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A30018 Itinerarium totius Sacræ Scripturæ, or, The travels of the holy patriarchs, prophets, judges, kings, our Saviour Christ and his apostles, as they are related in the Old and New Testaments with a description of the towns and places to which they travelled, and how many English miles they stood from Jerusalem : also, a short treatise of the weights, monies, and measures mentioned in the Scriptures, reduced to our English valuations, quantity, and weight / collected out of the works of Henry Bunting ; and done into English by R.B.; Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae, das ist, Ein Reisebuch uber die gantze Heilige Schrifft. English. 1682 Bünting, Heinrich, 1545-1606.; Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673. 1682 (1682) Wing B5362A; ESTC R37168 398,143 460

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and foolish Merodach His Wife's name was Nitocris according to Herod lib. 1. She was a very magnificent and wise Woman set up many fair and goodly Buildings in Babylon and was the Mother of Balthasar the last Emperour of the Assyrians Dan. 5. Of Niriglissoroor Emperour of Babylon NIriglissoroor whose Syrname was Regassa● Son-in-law to Nebuchadnezzar the Great having slain Evil-Merodach his Wifes Brother reigned over the Babylonians and Assyrians four years as Berosus saith Of Labassardach the last Emperour of the Babyl●nians LAbassardach the Son of Niriglissoroor succeeded his Father He reig●ed only nine months and died without Heir male Of Balthazar Nabonidus the last Emperour of the Babylonians and Assyrians ANno Mundi 3415 and before Christ 553 Balthazar Nabonidus whose Sirname was Labynitus the Son of Evil-Merodach and Nitocris obtained the Empire and reigned seventeen years according to Berosus with Ioseph cont App. Alexand. Polyb. apud Eusebium Praep. lib 9. l. 4. Alphae Hist. with Euseb. calleth this King Nabinidochus This is that Balthazar saith Iosephus lib. Ant. 10. cap. 13. which Daniel cap. 5. calleth the Son of Nebuchadonosor though indeed he was but his Son's Son as may be gathered from that of Ier. cap. 25. All Nations shall serve Nebuchadonosor and his Son and his Son's Son B●lthasar signifies The Host of the Lord destroying his Enemies Labynitus signifies a shaken Sword This man as he was celebrating a great Feast unto Venus whom they call in the Assyrian Tongue Myleta amongst a great multitude of his Nobility and in that using extraordinary Excess and Blasphemy against the Lord in the midst of his Feast and all his Merriments he saw a hand writing upon the Wall which left these Words Mene Mene Tekel Vpharsin of which you may read more Dan. 5. Some say That at this very time the City was taken by Cyrus Emperour of the Persians and he put to the Sword in those Sports and Pastimes But certain it is that he was slain at a Banquet lost his Empire and was the last of the Assyrian Emperours but whether at that time I refer it to the opinion of the Reader The Travels of the Kings of Aegypt that fought against the Kings of Judah And first of Sisack who made War upon Rehoboam the Son of Solomon THAT proud and presumptuous Prince Sisack which signifies a Garment of Silk in the last year of his Reign which was the first of Rehoboam the Son of Solomon came with 1200 Chariots and 60000 Horse from Memphis to Ierusalem which was 244 miles bringing in his Army a great Multitude of People of divers Nations as Lybians Ethiopians c. With this Company he besieged Ierusalem and took it wasted the City spoiled the Temple and took thence the golden Shields which Solomon had made and destroyed that fair and beautiful house which Solomon had built From whence that Saying of his own was verified Eccles. That it is a great Evil upon the Earth for a man to take care to lay up Riches and Treasures in this World yet knoweth not who shall inherit it For those things which a little before he had with great Labour and Pains builded and beautified within less than twenty Years after were destroyed and made desolate by this King From Ierusalem Sisack returned with the Spoils of the Temple and City to Memphis in Aegypt which was 244 miles and in the Year following he was stricken by the Lord with a grievous Disease of which he died miserably So these two Journeys were 488 miles The Travels of Pharaoh Necho King of Egypt who made War upon Josiah King of Judah NECHO signifies an Enemy or Invader This man was one of the greatest of all the Egyptian Kings who in the thirteenth year of his Reign made War upon Nebuchadnezzar the first and in the Valley of Megiddo near to Magdala 244 miles from Memphis fought a great Battel wherein Iosiah King of Iudah was wounded to death From the Valley of Megiddo Pharaoh Necho went to the River Euphrates 360 miles where he fought a second Battel with Nebuchadnezzar upon a Plain near to Carchemis where he lost the day and was put to flight From Carchemis he fled to Riblah in the Land of Israel being 320 miles where in the Land of Chaemath near to the Lake Samachonites he overcame 〈◊〉 King of Iudah and took him Prisoner From Riblah Pharaoh Necho led Ioachas bound to Ierusalem 80 miles and made Ioachim his Brother King in his place From Ierusalem he returned to Memphis 240 miles Within four years after he went the second time with a great Army from Memphis to the River Euphrates 640 miles But there he was the second time overcome by Nebuchadnezzar and constrained to fly thence back again to Memphis in Egypt being 640 miles But Nebuchadnezzar followed him with an Army of chosen men and conquered all Egypt took Pharaoh Necho and made his Son Psammeticus King in his place who was the second of that name Of this Battel there is mention Ier. ca. 25. 26. So all the Travels of Pharaoh Necho were 1524 miles The Travels of the Holy Prophets and first of the Prophet Eliah ELIAH the Prophet went from Thisbe which was in the Land of Gilead to Samaria twenty four miles where he told the wicked King Ahab that there should be neither Rain nor Dew for the space of seven years 1 Reg. 17. From Samaria he went to the River ●erith twenty four miles where he was fed by a Raven From Kerith he went to Sarepta being an hundred miles where he sojourned with a poor Widow that found him Necessaries whose Son he restored to Life 1 Reg. 17. From Sarepta he went to Mount Carmel in the Land of Israel being sixty miles and by the way as he went he met Obadiah which signifieth the Servant of the Lord and King Ahab whom he rebuked sharply because of his Idolatry Also upon this Mountain he put all B●al's Priests to death and prayed unto the Lord who sent Rain upon the Earth in great abundance 1 Reg. 18. From Mount Carmel he ran by King Ahab's Chariot to Iezreel which was accounted 16 miles After when Queen Iesabel threatned his Death he departed thence and went to Beersaba eighty four miles 1 Reg. 19. From Beersaba he went one dayes Jouney into the Wilderness of Paran because he thought to remain there safe from the mischief of Iesabel which vvas tvventy miles from Beersaba Southvvard Here the Angel of the Lord brought him meat as he vvas sitting under a Juniper-tree 1 Reg. 19. By vertue of this meat Eliah travelled from thence to Mount Horeb or Sinai eighty miles and continued there forty dayes and forty nights vvithout meat or drink There the Lord spake to Eliah as he stood in the ●ntrance of a Cave his Face being covered vvith his Mantle 1 Reg. 19. From the Mount Sinai or Horeb he returned to Abel-Mehola being 156 miles vvhere he called Elizeus the Son of Saphas to the Ministerial Function
there seemeth to lye upon the Tongue of it if it be angry a fiery flame The same Author saith that a little from Zoar between this Lake and the Mountains of Engedi the Pillar whereinto Lot's Wife was turned is yet to be seen shining like Salt The furthest part of this Sea Northward lies 14 miles from Ierusalem toward the East the River Iordan runneth into it The Travels of the two Angels that led Lot out of Sodom THese two Angels having spoken with Abraham in the Valley of Mamre near Hebron forthwith went to Sodom some 40 miles distant from that place where Lot having entertained them into his House by their help was delivered together with his Wife and two Daughters from that miserable Desolation of the Sodomites Of Lot's two Daughters LOT escaping 〈◊〉 is Desolation and seeing a President of God's Judgment fallen upon his Wife for her disobedience fearing that he should not continue safe in Zoar left that and turned aside into the Wilderness and continued there among the Mountains although the Lord had promised him safety in this Town wherefore continuing in a Cave in the Wilderness the eldest of his Daughters losing her Husband in this Destruction supposing that all men had been destroyed counselled her Sister to commit Incest with her Father Lot being now oppressed with Care by reason of the former Calamities gave himself at the Inticement of his Daughters to drink Wine insomuch as with the Excess he became drunk at which time not being himself he begat by his two Daughters two Sons the eldest had a Son whom she called Moab which signifies the begotten of his Father whereby the Impudency of this Woman is laid open to the World in that she was not ashamed of her Sin Of him came the Moabites and dwelt upon the North-side of the Lake Asphaltides some 32 miles from Ierusalem The youngest Daughter had a Son which she called Ben-ammy that is The Son of my People for although she bare him with great shame yet she dwelt among the People of God Of him came the Ammonites that dwelt beyond Mount Gi●ead threescore miles from Ierusalem North-eastward Of the four Kings that took Lot Prisoner THE first of them was called Amraphel King of Shinear or Babylon the Son of Ninus and Semiramis as some think and is called sometime by the name of Berosus sometime Ninus He kept his Court at Babylon in Chaldaea which is 680 miles from Ierusalem Eastward This Ninus is called Amraphel because of the notable Victories that he won and the number of Countries and Provinces he conquered The second was Arioch or Arrius his Son He was thus called because of his Courage and Cruelty in War for Arioch signifies a mighty roaring Lion Arius Mars This man during the life of his Father was created King of Lassir that is Assyria for so it is called in the Chaldaean Tongue the chief City whereof is Nineveh and lies from Ierusalem North-eastward six hundred eighty four Miles The third was Keder-laomer King of the Elamites in Persia 1200 miles from Ierusalem toward the East This Prince had a great command in that Country Kedar signifies an Ornament or Crown Laomer well deserving The fourth was Thideal King of the Nations He kept his Court in Damascus the Metropolis of Assyria some 160 miles from Ierusalem Northward Thideal signifieth an exalted Lord of Alah that is to be lifted up These four Kings were Confederates and bent their Expedition principally against A●toro●h and Kiri●thaim which they took and spoiled all the Country round about with Fire and Sword and their Armies being retired from the Spoil met in the Valley of Siddim where now the Dead Sea runneth and there pitched their Tents In this place after a cruel and sharp War they conquered the five Kings of that beautiful and pleasant Soil of Pentapolis for so it was called because of those five Cities that were in it where among others they took Lot Captive with all his Substance Of Astoroth AStoroth seems to be the City of Venus because the Citizens thereof worshipped her for Astoroth is a Goddess of the Sidonians and is compounded of Ash which signifies a company of Stars and Tor placed in order The S●rians call Venus Ashtoroth This Town lay in the Land of Gilead and belonged to the half Tribe of Manasses beyond Iordan 56 miles from Ierusalem North-eastward In this City the four Kings of the East conquered the Gyants of Karnaim that were mighty Princes and Commanders there when they made War against that and Kiriathaim Not far from hence also in the Land of Ham there dwelt certain Gyants called Zusim of Zus and Hamah which signifies to stir up Commotion These were very great strong and stately People and had the Command of all the Countries thereabouts which they held in great fear and were conquered by the four Kings Of Kiriathaim KIriathaim was a City in the Tribe of Reuben beyond Iordan Josh. 13. twenty two miles from Ierusalem towards the East and so called because it was divided into many Parts and Divisions The Heathens corruptly call it Carthage The Hebrews derive it from Kiriath which signifies a City and Emah Terror Here dwelt the Emims a grave and f●arful people for so their name signifies Of Hazezon Thamar THIS City took the name from a Palm-tree or a Palm bank Of this kind of Wood the Israelites made their Arrows and therefore derive it from Charar which signifieth to shoot and Thamar a Palm-tree This City standeth upon the Bank of the Dead Sea twenty miles from Ierusalem North-east upon a very fruitful Soil where was found plenty of Palm-trees and precious Balsam and by some called Engedi or the Lambs Well being derived from Ein and Gedi which signifieth Fontem haeduli lactantis that is The Well of a sucking Lamb or Goat Not far from hence stood the Cave where David cut off the outward lap of King Saul's Garment ● Sam. 24. Of the plentiful Valley Siddim THIS Valley stood there where now the Dead Sea runneth and took that name from the fertility of the Soil and seems to have some affinity with the Hebrew word S●del which signifies a Field partly arable partly Pasture and Medow furnished with Trees Herbs and Orchards In this place stood divers Wells of Bitume from whence the Inhabitants fetch'd Caement to build their Houses with but after for their Wickedness which was so great as it appeareth in Gen. 18. that the Cry thereof as●●nded into Heaven the Lord did grievously punish them first with War by which the Inhabitants were destroyed and after that with Fire and Brimstone from Heaven so that as is aforesaid this goodly Valley is nothing but a stinking Lake The Travels of the Aegyptian Maid Hagar AFter Sara had preferred Hagar to that high Grace as to make her equal with her self she growing proud thereof contemned her Mistress and in recompence of that Favour carried her s●lf very presumptuously towards her which Sara seeking to
River of Cutha a multitude of Iews with great shame and grief were constrained to dwell He also gathered a great multitude of other People out of Babylon Hamath or Antiochia some out of his own Dominions of Assyria also out of Media and the People of Ava and Sepharvaiim which People are mentioned Esay 37. and sent them to inhabit in Samaria and all the Cities and Countries round about because it was a Fertile and pleasant Country and to defend it against the incursions of strangers From whence may be gathered that in this behalf the Policy of this Emperour was much greater than that of the Romans for the retaining of this Kingdom but especially than that of Titus Vespasian for he having conquered the Land wasted it and destroyed it with Fire and Sword put thence the Inhabitants and dispersed them here and there left the Country bare and naked only a few Garrisons were placed in the strongest Cities to keep it to their use Which not being able enough to oppose the incursions of the Saracens that in great Troops brake out of the Desarts of Arabia-Petraea they soon lost all that they had gotten and the Turks joyning with them they have now gained into their possession that pleasant and fruitful Land of Iudaea and inhabit therein even to this day to the great detriment and scandal of the Christians But to return to the People sent to inhabit this Kingdom who as they were of divers Nations so were they of divers Religions and every Family had his particular God Wherefore the Lord sent a Multitude of Lyons among them which daily vexed them from whence it happened that Salmanasser was constrained to send back unto them a Levite one of the Priests that had been carried away Captive to shew them the true Worship of God He came to Bethel and there taught them the Doctrine of the Lord and the Customs and Ceremonies of the Mosaical Law whereby it happened that they began to worship God and their Idols in neither observing their Ancient custom For which cause they became so abominable unto the Iews that they refused their company and familiarity as that Samaritan woman confessed to Christ at Iacobs Well Ioh. 4. so that when the Iews could call a man by any ignominious or odious name they would term him a Samaritan Ioh. 8. Do we not say rightly that thou art a Samaritan and ●est a Devil But of all the People which Salmanasser sent into the holy-Holy-Land those that came out of the East part of Persia from Cutha called Cutheis dwelt in Samaria and got the chief command and Government over the rest The Travels of the Kings of Syria that made Wars upon the Kings of Israel And first of the Travels or Incursions of Benhadad BEnhadad King of Syria went from Damascus the chief City of his Kingdom and came to Samaria and straitly besieged it in the time of Ahab King of Israel 1 Reg. 24. being 132 miles From thence being overcome and put to flight by Ahab he returned back to Damascus which was 132 miles The second time he came from thence and invaded the Land of Israel even unto the City of Apheck 124 miles which he besieged But Ahab King of Israel overcame him in a great Battel and put 100000 Syrians to the Sword and when the rest of the multitude would have fled into the City the ruins of a Wall fell down upon them so that there dyed 27000. This put Benhadad in such a fear that he was constrained to fly from one chamber to another to hide himself but at last was taken and not without the great wrath and indignation of God by that wicked King Ahab pardoned and set at liberty 2 Reg. 20. Wherefore he went thence back to Damascus which was 124 miles Within three years after he brought a great Army against Ramoth in Gilead which is 104 miles from Damascus South-Eastward Here he won of Ahab a great Battel in which Ahab was slain with an Arrow 1 Reg. 22. From thence he returned back to Damascus which was about 104 miles After that he came again from Damascus into the land of Israel with a great Army 120 miles where he counselled with his Captains and men of War saying Here and there will we incamp our selves But the Prophet Elisha disco●ered their purposes 2 Reg. 6. Out of the Land of Isrel he returned to Damascus which was 120 miles From thence he returned again with his Army to Samaria being 132 miles which the second time he besieged so straitly that an Asses head was worth eighty pieces of Silver But yet the Lord at the fervent Prayers of Elizeus the Prophet struck such a fear and anguish among the Enemies that Benhadad and his Army were constrained to fly 2 Reg. 6. Being sore troubled because he was thus put to flight he went to Damascus which was 132 miles and there within a while after died of grief 2 Reg. 9. So all the Travels of King Benhadad were 1224 miles The Travels of the Captains which Benhadad King of Syria sent to waste and destroy the Land of Baesa King of Israel THIS Army went from Damascus and came to the Town of Hion seventy two miles From thence they went to Dan which is four miles From Dan they went to the City of Abel-Bethmaacha twelve miles From thence they went to the land of Chineroth which was accounted eight miles there they took certain Cities of Fruit and spoiled and destroyed them From Chineroth in the Tribe of Nephtaly when they had cruelly wasted and destroyed that Country they returned with a great booty to Damascus being eighty eight miles 1 Reg. 15. So all their Travels were 184 miles The Description of the Towns and Places to which they travelled Hion and Dan. HIon and Dan are two Towns near to Mount Libanus and the Fountains of Iordan some 104 miles from Ierusalem North-Eastward Hion signifies a Town of the Fountain because it standeth near to the Town or Fountains from whence Iordan issueth Of Abel-Bethmaacha you may read before Of Chineroth THIS Chineroth or Cineroth was the Metropolitan City of the Tribe of Nephtaly seventy two miles from Ierusalem Northward It was scituated in a very fruitful and pleasant place and for that cause was so called for Kinroth being derived of Kinnor signifieth Musick or Mirth The Travels of Naaman the Syrian NAaman came from Damascus to Samaria which was 132 miles to be cured of his Leprosie by Elizeus who commanded him to go to the River Iordan and wash himself therein seven times and he should be cleansed Wherefore from Samaria he went to Iordan twenty six miles and there according to the commandment of the Prophet he washed himself seven times and was cleansed 2 Reg. 5. From the River Iordan he returned back again to Elizeus the Prophet to give him thanks for that benefit which was about sixteen miles From Samaria he returned to Damascus 132 miles So all the Travels of Naaman the
might plainly be seen ingraven other Letters to this effect Vnless thou hadst been un●●tiably Covetous thou wouldst never have opened the Graves of the Dead in hope of gain This Woman beautified Babylon with many goodly Buildings built up the Walls thereof set a Bridge over Euphrates made a beautiful Orchard and a Garden in it beautified it with many goodly Towers and Fortifications added unto it many Provinces and Governments and after all because of her own lascivious Appetite as Sallust saith was murthered by her Son Ninus who succeeded her in the Government There were many other memorable things within this City that were built before and after her time as Herodotus saith as that great and mighty Tower before remembred in which stood the Temple of Baelus and his Sepulchre Not far from that stood a Chappel wherein was the Statue of Iupiter all of pure Gold worth 800 Talents of Gold Without that Chappel there stood an Altar of pure Gold upon which they yearly offered 100000 Talents of Frankincense There was another also somewhat less upon which they used to offer their Sacrifices for it was not lawful for them to offer any thing that had life upon the greater Altar there stood also in that place another Statue twelve cubits high all of pure Gold This City was after taken by Cyrus the first Emperour of the Persians An. Mundi 3432. before Christ 536 in the seventieth year after the Captivity of Israel and Iudah according to the Prophecy of Ieremy at which time the City was so great that they which dwelt in the middle of it did not know that the Enemy had entered within the Walls at the farther end which might happen because upon that day when it was taken the Babylonians celebrated a Feast unto Venus in which using extraordinary diligence they were less mindful of such things as hapned unto them Thus this City that with great Tyranny had triumphed over the Nations of the earth for the space of 1600 years being so plentifully furnished with all things necessary for the maintenance of life that the Inhabitants thereof contemned all other People was by God's permission for their pride and presumption wasted and consumed by Cyrus as you have heard and shortly after utterly destroyed by Xerxes the fourth Emperour of the Persians and so continueth to this day as Strabo saith Where then O World is thy Prosperity or Riches thy glory since in the one thou art consumed in the other lest desolate Of the Ruines of old Babylon that are extant at this day BAbylon which as you have heard reigned over the Nations of the Earth like a Queen at this day hath nothing to present you withall but an heap of stones out of the Ruins whereof there was built a little Town close by where it stood called Elugo or Felugo scituated upon the Bank of the River Euphrates Not far from which it seems there is a profitable Harbour for Ships where Merchants often times go a shore and travel thence through many Woods and desart places unto Seleucia which at this day is called by the Turks Bagdeth distant thence some thirty six miles and is the utmost Town of the Turkish and Persian Empires towards the East being divided in the midst by the River Tygris Some Merchants have reported That the place where Babylon stood is become stony unfruitful and unpleasant because of the Ruins of the destroyed buildings which lye in the Earth Also That there is found a Tower built of a black stone which to outward appearance seems to have been a very goodly house high and eminent so that upon the top thereof a man might have seen through the whole City This Tower the Inhabitants of Felugo call the Tower of Daniel in which was the Chamber where he used to pray to the Lord three times a day the Windows whereof looked towards Ierusalem Dan. 6. There is also to be seen divers Arches of the Bridge which Semiramis built standing upon the River Euphrates and the foundation of the great Tower whose top should have reached to Heaven being in compass two miles but not very high Within the Ruins whereof are found certain Serpents very noisom and venemous about the bigness of a Lizard having three heads and spect with divers colours which the Inhabitants call Eglones There are such a multitude of them that no man dares approach within half a mile of it any time but in the Winter season nor then neither but for the space of a Month in which time these Serpents for the extremity of the cold are constrained to keep their holes Thus as this Tower was hateful to God in the beginning so likewise hath he made it hurtful unto man even to this day The Travels of the Babylonian and Assyrian Kings and Em●erours that fought against Israel and Judah And first of Phul Belochus King of Ass●ria PHul Belochus that is he returned wasting began to reign among the Babylonians Anno Mundi 3149. before Christ 819 and governed forty eight years This King or Emperour came from Babylon to Samaria which was 660 miles There he so streightly besieged Menahem King of Israel that he was constrained to give him 1000 talents of Silver to raise his Siege and depart 2 Reg. 15. From Samaria he returned back again to Babylon 660 miles So all Travels of Phul Belochus were 1320 miles The Travels of Tiglat Phulasser King of the Assyrians TIglat Phulasser signifies the Assyrian Conquerour He was also called Tiglath Philasser 2 Reg. 15. which name is attributed to him either because he carried away the Children of Israel captives or else because of the Conquest that he had of all Galilee and over the Tribe of Naphtaly which he carried into Assyria He succeeded his father Phul Belochus in the Government of the Assyrians An. Mundi 3197. before Christ 771. and reigned twenty five years When Re●n King of the Assyrians joyning his Army with Pekah Son of Remalia King of Israel had streightly besieged Ierusalem Ahaz was constrained to crave aid of this Tiglath Phulasser and sent him great Presents which he accepted kindly and brought his Army from Niniveh to Damascus 520 miles where he put Re●n and the whole City to the Sword 2 Reg. 16. From Damascus he came with his Army into the land of Israel which was 120 miles where he overcame Pek●h in a great Battel conquered all the land of Gilead and the tribe of Naphtaly and put a great multitude of the Israelites into perpetual Exile 2 Reg. 15. From thence he went back to Niniveh 640 miles A little after this King Tiglath Phulasser went from Niniveh to Ierusalem 680 miles where he so streightly besieged that wicked King Ahaz that he was constrained to give him great abundance of Gold and Silver to raise his Siege and be gone 2 Chr. 28. From Ierusalem he returned back to Niniveh being 680 miles So all his Travels were 6640 miles Of the City Niniveh you may read
