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A12317 The history of Great Britanie from the first peopling of this island to this present raigne of or [sic] happy and peacefull monarke K: Iames, by Will: Slatyer. Slatyer, William, 1587-1647. 1621 (1621) STC 22634; ESTC S117415 259,478 280

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Lybia's sayne Bele his two sonn 's deuide in twaine Aegypt's so much fam'd fruitfull soyle Plac't on his-bankes-neglecting Nyle Aegyptus t'one that Aegypt nam'd And Danaus Argiues founder fam'd Aegyptus he had fiftie sonnes As many Daughters gallant ones Had Danaus whom Aegyptus craues Wiues for his sonnes faire Nymphs to haue But Danaus nild who had heard told A sonne in law vnking him should Which by Aegyptus and his trayne Was taken in so foule disdayne That father both and Daughters bee Faine flie to Greece where Danaus hee Reignes Argiue King till to these Dames Aegyptus sonnes maken fresh claymes And last by warre forc't Danaus giues In sollem sort long-wish't their wiues But fie on falshood with bloud-shed Each bride she staines her bridall bed First night so father will'd saue one Hypermnestra's loue sau'd scap't and gone Whil'st she 's poore soule honouring loues deity Wrong'd prisond for her too much piety So Scylla priz'd Minos welfare ' Boue her sire Nisus purple haire And Minos Daughter skil'd the same Lesson for Theseus loue faire Dame Lynceus thus by his faire loues means Scap't from his trecherous Vncles Realmes Returning soone with so strong hand As Argos powers could not withstand In fell reuenge of brothers slaine Wrought Danaus still-fled sore-feard bane Who flying found fate following fast Spur'd on with winged speede for haste Lynceus thus by this conquest wonne Set on his Vncles Argiue throne His faire loue frees who prison'd long For his sake had sustayn'd much wrong But had fordo● th'vngracious sisters Saue for his loued Hypermnestra's Suite at whose pray'rs he set them in A ship sans helme sayles oares or men And so the abandon'd Ladies went T' Atlantique seas to banishment CANT III. They are banished to the Sea and arriue in Albion where they become the mothers of the succeeding race of Giants of whom nothing is memorable besides their rudenesse disorder and ouer throw by Brute saue that Leon-Gauere built Carleon THis makes me thinke not Dioclesian His Daughters nor the faire Assyrian Albina brought our Albions Name Since likelyer these Nymphs hither came Hal'd by windes waues and Nereus force To Neptunes sonne 's on Albions shores Who though long since in Celt-land dead His name 's yet on our white-rockes read Their weather-beaten Barke being cast On British coast right sore agast Amymone-like sad left alone On Phrygian mountaines making mone These meete such mates in our wild Groues You 'd thinke vnfit for Ladies loues Faire Greekes Vrania Scylla Scaea Hero Hyale Glauce Galathaea And twise three times as many more By Aeolus brought to Albions shore Which passing prize with merry glee The Syluan's seize pretty to see Such Nymphs keepe Sheepe vpon the Downes Such Ladies laid by such right Clownes So their halfe-Greeke halfe-barbarous brood Brutish before ere British bloud From Troian Brute deriu'd they sayne These Centaure-like huge monsters raigne Leon Gauere builds Carleon's bowers Other tracts shew'n crophees of their powers Whose tombes portend in equall range With monstrous might their statures strange CANT IIII. An Exordium to the History of Brute NOw Muses sing the Man whose might Italian Tents in Albion pight Who long kept off turmoyl'd and tost To many a farre and forreine Coast By Iuno's ire and wreak-full spleene Or Gods that Troians torturers beene Our second wandring Prince of Troy As great aduentures with great Ioy Sought as his Grandsire and at last That big-bon'd broode from Brytaine chac't CANT V. The descent of Brutus the cause of his exile and trauailes and aduentures in Greece WHen after great Aeneas death Syluius in saluage Woods tooke breath Did his half-brother yclep't Iùle In new-built Alba Longa rule Brute then they say this Syluius sonne Had by mischance his sire fordone And fled to Greece where Hectors once Andromache's and Pyrrhus sonnes His noble Cousins now liu'd and Were Princes of Chaonia land Pergameus Pyleus and Molossus Whose welcome cheeres whom fortune crosses Who had by them lands giuen him then But that a numerous band of men From Troy descended captiu'd all By King Pandrasus kep't in thrall A neighboring Prince did him importune To free them and if th' hand of Fortune So friended them they once set free Vassals to him their Prince would bee First then Pandrase he gently prayes Who with proud threats their suite denayes Which caus'd him force the Tyrant feele The strokes of vnrelenting steele And Pandrase and his children then Antigonus and Innogen Captiu'd the victors price had paid But that Brute for the beauteous Maid Faire Innogens sake set them free And marrying her for dowry hee May haue but what hee 'le craue so strange Foes to friends warres to weddings change CANT VI. Brute marrying King Pandrasus daughter with great prouision of Ships and company seeketh fortune and other larger dominions wherewith his remnant Troian troopes to inhabit THen Brutus and his beautious Make To ship and Seas themselues betake With money men munition and The youthes choise flowers of all the land All seeking fame and with new seates Aduentures strange by warlike feates That not those Peeres of Argo fam'd Set forth with courage more enflamd To Colchos for the golden fleece Then Brute and his they done from Greece CANT VII He falleth with an Iland called Leogetia where he sacrifizeth prayeth and asketh counsell at Dianas Oracle THence sayling forth with prosperous course They light on Leogetia shores An Iland in an vnknowne Ocean There founded by zealous deuotion Brute found where one of Phoebe's shrines With gold nor sparkling Iewels shines But o're top't by the dangling trees And fenc't with thorny passages Heere calling out his Mates arow He sacrifiz'd a milke-white Doe And mighty bowles of wine there beene Crownd by him to nights shady Queene And 'fore her Oracle whiles he stayes For her propitious aid thus prayes CANZ. VIII Hee receiueth answere to bend his course for Brytaine GReat Goddesse that th' Arcadian groues Parthenian hils and Cynthus loues Giue gracious Audience to my suite And gently guide thy Beads-man Brute That o're rough Seas with prosperous winde Their seats of rest by fates assign'd For him and his he may attaine To thee then and thy virgin trayne Great Oceans Queene wee 'll to thy praise That right'st our course faire Temples raise The Goddesse then in Vision-wise Sleepe hauing now seiz'd Brutus Eyes Shewing cleere tokens of diuine Maiestike presence in her shrine Her selfe more stately to be seene Then th' Amazon or Assyrian Queene Most rauishing bright with heauenly looke She thus bespake the valiant Duke In westerne Sea 's an Isle is plac't Subject to gentle Zephyr's blast Neptunes sonnes Seamen say'ne of yore Huge Cyants held that wealthie shore Deere Nephew that 's a place right fit For Ida's Peoples there to sit Where I deuine New-troy shall rise And Kings whose fames shall pierce the Skies Thy sonn
honore Dux Corinaeus opem tulit huic pro munera tanto Arua dedit Brutus Corinaeaque rura vocauit Proxima Damnonijs quâ inter confinia currit Loegriae Tamaris diuisor Cornubiaeque Quo tractu montes aiunt Titanibus illis Antiquis famulosadomus quibus vda ferarum Terga dabant vestes cruor haustus pocula trunci Antra lares dumeta thoros Caenacula rupes Praeda cibos raptus venerem spectaculacaedes Imperium vires animos furor impetus arma Mortem pugna sepulcra rubus monstrisque gemebat Monticolis tellus sed eorum plurima tractû Pars crat occiduo terror maiorque premebat Te furor extremum Zephyri Cornubia limen Fortè quia huc multo occursarunt agmine Teucris Tunc ità perculsi insolito terrore Gigantes Hos auidum belli robur Corinaeus Auerno Praecipites misit cubitis ter quatuor altum Gogmagog Herculeâ suspendit in Aere luctâ Anthaeumque suum scopulo detrusit in aequor Qua Tamaris glauco immiscet sua flumina Ponto Potauit fuso Thetis ebria sanguine fluctus Diuisumque tulit corpus mare Cerberus vmbram 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Vortigerin facinorosa regni occupatio Romani Imperij finis REge breui à famulis Pictoque satellite caeso Vortiger hac princeps in proditione Tyrannus Euadens potitur sceptris solioque Brytannis Vther Aurelius defuncti Regis vterque Frater Aremoricum vicino littore tractum Cesserunt neque iam totam cum Scotus Hybernen Mouit infesto spumauit Remige Tethys Te modo vicinis percuntem Gentibus olim O Nympha aequoras inter celeberrima diuas Ferro picta genas cuius vestigia verrit Caerulus immenso Brytannia cincta profundo Defendit rapidis acer Romanus in armis Ampliùs aut reprimit Pictûmve Scotûmve tumultus Caesar abes ter Consul opem negat Aetius hostis Britannum Oceano Oceanusque repellit in hostem Quo nunc Caesar eras non deserere ausus Alumnos Quo ruit Imperium deserta quod Insula Iule Parta trophaea tuâ quondam fortissime dextrâ Scilicet ingenium senio mens forma laborant Cunctae sue Imperijque suis iacet aegra ruinis Maiestas multum languens annosa veterno Imperij in nostros heic meta à Caesare primo Postquam quingentos lustris labentibus annos Seu propè Brytannis Itali dominantur in oris Odae sextae Finis PALAE ALBION The fourth Ode Entituled BRVTVS THE ARGVMENT The fourth Ode brings in Troian Brute Mong's sonnes that parts his Realmes in three Scot'sh yet and Cambrian Kings ow'n suite And seruice t' Englands Primacy That in right Line arow descends T' his Heires till Schisme their glorie ends CANT I. The intention of the present Booke discouered SAmothea first next Albion shore Now so both now and nam'd of yore Great Britaine shewes new dayes forth brings Th' old names and ancient race of Kings Thou sought'st deare Muse how Mauritane Spanish Lusitane French Aquitane Coasted or kend ' or conquerd ' last Brute at Brute-tania anchor cast Call'd Albion erst where many a-day His issue reign'd till Caesars way Hither lay through France so French and ours With Trophey's deckt Tarpaeyan towers Nor booted kindred Mars decides Th' alliance lands by lot diuides Then Pallas and my Muse that sings Their Roman Lords or Troian Kings How Brute who quell'd the Belgique hoast Found entertaynment on our coast Diuine Dames you remember when He came his chance the meanes the men With whom he fought that Giant race Now briefely that both time and place And all things else I may reherse Pray prompt my pen tune well my Verse CANZ. II. A briefe recollection of the precedent story of Brute continuing it to his encounter with the Giants that he found in the Iland VVHen once the wandring Troian Duke To salt Sea woues himselfe betooke In Barks ybuilt ' in Ida and Leauing furious Dido's loue and land Had safe set foote in ●●●ium where Fates had decreed 〈◊〉 Troy to reare And Romes great 〈◊〉 soone were seene Fell Furies rais'd 〈…〉 hie Queene But tumults laid and Turnus dead Troyes Prince he doth Lauinia wed Whose late-borne Babe since Fathers death Syluius in saluage woods tooke breath From him whose brother halfe of bloud Built Alba-Longa t'goes for good Came our first founder Brute what time Vast Giants did possesse this Clime Great Neptunes sonnes for Saturnes lands When they came to his childrens hands Beene had by them thus Poets please Ioue Heau'n Dis Hell Neptune the Seas So Neptunes sonnes held this our shore And many a wealthy I le of yore Of which race Herc'les some in France Did quell these here 't was Brutus chance Who striking in at Totnesse Strand In Deuo●shire brought his Barks to land But scarce had time to view the coasts Ere from the Hills he spies huge hosts And Cyclops swarmes as 't were great woods Come from their fields to th'neybouring flouds Such Sea-men sayne they vs'd to see 'Bout Mongibell in Sicily Such statures strange they say'n of eld Both their and our Trinacria held Th' Aetnaean Monsters matching tho Tall Poplar's on the banks of Poe. CANZ. III. The Giants ouerthrowne and Gogmagog the greatest slaine by Corinaeus who hath Cornwall assigned to him their manners decyphered VVIth these whose tree-like tops did skar The flutt'ring clouds must Brutus war Not much vnlike such match I weene In Phlaegra fields there once was seene Where Ossa laid on Pelion hie Made Olymph tops out-towre the skie Whiles for to win fell Monsters stroue Those starry battlements of Ioue These liuelesse breathlesse chac't and slaine Brute strewes their corpses o're the plaine Like eares of corne while haruest lasts Or leaues borne downe by Boreas blasts A prey for Wolues and daintie feasts For rauenous Birds and for wild Beasts So Ioue dealt with the Tytannoy's Th'huge Monsters quelling layes the poise Of Aetna on this Giants brest Of Iles and Sea-rocks on the rest Of Inarine's burden sore and streight Typhaeus feeles the endless weight But Albions coasts were not set free From Albions brood e're braue Knight hee Duke Corinaeus tooke in hand To rid these vncoth Creatures and Had faire lands giuen him call'd they say Of his name Cornwall to this day Where on the bankes of Tamaris Which now the Cornish confines is He with Herculean might o're-threw Gogmagog Chieftaine of that crew Who hurl'd downe head-long Doris deepe His corps Styx had his soule to sleepe And it was thought that westerne coast Of this our Iland pest'red most With those huge-limbed Centaures who In stead of house and harbour doe On Mountaynes liue in dens and caues That summers sunne and winter saues The running Riuers Herbs and Rootes Right sauage-like raw flesh and fruits And skins of wild beasts such their states Their meate drinke cloth and finest cates And greatest strength bore greatest sway Till Corine chac't them quite away CANZ.
Danes whom Ethelwolf vanquisht in Surrey Burthred made King by Ethelwolf married Ethelswide the Kings daughter but at last hee fled frō the Danes to Rome about Alfreds time Eldred made King by Alfred espoused the noble Lady Elslede who also after her husbands death gouerned the Mercians with great honour defended them right nobly against the Danes her brother King being much holpen by her martiall aide and politike counsels after whose death K. Edward tooke the land of Mercians wholly the Crowne Northumbers Osfride and Ella rebell against Ethelred and are slaine by the Danes about the beginning of Alfreds reigne Egbert made King by the Danes expelled by the Northumbers Ricsiga King vnder the Danes R. 3. yeares Egbert a second vnder the Danes R. 7. y. Guthred or Gormo a Dane but God-sonne to King Alfred regned 11. Sythrik his son reigned next and espoused Edyth daughter to King Edward sister to Adelstane but Aulafe and Godfride their sonnes for mouing some sedition against Adelstane were expelled and fled Aulafe into Ireland God fridus into Scotland where they raysed some powers but were notwithstanding at seuerall times vanquished by Adelstane and Eldred After that one Edrike did clayme the Kingdome of Northumberland but was ouercome by Eldred about An. 950. since when Northumberland hath onely remayned an Earledome or Dukedome PALAE ALBION Ode octaua Inscripta SVENO ARGVMENTVM Oda velut varijs Anglos octaua procellis Iactatos canit huc Danica turba ruit Duraque Suenc l●cèt pensa imperet omne retrorsum Cessit at Angligenis Imper●ale decus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Prooemio Odae inserta hypothesis BRitannos Latij cum Italis modò Sax● Brytannos Sedibus è patrijs finibus expulit ambos Saxones è solio simul omnia turbine versant Daci disijciunt Nostris ita saepè minutis Ludit in humanis diuina potentia rebus Sicque vices Fortuna fouet Naturaque cursu Omnia perpetuo varians sicque explicat annum Ver fugit aestates aestatum terga lacessit Pomifer Autumnus Nymbis cessurus vndis Vtque canit Samius sic nos sic omnia verti Nunc has nunc alias videas florescere genteis Celsaolim veteres nunc Troia humil●sque ruinas Et pro diuitijs tumulos estendit auorum Clara fuit Sparte quondam viguêre Mycenae Cecropis Pr●ami necnon Carthaginis arces Vile solum Sparta est clarae cecidere Mycenae Celsaque Carthago Thebae celeberrimae Argos Laomedonteae quid nunc nisi nomina Troiae Quid Pandionijs restant nisi nomina Athenis Tam variat Fortuna vices tot mille figuris Vt quod erat non est neque erit quod perstet in orbe Imperiale decus saeclo isto pessim● Hirene Transferre ad Gallos velles insana Monarcha 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Dacorum siue Danorum Daciae domen origo SAxones Egberto florent regnante cruento Mox ipsi praedae Daco miseraeque rapinae Vnde igitur Dani veniunt quibus incola terris Olim Dacus erat qui tot modo coedibus Anglo Saxones affecit pandens ab origine primâ Musa rogata refer Fuit olim Dacia propter Ripam Istri Gothique Getaeque ad littora Ponti Contiguas Dacis sedes habuêre sed intus Daci Danubicis iuxta adsedêre fluentis Contiguas quoque nunc Boreali in cardine mundi Quaesiuêre sibi sedes nam Gotthia fineis Dacorum attingit quâ tendit Cymbrica Nesos Illi multoties Romano à milite victi Trajani ac iussu Caracallae postea bellis Romani Imperij fineis regnante Philippo Turbârunt miserè Europamque Asiamque remiscent Donec ab Aurelio victi validisque fugati Aut propè deleti irruentùm à gente feroci Hunnorum Eoas dominante Valente per oras Exin cessêre atque vbi iam sedêre potiti Sede ex quâ Marius Cymbros deleuerat inter Arctoos mundi populos numerantur Eorum Dacia Pannonijs vicina Valachia nuper Dicta tulit Danos dudum Dragulasque sibjipsis Infestos parilique odio flagrànte vocatus Turca iugum imposuit collis Danosque trucidat Instinctu Dragulûm Sic turpè vtrisque subactis Possidet arua ferox hostis celeberrima donec Rettulit Hunniades à Turcis capta trophaea Extitit ac patriae vindex Lunasque repressit Sicque vetus perhibent produxit Dacia Dacos Iam Danos Dragulasque hodiernaque Dania dudum A sibi cognatis Danis aut sede potitis Antiqua Istriacâ nomen traxisse putatur Crebraque cos inter commercia vtrosque fuisse Dacosque Danos olim Edgaris acta docerent Eque sinu quamuis quidam autumat hosce Codano Danos iam dictos siue haec seu verior illa Summi vtriusque authoris erit sententia Dacos Siue vocare lubet Danos de nomine quippe Sollicitè minùs Orator monet esse seueros Cum dere constet suo enim diplomate Regem Dacûm s● profitetur ouans Rex Daniae ab illis Littoribus certum est venisse vbi Scandia in Arcton Brachia protendit tum limina nostra rapinis Infestasse diu sunt Oceanoque propinqui Dani Baltiacique sedentes margine Ponti Eoumque per Oceanum sua littora contrâ Hostibus infestis breuis hinc traiectus ad Anglos Hic fons hoc flemma haec Dacûm celebratur origo Iamque Deà vnde fores digressa reuertere tempus Et mecum Albionis placidam lege littoris oram 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Egberti dominatus Dynastiae finis PRimum quem canimus Egberto Principe primo Gaudet nata recèns roseas induta Corollas Anglia pace choros celebrans laurumque triumphos Saxonum ab aduentu quadringentesimus annus Est propè coeptus agi Egberto iam Rege salutisque Octingentesimus tricesimus Ogdoos idem Postquam Merciacis Wallisque Monarcha subactis Eurique Zephyri Anglo-Saxones atque Meatas Septem Regna suis adiunxerat exteraque arma Finibus è totis repulit cum stamina vitae Ruperunt Parcae florentia Sceptrarelinquit Filio Ethelwolfo hic Romam proficiscitur vrbis Visendi studio votis Monachoque solutus Quo priùs indutus fuerat Regalia iura Sceptra capit soliumque sibi Diademata Patris 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Egberti filij Ethelwolphi Regnum gesta DVctâque Osburgâ formosâ coniuge Gnatos Bis duo suscepit totidem ordine postea Reges Huic Diuus Swithinus Adelstanusque celebres Consiliarij erant Egbertus anteà Gnato Cantia rura Duci dedit Adelstano vti fama est Dotibus egregij naturae instructus artis Iusticiaque suos multâ pace fouebat Cum subitò Oceani emergens quasi fluctibus ingens Dacorum numerus turbantes omnia Regni Fineis inuadunt quos Damnoniaeque Ceorlus Vicit Adelstanusque per aequora tota fugauit At priùs villas multùm populantur agros Et Thamesim ingressi Londinum Mercica rura Cum duce Merciaco dicto modò Rege Fridulph● A Dacis
hostem Perculit bello minimè confregit aperto Contectos Wallos nemore atque silentibus vmbris Godwino satus acer Haraldus vtique Sywardus Disiecit Scoticum Ottadinus Comes ipse Tyrannum Machutam Et Regum Scotiae de sanguine cretum Malcolmum statuit Regem cui postea nupsit Edmondi neptis soror Edgaris Angliae in oras Qui modò cum patre matre Agatha atque sororibus vnâ Accessurus erat Rege accersente sed ecce Interèa Eduardus moritur pater exulis ergò Dicti Edgar-Etheling Gnatus Regni audijt Haeres A Rege Eduardo Angliaci Protector Haraldus His ità compositis cui plurima sanctaque virtus Emicuit sanctâ Eduardus Rex pace quieuit At dubij Proceres quò se vertere nescij Seu fugere antè suam siue expectare ruinam Normannas metuunt vireis iactataque vulgo Facta Duci promissa at Godwineius Haraldus Ingentem populi sibi conciliarat amorem Et iam Pannonico fato ecce superstes ab orbe Nobilitate potens dudùm Edgar Regia proles Venerat Angliacas patre condecoratus in oras Sed puer Edgar adhuc nondùm aetatis adultae Nec tam acri aut tanto potis est occurrere morbo Nascentisue mali infenfas restinguere flammas Hijs ità suspensis animo Protector habendus S●u genere anne magis hoc audax nomine Regnum Nemine eum prohibente ferox inuadit Haraldus Sceptra manu rapiens frontem Diademate cingit Bisque fidem fractam pueroque Ducique parabat Armatàque manû aut quauis ratione tueri 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sub aduentum Gulielmi Normanni valdè tumultuantis Angliae descriptio AT iam corda hominum terrent visusque Cometes Hijque noui motus fata contraria fatis Anglia accensis furialibus vndique flammis Insula tota ferè flagrat ciuilibus armis Frater Tosto furit Venetâ iracundior Adriâ Addidit infestas vireis plaga frigida mundi Noruegiaeque manus Scotia Orcades vltima Thule Nec Gulielmus abest longè quem Flandria totis Neustria quem sequitur quem Gallia viribus Olli Charta sacrata mea est illi haec mea carmina Terris Qui decus Oceano Dominos genus addit Olympo Odae octauae Finis PALAE ALBION Entituled SWENO The eighth Ode THE ARGVMENT Th' eighth Ode the rapines of the Dane And Swane's supposed conquest sings Who here impos'd Dane-gu●t but t'ane Away by Fate few Danes were Kings For English as they back regaine Their Phoebus Bay agen did raigne CANT I. The Exordium drawne from the various changes of all humane things BRittons the Latian Lords of eld Them Saxons Danes them both expeld So Ioue Kings crowns like ba●s in sport Tosses in Fortunes tennis-court Whiles shee her shapes and vassals tornes Vortumnus-like t' a thousand formes So Nature her things nothing strange Doth yearely vary hourely change Spring Sommer Fall doth Winter chace Liue take Deads Young their Elders place Of Soules Seas Empires Vs and all Pythagoras sang the Rise and Fall How now this King anon that Nation Triumphs soone suffers alteration Troy now for towers may tell her toombes Whose ruines take their stately roomes That buried in their owne falls beene Thebes learned Athens faire Mycene Sparta Argos Carthage armes pride fame What newes where now seen nought saue name Th' old Samians saying so not strange Townes We States World and all doe change Hirene mad now more to change States Greeks Empire would to French translate CANZ. II. The originall of the Danes that so molested England EGbert now flourisht and his raigne Free from the rapines of the Dane Who whence they came that England vext So bee 't thy taske deere Muse now next Old Dacia lay by Donow where Goths their neere Pontique neighbours were These though not farre Danes neerer bide To Swan-lou'd Isters pleasant side Southerne of eld the selfe same seene Now Northerne Nations neighbours beene Goth-land and Denmarke dwellers neere The Baltique now erst th' Euxine Meere These Daci oft the Romans thralls By Traians power and Caracalls Vext th' Empire sore in Philip's raigne Till by Aurelius foyl'd or slaine Th' Huns too o're ranne them with huge hoasts When Valens rul'd ith'easterne coasts So faine to seeke this northerne Cell Whence Marius did the Cymbri quell That ancient Dacia that since hight Valachia lately brought to light Two factious families t'one of Danes T'other Draguli that their owne banes Wrought by vnciuill ciuill flames To their great losse and Christians shames Whiles Turke deuoures with rauening Kite Those frogs and mice-like warriours quite Though soone Don Iohn of Austria fam'd From Mahounds moones their lands reclaim'd Thus Dacia once her Daci now Her Danes and Draguli did show Whence moderne Denmark name and race From those on Donow's bankes they trace Whose old mutual commerce and loue Since Edgars acts and theirs seeme proue Though Danes name nor meane authors some Would haue from Codane gulfe to come So here 's inuentions choise lesse neede Striue o're names things themselues-on greede Since Danes King King of Daci writes And his Danes from t 'vs easterne sites Their Dacian seates on Scandian coasts Harrow'd England erst with furious ●oasts And 't is but from their shores to these A short cut o're the German Seas Such their old seates their stocke and stem Leauing a while their lands and them Goe we whence we digrest before Backe to our best knowne Brittaine shore CANZ. III. The flourishing reigne and Monarchy of King Egbert vniting the seuen Kingdomes of Saxons and subduing the Danes COmes that now first in place to sing Egbert first new made Englands King His due for Peace the myrtle spray And Rosy wreath's for warres the bay Four-hundreth from first Saxons heere Eight-hundreth and nie fortieth yeere Of grace it was and Egbert raign'd O're all seuen Saxon Kingdomes gain'd And Danes driuen out t' him Englands King Angles all-haile and Saxons sing Hauing so subdu'd both Welsh and them He dyes and leaues his Diadem And scepters flourishing full faire To Ethelwolfe his sonne and heire Who went to visit Rome where freede From vow'd do's on the regall weede CANZ. IIII. His sonne Ethelwolphes acts and reigne THen marrying faire Osburga springs From them twise two sonnes after Kings Saint Swithine and good Ethelstane Were his chiefe councell this they sayne As was his father Egberts minde Had for his Earledome Kent affign'd This good Kings time saw iustice raigne And peace till troubled by the Dane Whom when Ce●rle by land o'recame Athelstane did by sea the same Though they had first borne Fridulfe downe And sack't and fir'd his Merk-land townes Being come so farre as London and Her Thames the pride of all the land merk-Merk-land her dower for Buthred's bride Her sire then gaue faire Ethelswide And with ioynt-powers opposing thoe They done represse the Danish
