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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07572 [Liber festivalis]; Festial Mirk, John, fl. 1403? 1486 (1486) STC 17958; ESTC S110149 187,701 329

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and wakyng that were to moche to tell at this tyme. Thanne whan thomas was in the abbey of poūteney vpon a day whann he hadde seyde masse he knelid downe be for the Auter in his preyour●s than the Abbote of the same place had to speke with him and stode vndyr a pilour and abode thomas And he sawe howe oure lord The s● criste appered to Thomas and tolde him how he shulde be slayne in caūterbury in his owne chirche for his sake and bad hym be stedfaste and holde forthe as he hadde be gonne Than come thomas oute of his chapell and a none the Abbot fill downe to the grounde and Sire ye may blisse the tyme and the hour that euer ye were y borne and also blessid mute sho be that euer dyd bere you for to haue soche a visitacione as I haue herde yow haue Thanne se●de thomas I charge the that thow tell hit neuer to no man whyle y am a lyue no more he dede but whan thomas was dede he tolde it opynly to all the people Thus I may well sey that thomas serued god deuoutly Also he dyed for the lawe of holy churche mekely for whann he sawe the kyng be gan to make lawes to ouer sette hooly churche and soche law is as wolde haue destroid the londe Than thomas putte hym selfe forthe and repreuyd the kyng of his misse dedis thā was the kyng wroth ● made a parlament at northampton for thomas wolde not sette his seile to the cursid law is that the kyng his sory counsell had ordeyned made a none they callid hym a traytour to the kyng exiled hym oute of his londe Thanne thomas wēte to the king of fraunce for socour and helpe and full goodly mekely he res●eyued hym and all his clerkys and founde hem all moste vij yere all that they be houyd Thanne grete disseses greuaunces thomas had of the kyng of englond and all he suffered mekely Than by tretice coūsell of the 〈…〉 of the kyng of Fraunce there was made a faynti loueday betwene the king thomas But whan the kyng shulde haue kyssid thomas he wolde not for he seyde he had made his a vow he wolde neuer kisse hym but bad hym go home to his churche boldely Than by the counsell of the kyng of fraūce bidding of the P●p● thomas come home to Caunterbury Than were there iiij cursed knyghtes of leuyng y● thoughte to haue had a grete thanke of the kyng and made her a vowe to gedir to s●e thomas And so on child remasse day all moste at myghte they come to caunterbury in to thomas hall Sire Reynolde ●eriston Sire willi am ●racy Sire Richard breton sire he we morley Thanne Sire Reynolde berystō for he was bitter of kynde a none he seyde to thomas the king that is he yonde the see sente vs to the bad that thou shuldeste a soyle the bishoppe that thou cursiddiste than seyde Thomas seris they be not a cursed by me but by the 〈…〉 I may not a soyle that he hathe cursid well seyde Reynolde than we see thow wolte not do the kynges byddyng and swore a grete othe by the eyon of god thou shalte be dede than cryde the othir knyghtes sle sle they wente downe to the courte and armyd hem Thanne prestis and clerkys drowe hem to the churche to thomas and spered the dores to hem But whā thomas herde the knyghtes armed and wold come in to the churche and myghte not he wente to the dore and vn barred it toke one of the knyghtes by the honde and seyde hit be semythe not to make a castell of holy churche toke hem by the honde seyde come ynne my children in goddis name Thanne for it was myrke that the myghte not see nor knowe thomas they seyde where is the traytour nay seyde thomas no traytour but archebishoppe Thanne one seyde to hym fle fore thou arte but dede Nay seyde thomas y come not to fle but to a byde Ego pro deo mori parat●● sinn et pro defensione iusticie et ecclesie libertate I am redy to dye for the loue of god for the fredomme righte of holy churche Thā reynold with his swerdes poynte put of thomas cappe smote at his hede cūtte of his crowne that it hōge by like a dische Than smote a nothir at him smote hit all of than fill he downe to the grounde on his knees elbowes seyde god in to thy hōdes I putte my cause the righte of holy churche so deyde Than the iij. knyghte smote his halfe st●oke fell vpon his clerkis arme that helde thomas crosse be fore him so his swerde fill down to the groūde brake of the poynte he seyde go we hens he is dede And whā they were at the dore goyng whert broke wēte a geyne sette his fote to thomas necke thruste oute the brayne vpon the pam ●t Thus for righte