Son King he returned back again to Babylon 680 miles About three Months after he went the third time back to Ierusalem 680 miles for he feared Iechonias would rebell and revenge the death of his Father Ioachim 2 Kin. 24. In the eighth year of his Reign he took Iechonias Mardoche and 3000 other Iews of the Nobility and carried them captive to Babylon which was 680 miles 2 Kin. 2. Chr. 36. Est. 2. Nine years after he came the fourth time to Ierusalem being 680 miles and besieged the City because of the Impiety and Rebellion of Zedekiah King thereof During this Siege he took divers Towns but chiefly Lachis and Aseka Ier. 34. But when he understood that Pharaoh was coming with an Army out of Egypt to rescue Zedekiah he raised his Camp and went about eighty miles into the Countrey of Egypt which Pharaoh hearing was abashed and turned back again In the absence of this Emperour Ieremy the Prophet being then within the City having foretold the Destruction thereof would have fled thence for his better safety into the Tribe of Benjamin but by the way he was taken in the Gate of Benjamin and cast into Prison Ier. 7. Within a while after according to the Prophecy of Ieremy Nebuchadnezzar returned out of the Desart of Sur whither he went to meet the Aegyptians being eighty miles and utterly destroyed the City of Ierusalem carrying thence the Vessels and Ornaments of the Temple to Babylon 2 Kin. 25. 2 Chr. 36. From Ierusalem he went to Riblah in the Tribe of Naphtaly eighty miles where he put out Zedekia's eyes and kill'd his Children 2 Kin. 25. From Riblah he carried Zedekiah to Babylon which was 600 miles where he died miserably in Prison 2 Kin. 25. Afterward Nebuchadnezzar went with his Army from Babylon to Tyrus which he won and pittifully wasted with Fire and Sword according to the Prophecy of Ezekiel cap. 26. being 600 miles From Tyrus he went to Aegypt and passed 480 miles through that Kingdom conquering all the Countries and Provinces as he went along even the Ammonites the Moabites Philistines Idumaeans and Aegypt it self all which Countries he made Tributary to him Isa. 15 16 19. Ier. 46 47 48 49. Ez. 25. 29. From Aegypt he returned to Babel 960 miles From that time till his death he was Emperour of all those Kingdoms In the second year of his Empire Daniel expounded unto him his wonderful Dream under the similitude of an Image setting forth the condition of the four Monarchies of the World Dan. 2. Not long after he caused Sidrack Misack and Abednego to be cast in a Fiery Furnace because they refused to worship the golden Image which he had set up Dan. 3. Also this Nebuchadnezzar for his great Pride and Arrogancy was by God strucken mad and into a deep melancholy in which disease he continued for the space of seven years tied in Bonds and Chains running up and down like a Beast and seeding upon Grass and Roots until he came to understand that God the Governour of Heaven and Earth had the disposing of Kingdoms and Governments giving them to whom he list and again taking them away At the end of which time he was restored again to his understanding and Empire and after beautified the City of Babylon with many goodly Buildings fair Orchards and pleasant places as Iosep. lib. Ant. 10. ●aith And when he had reigned forty three years died and was buried by his Father in Babylon An. Mundi 3387. and before Christ 581. So all the Travels of Nebuchadonozor or Nebuchadnezzar were 7892 miles The Description of the Cities and Places that have not as yet been mentioned Of Carchemis THIS was a City in the Country of Syria near Euphrates 400 miles from Ierusalem North-ward and signifies A sacrificed Lamb being derived of Car which signifies a Ram or Lamb and Mosch He hath cut in pieces It may also be taken in the third Conjugation for a Lamb sacrificed to the Idol Chemosch or Chamos the God of Meetings or nightly Salutations Of Pelusio THIS City Peluso was built by Peleus the Father of Achilles from whence it took the name It stands in Egypt some 172 miles from Ierusalem South-westward near to the Gate of Nilus called Pelusiachus where it falleth into the Mediterranean Sea Not far from this City in the Mountain Casius upon the Borders of Arabia-Petraea where the Temple of Iupiter Casius stood is to be seen the Tomb of Pompey the Great beautified and adorned by Adrianus Caesar as Capitolinus saith At this day this City is called by the name of Damiata You may read of it Ezek. cap. 30. Of Tyrus or Zor TYrus signifieth Cheese or to congeal together as Cheese doth of milk something alluding to the Hebrew word Zor signifying to make strait or a Rock having a strait and sharp Edge It was the Metropolitan City of Phoenicia now the Haven or Passage of Sur but in ancient time it was called Sarra Aul. Gel. lib 14. cap. 6. It was scituated upon a very high Rock compassed about with the Mediterranean Sea 100 miles from Ierusalem Northward and a famous Mart Town for all the Holy Land By the description of Ezekiel it seems to have been like unto Venice both in Scituation and Dignity Ez. 27. Ierem. 28. Esay 27. 28. and many other Prophets prophesied against this Town saying Out of the Land of Kithim that is from Macedonia the Destroyer of Tyrus should come As after hapned for Alexander the Great King of Macedon besieged that Town and in the seventh Month after took it for the obtaining whereof he was constrained to fill up the Sea which compassed it about containing 700 Paces and made it firm Land for his Army to pass upon to the Walls of the City In this Country that famous Civilian Vlpian was born as he writeth lib. 1. ff de Censibus And upon the Borders of Tyrus and Sidon Christ cured the Daughter of a Canaanitish Woman of a Devil Mat. 15. Wherefore you shall read more of it in the second Tomb. Of Evil Merodach Emperour of the Babylonians and Assyrians AMilinus Evil-Merodach Son of Nebuchadonosor the Great succeeded his Father An. Mun. 3388. before Christ 580. In the first year of his Reign he set at liberty Iechonias King of Iuda and attributed to him the Title Dignity and Maintenance of a King Iechonias being then fifty five years of age and thirty seven after he had been in Captivity 2 King ult Ier. ult Whence it is concluded by most That this Emperour did also embrace the Doctrine of Daniel concerning the true God as did Nebuchadonosor his Father who had before by publick Edict professed it to the whole State and caused it to be published through his Dominions and therefore shewed favour and mercy toward King Iechonias And from thence it is thought that those which were impious Princes about him called him Amelinus that is the Circumcised being derived of Mol which signifies to circumcise and Evil simple
extendeth from Damascus to Jordan after his name was called Vz that is the Land of Counsel for so Vz signifieth There were two Towns in this Country where Job is said to have dwelt that is Astaroth Carnaim and Batzra Astaroth Carnaim was distant from Jerusalem fifty two miles towards the North-East the Inhabitants of which Town worshipped the Goddess Venus and called her by the name of Astaroth of which you may read before St. Jerom saith That the Sepulchre of Job was to be seen in his time in that Town and later Writers testifie as much ●ore their times This Town at this day is called Carnea Batzra is mentioned in the thirty sixth of Genesis it signifieth a Grape gathering In this Town it was thought that Iob was born it lay beyond Iordan in the Tribe of Reuben twenty miles from Ierusalem towards the North-East All this Country in those times was subject to the King of the Edomites or Idumaeans but after it was joyned to the Land of the Moabites they having conquered the Kings of Edom you may read more of it in the sixth of Isay also Ios. 20. where is shewed that it was one of the six Cities of Refuge appointed by Ioshuah Here Iob for the most part continued and held this Town in great honour and reputation He lived about the time of Baela the first King of the Edomites and according to the opinion of St. Ierom Augustine Ambrose Philo and Luther was for his excellent Vertue and singular Piety chosen King of that Country which he greatly inlarged making all the Countries and neighbouring Princes near adjoyning tributary unto him wherefore as Ierom saith in locus Hebraicis having obtained so large an Empire he removed his Seat from Batzra to Astaroth-Carnaim which was a strong and well-defenced City where in those times as Moses witnesseth Gen. 14. there inhabited mighty men and noble Heroes that so by their Vertue he might with the greater facility suppress and conquer other Provinces There are many think him to be of the Stock of Abraham and of the Family of Esau because he is mentioned in the 36 of Genesis where it is said That when Baela died Iobab the Son of Zerah of Bozra or Betzrah reigned in his stead And St. Ierom in his Preface upon the Book of Iob sheweth that he was but five degrees removed from Abraham for Abraham had Ishmael Basmath who was the Wife of Esau Mother of Reguel Grand-mother to Serah and great Grand-mother to Iob. So that by the Mothers side Iob descended from Ishmael and by the Fathers side from Esau. Isaac Esau Reguel Serah Iob or Iobab King of Idumaea Gen. 36. Notwithstanding there are some that are of opinion that he descended from Abraham's Brother and was of the Family of Nahor's Son which opinion also St. Ierom mentioneth in his Hebra●cal Q●estions But most of the Antient Fathers hold this nothing so probable Luther upon the thirty sixth Chapter of Genesis saith That he was King long time before Moses ca●ried the Children of Israel out of Egypt For Iuda and Aser the Sons of Iacob had Children before they went into the Land of Egypt Gen. 46. therefore it is not impossible for Reguel the Son of ●sau to have Children also since he was married long before his Brother Iacob From hence then it may be gathered that Iob was King of Idumaea b●fore Iacob and his Sons went into the Land of Egypt for although the fourteen Sons of ●sau governed the Land of Edom like so many Princes of which number Reguel the Grand-father of Iob was one because they held it as their Inheritance yet to avoid Sedition and Distractions which oftentimes happen where there is not a certain Head and principal Commander therefore they elected Bela the Son of Beor to be their King after whose death they chose Iob because he was a holy man of God and in his Actions just and upright who without doubt reigned amongst the Edomites a long time for he lived after his Afflictions which God imposed upon him to try him 140 Years Plato saith he married Dina the Daughter of Iacob but St. Ierom That he married the Daughter of an Arabian by whom he had Enon Both these may be true for his first Wife being dead he might marry an Arabian After the death of Iob the Gyants and Heroes in Asteroth-Carnaim fell again from the Idumaeans for when Moses brought the Children of Israel out of the Desart of Arabia-Petraea and that they had conquered the Land beyond Iordan the City Astaroth-Carnaim had a King called Og who governed all the Kingdom of Basan This Gyant was of a mighty Stature he had a Bed of Iron nine Cubits long and four broad Deut. 3. Of Eliphaz ELiphaz the Themanite was the Brother of Iob's Grand-father This Eliphaz had a Son called Theman who built a City and after his own Name called it Theman where Eliphaz his Father dwelt with him From whence it hapned that he was called Eliphaz the Themanite Iob. 2. It was distant from Ierusalem forty miles towards the South and therefore it was called a City of the South you may read of Eliphaz in Ier. cap. 25. He had a Concubine called Thimnah because of her Beauty and comely Proportion by her he had Amaleck of whom came the Amalekites between whom and the Children of Israel were cruel Wars Exad 17. The Travels of Eliphaz the Themanite FROM Themen he went to Astaroth-Carnaim where Iob dwelt which is accounted ninety two miles to comfort his Friend Iob Iob 2. From Astaroth-Carnaim he returned back to his own house which was ninety two miles So the Travels of Eliphaz were 184 miles Of Bildad Job's Friend BEyond Iordan and the Sea of Galilee not far from Astaroth-Carnaim there is at this day found a Town called Suah where as it is thought Bildad the Friend of Iob dwelt Near to this Town as Sebastian Francus observes in his Cosmography there was yearly in the Summer Season a great Mart kept in certain Tents and Tabernacles erected for that purpose of divers colours Bildad signifies an antient Friend and Suah taketh the name from Desolation being derived of Scho He hath made desolate Of Zophar the Friend of Job ZOPHAR dwelt in the City of Naema Iosh. 15. but how far it stood from Ierusalem is uncertain Zophar of Zaphar signifieth swift Naema signifies Pleasant and delectable of Naem courteous and comfortable Of Job's Daughters THE Lord gave unto Iob after his Affliction and that he had tryed his faithfulness three Daughters so fair that there were none fairer to be found in all the Land The name of the first was Iemmima that is as fair as the day of Iom which signifies a Day The second Kazia that is such a one as giveth a pleasant savour like unto Gum Cassia The third because of the excellency of her Countenance was called Kaeren Hapuch that is casting forth rayes or beams Iob 42. APOCRYPHA The Book of JUDITH Of Egbatana
when time serveth it shall be declared After the Death of Melchisedech unto whom Abraham paid the Tythes of all his Goods the Iebusites dwelt in the City of Ierusalem and had the dominion of it and all the Land thereabouts in their Subjection called the City Iebus after their Name which Name was held a long time as we read in Iosh. 10. Iud. 10. and 2 Sam. 1. But at last Ioab King David's General of his Army won it and drave the Jebusites out of it and called it Ierusalem that is A Sight or Vision of Peace It hath also other Names in the holy Scripture for in Esay 29. it is called Ariel that is God's ●yon and Mount Libanus The Prophet Ezechiel 23. calleth it Ahaliba my fixed Pavillion or Tent that is a City wherein God had placed his own Habitation The Circuit and Bigness of the City Jerusalem THE City of Ierusalem was four-square and in circumference three and thirty Furlongs as Iosephus writeth which three and thirty Furlongs make somewhat more than a Dutch mile Some write that it was four miles Compass about yet these were not Dutch miles but Walloon or Italian miles for four such Italian miles are a Dutch mile Of Mount Sion the higher City MOunt Sion stood Northwards in the City Ierusalem and was much higher than all the other Hills that were therein therefore it was called Sion that is a watch Tower because from thence one might see the Holy Land and all the Countries thereabout upon this Hill the upper City was built which in the Scripture is called the City of David because David won it from the Iebusites and beautified it with many goodly Houses and fair and costly buildings but especially with his house of Cedar-wood which he termed the Castle of Sion which stood Westwards at the corner of the Hill looking into Bethlehem Southwards In that house David dwelt and therein committed Adultery with Berseba the Wife of Vriah the Hittite whose House also with the place of divers Privy Councellors and Officers stood upon the Hill not far from the King's Palace as Iosephus writeth Beneath King David's House upon Mount Sion within a Rock there was to be seen the Sepulchre or Vault wherein King David Solomon his Son and other succeeding Kings of Iuda were entombed and buried Upon Mount Sion also towards the East King Herod had a Garden of Pleasure not far from the Fountain called Silo Nehemiah 3. and there also stood the Tower of Silo whereof Luke in the 13 chapter maketh mention Iosephus in the Wars of the Jews his first Book and sixteenth Chapter saith That King Herod under whom Christ Jesus was born had two fair and strong Houses or Towers which he set and made in the upper part of the City Ierusalem upon Mount Sion which were in a manner comparable with the Temple for Beautifulness which he called after the Name of his Friends the one Caesarea for Caesar the Emperor's sake and the other Agrippa acording to the name of the noble Roman Marcus Agrippa that marryed the Daughter of Augustus Caesar. This may suffice to declare the Scituation of the upper City which stood upon mount Sion and contained in Circuit fifteen Furlongs which is about half a mile This uppermost City in the sacred Scripture is called the City of David it was also called Millo that is Fullness or Plenty for in it there was no Want but Abundance of all things Of the Steps which descended down from the City of David unto the lower City MOunt Sion whereon the upper City of Ierusalem did stand was such a high hard Hill and so steep that no man could climb or ascend unto it by any way or means but only one that is by steps for in the middle thereof there was a great pair of stairs made which descended from David's City unto the lower City into the Valley or Dale of Gates called Thyroreion which stairs were 780 Foot high as Iohannes Heydonius writeth and beneath in the Valley of Thyroreion over against the Valley of Cedron at the foot of the stairs stood a Gate which was called the Gate of Sion and they which went up to Mount Sion must pass through that Gate and so up those Stairs but it is thought nevertheless that in some other part of the Hill there was some winding or other oblique way made by which Horses and Chariots by little and little might ascend Allegorical or Spiritual Significations of Mount Sion SIon in Hebrew signifieth a sure hold or goodly Aspect for that from the top thereof a man might have seen all the Land lying thereabouts and was a type of the highest Heavens or Habitation of Almighty God from whence he beholdeth all things upon Earth from which Throne and Heavenly Habitation he descended into this lower Ierusalem and became our Redeemer and Saviour that so we being purged by his Blood from all our Sins and Imperfections he might bring us into that heavenly Ierusalem which is eternall Glory Of Mount Moriah on which the Temple stood MOunt Moriah stood Eastward within Ierusalem which was a most hard stoney Hill from whence towards the rising of the Sun men by stairs might easily descend but round about on the other three sides it was steep and unapprochable like a Stone wall yet it was not so high as Mount Sion howbeit it was exceeding high extending and reaching 600 Foot in height and on the top thereof was a very fair Plain like unto that of Mount Sion whereon in times past Abraham built an Altar and would have offered his Son Isaac for a Sacrifice Gen. 22. At which time when Abraham obeyed the Commandment of God intending to have offered his Son Isaac upon the Hill and thereon had made an Altar then the said Hill lay without the City but long time after about the space of 850 Years when King David had conquered Ierusalem and driven thence the Iebusites to enlarge the City he compassed in Mount Moriah and Mount Acr● with a Wall upon which there stood many goodly Buildings And amongst other things worthy Observation upon this Mount stood the Barn or Threshing floor of Araf●a the Iebusite wherein King David built an Altar offered burnt Offerings and besought the Lord that the Angel of God whose hand was stretched over Ierusalem holding a bloody Sword and had smitten the City with the Pestilence might cease from punishing the same and the Plague ceased On the same place where the Barn of Araf●a the Jebusite stood King Solomon also did build the Temple 1 Paral. 23. 24. Ioseph Antiq. Jud. lib. 23. 24. An Allegorical or Spiritual Interpretation of Mount Moriah MOriah is as much as to say the Lord's Mirrh and signifieth our Lord Jesus Christ which is the true Mirrh and sweet smelling Sacrifice unto God a stedfast Rock an immoveable Foundation whereon God's Church and the Members thereof are built Esay 28. Matth. 16. Vpon this Rock will I build my
four miles from Ierusalem upon the North lying between the two Towns of Bethel and Hay and is called Mount Ephraim where Abraham at his return out of Egypt the second time set up his Tabernacle of purpose to be conversant with Mel●hisedeck who dwelt in Ierus●lem and with him gave thanks to God for the singular favours that he had shewed toward him in delivering his Wife Sara from the hands of Abimelech King of Egypt who woul● have ravished her and as he feared indanger●d his Life In this place Lot separated himself from Abraham and went to dwell in Sodom Of the Plain or O●k of Mamre THE Plain of Mamre stood a mile from Hebron towards the East and distant from Ierusalem twenty two miles South-eastward In this Vall●y there was a fair and pleasant Wood where a certain young man called Mamre dwelt This man was Brother to Escal and Aner mentioned by Moses Genes 14 who according to the custom of Gentlemen with us in these times built up his house nea● 〈…〉 pleasant Wood or Bottom which as some think was called after his name Mamre Others of which Opinion is Ierom of Aelon which signifies a Valley or Tree an Oak-tree saith he But Ioseph and Aeges●ppus call it a Terebinth tree which both Summer and Winter beareth green Leaves like a Palm-tree the Sap or Juyce whereof is very good for Medicine Abraham dwelling near to this Tree being entertained by the three Brothers as a Stranger grew into such favour and familiarity with them that he converted them from Paganism and taught them to know the true and ever-living God To gratifie which great favour they aided him in his War against the four Kings that had taken Lot Prisoner and gave him free liberty to inhabit in and use the Plain thereabouts for his Cattel before whose door as some Authors affirm this Terebinth or Oak-tree stood and so continued from the beginning of the World till the time of Constantine the Great it being lawful for none to cut a bough of it or touch it wit● a Hatchet because it was in those days accounted a holy Tree and visited by divers Strangers and then Helena caused a fair Church to be built in that place and so much the rather for that Abraham sitting under that Tree the three Angels appeared unto him in the Similitude or Likeness of men Gen. 8. ● 2. And some are of Opinion That because of this the Jews offered Incense to their Gods and committed Idolatry upon high Mountains and under green Trees Ezek. 16. There was also a double Cave made of white Marble which as Iosephus saith was very fair and beautiful to the eye and curiously wrought and polished wherein Abraham Isaac and Iacob with their Wives Sarah Rebecca and Le●h were buried and as some think was that Cave which he purchased of the Hittites Gen. 23. 34. But that Adam and Evah lye buried in the same place seeing there is no warrant for it in the holy Scriptures I let it pass because whatsoever hath not Authority of Scripture to prove it may as easily be contemned as allowed But Abraham's S●pulchre in Ierom's time was to be seen being old and decayed Of Hebron THIS City was not only a Kings Seat but a Priests also being built not long after the Flood and some seven years before that City of the Aegyptians called Zoan or Tanis Numb 13. and was placed upon a goodly high Mountain very pleasant and delectable It taketh the name from Chabar which signifieth to accompany and from thence Chebron or Hebron a pleasant and delectable Society It was a metropolitan City in the Tribe of Iuda and after called Kiriatharba as it appeareth in Iosh. 14. taking that Name from Arba the Chief Governour of that City This man was one of the Anakims and a very mighty Prince Others there are that say the City being divided into four parts was thereof called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for Arba signifies a Quaternion from the Rote Raba four square It was first built by Heth the Son of that cursed Canaan whose Posterity the Hittites inhabited in it and such was their Hospitality that they entertained Abraham being a Stranger and Traveller These People dwelt there until Joshua's time and then one Hoham was King thereof who with other Kings opposing the Children of Israel was by them slain and had their Country wasted and destroyed This Town was after made a Town of Refuge and belonged to the Inheritance of Caleb and was together with Mamre in the Tribe of Iuda Ios. 20. Here David was first anointed King and reigned therein for the space of seven years 2 Sam. 5. But this Town by the injury of Time and oppression of the Enemy is now become desolate only some few old Relicks are to be seen to shew there had been a Town there Nevertheless there is a Town not far from it which retaineth the name placed in a very fruitful Valley called Mamre to this day Here while it was under the Jurisdiction of the Christians stood a Cathedral Church and a Bishops See but the Turks have turned it into a Mosko or one of their Churches Into this place they will not suffer any Christian to enter The Inhabitants take upon them to shew unto Strangers many things as the Vault or Cave wherein Abraham was buried the place where Cain killed Abel the Well where Adam and Evah wept seven years for the death of their Son with many such like Fables which are to no purpose seeing they are not warrantable by Scripture Some Bows-shot Eastward from this place is the Field of Damascus where the red Earth lieth whereof they feign Man to be made It is naturally tough and may be wrought like Wax or Pitch There is also that is white of the same kind and this is conveyed to many places by the Saracens and sold at dear Rates They use it either for the teering of Sepulchres or to mingle with Salves and Unguents Of Gerar. GErar is the uttermost Town in the Land of Canaan and lieth between the Desarts of Sur and Cades Gen. 20. Here King Abimelech kept his Court at such time as Abraham came thither and here Isaac was born Gen. 21. It takes the name from Gor which signifies a Pilgrim or Traveller and did well agree with the Condition of the ancient Patriarchs that sometimes lived there because for the most part they were like Pilgrims and wayfaring men Gen. 47. It lay six miles from Hebron South-west and from Ierusalem 30 upon the Territories of the Tribe of Iuda Of Beerazaba BEerazaba is a Town scituated upon the utmost Bounds of the Holy Land forty miles from Ierus●lem South-westward and is derived from Beer and Shebuah and sig●ifieth the Well of Covenant for Abraham having digged a Well near to this place Abimelech King of Gerar entred into League with him and his Posterity Is●ac also renewed this League in this place as appears Gen 21. It is now called Gallim or
that know thee trust in thee because thou O Lord hearest their Prayers and bringest them out of trouble Rebecca as it should seem took her name from the expectation of Eternal Life for Rebechan in Hebrew doth denote such a Woman which expecteth a free delivery fr●m all Calamity and an inheritance of eternal Life Therefore Rebecca is a notable Type of the Church of God which is the Spouse of Ch●i●t shadowed in Isaac as shall hereafter be more plainly manifested The Travels of the Patriarch Isaac ISaac being young went with his Father Abraham from Berzeba to Mount Moriah where his Father would have offered him unto God as the Lord commanded him which is forty miles Genes 22. 2. From thence with his Father he returned again to Berzeba which is forty miles 3. From Berzeba he travelled with his Father to Hebron by the Plain of Mamre which is 16 miles 4. From the Plain of Mamre Isaac travelled Southward to the Fountain of Life which is 16 miles and there he dwelt Gen. 24. 5. From thence he returned back again to his Fathers Burial who was laid in that double Cave in Mamre which is 16 miles 6. From thence he returned back again to the Well of Life where he dwelt 16 miles 7. From the Fountain of Life he went to Gerar which is eight miles where Abimelech seeing the Beauty of his Wife Rebecca would have ravish'd her and for fear she told him that she was his Sister Gen. 26. 8. From Gerar Isaac went Westward to the Valley of Gerar which is eight miles and there he caused the Well to be digged up again which the Inhabitants had stopped up Gen. 26. 9. From thence he went to Beersaba which is four miles where the same Night the Lord appeared unto him and said I am the God of thy Father Abraham fear not for I am with thee and will bless and multiply thy seed for my Servant Abraham ' s sake Gen. 26. 10. From Beersaba he returned again to Hebron by the Plain of Mamre which is 16 miles here Abraham Sarah and Rebecca died and were buried Gen. 35. So all the Travels of the Patriarch Isaac were one hundred ●orty eight miles The typical signification of Isaac THE Name of Isaac is derived from Laughter for Zakah in Hebrew is as much as quod risit is in Latin which signifieth that he laughed and from hence Zechock signifies a Laughter and Isaac Mirth or one that rejoyceth with Mirth This Name was given to him by God before his Nativity Gen. 17. 18. There were seven that were named by God before their Nativity viz. Ishmael Gen. 16. Isaac Gen. 17. Cores or Cyrus King of the Persians Esa. 44. Sampson Iudg. 13. Iosia King of Iuda 1 King 13. Iohn Baptist and Iesus Christ the Son of God Luke 1. of whom Isaac was a notable Type For Christ is our true rejoycing the Laughter Mirth and Delight of the whole Church of God Abraham upon the day of the Nativity of Isaac made a great Feast to which no doubt he called many godly men and perhaps some of the Patriarchs for there was then living Sarag Arphaxad Salah Heber Thamar and Sem the Son of Noah who also had a certain knowledge of Gods promise to Abraham and that of the seed of Isaac should come the Saviour of the World And as Abraham when he would have offered his Son unto the Lord carried the Fire and the Sword but Isaac the Wood upon which he should be slain and burned O miserable sight especially to a Father to see his only Son and Heir which was miraculously begotten even then when he was without hope of Issue burnt to Ashes before his Face This was on Mount Moriah a little from Salem or Ierusalem even so our Saviour Christ for the sins that man commits and carries about him bore upon his Shoulders the wooden Cross whereupon he was offered an acceptable Sacrifice to his Father that so by his Mediation and Satisfaction we might receive Pardon for them and this was likewise done upon Mount Calvary a little from Ierusalem And as the Lord provided another Sacrifice for Abraham that so he might save his Son which was a Ram tied and intangled in Thorns so God provided a Sacrifice for the Salvation of the World even Jesus Christ our Mediator who is that immaculate and precious Lamb of God whose Head being crowned with Thorns and hanging upon the Cross by his precious Death opened unto us the door of eternal Life and made us capable of everlasting Happiness Iohn 19. 1 Peter 1. Such was the love of Abraham a Father unto God such the love of God a Father unto man that they spared not their only Sons the one typically to represent the other The other that is the only begotten Son of God to dye effectually for Abraham Isaac and all Mankind Ioh. 3. Gen. 22. The Travels of the Patriarch Jacob. FRom B●ersaba Iacob went to Bethel which is 48 miles and there he saw a Ladder that reached down from Heaven whereby the Angels ascended and descended Genes 28. 2. From Bethel he went to Haran in Mesopotamia which is 432 miles where he marryed Leah and Rachel Gen. 28. 3. From Haran in Mesopotamia he went to Mount Gilead which is 380 miles and when Laban pursued him at the Commandment of the Lord he made a League with him Gen. 31. 4. From Mount Gilead he went to Mahanaim which is 16 miles and there he met with the Angels of God Gen. 31. 5. From Mahanaim he passed the Water and went to Penuel which is four miles and there wrestled with the Angel of God Gen. 32. 6. From Penuel he went to Succoth where he pitched his Tents two miles Gen. 33. 7. From Succoth he passed the River of Iordan and went to Sichem not far from Salem about eight miles where his Daughter Dinah was ravished Gen. 33. 8. From thence he went to Bethel which is eight and twenty miles Gen. 31. 9. From Bethel he went to Bethlehen Euphrata which is twelve Miles in which way Rachel died and was buried not far from Bethlehem then Iacob went forward and set up his Tents near to the Tower of Eder a mile from Bethlehem towards the South Gen. 35. 10. From Bethlehem Euphrata and the Tower of Eder he returned again to the Valley of Mamre near Hebron to his Father Isaac which is 20 miles Gen. 35. 11. From Hebron he went to Beersaba which is 16 miles Gen. 38. 12. From Beersaba he went to the Town of Ony a little off Aegypt in the land of Gossen which is 168 miles where Ioseph his Son gave him honourable Entertainment Gen. 46. 13. From Ony he went to the City Zoan which is also called Tanis twenty eight miles where he was presented to King Pharaoh Gen. 47. 14. From Tanis he returned to Ony which is 28 miles and there he dwelt and dyed in the Land of Gossen Gen. 49. The Description of the Towns and Places to
