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A60307 The History of the Turks describing the rise and ruin of their first empire in Persia, the original of their second : containing the lives and reigns of their several kings and emperors from Ottoman its first first founder to this present year, 1683, being a succinct series of history, of all their wars (forreign and domestick) policies, customs, religion and manners, with what else is worthy of note in that great empire. I. S. 1683 (1683) Wing S39; ESTC R31795 386,077 658

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he would not make a League with the Bohemians tell he was assured of the Grand Signeours assistance in case his affairs required in whereupon he sent his Ambassador to Constantinople who so dealt with the great Bassa's of the Court that by their advice Osman swore to protect him and because the Oath for the strange wording of it will not be amiss to be recited I shall here insert it verbatim Sultan Osman BY the Grace of God unconquerable Turkish Emperour Swears by the highest Almighties and Almighty Gods Holiness by his Kingdom by the substance of the Heavens the Sun the Moon and the Stars by the Earth and all under the Earth by the Brains and all the hairy scalp of my Mother by my Head and all the strength of my Soul and Body by the Holy and great Mahomer and by my Circumcision That I thee my Brother and Son Bechlem Gabor succeeding King of Hangaria in no manner of way in thy great and weighty affairs will leave though it be to the overthrow of my Kingdom to be brought to nothing until there shall be no more left but my self or four or five Turks at the most yet will I be still obliged to desend thee and all those that do any ways appertain unto thee and if thou shalt have need of me I shall be always ready to go with thee and in case this my promise shall in any wise be frustrated then let Gods Justice fall upon my Head and destroy me and my posterity and wipe away whatsoever belongeth unto me and gather it together into a Rock of stone or substance of Earth and that the Earth may cleave insunder and swallow me Body and Soul Dated at Constantinople the 5th of Jan. 1619. The Transilvanian by this Oath assured of the Grand Signeours favour sent his Ambassadors to Prague where meeting with the Commissioners sent thither for that purpose by the States of Bobemia a perpetual League was concluded and in June following the Prince assembled the Estates of Hungary at Newhausell where he proposed to them the necessity of raising an Army to defend the Provinces against the Forces of the Imperialists who by their great preparations made it visible that they would no peace till they had destroyed all the Protestants to this motion the Estates consented when at the same time came their Ambassadors from the Grand Signeour the Venetians and Polonians all which made in the names of the respective principals a League with Gabor which so much pleased the Estates of Hungary willing to shake off the Imperial yoke that by the advice of their Palatine the Transilvanian was proclaimed King of Hungary upon which raising an Army of Fifty Thousand Horse and Foot he subdued almost all Austria Carinthia and Stiria before the Emperours Forces could take the Field in any fit number to make head against him at what time such a fear was brought upon the great City of Vienna that with the Emperours consent the Protestants remaining therein sent their Deputies humbly to beseech him that he would spare the City and Countrey for theirs their Wives and Childrens sakes About this time a strange apparition was seen in the Air over Medina Taluabi in Arabia where Mabomet the Impostor lyes buryed which terrified all the Countrey thereabouts and was as followeth about the 20th of September at midnight there happened a terrible Tempest accompanied with such prodigious Thunder and Lightning that many thinking the dissolution of all things was at hand● leaped out of their Beds to gaze on the Element at first seeming all on Fire and then covered with thick darkness after which all was serene and calm when in Arabian Characters these words appeared in the Firmament viz. O why will you believe in lies and soon after a Woman beautiful to behold arrayed in white and incompassed with rayes of Light appeared holding in her hand a book coming from the North and opposite against her were seen Armies of Turks Persians and other Mahometans being so conjectured by their garbs ranged in Battalia ready to charge her but she keeping her standing no sooner opened the book but they all fled upon which a suddain murmur as of a Whirlwind troubled the Air and immediately the lamps that were placed about Mahomets Tomb went out and in this manner the Prodigy appeared for several nights together whereupon a Dervice or Religious Turk undertaking to expound the meaning of that unusual sight and declaring that it foreshewed the overthrow of the Mahometan superstition he was therefore miserably put to death calling to the last upon the Woman with the Book to save him and he had no sooner given up the ghost but a fearful Tempest insued Anno 1620 Gasparo the expulsed Vayvod of Moldavia assisted by the Polish Cossacks and such other Troops as he could raise invaded Moldavia in which the Suitan had placed another Vayvod and in revenge of a design the Turks had to strangle him during his Vayvodship made great spoil putting all the Turks he found to the Sword and reducing great part of that Province to his obedience which caused the Sultan to raise a great power drawing all his choice Forces out of both the Asia's to the number of Two hundred thousand and caused a great Fleet of Gallies to put to Sea which spoiled the Coast of Sicilia and Landing Five Thousand Turks in the Kingdom of Naples surprized the strong Town of Manfredonia carry 1500 Christians into miserable Captivity and then joyning with the Pirates of Argier they made a descent upon the Island of Janisa near Majorca possessed by the Spaniards which Island they took making great spoil putting to the Sword and carrying into Captivity all the Inhabitants The Turks thus successful at Sea made them the less doubt their success by Land therefore having found an occasion of quarrel with the Polonian King for that the Cossacks in revenge of the injury they sustained by the Tartars had manned out many small vessels and spoiled the Turks Sea-Coast Towns upon the Bosphorus giving an overthrow to their Gallies and brought away great spoiles Osman in person at the head of 300000 men passing through Moldavia which he again reduced to the obedience of the new Vayvod he entered Podalia Anno Dom. 1621. where he found the great Chancelour of Poland and the Prince Son to the Polonian King strongly intrenched with an Army of 50000 resolute Souldiers and because he could not draw them out of their strengths he with his multitude inclosed their Camp So that by the frequent attacks and sallies that were made a great number were slain on both side but especially of the Turks during which the Tartarian Prince then assisting Osman with 30000 light Horsemon marched into the heart of Poland burning and destroying all before him in a most terrible manner and upon his return to the Camp besides other spoils brought with him 25000 Prisoners of the poor Countrey people which his ravenous crue had scraped together but
