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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05567 A true relation of all suche Englishe captaines and lieuetenants, as haue beene slaine in the Lowe Countries of Flaunders together with those now liuing, as also of such as as [sic] are fled to the enimie / collected by Iohn Lingham, clarke to Captaine William Martin seruitore there this 8. of Iuly, 1584. Lingham, John. 1584 (1584) STC 15690.7; ESTC S2194 5,357 20

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A TRVE Relation of all SVCHE ENGLISHE Captaines and Lieuetenants as haue béene slaine in the lowe Countries of Flaunders together with those now liuing as also of such as as are fled to the Enimie Collected by Iohn Lingham Clarke to Captaine William Martin Seruitore there this 8. of Iuly 1584. Imprinted at London by Roger Warde dwelling néere Holburne Conduit at the Signe of the Talbot 1584. ❧ Newes out of Flaunders WHen Menelaus the gallant King of Greece for the recouerie of faire Hellena his wife beseeged for ten yéeres space the noble town of Troy there was nothing that did more comfort his hart in hope of victorie then to think that he was accompaned with a sort of wise hardie Captaines whose pollicie and prowes assured him in the ende of a fortunate conquest And on the contrarie parte there was nothing that did more embolden Prince Pryamus to withstand the force of his cruel enimies then the valiant exploites of noble Hector and the rest of those couragious knightes which were on his side in the Cittie But if euer Greece had cause to spred the praise of Achilles and the residue of their renowned captaines or haplesse Troy to sound forth the due deserts of vnfortunat Hector Then hath Englande triple cause to declare the excéeding courage of her faithfull Countrimem who notwithstanding the great peace and tranquillitie wherwith God hath hitherto blessed y e Land hath sought in forrain cuntries for their cōscience sake the glory of the Gospell as also for the succor of Gods Saints to spend their dearest bloud for defence of the same and therby to become y e more profitable to their Prince in time of néede and necessitie whose déedes doth manifest their manhoode to their immortall praise endlesse glorie giuing thereby iust occasion of their worthie commendation vnto all posterities And because their hardie seruice and painefull trauell in the lowe Countrie of Flaunders all the time of these daungerous warres maye bee knowne among you I haue thought it good to declare the names as well of those Captaines that be alreadie slaine as of suche which yet beeliuing with the number of those whiche vnfaithfully are fled to the enimie to their euerlasting shame and eternall reproch for euer First therfore of the number of those notable and worthy Captaines which yet are liuing the right hardye valiaunt Gentleman M. Notrice is chéefe whiche at this presente is Generall of the Englishe Armie whose renowned déedes is by fame sounded through the whole Worlde and whose presence procureth the enimies payne of whom they stande so much in dread that his onely sighte causeth them to shake yea if they may knowe or perceyue that hee is in place then doe they seeke by all meanes possible to escape the furye of his fiste for rather then they will come vnder his clawes they will desperatly drowne or slea themselues suche rough reuenge dooth hee take on all his foes and accursed enimies So that there is fewe or none that dare approch his presence being in battell in so much that in Flaunders he beares the palme of praise from all the rest Nexte vnto him is our Coronall Morgan whose couragious stomacke and prudent pollicie hath had sufficient triall in Flaunders where he hath fought many a cruell battayle and scaped manie a harde brunte to the honour of his Countrie and his owne eternall glorie After him is Coronall North who also amongst the spitefull Spanyardes hath giuen many a bloodie blow shewing himselfe at all times a right hardy and valiaunt Captaine inforcing his enimies to flie before him for feare of death and daunger Captaine Willyams also hath not shrunke to shewe himselfe at all times to the vtter dismaying of those whiche came against him casting them to the ground and scatering them before him like chaffe against the wind There is moreouer that gallaunt Captaine M. Edward Yorke whose seruice since his comming hath got no small credite and also that woorthie man Captaine Cromwell who hath with sworde and shield cut in péeces so many thousand Spanyards Then there is an other Norrice bearing as braue a minde as the best and being as curteous to his frends as terrible to his foes Captaine Wilson also for his good seruice is sufficiently knowen to the enimie whose bloody strokes hath put them to manie a hard brunt And amongst all other M. Captaine Martin shall neuer bée forgotten for that his manhoode and mighte hath not seldome been tryed but in many a hard and cruell assault he hath shewed himselfe a moste worthie and couragious Captaine inforcing his stoutest enimy to retire or els to bide the brunt of his deadly bloes vnto his immortal praise endles glory He was borne in Heriford-shire and for 9. yéeres hath béene remained in the warres séeking by dinte of sword to win him honour and fame Then is there Captaine Morgan deseruing great praise for his prowes and also Captaine Bannister in good credit and estimation Captaine Hauers likewise very wel thought of and Captaine Huddy of no lesse account then the others Captaine Morrice the elder hath also continued in good credit Captaine Hammon Captaine Lucar and Captaine Tannor all thrée worthie captaines and such as haue will spende both life and lande for the honour of their Prince and country And according to the example of the reste Captaine Androwes hath at no time spared his paine for the aduauncement of his honor and credit Captaine Huntly in like manner hath not bene found inferiour to any of the aforenamed in declaring his good will And captaine Price in the face of the enemie hath at all times shewes himselfe of gallant courage might Also to the vtter spoile of the Spaniards y e worthy man captaine Salisbury hath full often bene found in the field Captaine Marchant in like maner for his approued deedes of armes hath purchased to himselfe the commendations both of friendes and foes And to make vp the number of thys gallant companie of couragious Captaines captaine Lettelton is esteemed as one who although hee be the last in number yet is his faithful heart ready with the formost in anye maner of seruice being by his iust desertes esteemed a most worthie man And all these aforenamed being yet liuing hath euermore made themselues worthie examples for others to followe the like valiaunte actes and honourable exploytes And notwithstanding theyr great payne and trauell in defence of those countries yet is their pay so slenderly performed that oftentimes they haue not wherewith to prouyde for their present necessities whose want and neede is not vnknowne to many and althoughe they sustayne many a hard brunt many a sharpe shower and manie a hungrie meale yet will they not be found selfe to their frends nor vnkinde to the Country although pinching néede doth often times dryue them thereunto yet had they rather valiantly venter upon their cruel foes to pluck the bread out of their mouths then