married there Agatha the Empresse sister nice To th' Almaigne Lords and Dukes From these Both English came and Scottish Kings Edgar from these and Margret springs Margret to Malcolme wed their Impes Beene Maud and Mary Maud faire Nymph's First Henries spouse Maud th' Empresse mother Whose son 's next Henrie Mary t'other Weds Eustace Earle of Bolloignoys Their Maud King Stephen then Earle of Bloys And thus a race as royall springs Of Scotch and English Britaine Kings From this poore wrackt despised stem As e're ware golden Diadem CANZ. XVI Canute the Danes famous reigne ouer England Scotland Denmarke and Norway NOw Edmond slaine and his sonnes fate Exil'd Knute meant should mend his state For Norwayes●oin'd ●oin'd to th' Danish Crowne And King Olaue and Scots pull'd downe English Scots Danes and Norwayes they Foure mighty people him obey More to make friends to th' Norman Duke His sister giues to wife and tooke Ethelreds widdow Emme entailes The crowne they say t' her issue males This Cnute commands the seas to shew His Sycophants flattering termes vntrew And knowledging Christ his only trust Return'd from Rome returnes to dust CANZ. XVII Harold Hardyknute and Edward Confessors reigne MOngst his three sonnes his lands in three Deuided Bastard Harold hee Britaine Swane Norway sonne to Emme Hardi-knute ha's Denmarks Diadem Harold then working his stepmothers Discredit vexing realmes and brothers Dies three yeeres King likewise Emmes sonne Hardiknute next set on Englands throne Dies three yeeres King too his halfe-brother Edward by Norman Emme their mother Confessor call'd then reignes th'off-spring Of Ethelred late Englands King This King weds Edyth Godwines Impe Kind modest comely vertuous Nymphe So faire so sweet the by-word goes Her Syre the Bryer brought her the Rose Earle Godwine whose ill counsels long King abus'd friends and mother wrong Till he and 's sonnes expulst she last of All into Wilton Nunnerie's cast off Both louing too much virgin-life Expos'd the Crowne to strangers strife CANZ. XVIII Edward dying Harold Earle Godwines sonne vsurpeth against Clyto Edgar BVt Godwine and his sonnes reclaim'd To the Kings fauour Harold tam'd The Welsh-mens powers on Snowdowne hils Syward Northumbers Earle then kils Macbeth which Scot'sh vsuper gone Malcolme his grand-child ha's his throne Malcolme that married Margret after Edmonds neece Edward out-lawes daughter So call'd as outed by disseyssor Knute call'd home though by the Confessor He with his Children and his wife Hitherwards returning ends his life His sonne young Edgar though's set downe As heire apparant t' Englands Crowne And Godwin's sonne Protector these Things thus compos'd good King in peace Edward he rests but soone from 's death Edgar's disrob'd of 's royall wreath For Nobles doubt and Normans threat Edgar but young Godwines sonne great In all mens fauours and of might To match if neede his foes in fight Though Edward promising Harold tooke Oath some say to the Norman Duke As his Liege-lord yet Nobles since And vulgars wish him for their Prince As being his troth-plight promise broke Able to ward warr's steely stroke When Edgar heire by 's fathers side Sign'd Prince and prince-like else alli'd As young thought weake to quench the flame Of Normans furie if they came CANZ. XIX All England vexed with strange feares and vproares at the comming in of the Conquerour T' Was easie now for Harold none Opposing thus to gayne the Throne To make sure worke he quickly downe Did set him and do's on the Crowne His twice-broke trust and troubled State Arm'd to free or meet Foes and Fate Flame Starres fume Tosto not the while Powers of Scots Norwayes Orkes and I le Danes Newstrians maken him afraid William nor France nor Flanders aide His Goale's Crowne My Muse next sings His fall then facts of Norman Kings The end of the eight Ode A briefe type of the ninth Booke or Ode of PALAE-ALBION called GVLIELMVS The ninth Ode contayneth 1. The Originall of the Normans with their Conquest and the great alteration of the land vnder William the Conquerour who was the sonne of Robert the second Duke of Normandy who was the sonne of Richard the second sonne of Richard the first sonne of William the first sonne of Rollo the Dane that in King Alfreds time inuaded England and thence expeld seated himselfe in Normandy and became Duke thereof who receiuing Christianity was baptized Robert and so Robert the first being the sonne of Guion a Noble man of Denmarke 2. The Race and succession of the Normans Kings of this Land viz. William the Conquerour A. 1066. who R. 20. yeares William Rufus his sonne reigned 12. yeares Henry Beauclerke his brother R. 35. y. Stephen Grandchild to William the Conquerour by his daughter Adela married to the Earle of Bloys he reigned 18. yeares Henry the second grandchild to Henry the first by his daughter Maud the Empresse R. 34 y. Richard Coeur-de-Lyon his sonne R. 9 y. Iohn called Without land his brother R. 17. y. Henry the third his sonne R. 56. y. Edward the first his sonne R. 34. y. Edward the second of Carnaruon his sonne R. 19. y. Edward the third his sonne R. 50. y. hee instituted the round Table and first laid claime to the Crowne of France Richard the second his grandchild by Edward the blacke Pr●nce R. 22. y. Henry the fourth of Bolingbroke sonne of Iohn of Gaunt fourth sonne of Edward the third R. 13. y. he began the bloudy schisme betweene the houses of Yorke and Lancaster Henry the fift his sonne conquered France R. 9. y. Heney the sixt his sonne lost France R. 50. y. Edward the fourth of the house of Yorke descended of Lionel third sonne of Edward the third restored the house of Yorke and reigned 22. yeares Edward the fift his sonne murdered ere he was crowned reigned not one yeare Richard the third his Vncle vsurped three yeares Henry the seuenth descended of Iohn of Gaunt of the house of Lancaster espoused Elizabeth eldest daughter of Edward the 4 of the house of Yorke whereby the schisme of the Houses and Ro●es of Lancaster and Yorke was fully determined and ended A. 1485. which had endured almost 100. yeares to the destruction of many hundred thousands 3. The Vnion of the long diuided and bloudy schisme betweene the Houses and Roses of Lancaster and Yorke the red Rose being the cognizance of the House of Yorke as the white Rose was of Lancaster by the marriage of Henry the seuenth with the Lady Elizabeth daughter to Edward the fourth from whom also sprang the Lady Margaret whose marriage into Scotland hath since produced betweene those two long foesworne Kingdomes of England and Scotland a no lesse ha●py and blessed Vnion PALAE ALBION Ode nona Inscripta GVLIELMVS ARGVMENTVM Nona vbi Neustriacos canit Oda trophaea triumphos Contrâ Anglis clades perniciemque parat Sceptra sed Angligenis sua restaurantur vti ipsis
and three hundred pound siluer 2500. head of nea●e with Hounds Hawkes to a certayne number b Hee ●ounded Saint Germans in Cornwall which was since a Bishops See Saint Petrocus at Bodmyn so likewise Pylton Priory Middleton and Michelney in his time Guy Earle of Warwicke slue Colbrond the Danish Giant in Hide-meade by Winchester Edmond A. 940. R. 5. yeares c He was fam'd for a good Iusticer and vertuous Prince hee granted the priuiledges of Saint Edmondsbury he was staine at Puckle Church rescuing his seruant from a thiefe and buried at Glastenbury Eldred brother of Adelstane A. 946. R. 9. y. buried at Win●hester * He tooke on him onely the rule as Protector at first but was after crowned at Kingstone hee founded the Bishops See of Cornwall at Saint Germans where it continued till Edward the Confessor translated it to Exeter he builded Mich at Abingdon giuing great lands confirming them Charters with seales of gold d The Northumbers had receiued Aulafe for their king and againe reiecting him set vp Ericus but Eldred repayed all their disloyalties according to their deserts Edwine sonne of Edmond A. 955. R. 4. * And after slue her husband so to enioy her vnlawfully the more freely * So being depriued by the Mercians and Northumbers hee dyed soone after for griefe and was buried at Winchester Edgar sonne of Edmond A. 959. R. 16. hee was surnamed the Peaceable * Himselfe his brother Edwine and vncle Eldred were crowned by Archbishop Odo hee was crowned at Bath enterred at Glas●enbury * Which was not past 3. or 4. yeares e're no more could bee gotten * There were the Kings Rinoch of Scots Malcolme of Cumberlād Macone of Man Dyfn-wall of Dymetia Siferth and Huwall other Kings of Wales Iames of Galloway and Iukill of Westmerland his nauy of 3600. ships sauing when bee compassed the Iland triumphantwise in the same hee disposed at three seuerall places 1200. at a place for defence of the Kingdome * Hee restored and new founded 47. Monasteries intending to make the number 50. In the presence of all the Nobilitie on Christmasse day A 974. he confirmed the Abbey of Ramsey which his Kinsman Alwine had founded made the Monastery which Bishop O●wald had builded the Cathedrall Church of that shire Among other Lawes he made some against Ale houses and the number of them and against Drunkards that none vnder a certayne paine should exceed in drinking certayne marks which were 〈◊〉 in ordinary drinking cups for that purpose Edward surnamed the Mar●yr A. 975. R. 3. he was crowned by Dunstan Arch. of Canter at Kingstone poyso●ed at the ●astle of 〈◊〉 in the il● of P●rbeck by his stepmother and buried first at Warham after at Sha●tesbury * Alfred afterwards doing penance builded two Monasteries of Nunnes at Amesbury and at Warwell where shee liued a solitary life till shee dyed f He was crowned at Kingstone by Dunstane who refused to performe that 〈◊〉 for him as one that rose 〈…〉 his brother 〈…〉 to it in stead 〈…〉 king many 〈…〉 of the losses that England should sustayne by the King who also foyled the Fount at his baptisme Ethel●ed or Eldred surnamed the Vnready A. 978. R. 38. y. but in the meane time was once expeld by the Danes who reigned part of that time he being in exile ere he recouered the Crowne againe g About A. 9●5 Ethelred●●countred ●●countred by Swane K. of ●enmarke and the King Olafe of Norway was fayne to admit 16000. pounds tribute but after the Danes were slaine on Saint Brices day 13. Nouemb. 1002. and Swan●s sister Guin●hildis she in reuenge of their deaths inuaded so furiously that in the yeare 1011. 48000. pounds tribute was imposed and A. 1012. Ethelred notwithstanding fayne to fly into Normādy the Danes cruelty more more raging both against Elsegus Archbishop of Canterbury and the King A. 995. the body of S. Cuthbe●● and the Bishoprike of L●ndisf●n● or holy Iland were remoued to Durham and the yeare before viz 994. the Bishops See of Exeter erected A. 1011. the body of Saint Edmond being brought into Lōdon through Criple-gate by Bishop Alw●ne who fled from the rapines of the Danes in Essex miracles were said to be done and the lame that begged at the gate restored praysing God Sueno or Swanus first Dane-King of England A. 1012. R. 2. yeares h Hauing the like m●rcy shewed to him and his followers as 〈◊〉 father not long before had shewed to the English all put to fire and sword Edmond surnamed Ironside of his hardinesse and valour A. 1016. R. 2. y. * A full battell at Penham neare Gi●●ngham the second at Sher sta●e in Worstersh●re the third the 〈…〉 notwithstanding I drinke did what hee could to 〈◊〉 the English blazing flasely in the 〈◊〉 of the fight that the King was slaine the Danes flying th●nce to London E●mond 〈◊〉 and at 〈…〉 else-where discomfited them till 〈◊〉 the sixt battell at Assen dune in Essex neare 〈◊〉 by the practize and plot of Ed●ike who sled of purpose losing the day hee was fayne to fly towards Gloucester where hauing gathered new powers the warre was yet ended by single comba●e a This Ed●cus de Streona or Stratonicus in Edmonds reigne and Aeltri●us Duke of Mercia in his fathers time were two notable Traytors but Canute in recompence of his good seruices slue Edrike lest he should play his parts with him as hee had done with his Predecessors Canutus the Dane sonne of Sueno A. 1018 reigned 20. b Or as some say a Prince of Sueth-land who contrary to the trust reposed to kill them so preserued their liues c Daughter to Henry the fourth Emperour d Edmond Ironside had two sonnes 1. Edward that married Agatha the Emp. daughter had by her 1. Edgar surnamed Etheling who dyed without issue 2. Margret wed to Malcolm K. of Scotland had issue Edgar Dauid Alexander all three Kings of Scotlād Maud wife to Henry the first King of England had issue Diuers children drowned in the Sea Maud the Empresse mother to Henry the second Mary wed to Eustace Earle of Boloigne had issue Maud wife to king Stephen 3. Christian who was a Nunne profest 2. Edmōd that dyed without issue Their Race though they were thus exil'd returning to be Kings of England in the person of Henry the second about 120. yeares after in A. 1155. * Canutus hath foure Kingdomes vnder him hee was fani●d for a iust Prince in all sauing his tyrannie against the two young Princes the sonnes of 〈◊〉 e By th● meanes notwithstanding his conquest the Crowne did reuert to the ancient 〈◊〉 f Sea●e Parasites in flattery calling him as a dem●-god Lord of the Seas becaused a chaire to be set where the tyde 〈◊〉 come and commanding the 〈…〉 to wet his Kingly feet staid till the Sea keeping her 〈◊〉 wel washed his flatterers and hi● selfe who thus derided their f●llies ●e gaue great priuiledges to the Monastery of Saint
he had Richard the second who espoused first Iudith sister to the Earle of Brytaine after Paula daughter to Sweine K of Denmarke by them hee had Richard the third neuer married and Robert the second who by his Concubine Arletta a mans daughter of the Towne of Fallaise had William the Conquerour Harold son of Earle Godwine and Thyra as some say sister to King Canutus whence was some pretended shew of a title An. 1066. reigned not full one yeare * Edgar is by Harold made Earle of Oxford a goodly recompence for his Kingdome taken away by him * His Nauy 896. ships * Malchere or Morcare Earle of Northumberland Edwine of Mercia● * At Pemsey in Sussex on the 28. day of September in 1066. and fought the great battell at Battaile the 14. of October and William was crowned in London on Christmasse day next following William the Conquerour after this victory getting much of the Land and withall London was there crowned 25. Decemb. the same yeare 1066. dyed 9. September 1087. hauing reigned 20. yeares 8. moneths and 16. dayes * Egbert began A. 802. ended 838 whence to this yeare 1066. is 228 years Hengist came almost 400. yeares before that An. 449. began his reigne An 456. Whence to the present yeare 1066 is 610. yeares a Towards the end of the day William caused his men to retire which the English perceiuing thinking they had fled breaking their rankes 〈◊〉 to pursue were easily euercome where this battaile was fought the Conquerour after found ● Battaile Abbey there were slaine of the Normans 6013. of the English 47944. or after some ●7974 scarce euer the like ●uerthrow and number slaine heard of among the English before b In the colledge of S. Crosse which he had founded and there placed a Deane and eleuen Chann●ns c Edwine and Morcare * The famous exploit and stratagem of Stygandus Archbishop of Canterbury Eglesine Abbat of Saint Augustines and the Kentishmen at Swans-coomb two miles from G●auesend whereby they gayned the Freedome and Priuiledges of their Countrey * The same first yeare of the Conquerour the Archbishop Stygand so pro●ured the liberties of Kent William Bishop of London procured the Charter and priuiledges thereof o To Lanfranke and the See of Canterbury the Archbishop of Yorke at this time made a k●nde of submission for him and his See Scotland was then vnder the Prouince of Yorke p Many Towns Villages and Churches in Hampshire were vnpeopled and ruined to make the Kings Chase of new Forrest not without the griefe and many bitter curses of the poore wronged owners q which made the English Nobilitie as Morcare Edwine Gospatrik Earle of Cumberland Walthe of Earle of Northampton Syward Hereward Clito Edgar and Bishops and the rest attempt many insolencies against the State ioyning sometimes with the Scots otherwhiles the Danes end doing many outrages till at last most of them were slaine and came to vntimely ends * Hereward his father Leofrike Earle of Leycester being dead came out of Flanders to claime has lands that were giuen to Normans hee was a valiant and right worthy warriour and long time defended h●ms●lfe is the I le of Ely being made Knight by his Vncle Brand Abbot of Peterborrow the fashion then being that the Knight to be made after Confession and Ab●olution watching afore the Altar all night then offereth his sword which receiuing againe with a benediction from the Abbot or Bishop hee was thenceforth accounted a lawfull Knight which order as well as 〈…〉 with golden cross●s the Normans abo●●shed substituting others in their places * Arlotta why before the Duke his fathers death married one Herlewine of Gantreuill of meane estate as proceeding of her immodest behauiour towards the Duke some allude the name of Harlot as it were descended e The Abbeyes of Battaile in Sussex Gane in Normandy to which he gaue his Crowne and Ornaments which King Henry the first redeemed at a great rate Selby Abby in Yorkshire Saint Nicholas Priory in Exeter hee gaue lands and priuiledges to the Colledge of Saint Martins le grand ten Monasteries built by his Ancestors in Normandy hee enlarged in his time were 2● in diuers parts with his consent and confirmation founded with the greatest part of Paules Church and the Tower of London and many other Castles in England and Normandy f It was called the Roll of Winton of being laid vp at Winchester the booke of Bermondsey saith it is called Domus Dei Booke of lying in the Kings Treasury called Domus Dei at Westminster such a Rolhad Alfred before set forth all England thereby taxed by Shires Hundreds and T●●ings g At the firing of the City of Meux * Dying at Roan he was left by his seruants who fled his body was found naked on the floore and most of his stuffe an 〈◊〉 stollen thence conneyed to C●ne one Fitz Arthur denyed the K. buriall in the Abbey Church as ground which was wrongfully taken by the King from father till he had 100 pounds paid him for it the Kings Coffin there breaking to the feare and amazement of those present there issued so 〈◊〉 a stench of the body not bowelled that the Priests and Monkes could scarce abide to finish the ordinary Kites and funerall dutie the end and embleme of all flesh though neuer so proud or stately * So was the Kings will lying on his death bed when hee ●●●willed all prison dores to fly open all prisoners to be released sauing his brother Odo whose contentious nature and ambition he feareds but at the last gaue consent to his release also William Rufus 9. Septemb. A. 1087. R. 12. y. 11. moneths wanting 8. dayes cowned at Westminster by Lanfranke Archbishop of Cant. sline by Tyrell in the new Forrest in Hampshire 2. August A. 1100. k The Nobles and hee setting vp Robert for King against Rutus but being reconciled Duke Robert went with Godfrey of Bolloigne to the holy Land were they achieued many honourable victories against the Saracens whiles William at home ouercame the Vsurper Donald and made Edgar King of Scots also the contention growing hot in Wales between lestin Prince Rees William and the English ouercame them and tooke many goodly Lordships and Territories in the chiefest parts of Wales from them l During Lanfranks life hee so liued saith the story that hee might have beene a mirrour of Princes though afterwards his rapines sacriledges and synonies exceeded of his variablenesse is noted this That to the Iewes who brought him presents encourageing them to fight against Christians he would say if they overcame and swore by Saint Lukes face which was his oath he would be one of their sect A note of his prodigalitie is recorded his rating his Chamberline for bringing him a paire of hose that cost but three shillings who fetching a worse paire and saying they cost a marke he was pleased which may with more wonder taxe the excesse of meaner persons in this
age Sir Walter Tyrell that slue the King escaped other of the Kings seruants fled his body laid on a Colliers Cart was by a silly leane iade drawne into Winchester there in Saint Swithins church entombed Henry the first called Beuclerk of his learning third sonne of the Conqueror borne at Selby in Lincolnshire brought vp in study at Cambridge began his reigne 2. August was crowned 5. August 1100. at Westminst by Maurice Bishop of London being Anselme then in exile he reigned 35. y. 4. m. A. 1116. the first Parliament at Salisbury A. 1122. the king went to Po●ysland being Coman of Northwales in peace with him but Meredith ap Blethin and Eneon Madok and Morgan the sons of Cadugan pursuing the wars awhile at last sought peace * William called Earle of Flanders the Kings nephew a worthy young Captaine he was staine at the siege of the castle of Angeou a The first conuocation of the State Prelates Nobles and Commons of the Land was 19. Aprilis A. 1116 and A. regni 16. when beforetimes the Kings made their Lawes by the aduice of the learned without altogether such solemne meetings Of Templers the first were the honorable men Hugo Paganus and Galfridus de Saint Andemate vnder Baldwine King of Ierusalem their white habit they had from Pope Honorius their red Crosses from Eugenius their name from their first Mansion ●ard by the Temple at Ierusalem b Maud was first married to Henry the Emperour then to Ieffrey Plantaginet Earle of Angeou whose issue Plantaginets reigned in England till Henry the seuenth c In Normandy 1. Decembr 1135. his bowels braines and eyes buried at Roan the rest at Reading where hee founded an Abbey of blacke Monks in place of a Nunnery which he suppressed so he conuerted a rich Colledge of Prehends at Cicester to an Abbey hee sounded the Priory of Dunstable the Hospitall of S. Iohn in Ciceter and Castle and Colledge at new Windsore he is noted to haue beene better disposed at the beginning then end of his reigne Stephen sonne of Stephen Earle of Bloys and Adela the Conquerours daughter crowned on S. Steuens day 1135. did found an Hospitall by the west gate of Yorke two Nunneries at Carew and Higham by Grauesend the Abbey of Cogshall in Essex Furnesse in Lancashire and Feuersham in Kent where he was buried hauing reigned 18. yeares 10. moneths and odde dayes he dyed 25. Octob. 1154. * For during all his reigne England was full of br●yles Ranulph Earle of Chester Robert Earle of Gloster Miles Roger Earles of Hereford and many others of the ●obles Bishops and King of Scots holding with the Empresse once tooke the King prisoner but this conclusion procured peace at the last Henry the second sonne of Maud the Empresse in whose person reuiued the ancient race of Saxon kings that were before the Conquest began 25. Octobr. A. 1154. crowned at Westm. 17. of Decemb. following he dyed in France at Chinon hauing R. 34. y. 7. m. wāting 11. daies This Henry that rebeld against his father was at the age of seuen yeares maried to the French K. daughter Margret being but three yeares old An. 1160. and crownd A. 1170 but in his fathers life sime rebelling slaine dyed before his father A. 1183. A. 1185. Maud the Empresse did found the Abbey of Brodesley shee was buried at Reading with this epitaph Ortu magna viro maior sed maxima partû Hic iacet Henrici filia sponsa parens being daughter to Henry the first wife to Henry Emperour mother to Henry the second king of England * A. Regni 10. Malcolme K of Scots and Rees K. of Wales did homage to him at Westminst a Dermon Mac-Morough K. of Leymster go of the K. Richard Strongbow Earle of Chepstoll for ●is aide with Welsh English who repossessed him of his land and married his daughter Eue and brought Ireland with the Kings thereof Maurice K. of Meth Duuenald K. of Limerik and all the other Kings and Bishops to the subiection of the king of Englād who came ouer from Pembroke and receiued their sealty built a Princely Palace it Dubline these acts were confirmed by ●ove Adrian the fourth an English man succeeded Anastasius his name being Nicholas Breakespeare borne at Langley in Hart●ordshire he had beene Bishop of Alba Cardinall and Legate to the Norwayes whom be conuerted to Christianitie b William a name almost hereditary with those Dukedomes wherfore her first son was named William but he liued not long c Ione Queene of Sicily d Adeliza daughter to the king of France espoused to Richard the king of Englands son trayned to the kings lust after Rosamōds death whose ancestors were Clyfford then since Earls of Cumberlād h●r tombe was at Godstow by Oxford with these Verses thereon Hic iacet in tumbâ Rosa Mundi non Rosa Munda Non redolet sed olet Quae redolere soler But cast out of Godstow Church by Hugh bishop of Lincolne who said That monument of shame befitted not so hallowed a place e Who was slaine by William Tracy baron of Mort●n and other knights as was thought with the kings priuity though the king took it on his oath he was not therewith acquainted and was so assoyled of the same f He dyed at Chinon and was entombed at Fount-Eucrard in a Monastery of Nuns which hee there founded hee also built the Priories of Stanley Douer and Basingwarke and the Abbey of Regular Chanons at Waltham hee began London Stone-bridge now the Thames course being turned by a trench beginning at Redrife and ending at Battersey Richard surnamed Coeur de Lyon of his valiancy began his reigne 6. Iuly 1189. hee dyed the 6. of Aprill 1199. hauing reigned 9. y. 9. moneths hee reiected his wife the French K. sister supposed his fathers Coneubine and espoused Berengaria the king of 〈◊〉 daughter * The Souldan or Soultan signifieth in Hebrew and likewise Arab or Morisco Lord or Prince b Being withdrawne from the holy Land warres by the conspiracy of his brother the French king Philip who fell out with him and departed from Aco● he thus taken was fame for his ransome to pay a great summe for which the Bishops Abbots and Prelates brought the fourth part of their reuenues and all the Chalices of siluer and gold and ornaments of their Churches and promised more which being shewed to the Pope h●e excommunicated the Duke who refused to y●eld restitut●on and after back his leg and dying to great anguish remayned vnburied till his 〈◊〉 released the pledges taken of king Richard and sware to obey the decrees of the Church of Rome Vienna and her walls the bulwark of Christendome against the inuasions of the Turke these many ages c Being so enuied by the Emperour and French king for that he shewed more v●lour in his expedition to the holy Land then any other In his time were those famous out-lawes called Robin-hood and Little Iohn and a