without being Assaulted So that all the Fruitful Island of Euboea fell into the Hands of the Turks who infinitely inriched themselves in taking the Spoil The Turks thus Triumphing over the Ocean Islands the Christians thought it no ways convenient to be lookers on but in time to oppose them whereupon the Venetians aided by Ferdinand King of Naples Sextus the fourth Bishop of Rome and the Great Master of Rhodes set out a powerful Navy under the command of Petrus Mocenicus a Valiant Venetian Gentleman and the better to Amate him both by Sea and Land drew Alymbeus Vsan Cassanes the great King of Persia into a League with them and so at once by Sea and Land invading the Ottoman Empire took many strong places and Loaded the Fleet with the Spoil which Fleet consisting of 85 so terrified Mahomet that he durst not ingage them nor once oppose their proceedings but in revenge thereof turned his whole force upon Epirus and Dalmatia which Countries having lost their Champion the renowned Scanderbeg growing Weak he mightily wasted with Fire and Sword till he had made an absolute conquest over them and the easier by Reason of the discords that arose amongst the great Commanders during the Minority of the King but ere Mahomet had well setled himself in those so much desired Countries he had news that the Persians with a great Army invaded his Countries in Asia which made him begin to consider how to defend his own rather then further to proceed in Conquering what appertained to others so that increasing his Army with no less then 320000 men he passed over the Helespont and after several Days marching came within a League of the Persian Army lead by Vsan Cassanes their King who after some debate gave the Turks Battle near the Mountains of Armenia in which one of the great Bassas together with 40000 Turks were Slain and the rest put to Flight which so discouraged Mahomet that had not his great Captains used many Arguments to perswade him to the contrary would have returned without attempting any thing further but being roused by their reproofs lest he should be suspected of Cowardise he resolved to try the Fortune of another Field in order to which he drew up his forces in Battalia near to the Straights of the Mountains and so fortified his Camp with Waggons and other cumbersome Carriages that it seemed a Walled City when in the midst of his Army he placed his great Artillery the which upon the first joyning of Battle his men opening to the Right and the Left played so furiously upon the Persian Horse-men that they soon began to Disrank by Reason their Horses upon hearing the unwonted Thundering of the Cannon would know no Ruler but with Head-strong fury Floundered first one way then another and by that means put all things into confusion of which Mahomet taking the advantage commanded his men furiously to charge upon the Enemy as flyers To resist whose fury and to stay the Flight of his men Zeinal Vsan Cassanes Eldest Son Labouring was Slain with a small Shot which more and more discouraged the Persians so that from retreating they betook themselves to plain Flight yet so great was the loss of Mahomet that he contented himself only with the Spoil of the Enemies Camp not thinking it convenient to persue them for it was generally Rumoured that in that Battle he lost 40000 men and the Persians 1000 only after which Mahomet returning home and Vsan Cassanes leaving his second Son with his Army for the defence of Armenia Ambassadors were sent by the former to Treat of a Peace the which to the great dislike of the Christians his Confederates the Persian concluded with the Turks After the Expedition into the Persian Territories Dyed the Couragious Prince Mustapha as some say of a Surfeit but others say that he was strangled by the Commandment of his Father for Ravishing Bassa Achmets Wife a Lady of Incomparable Beauty and Daughter to Isaac Bassa one of Mahomets chief Favorites Mahomet desirous to revenge the wrong done by the Venetians sent Solyman Bassa with 80000 Soldiers to besiege Scodra a strong City then in the possession of the Venetians and an Inlet into Epirus Dalmatia and Albania who Anno 1475 set down before it and having raised his Batteries gave it a furious assault but was repulsed by Antonius Lauretamus the Valiant Governour with great loss when a while after the Venetian Gallies coming up the River Boliana on whose Banks the City standeth and as the Turks were busie in laying a Chain across slew many of them and forced the rest to retire to their Camp out of which soon after Matthias King of Hungary drove them with the Terror of his approach the Bassa being glad after the loss of 14000 of his men to raise his Siege Anno 1476. Mahomet growing impatient to be thus hindred in his progreess of Victory by the Christians confederates set out a great Fleet under the conduct of Geduces Achmetes who did great harm to the Islands in the Mediterranean and hoped by Treason to have surprized the Island of Creet but was prevented by the Venetians who discovering the Plot Executed the Traitors before his arrival yet sailing into the Euxine he Landed his men in Taurica Chersonesus a Friutful Country belonging to the Genoways in hopes to have surprized the rich City of Caffa Scituate near to the Shoar but was repulsed with a great Slaughter of his men but being reinforced by fresh Troops he lay'd Siege to it which by Reason of the Turkish Garrisons all along the shoars of Bosphorus and the Hellespont could have no relief by Sea after a stout resistance surrendered and soon after all the Country to it appertaining most of the Merchants contrary to the promise of the Faithless Bassa being plundered of their Riches Mahomet thus conquering on grew dreadful to the Tartar princes Namely the Precopenses and Destenses who for fear of being invaded Voluntarily submitted themselves and became Tributaries having ever since been greatly serviceable to the Turks in their Wars who now impatient that the Venetians held several strong Towns in the Heart of the Ottoman Solyman Bassa with a great Fleet entering the Gulph of Corinth lay'd Siege to Naupactum now called Lepanto a strong City near Locris over against Pelopennesus but upon the arrival of Antonius Lauretanus with the Venetian Gallies after he had layn 4 Months before it and gave many unsuccesful assaults in a great fury raised his Siege in order to his returning to Constantinople and by the way Landing his men on the Isle of Lemnos in hopes to have surprized the City of Coccinum but were Valiantly repulsed by such Citizens and Merchants Strangers as were then near the Gate and amongst the rest one Merulla a Maiden of the City seeing her Father Slain took up his Weapon and with it made great Slaughter of the Turks that were entering the Gate upon which bad Success the Bassa departed for Constantinople
