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A11438 The abridgemente of goddes statutes in myter, set oute by Wylliam Samuel seruaunt to the Duke of Somerset hys grace Samuel, William, fl. 1551-1569. 1551 (1551) STC 21690.2; ESTC S110819 19,563 78

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¶ The Abridgemente of goddes Statutes in myter set oute by Wylliam Samuel seruaunt to the Duke of Somerset hys grace Imprinted at London by Robert Crowley for Robert Soughton dwellynge at the signe of y e bishops miter wythin Ludgate Anno Domini M. DL I ¶ To the most honorable and verteous Lady Anne Duches of Somerset her Grace William Samuell her moste hūble and faithful seruant wisheth the fauoure of God encrease of honour long lyfe and prosperous healthe bothe of bodie and soule WHen I consyderid with my selfe the lobours paynes that haue bine taken of dyuers builders in Chrystes churche my gracyous Lady and mistris I thought my selfe not borne into the earth to be a loker on the bildinge or to iland gapyng at other menes dylygence but to put to my helpyng hand for feare lest y t I shulde be rewardyd emong the Idel persons or haue that smal talent taken from me that my master gaue me for not putting it to the chaunge bāke I haue now but begon as it were the squaring out of a greate stone do offer vp vnto your grace the begynnyng of my work and If I shal perceiue that my symple doyngs shall be well acceptid of your grace as the grosse doing of the same may be an occasion to y e contrary then shal I gladlye go on or procede in my doynge at the least wyse exersise shal I doubt not but make eueri part better thā y e other at their forth commyng ▪ My mynd is that I wold haue my contrey people able in a smale some to syng the hole contents of the byble where as in tymes past the musicians or mynstrells wer wont to syng fained myracles saints liues Robin hode in stede thereof to sing vndoutyd truthes canonycall scryptures and Gods doynges ● haue also begon the same order that I intend to kepe as where a boke hath thyrtye forty or fythtye chapters to deuyd it into fyttes or partes that it shall not be to tedyous to the reader synger or hearer to haue the boke in practys Also thys my doyngs I trust shall cause the scrypturs to be often read as the man y t hearyth a parte of a story in y e scryptures doth not knowe the hole thys may moue the hole to be red And to those that be well sene in the holye wrytyngs this shall kepe thē in remēbrāce of those good things that they haue lernid The abrygement of Gods acts or statutes I do call it because it is a sūme or short rehersal of thinges done at large in the Byble booke whych may be called the kyng of al kinges actes desyrynge your grace to take it in good worth and to accepte my good wyll as I truste your grace wyll Genesis In G. Ex. L.N. and D. the .v. bokes of Moses conteined be The first Chapter ALmyghty God dydde make the heauen the Lyght the firmament The sun the mone the stars the beasts wyth foules to fleeyng bent The erth the sea and al therein all thys hys word dyd make Wyth man made last and yet set fyrst hys wyll on them to take The .ii. Chap ¶ Begyn dyd then the lord to rest from makyng of suche thynges And poynted Adam to a place a garden full of spryngs One tre denied and man doth name the beasts after his wyll In slepe to hym hys make was made whych dyd hys mynd fullfyll The ·iii Chapt. Caused was man by Satans sleight goddes wyll to burste out ryght The he the she and the serpent are curste and dreuen out quite for fere lest man shuld then dyspayre Wyth hys wyffe and to hell the womans sead y ● wyche was christ Shall come and make al well The .iiii. Chap Downe fell Abell Cain hym slue in offeryng to the Lorde The iust was slayne of the vniust as scrypture doth recorde Thē is he curst and doth dyspayre after hys wycked deede The genealogy of Adams sonnes and their sonnes doth procede The .v. Chap Euery yere that Adam lyued is there ful plainly tolde Whose age was then .ix. hundred And Iust thyrty yere olde and so from hym vnto iust Noe The chapter doth exprese the names yeres how lōg thei lyude Wyth much of their successe The .vi. Chapt Ful wycked were the people tho a doude was threat of god Wyth a precept to make an ark Euen as the lord had bode And then dyd Noe prepare the shyp after the lordes deuyse And readye prest as he was wylld agaynst the floude shulde ryse The .vii. chap God spake these wordes to Noe his mā and we thereto must harke Go thou and all thy familie wyth speede into the arke Euen so dyd Noe as god hym bad and toke of eche kynde twaine Hys wyfe hys sonne al their wyues and then began the rayne