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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07575 The helpe and grace of almighty god ...; Festial Mirk, John, fl. 1403? 1493 (1493) STC 17960; ESTC S100722 238,982 226

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daye xii monthe he turned water into wyne at the weddinge at Chane galilee But the feste maketh mooste mynde mencion of the iii. kinges offryng and therfore lete vs folowe the fourme of holy churche and ye shall here howe it fyll of their offringe to oure lorde iesu criste very god and man Thus iii. kynges wer of the lignage that prophecyed howe a sterre sholde shyne of Iacob But they were no iewes kynd but they hadde herde by prophecy of this wherfore they hadde greate desire luste to see it And so often tymes whāne they might cōme to giddre vpon certeyne high hylles thenne they wolde dispute emonge theym of this sterre Soo it hapned vpon cristemasse nighte the same tyme as oure lorde was borne they were to gyddre and were disputyng of this sterre Super montem Vpon the hyll Dominus enim erat natus Oure lorde was borne E● apperuit illis And apperyd to theym in the sterre as a faire childe and vnder his hede a br●k●●● ▪ crosse of golde and saide thus to them Goo ye anoon in all the haste that ye maye into the londe of Iury and take with you gold myrre and ensence and offre these thre thinges to him that ye shal fynde there now borne kinge of iewes very god man And I shal be youre gyde and lede you to the way Then anoon for grete haste they toke best●● that ben called Dromedaries that ben of suche kynde they be so swyfte that they wyll tenne further in one day thāne any other beest wyll tenne or go in thre daies And so they cāme to Ierusalem that was the cheif cyte of all Iury hopynge that they shulde here there some tydinges where that this child was borne But as sone as they turnyd into the cyte of Ierusalem thenne they loste the sighte of the sterre that lad the●● ¶ euyr the waye tyll that they come thyder bryghter than the sonne thēne whē they com to the cyte of iherus●lē they rode to kyng Herode for he was there the same tyme sayd to hē Vbi ē qui natus ē rex iudeorū ¶ where is he that is borne that is kynge of iewes Vidimus enim stellam eius in oriente we sawe his sterre in the Este Venimus adorare eum we be come to worshyp hym Thenne kynge herode was troubled and all the cyte wyth hym but more for flaterynge of him thenne for ony loue that they had to hym Thenne kynge Herode asked his clerkis where this child sholde be borne and they sayd in bethelem ●nde thenne kyng herode asked the kingis preuely of the sterre and bad hem goo in Bethelem and worship the childe ▪ and come ayen by hym telle hym where he myghte fynde the chylde that he myght goo worshyp hym Thenne whan the kyngis were passed towardes Bethelem anone the sterre apered to them And whan thei sawe the sterre was come ayen they were glad in their hertes and as it is in many place painted the kynge that is in the myddel for gret ioye of the sterre he loked bacwarde to his felowe behynde hym and wyth his fynger shewed him the sterre that is the cause that the middel king loked bacward ¶ And thus the sterre broughte them to bethelem and whan the sterre come ouer the hous there as Our Lord was in it stode styll Thenne the kynges lighted downe and wente in to the hous and wyth al the reuerence that they coude knelynge ● downe offird eche of thē thise iii. thinges Aurum thus et mirram Golde cence and my●●e knowlechyng by the golde that he was kynge of all kynges And by the 〈◊〉 that he was very god and by the myrre that he wa● very man and shold be dede and layd in graue wythout rotynge For gold is cheef of al mettallis Encence is brēte in holy chirche in worship to god Myrre is an oynemēte that kepeth the bodyes from rotynge Thus whan the kyngis had done theyr offrynge by techinge of the angell Per aliam viam reuersi sunt ī regionem suam By another waye they wente toward theyr owne londis And lefte kynge he rode and the sterre vanysshed awaye fro them ¶ Thenne as syant Bernard sayth Ioseph kept of this golde as moche as hym neded to his tribute that he shold paye to the emperour And also more to kepe our lady wyth whyle she laye in chylde bed And the remenaunt he deled to poure people suche as had grete nede therto The cence he brente to put awaye the stenche of the stable there as she laye in and wyth the myrre Oure lady anoynted her chyld to kepe hym from wormes and dysease But what befel of the kyngis after I fynde no thyng in certeyn but some peple haue an oppynyon how the saynt thomas of Inde cristened theym whan he come in to that cuntrey of Inde ¶ And thenne as the sterre lyghtened theym to crystis birth Soo the holy ¶ goost lyghtened them in theyr soule and ●aught them the parfyghte waye of the byleue And also of parfyghte and gracious lyuinge In soo moche that they lefte all theyr kingedom and wente forth on pylgr●mages that is to saye to Iherusal●m to many other places And soo they come forthe to Myllayne and there they deyed all thre And soo after that they were translated to Coleyne and there they ben yet now haue ye herde bi thyse thre kynges How Oure Lorde Ihesu Criste was this daye shewed verey god and man wherfore lyke as they offred wyth deuocyon So shold ye doo your offrynges whan ye come to holy chirche knelynge downe wyth all reuerence that ye canne or may not on your one knee as to a temporal lorde but on bothe your knees And doo worshyp hym wyth good prayers Thenne offre ye precious golde For there is noo golde soo precyous as is the good prayer deuoute And thenne hold vp your hondes to hym wyth all the reuerence that ye can and wyth a deuoute herte praye to hym and shewe hym all the loue of your hertes And thenne offre ye to hym ensence For there is noo ensence sauour that is so swete brennyng in the fyre as doth good prayers that is deuoutely said· wyth a brennyng loue in clene charyte And if thou doo thus thenne thou offrest knelyng on thy knees Make a crosse on therthe and kysse it and thynke well thou art but etthe thēne muste ye offre myrre For right as myrre kepeth a body from rotyng soo the mynde of deth kepeth a mannis soule from dedely synne in this wyse do ye your off●n●●e And thenne shall ye haue as moche mede as had thyse thre kynges Also he was shewed bothe god and man atte his cristenyng For he come to the water of flom Iordan he wente in to the water and halowed it for right as he was circumcised to conferme the new lawe and for noo nede that he hadde therto For he was clene wythout
