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A91275 A short demurrer to the Jewes long discontinued remitter into England. Comprising an exact chronological relation of their first admission into, their ill deportment, misdemeanors, condition, sufferings, oppressions, slaughters, plunders, by popular insurrections, and regal exactions in; and their total, final banishment by judgment and edict of Parliament, out of England, never to return again: collected out of the best historians. With a brief collection of such English laws, Scriptures, as seem strongly to plead, and conclude against their readmission into England, especially at this season, and against the general calling of the Jewish nation. With an answer to the chief allegations for their introduction. / By William Prynne Esq; a bencher of Lincolnes-Inne.; Short demurrer to the Jewes long discontinued remitter into England. Part 1. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1656 (1656) Wing P4078; Thomason E483_1; ESTC R203287 90,701 118

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and subversion of our only Lord Saviour Redeemer Mediator Jesus Christ his Person Offices Kingdom Gospel and Christianity it self without any thoughts of turning Christians themselves In which case not to be passionately zealous not to contend earnestly for the Faith against these ungodly men turning the Grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ is in a great measure to deny and betray him together with our Church Nation at once unto these their inveterate enemies For whose Conversion not National but of the Elect Remnant of them as I shall pray so I cannot but pray and write against their Re-admission amongst us on these or any other terms for the Reasons here humbly presented to thy view and Christian Consideration by Thy Christian Brother and Companion in tribulation and in the Kindom Patience of Jesus Christ William Prynne Lincolnes-Inne 14 December 1655. ERRATA Title p. for quandam read quorundam p. 9. l. 12. est r. et p. 12. l. 7. homes r. houses p. 22. l. 21. p. 23. l. 26 r. Iuvel p. 37. six r. ten p. 48. l. 3. quod l. 8. co●um p. 51. l 16. ex●aecati p. 70. l. 2. dele record p. 88. l. 1. receive revive A short Demurrer to the Jews long discontinued Remitter into ENGLAND HOw the Nation of the Jewes once Gods own beloved speciall chosen People after their malitious crucifying of our Saviour Jesus Christ and imprecation That his Bloud might be on them and their children were for this their crying sinne especially made the saddest Spectacles of divine Justice and humane Misery of all other Nations in the World being quite extirpated out of their own Land almost totally deleted by the sword pestilence famine carried away Captives and dispersed like so many Vagabonds over the face of the whole Earth as the very off-scowring of the world and execration derision of all other people having no place City Form of Government or Republike of their own in any corner of the Universe according to Gods Comminations against them Levit. 26. 14. to 46. Deut. 28. 15. to 68. Jer. 9. 10. c. 13. 24. Ezech. 5. 2. to the mid c. 12. 15. c. 22. 15. Mich. 1. 21. Mat. 24. Or what banishments punishments oppositions restraints by penal Laws suppressions of their Synagogues Ceremonies they have received in all ages from Christian Kings Princes Republikes in Forreign parts for their implacable malice blasphemie against our Saviour Jesus Christ Christians Christian Religion and other Crimes and Misdemeanors to which they are most addicted is not the subject of my intended Brief Discourse and so fully related by Josephus Egesippus Eusebius Nicephorus Zonaras Paulus Diaconus the Magdeburgian Centuriators out of them and other Historians in their 2. to their 13 Centuries chap. 14 and 15. in Baronius his Annals and H●yl●●s Microcosm p. 568 569 570. where all may peruse them that I shall not spend time to recite them but wholly confine my self to a Brief Relation of their first admission into their ill deportment misdemeanors sufferings popular insurrections against them in and their final banishment by Judgement and Edict of Parliament out of England never to return again collected out of the best Historians to which I shall subjoyn a taste only of such Laws Scriptures and Reasons as seem strongly to plead against their re-admission into our Island especially at this season When the Jews came first into England appears not certainly by any Historians there being no mention of their being here in any of our British or Saxon Kings reigns to my remembrance Antoninus