is a Mountain of the Idumaeans eighty eight miles from Ierusalem toward the South-east and is derived of Harar which signifieth a great Mountain here Aaron died The King of the Canaanites which dwelt toward the South in a Town called Arad upon the Borders of Iudaea and Arabia Petraea hearing that Aaron was dead invaded the Iews with a great Army discomfited them and took some of them Captives But after the Israelites to revenge this injury took and destroyed divers Cities which belonged to the Canaanites and put the Citizens to the Sword This Countrey is called Chormah which signifieth a curse or desolation Of Zalmona THIS was a place in the Desart of Zin-Kades where the Israelites pitch't their Tents being 80 miles from Ierusalem to the South-east and took the name from shades or little sheds under which the Israelites dwelt for Zalmona seems a compound of Zel and Mun which signifies a shady place and seems to have affinity with Manah to distribute here and there Of Phunon THIS was a City of the Idumaeans scituated in the Wilderness of Arabia Petraea 64 miles from Ierusalem towards the South-east and takes the name from a fair and flourishing City For Panan in Hebrew signifies an high Pinacle from whence one might see all Parts of the World Here Moses set up the brasen Serpent Of Oboth THIS was the thirty seventh Mansion of the Israelites in the Wilderness and was fifty six miles from Ierusalem towards the South-east and signifies a Serpent called Python Here the Arabians received an answer from the Devil by way of Conjuration Of Igim THIS was the thirty eighth Mansion of the Israelites so called because of the multitude which were assembled near to a Mountain called Abari● 52 miles from Ierusalem toward the South-east for Igim signifies a Congregation Of Dib●n Gad. THIS was the thirty ninth Station of the Israelites in the Desart being fifty two miles from Ierusalem towards the South-east neer to the Floud Zared bordering upon the Idumaeans and Moabites running from thence into the Red Sea and as it seems taketh name from descending into a strong place Of Almon Diblathaim THis place stands beyond the Red Sea some forty miles from Ierusalem towards the East and taketh name from a Frail of dried Figs for Alam signifieth he hath hidden and Debeleth A Frail of dried Figs. Here was the fortieth Mansion of the Israelites and lay close by the River Arnon Num. 21. and 23. Of the Mountaines Abarim THese Mountaines lay 32 miles from Ierusalem towards the East and taketh the name from Passing along for Ab●r is as much as to say he went along Between these Mountains and the Lake Asphaltites near to the Eastern River of the Dead Sea the Moabites inhabited Of Jahza THis was a City of the Levites the Sons of Merar in the Tribe of Benjamin 24 miles from Ierusalem Eastward Ies. 21. Here Moses overcame the King of the Ammonites and put them to death Num. 21. Of Chezbon THis was the Metropolis of Sehon King of the Ammorites who held the Country beyond Iordan and because he would not suffer the Children of Israel to pass through his Dominions therefore Moses made War upon him put him to death and gave all his Countrey to the Tribes of Reuben and Gad. This was a Fair Town and after fell to the Levites Num. 21. 33. Deut. 1 2 c. and took its name from Cheschebon which signifies an Artificial understanding for Chaschaf is as much as excogitavit that is he hath found out and Cheschaef is an Artificial and ingenious Work Of Jaezir Jaezir was a City of the Priests in the Tribe of Gad 36 miles from Ierusalem towards the East and in Ieroms time was a small Village and s●gnifies the Lord is my help being derived of Iah that is the Lord God and Ez●er the helper Of Edrie THIS is a City in the Countrey of Gilead beyond Iordan and the Galilean Sea thirty two miles from Ierusalem South-eastward near the Lake of Gaderin where Og the King of B●san was overcome by Moses and after fell to the Tribe of M●n●sses Num. 21. Iosh. 13. Deut. 13. S. Ierom saith that in his time this Town was called Adar Og signifieth a Cook or one that baketh Bread upon coals A●driae signifies an heap of bright Clouds being derived of Adar and Hi that is a clear heap Of Astoroth THIS was a Metropolitan City of Basan four miles distant from Edrei and 56 from Ierusalem toward the South-east It stood beyond Iordan and belonged to the half Tribe of Manasses of which you may read before in the Travels of Lot Of Pisgah THIS was an high Mountain in the Plain of the Mo●bites against Iericho 240 miles from Ierusalem East-ward It took the name from the Cities Pisg●h and Nebo and therefore is called sometimes Pisgah sometimes Nebo Here Moses died Nebo signifies a City of the Prophets Pisgah the top of a Hill The Travels of the Prophet Balaam THERE are many which think that this Prophet Balaam was of the Posterity of Nahor the Brother of Abraham and an Inhabitant o● Charan in Meso●otamia Gen. 11. Iose●hus saith he dwelt near to Euphrates and St. Ierom in a City called Phatura of which there is mention Num. 22. and signifies an obscure Prophet or Oracle which interpreteth For Pathar with the Hebrews is the same that He hath interpreted is with us Wherefore this Prophet travelled from Pithora or Phatura in Meso●otamia to Abel or the Plain of Vines where his Ass spake Num. 22. which is 400 miles From thence he went to the Land of the Moabites 40 miles where in the Mount of Peor he blessed the Children of Israel So all the Travels of this Prophet were 440 miles Of the Plain of the Vines THere is often mention of this place in the Scripture and for the fertility of the Countrey and plenty of sweet Wines there was a beautiful City built called Abel of the Vines some 56 miles from Ierusalem South-Eastward and was placed just in the way as they went from Mesopotamia into the Countrey of the Moabites Whereby it appeareth that near to this place the Ass spake to Balaam Numb 22. In Ierom's time there was found a little Village so called where there was great plenty of Vines Here Ieptha overcame the Ammorites and made a great slaughter Iudg. 11. The Travels of that Noble Captain Joshuah JOSHVAH and Caleb travelled with Moses from Raemsis out of Aegy●t through the Red Sea and came to Kades-Barnea 268 miles From Kades-Barnea they were sent forth with other Spies to the Land of Canaan Num. 13. and went out of the wilderness of Zin and Paran and came to the Town of Rechob in Galilee 140 miles From thence they went to the Town of Hamath in Syria which was after called Antiochia 188 miles From Hamath or Antiochia they returned again to Hebron 304 miles where upon the side of the River Escol they cut off a Bunch of Grapes with the stalk
which was as much as both they could bear upon their shoulders Num. 13. From Hebron they returned again to Kades-Barnea twenty miles There all the People murmured against Moses Num. 14. Hereby it is to be seen that the Spies in forty dayes travelled 648 miles in the Land of C●naa● that is every day 16 miles and a little more After that Ioshuah and Caleb travelled with M●ses and the Children of Israel to Ezeon-Gabir and from thence to the Town of Iahza 464 miles From Iahza they pass'd through two Kingdoms to Mount Libanus eighty miles From Mount Libanus they returned again into the Land of Sittim that lay by the hill Pisgah in the field of the Moabites 80 miles From the Land of Sittim they pass'd through the River of Iordan and came to Gilgal six miles where Ioshuah pitched his Camp Numb 21. Iosh. 4. 5. From Gilgal he went to Iericho two miles there he assailed the Town with the sound of Basons and won it Iosh. 6. From Iericho he went to Ai being four miles and took and burnt the whole Town Iosh. 7. 8. From Ai he returned to Gilgal four miles and there upon the Hill of Ebal he built an Altar unto the Lord and there were the Blessings and Cursings pronounced Iosh. 8. Deut. 27. From Gilgal he went to Gibeon twelve miles There the Sun stood still during the Battel against the three Kings Iosh. 10. From Gibeon he went to Aj●lon two miles here the Moon stood still Ios. 10. From Aj●lon he went to Aseka four miles there it hailed upon the Enemies that fled before Israel Iosh. 10. From As●ka Ioshua returned again into the Camp at Gilgal twenty miles Iosh. 10. From Gilgal he went to Makeda where he hanged the five Kings Ios. 10. From Makeda he went to Libna two miles and took the Town Iosh. 10. From Libna he went to Lachis eight miles From Lachis he went to Eglon eight miles From Eglon he went to Hebron which is sixteen miles Iosh. 10. From Hebron he went to Debir one mile Iosh. 10. After that Ioshuah with one continued War won all that part of Iudaea which lay towards the South bordering Eastward upon the Dead Sea Southward upon Cades-Barne● Westward upon Asdod and Gaza and Northward upon Gibeon and Gilgal This circuit of Land containeth about an hundred fifty and six miles From Gilgal Ioshua went out with his Army about twenty two miles to the River of Merom where he slew the rest of the Kings of the Canaanites in a memorable Battel Iosh. 11. From the River of Merom Ioshua chased his Enemies and followed them to Sidon which was 612 miles Iosh. 11. From Sidon he went again to Hazor 32 miles which Town he burnt Iosh 11. After that Ioshuah at one time won all the Towns in the Holy Land which lay Northward in the Lands of Samaria and Galilea from Gibeon to Mount Libanus and from the River of Iordan to the great Sea called Mare Mediterraneum which Countreys in circuit contain 280 miles After that Ioshuah returned again to his Camp at Gilgal which lay 72 miles from the Town of Hazor where he made a division of the Land amongst the Children of Israel Iosh. 14 15. From Gilgal he went to Shilo twelve miles where he made an end of dividing the Land Iosh. 18. From Shilo he went to Timnah Sera eight miles and there he dwelt for the Children of Israel gave him that Town for his own Inheritance Iosh. 19. From Timnah Sera Ioshua not long before he died came to Sichem forty miles There he assembled all the Tribes of Israel Iosh. 24. From Sichem he returned again to Timnah Sera forty miles where he died and was buried Iosh. 24. So all the Travels of Prince Ioshuah were 2392 miles The Description of the several Towns and Places to which Ioshua travelled Of Rechob THIS was a City of the Levites in the Tribe of A●hur an hundred miles from Ierusalem toward the North Nu● 13. and signifieth a broad Street being derived from Radhab that is to extend out in length Of Haemah or Chaemah THIS was a City of the Levites in the Tribe of Nephtali and was an hundred miles from Ierusalem upon the utmost bounds of the Holy Land at the foot of Antilibanus Num. 11. 34. Iosh. 19. derived from Chamah that is furious or burning with anger Of Gilgal THIS was a Town between Iordan and the City Iericho twelve miles from Ierusalem South-eastward where the Children of Israel having past the River of Iordan first made War upon all the Nations of the Land of Canaan Here they solemnized the first Paschal Lamb. After they came into this Land Manna ceased because they then did eat the Fruits of the Countrey Here Ioshua taking twelve stones out of Iordan pitch'd them up for a memorial Here the Tabernacle of God stayed for a time which was the reason that afterward the Israelites committed Idolatry in this place Iosh. 4. 5. Hos. 2. 4 9. Amos 5. Near to this place Ehud the third Judge of the Children of Israel received gifts of them to carry to Eglon King of the Moabites dwelling at Iericho where he killed him with a knife Here Saul was the second time confirmed King of Israel 2 Sam. 10. and as it seems taketh name of Roundness Ioshuah at this time building his Tent in a circular fashion for Galal signifies a round Wheel or Tent compassed about with Ditches and Bulwarks Of Iericho THIS is a City in the Tribe of Benjamin two miles from Iordan and six from Ierusalem South-eastward Ioshuah overcame this with the sound of Horns or Trumpets Iosh. 26. Heb. 11. Here Christ restored the blind man to sight Mat. 6. converted Zachaeus Luke 19. and was called the City of Palms by reason of the great plenty of Palms that grew there You may read more of this hereafter Of Hai or Ai. HAI is a Town in the Tribe of Benjamin near to Bethel toward the East where Abraham dwelt Gen. 12. Ioshuah won this Town Ios. 7. 8. It was so called of a Prophet that dwelt there and signifieth to be placed upon a heap for Ai signifies a heap lying partly equally partly unequally The Ruines of this Town were scarce to be found in Ierom's time Of Gibeon THIS was a Metropolitan City in th● Tribe of Benjamin the Inhabitants whereof became Petitioners to Io●huah for Peace I●s 9. 10 18. 2● Sam. 21. Afterward it was given to the Priests It is derived of Gibeah or Gibeon which signifies a curled Hill It was scituated on a Mountain four miles from Ierusalem toward the North. Here stood the Tabernacle of the Covenant and the brazen Altar Here Saul was first made King of Israel Here he put the Sons of Abimel●ch the Priest to death 1 Sam. 12. Here Ios●uah overcame the five Kings of the Ammorites Here the Sun stood still Of this you may read more hereafter Of Aj●lon THIS was a City of the Priests in the Tribe of Dan four miles
Canaanites being distant from Ierusalem eighty miles towards the North. This Ioshuah destroyed with Fire and Sword Deborah also the Prophetess besieged it took it and put Iabin the King thereof to Death In times past it was a very strong City as the Ruines thereof testifie Of Siloh SIloh the City and House of God was scituate on a high Mountain in the Tribe of Ephraim four miles and somewhat better from Ierusalem towards the North. Here the Ark of the Covenant continued from the time that the Israelites first entred into the Land of Canaan till Eli the Priest fetch'd it thence in whose time it was taken by the Philistims and he for very Grief therefore fell down and brake his Neck against a Stone 1. Sam. 4. The Inhabitants hereabouts shew the Ruines of a certain Sepulchre standing upon the top of this Mount where they say Samuel was buried but that cannot be true for he was buried at Ramath which now is called Arimathea Therefore it seems to be either the Ruines of Eli's Sepulchre who died miserably in that place or else of the House of the Lord which many years past stood there Schiloh signifies happy and peaceable being derived from Schalah that is to live at ease and in peace Of Timnah Of this you may read in the Travels of Iudah The Type and Mystery of Joshuah JOshuah and Iesus is all one in Signification that is Saviour or a Defender and did typically represent our Saviour Christ that as this Ioshuah brought the Children of Israel through Iordan into the Land of Canaan so Jesus Christ the true Ioshuah and Saviour of the World through that Iordan of Baptism bringeth us into that place of Promise Eternal Life Wherae the one and thirty Kings dwelt overcome and slain by Joshuah Josh. 10. AS the Prophet Moses won all the Land upon the one side of Iordan so Ioshuah won all the Countrey on the other from the Town of Baalgadan beginning at Mount Libanus not far from Mount Hebron till you come to the Town of Caesarea Philippi and to the Hill Seir where sometime Esau dwelt all which is 160 miles long and 28 or 32 miles broad The first King that Ioshuah overcame dwelt in Iericho The second King held his Court in Ai. The third King dwelt in Ierusalem and was called Adoni-bezec that is a Lord of Righteousness This King Ioshuah hanged at Makeda Ios. 10. The fourth King called Hoham dwelt at Hebron and was likewise hanged at Makeda Ios. 10. The fifth King called Percam dwelt at Iarmouth in the Tribe of Iuda twenty miles from Jerusalem Westward The sixth King called Japhia dwelt at Lachis two miles from Iarmouth Southward he was also hanged at Makeda Ios. 10. The seventh King dwelt at Eglon called Debir and was also hanged at Makeda The eighth King was called Horam and held his Princely Seat in the Tribe of Dan in the Town of Gezer 16 miles from Jerusalem Westward whom Ioshuah slew with all his men Ios. 10. The ninth King dwelt at Debir The tenth King held his Court at Gerar in the Tribe of Iudah 14 miles from Jerusalem Westward The eleventh King dwelt at Harma in the Tribe of Judah which is upon the borders of Arabia deserta not far from Ziclag forty miles from Ierusalem South-westward this Town in times past was called Zephal that is a Watch-tower because it stood upon a Hill But when the Children of Iudah had overthrown the whole Army of the Canaanites they called it Haram a Curse Iudg. 1. The twelfth King dwelt at Arat 22 miles from Ierusalem Southward which was a Town of the Ammorites and took the name from the Asses that were in great troops within the Woods thereabout It lay in the Tribe of Iudah The thirteenth King dwelt at Libnah in the Tribe of Iudah The fourteenth King dwelt at Odullam The fifteenth King dwelt at Makeda In this Town Ioshuah hanged five Kings Ios. 10. The sixteenth King dwelt at Bethel The seventeenth King dwelt at Tapnah not far from Iordan and Iericho twelve miles from Ierusalem North-eastward The eighteenth King dwelt at Hepher six miles from Ierusalem North-ward part of this Town was allotted to the Tribe of Zabulon Ionas the Prophet was born in this Town 2 Reg. 14. and is four miles distant from the Town of Nazareth Southward The nineteenth King dwelt at Apheck forty four miles from Ierusalem North-ward and two miles from Iezreel There also the Ark of the Lord was taken and there also the Sons of Eli the High Priest were slain 1 Sam. 4. This Town was in the half Tribe of Manasses The twentieth King dwelt at Lazaron eighteen miles and half from Ierusalem North-westward not far from Ioppen and Lidda The one and twentieth King dwelt at Nadan fourteen miles from Ierusalem North-westward The two and twentieth King dwelt at Hazor The twenty third King dwelt at Simron which Town was allotted to the Tribe of Zabulon Iosh. 14. It lieth sixty eight miles from Ierusalem North-ward not far from the Town of Nazareth in Galilee The twenty fourth King dwelt at Achsap eighty eight miles from Ierusalem Northward which Town was allotted to the Tribe of Aser The twenty fifth King dwelt at Tanaach forty four miles from Ierusalem this Town belonged to the Levites and stood in the Tribe of Manasses six miles from Iezreel Southward Iosh. 21. The twenty sixth King dwelt at Megiddo forty four miles from Ierusalem Northward scarce four miles from Tanaach By this Town of Megiddo Iosias King of Iuda was overthrown by Pharaoh Necho King of Egypt 2 Reg. 23. In the Travels of Iosiah King of Iudah I will speak of this Town more at large The twenty seventh King dwelt at Kades Ios. 19. 21. The twenty eighth King dwelt at Iaknedam twenty seven miles from Ierusalem Northward being upon the Mediterranean Sea This Town was allotted to the Tribe of Zabulon and given to the Levites Iosh. 21. The twenty ninth King dwelt at Naphet Dor which Town lay upon the Sea-Coast between the Hill Carmel and the Town of Cesarea Stratonis forty eight miles from Ierusalem Northward The thirtieth King dwelt at Gilgal between Iericho and the River Iordan and was the first King that Ioshuah overcame and slew all his host The one and thirtieth King dwelt at Thirtza in the Tribe of Manasses twenty four miles from Ierusalem In this Town Ieroboam and after him all the Kings of Israel kept their Courts before Samaria was built The Book of Iudges The Travels of Caleb and Athniel CALEB and Athniel with all the Children of Iudah went from Iudah to Besek forty four miles where they took King Adoni-Bezek Prisoner and cut off his Fingers and Toes Iudg. 1. From Beseck they went to Ierusalem forty four miles which they took by force and burnt it Iudg. 1. From Ierusalem they went to Hebron 22 miles which they took and slew the Gyants that inhabited therein Iudg. 1. Not far from Hebron lay the Town of Debir which
see through all Galilee to Carmel and the Mountains of Phoenicia also to Mount Thabor and the Mountains beyond Iordan called Gilead Of this Town you may read Ios. 17 19. 2 Sam. 2. Of Nobach THis was a City beyond Iordan and stood in the half Tribe of Manasses thirty eight miles from Ierusalem North-Eastward In times past it was called Kenah but after Nobach Prince of the half Tribe of Manasseh had conquered it he called it Nobach Num. 23. and signifieth a Prophet being derived of Nabah or Nabach he hath prophesied or cryed out Of Jogbeha THis Town was built by the Children of Gad and lies beyond Iordan thirty four miles from Ierusalem North-Eastward and taketh the name from the height of the place where it standeth being derived from Gabah which signifieth it excelleth in height Of this you may read Iudg. 8. Numb 32. Of Karkor KArkor is a City in the half Tribe of Manasseh and is scituated beyond Iordan fome 40 miles distant from Ierusalem North-Eastward and taketh the name from Kir which signifies he hath destroyed or subverted the Walls for here the two Kings Zeba and Zalmuna were taken St. Ierom faith in his Book de locis Hebraicis That in his Time it was a fair Town The Typical signification of Gideon THis Gideon whose name signifies to root out destroyed and subverted the Enemies of the Iews so Christ hath destroyed the Kingdom of Sathan and daily rooted out all his impious and wicked members which are Enemies to his Church The Travels of Abimelech the sixth Iudge of Israel GIDEON being dead Abimelech his Son went from Ophra to Sichem which is ten miles and there was chosen by the Citizens to succeed his father in the Government From thence he went back to Ophra which is ten miles and there put to death his seventy Brethren all Sons of Gideon but by divers Concubines for God permitted Bigamie but did not command it From Ophra he went ten miles into the Land of Sichem and there was chosen King about the Year of the World 2712. From Sichem which was the Seat of the Kingdom he went to Ophra being ten miles there he judged Israel three Years After that he went the third time back to the Sichemites which is ten miles but they breaking promise with him for very madness he caused the City to be destroyed and Salt to be Sown in the place that so ever after it might become Barren accursed and unhabitable From Sichem he went with his Host to Thebets or Thebez which is two miles where he was mortally wounded by a woman that flung a stone upon him at the Siege of that Town whereof he died Iudg. 9. So all the Travels of Abimelech were 52 miles Of Thebez THis was distant from Sichem two miles Northward and from Ierusalem thirty eight miles it took the name from Bitzah which signifieth a deep Pond Abimelech took his name from an hereditary Kingdom or rather because he obtained the Kingdom over Israel after his Father and is as much as to say My father is a King because good Princes differ little from good Fathers for Maelaech with the Hebrews signifieth a King Malechah a Queen and Malchech a Kingdom So that this name Abimelech properly signifieth a King or one that is a Father of his People Of the flight of Jotham which was the Brother of Abimelech JOtham signifieth a perfect and swift man being derived from Iatham that is perfect and swift This Man at such time as Abimelech put to death the rest of his Brethren to save his Life fled to Mount Gerizim where he propounded the Riddle mentioned Iudg. 9. And after from thence he went to Beerah where he hid himself from the fury of Abimelech All this was forty four miles Of Mount Gerizim GErizim or Garizim was a Mountain in the Kingdom of the Samaritans and extended it self in the Longitude as far as Iericho near to Mount Hebal In these two Mountains the Blessings and the Cursings were recited of which more shall be said hereafter and it taketh the name from the felling down of Trees being derived from Garaz which signifieth to cut or to fell down here Christ spoke with the Samaritan Iohn 4. Of Beerah BEerah was a Town in the Tribe of Iudah ten miles from Ierusalem Westward Near to this City Iudas Macchabeus fought a memorable Battel against Bacchides and others whom he conquered It taketh the name from a clear Well being derived of Beer that is he hath made clear Of Thola the seventh Iudge of Israel THola takes his Name from a Red Worm or purple Colour which colour is proper to Princes He succeeded Abimelech in the Government of the Iews and began to rule An. Mun. 2715. and 1253 Years before Christ. His Father's name was Puah of the Tribe of Issachar He dwelt in Samir a City of Mount Ephraim not far from Iericho twelve miles from Ierusalem towards the North and there he was buried as you may see Iosh. 15. Of Jair the eighth Iudge of Israel JAir succeeded Thola and began his Government in the Year of the World 2738 and 1230 Years before Christ. He took his Name from the singular Worth and noble Disposition that was in him This Iair was one of the Tribe of Manasseh he was lame of both his Feet and was a man of great Estimation among the Iews for there were thirty Castles and Towns that were called after his Name Iudg. 10. Num. 32. Deut. 3. Ios. 13. 1 Chr. 1. He dwelt at Kamon a Town in the Tribe of Gilead some forty eight miles from Ierusalem towards the North-East The Travels of Jephthah JEphtha was born at Mizpah in the Land of Gilead and being driven into Exile by his Brothers he fled into the Land of Tob 48 miles from Ierusalem Iudg. 11. From thence he returned to Mizpah 48 miles and there was chosen Prince and began his Government Anno Mundi 2760. and before Christ 1208 Years Iudg. 11. From Mizpah he went with his Army against the Ammonites to the City of Aroer where he put them to flight which is twenty six miles Iudg. 11. From Aroer he pursued the Enemies to Minneth which is eight miles Iudg. 11. From Minneth he went to the Plain of the Vines which is twenty four miles Iudg. 11. From Abel or the Plain of the Vines he went to Mizpah where he offered his Daughter for a Sacrifice to the Lord Iudg. 11. At that time he and the Ephramites got a memorable Battel in which were slain 22000 Iudg. 12. So all the Travels of Iephthah were 322 miles Of the Cities and Places mentioned in his Travels Of Thob or Tob. THob or Tob to which Iephthah fled is in the half Tribe of Manasses beyond Iordan not far from the Mountain of Antilibanus a hundred and four miles from Ierusalem North-eastward this was a very fair and plentiful Country and therefore called Thob being derived from Thobah which signifieth Good and Rate Of Mizpah MIzpah was