a lyue or noo And that they mette by Ioseph and for to preue the trow the he made to bynde one of them that hyghte Symeon And sayd that he shuld abyde wyth hym tyll they had fette hym that was atte home And so he lete fylle her sackes wyth corne preuyly put her mony in to her sackis vnwetynge to hem And so whan they came home to her fader and putte out her corne they fonde her mony ¶ And they tolde her fader but thenne he was sory for Symeon his sone that was lefte behynde in pryson And more ouer that he muste nedys sende for Hym whiche he loneth moste and that was Beniamyn Ioseph hole brother For thyse other were but halfe brederne to Ioseph but whan Iacob fayled corne he must nedis sende for more And he sente forth Beniamyn And whan Ioseph sawe his brother Beniamyn he myghte not forbere wepyng And anone delyuered hym his brother symeon and sette hem all to mete and fylled her sackes wyth corne and pryuely put the cup that they dranke of in Beniamyns sacke and badde hem go her waye But anone after Ioseph sente after theym and sayde they were to ●lame whyle they had soo good chire 〈◊〉 bere awaye a cuppe that they drāke of Thenne they were heuy and sadde and sayde it was not soo and he rā ●aked hem by and by ¶ And thenne they founde it in Bēiamyns sacke thēne came they ayen to Ioseph sore wepynge And whan Ioseph sawe hem all wepe and his owne broder Beniamyn made moost sorowe For it was founde wyth hym ¶ Thenne Ioseph bad hem all bee of good chere For I am Ioseph your broder And be noo thynge adred For god hath me sente heder for youre profyte and anone sente after his fader and soo dwelled all to gyder a grete whyle in the londe with moche prosperyte ¶ This story is red this weke in holy chirche For goddis children shold take ensample off olde faders to suffre tribulacion and persecucion mekely in parfyte charite for goddis sake As he suffred for vs. ¶ For who that grucheth ayenste trybulacion and persecucion that god sendeth must shryue hym and take his penaunce For there is some people wyll saye why dooth god thus by me what haue I trespassed agayn hym they be in great peryll for her penaunce For truly wordes may lette moche grace ¶ Narracio ¶ we fynde in myracles of wenefrede the virgyn that a man came to her on a nyghte vpon two crotches full off many maner syknes and so by the helpe of god and this holy virgyne ¶ This man was hole and soo wente where he wolde an hole daye in the abbey and thanked hyghly god and this holy virgyne of his hele ¶ Soo at nyghte he wente to his bedde in good hele And on the morowe his sykenes toke hym ayen sorer than it dyd before and soo leye cryynge that it was grete pyte to here Thenne came a monke to hym and asked hym what he had done that his syknes was come ayen and he sayd nothynge Thenne said the monke were thou shriuen sith thou were hole and he sayde nay I had noo nede For I stale nother oxe nor cowe nor dyd noo gryuous synne Thenne the monke thoughte thoughe a man doo noo dedely synne he maye doo so many venyall that they maye make a dedely synne for ryghte as a man may wyth many smale cornes charge a stronge horse soo maye he lade his soule wyth soo many smale sinnes that he maye falle in the pytte off helle Thenne anone this man wente to a preeste and shroue hym and soo was hole bothe in body and soule euer after by confessiō and preyers of this holy virgyne Amen ¶ Dominica iiii quadragesīe ●Ood men and wymmen this is the fourthe sonday in lenton the whiche holy chirche maketh mencion of an holy prophete that was called moyses the whiche was a fygure of our lorde Ihesu Criste many yeres or our Lorde was borne Thenne as we rede in holy chirche as Moyses was in the deserte of Synay God spake to hym and sayd ¶ Vidi afflictionē populi mei qui est in egipto clamorem eius audiui c. ¶ Pharao the kynge of egypte oppresseth soo the peple of Israel wyth bondage and vnresonable werkes And they for woo cryde to me for socoure helpe wherfore goo thou thyder and brynge hem oute of her bondage and I shall be wyth the. thenne bryng hem and offre hem to me I wyll brynge hem in to a londe of plentuousnes off all goodis Soo whan he had taught Moyses how he sholde doo Moyses went thyder and gadered all tholde peple to gyder that knewe the prophecye how they shold be ladde oute of that londe and sayde to hem as god bad hym thenne were they full glade and wente wyth hym olde and yonge tyll they came to the rede see and god was euyr byfore hem in the daye in a pyler as a cloude to refresshe hem fro the hete of the sonne And in the nyghte in a pyler off fyre to lyghte hem fro harme of venym beestis But whan that pharao herde that moyses hadde forth this people he toke thre hondred Char●ottis of his owne and thre hondred of the londe and xl thousande horsmen and thre hondred thousande fote men and went after And whan Moyses sawe this peple come he prayed to god for helpe And god hym selfe bad hym smyte the see wyth his yerde Et percussit mari rubro And whan he had smytten the see ▪ he had way for hym and his people The see cloue in two partyes Soo that the water stode stylle on euery syde as an hyll and the grounde was d●eye sonde Thenne Moyses yede forthe and all the people after hym Thenne wende pharao to haue passed also and sewed after with all his ofte but whā he had his oste wythin the see the water went to gyder drowned hym all his oste And whan moyses sawe that he his peple were peryshed thus he thanked god was there vii dayes after and euery day they yede to the see thankinge god of her passage makynge great melodye that our lord had done soo to them And yet in mynde herof all ester weke we make solempne procession to the fonte that is the rede see ¶ Thenne wente moyses forthe wyth his people in to deserte tylle he came to the hylle of Synay and there he lefte the peple benethe Stabat moyses super montē ¶ And moyses stode vpon the hyll there as god was and there he was xl dayes and xl nyghtes wythoute mete and drynke ¶ Thenne god gaue hym two tables of stone in the whiche god wrote wyth his owne fyngres the ten commaundementes and toke theym Moyses ¶ And bad hym teche hem to his people And whan Moyses came downe to the peple his face was all bryghte as the sonne and two spites stondyng on his hede lyke two hornes soo that the people myght not speke wyth
make nat to moch of thy selue For ●ay fortune a nother tyme he ra● 〈◊〉 ●hou mayste haue the worse and 〈…〉 moche velonye more thanne nowe to worship wherfore be natt now to proude of thy self ¶ Thus shulde ye bete youre selue in the mouthe of your soule wite the braunche of olyue that is with the vertue of mekenesse And so holde you in loue and meke in herte and euirmore dredynge and fearynge leste ye falle ayen to synne And so to leue the worship that ye haue now For truste this truly mekenesse is that vertue that mooste and sonest ouircommeth your gostly enmye the fende and sonest gadreth a man to vertuouse lyuyng That we may haue this vertu of mekenesse pacience and charite to ouyrcōme oure gostly ennymye nowe and euir Amen gOod frendes ye shall vnderstond that holy churche vsyth these thre daies and sayth seruice in the euyn tyde that i● mekenesse wherfore we call it tenebres But holy church calleth it tenebris Thenne why this seruyce is thus doon in me●enes holy faders tell for thre causes One is the nyght bifore that oure lorde Iesu criste was take he went into the mount of olyuete prayed thus Pater mi si possibile est transeat a me calix iste My fadre if it be possible that this byttre passion may passe fro me if it were the faders wyll and els nat And for drede and fere of that byttre passioun that he fylte in spyryte he swet both blode and water And another cause is this that anone after mydnyghte cāme Iudas Scarioth with fifty knyghtes and moche other people to take criste And for it