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A27862 A paraphrase upon the Psalms of David by Sam. Woodford. Woodford, Samuel, 1636-1700. 1667 (1667) Wing B2491; ESTC R17944 181,016 462

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to be ador'd in fight Who thus canst arm Thy self with light But Lord what are Thy Hands if thus Thou kill'st at sight IV. When from above Thou mak'st Thy voice be heard The Sea stands still and Earth do's shake Even Heav'n it self unloos'd do's quake God thundred from above and they all fear'd The Clouds to make Him way asunder rent An hideous shriek the Mountains sent When God to judge the Meek by them in person went V. Nor do these only Lord Thy Power declare But the fierce wrath of Wicked Man Which Thou dost punish or restrain Whence to get praise amongst thy Wonders are Vow to the Lord and what you vow see pai'd For Vows are debts when once they ' are made And none deserves your praise like Him to whom you prai'd VI. Adore Him all ye lands and tongues around And to Our God your praises sing To Him alone your presents bring And thus with fear seek Him whom Wee have found With God the greatest Kings cannot compare They Crowns but at His pleasure wear And when He Frowns they and their Honours turn to air Psalm LXXVII Voce mea ad Dominum c. I. IN my great trouble to the Lord I cried I cri'd aloud And He was pleas'd to hear And when the night His Face did hide With stretch'd out hands I felt it He was near I prai'd and was resolv'd to pray Refus'd all Comfort but my tears Whose streames I thought my Feavour might allay And as they forc't my heart for passage move His Ears II. Sometimes in groans sometimes in Words I pray'd And fluent as my griefs my sorrows spake But suddenly my speech was stay'd And interrupting sights its order brake And then I could nor speak nor sleep Thou Lord didst hold my eyes and tongue Only my mind its even frame did keep And with weak hands and muttering lips became more strong III. Then of Thy Wonders did I meditate Our Fathers dayes and what their age did see How Thou upheld'st the Tottering State And in their troubles mad'st them trust in Thee Fresh to my mind then came a Song Which heretofore I did reherse An Anthem which had been forgotten long Where my Soul with me joyn'd and thus began the Verse IV. And can it be that God will thus reject Be always angry and ne'r pleas'd again Will He His Flock no more protect But let us ever as this day complain Has He forgotten to be good Or shall His Promise ever cease Who has His Pleasure or His Power withstood That where He shuts up Warr He should imprison Peace V. Hold Soul I said 't is Thy infirmity Makes Thee thus judge of God whose Will shall stand Immovable as it is High Where Thou Thy wings should'st guide to his right Hand Of that think with me and His Power The Wondrous Works which He has done They shall my talk and study be each hour To shew Our children what Our Fathers Us have shown VI. Thy Wayes O God are far above my sight And where Thou hid'st Thy self in Heav'n lie hid Ther 's none like Thee so full of might Whose Power I fear by what Thy hand once did When from above Thou mad'st it bare Israel and Josephs Seed to save When their Redemption did Thy strength declare And Egypt took the Chain to be her Captives slave VII The Waters saw Thee and the Waters fled The Depths were troubled and ran back for fear The Clouds rain'd Seas Heav'n Darkness spread From whence there came a voyce which rocks did tear Th' Earth trembled and the Mountains shook Egypt it self abhor'd the light Which from the flashes came and horror strook More terrible than when three days they felt their night VIII Thou for Thy People didst prepare the way And through those Floods a safe retreat they have Which Thou Thy Glory to display Resolvd'st should after be proud Pharaohs grave Along they went by Thy Command Who of the Sacred Flock took'st Care Moses and Aaron only shew'd Thy Hand For the Great Shepherd Thou and they Thy Heards-men were Psalm LXXVIII Attendite Populus meus c. I. ISrael Gods own Inheritance draw near And what He did to make Thee so now hear Of Ages long since past and armes I sing And to Thy dayes their ancient glories bring Acts which with sound belief would never stand But that all done by the Almighty Hand Our Fathers witness to their Truth did bear And what we hear with wonder saw with fear They told them Us that we might publish down To Childrens Children how His Power was known Such was His charge that late Posterity And Generations which should after be People as yet unborn might know His Wayes And what they learnt their children teach His Prayse That they in Him their Hope might alwayes place His statutes keep and alwayes seek His Face Never forget His Works but still improve His former Favours and His present love That like their Fathers they rebel no more Unless they 'd feel the Wrath their Fathers bore Base stubborn Nation who their God withstood Most cross to Him who alwayes did them good His Wrath this kindled first then made it burn Th' enraged fire on Ephraims Tribe did turn Ephraim which durst the stoutest Foe assail And never of the certain conquest fail But us'd to Come and See and so Prevail So terrible His bow so sure his hand Th' unerring shaft did death at will command Ephraim turn'd back but strove in vain to flie By His own shafts o'retook did wounded lie Worthy thus signally in Warr to fall Whom Peace with all Her Charms could ne'r recall The law they brake that Covenant which they took And without cause that and their God forsook Forgot His Works and their own Worthy Stemm Their Fathers Trust and what He did for them Marvellous things He did in Pharaohs land Zoan still witness of His Plagues do's stand When Israel saw His Wonders all about How He preserv'd them there and brought them out When He no Common Road did make them keep But like His Own their wayes were in the Deep The Deep amaz'd stood up as they pass'd o're Admir'd their suddain fix'd-ness and new shore How in a moment they were rais'd so high And fell not when they saw no storm was nigh By day a Cloud did their great journies hide At night a Sacred Flame the Host did guide Before them pass'd and where their passage lay Not only shew'd but also made their Way Hard Rocks as they went by pierc'd through did groan That fire which dri'd the Deep did melt the stone Out gusht new streams so constant and so strong They made their Channels as they ran along Yet still they sinn'd and tempted Him the more Lack'd meat who only Water begg'd before Nor did they closely think but speak their Sins And with vile Mouth the Murmurer thus begins Can He give Bread too sure if He be God That may as well as streams obey
each other made One Hill is of another Hill afrai'd And melted in the All-consuming Flame expire Where are they Just so shall the Sinner dy Just so consum'd ever consumingly XII I the meanwhile will to my God sing praise Unsearchable in all His Wayes My Meditation of Him shall be sweet And with my Praise I will His Wonders meet His who can Phoenexes from Our cold Ashes raise 'T is God alone whose Mighty Power Shall when the Wicked be no more Refine His Chosen by these flames Give then new and better Names And make them farr more glorious than they were before Arise my Soul and to th' Almighty King Sprightly and Cheerful Hallelujahs sing Psalm CV Confitemini Domino invocate c. GIve thanks unto Our God and let your Verse Both of His wondrous Acts and praise reherse Let them give life and Numbers to your Song And count the Glorys which to Him belong All you who fear His Name in it rejoice And shew your heart is cheerful by your voice Seek ye the Lord and seek His Mighty Power And never till you see His Face give o're Remember all the Wonders He has done The Words He spake the Signes His hand has shone You who of Abraham the Almighties Friend And of His chosen Jacobs Seed descend He is the Lord His Judgements are abroad And all the World by them shall fear Our God The Word He past is ever in His mind To thousand Ages which are yet behind The Faithful Cov'nant He with Abraham made And unto Isaac with an Oath conveigh'd Confirm'd it then to Jacob for a Law From when now Israel their best Title draw Saying To thee I 'll Canaan give that Happy land And where Thou sojourn'st now Thou shalt command He said it when they were in number few Hardly a Number were but only two Two who were one and strangers forc'd to flee Those Kingdoms which their own should after bee Yet then He suffered none to do them wrong Reprov'd Kings for them as they pass'd along No hurt to my Annoynted said He do Nor vex my Prophets least it fall on you Then on the Land He for a dearth did call To break that staff whose prop before was small The staff of bread that they again might hold He that must sell them bread was by them sold. Sold for a Slave and that in Prison cast Where his bruis'd feet in fetters were kept fast But that He bore the smart t' his Soul did pass When he remembred by whose means it was Till the Word came Joseph good Word for Thee Which prov'd Thee guiltless and which made Thee free The King in haste to loose the Pris'ner sent And though the Messengers too slowly went Made Him high Steward of his house with Power Greater than ever subject had before His Realms submitted to his ruling hand And that his will for Sovereign Law should stand Whether his Princes he in Chains would lay Or teach her wise Men how they should obey Pull down set up controll things as he please Be King in all except the Name and Ease 'T was then that Israel into Egypt came And Jacob sojourn'd in the Land of Ham Where He increas'd and did a Nation grow More numerous than the slaves which kept them so And by Gods blessing did so propagate That whom their Enemies could not hurt they hate New taskes impose and harder bonds contrive And plott their death whom He had say'd should live Hence as Embassadors before He went Moses and Aaron He to Egypt sent To make His wonders in their land be known Who were and had so many of their own He to thick darkness turn'd their Noon day Light And made them feel as well as see their night The Rivers did with Purple Streams abound And the true dye in every Fish was found The Land did princely Frogs unnumbred breed Which lay with Nobles and with Kings did feed He spake the Word and there came Hosts of Flyes Lice reign'd below and they usurpt the skyes He gave them hail for rain and fire for dew Both to o'rethrow and to consume them too Smote all their vines and with the Fatal Stroke What hail and Lightning spar'd the Thunder broke Then came up armed Locusts and their train In such great bands ne're to be seen again And what was left by all the plagues before Swept clean away and the whole Land run o're At last th' Almighty when this would not do Came down Himself and Egypts First-born slew And for the Time that Israel there did stay They pay'd themselves before they went away Took with them Egypts Silver and its Gold By great as it was Lent them and untold A way they went more Lusty and more Strong Than when at first they came Thousands for One. And when they went Egypt rejoyc'd to hear Their parting whom She always saw with fear Thus freed a Cloud did their great journy show And in the Cloud which lead their way they go A Cloud by day when all Heav'n else was bright But that obscur'd a dancing Flame by night And as they pass'd and murmur'd there for meat He gave them Quayles and Angels bread to eat Open'd the Rock which kept the Waters in And turn'd its flinty bowels to a spring A spring whose streams in Rivers did run o're And follow'd close the Camp which marcht before His servant Abraham to His Minde did come His Cov'nant what it was and made with whom So He their Hosts did out of Bondage bring Whilst by the Way they did His Praises sing Brought them to Labours which were not their own And Loaded Harvests that they had not sown To Canaan thence to be remov'd no more But hold of Him who was their Lord before Keeping such Lawes such services to do As by His Covenants He had bound them to Hallelujah Psalm CVI. Confitemini Domino quoniam c. SIng to the Lord for He alone is Good His mercies sure for ever so have stood But who their Verse can to His Glory raise Or as His Acts deserve shew forth His Praise Thrice happy they who His Commandments Love And by their Constancy their service prove On me unworthy wretch O God look down And grant those favours which Thou shewst Thine Own That I may tast how good 't is to be Thine And in the Undersong to bless Thee join Lord we have sinn'd we and Our Fathers too And what they vilely did as vilely do In Egypt they could not Thy Wonders see As if its night had drawn a veile o're Thee They minded not the signes Thou there didst show And thence but to provoke Thee more did go Provoke Thee at the sea the Red sea where Thou brought'st them down to make Thy hand appear Yet then God sav'd them for His own Names sake That like their sins His Power He known might make He stroke the Sea the Sea asunder broke Its Christall could not bear th' Almighty stroke And as