Years From Apheck the Philistines carried it to Asdod or Azotus and set it in the Temple of their God Dagon but the Idol fell down in the Night and was broken to pieces before the Ark of the Lord 1 Sam. 4. which was 160 miles From thence to the City Gath which was four miles From Gath to the Sea-town Gaza twelve miles From Gaza to Ekron thirty two miles From Ekron they placing it upon a new Cart drawn with two new milch Kine it was brought back again to Bethsemes which was twelve miles From thence it was carried to Kirjath-jearim and placed in the house of Abinadab where it was kept until David's time who fetched it thence to Ierusalem with great Joy about the Year of the World 2900 and before Christ 1068 which was two miles So all the while the Ark was from Shilo it was carried hither and thither some 276 miles Of the Towns and Places to which the Ark of the Lord was carried Of Apheck THis was a City of Samaria alotted to the half Tribe of Manasses some half a mile from Israel toward the South and forty four miles from Ierusalem Northward It signifieth an impetuous or violent Act being derived of Aphak which is as much as He worketh violently or offereth Violence In this City Benhadad King of the Syrians going from one place to another to hide himself was at length constrained to fly to Ahab King of Israel to save his Life and crave his Aid 1 Reg. 20. Of Asdod Ascalon and Gaza you may read before Of Gath. THIS was a Haven Town scituated upon the Banks of the Mediterranean Sea distant from Ierusalem thirty four miles toward the West It seemeth to take the name of the Abundance of Vines that grow thereabouts for Gath signifieth a Press or such an Instrument wherewith Grapes are pressed This was Goliah's Country Here Achis to whom David fled governed 1 Sam. 21 27. and it is very like that all the Kings of this City were called Achis as sometime the Emperours of Rome were called Caesars There were other Kings of the Philistines that were also called by this Name Of Ekron THIS also was a City of the Philistines not far from the Mediterranean Sea and near to Asdod some sixteen miles from Ierusalem Westward At this day it is but a small Town and called by the Name of Accaron having some Affinity with the ancient Name Ekron The Inhabitants of this Town worshipped Baal-zebub for their God It taketh the Name from Extirpation or such a Town as Penitus distruit hath rooted out even the Foundation being derived of Akar which signifieth to extirpate Of Bethsemes THIS was a City of the Levites in the Tribe of Iuda Ios. 15. 21. four miles from Ierusalem Westward and signifies the House of the Sun Of this you may read more before The Travels of the Prophet Samuel SAmuel's Mother brought him from Arimathea to Shilo being twelve miles where he was to serve the Lord God all his Life From Shilo Samuel went to Mizpa in the Land of Gilead forty eight miles Here Samuel called a Congregation and made a solemn Sacrifice unto the Lord of a sucking Lamb and the Lord at the same time thundred from Heaven and dispersed the Army of the Philistines so that they fled 1 Sam. 7. From Mizpa he went to Arimathea 56 miles there he dwelt and built an Altar unto the Lord 1 Sam. 7. From thence he went yearly to Bethel sixteen miles 1 Sam. 7. From Bethel he went to Gilgal tvvo miles 1 Sam. 7. From Gilgal he went to Mizpa in the Land of Gilead thirty six miles 1 Sam. 7. From Mizpah he went again to Arimathea 56 miles Thither came unto him the Elders of the Children of Israel desiring him to chuse them a King 1 Sam. 8. Therefore he went out of the Town of Arimathea about sixteen miles to Ramath which lieth in the Land of Ziph not far from Bethlehem Euphrata and there Samuel anointed Saul the Son of Kish to be their King 1 Sam. 10. From Ramath he went to Gilgal sixteen miles There he offered and shewed Saul what he should do 1 Sam. 10. From Gilgal he went to Mizpah in the Land of Gilead thirty six miles there Saul by casting of Lots was chosen King 1 Sam. 10. From Mizpah he returned to Arimathea fifty six miles 1 Sam. 10. From Arimathea he went to Bezeck 44 miles where Adoni-Bezeck was taken whose Fingers and Toes the Children of Israel cut off There Samuel and Saul caused an Army of Men to issue out against the Children of Ammon 1 Sam. 11. From Beseck Samuel and Saul passed over Iordan to Iabes in Gilead sixteen miles and there overthrew Nahaz King of the Ammonites and all his Host which done Samuel said unto the Souldiers Let us now go unto Gilgal and there renew the Kingdom From Iabes in Gilead he went to Gilgal thirty six miles There Saul was placed in his throne Royal 1 Sam. 11. From Gilgal Samuel went to Arimathea which is twenty miles From Arimathea he went again to Gilgal twenty miles and there he sharply rebuked King Saul because he had offered a Sacrifice contrary to his command 1 Sam 13. From Gilgal he went to Gibeon twelve miles 1 Sam. 13. From Gibeon he went to Arimathea twelve miles From Arimathea he went to Gilgal twenty miles there he rebuked King Saul because he did not wholly destroy the Amalekites and Samuel himself hewed the Body of Agag King of the Amalekites in pieces 1 Sam. 16. From Gilgal he went to Arimathea twenty miles From Arimathea he went to Bethlehem sixteen miles and there he anointed David King 1 Sam. 16. Then he returned again to Arimathea sixteen miles where he died and was buried 1 Sam. 28. So all the Travels of the Prophet Samuel were 364 miles Of Arimathea Mizpah Ramath and the rest of the Towns mentioned in his Travels you may read before The typical signification of Samuel SAmuel is derived of Shemuel that is desired of God and was a Type of God the Father For as Samuel anointed David so God anointed his beloved Son with the Oil of Gladness and of the Spirit Psal. 45. Esa. 61. The Travels of King Saul SAVL went from the Town of Gibeon to Mount Ephraim four miles to seek his Father's Asses in An. Mund. 2870 and before Christ 1908. From Mount Ephraim he passed through the Land of Salisa to the Borders of the Town of Salem 12 miles From Salem he went to the Land of Gemini in the Tribe of Benjamin sixteen miles From the Land of Gemini he went to Rama four miles there by Samuel he was anointed King 1 Sam. 10. This Town lay not far from Bethlehem and close by it lay Rachels Grave There certain men met with Saul in the Borders of Benjamin at Zelach and shewed him that his Fathers Asses were found which was about a mile from Ierusalem From thence Saul went about two miles to Zilzah there three men met
him that travelled to Bethel and gave him two Loaves of Bread 1 Sam. 10. Then he came to the Mount of God which is the Town of Kirjath-jearim there a company of Prophets met him and prophecied then the Spirit of God came upon Saul and he began to prophecy which was about six miles from Bethlehem From Kirjath-jearim he went again to Gibeon which is four miles 1 Sam. 10. Then he went again from Gibeon to Gilgal and there he offered and Samuel shewed him what he should do which is 12 miles 1 Sam. 10. From Gilgal he went to Mizpa in the Land of Gilead thirty six miles where he was chosen King From Mizpa he went again to Gibeon forty eight miles From Gibeon he went to Beseck forty miles there he gathered certain Souldiers and led them against Nahas King of the Ammonites 1 Sam. 11. From Beseck he went with his Army to Iabes sixteen miles there he overthrew Nahas with all his Host. From Iabes in Gilead he went to Gilgal thirty six miles There he was placed in his Princely Seat 1 Sam. 11. From Gilgal he went to Michmas four miles there he sent 3000 men out of Israel to his Son Ionathan to Gibeon From Michmas he went to Gilgal with his Army four miles There he offered for which Samuel rebuked him 1 Sam. 13. From Gilgal he went to Mount Benjamin about twelve miles not far from Gibeon From Gibeon he went to Michmas eight miles There Ionathan overcame the Army of the Philistines 1 Sam. 14. From Michmas Saul followed the Enemy to Ajalon twelve miles There he would have slain his Son Ionathan because he had eaten a little Honey 1 Sam. 14. From Ajalon he went to Gibeon four miles where he kept Court From Gibeon he went to the Land of the Moabites 28 miles which he overcame 1 Sam. 14. From the Land of the Moabites he went into the Countrey of the Ammonites 40 miles which Countrey he overcame and took in all their Towns From the Land of the Ammonites he went to Gibeon 60 miles 1 Sam. 15. From Gibeon he went into the Land of Edom or Idumaea as it is commonly called forty miles and overcame all the Countrey From Idumaea he returned again to Gibeon forty miles From Gibeon he went with an Army about 600 miles to Zoba in Armenia which he overcame 1 Sam. 14. From the Kingdom of Zoba he returned to Gibeon 600 miles After that he went out against the Philistines 12 miles and as the History sheweth Saul had Wars with the Philistines during his life 1 Sam. 14. From the Philistines he returned again to Gibeon unto his Palace twelve miles From Gibeon he went into the Wilderness of Sur 160 miles there he overcame the Amalekites 1 Sam. 15. Also he overcame the whole Countrey from the Town of Peluso to the Red Sea which is 92 miles From thence he went again into Iury to the Town of Carmel 140 miles 1 Sam. 15. And from thence he went unto Gilgal 32 miles There the Prophet Samuel rebuked him because he did not wholly destroy and consume the Amalekites and there Samuel hewed the Body of Agag King of the Amalekites into small pieces 1 Sam. 15. From Gilgal he went to Gibeon twelve miles In the eleventh year of Saul An. Mun. 2881 and before Christ 1807 David being then about twenty years of age was anointed King by Samuel Within a while after Saul was vexed with an evil Spirit then David played unto him upon the Harp by which he was eased Soon after he went forth with his Army towards Socho and Asekah which was some eight miles distant from Gibeah There David killed that famous Champion Goliah 1 Sam. 15. From thence the Israelites followed the chase of the Philistines to the Valley and River Soreck four miles and thence unto the Gates of their Cities that is to Ekron which is eight miles to Ascalon twenty miles and to Gath which was twenty four miles all the way putting the Philistines to the Sword So that there died in this Fight 30000 of them 1 Sam. 17. Then they returned back again and spoiled and burnt the Philistines Tents where they found great Riches twenty four miles From Socho and Aseka he returned again to Gibeon eight miles there the Women came out of all places in the Town dancing and with loud voices singing Saul hath slain a thousand but David ten thousand 1 Sam. 18. From Gibeon he went to Arimathea two miles minding to kill David and came to Naioth in Ramoth where Samuel and David were but the Spirit of God came upon Saul and he prophecied falling down upon the ground before Samuel and David all that day and the night ensuing 1 Sam. 19. From thence he returned again to Gibeon twelve miles there he thought to have killed his Son Ionathan with a Spear because he excused David There also he caused eighty five Priests to be put to death because the High Priest Abimelech at Nob had given David of the Shew-bread to eat and had delivered him Goliah's Sword 1 Sam. 21 22. From Gibeon he went to the Levitical Town Nob twelve miles where he spared neither man nor woman young nor old no not the innocent Children but put them all to the Sword and wholly destroyed the Town 1 Sam. 12. From the Town of Nob he returned to Gibeon twelve miles From Gibeon he went to the Wilderness of Moan South-ward 20 miles From the Wilderness of Moan he returned again to Gibeon 1 Sam. 23. twenty four miles From Gibeon he went to Engedi where David in a Cave cut off a piece of his Garment which was twenty four miles 1 Sam. 24. From thence he returned again to Gibeon twenty four miles From Gibeon he went to Ziph twenty two miles and as he lay asleep upon the Hill Hachila David came secretly into the Camp and took his Cup and his Spear from his Head and would not kill him 1 Sam. 26. From the Hill Hachila he returned unto Gibeah 22 miles From thence he went to fight with the Philistines at Mount Gilboa forty miles From Mount Gilboa having changed his Apparel he went to Endor which was four miles There he asked counsel of a Witch and the Devil appeared unto him in the likeness of Samuel 1 Sam. 28. From thence he returned again to Mount Gilboa to the Camp four miles and the next day he fought against the Enemy in which Battel his three Sons were slain and he himself put to flight 1 Samuel 31. 1 Chronicles 11. From Mount Gilboa he fled eight miles to Bethsan where he kill'd himself 1 Sam. 31. 1 Chr. 11. From thence the Body of Saul was brought to Iabes in Gilead where it was buried 2 Sam. 31. 1 Chr. 11. So all the Travels of Saul were 2428 miles The Description of the Towns and Places to which he travelled OF Gibea Salem Ramath and Iabes you may read before being memorable places to which Abraham Ioshuah and the Children of Israel
travelled Of Bethsaliza THE Land of Salisa with the City Bethsaliza was scituated in Mount Ephraim eight miles from Ierusalem toward the North-west This was also called Baalsaliza 2 King 4. and signifieth the Trinity being derived of Schillesch to make three-fold Of Michmas THIS was a City in Mount Ephraim in the Borders of the Tribes of Benjamin and Manasses not far from Iericho some ten miles from Ierusalem towards the North. Near to this City Ionathan and his Armor-bearer put the Army of the Philistines to flight 1 Sam. 14. You may read of this Town in Esd. 2. Isa. 10. This was a strong City of the Moabites and seemeth to take the Name of Kemosch or Chamos which was a God which they worshipped in their Banquets and Meetings for Mirth as Bacchus sometime was amongst the Romans To this Idol Solomon built a Temple 1 Reg. 11. Ier. 48. Of Zoba THE Kingdom of Zoba which Iosephus calleth Sophenam was in Armenia near to the Mountains Antitaurus and Masius 600 miles from Ierusalem towards the North extending it self on both sides of the River Euphrates It was a very large fruitful and pleasant Country wherein inhabited many Kings This place Saul conquered and David retained it 1 Sam. 14. 2 Sam. 8. and signifies an aspiring Kingdom being derived of Zabah He hath aspired Of Carmel CArmel was a City in the Tribe of Iudah scituated in a fertile Mountain some eight miles from Hebron toward the East but twelve miles from Ierusalem towards the South-west in the Wilderness of Moan where that foolish and covetous Fellow Nabal dwelt There is likewise another Town called by the same Name in the Tribe of Issachar not far from Ptolomais which is upon the shore of the Mediterranean Sea sixty four miles from Ierusalem toward the North standing upon a Promontory which extendeth it self into the Ocean of which you may read Ios. 19. Ier. 46. In this City the Prophets Elias and Elizeus dwelt who put the Priests of Baal to Death in that place 1 Reg. 18. 2 Reg. 4. Carmel signifieth Spike or a fertile Field bringing forth Vines Herbs and divers kinds of Flowers and Fruits and is oft-times used for a pleasant place Esay 29. 32 37. Ier. 24. There are a Sect of Monks that of this Mountain are called Carmelites who built for themselves an Abbey there close by the Church of St. Maries about the Year of the World 5170 and in the Year of our Lord 1170. Of Azekah AZekah and Socho were two Towns in the Tribe of Iudah eight miles from Ierusalem towards the South-west Of these you may read before Of Nobe or Nob. THIS was a City of the Priests in the Tribe of Benjamin where Abimelech High-Priest of the Israelites dwelt who at such time as David fled from Saul he gave him of the Shew-bread and the Sword that he took from Goliah for the which cause Saul commanded fourscore and five Priests to be slain and the City with all the Inhabitants thereof to be put to the Sword 1 Sam. cap. 22. At this day as Bernard Brittenbaccus saith it is called Bethenopolis and is in the way between Ierusalem from whence it is distant some sixteen miles towards the North-east and Dyospolim It taketh the Name from Naba which signifieth He hath prophesied Of this you may read 1 Sam. 20. 21 22. and Esay 10. Of Maon THIS was a Town in the Wilderness of Iudaea some 24 miles from Ierusalem Southward near Ziph and Carmel where Saul had besieged David and all his men and would have either put them to the Sword or taken them Captives But the Philistines on a sudden invaded the Land so that Saul was constrained to leave the Siege to oppose their Incursions It taketh the Name from a fruitful Habitation and a firm and safe Mansion 2 Sam. 23. Ios. 15. Of Engedi THIS was a Castle or Town scituated in a Mountain near to the shore of the Dead Sea a little beyond Sodom six miles from Ierusalem toward the North-east and in the Tribe of Iudah Ios. 15. In times past it was a fruitful place both of Vines and other Fruits there also grew a kind of Balsam But Cleopatra in the time of Mark Anthony brought the Roots of it into AEgypt and there made a pleasant Garden where now Christians inhabit There are yet some small Stalks here and there of this Balsam to be found upon this Hill Engedi but the Saracens do not regard it neither dwell any Christians near to dress it so that it groweth to decay Engedi signifieth the Fountain or Well of a Goat or Lamb. These Mountains are very high and of a wonderful Nature in some places great ragged Rocks appearing in others plain and fruitful Vallies insomuch as they are fearful and horrible to Strangers that behold them Of Ziph. THIS was a Town in the Desart of Ziph placed in a certain Mountain not far from Hebron in the Tribe of Iudah some twenty two miles from Ierusalem towards the North-east Iosh. 15. Unto this Desart near to this City David oft times resorted and at last was betrayed by the Inhabitants of this Town It seemeth that the Town and Wilderness took that Name of the abundance of Pitch that was found in it for Zaephaeth in Hebrew signifieth Pitch Of Gilboa THIS was a Mountain in the Tribe of Manasseh near to Sichem and Apheck forty miles from Ierusalem towards the North it extendeth eight miles to the City Bethsan and two miles towards the North to Mount Hermon It seems to take the name from the bubling forth or springing up of Water for the River Kison begins at the foot of this Mountain and divides it self into divers parts until it cometh to the Hill Hermon and then it runs into two principal Streams the one passeth toward the East into the Sea of Galilee the other to the West towards Carmel and so into the Mediterranean Sea There be some that are of Opinion that neither Rain nor Dew falls upon this Hill because when Saul was slain David cursed these Mountains saying Let neither Rain nor Dew fall upon you O ye Mountains of Gilboa because the strong men of Israel were slain there 2 Sam. 1. But this was but a figurative Speech whereby David would express the greatness of his Sorrow for Borchardus the Monk speaking of this Mountain saith That as he was ascending upon it there was such a violent shower fell that he was wet through his Cloaths and the Waters in great abundance ran into the Vallies And in the Year of our Lord 1283 sleeping upon this Hill on the Eve of All Saints there was a great dew fell upon his Cloaths only some parts of it were very stony and barren as are many other Mountains in that Country Of Endor THIS was a Town in the Tribe of Manasses near the River Kison Ios. 17. where Saul asked Counsel of a Witch 1 Sam. 28. It seems to take the name from a Fountain of Durance for
Ierom's time it was but a small Town where the Inhabitants shew to Strangers the Sepulchre of Habakk●k the Prophet Not far off toward the West lieth Hareth that Wood where David was when Abiathar came to him Kegila in Hebrew signifieth a Tent. The Travels of King David DAVID was anointed King by Samuel when he was twenty years old Anno Mundi 2881 and before Christ 1807. Within a while after he was sent by his Father Isay or Iesse to Gibeah of Saul which was eight miles there he played to Saul upon the Harp 1 Sam. 16. When Saul went out with his Army against the Philistines David returned back to Bethlehem his own Countrey which was about eight miles There he fed his Father's sheep 1 Sam. 17. From thence he went to Socho and Asekah and killed Goliah which was four miles From thence he carried the Head of Goliah to Ierusalem which was eight miles From thence he went with King Saul to Gibeah which was four miles From Gibeah he went twelve miles into the Land of the Philistines and to perform the promise which he had made put to the Sword 200 of them From thence he returned and brought their fore-skins unto Saul in recompence of which noble Exploit he was married to Saul's Daughter which was twelve miles A while after he made an incursion upon the Land of the Philistines and in a sharp and cruel War got a famous Victory and returned with glory to Gibeah which was at the lest twenty four miles But when David perceived that Saul went about to take away his Life and that he was so narrowly pursued he had no way to escape but to be let down by a cord through a window he made haste and went from Gibeah to Arimathea where he complained unto Samuel of the Injuries of Saul and laid before him in what a miserable condition he was and to what straights brought Wherefore Samuel to comfort him brought him to Naioth which seemeth to be so called of the fair scituation and pleasantness of the place for Mabah signifies a laudable and comely place this was a Colledge of such as were Professors of that sacred study of Divinity Now Saul hearing that David was in this place came with some of his Servants on purpose to make him captive But at the sight of Samuel he began to sing Psalmes and Hymns after the manner of the Prophets From thence David returned back unto Gibeah some twelve miles where at the Stone of Ezel not far from Gibeah toward the South Ionathan went to David and counselled him to depart with all speed for that his Father meant evil towards him So they took leave either of other with Tears 1 Sam. 20. Ezel signifies an Angle as was a Stone full of Angles or corners From thence he went to Nob which was twelve miles From thence he went to Gath a City of the Philistines where he ●eigned himself mad because of Achis whom he feared 1 Sam. 21. being twenty four miles From thence he went to the Cave of Odullam twenty four miles and thither resorted unto him many of his Kindred and such as were indebted and in danger to the number of forty Persons In this place he wrote the 57 and 142 Psalms as may appear by their Titles From thence he went to Mizpah in the Land of the Moabites where at this time the King kept his Court and there he carefully commanded his Friends and followers to his safe Protection till such time as the fury of Saul was asswaged 1 Sam. 22. From thence by the counsel of the Prophet Gad he returned by the Wilderness of Hareth to Kegila and rescued it forty miles Here Abiathar the Priest came to him 1 Sam. 23. From thence fearing the coming of Saul he went into the Wilderness of Ziph whither Ionathan came to him 1 Sam. 22. which was four miles From thence he went to the Town of Moan four miles From thence he went to the Hold of Engedi thirty six miles From thence he went six miles to Carmel in Iudaea where he determined to have destroyed Nabal for his churlishness 1 Sam. 25. From thence he went to Hackilah two miles From Hackilah he went to Gath where Achis King of the Philistines kept his Court sixteen miles This Achis was very courteous and bountiful-minded he entertained David and gave him freely the City of Zicklag to inhabit in 1 Sam. 27. Wherefore David went thence to the Town of Ziclag which was twelve miles 1 Sam. 27. and there inhabited one year and seven months From thence David went often towards the South and made incursions upon the Amalekites wasting and destroying their Land which lay in the Desart of Sur about eighty miles distant from Ziclag and a hundred and twenty miles from Ierusalem towards the South-west From the Desart of Sur he returned back again unto Ziclag which was eighty miles and sent part of the Prey which he had gotten to the King of the Philistines Of which you may read more 1 Sam. 27. From Ziclag David went with the Army of the Philistines to fight against Saul eighty eight miles even to Sunem for the Philistines pitched between Iesreel and Sunem 1 Sam. 28 29. But because the Princes of the Philistines durst not trust him therefore by the consent of Achis their King he returned back to Zicklag eighty eight miles 1 Sam. 29. Whilst David was gone with the Philistines to fight against Israel the Amalekites invaded Ziclag took it and burnt it with fire and carried away Ahinoam and David's Wives Captives Wherefore when David came to Ziclag and perceived what had happened with all speed he pursued the Enemy and in the way as he went he found an Egyptian who a little before the Amalekites had left there because he was unable to follow them This Egyptian guided David to the Tents of the Amalekites who suspecting no such evil were making merry with the Booty that they had taken But David with the rest of his Company so manfully behaved themselves they gave the Amalekites a sudden overthrow and as it often happeneth to such as are negligent and careless he took away from them their former Booty and put most of them to the Sword This Battel was fought some eight or twelve miles from Zicklag as by the circumstance of the History may appear From this slaughter he returned back to Ziclag being twelve miles and repaired it to every neighbouring City sending a part of the prey Here he had certain intelligence of the Success of the Israelites in their Wars against the Philistines and of the death of Saul and Ionathan which he bitterly lamented 1 Sam. 30. 2 Sam. 1. These things happened in the tenth year after Samuel had anointed David King From Ziclag he went to Hebron a Metropolitan City of the Tribe of Iudah being a Town of Refuge belonging to the Levites which was sixteen miles At this time David was about the age of thirty years and was anointed
