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A14770 Tvvo histories of Ireland. The one written by Edmund Campion, the other by Meredith Hanmer Dr of Divinity Campion, Edmund, Saint, 1540-1581.; Hanmer, Meredith, 1543-1604. aut; Ware, James, Sir, 1594-1666.; Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599. aut 1633 (1633) STC 25067; ESTC S118078 462,376 530

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Felcon over Ireland And all the West of the world and there followed immediatly a continuall untemperature of the ayre with a filthy skurfe the Winter stormy cold and wet which continued untill the 11. of Iuly and put the Gardeners Fruterers and Husbandmen void of all hope in so much they complained that Winter was turned to Summer and Summer to Winter and that they were like to lose all and bee undone Anno 1252. saith Dowling and Grace and the English Anonimus but Clyn and Florilegus write that it was 1254. King Henry gave to Prince Edward his sonne Gascoigne Ireland Wales Bristow Stanford and Grantham and sent him to Alphonsus King of Spaine to take Ellionor his sister to wife where hee was by the said King Knighted and returned together with his wife into England with great riches Anno 1255. Alanus de la Zouch was made Lord Iustice so I finde in the Booke of Houth after his departure out of Ireland hee being a Lord Baron and chiefe Iustice in England Florilegus Humfrey Loid and Stow doe write the Story how hee came to his end great strife rose in England betweene certaine of the Nobility about territories lands and titles whereto each side made claime the matters in controversie by direction from the King were decided in Westminster Hall the first Controversie was betweene Iohn Earle of Surrey and Warren and Hugh de Lacy Earle of Lincolne which went upon Lacy his side The second was betweene this Earle Warren and Allan de la Zouch this Zouch being Chiefe Iustice asked Earle Warren how he held his land Earle Warran drew foorth his sword and said by this mine Ancestors held the same and by this I presently hold it and with that ranne the Chiefe Iustice through in Westminster Hall and in his flight wounded also his sonne thence hee fled to his Castle at Risgate whome Prince Edward the Kings eldest sonne pursued with an Army to whom the Earle submitted himselfe and afterwards with friends and what with money pacified all Anno 1256. in the warres of Lewelin Prince of Wales so I find in the records of Conway Stratflur Copied by Gettine Owen Edward Earle of Chester fell to outrage one while against the King another while against the Welshmen his Army was 1500. foot and 500. horse Henry the third together with Richard Earle of Cornewall and King of Almane wrote unto him gently wishing him to returne to his Country and keepe the peace and not to provoke the Welshmen to Armes the which he refused to doe but sent to the Irishmen for succour and supplies Prince Edward the Kings eldest sonne understanding thereof rigged a Navy met with the Irish fleet killed their men and sunck their ships few onely remaining to returne and to make report of this hard successe in Ireland In a while after the King raised warres against Lewellin Prince of Wales and the Welshmen saith Paris Causa autem eorum etiam hostibus eorum justa videbatur and was brought to a narrow straight so that he sent to Ireland and to Gascoigne for succour the Irishmen not forgetting their late overthrow were loath to come being of all sides driven to serve in the end came and joyned with their Kings forces where no memorable act was performed for God saith Paris defended the poore people that put their whole confidence in him About this time to wit Anno 1256. Florished Iohannes De Sacro Bosco Bale out of Leland will have him to be a Yorkeshire man and terme him Iohn Holyfaxe Stanihurst writeth he was borne in Ireland at Holy Wood in Fingall some 12. miles from Dublin and therefore called Iohannes De Sacro Bosco which carried great likly-hood with it untill they are reconciled which side prevaileth I waigh not greatly I thought good to insert him for so much as his great learning graced him unto the posterity In his springing yeeres hee suckt the sweet milk of good learning in the famous Vniversity of Oxford afterwards he went to Paris where he professed the learned Sciences with singular commendations and there slumbreth in the dust of the earth whose exequies and funerals were there with great lamentations solemnized first hee followed Aristotle afterwards gave himselfe to the Mathematikes and addicted himselfe so much thereto that none of the posterity as is thought could follow him hee wrote De Spaera Mundi lib. 1. Tractatum de spaera quatuor De Algorismo lib. 1. Omnia quae a primeva rerum orig De Anni Ratione lib. 1. Cmoputus scientiam considerans Breviarium Iuris lib. 1. Verborum superficie penitus Vpon his Tombe together with the Mathematicall Astrolabe was insculped as followeth M. Christi bis C. quarto deno quater anno De Sacro Bosco discrevit tempora ramus Gratia cui nomen dederat divina Iohannes Anno 1258. Stepham Espee alias De longa spatha that is Stepham with the long skeine or two handed sword Earle of Salibury as I suppose was made Lord Iustice of Ireland this Stepham gave battell unto Oneile and the rebels of Vlster and Conaght and slue of them together with Oneile saith Clinne in one day three hundred fifty and two and departed this life saith Florilegus 1260. Anno 1260. William Denne was made Lord Iustice in whose time Greene Castle Arx Viridis was destroyed and the Carties plaied the Divells in Desmond where they burned spoiled preyed and slue many an innocent they became so strong and prevailed so mightily that for the space so it is reported of twelue yeeres the Desmonds durst not put plow in ground in his owne Country at length through the operation of Satan a bane of discord was throwen betweene the Carties and the Odriscoles Odonovaies Mac Donoch Mac Mahonna Mac Swines and the inhabittants of Muscrie in so much that by their cruell dissention they weakened themselves of all sides that the Desmond in the end overcame and overtopped them all but in the beginning of these garboils I find that the Carties slue of the Desmonds Iohn Fitz Thomas founder of the Monastery and Covent of Trally together with Maurice his sonne eight Barons 15. Knights beside infinite others at a place called Callan where they were buried Mine Authors are Iohn Clinne onely and the Booke of Houth In the end of these tumults dyed Sir William Denny Lord Iustice Anno 1261. Richardus de Capella otherwise called Rochell Clinne calleth him La Rochell de Capella became Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1262. There rose in Dublin a great stirre betweene the Prior and Covent of the blessed Trinity now called Christ-Church and the Communalty of the City about the tithe fish of the Liffy Anno 1264. Walter Bourke commonly called Walterus de Burgo spoken of before was made Earle of Vlster hee had married the daughter and heire of Sir Hugh Delacy the younger and in her right enjoyed the Earledome The Booke of Houth layeth downe the descent that this
sides and the King of Connaught slaine Raphaell Holinshed in his Irish collection thinketh that there were slaine at that time above two thousand persons The King of England hearing thereof was mightily displeased with the Lord Iustice and sent for him into England to yeeld reason why he would permit such shamefull enormities under his governement Robert Vfford substituted Robert Fulborne as before satisfied the King that all was not true that hee was charged withall and for further contentment yeelded this reason that in policie he thought it expedient to winke at one knave cutting off another and that would save the Kings Coffers and purchase peace to the land whereat the King smiled and bid him returne to Ireland Anno 1279. Stow is mine Author King Edward commanded groats of foure pence a piece pence halfe pence and farthings to be coyned and to be currant through England and Ireland not decrying the old whereupon saith he these verses were made Edward did smite round penny halfe penny farthing The crosse passes the bond of all throughout the ring The Kings side was his head and his name written The crosse side what Citie it was made in coyned and smitten The poore man ne to Priest the penny frayses nothing Men give God aye the least they feast him with a farthing A thousand two hundred fourescore yeeres and moe On this money men wondred when it first began to goe Anno 1280. the Citie of Waterford saith Clyn through some foule mischance was all set on fire others report that some Merchant stranger being wronged as they thought by the Citizens brought bagges of powder out of their ships and threw them in the night season in at their sellers windowes and coales of fire after them and spoyled the City in that sort that it was long after ere they could recover themselves Anno 1281. Robert Fulborne Bishop of Waterford was by direction from the King ordained Lord Iustice of Ireland This yeere there was a great rebellion in Connaught and in upper Ossory and in Archloe which cost many mens lives but the ringleaders were cut off Adam Cusack slue William Barret and his brethren which contended about lands In Connaught Hogken Mac Gill Patricke was cut off in Vppsory Murtough Mac Muroch with Art his brother lost their heads at Wickloe another saith at Artchloe so Clyn and Dowlinge doe report Anno 1283. it is remembred by Clyn and others that a great part of Dublin was burned Campanile Capitulum sanctae Trinitatis saith mine Author the belfrie or steeple and Chapter house of the blessed Trinity with the Dormiture and Cloyster Others write that certaine Scots to be revenged upon some Citizens for wronging of them set Skinner-Row a fire and by that meanes the fire ranne into Christ Church but the citizens of Dublin therein greatly to bee commended before they went about to repaire their owne private houses agreed together to make a collection for repayring the ruine of that antient Church Anno 1284. flourished Ieffery or as Clyn writeth Galfridus de sancto Leodegario Bishop of Ossorie the second founder of the Cathedrall Church of Setus Canicus and the first founder of the Colledge of the Vicars of the same Church who gave unto the Colledge and vickars of the same Church for the maintenance of divine Service his Manse and lodging with the edifices thereunto adjoyning the rectory of Kilkesh and revenue de manubrinnio one marke sterling of the Abbot of Duiske for the land of Scomberlowaie with other revenues The said Ieffery by combate the combatants I finde not recorded anno 1284. recovered the Mannor of Sirekeran in Elly now Ocarolls country He builded part of the Mannors of Aghboo and Dorogh he builded a great part of the Church of Saint Canicus formerly begunne by Hugh Mapilton his Predecessor hee exchanged the towne Scomkarthie for the towne of Killamerry with William Marshall the Earle of Penbroke in his kinde of devotion he injoyned the collegiat Vicars of Kilkenny to celebrate the universary and aniversary of the reverend fathers his predecessors Walter Barkeley Galfrid Turvill Hugh Mapilton and others and his successors and Canons in the said Church of Ossory He established other things for the good of the Burgesses of Crosse ..... in the Irish towne of Kilkenny as in the foundation of the Burgesses there more at large doth appeare he dyed Anno 1286. and lyeth buried before the Chappell of our Lady in the Cathedrall Church Thus farre the Collections of Doctor Hanmer the Continuation following is taken out of the Chronicles of Henry Marleburrough HENRY MARLEBVRROVGH'S CHRONICLE OF IRELAND ANno 1285. the Lord Theobald Butler fled from Dublin and died shortly after and the Lord Theobald Verdon lost his men and horses going towards Ophali and the next morning Girald Fitz Maurice was taken prisoner and Iohn Samforde was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin and the Lord Ieffery Genuill fled and Sir Gerard Doget and Ralph Petit were slaine Anno 1287. deceased Richard Decetir Girald Fitz Maurice Thomas de Clare Richard Taff and Nicholas Telinge Knights Anno 1288. In England a bushell of Wheate was at foure pence And Fryer Stephen Fulburne Lord Iustice of Ireland dyed And Iohn Samford Archbishop of Dublin was made Lord Iustice. And the Lord Richard Burgh Earle of Vlster besieged Theobald Verdon in the Castle of Aloan and came to Trymm with a great power by the working of Walter Lacy. Anno 1290. Was the chase or discomfiture of Ophaly and divers Englishmen were slaine And Mac Coghlan slue O●olaghlin And William Bourgh was discomfited at Delvin by Mac Coghlan And Gilbert Earle of Glocester married the daughter of King Iohn le Bayloll King of Scotland And Sir William Vescy was made Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1294. Deceased Iohn de Samford Archbishop of Dublin and Iohn Fitz Thomas and Iohn de la Mare tooke prisoners Richard Bourgh Earle of Vlster and William Bourgh in Meath And the Castle of Kildare was taken and by the English and Irish the whole countrie was wasted And Calwagh burnt all the rolles and tallyes of that countie And Richard was delivered out of the Castle of Leye for his two sonnes And Iohn Fitz Thomas with a great armie came into Meath Anno 1295. William Dodinsell Lord Iustice of Ireland dyed and the Lord Thomas Fitz Maurice was made Lord Iustice. Anno 1296. Fryer William de Hothum was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1298. The Lord Thomas Fitz Maurice dyed and an agreement was made betwixt the Earle of Vlster and the Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas and Sir Iohn Wogan was made Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1299. William Archbishop of Dublin dyed and Richard de Feringes was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1302. The King of England Edward the first went into Scotland and there Sir Iohn Wogan Lord Iustice of Ireland and the Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas with many others met with him Anno 1305. King Edward made the
TWO HISTORIES OF IRELAND The one written by Edmund Campion the other by Meredith Hanmer D r of Divinity DUBLIN Printed by the Society of Stationers M.DC.XXXIII els-where these Histories doe affoord to the knowledge of former times and the good use which may be made of them by any who have leisure desire and ability to erect and polish a lasting structure of our Irish affaires I am embouldned to present them to your Lordships patronage whose government I beseech the Almighty so to blesse that it may bee a long happines to this land Your Lordships ever humbly at commandement IAMES WARE THE PREFACE TO THE SVBSEQVENT HISTORIES WHat varietie of choyse matter the affaires of this Kingdome doe affoord to an Historian especially since the middle of the raigne of King Henry the VIII any one that is but meanely versed in our Histories can testifie But if we consider how little hath hetherto bin published wee cannot but blame the slownes of our learned men who have for by-respects forborne to take paines in so worthy a subject England hath had the happines that some parts of her Historie have bin lately excellently performed by the right honorable Francis late Viscount St. Alban the right Reverend Francis Lo Bishop of Hereford the most learned William Camden and others Some will hereafter I hope doe the like for Ireland In the meane while we are to accept of these tastes the one left unto us by Edmund Campion and the other by Doctor Hanmer who died of the plague at Dublin in the yeare M.DC.IIII before he had finished his intended worke out of whose collections what now beareth his name hath bin preserved by our most Reverend and excellently learned Primate Other helpes to passe by those which are already divulged may be plentifully had by him who will undertake this taske out of the auncient and moderne recordes both in this Kingdome and in England as also out of diverse manuscript Annales and Chartularies which are yet extant among us besides those authors of English birth as Iohn VVallingford a Monke of St Alban Thomas Wike a Canon of Osney and others which I have seene in that excellent library and treasury of MSS. antiquities gathered by Sir Robert Cotton knight and Baronett deceased who doe onely obiter touch upon our affaires An intention there was not long since by Sir Iames Ley knight then Lord chiefe Iustice of the Kings Bench in Ireland afterwards Lord high Treasurer of England and Earle of Marleburgh to have published some of our country writers in this kinde for which end hee caused to be transcribed and made fit for the Presse the Annales of Iohn Clynne a Friar minor of Kilkenny who lived in the time of King Edw. the 3. the Annales of the Priory of S. Iohn the Evangelist of Kilkenny and the Annales of Multifernan Rosse and Clonmell c. But his weighty occasions did afterwards divert his purpose The copies are yet preserved and I hope ere long with other Annales and fragments of the same nature will be divulged Wee come now to the Authors in hand TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE ROBERT DUDLEY Baron of Denbigh Earle of Leicester Knight of the noble Order of the garter and S. Michaels Master of the Queenes Majesties horse and one of her Privy Councell high Chauncellour of the Vniversity of Oxford my singular good Lord. THat my travaile into Ireland might seeme neither causlesse nor fruitlesse I have thought it expedient being one member of your Lordships honorable charge to yeeld you this poore book as an accompt of my poore voyage happily not the last nor the most beautifull present that is intended to your Honour by me but surely more full of unsavoury toyle for the time then any plot of worke that ever I attempted which I write not of vanity to commend my diligence but of necessitie to excuse mine imperfection For whereas it is well knowne to the learned in this land how late it was ere I could meet with Gerald of Wales the onely Author that ministreth some indifferent furniture to this Chronicle and with what search I have beene driven to piece out the rest by helpe of forreine Writers incidently touching this Realme by a number of briefe extracts of rolles records and scattered papers These things I say considered I trust this little volume shall seeme great enough in such barren shift my defect in penning the same shal be imputed partly to my haste who must needes have ended all before I should leave the land and am now even upon point of my departure So as to handle and lay these things together I had not in all the space of ten weekes Such as it is I addresse and bequeath it to your good Lordship for two causes First that by the patronage of this Booke you may be induced to weigh the estate and become a patron to this noble Realme which claimeth kindred of your eldest auncestors and loveth entirely your noble vertues The fame whereof is now carried by those strangers that have felt them into many forraine countryes that never saw your person Secondly because there is none that knoweth mee familiarly but he knoweth vvithall how many vvayes I have beene beholding to your Lordship The regard of your deserts and of my duty hath easily wonne at my hands this testimony of a thankefull minde I might be thought ambitious if I should recount in particular the times places of your severall curtesies to mee How often at Oxford how often at the Court how at Rycot how at Windsore how by letters hovv by reportes you have not ceased to further with advice and to countenance with authority the hope and expectation of mee a single Student Therefore in summe it shall suffice mee to acknowledge the generall heape of your bounties and for them all to serve your honour frankely at least wise with a true heart Let every man esteeme in your state and fortune the thing that best contenteth and feedeth his admiration But surely to a judgement setled and rectified these outward felicities which the world gazeth on are there and therefore to be denied praiseable when they lodge those inward qualities of the minde which saving for suspition of flattery I was about to say are planted in your breast Thirteene yeares to have lived in the eye and speciall credit of a Prince yet never during all that space to have abused this ability to any mans harme to be enriched with no mans overthrow to be kindled neither with grudge nor emulation to benefit an infinite resort of dayly sutors to let downe your calling to the neede of meane subjects to retaine so lowly a stomacke such a facility so milde a nature in so high a vocation to undertake the tuition of learning and learned men These are indeede the kirnels for the which the shell of your nobilitie seemeth faire and sightly This is the sap for whose preservation the barke of your noble tree is tendered This is
and become meere Irish against whom his auncestors served valiantly in An. 1300. Sir Richard Bermingham was Lord of Athenrye 1316. Iohn Bermingham Baron de Atrio dei Anno 1318. Mac Morice alias Fitz Gerald Baron of Kerye Lord Courcye a poore man not very Irish the auncient descent of the Courcyes planted in Ireland with the Conquest Lord Flemmynge Baron of Slane Simon Flemmynge was Baron of Slane in Anno 1370. Plonket Baron of Killyne this family came in with the Danes whereof they have as yet speciall monuments Nugent Baron of Delvin Saint Laurence Baron of Hothe Plonket Baron of Doonesawny Barnewall Baron of Trimleston they came from little Brittaine where they are at this day a great surname upon their first arrivall they wonne great possessions at Beirnhaven where at length by conspiracie of the Irish they were all slaine except one yong man who then studied the common Lawes in England who returning dwelt at Dromnaghe besides Divelin and his heires are there at this day from thence a second brother remooved to Sirestone and so to Trimlestone and married the Lady Bruns who caused him to be made Baron This writeth the Lord of Donsany Edward Butler Baron of Donboyne given to Edmund Butler esquire and his heires males An. 33. H. 8. Fitz Patricke Baron of upper Ossory given to Barnabie Mac Gilpatricke and his heires males An. 33. H. 8. Donnate Clonnaghe Mac Gilpatricke was a peerelesse warriour in Anno 1219. Plonket Baron of Louthe to Sir Christopher Plonket and his heires males An. 33. H. 8. This Barony was an Earledome in An. 1316. appertaining to Bermingham Oneale Baron of Dongannon to whom the Earledome of Terone was entayled by gift of H. 8. Powere Baron of Curraghmore Mac Suretan Lord Deseret whom Sir Henry Sidney called Iordan de Exeter This was Lord in the time of Lionell Duke of Clarence An. 1361. now very wilde Irish. Murroghe Obrene Baron of Insickeyne to him and his heires males An. 35. H. 8. Mac Costilaghe L Nangle whom Sir Henry Sidney called de Angulo now very Irish. Mac William Burcke Lord of eighter Connaght now very Irish. Seintleger Baronet of Slemarge meere Irish. Den Baronet of Pormanston waxing Irish. Fitz Gerald Baronet of Burnchurch Welleslye Baronet of Narraghe Husee Baronet of Galtrim S. Michell Baronet of Reban Marwarde Baronet of Scryne Nangle Baronet of the Navan English gentlemen of longest continuance in Ireland are the race of those which at this day either in great povertie or perill doe keepe the properties of their auncestors lands in Vlster being then companions to Courcy the conquerour and Earle of that part These are the Savages Iordanes Fitz Symonds Chamberlaines Russels Bensons Audleyes Whites Fitz Vrsulyes now degenerate called in Irish Mac Mahon the Beares sonne CAP. III. Nature of the soyle and other incidents THe soyle is low and waterish includeth diverse little Ilands invironed with bogges and marishes Highest hilles have standing pooles in their toppe Inhabitants especially new come are subiect to distillations rhumes and flixes for remedy whereof they use an ordinary drinke of Aqua-vitae so qualified in the making that it dryeth more and inflameth lesse then other hote confections The aire is wholsome not altogether so cleare and subtle as ours of England Of Bees good store no vineyards contrary to the opinion of some writers who both in this and other errours touching the land may easily be excused as those that wrote of hearesay Cambrensis in his time complaineth that Ireland had excesse of wood and very little champaigne ground but now the English pale is too naked Turffe and Sea-coales is their most fuell it is stored of kyne of excellent horses hawkes of fish and fowle They are not without wolves and grey-hounds to hunt them bigger of bone and limme then a colt Their kyne as also their cattle and commonly what els soever the Countrey ingendreth except man is much lesse in quantity then ours of England Sheepe few and those bearing course fleeces whereof they spinne notable rugge mantle The country is very fruitefull both of corne and grasse the grasse for default of Husbandrie not for the cause alleaged in Polychronicon groweth so ranke in the north parts that oft times it rotteth their Kyne Eagles are well knowne to breed heere but neither so bigge nor so many as Bookes tell Cambrensis reporteth of his owne knowledge and I heare it averred by credible persons that Barnacles thousands at once are noted along the shoares to hang by the beakes about the edges of putrified timber shippes oares anchor-holdes and such like which in processe taking lively heate of the Sunne become water-foules and at their time of ripenesse either fall into the sea or fly abroad into the ayre Aeneas Sylvius that after was Pope Pius the second writeth himselfe to have perceaved the like experiment in Scotland where he learned the truth hereof to be found in the Ilands Orchades Horses they have of pace easie in running wonderfull swift Therefore they make of them great store as wherein at times of need they repose a great peice of safetie This broode Raphael Volateranus saith to have come at first from Arturia the country of Spaine betweene Gallicea and Portugall whereof they were called Asturcones a name now properly applyed to the Spanish Iennet I heard it verified by Honourable to Honourable that a Nobleman offered and was refused for one such horse an hundred kyne five pound Lands an Airy of Hawks yearely during seven yeares In the plaine of Kildare stood that monstrous heape of stones brought thither by Gyants from Affrique and removed thence to the plaine of Sarisbury at the instance of Aurel. Ambrose King of Brittaine No venemous creping beast is brought forth or nourished or can live here being sent in and therefore the spider of Ireland is well knowne not to be venemous Onely because a frogge was found living in the Meadowes of Waterford somewhat before the conquest they construed it to import their overthrowe S. Bede writeth that Serpents conveyed hither did presently die being touched with smell of the land and that whatsoever came hence was then of Soveraigne vertue against poyson He exemplifieth in certaine men stung with Adders who dranke in water the scrapings of Bookes that had beene of Ireland and were cured Generally it is observed the further West the lesse annoyance of pestilent creatures The want whereof is to Ireland so peculiar that whereas it lay long in question to whether Realme Brittaine or Ireland the I le of Man should pertaine the said controversie was decided that forsomuch as venemous beasts were knowne to breed therein it could not be counted a naturall peice of Ireland Neither is this propertie to be ascribed to S. Patrickes blessing as they commonly hold but to the originall blessing of God who gave such nature to the situation and soyle from the beginning And though I
Church a Sanctuary for their Corne and in neede to take thereof at reasonable prices Little good did Fitz Aldelin and lesse vvas like to doe because hee delighted to crosse his Peeres and vvas of them stopped in his course of government Hugh de Lacye vvas made Protector generall over the Land But Miles Cogan Philip de Bruise Fitz Stephens Power and diverse other more preferred to severall countreyes under him This Lacye builded a sort of castles and forts throughout all Leinster and Meth and the next sixe yeares continually devout gentlemen erected sundry Abbeyes as the Abbey of Roseglasse of Donbrothy by Hervy a Welchman one of the speciall conquerours of Ireland vvho himself after that entred into religion in Trinity Priory at Canterbury The Abbeyes of Geripont and Choro Benedicti the Abbey de lege Dei vvith repayring of many Chappels Chauncells Bell-houses High-vvayes and Bridges Then dyed Saint Laurence Archbishop of Divelin to vvhom succeeded Iohn Comyn an Englishman brought up in the Abbey of Evesham Founder of Saint Patrickes in Divelin vvhich vvas before that time a Parish Church novv by the said Archbishop endovved vvith Prebends Viccars Clearkes Chorists and many notable possessions for their maintenance vvhereout from time to time have proceeded Clergy-men of greatest learning reputation in the Diocese Divers contentions were raised betwixt Christs Church and it for antiquity wherein they of S. Patrickes are no doubt inferiour as shall appeare They are both written Cathedrall Churches and both are the Bishops Chapiter in vvhose election they both ought to convent within the Church of the blessed Trinity called Christs Church which in all records hath the preheminency of place The party that disturbeth this order of election forfeiteth by deede to th'Archbishop of Divelin 200. pounds This foundation was much enriched by King Iohn The same yeare died the yong King Henry reconciled to his father but preparing warre against his brother Richard Duke of Aquitain soon after also deceased Ieffry his other son Duke of Brittaine Thus were left Richard his inheritour and Iohn afterwards Earle of Glocester heretofore surnamed without land to whom the father conveyed all his interest and Lordship of Ireland sent him thither honourably accompanied being then but twelue yeares old and with him in speciall trust Giraldus Cambrensis Clerke a diligent searcher of the antiquities of Ireland surely well learned and in those dayes counted Eloquent About the young Earle were servants and counsellours three sorts first Normans great quaffers lourdens proud belly swaines fed with extortion and bribery to whom hee most relyed secondly the English brought with him meetly bold Thirdly the English found in the land whom being best worthy and most forward in all good services hee least regarded hereof sprang parties and disdaine and to the knights that hardiest were and readiest of courage no small discomfort to the enemies a spurre With the brute of his arrivall at Waterford the Kings of Thomond Desmond and Connaght put themselves in the bravest manner they could to meete him and to submit their countries to his Grace before them came the Irish Franklyns with rich presents and as they are very kind hearted where they list to shew obedience made unto the Childe their Lord the most joy and gladnesse that might be and though rudely yet lovingly and after the custome of their country offred to kisse him with such familiarity as they used towards their Princes at home Two of the Guard Normans pick-thankes shooke and tare the Clownes by the glibs beards unmannerly and churlishly thrust them out of the presence whom they should have instructed curteously born with The Irish thus rejected went against the fore-named Kings opened the rebukes and villanyes done to them for their meekenes that their Lord whom they thought to honour was but a Boy peevish and insolent governed by a sort of flatterers younglings and prowlers That sithence to them that buxome were and tractable such despite and dishonour that terme they have borrowed of the Spaniards was proffered so soone little good should the states of Ireland looke for in continuance when the English had once yoked and penned them in their clouches This report lightly alienated the mindes of those Princes not yet very resolute and turned them home with great oathes and leagues entred among themselves caused also the mightiest Captaines elsewhere to sticke together while their lives lasted and for no manner earthly thing to slacke the defence of their auncient liberties Immediately walked abroad mutinyes of broyle commotion so that the young Earle and his army were content to commit the tryall thereof to Lacy Bruise Courcy Fitz Gerald and the rest himselfe departing away the same yeare he came and leaving the Realme a great deale worse bestedde then he found it From the Conquest hitherto Giraldus Cambrensis and from hence to the yeare 1370. I am specially holpen by certaine briefe extracts whose author is namelesse and therefore I quote him by the name of Philip Flatsbury who wrote them and enriched them with collections of his owne for Gerald the father of the Earle of Kildare then being An. 1517. Lacy the rather for these whisperings did erect and edifie a number of Castles well and substantially provided in convenient places one at Derwath vvhere diverse Irish prayed to be set on worke for hyre Sundry times came Lacy to quicken his labourers full glad to see them fall in ure with any such exercise wherein might they once be grounded taste the svvetenesse of a true mans life he thought it no small token of reformation to be hoped for which cause he visited them often and merrily would command his Gentlemen to give the labourers example in taking paines to take their instruments in hand and to worke a season the poore soules looking on and resting But this game ended Tragically while each man was busie to try his cunning some lading some plaistering some heaving some carving the Generall also himselfe digging with a pykeaxe a desperate villaine of them he whose toole the Generall used espying both his hands occupied and his body with all force inclining to the blow watched his stoope and clove his head with an axe little esteeming the torments that ensued This Lacy was conquerour of Meth his body the two Archbishops Iohn of Divelin and Mathew of Cashell buryed in the monastery of of Becktye his head in S. Thomas abbey at Divelin The next yeare was builded the abbey of Ines in Vlster and soone after the abbeyes of Iugo Dei and of Comer and then the abbey of Knockmoy or de Colle victoriae by Cathel Cronderg King of Connaght CAP. II. The Titles of the Crowne of England to every part of Ireland and to the whole diverse wayes I Will begin with the pedigree of VVilliam Earle marshall for thereupon depend many recordes in Ireland and the Queenes
last a plotte defalked from these parts called Meth comprising as they are now called as well East-Meth as West-Meth in Latine Midia or Media in Irish Mhidhe And here must not bee forgotten that there hath beene in these kingdomes great change and alteration by usurping and compounding among themselves and by dividing of Countries as we finde Mounster was into two parts and since have beene there great Earles deriving their names of Mounster Ormond in Irish Oirther Mughane Desmond in Irish Deasmughain and Thomond in Irish Tuathmughain the which an Italian comming into Ireland meruailed at when he inquired what great men dwelled in the land for he understood Ormond to bee orbis mundi the round world Desmond decem mundi ten worlds Thomond duo mundi two worlds profecto said he Valdè gloriósi tituli assuredly these are very glorious titles So were there also in processe of time diuers other lesser kingdomes as by the processe of the historie will very well appeare And here for this time leaving to discourse farther of the Irish kingdomes I conclude with this one remembrance that from time to time there was one chosen to be chiefe soveraigne Monarch ouer them all and the number of Monarchs from Hermon to Laogirius the sonne of Nealus Magnus that is great Neale in whose time S. Patricke converted them to Christianitie amounteth to an hundred thirty and one And now backe againe to the historie where we left It is said that of Hiber or Hiberus who was slaine as hath aboue beene recorded Ireland was called Hibernia certaine it is with the concordance of most and the best antiquaries that the land was not called Hibernia neither right Spaniard arived here before the daies of Gurguntius Divers writers haue diversly delivered the originall name of the land some corruptly some poetically some etymologically Ierna Iuvernia Ibernia Overnia Vernia Iris of the Britaines Ywerdhon of the Irish themselues Erin and tooke that name of Fin Erin of whom at large in the booke of Houth of the Saxons and English it is called Ireland that is the land of Erin All these names originally grew of Hiberus the Spaniard or in remembrance of Iberus the second King of Spaine who was the sonne of Tuball the fift sonne of Iaphet Annius Viterbiensis writeth that of this King the river is called Iberus amnis Spaine Iberia and the inhabitants about the river Iberi This land of Ireland hath also beene called Scotia Major Scotland the greater after the birth of Christ but that came of corrupting the word Scytha as I said before Lastly it hath beene called Banno of the Poets or Bardes of the land Stanihurst thinketh it was so called of the Banne a river in the County of Weixford the place is now called Bagganbun where the Britaines vpon the conquest arived and thereof is the rime At the creeke of Bagganbun Ireland was ylost and wonne But for this ancient name Banno and other the like which the Poets of Ireland haue in use I referre the courteous reader to learned Camden in his treatise of Ireland about the beginning Lanquet in his collections of antiquities noteth that the Scottish historiographers about the yeere of the world 3652. beginne their histories at Fergus the sonne of Ferquhard King of Ireland that he should come with great power out of Ireland to their aide against the Pictes and that they fauoured him so much that they chose him King and that hee raigned ouer them in Scotland 25. yeeres and how that in his raigne he slue Coile King of Britaine at what time by generall consent there was no Scottish man then commanding in Albania no Pict at that time seene in Britaine or Ireland nor Coile King of Britaine in many yeares after I am of Lanquets opinion thus he writeth These histories of the Scots as they set them forth bee full of errors and agree with none other historians Notwithstanding this Item may not stoppe the course of the historie and therefore whether he came out of Ireland as we here take it or out of Denmarke as some haue thought well he might be King of Albania for so was it then called and not Scotland and so from him I will terme them Kings of Albania untill I finde the name Scoti knowne amongst forraigne writers This Fergus saith Buchanan hauing orderly disposed of his affaires in Albania went into Ireland to pacifie and quiet troubles there risen and hoising saile for his returne into Albania he and all his company were cast away in a tempest vpon the rockes at a place of him now called in the British and Irish tongues Karregfergus or Craigfregus corruptly in English Knockfergus It is written that he advanced in his banner a red Lyon Rampant with his taile folden toward his backe as it were moved with anger the which his successors since have used After this his infortunate decease there rose great strife about the succession his two sonnes Ferlegus and Mainus were young and many exceptions were made against them in the end the two sonnes were put beside and the eldest of the sept after the Irish Tanistrie tooke place which fell upon Feritharis an Irish man brother to Fergus And this Tanistrie continued saith Buchanan unto Kenathus 3. during the raigne of fourescore Kings But I must leave them and follow onely what concerneth Irish businesse About the yeere of the world saith Lanquet 3750. and odde not allowing as he protested before but following the Scottish histories one Reuthar commander of the invaders in Albania now called Scotland was vexed with civill warres and by the Britaines banished into Ireland where he lived twelve yeeres See more of him in Hector Boetius and Buchanan The 9. King Albaniensium Scotorum so Stanihurst calleth them was Iosina Thereus and is the next that seemeth to haue any right or interest in the Irish historie This man was bred and brought up in Ireland and favoured the nation saith Bale above all others he sought peace of all men honoured Chirurgions Physitians and Druydes of Ireland raigned 24. yeeres and so ended his dayes The next that concerneth our purpose is Gillus the usurper who through much treason and many murthers aspiring to the Crowne of Albania and deservedly falling into the hatred and mislike of all his subjects was at length forced by his Nobles who rose in Armes against him to take a fisher-boate and flee into Ireland where hee was promised aide but to prevent further mischiefe one Cadall is appointed generall of an Armie to pursue the tyrant into Ireland and meeting him in the field drove Gillus to flee When the Irish men had forsaken him he hid himselfe in a denne invironed with woods and bogs where shortly after an Irish Kerne for reward found him out cut off his head and brought it to Cadall after he had tyrannized three yeeres He was the thirteenth King of Albania In the
time of Augustus Caesar a little before the birth of our Saviour Fridelenus King of Denmarke puffed vp with pride through some fortunate successes arrived in Ireland laid siege to the Citie of Dublin and finding it not so easie a matter to atchieue fell to policie he caught certaine Swallowes that bred in the Citie tyed fire to their wings who flying to their nests fired the houses while the Citizens endevoured to quence the fire the Danes entred the Citie and w●nne it The King of Leinster after this gathered forces and gave the Danes battaile in which many fell on both sides Fredelnus seeing the enemy increase and his armie decrease fled the land and retired into his country His sonne Frotho the third of that name King of Danes so Albertus Krantzius and Saxo Grammaticus record wantonly assailed the Britaines lustrans magis insulam quam subigens rather taking a view of the Iland then subduing it afterward relinquishing that course put foot in Ireland The historiographers of that side report hardly of the land and the inhabitants thereof and in fine they write when Cepo the Irish King was overthrowne and put to flight his brother Kervill saith Saxo I take it to be O Carroll offered tribute wherewith the Danes being pacified returned to their Country This Frotho peopled the Orchades with Danes and appointed Revillus their commander Whilst this Frotho King of Danes was Monarch of Ireland the light of the world the comfort of all Christians IESVS CHRIST the sonne of GOD was borne in the flesh About the 44. yeere after the incarnation of our Lord Claudius the Emperour having appeased the troubles of Britaine by the aide of Arviragus as Mathew Westmonasteriensis saith subdued Orchades Hebrides Thule and all the Ocean Ilands among the which Ireland is reckoned the which Beda and Eutropius haue likewise remembred But Fabian Grafton Holinshed and Ponticus Virunius say further that he sent certaine legions of Knights into Ireland to subdue the same what successe they had is not recorded a legion consisting of 6666. as ancient Writers record no doubt they performed some great exploit Learned Camden writeth of the Brigantes the inhabitants of Yorkeshire Lancashire the Bishopricke of Durham Westmerland and Cumberland were so called how that in the time of Claudius as I take it many of them went to end their dayes in Ireland and of old were called the Brigantes of Ireland His words are these Quod verò Florianus Del Campo Hispanus nostros Brigantes c. Whereas Florianus Del-Campo the Spaniard hath somewhat arrogantly derived our Brigantes from Spaine into Ireland and thence into Britaine being aided by no other conjecture but that he found in his Country of Spaine the Citie Brigantia I feare mee hee hath fouly deceived himselfe For if the like cause have not given ours and the Brigantes of Ireland the same name I had rather be of opinion with my most learned friend Thomas Savill namely that certaine Brigantes and other nations of Britaine also even from the comming of the Romans into Britaine departed into Ireland some for quietnesse sake and to liue at ease some for that their eyes should not be infected with the sight of the Roman dominion and last of all others lest in their latter age they should willingly seeme to lose the libertie which from nature they had received in their youth And that Claudius the Emperour first of any Romane tooke the Brigantes in hand and subjected them to his Empire and command Seneca sheweth in these his verses ........ Ille Britannos Vltra noli littora ponti caeruleos Scuta Brigantes dare Romulaeis colla catenis Iussit ......... The Britaines farre from knowne seas and Brigantes Bucklers blue The Roman Claude to Roman becke did bring and rebels slue Claudius hauing effected all his affaires as formerly hath been delivered returned to Rome then saith Gualter Oxon. Omnia regna Arvirago tradidit he delivered all these kingdomes to Arviragus He committed them al to his charge saith Ponticus Virunius In Matthew Westmonsteriensis I reade regimen insulare Arvirago cessit the command of the Ilands fell to Arviragus Harding hath delivered it in verse Orchades Isles in the meane time he conquered In which he infeoffed the King and him preferred About this time Frotho the fourth of that name King of Danes some 30. yeeres after the former invasion saith mine Author sent great power of Giants out of Denmarke under the leading of bloudy Haco and the great challenger and huge monster Starcuterus to invade Ireland The occasion was as followeth Starcuterus before mentioned being borne farre in the East by reason of shipwracke having lost both his ship and fellowes was cast upon the coast of Denmarke and hearing of the fame of Frotho came to his Court This Giant was greatly admired for stature and strength of body Frotho commanded a great navie to be in a readinesse with all manner of necessary provision made him an arch-pirate and turned him to the Sea to seeke adventures They touched many lands and fought with many Giants at length saith mine Author that no Country though never so remote should bee freed from the smart of Danish forces they arived in Ireland Huglet King of Ireland gave them battaile in the which Huglet was slaine and all the Irish put to flight And yet mine Author though a Dane highly commendeth two Irish Lords Segathus and Suibdanus the one wounded Haco the other gave Starcuterus such a blow that he stood a great while amazed and had beene slaine had he not beene rescued The battaile being ended the Danes tooke Dufflinian Dublin ransacked it and found great store of treasure and some of them remained in the land the rest returned to Denmarke Starcuterus went into forraigne countries to combat with Giants In the time of Arviragus before mentioned I finde the greatest probability of the first comming of the Pictes out of Scythia first into Ireland secondly into Albania now called Scotland and lastly into the North of England And whereas before page 3. I made mention of the arivall of Scythians Nemedus and his foure sonnes and after them of five brethren of their posteritie and the third time of another fleete of Scythians that arived in Ireland and that also by many antiquities it appeareth that the Scots be Scythians and came out of those parts whence these Pictes brake forth I purpose now to make a more full discourse of that businesse Camden modestly confesseth he knoweth not when they came first into these parts neither doe I mislike with his conjecture that they should be old Britaines who painted themselves to shew more terrible against the Romanes yet we must confesse that there are many nations of severall names in Scythia and Polychronicon together with Rastall saith that the Gothes and Pictes be one nation The etymologie I finde in the storie of the Gothes Scythia in the Gothicke tongue
calling for a cup of wine was answered that there stood a bowle of wine upon the table he forgetting that he had formerly washed therein dranke it up insomuch that the standers by said What fellow is this more like a brute beast then a man that drinketh his owne bloud and eateth his owne flesh Gillemore hearing this tooke it to heart notwithstanding dissembling his griefe and anger the next night conveyed himselfe away and submitting himselfe to his father delivered unto him the state of the strangers which turned to their great disadvantage and hinderance Shortly after the day of battaile was appointed where the strangers were overthrowne and as they say seven score thousand men slaine The Irish had supplies and extraordinary meanes at home the strangers could not come by it the Irish plaid with them at all advantages the woods and the bogs defended them as occasion served This battaile with the preambles and circumstances continued one whole yeere the strangers had no shipping to flee unto for succour the ground was unknowne unto them their lodging and fare was cold hard and scant so as their hardinesse could not hold out their end was lamentable and the honour was bequeathed to the Irish nation The Princes of Ireland having thus with great successe foiled their enemies delivered their people from utter overthrow and quieted the land rested themselves a while Afterward partly for recompence of good service and partly for safegard of the land appointed the Danes whom they had formerly hired who also unto that time had served them truely over the whole land to prevent forraigne invasion forewarned by the field of Fentra and the former attempts these Commanders with their particular places of command I thought good to impart to the courteous reader Osker Mac Oshen Mac Fin with his Souldiers kept the haven of Dublin Fian Mac Fenrasse kept the Winde-gates Wony Etagh Mac Cas Foule kept Wicklo Creyon Mac Wony kept Arcklow Eye Onagh Mac Kellenkas kept Weixford Dono Mac Kayder kept Rosse Fellum Mac Eye Keyge kept Dungarvan Bresell Mac Eydow kept O Keylle Gaero Mac Doheyere kept Corke Ollen Aye Nyarg Mac Bressell kept Kynsale Collo Mac Keilt kept Dingle Koysse Con Keor Mac Bren Mac Foyll kept Fentra Osker Mac Cromkeyn kept Trallie Don Dowe Mac Reymowre being a King over the sept of Fin Mac Koyle kept Lymnagh that is Limericke Eye Boge Mac Fin kept Inyskagh Coll Kroytt kept Corke Vaysken Eye Mac Sroy kept Canborne Eye clone Drylinge kept Donrys Oveyragh Bressell Mac Eye Begge kept Galloway Deyre Dovenagh Magher Morne kept Inysbresyn Eye O row Mac Fin kept Kleere Collow Daver kept small Iland Enos Dayrk kept Koymaghtbe Enos Maygh Ercoipie kept Galley Feartagh Mac Ferolagh kept Moyc Low Magh Mac Karbren kept Sligo Smerger Drought kept Bondroys Keyll Croagh Kede Gonagh O Navnyd Assero Brasell Mac Doyer kept Donagall Mogh Small Mac Smoyll kept Fanyd Eey Mac Kehow kept Loughfoyle Darawryd Rowrer kept Bonban Sperenagh Claw kept Knockfergus Magh love kept Ardolloe Donogh Mac Dermotte Evne kept Ardglas Art Oge Mac Morne kept Dondorme Eye Mac Carra Meyke Morne kept Carlingford Flaas Fere Leyfroke Greffey Fin Mac Koyll kept Don dalke Rey ne Roysklaygh Mac Fin Mac Koyll kept Drogheda Shealvagh Mac Dermotte Doyn kept Gormanston Covuloe Mac Wowdyrge kept Irelands eye Derlleys Mac Dovgar kept Howth These were the chiefe Commanders by direction from Fin Mac Koyll who tooke farther order that Beacons should be set up in sundry places of the land where in time of danger they might have direction for reliefe and draw to a head for their defence which order continued unto the field of Kaghcaro otherwise called Ardkagh or Ardkath the occasion whereof was as followeth In the time of Karbre Lifeacher Monarch of Ireland the Danish Captaines with their bands and garrisons waxed insolent and outragious they weighed not what Prince or people said they grew strong and rich not caring what they did they brought vp fond customes of their owne devising oppressing the people and disdaining the gentle admonitions of the Kings and Nobilitie of the land Among themselves they decreed that no Maid should marry without their license that none should hunt the Hare Otter Foxe Wolfe Marterne or Deare but should pay them what they pleased to rate it at and that none should use any other pastime without their privitie The Kings and Nobilitie of the land called a Parliament endevouring to reforme these abuses charging them to surcease from their outrages or to leave the land The Danes answered that they came in with the sword held by the sword and with the sword they would be driven away The day of battaile was appointed to be fought at Amaghery Ongallin now called Margallin in Westmeath though the field be called Ardkagh which is by interpretation a set field The Danes sent to Denmarke intimating their griefe and lamentable estate craving aide of the King and that he would be pleased to send his sonne to be their Generall who according to their request shortly after landed with tenne thousand stalworth souldiers so the old phrase runneth and they comming together made up twenty and eight thousand and seven hundred The Kings of Ireland with their forces were threescore and five thousand The Danes or Norwegians being valiant and venterous hastened to the battaile at the day appointed The Kings in like sort with their forces hearing that their enemies approched set themselves in battaile array and came to a place where they all kissed the ground readie to dye one with another and gave after their manner such a crie as if heauen and earth met together and therewith somewhat amazed their enemies so that the place to this day is called Balle-Nangartha in English Garrestowne The strangers placed themselves on the South-west side of the hill that the forces of the Kings being on the other side somewhat beneath them might not easilie discrie their Armie they appointed their worst men for their Rereward that seeing the Voward valiantly encountring and prevailing they might thereby be the more encouraged They placed their rascals on their jades nagges and labouring garrons on the top of an hill where at this day is a little Mote in remembrance thereof giuing them in charge that when the forces of the land espied them and drew neere they should retire to the maine battaile for refuge and succour they hoped by these meanes that the Kings when they saw so great a company flee would breake their order and array to pursue them and so lay themselves open to utter ouerthrow and then was their intent to have made the King of Denmarkes sonne King of the land and to have enioyed the Realme to them and their posteritie for euer The Kings of Ireland being seven in number tracing a while on the top of an hill which therefore was called after that the hill of Trase now Hol-trase divided themselves into two battailes
dayes Satan with all the internall spirits sent greeting with great thankes unto the Ecclesiasticall state upon earth in dreadfull characters For that they wanting no aide in their delights from hellish places sent such a number of damned soules into the sulphureall pits through their remisnesse in life and slacknesse in preaching as in former ages had not beene seene Whosoever devised the course it forceth not greatly the matter might seeme odious if it contained no truth Finnan in Wales as my Authors report called Gwyn was born at Ardez he travelled forraigne countries came to his native soile was Bishop of Farne saith Beda baptized Penda King of Mercia consecrated Cedd Bishop of East Saxons and lyeth buried at Cuningham in Scotland called of the Britaines Kilgwinin There was also one Finan an Abbot borne in Mounster sent by Saint Brendan to Smoir now called Mons Blandina to inhabite there who came afterwards to Corcodizbue where hee was borne builded Cels and Monasteries for religious men contended with Falbe Fland King of Mounster A third Finan there was who was master of Ruadanus a great learned man and dwelt at Cluayn jarhaird in Meath Colmannus whose life Bale writeth at large was a godly learned man borne in Ireland the sonne of one Fiachra of the bloud Royall and highly commended of Beda hee was brought up after the Apostolike rules of Congellus he succeeded Finan in the Bishopricke of Farne alias Linsey In his time there was great stirre about the observation of Easter when some alledged custome and some urged the authoritie of Rome he pleaded the Gospell both against this stir and the like trouble that rose about the shaving of Priests crownes the which he reiected saith Beda and seeing that he could not prevaile forsooke his Bishopricke and went with certaine Scots and Saxons into the Hebrydes where he ended his dayes Beda writeth how that in the yeere 664. there fell strange accidents upon the eclipse of the Sunne which was the third of May in England and Ireland and a great mortalitie in both lands in the time of Finan and Colman the godly Bishops Gentle reader thou shalt heare himselfe speake The plague pressed sore that Iland of Ireland no lesse then England there were then as that time many of noble parentage and likewise of the meane sort of English birth in the dayes of Finan and Colman the Bishops who leaving their native soile had repaired thither either for divine literature or for more continencie of life whereof some immediately gave themselves to monasticall conversation others frequenting the Cels gave diligent eare to the lectures of the readers All which the Scots he meaneth the Irish men with most willing minde daily relieved and that freely yeelding unto them bookes to reade and masterly care without hire Among these there were two young men of great towardnesse of the Nobles of England Edelthun and Egbert the first was brother to Edilhun a man beloved of God who formerly had visited Ireland for learnings sake and being well instructed returned into his country was made Bishop of Lindisfarne and for a long time governed the Church with great discretion These men being of the monasterie of Rathmelfig and all their fellowes by the mortalitie either cut off or dispersed abroad were both visited with the sicknesse and to make short that which mine Author layeth downe at large Edelthun died thereof and Egbert lived untill he was fourescore and tenne yeeres old So farre Beda There was another Colmannus otherwise called Colmanellus an Abbot of the sept of the Neilles borne in Hoichle in Meth what time the King of Leinster with an huge armie wasted the North he became first Abbot of Conor in Vlster where the godly Bishop Mac Cnessey resteth From thence he came to the place where he was born and there saith his Legend he met with Eadus the sonne of Aimireach a King of Ireland Edus Flan a Lord of that country of the sept of the Neills his kinsman Saint Columba Cylle and Saint Cannicus the Abbot who received him ioyfully Edus Flan gave him a parcell of land to build upon and to inhabit called Fyd Elo afterwards called Colmans Elo where hee founded a Monasterie and now resteth himselfe Carantocus in the martyrologe Cartak was the sonne of Keredicus a King of Ireland a good Preacher the Irish called him Ceruagh his mother was a Britaine and was delivered of him in Wales Hee travailed over Ireland and Britaine King Arthur is said to have honoured him greatly and gave him a parcell of land where he builded a Church In his latter dayes he came to Ireland and died in a towne called after his name Chervac So much Capgrave There was another of that name an Abbot in France of whom Ionas maketh mention in the life of Columbanus but not of Irish birth Now to intermit a while from speaking of these learned men I finde that Aurelius Conanus who slue Constantine that succeeded King Arthur and raigned in his stead thirty three yeeres valiantly by force of Armes brought under his command as Gualterus Oxoniensis writeth Norwey Denmarke Ireland Island Gothland the Orchades and Ocean Ilands I finde also that Malgo the nephew of this Conanus who as it is in the English history succeeded Vortipore vanquished the Irish Pictes or Scots which the Britaines called y Gwydhil Pictiard which had over-runne the Isle of Man of them called Tyr Mon and slue Serigi their King with his owne hand at Llany Gwydhil that is the Irish Church at Holy-head so write Sir Iohn Price Knight and Humfry Lloyd in the description of Cambria Florilegus saith that he subdued sixe Ilands of the Ocean adioyning unto him which Harding thus reckoneth And conquered wholy the Isle of Orkenay Ireland Denmarke Iselond and eke Norway And Gotland also obeyed his royaltie He was so wise full of fortunitie When Careticus was King of Britaine who began his raigne Anno Dom. 586. the Saxons intending to make a full conquest of the land called to their aide for a number of Pirates and sea rovers that were mighty and strong and scoured the Seas and the Ilands whose Captaine was Gurmundus one calleth him an African Fabian writeth that he had two names and was called Gurmundus and Africanus howsoever I finde that hee was the King of Norweys sonne and for his successe in England referre the reader to that historie and for his behaviour in Ireland I will acquaint the courteous reader with what I finde in which the Writers no● not agree Cambrensis and Polycronicon followed bad presidents and were deceived Stanihurst stammereth writing one thing in English another thing in Latine the best record I finde is in Thadie Dowlinge Chancellour of Leighlin and Iames Grace of Kilkenny They write that Gurmund was in Ireland but no King or Conquerour that with strong hand he entred Leinster like a raging
Pyrate prevailed for the time and that the Princes of the land not being able then to withstand his forces yeelded unto the iniquitie of the time and wincked at his rash enterprises And whereas he gave forth his stile King of England they laughed at it and he perceiving the wilinesse and ingeniositie of the people and having small stomacke to continue among them by reason of many mishaps which befell him left the land and went for France to seeke adventures where he ended his dayes Further they write that he had a sonne called Barchard alias Burchared Mac Gurmond whom his father made Duke of Leinster and Baron of Margee He was commonly called O Gormagheyn Hee builded Gurmund grange in Monte Margeo with other memorable things for him and his posterity hee is said to have beene the founder of the mother Church or priorie of old Leighlin but I rather beleeve hee was a Benefactor or endower thereof in the time of Saint Eubanus the originall Patron and that one Lazerianus a Bishop and Confessor Anno 651. procured the perfection of the whole as in the Leighlin records more at large doth appeare Againe it is recorded that Duke Burchard lyeth buried on the North side of the Chancell of that Cathedrall Church over against the Treasurers stall under a marble stone as it was found for certaine Anno 1589. by Thadie Dowlinge Chancellour and others with this Epitaph Hic jacet humatus Dux fundator Leniae i. Leighlenie En Gormondi Burchardus vir gratus Ecclesiae Here lyeth interred Duke Burchard the sonne of Gurmond founder of Leighlin and a gratefull man to the Church There are saith mine Author other remembrances of this in those parts as Gurmunds-grove and Gurmunds-foord the which I overpasse Mons Margeus in Irish Sliewe Marrig or Sliew Marighagha which is the mountaine reaching along by Leighlin to Butlers wood wherin as before I have touched Gurmunds-grange standeth was as I haue learned of old granted to one called de Sancto Leodegario by the name and honour of Baron de Marrighagha but time and place have brought the name to degenerate and turne from English to Irish. Of late yeeres a Gentleman of the name dwelling at Dunganstowne neere Catherlagh affirming himselfe to be lineally descended from Baron Sentleger made claime unto the same but the successe I hearken not after as impertinent to my purpose About the yeere 587. Athelfrid the Saxon King of Northumbers so tyrannized over the Britaines that they were faine to take Ireland for their refuge and Atdan King of Scots pittying their state raised forces to defend them but could not prevaile so great was the miserie of the Britaines Anno Dom. 635. was Cadwallin crowned King of Britaine Caxton and Florilegus write of cruell warres betweene Edwin sonne unto Athelfrid King of Northumbers and Cadwallin how that Edwin made him flee into Ireland destroyed his land cast downe his Castles burnt his Mannors and divided his land among his friends and lastly how that in a good while after Cadwallin came upon him with forces out of Ireland slue Edwin and recovered all his possessions In the dayes of this Cadwallin Kenevalcus otherwise called Cewalch King of West Saxons builded the Church of Winchester made it a Bishops See and the first Bishop he placed there was one Agilbertus who came out of Ireland who in a short time after was deposed say some Grafton with other writers record not the cause but Beda writeth that he was offended for that Kenelwalkus divided the Province into two that he left the See went into France became Bishop of Paris and there ended his dayes and how that Kenelwalkus sent for him againe and againe but his flat answer was for that he had dealt with him so unkindely he would never returne I must here insert that which Cambrensis writeth of the antiquities of Brechinia or Breknoke in this sort there was of old of that country which now is called Brecheinoc a governour that was a man both mighty and Noble whose name was Brachanus of whom the country of Brecheinoc Brecknokshire is so called of whom one thing came unto me worthy the noting the histories of Britaine doe testifie that he had foure and twenty daughters that were all from their childhood brought up in the service of God and happily ended their dayes in the holy purpose they tooke upon them Doctor Powell the great Antiquarie of Britaine in his learned annotations upon him explaineth the same thus This Brachanus saith he was the sonne of one Haulaph King of Ireland his mother was one Mercella the daughter of Theoderike the sonne of Tethphalt a petite King of Garthmarthrin to wit of the country which tooke the name of this Brachanus and at this day is called Brechonia or Brechinia in British Brechinoc in English Breknok This Brachanus had to his daughter one Tydvaell the wife of Congenus the sonne of Cadell a petit King of Powis and the mother of Brochmael surnamed Scithroc who slue Athelfred alias Ethelfred King of Northumberland at the river of Deva called of the Britaines Doverdwy and foyled his armie about the yeere of our Lord 603. Here Breknoktowne and Breknokshire have cause to glorie of Ireland that gave them the name and honour which they hold to this day and Ireland to glory of them that gave their Kings sonne Marcella their Lady and all that country in her right Also I cannot omit another thing of that age the which Grafton reporteth of the Clergie and I finde in Beda more reverently delivered for that I have formerly spoken much of them and shall have occasion to speake something hereafter especially seeing Bedaes words are generall to be understood as well of the one land as of the other if not rather of Ireland considering what hath beene delivered heretofore In those dayes saith Grafton the Monkes and Clergie set all their mindes to serve God and not the world and were wholly given to devotion and not to filling of the panch and pampering of the body wherefore they were then had in great reverence and honour so that they were then received with all worship And as they went by the streetes and wayes men that saw them would runne to them and desire their blessings and well was him then that might give unto them possessions and to build them houses and Churches But as they increased in riches of worldly treasure so they decreased in heauenly treasure as in the dayes of Aluredus some deale began and sithen that time hath sprung not all to the pleasure of God Then they applyed nothing that was worldly but gave themselves to preaching and teaching of the word of our Saviour Iesus Christ and followed in life the doctrine that they preached giving good example to all men And beside that they were utterly void of covetousnesse and received no possessions gladly but were enforced thereunto So farre Grafton Anno Dom.
