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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12830 A geographicall and anthologicall description of all the empires and kingdomes, both of continent and ilands in this terrestriall globe Relating their scituations, manners, customes, prouinces, and gouernements. Stafford, Robert, 1588-1618. 1607 (1607) STC 23135; ESTC S117770 38,734 82

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Countrey of the great Physitian Hypocrates And the last of any note is Pathmos the Iland where Saint Iohn liued in banishment and in which there is a dead hand the nailes of it still growing which as the Grecians say was the hand of Saint Iohn But the Turkes affirme it to be the hand of one of their Prophets CHAP. V. Of Africa HItherto haue I remained within the cōfines of Europe now succeedeth Africa 1 Africa so called in Greeke of a Bounds phrica a place without coldnesse is limited on the West with the Atlanticke Ocean on the North with Mare Mediterraneum and on the South with the Aethyopicke waues and on the East with the Red Sea 2 This great part of the world is for the most part Qualitie full of Desarts very dry and sandy hauing few Riuers which is a great occasion that some parts are not habitable It is also full of all strange beastes as Elephants Lions Leopards Hyppopotomos Crocadiles and such like which caused this saying of Plinie Africa aliquid semper opportat Noui. 3 The inhabitants of it are generally very blacke of Inhabitāts countenance rude barbarous and of vnciuil behauiour addicted to all sorts of religion of Gentiles Iewes Turkes Christians and such like 4 The famous Riuers of this part are first Nilus which Riuers springeth out of the Mountaines of the Moone as Ptollomie affirmes but as Heroditus sayes out of a Lake called Strabo The other riuers are Niger Fluuius Senega Cambra Naire Cuama and Spiritus sancti There is another Mountaine in Africa called the Mountaine Atlas from whence as Hondius writeth in his Mappes most of the Riuers haue their beginning The chiefe parts of Africa are seuen Barbarie vnder Diuision which is comprehended Mauritania Tingitana and Caesariensis Ptolamt Numedia or Benedulgerid Libia or Sarra Terra Nigritarum Aethtopia superior or the kingdome of the Abisines Aethiopia inferior and Aegypt OF BARBARIE 1 BArbarie is enuironed on the West with the Atlanlanticke Bounds Sea on the North with Mare Mediterraneum on the South with the great Mountaine Atlas and on the East with Aegypt 2 This Region doth abound with Oranges Dates Qualitis Oliues Figges and a certain kind of Goate whose haire doth make a stuffe as fine as silke 3 The inhabitants of this countrey are very faithfull Inhabitants in their promises ambitious greedy of wealth and most iealous of their wiues 4 The chiefe Prouinces of this great kingdome are Prouinces Morocco Fez Tremisen Tunis Barca Marmarica 5 Morocco wherin the chiefe citie is Morocco the people of which doth alwaies keepe their beards shaued before they be married There is also in this Prouince the mountaine Halemo in which there is so much gold that the inhabitants are at continuall strife for it 6 The next Prouince is Fez the chiefe Metropolitan citie of which is called Fez beeing of a wonderfull greatnes hauing in it 700. churches one among the rest being of a mile halfe in compasse In this citie are also two Colledges wherein liue many Schollers 7 The next prouince is Tremisen whose Metropolitan citie is Tremisen in it is also Algera a great receptacle for Pirats 8 The next is Tunis in which is Bona where S. Agustine was Bishop and Hippo where he was borne The chiefe and Metropolitan city is Tunis not farre from the ruines of old Carthage 9 The last Prouince is Barca Marmarica full of great sandy places and in which Ilands is the Temple of Iupiter Hammon 10 This Kingdome of Barbarie is a distracted gouernment Gouernment Fez and Morocco being vnder the Xeriffe and the other Prouinces vnder the Turkes OF NVMIDIA 1 NVmidia is bounded on the West with Mare Atlanticum Bounds on the North with the Mountaine Atlas on the East with Aegypt and on the South with the Desarts of Libia 2 This countrey hath in it great plenty of Dates and Qualitie the ayre is so holesome that it admitteth neither Poxe nor Plague in it but cureth any one that hath it 3 The inhabitants are oftentimes blinded by reason Inhabitants of the vnreasonable store of sand which is there much of it being carried and blowed with the winde They are also much addicted vnto Poetry 4 The gouernment of this Region is not vnder any Gouernment sole King but subiect vnto many free Gouernors Of Libia or Sarra 1 LIbia is limited on the West with Gualata on the East Bounds with Gaoga on the North with Numidia and on the South with the kingdome of the Negroes 2 The inhabitants of this countrey are base minded Inhabitants ill nurturde and great theeues they liue not subiect vnto any lawes In this place were two of the Sybils who prophesied of the comming of Christ 3 This