Emperor caused his Batteries to be mounted whilst Auria with the Fleet blocked up the Castle to the Sea-ward so that what from the Ships and the Mounts the great Ordnance in manner of an Earthquake so terribly roated that their continual 〈◊〉 made it seem as if the Earth would have ●ent in sunder and caused the Sea which before was calm to mount as if it had been inraged with a Tempest the Air likewise became thick and the Sky was darkned with smoak so that after ten hours incessant battery the Vamures and Walls of the Castle were in many places beaten down the Turks Canon and Canoneers lying buried together in the Rubbish so that the defendants utterly despairing longer to hold it fled over a wooden Bridge layed for that purpose who being fiercely pursued by the Christians were most of them slain insomuch that the Surface of the Lake was well nigh covered with dead bodies The strong Castle thus taken and most of the Turks Fleet of Galleys at A●●hor in the Lake yielded to the Conqueror upon notice of which Muleasses the Moorish King came to the Emperors Tent and humbled himself at his Feet promising to become his tributary desiring as his Vassal to be received into his protection swearing never to forget so great a Benefit with many the like expressions which so moved the Emperour that he promised to restore him without any other Tribute than yearly paying a brace of Falcons and a brace of Barbary Horses as likewise to maintain a Thousand Christian Soldiers to keep for him the Castle of Guletta and ever after to be kind to all Christians either Inhabiting or that should have occasion to pass through his Countrey telling him further that if he failed in any point those Armes that restored him could again depose him Matters thus concluded the Emperour marched against Tunis where Barbarussa with the remainder of his Forces were in Garrison who upon the approach of the Christians drew out his Forces consisting for the most part of Numidian Horsemen but scarcely endured the first charge e're he betook himself to flight and again entered the City of Tunis where in his mad mood he determined to kill all the Christian Prisoners and had put his bloody intent into practise had he not been disswaded therefrom by Sinan a Jew one of his chief Captains which turned to his great disadvantage for the Captives to the number of Six Thousand hearing in what danger they were in burst out of the Dungeons in the Castle where they lay in Irons and killing such Turks as they found therein barracaded the doors seizing on such Armour as came first to hand made signs to the Emperor from the Battlements that they kept the Castle to his behoof which Barbarussa perceiving and that all his intreaties for the rendition of it was in vain he in a great rage abandoned the City with such of his followers as would attend him and fled by Sea in Fourteen Galleys to the City of Bona. The Turks having deserted Tunis the Magistrates came forth with the Keyes to meet the Emperor who without any resistance entered the City which he laboured to save from the spoil but such was the fury of the Soldiers that they could not be restrained neither by the Emperor nor Vastius the General but seizing upon all they found killed such of the Moors as resisted them so that in a short time all was in a confusion and great riches carryed to the Ships and Galleys together with many Captives most of which the Emperor caused to be restored and the rest were redeeme● by Muleasses Barbarussa not thinking himself safe at Hippona upon the coming of Auria with the Fleet fled to Argier of which the Emperor having notice he placing Muleasses in the Kingdom of Tunesses and furnishing Guletta with all manner of Warlike Provision with a Thousand Spaniards to secure it returned in Triumph to Naples Anno 1537 when the same year Solyman envying at the Portugals trade in the East-Indies sent Solyman Bassa accompanied with Asau Beg a famous Pirate commonly called the Moor of Alexandria with a Fleet to molest them who sailing through the Red-Sea came as far as the River Indus where with all their power they assaulted Dium a Castle of the Portugals scituate upon the mouth of that great River but after many dayes siege both by Sea and Land having tryed their utmost force they were glad to retire leaving behind them for hast most of their great Ordnance when coming to Aden a rich City in Arabia Foelix they allured the King thereof on board their Galleys with promise of safe conduct but having him in their power contrary to their Oaths they hanged him up at the Yards Arm of the Admirals Galley and plundered the City the like they did to another City in the same Tract called Zibith and returned to Constantinople one by Sea and the other by Land at what time Solyman solicited thereto by John Forrest the French Kings Ambassador was preparing for the Invasion of Italy and having for that purpose raised Two Hundred Thousand Men sending before him Lutzis Bassa and Barbarussa with a great Fleet who landing at Otranto and conducted by one Troilus Pignatellus a Fugitive Italian seized on Castrum which contrary to their Faith given they plundered carrying most of the people Prisoners at what time Solyman had by night sent over several Troops of Light-Horsemen in great Palendars who running all along the Sea Coast from Tarentum to Brundusium for the space of Forty miles rummaged the Countrey carrying away a great booty and had been likely enough had Solyman as he intended seconded them with his great power to have overrun all Italy but providence so ordered it that by the wilfulness of Alexander Contarenus a Venetian Captain who meeting with the Admiral of Callipolis and he not vailing his top-sail nor in token of Reverence and Friendship discharge his great Ordnance offended with his proud insolency fiercely assailed the Squadron of Galleys under his command of which he sunk two the Admiral himself perishing in one of them and not long after for the like insolency the Venetian Admiral caused Junusbeus Solymans chief Interpreter passing by Coreyrae to be assailed when to save himself and his Turks he forceing his Galleys on shoar near unto the Mountains called Acroceraunii he fell into a worse danger for being taken by the Mountainiers most of his people were slain and himself hardly released for a great sum of money These Breaches of Peace as the Turks termed them so much incensed Solyman that he recalled his Forces then in Puglia resolving to turn his whole power upon the Venetians upon whose return Auria falling in with Twelve Galleys laden with Janizaries and chosen Horsemen of the Court after a sharp conflict to them all which proved a great weakning to the Tyrants Fleet yet he desperately bent against the Venetians resolving to take from them the rich Island of Corcyra but by
