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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68694 An abridgeme[n]t of all the canonical books of the olde Testament written in Sternholds meter by VV. Samuel minister. The names of the books are in the next leaf following. Samuel, William, fl. 1551-1569. 1569 (1569) STC 21690; ESTC S110818 97,894 378

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therfore he fled the land And went to Achis King of Geth in the Philistian land He slue of them in rouing wise and left not one a liue And tolde the king another tale who did his woords beléeue The xxviii chapiter NOw battaile begins betwéen them bothe and Saule to God did speak He had no woord of God again when he his minde did break A woman him raisd as he beléeued Samuel that then was dead Who tolde him plain he should be slain and Dauid set in his stede The xxix chapiter OUt went the heathen by their ranks the Lords did Dauid spie They art of Achis what he was who him extolde on hie But they were fumde and said plainly he would doo them some lack And Achis tolde to Dauid all who early sent him back The xxx chapiter PErished was the town with fire where Dauids wiues did dwel And men and women led away then Dauid axt councel Followe he did and them destroid and home returnd again The spoiles was delt and presentꝭ sent the riches of the slain The xxxi chapiter QUickly fled the Israelites and gaue their foes the féeld Saules sonnes were slain at the same time and Saule him self there kild His harnes and his body bothe they hung them vp on hie His body and his sonnes were burnt their bones layd at a trée ¶ This book the first is doon and past at Saules death it dooth end The second next while it dooth last ye shall haue we intend The second book of Samuel other wise the second of the Kings The first Chapiter A Yung man caried Dauid woord that Saule in féeld was slain For making of a lie to him death had hée for his pain Then Dauid wept and mourned sore for Saule and Ionathas death And sang a song all ful of wo that they had lost their breath The ii chapiter BEgin did Dauid then to reign in Hebron kingd he first And Isboseth by Abners meanes anoint him Israel durst Then twelue twelue so plaid in sporte that one eche other slue Twéen bothe the houses for that part the battail gan to brue The iii. chapiter COmpany with a Concubine made Abner to rebel From Isboseth he yéelded vp to Dauid Israel When he was gone in peace away by Ioab he returnd Who did him kil ful gilefully for whom the king sore mournd The iiii chapiter DAmpt was Israel with their king when Abners death they heard Two of the heads slue Isboseth and had a right reward To Dauid they did bring his head and hoped to haue thank As he that brought Saules death to him so had they for their prank The v. chapiter EChe sides were made now all in one Iuda and Israel And nointed Dauid once again who ruled them ful wel Hierusalem of Iebusites did Dauid win and take And battails twain he wan by might and made his foes to quake The vi chapiter FRom Abinadab thark was fetcht and Ozah God did strike Therfore with Obed it was left whiche made him wel to like When Dauid knew he fetcht it home afore it he did daunce Michol mockt him and for her fée no children was her chaunce The vii chapiter GOd vnto Dauid did deny a house for him to build I shrowded not in Ceder trées but dwelt alwaies in féeld Thy sonne a house shall rear for me and reign for euermore Then Dauid wholy praisd the Lord and thanked him therfore The viii chapiter HOw Dauid vsde his enemies and linde their liues and death The Assirians he did subdue and thousands lost their breath A forren King to him did yéeld and sent him giftꝭ ful great He gaue them all to God and dooth his rulers names repeat The ix ▪ chapiter IN memory came to Dauids minde his vow to Ionathas made Ask he did if any were left that promise might be paid Miphiboseth was found and brought to whom the king gaue land And set him at his bord alway all this he did commaund The x. chapiter KNow ye may of an heathen king towards Dauid euil behaued Iust by their tailes he cut their coats and halfe their beards he shaued With Dauids men this part he playd who did his déeds requite He did him foile with all his power and put his ayd to flight The xi chapiter LUst caused Dauid for to sin with Bethsabe in déed Shée was with childe and then he sent for Vrias with spéed And when he would not lie with her he sent him back again And suche woord sent that he was set in place where he was slain The xii chapiter MAruaylous angry was the Lord with Dauid for this part When he it wist he did repent the déed with all his hart God him forgaue but yet the childe did die for this il thing Then next shée bare him Salomon who afterward was King The xiii chapiter ▪ NOw Thamar was a fair yung maid and Ammon did her lust He faind him sick and had his wil and from him did her thrust Then Absalon her brother déer did stil her from her cry And two yéer after causd him kild and afterward did flée The xiiii chapiter OUer passid was Dauids ●um● and Ioab wrought a ●eat By a woman for Absalon that hame he might him get The king did graunt and home he came but would not yet him sée Procured Ioab spake for him then kist the king and he The xv chapiter PIck so away the peoples hartꝭ from Dauid did his sonne Rebel he did against the king this same was Absalon The King did flée for fear of 〈◊〉 bare footed and did wéep Yet had he spies that wrought for him whose councel they did kéep The xvi chapiter QUietly passed he the hil and Ziva brought him giftꝭ Whom Semei curst and he preferd God in his secreat driftꝭ Then Husai the rebel sarud but he was Dauids spie And Absalon in open sight with Dauids wiues did lie The xvii chapiter REfused was Ahithophel his councel took no place But Husay his woords were liked wel and Dauid knew the cace Then Dauid fled but Ahithophel him self did hang for wo And diuers men brought Dauid food their hunger mooued them so The xviii chapiter SO number Dauid did his men and set them out in ray And charge gaue Dauid for his sonne his life in him to stay But contrary the féeld once wun Ioab did thrust him thorowe When Dauid wist he took on so that ioy was turnd to sorowe The xix chapiter TO stay his sorow Ioab went and brought the king in sight Then did Israel ioy it muche and willed him his right Whole Iuda came as they were wild their king home for to bring And Israel was not wel content for dooing of that thing The xx chapiter UP then rose a rebel again and Seba was his name He mooued Israel to rebel to get him self a fame Besiegd he was in Abel town they had béen all as dead But that a woman found the meanes that cast out was his head The xxi chapiter
gaue a charge that there remaines for ay The xx chapiter WHen woord came of a mightie hoste whole Iuda to destroy He prayers made a Prophet said they should not them anoy ▪ The hoste was slain the spoile was great yet as before he fel Therof being tolde the lines doo lead and of his end doo tel The xxi chapiter AS this King had ended his reign Iehoram had his place His brethern slain he did mar all in going Ahabs race O look his end what blood him wan a Prophet did him chide Troubled w t warres sicknes straunge moste wretchedly he dide The xxii chapiter BEeing without a King they tooke Ahaziahu by name His mothers wil ●e so perfourmd as did bring to him blame Iehu him slue whiche beeing noisd Athalia it heard The kingly stock shée kild to reign but Ioas scaped hard The xxiii chapiter CUnningly is he crowned King Athalia shée is slain Ball is burst his préestꝭ are kild true seruice plaste again The officers set in comely wise the hie préest did this déed The King is séen and set in seat all things did wel procéed The xxiiii chapiter DEny did none but eche did giue the temple to repair The préestꝭ were slack it would not serue the King had godly care Iehoiada dead he fel from faith and Zachari he slue He foild in warres and sick is slain his seruantꝭ were vntrue The xxv chapiter EDom is put now to his flight the traytors eke are kild The King did trust in multitudes he turnd as he was wild He fel from God he was rebukte Amaziahu he hight He mended not his Cittie spoild and kild he was in flight The xxvi chapiter FAln a sléep his heire dooth reign Vsias was his name He reigned wel til pride him took then lost he all his fame To Churche he yed incence to make a Leaper home he went He dwelt alone his sonne did rule to buriall so he went The xxvij chapiter GOd set in place his sonne Iotham who reigned rightfully Saue that to churche he would not go his folke liu'de wickedly The Ammonites he ouercame Golde with wheat they him gaue In peace and rest to graue he went so writ of him ye haue The xxviii chapiter HEire to Iotham was Ahaz King the false way he did take The Assire and the Israel head they made his kingdome shake Yet captains were returnd again his realm was throughly vext The more he felt the woorse he delt a better ruled next The xxjx. chapiter IN royall state Hezekia obtayned now the crown The temple clensd he did erect that was before put down Oblations and sacrifice and offrings that were great So hée and his thus serued God thus setled he his seat The xxx chapiter KNowledge was giuē by letters sent the paske for to be kept Some laught some mockt some came vp thus were the people hept Together as one a fortnight space the paskal Lamb was eaten And if the King had not stept in some had of God béen beaten The xxxi chapiter LOok what became conuerted men was doon as men reuiude They burst their Gods found their préestꝭ who liued of things were tithd Such heaps were giuen that they might wait wholy vpon their charge Their wiues and sonnes were cared for they had all things at large The xxxii chapiter MUltitudes of souldiours came then out of Assur land An Angel did destroy the hoste God took the thing in hand Then Iuda King his hart was great but sicknes did him tame More yéeres he had he liued riche and died in great fame The xxxiii chapiter NOt wel but euil Manasses reignd vntil that he was bound Then prayers he made and did repent and fauour streight he found Restored home he made away the Idols that were vain His sonne rulde il his men him slue and for it were they slain The xxxiiii chapiter OF Iosias how wel he rulde héer now to you is tolde He sought for God and trimd his house his zeale was nothing colde The law was found and he it heard he rent his cote in sunder As he was wild he serued God so did likewise a number The xxxv chapiter PAsseouer was then held and kept Iosias so it bad From Samuels dayes before that time the like had not béen had He néeds would fight with Egipt King yet Necho him forbad So slain he was and buriall made his flock with mourning clad The xxxvi chapiter QUite quenched was the law of God King after King it foild Some were put down some captiue led their temple eke was spoild They warned mockt to Babilon so were they led as shéep At seuentie yéeres they did return so Cirus thought it méet ¶ Thus ended are the Chronicles two books they doo contain The Iewes in one compile them bothe to long we make them twain VVhen Esdras came from Babilon the kingly acts destroyd He pend these writs of breef rehearse no man hath them anoid ¶ The first book of Esdras The first Chapiter AS spoken was by Ieremy so Cirus Persia King Commaunded Iewes home to return all suche as were willing Their vessels eke he did them giue of golde and siluer numbred Fiue thousand were they in their tale and yet therto foure hundred The ii chapiter BEing so wild as thick as Bées the Iewes from thence depart In numbers great to Iuda land they go with all their hart Fiftie thousand not many lesse of soules to Iuda went Zorobabel he was the chéef whom Cirus thither sent The iii. chapiter COme home again into their land the temple ouerthrowne They doo begin to build again the trumpets they are blowne And sacrifice they dayly make the ground woork now is laid Some sing some shout some wéep for ioy eche one is wel apaid The iiii chapiter DIssembling men pretended help to build they were forbid Then letted they all Cirus time the building s●owely yed Darius reignd to whom they writ muche slaundering the Iewes Who writ again and did forbid suche building for to vse The v. chapiter EFtsoones they build so Prophets wild the cause was askt and why They answere made that they had leaue God let them to deny Then wrote their foes vnto the King the woork they did detest What Cirus wild that would they doo to hear they were ful prest The vi chapiter FOūd out for trouthe is Cirus graunt and he dooth it reuiue The hindrers of the woork he bids of life them to depriue His house should eke a dunghil be suche charge he writ again Then builded is the temple vp and offerings thick are slain The vii chapiter GOd made the King Artaxersis so wel Esdras to loue That he him sent to Iuda land to serue the Lord aboue Suche letters eke with him he gaue as woorthy are to read A forren prince a heathen man the God aboue did dread The viii chapiter HUndredꝭ now doo flock and come with Esdras home to go The Leuites lackt he sent for some their welth he did them showe
