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A15967 The Psalter of Dauid newely translated into Englysh metre in such sort that it maye the more decently, and wyth more delyte of the mynde, be reade and songe of al men. Wherunto is added a note of four partes, wyth other thynges, as shall appeare in the epistle to the readar.; Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. Crowley. Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. 1549 (1549) STC 2725; ESTC S104580 117,190 355

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is God to such as be of hert perfect and pure Yet were my fete lyke for to slyp my steppes were nothyng sure And why Because I fondly fall in enuie and disdayne To se that foles and wicked men haue peace and byde no payne They are in no daynger of deathe nor lykely for to dye But do remayne excedyng strong and excedynge myghtie They are free frō aduersitie when other men be shent And wyth the reste they take no parte of plage or punishment Wherby they be full gloriously in pride so high extold And are in wronge and violence wrapped so many fold Theyr eies are solne for verie fat they are so fallen awaye The vayne thoughtes of theyr wycked hert they practise night and daye By theyr wycked exemple are other men corrupted And the most myghti and high God by them is blasphemed For they stretch out theyr mouth to heauē and do agaynst it crie But on the earth theyr wycked tonge walketh most pleasantly The flocke therfore of flaterars do furnish vp theyr trayne For there they be full sure to sucke some profite and some gayne Tush tush say they vnto them selues is ther a God aboue That doth knowe and suffer this yll wyll vs not reproue Looe ye maye se howe wycked men in richesse styll encrease Rewarded well wyth worldly goode lyue in rest and peace Than whye do I from wyckednes my fantasie refrayne And wash myne handes wyth innocentes clense myne hert in vayne And whye am I scourged ech daye as subiect to all blame Or why should I euerie morne sustayne rebuke and shame Than had I almost sayed as they mislykyng myne estate But that I should thy chyldren iudge as folke infortunate I me bethought therfore howe I myght thys thynge vnderstand But yet the laboure was to great for me to take in hand Vntyll the tyme I went into thyne holye place and then I vnderstode right perfectly the ende of all these men And namely howe thou settest them vpon a slyppry place And at thy pleasure and thy wyll thou doest them all deface Than Lorde howe sone do they consume and fearfully decaye Euen as a dreame when one waketh their Image goeth awaye Thus greued was myne hert full sore my mynde was much appreste So fonde was I and ignorant and in thy syght a beaste Yet am I styll by the and thou holdeste my right hand faste And wyth thy counsell doest guid me to glorie at the laste Bysyde thy selfe what thynge haue I in all the heauens aboue To delyte in syth in the earth I do the only loue My flesh and eke myne herte fayle me so doeth my God neuer For of myne hert God is the strength and my parte for euer And loe all such as the forsake shal perishe euerichone And they that trust in any thynge saueynge in the alone But it is good for me O God to holde me faste by the And to put my full trust in the and tell what thy worckes be The .lxxiiij. Psalme O God why art thou styl absente from vs what displeasure Hath made thy wrath so hotte against the shep of thy pasture Oh thyncke vpō the church that hath of aunciēt bene thyne And that thou hast redemed Lorde euen before our eine Thyncke on the kynred that is thyne by right succession And on the place where thou hast dwelt the holy mount Sion Lyfte vp thy fote and destroye all the enimies for aye That haue wrought wyckednes wyth in thyne holy place thys daye Thyne enimies haue roared in thy cōgregations And haue erected theyr owne sygnes to be sygnes and tokens Theyr axes are sene glytter as when men hewe wodde on hylles The selynge of the holye place they breake downe wyth theyr bylles They haue broken thyne holy thynges set fyre on the same They haue broke downe and poluted the dwellyng of thy name Thus sayd they in theyr herte let vs all vex them in one bande So brent they all goddes synagoges that were found in the land Our sygnes and tokens we se not no Prophete doeth remayne Ther is none emonge vs that can tell vs ought for certayne O God howe longe shall thyne enmy do the dispyte and shame Wylt thou suffer him euer to blaspheme thyne holy name Lord whye wythdrawest thou thy powre Why doeth thy right hand byd Styll in thy bosome pulle it out and let thy foes destryed O God thou arte my kynge for aye haste bene euer more Ther is none health in all the earth that is not of thy store In thy great power thou dydest diuide the seas and brakest the head Of Pharoo that great dragon who of that wounde is dead The heades Lord of the whale that was of excedyng greatnes Thou hast broken and made hym meate to men of wyldernes A welsprynge and a rennynge streame thou haste made in drye land And haste made the great riuers drye by the power of thyne hand The day eke the nyght are thyne thou haste them in thy power Thou hast prepared lyght sunne to serue vs at theyr houre Thou hast set appoynted al the limettes of the lande The sommer wynter also are the worcke of thyne hand Remēber this O Lorde because thy foes do the reuile And the braynsicke and folyshe folke thyne holy name defyle Geue not the lyfe of thy turtle into thyne enmies hand Neyther forget thy churche for aye that of the pore doeth stande Be myndfull of thy couenaunt for all the earth is hyd Wyth the dwellynges of men that are most cruell and wycked O suffer not the simple to returne agayne wyth