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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A33307 England's remembrancer a true and full narrative of those two never to be forgotten deliverances : one from the Spanish invasion in 88, the other from the hellish Powder Plot, November 5, 1605 : whereunto is added the like narrative of that signal judgment of God upon the papists by the fall of the house in Black-Fryers London upon their fifth of November, 1623 / collected for the information and benefit of each family by Sam. Clark. Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. 1677 (1677) Wing C4512; ESTC R24835 49,793 136

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the four Gallions of Portugal but one of the ninety one Callions and great Hulks from divers Provinces only thirty three returned fifty eight being lost In brief they lost in this Voyage eighty one Vessels thirteen thousand five hundred and odd Souldiers Prisoners taken in England Ireland and the Low-Countries were above two thousand Amongst those in England Don Pedro de Valdez Don Vasques de Silva and Don Alonzo de Saies and others were kept for their ransome In Ireland Don Alonzo de Luzon Roderigo de Lasse and others of great account In Zeland was Don Diego Piementelli To be brief there was no famous or noble family in all Spain which in this expedition lost not a Son Brother or Kinsman And thus this Armado which had been so many years in preparing and rigging with such vast expence was in one month many times assaulted and at length wholly defeated with the slaughter of so many of her men not one hundred of the English being lacking nor one small Ship of theirs taken or lost save only that of Cocks and having traversed round about all Britain by Scotland the Orcades and Ireland most grievously tossed and very much distressed and wasted by stormes wracks and all kinds of misery at length came lamely home with perpetual dishonour whereupon Medals were stamped in memory thereof A Fleet flying with full Sailes with this inscription Venit vidit fugit It came it saw it fled Others in honour of our Queen with flaming Ships and a Fleet in a great confusion and this Motto Dux foemina facti A Woman was Conductor of the fact In the aforementioned wracks above seven hundred Souldiers and Sailors were cast on land in Scotland who upon the intercession of the Prince of Parma to the King of Scots and by the permission of Queen Elizabeth were after a years time sent over into the Low-Countries But more unmercifully were those miserable wretches dealt withal whose hap was to be driven by tempest into Ireland Some of them being slain by the wild Irish their old friends and others of them being put to death by the command of the Lord Deputy For he fearing lest they might join with the Irish to disturb the peace of the Nation commanded Bingham Governour of Connaught to destroy them but he refusing to deal so rigorously with those that had yielded themselves He sent Fowle Deputy-Marshal who drew them out of their lurking holes and cut off the heads of above two hundred of them which fact the Queen from her heart condemned and abhorred as a fact of too great cruelty The remainder of them being terrified herewith sick and starven as they were committed themselves to Sea in their shattered Vessels and were many of them swallowed up by the Waves The Spaniards charged the whole fault of their overthrow upon the Prince of Parma as if in favour to our Queen he had wilfully and artificially delayed his coming to them But this was but an invention and pretention given out by them partly upon a Spanish Envy against that Prince he being an Italian and his Son a Competitor to the Kingdom of Portugal But chiefly to save the scorn and monstrous disreputation which they and their Nation received by the success of that enterprise Therefore their colours and excuses forsooth were That their General by Sea had a limited Commission not to fight till the Land Forces were come in to them and that the Prince of Parma had particular reaches and ends of his own to cross the designe But it was both a strange Commission and a strange Obedience to a Commission for men in the midst of their own blood and being so furiously assailed to hold their hands contrary to the Laws of Nature and necessity And as for the Prince of Parma he was reasonably well tempted to be true to that enterprise by no less promise than to be made a Feudatory or Beneficiary King of England under the Seignory in chief of the Pope and the protection of the King of Spain Besides it appeared that the Prince of Parma held his place long after of the Government of the Netherlands in the favour and trust of the King of Spain and by the great imployments and services that he performed in France It is also manifest that this Prince did his best to come down and put to Sea The truth was that the Spanish Navy upon those proofs of Fight which they had with the English finding how much hurt they received and how little hurt they did by reason of the activity and low building of our Ships and skill of Seamen and being also commanded by a General of small courage and experience and having lost at first two of their bravest Commanders at Sea Pedro de Valdez and Michael de Oquendo durst not put it to a Battel at Sea but set up their rest wholly upon the Land enterprise On the other side the transportation of the Land Forces failed in the very foundation For whereas the Council of Spain made full account that their Navy should be Master of the Sea and therefore able to guard and protect the Vessels of Transportation When it fell out to the contrary that the great Navy was distressed and had enough to do to save it self and that their Land Forces were impounded by the Hollanders Things I say being in this state it came to pass that the Prince of Parma must have flown if he would have come into England for he could get neither Bark nor Mariner to put to Sea Yet certain it is that the Prince looked for the coming back of the Armado even at that time when they were wandring and making their perambulation upon the Northern Seas Queen Elizabeth lying one night in her Army at Tilbury the old Lord Treasurer Burleigh came thither and delivered to the Earl of Leicester the Examination of Don Pedro who was taken and brought into England by Sir Francis Drake which examination the Earl delivered unto me saith Dr Sharp mine Author that I might publish it to the Army in my next Sermon The sum of it was this Don Pedro being asked by some of the Lords of the Privy Council what was the intent of their coming stoutly answered the Lords what but to subdue your Nation and to root it out Good said the Lords what then meant you to do with the Catholicks we meant said he to have sent them good men directly to Heaven as all you that are Hereticks to Hell Yea but said the Lords what meant you to do with your whips of Cord and Wier whereof you have such great store in your Ships what said he we meant to whip you Hereticks to Death that have assisted my Masters Rebels and done such dishonour to our Catholick King and People Yea but what would you have done said they with their young Children They said he which were above seven years old should have gone the same way that their Fathers went the rest should have lived