The viii Chapt Honderyd dayes and ode fyfty the floude beganne to ende A rauen and eke a doue also Noe forth for newes dyd sende Then went Noe forth and did offer to God burnt sacrifice Whych lyked well the God on hye when the smell dyd aryse The .ix. Chapter In fauour then was Noe bleste and murder is denied A rainbowe sent and promise made wyth water not destroyd Then Noe fell dronke and lay vnhyld and Ham his sonne was glad The other hylde him and were bleste but Ham his curssyng had The x. Chapter Know ye may of Noe his sonnes as Sem Ham and Iapheth Chus Hams sonne begat Nemrod a hunter on the heath Of these thre sōnes their sōnes sōnes the earth was stord agayne In tōges kinds w t realmes lādes but most of them were vayne The .xi. Chapter Lewdlye wente this route to build Babel that great hye towre The lord came down chaūged their tonges in lesse space then an hour The kynd of Sem againe is tolde vnto iuste Abraham Whych went w t Lot his fathers sōne and dwelled at Haran The xii Chapter Much fauour God shewd to Abrā dwellinge in Canaan Which god him hight thē cam a derth to Egipt went he than Then wylled he Sarai his wyfe to call him brother tho The Kyng her toke and was plaged whose name hyght then Pharao The xiii Chapter Neighbourlyke yode Lot and he and toward the south they wente Then parted they their land good that God had to them lente The promise then to Abram is repeted once agayne That he and his seede after hym the blest land shuld obtaine The .xiiii Chapter Of foren kynges Lot taken was which ward and wan that land But then Abram dyd them destroye and toke hym from their hande Melchisedech with bread and wyne him met with mykel boste He gaue him tenth and paid the kyng of Sodom all he loste The .xv. Chapter Performe wold God the land he had to Abram promised A sonne to haue he doth beleue and so is iustified Howe that his seede in bondage shuld in Egipt there re name And be restord vnto their land and
from twentye yeares and more Are poyntyd out of al the trybes saue Leuie kept in store Whych trybe y e lorde did take chuse to mynister his wyll Suche holy thyngs as he had lawed they must them all fullfyl The ii chapter Buyld the tents how that they shulde was tolde vnto them tho The tabarnacle rownd aboute eche trybe hys tent to know The heades and rullers of the hostes are namyd in ther kynde The Leuites seruid in the mydes as god had them assygnde The iii Chapter Chuse out to battayl myght thei not the Leuyts in their trybe For y e fyrst borne the Lord them toke and so set them on syde To mynister hys holy thyngs wythin the holye place And next therto to build their shrods they must in any case The .iiii Chapt Decre dyd God what thei shulde do their offyces he tolde And further then he poyntyd them they not to be so bold Eche one after hys stocke and kynd full decently was set And euery one to kepe hys course wythouten stay or let The v. Chapter Eche one with issue lazar man myght not among them dwell For wrongs thē done fiuefold restord the law dyd them compell From company that was suspecte to kepe mens wyues in awe There was set out of gelousye a good decreed law The vi Chapter For suche as then did vowe the vow of perfect abstynence The lord almight their fare did point to kepe them from offence And also showde to Moses than the maner how Aaron Shuld blesse y e flocke saying y e lorde blesse and kepe you eche one The .vii Chapter Gyfts wer giuen then of the Lords and heads of Israel Among them al then one was hyght by name Nathaniell Great were y e gifts that they did giue they sparyd for no cost In settyng forth Gods seruice ryght thei myght wyth al men bost The viii Chapter How y t the lord wold haue y e lambes to Moyses he dyd show The candelstyks in order fitte where they wer hye or lowe For clensyng offeryng must be had the Leuytes it must vse Whych whan they cam to fyfty yeres offeryng they myght not vse The ix Chapt Iustly how to kepe their paske to Moyses it was tolde And how the fylde or forren man to offer myght be bolde He that denyed to offer tho he muste be made to dye Both nyght and day a guide they had a cloud and light from on hie The .x. Chapter Knoweledge had the people tho by trumpettes that were blowne Were it in warres or tyme of peace the sounde to them was knowne From Sinai they dyd departe their captaines numbred all And Iethro wold not flyt wyth thē betyde what myght befall The xi Chapter Lyke fooles the people did complain and plaged they were wyth fyre Wyth Manna cloyd to Egipt backe for fleshe was their desire Moses then dyd greue the Lorde whose burden he dyd ease On quailes thei fed and kyld thei wer for god they dyd displease