shame For the pore and the indigent are they that prayse thy name Aryse O God and iudge thy cause let thy seruauntes see That thou art myndfull of the checkes that foles vse to geue the. Do not forget the wordes of them that wythstand the so sore for theyr pride and presumption encreaseth more and more The .lxxv. Psalme WE do acknowledge the O God we do acknowledge the And syth thy name is not far of thy worckes declare wyll we When I shall call a counsell for to iudge thynges in thy syght Then shall I geue true sentence and iudge all matters aright As for the earth is lyke to falle and al that therin dwell But I haue vnderset hir postes that she may stand right well Thus sayd I to the folysh men se that ye be not madde And to the wicked be not proude of ought that maye be had Do not I saye you folysh men lyfte vp your hornes on hye Neither do you in coūtenaunce declare your greate folye For high degre cometh to man neither frō easte nor weste Nor yet out of the wyldernes from any cruell beaste For herin God alone is iudge to sette vp whom he luste He lyfteth vp one and casteth an other in the duste For in his hand he hath a cuppe of stronge and myghtie wyne Wherof he filleth to all mē such is his
wandred in desert through wayes in wyldernes ▪ Wherin they founde no dwellynge place in theyr nede and destres And when through great honger and thurste they faynted in theyr mynde They cried to hym in theyr dayngers dyd hym redie fynd He dyd deliuer them I saye and led them the ryght waye To a towne of inhabitaunce and gaue it thē for aye Let them confesse then and ascrybe to the Lorde his mercies And eke the miracles that he hath done before mens eies For he glutteh the hungry soule fylleth wyth good thynges The soule that is lyke to perishe for lacke of norishynges Such as sate in vtter darckenes and extreme miserie Because they dyd wythstand goddes worde and set nothynge therby The same he made ryght pensyfe and eke of mynde desperate That they myght falle and no man shoulde helpe them in that estate Yet when they cried in theyr dayngers he pulde them out of payne He ledde them out of thycke darckenes and set them fre agayne Let them confesse them and ascribe to the Lorde hys mercies And eke the miracles that he hath done before mens eies For he brake downe the brasen gates and caste them wydde open And the greate barres of Iron he hath in sunder broken The foles that by theyr wycked lyfe haue gote sycknes plentie So that theyr soule abhorred meate they were lyke to die Yet when they cryed in theyr dayngers he pulde them out of payne And his word sent he healed them and made them cleane agayne Let them confesse them and ascribe to the Lorde his mercies And eke the miracles that he hath wrought before mens eies And let them offer sacrifice of hertie confessynge And let them tell forth all hys dedes wyth most ioyfull syngynge Such as in shyppes go to the sea and do theyr busynes there Haue sene goddes worckes and hys wonders that in the depthe appeare Fo●●● his word the stormie wyndes lyfte vp the waues on hye Nowe vp to heauen then they falle downe to hell by and by In these troubles theyr hertes do faile they are turned rounde And wander lyke men that are drōcke theyr wyttes are nothynge sownde These also cried in theyr dayngers and he brought them from payne He layd the storme and eke the waues and made all caulme agayne Then they reioyce because God hath brought them to quiete reste And set thē in such an hauen as lyketh theyr herte beste Let them confesse then and ascribe to the Lorde hys mercies And eke the miracles that he hath wrought before mens eies And let them extolle him in the companye of people And prayse hym emonge the elders when they do assemble For he turneth the rennynge streames into a deserte grounde And dryeth vp the water sprynges where muche water was founde So doeth he turne che fruitfull grownde into barante and drye Because they that do dwell theron do lyue so vitiousely And full of water he causeth the wyldernes to stande And eke great plentie of welsprynges where erste was most drye lande And there he placeth the hongry and such as lacked foode To build a noble citie there and a dwellyng ryght good And that they myght ther tyll corne fieldes and eke great vinyardes plant That myght beare fruite in such plentie that there should be no want Further he doeth them prospere so that they encrease greatly And theyr cattell he saueth so that none of them do dye Yet are they minished also and do somethynge decaye Sore vexed and oppressed of theyr owne rulars I saye For God despyseth the rulars sometyme and that greatly Makynge them wander in desert through whych no waye doeth lye But the pore he preserueth aye out of all miserie And theyr housholdes he handleth as they were shepe truly Which thynges when the good sorte dose they reioyce and be fayne And the wycked haue nought to blame or wherof to complayne Who so therfore is wise let him kepe these thynges in his mynde And consyder what benifites he doeth in the Lorde fynde The .cviij. Psalme MYne herte is made redie to synge O God and eke to playe On instrumentes melodiouse O my glorie I saye My lute and eke myne harppe arise for I wyll wake erlye In the mornynge wyth the daye sprynge my Lorde to magnifie And vnto the wyll I confesse throughout all regions And wyll synge and set forth thy name emonge all nations For thy mercie Lord is so greate that the heauens it doeth passe And thy trueth reacheth to the skye that doeth the earth compasse Be thou more high then heauen O God and let thy maiestie Be hygher then the earth that is vnder thyne imperie And that thyne elect and chosen maye be deliuered By thyne owne powre saue vs and let our