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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13988 The whole booke of Psalmes collected into Englysh metre by T. Starnhold, I. Hopkins, & others, conferred with the Ebrue, with apt notes to synge the[m] with al ; faithfully perused and alowed according to thordre appointed in the Quenes Maiesties iniunctions ; very mete to be vsed of all sortes of people priuately for their solace & comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and ballades, which tende only to the norishing of vyce, and corrupting of youth.; Whole book of psalms. 1562 Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570. 1562 (1562) STC 2430; ESTC S1798 175,161 470

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for worne and old our realine as now doth stand verse 22 Let not the simple go away with disapointed shame But let the poore and nedye aye geue prayse vnto thy name verse 23 Ryse Lord let be by thee mainteined the cause that is thyne owne Remember how that thou blasphemde art by the folysh one verse 24 The voyce forget not of thy foes for they presumyng hie Is more and more encreast of those that hate thee spitefully Confitebimur tibi deus Psalm lxxv N. The faythfull doo prayse the name of the Lord whiche shall come to iudge at the time appoynted when the wicked shal be put to confusion and drynke of the cup of his wrath theyr prayer shall be abated the righteous shall be exaited to honor VNto the God we will geue thankes Sing this as the. rliiii psalme we will geue thankes to thee Sith thy name is so nere declare thy wondrous workes will we verse 2 I will vprightly iudge when get conuenient tyme I may The earth is weake and all therin but I her pillers stay verse 3 I did to thee mad people say deale not furiouslye And vnto the vngodliones set not your hornes so hie verse 4 I sayd vnto them set not vp your taysed hornes on hye And see that you doo with stiffe neck not speake presumptuously verse 5 For neyther from the eastern part nor from the westernside Nor from forsaken wildernes protection doth procede verse 6 For why the Lorde our God he is the righteous iudge alone He putteth downe the one and sets another in the throne verse 7 For why a cup of myghtye wyne is in the hand of God And all the myghtye wyne therin himself doth poure abrode verse 8 As for the lees and filthy dregges that doo remayne of it The wicked of the earth shall drinke and suck them euery whyt verse 9 But I will talke of God I say of Iacobs God therfore And will not cease to celebrate his prayse for euermore verse 10 In sunder breake the hornes of all vngodly men will I But then the hornes of righteous men shalbe exalted hye Gloria patri To father sonne and holy ghost all glory be therfore As in beginning was is now and shalbe euermore In Iudea Psalme Lxxvi I. H. This Psalme● setteth for the the power of God and care for the defence of hys people in Jerusalem in the destruction of the armie Senacherib And exhorteth the faythfull to be thankefull for the same TO all that now in Jury dwell Sing this as the lxix psa the Lorde is clerly knowen His name is great in Israell a people of his owne verse 2 At Salem he his tents hath pighte to tary there a space In sion eke he hathe delyghte to make his dwellyng place verse 3 And there he brake bothe shaft and bow the sworde the speare and shilde And brake the ray to ouerthrowe in battell on the fielde verse 4 Thou arte more worthy honour Lord more mighte in thee dothe lye Then in the strongest of the worlde that rob on mountayes hye verse 5 But now y e proud are spoyled through the and they are fallen on sleepe Through men of warre no helpe can be them selues they coulde not kepe verse 6 At thy rebuke O Iacobs God when thou doost them reproue As halfe in slepe theyr charets stoode no horsman once doth moue verse 7 For thou arte fearfull Lorde in dede what man the corage hathe To bide thy sight and doth not dreede when thou art in thy wrath verse 8 Whē thou dost make thy iudgmēts hard from heauen through the grounde Then al the earth full sore afearde in silence shalbe founde verse 9 And that when thou O God dost stand in iudgement for to speake To saue thafflicted of the lande on earth that are full weake verse 10 The fury that in man doth raygne shall tourne vnto thy prayse Hereafter Lorde doo thou restrayne theyr wrath and threates alwayes verse 11 Make voues paye them to your God ye folke that nigh him bee Bring giftes all ye that dwell abrode for dreedfull sure is he verse 12 For he doth take bothe lyfe and might from Princes great of birth And full of terroure is hys sighte to all the kinges on earth Voce mea ad dominum Psalm lxxvii IH The Prophet in the name of the churche rehearseth the greatnes of his affliction and his greuous temptation wherby he was driuen to thys end to consider his formore conuersacion the continuall cours of Gods worckes in the preseruation of his seruauntes and so he confirmeth his sayth agaynst these temptacyons I With my voyce to God do cry with harte and harty cheare my voyce to God I lyfte on hyghe and he my sute doth heare in tyme of grief I sought to God by nyght no rest I toke But stretcht my hands to him abrode my soule comfort forsoke verse 3 When I to thinke one God entend my troble then is more I spake but could not make an ende my breath was stopt so sore verse 4 Thou houldst myne eys alwayse from rest that I alwayes awake With feare am I so sore opprest my speche doeth me forsake verse 5 The dayes of olde in minde I cast and oft did thinke vpon The times and ages that are past full many yeares agon verse 6 By night my songes I call to mynde once made thy prayse to shew And with my hart much taulke I finde my spirites doth searche to knowe verse 7 Will God sayd I at once for all cast of his people thus So that hence for the no time he shall be frendly vnto vs. verse 8 What is hys goodnes cleane decayed for euer and aday Or is hys promise now delayde and doeth his truthe decaye verse 9 And will the Lorde our God forget his mercyes manifolde Or shall his wrath encrease so whot his mercy to with holde verse 10 At last I sayde my weakenes is the cause of this mistrust Gods mighty hand can healpe all thys and chaunge it when he lust verse 11 I will regarde and thinke vpon the workyng of the Lorde Of all his wonders past and gone I gladly will recorde verse 12 yea all his workes I will declare and what he did deuise To tell his factes I will not spare and eke his counsell wyse verse 13 Thy workes O Lorde are all vprghit and holy all abrod What one hath strēgth to match y e mighte of thee O Lorde our God verse 14 Thou art a God that oft dost show thy wonders euery hower And so doest make the people knowe thy vertue and thy power verse 15 And thine owne folke thou diddest defēd with strength and stretched arme The sonnes of Jacob that discend and Josephes seede from harme verse 16 16 The waters Lorde perceued thee the waters saw thee well And they for feare a side did flee the depthes on trembling fell verse 17 The clouds that were both thick black did rayne full plenteously The thonder in