people clean from filthines or spot No man to touche the holy place but he that was his lot The xx chapiter BEgin did Israel for to grudge they lacked drink to drink Out of a rock there gusht a stream that fild them to the brink The Edomites would not let passe the people through their land Then Aaron dide and in his roum Eleazar did stand The xxi chapiter CAptain Arad then came to fight and lost his Cittie and life Immediatly when they were come euen from the waters strife Then stung they were by serpentꝭ great and heald by one on hie They kild two kings Schon and Og as Israel passed by The xxii chapiter DEuise did Balack for to curse the Israelites to hel ●nd sent for Balam in his fume his cursing for to tel ●e once denide and ●et he went his minde was set on gain He smote his Asse and shée denide his labour was in vain The xxiii chapiter Euen as Balack had then decréed so went he vp on hie And Balam talkt with God a while and spake thus by and by How shall I curse or els defie whom God dooth nothing so And them he blest and blest again or euer he did go The xxiiij chapiter FOorthe went Balam in parables declaring Israels hap And Balack angry with the thing his hands in one did clap When he had said then Balam tolde of Christes kingdome plain A Star and scepter vp shall rise in Iacob for to raign The xxv chapiter GOds people then did slip away and whordome did commit The Moabits in their seruice had tiste them vnto it Then God cōmaunded Moyses straight to hang the rulers all As two were dooing of the déed Phinches on them did fall The xxvi chapiter HOw many were the Israelites that Canaan should possesse The whole xij tribes are numbred all whom God did chuse and blesse He wild the land for to be delt by partꝭ in forme equal The mo the more the few the lesse so that no one haue all The xxvii chapiter IN presence then came certain maid● inheritance to craue Euen so they had as next of blood successiuely must haue The land behest to Moyses shewd and tolde he is to die His prayer is heard and Iosue set his roum for to supply The xxviii chapiter KNowledge is giuen for euery day what offring they must vse A Lamb at morn and eke at euen vnspotted they must chuse The paske how that it should be kept the day is pointed out With all the order of the feast to put them out of dout The xxix chapiter LIke sacrifice as God did point this chapter dooth expresse And telles how all their meatꝭ drinks in order they must dresse Eight dayes at once they must not ceace to offer sacrifise And woork no kinde of woork in them as God did them deuise The xxx chapiter MEn that vowed or sware an othe with promise to the Lord Must stand to it and not go back the scripture dooth accord But maid or wife that did the same without their heds consent They must go back if he denide for all their good intent The xxxi chapiter NExt then to that went Israel foorth the Madianites to kil And slue the males burnt their townes and led the rest at wil. The spoile was delt foorth equally the captaines were so good Saue certain things were giuen to God for sauing of their blood The xxxii chapiter OUer Iordane towards the East possession out was set For two whole tribes and halfe a one so that they would not let To go before their brethern all in harnes freshe and bright Against the land of Canaan to put them all to flight The xxxiii chapiter PErfourm did Moyses Gods precept Their iourneis he did write From place to place in wildernes and telles where they did light Then God did bid that they should kil the Cananites out right And ding their chappels all adown and burst their Idols quite The xxxiiii chapiter QUietly how they should possesse the land is tolde them plain The east the west the north the south where they should rule and reign Who should point out the land by lots the Lord did Moyses tel The heds should set out eche mans part where he should bide and dwel The xxxv chapiter REsight did God the Leuits lots the suburbs and their townes For refuge certain Citties set to kéep them in their boundes He that with wil a man did kil he must of right be slain One witnes may in no wise stand vnles that they be twain The xxxvi chapiter SUpplication then was made for maids that were vnwed Within their tribe then must they take ▪ their husband and their hed Euery tribe within his tribe must wed and take his wife Not one to mixe in others part for fear of bate and strife ¶ Now Numeri hath thus his end the fourth book it is set The fift in order ye shall haue If God giue vs no let Deuteronomium Not only so but also teache their children they are bod The Lords preceptꝭ both all and some that they may knowe their God The vii chapiter GOd did forbid a league to make with gentiles in no wise They must destroy their Idols quite and all their Gods dispise He also saith that he wil blesse the kéepers of his wil And curse the rest and charge he gaue Idolatrers to kil The viii chapiter HOw maruaylously that God had de●● with Israel fortie yéer In wildernes with benefits as plainly dooth appéere They are commaunded not to say their might did them defend But that the Lord did bring them foorth and gaue their foes their end The ix chapiter IN any cace they are forbod to trust in their owne strength For who so dooth him wil betide a faule to haue at length Moyses then a rehearsall made ful bréefly in a sum From time they had receiude the law til they to lust begun The x. Chapiter KNowe héer ye may of Israels walke whiles they in iourney went And how the tables were renued when they were broke and rent Nothing the Lord did then require for dooing them suche good But that they holde all his preceptꝭ and set theron their mood The xi chapiter LOue they must now y e Lord his law stil Moyses gaue them charge With hart minde they must him serue that had set them at large To talke therof when that they rise or at their ●●tting down Or els in iourney as they walke in féeld be it or town The xii chapiter MOyses once more so gaue them charge against Idolatrie It to suppresse and put it down and from the same to flée And blood to eat they are forbod in any manner wise And onely doo as God them bad and not what like their eyes The xiii chapiter NO Prophet false must bide on liue but must be made to die And wicked folke must not be heard though in thy brest they lie God for to trie the Israelites ▪ how strong they
hilde him and were blest But Ham his cursing had The x. chapiter KNowe ye may of Noe his sonnes As Sem Ham and Iapheth Chus Hams sonne begot Nemrod a hunter on the heath Of these thrée sonnes their sōnes sōnes the earth was storde again In tungs kindes with realms lands But moste of them were vain The xi chapiter LEwdly forth went this rout to build Babel that great hie toure The Lord came down chaūgd their tungs in lesse space then an houre The kinde of Sem again is tolde vnto iust Abraham Whiche went with Lot his fathers sonne and dwelled at Haran The xij chapiter MUche fauour God shewd to Abram dwelling in Canaan Whiche God him plight then came a dearth to Egipt went he than Then willed he Sarai his wife to call him brother tho The king her took and was plaged whose name hight Pharao The xiii chapiter NEighbourlike yode Lot and hée And toward the south they went ▪ Then parted they their land and good that God had to them lent The promise then to Abram is repeated once again That hée and his séed after him the blest land should obtain The xiiij chapiter OF foren kings Lot taken was whiche ward and wan that land But then Abram did them destroy and took him from their hand Melchisedech with bread and wine him met with mickle boste He gaue him tenth and paid the king of Sodome all he lost The xv chapiter PErforme would God the land he had to Abram promised A sonne to haue he dooth beléeue and so is iustified How that his féed in bondage should in Egipt there remain And be restorde vnto their land and so sent home again The xvi chapiter QUite barren Sara thought shée was and gaue Abram her maid Whiche did conceiue and béeing proud her mistres did vpbraid Her mistres chod and shée to go for faring with her fel An Angel her returnd again and plight her Ismael The xvii chapiter REmooue did God then Abrams name and calld him Abraham And Sarai is named Sara of whom tho Isaac came The sacrament is héer begun of Circumcision Isaac is plight and Abraham for Ismael dooth mone The xviii chapiter SO vnto him thrée men apéerd like trauaylers of miles Sara did hear that shée should bear and womanlike shée smiles The ouerthrowe of Sodome then to Abraham they tolde He prayeth to them beeing one God his vengeance to with holde The xix chapiter TWo Angels lodg'd and Sodome men would then haue them defilde Blinded they were and after stroyd saue Lot and his vnfilde His wife to salte was turned tho for breaking Gods precept His daughters he begat with childe when drunklike he had slept The xx chapiter WHen Abraham did flit he dwelt In the land of Gerar His wife was fair he feard his life and called her sister Abimeleck sent for her then his plesure for to haue God him denide and then the king Muche riches to her gaue The xxi chapiter ALmightie God to Sara sent Isaac her onely sonne And Agar with her childe put out no longer there to wonne An Angel did her comfort tho being in wildernes About a wel Abimeleck and Abraham made peace The xxij chapiter BEing then wild to kil his sonne and hée therto was prest God tolde him that for his great faith in him all should be blest Nachor brother to Abraham had eyght sonnes by Milcha One of her sonnes was Bethuel ▪ Father to Rebecca The xxiij chapiter COmmend to God did Sara then her soule that was so milde At her ful yéeres shée fel on sléep and died vndefilde Then Abram bought a plat of ground of Ephron the Hethite He layd his wife into the caue when it was his by right The xxiiij chapiter DEcrée did Abram to his man and sware him by an othe To séek a wife for Isaac méet and so he did for trothe He went and came with Rebecca whiche Isaac took to wife So liued they together bothe and led an honest life The xxv chapiter EFtsoones did Abram take a wife whiche bare him children more He died and gaue Isaac his sonne his good and all his store Then Isaacs wife euen at one birthe Iacob and Esau bare And Esau solde him land and right And yet small was his fare ¶ Thus haue you heard of Genesis The pith and halfe the some Twentie and fiue in chapters past Sith that the first begun The xxvi chapiter A Death then came in Isaacks time and so hée did remooue That land was plight to him and his of God that did him loue The king chod Isaac for his wife because hée did but fain And shepheards stroue about the welles but all was wel again The xxvii chapiter BEgilde did Iacob Esau then Rebecca wrought the feat While Esau hunted in the féeld his brother got the cheat When Esau came from hunting home it vexed him right sore His father chéerd him yet did hée his brother hate therfore The xxviii chapiter COmmaunded Iacob sought a wife and so to Laban went Esau did wed an Ismaelite whiche vnto euil was bent As hée in sléep a Ladder saw with Angels goodly dight Of Christe is tolde a vow he made vnto the God of might The xxix chapiter DEcrée with Laban Iacob did and serued him seuen yéer Rahel to haue it was his fée but Lea did appéer And so begil'd yet did he serue asmuche for Rachel more He hauing bothe foure babes he had whiche Lea to him bore The xx chapiter EChe of them bothe they gaue their maid to their husband to wiue So had he children that they bare they béeing stil aliue And Iacob askt what his reward should be at Labans hand The spotted lambes and kids of goats that fel in Labans land The xxxi chapiter FLit then from Laban God him ba● and so he did obay He took his wiues and all his good and stily slipt away Then Rachel stale the Images against her fathers wil And Laban chod but peace was made with Iacob on an hil The xxxij chapiter GOds hoste he saw as he forth went his brothers wrath he feard And therfore sent him giftꝭ before euen hundreds on an heard He with an Angel stroue so long til day did end the night The Angel chaunged Iacobs name and Israel him hight The xxxiij chapiter HAstely Esau set him out his brother for to méet And Iacob sent his herds afore and came after on féet But when they met they gréed wel God so did woork with them In parting plotꝭ they dwelt in two as Iacob in Sichem The xxxiiii chapiter IAcob no daughter had but one that Dina hight by name Shée went to sée and to be séen and so shée came to shame For Sichem did the damsel sée and forced her by might He was destroyed by Iacobs sonnes and all the citie quite The xxxv chapiter KNowe wel did Iacob all their spite to Bethel then he yed His name is tolde and Canaan is to him promised In childe bed
