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A17140 Itinerarium totius Sacræ Scripturæ. Or, the trauels of the holy patriarchs, prophets, iudges, kings, our sauiour Christ, and his Apostles, as they are related in the Old and New Testaments. With a description of the townes and places to which they trauelled, and how many English miles they stood from Ierusalem. Also a short treatise of the weights, monies, and measures mentioned in the Scriptures, reduced to our English valuations, quantitie, and weight. Collected out of the workes of Henry Bunting, and done into English by R.B.; Itinerarium totius Sacræ Scripturæ. English Bünting, Heinrich, 1545-1606.; R. B., fl. 1619. 1636 (1636) STC 4020; ESTC S106784 396,681 582

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but swim vpon the top be it either iron lead copper or any other weighty matter Of which Vespasian the emperor hauing notice to make experience of what he had heard made a journy of purpose to see it and with him tooke certain condemned men who for their offences had deserued death these he manacled and where he thought it to be deepest caused them to bee thrown in but they rose vp againe with such violence as if some storm or tempest had sent them vp The water thereof changeth three times a day and shineth against the sun with diuers colors casting out fire and great cakes of pitch much resembling Bulls without heads and of that quantity This pitch is good for diuers things as to calk ships to lay vpon cables and to vse in medicins wherefore such as come to this sea and know the nature of it haue certain Skifs and instruments wherewith they draw these cakes of pitch to their ships to which it cleaueth so fast it being naturally tough that being brought to land they cannot get it off again but by the help of vrine Vpon the banks thereof grow trees that beare fruit of diuers kinds as apples and such like which are faire and pleasant to the eie but if you either touch or open them you shall finde nothing but dust Brittenbacchus saith In this place the Serpent Tyrus whereof they vse to make treacle is found It is a little serpent about half a cubit long and a finger thick being of diuers colours and is so venomous that where it biteth there is no remedy vnlesse by cutting off the member The head of it is rough and hairy and there seemeth to lie vpon the tongue of it if it be angry a fiery flame The same Author saith That a little from Zoar betweene this Lake and the mountaines of Engedi the pillar whereinto Lots wife was turned is yet to be seen shining like salt The furthest part of this sea Northward lies 14 miles from Ierusalem toward the East the riuer Iordan runneth into it The trauell of the two Angels that led Lot out of Sodom THese two Angels hauing spoken with Abraham in the valley of Mamre neere Hebron forthwith went to Sodom some 40 miles distant from that place where Lot hauing entertained them into his house by their helpe was deliuered together with his wife and two daughters from that miserable desolation of the Sodomits Of Lots two Daughters LOt escaping this desolation and seeing a president of Gods iudgement fallen vpon his wife for her disobedience fearing that he should not continue safe in Zoar left that turned aside into the wildernesse and continued there among the mountains although the Lord had promised him safety in this town wherfore continuing in a Caue in the Wildernesse the eldest of his daughters losing her husband in this destruction supposing that all men had beene destroyed from off the earth counselled her sister to commit incest with her father Lot being now oppressed with care by reason of the former calamities gaue himself at the inticement of his daughters to drinke Wine insomuch as with the excesse he became drunke at which time not being himselfe he begat by his two daughters two sonnes the eldest had a sonne whom shee called Moab which signifies The begotten of his Father whereby the impudencie of this woman is laid open to the World in that she was not ashamed of her sinne Of him came the Moabites and dwelt vpon the North side of the lake Asphaltides some 32 miles from Ierusalem The yongest daughter had a son which she called Ben-ammy that is The son of my people for although she bare him with great shame yet she dwelt among the people of God Of him came the Ammonites that dwelt beyond mount Gilead threescore miles from Ierusalem Northeastward Of the foure Kings that tooke LOT prisoner THe first of them was called Amraphel King of Shinear or Babylon the son of Ninus and Semiramis as some thinke and is called somtime by the name of Berosus sometime Ninus He kept his court at Babylon in Chaldea which is 680 miles from Ierusalem Eastward This Ninus is called Amraphel because of the notable victories that he won and the number of countries and prouinces he conquered The second was Arioch or Arius his sonne He was thus called because of his courage and crueltie in war for Arioch signifies A mighty roaring Lion Arius Mars This man during the life of his father was created king of Lassir that is Assiria for so it is called in the Chaldaean tongue the chiefe city whereof is Nineueh and lies from Ierusalem Northeastward six hundred eighty foure miles The third was Keder-laomer King of the Elamites in Persia 1200 miles from Ierusalem toward the East This Prince had a great command in that country Keder signifies an Ornament or Crowne Laomer Well deseruing The fourth was Thideall King of the Nations Hee kept his court in Damascus the Metropolis of Assyria some 160 miles from Ierusalem Northward Thideal signifieth An exalted Lord of Alah that is To be lifted vp These foure kings were confederats and bent their expedition principally against Astaroth and Kiriathaim which they tooke and spoyled all the Countrey round about with fire and sword and their Armies being retyred from the spoyle met in the vally of Siddim where now the dead Sea runneth and there pitched their tents In this place after a cruel and sharp war they conquered the fiue Kings of that beautifull and pleasant soile of Pentapolis for so it was called because of those fiue cities that were in it where among others they tooke Lot captiue with all his substance Of Astoroth AStoroth seemes to be the city of Venus because the citisens thereof worshipped her for Astoroth is a goddesse of the Sidonians and is compounded of Ash which signifies a company of stars and Tor placed in order The Syrians call Venus Ashtoroth This towne lay in the land of Gilead and belonged to the halfe tribe of Manasse beyond Iordan 56 miles from Ierusalem North-Eastward In this city the foure Kings of the East conquered the gyants of Karnaim that were mighty princes and commanders there when they made war against that and Kiriathaim Not far from hence also in the land of Ham there dwelt certaine Gyants called Zusim of Zus and Hamah which signifies to stir vp commotion These were very great strong and stately people and had the command of all the Countries thereabouts which they held in great feare and were conquered by the foure Kings Of Kiriathaim KIriathaim was a City in the tribe of Reubin beyond Iorden Ios 13. 22 miles from Ierusalem toward the East and so called because it was diuided into many parts and diuisions The heathens corruptly cal it Carthage The Hebrews deriue it from Kiriath which signifies a city and Emah Terror Here dwelt the Emims a graue and fearfull people for so their name signifies Of Hazezon Thamar THis Citie tooke the
was the 30 mansion of the Israelites in the wildernesse being 132 miles from Ierusalem toward the South took the name from the pleasantnesse and fertilitie of the wildernesse being deriued of Iatab Batha A certain good and pleasant wast or wildernesse Of Arbona THis place being very discommodious and no whit profitable the children of Israel were constrained to remoue their tents with great weeping and lamentation for Arbona being deriued from Abar and Naha signifies partly to remoue and partly to weep Of Aezion Gaber THis was a town of the Idumaeans neer the red sea 148 miles from Kades Barnea and 174 miles from Ierusalem towards the South Here the Israelites set vp their tents and here Solomon made his Navy which he sent to Ophir to fetch gold 1 Kings 9. This city no doubt took the name of the strength and multitude of trees whereof these ships were built for they were very faire ships and of excellent workmanship Aezion Gaber signifieth A strong tree beeing deriued of Ez and Gaber that is A Tree of strength Of Zin-Kades THis was a great Wildernesse lying betweene Ezion-Gaber and Kades-Barnea being 184 miles in length abounding with thorns and high mountaines Vpon the North side thereof lay mount Seir and Kades-Barnea and towards the South the red sea It was called Paran and Zin of the aboundance of thorns that grew there for Zin of Zanan signifies a sharp thorne Zinnim full of thorns and Kadesh Sanctity or holinesse Here Moses and Aaron hauing strooke the rocke twice at length it brought forth water but for their murmuring incredulity God would not suffer them to goe into the land of Canaan This lay 120 miles from Ierusalem toward the South Of the mountaine Hor. HOr is a mountain of the Idumaeans 88 miles from Ierusalem toward the Southeast and is deriued of Harar which signifieth a great mountain here Aaron died The King of the Canaanites which dwelt toward the South in a town called Arad vpon the borders of Iudaea and Arabia Petraea hearing that Aaron was dead inuaded the Iews with a great army discomfited them and tooke some of them captiues But after the Israelites to reuenge this iniury tooke and destroyed diuers cities which belonged to the Canaanites and put the citisens to the sword This countrey is called Chormah which signifieth a curse or desolation Of Zalmona THis was a place in the desart of Zin-Kades where the Israelites pitcht their tents being 80 miles from Ierusalem to the Southeast and took the name from shades or little sheds vnder which the Israelites dwelt for Zalmona seems a compound of Zel and Mun which signifies a shady place and seemes to haue affinitie with Manah to distribute here and there Of Phunon THis was a city of the Idumaeans scituated in the wildernes of Arabia Petraea 64 miles from Ierusalem towards the Southeast and takes the name from a faire and flourishing city For Panan in Hebrew signifieth an high pinnacle from whence one might see all parts of the world Here Moses set vp the brasen Serpent Of Oboth THis was the 37 mansion of the Israelites in the wildernesse was 56 miles from Ierusalem towards the Southeast and signifies a serpent called Python Here the Arabians receiued an answer from the Diuell by way of conjuration Of Igim THis was the 38 Mansion of the Israelites so called because of the multitude which were assembled neer to a mountain called Abarim 52 miles from Ierusalem toward the Southeast for Igim signifieth a Congregation Of Dibon Gad. THis was the 39 station of the Israelites in the desart beeing 52 miles from Ierusalem toward the Southeast neere to the floud Zared bordering vpon the Idumaeans and Moabites running from thence into the red sea and as it seemes taketh name from descending into a strong place Of Almon Diblathaim THis place stands beyond the red sea some 40 miles from Ierusalem toward the East and taketh name from a Fraile of dried figs from Alam signifieth he hath hidden and Debeleth A Fraile of dried figs. Here was the 40 mansion of the Israelites and lay close by the riuer Arnon Num. 21. 23. Of the mountaines Abarim THese mountaines lay 32 miles from Ierusalem towards the East and taketh the name from Passing along for Abar is as much to say as He went along Between these mountains and the lake Asphaltites neere to the Easterne riuer of the Dead sea the Moabites inhabited Of Iahza THis was a city of the Levits the sons of Merar in the Tribe of Benjamin 24 miles from Ierusalem Eastward Ios 21. here Moses ouercame the King of the Ammonites and put them to death Num. 21. Of Chezbon THis was the Metropolis of Sehon King of the Ammorites who held the country beyond Iordan and because he would not suffer the children of Israel to passe through his Dominions therefore Moses made warre vpon him put him to death and gaue all his country to the tribes of Reuben and Gad. This was a faire towne and after fell to the Levits Num. 21.33 Deut. 1.2 c. and tooke its name from Cheschebon which signifies An artificiall vnderstanding for Chaschaf is as much as excogitavit that is he hath found out and Cheschaef is An artificiall and ingenious Worke. Of Iaezir IAezir was a city of the Priests in the Tribe of Gad 36 miles from Ierusalem toward the East and in Ieroms time was a smal● village and signifies The Lord is my help being deriued of Iah that is The Lord God and Ezaer The helper Of Edrie THis is a city in the countrey of Gilead beyond Iordan and the Galilean sea 32 miles from Ierusalem South-Eastward neere the lake of Gaderin where Og the King of Basan was ouercome by Moses and after fel to the Tribe of Manasses Num. 21. Ios 13. Deut. 13. S. Ierom saith That in his time this towne wa● called Adar Og signifieth a Cooke or one that baketh bread vpon coles Aedriae signifies an heap of bright clouds being deriue● of Adar and Hi that is a cleare heape Of Astoroth THis was a metropolitan City of Basan foure miles distan● from Edri and 56 from Ierusalem toward the Southeast I● stood beyond Iordan and belonged to the half tribe of Manasses of which you may reade before in the trauels of Lot Of Pisgah THis was a high mountaine in the plaine of the Moabites against Iericho 240 miles from Ierusalem Eastward It took the name from the cities Pisgah and Nebo and therefore is called somtimes Pisgah somtimes Nebo Here Moses died Nebo signifies a city of the Prophets Pisgah The top of a hill The Trauels of the Prophet Balaam THere are many which thinke that this Prophet Balaam was of the posteritie of Nahor the brother of Abraham and an inhabitant of the city of Charan in Mesopotamia Gen. 11. Iosephus saith he dwelt neere to Euphrates and S. Ierom in a Citie called Phatura of which there is mention Num. 22. and signifies an obscure Prophet or
in that country peopled many towns cities with them so that there were many of the Israelites led into captiuitie aboue 1396 miles for so many miles is Rages and the Cities of the Medes from Ierusalem Northeastward This captiuitie of the ten Tribes hapned An. mundi 3227 and before Christ 741. OF the cities of Rages and Niniveh you may reade in the trauels of Toby and the Angell Gabriel The Trauels of the People which SALMANASSER Emperour of the Assyrians sent to dwell in the Land of Israel SALMANASSER after hee had carried the Children of Israel away captiue into Assyria sent as it is said part of them into Media and part of them into Persia and so dispersed them here and there about the Countrey But because the Land of Israel by reason of this captiuitie became desolate and without inhabitants therefore he caused those people which dwelt about the riuer Cutha in Persia to go thence and dwell in Samaria and in all the countrey round about to till the land and dresse the Vines least some other people that were strangers to his gouernment should vsurp vpon that kingdom it being thus without inhabitants Ios li. Ant. 9. You may reade of this also 2 Reg. 7. In whose place and neere to the said riuer of Cutha a multitude of Iewes with great shame and griefe were constrained to dwel He also gathered a great multitude of other people out of Babylon Hamath or Antiochia some out of his own dominions of Assyria also out of Medea and the people of Ava and Sepharuaijm which people are mentioned Esay 37. and sent them to inhabit in Samaria and all the cities and countries round about because it was a fertile and pleasant country and to defend it against the incursions of strangers From whence may be gathered that in this behalfe the policy of this Emperor was much greater that of the Romans for the retaining of this kingdome but especially than that of Titus Vespasian for hee hauing conquered the land wasted it and destroyed it with fire and sword put thence the inhabitants and dispersed them heere and there left the countrey bare and naked onely a few Garrisons were placed in the strongest cities to keepe it to their vse Which not beeing able enough to oppose the incursions of the Saracens that in great Troupes brake out of the Desarts of Arabia Petraea they soone lost all that they had gotten and the Turks ioining with them they haue now gained into their possession that pleasant and fruitfull Land of Iudaea and inhabit therein euen to this day to the great detriment and scandall of the Christians But to return to the people sent to inhabit this kingdom who as they were of diuers Nations so were they of diuers religions and euery Family had his particular god Wherefore the Lord sent a multitude of Lions among them which daily vexed them from whence it hapned that Salmanasser was constrained to send backe vnto them a Levite one of the Priests that had bin caried away captiue to shew them the true worship of God He came to Bethel and there taught them the doctrine of the Lord and the customes and ceremonies of the Mosaical Law whereby it hapned that they began to worship God and their idols in neither obseruing their antient custome For which cause they became so abominable vnto the Iewes that they refused their companie and familiaritie as that Samaritan woman confessed to Christ at Iacobs Well Ioh. 4. so that when the Iewes could call a man by any ignominious or odious name they would term him a Samaritan Ioh. 8. Do we not say rightly that thou art a Samaritane and hast a Diuell But of all the people which Salmanasser sent into the Holy land those that came out of the East part of Persia from Cutha called Cutheis dwelt in Samaria and got the chief command and gouernment ouer the rest The Trauels of the Kings of Syria that made warre vpon the Kings of Israel And first of the Trauels or incursions of BENHADAD BEnhadad King of Syria went from Damascus the chiefe city of his kingdome and came to Samaria and streightly besieged it in the time of Ahab King of Israel 1 Reg. 20. being 132 miles From thence being ouercome and put to flight by Ahab he returned backe againe to Damascus which was 132 miles The second time he came from thence and inuaded the land of Israel euen vnto the city of Apheck 124 miles which hee besieged But Ahab King of Israel ouercame him in a great battell and put 100000 Syrians to the sword and when the rest of the multitude would haue fled into the city the ruines of a wall fell vpon them so that there died 27000. This put King Benhadad into such a feare that hee was constrained to fly from one chamber to another to hide himselfe but at lost was taken and not without the great wrath and indignation of God by that wicked king Ahab pardoned and set at liberty 2 Reg. 20. Wherefore he went thence backe vnto Damascus which was 124 miles Within three years after he brought a great army against Ramoth in Gilead which is 104 miles from Damascus South-eastward Here he won of Ahab a great battell in which Ahab was slain with an arrow 1 Reg. 22. From thence he returned back to Damascus which was about 104 miles After that he came again from Damascus into the land of Israel with a great army 120 miles where he counselled with his Captains and men of war saying Here and there will we incamp our selues But the Prophet Elisha discouered their purposes 2 Reg. 6. Out of the land of Israel he returned to Damascus which was 120 miles From thence he returned again with his army to Samaria being 132 miles which the second time he besieged so straightly that an asses head was worth 80 pieces of siluer But yet the Lord at the feruent prayers of Elizeus the Prophet strook such a feare and anguish among the enemies that Benhadad and his army were constrained to fly 2 Reg. 6. Being sore troubled because he was thus put to flight he went to Damascus which was 132 miles and there within a while after died of grief 2 Reg. 9. So all the trauels of King Benhadad were 1224 miles The Trauels of the Captaines which Benhadad King of Syria sent to waste and destroy the land of Baesa King of Israel THis army went from Damascus and came to the towne of Hion 72 miles From thence they went to Dan which is 4 miles From Dan they went to the city of Abel-Bethmaacha twelue miles From thence they went to the land of Chineroth which was accounted 8 miles there they tooke certain cities of fruit and spoiled and destroyed them From Chineroth in the tribe of Nepthali when they had cruelly wasted destroyed that country they returned with a great booty to Damascus being 88 miles 1 Reg. 15. So all their Trauels were 184 miles ¶ The Description of
of the Assyrians ioyning his army with Pekah son of Remalia King of Israel had streightly besiege Ierusalem Ahas was constrained to craue aid of this Tiglath Phulasser sent him great presents which he accepted kindly brought his arm from Niniveh to Damascus 520 miles where he put Resin and the whole city to the sword 2 Reg. 16. From Damascus he came with his army into the land of Israel which was 120 miles where he ouercame Pekah in a great battell conquered all the land of Gilead and the tribe of Nepthaly and put a great multitude of the Israelites into perpetuall exile 2 Reg. 15. From thence he went backe to Niniueh 640 miles A little after this King Tiglath Philasser went from Ninive to Ierusalem 680 miles where hee so streitly besieged that wicked King Ahas that he was constrained to giue him great abundance of gold and siluer to raise his siege and be gon 2 Chr. 28. From Ierusalem he returned back to Ninive being 680 miles So all his trauels were 6640 miles OF the city Niniveh you may reade after in the trauels of Ionas the Prophet Of Kyr which is commonly called Cyrene KYr or Cyrene is scituated in Africa 816 miles from Ierusalem Westward In which country Simon that bore the crosse of Christ was borne Mat. 27. Luke 23. It signifies in Hebrew A strong wall and in Latine a Heart The Trauels of King SALMANASSER SAlmanasser signifieth The Assyrian Peace-maker This man Ptolomaeus that excellent Mathematician calleth Nabonassarus that is the Prophet of the Assyrians He began to reign vpon the 26 of February An. mundi 3221 before Christ 747 and reigned ten yeares or thereabout This man went with his army from Ninive to Samaria being 652 miles where hee compelled Hosea the last King of Israel to pay him tribute 2 Reg. 16. From thence he returned backe again with his army to Niniveh 652 miles After when Hosea K. of Israel conspiring with So K. of Egypt denied to pay him tribute hee returned backe againe the second time to Samaria which was 652 miles and after 3 yeres siege he tooke and destroied it with fire and sword and conquered all the country round about From Samaria he returned back again to Niniveh 652 miles So all the trauels of Salmanasser King of the Assyrians were 2608 miles The Trauels of SENACHARIB King of the Assyrians SEnacharib as Melancthon expounds it signifieth a two edged Sword He succeeded his father Salmanasser Ann. M. 3231. before Christ 737. He reigned 7 years This man imitating his father endeauored to cary away the rest of Gods people into captiuitie for which purpose he brought an army from Niniveh to Lachis which was 700 miles which town he besieged sent his Princes to Ieresalem beeing 20 miles where hee blasphemed the Lord of which you may reade more in the historie of King Hezekiah From Lachis hee went to Libnah 8 miles This was a strong Hold but he besieged it so narrowly that within a while after he had begun the siege he tooke it While he was before this town there came newes That Taracha a King of the Ethiopians had inuaded his country Wherefore he sent the second time messengers to Ierusalem But the Lord was offended with their blasphemie wherefore hee sent his Angell who in one night destroyed 185000 of his army This sudden and vnexpected euill falling upon him in a great feare he returned to Niniveh 692 miles where he was slain by his sons in the Temple The same of these things was so divulged abroad that Herodotus lib. 2. makes mention of them So these three journies make 1400 miles Of Lachis and Libnah you may reade before Of Assarhaddon King of the Assyrians ASsarhaddon his father Senacharib being slaine succeeded in the gouernment An. mundi 3238 which agreeth with the 730 yeare before Christ and reigned ten yeares in Niniveh the chiefe city of the Assyrians Here again the mutation change of Kingdoms may be obserued for Merodach a Chaldaean rebelling against Senacharib continued his gouernment in Babylon 11 yeares that is during a part of the reign of Senacharib and all the reign of Assarhaddon his son in which time he conquered the Assyrians and made them subiect to the empire of the Babylonians Of Merodach the first Emperor of the Babylonians MErodach signifieth A bitter repentance He was the sonne of Baladan Prince of Babylon who ruled at such time as Senacharib had that grieuous ouerthrow in Iudah Wherefore taking aduantage of the time and the necessitie of that Prince he rebelled against him and his son Assarhaddon taking vpon him the absolute command of the city and whole Empire The beginning of whose reign hapned in the yeare of the world 3236 and before Christ 732. This Merodach sent to Ierusalem wise and learned men with gifts and presents to King Ezekiah iust in that yeare when the Sun went backe ten degrees to know the truth of this miracle For it was a custome amongst the Nations round about Ierusalem if any thing hapned beyond the expectation of man to send thither to enquire the truth thereof Such and so wise a people were the Iewes esteemed in those times as may appeare by diuers places in holy Scripture In the beginning of the 12 yeare of this King Assarhaddon Emperor of the Assyrians died after whose death he became Emperor of all Assyria Chaldea He began to reign ouer that spatious kingdome An. mundi 3247 before Christ 721. and reigned after that 40 yeares Of Ben-Merodach Emperor of Babylon BEn-Merodach that is the son of Merodach succeeded his father An. M. 3287. before Christ 681. He reigned 21 yeares Of Nebuchadnezar first of that name Emperor of Babylon NEbuchadonesar or Nebuchadnesar signifieth A Divine Iudge He was the most potent king of all the Babylonians This man obtained the chiefe command ouer the Babylonian Empire An. M. 3309 before Christ 659. He reigned 35 yeares and held his Court somtime in Babylon sometimes in Niniveh Iud. 1. He made war with Pharaoh Necho King of Egypt of which battell you may reade 2 Reg. 25. 2 Chr. 35. in the vally of Megiddo where Iosias was slain Herod lib. 2. doth also make mention of this battell and calls the place by the name of Magdalum Of which Ieremy also speaketh But they were towns in the tribe of Manasses scituated neere to the plaine where this battell was fought in which country Mary Magdalen was borne The Trauels of Nebuchadnezar the second of that name Emperor of Babylon NEbuchadnesar or Nebuchadonesar the Great which Ptolomaeus calleth Nebupollasser about the end of the third yeare of Ioachim King of Iudah being a little before created Emperour his father yet liuing came vnto Ierusalem which hee besieged so streightly that hee constrained Ioachim to pay him Tribute for thirty seuen yeares Berosus saith Lib. 3. A little after that is Anno mundi 3344. before Christ 624 hee was sent against the Syrians Phoeniceans Egyptians that rebelled So