was derke and they coude nat we le know him fro sainte Iames he was so lyke to criste wherfore Iudas sayd Quem osculatus fuero cum tenete Forsoth quod he him that I shall kys it is Take ye him for saint Iames was so lyke that mooche people called hym cristes broder And thus Iudas betrayed his master and thus was cryste take in mekenesse with all the spy●● that they coude doo to him berynge him and spyttynge in his face The th●●d cause is whan criste was naked on the crosse fete and handes hangyng thre oures from vndryn tyll none Thenne the sonne with drewe her lighte ▪ and was derke through all the worlde shewing that the maker of lighte was at that tyme p●●ed to the dethe For thies thre causes the seruice in the nyght is done in derkenesse The whiche seruyce maketh mynde How Iudas betrayed cryste and howe the iewys cāme as pryuely as they coud for drede of the cōmen people wherfore to the seruice is no bel ronge but a sounde made of tre wherby all cristen people may haue knowelege to cōme to that seruyce pryu●ly withoute makinge of any noyse And all that the people shulde speke of cōmyng and goynge shulde sounde of tree that is the crosse that oure lord god was done vpon and of his passion and of the wordes that oure lorde spake hangyng on the crosse howe he saide to his modre Mulier ecce filius tuus woman se thy sone And how he cōmē dyd his modre to sainte Iohn the euāg●lyste in kepynge and what sayd the 〈◊〉 that henge by him and sayd thus ●omine quādo veneris in regnum tuum memento mei Lorde whanne thou cōmyst to thy king●ome haue mynde on me And anoon 〈◊〉 lorde saide to him Hodie mecum eris in paradiso This daye thou shalt be with me in paradise And howe he betoke his spiryte into his faders hondes and sayd In manus tuas cōmendo spiritum meum And so he yelde vp the gooste Thus cōmynge and goynge to the chirche al cristen people shalde comen and leue vanyte and ydell talkynge and speke only of the crosse that is oure redemption A nother cause is whanne that Iudas hadde betrayed criste and sawe by his treson that he shulde be dede anone he fyll in dispayre and honge him self on a tree And than he displeasyd more criste for that dede than for all the trespas that he hadde doon to fore For criste is so mercyfull that and he hadde askyd mercy he sholde haue hadde mercy and foryeuenes Also at this seruyce be sette certayn candilles in the quere after the vse in some place more than in some other as the vse is the whiche been quenchyd one after a nother In toknynge of cristes disciples how they wēt away e●he after other But whan all these cād●llys been taken awaye and the lyght goon yet one abydeth styll a whyle tyl clerkes haue song Ky●●es and thies verses the whiche betokenyth the wymmē that made lamentation at cristes sepulcre Thanne that candell is brought ayen and other lighted there and that betokenyth oure lady For all the feythe was loste saue only our lady and of al other were enfourmyd and taughte Also it betokneth criste him self that was in his manhode dede and leyde in sepulcre And the thridde day arose from dethe to lyue ayen and yaue lighte by loue to all that were dede and queynt by dispayre ¶ The strokes that the preest geuyth on the boke betokneth the clappes of thundre whan crist brast hel yates and dispoyled them and set oute Adam and Eue and all theym that he hadde boughte with his byttre passion ¶ Nowe haue ye herde somwhat what this seruice betokneth and thynk theruppon and be nat vnkynde to your god that suffred all this for you For vnkyndnesse is a synne that stynketh in the sighte of god A● Saynt ambrose sayth that there may no man fynde a peyne grete enough to punysshe vnkindenesse And that ye shall here by an ensample as thus ¶ Narracio ¶ I fynde that Alisaundre Necham tellyth howe that there was somtyme a knyght that went oute of his owne countrey ferre in to a straunge londe to seke auentures And it hapned that he came into a grete forest and ther he herde a greate noyse of a beste that semyd in dispayre And then he wolde wytte what it mente and went nere sawe howe that a greate horrible adder and of greate lengith biclepyd A lyon and boūde him to a tree as he ley and slepte And whanne the Lyon woke and fonde him selue bounde myghte nat helpe him self he made a grete horrible noyse desiryng helpe of the knyghte Thenne hadde this knight compassion of this Lyon and wolde fayne haue holpen him but he dradde whan he was louse lest he wold haue fallen to him But bicause he was a knyghte and the Lyon was kinge of all bestes in that distresse he tooke his swerde and smote the adder asonder Thenne the Lyon anone felte him self louse and fyll downe to the knyghtes feete and euir after nyght and day in euery place he folowed the knyghte And euery nyghte this lyon leye at this knyghtes beddes feet and in euery batayll this Lyon was redy for to help his master In somoch that the people
dyde Thus innocentes were slayn wythout blame and they were not shamed off theyr owne shappe and they were cristened at home in theyr own blode and not in no fonte Therfore ye shall vnderstonde that there is thre manere off crystenyng One is in water as we be cristened in the fonte A nother is as thyse children were cristened in her owne blod and a thousand marters moo that shed her blode for crystis sake The thyrde crystenynge is in the feyth In the whiche all patriarkes and prophetes and other holy faders that were byfore the Incarnacion of our lord Ihesu Cryste that byleued verely in the comynge of cryst· they were crystened in the feyth Thus ye may see what enmyte the tyraunt kyng herode had to shede soo many childerns blode for cristis sake that trespassed not to hym nor to none other There wepte many a mode● for theyr he hadde to Thomas And also to se● the arraye and also the Reuy●● that was in Thomas householde ▪ for there spake so moche people worshippe by Thomas And for more truer and also bettre loue that thenne was bitwene the kinge and Thomas while it laste was neuir bitwene two men wherfore I putte this ensample It hapned that it fyll in a colde wynter as the kinge Thomas come ryding to gydder in chepe side at London The kinge was ware of a poure man that was well nere naked and hadde no clothes and was sore a colde Thenne saide the kinge to Thomas It were a grete almes dede to gyue to this pore man better clothes Sir saide Thomas of suche ye sholde take hede Thenne hadde thomas a cloke of good scarlett and well furred with riche furre Thēne the kinge layd honde on his cloke And wold haue pulled it from Thomas for to haue gyue to this pore man But Thomas held it faste And thus they wrastled long In somoche that they were like to fall to the grounde But at the last by fauour thomas suffred the kinge to take his cloke of And thenne the kinge caste it to the pore man And badde him renne awaye faste and sell it and bye him other And if thou besette it well thou maiste fare the bettre euir whyle thou leuyst Thenne Thomas faynyd hym selue wrothe But in his herte he was well pleased that his robe was so we le besette Thenne the people marueiled gretely first what was bitwene the kinge thomas whan they saw what it menyd the people were glade and had grete spotte therof ¶ This I say to shewe you ensample how well they louyd to giddre Thus thomas seruyd the kinge manfully Also we must lerne of oure olde patrone saint Thomas to serue god deuoutly For he seruyd god full deuotly for assone as he was made Arshcbisshop of counterbury anone he turnyd his lyuynge into bettre lyuynge and thoughte to serue the kinge of heuyn aswell os he had the king of this worlde bifore Thenne anon he layde awaye scarlet and riche furres And weryd clothe of myddell pryce caste awaye silke and sandyll and weryd ●ere next his body that was right harde and a breche of the same in whiche was so moche vermyn that it was an horrible sight to see but this knewe but fewe people Also euery wenesday and fryday he made his confessoure to bete him with a rodde vpon the ba●e body like as a childe is bete in the scole Also he wassed euery day thre pore mennys feet knelinge on the grounde And thenne he gaue eche of theim four pen● And also moche more penaūce he vsed in prayenge and wakynge that were to moche to tell at this tyme ¶ Thenne whanne thomas was in the Abbey of Pountnaye vpon a day whan he had said masse he knelyd downe bifore the aulter in his prayers Thenne the abot of the same place hadde to speke with him And stode vnder a pylar and abode Thomas he sawe how oure lorde Iesu crist appered to thomas and told him howe he shulde be slayne in Counterbury in his owne churche for his sake And bad him be stedfaste and holde as he began Then come thomas out of his chapell and anone the abbot fy●● downe to the grounde and saide S●re ye may blesse the tyme and the our that euir ye were borne also blessyd myght she be that euir dyd bere you for to haue suche a visitacion as I haue herd you haue Thenne saide Thomas I charge the that thou neuir tel it to no man while I am a lyue no more he dyd But w●●●ne thomas was dede he tolde it openly to all the people Thus I may wel say that thomas seruyd god deuoutly Also he dyed for the lawe of holy churche mekly For whan he sawe the kinge ●gyn to make lawes to ●uirsette holy church and suche lawes as wolde haue distroyed the londe Thenne thomas put him selue forthe And repreuyd the kynge of his misdedys Thenne was the king wrothe and made a parlemente at northampton And for he wold nat set his scall to the cursed lawes that the king and his sory counseyll hadde ordeyned and made Anon they called him a traitoure to the kinge and exiled him oute of the londe ¶ Thenne thomas wente the to king of Fraūce for socour and helpe and full goodly and mekely he receyued him and all his clerkes and f●nde theym almoste seuyn yeres all that they bihouyd Thenne gret disease and greuaunce Thomas hadde of the kinge of Englōde and al he suffred mekely ¶ Thenne by treatyse and counseyll of the Pope and of the kinge of Fraunce there was maade a faynte loue day bitwene the king thomas But whanne the kinge shuld haue kyssed thomas he wolde nat For he saide he hadde made his othe he wolde neuir kysse him But badde him go home to his churche boldely Thenne by counseyll of the kinge of Fraunce and byddynge of the pope Thomas come home to Caunterbury Thenne were there foure cursed knightes of lyuynge that thought to haue a grete thāke of the kinge and made their avowe to gyddre to slee thomas And so on childermasse daye almooste all the nyghte they wente to come to Caunterbury And come in to thomas hall Sire Raynolde Beriston Sir William Tracy Sir Richard Breton and sir Hugh morley Tthenne Sir Raynolde Beriston for he was beste of kynde anon he saide to thomas The kynge that is beyonde the see sente vs to the. and badde that thou sholde assoyle the busshoppe that thou cursedyste Thenne sayde thomas They be nat accursed by me but by the pope and I may nat assoyle yt. he hath accursed we le saide Raynolde thenne we se thou wylt nat doo the kinges byddinge and swore a grete othe By the eyn of god thou shalt be dede Thenne cryed the other knyghtes Slee slee And they wente downe to the courte and armyd theym tThen prestes and clerkes drewe theym to the churche to thomas and sparyd the dores to theym
angelis of sathanas that ye lete that man goo doune that al the peple may see whom thei haue worshyped Thenne symond felle doune all to brast thēne was themperour wroth and made to lede peter poul forth And dyde peter on a crosse and his hed downwarde and so put hym to dethe poule for he was a gentylman born For the more worshyp they smote off his hede Thenne the peple sawe angellis stondyng on the crosse there as peter henge wyth crownes And whan poules hede was smytte of there come out fayr plente of mylke after blode Thenne in the nyghte after come cristē peple and layd her bodyes to gyder in a graue· there they lay tyl cristē feyth was more open in rome Thēne wolde they haue bore eyther body to his chirche but they cowde not knowe eyther bones fro other Thenne come there a vois fro heuen said the more bones be of the precher and the lesse of the fyssher So after whan the cristen feyth come in to this londe kynge ethelbert lete make a grete chirche at westmynstre in worship of Saynt Peter and another in london of saynt poule And soo on a daye whan the chirche of saynt Peter shold be halowed in the nyghte afore was a man fysshyng ¶ in the tamyse vnder westmyn● And 〈…〉 ●em reuesshed had vp the 〈…〉 grete dred and quakyng and there they fonde a lityll wryting here lyeth and restech Thomas archebysshop of caunterbury Primat of Englonde and the popes legate sleyn for the ryght of holy chirche the fyfthe daye of cristmasse Thenne for grete deuo●ion that they had of that syght· all cryed saynt Thomas And thenne they toke the hede to the Archebysshop to kysse and so they kyssed it all And thenne they behelde his woundes and sayd they were vngracious that wounded the thus And soo layd hym in shryne and couered it wyth cloth of golde and sette torches aboute it brennyng and the people to wake it al nyght Thenne on the morowe come all the states of this londe And bare the shryne to the place there as it is nowe wyth all the reuerence and worshippe that they cowde And there it is wyth worshyp Amen De sancta maria magdalena GOod frendes suche a daye ye shall haue the feste of Mary magdaleyn that was so holy that our lord Ihesu crist loued her best of all wymmen nexte his own moder wherfore ye shall come to god and to holy chirche and praye to that holy woman that she wyll praye to oure lord for vs. that we maye haue grace for she was the first in tyme of grace that dyde penaunce for she had loste grace by fleshly luste so she is made a myrrour to all other synners that wyl forsake synne and do penaunce they shal haue grace the whiche was lost by sinne She had a fader that was a grete lorde and nye of the kynges blode and had a grete lordshyp in Iherusalē the whiche he gaue to lazarus his sonne and he gaue mary the castelle of mawdeleyne wyth al the lordshyp longyng therto of the whiche castell she had her name and was called mary mawdeleyn for she was lady ther of Thenne as many bokes sayen Saynt Iohan euangeliste wedded her And our lord bad hym goo wyth hym and kep● his virgynyte and soo he dyde and was clene virgyn And mawdelayne w●●t forth and gaue her all to synne In so