request be graunted Because God hath spoken the worde wythin his holy place I wyll wyth ioye diuide Sichem Sucoths vale by passe Gibead and eke Manesses are myne but Ephraim Is the key of my kyngdome and Iuda my lawes doeth deme As for Moab is my washe pan on Edom wyll I walke And ouer Palestine wyll I synge and pleasantly talke Who shall leade me into stronge holdes into townes of defence Who shall leade me into Idume full of magnificence Shalt not thou do it O my God whoe dyddest vs forsake And wouldest not walke wyth our men whē we dyd the warres take O God helpe thou in all distres for mans helpe is but vayne But we shall fyght stoutly through God by whom our foes are slayne The .cix. Psalme O God whom only I do prayse whose name I magnifie Holde the not styll but speake O Lorde and shewe thy selfe therby For the mouth of thy wycked man and the mouth disceythfull Are open agaynste me and talke wyth a tongue right gylefull And wordes that do sprynge of hatered haue compassed me rownde And wythout cause they assault me beate me to the grounde For the loue that I beare to them they are myne enimies And yet do I praye for them all in my moste hertie wyse And for the good I do to thē they render euell to me So do they hatered for my loue my greate charitie Agaynst suche one O Lorde styr vp the wycked of the lande And let his aduersarie stande styflye at hys ryght hand When he shal be brought to iudgment let hym be founde wicked ▪ And when he prayeth let hym then wyth synne be infected Make hys lyfe dayes fewe and geue hys office to an other Make his children fatherlesse an wydowe theyr mother Let his chyldren wander and begge and seke foed ouer all When they come out of theyr houses that are lykely to fall Let the vsurar bygyle hym of all he doeth possesse And the enmie take all that doeth by hys labour encrease Let ther none chaunce to hym that would take vpon him pitie Ne that woulde worcke a benifite to hys posteritie Let his ofsprynge be in daynger of the destruction And his name haue an ende
or do once nodde Tyll I fynde a place for the Lorde and house for Iacobs God Him haue we hearde in Ephrata there haue we heard his sounde And in the fieldes of wyldernes present we haue him founde Go we therfor to his dwellynges throne where he doeth sitte And let vs fall downe and worshyp the stole vnder his fete Arise O Lorde thou that shalt come into thy quiete reste Arise thou I saye and let the arcke of thy powre be preste Let thy priestes put on rightuousenes let thy good men synge And for thy seruant Dauids sake saye not naye to thy kynge The Lorde sware trueth vnto Dauid and wyll it not denie That he would set vpon his throne some fruite of his bealy If thy sonnes shal kepe my comnaunt and lawes that I shall teache Theyr sonnes also shall weare the crowne so longe as tyme doeth reache For the Lorde hath chosen Sion to be his seate sayeinge This is myne euerlastynge rest here shall be my dwellynge For I haue chosen hir and wyll geue hir vitailes plentie And wyth breade wyll I fede hir pore and them all satisfie Hir priestes I wyll indue wyth health they shall be in salftie And the good mē that dwel in hir shal synge reioyceyngly In hir wyll I make Dauids horne his power for to springe And in hir I haue prepared a candle for my kynge Whose enimies I wil endue wyth rebuke and wyth shame But vpon him shall aye florish his crowne diadeame The .cxxxiij. Psalme BEhold howe good a thynge it is howe pleasaunt to see If brothers can dwell togither in all pointes agree It is lyke as if good oyntmēt that smelleth moste swetely Beynge shed on the heade should drope on the bearde by and by The beard I saye of the hygh priest that was named Aharon And should drope on the cape of the garmentes that he had on Lyke the dewe of mounte Hermon that on Sions hille doeth falle Where the Lorde bade blessynge should be and lyfe sempiternall The .cxxxiiij. Psalme BEholde ye seruantes of the Lorde preach ye the Lorde of myght All ye I saye that stande present in the Lordes house by nyght Lyfte vp your handes wyth holines towarde his sanctuarie And preach the Lord shewe forth hys prayse and eke hys greate mercie The Lorde geue the out of Sion welth felicitie The Lorde I saye that made the earth and eke the heauen hye The .cxxxv. Psalme OH ye that be the Lordes seruātes prayse his name without staye Al ye that stāde in the Lordes house our goddes courtes I saye Prayse God for whye the Lord is good syng vnto his name For it is full pleasaunt and good wherfore prayse ye the same For God hath chosen vnto hym Iacob Israell To be hys people and hys flocke thys do I knowe right well For I knowe that the lorde is greate and doeth all goddes excell And doeth all thynges at hys pleasure in heauen earth and in hell Frō al the borders of the earth he draweth vp clowdes I knowe He turneth lyghtnynges into rayne and maketh the wyndes blowe He strake and slewe all the fyrste borne aswell of man as beaste That were of the frye of Egypt where his flocke was oppreste He sent forth signes and eke wōders amyd Thegyptians lande So dyd he to kynge Pharao wyth all his garde or band Manye and sundrye nations he dyd also destroye So dyd he kyll right many kynges moste puisaunt and myghtie He destroyed Sichon himselfe the kynge of Amorrites And Og kynge of Basan wyth all kyngdomes of Chananites And he gaue theyr enheritaunce theyr byrthright I saye To his people that it myght be theyr heritage for aye O Lorde thy name is eternall so is thy memorie Thou shalt neuer be forgotten thy name shall neuer die For the Lorde shall iudge his people he shall reuenge theyr wronge And from his flocke he shall returne wyth a reioyceynge songe The Images of the heathen are of