he went with his army from Babylon to Carchemis a City of Syria scituated neere the riuer Euphrates which was 280 miles Here he ouercame Pharaoh Necho King of Egypt in a great battel Ier. 46. Herod lib. 2. From Carchemis he went to Ierusalem which was 400 miles here he tooke Daniel and his companions captiue and brought them to Babylon After he went with his army to Pelusio being 132 miles which hee tooke conquered all the land of Egypt put to death Pharaoh Necho and made Psammeticus his son King in his place Ieremy the Prophet told of this war cap. 25.26 From Pelusio he returned to Babylon 800 miles Within a while after his father died and he succeeded in the gouernment and reigned 43 yeares In the 11 yeare of Ioachim King of Iudah he went again from Babylon to Ierusalem which was 680 miles and by policy tooke that city and put Ioachim the king thereof to death according to the prophecie of Ieremy cap. 22. 2 Kin. 24. From thence after he had made Iechonias his son King hee returned backe again to Babylon 680 miles About three moneths after he went the third time back to Ierusalem 680 miles for he feared Iechonias would rebell and reuenge the death of his father Ioachim 2 Kin. 24. In the eight yeare of his reign he tooke Iechonias Mardoche and 3000 other Iews of the Nobilitie and caried them captiue to Babylon which was 680 miles 2 Kin. 24. 2 Chr. 36. Est 2. Nine yeares after he came the fourth time to Ierusalem being 680 miles and besieged the City because of the impietie and rebellion of Zedekiah King thereof During this siege he tooke diuers towns but chiefly Lachis and Aseka Ier. 34. But when hee vnderstood that Pharaoh was comming with an army out of Egypt to rescue Zedekiah he raised his Campe and went about 80 miles into the countrey of Egypt which Pharaoh hearing was abashed and turned backe againe In the absence of this Emperor Ieremy the Prophet being then within the city hauing foretold the destruction therof would haue fled thence for his better safety into the tribe of Benjamin but by the way hee was taken in the gate of Benjamin and cast into prison Ier. 7. Within a while after according to the prophecie of Ieremy Nebuchadnezar returned out of the desart of Sur whither he went to meet the Egyptians being 80 miles and vtterly destroyed the city of Ierusalem carrying thence the vessels and ornaments of the Temple to Babylon 2 Kin. 25. 2 Chr. 36. From Ierusalem hee went to Riblah in the tribe of Nepthaly 80 miles where hee put out Zedekiahs eies and kild his children 2 Kin. 25. From Riblah he carried Zedekiah to Babylon which was 600 miles where he died miserably in prison 2 Kin. 25. Afterward Nebuchadnesar went with his army from Babylon to Tyrus which hee won and pittifully wasted with fire and sword according to the prophecie of Ezekiel cap. 26. being 600 miles From Tyrus he went to Egypt and passed 480 miles through that kingdome conquering all the countries and prouinces as he went a long euen the Ammonits the Moabits Philistins Idumaeans and Egypt it selfe all which countries hee made tributarie to him Isa 15 16 19. Ier. 46 47 48 49. Ez. 25.29 From Egypt he returned to Babell 960 miles From that time till his death hee was Emperour of all those kingdoms In the second yeare of his Empire Daniel expounded vnto him his wonderfull dream vnder the similitude of an image setting forth the condition of the four monarchies of the world Dan. 2. Not long after he caused Sidrack Misack and Abednego to be cast into a fiery furnace because they refused to worship the golden image which he had set vp Dan. 3. Also this Nebuchadnesar for his great pride and arrogancie was by God strucken mad and into a deepe melancholy in which disease hee continued for the space of seuen yeares tyed in bonds and chaines running vp and downe like a beast and feeding vpon grasse and roots vntill he came to vnderstand That God the Gouernour of Heauen and earth had the disposing of Kingdoms and Gouernments giuing them to whom he list and againe taking them away At the end of which time he was restored to his vnderstanding and Empire and after beautified the city of Babylon with many goodly buildings faire orchards and pleasant places as Iosep lib. Ant. 10 saith And when hee had reigned 43 yeares died and was buried by his father in Babylon An. mundi 3387. and before Christ 581. So all the trauels of Nebuchadonesar or Nebuchadnesar were 7892 miles ¶ The Description of the Cities and places that haue not as yet been mentioned Of Carchemis THis was a city in the country of Syria neere Euphrates 400 miles from Ierusalem Northward and signifies A sacrificed Lambe being deriued of Car which signifies a Ram or Lambe and Mosch He hath cut in pieces It may also be taken in the third Conjugation for a Lambe sacrificed to the idol Chemosch or Chamos the god of meetings or nightly salutations Of Pelusio THis City Pelusio was built by Peleus the father of Achilles from whence it tooke the name It stands in Egypt some 172 miles from Ierusalem Southwestward neere to the gate of Nilus called Pelusiachus where it falleth into the Mediterranian sea Not far from this city in the mountain Casius vpon the borders of Arabia Petraea where the Temple of Iupiter Casius stood is to be seen the tomb of Pompey the great beautified and adorned by Adrianus Caesar as Capitolinus saith At this day this city is called by the name of Damiata You may read of it Ezek. cap. 30. Of Tyrus or Zor TYrus signifieth Cheese or to congeale together as Cheese doth milk somthing alluding to the Hebrew word Zor signifying to make straight or a rocke hauing a straight and sharpe edge It was the metropolitan city of Phoenicia now the hauen or passage of Sur but in antient time it was called Sarra Aul. Gel. lib. 14. cap. 6. It was scituated vpon a very high rocke compassed about with the Mediterranean sea 100 miles from Ierusalem Northward and a famous mart towne for all the Holy land By the description of Ezekiel it seemes to haue bin like vnto Venice both in scituation and dignitie Ez. 72.28 Ierem. Esay 27.28 and many other Prophets prophecied against this town saying Out of the land of Kithim that is from Macedonia the destroyer of Tyrus should come As after hapned for Alexander the Great King of Macedon besieged that town and in the 7 moneth after tooke it for the obtaining whereof he was constrained to fill vp the sea which compassed it about containing 700 paces and made it firm land for his army to passe vpon to the wals of the city In this country that famous Civilian Vlpian was borne as he writeth lib. 1. ff de Censibus And vpon the borders of Tyrus and Sidon Christ cured the daughter of a Canaanitish woman of a
Diuel Mat. 15. wherefore you shall read more of it in the second Tombe Of Evil-Merodach Emperor of the Babylonians and Assyrians AMilinus Evil-Merodach son of Nebuchadonesar the great succeeded his father An. M. 3388. before Christ 580. In the first yeare of his reign he set at liberty Iechonias King of Iuda and attributed to him the title dignitie and maintenance of a King Iechonias being then 55 yeares of age and 37 after he had been in captiuitie 2 Kin. vlt. Ier. vlt. Whence it is concluded by most That this Emperor did also embrace the doctrine of Daniel concerning the true God as did Nebuchadonesar his father who had before by publique Edict professed it to the whole State caused it to be published through his dominions and therfore shewed fauor and mercy toward King Iechonias And from thence it is thought that those which were impious princes about him called him Amelinus that is the Circumcised being deriued of Mol which signifies to circumcise and Evil simple and foolish Merodach His wiues name was Nitocris according to Herod lib. 1. She was a very magnificent and wise woman set vp many faire and goodly buildings in Babylon and was the mother of Balthasar the last Emperor of the Assyrians Dan. 5. Of Niriglissoroor Emperor of Babylon NIriglissoroor whose syrname was Regassar son in law to Nebuchadnesar the Great hauing slain Euil-Merodach his wiues brother reigned ouer the Babylonians and Assyrians foure yeares as Berosus saith Of Labassardach the last Emperor of the Babylonions LAbassardach the son of Niriglissoroor succeeded his father He reigned only 9 moneths and died without heire male Of Balthazar Nabonidus the last Emperor of the Babylonians and Assyrians ANno mundi 3415 and before Christ 553 Balthazar Nabonidus whose syrname was Labynitus the son of Euil-Merodach and Nitocris obtained the Empire and reigned 17 yeares according to Berosus with Iosep cont App. Alexand. Polyb. apud Eusebium Praep. lib. 9. cap. 4. Alphae hist with Euseb calleth this King Nabinidochus This is that Balthazar saith Iosephus lib. Ant. 10. ca. 13 which Daniel cap. 5. calleth the son of Nebuchadonesar though indeed he was but his sons son as may be gathered from that of Ier. cap. 25. All nations shall serue Nebuchadonesar and his son and his sons son Balthasar signifies The Host of the Lord destroying his Enemies Labynitus signifies a shaken Sword This man as he was celebrating a great feast vnto Venus whom they call in the Assirian tongue Myleta amongst a great multitude of his Nobility and in that vsing extraordinary excesse and blasphemy against the Lord In the middest of his feast and all his merriments he saw a hand writing vpon the wall which left these words Mene Mene Tekel Vphrasin of which you may reade more Dan. 5. Some say That at this very time the city was taken by Cyrus Emperour of the Persians and he put to the sword in those sports pastimes But certain it is that he was slain at a banquet lost his empire and was the last of the Assyrian Emperors but whether at that time I refer it to the opinion of the Reader ¶ The Trauels of the Kings of Aegypt that fought against of Iudah And first of SISACK who made war vpon Rehoboam the sonne of Solomon THat proud and presumptuous Prince Sisack which signifies a Garment of Silke in the last yeare of his regne which was the first of Rehoboam the sonne of Solomon came with 1200 Chariots and 60000 Horse from Memphis to Ierusalem which was 244 miles bringing in his Army a great multitude of people of diuers Nations as Lybians Ethiopians c. With this company he besieged Ierusalem and tooke it wasted the city spoiled the Temple and tooke thence the golden shields which Solomon had made and destroyed that faire and beautifull house which Solomon had built From whence that saying of his owne was verified Eccles That it is a great euill vpon the earth for a man to take care to lay vp riches and treasures in this world yet knoweth not who shall inherit it For those things which a little before hee had with great labour and paines builded and beautified within lesse than 20 yeares after were destroyed and made desolate by this King From Ierusalem Sisack returned with the spoiles of the temple and city to Memphis in Egypt which was 244 miles and in the yeare following he was stricken by the Lord with a grieuous disease of which he died miserably So these two journies were 488 miles The Trauels of PHARAOH NECHO King of Aegypt who made warre vpon IOSIAH King of Iudah NEcho signifies an Enemy or Inuader This man was one of the greatest of all the Egyptian Kings who in the thirteenth yeare of his reigne made war vpon Nebuchadnezar the first and in the valley of Megiddo neere to Magdala which was 244 miles from Memphis fought a great battell wherein Iosiah King of Iudah was wounded to the death From the valley of Megiddo Pharaoh Necho went to the Riuer Euphrates which was 360 miles where he fought a second battel with Nebuchadnezar vpon a plaine neere to Carchemis where hee lost the day and was put to flight From Carchemis he fled to Riblah in the land of Israel which was 320 miles where in the land of Chaemath neere to the lake Samachonites he ouercame Ioachas King of Iudah and took him prisoner From Riblah Pharaoh Necho led Ioachas bound to Ierusalem being 80 miles and made Ioachim his brother King in his place From Ierusalem he returned to Memphis 240 miles Within four years after he went the second time with a great army from Memphis to the riuer of Euphrates which was 640 miles But there he was the second time ouercome by Nebuchadnesar and constrained to fly thence back again to Memphis in Aegypt being 640 miles But Nebuchadnesar followed him with an army of chosen men and conquered all Aegypt tooke Pharaoh Necho and made his sonne Psammeticus King in his place who was the second of that name Of this battell there is mention Ier. ca. 25 26. So all the trauels of Pharaoh Necho were 1524 miles The Trauels of the holy Prophets and first of the Prophet ELIAH ELiah the Prophet went from This be which was in the land of Gilead to Samaria 24 miles where he told the wicked King Ahab that there should bee neither rain nor dew for the space of 7 years 1 Reg. cap. 17. From Samaria he went to the riuer Kerith 24 miles where hee was fed by a Rauen. From Kerith hee went to Sarepta which was 100 miles where he sojorned with a poor widow that found him necessaries whose sun he restored to life 1 Reg. 17. From Sarepta he went to Mount Carmel in the land of Israel being 60 miles and by the way as he went he met Obediah which signifieth The Seruant of the Lord and King Ahab whom he rebuked sharply because of his idolatry Also vpon this mountaine he put all Baals
the World vpon most high mountaines and rockes like an earthly Paradise a liuely figure of the euerlasting Citie of God This Citie being the metropolitan or principallest Citie of the Iewes stood in the Tribe of Benjamin at the first it was called Salem that is Peaceable when Melchisedech the Priest of God raigned therein which hee also built after the Deluge as Iosephus and Egisippus write But at that time it was not very great for it stood onely vpon Mount Sion Mount Moriah where Abraham would haue offered his sonne Isaac stood without the Citie and after that they tooke it into the Citie as when time serueth it shall be declared After the death of Melchisedech vnto whom Abraham payd the Tythes of all his goods the Iebusites dwelt in the Citie of Ierusalem and had the dominion of it and all the land thereabouts in their subjection called the City Iebus after their name which name was held a long time as we reade in Iosuah the 10. Iud. 10. 2. Samuel 1. But at the last Ioab King Dauids Generall of his Armie woon it draue the Iebusites out of it and called it Ierusalem that is a sight or vision of Peace It hath also other names in the holy Scripture for in Esay 29. it is called Ariel that is Gods Lyon and mount Libanus * Because it was made of the Ceder trees which came ●ut of Mount Libanus The Prophet Ezechiel 23. calleth it Ahaliba my fixed Pauillion or Tent that is a Citie wherein God had placed his owne habitation The circuit and bignesse of the City Ierusalem THe City of Ierusalem was foure square and in circumference three and thirtie * Which make foure English miles and one furlong furlongs as Iosephus writeth which three and thirty Furlongs make somewhat more than a Dutch mile Some write that it was foure miles compasse about yet these were not Dutch miles but Wallon or Italian miles for foure such Italian miles are a Dutch mile Of mount Sion the higher Citie MOunt Syon stood Northwards in the Citie Ierusalem and was much higher than all the other Hills that were therein therefore it was called Sion that is a watch Tower because from thence one might see the Holy land and all the countries thereabout vpon this Hill the vpper Citie was built which in the Scripture is called the City of Dauid because Dauid wan it from the Iebusites and beautified it with many goodly houses faire and costly buildings but especially with his house of Cedar wood which hee termed the castle of Sion which stood Westwards at the corner of the Hill looking into Bethlehem Southwards In that house Dauid dwelt and therein committed adulterie with Berseba the wife of Vriah the Hittite whose house also with the place of diuers priuie Councellers and officers stood vpon the said Hill not farre from the Kings Pallace as Iosephus writeth Beneath King Dauids house vpon Mount Sion within a Rocke there was to be seene the sepulchre or vault wherein King Dauid Solomon his son and other succeeding Kings of Iuda were entombed and buried Vpon mount Syon also towards the East King Herod had a Garden of pleasure not farre from the Fountaine called Silo Nemiah 3. and there also stood the Tower of Silo whereof Luke in the 13 chapter maketh mention Iosephus in the warres of the Iewes his first book and sixteenth chapter saith That King Herod vnder whom Christ Iesus was borne had two faire and strong houses or Towers which hee set and made in the vpper part of the City Ierusalem vpon mount Syon which were in a manner comparable with the Temple for beautifulnesse which he called after the name of his friends the one Caesarea for Caesar the Emperors sake and the other Agrippa according to the name of the noble Roman Marcus Agrippa that married the daughter of Augustus Caesar This may suffice to declare the scituation of the vpper Citie which stood vpon mount Sion and conteyned in circuit fifteene furlongs which is about halfe a mile This vppermost Citie in the sacred Scripture is called the Citie of Dauid it was also cal-Millo that is fulnesse or plenty for in it there was no want but aboundance of all things Of the steps which descended downe from the citie of Dauid vnto the lower Citie MOunt Sion whereon the vpper citie of Ierusalem did stand was such a high hard hill and so steepe that no man could climbe or ascend vnto it by any way or meanes but only one that is by steps for in the middle thereof there was a great paire of staires made which descended from Dauids Citie vnto the lower Citie That is 26 yards in height into the valley or dale of gates called Thyroreion which staires were 780 foot * high as Iohannes Heydonius writeth and beneath in the valley of Thyroreion ouer against the valley of Cedron at the foot of the staires stood a gate which was called the gate of Sion and they which went vp to mount Sion must passe through that gate and so vp those staires but it is thought neuerthelesse that in some other part of the hill there was some winding or other oblique way made by which horses and chariots by little and little might ascend Allegoricall or Spirituall significations of mount Sion SIon in Hebrew signifieth a sure hold or goodly aspect for that from the top thereof a man might haue seen all the land lying thereabouts and was a type of the highest heauens or habitation of Almighty God from whence he beholdeth all things vpon earth from which throne and heauenly habitation he descended into this lower Ierusalem and became our Redeemer Sauiour that so we being purged by his bloud from all our sinnes and imperfections he might bring vs into that heauenly Ierusalem which is eternall glorie Of Mount Moriah on which the Temple stood MOunt Moriah stood Eastward within Ierusalem which was a most hard stony hill from whence towards the rising of the Sunne men by staires might easily descend but round about on the other three sides it was steepe and vnapprochable like a stone wall yet it was not so high as Mount Sion howbeit it was exceeding high extending and reaching 600 foot in height and on the top thereof was a very faire plaine like vnto that of Mount Sion whereon in times past Abraham builded an Altar and would haue offered his sonne Isaac for a Sacrifice Gen. 22. At which time when Abraham obeyed the commandement of God intending to haue offered his sonne Isaac vpon the Hill and thereon had made an Altar then the said Hill lay without the Citie but long time after about the space of 850 yeres when King Dauid had conquered Ierusalem and driuen thence the Iebusites to enlarge the Citie he compassed in Mount Moriah and Mount Acra with a wall vpon which there stood many goodly buildings And amongst other things worthy obseruation vpon this Mount stood the Barne or Threshing floore
Abraham was buried the place where Cain killed Abel the Well where Adam and Eva wept seuen years for the death of their son with many such like fables which are to no purpose seeing they are not warrantable by Scripture Some bows shoot Eastward from this place is the field of Damascus where the red earth lieth whereof they feigne man to be made It is naturally tough may be wrought like wax or pitch There is also that is white of the same kind and this is conueyed to many places by the Saracens and sold at deare rates They vse it either for the teering of Sepulchres or to mingle with salves and vnguents Of Gerar. GErar is the vttermost towne in the land of Canaan and lieth between the desarts of Sur and Cades Gen. 20. Here King Abimelech kept his court at such time as Abraham came thither here Isaac was born Gen. 21. It takes the name from Gor which signifies a Pilgrim or Traueller and did well agree with the condition of the antient patriarchs that somtime liued there because for the most part they were like Pilgrimes and wayfaring men Gen. 47. It lay six miles from Hebron Southwest and from Ierusalem 30 vpon the territories of the tribe of Iuda Of Beerazaba BEerazaba is a towne scituated vpon the vtmost bounds of the Holy land forty miles from Ierusalem Southwestward and is deriued from Berr and Shebuah and signifieth the Wel of couenant for Abraham hauing digged a Wel neere to this place Abimelech King of Gerar entred into league with him and his posteritie Isaac also renued this league in this place as appears Gen. 21. It is now called Gallim or Giblin by the Iewes In S. Hieromes time it was a great towne Of Moriah VPon this Mount Abraham would haue offered his son Isaac and stood not far from Salem or mount Sion where Melchisedech dwelt They were so neere that Melchisedech vpon the tower of Sion might easily see the Angell that spake with Abraham when he renewed the couenant with him concerning his seed and posteritie and is deriued from Mor or Marar which signifies bitter Myrrh because as Gregorius saith the Church is euer subiect to affliction For all they that will serue God and liue religiously must suffer persecution Mat. 16. 2 Tim. 3. and Iarr which signifies to feare How Abraham may be typically apprehended ABraham signifies The father of a multitude from Ab pater a Father Ram excelsus Mighty and Hamon multitudinis Of a multitude Not in regard of the Iewes only but all those that in succeeding times shall be ingraffed into the Church and partake of euerlasting life through the mediation of Christ Iesus the promised seed Gal. 3. Ephes 1. Acts 3. and is a Type and figure of God the Father for as that Abraham was the father of many yet had but only one son so although God be the father of all nations yet had but one only son Iesus Christ begotten of his owne essence from before the beginning of the world And as Abraham so loued God that for his sake he would not haue spared his only son so God so loued Abraham and the World that hee gaue his only begotten son to die for the saluation of their soules The Trauels of Lot LOt trauelled with Abraham from Vr in Chaldaea to Haran in Mesopotamia which is 336 miles Gen. 12. 2 From Haran they trauelled to Sichem in the land of Canaan being 400 miles 3 From Sichem they trauelled through Morae to the hil lying between Bethel and Hay which is 24 miles 4 From the hill between Bethel and Hay they went into Egypt which is 240 miles Gen. 13. 5 From Egypt they went into the land of Canaan to the hil lying between Bethel and Hay where Abraham had dwelt before which is 240 miles Gen. 13. 6 From the hil between Bethel and Hay Lot separated himselfe from Abraham and went to the towne of Sodom Eastward which is 28 miles Gen. 13. 7 In the town of Sodom Lot was taken prisoner hee and all his houshold and led away to the town of Dan which is 32 miles Gen. 14. 8 And when Abraham had deliuered him out of the hands of his enemies pursued them he returned with him from Dan to Hobam in Phoenicia lying on the left side of Damascus being 80 miles 9 From Phoenicia Abraham came again with Lot to Sodom which is 160 miles 10 Lastly when the Lord had determined to raine fire and brimstone on Sodom Lot according to his commandement went thence to Zoar a little town neere adioyning where being drunk with Wine hee committed incest with both his daughters but after comming to the knowledge of his offence he was so sore afflicted in his conscience that with extreme grief he died Luther saith that Abraham tooke him to Hebron with him to comfort him and that there he died Hebron is 36 miles from Sodom So all the trauels of the Patriarch Lot were 1652 miles The Description of the Townes and places where he trauelled And first of Sodom THe cities that were destroyed with fire and brimstone from heauen were foure in number that is Sodom Gomorah Adama and Zeboim lying 24 miles from Ierusalem South-eastward where now the dead sea runs The fift was the city Bela called also Zoar which was spared for Lots sake distant from Sodom two miles This Lot accounted but a little City but there are that say it was a very spatious and princely place neere to which his wife for her disobedience was turned into a pillar of salt and not far off he committed incest with his two daughters And although Luther be of opinion that that also within a while after was burnt yet this cannot bee certainly prooued especially because it remaineth euen to this day scituated both in the antient place and called by the antient name vnlesse some new City hath beene lately built in the same place and is now called after that name which I cannot thinke to be true Sodamah signifieth a Mysterie Gomorah a Faggot of Thornes Adamah Red earth Zeboim Fertile and Pleasant Zoar The burning of Baela for in antient times it was called Baela It is the receiued opinion that the country wherein these fiue rich and opulent cities stood was called Pentapolis Of the Lake or dead Sea called Asphaltides IN the very same place where these Cities were burnt and destroyed there is at this day to be seene a Lake about 36 miles long and in some places six in others eight and 12 miles ouer It boileth with pitch and brimstone and in some places passeth by the name of the salt sea and in others the dead sea because of the noisome and venomous aire that riseth out of it insomuch as the very birds that fly ouer it fall down dead and if a beast doe but drink of it mixt with water it makes him incurably sick It is of a wonderfull nature for whatsoeuer heauy thing you fling into it will not sinke
oracle which interpreteth For Pathar with the Hebrewes is the same that He hath interpreted is with vs. Wherefore this Prophet trauelled from Pithora or Phatura in Mesopotamia to Abel or the plaine of Vines where his Asse spake Num. 22. which is 400 miles From thence he went to the land of the Moabites 40 miles where in the mount of Peor he blessed the children of Israel So all the trauels of this Prophet were 440 miles Of the Plain of the Vines THere is often mention of this place in the Scripture for the fertilitie of the countrey and plenty of sweet Wines there was a beautifull city built called Abel of the Vines some 56 miles from Ierusalem South-Eastward and was placed iust in the way as they went from Mesopotamia into the country of the Moabites Whereby it appeareth that neere to this place the Asse spake to Balaam Numb 22. In S. Ieroms time there was found a little Village so called where there was great plenty of Vines Here Ieptha ouercame the Ammorites and made a great slaughter Iud. 11. The Trauels of that noble Captaine IOSHVAH IOSHVAH and Caleb trauelled with Moses from Raemsis out of Aegypt through the Red sea and came to Kades-Barnea 26 miles From Cades-Barnea they were sent forth with other Spie● to the land of Canaan Num. 13. and went out of the wilderness● of Zin and Paran and came to the towne of Rechob in Galile● 140 miles From thence they went to the towne of Hamath in Syria which was after called Antiochia 188 miles From Hamath or Antiochia they returned againe to Hebron 304 miles where vpon the side of the riuer Escol they cut off● bunch of grapes with the stalke which was as much as both the● could beare vpon their shoulders Num. 13. From Hebron they returned againe to Kades-Barnea twent● miles There all the people murmured against Moses Num. 1● Heereby it is to be seene that the Spies in forty dayes trauelle● 648 miles in the land of Canaan that is euery day 16 miles and little more After that Ioshuah and Caleb trauelled with Moses and the chi●dren of Israel to Ezeon-Gabir and from thence to the towne o● Iahza 464 miles From Iahza they past through two kingdoms to mount Lib●nus 80 miles From mount Libanus they returned againe into the Land o● Sittim that lay by the hill Pisgah in the field of the Moabite● 80 miles From the land of Sittim they past through the riuer of Iord●● and came to Gilgal 6 miles where Ioshuah pitched his Campe Num. 21. Ios 4.5 From Gilgal he went to Iericho 2 miles there he assailed the towne with the sound of basons and won it Ios 6. From Iericho he went to Ai being 4 miles and took and burnt the whole towne Ios 7.8 From Ai he returned to Gilgal 4 miles and there vpon the hil of Ebal he built an altar vnto the Lord and there were the blessings and cursings pronounced Ios 8. Deut. 27. From Gilgal hee went to Gibeon twelue miles There the Sunne stood still during the battaile against the three Kings Ioshuah 10. From Gibeon he went to Ajalon 2 miles here the Moon stood still Ios 10. From Ajalon he went to Aseka 4 miles there it hailed vpon the enemies that fled before Israel Ios 10. From Aseka Ioshuah returned againe into the Camp at Gilgal 20 miles Ios 10. From Gilgal hee went to Makeda where hee hanged the fiue Kings Ios 10. From Makeda he went to Libna 2 miles and tooke the towne Ios 10. From Libna he went to Lachis 8 miles From Lachis he went to Eglon 8 miles From Eglon he went to Hebron which is sixteene miles Ioshuah 10. From Hebron he went to Debir a mile Ios 10. After that Ioshuah with one continued War won all that part of Iudaea which lay towards the South bordering Eastward vpon the Dead Sea Southward vpon Cades-Barnea Westward vpon Asdod and Gaza and Northward vpon Gibeon and Gilgal This circuit of land containeth about one hundred fifty and sixe miles From Gilgal Ioshuah went out with his army about 22 miles to the riuer of Merom where he slew the rest of the Kings of the Canaanites in a memorable battell Ios 11. From the riuer of Merom Ioshuah chased his enemies and followed them to Sidon which was 612 miles Ios 11. From Sidon he went again to Hazor 32 miles which town he burnt Ios 11. After that Ioshuah at one time won all the townes in the Holy land which lay Northward in the lands of Samaria and Galilea from Gibeon to mount Libanus and from the riuer of Iordan to the great sea called Mare Mediterranean which countries in circuit contain 280 miles After that Ioshuah returned again to his camp at Gilgal which lay 72 miles from the towne of Hazor where he made a diuision of the land amongst the children of Israel Ios 14 15. From Gilgal he went to Shilo 12 miles where he made an end of diuiding the land Ios 18. From Shilo he went to Timnah Sera eight miles and there he dwelt for the children of Israel gaue him that town for his own inheritance Ios 19. From Timnah Sera Ioshuah not long before hee died came to Sichem forty miles There he assembled all the tribes of Israel Ios 24. From Sichem he returned againe to Timnah Sera 40 miles where he died and was buried Ios 24. So all the trauels of Prince Ioshuah were 2392 miles The description of the seuerall townes and places to which Ioshuah trauelled ¶ Of Rechob THis was a city of the Levits in the tribe of Ashur 100 miles from Ierusalem toward the North Num. 13. and signifieth a broad street being deriued from Radhab that is To extend out in length Of Haemah or Chaemah THis was a city of the Levits in the Tribe of Nepthaly and was 100 miles from Ierusalem vpon the vtmost bounds of the holy land at the foot of Antilibanus Num. 11.34 Ios 19. deriued from Chamah that is furious or burning with anger Of Gilgal THis was a town between Iordan the city Iericho 12 miles from Ierusalem Southeastward where the children of Israel hauing past the riuer of Iordan first made war vpon all the Nations of the land of Canaan Here they solemnised the first paschal Lambe After they came into this land Manna ceased because they then ate the fruits of the countrey Here Ioshuah taking 12 stones out of Iordan pitcht them vp for a memorial Here the tabernacle of God stayed for a time which was the reason that afterward the Israelites committed idolatry in this place Ios 4.5 Hos 2.4.9 Amos 5. Neere to this place Ehud the third Iudge of the Children of Israel receiued gifts of them to carry to Eglon King of the Moabites dwelling at Iericho where hee killed him with a knife Here Saul was the second time confirmed King of Israel 2 Sam. 10. and as it seemes taketh name of Roundnesse Ioshuah at this time building his tent in a circular fashion for Galal
