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A53751 The reports of that late reverend and learned judge, Thomas Owen Esquire one of the justices of the Common pleas : wherein are many choice cases, most of them throughly argued by the learned serjeants, and after argued and resolved by the grave judges of those times : with many cases wherein the differences in the year-books are reconciled and explained : with two exact alphabeticall tables, the one of the cases, and the other of the principal matters therein contained. England and Wales. Court of King's Bench.; Owen, Thomas, d. 1598.; England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas. 1656 (1656) Wing O832; ESTC R13317 170,888 175

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Perryn against Allen in C. B. Rot. 611. 612. IN a debt upon a Lease for years It was found that on Gibson was seised of Land in Lease for thirty years and he let the Land to Perryn for 19. years rendring 10. l. rent and that afterwards it was articled and agreed between Gibson and one J.S. that P●rryn should have and hold the Lands which he had and also other lands which he had for terme of 3. years rendring a greater rent to which Articles Perryn at another time and place afterwards agreed but the intent of the articles and agreement betwixt them was not that the first Terme to Perryn should be extinct That afterwards Perryn letted this Land to the Defendant Allen for 17. years rendring Rent and then the three years expired and Gibson grants his term to J.S. who enters c. If this agreement amounts to a surrender was the question Hanam for the Plaintiff It is not for to a surrender three things are incident First an actuall possession in him who surrenders Secondly an actuall remainder or reversion in him to whom the surrender is made Thirdly consent and agreement between the parties But to all these the Plaintiff was a stranger and therefore no surrender For if I let land to you for so many years as J.S. shall name if he names the years it shall be good from that time and not before but if I let land for so many years as my Executors shall name this is not good for I cannot have Executors in my life time and when I am dead I cannot assent so in this case there ought to be a mutuall assent between the Lessor and Lessee H●…i● Cont. It is a surrender for if he concluded and agreed at another time or accepted a new Lease it is a surrender 37 H. 6. 22 Ed. 4. 14 H 7. and then when a stranger does agree that he shall have other lands and pay a greater Rent this is a surrender Anderson If I covenant with you that J.S. shall have my land for ten years this is only a Covenant and no Lease quod Wa●m●sl●y concessit And so if I covenant that your Executors shall have my land for a term of years after your death this is no Lease And all the Court held that this was not a good Lease for the act of a stranger cannot make a surrender of the Terme Peryam You at the Bar have forgotten to argue one point materiall in the Case videlicet If Lessee for 20. years makes a Lease for ten years if the Lessee for ten years may surrender to the Lessee for 20. years And Hanam said privately that he could not surrender for one Term cannot merge in the other And Anderson said that by opinion of them all that the Lessee for 10. years cannot surrender But to the other point All the Iudges agreed that it was no surrender And Iudgment was given for the Plaintiff Dabridgecourt against Smallbrooke IN an action of the Case the Plaintiff declared that he was Sheriff of the County of Warwick and that a writ came down to him to arrest J.S. at the suit of the Defendant who requested the Plaintiff to make Russell who was the Defendants friend his speciall Baily in consideration of which the Defendant did assume that if the said J.S. did escape that he would take no advantage against the Plaintiff whereupon he made Russell his Bailiff who arrested the said J.S. who afterwards escapt from him and that notwithstanding the Defendant had charged the Plaintiff for this And a verdict was found for the Plaintiff And in this case it was agreed that where a Sheriff did make a Bailiff upon request of any one it is reason that the party should not charge the Sheriff for an escape by reason of the negligence of such Bailiff for the Sheriff hath security from every one of his Bailiffs to save him harmeless wherefore it is great reason that if upon request he makes a speciall Bailiff that the party should not take advantage of such an escape but that the Sheriff may have his action against him again upon his promise And Iudgment was given for the Plaintiff Hillar 31 Eliz. Beale against Carter Rot. 331. IN an action of false imprisonment The Defendant justified the imprisonment for two hours because the Plaintiff brought a little infant with him to the Church intending to leave it there and to have the Parish keep it and the Defendant being Constable of the Parish because the Plaintiff would not carry the child away with him again carryed the Defendant to prison all the said time untill he took the child away with him And hereupon the Plaintiff demurred And it seemed to the Iustices that it was no good plea for although the Constable at the Common Law is keeper of the Peace yet this does not belong to his Office but if he had justified as Officer then perhaps it had been good And afterwards viz. Hillar 33 Eliz. the Case was argued again and then Glanvill said That it was a good justification for any person may do it For if I see A. ready to kill B. I ought to hinder him of his purpose And in the 22 Ass 50. the Defendant justified because the Plaintiff was madd and did a great deale of mischief wherefore he imprisoned him And in 10 Eliz. which case I have heard in this Court The Constable took a madd man and put him in prison where he dyed and the Constable was indicted of this but was discharged for the act was legall and so here in this Case if the infant had dyed for want of meat it had been murder in the Plaintiff For it was held in 20 Eliz. at Winchester before the Lord Bacon if one brings an infant to a desert place where it dyes for want of nourishment it is murder Gawdy It was ill done of the Plaintiff but that ought to be reformed by due course of Law for a Constable cannot imprison at his pleasure but he may stay the party and carry him to a Iustice of Peace to be examin'd Wray Then such matter ought to be pleaded Quod Gaudie concessit Fenner If he had pleaded that he refused to carry the infant away then it had been a good justification for a Constable is Conservator of the peace but because it was not so pleaded the Plea is naught But the Iudges would not give Iudgment for the ill Examples sake and therefore they moved the parties to compound Pasch 31 Eliz. Sale against the Bishop of Lichfield in C. B. SAle Executor of J.S. who was Grantee of the nomination and presentation to the Archdeaconary in the County of Derby brought a Quare impedit against the Bishop of Lichfield and declared of a presentment and disturbance in vita Testatoris quod Ecclesia vacavit adhuc vacata est The Defendant pleaded Plein d'Incumbent before the writ purchased and Iudgment was given for the Plaintiff And it was moved
the Reversion Warburton I conceive he shall have the Ayde 7 H. 4.2 where ayde is prayed against him in the Remainder and Reversion and and he cited a Manuscript 11 R. 2. direct in the point that the ayde would lye But the other Iustices cont for the Tenant for life hath as high an estate as he in the remainder and may plead all that the other may but if there be Tenant for life the remainder in Taile there he shall have ayde of the Tenant in Taile 23 H. 6.6 11 Edw. 3.16 If there be Tenant for life the remainder for life the remainder in Fee tenant for life shall have ayde of them both for else he in the remainder shall not come in to plead 11 E. 3. ayde 32. Where it is resolved that tenant for life shall have ayde of the Reversioner for life Hillar 28 Eliz. VVatkins against Astwick A Man makes a feofment on condition that if he his heirs or Executors do pay the Rent of 100 l. before such a day that he may re-enter the Feoffer dyes his heire within age the mother without any notice of the son requests J.S. that he would pay the money for her son And all this was found by speciall verdict but it was not found of what age the son was Clinch If the Iury had found that the son was of the age of 17 years the payment had been good Wray If a Bond be upon condition that the Obligor or his heirs should pay 100 l. and the Obligor dyes his heire within age I conceive payment by the Guardion or by some other friend is good And afterwards all the Iustices agreed That if the Infant were within the age of 14. years the tender of the money by his mother had been good but contra if he had been more than 14 years and because no age was proved here but that he was within age it shall not be intended that he was within the age of 14. years and therefore they advised the party to begin de novo and that it may be found that the Infant was within the age of 14. years Trinit 25. Eliz. Moris against Paget in C. B. Rot. 2215. IN a Replevin a speciall Verdict was found that Sir Francis Ascough was seised of the Mannor of Castor in Lincolne which Mannor extended it self into four Towns v z. Castor North Kelsey Dale ●ale and that there were demesne lands and Freeholders in each of the said Towns and that Moris the Plaintiff held the land where c by Fealty and suit of Court to the Mannor of Castor and the lands did lie in one of the Towns viz. in Norch Kelsey And Ascough being so seised sold to the Defendant Totum illud Manerium sive Dominium de North Kelsey cum pertinentiis in North Kelsey ac omnia ac singula Messuagia redditus Herriot and all other things used or reputed as parcell thereof with all Courts c. To have and to hold to the Vendee and his heires and Moris the Plaintiff and other freeholders in North Kelsey did attorne to the Vendee The Question was if the Vendee had the Mannor of North Kelsey or not Peryam He has not yet by the feofment and attornment all the Tenants and services are conveyed to him but not as a Mannor for a Mannor is made and incorporate by continuance of time and this entire Mannor of Castor cannot be divided no more than other liberties as if the King grant to three partners who have three Mannors a Leet or Warren and one of them makes a feofment the Feofee shall not have the Leet and he●tted Dyer 362. a. and he sayd if I grant my Mannor of ●except certain Demesn lands and services the feofee shall have the Mannor and I shall have the Lands and services in grosse and so if I have a Mannor that extends into two Towns and I grant my Mannour to you in one Town you shall have no Mannor but the lands and services in gross Windham Iustice cont For where he grants his Mannor of North Kelsey in North Kelsey there it shall be construed his Mannor in reputation Ander on agreed for although a Mannor cannot be created at this day yet is it not so intire but it may be divided Hillar 30. Elizab. Sir Thomas Howards Case A Man makes a Lease for years the 10th of May and then the Lessor bargains and sells this to another by Deed enroll'd bearing date the 10th of Aprill and it was entred to be conveyed the 10th of Aprill before but in truth it was delivered and acknowledged and enrolled afterwards And it was held that the bargaine was without remedy at the Common Law for he cannot plead that it was acknowledged or delivered after the date of the day of acknowledging it and so was the opinion of Rhodes Peryam and Windham Anderson being absent for he cannot aver that it was inrolled or acknowledged at another day then it is recodred because it is contrary to the Record for it is entred that it was acknowledged the 10 of Aprill and then if such a plea should be admitted it would shake most of the Assurances in England Note Shuttleworth put this case A man makes a Lease rendring Rent at two Feasts and if the Rent be behind at any of the said Feasts or 40. dayes after and no distress to be found that the Lessor shall re-enter the Lessor comes upon the ground the last day of the 40. and demands his Rent and because no distress was sound on the land at the time of his demand he entred But it was averred that always before this day there was sufficient distress and the question was if his entry were good Fenner and Rhodes said they had seen a Report of the same Ease 8 Eliz. That the distress ought to be on the Land on the last day yea at the last instant of the day which is a legall time to make a demand or else the Lessor may enter Walmsley The same Ease was resolved a year agoe in the Kings Bench between Ward and VVare But if it were and no distress to be found at any time within forty dayes there if there be a distress found at any time it is sufficient Vid. 1. Inst 202. a. 28 Eliz. VVood against Ash IN a Replevin the Ease was thus Puttenham made a Lease of Land with a Stock of Sheep for 20. years rendring Rent and the Lessee doth Covenant to render back to him at the expiration of the Lease 1000 Sheepe of the age of three or four years and that the Lessor grants all his Chattells and this stock of Sheepe to Elizabeth Vavafor the Defendants now wife but in Truth the Sheepe of the old stock were all spent and others supplyed part by increase and part by buying of other Sheepe Walmesley for the Defendant The grant made by the Lessor is good for the generall propertie does remain in him although that the Lessee hath a speciall
shall not have an Action of Debt untill the last year expired And after Iudgment was given for the Plaintiff viz. Mich. 29. Eliz. Rot. 2248. 28 Eliz. Between Sticklehorne and Hatchman ADjudged by the Court that if for not scouring of a Ditch or Mote the Groundsells of the house are putrified or Trees cut downe which are in defence of the house whereby the house by tempests is blown down Waste shall be assigned in Domibus pro non Scourando c. IN an Ejectione firmae Broker Prothenotary said that where the title of him in the Reversion is not disclosed in pleading nor cometh in question aid shall not be granted Pasch 28 Eliz. in C. B. Yardley against Pescan THe Queen seised of an Advowson being void the Ancestor of Pescan presented and so gained it by usurpation and then the Church being void he presented again and his Clark is now dead and then the Queen grants the Advowson to Yardley the Plaintiff and he brings a Quare Impedit in the name of the Queen supposing that this usurpation did not put the Queen out of possession and it was argued that the Grant could not passe without speciall words because it is of the nature of a Chose in Action and this was moved the last terme and then Dyer Meade and Windham held that this usurpation did gaine possession out of the Queen and that she should be put to her Writ of Right of Advowson and now this terme Fenner moved the case againe and the opinion of Anderson that was the chief Iustice of the Common Pleas was clearly that the Queen was not out of possession for he said that it was a rule in our Books that of a thing which is of Inheritance the act of a common person will not put the Queen out of possession but if she had but a Chattell as the next Advowson then perhaps it is otherwise But Meade and Windham held very earnestly the contrary and they relied on the Book of 18 Ed. 3.15 where Shard said that if the King had an Advowson in his owne right and a stranger who had no right did happen to present that put the King out of possession And the King shall be put to his Writ of Right as others shall vide 47 Ed. 3.14 B. 18 Ed. 3.16 The Defendant there did alledge two Presentments in his Ancestor after the Title of the King and demanded Iudgment if the King should have a Writ of possession and the plea was admitted to be good but after Pasch 25 Eliz. Iudgment was given for the Queen for that she might very well maintain a Quare Impedit and the two Presentments did not put her out of possession 31 Eliz. Rot. 211. SIr Robert Rowley made the Lord Keeper Sir Robert Catlin and the Master of the Rols his Executors and did devise a terme to Sir Robert Catlin and died and they writ their Letters to the Ordinary certifying that they were made Executors but that they could not attend the executing of the Executorship and therefore they required him to commit the Administration to the next of kin ut lex postulat The Ordinary enters in the Register Quia Executors praedicti per testamentum praedictum distulerunt c. and thereupon committed the Administration over Afterwards the Lord Catlin received the Rent of the Farme and after granted it to a stranger The Administrator ousted the Lessee and he brings an Ejectment And if this writing was a refusall in the Executors or not was the question And it was said by Ford Doctor of the Civill Law that it was a refusall and he said that if Legatees being Executors do refuse to prove the Will yet by the Civill Law they shall have their Legacies But adjudged by the Court that if Legatees do refuse to prove the Testament that by the Common Law they have no remedy for their Legacies for by the refusall there is a dying Intestate and then nothing could be devised and also said that this Writing was a refusall of the Executors so that the Ordinary might presently commit Administration and therefore Sir Robert Catlin could take nothing as Legatee Pasch 31 Eliz. THe Array of a Pannell was challenged because the Sheriff was Cosin to the Plaintiff and upon a Traverse it was found that they were Cosins but not in such manner as the Defendant had alledged and per curiam the Array was quasht for the manner is not materiall but whether he be a Cosin or not 18 H. 6.18 Pasch 31 Eliz. IT was resolved in the case of Miles against Snowball that if the Sheriff return one who hath no Freehold yet he shall be sworne in the Iury if he be not challenged by the parties And after upon the evidence it was moved If a woman make a Deed of Feoffment to severall persons of a house and land wherein she her self inhabiteth and is seised and delivers the Deed to the Feoffers without saying any thing if this be a good Feoffment of which Periam doubted because she did inhabit there all the time but if it were of other lands on which she did not dwell and she comes there to make Libery and delivers the Deed upon the land and saies no words yet is this a good Feoffment because she comes thither to malte Livery Anderson The Feoffment in this case is good for if she hath an intent to make Livery the delivery of the Deed is good Livery Quod Periam tota Curia concesserunt if she had intended to make Livery vide Co. lib. 6 26. lib. 9.136 Dyer 192. Pasch 31 Eliz. A Woman brought an Action of Debt as Administratrix to another the Defendant pleaded that the Plaintiff was an Alien born in Gaunt under the obedience or Philip King of Spain the Queens enemy And Walmsley moved for the Plaintiff that this was no plea because that the recovery is to anothers use but the Court was against him for the Court will not suffer that any enemy shall take advantage of our Law and then he moved that that King was no enemy because Wars were not proclaimed But Anderson said that a more open enemy then King Philip cannot be who had conspired the death of the Queen and had endeavoured to invade the Realm and subvert the State which Windham granted but Periam haerebat aliquantulum whether he could be called enemy in law before such proclamation But Walmsley said that the plea was that the woman was born under the obedience of the Emperor who was in amity with the Queen and the Court replied Plead as you will abide by it Pasch 13 Eliz. IN a trespasse of Assault and Battery the Plaintiff declared to his damages of twenty pounds and the Iury found for the Plaintiff and gave thirty pounds damages And by the Court the Plaintiff shall recover no more then he hath declared for and this ought to be done of course by the Clarks 2 H. 6.7.8 H. 6.4.42 Ed. 3.7 Mich. 30. and 31 Eliz.
