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A18271 A treasurie or store-house of similies both pleasaunt, delightfull, and profitable, for all estates of men in generall. Newly collected into heades and common places: by Robert Cawdray. Cawdry, Robert. 1600 (1600) STC 4887; ESTC S107929 530,386 880

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diminishing the Couetousnesse and vnlawfull desire of the same Iam. 5.3 Luk. 12.15 23 As when the Spleen encreaseth the other members ioynts and parts of the body do consume and pine away So Couetousnesse and the great treasures and riches of couetous tyrants increasing the wealth of subiects and inferior persons is weakened and diminished whiles they pill and poll away their substance and goods to enrich themselues withall 24 As the Spleen encreasing the other members do decrease So likewise Couetousnes growing greater greater all vertues do vtterly decay and vanish away bountifulnes liberalitie charitie truth righteousnes and all such excellent qualities are no more found in those mē which are strangled and poysoned with a great and greedie desire of worldly riches 25 As Floods which send their waters into the sea and leaue the drie land which is very thirstie vnwatered Euen so some Couetous men doo now and then bestow great cost and much of their riches vpon those that need them not not drawne therevnto with either loue or mercie but carried with vaine-glory and with vanitie it selfe so to do Mat. 5.7 Esa 58.7 26 Like as the Sea is seldome or neuer seene without tempestuous waues So also we can neuer see a couetous mans minde free from carefulnesse feare trouble vexations 27 As a Pot hath a wide open mouth So Couetousnesse gapeth euermore after worldly goods riches and honor 28 As the Owles night Crowes see better by night then by day So the eyes of couetous men be blind to see how to come to heauen but to get worldly goods and riches they can see well inough 29 As we see some men which naturally are so enclined to mischiefe so seditious so contrary to peace tranquilitie that they are no sooner entred into a house or Common-wealth but presently they sowe discord dissention troubling the common-quietnesse and peaceable estate which was before So also the cursed desire of Couetousnesse is no sooner entred into our heart but that foorthwith we perceiue a great confusion of tumultuous ●nd dissentious appetites to boyle and rise vp within vs which do straightwayes entangle vs in the nets and snares of the diuell and at the length bringeth vs to miserable ●eath and destruction 30 As the Couetous man would not like of those seruants and hirelings who by their negligence and careleslesse haue suffered his houses to fall to ruine and haue left his lands vineyards vntilled neither would he be pleased with that man or maid-seruant in his house which serueth him to no purpose So likewise if he himselfe make no vse of his riches and treasures but keepe them altogether vnprofitably he may not thinke that he is the seruant of God holding of him whatsoeuer hee hath with commandement to make vse of them and that he is countable for the dammages and losse which hapneth by his want of trafficke that is to say for that he hath not vsed them as the Lord hath commaunded 31 Euen as the fire is extinguished and quenched not only by throwing on of water but also by taking away of the wood and other matter whereby it is fed and nourished So also a Couetous man destroyeth taketh away the life of a man not only by offering him violence but also in refusing to giue or lende that vnto him which is necessary for his preseruation 32 As a flood which at the beginning being but a little Riuer by little and little as it runneth encreaseth in such sort that in the end it beareth with it whatsoeuer resisteth Euen so if a Couetous man haue once gotten one hundreth poundes he straightwayes desireth two hundreth from two hundreth he commeth to a thousand from a thousand to a million and from millions to an infinite summe 33 As one that climeth vp a Ladder vseth the first step as a means to come to the second and the second to come to the third continually climing vntil he come to the top So likewise there is no difference betweene the Couetou● man and him that climeth vp the Ladder but that the o●● findeth an end of his ladder the other findeth none at all neither of his care nor sorrowes which necessarily follow riches neither yet of his earnest desires in the