Duke of Gloster Blanch Duchesse of Bauiere and Philip Queene of Denmarke s Iames sonne of Robert King of Scots was detayned in England prisoner till A. 2. Henr. 6. t He founded a Colledge at Battaile field in Shro●shire was a benefactor to Christ Church in Canterbury where he was buried his halfe b●others Thomas Beufort was made Earle of Somerset and Henry Beufort Car●●all and Bishop of Winchester in his time were the two famous Poets Chaucer and Gower Henr. 5. borne at Monmouth began 20. Martij 1412. crowned at Westm. by Tho. Arundale Archb. of Canterbury In his younger yeares hee had kept such company as his father much misliked and one of the Iudges for his misse-dem●●ors in defence of his fellowes commanded him to the prison of the Kings bench but now vtterly abandoning the leud company he became a iust and good Prince he dyed in Frāce 31. August 1422. hauing reigned 9. y. 5. m. and ●dde dayes * They were stubborne and seditious both against the Bishops and the King insomuch that it was threatned that Sir Io. Oldcastle and Sir Rich. Acton would bring 25000. men into the field to def●●d Wiclifes sect but they were ●●spersed and many of them by the Kings care executed and Sir Io. Oldcastle himselfe that incited the Scots to inuade was taken and hanged whiles the King was in France u Charles the Dolphin of Frāce bearing of the Kings intent for the conquest of France in mockage sent him ouer a present of Tennis-balls as it were that hee should bestow his time as hee had done and let ●●ance alone to which he returned answer Hee would send th●m such 〈◊〉 should make Franc● shake x Which was right triumphum c●nere ante victoriam ouernight the Nobles of France 〈◊〉 they had already conquered 〈◊〉 English plaid at Cards for them being the next day almost all slain or taken prisoners by them there were slaine one Archbishop three Dukes sixe Earles Barons and the like 80. Knights 1500. Esquiers and Gentlemen 7000. besides 〈◊〉 multitude of the meaner sort taken prisoners the Dukes of Orleance and Burbon of Earles 〈◊〉 others 1500. f This Charles the Dolphin had slaine the Duke of Burgoine treacherously wherefore the yong Duke claue so stedfastly to the English and the King his father now disinherited him the more willingly but both the Kings dying within two yeares left their sonnes to wrestle for the French Crowne when Henry the sixt lost it through the contentions and dissentions that burst sorth and flamed then in England Queene Katherine was crowned at Westminster 14. Februar 1421. her young sonne at Paris 7. Decembr 1431. g His father it is said hearing he was borne at Windsore brake forth into this speech I Henry borne at Monmoth shall small time line and gayne much but Henry borne at Windsore shall long time liue and lose all which he did his Realms first of France then England and his life in the Tower h He builded faire his Mannor of Sheene called Richmond and hard by founded two Monasteries by the Thames of Carthusians called Bethlem and of the order of Saint Briget called Syon with the Brotherhood of Saint Giles without Criplegate and ordayned Garter principall king at Armes He also gaue 1000. marks and diuers ornaments of much price to the Chappell of Westminster whither hee was conueyed out of France and laid at the feete of Edward the Confessor Henry the sixt began vlt. Augusti A. 1422. crowned at Westminster 6. Nouember 1429. at Paris 7. December 1431. Deposed 4. Martij 1461. Restored 6. Octobr 1470. Againe deposed and sent to the Tower and murdred 21. May next following * The occasion of breaking being his too much familiarity with the Countesse of Salisbury which the Earle tooke in ill part and his alliance with Burbon and Cleremont contrary to the English mens liking i Dissentions arising betweene Richard Duke of Yorke and Edmond younger sonne of Iohn and then Duke of Somerset in A. 1451. when Richard returned out of Ireland with conquest after grew to greater quarrells and clayme laid to the Crowne * Hee came thence 1451. but from A. 1448. when the Kings great vncle the Cardinall dyed France was but negligently looked vnto and as it were on losing the Commons at home rebelled in Kent and Essex vnder Iack Cade and was slaine at Hothfield in Sussex but these mutinous courses of the Nobles raised all the land to armes whence lastly King Henry lost his Crowne b Such was his protestation at the first An. 1453. but afterwards and at the Parliament An. 1460. hee insisted on other things and set forth his title to the Crowne as followeth c The battell of Saint Albons was A. 1455. where the Duke of Somerset was slaine of Blore-heath 1459. at 1460. where the King was taken and in the Parliament next holden allowed the Dukes title and proclaymed him Protector and heire apparant to the Crowne reseruing it to himselfe only during life which Q. Margret disliking and renouncing gathering power gaue the Duke battell at Wakefield 1461 where the Duke was slaine The same yeare the Queens party had the soyle at Mortimers Crosse neare Ludlow by the Dukes son the Earle of March and whiles the Queene got another victory at S. Albons the Earle of March attayned London was there crowned 4. Martij 1461. d The battaile at Mortimers Crosse was fought immediately before Edward the fourth gayned London and was crowned next at Towton was a great field fought on Palmesunday 1461. King Edward victor and 35000 slaine In An. 1463. many light skirmishes and sieges of Yorke Barwick and other Castles by the Queene and Scots and French and Normans with their Captayne Pierce le Brasile that came to aide the Queene Hexham field 1464. Edgecote field 1469. and shortly thereupon was K. Edward taken at Northampton by the Archbishop of York but escaped at Yorke and flying beyond Seas Henry the sixt was crowned 6. Octob. the same yeare but Edward returning Warwicke of the Queenes part was slaine at Barnet the King and Queene taken prisoners and their sonne Prince Henry slaine at Teuxbury e The Bishop his Confessor auouching in ten years that he was Confessor he committed no mortall crime he vsed no oathes nor made any shew of reuenge against any that wronged him he founded the Kings Colledge in Cābrid●e and Eaton Colledge and gaue large guifts to All-soules Colledge in Oxford he abhorred vice and was honoured by the name of holy king Henry his red veluet hat was accounted euen to worke miracles of healing hee should haue beene canonized what is now become of his body at Windsore is scarce knowne Edward 4. borne at Roan began 4. Martij 1461. crowned 12. Martij prox expulsed 6. moneths in A. 1470. dyed 9. Aprilis 1483. hauing reigned 22. y. one moneth and ●dde dayes Edward the fourth his issue Edward 5. Richard murdred in the Tower Elizab. espoused Henry the 7. Cicely espoused Viscount We●ls Briget a
which he built and had bestowed thereon 14000 pounds * King Henry the seuenth his children were Prince Arthur that dyed in his fathers life time Henry the 8. K. Margret wed to Iames the fourth of Scotlād and Mary promised to Char●es King of Cast●le but wed to ●ewes the twelfth King of France after to Charles Bra●don whom Henry the eight made Duke of Suffolke t Iasper Earle of Pembrooke the Kings vncle made Duke of Bedford Morton Bish●p of Ely who chiefly plotted be Kings aide and R●●hard th● third his ouerthrow ●ent for by K. Henry 〈◊〉 of Flan●ers succeeded Tho. Bourchier who shortly after dyed in the See of Canterbury u The Londoner that personated Edward Earle of Warwick sonne to George Duke of Clarence that had beene prisoner in the ●ower from the beginning of King Henries reigne till then was hanged at Saint Tho. of Waterin●s P●rkin Warbeck that did counterfait Richard Duke of York● second sonne to Edward the fourth at Tybourne and the Earle of Warwick himselfe beneaded on the Tower bill all three dyed within the compasse of yeare 1499 Lambert that had before fayned himselfe to be the said Earle of Warwicke in Ireland was made the Kings Faulconer x Margret Countesse of Burgoine sister to Edward 〈◊〉 fourth set vp both this Perkin and that other Lambert as enuying the prosperous estate of Henry the seuenth * Against the King of France An. 1488. f He conuerted the Sauoy built by Peter Earle of Sauoy and Richmond in Henry the third his time which long since belonged to the Dukes of Lancaster and now to the Crowne to an Hospitall for 100. poore people hee new builded Richmond Baynards Castle founded three houses for Frantiscan Fryers obseruants at Richmond Greenwich and Newarke three others for Franciscan Fryers Conuentualls at Canterbury New Castle and Southampton he builded the faire Chappell of Westminster where he lyeth entombed Henry 8. began 22 Aprill 1509. crownd at Westminster with Q. Katharine by William Warham Archbishop of Canterbury and Chancellor of England 22. Iunij next following hee dyed 28. Ianuar. 1547 hauing reigned 37. yeares 9. moneths and odde dayes buried at Windsor * Who had dispensed with him for the marriage of Q. Katharine Prince Arthurs wise g Where the King of Scots encamped the field is by some called Bramston field of a place there neare adioyning This victory was gotten by Tho. Howard Earle of Surrey A. 1513. the same yeare that the King got Turwyn and Turney where hee made Tho. Wolsey being one of his Councell Bishop of Turney * The strange fortunes of both Cardinall Wolsey and the Lord Cromwell in this Kings reigns well worth the noting z Both his Embassies and Court at home were with such state beyond compare the greatest of the Gentrie and Nobilitie of the land attendant in his trayne a As some say he poysoned himselfe at Southwell fearing more disgrace as hee was comming towards the King who sent for him to London Rhodes taken A. 1523. Rome sacked and the French King taken before Pauye A. 1525. the Duke of Burbon was slaine at Rome b Pope Iulius the second sent a Cap of maintenance and a Sword to Henry the eight which were receiued 19. May 1514. with great solemnitie Leo the tenth gaue him the Title Defender of the Faith for his writing his booke against Luther 1521. Clement the seuenth sent a Rose tree of gold with buds and branches and a Rose wherein was a rich Saphire it was presented to the King at Windsore 1524. c Who was as some thought some part of the meanes of his Master the Cardinalls downfall which was his raysing to honour d Though indeed it fell out cleane contrary as Tho. Arundell arch-Bishop of Cant. said in a like case entended in a Parliament Henr. 4. A. 1404. to the like euill Counsellors of the King that not for all the Cells and Religious houses pulled downe then worth many thousands now many millions the King was the richer halfe a Marke but rather the common Treasures and Weale of the Land wherein lyeth the Kings chiefe wealth and State impouerished priuate persons hauing begged and appropriated them to themselues conuerting that to priuate and sometimes leud vses which was before to hospitality and a generall benefit reliefe of the land e The great Titles the Lord Cromwell possest before his fall when the King tooke displeasure against him about his marriage with the Lady Anne of Cleue whom Cromwell had so commended by which meanes the marriage was made which proued after so distastefull to the King and shee not loued * The Emperour Maximilian was in pay with the King of England before Turwyn 1513. the Emperour Charles was royally feasted and entertayned by him at Callaice A. 1520. in London 1522. the Queene of Scots 1516. King Christie●● of Denmarke and his Queene 1523. the Palsgraue of Rhine Frederick 1539. when he came to conclude the marriage betweene the King and the Lady Anne of Cleue f After the King was diu●rced from Queen Katharine of Spain Queene Maries mother with whom he had liued 20. yeares more hee made the Lady Anne Boleine Marchionesse of Pembrooke and married her 1533. by whom he had Queene El●zabeth he married Iane Seymer mother to K. Edward An. 1536. Anne of Cleue 1540. the Lady Katharine Howar● the same yeare the Lady Katharine Par 1543. g King Henry the eight his last Will partly contrary to some acts of Parliament made in his life time h Other Kings were famous for building many monuments of piety and Religion hee for defacing almost all that were raysed since the first planting and foundation of Christianity in this land Edward 6. borne at Hampton Court began 28. lan● 1547. crowned at Westminst 20. February following dyed 6. Iuly 1553. reigned 6. years 5. moneths and odde dayes buried at Westm. * Of whom there was then great store there being commotions in Somersetshire Lincolnshire Deuon and Cornwall Norwich and Yorkshire a In which battell of the Scots were 14000. slaine 1500. taken prisoners the English onely hauing lost 60 men b Chauntries Free-chappells and Brotherhoods as the remainder of religious houses that were not demolished in King Henr. 8. time were pulled down about the b●ginning of K. Edw. 6. reigne And afterwards the Iewels cbalices Vesseis and Ornaments of gold and siluer out of all Cathedrall Churches and others were call'd for into the Tower Copes Vestments cloth of tyssue and the like into the Kings Wardrobe money and peeces of plate sold into the Exchequer Many Churches and Chappell 's being pulled downe among other the Church of the Strand to build the Lord Protectors house who was shortly after beheaded 1552. after whose death the King liued not long Lady Iane daughter to Francis daughter to Mary King Henr. 8. sister was proclaymed Queen 10. Iuly 1553. but Queene Mary preuayling shee her husband were beheaded 12. February next following Mary daughter of Henr. 8. and Q
being so sans enuy be it spoken for correcting our too generally corrupted iudgements in applause of any nouell monstrous I might say Monsters manners as more especially strangers gugawes and to the present purpose forreine stories neare or farre before our owne whereby the same lie more vntrimd and trodden vnder foot since what Scholers studie see wee as nor Merchants traffique for those things how good so-e're that are but seldome sought for want vent and are not saleable This yet incited me the more to trie new wayes that Noueltie it selfe and Nouelists fancying fancie pleased and others the best at least contented Albion and her Worthies might by this meanes at all hands receiue some though the meanest part of their true lustre due ancient and deserued glorie The ayme of this discourse the full scope of our Bryttish historie so diuided that according to the ten great Reall or apparant changes of Estate each seuerall Booke or Ode from such mutation take their subiect and beginning in historicall order and from some partie of prime note denomination the first treating of our first Founder Samothes and his succession called Samothes the second Albion of him chiefe actor in the same the third the Giants of their rude regiment the fourth named Brute of his next stablishing a Kingdome fift Mulmutius of his re-vniting the distracted Prouinces sixt Caesar of his conquest and the Roman Caesars gouernment the seuenth entituled Hengist of his foundation of the Saxon Heptarchy eight Sueno of his and the then rapines and oppressions of the Danes ninth Gulielmus of his Norman conquest tenth Iacobus of him a plant of that pacifique Oliue fortunate Peace-maker of famous memorie HENRY the seuenth now anew also planting peace and vniting foure Kingdomes whose other stories on that occasion are briefly there displayed In all which passages what is lesse lightsome or delightsome impute it if not to the obscuritie and harshnesse of the matter to his weaknesse that yet was and is willing far as able to giue all best contentment in that kinde That Poesie should shadow Historie such 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and pleasant studie I may hope to find out Patrons for protection as well as patterns and those right ancient and worthy for imitation and excuse What nouell is should not for nouelty distaste the English Poeme glosse to the stranger Idiome that speaks perhaps such barbarous States-matters like our English Lawes but rude the marginall notes seruing for illustration to them both supplying the defects guiding and supporting the course of Historie other Annotations Analyses or Explications proposing order pointing at method light and life of all discourse as they cannot but yeeld some profit how-e're painefull and laborious to me I wish to thee as vsefull and commodious not doubting then thy well acceptance of the same The Title suiting to the Treatise 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Albion or Antiqua-Albion should seeme to promise Albions antiquities and ancient storie of our Ile if alluding to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Olbion as thou fauourest one happily enioy the other and as a Fauorite of Albion mayst thou be fauoured in the highest Olbion for whose sakes I say and wish to say Sentio quâ Natale solum dulcedine Cunctos Sentio quâ Coeleste solum dulcedine Sanctos Ducit vt immemores non sinat esse sui Not censuring before thou reade not reading with preiudicate opinions of thine owne or others and not condemning all before thou haue read all As I shall much expect such censure and approue it so shall I most respect the Censurer I will not be so rash or harsh to say commend or else comemend yet doe conclude thus with the Poet Siquid nouisti rectius istis Candidus imperti si non his vtere mecum GVLIEL SLATYER Typus breuis siue Analysis totius operis poematis scilicet Historici quae PALAE-ALBION inscribitur This Treatise or Poeme according to the ten seuerall great mutations and changes of the state or name of this Iland is diuided into ten Bookes or Odes Whereof the 1. COntayneth after an assertion of the storie a briefe description of Britayne and Ireland with the first succession of Kings from Samothes descended A. M. 1787. till Albion A. 2200. by the space of 400. yeares 2. A second race of Kings Albion and Bergion with their discent according to the ancient and Greeke Histories also an illustration of the present and domestique as well as some forren Antiquities and Genealogies together with their defeate by Hercules circa Annum 2250. 3. The Anarchy or Interregnum of the Gyants that succeeded Albion and Hercules from A. 2300. till Brute A. 2850. being 500. yeares vpwards 4. Brute and his succession Kings of this Iland from A. 2850. till Malmutius Dunwallo A. 3500. aboue 600. yeares 5. Malmutius and his race Kings here till the Romans Conquest vnder Iulius Caesar which was A. 3900. about 400. yeares 6. Caesars Conquest and the Romans Gouernement in Britayne by their Presidents and Deputy-Kings from Iulius Casars to Valentinians dayes A. 4400. neare 500. yeares 7. The seuen Kingdomes of the Saxons begun in Hongist A. 4400. And reduced from Heptarchy into Monarchy by Egbert King of West Saxons A. 4800. after neare 400. yeares 8. The often inuasions and rapines of the Danes so continually vexing the Land and the Kings of England from Egberts time till Harold and William the Conqueror Anno Christi 1060. neare 300. yeares 9. The Norman Conquest William the Conqueror and his issue Kings of England with the bloudy faction and schisme betweene the houses of Lancaster and Yorke ended in Henry the seuenth in whose issue also the Realmes of England and Sotland grew vnited after 500 yeares from the Conquest 10. The happy discent of King Iames from Henry the seuenth whereby the vnion of the two Kingdomes of England is accomplished as vnder one Prince so flourishing vnder one name of great Britayne In the end a briefe touch of the Scottish Irish and French Histories A more perfect and particular Type or Analysis of the first Booke or Ode The first Ode contayneth 1. As a Proaemium a generall deducing of Historie from the beginning and Noah with an assertion of the storie and antiquities of this Iland compared with those of other Nations especially of these Neighbouring and Northerne Countries 2. A briefe description both of the Peoples and Situations of the Ilands of great Britayne and Ireland according to the Rules in so compendious limits of Chorographie Geographie and Historie 3. The Historie and succession of the first race of Kings here viz. Samothes A. M. 1800. his sonne Magus his sonne Sarron his sonne Druis his sonne Bardus his sonne Longho and successor Bardus 2. in whose time Albion and Bergion obtayned the Dominion of Britayne and Ireland PALAE ALBION Ode prima Inscripta SAMOTHES ARGVMENTVM Prima palaephatiâ Samothen Sobolemque papyro Samotheae Dominos ceu not at Oda canit Albion adueniens fatalia donec in
Mushromes from the earth Since Gaules and Britons both of these Are said to come of Samothes Great Noahs Nephew for when hee Saw one world drown'd and scaping free With woodden Horse not winged Steed Vnto th' Armenian Hills did speed Our Sire his Nephew Iaphets sonne So twise all Nations sprung from one Mesech call'd Samothes that time Passing beyond the Pontike clime In Europe plac't his seate betweene The snowy Alpes and frozen Rhene Not farre from whence by Iber's side The Geryons Heards fam'd farre and wide Long since did feed till Victor-wise Alcides tooke them for his prize CANZ. VIII Samothes Rule and Empire here the first King of this Iland NOw sing we Samothes whose Race Held th' Alpes Pyrene and all the space Twixt that and Seyne where now aspires Faire Paris built by Marcomyre And Rhene and Rhosne and Arar's source And farthest French and Brittish shores First Samothes came from the East Whither Fate assign'd him place of rest Who sate him downe sole Lord betweene The Pyrene Hills and Alpine Rhene For vnto Samothes they say Both France and Brittish Iles obey Who was to all or Sire or King That with him came or from him spring CANZ. IX Samothes issue Kings after him Magus Sarron Druis of whom the Druides tooke their name and beginning IN Samothes sacred wisedome shone Next him sate Magus in his Throne And with his Fathers Crowne inherits His prudence iust and best demerits Diuiner Artes he lou'd and taught Those Magi of the East 't is thought Magus sonne Sarron next succeeds Heire both to 's Crowne and vertuous Deeds He founded Schooles the Load-starre bright That vertue guides with louing light Then Parnasse Nymphs and Phoebus Shrine And learnings Lamps seem'd here to shine O well becomes it Royall blood And Prince to care for peoples good Sarrons sonne Druis next is King From whom the Druid's name did spring Whose care and state was vnderstood For peoples worth and publike good These taught diuine Philosophie What Vertue meant what Pietie Ere they in Temples Idols plac't Or with strange Sects their owne disgrac't They iudge the people prophetize Vs'd Misle-toe at sacrifize Greeke literature from them 't was thought By Timagen to Athens brought Though since they fell that sometimes flourisht Whom Gallia er'st and Britaine nourisht CANZ. X. Bardus last absolute Lord and King of that race here of whom the Bardes the ancient and grauer Poets glorie to haue beene followers THe last of these Samotheans race Druis sonne Bardus takes his place The Graces Darling Muses Friend Whom choisest vertues did commend Like Orpheus with his daintie Lute The Woods Fields Flouds and Fishes mute He held attentiue and among The sauage Beasts with his sweet song French Bardes great Poet and Welsh would grace Their name when theirs in thine they trace Who soules to rest departed sing Heröes acts and gests of Kings Once wit was priz'd more worth then gold And once these flourisht so of old Iapigian Mountaynes won much honors For Ennius birth Athens for Homers And who had knowne or Priams glorie Or Hector stout or Troians storie Dardanian Troy or Ilion Towres Great Thetis sonne or Ida's Bowres The various motions of the Spheares And all those acts of elder yeares If Poets had not sweetly song And so preseru'd their fames thus long Kings with their triumphs may giue place To laureate poesie that doth grace Their worth 's with praise the worthies names With trumpe of neuer dying Fame But some haue said 'twixt spight and hate That poesie now is out of date Indeed Moecenas he is dead And great Augustus lapt in lead But let such liue againe and see If euer fades the Laurell Tree Yet more I muse not much if Phoebus And gentle Nymphs the Muses leaue vs Since these our Poets more adore Their Bacchus feasts then Phoebus lore Whose follies fits as furious beene As Moenad ' froes on Ida's greene Let best admire but ne're come neere That graue sweet old Moeonian quire CANZ. XI The irreligious and barbarous acts of the Samotheans their ouerthrow BVt our Prince-Poet Bardus when Hee could moue Rocks could scarce moue Men. With his so sweet enchanting tongue Deafe eares despize e'en Phoebus song For when next age in France they sayne Longus and second Bardus raigne Brittons rude lawlesse wild desires From th' altars hur'ld their hallowed fires And Pietie being thrust out of Grace Pollicy yet stept not vp in place Thus oft begun well sometimes failes And Syrens formes haue fishes tailes So great a worke of waight and wonder 'T was now to bring these peoples vnder That Saturnes golden Age is vanisht And from the Brittish coasts are banisht Samothes and his fall what may fall Religion Scepters Monarchs all Which Monarchs then both Priests and Kings Melchisedek-like did rule all things Guiding both sacred and prophane Teaching things heauenly and humane CANZ. XII The originall of Idolatrie and Heathenish superstition FRom Samothes and Sarron sprong Druid's for State-matters Bardes for Song And Magi so for wisedome nam'd In Persia or to Persia fam'd Did flourish long that yet not taught Those fables fond with dotage fraught Of Saturne Ioue Pan and Apollo And all those Heathen gods that follow Whose names were neuer heard nor knowne Till blindnesse blossomes were full blowne And Ignorance had with their fames Almost hid both themselues and names Of Noe Nimrod and the rest Of those great Worthies then at least Each one with might and mayne did striue From Gods their Linage to deriue Then Ioue and Saturne honoured were For Gods some are so wise they feare Huge Idols stocks and flouds as Nyle Anubis and the Crocodyle And with their owne or strangers blouds Foile th' altars of their Scythique gods CANZ. XIII The end of the Samotheans Kingdome WHile thou didst liue whose sweetest voyce Made rocks wild beasts woods reioyce All ill was hush't when thou didst die Stept in foule rude impietie And all what plagues or deadly smarts Could pierce such lawlesse peoples hearts Eternall night might cloud our skie To heauen when Iustice seem'd to hie And Faith was fled might Phoebus beames Well faile or faint when such foule streames Of loathed vice in heauens disgrace Both heauen and him seem'd to outface As if those Gyants had beene reuiu'd Noahs floud erst of life deptiu'd These Monsters now of men so much Degenerate their rudenesse such Vice heap't on vice they godlesse grow And haste on fast their ouerthrow Yet mark't who will when orders meete And Lawes beene trodden vnder feete It neuer past vnpunisht quight Or God or King dis-rob'de of right Heauen suffred long such lawlesse rage To prosper or at least next age Done rue or damne to lowest night Deeds so ill sped to heauens despight Pentheus to Bacchus Bren t' Apollo's Rauisht shrin● fearefull vengeance follow 's CANZ. XIIII Wickednesse the destruction of
