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A19602 The estate of the Church with the discourse of times, from the apostles vntill this present: also of the liues of all the emperours, popes of Rome, and Turkes: as also of the Kings of Fraunce, England, Scotland, Spaine, Portugall, Denmarke, &c. With all the memorable accidents of their times. Translated out of French into English by Simon Patrike, Gentleman.; L'estat de l'eglise. English. Hainault, Jean de.; Crespin, Jean, d. 1572.; Patrick, Simon, d. 1613. 1602 (1602) STC 6036; ESTC S109073 532,147 761

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of a feauer the which in fewe dayes brought her to an other life wherwith the King was much grieued beeing a Lady wholy conformable to his humour and endued with singular beautie This was the yeare where in the ships from the Indies Brazill S. Thomas Cape Verde and all other new found lands were expected the which staied somewhat long put then in some feare being looked for with greater desire then euer any were they were wished both for the riches they carried as to vnderstand by them how the people of those parts were addicted to the obedience of the Catholicke king whereof many doubted Certain Iesuits being walled vp within their Monasterie at the Terceras to whom me at was giuen but once a weeke grieuing to be thus wrongfully imprisoned vpon a certaine day they opened the doores of the Church hauig placed y e Sacrament in the midst they would try by this means if they might remain free The ministers of iustice went vnto the couent to demand the reason of this innouation to whom it was propounded by the Fathers that if their offences so required they shuld punish thē but holding them as suspect they shuld suffer thē to depart into Portugall The resolutō was after some speeches vsed beyond modestie that the Fathers should be walled vp again a certaine person who said that in iustice they should burne these Priests with their monasterie the which they had for the affection they bare vnto the Castillians Hee stayed not long to acknowledge his error for departing from thence hee fell sicke vnto the death and God would haue him confesse as he said that this griefe happened vnto him for that occasion Ieronimo Conestaggio Francis Duke of Aniou the French Kings brother and other Nobles of France the first of Nouember hauing lately arriued in Kent came to London where he was honorably receiued The 7. of February he departed out of England where at his shipping a Post brought him word that the States of the lowe Countries were reuolted and namely the Citie of Antwerpe whither he presently sailed with 15. ships and was there entertained by the Prince of Orange In the time of this Pope Gregorie the 13. a very straunge thing happened in Valladolid There dwelled in Valladolid a knight well qualified who in the Inquisitiō had two daughters which constantly perseuering in that religion that they had learned of the good D. Cacalla and other Martyrs of Iesus Christ were cōdemned to be burned The father being a most ranke Papist besought the Inquisitors to permit them for their better instruction to be carried to his house which things the Inquisitors in regard of the great credit they reposed in him graunted And brought thus to his house the father endeuoured to diuert them from their constant resolution but seeing he could not conuince them hee caused Priests Friars to dispute with them but it was in vaine For the Lord as in Luk. 21.15 he had promised gaue them vtterance and wisdome which the new Pharisies Priests and Friars were not able to resist or gainesay The father seeing then that all his endeuour not auailed went himselfe to his Groue cut downe wood and caused it to be drawne to Valladolid hee himselfe kindled the fire and so they were both burned M. Cyprian Val. In the moneth of Iuly one Richard Atkins borne in Hartfordshire an English man came to Rome to the English Colledge there whom they kindly welcomed willing him to go to the Hospitall and there to receuie his meate and lodging according as was appointed wherevnto hee answered I came not my countrey men to any such intent as you iudge but I come louingly to rebuke the great misorder of your liues and to let your proud Antichrist vnderstand that hee dooth robbe God of his honour and poisoneth the whole world with his most abhominable blasphemies When they heard this a Student in the Colledge caused him to bee put in the Inquisition but after certaine dayes hee was set at libertie againe And one day as he was going in the streete hee met a Priest carrying the Sacrament which offending his conscience to see the people so crouch and bowe downe to it hee caught at it to haue throwne it downe but missing it hee was iudged by the people that he catched at the holinesse which as they say commeth from the Sacrament so vpon meer deuotion hee was let passe Certaine dayes after he came to S. Peters Church where many were hearing Masse of the Priest at the eleuation hee vsing no reuerence stepped to the Aultar and threw downe the Chalice with the wine striuing likewise to pull the Cake out of the Priests hands for which cause diuers of the people rose vp and beate him and after carried him to prison where hee was examined wherefore hee did it who said that hee came purposely to rebuke the Popes wickednesse and their Idolatrie Vpon this hee was condemned to bee burned but before that hee was set vpon an Asse without any saddle hee being from the middle vpward naked all the way as hee went there were foure that did nothing else but thrust at his body with burning Torches whereat hee neuer mooued and when hee came before S. Peters Church where the place of execution was there was hee burned I. Fox Katherine de Medices mother to the French Queene was discontented with the Catholicke King for diuers respects but that she made most shewe of was that he had taken the Realme of Portugall by force refusing to submit himselfe to iustice saying that shee had more interest then hee Wherevpon it was supposed that mooued with this disdaine shee should labour to make warre against Portugall with whom agreed Frances duke of Alanson her sonne no lesse enemie to the Catholicke king then the mother mooued therevnto for that hauing demanded one of the daughters of the said king in marriage he was refused for that he required with her a portion fit for her qualitie Hee was followed by the whole Nobilitie of France whom he might easily haue ledde where hee pleased although it were against the Kings liking the which grew for that remaining the third sonne to Henry the 2. with small hope neuer to aspire vnto the Crowne hauing two brothers Charles and Henry his elders hauing a great mind and stirring he gaue care to all such as were discontented with the king or desirous of innouation whereof there are numbers in France laboured to alter the quiet estate of Christendome with whom hee had often resolued to conquer himselfe some new estate out of France Ieronimo Conestaggio The Duke Alanson againe returned into England beeing alreadie agreed with the Prince of Orange who was the instrument of all these practises he passed from thence to Antwerpe where the peoples humours being before disposed by the said Prince hee was receiued with great ioy and on the eleuenth day of February 1582. they did sweare him Duke
thing worthy of remembrance the great constancie of a woman called Denise and the exhortation she made to her sonne called Maioricus Remember said she my sonne that we were baptised in the name of the Trinitie wherefore let vs not loose the garments of our saluation Also an other called Victoria who neither by the solicitation of her husband nor the teares of her children could be perswaded c. Naucler Epiphanius Bishop of Pauie a very graue man brought into peace and concord the people of Liguria and brought from Burgonie many Captiues as well by his Siluer as his holie life whereby he entreated the redemption of 6000. Captiues Paul Diaconus and Naucler after him Seuerin an Abbot in Noric was now of great renowne Odoacer King of the Gothes as he passed by Noric into Italie went vnto him for his blessing Odoacer occupied Italie and was made King thereof and the Gothes raigned there by the space of 70. yeares The West Empire takes here an end after Augustulus had deposed himselfe the yeare of Christ 472. Sidonius Bishop of Auuerne a famous Poet in this time Clouis the fift King of France and the first Christian King raigned 30 yeares That is fifteene a Painim and fifteene a Christian Hee reuenged himselfe of them which cast out his Father Childerike out of his kingdome Going to Soisons hee tooke it by force and draue away Siagre the sonne of Giles the Romaine who occupied the kingdome against Childeric as hath bene said And at his returne tooke Melum and chased away the Romanes He amplified the kingdome of France hauing subiected to it all the Cities and Townes which the Romanes held betwixt the Riuers Rhene and Seine also all such as were betwixt Seine and Loire The histories of France say that in a certaine battel against the Almaines being at a strait he remembred the admonitions which Clotilde his wife had often giuen him to imbrace the Christian faith and religion In such sort that being pressed he lifted vp his eies to heauen and said Lord God deliuer me from this perill wherein I am thus enuironed with mine enemies and I will beleeue in thy name I all my people It came to passe not only that he was deliuered from perill but also that he had victorie vpon his enemies wherefore he was baptized by Remy Bishop of Rhemes his two sisters and more then 3000. of the noblest of his people besides women and children The inuention and fable of the holy Ampoule as they call it wherwith the kings of France are annointed is reported of this time Clouis for recompence gaue to the Church of Rhemes many great gifts lands signories and rents S. Remy afterward had great authoritie and was principall Councellour of king Clouis Some say he builded the Church of Laon and that hauing erected it a Bishops place gaue vnto it the land of Laon. Patricius the brother of S. Remy Earle of Soissons was after Bishop of Soissons and also gaue to the said Church the Earledome which the Bishop there holds at this day For you must vnderstand that S. Remy and his brother were children of the Duke of Laon and of Soissons of a noble and auncient race The Annales of France make mention that Alaric King of Visigots then occupied a great part of Gaul namely all the country along the Riuer of Loire from Orleans euen to mount Pirenes which do seperate France and Spaine Item the countries of Berry Auuerne Limosin Quercy Perignex Angolmois Agenois Languedoc Prouence and other nigh places against which Clouis willing to make warre as he passed nie Tours he sent to make his offerings to S. Martin to haue his succours against the said Visegoths and that after the victory he himselfe came to Tours and offered great gifts to the Temple of S. Martin If this be so for a first Christian king he was partly instructed in the Christian faith and felt yet his Paganisme because in the place of his old Gods he reclaimed called now vpon Saints The fault may be imputed to the Bishops Pastors which then were more superstitious then religious and more foolishly deuout then well and diuinely instructed in the word of God As S. Brice Patrice Fourcy Medard Gildard Vaast Remy Severin Germanie Loupe Nicaisius Aguien and other Saints of like branne were canonized after their deaths Vnder Zenon there happened such a fire in Constantinople that the greatest part of the Towne was brought into ashes and more then sixe score thousand volumes were lost and consumed Clouis had in marriage Clotilde the daughter of Chilperic King of Burgonie who was slaine by his owne brother called Gondobaldus and his wife mother of the said Clotilde was drowned Felix the third of that name borne at Rome gouerned the Church of Rome 8. or 9. yeares his Father was a Priest called Felix The consecrations of Temples and their dedications yearly are attributed vnto him Germain Bishop of Capua in this time Vaast Bishop of Arras Vedastus in Latin Fulgence Bishop of Rupe in Affrike Auitus Bishop Vienne Solemus Bishop of Chartres preached Christ and Fourcy that came new from Ireland The Councell of Orleans the third at this time after Iohn le Maire In the first Melanius was President In the saide Councell which was vnder Clouis it was agreed that the goods of the Cleargie should be imployed for the mainteining of Priests for the reliefe of the poore for the deliuerance of prisoners and for the repairing of Churches In the Councell of Tarrascon in Spaine Church-men were enioyned not to buye good cheape with intent to sell the same thing dearer for then they should be deposed Meane cares occupied the assemblies of Bishoppes Anastatius the Emperour called Dicorus for the chaunge of colours which appeared in his eye-browes succeeded Zeno and raigned 27. yeares he commaunded straightly to worship a quaternitie that is to say foure persons in the Diuinitie which pernitious heresie was by him maintained Gelatius of Affricke gouerned the Romaine Church fiue yeares his Father was a Bishop named Valericus Naucler The distinction of Autentike and Apocrypha bookes of the scripture are attributed vnto him Hee declared many bookes Apocryphaes as the booke called the Assumption of the Virgine Mary Item the Canons of the Apostles such like In the 1 volume of the Councels The Manicheans againe are condemned and exiled and their bookes burnt He shewed how Anastatius the Emperor might be excommunicated Hee is numbred amongst them which chiefly ordained the Canon Te igitur clementissime c. Some attribute to him the ordinance of Bigamies that is of such as haue bin twise married that they should not be promoted to orders vnles it were by ordinance of the Apostolike sea That orders should be made foure times a yeare and on the Saterday only He made Hymnes Collects Responds Graduels Prefaces of the Masse and brought all into order He
