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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04901 A confutation of monstrous and horrible heresies, taught by H.N. and embraced of a number, who call themselues the Familie of Loue by I. Knewstub. Seene and allowed, according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions. Knewstubs, John, 1544-1624. 1579 (1579) STC 15040; ESTC S108097 192,800 286

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care ought yee and all other that sit in iudgement to haue that you make not your selues this lande guiltie of the blood by winkyng at sinne and wickednesse especially by letting the murtherer that is manifest escape you And if the whole lande where wickednesse committed against the seconde Table is winked at be founde guiltie of blood we stande in greater danger of that iniquity that directly concerneth the glory of GOD I meane the offences doone against religion and the true woorshyppe of god And the whole lande is to looke for defence agaynst so great daunger at the Magistrate his hand And because it is a dutie they owe vnto vs it standeth them vppon to seeke the peace of their owne conscience in that callyng which cannot be otherwise compassed then in the true discharge of that which is det and due on their behalfe That which is recorded in the 22. of Iosua doeth notably direct Magistrates with what care and vigilancie they are too deale against corruption in the worshyp of god It is worth the noting to obserue howe they were afraide of the Alatr erected by Iordan insomuche that they geathered them togeather to goe vppe to warre against their brethren so soone as they heard that an Altar was builded in that place Albeit their brethren hadde no yll meaning in that matter Naye as afterwarde they doe professe their meaning therein was verie good and godly but conscience of duetie and experience of plagues where such offences as there they feared had escaped without punishment made them iealous ouer euerie occasion and afrayed of euery light suspition as appeareth by the speach which they had to their brethren Haue we to litle say they for the wickednes of Peor whereof we are not cleansed vnto this day ye are turned this day from the Lord and euen to morow he wil be wrath with al the congregation of Israel Did not Achan trespasse greatly in the execrable thing and wrath fell on all the congregation of Israell and this man alone perished not in his wickednesse The Lorde put it into the mindes of our Magistrates in lyke maner that whensoeuer they shall heare of an aultar erected in anie secrete corner of this lande and false worship vsed they make no delay vntill they haue seene the offence punished We see then what cause Magistrates haue to watche ouer euill and what occasion we haue to commend them to God by feruent prayer that they may sincerely serue the Lorde in so great a calling least the whole lande shoulde bee arraigned before the iudgement seate of the highest and all founde guiltie of much blood outrage and Idolatrie which hath long layde vppon the lande vnpunished which plague the Lord in mercie keepe farre from vs. Iustice and iudgement they are the strong holdes and fenced places of this lande they are the keyes of our Countrey they keepe vs better then all the Blockhouses or places of defence wheresoeuer they are better able to encounter with our enemies then anie garrison of men how well practised soeuer they may be But contrariwise the neglect of iustice is worse then rebellion it pulleth Princes out of their thrones maketh the lande cast out her inhabitantes ioyneth with forraine power openeth the gates of al our castles and holdes taketh the weapon from the warriour taketh the heart from the valiant souldier wisedome and forecast from the wise Councellour poysoneth all our munition And in the 5. of Esai the Lorde vnder the similitude of a vine doeth most liuelie declare howe he will deale with his people when iudgement and righteousnesse can not be founde among them He will breake downe the wall thereof and it shal be troden downe he will take away the hedge and it shal be eaten vp It is our parte therefore to pray for our Magistrates and those that be in place of iustice that they may looke to the cause of the widowe fatherlesse and oppressed that they may purge the lande of blood by taking punishment vpon malefactors that they may haue courage and the feare of God that they may hate couetousnes so that our Prince may sit sure among vs our holdes strongly fortified our headges stil vpholden that wee may long inioy peace to the better honouring of our god And their owne safetie doeth require great care in this behalfe Shalt thou reigne saith the Prophet to Iehoikim because thou closest thy selfe in Cedar Did not thy father eate drinke and prosper when he executed iustice and iudgement when he iudged the cause of the poore he prospered was not this because he knewe me saith thy Lord but thine eyes and thy heart are only for the couetousnesse and for oppression therefore thus saith the Lord of Iehoikim he shall be buried as an Asse is buried The Lawyer hee must deale iustly and giue euery man his owne for he is the liuing lande marke that limiteth men their inheritance that pointeth out their right and title howe farre it goeth and so breaketh controuersie and telleth euery one in his doubtfull cause where his clayme and title lieth what lawe and equitie will beare him in and where it wil forsake him He I say is a liuing lande marke that by true opening of the lawes boundeth euerie man within the compasse of his owne title And because of that doeth highly deserue of the common wealth as a most necessarie and profitable member thereof Such men are the common treasure house of the Land where vnto the euidences of euerie man are committed And they put in trust withall to reserue for euery manne his title that when hee is incombred for his right they shoulde out of that Treasure house of the lawe bring good euidence for him and so forthwith cleare his innocencie The lawe is the house of euery man where being tossed with many stormes abroad he findeth a place to hide his heade in and beyng in safetie doth boldely contemne both winde and weather quietly take his rest For being tossed with iniuries either in bodie goods or name we haue no house of refuge and rest beside the lawe no sanctuarie in our vniust vexation besides that The place which they serue God in who are ministers of the law is verie high and honorable the good they may doe verie much if God geue them conscience and care of it The hurt in like manner is exceeding great where the feare of God doeth not rule For is it not a merueilous mischiefe to remoue the land marke of any man it is that sinne that had a solemne curse called for against it by the ministery of the Leuites wherevnto all the people were commaunded to say Amen And what diuersitie or difference is there betweene him that setteth in the land marke and so boundeth a man shorter and him that either by wresting of the lawe or hiding the true meaning of it is an occasion of cutting short or empayring the true Title of anie man Euerie man will graunt that