moche she lost the name of mawdele●n and was called the synfull woman ▪ But it was often seen that our lord made of the grettest sinner the hol●●st afterwardes And so whā our lord sawe tyme he gaue this womā grace to ●●owe her self to haue repentaunce for her synnes Thenne whan mary herde the crist was at a mannis house that was called Symon the pharise she toke a boxe wyth oyntement suche as the people vsed the tyme for hete of the sonne went thyder but she durst not for shame go tofore hym herde hym speke thenne she toke a greate sorowe in her herte and wept tenderly and wyth the teres of her eyē she wasshed cristis fe●e And wyth the here 's of her hede she weped hem and wyth all the loue of her herte she ●ysshed hem anoynted hem but no worde she spake that ony man mighte here but softely in her herte she cryed mercy and made a vowe to him that she wolde neuer trespasse more Thenne our lord had pyte on her and cast oute of her vii fendes and forgaue her all her synnes in heryng of all that there were thenne she toke suche a loue to crist that she lefte all her lordshyp● of mawdeleyn wyth all other goodes and sued hym forth wyth grete loue that in his passion there as his disciples fled from hym she lefte hym neuer tyll she wyth helpe of other had layed hym in his tombe and whan no man durste goo thyder for fere of the knyghtes that kepeth hym she spared not Cum tenebre essent It was derke in the dawynge she toke wyth her swete bawmes to anoynte Crystis body wyth this she shewed loue bothe in wyll and in dede wherfore cryst in his lyfe for her loue heled Martha her suster of the rede flyxe that she had vii yere to fore and payned her full sore ¶ Et resuscitauit Lazarum a mortuis ¶ And reysed Lazar her broder from dethe to lyfe that had lyen iiii dayes stynkynge in his graue and whan our lord rose from deth to lyfe he appered to her and suffred her to touche hym kyssed his fete Thenne whan it was knowen to the iewes that cryst shewed her so many tokenes of loue before all other Thenne whan criste was styed vp to heuen· the iewes toke Mary and Martha her suster lazarus maxencius and many other and put them in a shyp that was old 〈…〉 ●a●e drowned them but g● 〈…〉 soo for all thing at his wyll and brought them sauf to a londe ▪ called Marcyle And there they rested vnder a ba●●e that was nye the temple Thenne mary sawe moche people comyng toward the temple to do sacryfice to her mawmettes And the lord of the countrey come wyth hem But mawdeleyn was gracious and wyth her gracious wordes tourned hym ayen Thenne this lorde had grete luste to here her speke and sayd thus to her that yf god that thou spekest of be so gracious and so grete of power as thou sayste praye to him that I may haue a chylde by my wyff that is bareyne and thenne wyl I byleue in hym Thenne mary said she wold and wythin short tyme after the lady conceyued and was wyth chyld Thenne this lord anone after ordeyned to goo to Iherusalem to Peter to wyte of hym wheder mawdeleyns prechinge were true or no. and vytayled his ship and made hym redy Thenne come his lady prayenge hym that she myght goo wyth hym Soo wyth grete prayer the lord graunted her
to a contree that was called pounce where the people of that contrey where so cursed that they slewe ony that come to bee thyr mayster ouer hem Soo whan this pylate come thyder he applied hym to her maners soo what wyth whyles and sotyltye he ouercome hem and had the maystrye gate his name and was called pylate of po●●ce● and had grete domynacion and power Thenne the kynge of Iherusalem sent after him and made him lyeuftenaunt vnder hym of the londe of Iury. And for pylate lyked well ●●office preuely he sente to themperour and had his offyce confermed of hym vnwetynge to the kynge herode Kynge that tyme. wherfore whan kynge herode herde what he hadde done he was soo wrothe that they were enmyes vnto the tyme that oure Lorde Ihesu crist was take and thenne they become frendis ayen and fylle bothe in to one asēt of Cristis deth Thenne it happed afterward that themperour fylle syke sent after criste for to hele hym For it was tolde hym that cryste heled all tho that euer wolde come to hym of all maner of sykenesse what soo euer sykenesse it had soo bee But thenne had pylate done hym to deth or the messager come Thenne whan themperoure vnderstode that he sent for pylate and made hym come to hym ¶ And whan pylate herde this he was sore aferd take on Cristis cote And soo whan he come to rome to themperour all those that were in presēce made pilate good chere all the whyle that he had on cristis ●●te And themperour swore byfore that he shold be ded Thenne toke of the cote and anone as the cote was off Themperour was sore wrothe wythe Pylate that he putte hym in to a prysō tyll he had take counseyll what dethe he shold deye on Thenne as soone as pylate wist and vnderstod that he sholde be dede he toke his owne knyfe and slewe hym self wyth all And whan the Emperour herde therof and vnderstode that he had sleyn hym self And thenne anone he made to bynde a grete stone aboute pylats necke and to caste hym in a water that is called Tyber Thenne whan he was cast therin the fendes made suche a noyse there about that all the Cite of Rome was sore afreyd ¶ Thenne whan Emperour sawe this he made to take hym vp agayn and thenne was he caste in to a water that was betwyx two hie hilles and soo longe tyme after there was in the water many horryble syghtes seen aboute that cursed man Thus Oure Lorde Ihesu Cryste suffred passion and dethe for all mankynde and fyrst whan he was take they dyde buffete hym and stryped hym naked and bete hym wyth scourgis ¶ A vertice capitis vsque ad plantas pedumnon fuit in eo sanitas ¶ That from the hyest place of his hede to the sole of the fete was noo thynge lefte hole on hym but all raw And after made a crowne off thornes and set it on his hede and bete it doune wyth stauis of reede that it perisshed his brayne And whan they had peyned hym soo they lad hym fo●h all blody Ad montem caluarie To the monte of caluary to th ende off dethe yet wymmen of the Cyte whan they see hym soo fowle fayre wyth all to lougged and all to drawe for very pyte they wepte vpon hym ¶ Thenne sayde our lord to hem Nolite flere super me sed super vos et filios vestros ¶ ye wymmen of Iherusalem wepe ye not for me but vpon you and your children· For there shall dayes come in the whiche ye shall blisse the wombes that were bareyne and the pappes that neuer gaue souke Thus oure Lord preched byfore the vengeaunce that fille after vpon Iherusalem The which prophecye Iheremye the prophete spak of that is redde in holy chirche thyse thre dayes at tenebras the which was soo horryble of many dyuerse myscheues and in especiall off hongre deyde in the stretes Thenne was there a woman was come of grete birthe Tthat for houngre toke her owne chyld that was fedde wyth her pappes and slewe it and parte it in two partyes and than rosted halfe And thother halfe she kepte tyll on the morowe ¶ Thenne as the people come by the strete they had sauour of the roste and anone they come in to haue hadde part therof and whan they sawe the moder roste her owne chylde and sone they were heuy and foule