France He commanded to assemble an vniuersal Councel of all the church in the Citie of Cleremont in Anuegue and made an Oration of great efficacie For straight there crossed themselues to the combat at least three hundreth thousand men all readie to goe vnto Ierusalem of the number of which there were many valiant Princes who to make mony solde their owne landes and signeories as Hughe the great the King of Fraunce his brother Robert brother of the Duke of Normandie Robert or Rambert Count of Flaunders Raimond Count of S. Giles Stephen Count of Blois Brunamon or Bayamond Prince of Pouille and Godphrey de Bullon who was the chiefe with his two brethren Eustace and Baudwin Also Ansele of Ribemont and many others He excommunicated the King of Galatia because he had put a Bishop in prison and exacted this oath of such as he would promote to orders So God helpe me and these holy Euangelists of God Hee made also certaine their statutes namely Clarkes should euery day say the houres of the Virgine Mary a verie Idolatrous thing and vnto her to dedicate the Saterday with a Masse He ordeined that no person should come into Popish orders vnles he were a virgin that is to say vnmarried whoremonger or buggerer as their acts shewed As for Priests they must needs be without wiues althogh they passed not for whordomes He forbad that Bishops should be ordeined without titles that faith shuld be kept vnto such as Popes had excommunicated He held himselfe close for the space of two yeares in the house of one Peter Leon for the feare he had of one Iohn Paien a Romane Citizen where also he died the yeare of the Lord 1099. and his body was buried secretly beyond Tiber for feare of enemies The same yeare died also Guibert which was called Clement the 3. after he had seene three Popes dead in his time Theodorus Bibliander writeth in this sort of that Hildebrand aforesaid and this Vrbane speaking to the Princes of al estates Hildebrand saith he in inciting the Emperour of Greece against the Turks sowed the seed of the war of Gog and Magog against which crieth the bloud of the Church shead with a miserable ruine and losse by the sword of his tongue O how much blood hath beene shead at the sollicitation of Vrbane the second to the end that vnder the colour of making warre to amplifie the Christian religion and recouer the sepulchre of the Lord he might be put againe in the Romane seate after hauing oppressed such as were of the faction of Guibert Fredericke Barbarossa did so the yeare of the Lord 1188. Frederic 1228. The King of France Lewis 9. who was a Saint after his death did as much the yeare 1288. Sigismond did it twise Anno. 1409. Vladislaus King of Hungarie Anno. 1420. who dyed nigh Varne And at this day what shall we iudge of such as bring the Turke into Christendome to auenge their particular iniuries This Pope Vrbane by excommunications constrained Philip King of France to take againe Berthe his first wife which he caused to be detained prisoner in the Castle of Monstrell vpon the sea and to leaue his second Bertrande who was wife of the Count de Angiou Nice in Bithinie is taken and after the Towne of Ierusalem by the Christians whereof Godfrey of Bulloine was constituted King Naucler Antioche was taken by Boemondus a Norman sonne of Robert Duke of Pouille Supp Chron. The reward that those noble Combatants and fighters for Christendome got was the carrying away of Relickes The Speare which pearced the side of Iesus Christ was found in the said Towne in the Church of Saint Andrewe Supp Chron. Robert Count of Flaunders brought away the Arme of Saint George which he sent into the Abbey of Anchin Sigeb Godfrey was the first King of Ierusalem Baudwin his brother is called the second Naucler Paschall second of that name borne of Italie called before Rainer a Monke and lately created Cardinall of the title of S. Clement by Hildebrand his maister succeeded Vrbane the second in the Papacie When this proud Squire knew hee was chosen he would not mount into the Papall seate vntill first the people had cryed thrice Saint Peter hath chosen Rainer After this beeing apparrelled in a Scarlet Roabe and a Theatre or Crowne vppon his head mounted vpon a white steed hee was ledde to the place of Laterane where the Papall Scepter was giuen him and he was girt with a Baudrier or large Girdle at which hung seuen kayes and as many seales as Ensignes or tokens of the Papall power so much did this great Antichrist and aduersary of God magnifie himselfe by which things signified that according to the graces of the holy Ghost which they distinguished into seuen he had the power to open and shut Churches By this meanes this harlot mounted on horsbacke being come vnto a perfect age in such sort encreased that she got vpō the Beast with ten hornes which she had gouerned vntil our time in great pride arrogancie as had bin foretold Apo. 13.17 This soueraigne Vicar of Sathan on earth imployed all his time in warres and seditions whilest Godfrey de Bulloine and other Christian Princes fought against the Sarrasins in Siria And to the end he might not be esteemed lesse thē Hildebrand he sought all the meanes that might serue to the greatnes of his Romane seate Hee furiously deposed from their dignities all the Bishops and Abbots which had bene ordeined by the Emperour He sent into exile one Albert Theodoricke and Maginulphe who aspired vnto the Papacie He assembled at Rome a Councell of the Bishops of Italie and France Anno. 1101. because of an opinion of a Bishop of Fluence touching Antichrist alreadie borne as Sabellicus rehearseth For seeing so many mischiefes committed in the Church he said Antichrist was alreadie manifested but he was repressed by many iniuries done vnto him He againe prohibited Ministers to marry as all his Prelate predecessors had done and called that marriage the heresie of the Nicholaits He pronounced that they were great heresies to make no account of yeelding obedience to the Roman church and to despise censures and also to receiue Inuesture of Benefices at the hand of a prophane man He renewed the statute of paying tenths to Priests that said Masse and would needes it should be a sinne against the holy Ghost to sell tenths In this Sinode he renewed the excommunication of Gregorie the seuenth and of Vrbane the second against the Emperour Henry the fourth and published it againe And which is more the rage of this cruell tyrant was so inflamed against him that he stirred the sonne of the said Emperour called Henry the fift to take armes against his Father an horrible thing to speak There was neuer inhumanitie nor cruell act if this were not The Sonne yea that onely Sonne not angred or stirred vp by any publike or particular iniurie despised not onely his Parent
had slaine his naturall Lord in battaile And the said Boniface holding a Crowne vpon his head and a Sworde at his side answered I am Caesar The yeare 1298. Boniface published the sixt booke of Decretalls and sent them to the Students of Bolongne and to other Vniuersities commanding them to vse them in all iudgements and schooles This proud and arrogant Pope ordained that all king of the earth which would not hold their Kingdomes of his sanctetie or rather tirannie should bee excommunicated and deposed He excommunicated Phillip king of France because he would not suffer his money to be carried out of his kingdome and cursed both him and all his euen to the fourth generation yea with his reliques and crosses He would not confirme the Emperour Albert whom hee had alreadie reiected twise or thrise but vpon this condition that he would occupie the kingdome of France and depose Phillip He declared Alphonsus king of Arragon absolued and gaue him the kingdome of Sardeigne vnder certaine conditions Iohn Duns surnamed the Scot a Frier called the subtil Doctor was in this time He died of an Apoplexie Some say hee was buried aliue Supp Chron. Dinus the Legist Petrus de bella pertica Iacobus de arena Iohannes de sancto Geminiano Iacobin Ihones Andrea and Dante 's Aliger Florentin were in this time The yeare of Christ 1300. this Pope instituted a Iubile giuing full remission of all sinnes to such as from an hundreth to an hundreth yeares would visit by vow of Pilgrimage the Churches of S. Peter and S. Paul in the Citie of Rome He then celebrated the first Iubile and opened the Faire for indulgences and made them serue euen for such as were in purgatorie Agrip. de vanita scien Such as they called in Italie Fratricelli are condemned and persecuted Historiographers say that they vsed carnall pleasure contrarie to the honestie of marriage and this they did in the night time after they had celebrated their misteries Supp Chron. One called Aerman chiefe amongst them was vnburied 20. yeares after his death at Ferrare although before hee was accounted as a Saint and his bones were burnt A woman called Guillaume which was very renowned and her husband Andre were also vnburied and their bones burnt The Chroniclers rehearse how those of this Sect were disclosed namely by a Marchant of Millain called Conrad whose wife in the night time haunted these assemblies and that the candles being put out they abused one an other brutally and such or like which haue rather an appearance of affable then of a true narration This Pope nourished discords the dissentions which were amongst the factions of Italie and sought alwaies to maintaine them He prohibited that the Cleargie should pay no tribute to Princes without his leaue licence He gloried in his pride to be the key-keeper of heauen and published that hee ought not to be iudged of any person no not though he led an infinit number of soules into hell with him because it is lawfull for him to do all things O Infernall Decree and execrable blasphemie He eleuated his parents into dignities two of his Nephewes very young he made Cardinalls also his Vncle Hee made some Counts or Earles and left them great treasures by meanes of which after they would auenge his death Naucler He depriued two Cardinalls Colonnois Peter and Iames of their Benefices yea and of their fathers goods because that during Celestins life they had written that he was no lawful Pope but that Celestine was he He imputed also vnto them that they had pilled the treasure of the former Popes In a full Councell he excommunicated Sarra the said Cardinalls Vncle and honourable Prince with all the Collonois Supp Chron. He exercised such enmitie against the Gibellins that vnderstanding that some of them were retired to Genes he himself went thither also to the end to ouerthrowe them altogether And as one day vpon an Ashwednesday hee gaue Ashes vnto the people according to the custome Porchat Archbishop of the town presented himselfe before him but he vnderstood of many that he was of the faction of the Gibellins falling on his knees with his head vncouered which when Boniface marked without hauing any regard to the day or to the place or to the people present or to religion became angry against the Archbishop casting a great sort of Ashes in his eies said Remember that thou art a Gibellin and that with the Gibellins thou shalt bee brought to ashes and straight depriued the Archbishop of his dignitie although afterwards he remitted him into his former estate Plat. Cor. Abb. But being ingratefull for the good saith Iohn Marie that his predecessors had receiued of France he rose vp in such pride against the King Phillip that it were an hard thing to beleeue He sent to signifie vnto the king in maner of a commaundement by the Bishop of Appaine his Legate that incontinently and without delay he should prepare himselfe to go beyond the sea Vnto which thing then the King could not well harken for the great warres hee had against the Flemmings The Legate seeing that he could not obtaine an answere according to his appetite he began to vse great menaces saying that if he did not obey the Pope he would depriue him of his kingdome by which two rigorous words the King beeing much grieued caused the said Legate to be detained a prisoner But when these things came to the notice of the proud Pope hee dispatched the Archdeacon of Narbone with Letters of commaund forbidding the King that in no case he should entermeddle to take any subsidie vpon the lands and reuenewes of the Church which thing King Phillip le bel had bene constrained to doo because of great warres that he sustained for the good and defence of the Kingdome and moreouer that for the Kings contumacie and for that he had detained prisoner his Embassador against the common right of all Nations the kingdome of France was deuolued fallen to the Romane church And if he did not obey the commaundements and defences of the Pope he should bee held in the number of heretikes with all his fauourers and adherents This Archdeacon cyted many Bishops Abbots Theologians and Decretists at a certaine day named to be before the Pope at Rome and annihilated all the indulgences and priuiledges giuen to the French men by the Pope of Rome his predecessors This rigour perceiued the king in the presence of his Barons and of all his Councell commaunded vpon good deliberation of the Assembly that the first Legate who had outraged the King should bee deliuered and that they both without delay should voyd his kingdome Soone after he caused to assemble a Councell of all the Prelates and Barrons of France in the Citie of Paris In the saide Councell the King did sit and reciting the outrages and iniuries which he had receiued of the Pope Boniface he vttered how
