander Severus He abused the favour of the Emperour and took much money of divers to prefer their Suces but deluded them and did them no good When the Emperour understood it he caused him to be hanged up in a Chimney as some have it or as others he commanded him to be tyed in propatulo in publick view to a stake and there to be suffocated and stifled or choked to death with smoke an Herald proclaiming to the people Fumum vendidit et fumo punitus est Smoke he sold and with smoke he is punished It seems that Justice is too much turned into smoke amongst us we have many sittings and meetings in the Country which put us in mind and both pretend and promise some hope of reforming of disorders and suppressing or at the least diminishing and decreasing that World of Alehouses that is now adays but all turn into smoak and vanish into nothing the Cath-pole Excise man goes away with all the gains the poor Country man pays all or else he must drink sixteens here 's small Justice and poor reformation of Exorbitancies Another fearful example was read in Herodotus that when a Judge for mony and for lucre had pronounced a false sentence the King of the Persians caused him to be excoriated and fleyed alive and commanded that his skin should be nailed over the Seat of Judgement there to remain for ever as a terrour to succeeding Judges and that the Son of the same Judge should first supply the Seat that by his Fathers example he might take heed of perverting Justice A just Judgement inflicted upon a corrupt Judge which if it move you not because a Heathen was the Author of the story yet hearken to the Law of God against which no exception can be taken Cursed is he that taketh a reward to put to death innocent blood and all the people shall say Amen Deut. 27.15 Such Judges as these our own Chronicles do afford us sufficient Testimony and Examples of and they testifie that there were such in the Reign of King Richard the Second namely Sir Robert Tresilian Lord Chief Justice with six more Judges and divers others of great places who did not faithfully Counsel the King but advise him to do things contrary to Law whereupon they were censured in a Parliament holden at that time some of them were Executed and some Exiled and Banished the Land for their Fasehood and Treachery and such Judges as these we have had of late years again who have run into the same Errour and faln into the like premunire as they did by deluding and perswading the King against the Subject and by alienating and exasperating the hearts of the Subject against the King and the like unlawful and ungodly Stratagems practices Nay more than this their wickednesse and vilenesse did not here cease but they proceeded yet farther and set up a High Court of Justice as they called it and both Indited and Arraigned the King himself at their Barr and made a Law among themselves as the Jews did to put that pious Prince to death and to divide his Head from his Shoulders and this they did contrary to Magna Charta and contrary to all Law and Justice these were Judge Bradshaw Hacker Harrison Cook and their Com-plices who sate in Judgement upon him as Pilate and his Souldiers did upon Christ and Condemned him as a Traytor against the State but these Judges for some part of them have of late been detected and found out and received Severe and Condign punishment for their Cruel Hainous and Bloody Offences and that blood which was thus shed about twelve years since is not yet expiated neither is the hand quite purged from it therefore we may well say of them as the old Patriarch Jacob did of Simeon and Levi Gen. 49.6 In arcam eorum ne ingreditor anima mea in Caetum eorum ne adunator gloria mea O my Soul come not thou into their secret unto their Assembly mine honour be not thou united for in their anger they slew a man that was ten thousand times better than themselves and in their selfwill they digged down a wall Cursed be their anger for it was fierce and their wrath fot it was cruel I will divide them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel Thus when he maketh inquisition fot blood he remembreth it and forgetteth not the complaint of the poor Psal 9.12 for although God revengeth not suddenly the wrong done to his Servants yet he suffereth not the wicked alwayes to escape unpunished So we read that God raised up the Holy Spirit of a young Child whose name was Daniel to acquit and clear innocent Susanna from that false and unjust accusation which those two corrupt vicious and lascivious Elders had brought against her return again to Iudgment said he for they have born false witnesse against her and therefore such corrupt Judges as these or as Felix was who kept Paul in prison hoping that mony should be given him to let him loose Acts 24.27 and such as the Sons of Samuel were who turned aside after Iucre and took rewards and perverted Judgement 1 Sam. 8. they must be removed and taken away from the King for they are but drosse so saith my Text Take away the drosse from the silver and there shall come c. We have shewed you that false Prophets and covertous corrupt Judges are but drosse in comparison of silver III. Flattering Courtiers