I. H A notable deliueraunce of Hierusalem frō the handes of many kings is mentioned for the which thankes are giuen to God and the estate of that citie is praysed that hathe God so presently at all tymes redye to defende them this Psalme semeth to be made in the tyme of Ahaz Iosaphat Asa or Ezechia for in their times chiefly was the citie by forayne Prynces assaulted GReat is the Lorde and with greate prayse Sing this as the. xlvi psalme to be aduaunced styll Within the citie of our Lorde vpon hys holy hyll Mount Sion is a plesant place it gladdeth all the lande The cytie of the myghty kynge on her northside doth stande Within the pallaces therof God is a refuge knowen For loe the kings were gathered and together eke were gone But when they did beholde it so they wondred and they weare Astonyed muche and sodenly were driuen backe with feare Great terrour there on them did falle for euery wo they crye As doth a woman when she shall go trauayle by and by As thou with esterne winde the shippes vpon the sea doest breake So they were stayd and euen as we harde oure fathers speake So in the citie of the Lorde we saw as it was tolde yea in the citie which oure Lorde for euer will vpholde O Lorde we wayte and doo attende on thy good helpe and grace For whiche we doo all times attende within thy holly place O Lorde according to thy name for euer is thy prayse And thy ryght hand O Lord is full of rightuousnes alwayes Let for thy iudgements Sion mounte full filled be with ioyes And eke of Iuda graunt O Lorde the daunger to reioyse Goe walke about all Syon hyll yea rounde about her go And tell the towres that theruppon are bilded in a rowe And marke ye well her bulwarks all beholde her towres there That ye may tell therof to them that after shalbe here For this God is our God our God for euermore is he yea and vnto the death also our guider shall he be Audite haec omnes Psal. xlix T. S. The holy Ghost calleth all mē to the consideration of mans lyft shewing them not to be most happye that are most wealthy and therefore not to be feared but contrariwyse he lifteth vp our mindes to consider how al thinges are ruled by gods prouidence who as he iudgeth these worldly miseryes to euerlastyng torments so doeth he preserue his will rewarde them in the day of the resurrection i. Thes. i. ALl people herken and geue eare Sing this as the. xlv psalme To that that I shall tell Both high and low both riche and poore that in the worlde doo dwell verse 3 For why my mouth shall make discourse of many thynges right wise In vnderstanding shall my hart his study exercise verse 4 I will inclyne myne eare to knowe the parables so darke And open all my doubtfull speache in metre on my harpe verse 5 why should I feare afflictions or any carefull toyle Or els my foes whiche at my heles are prest my life to spoyle verse 6 For as for suche as ryches haue wherin their trust is most And they which of their treasures greate them selues doo bragge and boast verse 7 There is not one of them that can his brothers death redeme Or that can geue a price to God sufficient for hym verse 8 It is to great a pryce to pay none can therto attayne verse 9 Or that he might his lyfe prolong or not in graue remayne verse 10 They see wise men as well as foles subiect vnto deathes handes And beyng dead straungers possesse theyr goods theyr rentes their lāds verse 11 Theyr care is to builde houses fayre and so determine sure To make their name right great in earth for euer to endure verse 12 Yet shall no man alwayes enioy high honor wealth and rest But shall at length tast of deathes cup as well as the brute beast The seconde parte verse 13 And though they try these folish thoughts to be most leud and vayne Theyr children yet approue theyr talke and in like sinne remayne verse 14 As shepe into the folde are brought so shall they into graue Death shall them eate and in that day the iust shall Lordship haue Their image and theyr royall port shall fade and quite decay When as from house to pit they passe with wo and weale away verse 15 But God will surely preserue me from death and endles payne Because he will of his good grace my soule receyue agayne verse 16 If any man waxe wonderous riche feare not I say therfore Although the glory of his house increaseth more and more verse 17 17 For when he dieth of all these thinges nothing shall he receyue His glory will not folow hym his pompe will take her leaue verse 18 Yet in this lyfe he takth him selfe the happiest vnder sunne And others likewise flatter him saying all is well done verse 19 And presuppose he liue as long as did his fathers olde Yet must he nedes at length geue place and be brought to deathes fold verse 20 Thus man to honor God hath calde yet doth he not consider But like brute beastes so dothe he lyue whiche turne to dust and pouder Deus deorum Psalme L. I. H. He prophecieth how God will call all nations by the Gospell and require no other sacrifices of his people but confession of his benefites and thankes geuyng and how he detesteth all such as seme zelous of Ceremonies and not of the pure worde of God onely THe god of Gods the lord hath calde the earth by name from where the sonne doth rise vnto the setting of the same Frō Syon hys faire place hys glory bryght and cleare The perfect beutye of his grace from thence it did appeare verse 3 Our God shall come in haste to speake he shall not doubte Before him shall the fire waste and tempest rounde aboute verse 4 The heauens from on hye the earth below lykewise He will call forth to iudge and try his folke he doeth deuise verse 5 Bring forth my sainctes sayth he my faithfull flocke so dere Which are in band and league with me my lawe to loue and feare verse 6 And when these thinges are tried the heauens shall recorde That God is iust and all must byde the iudgment of the Lorde verse 7 My people O geue heede Israell to thee I crye I am thy God thy healpe at neede thou canst it not denye verse 8 I doo not say to thee thy sacrifice is slacke Thou offrest dayly vnto me muche more then I doo lacke verse 9 Thinkest thou that I doo nede thy cattell yonge or olde Or ells so muche desire to feede on goates out of thy foulde verse 10 Naye all the beastes are mine in woodes that eate their filles And thousands more of nete and kine that runne wilde in the hilles verse 11 The birdes that builde on hie In hilles and oute of sight And the beastes that in the
thou art my fence and fort verse 4 Saue me my God from wicked men and from theyr strength and powre From folke vniuste and eke from them that cruelly deuoure verse 5 Thou art the stay wherin I trust thou Lorde of hosts art he Yea from my youth I had a lust still to depend on thee verse 6 Thou hast me kept euen from my birth and I through thee was borne wherfore I will thee prayse with mirth bothe euening and morne verse 7 As to a monster seldome seen muche folke about me thronge But thou art now and still hast bene my fence and ayde so stronge verse 8 Wherfore my mouth no time shall lacke thy glory and thy prayse And eke my tong shall not be slack to honor thee alwayse verse 9 Refuse not me O Lorde I say when age my limmes doth take And when my strength doth wast away doo not my soule forsake verse 10 Amonge themselues my foes enquire to take me through deceyt And they agaynst me doo conspire that for my soule layd wayt The second parte verse 11 Lay hand and take hym now they sayd for God from him is gone Dispatch him quyte for to hys ayde iwis there commeth none verse 12 Doo not absent