gould and syluer The worcke that mans hand hath brought forth and molten togither For they haue mouthes and do not speake and eies and do not see So haue they eares and do not heare suche worthy thynges they be They haue a nose yet in theyr mouth ther is no breath at all They haue no breath to speake to such as do vpon them call Lyke whom all such men shall be made as do make them certayne And so shall they that put theyr trust in thynges that are so vayne Ye house of Israell I saye preach ye the Lorde therfore And ye house and stocke of Aharon preache the Lorde euer more Ye house and kynred of Leuie ye priestlye nation Preache ye the Lorde O ye that feare the Lorde preach hym eche one The Lorde that hath hys dwellynge in Ierusalem for aye Must haue his prayse out of Sion prayse ye the Lorde I saye The .cxxxvj. Psalme COnfesse confesse vnto the Lorde for he is good I saye Confesse to him for hys goodnes continueth for aye Confesse vnto the God of goddes whose goodnes doeth styll laste Confesse vnto the Lord of lordes whose mercie is not paste Because hys goodnes hath no ende he doeth wonders alone· And by hys wisedome he hath made the heauens euerychone Because his mercie is endlesse he hath lyfted vp grownde Aboue the waters hath made two lyghtes boeth greate and rownde Because hys goodnes hath no ende he made the sunne so bryght To rule the daye eke the mone starres to rule the nyght Because his mercie is endlesse he slewe the fyrste borne all Of the Egyptians and brought Israell out of thralle Because his goodnes hath none ende he dyd this wyth greate myght And wyth an arme that was styfly stretched out in theyr syght Because hys mercie is endlesse he dyd the red sea slyt In sunder and brought Israell salfe and sounde thorowe it Because hys goodnes hath none ende he drowned Pharao ▪ Subuertynge hym in the red sea and hys armie also Because hys mercie is endlesse he led through desert lande His owne people and slewe greate kynges that dyd hys flocke wythstande Because his goodnes hath none ende he slewe kynges moste myghtie Sichon hym selfe that was the kynge of Thamorrites Citie Because hys mercie is endlesse he slewe Og Basans kynge And gaue theyr lande heritage from them and theyr of sprynge Because hys goodnes hath none ende he gaue Ogges lande I saye Vnto hys seruaunt Israell for euer and for aye Because hys mercies endlesse he had vs remembred At such tyme as we were but vyle and were sore oppressed Because hys goodnes hath none ende he hath set vs all cleare From them that were oure enimies as well far of as nere Because hys mercie is endelesse he doeth all beastes feede And geueth to eche lyueynge thynge suche fode as it doeth nede Confesse confesse I saye vnto the God celestiall Whose bountifull goodnes shall laste and be sempiternall The
.viij. Psalme O Lorde our Lorde howe wonderfull is thy most holy name Throughout the earth that aboue heauēs thou spreadest out thy fame Thou haste brought strength oute of the mouth of babes and sucklinges yonge For thy foes sakes to weken them that reuenge their owne wronge But thyne heauens I wyl behold thyne handiworckes I saye The mone and starres that thou hast made and prepared for aye What thynge is mortall man that thou doest him neuer forget And the sonne of man what is he that thou doest him vyset For vnto God thou hast made him litle inferiour Thou hast compassed hym wyth suche glory and suche honour Thou hast made him lord of the worckes that thyne handes haue formed And eke all thinges vnder hys fete thou hast constytuted Al flockes of shepe and droues of beastes thou diddest to him geue And eke the labouryng beastes that in the feldes do lyue The foules that lyue in the ayre with fyshes great and smalle That lyue by the sea and all thynges that passe by the sea walle O Lorde that arte our Lorde I saye oure mayster and our guyde How wonderfull Lord is thy name through oute the earth so wyde The .ix. Psalme I Wyll set forth and prayse the Lorde with al myne herte in dede And al hys wonderful worckes shal by my be declared I wyll be glad eke reioyce in the O thou most hye And to thyne holy name I wyl synge moste reioyceyngly Whylse my foes shall be driuen backe and caused to recoyle They shall fal and peryshe before the as mē made a spoyle For thou art my iudgement and haste iudged all my debate Thou ryghteouse iudge I saye thou hast sate on thy iudgement seate Thou haste blamed the Heathen and destroyed the wycked And for euer also thou haste theyr name abolyshed Now are thi wastes all at an ende O thou fierse enemye Wyth the cytyes that thou cuntest doune gone is their memorye But the Lorde doeth reygne for euer hys kyngedome hath no ende Hys iudgement seate is made ready to iudge them that offende And he shall iudge the rounde compas of the worlde by iustice And emonge the people he shall geue vpryght sentences The Lorde shal be asure refuge vnto the oppressed He shal be a salfegarde I saye when men be afflycted Suche as haue knowne thyne holye name styke vnto the only For thou Lorde doest not forsake them that seke the studyously Synge to the Lorde that doeth abyde in the cyty Syon Shewe hys counselles in eche people and in eche nacyon For he that doeth reuenge the slayne shall none of them forget Neyther the crye of suche men as are wyth troubles bysette Be mercyfull to me O Lorde and do my troublese That of mine enmies I suffer and frō death lyfte vp me That I maye tel all thy prayses in the gates of Syon And I shal be glad and reioyce in thy saluacyon The Heathen stycke fast in the pytte that they haue prepared And in the net that they haue hyd their fote is entangled The Lord is knowne by his iustice and the wycked tangled Wyth the worckes of