of holoy churche the lawe of the lōde thomas toke his dethe Thanne how this marterdome was knowen in iherusalem ye shall here ther was an abbey of mōkes in the whiche that same day the same tyme that thomas dyed a mōke lay at the dethe than for he was a good holy man of leuyng his abbote bad hym yf hit were not to god displesaunce whā he were dede he shulde come a yene tell him how he ferde so whan he was dede he come ayen tolde his abbot whan he dyed an angell broughte him be fore god as he stode there he sawe a bishoppe come with a grete company of angeles othir seintes he stode be fore god at his iug●●ment his hede droppid downe of blode of woundes that he had ▪ thā seid oure lord to him thus hit be semythe a man to come to his lordis court a none oure lord sette a crowne on his hede and seyd thus to him As moche as I haue yeue to p●tir to poule so moche ioye I graunte the And the monke seid here by I knowe well that this is the grettiste Bishopp̄ in Englond is slayne for goddis sake wete ye well that I go to euer lasting blisse This tolde the patriarke of iheru salem sone aftir that thomas was dede ther come in to Englond aftir peple to fighte a yen the he thyn men Narracio Also ther was a birde that was taughte to speke cowde sey seinte thomas as she had her de othir pilgremes speke moche of seint thomas it happid on a tyme this birdde sate with oute his cage there come a sparhawke wold haue slayne him anon the birdde cryed on seynte thomas helpe a none this sparhauke fill doune dede than seint thomas of his grete grace goodnesse herd the birdde woste not what she men te
oure lord ihesu criste The fourthe cause of his circumcision was for oure lord woste well that ther wolde come heretikes aftyr that wolde haue seyde y● criste had a body of the erthely fantesy and not of flesche and blode as on of vs haue for a body of the eyere may not blede And there for to put a wey alle soche errours criste was circumcised and blede in his cut tyng of his flesche the whiche flesche was cutt from his membre an angell aftyr brought hit to kyng charles for the moste precious relike in the worlde and for the gretteste worshippe that he ●owde do ther to he broughte hit to rome to a churche that is callid Saneta sanctorum For these iiij causes criste was circumcised This day also hit is callid the vtas of the natiuite that is the viij day of oure lordis birthe in grete tokenyng to all vs that bethe good seruauntes to thynke on these viij dayes that folowith the birthe The firste day is to thynke y●wardly on the sede that we were conceyued of that is fowle and abomynable in hit selfe that as a man or a woman be they neuer so feyre that they sawe the mater they wolde haue be a shamed of hym selfe to thynke ● he were euer conceyued of that foule thynke The secounde day is to thynke how greuously he ●aynithe his modir in his birthe in so moche that hit is an grete miracle of god that she may haue her lyffe The iij day is to thynke how feble and howe wreched he is borne for all the bestis of kynde somwhat cā helpe hem selfe sau man kynde he nothir may nor can helpe hym selfe in no degre but dye a none but he hadde helpe socoure of othir The iiij day is to thynke in how moche parell and drede he leuithe here fore in e●●ry place dethe folowith him and is euer redy to falle on hym what tyme newere no man knowithe but only god hym selfe In certum est locua in quo mor● te exspectat It is in certeyne the place there as dethe a bidithe the The v. day is for to thynke how horrible dethe is whanne he comythe for in shorte space and tyme he makyth a man to stinke that alle the beste frendis that he hathe be a vysed to put hym in to the erthe and hyde hym there The vi day is to thynke how rewfull is the departyng of the body and the soule that may not be departed till the he rte in the body br●ke fore drede of the sightes that the soule shall see that for grete fere the he rte brekyd O mor● quam amara est memoria tua O thow dethe howe bitter it is to thynke vppon whanne th●w arte comyng to any man The vij is to thynke how dredefull is the dome that he shall goo to a none and howe streyte his iugement shall be thā he that woll thynke one these vij dayes besely on the viij day I hope he shall be circumcised that is he shall be cutte a wey from the luste of his flesche and of synne and so do parte from this worldes likkyng and thus comyth the viij day that is the ●tas of criste that is the ioye of blysse that shall neuer haue ende to the whiche god bryng vs all to Amen Judie epiphanie GOod frendis this day is callid the xij day but hit is the xiij day of cristus birthe The whiche