thy self away O Lorde when nede shalbe But that in time of grief thou may in hast geue helpe to me verse 13 With shame confound and ouerthrowe all those that seke my lyfe Oppres them with rebukes also that fayne would worke me stryfe verse 14 But I wilpatienly abide thy helpe in all assayes Still more and more ec he time and tide I will set forth thy prayse verse 15 My mouth thy iustice shall recorde that dayly helpe doth sende But of thy benefyts O Lorde I knowe no compt nor ende verse 16 Yet will I goo and seke forth one with thy Good helpe O God The sauing health of thee alone to shew and set abrode verse 17 For of my youth thou tokest the care and dost instruct me styll Therfore thy wonders to declare I haue great minde and will verse 18 And as in youth from wanton rage thou didst me kepe and stay Forsake me not vnto mine age and tyll my head be gray verse 19 That I thy strength might may show to them that now be here And that our sede thy power may know hereafter many a yere verse 20 O Lord thy iustice doth excede thy doinges all may see Thy workes are wonderfull in dede oh who is lyke to thee verse 21 Thou madest me fele afflictions sore and yet thou didst me saue yea thou didst helpe and me restore and take me from the graue verse 23 23 And thou mine honor dost encrease my dignitie maintayne yea thou dost make all grief to cease and comfort me agayne verse 24 Therfore thy faithfulnes to prayse I will bothe lute and sing My harp shall sound thy laude alwayes O Israels holy king verse 25 My mouth will ioy with pleasant voyce when I shall sing to thee And eke my soule will muche reioyce for thou hast made me free verse 26 My tonge thy vprightnes shall sounde and speake it dayly still For grief and shame do them confounde that sought to worck me ill Deus iudicium tuum Psal. lxxi I. H. He prayeth that the kingdom of God by Christ may come vnder the parson of Salomen vnder whom shall be rightuousnes peace felicitie vnto whom all kinges and all nations shall doo homage whose name and power shall in dure for euer LOrd geue thy iudgmēts to the kyng therin instruct him well And with his sonne that Princely thyng Lorde let thy iustyce dwell That he may gouerne vp ryghtly And rule thy folke a ryghte and so defende throughe equitie the poore that haue no myght verse 3 And let the mountains that are hye vnto their folke geue peace And eke let litle hils applye in iustice to encrease verse 4 That he may help the weake and pore with ayde and make them stronge And eke destroy for euermore all those that doo them wrong verse 5 And then from age to age shall they regarde and feare thy might So long as Sunne doth shine by daye or els the moone by night verse 6 Lorde make the king vnto the iust like rayne to fields new mowen And like to droppes that lay the dust and fresh the land vnsowen verse 7 The iust shall florish in his time and all shalbe at peace Untill the mone shall leaue to prime wast chaunge and to encrease verse 8 He shalbe Lorde of sea and sand from shore to shore throughout And from the flouds within the land through all the earth about verse 9 The people that in desert dwell shall knele to him full thick And all hys enemies that rebell the earth and dust shall lyck verse 10 Their Lordes of all the yles therby great giftes to him shall bryng The kings of Sabe and Arabie geue many a costly thyng The second parte verse 11 All kinges shall seke with one accord in his good grace to stand And all the people of the world shall serue him at his hande verse 12 For he the neady sort doth saue that vnto him doo call And eke the simple folke that haue no helpe of man at all verse 13 He taketh pitie on the poore that are with nede opprest He doth preserue them euermore and bring their soules to rest verse 14 He shall redeme theyr lyfe from dread from fraud fom wrong from might And eke the bloud that they shall blead is precious in his sight verse 15 But he shall lyue and they shall bryng to him of Sabaes golde He shalbe honored as a kyng and dayly be extold verse 16 The mightie mountaines of his land of corne shall beare such throng That it lyke Cedre trees shal stand in Libanus full long verse 17 Their cities eke full well shall spede the frutes therof shall pas In plenty it shall far excede and spring as grene as grasse verse 18 For euer they shall prayse his name while that the sunne is lyght And think them happy through the same all folke shall bles his myght verse 19 Praise ye the Lord of hostes and sing to Israels God eche one For he doth euery wondrous thing yea he him self alone verse 20 And blessed be his holy name all times eternally That all the earth may prayse the same Amen Amen say I. Quam bonus deus Psal. lxxiii T. S. The prophet teacheth by his example that neyther the worldly prosperitie of the vngodlye nor yet the affliction of the good ought to discourage Gods children but rather ought to moue vs to consider oure fathers prouidence and to cause vs to reuerence Gods iudgementes for asmuche as the wicked vanysh away like smoke and the vngodly enter into lyfe euerlastyng in hope wherof he resigneth himselfe into Gods handes HOw euer it be yet God is good Sing this as the. xliiii psalme and kynde to Israell And to all suche as safely kepe theyr conscience
The hie hilles are succours for wilde goates to rest And eke the rocks stonye for conyes to hyde verse 19 The moone then is set her seasons to runne The dayes from the nightes therby to discearne And by thee descending also of the sunne The colde from heate alway therby we do learne verse 20 When darkenes doth come by Gods will and power Then crepe forth doo all the beastes of the wood verse 21 21 The lions range roaring their pray to deuoure But yet it is thou Lord which giuest them foode verse 22 Assone as the sunne is vp they retyre To touche in theyr dennes then are they full fayne verse 23 That man doo his worke may as right doth require Till night come and call him to take rest agayne The thirde parte verse 24 How sondry O Lorde are all thy workes founde With wisdom full great they are in dede wrought So that the whole worlde of thy prayse doth sounde And as for thy ryches they passe all mens thought verse 25 So is the great sea which large is and broade Where thinges that crepe swarme and beastes of eche sorte verse 26 There both mightie shippes saile and some lye at roade The whale huge and monstrous there also doth sporte verse 27 All thinges on thee wayte thou doest them relieue And thou in due tyme full well doest them fede verse 28 28 Now when it doth please thee the same so to geue They gather full gladly those thinges which they nede Thou openest thyne hand and they finde suche grace That they with good thinges are filled we see verse 29 But sore are they troubled if thou turne thy face For if thou their breath take vile dust then they be verse 30 Againe when thy sprite from thee doth procede All things to appoint and what shall insue Then are they created as thou hast decreed And doest by thy goodnes the drye earth renew verse 31 The prayse of the Lorde for euer shall last Who may in his workes by right well reioyce verse 32 His loke can the earth make to tremble full fast And likewise the mountains to smoke at his voyce verse 33 To thys Lorde and God sing will I alwayes So longe as I liue my God prayse wyll I verse 