The xii Chap Miriam then dyd grudge swell at Moses god hys iudge And Aaron dyd consent therto and so they both dyd grudge With leprosie was Miriam stroke to teach her to rebell At Moses prayer she was restorde and lyude and dyd ful well The .xiii Chapter Notes to take of Canaan twelue men were thyther sente To se the fatnes of the lande therefore afore they went Whych came told how rych it was wyth grapes a cluster great Thei told of cities greate and stronge whych made them chafe and freat The xiiii Opinion had the people then that land not to obteyne And grudge they dyd agaynst y e lorde whych wold thē strayght haue slayne Not one of all the Israelites the hest lande dyd possesse Saue Iosue and Caleb both whych two the lorde dyd blesse The xv Chapter Prescribe dyd god a sacrifice for synnes of ignoraunce But dye they shulde that wylfullye dyd synne by arrogance Stoond he was that gathered sticks vpon the Sabboth daye Their garmentes garded roūd about goddes hestes for to obeye The .xvi. Chapt Quarels picked certeine tho and Corah was the one Also Dathan and Abiron the fourth made vp of On These rebelde against their heads and moued god to Ire He causde the earth to take them in and burnt the rest wyth fyre The .xvii. Chapter Receiue a token of their euell immediately they dyd Twelue rods wer brought frō al the heads as god hym selfe did byd Among them all then Aarons rod dyd floryshe forth wyth buddes To teach them way the prechers thē for lesyng of their bloudes The .xviii. Chapter Such thinges as Leuites thē dyd vse dyd god almyghty poynt Thei wer his priests to serue his wil whom Aaron dyd anointe To whō the tythes fruits wer paid to maintayne their degree And Aaron had an heritage as ye may reade and see Eyghtene chapters now are past of Numeri by name And eightene more ye shall haue nexte I trust in as good frame The .xix. Chap A Red Cow then was bod to kyll by Eliazer the priest To sparge her bloud and burne her quite as he ful well it wyst A law to kepe the people cleane from fylthynes or spot No man to touch the holy place but he that was hys lot The xx chapt Begyn dyd Israell for to gruge they lackyd drynk to drynke Out of a rok there gushste a streame that fylld them to the brynke The Edomyts wolde not let pas the people thorow hys land Then Aaron dyed and in hys rome Elyazar dyd stand The xxi Chapt Captayne Arad came to fyght and lost hys Citye and lyfe Immedyatly whan they wer come euen from the waters of stryffe Then stong thei wer by serpēts great and heald by one on hye They kylld two kings Sehon Og as Israell passyd bye The .xxii Chapt Deuyse dyd ●alak for to curse the Israelites to hell And sent for Balam in his fume his cursyng for to tell He once denyde and yet he went his mynde was set on gayne He smote his Asse and she denyde hys labour was in vayne The xxiii Chap Euen as Balac had decrede so went he vp on hye And Balam talckte with god awhyle and spake thus by and by How shal I cursse or elles defye whom god doth nothyng so And thē he blest and blest agayne or euer he dyd goo The xxiiii Chap Forth went Balam in parables declaring Israels happe And Balac angry wyth the thyng hys handes in one dyd clap When he had sayd then Balam tolde of Christes kyngdome playne A starre and Scepter vp shall ryse in Iacob for to raygne The xxv chapt Gods people then did slyp a wrye and whordom dyd commyt The Moabyts in their seruice had tyest them vnto it Thē god cōmaūdid Moses strayght to hange the rulars all As two were doyng of the dede Phinches on them dyd fall The xxvi Chapt How many wer the Israelyts that Canaan shulde possesse The hole xii trybes are nombryd al whom God
so sent home agayne The xvi Chapter Quite barrē Sara thought she was and gaue Abram her maide Which did conceiue and being proud her mistres dyd vmbrayde Her mistres chode and she togo for faryng with her fell An aungel her retournd agayne and plyght her Ismaell The xvii Chapter Remoue did God thē Abrams name and cald hym Abraham And Sarai is named Sara of whom tho Isaac came The sacrament is here begon of Circumcision Isaac is plight and Abraham for Ismael doth mone The xviii Chapter So vnto hym thre men apeard lyke trauelers of myles Sara dyd heare that she shuld beare and womanlyke she smyles The ouerthrow of Sodom than to Abraham they tolde He prayeth to them being one God hys vengeaunce to wytholde The xix Chapter Two aungels lodged Sodom mē wolde then haue them defylde Blynded they were and after stroyde saue Lot and hys vnfylde Hys wyfe to salt was turned tho for breakyng goddes precept Hys daughters he begat with chylde when dronkelyke he had slepte The twenty Chap When Abraham dyd