his siege and billeted his soldiers for that winter in certain villages adjacent nor was Fames rumour founded upon idle report for the Fleet set out by the King of Spain the Venetions and the Pope commanded by Auria Zanius and Columnius loosing from Crect had given the Turks battle had not Auria the Spanish Admiral opposed it and after him many of the Great Commanders for Zanius and Venetian Admiral and Commnius the Popes Admiral absolutely declared that they had express Command to fight the Turks but the other alledging the great disadvantage they should receive by fighting upon the Enemies Coast and the weakness of the Fleet by reason of the Pestilence that had destroyed the most expert Seamen abruptly departed for Messina leaving the other Admirals to shift for themselves who not able to contend with so powerful an Enemy returned likewise to Corcyra where by a Decree of the Senate Zanius the Venetian Admiral was discharged of his command and sent prisoner to Venice and Sebastianus Venerius Governour of Coroyra Commissioned Admiral in his stead The rich prey for the most part taken in Nicolia being put on board the Admirals Gally a Woman Captive taken there in a desperate Mood giving fire to the Gunpowder blew up the Gally and by that blow beat in pieces two others that lay near it destroying thereby a great number of Turks the Bassa himself narrowly escaping by being a little before gone on shoar The new Admiral of the Venetians to get him a name resolving to attempt something upon the Turks and having a fit opportunity offered he sailed into the Bay of Ambriaca and by the aid of the Mountain people inhabiting Acroceraunian took the strong Castle of Chimaera putting to the Sword and taking Prisoners 300 Turks there ingarrisoned and not long after Querinus the Vice-Admiral sailing along the Coast of Peloponesus Landed his men near the Bay of Maine and in five hours took a strong Castle of the Turks built to guard the pass and in it 500 Turks whom he caused to be put to the Sword and taking out the Ordinance caused the Castle to be razed The City of Famagustan being again blocked up by the Turks huge Camp the Governour sent Hieronimus Ragazonius Bishop of the City and Nicholaus Donaius to Venice they to make known to the Senate the danger the besieged were in and to require them not to delay sending them succour whereupon the Senators wrote to the Admiral to put a supply both of men and provision who commiting the care thereof to Quirinus the Vice-Admiral he as an undaunted Captain filling four Ships with all manner of Provision and 1700 select Souldiers waiting his opportunity with Twelve Gallies accompanyed them to the mouth of the Port which Ships the Turks that lay at Anchor beholding came forth in hope of a prize but being set upon by the Gallies were obliged to retire in great disorder and run themselves for the most part on shoar where they were beaten in pieces by the great Ordnance from the Venetian Gallies and then entring the Haven relieved the Citizens as he had in charge to their unexpressible joy when coming forth again and roaming about the Seas he took two of the Enemies Ships richly laden who were coming to the Camp in Cyprus and then wasted the Coasts of Pamphilia he returned to Venice the news of which coming to the knowledge of Selymus it so inraged him that he caused the Governour of Chios his head to be stricken off the Governour of Rhodes to be discharged of his Government and Pial Bassa to be turned out from being Admiral The Turks encroaching thus upon Christendom did not a little Alarum the Confederate Princes insomuch that they again consult how to withstand the barbarous Enemy and if possible to relieve the remaining Cities of Cyprus but were a long while ere they came to any conclusion In which space after many terrible assaults and the loss of 14000 Turks Tramogusta was taken and all manner of cruelties exercised contrary to the Faith of the Bassa before given on the Souldiers and Citizens and the same risque soon after run all the other Cities of Cyprus but by this time the Ambassadors sent by the Venetians to Tamas the Persian King to joyn in League with the Confederate Princes being returned with onely this answer that the Persian would not hastily enter into a War against the Turk but would for two years expect the success of the Christians Arms the King of Spain Venetians and Pope with several of the Italian Princes entred into a perpetual League and with all diligence prepared their Fleet against the spring every one being proportioned his charge in the War and to have proportion of the spoiles to be taken according to the number of Ships and Gallies set forth By this time the Turks having possessed themselves of the famous Island of Cyprus and not content therewith gaped for Crete now called Candia lying in the Mediterranean and once as Seneca and others witness possessed of 100 Cities being exceeding fruitful and then in the possession of the Venetians on which the Turks landing in great number did what harm they possibly could by burning and spoiling all they found in their way till at length they were incountered by Francisous Justinianus who but a little before their Landing came into the Island with a 1000 Souldiers and now joyning with the Islanders charged them as they dispersed to seek for prey with such fury that killing many of them he obliged the rest to make a swift though a disorderly retreat to their Gallies but the next day they again landing in greater number burnt divers Towns ransacked Setia and Rhetimo wherein they found much riches and carried away most of the inhabitants into miserable bondage But loaded with their booty dispersed and dreading no danger they were suddainly charged by Lucas Michael a valiant Captain 2000 of them slain and all the prey recovered together with the prisoners and they again forced to betake themselves to their Gallies after which they weighed Anchor and sailed along the Coast passing by Cythera Zazinthius and Cephalemia Island belonging to the Venetians doing much dammage in divers parts of them and carryed 6000 of the Islanders into Captivity and departing thence failed along the Coast of Epirus which the Venetians had stirred up to Rebel against the Turks but not sending them the promised Aid they were inforced to submit to the Mercy of their mercyless Enemies after which they recovered all the Castles and Towns the Venetians had taken on the Sea Coast which brought a great fear upon most of the Islands yet possessed by the Christians especially when that part of the Fleet which had done so much harm was augmented by the arrival of Haly Bassa and within a while after all the Fleet met at Aulona and on the 26 Aug. 1571. sailed directly to Corcyra which little Island seemed to be incompassed with their huge Fleet. There Partus