34 Then am I most certayne my wordes shall him please I will reioyce in him to him will I cry verse 35 The sinners O Lorde consume in thine ire And eke the peruerse them roote out with shame But as for my soule now let it still desire And say with the faithful prayse ye the Lordes Name Confitemini domino Psalm Cv. N. He prayseth the singuler goodnes of God who hathe of all the people of the worlde chosen a peculier people to him selfe and hauyng chosen them neuer ceaseth to doo them good euen for his promes sake GEue prayses vnto God the Lorde and call vpon his name Among the people eke declare his workes to spred his fame Sing this as the. lxxxxv Singye vnto the Lorde I say and sing vnto him prayse And talke of all the wondrous workes that he hath wrought alwayes In honor of his holy name reioyse with one accorde And let the hart also reioyse of them that seke the Lorde Seke ye the Lord and seke the strength of his eternall might And seke his face continually And presence of his sight The wondrous works that he hath don kepe still in mindfull hart Ne let the iugements of his mouth out of your minde depart Ye that of faithfull Abraham his seruant are the sede ye his elect the children that of Iacob doo procede For he he only is I say the myghty Lord our God And his most rightfull iugements are through all the earth abrode His promise and his couenant whiche he hath made to his He hath remembred euermore to thousandes of degrees The. ii parte The couenant which he hath made with Abraham long agoe And faithfull othe which he hath sworne to Isaac also And did confirme the same for law that Iacob should obey And for eternall couenant to Israell foray when thus he said loe I to you all Canaan land will geue The lot of your inheritance wherin your sede shall lyue Although their number at that tyme did very small appeare yea very small and in the land they then but strangers were Whyle yet they walkt from land to lande without a sure abode And while fro sondry kingdomes they did wander all abrode And wrong at none oppressers hand he suffred them to take But euen the great and mighty kinges reproued for their sake And thus he sayd touche ye not those that mine anoynted be Ne doo the prophets any harme that doo pertayne to me He calld a dearth vpon the land of death he stroyed the store But he against their time of nede had sent a man before The third parte Euen Ioseph which had once ben solde to liue a slaue in woe Whose feete they hurt in stocks whose soule the iron pearst also Untill the tyme came when his cause was knowne apparantly The mighty word of God the Lord his faultles truth did trye The king sent and deliuerd him from prison where he was The ruler of the people then did freely let hym pas And ouer all hys house he made him Lorde to beare the swey and of his substance made him haue the rule and all the stay That he might to his will instruct the princes of his land And wisdomes lore his auncyent men might teache to vnderstand Then into the Egiptian land came Israell also And Iacob in the land of Ham did liue a straunger thoo His people he excedingly in number made to flowe And ouer all their enemies in strength he made them growe whose hart he turnd that they with hate his people did entreate And did his seruantes wrongfully Abuse with false deceite His faithfull seruant Moses then and Aaron whom he chose He did commaund to goe to them his message to disclose The wondrous message of his signes among them they did shewe And wonders in the land of Ham then did they worke also Darknes he sent and made it darke in dede of brighter day And vnto his commission they did not disobey He turnd theyr waters into bloud he did their fishes slay Their land brought frogs euē in y t place where their king Pharao lay He spake and at his voyce there came great swarmes of noysome flyes And all the quarters of theyr land were filld with crauling lyse He gaue them colde and stony hayle in stede of milder rayne And firy flames within theyr land he sent vnto theyr payne He smote their vines and al theyr trees wheron their figges did growe And all the trees within their coastes downe did he ouerthrowe He spake then caterpillers did and greshoppers abound Which eate the grasse in all their land and frute of all their ground The. v. parte The first begotten in their land eke deadly did he smite yea the beginning and first
9 The man also that I did trust Actes l c Heb. he lifte by his hele against me or vsed deceitand therfore Iacob had hys name by taking by the heele and deceyuing Gene 15 ● 17● with me did vse disceite who at my table eat my bread the same for me layd wayte verse 10 Haue merry Lorde on me therfore and let me be preserude That I may render vnto them the things they haue deserude verse 11 By this I know assuredly to be beloued of thee When that mine enemies haue no cause to triumph ouer me verse 12 But in my right thou hast me kept and maintained alway And in thy presence place assignde where I shall dwell for aye verse 13 The Lorde the God of Israell be praysed euermore Euen so be it Lord will I say euen so be it therfore Quemadmodum desiderat Psal. xlii I. H The Prophet greuously complaynech that being letted by his persecutours he could not be present in the congregation of Gods people protesting that although he was seperate in body from them yet his harte was thither affectioned And last of all he sheweth that he was not so far ouercomen with these sorowes and thoughtes but that be continually put his confidence in the Lord. LIke as the hart doth breath and bray the well springs to obteyne Sing this as the. xxxv psa So doth my soule desire alway with thee Lorde to remayne verse 2 My soule doth thirst would draw nere the liuing God of might O when shall I come and appeare in presence of his sight verse 3 The teares all times are my repast which from mine eyes do slide When wicked men cry out so fast where nowe is God thy guide verse 4 Alas what grief is it to thinke what fredome once I had Therfore my soule as at pits brinke is moste heauy and sad When I did marche in good aray furnished with my trayne Unto the temple was our way with songes and harts most fayne verse 5 My soule why art thou sad alwayes and freatst thus in my brest Trust still in God for him to prayse I holde it euer best By him haue I succour at nede against all payne and grief He is my God which with all spede will hast to sende relyef verse 6 And this my soule within me Lorde doth faint to thinke vpon The lande of Iordan and record the little hill Hermon verse 7 One grief an other in doth call as cloudes burst out theyr voyce The floudes of euill that doo fall runne ouer me with noyce God tryeth his children by dyuers and often afflictions verse 8 Yet I by day felt his goodnes and helpe at all assayes Lykewise by night I did not cease the liuyng God to prayse verse 9 I am perswaded thus to say to him with pure pretence O Lorde thou art my guide and stay my rocke and my defence Why doo I then in pensiuenes hanging the head thus walke While that mine enemies me oppres and vexe me with their talke verse 10 For why they pearse myne inward parts with panges to be abhord When they cry out with stubburne harts where is thy God thy Lorde verse 11 So sone why doest thou faint and quayle my soule with paines opprest with thoughts