cannot reach so high stoop Thou to me II. Hear me my God for I am wondrous low And to the grave my life draws nigh Loaded with cares my Soul do's go And in the Pit is readie down to lie Already I am numbred with the Dead And that small strength I had Weakness at best is fled III. Free as the Dead and like one long since slain Who is forgotten in the Grave And never shall return again Or but upon his Tomb Memoriall have Low in the Pit I 'm lai'd down in the Deep And its rough waves my head do under water keep IV. Far from me Thou hast put my Nearest Friends Who as forsaken look on me Because my God no succour sends They think me hated or unknown to Thee As in a Pest-house quite given o're I 'm laid And those who pitty me are of my Sores afraid V. My eyes with teares o'recome yet look to Thee And for Thy help I daily cry When at night I cannot see With stretcht out armes I feel if Thou art nigh Wil t Thou say I to th'Dead Thy wonders show Let me but see them Lord and Thou do'st truly so VI. Shall the Dead rise and praise Thee or Thy love Be in the Land of Darkness seen Shall in the Grave Thy Praise improve Sung there where silence has for ever been Where dark oblivion uncontroll'd do's reign And dismal Horror riots o're the empty Plain VII And then again I new Petitions make And would prevent Thee with my Prayer With Thee the Morning do's partake And with my tears instead of dew looks fair But thou withdraw'st Thy self and out of sight Hid'st in thick Clouds that Face which gives me all my light VIII From my youth up I have Thy Terrors felt Ready with grief and pain to die Thy Wrath like fire my Soul do's melt And quite consumes what it should purifie Or like a troubled Sea do's o're me roll And thus by several Deaths or burns or drowns my Soul IX Far from me Thou hast put my Nearest Friend Whom Thou at first to me didst give Through Death Our Friendship cannot end For in the sad Survivour it shall live My Dear Acquaintance in the grave is laid And Two whom God made One Death again Two has made P.M.O.C. Psalm LXXXIX Misericordias Domini in aeternum c. IN flowing Numbers I resolve to sing The Truth and Mercies of th' Eternal King That late posterity His love may know Both what He did and what He 's sworn to do That Faithfullness which He has said shall stand Like Heav'n first made and stablisht by His hand When thus He spake I have to David past My Word and with an Oath have bound it fast Saying Thy seed I 'll bless upon Thy Throne And make its rule Eternal like my own Angels for this Thy Wonders must declare Such praises too sublime for Mortals are Who only can below admire Thy love Not joyn with but attend the Quire above For who in Heav'n with Thee can be compar'd Whom all adore as Thou by all art fear'd Or who among the mighty Sons of Earth Is like to Thee who gav'st their Mother Birth Before whose Throne Blest Saints and Angels bow And cast those Crowns which to Thy hand they owe. Whose great Commands the Heavenly Host obey And execute the charge which Thou dost lay So Just so True so full of Majesty Lord like Thy self Thou art and none like Thee The Sea when it to Heav'n in storms do's rise At Thy Rebuke in Humble Vallies lies Asunder Thou didst break the threatning Wave And in its bowels mad'st Proud Pharaohs grave The Heav'n with all its glorious Flames are Thine And with reflection from Thine eye they shine The Earth and all the stores the Earth containes Of Thy first fulness are the Mighty Dreins Thou bid'st it stand unmov'd above the Flood And saw'st what er'e Thy hand had done was good The North and South and all its coasts around Thou for Thy Pleasure first did'st make and bound Tabor and Hermon in Thy Name rejoyce And up to Thee the Vallies raise their Voice No Pow'r can Thy All-conqu'ring Arm with-stand So strong is that so high is Thy Right Hand Justice and Faithfulness uphold Thy Throne Mercie and Truth 's the Base it rests upon A thousand Graces round about Thee flie And take new life and vigor from Thine eye Thrice happy land whose Sovereign Lord Thou art Who hear Thy Law and to it yield their heart Who in Thy gracious Presence ever dwell And all the stories of Thy Power can tell Who have Thee for the subject of their Verse And every day can of Thy Truth reherse Thine Lord who art their strength their Fort and Tower And on their heads the Anointing Oyl dost poure Thou art Our God and we Thy Praise will sing Who in Thy stead o're us mad'st David King For thus His Will God to His Prophet told And in a Vision made Him it behold Saying I searcht the People all around And now to my Own Heart a Man have found David on whom the Burden shall be laid Of ruling Israel and their King be made I have anointed him with Him my Hand Shall both to conquer be and to command I from Conspiracies his Crown will guard And all his gates shall be most surely barr'd Before His Face his Enemies shall fall And unto me in vain for succour call For down I 'll tread them but his head will raise And with my Truth and Love make plain His Wayes His Empire to the River shall extend And only where the Earth finds hers have end All Lands and Seas to him shall tribute yield And of his conquests be the fruitful field By Name of Father to Him I 'll be known Of God and Rock and he shall be My Son My First-born higher than the Kings of th' Earth With Rule and Subjects worthy of his Birth My Oath and Covenant shall with him stand fast And I 'll that Promise keep which I have past Nor shall it be confin'd to him alone But his seed too shall have their Fathers Throne ' Which as the dayes of Heav'n shall constant be And know no bounds but vast Eternity If they my Statutes and my Laws forsake And break the Covenant which this day I make Then I their Sins will visit with a Rod But never cease to be their King and God ' My Mercie and my Truth will ne're remove Nor take away though I may hide My love My Promise and my Vow I 'll never break Nor change the Word which once my Mouth did speak For by my self I once to David swore And by My Holiness confirme't once more His seed and Throne like Heav'n shall constant be And know no bounds but Vast Eternity Witness ye Heav'ns which in my sight remain And you bright stars that in your Courses reign Both Sun and Moon against Me Witness be If Time it self endures so long as He This Thou hast
praise And in my Song recount of all Thy Wayes More tunefull Measures will invent new strings put on And raise my Harp with the great Subject to Thy Throne For God Salvation gives to Kings And David out of all His troubles brings From strangers who that love pretend Which He dares never trust their mouths so proudly speak Whose right hands faith they plighted break And swords which they have drawn into their hearts shall send V. He makes Our sons like Fruitful plants to grow And their increase to Him alone we owe Our daughters to be Corner stones polisht and fair Which different Houses joyn and their supporters are From Him alone comes all Our store And that Our presses with new Wine run o're That Our full Barnes no want have known Our stacks no emptiness but with those sheaves are crown'd With which He first did load the ground And now them so that with the mighty weight they groan VI. He to ten thousands multiplies Our sheep More than our folds can pin or pastures keep Our Oxen fat and strong not it as labour know But freely yield their necks to th' Service of the Plow Down at Our Gates no Enemie sits There 's no Al'arm or mourning in our streets Thrice happy lands which thus can say And undisturb'd can thus enjoy the fruits of Peace If there be any lands like these Yet those whose God 's the Lord are happier far than They. Psalm CXLV Exaltabo te Deus meus Rex c. MY God My King I will sing praise to Thee Till like Thy Name my songs Eternal be Every day Lord will I sing praise to Thee Till like Thy Name my songs Eternall be Great is the Lord and worthy of all Praise And as Himself Unsearchable His Wayes One age to count His Works will ne're suffice Their number to so great a sum do's rise The next shall take it and the next from them And in their songs improve the lofty Theam Sing of the Honour of His Majesty How farr He is exalted and How high Speak of His Reverend Acts His greatness show Above how full of Love of dread below Of all His Goodness and what He has done Both for His Peoples Glory and His Own The Lord is gracious do's with Love o'reflow Plenteous in Mercy and to anger slow Kind as a Father o're whose Works there shine Glories of Mercy mixt with rayes Divine All Thy Workes praise Thee and Thy power proclame Thy Kingdoms beauties and Thy Holy Name Thy Saints shall bless Thee and Thy Acts make known And to Posterity continue down How to Eternity Thy Rule extends And that Thy Empire Lord knowes neither bounds nor ends The Lord upholds all those who fall do's raise The Poor on high that they may see His Wayes On Him the eyes of all His Creatures wait To Him they look and He provides them meat Opens His Hand do's their desires fulfill And as He answers theirs performes His Will So Just is He so Righteous in His wayes That were We silent stones would speak His Praise And to ' His afflicted Peoples Prayers so near That their requests e're finisht granted are And when to Him for help they send their cryes His Truth prevents them oftner than denies For the desires of such who Him do fear Shall be fulfil'd and He their groans will hear Will crown their Love and with His Own right hand Destroy their Foes and on their ruins make them stand Let the whole World O God sing praise to Thee And like Mine may their songs Eternall be Psalm CXLVI Lauda anima mea Dominum c. I. ARise my Soul and Thy great subject take The Worlds Creators praises sing That Ground Thy Numbers will more flowing make And fill with spirit the heaviest string He is my song and He my Verse shall raise And only with my life shall end my Praise II. Trust not in Princes for their strength is vain In Kings place not your confidence The greatest King cannot himself maintain But lives himself at Gods expence Is Earth and when He but His breath recalls Into that Earth whence he was taken falls III. Death layes him level with his vilest Slave No more his Acts remembred are Though his Atchievements follow to the Grave And deck his Herse they leave him there With his last breath to air his Counsels go And his high thoughts ly with his Carkass low IV. But happy he who has his trust in store And do's on Jacobs God depend He need no forreign succour to implore But up to Heav'n his wishes send And of his certain aids he ne're shall miss For the true God his mighty keeper is V. He Heav'n and all the glories of it made Those beauteous fires we see above Where greatness makes His Enemies afraid But in His Saints enflames their love Who on the floods commands the Earth to stand And holds them in the hollow of His hand VI. To Him for Justice the Oppres'd do cry Who all their groans and plaints do's hear And to His great Tribunall when they fly He on their Judges turnes their feares With His good things the hungry Soul do's fill And makes deaf chaines hear and obey His Will VII He made the eye and gave it all its light Lifts from the dust the poor mans head Renews each morning both their life and sight Whom sleep had numbred with the dead His Common Providence is over all But His Choice blessings on the Righteous fall VIII The unreguarded stranger is his care And He for th' Orphan do's provide Himself comes down and heares the Widows prayer When her deaf Friends are turn'd aside Th' inexorable Wicked man o'rethrowes And makes him feel the weight of his own blowes IX Such is Thy King O Sion whose Command Being and life gives every thing Exempt from his Dominion is no land Thy God O Sion is Thy King His Powerfull influence do's around extend And as His Rule Thy Praise should know no end Hallelujah Psalm CXLVII Laudate Dominum quoniam c. I. YOU who th' Almighty God adore To His great Name sing praise His Power you cannot honour more Nor more advance your laies This is the Service which to Him you owe And this of all he best accepts below II. Jerusalem the Great the Fair 'T is God who made Her so Her People though they scattred are He like Her stones do's know And both will gather both in ' His hand will take His City One th' Other His Temple make III. The troubled heart with care deprest He up on high do's raise Refreshes weary Souls with rest And sinners shews His Wayes And like a Friend who all their miseries feels Binds up the broken and the wounded heales IV. Those rich Enamels of the sky The Stars which shine above Have several Names He knowes them by And at His Will they move To Him they look and looking only thence Have all their luster Formes and Influence V. Great is