much the more remarkable for that as some say snow lieth continually vpon the top of it so that a far off it seemeth white Of the riuer Iordan IOrdan is a pleasant sweet riuer watering the holy land whereof you may read before It is named Iorden at Caesarea Philippi a little from the foot of Antelibanus 104 miles from Ierusalem Northward it passeth through the lake Samachoniten and diuiding it into two equall parts from thence running thorow a great part of Galilee it falls into the sea Tyberias there as it were diuideth it into two parts it watereth that part of Iudaea called Samaria and about Easter which is the beginning of that haruest it floweth ouer the banks and fructifies many countries lying neere it at length it falleth into the lake Asphaltites and there endeth about 14 miles from Ierusalem Eastward So that from the first beginning of this Riuer to the end of it is 92 miles It is called Palah by the Hebrewes which signifieth swift and hidden because it riseth from a certain wel or pit called Phiala which is alwaies full of water but from whence it springeth is vnknown Ioshuah about Easter passed vpon dry ground through this riuer euen then when it was fullest of water Ios 3. So did Eliah Elisha 2 Reg. Here Naaman the leper washt himself 2 Reg. 5 Here Christ was baptised by S. Iohn Baptist Mat. 3. Luke 3. Of Hazor THis was a town in the vpper Galilee belonging to the tribe of Nepthali it was the chiefe Hold and city of the king of the Canaanites being distant from Ierusalem 80 miles towards the North. This Ioshuah destroyed with fire and sword Deborah also the Prophetesse besieged it tooke it and put Iabin the King thereof to death In times past it was a very strong city as the ruines thereof testifie Of Siloh SIloh the city and house of God was scituate on a high mountain in the tribe of Ephraim 4 miles and somwhat better from Ierusalem towards the North. Here the Arke of the Couenant continued from the time that the Israelites first entred into the land of Canaan till Eli the Priest fetcht it thence in whose time it was taken by the Philistims and he for very griefe therefore fel downe and brake his necke against a stone 1 Sam. 4. The inhabitants hereabouts shew the ruines of a certaine sepulchre standing vpon the top of this mount where they say Samuel was buried but that canot be true for he was buried at Ramath which now is called Arimathea Therefore it seems to be either the ruins of Elies sepulchre who died miserably in that place or else of the House of the Lord which many yeares past stood there Schiloh signifies Happy and peaceable being deriued from Schalah that is to liue at ease and in peace Of Timnah Of this you may reade in the Trauels of IVDAH The type and mysterie of IOSHVAH IOshuah and Iesus is all one in signification that is Sauour or a Defender and did typically represent our Sauior Christ that as this Ioshuah brought the children of Israel through Iordan into the land of Canaan so Iesus Christ the true Ioshuah and Sauiour of the world through that Iordan of Baptisme bringeth vs into that place of Promise Eternall life Where the one and thirty Kings dwelt ouercome and slain by IOSHVAH Ios 10. AS the Prophet Moses won all the land vpon the one side of Iordan so Ioshuah won all the Countrey on the other from the towne of Baalgadan beginning at mount Libanus not farre from Mount Hebron till you come to the town of Caesarea Philippi and to the hill Seir where somtime Esau dwelt all which is 160 miles long and 28 or 32 miles broad The first King that Ioshuah ouercame dwelt in Iericho The second King held his court in Ai. The third King dwelt in Ierusalem and was called Adoni-Zebec that is a Lord of Righteousnesse This King Ioshuah hanged at Makeda Ios 10. The fourth King called Hoham dwelt at Hebron and was likewise hanged at Makeda Ios 10. The fift King called Percam dwelt at Iarmouth in the tribe of Iuda 20 miles from Ierusalem Westward The 6 King called Iaphia dwelt at Lachis 2 miles from Iarmouth Southward He was also hanged at Makeda Ios 10. The seuenth King dwelt at Eglon called Debir and was also hanged at Makeda The 8 King was called Horam and held his princely seat in the tribe of Dan in the town of Gezer 16 miles from Ierusalem westward whom Ioshuah slew with all his men Ios 10. The ninth King dwelt at Debir The tenth King held his court at Gerar in the tribe of Iudah 14 miles from Ierusalem Westward The 11 King dwelt at Harma in the Tribe of Iudah which is vpon the borders of Arabia deserta not far from Ziclag 40 miles from Ierusalem Southwestward this town in times past was called Zephal that is a watch-tower because it stood vpon a hill But when the children of Iuda had ouerthrowne the whole army of the Canaanites they called it Haram a Curse Iud. 1. The 12 King dwelt at Arat 22 miles from Ierusalem Southward which was a towne of the Ammorites and tooke the name from the Asses that were in great troups within the woods thereabout It lay in the tribe of Iuda The 13 King dwelt at Libnah in the tribe of Iuda The 14 King dwelt at Odullam The 15 King dwelt at Makeda In this towne Ioshuah hanged fiue Kings Ios 10. The 16 King dwelt at Bethel The 17 King dwelt at Tapnah not far from Iordan Iericho 12 miles from Ierusalem Northeastward The 18 King dwelt at Hepher 6 miles from Ierusalem Northward part of this towne was allotted to the tribe of Zabulon Ionas the Prophet was borne in this towne 2 Reg. 14. and is 4 miles distant from the town of Nazareth Southward The 19 King dwelt at Apheck 44 miles from Ierusalem Northward and 2 miles from Iesreel There also the Arke of the Lord was taken and there also the sons of Eli the high priest were slain 1 Sam. 4. This town was in the halfe tribe of Manasses The 20 King dwelt at Lazaron 18 miles and a half from Ierusalem Northwestward not far from Ioppen and Lidda The 21 king dwelt at Nadan 14 miles from Ierusalem Northwestward The 22 King dwelt at Hazor The 23 King dwelt at Simron which town was allotted to the tribe of Zabulon Ioshuah 14. It lieth sixty eight miles from Ierusalem Northward not farre from the town of Nazareth in Galilee The 24 king dwelt at Achsap 88 miles from Ierusalem Northward which town was allotted to the tribe of Aser The 25 King dwelt at Tanaach 44 miles from Ierusalem this town belonged to the Levits and stood in the tribe of Manasses 6 miles from Iesreel Southward Ios 21. The 26 King dwelt at Megiddo 44 miles from Ierusalem Northward scarce 4 miles from Taanach By this towne of Megiddo Iosias King of Iuda was ouerthrown by Pharaoh Necho
the inhabitants to death because of their mocks From thence he went to Ophra foure miles where gathering together all the gold which hee had taken from the Midianites he made a rich Ephod Iudg. 8. From Ophra hee went to Sichem where his sonne Abimalech was borne which is 10 miles From thence he returned backe to Ophra which is ten miles and there he died after he had judged Israel 10 yeares So all the trauels of Gedion were 82 miles The Description of the Townes and places to which GEDION trauelled Of Iesreel IEsreel was a faire Citie scituated vpon a hill neere to the flood Kison bordering vpon the Tribe of Isacher 48 miles from Ierusalem towards the North and signifieth the seed of God being deriued from El and Dara the seed of the Almighty God There was another of this name in the tribe of Iuda Ios 15. In times past this was onely the seat and chiefe abiding place of the Kings of Israel For Ahab and Iesabel kept their Court there and Ioram their sonne whom Iehu ouercame and here Iesabel was eaten vp of dogs At this day this faire citie hath in it but thirtie houses and is called by the inhabitants of the holy land Sanatham being scituated at the foot of the mountaine Gilboah Westward in it there is a Watch tower vpon the top whereof you may see through all Galile to Carmel and the mountaines of Phaenicia also to mount Thabor and the mountaines beyond Iordan called Gilead Of this Towne you may reade Ios 17.19 2 Sam. 2. Of Nobach THis was a citie beyond Iordan and stood in the halfe Tribe of Manasses 38 miles from Ierusalem Northeastward In times past it was called Kenah but after Nobach Prince of the halfe Tribe of Manasseh had conquered it he called it Nobach Num. 23. and signifieth a Prophet being deriued of Nabah or Nabach he hath prophesied or cryed out Of Iogbeha THis towne was built by the children of Gad and lies beyond Iordan 34 miles from Ierusalem Northeastward and taketh the name from the height of the place where it standeth being deriued from Gabah which signifieth it excelleth in height Of this you may reade Iudg. 8. Numb 32. Of Karkor KArkor is a citie in the halfe Tribe of Manasseh and is scituated beyond Iordan some forty miles distant from Ierusalem Northeastward and taketh the name from Kir which signifies he hath destroyed or subuerted the walls for here the two Kings Zeba and Zalmuna were taken Saint Ierom saith in his booke de locis Hebraicis That in his time it was a faire Towne The typicall signification of GEDION THis Gedion whose name signifieth to root out destroied and subuerted the enemies of the Iewes so Christ hath destroied the kingdome of Sathan and daily rooteth out all his impious and wicked members which are enemies to his Church The Trauels of Abimalech the sixt Iudge of Israel GEDION being dead Abimalech his sonne went from Ophra to Sichem which is ten miles and there was chosen by the citizens to succeed his father in the gouernment From thence he went backe to Ophra which is ten miles and there put to death his 70 brethren all sonnes of Gedion but by diuers concubins for God permitted Bigamie but did not command it From Ophra he went ten miles into the land of Sichem and there was chosen King about the yeare of the World 2712. From Sichem which was the seat of the kingdome he went to Ophra being ten miles there he iudged Israel three yeares After that hee went the third time backe to the Sichemites which is 10 miles but they breaking promise with him for very madnesse he caused the citie to be destroied and salt to be sowne in the place that so euer after it might become barren accursed and vnhabitable From Sichem hee went with his hoast to Thebets or Tebez which is two miles where he was mortally wounded by a woman that flang a stone vpon him at the siege of that towne wherof he died Iudg. 9. So all the Trauels of Abimelech were 52 miles Of Thebez THis was distant from Sichem two miles Northward and from Ierusalem 38 it tooke the name from Bitzah which signifieth a deepe pond Abimelech tooke his name from an hereditary kingdome or rather because he obtained the kingdome ouer Israel after his father and is as much to say as My father is a King because good Princes differ little from good fathers for Maelaech with the Hebrews signifieth a King Malechah a Queene and Malchech a kingdome So that this name Abimelech properly signifieth a King or one that is a father of his people Of the flight of Iotham which was the brother of Abimelech IOtham signifieth a perfect and swift man being deriued from Iatham that is perfect and swift This man at such time as Abimilech put to death the rest of his brethren to saue his life fled to Mount Carizin where hee propounded the riddle mentioned Iudg. 9. And after from thence he went to Beerah where he hid himselfe from the fury of Abimelech All this was 44 miles Of Mount Gerizim GErizim or Garizim was a mountaine in the kingdome of the Samaritans and extended it selfe in the longitude as farre as Iericho neere to mount Hebal In these two mountains the blessings and the cursings were recited of which more shall be said hereafter and it taketh the name from the felling down of trees being deriued from Garaz which signifieth to cut or to fel down here Christ spoke with the Samaritan Iohn 4. Of Beerah BEerah was a Towne in the Tribe of Iudah ten miles from Ierusalem Westward Neere to this Citie Iudas Machabeus fought a memorable battell against Bacchides and others whom he conquered It taketh the name from a cleere Well being deriued of Beer that is he hath made cleere Of Thola the seuenth Iudge of Israel In the 3 yeare of this mans rule Hercules king of the Argiues famous for his twelue labors began to raign Macrob. lib. 1. THola takes his name from a red worme or purple colour which colour is proper to Princes Hee succeeded Abimelech in the gouernment of the Iewes and began to rule An. mun 2715. and 1253 yeares before Christ His fathers name was Puah of the Tribe of Issacher He dwelt in Samir a citie of Mount Ephraim not far from Iericho twelue miles from Ierusalem towards the North and there he was buried as you may see Iosh 15. Of Iair the eighth Iudge of Israel In the 10 yeare of this Iudge An. mun 2747 and before Christ 1221 Hercules died and Priamus king of Troy began his raigne which he lost fortie yeares after IAir succeeded Thola began his gouerment in the yere of the world 2738 and 1230 yeares before Christ He took his name from the singular worth and noble disposition that was in him This Iair was one of the tribe of Manasseh he was lame of both his feet and was a man of great estimation among the Iewes for
therewith Eli to serue God all his life 1 Sam. 1. which is 12. miles From Shilo she returned backe againe to her house and bare Elkana a sonne and two daughters more which is 12 miles So all her trauels were 48 miles Of Ramathaim Sophim THis Citie stood in mount Ephraim not far from Lidda and Ioppa some 16 miles distant from Ierusalem Northeastward and was sometimes called Ramah Here Ioseph whose addition was Arimathia dwelt that demanded the body of our Sauiour to bury in his own sepulchre It seemeth to be called Ramathaim Sophim which signifies the high places of the prophets because there was an Academy or publique schoole of Prophets which serued for the whole land in this city At this day it is called by the name of Ramath hauing some affinitie to the antient name Ramah How the Arke of God was borne from place to place after it was won from the children of Israel by the Philistines 1 Sam. 4.5.6 THe two sons of Eli the Priest Hophney and Phineas carried the Arke of the Lord to Ebenezer which signifies the stone of my help which was 42 miles and is not far from Aphec some 48 miles from Ierusalem Northward Here the Arke of God was taken and Hophney and Phineas died old Eli also broke his necke at this time about the 98 yeare of his age and the fortieth of his rule for hee ruled from the time of Sampson vntill then 1 Sam. 4. This hapned Anno mundi 2850 and before Christ 1117. The prophet Samuel succeeded him in the gouernment of the church and ruled 40 yeares From Aphecke the Philistines carried it to Asdod or Azotus and set it in the temple of their god Dagon but the Idol fel down in the night was broken to pieces before the Ark of the Lord 1 Sam. 4. which was 160 miles From thence to the city Gath which was 4 miles From Gath to the sea town Gaza 12 miles From Gaza to Ekron 32 miles From Ekron they placing it vpon a new cart drawne with two new milch Kine it was brought back again to Bethsemes which was 12 miles From thence it was caried to Kiriath jearim and placed in the house of Abinadab where it was kept vntill Dauids time who fetched it thence to Ierusalem with great joy about the yere of the world 2900 and before Christ 1068 which was two miles So all the while the Arke was from Shilo it was caried hither and thither some 276 miles ¶ Of the Townes and places to which the Arke of the Lord was carried Of Aphek THis was a city of Samaria alotted to the halfe tribe of Manasses some halfe a mile from Israel toward the South and 44 miles from Ierusalem Northward It signifieth an impetuous or violent act being deriued of Aphak which is as much as Hee worketh violently or offereth violence In this city Benhadad king of the Syrians going from one place to another to hide himselfe was at length constrained to fly to Ahab King of Israel to saue his life and craue his aid 1 Reg. 20. Of Asdod Ascalon and Gaza you may reade before Of Gath. THis was a hauen town scituated vpon the bankes of the Mediterranian sea distant from Ierusalem 34 miles toward the West It seemeth to take the name of the aboundance of Vines that grow thereabouts for Gath signifieth a presse or such an instrument wherwith grapes are pressed This was Goliahs country Here Achis to whom Dauid fled gouerned 1 Sam. 21.27 and it is very like that all the Kings of this city were called Achis as somtime the Emperors of Rome were called Caesars There were other Kings of the Philistines that were also called by this name Of Ekron THis also was a city of the Philistins not far from the Mediterranian sea and neere to Asdod some 16 miles from Ierusalem Westward At this day it is but a smal town and called by the name of Accaron hauing some affinity with the antient name Ekron The inhabitants of this towne worshipped Baalzebub for their god It taketh the name from Extirpation or such a towne as Penitus distruit Hath rooted out euen the foundation being deriued of Akar which signifieth To extirpate Of Bethsemes THis was a city of the Levits in the tribe of Iuda Ios 15.21 4 miles from Ierusalem Westward and signifies the house of the Sun Of this you may reade more before The Trauels of the Prophet Samuel SAmuels mother brought him from Arimathia to Shilo being 12 miles where he was to serue the Lord God all his life From Shilo Samuel went to Mizpa in the land of Gilead 48 miles Here Samuel called a congregation and made a solemn sacrifice vnto the Lord of a sucking lambe and the Lord at the same time thundred from heauen and dispersed the army of the Philistines so that they fled 1 Sam. 7. From Mizpa he went to Arimathia 56 miles There he dwelt and built an altar vnto the Lord 1 Sam. 7. From thence he went yearely to Bethel 16 miles 1 Sam. 7. From Bethel he went to Gilgal 2 miles 1 Sam. 7. From Gilgal he went to Mizpa in the land of Gilead 36 miles 1 Sam. 7. From Mizpa he went again to Arimathia 56 miles Thither came vnto him the Elders of the children of Israel desiring him to chuse them a King 1 Sam. 8. Therefore he went out of the towne of Arimathia about 16 miles to Ramath which lieth in the land of Ziph not far from Bethlehem Euphrata and there Samuel anointed Saul the son of Kish to be their King 1 Sam. 10. From Ramath he went to Gilgal 16 miles There he offered and shewed Saul what he should do 1 Sam. 10. From Gilgal hee went to Mizpah in the land of Gilead 36 miles there Saul by casting of lots was chosen King 1 Sam. 10. From Mizpa he returned to Arimathia 56 miles 1 Sam. 10. From Arimathia he went to Beseck about 44 miles where Adoni-Beseck was taken whose fingers and toes the children of Israel cut off There Samuel and Saul caused an army of men to issue out against the children of Ammon 1 Sam. 11. From Besecke Samuel and Saul passed ouer Iordan to Iabes in Gilead 16 miles and there ouerthrew Nahas King of the Ammonites and all his host which done Samuel said vnto the souldiers Let vs now go vnto Gilgal and there renew the Kingdome From Iabes in Gilead he went to Gilgal 36 miles There Saul was placed in his Throne royal 1 Sam. 11. From Gilgal Samuel went to Arimathia which is 20 miles From Arimathia he went again to Gilgal 20 miles and there he sharply rebuked King Saul because he had offered a Sacrifice contrary to his command 1 Sam. 13. From Gilgal he went to Gibeon 12 miles 1 Sam. 13. From Gibeon he went to Arimathia 12 miles From Arimathia he went to Gilgal 20 miles there rebuked king Saul because he did not wholly destroy the Amalekites and Samuel himselfe hewed the body of Agag King of the
Amalekites in pieces 1 Sam. 16. From Gilgal he went to Arimathia 20 miles From Arimathia he went to Bethlehem 16 miles and there he anointed Dauid King 1 Sam. 16. Then he returned again to Arimathia 16 miles where he died and was buried 1 Sam. 28. So all the trauels of the Prophet Samuel were 364 miles Of Arimathia Mizpa Ramath and rhe rest of the townes mentioned in his Trauels you may reade before The Typicall signification of Samuel SAmuel is deriued of Shemuel that is desired of God And was a Type of God the Father for as Samuel anointed Dauid so God anointed his beloued Son with the oile of Gladnesse and of the Spirit Psal 45. Esay 61. The Trauels of King SAVL SAVL went from the town of Gibeon to mount Ephraim four miles to seek his fathers Asses in An. Mundi 2870 and before Christ 1908. From mount Ephraim he passed through the land of Salisa to the borders of the town of Salem 12 miles From Salem he went to the land of Gemini in the tribe of Benjamin 16 miles From the land of Iemini he went to Rama 4 miles there by Samuel he was anointed King 1 Sam. 10. This town lay not farre from Bethlehem and close by it lay Rachels graue There certaine men met with Saul in the borders of Benjamin at Zelach and shewed him that his fathers Asses were found which was about a mile from Ierusalem From thence Saul went about two miles to Zilzah there three men met him that trauelled to Bethel and gaue him two loaues of bread 1 Sam. 10. Then he came to the mount of God which is the town of Kiriath-jearim there a company of Prophets met him and prophecied then the spirit of God came vpon Saul and he began to prophecie which was about six miles from Bethlehem From Kiriath-jearim he went again to Gibeon which is foure miles 1 Sam. 10. Then he went again from Gibeon to Gilgal and there he offered and Samuel shewed him what he should do which is 12 miles 1 Sam. 10. From Gilgal he went to Mizpa in the land of Gilead 36 miles where he was chosen King From Mizpa he went again to Gibeon 48 miles From Gibeon he went to Beseck 40 miles there he gathered certain soldiers and led them against Nahas King of the Ammonites 1 Sam. 11. From Beseck he went with his army to Iabes 16 miles there he ouerthrew Nahas with all his host From Iabes in Giliad he went to Gilgal 36 miles There he was placed in his princely seat 1 Sam. 11. From Gilgal he went to Michmas 4 miles there he sent 3000 men out of Israel to his son Ionathan to Gibeon From Michmas hee went to Gilgal with his army 4 miles There he offered for which Samuel rebuked him 1 Sam. 13. From Gilgal hee went to Mount Benjamin about 12 miles not far from Gibeon From Gibeon hee went to Michmas 8 miles There Ionathan ouercame the army of the Philistines 1 Sam. 14. From Michmas Saul followed the enemy to Ajalon 12 miles There he would haue slain his son Ionathan because he had eaten a little hony 1 Sam. 14. From Ajalon he went to Gibeon 4 miles where he kept court From Gibeon he went to the land of the Moabites 28 miles which he ouercame 1 Sam. 14. From the land of the Moabites hee went into the countrey of Ammonites 40 miles which country he ouercame and tooke in all their towns From the land of the Ammonits he went to Gibeon 60 miles 1 Sam. 15. From Gibeon hee went into the land of Edom or Idumaea as it is commonly called 40 miles and ouercame all the countrey From Idumaea he returned again to Gibeon 40 miles From Gibeon he went with an army about 600 miles to Zoba in Armenia which he ouercame 1 Sam. 14. From the kingdome of Zoba hee returned to Gibeon 600 miles After that he went out against the Philistines 12 miles and as the historie sheweth Saul had wars with the Philistins during his life 1 Sam. 14. From the Philistins he returned again to Gibeon vnto his palace 12 miles From Gibeon he went into the wildernesse of Sur 160 miles there he ouercame the Amalekites 1 Sam. 15. Also he ouercame the whole country from the town of Peluso to the red sea which is 92 miles From thence he went again into Iury to the town of Carmel 140 miles 1 Sam. 15. And from thence he went vnto Gilgal 32 miles There the Prophet Samuel rebuked him because he did not wholly destroy and consume the Amalekites and there Samuel hewed the body of Agag King of the Amalekites into small pieces 1 Sam. 15. From Gilgal he went to Gibeon 12 miles In the 11 yeare of Saul An. M. 2881 and before Christ 1807 Dauid being then about 20 yeares of age was anointed King by Samuel Within a while after Saul was vexed with an euill spirit then Dauid played vnto him vpon the harpe by which he was eased Soon after he went forth with his Army towards Socho and Asecha which was some 8 miles distant from Gibeah There Dauid killed that famous champion Goliah 1 Sam. 15. From thence the Israelites followed the chase of the Philistins to the vally and riuer Soreck 4 miles and thence vnto the gates of their cities that is to Ekron which is eight miles to Ascalon 20 miles * From the place where Dauid killed Goliah and to Gath which was 24 miles all the way putting the Philistins to the sword So that there died in this fight 30000 of them 1 Sam. 17. Then they returned back again and spoiled and burnt the Philistines tents where they found great riches 24 miles From Socho and Aseka he returned again to Gibeon 8 miles there the women came out of all places in the town dancing and with loud voices singing Saul hath slain a thousand but Dauid ten thousand 1 Sam. 18. From Gibeon he went to Arimathia 2 miles minding to kill Dauid and came to Naioth in Ramoth where Samuel and Dauid were but the spirit of God came vpon Saul and he prophecied falling downe vpon the ground before Samuel and Dauid all that day and the nightensuing 1 Sam. 19. From thence he returned again to Gibeon 12 miles there he thought to haue killed his son Ionathan with a speare because he excused Dauid There also he caused 85 priests to be put to death because the high priest Abimilech at Nob had giuen Dauid of the Shew bread to eat and had deliuered him Goliahs sword 1 Sam. 21.22 From Gibeon he went to the Leviticall towne Nob 12 miles where he spared neither man nor woman yong nor old no not the innocent children but put them all to the sword and wholly destroyed the town 1 Sam. 12. From the town of Nob he returned to Gibeon 12 miles From Gibeon he went to the wildernes of Moan Southward 20 miles From the wildernesse of Moan hee returned again to Gibeon 1 Sam. 23. which was 24 miles