dissolved Williams But that is saved by the 3● H. 8 for Annuities are exprest in the saving Anderson But this is an Annuity or Rent with which the land is charged Beaumond If it be any thing wherewith the land is charged it is saved but the person is only charged with this Annuity Walmsley But the 21 H. 7. is that an Annuity out of a Parsonage is not a meer personall charge but chargeth the Parson only in respect of the land And the Court would consider on the case Pasch 38 Eliz. in B. R. The Case of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich THe Case was A Church in which there had been a Parson and a Vicar time out of mind and the Parson used to have the great Tythes and the Vicar the small and for the space of forty years last past it was proved that the Parson had Tythes paid him out of a feild of twenty acres of Corne and now the feild is sowed with Saffron and the Vicar sued for the Tythes of Saffron in the Court Christian and the Parson had a Prohibition Coke I conceive the Parson shall have the Tythes for by the Statute of 2 H. 6. it is enacted that Tythes shall be paid as hath been used the last forty years and this hath been alwaies tythable to the Parson and although the ground be otherwise imployed yet the Parson shall have the Tythes and so was it in Norfolk in the Case of a Park where the Parson proscribed Pro modo decimandi to be paid three shillings fours pence for all Tythes rising out of the said Park and although the Park was after converted to arable yet no other Tythes shall be paid Popham It hath been adjudged otherwise in Wroths Case of the Inner Temple in the Exchequer But the Law is clearly as hath been said and the difference is when the Prescription is to pay so much money for all Tythes or when the Prescription is to pay a shoulder of every Buck or a Doe at Christmas for there if the Park be disparkt Tythes shall be paid for Tythes are not due for Venison and therefore they are not Tythes in Specie And I conceive that Tythes of Saffron-heads shall be comprehended under small Tythes and although the Tythes of this Feild have been paid to the Parson yet it being converted to another use whereof no grosse Tythes do come the Vicar shall have the tythes and so if arable land be converted into an Orchard the Wicar shall have tythe of the Apples and so if the Orchard be changed to arable the Parson shall have tythes Quod Fenner concessit 36 Eliz. Higham against Deff IN a Trespasse the Case was That a Vicaridge by composition was indowed of the third part Omnium Bladorum decimarum of the Mannor of D. If he shall have tythes of the Freeholders of the Mannor was the question Johnson He shall not have them for a Mannor consisteth of two things viz. of Demesns and Services the Freeholders are neither parcel of the Demesnes nor the Services and therefore no parcell of the Mannor and this is proved in 12 Ass 40. a Rent-charge was granted out of a Mannor the Tenancy escheats it shall not be charged with the Rent Tanfeild contra For this word Mannor does extend to the Precincts of the Mannor and not to the Demesnes and Services onely and therefore if a Venire facias be awarded De viceneto Manerii de D. the Freeholders shall be returned also a survey of a Mannor shall be as well of the Freehold lands as of the Demesnes and if the King grants a Leet within the Mannor of D. all the Freeholders are bound to appear Fenner Grants ought not to be restrained to their strict words but are to be construed according to the intent of the parties Trin. 38 Eliz. in B. R. Ewer against Henden Rot. 339. IN an Ejectment the Iury found that I.S. being seised of a Capitall Messuage in the County of Oxford and also of a house and land in Walter in the County of Hartford makes a Lease for years of his house and land in the County of Hartford and then by Will does demise his house in the County of Oxon Together with all other his Lands Meadowes Pastures with all and singular their Appurtenances in Walter in the County of Hartford to John Ewer and whether the house in Walter in the County of Hartford does passe or not was the question Tanfeild The houses shall passe for if a man builds a house upon Black acre and makes a Feoffment of the acre the house shall passe and so if a man does devise una jugata terrae of Copyhold Land the house of the Copyhold does passe also for so is the common phrase in the Country and so if a man be rated in a 100 l. subsidy that does include houses and by the grant of a Tenement the house passeth but if a man demand a house in a Precipe there the house ought to be named Whistler contra It is true that if a man generally does devise his Land the houses passe but in this case the Devisee hath particularized his Land his Meadow and his Pasture and if he intended to have passed his houses he would have mentioned them as well as his Lande Fenner I am of the same opinion for this speciall numbring of particulars does exclude the generall intendment and if the Devisor had a Wood there that would dot passe by these words Popham contra For if a man sells all his Lands in D. his houses and woods passe by this word Lands and so was it agreed in a case which was referred to Dyer and Wray chief Justice and there reason was because that a Warrant of Attorney in a Precipe of a House Woods and Land is onely of Land which proves that land does comprehend all of them and therefore I conceive if a man does devise or bargain and sell all his lands in D. the Rents there shall passe for they were issuing out of the land But if a man be seised of three houses and three acres and he deviseth all his land in D. and one of his houses the other houses will not passe for his expresse meaning is apparant but here the words are in generall as to the lands in Walter and therefore the houses do passe But afterwards it was adjudged that the house did not passe for by the particular mentioning of all his Lands Meadowes and Pastures the house is excluded Pasch 4 Eliz. Hunt against King IN a Writ of Error upon a Iudgment given in the Common Pleas in a Formedon brought there the Case was Tenant in tail enfeoffs his Son and then disseiseth his Son and levies a Fine to a stranger and before the Proclamations passe the Son enters and makes a Feoffment to a stranger the Father dies and the Son dies and the Issue brings a Formedon The question was Whether by the entry of the Son the Fine was so defeated
that the Estate-tail was not barred Dyer The Estate tail is barred and made a difference where the Fine is defeated by entry by reason of the Estate-tail and where it is defeated by entry by reason of another estate-tail as in 40 Eliz. Tenant in tail discontinues and disseiseth the Discontinuee and levies a Fine to a stranger and retakes an Estate in Fee before the Proclamations passe the Discontinuee enters and then the Tenant in tail dies seised and adjudged that the Issue is not remitted for the Statute 32 H. 8. saies That a Fine levied of lands any way intailed by the party that levies the Fine shall bind him and so it is not materiall whether he were seised by force of the Estate-tail or by reason of another Estate or whether he have no Estate And all the Iustices were of opinion that the Estate was barred for although the discontinue had avoided the Fine by the possession yet the Estate-tail remains concluded and the same shall not enter by force of the Estate-tail but by force of the Fee which he had by discontinuance Popham Avoidance of a Fine at this day differs much from avoidance of a Fine at the Common Law for it appears by the 16 Ed 3. that if a Fine at the Common Law be defeated by one who hath right it is defeated against all but at this day the Law is contrary for if a man be disseised and the Disseisor die seised his Heir within age and he is disseised by a stranger who levies a Fine and then five years passe the Heire shall avoid this by his nonage yet the first Disseisee is bound for ever for the Infant shall not avoid the Fine against all but only to restore the possession And therefore it was adjudged in the Lord Sturtons Case 24 Eliz. where Lands were given to him and his Wife and the Heires of him and he died and his Issue entred and levied a Fine to a stranger and before the Proclamations passed the Mother enters it was adjudged that the Issue was barred for the Wife shall not avoid this but for her own Estate And so if a stranger enters to the use of him who hath right this shall not avoid the Fine Fenner did agree to this and said that it had been so adjudged but all the Iustices agreed that the Estate-taile being barred the entry shall go to the benefit of him who hath most right to the possession and that is the discontinue and therefore the Plaintiff in the Formedon hath good Title to the Land but onely to the Fee and not to the Intaile for that is barred by the Fine 28 Eliz. in C. B. Rot. 2130. Gibson against Mutess IN a Replevin the Case was John Winchfeild was seised of Lands in Fee and by his Will did devise all his Lands and Tenements to Anthony Winchfeild and his Heires and before his death made a Deed of Feoffment of the same Lands and when he sealed the Feoffment he asked If this Feoffment will not hurt this last Will if it will not I will seal it And then he sealed it and made a Letter of Attorney to make Livery in any of the said Lands the Attorney made Livery but not of the Lands which were in question and then the Testator died And the question was if the Devisee or Heire of the Devisor should have the Land And it was said in behalf of the Heire that if the Testator had said It shall not be my Will then it is a Revocation Quod curia concessit But it was the opoinion of the Court that it appears that it was the intent of the Testator that his Will should stand and if it be not a Feoffment it is not a Revocation in Law although that the Attorney made a Livery in part so that the Feoffment was perfect in part yet as concerning the Land in question whereof no Livery was made the Will is good and the Iury found accordingly that the Land does not descend to the Heire Fenner cited a Case of Serjeant Jeffereys where it was adjudged that where one had made his Will and being demanded if he will make his Will doth say he will not that this is no Revocation Sir Wolston Dixy against Alderman Spencer 20 Eliz. in C. B. IN a Writ of Errour brought upon a Iudgement given in an Assize of Fresh-force in London The case was Sir Wolston Dixy brought an Action of Debt for rent arrear against Spencer upon a Lease for years made to him by one Bacchus who afterwards granted the reversion to Dixy and the Tenant attorned and for rent arrear Dixy brought an action c. The Defendant pleaded in Bar that before the Grant made to Dixy the said Bacchus granted it to him by parole according to the custome of London whereupon he demanded Iudgement if c. and the Plea was entred on Record and hanging the suit D●xy brought an assize of fresh force in London and all this matter was here pleaded and it was adjudged a forfeiture of the Land and hereupon Spencer brought a Writ of Errour and assigned this for errour that it was no forfeiture Shuttleworth It is no forfeiture untill a Trial be had whether the reversion be granted or not as in wast the Defendant pleads that the Plaintiff had granted over his estate this is no forfeiture and in the 26 Eliz. in a Quid Juris clamat the Defendant pleaded that he had an estate Tail and when he came to have it tryed he acknowledged he had an estate but for life and that was no forfeiture But the Court said they could remember no such Case Walmesley It was so adjudged and I can shew you the names of the parties Periam Justice If there be such a Case we would doubt of it for there are Authorities to the contrary as the 8 Eliz. and 6 Rich. 2. Anderson If the Defendant in a Trespass prayes in aid of an estranger this is a forfeiture and if it be counter-pleaded it is a forfeiture and the denial alters not the Case Walmesley The Books in 15 Ed. 2. Judgement 237. and 15 Ed. 1. that Iudgement in a Quid Juris clamat shall be given before the forfeiture And●rson In my opinion he may take advantage before Iudgement as well as after if the Plea be upon Record And so was the opinion of the Court. The Dutchess of Suffolks Case Pasch 4 5 Ph. Mary in C. B. IN a Quare impedit against the Bishop of Exeter the Writ was ad respondendum Andrew Stoke Dennisae Franciscae de Suffolk Uxori e●u● Benlowes demanded Iudgement of the Writ c. because she lost her name of dignity by marriage with a base man as it was adjudged 7 Ed. 6. Dyer 79. where Madam Powes and her husband brought a Writ of Dower and the Writ abated because she called her self Dame Powes whereas she had lost her dignity by marrying with her husband Stanford agreed for Mulier nobilis si
the 32 H. 8. And the Court held that an Assignee of part of the reversion might take advantage of the condition or covenants so that he hath part of the reversion of all the thing demised And Cook Chief Iustice said that the opinion of Mourson 14 Eliz. 309. a. is good Law Pasch 36 Eliz. Butler against Archer IF two Ioyntenants be of land holden by Herriot service and one dies the other shall not pay Herriot service for there is no change of the tenant but the survivor continues tenant of the whole land But if a man seised of land in Fee makes a feofment to the use of himself and his wife and the heires of their two bodyes begotten the remainder to the right heires of the husband and the husband dyes a Herriot shall be paid for the ancient use of the reversion was never out of the husband Michaelm 29 30 Elizab. Stephens Case in C. B. IN an Ejectment the Case was Sir William Beale made a Lease by Indenture to William Pile and Philip his wife et primogenito proli Habendum to them and the longer liver of them successively during their lives and then the husband and wife had issue a daughter And it was holden by three of the Iustices that the daughter had no estate for that she was not in esse at the time of the grant Michaelm 30 31. Eliz. Lewin against Mandy in C. B. Rot. 2529. IN a Replevin the Defendant avowed for 20 l. Rent which was pleaded to be granted by Lovelace and Rutland by Fine to Stukeley and his heires who being seized thereof did recite that he with 7 others were Plaintiffs in a Writ of Covenant against Lovelace and Rutland upon which a Fine was levyed by which Fine the said Lovelace and Rutland amongst other things did grant a rent of 20 l. out of the Mannor of D. and other Lands to the said Stukely who granted it to Hoveden under whom the Defendant claymes in Taile The Question was if this were a good grant because there are many misrecitalls in the Indenture for whereas he recited that in the Writ of Covenant for the fine Lovelace and Rutland were Defendants in truth they were Plaintiffs and Stukely and the others Defendants and whereas he recited that the said grant was made to him it was made to him and his heires also he said that the said Rent Charge amongst other things was granted whereas nothing but the 20 l. Rent was granted and that only out of the Mannor of D. and not out of other Lands Anderson If a man recites that he hath a Rent of 10 l. of the grant of J.S. whereas he hath this of the grant of J.D. yet is the grant good And at last it was adjudged that the grant was good Note that Fenner at this time said that it had been resolved by Anderson and Gawdy and other Iustices very lately That if the Kings Tenant dies his heir within age yet the heir at full age before livery sued may bargain and sell by Deed inrolled or make a Lease for years and it is good but if he makes a