Letter to the Bassas of those two Cities to send their Commissioners to to the Port to answer to what was objected against them and at length to promise not any more to molest the English in order to the confirmation of which several Articles were drawn and delivered to Sir Thomas Rowe then residing at the Port with the Grand Seigneours Letter of command to the Dage Bassa and Divan of Argier and Tunis to forbear assaulting or in the least injuring any English ships or the Subjects of the King of England in what part of the Ottoman Empire soever they resided insomuch that the fear of punishment did for the space of five years deter those Pirates from molesting the English either by Sea or Land and the better to ingratiate themselves they delivered six hundred English Marriners which they had taken at divers times without Ransom but upon the Expiration of the years aforesaid they again robbed and spoiled the Merchants ships Trading in those parts but were frequently met withall by the English men of war that were sent into those Seas to secure the Traffick Anno 1624 on the 24 of March Ali Bassa the great Visier by whose means Morat was advanced to the Crown was sent for into the Seraglio where being questioned by the young Emperor about the affairs of the Persian Invasion and not answering to the satisfaction of those present he was then and there at the commandment of the Emperour beheaded and his body cast out into the street which caused much murmuring amongst his friends and one Creques Mechemet advanced to the Dignity of Grand Visier but he was not settled in his place before news came that the Roman Emperour had entered Hungary with an Army of Fifty Thousand Horse and Foot resolving to recover the Towns a little before take by Bethlem Gabor Prince of Transilvania and that the Cossack with four hundred Boats were abroad in the Black Sea and had taken many vessels laden with Provision as likewise made great spoil upon the Coast To prevent which the Bassas of Buda Temeswar Bosna Canisa and Agria received Orders to joyn with the Transilvanian and several Gallies dispatched into the black Sea nor were the preparations against the Persians slackned who still marched on conquering for by this time Abassa Bassa upon the receipt of the Grand Signeours pardon had submitted himself and with the forces under his command marched towards the frontires to joyn with Hafis Achmet Bassa who made head on that side by which the suspicion of the Janizaries being removed they to the number of Thirty Thousand were mustered for the Wars and Forty thousand Spahi their rendezvous being appointed about Brussia and at the same time Biram Bassa was dispatched General of the frontires of Poland and Bugdania with Four thousand Souldiers and Orders to command all the Begs and Sanzacks to raise such forces as they could and joyn him to prevent the incursions of the Cossacks and more Gallies sent into the black Sea to transport Jean Gheray Han Prince of Tartary the year before deposed by Mechmet and to re-establish him in his Kingdom but Mechmet having notice of his arrival raised an Army of Sixty thousand Horse and drove him from the Land with the slaughter of many Turks which so inraged the Grand Signeour that as he said his honour being engaged he resolved to re-inthrone him for Mechmet was suspected of holding correspondence with the Persian to whose proceeding the Turks and Arabians had by this time put a stop but failed therein for the Captain Bassa with a great Army Landing the second time was routed two Bassas and about Five thousand Turks slain as many taken Prisoners and Twenty pieces of Cannon with much rich Furniture left to the Tartars who by that means found that they were able to deal with the Turks Things falling out thus in Tartary the Cossacks taking the advantage of the Turkish Fleets absence with Eighty Boats or small Barks entered the straights of Bosphorus where lying before Constantinople they brought a general fear upon that great City and after having plundered and razed several Towns upon the Sea Ceast they returned in Triumph unopposed which good success imboldened them with a greater number of Vessels to adventure a second time when as before they returned with a great booty the Turks not being able to prevent it About the same time the Pirates of Tunis and Argiers revolted from the Grand Signeours obedience and robbed many of his Ports in the Mediterranean taking such Ships as they found therein and setting fire to a great number of Storehouses so that the loss the Christian Merchants sustained by them in one Expedition amounted to 4 Millions of Ducates nor did they less harm by Land to such as bordered on their Country neither regarding Friends or Foes any longer then stood with their conveniency and profit being indeed Enemies to all men which intestine troubles obliged Morat to conclude a Peace with Mechmet the Tartar Prince dissembling the intentions he had to depose him laying all the fault of what had happened upon the Captain Bassa whose head had like to have gone off to have rendered his Masters story plausible such danger are those in that live under a Tyrant whose will is his Law not weighing Justice nor good deserts further then may serve his purpose Yet blood was not wanting for Huzein Bassa who sometime before fled being taken and brought to Constantinople where after in hopes to save his Life he had confessed his Treasure he was strangled Abassa Bassa notwithstanding the specious shews he made to march against the Persians linger'd greatly which gave the Janizaries a suspicion that he had contrived the matter only to draw them into his danger and then to destroy them as he had formerly purposed which opinion of theirs had turned all again into confusion had he not at that instance reconciled himself to the Grand Visier and protested that he would not hurt the Janizaries but use his Arms in defence of the Empire So that by swearing three times on the Alcoran that no violence should be done on either side all animosities vanished the Government of Arzirum being confirmed to him and he allowed a competent number of Souldiers to guard the frontires as likewise places of trust bestowed upon most of his chief Officers but upon the Janizaries putting many of his Friends to the Sword who had yielded themselves to the Grand Visier he in a rage fell into their quarter making slaughter of three or four thousand of them though not without the loss of as many of his own men but finding that the Visier had drawn up his Army in Battalia he sounded the retreat and marched to his Government and the Visier kept on his way towards Diarbecher to seek the Persian when in the mean time the Persian General treated with Abassa to deliver up the City of Arzirum to the King his Master promising in lieu thereof great rewards but