From Gibeon he went to Engedi where Dauid in a caue cut off a piece of his garment which was 24 miles 1 Sam. 24. From thence he teturned again to Gibeon 24 miles From Gibeon he went to Ziph 22 miles and as he lay asleepe vpon the hill Hachila Dauid came secretly into the Campe and took his cup and his speare from his head and would not kil him 1 Sam. 26. From the hill Hachila he returned vnto Gibea 22 miles From thence hee went to fight with the Philistines at mount Gilboa 40 miles From mount Gilboa hauing changed his apparell he went to Endor which was 4 miles There he asked counsel of a witch and the Diuel appeared vnto him in the likenesse of Samuel 1 Sam. 28 From thence he returned again to mount Gilboa to the camp 4 miles and the next day he fought against the Enemy in which battel his three sonnes were slaine and hee himselfe put to flight 1 Sam. 31. 1 Chr. 11. From mount Gilboa he fled 8 miles to Bethsan where he kild himselfe 1 Sam. 31. 1 Chr. 11. From thence the body of Saul was brought to Iabes in Gilead where it was buried 2 Sam. 31. 1 Chr. 11. So all the trauels of Saul were 2428 miles The description of the townes and places to which he trauelled OF Gibea Salem Ramath and Iabes you may read before being memorable places to which Abraham Ioshuah and the children of Israel trauelled Of Bethsaliza THe land of Salisa with the city Bethsaliza was scituated in mount Ephraim 8 miles from Ierusalem toward the Northwest This was also called Baalsalisa 2. King 4. and signifieth the Trinity being deriued of Schillesch to make threefold Of Michmas THis was a citie in mount Ephraim in the borders of the tribes of Beniamin and Manasses not far from Iericho some ten miles from Ierusalem towards the North. Neere to this Citie Ionathan and his armor bearer put the armie of the Philistins to flight 1. Sam. 14. you may read of this towne in Esd 2. Isa 10. This was a strong citie of the Moabites and seemeth to take the name of Kemosch or Chamos which was a god which they worshipped in their banquets meetings for mirth as Bacchus somtime was amongst the Romans To this Idol Solomon built a temple 1. Reg. 11. Ier. 48. Of Zoba THe Kingdome of Zoba which Iosephus calleth Sophenam was in Armenia neer to the mountains Antitaurus and Masius 600 miles from Ierusalem towards the North extending it selfe on both sides of the Riuer Euphrates It was a very large fruitfull and pleasant country wherein inhabited many Kings This place Saul conquered Dauid retained it 1 Sam. 14. 2 Sam. 8. And signifies An aspiring Kingdom being deriued of Zabah He hath aspired Of Carmel CArmel was a City in the tribe of Iudah scituated in a fertile mountaine some eight miles from Hebron toward the East but twelue miles from Ierusalem towards the Southwest in the wildernesse of Moan where that foolish and couetous fellow Nabal dwelt There is likewise another Towne called by the same name in the tribe of Issacher not farre from Ptolomais which is vpon the shore of the Mediteranian sea 64 miles from Ierusalem toward the North standing vpon a promontory which extendeth it selfe into the Ocean of which you may reade Ios 19. Ier. 46. In this city the Prophets Elias and Elizeus dwelt who put the Priests of Baal to death in that place 1 Reg. 18. 2 Reg. 4. Carmel signifieth Spike or a fertil field bringing forth Vines herbs and diuers kinds of floures and fruits and is oft times vsed for a pleasant place Esay 29.32.37 Ier. 24. There are a sect of Monks that of this mountain are called Carmelits who built for themselues an Abby there close by the Church of S. Maries about the yeare of the world 5170 and in the yeare of our Lord 1170. Of Azekah AZekah and Socho were two townes in the Tribe of Iudah eight miles from Ierusalem towards the South-west Of these you may reade before Of Nobe or Nob. THis was a Citie of the Priests in the Tribe of Benjamin where Abimelech High-Priest of the Israelites dwelt Who at such time as Dauid fled from Saul he gaue him of the Shew-bread and the Sword that he tooke from Goliah For the which cause Saul commanded fourescore and fiue Priests to bee slaine and the City with all the Inhabitants thereof to bee put to the sword 1 Sam. cap. 22. At this day as Bernard Brittenbacchus saith it is called Bethenopolis and is in the way betweene Ierusalem from whence it is distant some sixteen miles towards the Northeast Dyospolim It taketh the name from Naba which signifieth He hath prophecied Of this you may read 1 Sam. 20.21 22. and Esay 10. Of Maon THis was a town in the wildernesse of Iudaea some 24 miles from Ierusalem Southward neere Ziph and Carmel where Saul had besieged Dauid and all his men and would haue either put them to the sword or taken them captiues But the Philistins on a sudden inuaded the land so that Saul was constrained to leaue the siege to oppose their incursions It taketh the name from a fruitfull habitation and a firm and safe mansion 2 Sam. 23 Ios 15. Of Engedi THis was a castle or town scituated in a mountain neere to the shore of the Dead sea a little beyond Sodom six miles from Ierusalem toward the Northeast and in the tribe of Iudah Ios 15. In times past it was a fruitfull place both of vines other fruits there also grew a kinde of balsam But Cleopatra in the time of Mark Anthony brought the roots of it into Egypt and there made a pleasant garden where now Christians inhabit There are yet some small stalks here and there of this Balsam to be found vpon this hill Engedi but the Saracens do not regard it neither dwell any Christians neere to dresse it so that it groweth to decay Engedi signifieth the fountaine or well of a Goat or Lambe These mountains are very high and of a wonderfull nature in some places great ragged rocks appearing in others plain and fruitful vallies insomuch as they are fearefull and horrible to strangers that behold them Of Ziph. THis was a Towne in the Desart of Ziph placed in a certaine mountaine not farre from Hebron in the Tribe of Iudah some 22 miles from Ierusalem towards the Northeast Iosh 15. Vnto this desart neere to this city Dauid oft times resorted and at last was betrayed by the inhabitants of this towne It seemeth that the Towne and Wildernesse tooke that name of the aboundance of pitch that was found in it for Zaephaeth in Hebrew signifieth Pitch Of Gilboa THis was a mountain in the tribe of Manasse neere to Sichem and Apheck 40 miles from Ierusalem towards the North it extendeth 8 miles to the city Bethsan and two miles towards the North to mount Hermon It seems to take the name from the bubling forth or springing
miles where women with great mirth joy met him saying Saul hath slaine his thousand and Dauid his ten thousand for which cause Saul out of meere enuie for then he did not know that he had been annointed by Samuel would haue slaine him and his sonne Ionathan also for excusing him 1 Sam. 18.19 From Gibeah Ionathan went into the desart of Ziph some 22 miles to comfort Dauid there they swore a solemne oath of mutuall friendship to continue as long as they liued 1 Sam. 23. From thence Ionathan returned which was 22 miles 1 Sam. 23. At last he went to the wars with his father to mount Gilboah 40 miles there he his father his brothers Abinadab Melchisuah were slaine So all the trauels of Ionathan were 126 miles The trauels of Abiather Abimelechs sonne WHen Doeg the Idumaean at the command of Saul had slaine the Priests of the Lord this Abiather the son of Abimelech the high Priest fled to the Wood Hareth not farre from Kegilah some 20 miles and came and told Dauid of all that had hapned 1. Sam. 22.23 Of Kegilah THis was a Citie in the Tribe of Iuda 4 miles from Hebron towards the East 20 from Ierusalem toward the Southwest From which towne Dauid droue away the Philistines that had besieged it 1 Sam. 23. You may reade of it Iosh 23. Nehem 3. In S. Ieroms time it was but a small towne where the inhabitants shew to strangers the Sepulchre of Abacuck the Prophet Not farre off toward the West lieth Hareth that wood when Dauid was when Abiather came to him Kegila in Hebrew signifieth a Tent. The trauels of King Dauid DAuid was annointed King by Samuel when he was 20 yeres old Anno mundi 2881 and before Christ 1807. Within a while after he was sent by his father Isay or Iesse to Gibea of Saul which was eight miles there he played to Saul vpon the Harpe 1 Sam. 16. When Saul went out with his Armie against the Philistins Dauid returned backe to Bethlehem his owne countrey which was about eight miles There he fed his fathers sheep 1 Sam. 17. From thence he went to Socho and Asecha and killed Goliah which was foure miles From thence he carried the head of Goliah to Ierusalem which was 8 miles From thence hee went with king Saul to Gibeah which was 4 miles From Gibeah he went 12 miles into the land of the Philistins and to perform the promise which he had made put to the sword 200 of them From thence he returned and brought their forskins vnto Saul in recompence of which noble exploit he was married to Sauls daughter which was 12 miles A while after he made an incursion vpon the land of the Philistines and in a sharp and cruell war got a famous victorie and returned with glory to Gibeah which was at the least 24 miles But when Dauid perceiued that Saul went about to take away his life and that he was so narrowly pursued he had no way to escape but to be let down by a cord through a window he made hast and went from Gibeah to Arimathea where he complained vnto Samuel of the injuries of Saul and layd before him in what a miserable condition he was and to what straits brought Wherefore Samuel to comfort him brought him to Naioth which seemeth to be so called of the faire scituation and pleasantnesse of the place for Mabah signifies a laudable and comely place this was a Colledge of such as were professors of that sacred study of diuinity Now Saul hearing that Dauid was in this place came with some of his seruants on purpose to make him captiue But at the sight of Samuel he began to sing Psalmes and Hymnes after the manner of the Prophets From thence Dauid returned back vnto Gibeah some 12 miles where at the stone of Ezel not farre from Gibeah toward the South Ionathan went to Dauid counselled him to depart with all speed for that his father meant euill towards him So they tooke leaue either of other with teares 1 Sam. 20. Ezel signifies an Angle as was a stone full of angles or corners From thence he went to Nob which was 12 miles From thence he went to Gath a citie of the Philistines where he faigned himselfe mad because of Achis whom hee feared 1 Sam. 21. which was 24 miles From thence hee went to the caue of Odullam which was 24 miles and thither resorted vnto him many of his kindred and such as were indebted and in danger to the number of 40 persons In this place he wrote the 57 and 142 Psalmes as may appeare by their titles From thence he went to Mizpah in the land of the Moabites where at this time the King kept his court and there he carefully commanded his friends and followers to his safe protection till such time as the fury of Saul was asswaged 1 Sam. 22. From thence by the councell of the Prophet Gad he returned by the wildernesse of Hareth to Kegila and rescued it 40 miles Here Abiather the Priest came to him 1 Sam. 23. From thence fearing the comming of Saul hee went into the wildernesse of Ziph whither Ionathan came to him 1 Sam. 22. which was 4 miles From thence he went to the towne of Moan which was foure miles From thence he went to the hold of Engedi which were 36 miles From thence hee went six miles to Carmel in Iudaea where hee determined to haue destroyed Nabal for his churlishnesse 1 Sam. 25. From thence he went to Hackilah 2 miles From Hackilah he went to Gath where Achis king of the Philistines kept his court which was 16 miles This Achis was very courteous and bountifull minded he entertained Dauid and gaue him freely the city of Ziclag to inhabit in 1 Sam. 27. Wherefore Dauid went thence to the towne of Ziclag which was 12 miles 1 Sam. 27. and there inhabited one yeare and seuen moneths From thence Dauid went often towards the South and made incursions vpon the Amalekites wasting and destroying their land which lay in the Desart of Sur about 80 miles distant from Ziclag and a hundred and twenty miles from Ierusalem towards the South-west From the Desart of Sur he returned backe againe vnto Ziclag which was 80 miles and sent part of the prey which he had gotten to the King of the Philistines of which you may reade more 1 Sam. 27. From Ziclag Dauid went with the army of the Philistines to fight against Saul 88 miles euen to Sunem for the Philistines pitched betweene Iezreel and Sunem 1 Sam. 28.29 But because the Princes of the Philistines durst not trust him therefore by the consent of Achis their King hee returned backe to Ziclag 88 miles 1 Sam. 29. Whiles Dauid was gone with the Philistines to fight against Israel the Amalekites inuaded Ziclag tooke it and burnt it with fire and carried away Ahinoam and Abigal Dauids wiues captiues Wherefore when Dauid came to Ziclag and perceiued what had hapned with
a memorable battell against Hadad-Ezer the King thereof neere to the riuer Euphrates he tooke 700 horse and 20000 foot burnt their chariots tooke 100 castles conquered all the Townes and Countrey round about and went away with a great bootie as well of Gold as siluer brasse and other things which brasse for the excellencie thereof was like vnto gold and as Iosephus saith afterwards Solomon made the molten sea of it When Gadarezer King of the Syrians he that built that famous citie of Damascus heard of the ouerthrow of Hadad-Ezer hee sent a great army to his aid which King Dauid neere to the riuer Euphrates smote with the sword so that 20000 of them were slaine and he carried away a glorious victorie extending his gouernment from Ierusalem 600 miles towards the North that is into Armenia and beyond the riuer Euphrates and made these two nations tributary vnto him 2 Sam. 8. 1 Chr. 19. After Dauid had woon these 2 memorable victories neere Euphrates he went thence with all his army towards the South and inuaded the land of Syria in which journey Ioram the sonne of Tohi King of Antiochia which citie at this time was called Hemath met Dauid with gifts and presents in the name of his Father returning him many thankes because he had destroied the common enemy Hadad-Ezer and by strong hand subdued and quelled the furie of that mighty tyrant who was also a trouble and vexation to the Kingdome of Antiochia Dauid entertained this message kindly thankfully receiued his gifts which was of gold siluer and fine brasse and so gaue Ioram an acceptable dispatch and from thence with his army went to Damascus the Metropolitan citie of Syria where in the valley of salt he got a great victory in which 18000 Syrians were slaine and soon after the Citie of Damascus taken in which Dauid placed a garrison and compelled them to pay tribute 2 Sam. 8. This was distant from the kingdome of Soba 520 miles From Damascus he went with his army into the land of the Ammonites 100 miles in the way that leadeth out of Syria to Ierusalem all which he conquered and all the cities and townes thereabouts and compelled them to pay tribute 2 Sam. 8. From thence he returned to Ierusalem which was 60 miles and all the bootie that he had gotten in his journey he dedicated vnto the Lord 2 Sam. 8. A while after hee with his army made an incursion into the land of Idumaea and compelled the inhabitants to pay tribute Moreouer he destroied the citie of Midian the Metropolitane of that countrey of which you may reade before it was distant from Ierusalem 160 miles towards the South So that the extent of Dauids kingdome from the North to the South was 800 miles euen from the kingdome of Soba to the Red sea and from the East to the West 120 miles from Tyrus and Sydon reaching to Damascus Thus by the singular blessing of God he obtained a spacious and powerfull Empire 1 Sam. 8. 1 Reg. 11. 1 Chr. 19. He made his expedition into Idumaea about the 14 yeare of his raigne From Midian in Idumaea hee returned with great glory and praise to Ierusalem which was 160 miles In the 14 yere of his raigne and in the yere of the world 2904 and before Christ 1064 Nahas King of the Ammonites died and Haron his sonne succeeded him this man contemptuously abused the messengers of Dauid 2 Sam. 10. and to justifie that injury he gathered an army out of Soba Siria and Mesopotamia euen a mighty Host to oppose Dauid who in the 15 yeare of his gouernment met him with his Armie at Helam some twenty miles from Ierusalem where he obtained a notable victorie and destroied 700 chariots and 40000 horse 1 Chr. 20. Dauid after this with great applause of the people was entertained into Ierusalem which was 20 miles distant where being puft vp with prosperity he forgat his former pietie and sanctitie and by degrees fell into vnlawfull actions and vnjust desires whence it hapned that soone after he committed adulterie with Bathseba after that to hide his fault caused her husband to be slaine This was kept secret till the Lord by Nathan sharply reprehends him laies before him what hee was and what his present estate is from whence that came and then concludes that he is most vnthankfull carelesse and negligent towards God and man in committing those insolencies neither left he there but told him that God would seuerely punish him for his offence which after hapned as you may reade 1 Sa. Dauid being nipt in his conscience with this sharpe reprehension fell into great lamentation the extremitie of whose passions may very well appeare in the poenitentiall Psalmes which at this time and soone after hee wrot and left to future ages After this about the end of Summer he gathered an army and went into the land of the Ammonites some 64 miles where hee took the Metropolitan citie which at that time was called Rabba because of the multitude of citizens that were in it but after being restored by Ptolomeus Philadelphus King of Aegypt hee called it after his own Philadelphia there took the crowne from the head of the king of the Ammonites which weighed a Talent of * How much this was you may read after in the quantitie of weights gold being as Iosephus saith richly adorned with faire Sardonicke stones of which you may reade in 2 Sam. 12. From thence he returned back to Ierusalem which is 64 miles where hee married Bathseba and by her had foure sonnes Simeon Sobab Nathan and Solomon 1 Chr. 3. Soone after this Ammon defloured his sister Thamar not long after that his son Absalon killed his brother Ammon beeing then about 18 yeares of age which Dauid tooke so hainously that he would not suffer him to come into his sight for three yeares 1 Sam. 13. Then Ioab by the subtiltie of the woman of Tekoa reconciled him to the king his father yet neuerthelesse he came not to his court of two yeares after This Absolon was a goodly man affable for which cause enen at that time the people began to affect him Afterward in the yeare of the world 2950 and before Christ 1408 Absolon being then about 25 yeares of age moued sedition against his father A matter remarkeable that although he had slaine his owne brother being disgraced and absent from the Court almost fiue yeres yet within short time after he so strongly vnited the affection of the people to him that he constrained Dauid standing in feare of his greatnesse all his former acts and worthy victories notwithstanding to forsake his owne citie and for safety to fly to the mount of Oliues beeing three quarters of a mile from the citie There he staied a while to see the condition of the tumult but necessitie constrained him to take his way to Bahuzim And as he was going Zimri the sonne of Gesa of the house of Saul cursed
Of Gesur GEsur was a country neere to Caesarea Philippi in the land of Basan beyond Iordan neere Libanus in the Tetrarchie Trachonitides 88 miles from Ierusalem Northeastward With the King of this country Absolon remained in banishment for 3 yeres space after he had slain his brother Ammon and with vs may be termed the vally of Oxen 2 Sam. 13. Of Hadsi THe lower country of Hadsi stood neere to the city Corazin in the halfe tribe of Manasses 52 miles from Ierusalem toward the Northeast and signifies a new land beeing deriued of Chadasch that is New Of the fountaine Rogel THis was neere Ierusalem Eastward to which place Ionathan and Ahimaas Dauids intelligencers brought him newes of Absalons counsels and intentions 2 Sam. 17. It seemeth that trauellers vsually washed their feet in it from whence it was called the Wel of feet beeing deriued from Raegael signifying a Foot Neere to this place was the stone Zochaeleth where Adoniah at such time as he affected the kingdome contrary to his fathers liking called an assembly and made a great feast 1 Reg. 1. The Trauels of Baena and Rechab THese two went out of the tribe of Benjamin ouer Iordan to Machanaim 40 miles There they murthered their master king Ishbosheth in his chamber as he lay vpon his bed and after cut off his head The head they brought to King Dauid to Hebron 68 miles But Dauid was not pleased with their treacherie wherefore hee caused them both to be put to death So their trauels were 108 miles The Trauels of Absalon ABsalon was borne in Hebron and went with his father to Ierusalem 22 miles 2 Sam. 13. From thence he went to Baalhazor 8 miles where hee caused his brother Ammon to be slain From thence for feare of his father he fled into the land of Gesur 88 miles 2 Sam. 14. From thence he came backe with Ioab to Ierusalem which was 88 miles 2 Sam. 14. From thence he went to Hebron 22 miles and made himselfe King and rebelled against his father From thence he went backe againe to Ierusalem which is 22 miles There he lay with his fathers Concubines 2 Sam. 16. From thence he pursued his father to Machanaim 40 miles there was hanged by the haire in an oke tree where Ioab put him to death 2 Sam. 18. So all the trauels of Absolon were 290 miles Of Baal-hazor IN this city Absolon made a great feast for his sheepe-sherers and inuited all his brothers to it where he caused Ammon to be slain because he had abused his sister Thamar It lieth in the way some 8 miles from Ierusalem toward the North-East as you go to Iericho neere to mount Ephraim 2 Sam. 13. and is deriued of Baal which signifies a Lord or husband and Chazir a Den or caue Of the name ABSOLON ABSOLON signifieth a Father of peace although he was the author of all discord and sedition against his father The Trauels of the wise woman of Thecoa THis woman went from Thecoa to Ierusalem 8 miles and spake with King Dauid and with her sweet words shee persuaded him that he would recall his sonne out of exile who then remained in Gesur 2 Sam. 14. Of Thecoa THecoa was a city in the tribe of Iuda some 8 miles from Ierusalem toward the Southeast neere this city Iosaphat by praier and the sound of Trumpets without drawing sword got a memorable victory and for that cause it signifieth the sound of a Trumpet In this place the prophet Amos dwelt and there lieth buried whose sepulchre was to be seene 400 yeares after Christ as S. Ierom obserueth It was from Bethlem Iuda 6 miles Neere to Techoa was the lake Aspher where Ionathan and Simon Iudas Machabeus brothers pitcht their tents 1 Mach. 9. Of this city you may reade Ier. 6. Am. 1. 2 Chr. 11. Of ACHITOPHEL THis perfideous and wicked man was borne in the towne of Gilo not far from Hebron and Debir in the tribe of Iudah Ios 15. 2 Sam. 15. 20 miles from Ierusalem Southeastward who when his counsell would not take place he went home to his own house and there desperatly hanged himselfe The Trauels of wicked Shimei SHimei went from Bahurim where he cursed King Dauid to Bathabara vpon the riuer Iordan which was 18 miles where he got pardon of Dauid 2 Sam. 19. From thence he went backe with King Dauid to Gilgall foure miles 2 Sam. 19. From thence he went with King Dauid to Ierusalem 12 miles 2 Sam. 19. From thence he went to Bahurim 3 miles From Bahurim King Solomon sent for him again to Ierusalem 3 miles There he was constrained to build him an house and not to depart thence vpon pain of death 1 Reg. 2. But Shimei transgressing this commandment of the king went to Gath a city of the Philistims 12 miles From thence hee returned back againe to Ierusalem 12 miles where he was slain by the command of King Solomon in the third yeare of his reign 1 Reg. 2. So all the trauels of Shimei were 104 miles The Books of Kings and Chronicles Of ABISHAG the Virgin that lay with Dauid THis Maid was accounted the fairest in all Israel for which cause she was brought to Ierusalem for King Dauid that she might lie with him in his old age to procure heat she was born at Sunem a town some 44 miles from Ierusalem 1 Reg. 1. Of Sunem you may read before in the trauels of Dauid Saul The Trauels of King Solomon SOlomon the son of Dauid King of Israel entred vpon the full gouernment of the kingdome of Israel An. mundi 2931. and before Christ 1037. when he was about 20 yeares old After he went from Ierusalem to Gilgal 4 miles and there offered vpon the altar which Moses had made 1000 burnt offerings 1 Reg. 3. 2 Chr. 1. From thence he went backe to Ierusalem which was 4 miles and built a Temple to the Lord in mount Moriah 1 Reg. 6. This was begun about the fourth yere of his reign and 480 yeres after the children of Israel came out of Egypt in the moneth Ziph which answereth to our May. So that the Temple began to bee built in Anno mundi 2934. and before Christ 1034. To the building whereof Hiram King of Tyre sent Cedar trees from Mount Libanus 120 miles to Ierusalem 1 Reg. 5. 2 Chr. 2. This Temple Solomon within plaited ouer with pure gold and set with pretious stones and finished it in the month of Nouember about the eleuenth yeare of his reigne 1 Reg. 6. The dedication whereof was about the twelfth yeare of his reigne and in the 32 yeare of his age Anno Mundi 2942 and before Christ 1026. The Temple being finished he began to build his owne house which was 13 yeares a building and was finished about the 44 yeare of his age and in the 24 of his reign 1 Reg. 7.8 After 20 years in which time he had finished the house of the Lord and his own house in Mount Sion that