day holy churche callid hit the Epiphania domini that is to sey the shewing of oure lord ihesu criste verray god and mā for this day he was shewed verray god and man be thre offerynges be his cristonyng and also be tournyng of water in to wyne The xiij day of his birthe be offeryng of the thre kynges and that same day xxx wynter and xiij dayes aftyr his birthe he was cristened in the water of flom Jordan and that same day twelfemonthe aftyr he tourned water in to wyne at the weddyng of cane galilee But the feste makythe moste mynde and mencion of the iij. kynges offerynge and there late vs folowe the forme of hooly churche here ye shall here howe hit fill of her offeryng to oure lord Jhesu criste verray god and man These thre kynges where of the lynage that prophecied how a sterre shulde shyne of Jacob but they were noo iewes of kynde but they hadde herde by prophecye of this where fore the hadde grete desire and ●usce to see hit and so oftyn tyme whanne myghte come to gedyr vppon certeyne highe hilles than they wolde dispute amonge hem of this sterre So hit happid vppon Cristemas nyghte the same tyme as oure lord was borne they were to gerdyr and were disputyng of this sterre Super mōtem auctorelē vpon the hill Dominna enim erat ●at●a Oure lord was borne Et appar● it illis And apperid to hem in the sterre as fayre a childe and vndyr his hede a bryghte crosse of golde and seyde thus to hem goo ye a none in all the haste that ye may in to the londe of iury ta●e with yow Gold mirre and ensence And offer these thre thynges to hym that ye shall fynde there newe born● kynge of Iewes verray god and man and I shall be youre gyde and lede yow the wey Thanne they a none for grete haste they toke bestys that be callid dromedaries that be of soche a kynde they be so swifte that they woll renne further in on day than any othir beste wolle renne o● go in thre dayes And so they come to Iherusalem that was the che●e Cite of all iury hopyng that they shulde here there somme tydinges where that this childe was borne But as sone as they tourned in to the Cite of Iherusalem thanne they loste the sighte of the Sterre that ladde hem euer the wey till that they come the dyr bryghter thanne the sonne Thanne whā they come in to the Cite of iherusalem they rode to kyng he rowde for he was there the same tyme and seyde to hym ●bi est qui natua ēre● indeorum where is he that is borne that is kyng of iewes ●idimus enim stellam eius in oriente we sawe his sterre in the este ●eniemus adora●e eum we be come to worshippe hym Thanne kyng he rowde was troubeled and all the Cite with hym but more fore flateryng of hym man of any loue that they had to hym Thanne kyng he rowde askyd his clerhys where this child shulde be bore and they seyd in Bethleem ●de Thā kyng herowde askid the kynges p̄uely of the sterre and bad hem goo in to Bethleem and worshippe the childe and come ayene by hym and telle hym where he myghte fynde the childe that he myghte goo worshippe hym Thanne whan the kynges where passed towardes bethleem a nō the sterre aperid to hem and whanne they sawe the sterre was come ayen they were glad in theyr hertys and as hit is in many places peynted the
there for god was with hym So a mā that was steward to the kyng bought hym that hight pōtifer but the fende had gret enuye to Joseph ● temptid the lady sore on him Post multos itaque dies iniecit domina oculos in ioseph et ait veni dormi mecum So on a day the lady lokid on ioseph and toke him by the mantill and seide come and slepe with me and as sone as Joseph vnder stode her menyng anon he yode and flede his wey and left his mantill ther Than this woman cryde and tolde her husbonde how Joseph wolde haue leyne by her and for he shulde not sey nay she kept his mantill There for the lorde made to caste joseph in prison ther as pharao had put his boteler and his baker as they fell a slepe they dremed the whiche dremes they tolde Joseph he seide that the kyng wolde restore his boteler to his office ayene with in thre dayes and the Baker shuld be hanged with in thre dayes and as he seyde hit was than happyd so that the kyng dremed hym selfe but there coude no men tell what shulde fall there of but be coūsell of the boteler the kyng sente after joseph And whan the kyng had tolde hym his dreme Joseph seyde that god hade sente hym a fayre warnyng to puruey him to fore that shulde come aftyr And he seyd ther shulde come vij plenteuous yeris of corne and of all maner frutes and vitayles and aftyr hem shulde come vij yeris in the whiche people shulde spende all that was go tyn to fore Thanne the kyng seyde I know no man that cowde