mentioned came the more willingly out of Ireland unto us Trithemius reporteth of this time in this sort There were many Monasteries of Irish men in Germanie Herbipolis and other places but when their zeale waxed cold and that they fell to remisse and dissolute life they were expulsed and their habitation became waste and desolate Saint Chilian otherwise written Kilian whom Bale calleth a Scot Surius Baronius and Lippeloo write that hee was an Irish man of Noble Parentage Molanus writeth in Hibernia regio sanguine procreatus that he was begotten in Ireland of royall bloud another saith he was a Kings base sonne This man became a Monke went to Rome together with Colman a Priest and Totnan a Deacon of the same country birth in the time of Conon Bishop of Rome about the yeere 687. to sue unto the Bishop there that Ireland might be released of the curse that was denounced against the land and the inhabitants thereof for the Pelagian heresie Molanus writeth that he served in Saint Peters Church in Rome eleven yeeres but he was directed another course for he was consecrated Bishop of Herbipolis in the East parts of France and together with his fellowes sent away There they converted Gosbert a French Duke which had married one Geila his brothers wife It is Iohn Baptists case he rebuked him for it and shee hearing thereof sent certaine lewd persons in the night which murthered them all three and privily buried them lest so horrible a fact should come to light but God that will have no such villany concealed brought it out the tormentors became madde and confessed the whole Beda in his Martyrologe reporteth how that at Wirciburge in Austria the birth day of Kilian the Martyr and his two companions is solemnly kept the eight of Iuly Molanus saith that in his travaile he met with Saint Fiacre sometime his fathers servant but he following carefully his direction staid not with him but passed on in his iourney This Saint Fiacre saith the Martyrologe was base sonne of some King in Ireland went into France and became an heremite there are small remembrances of him in Surius and Lippeloo saving that for a womans sake which called him a Witch Sorcerer and Inchanter hee commanded that no woman should put foot into his Cloister and if any should doe so he prayed that God would lay some plague upon her to try this a woman sent her maide to take the ayre of the Cloyster but she tooke no harme upon a second tryall a fairer then she presumed so farre that her shinne her knee and her thigh saith mine Author and some parts above tooke swelling and that went for a punishment In an antient manuscript Legend of the life of Congellus or Congallus I finde that Saint Fiacre returned into Ireland and became Abbot of Airard in Leinster upon the river of Berba now called the Barrow in the Barony of Odrone and that he went to the Abbey of Beanchor in Vlster to visite Congellus at whose hands Congellus received the Sacrament and gave up the Ghost There also it is further alledged that this Fiacre builded a Monasterie in Leinster in the honour of Saint Congellus The martyrologe aforesaid remembreth Saint Cataldus a Bishop Saint Finan an Abbot Saint Sacodine a Virgin who forsooke her husband and entred religion to have lived then and how that Indrake a King of Ireland forsooke his royaltie went to Rome with his sister Dominica led a private life and died beggers Capgrave calleth him Indraktus saying that he was a Kings sonne and tooke with him beside his sister nine persons more About this time saith Capgrave one Muriardachus Monarch of Ireland together with his wife Sabina lived in the true faith and feare of God who being mighty and wise commanded in good sort all the Princes of the land In this his good successe and peaceable governement he was envied so that a petite King his neighbour came upon him in the night murthered him with his Queene and all his familie excepting one daughter whose life hee saved for her beauties sake This cruell tyrant after assaulted this faire Gentlewoman to his filthy lust and when with faire perswasions he could not prevaile at length by force he oppressed her so that shee conceived and bare him a sonne called at the time of his baptisme Milluhoc but afterwards Cuthbert This Cuthbert being borne as my Author writeth at Kilmacrodrike some three miles from Dublin his mother tooke him to Scotland to her two brethren Meldan and Eatan that were Bishops From thence hee went into the North parts of England and was brought up among the holy Monkes of those dayes in the Monasterie of Mailros under the Abbot Boisilius whom he succeeded in the same Monasterie Anno 651. And Anno 676. he went to the I le Farne which was uninhabited and continued there nine yeeres building teaching and preaching and as Beda writing his life delivereth working in harvest time with his owne hands The fame of his vertues and holinesse went farre abroad so that Egfride King of the Northumbers made him Bishop of Lindesfarne to which dignitie hee was consecrated at Yorke by Theodorus the Archbishop Anno 685. In his time the aforesaid Egfride sent Brith with a great host into Ireland to be revenged of them for that he was given to understand they had aided his enemies against him these Saxons over-ranne the land killing burning and spoyling they spared neither Church nor Monasterie so writeth Beda Berthus vastavit miserè gentē innoxā nationi Anglorum semper amicissimam Berthus pittifully spoiled this harmelesse people who alwaies most kindely affected the English nation Cuthbert reproved him for it and the Ilanders cried unto the heavens and prayed God to avenge their cause Beda reporteth farther how that he bent his forces afterwards against the Pictes and Scots and would not be advised by Cuthbert and Egbert and that his bloudy course had no good successe and that then Egfride the glory of the Saxons began to decay the which Florilegus attributeth to the crie of the Irish and the courage of the Pictes and Scots and Britaines In his time saith Carodoc it rained bloud in Britaine and Ireland the Milke likewise and the Butter turned to the colour of bloud and the Moone appeared all bloudie Cuthbert when he had beene Bishop two yeeres forsooke his Bishopricke and went to the I le Farne where hee led an hermites life and left the world Anno Dom. 687. It is written of him that he forbade his Monkes and Priests the company of women and that they should not come within any Cloyster for that the devill appeared unto him in his Church in the shape of a woman most faire and beautifull Yet I finde that he conversed much with Ebba and Verca and with Elfleda King Egfrides sister and repaired oft to their Nunneries did eate and drinke with them and sent Elfleda a linnen
after Bishop of Iuvaviens the name of which Bishopricke hee procured to bee changed and called it the Bishops See of Salisburgh where he builded a sumptuous Cathedrall Church and was the first founder thereof In his time one Boniface an English man and the Popes Legate in Germany tooke upon him to rebaptize contrary to the Canons of the Church such as had beene as hee thought formerly not rightly baptized Virgilius having had conference with Sydonius Archbishop of Bavaria opposed himselfe against him The matter came to hearing before Pope Zacharie who gave sentence that Virgilius was in the right and Boniface his Legate for all his great authority in the wrong opinion Hee prudently governed his Church some thirty yeeres and gave place to nature So farre Bale out of Gaspar Bruschius Learned Camden alledgeth out of Rhegino that in the time of Carolus magnus which must needs bee about the yeere 767. certaine Norwegians or Normans entred Ireland and were repulsed and further of them I have not read but in the British Chronicle of Caradoc Llancarvan I finde that Anno 799. the Danes came into England and destroyed a great part of Lindsey and Northumberland over-ranne the most part of Ireland and destroyed Rechreyn The accidents of the eight hundreth yeere after Christ now follow And first of all Functius offereth occasion to write how that Anno 820. Regnerus King of Denmarke invaded Britaine and how that his prosperous successes in Britaine Scotland and the Orchades puffed him up and emboldned him so much that he passed into Ireland slue the King of the land tooke the Citie of Dublin where hee remained an whole yeere and then returned to Denmarke Next commeth Turgesius his time to bee examined who was of Norwey and came with great power of Esterlings into Ireland vanquished King Edlumding or Edlimidus or in Irish Felim Mac Edmund and raigned thirty yeeres Here gentle reader observe certain errours or escapes whether of ignorance wilfulnesse or negligence I know not the which I finde betweene Cambrensis Polychronicon Fabian and others touching Gurmund and Turgesius First that Gurmund and Turgesius should be one man the end of them both by a generall consent of Writers reproveth that for Gurmund dyed in France and Turgesius was slaine in Ireland Secondly whereat Giraldus marvaileth how that the Antiquaries of England make mention of Gurmund but nothing of Turgesius and that the Writers of Ireland speake of Turgesius but little or nothing of Gurmund so that Turgesius by reason of his raigne and continuance was knowne unto them and Gurmund if he were here made small abode as I have formerly written and therefore became a man unknowne Thirdly that Turgesius should be Gurmunds deputie in Ireland or his brother as I reade in Fabian cannot possibly stand with the truth for on all sides it is agreed that Gurmund came to Britaine and ioyned with the Saxons against Careticus who began his raigne in Britaine anno 586. but as saith Cambrensis Turgesius Captaine of the Norwegians Danes or Esterlings came to Ireland in the daies of Fedlimidius which was 400. yeeres from the comming of the first Patricke into the land in the which time there had raigned thirty three Kings or Monarchs then this knot with facilitie may be untied for Patricke came to Ireland as I have formerly delivered An. 432. adde 400. to it then Turgesius came to Ireland Anno 832. But forward with the history When these Norwegians or Esterlings had got footing in the land to their content and planted themselves the space of thirty yeeres they builded Castles Fortes and Wardes they cast up Trenches Bankes and Ditches for safegard and refuge Toward the end of the terme before mentioned Turgesius was enamoured on a faire Gentlewoman the onely daughter of Omalaghlin King of Meth and desired her for his Concubine he practised with the father for obtaining of his purpose the father not willing to yeeld nor daring to displease resolved him thus Appoint the day the houre and the place and sequester your selfe from your Court and retinue and I will send my daughter unto you with twelve or sixteene Gentlewomen of the choice and beautifullest maidens of my country and take your choice of them if my daughter please you best she is at your command When the time appointed came and the Lecher longed to satisfie his filthy lust Omalaghlin attired his daughter in princely sort and sent her to King Turgesius with sixteene young men in womens attire which had long Skeines under their Mantles These young springals were faire beautifull effeminate and amiable to look upon they were brought to his chamber and presented before him he taketh the Gentlewoman by the middle and kisseth her the Striplings out with their Skeines and stabbed him having the Lady in his armes whereof he presently dyed whilst they fell upon a few loose and dissolute persons that were about him whom they killed every one Omalaghlin that lay in ambush all this while with certaine horsemen expecting the end of this exploit reioyced greatly when hee saw his daughter and her company make so speedy a returne and understanding that his practise was effected as he desired sent Scoutes and Cursitors Messengers and horses over the whole land declaring what had happened Immediately Meth and all Leinster are in Armes the Princes and Lords from euery place throughout Ireland repaired to Omalaghlin and being glad of liberty reioyced with him at the destruction of Turgesius and his Guard To make the story short for they made short worke with it they set upon the Norwegians and Danes killed them every mothers sonne that escaped not by flight seized upon all their possessions so as together with their lives they lost all their lands and goods and saith the Irish Chronicle tunc cepit conquestus Hibernicorum Then the Irish began to conquer This Omalaghlin King of Meath being in great trust credite and favour with Turgesius no man greater at that time demanded of him concealing the plot that lay hidden in his heart against the Norwegians by what meanes certaine ravenous and pestiferous fowle hee meant the Norwegians lately brought into the land which greatly annoyed the country might be destroyed Turgesius answered if they breed destroy their egges birds and nests which answer the Irish made good upon the Norwegians Not long after saith Cambrensis and Polychronicon after what They meane after the murthering of Turgesius and rooting out of all the Norwegians and Esterlings there came againe out of Norway and the Northerne Ilands as remnants of the former nation and whether they knew of themselves or by relation of their Parents and Ancestours the land to be fruitfull commodious thither they came not in warlike sort but in peaceable manner to use the trade of merchandise when they had entred certaine Ports and Havens of Ireland with the licence of the Princes of the land they builded therein divers Cities For the Irish nation they
encounter with them the Irish fearing the worse got them with their pillage aboard their shippes and hoised up sailes for Ireland Gregory prepareth his navy and shortly after arriveth in Ireland The King at that time saith Buchanan was but a childe whose name was Duncanus or Donatus or rather Dunachus the Protectors or chiefe commanders of the land about the King were Brian and Cornelius who had drawne the land into two factions The Irish hering of the comming of Gregory fortified themselves upon the river of the Band but there the Scots overthrew them Brian was slaine and Cornelius put to flight The Scots left them not so but pursued them preyed the country without resistance constrained the townes before them to yeeld and hearing by the way that Cornelius gathered all the forces of Ireland against them made ready to ioyn battaile in the which Cornelius and all his forces were foiled so that for a safeguard of his life hee fled to Dublin and his armie dispersed themselves abroad Gregory followed him laid siege to Dublin and by reason there were so many received within that fled from the field they could not long indure the strength of the puissant King of Scots without wherefore by generall consent of the Citizens Cormacke Bishop of Dublin opened the gates received the King of Scots without losse of any man of either side or damage of goods Immediately Gregory the King of Scots went to his cousin Duncan the young King saluted him and delivered unto him that he came not for his kingdome ne for gold nor silver ne for commodities of his country but onely to be revenged of them that had formerly injured his subiects And as for you said he cousin Duncan I beare you no malice without bloud I came into the Citie of Dublin without bloud I will depart recompence of the Citizens of Dublin I seeke none the inhabitants betweene this and the Band have satisfied me and my people let the Citizens pay it them againe and make no more such rash attempts into Scotland With this they lovingly departed and continued friends to the great honour of the King of Scots After this Anno 897. poore Ireland had another scourge for saith Caradoc Llancarvan in his British Chronicle and likewise Polichronicon this country was destroyed with strange wormes having two teeth so that there was neither corne nor grasse nor food for man or beast for all was consumed that was greene in the land at the season of the yeere The nine hundreth yeere followeth The Saxons that divided Britaine as formerly hath been declared into many kingdomes began now to grow weake in their estate and the Danes that troubled in a manner all Christendome were falling to naught yet Anno 905. saith the British Chronicle the Danes entred Ireland preyed spoyled and fired the country slue in the field Garmot so he calleth him alias Cormac Monarch of Ireland and the sonne of Cukeman a man both godly and religious and also Kyrvalt sonne of Morgan King of Leinster Then they roved round about England hulling upon the seas and landing where they espied advantage destroyed with fire and sword as much as lay in them Anno 911. they came againe into Ireland saith Cooper holding on in their former outrages Anno 913. saith Carodoc the men of Dublin with great forces came to Anglesey preyed and destroyed the Iland and returned to Ireland the cause I finde not but that sea and land was bent to mischiefe the fire upon the land and piracie upon the sea Anno 925. the second yeere of the raigne of Adelstane the base sonne of Edward the first called Edward Senior King of West-Saxons was a great armie gathered by the said Adelstane against Hawlaffe King of Ireland the sonne of Suthricus and a Painym saith Polychronicon who came with the whole power of the Scots and Danes against him and gave him battaile at Brimesturie where Adelstane had the victory and slue the said King Hawlaffe and the King of Scots and five Kings of the Danes and Normans and twelve Earles so that he brought all the land of England and Scotland into subjection which none of his Predecessours had ever attempted So farre out of Caradoc in the British Chronicle Polychronicon writeth of Hawlaffe that he was the sonne of Sitricus and had married the daughter of Constantine King of Scots and by his aide entred the mouth of the river of Humber with a strong navy and when both armies had encamped themselves Hawlaffe used this policie He tooke a Harpe and in Harpers attire went to Adelstanes Tent where he harped and viewed their di●t disposition and behaviour tooke money for his musicke which in heart he disdayned he secretly as he thought hid the money in the ground and went away A souldier that sometime served Hawlaffe espied it and told Adelstane the whole why saith Adelstane diddest not thou acquaint me sooner he answered O King the faith I owe thee now sometime I ought to Hawlaffe if I had beene false to him thou wouldst have suspected me afterwards but now remove thy Tent for he will suddenly come upon thee For all the haste that Adelstane made Hawlaffe came in the night slue a certaine Bishop and his company that were fleeing and many others hee hasted to Adelstanes Tent but he was provided and in armes and at the breake of the day set upon his enemies and foiled them as formerly is delivered Anno 926. Saxo Grammaticus Albertus Krantz and others are mine Authors Knutus and Herald sonnes to Gormo King of Denmarke following the steps of their fathers gave themselves to Piracie roved crossed and hulled upon the seas all was fish that came to their nets they arrived in Ireland and laid siege to Dublin The King of Leinster sent especially and laid an ambush within a mile of Dublin and whilst the Danes scaled the wals without the Citizens manfully defended themselves within and others were carelesse of themselves abroad one of the espials levelled an arrow at Knutus and gave him such a wound that he shortly dyed thereof The Danes prevailed but their ioy upon his death was turned into sorrow Gormo the father so intirely loved this Knutus his sonne that he vowed whosoever brought him newes of the death of his sonne Knutus for recompence should die the death Thira daughter to Edward the Martyr saith Functius the mother being a Christian though Gormo were a bloudy Infidell having certaine intelligence of the death of Knutus durst not reveale it but used this policie shee caused instead of her husbands princely robes wherewith he was on a morning to make himselfe ready mourning cloathes to bee laid before him and such funerall exequies as were used to be prepared for the witnessing of the sorrow and griefe conceived for the departure of some deare friend woe is me saith Gormo now my sonne Knutus is dead this I gather by these circumstances Then answered Thira the
Queene you my Lord discover it not I. Gormo dyed for sorrow and Thira lamented in one day the departure of her Lord and husband the King the death of her sonne and her owne dolefull widdowhood Anno 939. so writeth Caradoc Abloic a most worthy Prince and Monarch of Ireland deceased Anno 940. after the death of Athelstane his brother Edmund raigned over Britaine He subdued the Danes that remained in Northumberland together with others that came out of Ireland to invade the land with Anlaffe their Captaine saith Fabian he slue some and banished the rest so writeth Cooper Anno 948. the Abbey of the blessed Virgin Mary by Dublin was founded by the Danes Molanus writeth of one Columbanus an Abbot of Irish birth that became a recluse or an anachorist Anno 957. in the Church yard of the Monasterie of Gandavum where he kept the space of two yeeres and there ended his dayes This yeere saith Caradoc Congelach King of Ireland was slaine but he sheweth not where nor how Anno 959. Edgar the sonne of Edmund beganne his raigne over England he reduced all into one Monarchie Camden found in a Charter where Edgar delivered of himselfe that it pleased God of his mercy to grant unto him together with the command of England to subdue all the Ilandish kingdomes of the Ocean together with their fierce and mighty Kings as farre as Norwey and the greatest part of Ireland with Dublin the most noble Citie thereof unto the kingdome of England Anno 966. Rodericke the sonne of Edwall Voell Prince of Wales was slaine by Irish men that landed there for a prey spoyled the country and destroyed Aberfraw Caradoc so complaineth of them Molanus writeth of one Forananus a Bishop which flourished Anno 980. he termeth him Bishop of Domenormor and Metropolitane of Ireland and Scotland where he mightily erred in the name of the place of the person and his stile For hee was Bishop of Dromore in Ireland and no Metropolitane at all but to his purpose hee findeth him among his Saints of Flanders and saith that he was warned in a vision to travaile so that he with a company of Irish Priests arrived in France and came to Rome in the time of Benedict 7. from thence he came backe to the Monasterie of Walciodorum where hee and his Priests became professed Monkes of the order of Saint Benedict for the space of twelve yeeres and there ended their dayes The Monkes there saith he were wont among other Saints at Easter yeerely to call upon him Sancte Foranane ora pro nobis untill that the reformers of Bursfeld wiped him out of the Catalogue of Saints for that he was not canonized by the Church of Rome Anno 988. as I finde in the British Chronicle Elwmaen the sonne of Abloic King of Ireland was slaine and a great number of people dyed with famine that is alwaies the end of civill warres and rebellion in Ireland Anno 1004. the Scots I know not the cause entred Ireland and after their manner as also the Danes did then in England preyed burned and destroyed they tooke Gulfath and Vbiad Irish Lords and put out their eyes they ransacked also the Citie of Dublin Anno 1012. Grace and Dowlinge the Irish Antiquaries doe concurre the English Writers are silent and deliver how that Bernaidus commonly called Brian Bowrow Monarch of Ireland and his sonne Murcath alias Murchardus Mac Brian with other Kings of the land subiect unto him gathered great power and met at Clantarfe nigh Dublin and gave a sore battaile unto Sutraic alias Sutric the sonne of Abloic King of Dublin and unto Moilmordha King of Leinster This Sutric to withstand the Monarch had hired to his aide all manner of strangers he could get by sea or by land as Danes Norwegians Scots Britaines Pirates and sea rovers The fight was desperate the field all bloud a horse they say was sometime to his belly in bloud There were slaine that day of the one side Brian the Monarch and his sonne Murchard of the other side Moilmordha King of Leinster Rodericke the Arch-Pirate and Captaine of the strangers with others of both sides innumerable Sutrick was sore wounded was brought to Dublin and shortly after died of his wound I pray thee gentle Reader who got by the bargaine As farre as ever I could learne a woman set them together by the eares The Booke of Houth after the Irish observation delivereth the story thus There was a Merchant in Dublin commonly called the white Merchant a Dane the fourth sonne of the King of Denmarke who had a faire wife of Irish birth and he being full of iealousie and ready to travaile for merchandize into farre countries desired of Brian Borow Monarch of Ireland that his wife untill his returne might waite upon his Lady soiourne in his house for the safeguard of her person credit and honestie the which was granted and the King undertooke it This Merchant made as speedy a returne as he could and being landed early in a morning with a privy key entred the chamber where his wife lay and found Morogh Mac Brian the Kings sonne in bed with his wife hee wheeled about devising what was best to be done at length resolving himselfe to depart for that time tooke Moroghs sword and put it into his owne scabbard and his into Moroghs scabbard Hee went to the King and complained of the abuse here spoken of the King answered He is my sonne give thou iudgement upon him saith the Merchant let him keepe the whore still I will be revenged upon him and his partakers in the field as soone as possibly may be and I doubt not but all Ireland shall rue the day of this villanie Immediately he went to Denmarke brought over to his aide thirty thousand Danes and Norwegians landed at Clantarfe whereof the field was called the field of Clantarfe hee summoned Morogh and his favourites to fight and thought at the first to have taken Dublin Brian Borow fearing this made more haste then good speed tarried not for the forces of the land that were comming with his sonne Donogh to his aide but rashly with his sonne Morogh the Author of all this mischiefe gave them battaile The which battaile all the forenoone being cruelly fought seemed all to leane on the Irish side but in the afternoone the Danes that were in the rere and yet fresh for any fight they had were directed to wheele about and to take the voward unknowne unto the Irish which fiercely fought and encountred with the wearie and wounded Irish and wonne the field Here was Brian Borow and his sonne Morogh and eleven thousand of the Irish slaine One thing further gentle reader note there was a Priests sonne accounted a tall man of armes who in the beginning of the battaile fled away fearing the hardinesse of the Danes and Norwegians and went to Donogh Mac Brian the brother of Morogh who was comming with forces to
kindely intreated and bounteously rewarded the Irish souldiers the which then in his second extremity was not forgotten With shippes men and munition out of Ireland he bent his course to Wales repaired to his old friend Griffith Prince of Wales where he was most welcome and shortly restored againe to his Earldome by the meanes and intreaty of certaine strangers which had lately there arrived out of Norway Camden writeth how that Anno 1066. Godred surnamed Cronan the sonne of Hiraldniger of Island invaded the I le of Man thence came into Ireland did the like unto Dublin and a great part of Leynster made great spoyle and went backe againe The British Chronicle reporteth of Dermot a King in Ireland that in Anno 1068. he was murthered but the manner hee sheweth not the commendation he giveth of him is this He was the worthiest and noblest Prince that ever ruled in Ireland Polychronicon reporteth how that Anno 1072. at Winsore before William the Conquerour and the Cleargie the controversie between the Archbishops of Canterbury and Yorke was heard at large and decided and that Bedaes historie was shewed where it appeared that from Austen the Monkes time till Bedaes death about 140. yeeres the Archbishop of Canterburie had primacie over all Great Britaine Ireland that he had held Councels by Yorke summoned Bishops of Yorke consecrated Bishops and punished Bishops of Yorke for their offences and iudicially removed them Philip Flatesburie a great Antiquarie whom Stanihurst followeth and Iames Grace of Kilkenny with Dowlinge his ioynt Collectour doe write how that Anno 1074. Patricke Bishop of Dublin was consecrated in Pauls Church in London by Lanfranke Archbishop of Canterburie upon commendatorie Letters of Teridionatus alias Terdilnacus Monarch of Ireland and Godericke King of Leinster and with teste of the Clergie and Laytie of that Diocesse of his lawfull and orderly election Further I finde recorded that it was the manner to consecrate Bishops in this sort and that the Monarch of Ireland in regard of his royall principalitie and title of honour with other priviledges belonging to his Monarchie had negative voyce in the nomination of Bishops throughout his Realme Secondly how the Archbishop of Canterbury took of him that was so consecrated a corporall oath of Canonicall obedience as his predecessours formerly used to him and his successors and lastly gave him letters testimoniall thereof to the Monarch and King of Leynster Cambrensis sheweth the reason of this consecration namely how that in Ireland as then there was no Archbishop but one Bishop consecrated another untill that Anno 1148. Iohannes Papiron a Priest Cardinall sent from Eugenius 3. together with Christian Bishop of Lismore Legate of all Ireland came to the land and brought with them foures Paales But of this more in another place The same Flattesburie writeth further how that the said Lanfranke in like sort consecrated Donatus Bishop of Dublin Anno 1085. About this time Godwin and Edmund sonnes to King Harold my Author is Thomas Walsingham Monke of Saint Albans which formerly had fled into Ireland for succour unto Dermotte Mac O Nell King of Ireland returned with 66. saile landed in Sommersetshire saith Stow where Brian the sonne of Eudo Duke of Brabant met them and gave them battaile wherein saith Stow the brethren gate the victory and the Irish men with many great preyes out of Cornewall and Devonshire returned into Ireland But Walsingham which seemeth more true writeth that it was a bloudie battaile wherein 1070. of the English and Normans with certaine of the Nobilitie of the land were slaine and the enemies with aide of their ships fled and brought heavy newes home to their deerest friends in Ireland It is very like that William the Conquerour immediately upon this sent great forces into Ireland to bee revenged of them for relieving or assisting his enemies for Stow writeth out of William of Malmsbury thus Lanfranck Archbishop of Canterbury being in such favour with King William that the said William thought not good to deny any thing that hee requested procured by his industrie that the said King left his ill custome of selling his prisoners which hee tooke in Ireland which was a thing hardly granted unto him and to Wolstan Bishop of Worcester the gaine that the King had by the sale of those Irish men was such The British Chronicle reporteth how that Anno 1087. and the last yeere of William Conquerour the sonnes of Blethlyn ap Convyn sometime King of Wales gathered their strength together against Rees ap ●yder who not being able to meete with them fled to Ireland and there he purchased to himselfe great friends and got an armie of Irish men and Scots to whom hee promised great rewards when he should obtaine his kingdome so landed in South-Wales with these strangers and when his friends heard thereof they drew unto him and the other came in all haste to vanquish him before hee had made a head and gathered forces together to bee short at Wechryd they gave battaile where they were discomfited and two of the brethren slaine to wit Madoc and Kirid and the other fled and forsooke the country As soone as Rees was in quiet possession of his country he sent away the Irish men with great rewards All the Lords of the Ilands sent messengers unto Murchard alias Moragh O Brien King of Ireland that it would please him to send them some worthy man of royall bloud to be their King during the nonage of Olanus the sonne sonne of Godred King of Man Whereupon he sent unto them one Dopnald Mac Tady whom hee deepely charged to governe that kingdome which of right appertained not to him with all kindenesse love and modesty but hee was no sooner warm in the kingdome but he forgot his instructions and the charge his Lord had given him he poled he pilled and practised all kinde of tyranny for the space of three yeers Then all the Lords of the Ilands rose in armes against him and banished him out of those parts so he fled into Ireland of whom they never heard any further newes Stanihurst findeth that Anno 1095. there came certaine Esterlings to the North side of Dublin adjoyning to the Liffie and seated themselves there so that of them to this day the place is called Ostomontowne and corruptly Oxmonton and the Parish Saint Michans of one Michanus a Dane and a Bishop which founded the Church unto whom Murchard or Moragh King of Leynster gave that parcell of land to that use The faire greene or Commune now called Ostmontowne-greene was all wood and hee that diggeth at this day to any depth shall finde the ground full of great rootes From thence Anno 1098. King William Rufus by licence of Murchard had that frame which made up the roofe of Westminster Hall where no English Spider webbeth or breedeth to this day Cambrensis in his Itinerarie of Cambria reporteth how that King William standing upon some high rocke in
the farthest part of Wales beheld Ireland and said I will have the shippes of my kingdome brought hither wherewith I will make a bridge to invade this land Murchard King of Leynster heard thereof and after he had paused a while asked of the reporter hath the King in that his great threatning inserted these words if it please God No then said he seeing this King putteth his trust onely in man and not in God I feare not his comming Anno 1095. Murchard so writeth Holinshed alias Morogh King of Leynster with the Clergie and people of the Citie of Dublin elected one Samuel a Monke of Saint Albans an Irish man borne to the governement of the Church and Bishops See of Dublin and according to the antient custome presented him by sufficient letters of testimony unto Anselme Archbishop of Canterburie to be consecrated by him who according to their request did so and tooke of him an oath of Canonicall obedience after the usuall manner Anno 1097. the Citizens of Waterford perceiving that by reason of the great multitude of people in that citie it was necessarie for them to have a Bishop obtained licence of their King and Rulers to erect in their Citie a Bishops See and besought them to write to Anselme Archbishop of Canterburie to have his consent therein and permitted them to nominate a man meete for the place Hereupon Morogh King of Leynster wrote unto Anselme informing him of the whole matter wherein one Malchus was commended and presented unto him to be admitted and consecrated if he thought good these letters were subscribed by Murchard King of Leynster Dermotte his brother Bishop Dufnald Idiman Bishop of Meath Samuel Bishop of Dublin and Ferdomnachus a Bishop in Leynster Anselme considering their request to be honest and necessarie examined the man gave him the oath of Canonicall obedience and consecrated Malcus Bishop of Waterford About this time to wit Anno 1098. the Normans having slaine Rees ap Twyde Prince of South-Wales they bent their forces against Griffith ap Conan Prince of North-Wales by the conduct of Hugh de Montgomerie Earle of Saloppe and Arundell called of the Welchmen Hugh Gough and of Hugh Vras Earle of Chester Griffith the Prince fled to the mountaines and sent for aide into Ireland saith Caradoc where he received cold comfort then to avoid farther mischiefe and treason which hee suspected to have beene wrought against him fled into Ireland In the same season Magnus King of Norway so Stow calleth him the sonne of Olavus the sonne of Harold Harvager came with great forces and subdued the Iles of Orknay with the I le of Man entred into Anglesey incountred with Hugh Earle of Salop who withstood his landing in the which skirmish Hugh the Earle had an arrow shot in his face which pierced his braine of which he died whereupon the Normans retraited Magnus invadeth Ireland saith Saxo Grammaticus and Griffith the Prince of Wales returned to his country and made peace with the Normans and governed the same fiftie yeeres Many things worthy of memory are recorded of this Griffith ap Conan Powell writeth that hee was an Irish man by his mother daughter of the King of Dublin and also by his Grandmother and that hee was borne in Ireland and that he brought over with him out of that country into Wales divers cunning Musitians who devised in manner all the instrumentall musicke upon the Harpe and Crowth that is there used and made lawes of minstrelsee to retaine the Musitians in due order I have not yet done with Magnus the Norwegian of him Camden writeth a worthy storie Magnus saith he caused a fleete to bee in readinesse of an 160. saile and sailed into the Orkeneys the which he forthwith subdued he passed through all the Ilands made them subject unto him and arrived in the I le of Man when hee beheld how pleasant the Iland was he made choice thereof for habitation fortified therein which of him to this day beares his name Hee so hampered the inhabitants of Galloway in Scotland that hee made them bring him timber to his Port for the frame of his fortifications Afterward he sailed to Anglesey in Wales where he met with two Hughs both Earles the one he slue the other he put to flight and made the Iland subiect unto him The Welsh men gave him many gifts and rewards he bade them farewell and so returned to Man He sent to Murchard alias Morogh King of Ireland his shooes commanding him to hang them upon his shoulders upon Christmas day as he passed through his Hall in the sight of his Embassadors that thereby he might understand that he was subject to Magnus the king When the Irish men heard thereof they tooke it in ill part and chafed exceedingly but King Morogh a wise and a sage Prince smiling at the conceit with great modesty and discretion gave this answer I will not onely beare his shooes but I had rather eate them then that King Magnus should destroy any one Province in Ireland Whereupon he fulfilled his command honoured his Ambassadors sent many Presents unto King Magnus and concluded a league The Ambassadors upon their returne related all circumstances gave great report and commendation of the land delivered how pleasant and fruitfull the soile was the temperature of the ayre and how healthfull the dwelling was Magnus hearing this immediately it ranne in his head to conquer all Ireland he commanded a great fleet to be in a readinesse and he himselfe going before with sixteene saile privily to espie and search out the strength of the land and unadvisedly ranging from his shippes was upon a sodaine compassed and hemmed in by the Irishmen and slaine with all in a manner that were with him Thus Magnus is become Minimus in fine hee was buried in Saint Patrickes Church of Downe So farre Camden in substance The British Chronicle writeth how that before this insolent attempt he had procured for his sonne a daughter of King Morogh in marriage and that he made him King of Man but I doe not finde that he enjoyed it Carodoc writeth how that Anno 1101. Robert de Mountgomerie Earle of Salop and Arnulph his brother Earle of Pembroke rebelling against King Henry Robert sent for aide to Magnus but could get none Arnulph sent Gerald of Windesore his Steward to Murchard alias Morogh King of Ireland to desire his daughter in marriage the which hee obtained with promise of great succours which did encourage him the more against the King whereupon Arnulph went with all haste into Ireland for his wife and Irish forces Earle Robert seeing himselfe disappointed sent to the King desiring him that he might forsake the Realme which thing the King granted and he sailed into Normandie Arnulph received message from the King that either he should follow his brother and depart the land or yeeld himselfe to his mercie he chose to forsake the land and fled into Ireland Not long after Owen the sonne of
Cadogan after hee had done great mischiefe and spoile upon the English Normans Flemings and Welsh men fled into Ireland to King Morogh who joyfully received him for he had beene there before returned to Wales and fled thither the second time and in like sort the third time Anno 1113. or thereabout Griffith the sonne of Rees ap Twyder Prince of South-Wales who for feare of the King had beene of a childe brought up in Ireland came to Gerald Steward of Pembroke his brother in law and others of his friends to recover his country whom the King by secret policies and practises pursued so that hee was forced to flee againe In the time of King Henry the first I finde that there was great stirre betweene Murchard or Morogh King of Leynster and the Citizens of Dublin for it seemeth that hee used grievous exactions and tyrannies over them so that the Dublinians in revenge of him sent for Godred King of Man and the Ilands so writeth Camden and made him their King Morogh mustereth his country gathereth forces procureth aide marcheth against his enemies pitcheth his campe at the towne of Coridelis sent his brother by the mother side Osibell with three thousand horse well appointed to Dublin where hee was slaine by Godred and by the men of Dublin and the rest discomfited and put to flight Godred found himselfe well satisfied with spoiles and returned to Man they of Dublin likewise thought themselves in some sort reasonably well revenged of their King quitted themselves for a while and by mediation and intercession after many Presents and Gifts were reconciled There was great banquetting and feasting and ioy outward of all sides but inward lay venome and treason like sparkles of fire covered with ashes which broke forth not long after as I am readie to deliver Stanihurst Grace and Dowlinge doe write that the Councell of the Citie determining to establish and decree many good lawes and orders for the publike weale of the towne and commons of the same appointed a solemne day of meeting sent for Morogh their King humbly craving with all loyall circumstances his presence counsaile and assistance among them at the day appointed the which hee granted when the day came and that they had debated many matters the King as he sate merrily in his chaire sporting himselfe and reporting some pleasant historie one suddenly stept unto him and tooke away his weapon the rest came upon him and stabbed him to the death they were not content with this but they cast him into a base grave and in further contempt and dispute of his person they threw a dogge upon him and earth upon them both the which Dermotte his sonne revenged afterwards as shall appeare in processe of the historie About the yeere 1134. after Functius his computation one Harold borne in Ireland so writeth Saxo gathered forces and became the terrour of Norway affirming withall that he was the sonne of Magnus the Dane that invaded Ireland and for truth thereof he would declare it by fire When the time and place was appointed with his bare feet he trode upon a fierie plate and felt no hurt the Norwegians admired and would make him their King which was the roote of many mischiefes in Norway He was a man faire spoken strong hardy and swift of foot and it seemeth after the manner of Ireland that he went much bare so that the soles of his feet were as hard as horne and could not easily take harme by fire by which meanes he deceived the Norwegians Nicholaus King of Denmarke corrupted Magnus of Norway by secret meanes to cut him off Magnus practised with Ericus a Danish Captaine to dispatch him immediately after his Coronation To bee short Ericus came with great forces to Scypetors a Village where Herald was in the night time laid siege to his Pallace and by the breake of day pulled him and his sonnes forth by the head and shoulders and put them to death In the time of Henry 1. King of England flourished Celsus Bishop of Armagh and ended his dayes with the entrance of King Stephen to the Crowne He descended of Noble Parentage in Ireland whom Saint Bernard with others for divers rare and singular gifts highly commendeth he had beene brought up in the Vniversitie of Oxenford where in the liberall sciences and profound literature he excelled others of his time when he perceived by the infirmities of his body that age hastened to an end and that his naturall course was in short time to be finished he desired of them that were present their favours and prayed them to use meanes unto others that were absent and especially unto the two Kings of Mounster so Bernard writeth that Malachias might succeed him in the Bishopricke of Armagh He was a married man and died of great age and lyeth buried with his wife and children in the said Church Malachias in the time of King Stephen succeeded Celsus in the Bishopricke of Armagh whose life Saint Bernard Abbot of Clarevallis Capgrave and Conganus an Abbot of Ireland have written at large He was borne in Ireland amongst barbarous people saith Bernard yet in his birth and native soile hee sucked of them no more barbarousnesse then the Sea fish take of the salt water His Parents for wealth and might were in great account in those dayes he was brought up at Armagh under Imarius the Anachorite where Celsus made him both Deacon and Priest at the age of 25. yeeres from thence with licence of Imarius and of Celsus he went to Malchus Bishop of Lismore in Mounster a man of Irish birth that had beene a Monke sometimes in the Abbey of Winchester in England and from thence advanced to the Bishopricke of Lismore And to make the historie plaine there was at that time great warres betweene Cormacke King of Mounster and his brother for the Soveraignty the brother prevaileth Cormacke fleeth to the Bishop of Lismore and in his distressed estate tooke a Monkes Cell and led a private life Malachias was appointed his Tutor where Cormacke continued untill that a King there adjoyning pittying his miserie gathered forces and restored him to his kingdome Immediately after this Letters came for Malachias in most earnest sort that he should come to Armagh where not farre off an Vncle of his a man of great command a Lord of a country rich and potent that held in his hands all the wasted Monasterie of Bench●r alias Bengor dwelled of which Monasterie I have spoken before in the raigne of King Arthure Malachias upon his comming restored these possessions and reedifieth the old Monasterie and appointed one Malchus brother to Christianus Abbot of Mel●efont governour of the place when Malachius was thirty yeeres of age he was made Bishop of Conor Conorets saith Bernard where hee met by his owne report more then I am willing to lay downe in writing so rude and barbarous a people as worse could not be found upon the face of the earth yet
is that say they the stones of your two foster brethren with that she cast up a wilde look and never beheld him cheerefully againe Ororic her Lord and husband being in pursuit of kerne theeves and outlawes that had mightily annoyed his people in the furthest part of his country she with all celerity supposing it a fit time sent for her lover Dermotte the message was no sooner delivered but hee was a horse backe posting to the Harlot to be short he tooke her away with him at which time O false heart she strugled she cryed as though she were unwilling and that hee forced her Ororic immediately heard of it gathered his forces together mustred his people craved ayde and among others wrote unto Roderick Monarch of Ireland as followeth Though I am not ignorant most renowned Prince that humane causes are to be weighed in the balance of patience and that a man endued with vertue will not effeminate himselfe by reason of the unconstant and mutable minde of a Harlot yet in so much this horrible crime whereof I am fully perswaded came to your eares before my messenger could deliver his letters a thing heretofore not heard of as farre as I remember not practised against any King of Ireland severity causeth me to call for justice when charity admonisheth me not to seeke revengement If thou behold the shame I confesse it redoundeth to me alone if you weigh the cause it is common to us both what confidence shall we repose in our subjects that are bound unto us in regard of our Princely command if this effeminate adulterer or rather queller of chastity shall escape unpunished for so abhominable a fact for the unchastised offences of Princes notoriously committed in the sight of al men breed a most pernitious imitation as precedents unto the people in summe you have sufficient experience of my good will and affection towards you you see mee wounded with the cruell darts of fortune vexed with infinite discommodities and now extremely driven to my utter shifts It remaines seeing I am wholly yours that not onely with counsell being requested but with armes being urged you revenge my quarrell this when you will and as you will not onely I aske but require at your hands Farewell The Monarch for some former quarrell against Dermot was all on fire and joyning forces with Ororic entred Leinster with fire and sword the people cry woe and alacke O bone in Irish now are wee punished for the lewdnesse of our Prince Dermot lulling himselfe in his lovers armes heareth the newes starteth upon a sodaine beholdeth his Lady hath no power to speake runneth forth calleth his men cryeth for aid throughout his country none gave ●are unto him the country thought now whereas they could not that God will be revenged on him for his exactions cruelty tyranny and all other villanies practised upon his subjects and especially for deflouring another mans wife when he saw himselfe quite forsaken voyd and destitute of all ayde he betooke himselfe to the sea and fled for England but what became of the Harlot I cannot learne belike shee hanged her selfe when she had set all the country in uprore Anno 1169. Iohn Clin and Iohn Stow are mine Authors now that Dermot is fled I am to insert a story out of the British Chronicles of Conwey and Strotflur Abbeyes afore I discourse of him which was in the same yeere that he tooke the sea how that Owen Gwyneth Prince of North-Wales had a sonne called Ryryd who in the right of his wife as it seemeth was Lord of Clochran in Ireland and another sonne begotten vpon an Irish woman called Howell and a third sonne called Madoc This Madoc finding his country in great contention and his brethren at civill warres prepared certaine ships with men and munition out of Wales and Ireland and sought adventures by seas he sailed west from the coast of Ireland so farre north that hee came to a land unknowne where he saw many strange things This land in the opinion of Humphrey Lloyde the great Antiquary of Britaine must needs be some part of that country of which the Spaniards affirme themselves to be the first discoverers since Hannos time For by reason and order of cosmographie this land to the which Madoc came must needs be sonne part of Nova-hispania or Florida whereupon it is manifest that the same country was long before discovered by Britaines and Irish men afore either Columbus or Americus Vespatius led any Spaniards thither Of the voyage and returne of this Madoc there be many fables the which I will not report He prepared ships for a second voyage and tooke with him men and women to inhabit that land therefore it is to be presupposed that he and his people inhabited part of those countries for it appeareth by Francis Loves that in Acusanus and other places the people honoured the Crosse whereby it may be gathered that Christians had been there before the comming of the Spaniards but because this people were not many they followed the manners of the land and used their language I am of opinion with others that the land whereunto Madoc came was some part of Mexico first of all for that the inhabitants of that land report their Rulers to have descended from a strange nation that came from a far country which thing is confessed by Mutesuma King of that country in his orations made for quieting of his people at his submission to the King of Castile Hernando Curtecius being then present which is laid downe in the Spanish Chronicles of the conquest of the West-Indies secondly the british words and names of places used in that country to this day doe argue the same as when they talke together they say Gwrando which is hearken or listen in British Also if you peruse Sir Humphrey Gilberts discovery they have a Bird which they call Pengwin in Brittish and Cornish a white-head but the Iland of Corroeso the Cape of Britaine the river of Gwyndoor and the white rocke of Pengwyn be British or Welch words whereby it appeareth that it was that country which Madoc and his people inhabited now remembring my selfe that my pen hath not carryed me so far unto forraigne countries by sea but that I expect Dermots returne by sea and by land into Ireland Dermot Mac Morogh came to Henry 2. in Normandie made his moane as formerly in substance is delivered craved aide for his restitution into his country being a King exiled although distressed and void of comfort unlesse hee might obtaine it at his Majesties hands the Kings hands being full of warres he granted him his favourable letters as followeth Henry King of England Duke of Normandie and Aquitaine Earle of Anjow c. unto all his subiects English Normans Welch and Scots and to all nations and people being his subiects greeting whereas Dermot Prince of Leinster most wrongfully as he enformeth banished out of his owne country hath craved our ayde therefore for
extortion cruelty tyranny and other damnable offences iustly exiled now sheweth no Princely stomacke but a base Wolvish minde for when 300. of the Ossory mens heads were throwne at his feete alas they had not offended hee viewed them all and finding one whom he knew and mortally hated he held him by the head and eares and most brutishly with his teeth bit the nose and lips of the dead whom without the ayde of the Britaines hee durst not behold in the face In this bloudy course Dermot directed these worthy warriours they more affecting the prey for their present maintenance then the bloud of any person to spoyle burne waste the country and murther the poore and seely people which God wot meant no harme whereupon Donald Prince of Ossory despising Dermot Mac Morogh by the advice of his Councell and friends sent to Robert Fitz Stephens in writing as followeth Sir Knight of Noble race renowned for martiall prowesse Donald Prince of Ossory sendeth greeting Dermot that damnable adulterer in his owne person with the King of Meths wife and in his sonnes person with my wife have drawne thee and those Gallants most worthy Knights into this poore country and naked people I will yeeld my selfe it is for the good of my poore followers into thy hands peace I crave and peace let me have Robert Fitz Stephens acquainted Dermot Mac Morogh with the premises of all sides the Irish dissembled as hereafter shall further appeare peace they granted and they acknowledged Dermot for their Lord and Soveraigne In all this service I may not conceale what Cambrensis delivereth David Barry and Meilerius effected singular exployts and deserved no lesse commendations As soone as the good successe of Dermot and the strangers lately arrived was spread abroad Rory Oconochor alias Rodericke King of Connaught Monarch of Ireland called the Princes and Nobles of the land together and layeth before them the dangerous estate and imminent perill of the whole land how Dermot guilefully had trayned in strangers how hee and the strangers were like to ouer-runne all unlesse with all expedition this mischiefe were prevented in summe they concluded that every man shall to his Armes and make ready horse and foot and set upon these invaders Dermot Mac Morogh having certaine knowledge of this great separation and mischiefe intended and his false harted subjects that lately fawned vpon him were fled to the enemies fearing the puisance of the Monarch and the forces of the whole land called Robert Fits Stephens and said vnto him Fortune is fickle our state is an ague that commeth by fits my friends fleet away and argue false hearts no marvaile though I bee disquieted if you stick not to mee I am undone Robert Fitz Stephens replied Wee have left behind us our deare friends and our native soyle wee have fired all our shippes not upon intent to runne away wee haue already in armes ingaged our lives fall out as fall out may wee will live and dye together bee you true to us wee will not bee false to you Dermot hereupon gathering his spirits together got him and his followers to a certaine fastenesse not farre from Fernes where hee intrenched and plashed himselfe being invironed with woods hils rockes bogges and waters a place to mans seeming inaccessible and invincible to endure for a while wandring clowds and threatning stormes of his adversaries to vanish and bee caried away with waving winds of fortune and unfortunate warres Whose foresight and ready wit Robert Fitz Stephens highly commended Immediatly there came a Messenger from Roderic the Monarch unto Robert Fitz Stephens with this message The Britans may not by the Lawes of Armes display their Banners and Ensignes in forreine possessions and dispose the lawfull heires of their inheritance but they are with licence of the Irish to pack home whence they came It is a blemish for the Brittish nation iniuriously to giue aide to a shamefull fact neither may the lechery of Dermot be mantled under British cloaks wherefore depart and forsake him that is forsaken of God and man And here by my messenger receive to defray your charges and transport you to your native soyle Robert Fitz Stephens answereth your present I will not accept faith and troth I have pawned to my friend Dermot I will not breake hee forsakes not me I will not forsake him neither leave him distressed you speake of lechery what is that among martiall men I heare you have Bastards your selfe to what end is your embassie If Roderick give councell we need it not if he Prophecie we credit not his oracle if he command as a Prince we obey not his autority if hee threaten as an enemie a figge for his Monarchy The messenger returned with small welcome going and comming Roderic bethought himselfe againe and sent letters to Dermot perswading him to be at peace with his country people and to banish the strangers out of the Land he rejected his councell and despiseth the messenger Roderic seeing that his private practises tooke small effect put himselfe in armes assembleth his forces and delivereth unto them these speeches You right worthy and valiant defenders of your Country and liberty Consider with what people and for what cause wee are now to fight and wage battell the enemy of his owne Country the tyrant over his owne people the exile fugitive behold hee is returned backed with strangers and purposeth to destroy us and the whole Nation hee being an enemy hath brought in those enemies which have beene ever hatefull unto us all and are most greedy to have the Soveraignty and Dominion over us all protesting openly and firmely avouching that by fatall destiny they are to bee Commanders over this land And so farre hath he poured out his venome that there is no favour nor mercy to be looked for at his hands O cruell beast yea more cruell then ever was beast who lately bit with his owne teeth the nose and lips of the dead he to satisfie his insatiable malice and bloudy minde spareth neither man woman nor childe he deserveth well to be hated of all that opposeth himselfe an enemy to all wherefore my loving and deere country men be well advised looke about you and consider advisedly how by the like meanes I meane civill warres all Realmes and nations for the most part have beene overthrowne and brought to utter ruine Iulius Caesar attempted the invasion of Britaine was twice foyled and indured the repulse but when Androgeus Duke of London fell at variance with the King to be revenged sent for Iulius who thereupon returning subdued the land The Britaines being at discord and hating their vicious King Careticus the Saxons finding opportunitie to over-runne all sent for Gurmundus the arch-Pirate and terror of the Ocean seas who ioyning forces together foyled the Britaines and banished their King not long after Isembert aspiring to the Crowne of France procured the said Gurmund to his ayde behold the end Gurmund was slaine Isembert overthrowne
live deliciously but to try fortune and to seeke adventures wee stood sometime upon the top of the wheele and the game went of our side now mee thinkes fortune wheeles about let us not be dismaid for that which is low now will be up againe and so we must tarry and take our time such is the mutability among the sonnes of men the fickle and uncertaine course of humane causes so that prosperitie and adversitie enterchangeably doe follow the one after the other After day commeth the night and when the night is passed the day dawneth againe the sunne riseth and spreads his beames over the face of the earth holdeth his course to his fall passeth the night season and riseth againe we who before this time have made great triumphs and had the wings of fortune to flye withall and are now clowded and inclosed by our enemies on every side our victuals are scant the King our Soveraigne Lord frowneth upon us we are barred of release by sea and by land our friends cannot helpe us our enemies are ready to devoure us plucke up your hearts if God be with us we care not who is against us but alas my brother Fitz Stephens whose valiantnesse and noble enterprise brake the yce and made way for us into this Iland is now shut up in a weake hold and feeble place with wife and children too weake and slender to keepe out so great a force O trayterous Donald of Limiric O trecherous and halfe-hearted people of Kensele and Wexford peace is war trust is trechery and truth is falshood among them why then doe we tarry why doe we linger is there any hope of reliefe from our native soile no no the matter is now otherwise and we our selves are presently in a worse case for as our nation at this present is odious and hatefull unto the Irish men so are we also mis-led with some disgrace in our country wherefore in so much as fortune favoureth the forward and couragious and discourageth the dastard and faint-hearted while our wits are fresh while our bodies are able while wee are all on heart let us give the on-set though we are not so many in number as they are our courage and valour is knowne to exceed theirs they are but naked wretches and unarmed people Reimonà Legrosse immediately breaketh out in these speeches My Vncle Maurice hath gravely delivered his minde he hath pithily advised us and prudently councelled us this is no time to sit in councell to spend time in speeches or to use delayes the danger is at hand the enemy is at the doore wee are compassed by sea and by land there is no flying we must fight it out our provision is spent England dares releeve us no more Ireland defieth us the Kings Maiestie I know dispraiseth not our activities and yet graceth not our successes he discommendeth not our valour yet envieth all our glory though in words he reporteth well of our service yet in deeds secretly hindereth the course thereof lastly he feareth that which we meant not and doubteth of that which we thinke not of wherefore all doubts and delaies set apart let us as becometh men of our sort try the course of fortune and proue the force of the enemy let that appeare unto them which is knowne unto us of what race we came and of what stock wee are discended Camber the first King of Cambria our native Country was our Ancestor and the sonne of that Noble Brutus the first and sole Monarch of Brittaine whose Ancestor was Troos the founder of that most antient City of Troy who descended from Dardanus the son of Iupiter from whom is derived unto us not onely the stemme of antient Nobility but also a certaine naturall inclination of valiant minds and couragious stomachs resolutely to follow all exploits of prowesse and chivalry and shall we now like sluggarts degenerate from so noble a race and like a sort of Cowards be afraid of these naked and unarmed Raskals in whom there is no valour by reason of knowledge or experience in Armes Shall such a rable of savages pinne us up within the wals of little Dublin When in times past all the Princes in Greece kept warres the space of ten yeeres and odde months against our Ancecestors in the famous City of Troy and could not preuaile against them untill they used treasons and practised treacheries which bred unto them a more infamous victory then a glorious Triumph Let it never be said that the blood of the Trojans shall be stained in our pusillanimity and receive reproach by our peevish dastardy Fortune though she be pourtraied to be blind as ever void of right judgement and to stand upon a rolling stone as being alwaies flitting and unconstant yet for the most part shee helpeth such as be of couragious minds valiant stomachs you wil say we are but a few and the enemy infinit in number what then Victory consisteth not in multitudes neither conquest in numbers Did not Thomiris the Scythian Queene with hundreds overthrow Cyrus with thousands and tooke him and slew him Did not Laomedes the Spartane encounter having but foure thousand Souldiers with mighty Xerxes who brought five hundred thousand to the field and overthrew him Did not Alexander with a few Macedonians ouerthrew Darius the great Monarch of Persia Did not he take him his wife and daughters prisoners and make a Conquest of Persia Have not wee in our persons all praise be given to God the giver of Victory even you right honorable Earle at Waterford my uncle Fitz Stephens at Wexford my selfe at Dondorogh with a few given many the foile what remains sith time shall sooner faile then matter want let us like men shew resolute minds in this service And to conclude my mind then and opinion is that we doe issue out upon them as secretly and as suddenly as we may and give the onset And for so much as Roderic of Conoght is the generall of the field in whom lyeth the chiefest force and on whom all the rest doe chiefly depend it shall be best to begin with him and if we can giue him the overthrow all the rest will flie and we shall obtaine a glorious victorie but if we shall fall into their hands and be slaine yet shall we leave an honorable report and an immortall fame to our posteritie He had no sooner ended his speech but every man armed himselfe to goe forth and give the onset They divided the Army in three battailes and although at the first they contended for the Vanguard yet quickly they were accorded and marched forward Reimond le Grosse resolutely given with twenty Knights and souldiers well appointed tooke the Vanguard Miles Cogan with thirty Knights and many a worthy warriour kept the maine battaile Earle Strangbow and Maurice Fitz Gerald with fourty Knights Gentlemen and common souldiers took the Rereward in every ward were placed some of the Citizens and other some with martiall men left at
Conquest 300. Horses 400. Oxen and for performance of all services gave him 14. pledges when they were presented the King made choice of 30. principall Horses gave backe all the rest confessing himselfe greatly pleasured at his hands Anno 1172. upon Saint Lukes day the 18. of October Henry the 2. the 17. yeere of his raigne the 41. of his age entred the Haven of Waterford so writeth Cambrensis that lived then and being landed to the harty joy of the English and fained welcome of the Irishmen had by them of Wexford formerly spoken of Robert Fitz Stephens in irons presented before him whom the Wexfordians herein I commend Stanihursts indifferent dealing rather of malice cankard spight then for just cause did charge with many hainous crimes The King advisedly to pacifie the rage of furious people for for the present time committed him to prison whence shortly after he was with honour and credit discharged and advanced to his great preferment After that the King had a little rested himselfe and the messengers scattered themselves with newes over the land the Princes were amazed they knew the Kings greatnesse was such if faire meanes would not force should constraine them and therefore in policie resolved themselves to yeeld allegiance homage and fealtie Whereupon Dermot Mac Carty Prince of Corke began became tributarie sware faith truth and loyaltie to the King of England And the King thereupon gave the kingdome of Corke to Robert Fitz Stephens and Miles Cogan as hereafter more at large shall appeare From Waterford the King raised his army and marched towards Lismore where he tarryed two daies and from thence he marched to Cashill not farre from the Shure and thither came to him Donald O Bren Prince of Limric who submitted himselfe became tributarie and swore fealty whereupon the King as hee had formerly done with Corke appointed a Governour for Limric then also came in Donall Prince of Ossorie and Omelaghlen Ophelin Lord of the Decies with all the chieftaines of Mounster submitting themselves as others had formerly done surrendring unto the Kings hands their territories and holding them againe at his pleasure Thence the King returned to Waterford left there his houshold and Robert Fitz Barnard governour of the towne and marched with his army towards Dublin In his iourney there came unto him of the chiefest commanders of the land Omathelan Machelan Ophelan O Mac Chelweie Gille Mac Holemoc O tuell helly Ocathdhessy O Caraell of Vriell and Roric the sonne of Monoculus of Meth. But Roderic the Monarch came no neerer then the Shanon where Hugh de lacy and William Fitz Aldelme by the Kings command met him and hee desiring peace submitted himselfe swore allegiance became tributarie and did put in as all others had done hostages and pledges for the performance of the same Thus was all Ireland saving Vlster brought in subjection and every Prince of the other parties in his owne person saving Roderic King of Connaght submitted himselfe but he subtilly alledged that he submitted Connaght but not the command of all Ireland the which he reserved for the Monarch and his successors but of this hereafter if God permit Christmas drew on which the King kept at Dublin where hee feasted all the Princes of the land and gave them rich and beautifull gifts they repaired thither out of all parts of the land and wonderfull it was to the rude people to behold the Majestie of so puissant a Prince the pastime the sport and the mirth and the continuall musicke the masking mumming and strange shewes the gold the silver and plate the precious ornaments the dainty dishes furnished with all sorts of fish and flesh the wines the spices the delicate and sumptuous banquets the orderly service the comely march and seemly array of all officers the Gentlemen the Esquires the Knights and Lords in their rich attire such as rugged Mantles and Irish Troosses were never acquainted withall the running at Tilte in compleat harnesse with barb'd horses where the staves shivered and flew in splinters safer to sit then upon an Irish Pillion that playeth crosse and pile with the rider the plaine honest people admired and no mervaile but now to more serious matters Henry 2. having thus conquered Ireland with the envy of the French and forraigne Princes without one drop of sweat without drawing of sword or shedding of one drop of English bloud as it became his Princely calling turned himselfe to reforme the state Ecclesiasticall and the misdemeanours of holy Church whereof Cambrensis writeth In the yeere of Christs incarnation 1172. and in the first yeere when Henry the most Noble King conquered Ireland Christianus Bishop of Lismore and Legate of the Apostolike See Donatus Archbishop of Cashill Laureance Archbishop of Dublin and Catholi●us Archbishop of Tuemond with their Suffragans and fellow Bishops Abbots Priors Deanes and Archdeacons and many other Prelates of the Church of Ireland by the commandment of the King did assemble themselves and kept a Synod at Cashill and there debating many things concerning the wealth estate and reformation of the Church of Ireland did provide remedies for the same At this Councell in behalfe of the King whom he had sent thither there were Raffe Abbot of Buldeway Raffe Archdeacon of Landaffe Nicholas the Kings Chaplaine with divers other Clerkes sundry good statutes and wholesome lawes were there devised which were after subscribed and confirmed by the King himselfe and under his authority which were these that follow First it is decreed that all good and faithfull Christian people throughout Ireland shall refraine and forbeare to marry with their neere kins folkes and cousins and match with such as lawfully they might doe Secondly that children shall be catechized without the Church door and baptized in the Font appointed in the Church for the same purpose Thirdly that every Christian doe truely and faithfully pay yeerely the tithes of his Cattell Corne and all other his increase and profits to the Church or Parish where he is a parishioner Fourthly that all the Church lands and possessions throughout all Ireland shall be free from all secular exactions and impositions and especially that no Lords Earles or Noble men nor their children nor family shall extort or take any cony and livery cosheries or cuddies or any other like custome from thence forth in or upon any of the Church land and territories and likewise that neither they nor any other person doe thenceforth exact out of the said Church lands old wicked and detestable customes of cony and livery the which they were wont to extort upon such townes and villages of the Churches as were neere and next bordering upon them Fiftly when carik or composition is made among the laye people for any murther that no person of the Clergie though he be a kinne to any of the parties shall contribute any thing thereunto but as they bee guiltlesse of the murther so shall they be free from paying of money for any such release
the land there were certaine Irish men which tooke part with him served faithfully and were as reason required rewarded for their service and had for recompence certaine lands given them which they quietly held and peaceably enioyed untill the comming of the Kings sonne then new commers wanting both living and governement had it given them to furnish them in their foolish prodigalitie so that these Irish men flying unto the enemies became not onely enemies but were espials upon the English and conductors of the enemy against them A third reason of ill successe Cambrensis urgeth against England first how that the Britaines or Cambrians so he termeth them entring this land and breaking the ice to the conquest of Ireland were afterwards by William Fitz Adelme and others envied and every way maligned secondly how that the English commanding the land were by the English disgraced and one often times articling accusing and disgracing one another thirdly how that the Normans comming in place overthrew all for the King being borne beyond the seas affected them most they were of his Councell at home in time of peace and made Commanders abroad in time of warres these comming with the Kings sonne into Ireland were fine in their apparrell delicate mouthed feeding upon dainties they could not disgest their meat without Spice and Wine at every meale they could not endure the service in the Marches and borders they would not remaine in remote places they brooked not the Forts Holds and Garrison places but liberty they liked of so it were in a walled town a warme chamber a Ladies lappe a soft bed a furre gowne and their Lords sides to guard and attend pleased them well they would talke and bragge of service sweare and stare at home stand upon the pantofles of their reputation disdaine others and especially the Irish and durst not shew their faces in the field These were they that gave themselves to command the Irish that would not be commanded by them they polled pilled extorted and what not In the space of eight moneths that Earle Iohn staied in Ireland I finde that he built three Castles Tibrach Lismoore and Archfinan alias Ardsivin at Ardsivin upon Midsummer day so Cambrensis reporteth the Prince of Lymeric bent and animated to rebellion slue foure Knights and the greater part of the Garrison there shortly after the same rebels of Lymric by a slight drew out the Garrison to seize upon a prey and lying in ambush killed many of them but these revolters escaped not scotfree in all the parts of the land for at this time when the Irish men of Kennally with great forces had entred Meth killing burning spoiling and preying the Country William le Petit Governour or Iusticer saith Cambrensis drew a head against them rescued the prey put them to flight made a great slaughter of them and sent a hundred heads of the principall of them to Dublin The Kings sonne hearing of these troubles hastned away unto England left the land tumultuous troublesome al upon an uprore committed the charge thereof saith Stanihurst Bruseo Courceo Giraldidis c. in primis Hugonis Lacaei virtuti where in truth I find no such matter for Cambrensis whom herein I must relie unto being then in Ireland with the Kings son reporteth how that Henry the second hearing of the course which these greene heads held in Ireland thought good to call them all unto England and send thither no more such young commanders and by the advice of his Councell committed the charge and absolute command thereof unto Sir Iohn de Courcy whom hee appointed Lord Lievtenant of Ireland the Booke of Houth also testifieth the same Earle Iohn immediatly gathered forces travailed over the whole land pacified for the time Corke Tumound and Conoght From the death of Hugh Delacy who was slaine Anno 1186. unto the time Hugh Delacy the yonger came to be Lord Iustice of whom hereafter more at large Here gentle Reader Cambrensis leaveth us who most faithfully continued the affaires of Ireland some 30. yeeres and odde he was by father a Barry by mother a Gerraldin nephew to Morice Fitz Gerald and Robert Fitz Stephens that first entred to the Conquest of Ireland hee was borne in Pembrok-shire and was Archdecon of Saint Davids and Brechnoc and diversly imployed by Henry the second in whose time among others the first Conquerors his kindred he came into Ireland againe and became Tutor unto Iohn the Kings sonne and accompanied him into Ireland he wrote many learned workes and among other the Conquest of Ireland the Topography of Ireland and Mirabilia Hiberniae Whereof hee dedicated one unto Richard Earle Strangbow and another unto Henry the second he was elected Archbishop of Saint Davids but at Rome he was out-bid by him that had more money and missed the Cushin hee departed this life when hee was about foure score yeeres old and resteth at Saint Davids Yet one thing further of him which he reporteth of himselfe how that he at the time of his being in Ireland had Conference with Mathew Archbishop of Cashill and he saying among other things You have many Saints in Ireland but I doe not find any martyr amonst you the Bishop taking it in ill part as spoken in derision of the Nation answered with great anger Sir it is so that our people is rude savage and barbarous yet there is none so brutish and bloudy as to lay violent hands upon a Priest now it fals out that wee are to be governed by such a Nation as is not guiltlesse of Prelats deaths and it is like if it stands with Gods pleasure that shortly we shall make up a number of Irish martyrs this he spitefully spake meaning the death of Thomas of Canterbury In a while after that Sir Iohn de Courcy had brought the whole land to a good passe and pacified the Irish tumults this I find in the Booke of Houth Sir Hugh Delacy the younger is sent over into Ireland as Lord Iustice to take the absolute Command of the Realme He had no sooner landed but he sent very imperious letters unto Sir Iohn de Courcy to discharge him and all that were authorized by him of their places and command and in like sort like the green heads spoken of a little before which landed with Earle Iohn they braved it out disdained old experimented souldiers and offered sundry disgraces unto the rest of the English so that thereof rose much heartburning division quarrels and bloody brawles The Irish seeing this sudden alteration this division among the English this undiscreet government thought now to find fit opportunity publikely to release themselves of that which they had oft secretly intended by their runnagades they summoned at a day a place all the Chieftaines of Irish birth to a parlee where after many doubts debated many griefes opened they concluded with full resolution to invade all the English and roote them wholly out of the land and first they swoare