maiestie And euen as he was receiuing them for his farwell a yong stripling named Iohn Castil of 18. yeares of age a Drapers sonne of Paris who was got into the Chamber amongst the preace drew neare vnto the King before he was almost perceiued of any bodie and suddenly would haue stabd him into the bodie with a knife but by reason that his maiestie was very readie to take vp the Lordes which were on theyr knees before him in his stooping hee strooke him on the face on the vpper iaw on the right side therewithall cutting out one of his teeth Wherevpon hee was apprehended by the Captaine of the Garde to whom the King commanded after hee had throwne his knife to the ground to let him goe saying that he freely forgaue him But afterwards vnderstanding that he was a Scholler to the Iesuites hee sayd and must it needs be that the Iesuites should be confounded by my mouth This villaine being brought vnto the Bishops prison freely declared the circumstance of his trayterous intent and that he was perswaded thereto by his maister a Iesuite who said that it was lawfull to kill him that hee was excommunicate of the Church that hee was not to be obeyed nor to be taken for the King vntill such time as he was allowed by the Pope For this he was executed and the Iesuites of Claremount with whom this fellow was brought vp and all other throughout the whole Realme of France were commaunded within three dayes to depart their Colledges and after 15. dayes to leaue the realme D. Chytraeus In the beginning of this yeare Amurathes the third Emperour of the Turkes the sonne of Selim in the 48. yeare of his age ended his life and Empire with much blasphemie and impatience Whom Mahomet the third beeing thirtie yeares of age succeeded who before hee performed his Father Funeralls hee caused eighteene of his brethren borne of diuers Concubines to bee strangeled and most honourably to be buried with his father in the same monument He suffered his 27. sisters to liue in Teragliuun And that no more might bee borne hee comaunded tenne of his fathers wiues to be throwne into the Sea and hauing richly furnished his owne mother he sent her to dwell in a farre Countrie Genebrardus This Mahomet is the thirteenth Emperour from Othoman Ferdinand Arch-duke of Austria the sonne of Ferdinand the Emperor and brother of Maximilian the second departed this life The one and twentieth of February likewise dyed Ernestus his brothers sonne Archduke of Austria Gouernor of the Prouinces in the lowe Countries being 42. yeares of age Idem Some of the Deputies of the Court which were sent to search Cleremount Colledge which belonged to the Iesuites hauing seized vpon many papers found among them certain written bookes made by a Iesuite Priest named Iohn Guiguard since the generall pardon giuen by the king at Paris there was written in these bookes many vile matters as well against H. the 3. as against H. the 4. now liuing containing nothing but traitorous practises for the which the Iesuite being sent for auouched by meanes whereof he was found guiltie and therefore executed The K. of France proclaimed open warres against Spaine and the Spanish Army is ouerthrowne by the Marshall of Bouillon in the Duchie of Luxembourge The King after two yeares suppliant intreaties to the Pope at the length was absolued by the Pope at Rome and receiued into the lappe of the mother Church and declared the most Christian king of France The conditions propounded were these That the king should receiue the Councell of Trent and giue commaundement that it should be kept throughout all his Realme but and if in some of his Prouinces he could not do it without danger of new seditions he should aske leaue of the Pope That hee should within the compasse of one yeare remooue the young Prince of Conde being 9. yeares of age from the company of heretikes and to bring him vp in the Catholicke Apostolicke Romane religion That he should restore all the reuenewes and goods which he had taken from his Bishops and Abbies Lastly that he should by his Letters certifie all Catholicke Princes of his conuersion and detestation of all heresies After this the Church of S. Peter which before was shut was now opened Then the Pope said to the Orators of France that as hee now opened againe to their King the doore of the Church Militant vppon earth so should his Maiestie endeuour likewise by a liuely faith and good workes to make his way into the triumphant Church of heauen D. Chytraeus Vpon the Church doore were placed the armes of the K. of France with this inscription Henricus 4. Galliae Nauarrae Rex Christianissimus Whilst Camerac is besieged by the Spaniards Phillip king of Spaine created Albertus Arch-duke of Austria and Cardinall of Toledo Generall of all his Forces in Belgia Hee was the sonne of Max. 2. Emperour and Mary the sister of Phillip King of Spaine the fift in order after Rodolphus the Emperour that now is borne in Nouember the yeare 1559. Genebrardus The D. de Maine seeing the Spaniards take other course then was accustomed his Forces slaine his credit crackt his destruction at the doore though late yet at last he sought by mediators the kings fauour which he obtained vpon this receiued grace the D. wrought the yeelding vp of Soisson Pierfont and other places to the King The Duke of Aumale who onely remained among all the chiefe Leaguers lawe being prosecuted against him in the Parliament of Paris he was found guiltie of treason in the highest degree so that his Image of likenes being made it was drawne in peeces with foure horses and his goods and lands confiscate to the King The most famous Poet and Orator of all Italy Torguatus Tassus died this yeare at Rome The Garrisons of Peronne Amiens and other places that he held for the king began againe in Ianuary their former courses against the enemies Countrie still killing and sleying certaine Spaniards and Wallons Marseill is brought to the kings subiection George Lantgraue of Hesse the sonne of Phillip a vertuous wise and religious Prince departed out of this world leauing his sonne Lodowicke to succeed him Albert Arch-duke of Austria and Gouernour of the lowe Countries entered Bruxelles with great pompe accompanied with the Dukes of Fere and Aumale and Philippus Wilihelmus the Prince of Orange his sonne Before his comming there was great hope of peace but after his arriuall he made no mention of peace for that he foresawe there would be none graunted D. Chytreus In the beginning of March the Cardinal gaue such order that the besieged within the Towne of Fere were succoured with some munition and for his first exployt against France in the beginning of Aprill did so dispose of his Armie at that time most mightie so pollitikely and secretly that in fewe dayes hee besieged assailed and
was inuented by him Hugues raigned in Italie tenne yeares whom Lotharie his sonne succeeded King Charles the Simple was by treason taken of Hubert Earle of Vermandois and poysoned in the Castle of Peronne where he died and was buried in the Church of S. Foursi See the Sea of Histories Rodolphe Bourgongne 31. King of France raigned two yeares Before this time there were not so many degrees amongst Gentlemen and Noblemen nor so great diuersitie as there are at this Dukes Marquesses Counts or Clarkes simple Counts and Knights were rather names of offices then hereditarie Seigniories For Dukes Marquesses Earles or Counts were Gouernours of Countries and Lands wherevpon they were committed by Emperours and Kings Duke was a soueraigne chiefe or head of souldiers as may be seene by auncient Letters Count or Earle was a Iudge and Goueruernour ordained in a certaine Towne or Region and so Germanie was full of Countes amongst which some were called Lantgraues that is to say Countes of Regions or Countries Some Maruegraues or Marquis that is Countes of certaine Marshes or Countries Some Countes de Palatin which were Gouernors of some Kingdome subiugated or conquered This may bee seene in the second booke of the Lawes of the Lombards Some were gouernors of Bourgages and so were named Bourgraues The most auncientest name of dignitie after Kings and Princes is the name of Baron which signifieth Lord whose sonnes were called young Lords And this say some was the estate of the Nobilitie before the Othons raigned After their time all things chaunged For then Counts were made hereditarie and were lifted vp aboue Barons Marquesses Lantgraues and Palatins and that more is Bishops haue bene made Princes yea many Counts Abbots Abbesses haue obtained the title of Prince Lewis 4. of that name surnamed Vltramarin 32. King of France the sonne of Charles le Simple after his fathers imprisonment got with his mother Ogine towards his Vncle King of England but as soone as he retutned he was in strife for the Kingdome with Rodulphe of Burgongne who died about eight yeares after at Auxerre Anno. 937. and so Lewis raigned alone Leo Pope sixt of that name ruled at Rome 7. moneths and 15. dayes The Danes at this time were conuerted to the faith Stephen Pope 7. of that name a Romane ruled at Rome 2. yeares and 12. dayes Supp Chron. The Duke of Bohemia Spireneus receiued the Christian faith at the perswasion of the Emperour Henry Suppl Chron. Iohn Pope 12. of that name a Romane ruled at Rome 4. yeares 10. moneths and 15. dayes Supp Chron. He did nothing worthy of memorie a coward and is not numbred in the Catalogue of Popes after some Historiographers Lotharie the sonne of Hugues raigned in Italie two yeares The Sarrasins in Italie tooke the towne of Geans and spoiled it Naucler Berenger third the Nephewe of Berenger the first raigned in Italie 11. yeares with his sonne Adelbert In this place Histories are very confused The Emperour Henry the first dyed of the Palsey the yeare of his age 60. and of his Empire seuenteene hauing ordained Otho the great his sonne successor of the Empire by the consent of all the great and Noble men who after was consecrated by the Arch-bishop of Magunce Hildebert Hee had three Competitors which would needs hinder him to bee Emperour that is to say Henry his elder brother Giselbert Duke of Lorraine his brother in lawe and Eberhard Earle of Franconia but he droue them all away and reduced all vnder his obedience Wencelaus Prince of Bohemia was slaine by his brother Boislans vppon ambition to raigne But Otho reuenged the death of the said Wencelaus making warre vpon Boislans which endured fourteene yeares and finally hauing vanquished him he brought the Countrey into his obedience Chron. Sigeb and Supp Chron. Leo Pope 7. of that name a Romane ruled at Rome three yeares 6. monethes and 10. dayes Supp Chron. The heresie of Anthropomorphites which say that God hath a corporall forme was at this time renued Rotherius Bishop of Verone writ against them Stephen Pope eight of that name an Almaine or a Romane after some ruled at Rome three yeares foure moneths and 12. dayes R. Barns Some say he was murthered by certaine Romanes in a sedition In so much as he was neuer publikely seene Chron. Abb. France was afflicted by an horrible pestilence and by inward contentions The faction and puissance of Hugues of Paris troubled King Lewis exceedingly Martin Pope 3. of that name a Romane ruled 3. yeares 6. moneths and 14. dayes He was peaceable and gaue himself to repaire Temples and nourish the poore saith Supp Chron. Agapetus Pope second of that name a Romane a magnanimous man ruled at Rome 9. yeares 7. moneths and 10. daies Supp Chron. He called againe the Emperour Otho to Rome against Berenger Berenger 4. the 7. Emperour of the Lombards raigned 13. yeares The Sea of Histories The Hungarians againe in Italie Chron. Abb. Vrsp Iohn Pope 13. of that name a Romane ruled 9. yeares and three monethes His father called Alberic seeing himselfe one of the greatest power at Rome caused all the noblest and principallest rulers of the Citie of Rome to promise and sweare that after the death of Pope Agapetus they should elect his sonne Octauian Which promise was kept and he was called Iohn This Pope was so excessiuely giuen to lecherie that he maintained a publike stewes for the shame wherof some Cardinals writ to the Emperour Otho that he would remedie the publike scandall and infamie which the Church then suffered and that it was needfull he should in haste come to Rome As soone as the Pope heard of this newes he caused the nose of a Cardinall a Deacon called Iohn to be cut off beeing the principall councellor herein hee commaunded also that the hand of an other Cardinall a Subdeacon called also Iohn to be cut off because hee writ the Letters When the Emperour vnderstood that for no admonition the Pope would amend he caused him to be deposed with note of infamie Otho was crowned by him after he hauing sworne that hee would exalt the Romane Church and the Pope and that in nothing hee would hurt him as more at large is contained Dist 63.100 Tibi domino Otho remained a certain time at Rome after his coronation and admonished this Pope to change and amend his wicked life whereof hee was blamed Otho departing came against Berenger his enemie Albert the sonne of Berenger who with his father retired at Otho his comming seeing Otho departed came to Rome and with the Pope complotted against the Emperour Two Cardinalls aduertised Otho of this conspiracie and of the Popes wickednesse Otho then returned to Rome and the Pope fled after he had reuenged himselfe of the two Cardinalls Otho beeing at Rome caused the Pope to be thrice called commanding him to returne and feare
15. yeares Lewis the young 7. of that name 40. King of France raigned 43. yeares He vpon superstition went into Spaine vpon pilgrimage vnto S. Iames. Ascalon was taken of the Christians beyond the sea Suppl Chron. Edessa a Citie of Mesopotamia was taken of Alaps a Prince of Turkie the Christians put to death and women violated vpon the Aultar of S. Iohn Baptist saith Naucler Fulco King of Ierusalem fell from his horse as he ran at an Hare and died Naucler and Chron. Euseb Baudwin 3. and 5. King of Ierusalem succeeded him Celestine Pope 2. of that name an Italian before called Guido a Priest Cardinall of S. Mark hauing ruled 5. monethes and 8. dayes died of the pestilence Lucius Pope 2. of that name borne at Boulongne before a Priest Card. of S. Crosse named Gerard ruled about one yeare This man willing by force to take away the dignitie of the Patrician from the Romanes was on the body wounded with the blowes of stones by the common people R. Barns And being oppressed with the Romanes hee sent vnto the Emperour who beeing occupied otherwhere could not succour him He did all he could to incite Christians to warre beyond the sea because he had receiued newes how the holy Land was in daunger to be lost for the Christians Iohn le Maire Some say he died in a sedition Others that he died of the Pestilence Supp Chron. and Fascic temp Eugenius Pope third of that name borne at Pise a Monke of Cleruaux Disciple of S. Bernard Abbotte and Cardinall of S. Anastasius at Rome ruled eight yeares and foure monethes He was constrained by the Romanes whom hee had excommunicated with Iordan the Patrice to flie from Rome and shaking the dust off his feete against his enemies hee got him into France not onely to shunne the feare of the said Romanes who with force of Armes chased him away but also to encourage and drawe on the French King Lewis to the succours of the holy Land He celebrated then a Councell at Vezelay in Burgoigne and there caused S. Barnard with his liuely voyce to vtter out all the mischiefe like to fall vnto the holy Land After which speech of S. Barnard the King vowed to giue succours to the Christian Princes beyond the Seas and the Queen Helionor his wife promised to follow him and with them many Princes Barons and Noble men of