puruey so well for soche a thyng as thou coudist wherfo● I make the gretttest vndir me of all my ●eame and ● shall do to the as to me at thy comaundement Thanne a none io seph lete make the gretest bernes that euer was seyne and gaderid corne faste vij yeris And sone after come vij yeris that all thynges was scarche and dere Than jacob Joseph fadyr herde that there was corne to selle in egipte And he sente the thir his x. sones for to bey corne whan they come thethir saw Joseph all fill downe on her knees and did hym worshippe like as his dreme was for they knowe not hym but wente that he had belord of the coūtre But he knowe hem well y now Thanne he spake to hem in lateyne Surge And seyd they where spyes that where come to knowe of the lon de and they seyde nay they where all bretheren and all oue mannes sones and a nothir brother they hadde that was atte home with her fa●yr ther was a nothyr and they woste not where y● he were a lyue or no and that they mente by Joseph and for to preue the trowthe he made to bynde on of hem that highte Symeon and seyde that he shuld a byde with him tili they hade fette hym at home and so lette fill her sackys with corne preuely putte her money in to her sackys vnwetyng to hem And so whan they come home to her fadyr and put oute her corne ther they fō de her money and they tolde her fadyr but than was he sory for symeon his sone that was lefte be hynde in pryson And more ouer for that he muste ●edys sende fore hym whiche he loued moste and that was beni●min Joseph hole brothir for these othir where but halfe bretheren to Joseph But whan jacob faylyd corne he muste nedys sende for more and he sente forthe Beniamin And whan Joseph sawe his brothyr beniamin he myghte not for bere weping and anon delyuerid him his brothyr symeon and sette hem all to mete fillyd her sackys with corne and preuely put the cuppe that they dranke of in beniamyns sacke and he ●ad hem go her wey But anone aftyr ioseph seute aftyr hem and seyde they where to blame whyle they hadde so good chere to bere a wey the cuppe that they dranke of Thanne they were heuy and sadde and seyd hit was not so and he ran sakyd hem by and by and than they fonde hit in Beniamyns sacke thā come they ayene to joseph sore wepyng and whanne joseph saw hem all wepe and his owne brothyr Beniamin made moste sorow for it was founde with Thanne ●oseph badde hem all be of good chere for I am ioseph youre brothyr and be no thyng a drede for god hathe sente yow hedyr for youre profite and a none sente aftyr his fayir and so dwelled all to gedir a grete while in that londe with moch prosperite This story is rad de this weke in hooly chirche for goddys childeren shulde take ensample of olde fadres to suffer tribulacion and persecncion mekely in parfyte charite for goddys sake as he suffered for vs. for who that gro●hith a yense tribulacion and persecucion that god sendith muste shryue hym and take his penaunce for ther is summe people wyll sey why dothe god thus by me what haue I trespa sid a gayne him tho be in grete parell for her paciēce for truly wordys may lette moche grace Narracio we fynde in miracles de wynfryde the virgyne that a man come to her on a nyghte vppon ij c●ochys full of many maner sikenesse And so be the helpe of god and thys hooly virgyn thys man was hole and so wente where he wolde hol● all day in the abbey and thākyd highely god this hooly virgyn of his hele So at nyghte he went to his bedde in good hele on the morow his sikenesse toke a yene sarrur than hit dede be for t and so lay cryyng that hyt was grete pi●e to here Thanne come a monke to hym and askyd hym what he hade done that his sikenesse was come a yene he seyd no thyng Thann seyde the monke were thow shreuyn sethe thow were hole and he seyde nay I hadde no nede for I stale nethyr oxe nor cowe nor did no greuous synne than the mōke thoughte though a ●ā do no dedly synue he may do so many vema●● that they may make a dedely synne for right as a man may with many smale cornys charge a scronge horse so may he lete his soule with so many smale synnes that he may fall in to the pitte of hell Thanne a none this man went to a priste shwue so was hole bothe in body soule euer aftyr be confession preyoures of thys hooly virgyne Amen Dm̄ca ●narta quadragesime GOod men and wym men this is the fourthe sonday in lenton the which hooly chirche makythe mencion of an holy prophete that was callid moyse the whiche was a figure of oure lord jhesu criste many yeris or oure lord was borne Thā as we rede in hooly churche as moyses was in the deserte of synay god spake to hym seyd Didi afflictōn● populi mei qui est in egipto clamorem eius ●●dini c̄ Pharao the kyng of egipte oppressithe so the peple of