fetch gold from Tharshish and other places in India he displeased the Lord for which cause there arose a great tempest which brake down the workes and destroyed the Navy From Ierusalem he went with Iehoram King of Israel to war against the Moabites and with them went the King of Idumaea so passing through the desarts of Edom they came to Mount Seir and so went to Petra the chiefe city of the King of the Moabits distant from Ierusalem 72 miles 2 Reg. 3. From Petra Iehosaphat returned to Ierusalem 72 miles where he died and was buried 2 Reg. 22. 2 Chr. 21. So all the trauels of Iehosaphat King of Iuda were 372 miles The Typicall signification of IEHOSAPHAT AS Iehosaphat by prayer and the sound of trumpets and other instruments of musick ouercame dispersed his enemies without drawing his sword so Christ also by the sound of his Word and doctrine without drawing weapon ouercame the enemies of the Church The Trauels of IORAM King of Iudah IOram signifies The Exalted of the Lord. He was crowned king his father yet liuing at such time as he made his expedition against Mesa King of the Moabites which hapned about the fift yere of Iehoram King of Israel An. mundi 3055 before Christ 913. He reigned with his father Iehosaphat 2 yeares and after his decease six So Ioram reigned 8 yeares ouer Iudah and when hee was forty yeares old died miserably 2 Reg. 8. 9. About the beginning of the second yeare of this Kings reign which was the sixt of Iehoram King of Israel Elias the Prophet was taken vp into heauen About the beginning of his reigne he went from Ierusalem to Mount Seir which was 28 miles Southward where he vsed such extreme cruelty toward the Edomites which at this time were his subiects that of a sudden they fell from him and chose them a King of their own 2 Reg. 8. From the Mountain of Seir he returned to Ierusalem which is 28 miles and there cruelly put to death his owne brothers But God stirred vp against him the Philistines and Arabians who broke into Iuda and destroyed it with fire and sword They also went to Ierusalem and tooke thence all his substance and riches put his children to the sword all but Ioachas which also called Ahaziah or Ochorias caried away his wiues captiue into Arabia Foelix which is neer vnto Ethiopia 1200 miles Then the Lord strooke him with an extreme paine in his bowels of which after two yeares he died and was buried without any funerall pomp or honorable respect neere to the Kings tower A man vnworthy to be buried in the sepulchre of the rest of the Kings because hee so much degenerated from Dauid his predecessor 2 Reg. 8. 2 Chr. 28. So all the trauels of Ioram were 56 miles The Trauels of AHAZIAH King of Iudah AHaziah which also was called Iehoachas succeeded his Father Ioram in the gouernment of Iudah began his reign in the 12 yeare of Iehoram King of Israel Ann. mundi 3062. and before Christ 906 and reigned one yeare 1 Reg. 8. He went from Ierusalem to Ramoth in Gilead which is accounted 48 miles There he went to battell with Iehoram King of Israel against the Syrians 2 Reg. 8. 2 Chr. 22. From Ramoth in Gilead he returned to Ierusalem forty eight miles Within a while after he went backe again to visit his kinsman Iehoram King of Israel to Iesreel for hee was wounded in the battell against Hasael and lay there to be cured which was forty and eight miles With Iehoram he went to meet Iehu the Captaine of the Host who shot an Arrow and wounded Iehoram that hee died in the field of Naboth the Iesreelite Wherefore Ahaziah to saue his life fled with all possible speed taking his way to the Kings garden that stood close by the vineyard of Naboth the Iesreelite not farre from the City and Tower of Iezreel But Iehu followed him so close that he wounded him as he ascended vp vnto a place called GVR which signifieth A Lions Whelpe neere vnto the Towne which is called Iiblea Wherefore Ahaziah feeling himselfe hurt he went to Megiddo foure miles from Iesreel and neere to Apheck vpon the West There as Iosephus saith Lib. Antiq. 9. hee caused his wounds to be searched and bound vp This citie of Megiddo is 48 miles from Ierusalem Northward From Megiddo hee went to Samaria which was 14 miles there he lay hid for a while flying from one place to another to saue himselfe 2 Chron. 22. But being found out he was carried backe to the citie of Megiddo which was 14 miles and at the commandement of Iehu was there slaine 1 Reg. 8. From Megiddo his carkasse was carried to Ierusalem which was 48 miles and there buried 2 Reg. 8. 2 Chron. 22. So all the Trauels of Ahaziah King of Iudah were 224 miles Of that Idolatrous and wicked Queene Athalia AThalia was sister to Ahab and daughter to Omri married to Ioram sonne of that good King Iehosaphat when he was but 17 yeares of age and after the death of Azahiah who was slaine about the 23 yeres of age she vsurped vpon the kingdome of Israel anno mundi 3063 before Christ 905 and raigned with great tyranny almost 7 yeares So soone as she had obtained the gouernment she cruelly and miserably put to death all the children of Ahaziah and all those that were next heire to the Kingdome onely Ioas who was saued by the policie of Iehoshabeath sister to Ahasiah that stole him from among the rest of the Kings sonnes and put him to nourse in her bed-chamber and hee was with them in the house of God six yeares all which time Athalia raigned ouer the land And in the seuenth yeare Iehoiada waxed bold and proclamed Ioas King as being next heire to the crowne and annointed him in the temple who after Athalia was slaine succeeded in the gouernment 2 Reg. 11. 4. 2 Chron. 22. Of Ioas King of Iudah IOas began th raigne ouer Iudah when he was almost 7 yeres of age and about the middle of the seuenth yeare of Iehu King of Israel anno mundi 3069 and before Christ 899 and raigned ouer Iudah 40 yeres He did that which was acceptable in the sight of the Lord all the daies of Iehoiada the Priest who crowned him king but after his death he fell into euil courses and caused that good Priest Zachariah the sonne of Iehoiada who was the author of all his preferment to be stoned to death in the vpper court of the Temple which act argued that he was very vnthankefull and tyrannicall But the Lord displeased with his crueltie within a yeare after the death of Zachariah stirred vp the Syrians who inuaded Iudaea and spoiled the citie of Ierusalem in which warre all those that stirred vp the king to Idolatrie were cruelly slaine To conclude within a while after some of his courtiers conspired against him and as he lay sicke of a grieuous disease in his
his trauels were 120 miles Of Ahaz King of Iudah AHAZ signifies Apprehending or a possessor He began to raigne after the death of his father Iotham about the end of the 17 yere of Pekah King of Israel Anno mundi 3206 before Christ 762. He raigned wickedly 16 yeares 2 Reg. 16. 2 Chr. 28. For hee was a notorious hypocrite who out of a peruerse zeale worshipped many Idols and burnt his sonne in the valley of Gehinnon as an offering vnto Moloch Wherefore he was vnhappy in his gouernment for God stirred vp mighty enemies against him euen Resin king of Syria and Pekah king of Israel who wasted and destroied his Kingdome and straightly besieging Ierusalem conquered Ahaz in a great battell and put to the sword 120000 of his men After that Resin returned to Elath and tooke it so that he lost more than his father had gotten Where being strucke into a great feare hy reason of these aduersities hee sent to craue the aid of Tiglasse Phulasser king of the Assirians who at his request sent a great Army from Niniueh to Damascus 520 miles and there ouercame Resin and put him to death and tooke captiue 242000 of the people of Damascus and sent them into Cyren a country of Africa 2 Reg. 16. The Trauels of Ahaz King Ahaz went from Ierusalem to Damascus which was 160 miles to meet Tiglath Phulasser King of the Assirians to rejoyce with him for his happy victory and giue him thanks for his aid and assistance where when he saw the Altar at Damascus to be very glorious he sent for Vrija the chiefe Priest who tooke a patterne thereof and carried it with him to Ierusalem where he made an Altar like vnto it 2 Reg. 16. From Damascus he returned backe againe 160 miles So his trauels were 320 miles But yet Ahaz continued in his peruerse impiety and idolatry without any regard or feare of God therefore he stirred vp other enemies against him viz. the Idumaeans who tooke a great multitude of them captiue and the Philistines who with their Army broke into the South part of the tribe of Iuda and tooke these cities following viz. Bethsemes Aialon Timnath Socho Gederoth and Gimso with their villages These Cities for the most part are mentioned in the precedent treatise except Gederoth and Gimso Gederoth commonly called Gederothaim is distant from Ierusalem eight little miles towards the South-west and stands neere to the castle of Emaus being compassed about with a hedge from whence it seemeth to take the name for Gadar is as much to say as He hath hedged about Gimso was also in the Tribe of Iuda but in what place it is not certainely known Thus king Ahaz all the daies of his life did euill in the sight of the Lord for which God punished him and all the land and in the 16 yeare of his raigne he died and was buried with his fathers in the Citie Dauid The Trauels of Ezekias King of Iuda Ezekias which signifies The Champion of Iehouah was borne when his father was but thirteene yeares of age which made many questions whether he should succeed him as his lawfull heire in his Kingdome because they doubted whether he was lawfully begotten For if you doe obserue the order and course of the yeares and chronologie in the Scripture you shall finde that from the beginning of the thirteenth yeare of the age of Ahaz to the first yeare of the raigne of this King Ezekias make just twenty fiue yeres Ezekias therefore began to raigne after the death of his father Ahaz about the end of the third yeare of Hosea King of Israel 2 Reg. 19. Anno mun 3222 before Christ 746 being then about 25 yeres of age a little before Easter as it appeareth 2 Chron. 29. He gouerned that Kingdome with great commendations 29 yeares The first journey that he tooke was from Ierusalem to Gaza which was 44 miles there he ouercame the Army of the Philistines and recouered all those cities which his father Ahaz had lost according to that in the Prophet Esay cap. 15. 2 Reg. 18. From Gaza hee returned to Ierusalem which was 44 miles there he broke downe the places for idolatry and the brasen Serpent made by Moses in the wildernesse and called it Nehustan a brasen thing that hath nothing in it selfe of a diuine nature and could neither profit nor hurt therefore ought not to be worshipped This brasen serpent was kept in memory of that signe that God shewed vnto the children of Israel in the desart when they were bitten and stung to death by fiery serpents for looking vpon this brasen serpent they were healed But now because of the abuse thereof by the Iewes which turned it into idolatry it was broken to pieces Num. 21. 2 Reg. 18. So all the trauels of Ezechias were 88 miles In the 14 yeare of the raigne of Ezekias and in the 38 of his age Senacharib that mighty Emperour of the Assirians hauing taken many townes and cities in the Holy land would haue also besieged Ierusalem and for that purpose sent from Lachis which was 20 miles distant from Ierusalem Thartan Rabsarim and Rabsacha three mighty Princes Embassadors with a great traine to attend them These men went about the citie to see in what part it was most subject to batterie and might easiest begot so when they came to the conduit of the vpper poole which is by the path of the Fullers field between the Fish gate and the old gate in that place where they might easiliest be heard they called to the King but Eliakim the sonne of Hilkiah which was Hezekias Steward Shebnah the Chancellor and Ioab the sonne of Asaph the Recorder went vpon the wall then Rabsacha vttered blasphemous words against the Lord but Ezekias when hee had heard what the enemie had said called all the Elders of Ierusalem together and sent for Isaiah the sonne of Amos the Prophet and they went into the temple of the Lord and praied Wherefore the Lord heard their prayers and sent his Angel into the Campe of the Assirians and loe in one night there were slaine 185000 men as they lay in their tents before Gibeah which at this time they besieged being distant from Ierusalem some ten miles towards the Southwest This great deliuerance hapned in the yeare of the world 3235 and before Christ 733. About the end of the 38 yeare of the age of Ezekiah he fell into a dangerous disease which so farre forth as could be gathered by all likelihoods was the plague for God doth oftentimes try the patience of his Saints with sundry afflictions but yet at his feruent prayers hee was restored to health and his daies were lengthned 15 yeares at which time the Sunne went backe ten degrees according to the variation of the shadow in the Dyall of Ierusalem 2 Reg. 20. Isa 38. 2 Chron. 32. But at the end of the 15 yeares which was about the 54 yeare of his age he died and was buried with his
Priests to death and prayed vnto the Lord who sent rain vpon the earth in great aboundance 1 Reg. 18. From Mount Carmel he ran by King Ahabs chariot to Iesreel which was accounted 16 miles After when Queene Iesabel threatned his death hee departed thence and went to Beersaba 84 miles 1 Reg. 19. From Beersaba he went one daies journy into the wildernes of Paran because hee thought to remaine there safe from the mischiefe of Iesabel which was 20 miles from Beersaba Southward Here the Angell of the Lord brought him meat as he was sitting vnder a Iuniper tree 1 Reg. 19. By vertue of this meat Eliah trauelled from thence to Mount Horeb or Sinai 80 miles and continued there 40 daies and forty nights without meat or drinke There the Lord spake to Eliah as hee stood in the entrance of a caue his face being couered with his mantle 1 Reg. 19. From the mount Sinai or Horeb he returned to Abel-Mehola which was 156 miles where hee called Elizeus the son of Saphas to the ministeriall function and office of a Prophet 1 Reg. 18. From thence he went to Damascus 124 miles where he anointed Hasael King of Syria 1 Reg. 19. From Damascus Elias went to Mount Carmell where hee dwelt which was accounted 120 miles From mount Carmel he went to Iesreel 16 miles there in the vineyard of Naboth who Iezabel caused to be stoned to death he sharply reprehended Ahab for his impiety and idolatry 1 Reg. 21. From Iezreel he returned back again to his own house to Carmel which was 16 miles From thence he went to Samaria which was 32 miles where he answered the seruants of King Ahaziah whom he had sent to enquire of Baalzebub the idoll of Ekron concerning his health saying Go and tel your master that sent you That the God of Israel saith Because thou hast sent to aske counsel of Baalzebub the idol of Ekron and thinkest there is no God in Israell therefore thou shalt not rise off the bed whereon thou liest but shalt surely die 2 Reg. 1. Soone after Elias returned to Mount Carmel which was 32 miles where the two Captaines with their Companies of fifty that were sent to take him were consumed with fire from heauen 1 Reg. 1. From Mount Carmel he went to Samaria with the third Cap. 32 miles where hee prophecied of the death of King Ahaziah 2 Reg. 1. From Samaria hee returned backe againe to Mount Carmel 32 miles From thence he went to Gilgal 52 miles From Gilgal he went with Elizeus to the towne of Bethel being 6 miles 2 Reg. 2. From thence to Iericho 4 miles 2 Reg. 2. From Iericho hee and Elizeus went to Iordan which was sixe miles through which riuer they went vpon dry ground Now as they were speaking one to another vpon the East side of the riuer behold a fiery chariot came with fiery horses and tooke Elias vp aliue into heauen after he had gouerned the Church 30 yeres an mundi 3056 and before Christ 912 2 Reg. 2. So all the Trauels of Eliah the Prophet were 1033 miles Of the Cities and places to which he trauelled Of Thisbe IN this towne the Prophet Eliah was borne it being scituated in the land of Gilead beyond Iordan 48 miles from Ierusalem towards the Northeast It taketh the name from Captiuitie being deriued of Chabah he hath led into captiuitie Of Kerith THe riuer Kerith where the Rauens fed Elias runneth from Mount Ephraim between Bethel and Iericho 8 miles from Ierusalem towards the North and so passing along towards the East falleth into the riuer Iordan 1 Reg. 17. The Kerethites were such as garded the person of the King which in the Prophet Dauids time were called mighty men taking their name from striking and cutting being deriued of Charath he hath smitten or cut in sunder Of Zarpath or Sarepta THis was a Citie of the Sidonians where they found much mettall of diuers kindes lying betweene Tyrus and Sydon 112 miles from Ierusalem towards the North and taketh the name from Zoraph which signifies To trie or burne with fire There is at this time but eight houses in all the towne although by the ruines it seemeth to haue beene in times past a very faire citie The inhabitants thereof take vpon them to shew the chamber wherein Elias the Prophet sometimes liued when hee raised the widowes childe to life Before the gate of the citie also there is shewed a certaine Chappell where they say Elias first spake with the widow 1 Reg. 17. Of Abelmehola THis was a towne in the tribe of Manasses on this side Iordan in the mid-way betweene Sichem and Salem some 38 miles from Ierusalem Northward At this day it is called Abisena where there are found certaine ruines of Marble pillars by which may be gathered that in times past it hath beene a very beautifull citie It seemeth to haue taken the name from a great Lamentation or Mourning for Abel signifieth To lament and bewaile and Machol A company The typicall signification of ELIAS ELias according to the interpretation of Saint Ierome signifies the minister of Iehouah but as others would haue it Eliah is as much as my God Iehouah He was a type of Saint Iohn Baptist who was sent before to prepare the way of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Chirst Of this you may reade more Malach. 4. Matt. 11.17 Isa 40. c. The trauels of the Prophet Elisaeus or Elisha ELisha followed Elias through diuers countries and became as it were his seruant pouring water vpon his hands and ministring to him 1 Reg. 19. 2 Reg. 3. Elisha went with Eliah from Gilgal to Bethel which was six miles 1 Reg. 19. From Bethel they both went to Iericho which was 4 miles From Iericho he went beyond Iordan 6 miles where his Master was taken from him vp into heauen and his spirit was doubled vpon him 2 Reg. 2. From thence he returned backe again to Iericho which was ● miles passing through the riuer Iordan vpon drie ground by which miracle the children of the Prophets viz. such as studied diuinitie at Iericho did certainly know that the spirit of his master Elias rested vpon him Neere to this towne he flang salt into a riuer by which the water was made sweet 2 Reg. 2. From Iericho Elisha returned to Bethel which was 4 miles here the chldren that mockt him saying Come vp thou bald pate c. in contempt of his age and office were deuoured by 2 Bares 2 Reg. 2. From Bethel he walked to Mount Carmel which was fifty six miles From thence he went to Samaria which was about thirtie two miles From thence he went to the three Kings viz. Ioram King of Israel Iehosaphat King of Ierusalem and the King of the Idumaeans into the desart of Arabia Petraea which was 104 miles here he prayed vnto the Lord and he sent them water lest they should haue perished with thirst 2 Reg. 3. From the Desart of Arabia Petraea hee returned backe to
It was a hill in the city of Kiriath-jearim there was a town also of the same name standing within a little of it This was a little more than a mile from Ierusalem Westward Esa 10. GEBAL a bound or limit It was the bounds and limits of Syria bordering vpon the Mediteranean sea This city Gibal or Gebal was 160 miles from Ierusalem Northward 1 Reg. 5. Psal 82. GIBEAH a hill It was also called Gibeon where Saul dwelt foure miles from Ierusalem Northward Esa 10. GILGAL a roundle or the compasse of a hill Here Ioshuah pitched his tents it stood between Iericho and Iordan 12 miles from Ierusalem Northeastward GOG The Turks were thus called because they liued in tents Ezek. 48. GOSAN a land and riuer in Mesopotamia called after that name 2 Reg. 17. Esa 37. H HADAD RIMMON a Pomegranat This was a towne neere to Megiddo where Iosia King of Iudah was wounded to death 46 miles from Ierusalem Northward Zach. 12. HADRACH the land of Gladnesse So the Prophet Zachary cals Syria cap. 19. HANES an ensigne of Grace This was a city of Egypt bordering vpon Assyria Esa 30. HARAM the Syrian liberty It was the metropolitan Citie of Mesopotamia where Abraham dwelt Gen. 11. distant from Ierusalem 440 miles Northeastward HAVERAN a Casement It was a City in Syria not farre from Damascus 160 miles from Ierusalem towards the North-East Ezek. 47. HAZOR-ENON the gate of a fountain It was a city in Syria HAZOR-TICHON the middle Porch It was a town in Syria not far from Haveran Ezek. 47. HAZOR The land of Hay So the Ismaelities called their countrey HEMATH anger So the Prophets called Antiochia the Metropolitan of Assyria distant from Ierusalem 280 miles Northward HERMON Acurst It was a mountain beyond Iordan neer to Libanus 122 miles from Ierusalem toward the Northeast There is another mountain of this name neer to Naim and not far from Mount Tabor 44 miles from Ierusalem towards the North of which the Psalmist speaketh Psal 89. Tabor and Hermon praise thy Name The mountain beyond Iordan is oftentimes called by the name of Mount Gilead HESBON an ingenious cogitation It was a city of the Moabites in the tribe of Reuben 28 miles from Ierusalem towards the Northeast HENAH and IEVAH were two idols Esa 37. HEVILAH Sandy So India is called and a certain part of Arabia Petraea of Hevilah the son of Chus Gen. 10. These countries are very dry and sandy HETHLON He hath rolled together It was a city of Syria neere to Antiochia Ezek. 47. HOLON a Window It was a town of the Moabits in the tribe of Reuben and is also called Helon Num. 2. Ier. 47. HORONAIM the Syrian Liberties two towns of the Moabits Esa 16. I IACHZA the priuity of God A city of the Moabits in the tribe of Reuben 24 miles from Ierusalem Eastward IAEZER the help of God A city of Refuge belonging to the Leuits in the tribe of Gad beyond Iordan 40 miles from Ierusalem Northeastward IAVAN GRECIA so called of Iavan the son of Iapheth which was distant from Ierusalem 800 miles Westward IEZREEL the Seed of God This is the city where Queen Iesabel was deuoured of Dogs It standeth 48 miles from Ierusalem Northward IRHERES or Heliopolis a city of the Sun This was a City of Egypt 224 miles from Ierusalem toward the Southwest K KEDAR Blacknesse This was a Desart of the Ismaelites called Sur 80 miles from Ierusalem Southwestward KIR PARIES a Wall This was Cyrene a great city in Africa which was 816 miles from Ierusalem Westward There was a town of this name in the land of the Moabits in the tribe of Reuben Esa 16. KIR-HAZERETH or Kir-Hares a Mudwall It was a City of the Moabits in Arabia Petraea otherwise called Petra 72 miles from Ierusalem towards the South Esa 16. KIRIATHAIM a City This town was in the tribe of Reuben 22 miles from Ierusalem Eastward Esa 16. KIRIAH or Kirieth ibidem KITHIM a shining Iewel Macedonia is so called of Kithim the son of Iavan the son of Iaphet Gen. 10. Ier. 2. Mac. 1. For if you doe diligently obserue the deriuation of names you shal find that of Kithim comes Maketis and so by continuance of time and change of words Macedonia It lieth 920 miles from Ierusalem North-Westward L LACHIS a continuall walking or as some will haue it A pleasant walke This was a city in the tribe of Iuda 20 miles from Ierusalem Westward Ier. 34. LAISA a Lionesse So was Caesarea Philippi somtimes called It was also called Dan scituated neere to the fountains of the riuer Iordan not far from Mount Libanus 104 miles from Ierusalem Northeastward LIBNA Frankincense It was a town in the tribe of Iudah 10 miles from Ierusalem towards the South-West LVD that is Lydia a country in Asia minor so called of Lud the sonne of Sem. LVIT greene grasse it is also a mountaine in the Tribe of Reuben Esa 6. M MAGOG dwelling vnder a shed or tent The Turks are so called Ezech. 38. MARESA an inheritance In this towne the Prophet Micah was borne Micha 1. it was scituated in the Tribe of Iuda distant from Ierusalem 16 miles towards the West MEDAI a measure the Kingdome of Media was so called of Medai the sonne of Iaphet Gen. 10. MEDBA warme water it was a city of the Moabits in the tribe of Reuben 28 miles from Ierusalem towards the East Esay 16. MEDEMENA a dunghill it was a towne in the tribe of Iudah neere Beerseba and Gaza 44 miles from Ierusalem toward the Southwest Iosh 15. There was also another towne of the same name in the tribe of Benjamin not farre from Ierusalem Iosh 10. Ier. 48. MEGIDDO a wholesome apple Here Iosia King of Iuda was slain in war it stood 46 miles from Ierusalem Northward Zach. 12. MEPHAATH the splendor of waters it was a citie belonging to the Priests in the Tribe of Reuben subject to the Moabites 24 miles from Ierusalem towards the East Ier. 48. MESECH the tract of sowing so the Muscouites and Russians are called of Mesech the sonne of Iaphet Gen. 10. MIDIAN a measure a town lying vpon the red sea 160 miles from Ierusalem towards the South so called of Midian the son of Abraham by Keturah Gen. 25. MISPE a Watch. This citie stood in the land of Giliad beyond Iordan eight and fortie miles from Ierusalem towards the Northeast There is another Towne of this name also not farre distant from Ierusalem in the Tribe of Benjamin Hosea 5. Ierem 40. MOAB a father The countrie of the Moabites scituated betweene the red sea and the mountaines Abarim Ezech. 9. MEVSAL running swiftly it was the name of a people that tooke their beginning from Vsal the sonne of Ioktan Gen. 19. N NABAIOTH the countrey of the Prophets this country beginneth in the Tribe of Gad beyond Iordan and extendeth to the East part of the dead sea and so by the land of the Moabites to the Red sea It taketh the name
whom God in the beginning made a good Angell exalted him in the heauens and made him much more glorious than others yet notwithstanding glorying in himselfe hee contemned his Maker nothing would content him but to become like vnto him yea he desired to be worshipped of our Lord Iesus Christ Mat. 4. And as Haman endeauoured to ouerthrow not only all the people of the Iewes but Queene Hester also so the Diuell doth not onely endeauour to ouerthrow the whole Church but if it were possible the head of the Church Christ Iesus Of that holy man Iob. IOb was a holy and good man he dwelt in the land of Vz so called of Vz the sonne of Aram the son of Sem as S. Ierome vpon Genesis obserueth This Vz was that great man which built as was thought Damascus in Syria and all the land which extendeth from Damascus to Iordan after his name was called Vz that is the land of counsell fot so Vz signifieth There were two townes in this countrey where Iob is said to haue dwelt that is Astaroth-Carnaim and Batzra Asteroth-Carnaim was distant from Ierusalem 52 miles towards the Northeast the inhabitants of which towne worshipped the goddesse Venus and called her by the name of Astaroth of which you may reade before S. Ierome saith That the sepulchre of Iob was to be seene in his time in that towne and later writers testifie as much for their times This towne at this day is called Carnea Batzra is mentioned in the 36 of Genesis it signifieth a grape gathering In this towne it was thought that Iob was borne it lay beyond Iordan in the tribe of Reuben 20 miles from Ierusalem towards the Northeast All this countrey in those times was subject to the King of the Edomites or Idumaeans but after it was joyned to the land of the Moabites they hauing conquered the kings of Edom you man reade more of it in the 6 of Isay also Ios 20. where is shewed that it was one of the six cities of refuge appointed by Ioshua Heere Iob for the most part continued and held this towne in great honour and reputation He liued about the time of Baela first king of the Edomites and according to the opinion of Saint Ierom Augustine Ambrose Philo and Luther was for his excellent vertue and singular piety chosen King of that countrey which he greatly enlarged making all the countries and neighbouring Princes neer adjoining tributary vnto him wherfore as Ierom saith in locis Hebraicis hauing obtained so large an Empire he remoued his seat from Batzra to Astaroth Carnaim which was a strong and well defenced citie where in those times as Moses witnesseth Gen. 14. there inhabited mightie men and noble Heroes that so by their vertue he might with the greater facilitie suppresse and conquer other Prouinces There are many thinke him to be of the stocke of Abraham and of the family of Esau because he is mentioned in the 36 of Genesis where it is said That when Baela died Iobab the sonne of Zerah of Bozra or Betzra raigned in his stead And Saint Ierom in his preface vpon the booke of Iob sheweth that he was but fiue degrees remoued from Abraham for Abraham had Ishmael Basmath who was the wife ef Esau mother of Reguel grandmother to Sarah and great grandmother to Iob. So that by the mothers side Iob descended from Ishmael and by the fathers side from Esau Isaac Esau Reguel Serah Iob or Iobab king of Idumaea Gen. 36. Notwithstanding there are some that are of opinion That he descended from Nahor Abrahams brother and was of the family of Vz Nahors sonne which opinion also Saint Ierom mentioneth in his Hebraicall questions But most of the antient fathers hold this nothing so probable Luther vpon the 36 chapter of Genesis saith That he was King long time before Moses carried the children of Israel out of Aegypt For Iuda and Aser the sonnes of Iacob had children before they went into the land of Aegypt Gen. 46. therefore it is not impossible for Reguel the sonne of Esau to haue children also since he was married long before his brother Iacob From hence then it may be gathered that Iob was King of Idumaea before Iacob and his sonnes went into the land of Aegypt For although the fourteene sonnes of Esau gouerned the land of Edom like so many Princes of which number Reguel the grandfather of Iob was one because they held it as their inheritance yet to auoid sedition and distractions which oftentimes happen where there is not a certaine head and principall commander therefore they elected Bela the sonne of Beor to be their King after whose death they chose Iob because he was a holy man of God and in his actions just and vpright who without doubt raigned amongst the Edomites a long time For he liued after his afflictions which God imposed vpon him to trie him 140 yeares Plato saith he married Dina the daughter of Iacob but Saint Ierome That he married the daughter of an Arabian by whom hee had Enon Both these may be true for his first wife being dead he might marrie an Arabian After the death of Iob the Gyants Heroes in Asteroth Carnaim fell againe from the Idumaeans for when Moses brought the children of Israel out of the desart of Arabia Petraea and that they had conquered the land beyond Iordan the city Astaroth-Carnaim had a King called Og who gouerned all the Kingdome of Basan This Gyant was of a mighty stature he had a bed of yron * Foure yards a half long two broad nine cubits long and foure broad Deut. 3. Of Eliphaz ELiphaz the Themanite was the brother of Reguel Iobs grandfather This Eliphaz had a sonne called Theman who built a citie and after his owne name called it Theman where Eliphaz his father dwelt with him From whence it hapned that he was called Eliphaz the Themanite Iob 2. It was distant from Ierusalem forty miles towards the South and therefore it was called a citie of the South you may reade of Eliphaz in Ier. cap. 25. He had a Concubine called Thimnah because of her beauty comely proportion by her he had Amaleck of whom came the Amalekites betweene whom and the children of Israel were cruell wars Exod. 17. The Trauels of Eliphaz the Themanite FRom Themen hee went to Astaroth-Carnaim where Iob dwelt which is accounted 92 miles to comfort his friend Iob Iob 2. From Astaroth-Carnaim he returned backe to his owne house which was 92 miles So the trauels of Eliphaz were 184 miles Of Bildad Iobes friend BEyond Iordan and the sea of Galile not farre from Astaroth-Carnaim there is at this day found a town called Suah where as it is thought Bildad the friend of Iob dwelt Neer to this towne as Sebastian Francus obserueth in his Cosmographie there was yerly in the Summer season a great mart kept in certain tents and tabernacles erected for that purpose of diuers colours Bildad signifies