France Also the Emperour Conrade the third Alphonsus King of Spaine Henry King of England and many other Princes and Prelates yet in this voyage they did nothing worthy of memorie and this was the second vniuersall voyage as Iohn le Maire saith but the third expedition to goe into Ierusalem The first vnder Vrbain and the second vnder Paschal Anno. 1101. Eugenius also assembled a Councell at Rhemes and called thither Cardinalls and other Prelates of whom hee was consecrated as appertained And there S. Barnard confuted by disputation and vanquished Gilbert Poretaine Bishoppe of Poitiers an excellent Clarke who erred in touching the vnitie of the Trinitie There were made many decrees for Monkes that they should not leaue their Monasteries nor Baptise nor carrie children vnto Baptisme that they might not enioyne penance nor giue absolution that they might not visit the diseased nor assist the funeralls of the dead Briefly that they might not apply themselues vnto secular businesses but remaine sollitarie in theyr Monasteries That the husband or wife ought not to enter into Religion and the marriage should not be broken if one of the parties contradicted it nor without the consent of the Bishop if both parties accorded There was also ordained for the maintenance of schooles and for prouision of Doctors and Masters After those things done in France Eugenius returned vnto Rome where hee was honourably receiued of the people but soone after died at Tiber where he went to recreate himselfe His body was brought to Rome and buried in the Temple of S. Peter Suppl Chron. In this time raigned Gratian the Monke who compiled the Decretall Which Eugenius approoued and commanded to be read through all Vniuersities Supp Chron. Petrus Lumbardus Bishop of Paris compiled the bookes of Sentences Petrus Commestor wrote the Scholasticke Historie Auicen and Auerrois liued in this time excellent in Phisicke By the writings of Saint Barnard wee may knowe how in this time beeing so miserably corrupted he stroue against the impietie of Popes and the Ecclesiasticall sort See his 67. Sermon where he calleth them the Ministers of Antichrist In the Sermon 57. In the booke vnto this Pope Eugenius and in the 33. Sermon vpon the Cant. he often saith that Prelates are but pilates He reprooueth Eugenius that leauing the word of God he aduanced humane traditions Hugo Cardinall in his Postile vpon S. Iohn alleadgeth that S. Barnard said in a certaine place It seemeth ô good Iesu that all the Vniuersitie of Christians haue conspired against thee and they are the chiefe of the coniuration which obtaine the Primacie of the church At the end of his dayes hee shewed well that hee perfectly knew the true doctrine of the Iustification by Iesus Christ on whom only was his refuge reiecting all other sanctities and righteousnesse His writings yeeld a certaine witnesse of him The Emperour of Constantinople Emanuel sent victuals to the Christians beyond the Seas but like a traitetous wicked man hee mingled chalke amongst their floure whereof infinite people died He gaue also guides vnto the Emperour Conrade which conducted him through solitary places Insomuch that he lost all his souldiers As much also almost came vnto the king of France yet they both got into Ierusalem The Emperor Conrade the King Lewis and Baudwin King of Ierusalem being in Ierusalem determined to assaile Damas. Naucler Aluisius Abbot of Auchen and Bishop of Arras died in this iourney of the holy Land in a towne called Philopolis Simon Bishop of Noyon at Selencia Bishops Abbots and Monkes trotted then in voyages beyond the Seas Norway receiued then the faith which was then S. Barnard died of the age of 36. yeares Naucler Conrade the third Emperor returning from his voyage of Ierusalem died at Banberg 1152. Frederic first of that name surnamed barbarous sonne of Frederic Duke of Souanbe who was brother of the said Conrade was chosen Emperour This was a Prince of a good spirit hardie of great stature and faire of face his haire and beard was redde affable and gracious After his election hee ledde seuen times his Armie against the Italians which rebelled against him Anastasius Pope 4. of that name a Romane Abbot ruled the Romane Church one yeare or two 4. monethes and 24. daies They qualifie him a great Almes-giuer of many priuiledges vnto religious people of Challices very sumptuous and of repairing Churches Adrian 4. of that name borne in England a man learned before called Nicholas-breakspeare the sonne of one named Robert a Monke and Priest of the Temple of S. Albons
Ierusalem raigned sixe yeares Chron. Euseb Berthold Duke Zeringen sonne of Conrade the Emperour founded two Freburgs that is to say free Bourgages or Francborgs the one in Brisgoy and the other in little Bourgogne commonly called Vchland against Sauoye And 12. yeares after he founded the Towne of Berne which he surnamed because of a Beare which he encountred in the place where the said Towne was builded For that word in their tongue signifieth Beare Naucl. The scituation thereof is almost an Iland which the Riuer of Arre maketh Phillip dieu done 2. of that name 41. king of France sonne of Lewis le ienne constituted the Escheuins of Paris and enuironed with walles a great part of the towne and walled the wood of Vincennes nigh Paris Naucler At this time was a great multitude of Iewes in France of which there went a report that euerie yeare they stole a Christian childe and ledde him vnto a place vnder the earth and after they had tormented him crucified him and that day they call great or good Friday King Phillip hearing this caused the Iewes to be taken and tormented in diuers sorts Hee burned 80. in one fire and after the yeare 1186. he draue them all out of his kingdome except such as were conuerted to the Faith After the King being scarce of mony through warres demanded of the Iewes a great summe thereof and hauing it graunted he was content they should again come into his kingdome As also his successour Lewis opened them all the kingdome of France Lucius Pope third of that name of Luke ruled at Rome foure yeares two moneths and 18. dayes He was before called Hinebaldus or Vbaldus Cardinall of Ostia This Pope would needs banish the Consuls Patricij at Rome wherefore he was cast out of Rome and withdrew himselfe to Verona Such as tooke his part some had their eyes put out others were set vpon Asses their faces towards the hinder part and were ignominiously handled After some In this time was the fourth expedition made beyond the Sea and there were crossed vnto it the King of France Philip Augustus and Henry King of England And there was a tenth laide vpon all Benefices and reuenews of Church goods to help the charges of the warre And this Subsidie was called Saladins tenth Iohn le Maire Vrbane Pope third of that name borne at Millane of the people of Cribelles ruled a yeare and sixe moneths or as it were eleuen Suppl Chron. Before he was called Imbert Suppl Chron. Sigeb Baudwin King of Ierusalem left the kingdome Guyon of Lusignan his sisters husband and the saide Guyon was the last King of Ierusalem Saladin by auarice ambition and discord of Christians occupied Ierusalem which the Christians had held from Godfrey de Bouillion 88. yeares He tooke also Aca Beritus Biblon and all the rest euen to Ascalon inclusiuely Naucler Gregorie Pope 8. of that name borne in Beneuent ruled at Rome 57. dayes Hee sent messages vnto the Christian Princes and their people to goe against the enemies of the Faith promising Indulgences and pardons vnto all but he dyed vpon that enterprise as he went vnto Pise to sollicite that they of that Towne with the Geneuois together might send into Asia for the defence of Religion Cor. Abb. Lynonia or Lyfland a Northerne Land was conuerted to the Faith Clement Pope third of that name the sonne of a Romane Citizen ruled at Rome 3. yeares and 6. moneths and made a Decretall against such Priests as celebrated Masse in wodden vessels and with common bread The Emperour Frederic Philip King of France Richard King of England and the Pope Clement agreed together to send mony vnto the Christians they sent also many ships and after went themselues in person with many Princes and Prelates of Ierusalem but they could not accord therefore soone after they returned Supp Chron. The yeare of Christ 1190. Frederic being at Nice a Citie of Bithinia it being also very hotte he descended into a floud to wash but the force of the water carried him away so that he was drowned in the presence of his people the 37. yeare of his Empire leauing fiue children which hee had of his wife Beatrix daughter of Regnand Count of Besanson The King of England was taken by a Duke of Austriche called Leopold as he returned passing through Almaigne and was deliuered vnto the Emperour Henry the sixt For his raunsome were solde the treasures of the Church the Chalices of Gold and Siluer c. and so returned into England During this time the King of France but a litle before also returned into France and occupied certaine Townes appertaining vnto the King of England The treasures of England solde for the Kings raunsome came 200000 markes of siluer Celestine 3. of that name a Romane before called Iacinthus very aged his Father was called Bubonis was chosen Pope by the Cardinalls vpon Easter day The next morning he Crowned Henry Emperour 6. of that name sonne of Fredericke and at the exhortation of this Pope he made an expedition to goe vnto Ierusalem William king of Sicile dying without heires it was thought that therefore the kingdome should devolue vnto the Romane seate but the greatest of the kingdome elected Tancredus the bastard sonne of the said William The Pope stirred heereat drew Constance the daughter of Roger and sister of William king of Sicilie out of an Abbey of Nunnes in the Towne of Palerme and dispensed with her marriage Wherefore Henry sonne of the Emperour Fredericke espoused her and so came vnto the kingdome of Sicilie and occupied it And Tancredus was slaine in battaile so Henry abode in place The said Constance of the age of 55. yeares conceaued and brought forth a sonne called Fredericke the second who after was Emperour Supp Chron. The order of the Friars of the Hospitall of the Almaines beganne at this time Also the order of the Trinitie The yeare 1191. the Towne of Aca was taken by the Christians Naucler saith here that Saladine seeing the force of the Christians determined to haue yeelded them the towne of Ierusalem but the discord happening betwixt the King of Fraunce and the King of England was cause of verie great troubles In matter of diuorce Celestine permitted the Catholike partie to remarry if the other partie fell into heresie But contrary the Pope Innocent forbad it Poll. Ver de diuor cap. 5. Arthois was erected into an Earledome the yeare 1195. and the first Count or Earle therof was Lewis sonne of king Philip. The kingdome of Cyprus came into the hands of the Christians and remained there 275. yeares The Archbishop of Magunce with a multitude of Almains the King of Hungarie the Queene went into Palestine against the Sarasins Sigeb They tooke Berinthus and Ioppe Naucl. Innocent Pope third of that name borne in Campania his father was Trasimondus of Anagnia a man of base estate Suppl Chron. ruled at
Hermits of S. Augustin The Emperour vsed all diligence to get fauour of the Pope thinking to liue at rest yet was he excommunicated because he had not accomplished the vow he made to goe vnto Ierusalem then had he great troubles all ouer But the Emperor hasted his voyage beyond the Seas to mittigate the Popes furie but whilest he was absent the Pope got Pouille vnder his power The Emperour Frederic vnderstanding this fraud of that subtil Foxe returned with a great Armie into Pouille droue the Popes people away and recouered that which was taken from him Then the Pope againe excommunicated the Emperor because hee had allied himselfe with the Souldane and writ Letters vnto the Souldane by which hee prayed him that he would not yeeld the holy Land vnto the Emperor as he vnderstood by a certaine vncertaine bruite that he would do Also he sent and commaunded the Princes of Almaine that they should elect none of the children of Frederic for King nor any of his house The Historiographers of France make heere mention of one called Almaricus of Chartres a learned man but an heretike who approued say they all whoredomes vnder the vaile of charitie Many of them both men and women as well Ecclesiastical as Lay-people were taken found guiltie and condemned at Paris and burnt without S. Vistors gate They say further that Almaric maintained that euery one was bound to beleeue that he is a member of Iesus Christ and that when Iesus Christ suffered death and passion we suffered with him The said Almaric after his death was condemned and excommunicated at a Councell at Rome and his bones cast out of the Church-yard and after burnt to ashes Nauclerus also reciteth that there was in his time in the Countrey of Alsatee many heretickes which maintained it to be lawfull to eate flesh in Lent and vpon Fridayes And that they themselues said that it was no sinne to haue the company of women but a naturall thing There was at Strasbourg about 80. burnt Such as are against the Popes doctrine haue bene euer flaundered and Histories haue often followed their affections when there hath bene a question of truth The Albigeois or Albiois a people which had receiued a beginning of the light of truth opposed themselues against the Idolatrie of Transubstantiation which first gaue them occasion to withdrawe thmselues from the Romane Church They inhabited the Countrey about Tholouse and d' Albi. S. Dominike Author of that new Sect of such as named themselues preachers came from Spaine and persecuted them greatly both in deed and word The Pope sent also towards them his Legate Nicholas Bishop of Tusculan who being there with 4. horses 2. Mules returned in a litle time with 50. and with great pillage hauing exercised great tirannie against these poore people vppon whom they laid enormious crimes to make them odious to all the world This Pope caused to be published a Croisado against them and gaue full indulgences and remission of sinnes to such as would make war vpon them Simon Count of Mountfort went against them ouercame a great number nigh vnto Tholouse 140. were burnt in the Diocesse of Narbone and 400. in the Diocesse of Tholouse at diuers times In this ouerthrowe