how he toke his spertte in to his faderis handis and seyde In manus tu●s domine ●● and so he yelde vp the goste thus comyng and goyng to the churche all cristen people shulde comyn and leue vanite and ydill talkyng and speke only to the crosse that is o●●e redemption ● no thir cause is whan that ●udas haddē be trayed tris●e and saw by his treson he shulde be dede anō he fyll in dispayre honge him selfe on a tre and than he displesid more criste for that dede thā for all the trespas that he had done to fore for criste is so mercyfull that and he hadde askyd mercy he hulde haue had mercy for yeuenesse Also at this seruice is sette certeyn can delis in the quere Aftyr the vse in summe place more than in some othir as the vse is the whiche be quey●●hith one aftyr a nothir in tokenyng of cristis disciples how they wente a wey eche aftyr othir But whan all these candelis be takyn a wey and the light gone yit on a bidith still a while tyll clerkys haue songe keryes and these ●erses the whiche be tokenethe the wymmeu that made lamentacion at cristus sepulcre Thanne that can ●●ll is broughte ● yene othir light there at that be tokeneth on●e lady ●o all the feythe was los● saue only oure lady and of her all othir were enformed and taughte Also it be tokeneth criste hym selfe that was in his man hode dede and leyde in se ●●l●re and the thrydde day rose from dethe to lyue a yene and yafe lighte beloue to all that where dede and quente be dispayre The strokys that the preste yeuethe on the boke be tokenithe the clap●es of the thoūdye whā criste brake helle yatys dispoyled hell and fett● oute adam and eue and all that he had boughte with his pitter passione Now haue ye herde som what what thys serui●● be tokenithe and thynke there vppon and be not vnkynde to youre lorde god that suffered all this for yow for ●ukyndenesse is a synne that seynky●h in the sighte o● god As seynte Ambros seythe that ther may no mā fy●de a payne grete ynow to punysche vnkyndenesse that ye shall here be ensample Narracio I fynde that Alysaūdyr necham tellith howe that there was sumtyme a knyghte that wente out of his owne countre fe● in to a strange londe to seke auentures and hit hap pid he come in to a grete foreste and there he her d● a grete noyse of a beste that semed in dispire than he wolte wete what hit mente and wente ne re and saw how a gret● horrible addy● and of grete lenghte be clippyd a lyon and bunde hym to a tree as he lay and slepid and when the lyon woke he foūde hym selfe boūde and myght not helpe hym selfe ●e made a grete horrible noyse de ●yryng helpe of the knyght thā had this knyghte cōpassion on this lyon wolde fayne haue holpe but he dradde wha● he was lou se lefte he wolde haue fallyn to hym but be cause he was knyghte and the lyon was kyng of all bestis in that distresse he toke his swerde and smote addyr a sondy● Than a none the lyon felte him selfe louse and fyll downe to the knyghtys fete and euer aftyr nyghte day in euery place he folowed the knyght and euery nyght the lyon lay at this knyghtys beddis fete and in euery batayle the lyon was redy to helpe his maistre in so moche that the peple spake to the knyȝte of the lyon yit be counsell of moche people he hadde the lyon in suspecte where for whā he wente in to his owne countre a yene p̄uely while the lyon sleppe he toke the watyr and wente in to shippe and seylid for the and whan this lyon woke and myssid his ma●tyr a none he y●●e a grete roryng and wente aftyr hym in to the see and swam aftyr him as he myghte and whā his myghte sayled thann he was drowned By this knyght ye may vnderstonde goddis sone of heuen that come oute of ferre coūtre that was oute of heuē in to this worlde and was bounde for mankynde with this olde addyr the fende to a tree of in obed ience wher for with the sharpe swerde that was his passione he lousid mankyde oute of his boundis and made hym fre to goo where he wolde And there fo● all cristen people be boūdyn to worshippe hym and thanke hym for his lousing and to be buxum to hym all the tyme that they leue and folow and sewe the lore of holy churche And he shall passe thourghe the watyr that is to sey thourgh the payne of dethe he shall come to the ioye that euer shall laste with outyn ende the which god brynge vs all to Amen Diuerse questions Any men wolle aske diuerse questio●ns of the seruice of these dayes of soche prystes that they suppose can not make no redy answere to but putte hym to shame and doo to hym vyloni and rep̄uith where for I haue te telith whiche be nedefull for euery