attaining and keeping of them 34 As the Asse that carrieth meate for the belly and cloth for the backe yet hee himselfe feedeth vpon grasse and contenteth himselfe with an hairie skinne So the Couetous whose Chests are stuffed with gold and siluer yet cannot affoord their belly a good meales meate nor couer their backe with a good coate 35 As the Bee bringeth sweete honey in her mouth but a sharpe sting in her tayle So Couetousnesse hath pleasure in this life and paine in the life to come 36 As the Ape that is tied to the clogge thinketh that hee keepeth the clogge and not the clogge him is greatly deceiued So likewise is the couetous man which thinketh that hee keepeth his riches when indeed his riches keepes him 37 As Dinah while she wandred to see fashions and thought to feede her fancie vpon the daughters of a straunge Countrey shee lost her Virginitie amongst the sonnes of the Countrey So some men while they seeke to feede and fill their greedie worme of Couetousnesse and ambition with diuers pleasures and profits of the world they loose their sinceritie amongst them and so make shipwrack of faith and a good conscience 38 Euen as Tamar went out of her brother Amons chamber with her maidens garmēt of diuers colours rent because she was enforced to leaue her maidēhead behind her So some Couetous worldlings which sometimes with Demas followed Paul but now with Demas embrace his present world are enforced to go away with their gar●ent of diuers colours rent and torne for while they will venture through the bushes and thornes of worldly cares to get worldly promotions it is no maruell if they come out with their zeale quenched their courage abated their faith blasted their loue cooled their knowledge withered their humilitie defaced their sinceritie decreased and the whole garment of pietie and Religion scratched torne and rent in peeces Continuance in Sinne. 1 LIke as if a mans foote legge or arme be broken with how great paine the same is restored to his former estate all men know But if any member of our body should be broken twise or thrise or more often in one and the selfesame place euery man can then iudge how hard a thing it were for that part to recouer her perfect strength and health againe Euen so fareth it in the ruptures and wounds of our soule If a man doo commit sinne once or twise and do vnfainedly without dissimulation make his refuge to the medicine of repentance hee dooth out of hand obtaine health againe and that sometimes without any skarre or blemish of the disease past but if he begin to adde sinnes vpon sinnes in such sort that the wounds of the soule do
righteousnesse and of peace and ioy in the holy Spirit attending vntill hee finish in vs the communication of that light ioy holinesse and glorie that we shall haue perfectly in heauen Ephe. 1.13 14. 3 As among men when things that passe too and fro though they bee in question yet when the Seale is put too they are made out of doubt Euen so when God by his Spirit is said to seale the promise in the heart of euerie particular beleeuer it signifieth that hee giues vnto them euident assuraunce that the promise of life belongs vnto them Ephe. 4.30 Sluggards AS the Drunkards drinketh till he hath drunke all the money out of his purse and all the wit out of his head and all goodnesse out of his heart that there is no difference between him and the beast except it be in this that the beast can goe and keepe his way which the drunkard cannot doo So the Suggard sleepeth in all securitie and neglecteth his businesse and puts off all care for doing of all his duties vntill he hath slept all thrift out of his shop and all his friends out of his companie and all Gods graces out of his hart and all comfort out of his soule and all strength out of his body and all conscience out of his dealing till his stocke be spent and his occupying decayed and his customers gone and Gods spirit gone and all be gone and till nothing be left but feare and shame with pouertie penurie and a bare head and feeble shoulders to beare off the blowes Singing of Psalmes 1 AS that is a godly sorrow that driueth vs to prayer a blessed heauinesse that maketh vs seeke vnto the Lord So that is a godly mirth that endeth with Singing of Psalmes and heauenly ioy that at the least wise maketh vs more fit to serue God 2. Cor. 7.10 Col. 3.16 Ephe. 5.18 Iam. 5.13 2. Chro. 35.25 2 As no man can truely pray without the feeling of his wants So no man can Sing from his