in his Chronicles Tit. 16. ca. 5. records That William the Conqueror King of England translated the Jews from Rhoan to London and the Magdeburg Centuries out of him Centur. xi cap. 14. Col. 686. adds thereto that it was OB NUMERATUM PRECIUM for a summ of money given to him by them which I find not in Antoninus Both these Authors intimate That this was their first arival in England yet in what year of this King they are silent With them concurs Raphael Holinshed Vol. 3. p. 15. where thus he writes Among other grievances which the English sustained by the hard dealings of the Conqueror this is to be remembred That he brought Jews into the Land from Rouen and appointed them a place to inhabit and occupy reputing their very first introduction a Grievance to the English and hard dealing Which John Stow in his Annals of England p. 103. thus seconds King William brought the Jews from Rhoan here to inhabit in England But this Law concerning the Jews inserted amongst the Laws in the Confessors time seems to prove their arrival and settlement in England to be before this Normans reign unlesse mis-placed in point of time amongst his Lawes by Hoveden being rather in my opinion a Declaration of the Jews servile condition under King William and Richard the first when Hoveden writ then any Law in King Edwards reign or before as the words import De Judaeis in Regno constitutis SCiendum est quoque quod omnes Judaei ubicunque in Regno sunt sub tutela defensione Domim Regis sunt nec quilibet eorum alicui diviti se potest subdere sine Regis licentia Judaei omnia sua Regis sunt Quod si quispiam detinuerit eis pecuniam suam perquirat Rex tanquam suum proprium or detmuerit eos vel pecuniam corum perquirat Rex si vult tanquam suum proprium as Sir Henry Spelman renders it This Law or Declaration being the first record making mention of their being and condition in England proves That as all the Jews when they came first into England were under the Kings protection and patronage where ever they resided that they were under him only as his meer Vassals their persons and goods being his alone that they could dispose of neither of them without his License Into which slavish condition they doubtlesse then put themselves being banished out of other Nations for their Villanies only to avoid the fury of the common people to whom they were most detestable who else would have quickly murdered or ston'd them to death and stript them of all their wealth as the sequell will declare The next Passage in Historians concerning the Jews being and condition in England is that of William of Malmsbury in William Rufus his reign The Jews writes he in his time gave a testimony of their insolency Once at Rhoan endeavouring by gifts to perswade and revoke certain men to Judaism who had deserted their error Another time at London being animated to enter into a combate or dispute against our Bishops because the King in merriment as I believe had said That if they should overcome the Christians and confute them by open arguments he would then revolt to them and become one of their Sect Whereupon it was managed with great fear of the Bishops and Clergy and
and a Christian and as the condition so the operation is changed As Mathew Paris Ironically writes of him A certain Jew in the year 1260 fell into a Privy at Teuk●sbury but because it was then the Sabbath he would not suffer himself to be pulled out except on the following Lords day for the reverence of his Sabbath Wherefore Richard Clare Earl of Glocester commanded him in reverence of the Lords Day to be kept there till Munday at which time he was found dead of the stink or hunger The Barons of England Ann. 1262. robbed and slew the Jews in all places There were slain of them in London to the number of 700. the rest were spoyled and their Synagogues defaced The original occasion of which massacre was because one Jew had wounded a Christian man in London within Cole-church and would have enforced him to have paid more than two pence for the Usury of 20 s. for one week In the year 1264. in the Passion week the Jews that inhabited the City of London being detected of Treason which they had devised against the Barons and Citizens were slain almost all the whole number of them and great riches found in their houses which were taken and carried away by those that ransacked the same houses The disinherited Barons and Gentlemen in the Isle of Oxholme in the year 1266 took and sacked the City of Lincoln spoyled the Iews and slew many of them entred their Synagogue and burnt the Book of their Law In the 7th year of King