preste to know and yf he woll loke hit redy and kepe hem redy in herte he may make redy answere and so shall hit be to hym bothe profite and worshippe Fyrste yf a mā aske how she rethursday is callid so ▪ ye may sey that in hooly churche it is callid Ce●● domini oure lordis soper day for that day ●e souped with his disciples opynly and aftyr souper he gafe hem his flesche his bloode to ete and to drynke and seyde thus Accipite et mand● rate hoc est corpus meum Take ye this ete it for hit is myn own body and a none aftyr he woshe all his disciples fete shewyng what mekenesse that was in hym and for the grete loue y● he had to hem It is also in englische callid shere thursday for in olde fadres dayes the peple wolde that day shere her hed dis and clippe her berdis and doo downe her he dys and so make hem honeste a yene estyr day for on good fryday they do her bodyes none ese but to suffer penaunce in mynde of hym that that day suffered his passion for all mankynde on Estyr euyn it was tyme to here her seruice and aftir seruice make hooly day Hit is wreton in the lyffe of a seynte that he was so besy on the saterday before none that he made ●'man to shaue him aftyr none than was the f●nde redy and gaderyd vs the heris than this h●ly man saw that cōmaūded hym to tell why he did so than seyde he thou doste no reuerence to thy holy day therfor● wolle kepe these heris till the day of dome in grete rep̄ue to the Than a non he lefte of shauyng and toke these heris frome the fende and made to brenne hem in his owne honde to suffer penaunce so a bode vnshauyn tyll mōday aftyr This is seyd to all tho in rep̄ue that
hole so he dede as sone as he was cristoned the lepre fill in to the water he was clene fayre hole Thus ye may see how he that woll do mercy shall haue mercy and they that dothe vengeaūce shall haue vengeaunce So did herowde vengeaunce hit fill vpon him selfe Constantyne the Emperour did mercy he had mercy grace I hope for euer more and so muste we all Amen De sancto thoma epō Ca●tuarien̄ GOod men and wymmen soche a day ye shall haue se●●t Thomas day that was slayne for the righte of hooly churche and the lawe of this londe This hooly mā seint thomas was borne in the Cite of london his ●adir was callid Gilbert that was shryue of london Than aftyrward he ordeyned hym selfe yode in to 〈…〉 e hooly londe there 〈◊〉 was take putte in p 〈…〉 Than come a worshippefull woman to hym and sryde yif he wolde ●lighte her his trouthe to wedde her she wolde helpe him and bryng hym oute of dissese and he dede so Thā come gilbert home in to Englond and whanne this woman sawe her tyme she come aftyr and mette in london at the churche of poules Thā Gilbert made the bishop̄ to criston her and aftir ward for to wedde hem to gedyr and gilbert gate seint Thomas on this woman So whan scho was with childe she dremyd in a nyghte that she come to seint poules chirche but whan she wolde haue gone ynne she thoughte her wombe was so grete that she myght not in to the churche by noo wey Thanne on the mo rowe she wente ●n to her confessour and tolde him all the dreme than seyde he dame be glad thanke god highely for thou haste a childe in thy body that all holy chirche shal be to litill to resceyue him Thanne was she glad and thankyd god highely and so sone aftyr this childe was borne was callid thomas thā he wexed a man and so he was a man in all degre for he serued the kyng manly and serued god worthely and deyde fore the lewis of hooly churche mekely I may well sey he serued the kyng manly for whan he was made chaunceler of En glond this londe was so full of outeland men and so sore ouer sette with hē that ther myghte no mā goo by the wey vn robbed But in short● tyme aftyr Thomas with his wysdome and his manhode he drofe them oute of this londe that all the people myghte goo vn robbed Thomas wa● also manly in repeyryng of the kynges maneres that were lette doune and destroyed and in specyall the kynges paleyse in london at westmestre that was all lette falle downe But betwene Estye and witsonty de thomas made to repayre hit a yene for he hadde there so many workemen of diuerse craftys that a man shulde onethe here his felowe speke for donnyng of strokys He was also manly in dedis of armes for there as the kyng hadde many Castellis and townes oute of his hondis and he spēte moche good to gete theym and shedde moch blode for gete hem a yene at the furste and they were holde oute of his hondis Than thomas with his witte and wisedom gete hem a yene Also whan he was in the kynges werres of fraunce he quyte hym so manly that whanne the kyng of englond had exiled thomas the kyng of fraunce