heart vnlesse he haue some perswasion of Gods fauour and so as affliction driueth him to pray so mirth mooueth him to Sing Act. 15.25 3 As all knowledge is increased especially by hearing reading and conferring about the Scripture So all affections are most of all stirred vp by meditation prayer and Singing of Psalmes Psal 147.1 4 Like as when the light of the Gospell came first in Singing of Ballads that was rise in Poperie beganne to cease and in time was cleane banished away in many places So likewise the sudden renuing of them and hastie receiuing of them euery where maketh vs to suspect least they should driue away the Singing of Psalmes againe seeing they cannot stand together of which wee are so much the more iealous because we see that in other places also where these bee not receiued in yet the Singing of Psalmes is greatly left ouer that it had wont to be 5 As the vngodly haue a grace in their wickednesse and are the better liked of among the vngodly though indeed they are then most deformed So this singing of Psalmes maketh vs comely before God and louely in the eyes of his Church when we hauing prepared our harts therevnto do sing with affection with reuerence with vnderstanding Psal 331. Reue. 14.3 6 Euen as a costly garment may be comely in it selfe yet shall it not become vs vnlesse we be fit for it and it be well put vpon vs So though to sing be neuer so comely in it owne nature yet it becommeth not vs except we be prepared for it and do sing Dauids Psalmes with Dauids spirit Ephe. 5.19 Colloss 3.16 2. Chro. 29.30 7 Like as the expert Phisitions vse for the most part to annoynt the brinks of the Cuppes with hony when they minister their bitter potions to sicke children least they should abhorre their health for the bitternesse of theyr drinkes Euen so the holy Ghost perceiuing that mankind is hardly trained to vertue and that we be very negligent in things concerning the true life indeed by reason of our great inclination to worldly pleasures and delectations hath inuented and mixed in his forme of doctrine the delectation of Musicke by the Psalmes to the intent that the commoditie of the doctrine might secretly steale into vs whilst our eares be touched with the plesantnesse of the melodie so that for this ende be these sweete and harmonious songs deuised for vs that such as be children either by age or children by maners should indeed haue their soules wholesomely instructed though for the time they seeme but to sing onely Sinne the cause of affliction AS no man ought to accuse and blame the Phisitian as though he were the onely occasion of the corrupt humours within the bodie notwithstanding that he hath brought and driuen them out that a man may euidently see and perceiue them but the misbehauiour and vntemperate diet of the man himselfe is the very right occasion and the onely roote thereof Euen so we ought not to ascribe any blame or fault vnto God if he send vs heauinesse paine and trouble but to thinke that it is a medicine and remedie meete for our sinnes and euery man to ascribe the ve●ie cause and occasion thereof vnto himselfe and his owne sinnes and to referre blame to nothing else Dan. 9.5 6 7. Ionah 1.12 Our Spirit must striue to ouercome the flesh LIke as the Spirite farre passeth and ouercommeth the flesh in Christ Euen so must it do in vs also that we haue more respect vnto God and vnto life euerlasting then vnto this our worm eaten flesh Sinnes of others are not to be imitated or to be our excuses LIke as if in walking thou shouldest see him fall that goeth before thee thou goest not to fall with him but thou art to be so much the more circumspect that thou fall not as he did Euen so we are to remember that those foule falles and grosse faults of Dauid and of S. Peter and of others are set before vs first that they should be to vs as a mirror of the frailtie and weaknesse of man to acknowledge that if we be exempted and freed it is by the grace of God and secondly that we should so much the more stand vpon our guard and be watchfull least we likewise fall Sorrow for imminent daunger of death warre hell c. AS there was great lamentation in Syon because of Gods iustice for their sinnes Or as there was great lamentation for Pharao in Egypt because hee was a Lyon in the land and a Dragon in the Sea and as there was great Sorrow fasting mourning and weeping among the Iewes because the King had decreed their deaths Euen so wee the inhabitants of England haue great cause of lamentation fasting mourning and weeping because death is scaling our windowes the beastes of the fields to wit the Pope and the Spaniard hungring to deuour our bodies to spoyle our Countrie and to shed our bloud as water vpon the
