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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04905 A sermon preached at Paules Crosse the Fryday before Easter, commonly called good Friday, in the yeere of our Lorde. 1579. By Iohn Knewstub Knewstubs, John, 1544-1624.; Knewstub, John. Confutation of monstrous and horrible heresies, taught by H.N. aut 1579 (1579) STC 15046; ESTC S101374 39,484 98

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him the oppressed of a Patrone Thus doeth Iob cleere himselfe in the 29. of Iob. I deliuered the poore that cried and the fatherlesse and hym that had none to helpe him the blessing of him that was ready to peryshe came vppon me and I caused the widowes hart to reioyce I was the eie to the blind feete to the lame I was a father to the poore and when I knewe not the cause I sought it out diligently I brake the iawes of the vnrighteous man pluckt the pray out of his teeth Thus did Iob discharge him of the defence hee did owe vnto them lendyng his eye vnto the blind to spie out the right of his cause and his hande to the oppressed to plucke the pray out of the vnrightecus mans teeth Mare and besides this the whole land hath title to a defence and saftie by them fromsinne Forsimre and wickednes vnpunished ●●keth the lande giltie of blood and bringeth the wrath of GOD vpon it Which wee haue notably prooued vnto vs in the 21. of Dent. A man is founde dead it is not knowen who sine him the elders and iudges must come foorth and measure to the Cities that are rounde about hym that is slayne the Elders of the Citie next to the slayne man must take a Heyfer out of the droue and bring it into a stony valley and strike of the Heyfers necke and washe theyr hands ouer the Heifer that is beheaded testifie say Our hands haue not shed this blood neyther haue our eyes seene it O Lord be merciful to thy people Israell and lay no innocent blood to the charge of thy People Israel and so the blood shal be forgeuen them so shal yee take away crie of the innocent blood This care and prayer was there to vnburden the lande of blood euen when the malefactour coulde not be founde and this confessing of a kinde of guiltinesse in the Elders and Iudges next vnto that Citie for that yf iustice had beene straightly looked vnto by them it is credible the malefactor durst not haue approched so neare Thus woulde the Lord teache vs that wickednesse vnpunished crieth out against the 〈◊〉 wherein it is committed Nowe seeing by the expresse commaundement of God there was suche care taken to purge the land of murder or manslaughter when the authour thereof was vnknowen And that not otherwyse then by sacrifice prayer and solempne protestation before the Lorde of theyr innocencie eyther for doeyng it or seeing it done they were discharged of the daunger thereof What conscience and care ought yee and all other that sit in iudgemēt to haue that you make not your selues and this lande guiltie of the blood by winking at sinne and wickednes especially by letting the murtherer that is manyfest escape you And yf the whole land where wickednesse committed against the second Table is winked at bee founde guiltie of the blood wee stande in greater danger of that iniquitie that directly concerneth the glory of God I meane the offences doone against religion and the true woorshyp of GOD And the whole lande is to looke for defence against so great daunger at the Magistrate his hande And because it is a duetie they owe vnto vs it standeth them vpon to seeke the peace of their owne conscience in that calling which cannot be other wife compassed then in the true discharge of that which is det and due on theyr behalfe That which is recorded in the 22. of Iosua doth notably direct magistrates with what care and vigilancie they are to deale against corruption in the worship of god It is woorth the notyng to obserue howe they were afrayde of the Altar erected by Iordan insomuche that they geathered them togeather to goevy to warre against theyr brethren so soone as they heard that an Altar was builded in that place Albeit their brethren had no ill meaning in that matter Naye as afterward they doe professe their meaning therin was very good godly but cōscience of duty experiēce of plagues where suche offences as there they feared had escaped without punishment made them ielous ouer euery occasiō afrayd of euery light suspition as appeareth by the speache which they had to theyr brethren Haue we to litle say they for the wickednesse of Peor whereof wee are not cleansed vnto this day yee are turned this day from the Lord and euen to morowe hee wyll be wroth with all the congregation of Israell Did not Achan trespasse greatly in the execrable thing and wrath fel on all the congregation of Israel and this man alone perished not in his wickednes The Lorde put it into the minde of our magistrates in lyke maner that when soeuer they shall heare of an Aultar erected in any secrete corner of this land false worshyp vsed they make no delay vntyll they haue seene the offence punished Wee see thē what cause magistrates haue to watch ouer euill and what occasion wee haue to commend them to God by feruent prayer that they may sincerely serue the Lorde in so great a callyng leaste the whole lande shoulde be araigned before the iudgement seate of the highest and all found guiltie of much blood outrage and Idolatrie which hath long laide vpon the land vnpunyshed which plague the Lorde in mercy keepe farre from vs. Iustice and Iudgement they are the strong holdes and fenced places of this land they are the keyes of our Countrey they keepe vs better then all the Blocke-houses or places of defence wheresoeuer they are better able to encounter with our enimies then any garyson of men howe well practised soeuer they may bee But contrarywise the neglect of iustice is woorse then rebellion it pulleth Princes out of theyr thrones maketh the lande cast out her inhabitants ioyneth with forra ne power openeth the gates of all our castles and houldes taketh the weapon from the warriour taketh the hart from the valiant Souldier wisdome and forecast from the wise Coūcellour poisoneth al our munitiō And in the fifth of Esai The Lorde vnder the similitude of a Vine doeth most liuely declare how he wil deale with his people when iudgement and righteousnesse can not be founde among them He wil breake downe the wal thereof and it shal be troden downe he will take away the hedge and shal be eaten vp It is our part therefore to pray for our magistrates those that be in place of iustice that they may looke to the cause of the Widowe Fatherlesse and oppressed that they may purge the lande of blood by takyng punishmēt vpō malefactours that they may haue courage and the feare of GOD that they may hate couetousnesse so that our Prince may sit sure among vs our holdes strongly fortified our hedges still vpholden that we may long inioy peace to the better honouryng of our god And theyr owne safetie doeth require great care in this behalfe Shalt thou reigne saith the Prophet to Iehoikim because thou closest