feofment or leavie a fine ●ur conusance de droit come ceo c. this is voyd because it cannot be without intrusion upon the King Trinit 39 Eliz. Oldfeild against VVilmore in C. B Rot. 2715. IN Debt upon a Bond to performe the award of J.S. who did award that the Defendant should pay 10 l. or cause two strangers to be bound for the payment thereof the Defendant pleaded performance the Plaintiff replyed that he had not payed the money and the Defendant demurred Walmesley for the Plaintiff For although the award be in the disjunctive yet forasmuch as it is voyd as to one part now upon the matter it is single and on the non payment of the ten pound is forfeit 17 Ed. 4.5 Windham and Rhodes held that the Plaintiff should have pleaded so much of the award as was for it is a thing intire and the Law will adjudge that one is only to be done because the other is contrary to the Law Anderson and Peryam The plea is good for a man shall not be compelled to shew a voyd matter and although the Defendant had caused the two strangers to be bound the obligation is broken for as to this arbitrement it is meerely voyd and at another day the Plaintiff had judgment Goodridge against VVarburton IN an Ejectment The Iury gave a speciall verdict that Francis was seised of the land in Tayle and suffered a Recovery to the use of him and his heirs and afterwards did devise the same lands to his wife Margery untill his daughter Prudence came to the age of 19. years and then that Prudence should have the Land to her and the heirs of her body upon condition to pay twelve pound per annum to the said Margaret during her life in recompence of her dower and if she failed of payment then Margaret should enter and hold the Land during her life and afterwards it shall go to Prudence as before And after this John Francis the heire did reverse this recovery by a Writ of Errour and entred upon Margaret and she brought her Writ of Dower and was indowed of the third part and then she levyed a Fine of that third part to the said John Francis and he infeoft Tyndall who made the Lease to Goldsing and then Margaret marryed Warburton and Prudence came to the age of 19. years the Rent of twelve pound is not payd and Warburton and his wife entred and Goldsing brought this action VValmesley By the recovery of the third part in the Writ of Dower the Rent of twelve pound which was in recompence thereof is gone For at the Common Law if a woman recover in Dower she hath waived that which was assigned to her in lien of her Dower as in case of Dower ad ostium Ecclesiae and 10 Edw. 4. If the husband discontinues the Land of his wise and she brings a Writ of Dower she is concluded to have a Cui in vita Shuttleworth cont By this recovery the estate taile is revived yet as this case it is is not materiall for because he entred without a sult he is a Disseisor and that was agreed by all at the Bar and the Bench. And he cited 26 H. 8. 3d. 4th H. 7.11 And I conceive that the Dower will not conclude her of the twelve pound per annum for it is not a Rent and the title to have the Land for her Ioynture for non-payment the Rent was not in esse at the time of the recovery of her Dower but afterwards as if a Lease he made to a woman who marries the Lessor who dies within the terme and the wise enters this shall not conclude her Dower after the Lease is expired by the eleventh of H. 4. Also the twelve pound is not appointed to be issuing out of the Land and so it cannot be a Ioynture and therefore
reverse a fine levies by them against both 21 VVhere two persons bring a writ of Error and the Tenant pleads the release of one it shall bind both 22 Against the stile of a Court for not saying secund●m consuetudinem 50 For want of the addition of the Defendants name 58 VVho shall have a writ of Error to a-avoid a recovery and whether the heir generall or speciall shall have it 68 VVhere the heire shall have this writ and where the Executors 147 Escheat No Escheat to the Lord where the Felony is pardoned before attainder 87 Estovers Turbary leased and the Lessee converts half to arrable and then grants totum turbarium 67 Execution VVhere the Sheriff delivers a Mannor cum pertinentiis in execution what passeth thereby 4 VVhere a writ of execution is good against one attaint of felony 69 Executors Where an action grounded on a simple Contract will be against Executors 57 VVhere the second administration shall repeal the first 50 In what case Executors shall have an action for things done in the life of the Testator 99 VVhere Executors shall be said to be Assignees 125 Where an Administrator or Executor shall be said to take by purchase 125 Extent VVhere the Sheriff extends a Mannor by the name of acres land Meadow and wood what passeth 4 Felony and Felons FElony of a Shepheard to steal Sheep 52 VVhat persons shall keep felons goods 121 Fine VVhere the husband and wife shall bring a writ of Error to reverse a fine levied by them 21. in error Where in a mistake in a fine shall be remedied 42 Fish Whether the Heire or Executors shall have the fish in a Pond 20 Where waste will lye for taking fish 19 Forfeiture Executors cannot forfeit goods to charritable uses 33 Frankmarriage The necessity of the word Frankmariage in the gift and the nature and quality of the estate 26 Gift in Frankmarriage after the Espousall good 26 Where a gift in Frankmarriage shall be by matter ex post facto be made an estate in tail or other estate 27 Grants WHat passeth by this grant Panagiū by the grant of acorns 35 What passeth by the grant of pastura terrae 37 Grant to I.S. and there be many of that name to whom it shal be intended 64 Habendum LEase of a Mannor habendum with all the members what passeth 31 Lease to one habendum to three others for their lives and the longer liver successively what estate 38 39 Lease to husband and wife primogenito what estate 40 Heire Where the heir shall have the rent reserved in a Lease for years 9 Where the Heir Tenant of the King in Socage shall enter without livery 116 Inditement FOr drawing a Sword in Westminster-hall the Courts then sitting 120 Infant Where payment or tender of money for an Infant is good and at what age 137 Inrolement Where the Bargainee shall be accounted Tenant of the land before the Inrolment 69 When the use passeth by the Inrolm 149 Joynt-tenants and Tenants in Common Lease made by them rendring rent to one of them both shall have the rent 9 Many cases declaring what acts are good by one Joynt-tenant to another and what not 102 Joynture Where an assurance made to a woman for her Joynt-ture shall be good by averment although not expressed in the Deed 33 Judgment Reverst in an action of debt for declaring less then is alledged in the writ 35 Jury Jury eat before verdict the verdict good 38 Jury finding out of their Issue 91 Jury-man returned that is no freeholder 44 Leases LEase to a man by these words Dedi concessi confirmavi 9 Of a house excepting one Chamber 20 Of him that hath nothing in the land 96 Sub hac conditione si vixerit vidua habitaret super pramiss the Lessee dies how the term continues 107.108 Of three acres and of the Mannor habend three acres and the Mannor for 21. years severall Demises 119 Lessee assigns over and continues possession 142 Lord and Tenant Feoffment of the Tenant to the Lord 31 Where the Tenant enfeoffs the Lord of a Moyety and the Seigniory is extinct how to be observed 37.73 Mannor WHat passeth by this word Cite of a Mannor 31 Lease of a Mannor habend all the Members what passeth 31.138 How a Mannor may be divided 138 Grant of a Mannor in one Town that extends it self into two Towns 138 Master and Servants Where the Master may justify for the man and where the man for the Master 151 Nobility VVHere the woman shall lose her Nobility or Dignity by marriage 81 By what act a man shal lose his Nobility 82 Obligation Statute-merchant and Staple Recognizance WHere tryall on a Bond shall be within the Realm though the Condition to be performed without 6 Two bound in a Bond and the Seale of one taken away yet the Bond good 8 Action brought againg the Heir of the Obligor as heir apparent the Father being dead not good 17.119 Obligation wants in cujus rei testimonium good 33 Where an action of debt on a bond for money to be paid at severall times shall be sued before the last payment and where not 42 One bound by a wrong name 48 What shall be said to be no delivery of a bond althoug the Defendant seal it and layes it on the Table and the Obligee takes it up 95 In what case the Obligee shall be accounted a party to the cause why the Obligation cannot be performed 104 Where two shall joyn in Audita quaerela on a Statute and where not 106 Where Conditions on Bonds shall be void in Law 143 Outlawry A Disseisee outlawed shall not forfeit his Lands 3 Where an Outlawry pleaded shall be taken for a Dilatory plea where not 22 Pious uses GOods given to pious uses not forfeitable by Executors and what remedy gainst the Executors 33 34 Pawne He that hath a Pawn hath no interest therin to deliver it one to another 123 How a man may make use of Goods or Cattell pawned to him 124 Parceners and Partition Where they shal joyn in waste 11 The writ of Partition returned how good 31 Payment Demand Tender Amends Where request to pay money must be made and where not 7 Where the Law will expound to whom a tender must be made 10 Who shal tender for the heir within age 34 Where payment of rent to him that extends the land shall save the Condition against the Lessor 38 Where severall actions for payment shal be brought on a Bond or Contract at the severall d●ies and where not till all the da es are past 42 Payment in debt on a bond pleaded at the day and given in evidence before the day good 45 Tender in trespass not good otherwise in Replevin 48 Where the Obligor shall give the Obligee notice when he will tender the money and where not 108 Where on Bon● given for payment of rent the Lessee shall demand the rent where not 111 Pleas
and pleading By the Lessee of an Intrudor 16 Where a Lease must be pleaded hic in curia praelat 16 By the Obligor on a bond to save harmless plea that he was not taken in execution c. 19 Where ancient Demesne is a good plea 24 Where in an Avowry a man shall plead for Frank-tenement 51 Difference in plea between appeal of Mayhem and Murther 59 Where a man shall be bound to set forth Seisin of him who made the Devise and where not 103 Prescription For a Common 4 5 To buy and sell c. 6 7 Who shall prescribe to a way and who not 72 Presentation Where the King shall be limited in time to present by Lapse and where not 2.89.90 Where Recusancy of the incumbent shall cast the Lapse on the King 5 Where the King shall not lose his Presentment by Lapse though he do not present in time 5 The Church how void for Symony 87 Prohibition vid. Writs Promise vid. Assumption Proviso vid. Condition Property Where the property of stollen Goods shall be altered according to the Statute of 2 and 3. Phil. Mar. 27 A man outlawed hath property in his goods 116 What property the Constable shall be said to have of Felons goods 120 Quare Impedit IN what cases it lies and what not 99 Releases DIfference of a Release to Tenant at sufferance and Tenant at wil 29 Of a Bond the Release bearing date the same day not good 50 Of the avoydance of a Church why void 86 Remainder Lease for years with Remainder to the said persons where good and where not 38 39 Seniori puero whether a Female shall take 64 Reparations Notice to the Astignee of a Lease to repair not good 114 Rents Where the Confirmation to the Assignee of the Lessee of part of the land shall extinguish the Rent of the whole 10 Where an entry for breach of the Condition in part of the Land shall extinguish the Rent for the whole 10 Rent granted out of Land not chargeable therewith how good 111 Where the Tenant of the Freehold shall be charged with the Rent-charge and where the Termor 117 Reservation Rent reserved to his Executors or Assignees where good and where not 9 10 Reserved at Michaelmas what time of Michaelmas shall be intended 64 Resignation Of a Benefice without presentation or on Condition 12 The Nature of a Resignation 12 Sheriff WHere an action of debt lies against him for an escape though the Capias be not returned 43 No escape against the Sheriff when especiall bails are requested 98 Where a man shall aver or traverse against the return of a Sheriff 132 Slander and slanderous words vide Actions Calsing one Bastard 92 Calling one Whore and that she had the French-pox 34 For saying Thou Murtherer good 33 By him in remainder for saying the immediate Tenant was alive 33 For the word Cousener 47 Thief and thou hast forged a Deed 47 For pilfering 56 Thou hast stollen half an acre of Corn innuendo Corn sowed 57 He was disproved before the Justices 58 He was perjured and I will prove him so 62 Statutes Mistaking the Parish on an action for Robbery on the Statute of Winchester 7 Lease for years not within the Statute of Quia emptores 10 Lease on the Statuce of 27 H. 8.28.32 Who are within the Statute of Monasteries 31 H. 8.56 Lease for one year within the penalty of the Statute of buying of Tythes 57 21 H. 8. for Noblemens Chaplains 51 In the 8. of H. 6. how to plead the entry 93 Exposition of the Statute 5 Ed. 6.14.135 Where a man shall plead Contra formam statuti though there be more Statutes of the same matter 135 Traverse by Executors on the 4. of Ed. 3. good 156 Surrender By the Husband Lessee for years of his wives estate how good 32 What and how may things belong to a Surrender 97 Tenure NO Tenure between Donor and Donee in Frankmarriage 26 Tenant at jufferance Will D'auter vie c Where such Tenants holding over shall gain a Feesimple or make a Disseisin and where not 27.28 Tenant at sufferance shall justifie Damage-feasant 29 Difference where a Tenant at sufferance holds over and where a Tenant at Will 35 Tythes Where Tythes by composition shall be paid according to agreement although they be not ty●hable 34 35 Where they shall be paid of the Glebe land 39 By the Parsons release of all Demands Tythes are not released 40 Where altering the Crop of the Land shall alter the Tythes from grosse to small Tythes 74 Where a discharge to pay Tythes without Deed is good and where not 103 Tryall Where the tryall shall be on the land though the cause or matter were on the Sea 54 Vses and Cestui que use USe to the husband and wife habendum to the husband for three years 48 How Cestui que itse shall be said to be seised before entry 86 Wardship WHere the husband alone shall have a writ of Ravishment of Ward without the wife 82 83 Whether the brother of the half blood or the Uncle of the whole blood shal have the Wardship in Socage 128 Warranty The exposition of the word To warrant Land 100 Two Joynt-tenants with Warranty make partition the Warranty is gone 104. Otherwise of a Feoffment 104 Warren VVhat it is and whereof it consists 66 Of VVaste committed there 66 VVarren in a Common is good and the Commoners cannot kill the Conies Damage-feasant 184 Waste VVhere a man shall have but one action of waste on severall Leases and where not 11 The form of entring Judgment in a writ of waste 12 For taking Fish out of a Pool 19 VVaste in the house for not scouring a Ditch 43 In Pigeon houses Hop-grounds and Fish ponds 66 VVhere the Lease is ruinous at the entry of the Lessee and falls down afterwards the Lessee is excused and where not 93 Way How extinguisht by unity of possession 127 Wills and Testaments Executors Administrators and Legacies VVhere a man deviseth that his wife shal have the occupation and profits during her widowhood 6 7 Where a Devise shall be intended within the word Demise 14 VVhere a Devise shal be taken as a Demise for breach of a Condition 14 VVhere a Devise of severall parcels of Land to several persons and the Survivors to be each others heir what Estate passeth 25 VVhere an Administrator paies debts and there a Will is found yet the payment good 28 VVhere a Devise shall make an Estate tail by implication 29 30 VVhat passeth by this word Livelyhood in a Will according to the custome of London 30 VVhere Ex intentione shall make a Condition in a Devise 32 VVhere an uncertain Devise shall be construed good as to a certain intent 35 Legatees refusing to prove the Will shall lose their Legacies 44 Devise of a Tenant in Borough-english to his two Sons 65 Devise to his two Daughters his Heirs 65 Devise of all Lands Meadows and Pastures whether the house passeth 75 VVill made and the party sayes he will not make his VVill no Revocation 76 VVhat passeth by the Devise of a Mannor 88 89 Devise of Jewels what shall remain to the Heir and will not pass by the VVill 124 Writs VVhere a Scire facias lies and where not 3 VVhere certainty in a writ of Ejectment is requisite and where not and difference between such writ and a writ of Novel Disseisin 18 19 Quod ei deforceat how it will lye in waste 102 FINIS