kingdome is ful of Desarts of which the chief are Zanaga Zueziga Tarsa Lempia and Berdoa Of the Kingdome of the Nigers 1 THe Kingdome of the Nigers is bounded on the Bounds West with the Atlanticke Sea on the East with the Kingdome of the Abissines on the South with Manicongo and on the North with Libia 2 The inhabitants of this Countrey are most barbarous Inhabitants people Gentiles and free from the Plague or Poxe 3 In this great and large kingdome there are twentie Prouinces fiue Prouinces among which these things are chiefly to be noted First is the Riuer Niger which with a great invndation encreasing from the 15. of Iune vntill 40. daies after doth ouerflow a great part of the land and in the like time it doth decrease againe The next is the kingdome of Canaga wherein the King hath no certaine reuenewes but onely what his Nobles giue him The next is Tombutum where the king doth entertain a great company of learned men and where inhabitants doe spend their time in dauncing and singing The last is Bornaum where the people haue neither proper names children nor wiues 4 This great Kingdome of the Nigers is gouerned by foure Kings the King of Tombutum Bornum Goaga and Gouernment the King of Gualatum Of the Kingdome of the Abissines 1 THe Kingdome of the Abissines is limited on the North with Aegypt on the South with the Mountaines Bounds of the Moone on the East with the Red Sea and on the West with Manicongo and the Kingdome of the Nigers 2 This countrey is chiefly inricht with Oranges Lemons Qualitie and Citrens which grow of themselues There is also great store of Barley Suger and Hony 3 The inhabitants of this Nation are generally vnlearned Inhabitants base idle the better sort of them attyring themselues in the skinnes of Lions Tigres and Linces They feare a Smith as much as a Diuell and at meate neuer vse a table cloth nor napkin They alwayes in any matter sweare by the life of the King whome they neuer see but thrise in a yeare which is on Christmas Easter and Holy-Rood day They
it bee Horses The chiefe Citie in it is Bisnagar in which the people when they dye are burned and if they were marryed their wiues doe come and leape into the fire willing to dye with them 11 The last is the Kingdome of Delly in which the Delly chiefe and Metropolitane Citie is Delly where the great Mogor doth alwayes keepe his Court. 12 The gouernment of all these Kingdomes are vnder Gouernment the great Mogor vnlesse it be Narsinga and Calicute which haue free Princes Of India without Ganges 13 INdia extra Gangem is limited on the West with Sinus Limits Bengala and the Riuer Ganges on the South with the maine Sea on the East with part of China and the East Sea and on the North with part of the Mountaine Taurus 14 The chiefe Prouinces of this part of the Indies are Prouinces three Pegu Siam and Chauchin china 15 In Pegu there are most beautifull Parrats and great Pegu. store of ciuet Cats The chiefe city is Pegu. 16 In Siam there are many Schooles the inhabitants Siam whereof are great Idolaters worshipping the higher Elements And when any one dyeth with them they will not bury them in the earth but hang them vp in the aire rather wishing the Birdes which are heauenly to eate them then the worms which are earthly to touch them In this Prouince is also Comboia the people of which do thinke themselues and all other men to bee of the same nature that brute beasts are Hondius 17 In Chauchinchina there is great store of gold siluer and Purceline of which the Purceline dishes are made Chauchinchina The inhabitants in many places of this countrey are Anthropophagi or men eaters 18 This part of the Indies was once gouerned by the King of Paga and Siam but now is brought in subiection Gouernment vnto one sole King who is King of Barma keeping his Court in the Citie of Odia in which are contained 200000. Citizens OF CHINA 1 CHina is bounded on the West with India and the riuer Cautan on the South with Chauchinchina on Limits the East with the East Ocean and on the North with a wall of 600. miles in length which defends it from the inuasion of the Tartares 2 This Kingdome is not onely held to bee the chiefe of all Asia but of al the world being so fertil that it doth Qualitie both yeeld what is fitting for humane life and whatsoeuer the delicate and effeminate appetite of man may lust after 3 The inhabitants of it are very witty politicke great Inhabitants Mathematicians conceiuing so well of themselues that they are accustomed to say that themselues haue two eies the people of Europe one the residue of the other Nations none 4 Vnder this great kingdome are comprehended 15. Prouinces the least of which exceeds in largenesse the greatest in Europe and in them are contained 70. Kinges which are all subiect vnto the King of China The inhabitants are so many also that they exceede the number of 70000000. And the cities and townes stand so thicke that the whole kingdome seemeth as one mighty citie 5 The chiefe thinges which are to bee obserued in these Prouinces are