why dost thy self assayle so sore within my brest verse 12 Trust in the Lorde thy God alwayes and thou the time shalt see To geue him thanks with laud and praise for health restorde to thee Iudica me deus Psalme xliii T. S He prayeth to be deliuered from them whiche conspire with Absolō to thend that he might ioyfully prayse God in his holy congregatiō IUdge and reuenge my cause O Lorde From them that euell be Sing this as the. xxxv psalme From wicked and deceitfull men O Lorde delyuer me verse 2 For of my strength thou art the God why puttest thou me thee fro And why walke I so heauily oppressed with my fo verse 3 Send out thy lyght and eke thy trueth and leade me with thy grace which may conduct me to thy hyll and to thy dwellyng place verse 4 Then shal I to the aultar go of God my ioy and cheare And on my harpe geue thankes to thee O God my God most deare verse 5 Why art thou then so sad my soule and fretst thus in my brest Still trust in God for hym to prayse I holde it alwayes best By him I haue deliueraunce against all paines and grief He is my God which doth alwayes at nede sende me relief Deus auribus nostris Psal. xliiii T. S. A moste earnest prayer made in the name of the faithfull when they are afflicted by theyr enemies for sustayning the quarell of gods word accordyng to the exposition of S. Paule Roma viii OUr eares haue hard our fathers tel reuerently recorde the wondrous works y e thou hast done in alder time O Lorde How thou didst cast the Gentils out stroyost them with strong hand planting our fathers in theyr place gauest to them their land verse 3 They conquered not by sword nor strength the land of thy behest But by thy hande thy arme and grace because thou louedst them best verse 4 Thou art my king O God that holpe Iacob in sundry wyse verse 5 Led with thy power we threwe downe suche as did against vs rise verse 6 I trusted not in bow ne sword they could not saue me sounde verse 7 Thou kept vs from our enemies rage thou didst oure foes confound verse 8 And still we beast of thee our God and prayse thy holy name verse 9 Yet now thou goest not with our host Selah but leauest vs to shame verse 10 Thou madest vs flee before our foes and so were ouer trode Our enemies robde spoilde our goods when we were sparst abrode verse 11 Thou hast vs geuen to our foes as shepe for to be slayne Amongst the Heathen euery where scartered we doo remayne verse 12 Thy people thou hast sold like slaues and as a thyng of nought For proffit none thou hadst therby no gayne at all was sought verse 13 And to our neyghbours thou hast made of vs a laughing stocke And those that round about vs dwell at vs doo grinne and mocke The secōd parte verse 14 Thus we serue for none other vse but for a common talke They mock they scorn and nod their heds where euer they go or walke verse 15 I am a shamd continually to heare these wicked men Yea so I blush that all my face with red is couered then verse 16 For why we heare such sclaundrous words suche false report and lyes That death it is to see their wronges their threatnings and their cryes verse 17 For all this we forgot not thee nor yet thy couenant brake verse 18 We turn not back our harts from thee nor yet thy pathes forsake verse 19 Yet thou hast trod vs downe to dust where dennes of dragons be And couered vs with shade of death and great aduersitie verse 20 If we had our Gods name
forgot and helpe of idols sought verse 21 Would not god then haue tried this out for he doth know our thought verse 22 Nay nay for thy names sake O Lorde alwayes are we slaine thus Aa shepe vnto the shambles sent right so they deale with vs. verse 23 Up Lorde why slepest thou awake and leaue vs not for all verse 24 Why hidest thou thy countenaunce and dost forget our thrall verse 25 For downe to dust our soule is brought and we now at last cast Our belly lyke as it were glude vnto the ground cleaueth fast verse 26 Rise vp therfore for our defence and helpe vs Lorde at nede We thee bese the for thy goodnes to rescue vs with spede Eructauit Psalme xlv I. H. The maiestie of Salomon hys honour strengthe beauty riches and power are praysed and also hys maryage with the Egiptian being an Heathen woman to blessed if that she can renounce her people and thē loue other contrey and geue her selfe wholy to her husbande Under the whyche ●ygu●e the wonderfull maiestie ▪ and the increase of the kingdome of Christe and the Churche hys spouse now taken of the genuies is described MY hart doth now take in hande Sing this as the. xxv psa Some godly songe to singe Thy prayse I shall shew therin perteyneth to the kynge verse 2 My tounge shalbe as quicke his honor to endite As is the pen of any scribe that vseth faste to wryte verse 3 O fayrest of all men thy speache is pleasaunt pure For God hathe blessed thee with giftes for euer to endure verse 4 Aboute thee girde thy sworde O prince of might elect With honour glory and renoume thy person pure is dect verse 5 Go forth with godly speede in mekenes truth and ryght And thy ryght hand shall thee instruct in workes of dredfull might verse 6 Thyne arrowes sharpe and kene theyr harts so sore shall stinge That folke shall fall and knele to thee yea all thy foes O kynge verse 7 Thy royall seate O Lorde for euer shall remayne Because the scepter of thy realme doth righteousnes maintaine verse 8 Because thou louest the ryghte and dost the ill detest God euen thy God hath pointed thee with ioy aboue the rest verse 9 With mirth and sauours swete thy clothes ar all be spreade when thou dost from thy palace pas wherin to make thee glad verse 10 Kinges doughters doo attend in fine and riche araye At thy right hand the queene doth stand in goulde and garments gaye The second parte verse 11 O doughter take good heede enclyne and geue good eare Thou must forget thy kindred all and fathers house most dere verse 12 Then shall the king desire Thy beuty fayer and trim For why he is the Lorde thy God and thou must worship hym verse 13 The doughters then of Tire with giftes full riche to see And all the welthy of the lande shall make theyr sute to thee verse 14 The daughter of the king is glorious to beholde within his closet she doth sitte all dect in beaten goulde verse 15 In robes well wrought with needle with many a pleasaunt thyng With virgins faier on her to waighte she cometh to the king verse 16 16 Thus are they brought with Ioy and mirth on euery side Into the palace of the king and there doo they abide verse 17 In stede of parents lefte O quene the chaunge so standes Thou shalt haue sōnes whō thou maist set as princes in all landes verse 18 Wherfore thy holy name all ages shall recorde The people shall geue thankes to thee for euer more O Lorde Deus noster refugium Psalm xlvi I. H. A songe of thankes geuyng for the delyueraunce of Ierusalem after Senacherib with hys army was driuen awaye or some otherlyke so dayne and maruelous delyueraunce by the myghtye hande of God Whereby the Prophet commendyng thys greate benefyte dothe exhorte the faythfull to geue them selues wholy into the hande of God doubtyng nothyng but that vnder hys protection they shalbe safe agaynste all the assaultes of theyr enemyes THe Lorde is oure defence and ayde the strength wherby we stand when we with wo are muche dismaide he is our helpe at hand Though thearth remoue we will