607. Replevin WAkefeild brought a Replevin against Cassand who avowed for Damage-feasant And the Plaintiff prescribed that D. is an ancient Town c. and that all the Inhabitants within the said Town except the Par●ion Infants and some particular houses have used to have Common to their houses c. The Avowant shewed that the house to which Common was claimed was built within thirty years last past And whether he shall have Common to this new erected house was the question on a Demurrer Shuttleworth he shall have this Common by prescription but not of common right Gawdy the Prescription is against common reason that he should have Common time cut of mind c. to that which hath not been thirty years and he hath excepted the Parson Infants and such particular houses and by the same reason may exceptall and therefore it is not good But it was adjudged no good Prescription for if this be a good Prescription then any body may create a new house so that in long space of time there will be no Common for the ancient Inhabitants Periam By such Prescription the Lord shall be barred to improve the Common which is against reason Anderson The Common is intire for if H. hath Common appendant to three Messuages and enfeoff one of one Messuage another of the second and another of the third the Common in this case is gone But all agreed that it is impossible to have a Common time out of mind c. for a house that is builded within the thirty years Mich. 29 and 30 Eliz. Rot. 2299. Bishop of Lincolns Case Quare Impedit THe Queen brought a Quare Impedit against the Bishop of Lincoln and Thomas Leigh to present to the Church of Chalsenut Saint Giles in the County of Bucks The case was thus H. being qualified took two Benefices which were above the value of eight pounds and after took a third Benefice above the said value whereby the first Benefice became void and so remained for two years whereby Title of Lapse accrued to the Queen and before presentment made by the Queen the Patron did present one A. who being admitted instituted and inducted did refuse to pay 38 l. 2 s. ob due to the Queen for the Tenths which matter was certified by the Bishop into the Exchequer whereupon and by force of the Statute of the 26 H. 8. the Church is ipso facto void wherefore the Bishop the now Defendant being Patron in right of his Bishoprick did present Thomas Leigh the other Defendant against whom the Queen brought her Quare Impedit And it was adjudged by the Court that the Quare Impedit very well lies for the Recusancy to pay the Tenths was his own act and is a Resignation and by that reason she Church is void and this shall not hinder the Queen of the Lapse But if A. the Incumbent who was presented dies being presented by usurpation upon the Lapse to the Queen yet afterwards the right Patron shall present again But when A. the Incumbent doth resigne and make the Church void by his own Act viz. by Recusancy as in this case is done this may be done by Collusion and by such means the Queen may be deprived of her Litle by Lapse for if this Collusion between the Bishop and the Incumbent be suffered then may a stranger present upon the Title of the Queen and presently such Recusancy and Certificate may be made by which the Church shall become void and so the Queen deprived of the Lapse Fenner this Lapse is given to the Queen by her Prerogative but on condition that she take it in due time for such is the nature of the thing Lapsed as is in this case adjudged viz. That when the Queen hath Title to present by Lapse and doth not present but the Patron presents and after the Church becomes void by the death of the Incumbent In this case adjudged by the Court also the Queen cannot present but in this case the avoidance being by privation and not by death Iudgment was entred for the Queen Trin. 19 Eliz. in Com. B. Hales Case Debt on ● Bond. SAmuel Hales brought an Action of Debt on a Bond against Edward Bell and the Condition of the Bond was that if the said Bell should pay to the said Hales forty pounds within forty daies next after the return of one Russell into England from the City of Venice beyond the Seas that then the Obligation to be void and the Defendant pleaded in Bar that the said Russell was not in Venice upon which the Plaintiff demurred And adjudged by all the Iustices that it was no good plea for in such cases where parcell is to be done within the Realm and parcell out of the Realm the tryall shall be within the Realm 7 H 7.9 Trin. 28 Eliz. in Com. Ban. Haveringtons Case 1974. Debt by an Administrator HAverington and his wife as Administratrix of one Isabell Oram brought an Action of Debt against Rudyand and his wife Executrix to one Laurence Kidnelly the Case appeared to be thus Farmer for thirty years did devise to his wife so long as she shall be sole and a Widow the occupation and profits of his terme And after her Widowhood the Residue of the terme in the Lease and his interest in it to Reynald his Son the Devisor dies and the wife enters according to the Devise And afterwards he in the Reversion by Indenture Dedit concessit vendidit Barganizavit totum illud tenementum suum to the wife and her Heires and did also covenant to make further assurance and to discharge the said Tenement of all former Bargains Sales Rights Joyntures Dowers Mortgages Statute-merchants and of the Staple Intrusions Forfeitures Condemnations Executions Arrearages of Rents and of all other charges except Rents Services which shall be hereafter due to the Lords Paramount And then the Reversioner and his wife levied a Fine to the uses aforesaid and after the Devisee takes husband and thereupon the Son enters in the terme And the Administrator of the wife brought an action of debt upon an Obligation for the performance of the Covenants of the Indenture against the Administrator of the Reversioner And Judgment for the Plaintist And it appeared by the Record that these points following were adjudged to be Law although that the latter matter was onely argued 1. That the wife of the Reversioner who had Title of Dower in the Land is concluded of her right of Dower by the Declaration of the uses of the Fine by the husband onely which Fine is after levied by them joyntly because no contradiction of the woman appears that she doth not agree to the Vses which the husband selely by his Deed of Indenture had declared 2. To Devise that the wife shall have the occupation and profits during her Widowhood is a good Devise of the Land it self during such time See Plow 524. And that no Act which she can do
in purchasing the Inheritance by which the Terme is extinct shall bar the possibility which Reynald the Son hath to come upon the womans marriage 3. That a Lessee for years being in possession may take a Feoffment although it be by Deed and may take Livery after the delivery of the Deed and shall be deemed to be in by force of the Feoffment as in this case is pleaded although that the Lessee may take the Deed by way of confirmation and then the Livery is but Surplusage and void 4. It was resolved that this possibility which was in Reynald the Son to have the residue of the terme upon the inter-marriage which at the time of the Feoffment and of the Fine was but Dormant shall be accounted a former charge and before the Covenant because of the will which was before the Covenant and shall awake and have relation before the marriage As if Tenant in tail of a Rent purchaseth the Land out of which the Rent issueth and makes a Feoffment and covenants that the Land at that time is discharged of all former charges although this charge is not in esse but is in suspence as it is said 3 H. 7.12 yet if the Tenant in tail dye his Issue may distrain for this Rent and then is the Covenant broke for now it shall be accounted a former charge before the Feoffment Mich. 29 and 30 Eliz. in Com. Ban. Bretts Case Debt on ● Bond. BRett brought an action of Debt on a Bond against Averden and the Condition of the Bond was to stand to the Arbitrement of J.S. who did award that the Defendant should pay ten pounds to Brett and no time was limited to pay it The Defendant confest the Arbitrement but pleaded in Bar that the Plaintiff hath not required him to pay the money And the Plaintiff hereupon demurred Adjudged by the Court that it is no good plea for the Defendant at his perill ought to pay the money and the Plaintiff need not make any request wherfore Iudgment was given for the Plaintiff Trin. 29 Eliz. in Com. Ban. Bucknells Case Action for Robbery on the Statute of Winchestster BUcknell was robbed in a Hundred within the County of Bucks and thereupon brought his Action upon the Statute of Winchester because the Theeves were not taken And Not guilty being pleaded by the Inhabitants the Iury gave this speciall Verdict viz. That he was robbed the same day alleadged in the Declaration but in another place and within another Parish then that he hath alledged in the Declaration but that both the Parishes were within the said Hundred Vpon which they prayed the Iudgment of the Court whether the Inhabitants were guilty Adjudged by the Court for the Plaintiff for it is not materiall in what Parish he was robbed so it were within the same Hundred Hil. 30 Eliz. in Com. Banc. Rot. 904. Spittles Case Replevin SPittle brought a Replevin against Davis the Case was this Turk being seised of Land in Fee did devise parcell thereof to his youngest Son Proviso and it is his intent that if any of his Sons or any of their Issues shall alien or demise any of the said Lands devised before they shall attain the age of thirty years that then the other shall have the Estate and does not limit any Estate And then the eldest Son made a Lease before his age of thirty years and the youngest Son enters and afterwards and before the age of thirty years he aliens the Land he entred into by reason of the limitation the elder Brother re-enters and demised to Spittle the Plaintiff for three years who put a Horse into the ground and Davis by the commandment of the younger brother entred and took the Horse Damage-feasant and Spittle brought a Replevin And upon the whose matter there was a Remainder It was resolved 1. That this is a limitation and that the Estate shall be to such use as by the Will is directed untill there be an Alienation and upon Alienation the Land shall go to the other Brother 2. When the youngest Brother hath once entred for the Alienation then is the Land discharged of all Limitations for otherwise the Land shall go and come to one and the other upon every Alienation ad infinitum wherefore all the Iudges agreed that after the one Brother hath entred by reason of the limitation the Land is then for ever discharged of the Limitation made by the Will And Iudgment was given accordingly Michaells Case Debt on a Bond THomas Michaell brought an Action of Debt on a Bond against Stockworth and Andrews the Iury gave this speciall Verdict That the said Stockworth and Andrews did seale a Bond and delivered it to the Plaintiff as their Deed and after Issue joyned and before the Nisi prius the Seale of Andrews was taken from the Bond. Shuttleworth The Plaintiff shall be barred for it is one entire Deed and the Seale of one is wanting And admit in case it goes against us the Iudgment be reversed by Writ of Error the Plaintiff can have no Action on such Bond But it was adjudged to be a good Bond and Iudgment for the Plaintiff See the like case in Dyer Trin. 36 H. 8.59 A. Hillari 33 Eliz. in Com. Ban. Rot. 1315. Richmonds Case Debt for rent RIchmond brought an Action of Debt against Butcher the case was A man makes a Lease for years reserving Rent to him and his Executors and Assignes and during the terme the Lessor dies and his Heire who hath the Reversion brings an Action of Debt And it was urged that the Rent was incident to the Reversion and the Heire having the Reversion shall have the Rent also as incident to it as the case is in the 27 H. 8.16 If H. makes a Lease for years rendring Rent without saying any more words the Heire shall have this part because it shall go along with the Reversion So in the fifth of Edw. 4.4 If two Ioynt-tenants make a Lease for years rendring Rent to one of them yet the other shall have the Rent also although no mention were made of him so in the 7 H. 4.223 By the Court If I make a Feoffment in Fee rendring a Rent to me my Heires may distraine And if I grant over this Rent my Assignees in this case may distraine and avow so in this case an Action will lye for the Heire although he be not mentioned But adjudged to the contrary by the Court for when H. passeth Lands from himself the Law gives him liverty to passe them in such way and manner as he himself will and this liberty ought to take effect according to the expresse words for the Law will not extend the words further for the intent shall appeare by the words and then it cannot be here intended that his will was that his Heire shall have the Rent because the words are not sufficient to give it to his Heirs And therefore note a diversity when