Empires KIngs haue ru'd peoples faults they Kings Whence State Realmes oft ruine springs So for one Greeks fault Pallas ire Thousands drown'd or consum'd with fire Of sacred Rapin'd haplesse gold Tholouze for meed shall e're be told O foolish Mortalls most vnwise Can you so Heauen and Hell despise And thinke with sacrilegious hands To heape vp treasures leaue faire lands And not heauen and her Saints fell doomes Reuenge wrong'd Altars Temples Tombes That 't is not safe to iest at Saints Or mocke heauens Host thy wretched plaints Salmoneus shew and Mizers notes Yell'd through their hellish bellowing throates Who heauen nor hop't nor fear'd now dwell In dungeons deepe of darkest hell When I see some so much want grace As Church and Gods right would deface How needefull wer 't to call out then Dare not God though you dread not men All things must runne to ruine needs Whereso foule swelling tumor breeds Nor to sole priuate state this tends Such Comet kingdomes fall portends For the that puls Gods honors downe From Kings head puls withall the crowne Or do's what ere he can to tread Downe Vertue and lay Honour dead Many poore weeping states can tell How ill Kings far'd where God not well God builds their houses that build his And puls downe theirs that pull downe this Or if God should not vengeance take Sense shewes how senselesse they mistake With Tyrannous and Turkish might Or policy rather then right That thinke to rule giue leaue but marke Gainst milde Religions cause that barke How carnall and on how weake grounds They build selfe-wit selfe-weight confounds See they that most religion spight Or wrong the Church Fooles-motto right They cut the bough they stand on take Religion downe shall not crownes shake For God not worshipt to his Image Kings who will reuerence doe or homage Who then shall gouerne how protect Liues or lands in such lawes neglect And who will feare to sinne when sin May goe vnpunisht who begin To care for goodnesse when there 's naught That 's good or God or Conscience taught CANZ. XV. Exemplified in these Samotheans and not vnpunished SEe then you Tyrants that misconster Religion many-headded Monster That barkes at thine owne bowels theirs Is thine and thine may be their heires Time will shew truth Most famous men Most grac't Gods House that theirs agen When they that pul'd it downe most fast Swine-like must liue most miseries tast Small strokes leaue small impressions greater Make the great giuers ne're the better Experience of this truth they sayne Samotheans irreligious trayne Growne orderlesse and lawlesse feeles Albion to scourge them hard at heeles That wrought their ruine what time came Bergion to Ireland so sayes Fame CANZ. XVI A short description of Ireland occasioned by Bergions comming in with Albion and possessing the same NOw gentle Muse since in thy flight Thou Albion coasts didst touch but light And Ireland now her neighbour neere Comes thus in place Touch also here Lightly her site since ancients stile By name of Brittish either I le Fifty degrees North East fifteene Both lye or but small difference seene Third chiefe Ile plac't by Ptolomey Next Britaine and Taprobane Seated in the Vergiuian Mayne Full of Lakes and of Egge-forme playne Ireland is North-extended East England at hand Virginia West Aloofe in that Verginian Mayne Island farre Northward South lyes Spaine Iuuerna Ierne and Iris height Subiect to wind and winters spight Sees the Sunnes set in Iber's floud Whom God and Nature gaue this good With Candy Ioues owne foster place Equall that none of Pythons race Doe breed there and if thither brought They die a secret not vnsought From venom's free The men for warres Swift runners nimble swimmers Mars Their ee'n ord'narie play-mate takes For Townes or Cities Loughes or Lakes That beene with Fish and Fowle repleate And snow-white Swans their pleasant seate Whole herds of beasts both wild and tame In pastures large for goods and gaine Much milch-store and fam'd Hobbies race Their grounds for Corne and Wine lesse grace By Ceres nor Lyaeus lou'd Their ill-late-ripened fruits well prou'd Her Plutus pelfe neere Pluto's Cell Th' Earth hides in mines e'en halfe at Hell But to retire to Albion whence We came returne deare Muse from hence With Proserpine to th' Orientall Ioues Pallace from this Occidentall CANZ. XVII Albion Neptunes sonne comming hither destroyeth the Samotheans Bergion ruleth in Ireland NOw Samothes Sonne in France and heere Had raign'd wel-nigh three hundred yeere Of whom our Iland first tooke name Samothea cleped so sayes Fame Yet now their rule was in the wayning Longus and second Bardus raigning In France among the Celts before Albion found out our Brittish shore As soone as this our Brittaine shore As soone as this our Brittaine stoopes To Neptunes Albion and his troopes His Brother Bergion sayles for Thyle Haebudes Ireland Orkney and I le But still Cham's issue Albions traine From Neptune sprung in great disdaine Massacre their lawlesse Caytifes and Chase them through their misgouern'd land Wearie of their liues in all their borders Doing penance for their foule disorders So heauen tooke vengeance whiles earth stood Amaz'd to see 't e'en drunke with blood And Albion her new Lords that came Gently receiues and keepes their name Faire I le whose flowry bosome is A Paradise of earthly blisse So faire so sweet that all mens eyes Thy Syren beautie doth entice O sure some Nimph thus turnd by Ioue Drown'd for vnkinde Vlysses loue For Syren-like with wauing locks Seuerus seates thee on white rocks CANZ. XVIII A descending to the seeking out of Albions descent which with his acts and fall are the subiects of the second Ode NOw aid me Muses for I long To rest on Atlas shoulders strong Whence Ialoofe with carelesse eie Viewing poore mortals miserie May earth despise and rapt aboue Those starry battlements of Ioue On contemplations spotlesse wings To heau'ns cleere light the soules faire spring Taste feede and feast on ô best good Heauenly Ambrosia Angels food My mind most free whiles I in verse Doe Albions due descent rehearse Should then suruey Aegyptian Nile And ancient Argos where some while Osyris raig'nd and Isis Queene Alcides Tutoresse Albions teene Who plac't in heauen for iust desires Were hayl'd on earth with hallowed fires The end of the first Ode A briefe type of the second Booke or Ode of PALAE-ALBION called ALBION The second Ode contayneth 1. AN Apologie for Poësie in generall and more expresly in respect of some moralizing fictions and supposed escapes in this present or the like moderne Historie of our Land of great Britaine 2. An asseueration of the peopling of this Iland soone after the floud as were the rest by Noah the great Belus or Saturne of Assyria and his sonnes whose stories are compared with those ancient Panym fictions of Saturne of Creet and vnder him the flourishing golden Age. 3. The
's beyond th' Herculean straites Seeke out those seates assign'd by fates CANZ. IX The generall applause of his whole company and the●r preparation for the same THe Chappell with her words seem'd shake And Brutus from his trance awake With his companions halfe agast Perfumes vp to the Heauens they cast Of Frankinsence and costly spice Th' aire Ecchoing forth and open skies These sawes with their glad shouts for ioy In hope of their new-builded Troy CANZ. X. Their meeting with Corynaeus and other Troians neere the Pyrenine mountaines ouerthrow of Guffar King of Poytewes in France and arriuall in Britaine THence putting forth to seas againe The Lybian Syrts and Midland mayne He leaues passing by Hercules Pillers into th' Atlantique Seas Aeneas-like perhaps by kinde Seekes forraine shores New-Troy to finde And casting by the coast of Spaine Before he met with Frances Mayne Where Pyrene hills deuide both lands Hee 's seene by Corynaeus bands A Captaine that at great Troyes foyle Chaing'd Ilions for Illyrian soyle And with Antenor noble Prince Came to Timaus springs and since Leauing Lyburnian Kingdomes quite To South and Indies opposite On Spaine and Frances bounds At foote of Pyrene hils was found Whose tops fir'd by the Nomad Nation Thence nam'd or'elooke the vast west Ocean This Corynaeus and his traine Both sides of such Colleagues full faine All of one stocke one Troian Kin All neere Allyes Brute takes him in Complice Copartner and Companion Of Trauels who on th' Aquitanian King Guffar come of Hercules bloud Proofe of his valour shew'd right good Whose ransack't townes and subiects slaine When King to fly himselfe was faine Deere did abuy th'opprobrious words He proudly gaue those Troian Lords From hence with wealthy spoyles they say Embark't againe withouten stay They make for Deuon and Totnesse strand Albions fore-told long-lookt-for land Thus hauing past the dangerous Syrtes And Altars on fam'd Affrike skyrtes Malaea's gulfe and lately seene Furd'st Gades Pillers and Pyrene No sooner safe from vunder sayle But toucht but leaping forth All haile All haile cries Brute thou sacred seate Faire I le which Cynthia goddesse great Promis'd to me and mine for ay This is the place here must I pay My vowes to her whose gracious hand From vnknowne Peoples and strange Lands And Seas and Syrts and dangers store Hath brought vs safe to Albions shore And then as was the manner crown'd With leauy sprayes his temples round Deuoutly he by pray'rs doth call On Phrygian gods in order all Ioue Cybele Sunne and Moone and Night And what or Genius god or spright Was hallowed there or haunts the place His Mates their businesse ply apace All got a-shore glad of sweet rest On Albions flowry fields they feast CANZ. XI An Apologie for the storie of Samothes or Mesech and Albion NOw Brute's in Brytaine Noahs brood Though fetcht from th' vniuersall floud Nor Neptunes sonnes escap't not free From Zoilus carping much lesse hee How secretly so e're he came From Troy some that maligne his fame Haue made sore search they 'le not endure That he should flourish they obscure Samothes whose stories nearest fit With verities of sacred Writ That from great Noahs Arke doe bring The second Worlds new-birth and spring 'Bout whose obscure and ancient dayes Few'st scruples sure deserue most prayse For Neptunes sonnes and Albion hee 'T was e're the guise and e're will bee That those that furrow th' Ocean flouds Beene term'd by Poets Nereus brood And these must needs possesse of yore Waues-all-encircled Albion shore But more to make their storie plaine Mela reports of Albion slaine Neare Britaine why not he the while As rathe as white Rocks names this I le CANZ. XII The like for that of Brute his descent and race ANd now to Brute since some in game Or spight will sport at others fame But sure I know not how to please Such curious queint conceits as these And certes th' Aporetique Sect In all establish Lawes neglect Hath too too much preuail'd in this Sicke Age of ours and much amisse When nothing once so firme was thought That now 's not vnder Quaere's brought Though more staid heads will one day see Such too much medling should not bee Or by experience learne at last That hee 's not wisest prates too fast CANZ. XIII All ordinary Obiections to the contrary answered and clearely refelled and the Sybils Oracle-verses cited to that purpose BVt now pray heare what they can say That Brutes Detractors parts would play Caesar forsooth was wondrous mute And Tacitus in not naming Brute Indeed I thinke 't was wisest art For Caesar to conceale some part And not the best of them to say From whom he bore the worst away His glorie was obscur'd too much To lose the day his lucke was such Or if he truely had good will To say the truth he had small skill To reade the Brittish Annalls o're And leisure lesse he had therefore I doubt or if he had I weene In Kent alone his conquests beene And our chiefe Monuments they say Farre off in Mona secret lay Among the Druides And who Would wish or trust such with his foe When they themselues from Romans ire To their remotest Cells retyre But now from Mona's secret Cells And Druid ' Priests inuolued spells The Bard's the Druid's off-spring haue Rais'd Brute and Arthur from their graue Where they yet slept forgotten long In the Bard's songs and Brittish tongue See now in these great lett'red dayes We scarcely minde those Brittish layes Or heed their gests and moderne acts Much lesse those ancient times and facts No maruell then if Latine storie Or Saxon silence Brutus glorie Lesse wonder too that Caesar should Not finde these matters though he would For grant the Druid's not enuy'de This so to baulke great Caesars pride Yet we finde they committed then Most things to memorie least to pen Whence he t' affirme them knowes not whether 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or from France come thither And Tacitus may-be sought no more Then his great Lord obseru'd before Th' Obscure first Age doth Varro call Next Fabulous third Historicall The learned Latine too sayes true But toucheth all both vs and you And if great Maro merit Bayes For Romes first Lords in Latine layes And Homer like-grac't when he sings His owne Greeke Peeres and Dardan Kings Whom rather for their stories else Seeke we to then then Brittons selues More some obiect in Roman writ Brute nor his slaine Sire read in it And Brutes name barbarous seemes We may If Brutes name be not found well say They writ but barely of their owne Much more of forraine more vnknowne Their Kings e'en clouded specially In those first Ages and yet I See diuers Syluij if not ones Sonne who can yet shew Brute was nones And Brutij with Caesars good grace In ancient'st Italy had place CANZ. XIIII
Saxons hands Circa Annum 713. 7. The Kingd of west Saxons began A. 499. vnder Cerdic who reigned or was in Brytaine 27. Kenrik his sonne R. 25. v. Ceauline his sonne R. 33 y. dyeth in exile Celrijc his grand-child by Cutwyne reigned 5 yeares Ceolfus sonne of Cutha brother of Ceauline reigned 12. Cunegulf son of Ceola son of Cutha brother of Ceauline reigned 31 yeares Guthred son of Guicheline son of Kingulf R. 3 yeares Kenwal● son of Kingulf r. 30 Sexburga his wife R. 1 y. Elckwyne and Centwyne sons or nephewes of Kingulf r. 11. Cedwalla nephew to Cutwine reigned but 3 yeares and went to Rome Ina his cousin reigned 37 y. Ethelard reigned 14 yeares Cuthred reigned 17 yeares Sigebert reigned 1 yeare Kenulf R. 29. slaine by Cyneard one of the bloud Royal. Brytricus poysoned by his wife Eadburga reign 17 y. Egbert who before had bin a petty King among the west Saxons and fled into France for feare of Brytricus recalled was made King A. 802. He reduced all the Kingdoms to one vnder his obedience and reigned 37 yeares 3. The vnion of the seuen Kingdomes of the Saxons vnder the west Saxon King Egbert into Monarchy againe who at a generall Councell or Parliament assembled at Winchester Anno caused himselfe to bee crowned King ouer all the seuen Prouinces and by his Edict-Royall commanded the land to be called from thenceforth Engla-Lond as the Saxons write and as wee pronounce England he reigned 37 years and dyed about Anno 839. first King of England he also subdued the Danes Wales and a part of Scotland HENGIST and HORSVS Brittons harmes Their Ensignes signing both their names The Saxon Horse their Armes Braue warriours hither came Whose mightie stocke Like Hydra bud So huge a flocke Of Saxon brood That Brytaine bends To th' Pagan force But late as friends Call'd to their shores Kent first her Kings West Saxons then And Sussex sings As Essex men East Angles and Northumbers wilde Last Merken-land Great'st Kingdome stylde So while these raigne Brittons race failes When Welsh-men faine Fly into Wales Leaue Albions faire And best parts free To th' Foe to reare Their Heptarchye Which flourisht long with fame Till EGBERTS warre-like force Brought all to one and England names Faire speede to th' honoured Saxon Horse PALAE ALBION Ode septima Inscripta HENGISTVS ARGVMENTVM Septima septenis sub Regibus Anglica vixdùm Oda regi recitat Regna Britanna cadunt Egbertus tot sceptra tamen coalescere in vnum Rex west-Saxo facit iamque monarcha gerit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Institutum Odae Prooemium I Lle ego qui Samothem Albiona immaneisque Gigantes Brutum Brytannis cecini agminaque Italain oris Iam venio ad parteis Anglorum Saxones Anglis Vicinos primumque in littora nostra vocatos Rege iubente rudeis contra hostilesque tumultus Gentis Hyperboreae Pictûmque Scotûmque rapinas Quaesitos igitur toties totiesque negatos Numine Phoebeis primos ostendere fonteis Saxonici illustris generis concedite vati Vestro augescentis florescere germen honoris Percupienti tandem archaia arcana reclusa Pandite Daedaliae nobis Oracula Diuae Sic ego sic Britones Iuitae Angli Saxones omnes Florea serta simul sollemni more feremus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Anglum Saxonicae gentis vt nominis Origo SAxones à Sacis ducunt sua stemmata Sacae Sarmatiam coluêre Getae iuga Pontica Iuitae Dicti ac terra illis concessa est Cymbrica sedes Vicinae heic gentes cum Iuitis Saxonas olim Periustrasse ferunt pandis freta caeca Cyulis Hos praedae intentos contra tumidosque furores Saxonicae Comites orae instituere Quirites E contrà hos Comites sibi Vortiger euocat Atquî Vimine texebant puppeis alnosque cauatas Flumina senserunt direptaque terga iuuencûm Fluctibus insiliunt ratibus velamina pandis Vix Venetus stagnante Pado ceu Saxo furenti Nauigat Oceano talem videt Indus in alueo Saurobatis perhibent contextam vimine Cymbam Primùm vbi Semiramis summo fluitantia malo Caeruleis Regnis victricia signa leuârat Vtcunque hos primùm video esse necesse fateri Sarmatiam aut Scythiae partem aut confinia Sacas Incoluisse Getae sedêre ad littora Ponti Iutae nunc dicti Iuit-landia Cymbrica Nesos Sedes percelebris Boreali in Cardine mundi Sauromatûm Sacûm sedem Scythiam Europaeamque Olim Sarmatiam Poloni alijque Polonis Vicini lota tota tenent Scythiam vlteriorem Hordae Tartaricae gentesque Hierosolymitanae Suntque ingressi Europam aiunt Scytha Sarmata Sacae Sacasque è Scythiâ redeunteis subripuisse Paulatimin Cymbriâ sedes neque Negnone natum Saxona commemorem qui certè Sassones altâ Chersone so primùm posucrunt maenia Cymbriâ Quos medios Iuitasque oliminter-creuerit Anglus Flens-burgum propè quod Saxonia protulit Anglos Hoc patet in linguâ niueoque colore ibidem Anglia aiunt vetus est locus sacer angulus Anglis Saxones inque suâ nostrûm linguâ quasi Sacûm Progenies sonat nos Saxones indè vocamus Sedemque Armenijs Sacas invallibus olim Sacacenam habuisse ferunt magnumque Monarcham Ante Cyrum Sacas fugisse Cyrumque fugasse Inque vicem victum victorem ait inuida Fama Indè olim Persae Sacaeaque festa quotannis Instituunt celebri Eustathio referente triumpho Persa Scythas quamuis vno omneis nomine Sacas Saepe vocet nosmet tamen hijsce parentibus ortos Scilicet è Sacis Persisque potentibus olim Contiguas habuisse domos neque forsitan illa Coniectura leuis quam multa vocabulain vsu Iam nostris hodie cumque hijs communia Persis Arguerent ijdem historijs recinentibus Albim Transuecti Sueuos turbârunt modò Gallos Et Salicam Gentem delataque postea ad illas Gens Anglûm recolit dictas de nomine sedes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Saxones à Vortigerno accersiti praemijs praedijs donati VOrtiger Imperio ac sceptris velut ante receptis Circumlustranteis pandis freta caeca Cyulis Saxones accersit sibi praesidiaria turbas Hostileis contrâ socia agmina Scoto-Hybernûm Namque ferunt Britonesque feros in montibus olim Finibus expulsos Italo regnante per vrbeis Secessu è longo extremique Aquilonis ab Axe Agresteis homines Dumisque horrentibus ortos Pingendi Pistos prisco de more vocatos Affore antiquis sibi reppetere Arua Colonis Iure sua Hybernis turmisque Scotûm inter-mixtis Odêrunt quippe Britones cane peius Angue Italionatos antiquior illa Brytannûm Veraque progenies quanquam horrida picta rudisque Quanquam etiam agnatos viuenteis iure Quiritum Vortiger hos reprimit duce Saxone pace p●titus Praemia militiae Hengisto fatalia dona Cantia rura dedit quae Saxone Saxo repleuit Inque tenent hunc vsque diem pater atque nepotes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Vortigerni
iussit sermone vocari Saxonico Engla-lond nostro contractiús England Rex West-Saxo genus ducens Egbertus ab Anglis Anglis sic effulsit honos quo tempere primùm Desijt Heptarchia florere Monarchia coepit Odae septimae Finis PALAE ALBION Entituled HENGIST The seuenth Ode THE ARGVMENT Seuen Saxon Kings this seuenth Ode tells And Hengist how 'gainst Pictish pride By Bryttons call'd in both expells And Conquerour-like their Lands diuides But Egbert brought all Crownes to one Erecting new styl'd Englands Throne CANT I. The scope proposed of this present Ode I That late sung in humble straine Samothes Albion Brute Romans traine Sing now the warlike English and Saxons neare kin Kings of this Land Call'd in by Vortiger t' oppose Picts rapines first and other foes Whose Ancestors and Gentries ground Not so rare sought as seldome found Daigne gentle Phoebus to reherse And be thou Patron of my Verse Brits then Iuits Saxons we and they Will decke thy shrine with Garlands gay So honouring thee that honour'st them With Blazon of their Royall stem CANZ. II. A summary discouery of the Saxons originall and honorable antiquitie FRom Sacae comes the Saxons name The Sacae they from Scythia came Inhabiting erst Sarmatia where The Pontique Getes neare neighbours were And now since plac't in Cymbrike seates As nigh beene set the Iuites or Getes And rouing since Romans 'gainst these Set th'Earles of Saxon shores and seas Though rouing so Vortiger he prai'd 'Gainst Picts and Scots these Pyrates aide Whose boates of so small bulke to row Venice scarce would venture on her Poe As these compact of twigs of willowes Couered with skins to cut salt b●llowes Much like Saurobates Indian fleete Semyramis did in triumph meete First sea-fight first time land-reft woods Seeme quarrell on fam'd Indus flouds These Saca's son's their Scythian style Inhabiters of the Scandian I le Saxons and moderne Iutes old Getes For Iuit-land and their Cymbrian seates Left their erst home more easterne site To th' Pol● 't is thought or Moscouite Perhaps Tartarian Hords say some That from faire Syons Towers did come Getes Gothes Iutes Saxons all sate in The Baltique sea-coast all neere kin And mid'st these Iuites and Saxons neere Flensburge old Anglia's found we here What need 's then seeke th' English to bring From other then the Saxon spring Whose manners beauty speech and guise Bewrayes it nor neede they deuise Negnon's Saxo or other grace Then their trew ancient Saca's race Which Saca's sonnes spoke short and round Saxons their very name doth sound And in th' Armenian bounds was seene Saca's old Citty Sacacene Where conquering Cyrus conquer'd oft Was lastly by Thomyris scoft For Persians they promiscuously Sacae and Scythians call whereby Triumphs memorizing Scythian gests Beene nam'd by them Sacaean feasts More to confirme this our assertion Of their so bord'ring on the Persian Trauellors and skilfull Linguists may Gather from their speech good proofs they say So thence first Germany now long-while Since haue they held faire Albions Ile CANZ. III. Their calling in and first plantation here vnder Vortiger VOrtiger as was before set downe Hauing by fraud gayn'd Brytaines Crowne Call'd in these Saxons t' helpe with stand Irish Scots and Picts that spoil'd the Land Some holden th' ancient Britons race When Roman Lords reign'd in their place Retyr'd to Scotlands Mountaynes wilde And Irish Orkes thence beene Picts stylde Because they as they vsed e're Since Caesars dayes be-painted were Notes of their Gentrie such this wise Retayning still th' old Brytons guise Hating th' Italionate new brood As we say worse then Turke or Toad Proud of their painting none true Brittons Else held most painted so most Great-ones Vortiger represt these Picts rude traynes By th' Saxons aide and for his paynes Gaue Hengist Kent whose sonnes they say Held since and hold it to this day CANZ. IIII. Vortiger taking Rowen Hengists Daughter to wife more establisheth the Saxons power and authoritie whereat the Bryttons repine BVt fairest Rowen Hengists Impe Some call her Ronix beauteous Nymph Whose rarest parts so rauishing are As one would sweare were no compare Like Leda's Swans and Venus Doues The Queene of soft and wanton loues Or else faire Lillies mixe with those The orient beauties of the Rose When Zephir's gentle breath makes sweet Th' aire and strew's flowers at Flora's feet So sweet was Rowen faire her face Such Nymph-like gate and goddesse grace Her Spring-time fresh and gallant youth So liuely bloomes and louely shew'th That but her Peeres on Ida's greene Cynthus e're or Arcadia seene Lesse wonder then that one so sweet At feasts where Loue and Bromius meet Should snare the King vnwares so tan'e Tooke many a heedlesse youth their bane This gallant Dame with courtly grace Was-heall myn Liege they say her phrase Dranke to the King who pledg'd so deepe That loue his senses lull'd asleepe And Venus with Vines-bloud he raught Loue and Lenaeus at one draught Was-heill perhaps tan'e vp from hence In City Court and Country since Health 's ply'd so round till quaffing healths To Mistris fann's craze healths and wealths The King bewitcht as 't were and thrall For Rowens sake abandons all Spouse Sonnes Friends Saxons only guide The State that rues their Pagan pride Which made the Brittons in disgrace Make his first wiues sonne King in 's place CANZ. V. Warres flaming betweene the Saxons and Bryttons Vortiger is dispossest of the Kingdome ANd now began that mortall feud Many yeares asswag'd not nor much bloud That 'twixt Brittons and Saxons heere Endur'd aboue a thousand yeere Octa and Ebysse sent for from th' Orke At Derwent made first wofull worke In King and Hengists aide these done Defend the Sire Bryttons the sonne In this first fight their bane braue Dukes Vortimers and Hengists brothers tooke But Saxons fayll'd and were o're aw'd Till Vortimer fell by Rowens fraud And Hengist the Welsh Barons slew Whose fate strange Stonedge stones yet shew Then Vortiger had gayn'd rest but for Fresh broyles from th' Aremorique shore The last slaine King Constantius brothers Vther and Aurelius no more smother Their title hoping t' haue the Crowne And Vortigern and Hengist downe Vortiger e'en weary of all warres Calling to minde his ancient scarres Flying towards Yorke did in plaine field Bayes and gold-wreath t' Aurelius yeeld But so hard chac't by th' Britons traine T' his Castle plac't on Riuer Guane Mont-Cloarik cal'd burnt in it there T' Aurelius leaues his regall Chaire And Hengist was by Eldol slaine Alone that skap't from Salsbury plaine Octa was sau'd but sent away To Scotland backe the Brittons say Though we doe heare that Hengist slew Twelue Britton Dukes and Brittons crew From Creisford fled since when warres cease And he liu'd rested slept in peace And his sonnes Octa