our God of great renown Whose Wisdome's infinite To th' Earth He casts the Wicked down And raises the upright Sing Praises to His Name with thanks rejoice And make the Consort perfect with your Voice VI. The Heav'ns with clouds He covers o're And all their beauty hides Yet thence the Earth has its best store Rain which He there provides Whence Plenty comes but less from what is sown Than from the Faithful seasons He pours down VII Mountains those Pillars of the Air On which Heav'ns Fabrique lies Whose verdant Chapiters are fair And in mixt Orders rise With Frutages He covers and with showers Allaies their heat and crowns them all with flowers VIII To Him all Creatures look and live All at His Table eat He to bruit-beasts their food do's give And to young Ravens meat An horse to Him and all his strength is vain And in his sight as poor as this is Man IX In neither can He Pleasure take But do's in th' Just delight And they who Him their refuge make Shall flourish in His sight Then to Thy God Jerusalem sing praise Sion exalt Him who Thee first did raise X. 'T is He who do's Thy Walls defend And all Thy Gates make strong Who do's Thy Colonies extend And keeps Thee alwaies young Who with a numerous offspring do's Thee bless And gives Thy Land the Happy fruits of Peace XI And this because it is His Will Whose Pleasure all obey Both Heav'n and Earth His Word fulfill And at it haste away On the cold Rocks He His Frost-Mantle throwes And cloaths the naked Hills with woolly snows XII When on the streams He layes His Chain And Captive Floods do's bind What Power can set them free again Till He send out His Wind But when on them He causes it to blow The melted glass in streams begins to flow XIII These Works of His by all are seen But Jacob has His Word No Land beside so blest has been Or favour'd by the Lord For He to Israel has His Judgements shown When His displeasure all Lands else have known Hallelujah Psalm CXLVIII Laudate Dominum de Coelis I. YOu blessed Souls who stand before Th' Eternal King and so long see His glory that you changed bee Into that glory you adore Praise your great Founder and above Admire His Power and bless His Love II. You who when Lucifer did fall Kept your first standing and remain Commanders of that mighty Train Of which the Lord is Generall Angels extoll th' Almighty King And Songs of Triumph to Him sing III. Praise Him from whom Thy light do's flow Thou whom as God the World adore Renounce that honour and no more Usurp a service Thou dost ow Praise Him O Sun when Thou 'rt most bright Whose beams to darkness turn Thy light IV. Thou too who with a borrow'd ray When all the Lamps of Heav'n hang out In the Nights silence walk'st about And with Thy torch restor'st the day Fair Moon and Starrs exalt Gods Name And in your dance His Power proclaim V. Ye Heavens whom none can comprehend Infinite Waters where the sky As if beyond it self 't would fly Exceeds all thought yet findes no end Praise Him who farther do's out go Your height than you what ere 's below VI. He spake the Word and you were made His first Decree has bound you fast Appointed you how long to last Th' Almighty Word your wandrings stay'd Praise Him whose Word so much can do And as it made destroy you too VII Let from the Earth His Praises rise All Creatures whom He plac't below Let them their gratefull praises show And in that service reach the skies Dragons and Whales i' th' consort move A tunefull Bass to th' Quire above VIII Sea praise Him when Thy billows roar And mustring up the force of th' Main The once drown'd World assault again And seek i' th' Heav'ns alone a shoar Praise Him who when He moves His hand Both stills and chains Thy waves with sand IX All Meteors praise the Name of God Vapors and Winds that nothing spare But of His Wrath the Armies are Lightning's His Scepter and His Rod Ice praise Him who makes Thee a rein To curb swift streams and back the Main X. Mountains at His great Name rise up Who so ordain'd by His command All in your ranks and orders stand Like Piles Heav'ns Arch to underprop Praise Him who your rais'd heads did crown And low as Hell not throw you down XI Cedars who one loft higher go And Natures Vanes to Mountains are Knowing no other motion there Than what the amorous Zephyrs blow Plants and Fruit-trees the pride o' th' Field In generous stores your praises yield XII Beast and all Cattell creeping things Insects unminded the great care Of Him by whom you formed were And Birds who with your downy wings Cut the soft air your Presents bring And in wild notes His Praises sing XIII Kings to whom God His Name do's give And as Vice-gods has set on high True Portraicts of the Deity Praise Him in whom your selves do live And who though Homage is your due First made the Right then gave it you XIV Praise Him all People every state And Sex and Age Virgins and Youth With all the beauteous trains of both Or long since born or born of late Praise Him old Men and since agen Age speaks you Children shew y' are Men. XV. Let the whole World His Praise restore And lift above the Firmament That Name He counts so excellent And what none fully know adore For from the Deep it all things fills Up to the Everlasting Hills XVI Israel praise Him Israel for whom He made all these and greater things The Land subdu'd and Potent Kings Bringing them thousand Vict'ries home Such wonders wrought and more than this Whom He redeem'd and so made His. Hallelujah Psalm CXLIX Cantate Domino Canticum c. I. NEw Songs of Praise to Great Jehovah sing And in His Temple let His Name resound This small return his Saints may bring For all those favours wherewith they are crown'd Let Israel in His Makers Love rejoyce And Sion crown again Her Sovereign with Her Voyce II. In the High Dance His great Name let them praise And that it may approach His Throne above The service with shrill Trumpets raise And send up Theirs as He showers down His Love They are His Pleasure and His chiefest Prize And though in others mean yet beauteous in His eyes III. Let the Saints praise Him who their Glory is And on their beds when they no Comfort see Then let them sing for they are His And of salvation confident may bee Hee 'll raise them up and by His Powerfull Word Put in their mouths His Praise and in their hands a Sword IV. Thus shall they fight and conquer throw down all Who dare oppose and to resist them stand The Heathen shall before them fall And in that ruin feel His vengefull Hand Their Captive Kings they shall
be Which from the Righteous Judge of all does go His Judgments are from all injustice free Are Just themselves and make us so The finest gold near them looks wan and pale And hony from the Comb do's of its wonted sweetness fail VI. Gain and reward in them are found Sometimes they are my staff sometimes my guide But Lord how often have I fell to ground And in my secret wandrings gone aside Cleanse me O God and through Thy grace Let not presumptuous sins of me take hold But let my Innocence still keep its place And make me in the Judgment bold Hear me O Thou who my Salvation art That when my'heart moves my lips Thy Spirit may move my heart Psalm XX. Exaudiat te Dominus c. I. SO may Thy God be always near Nay Jacobs God all Thy Petitions hear And when Thy Enemies huge Armies send As if they would Thy land devour And with their numbers Thee ore'power Then may His Name be Thy strong Tower To break their rage and Thee from danger to defend II. From Sion may Thy aids appear Invincible as He who governs there With fire from Heav'n may he Thy Offrings crown And as with every Sacrifice Thy prayers and that again do's rise Till they together reach the skies Let thy God meet them and as they ascend come down III. May He Thy just desires fulfill And always fix Thy counsels to His Will 'T is done O King and in it we rejoyce Let the whole World our shoutings hear What we adore let them all fear Honour Him far and dread him near Let the whole World hear Ours God Himself Thy voice IV. Our God shall hear Thee and His hand Mov'd by His ear deliv'rance shall command From Heav'n He shall His mighty arm unbare Brandish His Sword and make it seen Nothing but blood shall come between And He who has Thy Saviour been Shall be Thy praise as once the subject of Thy prayer V. Let others on their Troops rely Chariots and Horse which Vict'ry can out-fly We on the Name of God will only stay That shall Our Horse and Chariots bee Our Armies and Our Victory Let but us Lord be kept by Thee We shall stand Conquerours when they fall or run away VI. Already they are all brought down But on Thy head God has set fast the Crown May He be still to Thee propitious Always incline a willing ear To His Anoynted still be near And Thy petitions ever hear And as He hears Thee Gracious King mayst Thou hear us Psalm XXI Domine in virtute tuâ c. I. GReat God who Wonders for Our land hast done And sav'd Our King whom Thou mad'st so Again hast set Him on the Throne And made His Fathers foes before Him bow Our King shall in Thy strength rejoyce That He was Thine as well as His own peoples choice II. Thou didst not ever His requests deny Nor to His Vows shut up Thine ear In vain He did not always cry Though Heav'n which saw His wrongs seem'd not to hear For the desires He thither sent Thou with unhop'd for blessings didst at last prevent III. He only sue'd for Life Thou gave'st a Crown And on His head hast set it fast The Royall Diadem never shone With so great lustre or so long to last To Kings which from Him shall proceed Not to His head alone secur'd but to His seed IV. Home Thou hast brought Him and so fixt Him here All say His power is most like Thine The Honours Thou hast made Him bear Have rendred Him and Monarchy Divine That for their Kings Our Sons shall wish Like Him they all may be and all their Reigns like His. V. For in the Lord His confidence He plac'd And up to Heav'n for help did fly And having there His anchor cast Our Seas He knew could never rise so high And that the Ocean which was there Was all Pacifique and no seed for storms did bear VI. In vain from Thee O God His foes would fly And having shun'd His hand scape Thyne But their close walks are in Thine eye And all around them do's Thy glory shine His Enemies Thou count'st Thine own And what His hands reach not by Thine shal be o'rethrown VII Thou on them their own Consciences shalt turn Thy wrath shall on their darkness light For like an Oven it shall burn With flames that scorch and even as Hell affright And when it has rag'd all about Upon the guilty standers by it shall break out VIII But if reserv'd for future misery Thy vengeance here they shall survive 'T is but to see before them dye Those children in whose names they hop'd to live Yet though like them their Names shall rot They still shall want the happiness to be forgot IX For Thee O King the mischief they design'd Which on Thy Fathers head did light And with you both the Crown was joyn'd That was the Cause did animate the fight Whil'st Heav'n was all the while defi'd To see the rule establisht there on earth deny'd X. Heav'n saw the Treasons and did arm'd appear Return'd the darts they up had thrown Now less with feathers wing'd than fear And in all wounds the arrows were their own Lord since Thou ' hast thus preserv'd Our King Uphold His Throne that with Him we Thy praise may sing Psalm XXII Deus Deus meus quare dereliquisti c. I. MY God my God why art thou turn'd away And thus forsak'st me in my agony Shall I in vain for ever pray And pour out fruitless words which reach not Thee All day I cry but Thou seem'st not to hear The night do's witness to my roarings bear Yet though they rend my heart they cannot move Thine ear II. But Holy still and Righteous Lord art Thou And worthy of Thy People Israels praise Who on Our Fathers did'st bestow Freedom from Chains and conduct in their ways On Thee they trusted and to Thee they cry'd Who heard'st their groans conquering out did'st ride Their trust met no reproach nor was their prayer deny'd III. But I 'm a Worm my God and not a Man Reproach of Men and shame o' th' multitude Whose mockings with my grief began And ever grew as that encreas'd more rude With all the antick looks that shew disgrace Distorted mouth and head and riv'led face They me the Common butt for all their scorns did place IV. Let 's see said they with jests more sharp than swords And mortaller than all the wounds they gave Let 's see if yet for all His Words The God on whom He trusts His life will save If He so dearly loves him at his call Why comes He not we challenge Him and all For without that this single conquest would be small V. Yet still in Thee I all my trust have plac'd Who art the God who took'st me from the womb On whom I from the breast was cast And to these years through thousand cares have come To Thee