hys wycked handes a thynge to be noted The wycked and vngodly men shal slyde doune into hell And all the Heathen that forget the God of Israell For neyther shall the indigent be forgottē for aye Nor the hope of the afflicted be alway vayne I saye Aryse O Lord least mortal man preuayle by mayne and myght And let the heathen nacyons be iudged in thy syght Lorde set a mayster ouer them that maye kepe them styll thraulle And let the heathen nacyons learne that they be mortalle The .x. Psalme LOrde why standest thou so farre of why doest thou not drawe nye Why doest thou hide thyselfe in the tyme of our myserye When the vngodly waxeth proud the afflycted doeth smart Let them be taken in the wycked counselles of their herte For he prayseth the wicked man for that he desyreth The couetouse he calleth bleste the Lorde he blasphemeth In hys haute lokes the wycked man setteth all thynges at nought The God of myght is neuer founde in his vngodly thought The lawes and constytucyons of God do greue him styl At all ceasons they do wythstande his moste vngodly wyll Thy iudgementes Lord are lifted vp ful hygh aboue hys syght And agaynst all his enemies he threateneth to fyght He wyl thincke and saye in his herte I wyll not bowe nor bende From discommodities I wil my selfe euer defende Hys mouth is ful of periurye disceyte and vsurie Oppressyon and vanitye do vnder hys tonge lye In the courtes he layeth awayte to kyll the innocent And agaynste the multytude of the pore hys eyes be bent Lyke as a lyon in hys denne he wayteth in secrete To take the afflycted that is wyth myserye besette That he maye take the poore I saye that is in myserie By drawynge hym into his net by crafte and subtyltie Throughe hys force and hys violence is broken and opprest The multytude of them that haue in mysery no reste And in hys herte thus hath he sayde God forgetteth certayne Turnynge asyde hys face that he myght not se them agayne O Lorde and God aryse I saye lyft vp thine hande and power Forget thou not the afflycted but do thou them succour For why shoulde the vngodly men God in such sort blaspheme And in their herte say that thou wylt not requyre it of them But thou hast sene for thou doest marcke vngodlynes and wronge To put the same into thine hande so myghtye and so stronge The myserable multytude committe them selfes to the For thou art wont to succour suche as wythoute succour be Breake the vngodlyes arme thou shalt seke the wycked man And hys vngodlynes and shalt fynde neyther of them than The Lorde is kyng for euer more and whē all is ended And from hys lande all the heathen people haue peryshed Lord thou haste heard the poore mens cry and wylt gouerne their hert And vnto them thyne eare thou wilt diligētly conuert That thou mayst reuenge the pupyl and the poore oppressed That hēseforth the lyke be not by mortal mē attempted The .xi. Psalme IN the Lorde haue I put my truste how to my soule saye ye Oute of youre mount euen as the byrd se that thou awaye flee For lo the wycked bent their bowe and set their shaftes therin That in the darcke they myght shote them that in herte do not synne Seynge the nettes be broke therfore and the lawes set at nought What coulde the iust man do therin though he toke care and thought But the Lorde in his holy place hath hys throne in heauen His eyes beholde and his eye leddes do serch the sonnes of men The Lorde alloweth the iuste man but he hateth deadly The wycked and suche as do loue force and iniquitie Vpon the wycked he wyll rayne snares fyre and brymstone And eke a stormye burninge wynde thys is their lotte eche one Because the Lorde
that is my staye And let the God of my soule health be extolled I saye It is God that geueth me powre for to reuenge my wronge And that doeth subdue vnto me peoples mightie and stronge It is God that doeth leade me out from my deadly enmies Lord thou doest brynge me vp from thē that do agaynste me ryse And from the man that doeth purpose me wronge and violence Thou doest deliuer me I saye wyth carefull diligence And for this cause O Lorde I wyll in the Heathen prayse the And wyll synge to thyne holy name wherso euer I be And for the greatnes of the healthe and prosperouse lyueynge Wherwyth thou doest enrych Dauid thyne owne anoynted kynge And for the health wherby thou doest with benefites applye Thyne annoynted Dauid and eke his seede eternally The .xix. Psalme TO vs the heauens dooe declare goddes wonderfull glorie And the cōpasse therof doeth shewe hys handworcke trulye The daye that succedeth shal teach vs yet a lytle more And the nyght folowynge shall shewe more then that went before They haue no maner of language nor wordes sowndynge wyth noyse They speake not as men vse to speake no mā doeth heare theyr voyce Yet went theyr rule through out the world all men haue heard theyr sounde And theyr wordes went into the coastes of all the worlde sorownde In these heauens the Lorde hath sette a dwellynge place and tent For the sunne that wyth his bryght beames is alwaye resplendent And as a brydgrowme he commeth out of his bower bryght Ryght cherfully to renne his rase lyke to a man of myght At the vtmost parte of the easte he doeth his rase begynne And in the vtmoste of the weste is hys returnynge in And vnder the heauens that be so wonderfull and wyde There is not one that from his heate may hym absent or hyde The Lordes lawe is pure and perfect turnynge the soule to it So is hys testimonye true geueynge the simple wytte The decrees of the Lord are streyght and make a mans herte lyght So is the Lordes precept most pure maketh the eies bryght The feare of the Lorde is right pure and doeth euer excell So are his iudgmentes true and iuste this do I knowe right well They