Edward the 1. Ann. Dom. 1278. as some or 1279. as others compute it the King held a Parliament at London which was chiefly called for the reformation of his coyn which was then sore clipped by reason whereof it was much diminished and impaired In the time of this Parliament in the moneth of November all the Jews throughout England as Matthew VVestminster or many of the Jews in London and other parts of the Realm were apprehended in one day and imprisoned in London for clipping of money and in December following divers Enquests were charged in London to enquire of the said Jews and all others who had so blemished and clipped the Kings Coyn By which Enquests the Jews of the City with the Gold-smiths that kept exchanges of silver were indicted Andshortly after Candelmas the Mayor and Justices of the Land sat at London where before them was cast 297 persons for clipping of the which 3 only were Englishmen and all the other were Jews born either within this Realm or elsewhere but most of them English Jews who were all of them at sundry places and times put to execution in London who impeached the chief men of London and very many Christians who consented to their wickednesses After which a very great multitude of Jews were hanged in other Cities of England for the same offence Anno 1279. The Jews of Northampton crucified a Christian boy but did not throroughly kill him upon Good-Friday for the which fact many of the Jews at London after Easter were drawn at Horses tails and hanged In the year of our Lord 1282. John Peckham Arch-bishop of Canterbury sent an expresse precept and command to the Bishop of London to suppresse and destroy all the Synagogues of the Jews within his Diocesse On May 2. Anno 1287. All the Jews of England were apprehended by the Kings precept for what cause was not known who ransomed themselves for 12000l of silver They had then a Synagogue at Canterbury Fabian writes that the Jews of England were sessed at great sums of mony perchance the cause of their seisure which they paid unto the King But of other Authors it is said That the Commons of England then granted to the King the fifth part of their moveables for to have the Iews banished out of the land For which cause the said Jews for to put the Commons from their purposes gave of their free wills great sums of money to the King which saying appeareth to be true for that the said Jews were exiled within few years after with whom Grafton and Holinshed accord A strong evidence of the potency of Jewish money over-powring the whole Commons of England in Parliament and this their Liberal subsidy for their banishment at that season About this year as I conceive the Statutes of Edward the first Intituled de Judeismo were made and published Printed in rench in Tottles Magna Charta Anno 1556. part 2. f. 58 59. which being not printed amongst our Statutes at large in the English Tongue I shall here insert and translate 1. For that the King hath seen that many mischiefs disherisons of honest men of this land have happened by the Usuries which the Jews have made therein in times past and that many sins have therein risen from thence Albeit he and his Ancestors have had great profit from the Jews both now and in times past Notwithstanding this for the honour of God and for the common benefit of the People the King doth ordain and establish that no Jew hereafter shall take ought for usury upon lands rents nor upon other things and that no Usury shall run from the Feast of St. Edward last past and before but that the Covenants before made shall be held save only that the Usuries themselves shall cease Provided that all those who are indebted to Jews upon pawns moveable shall discharge them between this and Easter at furthest and if not let them be forfeited And if any Jew shall take usury against this establishment The King neither by himself nor any of his Officers will not intermeddle to cause him to recover his debt or use but will punish him at his pleasure for the Trespasse and shall do right to the Christian to recover his gage 2. And it is provided that the distresses for the debt of Jews shall not hereafter be so grievous that the moity of Lands and Chattels to the Christians shall not remain for their sustenance And that no distresse shall be made for the debt of a Jew upon the heir to the Debtor named in the Charter of the Jew nor upon other which holds the Land which was the Debtors before the debt shall be dereigned and acknowledged in Court And if the Sheriff or other Bayliffs by commandment of the King ought to make seisin to a Jew to one or more for their debt of chattels or of lands to the value of the debt the chattels shall be praised by the Oath of honest men the chattels shall be delivered to the Jew or Jewesse or to their Attorney to the value of the debt And if the chattels be not sufficient the lands shall be extended by the same Oath before that the seisin shall be delivered to the Jew or Jewesse every one according to the value and so that they may after know certainly the Debt is discharged that the Christian afterwards may then have his lands saving to the