were in faith Would suffer things to prooue them with as Moyses plainly saith The xiiij chapiter OMit they must the Gentiles trades and flée their dooings quite And onely serue almightie God with all their main and might Suche beastꝭ as they might not then 〈◊〉 are manifestly tolde And whiche were clean is there exprest that eat they might be bolde The xv chapiter PArdon their de●s then are they bod at euery seuenth yéers end When God his wil is serued and kept no scarsenes he wil send Those that wil lend to suche as néed the maner is tolde how Deformitie in sacrifice the Lord dooth not alow The xvi chapiter QUietly how to kéep their feastꝭ the times are tolde them plain When that they should be vsde and kept is written once again O that Iudges would mark and read and doo as God there bad To take no giftꝭ in any cace but iustice to be had The xvii chapiter REwarded must Idolaters with death by law to die And 〈◊〉 things must be reserd to those that be on hie Presumptuous men that doo rebel must die the law dooth minge The man and state that he must kéep that they would take to king ¶ Halfe this book is now tolde afore in seauenteen chapters iust And seauenteen more ye shall haue next in God put we our trust The xviij chapiter ALl the Leuites the whiche were préestꝭ might no possessions haue All sorcery they must auoid their liues to kéep and saue Moyses tolde then of Christe to come and bad them him to hear The Prophet false they must not way nor all his dooings fear The xix chapiter BEcause that murther might be doon against the dooers minde For refuge Citties were set out and there vnto assignd The false witnes must haue the stone return to his owne brow An eye for eye and tooth for tooth the law did them alow The xx chapiter CHuse out for warres what men they should this chapter dooth expresse The law of armes to them is tolde to vse in war or peace The Cananites the Pheresites the Iebusites also With Heuites eke they must destroy ▪ not letting one to go The xxj chapiter DEcrée did God a goodly law for him that was found dead And how the Iew should him behaue a gentile for to wed The first borne sonne he must possesse the heritage and land The childe that parentꝭ dooth not fear must die euen out of hand The xxii chapiter EChe man must help his neighbours Asse although he be vnknowne The man denied the womans tire shée to go in her owne Lin●●e wolūe might not be worn the adulterer must die And order taken for that man that with a maid did lie The xxiii chapiter FOrbidden was the gelded man in Christes churche to dwel The harlots bird dooth God commaund that they should quite expel There might no whore among thē bide the Lord did so decrée The loue of things is there denide to lend on vsury The xxiiii chapiter GIue leaue did Moyses to deuorce for causes that were light The newly spousd they might not force in battaile for to fight For money lent and seruantꝭ hire a goodly lesson tolde Some leysing left in féeld and town for poore folke yung and olde The xxv chapiter HOw many stripes the trespasser should haue for wicked life A man that died without a sonne his brother should wed his wife That weightꝭ mesures should be iu●● read ye the chapters end Who so dooth vse the contrary shall come to wicked end The xxvi chapiter IUstly must they now pay their frutes that first to them did fall The tithes they were commaunded to they should then pay them all Unto the préestꝭ the fatherles the straunger and widowe Such goods were then the poores of right how so they vse them now The xxvii Chapiter KNowledge was had the people the● an aulter vp to rear Afore that Iordane they did passe or came the land so néer The curses then that Leuy was commaunded for to speak Against all those that did delight Gods wil to burst or break The xxviii Chapiter LOuingly the Lord did blesse the kéepers of his wil To stablishe them in their good mindes to kéep them in it stil. And curse dooth hée the contrary with cursings very great Those that him looue he dooth them blesse his haters hée dooth threat The xxix chapiter MOyses then went and thus he spake vnto the people all Saying to suche as feareth God the Lord defends them all But they that not regard his wil suche plagues on them shall come As like hath not béen séen on earth from rising of the sonne The xxx chapiter NOt far from them that doo it séek is Gods almightie woord Those that it loue and it obay are saued from the swoord Within our mouthes and in our hartꝭ the woord is alway prest Those that it kéep are sure at length for it they shalbe blest The xxxi chapiter OLde was Moyses and so did chuse then Iosue in his stéed To whom he said sée thou be strong and haue no fear or dread This book he wrote and did it giue into the Leuites hand And chargde that they the same should read when they came to the land The xxxii chapiter PLesantly then did Moyses sing a goodly song of praise Unto the Lord for all the acts that he had wrought alwaies And vp he went vnto a hil to look on Canaan God bad him there to run the race that all his fathers ran The xxxiii chapiter QUietly Moyses did prepare to sléep his fathers sléep But this he said before he went that God his saints dooth kéep Also he blessed all the tribes afore his dying day And tolde how they should rule reign if they did God obay The xxxiiii chapiter REst from his woork did Moyses then and so gaue vp the ghoste At his departing they did wéep euen throughout all the hoste And Iosue did his roum possesse as Moyses had it wild And ruled all the Israelites in Cittie and in féeld ¶ Of Moyses books heer is the last as he did them all write Vnto the Lord giue ye the praise whiche is the God of might Iosue The j. Chapiter AS God afore had Moyses calld his people for to guide So Iosue to supply his roum the Lord set him on side For to be strong the Lord him bad and manly for to fight And from the lawes of God the Lord to turn to left nor right The ii chapiter BEfore were serchers sent to spie to Ierico they yede A harlots house they lodged in by whom then they were hid Shée made them promise her to saue when spoild should be the land And they agréed to knowe her house by purple cord or band The iii. chapiter CAre to Iosua did belong the people for to guide Remooue he did from Settim ground and came to Iordane side Then was the Lord disposde to shew the honour of his name He caused Iordain waters yéeld and part a sunder
twain The iiij Chapiter DEcrée did God that his good woork should not be out of minde And causd eche tribe to rear a stone as monumentꝭ behinde And if their children art the cause why these twelue stones stood there Then should they tel what God had doon to make his name appéere The v. chapiter EEhe one of all the Cananites were fraid when they hard tel How Iordane brook did part in two whiles ouer went Israel Then God commaunded Iosue to circumcise them all And all the males w t sharp stone kniues were cut bothe great and small The vj. chapiter FEarful then were the Cananites of Israels power and might At seauen dayes end as God had said the walles did fall down quite Consumde was all with swoord and fire saue vessels few reserude And Rahab saued with all her kin whiche wel shée had deserude The vii chapiter GOd then was angry with his flock at Ai took they the foile Because that Acan Carmies sonne had borne away some spoile A garment gay with siluer muche a rung of golde therto Because it was forbid of God he had death with stones enow The viii chapiter HAue you no fear said God but go and fight against Ai Thou shalt it take and haue some spoile and all the rest destroy So Iosue went as God him bad and fought but fled a while The rest did set the town on fire so them they did begile The ix chapiter IMmediatly the Cananites with all the heathen Kinges They came to fight as soon as they of Iosua had tidings The Gabanites dissembling partꝭ with Israel they did play Because the heads had sworne to them they were not made away The x. chapiter KIngs that were in number fiue with Israel they did fight At Gabaon siege with all their hostes there were they put to flight The Sun stood stil a whole day length and haile did beat them down Fiue kings were slain and hanged vp so wan they town by town The xi chapiter LIke hap had all the other kings and sudainly were slain And Hezor burnt and none but it that stood aboue the plain Not one woord then was left vndoon as Moyses had him wild But Iosua did fulfil it all were hée in town or field The xii chapiter MAny battails Israel fought ere Iordane they did passe To two whole tribes and halfe a one their land appointed was The kings are tolde and numbred all that Iosua did subdue Thirtie and one in number iust whom they bothe took and slue ▪ The xiii chapiter NOte out the land as Iosua wild by lots it to deuide He béeing agde so god him bad to set and point eche tribe Ruben and Gad and halfe the tribe of Manasses by name Were pointed plats for to posses by Moyses set in frame The xiiij chapiter OF Iosua Caleb did require the Cittie Hebron walld Whiche was possest by Enakes kinde a Giant was he calld Foure score yéeres and fiue he was when he requirde his ground And yet he said he was as strong as when the land he found The xv chapiter POinted out was Iuda his lot the Citties tolde ful straight The villages not named out but townes fiue score and eight For killing of a Giant great a man did mary a wife The Iebusites among the folke did stil lead on their life The xvj chapiter QUickly Ephraim so had his lot in length and bredth assignde Euen as a tribe he had his part according to his minde And tribute paid the Cananites and with them did they dwel Although the Lord had said afore that they should them expel The xvii chapiter RIght as afore that Ephraim had out his part of land Euen so Manasses had his lot where he and his should stand ▪ And certain women had likewise as they did it require And Iosephs house would haue more land but had not their desire The xviii chapiter SEuen tribes agréed to send their spies as Iosue had them wild Of eche tribe thrée went foorth to sée the Citties and the féeld And in a book in seuen partꝭ writ to Iosua brought they woord And he apointed them their plats by lots afore the Lord. The xix chapiter TO Zabulon and Izachar and Aser béeing tenth To Nepthali and Dan the last was pointed bredthe and length ●o Iosua with Eleaser and all the Lords and heds Did make an