a Report 34 Eliz. between Badinton and Hawle in the Kings Bench adjudged that if the Queens Copyholder be outed and a Lease be made for years by the Intrudor this Lessee shall not have an Ejectment if he be outed but he shall have an Action of Trespasse against any stranger The second exception was taken to the pleading because the Defendant pleaded in que estate del Lessee del Abbe without shewing how he came to the Estate And by the Court a good exception for he shall be compelled to shew how he came to an Estate in the terme inasmuch as it cannot be by loyall means vide 1. 2 Eliz. Dyer 171. that a Que Estate of a particular Estate of a terme is not good and 7 Eliz. Dyer 238. where the Plea was of a que Estate of a Termor and exception taken to it and the difference between it and a Freehold so in the 7 H. 6.440 it was agreed that H. could not convey an Interest by a que Estate of a particular Estate as Intail for life or years without shewing how he came by the Estate be it on the part of the Plaintiff or the Defendant The third exception was that the Defendant pleaded a Lease made by the Abbot and Covent by Indenture as it ought to be without saying Hic in curia prolat which exception was also clearly allowed by the Court for he is privy to it and therefore he ought to shew it And for these two exceptions but especially for the former Iudgment was given for the Plaintiff Mich. 36 and 37 Eliz. in C. B. Palmers Case Action on the case for words PAlmer an utter Barrester of Lincolns-Inn brought an Action on the Case against Boyer for these words Palmer being Steward to I.S. the Defendant in discourse had with I.S. said I marvail you will have such a paltry Lawyer for your Steward for he hath as much Law as a Jack a Napes And the Plaintiff shewed all the matter in the Declaration and that by reason of such words he was displaced of his Office Williams Serjeant did move in that the words were not That he hath no more Law then c. for then those words were actionable but that he hath as much Law as c. for which words no Action will lye But resolved by the Court that the Action will lye for the words are standerous and prejudiciall to his credit and by reason of them he was discharged of his Stewardship also an Action will lye for saying That he hath as much Law as a Jack an Apes or my Horse because they are unreasonable creatures but if he had said that he hath no more Law then I.S. that is not actionable although I.S. be no Lawyer And Iudgment was given for the Plaintiff Pasch 35 Eliz. in B. R. Audleys Case A Man brought an Action of Debt on an Obligation made by the Father of the Defendant in which Writ the Defendant was named Son and Heir apparent of the Obligor Iudgment was given against the Defendant whereupon he brought a Writ of Error for the Writ does imply that his Father was living for he is his Heire in truth and in fact if his Father be dead and not apparent To which was answered that that was but Surplusage which shall not abate the Writ as appeares by the Book of the 10 Edw. 3. But the Court held that Iudgment should be reverst for he ought to be named Heire as in debt against Executors he shall be named Executor And Iudgment was reverst Trin. 36 Eliz. in B. R. Downinghams Case Ejectment THe Defendant in an Ejectione firmae pleaded that the Lord of the Mannor did enter into the Land of a Copyholder by reason of forfeiture for Waste committed in suffering the houses to be uncovered by which the timber is become rotten and did not alledge in facto that the Custome of the Mannor is that such Waste is a forfeiture for it was said that although other Waste by the Common Law is a forfeiture yet this permissive Waste is not Sed non allocatur for all Waste done by a Coppholder is forfeitable 2. It was resolved that if a Coppholder made a Lease for yeares which is not according to the Custome of the Mannor yet this Lease is good so that the Lessee may maintain an Ejectione firmoe for between the Lessor and the Lessee and all other except the Lord of the Mannor the Lease is good and so hath it been severall times adjudged in this Court Trin. 36 Eliz. in B. R. Wisdomes Case Action on the case for words STich brought an Action on the Case for slanderous words against Wisdome the words were There is many a truer and honester man hanged and that there was a Robbery committed whereof he thought him to be one and that he thought him to be a Horse-stealer And it was moved in Arrest of Iudgment that these words were not actionable for it is not said in facto that he was in the Robbery or that he was a a horse-stealer in fact but onely by imagination that he thought he was such a one but Iudgment was given for the Plaintiff Trin. 36 Eliz. in B. R. Rot. 815. Palmers Case CHristopher Palmer brought an Ejectione firmae against John Humphrey and declared that one George Hanger the eighteenth day of May in the six and thirtieth year of Eliz. by his Indenture did demise unto him a certain peece of Land called the great Ashbroke and other peece of Land called Stocking and also divers other peeces of Land naming the peeces and of one Garden called Muchins Gardein and of another peece of Meadow called Michins Meade and of seven acres of arable Land for the terme of two years by vertue whereof the said Christopher entred untill the Defendant by force and armes c. did eject him and did set forth in his Declaration that the Defendant ejected him out of the said peeces of Land and yet did not expresse the contents thereof in certainty And upon not-guilty pleaded it was found for the Plaintiff and for the seven arable acres of Land and the Garden the Court gave their Iudgment that it was certain enough but as to the other peeces of land the Court was divided For Popham Gawdy held that it was certain enough being in an Ejectione firmae which is but in the nature of an Action of Trespasse and the damages are the principall and a man may bring an Action of Trespasse for a peece of land without any other certainty But Clench and Fenner were on the contrary for he ought to set forth his terme in the land and then to shew the contents thereof as well in an Ejectment as in a Precipe quod reddat by which land is demanded and a man shall have an Ejectione firmae de una visgata terrae but shall not have a Precipe quod reddat of one portion of land by Skeene and Hill 7 H. 4.40 9 H. 6.3
not claimed to hold at Will for he hath done contrary for he hath made Copies By all the Iustices if Tenant at will or for years or at sufferance make a Lease for years this is a Disseisin and a Tenant at will doth thereby gaine a Freehold and thereby doth claim a greater Estate then he ought and so it is in this case 2. Admitting him to be Tenant at sufferance the question is if he may grant Copies and if whether they be good and it seems he may for no trespasse lies against him because he is Dominus pro tempore and it is not like a Copy made by an Abator or Disseisor for it hath been adjudged that Copies made by them are void but in this case his act of making Copies agrees with the Custome as in Grisbrooks case If an Administrator sells Goods and paies debts with the money and after he who is Executor proves the Will he shall never avoid this sale for that it was done according to the Will which the Executors were compelled to do So in the 12 H. 6. If a Baily cuts Trees and repaires an ancient Pale this is good and 6 R. 2. if he paies quit-rents it is good Coke He comes in by right and therefore is Tenant at sufferance and like this case is Dyer 35 H. 8.57 Lord Zouches case where Cestuy que use for life the remainder over in taile made a Lease for the terme of the life of the Lessee and dies and the Lessee continues his Estate And the opinions of the Iustices of both Benches were that he is but Tenant at sufferance Popham If a Mannor be devised to one and the Devisee enters and makes Copies and then the Devise is found to be void yet the Copies of Surrender made by such Devisee are good but contrary where new or voluntary Copies are made by him 7 Eliz. and in the Lord Arundells case a Feoffment in fee was made of a Mannor upon condition the Feoffee upon Condition grants voluntary Copies those are good Atkins on the contrary And he made a difference between a Tenant at will and a Tenant at sufferance for a Tenant at will shall have aid but so shall not the other as in the 2 H. 4. and a Release to one is good to the other not c. and when he holds over he doth assume an Interest which shall not be thought wrongfull for he is neither Abator nor Disseisor and therefore Dominus and therefore the Copies made by him are good 4 H. 7.3 Tenant at sufferance may justifie for Damage-feasant And all the Iustices held for the Plaintiff and that he that made the Copy was but Tenant at sufferance and not Disseisor and that he had no Fee And the Iudgment was to be entred unlesse the Defendant shewed better matter Trin 28 Eliz. Rot. 329. Smiths Case SMith assumed upon himselfe that when I. N was indebted to I.D. in an Obligation of forty pounds that if I.D. would not implead the said I.N. that then if the money were not paid at such a day that then he viz. the said Smith would pay the money Vpon which Assumpsit after the day I.D. brought his Action on the case and did set forth in his Declaration that he did not implead I.N. and it was moved by Kingsmill that he could not have this Action untill I.N. be dead for so long as he lives I.D. hath time to implead him As if a man promiseth another that he will be named in his Action that he hath against a third person and if the third person payes not the money at such a day then he will he cannot sue unlesse he shewes he hath discharged the other of the Obligation Clench It is implied that he will never implead him Shuttleworth Iustice not so for if hereafter he sue him contrary to his promise then the other who made the Assumpsit shall have his Action on the case and recover to the value of the sun●m in the Bond. And after the case was moved again and the Plaintiff brought the Obligation in Court and thereupon the Obligation was entred so that now the Plaintiff could not implead I. N in posterum for which Iudgment was entred for the Plaintiff 29 Eliz. Cosens Case COsen the Father had issue three Sons John George and Thomas John the eldest died in the life-time of his Father his Wife Enseint with a Daughter the Father makes a Devise in these words That if it shall please God to take to his mercy my Son Richard before he shall have issue of his body so that my Lands shall descend to my Son George before he shall be of the age of one and twenty years then my Overseers shall haue my Land untill George come to the age of one and twenty years If Richard who is yet living had an Estate in taile by these words was the question And all the Iustices agreed that it was a plain implication to make an Estate-taile in Richard the second Son 13 H. 7.17 29 Eliz. in C. B. Warrens Case WIlliam Warren brought an Action of Debt for forty pounds and in his Declaration confessed satisfaction of twenty pounds and hereupon a Writ of Error was brought in the Kings Bench and the Iudgment reversed For by his Declaration he had abated his owne Writ and he ought to have Iudgment according to his Writ and not to his Count. And Error was brought upon the Outlawry for if the first Record was reversed the Outlawry thereupon is reversed 4 and 5 Phil. Mar. BEnlowes Serieant moved this case a man seised of Lands and Te●ements in London devises them by these words I will and bequeath unto my Wife Alice my livelyhood in London for terme of her life By this Will the lands in London passe to the Wife by this word Livelyhood Nota for Brook Iustice said that it was in ancient time used in divers places of this Realm and had been taken for an Inheritance To which Dyer agreed Case of Slander BRook said that if a man speak many slanderous words of another he who is slandred may have an Action on the case for any one of these words and may omit the others But if a man write many slanderous things of another in a Letter to a friend an action upon the case will not lye for it shall not be intended that it is done to the intent to have it published Mich. 1 and 2 Eliz. N. Arch-bishop of York and I.B. Executors of the last Will and Testament of Thomas Duke of Norfolk did bring a Writ of Ravishment de Guard and then he was deprived by his own consent The question is if the Writ shall abate Benlowes It shall abate for if a Dean and Parson of a Church bring an Action for such a Custome and then resigne the Writ shall abate because it is their own Act. Dyer The Writ shall not abate for the Action is not brought in their own persons but in their Testators and
Oathes and they who had eaten were fined five pounds and committed to the Fleet. And some of the Iustices did doubt if the Verdict were good and upon many Presidents had it was adjudged good and they relyed much on the President of the 12 H. 8. Rot. 102. where one of the Iury did eat before they were agreed and yet the Verdict was good And after a Writ of Error was brought and the Iudgment affirmed 20 H. 7.3 13 H 4.13 Pasch 27 Eliz. A Man gives land to I.S. in the Premisses Habendum to him and three others for their lives Et eorum diutius viventium successive The question was what Estate I.S. had and whether there be any occupancy in the case Coke h●ld that I.S. had but an Estate for his own life because he cannot have an Estate for his own and anothers life where the interest of both begin at one instant and the Habendum by no means can make a Remainder as if a Lease be made to one for life habendum to him and his first begotten Son this makes no remainder to the Son although some have held to the contrary so of a Lease to one for years habendum to him and another does not make any remainder to the other also the word Successive will not make a remainder as in the 30 H 8. Br. Joynt-tenant 53. Also one cannot have an Estate for life and for anothers life also in present interest for the greater doth drowne the lesse but if the greater be present and the other future as a Lease to him for life the remainder to him for anothers life or a Lease for life and three years over this is good but if a Lease be made for life and for years the Lease for years is drowned 19 Ed. 3. Surrender 8. where Tenant for life of a Mannor did surrender to him in the Reversion c. Gawdy If a Lease be made to one for life and so long as another shall live quaere what Estate he hath And as to the second point certainly there cannot be an Occupancy for if the Estate be void the Limitation is void also the Occupancy is pleaded Que un tiel and does not say Claymant comme occupant c. for if a man comes a hawking on Land he is not an Occupant and the Book of Entries is that he ought to plead it Clinch Iustice every Occupant ought to be in possession at the time of the death of the Tenant for otherwise the Law casts the Interest upon him in the Reversion But Gawdy and Chute denied this and after viz. 29 Eliz. the Case was moved again by Popham and he made three points 1. If the other three had a joynt Estate 2. If they had a Remainder 3. If there be an Occupancy And he was of opinion that they had nothing by the habendum for they were not named in the Premisses they cannot have a Remainder for the incertainty but if those three had been named in the Premisses habendum to them Successive as they had been named there they had a Remainder for there the certainty appeared 30 H. 8.8 Dyer 361. Also there can be no Occupancy during the lives of the other three but he agreed to the Book of the 18 Ed. 3.34 that a Lease for life the Remainder to him for anothers life was good And that if a Lease be made to I.S. and a Monk it is void to the Monk and the other hath all and that during the life of the Monk there can be no Occupancy And if I make a Lease to I. S. for the life of a Monk it is a good Lease And till the same terme Iudgment was given that they could take nothing in possession joyntly nor by way of Remainder and that no Occupancy could be in the Case and that I.S. had Estate for terme of his owne life onely Stile against Miles STile Parson did suggest that the Land was parcell of the Glebe of the Parsonage and that the said Stile did let the said Glebe being foure and twenty acres to Miles for years rendring thirteen shillings foure pence Rent and in a Prohibition the case was if Tythes were to be paid And Wray said that although it was parcell of the Glebe yet when it was leased out Tythes ought to be paid and if no Rent be reserved Tythes ought to be paid without question but there may be a doubt where the Rent is reserved to the true value of the Land but here the Rent is of small value wherefore Tythes shall be paid also And the Reservation of the Rent was Pro omnibus exactionibus demandis yet the Iustices took no regard of those words But Godfrey said that those words would discharge him but Wray on the contrary for that this Tythe is not issuing out of the Land but is a thing collaterall and if a Parson do release to his Parishioners all demands in the Land yet Tythes are not thereby released for such generall words will not extend to such a speciall matter And in the 15 of R. 2. Avowry 99. one held of another by ten shillings for all Services Suits and Demands yet the Tenant shall pay Relief because it is incident to the Rent and 8 Ed. 3.26 Mich. 29 Eliz. Rot. 2574. or 2375. Stephens against Layton IN an Ejectione firmae upon issue joyned the case in a speciall Verdict was that a Lease by Indenture was made by William Beale to one William Pyle and Philip his Wife primogenito habend to them diutius eorum viventi successive for terme of their lives and then the Husband and Wife had issue a Daughter The question was if the Daughter had any Estate And three Iustices held that she had no Estate because she was not in being at the time of the Lease made and a person that is not in esse cannot take any thing by Livery for Livery ought to carry a present Estate where the Estate is not limited by way of Remainder 18 Ed. 3.3 17 Ed. 3.29 30. adjudged but it was said at the Bar that if the Estate had been conveyed by way of use it is otherwise And the said Iustices held clearly that the word Successive would not alter the case And the case was further found that William Beale and Sampson Beale did covenant with one Lendall that if Tho. Beale Son of Sampson Beale should marry Margaret the Daughter of the said Lendall if she would assent and also that the said Lendall did covenant that the said Margaret should marry the said Thomas if he would assent Pro quo quidem Maritagio sic tum postea habendo the said William Beale covenanted that he would make or cause to be made an Estate to the said Thomas and Margaret and to the Heirs of their bodies for the Ioynture of the said Margaret and it was further found that afterward a Fine was levied between the said Thomas and Margaret Plaintiffs and Sampson Beale and William Beale