may not controll his Creator AS it is vnreasonable for a peece of clay to challendge the Potter for the forme shape or vse that it is made for Euen so it is an intollerable presumption of man to reason against his maker for the end that he is made for whether it be honour or dishonour Iob. 10.9 Psal 103.14 Rom. 9.20 21. Esa 64.8 The wonderfull Chaunge of Christians AS it is a great miracle for a dead man to be raised again So likewise is the chaunge that Christ hath made in those that be his wonderfull 1. Pet. 4.6 Christians in great miserie if God forsake them AS women traueyling in childe-birth and haue not strength to bring foorth their fruite are in great miserie So likewise are the Children of God in great distresse in the dayes of trouble and affliction if God leaue them and forsake them therein Esay 37.3 Contentious Spirits are daungerous AS we are to take heed of Dogges when they are fighting and brawling for a bone that we be not too busie in kicking them least we be caught by the shinnes Euen so are we to take great heede of such as be vnquiet troublesome spirits that are readie to wrangle and disquiet the Church about euery trifle Phil. 3.2 Christ the appointed Reconciler LIke as there was a certaine person by whom sinne entered into the world and by sinne death and so became as it were the cause and foundation of falling away from God and entering into league with the diuell So also must there be a certaine person appointed of God that might be the foundation cause of Reconciliation and of neuer breaking the same coniunction with God the fountaine of all happinesse Custome an other nature AS impossible as it is for a Black-moore to cast away his skinne and to become white and for a Leopard to put away his spots So impossible it is for them that noosell themselues and accustome themselues continually with euill doing to chaunge their custome and to endeuour to do well Iere. 13.23 Christians are to pray chiefly for spirituall graces AS Achsha begged of Caleb her Father a blessing to her dowrie and springs of water to her drie soyle So must all Christians intreate Almightie God to giue them the grace of his holy spirit with the gift of his heauenly Word that they may pay vnto him the tribute of honour Iosu 15.19 The benummed Conscience is senselesse of spirituall graces AS the sicke man lying vpon his bed is not able to go to the Phisition to seeke for his health but the Phisition is to be intreated to come to minister to him Euen so such people as are ignorant and sicke of sinne vnto death are not able to go to the spirituall Phisition the Preacher or haue any minde so to do because they neither vnderstand their disease nor the daunger they be in nor yet feele the griefe thereof so that oftentimes when the godly Preacher commeth vnto them and ministreth wholesome medicines and consolations yet are they not able to receiue the same Ephe. 2.12 2. Tim. 2.25 26. Good Counsell not to be refused of the wisest LIke as they that are giuen to gather wealth although they haue great store of wealth at home yet if Golde and Siluer be brought to them from other places they do not refuse it and the richer they be the more they desire So wise Magistrates whose treasure is to consist rather in the wisedome and faithfulnesse of good men then in the hugest masse of money that can be though they be most wise and rich that way yet they ought not to refuse the wise aduise of any but be willing glad to heare it whose soeuer it be Affectionate Admonitions vnfruitfull LIke as he that obserueth the wind shall neuer sowe So likewise they which haue an eye alwayes vnto the affections of men and will know what entertainment their admonitions and reproofe shall haue before they wil bestow them can neuer profit thereby for that in so doing they seeke rather to please men and feede their humours then that God should haue his glory increased thereby Prea 11.4 Gal. 4.10 Christ comforteth his AS the Raine maketh the new mowne grasse freshly to spring againe and showers so comfort the earth that it yeeldeth the fruites therof Euen so shall Christ refresh foster nourish and cherish his people Psal 72.6 Christ a sure Rocke AS hee that setteth the foundation of his house