end of casting lots and pointing out their stedes The xx chapiter WHen they had doon and cast their lots then God to Iosue said ●or him that killes a man vnwares point Citties for their aid And they therin to dwel and liue til the hie préest dooth die The swoord of blood not him to touche if thyther he doo flée The xxj chapiter ANd then the heads of the Leuites their porcion did require And so they had their whole request euen as they did desire Fortie and eyght in Citties iust their whole tale came therto ▪ As God them gaue the land and rest as he them plight to doo The xxii chapiter BOthe of the tribes and eke the 〈◊〉 yode back as they were sent Ruben Gad with Manasses to their possession went An aulter made and Israel fluckt against them for to fight When they heard tel why it was built they said the déed was right The xxiii chapiter CAst in age was Iosua tho and Israel he did call And shewed thē what the Lord had doon and tolde it to them all Muche more he said that God would doo if in his wil they bide If not he tolde them plain afore that they should be destroyd The xxiiii chapiter DEclare on forthe he did at large what God had for them wrought And bad them serue the Lord alone whiche thither had them brought So speke they did with often voice the only Lord to fear And Iosua dide and Iosephs bones were earth and buried there ¶ Iosua now is ended quite the book hath run his race The book of Iudges now beginnes in like to take his place Sophtim Iudicum Iudges The first Chapiter AHead to haue they did desire in Iosuas roum to be And Iuda to them pointed was who fought ful manfully Ierusalem they took and wan great Giants did they slay The Gentiles with them stil did dwel but tribute did they pay The ii chapiter BEcause they did not kil them all an Angel did them chide And Iosua dead they buried him down by his fathers side When that stock all was dead gone ful wicked were the next And serued Gods that were forbod whose names are in the text The iii. chapiter CErtain nations then are named that with them then did dwel But one them kild and bet them down named Othoniel Yet after that they were opprest but Ahud them did saue For in a parlour with the King his deaths wound he him gaue The iiii chapiter DEpart did yet the flock and went and serued Idols vain Of Iabin King of Canaan yéeres twentie were they slain And Debora then did them iudge whom
Barack shée did call They fought and wan but Sisara In Iaels hands did fall The v. chapiter EUen as the battaile ended was and Israel had the best They sang a song of melody wherin the Lord was blest But curst were some that cam not foorth to help them for to fight And blest was shée that with a naile slue Sisara outright The vi chapiter FAre foule did then the Madianites with Israel for their sin An Angel stird vp Gedeon their fréedome for to win The Idol Ball he did destroy and burst his aulter down ▪ His Father did his cause defend against the Cittie or town The vii Chapiter GEdeon foorth to battail went the Madianites to kil To mickle was his hoste said God for him to haue his wil. So many as feard were sent home back and those that stoupt to drink Thrée hundred slue the Madianites and made their kinges to shrink The viii chapiter HAlfe angry were the Ephraites but Gedeon did them stil Phanuel men and Sucoth bothe did Gedeon take and kil Two kings he slue and then they would haue him and his their heds He it denide but gaue them cause to doo ful wicked dedes The ix Chapiter IEroboas had thrée score sonnes and ten in number true Abimeleck he kild them all saue Ioathan the Iew. Who them rebukte they did him chuse and Gaal rose in vain So Sichem burnt and Thebez stroyd Abimeleck there was slain The x. chapiter KNowe wel ye may what guide they had as Gods that were forbod They were opprest and did repent and called vnto God Who bad them call vnto their Gods in trouble them to saue They did suppresse their Idols quite to God their mindes they gaue The xi chapiter LOok out did then the Galadites a captain and a guide Who willed Ammon not to fight but he his tale denide Then Iephthath vowd a foolishe vow the victory to obtain He had the féeld and home returnd then was his daughter slain The xii chapiter MUrmour so did the Ephraites at Iepthah had they spight Fortie thousand of them he slue and put the rest to flight A woord betrayd them many times when Iordane they would take Thrée Iudges there are then exprest and when their liues did slake The xiii chapiter NO longer did they fear the Lord then Iudges good did liue The vpper hand against them all the Lord their foes did giue A man that was hight Manoah had Samson to him plight His wife him bare as God had said with him dwelt God his sprite The xiiij chapiter OF Samsons mariage ye may hear he would néeds haue his wil As he went down his spouse to woo a Lion did he kil A ridle axt and thirtie men he slue to pay the hest His calfe had tilde the thirties land and went to his fellowes nest The xv chapiter PAstime to make then Samson went to banket with his wife Shée went not in so sprang a cause of hatred and great strife With Foxes fiery he brent their corn Philistians did he slay The iaw bone of an Asse he took and thousands kild one day The xvi chapiter QUarel they pickt to Samson stil and him they watche to slay But he that night burst vp their gates and caried them away He kept a whoore who béeing féed his strength of him shée wan Whē he was blinde they causd him play but he destroyd them than The xvii chapiter REherst is then of mony lost a woman did it misse Micha her sonne did it confesse and said lo héer it is Uowed shée had and would it kéep an Image did she make Leuite came and lodged there whom Micha his préest did make The xviii chapiter SPies were sent to serche the land the tribe of Dan it wrought At Michas house they lodgd all night where councel good they sought Return they did with ioyful newes and foorth they went to fight The préest and Image they did take and wan the land out right The xix chapiter TO mary against the law of God sée what dooth them betide A Leuites wife did play the whore and flipped from her guide He fetcht her home and as he went at Gabaah was shée slain Then sent he her in péeces twelue the déed for to complain The xx chapiter UP then rose Israel for to fight against the Beniamites For whoredome fact yet Israel was put vnto two great flightꝭ Then did they pray and God thē plight to haue the higher hand The Beniamites were killd on morn twentie and fiue thousand The xxj chapiter ANd thē they sware that none of them the Beniamites should wed The men that went not vp to fight they vowed them but dead They took their daughters and thē gaue the Beniamites to make Yet not suffisde the dauncing dames to wiues they did them take ¶ The book of Iudges is expirde an end therof is made The story of Ruthe ye shall haue next so following scriptures trade Ruthe The first Chapiter A Dearth then fel in Iudaes land Emeleck with his wife And his two sonnes to Moab went there for to lead their life The father died and his two sonnes in mariage dide also The mother then did home return and Ruthe with her did go The ii chapiter BEséech did Ruthe her mother in law That shée some corne might lease And foorth shée went to Booz his field whose sight shée did wel please He bothe inquierd and with her talkte and her intreated wel Sée tolde her mother at the night the story euery dele The iii. chapiter CAused shée was by Noemise woords to sleep at Booz his féet Who when he wakte and felt her there the truthe on her did wéet Shée tolde him all and who shée was then bad he her lie stil And on the morne he gaue her corne and tolde her all his wil. The iiij chapiter DOwn sat Booz then and in the gate his kinsman did he call He shewd to him afore the heads what land to him did fall He said he would not purchace it so Booz the land did buy And maried Ruthe who had a sonne when he with her did lie ¶ Ruthe dooth end at Chapters foure shewing whom she did wed A Gentile she was yet she bare the Graunsire to Dauid The first of Kings ye shall haue now whom Samuel some doo call The stories shall declare you how that Kings to them did fall ¶ The first book of Samuel otherwise called the first of the Kinges The first Chapiter A Man two wiues had wedded tho the one no children had She had suche wo she praid to God who sent to her a lad Elkanah was her husbands name and Hannah was shée hight And Samuel did shée call her sonne whom shée to God had plight The ii chapiter BEgin did Hannah for to sing and sang a goodly song The sonnes of Ely were vnthriftꝭ and did the people wrong Ely them did rebukte but small for whiche God did him chide He sent a man to tel him plain his house should
A fast was cride for aid to God they shamde to aske a garde So past they foorth so home they came their bown aboue was heard The ix chapiter IN raging wise when Esdras heard that gentile wiues were kept He rent his clothes he rare his beard and sorowfully he wept When euening came he prayers made moste humbly vnto God To stay his hand to stop his wrath to kéep away his rod. The x. chapiter KNowledge they gaue to Esdras tho that sore they did repent Their heathen brides for to forgo they were right wel content The multitude are called vp the raigny plague is ●ore Suche as offend they graunt to mend Iudges are set therfore ¶ Thus ended is now the first book whiche Esdras hath to name The second eke is called so because he writ the same Noehemiah yet some it call because of him it treats You shall hear how the building fares for all the wicked threats ¶ The second book of Esdras The first Chapiter ASking for newes from Iury land Nehemiah astond The Cittie rackt and burnt adown hée shright and lowdly moend Him self alone with wéeping fast he praid to God almight His prayer did tend grace for to finde in Aasuerus sight The ii Chapiter BUtler vnto the King he was and sadly did he wait The King him askt and he him tolde then pasport had he straight When to Hierusalem he came he vewd the whole decay Then chéerfully went foorth the woork he would haue no denay The iii. chapiter COmpanies now in order built eche one he took his place Some of good wil some in despite the woork went on apace Of all estates laid to their hande the building to aduaunce ▪ And last of all the Goldesmiths build and so doo the merchants The iiii chapiter DEadly hate the enemies took that stil the Iewes did build They scornd mockt they did conspire vnwares to giue them féeld Their treason wrought came to the Iewes so were they prest to fight Their foes were blank so souldier like they wrought and wacht by night The v. chapiter EChe mā cride out y e dearth was great they pledgd their land for bread The riche opprest the poor ful sore of God they had no dread It was redrest Nehemiah got pardon for the gaged He liued without the peoples fée all thing was wel eswaged The vi chapiter FUl suttlely wrought the heathen then Nehemiah to kil They sent for him ful oft with craft he went not them vntil The Prophetꝭ false would him afraid in faith he finisht all Some bearing rule had hollowe hartꝭ I think and euer shall The vii chapiter GArded now is Hierusalem with watche and eke with warde They are found out that first went vp their names are red and heard Some were put out their kin forworn and some found right in blood Bothe riche and poor gaue to the kark it came to mickle good The viii chapiter HAuing now doon the woork as ought the law to them is read The people wept and mourned sore of God they were in dread The teachers thē with gladsome woordꝭ their fearfulnes remooues The rulers all came for to hear their feast was kept in boothes The ix chapiter IN fasting and in prayer bothe with sack clothe mourningly The people doo their alien wiues forsake moste willingly A godly prayer the préestꝭ doo make Gods wunders to set out How merciful he was to them though stil they had béen stout The x. chapiter KNowne out were now how many would and eke therto subscribe That they would haue the couenāt kept the chéef of euery tribe The things are tolde wherto they swear to kéep with all