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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13960 The fierie tryall of Gods saints as a counter-poyze to I.W. priest his English Martyrologie. And the detestable ends of popish traytors. ... 1611 (1611) STC 24269; ESTC S106306 40,636 90

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lawfull Queene herevpon followed jmmediatly the rebellion in the North and other dangerous conspiracies by your faction And to proue that Religion was not the cause of their Recusancy besides that which hath beene aboue sayd Scotland will testifie wherein albeit there haue beene and are many knowen Papists both men and women yet in all the time of King Iames his Raigne there nor yet since he raigned here haue any of thē absented thēselus or refused to come to our Churches in Scotland yet I make no question but you will say that the Romish religion is one and the same there that it is here you must needs then graunt that not religion but the Popes pleasure vnto whose girdle you are tyed is the cause of Recusancy and it behooueth his Maiestie to haue speciall regard vnto you that are Recusants and by all good meanes that he can to assure his owne estate in another regard then only that you will not interesse sacris with vs for Recusancy and Treason are so linked one in the other and compacted that hardly can hee bee a Recusant that is not a Traitour likewise See more hereof if you please in the 130 and 131. pages of Tortura Torti Recusants Seminarie Priests and Iesuites Traitors and seditious persons haue conspired against it had not the Lord himselfe miraculously defended it and maintained his Truth I need not instance particular deliuerances for who is he amongst vs that remembers not many But yet I cannot without ingratitude to God our most gracious preseruer ouer-slip in silence those two myracles of myracles to wit Our deliuerance from Spaines so falsely by them tearmed but blessed be God therefore inuincible Armado An. 1588. and from the mynes of fire and Gunpowder prepared by ympes of Hell for Englands Funerall An. 1605. which latter but that mine own eyes haue seene their preparations I should with Thomas scarcely haue belieued And no maruell though in Spain the report therof can with many hardly be credited for some at our own home that haue not with their owne eyes seene it or with their eares heard the Delinquents Viva voce confesse it can hardly yet conceaue halfe the malice therof it seemes to those that haue any sparkes of humanitie so passing cruell and incredible These if the Gospell must needs be confirmed by myracles are true myracles These are no counterfait jugling trickes or Popish jmpostures to delude the simple such as were the Sicknesse-healing Child or the Picture of the Traitour Garnets face in a wheat strawe found perhaps amongst a Popish Taylors wiues shreds or brought in in the belly of a Griffin or Gryfō intēding thereby the ruine of Troynovant as were the armed men of Yore in the bellie of Synons woodden horse for Troye the old its Destruction such as these we leaue to you to jnsert into your Legenda Aurea or Legend of lyes As for persecution for conscience against which in diuers of your pamphlets you so loudly cry the comparison of times for continuance wherein of persons for numbers in those times how many whose bloud on both sides haue been shed and the causes partly wherefore in the following Table will appeare But the grounds of religion contained in the holy Scriptures of the old and new Testament penned by the Prophets and Apostles on which we build our faith and the refutation of errors and false doctrine maintained by Romish Recusants Priests and Iesuites which in former times and in these times also haue do cause so great disturbances persecutions of the Church of Christ I leaue to bee defended by those graue and strong pillars of our Church and learned Fathers of our Clergie whose soundnesse in doctrine all the Papists in the world are vnable to evince Concerning that dishonour wherewith very frequētly but falsely as is well approued by the then Bishop of Chichester you taxe your Soueraigne Lord the Kings Maiestie for breach of promise with Recusants concerning a toleration of Popish religion that quantum in me est I may confute such vnjust exclamations against his Majesties Person and his Honour I will briefly touch that poynt by declaring not onely vnto you but vnto all the world that shall take notice hereof what mine owne eares heard in an open Court of mercy I may say rather then of justice in this case debated and censured The case stood betweene the Kings Majestie a great Peere of this Land amongst whose many grosse slippes and jnglorious acts this poynt was as the rest all which his Majestie was pleased nay as sayd the Lord Cooke then the Kings Attourney commanded that they should not otherwise bee handled then as matters of Contempt ripped vp and scanned His name I could particularly instāce but because it pleased my Soveraigne to deale with him not in rigor of law justice but meerly in Grace I hold it not my part othewise then what for clearing of the truth I needsly must him by name to disgrace Wherfore that I may helpe to wash away those aspertions of dishonour vnjustly throwen vpon his sacred Majesty by men of bad spirits and that like spots and staines neuer to be done away they may seat themselues within the muddy Circle of the duskie Moone their true Centre and not eclipse the bright honour of our splendant Sun glorious North-star I will here relate frō whence by much probabilitie this error at first sprange This noble fore-remembred Personage whose greatnesse addes a greatnes to his fault if I may linke Nobilitie with such jgnoble actions ambitiously as it should seeme affecting a singular greatnesse not at all regarding Religion as some haue thought further then as it might serue him as a ladder to promotion was in shew outwardly a seeming Protestant but vnder-hand and couertly willing to be held a Papist jnsomuch that by his close carriage hee was very honourablie thought of by his Majestie chosen by his Majestie to be very neere vnto him and yet neuerthelesse highly accompted of and respected amongst the Romanists for a sure friend of theirs vpon whom they might hold a Dependance Testified hereby that with his owne hands he deliuered and presented their Popish Supplication vnto his Majestie at Theobalds for a toleration in Anno. 1603. And that I may not seeme maliciously of my selfe without a ground to taxe him herein of ambition obserue with me that at his tryall by one for his learning judicious for his knowledge experienced in matters of State it was by euident arguments prooued that his proceedings argued a manifest Discontentmēt and withall that all discontentments proceeded from either want disgrace or ambition but not from want for his possessions and yearely revenues were exceding great not frō disgrace for his Majestie had many waies graced highly honoured him which graces as he then did so I now could particularly jnstance but that thereby I must needsly discouer his person and therefore of