are dross In the third place we may observe that fawning Parasites that is to say flattering and aspiring Courtiers must be removed and taken away from the King for they are but like drosse in respect of pure silver and to make us abominate abhor and detest such and to make us out of love with such drosse and refuse of men David the King saith Psal 120.2 Deliver my Soul O Lord from lying lips and from a deceitfull tongue and in the 12th Psalm he also saith They that do but flatter with their lips and dissemble with their double hearts the Lord shall root out all such deceitful persons He meaneth the flatterers of the Court which hurt him more with their tongues than the Philistines or any open Enemy can do with their weapons And Solomon saith to the same effect purpose Prov. 27.5 6. Open rebuke is better than secret love fidelia sunt vulnera amici Faithful are the wounds of a friend but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful even as the kisses of Joab and Judas were Let the Righteous rathersmite me friendly saith David and reprove me 2 Sam. 20.9 but let not their precious balms break mine head That is Psal 141.6 6. let not their prosperities like the Apples of Hippomane cast before Atalenta let them not
Monarchiae Encomium EST Sceptrum sive Solium Justitiâ Stabilitum OR A Congratulation of the Kings Coronation Shewing withall the right way of Setling and Establishing the Kings Throne and causing his Crown to Flourish upon his Head By way of Explication of the five first verses of the 25 Chapter of the Proverbs of Solomon With an Application of them to the Occurrences of these times Published By Tho. Malpas Preacher of the Gospel at Pedmore in Worcester-Shire LONDON Printed by T. Leach and are to be sold by William Palmer at the Palm-tree in Fleetstreet and by Joan Malpas in Sturbridg in Worcester-Shire 1661. OMnis Anima potestatibus Supereminentibus Subjecta esto Rom. 13.1 Super Imperatorem non est nisi Solus Deus qui fecit Imperatorem Optat. Milev Sic enim omnibus hominibus major est dùm Solo verò Deo minor est Tertul. ad Stap. Psal 45. 1. My heart is inditing of a good matter I speak of the things which I have made unto the King 2. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer 3. Thou art fairer than the Children of men Tremelii nota Infusa est gratia labiis tuis propterea benedixit tibi Deus in Saeculum ni mirum ut omnes Elegantiâ gratiâque Superares ac potius in omnibus auctor esses Elegantiae gratiae v. 4. Accinge gladium tuum super femur ó Robustissime gladium gloriae tuae decoris tui v. 5. Et decore tuo prosperè Equita cum verbo veritatis proloquere Justitiam c. Ut sis Carolo magno major juxta praedictionem Grebneri de Carolo Secundo Magno Magnae Britanniae Rege To the most High and mighty Prince Charles the Second By the Grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. The most unworthy Author of this ensuing Treatise wisheth Grace Mercy and Peace through Jesus Christ Our Lord. MOst Dear and Dread Soveraign In most humble wise I prostrate and present my self with this slender ensuing Treatise before the Foot-stool of Your Sacred Majesty First craving pardon for this my bold and rash attempt For although I must ingenuously here confesse Non est meae humilitatis vestrae Celsitudini dictare It doth not become nor beseem the meanesse and obscurity of my place and calling to dictate or prescribe any thing to Your Highnesse Yet as Philip the King of Macedon permitted and appointed a little Boy to come every morning to his Chamber-door and to say these words ó 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 O Philip remember thou art a Man So give leave I humbly beseech You to Your poor Servant and faithful Subject thus far to be your Remembrancer as to say as David doth or rather as God himself saith by the mouth of David Psal 82.6 Dixi Dii estis I have said yee are Gods but yee shall dye like men and fall like one of the Princes Pallida mors aequo pulsar pede pauperum tabernas Regumque turres Horace There 's no Estate or Calling of men so high eminent or puissant but as they are called Stewards so they must give an account of their Stewardship as well as others I pray then most Gracious Soveraign vouchsafe to hold out the golden Scepter of your favour that I may touch the top of it or at least have the grace and privilege Hest 5.2 to kisse your hand and let Your Princely hand take this Enchiridion as an humble Advertisement and wholesome Admonition which I here prefix and propose unto you Non quòd de te dubitem sed ut tibi Currenti Calcar addam cum fraeno Nôsti deum imprimis Colendum Colere sine fide non potes fides vera ubi est nisi ex dei verbo Hoc scrutêris Cavens de papismo ac schismate It is the duty even of Kings to be Conversant in the Scriptures and to meditate and delight in the Law of God they are admonished so to do when they sit upon the Throne of their Kingdom Thus did Hezekiah Deut. 17.18 Thus did Josiah and thus did King David he made the word of God his Counsellor Psal 119. and in the 56 Psal ver 10. he saith In Gods word will I rejoyce In the Lords word will I Comfort me and in another Psalm he saith In the