their hart They doo protest with ful consent they nil from them depart The xi chapiter LOts then were cast in euery ten one should appointed be Hierusalem to make his shrowd they did therto agrée So are they tolde from tribe to tribe who did the cittie kéep The res●due abrode did dwel in townes as folded shéep The xii chapiter MAny there were that did return home with Zorobabel Préestꝭ and Leuits their names in course this Chapter dooth you ●el And eke how that the wall therto they doo it dedicate With ranks beset with singing men with laudes from gate to gate The xiii chapiter NOw on that day the law was read that straungers were forbod To mixe among the Iewishe sect and so from them they yod The Saboth day they did not kéep the ruler it refourmd And double men with heathen babes with spéed suche out he turnd ▪ ¶ Nehemiah thus finisheth the second some it call Of Esdras now and Esther next in course to you shall fall This prouerb heer is true ifound the wicked makes his gin To catche the iust but he him self is trapt and caught therein The book of Esther The first Chapiter AHasuerus or Darius for so some doo him call A royall feast he princely kept to chéer bothe great and small The Quéen sent for to come in sight shée did send ●lat her nay Shée is deuorst and law is made eche wife for to obay The ii chapiter BEeing appeased of his wrath the King had counsel then That virgins should be chosen out the fairst among women So were they chose and purified with garmentꝭ gayly drest The King had choise whiche should be Quéen so Esther likte him best The iii. chapiter COurted now is a wicked man that Haman hight by name Who wanting glory to his wil he sought a bloody fame By false report he got consent the Iewes to kil and slay The postes were sent to euery cost and pointed was the day The iiii chapiter DOleful cryes and shouts were made the Iewes were so agast Mardocheus to Court he came the Quéen was sore abasht Shée sent him woord to fast and pray and so to wil the rest Her life shée should in daunger put yet was shée therto prest The v. Chapiter Esther then in her best aray came foorth before the King He likt her wel and Septer shewd to testify the thing The King did to her banket go and Haman with him took Who comming home vnto his house ful wicked councel took The vi Chapiter FOund out it was Mardocheus the King had saued vnféed Who Haman axt what suche a one should haue vnto his meed In goodly robes to ride saith hée with honour and with praise To Mardocheus said the King go doo the same straight wayes The vii Chapiter GOn to banket is Haman now to drink his last carrouse The Quéen then tolde her doleful hap to her and to her house Unto the King who rose in wrath gainst Haman for the fact His gallous for another made his neck therin it crackt The viii chapiter HAmans house Merdocheus had his office therunto The Quéen did beg her peoples life the King did graunt therto The posts were sent the ioy was great the Iewes had suche reléef The woork of God on them so wrought made some of their beléef The ix chapiter
to wholesome life he would that we should mark The v. chapiter EUen as experience had him taught the end of whorishe life He telth and shewes what euil shall fall on him that leaues his wife Exhorting man to rest him self with her that is his owne And not to giue his strength and good to them that are vnknowne The vj. chapiter FOr suretiship a lesson good for sluggards eke the same ▪ Sixe things are hated of the Lord the seuenth abhorres by name He wilth vs listen to the lore that God in Churche dooth tel So shall we scape the wanton loo● of whores that leads to hel The vii chapiter GOod councel giuen he wilth to take and eke therto to cleaue By whiche we shall attain to knowe how harlots wayes to leaue Apelles neuer so could paint a whore in coullours braue As he describes her trayning tricks whiche leadeth vnto graue The viii Chapiter HE dooth describe how wisedome cryes and vttereth her voice How excellent her riches is so gainful is her choice Shée passeth Golde and Siluer eke before all things shée was In making things shée was with God by her came all to passe The ix chapiter IN comely wise hath wisdome built an house and made a feast And called folks vnto her fare but scorners at her gest The fear of God of wisedome is the first beginning race The foolishe woman shewes her self in euery common place The x. chapiter KIng Salomon his parables fiue hundreth sixtie ten In twentie chapters dooth appéer ful feat to teache all men Whiche so doo shift and matters change almost in euery line That in these staues to set them out no man can doo in rime The xxx chapiter LO humble men se that you learn what Agur héer dooth say That God his woord you holde therto and ad ne take away He praith to God that riche nor poor● but meanly he may liue He tells of things are neuer ful and wunderous things that meue The ●i Chapiter MEn may héer learn of chastitie and Iustice eke the way For whom that wine drink ful strong is méet and in what day And for that wife that list to liue vprightly in this vale Let her héer read of Lamuel to him his mothers tale FINIS ¶ Thus Salomon hath tolde his tale ful wisely in his book And if you muse why I so short in hand his Prouerbs took You shall perceiue that after that ten Chapters ye haue red He dooth so chaunge in Adagies and sentences so shed That euery line vnto him self a perfet staffe would haue So should I not in eyght contain a Chapter so to saue Then vnderstand that after nine to thirtie I doo leap VVho list to haue of sayings sage twixt bothe he may them reap So then before though that you see eleuen the figure set Yet the thirtie Chapter after in it these things ye get And then the last is thirtie one though twelue the figure bear So of the Prouerbs last of all the Chapters endeth there Now shall you haue him preache to you a sermon ful of lore VVho so it reads and marks it wel shall make but little store Of goods or lands of fame or name of knowledge or of might Of plesures plants and buildings eke he shall haue small delight The book of the Preacher The i. Chapiter ALl things is ful of vanitie the precher héer dooth tel There is nothing is durable so long as we héer dwel And though a man be nere so wise yet folly eke and gréef To reign in him he may confesse as part of his beléef The ii Chapiter BEgin he did to take delight in pleasures and in game His eye ne likte but he it got ful vain he found the same As wel the wise to graue shall go as shall the idiot fool Wherfore to eat and chéerful be he puth vs to that scoole The iii. Chapiter COnfesse he dooth that all thing hath a time to go and coome That all things was the whiche is now and shalbe in the roome The woorks of God moste perfet are and cause vs him to fear Bothe good and bad the Lord shall Iudge when that he shall appéer iiii Chapiter DOutles the cause of Innocents not heard did vexe him muche Our labour héer is ful of gréef the vanitie is suche Societie and feloweship is better then alone A yung man poor if he be wise excels a foole in throne The v. Chapiter ELect and chuse thy woords aright when thou to God doost speak The labouring man dooth sléep ful sound when Diues braines dooth break Man when he dyeth shall nothing haue but that whiche he did bring To eat and drink and ioyful be it passeth héer all thing The vi Chapiter FUl foolishe is the riche man sure whom God muche good hath sent And yet t'enioy the things he hath the hart is not him lent But he that hath not swet therfore shall eat it vp at wil Yet way they not their gréedy lust and all the mouth to fil The vii Chapiter GOod wholesome rules héer are you giuen from mourning for to flée Flée hasty spéeche and angry mood let wisedome guide thine eye So shall shée make thée strong in déed muche folly to preuent Man was made good now is he bad by things hée did inuent The viii Chapiter HOw that we must obay the King and rulers that doo reign And yet how none is Lord of death his life for to retain This chapter telth and furthermore how Gods woorks are vnknown Though God prolong to punishe sin yet fear thou him alone The ix Chapiter IN looking vpon outward things that God dooth giue to man To iudge whom he dooth looue or hate that iustly no man can Nor tel the time when he shall die therfore for wisedome séek If thou be poore though thou be wise yet none wil to thée séek The x. Chapiter KNowe wel ye may the difference twixt wisedome and a fool The babling tung that slaunder dooth yée shall not easely coole He telth of Kings that folly haue and wilbe ouerséen That land is blest whose hed is wise be it a King or Quéen The xi Chapiter LIke liberall men he dooth exhort to poore that they should bée And not to dout Gods prouidence what so that we doo sée That prosperous state héer in this life is vanitie and shall As long as world dooth stand with men but God shall iudge vs all The xii Chapiter MEn that run on til youth be past and neuer doo repent In age shall short come of their wil when vain their time is spent This is the end fear God and kéep all his commaundementꝭ For God wil bring foorth euery woork and giue them their Iudgements FINIS ¶ The Preacher thus his sermon ends bothe short and sweet to hear The plesant song of Salomon shall now to you appeer By parables how Christe dooth loue his Churche he dooth you showe And eke againe how shee him loues heer may you read and
should feel the stroke of Gods ful mightie hand By spoiles and waste that forren foes should make within their land And yet not quite forsaken should they be when they did yeeld But be restorde and turne againe their Cittie for to build And that their foes whiche once did flowe and floorishe in their fume At length should stoup and to them bow and should no more presume To doo them harme and some of them should quite their Kingdomes leese And heaps of Gentiles God should serue ful humbly on their knees For magistrates that Iudge not iust and Prelates in their pride And people stout with necks ful stiffe he telth what shall betide Now Ieremy shall shew him self what God by him did speak VVho very yung was sent of God his minde to Iewes to break And fortie yeeres he prophesied fiue Kings were come and gone At home he taught and eke abroad to them at Babilon The Prophecy of Ieremy The i. Chapiter AT what time he did prophecy and also how that he Did think him self not to be meet to be as he should be But God dooth him incourage foorth ▪ and bids him to be bolde So then of their captiuitie by Ieremy is tolde The ii Chapiter BEfore their eyes he dooth set out what God for them had wrought How they again and eke their préests did set the Lord at nought Therfore their sinne shall them destroy so that they shall not say That God is cause or hath delight that they should so decay The iii. Chapiter CRy out he dooth and calth on them their sinnes for to repent So should their Churche be heald again God would from wrath relent Of Iudah and of Israel comparison he dooth make Whiche for their whoring Idoll wise deuorcement he would make The iiii Chapiter DOutles if truly they repent God would them not subuert The Circumcision outwardly not like to that in hart How Iudah should destroyed be for their vngodlinesse For whiche the Prophet dooth lament in séeing their distresse The v. Chapiter EUery sort were falne away from subiect vnto hed Bothe swearing false and whorishe life as neyghing horse they led Therfore should Iudah be destroyed the Caldeys should them wast So should they for their sinful life suche sorowes féel and taste The vi Chapiter FRom far their foes should cōe flock their Cittie to bese● ▪ Their sin was cause they cared not when preachers did them threat The Caldeys should this reuel make not sparing yung nor olde He willeth them to mourn but they regard not what is tolde The vii Chapiter GOd dooth rebuke the confidence in temple that they had For there they thought to make amends though life were nere so bad Muche euil should surely light on them for Prophets they despise Obedience God better likes then any sacrifice The viii Chapiter HE telth what reuel forren