Robin Hood that he was an Earle and after outrages by him committed he kept the woods his company was of some hundred persons all chosen and picked Archers of singular strength to handle their weapons and such as durst encounter with 400. others they robbed none but the rich as Tanners and Grasiers and Vsurers and Bishops Priests and fat Abbots they shed no bloud they killed no man releeved themselves and the poore also with their spoyles Robin Hood after many theevish feats fell sicke went into a Nunnery in Scotland to be let bloud where he was betrayed and bled to death wherupon the company brake and the crue dispersed themselves every man to shift for himselfe little Iohn came to Ireland with many of his confederates and found in the woods enough to fit his humour and fell so much to his old occupation that he was faine to flye the land In the end he went to Scotland and there died There are memorable acts reported of him which I hold not for truth that he would shoot an arrow a mile off and a great deale more but them I leave among the lyes of the land Anno 1191. the Monasterie de iugo Dei was founded Anno 1193. King Richard after many most valiant exploits in the Holy Land the which I hold not so necessary for this place after the drowning of Fredericke the Emperour and after the sudden and envious departure of Philippe King of France hearing the conspiracy of the said Philippe and the treason of his brother Iohn aspiring to the Crowne of England made peace with the Saladine for three yeres and with a small company returning homewards was taken prisoner by Leopold Duke of Austria who brought him to Henry the Emperour and there kept him in prison a yeere and 5. months untill he had paid his ransome which was Anno 1194. Hee was received into England with the joy and applause of all true harts and having setled the affaires of the Realme in due sort he went into France where he had much a doe with the French King the which for brevities sake I doe omit and yet one memorable act of his I may not omit and thus it was There came unto him one Fulco a Priest who with great courage and boldnesse said Thou hast O Mighty King three daughters very vicious and of evill disposition take good heed of them and betimes provide them good husbands to whom the King in rage answered th●u errant lyar and shamelesse hypocrit thou knowest not where thou art nor what thou sayest I weene thou art not well in thy wits for I have never a daughter as the world will beare me witnesse get thee out of our presence To whom Fulco replyed If it like your Grace I lye not but say truth for you have three daughters which continually frequent your Court and more is the pitty wholly possesse your person I meane Pride Covetousnesse and Leachery The King thereat smiled and called his Lords and Barons unto him and related what Fulco had delivered unto him and thereupon gave his resolution Here before you all I doe presently bestow my three daughters First I give my daughter swelling Pride to the proud Templars my greedy daughter Avarice to the covetous Order of the Cistercian Monkes and my daughter Leachery to the wanton Prelats of the Church This noble King went to besiege a Town called Chalus Cheverell in Poitou in the confines of Britaine where unlooked for from the wall of the Towne he was wounded with a venomed arrow out of a Crosbow whereof shortly after hee died afore his death hee sent for him that was the cause of his death forgave him yea gave him money in his purse but after his death he was apprehended and cut off with cruell tortures Lastly King Richard tooke order for his buriall thus he bequeathed his body to Fount Ebrad there to lye at his fathers feet whom in his life time he had offended his heart to Roan that had alwayes been true unto him and his bowels to Chalus Cheverell where he tooke his death for that filth was fit for them that had beene unto him both false and rebellious Mathew Paris hath is Epitaph thus Ad Chalus cecidit Rex regni cardo Richardus His ferus his humilis his agnus his Leopardus Casus erat lucis Chalus Per secula nomen Non intellectum fuerat sed nominis omen Non patuit res clausa fuit sed luce cadente Prodiit in lucem pro casu lucis ademptae Againe of his legacie Pictavus exta ducis sepelit tellusque Chalutis Corpus dat claudi sub marmore fontis Ebrandi Neustria tuque tegis cor inexpugnabile Regis Sic loca per trina se sparsit tanta ruina Nec fuit hoc funus cui sufficeret locus unus Iohn the fift sonne of Henry the second Earle Morton alias Mortaigne and Lord of Ireland as formerly hath beene delivered by the gift of his brother King Richard the first Earle of Cornwall Dorset Sommerset Nottingham Darby Lancaster and in the right of his marriage Earle of Glocester was Crowned at Westminster King of England Anno 1199. Hee was first married to Isabell whom the Britaines called Hawise and the Cornish Avis daughter to Robert Earle of Glocester who for that they were found within the third degree were divorced so that King Iohn left both the Lady Isabell and the Earledome of Glocester whereupon by the advice of Philip King of France he matched in holy wedlocke with Isabell daughter to Amerie Earle of Angolesme This Isabell if not married had beene affianced to Hugh Brune Earle of March a Noble man of Aquitaine who gave battaile in that quarell to King Iohn and was discomfitted yet after the death of King Iohn hee had her to wife Immediatly upon the Coronation of Henry the third who succeeded him broyles beganne in England France and Ireland which had every way a tragicall end Bruse in England Arthure in France and Courcy in Ireland are testimonies thereof But orderly of these as the Nature of the Historie requires Arthure the sonne of Ieffry Plantagenet nephew to King Iohn lived when his uncle Iohn aspired to the Crowne being 16 yeeres of age he was affianced to a daughter of Philippe the French King the said Philippe Knighted him in the field he was Duke of Britain Earle of Anjou Poitiers Maine and Turrow of Normandy He did homage unto his uncle for some and to Philippe for the rest his uncle had him in Iealousie first lest that in processe of time he would make claime to the Crowne secondly for that he adhered too much to the French and the young Prince upon conference with bold spirit told him that he did him wrong and that hee was bound in honour to deliver unto him the Crowne of England with all that thereunto appertained Shortly after it fell out that King Iohn took this Arthure confederate against him with William de
French King with forraigne powers intending an open invasion was driven to prevent further mischiefe as I finde in Polychronicon to surrender his Crowne from his head and to subject his Kingdomes of England and Ireland tributarie to the See of Rome and as his client vassall and feodarie to that See to hold them of Innocentius the Bishop againe England being interdicted and Ireland likewise were after released upon agreement composition and Charter and homage as in the Chronicle of England more at large appeareth The death of King Iohn and the manner of it I referre to the English Chronicles After his decease Henry the third his eldest sonne aged about nine yeeres began his raigne Anno 1216. Anno 1220. and the fourth yeere of Henry the third so writeth Clyn Dowling and Grace together with the English Antiquities in their Irish collections all Meth was wonderfully afflicted and wasted by reason of the priuate quarrels and civill warres betweene William Earle Marshall Earle of Penbroke c. and Sir Hugh de Lacy Earle of Vlster and Lord of Connaght Trimme was besieged and brought to a lamentable plight and when the rage and furie of those garboiles was somewhat mitigated and appeased after the shedding of much bloud the same yeere to prevent afterclaps and subsequent calamities the Castle of Trim was builded About this time certaine worthy persons of great fame and renowne to wit Henry Loudreds Roger Peppard and William Peppard Lords successively de saltu Salmonis and Meiler Fitz Henry one of the first Conquerours paid nature her due sinne her debt and ended their daies It appeareth in Stanihurst that the same yeere that Henry Loudreds died viz. 1220. the Castle of Dublin was builded I meane the walles foure square or quadrangle wise but the foure Turrets and the other afterwards Sir Henry Sidney is said to have builded the inner lodgings in whose eternall commendation I finde in the said Stanihurst these verses Gesta libri referunt multorum clara virorum Laudis in chartis stigmata fixa manent Verum Sidnaei laudes haec saxa loquuntur Nec jacet in solis gloria tanta libris Si libripereant homines remanere valebunt Si pereant homines ligna manere queant Lignaque si pereant non ergo saxa peribunt Saxaque si pereant tempore tempus erit Si pereat tempus minime consumitur aevum Quod cum principio sed sine fine manet Dum libri florent homines dum vivere possunt Dum quoque cum lignis saxa manere valent Dum remanet tempus dum denique remanet aevum Laus tua Sydnaei digna perire nequit Anno 1224 Abbatia de Albo tractu was founded By generall consent of Antiquaries after the death of Henry Loudres spoken of before Maurice Fitz Gerald was by Henry the third made Lord Iustice of Ireland and afterwards fell in the Kings displeasure and was removed but the yeeres they agree not upon wherein I finde great discord The English Chronicle of Ireland delivereth that hee was made Lord Iustice Anno 1228. Florilegus and Holinshed write that he was removed from his Iusticeship Anno 1245. and Iohn Fitz Ieffery substituted in his roome Mathew Paris writeth that hee was removed Anno 1248 but howsoever they have mistaken the yeeres or whether the fault of the Printer crept in it forceth not I am to deliver to the reader the truth of the history and the most worthy service of this Noble man with the yeeres and the time as neere as I can Anno 1229. in the raigne of Henry the third Maurice Fitz Girald being Lord Iustice Mathew Paris and Holinshed write the storie one Stephen Chapplen and Nuntio to Pope Gregory came to King Henry with the Popes Apostolike Mandates and procuration letters requiring of spirituall temporall throughout England Ireland and Wales the tenth of all their moveables to the maintenance of his warres against Fredericke the Emperour At the day and place appointed when the King and his Lords spirituall and temporall met together and the Nuntio had read his letters the King was silent reputed saith mine Author as consenting thereto the Earles and Barons saith Paris all the Laytie said flatly that they would give the Pope no tenths neither subject their Baronies and locall possessions to the Church of Rome the Clergie after three or foure dayes deliberation fearing the thunderbolts of excommunication with grudging and murmurs and many a bitter curse yeelded yet Ranulphus Earle of Chester alone stood stoutly in the cause and would not permit the Clergie of his country to become in bondage neither to contribute the said tenths though England Wales Scotland and Ireland were compelled to pay Ireland sent likewise after their money Irish curses for they were driven at the worst hand to sell unto the mercilesse Merchants their Cowes Hackneyes Caddoes and Aqua vitae to make present payment and were driven in that extremitie to pawne and sell their Cups Chalices Copes Altar-clothes and vestments Anno 1230 as I finde recorded in the booke of Houth Hubertus de Burgo was Lord Iustice of Ireland as I gather in the absence of Maurice Fitz Girald to whom the King gave the land ..... and Connaught and made him Earle of Connaught and shortly after ob probitatem fidelititem ex imiam so I reade in Ypodigma Neustria being called into England for his uprightnesse and singular fidelity was made governour of the King Lord Iustice of England and Earle of Kent by the consent of all the Peeres of the Realme afterwards as the course of this world wheeles about hee fell into the Kings displeasure so that he called him old traytor and in his rage would have runne him thorow with his sword had not the Earle of Chester and others runne betweene for that saith Stow hee had taken five thousand markes of the Queene of France to hinder his purpose to avoyd the Kings displeasure this Hubert fled to the Chappell of Brandwood in Essex where he was taken and by commandement of the King sent to the Tower of London all his friends forsooke him none answered for him but the Archbishop of Dublin wherein we may behold as in a Glasse the disposition of feyned friends in former ages who in the Spring of a mans felicity like Swallowes will flye about him but when the winter of adversitie nippeth like Snailes they keepe within their shels at length this Hubert was somewhat reconciled to the Kings favour that he was inlarged yet banished the Court lastly he ended his miseries at his Mannor house of Bansted in Surry and was buried at the Church of the Fryers Preachers at London which was then in Holborne unto the which Church he gave his noble Palace at Westminster the which afterwards Walter Grey the Archbishop of Yorke bought of them and made it his Inne since commonly called Yorke House but now White-Hall So farre Stow Holinshed and others The yeere aforesaid I finde one Ieffery
to apprehend such prollers wherein he also reproved his cowardize The Emperour when he understood that the birds were flowne away made search for the neast yet overtooke them in Italy where to be short hee imprisoned them their kindred and favourers rifled them of their money and sent them to Rome to sing for more money he that will reade the story more at large let him repaire to Mathew Paris The same yeere saith Mathew Paris Andelmus borne in Cullen a man highly commended for life and learning was by the Bishop of Worcester solemnly consecrated at Westminster Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland in the presence of the King the Legate and many reverend Prelates Anno 1242. Maurice Fitz Girald Lord Iustice of Ireland builded the Castle of Sligoe Anno 1243. Clun and Dowlinge write that Giraldus Fitz Maurice Richardus de Burgo and Hugh de Lacy Earle of Vlster in Ireland ended the way of all flesh and was buried at Carechfergus Mathew Paris giveth Lacy great commendations that he was a most renowned warriour and a valiant Conquerour of a great part of Ireland This Lacy left behinde him one daughter and heire whom Walter de Burgo married and in her right became Earle of Vlster of Richardus de Burgo Mathew Paris writeth he had great possessions and lands in Ireland by the conquest of his most Noble father Anno 1245. Florilegus Powell out of Gittin Owen and Holinshed doe write how that the Welch men rebelled against the King and his forces being foyled by David ap Llewelin Prince of Wales hee sent into Ireland to Maurice for ayde and was in winter time mightily distressed the which I finde by Powell recorded and written by a Noble man out of the campe unto his friends The King with his army lyeth at Gannocke fortifying of that strong Castle and we live in our Tents thereby watching fasting praying and freezing with cold wee watch for feare of the Welch men who are wont to invade and come upon us in the night time we fast for want of meate for the halfe penny loafe is worth five pence we pray to God to send us home speedily we starve for cold wanting our winter garments and having no more but a thinne linnen cloath betweene us and the winde there is an arme of the seas under the Castle where we lye whereto the tyde commeth and many shippes come up to the haven which bring victuals to the Campe from Ireland and Chester The King all this while expected the arrivall of Maurice Fitz Girald with his Irish forces mused with himselfe fretted with himselfe the winde serving and yet said nothing at length the Irish sayles are discryd a shore they came and Maurice Fitz Girald together with Phelina Oconor Oconoghor saith another in battaile array present themselves before the King at Chepstow say the Irish Chroniclers but the British Chroniclers coppied out of the Abbies of Conwey and Stratflur by Owen Gittine deliver they landed at the I le of Man or Anglesey the which in mine opinion seemeth to be most likely to be true For David ap Llewelin was Prince of North-Wales and there kept his forces Chepstow is in South-Wales and besides it is agreed upon of all sides that the Irish landing spoyled the I le of Anglesey laded themselves with spoyles and going to their ships were driven to runne and leave all behinde but to be short when all the forces joyned together the Welch men were overthrowne the King manned and victualled his Castles returned into England gave the Irish men leave to returne winking a while in policie at the tarriance and slow comming of Maurice Fitz Girald when Maurice Fitz Girald Lord Iustice arrived in Ireland he found O Donell the Irish enemy upon the death of Hugh Lacy in Armes invading and sore annoying the Kings subjects in Vlster and called unto him Cormake Mac Dermot Mac Dory with great forces and entred Tireconell preyed burned and spoyled and vanquished the enemy there he slue Moyleslaghlon O Donell called King of Keyvayle together with Gille Canvinelagh Obugill and Mac Surley called King of Oyrisgall with divers others gentlemen of those parts in like sort many English men were cast away in the river whose passage O Donell stopped and slue there William Butt high Sheriffe of Connaught together with a valiant young Gentleman his brother When the Lord Iustice had thus atchieved his purpose hee manned and victualled the Castle of Sligo tooke pledges of O Neale to keepe the Kings peace and left them in the said Castle gave Cormake Dermot Mac Dory that came to his aide the moytie of Connaught and returned with a great prey When this noble service was performed the King disgorged himselfe and what inwardly he had conceived and for a while conceived against the Lord Iustice he then in writing delivered and removed Maurice Fitz Girald out of his Iusticeship and placed in his roome Iohn Fitz Ieffery de Morisco the which the Irish Chroniclers have suppressed yet Florilegus and Holinshed doe write Mauritium Hiberniae Iustitiariū eo quod ficte tarde auxilium ab hibernia domino Regi duxerat periclitanti a Iustitiaria Deposuit This Maurice departed out of this world Anno Dom. 1256. was buried saith Clyn in the habit of the Fryers Minors at Yough-halle the which Morice had founded of whom Mathew Paris saith thus he was a valiant Knight a very pleasant man inferiour to none in Ireland who sometime swayed the land when hee had the sword of Iusticeship this man lived with commendations all the dayes of his life but peradventure falsly reported of and stained in the end with the death of Richard Earle Marshall Anno 1247. after that Henry the third and the Clergie of England and Ireland found themselves mightily grieved at the Popes exactions and intollerable extortions in England Wales and Ireland and had signified the same in writing to the Court of Rome whereupon saith Florilegus the Court of Rome fretted and sorrowed that their avarice was as well reproved as restrained Innocentius 4. devised in his conceit a milder course to be held that in stead of a greater summe they should give him at that time out of those dominions to supply his wants but eleven thousand markes Then saith Florilegus Master Iohannes Rusus was sent into Ireland furnished with authority diligently to collect the Popes money as a Legate yet not clad in scarlet lest the Pope should offend the King of England who hath this priviledge that no Legate set foot on his land unlesse hee be sent for or licenced but the said Iohn being a sophisticall Legate vigilantly plying the papall mandate and his owne private gaine extorted out of Ireland about sixe thousand markes the which by the conduite of the Clergie was transported and conveied to London about the Feast of Saint Michaell the Archangell The same yeere saith Florilegus there was a marveilouse and strange Earthquake over England but saith
inquisitions of Treylbaston The same yeere Iordan Comin slue Conthir de Ophaly and Calwagh his brother was slaine in the Court of Peirs de Birmingham at Carricke and Balimor was burnt Anno 1306. Edward the second succeeded his father being dead in the kingdome In the beginning of his raigne he called back from beyond the seas Peirs de Gaveston whose company in the presence of his father he abjured and being wholly taken up with him he neglected Isabell his Queene and his Nobles for which cause the Nobles being offended they banished the said Peirs into Ireland where also the Kings treasure that was sent over thither was wantonly consumed Then Peirs was called backe againe but in regard the Kings treasure was spent as aforesaid the Nobles make an insurrection and put away Peirs from the King Anno 1308. And in the second of King Edward the second Peirs de Gaveston by the Lords of England but contrary to the Kings minde was banished into Ireland about the nativitie of our Lady but the next yeere hee was called backe againe and the King met him at Chester Anno 1309. The Lord Ieffery Genvill became a Fryer at Trym of the order of the Preachers and the Lord Peirs de Birmingham dyed Anno 1311. Was the consecration of Iohn Leeke Archbishop of Dublin and Richard Bourgh Earle of Vlster with a great armie went to Bourath in Thomound and there he was taken prisoner by Sir Robert de Clare and Iohn Fitz Walter Lacy and many others were slaine and there dyed Sir Walter la ●aint and Sir Eustace Power And the next yeere Maurice Fitz Thomas and Thomas Fitz Iohn married two daughters of the Earle of Vlster And Saint Fingay was translated and William de Lowndres the first and Iohn the son of Sir Richard Bourgh Knight deceased and the Lord Edmund Butler made 30. Knights Anno 1313. Died Iohn Leek Archbishop of Dublin and Theobald Verdon came over Lord Iustice of Ireland and William de Montency and Richard Loundries died Anno 1315. The Lord Edward Bruse brother of the King of Scots entred the North part of Vlster with a great Army upon Saint Augustines day in the month of May and afterward hee burned Dundalke and a great part of Vrgile and the Church of Athirde was burned by the Irish And in the warre of Comeram in Vlster Richard Earle of Vlster was put to flight and Sir William Bourgh and Sir Iohn Mandevill and Sir Alan Fitz Warren were taken prisoners and the Castle of Norburgh was taken Moreover at Kenlis in Meath the Lord Roger Mortimer in the warre together with the said Edward were put to flight and many of the men men of the said Roger were slaine and taken prisoners and he burnt the Towne and after this he went as farre as Finnagh and the Skerries in Leinster and there incountred him Edmund Butler Lord Iustice of Ireland the Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas afterward Earle of Kildare and the Lord Arnold Power and every one of them had a great army to war against him and upon the sodaine there arose a dissention amongst them and so they left the field and this dissention hapned upon the 26. day of Ianuary after this hee burnt the Castle of Leye and afterward hee returned into Vlster and besieged the Castle of Knockfergus and slue Thomas Mandevill and Iohn his brother at Downe comming out of England and then returned into Scotland Anno 1316. Edward Bruse before Easter came into Ireland with the Earle of Murry and other armies and besieged the Castle of Knockfergus afterward they went to Castle Knock and there tooke the Baron prisoner and Edward Bruse lay there and Richard Earle of Vlster lay in Saint Maries Abbey neere Dublin Then the Major and Commonalty of the City of Dublin tooke the Earle of Vlster prisoner and put him in the Castle of Dublin and slew his men and spoiled the Abbey Then the said Bruse went as farre as Lymmerick after the Feast of Saint Matthew the Apostle and staied there untill after Easter and in the meane time Roger Mortimer the Kings Lievtenant landed at Waterford with a great Army and for feare of him Edward Bruse made haste to goe into the parts of Vlster and Iohn Fitz Thomas was created Earle of Kildare also Oconthir of Conaght and many other of the Irish of Conaght and Meath were slaine neere Athenry by the English there also there was a great slaughter made by Edmond Butler neere Testilldermot upon the Irish and another slaughter by the same Edmund upon Omorthe at Balitcham Anno 1317. The said Lievtenant delivered the Earle of Vlster out of the Castle of Dublin and after Whitsuntide hee banished out of Meath Sir Walter and Sir Hugh de Lacy and gave their lands unto his souldiers and they together with Edward Bruse went back into Scotland and Alexander Bignor was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1318. The Lord Roger Mortimer went againe into England and Alexander Bignor was made Lord Iustice and Edward Bruse and the said Walter and Hugh de Lacy with a great Army landed at Dundalke upon Saint Calixtus the Popes day and there the Lord Iohn Brimingham Richard Tute and Miles Verdon with one thousand three hundred twenty foure men incountred them and slew the said Edward Bruse with eight thousand two hundred seventie foure of his men and the said Iohn Birmingham did cary the head of the said Edward into England and gave it to King Edward and the King gave unto the said Iohn and his heires males the Earledome of Lowth and the Barony of Athirdee to him and his heires also Sir Richard de Clare with foure Knights and many others were slaine in Thomond Anno 1319. The Lord Roger Mortimer came over againe Lord of Iustice of Ireland And the Towne of Athessell and Plebs were burned by the Lord Iohn Fitz Thomas brother to the Lord Maurice Fitz Thomas And the Bridge of Kilcolin was built by Maurice I●kis Anno 1320. The Lord Iohn Fitz Iohn Earle of Kildare was made Lord Iustice. And the bridge of Leiglin was built by Maurice Iakis Anno 1321. There was a very great slaughter made of the Oconhurs at Balibagan by the English of Leinster and Meath And the said Earle of Lowth was made Lord Iustice Anno 1322. Died the Lord Richard Birmingham Lord of Athenry the Lord Edmund Butler and the Lord Thomas Persivall Moreover the Lord Andrew Birmingham and Sir Richard de la Londe were slaine by Onolan Anno 1323. Iohn Darcy came over Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1325. Deceased Nicolas Fitz Simon Gonvill Anno 1326. The Lord Richard Burgh Earle of Vlster died Edward the third sonne to Edward the second after the Conquest at the age of fifteene yeeres in his fathers life time upon Candlemas day was crowned King at Westminster In the beginning of whose raigne there was great likelyhood of good successe to follow For then also the Earth received fruitfulnesse the Ayre temperature and Sea
King whom the said Peeres met at Rotcotebridge and slue Thomas Molleners and spoyled the rest neverthelesse the Duke of Ireland escaped But in the same yeere on the morrow after Candlemas day a Parliament beganne at London in which were adjudged the Archbishop of Yorke the Duke of Ireland the Earle of Suffolke c. Anno 1388. foure Lord Iustices of England were banished into Ireland by a decree of the Parliament and it was not lawfull for them either to make lawes or to give counsell upon paine of the sentence of death Anno 1390. Robert de Wikeford Archbishop of Dublin departed this life and the same yeere was Robert Waldebie translated unto the Archbishopricke of Dublin being an Augustine Fryer Anno 1394. and in the seaventeenth yeere of King Richard the second died Anne Queene of England and the same yeere about Michaelmas the King crossed the seas over into Ireland and landed at Waterford the second day of the moneth of October and went back about Shrovetide Anno 1397. Fryer Richard de Northalis of the order of the Carmelites was translated to the Archbishopricke of Dublin and died the same yeere Also the same yeere Thomas de Craulie was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin And Sir Thomas Burgh and Sir Walter Birningham slue sixe hundred Irish men with their Captaine Macdowne Moreover Edmund Earle of March Lord lievetenant of Ireland with the aide of the Earle of Ormond wasted Obren's country and at the winning of his chiefe house hee made seaven Knights to wit Sir Christopher Preston Sir Iohn Bedlow Sir Edmund Loundres Sir Iohn Loundres Sir William Nugent Walter de la Hide and Robert Cadell Anno 1398. and in the two and twentieth of King Richard the second on Ascention day the Tothillis slue forty English men Among whom these were accounted as principall Iohn Fitz Williams Thomas Talbot and Thomas Comyn The same yeere upon Saint Margarets day Edmund Earle of March the Kings lievetenant was slaine with divers other by Obren and other Irishmen of Leinster at Kenlis in Leinster Then was Roger Greye elected Lord Iustice of Ireland The same yeere on the feast day of Saint Marke the Pope and Confessor came to Dublin the Noble Duke of Surrey the Kings lievetenant in Ireland and with him came Thomas Crauly Archbishop of Dublin Anno 1399. and of King Richard the three and twentieth on Sunday being the morrow after Saint Petronilla the Virgins day the illustrious King Richard landed at Waterford with two hundred shippes and the Friday after at Ford in Kenlis in the Countie of Kildare there were slaine two hundred Irish men by Ienicho and other English men and the morrow after the Citizens of Dublin brake into Obrens country slue three and thirty of the Irish and tooke fourescore men women and children The same yeere King Richard came to Dublin upon the fourth Kalends of Iuly where hee was advertized of the comming of Henry Duke of Lancaster into England whereupon he also speedily went over into England and a little while after the same King was taken prisoner by the said Henry and brought to London and there a Parliament was holden the morrow after Michaelmas day in which King Richard was deposed from his kingdome and the said Henry Duke of Lancaster was crowned King of England on the feast day of Saint Edward the Confessor Anno 1400. and in the first yeere of the raigne of King Henry the fourth at Whitsontide the Constable of Dublin Castle and divers others at Stranford in Vlster fought at Sea with the Scots where many Englishmen were slaine and drowned The same yeere on the feast of the Assumption of the blessed Virgin Mary King Henry with a great army entred Scotland and there he was advertized that Owen Glendor with the Welsh men had taken armes against him for which cause he hastened his iourney into Wales Anno 1401. in the second yeere of King Henry the fourth Sir Iohn Stanley the kings Lievetenant in the moneth of May went over into England leaving in his roome Sir William Stanley The same yeere on Bartholomew Eeven arrived in Ireland Stephen Scroope Lievetenant unto the Lord Thomas of Lancaster the kings Lievetenant of Ireland The same yeere on Saint Brices day the Lord Thomas of Lancaster the kings Sonne and Lord Lievetenant of Ireland arrived at Dublin Anno 1402. on the fift Ides of Iuly was the dedication of the Church of the Fryers Preachers in Dublin by the Archbishop of Dublin And the same day the Maior of Dublin namely Iohn Drake with the citizens and townesmen neere to Bre slue of the Irish foure hundred ninety three being all men of warre The same yeere in September a Parliament was held at Dublin during the which in Vrgile Sir Bartholomew Verdon knight Iames White Stephen Gernond and their complies slue Iohn Dowdall Sheriffe of Lowth Anno 1403. in the fourth yeere of king Henry in the moneth of May Sir Walter Betterley Steward of Vlster a right valiant knight was slaine and to the number of thirty other with him The same yeere on Saint Ma●dlins Eeven neere unto Shrewesbury a battell was fought betweene king Henry and Henry Percy and Thomas Percy then Earle of Worcester which Percyes were slaine and on both sides there were sixe thousand and more slaine in the battaile The same yeere about Martlemas the Lord Thomas of Lancaster the kings Sonne went over into England leaving Stephen Scroope his Deputy there who also in the beginning of Lent sayled over into England and then the Lords of the land chose the Earle of Ormond to be Lord Iustice of Ireland Anno 1404. in the fift yeere of king Henry Iohn Colton Archbishop of Armagh departed this life upon the fift of May unto whom Nicholas Flemming succeeded The same yeere on the day of Saint Vitall the Martyr the Parliament began at Dublin before the Earle of Ormond then Lord Iustice of Ireland where the Statutes of Kilkenny and Dublin were confirmed and likewise the Charter of Ireland The same yeere Patricke Savage was treacherously slaine in Vlster by Mac Kilmori and his brother Richard was given for a pledge who was murthered in the prison after hee had paid two thousand markes The same yeere upon Martilmas day deceased Nicholas Houth Lord of Houth a man of singular honesty Anno 1405. in the sixt yeere of King Henry in the moneth of May three Scottish Barkes were taken two at Greenecastle and one at Dalkay with Captaine Thomas Macgolagh The same yeere the Merchants of Droghedah entred Scotland and tooke pledges and preyes The same yeere on the Eeven of the feast day of the seaven brethren Oghgard was burnt by the Irish. The same yeere in the moneth of Iune Stephen Scroope crossed the seas over into England leaving the Earle of Ormond Lord Iustice of Ireland The same yeere in the moneth of Iune they of Dublin entred Scotland at Saint Ninian and valiantly behaved themselves and afterward they entred Wales and there did
of the Lord deceased but the next to him of blood that is the eldest worthiest as commonly the next brother unto him if he have any or the next cousin or so forth as any is elder in that kinred or sept and then next to him doe they choose the next of the blood to be Tanist who shall next succeed him in the said Captainry if he live therunto Eudox. Doe they not use any ceremony in this election for all barbarous nations are commonly great observers of ceremonies and superstitious rites Iren. They vse to place him that shal be their Captaine upon a stone alwayes reserved for that purpose placed commonly upon a hill In some of which I have seen formed ingraven a foot which they say was the measure of their first Captaines foot whereon hee standing receive an oath to preserve all the auncient former customes of the Countrey inviolable and to deliver up the succession peaceably to his Tanist and then hath a wand delivered unto him by some whose proper office that is after which descending from the stone he turneth himselfe round thrice forward thrice backward Eudox. But how is the Tanist chosen Iren. They say he setteth but one foot upon the stone and receiveth the like oath that the Captaine did Eudox. Have you ever heard what was the occasion and first beginning of this custome for it is good to know the same and may perhaps discover some secret meaning and intent therein very materiall to the state of that government Iren. I have heard that the beginning cause of this ordinance amongst the Irish was specially for the defence and maintenance of their Lands in their posteritie and for excluding all innovation or alienation thereof unto strangers and specially to the English For when their Captaine dieth if the Signiorie should descend to his child he perhaps an Infant another peradventure step in between or thrust him out by strong hand being then unable to defend his right or to withstand the force of a forreiner and therfore they doe appoint the eldest of the kinne to have the Signiorie for that he commonly is a man of stronger yeares and better experience to maintain the inheritance and to defend the Countrey either against the next bordering Lords which use commonly to incroach one upon another as each one is stronger or against the English which they thinke lye still in waite to wype them out of their Lands and Territoryes And to this end the Tanist is alwayes ready knowne if it should happen the Captaine suddenly to dye or to be slaine in battell or to be out of the Countrey to defend and keepe it from all such doubts and dangers For which cause the Tanist hath also a share of the Country allotted unto him and certaine cuttings and spendings upon all the inhabitants under the Lord. Eudox. When I heard this word Tanist it bringeth to my remembrance what I have read of Tania that it should signifie a Province or Seigniorie as Aquitania Lusitania and Britania the which some thinke to be derived of Dania that is from the Danes but I thinke amisse But sure it seemeth that it came anciently from those barbarous nations that over-ranne the world which possessed those Dominions whereof they are now so called And so it may well be that from thence the first originall of this word Tanist and Tanistry came and the custome thereof hath sithence as many others els beene continued But to that generall subjection of the Land whereof wee formerly spake me seemes that this custome or tenure can be no barre nor impeachment seeing that in open Parliament by their said acknowledgment they waved the benefite thereof and submitted themselves to the benefite of their new Soveraigne Iren. Yea but they say as I earst tolde you that they reserved their titles tenures and Seigniories whole and sound to themselves and for proofe alledge that they have ever sithence remained to them untouched so as now to alter them should say they be a great wrong Eudox. What remedie is there then or meanes to avoide this inconvenience for without first cutting of this dangerous custome it seemeth hard to plant any sound ordenance or reduce them to a civill government since all their ill customes are permitted unto them Iren. Surely nothing hard for by this Act of Parliament whereof wee speake nothing was given to K. Henry which he had not before from his Auncestors but onely the bare name of a King for all other absolute power of principality he had in himselfe before derived from many former Kings his famous Progenitours and worthy Conquerors of that Land The which sithence they first conquered and by force subdued unto them what needed afterwards to enter into any such idle termes with them to be called their King when it is in the power of the Conqueror to take upon himself what title he will over his Dominions conquered For all is the Conquerours as Tully to Brutus faith Therefore me seemes instead of so great and meritorious a service as they boast they performed to the King in bringing all the Irish to acknowledge him for their Liege they did great hurt unto his Title and have left a perpetuall gall in the minde of the people who before being absolutely bound to his obedience are now tyed but with termes whereas else both their lives their lands and their liberties were in his free power to appoint what tenures what lawes what conditions hee would over them which were all his against which there could be no rightfull resistance or if there were he might when he would establish them with a stronger hand Eudox. Yea but perhaps it seemed better unto that noble King to bring them by their owne accord to his obedience and to plant a peaceable government amongst them then by such violent means to pluck them under Neither yet hath he therby lost any thing that he formerly had for having all before absolutely in his owne power it remaineth so still unto him he having thereby neither forgiven nor forgone any thing thereby unto them but having received somthing from them that is a more voluntary and loyall subjection So as her Majesty may yet when it shall please her alter any thing of those former ordinances or appoint other lawes that may be more both for her owne behoofe and for the good of that people Iren. Not so for it is not so easie now that things are growne unto an habit and have their certaine course to change the channell turne their streames another way for they may have now a colorable pretence to withstand such innovations having accepted of other lawes and rules already Eudox. But you say they do not accept of them but delight rather to leane to their old customes Brehon lawes though they be more unjust and also more inconvenient for the common people as by your late relation of them I have gathered As for the lawes of England
that having beene once so low brought and thoroughly subjected they afterwards lifted up themselves so strongly againe and sithence doe stand so stiffely against all rule and government Iren. They say that they continued in that lowlinesse untill the time that the division between the two houses of Lancaster and Yorke arose for the Crowne of England at which time all the great English Lords and Gentlemen which had great possessions in Ireland repaired over hither into England some to succour their Friends here and to strengthen their partie for to obtaine the Crowne others to defend their lands and possessions here against such as hovered after the same upon hope of the alteration of the kingdome and successe of that side which they favoured and affected Then the Irish whom before they had banished into the mountaines where they lived onely upon whitt meates as it is recorded seeing now their lands so dispeopled and weakened came downe into all the plaines adjoyning and thence expelling those few English that remained repossessed them againe since which they have remained in them and growing greater have brought under them many of the English which were before their Lords This was one of the occasions by which all those Countreyes which lying neere unto any Mountaines or Irish desarts had beene planted with English were shortly displanted and lost As namely in Mounster all the lands adjoyning unto Slewlogher Arlo and the bog of Allon In Connaght all the Countries bordering upon the Curlues Mointerolis and Orourkes Countrey In Leinster all the lands bordering unto the Mountaines of Glanmalour unto Shillelah unto the Brackenah and Polmonte In Vlster all the Countreyes neere unto Tirconnel Tyrone and the Scottes Eudox. Surely this was a great violence but yet by your speach it seemeth that onely the Countreyes and valleyes neere adjoyning unto those mountaines and desarts were thus recovered by the Irish but how comes it now that we see almost all that Realme repossessed of them was there any more such evill occasions growing by the troubles of England Or did the Irish out of those places so by them gotten breake further and stretch themselves out thorough the whole land for now for ought that I can understand there is no part but the bare English Pale in which the Irish have not the greatest footing Iren. But out of these small beginings by them gotten neare to the mountaines did they spread themselves into the Inland and also to their further advantage there did other like unhappy accidents happen out of England which gave heart and good opportunity to them to regaine their old possessions For in the raigne of King Edward the fourth things remained yet in the same state that they were after the late breaking out of the Irish which I spake of and that noble Prince began to cast an Eye unto Ireland and to minde the reformation of things there runne amisse for he sent over his brother the worthy Duke of Clarence who having married the heire of the Earle of Vlster and by her having all the Earledome of Vlster and much in Meath and in Mounster very carefully went about the redressing of all those late evills and though he could not beate out the Irish againe by reason of his short continuance yet hee did shut them up within those narrow corners and glynnes under the mountaines foote in which they lurked and so kept them from breaking any further by building strong holdes upon every border and fortifying all passages Amongst the which hee repaired the Castle of Clare in Thomond of which Countrey he had the inheritance and of Mortimers lands adjoyning which is now by the Irish called Killaloe But the times of that good King growing also troublesome did lett the thorough reformation of all things And thereunto soone after was added another fatall mischeife which wrought a greater calamity then all the former For the said Duke of Clarence then Lord Lieutenant of Ireland was by practise of evill persons about the King his brother called thence away and soone after by sinister meanes was cleane made away Presently after whose death all the North revolting did set up Oneale for their Captaine being before that of small power and regard and there arose in that part of Thomond one of the O-Briens called Murrogh en-Ranagh that is Morrice of the Ferne or wast wilde places who gathering unto him all the reliques of the discontented Irish eftsoones surprised the said Castle of Clare burnt and spoyled all the English there dwelling and in short space possessed all that countrey beyond the River of Shanan and neere adjoyning Whence shortly breaking forth like a suddaine tempest he over-ran all Mounster and Connaght breaking downe all the holds and fortresses of the English defacing and utterly subverting all corporate Townes that were not strongly walled for those he had no meanes nor Engines to overthrow neither indeed would hee stay at all about them but speedily ran forward counting his suddennesse his most advantage that he might overtake the English before they could fortifie or gather themselves together So in short space hee cleane wyped out many great Townes as first Inchequin then Killalow before called Clariford also Thurles Mourne Buttevant and many others whose names I cannot remember and of some of which there is now no memory nor signe remaining Vpon report whereof there flocked unto him all the scumme of the Irish out of all places that ere long he had a mighty Army and thence marched foorth into Leinster where he wrought great out-rages wasting all the Countrey where he went for it was his policie to leave no hold behinde him but to make all plaine and waste In the which he soone after created himselfe King and was called King of all Ireland which before him I doe not reade that any did so generally but onely Edward le Bruce Eudox. What was there ever any generall King of all Ireland I never heard it before but that it was alwayes whilst it was under the Irish divided into foure and sometimes into five kingdomes or dominions But this Edward le Bruce what was hee that could make himselfe King of all Ireland Iren. I would tell you in case you would not challenge me anon for forgetting the matter which I had in hand that is the inconvenience and unfitnesse which I supposed to be in the lawes of the Land Eudox. No surely I have no cause for neither is this impertinent thereunto for sithence you did set your course as I remember in your first part to treate of the evils which hindered the peace and good ordering of that Land amongst which that of the inconvenience in the lawes was the first which you had in hand this discourse of the over-running wasting of the Realme is very materiall thereunto for that it was the begining of al the other evils which sithence have afflicted that land opened a way unto the Irish to recover their possession to beat out the English which
language Comeroy Furthermore to prove the same Ireland is by Diodorus Siculus and by Strabo called Britannia and a part of great Brittaine Finally it appeareth by good record yet extant that King Arthur and after him Gurgunt had all that Iland under their alleagiance and subjection hereunto I could add many probabilities of the names of places persons and speeches as I did in the former but they should be too long for this and I reserve them for another And thus you have had my opinion how all that Realme of Ireland was first peopled and by what nations After all which the Saxons succeeding subdued it wholly to themselves For first Egfrid King of Northumberland did utterly waste and subdue it as appeareth out of Beda's complaint against him and after him King Edgar brought it under his obedience as appeareth by an auncient Record in which it is found written that he subdued all the Islands of the North even unto Norway and brought them into his subjection Eudox. This ripping of Auncestors is very pleasing unto me and indeede savoureth of good conceipt and some reading withall I see hereby how profitable travaile and experience of forraine nations is to him that will apply them to good purpose Neither indeed would I have thought that any such antiquities could have beene avouched for the Irish that maketh me the more to long to see some other of your observations which you have gathered out of that country and have earst halfe promised to put forth And sure in this mingling of Nations appeareth as you earst well noted a wonderfull providence and purpose of Almighty God that stirred up the people in the furthest parts of the world to seeke out their regions so remote from them and by that meanes both to restore their decayed habitations and to make himselfe knowne to the heathen But was there I pray you no more generall employing of that Iland then first by the Scythians which you say were the Scottes and afterward by the Spaniards besides the Gaules Brittaines and Saxons Iren. Yes there was another and that last and greatest which was by the English when the Earle Strangbowe having conquered that land delivered up the same into the hands of Henry the second then King who sent over thither great store of Gentlemen and other warlike people amongst whom he distributed the Land and setled such a strong Colonie therein as never since could with all the subtle practices of the Irish be rooted out but abide still a mighty people of so many as remaine English of them Eudox. What is this that you say of so many as remaine English of them Why are not they that were once English English still Iren. No for some of them are degenerated and growne almost meere Irish yea and more malitious to the English then the Irish themselves Eudox. What heare I And is it possible that an Englishman brought up in such sweet civility as England affords should find such liking in that barbarous rudenes that he should forget his owne nature and forgoe his owne nation how may this bee or what I pray you may be the cause thereof Iren. Surely nothing but the first evill ordinance and institution of that Common-wealth But thereof here is no fit place to speake least by the occasion thereof offering matter of a long discourse we might be drawne from this that we have in hand namely the handleing of abuses in the Customes of Ireland Eudox. In truth Iren. you doe well remember the plot of your first purpose but yet from that me seemes yee have much swarved in all this long discourse of the first inhabiting of Ireland for what is that to your purpose Iren. Truely very materiall for if you marked the course of all that speech well it was to shew by what meanes the customes that now are in Ireland being some of them indeede very strange and almost heathenish were first brought in and that was as I said by those Nations from whom that Countrey was first peopled for the difference in manners and customes doth follow the difference of nations and people The which I have declared to you to have beene three especially which seated themselves here to wit first the Scythian then the Gaules and lastly the English Notwithstanding that I am not ignorant that there were sundry Nations which go● footing in that land of the which there yet remaine divers great families and septs of whom I will also in their proper places make mention Eudox. You bring your selfe Iren. very well into the way againe notwithstanding that it seemeth that you were never out of the way but now that you have passed thorough those antiquities which I could have wished not so soone ended begin when you please to declare what customes and manners have beene derived from those nations to the Irish and which of them you finde fault withall Iren. I will begin then to count their customes in the same order that I counted their Nations and first with the Scythian or Scottish manners Of the which there is one use amongst them to keepe their cattle and to live themselves the most part of the yeare in Boolies pasturing upon the mountaine and waste wilde places and removing still to fresh land as they have depastured the former The which appeareth plaine to be the manner of the Scythians as you may read in Olaus Magnus and Io Bohemus and yet is used amongst all the Tartarians and the people about the Caspian Sea which are naturally Scythians to live in heards as they call them being the very same that the Irish Boolies are driving their cattle continually with them and feeding onely on their milke and white meates Eudox. What fault can you finde with this custome for though it be an old Scythian use yet is it very behoofefull in this Country of Ireland where there are great mountaines and waste deserts full of grasse that the same should be eaten downe and nourish many thousands of cattle for the good of the whole Realme which cannot me thinks well be any other way then by keeping those Boolies there as yee have shewed Iren But by this custome of Boolying there grow in the meane time many great enormityes unto that Common-wealth For first if there be any out-lawes or loose people as they are never without some which live upon stealthes and spoyles they are evermore succoured and finde releife only in these Boolies being upon the waste places whereas else they should be driven shortly to starve or to come downe to the townes to seeke releife where by one meanes or other they would soone be caught Besides such stealthes of cattle as they make they bring commonly to those Boolies being upon those waste places where they are readily received and the theife harboured from danger of law or such Officers as might light upon him Moreover the people that thus live in those Boolies grow thereby the more barbarous and live more licentiously then they could
very broken of all the Lords and best Gentle-men of Fealtie to the Kings which now is no lesse needfull because many of them are suspected to have taken an other Oath privily to some bad purposes and thereupon to have received the Sacrament and beene sworne to a Priest which they thinke bindeth them more then their alleagiance to their Prince or love of their Countrey Eudox. This tything to the Common people and taking sureties of Lords and Gentlemen I like very well but that it wil be very troublesome should it not be as well for to have them all booked and the Lords Gentle-men to take all the meaner sort upon themselves for they are best able to bring them in whensoever any of them starteth out Iren. This indeed Eudoxus hath beene hitherto and yet is a common order amongst them to have all the people booked by the Lords and Gentlemen but yet the worst order that ever was devised for by this booking of men all the inferiour sort are brought under the command of their Lords and forced to follow them into any action whatsoever Now this you are to understand that all the Rebellions which you see from time to time happen in Ireland are not begun by the common people but by the Lords and Captaines of Countries upon pride or willfull obstinacy against the government which whensoever they will enter into they drawe with them all their people and followers which thinke themselves bound to goe with them because they have booked them and undertaken for them and this is the reason that in England you have few such bad occasions by reason that the noble men how ever they should happen to be evill disposed have no commaund at all over the Communalty though dwelling under them because that every man standeth upon himselfe and buildeth his fortunes upon his owne faith and firme assurance The which this manner of tything the poles will worke also in Ireland For by this the people are broken into many small parts like little streames that they cannot easily come together into one head which is the principall regard that is to be had in Ireland to keepe them from growing unto such a head and adhering unto great men Eudox. But yet I cannot see how this can bee well brought without doing great wrong unto the noble men there for at the first conquest of that Realme those great Seigniories and Lordships were given them by the king that they should bee the stronger against the Irish by the multitudes of followers and tennants under them All which hold their tenements of them by fealty and such services whereby they are by the first graunt of the King made bounden unto them and tyed to rise out with them into all occasions of service And this I have often heard that when the Lord Deputy hath raised any generall hostings the Noble men have claimed the leading of them by graunt from the Kings of England under the great Seale exhibited so as the Deputies could not refuse them to have the leading of them or if they did they would so worke as none of their followers should rise forth to the hostage Iren. You say very true but will you see the fruite of those grants I have knowne when those Lords have had the leading of their owne followers under them to the generall hostings that they have for the same cut upon every plowland within their country 40. shil or more whereby some of them have gathered above seven or eight hundred pounds and others much more into their purse in lieu whereof they have gathered unto themselves a number of loose Kearne out of all parts which they have carried forth with them to whom they never gave any penny of entertainement allowed by the Countrey or forced by them but let them feede upon the Countryes and extort upon all men where they come for that people will never aske better entertainement then to have a colour of service or imployment given them by which they will pole and spoyle so outragiously as the very enemy cannot doe much worse And they also sometimes turne to the enemy Eudox. It seemes the first intent of those graunts was against the Irish which now some of them use against the Queene her selfe But now what remedy is there for this or how can those graunts of the Kings be avoyded without wronging of those Lords which had those lands and Lordships given them Iren. Surely they may be well enough for most of those Lords since their first graunts from the Kings by which those lands were given them have sithence bestowed the most part of them amongst their Kinsfolke as every Lord perhaps hath given in his time one another of his principall Castles to his younger Sonne and other to others as largely and as amply as they were given to him and others they have sold and others they have bought which were not in their first graunt which now neverthelesse they bring within the compasse thereof and take and exact upon them as upon their first demeasnes all those kinde of services yea and the very wilde exactions Coignie Livery Sorehon and such like by which they pole and utterly undoe the poore Tennants and Free-houlders under them which either thorough ignorance know not their tenures or through greatnes of their new Lords dare not challenge them yea and some Lords of countryes also as great ones as themselves are now by strong hand brought under them and made their Vassalls As for example Arundell of the Stronde in the county of Corke who was aunciently a great Lord and was able to spend 3500. pounds by the yeare as appeareth by good Recordes is now become the Lord Barries man and doth to him all those services which are due unto her Majesty For reformation of all which I wish that there were a commission graunted forth under the great Seale as I have seene one recorded in the old Councell Booke of Mounster that was sent forth in the time of Sir William Drurie unto persons of speciall trust and judgement to inquire thoroughout all Ireland beginning with one county first and so resting a while till the same were settled by the verdict of a sound and substantiall Iury how every man houldeth his land of whom and by what tenure so that every one should be admitted to shew and exhibite what right he hath and by what services hee houldeth his land whether in cheife or in soccage or by Knights service or how else soever Thereupon would appeare first how all those great English Lords doe claime those great services what Seigniories they usurpe what wardships they take from the Queene what lands of hers they conceale and then how those Irish Captaines of Countryes have incroached upon the Queenes Free-holders and Tennants how they have translated the tenures of them from English houlding unto Irish Tanistry and defeated her Majesty of all her rights and dutyes which are to acrew to her thereout as wardships
prey their enemies they deeme it none offence nor seeke any meanes to recover their losse but even to watch them the like turne But if neighbours and friends send their Cators to purloyne one another such Actions are judged by the Breighoones aforesaid Toward the living they are noysome and malicious the same being dead they labour to avenge eagerly and fiercely They love and trust their Foster Brethren more then their owne Turlogh Leinagh Oneale that now usurpeth is said to repose in them his greatest surety Strumpets are there too vile and abominable to write of which not onely without feare but also without remorse doe advance themselves in numbring what noblemen have had liking to their bodies Hee that can bring most of his name into the field base or other triumpheth exceedingly For increase of which name they allow themselves not onely whoores but also choise store of whoores One I heard named which hath as he calleth them more then ten wiues in twentie places There is among them a brother-hood of Carrowes that professe to play at Cards all the yeare long and make it their onely occupation They play away Mantle and all to the bare skinne and then trusse themselves in strawe or in leaves they waite for passengers in the high way invite them to a game upon the greene and aske no more but companions to hold them sport for default of other stuffe they pawne portions of their glibbe the nailes of their fingers and toes their privie members which they lose or redeeme at the curtesie of the winner Where they fancie and favour they are wonderfull kinde they exchange by commutation of wares for the most part and have utterly no coyne stirring in any great Lords houses Some of them be richly plated their Ladies are trimmed rather with massie Iewels then with garish apparell it is counted a beautie in them to be tall round and fat The inheritance descendeth not to the Sonne but to the Brother Nephew or Cousin germaine eldest and most valiant for the Childe being oftentimes left in nonage or otherwise young and unskillfull were never able to defend his patrimonie being his no longer then he can hold it by force of armes But by that time he grow to a competent age and have buryed an Vncle or two he also taketh his turne and leaveth it in like order to his Posterity This custome breedeth among them continuall Warres and treasons CAP. VII The most auncient Inhabitants of Ireland THe honourable Historian Titus Livius yeeldeth certaine priviledge to antiquitie and will have it held excused if percase for advancement of their Citties they straine a point of truth and derive a first foundation from one or other of their supposed Gods wherefore though I can no lesse doe then reject a fable concerning the arrivall of Noes Neece into this Island yet this kinde of forgery being somewhat universall seeing every Chronicler paineth himselfe to fetch his reckoning with the farthest let him hardly be pardoned who led by relation of his elders committed first to writing so dull a tale As for the multitude of writers that agree thereon they are in effect but one writer seeing the latest ever borrowed of the former and they all of Cambrensis who affirmeth it not but onely alleadgeth the received opinion of Irish Histories yea rather in the foote of that Chapter he seemeth to mistrust it and posteth it over to the credit of his authors so then if the greatest weight hereof doe consist in Irish antiquities which the learned here confesse to be stuffed with such implements notoriously felt to be vaine and frivolous I trust I shall not seeme contentious nor singular in damning such a fable not onely false but also impossible Thus they say In the yeare of the world 1536. The Patriarch Noe began to preach vengance upon the people for their accursed lives to builde his Arke ●o enforme his kindred and speciall friends severally that within few yeares the earth should be sunke in waters if they amended not This did he before the generall flood one hundred and twentie yeares when every man foreslept the monitiō onely a Neece of his named Cesara misdoubting the worst and hearing her Vncle prophesie that all should be drowned for sinne determined with her adherents to seeke adventures into some forraine Island perswaded that if shee might happely finde a Countrie never yet inhabited and so with sinne undefiled the generall sentence of Gods anger should there take no place Whereupon she furnished a navy and fled into Ireland with three men Bithi Laigria Fintan and fifty women left unto her after many shipwrackes The shore where she landed where she lyeth entombed is at this day called Navicularum littus The very stones wherein the memorie hereof hath beene preserved from the violence of waters were said to be seene of some Within forty dayes after her footing in Ireland the deluge prevailed universally and all this coast was cast away Now to ommit that part of this device which is too flat and ridiculous if we consider that before the flood no part of the Earth was knowen nor touched beside Syria where the first age dwelled that sailing was then utterly unheard of in the world the first vessell being by Gods owne direction wrought that she might have sped at home would she repent with more ease and surety that Iapheth with the Hebrewes and Iason with the Greekes were the first pilots that the Records hereof graven in stone is but a borrowed invention from Iosephus These things I say considered it wil be no hard matter to descry the falshood wherin I would be more exquisite were it worth my labour We need not so ambitiously runne to Cesara to begge a forged evidence seeing without her helpe Ireland must be confessed to have been knowne and peopled with the same kinred even with the first Ilands of the world For within three hundred yeares after the generall Floud immediately after the confusion of tongues when Iapheth and his posterity imboldened by the example of Noe adventured by ship into divers West Ilands there was in his retinew one of his progeny Bastolenus who conceiving stomack and courage at the late successe of Nemrodus Ninus his kinsman then newly intruded upon the Monarch of Assyria wandred so farre West intending to rule without compeeres till Fortune cast him and his people upon the coast of Ireland There he settled with his three sonnes Languinus Salanus Ruthurgus active and stout gentlemen who searching the Land through through left their owne names by three notable places Languini stagnum mons Salangi since named S. Dominicks hill and Ruthurgi stagnum Of Bastolenus is little remembred save that in short space with many hands working at once he plained a great part of the Country then overgrown with woods and thickets This posterity kept the Land under the government of these three sonnes their off-spring about 300. yeares Together
with Bastolenus arrived in Ireland certaine godlesse people of the stocke of Nemrod worthily tearmed a gyant as one that in bodily shape exceeded proportion used his strength to winne soveraigntie to oppresse the vveake vvith rapine and violence That linage Chams breed grevv to great numbers alvvay bethought them of getting mastery vvheresoever they tarryed One cause vvas their bodily force ansvvereable to their hugenesse of quantity another the example of Cham Zoroastes that magitian and Nemrodus Ninus his Nephew which two in themselves and their progenies were renowned throughout the world as victorious Princes over two mighty Kingdomes Aegypt and Assyria Thirdly they maligned the blessings bestowed upon Sem and Iapheth counting it necessary for themselves to stirre and prevent Dominions lest the curse of slavery prophesied by Noe should light upon them as notwithstanding it did at last Thus irked they began to kicke at their Governours and taking head set up a King of their owne faction nourishing the same and annoying the Subjects incessantlie the successe on both sides was variable quarrels increased the enemie caught handfast every day bred a new skirmish It seemed intolerable very necessity cōpelled them to try their whole force in one Battle either utterly to weede out the Gyants or to die free Peace therefore concluded among themselves for any private grudge hitherto maintayned all sorts brake truce and amity with the Gyants and straited them up so that from all corners of the land they must needes assemble into one field and fight for the better maynelie they tugged certaine houres but in conclusion the lawfull Kings prevayled the miscreants done to death See now the mockery of Fortune Victors they were and promised themselves a security Anger insolencie over-turned all for what with spoiling the dead carcases what with murthering the remaynder of that generation man woman and childe in all parts of the Realme vouchsafing them no buryall but casting them out like a sort of dead dogges there ensued through the stench of those carryons such a mortall pestilence infecting not onely the places where they lay but the ayre round about by contagion that beside those few which by sea returned homeward few escaped alive and heereby hangeth a tale From this plague say the Irish was preserved Ruanus the Gyant who from time to time kept true record of their histories else utterly done away by sundry casualties of death warre spoyle fire forraine victories and he forsooth continued till the yeare of Christ 430. and told S. Patrick all the newes of the country requiring of him to bee baptized and so died when he had lived no more but two thousand and forty one yeares which is above twice the age of Methusalem Had it beene my chaunce in Ireland to meete conferre with this noble Antiquarie hee might have eased me of much travell These things I note for no other purpose but that the simple stumbling upon such blinde legends should be warned to esteeme them as they are idle fantasies wherewith some of their Poets dallyed at the first and after through error and rudenes it was taken up for a sad matter CAP. VIII The severall Inhabitants of Ireland since Bastolenus OF an infinite number of Gyants slaine certaine hid families lurked and escaped the common mischiefe whom at length penury constrayned to forsake their dennes and to pilfer for meate when they perceived the murraine of men and beasts and that none gave them resistance they waxed hardie searching the land found it wel-nigh desolate wherefore they harboured themselves in the clearest coast and easily subduing the poore soules remaining revived their blood and became Lords of the whole Iland 60. yeares Among the Sonnes of Iapheth Genesis recounteth Magog who had now planted his people in Scithia within Tanaris from whom at this day the Turkes are descended They hearing the hard happe of their fathers lyne cast out by the collaterall braunches of Cham the late King of the Bactrians their odious neighbours sent into Ireland Nemodus with his foure sonnes Starius Gerbavel Amimus Fergusius captaines over a faire company who passing by Greece and there taking up such as would seeke fortunes finally landed here held the country multiplyed but not without continuall warre upon the Gyants aforesaid who in th' end vanquished and chased them thence againe into Greece after 216. yeares from Anno mundi 2533. from which time untill the comming of Dela his sonnes the Gyants possessed it peaceably without forreine invasion But themselves being disordered and measuring all things by might seditiously vexed each other nor were they ever able to frame a common-wealth That espyed five brethren sonnes to Dela the Grecian notorious Pilots named Gaudius Genandius Sagandius Rutheragius Slanius the posterity of Nemodus expulsed successors who fortified their navyes and finding the Countrey but weake wanne it entirely rooted out the old enemy divided the Iland into five parts in each of them severally raigned for better contentation of all sides they agreed to fixe a meare stone in in the middle point of Ireland to which stone every of their Kingdomes should extend and be partakers of the commodities then chiefly found in that soile These are also supposed to have invented the distribution of shires into Cantredes every Cantrede or Barony conteining an hundred Towneships wherewith the name and use of hundreds well knowne in England might seeme to accord Variance for the chiefty set the foure brethren at a lovve ebbe and then Slanius perched over them all encroached every vvay round about the middle stone certaine miles for provision and furniture of his ovvne houshold vvhich plott in time obtained the name of one generall part and novv maketh up the fift Media Meth it vvas called either for moytie of Cantredes being but sixteene vvhereas the rest comprised thirty tvvo apeece or for the site thereof in the navell of Ireland This hee assigned to the Monarch a surplus over and above his Inheritance vvhich notvvithstanding grevv to a severall Kingdome and allovved thereof certaine parts by composition Not long after dyed Slanius vvas buryed in a mountaine of Meth that carrieth his name Thirty yeares the Monarchy vvas possessed in this order but shortly the Princes ovving fealty beganne to stomack the Intrusion of Slanius vvhen he vvas once rid they disdained his successour whereupon ensued everlasting Battels The Monarchy was laide downe then fell they at debate for the land of Meth which strife could never be appeased In the necke of those troubles came over a new army of Scithians who claymed also from Nemodus their fore-father and they tooke parts and made parts set all in uproare with sword and havocke To be short they spent themselves one upon another so fiercely and furiously that now they reckoned not what nation or what souldiour they received in to keepe up or beate downe a side