received his fatal overthrow he had a second conflict with the Turk whom he put to flight with great slaughter and took the City of Philomela and put the Inhabitants to the sword for executing his Messangers he sent to treat with them about delivering it peaceably and then entring ●●●●enia the less he took the City of Melitene and subdued all the Territories round about and there gave the Turks an other fearful overthrow which Army was no sooner vanquished but another not inferiour to ●● appeared under the heading of Saphadine Saladin the Sultan's Son which with an undaunted bravery he charged and put to rout with incredible slaughter but the joy of Victory was soon turned into Mourning for the good Emperor zealous for the Christian Cause following h●●d upon the flyers his Horse floundered in the River 〈◊〉 and threw him out of the Saddle with his right foot hanging in the Stirrup after which manner e'r he could be relieved he was drag'd through the River and hitting by the way on certain Stumps so bruised that when he was taken up he was heard to say no more then Lord receive my Soul e'r he gave up the Ghost in the seventieth year of his Age and of his Reign 38. Anno 1190. Whereupon his Body was carried to the City of Tire and there in the Cathedral with all Solemnity interred This Heroick Emperor being dead his Son Frederick Duke of Suevia then in the Army was saluted Emperor and General by the consent of the great Commanders but now the Country being purposely destroyed before them pale Famine began to stare them in the face yet on they marched and charging Dodequin Saladius General sent to oppose their Passage gave him a great overthrow and had all the Cities rendred as they passed till they came to Ptolomais where the power of the Christians in Syria were incamped headed by Guy late King of Jerusalem who for a great Sum had obtained his Liberty Upon the Arrival of Frederick the Christians gave a fierce Assault to the City on all Parts and had taken it by Storm had not Saladine the Egyptian Sultan who lay hovering aloof with his Army fallen upon their Camp and thereby in the hottest of the Assault obliged them to draw off to defend the same and having forced him to retire with the loss of a few men they returned again to the Siege expecting the Arrival of Richard the First King of England and Philip the Second King of France who were upon their way with great Forces but they wintering in the Isle of Sicilia the French King out of Envy to the Glory of the English and an old grudge having been formerly about King Richard's refusing the French King's Sister and marrying the Daughter of the King or Navar the French King not long after returned home and withdrew his Army to the frustrating the whole design of recovering Jerusalem yet at present he dissembled the matter and loosing first from the Port of Mesina arrived at Ptolomais where the Christians lay still incomped after whom King Richard shortly followed but sayling by Cyprus his Fleet was dispersed by a Storm and two of his Ships falling on ground on that Coast the Islanders spoyled them and when the rest of the Fleet put in there they rudely withstood their landing which so inraged King Richard that he landing by force seised the Island and took the King thereof Prisoner and sent him bound in Chains of Silver to Syria The King having secured the Island to his use disanchored and sailed to Ptolomais where he was joyfully received of the Christian Princes upon whose Arrival the City after a hot Assault and a great breach in the Wall was surrendred upon condition the Garrison might depart with safety for which they were likewise to pay a great Ransom to deliver they Holy Cross they had in possession and a certain number of them to remain as Hostages that the Saladine should deliver such Christian Prisoners as he had in his power whereupon the Germans of Austria entered first the 〈◊〉 and advanced the Standard of their Duke upon the W●ll as if by their only valour the City had 〈…〉 which so offended King Richard that he 〈◊〉 the Standard to be thrown down and trampled on which indignity the Duke resented so heinously that 〈◊〉 great hindrance of the Wars in Syria he retu●●● 〈…〉 his Forces into Austria as likewise did the 〈◊〉 France with the greatest part of his Army under 〈◊〉 he did it for want of health in so hot a Clime 〈…〉 out of secret Envy to King Richard Sal●●● 〈◊〉 of the lessning of the Christian Army and that there still remained amongst them discontent refused to pay the money for the Ransom of the Hostages or deliver up the Christian Prisoners but threatned that if any Extremity was used by the King towards them he would behead all the Christian Prisoners the which notwithstanding the Hostages were not hurt he most barbarously performed in return whereof the King commanded 2500 of the Hostages to be executed in the sight of the Infidels Camp and resolved to give him battel which he perceiving raised his Camp and departed along the Sea Coast ruining the strong Towns to prevent their falling into the hands of the Christians who leaving Ptolomais strongly fortified followed close at his heels resolving to besiege Jerusalem which he perceiving and taking such advantage as the time and place would afford faced about So that both Armies meeting about Noon a dreadful conflict began which continued with great slaughter especially on the part of the Turks till Evening at what time the Victory fell to the Christians who had the Execution of the Infidels for seven miles but Winter coming on they disposed of the Army till Spring in the Towns that Saladine had ruinated repairing and fortifying them stronger than before but when Spring came upon must'ring the Army they were found greatly decreased by diseases and absenting and at the same time the King found the Duke of Burgundia under whose command the French King had left part of his Army still to cross his purpose as desirous to return home having received such Orders privately from the King his Master who was contrary to his Oath taken at his departure warring upon the Normans then King Richard's Subjects and that others were of the like mind found himself altogether too weak to besiege Jerusalem and hearing how the French King had incited his younger Brother John to take upon him the Government of the Kingdom of England fearing lest while he was warring abroad he might loose his Kingdom at home he resolved to make such conditions with the Sultantain as might be best for the advantage of the Christians in Syria and so imbarque for England which the crafty Infidel understanding and finding his power daily to decay would hearken to no other Proposals than that the Christians should surrender all the Towns they had taken Ptolomais excepted and in consideration