was his chefe helpe socoure Also thomas was as manfull in his aray for he was clothyd in the beste and richeste clothe and furre that myghte be founde And also his repayre to his hose sadeles brydele s●hon● as bryghte as any siluer he was also manfull in his housholde for hi● hall was euery day in some● cheson strawed with gr●ne ruschis And in wynter with clene hey fore to saue the knyghtes clothis that sate in the flore for de ●awte of place to sitte o● for there come so many euery day to ete of his mete and drynke for he wolde haue of all maner of deyntes that myghte he founde in thi● londe In so moche that the kyng hym selfe many tyme vnwarned come to Thomas to mete bothe for loue that he had to Thomas and also to see the aray and also reuell that was in thomas housholde for there sp●ke so moch people worshippe by Thomas And where fore more trewer and also better loue that thanne was betwene the kyng and thomas while hit laste was neuer betwene to men where for I putte this ensample Hit happid that hit fill in a colde wynter as the kyng and Thomas come rydyng to gedyr in to chepe side at lōdon the kyng was ware of a pore man that was well nere nakyd had no clothis and was sore a colde Thanne seyd the kyng to thomas hit were a grete almesse dede to yeue to this pore man betyr clothes Sire seid thomas of soche ye shulde take hede Thanne had thomas on a clothe of good scarlet and well furryd with riche furre than the kyng leyde hōde on this clothe and wolde haue pullid hit from thomas for to haue yeue it to this pore man but thomas helde hit faste and thus they wrastelid longe in so moche that they were like to fulle to the grounde but at the laste be fauour thomas suffered the kyng to take his clothe of and than the kyng caste hit to the pore man and bad hym renne a wey faste selle hit and bey hym othir and yf thou be sette hit well thou mayste fare the better euer whiles thou leuyste Than thomas fayned hym selfe wrothe but in his hert he was welle a payde that his roue was so well befette Thanne the peple meruelyd gretely furste what was betwene the kyng and thomas but whan they saw what hit mened the people were glad and had grete sporte there of This I sey to shewe ensample howe well they louyd to gedyr thus thomas serued the kyng manfully also we muste lerne of oure hooly patron seynte thomas to serue god deuoutely whanne he serued god full deuoutly for as sone as he was made arch bishoppe of Caunterbury a none he tourned his leuyng in to better leuyng and thoughte to serue the kyng of heuē as well as he hadde the kyng of this worlde be fore Thanne a none he leyde a wey scarlet and riche furrys and wered clothe of myddell pryse and caste a wey silke and send●ll and weryd here nexte his body that was righte harde and a bryche of the same hame side in the whiche was so moche vermyn that hit was an horrible sighte to see but this knowe but litill people Also euery wedenysday and freyday he made his confessoure to bete hym with a rodde on the bare body lyke as a childe is bete in scole Also he vsid euery day to wesche ttre pore mennes fete knelyng one the grounde and thanne he yaffe eche of hem foure pennys And also moche more penaunce he vsid in preyng
sacrifice to h̄er mawmentes or else they shulde be dede Thā come an angell askid yf they wolde haue her enemyes dede or no and they seyde they desyred to haue her enemyes tourned to the feyth the angell askid yf they wolde suffre martirdome fore cristus sake they seyd they wolde suffre deth Than they cōmaundid tourned to the mawmentes in the temple cōmaunded the fendes that were in hem to come oute to plucke the ymages all to pecis so they did than was the bishop wrothe y● her goddis fill so to pecis a non ther come a thoū dir a lyghtenyng cleue the temple in iij. parties down to the groūde than these bishoppis sodēly slew these apostlis thā the king toke her bodyes beried hē rially made there a fayre church in worshipp̄ of god these holy apostles Amen De festo omnium sanctorum GOod frendis soche a day ye shall h̄aue all halowyn day ye shall faste the euyn on the morow come to ch̄irch worship god oure lady all halowyn Frendes ye shall vnderstonde that this feste was ordeyned fore iij speciall causes that be these Furste fore the temple h̄alowyng for omission fullfillyng and also fore negligent leuyng Furste for the temple halowyng for whan the romaynes were lordes of all the worlde they made a temple in rome as a doffe house namyd hit panteon set in the myddis of the temple an ymage that was the chefe mawment of rome of euery londe in the worlde an othir ymage all a boute the walles the name