King by the Tribe of Iudah in the year of the World 2891 and before Christ 1077. Here he kept his Court seven years and six months From hence also he sent Messengers to Iabes in Gilead forty four miles to signifie his gracious acceptance of that favour which they shewed unto Saul in burying of his Body there 2 Sam. 1. 1 Chr. 12. From Hebron David went to Ierusalem twenty two miles which then was called Iebus being possessed of the Iebusites but he won it with strong hand and thrust them out of it and in Mount Sion set up the City Millo which was afterward called the City of David and signifies a place of Plenty He began his Reign in Ierusalem in the thirty eighth year of his Age and seventh of his Reign In this place also he set up his House made of Cedar-wood of which H●ram King of Tyrus sent him great Plenty from Mount Libanus distant from thence 104 miles 2 Sam. 5. 1 Ch. 12. From thence he went to the Valley of Rephaim some three miles from Ierusalem in the way that leadeth to the City of Bethlem where he fought a memorable Fight against the Philistines and overcame them for which cause it was also called Baal-Perizim because by the Help and Assistance of God he had conquered the Army of the Philistines 1 Sam. 5. After he had dispersed the Enemies he returned to Ierusalem which is ●our miles The Philistines came the same Year into the Valley of Rephaim again and pitched their Tents within three miles and a half of Ierusalem and the Lord gave David a sign that when he heard a noise in the Mulberry-trees he should set upon the Enemy so David went forth and close by the Town of Gaeba and Kirjath-jearim about two miles from Ierusalem West-ward he set upon the Enemy and gave them the second Overthrow 2 Samuel 5. 1 Chr. 15. From thence David followed the Enemy to Gaza which was eighteen miles 2 Sam. 5. in the tenth Year of his Reign from his first beginning in Hebron David assembled all the Princes Priests and chief men of Israel to the number of 30000 which inhabited from Sechor till you come to Chaemah a City of Naphtali at the foot of Mount Libanus even 163 miles off These men assembled themselves in the City of Ierusalem and from thence they with David went to Kirjath-jearim which was about a mile to fetch the Ark of the Covenant from thence into the City of David 1 Sam. 6. 1 Chr. 14. From Kirjath-jearim David and all his Train returned back again to Ierusalem which was about a mile and they placed the Ark of the Lord in a new Cart and caused it to be drawn with Oxen which turned out of the way to the threshing-floor of Nachon where Vzza rashly and inconsiderately touching the Ark of God contrary to the Divine Law was presently slain by the Lord in the way and that place was called Paeri-Vza that is The Breach of Uza for he was not of the Tribe of Aaron to whom it was only lawful to touch the Ark and therefore the Lord struck him that he died miserably wherefore David being terrified by this example of God's Severity would not that day bring the Ark of the Lord into Ierusalem but carried it to the House of a certain Noble-man called Obed Aedom a Gittite who dwelt not far from Ierusalem but when it was told David that the Lord blessed the House of Obed Aedom and all his Family because the Ark was there David went from Ierusalem with a great multitude of People to the House of Obed Aedom who as is said before dwelt not far from Ierusalem yet there are some that say he was an excellent Musician in Ierusalem and dwelt in Mount Acra that is in the lower City and from thence David fetch'd the Ark of the Lord into the upper City which stood upon Mount Sion but I hold the other Opinion to be the more probable When the Ark was carried by the Priests David girt himself with a linnen Ephod which kind of Garment the Priests of the inferiour Order used to wear and danced before it singing Psalms and Hymns to the praise and glory of God and with great State brought it to the City of Ierusalem with the sound of Trumpets and Instruments of Musick and placed it in the middle of the Tabernacle which they had curiously erected in Mount Sion in the upper City which was also called the City of David This hapned in the tenth year of his Reign at which time Saul's Daughter despised him in her Heart and laughed at him but God gave her a due Recompence as you may read 2 Sam. 6. and him a just Reward for he promised by the Prophet Nathan That of his Posterity and Blood the King of Kings and Saviour of the World should be born In the Year following David invaded the Land of the Philistines and the City of Gath which with strong hand he won this was thirty four miles from Ierusalem From thence he returned back to Ierusalem 34 miles In the twelfth Year of his Reign he afflicted the Moabites with cruel War and destroyed two of their Armies with the Sword and the rest of the multitude he made Tributary which was 24 miles 2 Sam. 8. 1 Chr. 9. He returned thence to Ierusalem with great Triumph and Joy twenty four miles In the thirteenth year of his Reign Anno Mundi 2903. and before Christ 1065 he made an Expedition unto Zoba which Iosephus calleth Sophenam and is in Armenia near to Masia or Mount Taurus 600 miles from Ierusalem toward the North of which you may read before David in this place won a memorable Battel against Hadad Ezer the King thereof near to the River Euphrates he took 700 Horse and 20000 Foot burnt their Chariots took 100 Castles conquered all the Towns and Country round about and went away with a great Booty as well of Gold as Silver Brass and other things which Brass for the Excellency thereof was like unto Gold and as Iosephus saith afterwards Solomon made the Molten Sea of it When Gadarezer King of the Syrians he that built that famous City of Damascus heard of the overthrow of Hadad-Ezer he sent a great Army to his Aid which King David near to the River Euphrates smote with the Sword so that 20000 of them were slain and he carryed away a glorious Victory extending his Government from Ierusalem 600 miles towards the North that is into Armenia and beyond the River Euphrates and made these two Nations tributary unto him 2 Samuel 8. 1 Chr. 19. After David had won these two memorable Victories near Euphrates he went thence with all his Army towards the South and invaded the Land of Syria in which Journey Ioram the Son of Tohi King of Antiochia which City at this time was called Hemath met David with Gifts and Presents in the Name of his Father returning him many Thanks because he had destroyed the common Enemy
Hadad-Ezer and by strong hand subdued and quelled the Fury of that mighty Tyrant who was also a trouble and vexation to the Kingdom of Antiochia David entertained this Message kindly and thankfully received his Gifts which was of Gold Silver and fine Brass and so gave Ioram an acceptable Dispatch and from thence with his Army went to Damascus the Metropolitan City of Syria where in the Valley of Salt he got a great Victory in which 18000 Syrians were slain and soon after the City of Damascus taken in which David placed a Garrison and compelled them to pay Tribute 2 Sam. 8. This was distant from the Kingdom of Soba 520 miles From Damascus he went with his Army into the Land of the Ammonites 100 miles in the way that leadeth out of Syria to Ierusalem all which he conquered and all the Cities and Towns thereabouts and compelled them to pay Tribute 2 Sam. 8. From thence he returned to Ierusalem which was sixty miles and all the Booty that he had gotten in his Journey he dedicated unto the Lord 2 Sam. 8. A while after he with his Army made an Incursion into the Land of Idumaea and compelled the Inhabitants to pay Tribute Moreover he destroyed the City of Midian the Metropolitan of that Country of which you may read before it was distant from Ierusalem 160 miles towards the South So that the extent of David's Kingdom from the North to the South was 800 miles even from the Kingdom of Soba to the Red Sea and from the East to the West 120 miles from Tyrus and Sydon reaching to Damascus Thus by the singular Blessing of God he obtained a spacious and powerful Empire 1 Sam. 8. 1 Reg. 11. 1 Chr. 19. He made his Expedition into Idumaea about the fourteenth year of his Reign From Midian in Idumaea he returned with great Glory and Praise to Ierusalem which was 160 miles In the fourteenth year of his Reign and in the year of the World 2904 and before Christ 1064 Nahas King of the Ammonites died and Haron his Son succeeded him this Man contemptuously abused the Messengers of David 2 Sam. 10. and to justifie that Injury he gathered an Army out of Soba Syria and Mesopotamia even a mighty Host to oppose David who in the fifteenth year of his Government met him with his Army at Helam some twenty miles from Ierusalem where he obtained a notable Victory and destroyed 700 Chariots and 40000 Horse 1 Chr. 20. David after this with great applause of the People was entertained into Ierusalem which was 20 miles distant where being puft up with Prosperity he forgat his former Piety and Sanctity and by degrees fell into unlawful Actions and unjust desires whence it happened that soon after he committed Adultery with Bathseba and after that to hide his Fault caused her Husband to be slain This was kept secret till the Lord by Nathan sharply reprehends him lays before him what he was and what his present estate is from whence that came and then concludes that he is most unthankful careless and negligent towards God and Man in committing those Insolencies neither left he there but told him that God would severely punish him for his Offence which after happened as you may read 1 Sa. 11 12. 14 17. David being nipt in his Conscience with this sharp reprehension fell into great Lamentation the extremity of whose Passions may very well appear in the Penitential Psalms which at this time and soon after he wrote and left to future Ages After this about the end of Summer he gathered an Army and went into the Land of the Ammonites some sixty four miles where he took the Metropolitan City which at that time was called Rabba because of the Multitude of Citizens that were in it but after being restored by Ptolomeus Philadelphus King of Aegypt he called it after his own name Philadelphia and there took the Crown from the Head of the King of the Ammonites which weighed a Talent of Gold being as Iosephus saith richly adorned with fair Sardonick Stones of which you may read 2 Sam. 12. From thence he returned back to Ierusalem which is sixty four miles where he married Bathseba and by her had four Sons Simeon Sobab Nathan and Solomon 1 Chr. 3. Soon after this Amnon defloured his Sister Thamar Not long after that his Son Absalom killed his Brother Amnon being then about eighteen years of age which David took so heinously that he would not suffer him to come into his sight for three years 2 Sam. 13. Then Ioab by the subtilty of the Woman of Tekoa reconciled him to the King his Father yet nevertheless he came not to his Court of two years after This Absalom was a goodly man affable for which cause even at that time the People began to affect him Afterward in the year of the World 2950 and before Christ 1408 Absalom being then about twenty five years of Age moved Sedition against his Father A matter remarkable that although he had slain his own Brother being disgraced and absent from the Court almost five years yet within short time after he so strongly united the Affection of the People to him that he constrained David standing in fear of his greatness all his former Acts and worthy Victories notwithstanding to forsake his own City and for safety to fly to the Mount of Olives being three quarters of a mile from the City There he stayed a while to see the condition of the Tumult but Necessity constrained him to take his way to Bahuzim And as he was going Zimri the Son of Gesa of the house of Saul cursed him every mans Enemy then making himself apparent when he is in Adversity and his best friends commonly forsake him From thence he went to Iordan fourteen miles where the Priests Ionathan and Ahinaaz brought him certain Intelligence of that wicked and perverse Counsel of Achitophel a man in those times famous for his Wisdom but perfidious in his Actions as commonly such are that hope after Honours or seek to benefit themselves by Innovation and Change After he had Intelligence hereof he went over Iordan with those few men that he had and with all possible speed went to Bethabara some 16 miles from Ierusalem toward the North-east At this place Ioshuah led the Children of Israel through Iordan on dry ground Ios. 3. 4. and here Iohn the Baptist taught and baptized Christ. Mat. 1. and Luke 3. From thence he went to Makanaim which is 28 miles where he sent forth his Army by bands against Absalom who at this time had assembled a great Host near the Wood Ephraim not far from that place where Ioshua won a memorable Battel against the Canaanites and that the place might be made more famous David's men though few in number gave Absalom and his Host as great Thus Absalom being left in danger to save himself fled but in his flight the Hair of his Head being long and blown with the Wind
to Mount Olivet for refuge being brought to a streight so Christ upon Mount Olivet his Heart being prest with an intolerable Agony fled to his Father by Prayer for comfort in that extremity Tenthly as all the Friends and Familiars of David forsook him at such time as Absalom rebelled against him and followed him with Persecutions Mocks and Taunts so Christ at such time as Iudas betrayed him into the hands of the Iews was forsaken of all his Followers and many of those which a little before he had done good unto mocked and derided him as he was upon the Cross. Lastly as David was restored notwithstanding the former miseries and troubles to his ancient Glory and Eminency so Christ after he had suffered the due punishment for Sin Death and before that extream Misery yet at length conquered both and by his Divine Power restored himself to his former estate Eternal Glory The Travels of Abner one of Sauls Captains HE went with King Saul from Gibeah to the Wilderness of Ziph which was twenty two miles Here he was rebuked by David for his negligence From thence he returned to Gibeah twenty two miles 1 Sam 31. From thence he travelled to the Hill Gilboa where Saul killed himself forty miles From thence he went to Machanaim where he made Ishbosheth Sauls Son King who kept his Court there seven Years sixteen miles 2 Sam. 2. From thence he went to Gibeon where he slew Asahel Ioabs Brother in Battel which was forty four miles 2 Sam. 2. From thence he went over Iordan to Bythron twenty eight miles From thence he went back to Machanaim sixteen miles 2 Sam. 2. ●astly he went thence to Hebron to David and made a Covenant with him where he was treacherously Slain by Ioab and was sixty eight miles So all the Travels of Abner were 256 miles Of Bithron BIthron or Betharan was a Town beyond Iordan in the Tribe of Gad some 28 miles from Ierusalem North-eastward lying between Dibon and Iordan It taketh the name from a House of singing being derived of Baith which signifies a House and Ron He sung joyfully The Travels of Joab David's Captain was the Son of David's Sister for he had two Zerviah and Abigal Zerviah had Ioab Abishai and Asael Abigal had only Amasa all which were great men in King David's time Now when Ioab heard that Abner had brought down his Army to Gibeon he went from Hebron thither which was 24 miles and there his Brother Asahel was slain 2 Sam. 2. From thence he went to Bethlehem 16 miles where he buried his Brother 2 Sam. 2. From thence he returned to Hebron 20 miles Here under the Gates of the City he traiterously killed Abner 2 Sam. 3. From thence he went with David to Ierusalem where he won Sion and drave thence the blind and the lame being 82 miles From thence he went with his Army against the Ammonites and Syrians whom he conquered in a cruel Fight 60 miles 1 Sam. 20. From thence he returned back to Ierusalem 60 miles From thence he went with David into Idumaea 160 miles from Ierusalem Southward there he won the Town of Midian and conquered the Idumaeans or Edomites 2 Sam. 8. From thence he returned to Ierusalem with his Army being 160 miles From thence he went and besieged Rabba the Metropolitan City of the Ammonites being sixty four miles from Ierusalem North-eastward Here Vriah was slain 2 Sam. 11. From thence he returned to Ierusalem with King David 64 miles From thence he went into the Kingdom of Gesur which lieth beyond Iordan upon Mount Libanus by the Town of Caesarea Philippi some eighty miles from Ierusalem North-eastward This Country was called Trachonites From this Land Ioab brought Absalom again to Ierusalem 2 Sam. 14. From thence he returned back again with Absalom to Ierusalem eighty eight miles From thence he went with David when he fled from his Son Absalom to Machanaim being forty four miles Not far from hence he slew Absalom 2 Sam. 18. From thence he came again with King David to Ierusalem 44 miles 2 Sam. 10. From thence he went to Gibeah where he killed Amasa which was four miles From thence he went to the Town of Abel-Bethmaacha in the Tribe of Naphtali being about 88 miles This Town he straightly besieged From thence he went again to Ierusalem 88 miles Afterward he went as David commanded him to number the People at Aroer a Town beyond Iordan which was 24 miles 2 Sam. 24. From thence he went to Iaezer which is sixteen miles From thence going through the Land of Gilead and passing by the Territories of the lovver Country of Hadsi he came to the Town of Dan near to the place vvhere the Fountains of Iordan are which is accounted 116 miles From thence he went to that famous Mart Town Sidon which was 24 miles From that great Tovvn Sidon he went to the Walls of Tyre to which place great multitudes of Ships resorted which was 16 miles From thence he went toward the South till he came to the City Beersaba which was the utmost Bounds of the Holy Land South-vvestvvard and vvas reckoned 132 miles From thence he returned back to Ierusalem where he delivered to David the number of those that were chosen Souldiers 2 Sam. 24. but the Lord struck the Country and City of Ierusalem with a great Plague because he did contrary to his Command 2 Sam. 24. So all the Travels of Ioab were 1348 miles The Description of the places to which he travelled MAny of those Cities mentioned in the Travels of Ioab are already described and set forth therefore I account it needless in this place again to repeat them but only such Towns as yet have not been mentioned Of Gesur GEsur was a Country near to Caesarea Philippi in the Land of Basan beyond Iordan near Libanus in the Tetrarchy Trachonitides 88 miles from Ierusalem North-eastward With the King of this Country Absalom remained in Banishment for three years space after he had slain his Brother Ammon and with us may be termed the Valley of Oxen 2 Sam. 13. Of Hadsi THE lower Country of Hadsi stood near to the City Corazin in the half Tribe of Manasses fifty two miles from Ierusalem toward the North-east and signifies a new Land being derived of Chadasch that is New Of the Fountain Rogel THIS was near Ierusalem Eastward to which place Ionathan and Ahimaaz David's Intelligencers brought him News of Absalom's Counsels and Intentions 2. Sam. 17. It seemeth that Travellers usually washed their Feet in it from whence it was called the Well of Feet being derived from Raegael signifying a Foot Near to this place was the Stone Zochaeleth where Adonijah at such time as he affected the Kingdom contrary to his Fathers liking called an Assembly and made a great Feast 1 Reg. 1. The Travels of Baena and Rechab THese two went out of the Tribe of Beniamin over Iordon to Machanaim 40 miles There they murthered their Master King Ishbosheth in his Chamber
as he lay upon his Bed and after cut off his Head The Head they brought to King David to Hebron 68 miles But David was not pleased with their Treachery wherefore he caused them both to be put to Death So their Travels were 108 miles The Travels of Absalom ABsalom was born in Hebron and went with his Father to Ierusalem 22 miles 2 Sam. 13. From thence he went to Baal-hazor eight miles where he caused his Brother Amnon to be slain From thence for fear of his Father he fled into the Land of Gesur 88 miles 2 Sam 14. From thence he came back with Ioab to Ierusalem which was 88 miles 2 Sam. 14. From thence he went to Hebron 22 miles and made himself King and rebelled against his Father From thence he went back again to Ierusalem which is 22 miles There he lay with his Fathers Concubines 2 Sam. 16. From thence he pursued his Father to Machanaim 40 miles and there was hanged by the Hair in an Oak tree where Ioab put him to death 2 Sam. 18. So all the Travels of Absalom were 290 miles Of Baal-hazor IN this City Absalom made a great Feast for his Sheep-shearers and invited all his Brothers to it where he caused Amnon to be slain because he had abused his Sister Thamar It lieth in the way some eight miles from Ierusalem towards the North-east as you go to Iericho near to Mount Epraim 2 Sam. 13. and is derived to Baal which signifies a Lord or Husband and Chazir a Den or Cave Of the Name Absalom ABsalom signifieth a Father of Peace although he was the Author of all Discord and Sedition against his Father The Travels of the wise Woman of Thecoa THis woman went from Thecoa to Ierusalem eight miles and spake with King David and with her sweet words she persuaded him that he would recall his Son out of Exile who then remained in Gesur 2 Sam. 14. Of Thecoa THecoa was a City in the Tribe of Iuda some eight miles from Ierusalem toward the South-east near this City Iosaphat by Prayers and the sound of Trumpets without drawing Sword got a memorable Victory and for that cause it signifieth the sound of a Trumpet In this place the Prophet Amos dwelt and there lyeth buried whose Sepulchre was to be seen four hundred Years after Christ as S. Ierom observeth It was from Bethlem-Iuda six miles Near to Thecoa was the Lake Aspher where Ionathan and Machabeus's brothers pitch'd their Tents 1 Mach. 9. Of this City you may read Ier. 6. Am. 1. 2 Chr. 11. Of Achitophel THis perfidious and wicked Man was born in the Town of Gilo not far from Hebron and Debir in the Tribe of Iudah Ios. 15. 2. Sam. 15. twenty miles from Ierusalem South-Eastward who when his Counsel would not take place he went home to his won House and there desperately hanged himself The Travels of wicked Shimei SHimei went from Bahurim where he cursed King David to Bathabara upon the River Iordan which was eighteen miles where he got Pardon of David 2 Sam. 9. From thence he went back with King David unto Gilgal four miles 2 Sam. 19. From thence he went with King David to Ierusalem twelve miles 2. Sam. 19. From thence he went to Bahurim three miles From Bahurim King Solomon sent for him again to Ierusalem three miles There he was constrained to build him an House and not to depart thence upon pain of Death 1 Reg. 2. But Shimei transgressing the commandment of the King went to Gath a City of the Philistines twelve miles From thence he returned back again to Ierusalem twelve miles where he was slain by the command of King Solomon in the third year of his Reign 1 Reg. 2. So all the Travels of Shimei were 104 miles The Books of KINGS and CHRONICLES Of Abishag the Virgin that lay with David THIS Maid was accounted the fairest in all Israel for which cause she was brought to Ierusalem for King David that she might lye with him in his old Age to procure Heat she was born at Sunem a Town some forty four miles from Ierusalem 1 Reg. 1. Of Sunem you may read before in the Travels of David and Saul The Travels of King Solomon SOlomon the Son of David King of Israel entred upon the full Government of the Kingdom of Israel An●mundi 2931. and before Christ 1037. when he was about twenty years old After he went from Ierusalem to Gilgal four miles and there offered upon the Altar which Moses had made 1000 burnt offerings 1 Reg. 2. 2 Chr. 1. From thence he went back to Ierusalem four miles and built a Temple to the Lord in Mount Moriah I Reg. 6. This was begun about the fourth year of his Reign and 480 years after the Children of Israel came out of Aegypt in the Month Ziph which answereth to our May. So that the Temple began to be built in An. Mundi 2934. and before Christ 1034. To the building whereof Hiram King of Tyre sent Cedar Trees from Mount Libanus 120 miles to Ierusalem 1 Reg. 5. 2. Chr. 2. This Temple Solomon within plaited over with Gold and set with precious Stones and finished it in the Month of November about the eleventh year of his Reign 1 Reg. 6. The Dedication whereof was about the twelfth year of his Reign and in the thirty second year of his Age Anno Mundi 2942 and before Christ 1026. The Temple being finished he began to build his own house which was thirteen years a building and was finished about the 44 year of his Age and in the 24 of his Reign 1 Rg. 7. 8. After 20 Years in which time he had finished the House of the Lord and his own House in Mount Sion that he might manifest his Thankfulness to the King of Tyre he went to Cabul a City in the Tribe of Ashur some 80 miles Northward where he gave to the aforesaid Hiram 20 Towns or Cities with all the Country round about wherefore King Hiram called this Cabul that is Displeasant and Dirty 2 Reg. 9. You may read of Cabul Ios. 19. From thence he returned to Ierusalem 88 miles From thence he went to Hazor and restored the City which was 44 miles From thence he returned to Ierusalem 44 miles From thence he went to Megiddo which is not far from Iesreel in the Tribe of Manasses 44 miles from Ierusalem toward the North. This City Solomon fortified 1 Reg. 9. and Iosiah King of Iuda a long time after was there wounded to Death 2 Reg. 9. From Megiddo he returned to Ierusalem 44 miles After that Pharaoh King of Egypt had conquered Gaser and destroyed it with Fire he gave it to his Daughter the Wife of Solomon who rebuilt it This Town was scituated in the Tribe of Ephraim 28 miles from Ierusalem Northward 1 Reg. 9. From Gaser Solomon returned back again to Ierusalem being 28 miles From thence he went to the higher Bethoron which he fortified and stood 28 miles from Ierusalem
Father-in-law in the other Ishmael that being the chief City of his Dominions as you may read Gen. 21. Ex. 2. Of Reson Solomon's Adversary AFter David had conquered Hadad-Ezer King of Zoba Reson his chief Captain gathered up his dispersed Souldiers of his Army and fled from him to Damascus which was 120 miles and besieged it the Citizens whereof when neither David nor Solomon could suppress his Rebellion entertained him for their King which Principality he held The Travels of the Kings of Israel and first of Jeroboam THis man was the Son of Nebat and born at a Town called Zared not far from Bethlehem-Euphrata some eight miles from Ierusalem from whence he came to Solomon who made him Captain that he might collect the Tribute of Manasses and Ephraim 1 Reg. 11. which was eight miles From Ierusalem as he went to Shilo which was four miles he met the Prophet Ahijah the Shilomite who told him that he should be King of Israel 1 Reg. 11. From thence he went to Memphis in Aegypt which was 224 miles because Solomon sought his life where he remained with Sesak King of Aegypt all the Life of Solomon Eusebius calleth this King Osochores who that same year succeeded Solomon's Father-in-law in that Government From thence he returned to the Town of Sichem in Israel which was 280 miles where the Israelites made him chief Captain against Solomon's Son Wherefore Ieroboam the Son of Nebat began to Raign over Israel An. mundi 2971 and before Christ 997 and raigned twenty two years 1 Reg. 12. His first Seat was at Sichem which he repaired and enlarged From Sichem in the first year of his reign he went to Penuel and there set up many fair Buildings which was twelve miles 1 Reg. 12. From Penuel he went twenty four miles to the Town of Bethel where he caused a Golden Calf to be set up for the People to worship From thence he went to Thirza which is sixteen miles This City he built and there kept his Court 1 Reg. 14. From thence he went to the Mount Zemaraim which is Mount Ephraim eighteen miles where he had a great Battel with Abia King of Iuda and lost 500000 of his Souldiers all chosen men of Israel 2 Chr. 13. ver 17. Having lost this Battel with all possible speed that he could went thence to Thirza which is eighteen miles there the Lord struck him with a grievous Disease that he died miserably 1 Reg. 14. 2 Chr. 13. So all the Travels of Ieroboam first King of Israel were 623 miles The Description of the Towns and places to which Jeroboam travelled Of Zemaraim THis was a certain Plain in Mount Ephraim eight miles from Ierusalem towards the North near to the Town of Bethel in the Tribe of Manasses for Mount Ephraim is divided into divers parts and Tribes It seemeth to take the name of certain Trees that abound near that place whereon Cotton-wooll groweth for Zaemaer signifieth Wooll which by little and little upon such Trees doth increase and grow to perfection Of Thirza THis was a fair and beautiful City scituated in a high and pleasant Mountain in the Tribe of Manasses some twenty four miles from Ierusalem towards the North. In this place the Kings of Israel us'd to keep their Courts until Samaria was built it was so called because of the Excellency and delectableness of the place for Thirza doth denote An acceptable and thankful City being derived of Razah he received thankfully Of the Years of the Iniquity of Israel THe years of the Iniquity of Israel mentioned in Ezek. 4. is to be accounted from that day wherein Ieroboam first erected the Golden Calves wherefore the greatest part of the first year of the Iniquity agreeth with the second year of Ieroboams Reign From whence may be gathered that from that time till the destruction of Ierusalem by Nebuchadnezzar were 390 years full ended Of Jeroboam's Wife Queen of Israel SHE went from Thirza to Zilo which was about twenty four miles there she asked counsel of Ahijam the Prophet concerning her Son Abia for he was sick but he told her heavy tidings 1 Reg. 14. 7. Wherefore being pensive and troubled in her mind she returned back again to her Husband to Thirza 24 miles 1 Reg. 14. So these two Journeys were 48 miles The Iourney of the Man of God which came out of Juda. THis man of God as Iosephus writeth l. Ant. 8. came from Ierusalem to Bethel which was eight miles and was called by the name of Iadon which signifieth The Judge of the Lord. When he came thither he reproved Ieroboam with an extraordinary Spirit Of whom you may read more 1 Reg. 13. But being deceived as he was returning a Lyon met him in the way where he was slain and after buried in a Sepulchre in Bethel The Travels of Nadab the second King of Israel NAdab or Bonifacias succeeded his Father Ieroboam in the Kingdom of Israel and was anointed while he was yet living a liberal and free-hearted Prince He began to reign in the second year of Asa King of Iuda Anno Mundi 2992 and before Christ 977. He reigned during the Life of his Father a year and somewhat more but when he had reigned two years he went from Thirza with a great Army to the City of Gibithon which was thirty six miles this Town he besieged very straitly but at length was slain by one of his Captains called Baesa so he lost both his Life and Kingdom in that place 1 Reg. 15. Of Gibithon THis was a City of the Levites in the Tribe of Dan not far from Ekron in the Land of the Philistines sixteen miles from Ierusalem towards the West and signifieth a Royal or lofty Gift The Travels of Baesa King of Israel BAesa is as much as to say An industrious and prompt man in doing any thing This man having slain his Master near unto Gibithon usurped upon the Kingdom of Israel about the end of the third year of Asa King of Iuda and began his Reign An. Mund. 2992 before Christ 974 and reigned over Israel almost twenty four years two of which he reigned with his Son 1 Reg. 15. He went from Gibithon to Thirza thirty six miles where he utterly rooted out the whole stock and Family of Ieroboam After falling into Idolatry he was sharply reprehended for it by Iehu the Prophet the Son of Hanani of whom you may read more 1 Reg. 15. From Thirza he went to Ramah which is sixteen miles this Town he built and fortified it very strongly 2 Chr. 29. But when he heard that Benhadad King of Syria had invaded Israel he left his Building at Ramah and with all possible speed that he could went to Thirza where he died and was buried 1 Reg. 15. 2 Chr. 16. So all the Travels of Baesa were 68 miles Of Ramah Of this City you may read before Of Ella or Elah King of Israel ELAH signifies a cruel man This was the Son of Baasha King