of the Albigeois Peter king of Tarracon who had drawne them back and bore them fauour and amitie was slaine at the combats Simon de Mountfort pursued his victorie See Mathew de Paris an English Historiographer who was in this time In the time of Innocent was held a Councell in France against king Phillip of France after he was returned from beyond the Sea The Popes Legate had laid an interdict vpon all the Kingdome of France because the King had put away his wife Ingeberge sister of the King of Dalmatia or Morauia after some Chronicles vnder the colour that she was his kinswoman and had espowsed newly the daughter of the Duke of Boheme called Mary Against the sentence of the said Legate the King armed himselfe with appellation to a future Councel and in the meane while reuenged him of the Bishops which had consented vnto the said sentence For he cast them out of their Diocesses and Benefices and caused to be held in straight guard the said Ingeberge in the Castle of Estampes The King tooke againe his first wife Ingeberge wherevpon his second dyed of griefe The Children the King had by her were declared legitimate The yeare 1216. Innocent dyed at Pise and there was buried Hee came thither to appease controuersies betwixt the Townes of Pise and Genes Honorius Pope 3. of that name ruled at Rome ten yeares 7. or 8. moneths certaine daies and was chosen at Peruse The first yeare of his Popedome hee confirmed the order of the Iacobins which his predecessors had refused to do Honorius being admonished by a dreame confirmed it For in a Vision he thought that the Church fell that S. Dominike sustained it with his shoulders by reason hereof he sent for him and so was confirmed the third older of Mendicants or beggers Yea Honorius would needs haue him to obtaine the first place He commaunded that the Host should be kept in a place by it selfe and well enclosed That when the Priest lifteth vp the Host the people shall with all reuerence bowe as also when it is carried vnto the sicke Ierusalem was rased euen to the foundations by Gordirius the sonne of Saladin whilest the Christians were before Dimiere Supp Chron. Honorius went into Fraunce fearing Frederic and held a Councel at Lyons where he declared Frederic an enemy of the Church and deposed him of his Empire deliuering all Princes from their oath of fidelitie that they had promised him Naucl. All the cause was because he conferred Benefices Honorius then did so much with the Princes of Almaigne that Iohn King of Cact●le or Henry Lantgraue of Turinge was elected Emperour and after Rodolpe or William Count of Holland who raigned two yeares which obteined not the Imperiall blessing being preuented by death Histories in this place are confused The yeare 1220. or 1223. Dominike the Emperour died The yeare 1223. Honorius confirmed the Religion of S. Francis which was the fourth order of Mendicant Friars All the foure orders of the said Mendicants were confirmed by Honorius Fascic Templ The fulnesse of all Infection is come into the Church by these foure plagues of begging Monkes Frederic was reconciled with Honorius by the meanes of Iohn King of Ierusalem who gaue his daughter in marriage to the said Frederic Lewis 8. of that name Father of S. Lewis the 12. King of France raigned three yeares He made warre vpon the English men when his Father Phillip did the like vpon Otho He spake with the Emperour Frederic and renewed the fraternitie betwixt the French and Almaignes See Gaguin li. 3. All Lombardie at the perswasion of Pope Honorius rebelled against the Emperour Frederic Naucler Honorius dyed and was
but euen our owne soules and not onely as is said in an other place to leaue their father and mother but also to hate them yea our owne liues Briefly Iesus Christ would that we should be readie to forsake all when the confession of his truth requireth it There are learned people of our age which say they haue seene foure bookes which he writ Intituled a Collection of the Catholike and Canonicke scripture He writ also a booke Intituled the fiftie markes and signes of false Prophes Hee writ against Bonauenture who then was the chiefe Buckler of the begging Friars Matheus Paris an English Historiographer writes that in this same time there was in the schoole of Paris great disputations against Monkes which by multitude would needs oppresse and oppugne all the schoole hauing forged a new booke full of errors and blasphemies which they then reiected and intituled Euangelium eternum that is the euerlasting Gospell which they would needs bring into light But to appease this tumult there were sixe delegates of all the schoole which were of the greatest estimation in all the Vniuersitie amongst which was Guilliam de S. Amour to send them to Rome vnto the Pope and shewe the insolencies and blasphemies of those Monkes The Monkes also sent thither on their part and after great contention their errors were condemned touching their eternall Gospell But the Pope with certaine Cardinals Monkes repressed nothing the tirannie of the begging Friars thinking it was needfull that such his black gard should become mightie ouer all These be the words of Matheus Paris who was in this time Wee also finde a booke written in this time intriuled de periculis mundi of the daungers of the world which the Papists attributed vnto Guilliam de S. Amour making him alone of that opinion but it seemeth to haue bin written by many and conteineth complaines against those new rising Monkes with an aduertisement vnto the Church that by them great mischiefes would follow This S. Amour was condemned an heretike wherevpon great stirres fell out amongst the schooles at Paris but to obey the Popes commaundement Guilliam S. Amour was banished from France We heare that some of his bookes are yet at this day in the librarie at Sorbone and many other Doctors haue since written the like as in our discourse shal be said Truth is alwaies banished yet still getteth the vpper hand of all Alexander being come to Viterbe to make peace betwixt the Venetians and Geneuois died there and the seate was vacant foure moneths Albert the great and other studious people were at this time at Paris An Aduertisement From Siluester the 2. that diuellish Magician vntil this time 1260. Popes haue raigned as Incarnate diuels in all trumperies deceites oppressions of the good and manifest tirannies Their Cardinalls Legates and Bishops haue come out from them as Sathans to trouble the world The greatest Monarkes haue bene tormented by their infernall furies Examples for all are the two Emperours Henry the fourth and fift the two Fredericks first and second and other Princes of the earth From henceforward from Innocent the fourth and Alexander the fourth the Popes by a new forged Armie established and priuiledged by them they wasted and destroyed all that is to say by foure Sects of Mendicant Monkes which like true Locusts deuoured and consumed by their Sophistike doctrine whatsoeuer was greene of the word of God From which like theeues which enter into the sheepfolde by breaches and mines nothing can bee looked for henceforth but thefts robberies persecutions and murthers of the true faithfull which God gaue and raised vp to maintaine the eternall veritie Vrbain Pope 4. of that name French borne at Troy in Campagne a Monke of the order of Cysteaux Patriarke of Ierusalem ruled at Rome three yeares one moneth and foure dayes The Greekes recouered Constantinople which the French had held 55. yeares Chron. of the Kings of France and the Sea of Hist. Vrbain instituted the Feast of the Sacrament and the Octaues with Indulgences whereof he was free to such as obserued the said Feast Martin fift Pope doubled them and added yet others to such as fasted the eue and as went to the Precession and Communion that day S. Thomas d' Aquin Iacopin made the office of the said feast with the Prose and the Hymne and sent it to the Pope who for a recompence of such an inuention sent him a Doue of siluer c. Naucler The yeare of Christ 1263. Vrbaine sent to S. Lewis King of France that he would send him his brother Charles Count Angiou and Count de Prouence with a good Armie then hee would crowne him King of Sicilie and giue him Pouille Calabria Hee said that the said Kingdome was held of the Romane Church and that the king of Sicilie was the Popes man Vrbain caused the Croisado to be preached in France against Manfroy who occupied the said Sicilia The said Charles came and marched in battaile against Manfroy and after against Conradin and ouercame them both and so obtained the Lands but the end was miserable For the Sicilians after in the yeare 1282. rebelled against him maintaining the quarell of the king of Arragon whom they would needs haue for their king And they marked the doores and gates of whatsoeuer houses the French men lay in in the Countrey then at an euening slew them all indifferently and opened which they knew to be great with childe with the French men and cast away their fruite that there might remaine none of that generatiō in that Countrey This occasion was afterward ordinarily called The Euensong of Sicilie In this time Bonauenture Generall of the Friers wrote two bookes against M. Guilliam de S. Amour The one of the pouertie of Christ and the other an Apologie of the poore The Bishoppricke of Ratisbone was offered vnto him but he refused it louing better to follow his studies and died of the age of 80. yeares Chron. Abb. Vnder this Pope the Idolatrie of Chaplets was inuented at Amiens in Picardie called Peter the Hermit See Peter Viret of the spring of Chapelets The Souldane made a great Armie in Siria A Comet seene 3. monethes together This Pope died at Peruse and for troubles the seate was vacant 10. monethes Clement Pope fourth of that name borne at Narbone ruled at Rome 3. yeares 9. monethes and 21. dayes before hee was called Hugo Falcodius hee had bene an aduocate and was after the king of France his Councellor After the death of his wife he was Bishop of Puy and after Archbishop of Narbone lastly Cardinall and Bishop of Sabine Finally by the Pope Vrbane hee was sent into England for the reformation of peace and being in that Legation was chosen Pope at Peruse after the death of Vrbain He caused to come info Italie Charles brother of the king of France and made him Senator of Rome and sent two Cardinalls into the Church of
ambitiously and wickedly he came to be Pope He demaunded of the Ecclesiasticall Lords vpon whom they had the foundations and reuenewes of their Churches and Benefices After he turned him towards the Princes Barons and Knights and said vnto them And you Nobles and Vassalls what hold you for your King All they which were there answered with one voyce that they held their lands and their goods vnder the kings hand Then the king replied and said Yet you see what force and tirannie Boniface practiseth as if you and all the Realme of France were subiect vnto the Romane Church as now he vsurpeth the title of the Emperour of Almaine and hauing three times the said Duke Albert of Austrich saith himselfe is Emperour and Lord of all the world and in token thereof hee hath newly giuen the Empire to the Duke Albert yea euen the title of the Crowne of France These things thus proposed and brought to deliberation the king interiected an appellation from the Pope to the generall Councell and ordained by publike Edict vpon great pains that none should bee so hardie to drawe or transport any gold or siluer out of his kingdome for the affaires of the Romane Court and caused to guard all the Bridges Portes and passages On the other side Boniface the eight sought by Ecclesiasticall censors enmitie betwixt the Emperour and the King Yet notwithstanding they accorded meeting together in the plaines of Vuancoulers But the end was this that to tame the arrogancie and malice of this Pope the king secretly dispatched two hundreth men of Armes vnder the conduction of one named Sarra Colonnois a Romane and of an other Captain called Nogaret which secretly passed from Marceille and by night tooke the Pope in his house which was in Anagnia in the kingdome of Naples and carried him prisoner with the aide of the Gibelins to Rome where he died 24. dayes after or 35. dayes after Chron. Abb. of griefe and age and all his goods and treasures went to pillage Iohn le Maire Iohn the Monke Cardinall the founder of the Colledge of Picars at Paris came into France at the Popes commandement The Sea of Histories The memorable battaile of Courtray in Flaunders which the French lost and wherin a great part of the Nobilitie of France perished The Sea of Histories Benet 11. of that name a Lombard by Nation borne at Treuis called before Nicholas of the order of Iacobius borne of parents of base condition his father was a sheepheard after he was made Cardinall of Ostia he was chosen Pope a man of a cautellous and subtill spirit and therefore pleased Boniface exceedingly Incontinently after he was come vnto the Papaltie hee sought to pacifie Italie and therefore went to Peruse but hee fell sicke there and deceased and was buried in the Iacobins A certaine Abbesse presented vnto him poysoned figges whereof he died This was after prooued And Leander affirmeth that he died of poyson The seate was emptie about a yeare The yeare of Christ 1304. Phillip le bel King of France founded in the honour of S. Lewis the Abbey of Poisy where hee placed Nunnes of the order of the Friars preachers and after his death his heart was carried thither and buried The Sea of Histories The first Emperor of the Turkes The wickednesse of men being come to the fulnesse of all impietie Ottomanus a Turk began to raigne about this time and raigned 28. yeares He began by litle and litle to vsurpe vpon Europe The occasion was for that the Emperours of Greece demanded helpe of the said Turkes against the Bulgarians But they seeing the Countrey fit for them vsurped vpon the Emperour first in Thrace and after in Misia superiour and inferiour Macedonia Achaia Peloponesus Epirus Dalmacia and a great part of Illyria and Pannonia and finally into Hungaria The yeare of Christ 1306. the first League of Swissers was made of three Cantons namely Suits Vry and Vnderuald Naucler Peter Casiodore an Italian a Noble man and well instructed in pietie was in this time Hee writ vnto the Enghsh men not to carrie the importable yoake of the Romane Antechrist shewing the extortions and extreame seruitude of England which the Popes