flyt he dwelte in the lande of Gerar His wife being fayr he feared his life and called her syster Abimeleck sente for her then his pleasure for to haue God him denied then caused he her much ryches for to haue The xxi Chapter Almyghty God sent Sara tho Isaac her only sonne And Agar is put out at dores with Ismael her sonne An aungel dyd her comfort tho beynge in wyldernes About a well Abimalech and Abraham made peace The xxii Chapter Beyng then wylld to kyll hys sonne and he therto was prest God told him then for his great faith in hym all shuld be blest Nachor brother to Abraham had eyght sonnes by Milcha One of her sonnes was Bethuel whych was syre to Rebecca The .xxiii Chapter Commend to god dyd Sara then her soule that was so mylde At her ful yeres she fell on slepe and dyed vndefylde Thē Abrahā bought a plat of groūd of Ephron the Hethite He layd his wyfe into the caue when it was his by ryght The .xxiiii. Chapter Decre dyd Abram to his man and sware hym by an othe To seke a wyffe for Isak mete and so he dyd for trouth He went and came wyth Rebecca whych Isaac tok to wyfe So lyued they together both and led an honest lyffe The .xxv Chapt Eftsones dyd Abram take a wyfe which bare hym chyldern more He dyed and gaue Isaacke hys sonne hys good and all his store Then Isaacs wyfe euen at one byrth Iacob and Esau bare And Esau solde hym land and ryght and yet small was hys fare Thus haue you hard of Genesis the pyth and halfe the some Twentye and fyue in chapters paste syth that the fyrst begonne The xxvi Chap A Dearth then cam in Isacks time and so he dyd remoue That land was plyght to hym of god that dyd hym loue The kyng chode Isac for hys wyfe and his because he dyd but fayne And shepherds stroue about y e welles but all was well agayne The xxvii Chap Begyld dyd Iacob Esau than Rebecca wrought the feat While Esau hontyd in the fylde hys brother gat the cheat When Esau cam from hontyng home it vexyd hym ryght sore Hys father cherd hym yet dyd he hys brother hate therefore The xxviii Chap Commandyd Iacob sought a wyfe and so to Laban went Esau dyd wed an Ismaelyte whych vnto euell was bent As Iacob drempt he thought he saw a ladder angells dyght Of Chryst is tolde a vowe he made vnto the God of myght The xxix Chapt Decre wyth Laban Iacob dyd and seruyd hym seuen yere Rahel to haue it was his fee but Lea dyd apeare And so beguiled yet dyd he serue asmuch for Rachel more He hauyng both a childe he had whych Lea to hym bore The xxx Chapter Ech barrē both thei gaue their maids to theyr husband to wyue So had he chyldren that they bare to hym beynge alyue And Iacob axte what hys reward Shuld be at Labans hande The spotted lābes ●yds of gottes that fell in Labans lande The xxxi Chapt Flytte from Laban god him bad and so he dyd obaye He toke his wyues and all his good and slypped so awaye Then Rahel stale the Images agaynste her fathers wyll And Labā chod but peace was made wyth Iacob on an hil The xxxii Chap Goinge homeward towrds his land to hym angells apperde Of Esau frayd he sent him giftes euen hondryds on a herd An angell and he stroue so long vntyll it was day lyght The angell changyd Iacobs name and Israell hym hyght The xxxiii Chap Hastlye Esau set hym out hys brother for to mete And Iacob sent hys herds afore and came after on fete But when they met the greyd well God so wrought then wyth them In partyng plats they dwelte in two as Iacob in Sychem The xxxiiii Chap Iacob had but one doughter that Dyna hyght by name She went to se and to be seene and so she cam to shame Sychem saw her and her toke and forced her by myght He was destroyd by Iacob sonnes and all the cytye quyght The .xxxv. Chap Know dyd Iacob all there spyte to Bethell then he yed Hys name is tolde and Canaan is to hym promysed In chylbed Rachell dyd depart and Beniamin she bore Ruben vnhyld hys fathers wyfe and loste a flese therfore The .xxxvi. Chap Lykewise is told of Esaues wiues and Gentylls daughtres all He and Iacob were very ryche in goods terestryall Esau had Dukes y t were hys sonnes euen twelue in nomber Iust He was father to Edomyts a floke that wer vniust The .xxxvii. Chapt More for to here of Iacobs lyf●e in Canaan he dwelt Iosephs brethern lykyd hym not and cruelly they dealt Into Egypt then was he solde hys brethern dyd the dede They tolde hys syer y t he was slayne wyche made hys hert to blede The .xxxviii. Chap Now than is tolde how Iuda toke a woman of Canaan He had thre sōnes two wer destroyd the one was namde Onan Thamar was the womans name that both they had to wed And Iuda by her had to twynes when she was brought to bed The xxxix Chap. O what hap then Ioseph had the lord dyd so prouyde