Rot. 610. Bond against Richardson In Debt the Defendant pleaded payment at the day and gave in evidence payment at another day before the day of payment and so was it found by the Iury in a speciall Verdict And Anderson said We are all agreed that Iudgment shall be given against the Plaintiff for payment before the day is payment at the day and Iudgment was given that the Plaintiff should be barred Willis against Whitewood A Man was seised of lands in Socage and made a Lease for years by Paroll and died his wife was Guardian in Socage to his Son and the Lessee accepted of a new Lease by Deed of the Guardian in Socage and then the Guardian died and a new Guardian entred and outed the Lessee and if the second Guardian could do this was the question Anderson It cannot be a surrender for a Guardian hath no Estate that may be surrendred but it is an extinguishment of the Lease and if a Woman Guardian in Socage takes Husband● and dies the Husband shall not be Guardian in Socage Almeskey against Johnson JOhnson had a second deliverance returned which was returned Averia eloigniata c. whereupon he prayed a Withernam of the Cattle of the Plaintiff and it was granted and then came the Plaintiff and satisfied the Defendant his damages and charges and praid a Writ of Restitution to have his Cattle again taken in Withernam Fleetwood Cattle taken in Withernam are not repleiditable how then can you have your Cattle and then we shall not be paid for the meat And the Court held that the Cattle were not repleivisable but for satisfaction of damages he shall have restitution of the Cattle and so is the course which was confirmed by the Clarks And Walmesley cited 16 H. 6. Replevi●… to warrant this And as to the meat he had the use of the Cattle whereby it was reason he should sustain them And a Writ of Restitution was granied Mich. 31 and 32 Eliz. IN case of a Farmer of Dame Lineux Manwood it was said that the Order called the Cistrenses Order hav a priviledge that they should pay no Tythes for the lands that Proprils manibus excolunt but if they let it to Farmers then they were to pay Tythes and now comes the Statute of Monasteries 31 H. 8. If the Queen should pay Tythes was the question And it was said that the Queen and her Farmers also should hold the land discharged of Tythes as well as the particular persons of the Order should for the King cannot be a Husband and therfore his Farmers shall hold the land discharged so long as the King hath the Freehold in him although he make a Lease thereof for years at will but to if the King sell the land to another or the reversion to another then the Farmers shall pay Tythes Mich. 31 Eliz. IT was said by the Barons in the case of one Beaumont that a Debt which is not naturally a Debt in it self but a Debt onely by circumstance may be assigned to the Queen As where a man is bound in a Bond to save another harmlesse and failes thereof the Obligation may be assigned to the Queen But in such case a present extent shall not be awarded but the Processe shall be onely a Scire facias against the party to see if he hath any thing to plead against it which note well And where a man recovers damages in an Action on the case parcell of the damages cannot be assigned to the King before execution for he must bring a Scire facias upon such Record And Manwood chief Baron held clearly that a moyely hereof could not be assigned over 22 H. 6.47 One was indicted of Treason at S. Edmundsbury Coram Justiciariis ad diversas felonias c. audiendas and after the Indictment made mention of Bury and did not say praedict and by the opinion of the Iustices the Iudgment was quasht Trin. 30 Eliz. AN Action of the Case was brought against one Gilbert for saying that the Plaintiff was a Suitor to a Widow in Southwark and that he consened her of her money in procuring false witnesses to consen her And a Verdict found for the Plaintiff And in Arrest of Iudgment it was said that in the case of Kerby it was adjudged that Cousener will not beare Action and so was it adjudged in this case Mosse against Reade THe Defendant called him Theef and thou forgest a Deed and a Verdict was found for the Plaintiff and in Arrest of Iudgment it was said that Theef generally without saying of what nature specially will not bear Action But Wray chief Iustice denied that and said that it had of late been adjudged to the contrary and Gawdy against him But as to the words that he had forged a Deed adjudged that the Action will lye although it be not specially alledged what manner of Deed was forged Pasch 32 Eliz. COllings informed upon the Statute of buying of Tythes against Robert Davyes and Stock And it was said by Periam that although the words of the Statute be Pro termino diversorum annorum yet if a Lease be made but for one year yet is it within the penalty of the Statute Mich. 31 and 32 Eliz. CRipps brought a Quare Impedit against the Bishop of Canterbury and others and declared upon a Grant of the next avoidance and the Defendant demanded Oyer of the Deed and the Plaintiff shewed a Letter which was written by his Father to the true Patron by which he had writ to his Father that he had given to his Son that was the Plaintiff the next avoidance and upon this there was a Demur And the whole Court for the Demur for that such Letter was a mockery for the Grant was not good without Deed and Iudgment was given accordingly In Tymbermans Case it was said that if a Sheriff took one in Execution by force of a Capias although he return not the Writ yet an Action of Debt will lye against him upon an escape and Periam said it had been so adjudged Katherine Gilham brought an Ejectment as Administratrix to her Husband Quare determino eject bona catalla sua ibidem inventa cepit c. and a Verdict for the Plaintiff and it was alledged in Arrest of Iudgment that this word Sua shall not be intended her own Goods and not the Testators And the Court was of opinion that Sua shall be intended in such manner as Administrator and no otherwise And therefore Iudgment was affirmed Mich. 31 and 32 Eliz. Baldwin against Mortin USe to the Husband and Wife habendum to the Husband for thirty years the Wife shall take nothing thereby and this case was argued at the Bar and Bench and was called the Earl of Cumberlands case Fleetwood moved that an Action was brought against the Husband and his Wife and dit declare a trover of the Goods of the Plaintiff by the Wife which she converted to her own use and prayed
that it was enacted by the Major of London and common Councel that if any Citizen takes the Son of an Alien to be his Apprentice that the Covenants and Obligations shall be void and he shewed that he was the Son of an Alien and became an Apprentice to the Plaintiff who is a Citizen and made the Covenants with him for his Apprentiship And demanded Iudgment And it was held no Bar for notwithstanding the Act the Covenant is good for it is the Act of the Defendant although the Act of the Common Councell be against it but the said Act may inflict punishment on any Citizen that breakes it And Iudgment was given for the Plaintiff Trin. 41 Eliz. in B. R. Knotts against Everstead LEssee for life the remainder for life the remainder in taile he in the reversion who had the fee does enter and enfooffs the Lessee for years and adjudged that by this Feoffment Nihil operatur Popham said that he who hath a term cannot license another that hath nothing in the land to make a Feoffment for he who hath the Freehold wants nothing but possession to make a good Livery but in this case he who makes the Livery had not the Freehold and therefore the license is void But Tanfeild said that if Lessee for life gives leave to a stranger to make Livery it is void but if he consent that the stranger shall make a Feoffment it shall amount to a Disseisin and the Feoffment is good Which was denied by the Court. And Clench said if a Lessee for ten years makes a Lease for one year to him in reversion there he in the reversion who hath the land for a year may make a Feoffment to the Lessee for ten years and it is good Trin. 41 Eliz. Moyle against Mayle MOyle brought an Action of Waste against Mayle and declared that he had leased to him a Mannor and a Warren and that he had destroyed a Cony-borough and subverted it and assigned otherwastes in cutting down certain Thornes Williams The Action of waste will well lye and said that a Warren consisted or two things of a place of Game and of liberty and to prove that a waste did lye for a liberty he cited the Statute of Magna Charta Cap. 5. in which a Warren is intended also the Statute of Marlebridge cap. 24. and the Statute Articuli super Chartas cap. 18. by which Statutes it is evident that a waste does lie for Warrens and a Warren is more then a liberty for a Writ lies Quare warrenam suam intravit and by the 12 H. 8. if Lessee of a Warren does break the Pale it is a waste also if Lessee of a Pigeon-house stop the holes so that the Pigeons cannot build a waste doth lye as it hath been adjudged Also if Lessee of a Hop yard ploweth it up and sowes Graine there it is waste as it hath been adjudged Also the breaking a Weare is waste and so of the Banks of a Fish-pond so that the water and fish run out To all which cases the Court agreed except to the principal For the Court held it was not waste to destroy Cony-boroughs for wast will not lye for Conies because a man hath not inheritance in them and a man can have no property in them but only possession and although by a speciall Law Keepers are to preserve the land they keep in the same plight they found it yet thi● does not bind every Lessee of land Walmsley The subversion of Cony-boroughs is not waste and it was usuall to have a waste against those who made holes in land but not against those who stop them up because therby the land is made better And it was said that to dig for stones was a waste unlesse in an ancient Quarry although the Lessee fill it up againe And Walmsley said that in Lancashire it is waste to dig Marle unlesse it be imployed upon the land And said it was not waste to cut thornes unlesse they be in a Wood stubbed and digged up by the roots but if they grow upon the land then they may be stubbed and it is no waste But to cut down Thorne-trees that have stood sixty or a hundred years it is waste Hil. 32 Eliz. in B. R. Sir George Farmer against Brook IN an Action of the Case the Plaintiff claimeth such a Custome in the Town of B. that he and his Ancestors had a bake-house within the Town to bake white bread and houshold-bread and that he had served all the Town with bread that no other could use the Trade without his license and that the Defendant had used the Trade without his license upon which the Defendant demu●'d Morgan This is a good Prescription and it is reason that a Prescription should bind a stranger vide 11 H. 6.13 A. prescribed to have a Market and that none should sel but in a Stall which A. had made and was to pay for the Stall and held there a good Prescription And the Arch-bishop of Yorks Case in the Register 186. is a good case A man prescribed that he had a Mill and he found a horse to carry the Corn thither and that therfore they ought to grind there and because they did not he brough his Action on the case Buckley contra It cannot be intended to have any commencement by any Tenure 11 H 4. A. procured a Patent that none should sell any thing in London without paying him a penny adjudged not good and the case of the Arch-bishop was good because he had it ratione dominii tenuri And adjudged the principall case that the action will not lye 23 Eliz. in C. B. Farrington against Charnock KIng Henry the 8 granted Turbariam suam in D. at Farrington rendring rent sur 21. years and then the Lessee imployed part of it in arable land and relinquisht part of it in Turbary and then Q. Mary grants Totam illam Turbariā before demised to Farrington and adjudged that that passed only which was Turbary and the other part that was converted into Tillage did not passe Mich. 18 Eliz. in B. R. SIr Arthur Henningham brought an Action of Error against Francis Windham to reverse a common recovery had against Henry Henningham his brother and the Error assigned was that there was no warrant of Attorney of the Record And it was agreed by the Bar and Bench and adjudged error But the great point was if the Plaintiff could have a writ of Error The Case was Henry the Father had Henry his Son and three Daughters by one Venter and the Plaintiff by another Venter and died seised of the land intailed to him and the Heirs Males of his body Henry enters and makes a Feoffment the Feoffee is impleaded and voucheth Henry who looseth by default in the recovery and dies without issue and whether the Daughters which are Heirs generall or the Plaintiff which is Heir in tail shall have the Error Gawdy and Baker for the Defendant who said