Otho and Irmenrike reign'd in Kent their land I thinke no lesse though gather'd hence Aurelius was a worthy Prince And by strong powerfull hand maintain'd The Brittish scepters which he gain'd With swords point hewing tokens fresh Of honours on the Saxons flesh Whom poyson'd thirty yeeres King succeeds Vther much-fam'd for Merlines deeds That t' Amesbury from Dubline translates That trophey of the Welshmens fates Those hanging stones the Gyants bower Saxons slaine and King Guilla-moure Him poyson'd twenty yeeres King succeeds Arthur most fam'd for martiall deeds Next Constantine Duke Cadors sonne Conan Vortiporus and Malgwn Catherik Cadwane Cadwallo and His sonne last King of Brittons land CANZ. VI. The seuen Saxon Kingdomes their arise and extent ANd now the Saxons euerywhere Their Kingdomes plant first Kentish were Fair'st merke-Merke-lands and Northumbers beene East-Angles were not so much seene Essex lesse Sussex small or none All yeeld last to West-Saxons one Kent with the I le of Wight repaires To Kents throne her Kings Hengists heires To merk-Merk-land longen Hereford Chester Wor'ster Gloster Warwike Salop Leyster Northampton Lincolne Derby Notingham Huntingdon Hertford Bedford Buckingham Oxford Rutland and Stafford bee The Thames and Seuerne Trent and Dee Within her march These Cattechlauni Cornauij and wit Corytani Caesars Dobuni beene their Prince Crida first King and his sonnes since Beene in Northumbers circuite nam'd Lancashire for faite women fam'd Yorke Durham erst a Kingdome Cumberland West-morland and our now Northumberland E'ne almost to Scot'sh Frith and once Ida's dominions since his sonnes East-Saxons perhaps Trinobantes Of Tre-nuidh call'd or Troy-Nouant Vffa and his ore Essex were Middle-sex and part of Hertford-sheere East-Angles Kings and kingly stile Cambrige admires and Elye I le Norfolke and Suffolke Vffa there Tytila and his sonnes Princes were South-Saxons Sussex Surrey shew Though the next first Kings yet but few Great Ella's sonnes whom first the West Saxons deuou●'d since all the rest West-Saxons Kingdome though not great Deuon Dorset flowry Sommers-seat Corn-wall with mines stor'd Hampshire full Berks and Wilt-shire with corne and wooll From Ella's sonne call'd Cerdijc came Their Kings Gewisse his Grand-sires name CANZ. VII The Saxons glorying in their Ancestors and Gods ANd now great Heliconian Dames Our Saxon Kings trophee's and fames From gods descended all-arow Ioue Woden Geta Tuisco show Seater with Sunne and Moone from whom Th' old Saxon weeke-dayes names did come And what Seth's martiall brood did here Reigning since many hundred yeare Prime Kingdome once as Primates See Kent was and my first song shall bee CANZ. VIII The story of the first Saxon Kentish Kingdome continued till Arthurs birth WOdens and Geta's sonne the fourth From him was noble Hengists worth Who first wore Kentish Diadem Octa his sonne succeeds with him Pendragon waging warre they tell How at Mont-Badon Octa fell But the late Conquerour conquered proues Captiu'd by faire Igerna's loue The Cornish Duchesse Merlines art Helpt the King play his Louers part Like Ioue transform'd t' Amphytrio's shape To Goylen's he commits this rape And in the absent Gorlois place Did his deceiu'd faire Spouse embrace So Tyndagel whose towring pride Is plac't on flowry Seuernes side Great Arthur got whom in their Layes Welsh Harps and Poets loudly prayse CANZ. IX Great Arthurs prowesse life and death OTho succeeded Octa than Irmenrijck and right now began Th'Heptarchy 'mongst Northumbers Ida South Saxons Ella Mercyans Crida West Saxons Cerdic Vffa's sonnes Won Essex and East Angles Crownes Brittons weake powers could now no good Against those Hydra's heads that bud Though Arthur rose with powerfull hand The Saxon foe-men to withstand And in twelue fierce-fought fields they say Did brauely beare the bell away His wife was faire Guin-hera fam'd For beautie By his prowesse tam'd Great Saxon Colgerne and the Scot With 's sister Ann's Spouse Pictish Lot Island and Ireland vtmost Thyle French Germans Scottish Orkes and I le Gothes Danes and Saxons Welshmen needs Will haue to rue his warlike deeds With whom at his returne from France The trecherous Mordred tryes warres chance At first in Kent and after slaine Where bloudy Riuers did distaine Cambula's fresh Fountaynes waters cleere In Corn-walls confines Arthur heere Had his deaths wound but after dy'de By Mellodunes low Lake-ish side Into whose troubled streames he throwes Accustom'd to warres deadly blowes His conqu'ring sword and 'mongst those Lakes His farewell of the world he takes In Somerset-shire and Aualon I le That of her Orchards weares that style Glastenbury now call'd doth enfold His liuelesse corps there laid in mold He that subdu'd by restlesse paines French Picts Scots Germans Saxons Danes Though clos'd vp in his marble tombe His dust her euerlasting home His fame yet liues and with fleet wings O're the worlds surface nimbly flings And that dumbe monument though doth blaze Such things to his immortall praise As rosie Garlands and fair'st flowers Beene fit'st to decke his dead-mans bowers CANZ. X The story pursued to the end of the Kingdome of Kent with the first plantation of Christian faith among the Saxons WIth Arthur Bryttons hopes decay And Saxons now beare all the sway Otho and Irmenricus had raign'd Forty yeeres and Ethelbert next gain'd His sires throne weds French Cherebert's Impe The Lady Bertha beauteous Nymph And gracious Queene for Saxons good Her meanes here heauenly Angels food Christs faith by Augustine had plantation Apostle of the English nation A monstrous Pagan though their sonne Edbald succeeds in 's fathers throne Whose sister to Northumbers King Edwine wed Christian faith did bring Ercombert his sonne next Ecbert his And then Lothaire To warre with this Mercian King Ethelred begonne But Edrike slew him Ecberts sonne Edrike his cousin too left his life Within two yeeres by ciuill strife West-Saxon Ceadwall now in 's ire Wasted Kents townes with sword and fire Till Guthred Ecberts other sonne Appeas'd his wrath and warres begonne This Guthred and his three sons then Ethelbert Edbert and Alrijc beene Kentish Kings and that Diadem wore An hundred yeeres in peace or more An other Edbert followes next Whom Merk-lands King vnthron'd and vext Cynewolfe that to his great'st disgrace Did set vp Cuthred King in 's place Next Alred last King leaues by fate T' Englands first Egbert Crowne and state So last Kentish all the rest Submitten to th' West-Saxons hest CANZ. XI The Mercian Kings their originall and order till Offa. ANd now sing Merk-lands Lords dear Dames First Cride then Guipha third place names Ceorlus Brittons fell foe next Brittons friend Penda that sore vext Northumbrian Edwine and his once First
spouse Ceorlus daughters sons With Kenwalke then West-Saxons King War 's for his sisters sake did spring But shee and all receiu'd to grace By Anna's meanes sweete peace tooke place Yet two East-Angles Kings beside And Anna fell for Penda's pride But being confederate with a fourth Both fall by noble Oswyes worth Northumbers King who hauing gain'd Penda's dominions thus there raign'd Till Merk-lands Nobles loath t' obay Others then of Merk-lands bloud made way For Wolphere who Northumbers yoke West-Saxons warre attempts too broke T' Edilwalke Sussex King giues Wight Leaues Merklands Crowne t' his brother hight Edilred that vext Lothaire of Kent And hauing slaine Alcwine by Trent Brother to Egfride Northumbers King Yorkes Primate stints the strife that spring Edilred turn'd Monke then Wolferes sonne Kenred possest the regall throne Edilreds sonne Celred that succeeds And Ina try'd their martiall meeds Ethilbald next King from Penda numbers His descent Welsh quels and Northumbers But by West-Saxon Cuthred foyl'd Bernred of crowne and life dispoyl'd CANZ. XII The end of the great Kingdome of Mercia OFfa then Tyrant Bernred slew Northumbers doth and Kent subdew Welsh foyl'd West-Saxon Kenulfe slaine He by pretence of marriage traines Ethelbert East-Angles King t' his Court And slue him there in cruell sort Foule fell act which his promis'd spouse Faire Alfred so much disauowes With hands wrung and di-sheuel'd haire Distilling many a pearly teare At her loues herse poore soule so greeues She her fires Court and Pallace leaues And vow'd t' auoide all farther strife To liue and led an Anchoresse life East-Angles Kingdome that here ends This Tyrant tooke Alkuine he sends To France to famous Charle-maine His sonne Egfrids scarce foure-month's raigne Kynewolfe succ●eds that downe did bring Edbert made Cuthred Kentish King His haplesse young sonne next doth raigne Kenelme by 's sister Quindred slaine Kenulfs brother next wore the Crowne Ccolwolf by Bernulf he put downe By Egbert to whom Ludicene And Whitlafe Tributaries beene And euer-since West-Saxons count Themselues Merklands Lords Paramount CANZ. XIII The originall of the Kings and Kingdome of Northumberland and the many deuisions thereof before good King Olwal●is ti●e NOrthumbers Kings Muse next relate Ida first founder of the state From Tine to Cluid reign'd vanquisht Lots Pict troopes and Conrane King of Scots But after twelue yeeres reigne deuided Beene his lands his sonne Ada guided Brenicia's North South Deira tooke Histria's sonne Ella Saxon Duke Glappa Tydwald Fridulf Thyery and Ethelrik in Brenicia's land Scarce thirtie yeares reign'd Ella alone Sate so long on Deira's Throne Ethelriks heire though Ethelfride Had almost set Edwine beside Ella his Sires seate who was made Fly to East Angles King for aide Redwald that lou'd him dearely well Holpe him so that Ethelfride fell Though growne so great that all Kings heare Wales Scots and Orkeys stood in feare Ebba Oswy Oswald Eaufride Osrijc and Offa fled that tide His tender daughter and fiue sonnes To th' Scot'sh Kings Court poore little ones Edwine possest of all what state Long'd to Northumbers both Crownes late Th' Ebrides he did t' his Empire adde By Mercian Ceorles daughter had Two sonnes as many female Imps By Ethelburga Cantian Nymph Who brought Christs Faith and great Pauline To Yorks See chiefe next Kents faire shrine Edwine West Saxon Ceolph sought To wrong but fell by th'wiles he wrought But Penda and the Brittons Prince Slue Edwine and his both sonnes since Mercyan Quinburga's issue these First in fierce warre next in false peace Kents Nymph with her Imps from wars chance Fled into Kent fayl'd sent to France From Scotland now return'd at once Ethelfrides and Edwines sisters sonnes Faire Acca's Royall off-spring so From Ella sprong and Ida too Eaufride Brenicia's Osrijc glad Deyra's Crowne and Scepters had Whom Cambrian Prince Cadwall● slue Whose cause doth Oswald fresh pursue Where neare Picts wall is Heauen-field nam'd The place by Oswalds conquest fam'd And Denisbournet that saw in plaine Field Bryttons King Cadwallo slaine Cadwallader his sonne next in place Last King of Cambers of that race CANZ. XIIII The rest of the continuance till the subuersion of that factious Kingdome ANd now good Oswald fayne makes peace 'Twixt his two factious Prouinces Brenicia and Deyra since They late scarce brooke one Law or Prince Both whom with Picts Scots Bryttons bold He did in due subiection hold His plenteous almes the sumptuous shrines He built and whence his glorie shines Such power hath Faith such grace affords Interprets reuerend Aidans words T' his men seemes Anius-like for these Priest of th' high GOD and Prince of Peace But Pagan Penda Mercians King T'vntimely death good Oswald brings Then Oswalds brothers Osrijc's sonne Oswine had Deira Oswye wonne Brenicia and betwixt these twaine New warres and schisme 'gan now againe Till Oswyne slaine Oswye alone Had Deira's and Brenicia's Throne He Penda slue and Mercians Crowne As Fortune would annext t' his owne Whereof part Peda Penda's Impe Dower with his daughter had false Nymph Egfride succeeded next his sonne Who leaues his Virgin-Spouse a Nonne Though in youths prime when th' Irish rew Mercians foile Picts King Brudeus slew Next then his brother Alfride rules Taught and trayn'd vp in Irish Schooles Osred his sonne next Osrijc then His cousin and Kenred crowned beene Ceolfe and Egbert soone that strange Royall Robes done for Regular change CANZ. XV. Their last encumbrance by the Danes and submission for reliefe to the West-Saxons EGberts sonne Osulfe then and next Whiles grieuous ciuill warres sore vext Northumbers after after Ethelwald Alred and twise downe twise enstal'd King Ethelbert since those two brothers Oswald Osred since diuers others For this poore Kingdome more of late Then Sejan's horse vnfortunate As if she kingly style not brookes Was a while gouern'd by her Dukes Scarce any of the latter traine Of Kings that scap't and was not slaine Such tragique ends and fearefull fate Pursu'd the Princes of that State The flowry dales the fields and flouds Fresh stain'd with streames of purple bloud And Eccho pitious plaints affor●s What she could though she wanted words Earth's face shew'd forth her graues like scarres Part the Danes worke part ciuill warres Northumbers therefore tooke Fame sings W●st-Saxons Egbert for their King CANZ. XVI The Kings and Kingdome of East-Saxons EAst-Saxons Kings may now next song First Erchenwine from Vffa sprong Sledda and Sledda's Sebert since And Ricula's sonne first Christian Prince Ignoble Serred then a paire Of Sigeberts Swithline Sigaire And Selbius Sigaires consort once Monke-profest turn'd next his two sonnes Sigard and Sewfred after them Good Offa weares the
Diadem That of deuotion visit's Rome And youths best good found there his tombe Next Celred and then Ethelwold Albertus and Vmbena hold East-Saxon scepters Suthred last West-Saxon Egbert quite displac't Their trophees doe with all else meete Thus at victorious Egberts feete CANZ. XVII The East-Angle Kings and their time of gouernement EAst-Angles Kings would next be told Vffa's sonne Titylla's first enrol'd His Redwald that on Edwines side Warres with Northumbrian Ethelfride His Carpwald and Sigebert whoot's ●aid Learned Cambrige first foundation laid But old and leauing kingly weeds For Monks cowle Edricus succeeds His cousin and Anna next doth raigne By Mercyan Penda all three slaine Brother though thus slaine and kinsmen were By th'wretch with him ioyn'd Edilhere Christs enemies fell by Oswyes hand Edilwald then Adulfe Alfwold and Beorn Edilred and last King slaine Ethelbert fall's by false Offa's traine East-Angles so with Mercyans lands Came to West-Saxon Egberts hands CANZ. XVIII The ancient South-Saxon Kings with their short dominion NOw Sussex next in order brings Her few indeede though next first Kings When Ella within thirty yeere Of Saxon Hengist reigned heere Who with his three sonnes Cymen Plettinger And Cissa that built Chichester Sore vext the Brytons after them Edilwalcus wore the Diadem Last Tyrants Berthune and Anthyne By Cedwal slaine Aldwine by Ine West-Saxon Kings thus swallowed them West-Saxons Kingdome my next theme CANZ. XIX The west-Saxon Kings and whole time of gouernement vnder the Heptarchy vntill Egberts time WEst-Saxon Monarkes Cerdic first From the west draue the Welshmen erst Kenrik his sonne his Ceauline And Cuthe and Ceaulines slaine Cutwine All Brittons foes but Cutha most By whom the Brittons three Kings lost Next Cuthwines Celrijc then whose wyles 'Gainst Edwine Ceolph's owne selfe spoiles Gutha's Ceola's sonne next Kingulfe springs Berinus conuert Christian King Kenwalcus then whom Penda chac't From thence for sisters sake disgrac't But by East-Angle Anna's meanes Wife Kingdome Crowne and all regaines Sexburga reignes her husband gone And Elewine next sate on his throne And Centwine both of Cutwines race This Brittons that Mercians disgrace Then Cedwall much enuy'd from long Exile return'd from Cutwine sprong That Edilwalcus erst o'rethrew Now Berthune and Anthunus slew Sussex Kings and with fatall feuds Bath'd flowry Kentish fields in bloud Till leauing more with losse then gaine Of spoyle his brother Mollo slaine Peter he by Sergius Pope of Rome Baptiz'd there found both fount and tombe His Cousen Ina King in 's place Rootes Aldwine out Sussex Kings race For Ceolreds Mercyans Crowne and Kent Makes the Kings pay him tributary rent With faire Saint Andrewes Church in * Wells Glastenburies Benedictine Cells Where Arymathean Ioseph lurkes Archorite of ●ld his pious workes Who payes to God his life and vowes At Rome at Berking his faire spouse Next Ethelard doth Oswald tame And Cuthred Earle Adelme o'recame With Mercians and the Kings of Wales Then Sigebert one sole yeere King fayles Foyl'd Kenulph fled from Offa fayne Cyneard o th' King bloud slew though slaine Whence Brytricus obtayn'd the Crowne Enuious at Egberts high renowne Whom more bloud-Royall did aduance Who fled to free suspect to France Till Brytrike was vnheard-of fact Slaine his false Spouses loathed act CANZ. XX. Egbert King of West-Saxons reducing the seuen Kingdomes to one and calling it England with the b●ginning of his Monarchy concludeth this Ode and the Heptarchye THen Egbert all with one consent Wisht thron'd crown'd King incontinent The Merks Welsh Cornish Kentish all Yeeld bow or downe before him fall East Saxon Suthred could not stand East Angles left Mercians command Submisse to him Bernulfe was slaine Ludicenus vanquisht Whitlafe ta'ne Northumbers doubtfull which perplext By Danes or ciuill warres more vext With Pallas peacefull Oliue spray Their Legates crown'd did Egbert pray To be their King and free them from Bloud-thirsty rapines rise at home Who their Liege they his Liege-menta'ne Englands plague since expulst the Dane Thus Mercyans Danes those by cold Tweede Trent Tyne and Humbers pleasant side Welsh East West-Saxons Angles now All Subiects beene or to him bow Braue state of things pitty that e're Danes spoiles they should or Normans feare At Winchester with Royall feasts He entertaynes his Lordly guests Nobles and Knights where with consent Of a then held full Parliament Egbert Crown'd Thron'd in greatest state Was of all England King create His Edict-Royall publisht then That England nam'd vs English-men So Egbert first brought into one Seuen Kingdomes rear'd one Regall Throne The end of the seuenth Ode A briefe type of the eight Booke or Ode of PALAE-ALBION called SWENO or SWANVS The eight Ode contayneth 1. The Originall of the Danes frō old Dacia by Danubius side whose off-spring in Scandia sere vexed the Realme of England first by Rouers then by the King Iuarus in Ethelreds time after by Hinguar and Hubba in Alfreds time and after till Sweno made a conquest though lost againe by the succeeding Kings 2. The story of the chiefe Kings of England viz. Egbert A. 830. who left his sonnes Ethelw●lf King A. 839. hee reigned 18. yeares Adelstane Duke of Kent Ethelbald his sonne reigned 3. Ethelbert his brother reign 5. Ethelred his brother reign 7. Alfred his brother R. 29. he had great war with the Danes made Oxford an Vniuersitie Edward Senior his son R. 24. y. Adelstane his son R. 15. yeares Edmond his brother R. 5. years Eldred his brother R. 9 yeares Edwine Edmonds sonne R. 4. y. Edgar his brother R. 16. y. A right worthy Prince especially in his latter yeares Edward his sonne surnamed the Martyr reigned three yeares Ethelred his brother he reigned in all 38. y. In his time Sweno got the conquest of this land and tribute and exiled him into Normandy Edmond his sonne surnamed Ironside after the Danes were againe expeld reigned 2. yeares Canute the son of Sweno reigned 20 yeares Harold his sonne R. 3. yeares Hard●Knute his brother R 2. y. Edward sonne of Ethelred surnamed Confessor R. 23. yeares a good Prince Harold the sonne of ●arle God●ine and Thyra as some say the after of Canute vsurpeth one eare and is dispossessed by William the Conquerour An. 1066. 3. Certayne fragments of the stories of the tributary and petty Kings of diuers Prouinces set vp and for the most part subiect to the former viz. Of East-Angles King Offa about the time of Ethelwolf King Edmond his adopted son martyred by the Pagan Danes K. Guthrum set vp by the Danes R. 12. King Edrike also set vp by the Danes and last King of the East-Angles reigned 14. sauing that some name Turkillus or Turketillus the Dane King of East-Angles about Adelstanes time Mercians Whitlafe R. 15. y. Fridulf R. 13. y. ouerthrown by the
foe So peace againe in 's latter dayes Gan to shew forth his golden rayes French Iudith made his Queene anon The King set her on regall Throne Contrary to what was decreed For Brytrik's Queenes King-quelling deede Eadburga's act Winchester deignes Her King tombe for twise ten yeeres reigne CANZ. V. Ethelbalds Ethelbert and Ethelreds times sore pestred wth incursions of the Danes NExt Ethelbald Ethelwolphes sonne Succeeds and 'mongst his deeds ill done Foule acts befit incestuous beds His fathers wife French Iudith weds But liues not long His brother next Ethelbert whom the Danes sore vext Reignes but fiue yeere chac't hence the Dancs Ethelred then third brother raignes Who was much pestred with those hoasts Of Pyrates from the Scandian coasts More Merk-lands Duke Burthred rebels And Humbers Lords Offride and Elle But Ethelred quencht all these flames Danes faithlesse friends and enemies tames When Danes King slaine famous Agner● And Hubbo Dukes created were Though some say he with Englands peace Went hence home ciuill broiles to cease But first from Ethelred procur'd Land where those brothers them immur'd Like Byrsa Carthage Castle strong What might be compast by one thong Whence Thong-Castle or Doncaster As soone suppose surnamed were But Danes brake truce whence to those Danes Warres dismall chance brought all their banes And Ethelred hurt in the fight Dy'd shortly after whose crownes right Did to fourth brother Alfred come For honours sake then fetcht at Rome CANZ. VI. Alfred made King of Northumberland and a great part of England besides being ruled by the Danes BVt now Northumbers in this tide And Mercians paide deere for their pride Who left the English yoke and tane Were made slaues to the Lordly Dane Northumbers tyrants one of them That then vsurpt the Diadem Osbright rauisht Beorna's spouse A Lords that solemne vengeance vowes When Danes call'd in within Yorke walls With hostile armes girt Osbright falls Nor distant is farre from the same Where Ella left both life and name Northumberland then these two slaine Was forthwith subiect to the Dane One Egbert first next Ri●sige then Another Egbert bring they in And Guthred's made the Crowne to weare Sometimes by Alfred loued deare The Danes thus 'mongst Meatae they Reigning was Merkland made their prey East-Angles too their good King gone Edmond great Alkymonda's sonne And Queene Sywares by holy vow King Offa's heire whom Danes o'rethrow And Guthrum in his place they bring And Edrick last East-Angles King CANZ. VII Alfred forsaken of some of his rebellious Dukes yet vanquisheth Rollo the Dane great ancestor of the Normans THerewhiles as one of friends forsooke Alfred alone though could not brooke Those rech-lesse rapines of the Dane Troth-lesse truce-breaks that had ta'ne Exeter by such craft and laid waite For the Kings life who therefore straite With his few Southerne forces did First battell nigh to Bristow bid And next neere Abingdon he slew Great Hubbo Chieftaine of the crew So Danes sought peace and Rollo came Foe-like but was repulst with shame And hony-bees their gentle guides By Loyr's and by Seynes floury sides He and his warlike Danish hoast Plac't themselues in faire Frances coast Which Northmen Normans been whence springs Their Neustrian race of English Kings CANZ. VII Afterwards brought to the lowest ebbe of fortune and faine to lurke vnknowne in the marishes in Somerset shire yet againe recouereth the Monarchie of the whole Iland he founded Oxford NOr yet can noble Alfred cease From wars though Danes themselues craue peace Whose troth-plight promise broken still Done raise fresh broyles and farther ill That scarce one found more truely bare A crowne of thornes then Alfred ware Whose head from care nor hands from bloud Or he from toyle ere vacant stood Each passed paine seeming t' haue beene Prologue t' a more prodigious scene That he almost and none but hee Could liu'd or haue beene halfe so free From feare or farther danger when His foes so false and faithlesse beene For Burthred by this time to Rome From Merk-land fled and natiue home Left pallace lands and what remaines Expos'd to th'rapines of the Danes East-Angles and Northumberland More e're this held by Danes strong hand Good Alfred too by frownes of fate At lowest ebbe in stead of state In Athelney the Nobles I le In ragged poore attire a while Wearied by warre in Somerset-sheere Among the marshes hid him there And Sol-like with his lyre that song T' Admetus heards he too among Those rushie pastures seemes was glad In minstrell-like meane habit clad With Harpe in hand so to spie out The ryots of the Danish rout Whom holy Cuthbert cheering and Perswading to take armes in hand Had Cuthberts lands vow'd and in fine Dedicate to him Chesters sumptuous shrine Alfred much like the sparke that came From cynders rak't resumes new flame And first from his owne realmes the Danes Next most ignoble King that raignes Ceolfe he sets from supreme seate Dane-King since Burthreds defeate Fresh Norway powers foyl'd Chester fail'd Northumbers then and London quail'd He Humbers flowry bankes betooke This god-sonne Gormo Danish Duke Eldred with Kings-child Elfled flower Of maides hath Merklands part her dower So foes fal'n or fled newes to bring To th' Neth'rlands or their Norway King In peace Monks cells hee plac't and signes Saint Cuthberts lands twixt Tees and Tyne More honoring Pallas-towers With Sols and Muses sacred bowers My deer'st nurse e're his praise will sing Whom Cair-Guent tombes these ten yeers King CANZ. IX King Edward Senior and the Princesse Elfleda's warlike acts WHen Alfred who made Mars rage cease In warre triumphant slept in peace His sonne first Edward Danes Welsh Scots Northumbers and false brothers plots With Edrike last East-Angles King Subdu'd and Eldred dead did bring From Merk-lands back t' his Englands crowne London and Oxford Thames chiefe townes Though Elfled Amazonian Dame His sister gouernes with great fame Her Mercians that not more fear'd beene Camilla nor those Scythian Queenes Whiles Danes Welsh and Northumbers yeeld Her warlike tropheys in the field And Shrewsburies Staffords Chester townes With Warwikes walls this Queene renownes Who dead t' her brother King doe fall Both Mercia Danes and Welsh and all To Scotland borders saue alone Northumbrian Sythrik's Gormo's sonne T'whom was wed Edith Edwards Impe As Elgine to French Charles faire Nymph Foure daughters more he had and sonnes All three Kings Cair-Guent tombes his bones CANZ. X King Adelstanes worthy reigne vnder whom flourisht famous VVolstane and Adelme REignes his sonne Athelstane next who Foyl'd by the Scot'sh King and those two Sonnes of dead Sythrike that for warres Secretly sow'd seditious iarres And fled though mortall feud to cherish Godfrey of Scots Aulafe o th' Irish Obtaine whole troopes but both like sped For th' Irish fell and Scots lay dead And Scot'sh