By which occasion the Brittaines also put in a foot who discovering the state of the land to their Princes opened a gappe for Brennus the brother of Belinus to direct his course thither vvith the same Navy vvhich he had furnished to serve Signimius then King of Lyons amid the Galles in France But Brennus took small effect Before him also divers Kings of Brittaine had scope in Ireland Insomuch that Gurguntius the sonne of Beline reputed the same by lineall descent among his ovvne Dominions Notvvithstanding they never injoyed it longer then they could keepe possession perforce and often vvere they repelled and vvearyed vvith seeking after it as vvherein they found small fruite and blovves enough Lastly came the Spaniards from Biscaye conducted by foure Captaines of vvhose arryvall before I speake I must repeate their originall somevvhat farther and so give a light to the assoyling of a controversie that is vvhether the Irish came from Aegypt or from Spaine It shall appeare they came from both CAP. IX The arrivall of the Spaniards then called Iberians into Ireland IN the yeare of the World 2436. after the universall floud 780. while the children of Israell served in Aegypt Gathelus the sonne of Neale a great Lord in Greece was upon disfavour exiled the Country with a number of his faction adherents and friends The young Greeke being very wise valiant and well spoken got honourable entertainement with Pharao surnamed Amaenophis king of Aegypt and in short space reached to such a credit that he espoused the Kings base Daughter Scota whereof the Scotts are thought to be named This match bred to the King some tumult and to the young Gentle-man much envy wherefore assoone as the foresaid Amaenophis was drowned in the Red Sea the Princes of Aegypt so vexed Gathelus and his wife that they were faine to buske them withall their traine into Europe and came first to Lusitania where diverse of his people tyred with travaile would needs abide he builded there the city of Brigantia called afterwards Novium now Compostella The remnant passed with him into Ireland where the Barbarians highly honoured him for his cunning in all languages who also greatly perfected and beautified the Irish tongue taught them letters sought up their antiquities practised their youth in martiall feates after his Greeke and Aegyptian manner Finally so well he pleased them that to gratifie such a Benefactour they were content to name the Iland after him Gathelia and after his wife Scotia Truely that Scotia is the auncient appellation of Ireland all Chroniclers agree as it shal be more plaine when wee touch the Scottish pedigree A brute there is in Ireland but uncertainelie fathered that in remembrance of Pharao their good lord the Kerne pitching his Dart cryeth of courage faro faro but the learned thinke that to bee taken from the Spaniard who in his Ioco dicano exclaymeth fabo fabo The people left in the coast of Spaine founded the city of Bayon now part of Gascoigne and replenished all the shore towards Africk and the edges of Portugall Castile Galaecia towardes the sea Cantabricum well nigh 200. yeares after which time some of them began to minde another travaile because they were pestered with Inhabitants and whether they ever sped to Ireland it is unknowne at the leastwise in the raigne of Gurguntius the Brittaine then chiefe Lord of Bayon foure brethren Spaniards whereof two are noted Hiberus and Hirimon not the sonnes of Gathelus as writeth Boethius but his off-spring understanding that divers Western Ilands were empty desirous to live in ease and elbovv-room sayled Westvvard vvith a great retinue of men vvomen and babes hovering long about the Ilands Orchades in 60. great ships untill by good hap they met vvith Gurguntius then returning from the conquest of Denmarke vvho had refused to pay him the tribute vvhich Belinus his father vvan him they besought considering their vvant of victuals unable any longer to dvvell in their ships accumbred vvith carriage of vvomen children to direct further them to some place of habitation proffering to become his liege people to hold the same of him his heires for ever The King advising himselfe remembred vvith vvhat difficultie he kept the Irish in subjection conceived hope that these strangers vvould endeavor either to stub out that unruly generation or to nurture them so taking their oathes and hostages he mann'd their ships stored thē vvith victuall munition seated thē in Ireland Thus had the Brittaines an elder right to the Realme of Ireland then by the conquest of Henry the 2. vvhich title they never surceased to claime somtimes prevailed as in the dayes of King Arthur to vvhom the Irish Princes agnized their tribute and apparance made at his Parliament in urbe Legionū vvhich I take to be Westchester called of old Carleon as divers other citties vvere vvherein the Romanes placed the legions Again the Kings of Britain vvere thē Lords of the place vvhence this people came so as their vvinnings must have beene the Kings Dominion To all this when their owne free assent the dedition of other Princes lawfull conquest and prescription is adjoyned it forceth an invincible title But to prosecute our purpose Those Iberians being substantially ayded of Gurguntius enjoyed the Lands bestowed themselves foure brethren into foure parts thereof untill their pride and ambition armed two against other two Hiberus and his brother against Hirimon and his In this conflict Hirimon slew Hiberus and raigned quietly At this time the countrey was first named Ibernia as I have declared in the third Chapter The King to avoyde obloquie and slaunder purged himselfe to his subjects that neither maliciously nor contentiously but for his necessary defence and safeguard he had borne armes against his brother And to witnesse how farre he was from desire to rule alone he nominated speciall Captaines to be Kings under him of their severall Countryes reserving to himselfe but one fourth part and the portion of Meth allotted to the Monarchie for the better maintenance of his part These afterward clambered into five Kingdomes incompatible Leinster Connaght Vlster Mounster in two portions and sometimes to more by usurpations and compositions but ever one was elected the Monarch over all An hundred and thirtie chiefe Kings are reckoned of this Nation from Hirimon to Laigirus the sonne of Nealus magnus in whose time the blessed Bishop Patricius converted them to Christianity CAP. X. The comming of the Picts into Ireland NOW lived the Irish in tollerable order under their sundry Kings and applyed themselves to peace and gathering of wealth when suddainely Rodericke a Red-shank of Scythia fled thither with a small company of Galleyes and winde-driven in compassing round about the British coast were happely blowne ashore into Ireland These are the Picts a people from their cradle dissentious land-leapers mercilesse sowre and hardy being presented to the
King they craved Interpreters which granted Roderick their Chieftaine uttered for him and his the request in this manner Not as degenerate from the courage of our auncestors but inclining our selves to the bent and swaye of fortune we are become suppliants to Ireland that never before have humbled our selves to any Looke Sir King eye us well It is not light prowesse that hath caused these valiant bodies to stoop Scithians we are and the Picts of Scithia great substance of glory lodgeth in these two names what shall I tell of the civill Tumult that hath made us leave our home or rippe up old Historyes to make strangers bemoane us Let our vassailes and children discourse it at large and leysure if perhaps you vouchsafe us any leysure in the Land To which effect and purpose your infinite necessities pray your favours A King of a King Men of Men Princes can consider how neere it concerneth their honour and surety to proppe up the state of a King defaced by Treason and men will remember nothing better beseemeth the nature of man then to feele by compassion the griefes of men Admit we beseech you these scattered reliques of Scithia If your Realmes bee narrow we are not many If the soyle be barren we are born to hardnesse If you live in peace we are your subjects If you warre we are your Souldiours We aske no kingdome no wealth no triumph in Ireland We have brought our selves and left these casualtyes with the enemie Howsoever it like you to esteeme of us we shall easily learne to like it when we call to minde not what we have beene but what we are Great consultations was had upon this request and many things debated too and fro In the end they were answered that their antiquities layde forcible arguments wherefore it could not be expedient to accept the Scithians into Ireland that mingling of natiōs in a Realme breedeth quarrels remedilesse that Ireland finding scarcity rather of roome then of people that those few inferred amongst a many might quickly disturbe and put the whole out of joynt But quoth they though wee may not dwell together yet shall you finde us your very good neighbours and friends Not farre hence lyeth the Iland of Brittaine in the north thereof your manhood and polycies shall winne you scope enough our Capitaines shall conduct you the way our strength shall helpe to settle you addresse your shippes and hye you thither With this perswasion they shaped course towards the north of Brittaine now called Scotland where contrary to all expectation Marius the King awayted their comming and gave them there a sharpe battle wherein Rodericke was slaine with diverse of his band Them which remained and appealed to mercy he licensed to inhabite the uttermost borders of Scotland Wives they wanted to encrease their Issue and because the Brittaines scorned to match their daughters with such a froward and beggerly people the Picts continued their first acquaintance with the Irish and by entreaty obtained wives from them conditionally that if the Crowne should happe to fall in question they should then yeeld thus much prerogative to the woman as of the female blood royall rather then of the male to choose their Prince which Covenant saith S. Bede the Picts are well knowne to keepe at this day But long afore this time the Scottish Chronicles mention the arrivall of Almaine Picts into the marches now of England and Scotland vvith vvhom certaine Irish called then also Scotts joyned against the Brittaines devising to erect a kingdome there aswell to fortify themselves as to gratifie the Irish who detracting their obedience lately promised to Gurguntius practised all they might to abridge the kingdome of the Brittaines First therefore came from Ireland Fergusius the sonne of Ferchardus a man very famous for his skill in blasoning of armes Himselfe bare the Red Lyon rampant in a golden field There was in Ireland a monument of Marble fashioned like a Throne which Simon Brecke a companion to Hiberus and his brethren found in the journey because he deemed the finding thereof to be ominous to some Kingdome he brought it along with him and layde it up in the country for a Iewell This marble Fergusius obtained towards the prospering of his voyage and in Scotland he left it which they used many yeares after in Coronation of their King at Scona But Fergusius though he be scored in the row of Kings for one and the first yet he held himselfe there obscurely sundry times beat backe into Ireland where he was finallie drowned by misfortune within the Creeke of Knockfergus That Fergusius encountred with Coilus the Brittaine and slew him as writeth the Scotts it is impossible except they mistake the name of Coilus for Calius with whom indeede the age of Fergusius might well meete and the rather for that in the first yeare of his raigne the Picts entred and then Fergusius immediately after them 330. yeares ere Christ was borne Now Coilus raigned in the yeare of our Lord 124. about which time befell the second arrivall of the Picts in Brittaine so it seemeth they mistake by a slight error Coilus for Calius and the second arrivall of the Picts for the former This confusion of Histories is learnedly noted by Cooper in his generall collection of Chronicles CAP. XI How the Irish setled themselves in Scotland REturne wee now to the course of our Historie while the Picts were bestowed in the north of Brittaine and waxed populous the Irish made sundry arrands over to visite their Daughters Nephewes and kindred In often comming and going they noted waste places and little Ilands not replenished but rather neglected and suffered to grow wilde Hereof in Ireland they advertised their Prince namely Reuther or Rheuda who being the Issue of Fergusius bethought himselfe of his interest to certaine peeces of land beside the nation of the Picts Hee therefore well appointed partly by composition and some deale perforce stepped into those hamlets which no man occupied proceeded hansomely to reare his kingdome By little and little he edged forward and got betweene the Picts and Brittaines on this side the Scottish banke which he possessed but a season The place was thereof named Rheudisdale now Riddesdale asmuch to say as the part of Rheuda for dahal in their language signifieth part In those quarters after sundry conflicts with the borderers hee was by them slaine but the kingdome lasted in his successours still and the tvvo nations the Picts and the Irish lovingly suffered each other to thrive The Scotts caught up the Islands the Frontiers The Picts dwelt in the middle Soone after the peace betweene them vvent suspitions the diversities of people place custome language vvith the memorie of old grudges stirred up such inward jealousies and hate that it seemed they were easie to kindle as in such factions there never wanteth drifte to drive a tumult so it happened that certaine
of the Nobilitie of the Scotts resciant next them had with some difficultie received out of Greece a Molossian Hound which breede both in swiftnesse of foote and in svveetnesse of opening vvas reputed peerelesse This Hound a willfull Gentleman a Pict stole home and therewith gratified his Prince glad of the novelty and little thoughtfull of the displeasure Contrarywise the Irish wood for anger at this dishonour and injury assembled in poste haste under Eugenius their King and after brawling fell to spoyle and so to blowes whereof parts and stomackes being even the fortune was variable In this division they scambled out a few yeares untill the malice of Carassus a Brittaine forced a quietnesse betweene them to abuse their helpe against th' Empire But hee was shortly slaine by Alectus the Romane Captaine and hereupon the old sore waxed rawe To heape the mischiefe a Brittish Lord named Maximus aspiring to the kingdome sent an ambassadge to Ethodius king of Picts pleading with him a league of friendship utterly to expulse the Irish Scot conditioning withall their assistance to chase the Romanes out of Brittaine which was concluded and by this confederacie after many lamentable skirmishes the Irish were betrayed Eugenius the King Ethai his brother and Ericus his nephew and also the residue such as could escape the enemies sword fled thence some into Norway some into Ireland their first home Maximus watching his time despairing of the Brittish Kingdome and espying the Picts tyred vvith continuall vvarres turned his povver upon them and brought them to such an exigent that they had no readier shift then to crave helpe from Ireland and so by degrees vvhen some private persons nourishers of the quarrell vvere out-vvorne the matter of malice vvas qualified and the remnant of the Irish Scots vvith their friends and off-spring called home to their dvvelling after their first banishment 43. yeares expired From this time forvvard the amity vvaxed steddy and the Irish under Fergusius the second their King vvan such credit that finally the nation of Picts vvere afflicted by the Brittaines then the Scots incroched into the heart of the Realme and became the mightier and more populous of vvhom the Countrey vvas ever since under one Generall name called Scotland Thus you see the Scotts a lively stirring ancient victorious people are mixed first of Brittaines though the Chronicles dissemble it whom Brutus planted there with Albanactus Secondly of Picts Thirdly and chiefly of the Irish which after this time left the name of Scott for those in Brittaine and delighted rather to be called Irish. Then came up the distinction of Scotia major for Ireland and Scotia minor for the Scotts in Brittaine But most effectually as saith Cambrensis the Scotts prevayled under the guiding of six valiant Gentlemen Sonnes to Muridus King of Vlster who in the time that Neale the great enjoyed the monarchy of Ireland going to succour their countrymen there at last also tooke up for themselves no little portions of ground which their posterity kept in Cambrensis time the yeare of Christ 1200. who treateth their exploits more largely in his Topography of Ireland Ever since then they were utterly named and esteemed Scotts The nation of the Picts driven into corners albeit the most parts the out Isles retaine at this day a people mungrell betwixt both called Redshanks The Scotts write that their King Gregorius in an Dom. 875. invaded Ireland as his lawfull inheritance and the same conquered who lieth buried in one of their out-Iles called Iona beautified with the Sepultures of Scottish Kings where the Irish tongue is their native language therefore they call the submission of the Irish to Henry the 2. a defection from Scotland which neverthelesse they recke ne regard not but willfully did forgoe it as reaping lesse then they expended and unable to defray the growing charge which cost considered little better then nothing say they the King of England winneth by keeping of Ireland Yet in the late governement of S. Henry Sidney Vlster being conveyed by discent act of Parliament to the Crowne which Earledome was in the time of Edward the third reckoned at thirty one thousand markes yearely the same being but one fift part of Ireland It seemeth that if this right be well prosecuted that Ireland might pay it selfe of necessaries and yeeld sufficient benefit to the Princes Coffers CAP. XII The conversion of the Irish to Christianity ABout this time Holy Church being stayed in peace enriched with possessions supported with authority many noble Clearkes flourishing in diverse Realmes the Holy Doctor Augustine yet in life Theodosius the second suppressing Idols in all the Empyre Celestinus 1. Bishop of Rome conferred with his cleargy touching the instruction specially of the vvestern parts wherin the faith of Christ was hitherto either not planted or by persecution extinct or by corruption of Hereticks defaced of them all no country was more lamented then Ireland which partly for distance from the heart of Christendome partly for their infinite rudenesse had yet received no fruit of true Religion In that assembly was Palladius Arch-Deacon of Rome a good Priest and well learned who profered his charitable travaile towards the conversion of any those lands whither he should be by them directed and appointed The Pope knowing the sufficiency of the man did consecrate Palladius a Bishop authorized his journey furnished his wants associated to him diverse religious persons delivered him the Holy Bible with great solemnities and certaine monuments of Peter and Paul whereat diverse miracles had beene shewed He arryved in the North of Ireland whence he escaped hardly with his life into the Ilands adjoyning there preaching and converting many erecting monasteries and ensueing his vocation so painefully that the onely report of his holynesse and cunning excited the Scotts late christened but abiding in scisme and committing the function of Bishoppes to single Preists to call him thither whereunto he assented upon the Popes answere and leaving his Disciples in the Isle became the speciall apostle of Scotland where he spent the residue of his time with more fruite then among the Irish. Hereunto Celestinus condiscended the easier for that in the very point of Palladius his departure Patricius attended at Rome to bee sent with leave and benediction into Ireland In which attempt hee found such joyfull successe so farre different from their accustomed frowardnesse that a man would weene the Realme had beene reserved for him And because it pleased God to worke to the Land such an universall benefite by the meanes of this holy Patriarch I take it convenient to set downe briefly here his course of life after the most approoved Chronicles that I could finde Patricius was borne in the marches of England and Scotland in a sea towne called then Taburnia whose father Calphrune as writeth Ioseline was a Deacon and a Priests sonne his mother Conches was sister
betweene the King of Mounster and his Brother wherein the King was overmatched and fled into England visited Malchus in his Abbey and would at no hand be said nay but so long as it should please God to afflict him he would live there under his governement and ensue his conversation he contented himselfe with a poore Cell used dayly a cold bathe to represse the wantonnesse of his flesh dieted himselfe with none other fare then bread water and salt passed dayes and nights in sobbing and remorse of sinne At length the Kings and Nobles of Ireland began to stomacke the usurper vanquished him called home the good King to his right who with many perswasions of Malchus and Malachias could scarcely be gotten to forsake ghostly company trade of life CAP. XV. The most noble events in Ireland betweene the time of Saint Patricke and the conquest under Henry the 2. IN the yeare of Christ 586. the people of Norway were Lordes and victours of the Ilandes in the West Ocean called Orchades and great scowrers of the seas A nation desperate in attempting the conquest of other Realmes as being sure to finde warmer dwelling any where then at their owne home These fellowes lighted into Ireland by this meanes Careticus King of Brittaine odious to his subjects fell with them at civill warre Ioyfull was the newes hereof to the Saxons who then in the six severall kingdomes possessed the Iland sundry wayes so they laide together their force associated to them Gurmondus a Rover out of Norway who having a navy still in a readinesse and an army thereafter furnished holpe the Saxons to hunt the Brittaines into the marches of Wales builded the towne of Gormond-chester and then having holpen the Saxons made a voyage into Ireland where he sped but meanely and therefore the Irish account not this for any of their conquests as some of their antiquities have informed me The same Gurmondus finding hard successe did but build a few slight castles and trenches in the frontiers and then leaving the land got him home into France where he was finally slaine him our Chonicles name King of Ireland But the Irish affirme that before Turgesius no Easterlings obtained a Kingdome Here Cambrensis to salve the contradiction thinketh Gurmundus to have conquered the land by Turgesius his Deputy sent thither at his provision which answere breedeth a contrariety more incurable for himself numbreth betweene Laigirius King of Ireland in an 430. and ●edlemidius whom Turgesius vanquished Monarches 33. and yeares 400. so that Turgesius lived in an 830. and could not possibly deale with Gurmondus who joyned with the Saxons against Careticu in Anno 586. This knot might be untwyned with more facility Gurmondus made much of that little he caught and wrote himselfe King which Title our Histories doe allow him because he opened a gappe enjoyed it for a while and brake a way for his Countreymen Turgesius brought this attempt to perfection and in these respects each of them may be called first King and Conqueror Secondly therefore Turgesius with his Normans assaulted Ireland sustained losse and many overthrowes but in the end fastening his power to the sea coasts and receiving in his friends at will he subdued the land through and through ever as he went building up Castles and fortresses vvherevvith the Irish had not beene yet acquainted for hitherto they knevv no fence but vvoods or bogges or strokes Turgesius bridled the Kings and avved them so that vvithout interruption he raigned thirty yeares cryed havocke spoile vvhere any vvealth vvas heaped spared neither Lay nor Clergy nor Church nor Chappell but very insolently abused his victory O-malaghlien king of Meth vvas in some trust vvith the Tyrant his onely Daughter Turgesius craved for his concubine The father having a present vvitt and vvatching some subtle oportunities Saving your fancie my Lord quoth hee there are diverse Ladies of my bloud svveeter bed-fellovves for a king then that brovvne girle and then he began to count neeces and cousins a number forsooth endovved vvith angell-like beauties painted so lively vvith his Tale that the Tyrant doted already upon them ere hee savv them But ever he doubted lest O-malaghlien extolled them to exempt his ovvne and the vvise father cloaked his drift vvith modestie in ansvveres and lingering his graunt to enflame the leachers folly as hee that vvould any thing to bee suspected rather then his thought indeed And at the last vvhen the other tooke his delay somevvhat unkindely and bade his Queene speake to him If I said quoth hee that vvith my very goodvvill my sole daughter should bee sent to you to bee deflovvred your high vvisedome would guesse I did but faine and flatter and yet if ten daughters were deerer unto me then your good pleasure and contentation by whose bounty both she I and we all are supported I were unworthie the secret friendship wherein it lyeth in you to use mee As for the wench it will in part seeme honourable to bee asked to the bed of such a Prince seeing Queenes have not sticked to come from farre and prostrate their bodies to noble Conquerours in hope of issue by them and howsoever it bee taken time will redeeme it But such a friend as you are to mee and mine neither I nor mine shall live to see and I purpose not to offend your amity with saving a greater mater then twenty maiden-heads seeing fathers have not sticked to yeeld their owne wives to quench the loves and lustes of their sonnes Therefore I am thus agreed name you the day and place sever your selfe from the open eye of your Court conferre with those that have a curious insight and skill in beauties I will send you my daughter and with her the choice of twelve or sixteene gentlewomen the meanest whereof may bee an Empresse in comparison when all are before you make your game at will and then if my childe shall please your fancie shee is not too good to be at your commandement Onely my request is that if any other presume upon your leavings your Majestie will remember whose fathers childe shee is This liberall proffer was accepted of him whose desire was insatiable with many faire promises and thankes To bee short the same day O-malaghlien attired Prince-like his owne Daughter and with her sixteene beautifull striplings which presented to the King in his privy Chamber accompanied onely with certaine wantons of the Nobility drew foorth from under their woman-like garments their skeanes and valiantly bestirred themselves stabbing first the Tyrant next the youth present that prepared but small resistance surely sitt mates to supply the office they tooke in hand of Paris not of Hector Out flew the fame thereof into all quarters of Ireland and the Princes nothing dull to catche holde of such advantage vvith one assent rose ready to pursue their liberty All Meth and Leinster vvere soone gathered to O-malaghlien the father of this practise
vvho lightly leapt to horse and commaunding their forvvardnesse in so naturall a quarrell sayde Lordings and friendes this case neither admitteth delay nor asketh policie heart and haste is all in all vvhile the feate is young and strong that of our enemies some sleepe some sorrovv some curse some consult all dismayed let us anticipate their furye dismember their force cut off their flight occupie their places of refuge and succour It is no mastery to plucke their feathers but their neckes nor to chase them in but to rovvse them out to vveede them not to rake them nor to treade them dovvne but to digge them up This lesson the Tyrant himselfe hath taught mee I once demaunded him in a parable by vvhat good husbandry the Land might bee ridde of certaine Crovves that annoyed it hee advised to vvatche vvhere they bred and to fire the nestes about their eares Goe vvee then upon these Cormorants that shrovvde themselves in our possessions and let us destroy them so that neither nest nor roote nor seede nor stalke nor stubbe may remaine of this ungracious generation Scarce had he spoken the vvord but vvith great shovvtes and clamours they extolled the King as patron of their lives and families assured both courage and expedition joyned their confederates and vvith a running campe svvept every corner of the Land razed the castles to the ground chased the strangers before them slevv all that abode the battaile recovered each man his ovvne precinct and former state of government The Irish delivered of slavery fell to their old vomit in persecuting one another having lately defaced their fortified castles tovvns as coverts to the enemy al sides lay novv more open in harmes vvay This considered the Princes that in the late rule of Turgesius espied some towardnesse to wealth and ease began to discourse the madnesse of their fathers who could not see the use of that vvhich their enemies abused they began to loathe their unquietnesse to wish either lesse discord or more strength in every mans dominion to cast out the danger of naked Territoryes as ready to call in the enemy as the contrary was to shrowd them faine vvould they mend and they vvist not hovv The former subjection though it seemed intollerable yet they felt therein a grovving to peace fruits of merchandize rest surety for it fared diversly tvvixt those Easterlings these Irish they knevv hovv to thrive might they get some commodious soyle These had all the commodities of the soile reckoned them not While the Princes Potentates pavvsed in this good mood certain marchants out of Norvvay called Ostomanni Easterlings because they lay East in respect of us though they are indeede properly Normans partly Saxons obtained licence safely to land utter their vvares By exchanging of vvares money finding the Normans civill and tractable delighted also vvith gay conceipts vvhich they never esteemed needfull untill they savv them they entred into a desire of traffique vvith other nations to allure marchants they licensed the strangers aforesaid to build if they vvere disposed Haven-Tovvnes vvhich vvas done Amellanus founded Waterford Sitaricus Limericke Inorus Dublin more at leisure by others Then were repaired by helpe and counsell of these men castles forts steeples and Churches every-where Thus are the Irish blended also in the blood of the Normans who from thenceforth continually flocked hither did the Inhabitants great pleasure lived obediently till wealth made them wanton and rebellious But they could not possibly have held out had not the conquest ensuing determined both their contentions The meane while they waxed Lords of Havens and Bur-Townes housed their souldiours and oftentimes skirmished tooke their fortune crept no higher onely a memory is left of their field in Clantarfe where diverse noble Irish men were slayne that lye buryed before the Crosse of Kilmaynam And it is to be noted that these are the Danes which people then Pagans wasted England and after that France From whence they came againe into England with VVilliam the Conquerour So that Ostomani Normans Easterlings Danes and Norway-men are in effect the same and as it appeareth by conference of times and Chronicles much about one time or season vexed the French men subdued the English and multiplyed in Ireland But in the yeare of CHRIST 1095. perceiving great envy to lurke in the distinction of Easterlings and Irishe utterly west and because they were simply Northerne not Easterne and because they magnified themselves in the late conquest of their Countreymen who from Normandy flourished now in the Realme of England they would in any wise bee called and counted Normans Long before this time as ye have heard Ireland vvas bestowed into tvvo principall Kingdomes and sometime into more whereof one was ever elected Monarch whom they tearme in their Histories maximum regem or without addition regem Hiberniae The rest were written Reguli or Reges by limitation as the King of Leinster of Connaght of Vlster of Mounster of Meth. To the Monarch besides his allowance of ground and titles of Honours and other priviledges in Iurisdiction was graunted a negative in the nomination of Bishops at every vacation The Cleargy and Laity of the Diocesse recommended him to their King the King to their Monarch the Monarch to the Archbishop of Canterbury for that as yet the Metropolitanes of Ireland had not receaved their palles In this sort was nominated to the Bishopricke of Divelin then voide Anno 1074. at the petition of Godericus King of Leinster by sufferance of the cleargy people there with the consent of Terdilvachus the Monarch a learned prelate called Patricius whō the blessed archbishop Lanfrancus consecrated at S. Pauls Church in London swore him to the obedience after the maner of his antecessors Christian Bishop of Lismore Legate to Eugenius 3. summoned a Provinciall Councell in Ireland wherein were authorized foure Metropolitan See● Ardmagh Dublin Cashell Tuam Bishops thereof being Gelasius Gregorius Donatus Edanus for hitherto though they yeelded a primacy to the Bishop of Ardmagh in reverence of Saint Patricke yet was it partly voluntary and ratified rather by custome then by sufficient decree neither did that Arch-Bishop take upon him to invest other Bishops but sent them to Canterbury as I said before which henceforth they did not Namely the next Bishop S. Laurence sometimes Abbot of S. Kevynes in Glandilagh was ordered and installed at home by Gelasius Primate of Ardmagh THE SECOND BOOKE OF CAMPION'S HISTORY OF IRELAND CAP. I. The conquest of Ireland by Henry the second King of England commonly called Henry Fitz Empresse DErmot Mac Murrough King of Leinster halt and leacherous vowed dishonestly to serve his lust on the beautifull Queene of Meath and in the absence of her husband allured the woman so farre that she condiscended to be stolne away This dishonourable wrong to avenge O-Rorick the King her husband besought
assistance of Rodericke Oconor King of Connaght at that season the generall Monarch of all Ireland The subjects of Leinster detesting the quarrell and long ere this time hating their Prince left him desolate in his greatest neede so as with much difficulty he caught his boate and fled over for succour to Henry the 2. King of England then warring upon the Frenchmen within his Dukedome of Aquitaine Somewhat before this season sate in the See of Rome Adrianus 4. an English man borne who having in his youth taken a painefull pilgrimage into Norway and reduced the whole Iland unto Christianity learned distinctly the state of Ireland and how their countrymen which dayly repaired thither being themselves the most part infidels meeting with a people there wilde and furious were like very shortly but if God found remedy to deface religion for though Christ were beleeved and taught yet the multitude eft soone grew to a shamelesse kinde of liberty making no more of necessary points of Doctrine then served their loose humour Besides these occasions Henry the 2. builded upon the Popes favour his borne subject had sent Ambassadours to Rome in the first yeare of his raigne asking leaue to attempt the conquest of Ireland Adrian trusting and requiring a diligent reformation of the premisses graunted his Bull which Alexander his Successour confirmed and ratified upon the same conditions Now when Dermot was come in the very necke of these consultations and put up his complaint wherein he preferred the interest of his Crowne and craved a restitution of some peece of his lands the matter did seeme not all untowardly broached Henry having his hands full with the French because Mac Murrough urged all possible haste could not personaly intend that offer but sent him honourably garded into England with letters patents bearing this Tenour HENRY the second King of England Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine Earle of Angiow To all our true subjects English Normans Welchmen Scotts and to all nations within our Dominions whatsoever Greeting Witt yee that the Bearer hereof Dermot Mac Murrough King of Leinster we have received into the soveraigne protection of our Grace and bounty wherefore who so of you all our loving subjects will extend towards him your ayde for his restoring as to our trusty and welbeloved know yee that he is thereto authorized by these presents and shall deserve at our hands high favour in so doing With these letters and many gay additions of his owne he arrived at Bristow where he fell at conference with Richard Strongbow Earle of Pembroke with whom he covenanted the delivery of his onely daughter and heire unto marriage and so the remainder of his Kingdome If the said Earle would recover him his home That day were planted in Wales two gentlemen Robert Fitz Stephens and Maurice Fitz Gerald brethren of a Mother allyed to Rice ap Griffin then Prince of Wales whose Grand-father was surnamed Rice the great Fitz Stephens had beene high Constable there under the King and for executing rigour upon the Princes servants was with him detained prisoner three yeares ne would in any wise pay ransome or accept the liberty promised him but if the conditions were loyall to the Crowne and to his person no dis-worship Lastly by the mediation of David Bishop of S. Davids the third brother and of Fitz Gerald and at the instance of Mac Murrough whom the Prince entertained in that distresse Fitz Stephens was conditionaly delivered that he and his brother Maurice should the next spring while Strongbow provided his army assist the Irish out-cast who in consideration thereof assured them an estate for ever in the towne of Weixford and two Cantreds adjoyning Thus much firmely concluded on all sides the King stale secretly home and wintered closely among the Cleargie of Fernes According to covenant came Fitz Stephens with 30. Knights of his blood 60. Squiers 300. footemen Archers to whom at his landing Dermot sent in aid his base sonne Duvelnaldus and five hundred speares The towne and suburbes of Weixford marched forth against him But when they saw Souldiours in array diversly dighted and weaponed furnished with artillery barbed horses and harnesse they retyred to their walles and strengthned them burning the villages thereabouts and all the provision they could not carry The assault lasted 3. dayes in the 4. certaine Bishops resciant there tooke up the variance pacified the Townesmen to their King and procured the rendring of the Towne Dermot having tryed the valiantnes of the Welchmen immeadiately kept his touch and gave possession of Weixford with the appurtenances aforesaid to Fitz Stephens and his brother After successe of these matters they leavyed to the number of 3000. Souldiours and devised to vexe the Lords of Vpper Ossory who had beene to the King of all other most cruell and injurious Them they compelled to deliver Trewage and sweare fealty Rodericke the monarch appalled at these newes reared up all the Kings in defence of the land verily supposing that all would to wrecke were it not prevented And first they directed courteous messages and gifts to Fitz Stephens moving him to depart the land quietly and not to molest them without cause To whom he answered that much he wondred at the folly of those Princes who to satisfie their choller had opened such a gappe to their owne prejudice as though the subjects whom they had schooled to breake allyance towards the King of Leinster would not be as ready by this example to learne to withstand the King of Connaght for his owne part though hee might with better reason invade strangers then they could expell their neighbours and their peere yet would they suffer the King to reenter his right they should not finde him stiffe nor untractable otherwise they should well feele that the Bryttons wanted neither abilitie nor truth to maintaine their word Rodericke perceived it was no boote to spurne and therefore bethought himselfe of composition upon agreement they resolved thus Inprimis that Mac Murrough swearing afresh his obedience to the Monarch should quietly repossesse the parts of Leinster which Rodericke with-held by suspensation Secondly that for ensurance thereof he should pledge his dearest base sonne Cnothurn to whom Rodericke promised his daughter if this peace were found effectuall Thirdly that being rested in his kingdome he should discharge the Welch army nor should henceforwards call them over in defence About this time Donatus the good King of Ergall founded the Abbey of Mellyfont which is the eldest that I finde recorded since the Danes arrivall except S. Mary Abbey besides Divelin erected in an 948. The meane while was landed at Weixford Maurice Fitz Gerald with his provision ten Knights thirty Squiers and an hundred Bowmen hereupon Dermot and the two Brethren set their force against Divelin which being the cheife Citty of his Realme refused to yeeld when Divelin and the country about it vvas recover'd there befell hostility between Rodericke and
Duvenaldus Prince of Limericke vvhom Dermot his father holpe in field foyled the enemy and then vvithdrevv his obedience from the Monarch Shamefull was Roderickes flight and Dermot insinuated into the favour of his people began to recount the confederates of his first misfortune and consulted with the two Captaines for the invasion of Connaght finding them prest he wrote over to the Earle Strongbow renewed their covenants prayed his helpe Richard Earle Strongbow whose auncestors came in vvith the Conquest but commonly of the King and his successors disfavoured having read the letters he passed to King Henry besought him either to answere him his rightfull heritage vvhich other men occupied or to licence him else vvhere in uncouth lands to seeke his fortune The King halfe in derision bad him on in the name of God even as farre as his feete could beare him The Earle dissembling to perceive the hollovvnes of the king furnished his Cousin Reymond le Grose Nephevv to the brethren aforesaid vvith ten Knights and 70. Bovvmen himselfe ensued vvith about 200. Knights and 1000. lusty Welchmen tryed Souldiours shortly they vvanne the Citty of Waterford and then immediately Mac Murrough accomplished his convention gave to the Earle in marriage his daughter Eve with the succession of his Kingdome When Waterford was gotten and Leinster pacified and the Princes of Ossory tamed and a chosen band ever in garrison Mac Murrough became so terrible that none durst encounter him The Cleargy assembled themselves at Ardmagh and with one accord did protest that for all their sinnes and especially for the Turkish kinde of Tyrany which they used in buying and selling and with vile slaveries oppressing the bodies of the English whom their pyrats tooke their land was like to be translated to that nation whose captives they handled so cruelly To appease in part the indignation of God they decreed that all English wheresoever in hold within the realme should forthwith be loosed Further if it pleased God to scourge them it should be meekely suffered as farre beneath the debt of their deserts King Henry though he was well apayed that the Earle should be from him yet he liked no deale his growing in Ireland to such power as percase in time to come with his faction in Wales then living under a Prince of their owne he might be able to face the Crowne of England An edict was therefore drawne whereby all subjects were charged upon their perill to reverte into England by a day and a caveat annexed that upon paine of death none should presume to passe over without a nevv warrant nor ship over any wares money munition or victuals into Ireland Thus had the Irish a breathing space and would perhaps have picked greater benefits thereby had not the Normans beene in their top immediately after Great force they laide to Divelin but vvere valiantly repelled and their Captaine Hasculphus taken prisoner who being calmely intreated began to overview himselfe and to imagine that the Citizens durst not use him extreamely once in open audience brake forth his unseasonable courage in these wordes Take this quoth he but for hansell the game is to come which heard they delayed him no longer but pusht him downe on a blocke and swapped off his head Strongbow perceiving the Kings jealously not yet allayed having wel-nigh spent his army in defence of diverse good townes impugned by Rodericke and the Irish left sufficient warde till his returne and met the King at Gloucester To whom he writeth declaring the envy that lurked in his preferment yeelded the tittle of all his winnings craved good countenance with his grace contented himselfe with any portion whatsoever his Majesty should relinquish a finall quietnesse was driven betweene them Dublin with th' appurtenances and all port townes of Leinster all fortresses reserved to the King The Earle should enjoy with good leave whatsoever he had gotten beside This yeare dyed Mac Murrow and the Abbey de Castro Dei was founded Soone after the King with five hundred Knights with archers and horsemen many more tooke shore at Waterford and was such a terrour to the Irish that incontinently all Mounster submitted themselves to his peace There the men of Wexford to feede the surmises of Henry conceived against the gentlemen betrayed their Lord Fitz Stephens and him delivered to the King The King to gratifie them for a while tremely chained and hampered the prisoner quarrelling with him notwithstanding the inhibition he had proceeded in atchieving the conquest of Ireland but shortly hee enlarged him and ratified the grants of Wexford above-mentioned These Princes of the South sware fidelity and tribute to Henry Dermot Car●ye King of Corke Donald Obrene king of Limericke Donald and Omalaghlien puissant Lords of Ossory and in briefe all the states of Mounster from thence hee journeyed to Dublin where in like manner all the Captaines of Leinster and Ororicke king of Meth and Rodericke Oconor king of Connaght and of all Ireland for himselfe and the whole Iland humbly recognized his soveraignety finally no man there was of name in the land except them of Vlster but they to him bowed and sware obeysance All which he feasted royally with a dinner of Cranes flesh a fowle till then utterly abhorred of the Irish. Merlin had prophesied that five should meete and the sixt should scourge them This sixt they now construed to be Henry in whom the five pettie Kingdomes were united Of the same conquest prophesied their foure notable Saints Patricke Brachon Colme and Moling The King not unmindfull of his charge enjoyned by the Popes Adrian and Alexander entred into a reformation of the Church and mooved the famous Bishop of Lismore Saint Christian their Legate to call a Synode at Cashell wherein they defined Eight Articles 1. First that their people should abandon unlawfull contracts of their cousins and allyes and observe the Canons of Matrimonie 2. That their Infants should be primestened of the Priests hand at the Church dore and then baptized in the font of their mother Church 3. That all faithfull duely pay their Tithes 4. That holy Church be for ever quit of those cursed exactions of diet and harborow whereunto they had beene accustomably strayned foure seasons in the yeare and else against right 5. That the fine levyed for manslaughter be not borne by the Clearkes and kinsmen to the malefactour but if he were accessary or faulty to the deed doing 6. That the sicke doe his Testament to be made or read in the presence of credible persons 7. That the funerals of the dead be devoutly and solemnly kept 8. That forasmuch as GOD hath universally delivered them into the government of the English they should in all points rights and ceremonies accord with the Church of England To these things Gelasius Primate of Ardmagh because he was old and impotent gave his consent at Divelin in the presence of the King he died two yeares after
forced pledges and Trowages of Oneale to keepe the Kings peace and diverse other exploytes did hee during his time of government which in particular rehearseth Flatsbury in his notes collected for Gerald Fitz Gerald Earle of Kildare Anno 1517. To him succeeded in office Sir Iohn Fitz Geffrey knight Geffrey Allan de la Zowche whom Earle Warren slevv to Zowch Stephen de longa spata who slevv Oneale in the streets of Down and there dyed Him followed William Den in whose time Mac Cartye played the devill in Desmond and to Den Richard Capell who envyed the Geraldines and was of them taken prisoner together with Theobald le Butler and Miles Cogan The king tooke up the variance and discharged Den preferring David Barrye to his roome who tamed the insolencie of Morrice Fitz Morrice cousin germane to Fitz G●rald upon Barrye came Vfford upon Vfford Iames Audeley who dyed of a fall from his horse in Thomond and then for the time Fitz Morrice governed till the king sent over Sir Ieffrey de Genevill newly returned in pilgrimage from the Holy Sepulture Him called home againe Edward the first in the fourth yeare of his raigne and sent in his stead Robert Vfford the second time who made his Vice-gerent Fryar Fulborne Bishop of Waterford and resumed his charge at his next arryvall into Ireland At this time the citty of Divelin was miserably wasted with fire and the Bell-house of Christs Church utterly defaced which the citizens before they repayred their private harmes jointly came to succor collections made to redresse the ruines of that ancient building first begun by the Danes as I finde in a monument of that foundation continued by Sitricus Prince of Divelin at the motion of Donate then Bishop dedicated to the Blessed Trinity finished by Richard Earle Strangbow Fitz Stephens and S. Laurence the Archbishop and his foure successors Iohn of Evesham Henry Scorchbill Lord Iustice Lucas and lastly by Iohn de S. Paul which worke at the decay by fire and since many devout citizens of Divelin have beautified The same Strongbowes Tombe spoyled by fall of the roofe Sir Henry Sidney Lord Deputy restoreth at this present who hath also given a sightly countenance to the Quire by doing cost upon the Earle of Kildares Chappell over against the which he hath left a monument of Captain Randolfe late Colonell of Vlster Valiantly dead in that service Iohn Samford Archbishop of Divelin Lord Iustice VVilliam Vescy Lord Iustice who pursued Omalaghli●n king of Meth that soone after was slaine The Souldan of Babylon determined to vexe the Christians cities of the East Tripolis Tyrus Berinthus Sidon Ptolemais now parts of Turky vvhom to redeeme vvith their helpes to get againe the Holy Land Edward the first had foure yeeres past obtained by licence of Mar●in the fourth and by confirmation o● Honorius his successor the vvhole tenth of all ecclesiastical revenues in Ireland for 7. yeares vvhereafter follovved a fifteene of the Temporalty And the same yeere Iohn Baliol Earle of Galvvay founded Baliol Colledge in Oxford made his homage to King Edward for his Kingdome of Scotland and to the Lord Iustice for his Earledome of Ireland Vescey vvas a sterne man and full of courage but rashe and impudent of his tongue he convented before him Iohn Earle of Kildare charged him vvith riots vagaryes unseasonable for that he ranged vvith his men abroad preyed upon privat enemies inordinatly for malice grudge not for advancement of the publique vveale vvhom the Earle as impatient as the other ansvvered thus By your honour and mine my Lord by king Edwards hand you vvould if you durst appeach me in plaine tearmes of ●elony for vvhereas I have the title and you the fleece of Kildare I wot well how great an eye sore I am in your sight who if I could bee hansomely trussed up for a fellon then might my young Master your sonne become a Gentleman Iustice Gentleman quoth he thou proud Earle the Vescyes were gentlemen before Kildare was an Earledome and before the Welch bankrupt thy Cousin feathered his Nest in Leinster But seeing thou darest me I will surely breake thy heart and with that word he called the Earle a notorious theefe murderer Then followed clattering of swords by Souldiours on both parties untill either side appeased his owne and the Lord Iustice leaving his Lieutenant VVilliam Hay sped over to the King whom immediately followed the Earle as fast as Vescey charged Kildare with fellony no lesse did Kildare appeach the Iustice of high treason and in tryall thereof he asked the Combate But when the listes royall were provided Vescey was slipt away into France and so disherited of all his lands in the county of Kildare which were bestowed upon the Earle of Kildare and his heires for ever The Earle waxed insolent upon this successe and squared with diverse Nobles English and Irish of the Land hee took prisoner Richard Earle of Vlster and him detained untill the Parliament then assembled at Kilkenny commanded his delivery and for that unrulinesse disseised the Geraldines of the Castle of Sligagh and of all his lands in Connaght VVilliam Dodding●ale Lord Iustice. This yere for the defence of Wales and commodity of Passengers to and from Ireland the King did coast upon the Isle of Anglisey called the mother of Wales and builded there the castle de bello marisco or Bewmarishe Thomas Fitz Morice Lord Iustice. Iohn VVogan Lord Iustice pacified the former strife betweene Vlster and Kildare and all the Geraldines with their associats together with Theobald Lord Butler gathered strength of men and met the kings army before Edinburgh wan the Citty slew 25. thousand Scots hampred Iohn Baliol king of the Scots in such sort that glad and faine was he to renew his homage CAP. V. Edward the second THomas Fitz Morice Lord Iustice. I will begin this Chapter with the modestie of a good Clerke Richard Havering who five yeares by dispensation had received the fruites and revenues of the Bishopricke of Divelin and long might have done had he beene so disposed But now feeling in sleep a waight upon his stomacke heavyer to his weening then any masse of mettall whereof to be released he vowed in his dreame all that ever he could make in this world Suddainely the next morne resigned the custodium of the Bishopricke and contented himselfe with other ecclesiasticall cures incident to his vocation The same yeare was the bane of the Templers in Ireland to whom succeeded the Knights of the Rhodes This profession began at Ierusalem by certaine Gentlemen that kept their abode next to the Temple there who till the Councell of Creetz increased not above the number of nine But thenceforth in little more then fiftie yeares being enriched by contribution of all Christian Realmes every where their houses were erected and endowed bountifully
the Englishe Gentlemen in Vlster as the lacke of vvalled townes is also the principall occasion of the rudenesse and wildenesse in other partes of Ireland This Savage having prepared an army against the Irish allowed to every Souldiour before he buckled with the enemy a mighty draught of Aquavitae Wine or old Ale and killed in provision for their returne beeffes venison and foule great plenty which diverse of his Captains misliked considering the successe of warre to be uncertaine esteemed it better pollicy to poyson the cates or to doe them away then to cherish a sort of Catives with princely foode If ought should happen to themselves in this adventure of so few against so many Hereat smyled the Gentleman and said Tush yee are too full of envy this world is but an Inne whereunto you have no speciall interest but are onely tennants at the will of the Lord. If it please him to commaund us from it as it were from our lodging to set other good fellowes in our roomes what hurt shall it be for us to leave them some meate for their suppers let them hardly winne it and weare it If they enter our dwellings good manners would no lesse but to welcome them with such fare as the country breedeth and with all my heart much good may it doe them Notwithstanding I presume so farre upon your noble courage that verily my minde giveth me that wee shall returne at night and banquet our selves with our owne store and so they did having slaine 3000. Irishmen Morrice Fitz Thomas Earle of Desmond Lord Iustice during life whom followed Sir Thomas Rokesbye a knight sincere and upright of conscience who being controlled for suffering himselfe to be served in wooden Cuppes Answered these homely Cuppes and dishes pay truely for that they containe I had rather drinke out of wood and pay gold and silver then drinke out of gold and make wooden payment Almericus de Sancto Amando Iames Butler Earle of Ormond and Morrice Fitz Thomas Earle of Kildare Iustices of Ireland by turnes To this last the Kings letters appointed in yearely fee for his office 500. pounds with promise that the said governour should finde twenty great horse to the field and should bee the tvventieth man in going out against the enemy vvhich allovvance and conditions at these dayes I thinke vvere ordinary Leonell the third sonne of Edward the third Duke of Clarence and in the right of his wife Earle of Vlster Lord Lieutenant of Ireland He published an inhibition to all of Irish birth that none of them should approach his army nor be imployed in service of the warres Obrene he vanquished suddainely but no man wist how an hundred of his principall Souldiours in garrison were missed whose dispatch that seditious decree was thought to have procured wherefore hee advised himselfe and united the people shewing alike fatherly care towards them all and ever after prospered Knights he created these Gentlemen the worthiest then in Chivalry and at this day continuing in great worship Preston now the house of Gormanstowne Holywood Talbot Cusacke Delahide Patricke Robert and Iohn de Fraxinis The exchequer he removed to Catherlagh and bestowed in furnishing that towne 500. pounds Gerald Fitz Morice Earle of Desmond Lord Iustice untill the comming of VVilliam de VVindsore Lieutenant to the King then in the last yeare of Edward the third ruling the realme under the name of Lord Governour and keeper of Ireland ¶ At the yeare 1370. all the Notes written by Flatsbury doe end and from hence to this day nothing is extant orderly gathered the rest I have collected out of sundry monuments authorityes and pamphlets During the raigne of Richard the second Lieutenants and Iustices of Ireland are specially recorded the two Mortimers Edmund and Roger Earles of March Phillip Courtney the kings cousin Iames Earle of Ormond and Robert Vere Earle of Oxford Marquesse of Divelin and Lord Chamberlaine who was created Duke of Ireland by Parliament and was credited with the whole Dominion of the Realme by graunt for tearme of life nothing paying therefore passing all writs all offices as Chancellor Treasurer Chiefe Iustice Admirall his owne Lieutenant and other inferiour charges under his own Teste The meane while King Richard afflicted impatiently with the decease of Queene Anne his wife nor able without many teares to behold his pallaces and chambers of Estate which represented unto him the solace past and doubled his sorrow sought some occasion of businesse and visited Ireland where diverse Lords and Princes of Vlster renewed their homage and he placing Roger Mortimer his Lieutenant returned quietly but within foure yeares after informed of the trayterous death of Mortimer whom he loved entirely and being wonderfull eager in hastening the revenge thereof upon the Irish he journeyed thither the second time levied infinite subsidies of money by penall exactions and with his absence as also with those injuries fed the hatred and opportunity of conspiratours at home for Henry Duke of Lancaster intercepted the Kingdome whose sonne with the Duke of Glocesters sonne King Richard shut up in the Castle of Trim and then shipped course into England tooke land at Milford Haven found his defence so weake and unsure that to avoide further inconvenience and perill of himselfe and his friends he condiscended to resigne the Crowne CAP. VII The house of Lancaster Henry the fourth Henry the fift Henry the sixt ALexander Bishop of Meth Lieutenant of Ireland under Thomas Lancaster the Kings brother so was also the worshipfull Knight Sir Stephen Scroope whom for his violence and extortion before used in the same office under King Richard the common voyce and out-cry of poore people damned This report hearing the Lady his wife she would in no wise assent to live in his company there but if he sware a solemne oath on the Bible that wittingly he should wrong no Christian creature in the land that duely and truely he should see payment made for all expences and hereof she said she had made a vow to Christ so deliberately that unlesse it were on his part firmely promised she could not without perill of her soule goe with him her husband assented and accomplished her boone effectually recovered a good opinion schooled his Caters enriched the country continued a plentifull house remissions of great fines remedyes for persons endamaged to the Prince pardons of lands and lives he granted so charitably and discreetely that his name was never uttered among them without many blessings and prayers and so cheerefully they served him against the Irish that in one day he spoyled Arthur Mac Murrough brent his country restored O-Carrol to the towne of Callane with-held by VValter Burke slew a multitude of Kerneghes and quieted Leinster Not long before the Major of Divelin Iohn Drake with his band out of the Citty had slaine of the same Irish Outlawes 400. In this Kings raigne
the inhabitants of the county towne of Corke being tyred with perpetuall oppressions of their Irish borderers complained themselves in a generall writing directed to the Lord of Rutheland and Corke the Kings Deputy and to the Councell of the Realme then assembled at Divelin which Letter because it openeth the decay of those partes and the state of the Realme in times past I have thought good to enter here as it was delivered me by Francis Agard Esquire one of her Majesties privy Councell in Ireland It may please your wisedomes to have pittie of us the Kings poore subjects within the county of Corke or else we be cast away for ever for where there was in this countie these Lords by name besides Knights Esquiers Gentlemen and Yeoman to a great number that might dispend yearelie 800. pounds 600. pounds 400. pounds 200. pounds 100. pounds 100. markes 20. pounds 20. markes 10. pounds some more some lesse to a great number besides these Lords following First the Lord Marquesse Caro his yearely revenues was besides Dorzey Hauen and other Creekes 2200. pounds sterling The Lord Barnevale of Bearehaven his yearely revenues was beside Bearehaven and other Creekes 1600. pounds sterling The Lord Vggan of the great Castle his yearely revenues was besides havens and creekes 1300. pounds sterling The Lord Balram of Emforte his yearely revenues was besides havens and creekes 1300. pounds sterling The Lord Courcy of Kilbretton his yearely revenues besides havens and creekes 1500. pounds sterling The Lord Mandevil of Barrenstelly his yearely revenues besides havens and creekes 1200. pounds sterling The Lord Arundell of the strand his yearely revenues besides havens and creekes 1500. pounds sterling The Lord Baron of the Guard his yearely revenues besides havens and creekes 1100. pounds sterling The Lord Sleynie of Baltimore his yearely revenue besides havens and creekes 800 pounds sterling The Lord Roche of Poole-castle his yearely revenue besides havens and creekes 1000. pounds sterling The Kings Majesty hath the Lands of the late young Barry by forfeiture the yearely revenue whereof besides two rivers and creekes and all other casualties is 1800. pounds sterling And at the end of this Parliament Your Lordship with the Kings most noble Councell may come to Corke and call before you all these Lords and other Irish men and binde them in paine of losse of life lands and goods that never any of them doe make warre upon another without licence or cōmandement of you my Lord Deputy the Kings Councell for the utter destruction of these parts is that onely cause and once all the Irish men and the Kings enemies were driven into a great valley called Glanehought betwixt two great mountaines called Maccorte or the leprous Iland and their they lived long and many yeares with their white meat till at the last these English Lords fell at variance among themselves and then the weakest part tooke certaine Irish men to take his part and so vanquished his enemy and thus fell the English Lords at variance among themselves till the Irish men were stronger then they and drave them away and now have the whole country under them but that the Lord Roche the Lord Courcy and the Lord Barry onely remaine with the least part of their auncestors possessions and young Barry is there upon the Kings portion paying his Grace never a penny Rent Wherefore we the Kings poore subjects of the Citty of Corke Kinsale and Yowghall desire your Lordship to send hither two good Iustices to see this matter ordered and some English Captaines with twenty English men that may be Captaines over us all and we will rise with them to redresse these enormities all at our owne costs And if you doe not we be all cast away and then farewell Mounster for ever And if you will not come nor send we will send over to our Liege Lord the King and complaine on you all Thus farre the letter And at this day the Citty of Corke is so encumbred with unquiet neighbours of great power that they are forced to watch their gates continually to keepe them shut at service times at meales from sunne set to sunne arising nor suffer any stranger to enter there with his weapon but to leave the same at a lodge appointed They walke out for recreation at seasons with strength of men furnished they match in wedlocke among themselves so that welnigh the whole citty is allyed together It is to be hoped that the late sent over Lord President of Mounster Sir Iohn Parrot who hath chosen the same place to abide in as having greatest neede of a Governour resident would ease the inhabitants of this feare and scourge the Irish Outlawes that annoy the whole region of Mounster Henry the 4. in the 10. yeare of his raigne gave the Sword to the Citty of Divelin which Citty was first governed as appeareth by their auncient seale called Signum propositurae by a Provost and in the 14. yeare of H. the 3. by a Major two Bayliffes which Bayliffes were changed into Sheriffes by Charter of Edward the 6. an 1547. This Majorality both for state and charge of that office and for the bountifull hospitality exceedeth any Citty in England except London While Henry the 5. reigned I finde lieutenants and deputyes of Ireland specially remembred Iohn Talbott of Hollamshire Lord of Furnyvall Thomas de Lancaster Senischa of England and Stephen le Scroope his Deputy Iohn Duke of Bedford then also Lord Keeper of England and the noble Earle of Ormond Sir Iames Butler whose grandsire was Iames surnamed the chast for that of all vices hee most abhorred the sinne of the flesh and in subduing of the same gave notable example In the red Moore of Athye the sun almost lodged in the West and miraculously standing still in his epicycle the space of three houres till the feat was accomplished and no pit in that bogge annoying either horse or man on his part he vanquished Omore and his terrible Army with a few of his owne and with the like number Arthur Mac Murrough at whose might and puissance all Leinster trembled To the imitation of this mans worthinesse the compiler of certaine precepts touching the rule of a Common-wealth exciteth his Lord the said Earle in diverse places of that Worke incidently eftsoones putting him in minde that the Irish beene false by kinde that it were expedient and a worke of Charity to execute upon them willfull and malicious transgressours the Kings Lawes somewhat sharpely That Odempsye being winked at a while abused that small time of sufferance to the injury of the Earle of Kildare intruding unjustly upon the Castle of Ley from whence the said Deputy had justly expelled him and put the Earle in possession thereof that notvvithstanding their oathes and pledges yet they are no longer true then they feele themselves the vveaker This Deputye tamed the Obriens the Burckes Mac-banons Ogaghnraghte Manus Mac
Mahowne all the Captaines of Thomond and all this in three moneths The Cleargye of Divelin tvvice every vveeke in solemne procession praying for his good successe against these disordered persons vvhich novv in every quarter of Ireland had degenerated to their olde trade of life and repyned at the English Lieutenants to Henry the sixt over the Realme of Ireland were Edmund Earle of Marche and Iames Earle of Ormond his Deputy Iohn Sutton Knight Lord Dudley and Sir Thomas Strange his Deputy Sir Thomas Standley and Sir Christopher Plonket his Deputy Lyon Lord Welles and the Earle of Ormond his Deputy Iames Earle of Ormond the Kings Lieutenant by himselfe Iohn Earle of Shrewesbury and the Archbishop of Divelin Lord Iustice in his absence Richard Plantaginet Duke of Yorke father of Edward the fourth and Earle of Vlster had the office of Lieutenant by letters Patents during the space of ten yeares who deputed under him at severall times the Baron of Delvin Roland Fitz Eustace knight Iames Earle of Ormond and Thomas Fitz Morrice Earle of Kildare To this Richard then resciant in Divelin was borne within the castle there his second son George Duke of Clarence afterwards drowned in a butt of Malmsey his god fathers at the font were the Earles of Ormond and Desmond Whether the commotion of Iacke Cade an Irish-man borne naming himselfe Mortimer and so clayming cousinage to diverse noble houses proceeded from this crew it is uncertaine surely the Duke was thereof vehemently mistrusted immediatly began his tumults which because our English histories discourse at large I omit as impertinent Those broyles being couched for a time Richard held himselfe in Ireland being lately by Parliament ordained Protector of the Realme of England leaving his agent in the Court his brother the Earle of Salisbury Lord Chauncellour to whom he declared by letters the trouble then toward in Ireland which letter exemplified by Sir Henry Sidney Lord Deputy a great searcher and preserver of Antiquities as it came to my hands I thinke it convenient here to set downe To the right worshipfull and with all my heart entirely beloved brother the Earle of Shrewesbury RIght worshipfull and with all my heart entirely beloved Brother I commend mee unto you as heartily as I can And like it you to wit that sith I wrote last unto the King our soveraigne Lord his Highnes the Irish enemy that is to say Magoghigan and with him three or foure Irish Captaines associate with a great fellowship of English rebells notwithstanding that they were within the King our Soveraigne Lord his power of great malice and against all truth have maligned against their legiance and vengeably have brent a great towne of mine inheritance in Meth called Ramore and other villages thereabouts and murdered and brent both men women and children without mercy The which enemies be yet assembled in woods and forts wayting to doe the hurt and grievance to the Kings subjects that they can thinke or imagine for which cause I write at this time unto the Kings Highnes and beseech his good grace for to hasten my payment for this land according to his letters of vvarrant novv late directed unto the Treasurer of England to the intent I may vvage men in sufficient number for to resist the malice of the same enemyes and punish them in such vvyse that other vvhich vvould doe the same for lacke of resistance in time may take example for doubtlesse but if my payment bee had in all haste for to have men of vvarre in defence and safeguard of this Land my povver cannot stretch to keepe it in the Kings obeysance And very necessity vvill compell mee to come into England to live there upon my poore livelode for I had lever bee dead then any inconvenience should fall thereunto in my default for it shall never bee chronicled nor remaine in scripture by the grace of God that Ireland vvas lost by my negligence And therefore I beseech you right vvorshipfull brother that you will hold to your hands instantly that my payment may bee had at this time in eschuing all inconveniences for I have example in other places more pitty it is for to dread shame and for to acquite my truth unto the Kings Highnes as my dutie is And this I pray and exhort you good brother to shew unto his good grace and that you will be so good that this language may be enacted at this present Parliament for my excuse in time to come and that you will bee good to my servant Roger Roe the bearer hereof and to mine other servants in such things as they shall pursue unto the kings Highnes And to give full faith and credence unto the report of the said Roger touching the said maters Right worshipfull and with all my heart entirely beloved brother our blessed Lord God preserve and keepe you in all honour prosperous estate and felicity and graunt you right good life and long Written at Divelin the 15. of Iune Your faithfull true brother Richard Yorke Of such power was Magoghigan in those dayes who as he wan and kept it by the sword so now he liveth but a meane Captaine yeelding his winnings to the stronger This is the misery of lawlesse people resembling the wydenesse of the rude vvorld vvherein every man vvas richer or poorer then other as he vvas in might and violence more or lesse enabled Heere beganne factions of the nobility in Ireland favouring diverse sides that strived for the Crovvne of England for Richard in those tenne yeares of government exceedingly tyed unto him the hearts of the noblemen and gentlemen in this land vvhereof diverse vvere scattered and slaine vvith him at Waterford as the contrary part vvas also the next yeare by Edward Earle of Marche the Dukes brother at Mortimers crosse in Wales in vvhich meane time the Irish vvaxed hardye and usurped the English Countreyes insufficiently defended as they had done by like oportunity in the latter end of Richard the second These two seasons did set them so a-floate that henceforwards they could never be cast out from their forcible possessions holding by plaine wrong all Vlster and by certaine Irish Tenures no little portions of Mounster and Connaght left in Meth and Leinster where the civill subjects of English bloud did ever most prevaile CAP. VIII Edward the fourth and Edward his sonne Richard the third Henry the seventh THomas Fitz Morice Earle of Kildare Lord Iustice untill the third yeare of Edward the fourth since which time the Duke of Clarence aforesaid brother to the King had the office of Lieutenant while he lived and made his Deputies in sundry courses Thomas Earle of Desmond Iohn Tiptoft Earle of Worcester the Kings cozen Thomas Earle of Kildare Henry Lord Graye Great was the credit of the Geraldines ever when the house of Yorke prospered and likewise the Butlers thryved under the bloud of Lancaster for
to preserve at the motion of the Lady Sidney then abiding in Droghedagh came Master Sarsfield then Major of Divelin with a chosen band of goodly young men Citizens and brake the rage of the enemies The Deputy returning made him Knight and finding it now high time utterly to weede and roote out the Traytor he furnished a substantiall army and with the readines thereof hartened the Irish whom Oneale had impoverished cut off his adherents and all accesse of succour chased him and his into corners spent him cast him into such despaire that he consulted with his Secretary Neale Mac Connor to present himselfe unknowne and disguised to the Deputy with an halter about his necke begging his pardon Ere you doe so quoth his Clarke let us prove an extreame shift and there he perswaded him to joyne with the Scots whom he had lately banished of whom should he be refused or finde inconvenience at any time submission to the Deputy might then be used when all faileth Shane knew himselfe odious to the Scots especially to them whom he thought to lincke with the brother and kindred of Iames Mac Conill yet in those hard oddes hee devised rather to assay their friendship then to grate upon mercy which so oft and so intollerably he had abused Mac Conill whom Shane overthrew left two brethren and a Sister whereof one Suarly Torwy remained with Oneale entertayned after his brothers death The other was Alexander Oge who with 600. Scots incamped now in Clanebov The woman was Agnes Ilye whose husband Shane slew in the said discomfiture Agnes had a sonne Mac Gillye Aspucke who betrayed Oneale to avenge his Fathers and Vncles quarrell At the first meeting for thither he came accompanied with Torwy and his Secretary and 50. horsemen the Captaines made him great cheere and fell to quaffing but Aspucke minding to enter into his purpose there openly challenged his Secretary as the Author of a dishonourable report that Mac Conils wife did offer to forsake her country and friends and to marry with Shane Oneale her husbands destruction Mary quoth the Secretary if thine Aunt were Queen of Scotland it might beseeme her full well to seeke such a marriage To this brawle Oneale gave eare upheld his man advaunced his owne degree The comparison bred a fray betweene their Souldiours Out sprang Aspucke and beat Oneales man and then suddainely brought his band upon them in the tent where the Souldiours with their slaughter-knives killed the Secretary and Shane Oneale mangled him cruelly lapped him in an old Irish shirte and tumbled him into a pit within an old Chappell hard by whose head foure dayes after Captaine Pierce cut off and met therewith the Deputy who sent it before him staked on a pole to the Castle of Divelin where it now standeth It is thought that Tirlagh who now usurpeth the name of Oneale practised this devise with Agnes Alexander and Torwy when he perceived Shane discouraged and not able to hold out Thus the wretched man ended who might have lived like a Prince had he not quenched the sparkes of grace that appeared in him with arrogancy and contempt against his Prince The next Tumult in Ireland proceeded of the folly especially of Sir Edmund Butler Pierce and Edward his Brethren who being unable in law to maintaine his title to certaine landes whereof he held possession whereunto Sir Peter Carew laide very direct and manifest claime for Carew is an ancient Barons house in Ireland confedered with Iames Fitz Morice of the south and others began commotion more dangerous to the Realme then the late stirre of Oneale such was their opportunity of place the rebels so friended their number so furnished that the Deputy passing forth against them in haste requisite with such shift as the suddaine mischiefe asked was thought to have put his person in great adventure but in conclusion he wanne by that journey great martiall honour started them from hole to hole and ransackt every veine of the land so as the Butlers craving protection shortly recoyled and stand now at the Queenes mercy To appease the country reforme the lewdnes of his Brethren Thomas Earle of Ormond came from the Court of England home and in quieting the said broyles shewed also for his part a right good peece of service worthy to be remembred After this ensued a Parliament the particulars whereof are expressed in the acts lately drawne to be published in Print somewhat before the last session a seditious libell intituled Tom Troth let fall in the streetes of Divelin nipped by name diverse honourable and worshipfull of the Realme certaine officers of the Deputyes houshold for greeving the land with impositions of Cesse whereupon followed a proclamation bearing date the twenty eight of Ianuary which if it may bee executed in all points would cut off many such murmures and leave a blessed memory of the Governour that devised it The day of prorogation when the Knights and Burgesses of the Cominalty resorted to the Lordes of the upper house much good matter was there uttered betweene the Deputy and the Speaker whereof comming home to my lodging I tooke notes and here I will deliver them as neere as I can call them to minde in the same words and sentences that I heard them First the Speaker Iames Stanihurst an Esquire of worship Recorder of Divelin and for the Citty Burgesse at that present began thus Rather of custome and dutyfull humility then for doubt of your honourable disposition so well knowne to us all and to every of us in private that it little needeth my praise we are to request your Lordship in the behalfe of our selves and our countryes whom we represent in this Parliament to accept our service and endeavour in driving these conclusions where by to the uttermost of our skill we have intended without injury the Crowne to enrich treasons to chastise to better the state traffique to further learning to cherish and in briefe to maintaine with our best advice those benefits which the Prince hath inferred upon this Realme by you and you with your sword and wisedome have performed An ordinary suite it is in the end of such assemblies to crave executions of law for it sufficeth not to keepe a statute tanquam inclusum in tabulis as a thing shut up in parchment rolles but law must speake and walke abroad to the comfort and behoofe of good subjects Otherwise vve shall resemble the folly of him that once in every houre saluted his gold never using it but onely bad it lye still and couch Of the necessity thereof I cannot say so much as your Lordship conceiveth and I desire not to discourse a matter generally felt and confessed In particular the zeale which I have to the reformation of this Realme and to breede in the rudest of our people resolute English hearts moveth me to pray your Lordships helping hand for the practise namely of one statute which is