dissmayed and wold not ete therof But wente theyr waye forthe ayen Thenne toke the moder of that child and ete theroff and sayd in this maner wyse This is myn owne sone and myn owne chyld that I bare of my body and fedde it wyth my pappes but I wyll rather ete hit than deye for houngre Therfore I tell you this to shewe you somwhat of the vengeaunce that fyll on Iherusalem after the dethe of oure Lord Ihesu Criste ¶ Thenne they ladde hym to the moūte of Caluarye And there they streyned hym soo on the Crosse that euery bone of his body myght be knowen one from another And nayled hym honde and fote to the crosse and they lyfte vp the Crosse and the body to gyder And wyth a grete peyce they le●e the crosse and the body falle doune to gyder in to the mortesse that all the body dasshed and his bonys craked and his ioyntes brast and veynes and al woūdes brake out of blode Sydes armes legges fete and hondes soo that there was no blode in hym yet they toke a clothe while the blod was hote woūde it a bout his body tyl the blode was cold thēne they drew away the cloth pulled away the flesshe fro the bonis this was a grete pyte And soo whan he shold deye he began as Iohā bellet sayth Deꝰ meꝰ respice in me And soo saide al the verses si●●ng tyll he cāme vnto the verse In te dnē spaui And soo atte this verse ¶ In manus tuas domine cōmando spiritum meum redemisti me domine deꝰ veritatis· ¶ There he gaue vp the spirite This is a grete ensample that our lorde Ihesu Crist gaue to al cristen that euery mā shold haue in mynde thise verses And he that can hem say and yf he say hem euery daye he shall not deye no maner myscheuous nor vengeable deth Thēne after this passion we saye orysons and knelyng at euery oryson saue atte that oryson that is said for the Iewes at that oryson holy chirche kneleth not for by cause iewes in scorne knelynge thre tymes to crist whan they scourged hym Thenne thyse orysons holy chirche prayeth for all maner of people For Iewes sarasyns cysmati●s heretykis But not for crysten people for whyle ony man or woman stondeth a cursed ●he is damned byfore god And dampned shall be at his deth But he repente hym and amende hym whyle he lyueth in this present world ¶ Si scirem pro certo quod pater meus esset ī inferno
thomas he saw suche a shyning in his face that he wente it had be crist Thenne sayd thomas to the kynge Byleue in Crist and thou shall be hole And he sayd I byleue hole in hym and feyne I wold be wroke on them that hauen doo hym to deth and anone he was hole Thenne Iudas wente to symon and wente bothe to gyder in to persy to preche And there they dyd many myracles so that they tourned the kynge and xlii thousande to crysten feyth And soo the cristen peaple encreased strongely Soo the kynge and all his meny were crystened and wythdrewe theyr offrynges from the mawmentes that was the bisshops lyuyng wherfore they were soo wrothe that they gadred hem too gydre and toke thyse appostles and lad them in to theyr temples to doo sacryfyce to their mawmentis or elles they shold be dede Thenne come an angell and asked hem yf they wold haue her enmyes dede or noo And they sayde they desyred to haue her enmies tourned to the feith And the angell asked yf they wolde suffre marterdom for crystis sake and they sayd they wolde suffre dethe Thēne they commaunded and tourned to the mawmentes in the temple and cōmaunded the fendes in them to come oute and to pulle the ymages all to peces and soo they dyde Thenne was the bysshop wroth that her goddis fell soo too peces And anone there come a thondryng and a lyghtenynge and cloue the temple in iii. partyes downe to the grounde and thyse bisshoppes sodeynly slew thyse appostles Thenne the kynge toke theyr bodyes and beryed hem ryally And made ther● 〈◊〉 fayr chirche in worshyp of god and th●se holy appostles Amen ¶ De fest● olm sanctorum GOod frend●● suche a daye ye shall haue all halowen daye and ye shall faste the euyn on the morowe come to the chirche and worshyp god and our lady and all halowyn Frendes ye shall vnderstonde that this feste was ordeyned for thre specyall causes and those ben thyse ¶ First for the temple halowyng for omyssion fulfyllyng and also for neclygent lyuing First for the temple halowyng for whan the Romanis were lordes of all the world they made a tēple in Rome lyke a doffehous and named it pantheon and set in the myddes of the temple an ymage that was the cheef mawmente of Rome and of euery londe in the worlde another ymage all aboute the walles and the name of the londe that the ymage was off wreten vnder the fote of the ymage And all was made by nygrymancy yf that ony londe tourned from themperour Anone the ymage of the londe wolde tourne his ba●ke to the ymage of rome and his face to the walle Soo whan the bysshop come to the temple and founde ony ymage tourned anone they wolde goo to the emperour and telle hym Thenne wolde they ordeyne an oste of people and sende in to that londe and set them at rest and peas And soo this temple endured thus vnto the tyme that pope Boneface the fourth came Thenne he went to thēperour that was called foca and prayed that he wolde gyue hym that temple that he myght putte oute the multitude of mawmentis And to halowe it in the worshyppe of god and our lady and all h●lowen soo he gaue the pope the temple Thenne come there another pope that was called Gregory and commaunded all holy chirche to halowe the fest lyke as it was begon Also this feste was ordeyned by the same pope to fulfylle our omyssions For many sayntes dayes in the yere we leuen vnserued for there be soo many that we may not serue echeone by hym self For as Iherom sayth that there ben for eche daye in the yere x. thousande marters oute take the fyrst daye of Ianuary wherfore holy chirche ordeyned that this daye we shold fulfylle that we haue lefte behynde all the yere And thus euery sayntes euen hath his worshyp to god and our lady and all halowen Also this feste is ordeyned to be halowed to clense vs of oure necligence vncūnynge and also by wordely occupacions doyng we be full recheles in kepynge our holy dayes and therfore this feste is ordeyned for we shal make amendes asmoche as we maye· of that we haue trespassed in other festes And therfore vnderstonde ye that they been in grete perell that breke this feste or ony other in wordely ocupacyons werkyng or in ony synne doyng in byeng or in sellyng or in ony other falshede contryuyng Also ye shall vnderstonde that this daye our prayers shall be sooner herde than ony other daye For this daye all the sayntes in heuen come to gyder to pray to god for vs and therfore ye may knowe well that all comyng to gyder shall be sooner herde than one or two by hem self The saintes that ben in heuen were some tyme as we ben now bothe in flesshe b●ode body and bone And were our elder faders they ben full glad make moche ioye whan they may gete ony preyers or almesdedes of vs. wyth the whiche they may presente god and our lady ▪ prayng for vs. and to shewe you by ensample how that all saintes come to gyder as this daye ye shall here ¶ Narracio ¶ we fynde wreten in legenda aurea that in the same yere this fest was ordeyned to be halowed there was a keper of saint P●ters