Hys masters wyffe did hym prouoke but he her sute denyde She hym acusde but not deserude her tale as then toke place Whereby Ioseph to prison went but gyltlesse in that case The xl Chap Put in prison wer Pharos men and both of them layd fast Hys baker chief and butler both whyles his anger dyd laste Ioseph with them in prison was and as they slept ful sounde They dreamed dreames which Ioseph thē vnto them dyd expound The .xli. Chapter Question axte of Pharaos dreame of oxen fat and leane Which Ioseph did expoūd ful plaine and tolde what they dyd meane He was set vp and ruler made in Egipte ouer all He had two sōnes and so the dearth on Egypte then dyd fall The .xlii. Chap Ryde out for corne did
Iosephes kyn And came to him vnknowen He threat them hard y t thei were spies into that contrey blowne Simion layde in prison is whiles they dyd home returne Beniamin they toke wyth them which made their father morne The .xliii. Chap So backe they went to Egypt tho wyth gyftes and presentes greate And Simion is deliuered out and Iosephs chekes are wet Ioseph could not chose but weepe when Beniamin he sawe They sate and feasted in two partes accordyng to their lawe The .xliiii. Chapter Then Ioseph wrougt a prety caste Beniamin for to haue And theft he layde vnto his charge he dyd him so behaue Then Iuda surety he becam for Beniamin hys sake Hys father Iacob he did knowe it heauilye to take The .xlv. Chapter Unknowē was Ioseph al this while but then he tolde them all That he their brother Ioseph was that ruled greate and small Then wylled he his brethern strayt their father for to feache In Egypt there to byde and dwell as fare as it dyd streache The xlvi Chapter Apoyntyd forth then Israell went in Egypt for to byde And God hym bade nothyng to fere for all shuld wel betyde Iacob his sonnes and al there sonnes is then in order told And Ioseph wente them all to mete full Ioyfull to beholde The .xlvii. Chapter Brought was Israel afore the king in hys presence to stand And Pharo wylld that he shuld dwel where fattyst was the land Then Iacob sware Ioseph his sonne euen vnderneth hys thye Hys bones to lay in Canaan at tyme whan he shulde dye The xlviii Chap Causd was Israell syke to be by course of natures kynde And Ioseph went with his two sōns To know hys fathers mynde Iacob did wil that Iosephs sonnes Ephraim and Manasses Shulde be as chyldren to hym borne which Ioseph well dyd please The xlix Chap Down fel his sōnes vpon their knees euen twelue by nomber Iust He blest them al and tolde of thyngs to come that wer dyscust Then chargd he thē y t they shuld laye hys bones in mamrey field Then pluckt he vp hys leggs to hym and vp the gost he yelde The l Chap Eche thing was don his corps they toke as he on lyue dyd mynge And layd it downe by abrams syde fulfyllyng so eche thynge Forgyue dyd Ioseph all the faute that hys brethern had wrought And so he dyed wylld hys bones to hys fathers to be brought Here haue ye nowe the ende and some of Moses his fyrst booke The second shal in order come such paine the wryter toke The fyrst Chapter THe fyrst Chapter of Exodus the twelue tribes it doth name Which being dead laid in earth theyr chyldren came to fame A newe kyng than in Egypt came that gaue the Midwyues charge To kyl y e males when thei were born but they set them at large The .ii. Chapter Moses then was borne and caste euen downe the riuer in reedes And Pharos doughter toke him vp and shewd him motherly deedes Then Moses slue an Egiptian and fled and toke a wyfe Then cried the people to the Lord whych sawe their woful lyfe The iii Chapter So Moses kept hys fathers shype not farre from Oreb hyll Where in a bushe the Lord aperd and told hym all hys wyll And bade hym go to Egypt bake the Esraelyts to tell That out of bōdage they shuld come and lyue and do full well The iiii Chap And Moyses then receyuyd sygnes of hys callynge by God Hys reasons all they are assoyld and forth the Lord hym bode And Aaron met wyth hym in felde together then they went Of Iethro Moses toke hys leaue and yed where he was sent The v Chap Aaron ▪ Moses both they twain told Pharo God hys mynd The more the people wer opprest the kyng was so vnkynde Then cride they out and gan to chyde wyth Moyses and Aaron And Moses axed God the cause whych loked them vpon The vi Chap He promised deliueraunce vnto the Israelites Also the land of Canaan which made them chereful wyghts Then Rubens spring wyth Simion is tolde and Leuito Of whom came Moses and Aaron that had gods hests to do The vii Chap Thē god made Moses Pharos god and Aaron his prophet And then god turned Moses rod into a serpent greate The Sorcerers dyd euen the same to