terit aurea sceptra Richardus At sequitur vindicta scelus facinusque superbum Odêrunt populi monstrisque insomnia terrent Manes horrendae ante oculos mala mille figurae Tartareisque canes inferni vlulare tenebris Visi animaeque negant irataque spectra quietem Donec eis dederat scelerato sanguine poenas 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Henrici septimi gesta connubia foelicissima SEptimus Henricus Lancastro stemmate cretus Margretâ venit ecce satus Margreta Iohanne Ille Thomâ hic magno Grandauae stirpis alumno Et Katharinâ olim dictâ Swinfordiâ adepti Bewforti titulis iuga Somersettia Wallus Huic Edmundus eique parens pulcherrima quinti Henrici Katharina pater Theodorus Ocnus Duxque Somersettus Comes Richmondius audit Mater eum inuitat Stanleyo nupta Baroni Nymphae ambae regiae materque filia Elizae Mortonusque pius Buckinghamiusque Tyranno Infesti accelerant remorantem Galliae in oris Ille manu paruâ Britonum comitante profectus Milfordum Cambris in finibus indé triennem Bosworthi in campis petit occiditque Tyrannum Cui pompâ sine vix lacero Leir-cestria tymbus Clara dies pia cuius ope pax reddita mundo Elizabetha etenim Dux Richmondus eundem Conuenêre Thorum Iam Musa recense triumphans Germina dijs gratae pacis modulamine dulci Hinc viget ambarum niueae rubeaeque Rosarum Vnio Regnorum Anglo-Gallo-Hyberno-Scotorum Hinc veniunt certoque sequuntur in ordine Reges Septimus octauusque Henrici Edouardus vnae Hispano nupta Hispanis oriunda Maria Diuaque virgo satusque Anglis quasi virgine Diuâ Tuque puerque tuus ter Eliza beata Iacobus Odae nonae Finis PALAE ALBION The ninth Ode Entituled GVLIELMVS THE ARGVMENT Ninth Ode shewes Danish broyles o'reblowne How Norman William here set foote Whose Conquest by that name 's yet knowne But th' English race againe tooke roote Whiles Albions Scepters e'en t' our dayes Plantaginet's name and Tewthors swayes CANT I. The descent of VVilliam the Conquerour from Great Rollo the Dane ROme Brittons ruine gaue Saxons roome Danes they Danes stood at Normans doome Normans Danes Saxons Romans Bryttons Neptunes and Nereus brood huge Eattons And Samothes sang you learned Sisters Angles from th' East lands Danes from Isters And Simois side both ours and theirs Romes Lords you brought and Bryttaines heires Albion from 's Oares and Samothes From th'Arke when all the world was Seas Now name the man deare Nymphs whose line Reignes now in Brutes new Sainted shrine Whom England and great Brittaine sings So much-fam'd Conquerour Sire of Kings Whom Newstria bred now Brittaine holds Him and his off-spring Monarkes bold Sing we our Williams warlike feates His conquests and atchiuements great And first his Stocke from whence he came Reuoluing elder yeares of Fame From Istrian Daci erst they sayne Came Rollo Guion's sonne great Dane And England skal'd whom Alfreds worth Repell'd but France shores nearest North Afford him land-roome whence now springs Their Norman Dukes race Englands Kings This Rollo christ'ned Robert th' Earle Of Beauois not Charles Simples Gyrle Weds and hath issue William who Had Richard he a next he too Another Richard and his brother Robert whose Aunt 's Saint Edwards mother Which second Robert was the father Of second William with vs rather Call'd first of Norman Dukes the second 'Mongst English Kings the foremost reckon'd Such was this Dukedome name and race Comes now his Kingdome next in place CANZ. II. The Conquerours quarrell claime and preparation to gaine the crowne of Englands WHen fates had Edwards life-thread spon Soone Godwines Harold Thyra's son Caught Englands Crowne seeks all mens fauours And left too grosse fraud Edgar sauours Makes him some mends part guilt for pearle For Englands King sooth Oxfords Earle But now besides his cancell'd oath To Edgar made and Edward both More shame a harsh Embassage came From Norman William who much blame His troth-plight promise broke which made He did the Dukes vow'd right inuade But no expected words or deedes For Duke or them from him proceedes Dukes daughter too his promis'd spouse Forsakes they say forsweares all vowes Which so incen'st the Dukes sharp spleene To worke reuenge and wreak his teene He men and ships to sea bequeathes To winne the rosie royall wreathes Flanders and France with him combin'd Fierce Tosto was not farre behinde To worke his brothers bane till those Two noble Earles against him rose Morcare and Edwine who him sent To th' Orks as t' were to banishment Whence Norway Scot'sh and Orkey powers He drew that not those martiall flowers Northumhers Earle and Merk-lands flame Could stay him till King Harold came Who by faire Riuer Darwents side Foyl'd Scot'sh and Orkeyes Prince and pride And Tosto sent and Norwayes King To Pluto's Palace newes to bring When more streight more might make him feare He heard the Normans landed were Neare Hastings with vndaunted spright Streight he calls forth his men to fight Longing t' allay that fatall feud With hands new dipt in 's brothers bloud His wearied war-mates waxing faint Vnbreath'd were faine yet fresh to paint Their scarres with bloud and wounds with gore As daring Mars at deaths owne dore So furious Harold hastes to meet His fate like fire with winged feet CANZ. III. His successe conquest and coronation on Christmasse day Anno 1066. NOw comes that houre and times full date That wrackt the Saxon Princes state From Egberts reigne two hundred neare From Hengist nigh sixe hundred yeare Since CHRIST one thousand sixtie six When Fate or some foule Friend of Styx Hastes Harold on William that fayn'd To fly both Crowne and Kingdome gayn'd In Sussex battaile th' English fell Strange Comets did such change foretell Harolds corps the Duke now King so doom'd By him built Waltham ha's entoomb'd Thyra mourning being selfe-same last yeere As his first First first William's heere Then th' English fled to London fast Whiles Normans did their Countries wast Northumberlands and Merk-lands Lords For safetie tending Scotland wards Met there young Edgar who set late Sailes for Appulia but by Fate Or mightie Aeol's Impes thus crost Cast on a quite contrary coast Whose sisters Margret's Malcolmes wife Scot'sh Queene t'other vowes Monastique life Now made the Norman Leopards pray On Englands spoile and tooke their way For London which they friendly found Where Christ-masse day was William crown'd By Aldred Yorkes Arch-bishop whiles Famous Stigand whom England stiles Her other Primate thus entends His Countries freedome to defend CANZ. IIII. The Arch-bishops Stygands famous stratagem whereby he procured Kents liberties and ancient freedome all England else groning under the Normans tyrannie AS William ween'd with warlike powers To o're runne Kent in greene-wood bowers Th'Arch-Bishop he his men arayes Couering their armes with leauie sprayes Saint Austines Abbot Eglesine Did in this act with him combine The King at
Swans-coombe kend who stood Maz'd thus to meete this moouing wood By which sleight they encompast round His Normans on vnequall ground Who casting downe their boughs appeares Their Kentish force to Normans feares But Stigand only praying peace And countries freedome so to cease All warres and farther strife which thing The King grants and they greete him King Hence Kent enjoyes our Lawyers say Her ancient customes to this day Londons Charter Bishop William names Her fauourite Kent-freed Stygand fames Yet such his faith nor fame defends His worth from Enuie subtile fiend But dying disrob'd in prisoners weedes Cane's Abbot Lanfrank him succeedes And now began our th' English bane Some fyn'd some punish't som's lands tane And giuen to strangers many a place To wild-beasts faire fields made a chace Hamp-shiere townes on New-forrest side Could witnesse well this Normans pride Where Church and all laid leuell ground Wilde Deere or Satyr's dance around Where plagues for Widowes Orphan cryes Richard Kings-child and Rufus dyes No lesse the Nobles for their parts Or feare or feele as grieuous smarts Feele present wrongs feare future dangers Their fellowesmade foote-stooles for strangers When each Iack iets for gentleman That skill of French or Norman can Stage Court Lawes turn'd French strange to see How brag French beggers English't bee So great and small skorn'd or skar'd sore All feare some fled their natiue shore And ioyning with the warlike Dane Who claim'd the crowne his right were slaine Others ioyn'd with th' inuading Scots In Edgars quarrell chanc't like lots Both Welsh and Scot'sh and Herewards powers The brother Earles braue martiall flowers Haue all like Fortune Welsh are tam'd The rest quite fled foyl'd or reclaim'd Malcolme do's homage Edgar too And his as tane to fauour doe Receiue the Kings rich gifts all friends His course thence for Pannonia bends CANZ. V. The Kings tyrannie also against his brother his death and strange funerall in France THe Kings halfe brothers were by 's mother Robert Earle of Morton and his brother Odo Bayon's Bishop Earle of Kent Who vice-Roy made when William went To warre in France Northumbers wilde With th' rest of 's Kings foes brauely foyl'd But gaping for the Papall Crowne When fates great Hidebrand pull'd downe Was prisnor'd by his brother-King Enuie par'd proud Ambitions wing Doubly deceiu'd by lying Augury Lost triple-Crowne and long time liberty Peace gain'd the King did Poules repaire Built many a Church and Abbey faire And castles and of England tooke The great suruey in Doomes-day booke Last time King William France inuaded Because French Philip 'gainst him ayded Robert his so vnnaturall Sonne Falne sicke at Roan the French begonne And King to scoffe as if his sicknesse Were Child-bed faintnesse womens weakenesse Which made him mad-chas't vow should shrines And altars with burnt-offrings shine At his safe Church going saues his oath Th' Altars flame townes and temples both 'Mongst which warre tumults bruised fore By his horse leaping sickning more Soone after dyes when wofull case Great Cane scarce yeelds him buriall place A spacious Empire so small roome To fit her Monarks eight-foote toombe Till 't was with loathsome neede for gold To all beholders terrours sold Whom Normandy nurst France did feare England and Picards conquests were Lesse Brytaine bowes to Scot'sh Welsh both Triumpht Ah worlds pride glory froth CANZ. VI. The smally-praised governement of William Rufus HIs death makes Robert Normans Duke Rufus our King youngst Henry tooke His treasures Stephen Earle of Bloys Adela weds the Britannoy's Earle Alam Constance Spaines Alfonso Elnor Adeliza and his throne so Both Harold left they Cicely call Canes Abbesse Williams issue all Now Odo free'd by 's Brothers fate Nurst fell flames till wit deare bought late Vnites the Nephewes powers that quell'd Welsh Scot'sh and Normans that rebell'd Then Robert gone to th' holy-Holy-land Rufus makes Edgar Scot'sh King and Builds Westminster great Hall but lead A most loose life being Lanfrank dead Who rul'd him much and exil'd flies Reuerend Anselme who taxt his vice Though rapine nor of Church nor State Scapt scot-free Tyrell such his fate On the new Forrest ill-got ground From Gods and men gaue him deaths wound Whom Colliers Carts vncourtly bring Winchester toombs th'eleuen yeeres m King CANZ. VII Henrie the first called Beuclerks honourable reigne NExt young'st Henry the first restoring Saint Edwards Lawes and most adoring Artes armes and honour Beauclerk styl'd Fam'd yet for couetous wanton wilde He banisht Anselme backe doth call Regards his counsels yet but small Robert now from Ierusalem Comes claimes his royall Diadem But peace tooke place till last fresh broyles Captiu'd the Duke whom Cardiff spoyles Of eyes and life his sonne that flyes To th' Duch and French for aid soone dies First Parliaments and Templers first Vnder this Henry heard who earst Build Windsore Castle after fam'd So by Saint George He Welshmen tam'd Weds Maud Scot'sh Edgars sister whose Sole heire the rest sea-swallowed spouse Maud too to th' Emperor after tooke Geofrey Plantaginet Angeou's Duke Whose issue second Henry brings In th' ancient race of Saxon Kings His mother th' Empresse Maud hers too Scot'sh-Queene Margrets Daughter who Had to syre Edward Edmonds sonne Nam'd Ironside King heere long agone These heires Henry beyond-sea dyes Thrise twelue yeeres King at Reading lyes CANZ. VIII King Stephens altogether troublesome time BVt Stephen Earle of Bloys his sonne On Stephens day crownd his reigne begunne By 's mother Adela Conquerours Impe Whose Nobles and the Imperiall Nymphe So vext him faine at last as 't were Adopts her sonne young Henry heire Yet hee for 's life King weares the Crowne Nigh twenty yeeres tomb'd at Feuersham towne CANZ IX Henry the second his partly vnquiet otherwise fortunate and flourishing gouernement SEcond Henry first Plantaginet sonne To th' Empresse new as 't were begonne Th' old Saxons line in him exemplar'd Seem'd famous Edgar Alfred Edward By 's mothers side from these descended O're Scotsh Welsh Orkeys he extended His British Empire conquering foote In Ireland sets at Mac-mor'gh's suite All these were his with Normandy In 's mothers right Towrs Picardy And Angeou were his fathers lands Lesse Brytaine too came to his hands Ieffrey his sonne wedding the Gyrle Daughter and heire to Conan Earle Yet more his land in Frances mayne Extends Poytew and Aquitaine Being his wiues dower did Elnor bring Forsaken though by Frances King Poytew's Earle Williams issue their Earledomes and Dukedomes both sole heire By her were Richard Ieoffrey Iohn And Henry's crown'd slaine rebell son Girles Elnor Spaines Queene Sicill's t'other Maud Saxons Duchesse Cesars Mother But subtill Syrens two faire dames Light loue our wanton King defames French Adeliza and Rosamond Of Cliffords race who held him bound In her loues Labyrinih Woodstocke bowers Shrowding her their loues loue-stolne houres But
iealous Iuno furious Queene Found a fit time to worke her teene In her Lords absence as he goes To French warr's on his beauteous Rose Whom she did poyson and sets on In armes against the sire his son But younger Henry falls both crown'd By 's fathers life and laid in ground Which furious acts of hers when seene The King imprison's th' angry Queene And hands thought stain'd with Beckets bloud Meanes purge by warres for holy-Holy-lands good But French broyles staying him fates assigne Chinon thrise twelue yeeres King his shrine CANZ. X. Richard the first called Cuor-de-Lyon and his victorious acts SVcceedes braue Richard Cuor-de-lyon Who as his sire meanes visit Syon And from the Babylonian Prince Cyprus Acon and Ioppa winnes And ships towne towers and forts regaines With warlike and victorious traines Though Souldan yet and Saracens bold The faire Ierusalem still did hold But wo-worth those crost such designes False brother Iohn with France combines To quench with flames retiring fast 'Bout Austria coasts by tempest cast Ignobly by Limpoldus Duke 'Gainst law of nations pris'nor tooke Great ransome giues fayne too as ' tfalls To build the faire Vienna's walls Safe when return'd false brother sought And mothers mediation wrought Such peace that he being Richard gone Sans issue obtayn'd his ten-yeeres throne Who falne i th' French warres Chalne conteynes His bowels there where he was slaine By Bertram Gordon's venom'd dart His corps Fount-Euerard Roan his hart CANZ. XI King Iohns vnfortunate reigne and troubles by the Barons warres KIng Iohn scarce crown'd when France will needs The elder brothers son indeed Set Arthur vp but got but harmes If aught 't was more by art then armes Till more his Barons warres him vext For countries good faire foule pretext Th'Archbishop Langton too rak't th' ashes Whence Romish thundring censure flashes Nor reconcil'd to them till when Vnking'd vncrown'd the Pope agen Put on his Crowne Pandulfe the meanes Who blest vext curst and calm'd the Realmes Lewys of France the Dolphin then Who came to th' aid o th' English men i th' Barons cause although call'd home Scarce stints all strife his Nobles some For rauisht wiues for daughters other Fell rage conceiu'd can scantly smother Henry Englands Richard Almaignes beene Kings both his sonnes three daughters Queenes Princely wed when Iohn poyson'd dyes Thrise six yeeres King at Worster lyes CANZ. XII Henry the third his acts and his sonnes warlike exploits at the holy Land THird Henry then his infant sonne His nigh threescore-yeeres reigne begon Whose Barons warres with Welsh and French He all scant eas'ly though did quench Legat Gualo chiefly managing The Realmes affaires for the young King Whose valiant Impes long after spoyle The Souldans townes and Syrians foyle And safe return'd from Syons aide First Edward King of England's made Lancasters Duke his brother Edmond To Westminster their sire being summon'd CANZ. XIII Edward the first and his decyding the right of the Crowne of Scotland Edward his sonne first English Prince of VVales BY Edwards hand Prince Leoline falles And Edwards son's borne Prince of Wales And Robere Bruse by him put downe Iohn Baliols right beares Scotlands Crowne But Scottish broyles s'mbrew'd all hands That th' English Lords deuide their lands Made sire t' a race of royall Impes By 's two Queenes Spaines and Frances Nymphs Elnor and Margret Westminsters Shrine him fiue-seuen-yeeres King interres CANZ. XIIII Edward the second called of Carnaruan an vnfortunate Prince much wronged by Gaueston the Mortimers and Spensers meanes NExt Edward Frances heire as 't fell Peter Hispan's plot weds Isabell Him Scots chac't home and Gauestone And Spensers made him lou'd of none Whose pride the mis-rul'd State much rues Till they fled Then whom they abuse King twenty yeers Queene Mortimers doom'd Him Barkley murdred Gloster toomb'd CANZ. XV. Edward the third his warlike acts and conquest of France THird Edward crown'd ere 's fathers death As he the Earles ouer-boldnesse seeth Slue Mortimer whiles he disapproues His and his mothers wanton loues And married though with his consent But their appoint his sister went To Scotland yet for homage not Perform'd or scofs giuen by the Scot Beleaguring Barwicke Dauid Bruse His brother in-law so hard pursues To Halydon hill Scots great'st disgrace He Balioll king'd in Bruse his place Who fled for France whither angry fate Brought our King soone to claim 's estate Laying title to Frances Lillies Of right his mother Isabella's Charles sister and Philip the Faire Last King of Frances daughter and heire Valoys the vsurpers sister Impe. Queene Philip our Kings wife faire Nymphe Brought Henault and with th' Earle her syre Flanders with England fierce conspire That Newstria and her neighbour France 'Gan hope war's helplesse haplessechance Paris e'en felt for feare the fire Of English warriours in their ire And Cresseid flowry vale beheld A famous fierce-fought well-pitcht field When greene-grasse beds with gore were spred White milkie Lillies dyde bloud-red And mercy ne're-taught Oyly-flame Learn'd th' English Lyons were vntame The French King fled his Lords they tell Kings of Maiork and Beme they sell With troopes of Commons numberlesse In this fam'd battell nam'd of Cresse Tankeruill Guisnes Cane Callaice and Many a faire towne that late did stand For Philip then and all the west Submit to th' English Conquerors hest Bruis in French cause afresh French aided Was tane as England he inuaded The Pope for French-King treating peace Takes truce whiles did th' old King decease Whom his sonne Iohn succeeds with whom Young Edward call'd in Frence whilom● The Black-Prince who rul'd France full farre And Aquitane moues mortall warre Wheth'r noble youth's for crownes or praise You stroue or both and Phoebus bayes When Poyteu fields were skarlet dyde When fell the chiefe of Frances pride Were Dolphin King and many a Lord Captiu'd by Black-Prince Edwards sword Tropheys of triumph high that raise Englands both Prince and souldiers praise CANZ. XVI Edward the blacke Prince his honourable atchiuements and vntimely death GReat signes o're south and Indian shores Seemes to foreshew such strange vprores White troopes 'gainst Aethiopians blacke In Azure skies to threat fierce wracke But while they fell wheth'r Mahounds powers Or else were showne by Memnons Moores For now great warres in Normandy Lesse Britaine were and Burgundy France fell before our Princes feete Trembleth Nauarre Spaine doth entreate For her King Pedro who 's new made King by braue black-prince Edwards aide Came Cyprus King his helpe t' obtaine 'Gainst Turks were then in 's royall traine Worth registring on fames faire wings Two captiues and the Cyprus Kings Whiles he thus glorious Knighted shines Both at Saint George and Marses shrines Pale foe to honour winter-power Of death nipt this faire springing flower
Whence Richard black-Prince son's made Prince French-King and Dolphin Bruse too since Tributaries and ransom'd ioyne hands So peace shone fresh on all three lands Clarence Duke Lyonell weds the faire Millaines Duke Galease his heire Hauing with her goodly lands his brother Iohn of Gaunt Lancastrian Duke and t'other Cambrige Earle Edmond wed two Nymphes Castile King Pedro's beauteous ●mpes Whence claim'd the Duke the Crowne but giues Only his daughter and receiues Of the new King a masse of gold From lucre of which drossy mold 'Gainst Cities wealth and Churches state His enuie first growes to such hate Might Wicklifes words worke Wicham's dole Or theirs hee 'd gladly blow the cole Scarce King or Prince for him long space Gain'd Wichams Church or Citizens grace This our third Edward's Windsores round Saint Georges feasts with honour crown'd And Garter his inuentions since So fam'd let th'orders of no Prince Contend or not compare with these Rhodes Pall's nor Colchos golden Fleece Seauen sonnes fiue daughters royall state Shew'd him thrice blest and fortunate At Richmond fifty yeeres King he dyes At Westminster there tombed lyes CANZ. XVII Richard the second stript of the crowne by Henry Bolingbrooke whence grew the schisme BOth's father Prince and Grand-sire King Richard succeeeds for many a thing Infam'd Sans heire die both his Queenes French Is'bell and proud Anne of Beme The Commons he vnheard-of broyles Wat-Tylers Scot'sh and Welsh turmoyles And Irish tam'd 'mong whose rude traines Saint Edwards armes the garland gaines Whom thence returning Herefords Duke Late banisht Henry of Bolingbrooke Captiu'd and soone vnking'd whence rose Those wofull flames 'twixt either Rose In which so many thousands bane Kings Dukes and noble Captaines slaine Poore King at Pomfret famish't dyes At Langley neere Saint Albons lyes CANZ. XVIII Henry the fourth his most vnquiet gouernement FOurth Henry after twise ten yeere Proclaim'd deposed Richard heires In Wales with Owen Glendowers dew Mort'mer his sonne in law o're threw Th' English too sore and oft rebell Scots at vnfortunate Halydon fell Where Dukes-son's tane of Albancy Many Lords and Kings son Iames by sea Which Scotsh nobilities youths choise flower Were long deteyn'd in Londons Tower Kings herse three sonnes three Dukes bewailes Two daughters and the Prince of Wales Twise seuen-yeeres King then Henry dyes At Canterbury entombed lyes CANZ. XIX Henry the fift his short but victorious reigne and conquest of France Fift Henry of Monmouth much infam'd In 's younger yeeres but now reclaym'd Stints many ciuill strifes at home With Wickliefs sect Old castles doome Then casting o're his eyes ' ●ow'rds France Soone th' English armes did there aduance In his great Grand-sires right whose posies French Lillyes ioyn'd with th' English Roses Though scoft 'gainst Frances proud'st towne walls Sent bullets backe for Tennis-balls And Agincourts first famous day Adorn'd his browes with victors Bay Where most part of the French Kings traine Of Nobles were or tane or slaine Braue men at armes who late plaid cards For English prisoners now their guards Trophees of Englands triumphs nor Henry so held his hand before France su'd for peace and humbly proffers Her child and crowne with fairest offers Regent proclaim'd for th' old Kings life He tooke France him heire he to wise The Princesse Katharine France her dower Whose royall marriage stately Low're Peeres nobles commons young and old As first to heare glad to behold At these all these seem'd to clap hands So peacefull Hymens ioyfull bands Only the Dolphin he abhorres This present peace whom th' English force From France expulst whiles Kath'rine Queene Crown'd was by Thames her sonne by Seyne Whom Windsore borne his father than Too true prophetique dying Swan Diuines to reigne long all to lose Himselfe short-liu'd all too-right whose Triumphant Carre late deckt with bayes Now herse-wise shaden Cypresse sprayes By his last will old Exeter tooke Care of the young King Glosters Duke Doth gouerne England Frances land Burgundy and Bedford Dukes command More Bethlem stately Richmond towers Sheene and religious Syons bowers And Garter as his founder doth Admire him who in 's flowers of youth At Paris faire of feuer dyes At Westminster entombed lyes CANZ. XX. King Henry the sixt his wonderfull misfortunes SIxt Henry eight moneths old made King Did by his noble Tutors bring The Dolphin downe till Bedford dyes Whom Richard Duke of Yorke supplies And Warwick what time Burgundy Gan to play false and French fast flye From th' English rule whiles English broyles Lost France and selfe hand-selfe-bloud soyles Be silent or bemone sweet Muse These times and these sad times abuse Well might the Dolphin conquest gaine When none oppos'd or few but faine To leaue vs left small glory crownes Such paines to take such yeelding townes For th' English hy'd home all diuided Parts-take with one or other sided The Dukes of Somerset and Yorke Did first begin this wofull worke Whose priuate quarrels bred too rathe A world of mischiefe publique scathe Whiles Richard Duke of Yorke who came From Irelands conquest with great fame Enui'd by Somerset ne're smothers His wayward tants not his Kings brothers For words first next for Crownes the game Riuers of bloud not quench't the flame Richard the world in hand doth beare The Realmes they how misgouern'd were Protector so by force proclaim'd So not content the Kingdome claim'd And this his right Anne his her mother Philip her sire being elder brother Lionell third Edward second sonne King came but from his next sonne Iohn Hence Somersets fall first Verlam yeelds Blore-heath's fam'd and Northampton fields And though Yorkes Dukes at Wakefield slaine His sonne fourth Edward London gaynes There crown'd whiles haplesse Henry flies Tow'rds Scotland noble Queene she hies T' her syre Angeous Duke Reyners child Naples Sicills Syons King so styl'd Whence fresh supplies wrought foes fresh harmes And Margret warlike Nymph at armes Yet once againe wins Henries crowne Who yet againe is soone put downe But after many a grieuous losse Barwick Yorke Barnet Mortmers crosse At Tewksbury last her selfe was tane And her young sonne Prince Edward slaine Henry the sixt poore King oppressed Good-man scarce e're one more distressed Tane in the north to London sent From Caesars to Ioues towers he went Vs'd so milde speech such often pray'r Lou'd peace liu'd vertuous heauenly care On contemplations spotlesse wings Rapting his thoughts to holyer things His heart so void of hate or strife On earth he led an Angels life Nigh fortie yeeres King first time but then Not forty weekes next though crown'd agen Long prisond poore exil'd last death-doom'd At Chertsey first then Windsore toomb'd CANZ. XXI Edward the fourth and his sonnes true spectacles of enuious fate FOurth Edward Earle of March the fourth Of March was crown'd whose martiall worth Sixt Henry
