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A14189 Peters fall Two sermons vpon the historie of Peters denying Christ. Wherin we may see the causes of mans falling from God, and the manner how, both of the wicked thorough incredulitie, and of the godly by infirmitie: and also the way that God hath set downe in his worde to rise againe. By Iohn Vdall, preacher of the word of God at Kingston vpon Temmes. Udall, John, 1560?-1592. 1584 (1584) STC 24503; ESTC S101285 38,462 103

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with the rigorous dealing of the wicked Sodomites was constrayned to passe the compas of his religion to vse vnlawfull meanes to kéepe the strāgers whom he had lodged frō violēce offring his daughters to be vsed at their filthy pleasure So faithfull Abraham was cōpelled to make a lie for his owne safegard in the country of Gerar reporting his wife to be his sister because the inhabitants had not the feare of God before their eies Godlie Ioseph dwelling in Aegypt amongst the wicked through custome and long continuance was brought to break the chiefest point of his religion the worship of God to sweare by the life of Pharaoh holy Daniel by reason of continuall familiaritie with king Darius seruants vsed also that kinde of flattering spéech O King liue for euer Zealous Peter in this place abiding with godlesse persecuters is become a denier of his maister The consideration of this namely that the companie of the wicked is forcible to peruert euen the godly moued the wise man Salomon to giue his sonne this counsell Enter not into the way of the wicked walke not in the way of euill men and in another place Desire not to be with them It was a speciall precept set down to the Israelites that they should especially take héede that they make no couenant with the inhabitants of the land whether they went least they be the cause of theyr ruine But they little regarding this commandement made league with them therefore the punishment did also fall vpon them for the spirit of God saith they shall be as thornes in their sides and how sharply they pricked them it appeareth through the whole bookes of Iudges Samuel and the Kings King Asa because hée made a league with Benhadad King of Aran was therefore punished with warres all his life time But the example of Iosaphat the King of Iuda is notable to this purpose who because he ioyned with Achab being a wicked King they both were discomfited in battell The consideration of this moued the Apostle S. Paule to exhort the Church of God that they should marke those that made dissention and fly from their company and likewise S. Iohn that we should not bid them God spéed that is haue so little to doo with them that we should shew them no signe of familiaritie and surely he shewed an excellent example of the same himself for as we reade in the Ecclesiasticall historie he comming into a bath to wash him and espying the wicked and great heretike Cirin●hus in the same leaped backe suddenly and said to them that were with him let vs go hence least the Bath fall vpon vs wherein is Cirinthus the enemie of God and his truth The same in the foresaid storie is reported of Policarpus Saint Iohns scholler who méeting Martion in the face said nothing vnto him but when the proude heretike saide Doest thou not knowe vs he aunswered Yes I knowe thée to be the first begotten of Sathan To conclude the Prophet Ieremie lamenting his owne case that he should be reserued to liue in so wicked a time as that was protesteth that he did not sit in the assembly of mockers but sate alone Now if this infection be so daungerous that it ouertaketh the children of God if the spirit of God hath giuen vs so many caueats if the godly haue so warely looked vnto themselues to auoide it howe muche greater ought our care to be in this case because the infection is now more daungerous the plague more commō the euils more rise in all places And notwithstanding all these precepts and examples yet if we consider the trade of the world and dealing of the most in this respect we shall finde that it is a thing made indifferent and as it were at a mans choise to choose his familiaritie to marrie the daughters of God to the sonnes of men so that they be rich is thought no sinne that is if he that professeth the word of God match his daughter to an idolatrous Papist of sufficient lands and reuenues it is accounted no crime The man that is in the world a buier or a seller careth not with whome he make his match so that it be for his profite The gamester so that he may haue his pleasure in gaming careth not whether it be Turke or Iewe Gods seruant or Satans that beare him company Nay it is growen to that that Dauids sonne can not be nourtered aright vnlesse he be sent to Pharaohs Court The Marchaunt of England can not be rich inough vnlesse he make hys continuall abode in Spayne and suche other idolatrous nations where he can not continue without daily seruice vnto Baal The English Gentleman can not be sufficient ciuill vnlesse he go ouer into Italy to fetch home the practises of Machiuel And yet the prouerbe is not vnknowen in England though it did arise in Italy that an Englishman Italinate is a diuell incarnate Well the worde of God alloweth no such dealing but commaundeth the contrarie so that it behoueth all them that feare God to looke vnto themselues and if they finde their owne consciences accusing them in this respect that they reforme it and as for the other it will séeme but a mockerie vnto them but they shall beare their owne shame The Prophete Dauid béeing in straunge landes because he was banished from his owne Countrey by the rigorous dealing of King Saule lamented his owne estate saying Woe is me that I am constrained to dwel in Meshech and to haue mine aboade amongest the tentes of Cedar And the greate griefe that he had in his heart then moued him to pronounce the sparowes estate to be most happie to builde her nest neare to the Alter so great was his desire to go away from the wicked and to come thither where God is deuoutely serued I would to God that all they that haue any féeling and taste of Gods truth would haue that care in this respect that is expedient and so much the rather for that we be mingled so with Antichristians prophane persons Papists and others of Satans broode that we can not vtterly auoide them vnlesse as S. Paule saith we wil go out of the world yet for all that we ought to beare them aloofe to vse no familiaritie with them but séeke to adioine our selues to thē that feare God and surely if we obserue this order we knowe not what great good we may do euen to the wicked for he may by occasion thereof thinke thus with himselfe why do these men shun my companie what am I what foule enormitie is in me that they detest and I know I am a drunkard or I am a whoremonger or I am a swearer if men will not come neare me because of my sinne sure God will reiect me much rather therefore it is best for me to amend I am perswaded that where this order is obserued the