first that there are some of the inhabitants which dwell in houses vpon the Sea buying selling and keeping market as they doe in any towne And in many plaines they haue houses running vpon wheels with sayles at the top of them that when they will go vnto any place they tarry onely for a winde to driue them There is also in this Kingdome the great City of Quinzay whose circuit is 100. miles hauing in it 1600000. inhabitants and 12000. stone bridges among which there are some so high that a great Shippe with top-saile may passe vnder them In the middle of this Citie there is a Lake thirtie miles in compasse in which there are two goodly Ilands Some put this Citie in Tartarie some in China others in the confines of both but wheresoeuer it is it is much ruinated since the time of Paulus Venetius who maketh a full description of it 6 This great kingdome is gouerned by one sole king Gouernment who is called of his subiects the Lord of the world the sonne of the shining Sunne CHAP. VIII Of the Ilands in Asia THus farre haue I rashly run ouer the Continent of Asia now therefore will I linke vnto it the description of the Ilands belonging thereunto 1 The Asian Ilands are diuided into those in the Mediterranean Sea and those which are in the Indian Ocean Of the Ilands in the Mediterranean Sea 2 THe chiefe Ilands in the Mediterranean Sea are only Diuision two Rodes and Cyprus 3 The Iland Rodes is very famous for many things Rodes but chiefly for three The first is that the Sunne was neuer so maskt with a cloud but that once in a day shee did shine vpon this Iland The second is that the great piller of the Sunne offered by the Gentiles vnto Iupiter stood in this I le made in the forme of a mighty huge man The third last is that the order of the Knights of the Rodes was held in this place 13 The Iland Cyprus is very fuitfull but little famous Cyprus De Insulis In Mari Indico 5 THe chiefe Ilands in the Indian Ocean are Ormus Diuision Zeilan Samatra Aureae Iusulae Borneo Iaua Maior Iaua Minor Iapan the Molucco and the Philippian Ilands 6 Ormus is of it selfe a kingdome and commaundeth Ormus most part of the Persian gulfe it is exceeding barren but the Citie Ormus in which the Portugals doe hold a strong Castle is so faire and full of trade that they say there if the world were a ring Ormus ought to bee the stone thereof 7 The Ile Zeilan is seated in Sinus Bengala in which Zeilan there are Fieldes whose grasse continually groweth and Trees that are laden with fruit all the yeare long Insomuch that some did thinke that this was the place where Paradise stood This Iland is subiect vnto the Mogor notwithstanding the Portugalls doe hold a strong Castle in it 8 The Iland Samatra lyeth directly vnder the Aequator Samatra hauing in it a Fountaine which sendeth foorth water that if it bee put into fire doth not quench it but makes it burne more vehemently In it is also a Mountaine which sendeth foorth continuall flames of fire The inhabitants of this Iland are Anthropophagi 9 In Iaua Maior the inhabitants are excellent Seamen Iaua Maior great Pirats which acknowledge Mahumet and liue vpon Cats and Mise Yet this Iland for the extraordinarie fruitfulnesse of it was called by Scaliger the Compendium of the world 10 In Iaua Minor little is worth the noting onely that Iaua Minor it doth flourish with Spices 11 In the Iland Iapan the inhabitants are very superstitious Iapan and great Idolaters washing their children so soone as they bee borne
neuer baptise their children before the fortieth day and also circumcise both men and women 4 This great Kingdome is gouerned by Prester Iohn Gouernment who hath vnder him 70. Kings and whose colour is white his subiects being all blacke He draweth his pedigree from Melecke the sonne of Salamon and Queene of the South Of Ethiopia inferiour 1 EThiopia inferior is euery where begirt with the Sea Bounds vnlesse it be towards the North where it is bounded from Ethiopia superior with the Mountaines of the Moone 2 The inhabitants of this Country are very Sauage Inhabitāts cruell and for the most part great Idolaters so much cōtemning Christianitie that in the Prouince of Douos no man can marry vntill he hath killed twelue Christians 3 The Prouinces of this Region are vnder fiue free Prouinces Gouernment Kngs The king of Zanzibar Monomotapa Manicongo Aiana and Carfraria of all which little can be spoken only that in the Monomotapa there are Amozons which are more valiant then the men and that the King thereof doth keepe for his guard 200. Mastiffe dogges OF AEGYPT 1 EGypt is limited on the West with Barbarie on the Bounds South with Aethiopia superior on the East with the Red Sea or Sinus Arabicus and on the North with Mare Mediterraneum 2 As concerning the fruitfulnesse of this Countrey Qualitie these two verses which follow shall and doe sufficiently make it knowne Terra suis contenta bonis non Indiga Mercis aut Iouis In solo tanta est fiducia Nilo Lucan 3 The inhabitants of this Kingdome are very actiue Inhabitants liberall