are more to be desyred then plentie of pure goulde And sweter then the honie combe that droppeth many folde Yea in them thy pore seruant is chiefly admonished And in the obseruance of them much hyre is promised Whoe is able to marke his fautes them to vnderstande To purge me from my secrete fautes Lorde do thou take in hande And put from me all greate mischiefes leste they ouercome me And then from all greate treaspases I shall innocent be O Lorde that art my sure defence doest reuenge my ryght Let my wordes and thought of myne herte be pleasant in thy syght The .xx. Psalme I Besech God the Lord heare the in all thy miserie And that the name of Iacobs God do place the in safetie And that he helpe and succour the from his sanctuarie And that out of Sion he do vnderset the surely And that he do remember all thy gyftes or sacrifice And that thy fat brēt offeringes be pleasant in hys eies God graunt he geue the thy desyre euen as thyne hert doeth wyll And that all thy mynde and counsell he do throughly fulfyll Then wyth syngynge we wyll reioyce in thy saluation And wyth triumphe set vp bannars in oure goddes name anone For the Lord wyll fulfyll al thy requestes this is no naye And then shall eche man in his herte breake out in wordes and saye Nowe I acknowledge that the Lord hath preserued hys kynge And hath heard hym out of heauen where he is abydynge I acknowledge he hath heard hym out of hys holy place By the saueynge strength of his powre and his plentifull grace Let some put theyr trust in charettes and some in horses hye Yet the name of the Lorde our God wyll we speake of trulye They fell vnderneth theyr burden were quite destroyed But we stode styfly vnder it and were styll strengthened The Lorde shall aye preserue and kepe his owne anoyted kynge And in the daye when we shall call he shall geue vs hearynge The .xxj. Psalme LOrde in thy myght and powre the kynge shall be glad and merie And in thy saueyng health he shall reioyce excedyngly Thou haste geuen hym his hertes desyre wythout any delay And of the thynges he hath asked thou hast not sayde hym naye Wyth the beste and most pleasaunt gyftes thou haste hym preuented And ryght so wyth a crowne of goulde hys heade thou hast crowned He asked lyfe of the and thou haste geuen to hym certayne Such lenght of dayes that he shall be when no tyme shall remayne Through the health that thou gaueste hym ryght great is hys glorye Vpon him thou hast set honour bryghtnes great plentie Thou haste set hym that he hath aye plentye and aboundaunce Of all good thynges so doest thou chere him wyth thy comtenaunce For in the Lord the kyng putteth his trust vnfaynedly And shall stande stydfastly through the goodnes of God most hye Thyne hande hath founde all suche men as thy deadly enmies be And thy ryght hande hath founde all such as euer hated the. Lyke a fornayce in thyne anger thou hast them all kenled The Lorde hath eate them in hys Ire fyre hath them consumed The fruyte of theyr bodies thou haste rowted out of the land And haste not suffered theyr seede emonge men for to stand For they went obout to noye the and for to do the yll They inuented suche wyckednes as they could not fulfyll But thou madest them as a but to shote at wyth thy bowe And wyth thy strynge thou leuelledste euen at theyr face I knowe Extolle thy selfe Lorde in thy powre set vp thy selfe on hye Then shall we synge and celebrate thy powr most worthyly The .xxij. Psalme MY God my God why dydest thou forsake thy pore seruant From myne health my roreynge crye howe far art thou distant By daye I call on the my God but no answere I heare And eke by night but vnto me no silence doeth appere Yet art thou the holye rular of prayse in Israell Thou art I saye the holy one that emonge them doeth dwell Our fathers haue trusted in the thou haste ben all theyr staye They haue trusted in the and thou haste set them tree I saye They haue cried to the I saye and are deliuered They haue put all theyr trust in the and are not ashamed As for me I am but a worme I am no mā in dede I am an opprobrye of men of people despised So manye as do loke on me do laugh at me alwaye They mocke they mowe and moue theyr heades and with them selfe they saye He hath lefte all thinges to the Lorde let hym set him at large And for the loue he beareth hym let the same him discharge But thou art he O Lorde that
haste made me thy bonde seruant and haste not required Brent offeringe nor sacrifice for synne to be offred Then dyd I saye beholde I am redie at hand wyth the In the first pagine of the boke it is wrytten of me I assent O my God to do all that thou doeste allowe And in the myddes of my bowelles thy lawe is placed nowe I haue preached thy rightuousnes in a greate companie Lo I neuer forbade my lyppes this knowste thou certenly Thy rightuousnes I haue not kept wyth in myne herte secret Thy sure promises and thy health I haue styll abroade set I haue not ceased to declare in a great concion Thy goodnes and thy veritie thy mercies Lorde ech one Neyther doest thou kepe backe O Lorde from me thy mercies free Thy goodnes and thy veritie do euermore kepe me Because innumerable euelles had so oppressed me My synnes dyd so possesse me that I coulde none of them see They were many moe in number then the heares of myne heade Wherfore myne herte hath fayled me I became lyke one deade Let it please the therfore O Lorde to set thy seruant fre Make haste O Lorde do not tarie but come and succour me Let them suffer shame and reproufe that seke my soule to kyll And let them be dryuen backe wyth shame that delyte in myne yll Let them that saye haha haha to me in scornefull wyse Be quite wasted because they dyd my rebuke enterpryse Let such as do seke the