vpon a firme Rocke may be sure that the foundation shall be ●ble to beare the weight of that which shall be set vpon ●t and that no raine or flood shall wash it away So hee that buildeth his faith vpon Christ as hee is set out and preached vnto vs in the Gospell shall bee sure that hell gates that is al the power force and cunning of the diuel shall neuer be able to preuaile against him Math. 7.24.25 Mat. 16.18 The compleat armour of Christians 1 AS a Souldier if hee be not shod but barefooted shall quickly bee surbatted and vnable to trauaile Euen so a Christian not hauing the Gospel of peace cannot endure Ephe. 2 As it is an absurditie for a Souldier to put himselfe into the field naked without armour and weapon as well to strike the enemie as to defend himselfe So also is it alwaies necessarie for a Christian to be armed at all points especially to haue the shield of faith the helmet of saluauation the sword of the spirite which is the word of God Christian freedome AS seruants when they haue serued a time chaunge their maisters and are maisterlesse or serue others Euen so Christians are to remember that their condition is so vnstable and vncertaine in the Church of God except they haue the spirit of freedome namely the spirite of adoption of children and so by Christ and in Christ bee truely made free Ioh. 8.35.36 Christ our graund Captaine AS souldiers are to resort to their standard So faithfull Christians are appointed to flocke to Christ Esay 11.11.12 Contemners of the truth 1 AS Swine will moozell vp and downe in the mire whatsoeuer precious thing shall be offered them So wicked contemners and despisers of the word doe as it were treade vnder their feete whatsoeuer promise is offered or in iudgement threatned to them out of the word 2 As they which are displeased with all things that profit them not Or as a deafe man who seeing the lippes of speakers to moue thinketh them too lauish of their tongues Or as a blind man which groping by the walles and windowes of a faire house doth find fault with the windowes because they are not so smooth as the walles Euen so such are they that find fault with the Scriptures because they shew as well the spots as the beautie the vice as the vertue Math. 7.6 Comfort from Gods spirit AS water refresheth the thirstie and as floudes doo moysten the drie land and make it fruitfull so God by his spirite reioyceth
Psal 19.7 52 As a man will be more warie to trie euerie peece of Gold when he sees many counterfeit and florishing Angels to flie abroad So when christians shall see many sorts of doctrin crawling daily like Locusts out of the bottomlesse pit they must be more diligent to taste trie which is the sound and sincere Word 1. Ioh. 4.1 Iere. 23.28 53 As the biting and sharpnesse of Mustard together with his hot and fierie taste which is many times seene to make the eater thereof to rubbe his nose and wring out teares and which also by prouoking of neezing doth excellently purge the head from rough phlegme and rheumatike substance Euen so the Word of God being faithfully preached and rightly applied doth pearce the conscience shake the mind enkindle inflame the heart excite and stirre vp drowsie faint and dull minds to ensue vertue and performe the duties of pietie and doth many times force and fetch out teares of earnest and heartie repentance Act. 2.37 54 As they that vse the benefit of the day to trauel and walke in needeth not to stumble fall at the things that lie in their way for that they haue light to direct them by So likewise they that direct themselues in their calling by the light of the Word of God goe aright and vpright because God doth guide them Ioh. 11.9.10 55 Like as Gods curse is apparant in that earth which notwithstanding the raine and all the dressing that men can vse bringeth nothing but weedes bryers and brambles So they that heare the word of God faithfully preached and continue in ignorance and proceede in impietie and vngodlinesse haue manifest seales of their damnation Hebr. 6.7 8. 56 Like as if Corne be spilt or shed in any cōmon way the foules presently fall vpon it and deuour it and suffer it not to remaine there any longer Euen so the seed of the VVord when it is preached and fallen into hard hearts is by and by taken away of the Diuell and wicked spirits and so cannot remaine there nor bee vnderstood Math. 13.19 57 Euen as a man receiuing the best friend that he hath into his house will lodge him in his best roome that hee hath So likewise should a Christian lodge Gods VVord in no worse place then in his heart Col. 3.16 58 As no man knoweth how sweete Honie is but hee that tasteth it So wee cannot vnderstand the profite of Gods VVord except we haue experience therein Prou. 24.13 14. 