enterludes as no man remēbreth the like He tooke ship towards England at the key of Divelin in Lent follovving accōpanied to sea with the Estates Worshipfull of Ireland vvith innumerable harty prayers vvith that vvish of his returne vvhereof but fevv Governours in these last 60. yeares have held possession The man vvas surely much loved of them from his first office of Treasurer in the 2. yeare of Queen Mary stately vvithout disdaine familiar vvithout contempt very continent chast of body no more then enough liberall learned in many languages a great lover of learning perfect in blazoning of armes skilfull of antiquities of vvit fresh and lively in consultations very Temperate in utterance happy vvhich his experience and vvisedome hath made artificiall a preferrer of many a father to his servants both in warre and peace of commendable courage FINIS Faults escaped PAge 2. line 19. countie· p. 6. l. 24. Inchequin l. 26. de Burgo l. 28. Vlick 29. Thomond 34. Clancar p. 7. l. ●7 Killeene l. 32. Donsany 35. Beare-haven p. 8. l. 4. Brune l. 19. Doceter or D'exeter l. 22. Inchequin l. 29. Thomastowne p. 12. l. 12. Hiberus p. 21. in the ●argons for Dom reade mundi p. 22. l. 17. monarchy p. 30. l. 25. after purpose reade our p. 38. l. 36. for Mounster r. Vlster p. 46. l. 33. after Clerke adde astonished p. 61. l. 12. extreamely p. 65. l 7. coadiutors l. 30. Alde●m p. 77. l. 13. after Knight adde 10. p. 82. l. 15. Birminghame● p. 84. l. 2. for Mounster r. Leinster l. 3. O-Tooles O-Birnes l. 37. Maupas p. 85. l. 11. Bignore p. 87. in the margent 1329. p. 90. l. 9. after Arch●r adde Prior. l. 12. Kenwrick p. 93. in marg l. 2. 1399. p. 96. l. 32. prapofit●●a p. 101. l. 5. least p. 105. l. 21. crosse out the first and. p. 118. l. 15. Rowks p. 123. l. 8. O Connor p. 136. l. 9. cheque rolles The lesser faults are as easily amended as found out by the Reader THE CHRONICLE OF IRELAND COLLECTED BY MEREDITH HANMER Doctor of Diuinity The second part THree hundred yeeres after the flood one Bartholanus the sonne of Sera with his three sonnes Languinus Salanus and Ruthurugus and their wives of the posterity of Iaphet are said to have arrived in this Island This opinion followeth Giraldus Cambrensis and him followeth Polychronicon and my selfe not meaning to swarve from the common opinion thought good to acquaint the posterity therewith With this Bartholanus as their Captaine came many of that line and multiplied exceedingly for the space of 300 yeeres to the number of 9000 fighting men Little is remembred of Bartholanus saving that with many hands he rid and made plaine a great part of the Country making paces thorow woods and thickets and that his sonnes left doubtfull remembrances of their names the first to Languinus Poole the second to mount Salanga since named Saint Dominicks hill and the third to Ruthurugus his Poole At the same time according to the common saying Where God hath his Church the Devill hath his Chappell many of the cursed seed of Cham arrived also in this Island with their Captaine Oceanus the sonne of Cham called of some Mena of Moses Mitzraim First he was in the yeere of the world 1802 the second Commander of Aegypt planted Colonies along the river Nilus and after hee had reigned there 7 yeeres he endevoured by navigation to subdue unto his Empire many parts of the world Thus waxing strong and mighty upon the seas hee prevailed much and travelled farre hee came to these North parts of the world landed many of his followers and in remembrance of his voyage left his name upon the seas which wash these lands which of him is yet called the Ocean sea After his departure hence his cursed line multiplied not so much in number as in all mischiefe and rebellion they set up a King of their owne they opposed themselves against the posterity of Iaphet they were great in strength and huge of stature and attempted great matters after the example of Cham or Zoroastres the Magician and Nimrod grandfather to Ninus they repined at the blessings bestowed upon Sem a●d Iaphet thinking it necessary to withstand and prevent all lawfull rule and dominion lest the curse of slavery prophecied by Noah should light upon them as at length it did Many bickerings and skirmishes were amongst them the successe was variable on both sides betweene the lawfull governours and these usurpers so much to the griefe of them that coveted to live in peace under their rightfull Princes that they determined with the chance of one generall battell either wholly to subdue those rebellious miscreants and tyrannous Giants or else to end their lives in freedome and so to be rid of farther misery They assemble together they gather their forces out of all parts of the land and comming to joyne battell with the Giants after they had fought fiercely together for the space of certaine houres the victory inclined to the rightfull part so that the lawfull Kings prevailing against this cursed brood great slaughter was made upon the whole sort of that pestiferous generation and the Kings meaning to deliver themselues of all dangers in time to come used their happy victory with great cruelty which turned to their owne confusion For they spared neither man woman nor child that came in their way for more despite and fuller satisfaction of their determinate revenge neither vouchsafed they to bury the carkasses of their slaine enemies but cast them out like a sort of dead dogs whereof through stinke of the same such an infective pestilence insued in all places throughout the Island by corruption of the ayre that few escaped with life except those that got them away by sea yea the infection was so great of those cursed carkasses of Cham his posterity that the dogs and wolves died thereof And here ended the whole race of Bartholanus and his of-spring and the Country excepting a few silly soules scattered in remote places was unpeopled And here commeth in a tale yet in great request among the Irish how that one Ruanus a Giant fearing this mortality fled into a cave and continued there till nature forced him to come forth for food and nourishment so hungry was hee that every thing was meat that came to his mouth hee covering his face with mosse and grasse fled to the farthest parts of the land into the winde to avoid the infection and so for a long time hauing taking the advantage of the ayre escaped death He is said to have lived two thousand and one and forty yeeres which is more then twice the age of Methushelah vnto the time forsooth of Saint Patrick to whom hee discoursed at large say they of all the accidents of former times In the end he was of Saint Patrick baptized and died after the birth of our Saviour
of English but of Scottish Antiquities varying among themselues great obscurity is brought among doubtfull things Some bring their originall from Ireland others from Dania Cimbrica Chersonesus and the Ilands of Gothland and Norwey neither wanted there some which were of opinion they came from Spaine deriving the name of Scottishmen from Moses himselfe and the Aegyptians as Hector Boëtius the Scottish Chronicler yet Hector himselfe preventing as it were the like objection confesseth that in the third yeere of Adrian the Emperor which was after the birth of Christ about 122 yeeres the name of Scots was not knowne unto the Romans In short time after the retinue of Gathelus searched the North-east and North-west Ilands and entred the Land which now is called Scotland so also called as the Scotish will have it of Scota But many grave writers have stumbled at the certainty of this story yet I finde for certaine that Ireland was called Scotia maior and the other Scotia minor and oftentimes confusedly the one taken for the other and the words to be of no great antiquity Capgrave in the life of Saint Columbanus saith Ireland of old was called Scotland from whence the Scottish nation inhabiting Albania next vnto great Britaine now called Scotland tooke their originall Fiacrius an Hermite being asked of a Bishop in France what hee was among other things answered Ireland the Iland of Scots is the native soile of mee and my parents It also appeareth by Orosius Claudian Isidore Hubaldus Beda the English Legend the Martyrologe secundum usum Sarum Marianus Ionas in vita Sancti Columbani Aimoinus Caesarius c. that Ireland and Scotland were usually taken one for the other But before I goe any further I thinke it not amisse to say som what to this word Scotus or Scottus the which Hector Boëtius carrieth away as derived of Scota and as thing granted There came to this Countrey of Ireland at three severall times before Gathelus great Commanders of Scythia as I have said before of the posterity of Iaphet planted themselues divided the land with great troubles and when they were at the worst alwayes they left a remnant of their nation behinde them Beda every where calleth them not Scotos but Scottos so that I finde in the word a double alteration y turned into o and th into tt Also in low Germany they call the Scythians and Scottish Schotten Nennius the Britain writeth Scythae Hiberniam obtinuerunt the Scythians gat Ireland King Alfredus translating the history of Orosius into the Saxon tongue termeth the Scots Scyttan The borderers upon Scotland cal them to this day Skyttes and Skets Walsingham writeth Of the country called Sicia alias Scythia wee haue Scita Sciticus Scoticus Scotus and Scotia Ranulphus Monke of Chester writeth as Sir Iohn Trevisa the Priest in old English laid it downe Scotts bene called as it were Scytes for they came out of Scytia Matthew Monk of Westminster saith Ex Pictis Hibernensibus Scoti originem habuerunt quasi ex diversis nationibus compacti Scot enim illud dicitur quòd ex diversis rebus in unum acervum congregatur deinde verò terra illa quae prius Albania dicebatur à Scotis Scotia nuncupatur anno gratiae 77. Of Pictes and Irish the Scots had their originall as it were compacted of divers nations for that is called Scot which of divers things is gathered into one heap afterwards that Land which was first called Albania of the Scots is called Scotia And Beda writeth that the Country now called Scotland was inhabited by Pictes that were Scythians againe In processe of time saith he Britaine besides Britaines and Pictes receiued a third nation that is of Scots upon the side of the Pictes Of the same opinion is Volateran and Iohannes Major Scotus although Hector Boëtius dissemble it Richard Stanihurst the great Philosopher and Antiquary of Ireland writeth A quo primum initio Scotiae nomen fit tractum nondum plane perspectum video c. Of what first originall the word Scotia is drawne I haue not yet found out And touching the truth of the History of Gathelus and Scota hee saith To the end the worthinesse of so great a mariage delivered unto the posterity should florish all these Grecians call themselues Scots and Ireland where they first seated themselues Scotiam But all this as a vaine fable George Buchanan and before him Humfrey Lloide have quite reiected and if Hector Boëtius bee not the chiefe forger of this history or rather vaine fable yet he hath besprinckled after his manner the whole discourse with lies With great ambition hath that silly writer labored to advance the glory of his nation in the which endeauour hee hath little regarded the honour of his Country and his owne credit For he hath purchased this amongst the learned that where as he would seeme to write all for the loue of the truth they will beleeue in a manner nothing to be true which he wrote For to what purpose should he commend to the posterity the acts of his ancestors with such maiesty of words that they have quailed the Spaniard vanquished the Irish with their only austere countenance triumphed as often as pleased themselves over the bordering Britaines where they pitched foot subiected all as furious victors that thou maist think the Scottish not so much to have invaded forraigne Countryes as to have removed to their proper possessions These fabulous dreames happely may move admiration to some old wives applause to some Abderas and laughter to the discreete reader The Scotish had as other nations tofore though now famous base beginning dusked and obscured with some barbarous rudenesse and this had beene more discretion to confesse then to vaunt or crake among the ignorant with boast of their fained doings Thus farre Stanihurst And now with Hector Boëtius his leave as the followers of Gathelus and his wife Scota in Egypt Greece Barbary Portugall Galitia and over all Spaine were not called Scoti as before is remembred no more were they termed in Ireland and Scotland but corruptly of Scytae Scoti comming originlly out of Scythia And it were more honour in mine opinion for these nations to derive their originall from Scythia then from Egypt for two causes first for that the Scythians are more ancient then the Egyptians as Trogus Volateran and Marianus Scotus do write secondly for that the Scythians come of Iaphet that was blessed and the Egyptians of Cham that was accursed but in this case leaving every man to his owne choice I will returne the History In the antiquities of Ireland it is generally receiued that Gathelus of whom I spake before gave the Irishmen the language which of him they call Gaodhealgh in British Gwidhealaec that is a language compounded of many tongues and so it may well be for by reason of his great trauell he had skill in many tongues Although as they say he were a Grecian borne yet I finde no
Greek in the Irish tongue yet for their comming from Spaine which they so much urge Iohannes Major Scotus forsooth hath found one Spanish word bona dies in Irish vennoka die to which I answere una hirundo non facit ver but indifferently to examine the matter wee finde that diversity of times alteration of government invasion of strangers planting of new Colonies and conversing with forraigne nations doe alter languages The Hebrewes by reason of their peregrination and captivities do smach of the Chaldees Syriack and Arabick tongues The Slavonian tongue as Surius and others record without exception at this day is the most dispersed language upon the earth for the Muscovites Ruthenes Russians Dalmatians Bosnenses Croatians Istrians Carnians Carniolanians Carinthians Stirians Maesians Servians Bulgarians with other nations reaching to Constantinople as Bohemians Lusatians Silesians Moravians Polonians Circasians Quinquemontanians even unto Pontus and the remnant of Vandals beyond the river Albis through Germany into the North have the language and yet we have neither their characters nor ancient Annals extant Saint Ierome borne in Strido in the confines of Dalmatia and Pannonia is said to have translated the Bible into the Slavon tongue but whether it be in that language extant let him report that knoweth it Gothi Hypogothi Gepidi Vandali Hunni Alani though they vary in name yet they vse one language saith Paulus Diaconus The Italian Spanish and French tongues are compounded of the Latine The German high and low country Saxon Scottish and English have great affinity Northwales Southwales Cornwall and little Britaine in France as Cambrensis and Sir Io. Price have learnedly discoursed but the Irish excepting the Red shanks and the Scottish of the haye londe have affinity with no tongue as I can learne more then with the British language Many reasons there are gentle reader to induce thee to bee of that opinion first of all according unto the first command the Celticke tongue was of force in all these Northerne parts Bodinus writeth that the British and Celtick language was all one Pausanias the Grecian maketh mention how the Celts in their language called a horse Marc and three horses Trimarc the which the Welshman useth to this day with a gutturall alteration Margh and Treemargh Also Camden the learned Antiquary of this our age is of this opinion remembring the story of Gurguntius and the infinite number of British words in ure among the Irish the which he termeth infinitam vim Britannicarum dictionum that the Britaines first peopled this land And although of a long time by reason of troubles and alterations the speech grew wholly out of vse yet afterwards in successe of time it was revived Secondly the British and Irish oft matched together so that there grew among them great alliance and affinity to the furtherance of the language Mare King of Cornwall anno 459 married with Label Isode that built Isodes Chappell or Chappell-Isode and Isodes Tower in Dublin shee was the King of Irelands daughter Edwal ap Meiric Prince of Wales in the time of Edelred anno 992 married in Ireland Iago ap Edwal Prince of Wales in the time of Cnute anno 1031 married in Ireland In the time of Edward the Confessor Conan the sonne of Iago Prince of Wales married with Ranulph daughter of Alfred King of Dublin anno 1041. In the time of William Rufus Arnulph Earle of Pembroke married with the daughter of Marogh King of Ireland anno 1101 at the same time Magnus the sonne of Herald married with another daughter of the said King In the time of Henry the first and King Steuen lived Griffith ap Conan Prince of Wales that was wont to brag of three things that his mother was an Irishwoman his grandmother an Irishwoman and that hee himselfe was borne and of a child brought vp in Ireland In the time of Henry the second Biryd the sonne of Owen Gwyneth Prince of Wales being Lord of Cloghran in Ireland begat his sonne Howel upon an Irish Gentlewoman In the same Kings raigne Richard Strangbow Earle of Pembroke married with Eva the daughter of Dermotte Mac Morrogh King of Leinster Thirdly when there was any trouble in Ireland they fled to Wales when they had any warres or rebellion there they came for refuge and aide into Ireland hereof came the shaking of hands Brother Brannagh Brother Erinagh In the life of Henry the third it is written that when Othobon the Popes Legate came to Oxford and soiourned at Osney Abbey among other schollers some for one cause some for another that were there a poore Irish scholler Matthew Paris calleth him Capellanum Hibernensem drew neere unto the kitchin dresser and praid for some releefe the cook took a ladell full of hot liquor and threw it in his face a Welch scholler standing by tooke his bow and shot the cook through with an arrow Stow writeth that the cook was the Legates brother the hurly burly was great the schollers came together in armes and as it is said one Odo of Kilkenny was their ensigne bearer the Cardinals men were well beaten the Cardinall himselfe to save his life fled secretly at a posterne gate to the King made a grievous complaint and craved the aide of armed men to fetch off his men and thereof arose great troubles but to proceed Dermotte Mac Morogh King of Leinster being banished out of his country had aide out of Wales Conan the sonne of Iago Griffith ap Conan Rees ap Tewder Owen the sonne of Cadogan Kadwalader the sonne of Griffith ap Conan Marlgon ap David Princes of Wales Algar Earle of Chester Arnulph Earle of Pembroke Magnus the sonne of Herald William de Bruse Lord of Breknock with his wife and children in extremity tooke Ireland for their refuge where they found favor and kindnesse to their own hearts desire as in the British Chronicles published by Caradoc of Sancarban Cambrensis Humfrey Lloid and Doctor Powel doth more plainly appeare These two nations conversed much one with another Sir Tristram one of the Knights of the round Table came to Ireland Morogh brother to the King of Ireland whom Caxton calleth Morhaus was one of King Arthurs Knights Merlin the Welch Prophet came twice to Ireland and in Ofaby there is a Chappell bearing his name the occasion of his first comming was this There was a noble man of Ireland which had a suit unto the King of England with whom Merlin was great to whom he said Merlin if thou wilt effect my sute come to Ireland and I will give thee as much land as thou shalt see round about thee it was done after his arrivall Merlin demanded his promise the noble man put him into a cellar where was a grate and without a bawne with an high wall looke out saith the Irish man the Welch Prophet could not see a quoits cast from him and thus was he deceived having left his spirit of prophecy at home But to our purpose
Fourthly the first conquerors in Henry the seconds times that brake the ice into this land were Welch men whose names and seates to this day are fresh in memory Rees ap Tewder Prince of Southwales had a daughter called Nesta who by King Henry the first had issue Henry and he had issue Meiler Fitz Henry and Robart she was afterwards married to Stephan and he had issue Robart Fitz Stephan and his issue were Radulph and Mereduk shee had a third husband Giraldus Steward of Pembroke whose mother was Gladys the daughter of Rywall ap Conyn this Girald had issue by her Maurice Fitz Gerald William Fitz Gerald and David Bishop of Menevia now called Saint Davids Maurice Fitz Gerald had issue William Girald Alexander and Nesta a daughter wife to Harvey de Monte Marisco William Fitz Gerald had issue by Ellen sister to Earle Richard Strongbow Reimund and Griffin of these descend all the Geraldins in Ireland A neece a sister say others of Robart Fitz Stephans and Maurice Fitz Gerald married with one Barry and hee by her had issue Robart Barry Philip Barry Walter Barry and Girald Barry otherwise called Giraldus Cambrensis the great Antiquary of these descend all the Barries in Ireland There came with them and after them out of Wales the Prendergastes Welches Whites Goughes and Williams now called Mac William of the North. The Irish Chroniclers as David Curren Nicolas Maguize both somtimes Bishop of Leighlin and others call them Brittones Wallones and Wallenses It is a name the Saxons gave them though they were the true natives of Britaine yet they called them Welshmen that is strangers as more at large is to bee seen in Cambrensis These gave Welsh names to places which continue to this day in the Dioces of Leighlin there is a town called villa Wallicorū the town of Welshmen Carreg Craig in the British or Welsh tongue is a ston or rock and of the Britaines Carregfergus Carreggmont-Griffin Carregg in Shurie Carriggwaspani and Craigwading have their names Likewise Llis in British is a Court or Palace of that in Ireland you have Lismore Lisfenyn Lislofty Lismakery Glan and Glyn are British words of them have you Glangibbon Glandeboy Glan Reynald Glynburry Glyndelory Glynmolowra c. Inis an Iland is British and Irish of which kind are Inissircan Inisshoven Inisdiok Inissuag Iniscorthie and the like Rath a moat or round trench whereof there are many in Ireland made by the Danes if Beda had not said that it was a Saxon word I would have said it had been British and how many names of places are compounded with it in Ireland were too long to rehearse I will here give Stanihurst leave to conclude Omnes insulae locos et lucos Wallici nominis gloria implevit the renowne of the Welsh name saith he hath filled all the wayes and woods of the Iland The British words among them are infinite the which as I think the Irish have taken hold of and have caused to vary little from their speech for example British Bara Bread Irish Ran Br. Diod Drink Ir. Diogh Br. Tan Fire Ir. Tine Br Drus a Doore Ir. Dyrrus Br Ithyn Firres Ir. Ityn Br. Mawn Turfe Ir. Mon Br. Gaver a Goat Ir. Gawr Br. Mawr Great Ir. More Br. Myn a Kydde Ir. Mynan Br. Ty a House in both Ir. Br. Scadan a Herring Ir. Scadan Br. Carregg in both a Rock Ir. Br. Teer land or ground Ir. Tyr Br. Sidan in both Silke Ir. Br. Kos in both a leg or foot Ir. Br. Sane a paire of hose or stockins Ir. Fessane Br. Losky in both burning or burnt Ir. Br. Berw and Berwy in both sod Ir. Br. Glan in both a like Ir. Glyn   Duffrey in both alike   Duffrin Br. Mah a sonne Ir. Mac Br. Cuanid wood Ir. Cunnogh Br. Knaie nuts Ir. Knoe Br. Kwyr wax Ir. Kwyragh Br. Cantref an hundred townes Ir. Cantrud Eng. Cantred Br. Avon a river Ir. Owen   Moil in both bald   Mantagh in both toothlesse And thus much of the Irish language occasioned by the history of Gathelus and Scota now to the history from whence I feare mee I have too long digressed The hard successe of Nemedus before spoken of and the departure of Gathelus as hath beene said to the Northeast Ilands and North parts of Britaine now called Scotland moved five brethren the sonnes of one Dela of the posterity of Nemedus being valiant men and skilfull in the Art of Navigation to make ready a great fleet and to attempt the conquest of this Iland These were as I presently said of the posterity of Nemedus and were named Gandius Gennadius Sagandus Rutheranius or Rutheragus and Slanius of whom Slane hath the denomination when they had made preparation assembled forces and set all in a readinesse they hoised up saile and in short time arrived in Ireland about the yeere of the world 2535. After their arrivall and view had of the land they found the puissance of the Chamesite Giants sore weakned through their owne civill dissention so that with more ease then they looked for they atchieved their purpose wanne the whole country utterly destroyed and rooted out that wicked generation enemies to God and man but spared as many as they found of Iaphets line divided the Iland into five parts and in each of them they severally reigned This was the first division of Ireland the discourse whereof I will referre to another place Furthermore for the satisfaction of all parties and perfect league to be had among these brethren and their posterity they concluded to fix a meare stone in the middle point of Ireland to the which each of their kingdomes should reach so as they might in equality partake of the commodities found in that Iland Of these also it is said that they invented the distribution of Shires into Cantreds every Cantred or Barony to containe one hundred townships but of this in another place When they had for a certaine space seated themselves say the Irish Antiquaries and found warmth and wealth about them every one began to looke big and grow ambitious so that in processe of time desire of Soverainty set the five brethren at variance which in the end tended to their destruction In this civill dissention it is written that Slanius the yongest through the aid of some old inhabitants got the upper hand brought his foure brethren to a low estate attributed unto himselfe the title of supreme honour over them and encroched round about the middle stone and fixed meare aforesaid for the space of certaine miles which plot in time obtained the priviledge and name of one entire plot or part and maketh up the number of five parts into the which Ireland is commonly divided and is called Meth in Latine Media and of some Midia taking that name as some haue guessed for that in respect of the other parts it contained but the moity of Cantreds that is sixteene where each of the
other contained thirty and two or else for that it lieth in the midst of the land These encrochments Slanius annexed to his inheritance and Monarchy which Monarchy continued thus the space of thirty yeeres and then Slanius departed this life and was buried in a mountaine of Meth that beareth hitherto the name after him After his decease the Princes that before were subiect unto him began to gather heart stomached the matter and denied their obedience to his successour whereupon ensued continuall warre amongst them and especially about the land of Meth which strife of long time could not bee appeased yet in the space of thirty yeeres aforesaid of these brethren and their successors there were nine Kings In the neck of all these mischiefes and hurly burlies say the Irish antiquities there came a fleet of Scythians upon the coast landed their men in Ireland made claime to the land by a title of right which they pretended from their forefather Nemedus of whom mention is made before so that by partaking with the one side and the other all was in an uproare havock was made on each side with fire and sword in most miserable manner They spent themselves in pursuing one another with such outrage that they cared not what nation or what souldier they received to their aid to hold up or beat downe a side Both the one and the other sent for aid into the Ilands now called England and Scotland Orchades Hebrides c. and acquainted forrainers with their state so farre that they could never after be rid of them to wit the Britaines till in the end they yeelded unto them the upper hand as by conquests in processe of the history shall appeare Note gentle reader how that hitherto that is the yeere of the world 2828 and before the birth of Christ 1142 these North parts of the world as England Scotland Ireland with other Iles were possessed commanded and inhabited by the posterity of Iaphet and Cham the sonnes of Noah without any speciall name given to the lands or to the Commanders of them otherwise then Samothei Celtae Oceanes Neptunists and Albions although I have hitherto used the names now in ure for the plainer delivery of the history as if they had beene knowne before neither were any called Scots as Hector Boëtius would have it After the times of the former troubles which happened in Ireland upon the landing of the Scythians I finde nothing of Ireland till the dayes of Gurguntius the sonne of Belinus who began his raine according to the ordinary account anno mundi 3580 and reigned 19 yeeres over Britaine This King after his victory atchieved in Denmark for his tribute which they there had refused to pay him returning back toward Britaine met by the Iles of Orkeney with a navy of thirthy ships Stanyhurst saith 60 with men and women whose Generall was called Bartholin or Partholin in Ponticus Virunius Partolom in Flores Historiarum Partholaim in Gualter Oxoniensis Bartholome in Fabian Harding Grafton and Caxton Irlamal of whom they thinke the country to be called Ireland Gurguntius demanded of them what they were and the occasion of their travell their answer was they were Spaniards and had long beene on the seas seeking to finde some favourable Prince to assigne them a place of habitation for that their country was so populous that it could not containe them others write that for some disordered parts they were banished their country and where they found favour they would become subiects and hold of him as their soveraigne Lord. In this fleet with the Governor of Baion their Generall before named there were foure brethren of noble birth the sonnes of Milesius others say Miletus and others Milo the two chiefe of which were called Hiberus and Hermon And beside the former differences in the parents name Dowling writeth in his Irish collections that they were the sonnes of Iubal Hector Boëtius avoucheth they were the sonnes of Gathelus and Scota Stanihurst affirmeth that Scota was great or old grand-dame to Hiber and Hermon others write they were of the posteritie of Gathelus and Scota whereas Gathelus if there were any such was a Grecian and Scota an Egyptian Hiber and Hermon Spaniards see gentle Reader how these reports hang together Gurguntius being aduised by his Councell pittying their necessitie and wandring estate granted them the Iland now called Ireland to inhabite and that they should become tributaries to him and his successors the Kings of Britaine for ever For hee called to minde that the inhabitants were an unruly people and thought by this meanes to subdue them and quietly to enioy his tribute for it seemeth that the Britaine 's made claime to Ireland to which effect I reade in the Booke of Houth that Gurguntius came into Ireland and that the land many a yeare paid him truage and to other Kings of Britaine after him but as oft as they put foote in the land they got more knocks then pence saith an Irish Chronicler The King of Britaine hastening homeward gave them Pilots and safe conductors for their arivall and possession of the land Hiberus and Hermon after their arivall by the assent of all their associates divided the land betweene them the North to Hiber and the South to Hermon But ambition the mother of mischiefe would not long suffer them to enioy peace but rent their hearts with fierie dissention inflamed their mindes to desire one Soueraigne and absolute commander over the whole land they gather forces they muster their men they put on Armes and to battaile they goe in which field Hiberus was slaine though Hector Boetius write that he went into Spaine to succeed his father and Hermon became Monarch of all Ireland Hermon being thus sole ruler and governour to avoid the murmure of his people and the euill opinion in a manner of all men conceiued against him and peaceably to governe the land fell to purge himselfe and caused the occasion of the warres to be proclaimed that he bore armes against his naturall brother not of malice or desire of soveraigntie but in defence of his owne person and safety of his people and for proofe that his heart was farre from desire to rule alone he appointed certaine Captaines as Kings to command under him certaine Countries reserving unto himselfe one fourth part and the Country of Meth annexed to the Monarchie for the better maintenance of his princely estate By this meanes this Realme of Ireland in processe of time grew to five kingdomes the first Leinster on the East side or quarter called in Latine Lagenia and in Irish Cuige-Laghen The second Conaght on the west side of the kingdome called in Latine Connacia and in Irish Cuige-Chonoght The third Vlster which is the North part of Ireland named in Latine Vltonia and in Irish Cuigh-Vlladh The fourth Mounster South and South-west in Latine Momonia and in the country speech Cuige Mughan The fift and
signifieth a skilfull archer And these Pictes brought with them the use of darts which the Irish retaine to this day But I come to Beda who goeth plaine to worke When the Britaines saith hee had possessed the greatest part of the Isle beginning at the South it happened that a nation of Pictes out of Scythia with long shippes yet not many entred the Ocean the winde driving them about beyond all the coast of Brittaine they came into Ireland and arived in the North and finding there the nation of Scots desired of them to grant them a dwelling place amongst them but they could not obtaine it c. The Scots made answere that the Iland could not hold them both but wee can give you said they good counsaile what you may doe We know another Island not farre from ours reaching to the East the which we are wont oft to discerne in cleare dayes if you will goe thither you may make it your dwelling place or if any withstand you take vs for your aide And so the Pictes sayling into Britaine began to inhabite the North parts of the Iland for the Britaine 's held the South And when the Pictes had no wives and sought them of the Scots they were granted them onely upon this condition that when the title of Soveraigntie became doubtfull they should choose them a King rather of the Feminine bloud royall then of the Masculine the which unto this day is observed amongst the Pictes And in processe of time Britaine after the Britaines and Picts received that third nation of the Scots upon that part where the Pictes had their habitation who issuing out of Ireland with their Captaine Reuda either by loue or by the sword have wonne peculiarly unto themselves those seats which they hold unto this day and of this their captaine they are called Dalreudin for in their language Dal signifieth apart And here I cannot but meruaile at Hector Boetius and Buchanan what confusion they bring into the historie without regard of the truth they name Beda they call Reuda Reuther and say that he was the sixt King of Albania and that the Britaine 's made him flee into Ireland and that in the end he was restored to his kingdome againe which can no way agree with the words of reverend Beda whose credit we may not impeach for he saith they were Scythians and wanted a dwelling place and beganne to inhabit the North parts of the Iland If Reuda were King of Albania no thanke to the Irish men to direct him thither But let us goe on with the Pictes I finde in Lanquet that the Pictes were rebellious an 9 of Arviragus Anno. Domini 53. And Polycronicon affircteth as Beda wrote before that they came to the North of Ireland in Vespasians time Stow saith it was in Anno 73. Matthew the Monke of Westminster in Anno 75. and 76. Leslaeus and Bozius write that Reuda came about the yeere 360. which is very doubtfull and that then the Pictes wanting wives desired of the Britaines that they might march with their nation their suit being denied they went to the Irish who granted them wives upon the condition in Beda before rehearsed And farther Giraldus Cambrensis Polycronicon and Grafton concurring doe say that Scotland was first called Albania of Albanactus secondly Pictlandia of the Pictes thirdly Hibernia Ireland because of the alliance or affinitie in marriage betweene the Pictes and Irish last of all Scotland or Scythians land And hereof it commeth to passe that Ireland is called Scotland and Scotland Ireland the Irish Scots and the Scots Irish as one hath largely collected and the distinction of Scotia Major and Scotia Minor Harding hath an historie out of Mewinus a Brittish Chronicler Harding lived in the time of Henry the fift and sixt and in the daies of Edward the fourth which if it be true all that is formerly spoken of Gathelus and Scota his wife by the Scottish and Irish Chroniclers is of small credit namely how that Gathelus and Scota came into these North parts together with the Pictes Anno Domini 75. his words are these speaking of the King of Britaine Then to the Peights left alive he gave Catenesse To dwell upon and have in heritage Which wedded were with Irish as I gesse Of which after Scots came on that linage For Scots be to say their language A collection of many into one Of which the Scots were called so anone But Mewinus the Bryton Chronicler Saith in his Chronicle otherwise That Gadelus and Scota in the yeere Of Christ seventie and five by assise At Stone inhabite as might suffice And of her name the country round about Scotland she cald that time without doubt This Scota was as Mewin saith the sage Daughter and bastard of King Pharao that day Whom Gadele wedded and in his old age Vnto a land he went where he inhabited ay Which yet of his name is called Gadelway And with the Peights he came into Albanie The yeere of Christ aforesaid openlie c. Polycronicon and Cambrensis accord with Harding in this point that the King gave the Pictes a place to dwell in which is now called Galleway And saith Ponticus Virunius it was desert and waste where none dwelled in many dayes before The credit of Harding is great and he that list to know farther of him let him reade Bale Bishop of Ossorie who wrote his life I will now neither confirme nor confute but acquainte the reader with such antiquities as I finde and in a word to adde something unto that which went before of the time of the Pictes comming into these North and North-west parts Florilegus writeth it was Anno Domini 77. Functius and Polydore Anno Dom. 87. To reconcile the dissonance what every one saith may stand for truth for they came in severall companies and at severall times some into Ireland some into Albania and some into England I will from henceforward leave writing the kingdome of Albania and write the kingdome of Scotland Anno Dom. 73. began Marius the sonne of Arviragus to raigne in Britaine Humfrey Lloide calleth him Meurig who after his troublesome warres for nine yeeres space against the Picts and Scots ended with the helpe of Iulius Agricola is said to have aspired towards Ireland and to have placed garrisons on the coast and to the end he might performe some exploite there entertained an Irish Prince that was driven out of his country by civill dissention for his conductor I finde no issue recorded of this businesse In the 15. yeeres civill warres which ensued vpon the death of Lucius the sonne of Coile King of Britaine it is reported that Fulgenius called the Ilanders Albanians Pictes and Irish men to his aide against whom Severus the Emperour comming from Rome gave them battaile neere unto Yorke where Severus and a Prince of Ireland were slaine and Fulgenius deadly wounded the Emperour Severus
and the Irish Prince lye buried at Yorke In the antiquities of Ireland I finde that about the dayes of Constantine the great who beganne his raigne anno Dom. 310. one Realmond King of Vlster fell in love with a Lady of Leinster who had beene wife to the King of Connaught a woman they say of meane stature but of singular beautie when many Princes and Lords of Ireland laboured to winne her fauour her answer was that none should enjoy her loue but a Champion that by Marshall prowesse had prevailed in forraigne countries quitted himselfe like a man wonne the Garland and brought tribute with him to his native soile Realmond being overcome with the love of this Lady hoised up saile and went for France where he encounrted with a Champion and wonne a Garland called Civica Afterward comming to great Britain hee challenged the Duke of Cornewall and got of him a tribute thence he went into Scotland and encountred with Gyant Castreus and prevailed such was the manner of winning honour and dignity by marshall feates in those daies saith Saxo Grammaticus last of all he came backe to Ireland and acquainted his love the Lady he formerly sought for with his travaile his dangerous adventures and his good successe and now having prevailed abroad hee doubted not at home in regard of his kingdome his kindred and valour but to obtaine her fauour Shee being made throughly acquainted with his affaires abroad and at home gave many a sigh in his absence fearing some mischance might come to him and wishing she had not so peremptorily answered him but he no sooner came in place but she relented from her former hardnesse and with all speed the solemnity of marriage was performed But the match was disdained by others insomuch that he was hated of the Princes and Nobilitie of Ireland who had formerly affected the Lady whereof grew mutinies contentions and at last open warre and hee finding himselfe weake in comparison of his enemies was forced to flee into Denmarke where hee found favour and great aide of worthy Souldiers which came with him into Ireland where he and his generation together with the Danes and their posteritie effected many notable acts and continued many yeeres The Danes of the lyne of Fin Eryn that came out of Denmarke were these David the Kings sonne who had to his sonne borne in Ireland Deure Dove who had foure sonnes Covrry Boyskene Fyagh and Oghe Boyskene had a sonne called Garreneslo and Con-Caghmore was his sonne Con had a sonne named Ferrelogh and he had a sonne called Trenmore this Trenmore had to his sonne Coylle Negoe and he had a sonne called Fin-Fa alias Fin Mac Coylle and he had a sonne caled Oshen and he had a sonne called Osker This Oshen lived in Anno Dom. 432. in the dayes of Saint Patricke unto whom he made relation of many things before going and was by him baptized being of the age of seven score yeeres For proofe of this historie I finde in Saxo Grammaticus that wrote the historie of the Danes that Fin and Finni were a great sept there hardy stalworth men given to preying and burning of towne and country and happly the Irish conversing with them did learne those parts of them and that the name of Eric was of the royall bloud among them so Fin Erin turning c. into n. was a great commander there and conducted into Ireland many Danes And happly Ireland of old because of his great command and his posteritie might after him be called Erin this is but my conceit happly others can say more thereof These Danes increased and multiplied exceedingly and became great Commanders and Captaines over the whole land and tooke vpon them the defence thereof against all forraigne invasion In processe of time fell out the battaile of Fentra in Mounster valiantly fought by the Irish and Danes whereof the Irish Chroniclers make great accompt it was fought chiefly in Mounster by the Princes and power of Ireland with the aide of the Danes and generation of Fin Mac Coylle and Fin Eryn in which field they say all the forraigne enemies that came out of Scotland Cornewall Normandie Germany Spaine and Denmarke it selfe were overthrowne The occasion was as followeth Many Gyants and worthy Champions there were in those daies in Ireland of Irish and Danish birth hired by them for their defence these trauelling into forraine countries fought many combats and got yeerely tribute unto their country as the manner then was among such challengers For this they were generally envied and a day was appointed by the invaders to arrive together in Ireland to ouer-runne the country and roote out the whole nation The first company to the number of thirtie thousand landed at the Derrie where Conkedagh one of the Princes of the North being prepared for them by a sleight set their shipping on fire and met with them in a place where they were all overthrowne so that with their Armes those among the Irish that formerly wanted were furnished and made fit for the warres The second company of this combination came to Lambay landed their men at the Follesse of Skerries set their men in battaile array and marched to a place now called Cnoc-nagean that is the hill of dead mens heads where Dermotte Lamhdhearg King of Leinster met them fought a cruell battaile with equall fortune for the space of foure daies the Irish by reason of the spoile and victory got at the former battaile were mightily encouraged and also the milke and fresh meate which the country yeelded them and the strangers wanted made them the more able to fight to be short the strangers were overthrowne and thirty sixe thousand of them slaine whose Armes furnished Ireland throughly to encounter with the rest of the combination The third company came to Fentra in Mounster where the forces of Ireland being gathered together kept them from landing the space of seven dayes with the slaughter of many on both sides so that the sea-shore at sundry times was died redde with the bloud of the slaine karkasses untill that one Gillemore sonne to the King of Thomond being male-content for that he was remoued from the voward of the battaile to the rere revolted and by night stole to the enemie and directed them where they should safely land their men which accordingly came to passe so that the Irish knew it not untill the strangers had set their owne shippes on fire hee withall brought the invaders to such advantage of ground that they refreshed themselues for ten dayes without any annoyance from the Irish and afterward when they came to skirmish did himselfe divers times fight valiantly imbruing his hands in the bloud of his owne naturall countrimen At last it fell out after some bickering that hee called for water to wash his hands that were all full of the bloud of his countrymen which was left stand after he had therein washed and soone after
Gillemore O Connor Dunnes sonne of Connaght one that had stood out in rebellion against the Kings untill that time had in the Voward the leading of the light footmen whereof they made least account he therby to winne their favours and they to hazard him first Dermotte Lamhdhearg King of Leinster had the charge of the horsemen their bonnys were double armed well appointed active and venturous souldiers Dermot being well mounted got him to an advantage of ground and turned him to the armie with this speech My friends and fellowes in Armes whose great valour hath been oft tryed understand I beseech you the cause of this battaile Whereas heretofore we have sought out these and hired them in our warres for our defence and good of our country against our forraine enemies to be at our service and command they have committed all manner of outrage against vs and extortion upon the people of this land they abused our wives ravished our widowes defloured our daughters and maidens their meat their drinke their bedding will not content them but they must have money for eating drinking and sleeping Where they should have beene our true and dutifull seruitors they disdained the Princes of the land and made the people their villaines By maintaining of them wee made our country men idle and unapt for the warres by inriching of them we have beggered our selves and now see the villany of these verlates our provision our furniture our Armes and forces of our native soile they bend against us and not onely this but they have drawn to their present aide afresh both Danes and Norwegians Wherefore plucke up your hearts quitte your selues like men our cause is good wee fight for our selves our wives and children and the libertie of our country if we lose we are lost for euer and our children become bondslaues and our country subiect to these bloudy rascall strangers He had no sooner ended his speech but they all kissed the ground and gave a terrible shout that the woods about them rang thereat On the other side one Osker Mac Oshen experienced in the warres and bold of speech craved of the Danes and Norweyes libertie to speake and began as followeth My masters and fellowes the cause of this our assemblie is knowne unto you it is to maintaine that which we honourably wonne in the field and was granted our ancestors and their posteritie the which we have in writing to shew under the hands and seales of the ancestors of these faithlesse Kings and Princes that be in Armes against us There is no haven creeke or port in Ireland but that our predecessors and we tooke the charge of them since our first arrivall here out of Denmarke and valiantly defended the● maugre the beards of all forraigne enemies We fought many a battaile for them wee wanne them tributes and procured them discharge of tributes the which forraigne champions in combats had obtained of them and now for recompence they endevour eyther to banish us the land or put us to the sword Will yee understand what they are surely a people that keepe no promise with us therefore we doubt not but the better to speed and excepting a few of their Princes and Gentlemen that are valiant men indeed and daily exercised in feats of Armes the rest are but pesants poore and needy slaues bare arst bare legd and bare footed and of small strength For Armes they weare a skull a sword by their side hanging in a Wyth that compasseth their middle and a Target other some have darts the best thing in them is they are swift of foot I hope we shal speedily have the experience of that when we see them run away Their good meate best drink we took and made them fast their treasure we tooke to furnish us in apparell and Armes and left them unfurnished and bare their bedding wee had and made them lye on the ground their wives widdowes and maides were at our command to keepe us warme in the night and we gave them leave to lye among their swine The best soile we tooke to our selves and gave them mountaines and bogges alas poore sillie fellowes these be they that now take Armes against us Wherefore faint not be of good courage and we shall prevaile let us winne vantage of ground and get the side of the hill and bogge against them that their horses prevaile not and once master them we shall quickly over-runne the pesants now last kisse one another in token that you will live and die one with another His words being ended they marched forward with Pipes Cornets and Trumpets sounding Their chiefe armes were Skeynes Speares Darts Slings and Sparthes which we call Galloglas Axes they sent their boyes and varlets as they had formerly determined to the top of the hill The King of Leinster that had the leading of the horsemen no sooner espied them but contrary to the plot laid downe upon the hill of Trase put spurres to his horse and with a loud voyce said follow me they were straight upon their backes that fled so that the Danes had no leisure to receive them for their safegard but were driven to kill their owne before as the Irish did behinde Immediately came the light foot under the leading of Gillemore and together with the horse charged the voward of the Danes so that the rascals of the Danes and the light footmen of the Irish were slaine with the death and hurt of many a Dane Then came the great battaile of the Kings of Ireland in rescue of the horse with a great and terrible noise and gave a stout charge upon the enemie that kept the ground I meane the side of the hill and fiercely bare them downe to the bottome where they fought a cruell battell with equall fortune almost the whole day untill the King of Denmarkes sonne was slaine by the King of Leinster whereupon the Danes fled the Irish followed and had the killing of them without resistance till horse and man were weary and the Danes in a manner all destroyed Of the Irish were slaine as I finde in the antiquities of the land foure Kings twenty five Kings sonnes and of others nineteene thousand seven hundred and threescore though others extenuate the matter They say the horses went to their bellies in bloud also the ayre with the stinke was infected and thereof shortly after rose a grievous plague which cut off the wives children and servants of the Danes and of many of the Irish that were slaine There was at this field one Ferreis a Dane a valiant souldier in the fight but escaping with life for very sorrow of the overthrow and losse of his friends fell madde and kept company with wilde beasts to his dying day Fin Mac Coile one of the principall Captaines of the Danish sept was in Rome at the time of this field many things are reported of him worthy remembrance His chiefe house was
called Baragh-llys in Vlster he was a man in his prosperitie of great command in Ireland so that the Danes and Norweyans had through him great dealing and entercourse with Ireland and Ireland with them But yet as it sometime falleth out among the deerest friends many jarres and broiles and factions fell betweene them and especially betweene the sept of Klan ne Morne and Klan ne Boisken both which sides still relieved themselves out of Denmarke The King of Denmarke at last hearing of the same of Fin Mac Coile sent for him and tooke such a liking to him that he concluded to marry him unto his daughter Fin went thither with three thousand souldiers the King one day as they conversed together asked after the manner of the death of his three sonnes Comen Law-ne-Meyd and Feagh who formerly went into Ireland to maintaine one of the factions Dermot O Doyne one of Fins company answered trouble not thy selfe O King this is the hand that killed thy sonne Comen one Osker said this is the hand that killed thy sonne Law-ne-Meyd Keyn Mac Fin also said this is the hand that killed thy sonne Feagh Herewith the King was wroth and said Fin Mac Coile thou and thy men are my prisoners forthwith they drew their Skeynes the Kings guard for feare fled they tooke him prisoner carried him aboord their shippes hoised up saile and brought him to Ireland so as the marriage was dasht and the King driven to pay a ransome for his libertie before he could get from them This Fin Mac Coile also fought with a Gyant that landed at Houth and came to challenge combats for tribute and by policie not by strength overcame him his policie was this he caused him in the night for the space of three nights to be kept waking and in the day time to be fought withall and thereby weakened his strength and foiled the Gyant Toward his end one Gorre an old man after these former warres and troubles came to his house before spoken of and boasted unto the Gentlewomen then present of his feates in warre and the combats he had fought whereat they laughed he being offended with them sware in his anger that hee would burne them all got old timber and straw put it in the house fired it made fast the doores and compassed about the house with men that none might escape They cryed unto him out of their windowes to save their lives but he was inexorable and could not bee drawne to any compassion and when the house was readie to fall he fled into Mounster and there hid himselfe in a Cave Fin Mac Coile came home from hunting and beheld this wofull desolation how his Wife his Maides his old Souldiers his Horses his Greyhounds his Plate and houshold stuffe his Shields Iackes and Shirts of maile and his instruments of Musicke were consumed to ashes made after Gorre into Mounster where he found him and after some skirmish of both sides tooke him and brought him to the place where he had committed this villany Gorre when hee beheld the bones of them that were burned laughed and being asked why his answer was that hee laughed at them that formerly laughed at him This wil●e Gorre being kept that night from execution in the dead of the night stole away and was found in a Cave where by commandment of Fin Mac Coill Hugh Gorre his owne sonne killed his father and after became madde himselfe And the end of Fin Mac Coill was that he dyed a beggar and in great miserie So farre out of the booke of Houth Now to continue the storie It is written of Maximus who beganne his raigne in Britaine Anno Dom. 387 that he tooke great displeasure against the Scots and Irish for partaking with Conan and upholding the faction betweene him and Carodoch thus it is written Maximus drave the Scots out of Britaine and compelled them to get habitation in Ireland the out Iles and the North part of the maine and finally divided their region betweene the Britaines and the Pictes He denounced warre also against the Irish men for receiving them into their land but they craving peace yeelded to subscribe that from thenceforth they would not receive any Scot into their dominions Hector Boetius penneth this matter at large that all the Scots were banished and despersed themselves into the Hebrydes Orchades Norwey Denmarke and some into France and Italie And where Maximus somewhat tendred their utter ruine and overthrow and referred them to the Pictes for favour the Pictes most cruelly gave sentence that the Scots which fled not should eate the Pictes sword c And of Ireland he writeth Vpon the first comming of this newes all Ireland mourned and made great lamentation and when they had deliberately examined the exiles and understood all the accidents that befell them in Albion they appointed certaine dayes for a parley summoned from East to West all the Princes of the land to meete their Monarch at the certaine day and place prefixed to consult how and by what meanes the Roman forces might be resisted and the kingdome of Albion restored to their allies and cousins the Scots When they could devise no remedie for they feared the power of the Romanes they thought good to put up all iniuries and to intreate for peace To this purpose they sent Ambassadors to Maximus the Romane Captaine who at the first sharpely rebuked them for that they had sent aide into Albion against the Romanes their confederates and favourites and in especiall seeing that unto that day Ireland of all the kingdomes of the world felt little smart of the Romane sword In the end he received them into favour and granted them peace upon these conditions That they should thenceforth receive no enemies of the Romanes into the Realme of Ireland neither any that gave aide against the Romanes and that no rebell of the Irish under pretence of marchandize should thenceforth set foot in Albion These conditions of peace being concluded the Irish were quiet and trode not upon Scottish soile So farre Boetius Not long after this according to Ponticus Virunius Guanius King of Hunnes and Melga King of Pictes having long hulled here and there and roved upon the seas were by Gratianus after their invading of Britaine and Scotland in the absence of Maximus overthrowne and driven out of the kingdome and forced to flee for refuge into Ireland soule weather followed these two Kings and Ireland gave them hard entertainement at the first Notwithstanding I finde that this Guanius and Melga after the death of this Gratianus who usurped the kingdome of Britaine for the space of foure yeeres upon the death of Maximus who had slaine Gratianus the Emperour prepared againe for Britaine and brought with them the exiled Scots with Irish and Ilanders for their aide But to proceed Thomas Cooper who afterwards was Bishop of Winchester speaking of the returne of the Scots from exile
in his continuing of the Chronicle of Lanquet maketh the same to be Anno Dom. 423. and withall delivereth his conceit that the Scots about this time came first out of Ireland into that country which of them was called Scotland If he had referred it to a further yeere namely when the sixe sonnes of Muredus King of Vlster came to Scotland haply it would have carried some probabilitie but to say that it was the first comming of the Scots into Scotland I doe no more like of it then George Buchanan doth neither doth it concurre with the antiquities precedent or subsequent Cambrensis and Stanihurst doe direct me in this course Here I am to note saith Cambrensis that in the time of Neall Monarch of Ireland the sixe sonnes of Muredus King of Vlster with no small navie possessed the North parts of Britaine whence the nation issuing out of them and by speciall name called Scottish to this day inhabite that northerne angle but upon what occasion they came hither how and by what great treasons rather then voyages they banished the Pictes from those parts a stout nation farre passing them for armes and courage I referre to our Topographie of Britaine Stanihurst addeth this inrode into Albania was a little before the comming of Patricke So that these Noble men of Ireland came into Scotland in the time of Neale and Patricke came into Ireland in the time of Leigerius the sonne of Neale as hereafter more at large shall appeare In the meane time we reade how that Anno 430. according to Functius Celestinus Bishop of Rome sent Palladius into Scotland who was the first that gave them Bishops for unto that time the Churches without Bishops were governed by Monkes with lesse pride and outward pompe but with greater sanctitie and meekenesse of spirit c. I make mention of him for that as our Irish Anonymus and Iocelin doe write he landed in the North parts of Ireland where he hardly escaped with life as it is reported thence he went to the Ilands where he did much good lastly he came to Scotland preached the Gospell rooted out the Pelagian heresie and consecrated them Bishops c. At this time as it is written in the life of Declanus Christian religion first beganne and tooke roote in Ireland not as some have dreamed by Saint Iames the Apostle neither by Saint Patricke whom they terme the Apostle of Ireland The truth of the historie is as followeth There was one Colmannus in Mounster a reverend Priest and the first Christian which I finde upon record in Ireland that baptized one Declanus and delivered him to be brought up unto one Dymna a Christian schoolemaster under whom he profited so much that his fame was spread farre and nigh so that upon good advice and counsaile he travailed to Rome where Celestinus the Pope consecrated him Bishop where also he met with Albaeus a Bishop of Irish birth In his returne from Rome he mette with Patricke in Italie conversed a while with him and being inioyned by Celestinus hastened to Ireland and left Patricke that was bound for Rome Declanus after his arrivall in Ireland came among his owne sept whom mine Author calleth Nandesi and I take to be the ancient house of the Decies not farre from Lismore and there preached the Gospell and converted many to the Christian faith Thither came unto him saith the Legend seven holy men Mocellog Beanus Colmanus Lachuyn Moby Fyndlug and Caminanus they builded them celles conversed together and planted the Christian faith over all Mounster He went to Engus the sonne Nafrygh King of Mounster whose Pallace was in Cassill who gave him leave to preach yet received not the faith the reason of this favour as I finde it was for that Engus had married his mother and had issue by her Colman and Eochard Colman was by Saint Albaeus the Bishop baptized and then received the Ecclesiasticall habite Eochard raigned after his father King of Mounster Saint Declanus took a second iourney to Rome and was reverently entertained by David Bishop of Menevia after the effecting of his businesse he returned into Ireland and arrived in a place called Ard-naciored in Latine Altitudo ovium now called Ardmore the which soile the Lord of Nandesi gave him where goodly buildings have beene and as the record runneth Civitas sancti Declani quae in eo loco posita est vocatur Ardmore id est Altitudo magna Farther in the same Legend I finde Quatuor sanctissimi Episcopi cum suis discipulis fuerunt in Hibernia ante Patricium praedicantes in ea Christū scilicet Albaeus Declanus Ybarus Kyaranus alias Keran hi plures ad Christum rete evangelico traxerunt sed tamen sanctus Patricius Majores Hiberniae potentiores ad fidem convertit In their time Patricke sent from Celestine Bishop of Rome came to Ireland whom these foure Bishops with their followers saluted and seeing Patricke after the humour of humorous people more graced then themselves jarred with him they would not forsooth have any of forraigne nation to patronize the land In the originall it is recorded Ybarus nulla ratione consentire Sancto Patricio nunquam ei subditus esse voluit nolebat enim Patronum Hiberniae de alia gente habere conflictus magnos inter se ipsos Ybarus Patricius fecerunt But afterward by much adoe they were reconciled See gentle reader the infirmitie of men and emulation following the same At Cassill they were reconciled by Engus King of Mounster whom Patricke baptized who after his baptisme founded there the Cathedrall Church in the honour of Saint Patricke made it the Metropolitane See of Mounster and assigned Albaeus the first Bishop there This King held there a Parliament of spirituall and temporall persons of his kingdome ratifying the premisses pacifying all quarrels and yeelding contentment to all sides The Legend reporteth in quo decretum est ut Albaeus secundus Patricius Patronus Mumeniae esset Declanus secundus Patricius Patronus esset Nandeisi Nandeisi sua Diocesis usque ad finem seculi esset Postea sancti Episcopi salutantes benedicentes regem Engusum ad sua in osculo pacis cum spirituali gaudio ad opus Domini seminandum regressi sunt Wherein it was decreed that Albaeus should be a second Patricke and Patron of Mounster and that Declanus should be a second Patricke and Patrone of Nandeisi and that Nandeisi should be his Diocesse to the end of the world After all these holy Bishops saluted and blessed King Engus and in the kisse of peace with spirituall ioy returned every one to his charge to sow the worke of the Lord. Immediately there insued a grievous plague over all Mounster and especially at Cassill which was the death of thousands the manner of it was this first they had the yellow jaundies then they fell
Barret Edmund Lane Who flourished in the yeere 1518. So farre Master Stanihurst Hector Boetius putteth us in remembrance of the honour given her by Scots Pictes Irish and English nations and how that many Churches beare her name The superstitious Irish in processe of time found out a Bell called Clogg Brietta Brigids Bell whereunto to deceive the simple people they attribute great vertue and holinesse the which together with other toyes they carried about not onely in Ireland but also in England and were by Act of Parliament in England banished the land in Henry the fifts time Cambrensis reporteth that the harmonie of the foure Evangelists the worke of Saint Ierome was caused by Brigid most of it to be written in letters of gold and was as curious a worke saith he as ever I saw and called Brigids Booke the which was kept as a monument saith Stanihurst at Kildare She deceased about the yeere 510. another saith anno 548. and about the yeere 524. she was translated from the Hebrides into Dune and resteth by Saint Patrickes side as formerly hath beene declared in his life Ireland hath given her this Epitaph Flos patriae pietatis amans virtutis alumna Sidus Hibernorum Brigida virgo fuit In her Legend I finde mention of Ercus a Bishop the disciple of Saint Patricke borne in Mounster also of Saint Ruanus a Bishop Saint Numidus Saint Praecipuus Saint Daria a Virgin Saint Darlugdach called a Virgin and yet had a daughter that was baptized in the presence of Brigide This Darlugdach was the second Nunne and succeeded Brigide in Kildare whose remembrance is celebrated the same day with her Illand King of Leinster gave Brigide great honour of him I read in her Legend that hee was a most worthy Prince and fortunate in all his affaires Illand Rex Lageniae qui triginta bella in Hibernia vicit octo certamina in Britannia occidit Engusium regem Momoniae cum Ethna uxore quos Patricius baptizavit Illand King of Leinster who wonne thirty battailes in Ireland and eight combats in Britaine slue Engusus King of Mounster and Ethna his wife whom Patricke had baptized About this time lived Caelius Sedulius whom Damianus à Goes a Knight of Portingall challenged for a Spaniard Bale writeth hee was a Scot and Stanihurst that he was borne in Ireland I will first lay downe what Bale hath next what Stanihurst reporteth Caelius Sedulius saith Bale by nation a Scot. by calling a Priest a man trayned up in learning from his youth cleaved as a diligent scholler unto Hildebert the most learned Archbishop of Scots as Tritemius delivereth After the decease of his master being desirous of farther knowledge he tooke a painefull voyage in hand travailed throughout Spain France Italie Greece and Asia last of all after he had read in Achaia most learned lectures to the great profit of many hee came backe to Rome where with great labour he distributed most abundantly in like sort the treasure of singular learning Hee was a man exercised in holy Scripture of a singular wit excellently well seene in all manner of secular literature passing both for verse and prose so that Gelasius Bishop of Rome in the decrees dist 15. calleth him reverend Sedulius and gave his workes no meane commendation Pat●rius the disciple of Gregorius Magnus and Remigius Antisiodorensis in his commentary upon him of old have published his fame and renowne Sedulius both in verse and prose hath published many workes whereof in Boston of Burie and Tritemius I onely found these that follow Vnto Macedonius the Priest a singular worke which he intituled Carmen paschale lib. 4 Pascales quicunque dapes conviva requiris Elegia vel exhortatorium ad fideles lib. 1 Cantemus socij Dom. cantemus honorem De signis virtutibus lib. 1 Domino meo charissimo Gesta et miracula Christi lib. 4 Expulerat quondam c Superutroque testamento lib. 2   In Psalmos Dividicos lib. 1   Collectanea in Paulum lib. 14 Antequam Apostolica verba In Paulum ad Romanos lib. 1 Sciendum est quod hoc Ad Corinthios lib. 2 Quod nomen suum proponit Ad Galatas lib. 1 Hoc est non ab humana Ad Ephesios lib. 1 Refere scriptura testante Ad Philippenses lib. 1 Metropoli Macedoniae cum Ad Colossenses lib. 1 Hac vice Apostolatus autor Ad Thessalonicenses lib. 2 Quod non dicit Apostolus Ad Timotheum lib. 2 Non secundum praesumptionem Ad Titum Discipulum lib. 1 Hanc epistolam scribit de Ad Philemonem lib. 1 In carcere vel in catenis Ad Hebraeos lib. 1 Quoniam apud Haebraeorum De factis Christi prosaice lib. 2   Ad Caesarem Theodosiū lib. 1 Romulidum ductor Clariss Epist. ad diversos lib. 1 Sedulius Scotigena dilect In editionem Donati lib. 1   In Prisciani volumen lib. 1   Carmina diversi generis lib. 1   He published also certaine Hymnes which the Church useth 1 A solis ortus cardine Ad usque terrae limitem Christum canamus principem c. Hostis Herodes impie Christum venisse quid times c. 2 A solis ortus cardine Ad usque terrae limitem Christum canamus principem c. Hostis Herodes impie Christum venisse quid times c. He flourished in the yeere after the Incarnation 450. under Theodosius Iunior the Emperour what time Fergusius the second raigned in Scotland after his miserable exile by the Romanes Of this Author Sigebertus and Bostonus write more So farre Bale Stanihurst pleadeth for Ireland and writeth Sedulius was not only of Irish birth but also the light of all Ireland neither will we suffer any longer so excellent a man out of his native soile contrary to all right to exile or wander but he is rather to be restored to his former inheritance as it were with a new solemnity of birth In another place hee seemeth to qualifie the matter having already chalenged Damianus a Goes of iniurie and to reconcile the dissonance of varying writers that the Scottish is taken for the Irish and the Irish for the Scottish and to satisfie the reader noteth the confusion how that all the commentaries of Sedulius upon the Epistles of Paul beginne Sedulij Scoti Hibernensis c. the Commentarie of Sedulius the Scot of Ireland And to shut up this challenge of all sides I finde that there was a second Sedulius a man of no lesse fame and learning and hee is said to bee a Scottish man therefore let Ireland being more antient then Scotland take the first and Scotland the last In the like sort excepting the challenge standeth Fridelinus Viator so called by reason of his great travaile his stile is Scotorum Hibernicorum regis olim filius the sonne sometime of the King of the Scots in Ireland whom I couch among them of Irish birth because of the ancient stile and distinction often used
by Buchanan Scoti Albanenses and Scoti Hibernenses the first he challengeth for Scotland the second he referreth to Ireland and therefore I accept of him as granted He was a Kings sonne of Ireland excellently studied in Philosophie earnestly addicted to the ecclesiasticall course of life and to the end he might plant religion and spreade abroad christianitie enterprised a voyage farre from his native soile This holy man first of all taught here and there throughout France he came to Poitiers and became father of the Monkes of Saint Hilarie and with the aide of King Clodovarus erected a stately Monasterie the like he did at Mosella in Flanders upon the top of the mount Vosagius at Argentine Curia Rhetiorum and elsewhere throughout Burgundie Lastly he came to Angia Seckingensis upon the Rhene to the end he might there also build a Cell after many godly Sermons and learned Interpretations he is said to have written a Booke of exhortations unto the sacred Virgins He flourished in the yeere 495. and resteth in the Monasterie of Seckinge before spoken of Ireland remembreth the feast of Saint Fekin that hee was of the Kings bloud and an Abbot cured many of the flixe or fluxe and dyed thereof himselfe Many things are written of Saint Modwen whom the Britaines call Mawdwen the daughter of Naughtheus the Irish King who heard Saint Patricke preach and of her companions Orbila Luge Edith Athea Lazara Sith whom the Irish call Osith Osmanna and of Brigid spoken of before whereof some began with Patricke and ended with him some began with him and lived many yeeres after as Capgrave writeth in the life of Modwen to the time of the Bishop Collumkill otherwise called Colme and Columba and the Eremite Abbot or Bishop Kevin Saint Modwen was a Nunne lived 130. yeeres The Irish Scots and English in which countries she had travailed strove for her corps at length Columkill the Bishop gave sentence for England where shee resteth at Andreisey Bale writeth how that one Galfride Abbot of Burton upon Trent in the time of King Iohn wrote the life and memorable acts of this Irish Virgin Modwen unto the posterity with great applause Capgrave writeth the life of Saint Sith otherwise called Osith that was brought up under Modwen that she was a Kings daughter and borne in England Leppeloo the Carthusian and other forraigne Writers say little of her saving that the Danes being Heathens cut off her head and that shee tooke her head in her armes carried it uprightly three furlongs off knockt at the Church doore being lockt with her bloudy hands and there fell downe The Martyrologe of Sarum confoundeth Dorothy and Saint Sith thus the 15. of Ianuarie the feast of Saint Dorothie otherwise called Saint Sith is kept in Ireland who refused marriage fled into a Monasterie where the devill appeared unto her and there mine Author left her Of Osmanna the Virgin I finde little saving what Capgrave reporteth that she was of the bloud royall in Ireland and having infidels to her parents fled into France dwelled upon the banke of Loire the river of Lions and there in peace ended her dayes I read that about this time one Tathe the sonne of an Irish King forsooke his fathers possessions went to the Diocesse of Landaffe in Wales and became a Monke builded a Monasterie and there left his bones Gualterus Calenius Archdeacon of Oxford Caxton and others doe write that Aurelius Ambrosius after his valiant exploits and noble victories went to a Monasterie neere Cair-caredoch now called Salisburie where through the treason of Hengist which the Britaines call Toill y Killill Hirion the treason of the long knives the Nobles and Princes of Britaine were slaine and buried called his Councell and demanded what monument were meete to be made there in remembrance of so many Nobles of the land there resting in the dust of the earth Carpenters Masons Carvers Ingravers and Tombe-makers being out of all places sent for came thither delivered their opinions but concluded nothing Then stepped forth a Bishop which said O King if it may stand with your pleasure there is one Merlin of Worcester a Prophet a searcher of Antiquities a man of rare gifts I wish his opinion in the matter Merlin came and being advised said as followeth Most Noble King upon occasion offered I went lately into Ireland and having ended my businesse I was inquisitive of antiquities and sight of monuments where among other things being brought to a mountaine of Kildare I saw so rare a sight in so rude a country as might bee seene there was a round row of huge stones the which none of this age had so framed neither could be unlesse Art had mastered the common skill of man send for them and set them vp as they are there couched and they will bee a monument whilst the world standeth Hereat the King smiled and said how shall we convey so great stones into Britaine from so farre a countrey and to what end as though Britaine yeelded not as good stones to all purposes Merlin replied be not displeased O King there is a hid mystery in those stones they are medicinable and as I was given to understand in Ireland the Gyants of old dwelling in that land procured them from the farthest part of Affricke and pitched them there in them they bathed themselves and were rid of their infirmities The Britaines hearing this were perswaded to send for them the King appointed his brother Vter-Pendragon with Merlin and fifteene thousand men to effect the businesse In a short time they arrived in Ireland Gillomer King of Leinster raised an Armie to resist them and reviled the Britaines saying what fooles and asses are you are the Irish better then the British stones and turning himselfe to his Armie said come on quit your selves like men keepe your monuments and defend your country Vter-Pendragon seeing this animated his company they met and manfully encountred in the end Gillomer fled and the Irish were discomfited Vter-Pendragon marched on they came by Merlins direction to the place and beholding the hugenesse of the stones they wondred yet they joyed that they had found them To worke they went some with Ropes some with Wythes some with Ladders and carried them away brought them to Britaine and pitched them in the Plaine of Salisburie which place is now called Stonehenge Beside this there are divers monuments of Gyants in Ireland as at Dundalke Louth Ardee and on the hilles not farre from the Naas the like Saxo Grammaticus reporteth of the Danes a nation famous for Gyants and mighty men and this saith he the great and huge stones laid of old upon Caves and Tombes of the dead doe declare About this time Passent the sonne of Vortiger that fled into Germany for aide arrived in the North parts Aurelius Ambrosius met him and put him to flight Passent came into Ireland delivered his griefe unto Gillomer King