of Quo Warranto and of Glocester 13 E. 1. 12 E. 2. of York 9 10 14 15 25 28 36 37. E. 3. 1. 3 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 21. R. 2. 1 2 4 6. H. 4. 1 8 10 12. 36. H. 6. 18 E. 3. c. 1 2 3. R. 2. Rot. Parl. n. 36 40. 6 H. 6. c. 5. and other Acts declare and resolve That the Kings of England by their Oath and Duty and the Lords and Commons in Parliament are all obliged by their trusts and our Laws to advance uphold maintain and defend the welfare wealth safety of the Church Realm Subjects People of England and to prevent redresse suppresse remove by wholsom Laws and Ordinances all Grievances Mischiefs Damages Inconveniences Disinherisons contrary thereunto it being a fundamental Maxime both in our Laws and Law-Books SALUS POPULI SUPREMA LEX which the Army Officers in their Declaration of 16 Nov. 1648. and Mr. Iohn Pym in his Speech against Strafford 12 April 1641. p. 3. c. printed by the Commons special Order much insist on Moreover it is another Maxime in our Law Summa ratio est quae pro religione facit Now the admission of the Jews into England as appeareth by the Statute de Judaismo and premised Histories is no way consistent with the welfare profit wealth safety of the Church Realm Subjects People or Religion of England and will be an extraordinary damage mischief grievance inconvenience and disinherison to them all Therefore prohibited enacted against by the general scope of all these Laws and Maximes and no wayes to be admitted 4ly The Jews heretofore in England an ● still in all other parts being most grievous Clippers Coyners Forgers of money Usurers Extortioners and the greatest Chea●ors Cozeners Impostors in the world in all their Merchandizes and Manufactures whatsoever upon this accompt they are and ought to be still excluded and never re-admitted amongst us by the provisions of all our Laws yet in force prohibiting clipping coyning usury extortion frauds deceipts in any Merchandizes or Manufactures whatsoever unlesse we intend to have them all now more practised by them and others among us then ever heretofore The rather because they were never admitted free Trading Habitation in England by any of our Laws touching Alten Merchants and Artificers free Traffick amongst us from the time of their forementioned banishment till this present under the Name and Notion of Jews Foraign Merchants or Artificers And therefore not to be admitted to those desired Priviledges from which all these forecited Laws in my weak Judgement with the former old Parliamentary Judgment and Edict for their per petual banishment in Law Justice Conscience still debarre them readmittance till repealed and they if ever readmitted against all these Acts and Statutes must be introduced resetled by special Acts of Parliament which no English Parliament in probability will ever indulge unto them as the peoples general present declamations in all places against their endeavoured introduction prognostick And thus much I thoughr meet to inform the Nation touching those Laws Statutes which in my poor opinion directly or by consequence oppose their re-admission and refute those Lawyers misinformation who confidently averred there is no Law of England at all against it if Mr. Nye did truly inform me 2. For Scriptures these Texts may engage us against their re-admission 1. Matth. 5. 13. Lu. 14. 34 35. Salt is good but if the salt have lost its savor wherewith shall it be seasoned It is neither fit for the land nor yet for the dunghil but to be cast out and to be trodden under foot of men This is the condition of the Jews who have lost both their Saviour their Savor too Therefore not fit for our land or dunghils but to be kept and cast out from amongst us and trodden under foot of all true Christian men 2. 1 Cor. 16. 22 If any man love not the Lord Iesus Christ let him be Anathema Maranatha That is separated and cast out from all Christian society and Communion until the day of Judgment the highest kind of Jewish Excommunication Now the Jews are such who do not only not love but deny defie and hate our Lord Jesus Christ in the highest degree Therefore to be excommunicated and secluded from our Christian Communion and Cohahitation amongst us to which they can pretend no right 3. 