The trueth is we are perswaded of the excellencie of them and therefore in all suche places alledged for the waiting of his comming there is the benefit set foorth with it and the greatnesse of it which pointeth at our darkenesse and vnbeliefe herein and telleth vs that the glory of this world standeth as a cloude betwene it and our sight To concludle set vs inlarge our hope by meditation praier enter into some consideration of the length breadth and depth of that glory so shal we see such a portion in it as will comfort vs euen in our greatest afflictions countiing it a great honour that we are vouchsafed his seruice as the Apostles haue doone Now we are to consider of that which is the third thing in this our diuision to wit what was geuen to make vs good schollers in this his doctrine and to become a people zelously geuen vnto good workes The gift is so great as himselfe for he gaue himself for vs He laide not downe his life at the plesure of his aduersaries being otherwise vnwilling but franckly and freely of his owne accord did yeeld it vp for vs This is that which wee esteeme aboue the benefite often times the minde of the geuer Great gifts are darkened when they come from an vnwilling mind leese their commendation but a willyng mind aduaūceth the least gift that can be No man taketh my life frō me saith our Sauiour Christ but I laid it downe of my selfe His wyllingnes also appeareth in this that he went forth to meete them asking of them whom they sought confessing him to bee a man As his aduersaries did not compel hym by violence to leaue his lyfe no more did good deseruing on our part procure him therunto And therfore S. Iohn doth herein note a speciall thing that he began with vs and prouoked vs vnto loue and not wee hym This loue was voluntarie and not forced It had likewise the preheminence of beginning and prouoking and was neither borne nor begotten of any former benefite of ours to himward In this gift that was geuen we are to remember not onely that moment of his passion wherein hee passed immediatly from life to death but also the whole course of his life while he had his aboade with vs heere vppon earth For hee serued vs with his life as well as with his death performing in it all that obedience which the Lord requireth of man And this obedience vnto the law could not be vrged of duety vpon hym who was Lorde of the Law in his owne name and for himselfe but onely in respect of vs whose cause and person he was content to sustaine Touchyng his life what a rare argument token of good wil was this to begin withal that he would be abased so farre for vs as to lay downe the maiestie and glory wherin he was nothing inferiour to his father and to take vpon him the estate and condition of a poore and miserable seruaunt to leaue the highest estate in heauen to goe vnder the basest condition here vpon earth to chaunge the highest dignitie with the basest condition the greatest glory with the greatest infamie the place that hath superioritie ouer all with that which is to serue all What is the glory of all kingdomes in the world if they were ioyned together to the glory of heauen and yet how impossible were it to intreate him who is king of the leaste Islande in the worlde to chaunge his estate with a seruant to leaue the glory of his kingdome and to imbrace the estate of the meanest subiect seruant in the land What subiect how friendly soeuer in former times he had been to the prince could after long sute preuaile thus muche with him and behold the king of heauen and Lorde of life doe● force this friendshippe vpon his enmies It requireth our earnest meditation of the matter to consider the greatnesse of the goodwill that lyeth vnder it for it hath neuer before or since beene hearde of that the sonne his lyfe shoulde bee thee price too purchase vnto the seruaunt his freedome that the sonne shoulde be solde to serue to the end the seruant nay enemie might be made free Wonder at this worke thou earth and be amased at it yee heauens for from the beginning if all your registers were searched the like shal not be heard of at any time to haue happened The gift had bene exceeding great if we should haue had no more at his handes then is the seruice of his life lead in all maner of obedience for our sake heere vppon earth but after this obedience vnto the wil of his father in al duetie accomplished he himself must passe through death and so become a slaine sacrifice for the sinnes of his seruants Wherin let vs a litle behold the weight of such a work so shal we make the better account of hym who hath wrought it for vs Let vs behold his behauior when the time approched of his appearing before the iudgement seate of the righteous God for sinners Which although it be but the entraunce into his passion suffering wyl notwithstanding let vs haue some sight tast wherby to discerne how heard a worke he had in hand When he was to enter the answering of sinne he went as appeareth in the Gospel after Saint Mathew into a place called Gethsemane saying to his disciples Sit ye heere while I goe and pray yonder While hee was on the way he begā to waxe heauy sorowful and greenously troubled Insomuche that hee complayning of his griefe vnto Peter and the two sonnes of Zebedeus whom he toke with him saith vnto them I feele my hart heauy vnto death tarry ye here watch with me The paine pressed him so sore that he craueth the comfort of theyr presence in that combat Ye may well consider that it is no small matter which driueth the soone of God to intreate his Disciples to watch with him But are they able to afforde him any helpe In trueth they can geue no help vnto the matter hee hath in hand It is no great thing that is required and yet for all that it cannot bee obteined It is no great matter to looke on though the matters which be in doeing were neuer so daungerous and yet the Scripture doeth tel vs that the chiefe of the Apostles coulde not holde vp theyr heads and helpe their maister at his desire while hee yet was but in the beginning of his conflict with so much as a comfortable countenance no not after he had cōplained of their great vnkindnes expostulating the matter with them had vsed these wordes towardes them What could ye not watch with me one houre A wonderful matter that Peter the prince of the Apostles shoulde bewray so great weakenesse that beyng sundrie tymes requested by his maister could not performe towarde our saluation so litle a matter as is the looking on So farre was he