of Leinster craved him to extend his Princely favour toward him Gillomer on the other side complained of the wrong done him by Vter-Pendragon and the Britaines namely how they had slaine his subiects wasted his country and carried away his rare monuments concluding that hee was willing of himselfe to be revenged of them much more finding this opportunitie Caxton saith he came with fifteene thousand Irish to aide Passent against the Britaines the Armie was great for with Passent came Germans Irish and Saxons and arrived at Menevia now called Saint Davids at which time Aurelius Ambrosius being sicke of poyson by the procurement of Passent of which he died Vter-Pendragon was appointed Generall of the field met with the invaders fought a bloudy battaile where many fell on both sides and in the end slue Passent and Gillomer and ouerthrew the Germans Irish and Saxons and was crowned King of England I doe finde in Antiquaries together with Florilegus Fabian Caxton Holinshed and Fleminge men of great iudgement that the Pictes and Scots in the dayes of King Arthur who succeeded his father Vter-Pendragon ioyned with the Saxons and drew to their aide Gillomer second of that name King of Ireland so that Arthur sent for Howell his sisters sonne King of little Britaine in France who came with fifteene thousand fighting men and ioyning forces with Arthur foyled the Pictes Scots and Saxons vanquished the Irish King and chaced him into Ireland and the yeere following viz. five hundred twenty and five in revenge of the former aide hee came into Ireland offered King Gillomer battaile hee then being Monarch of Ireland as Caxton and the book of Houth record assembled the Princes and Nobles of the land and it is said that King Anguish came to the field with five thousand horse but Arthur constrained them to yeeld and to acknowledge by doing their fealtie to hold the Realme of Ireland of him Whereof Harding saith The somner next Arthur went to Ireland With battaile sore forefoughten y conquered And of the King had homage of that land To hold of him so was he of him feared And also gate as Chronicles have us lered Denmarke Friseland G●tland and Norwey Iseland Groenland the Isle of Man and Orkney The booke of Houth recordeth that anno Dom. 519. Arthur summoned to a speciall feast of solemnitie of the round Table Gillomer the Monarch of Ireland and King Anguish with the Princes and Nobles of the land where they continued during the whole time of the solemnitie In which triumph it is recorded that Garret King of Orkeney sonne to King Lotho and nephew to Arthur being one of King Arthurs Knights together with his two brethren performed most valiant exploits encountred with Anguish King of Ireland Goranus King of Scotland Cador Duke of Cornewall and with other Princes and wanne great honour This Anguish claimed tribute from Marke King of Cornewall that formerly was wonne by combate and sent Morogh whom Caxton calleth Marhaus the Queene of Leinsters brother who was also one of King Arthurs Knights to demand it he was a valiant Gentleman often tryed and ever quitted himselfe with honour The Frenchmen calleth him Le Morhoult d'Ireland and a Citizen of London thus blazoneth his Armes In silver shield on fesse of peeces five throughout the same He bare a Lyon Rampant red and arme greene whose name Might seeme to signifie in truth each mighty enterprise A prey most fit for his courage as is the Irish guise Marke King of Cornewall denieth the tribute offereth the combate and Sir Tristram undertaketh it for him Morogh for himselfe pleaded that he was to encounter with none unlesse he were a King or Queene a Prince or Princesse sonne the circumstances being considered and agreed upon the combatants meete and fiercly fight the battaile was a long time doubtfull in the end Sir Tristram gave Sir Morogh with his sword a sore blow that a piece of the edge stucke in his scull whereupon the combate ended Morogh returned into Ireland and shortly after died of the wound This doth Caxton and the booke of Houth deliver at large But I may not end thus with Sir Tristram he also was sore wounded with a Speare whose head was venomed and could not be cured untill that by counsaile he repaired to the country where the venome had beene confected Whereupon he came to Ireland and to King Anguish his Court and having great skill upon the Harpe he recreated himselfe delighted the house and fell in loue with La Bell Isod the Kings daughter and she with him In processe of time the Queene had learned that he had given her brother Morogh his deaths wound and comparing the piece of the swords edge which was taken out of the skull with his sword found them to agree and banished him the land Not long after upon conference had with Marke King of Cornewall of marriage and commending the beautie and vertues of La Bel Isod spoken of before hee commeth to Ireland to intreate of marriage betweene King Marke and her And having effected his purpose taketh her with him to Cornewall where Marke espoused her with great ioy and solemnity but the old secret love betweene Tristram and her had taken such impression in both and so inflamed their hearts that it could not easily be quenched so that in processe of time Marke espied it and in his furious jealousie slue him as he played upon the Harpe to recreate La Bel Isod and thus as his love began with the Harpe so it ended at the Harpe it is recorded that Isod came to his grave and swouned She was saith mine Author so faire a woman that hardly who so beheld her could not chuse but be enamoured with her In Dublin upon the wall of the Citie is a Castle called Isods towre and not farre from Dublin a Chappell with a Village named Chappell-Isod the originall cause of the name I doe not finde but it is coniectured that her father King Anguish that doted on her builded them in remembrance of her the one for her recreation and the other for the good of her soule About the time that King Arthur raigned lived many famous men of Irish birth renowned for their great learning and sanctitie and commended by divers Antiquaries both at home and abroad to the posteritie But before I come to speake of them I must first make mention of Congellus a Britaine by birth who builded the Monasterie of Bangor not farre from West-Chester which was called the Colledge of Christian Philosophers and became the first Abbot thereof himselfe in the dayes of King Arthur anno Dom. 530. I make mention of him because Bernard in the life of Malachias reporteth this Colledge or Abbey which he built to have beene the head or principall Abbey of all the Monasteries in Europe the seminarie or bee-hive of many thousands of Monkes after the Apostolike manner getting their living with the sweate of their
the field and perswaded him to retraict saying further that there was no hope of good successe to bee obtained in this field This man being taken confessed the whole treason and for punishment was carried to the winde gates twelve miles from Dublin set alive standing in the ground with a great heape of stones about him as it pleased the Commanders to direct In Stanihurst I finde that the the chiefe Potentates of the Irish were Brian Borow Miagh Mac Brian whom formerly I termed Morogh Tady O Kelly Dolir Ahertegan and Gille Barramed and that they were buried at Kilmaniham over against the great Crosse. Anno 1031. as it is remembred by Caradoc in the British Chronicles there was great stirre and bloudshed in South-Wales by the meanes of Howell and Meredith the sonnes of Edwyn ap Evean ap Owen ap Howell Dha that made claime unto that country against Rytherch ap Iestyn Prince of South-Wales Howell and Meridith hired unto them a King of Ireland whose name is not set downe which brought with him a great armie of Irish-Scots the armies met the fight was cruell much bloud on both sides was shed in the end Rytherch the Prince was discomfited and slaine by which means they attained unto the governement of South-Wales the which they ioyntly ruled and bountifully rewarded the Irish King There is at Sauntrie some three miles from Dublin yeerely remembrance of Saint Pappan that was borne there Molanus calleth him Poppon He travailed into France builded there many Monasteries saith mine Author and preferred to governe them many men became an Abbot himselfe and departed this life Anno 1048. and lyeth buried at Stabuletum in France where hee governed Lastly mine Author noteth that he was a Saint but never canonized Conan the sonne of Iago Prince of North-Wales married Ranulph the daughter of Alfred King of Dublin who in the warres betweene Iago his father and Griffith the sonne of Lhewelyn ap Sitsylte sometimes King of Wales saith Caradoc was driven to flee into Ireland for safegard of his life This Conan Anno 1041. came with Alfred his father in law with great power out of Ireland to recover his country they shortly landed in Wales and by treason secretly tooke Griffith the King and carried him towards their ships but when it was knowne the country upon the sodaine rose armed themselves followed the Irish men made great slaughter of them rescued their Prince and drove Alfred and Conan with the rest of their forces to their shippes and so to Ireland Stow following Fabian writeth how that Anno 1049. certaine forces out of Ireland whom hee calleth Irish Pirates with 36. ships entred the mouth of Severne landed in a place called Westlapham and with the helpe of Griffith King of South-Wales spoyled along those coasts and did great mischiefe Afterwards Griffith and those Irish Pyrates ioyning their powers together passed over the river Wie and burnt Dumenham and slue man woman and childe leaving nothing behinde them but bloud and ashes Worcester Glocester and Herefordshire rose in Armes against them but many of them in cruell fight being slaine the rest put to flight the Irish returned home merrily loaden with spoyle Anno 1050. Conan gathered an armie of his friends in Ireland attempting the second time the recoverie of his inheritance he hoysed up saile towards Wales but on a sodaine there arose such a tempest upon the seas that scattered his Navie and drowned the most part of his ships so that he gave over the voyage for that time About this time wherein the English and British historiographers doe agree Robert Archbishop of Canterbury accused Earle Godwin and his five sonnes especially Swaine and Harold of treason and Queene Editha the daughter of Godwin of adulterie who being called before the King refused to appeare and therefore were banished the land and the Queene was put away from the King Godwin and Swaine fled to Flanders Harold and Leofwin Warwell saith Holinshead to Ireland and the Queene was sent with one Maid to the Monasterie of Wilton Immediately the King disposed of all their possessions It was not long after ere Godwin and Swaine got shippes men munition and all necessaries in Flanders the like did Harold and Leofwin in Ireland they all met upon the seas to wit the father the mother and the five sonnes they spoyled the I le of Wight Partland Peveneseny Romny-heath Folkeston Dover and Sandwich and entring the Thames destroyed Sheppey and burned the Kings houses at Mielton Then they met with the kings Fleet upon the seas and being ready to fight Bishop Stigand stept betweene them and reconciled both sides in such sort that the King restored them their lands and goods tooke home the Queene and banished Robert the Archbishop with all the French men which had put buzzes and suspitions into the Kings head Anno 1054. as Powell in his annotations upon Caradoc hath learnedly collected King Edward by evill counsell as it was thought banished Algar Earle of Chester which had treason laid to his charge whereupon Algar gate him into Ireland and there providing him eighteene shippes of warre well appointed and manned with stalworth men of Irish birth returned and joyned himselfe with Griffith King or Prince of Wales who both together invaded the country of Mercia about Hereford where Ranulph Earle of that country who was sonne to King Edwards sister named Goda by her first husband Walter de Manut came against them with a great armie and met them about two miles from Hereford where after a sore fight by the space of three houres Ranulph and his armie were discomfited and about 500. of them slaine and the rest put to flight whom Griffith and Algar pursued to Hereford and entring the towne set the Cathedrall Church on fire and slue the Bishop named Leogar with seven of the Canons and most lamentably as it falleth out in warres spoyled and burned the towne King Edward being advertised hereof gathered an armie and sent Harold the sonne of Earle Godwin against them who pursuing the enemies to North-Wales passed through Stradlewyde to Snowdon but Griffith and Algar being loath to meete Harold got them againe into South-Wales whereof Harold being advertised left one part of his armie in North-Wales to resist the enemy there and returning with the residue to Hereford caused a great trench to be cast round about the towne with a high rampire strongly fortifying the gates of the same After this by meanes of a parlee had with Griffith and Algar at a place called Biligellagh a peace was concluded whereupon Algar being pardoned by the King and restored againe to his Earledome returned home to Chester About two yeeres after Algar was accused againe of treason and the second time exiled the land fled into Ireland where he was most ioyously received of his old followers and offered more kindenesse then he requested for hee had most honourably dealt with the Merchants and owners of the former ships and most
the holy man ceased not to travaile among them by preaching and teaching and by all meanes possible to winne them not long after a certaine King of Vlster destroyed Conor and put the people to the sword burned and spoyled and made havocke of all whereupon Malachias with a hundred and twenty brethren fled to Mounster where King Cormake gave him great entertainement and ayded him greatly in the building of the Monastery of Ybrak By this time Celsus spoken of before fell sicke and dyed The rude people thrust in Mauritius that usurped the place some five yeeres then Malchus Bishop of Lismore and Gislebertus the first Legate that came to Ireland from the Pope called the Bishops and Princes of the land together appointed Malachias for the place And when death had swiftly cut off the intruder Mauritius that damnable nation thrust in Nigellus but he prospered not long so that Malachias enjoyed it quietly Of the injury done to that Church and the abuse of that time heare Bernard as he learned of Conganus and others report The see of Ardmach saith Bernard for the reverence and honour of Saint Patricke the Apostle of that nation which converted that whole land to the faith in the which See living he ruled and in which dying he rested is had of all men from the beginning in so great reverence that not onely the Bishops and Ministers of the Clergie but the Kings and Princes of that nation carry themselves in all obedience unto their Metropolitane so that he being one ruleth all but there crept in a most detestable custome through the divellish ambition of certaine mighty men that the holy See was obtained by inheritable succession neither were any suffered to enioy the Bishopricke but such as were of their tribe and familie neither did this execrable succession hold for a small time but for the space of fifteene generations now in this diabolicall malice elapsed And so farre this wicked and adulterous generation had confirmed to it selfe this lewd interest yea rather an injurie to be punished with all manner of death that if at any time there should want Clerks of that race yet never wanted Bishops To be short there were before Celsus eight Bishops married men besides himselfe without orders yet learned men from hence over all Ireland issued that dissolution of ecclesiastiall discipline which Malachias found in Conor the rooting out of godly censure and the abandoning of religion from hence every wherein stead of Christian meekenesse was brought in cruell barbarousnesse yea paganisme and infidelity under a Christian name for that which was not heard of from the originall of Christianitie without order without reason the Metropolitans at their pleasure changed and increased the number of Bishops so that one Bishopricke contented not it selfe with one Bishop and no marvaile for how could it fare well with the members of so diseased a head they possessed the Sanctuary of God in this sort the space well neere of two hundred yeeres hee meaneth unto the dayes of Celsus and Malachias Cambrensis in his itinerarie of Cambria had relation no doubt unto this where he with Baldwin Archbishop of Canterbury in visitation about Wales came to the Church called lure padaen vacor that is the Church of great Paternus mis-stiled with the governement therof for thus he writeth This Church like as many more throughout Ireland and Wales hath a Laye man to their Abbot use hath prevailed and a lewd custome hath crept in that great and mighty men in Parishes have beene by the Clergie appointed Patrons and defendors afterwards have usurped unto themselves the right thereof Immediately hee reporteth of a travailer that came hither out of little Britaine in France that had for his further knowledge seene many countries and fashions of sundry nations and entring into the said Church on the Sabbath day wayted for divine Service they rung the Bell they tould they waited long at length came in the Abbot with some twenty after him in armes and wilde lookes every one having fon villuge so the Britaine 's termed it a forrest Bill on his shoulder the travailer asked which is the Abbot answer was made the formost with the greatest forrest Bill the travailer asked hath he any other ornament or doth he use any other weede answer being made no then said hee I have travailed farre enough I will see no more fashions whilst I live after that I have seene an Abbot carry a forrest Bill upon his backe Now to returne whence I have made this digression for the abuse of the Church causeth me to abuse the reader Malachias when he had peaceably enioyed Ardmagh some three yeeres with the consent of the three Bishops and Princes he resigned his place to Gelasius and returned to his former Bishopricke not of Conor but of Dune for he had placed one in Conor before to wit Oedanus his disciple here Bernard noteth that where Dune and Conor were before this time united through ambition and covetousnesse this man of devotion and conscience separated them againe dividing the Churches as they had beene of old for the good will he bare to Armagh he tooke his iourney towards Rome landed in Scotland came to Yorke sailed to France and lodged at Clarevallis hee came to Rome in the time of Innocentius 2. who made him his Legate of Ireland in the roomth of Gislebert the old man spoken of before which had made sute to be removed Boniface appointed Armagh to be a Metropolitane See but did not effect it and promised the pall which he did not performe Bernard maketh mention of two Metropolitan Sees one procured by Celsus the other by Malachias but where and how I finde no antient record Bale is of opinion they were in vocibus and not in rebus for lacke of money to pay for them Vpon his returne hee came to Clarevallis thence to England so to Scotland where King David most royally entertained him and lastly to his Abbey of Benchor in Vlster Of his conversation heare Bernard from the day of his birth to the day of his death hee lived sine proprio without claiming propertie in any thing he had neither men servants nor maid servants neither townes nor villages neither any reuenue ecclesiasticall or temporall in his Bishopricke for his provision ad mensam episcopalem hee had no certainty allotted him whereupon a Bishop might live hee had no certaine Monastery or dwelling place for hee daily went about all the Parishes preaching the Gospell and living by the Gospell as the Lord had ordained saying the labourer is worthy of his reward of his labours and such as travelled with him he carried about to relieve them all to be short Malachias neither in dyet or rayment was discerned from the rest of the brethren when he went a preaching with footmen he went on foot being a Bishop and a Legate and here Bernard exclaimeth when he entreth into the consideration of the difference betweene him and his
brethren and the nephewes of the Apostles so he calleth them Towards his latter dayes hee sorrowed that Ireland had not the pall and as oft as he thought upon Innocentius 2. his promise he sighed who as formerly I have delivered had promised not performed when he heard that Eugenius his successor was come unto France he thought it a fit time to obtaine his purpose he tooke shipping for Scotland where King David received him as in times past and thence unto England where the jarre betweene the King of England and the Pope hindred his passage yet he got into France and straight to Clarevallis where hearing that Pope Eugenius was returned to Rome he rested himselfe fell sicke of an ague and there dyed being of the age of 54. yeeres Anno 1148. 4 Nonas Novembris so farre Bernard in substance yet Antonine saith hee dyed Anno 1140. In his time lived Conganus Abbot of Benchor who enformed Bernard of the whole life of Malachias and wrote at large thereof himselfe inserting many fabulous things and saith Nicholas Magwire he wrote not onely the life of Malachias but also the life of Bernard I finde him to be the Patron of Killaskin otherwise called Killeshin in Monte Margeo and the Barony of Marghagha in Leynster spoken of before In this time lived Tundalus Magus so surnamed because suspected for a Sorcerer borne and brought up in Mounster in Cashell saith Lepelo in the West of Ireland of Noble birth and by calling a Knight Antonius out of Vincentius reporteth that hee was fierce and cruell and in the end became a Carthusian Monke for that order beganne as we may reade in the life of Bruno the first founder thereof upon some great extremity whereof the Proverbe rose desperatio facit Monachum desperation maketh a Monke it seemeth that he had in his life time committed some hainous offences and was mightily tormented in conscience and fell into trances and extasies upon his recovery he delivered unto the world strange damnable untruths saith Bale of Heaven Hell Purgatory and I wot not what for a man distracted knoweth not what he saith Bale writeth talia ad terrorem fingebant scelestissimi Nebolones somewhat excusing him and extenuating his imbecillities and biddeth him farewell Clarint Stephano Rege in Anglia dominante satana apud Hybernos suas vires exercente hee flourished when Stephen raigned over England and the divell domineered over Ireland Hee wrote a booke of Revelations the which Melchior Canus Albertus Crantzius and Gobelenus have utterly condemned He wrote also the life of Vrsula and the 11000. Virgins printed at Cullen the which Zazarias Lepelo counteth for lyes and fables Anno 1142. the Abbey of Molyfont was founded by Donatus alias Donogh King of Louth alias Vriell some call him Donogh Ocarvell the first Abbot was Christianus who afterwards was Bishop of Lysmore and Legate of all Ireland Anno 1144. William Bishop of Winchester by authority of Pope Celestine 2. in a Councell held at London brought in the use of cursing with Bell Booke and Candle which liked the Irish Priests well to terrifie the Laytie for their Tithes Foxe Anno 1148. there fell great variance betweene Owen surnamed Gwyneth Prince of North●Wales and Cadwallader his brother they were both the sonnes of Griffith ap Conan Prince of North Wales This Cadwallader fled into Ireland and hired to his aide Octer Mac Octer Curbell Mac Therulfe with a great number of Irish men and red shankes for 2000. markes and landed at Abermeany in Carnarvonshire against whom Prince Owen came with great power but before the Armies met there was a peace concluded betweene the brethren which when the Irish men understood they kept with them Cadwallader as prisoner for their pay formerly promised so that hee was faine to deliver 2000. heads of Cattell besides many prisoners and spoyles that were taken in the country but Prince Owen as soone as he knew his brother to be set at liberty set upon the Irish men his stomacke was full of revengement slue a great number of them and recovered all the Cattell with the prisoners and other spoyle so that in the end as many as escaped with life returned to Ireland with sorrow shame and losse and made no bost of their voyage so writeth Carodoc The same yeere Anno 1148. Iohn Papire a Priest Cardinall together with Christianus Bishop of Lismore the Popes Legate over the whole Land being sent by Eugenius came into Ireland And in Anno 1151. saith Mathew Paris but by the consent of most Writers Anno 1152. summoned a Councell where in the presence of the Bishops Abbots Kings Dukes the Antients of Ireland by the Apostolike authoritie Colledge of Cardinals consent of the Bishops Abbots others there present they ordained foure Archbishopricks in Ireland and gave them foure pales to wit Ardmach Dublin Cashell and Tuam In Ardmach then sate Gelasius in Dublin Gregory in Cashell Donatus in Tuam Edanus these were the first Archbishops of Ireland The records from that time to this day of the foure Provinces the foure Archbishoprickes with their Bishops and Suffragans in Latine and vulgar speech with their titles of Saints and Patrons together with the unions of them in processe of time following I finde thus Anno 1151. these Abbies were founded de Beatitudine de duillio de Magio de valle salutis and happily the Monasterie which Mathew Paris and Polychronicon spake of upon this occasion There was a Knight say they called Owin of Irish birth which had long served King Stephen in his warres got licence to repaire unto his native soile and to visit his friends when hee came to Ireland hearing the fame of the Purgatory of the second Patricke the Abbot and not the Bishop so I reade in Polychronicon it came in his minde to visit the same he being in the Cave and concavities under ground saw strange sights and making report thereof unto King Stephen obtained licence of him thenceforth to leade a religious and solitary life he obtained also of King Stephen so Mathew Paris writeth a parcell of ground in Ireland to build a Monasterie called Luden an Abbey of white Monkes where Gervasius became the first Abbot and where Gilbert a Monke trayned up Owen in the order thereof This Gilbert saith mine Author wrote as Owen told him all the reports that are now extant of that Purgatory so that it seemes to be no antient matter but a late device first found by this Owen in the late dayes of King Stephen Anno 1152. was the battaile of Monad more fought in Ireland betweene Leinster and Mounster men where saith Holinshed the flower and chiefest personages of Leinster and Mounster were slaine and saith Iohn Plunket Mounster lost the field Anno 1154. Terdielach King of Connaght dyed there succeeded him Rorie Oconochor Rowag commonly called Roderic who slue his owne brother that aspired to the kingdome of Connaght and in this successe attempted further and
became Monarch of Ireland Henry 2 King of England the sonne of Mathilda the Empresse subdued Scotland Ireland Orchades and the furthest Ocean Ilands he was Protector of France and was offered the kingdome of Ierusalem this Noble Henry was crowned King of England Anno 1154. he married Elenor daughter and heire of William Duke of Aquitaine the which Elenor had been formerly married to Lewis King of France and upon dislike divorced under pretence that they were within the fourth degree of consanguinity he was knighted by David King of Scots and after many broyles much bloudshed adopted by King Stephen for his sonne and consequently proclaimed heire apparant to the Crowne of England and thereupon after the discease of Stephen crowned with great ioy and applause of the people Anno 1154. the same yeere that Henry the second was crowned the Abbey of Kyrie-eleeson was founded Anno 1155. saith Mathew Paris and Fabian and the first or second of Henry 2. raigne though Stow referre it to the 7. and Anno 1160 the King cast in his minde to conquer Ireland hee saw that it was commodious for him and considered that they were but a rude and savage people for so the historiographers doe write whereupon in his ambitious minde he sent unto Adrian Bishop of Rome one Iohn Salsbury who by the said Bishop afterwards was made Bishop of Carnolum in France with others delivering his sute to that effect Adrian being a man of English birth heard his Ambassadors the more willingly considered the matter advisedly together with his colledge of Cardinals and granted him his request as followeth Adrian the Bishop the servant of the servants of God to his most deer sonne in Christ the Noble King of England sendeth greeting and Apostolike benediction your magnificence hath beene very carefull and studious how you might enlarge the Church of God here in earth and increase the number of his Saints and elect in heaven in that as a good Catholike King you have and doe by all meanes labour and travell to enlarge and increase Gods Church by teaching the ignorant people the true and Christian religion and in abolishing and rooting up the weedes of sinne and wickednesse And wherein you have and doe crave for your better furtherance the helpe of the Apostolike See wherein more speedily and discreetly you proceed the better successe we hope God will send for all they which of a fervent zeale and love in religion doe begin and enterprise any such thing shall no doubt in the end have a good and prosperous successe And as for Ireland and all other Ilands where Christ is knowne and the Christian religion received it is out of all doubt and your excellencie well knoweth they doe all appertaine and belong to the right of Saint Peter and of the Church of Rome and we are so much the more ready desirous and willing to sow the acceptable seede of Gods word because we know the same in the latter day will be most severely required at our hands you have our welbeloved sonne in Christ advertised and signified unto us that you will enter into the Land and Realme of Ireland to the end to bring them to obedience unto Law and under your subjection and to root out from among them their foule sinnes and wickednesse as also to yeeld and pay yeerely out of every house a yeerely pension of one penny to Saint Peter and besides also will defend and keepe the rites of those Churches whole and inviolate We therefore well allowing and favouring this your godly disposition and commendable affection doe accept ratifie and assent unto this your petition and doe grant that you for the dilating of Gods Church the punishment of sinne the reforming of manners planting of vertue and the increasing of Christian religion doe enter to possesse that land and thereto execute according to your wisedome whatsoever shall be for the honour of God and the safety of the Realme and further also we doe strictly charge and require that all the people of that land doe with all humblenesse dutifulnesse and honour receive and accept you as their Liege Lord and Soveraigne reseruing and accepting the right of holy Church to be inviolably preserved as also the yeerely pension of Peter pence out of every house which we require to be truely answered to Saint Peter and to the Church of Rome If therefore you doe minde to bring your godly purpose to effect indevour to travell to reforme the people to some better order and trade of life and that also by your selfe and by such others as you shall thinke meet true and honest in their life manners and conversation to the end the Church of God may be beautified the true Christian religion sowed and planted and all other things done that by any meanes shall or may be to Gods honour and salvation of mens soules whereby you may in the end receive of Gods hands the reward of everlasting life and also in the meane time and in this life carry a glorious same and an honourable report among all nations The King upon the receit hereof was very glad and let it lye dorment by him untill better opportunity was offered as hereafter shall appeare Anno 1166. Moragh Mac Cocholan King of Ireland called a great Councell at Dublin gave battaile to the King of Leinster and killed him and shortly after was himselfe slaine by Ororic which succeeded in the soveraignty the same yeere saith Guttyn Owen in his British Chronicle Henry 2. being at Chester hired many shippes out of Ireland for his ayde against North-Wales but hee discharged them immediately for his purpose tooke no good effect in as much as the present troubles of Normandy called him away In this pastime so the old English delivereth or rather the hurly-burly of the world amids the warres of France Flanders and England Ireland was all in armes the occasion was as followeth Dermot Mac Moragh King of Leinster was a long time enamoured with the wife of Ororike King of Meth some call him Morice some other Mordich she was the daughter of Omalarghlun whom nature had made faire the world a Queene and lust a Harlot the booke of Howth reporteth at large how Ororic was old his Queene young and wanton and that in derision when he came from hunting and being an hungred she gave Apples to eate which had beene in some undecent place of her body to be spoken of so that the scent of them was strong whereat she smiled her Lord and husband having secretly learned her lewd practise tooke with him the day following two of her foster brothers a hunting gelded them baked their stones brought the Pie hot to his Lady and her Gentlewomen when hee had commended the rarenesse of the meat the fond wantons and giglets fell to it when they had satisfied themselves saith Ororic how like you this Pye excellent good meat say they it is saith hee the meat which you love raw and rosted what
any favour or curtesie should be at al shewed to the enemy but understand you these are no enemies now but men no rebels but such as be vanquished and cleane overthrowne and standing in defence of their country by evill fortune and hard destiny are subdued their adventures were honest and their attempts commendable and therefore they are not to be reputed for theeves factious persons traitors nor yet murtherers they are now brought to that distresse and case that rather mercy for example sake is to bee shewed then cruelty to the increase of their misery to be ministred surely our ancestors in times past although indeed it bee very hard to be done were wont when fortune favoured to temper their loose mindes and qualifie their unruly affections with some one discommoditie or other wherefore let mercy and pitty which is in man most commendable worke so in us that we that now have overcome others may subdue our owne mindes and conquer our owne affections For modesty moderation and discretion are wont to stay hasty motions and to stoppe the course of rash devices O how commendable and honourable is it to a Noble man that in his greatest triumph and glory he counteth it for a sufficient revenge that hee can revenge and be wreaked Iulius Caesar whose conquests were such his victory so great and his triumphs so many that the whole world was noysed therewith he had not so many friends who reioyced for the same but he had many more enemies that maligned and enuied his successes not onely in slanderous words and evill reports but many also secretly conspired devised and practised his death and destruction And yet he was so full of pitty mercy and compassion that he never commanded nor willed any to bee put to death for the same saving onely one Domitius whom he had of meere clemency for his lewdnesse before pardoned for his wickednesse released and for his treachery acquitted And thus as his pitty did much increase his honour so did it nothing hinder his victories Oh how beastly then and impious is that cruelty wherein victory is not ioyned with pitty for it is the part of a right Noble and Valiant Conquerour to count them enemies that doe wage the battaile contend and fight for the victory but such as be conquered taken prisoners and kept in bonds and captivitie to take and repute them for men that hereby fortitude and force may diminish the battell and end the quarrell as also humanitie may increase love and make peace It is therefore a great commendation and more praise worthy to a noble man in mercy to be bounteous then in victory to be cruell For the one onely lyeth in the course of fortune but the other in vertue And as it had beene a great increase of our victory and an augmentation of honour if our enemies had beene slaine in the field and overthrowne in the battaile so they being now taken and saved as it were men returned from rebels to the common society and fellowship of men If wee now should kill them it will bee to our great shame dishonor and reproach for ever And for as much as by the killing and destroying of them wee shall bee never the neerer to have the command of the country and never sooner to be Lords of the Land and yet the ransoming of them very good for the maintenance of the Souldiers the good fame of us and the advancement of honour wee must need thinke that it is better to ransome them then cruely to kill them for as it is requisite that a Souldier in the field fighting in armes should then thrist for the blood of his enemy trie the force of his sword and valiantly stand to his tackle for victory so when the fight is ended the warres ceased and the armour laid downe and all strongnesse of hostility set apart then in a Noble man must humanity take place pitty and commiseration must be shewed and all kindnesse of curtesie must be extended With this they were all drawen to some mildnesse and remorse and ready to shew favour in hope of friendship againe Henry de Monte Marisco who came thither to salute Reimond stands vp in opposition bent to blood and villany in whom there was neither manhood in battell abroad nor mercy in consultation at home and spake as followeth Reimond hath very exquisitly discoursed of pitty and mercy in set speeches uttering his eloquence hath shewed his mind and declared his opinion perswading and inducing us to beleeve that a strange land were to be conquered sooner by mercy and fond pittie then by fire and sword but I pray you can there bee a worse way then to hold that course Did Iulius Caesar or Alexander of Macedonia by such meanes or in such order conquer the whole world did the Nations from out of all places runne to submit themselves under their command and imperie in respect of their pitty and mercy and not rather compelled so to doe for feare and perforce For people whilst they are yet proud and rebellious all pitty and mercy set apart are by all manner of meanes and wayes to bee subdued but when they are once brought under subjection and bondage ready to serve and obey then they are with all curtesie to be intreated and kindly dealt withall so that the state of the Government be in safety and void of dāger herein in this point must pitty be used but in the other severity or rather cruelty is more necessary here clemency is to be shewed but in the other rigour without favour is to be ministred Reimond perswadeth that mercy is to bee extended as upon people already subdued and subjected or as though the enemies were so few and of so small a number as against whom no valiant service nor chivalry can be exploited and yet they are ready to joine with us whereby our force may bee increased and our power augmented but alas doe not we see how that the whole notion and people of Ireland are fully bent and not without cause altogether conspired against us surely me thinks Reimond is contrary to himselfe for why his coming hither was not to dispute of pitty nor to reason of mercy but to conquer the nation to subdue the people Oh what an example of impious pitty were it then to neglect our owne safety and to have remorse and compassion vpon others distresses moreover wee have here in the field and in armour more enemies then friends we are in the middle of perils and dangers our enemies being round about us in every corner and shall wee thinke this to be nothing but that we must bee also in the like distresse and danger among our selves Round about us our enemies are infinit and within our selves some there be which practise and work our destruction And if it should happen that our Captives and Prisoners should escape and breake loose out of their bonds which are but very weake and slender no doubt they
would forthwith take our own armour and weapons against us well well the Mouse is in the cubbord the Fire is in the lappe and the Serpent is in the bosome the enemie is at hand ready to oppresse his adversarie and the guest is in place with small curtesie to requite his host If our enemies when they come in good array and well appointed to give the onset and to wage battel against us if they should happen to have the victorie the vpperhand over us would they deale in pitty and mercy would they grant us our lives would they put us to ransome Tush what needs many words when the deeds are apparent our victory is to bee used that the destruction of these few may bee a terror to many whereby all others and this wild and rebellious nation may take example and bewar how they meddle and encounter with us of two things we are to make choice of one for either we must valiantly and couragiously stand to performe what we have taken in hand and all fond pitty set aside boldly and stoutly to overthrowe and vanquish this rebellious and stubborne people or if we shall after the mind and opinion of Reimond altogether be pittiful and full of mercy we must hoise up our sailes and returne home leaving both the Country and all that we have already gotten to this miserable and wretched people When Herveie had made an end of his speech they put it to voyces and the voyces went on Herveis side whereupon the Captaines as men condemned were brought to the Rockes and after their Limbs were broken they were cast head long into the Seas and drowned every mothers sonne Vpon the 23. of August being Saint Bartholomewes Eeve and yeere aforesaid to wit Anno 1170. Richard surnamed Strangbow Earle of Strigulia whose original and of-spring in another place herafter if God permit shall bee laid downe landed in the Haven of Waterford where Dermos Mac Morogh Robert Fitz Stephens and Maurice Fitz Gerauld and Reimond le Grosse met him and joyned their forces together Reimond le Grosse was made generall of the field they tooke small rest after their arrivall for upon Bartholomew day being tuesday with Banners displayed in good aray they assaulted the City by water and by land the townesmen manfully defended themselves and gave them two repulses Reimond having compassed the towne espied without adjoyning unto the towne wall where now standeth a strong Bulwarke an old Cabban propped with old timber and entred into the old wall the which proppes they sawed asunder then downe falleth the cabban and withall a great part of the wall the breach thus made the Brittains doe enter and in the streets kill man woman and child and there left them in heapes In Reignald tower upon the wall of the tower they found one Reignald I take it the tower beareth the name of him and Omalaghlin Ophelim Lord of the Decies whose lives Dermot Mac Morogh saved they found there other two whom they put to the sword they rifled the houses they ransacked the City they made havock of all lastly they left there a strong ward Then according to precedent covenants Dermot gave his daughter Eva in marriage to Richard Strangbow and after solemnity thereof they all marched with their forces towards Dublin For Dermot bare them a deadly hatred and hitherto winked at them untill further oportunity served for the villany and cruelty they shewed to his father the townsmen of Dublin foreseeing his revenging mind procured to their aid as many as they could throughout the land they trenched they plashed in paces streets and narrow places all the wayes along to Waterford to hinder their march Dermot was not ignorant thereof whereupon he led the army from out the common and beaten way through the Mountaines of Glandelogh and came safe to the walles of Dublin There the Citizens sent messengers to intreat for peace and amongst others Laurence O Toole Arcbishop of Dublin while they parled without for peace Sir Remond le grosse and Sir Miles Cogan scaled the wals for saith Cambrensis they were more desirous to fight under Mars in the field then in the Senate to sit with Iupiter in Councell they made a breach they enter the Citie they put all to the sword in the meane while Hastulphus the Commander of the City with a great many of the better sort with their Riches and Iewels escaped and fled by the Sea to the North Ilands When the Earle had spent a few daies in the towne he left Miles Cogan Governour therof and by the perswasion of Dermot Mac Morogh he drew his forces into Meth to be avenged of Ororicke whom some call Morice some Murdich who was the cause of his exile and whose wife Dermot had formerly taken away The Earle no sooner entred the Countrey but the Army was given wholly to the spoile they robbed they spoiled they burned and wasted all before them Roderic King of Conoght and Monarch of Ireland seeing his neighbours house set one fire thought it high time to looke to his owne and wrotte to Dermot Mac Morogh contrary to the order of Peace formerly concluded thou hast procured and allured a swarme and multitude of strangers to invade this land all the while thou didst containe thy selfe within compasse of thine owne territories we winked at thy proceedings but forasmuch as now thou not caring for thy oath nor regarding the safety of thy hostages hast so fondly and falsly passed thy bounds I require thee that thou wouldest retire and withdraw these excourses and inrodes of strangers or else to begin I will not faile to cut off thy sonnes head and send it to thee with speed Dermot despised the messenger and would scarce vouchsafe to reade his letter upon the messengers returne Roderic was mad and in his rage caused his pledges head the sonne of Dermot Mac Morogh to be cut off In this troublesome time the Primate of Armagh called the Prelates and Clergie to a Synod at Armagh assembled a Councell where according to their wisedomes they endeavoured to finde out the cause of these miseries that fell upon the land they inquired not whether the Bishops had bought their Bishoprickes for money whether their Parsons did pray whether their Ministers were lettered what whoredome symony or lechery with other enormities raigned among the Clergie but simply like themselves posted over all to the Laytie and concluded insipienter that the iust plague fell upon the people for merchandizing of the English nation for then they bought and sold of the English birth such as they found and made them bondslaves so they served Saint Patricke called the Apostle of Ireland who was a bondman sixe yeeres in Ireland but Patricke preached Christ and the English nation reformed the land Here the sacred letters reconcile all the stone which the builders refused is become the corner stone and why so the answer followeth it is the Lords doing and it is marvellous in our eyes
But I may not so leave my Prelates they synodically decreed as followeth that all the English men within the land whatsoever they were should bee manumised a worshipfull piece of worke and no thanke to them all for the English sword was then ready to cut off the Irish heads this reformation was but a sweeping of a house with a Foxes tayle The prosperous successes of Earle Richard surnamed Strangbow were no sooner effected but fame flyed abroad and flatterers carried it to Henry the seconds eares and made him jealous as Kings commonly are that a subject as Richard was should not onely in the right of his wife content himselfe with Leinster but most presumptuously without licence as the King alledged attempt the conquest of a kingdome where he formerly by grant of Adrian was interessed Whereupon the King in his iealous rage indeavouring to stop the Springs and Water-courses proclaimed We Henry c. Forbid and inhibit that from henceforth no shippe from any place of our dominio● shall traffique or passe into Ireland and likewise charge that all our subjects upon their dutie of allegiance which are there commorant shall returne from thence into England before Easter next following upon paine of forfeiture of all their lands and the persons so disobeying to be banished our land and exiled for ever The Earle seeing himselfe in this distresse being in perill to lose his friends and to want his necessaries out of his native soile by entercourse of Merchants calleth a Councell where it was agreed and concluded that Sir Reimond Legrosse should bee sent over to pacifie the King who then was in Aquitaine with these letters Most puissant Prince and my dread Soveraigne I came into this land with your Majesties leave and savour as farre as I remember to aide your servant Dermot Mac Morogh what I have wonne was with the sword what is given me I give you I am yours life and living at your command Vpon the receit of these letters there fell of all sides three disasters the King was mightily incensed against Earle Richard and therefore delayed Sir Reimond Legrosse and gave him no answer secondly the death of Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury troubled him exceedingly and to helpe the readers memory with the time it was as the rime delivereth Annus millenus centenus septuagenus Primus erat primas quo ruit ense Thomas The third was that Dermot Mac Morogh a most bountifull Prince died and was buried at Fernes Anno 1171. Hastulpus late Governour of Dublin of whom I have formerly spoken returneth and entreth the haven of Dublin with threescore saile to his aide of Ilanders Norwegians and Esterlings they forthwith landed and unshipped themselves and had to their Captaine saith Cambrensis one Iohn Wood some call him mad Iohn for the prankes he playd for wood and mad beare one sense Stanihurst calleth him Pewood Douling Heywood They were all mighty men of warre and well appointed after the Danish manner being harnessed with good Brigandines jackes and shirts of maile their Shields Bucklers and Targets were round and coloured red and bound about with iron and as they seemed in armes so were they no lesse in mindes iron-strong and mighty they marched in battaile array towards the East gate of the Citie Miles Cogan the Governour with a faire company yet but a handfull to the number of the enemy sallied forth and gave them battaile where both sides lost many a tall man Miles Cogan seeing himselfe overlaid with the furious rage and multitude of his adversaries gave backe and retired into the towne by this time Richard Cogan his brother had secretly issued out with a good company at the South posterne gate compassed the Danes and being at the foot of the rereward made mighty cry and shout whereat the Danes were amazed and the two brethren had the killing of them before and behinde The Danes brake their array threw their Armes away fled towards their ships where many also for haste were drowned In this skirmish Iohn Wood was slaine and Hastulphus taken prisoner and put to his ransome The prodigalitie of this Hastulphus was such that he contented not himselfe with life but braved and bragged of his exploits in the hearing of Miles Cogan and therewithall delivered that that attempt was nothing but a taste or proofe of the Irish valour and shortly they should see another manner of forces assault them What saith Miles Cogan is it not enough for him to have his life but he must threaten us with further rebellion goe take him and cut off his head And thus the blabbe of his tongue turned to his confusion Shortly after the Irish and country birth lying aloofe wayting for all opportunities and understanding of some unkindenesse and displeasure conceived by King Henry the second against Earle Richard and in that quarrell generally against all the Britaines and invaders of Ireland they put their heads together they plot they draw their draughts and devices to lay siege to recover the Citie of Dublin and the chiefest instrument was Laurence O Toole Archbishop of Dublin who wrote unto Roderic King of Connaght unto Gotred alias Godfrey King of Man and to all the Princes of Ireland that it would please them some in regard of neighbourhood othersome in regard of naturall affection unto their native soile and distressed country men of Irish birth put to their helping hand ioyne their forces together lay siege to the Citie of Dublin by sea and by land relieve their brethren rid them from the Britaines hands and restore them to their former liberty The Bishop for the good opinion that was held of his learning gravitie and sanctitie prevailed insomuch that Gotred King of Man came into the harbour of Dublin with thirty saile Roderic the Monarch and forces of Ireland came by land and incamped within sight of the towne Within the towne were Earle Richard Strangbow Maurice Fitz Gerald Reimond Legrosse lately arrived from out of England Miles Cogan Richard Cogan with other worthy men and Citizens to the number of thirty thousand fighting men As they were prepared for battaile as commonly one mischiefe falleth in the necke of another Donald the base sonne of Dermot Mac Morogh came in post to the Earle and delivered how that Robert Fitz Stephens in his Fort of Carreck by Wexford was besieged with three thousand men of Wexford and Kinsele by the conduct of Donald Prince of Limeric sonne in law to Dermot Mac Morogh who before time in his extremity and in the warres betweene him and Roderic the Monarch for chiefery at the request of Dermot Mac Morogh was relieved by Robert Fitz Stephens and so aided that he foiled his enemy and thus good is recompenced with evill In this perplexitie and doubtfull danger Maurice Fitz Gerald full of courage turneth him to the Earle and the martiall men in these words you most valiant men wee came not into this land neither were we procured hither to be idle or to
home for the guard and safety of the City early in the morning when the enemy was unarmed out of order little thinking that so few within durst attempt to give the onset to so many without they fell upon them killed without mercy and the rere was so forward that they came with the Vanguard by wheeling about to the slaughter of the enemie Roderic all this while trusting to his troupes and multitude of people feared nothing he took his ease and pleasure and was bathing himself but when the larum was up that he saw his men on every side fall to the ground never tarried called for man nor Page to array him but tooke his mantle and ranne away all naked and hardly escaped with life The Britaines pursued after and had the killing of them all that day in the evening they returned into the Citie not onely with the honour of the field but rich booties and praies of victuals armour and other pillage as much as man and beast could cary Immediatly also the rumor hereof the other Campes were dispersed namely Laurence the Archbishop whom it had beseemed better to have beene at home with his porthouse then in Campe with rebels Mathelan Machalem Gillemehelmocus Otuetol Ororic Prince of Meath Ocarol alias Ocarvell Prince of Vriell Machfalin Ochadese with many other great Commanders where every man shifted for himselfe of Gotred alias Godfray King of Man that came by Sea I find nothing for upon this disaster he tooke him to the seas the next day without any further deliberation Miles Cogan is left to governe Dublin and the Earle with his Army marched towards Wexford to raise the siege at the Carreke to relieve Robert Fitz Stephens as he passed by Odrone the forces of Leinster by the conduct of Donole Obrene Prince of Limerik and Donald Prince Osery set upon him and fought a cruell fight but he went on with the losse of one man As he came to the borders of Wexford certaine messengers met and informed him of the mischance that happened to Robert Fitz Stephens and the firing of the Towne of Wexford adding moreover that the Wexfordians were fully determined if the Earle came any further towards them they would cut off all the heads of Fitz Stephens and all his company and send them unto him whereupon with heavy cheere and sorrowfull heart he changed his mind turned to Waterford But afore I proceede any further I am to deliver the manner of the treachery and villany shewed unto Robert Fitz Stephens Donold of Limric sonne in Law to Dermot Mac Morogh while his father lived he was one that favoured the Brittains and not without cause but now forgetting humanity returneth to his vomit bends his course towards Wexford and while other states of Ireland by East and by North with might maine practised the rooting out of the Brittains he flies to the South and raiseth Wexford Kensile to lay siege to the Carreke the fort of Robert Fitz Stephens First they begin with force and seeing that failed them they fall to guiles and subtilities under color of peace pretending nothing but pure love tender affection and safeguard of his person and all that were with him they bring with them two Bishops the one of Kildare the other of Fernes in their formall moods with other Religious persons O damned Prelats and they had with them the Masse Booke the host with certaine Reliques upon these they take corporall oathes and sweare with great solemnity and protestations as followeth For the good will and affection wee beare unto you whom we have alwaies found a curteous and bountifull Prince we are to signifie unto you this much how that Dublin is taken the Earle Strangbow Maurice Fitz Girald Reimond le Grosse Miles Cogan with all the English are put to the sword and now Roderic the Monarch with all the power of Conoght and Leinster posteth hither to rase even with the ground all the Forts Holds and Castles which the Englishmen have and especially to apprehend you Robert Fitz Stephens and Willam Not that were the forerunners into this Land of all this mischiefe wherefore take this for truth and be well advised what to doe if they take you there is no mercy if you will put your selfe with your company and goods into our hands in the faith of Christianity we sweare we will safely transport you and yours unto Wales so shall you not lose so much as a haire of your head wherefore the great Army being at hand yeeld come forth and shippe your selfe for Wals. Robert Fitz Stephens who would not in this case give credit yeelded himselfe into their hands immediatly more like Iewes then Christians they strippe them out of all that ever they have they hang one they throw another over a rocke they breake anothers necke one hath his eyes puld out another hath his tongue cut some they scourge with thongs other some they take and with sledges breake their Armes and thighes the greatest kindnesse they shew is iron and imprisonment the which Robert Fitz Stephens endured now leaving these bloody Massacers and themselves I will turne to Waterford after Earle Strangbow When Earle Strangbow came to Waterford he found there Hervie de Monte Marisco newly arrived out of England with letters from the King requiring him forthwith to repaire unto his Majesty Strangbow together with Hervy tooke the first wind and went for England and found the King at Newham not farre from Glocester where he was in readinesse with a great Army to saile out into Ireland whereafter sundry altercations passed betweene them at length as they say by meanes of Hervy the Kings displeasure was appeased and it was agreed that the Earle should sweare alleageance to the King and yeeld and surender unto him the City of Dublin with the Cantreds thereunto adjoining as also such Townes and Forts as were bordering upon the Sea side and as for the residue he should have and reteine to him and his heires holding the same of the King and his heires Strangbow was no sooner knowne to be in England and Reimond at Waterford but Ororic Monoculus the one eyed Prince of Meath mustred a great number of Souldiers and laid siege to the City of Dublin Miles Cogan the Governour withall his company while the enemy was carelesse upon a sudden issued out and fell upon them unawares and made a great slaughter of them among whom both Ororic and his sonne were slaine In the British Chronicles copied by Owen Cretten out of the Abbies of Conwey in North-wales and Stratflur in South-wales I find recorded that when King Henry the 2. made preparation for the conquest of Ireland Richard Strangbow Earle of Strigale Marshall of England being reconciled to the King had all his Lands in England and Normandy restored unto him againe and thereupon the King made him Seneschall Steward saith he of Ireland Then came Rees prince of South-wales and offred the King to further his
for the same Sixtly that all and every good Christian being sicke and weake shall before the Priest and his neighbours make his last Will and Testament and his debts and servants wages being paid all his moveables to be divided if he have any children into three parts whereof one part to be to the Children another to his Wife and the third part to be for the performing of his Will and if so be that hee have no children then the goods to be divided into two parts whereof the one moytie to be to his Wife and the other to the performance of his Will and Testament And if he have no Wife but onely Children then likewise the goods to be divided into two parts whereof the one to himselfe and the other to his children Seventhly that every Christian dying in the Catholike faith shall be reverently brought to the Church and to bee buried as appertaineth Eightly and lastly that all the divine Service in the Church of Ireland shall be kept used and observed in the like order and manner as it is in the Church of England for it is meet and right that as by Gods providence and appointment Ireland is become now subject and under the King of England so the same should take from thence the order and rule and manner how to reforme themselves and to live in better sort Gelasius Primate of Armagh was not at this Synod but at his comming to Dublin hee concurred with his Collegues and confirmed the premises He was a man of great learning godly life and great age when by reason of age sight and strength and stomacke failed him as he travailed he had with him alwaies a white Cow that gave him milke and was his onely sustentation Gilbert succeeded this Gelasius in that See The Antiquaries of that time have recorded that the winter during the Kings abode in Ireland there rose such stormes and tempest by sea and by land that no newes could be heard either out of England or Normandie neither Shippe or Barke crosse the seas untill mid-Lent at what time with an easterly winde there came out of England and Aquitaine in France newes unto the King how that there came into Normandy in France two Cardinals from Alexander the third to wit Albertus and Theodinus to enquire of the death of Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury Whereupon the King sent in post before him to signifie that he was returning with all speede and that he would conferre with them in Normandie And leaving Ireland hee was very sorry that time and leisure served not to lay things in better order for the stay of the land And also suspecting the greatnesse of Richard Earle Strangbow whom at that time he tooke with him into England hee appointed to governe Dublin Hugh de Lacy to whom he had given in Fee the territorie of Meth with twenty Gentlemen to his Guard Robert Fitz Stephens and Morice Fitz Girald with twenty others to attend their persons Likewise he left Governours over Waterford Humfrey de Bohune Robert Fitz Bernard and Hugh de Graunt devil with forty persons to their guard Lastly hee assigned over Wexford William Fitz Adelme Philip de Bruesa and Philip de Hastings with twenty to their guard and tooke shipping at Wexford Munday in Easter weeke by sixe a clocke in the morning with full saile and landed the same day about noone at Saint Davids in Wales so writeth Cambrensis in his vaticinall historie and in his Itinerarie of Cambria What time the King was in Ireland there fell a great plague in his army which was some cause of his departure from Dublin to Wexford Cambrensis out of the mouth of the common people attributeth it unto certaine Archers cessed at Finglas that cut downe the trees of the Church-yard and therefore were they iustly punished and left their bones there every one but the British Chronicle and Holinshed also more likely to be true affirmeth that there fell a plague among the Kings souldiers in Ireland by reason of the change of the ayre and victuals and concourse of people corrupting the same The names of the men of account orderly as they came to the conquest of Ireland Dermot Mac Morogh Prince of Leinster after his returne out of England wintred at Fernes expecting the comming of these Conquerours Robert Fitz Stephens the Kings Constable at Abertivy David Barry Hervie de Monte Marisco married Nesta daughter to Maurice Fitz Girald Willi● Nott. Maurice Prendregast Meilerus Maurice Fitz Girald Reimond le Grosse nephew to Robert Fitz Stephens married with Basilia the sister of Earle Strangbow William Ferrand Richard Strangbow Earle of Penbroke Miles Cogan brethren nephewes to Robert Fitz Stephens and Maurice Fitz Girald Richard Cogan brethren nephewes to Robert Fitz Stephens and Maurice Fitz Girald Henry 2. King of England c. Hugh de Lacy. William Fitz Adelme Raffe Abbot of Bulldewa in Normandie Raffe Archdeacon of Landaff Nicholas the Kings Chaplaine Humphrey de Bohune Robert Fitz Bernard Hugh de Grandevilla Philip de Brensa Philip de Hastings Silvester Giraldus Barry Cambrensis Iohn Ridensford Girald the two sonnes of Maurice Fitz Girald Alexander the two sonnes of Maurice Fitz Girald William Makrell Philip Mercr●s William Morice Fitz Girald his eldest sonne married with Elen sister to Earle Strangbow Griffin the sonne of William Fitz Girald the elder brother Philip Welsh Adam Herford brethren ...... Herford brethren ...... Purcell Lievetenant of the Army slaine by the Waterfordians Nich. Wallingford a Prior afterwards Abbot of Malmesburie David Welsh nephew to Reimund Ieffrey Welsh Reimund of Kantan Reimund Fitz Hugh Milo of Saint David Robert Poer Osbert of Hertford Willin Bend●ger Adam of Gernemie Hugh Tirell Iohn de Courcey Hugh Cantwell Redmond Cantimore Alliance of the chiefe Conquerours of Ireland Nesta the daughter of Rees ap Tuyder Prince of South-Wales Loved Henry the first King of England father to Henry father to Henry Fitz Henry Meiler Fitz Henry Robert Fitz Henry was maried twice 1 Steven Custos castri Abertivi Robert Fitz Stevē Rafe Mered●cal●as Meredith Milo 2 Gerald of Windsor Williā Fitz Girald who had issue Reimund le Grosse who married Basilia Strangbowes Sister Griffeth Maurice Fitz Girald William married Ellen Sister to Strangbow Camb. or by others Alma Daughter of Strangbow Girald Alexander Nesta married to Hervie de monte Marisco Milo or Miles David Bishop of Saint Davids Not long after the Kings departure out of Ireland Ororic of Meth craved a parlee with Hughe Delacy pretending reformation of abuses and establishing of perfect love and amity but meant nothing else saving falshood treason and villany the place being appointed Cambrensis calleth it Ororics Hill I take it to be the Hill of Taragh and oathes taken of each side with conditions that all armes should be laid aside and few persons approach to the place Ororic contrary to the covenants laid an ambush that upon a signe or token given by him they should
not for Vicar generall in Ireland and Secretary to the State partly in favour of Sir Hugh Delacy who maligned and envied the honor and renowne and prosperous successes of Courcy lastly for feare of King Iohn into whose displeasure Courcy fell through the false accusation of Lacy and his faction yet the certainty of his exploits hath beene preserved and in Latine committed to Paper by a Fryer in the North the which booke Oneil brought to A●magh and was translated into English by ..... Dowdall Primate there Anno 1551. He was by father a Norman by mother a Cambrian or Britaine and married the daughter of Gotred King of Man he was a Gentleman descended as it seemeth by his coate of an antient house of whom the Irish men hold that Merlin prophecied where he wrote A white Knight sitting on a white horse bearing birds in his shield shall be the first which with force of Armes shall enter and subdue Vlster He served King Henry the second in all his warres and in France he met with a worthy Knight Sir Amoricus Tristeram who married Courcy his sister and whether it was derived of the Ladies name or for that they were married on Saint Laurence day ever after hee and his posterity after him was called Sir Amoricus de Sancto Laurentio whence the Noble house of Howth is lineally discended wherof hereafter in another place more at large These two Knights became sworne brethren in the Church of our Lady at Roane where solemnely they vowed to serve together to live and dye together and equally to devide betweene them what they wanne by the sword or should be given them in regard of their service Thus they continued in France Anjou Normandy and England and when Sir Iohn de Courcy was joyned in commission with William Burgh Fitz Adelme and others Sir Amoricus de Sancte Laurentia accompanied him into Ireland where Courcy receaved a graunt of the King by Patent for him and his heires or assignes after him to enjoy in that Land all that he could Conquer with the sword reserving to the King homage and fealty they landed at Houth and there fought a cruell fight by the side of a Bridge where Sir Iohn de Courcy being sickly taried abord the shippe Sir Amoricus being Chiftaine and Generall of the field by land behaved himselfe most worthily many were slaine on both sides but Sir Amoricus got the victory with the lose of seven of his owne blood sonnes uncles and nephewes wherupon for his singular valour and good service there performed that Lordship was allotted unto him for his part of the conquest with other things which Sir Iohn de Courcy gave him Immediatly Sir Iohn de Courcy Sir Amoricus de Saint Laurence and Sir Roger Hoer so well appointed as then contented them directed their course towards the North the principall cause that moved them besides their valour was the hard government of William Fitz Adelme Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whose conditions Cambrensis who then lived and was conversant with him delivereth in this sort He was covetous proud malicious envious a favorite of wine and women and good to none but to his back and belly and by his backe he understood his kindred and by his belly he ment his children for he opposed himselfe most enviously against the Garraldins Fitz Stephens and Barries the first most valiant Conquerors of the Land and against their posterity c. While Courcy is on his way give me leave gentle Reader to eternise the Memoriall of Maurice Fitz Gerald As he was of birth and parentage nobly and worshiply discended so was he in condition and for martiall prowesse every way renowned Cambrensis his kinsman commendeth him greatly and no lesse then he deserved He left this world to the great griefe of all the true harts in Ireland and lieth buried in the Monastery of grey Friers without the wales of Wexford his ..... sonnes whom William Fitz Adelme maligned builded the Castle of Fernes In his time saith Cambrensis at Wirlo where Maurice Fitz Girald dwelled there was a Monster begotten by a wicked man of that nation upon a Cow a vice saith he at that time too common among that nation It had the body of a man but all the hinder parts of an oxe from the anckles of the legges and the wrists of the armes he had the hoofes of an oxe his head was all bald saving a few small and thinne haires his eyes great round and blacke like an Oxe nose he had none but two holes speake hee could not but onely bellow like a Cow this Monster did daily resort to the house of Maurice Fitz Girald about dinner time and such meat as was given him he tooke it in his hoofes and put it to his mouth and so fed himselfe Diviners in those daies construed this of the government of Fitz Adelme the which in their opinion was monstrous but there I leave and returne to Courcy Iohn de Courcy after foure dayes some miles come to Daud without resistance and unlooked for contrary to all mens expectation the which in a word hath beene spoken of before strange it is to see what a sudden feare will worke Dunlenus whom I take to be O Donell no base nor meane Commander of that place fled away left armes men and munition behinde happy was hee in his owne opinion that he had escaped the hands he wist not of what enemy the trumpets sounded the armour ratled the women clapt their hands the children cryed the townesmen to goe the leaders entred the souldiers ryfled the towne upon a sodaine was ransacked doores windowes cupboards chests flew open the army after long march and sore travaile being in great want and weakenesse had their housing firing dyet and fare of the best bedding cloathing gold silver plate and rich booties without checke or controulement of any and respite for certaine daies to breath rest and recreate themselves In the necke of this out of Scotland the winde blew one Vinianus a Cardinall spoken of before which tooke upon him to intreate a peace betweene the two nations but could not prevaile After eight dayes Roderic the Monarch and O Donnell King of Duune had mustred their men gathered forces gotten great ayde and prepared an hoast of tenne thousand fighting men and came to besiege the City Sir Iohn de Courcy having but seven hundred thought best not to bee cooped within nor caged like a Bird prepared to give them battaile abroad marched forth and ordered his army as followeth he divided his men into three companies the horsemen being seven score were set in a winge on the left hand under the leading of Sir Amoricus de Saint Laurantio every horseman having a bowman behinde him On the right hand Sir Roger Poer who had married Sir Amoricus Neece led the foot company close by a bogge side in the midst came Sir Iohn de Courcy with his company the way was narrow where they should encounter and the