more II. Make Him your Song and of His Acts reherse Whose Word is like the God who spake it true And every day His constant praise renew Who is the Soveraign of the Universe Who the whole Earth with goodness fills With Flowers the valleys cloaths and crowns the hills Whose care to all His Works extends And the strait bounds of Time as well as Space transcends III. Beyond new Lands which undiscovered lye Beyond the Circuit of the Tractless Air Beyond those Heav'ns which first created were And in the skirts of His vast Empire bee His breath did all the Frame compose The Heav'nly Hosts by it from nothing rose Those sparkling fires we see above In which His power appears declare to us His love IV. He spake the Word and Seas obedient prove Stood up in heaps the Earth to overflow Till He their bounds set out plac'd some below And treasur'd others in His stores above The raging Deep in Prison laid And of its Jaylor bid it be afraid The sand which chains it to the shore With Law to over-look but never to pass o're V. Let the whole World before their Maker fall And of His Power the Nations stand in aw For He whose Spirit from nothing all did draw Has ruin no less ready at His Call His Counsels shall for ever stand Their plots though ne're so deep to countermand Making them know they are but Men And less than so when He His breath shall call again VI. Thrice happy Soul who here has fixt his joyes And on the Lord alone for help depends Such constant happiness His Love attends That even their land is so who are His choyce God who from Heav'n with curious eyes Sees every heart and all their actions tryes To whom all hearts are better known For He first made them than t' each single Man his own VII In vain Fond Kings expect sure Victories From numerous Armies and a mighty Host For Victory on airy wings is tost And only to the side He favours flies The greatest Champion cannot save His own head sentenc'd by Him to the grave And all the speed his horse can make In flying one is a worse ruin to o'retake VIII Those only are secure who have His eye On whom He looks for good who fear His Name And present hopes by ancient love can claim When they in need for help or mercy cry Their lives He from the pit brings back And what was once their fear their Song do's make In famine they by Him are fed Who is at once th' Eternal God and living bread IX On Thee O God we wait Thou art our shield Nor will we to another fortress flie There have we plac'd our trust resolv'd to die If the Almighty will no succour yield But He will help and send new joyes To fill our hearts and to employ our voyce And only as we trust in Thee So let Thy Mercy Lord and our Salvation bee Psalm XXXIIII Benedicam Dominum c. I. LORD I will bless Thee and Thy praise Shall up to Heav'n my Voice and numbers raise Of Thee my Soul all times shall boast Who save'dst me when I gave my self for lost And with us shall the humble joyn Hoping Thou wilt their refuge be as Thou wert mine II. Come ye blest Saints and let us rise Together with our Songs and reach the skies Praise Him who my first groans did hear Yet with His hand seem'd to prevent His ear And when like mine your troubles be But look to Him that hand shall save you which help'd me III. Tell Him the Wonders He has shown What for my sake He did and what for ' His own Say Lord. This poor man to Thee cry'd And Thou heard'st him why then am I deny'd I who no less am Thy great care Since equally round both encamp'd Thy Angels are IV. Trie Him but thus and thou shalt know Thine own as certain as my joyes are now How Good He is how happy they Who make His Power their hope His love their stay Dread Him for if He has Thy fear Thou may'st be confident Thy wants shall have His ear V. Hee 'll be himself Thy mighty store When savage Lions shall for hunger roar Whil'st those who glory in their Gold And in his own Chains would the Prisoner hold Spoylers themselves are Captives made And into suddain want which they least fear'd betray'd IV. But Children yield to me your ear I 'll tell you whom and how you ought to fear Would you have life and happy dayes Keep well your tongue and that will guide your wayes Do good and from all vice abstain No easier road than Peace and no way more plain VII On such God looks and to their cryes His ears are open to their griefs His eyes They for deliv'rance need but pray The hand which saves shall wipe their tears away But to the wicked He 's a flame Which shall consume their very Memories with their Name VIII Himself Hee 'll to the Just reveal The humble save and broken hearts will heal Their pains indeed are sharp and long Yet till deliverance comes He 'll make them strong And all the while they 're on the Rack Will see that those who torture them no bones shall break IX But as the wicked live they die The Just man's but their own worst Enemy Their own designs shall haste their death Kill'd by that poyson which themselves did breath Whil'st God redeems the Souls of His And shews His help more certain than their trouble is Psalm XXXV Judica Domine nocentes c. I. GReat God and Judge to hear my Cause arise And on my part just sentence give Subdue and scatter all my Enemies And only to be conquer'd let them live Go out and in the battell stand Thy Shield in one and glittering Sword in t'other hand II. Let it be drawn and with their blood all stain'd Make a Red Sea around to flow Let it maintain the passage it has gain'd And safely guard the way where I should go Say to my Soul that I am Thine And that for my defence Thou make'st Thy glory shine III. Those who dare still resist too stout to yield And with new heat my Soul pursue Let them with shame and infamy be fill'd And find the battell though they flye renew Upon Thee let them turn their back To be Thy Butt and all Thy poyson'd arrows take IV. Let them like chaff be driv'n before the Winde And by Thy Angels Lord be chas'd Let them i' th dark a way so slippery find That headlong ruin may attend their hast O'rewhelm them in the pits they made And take theirs in the net which for my feet they laid V. Let their destruction hasten unperceiv'd The same which they decreed for me Whil'st I for better dayes am still repriev'd And my deliv'rances ascribe to Thee That Thy Great Name may be my Song Who thus the weak and Poor save'st from the proud and strong VI. False Witnesses
're gone already and behind There 's nothing left of all he did The glories of his house ly hid And with his fame are turn'd to wind Whose very ruins though thou seek'st no where canst find VII But those who patiently on God depend He with a numerous family will bless No tempest can their setled calm offend But they in peace their Souls and Land possess No matter though incens'd with rage The wicked curse them in his pride God do's no less his threats deride Sees him in his declining age And the Scene finisht with him will remove the stage VIII Against the Righteous with drawn Sword he stands Has bent his bow and let the arrow fly Would in his blood embrew his cruel hands And his least threatning is that he shall dy But God who do's the Poor sustain By his own Sword shall make him fall Against him his own aids shall call Which he to fly shall seek in vain When in his heart the arrows which he shot remain IX Better 's that little which the Righteous have Than all the stores whereof the Wicked boast God shall disperse what he rak'd up to save And there most scatter where he gath'red most For He the Just mans way do's know What he has suff'red what has done Lending His arm to lean upon Will show him where he ought to go And after a long life Heav'n in reward bestow X. In War he shall be kept in Famine fed In the worst times nor blush nor be afraid God who 's his shield Himself will find him bread And only make his Enemies dismay'd They like the fat of lambs shall waste And only leave a smoke behind To be the triumph of the wind Their goods ill gotten shall not last But like their suddain growth their end shall come as fast XI The wicked borrows but ne're means to pay The Righteous gives and counts for so much more For God returns it him another way That God whose Word makes either rich or poor Directs his passage through the land Upholds him as he goes along By this assistance makes him strong And when he stumbles gives His hand Both leads him when he slips and makes him firmer stand XII Through all my life which has so wondrous been From its first journey Youth to this last stage Where every day I have new wonders seen And been my self the greatest of the age The Liberal man I ne're knew need Himself quite left or Children crave An alms but what he lent they have For thus he did but cast that seed On whose increase they live and plentifully feed XIII Fly Vice and that thou may'st a blessing leave For Childrens Children to Gods ways form Thine Return that justice which thou didst receive So shall thy help be from the hand Divine That on thee shall pour mercies down Below shall give thee many dayes And happy all then after raise Thy head to an immortal Crown Whil'st the whole race of wicked shall to Hell be thrown XIV As his heart thinks the Just man ever speaks From Gods Law there like streams right judgement flows The Statutes he commands his hand ne're breaks And where that points his foot unerring goes In vain the Wicked snares do's lay And spreads in vain for him his nets To take his life the way besets For God shall in the Judgement day When he clears him the privy murderer justly slay XV. Wait on the Lord and see what end Hee 'll make Keep close to His and He shall guard thy way Thy duty 's all the care He 'd have thee take And only to possess the Land obey And when thy Enemies turn to dust And like that vanish from thy sight Thou shalt behold it with delight On His own terms th' Almighty trust For He who promis'd thee and threatned them is just XVI How could that be else which mine eyes have seen The Wicked in great power exceeding high Like some proud Cedar stand and ever green With his leaf age Heav'n with his head defie But yet he pass'd and yet he fell An hand immortall gave the wound No more could root or branch be found I look'd and ask'd but none could tell Where was the place it grew or whence it sunk to hell XVII Unlike the Perfect man whom God defends For if you mark him and observe th' Upright Mercy his life his death-bed peace attends Without all storm or Conscience to affright While that o'rethrow the wicked have Is a light taste of what shall be Their portion to Eternity From which their riches less can save Their guilty souls than their vile bodies from the grave XVIII In God the Poor do's all his trust repose To Him in trouble flyes in straits complains Who in return confounds His bloody foes And leads them captive in eternal Chains For none e're yet his eyes did raise To Heav'n for help and sought it thence With certain hope and confidence But Heav'n did crown his head with bayes And turn'd his Prayers into triumphant Songs of Praise Psalm XXXVIII Domine ne in furore tuo arguas me c. I. LORD in Thy wrath rebuke me not Nor in Thy fury chasten me For such weak things that Fornace is too hot And by my clay no more endur'd can be Than my injustice and repeated wrongs by Thee II. In vain Thy wrath I strive to fly And from my self in vain make haste For lo the dart by which I needs must die At once has pierc'd and in my side sticks fast By no hand to be drawn but His from whence 't was cast III. 'T is Thou alone my life must save For not my least part Lord is sound My bones with rottenness prevent the grave Turn'd to that dust the dead are under ground And my whole body is all o're but one great wound IV. My sins like billows o're me roll The sinner all engag'd to drown And with huge weights so press my helpless Soul That it unable to resist lyes down Under the load that 's yet made heavier by Thy frown V. Uneasie weight which as it lies New galls and bruises me all o're Under whose burden I scarce hope to rise For if I do I shall afresh but roar As long as that remains which caus'd at first my sore VI. My foolishness which like a fire That inward burns takes reins and heart Fed with that blood by which it should expire Seising e're felt the best and noblest part Beyond the cure of herbs or helpless Physicks art VII Thus weak and broken thus cast down To Thee alone my prayers I make Who all my sighs and tears and wounds hast known And the great cure canst only undertake Now all my friends me as a dying man forsake VIII Nor is this all my Enemies Least I should scape new toyls prepare Their tongues speak out the malice of their eyes And what too long they had conceal'd declare Lord what 's their hand if even their words thus cruel