Statute sayes that the lands devised shall be devised into three parts and that is to be understood of such an estate as may be divided but so cannot a Seigniory For put the case that the Lord held by a Hauke the whole Mannor shall descend and cannot be divided and so de catalla Fellonum Fenner contra For it seems to me that the seignory passeth and so it shall be if he held but a mesualty 7 Ed. 4. A man held by Frankalmoigne he shall say infra feodum suum and in reputation amongst men a seigniory is a Mannor for if a man makes a feoffment of a Mannor with livery where he hath no Mannor yet shall it passe 7 E. 3. Where a Mannor passeth by the name of Knights Fee And as to the intirenes of the seigniory it is easily answered for although the rent were entire yet it may be severed for a Rent Charge is entire yet a proportionment may be made thereof 44 Ed. 3. To which the Court agreed that the Rent without doubt might be severed Walmesley For the Plaintiff the Question is if the Rent passeth by the name of a Mannor to the Devisees If a Grandmother deviseth land to her daughter J.S. Whereas she is her daughters daughter yet this is good because in common speaking she is so called but here the words are not apt nor used in common speaking viz. That Rent should be taken for a Mannor and therefore it is voyd as a gift to the right heirs of J.S. who is attaint 19 H. 8. And he concluded with this difference that where the words have any affinity or likelihood to the Mannor then it will passe by the name of a Mannor As if a man deviseth his house and land by the name of a Mannor it shall passe But here being but a service it is otherwise Gawdy cont For if it the Rent passe not nothing shall passe which is a hard construction on a Will For 21 Rich. 2. Devise 27. a Devise Ecclesiae sancti Andreae is a good devise to the Parson of the Church And in Brett and Rigdens Casea man devised a Mannor in which he had nothing and after purchased the Mannor the devise is good And in 26 H. 6. feoffment 12. Land will not passe by deed by the name of a house but land will passe by the name of a Carue and a Carue by the name of a Mannor and I hold that the Rent in this case will passe by the name of the Mannor for a Mannor does consist of Demesnes services and rent may be called a Mannor aswell as a Carue and and the King gives it by the name of a Mannor to the Devisor and that is the reason that the Devisor calls it a Mannor And if you grant to me an Advowson by the name of the Church and Rectory and I devise the Rectory the Advowson and the Church will passe by the name of Rectory And in Plouden 194. A man did let his house and great demesnes rendring Rent and did devise to another all his Farme there the Devisee shall have all the Rent and the Reversion also Michaelm 29. 30. Bishop of Lincolnes Case Rot. 1528. 2200. IN a quare impedit brought by the King against the Bishop of Lincoln and Leigh the Incumbent The Case was The Bishop had an Advowson in gross and presented J.S. who took a second Benefice with cure whereby the first became void and continued so untill Lapse fallen to the Queen and after the title of Lapse fallen to the Queen the Bishop presented one J. who was inducted and by reason of Recusancy to pay Tythes was deprived and by the Statute 26 H. 8. the Church became void ipso facto whereupon the Bishop presented one Leigh within six months and now the Queen would present Fenner This Case is the same with Bosherulls lately adjudged But the Court said that here was a privation for Recusancy and therefore it would make a difference And afterwards Pasch 30 Eliz. Walmesley For the Queen said That if a Lapse be fallen to the Ordinary if the Patron doth present before the Bishop hath Collated he ought to receive his Clerk but where it is divolved to the King the Patron by no means can defeate the King but he may remove his Clerke at his pleasure but if such Incumbent be present after such Lapse and die then the title of the King is gone and his time passed by the act of God but in our Case the avoydance which does oust the King from his Lapse is avoidance by reason of Recusancy to pay Tithes which is the proper act of the Incumbent as is a resignation and no such avoydance being by the act of the party himself shall oust the King of his Presentation for in the 2 H. 9. In annuitie against an Abbot who resigns the Writ shall not abate for then the Plaintiff shall never have a good Writ So in our case if the King be outed of his Lapse by such devises he shall never have a Lapse for every one will usurp upon the Kings Lapse and will presently resign or misdemesn himself whereby to avoid the Lapse And in the 18 Ed. 4. the 19. By Pigot A writ brought against a Prior shall not abate although the Prior be not deposed for it is his own fault Fenner This Lapse is given the King by his prerogative but on this Condition that he take it in due time for so is the nature of things lapsed for if after a title accrued to the King he suffer usurpation and the Incumbent die his Lapse is lost for the nature of the Lapse is such that it must be taken at its time and where the title of the King is limited to a time there he shall not have his prerogative for a prerogative cannot alter estates As if the King grant a seigniory in gross rendring Rent and the Tenant to the Lord dies without heir whereby the tenant escheates the seigniory is extinct and the Rent of the King is gone aswell as it is in the case of a Common person And so if the King have a Rent feck for life out of my land if I die he cannot distreine in my land for the arrerages as he may in my life time And so where the Statute gives Annum diem vastum to the King yet he shall not have it after the death of the Tenant for life so if the King reserve a Rent upon a Lease to an Estranger and the stranger enters in respect of the land whereby his entire rent is suspended now the condition as to the King also is suspended during that time for the nature thereof is to be attendant upon the rent 22 H. 3. If a man grant a Rent upon condition to cease during the minority of his heir and after this Rent comes to the King and the Grantee dies the Rent shall cease during the minority of his heir so that by all these cases the
for the goods themselves are not to be recovered in this action nor damages for them and so they are but collaterall to the action as in 10 Edw. 3.30 In a Rescous the Court was for taking of Cattle without shewing what Cattle and the Iury found them to be two horses and the Plaintiff had judgment where note that a verdict did help an insufficient Court and 22 A●si 21 Ed. 3. a trespass was brought for taking away of Writings concerning land without shewing what they were or the quality of the land But otherwise in a detinue for Charters for there the Writings themselves are to be recovered The second and great doubt was when a man doth promise to another that if he will deliver the pawn he will pay the debt if this be a sufficient consideration to maintain an Assumpsit Foster Justice It is not for he that hath the pawne hath not such an interest in it as he may deliver it over to another or make a legall contract for it and that his delivery being illegall he cannot by his own wrong raise an action to himself and a man shall never maintain any action where the consideration is illegall and not valuable 9 Ed. 4. In an action on the Case the Defendant pleaded an accord and that he delivered the writing to the Plaintiff which concern'd the land and it was held no plea because the Plaintiff having land the writtings belonged to it And cited Reynolds Case where a man promised another 100 l. to solicite his business and it was holden that no action would lie for the money because the soliciting his business was illegall he being no man of Law Dier 355 356. Cook Warburton and Daniell cont Who said that the consideration was good legall and profitable and sufficient to maintain an assumpsit for he who hath goods at pawn hath a speciall property in them so that he may work such pawn if it be a Horse or Oxe or may take the Cowes milk and may use it in such manner as the owner would but if he misuseth the pawn an action lyes also he hath such interest in the pawn as he may assign over and the assignee shall be subiect to a detinue if he detaines it upon payment of the money by the owner as in the 2. assise Land was leased untill he had raised 100 l. he hath such interest as is grantable over And Foster agreed to this because he had power to satisfie himself out of the profits And it was agreed by the Court that if a man takes a distress he cannot work the distress for it is only the act of the Law that gives power to the distress for he hath no propertie in the distress nor possession in jure as in the 21 H. 7. Replevin A man hath returne Irreplevisable he cannot worke them for the Iudgment is to remit them to the pound ibid. remansurum vid. 13 R. 2 Brook 20 H. 7 1 a. 34 H. 8. B● pledges 28.22 Edw. 4 11. goods pawned shall not be put into execution untill the debt be satisfied And it was agreed by Cook and Warburton that when a man hath a speciall interest in a thing by act in Law that he cannot work it or otherwise use it but contrary upon a speciall interest by the act of the partie as in case of a pawn Daniell There is difference between pawns which are chargeable to the parties as Cowes and Horses and things that are not chargeable and also there is a difference between pawnes that will be the worse by usage as Clothes c. For if the pawn be the worse by usage an action of the Case will lie against him that hath them pawned to him But contra of goods that are not the worse for usage Cook If I deliver goods to you untill you are promoted to a benefice you may use them which Foster denied And Iudgment was given for the Plaintiff and that they may be granted over and so a good assumpsit will lie 26 Eliz. Earl of Northumberlands Case THis case was privately argued before the Lord Treasurer because the parties agreed to refer themselves to the opinion of Wray and Anderson And the case was this the Earl of Northumberland devised by his will his Iewells to his wife And dyed possessed of a Collar of Esses and of a Garter of gold and of a Buckle annexed to his bonnet and also of many other buttons of gold and pretious stones annexed to his robes and of many other chains bracelets and rings of gold and pretious stones The question was if all these should passe by the devise under the name of Iewells And both Iustices did Resolve that the Garter and Collar of Esses did not pass because they were not properly Iewells but ensignes of Honour and State and that the Buckle in his bonnet and the buttons did not pass because they were annexed to his Robes and were therfore no Iewells But for all the other chaines rings braceletts and Iewells they passed by vertue of the said Will. Michaelm 40 41 Eliz. Sperke against Sperke in C. R. Rot. 2215. IN an ejectment the Case was this M. Sperke made a Lease of the land in question to William Sperke for 89. years if William should so long live the remainder after his death to the Executors or Assignes of the said William for 40. years afterwards William dyes Intestate and administration is committed to Grace Sperke his wife who entred clayming the 40. years and the Defendant clayming by another Lease entred upon him and he brought this action A●d●…on Executor is as good a name of purchase as Heire is And I conceive the points in this case are two First if the Administrator be an assignee Secondly If the lease for 40. years be a Chattell vested in the Intestate in his life for if it be then his Administrator shall have it And as to the first I conceive that she is not assignee to take these 40 years For in the 19 Ed. 3. It is there said that Administrators are not assignees for administration is appointed by the ordinary and assignees must be in by the party himself and not by a stranger and therefore an Administrator cannot be an assignee as an Executor that comes in by the partie or as a husband for his wife Walmesley and Glany●… accorded But Kingsmill cont for he said that although one could not be assignee in Deed without the act of the partie yet one may be assignee in Law by the act of the law And so the opinion of the ● Iustices to the first point was that the Administrator could not have it as assignee and as to the second point Anderson said that it could not vest for if a man have a Lease for life the remainder for 40. years the remainder is voyd because there is no person named to whom it is limited but if a man make a Lease for life and after his death to his lessee for
was upon the pleading Taylor being Lessee for years 9 Elizabeth did grant and assigne this to Ayer the Plaintiff The Defendant pleaded that before the grant made to Ayer sc 8 Elizabeth Taylor did grant and assigne his estate to the Defendant without traversing the gift made to the Plaintiff Williams There needs no traverse for being granted the 8 Elizab. it is impossible it should be granted 9 Eliz. 2 Edw. 6. and 1 H. 5. Anderson He ought to travers for it is impossible to confesse and avoyd a grant by confession that was granted to another before for if it were so the second grant is voyd and so being so confest here ought to be a travers Walmesley cont in 32 H. 6. it is sufficient to say that at another day c. there was another arbitrement c. for by that the first arbitrement is voyd in Law And it is a good plea in a Will that after that there was another Will made without Traversing and there is difference between Lands and Chattells for land may be gotten out of a man by wrong and therefore it may be that after the feoffment the Feoffor entred and it disseised the Feoffee and did infeoffe another but it cannot b● so here of a terme for years for no man can take it away from the Lessee by wrong Glanvill and Kingsmill cont There must be a Traverie for there ought to be a confession before there can be an avoydance but here he does not confess the grant but pleads matter that denies it being granted And at last Anderson gave Iudgment that he ought to Travers 42 Eliz. Rudd against Topsey in C. B. Rot. 135. IN a Quare Impedit The Iury found that Edward Capell was seised of an Advowson in Fee and did let it to the Defendant for years and during the Lease he presented the Defendant and the doubt was whether this were a surrender or an Extinguishment And it was held by all the Iustices that this could not be a surrender but is cleerly an extinguishment For if a man does present to his own Church as Proctor to another by this he looseth his advowson Nat. Br. 25.17 Ed. 33.24 H. 6. Hillar 42 43 Eliz. Forrest against Ballard Rot. 2480. AN Audita querela was brought upon a Statute which was acknowledged before a Maior who had no power to take it Anderson An Audita querela will not lie upon a voyd Statute But Kingsmill Walmesley and Warburton cont and Walmesley cited 〈◊〉 Br. 102. where an Audita querela was brougt upon a forg'd Statute and there it would lie upon a Statute made by Duress 20 Ed. 3.28 Trinit 40. Eliz. Goodrick against Cooper in C. B. Rot. 1259. IN a Replevin the Defendant justified for Rent granted to the Master and Schollers of Emanuell Colledge in Cambridge And the Iury found that one Spendelose being seised of the land where c. by his Deed did grant to the said Master and Fellowes a Rent Ch. of 40 l. per annum for ever and that Spendlose did seale his part of the Indenture and delivered it to the use of the Master and Fellowes to one J.S. to deliver it accordingly but there was no dead to shew their receit thereof and then they sealed the other part but they made no Attorney to deliver it and it was ●ound that the Rent was payd for divers years after VValmesley Although no Letter of Attorney were made yet it is good for by their sealing of the Counterpart there is a sufficient agreement to the grant As it a Reversion be granted to a Corporation by Deed although they cannot accept of this but by Attorney yet if they bring a waste this is a sufficient agreement to vest it in them Quod assi Justiciarii concesserunt And judgment was given for the Avowant Michaelm 43 44. Eliz. Claygate against Batchelor in C. B. Rot. 3217. IN debt upon a Bond of thirty pound the Condition was that if Robert Batchelor son to the Defendant did use the Trade of Haberdasher as Iourneyman servant or Apprentice or as a Master within the County of Kent within the Cities of Canterbury and Rochester within four years after the date that then if he pay twenty pound upon request the Obligation to be voyd And all the Iustices agreed that the condition was against Law and then all is voyd for it is against the liberty of a Free-man and against the Statute of Magna Carta cap. 20. and is against the Commonwealth 2 H 5. 