59 As the salt which Elishia did cast into the spring of Iericho was profitable to that land Euen so the Word of God is as healthsome to mens soules 2. King 2.21.22 60 As King Salomon by continuall exercising of himselfe in wisedome did both resolue the Queene of Saba of all her hard and curious questions and wrote many parables to instruct other men that were to come after him So likwise Christians by acquainting thēselues in the Word of God shall be able to satisfie both their owne consciences in matters of Religion and to teach the ignorant that which they ought to know Math. 13.52 61 As Iacobs sleeping in the land of Canaan was a figure of his continuall rest and perpetual possession of the same So likewise the stedfast setling of our sences in the VVord of God is an infallible argument of our continuall enioyin thereof Gene. 28.13 Luk. 10.42 62 As all the sheafes in the Haruest did bow to Iosephes sheafe So must all men be controlled and subiect to Gods Word Gene. 37.7 63 Like as the Sunne dooth not heate all those that it lightneth Euen so the Word of God dooth shewe men what they ought to doo but not enflamed them with a desire to performe the same for it is one thing to knowe that we should be wise and an other to be wise indeed 64 As the Israelites might not sow two kinds of seedes in one and the same ground Euen so the immortall seede of Gods VVord must onely bee receiued in the furrowes of our hearts Deut. 22.9 65 As raine and Snow falling from heauen returneth not thither againe but watereth the earth and maketh it fruitfull Euen so the Word that commeth out of Gods mouth shall not returne voide but shall accomplish and bring to passe that which God will shall prosper in that whereunto he sent it Esa 55.10 11. 66 As the seede once sowne wheresoeuer it pleaseth God to graunt his blessing vnto it whether the sower sleepe or wake or whatsoeuer he doth and howsoeuer he is occupied groweth and encreaseth till it come to maturitie and ripenesse So likewise the Word by the ministerie of God being scattered where God worketh withall by his holy spirit there it bringeth a great maruellous and an vnlooked for encrease Mar. 4.20 67 As of mortal and corrupt seeds men are first borne to this mortall and corruptible life So must wee of the immortall and incorruptible seede of the Word be borne againe to a life immortall and incorruptible if wee will liue euer 1. Pet. 68 As it is impossible that Corne should grow or prosper and come to good among the bushes of thornes So likewise is it impossible that the seede of the Word preached should become the seede of new birth to him that continueth full of worldly cares and is snared with the deceitfulnesse of riches Math. 13.22 1. Pet. 1.23 69 Like as he that is a thirst doth greedily and ioyfully receiue a cup of water or beere to quench his thirst and to ease him for a little time Euen so much more greedily should Christians receiue the VVord the water of life whereby the thirst of their soules shall be quenched eternally Math. 10.42 Ioh. 4.14.15 70 As the Israelites in the wildernesse whensoeuer the cloud and piller of fire stood still they stood still when it went they went Euen so must the VVord of God be a piller of fire vnto vs when it commandeth vs to stand we must stand still and whatsoeuer we doo in our calling we must haue direction for the same out of Gods VVord Numb 9.21 22. Luk. 5.4 1. Timo. 6.1 c. Deut. 17.16 c. Psal 119. c. 71 As children are so greedily carried with a desire of their foode that when hunger pincheth them they neither regard leisure necessitie nor the willingnesse of their Mothers but all excuses and businesse set apart so soone as they crie for it they must be fed Euen so wee must not thinke it enough to desire the Word but we must be earnest and feruent and importunate in calling and crying for it 1. Pet. 2.2 72 As the Lampe burned continually in the Temple without quenching Euen so the Word of God must continually sounde in our eares without intermission Leuit. 24.2 3. Act. 2.46 Ioh. 6.27 73 As Dauid longed for the Well of Bethlehem So must Christians long and languish for the Milke of the Word 2. Sam. 23.15 1. Pet. 2.2 74 Like as a vapour