into the City a little before you come at it This Town standeth upon a fair prospect for you may see from thence through all Galilee to Carmel the Mountains of Phoenicia and Mount Thabor also from Mount Gilead by Iordan and Mount Salem where Iohn baptized near by Mount Hermon upon the North side of Mount Gilboah there lies a fair and plain way to the City Iezreel by which Iehu came when he made Wars upon Ieroboam King of Israel of which you may read more 2 Reg. 9. It stood not far from the River Kison as you may read Ios. 17. 19. 1 Sam. 2. 1 Reg. 4. 18. Of Ahaziah the Son of Ahab AHaziah was crowned King of Israel during the Life of his Father a cruel and wicked man he began his Reign in the 17th year of Iosaphat King of Iudah Anno Mundi 3049 and before Christ 919. about such time as Ahab went down to Ramoth Gilead to recover it from the Syrians Within a while after the death of his Father he fell through the Lattice-window in his upper Chamber which was in Samaria of which hurt he died Of this you may read more 1 King 1. The Travels of Jehoram King of Israel JEhoram succeeded his Brother Ahaziah in the Kingdom of Israel who began his Reign in the eighteenth year of Iosaphat King of Iudah and as Iosephus saith lib. Ant. 9. about the fifth year of his Reign went from Samaria to Ierusalem which was 32 miles There he told Iosaphat how the King of Moab had rebelled against him therefore desired him to go along with him to the War 2 Reg. 3. Then Iehoram and Iosaphat and the King of Edom went from Ierusalem and compassed about through the Wilderness of Idumaea by the space of seven dayes so that they and their Army for want of Water had almost perished but at the Prayers of the Prophet Elisha they were miraculously preserved At length they came to Petra the Metropolitan City of the Moabites and is distant from Ierusalem an hundred seventy two miles which they took and consumed it with Fire and Sword 2 Reg. 3. From the City of Petra Iehoram King of Israel returned back to Samaria which was 104 miles where within a while after he was so sorely besieged by Benhadad King of Syria that the Famine grew very great within the Town insomuch as a certain Woman eat her own Child 2 Reg. 6. From Samaria he went to Ramoth in Gilead with his Army which is 24 miles where he was overcome by Asahel King of the Syrians and wounded even to the death 2 Reg. 8. From the Fight of Ramoth Gilead he was carried in his Chariot back to Iezreel which was 24 miles where he lay to be cured of his Hurts But Iehu one of his chief Captains rebelled against him and as he was in his Chariot shot an Arrow and wounded him the second time whereof he died in the Field of Naboth the Iezreelite 2 Reg. 9. So all the Travels of Iehoram were 356 miles The Travels of Jehu King of Israel JEHV signifies a constant man in himself and was the Son of Iosaphat the Son of Nimschi he was anointed King of Israel in the Castle at Ramoth in Gilead by Elisha Anno Mun. 3063. and before Christ 905. he reigned 28 years 2 Reg. 9. From Ramoth in Gilead in his Chariot he went to Iezreel which was 24 miles where in the Field of Naboth the Iezreelite he killed Iehoram with an Arrow And when he came to the Gates of the City he caused Iezabel to be thrown from a Tower whom he trampled under his Horse feet and after in that same place she was eaten up with Dogs Then he sent Messengers to Samaria commanding the Samaritans that they should put to death the 70 Sons of Ahab which they immediately did and sent their Heads unto him in Baskets 2 Reg. 10. From Iezreel he went to Samaria which is sixteen miles In that Journey he caused to be slain by his Ministers the 42 Brothers of Ahaziah King of Iuda near to the Well which was beside the House where Sheep were shorn And when he came to Samaria he caused all the Posterity of Ahab to be utterly destroyed and rooted out And to conclude the Tragedy by a cunning Policy put to death all the Priests of Baal 2 Reg. 10. So all the Travels of Iehu were 40 miles Of Jehoahas King of Israel JEhoahas was the Son of Iehu and succeeded his Father in the Kingdom of Israel he began his Reign in the 33 year of Ioas King of Iudah in the Year of the World 3091 and before Christ 876. He reigned over Israel seventeen Years God stirred up against this wicked King Asahel King of the Syrians who with 10000 Foot and five hundred Horse besieged Samaria very strongly put to the Sword many of his Subjects and got many Cities and Towns from him as the Prophet Elisha had before told him 2 Reg. 8. 13. The Travels of Joas King of Israel JOAS succeeded his Father Iehoahas and while he was yet living was anointed King of Israel in the thirty seventh year of Ioas King of Iudah and reigned two years with his Father after his Death fifteen so all the Reign of Ioas was seventeen Years This Man was a great Souldier and went from Samaria with an Army against the City of Apheck which was fourteen miles there he smote the Syrians and in three several Battels carried away the Victory recovering the Cities which his Father Iehoahas had lost according to the Prophecy of Elisha 2 Reg. 17. From Apheck he returned to Samaria being 14 miles From thence he went with his Army to Bethsemes in the Land of Iuda where in a sharp and cruel War he conquered Amasia and took him alive 2 Reg. 14. which was 32 miles From Bethsemes he went to Ierusalem and carried the King thereof with him Captive being four miles He won the City and broke down the Walls of it from the Gate of Ephraim till you come to the Angle-Gate four hundred Cubits in length 2 Reg. 14. From the City of Ierusalem Ioas the Conquerour returned to Samaria with the spoil of the Temple and of the King's House with many Captives and a great Prey being thirty two miles where at the end of the seventeenth year of his Reign he died and was buried In this man's time Elisha the Prophet died 2 Reg. 13. 14. So all the Travels of Ioas were ninety six miles Of Bethsemes Of this City you may read before The Travels of Jeroboam the second of that Name King of Israel THIS Ieroboam succeeded his Father Ioas in the Kingdom of Israel and began his Reign Anno Mundi 3123. and before Christ 845. which according to the Text of the Bible happened about the 15th Year of Amasia King of Iuda and he reigned 41 Years 2 Reg. 14. He kept his Court at Samaria where the Prophet Ionas told him that he should recover not only the Towns and Cities of the Land
of the Moabites which happened about the fifth year of Iehoram King of Israel An. Mundi 3055 and before Christ 913. He reigned with his Father Iehosaphat two years and after his Decease six So Ioram reigned eight years over Iudah and when he was forty years old died miserably 2 Reg. 8 9. About the beginning of the second year of this King's Reign which was the sixth of Iehoram King of Israel Elias the Prophet was taken up into Heaven About the beginning of his Reign he went from Ierusalem to Mount Seir being twenty eight miles South-ward where he used such extreme cruelty toward the Edomites which at this time were his Subjects that of a sudden they fell from him and chose them a King of their own 2 Reg. 8. From the Mountain of Seir he returned to Ierusalem which is twenty eight miles and there cruelly put to death his own Brothers But God stirred up against him the Philistines and Arabians who broke into Iuda and destroyed it with Fire and Sword They also went to Ierusalem and took thence all his Substance and Riches put his Children to the Sword all but Ioachas which was also called Ahaziah or Ochorias and carried away his Wives captive into Arabia Foelix which is near unto Ethiopia 1200 miles Then the Lord struck him with an extream pain in his Bowels of which after two years he died and was buried without any Funeral-pomp or honourable Respect near to the King's Tower A man unworthy to be buried in the Sepulchre of the rest of the Kings because he so much degenerated from David his Predecessor 2 Reg. 8. 2 Chr. 28. So all the Travels of Ioram were fifty six miles The Travels of Ahaziah King of Judah AHaziah which also was called Iehoachas succeeded his Father Ioram in the Government of Iudah and began his Reign in the twelfth year of Iehoram King of Israel Ann. Mund. 3062. and before Christ 906 and reigned one year 1 Reg. 8. He went from Ierusalem to Ramoth in Gilead which is accounted forty eight miles There he went to Battel with Iehoram King of Israel against the Syrians 2 Reg. 8. 2 Chr. 22. From Ramoth in Gilead he returned to Ierusalem forty eight miles Within a while after he went back again to visit his Kinsman Iehoram King of Israel to Iezteel for he was wounded in the Battel against Hasael and lay there to be cured which was forty eight miles With Iehoram he went to meet Iehu the Captain of the Host who shot an Arrow and wounded Iehoram that he died in the Field of Naboth the Iezreelite Wherefore Ahaziah to save his Life fled with all possible speed taking his way to the King's Garden that stood close by the Vineyard of Naboth the Iezreelite not far from teh City and Tower of Iezreel But Iehu followed him so close that he wounded him as he ascended up to a place called GVR which signifieth a Lions Whelp near unto the Town which is called Iiblea Wherefore Ahaziah feeling himself hurt went to Megiddo four miles from Iezreel and near to Apheck upon the West There as Iosephus saith lib. Antiq. 9. he caused his wounds to be searched and bound up This City of Megiddo is forty eight miles from Ierusalem Northward From Megiddo he went to Samaria which was fourteen miles there he lay hid for a while flying from one place to another to save himself 2 Chr. 22. But being found out he was carried back to the City of Megiddo which was fourteen miles and at the commandment of Iehu was there slain 1 Reg. 8. From Megiddo his Carcasa was carried to Ierusalem which was forty eight miles and there buried 2 Reg. 8. 2 Chron. 22. So all the Travels of Ahaziah King of Iudah were 224 miles Of that Idolatrous and wicked Queen Athalia AThalia was Sister to Ahab and Daughter to Omri married to Ioram Son of that good King Iehosaphat when he was but seventeen years of age and after the death of Azahiah who was slain about the twenty third year of his age she usurped upon the Kingdom of Israel Anno Mundi 3063 before Christ 905 and reigned with great Tyranny almost seven years So soon as she had obtained the Government she cruelly and miserably put to death the children of Ahaziah and all those that were next Heirs to the kingdom only Ioas who was saved by the policy of Iehoshabeath Sister to Ahasiah that stole him from among the rest of the King's Sons and put him to Nurse in her Bed-Chamber and he was with them in the House of God six years all which time Athalia raigned over the land And in the seventh year Iehojada waxed bold and proclaimed Ioas King as being next Heir to the Crown and anointed him in the Temple who after Athalia was slain succeeded in the Government 2 Reg. 11. 2 Chron. 23. Of Joas King of Judah JOas began to reign over Iudah when he was almost seven years of age and about the middle of the seventh year of Iehu King of Israel Anno Mundi 3069 and before Christ 899 and raigned over Iudah forty years He did that which was acceptable in the ●ight of the Lord all the days of Iehojada the Priest who crowned him King but after his death he fell into evil courses and caused that good Priest Zachariah the Son of Iehojada who was the Author of all his preferment to be stoned to death in the upper Court of the Temple which act argued that he was very unthankful and tyrannical But the Lord displeased with his cruelty within a year after the death of Zachariah stirred up the Syrians who invaded Iudaea and spoiled the City of Ierusalem in which War all those that stirred up the King to Idolatry were cruelly slain To conclude within a while after some of his Courtiers conspired against him and as he lay sick of a grievous disease in his bed put him to death and buried him in Milo the City of David Thus God justly punished this Tyrant for his Unthankfulness Apostasie and Cruelty when he had lived 47 years 2 Reg. 12. The Travels of Amasiah King of Judah AMasias or Amasiah signifies the strength of Iehovah This man was twenty five years of Age when he was enthronised by his Father about the second year of Ioas King of Israel Anno mundi 3108 and before Christ 806. He ruled the Kingdom while his Father was sick one year and after his decease twenty eight so all the years of his Reign were twenty nine He went with an Army from Ierusalem to Saelag that is to the Tower or Rock of Mount Seir forty miles towards the South here in the Valley of Salt he put to death a multitude of the Idumaeans And although this Town was very strongly scituated yet he won it and called it Ioctiel that is the Year of the Lord because God in that place heard his Prayers being derived of Iakah and El which is God hath heard Near to this Town Amasiah
commanded 10000 Idumaeans which he had taken in War to be cast down headlong from the top of an high Rock into a deep Valley in which fall their bones were shattered all to pieces and they died miserably 2 Reg. 14. From Selag-Ioctiel he returned to Ierusalem being forty miles where he began to worship the Gods of the Idumaeans that he brought along with him 2 Chron. 24. From Ierusalem he went to Bethsemes and there was overcome by Joas King of Israel which was four miles 2 Chron. 25. From Bethsemes Ioas led Amasiah back again to Ierusalem captive being four miles 2 Reg. 14. From Ierusalem he fled to the City of Lachis which was twenty miles and there was slain by his own Servants 2 Chron. 25. From Lachis his carkass was carried back again to Ierusalem twenty miles where it was buried in the City of David 2 Reg. 14. 2 Chron. 25. So all his Travels were 128 miles The Travels of Azariah or Uzziah King of Judah THIS man succeeded his Father Amasia in the year of the World 3138 and before Christ 830 when he was but sixteen years of age and reigned fifty two years his Mothers name was Iecoliah of Ierusalem He did those things which were upright in the sight of the Lord therefore the Lord blessed him And after the death of his Father built Elah and restored it to Iudah He therefore went from Ierusalem to Elah 160 miles towards the South and rebuilt that Town it being a famous Mart-Town scituated upon the Red Sea and fortified it because Resin King of the Syrians in times past for want of due fortification won it and destroyed it 2 Chron. 26. From Elah he returned to Ierusalem 160 miles After he went from Ierusalem to Gath a City of the Philistines which was accounted thirty four miles this Town he won beat down the Walls and destroyed the Bulwarks thereof From thence he went to Iabnia which is twenty four miles and broke down the Walls thereof 2 Chron. 26. From thence he went to Azotus or Asdod which was eight miles 2 Chron. 26. From Asdod he went again to Ierusalem being twenty two miles Within a while after he gathered an Army and went from Ierusalem to Gur-Baal that is Gerar where he overcame the Arabians in a great Battel which was thirty two miles 2 Chron. 26. From Gerar he returned to Ierusalem being thirty two miles He went from Ierusalem that third time into the Land of the Ammonites sixty miles which People he conquered and made Tributary to him so that he was made Famous through all the Countries thereabout even to the utmost part of Aegypt because of his often Victories and Triumphs 2 Chron 26. Out of the land of the Ammonites he returned to Ierusalem being sixty miles But now being lift up with the Prosperity of Fortune and not content with his Regal Dignity he endeavoured to have chief Authority over the Priests also for which cause he went into that part of the Temple where the Altar of sweet Incense stood where it was lawful for none to go but the Priests and there took upon him to offer sweet Incense but as he was offering the Lord struck him with Leprosie so that he was constrained to dwell in a house by himself separated from the Congregation and his Son Iotham governed in his stead all the days of his Life But within a while after he died of this disease and was buried in the Kings Garden at Ierusalem and not in the Sepulchre of the Kings 2 Reg. 15. 2 Chron. 26. So all the Travels of Azariah King of Iudah were 592 miles Of the Places to which he travelled Of Elah THIS was a City scituated upon the Red Sea 160 miles from Ierusalem towards the South between Ezion-Gaber and Midian This City Resin King of the Syrians conquered but Azariah King of Iudah drove thence the Syrians and made it so strong that it seemed impossible to be conquered It took the name of abundance of Oaks which as it seemeth grew about that place for Elah or Ilix signifies a kind of Oak Tree of which there is great plenty in the Holy Land so called because of their strength and hardness Of Jobnia THIS was a City near to Ioppa and Libba 16 miles from Ierusalem towards the North-West This City taketh the name of Wisdom and Prudence being derived of Bin to understand Of Gur-Baal THIS Town is also called Gerar where Abraham and Isaac sometimes travelled it is distant from Ierusalem thirty two miles towards the South-West and six miles from Hebron Here the Iews and neighbouring Arabians afterwards worshipped the Idol Baa● and therefore this City which in the times of the Patriarchs was called Gerar a Perigrination was after called Gur-Baal that is the Perigrination of the Idol Baal being derived of Gor which signifies He hath travelled The Travels of Jotham King of Judah JOtham signifies Whole and Perfect He succeeded his Father Azariah when he was about twenty five years of age Anno Mundi 3190 and before Christ 778. He raigned over Iudah seventeen years until the one and fortieth year of his age His Mothers name was Ichruscha so called from an Inheritance or Possession He began his Reign in the second year of Pekah King of Israel and continued it unitl the seventeenth year of his Government 2 Reg. 15. 17. When this noble Prince had rebuilded and richly adorned the House of the Lord he went from Ierusalem and invaded the Country of the Ammonites which was sixty miles conquered their King and made the whole Land pay him Tribute even a hundred Talents of Silver of the common weight 10000 measures of Wheat and 10000 of Barley yearly This Tribute continued three years From the Land of the Ammonites he went back to Ierusalem which was sixty miles where after he had adorned the Temple with many princely buildings he dyed about the one and fortieth year of his age 2 Reg. 15. So all his Travels were 120 miles Of Ahaz King of Judah AHAZ signifies Apprehending or a Possessor He began to reign after the death of his Father Iotham about the end of the seventeenth year of Pekah King of Israel Anno Mundi 3205 before Christ 762. He reigned wickedly 16 years 2 Reg. 16. 2 Chr. 28. For he was a notorious Hypocrite who out of a perverse Zeal worshipped many Idols and burnt his Son in the Valley of Gehinnon as an Offering unto Moloch wherefore he was unhappy in his Government for God stirred up mighty enemies against even Re●in King of Syria and Pekah King of Israel who wasted and destroyed his Kingdom and streightly besieging Ierusalem conquered Ahaz in a great Battel and put to the Sword 120000 of his men After that Resin returned to Elath and took it so that he lost more then his Father had gotten Where being struck into a great fear by reason of these adversities he sent to crave the Aid of Tiglasse Phulasser King of the Assyrians who at his request
sent a great Army from Niniveh to Damascus 520 miles and there overcame Resin and put him to death and took captive 242000 of the people of Damascus and sent them into Cyren a Country of Africa 2 Reg. 16. The Travels of Ahaz KING Ahaz went from Ierusalem to Damascus which was 160 miles to meet Tiglath-Phulasser King of the Assyrians to rejoyce with him for his happy Victory and give him thanks for his aid and assistance where when he saw the Altar at Damascus to be very glorious he sent for Vrijah the chief Priest who took a patern thereof and carried it with him to Ierusalem where he made an Altar like unto it 2 Reg. 16. From D●mascus he returned back again 160 miles So his Travels were 320 miles But yet Ahaz continued in his perverse Impiety and Idolatry without any regard or fear of God therefore he stirred up other Enemies against him viz. the Idumeans who took a great multitude of them captive and the Philistines who with their Army broke into the South part of the Tribe of Iudah and took these Cities following viz Bethsemes Ajalon Timnath Socho Geder●th and Gimso with their Villages These Cities for the most part are mentioned in the precedent Treatise except Gederoth and Gimso Gederoth commonly called Gederothaim is distant from Ierusalem eight miles towards the South-West and stands near to the Castle of Emaus being compassed about with a Hedge from whence it seemeth to take the name for Gadar is as much as to say he hath hedged about Gi●so was also in the Tribe of Iudah but in what place is not certainly known Thus King Ahaz all the days of his Life did evil in the sight of the Lord for which God punished him and all the Land and in the sixteenth year of his Reign he died and was buried with his Fathers in the City of David The Travel● of Ezekias King of Judah EZ●kias which signifies the Champion of Iehovah was born when his Father was but thirteen years of age which made many Questions whether he should succeed him as his lawful Heir in his Kingdom because they doubted whether he was lawfully begotten For if you do observe the order and course of the years and Chronologie in the Scripture you shall find that from the beginning of the thirteenth year of the age of Ahaz to the first year of the Reign of this King Ezekias make just twenty five years Ezekias therefore began to reign after the death of his Father Ahaz about the end of the third year of Hosea King of Israel 2 Reg. 19. Anno mun 3222 before Christ 746 being then about twenty five years of age a little before Easter as it appeareth 2 Chron. 29. He governed that Kingdom with great Commendations twenty nine years The first Journey that he ●ook was from Ierusalem to Gaza which was forty four miles there he overcame the Army of the Philistines and recovered all those Cities which his Father Ahaz had lost according to that in the Prophet Esay cap. 15. 2 Reg. 18. From Gaza he returned to Ierusalem which was forty four miles there he broke down the places for Idolatry and the brazen Serpent made by Moses in the Wilderness and called it Nehustan a Brazen thing that hath nothing in it self of a Divine nature and could neither profit nor hurt therefore ought not to be worshipped This Brazen Serpent was kept in memory of that Sign that God shewed unto the Children of Israel in the Desart when they were bitten and stung to death by fiery Serpents for looking upon this Brazen Serpent they were healed But now because of the abuse thereof by the Iews which turned it into Idolatry it was broken to pieces Num. 21. 2 Reg. 18. So all the Travels of Ezechias were eighty eight miles In the fourteenth year of the Reign of Ezekias and in the thirty eighth year of his age Senacharib that mighty Emperour of the Assyrians having taken many Towns and Cities in the holy-Land would have also besieged Ierusalem and for that purpose sent from Lachis which was twenty miles distant from Ierusalem Thartan Rabsarim and Rabsacha three mighty Princes Embassadors with a great Train to attend them These men went about the City to see in what part it was most subject to battery and might easiest be got so when they came to the Conduit of the upper Pool which is by the path of the Fullers Field between the Fish-Gate and the Old-Gate in that place where they might easiliest be heard they called to the King but Eliakim the Son of Hilkiah which was Hezekia's Steward Shebna the Chancellor and Ioah the Son of Asaph the Recorder went upon the Wall then Rabsacha uttered blasphemous words against the Lord but Ezekias when he had heard what the Enemy had said called all the Elders of Ierusalem together and sent for Isaiah the Prophet the Son of Amos and they went into the Temple of the Lord and prayed Wherefore the Lord heard their Prayers and sent his Angel into the Camp of the Assyrians and lo in one night there were slain 185000 men as they lay in their Tents before Gibeah which at this time they besieged being distant from Ierusalem some ten miles towards the South-West This great deliverance happen'd in the year of the World 3253 and before Christ 733. About the end of the thirty eighth year of the age of Ezekiah he fell into a dangerous disease which so far forth as could be gathered by all likelihoods was the Plague for God doth oftentimes try the Patience of his Saints with sundry afflictions but yet at his servent Prayers he was restored to Health and his days were lengthened fifteen years at which time the Sun went back ten Degrees according to the variation of the shadow in the Dyal of Ierusalem 2 Reg. 20. Isa 38. 2 Chr. 32. But at the end of the fifteen years which was about the fifty fourth year of his age he dyed and was buried with his Fathers The Travels of Manasses MAnasses or Manasseh signifieth forgetting or he hath forgotten This man was twelve years old when he succeeded his Father Ezekiah in the Kingdom of Iudah he began to reign Anno mundi 3251 and before Christ 717. This King was a great Idolater and one that put the Prophets of the Lord to death so that it was wonderful to see what Tyranny and mischief he wrought in Israel wherefore the Lord stirred up the Assyrians against him who overcame him in a great Battel and took him Captive carrying him bound in Chains from Ierusalem to Babylon even 680 miles But after being humbled by his afflictions he came to a knowledge of himself and repenting for his former evil humbling himself with prayer and fasting under the hand of God wherefore the Lord took compassion of him and stirred up the mind of the King of Babylon to mercy so that he loosed his bands and sent him back again to Ierusalem 680 miles From that time