5. And Anderson said that he might aswell bind himself that he would not go to Church And Iudgment was given against the Plaintiff Michaelm 43 44 Eliz. Dogget against Dowell in C. B. Rot. 65● IN an action on the Case upon an Assumpsit The Plaintiff declared that at the request of the Defendant he had lent to him 30 l. the 10th day of May 5 Eliz. and the Defendant in consideration thereof viz. the second day of May aforesaid did promise and assume upon himself that he at the end of the yeare would lend the Plaintiff other thirty pounds for a year or give to him five pound It was said that the consideration is good for although the promise was made at another day yet is it in pursuance thereof so that in Law it shall be accounted all at one time and is not like to the case in Dyer 372. where the Master promised one who was bayle for his servant that he would save him harmless this is no consideration for the Ballment was of his own will and was executed before the Assumpsit but if the Master had first requested and afterwards assumed there it is good and so was it adjudged in the case of one Sydenham against Worthington Trinit 27 Eliz. Rot. 748. Where the request was before and the promise after and there it was a good Assumpsit VVarburton agreed And it is like as if I should say to you do such a thing and I will give you five pound this is no good contract But all the Iustices on the contrary for when at the first day the Plaintiff did lend to the Defendant thirty pound that was absolute and the speaking on the second day cannot have such reference to the first agreement that it shall be accounted all one Anderson If I say to one In consideration you will serve me for a year I will give you five pound here is no cause of action for the consideration is precedent and not mutuall and so judgment was entred for the Defendant Hillar 41 Eliz. VVentworth against VVright Rot. 2529. IN a Quare impedit two points were moved 1. If the Parson be made Bishop whether the Patron should present or the King by his prerogative VVilliams The King shall for before the Statute the Pope should present and the reason was because the Bishop had received his presentment gratis from the Pope and by the same reason the King now
the wife is at large to have the twelve pound and her Dower also But the Court held that she could not have her joynture for by the recovery of the Dower her joynture is barred for the Rent was given her in recompence of her Dower so that it cannot be intended that she shall have Rent Dower also wherefore it was adjudged that her entry on the Land was not good 30 31 Eliz. The King against the Bishop of Canterbury and Hudson Rot. 1832. IN a Quare impedit Hudson the Incumbent did plead that King Edw. the 4th did grant the Rape of Hastings Et bona catalla Fellonum Fugitivorum ategat of all Residents and non-residents within the said Rape to the Earl of Huntington And pleaded that John Ashborne was seized of the Mannor of Ashborne and of the advowson appending to it and held the same of the Earl of Huntington as of his Rape of Hastings and that the said John Ashborn was outlawed during which the Incumbent of the said Church dyed and the Earl presented the said Hudson Shut I conceive this avoydance does not belong to the Earl by reason of this grant for by the same Patent libertie is given to the said Earl his heirs to put himself into possession and of such things as he cannot put himself into possession they will not passe and here this is a thing in action which by these words will not passe 19 H. 6.42 by the grant de Catalla Fellonum obligations do not passe VValmesley Stanford in his prerogative saith that by the words Bona catalla the King shall have the presentation to the Church of him that is outlawed or Attaint and by the same reason he may grant it by such a name and although the party cannot seise such a thing yet it shall passe 39 H. 3.35 Rent for years shall passe by the grant of bona Catalla Periam It will passe by these words for it is an ancient grant for in that time the Patents of the King were not so specially penned as now they are Anderson I conceive the avoydance will not passe by thse words for within this word bona moveables are contained both dead and living and Avoydance is no Chattell nor right of Chattell Quod Peryam negavit c. Mich. 37 38 Eliz. Townsend against VVhales IN an Ejectment the Iury found that J.S. was seized of land in possession and also in reversion for terme of life and made a Devise by these words That his Executors take the profit of all his Lands and tenements Free and Copy for ten years for the payment of his debts and Legacies and after the end of the said ten years that all the aforesaid lands and tenements with their appurtenances should be sold by his Executors or one of them and the silver to be bestowed in the performance of his Will or by the Executors of his Executors or any of them and then one of the Executors dyed within the ten years and the two surviving Executors did grant all aswell in possession as in reversion to House who made a Lease to the Plaintiff And two points were resolved 1. That the Executors may grant the reversion 34 H. 6. for by these words Free and Copy his intent appears that all should be granted 2. That although one of the Executors died yet the other two Executors may sell Anderson If such bevise had been at the Common Law and one Executor had refused the two others could not sell but if one die the survidors may sell the land for there the authority doth survive Which difference the other Iustices agreed to And at another day Anderson said there was difference where the Devise is that Executors should sell his and the money divided between them there if one die the others shall not sell but otherwise here because the money is the performance of his will Walmesley The sale by the two Executors is good for it is said the Executors or any of them c. And Beaumond agreed Wherefore judgment was given for the Plaintiff Note that there were two verdicts in this case and the first only found that the Executors shoull sell after the ten years and that one dyed and the other two did sell within the ten years and the opinion of the Court was that the sale was voyd but in the 39 and 40 Eliz. all the whole will was found and Iudgment given ut supra The Earle of Rutlands Case Roger Earl of Rudand and John Maners and others Executors to John late Earl of Rudand Executor to Edward Earl of Rutland brought an action on the case against Isabell Countess of Rutland And Declared for divers Iewells and goods c. that came to the hands of John Earl of Rudand as Executor to the said Edward and the said John the 10th of July 29 Eliz. did casually loose them which after came to the hands of the Defendant licet saepius requisita she would not deliver them to the said John in his life time nor to the said Plaintiffs after his death but knowing the goods did belong to the Plaintiffs in D. in the County of Notingham converted them to her proper use And a verdict for the Plaintiff And it was moved often in arrest of Iudgment but all the Iustices agreed that the action of Trover and converversion would lie by the Executors upon the Satute of the 4 Ed. 3. upon a conversion in vita Testatoris and so hath it been adjudged in the Kings Bench and although the Statute mentions onely a Writ of trespass that is only put for example Also they all agreed that the sole cause of action to the Conversion for it there were no conversion they shall be put to their Detinue therefore the great doubt did arise because the day and time of the conversion was not shewed for perhaps it was after the Writ and before the Declaration And also if it was in vita Testatoris they should have this action by the 4th of Ed. 3d. But at length Walmesley said That all Iustices of the Common Pleas and of Serjeants Inne in Fleet-street besides Peryam Chief Baron were of opinion that Iudgment should be given for the Plaintiffs for that some of them held that the day of the Conversion is not materiall to be shewn and others that of necessity as this case is it shall be intended that the conversion was in the Plaintiffs time wherefore Iudgment was entredfor the Plaintiffs but a Writ of Errour was brought and the Case much debated Michaelm 38 39 Eliz. Carew against Warren in C. B. Rot. 1945. GUnter Tenant in Tasle of Lands in antient Demesn made a Lease for 60. years to J.S. and for security thereof levied a Fine to Lee and Loveland who rendred to Gunter in Fee who devised the reversion to his wife for life the remainder in Fee and dyed And then the Lord of Andover which is an ancient Mannor by an
Ostensum est nobis returned in the Common Bench against Lee and Lovelace upon a scire Facias awarded against them and two Nihils return'd the Fine was reversed Anderson The scire Facias is not well awarded for it ought to be brought as well against those in possession as the Conufors and this appears by the 21 Ed. 3.56 by which they in possession and those in remainder ought to be made privy Walmesley agreed for the Freehold which is in me shall not be taken from me without making me privie no lesse then if A. bring a Precipe against B. of my land and recover for I shall have an Assise upon this Also another matter is in the Case For the land now in question is alledged to be parcell of the Mannor of Andover and therefore cannot be ancient Demesne But no Iudgment was at this time given because there were but two Iustices Halling against Comand IN an action of Covenant the case was thus Comand the Defendant did covenant with the Plaintiff that at the Costs and charges of the Plaintiff be would assure certaine land for the Ioynture of the Plaintiffs wise before M●ch●e mas And the Plaintiff declared that no assurance was made nor tender before the said Michaelmas And hereupon the Defendant demurred for that the charges should have been offered before the assurance 3 H. 74.23 Eliz. Dyer Anderson in the 35 36 Eliz. F●ste● did covenant with Franke to make an assurance at the costs and charges of Franke and Franke brought a Covenant and Foster Demurred because no charges were tendred to him it was adjudge against Fester for Franke could not have cognizance what manner of assurance should be made and so could not tell what charges to tender and therefore he ought first to shew him what manner of assurance he should make and according to that he ought to tender reasonable Charges Walmesley But the charges ought to precede the assurance but the declaring of what manner of assurance should be made ought first to be done Beaumond of the same opinion Michaelm 38 Eliz. Damport against Sympson IN an action on the Case the Plaintiff declared that he had given to one Spilman certain Iewells to Traffique with them beyond the Seas and that he had not fold them but had delivered them to the Defendant who had spoild them whereupon the Plaintiff brought an action against the said Spilman and upon not guilty pleaded they were at issue and the now Defendant at that evidence did Depose upon his oath that the Iewells were worth but 200 l. whereas they were worth 800 l. by reason whereof the Iury gave indeed but 200 l. damages and for this false oath he brought this action and the Iury upon not guilty pleaded found for the Plaintiff and assessed 300 l. damages And now it was moved in arrest of Iudgment that the action would not lie no more than against those informe a Iustice of Peace of Fellony upon his oath against J. S. 20 H. 7.11 Also the party grieved hath his remedy in the Star-Chamber And Walmesley said that for perjury there was no remedy and so is it in the 7th Eliza. Dyer 243. a. for it is not to be thought that a Christian would be perjur'd and in the 2d H. 6.5 a Conspiracy will not lye against Indictors who informe their company of their oath Wherefore It was adjudg'd that this action did not lie Note that Anderson was against this Iudgment but Walmesley Owen and Beumond were against him FINIS The Table of the principall matters contained in this Book Abatement WHere the Resignation of a Bishop Dean or Parson shall abate the writ and where not 30 31 Where the writ shall abate for not naming the party according to his Dignity or Office and where not 61 In trespass against two the writ shall not abate for the death of one 107 Admirall Where he hath Jurisdiction and where not 122 123 Action and what words will beare Action Slanderous words of several kinds 13 17 18. vide Slander where the Lessee for years by intrusion shal have an Ejectment and so in case of the King 18 What Action the Lessee of an Intruder or Copyholder of the King shall have if he be outed 16 Where an Action will lye for slanderous words spoken or for any of them and of a slander in writing 30 Action of Trover good against the Husband onely though the wife made the conversion 48 Action of debt by an Administrator durante minoritate not good 35 VVhere a second Action for the same matter shall be brought and where not 37 For warranting sheep sound 60 VVhere a Trespass or Detinue shall lye for Goods taken and sold 70 VVhat Action for a Dogg Ferret or Hawk 94 VVhere two shall joyn in the action and where not 106 Non-suit of one Non-sult of both in a personall action 107 For a Fine in the Leet brought by the Lord 113 VVhere an action of Trover will lye for money 113 Account For fish in a Pond 19 Account will not lye where is no privity 35 36 Against a Receiver 36 Severall actions of Account 36 Administrator vide Executors Advowson VVhere by the presentment of another the King shall be said to be out of possession 43 Grant of the next avoidance by a Letter 47 Advowson appendant to a Mannor and the Mannor is granted yet the Advowson will not pass 53 VVhere the Patron shall dispose of the Advowson though thre be a deprivation 151 Age. The Heir of the Tenant in tail that is impleaded during life of the Tenant by Curtesie shall not have his age 33 Aide Difference between Tenant at wil and Tenant at sufferance in case of praying aide 29 By him in reversion 43 Where the Tenant praies in aide of a stranger it shall be a forfeiture 81 Alien Debt by an Administrator alien Born 45 Who shall be accounted an alien enemy 45 Amendment Where the Habeas Corpus distringas shall be amended though the Venire be well returned 62 Amends vide payment Annuity Where the husband shall have an action of debt for the arrears of an Annuity granted to the wife before marriage 3 Granted by him that hath no Estate what remedy for the Grantee 3 From a Corporation 75 No Dower to the Bargainees wife before inrolement 70 Where the suing or recovering of Dower shall be accounted the waving of the Assignment of Dower 150 Entry WHere the Entry of the Lessor on the Lessee shall not avoid the Covenant of the Lessee 65 The Lord shall not have a Cessavit after entry in parcell 66 Where the entry of the Discontinuee shall avoid the fine of the Tenant in tail 75 76 VVhere the discent of the Intruder on the King shall not take away the entry of the Kings Feoffee 45 Entry into a house to demand money where good 114 Error Error in Judgment whether amendable 19 VVhere a writ of Error by the husband and wife within age shall