reioyse and eke be glad in the And let them that loue thyne health saye praysed myght the Lorde be But I am afflicted and pore the Lord careth for me Thou art myne helpe and redemer my God do not tarie The .xli. Psalme HAppie is he that wyth the pore vseth hym selfe wisely For the Lorde shall deliuer hym in tyme of miserie The Lorde shall kepe hym and to hym he shall hys health restore That on the earthe he may enioye pleasures yet a whyle more For thou O Lorde doest not fauour thy pore seruant so yll As to permitte hys enimyes to vse hym at theyr wyll And lyinge in hys sycknes bed thou shalt hym styll sustayne And in hys weaknes thou shalt change all hys whole bed certayne Wherfore do I also saye thus O Lorde be good to me Heale thou my soule for I also haue synned agaynst the. Myne enmies curssed me and sayde when shall we se hym dye When shall hys name perishe and be put out of memorie And when any of them came to me full vaynely he spake And thought euell in herte but whē he came abroade out it brake Emonge them selues myne enimies dyd whysper togither Agaynste me and thus dyd they thyncke on my mischiefe euer Some greate myschyfe is fallen on hym he shall perishe certayne Syth he is layed sycke in his bed he shall not ryse agayne Yea and my most familiar whome I trusted greatly And he that fed at my table spurned me sodenly Thou therfore Lord be good to me shewe me mercie in dede Set me vp on my fete that I maye requite them theyr mede By thys thynge do I knowe my selfe in thy fauoure to be Because my foes do not reioyce nor tryūphe ouer me And because I am innocent of lyfe thou wylt me staye And wylt sette appoynt me in thyne owne presence alwaye Let the Lord God of Israel be praised euermore From tyme to tyme praysed be he Amē saye we therfore The .xlij. Psalme LYke as the hynde doeth crye after the swifte renneynge water ▪ So doeth my soule crye vnto the O God my redemer My soule is thyrstie after God the God that lyueth aye Whē at the laste shal I appeare before goddes face I saye My teares haue bene my sustinaūce boeth by daye and by nyght Whylse they haue dayly sayde to me where is thy God of myght So sone as I remembre howe I led them in a route To the house of the Lord my God my soule I do poure out When I remember howe I led forth a greate companie Syngynge and praysynge God then doeth myne herte reioyce greately O my soule why arte thou so sadde and in me so troubled Truste in God for I wyll thancke hym for myne health receyued O my God my soule in my breste doeth dispear vtterly Because I am compelled in the wyldernes to lye Because I do remēbre the beynge agaynst my wyll In the land beyonde Iordayne and Hermonims lyttle hyll One depenes calleth an other as lowde as thy stremes renne All thy floudes and thy stormes do passe ouer myne heade often His mercifull goodnes the Lorde sheweth to me by daye And by nyght I dosyng praye to God that lyueth aye Thus wyl I saye to God my strength why doest thou me forget Why do I go in mournynge robes when my foes me byset When my foes saye where is thy God reuile me dayly It is as though they thrast asworde into my bones fiersly O my soule why art thou so sadde in me so troubled Trust in God for I wyll prayse him for myne health receyued I wyll celebrate him I saye yet a whyle for myne health And for that he seweth him to be the God of all my wealthe The .xliij. psalme IVdge me O God take my cause in hand and do me rydde From a wycked people and from a man false and wycked For thou my God arte my whole powre why haste thou put me by Whye do I mourne when myne enmies do frete me cruely Sende me thy lyght veritie let them leade me the waye Vnto thyne holye hyll and to thy dwellynge place I saye That to goddes aultare to God my ioye and reioyceynge I maye enter to my God I maye on myne harppesynge O my soule whye arte thou so sadde and in me so troubled Truste in God for I wil prayse hym for myne health receyued I wyl I saye celebrate him for the health wherwyth he Shall make me gladde and eke declare hym selfe my God to be The .xliiij. Psalme O God we haue hearde wyth oure eares our fathers haue vs tolde The worckes that thou dydest in theyr tymes and in the verneyers olde To plant them in thou haste by force dryuen the heathen out Thou haste afflicted nations but hast made these men stoute They dyd not wynne the lande neither theyr health by theyr owne myght But by thy powre thy fauoure that hadste in them delyght And thou thy selfe O God I saye arte my Lorde and my kynge Let the health of Iacob him selfe be at thy disposeynge Through the we shall shake them of that vex vs in any wyse And through thy name we shal neglect them that agaynste vs rise I wyl not put my confidence nor my trust in my bowe For my sword or other weapon shall not saue me I knowe But thou doest preserue and kepe vs from our aduersaries And doest make them ashamed that do hate vs in such wise In God we do dayly reioyce in God we