power should make among the Iewes And how if that they did repent they should haue better newes The Prophets false hée dooth rebuke for vttering of lies Lamenting muche their sorrowe sharp that should against them rise The ix Chapiter IN séeing what disceit did reign he wisheth that he dwelt Him self alone in wildernes where no suche thing is felt In knowing God we onely ought therein our ioy to finde The circumcision of the fleshe not like that is in minde The x. Chapiter KNowe wel they might that Gods of golde of wood and siluer eke Be far from Gods when they can not once go ▪ ne stand or speak Their pastours were but beastꝭ eche one their flocks did wander wide In man there is no good at all for succour yet shée ●ride The xi Chapiter LOok wel they ought to kéep the law for els hée dooth them curse When they were wild for to amend they were so muche the woorse Their fathers steps in worship false they walke to their decay To Idols help he wilth to séek for them he might not pray The xii Chapiter MUche muse he dooth at wickeds welth yet God remayneth iust The Iewes forsaken of the Lord in him they did not trust ▪ The shepheards did the shéep seduce and trod his vine to ground And if conuert from sinnes they would then fauour should be found The xiii Chapiter NOt woords alone but signes therto God addid them to warne But nought would help their life so bad they Iustly took their harme Why God to fauour did them take and why he them refusde If they would mend the wicked life they should not be misusde The xiiii Chapiter OF dearth that on the land should fal and how the people praid And suche as faith did want to them their prayers are denaid The prophets that by false reporte did say from God they came Should féel the thing that they denied suche peace by lies they wan The xv Chapiter PAst help they were tho Moyses should and Samuel for them pray Yet pestilence with swoord and dearth and captiue led away Shuld light on them yet some shuld rest to God them dooth he call In mid among the rout God made him as a brasen wall The xvi Chapiter QUaint not thy self with womā kinde a wife to thée to take For plague I wil this people sore and captiues them wil make In Babilon and yet return they shall vnto this land The Gentiles shall their Gods forsake and take the truthe in hand The xvii Chapiter RIght froward were the Iewes and curst for putting trust in man Whose hart ful wicked is and il God onely searche it can The liuing waters they forsook the Saboth day they brake Whiche if in time they mended not their fier should not ●lake The xviii Chapiter SUche power as in the potter is to break his pottes at wil Suche power hath God who can deny his foes with force to kil The Iewes conspierd that Ieremy should vexed be with spéed And he to God his prayers made to plague them and their séed The xix Chapiter TEl thou the heads said God to him that they shall perishe all For sheding blood and offring vp their seruice vnto Ball. Afore them all thy bottle break of earth out of thy hand Euen so likewise tel them I wil destroy them and their land The xx Chapiter WHē Pashur heard that Ieremy preacht he stroke him and thereto To iayle he went it helped not he taught as wunt to doo It gréeu'd him muche y t they him mockt he thought to holde his peace The woord so boyled in his brest to speak he could not cease ▪ The xxi Chapiter AGain when he was wild to tel what should of them become He said by swoord and pestilence all should be slain saue some And those should be suche of the Iewes as would them selues submit And be content in Caldey land as captiues for to sit The xxii Chapiter BIdden he was to tel the King that Iustice he should vse If not that God would vtterly bothe him and his refuse Suche as with wrong their houses build ▪ he cryeth
on them wo Because in welth they would not hear● their pride should come ful lowe The xxiii Chapiter CUrse he dooth héer frō God his mouth suche pastours as doo féed Them selues and let the flock alone God wil them pay in déed And pastours pure he wil prouide wherof one shall be chéef From Dauids house as King to guide by him to haue reléef The xxiiii Chapiter DEclare God dooth by baskets twaine with Figs bothe good and bad What should become vpon the flock as he decréed had Whiche was that some should haue return and liue in rest and peace The King should not with many mo whose hartꝭ he could not pearce The xxv Chapiter EXiled men in Babilon the Iewes for sin should bée Ful seuentie yéeres the Prophet saith in their captiuitie At which yéeres end that mightie power shalbe subuerted quite And in like wise he telth before all rule shall lose their might The xxvi Chapiter FUl earnestly he dooth them mooue their sinnes for to repent They brought him foorth he telth his tale the Iudges did relent But Vriah who fled for fear was fetcht from Egipt land Iehoyaku of Iudah King him slue with swoord in hand The xxvii Chapiter GOd willed him that he should send bothe yokes and bonds also To Princes for to testify in bondage they should go And who so would refuse to serue Nabuchodonozer Should plagued be therfore he wilth false Prophets not to hear The xxviii Chapiter HAnaniah the Prophet false did prophecy a lie And Ieremy did him reprooue afore great company Also a freshe he prophecied because his yoke was burst That bondage muche should come to them and that therto then trust The xxix Chapiter IN written woords he sent to them that then in Babel were That they should plant wed and pray for suche as ruled there For seuentie yéeres should passe and go ere they should turn again And in that space their land and power should wasted be and slain The xxx Chapiter KNowledge again frō Ieremies mouth was giuen to Israel That they should home again return within their land to dwel And how that God would him reuenge vpon their furious foes But comfort his afflicted Churche and saue her from her woes The xxxi Chapiter LArge blessing héer he telth to come when home they should return All ioy shall come and plesantnes to suche as once did mourn A couenant new within their hartꝭ also he plight to make That he would be their God in déed if they not him forsake The xxxii Chapiter MAny were the miseries that Ieremy did sustain For now he is in prison cast for speaking out so plain A féeld he bought and hid the book that did record the same His prayers he made and once again their turning home did name The xxxiii Chapiter NOw is the Prophet wild to pray for their return and rest Whiche ful and whole is graunted them as they had had it erst With pardon for their former sinnes without their owne desartꝭ And Christe to reign in Dauids throne for euer in their hartꝭ The xxxiiii Chapiter OF Zedechiah who was King of Iuda what should come How he should taken be and his when Cittie and all is wun Because the couenant they did break to bond folke that they made Their lot with pine or pestilence should be or els with blade The xxxv Chapiter PUt foorth he dooth as God him bade the Rechabites for lore Who would not break the olde preceptꝭ from fathers had tofore But Iewishe pride would not obey though often they were warnd Therfore to ruine they should go the Rechabites not harmd The xxxvi Chapiter QUenched lest y t his woords should be God bad to write them all So Baruch did and red the role before bothe great and small The King a little heard of it and burnt the book in fire Again with more it written was and God prouokte to ire The xxxvii Chapiter RIght soon as Zedechiah reignd to Ieremy he sent To pray for him By Egipt power the Caldeys away went As Ieremy was prest away in dungeon was he cast But when the King had talkt with him he begd a better taste The xxxviii Chapiter SO fairly spake the councellours the Princes eares vntil That Ieremy to dungeon went there thought they him to kil An Enuche black his life did saue and drue him vp with cordes The King and he did talke alone he might not tel the Lords The xxxix Chapiter THe Babel power the Cittie took and Zedechiah fled He was ouer caught his sonnes were slain his eyes put out of his hed The poore alone are left in land and Ieremy at large Who gaue them more that did him good a comfortable charge The xl Chapiter UNto two things the Prophet had a choise at wil to chuse Babel to sée or tary stil the first he did refuse Suche as for fear were fled away to Godoliah came Whom Babel King had left to rule all Iudah that he wan The xli Chapiter A Murder foule committed was of Ismael by name For Godoliah he did kil who did deserue no blame And diuers more that wicked man their liues did also end And fled to King of Moabites who therfore did him send The xlii Chapiter BOthe moste and least to Ieremy came his councel to haue And willed him to knowe of God whiche way them selues to saue Who willed them in any wise to Egipt not to wend For if they did that whiche they feard their God would it them send The xliii Chapiter COntrary to their former graunt to Egipt néeds they would The Prophet checkt and Baruch eke who néeds with them they should And there did God by Ieremy tel Egipt of her fall How Nebuchadnezer in place should rule their Gods and all The xliiii Chapiter DEclare he dooth vnto the Iewes for their Idolatrie In Egipt land the whiche they did that they should surely die But men and wiues with froward hartꝭ did tel what they did deem We neuer throue sins that we left to serue the heauenly Quéen The xlv Chapiter EUilly appaid was Baruch then he thought his life but lost His sorrowes did increace in him séeing the Iewes so tost But Ieremy him comfort gaue and set his hart at stay For God he said hath giuen to thée thy life to be a pray The xlvi Chapiter FRom God he speaks to Egipt land and telleth them ful plain How that the King of Babilon withall his mightie train Should them destroy and eke their King their God and mightie power But yet his chosen Iacobs séed he would not quite deuour The xlvii Chapiter GOd bad him tel the Philistins of their decay and end That parents to suche wo should come their Children not to tend How they of Tire and Zidon eke should wasted be also The wrath of God not ceasing til their pride were come ful lowe The xlviii Chapiter HE telleh to the Moabites their ruine and decay Who once like churles to Israel vngraciously did say He curseth
them that should them spare or stay his hand from blood And that because their pride was suche and hautie stubborn mood The xlix Chapiter IN like he saith the Ammonites whose valleyes were so fair And Esaus stock the Edomites that thought of no dispair Damascus and Kedar also whom nothing did anoy With Elam eke all these he said the Caldes should destroy The l. Chapiter KNoweledge tofore of Babels fall he gaue also to them How that the Persians and the Medes should quite destroy their steme ▪ And how that God vpon his flock would haue a new regard And them restore into their state and giue their foes reward The li. chapiter LArgely he writes and telth the cause of Babels fall and spoile In Israels blood they did reioyce when that they had the foile The power of God he dooth describe and Idols vain denies He saith the Caldeys should so fall as neuer more to rise The lii Chapiter MArk wel what rebels come vnto let Zedechiah preache He first rebeld and after fled his foes did him areche The temple burnt the Cittie stroyd and thousands captiue led But Iehoyakim fauour found the King lift vp his hed FINIS ¶ Thus Ieremy that liued so long and Kings so many saw That bode suche broyles for saying sooth to those that had no awe His tale is tolde his book is doon now shall you hear vs tel How wofully he did lament the fall of Israel The Lamentation of Ieremy ▪ The i. Chapiter ALl help is past Hierusalem is now subuerted quite Her fréends are now become her foes when fayled is her might Her stréetꝭ are void her préestꝭ are slain her foes they doo reioice Nothing but teares and heuines hath sin set for her choice The ii chapiter BEholde the holdes are now destroyd the Princes ouerthrowne The Saboths and the holy place they cannot now be knowne The Uirgins and the Seniours sit wéeping on the ground The enemies doo