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A63047 Christian ethicks, or, Divine morality opening the way to blessedness, by the rules of vertue and reason / by Tho. Traherne ... Traherne, Thomas, d. 1674. 1675 (1675) Wing T2020; ESTC R10534 242,463 642

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the Soul of Liberality Paradice and Heaven are better to be given than Gold and Silver And every Good man will imitate the Apostle who was ready not to impart the Gospel of GOD only but his own Soul to the benefit of those for whom Christ died THIS one thing further I desire you to note He that soweth sparingly shall reap sparingly but he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully In the Kingdom of Heaven every man receiveth his Penny because all their Joyes are common and equal Their Treasures shall be the same but they will differ in Glory The same GOD the same Angels the same Men all the same Objects shall be round about every man Every man shall see and enjoy all the Glory of his eternal Kingdom because every ones life and felicity shall be perfect But yet their works follow them and every man shall be cloathed in the beauty of his own actions Vertues and Graces There may be twenty Children in the same family yet all of several Features There may be a thousand Trees in the same Orchard yet all of different kinds The same brightness and glory may be round about them the same skie cover them the same Earth support them the same Stars serve them the same Sun shine upon them the same Sea the same Dew the same Air and Nourishment feed them and yet the one be more fair and honourable and excellent than the other All the World does know that a Tree laden with Fruits and Blossoms is far more beautiful than a Tree that is barren and unfruitful And the degrees of Beauty are according as the Fruits are more or less And as the Fruits they bring forth adorn them so do their own works praise them in the Gates Heaven as it is a Kingdom of Light and Knowledge is a Kingdom of Perfection Righteousness and Justice flourish there in their fulness and every several degree of excellence is entertained with an answerable degree of esteem according to the number and greatness of their Vertues every one is honoured by Saints and Angels NOW least these Fruits should receive any impediment by the Vices and Corruptions of men order is taken that we should love our Enemies bless them that curse us do good to them that hate us pray for them that despightfully use and persecute us By which means it is that a Liberal man surmounts all obstacles whatsoever lives among Dragons as if he were surrounded with Doves and though he be environed with Devils is as if he were conversant with Angels Because he takes no notice of any Vice in any man to stop him but is as Liberal as if all were full of worth and vertue Nay he is more good and more miraculous Their Vices their Provocations their Disorders cannot stain or imbitter his Nature but he will be alwaies chearful and bright and fair and free and perfect To love the amiable and be kind to the beautiful is natural and easie It is not given to the Angels but to visit the Faithful and the Penitent But to love the Evil to be kind and good and serviceable to the Deformed and the Odious to the Injurious and Ungrateful is somewhat more than Angelical We learn it not of them but of GOD and of his eternal Son who hath commanded us to be the Children of our Father which is in Heaven for he maketh his Sun to rise on the Evil and on the Good and sendeth rain on the Just and on the Unjust Even Publicans and Sinners do in some manner as much as Angels love them that love them In Heaven they have no malignity or malice or wrong to overcome all that they love is Beauty and Goodness unless they learn of Jesus Christ and imitate him here on Earth towards us Sinners But our duty is far greater and our opposition more Which is intimated also in our Saviours words For if ye love them which love you what reward have you Do not even the Publicans the same And if ye salute your Brethren only what do ye more than others Do not even the Publicans so Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect In the Close of all I beseech you to consider this one most cogent and weighty expostulation It is the beloved Disciples If a man say I love GOD and hateth his Brother he is a Liar for he that loveth not his Brother whom he hath seen how can he love God whom he hath not seen Our Neighbours are not only the representatives of GOD but they are here upon Earth are visible are present with us are Corporeal as we are and alwaies near us our actions among them are palpable and our Conversation with them real GOD is invisible and absent from us he is afar off in the highest Heavens Incorporeal and Incomprehensible If we are remiss and careless in our duty towards our Neighbour all our devotion towards GOD will be but imaginary our Religion will degenerate into an idle and vain Chimera become a weak and feeble shadow be seated in the fancy and dwindle away into an aiery Speculation The reality of Religion consists in the solid practice of it among the Sons of men that are daily with us The difficult and serious actions of our Lives abroad feed our Meditation in all our retirements and infuse a reality and strength into our Devotions which make them solid and substantial CHAP. XXXI Of Magnificence in GOD. Its resemblance in Man The chief Magnificence of the Soul is Spiritual It is perfectly expressed in the outward Life when the whole is made perfect and presented to GOD. GOD gives all his Life to us and we should give ours all to him How fair and glorious it may be GOD being proposed as the Pattern of our Liberality and Kindness by our Saviour the nature of his Bounty is sit to be considered for our Information which is great and publick and advantagious to many In some of his private dispensations it walks under the notion and form of Liberality as it giveth food and Rayment Gold and Silver Houses and Lands to particular persons But in other effects of his eternal love which are great and publick its nature is changed into the highest Magnificence MAGNIFICENCE is a Vertue scarcely to be found but in Kings and Emperours It is busied in erecting Temples and Triumphal arches Magnificent Theatres Colledges and Universities Aquaeducts and Palaces Royal Momuments and Pyramids Marts Havens Exchanges and all those other great and mighty things wherein the glory of Imperial Power is made conspicuous and whereby whole Nations are benefited and Kingdoms adorned GREAT Power Riches Wisdom and Goodness must concur in the effect which is truly Magnificent It must be of great lustre and glory as well as of publick use and benefit and as it is wrought with great labour and expence be imparted by a great Soul and freely given to the good of the People For Magnificence