harded Pharos herte Thē wer the waters turned to bloud yet dyd he not conuerte The .viii Chapter The second plage that Pharo had was frogges ouer the lande He sent for Moses and Aaron to take the thyng in hande He mocked them therfore the lorde turned their dust to lisse And thei put by then came there flies after the lordes deuice The ix Chap The fyft plage was moren of beasts that dyed in Pharos lande And syxtly sores with botches great yet dyd he god wythstand The seuēth was hayle thūder much that made the lande to shake And lightning great frō heauē on hye which causd them all to quake The x Chap Yet Pharos hert was hardenyd and god he dyd resiste He dyd it not of ignoraunce but well he knewe and wyste The eyght plage was grashoppers that god almyghty sente The ninth was darkenes in the daye thei knew not where they went The .xi. Chap Comandyd wer the Israelyts the Egyptyans for to spoyll Agaynst they shulde depart and go and gyue them all a foyle At midnight then the Lord did vowe to make so great a slaughter The fyrst borne of Egipt to kyll as it is tolde hereafter The xii Chap The passouer with the swete bread commaundyd they dyd eate And If there chyldern axe the cause the meanyng they must treate The fyrst borne then destroyd was and robbed wer the rest And so the Ebrues toke there waye euen towards the land behest The xiii Chap The fyrst borne of the Israelyts the Lord dyd tak and chuse And cōmanded them an yearely feast among them for to vse Then passyd they the wyldernes wyth Iosephs bonnes also Two pyllers for the day and nyght they had thereby to go The xiiii Chap Pharo hys herte was hardenyd agaynst the Israelyts So follow did he wyth al hys trayne and came wythin theyr syghtes But God hys people dyd defend by nyght and day from harme The passe the sea but Egypt men lay drowned in a swarme The xv Chap Whē they wer past thys danger great they sang a goodlye songe A woman cam forth w t dyuers more and daunsed all along The bytter water was made swet and pleasaunt for to drynke God must be harde in his couenaunt and on hym must we thynke The xvi chap So whē the people wer to monthes wythin the wyldernes Then wyshyd thei againe to be in Egyp at theyr fleshe It rained quailes from heauen on hie and manna for there bred And forty yeare in wyldernes with that they wer all fed The .xvii. Chapter Forth as thei went thei lackid drink and gruge then dyd the flocke At Moses sute then had
dyd chuse and blesse He wylld the land for to be delt by parts in forme equall The mo the more the fewer the lesse so that ne one to haue all The .xxvii. Chapt In prease thē cam ther certein maids inherytance for to craue Euen so they had as next of bloud successyuely must haue The lande behest to Moses shewd and told he is to dye His prayer is heard Iosue set hys rome for to supplye The .xxviii. Chapt Knowledge geuen for euery daye what offeryng they must vse A lambe at morn and eke at euen vnspotted they must chuse The paske how that it shuld be kepte the daye is pointed out with all the order of the feaste to put them out of dout The xxix Chap Lyke sacrifice as god dyd poynte thys chapter doth expresse And tels how al their meats drinks in order they must dresse Eight dais at once thei must not cease to offer sacrifice And worke no kynde of worke in thē as god dyd thē dyuise The xxx Chap. Men that vowed or sware an othe wyth promise to the Lord Must stand to it and not go bak the scrypture doth accord But mayd or wyffe that did the same wythout their heads consent They must go bak if he denyed for all their good intent The xxxi Chap Next to that went Israell forth the Madianits to kyll And slue y e males bornt ther towns and led the rest at wyll Equally the spoylle was delt the captaynes were so good Saue certain things wer giuē to god for sauynge of there bloud The xxxii ▪ Chap Ouer Iordane towards the east possessyon out was set for two hole trybs and halfe a one so that they wolde not let To go before their brethern all in harneis freshe and bryght Agaynst the lande of Canaan to put them all to flyght The .xxxiii. Chap Perfrome did Moses gods precept their Iorneys he dyd wryte From place to place in wyldernes and telles where they dyd lyghte Then god did hid that they shuld kyl the Cananytes out ryght And dyng ther chappells al a downe and burst there Idolls quyght The xxxiiii Chap Quyetly how they shuld possesse the land is tolde them playne The east the west the north the southe where they shuld rulle and raygne Who shuld point out the land bi lotts the Lorde dyd Moses tell The heds shuld set out ekemās part where he shulde byde and dwell The .xxxv. Chap. Resyte dyd God the Leuytes