clap their hands no comfort can be found The iii. Chapiter COmplain he dooth of all the gréefs that many wayes he felt And yet in God he puts his trust that alwayes his hath helpt For sin the Lord dooth his correct whiche best is to confesse And then he wil his fauour send and things amisse redresse The iiii Chapiter DOutles the wise like to fine Golde are now like potters clay The Nazarites that were so fair their beautie is away With hunger wemen sore opprest their Children they doo eat The bloody préestꝭ and Prophets false did bring to them this meat The v. Chapiter ENd héer his Lamentations hée dooth with earnest prayer Beséeching God to look vpon how foes with them did fare Confessing yet that he dooth reign and shall for euermore Who turning vs then shall we turn and surely not before FINIS ¶ Ezechiel dooth now begin to fortifie and prooue That God would sure the Iewishe Churche as he had said remooue By visions straunge he dooth expresse the things to come to passe As he in Caldey land did dwel where he a captiue was Yet comfort dooth he giue again to the afflicted flock And telth the ruine of their foes and suche as did them mock But cheef of all the regiment of Christes kingdome pure He dooth see out an happy state for euer to indure The Prophecy of Ezechiel ▪ The i. Chapiter AS he in Caldey land did dwel by Chobar riuer side In the fift yéer that Iehoyakim ▪ the King did there abide Ezechiel a vision of foules and whéeles did sée And one vpon a bowe did sit on hie in maiestie The ii chapiter BIdden he was for to stand vp and speak against the Iewes Their sinnes rebuke how they should his preaching quite refuse Rebelling stil as auncetours of them had doon before A hand he saw that helde a book that sorrowes threat therfore The iii. chapiter CAused he was to eat the book and boldenes God him gaue With strength power w t woord sprite him self for to behaue His charge is giuen his office set whiche if he should neglect The folke in sin should perishe all and he for blood be checkt The iiii Chapiter DEclare he dooth Hierusalem besieged for to bée And many yéeres the Israelites to féel captiuitie And hunger suche on them to fall as like hath not béen heard Their excrementꝭ of force to eat good food should be so bard The v. chapiter EFtsoones a signe to him was giuen by shauing of his hear By burning some by wherling some and little some to spare That so 〈◊〉 with the Pestilence with swoord and famine great Should be disperst and eke so plagued as Childe the Fathers meat The vi chapiter FOr woorshipping of Images and Idols that are vain On tops on hils and eke in vales he saith they shalbe slain A remnant yet there shalbe left that in their woful gréef Shall them repent and turn to God and haue of him reléef The vii Chapiter GOd dooth by him tel plainly out the ruine of the land From Est to west from north to south no part of it to stand But all should be subuerted quite he wil not chaunge his minde In préest or els in auncient man no councel should they finde The viii Chapiter HE sitting in his house among the auncients in exile Hierusalem he went vnto in vision for a while And there suche euils in secret place he saw them to commit And eke abrode whiche caused iust them to be plagde for it The ix Chapiter IErusalem that did commit suche euils as were to bad Hath now suche measure méett to them as once they mesured had But one yclad in linnen white did mark the mourning sort ▪ And they did scape when ruine fel the marker made report The x. chapiter KNowe moore he dooth of things tofore The man arayd in white Did fier fetche from Cherubins appearing to his sight And then the beastꝭ and eke the whéeles that he had séen tofore He saw again in vision wise with sundry faces foure The xi Chapiter LEd now he was for to beholde the chéef that ruled il And wild to say that they should pay for blood that they did spil A ruler died then out he cride to God to holde his hand His bown is heard and Cherubs gone and he in Caldey land The xii Chapiter MOre plainly by a fardle born and packing in the day Their thraldome and captiuitie thereby perceiue they may A remnant yet should saued be to tel of all their gilt And spéedely the wrath should come though otherwaies they built The xiii Chapiter NOw dooth he tel the Prophets false what should of them betide Their daubed wall that they had made it shoul● not long abide Their women eke that pillowes made and kercheues for to charme Should perishe to for promising the wicked safe from harm The xiiii Chapiter OF suche as Idols in their hartꝭ did kéep and yet pretends ▪ The contrary and Prophets false he telth of bothe their ends Yet stil a
remnant God wil kéep his Churche for to increace The righteous men alone shall scape their sin he wil releace The xv Chapiter PRofitable is not the wood that commeth of the vine No longer then it beareth frute wherof is made the wine Euen so likewise Hierusalem that bringeth foorth no frute Shalbe consumde with fier at home and eke in her pursute The xvi Chapiter QUenche now their pride he go'th about their progeny to tel How bare they were how God thē clad they did that was not wel For Sodome nor Samaria suche whordome woorked not In woorship false to Idoles vain as neuer more was wrought The xvij chapiter REherse he dooth by Egles twain what shall of Israel hap Who thought to plant in Egipt power but it should take no sap Their King also that promise made to Babel to obay For breaking of his othe to him ful déerly he should pay The xviii Chapiter S●me wher it falth shal haue reward in him that dooth it vse Eche man shall bear his owne offence he shall none other chuse But who so dooth his sin repent shall pardon haue therfore And he that dooth good life forsake shall pay ful déer therfore The xix Chapiter TEl now he dooth what Lions sprang out of the Lionesse What catching Kings Hierusalem did bréed to her distresse How as a vine shée floorisht once and did from thence decay And therfore now in wildernes there should shée dry away The xx Chapiter UNto him came the elders then who did to them declare For all their sin from time to time how God yet did them spare Not hearing suche as yéelded not but wrath vpon them take And spare the rest that feared him euen for his mercies sake The xxi Chapiter A Swoord hée saith shall all deuoure and spare ne hie nor lowe The Babel power should all destroy inchauntment taught him so The Ammonites should also quaile their kingdome should be wun The Babel power should them destroy where they their life begun The xxii Chapiter BEholde this chapter mark it wel how all was out of frame What sinnes there reignd in Israel he dooth vnto you name The rulers and the Prophets eke the préestꝭ and people all In sundry sinnes withouten shame eche one of them did fall The xxiii Chapiter COmparison of women twain that whoredome doo commit He dooth compare to Israel and Iuda like to it Whose filthy foule Idolatrie prouoked God to ire The Childe first born they spared not to burn in flaming fire The xxiiii Chapiter DEclare he dooth by double signes what they shall come vntil As fleshe in pot dooth séethe to scum so should they for their il His wife dooth die he mourned not as he of God was wild No more should they haue space thereto when that their fréends were kild The xxv Chapiter EUil hap should come of Ammonites and Moabites by name Because they did reioyce and laugh when Israel had blame The Edomites and Philistines should eke stoup to the Est That is to say to Babel power and be of them possest The xxvi Chapiter FOr like offence that Cittie great that Tirus ●ight by name Should haue the foile and be possest of straungers to their shame The Iles and merchantꝭ wunder shall when they shall hear the same A Cittie new in ruine great that was of mickle fame The xxvij chapiter GReat was the welth that Tirus had he dooth tel it at length Their fame their name their quiet state their power and eke their strength All these with all their men and might their force by sea and land Should be destroyd for euermore by might of forren band The xxviii Chapiter HE telleth now what pride he had that Tirus rul'd as King And of his fall and Cittie eke they fearing no suche thing To Zidon to he shewes asmuche that like on them should fall And how Gods folke should liue in peace when foes were stroyed all The xxix Chapiter IN like he saith that Egipt power should quite be ouer run And fortie yéeres it should lie waste after that it were wun The King of Babel should it haue to be his souldiours gaines Because at Tirus they did win small profit for their paines The xxx Chapiter KNowe wel you may he dooth not fain but telth again their wo Their cūtrie spoild their Citties down their neighbours serued so Their Idols eke should be defaste their strength should not auaile Their foes with force of God his power so fiercely should assail The xxxi Chapiter LIke power to the Assirians in Egipt could not be And yet Nabuchodonozer the same destroyed he This he dooth tel that they should think that they might not withstand The rage of Babel when it com'th for to destroy the land The xxxii Chapiter MUche more to make now is he wild for Pharo that was King Who should be slain and riuer ful of blood should ouer spring As other Kings were ouerrun and brought vnto the pit So Egipt pride should haue a fall as iust reward for it The xxxiii Chapiter NOte wel this thing when preachers preache warning men doo giue They be dischargd if they repent they shalbe sure to liue Eche man shall bear his owne offence the godly shall haue méed They that did rest and at him iest ful wickedly should spéed The xxxiiii Chapiter OF shepheards that their profit séek and not the shéep to féed He dooth describe what God wil doo euen pay them for their méed And take his flock in hand him self deuiding shéep from shéep And giue the flock at length to Christe whiche truly shall them kéep The xxxv Chapiter PUblishe vnto Idumea he dooth what God would doo Because that Israel they had gréeu'd they should be gréeued to As blooddely the Israelites they had with war opprest So should their blood be spilt again and none of them haue rest The xxxvi Chapiter QUicken he dooth the Israelites that they should not dispair For God would all their foes destroy and them again repair His mercy onely moouing him and not of their desartꝭ And take from them their stony mindes and giue them fleshy hartꝭ The xxxvii Chapiter RIght soon as he in féeld was set a miracle he wrought For dried bones took fleshe and breath that God vnto them brought By whiche he telth that Israel that séemed to be gone Should safe return and Iuda bothe and be eke ioynd in one The xxxviii Chapiter SUche enemies as should arise he dooth them héer describe As Gog and Magog in their power the Churche for to deride And they to come in latter dayes as Prophets tolde tofore Yet God should stay their furious rage and punishe them therfore The xxxix Chapiter THe Lord is bent against this Gog a wretched end to haue Their slaughter such seuē monthꝭ to séek to bring them vnto graue Then shall his people rest in peace and heathen tolde the cause Why Israel afflicted was for breaking of his lawes The xl Chapiter UNto the Cittie he is