giuen vnto feasting somewhat superstitious many of them Christians but the greater part Mahumetās 4 The chiefe cities are two the first is Caire once called Cities Memphis neere vnto which stands the Piramides of Aegypt one of the seuen wonders of the worlde The other is Alexandria which was built by Alexander the Great and wherein was the most famous Library of the world This was the place also where Ptolomie tooke all his obseruations 5 In this Kingdome was inuented Astronomie Physicke Inuentions and writing on paper It was called Papirus of the thing which it was made of and in Latine Charta of the place where it was inuented Hond 6 The gouernment of this once famous Region was heretofore vnder Kings whom they commonly called Gouernment Pharoes but now belongeth to the trueth abhorring Turke CHAP. VI. Of the chiefe Ilands in Africa THus much of the continent of Africa now will I knit vnto it the description of the Ilands 1 The Ilands of Africa are diuided into Diuision two parts into those which are in the Atlanticke Sea and into those which are in the Aethiopicke Ocean 2 Those Ilands which are in the Atlantick Sea of note are onely the Canarie Ilands the Gorgades and the Iland of S. Thomas 3 The Canarie or Fortunate Ilands are 7. of which the Canarie chiefe is Madera wherein there is great store of Suger and Canary Wine There is another which is called Tanariffa wherein is a mountaine so high that the inhabitants haue all their fresh water from a cloude that droppeth there very fast hanging about a tree 4 The Gorgades are nine all which are full of Goates Gorgades and subiect vnto the King of Spaine 5 The Iland of Saint Thomas lyeth directly vnder the Aequator it is very plentifull of Suger and a place vnto which the Portugals do much resort Of the Ilands in the Aethiopicke Sea 1 THe Ilands of the Aethiopicke Ocean are but two of Diuision any fame Magdagascar and Zocotara 2 Magdagascar or the Iland of S. Iames is a countrey Magdagascar whose inhabitants are very cruell and barbarous and in which there are great store of Elephants 3 Zocotara is an Iland in which the people are all Zocotara Christians and dwell in Caues and great holes CHAP. VII Of Asia HItherto haue I scorcht my selfe in the heate of Africa now therefore of the temperate Continent of Asia 1 Asia is in euery place begirt with the Sea vnlesse it be towards the Westerne Limits parts where it is limited from Europe with the Riuer Tanais and a line directly drawne vp vnto the Port of Saint Nicholas And from Africa with that Istmus betwixt the Arabick Gulfe and the Mediterranean Sea 2 This part of the world is farre more famous then any other For here was the place where the Monarkes of the Medes Persians Babilonians Assirians flourished Here was the place in which all the actes and monuments of the olde Testament and almost in the new were accomplished And here was and is the place where the Myracles of our Sauiour were done for euer to be celebrated 3 The fruitfulnesse of this great Continent is very Qualitie much for it doth containe within it almost plentie of euery thing 4 The inhabitants of it are generally very wittie for Inhabitants from hence sprang all the Sciences which the Greekes haue learned of the Hebrewes 5 The chiefe Riuers of Asia are Iaxartes Euphrates Tigris Riuers Indus and Ganges 6 Two other things there are in this part worthy to be noted First is the Mountaine Taurus which diuides whole Asia into two parts being in length 5625. miles in breadth 375. Next is Mare Caspium a Sea which hath no entercourse with any part of the Ocean 7 This Asia is diuided into sixe great Gouernements Diuision into that of Moscouia in Asia which I haue before described Into Turcia Asiana Tartarie Persia India China OF TVRCIA ASIANA 1 VNder the Turkes Empire in Asia are comprehended Diuision Natolia or Asia minor Turcomania Syria or Palestina and Arabia OF NATOLIA 2 NAtolia or Asia minor is limited on the West with Limits the Archipelago on the South with the Mediterranean Sea on the East with the Riuer Euphrates and on the North with Pontus Euxinus 3 This Countrey is very fruitfull and temperat but Qualitie by reason of the Turkes tyranny it lyeth very waste and not inhabited For in it may be seene the ruines of 4000. Townes and Cities 4 The inhabitants are most idle lazy and in religion Inhabitants Mahumetans Once they were all Christians for with them were the seuen churches which S. Iohn in his Apochalips did write vnto 5 The chiefe Prouinces of Natolia are 8 Pontus Bithinia Asia propria or Sarrum Licia Pamphilia Galatia Prouinces Cappadocia and Cylicia 6 In Pontus and Bithinia there are two famous cities Pontus Bithinia the one called Nice where the first generall Councell was held the other Chalcedō where the fourth was held These Prouinces were once gouerned by Mithridates who was the first finder out of Metridate 7 In Asia Propria or Sarcum there are many things Asia propria worthy the obseruation as first Phrigia maior of which Midas was King next Phrigia minor