new wayes To the wide Earths extreamest end From East it shall unto the West extend And when it has fill'd all below to Heav'n ascend That goodness which Thy hand around do's throw Like fruitfull seed shall upward grow Solyma to Thy Courts her gifts shall bring And all her Cities shout forth Acclamations to their King V. Walk about Sion all her Bulwarks count The humble Vallies and the Holy Mount Her lofty Towers up to the Skie To which the Heav'ns desire to be more nigh And their own heights to kiss her sacred Spires deny Round it again and her great Wonders see To tell the Age which is to bee And that Her God will Ours till death abide And through the Graves dark gloomy way to Heav'n our passage guide Psalm XLIX Audite haec omnes gentes auribus c. I. ATtend O World and bid thy Nations hear Those who ly furthest off and those more near Both rich and poor and high and low My Song no diff'rence makes and none do's know But those who serve and those who rule The Souldier Statesman and the Fool The young the old the great the small It do's without distinction call And like the grave alike concerns and equals All. II. With God my Song His Wisdom moves the Lyre And makes the chords in lofty sounds conspire With Him will I begin my Song His Wisdom shall conduct the strains along Shall life and breath and motion give Make them and they my Voice to live Then the stops chang'd on the same string I will in mighty Numbers sing Triumphant Death which next Him is the greatest King III. What profit's it to hoard up endless store Of wealth for others and my self be Poor Prevent my evil day with Cares To leave a Curse and sorrow to my Heirs Since he who has most chains of Gold The Pris'ner life can never hold Can never pay a ransom down For the fleet Soul away once gone And from the grave redeem his Brothers or his own IV. Death throwes an heavier Chain than that o're all And proudest Monarchs at His Footstool fall Look how the Wise the Brutish dye And in one Urn their lots and ashes lye The longest livers only have A tedious journey to the grave Whil'st most a short way thither find And have their Pass-ports sooner sign'd Whither all come at last and leave their wealth behind V. In vain by Monuments men hope to live And their fond Names to Lands and Houses give In vain they huge foundations lay For Tombs which have their Fate as well as they No Honours bayl in this arrest But the same death waits Man and Beast And though enough the Children know Their Fathers folly choose to go With them and count those greater fools who do not so VI. They follow close their steps their sayings hold Like Sheep they follow to th' Eternal fold Where till the Morning they are penn'd The Morning of that day which ne're shall end Which Titles shall again renew And diff'rences the Grave ne're knew From some all beauty take away In greater Iustre some display Raising them Gold who buryed were but only Clay VII Then shall I rise too and with glory shine From the Graves power kept by the power Divine It shall no longer trouble mee Nor know I why the Wise should troubled bee To see anothers stores encrease Since they disturb His present ease And must be left all when he dyes Then heavy gold begins to rise And with his breath away an empty Honour flies VIII His former pleasures then avail him not But are by him as he by his forgot Nothing remains of all he did When with his Fathers he in night lyes hid That Wisdom only do's abide Which for the future did provide 'T is Wisdom sets the Man on high Wisdom the badge to know him by Without which like a Beast he lives and all must die Psalm L. Deus Deorum Dominus c. I. 'T Is past and by irrevocable doom Decreed that all the World to Judgment come Out from the East let the great summons go Swifter than Morning light In it's first undisturb'd and lusty flight When on the Western Hills it hasts to show It's Conquests and drives thence the Captive Night Then let the West to th' voice give ear And all the scatt'red winds which ly between Be ready on the wing And o're the Earth the dreadfull Message bear Make the deaf North and South to hear Proclaim it in the open Sky That the last day is nigh A day which none e're yet did see And which but few till it comes believe will bee When God the hearts of all shall open lay And bid the World to make room for the Session hast away II. When Sion was the Residence Divine God empty'd all his glories there Sion did with refulgent beauty shine And only what was lovely durst appear The Air was calm Heav'n seem'd more bright As if from thence it had receiv'd new light Before hand would officiously come down And take the forward Sacrifice E're it began to rise And with a sacred flame the Victim crown Or if it gath'red in a Cloud 'T was but some greater Majesty to shroud No cryes were heard there or sad grones Nothing that could disturb the quiet of the place But joy and mirth were seen in every Face And left their traces on the stones The very walls were glad Mourn'd not in breaches nor in Yawns lookt sad But the bright Liveries of Peace did wear The walls look'd gay the Altars fair And with perpetual throngs Of those who came to worship there The Courts were ever fill'd with Incense or with Songs Nay God Himself attention seem'd to give And held His own the Homage of their Voices to receive III. But now that time is past nor as before Will he in love draw neer But all in Flames appear Will in the charming murmurs be no more But up Hee 'l lift His voyce and roar And those flames which the Victim burnt the Altar shall devour A tempest shall before Him ride And forward post the sluggish winde With thousand Captives running by His side Of Lands which he has empty made Clearing the way for Plagues which come behind And of the following Thunder be it self afraid Along the Heav'n the Thunder like a Sea shall roll And make its noyse be heard to either Pole With all the Fears which horror can invent With lightnings not to purge the Air And its decays repair But to make greater and disturb it sent To riot there without controll And synge what it e're long shal burn that beauteous Scroll IV. Then shall God come and with a dreadfull voyce Which layes those storms checks that Thunders noise Making the Dead who heard not them awake And Heav'n and Earth and Sea affrighted quake When thus He cites them to appear And bids them to the Barr draw near His Pleasure and their Charge to hear Return Hee 'l to
Will His Thunder makes them fear And those who get most off yet think they are too near VIII From the bright East Thou mak'st Thy Sun to go Before him creeps in Chains the Captive night And in the West when he from us draws low 'T is but to spread his Conquests with his Light And till he comes again Bids the Moon fill his place and in his stead to raign IX Thou visitest the Earth and giv'st it rain Of Thy rich blessing it do's freely spend The Earth returns its thanks to Heav'n again In flowers which thither their sweet Odours send As Customs which they pay To Thy dread Throne who dost their Mothers heat allay X. The Flood of God whose Spring-head's in the clouds When on the weary ground it showers distills The softned ridge unto its furrow crowds And all it's clots the quick'ning moysture fills Thou by degrees dost bring The Tillage on and Harvest to succeed the Spring XI Plenty with every shower from Heav'n pours down The Earth do's by thy constant bounty grow Thy goodness do's the year with blessings crown And all Thy steps drop fatness where they go They on the Deserts drop Whose parched Sands drink deep of Thy o'reflowing Cup. XII The little Hills drink deep and look more fair The Valleys pledge till they can drink no more The Shepheards and their flocks both merry are And all the Plains with Corn are cover'd o're With peace and fruits abound And make the distant Mountains with their Songs resound Psalm LXVI Jubilate Deo omnis terra c. I. REjoyce O World and to Thy God sing praise Let Seas and Isles and Lands His Name resound Together with His Sun your voices raise And in Eternal Jubilees go round For if that rise His mighty Power to show Much more should you on whom it shines do so II. Say to the Lord How mighty is Thy Power Which even Thy Enemies must unforc't confess To th' Earth they bow themselves and would fall lower But that instead Thou tak'st this poor address Th' Earth shall worship Thee and their loud same Shall fill her Trumpet only with Thy Name III. See what He did to raise it how His hand At once declar'd Him Terrible and Good When raging Seas were turn'd to firm dry land And Israel past through th' admiring Flood Then 't was we view'd and troad His secret Wayes And roaring Deeps stood lift'ning to His Praise IV. He rules o're all Him Heav'n and Earth obey The Universall and Eternall King His eyes the Wicked and the Good survey And under chains His Hand the Proud do's bring Raise not Thy self too high proud dust for fear The Wind which fills thy sayles should overbear V. Rejoyce ye Nations and to God sing praise Let Seas and Isles and Lands his Name resound Together with His Sun your voices raise And in Eternal Jubilees go round For He from falls our sliding feet do's save And with new Life returns us from the grave VI. Like Silver in the Furnace we were try'd And felt unusual flames rage all about But thence as Silver throughly purify'd We only left our dross when we came out The purer metall had no base alloy And all our griefs made way for greater joy VII Low were we brought the net upon us cast And on our loyns prodigious weights were laid Through Water tryal and through fire we past And a derision to our foes were made But He who there upheld us by His hand Brought us Himself at last to'th' Promis'd Land VIII With praises to Thy House my King I 'le go And make my thanks in clouds of Incense rise There solemnly I 'le pay the willing Vow Which my lips off'red in my Miseries Bullocks and Ramms I 'le on Thy Altar lay And thence with Flames renew the Wasted day IX You who have known th' Almighty Love draw near And to my Speech your ready minds incline Attend to that just witness which I bear And to your own experiences take Mine When I in sighs to God my voyce did raise And pray'd in groans He turn'd them into praise X. Had I kept some reserve within my Heart In hope to hide it He had stop't His Ear But I unbowel'd my most secret part And then He did not only see but hear Praise Him who thus His glory did display Nor turn'd His own Face nor my Prayers away Psalm LXVII Deus misereatur nostri c. I. SAve us O God and Thy poor Servants bless Thy Goodness and Thy Pow'r declare In Mercy help us in Our great distress And We no more will doubt Thy Love or Care Let through the World Thy Mighty Name be known And what We praise may the whole Earth with Rev'rence own II. Rejoyce ye Nations for your God is here Who by His Wisdom rules o're all The Kings and Kingdoms governs and that fear They strike in you He makes on them to fall Let through the World His Mighty Name be known And what we praise may the whole Earth with Rev'rence own III. Then shall the Lord our Land both save and bless His Goodness and His Power declare And then Our fields shall give their full increase And with His blessing look more gay and faire The Lord shall bless us and His Name make known And what We praise the whole Earth shall with Rev'rence own Psalm LXVIII Exurgat Deus dissipentur c. I. GRreat Leader of the Sacred Hosts arise And scatt'ring Thy Proud Enemies Encrease Our Triumphs with Thy Victories Let those who hate Thy Name before it flye Like Clouds of Smoke chas'd by the Wind Which vanish as they mount on high And undistinguish't from the Common Skie No more in strange Fantastick figures lye But without mark to know them by Leave not the smallest stain behind That in the air one may their empty traces find Let their destruction suddain be Sooner than Wax do's melt When once the flames are felt And in Thine eye may they the fire which burns them see But let the Righteous in Thy Pow'r rejoyce With Flutes and Trumpets make a cheerful noise And the whole Consort joyn and perfect with their voice II. Make God your Song Ye Just and from His Wayes Which are in Heav'n take theam your Verse to raise In Heav'n where He in glory rides And with His rein the Winds which bear them guides And by His Name Jehovah celebrate His Praise Above He rules but His great Pow'r extends To what soe're is done below The Cares of all His Creatures He do's know And visits the wide Earth's extremest ends Is a kind Father to the Fatherless The Widdows Counsel and do's bless Desparing Nuptials with a large increase Making dead Wombs His voice to hear And her that barren was a numerous seed to bear And when to Him poor Captives cry Their tears move pitty in His eye And with His Arm He gives them Liberty Again returns them