rapt and there he dooth beholde The building of it fair again as it was to him tolde From gate to gate all mesurde out an angel with a réed An eke a line did point the same as it should be in déed The xli Chapiter AT large to him described was the temple then of God And mesurde out by Cubits méet euen with a réedy rod. The holy place the Cherubins and eke the Palmy trées The courts the doores with all at large in vision he sées The xlii Chapiter BRought now he is to th'vtter court the chambers for to sée In length and bredth and tolde he is that there the préestꝭ should be Apointed for to tire them selues their portion eke to eat And holy rowmes therin to lay the sacrificing meat The xliii Chapiter COme now he is for to beholde the glory of the Lord Who wilth him tel the Israelites that they shalbe restorde If they repent their former life and doo no more there after Then dooth he sée set out to him the fashion of the aulter The xliiii Chapiter DEclare he dooth good wholesom rules his préestꝭ for to obserue Look whiche of them had Idols likte as préestꝭ they might not serue What robes to were what wiues to take to them is héer exprest At burials they might not come ne féed of rented beast The xlv Chapiter ELect apart foure portions were within the holy land For Préestꝭ for Prince for Cittie and Churche eche lot set out with wand A lesson giuen to Magistrates for measure and for weight Oblations eke how them to make is héer set out ful streight The xlvi Chapiter FOr sacrifice on Saboth dayes the order héer they knowe In temple where the folke came in ther out they might not go The Prince in middle of them all must be when God they serue Til he go out a charge they haue from him they may not swarue The xlvii Chapiter GOd dooth him shew the plesāt stremes that from the gates should run What plentie of fishe should therin be for fisher men to come On sides wherof what trées should grow that monthly frute should bear The borders of the holy land it is appointed there The xlviii Chapiter HEer now by lot is pointed out eche tribe how he should lie The préestꝭ and Leuites haue their parts the holy temple by Whose portion eke is pointed out and all the Citties shore The Prince again his part is tolde this Prophet speakes no more FINIS ¶ Thus haue you heard this Prophet speak vnto the people tho That captiues were in Caldey land and vnto sundry mo Now commeth in that man of wit a Seer you may say VVho tolde before of Monarchies their reign and their decay The Romaine power he telleth of of Turk and Antechriste Of golden dayes that should be seen in regiment of Christe His name to tel is Daniel that deemed doughtie dreames VVho stil did win of enemies for all their craftie meanes The Prophecy of Daniel The first Chapiter ANd when the King of Babilon Hierusalem had wun Yung men of Iewes for to be kept he willed to be doon Their fare was set they it refusde and eat and drank ful hard Yet were they fair and wisdome had none were to them comparde The ii Chapiter BUt Daniel there was not one could tel the King his dream Who tolde it him and this therto the truthe what it did mean For whiche he was a ruler made the chéef and next the King His fellowes thrée did rule also to whiche he did them bring The iii. Chapiter COmmaunded were the multitude an Image to adore Sidrach Misach Abednago would not to die therfore Into an ouen then were they cast aliue with one they walkt The King it saw and cald them out and with them fréendly talkt The iiii Chapiter DReam did the King another dream whiche Daniel did expound How that the King for his great pride as Oxe should féed on ground And that seuen yéeres the whiche he did and after ruled again Confessing God to haue the might and he alone to reign The v. Chapiter EUen as before a prideful Prince came now again in place Who proudly drank in holy place and saw before his face A hand did write vpon a wall whiche Daniel tolde ful plain The Medies and the Persians shoule rule when he was slain The vi Chapiter FUl mightie power had Daniel tho the Princes did him hate In Lions den they got him cast but nought by it they gat He was preserued they were deuourd their families and all King Darie gaue commaundement on Daniels God to call The vii Chapiter GRreat beastꝭ were séen in number foure of Daniel in his bed By vision he this sight did sée whiche troubled sore his head Foure Monarchies these beastꝭ did shew their hornes were kingdomes ten In latter dayes God by his sonne he should destroy them then The viii Chapiter HE now dooth sée a mightie Ram whose force none could resist But with his hornes he ruled all and did euen what him list The Medies and the Persians they were the Ram so whot The Grecian power did them destroy compared to a Gote The ix Chapiter IN this place Daniel dooth desire that that whiche Ieremy said Might be fulfild and then confesse his sin he did and prayd The prayer is heard the seuentie wéeks the Angel did expound The Cittie is built and Christe is born to them that did him wound The x. Chapiter KIng Cirus ruling Persia the third yéer of his reign A man clothed in linnen white appéerd to him again And tolde him things that were to come at whiche he was abasht But that Gods Angel made him strong his countenance had dasht The xi Chapiter LIke as before so now again of Kings to him is tolde The Persian power the might of Greece and eke of Egipt bolde Of Siria as some suppose and last of Romaines might These kingdomes all not one to faile against the Churche should fight The xii Chapiter MIchael then that mightie Prince shall stand for to defend The Churche of Christe the general day the troubles quite shall end Wherin to blisse some shall arise and some to bitter pain Some shall their faultꝭ amend before and some in sin remain FINIS ¶ Daniel now his minde hath said as God to him did tel His sight he had in things to come all others did excel The Iewes that in captiuitie in Caldey land did dwel He them reueald with ioyful speeche deep sorowes to expel Hosea he dooth followe next who then did prophesie VVhen Israel quite from their King Rehoboam did flie He tolde them of their seruice vain in Bethel vnto calues How vain it was vnto suche Gods to seek for helthful salues Three score and ten they were his yeeres to ten tribes that he preacht Say what he could they mended not they scorned that he teacht The vengeance due for sinful life he vouched to be sure And mixt among Gods mercies great by it them to allure
him tolde what therby he should gain The viii Chapiter HE yet again dooth tel the heads how they the poor oppresse And vsed shameful robbery in making measures lesse ▪ For whiche they should be ouer run and perishe with the swoord A famine he would send on them the wanting of his woord The ix Chapiter IF all the wayes they séek they can yet shall they not put by But bothe the temple and them selues he wil them bothe destroy Yet wil he fift as in a ●iue his chosen from the rest And home they shall return again and liue in quiet rest FINIS ¶ This Shepheard he hath tolde his minde that came from keeping sheep ▪ Now Obadiah dooth come in to comfort them that weep The Prophecy of Obadiah The first Chapiter A Prophecy he dooth declare against the Edomites For vexing of their Uncles kin in their malitious spices And when that they destroyed be for hurting Iacob so Then shall the Churche ful quiet be and rid from all their wo. FINIS ¶ So dooth this Prophet end his woords more speeche he dooth not vse Now Ionas you shall hear to tel to Niniuie her newes The Prophecy of Ionas The first Chapiter AS God him bad he would not doo but fled another way In ship a tempest did arise they cast him in the sea In dooing so they pardon axt a Whale did him deuoure Thrée dayes and nightꝭ the fishes womb was vnto him a boure The ii chapiter BEing thus of the fishe possest his prayer he did make Protesting suche as followe lies Gods mercies they forsake But Ionas saith that he wil pay the vowes he took in hand As God did wil so did the Whale this Prophet cast on land The iii. chapiter COmmaunded was he once again to Niniuie to shew In fortie dayes they mending not God would them ouerthrowe A fasting then proclaymed was the King and they repented For mending of their former life God stayd that was inuented The iiii Chapiter DIspleased greatly Ionas was that Niniuie was sparde Without the Cittie in a boothe ther angerly he farde A gourd sprang vp and shaded him that it decayd he chod For Niniuee he cared lesse so is he tolde of God FINIS ¶ Heer Ionas book is finished in chapters foure set out Now Michah shall appeer to you the same we go about The Prophecy of Michah The first Chapiter AS God him bad he spareth not but plainly dooth he tel That down should go the kingdoms bothe of Iuda and Israel This was the cause Idolatrie that foully they did vse For whiche the power of forren folke should them and theirs abuse The ii Chapiter BEcause the mightie men did spoile the poor of house and féeld He telleth them God would them plagin their foes should make them yéeld They wantonly did mock and skorne the preachers that did preache He that of wine would preache to them he be●● of all did teache The iii. Chapiter CRy out he dooth against the heds that did the people spoile And sayth their cry it should be heard when they should haue the foile Their Prophets did for money preache the rulers built in blood Their glorious state shuld therfore down in Gods displeasing mood The iiii Chapiter DEuine he dooth that Christe his Churche shall floorishe ouer all And that far of to serue the Lord one shall another call Their worldly cares warlike minde shall quite be laid aside Though some conspire their ouerthrow it shall not so betide The v. chapiter ERe that they should attain this peace muche troubles should they haue Hierusalem with all her power her self shée should not saue But Bethlehem Ephraita that little was in sight A Captain foorth should bring to them of endles power and might The vi Chapiter FOr them what God had doon he telth therby them to prouoke That righteousnes they might embrace and were an humble yoke False weightꝭ mesures they did vse the people to deceiue Therfore the poyson of their frutes with labour lost should leaue The vii Chapiter GReatly now dooth he mourn because so few did fear the Lord No trust in fréend could then be found their liues were to vntoward But yet he wilth the foes to stop to rage against his flock Affirming God to kéep his graunt to Abram and his stock FINIS ¶ The minde of Michah you haue heard a tale ful plain he tolde Now Nahum speaks to Niniuie a Prophet sharp and bolde The Prophecy of Nahum The first Chapiter ALmightie Lord is God in déed his power it passeth all All loftie things he can destroy and kéep his fréends from thrall The wicked shall consumed be that Iuda did molest So should their feastꝭ be kept again and they should liue in rest The ii Chapiter BEholde as Iacob was destroyd so should th' Assirian power The Caldies should with force might their land and them deuour Their Quéen as captiue should be led their treasures quite bereft Their mightie men so Lionlike to them should not be left The iii. Chapiter CAst down God wil the Niniuites that ●●owed so in pride The glory that that Cittie had it should be set aside ▪ Their multitude should not them help nor mighty men them ayd Their Cittie burnt their land destroyd the wrath should not be stayd FINIS ¶ VVhat Nahum said to Niniuie to you hath been exprest Now Abacuck his Prophecy it com'th among the rest The Prophecy of Abacuck The first Chapiter ALl wickednes did flowe at ●il no sinful life did want The law put by and righteousnes among them then was s●ant Because the godly went to wrack the Caldeys God would raise To teache them fishe as fishers doo and make of them their prayes The ii Chapiter BE bolde of this ye prideful men your pride shall come ful lowe But righteous men by faith shall liue your fall the world shall knowe The couetous and blooddy men the drunkards in his fre The Idoll and the worshipper shalbe consumde with fire The iii. Chapiter CAll vnto God the Prophet dooth and for his Churche dooth pray Describing God his maiestie in power to passe for ay Beséeching him his foes to strike with mercy to correct His chosen flock and thus he ends his book to muche effect FINIS ¶ Thus Abacuck hath tolde his tale ful boldely to the Iewes And Sophoniah commeth next to tel them the same newes The Prophecy of Sophoniah The first Chapiter ALl liuing things the Lord wil stroy with man for his offence And Iuda and Hierusalem should haue their recompence A woful ruine wil he make for halting in their faith Their strength their goods shuld not thē help but perishe they should he saith The ii Chapiter BEfore his wrath doo come in déed he wilth them to repent The kingdomes of the Philistines for sin it should be rent The Moabites the Ammonites for ioying Israels fall With Morians and Niniuites should be destroyed all The iii. Chapiter COrrupted were the Iudges all the préestꝭ and