Christendom now worn out with the toyls of War fell sick and although his Disease was grievous yet desirous to receive the blessed Sacrament he would be carried to the Church saying it was not fit that the Lord should come to the House of his Servant But that rather the Servant should go to the House of his Lord and after his being brought home his Sickness Increasing he gave up the Ghost to the Grief of all the Christian Princes and was buried in the Church of St. Stephen in Alba Julia. Mahomet hearing of the Death of this great Captain who opposed the Torrent of his Victories greatly rejoyced and now resolving to extend his Dominions as well by Sea as Land Equipped a great many in the Port of Constantinople with which he invaded the Islands in the Egean Sea reducing several of them to his obedience and Landing his Army straightly besieged the famous City of Rhodes but Calixtus the third then Bishop of Rome being greatly displeased for the loss of Pera a City belonging to his See aided by the Genoways sent out a great Fleet under the Conduct of Lodonicius Patriarch of Aquilla fought with the Turks Gally sunk and burnt most of them And by that means recovered the Islands they had taken which so inraged Mahomet that he prepared an other Fleet against the Spring the which whilst he was doing Ambassadors came from Vsun Cassanus King of Persia with many rich Presents desiring that he would enter into League with the mighty Prince his Master and remit the Tribute payed him by the King of Trepezond that Kingdom as he said after the Death of the then Reigning King revolving to his Master in right of his Wife Daughter to the said King which Peremptory demand so inraged Mahomet that he not only refused his Presents but dismissed his Ambassador with this Answer That he would himself e'r long be in Asia to teach Vsun Cassanes what to request of one greater then himself and thereupon Commanded the Fleet he had prepared for the Invasion of the Isles in the Egeum incontinently to sail to Sinope the chief City of Paphlagonia and to expect his coming thither with his Army by Land which City and Country being under the Persian King he resolved to besiege it on no other Account then to raise a ground of Quarrel which City being but slenderly fortified and not able to indure the Force of the Ordnance it was delivered by Ismaele the Prince of Paphlagonia into his Hands who putting a Garrison therein proceeded to the Siege of Trepezond which he had in like manner yielded to him who sent the Emperor together with his Empress Sons and Daughters Prisoners to Constantinople dispeopling the City and thrusting thereinto a Garrison of his Janizaries by that means bringing the whole Country into Subjection and for ever ruining that Christian Empire And now hearing that Waldus Dracula Prince of Valachia his Tributary went about to joyn with the Hungarians his mortal Enemies he sought by all means to get him into his Power to effect which he sent Chamuzes Bassa and his Secretary accompanied with several others to invite him to Court but the Prince understanding the Design upon his Life hanged the Bassa and Secretary and impailed the rest alive and then invaded his Country with Fire and Sword which so inraged Mahomet that he in Person with a great Army invaded Valachia ruining all with Fire and Sword till at length driving the Prince out of his Country he gave it to his younger Brother who in lieu thereof became his Tributary and upon his return invaded the Islands in the Egeum as he had before purposed and Landing on the Isle of Mittylene took the strong City from whence the Island take its name after twenty seven years Battery with the great Ordnance and then for non-payment of Tribute invaded the Kingdom of Bassan which subdued he by that means incompassed Epirus he having all this while according to his Directions of the Father by one or other of his Bassas maintained War against Scanderbeg but with such bad success that he thought more then Convenient to make Peace with him but such were his Proposals that Scanderbeg with scorn rejected 'um whereupon Mahomet sent Amasa Bassa with 12000 Horsemen to wast Epirus but Scanderbeg incountering with 6000 put his Army to flight and took him Prisoner and worse faired Debreus Bassa who soon after was sent with 14000 Horsemen for ingageing with Scanderbeg's Forces his Army was overthrown and himself slain Mahomet grieved his Affairs prospered no better and finding that by force he could not prevail against Scanderbeg he dealt underhand by giving great Rewards to his Captains thinking if he could cause them to revolt Scanderbeg would easily be subdued and so effectually he wroght with Moses his chief Captain and a great Soldier that in hopes of the Kingdom of Epirus promised by Mahomet when Scanderbeg should be subdued and a great mass of Money he found means to escape to Constantinople and after him Amasa another of Scanderbeg's Captains who were sent by Mahomet with great Power to invade Epirus but being overthrown by the invinsible Prince they received such cold Comfort at their return that fearing their Lives which indeed the Turk had a design to bereive them off Moses fled and humbling himself at the Feet of his Compassionate Prince he notwithstanding his Treachery received him again into his Service who afterward served him faithfully in his Wars but Amaze being overthrown in his expedition with Isaac Bassa with the loss of 20000 Turks upon his return was by the Command of Mahomet as most Conjectured poisoned after which Scanderbeg concluded a Peace with the Turks for a year and was afterwad continued for a longer time during which great War happened between the Turks about the seizing the Islands in the Egeum and thereby hindering the Traffick in the Mediteranian to the great impoverishing their Signiory Wherefore entering into a Confideracy with the Princes they Arme both by Sea and Land into which League they with many perswasions drew Scanderbeg notwithstanding his League made with Mahomet was not expired The Princes thus Confedrated raising great Forces when in the mean time Mahomet sent Scremet Bassa against Scanderbeg to keep him from joyning with the Venetians whose Duke Christopher Maurus was coming to him with ten Gallies appointed with which Bassa Scanderbeg fought and put him to flight with the loss of ten Thousand of his Men taking the Treasurer of the Army and six others of Account Prisoners who were speedily Ransomed at 40000 Duccats and greater things had been done had not the Duke of Venice dyed of a Fever upon whose Death his Army returned home Victor Capella the next year with the Venetian Fleet seized Athens Aulis Chalchis Larsum and the Isle of Himber But attempting to recover Patras was overthrown Hungary being destitute of such a King as might defend them against the Power of the Turks elected Matthias Corroinus