not feare though hilles so high stepe be thrust and hurled heare and there within the sea so depe verse 3 No though the waues doo rage so sore that all the bankes it spilles And though it ouer flow the shore and beate downe mightye hilles verse 4 For one fayer floud doth send abrode his pleasaunt streames a pace To fresh the citie of our God and wash his holy place verse 5 In middest of her the Lord doth dwel she can no whit decaye All thinges against her that rebel the Lord will truly staye verse 6 The heathen flocke the kingdoms feare the people make a noyse The earth doth melte and not appeare when God puttes forth his voyce verse 7 The Lord of hostes doth take our part to vs he hath an eye Our hope of health with all our hart on Iacobes God doeth lye verse 8 Come here see with mind thought the working of our God what wonders he him self hath wrought through out the earth abrod verse 9 By him all warres are husht and gone which countres did conspire Their bowes he brake speares echone theyr Charets brent with fier verse 10 Leaue of therfore saith he and know I am a God most stoute Among the heathen high and low and all the earth throughoute verse 11 The Lorde of hostes doeth vs defend he is our strength and tower On Iacobs God doo we depend and on his mighty power Omnes gentes Psalme xlvii I. H. The prophet exorteth all people to the worship of the true and euerliuing God commending the mercyes of God towarde the posteritie of Jacob and after prophecieth of the kingdome of Christ in this tune of the Gospell YE people all in one accorde clappe handes and eke reioyce Sing this as the. xlvi Psa Be glad and sing vnto the Lorde with swete and pleasaunt voyce verse 2 2 For hie the Lorde and dredfull is with wonders manifolde A mighty kynge he is truly in all the earthe extolde verse 3 The people shall he make to be vnto our bondage thrall And vnderneth our fete he shall the nations make to fall verse 4 For vs the heritage he chose whiche we possesse alone The flouring worship of Iacob hys welbeloued one verse 5 Our God ascended vp on hye with ioy and pleasaunt noyce The Lorde goeth vp aboue the skye with trompets royall voyce verse 6 Sing prayse to God sing prayse sing prayses to our kynge For God is king of all the earth all skilfull prayses syng verse 7 God on the heathen reignes and sittes vpon his holy throne The princes of the people haue them ioyned euery one verse 8 To Abrams people for our God whiche is exalted hye Us with a buckler doth defende the earth continually Magnus dominus Psal. xlviii
straunge sorts declareth him self to them And therfore Gods church by reason of his promises graces and victoryes doth excell without comparyson alworldly thyngs he exhorteth therfore all men to praise God for euer LEt God aryse and then his foes wil turn them selues to flyght His enmies then will runne abrode and scatter out of syght as the fire doth melt y e wax wind blow smoke awaye so in the presence of y e lord the wicked shal decay verse 3 But righteous men before the Lorde shall hartely reioyce They shalbe glad and mery all and chearefull in their voice verse 4 Sing prayse sing prayse vnto the Lord who rideth on the skie Extoll this name of Iah our God and him do magnifie verse 5 That same is he that is aboue within his holy place That father is of fatherles and iudge of widowes case verse 6 Houses he geuth and issue bothe vnto the comfortles He bringeth bondmen out of thrall and rebelles to distres verse 7 When thou diddest march before thy folk the Egiptians from among And brought thē through the wildernes whiche was both wide and long verse 8 Thearth did quake y e rain powred downe heard were great claps of thunder The mount Sinai shoke in such sort as it would cleaue a sunder verse 9 Thine heritage with drops of rayne aboundantly was washt And if so be it baren waxt by thee it was refresht verse 10 Thy chosen flock doth there remayne thou hast preparde that place And for the pore thou dost prouide of thine especiall grace The second parte verse 11 God will geue women causes iust to magnifye his name When as his people triumphes make and purchase brut and fame verse 12 For puissant kinges for all their power shall flee and take the foyle And women whiche remayne at home shall helpe to part the spoyle verse 13 And though you were as black as pots your hew should pas the doue whose winges and fethers seme to haue Or triuets siluer and gold aboue verse 14 when in this land God shall triunphe ouer kynges bothe hyge and lowe Then shall it be lyke Salmon hyll as whyte as any snowe verse 15 Though Basan be a frutefull hyll The church of God doth excel all worldly thinges not in outward pomp but by the grace of God whyche there remaynth because of his promise and in heyght others pas Yet Sion Gods most holy hyll doth farre excell in grace verse 16 why brag ye thus ye hils most high and leape for pride together This hill of Sion God doth loue and there will dwell for euer verse 17 Gods army is two millions of warriours good and strong The Lorde also in Sinai is present them among verse 18 Thou didst O Lord ascend on high and captiues led them all whiche in times past thy chosen flock in prison kept and thrall Thou madst them tribute for to paye God toke not taxes to enriche himselfe but to bestow them on his churche and therfore in the nu to the●he S. Paule saith he gaue gifts folowing the grek translatiō Se●●th and suche as did repine Thou didst subdue that they might dwell in thy temple deuine verse 19 Now praysed be the Lord for that he powreth on vs suche grace From day to day he is the God of our health and solace The thirde parte verse 20 He is the God from whom alone saluation commeth playne He is the God by whom we scape all daungers death and payne verse 21 Thus god wil wound his enemies head and breake the heary scalpe Of those that in theyr wickednes continually doo walke verse 22 From Basan will I brynge sayd he my people and my shepe He meanth the victory whiche Dauid had of Og. king of Basan And all mine owne as I haue done from daunger of the depe verse 23 And make them dip theyr fete in bloud of those that hate my name And dogs shal haue theyr tongs embrude with licking of the same verse 24 All men may see how thou O God thyne enemies dost deface And how thou goest as God and kyng into thy holy place verse 25 The singers goo befrre with ioy the minstrels folow after And in the midst the damsels play with timbrell and with taber verse 26 Now in thy congregations O Israell prayse the Lord And Iacobs whole posteritie geue thankes with one accorde verse 27 27 Their chief was little Beniamin Because he was the yōgest of the Patriarches Iacobs sonnes he callech hym lytell Beniamin but Iuda made theyr host with Zabulon and Neptalim whiche dweld about theyr cost verse 28 As God hathe geuen powre to thee so Lorde make firme and sure The thing that thou hast wrought in vs for euer to indure verse 29 And in thy temple giftes will we geue vnto thee O Lorde For thyne vnto Ierusalem sure promise made by word The for the parte Yea and straunge kings to vs subdued shall doo lyke in those dayes I meane to thee they shall present theyr gifts of laude and prayes verse 30 He shall destroy the spear mens rancks these calues and bulles of myght And cause them tribute pay and daunt all suche as