multitude of the Sorrows that I had in my heart thy Comforts O Lord have refreshed my Soul Psal 94.19 he means the cordial and vital Comforts that he found in Gods word if then you can freely and thankfully acknowledge with holy David and say it out of your own particular and personal experience Psal 119.21 It is good for me that I have been afflicted that I might learn thy Statutes Then you may also sweetly and joyfully recount and record with your self as the same David doth Psal 18.35 Thou hast given me the defence of thy Salvation thy right hand also shall hold me up and thy loving correction shall make me great Yet here to shun and avoid the prejudicate opinion of Censoriousnesse which I ever abhorred both in my self and others let me borrow that pleasing Complement or plausible Acclamation and Insinuation of the Poet Qui movet ut facias quod tam facis ipse monendo Laudat hortatu comprobatacta suo If then you do that which is an admirable thing or a rare and singular thing for Kings and Princes to do viz in Alto altum non Sapere to be of an humble and lowly mind in a high and lofty State Regis Clementia virtus A King is Gods Vicegerent and Lieutenant on Earth he must therefore be merciful as our Father in Heaven is merciful Cominaeus lib. 6. c. ● It is the part of a Tyrant in Imperio nil nisi Imperium cogitate to glory with Lewis the 11th King of France that he passed his time in making and undoing of men Contre faustum lib. 12. c. 56. as if he were placed in his Throne not ut prosit sed tantum ut praesit as Augustine speaks let them remember the saying of another learned man Magna Servitus magna fortuna Petrarcha We read in History that wise men invented the game of Chesse to mitigate the Cruelnesse of Governours in which it is insinuated that the King hath need of his Bishops of his Knights yea of the meanest peasant that tilleth or toyleth in his Land And therefore considering that He differs only from his Subjects in use not in stuff as Your prudent Grand-father King James of blessed memory was us'd to say Basilicon Doron lib. 2. He must become a Common Father unto the people never unadvisedly provoking them unto just Indignation and Anger Which that You may prevent hear once again what Your pious and peaceable Grand-father saith speaking like another Solomon in his Basilicon doron Enrich not Your Self by Exactions or grievous Impositions upon Your
and grace and true repentance in our hearts with joy in the Holy Ghost and the sincerity of a good Conscience as Carthusian glosseth that place in the Gospel Thus you see it is the glory of God to conceal a thing Honor autem Regum But it is the honour of a King to search out a matter namely to search out the causes and examine the controversies and differences betwixt man and man and also to administer true justice and judgement to the people This is the proper Office and Duty as I may so term it that belongs unto the Regal Scepter or Diadem yea this is the right honour and glory of Kings and I prove it thus First out of Humane Story Secondly by Divine Testimony First out of humane Story It is repotted That when Phillip the King of Macedonia did reject and cast off the earnest suit of a poor Widdow with this slender answer Goe thy way for I have no leasure to hear thee now She replyed thus and why then hast thou leasure to be a King as if she had said Hast thou leasure to be a King and hast thou not leasure to doe Justice and to hear the Complaint of a poor Widdow that comes before thee for Justice God hath given thee time to Raign and power to Rule and Govern that thou mightest Apply them and Imploy them both unto that Prov. 20.28 and wherefore they are given thee For Mercy and Truth preserveth a King and with loving kindness his Seat is upholden or his Throne is upholden by mercy as our last translation hath it Even as Solomons stately Throne of Ivory was supported with two Lyons on cach side one so the Throne of every good and pious Prince 2 Chron. 9. is supported and stayed up with those two Magnanimous and Lyon-like vertues Justice and Mercy Therefore God made thee King said the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon to doe Justice and Judgment 1 Kings 10. And therefore Augustine said well to this purpose Ablatâ Justitiâ quid sunt regna nisi magna latrocinia Now for divine Testimony We read in the 1 Kings 3. when Solomon prayed to God for an understanding heart that he might do Justice among Gods people it is said that his prayer pleased God passing well because Solomon asked wisdome rather than wealth and knowledge rather than honour for thereby he gave evidence that his heart was set upon righteousness For Ex abundantiâ cordis os loquitur Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh Math. 12.34 and did not his mouth speak righteous things did he not truly discern between good and bad when he judged the two Harlots that came before him when he wisely decided and determined the matter betwixt them and happily discovered and found out through his mature wisdome and judgment the right Mother of the Child which as soon as his wisedome was thus proved and perceived it was presently approved and