after in the Travels of Ionas the Prophet Of Kyr which is commonly called Cyrene KYR or Cyrene is scituated in Africa 816 miles from Ierusalem Westward In which Country Simon that bore the Cross of Christ was born Mat. 27. Luke 23. It signifies in Hebrew a strong Wall and in Latine a Heart The Travels of King Salmanasser SAlmanasser signifieth the Assyrian Peace-maker This man Ptolomaeus that excellent Mathematician calleth Nabonasarus that is the Prophet of the Assyrians He began to reign upon the 26 of February An. Mundi 3221 before Christ 747 and reigned ten years or thereabout This man went with his Army from Niniveh to Samaria being 652 miles where he compelled Hosea the last King of Israel to pay him tribute 2 Reg. 16. From thence he returned back again with his Army to Nineveh 652 miles After when Hosea King of Israel conspiring with So King of Egypt denied to pay him Tribute he returned back again the second time to Samaria being 652 miles and after three years siege he took and destroyed it with Fire and Sword and conquered all the Countrey round about From Samaria he returned back again to Nineveh 652 miles So all the Travels of Salmanasser King of the Assyrians were 2608 miles The Travels of Senacharib King of the Assyrians SEn●charib as Melan●thon expounds it signifieth a two-edged Sword He succeeded his Father Salmanasser An. Mund. 3231. before Christ 737. He reigned seven years This man imitating his Father endeavoured to carry away the rest of Gods People into Captivity for which purpose he brought an Army from Nineveh to Lachis which was 700 miles which Town he besieged and sent his Princes to Ierusalem being twenty miles where he blasphemed the Lord of which you may read more in the History of King Hezekiah From Lachis he went to Libnah eight miles This was a strong Hold but he besieged it so narrowly that within a while after he had begun the Siege he took it While he was before this Town there came News that Taracha King of the Ethiopians had invaded his Countrey Wherefore he sent the second time Messengers to Ierusalem But the Lord was offended with their blasphemy wherefore he sent his Angel who in one Night destroyed 185000 of his Army This sudden and unexpected evil falling upon him in a great fear he returned to Niniveh 692 miles where he was slain by his Sons in the Temple The fame of these things was so divulged abroad that Herodotus lib. 2. makes mention of them So these three Journeys make 1400 miles Of Lachis and Libnah you may read before Of Assarhaddon King of the Assyrians ASsarhaddon his father Senacharib being slain succeeded in the Government Anno Mundi 3238 which agreeth with the 730 year before Christ and reigned ten years in Niniveh the chief City of the Assyrians Here again the mutation and change of Kingdoms may be observed for Merodach a Chaldaean rebelling against Senacharib continued his Government in Babylon eleven years that is during a part of the Reign of Senacharib and all the Reign of Assarhaddon his Son in which time he conquered the Assyrians and made them subject to the Empire of the Babylonians Of Merodach the first Emperour of the Babylonians MErodach signifieth a bitter repentance He was the Son of Baladan Prince of Babylon who ruled at such time as Senacharib had that grievous overthrow in Iudah Wherefore taking advantage of the time and the necessity of that Prince he rebelled against him and his Son Assarhaddon taking upon him the absolute command of the City and whole Empire The beginning of whose Reign happened in the year of the World 3236 and before Christ 732. This Merodach sent to Ierusalem wise and learned men with Gifts and Presents to King Ezekiah just in that year when the Sun went back ten Degrees to know the truth of this Miracle For it was a custom amongst the Nations round about Ierusalem if any thing happened beyond the expectation of man to send thither to inquire the truth thereof Such and so Wise a People were the Iews esteemed in those times as may appear by divers places of the Holy Scripture In the beginning of the twelfth year of this King Assa●haddon Emperour of the Assyrians died after whose death he became Emperour of all Assyria and Chaldea He began to reign over that spatious Kingdom Anno Mundi 3247 before Christ 721 and reigned after that forty years Of Ben-Merodach Emperour of Babylon BEn-Merodach that is the Son of Merodach succeeded his Father Anno Mundi 3287 before Christ 681. He reigned twenty one years Of Nebuchadnezzar first of that name Emperour of Babylon NEbuchadonezar or Nebuchadnezzar signifieth a Divine Judge He was the most potent King of all the Babylonian This man obtained the chief command over the Babylonians Empire Anno Mundi 3309 before Christ 659. He reigned thirty five years and held his Court sometime in Babylon sometimes in Niniveh Iud. 1. He made War with Pharaoh Necho King of Aegypt of which Battel you may read 2 Reg. 25. 2 Chr. 35. in the Valley of Megiddo where Iosias was slain Herod lib. 2. doth also make mention of this Battel and calls the place by the name of Magdalum Of which Ieremy also speaketh But they were Towns in the Tribe of Manasses scituated near to the Plain where this Battel was fought in which Country Mary Magdalen was born The Travels of Nebuchadnezzar the second of that name Emperour of Babylon NEbuchadnezzar or Nebuchadonozor the Great which Ptolomaeus calleth Nebupollasser about the end of the third year of Ioachim King of Iudah being a little before created Emperour his Father yet living came unto Ierusalem which he besieged so streightly that he constrained Ioachim to pay him Tribute for thirty seven years Berosus saith Lib. 3. A little after that is Anno Mundi 3344. before Christ 624 he was sent against the Syrians Phoenicians and Aegyptians that rebelled So he went with his Army from Babylon to Carchemis a City of Syria scituated near the River Euphrates which was 280 miles Here he overcame Pharaoh-Necho King of Aegypt in a great Battel Ier. 46. Herod lib. 2. From Carchemis he went to Ierusalem which was 400 miles here he took Daniel and his companions captive and brought them to Babylon After he went with his Army to Pelusio being 132 miles which he took conquered all the Land of Aegypt put to death Pharaoh-Necho and made Psammeticus his Son King in his place Ieremy the Prophet told of this War cap. 25. 26. From Pelusio he returned to Babylon 800 miles Within a while after his Father died and he succeeded in the Government and reigned forty three years In the eleventh year of Ioachim King of Iudah he went again from Babylon to Ierusalem which was 680 miles and by policy took that City and put Ioachim the King thereof to death according to the Prophecy of Ieremy cap. 22. 2 Kin. 24. From thence after he had made Iechonias his
called Arar a Destroyer Aram Noble or Mighty Armenia and Syria are so called of Aram the Son of Sem the chief City of which Country is Damas●us Pliny lib. 6. I7 saith the Scythians were also in ancient times called Aramites Arnon a famous River of the Moabites in the Tribe of Reuben which falls into the dead Sea 20 miles from Ierusalem Eastward In Esa. 16. it is called Ranan he hath shouted for joy Aroer by usurpation an Ewe Tree This is a City of the Moabites near to the River Arnon in the Tribe of Gad beyond Iordan 24 miles from Ierusalem Eastward Ier. 40. there is another City so called near to Damascus in Syria Esa. 7. Arpad the light of Redemption This was a City in the Land of Damascus Ier. 49. There is another flourishing City of that name which may compare with Antiochia for greatness Esa. 10. But where it is scituated it is uncertain Arvad was a part of the Land of Canaan so called of Arvad the Son of Canaan Gen. I0 Ascanes or Tuiscones are a People descended of Ascenitz the Son of Gomer the Son of Iaphet which sometimes dwelt in Armenia but now have their abiding in Germany 2 Gen. 10. Esa 51. so that of Gomer they are called Germanes and of Ascanes Ascanians or Tuiscons Asseca fortified round about Neer to this Town David killed Goliah It stood eight miles from Ierusalem Westward Assur or Assyria a blessed Country being so called of Assur the Son ●f ●em Aven Iniquity Bethel was so called after Ieroboam had there set up a Golden Calf Hos. 10. B. BAbel Confusion Babylon is the Metropolitan City of Chaldaea 280 miles from Ierusalem Eastward Bath Domestical It was a Town of the Moabites in the Tribe of Reuben beyond Iordon Esa. 16. Bazra a Grape-gathering It was a City of the Edomites scituated upon the Bank of Iordan on the farther side near to Bethabara twenty miles from Ierusalem North-eastward Esa. 24. 36. Ier. 48. Note here that the Country of the Moabites in times past was subject to the Edomites and then this City was in their jurisdiction but after the Moabites got it into their hands again and held it It was one of the six Towns of Refuge mentioned Ios. 29. Berothai a Cypress Tree This Town stood near Hemath or Antiochia 280 miles from Ierusalem Northward Ezek. 49. In this City David King of Israel took Hadadesar King of Zoba or Sophena and constrained him to give him a great deal of Brass as it is thought yearly for Tribute for near that City were many Brass Mines Bethavin the house of Iniquity Bethel was so called Hos 6. It stood eight miles from Ierusalem Northward Beth-Cherem the house of the Vines It was a Town not far from Ierusalem Northward Ier. 6. Beth-Diblathaim the house of dried Figs. It was a City of the Moabites Ier. 48. Bethie●imoth the house of Desolations It was also a City of the Moabites beyond Iordan in the Tribe of Reuben Ios. 13. Ezech. 25. twenty miles from Ierusalem Beth-Gamul the house of Restitution This was a City of the Moabites Ier. 48. Beth-Bealmeon the house of habitation for the Idol Baal It was a City of the Moabites twenty four miles from Ierusalem Eastward not far from Aroer Ezek. 25. 1 Chr. 5. Butz a Castle of Prey It was a City of the Ismaelites in Arabia-Petrae● eighty miles from Ierusalem South-Westward Ier. 25. Bel and Neob two Idols of the Babylonians Esa. 45. Bel signifieth the God of Mixture or Confusion Neob the God of Prophecy C. CAlno his Perfection This is Selucia scituated upon Tygris beyond Babylon 316 miles from Ierusalem Eastward It is now called Bagdeth Gen. 10. Es●y 2. Canne a firm foundation It was a City of the Syrians Ezek. 27. Caphihor a little Sphere or a round Globe like unto a Globe or Pomegranate Also Cap●adocia a Country of Asia the less 600 miles from Ierusalem Northward Carchemis a sacrificed Lamb. This was scituated too near Euphrates in Syria 400 miles from Ierusalem Northward Ierem. 25. D. DE●dan a City of the Idumaeans so called of Dedan the Son of Es●u Ier. 25. Isa. 21. D●bon a Mist. This was a City of the Moabites near Hesbon in the Tribe of Reuben twenty eight miles from Ierusalem North-eastward Diblath a bunch of Figs. It was a City in the Tribe of Naphtali near to the Lake of Samachonites eighty miles from Ierusalem Northward Ezek. 6. Here Zedekiah had his eyes put out 2 Kin. 25. Ier. 39. 52. Dimon Bloudy This is a City in the Tribe of Reuben which as St. Ieron saith is twenty eight miles from Ierusalem North-eastward Duma Silence A City of the Israelites so called of Duma the Son of Ismael It stood in Arabia Petaea eighty miles from Ierusalem towards the Southwest Esa. 25. 21. E. EGbathana the Metropolitian City of the Medes distant from Ierusalem 1136 miles North-east-ward Eden Pleasure A City of Syria scituated near Euphrates 400 miles from Ierusalem North-eastward Esay 7. This is thought to have been a part of Paradice Eglaim a round Drop It was a Town of the Moabites Esa. 15. 16. Elam a Young man so called of Elem the Son of Sem Esa. 10. 21. After Perseus had got in this Countrey a great Government he called it after his own name Pers●a Eleale the Ascension of God It was a City beyond Iordan in the Tribe of Reuben between Iacza and Heshbon 26 miles from Ierusalem North-eastward Num. 32. Elim a Hart. This was a Lake so called in the Land of the Moabites Esa. 10. Elisa the Lamb of God So were the Aeolians called in Grecia of Elisa the Son of Iavan the Son of Iaphet Ezek. 7. Gen 10. Enaglaim the Fountain of Calves It was a Town or Castle near to the Red Sea Ezek. 10. Epha the Land of Obscurity It was a part of Arabia Petraea so called of Epha the Son of Midian the Son of Abraham Gen. 25. Esa. 60. G. GEbim a Ditch This was a Town in the Tribe of Iuda Esa. 10. Gebah a Hill It was a Hill in the City of Kirjath-jearim there was a Town also of the same name standing within a little of it This was little more than a mile from Ierusalem Westward Esa. 10. Gebal a bound or limit It was the bounds and limits of Syria bordering upon the Mediterranean Sea This City Gibal or Gebal was 160 miles from Ierusalem Northward 1 Reg. 5. Psal. 82. Gibeah a Hill It was also called Gibeon where Saul dwelt four miles from Ierusalem Northward Esa. 10. Gilgal a roundle or the compass of a hill Here Ioshuah pitched his Tents it stood between Iericho and Iordan twelve miles from Ierusalem North-eastward Gog. The Turks were thus called because they liv'd in Tents Ezek. 48. Gosan a Land and River in Mesopotamia called after that name 2 Reg. 17. Esa. 37. H. HAdad Rimmon a Pomegranat This was a Town near to Megiddo where Iosiah King of Iudah was wounded to death 46 miles from
sought his Fathers Asses his Servant had about him the fourth part of a common Sicle of Silver that is 3 d. ob q. cap. 9. v. 8. The Brigandine of the Great Gyant Coliah weighed 5000 Sicles of Brass which at sixteen Ounces in the Pound comes to seventy eight Pounds and two Ounces and the head of his Spear weighed sixty Sicles that is after the same weight nine pound a quarter and half of Iron cap. 17. v. 5. II Samuel AND David won the Town of Rabba and took the Kings Crown from his head and set it upon his own head which weighed a Talent of Gold and was according to our common Interpreters in these times a common Talent of the Iews i. 46 l. 14 Ounces worth 2250 l. English cap. 12. v. 30. But other Writers considering that if it had been so heavy the King could not have worn it therefore they think it to be a Talent according to the Syrian weight which is not above a quarter of an Hebrew Talent and was of our weight eleven Pound four Ounces that is 551 l. And the reason of their opinion was because Rabbah and the whole Country of the Children of Ammon lay in the Land of Syria and therefore it must necessarily follow that their Weight was Syrian Weight the King of Rabbah never wearing this Crown but when he made some Solemn Feast or Triumph There are others that value it according to the worth of the Crown not of the Weight and for that it was made of fine Gold set with pretious Stones and other Jewels therefore it weighed a Talent that is it was worth a Talent according to that of Zach. ca. 1. So they weighed fro my Wages as much as I am valued i. e. thirty Silverlings Thus have I set before you three Interpretations follow which you like And Ioab spake unto the man that brought him word that Absalon was hanging upon an Oak-tree saying If thou had'st smote him to the ground I would have given thee ten Sicles of Silver or ten Silverlings which was 12 s. 6 d. The man answered him and said If you had laid 1000 Silverlings that is 62 l. 10 s. in my hand yet I would not have laid my hand upon the Kings Son cap. 18. v. 11. When the Angel of God stretched forth his hand over Ierusalem and strook the People with the Pestilence at the commandment of Gad the Prophet David went to Araunah the Iebusite and bought his threshing-floor for fifty Sicles of Silver of lthe common Weight Some say that every Tribe gave fifty Sicles being 3 l. 2 s. 6 d. a Tribe and in the whole amounted to 37 l. 10s cap. 25. v. 25. I. Kings THE Queen of Saba gave unto King Solomon 120 Centiners or Talents of Gold being 265000 Pounds English this was pure Arabia Gold and therefore according to the worth of Gold in these days much more than is set down cap. 5. v. 28. King Solomon had brought into his Kingdom in one year 666 Talents or Centiners of fine Arabian Gold which at 4500 Pound the Talent is 2997000 l. viz. two millions nine hundred ninety seven thousand Pounds English But the Silver that Solomon had was not to be numbred cap. 10 v. 14. And King Solomon caused 200 Targets to be made of the finest Gold each Target weighing 200 Sicles of Gold that is 600 Hungarian Ducats and was worth 225 l. a Target which in the whole amounteth to 4500 l. English cap. 10. v. 16. There came and went up out of Aegypt a Chariot worth 600 Sicles of Silver which is 37 l. 10 s. and a Horse worth 150 l. that is 9 l. 7 s. 6 d. cap. 10. v. 29. II. Kings NAaman General of the King of Syria's Host when he travelled to Samaria to be healed of his Leprosie took with him ten Talents of Silver that were of the common Weight each Talent worth 187 l. 10 s. being in the whole 1875 l. But if you account it after the Syrians Talent as some would have it which is but the fourth part of the Hebrew then it came to 46 l. 17 s. 6 d. the Talent and in the whole to 468 l. 15 s. He also brought 1000 Drachma's of Gold being so many Hungarian Ducates being worth 375 l. English cap. 5. v. 5. Being healed of his Leprosie he gave to Gehazie two Talents of Silver in two Bags which if they were according to the Weight of the Iews amounted to 375 l. and was as much a man could carry But if according to they Syrian Weight then it came but to 95 l. which he might well carry and not be discovered cap. 5. v. 5. Benhadad King of Syria of streightly besieged Samaria that an Asses head was sold at eighty pieces of Silver or Silverlings which is five Pound and a quarter of a cabe of Doves Dung at five pieces or Silverlings that is 5 s. 4 d. But after the Lord strook the Syrians so that they fled from their Siege and the Citizens opened their Gates and rifled their Tents by vvhich means there vvas such Plenty that tvvo Measures of Barley were sold for a Sicle that is fifteen pence and tvvo Measures of fine Flower at fifteen pence When Phul King of Assyria invaded Menahem King of Israel he vvas● constrained to give him a thousand Talents of Silver that is 187500 l. that his help might be with him to establish a Kingdom in his hand and depart for the payment of which Money all the men of Substance in Israel were constrained to pay fifty Sicles of Silver a piece that is 3 l. 2 s. 6 d. a man I. Chronicles IT was said that David left Solomon towards the building the Temple 10000 Talents of Gold that is 450000000 l four hundred and fifty millions of Pounds cap. 22. v. 14. Also he left him for the finishing of the same work 1000000 Talents of Silver which amount unto 375000000 l. viz. three hundred seventy five millions of pounds Also David dedicated to the Temple of his own Goods 3000 Talents of Gold that is 135000 l. And of Silver 7000 Talents that is 2625000 l. viz. 2 millions six hundred twenty five thousand Pound English The offering which David gave towards the building of the Temple was 5000 Talents and 10000 Adarcons or Hungarian Ducats of Gold that is 22507500 l. viz. twenty two millions five hundred seven thousand five hundred Pounds So all that was given by David towards the building of the Temple was 8 hundred 47 thousand millions 3 hundred 82 thousand 5 hundred Pounds II. Chronicles SOlomon made 300 Shields of fine Gold every Shield weighing 300 pieces of Gold that is 112 l. 10 s. so in the whole they came to 33650 l. Esdras SOME of the chief of the Iews when they returned from the Captivity of Babylon unto Ierusalem gave to the building of the Temple 61000 Drachma's or Hungarian Ducats of Gold cap. 2. Ver. 69. that is 21525 l. also five thousand pound of Silver which
Upon the 40 day after his Resurrection he returned fifty six miles to Ierusalem where his Disciples were assembled together and upon the fourteenth day of May in the sight of all the Apostles with great triumph and joy he ascended up into Heaven and sitteth at the right hand of his Father in Divine Majesty and Glory Mar. Luke ult Act. 1. Psal. 28. Ephes. 1. 1. Pet. 3. Heb. 1. So these Travels of our Saviour Christ were 319 miles But if you reckon his Travels from the time of his infancy to the day of his Ascension they make 3093 miles besides his general Visitations and Journeys hither and thither which were so many that as Iohn witnesseth cap. vlt. they could not be described Of the Towns and Places to which he travelled Of Jericho THIS City stood very pleasantly in the Tribe of Benjamin ten miles from Ierusalem North-eastward Ioshuah overcame this Town by sounding of Trumpets Ios. 6. Heb. 11. It was rebuilt by Hiel and was compassed about with a new wall by Herod that mighty King of the Iewes who put the Innocent Children to death and called it after his Mothers Name Cyprus Ios. de Bell. Iud. lib. 1. cap. 16. And although this City was taken and utterly overthrown the second time by the Romans at such time as Vespasian and his Son Titus wasted and destroyed Ierusalem and all the Land of Iudaea yet afterward it was re-edified and in St. Ieroms time which was 400 years after Christ it was a fair City There was shewn the House of Zaccheus and the Sycomore-tree that he went up to see Christ Luk. 19. But by reason of the often destructions and devastations that hath fallen upon it there is not to be seen at this day above eight Houses in the Town and all the Monuments and Reliques of the holy Places are utterly destroyed the House of Zaccheus and the Sicomore-tree are no more to be seen in that Place only the Place is to be seen where our Saviour restored the blind man to sight when he cryed after him Lord thou Son of David have mercy upon me Luke chap. 18. Also though the Country throughout be very fruitful and pleasant yet it is nothing so fertile and pleasant as it was when the Children of Israel did dwell there For the Roses of Iericho are no more to be found there but rather in a Village about sixteen miles from Iordan towards the East And although they stand so far distant off yet they retain their ancient name Between Ierusalem and Iericho there is a Desart or Wilderness which by the Inhabitants of the holy Land is called Quarentena where the man of which Christ speaketh fell among Thieves Luke 10. There is in the same place at this day great thieving and many Robberies committed as Brittenbacchus saith In this Place also is to be seen the River Chereth where the Ravens fed Eliah 1 Reg. 17. Near to Iericho also is found the River the Water whereof Elizeus made sweet by casting in Salt whereas before it was bitter and it remains very pleasant and sweet to this day 2 Reg. 2. Of Ephraim THIS City is so called from the pleasantness and fruitfulness of the Soil being derived from Parah to fructifie It lieth 8 miles from Ierusalem North-eastward just in the way as you go from thence to Iericho in the Wilderness of Quarentena close by the River Chereth in the Tribe of Benjamin Here our Saviour Christ after he had raised Lazarus from Death to Life hid himself with his Disciples because the Iewes sought to take away his Life by deceit The Passover following he was made a sacrifice for the Sin of man Ioh. 11. Of Bethania THIS City was a type of the Church which is always subject to the Cross and exposed to every calamity and therefore is called Bethania that is The House of Sorrow and Affliction being derived of Baith a House and Oni Affliction According to the prophecy of our Saviour who foretold of the Afflictions and Tribulations that should fall upon his Church You shall mourn but you shall be comforted and your grief shall be turned into joy It was distant from Ierusalem almost two miles towards the South-East Borchardus the Monk observeth that close by a Well about a stones cast out of this Town there is shewed the place where Martha met our Saviour Christ when he came to Bethania and a little after called her Sister to meet him Ioh. cap. 11. There is also shewn in this Town the House of Simon the Leper where a certain Woman having an Alablaster box of precious Ointment poured it on our Saviours head not without the great indignation of his Disciples Mat. 26. There is also to be seen the house of Martha to which our Saviour did oftentimes resort Luke 10. Iohn 11. and 12. and in that place there is at this day a Church built in honour of those two Sisters which were the Sisters of Lazarus There is also seen the Sepulchre out of which Lazarus was raised from death to life Iohn 11. which stands close by the said Church and over it is built a Chappel of Marble very decent and comely The Saracens hold this Chappel in great estimation You cannot see the City of Ierusalem from Bethania because of the Mount of Olives but as soon as you ascend a little Hill in the way as you go thence to Ierusalem you may discern Mount Sion and a part of the City then when you are descended from that Hill the City is again hidden After that upon the left side of the Mount of Olives some stones cast from Bethpage you do leave a small Village standing under the Mountain of Offence where Solomon in times past committed Idolatry From this Village the Ass and the Colt was brought unto Christ. Not far from thence upon the South side as you go upon the Mount of Olives you come unto the place where Christ mounted upon the Ass as we read Mat. 21. And a little after you may see the whole City of Ierusalem with Solomon's Temple and the Church of the holy Sepulchre with many other holy places Then as you descend from the top of the Mount of Olives you may see the place where the multitude cried Hosanna Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord. And in this descent also our Saviour Christ wept over Ierusalem saying O Ierusalem Ierusalem how often would I have gathered thee under my Wings as a Hen gathereth her Chickens but thou wouldest not Of Bethpage BEthpage standeth upon the right hand of the way towards the East as you go from Bethania to Ierusalem and as St. Ierom saith was sometimes a Habitation of the Priests which at their appointed times went up to Ierusalem to minister to the Lord. It was so called because of the multitude of Figs that grow there for Pagim signifies a Fig Cant. 2. Bethpage is a notable type of the Church for that ought likewise to be fruitful and
Sun-set Near unto this Inn Nicephorus and Zozemenus say in their Ecclesiastical History there was a Spring or Well of that admirable Vertue that if either Man or Beast that was infirm or sick did drink of the Water thereof they were immediately restored to their former Health The reason that these Authors have for it because they are impertinent I will omit But to return to the City of Emmaus as it is now called Nicopolis being scituated eight miles from Ierusalem towards the North-East in the way as you go thence to Ioppa the Countrey round about it being very fertile and pleasant by reason of the Rivers and Springs wherewith it is watered as Pliny saith l. 5. c. 14. and much altered from that which it was in times past But because you may read more of this City in Pliny as it is at this day and in Nicephorus and Eusebius I leave to speak further of it Of Simon of Cyrene THIS Simon which carried the Cross of our Saviour Christ was born in Kir a City in Africa scituated sixteen miles from Ierusalem towards the West Mat. 27. Luk. 23. In which City Tiglath Phulasser Emperour of the Assyrians planted many of the Inhabitants of Damascus after he had conquered that City 2 Reg. 16. This City and the Country round about it by reason of these new Inhabitants by little and little changed the name and whereas in former times it was called Kir in the time of our Saviour it was commonly called Cyrene and this Man of that Country Simon of Cyrene At this day it is a strong and beautiful City scituated between Mareotides and Zeugitania at first built by Battus whom Callimachus the Poet claimeth to be his Progenitor This Battus was a mighty King in Africa but was one that had a great impediment in his Speech insomuch that many think this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to have been originally used by him and by none other Afterward as is said Tiglath Phulasser having obtained the Jurisdiction of this City planted the People of Da●ascus in it and they obtaining some Power there continued till a long time after Christ and imbraced the Religion of the Jews built up Synagogues and dispersed that Law in many parts of those Quarters There were some of this Country that opposed that holy Martyr Stephen and were consenting to his death There were many learned men in it as Eratosthenes the Mathematician Callimacus the Poet both which were had in great estimation among the Aegyptians Carneades also the Academian Cronus Appolonus and Hegesias the Philosopher of whom Cicero speaketh in the fifth Book of his Tusculans and Eratosthenes the Historian who was Son of Agaclis Salust saith that this City in his time was so mighty that it maintained War against the Carthaginians for their Bounds and Limits of their Fields and Grounds a long time and Iustin lib. 39. that they maintained War against two Nations the Phoenes and the Egyptians in which Wars they gave Aprius the King of the Egyptians such a mighty overthrow that there were very few of his Army that returned into his Country with him as Horodot affirmeth lib. 4. there were also many Great Princes that ruled in this City of which because you may read in divers other Authors more at large I omit to speak of them Of Joseph of Arimathea who buried Christ. THIS Ioseph which caused our Saviour Christ to be buried in his Garden was a rich man upright and just in all his Actions a Senator of Ierusalem and one that expected the Kingdom of God born at Arimathea a City of the Iews Luc. 23. This City was sometime called Ramathaim Sophim and sometime Ramah because it was scituated in a high place and in times past was a fair City standing 16 miles from Ierusalem toward the North-west the description whereof you may read before At this day it is called Ramalea being nothing so fair as it was but like a Country Town the Houses being carelesly dispersed here and there lying without Walls or Bulwarks to defend it notwithstanding the ancient ruines of the former City is to be seen even at this day There is also a great Inn or resting place for Strangers having within it many Rooms for the receipt of Passengers and a Well of very sweet Water This House was first purchased at the charge of Philip Duke of Burgundy and by him committed to the protection of the Monks of Mount Sion by whom it is at this day made an Hospital wherein Pilgrims Travellers and Strangers are entertained and find much relief In an inward Orchard belonging to this Hospital there is a fair plat of Ground that bringeth forth great abundance of Aloes of which there is often mention in the holy Scriptures but more especially in Psalm 48. Thy Garments smell of Aloes and Cassia when thou comest out of thy Ivory Palaces where they have made thee glad Nicodemus a Prince of the Iews together with Ioseph of Arimathea brought with them an hundred pound of Aloes mixed with Myrrh to embalm the Body of our Saviour Christ when they had begged it of Pilate before they buried it Ioh. 19. Myrrh is a kind of Gum that issueth out of a Tree that grows in the East Countries but principally in Arabia The Tree out of which it issueth is commonly two Yards and a half high with some Pricks upon it the Bark whereof being cut there issueth out of it drops like Tears which congealeth into a Gum and is called Myrrh The principal Vertue that it hath is to keep the Bodies of the dead incorruptable see Pli. li. 12. ca. 15. 16. In Arabia Foelix there is such abundance of sweet Myrrh Frankincense and other odoriferous Gums that such as Sail in the red Sea may easily smell the savour of them There is also found in the Holy Land Myrrh and Aloes Aloes is the juyce of a certain bitter Herb which by some is called Everliving it killeth the Worms and preserveth from Putrifaction it is also good for the Sight There is to be gathered in India Arabia and the Holy Land a certain Herb of an extraordinary sweet smell with Leaves broad fat and juycy which being press'd yieldeth more Aloes than Honey from whence this metaphorical Proverb is used Quod plus molestiae quam voluptatis gignit that is more troublesome than profitable You may read also in Plautus that the Life of Man tasteth more of Aloes than Honey and Iuvenal speaking of an evil Wife saith she hath more of Aloes than Honey So Euripides Every sweet hath his sowre So also the Holy Cross seemeth to have more of Aloes than Honey notwithstanding it preserveth us from eternal Corruption and killeth the venemous Worms of Conscience cleanseth us from our Sins and freeth us from the fear of the Devil and eternal Death that so we might be recreated and by the Faith of our Saviour be raised up at the last day and partake with him in his everlasting