to their Land Made fruitful by His plenteous rain When on the Proud He throws the Chain And turns their Pastures to a dry and barren Sand. III. Lord when Thou through the Wilderness did'st go And their great Journeis to thy Israel show And though Thou fill'dst the Heav'ns confind'st Thy self to'a Cloud below Sinai did at Thy Presence quake The Rocks bow'd down and the whole Earth did shake And stubborn Israel in their horrors did partake Thou thundred'st and to own Thy Power The Heav'ns let fall a mighty shower With whose cool drops Thou did'st restore The fully'd beauties of the shriv'led Earth Giving its fruits and flowers new birth And made'st it fairer than it was before The desert with Thy blessing did abound New streams refresh't the weary ground And Jacob there a safe retreat from bondage found There He securely dwelt And all th' effects of mighty goodness f●lt There for His poor Thou did'st prepare And of His Armies took'st the care Still guiding them by Thine own hand Till by safe Conduct Thou hadst brought them to th' Promis'd Land IV. Before the Camp God march't and Victory Follow'd Him close in view of all Our Wives who saw the Enemy fall To meet our triumphs laid their distaffs by And took the Cymbal and the Lute And sang to them that praise we shouted to the Flute They sang of Armies and of Kings How soon their troops were put to flight E're they had well resolv'd to fight With all the Mirth which certain conquest brings Now God abroad did overcome And they divided the rich spoil at home And though amongst the Pots they long had lain Condemn'd to Brickilns and the Mine How all the flames did but their Oar refine And made them with more Lustre shine When all their former beauties it had first restor'd again Like spotless Doves in their most glorious flight Reflecting from their wings the tremb'ling light In thousand colours which the eye both dazle and invite V. And so look'd Palestine when th' Heathen fell And spoils of Kings were scat'red there The Land which was before as dark as Hell Receiv'd fresh verdure and became with Trophies fair On high its head did bear As if with snowy Salmon 't would compare Basan's high Hill God did with blessings crown And on it show'rd such plenty down One would have thought that God had chose it for His own But hold O Hill raise not Thy self too high For Sion yet shall o're Thee reign With Her compar'd Thou must fall down again And flat as Thine own Vallies lye For God in Sion to reside intends There must His House and Altar be His dwelling place to all Eternity And the whole World to Her shall bow And yield their necks as well as Thou To Sion whose Vast sway all bounds transcends Beyond the boundless space wherefurthest Nature ends VI. On Herth ' Eternal will erect His Throne God whom the Powers of Heav'n and Earth obey At whose dread Presence Sinai fled away When thither He to Israel all in fire came down Smoke and thick Light'ning did the mountain bound With twenty thousand flaming Chariots girt around The Guard Divine whose wheels in Thunder did resound And when He thence arose and up on high Ascended with His glorious trains He lead Captivity in Chains And gifts on men bestow'd as well as liberty To Traytors pardon granted and a Land Which was the purchase of His Own right hand And if no more they would rebell With promise there to make His Court and ever dwell To Him alone be all the Praise Who thus His Name and Us can raise And with ten thousand Blessings crowns Our dayes VII 'T is He who saves Us and to Him belong The keyes of th ' Adamantine Gates of Death He opens and none shuts gives and recalls Our breath Whose Name is Our Salvation Great and Strong Who will the Wicked tumble to the ground And make His Soul a passage through His Wound But to His People sayes I will again Repeat the Wonders which I heretofore have shown And greater do than e're I yet have done On Basan get my self a Name Bow down His neck and raise in Mounts the liquid Plain The Sea once more divide to make you way Now truly Red with purple streams which flow From your fierce En'mies veins and my great blow That Sea as well as Aegypt's trembling shall obey And there you shall securely pass And there your feet and garments wash Your very dogs shall drink the blood And gorg'd with humane flesh shall sport alone the scarlet Flood VIII And so they did and then Thy paths O God were seen And all Thy goings nothing came between How Thou didst both their way and Armies lead Before the Singers went and then the Flutes The Maidens follow'd with their Lutes And fearful Women heard shrill Trumpets without dread Bless ye said they the Mighty God! Ye streams which from Old Jacob's spring procced The Faithfull Jacob's happy seed And with you stablish His Divine Aboad Let little Benjamin be there and there The Governours of Judah fam'd for War Whil'st Learned Napthali and Zabulon For the great day and solemn pomp compose a Song And with their Numbers all the Tribes conduct along Let God Himself new strength command And since He ha's such wonders done Perfect what is so well begun And as we all before His Temple stand Those heads which he ha's sav'd exalt with His own hand IX There Lord Our spoils to Thee We 'll consecrate And Princes thither shall their Tribute bring And swear Alleg'ance to Thee as their King Thy Peace and Friendship supplicate And on their knees receive new Titles to their State Those who refuse and think their Pow'r so great That it or can resist or vye with Thine And Heav'n with open blasphemies dare threat Against their Spears Lord make Thy Light'ning shine And or o'rethrow or force them to a base retreat And to those roaring Bulls presumptuous noise And bleating of their Calves oppose the Thunder of Thy voice Till they for pardon sue and all submit And as Thou on Thy Throne do'st sit Their necks and gifts lay humbly at Thy Feet Till Aegypt and the Lybian Nations come And leaving all the Gods they had at home In Sion only seek the True and Holy One X. Praise Him all Kingdoms and all Lands That God who ha's in Heav'n set fast His Throne And all its Armies with His voice commands And makes them trembling His Dominion own His Mighty Voice abroad He sends That Voice which tallest Cedars rends And makes His Thunder heard to th'Worlds utmost ends Wisdom and Strength and Majesty To Israels Strength and Wisdom give Honour and Praise to the Most High And endless Rule to Him who doth for ever Live To Thee O God most Worthy to be prais'd And in Thy Temple to be fear'd of all Who Jacob from the dust hast rais'd And so uphold'st that He shall never fall Whose Sacred and
Which shall from Sea to Sea extend As far as there is any ground And only where the World finds her's have end Then up to Heav'n His Fame shall fly And fill the Mighty Circle of the Sky VIII Black Ethiopia at His Feet shall bow Her neck for Him to tread upon Honour'd enough if thus He show Acceptance of the Footstool for His Throne Down in the dust His Foes shall lye With heads more low than once their thoughts were high IX The Western Continent and farthest Isles And both the Indies gifts shall bring To Him they shall present the spoyles Of Sea and Land as Universal King All Kings before Him shall bow down And do for Theirs Just Homage to His Crown X. Kingdoms Opprest shall His Protection crave And Needy States unto Him sue Th' Opprest He with His Arms shall save And with the Needy His Old League renew Redeem their Slaves defend their Right And shew their blood was precious in His sight XI Thus shall He live and reign and thus receive The Tributes which to Him are paid Some Myrrh some Frankincense shall give And Gold which shall like Stones be Common made And the due Service of each day Shall be to praise that King for whom we pray XII Then shall th' Earth produce her richest store And Mountain tops be safely plough'd Which though they barren were before With Libanus shall vye and shout as loud Nor shall the City flourish less Than Her parch'd Hills but like the fields encrease XIII And when to God he shall resign His breath Yet in His Name He still shall live Above the Pow'r of Grave or Death And to Immortal Verse a Subject give Which of His Happy Reign shall sing And count that Land so which ha's such a King XIV Bless Him whose Word these Miracles obey And who must all these gifts bestow To Israel's God let Israel pray That from His Spring such streams may ever flow For ever bless His Holy Name Nor bound with less than Heav'n His Mighty Fame The Prayers of David the Son of Jesse are ended The end of the Second Book of Psalms THE THIRD BOOK OF PSALMS Psalm LXXIII Quam bonus Israel Deus his c. I. IT is enough nor will I more distrust As I have done the Almighty Love I know Hee 's kind as well as Just And by my self this certain Truth can prove How cross so ' ere His Wayes may go At least seem cross to Us below Nor Him nor Them have Israel or the Just found so II. But e're I learn't this Lesson it was long And many a weary Stage I went My sliding feet were almost gone And I at last could hardly yield assent Whilst with these narrow steps of mine I thought to pace the wayes Divine Slipp'ry as glass they were though they with flowers did shine III. For when I saw the Wicked's Prosperous State And thousand Blessings He enjoyes Maintain'd by that which God do's hate In the Worlds glory and its greatest noyse My heart did at His honours rise And though I did the Beast despise In all his Trappings on him look'd with envyous eyes IV. Lusty and strong he laughs at those weak bands Which death on all the World do's lay And when the rest of Mankind stands With fear appall'd he dares the evil day Troubles which other Mortals fright He boldly challenges to fight And makes devouring plagues before him scape by flight V. Hence springs his pride with which the Violent Adorns his neck as with a Chain More for disgrace than Ornament And suited to his garments bloody stain Plump as the grape his face do's shine With eyes more sparkling than his Wine And to vast Wealth he do's unequal wishes joyne VI. Disdainfully he looks on all below As worthyer of his scorn than fear Him and themselves He 'll make them know And high as his proud minde his head do's bear But not content his mouth to spend Making it heard to the Worlds end He up on high to Heav'n his blasphemies do's send VII This as the Righteous see and thence return Their several Wayes to think upon In bitterness of heart they mourn And the Lords Councels measure by their own How is it possible say they That Justice thus provok'd can stay Her hands and the known Criminal forbear to slay VIII These are the Men yet being so they thrive Grow rich and wealthy dwell at ease Drones of repute it 'h Worlds great hive And feed on the industrous Bees increase Secure thy life from grief and care Calmy and smooth their faces are And could you see their hearts no storm came ever there IX In vain my heart to cleanse Thee have I strove And guiltless hands have wash'd in vain My Innocence nor can remove Nor tell how long I must endure my pain Then Fare well helpless Innocence With such a Friend I can dispence Who makes me suffer only with the greater sence X. But hold Fond Tongue consider who do's hear And whom Thy babling do's offend A seed who are th' Almighties Care And whom in love He do's afflictions send Therefore to search the Point again And how I might the cause maintain A-new to study I resolv'd but all in vain XI In vain I try'd for I ne're found it out Till to Thy Temple Lord I went Though I sought for it round about Till thither come I knew not what I meant There first I understood their end And what was Thyne thus to contend And poyson'd shafts of blessings through their hearts to send XII Surely for ruin they were set on high As men condemn'd in view of all And though the Scaffold touch the sky 'T is but that thence they may bee seen to fall Down they are fallen fled away As Phantasms at the approach of day Like their own dreams but more ridiculous are they XIII What a beast was I then Lord to repine A very fool to grieve my heart When all this while I have been Thine And though unknown secur'd my better part Thy Right hand has upholden me Thy Counsel shall my convoy be Unto that rest which I can only have with Thee XIV Thou art my Portion and from Thee alone My Peace and Happiness do flow In Heav'n besides Thee I have none And Heav'n it self Thy Presence Lord makes so And could I hoard up endless store Of that the World as God adore Without thy fulness I should empty be and Poor XV. Dry up then when you please Ye fayling Springs Or seek some other to deceive Who rest on such unstable things With you can quench their flames and on you live For I am only sick of love Nor can your streams my thirst remove For still my flesh and heart pant for the streams above XVI Confounded be all those whose sottish lust To senseless Idols bowes them down For when they most upon them trust Then they most surely shall be overthrown For my part I 'll to God draw near Make Him my