chirche in Rome that this daye after matens at mydnyght whan al the peple were gone from matens for grete deuocyon that he had ▪ he wente to euery aulter in the chirche saide his deuocions And whan he had gone all aboute thenne wente he to the hye aulter and there felle a slepe his spyrite was rauysshed and sawe the fader of heuen syttyng in his mayeste and a grete multytude of angellis abowte hym And thenne come a fayr quene wyth a crowne on her hede rychely arayed and a grete companye of vyrgins and maydens s●ynge her ●●enne the kynge arose ayenst her and ●adde to fetche a chare of gold set h●●in Thenne come 〈◊〉 clothed 〈◊〉 ●nels skinnis and him sued a grete company of good men Thenne come another ly●e a bisshop and after hym many other bysshops And thenne come a greate multytude as it had ben knyghtes and after hym moche other people and all they come before the kynge and dyde hym worship Thenne the bysshop began to say●●mate●s thenne spak this man to the angell that lad hym and asked what all thyse people were in that araye Thenne sayd the angell the kynge is god hym self And the Quene is oure Lady and he that was clothed in camels skynnis was Iohan Baptiste other patryarkis and prophetes wyth hym The bisshop was saint peter and other apostles and confessours wyth hym The knyght was saynt George wyth other marters comyners that were good trewe lyuers and seruauntes to god here vpon erthe And they come all to thāke god for the grete worshyp that they had here in erthe praied
dede or counseill And also al tho that pryue holy churche of any righte 〈◊〉 make of holy churche any laye fee 〈◊〉 is halowed or sanctifyed And al tho that withold the rightes of any churche that is to saye Offrynges tythes rētes or fredome of holy churche l●te or distrouble or breke that is to saye If any man flee to churche or churchyerd who soo him oute draweth and al tho that procure or assent And all tho that purchace lettres of any lordes Courte wherfore lettynge is maade in cristen courte that processe of right may natt be determyned or endyd And all tho ▪ that the peas of the londe destrouble And all tho that blood drawe of man or of womā in vyolence or in vylony make to be drawen in chirch or in churcheyerde wherfore the churche or the churcheyerd is enterdited or suspē●●● And all tho that been ayenst the ryght of oure lorde the kynge and also● thein that susteyne warre ageynst the kynge wrongfully And all tho that are comune robbers and re●e●s or mansleers but if it be hem self defendynge tho that be ayenst the greate char●●e of the kyng that is cōfermyd of the court of Rome And al tho that fals wytnes bere wrongely namely in cause of matrymonye in what courte so it be or oute of courte And all tho that any false wytnes brynge forthe in right of matrymony for to destrouble man or woman or for to disherite any man of lāde or tenement or any other catel And all false aduocates that for mede put forth any fals excepciones or querels through the whiche the right of matrymonye is fordoon or any other maner of right in stede of iugement And all tho that for mede or fauour or for any other encheson malicyously man or woman brynge oute of their good fame into wycked or make theym for to lese their worldly godes or honoure or putte theym wrongfully to their purgaciō of the which was 〈◊〉 ●ame bifore And all tho that maliciously distroble or lett the right presentment of any churche ther the very patrone sholde presente and all that therto procoure with word or dede or with false enqueste or with other power And all tho that maliciously despysen the maundmēt of the kynge to take a cursed man fro the tyme that he hath leyn in cursyng xl daies no remedye wyll seke And all tho that capcions distrouble wyth false iugement or false enqueste And all tho that their lyueraunce purcha●e ayenst the right of holy church all tho that me●e take for to distroble peas ther● loue sholde be or charite Or stryf mayntene with worde or dede tyll they haue yelden agayn the mede that they toke of theym they may neuyr be assoyled And all tho that hold houses maners graunges of persones vycares or of any other man of hooly churche ayenst their wyll or their attourneys wyll And all tho that any maner godes meuable or vnmeuable awaye bere with strength or wrongefully awaye drawe or wasten of the whiche ●synge they may nat be assoiled tyll they haue made satisfaccion to whom the wronge is doone And all tho that an● maner of godes with violence or ma●●●e bere oute of holy churche stedde or ●bbey or house of religyon whiche that therin is leyde or doon for warandise or socour or for to kepe and all that therto procour or 〈◊〉 and all tho that theym mayntene or susteyne And al tho that haue leyde hond on preest or clerke with malyce butt it be him selue defendynge And all tho that 〈◊〉 counceyll or helpe ayenst cristendome And all that her children wrongfully fader wyttyngly or ther children wyten on any other man with malice And all tho that werye or sle their generaciones or their children distroye with drynkes or with any other crafte And all tho that false money make and therto assent And all tho that good money clyppe or shere them to auantage to disceyue any mā with al tho that false the popes bulles or 〈◊〉 the kynges sea●● And all tho that bye or sell with fals mesures or false weyghtes that is to say to bye with one and sell with a nother And all tho that false the kynges standarde them self wyttynge And all tho that any testament distrouble or therto procoure with word or with dede wherfore the dedys wyll is nat fulfilled And all tho that forswere hem self vpon the holydome wyllynge and wetyngly for mede or for hate for to to doo any man or woman to lese ther worldly godes and honoure And all rubbers and reuers openly or preuely by daye or by nyghte or any mannys goodes stele wherfore they were worthy to haue iugement And all tho that witholde any mannys goode that hath been spyred thryse in hooly churche theym selue wyttyng And all tho that distrouble the peas of holy churche or of the londe And all the kinges felones and all tho that them mayntene And all false conspiratoures and all false forswerers in assy●es or any other courte And all tho that any fals pleyntes putte forth ageynst the fraunchise of holychurche or of the kinge of the royalme And all tho that offrynges that are offred in holy churche or in churcheyerde or in chapel or in oratory or in any other stede with in the prouynce of Caunterbury with holden or putte away in any other place ayenst the wyll of the parson or vycary or their attourney in the parysshe that it is offeryd in And all tho that their goodes awaye yeue for drede of deth in fraud of holy churche or to forbarre their dettes pay●●ge And all tho that suche gyftes take or therto helpe or counceyll And al tho that let prelates or ordynaries for to holde consistory session or chapiters for to en●●ere of synnes and of exces in gode amendement of mannys soul And all wyches and all that on theim leue and all heretykes that leue nat in the sacrament of the auter that is goddes owne body in flesshe and blood in fourme of brede and other sacramentes that toucheth help of mannys soul And all iogelers vsurers that is to say If any man or woman leue their catell to man or woman for any auaunt●ge to take by couenante more or lesse 〈◊〉 their owne and if their be any suche in towne or cyte the Cyte or the. towne shold be enterdyte by the olde lawe and neither done therin masse ne ●a●rament vsyd tyll that he were out therof And all that witholde tythes or withdrawe their tythes wyttynglye o● maliciously to the harme of holy ●●che or tythes let to be gyuen of 〈◊〉 goodes whiche be cōmaunded or ordeyned to be gyuen by the lawe of holy churche that is to saye of al frutes of yerdes cornes herbes that wax frutes of trees of all maner bestes that are newynge Of woll lambe and chese in tyme of yere Of swannes gees douys duckes of bees hony wax Of hay olso often as