lots the suburbes and there townes For refuge certayne cytes set to kepe them in there bownds He that wyth wyll a man dyd kyll he must of ryght be slayne One wytnes may in no wyse stand vnlesse that they be twayne The .xlvi. Chapter Supplycasyon then was made for mayds that wer vnwed Within their tribe thē must they take their housband and their head Euery trybe within hys trybe must wed and take hys wyffe Not one to myngell in others parte for feare of bate and stryffe So Numery hath thus hys end the forth boke it is set The fyfte in order ye shall haue if God gyue vs no let The i. Chap A Rehersall fyrst is made of thyngs that wer begone From Oreb hyl to Cades barne the acts that God had done The charge y t Moyses Iudgys gaue let rulars heare the same If they intend the Lorde to please and voyde rebuke and shame The ii Chap Begone as Moyses had tofore so forth he doth prosede From Cades barne vntyll they came withoutten feare or drede And fought agaynst Sebon the kyng which Hesbon dyd posesse He was destroyd and all hys lande was taken more and lesse The .iii. Chap Cast downe wer all the Amonits by Israells myghty hande Lykewyse Og the kyng of Basan afore them myght not stand Iosue chosen captayne was to stand in Moyses stede And Moyses bade hym to be bolde and do as god shuld byd The iiii Chap Decreed lawes by God almyght Whych if they wold attende them to then shuld they do full well From thense to take ne adde thereto nor Imagys to reare Three cyties poyntyd for refuge all thys doth there apeare The v Chap Euery law that God dyd make for people to obeye Is closde within the ten precepts whych there all reade ye maye For Imagys yet once agayne renued is the charge And if they hede the Lord hys hests the land is theirs at large The vi Chapt Follow they must the Lord his wil euen ernestly wyth myghte Upon their dores and posts also they must them plainly wryght Not onlye so but also teache their chylderne they ar bode The Lords preceptes both al some that they may know their god The vii Chap God dyd charge no leage to make wyth Gentylls in no wyse They must destroy there Idols quite and all there gods despyse He also sayth that he wyll blesse the kepars of hys wyll And curse the rest and charge he gaue Idolaters to kyll The viii Chap How meruelously that god had delt with Israell fortye yeare In wyldernes with benifytes as playnlye doth apeare They are commandyd not to say their myght dyd them defend But that the lord dyd bryng thē forth and gaue their foes theire ende The .ix. Chapter In any case they are forbode to trust in their owne strength For who so doth hym wyll betyde a faule to haue at lenghte Moyses then rehersall made full breflye in a sume From time they had receiued the law tyll they to lust begone The .x. Chap Know ye may of Israells walke whyles they in Iorney went And how the tables wer renued when they wer broke and rent Nothing the Lorde did then requyer for doyng them suche good But that they shuld hede his precepts and set thereon their mode The xi Chap Loue they must the Lord hys law stylle Moses gaue them charge With hert mynd thei must him serue that had set them at large To talke there of when that they rise or at their syttyng downe Or ells in iorney as they walke in felde or eles in towne The .xii. Chapter Moses once more gaue them charge agaynst Idolatry It to suppresse and put it downe and from the same to flye And bloude to eate they are forbode in any maner wyse And onlye do as god them bade and not what lykde their eys The xiii Chapter No prophet false must bide and lyue but must be made to dye Wycked folke must not be harde though in thy brest the lye God for to trye the Israelytes how strong they wer in fayth Wold suffer thynges to proue thē w t as Moses playnly sayth The .xiiii. Chap Omyte they must the Gentles trades and flye their doyngs quyghte And onlye serue almyghtye God wyth all their mayne and myght Such beasts as they myght not then eate are manyfestlye tolde And which wer cleane is there exprest that eate they myght be bolde The xv Chapter To pardon dettes then are they bode at euery seuenth yeare ende When god his wil is