applauded for when all Israel heard the Judgment which the King judged they feared the King for that they saw that the wisdome of God was in him to do Justice and Judgment 1 Kings 3.28 Lo here was his Honour and here was his Crown and Glory to pervestigate and search out the matter As it is reported of King James to his tare and singular and perpetual Commendation that he rightly interpreted those miscarried letters which discovered the Powder-Treason in a sense and construction differing and dissenting from the Capacity and Understanding of all his Nobles For as it is the honour and glory of Kings diligently to search out the truth of matters that come before them and uprightly and sincerely to administer Justice and Judgment to the people committed to their Charge and Government so may we be assured and perswaded likewise of this that no less shall it make for their Praise and Commendation to have hearts like the Heaven for height and the Earth for depth as it is in the next verse Hearts like the Heaven for height and the Earth c. i. e. Infinite boundless bottomless unsearchable namely in regard of their profound learning and knowledge their extraordinary wisdome and understanding It behoveth them to have a large heart like Solomons Even as the Sand that is on the Sea-shore c. For Solomon in saying here that no man can shew the Kings heart sheweth that it is too hard for man to attain to the reason of all the secret doings of the King even when he is upright and doth his duty God putteth many things into his heart which are unsearchable and past finding out by ordinary men which made David to admonish Kings and Judges thus saying Psal 2.10 Be wise now therefore O ye Kings be learned ye that are Judges of the Earth For as one saith wittily If the Judge or Magistrate be not Wise Judicious and Perspicacious to dive into the Matter and discern the Cause thoroughly that comes before him words may soon carry the matter away through the glozing tongue of some eloquent Tully or Tertullus some Colluding and praevaricating Lawyer who may be a Sophister in word and an Ambadexter in deed That Christian Poet Prudentius spake prudently against Symmachus in his first book Publica res inquit tunc fortunata satis si Vel Reges Saperent vel regnarent Sapientes That Common-wealth saith he cannot chuse but flourish when either Philosophers are Kings or Kings are Philosophers an admirable remarkable saying indeed and worthy to be written in letters of Gold and engraven with the pen or point of a Diamond upon the Thrones of Princes And the wisest of Kings speaketh to the same purpose Prov. 20.26 A wise King scattereth the wicked and bringeth the wheele over them i. e. the wheele of Judgment and Vengeance for their evil deeds Here note that this saying hath been partly fullfilled of late by finding out and bringing some Egregious and Notorious Malefactors to just and condigne punishment who lifted up their hands against the Lords Anointed K. C. the first and embrued them in his blood Ut paena ad unum sit terror ad omnes neque enim lex justior ulla est quam necis artifices c. And how necessary learning and understanding is for Kings and Princes may be easily gathered out of those words Eccles. 10.10 Woe to thee O Land when thy King is a Child i. e. Ignorant unlearned and unskilful in the affairs of State Woe to thee O Land when thy King is a Child and thy Princes eat in the morning i. e. when they rise up early to Ryot and to Revel it But as it followeth Blessed art thou O Land when thy King is the Son of Nobles and thy Princes eat in due season for strength and not for drunkenness Where by the Son of Nobles he meaneth one not only praeclara prosapiâ sive progenie oriundus that is one descended and born of antient and famous Progenitors and Predecessors but one vertuously
Monarch was offended and displeased with him Hest. 7.8 Yea let them not have so much priveledge or favour to behold the Kings face for they are no true Friends of his no good Subjects to his Majesty or well-willers to the State For as King Priamus believing Sinons smooth Tale Virgil L●b 1. aenead let in the Trojan Horse which was a means of burning and destroying that antient and famous and flourishing City of Troy which was Columen pollentis Asiae as Seneca calls it in his Tragedyes yea as the Syrens song is sometimes the Saylors shipwrack and as the Poet saith Fiscula dulcè canil volucrem dum decipit anceps As the sweet melodious pipe or whistle of the cunning Fowler entrappeth and ensnareth the silly Bird So these kind of men do eate like mothes into liberal mens Coats They are the very bane and consumption of Grearnesse they rob many a Great man of his Goodnesse and make him rob and deprive the Common-wealth of her happinesse Therefore howsoever these Sinons and Syrens may tempt us and alure us let us not hearken to them nor regard them but rather remember the good and wholesome words of wise Cascandra who said Timeo Danaos vel dona ferentes And calling to mind what David saith concerning such dangerous Charmers and Inchanters Psal 141.4 5 6. Psal 141. O let not my heart be inclined to any evil thing let me not be occupied