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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00712 Fidelitas. A distinct declaratio[n] of the requiring of the Lorde and of the godlie testimonies of the holie spirit of the loue of Iesu Christ. Set-fourth by Fidelitas, a fellowe-elder with HN, in the famelie of the loue. Translated out of Base-almayne; Fidelitas. A distinct declaration of the requiring of the Lorde and of the godlie testimonies of the holie spirit of the love of Jesu Christ. Fidelitas.; Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579.; Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580? 1574 (1574) STC 10843; ESTC S117554 27,620 48

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Infelicitie hath not com-nye or lighted-on them in the fore-goinge Night / yet are they not therfore escaped the Infelicitie / nether shall the other Nightes bide-backe or not com vpon them but they shall all followe vpon y ● fore-going Night / and euerye sondrie Night shall make-manifest and bringe with him his owne Infelicitie and Destruction ouer them / vntill that the last most-horrible Night be com vpon them in vnmeasurable and vnqueanchable Destruction 15. OH what an vnmeasurable Woe cometh-ther ouer the wicked Worlde and also ouer all them that cleaue vnto her / and shewe-fourth n Rom. 2. a. no Repentaunce / nor will assemble them wher-vnto they are called and bidden through the gratious Woord and his Seruice of Loue to their Preseruation in the Godlines 16. For-that-cause seperate you now all o 4. Esd. 2. d. from the wicked World / and shew-fourth Repentaunce / and saue or ridde your Soule and Bodie from the Destruction / and forsake p Math. 16. 〈◊〉 Luk. 9. 14. d. all what is your owne / and bring vnto the Lorde that q 2. Para. 30. which is His For the Ende cometh Beholde r Ezech. 7. b. it cometh swiftlie on / and beginneth alredie to make his Entraunce / and breaketh-thorowe verye stowtlie ouer the Inhabitantes of the Lande 17. The Time of Destruction cometh / and the great terrible Miserie is harde-at-hande s Ezech. 7. b. Therfore mourne not now ouer that which yee haue solde / reioyce not also ouer that which yee haue bought / but let him that mourneth mourne for that the Iniquitie t 4. Esd. 14. b. Math. 24. b. raigneth so mightesie / and let him that reioyceth reioyce in the Intelligence of the true godlie Beeinge / and in the Hope of the tocoming Peace For the Time of Destruction bringeth not els-what with it but an Inspection of great Affliction / Dolour / and Miserie v Ezech. 7. b. and ther shall not be any Singinge heard therin to the Ioyfulnes of Life but all Bewayling and Rufulnes / and Seekinge of Death For such an Endinge will the Lorde now shortlie bring vpon the wicked World / and powre-fourth his Indignatiō vpon them that are so full of Falshod and will euenso fullie accomplish his Wrath ouer them The V. Chap. BEholde / now commeth the Daye Lo / a Ezech. 7. c. theare commeth hee / and breakethfourth / and shall not deferre him For the Rodde doth blossom / the Prowde waxeth greene / and Tirannie hath made-vpp itself to a Punnishment ouer the Vngodlie in such-wise / that none of them nor of y e Multitude of their Heapes shall haue anye staye of Comfort ether Hope For the Indignation of the Lorde passeth-fourth ouer all the Multitude of their Heapes b Ezech. 7. b. Yea the Sworde raingeth-abrode in their Streates / and the Pestilence and Hunger is in their Howses 2. They shall ⁏ euen out of great Miserie castfourth their c Esa. 2. 〈◊〉 30. c. 31. c. Ezech. 7. b. 4. Esdr. 16. c. Siluer on the Streates / and esteeme their Golde and Bragginge-iewels or Riches as Filthynes or Dirte d Soph. 1. c. Eccli 5. b. For all this shall not deliuer them in the Daye of the Wrath of the Lorde nether shall they also suffise their Sowles therwith / nor fill their Bellie therwith all for all thatsame hath not wrought in them anye Reformation nor Righteousnes / but rather Offenciuenes and Malice to the ingendringe of Misdooinge and they haue euenso vsed their Iewels or Riches vnto Pryde / and made thesame to an Abhomination before the Lorde 3. OH How full of e Ezech. 7. c. Bloud-giltines are the Landes / and how full of Malitiousgrudginge are the Cities and how full of Variaunce and Resistaunce of the Loue are their Inhabitantes Therfore hath the Lorde also deuysed to bringe vpō them the most-wicked among the Heathē or Vncircumcised / that they might seduce them to the very-worst / and counsell them to liue free in their sinfull Birth · in their Vnrepentaunce · and in their Vnregeneration and then will the Lorde also take his occasion therout to make-an-ende of f Ezech. 7. c. the Pryde of the Presumpteous · and of the Tirannie of the Violent-oppressours / and to disclose the Prophanatinge The Prophanatinge of their Assemblies are the Feastifuldayes of the V●… godly●… or Vnhallowinge of their Assemblies and will euenso reiect both them and also their Elders or Wise which they haue set-vpp / admitted / and chosen from amonge them-selues ⁏ without the Loue and her Seruice to be Elders or Wise · as also healde and esteemed them for Such from the Presence of his Face 4. Then shall manye of them g Ezech. 7. c. seeke after the Peace which they now misse or haue lost / but it shall not be any-wheare to be founde amonge them For Vexation and Trouble shall fall vpon them whereuer they becom and one euell Brute shall com ouer them after another Then shall they diligentlie go vnto their Propheates to seeke the Insight or Vision of the Peace / and make-inquisition amonge their Elders after the Wisdome and after the Ordinaunce of the Lorde to their Concorde 5. But h Ezech. 7. c. ther shall nether Wisdom / Ordinaunce of the Lorde / nor Vision of Peace · nether-yet any Counsell to Concord nor to Preseruation be found by their Elders Their Kinges or Gouernours shall then also be afflicted with great Heauynes · and their Princes clothed with Mourning-weede For their Might and Dominion shall not be feared / and the i Ezech. 7. b. Handes of the People in the Lande shall finde themselues vnmightie · and their Heartes discomforted 6. Yea / euen-then will the Lorde himself k Esa. ●…2 b. with his Arme / and with the Armes of his Holyones be the true Iudge vpon the Earth / and cleanse the vniuersall Earth l Math. 3. b. Luk. 3. b. from all the Vnrighteousnes Falshod that the Children of Men ⁏ in their Vnrepentaunce and Contemning of the Saluation haue practised and erected on the Earth and they shall euēso perceaue-in-experience that our God of Loue is the true Lorde / and that Hee hath neuer willed the m Ezech. 18. d 1. Tim. 2. a. 2. Pet. 3. a. Destructiō of Men but alwayes called them to Repentaunce / and to their Preseruation in the Godlynes / and warned them of the Destruction euen-like as his Loue and Mercie doth also yeat presentlie in the last Daye shew-fourth thesame 7. O Yee Childrē of Men consider and note aduisedlie the great Loue and Goodnes that becometh yeat presentlie in the last Daye extended on you / to your Preseruation in the Godlines and how that yee are with this distinct Declaratiō of the n Deut. 11. c. Eccli 15. c. Life and of the Death visited out of entire Loue · required to com to the o Psal.