of War into the Turks Dominions and so with a great Army he Commanded Vsbeg to pass into Cilicia where not far from Tarsus he found the Turks incamped under the command of Chersogles Vice-Roy of Greece a most Valiant Captain whereupon a mortal Battle begun and many thousands Slain for the Sultans Army consisting mostly of Mamalukes such an obstinate Fight was fiercly maintained between them and the Turkish Jannizaries that Victory stood doubtful for the space of 2 days at the end of which the Turkish General having lost 60000 of his men in the Night left his Camp and fled nor was the loss in the Sultans Army much inferiour but the Turks loss still proved greater for Flying through Aladules Country that King had so beset the way that most of the remaining part were Slain and the General taken prisoner nor fared Bajazet's Fleet at Sea better for Anchoring in the mouth of Orentes within sight of Antioch it was by a Tempest beaten to pieces all which losses coming one upon the Neck of another caused Bajazet to send his Ambassadors to the Sultan to require peace which was accorded to and all the Prisoners set at liberty when shortly after the Sultan who of a Circassian Slave by the favour of the Mamaluke's his Fellows become a mighty Monarch dyed Peace being concluded in Asia the Christian Princes stirred up thereto by Pope Alexander the Sixth that Firebrand of discord all Christendom was in a Flame at what time Charles the French King seized upon the Kingdom of Naples taken from his Father by Ferdinand the first whereupon the Pope and Alphonsus the exiled King of Naples solicited Bajazet to send them 6000 Horse and as many Foot for the recovery of the same laying before him like special Christians what danger the Mahometan Religion would be in if the French prevailed the Pope promising him also to Poyson Zemes his Brother if he would pay him well for so doing these Admonitions and large overtures so prevailed with the Infidel that he had great store of treasure but as it was designed for evil purposes it prospered accordingly for the Vessell in the Adriatick Sea being boarded by John Roverius a Venetian he seized the cash before it came to the Popes fingering yet his Holyness loath to break his Word nevertheless contrary to his Oath made to the Ambassadors from the great Master of Rhodes Poisoned Zemes by putting Poison amongst the Sugar which he was wont to mix with his Water to the great Scandal of the Christian Religion and reproach of St. Peter's pretended Successors nor was God slow in revenging the dishonor done to his name for Alexander having a Bastard Son named Caesar Borgia a Profligate Wretch who after many Outrages and Murthers committed being about to Poison several of the Cardinals at a Supper in the Vattican by a lucky mistake of the waiter in taking up the wrong flaggon poisoned his Father who notwithstanding his infallibility was not Poison proof nor did this ungracious Son long escape for fighting under the standard of the King of Navar he was slain with a hargubus shot Notwithstanding the death of Pope Alexander yet he left Christendom in such a blaze that the flame of discord was not in a long while after quenched for whilst the Emperor of Germany and Princes of Italy were Bandising against the French King and shedding Christian Blood the Turks invaded Podolia and Rassia spoiling the Country and sacking several walled Towns but by reason of the Excessiveness of the Winter through Hunger and Cold most of the Army Perished yet not dismayed by the Loss sustained he the next year sent Cadumes Bassa into Illyria who spoiling the Country was incountred by 9000 Croats and Hungarians near the River Morava under the leading of Count Bernard Francopain where after a cruel and Bloody fight the Christians were put to the worst and 7000 of them slain and drowned in passing the River the noses of which being cut off and hung upon strings were sent to Bajazet as a Barbarous present Charles the French King being dead Lewis the 12 Succeeded him in the Kingdom of France who laying claim to the Dukedom of Millain made a league with the Venetians whereupon Sfortia the Duke in possession sent to crave aid of Bajazet laying before him the danger his Empire was in daily to be invaded if the French grew strong in Italy preferring Ambition and revenge before the advancement of the Christian Religion Bajazet by this means stirred up resolved to render the Venetians unserviceable to the French by keeping them busie nearer home whereupon he commanded Scander Bassa his Lievetenant in Illyria to break in upon the Fruitful Country of Friuli part of the Venetians Territories on the borders of Italy the which he did with 12000 Horse destroying all before him as far as Liquentia driving before him a great number of Captives the which when he came to the Banks of Tiliaventum and understanding that the French and Venetians had driven the Duke of Millan out of his Territories he barbarously caused to be put to the Sword After the Seisure of Millan the Venetians set out a great Fleet under the charge of Anthony Grimani who set upon the Turks Fleet far Superior in number as it was coming out of the Bay or Haven of Sapientia in the Island of Sphraga but through the Cowardice of the Admiral in not permitting half his Fleet to come up those that were ingaged retired after a sharp dispute and the Turks kept their course to Naupactum now called Lepanto where they found Bajazet already arrived with his Land Army so that after a few days Siege the Citizens dispairing of Succour Surrendred the City wherefore the Venetian Admiral upon his return was Banished by a decree of the Senate to one of the Absytidies Islands upon the Coast of Liburnia Bajazet by this means having got firm footing in the Venetian Territories the year following viz. 1500 entered the straights of Corinth with an Army of 150000 and passing through Peloponnesus lay'd Siege to the strong City of Menthon now called Modon and took it by surprize putting all the Inhabitants to the Sword upon which several other Cities belonging to the Venetians yielded by composition but after the taking of many Cities on either side with great Blood-shed both by Sea and Land A peace between Bajazet and the Senate of Venice was treated and finally accorded upon consideration first that the Venetians should deliver up the Islands of Neritos and Lucadia the which during these Wars they had taken from the Turks reserving to themselves only the Island of Cephalenia And that in consideration thereof Bajazet should restore all such goods as had been taken from the Venetian Merchants in the late Wars and that it should be lawful for them as they were wonted safely to trade and traffique into the Euxine Sea and to Constantinople and there to have their Conful or Governour as they had in former time and lastly