of that time had multiplied The Epistle beginneth Cui comparabo te c. which I haue here inserted transcribed and translated out of an old booke found in the church of S. Albans in England To the noble Church of England which serueth in bondage Peter the sonne of Cassiodore a Catholique souldier and deuout Champion of Iesus Christ desireth saluation and deliuerance from the yoake of captiuitie and to receiue the price and reward of libertie The Scribes and Pharisies placed themselues in Moyses Chaire c. It followeth after To whom shal I compare thee or to whom shal I say thou art like thou daughter of Ierusalem to whom shall I equall thee thou virgin daughter of Sion For thy ruine is great as the Sea thou art become sollitarie and without any sollace being all the day ouerwhelmed wilh heauinesse Thou art deliuered into the hands of him from whence thou canst not relieue thy selfe without the aide of some one which will lift theee vp For the Scribes and Pharisies beeing set vpon Moyses Chaire that is to say the Romane Princes being thy enemies are vpon thy head and enlarging their Philacteries and desiring to inrich themselues with the marrowe of thy bones impose heauie and insupportable burthens vpon the shoulders of thee and thy Ministers and bring thee vnmeasurably vnder the charge of paying tribure thou which euer hast bene free Let all occasion and matter of maruelling cease For thy mother which had rule ouer the people hauing espowsed her subiect hath appointed thee for a Father and before all others hath eleuated thee Bishop of Rome who in no paternall act sheweth himselfe to be such an one Very true is is that hee spreadeth out his skirtes and sheweth by experience that he is thy mothers husband For often he bringeth to memorie in his heart this sentence of the Prophet Take thee a great volume and write therein as with a touchstone after the maner of men Hast● thee to the spoile dispatch thee of pilling and spoiling When the Apostle said Euery high Priest beeing taken of men is constituted for men in things which are concerning God Doth not this shewe that men must not occupie themselues with spoiles and rapines to impose censors and annuall rents nor to destroy men but to the end he might offer gifts and sacrifices for sinnes and that he might haue compassion of the ignorant and sinners And also we read of Peter who was a Fisher whose successor he saith he is that after the resurrection of Iesus Christ he returned to his fishing againe with the other Apostles who when he could take nothing on the left side of the ship by the commaundement of Iesus Christ he turned himselfe towards the right hand and drew the Nets to ground
peasants to be hanged and strangled which mocked and derided these toyes and follies He placed in the Kalender of Saints one Vincent borne at Valence of the Iacobin order Albert of Dropan Carmelite and Edmond of Canterburie English He ordained also that no person should appeale from the Pope to the Councell and yet had done more if he had liued longer He gaue too much licence to his followers and made one Roderic Borgia his Vice-chauncellor who after was Pope called Alexander the sixt He published saith Valerius Letters of pardons which he solde then for fiue Ducats a peece but now they are better cheape by the meanes whereof he left vnto his successor an hundreth and 15. thousand Ducates Iohn Capistran and Robert de la Lice aboue named as is said were sent by the Pope into diuers Countries to preach the yeelding of obedience to the Romane Church to giue some colour and appearance to their filthy fooleries prohibited pastimes and other ciuill exercises as bankets daunces and other like things Briefly they acquired such great brute and fame by their hypocrisie that afterward they were adored as Saints of many although they knew not what the doctrine of Iesus Christ meant The world meriteth to haue such Doctors since they make so small account of the truth This Pope Calixtus died in Iuly the yeare 1458. beeing very olde and left great riches Frauncis Foscarius was Duke of the Venetians about 36. yeares who hauing conquered or rather vsurped many lands and dominions in Italie vnto the profit of the Seignorie of Venice in the end of his dayes for a repentance the Venetians deposed him of his Ducall dignitie without alleadging any other reason but his age and impotencie And constrained him to leaue his Ducall Pallace to see a new successor enter into it whereof incontinently after he died After his death his sonne was banished and after called againe and cruelly tortured and againe sent into perpetuall exile although they found nothing in him of that which they laide to his charge Chron. Euseb Pius the second of that name a Tuscan by Nation borne in the Towne of Sienes whose father was Siluius and his mother Victoria before called Eneas Picolominius although long time he had bene spotted with the vice of ambition yet finally he came vnto the Popedome This poore young boy became so great as all Historiographers say which haue written of the Popes liues that hee was held one of the learnedst Popes and much esteemed for that he had written many things worthily In the Councell of Basill he was the Popes Secretarie and by Orasons and Epistles he purged the authoritie of Eugenius a litle after that he was crowned a Poet Laureate by the Emperour Frederic the third of that name and being called from his Court he came vnto greater estates and was both his Secretarie and Counceller He was sent Embassador hither and thither vnto many Princes and after ordained Bishop of Trieste by Nicholas the fift and consequently Bishop of Siennes and after placed in the number of Cardinalls by Calixt Finally comming vnto the Papaltie following the examples of his predecessors hee published a voyage against the Turkes but being preuented by death he could not put it in execution Some there are as saith Iohn Functius which haue left in writing that he sought to draw to himselfe a great summe of siluer from the Almaines vnder a colour to make warre vpon the Turkes because he knew well the riches of the Almaines as he that had long conuersed with them and that to the end he might dispend them in pompes and papall dissolutions and to inrich his parents and friends Vnder the shadow of warring against the Turkes Popes get store of siluer Lewis 11. sonne of Charles the 7. the 54. king of France being in Bourgongne and hearing newes of his fathers death came straight into France and was crowned The aforesaid Pope though before he was Pope hee had with singular diligence written two bookes of the acts of the the Councell of Basill yet as soone as he was made Pope hee sought to suppresse it For as he was very ambitious in all hee did when he was Pope so he trauelled in nothing to lessen the Maiestie or rather Papall tyrannie but rather to encrease it what he could Which to maintaine saith Stella the Venetian it is found that hee spared neither Kings nor Princes people nor tyrants hee I say which was more cruell then any tyrant He was a great enemie of Lewis king of France the eleuenth of that name because he would not consent to the abolition of the pragmatike sanction in his kingdome because it derogated from the libertie of the Cleargie Hee was angry against Borge de Est Duke de Mutine and made warre vpon him because hee fauoured Sigismond Malateste and the French men against Ferdinand For vpon his owne authoritie and by force of Armes hee put in possession of the Kingdome of Naples Alphonsus Bastard of the King Ferdinand to the great disaduantage of Iohn de Aniou sonne of King Rene. He pursued with cruell and sharpe persecutions Sigismond Duke of Austrich because hee had chastised Nicholas de Cuse a Cardinall for his rapacitie and couetousnesse full of arrogancie He shead out also the venome of his malediction against Gregorie de Hambourge a man very learned in the Ciuill lawe as it had bene a chased viper as Wolfgang de Winsebourge a Diuine of Basill saith and so sharply pursued him with the Letters of his thundring excommunications that he was constrained to remooue into Boheme He furiously cast out of his feat Diether d' Eisenbourge Archbishop of Magunce because as he said he had an euil opinion of the Romane Church and placed an other in his place Besides he depriued the Archbishop of Beneuent of his Archbishoppricke because against his will he tooke in hand new enterprises He caused a day to be giuen to George king of Boheme because he fauoured such as held the doctrine of Iohn Hus that vpon the paine to loose his kingdome He for his particular profit deposed many Bishoppes and added 12. newe Cardinalls to such as were alredie before He celebrated a Councell at Mantua and abbrogated in France the pragmatike sanction as a pernitious practise against the Romane Church Hee was the first that created the Abbreuiators of the Chauncelerie and reducted them into their order He brought vnder his gouernment many Townes of Campania called at this day Terra de lauoro the Land of Labour and maruellously encreased the Churches reuenewes and rents He neuer graunted any thing eyther to kings or to people for any feare hee had as his fierce and arrogant Papists say but he sharply persecuted the enemies of the Cleargie as if they had beene publike enemies As for his friends hee shewed himselfe very gentle towards them and greatly helped them At the sollicitation of Soreth he Canonized one called Angelus borne at Ierusalem and
the like Luther denieth it and saith that the bodie of Iesus Christ is within the bread wine and that it entreth into the mouth The Saxons follow Luther and Swisses Zuinglius Of long time hath Sathan with his darke cloudes obscured the doctrine of the Supper and now by contentions and debates hee also seeketh to take away from men the true taste thereof The sedition of peasants remained not only in Almaine but spred it selfe also in Lorraine nigh to Sauernes Duke Anthonie accompanied with his brother Claude de Guise and of some of the French troupe which were at the Iourney at Pauie fought with them and slew a great number keeping not his promised faith vnto them The Sorbonist Doctors of Paris whilest their king was in draue out of France Iames Faber d'estaples partly vpon enuie and partly vpon suspition of Religion The King aduertised hereof made the cause to be staied vntill his returne Frederic Duke of Saxonie dyed and Iohn his brother was his successor Carolostadius writ against Luther vnto whom hee answered at large The Pope Clement whilest the King was a prisoner writ Letters vnto the Parliament of Paris greeuously to persecute the Lutherans Touching the seditions of the peasants multiplied in diuers places See the Historie of Sleidan Luther taketh a Nunne to wife whereby he receiueth many reproaches at his aduersaries hands In Ianuary a peace was made at Madril in Spaine betwixt the King and the Emperour vpon condition aboue all to bandie himselfe against the Turke and the heresie of Luther The King after he had seene his two children as hostages returned into France The Emperour espowsed in Spaine Isabel the daughter of Emanuel and sister to Iohn king of Portugall The Turke departed from Belgrade and hauing passed from Danubie and Sauo hee drew strait into Hungarie and bad battaile vnto king Lewis who died in the fight and his wife Mary the Emperours sister saued her selfe with swift running Iohn Sepuse Vaiuoda de Transiluania after being allyed with the Turke against Ferdinand was appointed king of Hungaria as his vassall and Tenant Whilest they debated their rights by dint of the sword there fell out a very damageable warre both for them and their neighbours Francis king of Fraunce returned from Spaine allyed himselfe with the Pope the Venetians to defend Italie by sea and land against the Emperour and to recouer the kingdome of Naples and published a writing whereby he shewed his reasons And the Emperour caused to be published an other to the contrary Swisse infected with Anabaptists At Saint Gaull one of that Sect before his Father and Mother and others his Parents cut off his brothers head saying hee had beene so commaunded of God by reuelation Ioachim Vadian a learned man Consull of the said Towne with other Iustices incontinently caused the head of the said paracide Anabaptist to be cut off They of Berne made knowne to their next Bishops their disputations touching the reformation of Religion and publish Articles Bourbon willing to passe for the Emperour into the kingdome of Naples tooke his way towards Rome which he got by assault Bourbon was there strooken with a Bullet as he scaled the wall and there left his life The Towne was pilled the sixt day of May. Clement was besieged a long time with his Cardinalls in the Castle of Saint Angelo And finally the seuenth moneth after hee was deliuered by his raunsome of 40000. ducats after some The birth of Phillip the Emperours sonne was this yeare 1527. The King of France hauing made a league with the King of England sent into Italie the Lord de Landrece to succor the Pope he tooke Alexandria and after Pauie The seuenth of Ianuary they of Berne held disputation wherein Zuinglius Oecolampartius Bucer Capito Blanrer had by the holy scriptures surmounted and vanquished such as were of the aduerse partie Finally they confirmed by the authoritie of the Magistrate through all theyr lands the said Articles abolished the Masse and threw downe Images and Aultars The Kings of England in France demaunded of the Emperour many things by their Heraulds The King of Fraunce his children offering siluer for them He of England first three hundred thousand skutes for the borrowing of fiue hundred thousand of interest because the accords made betwixt them in the yeare 1522. had by him bene violated and broken Finally three yeares pension which by paction betwixt them the Emperour was bound to pay him that is to say 133000. skutes by yeare If hee refused their Heraulds were to denounce warre At Strasbourge by the Popes aduise euery man assembled in his Tribe The Masse was laide downe vntill the Papists should shew by the holy scripture that it is a seruice agreeable vnto God It may then lie downe long enough For contrary it is wholy opposite vnto the Supper of Iesus Christ Sedition at Basil betwixt the Burgesses and certaine of the Senators for the cause of Religion The Burgesses hauing taken Armes cast downe the Images in Temples which was the cause that the Senate agreed to what they demaunded yea and that twelue Senators which fauoured Papistrie should be deiected out of the Senate And that from thenceforth when any question fell out to ordain any thing concerning the common wealth that a Councell of 200. should be called therevnto to haue their aduise therin The Masse then was abolished through all their Seignorie and Images publikely burned as the Instruments of Idolatry Vpon a Wednesday which the Papist call Ashwednesday the Idolls were burnt at Basil Lantrec being dead and Andrew Danre of Genoua reuolted the French King began to hearken vnto peace Margarite the Emperours Aunt and Loyse the Kings mother assembled at Cambray and dealt for a peace in the moneth of August in this sort The Emperour left to the King Bourgongne if he engendred any male childe of his sister The King gaue for the deliuerance of his children to the Emperour twentie hundred thousand Skutes the debt of England being comprehended therein The Article againe is added to extirpate the Lutherans The Emperor returning from Genes and arriuing at Ausbourge denounced vnto the Protestants that they should let their preaching cease and goe to Masse with him They refused both he one and the other shewing there was no reason to constraine them to do it vnlesse the cause were debated The 24. of February after he had sworne namely that he should all his life defend the honour dignitie of the Romane seate he is with great pompe magnificence crowned Emperour at Boulogne Ellenor the Emperours sister and the Kings spowse came from Spaine into France with the Kings two children Frauncis and Henry after they had bene foure yeares in hostage in their Fathers place The Pope Clement and the Emperor besieged the Florentines because they set out of their Towne such as were of the house of Medices In the ende Ferrand de Gonzague brought them to composition and