loue to fyght verse 31 Then shall the Lordes of Egipt come and presents with them bryng The mores most black shall stretch their hāds vnto their lord and king verse 32 Therfore ye kingdomes of the earth geue prayse vnto the Lorde Sing Psalmes to God with one cōsent therto let all accorde verse 33 who though he ryde and euer hath aboue the heauens bryght Yet by the fearfull thunder claps men may well know hys myght verse 34 Therfore the strength of Israell ascribe to God on hie whose mighte and power doth far extēd aboue the cloudy skye verse 35 O God thy holines and power is dread for euermore The God of Israell geueth vs strength praysed be God therfore Saluum me fac domine Psalm lxix I. H The complayntes prayers feruent zele and great anguish of Dauid is set forth as a figure of Chryst and all hys membres the malicious crucitye of thenemies and theyr punishment also where Iudas and suche traytours are accursed Then gathered he courage in hys affliction and offereth prayses vnto God whych are more acceptable then all sacrifyces wherof all the afflicted may take comforte Finallye he doth prouoke all creatures to prayses prophecying of the kyngdome of Chryst and the buildyng of Iuda where all the faythful and their sede shall dwell for euer SAue me O God that with spede the waters flowe full fast So nie my soule doo they procede that I am sore agast I sticke full depe in filthe and clay wheras I fele no ground I fall into suche flouds I say that I am like be drounde verse 3 With crying oft I faynt and quayle my throte is horse and drye With loking vp my sight doth fayle for helpe to God on hye verse 4 My foes that giltles doo oppres my soule with hate are led In number sure they
mind his couenant which he to them had swore And by his mercies multitude repented him therfore And fauour he them made to finde before the sight of those That led them captiue from their land when erst they were their foes Saue vs O Lorde that art our God saue vs O Lord we pray And from among the Heathen folke Lorde gather vs away That we may spred the noble prayse of thy most holy name That we may glory in thy prayse and sounding of thy fame The Lorde the God of Israell be blest for euermore Let all the people say Amen prayse ye the Lord therfore Confitemini domino Psalme Cvii VV. K. The Prophet exhorteth all those that are redemed by the Lord and gathered vnto hym to geue thankes for this mercyfull prouidence of God gouerning all thynges at his good pleasure sending good and euill prosperitie and aduersitie to bryng men vnto him Therfore as the righteous thereat reioyce so shall the wicked haue their mouthes stopped GEue thankes vnto the Lorde our God Sing this as the. xxix Psal. for gratious is he And that his mercy hath none ende all mortall men may se. verse 2 Suthe as the Lorde redemed hathe with thanks should prayse his name And shew how they from foes wet fred and yow he wrought the same verse 3 He gathered them forth of the landes that lay so farre about From East to west from north to south his hand did finde them out verse 4 They wandred in the wildernes and strayed from the way And founde no citie where to dwell that serue might for theyr stay verse 5 Whose thirst and honger was so great in these desertes so voyde That faintnes did them sore assalt and eke their soules anoyde verse 6 Then did they crye in their distres vnto the Lorde for ayde Who did remoue their troublous state according as they prayde verse 7 And by that way which was most right be led them like a guide That they might to a citie go and there also abide verse 8 Let men therfore before the Lorde confes his goodnes then And shew the wonders that he doth before the sonnes of men verse 9 For he the emptie soule sustaynde whom thirst had made to faynte The hungrie soule with goodnes fed and did them eke acquainte verse 10 Suche as doo dwell in darkenes depe where they of death do wayte Fast bound to tast such troublous storms as yron chains doo threate The second parte verse 11 For that against the lords owne words they sought so to rebell Esteming light his counsels high which doo so farre excell verse 12 But when he humbled them full lowe they then fell downe with grief And none was found so muche to helpe wherby to get relief verse 13 Then did they crye in their distres vnto the Lorde for ayde Who did remoue their troublous state according as they prayde verse 14 For he from darknes out them brought and from deaths dredfull shade Bursting with force the yron bandes which did before them lade verse 15 Let men therfore before the Lord confes his kindnes then And shew the wonders that he doth before the sonnes of men verse 16 For he threw downe their gates of bras and brake them with strong hand Theyron barres he smote in two nothing could him withstand verse 17 The foolish folke great plagues do fele and cannot from them wend But hepe on me to those they haue because they doo offend verse 18 Their soule so much did lothe all meat that none they coulde abyde Wherby death had them almost caught as they full truly tryde verse 19 Then did they crye in theyr distres vnto the Lorde for ayde Who did remoue their troublous state according as they prayde verse 20 For he then sent to them his worde whiche health did sone restore And brought them frō those dangers depe wherin they were before The thyrde parte verse 21 Let men therfore before the Lorde confes his kindnes then And shew the wonders that he doeth before the sonnes of men verse 22 And let them offer sacrifice with thankes and also feare And speake of all his wondrous works with glad and ioyfull cheare verse 23 Suche as in shippes or brittell barkes into the seas descend Their marchandise through fearful flods to compas and to ende verse 24 Those men are forced to beholde the Lordes workes what they be And in the dangerous depe the same most marueilous they see verse 25 For at his worde the stormie winde ariseth in a rage And stirreth vp the surges so as nought can them asswage verse 26 Then are they lifted by so hygh the clouds they seme to gayne And plunging downe the depth vntill theyr soules consume with payne verse 27 And like a drunkard to and fro now here now there they reele As men with teare of wit bereft or had of sense no feele verse 28 Then did they cry in theyr distresse vnto the Lorde for ayde Who did remoue their troublous state according as they prayde verse 29 For with his word the Lord doth make the sturdie storme to cease So that the gret waues frō their rage are brought to rest and peace verse 30 Then are men glad when rest is come which they so muche doo craue And are by him in hauen brought which they so fayne woulde haue The forth parte verse 31 Let men therfore before the Lorde confes his kindenes then And shew the wonders that he doth before the sounes of men verse 32 32 Let them in presence of the folke with prayse extoll his name And where the elders doo conuent let them there doo the same verse 33 For running floods to dry desertes he doeth oft change and turne And dryeth vp as it were dust the springing well and burne verse 34 A frutefull land with pleasures deckt full barren doeth he make When on their sinnes which dwell therin he doeth iust vengeance take verse 35 Againe the wildernes full rude he maketh frute to beare With pleasant springs of water cleare though none before were there verse 36 Wherin suche hungrye soules are set as he doeth freely chuse That they a citie may them buylde to dwell in for theyr vse verse 37 That they may sow theyr pleasant lād and vineyardes also plant To yelde them frutes of suche increase as none may seme to want verse 38 They multiplye exceadingly the Lord doeth bles them so Who doeth also their brut beastes make by numbers great to growe verse 39 But whē the faithfull are low brought by the oppressors stoute And minish do through many plagues that compas them about verse 40 Then doeth he princes bring to shame which did them so oppres And likewise caused them to erre within the wildernes verse 41 But yet the poore he rayseth vp out of his troubles depe And oft times doeth his trayne augmēt muche like a flocke of shepe verse 42 The righteous shall beholde this sight and also muche reioyce whereas the wicked and