defiled by the Guilt of Sin For as long as we think GOD to be an infinite and Eternal Enemy to all Offenders we cannot use any Endeavor to please him because we Know there is no Hope of Reconciliation and the vanity of the Attempt appears like a Ghost that always haunts us and stands in our Way to oppose and discourage us in the Archievment we would undertake For to Fight with Impossibility is so Foolish a thing that Nature it self keeps us back from doing it Till therefore we believe our Reconciliation possible we have no Strength at all to endeavour our Salvation Our Despair oppresseth and frustrates our Desires with the inevitable Necessity of our Eternal shame and Guilt and misery TO believe that GOD will be so Gracious as to pardon our horrible Apostacy and Rebellion is a Work so Great that GOD accepteth it instead of all other Works of Innocence and Piety to believe that he hath given his Eternal Son to dy for us and that he so Loved us as to come down from Heaven to suffer the wrath of GOD in our stead is so much against the Dictates of Nature and reason that GOD imputeth this Faith alone for Righteousness not as if there were no Good Works necessary beside but by this alone we are justified in his Sight and out Justification cannot be ascribed to any other Work of ours whatsoever Howbeit that which maketh Faith it self so Great a Vertue is that we thereby receive a Power and an Inclination with all to do those Works of Love and Piety the Performance and the Reward of which was the very End of our Saviours Coming THAT there is implanted in Man a Faculty of believing is as certain as that his Eys are endued with the Faculty of seeing or his Soul with Knowledge or any other Faculty And that this Power implanted is of some Use in Nature is as sure as any Thing in the World For nature never gave to any thing a Power in vain this therefore being one of the Powers of the Soul must have a certain End ordained for it And its use is the Excercise of Faith in order to that End OBJECTS of Faith are those Things which cannot be discovered but by the Testimony of others For some things are known by Sence some by Reason and some by Testimony Things that are Known by Sence are present some time or other to the Senses themselves Those Things which Reason discovers are Known as Effects are by Causes or as Causes by Effects a Good and rational Demonstration being made by the Concatenation of Causes and Effects depending upon each other whereby Things remote from Sence are evident to Reason because the one is necessarily implied by the existence of the other But some Things there are which have no such necessary Dependance at all such are the fortuitous Occurences that have been in the World with all those Actions of free Agents that flow meerly from their Will and pleasure For of these there can be no certain Knowledge when they are past but by History and Tradition That the World was made so many years ago that Man was created in an estate of Innocency that he fell into Sin that GOD appeared and promised the seed of the Woman to break the Serpents Head that there was a Flood that Sodom and Gomorrah was burnt by fire that all the World spake one Language till the Confusion at Babel that there were such men as Julius Caesar or Alexander the Great or such as Abraham and Moses and David that the children of Israel were in Egypt and were delivered from thence by Miracles that they received the Law in the Wilderness and were afterwards setled in the Land of Canaan that they had such and such Prophets and Priests and Kings that Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary that he was GOD and Man that he died and rose again that he ascended into Heaven and sent the Holy Ghost down upon his Apostles Nay that there is such a City as Jerusalem all these things can no other Way be understood but only by Faith for no Light of Nature nor principle of Reason can declare such verities as these among which we may reckon these that all the Nations in the World except that of the Jews were Pagans and Idolatrous till the Gospel began to come forth from Jury that by the Miracles and Perswasions and Faith and Patience and Persecutions and Deaths of the Martyrs they were converted and forsook their Dumb Idols and erected Temples to the GOD of Heaven that his Eternal Son was crucified in Judea that such Emperors made such Laws that such Councils were held in such Ages that such and such Fathers sprung up in the Church that there is such a Place as Rome and Constantinople these and many Millions of the like Objects to them that live in this Age and never stirred any further then the English Coast are revealed only by the Light of History and received upon Trust from the Testimony of others Nevertheless there is as great a Certainty of these Things as if they had been made out by Mathematical Demonstration or had been seen with our Eys FOR tho there are some false and some Doubtful Testimonies yet there are also some that are True and Certain And least all Faith should be utterly blind and vain and uncertain there are External Circumstances and inward Properties by which those Testimonies which are true and infallible are distinguished from others ALL those Things that are absolutely necessary to the Welfare of Mankind the Knowledge of which is of general Importance that are unanimously attested by all that mention them and universally believed throughout all the World being as firm and certain as the Earth or the Sun or the Skye it self We are not more Sure that we have Eys in our Heads then that there are Stars in the Heavens tho the Distance of those Stars are many Millions of Leagues from our Bodily Organs THE Objects and Transactions which in former Ages occur to our Eys I mean the Spiritual Eys of the intelligible Soul that are seated within are by Faith received and brought to the understanding When they are transmitted to our Knowledge their Nature is apprehended immediately by the Soul and their existence examined by Reason There being certain clear and infallible Rules by which their Truth or falshood may be discerned And for this Cause is it that we are commanded to Try all Things and bold fast that which is Good It is our Duty to be ready always to give a reason of the Hope that is in us For Reason is a transcendent faculty which extendeth to all Objects and penetrates into all misteries so far as to enquire what probability may be in them what Agreement or repugnance there is in the Nature of the Things revealed what Harmony or Contradiction there is in the Things themselves what Correspondence in all the Circumstances what consistence between those