wast its stones Yet death cannot secure the dead But those that took their lives again expose their bones III. Living or dead one shame attends us all Nor with less rage Our neighbours on us fall Their mirth do's only by our pains increase And such deep wounds their mercies give That death it self we think were ease And our slain friends more happy count than us who live IV. When shall Thy wrath and jealousie expire Quench'd by that blood which now but feeds the fire Lord on the heathen pour the tempest down Whole nations which ne'r pray to Thee Kingdoms where yet Thy Name 's unknown And let not what 's their due Thy servants Portion be V. And when their Sins to Thy remembrance come Let this be added to compleat the Sum That they have wasted Jacob and Thy land But let not Our iniquities Our former Sins new load Thy hand Lest when to rescue us to ruin Thou arise VI. Prevent us Lord for we are very low And let us now Thy strong Salvation know Now save us for the glory of Thy Name And for its sake Our Sins blot out Upon Our foes return the shame That though in scorn they ask none may Thy presence doubt VII Appear O God and let us witness be They know and fear Thy Name as well as we Revenge the guiltless blood which they have shed And hear Our chains how loud they cry Upon the living right the Dead And by Thine Arm save those who sentenc'd are to dy VIII Reproach which they design'd to cast on Thee And its increase their just reward shall be And then Thy People Lord Thy sacred Fold Shall make the Plains with joy to ring The Lambs shall all Thy Acts be told And their Great Shepherds praise both learn and ever sing Psalm LXXX Qui regis Israel intende c. I. GReat Shepherd of the Hebrew Race Whose numerous Flock all Israel was For Thou dist guide them with Thy Hand They knew Thy Voyce and follow'd Thee Th' Invisible between the Cherubins did see And thence receive th' Oraculous command Between the Cherubins again appear And give Our chains Thine eye and prayers Thine ear II. Shew us Thy Glory Lord once more As thou didst Ephraim heretofore When all the Tribes from bondage led Thy Presence chas'd their Enemies For if again Thou make Thy Ark and strength to rise Ours shall flie too as theirs before Thee fled Turn us again and cause Thy Face to shine We shall be sav'd and all the praise be Thine III. How long wilt Thou be angry thus Both with Our Prayers Great God and us Thou know'st how tears have been our food The mixture of Our meat and drink Whilst Our insulting Neighbours laugh in scorn to think That when those streams shall cease the next is blood But turn us Lord and cause Thy Face to shine We shall be sav'd and all the praise be Thine IV. A Vine God into Canaan brought And having thrown the Heathen out A proper soyl did for it find From Aegypt He the plant did bring Where it was bruis'd and torn when it began to spring By men trod down and broken by the Wind But when it could not there securely stand In Canaan it took root and fill'd the Land V. The Sun-burnt Hills it cloath'd around Their heads were with it cool'd and crownd Above the Hills its branch did rise And vy'd with tallest Cedars there As gay it look't and full as high its top did bear And its rich clusters touch'd the neighbouring Skies With one it laid hold of the Western Strand And touch't the River with its other hand VI. But why hast Thou her hedge broke down And her enclosures open thrown So that the stranger who rides by Though nothing there he ha's to do Comes rudely in and tears both fruit and branches too Thither the Wild Bore from the Wood do's fly And after bids his fellow beasts to haste To'a Vineyard which they may more safely waste VII Return O God and on us shine From Heav'n look down and see Thy Vine This Vineyard which Thy right hand made By thus transplanting fair and strong And under which it spred and flourish't ha's thus long For if Thou frown 't will be to th' Common laid 'T is burn't already but may yet bear fruit If though the branch be gone Thou spare the root VIII May Thy right hand preserve Our King And to an end His troubles bring Let Him again be great and strong As by Thy help He was before And then nor He nor we shall ever leave Thee more But freely joyn in one Eternal Song Turn us O Lord and cause Thy Face to shine We shall be sav'd and all the praise be Thine Psalm LXXXI Exultate Deo Adjutori I. TO God our strength let Israel sing Triumphant Songs to Our Victorious King Awake the Harp the Psaltery and Flute And fill the Air with an harmonious noise Call in the Sackbutt Cornet and the Lute And as He rais'd His hand for you t' Him lift your voice II. In the New Moon the Trumpets blow His antient Law makes it your duty Now When He at first ordain'd this solemn day And bid Our Fathers keep the Pompous Feast Israel and Judah did His word obey And thus His praises duly sang who gave them Rest. III. 'T was then when Israel left that Land Whose Language they could never understand A speech as barbarous as its Nations were When from the weights and pots I set them free From cruel tasks sayes God no more to bear Aegyptian burdens but my light ones and serve me IV. I saw their trouble heard their Cry And my quick Hand took Light ' ning from my eye From Heav'n I thund'red made my voice be heard And there I prov'd and there I Israel try'd But whom at thund'ring Sinai Israel fear'd Israel at Meribah with murmurings deny'd V. Yet to my Law again give ear Once more I 'le publish it if Thou wilt hear No other God but Me shalt Thou adore For I alone am God and none beside I broke the Chains which you in Aegypt bore And now can fill your mouths though op'ned ne're so wide VI. But all in vain they would not hear And though I bow'd mine down deny'd their Ear So up I gave them to their loose desires Their brutish Lusts and no destruction sent No flames but what were kind'led by those fires That what they made their choice might be their punishment VII O had they heard Me and been wise Those Wayes to follow which they did despise To Victory their Armies I have led My Hand their Enemies should have o'rethrown And forc't to yield their necks but on their head Had put a never fading and Eternal Crown VIII Plenty and Peace should all Their dayes Have shew'd fresh Palms and Roses in their Wayes And open'd all the Treasures of the Field Even I my self new Miracles would show Not water only the
will He give Nothing that 's good will He from His with-hold He only looks they should uprightly live And for returns expect a thousand fold Lord since to Thine All for the Best shall be Not only give but choose what 's fit for me XI Triumphant General of the Sacred Host Whom all the Pow'rs of Heav'n and Earth obey Who hast a Thund'ring Legion in each Coast And Mighty Armies listed and in pay Blest is that Man who on Thy Pow'r do's trust Others may only conquer but he must Psalm LXXXV Benedixisti Domine terram c. I. AT length O God Thy People are return'd And now Thy Land enjoyes her Peace For emptiness before she mourn'd And that her rest produc'd no rich encrease Israel to His inheritance is Come And Jacob from Captivity brought home II. Thou hast their sins forgiven and past by Those sins with which they stain'd Thy Land And having hid them from Thine eye Unless it were to help with-held'st Thy hand Thy wrath whereby they were consum'd before Chang'd all to Love ha's flames but burns no more III. Great God who hast been so propitious And made Thine anger thus to cease As Thou hast turn'd Thy self turn us And let this Truce conclude in Happy Peace A Peace which none may dare to violate And from this very day let it bear date IV. Will God be alwayes angry ever chide With them who daily seek His Face And though a while He turn aside Shall not one look revive us and Our Race Shew us Thy Love and Thy Salvation grant Our fulness shall exceed Our former Want V. Attentively what God shall speak I 'll hear And listen what He 'll please to say 'T is just His Saints incline their Ear To that which none can claim so much as They Peace to His People and His Saints He 'll speak If they by Sin do not their Cov'nants break VI. To such His help is nigh and power 's at hand And those who fear Him He will love His Glory shall o'reflow Our land And Truth and Mercy kiss here as above Mercy and Truth never to part shall meet And Peace Her old friend Equity shall greet VII Truth from the Earth shall spring the best increase Our land e're hop'd for or did yield And as it grows up Righteousness The fruit of Heav'n shall meet that of the Field Justice which has the Earth so long forsook Shall dwell where she of late durst hardly look VIII A thousand Blessings God to these shall joyn And only of All Goods the Best The generous Olive and the Vine And recompence with fruit their former rest Righteousness here shall make her constant stay Nor go to Heav'n till she prepare Our Way Psalm LXXXVI Inclina Domine aurem tu am c. I. O Thou who dost th' Afflicted hear From Heav'n O God bow down Thine Eare Never such need as Now Never was I so low Or Thou though never out of call less near II. Preserve the Soul which Thee adores And out that Soul unto Thee poures Thy Servant trusts in Thee In vain let it not bee But let Thy Son O God break through these showers III. Be Merciful to Me O Lord For I depend upon Thy Word To Thee alone I cry To Thee for help I fly Rejoyce Thy Servants Soul and help afford IV. I know O Lord that Thou art Good Thy Mercy is a plenteous Flood The dead Thou mak'st to live And sinners dost forgive May not Thy Pow'r be by my Sin withstood V. But to that Prayer O God attend Which from unfeigned lips I send When troubles compass mee Then will I call on Thee For Thou wilt to those troubles put an end VI. I knew Lord Thou wilt answer Mee And that none else can do but Thee Amongst the Gods there 's none That one can trust upon Nor can their Works to Thine compared be VII Therefore to Thee all lands shall come And to Thy glorious Name fall down For Thou dost wondrous things And art above their Kings Art God alone and all must waite thy doom VIII Teach me the way where I should go The Way of Truth unto me show To that unite my heart That it may never start From Thee Lord as 't is wont with me to do IX Then will I praises to Thee sing And to Thee all my service bring Thy Word for ever more Shall still supply new store Nor will I ever end when I begin X. Thy Mercy to me Lord is great For me from Hell it free has set That Hell which lies so low Where I did hast to go And didst not Thou restrain me should do yet XI The Proud O God against me rise And I have many Enemies But be not Thou my Foe I fear not what they do Who never have set Thee before their eyes XII For of Compassion Thou art full Though I am heartless Lord and dull Gracious Long-suffering Whose Truth and Mercie Spring And with their Streams o're flow my very Soul XIII Dear God at length unto me turn Look how I for Thy absence mourn Srengthen Thy servant Lord According to Thy Word To Thy Hand-maid and Thy Hand-maids Son return XIV Shew me some token of Thy love That shame may in my En'mies move Make hast to succour me And comfort bring with Thee And of Thy servant thus my God approve Psalm LXXXVII Fundamenta ejus in montibus c. I. T Was God himself the ground survey'd Compass'd the Mountains round about Among the Mountains chose This out In Holy Sion His Foundation lay'd And for His service took the Place His Pleasure made II. Glorious City Sacred Place Where God Himself delights to be Glorious things are told of Thee How much Thou dost all Cities else surpass And how the Worlds Great God Thy Mighty Founder was III. Philistia to the Lord is known He reckons up who was born there But none with Sion may compare Nor Ethiopia Tyre nor Babylon For Sion God above all lov'd and made His Own IV. God has establisht Sion fast Himself is both Her Towers and Wall Such and so strong as ne're shall fall Such and so strong as none shall ever waste Till He who was their Builder throw them down at last And when the Grand Inquest is made And God shall write the Nations down First beginning with His Own This Man was born at Sion 't shall be sai'd And for a Bearing to His other Honours lai'd VI. From Sion springs His Pedigree I both His Name and Office know What place He serv'd me in below But by His Birth place He shall numbred bee Where e're mine was let me O Lord belong to Thee Psalm LXXXVIII Domine Deus salutis meae c. I. GReat God whence my Salvation comes alone And who that Great Salvation art Thou day and night hast heard me groan O let Thine Ears at length affect Thine heart To Thee I pray let my Prayer come to Thee Or if that