the English men gaue ouer Hance de grace or New Hauen vnto the French king The same time they of Lubec and the king of Denmarke made warre vpon the king of Snede Henry de Brunswic made many courses into Almaine into the lands of the Bishop of Munster The eight day of September Maximilian king of the Romanes was crowned king of Hungary The 24. of September Charles the ninth king of France caused his Maioritie to be published declaring to the Parliament of Paris that he would take vpon himselfe the managing of the affaires of the kingdome The 28. was published and affixed at Rome on the part of the Cardinals Inquisitors a monitorie personal adiournament against Iane d' Albret Queene of Nauarre who because of the profession of the Gospell was cited to Rome to answere in the Popes consistory therefore and for want of appearance within sixe moneths her Countrey to be giuen vnto the first conquerer thereof and her vassalls and subiects absolued from their oath of fidelitie This was but a subtill deuice tending to an other end and the king of France tooke into his hand the cause of this Princesse so that for that time the Popes thunderclaps turned into smoake The second day of October the Bishop of Wirtzbourge was slaine his Towne occupied and raunsomed wherevpon followed great troubles in Almaine and at that time of Automne the pestilence was vehement in the quarters about Francfort Nuremberge and in the coastes about the Balthique Sea which carried away nigh three hundreth thousand persons The ninth day of Nouember the Armies of Denmarke and Snede encountred together and had a bloudie battaile wherein were slaine 3000. Snedes with great losse of their Artillery and baggage The fourth day of December was ended the Councell of Trent Betwixt the first and last session whereof were eightteene yeares In it all the Articles of the Popish doctrine were confirmed There was a great strife betwixt the Embassadors of France and of Spaine for the primer seat but he of Spaine got it at that time In the same yeare and the 13. day of August died Wolfangus Musculus Doctor in Theologie at Berne a man who by his writings greatly serued and yet doth the Churches of God He was then of the age of 66. yeares The 26. of Ianuary 1564. the Lithuaniens got a great victorie vpon the Muscouites which lost nine thousand men vpon the field with their baggage and many flying perished in pooles and Isy Marishes The first day of February died at Marpurge a Towne of Hesse Andrew Hiperius a very learned Theologian amongst thē of our time who left many profitable bookes to the edification of the Churches of God He was then of the age of 53. yeares In the moneth of April Frederick Elector Count Palatin came with Christopher Duke of Wirtemberge into the Abbey of Malbrun nigh to Spire where by the space of 7. daies their Diuines disputed some against others of two Articles in the doctrine of the holy Supper that is to say of the vbiquitie or presence of the body of Christ Iesus in all places and the interpretation of the words of the holy Supper This is my body After long contestations and strifes they departed without according any thing and after that their debate waxed hotter to the ruine of Churches and to the great contentment of the Pope and his adherents The 27. of May about eight of the clocke at night dyed Iohn Caluin a professor in Theologie a Minister of the word of God in Geneua a person of singular pietie memorie viuacitie of iudgement and admirable diligence of a solide doctrine wherin he hath comprehended the pure Theologie as his writings read without preiudice or sinister affection do apparantly shewe He was moreouer endowed with incredible zeale and prudencie in all the course of his Ministery hauing serued to the aduancement of the doctrine of the Gospel and to the edification of the Churches amongst all the excellent persons raised vp in our time to ruinate the tyrannie of Antichrist and to establish the throne of the celestial veritie He was of the age of 55. yeares saue one moneth and 13. daies he was buried without pompe hauing left many bookes very profitable for such as would seeke to aduance and goe forward earnestly in the intelligence of the holy scripture and an honorable memorie vnto all reformed Churches About this time the Maritimal and Sea Armies of the kings of Denmarke and Snede encountred vpon Balthique Sea in battaile wherein the Snedes remained victors and carried away three great ships of warre with a number of prisoners which the king of Snede caused afterward to be cruelly handled But about the end of Iune they of Denmarke and Lubec had their reuenge and ouercame the Snedes vpon the Sea conquering one ship though inexpugnable vntill then after hauing sunke many moe The Emperour Ferdinand a gentle and peaceable Prince died the 25. day Iuly at Vienna in Austrich hauing liued 61. yeares foure moneths and an halfe leauing for successor to the Empire his sonne Maximilian who soone after was elected and crowned The beginning of his yeare 1565. was very sharpe and colde in many Countries of Europe and there fel an extraordinary quantitie of snowe which beeing frozen and after melted in the spting time there followed great Invndations The Churches of France maintained themselues in some estate whilest the young King guided by his Councell made his voyage of Bayonne A warre in Hungary against the Turkes with losses and ruines on both parts The Churches in the lowe Countries began also to lift vp their heads especially vnder Charles the fift The encrease of the French Churches encouraged them they also published their confession of faith The Ecclesiasticke Romanes that which afterward came to pass e amongst other practises sought to establish the Spanish Inquisition and certaine yeares before made new Bishops to the end more easily to maintaine the Popes authoritie After this erection by the space of foure or fiue yeares whilest Margarite Dutches of Parma gouerned the lowe Countries for her brother the king of Spaine some ceased not to cōtend against others by remonstrances bookes and diuers practises some to abolish others to giue entry and authoritie vnto the Inquisition The I le and Towne of Malte was furiously assailed by the Turkes in the moneth of May but they were Iustained and pushed backe by the knights of Malta being assisted with the succors which were sent from many places In the monethes of Iune and Iuly were great deluges and ouerflowings of waters in diuers quarters of Almaine especially in Thuringe A very sharpe warre was in Hungarie betwixt the Turkes and the Almaines with diuers accidents that befell on both sides The eight of December the Pope Pius the fourth died of the age of 66. yeares and 8. moneths hauing bene Pope about six moneth
fell to a peace about the end of this yeare The Cardinall Don Henry brother of King Don Iohn the third grandfather of Don Sebastian was by a generall consent of the Nobles and Gouernours chosen and sworne king of Portugall who like an other Anius was made king of a preist of whom Virgill saith in the 3. of his Aeneiads Rex Anius Rex idem hominum Phaebique Sacerdos Of this Cardinal say the Portugalls that he was borne in the Eclips of the Moone and in the Eclips of the Moone he died M. Cyprian Val. Almaine was troubled by the cries and factions of the Vbiquitaries against whom certain Princes common-weales and learned mē opposed thēselues both with liuely voice writing The faith and obedience of the king of France his subiects began to decline Vpon the 31. of Ianuary Henry Cardinall King of Portugall departed this life he began to die in the Eclips of the Moone and died with the end thereof as if that the celestiall signe had wrought that effect in him being a man of a weake body which it doth not in strength or at the least not so suddenly as Astrologians do write neither is the houre to bee neglected being the same wherein he was borne 68. yeares before This was the last King of Portugall in whom ended the right Masculine line And as the first Lord of Portugall although vnder the title of an Earle was called Henry so doth it seeme the last should be so termed He was Bishop Gouernour of the Realme Inquisitor Maior Legate Apostolicke and King On the sixt of Aprill being wednesday in Easter weeke about sixe of the clocke towards euening a certain Earthquake happening in London and almost generally throughout England so amazed the people as was wonderfull for the time This Earthquake endured in or about London not passing one minute of an houre but in Kent and on the Sea coasts it was felt three times as at Sandwich at sixe of the clocke at Douer at the same houre These and many other places in East Kent the same Earthquake was felt three times to mooue at sixe at nine and eleuen Hollenshead The first of May after 12 of the clocke in the night was an other Earthquake felt in diuers places in East Kent namely at Ashford and great Chard King Phillip performed the funerall obsequies of Sebastian in the Church of S. Ierome at Madrill although it was secretly muttered that the Duke of Alua should say the King should haue performed it in Potugall in our Ladies Church of Belem where the other kings are accustomed to be interred inferring it may bee that Phillippe was successor vnto Sebastian or at the least should assure himselfe by force of the succession after Henry causing himselfe to be sworne Prince Ieronimo Conestaggio In the beginning of Iune the Frislanders passing Rhene returned into their Countrie and meeting the Count Hollocke with 22. Auncients and two thousand horsmen gaue him an ouerthrow in which were slaine of the Counts part one thousand and fiftie and on their owne side but fiftie and fiue by this encounter the siege was raised at the Groine and many Townes Hauens and holdes of Friseland were redeemed Genebrard After K. Henries death whē Katherine Duchesse of Brabant Anthony the bastard sonne of King Lewis and others had promised themselues the next succession at the last Phillip king of Spaine who was for that named of the dying Cardinall was inuested by the consent of the Lords spirituall and temporall Others chiefly they of Lisbone did sweare to Don Antonio but Phillip with a great power both by sea and land of the which he made the Duke of Alua Generall came to Lisbone and expulsed Don Antonio and recouered the Citie Who beeing hotly pursued by Sanches d' Auila was constrained to flie into France and England for succour Chytreus In the moneth of Iuly Stephen king of Poland comming out of Luchem in Moschouie tooke by force two Fortresses Vualisium and Vsuum and after that Vuielukim but hauing lost many of his men at the end of the yeare hee returned Genebrard On the nineteenth day of August the king of Spaines prescription was published against the Prince of Orange at Namours In these monethes of Iuly and August Fera a Citie in Picardie was deliuered to the Huguenots Emanuel Philebert Duke of Sauoy died this moneth a Prince most famous for his courage wisedome and religion leauing his sonne and heire and sucessor Charles The first day of September of this present yeare the Grecians and Muschouites began to recken the yeare from the worlds creation 7089. Certain Spaniards and Italians confederate with the Earle of Desmond and some of the Cleargie of Ireland landed there and tooke certaine holds and Castles but they were soone discomfited and chased away Ferdinand Duke of Alua began to exercise his tyrannie at Aquisgrane a chiefe Citie of the Empire vpon certaine Citizens and others that came from Antwerpe and the lowe Countries such as were of the reformed religion by whose conference and conuersation very many of Aquisgrane when they had embraced their profession desired of the Senate that they might vse a publike exercise of their Religion which when it was denied neuerthelesse they met openly at Sermons and the celebration of the Sacramens Which beeing shewed vnto the Emperour certaine Commissioners were appointed to roote out the religious and onely to establish the doctrine and rites of the Pope The Emperour himselfe wrote also vnto the Senate that they should banish those Preachers forth with and that they should iustly keepe the old lawe which was that none should be admitted of the Senate vnlesse they were altogether Catholicke D. Chytraeus The eight day of October immediately after the new Moone there appeared a blazing Starre in the South bushing towards the East which was nightly seene the aire being cleare more then two moneths In this yeare there was great abundance of corne wine and all maner of fruite and in Autumne in many places Roses did bud againe A great sicknesse did followe spreading it selfe throughout all Europe This is the yeare which the Grecians holde for the seuen thousand yeare from the beginning of the world Genebrardus Iohannes Martianus a Millanois Embassador for Spaine to the Turke hauing obtained a truce for three yeares returned from Constantinople into Spaine but so as neither desired others friendship but that the Turke molested by the Souldan feared the Christians and the Spaniard hauing enough to do at home was constrained by warre to seeke repossession of his owne Idem In Ianuary Proclamation was published at London for the reuocation of sundry the Queenes Maiesties subiects remaining beyond the Seas vnder colour of studie and yet liuing contrary vnto the lawes of God and of the Realme And also against retaining of Iesuites and Massing Priests sowers of sedition and other treasonable attempts I. S. Queene Anne the wife of King Phillip fell sicke