against them insomuch that he left this goodly City as a Prey to the Gentiles and Foreign Nations that carried the People thereof into Captivity where for a long time they remained in great misery After the first desolation because the Country round about this City was very fertile and pleasant abounding with Springs Rivers Vines Olive Gardens Mountains fruitful Vallies fair Cities and strong Castles and Towns Herod Ascalonites that great King of the Iews who put to death the innocent Children re-edified it set up many goodly buildings beautified with Marble Pillars and pleasant Walks And also in the circuit of the Kings House and under the buildings of the Nobility in the common Market-place the Houses and Vaults were supported with Marble Pillars according to the manner of the Iews The Palace called the Kin●s House stood in the midst of the City upon the top of the Mountain and round about it there were divers other buildings set up but much lower even about the descent of the Mountain yet scituated that the Inhabitants might see out of their Houses the Country round about Then close to the Palace in the upper part of the City he caused a Temple to be built in honor of Augustus Thus having finished the inside he compass'd it about with a mighty Wall and upon that placed many Turrets and then to flatter Augustus called it by the name of Sebasten which among the Grecians signifies Augustum venerabile Principem now although this City was very glorious and spacious in those times for it was three miles about yet at this day it is utterly ruined and destroyed insomuch that there is not a House standing two Churches only excepted which were built in honour of St. Iohn Baptist and the chief of these which was the Cathedral Church the Saracens have converted to their use so that at this day Mahomet is worshipped in it In this stood the Sepulchre of St. Iohn Baptist cut out in Marble like the Sepulchre of Christ where as Hierom saith he lieth buried between Elisha and Obediah the Prophets This Church stands upon the side of the Mountain in the descent The Saracens do principally reverence St. Iohn Baptist next after Christ and they affirm the Virgin Mary to have conceived by the holy Spirit and not by the Seed of Man That St. Iohn was the greatest Prophet except Christ that ever was They also believe Christ to be the Son of God but not to be equal with God Yet they prefer Mahomet before both because they hold him a Messenger sent from God not unto all Men but only unto the Saracens and Turks and their Subjects The other Church which stood in Samaria was upon the top of the Mountain which somtimes the Kings Palace stood In this Church in times past there dwelt certain Grecian Monks which were Christians and entertained Christian Pilgrims with great Humanity and furnished them with many Necessaries But the City of Samaria it self hath been so often overthrown and brought to such extream misery that almost all the Ground where it stood is at this time converted into an Olive Garden So that as that wicked King Ahab turned the Vineyard of Naboth which stood close by his House into an Olive Garden so God in his singular Justice hath turned the Palace of that King and the whole City wherein he dwelt which was the strength of his Kingdom into an Olive Garden There are not so many ruins found through all the Land of Iudaea though there have been many worthy Cities destroyed as are in this place at this day The scituation of this City was very beautiful for a man might have seen from it to the Sea of Ioppae and Antipatris also to Caesarea Palestina and thorough all the Mountain of Ephraim to Ramatha Sophim and so to Mount Carmel and the City of Ptolomais Of Lidda THIS City was scituated not far from Ioppa upon the shore of the Mediterranean Sea 20 miles from Ierusalem North-w●●●ward In this City Peter healed Aeneas who had been sick eight years of the Palsie At this day there is nothing to be seen but the Church of St. George who was beheaded by the Emperour Dioclesian for professing the Christia● F●ith The Grecians call this Town Diospolis i. An holy Town And the Turks account St. George for a valiant Knight and holy man Of Caesarea Strato THIS City was scituated upon the shore of the Mediterranean Sea some 32 miles from Jerusalem North-ward in ancient time it was called Strato being first built by Strato King of Sidon But time having decayed a great part of it Herod Ascalonita repaired it and made it a goodly thing calling it Caesarea after the name of Augustus Caesar. And that Ships might lie at Anchor there without danger he caused to be built a fair Haven to oppose the violence of the Sea This Haven was so wonderfully co●trived and set up at such a great charge that it was admirable to look upon for he laid the foundation of it twenty yards under Water burying in the deep Stones of an extraordinary greatness some fifty foot long eight foot thick and ten foot broad and many of them more The Haven it self was beautified with fair Buildings and goodly Walls supported with Marble Pillars and mounted up aloft so that you might see the Ships as they were upon the Sea and made way to his Harbour The entrance into it was upon the North at the mouth thereof there stood three mighty Colosses upon Marble Pillars He also placed upon the Wall of the City towards the Haven mighty Towers the chiefest and fairest of which he dedicated to Drusus Augustus his Son in law and called it by the Name of the Drusian Tower The buildings that joyned to this Haven were all of white polished Marble and the Streets of the City were directly towards it Also the Market-place where they bought and sold was not far from it Upon a little Hill close by this Port he caused a Church to be built in honour of Augustus Caesar. This Temple was a very magnificent and stately building and in it he caused the Statue of Augustus curiously wrought and cast just in the figure of Iupiter Olympius to be erected and worshipped it as his God There are many other stately and sumptuous buildings that were set up by this King But amongst the rest he bestowed great cost upon the Market-place the Theatre and the Amphitheatre which he wonderfully beautified and instituted certain Games to be there used once every fifth year in Honour of Augustus as Ioseph de Bell. Iud. li. 1. witnesseth After the death of this King Herod Agrippa was made King of the Jews This Prince some ten years after the Resurrection of Christ caused James the Son of Zebedeus upon the 25 day of July to be put to death in Jerusalem and when he perceived it was acceptable unto the Jews in the following year about the the Feast of the Passover he caused Peter to be
cost that he much exceeded Alexander and made it a fair and goodly City At this day it is called Ilium But in the place of old Troy there is little to be seen only a small Town as Strabo saith It is distant from Ierusalem 760 miles North-westward Of Bythinia THIS Country is opposite to Constantinople scituated in Asia minor distant from Ierusalem North-westward and so called of Bythinus the Son of Iupiter and Thrax It was sometime called Pontus Bebrycia and Mygdonia as Stephanus saith In this Country the Apostle Paul could not preach the Gospel of Christ when he went into Macedonia and Graecia because he was hindred by the Spirit Act. 16. The principal Cities thereof were Calcidon Heraclea Nicea Nicodemia Apamea Flaviopolis Libissa where Hannibal lieth buried and Prusa now called Brysa where in times past the Enperours of Turky kept their Courts and were buried The Mother and Metropolis of all these Cities was Nicea or rather Nicaea being distant from Ierusalem 720 miles towards the North-west at the first called Antigonia of Antigonus the Son of Philip King of Asia who built it after the death of Alexander the Great But Lysimacus called it Nicaea after his Wifes name and at this day it is called Nissa The compass thereof is two miles being four square scituated as Strabo saith lib. 12. in a fair and pleasant place lying close by the Pool of Ascania and hath in it four Gates standing in a direct line all which Gates might easily have been seen from a certain Stone which stood in the middle of the Market-place In this City the most Christian Emperour Constantine the Great celebrated a Councel Anno Dom. 325. at which time there were present 320 Bishops who condemned the Arrian Heresie and instituted the Nicene Creed But after that viz. Anno Dom. 326. the Arrians endeavouring to hold a second Councel in this City to confirm their Opinions and to dissolve that which went before the Lord hindred them with an Earth-quake by which almost half the City was thrown down Not long after there happened another Earth-quake which utterly destroyed it Notwithstanding it was rebuilt again and in it a second Councel held wherein the Nicene Creed was condemned There were many Cities of this name that before spoken of another in Thrace a third in France not far from the River Varus a fourth as Stephans saith is amongst the Lorrenses in Graecia a fifth in Illeria a sixth in India a seventh in Corsica and the eighth in Leuctris of Boetia Of Mysia THIS is a Country of Asia the less bordering upon Hellespont and Troada being divided into two parts that is the greater and the less That part that bordereth upon Troada is distant from Ierusalem 800 miles North-westward but that which is called Mysia the less and bordering upon Lydia is 1028 miles from Ierusalem North-westward In this Country stood Pergam to which Iohn wrote his Revelation Scepsis where one Neleus kept the Books of Aristotle till Apollonius time also Antandrus Adramitium Tranoiapolis and A●ollonia which stood close by the River Thyndaeus The Inhabitants were Men of a base condition and contemned of the World insomuch as they became a Proverb as often as a Man would denote a thing of no estimation they would say Vi●imum esse myliorum that is It is worse than the Mysians as it appeareth in Cicero's oration for Flaccus Yet notwithstanding Paul and Iohn the Evangelist preached the Doctrine and Light of the Gospel to this poor and despised People so that the Mysians which were a contemptable and abominable Nation before all the World were not so before God for they were converted at the preaching of Iohn and Paul From whence he saith Not many Wise according to the flesh not many mighty not many noble but God hath chosen the foolish things of this World that they might confute and overthrow the Wise c. 1. Cor. 1. Intimes past they were a great People though of small estimation for they had under their jurisdiction Lydia Caria Pergamus Thyatira Sardis Philadelphia and Laodicea to many of which Iohn wrote his Revelation Also as Herodotus saith lib. 7. the Mysians and Teucrians before the Trojan War past into Europe and there won and held Thracia Macedonia and all the Land of the Adriatick Sea c. Of Troas THIS City Troas where Paul raised Eutichus which signifies Happy or Fortunate from death to life Act. 10. stood upon the Sea of Hellespont in Asia the less 720 miles from Ierusalem North-westward Antigonus King of Asia called it Troas because it was in the Country where Troy was But after the death of Alexander he called it after his own name Antigonia and the better to honour it kept his Court there But Lysimachus King of Thrace having got this City into his Jurisdiction bestowed great cost upon it and set up many fair and goodly Buildings then called it after Alexander's name Alexandria and so it began to be called Alexandria Troas Plin. lib. 5. Strabo lib. 13. Ier. de locis Hebraicis Now it was called Alexandria Troas to put a difference between it and divers other Cities of that name for there was an Alexandria in Aegypt another in India and many others elsewhere but only this in the Country where Troy stood It was scituated in a high and spacious Mountain about a mile and a half from the Shore of Propontus towards the East between which and Troas is twenty eight miles It is a thing worthy Observation to consider by what divers names the Sea that lies between Europe and Asia the less is called for between Constantinople and Calcidonia close by the Euxine Sea it is called Thrascius Bosphorus in which place it is not above half a mile broad here Xerxes when he invaded Graecia built up a Bridge for his Army to pass over There is also another streight and narrow place in this Sea which is called by the name of Cimmeriu Bosphorius These two Bosphori are so called as some Authors hold because a Bull when he loweth may be heard from the one side to the other but Pliny seemeth to derive the name from Io that fair Maid which Iupiter turned into a Cow who swam over this Sea and of her was called Bosphorus lib. 6. cap. 1. It is also called Pro●ontus because it lieth just before the Euxine Sea and Hellespont from Helle the Daughter of Athamantis King of Thebes who was drowned therein then running thence it falleth into a Gulph of the Mediterranean Ocean and there it is called the Aegean Sea of Aegeus King of Athens who drowned himself therein for the supposed loss of his Son Theseus In this Sea were scituate the Isles of Pathmos Mytelene Samothrace Chius Lesbus and many other Isles as you may read in the Travels of St. Paul Of Samothracia or Samothrace SAmothracia is an Isle of the Aegean Sea scituated between Troades and Thracia eight hundred and eighty miles from Ierusalem towards the North-west
of God It was first built by Cecrops five years before Moses fled out of Egypt into the Land of the Midianites and of him called Cecropia This Cecrops was the first King thereof and there succeeded him at least 40 both famous and worthy Princes But after it was called Mopsonia of Mopsus King of Thessaly and after Ionia which name it held for a while and lastly Athens dedicated to Pallas which goddess the Grecians say was born of the brain of Iupiter which name it held a long time after There lived in this City Solon Socrates Plato Aristotle Demosthenes and many other excellent Philosophers It was scituated upon a fair and strong Rock beautified with many goodly Temples and Buildings but principally that of Minerva was most sumptuous in which there hung a great number of Lamps which gave a continual Light There was also the Monastery of the holy Virgins and the Image of Pallas made all of white Ivory very curious and costly There were many Schools Colledges and pleasant Gardens in which Philosophers used to walk and it abounded with sweet and delectable Musick and with great resort of Merchants and Scholars To conclude in those times it was the most notable City in the World Moreover there were many profitable Havens for the receit of Ships but that which was called Piraeum exceeded being capable to receive forty Ships beautified with many goodly buildings in compass two miles fortified with seven Walls and joyning to the City whereof Terence writeth Eunuch Act. 3. Scen. 4. At this day it is called Porto Lini fortified with two walls four miles in length extending to the Hill Munichya the sirname of Diana being compassed in the figure of a Chersoness and so joyned to the City of Athens In which distance there are two other Havens besides that of Piraeum In this Iupiter had a magnificent Temple and in it were found many artificial Tables Pictures and graven Images all which are at this day destroyed and carried away It hath been three times destroyed first by Xerxes and Mardonius which happened in the year before Christ 479. Then by Lysander who broke down a hundred paces of the Wall and almost utterly destroyed their Ships and broke down the Haven of Peraea It was also ●ore oppressed by the Romans as they also brake down their Haven and burnt their Ships but spared the Town and held it in great estimation But was the third time overthrown and utterly destroyed by the Turks who both changed the place and name of the City after it had flourished 3113 years At this day it is divided into three parts and called by the name of Sethina because of the variety of the Inhabitants that live in it being very well peopled and a fair and spatious City but much altered from that it was in times past For although before it was the very Mother of Eloquence and glory of A●tica yet at this day it is so much altered that their Language is base and their Glory is eclipsed The uppermost part of the City where formerly the Temple stood dedicated to the unknown God is now wholly and absolutely in the hands of the Turks in which they have built a strong and almost invincible Castle which hath the command of the rest of the Town The second and middle part of the Town is all inhabited by Christians In the third there standeth a fair and goodly Palace supported with Marble Pillars and adorned with goodly Works In this part of the City there inhabiteth People of divers Sects and Conditions And here also is the Seat of a Metropolitan who hath under him many Bishops So that God doth support and maintain his Church even amongst the Enemies thereof for there are four Patriarchs in Turk● to which all the other Christian Metropolitans and Bishops are subject viz. the Patriarch of Alexandria Constantinople Antiochia and Ierusalem Paul was the first man that preached the Gospel of Christ in this City and converted many Citizens but especially Dionysius the Areopagite who dwelt upon a Promontory without the City and as it seems was one of the principal Judges and Governours of the Town for after he had taught publickly in the Town and had disputed against the Iews and Philosophers concerning Christ they supposing him to be a busie Fellow and one worthy of death as a Disturber of the common Peace brought him before this Dionysius that so by his Judgment he might receive condign punishment for his Offence But St. Paul so well behaved himself and preached with such admirable Eloquence and Learning that he not only confuted his Enemies but among others converted this Dionysius Areopagitus who was afterwards the first Bishop of Athens as Euseb. saith lib. 4. cap. 13. and went captive with Paul to Rome and from thence to Paris in France where he suffered Martyrdom under Dionysius the Emperour Of Corinthia COrinthus a famous City in Grecia is scituated in Peloponnesus a pleasant Country of Achaia joyning to the Continent of Grecia like an Isthmus or Peninsula distant from Ierusalem 760 miles towards the West commonly called Corantha built as Eusebius saith by Sisiphus Son of Aeolus at such time as Ioshuah governed Israel who was a mighty Pirate At first it was but a Castle and called after his name Sisiphyus but after because of the strength of the place and pleasant scituation it became a fair Town and called by the name of Corcyra as Strabo saith then Ephym of Ephyra who was a fair and goodly Nymph and Queen of that place Now although even in those times it was held in great estimation yet it became much wasted and decayed through the continuance of time until it was repaired by King Corinthus who as some think was the Son of Marathon Suidas saith the Son of Pelops others would have him the Son of Orestis and after his name was called Corinth that is the Flower of Maides It was a fair and goodly City very commodiously built for it stood between the two Seas of Ionium and Aegeum so that there resorted thither great multitude of Merchants from all places Close by the City there stood a steep Mountain which was as it were a Bulwark for the defence thereof being 560 Feet high and called Acrocorinthus that is The Glory and Strength of the Corinthians It was also compassed about with strong Walls and beautified with many goodly Buildings and Temples but above the rest the Temple of Venus was had in great reputation which as Strabo saith stood upon the top of the Mountain Acrocorinthus wherein there were above a thousand Maids prostituted every year This Temple was had in such great honour and was so gloriously built that above all the places of the World there was resort unto it Close by it stood the ancient Castle called Sysyphius built all of white Marble and a little below that the Fountain of Pyrene dedicated to the Muses There were many mighty Princes that ruled in this City
Children of Israel found great store of Pomegranates whereof division was made amongst them For Rimmon is as much as a grained Apple or a Pomegranate and Parez He hath divided Of Libnah LIbn●h is the seventeenth place where the Children of Israel stayed and was so called from the abundance of Frankincense that was found there for Libnah signifies white Frankincense This is an 104 miles from Ierusalem toward the South-west Of Rissa HEre the Children of Israel pitcht their Tents being about an 100 miles from Ierusalem toward the South-east it took the name from the fruitfulness and abundance of Flowers and Herbs that grow there and is derived from Rasa which signifies to make moist for there were usually exceeding pleasant and sweet dews Of Chehelah CHehelah was the nineteenth place where the Children of Israel made their abiding in the Desart being 92 miles from Ierusalem toward the South-west Num. 33. and signifies a Congregation or Church being derived from Rahal that is He hath assembled This was a type of the Church where all the Elect and Faithful People of God travel through the Wilderness of this wicked world Of Saphar SAphar is a mountain in the Desart of Arabia Petraea 88 miles from Ierusalem toward the South-west This was the twentieth Remove the name of the place being so called partly of their Tents partly of the roundness of the mountains Of Harada HArada was full of wild Beasts which struck the People into a mighty fear so called as being derived from Charada which signifies Terror or trembling Here the Children of Israel stayed the one and twentieth time it being 80 miles from Ierusalem toward the South-west Of Thahath THIS is a certain Valley 68 miles from Ierusalem towards the Southwest and is derived from Tachath which signifieth a certain Plain or low place Of Maceheloth THIS was the two and twentieth abiding of the Israelites being 72 miles from Ierusalem towards the Southwest Here a Congregation of the Tribes of Israel was called for Maccheloth signifieth a Congregation or meeting together Sometimes it is taken for the Church being derived from Rahal i. He assembleth together Of Tharah THIS was a memorable place in the Wilderness where the Israelites had a breathing time for now growing near to the Borders of the Land of Canaan after so many Journeys they began to rest themselves because of the Wars they were shortly to undertake And it is derived of Roah and Tarah which signifieth a breathing-time Here was the 24th Mansion of the Israelites Of Mithca HERE was the twenty fifth Mansion of the Israelites being but 56 miles from Ierusalem toward the South-west in the utmost Borders of the Land of Canaan and no doubt took the name from the delightful and pleasant taste of Grapes For Mitka signifies the same that Mithetk that is to say sweetness and pleasantness Of Cades Barnea CAdes Barnea a City of the Idumaeans being derived of Kadas and Barah that is a holy place is forty miles from Ierusalem towards the South from this place Moses sent Spies into the Land of Canaan who brought of the Fruit of the Land but all of them discouraged the People only Caleb wherefore they murmured and the Lord was angry and would not suffer them to enter into the Land of Promise So turning their Journey they went to Ezeongaber 148 miles so that they travelled in the Desart forty years before they could enter into the Land of Promise Of this you may read Gen. 14 16 20. Num. 13. 27 33 34. Deut. 1. Psal. 29. Ezek. 47. Of Chasmona IN this place the Children of Israel set up their Tents a little before they sent Spies into the Land of Canaan it is not far from Cades Barnea towards the South For the twelve Spies were not sent from the City of Cades Barnea but from their Tents and of this still distribution or sending for one out of every Tribe was chosen it took the name For Casmona signifies a still distribution being derived of Chasca and Manah he stilly distributed Of Moseroth MOseroth was the twenty seventh Mansion of the Children of Israel in the Wilderness and distant from Ierusalem 72 miles towards the South where the Lord caused them to return back for their murmuring towards the South that so they might live just forty years in the Wilderness Num. 14. 33. This place seemeth to take the name thereof from Traditions for there Moses repeated to the Israelites the Law of the Lord and for this cause their Tents were called Moseroth which signifies Traditions and is derived of Masar that is to Preach Of Benei Iaacon THIS was the twenty eighth Mansion of the Israelites so called because there their Tents were fairly set up with pleasant Walks and places about them for Benei Iaacon signifieth a Building or fair Walk being derived of Bana and Akah that is He hath set up an House and was 96 miles from Ierusalem Southward Num. 33. Of Hor Gidgad AT this Mountain the Children of Israel stayed a while because it was a fertile and pleasant place as Moses himself witnesseth It is an hundred and twelve miles from Ierusalem towards the South being derived of Harar a Mountain and Glebam a Plow Plin. l. 20. ep 20. Of Iotbatha THIS was the thirtieth Mansion of the Israelites in the Wilderness being 132 miles from Ierusalem toward the South and took the name from the pleasantness and fertility of the Wilderness being derived of Iatab and Batha a certain good and pleasant waste or wilderness Of Arbona THIS place being very discommodious and no whit profitable the Children of Israel were constrained to remove their Tents with great weeping and lamentation for Arbona being derived from Abar and Naha signifies partly to remove and partly to weep Of Aezion Gaber THIS was a Town of the Idumaeans near the Red Sea 148 miles from Kades-Barnea and 174 miles from Ierusalem towards the South Here the Israelites set up their Tents and here Solomon made his Navy which he sent to Ophir to fetch Gold 1 Kin. 9. This City no doubt took the name of the strength and multitude of Trees whereof these Ships were built for they were very fair Ships and of excellent Workmanship Aezion Gaber signifieth a strong tree being derived of Ez and Gaber that is a Tree of strength Of Zin-Kades THIS was a great Wilderness lying between Aezion-Gaber and Kades-Barnea being 184 miles in length abounding with thorns and high mountains Upon the North-side thereof lay Mount Seir and Kades-Barnea and towards the South the Red Sea It was called Paran and Zin of the abundance of Thorns that grew there for Zin of Zanan signifies a sharp thorn Zinnim full of Thorns and Kadesh Sanctity or Holiness Here Moses and Aaron having struck the Rock twice at length it brought forth Water but for their murmuring and incredulity God would not suffer them to go into the Land of Canaan This lay an 120 miles from Ierusalem toward the South Of the Mountain Hor. HOR