the necessitie of correction saith in the midst of his misery Blessed is the man whome God correcteth he maketh the wound and bindeth it vp he smiteth and hys handes maketh whole he shal deliuer thée in sixe troubles and in the seuenth the euill shal not touch thee The reason hereof is euident for that we by nature are of our selues so stout and so proude that without correctió we run on as an vntamed Heyfer Therefore the Lorde to reclaim vs vnto him vseth this school of his rodde to bring vs home with all least we should perish with the world And verilye if we had neyther example nor sentence in the whole booke of god yet our owne experience would sufficiently shewe this vnto vs moste plaine and euident For many there be that at the first when they are not setled in the warmth of this world but follow christ into woodes and desertes ouer Sea and lād neuer resting in one place then they be so zealous and forward in the cōbate against Sathā that they doo with great praise vnto Gods name and singular vtilitie vnto Christs Church procéede in their busines of godlines But when they come to sit downe at the warme fire of worldly wealth and be hedged in with promotions of this worlde then they be so clogged and cloyed therewith all that they séeme as far gone frō their integritie and zeale as Peter was when he sate by the fire But let them beware in what state they stand For when Peter came to that estate he was quicklye ouerthrowne And let all other that sée the same and be not guilty resist at the first entrāce of this cold stomach prouide preseruations restoratiues out of the worde of the Lorde Let vs pray The second Sermon Luke 22 56. And a certaine maide beheld him as he sat by the fire and hauing well looked on him saide This man was also with him c. ANd a certaine maid c. We haue séene the causes of his fall and howe by degrées he commeth to the fall it selfe For when once he had reiected Gods word was puffed vp in the perswasion of his owne power set amongst the wycked and swadled in the warmth of prosperitye what remayneth now for Peter but euen at al assaies and by euerye light occasion to denye his profession and forsweare hys maister And in trueth the first assaulte was not strong for it was but a woman a party very weak But indéed if she be bent to trouble Gods children very ready to compasse hir matters As we may sée in Iesabell Herodias Irene the Empresse and such like marke this well The highe Prieste persecuteth Christ his seruauntes apprehende him and bring him to their Maister yea and his maide also helpeth the matter forwarde Here we may sée the patron of a familie rightly disposed in his kind as is the maister so be his seruantes All agrée in this to persecute Christ and indéede it hath béene is and euer will bée that the wicked housholders yea the wicked Kinges haue had generally all their seruants and subiects of their own disposition Ahab being a wicked Kyng they did so generally follow him that Eliah thought onely himselfe to serue God and all the rest of the land to haue followed Baall So it was likewise in all the time of the wicked Kinges and so it is in all wicked housholders For if he be a Papist hys Seruantes be so or else they abide not wyth him long If he be a Neuter and care for no religion his seruantes are not kept in order and so they likewise become of the like condition so that the saying of Salomon is verified in this case if the Prince be giuen to lyes all his seruants are wycked And what haue we to learne by thys Surely a profitable doctrine for al them that haue gouernement of families that they fearing God and professing his Gospell beware that the chyldren of this world be not wiser in their generation than they that is that the wicked bée not founde more carefull to dispose their families to their owne humour than the Godly bée And I knowe not howe they can looke vnto thys better but by following the example of Dauid in choosing Seruauntes and of Abraham in teaching them For the prophet Dauid knowing that he should bée King casteth in his mynde a forehande what kynde of persons he wil retaine into his seruice Myne eyes saythe he shall bée vnto the faythful of the Land that they may dwell with me He that walketh in a perfecte waye he shall serue me There shall no deceitfull man dwell in my house he that telleth lies shall not remaine in my sight Thus we see what kinde of persons Dauid will haue This ought duely to be looked vnto of all them that doe professe the same God that he did but we shall sée it farre otherwise in the moste for so that he may serue his turne for that purpose wherevnto he will allot him It is not regarded whither he bée Papist or Atheist godlye or faythlesse whither his Religion be toward GOD or the diuell But Dauid had this consideration in hys mynde that none could do him faithfull seruice sauing they onely whose heartes were true to the Lord which is a thing most sure For well he may doo his duty for a time in hys calling but surely he will at length play the slipperye marchaunt wyth thée in one thyng or other Now to Abraham whome we must follow in instructing of our Seruauntes who at the commaundement of God did circumcise all the men children in hys familie they were no doubt of it wel instructed in the Religion of the Lorde that obeyed therevnto so willynglye without any resistaunce And therefore it is that the Lorde maketh this especiall reason why he should shewe the punishment intended agaynste Sodome and Gomorrah to Abraham because he knew that Abraham would commande his sonnes and his housholde after him that they kéepe the waye of the Lorde So that the thing whych we are to followe in Abraham is this that euerye householder be diligent to teach his seruants their duties out of Gods worde and trayne them vp in the feare of the Lord. It is a thing worthy to be marked that we finde diuers families in the scriptures conuerted vnto the Lord with their maisters as namely the captaine and the Jailer to shewe vnto vs that all the Seruauntes ought to bée taught the way of the Lord as well as their Maisters Well notwithstanding it was but a simple Gyrle yet Peter flatly saith I knewe not the man Peter had not such a politicke heade as the denyers nowe a dayes haue Those I meane that in harte and déede deny Christ but in worde deny him not For if you come to hym that is greatlye suspected of Poperye and knowne to haue béene of that stampe if he bée a formal fellow suche a one as will not stande to