admire their jmpudency in that voyde of shame modesty religion christianity they dare so publiquely and vnjustly without blushing reuile and slaunder so gracious a Princesse as was noble Q. Elizabeth and so mercifull a King as is our Soueraigne Lord K. Iames confidering that so many more suffered in the lesse then six yeares raigne of Queene Marie onely for religion then haue sithence by their owne account beene executed in fiftie yeares of two succeeding Princes and those not for religion but for their treasons the number of the true Martyrs noted in print being in all by this account almost 300. and the number of their Seminary Priests Iesuites and Recusants by their own account not fully 200. which number and time considered is more then tenne for one Nor is there a greater disproportion in the number then in the causes of their sufferings the former suffering only for their conscience the latter for their treasons I am not ignorant that our aduersaries do taxe Mr. Fox of many vntruths and many strange matters whose errors if any such were I will not maintaine but somewhat excuse by way of recrimination by cyting out of this my popish Author some such stories of his Saints Miracles as I find in his sayd Martyrologe expressed which he hath diuided according to the moneths of the yeare leauing the truth and likely-hoode to thy censure ¶ Popish Miracles ANd first in the moneth of Ianuary I find this storie that when Saint Chad Bishop of Litchfield dyed his brother Ceds soule who was before Bishop of London was seene to descend from heauen with a troupe of Angels to accompany the same to heauen Another ST Egwine Bishop of Worcester made a payre of Iron shackles locked them close about his legges then cast the keyes therof into the Riuer of Seuerne and so went to Rome with Offa King of Mercia desiring of God that the said shackles might not be loosed from his legges vntill he had made satisfaction for all the sinnes of his youthfull yeares and in his returne backe as he came ouer the sea vpō a soden a fish leaped into the Ship wherein he sayled which being taken and killed the foresayd keyes of the shackles that hee had throwne into the Riuer were found in the fishes belly which hee applying to his shackles forthwith vnlocked them Another IN North-wales the commemoration of S. Beno Priest who leading an Eremiticall life in the west parts of England was by an Angell admonished to goe into Wales to a Noble man called Trebuith S. Wenefrides Father who gaue him a part of his lands and possessions to build a Monasterie as also his Daughter Wenefride to be instructed and brought vp in a religious manner whose head being soone after cut off by Cradocus sonne to Alane King of the same Country for not yeilding to his vnlawfull lust he miraculously set on againe shee liuing fifteene yeares after Another ST Elfled virgin and afterward Abbesse it happened vnto her that before shee was chosen Abbesse shee being in the Church at Mattins before day with the rest of her sisters going into the middest according to the custome to reade a lesson the candle wherewith shee sawe to read chanced to be put out and therevppon wanting light there came from the fingers of her right hand such an exceeding brightnesse vppon the suddaine that not onely her selfe but all the rest of the Quire might see to read by it also And hauing another time giuen much to relieue the poore whereby her chests were emptyed being therefore for her lauishnes checked by the Procurator of the house she made moane to the Lord and her Chests were againe myraculously filled as before Another ST Wereburge she vpon her death bed commanded her body to be buried at Hamburge but contrary to her will it was carried to the monastery of Trickingham where the gates fast locked the same was kept and watched very carefully But see a woonder they that kept it fell into a sleepe so as the people of Hamburge comming in the night to fetch the bodie away the gates of the Church and Monasterie were opened without hands of themselues and so they carryed the bodie and buried it at Hamburge as before she requested Another ST Patrick he obtained by his Prayers that no venomous creature should liue or breed in Ireland Another ST Richard Bishop of Chichester he dyed at Douer in Kent his body being brought to Chichester so shined with Miracles that besides others he raysed vp three dead men againe to life Another ST Frithstan one euening as hee was saying Masse as he walked in the Churchyard when he came to the words Requiescant in pace the voyces in the graues round about made answere aloud and said Amen Another ST Pyran he sustained tenne Armies of men for eight daies with the flesh of three Kine and also raysed diuers dead men to life Another ST Sewell he for his integritie and innocency of life was such and so acceptable to God that it pleased his diuine Maiestie in signe thereof to worke miracles by him both aliue and dead and among others it is recorded that lying on his death-bed he turned water into wine by onely blessing it Another KIng Henrie the sixt his veluet Hat which he vsed to weare being put on mens heads that were troubled with the head-ache they were presently cured Another ONe of the souldiers that led S. Alban to his death repented when he saw the constancy of the Martyr asked him forgiuenes which the persecutors beholding they grieuously tormented him for the same but he following S. Alban to his death when S. Albans head was cut off he tooke it vp and embraced it in his armes and thereby was immediatly cured of all his wounds Another ST Swithine he when by a mischance a woman had broken all her egges made the signe of the crosse ouer the same egges and immediatlie they all became whole againe Another THe heads of Wiaman Vnaman and Sunaman being cut off and cast into a poole by the enemies of Christ S. Sigfride on a time walking by the poole and deploring their deaths on a suddaine there appeared three miraculous lights vppon the water which encompassed the vessell wherein their sayd heads were which he seing presently leaped into the poole and embracing them wept and sayd Vindicet Deus Whereto one answered Vindicatūerit another replyed in quem the third added in filios filiorum Another A Monke of a certaine Monastery whereof S. Alexander was comming to the said Alexanders tombe to pray and hauing an vlcer in his breast which was now growne to a fistula Alexander appeared vnto him brighter then the Sun with two Crownes one on his head and another in his hand The Monke demaunded what that double Crowne meant he answered The Crowne in his hand is for the temporall Crown which he forsook for Christs loue for he shold haue