2 Cor. 6. 14 15 c. Be ye not unequally yoaked together with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion hath light with darkness and what concord hath Christ with Belial and what part hath he that believeth with an Infidel and what agreement hath the Temple of God with Idols c VVherefore come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord and touch no unclean thing and I will receive you The unconverted Jews are both Unbelievers Infidels Darknesse Belialids and the very Synagogue of Satan as the Scripture resolves them Acts 14. 1. Mar 6. 6. Rom. 11. 20. 23. 32. Heb. 4. 6. 11. Ioh. 1. 5. Mat 8. 12. Rev. 2. 9. 1 Th●ss 2. 14 15 16. Therefore we Christians ought not to be unequally yoaked or to have any fellowship communion agreement part or mixture with them much lesse to receive them into our land and bo●omes from whence they were formerly spued out but to keep our selves separated from amongst them lest God reject us as he hath done them 4. 2 John 9. 10. 11. VVhosoever transgressith and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God he that abideth in the doctrine of Christ he hath both the Father and the Sonne If there come any unto you and bring not this Doctrine receive him not into your house neither bid him God speed for he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds The Jews abide not in the Doctrin of Christ and if they come unto us they will not bring this Doctrine to us but the quite contrary Therefore we ought not to receive them into our Dominions or Houses nor bid or wish them God speed in returning to dwell amongst us And if any do the contrary they are and shall be partakers of their evil deeds 5 Tit. 1. 10 11 13 14 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers ESPECIALLY THEY OF THE CIRCUMCISION whose mouthes must be stopped WHO SUBVERT WHOLE HOUSES teaching things which they ought not for filthy lucres sake VVherfore rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith NOT GIVING HEED TO JEWISH FABLES and commandements OF MEN THAT TURNE FROM THE TRUTH If the circumcised Jews were such unruly Deceivers seducers and subverters of whole houses even in the Apostles own dayes and their Jewish fables then did turn so many from the truth With what colour of Christianity piety conscience can we call them in amongst us now in these times of fearfull and almost universal Apostacy from the truth when lesse dangerous
seducers have subverted whole houses parishes and almost Cities and Counties too 6. 1 Thess 2. 14 15 16. For ye also have suffered like things of your Countrymen even as they have of the Jews who both killed the Lord Jesus and their own Prophets and have persecuted or chased out us and they please not God and are contrary to all men Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved to fill up their sins alway FOR THE WRATH IS COME UPON THEM TO THE UTTERMOST This Gospel character of the Jews expressing their transcendent malice to the Lord Jems their own Prophets the very Apostles themselves the Gentiles with their contrariety to God and all other men and Gods wrath upon them for it to the uttermost administer plenty of invincible arguments against our receiving them in again amongst us lest they bring along with them the extremity of Gods wrath upon the whole English Nation who have enough thereof already 7. Acts 18. 5 6 7. Paul was pressed in spirit and testified to the Jews that Jesus was Christ And when they opposed themselves and blasphemed he shooke his rayment and said unto them Your bloud be upon your own heads I am clean from henceforth I will go unto the Gentiles And he departed thence and entred into a certain mans house named Justus who worshipped God c. compared with Acts 13. 