Before his suddaine fall and fate Spaines Nymph was then to be diuorst Which sentence cause the Card'nals crost Campegius staies not Wolsey hyed To Yorke disgrac't for griefe he dyed Then famous Rhodes by Turkes was tooke The Pope and Rome by Burbons Duke And French King falles at Caesars foote Which made France find a league to boote With England and Nauarre the scope 'Gainst Spaine her Emperor and the Pope Though Iulius Crowne and Scepters sent Tenth Leo titles when he lent Luther sore lashes faiths Defender And Clement golden gifts did tender Yet Wolsey dead the Pope to Rome Spaine Caesar all from hence sled home Then Wolsey's man his masters heire Of 's fate and fall from Phaetons chaire So Mushrome-like comes Cromwell he From parents of as meane degree To seruile trade train'd growing great Mounts yet amaine tow'rds honours seate As Wolsey wan'd● whose fauours plac't him In princes Court whose fall more grac't him If not disgrac't him but his Prince Fauours such his double diligence Whose counsels to the Clergies paine Brought the Kings Coffers noe small gaine And more he sayes t' enrich the Crowne Pulls the Religious houses downe Whose ruines reare his greatnesse glory To blow the bladder of his story Secretary Comwell 'mongst them sate As head of the spirituall state Making his pride seene no small deale Master of the Rolles and priuie-Seale Essex Earle and great Chamberlaine So swoll him that he brast againe For at the top and highest port Presume and Traytor cut him short Thus blaz'd these Stars and out againe Fell first to waxe grew then to wane CANZ. V. King Henry the eight his latter time seuerall marriages and last will concerning his heires OVr King both Emperour entertaines Scots Queene King and Queene of Danes The Irish tames and French-men faine And Flemmings aides in spight of Spaine When once his Spanish twenty yeeres spouse Queene Maries mother he disauowes Let Pope and Spaine and Caesar freat Holy maid of Kent and spare not threat Queene Eliza's mother soone was seene Pembrookes Marchionesse Englands Queene And when Anne Bulleine lost her head Iane Seymour next in Childbirth dead King Edwards mother next was taken Faire Anne of Cleue and she forsaken Katharine Howard soone lost her head Kathar'ne Parre saw him lap 't in lead His last warres vexed France and raz'd Bolloigne till peace was bred and blaz'd Edenborow and Lieth were tane the while By Shrewsbury Seymour and Lord Lysle By his last will Edward first heire Next Mary third Eliza were Many's fall his reigne nigh fortie yeeres His fall on Windsore monuments reares CANZ. VI. The short reigne of King Edward the sixt SEymors Nymphs sonne his Scepters tooke Whose vncle th' Earle Protector Duke Of Somerset's made Dudley Lord Lysle Weares Warwick and Northumbers style Kets he procur'd and Rebels sorrow And Scots disgrace at Muscleborow And now by Somersets command All not yet seiz'd on chauntry-Chauntry-land All church reuentions treasure plate And tokens of her ancient state Trophees of wealth or worth that deck her Been turn'd into the Kings Exchequer Pope Saints and reliques haue like doome These banisht this dismist to Rome Somersets Duke about this season Acquitted was accus'd of treason And yet soone after lost his head Who failing seemes full soone too dead Not seuen yeeres King in bud of youth Westminster tombes to Englands ruth CANZ. VII The Lady Ianes downefall Queene Maries comming to the Crowne and marriage with Spaine WHen Suffolks daughter Lady Iane With her spouse Guilford Dudley tane For King and Queene their sires craft crost Their heads life Crowne and Kingdome lost Queene Maryes right so farre preuail'd Both Dukes Impes plots pretences quail'd Who set in sires and brothers throne Rome her Religion here soone shone Bishop Gardner's made Chancelor and Piercy Earle of Northumberland To Wyats and English great disdaine She weds her Cousen King of Spaine Whose style 's so stately to be seene Philip and Mary King and Queene Of England Ireland and with them France Naples and Ierusalem Princes of Spaine Sicilia Indies Austrich Arch-Dukes Dukes of Burgundy Millaine and Brabant the low Countreys Tyroll and Haspurge Earle and Countesse Their royall Embassie to Rome The Pope returnes much honoured home Cardinall and Canterburies Primate Poole with his cousen Queene braue Prelate Flourisheth and fadeth once againe Reuiues here the Religious traine Peace sweetely did her selfe aduance 'Twixt France and Spaine and vs had France Not broken first that'gan to bourd Philips Flemish townes with fire and sword Thy'young Queene of Scots the Dolphin weds Whiles Mars his rage their Realmes o'respreads Dutch English Switzers Pole with Spaine Walloones too in his warlike traine And many a sort more to be seene That 'gainst his foes combined beene With Philip forrag'd France and downe Raz'd Conquet and Saint Quintines townes But that which most the English crost Callaice in lieu thereof was lost Philip from home our fiue yeeres Queene At Westminster her tombe is seene CANZ. VIII Queene Elizabeth her admired and famous acts at the beginning of her reigne SO by her sister Maries death The Crowne came to Elizabeth So Goddesse-like a mayden Queene Seld-when or ne're in England seene She pull'd downe such religious cells Her sister built and Pope expels And warr'd with Scots and France and Spaine Till Scots and French crau'd peace full faine Scot'sh Queene then laid downe Englands armes She had tane vp by th' Guises charmes Though after tane i th' English bounds Her head flew off such Crowne-lawes grounds Eliza by the Mounsieurs meanes And his French brother-King then leanes To Flemmings aide and French when Dudley To Flanders went with noble Sydney Where Sydney fell and Dudley's glories Read yet in the low Countries stories He that with Mars might Philip well Sweete Sydney striue with Philomell Both Britaines deerest Darlings whose Fame no end name no Period knowes CANZ. IX Diuers other then memorable matters and her warres with Spaine FAmous no lesse at this time were Drake and far-trauail'd Frobisher Frobisher that sail'd North and East Seas T'other by South-west passages Sought the Sunnes-setting and strange lands Where Phoebus steeds and stable stands Till rounding th' earth comne backe agen Liu'd one day lesse then other men That liu'd as long as he that view'd Huge India's shore and monsters rude Whose quaintance great with Neptunes realmes Wrought wondrous feates on Doris streames In eighty eight when Spaines chiefe pride Did hithr'ward on Sea-horses ride Sea Nymph-rounds guiding o're the mayne Great Duke Medeena's glorious traine That with lesse state soone after sees Both Scottish Orkes and Irish seas Tilburie campe was Leyr'sters e ward Hunsdon did the Queenes person guard Charles Howard chiefe vice-Admirall Drake Made Spaines huge great Armatha quake Flying faintly fast So triumphs cheere Our natiue soyle and my
first yeere CANZ. X. Lastly her latest glorious atchiuements as Irelands conquest finished Virginia's plantation began before her death NOr left we so for Norys next And Drake againe and Essex vext Spaines borders thundring fire and fate To Seuills shrine and Lisbone gates Walter Deuereux the sire braue Knight That Lord Ferrers of Chartley hight Pierc't Ireland this man went as farre Hauing sped Na●arr's French Spanish warre But England dew'd his tombe with teares Whiles Irish tropheys Mount-ioy weares Whose conquest and Virginia's gaine Were last acts of this Virgins raigne Beene Caesar French and Danes King dight Saint Georges so this maydens Knights And forty fiue yeeres Queene she fades Eliza to the Elizian shades The world her praise Westminster her dust Heauen ha's her soule shrin'd with the iust CANZ. XI By reason of her successor King Iames is enforced the discourse following out of Scottish and other forraigne histories SVnne-rise did Cynthia's set disclose And from her Phoenix ashes rose No fairer plumes more royall crest E're found in princelyest Eagles nest Th' Arabian bird with spice-bed then Deck't Pallas bowers our Hymens when The world the shrine the sea the ring Two Realmes were wed the Priest a King A Wife vnites both Roses Iames Both wiues and Virgins heire both Realmes The marryed brings a sonne her merit Th'vnmarryed leaues him crownes t' inherit Hence our foure-crown'd King Iames doth flourish O're English Scottish French and Irish Friend me deere Muses whiles I bring From Scotland's bounds our Englands King And when you haue toucht Scotlands glories Briefely then France and Irelands stories Shewing so King Iames his Maiestie Thron'd in his foure-fold Monarchie CANZ. XII Of the Originall of Scots and Picts SCarce thinke I th'race of Scottish Kings From Pharao's Daughter Scota springs Sure from great Scotland since of eld Ireland so call'd the Scottish held Whence Ireland's call'd so her relations Seruen both Scotsh and Irish Nations When th' Irish Scots though Scotland wan The tymes vnneath most hard to skan 'Bout Marius or Aruiragus raigne 'Bout th'hundreth yeere of grace they sayne Came Scythian Gothes or neighbours neere First t' Ireland thence t' inhabit heere With their Duke Roderick Whether these Were of the race of Hercules Th' old Agathyrsi or whos'e're Fell feuds 'twixt them and Brittons were Which made them backe to th' Irish fly Then Scottish call'd for fresh supply So wiues from greater Scotland came And aid and lesser Scotlands name Whence grew the guise if Kings bloud failes In Scotland Irelands voice preuailes In new Kings choice to be extract From female race as of compact Though some haue thought th' old Brittons rude Scorn'd by the Romanized broode Of Brittons new-come vp ee'ne hated Of their owne kinne Italionated As rudenesse Emblemes so were made To fly to th' Irish Scots for aide 'Gainst these Caesar Seuerus wall Was rais'd and warres not few nor small Last Roman Lord being Gallio fam'd For both Scots Picts and Irish tam'd CANZ. XIII The Scottish Kings numbred from Ferguse to the end of the Picts reigne REuda first reign'd sayes reuerend Bede In Brittish Scotland though we reade In Scottish Annall's how th' Aegyptian Pharao's Impe Scota with her Graecian Husband Cathelus long did raigne With their succession Kings in Spaine Whence Scots were nam'd and Brechus King Their Colonies they to Ireland bring From whom the Great Fergusius came Whom to her Erchus beares faire Dame Danish Rocha to her Spanish Spouse Of Scotlands Kings ennobled House He with Goth Alaricke made Rome flame Ferguse that gaue Craig-Fergus name And brought with him so long agone Scots gloried in the fatall Stone Iacob lay on in the Land of Syon With Brittish-Scotsh Kings Armes their Lyon Whom Reuther Beda's Reuda followes Roderick that put to flight with 's fellowes Came backe againe whence call they't right Rew ther 's returne not his first flight First Owen followes Ferguse next Second Owen then and Dongard vext And slaine by Brittons Constantine His sonne in Christians Cause diuine Palladius Conuert warfare-goes In Brittons aid 'gainst Saxon foes Next Congall Conrane Owen Conuall Aidan Kenneth Owen Ferquard Donwall Maldwine and with two Owens moe Amberkeleth falne by Pictish foe Owen Mordak Ethfine and lesse gracious Owen and Ferguse then Soluatius And Ethfines sonne who entertaines Amitie with French King Charlemaine Worthy of Frances friendship whence Remaines th'inuiolate league ere since Then Congall Conuall and sans true Respect to Excellency due Or King-hoods Maiestie diuine Alpine butcher'd at Pas-Alpine By bloudy Picts made them too late To rue their cruell facts and fate For Kenneth kils them all vnneth In fell reuenge of Fathers death Whose ouerthrowes not vn-fore-kend Strange ●ights in Skies seene seeme portend So Picts with their King Drushen slaine Sole Scottish Kings in Scotland raigne CANZ. XIV And so downeward to Macbeth and Malcolme in William the Conquerors time NExt Kenneth Donald Constantine And Ethus by Gregour● in fine Depriu'd of Crowne and Kingly stile Who wanne they say the Westerne I le Then Donald and late Ethus sonne Constantine who fell feud begunne With Edward but was homage ta'ne From him subdu'd by Athelstane Malcolme then next and Indulph who With Alfred wars 'gainst Danish foe D●fe Cullen Chenneth Constantine Grime Malcolme Duncane and of Line Of th' ancient Princes and Bloud-royall Glamuis Lord and yet most disloyall Intruder Tyrant Macbeth whose Fate and fall Wizards fore-disclose But with so doubtfull and obscure Aenigma's he thought him most sure Till Dunsnane Castle high in th' Ayre Encompast were with th' Woods of Weyre He should not fall being child nor other He should e're fall by borne by Mother Which Riddle put him out of doubt Though 't fell for him too truly out For Malcolme with reuengefull hand And Syward of Northumberland His Grandsire and their English aid Comming thitherwards in Weyr-woods staid To decke and hide their arm'd aray In green-wood bowers with leauy spray When so attir'd their troopes drew nie To tow'ring Dunsnane Castles hie Throwing their leauy Crownes away Appear'd they clad in Armour gay Which suddeine shewes vnlook't for bale 'Gan make the Tyrants courage quaile His towers so girt with foes so drest With Wyre-wood Crownes streight armed Crest Flying therefore fast with feth'red speed Sets spurres to his e'en winged steed Macbeth t' auoid his foe-mens ire Mackdufe as furious as the fire Who erst from Tyrants anger flew To voluntary Exile new Return'd as swift as he that flyes Repayes home all his courtesies O're-taking him fels him to ground And so did Mackbeths pride confound Who vainly thus deluded dyes By those prodigious Prophesies Yet true they were to thee Fame tels O too misled by Magicke spels Thy foe not timely borne but ript From Mothers wombe thus Mackbeth tript This Malcolme marrying Margret
Scots and all Our Saxons Scyttan Gothes beene Getes What let 's it Scythes Northumbers Scettes And Getes and Scythian peoples held Spaines Townes and Cities sure of elde Susana and many places more Scythian names walles and guises wore Whence Scythians into Ireland came For Spanish dwellers did sayes Fame But some will say beleeue 't or smile Scotos from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 draw their stile Some say from Scota but if you Would faine heare Fables more then true Or monstrous matters for disport Her Legend you shall heare but * short CANZ. XIX Diuers of their ancient historicall Relations and lastly the late Conquests thereof made by the English BEfore the vniuersall flood This Storie now begins for good Came Caesara old Noahs Neece Not knowne what ship nor o're what Seas Next comes nor will I leaue thy glories Sublimate quintessence of Stories Bartolenus and his sonnes whose names Their Cels and Irish stations fames Then Bergion comes Nemodus then Whom Bergions Race chac'd thence agen Greeke Dela though the Gyants Mates He Syrians knew and Scythians States Nemodus and his mens what time Gurguntius claimes the Irish clime But mightie Monster Rumor sayes Ruan liu'd till Saint Patricks dayes Though 't was thought next Scota's braue Knight Gathels Race queld those Gyants quight 'Gainst th' Aethiops Moses and Gathelus Warring vnder Aegypts King they tell vs Cecrops or Neols much prays'd heire Weds Pharao's Daughter Scota faire Whence set for Seas on Spaine they light Their tongue from him Gaoth-lag hight The Scots from her from them deriued In Simon Brechus Reigne arriued In Ireland Hermion and Hyberus From Spaine from them in hand they beare vs Came Ferguse so from th' Irish traine Came Brytaine Scots those Scots from Spaine Still vnderstand the fatall stone Goes with them Iacob slept vpon But true indeed all Stories saine Scots came from th' Irish they from Spaine These Ireland-dwellers Edgar vanquisht Saint Edward lou'd first Richards Conquest But in the second Henries Reigne Dermon Mac-Morough did complaine Whom Strong-bow Chepstols Earle releeues Winnes his Lands weds his Daughter Eue Is Englands Feodist to King Iohn Made Irelands Lord Pope Adrian Sends him a Ring Vrban a Crowne But after by the Popes puld downe England and Ireland he full deare Rents at a thousand Markes by th'yeare Eighth Henry King the Pope first stil'd Philip and Mary reconcil'd To Rome and Queene Elizabeth weare The same so doth King Iames the heire CANZ. XX. The ancient gouernments of France and how the Crowns right is now deuolued to the English The conclusion of all SO the French Titles whose free State And Salique Lords deare Nymphs relate But leaue th' Herculeans race and traine Tili Paris faire was plac'd on Seyne By Marcomyre whose Issue beene Pharamond and his Monarchs o're Rhene O're Francks or Francons he beginnes And Merouey much honour winnes But Clouis most who addeth first Christ to his Crowne or that to Christ Their Race long flourisht till vp springs Maior Domus vnder th' idle Kings Martellus Issue then gan Raigne Pipin and famous Charle-mayne Hugh Capet though his second Race Roots out so Talion Law tooke place From him descended Isabell faire France her sole and indubitate heire Third Edwards Mother though misprizde By fabulous Salick Law deuizde Since Katharine from that Royall Stem Her Dower brings Frances Diadem T' Henry the fift whose sonne anone Sate crown'd on triumph t' Frances Throne So France and Englands flowers so sweete Welsh Scotsh and Irish Musicke meete Their Prince by side of siluer Thames To greet with ioy Great Monarck IAMES CANZ. XXI A Peroration to King Iames. AND now great gracious glorious sprights Whilome braue Worthies still braue wights Liue long aud happie euer daigne Your sacred influence to these straines You that in Albion reign'd and you That doe but hope for Heauen your due Fortunately famous fairely shine Sainted on Earth in Heauen diuine And glad thou canst but ken his dayes Deare Muse ceasse thy rude Mantuan Layes The end of the tenth and last Ode of PALAE-ALBION POTENTISSIMO IACOBO MAGNAE BRYTANNIAE MONARCHAE QVando leui calamo Britonum Heroesque Ducesque Quàm potui dignis cupiens celebrare camoenis Quanquam infoelici magis exitu at ordine iusto Percurri titulos magnosque aliquando Monarchas Cui magis atque tibi dedero Flos inclyte Regum Cum Sophiae sancto pietatis lumine pulchrâ Stirpe vtriusque Rosae Regali stemmate claro Muscas non capient Aquilae at Lyra Lilia amoenis Cumque Rosis rurisque choros Regumque tryumphos Saepe equidem celebrant habitarunt Dij quoque syluas Musaeque Aonios saltus placeantque ita nostro Cynthus ceu Clario tibi agrestia numina Phoebo Non Lepori inuisus Leo Non Iouis Armiger ales Fulgura celsa magis Iouis ira terebrat Olympum Inuidia alta petens humilis mea Musa supremis Vix Aganippaeos latices libata labellis Quod parcas nimiumuè rudi lapsaeuè rogabit En supplex magis atque tuis quàm tuta sub alis Musca Aquilae Lepus ante pedes ceu Dama Leonis Rex Regum video es titulis Agamemnonis Olim Anglia septenos habuit duo Scotia Reges Wallia treis totidem quoque Gallia Hybernia quinos Haebus Ila aliquot ratibusque imperuia Thyle Cumbria praeterea Druidum celeberrima Mona Quos omneis tamen Imperio tot plurima Regna Pace tenes teneasque precor pietatis alumnus Egregius natura no uum tua lumina donec Eripiens terris addat Dea Sydus Olympo IPSISSIMO MAECENATI THus haue I brought this Worke to end Ioue gently will perhaps befriend And all those Sun 's now or of yore Haue shin'd on our deare Albion shore Will send their pleasing sweet aspect If onely thou thy beames reflect Do'st now Lord of th' Ascendant Raigne T is more then guerdon for my paine And gentle Nymphes I hope will smile On Bryttons thy Gests my rude stile ILLVSTRISSIMO AC SVMMAE SPEI M. Brytanniae CAROLO PRINCIPI WRiting though rudely Brittons ancient Storie Whence th' old might luster yeeld to moderne glorie One Tome toucht to Yous and your Fathers dayes That yours and his might a next Volume rayse By some sweet Attique Muse Or could a rill Of honyed Nectar dew my barren Quill What rarer Theme would I more Royall text Then your worth's whom Europe admires expects Your milde aspect faire Prince making me soone Think my night day and such faire morning noonel NOBILISSIMIS HEROI FRIDERICO RHENI Palatino Comiti Elizabethae Principi GRaue though all youthfull ancient though young Prince That matchles raught'st Englands fair'st flower from hence Your comming o're thus caus'd my artlesse Penne Rouing from Thames to seeke you out by Rhene Your Germany I know affords such store Of choice wits
the re●t the first King whereof Crida was the 〈◊〉 from Woden Wibba his son R. 20 yeares Ceorlus Wibba's sonne 10. Penda sonne of Wibba A. 626. reign 30. yeares q Anna King of East-Angles r Boto Sigebert that founded Cambridge turned Monke in his old age but drawne out into the field and his 〈…〉 and 〈◊〉 Anna all three successiuely Kings of East-Angles s Ad●●here brother to 〈◊〉 next King Peda sonne to Penda and Oswy A. 656. R. 3. or 4. yeares t Three yeares but gaue all the fourth parts from 〈◊〉 to Penda's sonne Peda with his 〈…〉 who 〈…〉 King who 〈…〉 Christianity which O●wy and Peda had begun but ●ee 〈◊〉 his two sonnes for frequenting the holy man Cedda's Cell whose bodies their mother Ernenelda buried at Stone in 〈…〉 a Church to bee built there shee afterwards became a Nunne at Ely vnder her mother Sex burga sometime Queene of west Saxons and heere penting that deed among other pious works in building Churches and Monasteries bestowed great cost on Medishamsted or Peterborow which Penda's sonnes daughters though hee were a Pagan did build from the foundation Wolfere Penda's sonne A. 660. R. 17. Edilred sonne to Penda A. 677. R. 30. Kenred Wolferes sonne A. 707. R. 5. and went to Rome u Edilred founded the ●●shoprike of Worcester turned Monke at Bardoney in Lincolnsture x Kenred went to Rome and was Monke in the Church of S. Peter he founded the Monastery of Euesham Celred sonne of Edilred A 711. R. 8. Ethelbald descended of Eopa brother of Penda A. 719 R. 41. y This King Ethelbald by the procurement of the Po●es Legate Boniface Archbishop of Mentz an English man borne with aduice of Cuthbert Archbishop of Canterbury made good Church lawes giuing Churches and Monasteries great priuiledges and exemptions from taxes and tributes bee also founded the Abbey of Crowland Bernred vsurped 10. yeares Offa nephew to Ethelbald A. 760. R. 39. his sonne not one yeare * He made a Dike called Offa-dike to bound his Kingdome against Wales extending from the South part neare Bristoll ouer the Mountaynes towards Flint and the North Sea to the mout● of 〈◊〉 see ●ounded the Monastery of Bath translated the 〈◊〉 See to Lichfield caused the 〈◊〉 of Saint Alban to bee laid in a 〈◊〉 at old Verulam which hee 〈…〉 adorned with gold and 〈◊〉 stones and raysing there a Princely Abbey hee gaue 〈◊〉 to it the Charter dated 〈◊〉 79● of his reigne 33. witnesse 〈◊〉 selfe Eg●●ide his sonne nine Kings 15. Bishops 10. Dukes c. The Chappell where the said Offa was buryed being demolished by the Riuer Ouse at Bedford his leaden tombe as it were some phantasticall thing a●peareth often to them that seeke it not but to them that seeke it saith Rouse it is inuisible y He was slaine at Sutton-wallis or Kenchester 〈◊〉 Offa's Palace was and buried on the Riuer Lugg's banke where Maurd●●e Church 〈◊〉 whence remoued to Hereford ouer him is builded the Church of the Bishops See dedicate to the same Ethelbert z At Crowland shee prophesied against 〈◊〉 mother who caused Ethelberts death and against her brother all which sell out according to her words of her brother Alcuine wrote that for his fathers bloudy deeds his reigne and dayes were the shorter East Angles Kingdome fell so to Offa and the Mercians A. 790. or 800. and with the Mercians Crowne to the West Saxons afterwards a Some say that on the day of the dedication of the Church of Winchelcombe which hee built hee released the said Edbe●t the founded the Church of Saint Ethelbert in Hereford b He is accounted the Martyr his body was found by a scroll cast on the Altar thus written in Saxon Kenelm King barne lye vnder thorne Heaued-bereaued that is Kenelm Kings child lyeth vnder a thorne bereft of the head or life Kenulf nephew in the fift degree to Penda A. 799. R. 23. c Fridulf Burthred and others being set vp by the West Saxons and Danes afterwards scarce worthy the name of Kings rather Dukes Ceolwol●e expelled by Bernulf A. 820 reigned 〈◊〉 Bernulf subdued by Egbert A. 824. R. 3. Ludicene expelled the East Angles A. 825. Whitlafe A. 826. reigned 13. yeares The Kingdome of NORTHVMBERS Octa Ebysse Saxons sent by Hengist into the North it seemes long time molested by the Picts Scots Brittons before they were fully possest of any Kingdome for 99. yeares space and after Hengists 〈◊〉 60 yeares being A. 547. that Ida began being the 10. from Woden 〈◊〉 reigned 2. yeares * Lot was father to Mordred allyed both yet enemies to great Arthur d The Kingdome of Brenicia extēde● from Edenborow ●rith to Tyne Deira from the said Tyne to 〈◊〉 but they were quite vnited againe in Oswy Ethelfrides sonne Idas sons 559. Ada reign 7. Glappa 5. Tidwald 1. Fridulf 7. Theodorik 7. in Brenicia whiles Ella son of Histria reig 30. in Deira Ethelrik R. 5. partly in both Prouinces e He was surnamed the 〈◊〉 Ethelfride son of Ethelrik A. 589. R. 27. ouer both Pr●uinces Ella's sonne Edwine being yong or expeld f 〈…〉 g 〈…〉 Edwine Ella's sonne A. 616. R. 17. ouer both Prouinces the sonnes of Ethelfride being ●led into Scotland Paulinus Bishop of Rochester went with queen Ethelburga A. 626. And Edwine and the Northumbers generally receiued the Faith A. 627 o●gni 11. h The king gaue Pauline the Bishops See at Yorke and began to build Saint Peters Church there which was finished by Oswald and Paulinus founded the great Church of Lincolne i He sent a desperate fellow named ●omer to murder Edwine and continually vexing all his neighbour Princes with warre was slaine in the quarrels he moued and Edwine was slaine by Cadwallo and Penda k Edfred and Off●ed Off●ed with his father Edwine 〈…〉 battell at Hatfield 〈◊〉 fell with them Eadbaldus King of the O●keyes Edfred 〈◊〉 afterwards Edwines reigne had beene so peacefull that a woman with a sucking child might haue trauelled free from violence ouer all his Dominions yet so triumphant that Banners displaid were borne before 〈◊〉 both in warre and peace Osrijc aud Eaufride A. 633. reigned a very small time l Who fled into Scotland to king Donald when Edwine got the Crowne they being the sonnes of Ethelfride from Ida descended and Acca sister to Edwine daughter to Ella the kings both of Brenicia and Deira Oswald sonne of Ethelfride A. 634. R. 8. y. * So vertuous godly a prince that after his death 〈◊〉 was Canoniz●d for a Saint m A holy learned man whom the King for propagation of the Gospell had sent for out of Scotland and giuen him Lindis●ern or holy Iland for his Bishops See Oswine reigned with Oswy about 8. yeares n At Maserfield or Oswalstre the Towne now so called of his name Oswye sonne of Ethelfride A. 642. reign 28. o At which time Oswy vowed great lands to 〈…〉 from Yorke p And by this meanes the M●rcians receiued the