an antient friend and Suah taketh the name from desolation being deriued of Scho he hath made desolate Of Zophar the friend of Iob. ZOphar dwelt in the citie of Naema Iosh 15. but how farre it stood from Ierusalem is vncertaine Zophar of Zaphar signifieth swift Naema signifies pleasant and delectable of Naem courteous and comfortable Of Iobs daughters THe Lord gaue vnto Iob after his affliction and that he had tried his faithfulnesse three daughters so faire that there were none fairer to be found in all the land The name of the first was Iemmima that is as faire as the day of Iom which signifies a day The second Kazia that is such a one as giueth a pleasant sauor like vnto the gum Cassia The third because of the excellencie of her countenance was called Kaeren Hapuch that is casting forth rayes or beames Iob. 42. APOCRYPHA The Booke of IVDETH Of Egbatana AFter the death of Arbactus or Arphaxad which signifies a mighty Lyon to whom Ionas prophecied as is said before there succeeded in the Empire of the Medes Mandanes Sarsomenes Artecarnis Cardiceas and Deioces who being enthronised in that Empire called himselfe Arphaxad or Arbactus the second This man built Egbatana the metropolitan citie of the Medes and beautified it with very faire buildings goodly walls made all of foure square stone cut and polished 70 cubits high and 30 broad towers standing vpon it 100 cubits in height as well those that were for the defence of the town as those where the gates were The aire in that country was temperate inclining rather to cold than heate because it lay toward the North it stood 1136 miles from Ierusalem Northeastward Here for the most part this Emperor kept his court till as Herodotus saith he was vtterly conquered by Nebuchadnezzar Emperor of the Babylonians This was that Nebuchadnezzar which sent Holofernus with a mighty army against Iudaea Bethulia and many other cities and countries and would be worshipped as a god Iudeth 3. Of Hydaspes HYdaspes is a riuer that ariseth in Media which runneth thorough a part of Parthia extendeth it selfe into India and not farre from the citie Nisa falleth into Indus according to the opinion of Pliny and Strabo lib. 15. Neere this riuer Nabuchadnezzar ouercame Dieoces otherwise called Arbactus Iudg. 1. The description of the countries conquered by HOLOFERNES Of Kedar KEdar the wildernesse of Zur was thus called stood in the land of the Ishmaelites 80 miles from Ierusalem towards the Southwest and tooke the name of Kedar the sonne of Ishmael Gen. 25. Of the mountaines of Ange. THe mountaines of Ange lay betweene Pamphilia and Cicilia to the latitude of that famous country of Cilicia in Asia minor 320 miles from Ierusalem towards the North not farre from Anchiale a citie of Cilicia from whence it seemeth to take the name Of Cilicia CIlicia is a prouince of Asia minor so called of Cilice the kings sonne of Syria and Phoenicia the Metropolitan Citie of which countrey was Tharsus where the Apostle Paul was borne it was distant from Ierusalem 304 miles towards the North. Of Mallos MAllos a citie of Cilicia was so called of Malo that is plenty of all things Stephanus saith that it took that name of Mollo who first built it It is a citie to this day and of most of the inhabitants of that country called Mallo as Gesner obserueth Of Gesem GEsem signifies fruitfull The land of Gosen in Aegypt was so called being deriued of Gusch that is a turfe it stood 174 miles from Ierusalem towards the Southwest Of Aethyopia THis country stands beyond Aegipt 800 miles from Ierusalem towards the South where the Sunne is extreme hot that it turneth the complexion of the inhabitants to blackenesse here breed great abundance of Dragons and cruell beasts Of Esdrelon ESdrelon was a plaine lying betweene the mountains Thabor Hermon and Gilboa extending it selfe from the cities of Megiddo and Apheck to the sea of Gennezareth or Galile In this great field which was called the plaine of Galile and the field of Megiddo and Esdrelon there were many cruell battels fought for here Gideon ouercame the Midianites here Saul was put to flight by the Philistins from whence ascending into Mount Gilboa he killed himselfe Iosias also King of the Iewes was in this place put to flight by Pharaoh Necho and wounded vnto the death The camp of Holofernes was so great that it tooke vp all the plain which contained 16 miles in length In some parts it was wonderfull fruitfull and brought forth wine oyle and many other commodities in great abundance It stood 52 miles from Ierusalem towards the North and was so called of Caeder that is a hid order and disposition for Alam is as much to say as he hath hid Of Sobal SObal was a countrey vpon the borders of Syria where Sophena was scituated neere to the riuer Euphrates which country Saul and Dauid Kings of Israel somtime conquered it stood 600 miles from Ierusalem towards the North and signifies an eare of corne Of Apamea THis was a famous citie in Tetrapolis of Syria two hundred and eighty miles from Ierusalem towards she North built of Seleucus Nicanor King of Syria and was so called of Apamea his wife Of the city Bethulia BEthulia was scituated within 4 miles of Dothan and two of the Galilean sea 44 miles from Ierusalem Northward About four miles from this town in a mountain a little beside Dothan lay the tents of Holofernes in the sight of Bethulia Iudeth c. 7. between which Bethulia lay the plain of Esdrelon in the midst whereof there ran a pleasant riuer which in times past watred it Here Iudeth according to the custome of the Iewes washed her selfe The place where Bethulia stood is to be seene at this day the ruins of the town and many houses still remaining It was scituated vpon a goodly high mountaine strongly fortified by Nature and as it seemeth by art also A man might haue seen it thorough the greatest part of Galile but aboue the rest a certain castle in the end of the mountain made for the defence of the city They shew at this day in the mountaine and field neere Dothan the place where Holofernes camp stood and the reliques of their tents also the brook where Iudeth washed her selfe Bethulia signifieth The hand-maid of God being deriued of Bethulah a virgin and Iah God Holofernes a prophane Captaine of which sort are those tyrants that persecute the Church of God The Booke of TOBIAS The Trauels of Tobias the elder TObias the elder was caried captiue out of the tribe of Nepthaly where he was born to Ninive the Metropolitan city of Assiria being 600 miles at such time as Salmanasser King of the Assyrians caried away the tenne tribes of Israel into Assyria Captiue in the yeare before Christ 742. 2 Kings ca. 17. Tob. 1. From that time he continued in Ninive being then about 27 years old and numbred amongst the yong men
was 1100 common sicles of siluer for which she cursed i. 68 li. 15 s. To the Levit that serued Micah she gaue yearly a suit of apparel tenths and ten siluerlings or sicles of the sanctuary forwith that kind of mony the Levits were rewarded i. 1 li. 5 s. I Samuel ANd all that remain of the house of Ely shall come and bow down vnto him for a piece of siluer in Hebrew it is A●orah Cap. 2. v. 36. which Forestarius and Avenarius interpret Scrupulo Argenti which was 1 d. ob q. But if you take the ancient interpreters it was Obulum that is 1 d. q. Cap. 9. v. 8. When Saul sought his fathers asses his seruant had about him the fourth part of a common sicle of siluer that is 3 d. ob q. Cap. 17. v. 5. The Brigandine of the great gyant Goliah weighed 5000 sicles of brasse which at 16 ounces in the pound comes to 78 pounds and 2 ounces and the head of his speare weighed 60 sicles that is after the same weight 9 pound quarter and halfe of iron II Samuel Cap. 12. v. 30. 1 Chr. 21.2 ANd Dauid won the town of Rabba took the kings crown from his head and set it vpon his own head which weighed a talent of gold and was according to our common interpreters in these times a common talent of the Iewes i. 46 li. 14 ounces worth 2250 li. English But other writers considering that if it had bin so heauy the King could not haue worn it therefore they thinke it to be a talent according to the Syrian weight which is not aboue a quarter of an Hebrew talent and was of our weight 11 pound 4 ounces that is 551 li. And the reason of their opinion was because Rabbah and the whole countrey of the Children of Ammon lay in the land of Syria and therefore it must necessarily follow that their weight was Syrian weight the king of Rabbah neuer wearing this crowne but when hee made some solemne feast or triumph There are others that value it according to the worth of the crowne not of the weight and for that it was made of fine gold set with pretious stones and other jewels therefore it weighed a talent that is it was worth a talent according to that of Zach. ca. 1. So they weighed for my wages as much as I am valued i. 30 siluerlings Thus haue I set before you three interpretations follow which you like Cap. 18. v. 11 And Ioab spake vnto the man that brought him word that Absolon was hanging vpon an Oke tree saying If thou hadst smote him to the ground I would haue giuen thee ten sicles of siluer or ten siluerlings which was 12 s. 6 d. The man answered him and said If you had laid 1000 siluerlings that is 62 li. 10 s. in my hand yet I would not haue laid my hand vpon the Kings son When the Angell of God stretched forth his hand ouer Ierusalem and strooke the people with the pestilence p. 25. v. 25. at the commandement of Gad the Prophet Dauid went to Araunah the Iebusite and bought his threshing flore for fiftie sicles of siluer of the common weight Some say that euery tribe gaue fifty sicles which was 3 li. 2 s. 6 d. a Tribe and in the whole amounted to 37 li. 10 s. I. Kings THe Queene of Saba gaue vnto King Solomon 120 Centiners or Talents of gold which was 265000 pounds English Cap. 5. v. 28. this was pure Arabia gold and therefore according to the worth of gold in these daies much more than is set downe King Solomon had brought into his Kingdome in one yeare 666 Talents or Centiners of fiue Arabian gold Cap. 10. v. 14. which at 4500 pound the talent is 2997000 li. viz. two millions nine hundred ninetie seuen thousand pounds English But the siluer that Solomon had was not to be numbred And King Solomon caused 200 targuets to be made Cap. 10. v. 16. of the finest gold each targuet weighing 200 sicles of gold that is 600 Hungarians ducats and was worth 225 li. a targuet which in the whole amounteth to 45000 li. English There came and went vp out of Aegypt a chariot worth 600 sicles of siluer which is 37 li. 10 s. and a horse worth 150 li. that 9 li. 7 s. 6 d. II. Kings NAaman general of the King of Syrias host Cap. 5. v. 5. when he trauelled to Samaria to be healed of his leprosie tooke with him 10 talents of siluer that were of the common weight each talent worth 187 li. 10 s. being in the whole 1875 l. But if you account it after the Syrians talent as some would haue it which is but the fourth part of the Hebrew then it came to 46 li. 17 s. 6 d. the talent and in the whole to 468 li. 15 s. He also brought 1000 Drachmas of gold which were so many Hungarian ducats and were worth 375 li. English Being healed of his leprosie he gaue to Gehazie Cap. 5. v. 5. two talents of siluer in two bags which if they were according to the weight of the Iewes amounted to 375 li. and was as much as a man could carrie But if according to the Syrian weight then it came but to 95 li. which he might well carry and not be discouered Cap. 6. v. 25. Benhadad king of Syria so straightly besieged the city of Samaria that an Asses head was sold at 80 pieces of siluer or siluerlings which is 5 li. and a quarter of a cabe of Doues dung at fiue pieces or siluerlings that is 5 s. 4 d. But after the Lord struck the Syrians so that they fled from their siege Cap. 7. v. 18 and the citizens opened their gates and rifled their tents by which meanes there was such plentie that two measures of Barley was sold for a sicle that is 15 d. and two measures of fine floure at 15 d. Cap. 15. v. 19. When Phul king of Assiria inuaded Menahem king of Israel he was constrained to giue him a thousand talents of siluer that is 187500 li. that his helpe might be with him to establish a kingdome in his hand and depart for the payment of which money all the men of substance in Israel were constrained to pay fiftie sicles of siluer a piece that is 3 li. 2 s. 6 d. a man I Chronicles Cap. 22. v. 14. IT was said that Dauid left Solomon towards the building of the Temple 10000 talents of gold that is 450000000 li. foure hundred and fiftie millions of pounds also he left him for the finishing of the same worke 1000000 Talents of siluer which amount vnto 375000000 li. viz. three hundred seuentie fiue millions of pounds Cap. 29. v. 4. Also Dauid dedicated to the Temple of his owne goods 3000 talents of gold that is 135000 li. And of siluer 7000 talents that is 2625000 li. viz. 2 millions 6 hundred 25 thousand li. English The
vanisheth away and is without any corporiall substance In the same moneth of Aprill our Sauiour Christ appeared again to Peter Thomas Nathaniel the sons of Zebedeus and other two Disciples as they were fishing vpon the shore of Tiberias which stood 56 miles from Ierusalem Northward betweene Bethsaida and Capernaum Ioh. 21. The day of this apparition is not set downe From the sea of Tiberias neere to Capernaum and Bethsaida to mount Thabor scituated in Galile is reckoned 10 miles there about the end of April our Sauior Christ appeared to aboue 500 brethren at once where many worshipped him others doubted Mat. 28. 1 Cor. 15. In the month of May our Sauior Christ appeared to Iames the son of Alpheus for he had been seen before of Iames the sonne of Zebedeus both which were after crowned with martyrdom in the city Ierusalem the son of Zebedeus vpon the 25 day of Iuly ten yeares after the resurrection and the sonne of Alpheus vpon the feast day of the Passeouer was throwne from a Pinnacle of the Temple 29 yeares after the resurrection of our Sauior Vpon the 40 day after his resurrection hee returned fiftie sixe miles to Ierusalem where his disciples were assembled together and vpon the fourteenth day of May in the sight of all the Apostles with great triumph and ioy he ascended vp into heauen and sitteth at the right hand of his father in diuine majestie and glory Mar. Luk. vlt. Act. 1. Psal 28. Ephes 1. 1 Pet. 3. Heb. 1. So these Trauels of our Sauior Christ were 319 miles But if you reckon his trauels from the time of his infancie to the day of his ascention they make 3093 miles Besides his generall Visitations and journies hither and thither which were so many that as Iohn witnesseth cap. vlt. they could not be described ¶ Of the townes and places to which he trauelled Of Iericho THis city stood very pleasantly in the tribe of Benjamin ten miles from Ierusalem Northeastward Ioshuah ouercame this towne by sounding of trumpets Ios 6. Heb. 11. it was rebuilt by Hiel and was compassed about with a new wall by Herod that mighty King of the Iews who put the innocent children to death and called it after his mothers name Cyprus Ios de Bell. Iud. lib. 1. cap. 16. And although this city was taken and vtterly ouerthrown the second time by the Romans at such time as Vespasian and his son Titus wasted and destroied Ierusalem and all the land of Iudaea yet afterward it was re-edified and in Ieroms time which was 400 yeares after Christ it was a faire city There was shewn the house of Zacheus and the Sycomore tree that he went vpon to see Christ Luk. 19. But by reason of the often destructions and deuastations that hath fallen vpon it there is not to be seen at this day aboue eight houses in the towne and all the monuments and Reliques of the holy places are vtterly destroyed the house of Zacheus and the Sicomore tree are no more to be seen in that place only the place is to be seen where our Sauiour restored the blind man to sight when hee cried after him Lord thou Sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon mee Luke Chap. 18. Also though this Countrey throughout be very fruitfull and pleasant yet is it nothing so fertile and pleasant as it was when the Children of Israel did dwell there For the Roses of Iericho are no more to bee found there but rather in a Village about sixteen miles from Iordan towards the East And although they stand so farre distant off yet they retain their antient name Between Ierusalem and Iericho there is a desart or wildernes which by the inhabitants of the holy land is called Quarentena where the man of which Christ speaketh fell among theeues Luk. 10. There is in the same place at this day great theeuing and many roberies committed as Brittenbacchus saith In this place also is to be seen the riuer Chereth where the Rauens fed Eliah 1 Reg. 17. Neere to Iericho also is found the riuer the water whereof Elizaeus made sweet by casting in salt whereas before it was bitter and it remaines very pleasant and sweet to this day 2 Reg. 2. Of Ephraim THis city is so called from the pleasantnesse and fruitfulnes of the soile being deriued from Parah To fructifie It lieth 8 miles from Ierusalem Northeastward iust in the way as you go from thence to Iericho in the wildernesse of Quarentena close by the riuer Chereth in the tribe of Benjamin Heere our Sauiour Christ after he had raised Lazarus from death to life hid himself with his disciples because the Iewes sought to take away his life by deceit The Passeouer following he was made a sacrifice for the sin of man Ioh. 11. Of Bethania THis city was a type of the Church which is alwaies subject to the Crosse and exposed to euery calamitie and therefore is called Bethania that is The house of sorrow and affliction being deriued of Baith an House and Oni Affliction According to the prophecie of our Sauiour who foretold of the afflictions and tribulations that should fall vpon his Church You shall mourn but you shall be comforted and your griefe shall be turned into ioy It was distant from Ierusalem almost two miles towards the South-East Borchardus the Monke obserueth That close by a Well about a stones cast out of this Towne there is shewed the place where Martha met our Sauiour Christ when he came to Bethania and a little after called her sister to meet him Iohn cap. 11. There is also shewne in this Towne the house of Simon the Leper where ● certaine woman hauing an Alabaster boxe of pretious Ointment poured it on our Sauiors head not without the great indignation of his Disciples Matth. 26. There is also to be seene the house of Martha to which our Sauiour did oftentimes resort Luk. 10. Ioh. 11. 12. and in that place there is at this day a Church built in honour of those two sisters which were the sisters of Lazarus There is also seen the sepulchre out of which Lazarus was raised from death to life Ioh. 11. which stands close by the said Church and ouer it is built a chappell of Marble very decent and comely The Saracens hold this Chappell in great estimation You cannot see the citie of Ierusalem from Bethania because of the mount of Oliues but as soon as you ascend a little hill in the way as you got hence to Ierusalem you may discerne mount Sion and a part of the city then when you are discended from that hill the citie is againe hidden After that vpon the left side of the mount of Oliues some stones cast from Bethpage you doe leaue a small village standing vnder the mountaine of Offence where Solomon in times past committed Idolatry From this village the Asse and the Colt was brought vnto Christ Not farre from thence vpon the South side as you goe vpon the Mount
Because as Onuphrius saith in Comment fast lib. 2. also Euseb lib. 2. cap. 22. and Tertul cont Marcion Peter and Paul in the 35 yeare after the resurrection of Christ and vpon the third day of the Calends of Iuly C. Fonteius Capitonius C. Iulius Rufus being then Consuls of Rome were crowned with the Wreath of martyrdome and with their bloud sealed the truth of the Gospel But there are others of opinion that Peter neuer came at Rome but that he was crucified at Ierusalem by King Agrippa's command others say at Babylon But because it is a thing doubtfull and not greatly materiall I leaue it to the Readers consideration ¶ Of the Townes and places to which he trauelled Of Samaria BEcause I haue before briefly intreated of the beginning and foundation of this city I shal not need here againe to repeat it I will now therefore shew the end of it which was principally caused by the obstinacie of the inhabitants who refusing the doctrine and prophecy of Elias and Elizeus imbraced and followed strange gods and offered incense vnto idols whereby the wrath of God was kindled against them insomuch that hee left this goodly city as a prey to the Gentiles and forreine nations that carried the people thereof into captiuitie where for a long time they remained in great miserie After the first desolation because the countrey round about this citie was very fertile and pleasant abounding with springs riuers vines oliue gardens mountaines fruitfull valleyes faire cities and strong castles and townes Herod Ascalonites that great King of the Iewes who put to death the innocent children reedified it set vp many goodly buildings beautified with marble pillars and pleasant walkes and also in the circuit of the Kings house and vnder the buildings of the nobilitie in the common Market place the houses and vaults were supported with marble pillars according to the maner of the Iewes The pallace callled the K. house stood in the midst of the citie vpon the top of the mountain and round about it there were diuers other buildings set vp but much lower euen about the descent of the mountaine yet so scituated that the inhabitants might see out of their houses the country round about Then close to the pallace in the vpper part of the citie he caused a temple to be built in honor of Augustus Thus hauing finished the inside he compast it about with a mighty wall and vpon that placed many turrets then to flatter Augustus called it by the name of Sebasten which among the Grecians signifies Augustum venerabile principem now although this citie was very glorious and spatious in those times for it was three miles about yet at this day it is vtterly ruined destroied insomuch that there is not a house standing two Churches only excepted which were built in honour of S. Iohn Baptist and the chief of these which was the Cathedrall Church the Saracens haue conuerted to their vse so that at this day Mahomet is worshipt in it In this stood the Sepulchre of S. Iohn Baptist cut out in marble like the sepulchre of Christ where as Hierom saith he lieth buried between Elisha Obediah the Prophets This church stands vpon the side of the mountaine in the descent The Saracens do principally reuerence S. Iohn Baptist next after Christ and they affirm the virgin Mary to haue conceiued by the holy Spirit and not by the seed of man That S. Iohn was the greatest prophet except Christ that euer was They also beleeue Christ to be the son of God but not to be equall with God Yet they prefer Mahomet before both because they hold him a messenger sent of God not vnto all men but onely vnto the Saracens and Turks and their subiects The other Church which stood in Samaria was vpon the top of the mountain which somtimes the Kings palace stood In this Church in times past there dwelt certain Grecian Monks which were Christians and entertained Christian Pilgrims with great humanitie and furnished them with many necessaries But the city of Samaria it selfe hath bin so often ouerthrown and brought to such extreme miserie that almost all the ground where it stood is at this time conuerted into an Olive garden So that as that wicked King Ahab turned the Vineyard of Naboth which stood close by his house into an olive garden so God in his singular justice hath turned the palace of that King the whole city wherein he dwelt which was the strength of his kingdome into an olive garden There are not so many ruins found through all the land of Iudaea though there haue bin many worthy cities destroyed as are in this place at this day The scituation of this city was very beautifull for a man might haue seen from it to the sea of Ioppa and Antipatris also to Caesarea Palestina thorow al the mountain of Ephraim to Ramatha Sophim so to mount Carmel and the city of Ptolomais Of Lidda THis city was scituated not far from Ioppa vpon the shore of the Mediterranian sea 20 miles from Ierusalem Northwestward In this city Peter healed Aeneas who had bin sick 8 years of the palsie At this day there is nothing to be seen but the Church of S. George who was beheaded by the Emperour Dioclesian for professing the Christian faith The Grecians call this town Diospolis i. an holy Town And the Turks account S. George for a valiant Knight and holy man Of Caesarea Strato THis city was scituated vpon the shore of the Mediterranian sea some 32 miles from Ierusalem Northward in antient time it was called Strato being first built by Strato King of Sydon But time hauing decayed a great part of it Herod Ascalonita repaired it and made it a goodly thing calling it Caesarea after the name of Augustus Caesar And that ships might lie at anchor there without danger he caused to be builded a fair hauen to oppose the violence of the sea This hauen was so wonderfully contriued and set vp at such a great charge that it was admirable to looke vpon for he laid the foundation of it twenty yards vnder water burying in the Deepe stones of an extraordinarie greatnesse some fifty foot long eight foot thicke and ten foot broad and many of them more The Hauen it selfe was beautified with faire buildings and goodly Walkes supported with marble Pillars and mounted vp aloft so that you might see the ships as they were vpon the sea and made way to this harbor The entrance into it was vpon the North at the mouth thereof there stood three mighty Colosses vpon marble pillars Hee also placed vpon the wall of the City towards the Hauen mighty Towers the chiefest and fairest of which he dedicated to Drusus Augustus his son in law and called it by the name of the Drusian tower The buildings that ioyned to this Hauen were all of white polished marble and the streets of the City were directly towards it Also