44. to 52. The next Sabbath-day came almost the whole City together to hear the word of God But when the Iews saw the multitude they were filled with envy and spoke against those things that were spoken by Paul contradicting and blaspheming Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold and said It was necessary the word of God should first have been spoken unto you but because ye put it from you and judge your selves unworthy of everlasting life LO WE TURN TO THE GENTILES For so hath the Lord commanded us c. And the word of the Lord was published throughout all the region But the Jews stirred up the devout and honourable women and the chiefmen of the City and raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas and expelled them out of their coasts but they shock off the dust of their feet against them and came unto Iconium This malitious carriage and persecution of the Jews even against the Apostles themselves and their Doctrine and the Gentiles salvation and casting them maliciously out of their coasts with their Separation from them and turning themselves wholly to the Gentiles upon this account by Gods own command demonstrates what all Gods faithfull Ministers and we Christian Gentiles must expect from them now and that being formerly cast out of our Coasts by our Ancestors for their infidelity crucifying of Christ in his Members and such like misdemeanors and so being separated in cohabitation and communion from us we neither may nor ought now to resume them into our Land Bosoms or Communion again upon any pretence 8. When God was bringing the Jews into the promised Land which he gave them to inherit he gave them these special commands Thou shalt drive the Inhabitants of the land out before thee Thou shalt make no Covenant with them nor with their Gods THEY SHALL NOT DVVELL IN THY LAND l●st they make thee sin against me and it be a snare in the midst of thee Thou shalt make no Covenant with them nor shew mercy to them Nether shalt thou make marriages with them Thy Daughter thou shalt not give unto his Son nor his Daughter shalt thou take unto thy Son for they will turn away thy Sons from following me that they may serve other Gods so will the anger of the Lord be kindled against thee and destroy thee suddenly If ye do IN ANY VVise go back and cleave unto the remnant of these Nations and go in unto them and they to you know for a certain that the Lord will no more drive out any of these Nations before you but they shall be snares and traps unto you and scourges in your sides and thorns in your eyes until you perish from the good Land which the Lord your God giveth you But thus ye shall deal with them ye shall destroy their Altars and break down their Images and cut down their groves c. for thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God Now THE NOT DRIVING OF THESE NATIONS BY THE ISRAELITES FROM AMONGST THEM according to these commands of God is charged as a special sin upon them by God enticed them to Idolatry and brought his severe wrath upon them Judges 1. 27. to 36. c. 2. 2 3 12 13 19 20 21 22 23. and is thus expressed by the Psalmist Psal 106. 34 to 43. They did not destroy the Nations concerning whom the Lord commanded them BUT WERE MINGLED AMONG THE HEATHEN AND LEARNED THEIR WORKS they served their Idols which were a snare unto them yea they sacrificed their Sons Daughters unto Devils shed innocent blood even the blood of their Sons and Daughters whom they sacrificed unto the Idols of Canaan and their Land was defiled with blood Therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people insomuch that he a●horried his own inheritance and he gave them into the hands of the Heathen and they that hated them were Lords over them their enemies also oppressed them they were brought into sub jection under their hands The morality ground and equity of which precepts as they justifie our Ancestors expulsion of the Jews out of England with their adulterous worship Ceromonies Synagogues heretofore So I conceive they strongly oblige all English Christians especially after our late solemn forgotten League and Covenant to seclude and keep them out from re-entring coming in mingling and dwelling amongst us now for fear they draw the self-same sad effects and bring down the same or like heavy Judgements of God upon us as these Scriptures threatned and God himself inflicted on the Israelites for transgressing them In brief the Parables of the Vineyard and Husbandmen the King going into foraign parts and Marriage Supper Mat. 21. 33. to 46. c. 22. 2. to 11. c. 23. 21. to the end Mar. 12. 1. c. Luk. 19. 12. to 28. c. 20 9. c. particularly applied to the Jews and notably setting out their desperate malice against our Saviours person Kingdom Government Ordinances Ministers Gospel and his rejection of them for it Together with Rom. 16 17 18 1. 32. 1 Cor. 5 4. c. Phil. 3. 2 3. Mat. 7. 15 c. 16. 7. 11. 12. 17. Col. 2. 8. 2. Pet. 3. 17. c. 2. 1. c. 7 8 20 21 22. 2 Tim. 3. 1. to 10 c. 2. 16 17. Titus 3. 10 11. Revelations 2. 9. 14. Hebrewes 6. 4. to 9. c. 16. 26. to 32. Phil. 4. 2 3. will all furnish us with sundry arguments against their re-admission amongstus as likewise Prov. 6. 27. 28. Psal 101. 3 4 5 6 7 8. Psal 119. 104. Ps 139. 21. 22. Num.