take possession of the Kings graunt given him in those parts As they came to the walles of Lymerick the Citizens of spight in sight of them all to the end that no Englishman should roost there set the Town on fire Philippe de Bruse was therewithal discouraged and his Company in so much that when Robert Fitz Stephens and Miles Cogan offred to adventure their lives in the recovery of the Kingdome of Lymerik with all their aide and assistance he refused it and returned with them to Corke esteeming it farre better to lose Lymric and with safetie to dwell among his lovers and friends then to lose life and kingdome by dwelling among such Iewes as will fire their owne houses and cut all English throats In a while after Miles Cogan and Raffe the sonne of Robert Fitz Stephens who had lately married Miles daughter went towards Lismore to parlee with Waterford men and determined that night to lodge with one Mac Tyrid who had solemnly invited them As they waited in the field expecting the comming of the Waterfordians this Mac Tyrid unawares stealing upon them most traiterously slue them and five of their company whereupon the whole country was in uproare insomuch that Dermot Mac Carty and all the Irish in those parts together with Mac Tyrid that most perfidious traitor were in armes determining thenceforth to be no longer the Kings loyall subjects when they had gathered their forces together they laid siege to Corke meaning to cut off Robert Fitz Stephens and all the English men there Robert Fitz Stephens being distressed in Corke fearing the open enemy without and mistrusting the secret enemy within sent post to Wexford to his nephew Reimond le Grosse praying him to come to his aide Reimund forthwith with twenty knights and one hundred foot and bowmen entred the Lee landed at Corke encountred with the enemies killed some drove other to flye and compelled the rest to submit themselves and sue for peace When the King understood of this he sent Richard Cogan brother unto Miles to supply his brothers roome in the kingdome of Corke a man no way inferiour to his brother for valour and martiall prowesse in his companie came Philip Barry and Girald Barry his brother otherwise called Silvester Giraldus Cambrensis the famous learned man nephewes of Robert Fitz Stephens with a jolly troupe of horse and foot chosen and picked men Robert Fitz Stephens and Richard Cogan enjoyed this kingdome of Corke peaceably for certaine yeeres and in processe of time for want of heires male of them it came to two daughters the one of them was married to Robert de Carew the other to Patricke de Courcy and they in right of their wives enjoyed the same during their lives and after them their heires untill such time as by a division growne as I take it in England betweene the two houses of Yorke and Lancaster the Irish men expelled them and recovered the country unto themselues Anno 1178. The Monasterie Beatae Mariae Roseae vallis called Rosgl●s was founded Yet others thinke it was in Anno 1189. I may not forget Harvey de monte Marisco of whom often mention is made before who after many spitefull parts treacheries and false accusations exhibited by him unto the King against most noble servitors became a Monke the man was sore troubled in conscience and in his course he made the common saying true desperatio facit Monachum Hee had founded saith Felcon the Monastery of our blessed Lady de Portu Donbrodthi he gaue unto the Monasterie Saint Trinitatis of Canterbury his territories advousons along the sea coast between Waterford and Wexford and there cloystred himselfe I would saith Cambrensis he had changed his conditions with his habit The same yeere saith Holinshed there came from Pope Alexander 3. into England two Cardinals Alberto desuma and Petro de sancta Agatha whose commission was to summon the Bishops of England Ireland Scotland with the Isles and Normandie to the generall Councell of Lateran in Rome after they had obtained licence to passe through his dominions the King swore them upon the holy Evangelist that in their Legateship they should not attempt any thing that might be hurtfull to the King or his dominions and that upon their returne they should visite him homewards whereupon out of Ireland there went thither Laurence Archbishop of Dublin and Catholicus Archbishop of Tuam with some other five or sixe Irish Bishops whom the King likewise swore that they should not procure any damage to his Realmes and dominions The Realme of Ireland at this time was singular well governed by Hugh de Lacy a good man and a wise Magistrate who for the good of the land and the people established many good orders he made Bridges and builded Townes Castles and Forts throughout Leinster as Sir Iohn de Courcy did in Vlster in his time the Priest kept his Church the Souldier his Garrison and the Plow-man followed his Plough yet cankred envy quieted not her selfe practised mischiefe against him so that he was charged before the King to attempt the Crowne of Ireland and make himselfe absolute Lord of the land and that he had married the King of Connaghts daughter saith Holinshed contrary to the Kings pleasure The King immediately as Princes are jealous of great men called him into England appointed governours Iohn Constable and Richard Peche This Lacy behaved himselfe so discreetly and dutifully in England that he cleered himselfe of all suspition that the King was resolved of his truth and fidelity and sent him backe againe into Ireland with further credit then formerly he had done and that within three moneths and gave him the absolute command and Lievetenantship of the land and joyned as assistant unto him Robert Salisbury calling home the former governours It was not long but he was upon malitious occasion the second time sent for into England and one Philip of Worcester Cambrensis is mine Author a valiant souldier a bountifull and a liberall man with a most brave troupe of horse and foot arrived in Ireland with command to send over Hugh de Lacy and he to remaine there as Governour of the land until Iohn his sonne came over Stanihurst is of opinion that he went over into England and cleering himselfe speedily returned againe which cannot well stand with the course of the history for when Philip of Worcester tooke upon him the governement Lacy hastened the building and finishing of the Castle of Derwath whereof my penne immediately shall make report and there ended his dayes And now to Philip of Worcester and his companion Hugh Tirell Cambrensis and Stanihurst especially write most bitter of them of Philip how that first of all he resumed and seized unto the Kings use the lands of Ocathesie and divers other parcels which Hugh de Lacy had sold away and these he appointed to serve for the Kings provision and the Governours diet And after the winter was past he assembled and mustred
testium super miraculis captorum nobis cum sigillis propriis transmiserunt Colligimus vero ex earum serie litterarum quod saepe dictus vir Regis Reginae Hiberniae filius extitit ab infantia Sacris Litteris eruditus senilem gessit in juventute gravitatem mundanarum illecebras vanitatum à se ultra quam aetas illa solebat abdicavit Deinde in Archepiscopum Dublinensem assumptus sic de virtute in virtutem profecerit ut in oratione assiduus austerus in maceratione proprii corporis ac in Eleemosinarum largitione profusus se totaliter Domino dedicarit Per depositìonem verò testium predictor constitit evidenter sanctam vitam ejusdem esse tot sequentibus miraculis comprobatam quae non parvā texerent historiam si quis vellet ea singula scribere seriatim sed ut non praeter mittamus claudi gressum caeci visum surdi auditum muti loquelam leprosi mundationem varijs afflicti languoribus sanitatem ad invocationem ejus nominis ea sola quae inter caetera emicuerunt miracula breviter perstringamus Nam idem sanctus imo Deus ob ipsius merita gloriosa septem mortuos quorum quatuor triduani erant mirificè suscitavit De ipsius sanctitate tantis certificati miraculis divinumque secuti judicium quod eius glorificatio nobis tam evidentibus innotuit argumentis eundem sanctiss Catalogo sanctorum adscripsimus annumerandum decrevimus sanctorum Collegio Confessorum ac inter eos Christi fidelibus venerandum statuentes ut ejus veneranda festivitas de cetero annis singulis decimo octavo Kalendas Decembris solemniter celebretur Monemus igitur universitatem vestram hortamur in Domino quatenus Deum devotis mentibus collaudantes studentes proficere tantae virtutis exemplo ejusdem gloriosissimi Confessoris apud Deum suffragia humiliter imploret Nos autem de Dei omnipotentis misericordia beatorum Petri Pauli authoritate confisi omnibus vere penitentibus confessis qui ad prefatam Ecclesiam in die solemnitatis ejusdem gloriosissimi confessoris vel infra Octabis cum devotione accesserint ejus orationum suffragia petituri 20. dies de iniunctis sibi penitentijs miserecorditer relaxamus Dat. 3. Idus Decembris pontifitatus nostri anno decimo Molanus writeth of this Laurence that he favoured Monkes greatly and hearing of the fame of the 28. Monasteries of Aroatia in the confines of Atrebatum in the low Countries made the secular Priests called Cannons in Dublin become regular cannons according unto the order of Aroatia After his discease Iohn Comin an English man a Monke of Evesham an Abbey in England by the Kings direction was made Archbishop of Dublin confirmed by Pope Lucius at Viterbium and also made a Cardinall so writeth Cambrensis Anno 1148. the Monasterie legis dei that is of Leix was founded Anno 1185. Iohn the fift sonne of Henry 2. of the age of twelve yeeres landed at Waterford in the Realme of Ireland from the first arrivall of his father thirteene yeeres from the first landing of Earle Strangbow fourteene yeeres and from the first entrance of Robert Fitz Stephens fifteene yeeres In the Chronicles of England I finde that Anno 1177. in a Parliament held at Oxford Henry 2. created his sonne Iohn King of Ireland In Anno 1185. he dubbed his sonne Iohn Knight and set him in a readinesse for Ireland sending the new Bishop Iohn of Dublin as his precurser thither for all things necessarie Item the same yeere he obtained of Pope Vrban 3. a licence to crowne which hee would of his sonnes King of Ireland and for reformation thereof sent him a crowne of Peacocks tayles I would say feathers after a feat manner woven in with gold lastly how that Vrban 3. sent two Legates Octavianus a subdeacon Cardinall and Hugh de Novant from the Court of Rome to crowne Iohn King of Ireland but Henry 2. delayed it so that it was not effected hereof as I suppose it riseth that oftentimes we finde him called King Iohn afore he was crowned but to the Irish history At the first landing and entring of the Kings sonne at Waterford a great many of the chiefest commanders in those parts who since their first submission unto King Henry continued faithfull and true being advertised of this his arrivall came and resorted unto him in peaceable manner after their best manner to salute him and congragulate his comming one made curtesie another kneeled some tooke him by the hand other some offer to kisse him The new gallants and Normans such as had not beene before acquainted with the country neither the homelinesse of the people set them at nought laughed at their Mantles and Troosses derided their glibbes and long beards one takes a sticke and pats the Irish man on the pate another halls the mantle and pricks him behinde with a pinne some have their glibbes and long beards pulled and departing have flappes on the lippes thumpes in their neckes and the doores clapt on their heeles with diuers other abuses and undiscreet entertainement These men not without cause being mightily displeased shifted themselves out of the towne and in all haste got them home And from thence saith Cambrensis with their wives children and houshold departed and went some to the Prince of Lymeric some to the Prince of Corke some to Roderic Prince of Connaght and so some to one Lord and some to another and to these they declared orderly how they had beene at Waterford and what they had seene there and how they were evill intreated and that a yong man was come thither guarded with beardlesse boyes and guided by the councels of young men in whom there was no stay no sobriety no stedfastnesse no assurednesse whereby they and their country might be secured of any safety These Princes and namely they three of Connaght Corke and Lymeric who were the chiefest and who were then preparing themselves in a readinesse to have come and salute the Kings Sonne and to have yeelded unto him their dutifull obeysance as faithfull subiects when they had heard these newes they began forthwith to bethinke themselves that of such evill beginning a worse ending would ensue wherefore with one consent they concluded to stand and ioyne together against the English nation and to their uttermost power to adventure their lives and to stand to the defence of their country and liberties and for the performance thereof they enter into a new league among themselves and swore each to other and by that meanes enemies before are now become friends and reconciled as of old Ephraim against Manasses and Manasses against Ephraim and both against the Tribe of Iuda Herod against Pilate and Pilate against Herod both become friends to crucifie Christ. To be short there followed a generall revolt and rebellion over all Ireland Cambrensis alledgeth a second cause of this revolt How that when Robert Fitz Setphens first entred
to bee true one to another throughout that whole rancke of rebels as farre as life lands and goods would reach to effect this enterprise Secondly they swoare never to yeeld obedience to the English nation againe Oconor King of Conaght becomes the mouth of the Irish perswades to his liking disswades where fancy pleaseth not and gathered together in short time an Army as mine Author saith of 20000. fighting men his policy was first to cleare Conoght and afterwards all Vlster and so by degrees the whole land the which he doubted not of as he delivered to his followers Sir Iohn de Courcy understanding this and doubting what hee should finde at Sir Hugh Delacies hands sent letters in post to his brother Sir Amorick Saint Laurence who shortly to his ayd marched towards the North with 30. Knights and 200. foot Oconor hearing this lyeth in ambush in most secret wise and sendeth scouts of horse and foot before him to apprehend and cut off all espials which might bewray his ambush and give intelligence to Sir Amorick to prevent the danger Sir Amorick boldly marcheth on misdoubting nothing for that he understandeth by his espials nothing to the contrary till he came to the Divels mouth where upon a sudden beholding Oconor and his huge Army peeping out of their ambush was amazed made a stand and consulting with his company wist not what to doe there was no flying there was no fighting one to a hundred was no equal match a horseman whose name was Mountgomery in a few words said this Let us fly and save our lives as for the foot company wee can doe them no good by figting by flying and saving our owne lives we may succour their wives children and kindred By that time Sir Amorick his brother leader of the foot company came to the consultation and said I see by all circumstances that you meane to flie and you Sir Amorick my noble brother what meane you to give eare to these cowardly horsemen will you leave us here as sheepe in the mouths of this mercilesse people and ravening wolfes ready to rent us in peeces Have you forgotten the bloody battels we followed you in and do you not see that we have left our Country our wives our children and dearest friends and now stand at deaths doore to be forsaken of you whom wee never left so disolate and distressed if you weigh not our lamentable estate regard your owne honour and the house you are descended of Will you lose in an houre the honour you wanne in many yeeres Call to remembrance most worthy Knight how that in Vriell in manner in the like distresse you dismounted your selfe slew your horse led the foot animated the company recovered your selfe and ended with honour Wee are your flesh and your blood wee come hither to fight to live and to dye together I know the worst I am resolved if we fight we dye if we fly we are slaine is it not better for us to dye in fight like men and so winne honour then to bee slaine in flight like beasts and gaine shame for ever With this Sir Amorick turned him to the foot company and hardly gathering breath with the sorrow of his heart resolved himselfe thus I have no power to fly and leave my frinds my flesh and blood in this extreme distresse I will live with them who for my sake came hither if it so please God and I will dye with them if it bee his pleasure that ending here wee shall meet againe bodies and soules at the last day God and the World beare witnesse that wee doe as Christian Knights ought to doe I yeeld my soule into Gods hands my body to returne whence it came my service to my naturall Prince my heart to my wife and brother Sir Iohn de Courcy my might my force and bloody sweat to the ayd of you all that are in the field He lighted kneeled upon his knees kissed the crosse of his sword ranne his horse through saying thou shalt never serve against mee that so worthily hast served with mee The like did all the rest then looking about with a chearefull countenance as if he had not beene the man that was formerly dismaid charged two young Gentlemen of the company to get them to the top of an Hill hard by adjoyning and beholding the battell upon their returne homwards make true report to his brother Courcy and others of that daies service Immediatly they prepared to battaile the enemies marvailed seeing them approch that they durst being so few abide the field they made likewise a stand and cast doubts whether the Englishmen in this attempt had not some great supply rescues are maine battaile following after they would not give the on-set before they had certain knowledge thereof by scoutes and espials to be short they joyne the battaile where to deliver the whole in few words Sir Amorick was slaine and all his company It was a bloody day when all the one side and a 1000. of the other side fell to ground Oconor and his company seing the end of this field durst never againe give battell unto the English but sued to Sir Hugh Delacy then Lord Iustice for peace which he obtained vowing as he had many a time before faith truth and perfect subjection This Oconor after his reconciliation made report unto Sir Hugh Delacy of that daies work that he thought verily there was never the like seen upon the earth how that the Englishmen not being able to stand in fight turned backe to backe with sparthes and two handed swords untill the last man was slaine The lamentation that Sir Iohn de Courcy made when this was bruted abroad I will not stand to rehearse I am now to end with King Henry the second a most worthy Prince whose troubles every way troubled not him so much as the unnaturall rebellion of his sonnes and the Iealousie of his Queene he raigned 34. yeeres 9. months and two dayes his Epitaph in Mathew Paris and in others I find thus Rex Henricus eram mihi plurima regna subegi Multiplicique modo Duxque Comesque fui c Of late King Henry was my name Which Conquered many a Land And divers Dukdomes did possesse And Earldomes held in hand And yet while all the earth could scarce My greedy mind suffice Eight foot within the ground now serves Wherein my Carcas lyes Now thou that readest this note well My force with force of Death And let that serve to shew the state Of all that yeeldeth breath Do good then here fore slow no time Cast off all worldly cares For brittel world full soone doth faile And death doth strike unwares Richard the first the third sonne of Henry 2. began his raigne over England the 6. of Iuly Anno 1189. For his valence he was called Coeur de Lyon the Lyons heart he was affianced but never married to Adela or Alice daughter to the French King and in his iourney to the holy
land he tooke to wife in the I le of Cyprus the Lady Berengaria daughter to Garsias some say Sanctius King of Nauarre and died without issue when he had raigned nine yeeres nine moneths and two and twenty dayes It is noted by the Antiquaries that upon the death of his father he had three notable windfals the first was the Crowne of England the second was his fathers treasure which he found at Salisbury amounting to nine hundred thousands pound in coyne besides Plate precious stones Iewels and apparell lastly in the Coffers of Ieffrey Ridley Bishop of Elye who dyed intestate he found towards his coronation 3260. pound in silver five markes in gold which was better for his coronation was most Royall Iohn Comyn Archbishop of Dublin was at it Mathew Paris in Latine and Holinshed in English have penned it verbatim Will. K. of Scots did him homage and when he was the second time crowned King bare a sword before him King Richard the first yeere of his raigne gave the Lady Isabell sole daughter and heire of Richard surnamed Strangbow Earle of Penbroke to William Maxfield Lord Maxfield and Earle Marshall of England Anno 1189 This William his surname was not Marshall as Sir Iohn Plunket his collection hath laid downe but Maxfield his descent I finde thus with William the Conquerour there came into England to his ayde one Walter Maxfield a Norman that was his Marshall this Walter had issue William William had issue Walter Walter had issue Iohn Iohn had issue this William Maxfield that married Isabell the daughter of Strangbow who was made Earle Marshall of England Earle of Penbroke in Wales and Prince of Leinster in Ireland in the right of his wife This William was in great favour with King Richard the first that gave him the Lady Isabell to wife and honoured him so at his coronation that he bare a regall Scepter before the King in the top whereof was set a Crosse of gold and when the King with full determination passed over into Normandie and from thence into the Holy Land he assigned him the third governour of the Realme Iohn Earle of Morton Anno 1199. after the death of his brother Richard sent this William among others into England to set all things in a readinesse for his coronation the which being the 27. of May and yeere aforesaid gave him his full creation to the Earledome of Penbroke and girded him with the sword not long after King Iohn sent him with others as Embassadors to the French King with sundry other imployments he was also in great favour with Henry 3. as shall be shewed when I come to his raigne He had five sonnes and five daughters his sonnes all succeeded him in the Earldome of Penbroke and office of Marshalsie together with the Principality of Leinster and dyed all without issue The daughters were all honourably matched in the life time of their father and brethren and had his territories and possessions in Wales and Ireland orderly divided among them the which they and their posterity peaceably enioyed This William Earle Marshall the elder came to Ireland Anno 1207. hee builded the Castle of Kilkenny and gave the towne a Charter with priviledges wich they enjoy to this day hee founded there also the Monasterie of the blacke Fryers and ended the way of all flesh at London Anno 1220. and lyeth buried in the temple of his Lady Isabell at Tinterne in Wales William Marshall his eldest sonne succeeded him both in the office of Marshall and Earldome of Penbroke and Ogie and Principalitie of Leinster he granted a Charter to the towne of Kilkenny Anno 1223. sixt of Aprill with the testate of Thomas Fitz Antony Lord of Thomas stowne Seneschall of Leinster Fulkoe Carnae Walter Pursell William Grace Haman Grace Amnar Grace and others he ended his dayes at Kilkenny Anno 1231. and resteth in the Monastery there which his father had formerly founded Againe of this William I have seene another Charter exemplified Anno 1329. by King Edward the third with an inspexim Edwardus Dei gratia Rex Angliae Dominus Hiberniae Dux Aquitanie omnibus Ballivis Ministris omnium villarum villatorum Lagenie ceteris quibuscunque deijsdem partibus salutem Supplicavit nobis superior et communitas villae de Kilkenny quod cum Willielmus nuper Comes Mariscallus et Pembrochie tempore quo idem Comes extiterat Domini totius terrae Lageniae concesserit Burgensibus et Communitati ville predicte qui pro tempore fuerint diversas libertates inter quas videlicet quod ipsi in perpetuum per totam Lageniam terram potestatēin suam tam villa quā alibi essent quieti de theulonio lastagio poritagio de omnibus aliijs consuetudinibus quibuscunque quam quidem cartam inspeximus c. Teste Iohanne Darcy Iusticiario nostro Hibernie apud Kilkenny 8. die Iulij anno regninostri 3. per billam ipsius Iusticiarij Yet Holinshed writeth that this William Marshall the younger deceased at London and lyeth buried by his father in the new Temple Richard Marshall the second brother succeeded he was Earle Marshall of England Earle of Penbroke in Wales and Ogie in Normandie and Prince of Leinster in Ireland In the yeere 1233. and the Moneth of Aprill in a battell nigh Kildare upon the great Heath called the Curragh fighting against the Oconors hee tooke his deaths wound whereof shortly he dyed Hee lieth buried by his brother William in the blacke Fryers at Kilkennye which was the foundation of William Earle Marshall his father Henry the third lamented his death and protested that he lost then the worthiest Captaine of his time His tombe with the tombe of eighteene Knights that came over at the Conquest and resting in that Abbey at the suppression of the Monasterie was defaced and inhabitants there turned them to their private uses and of some they made swine-troughs so as there remaineth no Monument in the said Abbey save one stone whereupon the picture of a Knight is portraied bearing a shield about his necke wherein the Cantwels armes are insculped and yet the people there call it Ryddir in Curry that is the Knight slaine at the Curraghe Iohn Clyn guardian of the Fryers there in his Annals of Ireland writeth thus Post incarnatum lapsis de virgine natum Annis millenis tribus triginta ducent is In primo mensis Aprilis Kildariensis Pugna die Sabbati fuit in tristitia facti Acciderant stallo pugnae Comiti Mariscallo And upon his Tombe Hic Comes est positus Richardus vulnere fossus Cujus sub fossa Kilkennia continet ossa After the decease of Richard Gilbert Marshall the third brother was Earle Marshall of England Earle of Penbroke and Ogie and Prince of Leinster Anno 1239. King Henry the third held his Christmas at Winchester where there rose a grudge betweene the King and this Earle Gilbert by reason that this same Earle with his servants having tip-staves
in their hands comming to the Court were not suffered to enter within the gates but were kept backe by the Porters and others of which injury when hee complained the King made him an overthwart answer Whereupon the Earle not well pleased therewith estranged himselfe from the Court and went into the North country so that thenceforth he and his brother Walter gave small attendance upon the King and to end with this Earle Gilbert it fell out on a time in a Turnay which hee had attempted without the Citie of Hereford contrary to the Kings pleasure that his unruly horse cast him so that of the hurt which he tooke with the fall he shortly after departed this life in the yeere 1241. and was buried in the new temple Church at London hee had married the Lady Margaret the sister of Alexander King of Scots who by her had no issue she also dyed Anno 1245. Walter Marshall succeeded Gilbert in all the former honours and possessions both in England and Ireland who because he had procured the turnament wherein his brother was slaine hardly obtained of the king the same He departed this life at Godrike Castle by Monmouth and was buried at Tintern Anno 1245. leaving no issue behind him Anselme Marshall the fift sonne of William Earle Marshall succeded Walter hee was the last of the Maxfields and died without issue Hee had married Mathildis or Mawd daughter of the Earle of Hereford anc because hee had entred without doing of homage unto the King his wife after his decease could have no dowry wherof among the statutes of England I find the cause by especial words thus overruled· When any dyeth and his heire entreth into the Land that his Ancesters held of the King the day that he died before he hath done homage to the King and received seisin of the King hee shall give no free hold thereby and if hee dyed seised during that time his wife shall not be indowed of the same land as came late in urc by Mawd the daughter of the Earle of Hereford wife of Anselme the Marshal Who after the death of Walter Marshall of England his brother tooke his seisin of the Castle and mannor of Strogill and died in the same Castle before hee had entred by the King and before hee had done homage unto him whereupon it was agreed that his wife should not be indowed because that her husband had not entred by the King but rather by trusion This Anselme died in England and was buried at Tinterne After the death of these five brethren Florilegus writeth thus All the sonnes of William the great Marshall it is not knowne what sinne required the same according to the Prophecy of the Countesse their mother without issue left behind them as shadowes departed out of this world yet all successively became Earles even as their mother by a Propheticall spirit foreshewed and so the Noble sheild or buckler of the Marshalls dreadful to so many and so great enemies of England vanished away Mathew Paris wrote the story at large The aforesaid William as Warlike and stout called Marshall as if hee had beene Mars his Seneschall while in Ireland hee gave himselfe to slaughter and burning and got to himselfe large possessions he tooke away by strong hand and injuriously from an holy Bishop two mannors or Lordships belonging to his Church and presumptuously usurped them as though he might by just title possesse them as if he had wonne them with the sword The Bishop after many admonitions and receiving many froward answers thundred against him and not without cause the sentence of Excommunication the which the Earle despised and pleaded for excuse the warlike season keeping injuries upon injuries Whereupon not without advisement one Maister Gervasius de Melckeria framed of him this distinction and shrowded himselfe in his person Sum quem Saturnum sibi sensit Hibernia Solem Anglia Mercurium Normania Gallia Martem Iam whom Ireland Saturne hight and England Sol me cals Amids the Normans Mercury and Mars among the Gauls The meaning in a word is how that he in his time had tamed the wild Irish and had beene the shining beame of honour unto the English as an Ambassadour to pacifie the Normans and an invincible Knight among the French nation but forwards with Paris the aforesaid Earle held those mannors all his life time and annexed them unto his dominions Within a few yeeres after the Earle ended the way of all flesh and was buried in the new Temple at London the Bishop hearing of this for he was the Bishop of Fernes a Cistertian Monke by birth Irish and famous for Sanctity not without great paine in travaile he went unto the King who then was in London exhibited a grievous complaint of the injury done unto him and how that hee had justly excommunicated the Earle and humbly besought the King that by his soveraigne authority and Princely mandat and also for the good of the said Earle Williams soule he would see his mannors restored unto him that in so doing though he were dead yet might reape the benefit of absolution The King with this was moved and willed the Bishop to repaire to the Earles grave and absolve him and he would diligently labour for his satisfaction the Bishop together with the King went to his Tombe and in the hearing of al that were present as if they had been both alive said O William that here lyest interred and wrapped in the bonds of Excommunication if the thing which thou hast injuriously taken away from my Church bee restored by the king or by thine heire or by some one of thy kindred or friends with competent satisfaction I absolve thee o her wise I doe ratifie the said sentence that thou being ever wrapped in thy sinnes maiest remaine damned in hell The King hearing this was moved and sharply rebuked the immoderat rigour of the Pontificall Prelate To whom the Bishop replied my Lord ann dread soveraigne marvaile not though I be out of patience for he hath spoiled my Church to his great commoditie The King then secretly conferring with William the eldest sonne of this Earle and heire to the whole and now invested in the inheritance and Earledome and certaine others his brethren besought them by the restoring the mannors unjustly taken away mercifully to deliver their fathers soule To whom William the heir made answer I doe not beleeve neither is to be credited that my father tooke them injuriously for that which is gotten by the sword may lawfully be enjoyed for if that old and doting Bishop hath given a wrong sentence let the curse light upon his owne pate I will not weaken my estate nor diminish the inheritance wherein I am invested my father dyed seized thereof and I have rightly entred Vnto these words all the brethren yeelded their consents The King being then of tender yeeres and under Tutor would not give cause of heavinesse unto so great and Noble a personage when the Bishop
understood this hee was more waspish and moved with the countenance of the sonnes then with the former iniury of the father and turning him to the King spake aloud what I have said I have said what I have written I have written never to be blotted out To be short the Bishop with great sorrow departed and in bitternesse prophecied of the ill successe of the children who dyed and lived in great honour all the dayes of their lives but these matters we are to referre to the secret iudgement of God After the decease of these five brethren five Earles and five Princes of Leinster leaving no issue behinde them the five daughters their sisters Ioane Mathilda Isabell Sibilla and Eva being honourably matched had their fathers and brethrens possessions and territories in Ireland orderly divided amongst them Ioane the eldest daughter of William Earle Marshall and eldest sister of the five brethren before spoken of was married to Warren de Mountchensen who in right of her had allotted unto him the County of Wexford they had issue one daughter Ioane that was married Anno 1247. to William de Valence a Norman the sonne of Hugh Brune Earle of March and Turryn Vicount of Curce c. hee was halfe brother to King Henry the third by Queene Isabell daughter and heire of Amerie Earle of Angolesm the widdow of King Iohn This William in the right of his wife was Earle of Penbroke and Lord of Wexford and died Anno 1296. he had issue two sonnes and two daughters William de Valence Owdomare alias Aimer de Valence Isabell and Ioane William succeeded his father in the Earldome of Penbroke and Lordship of Wexford and died without issue Aymer his brother after him was Earle of Penbroke and Lord of Wexford and died without issue whereupon the inheritance fell to the two sisters Isabell and Ioane Isabell was married to Iohn Hastings Lord Hastings of Abergevenny who in the right of his wife had one halfe of the county of Wexford allotted unto him and had issue Elizabeth which married Reynold Lord Gray of Ruthin Ioane the second sister was married to Iohn Lord Comyn who in her right had the other halfe of Wexford and he had issue two daughters Elizabeth and Ioane Elizabeth married Richard Lord Talbot and Ioane was married to David Earle of Atholl in Scotland and thus the County of Wexford was divided Mathilda or Mawde the second daughter of William Earle Marshall of England had the county of Cattelough alias Carlogh assigned unto her she was married to Hugh Bigod Earle of Norfolke father of Ralph Bigod whose daughter and heire Isabell was married to Sir Gilbert Lacy who had issue Margery and Mawd Margery was married to Iohn Lord Verdon of whom the Earle of Shrewesbury and the Earle of Essex are descended Mawd married Ieffery Genivill father to Peter Genivill whose daughter and heire was married to Roger Mortimer Lord of Wigmore and the first Earle of March Isabell the third daughter of William Earle Marshall of England had to her portion the county of Kilkenny She was married to Sir Gilbert de Clare Earle of Glocester and Herford whose discent is before spoken of Hee was slaine by the Scots in King Edward the seconds time and died without issue I have seene a Charter granted by him to the towne of Kilkenny Gilbert Clare Earle of Glocester and Herford to our Seneshall of Kilkenny and to our treasurer of the same greeting know you that we for the common profit of the towne of Kilkenny of our especiall favour have granted to our loving Burgesses of the same towne c. the whole in substance is that none shall sell victuals there but it shall be prized by the officers of our towne After the decease of Sir Gilbert Clare then the Earledomes of Glocester and Herford and the County of Kilkenny fell betweene his three sisters begotten upon Isabell aforesaid to wit Elenor Margaret and Elizabeth Elenor was married to Hugh Spencer the younger Margaret was married to Peter Gaveston and after his death to Hugh Lord Audely Elizabeth was married first to William Lord Burgh Earle of Vlster the second time to Ralph Roch Baron of Farmoy thirdly to Theobald Lord Verdon and lastly to Roger Damary and had issue by every one of them Sibilla the fourth daughter of William Earle Marshall had to her part the Countie of Kildare and was married to William Ferers Earle of Ferers and Darby who had issue Agnes Isabell Mathilda Sibilla Cecilia and a second Sibill Agnes was married to VVilliam de Vescy who had issue Iohn de Vescy who had issue VVilliam de Vescy that died without issue in his fathers life time Lastly this County of Kildare was given by the King unto Iohn Fitz Thomas the first Earle of Kildare as hereafter in more convenient place shall appeare Eva the first daughter of VVilliam Earle Marshall had to her portion the Mannor of Dounmas in Leix and was married to VVilliam Bruse Lord Bruse of Gower who had issue Mathilda Elenor and Eva. Mathilda was married to Roger Mortimer Elenor was married to Humphery de Bohun Earle of Herford and Eva to Cantilupe alias VVilliam de Canlow Of the line of these Maxfields I meane of VVilliam Earle Marshall of England the pedigree discent of this Noble familie the properties and purports holds of the daughters I have seene sundry copies Nicholas Magwir Bishop of Leighlen perfected an abstract of the division of the land in Ireland among the daughters and the paritcularities thereof which is to be seene in the red towne-booke of Kilkenny and now forwards with the history from whence I have somewhat digressed Anno 1190. in which yeere the Citie of Dublin by foule mishap was fired to ashes King Richard set all in a readinesse for his iourney into the holy land gathered masses of money together and among others it is remembred what a summe of money he received of Hugh Pudsey a Norman and Bishop of Durham that gave an inestimable summe to be made an Earle whom the Antiquaries doe condemne for his intolerable pride and damnable covetousnesse whom the King also flowted after hee had received the coyne saying Loe I have made a young Earle of an old Bishop In this voyage and preparation for the recovery of Ierusalem and the ayde of the Christians in Asia there went Fredericke Emperour of Almaine Richard King of England Philip of France VVilliam of Cicilia Otho Duke of Burgundie the Venetians Pisanes Frisones Danes and Flemings Now that the King is on his iourney abroad let us talke a little gentle Reader of little Iohn at home Stanihurst leads me into the history and reporteth that Anno 1189. he came into Ireland and sojourned at Dublin the storie goeth and especially in Hector Boetius and Iohn Major Antiquaries of Scotland how that in those daies there were many outlawes in the North parts of England of these outlawes Robin Hood and little Iohn were Chiefetaines It was said of
Bruse Hugh Brune and others imprisoned him in Falaise in Normandy from thence he was brought to Roane and there clapt in the Tower under the custody of Robert de Veipont where shortly after he finished his life whether by leaping into the ditch thinking to make his escape or by meane of some privy hand which murther it is not as yet agreed upon Vtinam saith Mat. Paris non ut fama refert invida by occasion whereof K. Iohn was ever after had in great suspition whether justly or unjustly the Lord knoweth King Iohn fearing the secret practises of his adversaries and doubting the revolt of his Barons sent for his further security unto those whom he most suspected for hostages and pledges of their Ioialty and among others unto William de Bruse a Normand borne but Lord of Brechnok saith Guttin Owen and a great commander in South-wales The wife like a quicke Dame taking the answer out of her husbands mouth gave this round speech that shee would not give any of her sonnes to King Iohn who already had slaine and murthered his owne nephew Arthur These words being lavishly delivered unto the King set him in such a heat of displeasure against her husband though hee had rebuked her sharply for the same that the L. Bruse with his wife and children fled the Realme and got them unto Ireland for safeguard of their lives and when King Iohn came unto Ireland they fled to the I le of Man where they were apprehended and sent to the Castle of Windsore in England and there as the common fame went famished to death But William de Bruse himselfe escaped the hands of the King in Ireland and fled into France died at Corbell and was buried in Paris The next that comes upon the stage is Sir Iohn de Courcy Earle of Vlster Lord of Conaght that had lastly beene L. Liev. of Ireland who governing the land with great circumspection together with Sir Hugh de Lacy the younger who maligned him secretly and envied his prosperity in so much that hee accused him to King Iohn saying that he laid to the Kings charge the murthering of his nephew Arthure whereupon King Iohn sent for him into England and gave commission unto Sir Hugh de Lacy and his brother Walter Delacy to attach his person Sir Iohn de Courcy having secret intelligence of their drift kept himselfe a loofe Sir Hugh Delacy finding that levied an army and invaded Vlster the Country rose against him and drove him to flie Then Lacy praclaimed him traitor and marched towards him with all the forces he could make Courcy in like sort prepared for his comming At Dune they met and fought a cruell battaile where the field was all blood and many slaine on both sides but in the end the victory fell to Courcy and Lacy went back with shame enough Then Lacy practised how he might betray him It is said among the Irish that Courcy offred the combat and that Lacy refused it aleadging that it was not for him that represented the Kings person to hazard his life with an inferior being a subject and a traytor Lacy makes proclamation promising a large reward to him that should bring him in Courcy either alive or dead but it would not be then privily he dealt with some of his servants that if they would undertake the apprehension of him they should have great rewards it was concluded and this advice the betraiers gave Sir Iohn de Courcy is a mighty man in armes and of such strength that no one man dares be so hardy as lay hand upon him and againe hee is alwaies both in publick and privat well provided Yet we can direct you a course to bring your purpose to effect upon good Friday yeerly he weares no armes but is wholly given to divine contemplation and commonly walketh all solitary round about the Church-yard of Dune if you provide a troope of horsemen in a readinesse and send your espiall before there you shall have him apprehend him and worke your will and hither they came and laid hands upon him Courcy now unarmed and altogether distressed ranne to a wooden crosse that stood in the Church yard tooke the pole therof and laid about him lustily Courcy at that time had but a few attending on him and they armelesse of which number were two young Gentlemen the sonnes of Sir Amorick Saint Laurence which were slaine to bee short the Author of the Booke of Houth reporteth that Courcy in that Skirmish slew 13. of Lacy his men that died not upon the Crosse but under the Crosse but in the end he was carried away conveied beyond the seas clapt in the Towre of London and condemned to perpetuall imprisonment Whereupon Lacy for that service had the Earledome of Vlster given him and the Iudases that betrayed their Master had their hire Then they craved of Sir Hugh de Lacy a pasport into England with the relation of the good service they had done in Ireland which was granted upon condition that upon the paine of death they should never returne into Ireland againe neither to open the same afore it were demanded of them It was as followeth I Hugh de Lacy Lord Iustice of Ireland servant to my dread Soveraigne Lord King Iohn To all them that shall read these few lines greeting know you that th●se men whose names are under written served sometimes Sir Iohn de Courcy late Earle of Vlster but now in durance in the Towre of London and for a summe of money betraied their owne Master into my hand I deeme them no better then Iudas the traitor how hardly soever I have conceived of Courcy I hold them a thousand times more damnable traitors Wherefore let no subject within any of the Kings dominions give them any entertainment but spit in their faces and suffer them to rogue about and wander as Iewes He provided them a barke with saile and victuall but gave them no Pilots nor sea-faring men for want of skill they could not take the seas but were tossed with winde and weather along the Coast at length the Tyde brought them into the river of Corke they were no sooner landed but they were apprehended examined and brought to Sir Hugh de Lacy and forthwith all foure hanged cheeke by jole Not long after there fell some difference betweene Iohn King of England and Philip King of France for the right of some Fort in Normandie who to avoyde the shedding of Christian bloud agreed of each side to put it to a combat of King Philips part there was a French man in readinesse King Iohn upon the sudden wist not what to doe for a Champion to encounter with him at length one attending upon his person enformed him that there was one Courcy in the Towre of London the onely man in his dominions if hee would undertake it to answer the challenge King Iohn ioyfull of this sent the first yea second and third time promising large rewards and rich gifts
Walter by the said heire of Vlster had issue Walter and hee had issue five daughters 1. Ellen that married Robert le Bruse King of Scotland 2. Elizabeth that married the Earle of Gloster 3. Iohan that married Thomas Earle of Kildare 4. Katherine that married the Earle of Louth 5. Margaret that married the Earle of Desmond the 6. Ellinor that married with the Lord Multon notwithstanding these honourable matches and amity concluded in the outward sight of the world there rose deadly warres between the Giraldins and Burks which wrought blood sheds troubles by partaking throughout the Realme of Ireland at the same time the fury of the Giraldins was so outragious in so much that Morice Fitz Maurice the second Earle of Desmond opposed himselfe against the sword and tooke at Trisledermote now called Castle Dermocke Richard de Capella the Lord Iustice Theoball le Butler and Iohn or Millis de Cogan and committed them to the prisons in Leix and Donamus but the yeere following Henry the third not pleased with these commotions and hurly burlies by mature advice taken of his Councell pacified the variance betweene them discharged Denny of his Iusticeship and appointed David Barry Lord Iustice in his place Anno 1267. David Barry tooke by the appointment of the King the sword of Iusticeship and the command of Ireland and quelled or tamed saith the English Anonymos the insolent dealing of Morice Fitz Maurice Cousin german to Girald The same yeere saith Iohn Clinne the Fryers Preachers first of all settled themselves at Rosse in Wexford and the Minors at Kilkennie and two yeeres after at Clonemell Anno 1268. Conochur Obrian was slaine by Dermot Mac Monard and the same yeere saith Felcon and Clinne Maurice Fitz Gerald Earle of Desmond was drowned crossing the seas between England and Ireland leaving behind him a sonne and heire of the age of 3. yeeres and a halfe The same yeere Robert Vfford became Lord Iustice of Ireland and began to build the Castle of Roscommon Anno 1269. Richard de Excester was made Lord Iustice who dyed the same yeere together with his wife Margery de Say the same yeere saith Florilegus Othobone the Popes Legat held a Councell at Paules in London where he called before him the Clergy of England Wales Ireland and Scotland and left among them certaine constitutions which were afterward commended by Linwood and are at this day in request the which constitutions of Otho and Othobon were afterwards confirmed by the Archbishop of Canterbury in Ed. 1. raigne Holinshead Anno 1270. The Lord Iames Audley was made Lord Iustice of Ireland and dyed with the fall of a horse in his time Florilegus and Holinshead note there was great commotion in Ireland the Irish tooke Armes against the English burned spoiled destroied and slue as well the Magistrates as others Clinne goeth more particularly to worke and delivereth how that the King of Conaght by force of Armes in the plaine field overthrew Walter Burke Earle of Vlster who hardly escaped with life yet dyed the yeere following and slue a great number of Nobles and Knights that held with the Burk and among others by especiall name the Lord Richard Verdon and the Lord Iohn Verdon and that there ensued over all Ireland great famine and pestilence as the sequell of warres About this time say our Antiquaries the Bishop of Rome sent to Ireland requiring the tithes of all spirituall promotions for 3. yeeres to come to maintaine his warres against the King of Aragon the which was greatly murmured at and gainesaid yet the Nuntio went not empty away Anno 1272. the most renowned King Henry the third having lived 65. yeeres and raigned 56. and 28 dayes ended his dayes and was buried at Westminster Edward the first of that name sonne of King Henry the third surnamed Long-shankes of the age of 35. yeers began his raigne Anno 1272. Anno 1272. and the first of Edward the first his raigne Maurice Fitz Maurice was made Lord Iustice in whose time the Irish brake out into cruell rebellion rased and destroyed the Castles of Aldleeke Roscommon Scheligath and Randon this Maurice saith Clyn not long after was betrayed by his owne followers in Ophali taken and imprisoned Anno 1273. the Lord Walter Genvill who lately returned home from the Holy Land was sent into Ireland and appointed Lord Iustice in his time so write Dowlinge and Grace the Scots and Red-shankes out of the high land crossed the seas burned townes and villages most cruelly killed man woman and childe tooke a great prey and returned home afore the country could make preparation to pursue them but in a while after to bee revenged of them Vlster and Connaught mustred a great Armie under the leading of Richardus de Burgo and Sir Eustacele Poer knight made after them entred the Islands and high land of Scotland slue as many as they could finde burned their Cabbans and Cottages and such as dwelt in caves and rockes under ground as the manner is to denne out Foxes they fired and smothered to death covering their entrances into the ground with great and huge stones and so returned into Ireland Anno 1276. what time Thomas Clare came into Ireland and married the daughter of Maurice Fitz Maurice The Castle of Roscommon was taken by the Irish and a great overthrow given vnto the English men at Glynburry Glandelory saith Clyn where William Fitz Roger Prior of the Kings hospitallers and many others were taken prisoners and a great number of others were slaine at what time also Ralph Pepard and Otholand gave O Neale a sore battaile Anno 1277. Walter Lord Genuill was sent for into England and Robert Vfford the second time tooke the office of Iusticeship at this time Muridath or Murtagh a notable rebell was taken at the Noraght by Gualter de Fant and executed Thomas Clare likewise in this rebellion slue Obryan Roe King of Thomond and yet after this the Irish drew such a draught that they closed him up in Slew Banny together with Maurice Fitz Maurice his father in law and all their forces untill they gave hostages to escape with their lives upon condition to make satisfaction for the death of O brian and his followers and in the meane while to yeeld them up the Castle of Roscommon although the conditions seemed hard prejudiciall to the Kings Maiesty yet were they driven for safeguard of their lives to condiscend thereunto In this rebellious season to cleere himselfe that in his owne person he came not to daunt the enemy Robert Vfford the Lord Iustice was sent for into England who substituted in his roome one Fryer Robert Fulborne Bishop of Waterford who when he had cleered himselfe came and resigned his place of Iusticeship Anno 1278. there rose civill warres no better then rebellion betweene Mac Dermot de Moylargo and Cathgur O Conoghor King of Connaught where there was great slaughter and bloud-shed on both
originall of the language customes of the Nation and the first peopling of the severall parts of the Iland are full of good reading and doe shew a sound judgment They may be further confirmed by comparing them with Richard Creagh's Booke de linguâ Hibernicâ which is yet extant in the original manuscript althogh mixed with matter of story leaning too much to some fabulous traditiōs yet in other respects is worthy of light Touching the generall scope intended by the author for the reformation of abuses and ill customes This we may say that although very many have taken paines in the same subject during the raigne of Queene Elizabeth and some before as the author of the booke intituled Salus populi and after him Patrick Finglas cheife Baron of the Exchequer here and afterwardes cheife Iustice of the common pleas yet none came so neere to the best grounds for reformation a few passages excepted as Spenser hath done in this Some marginall notes I have added although not intending any untill the fourth part of the Booke was printed A VIEVV OF THE STATE OF IRELAND Written Dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenaeus By Edmund Spenser Esq. in the yeare 1596. Eudox. BVT if that Countrey of Ireland whence you lately came bee of so goodly and commodious a soyle as you report I wonder that no course is taken for the turning thereof to good uses and reducing that nation to better government and civility Iren. Marry so there have bin divers good plottes devised wise Councels cast already about reformation of that Realme but they say it is the fatall destiny of that Land that no purposes whatsoever which are meant for her good wil prosper or take good effect which whether it proceed from the very Genius of the soyle or influence of the starres or that almighty God hath not yet appointed the time of her reformation or that hee reserveth her in this unquiet state still for some secret scourge which shall by her come unto England it is hard to be knowne but yet much to be feared Eudox. Surely I suppose this but a vaine conceipt of simple men which judge things by their effects and not by their causes for I would rather thinke the cause of this evill which hangeth upon that Countrey to proceed rather of the unsoundnes of the Councels and plots which you say have bin oftentimes laid for the reformation or of faintnes in following effecting the same then of any such fatall course appointed of God as you misdeeme but it is the manner of men that when they are fallen into any absurdity or their actions succeede not as they would they are alwayes readie to impute the blame thereof unto the Heavens so to excuse their owne follies and imperfections So have I heard it often wished also even of some whose great wisedomes in opinion should seeme to judge more soundly of so weighty a consideration that all that land were a Sea poole which kinde of speech is the manner rather of desperate men farre driven to wish the utter ruine of that which they cannot redress then of grave Councellors which ought to thinke nothing so hard but that thorough wisedome it may bee mastered and subdued since the Poet saith that the wiseman shall rule even over the Starres much more over the Earth for were it not the part of a desperate Phisitian to wish his diseased Patient dead rather then to apply the best indeavour of his skill for his recovery But since we are so farre entred let us I pray you a little devise of those evils by which that country is held in this wretched case that it cannot as you say be recured And if it be not painefull to you tell us what things during your late continuance there you observed to bee most offensive and greatest impeachment to the good rule and government thereof Iren. Surely Eudox. the evils which you desire to be recounted are very many almost countable with those which were hidden in the basket of Pandora But since you please I will out of that infinite number reckon but some that are most capitall commonly occurrant both in the life conditions of private men as also in the managing of publicke affaires and pollicy the which you shall understand to be of divers natures as I observed them For some of them are of verie great antiquity and continuance others more late and of lesse indurance others dayly growing and increasing continuallie by their evill occasions which are every day offered Eudox. Tell them then I pray you in the same order that you haue now rehearsed thē for there can be no better method then this which the very matter it selfe offereth And when you have reckoned all the evils let us heare your opinion for the redressing of thē After which there will perhaps of it selfe appeare some reasonable way to settle a sound and perfect rule of government by shunning the former evils and following the offered good The which method we may learne of the wise Phisitians which first require that the malady be knowne throughly and discovered Afterwards to teach how to cure and redresse it And lastly doe prescribe a dyet with straight rule and orders to be dayly observed for feare of relapse into the former disease or falling into some other more dangerous then it Iren I will then according to your advisement begin to declare the evils which seeme to me most hurtfull to the common-weale of that land And first those I say which were most auncient and long growne And they also are of three sorts The first in the Lawes the second in Customes and the last in Religion Eudox. Why Irenaus can there be any evill in the lawes can things which are ordained for the good and safety of all turne to the evill and hurt of them This well I wore both in that State and in all other that were they not contained in duty with feare of law which restraineth offences and inflicteth sharpe punishment to misdoers no man should enjoy any thing every mans hand would be against an other Therfore in finding fault with the Lawes I doubt me you shall much over-shoote your selfe and make me the more dislike your other dislikes of that government Iren. The Lawes Eudox. I doe not blame for themselves knowing right well that all Lawes are ordained for the good of the common-weale and for repressing of licentiousnesse and vice but it falleth out in Lawes no otherwise then it doth in Physick which was at first devised and is yet daylie ment and ministred for the health of the Patient But neverthelesse we often see that either thorough ignorance of the disease or thorough unseasonablenesse of the time or other accidents comming betweene in stead of good it worketh hurt and out of one evill throweth the Patient into many miseries So the Lawes were at first intended for the reformation of abuses and peaceable continuance of the Subiect but are
sithence either disanulled or quite prevaricated thorough change and alteration of times yet are they good still in themselves but in that commō-wealth which is ruled by them they worke not that good which they should and sometimes also that evill which they would not Eudox. Whether doe you meane this by the Common-Lawes of that Realme or by the Statute Lawes and Acts of Parliaments Iren. Surely by them both for even the Common law being that which William of Normandy brought in with his conquest and laid upon the neck of England though perhaps it fitted well with the state of England then being and was readily obeyed thorough the power of the Commander which had before subdued the people unto him made easie way to the setling of his will yet with the state of Ireland peradventure it doth not so well agree being a people very stubborne and untamed or if it were ever tamed yet now lately having quite shooken off their yoake broken the bonds of their obedience For England before the entrance of the Conqueror was a peaceable Kingdome and but lately inured to the milde and goodly government of Edward surnamed the Confessor besides now lately growne into a loathing and detestation of the unjust and tyrannous rule of Harold an usurper which made them the more willing to accept of any reasonable conditiōs order of the new victor thinking surely that it could be no worse then the latter and hoping well it would be as good as the former yet what the proofe of first bringing in establishing of those lawes was was to many full bitterly made knowne But with Ireland it is farre otherwise for it is a Nation ever acquainted with warres though but amongst themselves in their owne kinde of military discipline trayned up ever from their youthes which they have never yet beene taught to lay aside nor made to learne obedience unto Lawes scarcely to know the name of Law but in stead thereof have alwayes preserved and kept their owne Law which is the Brehon Law Eudox. What is that which you call the Brehon law it is a word unto us altogether unknowne Iren. It is a rule of right unwritten but delivered by tradition from one to another in which oftentimes there appeareth great shew of equity in determining the right betweene party and party but in many things repugning quite both to Gods Law and mans As for example in the case of murder the Brehon that is their judge will compound betweene the murderer and the friends of the party murdered which prosecute the action that the malefactor shall give unto them or to the child or wife of him that is slain a recompence which they call an Eriach By which vilde law of theirs many murders amongst them are made up and smothered And this Iudge being as hee is called the Lords Brehon adjudgeth for the most part a better share unto his Lord that is the Lord of the soyle or the head of that Sept and also unto himselfe for his judgement a greater portion then unto the Plantiffes or parties greived Eudox. This is a most wicked law indeed But I trust it is not now used in Ireland since the Kings of England have had the absolute dominion thereof and established their owne Lawes there Iren. Yes truly for there be many wide countries in Ireland which the lawes of England were never established in nor any acknowledgment of subjection made also even in those which are subdued seeme to acknowledge subjection yet the same Brehon law is practised among themselues by reason that dwelling as they doe whole nations and septs of the Irish together without any Englishman amongst them they may doe what they list and compound or altogether conceale amongst themselves their owne crimes of which no notice can be had by them which would and might amend the same by the rule of the Lawes of England Eudox. What is this which you say And is there any part of that Realme or any Nation therein which have not yet beene subdued to the Crowne of England Did not the whole Realme universally accept and acknowledge our late Prince of famous memory Henry the Viiith for their onely King and Leige Lord Iren. Yes verily in a Parliament holden in the time of Sir Anthony Saint-Leger then Lord Deputy all the Irish Lords and principall men came in and being by faire meanes wrought thereunto acknowledged King Henry for their Soveraigne Lord reserving yet as some say unto themselves all their owne former priviledges and Seignories inviolate Eudox. Then by that acceptance of his Soveraignty they also accepted of his lawes Why then should any other lawes be now used amongst them Iren. True it is that thereby they bound themselves to his lawes obedience and in case it had beene followed upon them as it should have beene and a government thereupon setled among them agreeable thereunto they should have beene reduced to perpetuall civilitie and contained in continuall dutie But what bootes it to breake a Colte and to let him straight runne loose at randome So were these people at first well handled and wisely brought to acknowledge allegiance to the Kings of England but being straight left unto themselves and their owne inordinate life and manners they eftsoones forgot what before they were taught and so soone as they were out of sight by themselves shooke off their bridles and beganne to colte anew more licentiously then before Eudox. It is a great pittie that so good an oportunity was omitted and so happie an occasion fore-slacked that might have beene the eternall good of the Land But doe they not still acknowledge that submission Iren. No they doe not for now the heires and posterity of them which yeelded the same are as they say either ignorant thereof or doe wilfully deny or stedfastly disavow it Eudox. How can they so doe justly Doth not the act of the Parent in any lawfull graunt or conveyance bind their heires for ever thereunto Sith then the Auncestors of those that now live yeelded themselves then subjects and Liegemen shall it not tye their Children to the same subiection Iren. They say no for their Auncestours had no estate in any their Lands Seigniories or Hereditaments longer then during their own lifes as they alledge for all the Irish doe hold their Land by Tanistrie which is say they no more but a personall estate for his life time that is Tanist by reason that he is admitted thereunto by election of the Countrey Eudox. What is this which you call Tanist and Tanistry They be names and termes never heard of nor knowne to us Iren. It is a custome amongst all the Irish that presently after the death of any of their chiefe Lords or Captaines they doe presently assemble themselves to a place generally appointed knowne unto them to choose another in his steed where they doe nominate and elect for the most part not the eldest sonne nor any of the children
had formerly wonne the same And besides it will give a great light both unto the second and third part which is the redressing of those evils planting of some good forme or policy therin by renewing the remembrance of these occasiōs accidents by which those ruines hapned laying before us the ensamples of those times to be cōpared to ours to be warned by those which shall have to doe in the like Therefore I pray you tell them unto us and as for the point where you left I will not forget afterwards to call you backe againe thereunto Iren. This Edw. le Bruce was brother of Robert le Bruce who was King of Scotland at such time as K. Edward the second raigned here in England and bare a most malicious and spightfull minde against K. Edward doing him all the scathe that hee could and annoying his Territoryes of England whilest hee was troubled with civill warres of his Barons at home Hee also to worke him the more mischiefe sent over his said brother Edward with a power of Scottes and Red-shankes into Ireland where by the meanes of the Lacies and of the Irish with whom they combined they gave footing and gathering unto him all the scatterlings and out-lawes out of all the woods and mountaines in which they long had lurked marched foorth into the English pale which then was chiefly in the North from the point of Donluce and beyond unto Dublin Having in the middest of her Knockfergus Belfast Armagh and Carlingford which are now the most out-bounds and abandoned places in the English Pale and indeede not counted of the English Pale at all for it stretcheth now no further then Dundalke towardes the North. There the said Edward le Bruce spoyled and burnt all the olde English Pale Inhabitants and sacked and rased all Citties and Corporate Townes no lesse then Murrough en Ranagh of whom I earst tolde you For hee wasted Belfast Greene-Castle Kelles Bellturbut Castletowne Newton and many other very good Townes and strong holdes hee rooted out the noble Families of the Audlies Talbotts Tuchets Chamberlaines Maundevills and the Savages out of Ardes though of the Lo Savage there remaineth yet an heire that is now a poore Gentleman of very meane condition yet dwelling in the Ardes And comming lastly to Dundalke hee there made himselfe King and raigned the space of one whole yeare untill that Edward King of England having set some quiet in his affaires at home sent over the Lord Iohn Birmingham to bee Generall of the Warres against him who incountering him neere to Dundalke over-threw his Army and slew him Also hee presently followed the victory so hotly upon the Scottes that hee suffered them not to breathe or gather themselves together againe untill they came to the Sea-coast Notwithstanding all the way that they fledde for very rancor and despight in their returne they utterly consumed and wasted whatsoever they had before left unspoyled so as of all Townes Castles Forts Bridges and Habitations they left not any sticke standing nor any people remayning for those few which yet survived fledde from their fury further into the English Pale that now is Thus was all that goodly countrey utterly wasted And sure it is yet a most beautifull and sweet Countrey as any is under Heaven being stored throughout with many goodly Rivers replenished with all sorts of Fish most abundantly sprinkled with many very sweet Ilands and goodly Lakes like little inland Seas that will carry even shippes upon their waters adorned with goodly woods even fit for building of houses ships so commodiously as that if some Princes in the world had them they would soone hope to be Lords of all the Seas and ere long of all the world also full of very good Ports and Havens opening upon England as inviting us to come unto them to see what excellent cōmodities that Countrey can afford besides the soyle it selfe most fertile fit to yeeld all kinde of fruit that shall be committed thereunto And lastly the Heavens most milde and temperate though somwhat more moist then the parts towards the West Eudox. Truly Iren. what with your praises of the countrey and what with your discourse of the lamentable desolation therof made by those Scottes you have filled mee with a great compassion of their calamities that I doe much pitty that sweet Land to be subiect to so many evills as I see more and more to bee layde upon her and doe halfe beginne to thinke that it is as you said at the beginning her fatall misfortune above all other Countreyes that I know to bee thus miserably tossed and turmoyled with these variable stormes of affliction But since wee are thus farre entred into the consideration of her mishaps tell mee have there beene any more such tempests as you terme them wherein she hath thus wretchedly beene wracked Iren. Many more God wot have there beene in which principall parts have beene rent and torne asunder but none as I can remember so universall as this And yet the rebellion of Thomas fitz Garret did well-nye stretch it selfe into all parts of Ireland But that which was in the time of the government of the Lord Grey was surely no lesse generall then all those for there was no part free from the contagion but all conspired in one to cast off their subiection to the Crowne of England Neverthelesse thorough the most wise and valiant handling of that right noble Lord it got not the head which the former evills found for in them the Realme was left like a ship in a storme amidst all the raging surges unruled and undirected of any for they to whom she was committed either fainted in their labour or forsooke their charge But hee like a most wise Pilote kept her course carefully and held her most strongly even against those roaring billowes that he safely brought her out of all so as long after even by the space of 12. or 13. whole yeares she roade at peace thorough his onely paines and excellent indurance how ever envy list to blatter against him But of this wee shall have more occasion to speake in another place Now if you please let us returne againe unto our first course Eudox. Truely I am very glad to heare your iudgement of the government of that honorable man so soundly for I have heard it oftentimes maligned and his doings depraved of some who I perceive did rather of malicious minde or private grievance seeke to detract from the honour of his deeds and Counsels then of any iust cause but hee was neverthelesse in the iudgements of all good and wise men defended and maintained And now that hee is dead his immortall fame surviveth and flourisheth in the mouthes of all people that even those which did backbite him are checked with their owne venome and breake their galls to heare his so honorable report But let him rest in peace and turne we to our more troublesome matters of discourse of
which I am right sorry that you make so short an end and covet to passe over to your former purposes for there be many other parts of Ireland which I have heard have bin no lesse vexed with the like stormes then these which you have treated of as the Countries of the Birnes Tooles neere Dublin with the insolent out-rages and spoyles of Feagh mac Hugh the Countreyes of Catherlagh Wexford and Waterford by the Cavenaghes The Countreyes of Leix Kilkenny and Kildare by the O Moores The Countreyes of Ofaly and Longford by the Connors The Countreyes of Westmeath Cavan and Lowth by the O Relyes the Kellyes and many others so as the discoursing of them besides the pleasure which would redound out of their History be also very profitable for matters of policy Iren. All this which you have named and many more besides often times have I right well knowne and yet often doe kindle great fires of tumultuous broyles in the Countreyes bordering upon them All which to rehearse should rather bee to Chronicle times then to search into reformation of abuses in that Realme and yet very needfull it will bee to consider them and the evills which they have often stirred up that some redresse thereof and prevention of the evills to come may thereby rather be devised But I suppose wee shall have a fitter opportunity for the same when wee shall speake of the particular abuses and enormities of the government which will bee next after these generall defects and inconveniences which I saide were in the Lawes Customes and Religion Eudox. Goe to them a Gods name and follow the course which you have promised to your selfe for it fitteth best I must confesse with the purpose of our discourse Declare your opinion as you began about the Lawes of the Realme what incommoditie you have conceived to bee in them chiefly in the common Law which I would have thought most free from all such dislike Iren. The Common Law is as I saide before of it selfe most rightfull and very convenient I suppose for the Kingdome for which it was first devised for this I thinke as it seeemes reasonable that out of your manners of your people and abuses of your Countrey for which they were invented they take their first beginning or else they should bee most unjust for no Lawes of man according to the straight rule of right are just but as in regard of the evills which they prevent and the safety of the Common-weale which they provide for As for example in your true ballancing of Iustice it is a flat wrong to punish the thought or purpose of any before it bee enacted for true Iustice punisheth nothing but the evill act or wicked word that by the Lawes of all Kingdomes it is a capitall cryme to devise or purpose the death of your King The reason is for that when such a purpose is effected it should then bee too late to devise thereof and should turne the Common-wealth to more losse by the death of their Prince then such punishment of the malefactors And therefore the Law in that case punisheth the thought for better is a mischiefe then an inconvenience So that Ius politicum though it bee not of it selfe just yet by application or rather necessity it is made just and this onely respect maketh all Lawes just Now then if these Lawes of Ireland bee not likewise applyed and fitted for that Realme they are sure very inconvenient Eudox. You reason strongly but what unfitnesse doe you finde in them for that Realme shew us some particulars Iren. The Common Law appointeth that all tryalls as well of Crimes as Titles and Rights shall bee made by verdict of a Iury chosen out of the honest and most substantiall Free-holders Now most of the Free-holders of that Realme are Irish which when the cause shall fall betwixt an Englishman and an Irish or betweene the Queene and any Free-houlder of that Countrey they make no more scruple to passe against an Englishman and the Queene though it bee to strayne their oathes then to drinke milke unstrayned So that before the Iury goe together it is all to nothing what the verdict shall be The tryall have I so often seene that I dare confidently avouch the abuse thereof Yet is the Law of it selfe as I said good and the first institution thereof being given to all Englishmen very rightfully but now that the Irish have stepped into the very roomes of your English wee are now to become heedfull and provident in Iuryes Eudox. In sooth Iren. you have discoversed a point worthy the consideration for heereby not onely the English subject findeth no indifferencie in deciding of his cause bee it never so just but the Queene aswell in all pleas of the Crowne as also in inquiries for Escheates Lands attainted Wardshipps Concealements and all such like is abused and exceedingly dammaged Iren. You say very true for I dare undertake that at this day there are more attainted Lands concealed from her Majestie then shee hath now possessions in all Ireland and it is no small inconvenience for besides that shee looseth so much Land as should turne to her great profite shee besides looseth so many good subjects which might bee assured unto her as those Landes would yeelde Inhabitants and living unto Eudox. But doth many of that people say you make no more conscience to perjure themselves in their verdicts and damne their soules Iren. Not onely so in their verdicts but also in all other their dealings especially with the English they are most willfully bent for though they will not seeme manifestly to doe it yet will some one or other subtle-headed fellow amongst them put some quirke or devise some evasion whereof the rest will likely take hold and suffer themselves easily to be led by him to that themselves desired For in the most apparant matter that may bee the least question or doubt that may bee mooved will make a stoppe unto them and put them quite out of the way Besides that of themselves for the most part they are so cautelous and wylie-headed especially being men of so small experience and practice in law matters that you would wonder whence they borrow such subtiltyes and slye shifts Eudox. But mee thinkes this inconvenience might bee much helped in the Iudges and chiefe Magistrates which have the choosing and nominating of those Iurors if they would have dared to appoint either most Englishmen and such Irishmen as were of the soundest judgment and disposition for no doubt but some there bee incorruptible Iren. Some there bee indeede as you say but then would the Irish partie crye out of partialitie and complaine hee hath no Iustice hee is not used as a subject hee is not suffered to have the free benefite of the Law and these out-cryes the Magistrates there doe much shunne as they have cause since they are readily hearkened unto heere neither can it bee indeede although the Irish party would bee so