he bore to Homers Iliads Wherefore looke what Alexander had promised Lysimachus one of his chiefe Princes and King of Thrace after his death performed for he returned to Troy enlarged the city beautified it with goodly buildings set vp a stately Temple and then compast it about with strong wals After this sort it continued a long time vntill Fimbria a Questor of the Romans when he had slaine Valerius Flaccus the Consull with whom hee was sent against Mithridates King of Pontus besieged it and within ten dayes space woon it making his vaunts that hee conquered that citie in ten dayes which Agamemnon could scarce do in ten yeares to which one of the inhabitants of the citie answered That then Troy had a Hector but now it had none But for this hee cruelly wasted the citie This destruction hapned in the 84 yeare before Christ thus it lay desolate till Augustus Caesars time who caused it again to be re-edified and beautified with many faire and goodly buildings because the Romanes and especially those noble families of the Iulij and Caesars doe deriue their progenie from the Trojans for which cause Augustus vsed such diligence in the rebuilding of this citie and bestowed such infinit cost that he much exceeded Alexander and made it a faire and goodly citie At this day it is called Ilium But in the place of old Troy there is little to bee seene only a small towne as Strabo saith It is distant from Ierusalem 760 miles Northwestward Of Bythinia THis countrey is opposite to Constantinople scituated in Asia minor distant from Irusalem Northwestward and so called of Bythinus the sonne of Iupiter and Thrax It was sometime called Pontus Bebrycia and Mygdonia as Stephanus saith In this countrey the Apostle Paul could not preach the Gospel of Christ when he went into Macedonia and Graecia because hee was hindred by the Spirit Act. 16. The principall cities thereof were Calcidon Heraclea Nicea Nicomedia Apamea Flauiopolis Libissa where Hannibal lieth buried and Prusa now called Byrsa where in times past the Emperours of Turkie kept their Courts and were buried The mother and metropolis of all these cities was Nicea or rather Nicaea beeing distant from Ierusalem 720 miles towards the Northwest at the first called Antigonia of Antigonus the sonne of Philip King of Asia who built it after the death of Alexander the Great But Lysimachus called it Nicaea after his wifes name and at this day is called Nissa The compasse thereof is two miles being foure square scituated as Strabo saith lib. 12. in a faire and pleasant place lying close by the poole of Ascania and hath in it 4 gates standing in a direct line al which gates might easily haue beene seene from a certaine stone which stood in the middle of the Market place In this citie the most Christian Emperor Constantine the Great celebrated a Councell anno Dom. 325. at which time there were present 320 Bishops who condemned the Arrian herisie and instituted the Nicaen Creed But after that viz. anno Dom. 326 the Arrians endeauouring to hold a second Councell in this citie to confirme their opinions and to dissolue that which went before the Lord hindred them with an Earthquake by which almost half the citie was throwne down Not long after there hapned another earthquake which vtterly destroied it notwithstanding it was rebuilt again and in it a second Councell held wherein the Nicaen Creed was condemned There were many cities of this name that before spoken of another in Thrace a third in France not far from the riuer Varus a fourth as Stephanus saith is amongst the Lorrenses in Graecia a fift in Illeria a sixt in India a seuenth in Corsica and the eighth in Leuctris of Boetia Of Mysia THis is a country of Asia the lesse bordring vpon Helle spont and Troada being diuided into two parts that is the greater and the lesse That part that bordreth vpon Troada is distant from Ierusalem 800 miles Northwestward but that which is called Mysia the lesse and bordring vpon Lydia is 1028 miles from Ierusalem Northwestward In this countrey stood Pergamus to which Iohn wrote his Reuelation Scepsis where one Neleus kept the bookes of Aristotle til Apollonius time also Antandrus Adramitium Tranoiapolis and Apollinia which stood close by the riuer Thyndaeus The inhabitants were men of a base condition and contemned of the world insomuch as they became a prouerbe as often as a man would denote a thing of no estimation they would say Vltimum esse Mysiorum that is It is worse than the Mysians as it appeareth in Cicero's oration for Flaccus Yet notwithstanding Paul and Iohn the Euangelist preached the doctrine and light of the Gospell to this poore and despised people so that the Mysians which were a contemptible and abhominable nation before all the world were not so before God for they were conuerted at the preaching of Iohn and Paul From whence he saith Not many wise according to the flesh not many mightie not many noble but God hath chosen the foolish things of this world that they might confute and ouerthrow the wise c. 1. Cor. 1. In times past they were a great people though of smal estimation for they had vnder their iurisdiction Lydia Caria Pergamus Thyatira Sardis Philidelphia and Laodicea to many of which Iohn wrote his Revelation Also as Herodotus saith Lib. 7. the Mysians and Teucrians before the Trojan war past into Europe and there woon and held Thracia Macedonia and all the land to the Adriatick sea c. Of Troas THis citie Troas where Paul raised Eutichus which signifies happie or fortunate from death to life Acts. 10. stood vpon the sea of Hellespont in Asia the lesse 720 miles from Ierusalem Northwestward Antigonus king of Asia called it Troas because it was in the countrey where Troy was But after the death of Alexander he called it after his owne name Antigonia And the better to honour it kept his court there But Lysimachus King of Thrace hauing got this city into his iurisdiction bestowed great cost vpon it and set vp many fair and goodly buildings then called it after Alexanders name Alexandria and so it began to be called Alexandria Troas Plin. lib. 5. Strabo l. 13. Ier de locis Hebraicis Now it was called Alexandria Troas to put a difference between it and diuers other cities of that name for there was an Alexandria in Aegypt another in India and many others elsewhere but only this in the countrey where Troy stood It was scituated in a high and spacious mountaine about a mile and a halfe from the shore of Propontus towards the East between which Troads is twentie and eight miles It is a thing worthy obseruation to consider by what diuers names the sea that lies between Europe and Asia the lesse is called for betweene Constantinople and Calcidonia close by the Euxine sea it is called Thracius Bosphorus in which place it is not aboue halfe a mile
a faire and goodly city wherein is to be seen 23 Churches and is inhabited both by Christians Iews and Turks as Sebastian Munster saith but the greatest number is Iews who are partly merchants partly of other trades their number in this place as it is said by some of their own nation is 14000 and they haue 80 synagogues but they are constrained to weare yellow wreaths about their heads the Christians blew the Turks white There are many Iewes also in Constantinople and Adrianople but in no place more than in this town which is now called Salonica Of Berraea THis is a city of Macedon scituated vpon the riuer of Halakmon 960 miles from Ierusalem Northwestward In this city the Iewes stirred vp a great tumult and sedition against the Apostle Paul Acts 17. At this day it it is called Voria Of Athens THis was the most famous City of all Grecia the mother of Arts and a bountifull nourisher of large and mighty Colonies in that part of Achaia called Acte or Attica It was scituated vpon the shore of the Mediterranian sea 720 miles from Ierusalem Westward It tooke name from a Diuine knowledge for the word is deriued of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. the minde of God It was first built by Cecrops fiue yeares before Moses fled out of Egypt into the land of the Midianites and of him called Cecropia This Cecrops was the first King thereof and there succeeded him at least 40 both famous worthy princes But after it was called Mopsonia of Mopsus K. of Thessaly and after Ionia which name it held for a while and lastly Athens dedicated to Pallas which goddesse the Grecians say was born of the brain of Iupiter which name it held a long time after There liued in this city Solon Socrates Plato Aristotle Demosthenes and many other excellent Philosophers It was scituated vpon a faire and strong Rocke beautified with many goodly Temples and buildings but principally that of Minerva was most sumptuous in which there hung a great number of Lampes which gaue a continuall light There was also the Monasterie of the holy Virgins and the image of Pallas made all of white Ivorie very curious and costly There were many Schools Colledges and pleasant gardens in which Philosophers vsed to walk and it abounded with sweet and delectable musick and with great resort of Merchants and Schollers To conclude in those times it was the most notable city in the world Moreouer there were many profitable hauens for the receit of ships but that which was called Piraeum exceeded being capable to receiue 40 * As some say 400. ships beautified with many goodly buildings in compasse two miles fortified with seuen walls and ioyning to the city wherof Terence writeth in Eunuch Act. 3. Scen. 4 At this day it is called Porto Lini fortified with two wals foure miles in length extending to the hill Munichya the syrname of Diana being compassed in the figure of a Chersonesse so ioyned to the city of Athens In which distance there are two other hauens besides that of Piraeum In this Iupiter had a magnificent Temple and in it were found many artificiall tables pictures and grauen images all which are at this day destroied and carried away It hath beene three times destroyed first by Xexes and Mardonius which happened in the yeare before Christ 479. Then by Lysander who broke downe an hundred paces of the wall and almost vtterly destroyed their ships and broke downe the hauen of Peraea It was also sore oppressed by the Romans and they also brake downe their hauen and burnt their shippes but spared the towne and held it in great estimation But it was the third time ouerthrowne and vtterly destroyed by the Turks who both changed the place and name of the city after it had flourished 3113 yeares At this day it is diuided into three parts and called by the name of Sethina because of the varietie of the inhabitants that liue in it being very well peopled and a faire and spatious City but much altered from that it was in times past For although before it was the very mother of eloquence and glory of Attica yet at this day it is so much altered that their language is base and their glory is eclipsed The vppermost part of the city where formerly the temple stood dedicated to the vnknown God is now wholly and absolutely in the hands of the Turkes in which they haue built a strong and almost inuincible Castle which hath the command of the rest of the towne The second and middle part of the towne is all inhabited by Christians In the third there standeth a fair and goodly Palace supported with marble pillars and adorned with goodly workes In this part of the City there inhabiteth people of diuers sects and conditions And heere also is the seat of a Metropolitane who hath vnder him many Bishops So that God doth support and maintaine his Church euen amongst the enemies thereof for there ate four Patriarks in Turky to which al the other Christian Metroplitans and Bishops are subiect viz. the Patriarch of Alexandria Constantinople Antiochia and Ierusalem Paul was the first man that preached the Gospell of Christ in this city and conuerted many citisens but especially Dionysius the Areopagite who dwelt vpon a promontory without the city and as it seems was one of the principal Iudges and gouernors of the town for after he had taught publiquely in the towne had disputed against the Iewes and Philosophers concerning Christ they supposing him to be a busie fellow and one worthy of death as a disturber of the common peace brought him before this Dionysius that so by his iudgement he might receiue condign punishment for his offence But S. Paul so well behaued himselfe and preached with such admirable eloquence and learning that hee not only confuted his enemies but among others conuerted this Dionysius Areopagitus who was afterwards the first Bishop of Athens as Euseb saith lib. 4. cap. 23. and went captiue with Paul to Rome and from thence to Paris in France where he suffered martyrdome vnder Dionysius the Emperor Of Corinthia COrinthus is a famous city in Grecia scituated in Peloponessus a pleasant countrey of Achaia ioyning to the continent of Grecia like an Isthmus or Peninsula distant from Ierusalem 760 miles towards the West commonly called Corantha built as Eusebius saith by Sisiphus sonne of Aeolus at such time as Ioshuah gouerned Israel who was a mighty Pirat At first it was but a castle and called after his name Sisiphyus but after because of the strength of the place and pleasant scituation it became a faire towne and called by the name of Corcyra as Strabo faith then Ephym of Ephyra who was a faire and goodly Nymph and Queen of that place Now although euen in those times it was held in great estimation yet it became much wasted and decayed through the continuance of time vntill
the King of that country with some few of his courtiers being then but young fled from Midian to Paran the Metropolitan Citie of Arabia Petraea which was 84 miles 1 Reg. 11. But because he thought himselfe scarce safe in that place he fled thence to Cheopes that impious and tyrannicall King of Aegypt that built the greatest of the three Pyramides at Memphis He hating King Dauid gaue him kinde entertainment assigned him a part of the Kingdome of Aegypt to dwell in and after married him with his sister Tachpenes by whom he had a sonne called Genubath who was brought vp in Pharaohs or King Chopes court where he continued all the life of Dauid being 27 yeares which was 120 miles Dauid being dead he returned into his own kingdome of Idumaea which was 200 miles From thence hee went to Damascus which was 240 miles where he was created King of the Syrians by Reson and other fugitiues which had conspired against Solomon by which meanes he grieuously troubled that Kingdome and became an vtter enemie to the Israelites all the life of Solomon And of him is the originall and stocke of the Kings of Syria So all the trauels of Hadad were 644 miles Of Midian and Paran you may reade before in the one dwelt Iethro Moses father in law in the other Ishmael that being the chiefe city of his dominions as you may reade Gen. 21. Ex. 2. Of Reson Solomons aduersarie AFter Dauid had conquered Hadad Ezer king of Zoba Reson his chiefe captaine gathered vp his dispersed souldiers of his army and fled from him to Damascus which was 120 miles and besieged it the Citizens whereof when neither Dauid nor Solomon could suppresse his rebellion entertained him for their King which principalitie he held The Trauels of the Kings of Israel and first of IEROBOAM THis man was the sonne of Nebat and borne at a towne called Zared not far from Bethlehem Ephrata some eight miles from Ierusalem from whence hee came to Solomon who made him captaine that he might collect the tribute of Manasses and Ephraim 1 Reg. 11. which was eight miles From Ierusalem as he went to Shilo which was foure miles he met the Prophet Ahijah the Shilonite who told him that he should be King of Israel 1 Reg. 11. From thence he went to Memphis in Aegipt which was 224 miles because Solomon sought his life where he remained with Sesak king of Aegypt all the life of Solomon Eusebius calleth this King Osochores who that same yeare succeeded Macrenius Solomons father in law in that gouernment From thence hee returned to the towne of Sichem in Israel which was 280 miles where the Israelites made him chiefe captaine against Rehoboam Solomons sonne Wherefore Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat began to raigne ouer Israel An. mundi 2971 and before Christ 997 and raigned 22 yeares 1 Reg. 12. His first seat was at Sichem which he repaired and enlarged From Sichem in the first yeare of his raigne hee went to Penuell and there set vp many faire buildings which was twelue miles 1 Reg. 12. From Penuel he went 24 miles to the towne of Bethel where he caused a golden Calfe to be set vp for the people to worship From thence he went to Thirza which is 16 miles This citie he built and there kept his court 1 Reg. 14. From thence he went to the mount Zemaraim which is mount Ephraim 18 miles where he had a great battell with Abia king of Iuda and lost 500000 of his souldiers all chosen men of Israel 2 Chr. 13. verse 17. Hauing lost this battell with all possible speed that he could went thence to Thirza which is 18 miles there the Lord strucke him with a grieuous disease that hee died miserably 1 Reg. 14. 2 Chr. 13. So all the Trauels of Ieroboam first King of Israel were 623 miles The Description of the townes and places to which IEROBOAM trauelled Of Zemeraim THis was a certaine Plaine in mount Ephraim eight miles from Ierusalem towards the North neere to the towne of Bethel in the Tribe of Manasses for mount Ephraim is diuided into diuers parts and Tribes It seemeth to take the name of certaine trees that abound neere that place whereon cotton wooll groweth for Zaemaer signifieth Wooll which by little and little vpon such trees doth increase and grow to perfection Of Thirza THis was a faire and beautifull citie scituated in a high and pleasant mountaine in the Tribe of Manasses some twenty foure miles from Ierusalem towards the North. In this place the kings of Israel vsed to keep their courts vntill Samaria was built It was so called because of the excellencie and delectablenesse of the place for Thirza doth denote An acceptable and thankfull citie being deriued of Razah he receiueth thankfully Of the yeares of the iniquitie of Israel THe yeares of the iniquitie of Israel mentioned in Ezek. 4. is to be accounted from that day wherin Ieroboam first erected the golden Calues wherefore the greatest part of the first yeare of the iniquitie agreeth with the second yeare of Ieroboams raign From whence may be gathered that from that time till the destruction of Ierusalem by Nabuchadnezzar were 390 yeares full ended Of Ieroboams wife Queene of Israel SHee went from Thirzo to Zilo which was about 24 miles there she asked counsell of Ahijam the Prophet concerning her son Abia for he was sicke but he told her heauie tidings 1 Reg. 14.7 Wherefore being pensiue and troubled in her mind she returned backe againe to her husband to Thirzo which was 24 miles 1 Reg. 14. So these two journies were 48 miles The journey of the man of God which came out of Iuda THis man of God as Iosephus writeth lib. Ant. 8. came from Ierusalem to Bethel which was eight miles and was called by the name of Iadon which signifieth the Iudge of the Lord. When he came thither he reproued Ieroboam with an extraordinary spirit of whom you may reade more 1 Reg. 13. But being deceiued as he was returning a Lyon met him in the way where he was slaine and after buried in a sepulchre in Bethel The Trauels of NADAB the second King of Israel NAdab or Bonifacias succeeded his father Ieroboam in the Kingdome of Israel and was annointed while hee was yet liuing a liberall and free-hearted Prince Hee began to raigne in the second yeare of Asa King of Iuda Anno mundi 2992 and before Christ 977. Hee raigned during the life of his father a yeare and somewhat more but when hee had raigned two yeares hee went from Thirza with a great army to the citie of Gibithon which was 36 miles this towne he besieged very straitly but at length was slaine by one of his captaines called Baesa so he lost both his life and kingdome in that place 1 Reg. 15. Of Gibithon THis was a citie of the Leuites in the Tribe of Dan not farre from Ekron in the land of the Philistines 16 miles from Ierusalem towards the
West and signifieth a Royall or loftie gift The Trauels of Baesa King of Israel BAesa is as much to say as An industrous and promt man in doing any thing This may hauing slaine his Master Nadab neere vnto Gibithon vsurped vpon the Kingdome of Israel about the end of the third yearo of Asa King of Iuda and began his raigne Anno mundi 2992 before Christ 974 and raigned ouer Israel almost 24 yeares two of which he raigned with his sonne 1 Reg. 15. He went from Gibithon to Thirza 36 miles where hee vtterly rooted out the whole stocke and family of Ieroboam After falling into Idolatrie he was sharply reprehended for it by Iehu the Prophet the son of Hanani of whom you may reade more 1 Reg. 15. From Thirza he went to Ramah which is 16 miles this towne he built and fortified it very strongly 2 Chr. 29. But when he heard that Benhadad King of Syria had inuaded Israel hee left his building at Ramah and with all possible speed that hee could went to Thirza where hee died and was buried 1 Reg. 15. 2 Chr. 16. So all the Trauels of Baesa were 68 miles Of Ramah Of this Citie you may reade before Of Ella or Elah King of Israel ELah signifies a cruell man This was the son of Baasha King of Israel who was crowned King his father yet liuing about the beginning of the 26 yeare of Asa king of Iuda at such time as Benhadad king of Syria inuaded and wasted Galilee He raigned two yeares one of them during the life of his father the other alone in Thirza at the end of which hee was slaine by Simri his seruant 1 Reg. 15. 16. Of Zimri King of Israel SImri signifieth a singer and was a captain ouer king Elahs chariots hee raigned 7 daies in Thirza in which time he put to death and vtterly rooted out all the posteritie of Baasha and then Omri besieged the Citie so straitly that he had no hope to escape wherefore he set the citie and pallace on fire in which he also perished 1 Reg. 15. 16. The Trauels of Omri King of Israel OMri signifieth a souldier or one that deserueth his pay He was made King by the Israelites in his tent while he was at wars neere to Gibithon from whence he went to Thirza which was 36 miles and besieged the same vpon the very day that Simri had put the posteritie of Baasha to the sword and took it He began to raigne in Thirza Anno mundi 3017 and before Christ 951 and raigned ouer Israel 12 yeres the first six of which was in Thirza the latter six in Samaria 1 Reg. 16. From Thirza he went to mount Semer six miles there Omri built Samaria and made it the seat of his kingdome He went thither about the seuenth yeare of his raigne 1 Reg. 16. So these two journies were 42 miles Of Samaria SAmaria the chiefe seat and Metropolis of Israel was built by Omri in mount Semer 32 miles from Ierusalem towards the North and took that name of Semer who was Lord of that mountaine of whom K. Omri bought it for two talents of siluer which amounteth to 1200 crownes In this citie 14 Kings of Israel kept their Courts viz. Omri who was the first founder of it Ahab Ahasia Iehoram Iehu Ioachas Ioas Ieroboam Zacharias Sallum Menahem Pekahia Pekah and Hosea who was the last of the Kings of Israel that raigned in this citie and lost it together with his libertie Of all these Kings there were but fiue that died naturally for the Lord being moued to wrath by reason of their impietie and idolatrie either gaue them vp into the hands of forrein enemies or by ciuill war amongst themselues they cruelly murthered one another vntill such time as the Assirians destroied the land and led the people captiue Thus the Lord punished with a sharp and seuere punishment this obstinat nation because they contemned the admonitions and doctrines of the Prophets amongst which Elias and Elizeus were the chiefe So that although Samaria was a faire and beautifull city and the country for that cause was called the prouince of Samaria yet notwithstanding that great God the Iudge of all things for the iniquitie of the people caused this faire Citie to be left desolate the inhabitants of the land to be dispersed and the earth for want of due vsage to lie as a wildernesse 2 Reg. 17. This city in the old Testament according to the Hebrew phrase is called Shaemaer of Schomron which signifies To keepe or a Tower of strength You may reade of this 1 Reg. 2. 2 Reg. 1. 7. The Greekes and Latines call it Samaria which signifieth The castle of Iehouah or of God You may reade more of this in the second Volume Of Hiel that built Iericho againe AFter the death of Omri King of Israel when Ahab his sonne began to raigne Hiel a very rich man in the town of Bethel that hee might leaue behind him an eternall memorie of his name went to Iericho which had bin formerly destroied by Ioshuah the son of Nun had lien wast for the space of 536 yeres where contrary to the commandement of the Lord and curse of Ioshuah he caused the said citie to be rebuilt such was the impious securitie and incredulitie of this man but the Lord was angry with him and he strooke all his children that they died The eldest son called Abiram at the laying of the foundation and his yongest sonne called Segub at the hanging on of the gates Ios 6. 1 Reg. 16. The Trauels of King Ahab AHab went from Samaria to the hill Carmel where Elias put to death the Priests of Baal which was about 32 miles 1 Reg. 18. From thence he went to Iezreel which is sixteene miles there he told his wife how Elias had put the priests of Baal to the sword 1 Reg. 18. From Iezreel he went againe to Samaria 18 miles where being prest with a hard siege by Benhadad King of Syria he broke out of the citie for his better safety and by Gods great prouidence and assistance he assailed the Syrians put a great multitude of them to the sword the rest fled and hee went away with a noble victory as the Prophet of the Lord had formerly told him 1 Reg. 20. From Samaria he went with his army to Napheck which was 14 miles where he renewed a second battell and therein had good successe so that hee tooke Benhadad aliue and put to the sword 100000 Syrians In this place the Prophet of the Lord reproued him for his ingratitude and obstinacie wherefore Ahab being angry he went from Apheck to Samaria which was eight miles 1 Reg. 20. From Samaria he went io Iesreel 16 miles where that perfidious Queene Iesabel caused Naboth to be put to death and tooke possession of his Vineyard 1 Reg. 21. From Iezreel he went to Ramoth Giliad 24 miles and there in a fight that hee had against the Syrians was so sore-wounded with an arrow
that hee was constrained to leaue the battell 1 Reg. 22. And as he went backe againe to Samaria which was 24 miles he dyed of his wound Of this man you may reade more 1 Reg. 21. 22. So all the Trauels of Ahab were 152 miles The Description of Carmel Apheck and Ramoth you may reade before Of Iesreel IEzreel is a city in the Tribe of Issachar scituated vpon a rising ground some 48 miles from Ierusalem towards the North where Ahab somtimes kept his court Here Noboth the Israelite dwelt an honest and religious man one of good esteeme and authoritie that feared God and would not suffer the inheritance of one Tribe to be transferred to another because God had commanded the contrary Nu. vlt. For which cause he would not sell his vineyard to Ahab wherefore Iezabel that wicked woman to satisfie the Kings desire caused him to be stoned Iezreel signifies The seed of God being deriued of Sera Seed and El the Almighty God Though in former times this hath bin a faire town yet at this day there is not past 30 houses in it and is called Charity standing at the foot of Mount Gilboah they shew at this day the field of Naboth the Iesrelite lying towards the West as you goe into the citie a little before you come at it This towne standeth vpon a faire prospect for you may see from thence through all Galile to Carmel the mountaines of Phoenicia and Mount Thabor also from Mount Gilead by Iordan and Mount Salem where Iohn baptised neere by Mount Hermon vpon the North side of Mount Gilboah there lies a faire and plaine way to the citie Iezreel by which Iehu came when he made wars vpon Iehoram King of Israel of which you may reade more 2 Reg. 9. It stood not far from the riuer Kison as you may reade Ios 17.19 1 Sam. 2. 1 Reg. 4. 18. Of Ahaziah the sonne of Ahab AHaziah was crowned king of Israel during the life of his father a cruell and wicked man he began his raigne in the 17 yeare of Iosaphat king of Iudah Anno mundi 3049 and before Christ 919 about such time as Ahab went downe to Ramoth Gilead to recouer it from the Syrians within a while after the death of his father hee fell through the lattice window in his vpper chamber which was in Samaria of which hurt he died Of this you may reade more 1 King 1. The Trauels of Iehoram King of Israel IEhoram succeeded his brother Ahazia in the kingdome of Israel who began his raigne in the 18 yeare of Iosaphat King of Iudah and as Iosephus saith li. Ant. 9. about the fifth yeare of his raigne went from Samaria to Ierusalem which was 32 miles There he told Iosaphat how the king of Moab had rebelled against him therefore desired him to goe along with him to the war 2 Reg. 3. Then Iehoram and Iosaphat and the King of Edom went from Ierusalem and compassed about through the wildernesse of Idumaea by the space of seuen daies so that they and their army for want of water had almost perished but at the prayers of the Prophet Elisha they were miraculously preserued At length they came to Petra the Metropolitan Citie of the Moabites and is distant from Ierusalem 172 miles which they tooke and consumed it with fire and sword 2 Reg. 3. From the citie of Petra Iehoram King of Israel returned backe to Samaria which was 104 miles where within a while afrer he was so sorely besieged by Benhadad king of Syria that the famine grew very great within the towne insomuch as a certaine woman eate her owne childe 2 Reg. 6. From Samaria he went to Ramoth in Gilead with his armie which is 24 miles where he was ouercome by Asahel King of the Syrians and wounded euen to the death 2 Reg. 8. From the fight of Ramoth Gilead he was carried in his chariot backe to Iezreel which was 24 miles where he lay to be cured of his hurts But Iehu one of his chiefe Captaines rebelled against him and as hee was in his Charriot shot an arrow and wounded him the second time whereof he died in the field of Naboth the Iezrelite 2 Reg. 9. So all the Trauels of Iehoram were 356 miles The Trauels of Iehu King of Israel IEHV signifies A constant man in himselfe and was the sonne of Iosaphat the sonne of Nimschi hee was annointed King of Israel in the castle at Ramoth in Gilead by Elisha Anno mundi 3063 and before Christ 905 hee raigned 28 yeares 2 Reg. 9. From Ramoth in Gilead in his Chariot he went to Iezreel which was 24 miles where in the field of Naboth the Iezrelite he killed Iehoram with an arrow And when he came to the gates of the citie he caused Iezabel to be throwne from a tower whom he trampled vnder his horse feet And after in that same place shee was eaten vp with dogs Then hee sent messengers to Samaria commanding the Samaritans that they should put to death the 70 sonnes of Ahab which they immediately did and sent their heads vnto him in baskets 2 Reg. 10. From Iezreel he went to Samaria which is 16 miles In that journey he caused to be slaine by his ministers the 42 brothers of Ahaziah king of Iuda neere to the well which was beside the house where sheepe was shorne And when he came to Samaria he caused all the posterity of Ahab to be vtterly destroied and rooted out And to conclude the tragedy by a cunning policie put to death all the priests of Baal 2 Reg. 10. So all the trauels of Iehu were 40 miles Of Iehoahas King of Israel IEhoahas was the sonne of Iehu and succeeded his father in the Kingdome of Israel he began his raigne in the 33 yeare of Ioas King of Iudah in the yeare of the World 3091 and before Christ 876 hee raigned ouer Israel 17 yeares God stirred vp against this wicked King Asahel King of the Syrians who with 10000 foot and fiue hundred horse besieged Samaria very strongly put to the sword many of his subjects and got many cities and townes from him as the Prophet Elisha had before told him 2 Reg. 8. 13. The Trauels of Ioas King of Israel IOas succeeded his father Iehoahas and while he was yet liuing was annointed King of Israel in the 37 yeare of Ioas King of Iudah and raigned two yeares with his father after his death 15 so all the raigne of Ioas was 17 yeares This man was a great souldier and went from Samaria with an army against the Citie of Apheck which was 14 miles there he smote the Syrians and in three seuerall battels carried away the victory recouering the Cities which his father Iehoahas had lost according to the prophecie of Elisha 2 Reg. 17. From Apheck he returned to Samaria which was foureteene miles From thence he went with his army to Bethsemes in the land of Iuda where in a sharpe and cruell war he conquered Amasia and tooke him