pot and shall sue to be A vassal to my basest drudgery Philistia shall my Chariot meet Honourd enough if she may bear the yoke Proud Edom has so often broke And Edom shall submit her neck and take my Feet VIII But who to Edom will direct my course And entrance for Me into Bozra force God shall direct me to the Town God who of late has seem'd to disappear And when He comes viewing Him there The Walls to make Him Way shall open or fall down IX Help usO God for we in vain implore A forreign aid which wants Our succour more Thou art my help through Thee my head With Laurel shall be crown'd and in my Wayes Some Enemies necks the ground shall raise So that my feet shall triumph too and on them tread Psalm CIX Deus laudem meam ne tacueris c. I. Guard of my Life and God of all my Praise Who see'st the Outrage off'red me Thy self and Power for my just sentence raise Nor let the wrongs I bear reflect on Thee Thou hear'st what cruel Words the wicked speak Let not them only and not Thou Thy Silence break II. With words of hatred I am girt around And from all parts they with me fight So hard that I am all but one great wound And the whole cause I give them is my Right With prayers for them their malice would reprove But those with Scorn with hatred they reward my Love III. Let him some Tyrant serve be made a Slave And Satan place at his right hand No other pitty find than what he gave And at his Enemies tribunal stand Let him be judg'd condemn'd and all his prayers Be made in vain to deaf or else to stubborn eares IV. Let suddain death his wretched life attend His office to another give Let on his wife and seed the curse descend They Fatherless and she a Widdow live Let them be vagabonds and begg their bread And have have no certain place to hide or rest their head V. Let the Extortioner catch all he has And strangers to his labours come Let him find none who will resent his case But with new miseries encrease the summ None who will to him any Mercy show Or on his Fatherless one friendly look bestow VI. Let them be all cut off and their curst Name In the next age be quite forgot Or if they be remembred let their shame On their Atchievments be a constant blot Let his fore-Fathers Sins be in Thine ey And all his Mothers lusts afresh for vengeance cry VII Let silence or reproach upon him rest And as it ne're was in his minde Either to favour or relieve th' opprest Neither reliefe nor favour let him find But as the Needy he with wrongs persu'd On his own head Let them be all again renew'd VIII As he Lov'd cursing let him still be curst And hated blessing seek in vain With envy which first swel'd him let him burst And then like water on him turn ' it again Like Oyle let it to ' his very marrow pierce And like those flames which boyle it be but far more fierce IX Give him no other garment for his pride Than this with which he was array'd Close with his girdle let his loines be ty'd To all a terror of himself afraid And executed by the hand Divine Let this his ruine be who only plotted mine X. But Lord my God for thine own great Names sake And for I hy Mercy rescue me Thou who the poor mans cause do'st undertake As ready to assist the helpless be Look how I stooping go and bow'd to th' ground But there no herb can find to ease or heal my wound XI My dayes and age are like a shaddow gon That when the Sun withdraws is lost And as the locust driven up and down From field to field from land to land I 'm tost My knees and flesh of strength through fasting fayl And those who wounded me with scornes my life assail XII But Lord my God for Thine Own great Names sake And for Thy Mercy rescue me That all may know the care Thou ' art pleas'd to take And in my sure deliverance honour Thee Bless Thou and let them curse confound their noise And make them all asham'd whilst I in Thee rejoyce XIII Shame and confusion to my Enemies Let it their Vest and Portion be Whilst I to Heaven in tuneful Numbers rise And tell abroad what God has done for me How from Oppession he the Poor did save And what his judges had deny'd just sentence gave Psalm CX Dixit Dominus Domino meo c. I. THE Lord said to my Lord The Mighty God to the Eternal Word Sit Thou at my Right hand Till I Thine Enemies command To be the Foot-stool to Thy Throne And freely yield their necks for Thee to tread upon II. Sion's that glorious Throne Whence with disdain Thy foes Thou look'st upon Thence Thou around shalt reign And by Thy Power new subjects gain Thy Enemies shall They obey And once return'd none shall more Loyall be than they III. And as the Summer Sun When Winters past and all its rage is done Do's every Morning view His way all strew'd with pearly dew Whose Numbers cannot reck'ned be T is a faint Emblem of Thy long Posterity IV. His Oath God will not break But King and Priest Thou ' art like Melchisedoc The Lord at Thy Right hand Shall let no Proud Usurper stand But Kings shall bow and in Thy Train Be captive led whilst there 's made Trophies of the slain V. He the Great Head shall wound When it shall Queeen of all the World be crown'd Drink of the brook i' th' way And follow till He gives the day But when His Cross shall death strike Dead Th' Eternal God Himself shall raise and crown His head Psalm CXI Confitebor tibi Domine c. I. WIth my whole heart I 'll praise the Lord Word And where He chose to honour it exalt His In the Assemblies of the just There will I all His noble Works disclose His Famous Acts sought out of those Who them their pleasure make and Him their Trust. II. His glorious Works are great and high No more to be conceiv'd than seen by mortal eye And shall for ever so remain Eternity it self is scarce enough To praise His Mercy and His Love And what we now unknown admire make plain III. He for His People did provide And never broke His Word or Covenant deni'd They saw His Signes beheld His hand How for their sake He made His power appear Prepar'd them conquests by the fear Which He sent first into their Enemies land IV. Justice and Truth are all His Wayes And on Eternal Faithfulness His Promise staies Beyond all ages they shall last And when Old Time it self away shall flee Remain as firm as now they bee And on their own great Basis fixt stand fast V. Deliverance He for Israel wrought And to save them His greatest plagues on
begin Bear date from the same place and day Together came together stay Scarce any joy appears between Yet through that God who helps me I have Conqueror been II. My Enemies came and with their plough My tender back did cruelly run o're My tender back with cruel furrows tore They plow'd but nothing hop'd would grow But then God did the furrows sow From my fresh wounds new armes I bore And o're them brought the wheel who plow'd o're me before III. The Righteous God has strook in two And broke those snares which for Our feet they made Has all their plots and mischiefs open lai'd And though they thought He did not know Discover'd what they thought to do Made them of their own snares afraid May Sions foes with their own wrongs thus be repai'd IV. May God upon their glory blow And like the grass which on some aged Wall Looks fresh and gay and almost out of call With scorn beholds the fields below So may they flourish wither so So may they stand so may they fall Till in one ruine perish grass and mound and all V. The Reaper cannot fill his hand In vain the husband man do's give it rest In vain expects with sheaves to fill his breast It thrives not like his other land That growes but this is at a stand That by each passenger is blest But none for this do's ever put up one request VI. There stirrs not as you pass a prayer But all struck silent as they there go by First look up if their prayers will reach so high And think them better us'd else where Nor like these shall you wishes hear Th' Almighty grant prosperity And what Our blessings want may His to Thee supply Psalm CXXX De profundis clamavi c. I. OUT of the depths unto the Lord I cry'd Deep Seas of Miserie Where I lay But o're my soul the waves did ride And louder roar'd when I began to pray Ah! still their noise and be not Lord as deaf as they II. I know I have deserv'd these miseries And greater plagues might justly fear And if Thou should'st to judgement rise Indeed despair of ever coming near For those great sins which harden mine may stop Thy ear III. But Lord there is forgiveness still with Thee Thou wait'st Thy Favours to bestow I wait when Thou wilt gracious be My hope alone do's from Thy Mercie flow And since Thou wait'st Lord to be gracious Ah be so IV. For as the Watchman who has stood all night Upon the guard do's long for day Looks when the Sun will make it light Just so attending on the Lord We stay Till the bright Sun of Righteousness His beames display V. Hope in Thy God O Israel and Thy trust All times upon His Mercie place He who has promis'd Thee is just And if with confidence Thou seek His Face Thy sins He 'l take away and freely give His Grace I. PLung'd in the depths of sin and misery Where I could nothing see but Death Ready to stifle my complaining breath With which to Thee my God I sent my Cry Hoping at length to reach Thine ear And by my often calls get Thee to hear Hear me I said let not my Cries be vain Lest I no strength should have to Cry again II. Eternall God should Thy all-seeing eye Severely marke Our often strayes Our wandrings i' th' forbidden dangerous wayes Of basest sin and fond Iniquity Who then could in Thy presence stand Or bear the weight of Thy enraged hand But Thou art mighty in Thy Pardoning love O let us fear that we may grateful prove III. Wherefore I 'll wait for Thee my gracious Lord Till Thou Thy Favours shalt dispence And make me feel their powerful influence My Soul for this shall hope in Thy sure word For Thee I 'll wait with more desire Than they who for the Morning light enquire That from their weary watch they may be freed Yea more than they wherefore my God make speed IV. Let Israel on the Lord repose His trust With whom both Mercie is and love The constant streames that flow from Him above Like whom there 's none so good yet none so just For though He did a ransom find 'T was such as through't His Justice brighter shin'd From Him Redemption shall to Israel come Which to their land and Him shall bring them home Psalm CXXXI Domine not est exaltatum c. I. NO Lord Thou knowst I am not so And yet Thou all my soul dost know Alike before Thee open ly My Innocent heart and humble eye Which have no pride but from the malice of my Foe II. I do not to the Crown aspire Nor what 's my Sovereigns Lord desire Such thoughts beyond m' ambition go Too high for me who am so low And yet my humble Soul beneath the Crown looks higher III. To Thee I look on Thee attend Hoping Thou wilt my Right defend The Crown is but an empty thing And what it has not cannot bring Not after that but Thee O God my prayers I send IV. For I restrain my self in this Just like a child that new wean'd is From ' his Mothers breast who though he cry And grieves at first those streames are dry Forgets it and streight loaths what he was wont to kiss V. As I have done may Israel do And wean'd from all things here below Unto their God alone attend And only on His help depend On God who greater things than Kingdoms can bestow Psalm CXXXII Memento Domine David I. LORD REmember David and His vow And all the troubles He did undergo Whilst for Thy Ark He sought a Resting place Abroad He suffred and at home But when He thought the worst was overcome This still remain'd and His great trouble was II. Remember Lord the Oath He made And how solicitous to see it pai'd Within my house said He I 'll come no more Nor on soft couches wait for sleep My very Bed shall watch against it keep Girt round with Pious Cares and arm'd all o're III. I 'll search till I the place shall find Which God Himself has for His Rest design'd We know it Lord and to it each remove How first at Shilo Thou didst reign Then in a grove and unfrequented plain Places still innocent because once Thy love IV. Look how Thy Courts we reach with praise And as We bow Our knees Our voices raise Arise O God and Thy great journy take Thou and Thy Ark together rise Before Thee scatter all Thine Enemies And Sion Thy delight Thy Residence make V. Let all Thy Priests Their praises sing And with loud shouts Thy Saints their Offrings bring Let Thy Annointed in the Roll be one And for Thy Servant Davids sake To whom Thou freely didst Thy Promise make This Happiness confirm unto His Son VI. In Truth Thou didst to David swear Witness Thy self Thou shalt not want an heir But of Thy seed I on Thy Throne will set And if Thy Children