downe to be admitted againe into the Cittie then the Iesuits the matter as then was left in suspence put ouer to the K. the Parliament of the realme But the Iesuits being importunate vpon the king the K. the yeare following sent one Iohannes Ostrouius into the Citie who instructed by the kings commandement demaunded that all those that were spoyled and eiected of the seditious communaltie might be put into possession of their Churches whose Oration was forthwith answered in the name of the Citie and the Senate by Dauid Hilcheuius theyr aduocate The 26. of August Peter Barrier alias Bar borne at Orleans was prisoner at Melena where he confessed that he was seduced by a Capuchin Friar at Lyons by the Curat Vicar of a certaine parish in Paris and also by a Iesuite closely to follow the king and to murder him with a two edged knife the which was found about him he further confessed that two Priests by him nominated were also come frō Lyons for the same intent and that he set himselfe the forwardest in the execution therof to the ende hee might get the greatest honour thereby For the which hee was executed At this time was the Duke of Nemours within Lyons from whence he would not stirre to goe to the Estates of the League although the Pope had giuen him commaundement the other chiefe Captaines thought it meet and his friends seruants desired him to goe he vouchsafed not so much as to send vnto them knowing that the Leaguers cast their eyes altogether vpon the D of Guise and that the D. de Maine his brother by the mothers side crost all his purposes and would worke all meanes for his death A certaine bold Friar of Lyons perceiuing well that this young Prince pretended to bring some new matter to passe within the League whereby he might at least haue some great hand in the gouernment by the aduice of two or three Councellors who were of his complices he compassed Lyons with many Fortresses which held on his side at Toissai Vienne Montbrison Chastillon de Dombres and other places Quilian forsaking him he bought it with a great summe of mony at the hands of the Lord of S. Iulian who was Gouernour thereof This done Lyon was inclosed as well by water as by land The Lyonnois did not withstand neither his prodigallities nor his Councellors nor his men of warre which forraged the plaine country receiuing the guerdon of their reuolt from the kings obedience In the end acknowledging themselues they rose vp against the D. of Nemours assisted by the presēce and counsell of the Archbishop sent by the D. de Maine and the 18. of Decemb. they tooke hold of Nemours who was seene three times at deaths doore committing him to close prison where hee continued certain moneths and at last escaping by cunning meanes spoyled of his succours chased from his Fortresses he went dyed farre from France in a litle Towne called Aueci scituate in Sauoy in the Country of Geneuois After the solemne funeralls of Henry the 3. late King of France were performed in the Cathedrall Church of S. Denis Henry the 4. King of Nauarre was publikely proclaimed king In the meane season the Popes Legat with the Embassador of Spaine vrged the election of the D. of Guise at Paris and cursed the K. of Nauarre for that he s oft had fallen and those Bishops with the Archbishop of Bourges by whom he had bin reconciled to the Church and absolued Likewise at Rome the Agents and Ministers of the K. of Spaine sollicited the Pope that he would confirne the excommunication pronounced by his Legate at Paris nor would admit any Embassadors from the hypocriticall king If he did they vowed as his Embassadors came in at one gate they would goe out at the other The 26. of Nouember the Duke of Neuers came to Rome sent by the K. of France for his absolution whom the Pope entertained with all kindnesse but a litle while after hee dismissed him not denying simply absolution to the K. but deferring it vntill he sawe more manifest signes of penitence D. Chytaeus The K. of France deliberated to assemble at Mante certaine of the chiefe Nobles of the Realme to take counsell of diuers matters at that time needfull The deputies of the reformed Churches were there present about the ende of Nouember whom the king caused to be called together the 12. day of the moneth following and hauing giuen them audience and heard the great sorrowe which they made vpon the infinite cōtradictions of his decrees and the complaints of the wrongs done vnto them through all his Prouinces hee answered that the change of religiō had not any way changed his affection frō them that he would redresse their griefes and make peace and concord among his subiects Hee receiued their Bills of complaints to haue them pervsed But these affaires were driuen to such length that the distance of many yeares hath buried all And the Captaines of the League hauing plunged the Realme into new miseries those of the religion almost in all parts of the kingdome continued as grieuous vnder the crosse as before Sigismond K. of Poland was perswaded to embrace that religion and seruice of God comprehended in his word the confessiō of Augusta as it had flourished in y e later time of Gostauus and the former daies of Iohn the 3. king of Poland and as it was receiued by the States of the land in the Councell of Vpsalem the yeare 1593. by a solemne testification for the confirmation and defence of the same religion hee voluntarily offered his oath which remaineth vpon record Chytraeus The same day that Sigismond K. of Poland and Vpsalem was inuested with the crowne of Suetia Iames the 6. K. of Scots had a sonne by Anne his wife the sister of Christian the 4. K. of Denmarke to whose christening the K. of France the Q. of England the K. of Denmarke Count Maurice H. D. Brunswic Vtricus Duke of Magapolis were inuited The 9. of April Ferdinādo E. of Darbie deceased at Latham Henry the 4. king of France and Nauarre was with great solemnitie crowned king at Chartres When the last yeare he sent to the Pope the D. of Neuers for absolution Pope Clement the eight then answered that hee stood in need of three fold benefite from the Apostolicke Sea first of absolution in Court of Conscience secondly in a lower Court of Conscience from publike excommunication thirdly in the Court of Rehabilitation as they say to the kingdome for the which before by reason of his heresies hee was held vnfit Paetrus Mathaeus Mathias Arch-duke of Austria was by the Emperour his brother chosen Generall of the Forces against the Turke and went to Vienna Idem The same time the Pope promised to send to the Emperour 5000. footemen and 500. horsemen for the leuying of which sixe Tents were gathered of the Cleargie throughout all Italie which amounted
the order the yeare of Christ 1084. Chron. Sigeb and Emil. lib. 5. and Plati The yeare of Christ 1089. in the time of Gregorie the seuenth and of the Emperour Henry the fourth The Abbey of S. Sauiour of Andim of the order of S Benet in the country of Hainault in a litle Iland called in Latin commonly Aquacinctum or Aquis cinctum was beganne by two noble persons Sicherus and Gualterus which went vnto Ancelme of Ribemont a noble man and demaunded the saide I le beeing part of his patrimony where the Abbey was builded Sigeb Victor 3. of that name borne in Italie called before Didier Abbot of Montcassin and Cardinall of the Court of Rome was made Pope not by election of Cardinalls or of the Romane people but was there inthronized by that harlot Matilde and the Normaines of that faction and gouerned a yeare and foure moneths After he had receiued the Papall dignitie as Gregorie his successour he beganne lustily to maintaine his part against the Emperour and the Pope Clement and hee which was a Monke to defend his predecessor Monke according as he had bene informed by the said Matilde the louer of Gregorie But death kept him from shewing by effect yea with some great publike calamitie that poyson which hee had hidde in his heart and the inraged hatred which hee had conceiued against them For the yeare of the Lorde 1088. hee finished his life with his Papacie and that sooner then he looked for Some Authors as Herman Contract Carsulan Peter de Premonstre and many others recite that he died of poison which was put in the Challice by his Subdeacon as he sung Masse Yet Vincent is of an other opinion as Platina rehearseth it when he saith that he dyed of a Fluxe of the bodie and that is not farre from a suspition of an impoysonment For they which take poyson doo sometimes fall into a Fluxe of the belly because the guts and inward parts are wasted corrupted Some Historiographers slaues of the Romane seate haue maliciously said that this was procured him by the Emperour Henry others by the Pope Clement although this wicked act was done by no other but by his Chaplaine doing his office of Subdeacon Some haue left by writing that in this time many prodigious straunge things against nature appeared For domesticall birds as hennes geese pigeons and peacocks fled into the mountains became wild that the greatest part of fishes as well of Riuers as of the Sea died Philip King of France forsooke his wife Berthe the daughter of Baudwin Counte of Holland of whom he had a sonne and a daughter Chronicles of the Kings of France The Relickes of S. Nicholas were transported from the citie of Mirrhe into the Towne of Bar. Whereof came that famous Idoll which giueth the name of Saint Nicholas in Lorraine Chaunges of many Dukes in the Country of Almaigne Who can here expresse how many euils calamities that Intestine and ciuil warre of Almaigne hath caused being stirred by the Pope not onely amongst the greatest Princes which were slaine therin but also in change of siegnories The Emperour Henry after that his enemy Rodolphe was dead about foure yeares after hee had bene placed in his Imperiall seate gaue the Duchie of Sorabie to Fredericke de Stanfeu his sonne in lawe The race of Franconian Dukes in a small time perished altogether Egbert Marquesse of Misue vnto whom the Bishops had giuen hope to haue the Empire after the death of Rodolphe was also slaine in the battell of the Saxons which the Emperour Henry gained Also Gebbard Father of Lotharie who after was Emperour dyed in the warres Briefly the forces of Almaigne were wholy debilitated and chaunged in this vnluckie warre of the Popes Vrbane 2. of that name borne of Tuscane called before Otho a Monke of Clugny and vnder Hildebrand Cardinall of Oftie was inthronized in the Papacie against the wil of the Emperour by such as had inthronized Victor namely by that harlot Matilde and the Norans then Lordes of Pouille and ruled 12. yeares 4. moneths and 19. dayes This is the Disciple and houshold seruant of Hildebrand whom Benno calleth in despight Turban a schismaticke an hereticke and companion of Liberius the Arrian which Gregorie the seuenth canonized as hath bene said Who saith hee for feare that the poyson of their errours might not be knowne after the manner of Sorcerers mingled hony therewith For subtilly and vnder an intent to deceiue hee added holy scriptures to his lyes and perseuering in his errours with his Hildebrand he was sent into hell with the Apostate Angels Vrbain say some Authours of our time perturber of the world or rather whirle-winde of the tempests of Townes the familiar of Hildebrand watered maintained and caused to grow the pernicious seeds which his predecessors had before dispearsed here and there He excommunicated Guibert Arch-bishop of Rauenna which was named Clement the third because hee had bene chosen by the Emperour At this time all things were in great trouble as well in Almaigne as in other Nations by the disputations then happening betwixt the Cleargy and the people but because Vrbane would not absolue any which had beene excommunicated by Hildebrand fearing to fall in daunger of his life went secretly out of the Towne and after this celebrated many Sinodes The first at Melphe the second at Troy in Pouillie the third at Plaisance the fourth at Cleremont the yeare of the Lord 1094. and the fift at Tours in which he confirmed the acts of the monster Hildebrand and made new Ecclesiasticall ordinances to the ende the Papall authoritie might in nothing be diminished in that which had bene acquired by violence and deceit He ordeined that a Clarke might not receiue Inuesture of a benefice of a secular Prince whatsoeuer hee be Hee writ to Matilde an auncient friend and louer of the Romane Church and armed all her sinagogue against them of the Emperours side whom he calleth heretickes He gaue also to the Arch-bishop of Millaine the Pall Archiopischopall and so confirmed the orders and Sects of Chartreux and of the Monkes of Cisteaux Such as had wiues after they were promoted vnto the order of Deacons he depriued thē of their offices taking also frō Priests their sons their estates and administrations He made the Arch-bishop of Toledo who had made an oath vnto him Primate of all Spaine to the end by that meane the beast of Rome might make subiect all Spaine vnto him He stirred Christian Princes to take armes against the Sarasins vnder colour to recouer the Towne of Hierusalem And for that purpose hee marked with the signe of the Crosse three hundreth thousand men and in the meane while he guided all things for his own profit For the yeare of Christ 1095. because hee would not finde meanes to doo his businesses as he would for many tumults and seditions raised against him he tooke occasion to depart from Rome and come into