Rom. 11. 26 27 28. And so all Israel shall be saved being meant only of the Elect and true Israel of God both Jews and Gentiles as many judicious Expositors and Rom. 2 26 27 28 29. c. 9. 6 7 8. c. 11. 1. to 8. Gal. 3. 7 9 14 16 22 28 29 c. 6. 16. seem to expound it not of the whole Jewish Nations calling and salvation at the last 2ly It is agreed by most who expect such a general calling and conversion of the Iews That it shall not be till the fullnesse of the Gentiles become in as Rom 11 24 25. resolves And whether this fullnesse be yet come in there being so many Gentile Nations yet unconverted especially in Asia Africa and America and those infinitely exceeding the Gentiles yet converted to the Gospel let those consider who now expect the Iews conversion 3ly If this fullnesse of the Gentiles conversion to Christ must preceed the general calling of the Iews as a necessary preparative and introduction thereunto then we ought by this allegation in the first place to call the Turks Tartars Persians Chinoys and all other unconverted Gentile Nations into England and first convert them to the Christian faith before we bring in the Iews whose conversion is to succeed theirs and the Gentiles fullnesse And then we shall have Religions enough in England to please all Novellists and a thousand aliens to each English Native 4ly There are farre more expresse direct promises texts grounds both in the Old and New Testament for the calling conversion of all Gentiles and yet unconverted Heathen Nations to the faith of Christ then of the Iewish Nation not one Nation of them for ought we read being so far rejected broken off and given up to an obduration of heart and blindness of mind by Gods judiciall decree as we read the Jews to be Isa 6. 9 10 11 c. 8 14. 15 16. c. 29. 9 10 11 12. Mat. 13. 14 15. Mar. 4. 11 12. Lu. 8. 10. Iohn 12. 37 38 39 40. Act 28. 25 26 27 28. Rom. 11. 7 8 9 10. Therefore our prayers and endeavours ought first to be for the conversion of all Gentiles yet unconverted to the faith being more hopefull more successfull in all probability than our prayers endeavors for the Iews conversion at least till the Gentiles fullnesse be come in 5ly Admit either a general or special calling and conversion of the Iews in the latter end of the world yet the calling of them into England to cohabit with us in such a manner as they now desire is no ways necessary for that end For 1. it is no where declared in Gods word that they must be called in England or by English men 2ly If they were principally to be converted by English Divines or Laicks we may with more ease lesse danger and prejudice to our Nation and Religion send English Divines and Laicks into other forraign parts where they now reside to instruct teach convert them to the faith than call them into England to convert them now in this giddy unsetled apostatizing age wherein they are likelier to gain a thousand English Proselytes to their Judaisme than we one Jewish convert to Christianity if introduced with their Synagogues and Jewish ceremonies perhaps their hopes of such a harvest here is the principal motive that they are so pressing to be now admitted again into our English climate without delay 3ly If we admit them with all their Jewish worship Synagogues Ceremonies as they now propose it will be rather a means to harden then convert them a doing of evil that good may come of it a swallowing down of a certain deadly poyson in hope to correct it with a subsequent antidote and to set up a present Synagogue of Satan upon hopes hereafter to convert it into a Church of Christ 4ly God can convert them in any other Countries as well as in England and by any other Christian Nations as well as Englishas he hath done some few of them in all ages as Petrus Alphonsus Lyra and Junius three eminent Divines and Writers amongst others And there being as learned able Protestant Divines in Holland Germany France Denmarke as any in England if they cannot convert them what hopes have we to do it 5ly Conversion of their hearts to the truth of the Gospel and saving Grace is only the work of God not men who can work it when where and by whom he pleaseth and is not tied either to place or persons much lesse to our English climate to effect it And it is Gods and Christs usual prescribed way of converting Nations People to send Apostles Ministers to preach the Gospel to and convert them in the Countries places where they dwell not to call them into another Forraign Land where the Gospel first shined or where it is entertained as he sent his Apostles from Jerusalem into all the world to convert the Gentiles not called them all to Ierusalem or Palestine to be there instructed and converted Mat. 9. 38. c. 10. 5. 6. c. 28. 19 20. Mar. 16. 15. Isay 2. 3 4. Acts 9. 15. c. 10. 20. c. 22. 12. Ephes 3. 8. 2 Tim. 4. 17. 