Faith hee founded the Bishops See of Mercia at Lichfield and Dwina Bishop at Lindesferne was also Bishop of the same Egfride Oswyes sonne A. 670. R. 15. q Her name Mildred or Etheldred after twelue yeares she became Nunne at Ely where shee founded the Monastery whereof shee was Abbesse r At a place called Nectansmore hee was buried in Saint Columbes Iland Alfride base sonne of Osway A. 685. R. 20. s Where learning then flourisht more then in Brytaine it being the fashion to send the noblest youth thither as now to our Vniuersities Osred A. 705. reigned 10. Kenred Osrijc reign 13. Ceolf A. 728. reigned 8. years Egbert A. 736. reigned 20. t Ceolf or Ceolnulf became Monke in holy Iland in his time glazing painting and Masons were brought into the land by the Monke Bennet or Benedict venerable Bede dedicateth his Ecclesiastique history to this king Egbert also became Monke and his brother of the same name was Archbishop of Yorke which See hee greatly aduanced and founded the Library worthily furnished with all good Authors Osulfe reigned 1. yeare Edilwald or Mo. l A. 758. reigned 11. Alred reign 11. Ethelbert son of Mollo A. 780 reigned first 5. y. and after Alswald or Oswald 11. Osred 1. he reigned 4. all the others bare but the titles of Dukes rather then Kings * Or Mollo who slue Earle Oswine that rebelled and himselfe slaine by Alred that vsurping succeeded a Sonnes of Alred then Ethelbert againe after him Ardulf Al●wold Eandred Etheldred Readulf Osbright and Ella which last Kings were slaine by the Danes Hinguar and Hubba incited to that by the Lo. Beornas whose wife Osbert or Osbright had rauisht most of these latter Kings or Dukes acknowledging Egbert of west Saxons and his sonnes Lo. Paramount b Partly fallen by the Danes inuasion but more by ciuill warres last Kings of all were Ri●siga the Dane then Cuthred and Sythrik to whom Ad●lsane gaue his daughter in marriage but their sonnes were finally expeld by Edmond and the succeeding Kings about A. 950. Erchenwine A. 527. R. about 60. yeares Sledda sonne of Erchenwine A. 587. R. 17. Sebert sonne to Sledda A. 604. reigned 13. from An. 617. by the space of 100. y. reigned Serred Seberts 〈◊〉 with his brothers and their sonnes Sigebert son of Seward Sigebert sonne of Sigebald the brothers of Serred and Swideline Sigaire with Sebba or Selbius and his sons Sigard and Sewfred and Offa sonne of Sighere till A. 717. In Selbius time Erkenwald builded the Monastery of Croteley in Surrey for himselfe and Berking in Essex for his sister Edilburga Queene of West Saxons he was after Bishop of London about A. 700. Celred A. 718 reigned 30. Edilwald Albert Vmbena and Suthred reigned till A. 800. or after * Erchenwine the 8. from Woden sonne of Vffa his sonne Sledda married Ricula daughter of Ermenrik King of Kent and to their sonne Sebert first Christian King there came Miletus from Augustine and Ethelbert King of Kent who preached the Faith conuerted and baptized the King and his people who then builded a Church in honour of Saint Peter at Westminster then called Thorney where he his wife were buried The Kingdome of EAST-SAXONS c Serred and his brethren sons of Sebert enemies of Christianity were slaine by Kynegilfus King of West Saxons but the second Sigebert son of Sigebald brother of Serred called the holy man Cedda to him making him Bishop of East Saxons hee baptized Swideline Anna King of East Angles being his Godfather d Sebba or Selbius Monke at Saint Paules in London e He endued the Church of Saint Peter in Westm. with faire possessions and buildings and leauing his wife Geneswede Penda's daughter went to Rome with Kenred King of Mercia and Edwine Bishop of Worster and there liued in a Monks habit f Subdued by Egbert about the very time that he conquered Kent Vffa A. 492. reign 7. yeares Tytullus a. 499. R. 20. Redwald R. 25. Eorpenwald reigned 12. Sigebert sonne of Redwald A. 569. and his cousin Edrik R. 60. yeares slaine by Penda Anna sonne of Ewide brother of Redwald R. 20. yeares slaine by Penda Adelhere brother of Anna slaine with Penda A. 656. Edilwald brother to Anna reigned 9. yeares Sonnes of Adilhere Adalphe reigned 25. Eluold Hisbern Edilred Ethelbert sonne of Edilred A. 790. * Vffa the 8. from Woden The Kingdome of EAST-ANGLES g Whom he slue and repossest Edwine of the Kingdome h He also pla●ted Christian saith there by the h●lpe of Foelix a Burgundian sent by Honorius Archb●shop of Canter whom hee made B●shop of Dunwich an 〈◊〉 of Suffolke which 〈◊〉 was after diu●ded by one Bisi ●ishop t●ere into two viz Dunwich and Holmham i Sigebert found●r of Cambridge was fetch out of the ●onastery into the field against Penda where both hee and Egricus were sla●ne and so was Anna afterw●●ds k Both 〈◊〉 and Penda A. 656. neare the Riuer Iewet his wife was 〈◊〉 daughter to Hereticus and sister to Abbesse Hilda his daughter Etheldred founded Saint Peters Church in the I le of Ely A. 674. l King of Mercia in whose hands and his successors the chiefe Kingdome remayned till Egbert Ella with his 3. sonnes and three ships landed at a place called Cymenshore An. 470. in Hēg●sts life time his kingdome beg●n R. 36. yeares Cisia A. 514. reigned 76. Edilwalcus A. 590 R. 25. Aldwine slaine by Ine and Sussex vnited to the West Sax. crown about A. 713. The Kingdome of SOVTH-SAXONS * Ella the 8. from Woden wit● his sonnes put the Bryttons to flight first at Cymens-shore where hee landed then at Macroeds bourne after won A●dreds-ceaster and so began his Kingdome m Which is called Cissan-ceaster in the Saxon tongu● n He gaue 〈◊〉 to Wilfride Archbishop of Yorke who came to plant the Faith in Sussex where Wilfride set a Monastery for Episcopall S●e yet Sussex was since sometimes vnder Winchester and the See translated also to Chichester o Ceadwalla ouerthrew Edi●walke in his yonger yeares before he went into exile Berthune and Anthyne after when he came to be King of West Saxons Cerdic and his son Kenrik with 5 ships arriue at a place called Cerdic-shore A. 499. slue Natanl●od K. of Brittons and 5000. men and conquered the I le of Wight hee reign 17. yeares * Cerdic the 10. from Woden vanquished the Bryttons first at Cerdics-ford then at Cerdicks lege and at Withgar-birg in the I le of Wight which hee gaue to his Nephew Withgare who reigned there and was buried at the Withgar-birg or Withgares City The Kingdome of WEST-SAXONS p They vanquished the Brytons fiue times and tooke from them the Cities of Glocester Giren-Cester Bathan-Cester and diuers other ●ownes but at last Geaulines sonne and heire Cutwine was slaine by them and he expeld by his brother Cuthas son Ceoli and Cutwolf but his grand child Celrijc succeeded and after him Geolfe that vexed all the neighbour Princes which was slaine by
the South Saxons q With Kingulf his sonne Guicheline christned and ioyntly reigned and dyed and his sonne Guthred reigned no● past 3 or 4 yeares after his father and grandfather whom Kenwalk succeeded that founded the Cathedrall Church and Bishops See of Winchester Kenric A. 526. reigned 25. Ceauline An. 552. R. 33. Cel●ik A. 588. reigned 5. Ceolf sonne of Cutha brother of Ceauline A. 594. R. 14. r Shee founded a Monas●●ry in the I le of Shepey and became a Nunne after Abbe●●e there and in the I le of Ely whither also came her daughter Ermenilda wife sometime to Wolfere King of Mercia Kingulf son of Ceola sonne of Cutha brother of Ceauline A. 603. R. 31. his son Guicheline and his sonne Guthred reign in Kingulfs life time and foure yeares after Kenwalkus son of Kingulf A. 643. R. 30. s The Bryttons confound the stories by falsely supposing this Cedwal●s to be their last King Cadwalladar and so attributing Cedwalla's acts and going to Rome to him Saxburga reig a small time Elkwine Nephew of Kingulf A. 673. R. 2. Kentwine Kingulf Nephew or●eire reigned 9. Cedwalla Nephew to Cutwine Ceauline A. 685. R. 3 yeares and went to Rome Ina a kinsman of Cedwalla's of the line of Cerdic A. 688. reigned 37. Ethelard An. 724. R. 14. Cuthred An. 739. R. 17. Sigebert anno 757. R. 1. Kenulph anno 758 R. 29. t He bulded it for a Colledge but his successor Kenulf turned it to a Cathedrall Church and Bishops See for Ina had diuided the Bishoprike of West-Saxons into two Sees Winchester Shirburne and erected Selsey by Chichester to a Bishops Se● and made Abbot Gadbert Bishop there he gaue to the Monas●●ry of Glastenbury which he erected in ornaments as Censer Ch●●lice Paten Bason and Vessels of gold and siluer for the Altar with a Pall for the same Candlesticks and the Images of Christ and our Lady and the 12. Apostles with other ornaments for the Monks with precious stones inserted to the weight 264 pounds of gold and 2640. pounds of siluer he also made Peter pence to be paid to Rome where he dyed a Votary as his wife at Barkin● Brytricus of the line of Cerdic A. 786. R. 17 * Brytricus of the Bloud-Royall a louer of peace rather then war aduanced to the Crowne marryed Ead●urga daughter to Offa K. of Mercia by whose power hee expelled Egbe●t 〈◊〉 was a petty King among the West Saxons but being poysoned by his wife in detestation of the f●ct the Nobles ordayned that the Kings wiues should not bee called Queenes nor sit with them in 〈◊〉 of Estate she fled into France where shee ●ued leudly and dyed miserably whence Egbert was recalled home Egbert A. 802. R. 37. yeares and 7. moneths * All three Kings or Vsurpers of the East Angles and Mercians Crown● a He fought with ouerthrew the Danes at Carham at Hengisten-doune and the I le Thanet in Kent hee vanquished the Mercians and Bertult at Hellan-dune he subdued the Kentish-men and East Saxons and receiued to his protection the East Angles and Northumbers he brake down the brazen Image of Cadwalline King of the Brittons and commanded the land to bee called Anglia or Engla-lond and not Brytaine he was crowned and buryed hauing reigned 38. yeares at Winchester b This Edict and new ●a●ing the Land by him was about A ... and the ... yeare of his reigne Series Poematis siue historiae Syntaxe●s ratio Prooemio 〈◊〉 inconstantis Fortunae accu●●tione constanti stati● subtexitur Archaiologia siue origo Danorum è Dacia veteri ●uxta Danub●um sitâ vnde in Cymbricam Chersonesum Ind● ad nos transierunt Quibus tamen Angliae Reges vt hic ordine 〈◊〉 restit●runt Egbertus filius Ethelwolfus fortiter profligârunt reliqu● Reges VI Ethelbaldus Ethelbertus Ethel●edus multùm rapinis eorum infestatieos tamen repressunt At sub primis Alfredi temporibus Rebelles reguli Northumbriae Merciae Dacis succumbunt Qui vice illorum regulo● alios substituunt Alfredus ipse quamuis Dacis saepius fusis ac pulso Rollone Neustriae Normannorum ●rimo Duce i● angustias deductus In Somersetiâ latuit donec à S. Cutheberro solatus cohortatus resumptis armis Dacos quoscunque hostes eiecit inter alia ipsius opera magnificentissima Oxonium Academiam inst●tuit Eius soboles Eduardus Senior Elfleda posteà Adelstanus cum Dacis Wallis Scotis alijsque regno in●●diatoribus fortiter ●●liciter praeliatur similiter ●ecêrunt Edmondus Eldredus Reges meritò honoratissimi Edwinum verò infamem sequitur Edgar frater cuius gesta florentissima nisi Q●òd leuioribus nimiùm indu●serit amoribus quae eius intamia est Regem alioqui satis inclytum demonstrârunt Eius filij Eduardus Martyr ●adit Ethelredus Copronymus prophetante S. Dunstano vitijs ignauiâ suâ Angliam miserijs oppletam Dacis Suenone Rege tributariam praestitit at recuperato regno filius Edmondus fraude tamen proditoris Edrici occumbit vnde Canutus Suenonis filius regnat Edmondi puelluli exilio degentes vitam temporis tractu tamen longa post successione ad Angliae Scotiae coronam in suis posteris adspirârunt Ipsi verò Canuto duo ipsius Gnati Haraldus cognomento Harefoot Hardi-Kanutus ac tandem Ethelredi Gnatus Eduardus Confessor dictus succedunt Quo sobole sine decedente Regnum tanquam praedae expositum inter Competitores Edgarum Haraldum Godwini Gnatum Gulielum denuò Conquaestorem dilaniandum discerpendum reliquit cuius Miseriae hypotyposis ad sequent●m Odam fit quasi Metabasis Synchronismus siue computatio Annorum Supplementum Historiae * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or the transmigration of soules from one body to another and sometimes of diuers and strange kinds as of the soules of men into Apes Swine c. for punishment among the various changes of things wa● the doctrine of the Pythagorians * Pythagoras ●is saying Hirene the Empresse A Christi 800. Egbert A. 802. reign 37. yeares * The originall of the Daci o● Danes now Dani their Country being called Dac●a or Dania Trajanus anno 100. b The old Daci of Dacia by Ister or Donow opprest and expulst by the Romans and Huns were faine to seeke new seates about Cymbrica Chersonesus and the Baltique Ocean whence Marius expeld the Cymbrians c Sinus Codanus being all that Sea and Gulfe bordcring the now Dania or Denmarke vide Ortelium * The whole Land being then newly by his Edict called Anglia or Engla-lond of the Angles or English of whose stocke the King was The latter end of Egberts reigne hee being t●●n King of all England who began A. Christi 802. and R. 37. was ● 838. and 839. And from Hengists comming 390. years who came about the 450. yeare of Christ. * He was Bishop of Winchester saith Iohn B●ompton Abbo● of Ia●uaux at Rome●e ●e repay●ed the English Schoole founded by Offa King of Mercia
seditious Preacher called William with the Beard also Hubert Archbishop of Cant. chiefe Iu●●ice Vice-Roy and Lieutenant in the kings absence set peace amongst the Welshmen being at variance among themselues and vanquished them after when they did rebell K. Iohn though not right heire was el●cted and crowned by Hubert Arc●h of Cant. 26. May 1199. who was made Lord Chacellor of Englād though in king Richards life time he had both resisted the tyrāny of the now king excōmunicated him and preferred the title of Arthur Geofreyes son K. Iohn died the 19. of Octob. 1216 hauing reigned 17. y. and 5. m. lacking 8. dayes K. Iohn had continuall warres with either the French or Emperor or his Barons at home partly for their liberties and Saint Edwards Lawes and partly other priuate 〈◊〉 he had warres in Scotland and with his son in law Leoline of Wales he dyed in the heate of the warres the K. of France hauing taken vp 〈◊〉 a second time in the Barons behalfe and Lewes the Dolphin being then come ouer into England * But King Iohn soone got his nephew Arthur that had espoused the King of Frances daughter and was right 〈◊〉 to the Crowne into his hands and murdred him p The Bishop's William of London 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 and Malgor of Winchester executing the Popes 〈…〉 vpon the Realme it came that the dead were buried in 〈◊〉 and corners bylaymen like dogs King Iohn then seised the Abbeyes and Ecclesiasticall liuings and put them in Laymens hands Pope Innocent then absolued all Princes and others from subiection to King Iohn incited the King of France and Dolphin to seize England as they did all beyond the Seas and his Nobles and the Welshmen conspiring against him hee was forced to call home diuers exiled Bishops recall diuers vniust lawes and put Saint Edwards lawes in execution Pandulph the Legate chiefe actor herein to 〈◊〉 in the Popes behalfe he resigned the Crowne King Iohns 3. daughters were Isabel wed to the Emperour Frederike Iohan espoused Leoline Prince of Wales Ianc espoused Alexander King of Scots h And among others Maud tbe Faire daughter of Robert Fitz-Walter who not consenting to his vnlawfull loue was by him poysoned where shee was buried at Dunmow i As it is said by a Monke in Swynstead Abbey yet hee had founded the Abbey of Beauly in Hampshire the Monasteries of Farenden of Hales Owen in Shropshire hee redified Godstow Wroxhall and the Chappell of Snaris borough Henry the third borne at Winchester King Iohns eldest son but 9. yeares of age beganne his reigne 19. Octob. A. 1216. crowned at Glocester by Peter Bishop of Winchester Ioseline Bishop of Bath in presence of Walo the Popes Legate 28. Octob. 1216. and after peace concluded with the Barons by Stephen Langton Archbishop of Canterbury at Westminster on Whitsonday A. 1219. he dyed 16. Nouemb. 1272. hauing liued 65. yeares and 28. dayes * Gualo the Popes Legate the Bishop of Winchester and William Marshall Earle of Pembroke being Protectors of the Realme and Kings person so wrought that the Barons were quieted Lewes the Dolphin departed and things setied in peace of this William Marshall is read this Epitaph in his honour Sum quem Saturnum sib● sensit Hybornia Solem Anglia Mercurium N●rm●nnia Gallia Martem towards the end of his reign the Parons taking vp armes againe Symon Montfort Earle of Leister Gilbert de Clare principall actors therein vnder pretext of the Acts of the Parliament called The mad Parliament of Oxford A. 1258. to the ruine of many of the Nobilitie but the warre was ended partly by the battell of Euesham partly by Legate Othobone and the Acts of the Mad Parliament repealed at Winchester 1265. A 1268. was the Parliament of Marleborow and the Statutes enacted called Of Marlebrige k He builded the Hospitall of Saint Iohns in Oxford a house and Church for Conuerts of Iewes and Pagans in London the Chappell at Westminster whither Saint Edwards the Confessors bo●es were translated out of the Quire by him and himselfe buried Edward the first surnamed Longshanks being in the parts beyond the Seas towards Ierusalem beganne his reigne 16. Nouemb 1272. and came into England was crowned at Westminster by Rob. Kilwarby Archbishop of Cant. 15. August 1274. he dyed 7. Iuly 1307. R. 34. y. 7. m. odde dayes * And called Edward of Carnaruan for the Welshmen after Leolines death earnest with the King for a Prince of their owne Countrimen the King told them they should haue a Prince there borne that could speake no E●glish which they contented with he named his ●fant Sonne who of this policy the Queene being brought to Carnaruan was borne there hee diuided Wales incorporated into England into Shires and Hundreds A. 1292. 18. Nouemb Alex. K. of Scots being dead without issue the K. of England as Lord Paramount hauing heard all the titles and claymes of the 12 Competitors as beires to the Crowne of Scotland adiudged the Crowne to To. Baliol of whom he tooke homage who rebelling K. Edward entring Scotland and Edenborow tooke all the regall ensignes and offered the Chaire Crowne and Scepter of the Scottish King to Saint Edward at Westminster a To whom the King gaue Mannors and Signio●tes with great liberties throughout all parts euen to the farthest end of all Scotlād whence tooke roote there many English customes and names b By ●●ianor of Spaine he had Prince Edward and foure other sonnes and 10. daughters for this Qucenes sake were builded the Crosses of Cheapside and Charing-crosse and diuers others as all the places where her Herse rested being brought from Lincolne where shee dyed in the Kings iourney to Scotland to Westm. By Margret the K. of Frances daughter he ha●● two sonnes and one daughter Edward the second named of Carnaruan began 7. Iuly 1307. deposed 25. Ianuary 1326. R. 19. y. 6. moneths and odde dayes * Daughter to Philip le Beau and heire to France all her brothers being dead without issue c For their insolencies the Barons tooke vp armes against him but he was by the Queene at last and Mortimer her Minion deposed and most lamentably vsed and murdred at Barkley Castle on 5. Matthews day 21. Septemb. 1327 then buried at Gloster Edward the third borne at Windso e began 25. Ian. 1326 and crowned at Westminster by Walter Reginalds Archbishop of Cant. 1. Feb. next in his fathers life time he dyed at Sheene now Richmond 21. Iune 1377. hauing reigned 50. yeares 4. months and odde dayes Edward Baliol was crowned K. of Scots 27. Septemb. 1332. there were then slaine at Halidon of the Scots 8. Earles 1300. horsemen and of common Souldiers 35000. * Causing him to bee condemned by his Peeres but neuer brought to his answere like as hec before had serued diuers others d Among others this rime is said to bee cast abroad by the Scots about that time Long beara●s heartlesse Painted bo●ds witlesse Gay coates gracelesse Makes England
thriftlesse e Edward the third his mother daughter to Philip le Bel sister to Charles the fift and Lewes Hutin whose heire she was they dying without issue f 〈◊〉 was daughter to 〈…〉 of Henault 〈…〉 Philip de Valo●s who new vsurped France against Edward the third 〈◊〉 his mother 〈…〉 title g The Flemings●●●●tted ●●●●tted themselues to the King of Englands obeys●●● and 〈…〉 the Earle three times and King Edward was 〈◊〉 of the Empire 1339. clected also 〈◊〉 Emperor 13●● 〈…〉 h Oyly-flame was 〈…〉 the French KIng 〈…〉 ●sying No mery but vpon 〈◊〉 of death of prisoner● to the 〈◊〉 against this the King of England 〈◊〉 his Banner of the D●agon noting 〈◊〉 i With the Kings of Maiork and Beme sell the Archbishop Zanximus the Bishop of Noyoune the Dakes of 〈◊〉 and Burbon the Earles of Alenson Ha●ecourt Aumarle Sauoy Noy● Mont byliard Niuers and Franders the Grand Prior and 4000. men of armes besi●es that innumerable multitude of the commons k At the battell of Durham or Neuils Crosse William de la Zouch Archbishop of Yorke vicegerent for the King in the Marches giuing him battell the said Dauid King of Scots was taken by Iohn Copland Esquire and so sent to the Tower where he remayned many yeares l In this battell of Poytew were slaine the Dukes of Burbon Dafines the Marshall of France and many Lords and taken prisoners the King and his sonne Philip the Dolphin the Archbishop of Senon the Earles of Pontue Ewe Longvile Tankeruill Daa●tet Vendadour Vindome Wademont Slancer Iuyney Don-Martin Sa●so Selabrase Viscounts Nerbon and Belemont and many Lords who were by the Prince brought prisoners into England in triumph the King of France was lodged in the Sauoy and all the Kings and Princes the King and Prince of England the captiue kings of France and Scotland the Dolphin and king of Cyprus with many of the Nobilitie were sumptuously entertayned and feasted by Henry Pyeard Vintner Maior of London * Being inuaded by the Kings of England and Nauarre m Hee was expelled by Henry his bastard brother but being restored by Prince Edward hee was shortly after treacherously murdred the two daughters of the said King Peter were after married to Iohn Duke of Lancaster and Edmond Earle of Cambridge the King of Englands sonnes Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster who married the elder sister Constance wrote himselfe King of Castile and challenged it and aided the King of Portugal aga●nst bastard Henry but receiuing a large summe of money gaue his daughter in marriage to the said King and quitted all claime to his kingdome A. 1350. was celebrated the first feast of S. George at Windsore A. 1376. the Prince dyed n The King of France was to deliuer the lands of Gascoigne Guienne Poyt●ers Limosin Balei●le Exante● Galaice Guisnes freely to the King of England and three millions of Florences for his ransome Dauid king of Scots was to pay 100000 marks in ten yeares next following his release o Violentis her name the sumptuousnesse of which marriage whereat Francis Petrach was present and the magnificence seeming to equall if not surpasse the state of the greatest and wealthiest Princes p Of Henry the bastard q Hee was a great enemy to the Bishops City and Clergy bolstering Wicklife against his Ordinary the Bishop of London with such intolency that had not the Bishop requiting euill with good entreated the Citizens in his behalfe they would haue slaine him at his Palace of the Sauoy a Hee instituted the most noble Order of the Garter and round Table at Wi●dsore on Saint Georges day A. 1350. kept the first Saint Georges feast with the beginning of that institution of Knighthood the King of Frace in imitation of him then began a like order of round Table to keepe the noble men of Italy Spaine from the King of Englands but with no successe He almost new built the said Castle of Windsore to the eight Channons there hee added a Deane and fifteene more and 24. Knights he builded the new Abbey by the Tower of white Monks and one for Nunnes at Dertfort in Kent and Kings Hall in Cambridge and Maison de Dieu an Hospitall in Callaice and augmented Saint Steuens Chappell in Westminster giuing it more 500. pounds per annum Edward the third his issue were Edward the black Prince William of Hatfield Lionel Duke of Clarence Iohn of Gaunt William of Windsore Thomas of Woodstock Isabel Ioan Queen of Spain Blanch Mary and Margaret Richard borne at Burdeaux began 21. Iunij 1377. crowned at Westminster by Simon Sudbury Archbishop of Canterbury the 16. of Iuly next what time he made foure Earles and nine Knights he was deposed 29. September 1399. hauing reigned 22. yeares 3. moneths and odde dayes he was murdred at Pomfret 14. Februarij following buried at Langley by Saint Albons and after remoued by Henry the fift to Westminster * Shee is said to haue beene the first bringer in of many strange attyres for women and also the vse of side-saddles and Gownes with long traynes b Wat Tyler the master of the Kentish rebells was slaine with a dagger by William Walworth Maior of London close by the Kings side in the Kings defence who was therefore knighted and the City since giueth for armes the Dagger at that time Iohn Litistar a rebell in Norwich and his crew were dispersed by the Bishop of Norwich Henry Spensers valour the like rebellion in other parts of Norfolke and Suffolke with their Captayn a Priest one Iohn Wraw who intended to kill all Gentlemen Lords knights Bishops and began with the arch-Bish Abbots and all the Orders of religious sauing begging Fryers together with the King himselfe and especially the Lawyers whom they termed the Oppressors of the poore but they were not without great adoe and much bloud-shed suppressed c The Irish are said to haue much honoured and admired the memory and armes of Saint Edward the Confessor which were a crosse Paton Gold and Gules with foure white Martellets insomuch that foure of the Irish Kings came and voluntarily submitted Henry the fourth borne at Bolingbrooke sonne of Iohn of Gaunt fourth sonne of Edward the third began 29. September 1399. crowned at Westminster by Thomas Arundale Archbishop of Canterbury 13. October prox he dyed 20. Martij 1412. hauing reigned 13. yeares 6. moneths lacking 10. dayes r This Kings reigne was full of tumults and troubles among which that of Owen Glendor Henry Hotspur of the North were not the least Owen called of the place where he dwelt Glen being a Vale Dour Water or the Riuer of Dew in the Par●st of Corwen in Me●onethshire hauing maried his daughter to the Earle of March who had title to the Crowne Westm. by Tho. Arundale archbishop of Cant. 13. Octob. prox he died 20. Martij 1412. hauing reig 13. y. 6. m. lacking 10. daies Henr. 4. his issue were Henr. 5. Thom. Duke of Clar●ce Iohn Duke of Bedford Humfrey