aliue 2 Reg. 14. which was 32 miles From Bethsemes hee went to Ierusalem and carried the King thereof with him captiue which was 4 miles He woon the citie and broke downe the Walls of it from the gate of Ephraim till you come to the Angle gate foure hundred cubits in length 2 Reg. 14. From the Citie of Ierusalem Ioas the conquerer returned to Samaria with the spoile of the temple and of the Kings house with many captiues and a great prey which was 32 miles where at the end of the seuenteenth yeare of his raigne he died and was buried In this mans time Elisha the Prophet died 2 Reg. 13. 14. So all the trauels of Ioas were 96 miles Of Bethsemes Of this Citie you may reade before The Trauels of Ieroboam the second of that name King of Israel THis Ieroboam succeeded his father Ioas in the Kingdome of Israel and began his raigne Anno mundi 3123 and before Christ 845 which according to the text of the Bible happened about the 15 yeare of Amasia King of Iuda and hee raigned 41 yeares 2 Reg. 14. He kept his court at Samaria where the Prophet Ionas told him that he should recouer not only the townes and cities of the land of Israel that had beene lost but also the cities of Hemeth and Damascus Wherefore he gathered a great army out of the citie of Samaria and went thence vnto Hemeth or Antiochia in Syria which was 248 miles This Citie he conquered and all the countrey thereabout so that he recouered all the ancient Townes and Cities that belonged to Dauid and Saul euen from Hemeth in Syria to Soba in Armenia with all the Cities Townes Castles and Countries neer adjoyning to them 2 Reg. 14. From Hemeth or Antiochia he went to Damascus which is 140 miles This citie he also tooke and all the countrie of Syria round about he made tributary to him 2 Reg. 14. From Damascus he went to the Red sea euen 320 miles and also recouered all the South part which in times past belonged vnto the kingdome of Israel 2 Reg. 14. After this he returned to Samaria his owne countrey which was 192 miles where in the 41 yeare of his raigne he died and was there buried After his death the kingdome of Israel was oppressed with tyranny vntill it was destroied by forreine nations and for the space of 12 yeares there was no King that succeeded him In the raigne of this king a little before his death there hapned an horrible earthquake of which you may reade Amos 1. which without doubt did foreshew some eminent changes that should happen in that kingdome as did afterward Zac. 41. So all the trauels of Ieroboam the second of that name were 900 miles Of Zachariah King of Israel TWelue yeares after the death of Ieroboam Zachariah his son began his raigne in Israel in the 38 yeare of Azaria king of Iuda which was Anno mundi 3975 and before Christ 793 he raigned six moneths and then was miserably slaine by Sallum his friend 2 Reg. 15. Ioseph lib. Antiq. 9. Of Sallum King of Israel SAllum began to raigne after he had slaine Zachariah in the 39 yeare of Azariah King of Iuda and when hee had raigned scarce a moneth he was slaine by Menahem losing his life and kingdome together 2 Reg. 15. The Trauels of Menahem MEnahem was borne in Thirza in the Tribe of Iuda who began to raigne in the same yeare that he slew Sallum hee raigned ten yeares 2 Reg. 10. From Thirza he went to Samaria with his army which was six miles where hauing slaine Sallum his Lord and King he vsurpt vpon the kingdome 2 Reg. 15. From thence he went to Thipsa which is six miles This towne he cruelly destroied with fire and sword and all the townes thereabout because they refused to open their gates vnto him From Thipsa this cruell tyrant went backe again to Samaria 6 miles where he grieuously afflicted the children of Israel tenne yeares Wherefore the Lord being offended with him for his exceeding crueltie stirred vp Phul Belochus King of Assyria who came from Babylon to Samaria beeing 624 miles and put King Menahem to such an exceeding great streight that hee was constrained to buy and procure his peace with * What this was in our money you may read after in the quantity of monies 1000 talents which mony being receiued he suffered him to enioy his kingdom and returned backe vnto Babylon with all his army 2 Reg. 15. So all the trauels of King Menahem were 18 miles Of Thypsa THis was a towne neere to that kingly city Thirza scituated in the tribe of Manasses 24 miles from Ierusalem Northward But because the inhabitants thereof denied to open their gates to this cruell tyrant Menahem therefore he vtterly destroied it euen to the ground Thipsa signifieth The Paschal Lambe or a Passeouer being deriued of Pasach He passed by Of PEKAHIA King of Israel PEkahia reigned two yeares after his fathers death at the end of which term he was slain by Pekah the son of Remalia who succeeded him in the gouernment Ioseph lib. Antiq. 9. saith That this murther was done at a banquet The Trauels of PEKAH King of Israel PEkah the son of Remalia began to reig●● in Samaria Anno mundi 3189 and before Christ 779. in the 52 yeare of Azariah King of Iudah and reigned ouer Israel 20 yeres 2 Reg. 15. 16. From the city of Samaria he went with Resin King of Syria to Ierusalem which was 32 miles and besieged it but could not take it neuerthelesse he ouercame Ahaz King of Iuda in a great battell and put to the sword in one day aboue 12000 souldiers that bare armor In this war were taken 200000 women children and maids all which hee carried Captiues to Samaria 2 Reg. 16. 2 Chr. 28. From Ierusalem hee returned to Samaria with a great bootie which was 32 miles and at the command of Obed the Prophet set at libertie all his captiues After about the end of the 20 yeare of his reign he was slain by Hosea his chiefe captain who succeeded him in the gouernment 2 Reg. 15. So all the trauels of Pekah were 64 miles Of HOSEA the last King of Israel HOsea began to reign in the fourth yere of Ahas king of Iuda Anno mundi 3209 and before Christ 759. He kept Court at Samaria and was a cruell and wicked King Wherefore God stirred vp Salmanasser Emperour of the Assyrians who about the end of the 7 yeare of his reigne came to Samaria and besieged it for the space of 3 yeares at the end of the third yeare with great labor he won it and all the country round about so that he tooke King Hosea prisoner and led him together with a great multitude of the Iewes amongst which were Gabriel and Raphel the friends of Toby the elder thence to Niniveh captiues beeing 652 miles From Niniveh he sent them to a place called Rages in Medea being 752 miles and
bed put him to death and buried him in Millo the Citie of Dauid Thus God justly punished this tyrant for his vnthankefulnesse apostasie and cruelty when he had liued 47 yeares 2 Reg. 12. The Trauels of Amasiah King of Iuda AMasias or Amasiah signifies the strength of Iehouah This man was 25 yeares of age when he was enthronised by his father about the second yeare of Ioas King of Israel Anno mundi 3108 and before Christ 806. He ruled the kingdome while his father was sicke one yeare and after his decease 28 so all the yeares of his raigne were 29. He went with an army from Ierusalem to Saelag that is to the tower or rocke of Mount Seir 40 miles towards the South here in the valley of Salt he put to death a multitude of the Idumaeans And although this towne was very strongly scituated yet he woon it and called it Ioctiel that is The eare of the Lord because God in that place heard his prayers being deriued of Iakah and El which is God hath heard Neere to this Towne Amasiah commanded ten thousand Idumaeans which hee had taken in warre to be cast downe headlong from the top of an high rocke into a deepe valley in which fall their bones were shattered all to pieces and they died miserably 2 Reg. 14. From Selag Ioctiel hee returned to Ierusalem which was 40 miles where hee began to worship the gods of the Idumaeans that he brought along with him 2 Chron. 25. From Ierusalem hee went to Bethsemes and there was ouercome by Ioas King of Israel which was 4 miles 2 Chron. 25. From Bethsemes Ioas led Amasiah backe againe to Ierusalem captiue which was 4 miles 2 Reg. 14. From Ierusalem he fled to the citie of Lachis which was 20 miles and there was slaine by his owne seruants 2 Chron. 25. From Lachis his carkasse was carried backe againe to Ierusalem 20 miles where it was buried in the citie of Dauid 2 Reg. 14. 2 Chron. 25. So all his trauels were 128 miles The Trauels of Azariah or Vzziah King of Iudah THis man succeeded his father Amasia in the yeare of the world 3138 and before Christ 830 when hee was but 16 yeares of age and raigned 52 yeares his mothers name was Iecoliah of Ierusalem He did those things that were vpright in the sight of the Lord therefore the Lord blessed him And after the death of his father built Elah and restored it to Iudah He therefore went from Ierusalem to Elah 160 miles towards the South and rebuilt that towne it being a famous Mart towne scituated vpon the red sea and fortified it because Resin King of the Syrians in times past for want of due fortification woon it and destroied it 2 Chron 26. From Elah he returned to Ierusalem 160 miles After hee went from Ierusalem to Gath a citie of the Philistines which was accounted 34 miles this towne he woon beat downe the wals and destroied the Bulwarkes thereof From thence he went to Iabnia which is 24 miles and broke downe the wals thereof 2 Chron. 26. From thence he went to Azotus or Asdod which was 8 miles 2 Chron. 26. From Asdod he went againe to Ierusalem being 22 miles Within a while after he gathered an armie and went from Ierusalem to Gur-Baal that is Gerar where he ouercame the Arabians in a great battell which was 32 miles 2 Chron. 26. From Gerar he returned to Ierusalem being 32 miles He went from Ierusalem the third time into the land of the Amonites 60 miles which people he conquered and made tributarie to him so that he was made famous through all the countries thereabout euen to the vtmost part of Egypt because of his often victories and triumphs 2 Chron. 26. Out of the land of the Ammonites he returned to Ierusalem which was 60 miles But now being lift vp with the prosperitie of fortune and not content with his regall dignitie he endeauoured to haue chiefe authority ouer the Priests also for which cause he went into that part of the temple where the Altar of sweet incense stood where it was lawfull for none to goe but the Priests and there tooke vpon him to offer sweet incense but as he was offering the Lord strucke him with Leprosie so that he was constrained to dwell in a house by himselfe separated from the congregation And his sonne Iotham gouerned in his stead all the dayes of his life But within a while after he died of this disease and was buried in the Kings garden at Ierusalem and not in the sepulchre of the Kings 2 Reg. 15. 2 Chron. 26. So all the trauels of Azariah King of Iuda were 592 miles Of the places to which he trauelled Of Elah THis was a city scituated vpon the Red Sea 160 miles from Ierusalem towards the South betweene Ezion-gaber and Midian This city Resin King of the Syrians conquered but Azariah King of Iudah droue thence the Syrians and made it so strong that it seemed impossible to be conquered It tooke the name of aboundance of Oakes which as it seemeth grew about that place for Elah or Ilix signifies a kind of Oake tree of which there is great plenty in the Holy land so called because of their strength and hardnesse Of Iabnia THis was a city neere to Ioppa and Lidda 16 miles from Ierusalem towards the Northwest This city taketh the name of wisedome and prudence being deriued of Bin to vnderstand Of Gur-Baal THis towne is also called Gerar where Abraham and Isaac sometimes trauelled it is distant from Ierusalem 32 miles towards the Southwest and six miles from Hebron Here the Iewes and neighbouring Arabians afterward worshipped the Idol Baal and therefore this citie which in the times of the Patriarchs was called Gerar a Perigrination was after called Gur-Baal that is the Perigrination of the idoll Baal being deriued of Gor which signifies He hath trauelled The Trauels of Iotham King of Iudah IOtham signifies Whole and Perfect He succeeded his father Azariah when he was about 25 yeares of age anno mundi 3190 and before Christ 778. He raigned ouer Iudah 17 yeares vntill the 41 yeare of his age His mothers name was Icruscha so called from an inheritance or possession He began his raigne in the second yeare of Pekah King of Israel and continued it vntill the 17 yeare of his gouernment 2 Reg. 15. 17. When this noble Prince had rebuilded and richly adorned the porch of the house of the Lord he went from Ierusalem and inuaded the countrey of the Ammonites which was 60 miles conquered their King and made the whole land pay him tribute euen a hundred talents of siluer of the common weight and 10000 measure of Wheate and 10000 of Barley yearely This tribute continued three yeares From the land of the Ammonites he went backe to Ierusalem which was 60 miles where after he had adorned the Citie and Temple with many Princely buildings hee died about the 41 yeare of his age 2 Reg. 15. So all
almost inuincible and for that cause called The mother of strength as the Church is called The mother of the righteous against which the gates of hell shall not be able to preuaile In the time of Iudas Macchabeus though it was then a small city it was numbred amongst the greatest cities of Iuda because of the scituation and strength of it To this place our Sauiour trauelled from Ierusalem the same day that hee arose from the dead Luke 24. In the time of the Romans warres in Iudaea this city was wonderfully defaced and ruined by the souldiers of Tiberius Maximus who was chiefe Captaine in this countrey in the absence of Titus Vespasian but yet not vtterly abolished for about a hundred and fiftie yeares after Heliogabolus Emperour of Rome caused it to be rebuilded and called by the name of Nicopolis that is the citie of Victorie Not farre from Emmaus there was an Inne or a place to which strangers might resort and there three waies met two went of either side the towne and one through it in this place the two Disciples constrained our blessed Sauiour to stay with them because it was then about Sunne-set Neere vnto this Inne Nicephorus and Zozemenus say in their Ecclesiasticall Historie there was a Spring or Well of that admirable vertue that if either man or beast that was infirme or sicke did drinke of the water thereof they were immediately restored to their former health The reason that these Authors haue for it because they are impertinent I willingly omit But to return ro the city of Emmaus as it is now called Nicopolis being scituated eight miles from Ierusalem towards the Northeast in the way as you goe thence to Ioppa the countrey round about it being very fertile and pleasant by reason of the riuers and springs wherewith it is watered as Pliny saith l. 5. c. 14. and much altered from that which it was in times past but because you may reade more of this city in Pliny as it is at this day and in Nicephorus and Eusebius I leaue to speake further of it Of Simon of Cyrene THis Simon which carried the Crosse of our Sauiour Christ was born in Kir a city in Africa scituated 16 miles from Ierusalem towards the West Matth. 27. Luke 23. In which city Tiglath Phulasser Emperour of the Assirians planted many of the inhabitants of Damascus after he had conquered that city 2 Reg. 16. This citie and the country round about it by reason of these new inhabitants by little and little changed the name and wheras in former times it was called Kir in the time of our Sauiour it was commonly called Cyrene and this man of that countrey Simon of Cyrene At this day it is a strong and beautifull city scituated betweene Mareotides and Zeugitania at first built by Battus whom Callimachus the Poët claimeth to be his progenitor This Battus was a mighty king in Africa but was one that had a great impediment in his speech insomuch that many thinke this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to haue beene originally vsed by him and by none other Afterward as is said Tiglah Phulasser hauing obtained the jurisdiction of this citie planted the people of Damascus in it and they obtaining some power there continued till a long time after Christ and imbraced the religion of the Iewes built vp Synagogues and dispersed that law in many parts of those quarters There were some of this countrey that opposed that holy Marter Stephen and were consenting to his death There were many learned men in it as Eratosthenes the Mathematician Callimachus the Poët both which were had in great estimation among the Aegyptians Carneades also the Academian Cronus Apollonius and Hegesias the Philosopher of whom Cicero speaketh in the fifth book of his Tusculans and Eratosthenes the Historian who was sonne of Agaclis Salust saith that this citie in his time was so mightie that it maintained war against the Carthaginians for their bounds and limits of their fields and grounds a long time and Iustine lib. 39. That they maintained warre against two nations the Phoenes and the Aegyptians in which warres they gaue Aprius the King of the Aegyptians such a mighty ouerthrow that there were very few of his army that returned into his countrey with him as Horodot affirmeth lib. 4. there were also many great Princes that ruled in this city of which because you may reade in diuers other Authors more at large I omit to speake of them Of Ioseph of Arimathea who buried Christ THis Ioseph which caused our Sauior Christ to be buried in his garden was a rich man vpright just in all his actions a Senator of Ierusalem and one that expected the Kingdome of God borne at Arimathea a citie of the Iewes Luc. 23. This citie was sometime called Ramathaim Sophim and sometime Ramah because it was scituated in a high place and in times past was a fair citie standing 16 miles from Ierusalem toward the Northwest the description whereof you may reade before At this day it is called Ramalea being nothing so farre as it was but like a countrey towne the houses being carelessely dispersed here and there lying without walls or bulwarkes to defend it notwithstanding the ancient ruins of the former city is to be seen euen at this day There is also a great Inne or resting place for strangers hauing within it many roomes for the receit of passengers and a well of very sweet water This house was first purchased at the charge of Philip Duke of Burgondie and by him committed to the protection of the Monkes of Mount Sion by whom it is at this day made an hospitall wherein pilgrims trauellers and strangers are entertained and find much reliefe In an inward Orchard belonging to this hospital there is a faire plot of ground that bringeth forth great aboundance of Aloes of which there is often mention in the holy Scriptures but more especially in Psalme 48. Thy garments smell of Aloes and Cassia when thou commest out of thy Iuorie pallaces where they haue made thee glad Nichodemus a Prince of the Iewes together with Ioseph of Arimathea brought with them an hundred pound of Aloes mixed with Myrrhe to embalme the body of our Sauiour Christ when they had begged it of Pilat before they buried it Ioh. 19. Myrrh is a kind of gum that issueth out of a tree that growes in the East countries but principally in Arabia the tree out of which it issueth is commonly two yards and a halfe high with some pricks vpon it the barke whereof being cut there issueth out of it drops like teares which congealeth into a gum and is called Mirrh the principall vertue that it hath is to keepe the bodies of the Dead incorruptable see Pli. li. 12. ca. 15. 16. In Arabia Foelix there is such abundance of sweet Myrrhe Frankincense and other odoriferous gums that such as saile in the Red sea may easily smell the sauour of them There is also found
in the holy Land Myrrhe and Aloes Aloes is the juyce of a certaine bitter herbe which by some is called Euerliuing it killeth the wormes and preserueth from putrifaction it is also good for the sight There is to be gathered in India Arabia and the Holy land a certaine herbe of an extraordinary sweet smell with leaues broad fat and juicie which being prest yeeldeth more Aloes than honey from whence this metaphoricall prouerbe is vsed Quod plus molestiae quam voluptatis gignit that is more troublesome than profitable You may reade also in Plautus that the life of man tasteth more of Aloes than honey And Iuvenal speaking of an euill wife saith she hath more of Aloes than honey So Euripides Euery sweet hath his sowre So also the holy Crosse seemeth to haue more of Aloes than hony notwithstanding it preserueth vs from eternall corruption and killeth the venomous worms of conscience clenseth vs from our sinnes and freeth vs from the feare of the Diuel eternall death that so we might be recreated and by the faith of our Sauiour be raised vp at the last day and pertake with him in his euerlasting kingdome according to that of Iohannes Taulerus Where the crosse there the light where temptation there prayer and regeneration c. The Trauels of Peter IN the 35 yeare after the natiuitie of Christ about the moneth of Ianuary and a little before the conuersion of the Apostle Paul Peter and Iohn were sent from Ierusalem to Samaria which was 32 miles that the Samaritans might receiue that admirable gift of the Holy-Ghost and there they disputed with Simon Mag●● Acts 8. From Samaria they returned backe again to Ierusalem which was 32 miles In this journey they went to diuers townes of the Samaritans teaching and preaching vnto them the doctrine of the Gospell Acts 8. In the sixt yere after the resurrection of Christ Peter went to Lidda which was distant from Ierusalem twentie miles towards the Northeast where he cured Aeneas who had lien sicke eight yeares of the Palsie vpon his bed Acts 9. From thence hee went to Ioppa which was three miles here he raised Tabitha from death Acts 9. In the seuenth yeare after the resurrection of Christ Peter went from Ioppa and came to Caesarea Strato which was six and thirtie miles where hee preached the Gospell to Cornelius the Centurion and baptised him and his whole familie Acts 10. Clemens Recogn lib. 9. From Caesarea he returned to Ierusalem which was 32 miles where being accused for going to the Gentiles hee excused himselfe Acts 11. In the eleuenth yeare after the resurrection of Christ hee was cast into prison and set at libertie by an Angell of God Acts 12. So he went secretly from Ierusalem as it was thought into the desart or to some other vnknowne place vpon the second day of August in the same yeare Herod Agrippa King of the Iewes was strucke by an Angell of God at Caesarea and he was deuoured of wormes Acts 12. Ioseph Antiq. lib. 19. cap. 4. After Herod Agrippa being dead and buried Peter returned to Ierusalem where hee was in Councell with the rest of the Apostles about sixteene yeares after the resurrection of Christ and fourteene after the conuersion of Paul Gal. 2. Acts 15. See also Bede vpon the Acts of the Apostles In the seuenteenth yeare after the resurrection of Christ Peter went from Ierusalem and came to Antiochia in Syria which journey was 280 miles there Paul resisted him Gal. 2. From Antiochia hee went to Babylon in Aegypt where hee wrote his first Epistle this journey was 520 miles So all his Trauels which are mentioned in the Scripture were 955 miles Allegations of the Author to proue that Peter was neuer at Rome BVt that Peter was twenty fiue yeares seuen moneths and fiue daies Bishop and chiefe Priest at Rome cannot be proued by the testimony of the Scripture and is vtterly repugnant to the supputation and true accompt of the times First because it is manifest by that which hath beene said that he continued at Ierusalem and in Iudaea during the time that Tiberius Caligula and Claudius were Emperours of Rome And shortly after the martyrdome of Steuen hee and Iohn were sent into Samaria that the Samaritans might also receiue the gift of the holy Ghost Act. 8. Paul also in the third yere after his conuersion came to Ierusalem and there spoke with Peter and remained with him fifteene daies Act. 9. Gal. 1. Fourteene daies after the conuersion of Paul Peter was at the Apostolicall councell held in Ierusalem and there with Iames and Iohn gaue the right hand of fellowship to Paul and Barnabas that they should goe and preach the Gospell vnto the Gentiles and that hee and the rest would goe vnto the Iewes those that were circumcised Gal. 2. In the time of Claudius Caesar Peter was committed to prison by Herod Agrippa in Ierusalem and miraculously deliuered by the Angell of God Act. 10. In the ninth yeare of Claudius Caesar Peter was at Antiochia in Syria where Paul resisted him to his face Gal. 2. All these things manifestly proue that the Apostle Peter was not at Rome at such time as any of these three viz. Tiberius Caligula and Claudius were Emperors but either in Ierusalem or else at Antiochla in Syria Secondly it may axactly bee made euident out of the holy Scriptures that Peter was not at Rome in the time of Nero. For in the second yeare of Nero Paul wrote his Epistle to the Romans and sent it from Corinth by the hand of Phebe in which Epistle he saluted all his friends which he had in that citie by name as by the conclusion of the Epistle more plainely appeareth but there is no mention of the Apostle Peter who if that at time Bishop of that place surely should not haue bin omitted Also in the fift yeare of Nero Paul being then in prison at Rome wrot his Epistles to the Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians and to Philemon and in the conclusion of these Epistles he expressely nameth all his friends that he had in Rome yet makes no mention of Peter And when he was the second time in prison vnder Nero in the last yeare of the reigne of this Emperour hee wrot from Rome his second Epistle to Timothy beeing a little before his death at the end of which Epistle he plainly shewes that he had no companion there but Luke 2 Tim. 4. From whence it is manifest that Peter during all the pilgrimage and life of Paul was neuer at Rome how then can it possible be that Peter should be bishop of Rome for the space of almost 26 yeares Truly there are many learned men and they also of great iudgement which hold this opinion false and vtterly repugnant to holy Scripture neither can be proued by any good Authors or histories But if Peter were euer at Rome hee came thither after the last imprisonment of Paul and a few daies before his martyrdom