peruerse with grief shall stop theyr voyce verse 43 But who is wise that now full well he may these thinges recorde For certeinly suche shall perceyue the kindnes of the Lorde Paratum cor meum Psalme Cviii. N. This psalme is composed of two other psalmes before the seuen and fyftye and the sixtie The matter here conteyned is That Dauid geueth himselfe with harte and voyce to prayse the Lorde and assureth him selfe of the promes of God concerning his kingdome ouer Israell and his power against other nations who though he seme for to forsake vs for a time yet he alone in the ende will caste downe our enemies O God my harte prepared is Sing this as the. lxxxxv and eke my tong is so I will aduaunce my voyce in song and geuyug prayse also Awake my viole and my harp swete melody to make And in the morning I my selfe right early will awake By me among the people Lorde still praysed shalt thou be And I among the Heathen folke will sing O Lorde to thee Because thy mercie Lorde is great aboue the heauens hie And eke thy truth doth reche the clouds within the lofty skye Aboue the sterry heauens heighth exalt thy selfe O God And Lorde display vpon the earth thy glory all abrode That thy derely beloued may be set at libertie Helpe O my God with thy righte hand and harken vnto me God in his holines hath spoke wherfore my ioyes abound Sychem I shall diuide and mete the vale of Sucoth ground And Gilead shall be myne owne Manasses mine shall be My hed strength Ephraim and Law shall Iuda geue for me Moab my washpot and my shoe on Edom will I throwe Upon the land of Palestine in triumph will I goo Who shall into the citie strong be guide to conduict me Or who by whom to Edom land conueyed shall I be Is it not thou O God which late hadst vs forsaken quyte And thou O Lorde which with our host didst not goe fourth to fyght Geue vs O Lorde thy sauing ayde when trouble doth assayle For all the helpe of man is vayne and can no whit auayle Through God we shal do valiant acts and worthy of renowne He shall subdue our enemies ye he shall treade them downe Deus laudem meam Psalme Cix N. Dauid being falslye accused by flatterers vnto Sawl prayeth God to helpe him and to destroye his enemyes And vnder them he speaketh of Iudas the traitour vnto Iesus Christ and of all the like enemyes of the children of God And desireth so to be deliuered that his enemies may know the work of God Then doth he promise to geue prayses vnto God IN specheles silence doo not holde O God thy tong alwayes Sing this as the. lxxxxv O God euen thou I say that art the God of all my prayse The wicked mouth and gilefull mouth on me disclosed be And they with false and lying tong haue spoken vnto me Euen so doo I departe away as doth declynyng shade And as the grashopper so I am shaken of and fade With fastyng longe from nedefull fode enfebled are my knees And all her fatnes hath my flesh enforced ben to lese And I also a vyle reproche to them was made to be And they that did vpon me loke did shake theyr heds at me But thou O Lorde that art my God myne ayde and succour be Accordyng to thy merycy Lorde saue and delyuer me And they shall know thereby that thys Lord is thy myghty hand And that thou thou hast done it Lorde so shall they vnderstande Although they curse with spite yet thou shalt bles with louyng voyce They shall aryse and come to shame thy seruant shall reioyse Let them be clothed all with shame that enmies are to me ▪ And with confusyon as a cloke eke couerd let them be But greatly I will with mg mouthe geue thankes vnto the Lorde And I among the multitude hys prayses will recorde For he with help at hys ryght hand will stande the pooreman by To saue hym from the men that wold condemne his soule to dye Dixit dominus domino Plalm Cx. N Dauid prophecyeth of the power and euerlastyng kyngdome geuen to Chryste and of hys Pristhod whyche shoulde put an ende to the Pristode of Leuy Sing this as the. lxviii Psalm THe Lorde did say vnto my Lorde Sit thou at my right hande Till I haue made thy foes a stoule wheron thy fete shall stande The Lorde shall out of Syon send the scepture of thy myght A midde thy mortall foes be thou the ruler in theyr syght And in the day on which they reigne and power they shall see Then hearby frewill offringes shall thy people offer thee Yea with a holy worshiping then shall they offer all Thy birthes dew is the dew that doth from wombe of morning fall The Lorde hath sworne and neuer will repent what he doth say By thorder of Melchisedech thou art a priest for ay The Lord thy God on thy righthand that standeth for thy stay Shal wound for thee the stately kings vpon his wrathfull day The Heathen he shall iudge and fill the place with bodies dead And ouer diuerse contreyes shall in sonder smite the head And he shall drink out of the broke that runneth in the way Therfore he shall lift vp on hye his ryall hed that day Confitebor tibi domine Psalm Cxi N He geueth thanks to the Lord for his mercifull works towards his church declareth wherin true wisdom right knowledg cōsisteth WIth hart I doo accord To praise laud the Lord Inpresence of the iuste For great his workes are founde To search them suche are bounde as doo hym loue and trust Hys workes are glorious Also his rightousnes It doeth indure for euer His wondrous works he wolde we still remembre shoulde his mercye fayleth neuer verse 5 Suche as doo loue him beare a portion full faire He hath vp for them laid For this they shall well finde He will them haue in minde and kepe them as he sayd verse 6 For he did not disdayne his workes to shew them playne By lightnings and by thunders when he the Heathens land Did geue into their hand verse 7 Of all his workes insueth bothe iudgement right and truth Wherto his statutes tend they are decreed sure verse 8 For euer to endure whiche equitie doth end Redemption he gaue his people for to saue verse 9 And hath also required his promes not to fayle But alwayes to preuayle his holy name be feared verse 10 Whoso with hart full layne true wisdom wolde attayne The Lorde feare and obey suche as his Lawes doo kepe Shall knowledge haue full depe his prayse shall last for aye Beatus vir Psalme Cxii VV. K. He prayseth the felicitie of them that feare God and condemneth the ●●rsed state of the contemners of God THe man is blest that god doth feare And that his lawes doth loue in dede His sede on earth God will vpreare And bles such as from him