past the Syllies and thence also were forced by the Tempest to return into their former Harbour to refresh their Ships and Companies only some of their Scouts at Sea descried some of the Spanish Ships which likewise had been dispersed with the storm but before the English could come near them the wind veering about carryed them back to the Groine where the rest of their Fleet lay in Harbour Intelligence being brought that the Spaniards were in want their great Ships dispersed and the rest sorely shaken with the storm and their men dying by multitudes of the Pestilence the Lord Admiral Howard intended with the first Northerly wind to take advantage which coming about upon the eighth of July he lanched forth and bore his Sails almost within the sight of Spain purposing to surprise their weather-beaten Ships and to fight them upon their own Coast. But then the wind suddenly changing into the South and he wisely foreseeing that the Enemy might pass by without his discovery that the Seas might be stormy or his Fleet wind-bound and that whilst he thus lay abroad his service might be more necessary at home and that his work was to defend the Coasts of England he therefore presently returned and Anchored his Fleet in the Haven at Plimouth suffering his men to refresh themselves upon the Land At the same time there came more confident advertisement though false not only to the Lord Admiral but to the Court that the Spanish Fleet could not possibly come forth again that year upon which reports a dangerous matter in State affairs so confident was our Queen that She sent for four of her biggest Royal Ships to be brought back to Chattam But the Lord Admiral suspecting the worst by a mild and moderate answer retarded it desiring that nothing might be lightly believed in so weighty a matter and that he might retain them though at his own charge Wherein indeed a special providence of God did appear for just at that time news was brought to the Lord Admiral by one Captain Thomas Flemming that the Spanish Fleet was entred into the British Seas commonly called the Channel and was seen near unto the Lizard-point which came thus to pass The Spanish Ships being new rigged and their wants supplyed their King still hot on his former resolutions instantly urged and hastened his Commanders to put forth again to Sea which accordingly they did upon the eleventh of July with the same South wind which as was said before brought back our Navy into Plimouth and so having a more favourable Gale with brave shews and full Sails they entred our Channel where casting Anchor they dispatched certain small Pinnaces to the Prince of Parma to signifie their arrival and readiness and to command him in the name of their King to forward his charge for that service July the twentieth about noon this terrible Fleet was descried by the English coming forward amain with a South-west wind It was a kind of surprise For that as was said many of our men were gone to land and our Ships ready to depart Nevertheless our undaunted Admiral towed forth such Ships as he could get in readiness into the deep Sea not without great difficulty certainly with singular diligence and admirable alacrity of our Mariners cheered up with the Admirals own presence and assistance among them at their halserwork the wind blowing strongly into the Haven When they were forth they saw the Spanish Ships with lofty Towers like Castles in front like an half-moon the horns whereof stretched forth in breadth about seven miles sayling as it were with labour to the winds the Ocean groaning under them so that though with full sails yet they came but slowly forward They seemed as it were to make for Plymouth but whether their Commission was otherwise or because contrary to their expectation they saw the English Ships out of the Harbour they steered by towards Calice hoping to meet with the Prince of Parma the English willingly suffered them to pass by that they might the more commodiously chase them in the Reer with a fore-right wind July the twenty first the Lord Admiral of England sent before him a Pinnace called the Defiance to denounce War by discharging her Ordnance himself following in the Ark-Royal set upon the Admiral as he thought of the Spaniards but it proved to be Leva's Ship where fire smoke and loud thundring Cannons began the parley and rending Bullets most freely enterchanged betwixt them were fiery Messengers of each others minds Soon after came up Drake Hawkins and Forbusher playing with their Ordnance upon the hindmost Squadron of the Enemies which was commanded by Rechalde who laboured all he could to stay his Men from flying for shelter to the Fleet till his own Ship being much battered with shot and now grown unserviceable was with much difficulty drawn into the main Fleet. At which time the Duke of Medina gathered together his whole Fleet scattered here and there by the English and hoising more Sail kept on his intended course toward Callice neither indeed could he do otherwise the wind favouring the English and himself finding the inconvenience of their great and high built Ships powerful to defend but not to offend to stand but not to move whereas on the contrary their enemies were nimble and ready on all sides to annoy them and as apt to escape harms themselves being low built and so easily shot over Hereupon he caused them to gather themselves up close in the form of an half-moon and to slacken their Sails that their whole Fleet might keep together But our English Admiral having maintained an hot fight for the space of two hours thought not good to continue it any longer thirty of his Ships scarce coming to the work the rest being as yet scarce gotten out of the Harbour In this first days fight the Saint Katherine a Spanish Ship having been sorely battered and much torn was taken into the middest of their Fleet to be repaired And an huge Ship of Biscaie of Don Oquendoes in which was a great part of the Kings treasure began to be all in a Flame by force of Gunpowder which was fired on purpose by a Flemish Gunner for being misused by them But the fire was soon quenched by the assistance of some other Ships sent in to her help All this while the Spaniards for want of Courage which they called Commission did what they could to decline the Fight casting themselves continually into Roundels their strongest Ships walling in the rest in which posture they made a flying march towards Callice yet in the former medly a great Gallion wherein was Don Pedro de Valdez Vasques de Silva Alenzo de Saias with other Noble men being sore battered with the English shot in avoyding whereof she fell foul upon another Ship and ere she could be cleared had her Fore-mast broken off which so hindred her Sailing that she was unable to keep way with the rest of the Fleet nor