of the lōde that the jmage was of wreton vnder the fete of the jmage all was made so by nigromancie yf that any lōde tourned from the emperour a nō the jmage of the londe wolde tourn his backe to the jmage of rome his face to the walle So whā the bishopp̄ come to the temple foūde any ymage tourned a none they wolde to the Emperour tell him Than wolde they ordeyn an oste of peple sende in to the londe sette hem atte reste pese And so this temple endured thus vn to the tyme that 〈…〉 Bonif●ce the iiij come Thanne he wēte to the emperour that was callid foca and preyde him that he wold yeue him that tēple that he myghte putte oute the multitude of mawmētis to halow hit in the worshippe of god oure lady all balowyn And so he gaffe the 〈…〉 the temple Than come ther an othir 〈…〉 that was callid Gregory cōmaundid all holy ch̄urche to halowe the feste like as it was be gon Also this feste was ordeyned by the same 〈…〉 to fullfille oure omissionis For many seyntes dayes in the yere we leuyn vn serued fo●● there be so many that we may not serue eche by hē selfe For as jerom seyth that there be for eche day in the yere x. M. marteres out take the firste day of Ianiuere where fore holy churche ordeyned that this day we shulde fullfille thatswe haue left be hinde all the yere And thus ●ery seintis euyne hathe his worshippe of vs yf we kepe well that day in worshipp̄ to god oure lady all halowyn Also this feste is ordeyned ●o be halowed to clense vs of oure negligence and vncōnyng also by worldely occupacions doyng we be full recheles in keping oure holydayes there for the holy feste is ordeyned fore we shulde make a mendis as moch̄ as we may of that we haue trespasid in othir festis there for vnderstonde ye that they be in gret parell that brekithe this feste or any othir in worldely occupaciones worchyng or in any synn doyng in byyng or in sellyng or in any othir fal hode contryuyng Also ye shall vnderstonde that this day oure preyoures shall be sonner herde thā any othir day fore this day all the seintes in heuē come to gedir to prey to god fore vs. there fore ye may know well that all coming to gedir shall be sonner herde than one or to be hem selfe The seintes that be in heuene were somme tyme as we be now bothe in flesche in blode body bone and were oure elder faderis they be full glad make moche ioye whann they may gete any preyoures or al●es dedis of vs with the which they may p̄sente god oure lady preyng fore vs. to shewe you be ensample h̄ow all seintes come to gedir as this day ye shall here Narracio we finde wreton in legenda aurta that in the same yere this fe●te was ordeyned to be halowed there was a keper of seinte peters ch̄irche in rome that this day aftir matenes at midnyght whā all people were go from matenes fore grete deuocion that he had he wente to euery auter in the chirch and seyde h̄is deuocions whan he had gone all a boute than wente he to the hye anter there fill a slepe his spirite was raueschid sawe the fadir of heuē sittyng in his mageste and a grete multitude of angeles a boute him And than come a fayre quene with a crowne one her hede richely a rayde a grete company of virgines maydens sewyng her Thann the kyng a rose a yene her to sette a cheyre of golde sette her there yun thā come one clothid in camell skyunes h̄im sewed a grete company of aged men Than come a nothir like a bishop aftir him many othir bishoppes And than come a grete multitude as it had be knyghtes aftir hem moche othir people all they come be for the kyng knelid down before the kyng did him worshippe Than the bishopp began to sey matenes Than spake this in to the angell that lad him askid him what all this people was in that a ray than seyde the angell the kyng is god him selfe the quene is oure lady he that was clothid in camell skynnes was iohā baptiste othir patriarkes prophetes with him The bishoppe was seint petir othir apostles confessoures with hym The knygh̄tis was seint gorge with othir marterers comyners that were good trew leuers seruaūtes to god here vpon erthe they come alle to thanke god for the grete worshippe that they had here in erthe preyde be sely to god that bithē in erthe that he shulde haue mercy on hem This is the cause that this feste was furste founde there fore late vs come to churche worshippe god and all halowyn y● they may prey for vs that we m●y at once laste ende ●● of ● nombre that shall worship god that boke spe●●th of seyth thus Diditurbam magnam quam nemo dinume rare poterit for they be so many that no mau can nombre hem and all they prey for vs euyr more that we may come to that blysse that they be in Amen In die auimarū GOod