in ungodly works with the men that work wickedness lest I eat of their dainties or of such things as please them Let the Righteous rather smite me friendly and reprove me but let not their precious balms break mine head yea I will pray yet against their wickednesse And therefore let us banish and abandon them and both desire and endeavour to put away such drosse from the King Take away the drosse from the silver c. IIII. wicked Counsellors are dross In the next place wicked and seducing Councellors may well be compared to drosse likewise What is worse or more despicable than drosse So what can be worse than evil Counsel or more to be loathed and abhorred Such a Counsellor and wicked Prompter and Suggester was Sathan when he seduced our first Parents and tempted them to eat of the forbidden fruit God said In the day that thou eatest thou shalt dye Eve being poysoned and corrupted by that Old Serpent said Lest ye dye Sathan himself said Ye shall not dye at all for God doth know that in the day that ye eat thereof ye shall be as Gods knowing good and evil A shrewd temptation and a subtile one but he lyed every word he spake Iob. 8. being a Liar from the beginning and the Father thereof Thus as Bernard descants upon that place and passage in Genesis wittily and accutely Deus affirmat Mulier dubitet Diabolus negat God affirms it the Woman doubts it the Devil denies it and which of these will ye hearken unto Such a Counsellor was Achitophel to Absalom when he advised him to rise up against his Father David e and to thrust him out of his Throne and Kingdome 2 Sam. 17. But th● Lord did defeat his Counsel and turn it into Folly and so the saying was verified Consilium malum consultori pessimum for it brought them both to shame and confusion the one hang'd himself and the other was hanged in a Tree Even in an Oak between Heaven and Earth and they took him and cast him into a great pit and laid a mighty great heap of stones upon him without all question that it might be an ensign and spectacle of terror to all Paricides and Traytors that should either rebel against their Prince or rise up against their Parents 2 Sam. 18.17 Such mischeivous misadvised and rash-headed Counsellors were those Young-men who Counselled Rehoboam to play the Tyrant over his people and to chastise them with Scorpions The old and Grave and Sage and Beaten Counsellors advised him otherwise saying Shew thy self kind and loving to the people this day and they will be thy Servants for ever But he forsooke the good and wholesome Counsel which the Old men gave him and followed the Counsel of the Young men which was his own destruction 2 Chron. 10. Even Kings going ●●ight are sometimes misled by naughty Counsellors as is said of Joash one of the Kings of Judah he did uprightly all the dayes of Jehojada the Priest but when he was dead the Princes of Judah came and did reverence to him and he hearkened to them and so left the house of the Lord 2 Chron. 14. and served Groves and Idols O well is it with Kings when they have such Chaplains and such Preists as Jehojada Such Prophets as Samuel was to Saul and Daniel to Belshazzar O well is it with the Church When Kings are nursing Fathers and Queens are nursing Mothers unto it Esay 29.13 And well is it likewise with the State if godly Ministers and religious prudent Counsellors hang as a precious Jewel or Ear-ring at the Princes ear If Joseph a man that feareth God be a Counsellor to King Pharoah he will advise him to lay up Corn in the years of plenty Gen. 41.6 enough to supply his Land and sustain the people in the time of dearth and scarcity If Nehemiah be gratious in the Court of the King Artaxerxes the afflictions and distresses of his poor brethren in Captivity shall be laid to heart Nebem 18.10 and the walles of Jerusalem to the utmost of his power shall be rebuilt Worthily hath Erasmus observed in an Epistle to John Alasto that if we had more Bishops like Ambrose we should have more Emperors like Theodosius If Brentius the Divine be Counsellor to the Duke of Wittenberge Religion thereby shall be better established and advanced If Occam the Schoolman fly to Lewis the Emperour he may well say as he did Defende me gladio et ego te defendam Calamo protect thou me with thy Sword and I will defend thee with my Pen as Tritenhemius hath observed In a word if the Kingdome be ruled and governed and swayed by Gods Scepter it will continue and it will prosper for that is a right Scepter indeed as it is called Psal 45. If the King himself make the word of God his Counsellor as David did Psal 119. and as he is admonished to do Deut. 17.18 Then shall he prolong his dayes in his Kingdome and God shall lengthen his life and make his dayes as the dayes of Heaven Then shall a Crown of pure gold be set upon his head and upon his head shall his Crown flourish maugre the head and hatred of all his enemies if he shall purge and put away this and the like drosse that I have specified from the silver then I say his Crown shall be setled upon his head and his Throne shall be established in righteousnesse The Gospel is the best Pearl or precious Stone in his Diadem the fairest Flower in his