it newes of flax of hempe of wyndemylles of all maner mylles of all maner marchaundise of chafferynge men ▪ and of men of crafte And all tho that any of these thinges maliciously or wittingly or any other thynges witholde ●che ought to be yeuyn to holy 〈…〉 by goddes lawe to harme of hol●●che And tho that therto procour 〈◊〉 ●de or in dede ¶ Modus fulminandi 〈◊〉 prelatus alba indutus cum 〈◊〉 ●acerdotibus in ecclesia existen●●●● auce erecta candelis accensi● 〈◊〉 ●pulpito pronuncient verba que sequiltu● ▪ ex auctoritate dei patri● o●●i● potentis et beate marie virginis et 〈◊〉 sanctorum excomunicamus anathe●atizamus et dyabolo cōmendamus ●●●es supradict●s malefactores excomunicati sit ●ematizati et diabolo cōmendati sint in villis in campis in viis semitis in domibus extra domos et in o●●●bus alus locis stando sedendo iacendo surgēdo ambulando currendo vigilando dormiendo comedendo ●●●●●do et ali 〈◊〉 faciendo illos a luminibus et o●●●bus bonis ecclesie sequestramꝰ et diabolo dampnamus et in penis in ferni extinguimus sicut extinguitur ista candela nisi recipiscant ad satisfactionē veniant ¶ Finita sentencia ex● lumen ad terrorem pulsatis campanis ¶ The bedes on sondaye yE shal knele downe on your knees and lyfte vp your hertes makyng your prayers vnto almyghty god for the good state and peas of al holy churche that god mayntene 〈…〉 kepe it For oure holy fader 〈…〉 and all his true college of car● 〈◊〉 that god for his mercy theim ●●yntene and kepe in the right byleue and it holde and encrease and all mysbyleue and herisye he lesse and distroye Also ye shall pray for the holy londe for the holy crosse that Iesu cryst dyed on for the redempcion of mannys soul that it may come in●o the power of crysten men the more to be honoured for oure prayers Also ye shall praye for all archebusshoppes and busshoppes and in especyall for the archebusshop of Ca●●terbury oure metropolytayn and for the busshop of N. oure dyocysan that god of his mercy gyue to hem grace soo to rewle holy churche that it may be to the honoure worshyppe of hym and saluacion of oure soules Also ye shall praye for all abbottes pryoures monkes chanons frerys and for all men and wymen of religion in what ordre estate or degre they stonde in from the hyest estate to the loweste degree ye shall also praye for all theym that haue charge and cure of cristen menn● soules as curates persones vicaries prestes and clerkes and in especiall for the persone and curate of this churche and for all the prestes and mynistres that serue therin or haf seruyd and for all theym that haue taken any ordre that god geue theym grace well to kepe and obserue it to the honoure and helthe of their soules ye shall also praye for the vnyte and peas of all cristen realmes and in especiall for the good state peas and trāquylite of this royalme of Englonde For oure 〈…〉 for his greate mercy sende 〈◊〉 grace ▪ so to gouerne and rule 〈…〉 that god ●e pleased and 〈◊〉 and profyt and sauacion o● this londe Also ye shall pray for oure st●ge lady the quene my lorde the prynce and all the noble progenye of theym For all Dukes Erles Barones knyghtes and Squyers and all other lordes of the kynges counseyll whiche haue any rule and gouernance in this londe that god gyue theym grace so to counceyll rule and gouerne that god be pleased the londe defēded to the profyt and sauacion of all the realme Also ye shall praye for the peas bothe on the londe and on the water that god graunte loue and charyte amonge all cristen people ye shall pray for all oure parisshenys whether they be on londe or on water that god saue theym from all maner of perellys and for all the gode men of thys parisshe for theyr wyues children and menye that god theym mayntene saue and kepe ye shall also pray for all true tithers that god multiply her godes and encrease For all true telers that laboure for oure sustenaunce that teyle the erthe and also for al the greynes and frutes that be sowen sett or done on the erth or shal be doon that god sende suche wederynge that they maye growe and multiplye to the helpe and profyt of all mankynde ye shall praye for all true shypmen and marchantes where that they be on the lond or on the water that god kepe hem fro all perylles and brynge theym ●●me in sauetye with their godes Shippes and marchandyses to the cōforte and prouffyt of this Realme ¶ ye sha●● also praye for th●● that fynd any light in the churche or gyue or byqueth boke bell chalyce or westmente londes rentes lampe or lighte wherby goddes seruyce is the bettre seruyd maynteyned the god rewarde it theim at theyr mooste nede Also ye shal pray for all true pilgrames that haue take their waye to Rome Ierusalem saint Katheryn or saint Iames. or to any other holy place that god of his grace yeue theym tyme and space well for to goo and cōme to the proffyt of theyr lyues and soules Also ye shall praye for all theym that be dyseased in this parysshe that god sende theym helthe the rather for oure prayers For all wymen that been in oure lady bondes in this parisshe or in any other that god lende the children cristendome and the moders purificacion And for all them that wolde be here and may nat for sekenesse trauayll or other lefull occupacion that they may haue parte of al the good dedys that shall be doone in this place or any other Also ye shall pray for all theym that be in good lif that god holde theym longe therin and for theym that be in dett or in dedely synne that iesu crist bryng theim oute therof Also ye shall praye for hym or her that this day gaue the holy brede and for him that firste beganne and lēgest holdeth theron ¶ Furthermore ye shall praye for youre faders soules youre moders soules youre godfaders soules youre godmoders soules youre sustern brethern soules and sa● 〈◊〉 frendes soules all the saules 〈…〉 be dounde to pray fore and for 〈◊〉 ●sten soules that god wolde haue prayed fore ye shall say a Pater noster an Aue maria Deus misereatur Gloria patri Kyrie leyson Pater noster Et ne nos Ostēde nobis domine Domine exaudi orōnem meam Dominus vobiscum Et. Ecclesie tue Deus in euius manu Vel aliter De profundis ¶ Absolne quesumꝰ domtue animas famulorum tuorum pontificum regū sacerdotum parentum parochianorū amicorum benefactorum nostrorum omnium fidelium defunctorum ab oī vinculo delictorum vt in resurrectionis gloria inter sanctos et electos tuos resuscitati respirent Per cristum dominum nostrum Amen Emprentyd by me Richarde Pinson