earth mans honger to asswage And wyne to make mans herte merie oyle his face to chere And bread that maketh the hert stronge at all tymes of the yere And the Lordes trees are full of sappe as Ceders in Libane Where byrddes brede and storckes make theyr nestes in fyr trees to remayne To the gotes he hath geuen the hylles to serue for theyr refuge And to the conies and the hares the clyffes and rockes so huge The mone he made that she myght aye diuide the tyme aright And the sunne knoweth certenly his goynge downe at nyght It is nyght Lorde so sone as thou doest brynge in the darcknes And then do all the beastes raynge that lyue in wyldernes Euen as the Lions whelppes that do rore and crye at theyr praye And that they maye seke for theyr meate that God prouideth aye And when the sunne is vp they do get thē selues home certayne And then they go into theyr dennes and laye them downe agayne But man taketh his worcke in hand and doeth him therto dyght And doeth applye his busines tyll it be almost nyght O Lorde howe greate are all thy worckes which thy wisedome hache made Thy richesse and possession do the earth ouerlade The sea it selfe is wyde and broade where of beastes that do crall The mumbre is excedynge greate as well of greate as small There go the shyppes and that greate fyshe and sea monster I saye That casteth forth floudes of water whom thou madeste there to playe But all these thynges do put theyr trust confidence in the. That thou wylt geue them theyr fedynge when theyr due tyme shall be And when thou geuest they gather thynges mete for theyr fedeynges And when thyne hande is open they are fylled wyth Good thynges But if thou hyde thy face from them they are troubled certayne And if thou take theyr breath they dye and turne to duste agayne Agayne on the contrarie parte beastes are create certayne If thou sende forth thy breath and doest refreshe the earthe agayne Let the maiestie of the Lord neuer come to an ende And let him reioyce in his worckes which can not be emende If he behold the earth far of then doeth it shake for feare And if he do but tutch the hylles they smoke vp in the ayer So longe as I shall lyue therfore to the Lorde wyll I synge To my God wyll I synge I saye whylse I shall be lyueynge Ind all my talke concernynge him shall be dulcet and swete And I wyll reioyce in the Lorde as for me it is mete As for the synnars shall be slayne and perishe of the grownde And the vngodly shall no more remayne for to be founde My soule preach and set forth the Lord prayse him wythouten staye Haleluia praise the Lorde all faythfull men I saye The .cv. Psalme COnfesse acknowledge the Lord and call vpon hys name Teach his studies to the people make them learne the same Describe the Lorde and synge to hym and talke of hys wonders· Reioyse in hys moste holy name and be hys glad sekears Let them all haue a merie herte that seke the Lorde I saye Seke ye the Lorde and eke hys powre seke the Lordes face alwaye Remembre the wonderfull thynges that by the Lorde are wrought And eke his signes and the iudgmentes that his mouth hath forth brought O sede of Habraham I saye that worshypt God truly O chyldren of Iacob that was chosen most certenly O ye chyldren of goddes chosen our Lord and God is he Whose iudgemētes are in all the earth most euident to se For he is euer myndfull of hys faythfull promises And of the worde he would haue kept in thousandes of ages This dyd he confyrme by promise to Habraham truly And by an oth to Isaac byndynge hym selfe therby To make this a lawe to Iacob he set it in sure staye And to make it a couenaunt to Israell for aye And thus he fayde To the wyl I geue the Cananites landes ▪ To make them thyne enheritaunce I put them in thyne handes When they therfore were verie fewe and an household full small ▪ And were strangers in that cōtrey and had no grounde at all And when they from one nation to an other dyd flyt And eke from kyngdome to kyngdome and dyd in no place sytte Yet dyd the Lord suffer no man his people to oppresse But for theyr sakes he plaged kynges put them to distresse Tuche not sayde he myne annoynted men dedicate to me Ne hurte any of my prophetes that preach my veritie Then caused he a greate famen vpon the earth to rise And made all maner vitales scant beyonde all maner syse And before them he sent a man for to prepare theyr waye Iosephe was solde into bondage and seruitude I saye They bounde his fete in fetters strong he was there lyke to dye Vntyll the tyme his cause was knowne and Goddes worde dyd him trye Then sent the kyng and toke him out the rular of that lande He that had rule of much people dyd relesse Iosephes bande And in his house he gaue him rule ouer boeth greate and smalle And in all his possessions he gaue him rule of all That he myght rule his officers after hys owne deuise And that he myght teach the elders wisedome to make them wise Then Israell Iosephes father downe into Egypt came And Iacob lyued a straynger in the contrey of Cham. And the numbre of hys people God dyd encrease greatly And made them for theyr enimies to stronge and to myghtie Then turned he Thegyptians hertes to hate his people all That they myght studie by disceyte to make his seruantes thralle Then sent he Moses his seruant a man faythfull in dede And Aaron whom he had chosen his busines to spede These men wrought his wonderfull worckes emonge his enimies And his sygnes in the land of Cham before his peoples eies Then sent he suche a dearckenes that it made all thynges obscure Yet dyd these men neuer repugne his worde nor his pleasure Theyr waters he turned to bloude and slewe theyr fyshes all And the earth brought forth frogges that dyd in their kynges closetes crall And at his commaundment ther came on them all maner flyes And into all theyr coastes there came lysse far beyonde all syse And in steade of theyr swete suers he gaue them stormes of hayle And in theyr lande there rayned downe flammynge fier wythout faile He strake and destroyed theyr vynes and eke theyr fygge trees all And all the trees of theyr contreys wheron those stormes dyd falle At his commaundement also there came grassehoppars fell And many moe caterpyllars thē any man coulde tell These dyd deuour and eate vp quite al the grasse of theyr lande They dyd suffer no maner fruite vpon their grounde to stande In fyne he slewe al the first borne of theyr contrey certayne That is to saye euen the first fruites of all theyr myght and mayne Then led he forth his flocke