duety vpon hym who was Lord of the law in his owne name and for himselfe but onely in respect of vs whose cause and person hee was content to sustaine Touching his life what a rare argument and token of good will was this to begin withall that he would be abased so farre for vs as to lay downe the maiestie glorie wherein he was nothing inferiour to his father and to take vpon him the estate and condition of a poore and miserable seruant to leaue the highest estate in heauen and to goe vnder the basest condition here vpon earth to chaunge the highest dignitie with the basest condition the greatest glorie with the greatest infamie the place that hath superioritie ouer all with that which is to serue all what is the glorie of all kingdomes in the worlde if they were ioyned together to the glorie of Heauen and yet howe impossible were it to intreate him who is king of the least Islande in the worlde to chaunge his estate with a seruant to leaue the glory of his kimgdome and to imbrace the estate of the meanest subiecte and seruant in the lande VVhat subiect howe friendly soeuer in former times he had beene to the Prince could after long sute preuaile thus much with him and beholde the king of heauen and Lord of life doth force this friendship vpon his enemies It requireth our earnest meditation of the matter to consider the greatnesse of the goodwil that lyeth vnder it for it hath neuer before or since been heard off that the sonne his life should be the price to purchase vnto the seruant his fredom that the sonne should be sould to serue to the end the seruant nay enemie might be made free Wonder at this worke thou earth be amased at it ye heauens for frō the beginning if al your regesters were searched the like shal not be heard of at any time to haue happened The gift had beene exceeding great if wee should haue had no more at his hands then is the seruice of his life lead in all maner of obedience for our sake heere vpon Earth but after this obedience vnto the will of his father in all duetie accomplished he himselfe must passe thorow death and so become a slaine sacrifice for the sinnes of his seruants Wherin let vs a litle beholde the weight of suche a worke so shall wee make the better account of him who hath wrought it for vs Let vs behold his behauiour when the time approched of his appearing before the iudgement seat of the righteous God for sinners Which although it be but the enterāce into his passion and suffering wil notwithstanding let vs haue some sight and tast wherby to discerne how hard a work he had in hand When he was to enter the answearing of sinne he went as appeareth in the Gospel after Saint Mathew into a place called Gethsemane saying to his Disciples Sit ye heere while I goe and pray yonder While he was on the way he began to waxe heauy sorowfull and greeuously troubled In so much that he complaining of his grief vnto Peter and the two sonnes of Zebedeus whome he tooke with him saith vnto them I feele my heart heauy vnto death tary ye heere and watch with me The paine pressed him so sore that hee craueth the eomfort of their presence in that combat Yee may well consider that it is no small matter which driueth the sonne of God to intreate his Disciples to watch with him But are they able to afforde him any helpe In trueth they can giue no helpe vnto the mater he hath in hand It is no great thing that is required and yet for al that it cannot be obteyned It is no great matter to looke on though the matters which be in doing were neuer so daungerous and yet the Scripture doth tel vs that the chiefe of the Apostles could not hold vp their heads and helpe their maister at his desire while hee yet was but in the beginning of his conflict with so much as a cōfortable countenance no not after he had cōplained of their great vnkindnesse and expostulating the matter with them had vsed these wordes towardes them What coulde ye not watch with me one howre A wonderfull matter that Peter the Prince of the Apostles should bebewray so great weakenesse that beeing sundry times requested by his Maister could not performe towarde our saluation so little a matter as is the looking on So farre was hee from afording either countenannce or speach of incouragement in this cause The Lorde had a speciall purpose in it and we are therfore to drawe speciall instruction from this that there did neuer greater want appeare neither mo infirmities breake out of the Apostles then whē the worke of our saluation was in hand For had they giuen but the least helpe vnto that worke howe should men haue beene kept from matching them with Christ in the matter of mediation For many be so mad that notwithstanding the best of them could not helpe with a comfortable countenaunce when our saluation was to bee procured yet will they haue the meanest of them at least fellowes with Christ at halfe of the Mediatorship for they will not be perswaded but that they must pray vnto them and so haue them fellowes with Christ in the office of intercession Howe hath the holie Ghost met with man his infirmitie heerin and remoued all stumbling blockes that wee might haue free passage to that alone Mediatour betweene God and man the man Iesus Christ Who can deny but that the onely wise God did foresee what great folly and susperstition many would fall into with the Apostles and Saints of GOD and therefore would haue the woorke of our saluation so cleare and voyde of any helpe from the Apostles that the chiefe of them could not bee kept from sleeping at the beginning neither from periurie and forswearing after a little farther proceeding in the same For so farre wer they from healping our saluation forwarde that beeing requested to watch and solace their Maister with their sight in his agonie that they are daunted and lye like deade menne And when they are wakened and reprooued for that they woulde not watche one houre by and by they fall faste a sleepe againe so that no manner of comforte can bee had from them And no maruell for the Almightie had determined that the combate should be single perfourmed of one alone and therefore it coulde not be that Peter and Christe should suffer togither In deede there weare two theeues crucified with him but there was no doubt which thing the learned doe well note that the sacrifice for sinne should haue any supply from their suffering The fourme of prayer which our Sauiour Christ vsed vnto God the father when hee entred into this agonie doth likewise tel vs what paine anguish he did sustaine For sundry times he made this peticion vnto God O my father if it be possible let this cup