serud and kepte no scarsenes he wyll send Those that wyll lende to such as nede the maner is tolde them how Deformytie in sacrifice the Lord doth not alow The .xvi. Chapter Quyetlye to kepe their feasts the tymes are tolde them playne When that they shuld be vsde kepte is wryten once agayne O that Iudges wolde marke read and do as God there bad To take no gyftes in any case but Iustice to be had The ·xvii Chapt. Rewardyd must Idolaters with death by law to dye And doutfull thynges must be refard to those that be on hye Presumptuous men that do rebell must dye the law doth mynge The man and state that he must kepe that they wolde take to kyng Halffe thys boke is told afore seauenten chapters iust Seauenten more ye shall haue next in God put we our trust The .xviii. Chap AL the Leuites that were priests myght not possessions haue All sorcery thei must auoyd their liues to kepe and saue Moses tolde of Christ to come and bade them hym to heare The Prophet false thei must not wey nor all hys doyngs feare The .xix. Chapt Because that murder myght be done agaynst the doers mynde For refuge cites wer set out and there vnto asygnde The false witnes must haue the stone retorne to hys owne brow An eye for eye and tothe for toth the law dyd then alow The xx Chap Such as might not thē go to warres thys chapter doth exspres The law of armes to them is tolde to vse in warre or peace The Cananites the Pherezits the Iebusites also With the Heuites they must destroye not lettynge one to go The xxi Chap Decre dyd god a goodly law for him that was fownd deade And how the Iue shuld hym behaue a Gentle for to wed The fyrst borne sonne he must posses the herytage and land The child that parents doth not fear must dye euen out of hande The xxii Chapter Ech mā must helpe his neibours asse although he be vnknowne The man denyd the womans tyre and she to go in her owne Linsey wolsey might not be worne the adulterer muste dye And order taken for that man that wyth a mayde dyd lye The xxiii Chap Forbydden was the gelded man in Christes church to dwell The harlots byrd doth god cōmaūde that they shuld quyte expell Ther might no whore amōg thē bide the lorde dyd so decree The lone of thyngs is there denide to lende on vsurye The .xxiiii. Chapter Geue leaue dyd Moses to deuorce for causes that were lyght The newlye spousde they might not force in bataile for to fyght For money lente and seruaunts hyre a goodly lesson tolde Some leysyng lyft in fielde and towne for poore folke yong or olde The .xxv chapter How many stripes the trespacer shuld haue for wycked lyfe A man that dyed without a sonne his brother shuld wed his wyfe That waights measures shulde be iust reade ye the chapters end Who so doth vse the contrarie shall come to wycked ende The xxvi Chapter Iustly must they paye their fruites that fyrst to them dyd fall The tithes they were commaūded to they shulde then pay them all Unto the priestes the fatherlesse the straunger and the wydow Such goodes wer then the poores of right how so they vse them now The xxvii Chapter Knowledge had the people then an aultar vp to reare Afore that Iordane they dyd passe or came the land so neare The curses then that Leui was commaunded for to speake Against all those that dyd delyte goddes wyll to burst or breake The xxviii Chap Louyngly the lorde dyd blesse the kepers of hys wyll to stablyshe thē in their good mindes to kepe them in it styll And curse he doth the contrarye wyth cursyng meruelous greate Those that him loue he doth thē blesse his haters he doth threat The xxix Chapt Moses then went out and spake vnto the people all And sayde to such as feareth god the lorde defende them shall But they that not regard hys wyll such plages on them shall come as lyke hath not ben seene on earth from rysyng of the sunne The xxx chapt Not farre from them that do it seke is goddes almyghty worde Those that it loue and it obey are saued from the sworde Within our mouthes in our hertes the worde is alwayes preste Those that it keepe are sure at length for it they shall be bleste The .xxxi. Chapt Olde was Moses and dyd chose then Iosue in his steed To whom he sayd see y u be stronge and haue no feare or dreade Thys boke he wrote and dyd it geue into the Leuites hande And chargd y t thei y e same shuld reade when they came to the lande The .xxxii. Chap Pleasauntly then dyd Moses synge a goodly song of prayse Unto the lorde for all the actes that he had wrought alwayes And vp he went vnto a hyll to loke on Canaan God bade him there to runne the race that all hys fathers ranne The xxxiii Chap Quietely Moses dyd prepare to slepe his fathers slepe But thys he sayde afore he wente that god his Sainctes doth kepe Also he blessid all the tribes afore his dyinge daye And told how thei shuld rule raigne if they dyd god obeye The .xxxiiii. Chapter Rest from hys worke did Moses then and so gaue vp the goste At hys departure they dyd wepe euen thorowout all the hoste And Iosue dyd hys rome possesse as Moses had it wylld And ruled all the Israelites in citie and in fielde Of Moses bokes here is the laste as he dyd them all write Unto the lorde gyue ye the prayse whych is the god of myghte FINIS