contented to be so compassed that such English free-houlders which are but few and such faithfull Irish-men which are indeede as few shall alwayes bee chosen for tryalls for being so few they should bee made weary of their free-houldes And therefore a good care is to bee had by all good occasions to encrease their number and to plant more by them But were it so that the Iurors could bee picked out of such choyce men as you desire this would neverthelesse bee as bad a corruption in the tryall for the evidence being brought in by the baser Irish people will bee as deceiptfull as the verdict for they care much lesse then the others what they sweare and sure their Lordes may compell them to say any thing for I my selfe have heard when one of the baser sort which they call Churles being challenged and reprooved for his false oath hath answered confidently that his Lord commaunded him and it was the least thing that hee could doe for his Lord to sweare for him so inconscionable are these common people and so little feeling have they of God or their owne soules good Eudox. It is a most miserable case but what helpe can there then bee in this for though the manner of the tryalls should bee altered yet the proofe of every thing must needes bee by the testimony of such persons as the partyes shall produce which if they shall bee corrupt how can there ever any light of the truth appeare what remedy is there for this evill but to make heavy Lawes and Penalties against Iurors Iren. I thinke sure that will doe small good for when a people be inclined to any vice or have no touch of Conscience nor sence of their evill doings it is bootelesse to thinke to restraine them by any penalties or feare of punishment but either the occasion is to be taken away or a more understanding of the right and shame of the fault to be imprinted For if that Licurgus should have made it death for the Lacedemonians to steale they being a people which naturally delighted in stealth or if it should bee made a capitall crime for the Flemmings to be taken in drunkennesse there should have beene few Lacedemonians then left and few Flemmings now So unpossible it is to remove any fault so generall in a people with terrour of lawes or most sharpe restraints Eudox. What meanes may there be then to avoyde this inconvenience for the case seemes very hard Iren. We are not yet come to the point to devise remedies for the evils but only have now to recount them of the which this which I have told you is one defect in the Common Law Eudox. Tell us then I pray you further have you any more of this sort in the Common Law Iren. By rehearsall of this I remember also of an other like which I have often observed in trialls to have wrought great hurt and hinderance and that is the exceptions which the common law alloweth a Fellon in his tryall for he may have as you know 56. exceptions perēptory against the Iurors of which he shal shew no cause By which shift there being as I have shewed you so small store of honest Iury-men he will either put off his tryall or drive it to such men as perhaps are not of the soundest sort by whose meanes if he can acquite himselfe of the crime as he is likely then will he plague such as were brought first to bee of his Iurie and all such as made any party against him And when he comes forth he will make their Cowes and Garrons to walke if he doe no other harme to their persons Eudox. This is a slye devise but I thinke might soone bee remedied but we must leave it a while to the rest In the meane-while doe you goe forwards with others Iren. There is an other no lesse inconvenience then this which is the tryall of accessaries to fellony for by the common Law the accessaries cannot be proceeded against till the principall have received his tryall Now to the case how it often falleth out in Ireland that a stealth being made by a rebell or an outlawe the stolne goods are conveyed to some husbandman or Gentleman which hath well to take to and yet liveth most by the receipt of such stealthes where they are found by the owner and handled whereupon the partie is perhaps apprehended and committed to Goale or put upon sureties till the Sessions at which time the owner preferring a bill of Indictment proveth sufficiently the stealth to have beene committed upon him by such an Outlaw and to have beene found in the possession of the prisoner against whom neverthelesse no course of law can proceede nor tryall can be had for that the principall Theife is not to be gotten notwithstanding that he likewise standing perhaps indicted at once with the Receiver being in rebellion or in the woods where peradventure he is slaine before he can be gotten and so the Receiver cleane acquitted and discharged of the crime By which meanes the Theeves are greatly incouraged to steale and their maintainers imboldened to receive their stealthes knowing how hardly they can be brought to any tryall of Law Eudox. Truely this is a great inconvenience and a great cause as you say of the maintenance of Theeves knowing their Receivers alwayes ready for were there no receivers there would be no theeves but this me seemes might easily be provided for by some act of Parliament that the receiver being convicted by good proofes might receive his tryall without the principall Iren. You say very true Eudox. but that is almost impossible to be compassed And herein also you discover another imperfection in the course of the Common Law and first ordinance of the Realme for you know that the said Parliament must consist of the Peeres Gentlemen Free-holders and Burgesses of that Realme it selfe Now these being perhaps themselves or the most part of them as may seeme by their stiffe with-standing of this Act culpable of this crime or favourers of their freinds which are such by whom their Kitchins are sometimes amended will not suffer any such Statute to passe Yet hath it oftentimes beene attempted and in the time of Sir Iohn Parrot very earnestly I remember laboured but could by no meanes be effected And not onely this but many other like which are as needefull for the reformation of that Realme Eudox. This also is surely a great defect but wee may not talke you say of the redressing of this untill our second part come which is purposely appointed thereunto Therefore proceed to the recounting of more such evils if at least you have any more Iren. There is also a great inconvenience which hath wrought great dammage both to her Majesty and to that common wealth thorough close and colourable conveyances of the lands and goods of Traytors Fellons and Fugitives As when one of them mindeth to goe into rebellion hee will convey away all his lands and
Lordships to Feoffees in trust wherby he reserveth to himselfe but a state for terme of life which being determined either by the sword or by the halter their lands straight commeth to their heire and the Queen is defrauded of the intent of the Law which laide that grievous punishment upon Traytors to forfeite all their lands to the Prince to the end that men might the rather be terrified from committing treasons for many which would little esteeme of their owne lives yet for remorse of their wives and children would bee with-held from that haynous crime This appeared plainely in the late Earle of Desmond For before his breaking forth into open Rebellion hee had conveyed secretly all his lands to Feoffees of trust in hope to have cut off her Maiestie from the escheate of his Lands Eudox. Yea but that was well enough avoided for the Act of Parliament which gave all his lands to the Queene did as I have heard cut off and frustrate all such conveyances as had at any time by the space of twelve yeares before his rebellion beene made within the compasse whereof the fraudulent Feoffement and many the like of others his accomplices and fellow-traytors were contained Iren. Very true but how hardly that Act of Parliament was wrought out of them I can witnesse and were it to be passed againe I dare undertake it would never be compassed But were it also that such Acts might be easily brought to passe against Traytors and Fellons yet were it not an endlesse trouble that no Traitour or Fellon should be attainted but a Parliament must be called for bringing of his Lands to the Queene which the Common-Law giveth her Eudox. Then this is no fault of the Common Law but of the persons which worke this fraud to her Majestie Iren. Yes marry for the Common-Law hath left them this benefite whereof they make advantage and wrest it to their bad purposes So as thereby they are the bolder to enter into evill actions knowing that if the worst befall them they shall lose nothing but themselves whereof they seeme surely very carelesse Eudox. But what meant you of Fugitives herein Or how doth this concerne them Iren Yes very greatly for you shall understand that there bee many ill disposed and undutifull persons of that Realme like as in this point there are also in this Realme of England too many which being men of good inheritance are for dislike of Religion or danger of the law into which they are run or discontent of the present government fled beyond the seas where they live under Princes which are her M ties professed enemies converse are confederat with other traitors fugitives which are there abiding The which neverthelesse have the benefits profits of their lands here by pretence of such colourable conveyances thereof formerly made by them unto their privie Friends heere in trust who privily doe send over unto them the said Revenues wherwith they are there maintained and enabled against her Majestie Eudox. I doe not thinke that there be any such fugitives which are relieved by the profite of their Lands in England for there is a straighter order taken And if there bee any such in Ireland it were good it were likewise looked unto for this evill may easily be remedied But proceede Iren. It is also inconvenient in the Realme of Ireland that the Wards and Marriages of Gentlemens children should be in the disposition of any of those Irish Lords as now they are by reason that their Lands bee held by Knights service of those Lords By which means it comes to passe that those Gentlemen being thus in the ward of those Lords are not onely thereby brought up lewdly and Irish-like but also for ever after so bound to their services they will runne with them into any disloyall action Eudox. This greivance Iren. is also complained of in England but how can it be remedied since the service must follow the tenure of the lands and the lands were given away by the Kings of England to those Lords when they first conquered that Realme and to say troth this also would be some prejudice to the Prince in her wardshipps Iren. I doe not meane this by the Princes wards but by such as fall into the hands of Irish Lords for I could wish and this I could enforce that all those wardships were in the Princes disposition for then it might be hoped that she for the universall reformation of that Realme would take better order for bringing up those wards in good nurture and not suffer them to come into so bad hands And although these things bee already passed away by her Progenitours former grants unto those said Lords yet I could finde a way to remedie a great part thereof as hereafter when fit time serves shall appeare And since we are entred into speech of such graunts of former Princes to sundry persons of this Realme of Ireland I will mention unto you some other of like nature to this and of like inconvenience by which the former Kings of England passed unto them a great part of their prerogatives which though then it was well intended and perhaps well deserved of them which received the same yet now such a gapp of mischeife lyes open thereby that I could wish it were well stopped Of this sort are the graunts of Counties palatines in Ireland which though at first were granted upon good consideration when they were first conquered for that those lands lay then as a very border to the wild Irish subject to continuall invasion so as it was needfull to give them great priviledges for the defence of the Inhabitants thereof yet now that it is no more a border nor frontired with enemies why should such priviledges bee any more continued Eudox. I would gladly know what you call a County palatine and whence it so called Iren. It was I suppose first named palatine of a pale as it were a pale and defense to their inward lands so as it is called the English Pale and therefore is a Palsgrave named an Earle Palatine Others thinke of the Latine palare that is to forrage or out-run because those marchers and borderers use commonly so to doe So as to have a county palatine is in effect to have a priviledge to spoyle the enemies borders adjoyning And surely so it is used at this day as a priviledged place of spoiles and stealthes for the county of Tipperary which is now the onely countie palatine in Ireland is by abuse of some bad ones made a receptacle to rob the rest of the Counties about it by meanes of whose priviledges none will follow their stealthes so as it being situate in the very lap of all the land is made now a border which how inconvenient it is let every man judge And though that right noble man that is the Lord of the liberty do paine himselfe all he may to yeeld equall Iustice unto all yet can there not but great abuses
Berosus of the later Vincentius Aeneas Sylvius Luidus Buchanan for that hee himselfe being an Irish Scot or Pict by nation and being very excellently learned and industrious to seeke out the truth of all things concerning the originall of his owne people hath both set downe the testimony of the auncients truely and his owne opinion together withall very reasonably though in some things he doth somewhat flatter Besides the Bardes and Irish Chroniclers themselves though through desire of pleasing perhappes too much and ignorances of Arts and purer learning they have clauded the truth of those lines yet there appeares among them some reliques of the true antiquitie though disguised which a well eyed man may happily discover and finde out Eudox. How can there be any truth in them at all since the ancient nations which first inhabited Ireland were altogether destitute of letters much more of learning by which they might leave the verity of things written And those Bardes comming also so many hundred yeares after could not know what was done in former ages nor deliver certainty of any thing but what they fayned out of their unlearned heads Iren. Those Bardes indeed Caesar writeth delivered no certaine truth of any thing neither is there any certaine hold to be taken of any antiquity which is received by tradition since all men be lyars many lye when they wil yet for the antiquities of the written Chronicles of Ireland give me leave to say something not to justifie them but to shew that some of them might say truth For where you say the Irish have alwayes bin without letters you are therein much deceived for it is certaine that Ireland hath had the use of letters very anciently and long before England Eudox. Is it possible how comes it then that they are so unlearned still being so old schollers For learning as the Poet saith Emollit mores nec sinit esse feros whence then I pray you could they have those letters Iren. It is hard to say for whether they at their first comming into the Land or afterwards by trading with other nations which had letters learned them of them or devised them amongst themselves is very doubtfull but that they had letters aunciently is nothing doubtfull for the Saxons of England are said to have their letters learning and learned men from the Irish and that also appeareth by the likenesse of the Character for the Saxons Character is the same with the Irish. Now the Scythians never as I can reade of old had letters amongst them therfore it seemeth that they had them from the nation which came out of Spaine for in Spaine there was as Strabo writeth letters anciently used whether brought unto them by the Phenicians or the Persians which as it appeareth by him had some footing there or from Marsellis which is said to have bin inhabited by the Greekes from them to have had the Greeke Character of which Marsilians it is said that the Gaules learned them first used them only for the furtherance of their trades privat busines for the Gaules as is strongly to be proved by many ancient authenticall writers did first inhabite all the sea coast of Spaine even unto Cales the mouth of the straights peopled also a great part of Italy which appeareth by sundry havens cities in Spaine called from them as Portugallia Gallecia Galdunum also by sundry nations therin dwelling which yet have received their own names of the Gaules as the Rhegni Presamarei Tamari Cineri and divers others All which Pomponius Mela being himselfe a Spaniard yet saith to have descended from the Celts of France whereby it is to be gathered that that Nation which came out of Spaine into Ireland were anciently Gaules and that they brought with them those letters which they had anciently learned in Spaine first into Ireland which some also say doe much resemble the olde Phenician Character being likewise distinguished with pricke and accent as theirs aunciently but the further enquirie hereof needeth a place of longer discourse then this our short conference Eudox. Surely you have shewed a great probability of that which I had thought impossible to have bin proved but that which you now say that Ireland should have bin peopled with the Gaules seemeth much more strange for all the Chronicles doe say that the West South was possessed inhabited of Spaniards and Cornelius Tacitus doth also strongly affirme the same all which you must overthrow and falsifie or else renounce your opinion Iren. Neither so nor so for the Irish Chronicles as I shewed you being made by unlearned men writing things according to the appearance of the truth which they conceived doe erre in the circumstances not in the matter For all that came out of Spaine they being no diligent searchers into the differences of the nations supposed to be Spaniards so called them but the ground-work therof is neverthelesse true certain however they through ignorance disguise the same or through vanity whilst they would not seem to be ignorant doe thereupon build enlarge many forged Histories of their owne antiquity which they deliver to fooles and make them believe for true as for example That first of one Gathelus the sonne of Cecrops or Argos who having married the King of Egypt his daughter thence sailed with her into Spaine there inhabited Then that of Nemedus and his sonnes who comming out of Scythia peopled Ireland and inhabited it with his sonnes 250. yeares until he was over-come of the Giants dwelling then in Ireland and at the last quite banished and rooted out after whom 200. yeares the sonnes of one Dela being Scythians arrived there againe and possessed the whole land of which the youngest called Slanius in the end made himselfe Monarch Lastly of the 4. sonnes of Milesius King of Spaine which conquered the land from the Scythians and inhabited it with Spaniards and called it of the name of the yongest Hiberus Hibernia All which are in truth fables and very Milesian lyes as the later proverbe is for never was there such a King of Spaine called Milesius nor any such Colonie seated with his sonnes as they faine that can ever be proved but yet under these tales you may in a manner see the truth lurke For Scythians here inhabiting they name and put Spaniards whereby appeareth that both these nations here inhabited but whether very Spaniards as the Irish greatly affect is no wayes to be proved Eudox. Whence commeth it then that the Irish doe so greatly covet to fetch themselves from the Spaniards since the old Gaules are a more auncient and much more honorable nation Iren. Even of a very desire of new fanglenes and vanity for they derive themselves from the Spaniards as seeing them to bee a very honourable people and neere bordering unto them but all that is most vaine for from the Spaniards that now are or that people that now inhabite Spaine they
them purchase great Lands and build faire Castles upon the same Of which abuse if any question be moved they have a very seemely colour and excuse that they have no worthy Ministers to bestow them upon but keepe them so bestowed for any such sufficient person as any shall bring unto them Eudox. But is there no law nor ordinance to meet with this mischiefe nor hath it never before beene looked into Iren. Yes it seemes it hath for there is a Statute there enacted in Ireland which seemes to have beene grounded upon a good meaning That whatsoever Englishman of good conversation and sufficiencie shall bee brought unto any of the Bishoppes and nominated unto any living within their Diocesse that is presently voyde that he shall without contradiction be admitted thereunto before any Irish. Eudox. This is surely a very good Law and well provided for this evill whereof you speake but why is not the same observed Iren. I think it is well observed and that none of the Bishops transgresse the same but yet it worketh no reformation thereof for many defects First there are no such sufficient English Ministers sent over as might be presented to an● Bishop for any living but the most part of such English as come over thither of themselves are either unlearned or men of some bad note for which they have forsaken England So as the Bishop to whom they shal be presented may justly reject them as incapable and insufficient Secondly the Bishop himselfe is perhappes an Irish man who being made Iudge by that Law of the sufficiencie of the Ministers may at his owne will dislike of the Englishman as unworthy in his opinion and admit of any Irish whom hee shall thinke more for his turne And if hee shall at the instance of any Englishman of countenance there whom hee will not displease accept of any such English Minister as shall bee ●endered unto him yet hee will under hand carry such a hard hand over him or by his Officers wring him so sore that hee will soone make him weary of his poore living Lastly the Benefices themselves are so meane and of so small profite in those Irish Countreyes thorough the ill husbandrie of the Irish people which doe inhabite them that they will not yeelde any competent maintainance for any honest Minister to live upon scarcely to buy him a gowne And were all this redressed as happily it might bee yet what good should any English Minister doe amongst them by teaching or preaching to them which either cannot understand him or will not heare him Or what comfort of life shall he have where his Parishioners are so insatiable so intractable so ill affected to him as they usuall bee to all the English or finally how dare almost any honest Minister that are peaceable civile men commit his safetie to the handes of such Neighbours as the boldest Captaines dare scarcely dwell by Eudox. Little good then I see was by that Statute wrought how ever well intended but the reformation therof must grow higher and be brought from a stronger ordinance then the commaundement or penaltie of a Law which none dare informe or complain of when it is broken but have you any more of those abuses in the Clergy Iren. I would perhappes reckon more but I perceive my speech to grow too long and these may suffise to judge of the generall disorders which raigne amongst them as for the particulars they are too many to be reckoned For the Clergy there excepting the grave Fathers which are in high place about the State and some few others which are lately planted in their new Colledge are generally bad licentious and most disordered Eudox. You have then as I suppose gone thorough those three first parts which you proposed unto your selfe to wit The Inconveniences which you observed in the lawes in the customes and in the Religion of that land The which me thinkes you have so thoroughly touched as that nothing more remaineth to ●e spoken thereof Iren. Not so thoroughly as you suppose that nothing can remaine but so generally as I purposed that is to lay open the generall evills of that Realme which doe hinder the good reformation thereof for to count the particular faults of private men should be a worke too infinite yet some there be of that nature that though they be in private men yet their evill reacheth to a generall hurt as the extortion of Sheriffs and their Sub-sheriffs Bayliffes the corruption of Victuallers Cessors and Purveyors the disorders of Seneschalls Captaines and their Souldiers and many such like All which I will onely name here that their reformation may bee mended in place where it most concerneth But there is one very foule abuse which by the way I may not omit and that is in Captaines who notwithstanding that they are specially imployed to make peace thorough strong execution of warre yet they doe so dandle their doings dallie in the service to them committed as if they would not have the enemy subdued or utterly beaten downe for feare lest afterwardes they should need imployment so be discharged of pay For which cause some of them that are layde in garrison doe so handle the matter that they will doe no great hurt to the enemyes yet for colour sake some men they will kill even halfe with the consent of the enemy being persons either of base regard or enemies to the enemy whose heads eftsoones they send to the Governor for a commendation of their great indevour telling how weighty a service they performed by cutting off such and such dangerous Rebells Eudox. Truely this is a prettie mockerie and not to be permitted by the Governours Iren. But how can the Govrrnour know readily what persons those were what the purpose of their killing was yea what will you say if the Captaines doe iustifie this their course by ensample of some of their Governours which under Benedicite I doe tell it to you doe practise the like sleight in their governments Eudox. Is it possible take heed what you say Irenaeus Iren. To you onely Eudoxus I doe tell it and that even with great hearts griefe and inward trouble of mind to see her Majestie so much abused by some who are put in speciall trust of those great affaires Of which some being martiall men will not doe alwayes what they may for quieting of things but will rather winke at some faults and suffer them unpunished lest they having put all things in that assurance of peace that they might they should seeme afterwards not to be needed nor continued in their governments with so great a charge to her Maiestie And therefore they doe cunningly carry their course of government and from one hand to another doe bandie the service like a Tennis-Ball which they will never strike quite away for feare lest afterwards they should want Eudox. Doe you speake of under Magistrates Irenaeus or principall Governours Iren. I doe speake of no
maintaine play which he setting unto him againe shortly thereby winneth all from the winner Eudox. Was this Rebell then set up at first by the Queene as you say and now become so undutifull Iren. He was I assure you the most outcast of all the O-Neales then and lifted up by her Majesty out of the dust to that he hath now wrought himselfe unto and now hee playeth like the frozen snake who being for compassion releived by the husbandman soone after he was warme began to hisse and threaten danger even to him and his Eudox. He surely then deserveth the punishment of that snake should worthily be hewed to peeces But if you like not the letting forth of Shane O-Neales sonnes against him what say you then of that advice which I heard was given by some to draw in Scotts to serve against him how like you that advice Iren. Much worse then the former for who that is experienced in those parts knoweth not that the O-Neales are neerely allyed unto the Mac-Neiles of Scotland and to the Earle of Argyle from whence they use to have all their succours of those Scottes and Redshanckes Besides all these Scottes are through long continuance intermingled and allyed to all the inhabitants of the north So as there is no hope that they will ever be wrought to serve faithfully against their old friends and kinsmen And though they would how when they have overthrowne him and the warres are finished shall they themselves be put out doe we not all know that the Scottes were the first inhabitants of all the north and that those which now are called the north Irish are indeed very Scottes which challenge the ancient inheritance and dominion of that Countrey to be their owne aunciently This then were but to leap out of the pan into the fire For the cheifest caveat and provision in reformation of the north must be to keep out those Scottes Eudox. Indeede I remember that in your discourse of the first peopling of Ireland you shewed that the Scythians or Scottes were the first that sate downe in the north whereby it seemes that they may challenge some right therein How comes it then that O-Neales claimes the dominion thereof and this Earle of Tyrone saith that the right is in him I pray you resolve me herein for it is very needefull to be knowne and maketh unto the right of the warre against him whose successe useth commonly to be according to the justnes of the cause for which it is made For if Tyrone have any right in that Seigniory me thinkes it should be wrong to thrust him out Or if as I remember you said in the beginning that O-Neale when he acknowledged the King of England for his Leige Lord and Soveraigne did as he alleadgeth reserve in the same submission his Seigniories and rights unto himselfe what should it be accounted to thrust him out of the same Iren. For the right of O-Neale in the seigniory of the north it is surely none at all For besides that the Kings of England conquered all the Realme and thereby assumed and invested all the right of that land to themselves and their heires and successours for ever So as nothing was left in O-Neale but what he received backe from them O-Neale himselfe never had any ancient Seigniory over that country but what by usurpation and incroachment after the death of the Duke of Clarence he got upon the English whose lands and possessions being formerly wasted by the Scottes under the leading of Edward le Bruce as I formerly declared unto you he eft-soones entred into and sithence hath wrongfully detained through the other occupations and great affaires which the Kings of England soone after fell into here at home so as they could not intend to the recovery of that Countrey of the north nor restraine the insolency of O-Neale who finding none now to withstand him raigned in that desolation and made himselfe Lord of those few people that remained there upon whom ever sithence he hath continued his first usurped power and now exacteth and extorteth upon all men what he list So that now to subdue or expell an usurper should bee no unjust enterprise or wrongfull warre but a restitution of auncient right unto the Crowne of England from whence they were most unjustly expelled and long kept out Eudox. I am very glad herein to be thus satisfied by you that I may the better satisfie them whom I have often heard to object these doubts and slaunderously to barke at the courses which are held against that trayterous Earle and his adherents But now that you have thus settled your service for Vlster and Connaght I would bee glad to heare your opinion for the prosecuting of Feagh Mac Hugh who being but a base villaine and of himselfe of no power yet so continually troubleth the State notwithstanding that he lyeth under their nose that I disdaine his bold arrogancy and thinke it to be the greatest indignity to the Queene that may be to suffer such a caytiffe to play such Rex and by his ensample not onely to give heart and incouragement to all such bad Rebells but also to yeeld them succour and refuge against her Majesty whensoever they fly unto his Comericke whereof I would first wish before you enter into your plot of service against him that you should lay open by what meanes he being so base first lifted himselfe up to this dangerous greatnes and how he maintaineth his part against the Queene and her power notwithstanding all that hath beene done and attempted against him And whether also hee have any pretence of right in the lands which he houldeth or in the warres that he maketh for the same Iren. I will so at your pleasure and will further declare not only the first beginning of his private house but also the originall of the sept of the Birnes and Tooles so farre as I have learned the same from some of themselves and gathered the rest by reading The people of the Birnes and Tooles as before I shewed unto you my conjecture descended from the auncient Brittaines which first inhabited all those easterne parts of Ireland as their names doe betoken for Brin in the Brittish language signifieth wooddy and Toole hilly which names it seemeth they tooke of the Countryes which they inhabited which is all very mountainous and woody In the which it seemeth that ever since the comming in of the English with Dermot ni-Gall they have continued Whether that their countrey being so rude and mountainous was of them despised and thought unworthy the inhabiting or that that they were received to grace by them and suffered to enjoy their lands as unfit for any other yet it seemeth that in some places of the same they have put foote and fortified with sundry Castles of which the ruines onely doe there now remaine since which time they are growne to that strength that they are able to lift up hand
enterprise Eudox. You have very well me thinkes Irenaeus plotted a course for the atcheiving of those warres now in Ireland which seemes to aske no long time nor great charge so as the effecting thereof bee committed to men of sure trust and sound experience aswell in that Country as in the manner of those services for if it bee left in the hands of such rawe Captaines as are usually sent out of England being thereunto onely preferred by friendship and not chosen by sufficiency it will soone fall to the ground Iren. Therefore it were meete me thinkes that such Captaines onely were thereunto employed as have formerly served in that Country and been at least Leivtenants unto other Captaines there For otherwise being brought and transferred from other services abroad as in France in Spaine and in the Low-Countryes though they be of good experience in those and have never so well deserved yet in these they will be new to seeke and before they have gathered experience they shall buy it with great losse to her Majesty either by hazarding of their companies through ignorance of the places and manner of the Irish services or by loosing a great part of the time which is required hereunto being but short in which it might be finished almost before they have taken out a new lesson or can tell what is to be done Eudox. You are no good friend to new Captaines It seemes Iren. that you barre them from the credit of this service but to say truth me thinkes it were meete that any one before he came to bee a Captaine should have beene a Souldiour for parere qui nescit nescit imperare And besides there is great wrong done to the old Souldiour from whom all meanes of advancement which is due unto him is cut off by shuffling in these new cutting Captaines into the place for which he hath long served and perhaps better deserved But now that you have thus as I suppose finished all the warre and brought all things to that lowe ebbe which you speake of what course will you take for the bringing in of that reformation which you intend and recovering all things from this desolate estate in which mee thinkes I behold them now left unto that perfect establishment and new common-wealth which you have conceived of by which so great good may redound unto her Majesty and an assured peace bee confirmed for that is it whereunto wee are now to looke and doe greatly long for being long sithence made weary with the huge charge which you have laide upon us and with the strong indurance of so many complaints so many delayes so many doubts and dangers as will hereof I know well arise unto the which before wee come it were meete me thinkes that you should take some order for the Souldiour which is now first to bee discharged and disposed of some way the which if you doe not well fore-see may growe to as great inconvenience as all this that I suppose you have quit us from by the loose leaving of so many thousand Souldiours which from thence forth will be unfit for any labour or other trade but must either seeke service and imployment abroad which may be dangerous or else perhaps imploy themselves heere at home as may bee discommodious Iren. You say very true and it is a thing much mislyked in this our Common-wealth that no better course is taken for such as have beene imployed in service but that returning whether maymed and so unable to labour or otherwise whole and sound yet afterwards unwilling to worke or rather willing to set the hang-man on worke But that needeth another consideration but to this which wee have now in hand it is farre from my meaning to leave the Souldier so at randome or to leave that waste Realme so weake and destitute of strength which may both defend it against others that might seeke then to set upon it and also to keepe it from that relapse which I before did fore-cast For it is one speciall good of this plot which I would devise that 6000. Souldiers of these whom I have now imployed in this service and made thoroughly acquainted both with the state of the Countrey and manners of the people should henceforth bee still continued and for ever maintayned of the Countrey without any charge to her Majestie and the rest that either are olde and unable to serve any longer or willing to fall to thrift as I have seene many Souldiers after the service to prove very good husbands should bee placed in part of the landes by them wonne at such rate or rather better then others to whom the same shall be set out Eudox. Is it possible Irenaeus can there be any such meanes devised that so many men should be kept still in her Majesties service without any charge to her at all Surely this were an exceeding great good both to her Highnes to have so many olde Souldiers alwayes ready at call to what purpose soever she list to imploy them and also to have that land thereby so strengthened that it shall neither feare any forraine Invasion nor practise which the Irish shall ever attempt but shall keepe them under in continuall awe and firme obedience Iren. It is so indeed And yet this truely I doe not take to be any matter of great difficultie as I thinke it will also soone appeare unto you And first we will speake of the North part for that the same is of more weight and importance So soone as it shall appeare that the Enemy is brought downe and the stout Rebell either cut off or driven to that wretchednesse that hee is no longer able to holde up his head but will come in to any conditions which I assure my selfe will bee before the end of the second Winter I wish that there bee a generall Proclamation made that whatsoever Out-lawes will freely come in and submit themselves to her Majesties mercy shall have liberty so to doe where they shall either finde that grace they desire or have leave to returne againe in safety upon which it is likely that so many as survive will come in to sue for grace of which who so are thought meet for subjection and fit to be brought to good may be received or else all of them for I thinke that all wil be but a very few upon condition and assurance that they will submit themselves absolutely to her Maiesties ordinance for them by which they shall be assured of life and libertie and be onely tyed to such conditions as shall bee thought by her meet for containing them ever after in due obedience To the which conditions I nothing doubt but that they will all most readily and upon their knees submit themselves by the proofe of that which I have seene in Mounster For upon the like Proclamation there they all came in both tagg and ragg and when as afterwardes many of them were denyed to be received they bade them doe
with them what they would for they would not by any meanes returne againe nor goe forth For in that case who will not accept almost of any conditions rather then dye of hunger and miserie Eudox. It is very likely so But what then is the Ordinance and what bee the conditions which you will propose unto them which shall reserve unto them an assurance of life and liberty Iren. So soone then as they have given the best assurance of themselves which may be required which must be I suppose some of their principall men to remaine in hostage one for another and some other for the rest for other surety I reckon of none that may binde them neither of wife nor of children since then perhappes they would gladly be ridde of both from the famine I would have them first unarmed utterly and stripped quite of all their warrelike weapons then these conditions set downe made knowne unto them that they shall bee placed in Leinster and have land given them to occupy and to live upon in such sort as shall become good subjects to labour thenceforth for their living and to apply themselves to honest trades of civility as they shall every one be found meete and able for Eudox. Where then a gods name will you place them in Leinster or will you finde out any new land there for them that is yet unknowne Iren. No I will place them all in the Countrey of the Birnes and Tooles which Pheagh mac Hugh hath and in all the lands of the Cavanaghes which are now in rebellion and all the lands which will fall to her Maiestie there-abouts which I know to be very spacious and large enough to containe them being very neere twenty or thirty miles wyde Eudox. But then what will you doe with all the Birnes the Tooles and the Cavanaghes and all those that now are joyned with them Iren. At the same very time and in the same very manner that I make that Proclamation to them of Vlster will I have it also made to these and upon their submission thereunto I will take like assurance of them as of the other After which I will translate all that remaine of them unto the places of the other in Vlster with all their Creete what else they have left them the which I will cause to be divided amongst them in some meete sort as each may thereby have somewhat to sustaine himselfe a while withall untill by his further travaile and labour of the Earth hee shal be able to provide himselfe better Eudox. But will you give the land then freely unto them and make them heires of the former Rebells so may you perhaps make them also heires of all their former villainies and disorders or how else will you dispose of them Iren. Not so But all the lands will I give unto Englishmen whom I will have drawne thither who shall have the same with such estates as shall bee thought meete and for such Rent as shall eftsoones bee rated under every of those Englishmen will I place some of those Irish to bee Tennants for a certaine Rent according to the quantity of such Land as every man shall have allotted unto him and shal be found able to wield wherein this speciall regard shall be had that in no place under any Land-lord there shall bee many of them placed together but dispersed wide from their acquaintance and scattered farre abroad thorough all the Country For that is the evill which now I finde in all Ireland that the Irish dwell altogether by their septs and severall nations so as they may practise or conspire what they will whereas if there were English well placed among them they should not bee able once to stirre or to murmure but that it should be knowne and they shortened according to their demerites Eudox. You have good reason but what rating of rents meane you to what end doe you purpose the same Iren. My purpose is to rate the rent of all those lands of her Maiesties in such sort unto those Englishmen which shall take them as they shall be well able to live thereupon to yeeld her Maiesty reasonable Chiefrie and also give a competent maintenance unto the garrisons which shall be there left amongst them for those Souldiours as I tolde you remaining of the former garrisons I cast to maintaine upon the rent of those landes which shall bee escheated and to have them divided thorough all Ireland in such places as shal be thought most convenient and occasion may require And this was the course which the Romanes observed in the Conquest of England for they planted some of their Legions in all places convenient the which they caused the Countrey to maintaine cutting upon every portion of land a reasonable rent which they called Romescot the which might not surcharge the Tennant or Free-holder and might defray the pay of the Garrison and this hath beene alwayes observed by all Princes in all Countries to them newly subdued to set Garrisons amongst them to containe them in dutie whose burthen they made them to beare and the want of this ordinance in the first conquest of Ireland by Henry the Second was the cause of the so short decay of that government and the quicke recovery againe of the Irish. Therefore by all meanes it is to bee provided for And this is that I would blame if it should not misbecome mee in the late planting of Mounster that no care was had of this Ordinance nor any strength of garrison provided for by a certaine allowance out of all the saide Landes but onely the present profite looked into and the safe continuance thereof for ever heereafter neglected Eudox. But there is a Band of Souldiours layde in Mounster to the maintenance of which what oddes is there whether the Queene receiving the rent of the Countrey doe give pay at her pleasure or that there be a settled allowance appointed unto them out of her lands there Iren. There is great oddes For now that said rent of the Countrey is not appointed to the pay of the Souldiers but it is by every other occasion comming betweene converted to other uses and the Souldiours in time of peace discharged and neglected as unnecessary whereas if the said rent were appointed and ordained by an establishment to this end only it should not bee turned to any other nor in troublous times upon every occasion her Majestie bee so troubled with sending over new Souldiours as shee is now nor the Countrie ever should dare to mutinie having still the Souldiour in their necke nor any forraine enemie dare to invade knowing there so strong and great a Garrison allwayes ready to receive them Eudox. Sith then you thinke that this Romescot of the pay of the Souldiours upon the land to be both the readiest way to the Souldiers and least troublesome to her Majestie tell us I pray you how would you have the said lands rated that both a rent may
rise thereout unto the Queene and also the Souldiers receive pay which mee thinkes wil be hard Iren. First we are to consider how much land there is in all Vlster that according to the quantity thereof we may cesse the said rent and allowāce issuing therout Vlster as the ancient records of that Realme doe testifie doth containe 9000. Plow-lands every of which Plow-lands containeth 120. Acres after the rate of 21. foote to every perch of the Acre every of which Plow-lands I will rate at 40s. by the yeare the which yearely rent amounteth in the whole to 18000l. besides 6s. 8d. chiefrie out of every Plow-land But because the countie of Louth being a part of Vlster containing in it 712. Plow-lands is not wholly to escheate to her Majestie as the rest they having in all their warres continued for the most part dutifull though otherwise a great part thereof is now under the Rebells there is an abatement to be made thereout of 400. or 500. Plow-lands as I estimat the same the which are not to pay the whole yearly rent of 40s. out of every plow-Plow-land like as the escheated lands doe but yet shall pay for their composition of cesse towards the keeping of Soldiers 20s. out of every Plow-land so as there is to bee deducted out of the former summe 200. or 300l. yearely the which may neverthelesse be suppliby the rent of the Fishings which are exceeding great in Vlster and also by an increase of rent in the best lands and those that lye in the best places neere the Sea-coast The which eighteene thousand pounds will defray the entertainment of 1500. Souldiers with some over-plus towardes the pay of the victuallers which are to bee imployed in the victualling of these garrisons Eudox. So then belike you meane to leave 1500. Souldiers in garrison for Vlster to bee payde principally out of the rent of those lands which shall be there escheated unto her Majestie The which where I pray you will you have them garrisoned Iren. I will have them divided into three parts that is 500. in every garrison the which I will have to remaine in three of the same places where they were before appointed to wit 500. at Strabane and about Longhfoile so as they may holde all the passages of that part of the Countrey and some of them bee put in wardes upon all the straights thereabouts which I know to be such as may stoppe all passages into the Countrey on that side and some of them also upon the Ban up towardes Lough-Sidney as I formerly directed Also other 500. at the Fort upon Lough-Earne and wardes taken out of them which shall bee layde at Fermannagh at Bealick at Ballyshannon and all the streightes towardes Connaght the which I know doe so strongly command all the passages that way as that none can passe from Vlster into Connaght without their leave The last 500. shall also remaine in their Fort at Monoghan and some of them bee drawne into wardes to keepe the Kaies of all that Countrey both downwards and also towardes O Relies Countrey and the Pale and some at Eniskillin some at Belturbut some at the blacke Fort and so along that River as I formerly shewed in the first planting of them And moreover at every of these Forts I would have the seate of a Towne layde forth and incompassed in the which I would wish that there should inhabitants of all sortes as Merchants Artificers and Husbandmen bee placed to whom there should Charters and Fraunchises bee graunted to imcorporate them The which as it wil be no matter of difficultie to draw out of England persons which would very gladly be so placed so would it in short space turne those parts to great commodity and bring ere long to her Majestie much profit for those places are so fit for trade and trafficke having most convenient out-gates by divers rivers to the Sea and In-gates to the richest parts of the land that they would soone be enriched and mightily enlarged for the very seating of the garrisons by them besides the safetie and assurance which they shall worke unto them will also draw thither store of people and trade as I have seene ensample at Mariborogh and Philipstowne in Leinster where by reason of those two Fortes though there were but small wardes left in them there are two good Townes now growne which are the greatest stay of both those two Countries Eudox. Indeed me thinkes three such Townes as you say would doe very well in those places with the Garrisons and in short space would be so augmented as they would bee able with little to in-wall themselves strongly but for the planting of all the rest of the Countrey what order would you take Iren. What other then as I said to bring people out of England which should inhabite the same whereunto though I doubt not but great troopes would be readie to runne yet for that in such cases the worst and most decayed men are most ready to remove I would wish them rather to bee chosen out of all partes of this Realme either by discretion of wise men thereunto appointed or by lot or by the drumme as was the olde use in sending forth of Colonies or such other good meanes as shall in their wisedome bee thought meetest Amongst the chiefe of which I would have the land sett into Seigniories in such sort as it is now in Mounster and divided into Hundreds and Parishes or Wardes as it is in England and layde out into Shires as it was aunciently viz. The Countie of Downe the Countie of Antrim the Countie of Louth the Countie of Armaghe the Countie of Cavan the Countie of Colerane the Countie of Monoghan the Countie of Tirone the Countie of Fermannagh the Countie of Donnegall being in all tenne Over all which I wish a Lord President and a Councell to bee placed which may keepe them afterwards in awe and obedience and minister unto them Iustice and equity Eudox. Thus I see the whole purpose of your plot for Vlster and now I desire to heare your like opinion for Connaght Iren. By that which I have already said of Vlster you may gather my opinion for Connaght being very answereable to the former But for that the lands which shal therein escheat unto her Maiesty are not so intirely together as that they can be accōpted in one summe it needeth that they be cōsidered severally The Province of Connaght in the whole containeth as appeareth by the records of Dublin 7200 plow lands of the former measure and is of late divided into sixe Shires or Counties The Countie of Clare the Countie of Leytrim the Countie of Roscoman the countie of Galway the countie of Maio the Countie of Sligo Of the which all the Countie of Sligo all the Countie of Maio the most part of the Countie of Roscoman the most part of the Countie of Letrim a great part of the county of Galway some of the county
them placed at the Bantry where is a most fit place not onely to defend all that side of the west part from forraine invasion but also to answere all occasions of troubles to which that Countrey being so remote is very subject And surely there also would be planted a good towne having both a good haven and a plentifull fishing and the land being already escheated to her Majesty but being forcibly kept from her by one that proclaimes himselfe the Bastard Son of the Earle of Clancar being called Donell Mac Carty whom it is meete to foresee to For whensoever the Earle shall die all those lands after him are to come unto her Majesty he is like to make a foule stirre there though of himselfe no power yet through supportance of some others who lye in the wind and looke after the fall of that inheritance Another hundred I would have placed at Castle Mayne which should keepe all Desmond and Kerry for it answereth them both most conveniently Also about Kilmore in the county of Corke would I have 2. hundred placed the which should breake that nest of theives there and answere equally both to the county of Limericke and also the county of Corke Another hundred would I have lye at Corke aswell to command the towne as also to be ready for any forraine occasion Likewise at Waterford would I place 2. hundred for the same reasons and also for other privy causes that are no lesse important Moreover on this side of Arlo neere to Muskery quirke which is the Countrey of the Burkes about Kill-Patricke I would have two hundred more to be garrisond which should skoure both the white Knights country and Arlo and Muskery quirk by which places all the passages of Theives doe lye which convey their stealth from all Mounster downewards towards Tipperary and the English pale and from the English pale also up unto Mounster whereof they use to make a common trade Besides that ere long I doubt that the county of Tipperary it selfe will neede such a strength in it which were good to be there ready before the evill fall that is dayly of some expected And thus you see all your Garrisons placed Eudox. I see it right well but let me I pray you by the way aske you the reason why in those Citties of Mounster namely Waterford and Corke you rather placed Garrisons then in all others in Ireland For they may thinke themselves to have great wrong to bee so charged above all the rest Iren. I will tell you those two Citties above all the rest doe offer an in-gate to the Spaniard most fitly But yet because they shall not take exceptions to this that they are charged above all the rest I will also lay a charge upon the others likewise for indeed it is no reason that the corporate townes enioying great franchizes and priviledges from her Majesty and living thereby not onely safe but drawing to them the wealth of all the land should live so free as not to be partakers of the burthen of this Garrison for their owne safety specially in this time of trouble and seeing all the rest burthened and therefore I will thus charge them all ratably according to their abilities towards their maintenance the which her Majesty may if she please spare out of the charge of the rest and reserve towards her other costes or else adde to the charge of the presidency in the North. Waterford C. Corke L. Limericke L. Galway L. Dinglecush X. Kinsale X. Yoghall X. Kilmallock X. Clonmell X. Cashell X. Fedard X. Kilkenny XXV Wexford XXV Tredagh XXV Rosse XXV Dundalke X. Mollingare X. Newrie X. Trim X. Ardee X. Kells X. Dublin C. In all 580. Eudox. It is easie Irenaeus to lay a charge upon any towne but to foresee how the same may be answered and defrayed is the cheife part of good advisement Iren. Surely this charge which I put upon them I know to bee so reasonable as that it will not much be felt for the port Townes that have benefit of shipping may cut it easily off their trading and in land townes of their corne and cattle neither doe I see but since to them especially the benefit of peace doth redound that they especially should beare the burthen of their safeguard and defence as wee see all the townes of the Low-Countryes doe cut upon themselves an excise of all things towards the maintenance of the warre that is made in their behalfe to which though these are not to be compared in richesse yet are they to bee charged according to their povertie Eudox. But now that you have thus set up these forces of Soldiers and provided well as you suppose for their pay yet there remaineth to fore-cast how they may bee victualled and where purveyance thereof may bee made for in Ireland it selfe I cannot see almost how any thing is to bee had for them being already so pittifully wasted as it is with this short time of warre Iren. For the first two yeares it is needefull indeede that they bee victualled out of England thoroughly from halfe yeare to halfe yeare afore-hand All which time the English Pale shall not bee burdened at all but shall have time to recover themselves and Mounster also being reasonably well stored will by that time if God send seasonable weather bee thoroughly well furnished to supply a great part of that charge for I knowe there is great plenty of Corne sent over Sea from thence the which if they might have sale for at home they would bee glad to have money so neere hand specially if they were streightly restrayned from transporting of it Thereunto also there will bee a great helpe and furtherance given in the putting forward of husbandrie in all meete places as heereafter shall in due place appeare But heereafter when things shall growe unto a better strength and the Countrey bee replenished with Corne as in short space it will if it bee well followed for the Countrey people themselves are great plowers and small spenders of Corne then would I wish that there should bee good store of Houses and Magazins erected in all those great places of garrison and in all great townes as well for the victualling of Souldiers and Shippes as for all Occasions of suddaine services as also for preventing of all times of dearth and scarcitie and this want is much to bee complayned of in England above all other Countreyes who trusting too much to the usuall blessing of the Earth doe never fore-cast any such hard seasons nor any such suddaine occasions as these troublous times may every day bring foorth when it will bee too late to gather provision from abroad and to bring it perhappes from farre for the furnishing of Shippes or Souldiers which peradventure may neede to bee presently imployed and whose want may which GOD forbid hap to hazard a Kingdome Eudox. Indeede the want of those Magazins of victualls I have oftentimes complayned of in England and wondered
person with such an unknowne marke Eudox. Surely these ordinances seeme very expedient but specially that of free townes of which I wonder there is so small store in Ireland and that in the first peopling and planting thereof they were neglected and omitted Iren. They were not omitted for there were through all places of the Country convenient many good townes seated which thorough that inundation of the Irish which I first told you of were utterly wasted and defaced of which the ruines are yet in many places to be seene and of some no signe at all remaining save onely their bare names but their seates are not to be found Eudox. But how then commeth it to passe that they have never since beene recovered nor their habitations reedified as of the rest which have beene no lesse spoyled and wasted Iren. The cause thereof was for that after their desolation they were begged by Gentlemen of the Kings under colour to repaire them and gather the poore reliques of the people againe together of whom having obtained them they were so farre from reedifying of them as that by all meanes they have endeavoured to keepe them waste least that being repaired their Charters might be renewed and their Burgesses restored to their lands which they had now in their possession much like as in those old monuments of Abbeyes and religious houses we see them likewise use to doe For which cause it is judged that King Henry the eight bestowed them upon them conceiving that thereby they should never bee able to rise againe And even so doe these Lords in these poore old corporate townes of which I could name divers but for kindling of displeasure Therefore as I wished many corporate townes to be erected so would I againe wish them to be free not depending upon the service nor under the commaund of any but the Governour And being so they will both strengthen all the Country round about them which by their meanes will be the better replenished and enriched and also be as continuall houldes for her Majesty if the people should revolt or breake out againe for without such it is easie to forrage and over-run the whole land Let be for ensample all those Free-boroughes in the Low-Countryes which are now all the strength thereof These and other like ordinances might be delivered for the good establishment of the Realme after it is once subdued and reformed in which it might afterwards be very easily kept and maintained with small ca●e of the Governours and Councell there appointed so as it should in short space yeeld a plentifull revenue to the Crowne of England which now doth but sucke consume the treasure thereof through those unsound plots and changefull orders which are dayly devised for her good yet never effectually prosecuted or performed Eudox. But in all this your discourse I have not marked any thing by you spoken touching the appointment of the principall Officer to whom you wish the charge and performance of all this to be committed Onely I observed some fowle abuses by you noted in some of the late Governours the reformation whereof you left of for this present place Iren. I delight not to lay open the blames of great Magistrates to the rebuke of the world and therefore their reformation I will not meddle with but leave unto the wisedome of greater heads to be considered only thus much I will speake generally thereof to satisfie your desire that the government and cheife Magistracy I wish to continue as it doth to wit that it be ruled by a Lord Deputy or Iustice for that it is a very safe kinde of rule but there withall I wish that over him there were placed also a Lord Lieutenant of some of the greatest personages in England such a one I could name upon whom the eye of all England is fixed and our last hopes now rest who being intituled with that dignity and being here alwayes resident may backe and defend the good course of that government against all maligners which else will through their cunning working under hand deprave and pull backe what ever thing shall be begun or intended there as we commonly see by experience at this day to the utter ruine and desolation of that poore Realme and this Leiutenancie should be no discountenancing of the Lord Deputy but rather a strengthning of all his doings for now the cheife evill in that government is that no Governour is suffered to goe on with any one course but upon the least information here of this or that hee is either stopped and crossed or other courses appointed him from hence which he shall run which how inconvenient it is is at this houre too well felt And therefore this should be one principall in the appointing of the Lord Deputies authority that it should bee more ample and absolute then it is and that he should have uncontrouled power to doe any thing that he with the advisement of the Councell should thinke meete to be done For it is not possible for the Councell here to direct a Governour there who shall be forced oftentimes to follow the necessitie of present actions and to take the suddaine advantage of time which being once lost will not bee recovered whilst through expecting direction from hence the delayes whereof are oftentimes through other greater affaires most irkesome the oportunityes there in the meane time passe away and great danger often groweth which by such timely prevention might easily bee stopped And this I remember is worthily observed by Machiavel in his discourses upon Livie where he commendeth the manner of the Romans government in giving absolute power to all their Councellors and Governours which if they abused they should afterwards dearely answere And the contrary thereof he reprehendeth in the States of Venice of Florence and many other principalityes of Italy who use to limit their cheife Officers so strictly as that thereby they have oftentimes lost such happy occasions as they could never come unto againe The like whereof who so hath beene conversant in that government of Ireland hath too often seene to their great hinderance and hurt Therefore this I could wish to be redressed and yet not so but that in particular things he should be restrained though not in the generall government as namely in this that no offices should bee sould by the Lord Deputy for money nor no pardons nor no protections bought for reward nor no beoves taken for Captainries of Countryes nor no shares of Bishopricks for nominating of Bishops nor no forfeytures nor dispensations with poenall Statutes given to their servants or friends nor no selling of licences for transportation of prohibited wares and specially of corne and flesh with many the like which neede some manner of restrainte or else very great trust in the honorable disposition of the Lord Deputy Thus I have Eudoxus as briefly as I could and as my memorie would serve me run through the state of that whole Country both
simul ac prosperis praelijs domuit eamque partem Britanniae quae Hiberniam aspicit copijs instruxit in spem magis quam ob formidinem Siquidem Hibernia medio inter Britanniam atque Hispaniam sita Gallico quoque mari opportuna valentissimam imperij partem magnis invicem usibus miscuerit Spatium ejus si Britanniae comparetur angustius nostri maris insulas superat Solum coelumque ingenia cultusque hominum haut multùm à Britannia differunt meliùs aditus portusque per commercia negotiatores cogniti Agricola expulsum seditione domesticâ unum ex regulis gentis exceperat ac specie amicitiae in occasionem retinebat Saepè ex eo audivi Legione unâ modicis auxilijs debellari obtineríque Hiberniam posse idque adversùs Britanniam profuturum si Romana ubique arma velut è conspectu libertas tolleretur Pag. 31. lin 4. Slanius in the end made himselfe Monarch The Irish stories have a continued succession of the Kings of Ireland from this Slanius untill the conquest by King Henry the second but very uncertaine especially untill the planting of Religion by S. Patrick at which time Loegarius or Lagirius was Monarch Pag. 33. lin 35. Ireland is by Diodorus Siculus and by Strabo called Britannia Iris is by Diodorus called a part of Brittaine but Ireland by neither of them Britannia Pag. 33. lin 38. King Arthur and before him Gurgunt Concerning King Arthur's conquest of Ireland see Geffry of Monmuth and Matthew of Westminster at the yeare 525. where he is said to have landed in Ireland with a great army and in a battle to have taken King Gilla-mury prisoner and forced the other Princes to subjection In our Annals it appeares that Moriertach the sonne of Erca was at that time King of Ireland of which name some reliques seeme to be in Gilla-Mury Gilla being but an addition used with many names as Gilla-Patrick c. But in the Country writers which I have seene I find not the least touch of this conquest Pag. 34. lin 23. amongst whom he distributed the land King Henry the 2. gave to Richard Strong-bow Earle of Striguil or Penbroke all Leinster excepting the citty of Dublin and the Cantreds adjoyning with the maritime townes and castles Vnto Robert fitz Stephen and Miles de Cogan he granted the Kingdome of Corke excepting the Citty of Corke and the Ostmans Cantred And unto Philip de Bruse the Kingdome of Limericke But in a confirmation of King Iohn to William de Bruse or Braos Nephew to this Philip wee finde that hee gave to him onely honorem de Limerick retentis in dominico nostro as the words of the Charter are civitate de Limerick donationibus episcopatuum abbatiarum retentis in manu nostrâ cantredo Ostmannorum S. insulâ Among other large graunts remembred by Hoveden which this King Henry gave to the first adventurers that of Meth to Sr Hugh de Lacy is of speciall note The grant was in these words HEnricus Dei gratiâ Rex Angliae Dux Normanniae Aquitaniae Comes Andegauiae Archiepiscopis Episcopis Abbatibus Comitibus Baronibus Iustitiarijs omnibus ministris fidelibus suis Francis Anglis Hiberniensibus totius terrae suae Salutem Sciatis me dedisse concessisse praesenti chartâ meâ confirmâsse Hugoni de Lacy pro servitio suo terram de Midiâ cum omnibus pertinentijs suis per servitium quinquaginta militum sibi haeredibus suis tenendū habendū à me haeredibus meis sicut Murchardus Hu-melathlin eam tenuit vel aliquis alius ante illum vel posteà Et de incremento illi dono omnia feoda quae praebuit vel quae praebebit circa D●veliniam dum Balivus meus est ad faciendum mihi servitium apud civitatem meam Duveliniae Quare volo firmiter praecipio ut ipse Hugo haeredes sui post eum praedictam terram habeant teneant omnes libertates liberas consuetudines qu sibi habeo vel habere possum per praenominatum servitium à me haeredibus meis benè in pace liberè quietè honorificè in bosco plano in pratis pascuis in aquis molēdinis in vivarijs stagnis piscationibus venationibus in vijs semitis portubus maris in omnibus alijs locis alijs rebus ad eam pertinentibus cum omnibus libertatibus quas ibi habeo vel illi dare possum hâc meâ chartâ confirmare Test. comite Richardo filio Gilberti VVillielmo de Braosa c. Apud VVeisford But above all other graunts made by K. Henry the 2. that to his sonne Iohn is most memorable Deinde saith Hoveden venit rex Oxenford in generali concilio ibidem celebrato constituit Iohannem filium suum Regem in Hiberniâ concessione confirmatione Alexandri summi Pontificis By vertue of this graunt both in the life time of his father and in the raigne of his brother king Richard he was stiled in all his charters Dominus Hiberniae and directed them thus Ioannes Dominus Hiberniae comes Morton Archiepiscopis episcopis comitibus baronibus Iustitiarijs vicecomitibus constabularijs omnibus ballivis ministris suis totius Hiberniae salutem Thus we have it frequently although sometimes with a little variation in the Registers of Saint Mary Abbey and Thomascourt by Dublin How the Earle in Leinster and Lacy in Meth distributed their lands besides what they retained in their owne hands is delivered by Maurice Regan interpreter to Dermot Mac Murrough King of Leinster who wrote the Historie of those times in French verse The booke was translated into English by Sir George Carew Lo. President of Mounster afterwards earle of Totnes and communicated to me by our most reverend and excellently learned Primate There wee finde that the Earle gave to Reymond le Grose in marriage with his sister Fotherd Odrone and Glascarrig unto Hervy de Mount-marish hee gave Obarthy unto Maurice de Prindergast Fernegenall which was afterwards conferred upon Robert fitz Godobert but by what meanes he obtained it saith Regan I know not Vnto Meiler Fitz Henry he gave Carbry unto Maurice Fitz Gerald the Naas Ofelin which had beene possessed by Mackelan and Wickloe unto Walter de Ridelesford he gave the lands of Omorthy unto Iohn de Clahul the marshalship of Leinster and the land betweene Aghabo and Leghlin unto Robert de Birmingham Ofaly and unto Adam de Hereford large possessions What these possessions were are thus noted in the Register of Thomascourt abbey where speaking of the Earle Posteà Lageniâ perquisitâ erat quidam juvenis cum eo quem multûm dilexit dedit eidem pro servitio suo terras tenementa subscripta viz. tenementum de saltu Salmonis Cloncoury Kill Houterard tenementum de Donning cum omnibus
service was performed by Sir Richard Edgecomb being appointed thereunto by a speciall commission from K. Henry the seventh There is yet extant an exact diary of all his proceedings therein from his first landing at Kinsale the 27th of Iune 1488. till his departure from Dublin the 30th of Iuly next * * What Coigny and Livery doe signifie is formerly expressed see pag. 24. Sorehon was a tax laide upon the Free-holders for certaine dayes in each quarter of a yeare to finde victualls and lodging and ●o pay certaine stipends to the Kerne Galloglasses and horsemen * * Cantred is a Brittish word answering to the Saxon Hundred How much land a Cantred containeth is variously delivered Some hould that it containes 100. townes So Gir. Barry or Cambrensis in his itinerary of Wales lib. 2. cap. 7. Dicitur autem Cantredu● saith he composito vocabulo tam Britannica quam Hibernica lingua tanta terrae portio quanta 100. villas contineta solet The Author here ci●es a record which makes it containe but 30. towne-lands and Iohn Clynn if my copy therein be not mistaken hath but 20. But another more auncient MS. sometime belonging to the Friars Minors of Multifernan hath 30. Qualibet cantreda saith Clinne continet xx al. xxx villatas terrae quaelibet villata potest sustinere 300 vaccas in pascuis it● quod vaccae in x. al. 1111. partes divisae nulla alteri appropinquabit quaelibet villata continet viii carucatas We finde also there the Provinces of Ireland thus divided into Cantreds Vltonia continet 35. cantredas Conacia 30. Lagenia 31. M●dia 18. Momonia 70. See more concerning cantreds in Sir Hen. Spelman's excellent Glossary As cantreds are diversly estimated so are also carues or plowlands * * An. 5. Edw 4. * * The statute referres onely to the Irish dwelling among the English in the counties of Dublin Meth Vriel and Kildare Vriel called also Ergallia did anciently comprehend all that countrey which is now divided into the Counties of Louth and Monoghan although it may be conceived that Louth was onely intend●d by the statute because Monoghan was then in a manner wholly possessed by the Irish. * * The custome of prefixing the vowell O to many of the chiefe Irish surnames began soon after the yeere M. in the raigne of Brien boroma the son of Kennethy King of Ireland As for Mac in surnames it beareth no other signification then Fitz doth among the French and from them the English and ap with the Welsh And although it were more anciently used then the other yet it varied according to the fathers name and became not so soone fully settled in families * * Anno 25º Hen. 6. * * How requisite also an Universitie is for the further growth in learning the judicious well know This happinesse we now enjoy to the great benefit of this Land And although former attempts have beene made for erecting and establishing Vniversities in Ireland yet through want of meanes which should have beene allotted for their maintenance they have soone faded So hapned it with that Academy which Alexander de B●gnor Archbishop of Dublin erected in S. Patricks Church in Dublin and procured to be confirmed by Pope Iohn the ●2th And no better succeeded that which was afterwards erected at Tredagh by Act of Parlament Anno 5. Edw. 4. as appeares in the roll of that yeare in the Chauncery whereby all the like Priviledges as the Vniversity of Oxford in England enjoyed were conferred upon it Besides these wee finde mention of others farre more ancient as at Armagh and Ross. Carbry or Ross. atlithry as it is called in the life of S. Faghnan the Founder who lived in the yeare 590. Ipse Sanctus saith the Author in australi Hibernia plagâ iuxta mare in suo Monasterio quod ipse fundavit ibi crevit civitas in quâ semper manet magnum studium scolarium quod dicitur Rossailithry habitabat But a further search were fit to bee made touching those of the elder times a a De hac re vid● Camd. Britan. pag. 336. annal Hib. ab to edi● ad an 136● b b A regione quadam qua dicitur Scythia dicitur Scita Sciticus Scoticus Scotus Scotia Tho. Walsingham i● Hypodigmat● Ne● striae ad an 1185. * * Hist. nat lib. 16. cap 44. * * De b●llo Galli ●o ●ib 2. c c Rer. Scot. lib. 2. d d Gir. Camb. Hib. expugn lib. I. cap. 2● e e Vid. Rog. de Hoveden pag. 567 edit Franc. Camd. Brit. pag. 739. f f Rog. de Hoveden ibid. g g Chart. an 2. Io. in arce Lond. h h In Henr. 2. pag. 566· i i Consul Gir. Camb. Hib. expugn lib. 2. cap. 4 k k This Maurice soone after deceasing at Wexford king Iohn then earle of Moreton confirmed to his sonne William Fitz Maurice cantredum terrae quem Makelanus tenuit illum sc●in quo villa de N●as sita est quam comes Richardus dedit Mauritio patri ipsius Willielmi Thus the charter habetu● in ro● com placis an 10. Hen. 6. in iurri Birminghamiano l l Magn. regest mon. B. Mariae iu●●a Dublin fol 76. m m Romanae histor antholog lib. 2. sect 3. cap. 7. n n De iud l. 3. cap. 19. Satyr 3. lib. 1. AEneid lib. 1 o o An 45● Lord Treasurer of Ireland Lord Deputy of Ireland