3. Iohn 7. Why then we should take this new-found contrary way of calling the Iews in to us to convert them and not rather send out Ministers to them I cannot discern The rather because the Council of Basil An. 143 1. Sessio 19. prescribes this course both for the converting of the unbelieving Jews and Gentiles to the Orthodox Faith That all Diocesans should yearly at appointed times provide certain men well learned in holy Scriptures and in the Tongues to preach and explain the truth of the Catholick Faith IN SVCH PLACES WHERE THE IEWES AND OTHER INFIDELS DID DWELL in such sort that they acknowledging their error might for sake the same To which preaching they should compell all of both Sexes that were at years of discretion to resort by interdicting them commerce with Christians and other sitting penalties Provided the Diocesans and Rreachers should behave themselves towards them mercifully and with all charity whereby they might win them to Christ not only by declaring of the truth but also by other Offices of humanity 6ly If the observation of learned Paraeus be true that the overflowing of all sorts of wickednesses crimes murders wars oppressions rapines injustice tyranny cruelty extortions usuries the infinite multiplicity contrariety of Sects Schisms Religions and unchristian heathen atheisticall practises of one Christian towards another be principal obstacles to hinder the Jews conversion especially amongst Protestants as these with idolatrous worship of Images Saints and the Hostia amongst Papists than the calling of them now into England where all these abound more than ever heretofore and more than in other Nations will be a means more to harden them and hinder their conversion then any furtherance thereunto the rather because the desperate Apostacy and atheistical actions of
been and pierced themselvs through with many sorrows Therfore 't is not as much as once to be named or insisted on amongst us unlesse we will renounce our Christianity make great gain our only godlinesse instead of making Godlinesse with contentment our great gain betray and sell our Saviour Christ again to the Iews like Iudas for thirty peeces of silver without repenting and making restitution of it to the Iews as he did and most blasphemously transferre our very Saviours most blessed Deity and stamp his most sweet and most highest Title GOD WITH US upon a contemptible piece of white and yellow shining clay as some have lately done on all our New State coyn as if it were the only God with them and us how christian-like let themselves determine 3ly God himself who saith Behold I have smitten mine hand at thy dishonest gain which thou hast greedily gained of thy neighbour by oppression other unlawfull means will certainly smite his hand at this gain by the Iews re-admission And therefore let us give that resolute answer to the Iewish Agents if they proffer to purchase an idenization amongst us by their gold as St. Peter once did to Simon Magus in another case THY MONEY PERISH WITH THEE Thou hast neither part nor lot in this businesse for thy heart is not upright with God 4ly None ever gained by the Iews introduction or continuance in any Christian State but the King and some of his bribed Officers and that by oppressing squeezing fleecing taxing excoriating eviscerating crucifying pillaging plundering the poor Iews in such an unchristian inhuman illegal unrighteous manner against the express commands of God as made both Christians and Christianity most detestable to them brought a secret curse of God upon all those unrighteous gaines as also upon their very persons and Government witnesse King Iohn and Henry the 3d. and encouraged them to oppresse fleece and pillage their Native Subjects by illegal Taxes and Projects and to use them rather like Iews than Christians enforcing them thereby to take up arms against them for their Laws Liberties and Properties just defence as those Kings reigns and others sufficiently evidence 5ly The introduction of the Iews into England and other Nations never advanced the publike wealth of the Natives and Republike but much impaired it by their Vsuries and Deceits clipping and falsifying monies ingrossing all sorts of commodities into their hands usurping the Natives trades and becomming such intolerrable grievances to them that they were never quiet till they were banished as their greatest Annoyance and purchased their Exiles even with publick Subsidies granted to their Kings to be quit of them as the premises abundantly evidence 6ly The Trade of this Nation flourished more after their banishment hence then ever it did before and their introduction now will but supplant undoe our English Merchants and other Natives to enrich them and some few other Grandees who shall share with them in their spoils and unrighteous gains 7ly The taking off all long continued uncessant new illegal Taxes Excises Imposts imposed without common consent in Parliament on the Nation ingrossing anticipating most of the current Monies of the Land which are the nerves and wheels of Trade eating up all the Merchants Peoples gains and labors and overclogging all or most Commodities imported or exported The disbanding of all unnecessary mercenary Forces and Garrisons who have devoured most of the publike and private wealth of our three Kingdoms and extraordinarily impoverished them only to enrich and advance themselves and setting up the old unmercinary Trained Bands and Legal Militia of the Realm in their steads The encouraging of Merchants to bring in gold and silver Bullion to set the Mint on work which hath lain for the most part idle near 15 years the suppressing of the superfluous making wearing use of gold and silver lace wyre gilding which consume many thousand pounds of current coyne every year The inhibiting of the excessive use of that late intoxicating smoke of Tobacco causing such a prodigal expence of money time and hindring more necessary usefull staple merchandizes and plantations The regulating of the gross abuses of Letters of Mart now little better than commissioned open pyracies occasioning the ruine of Trade and Merchandize by way of Reprisal The ordering according to Law Iustice Conscience that all prizes taken from any foraign Enemy or other who pillage or damage the English by the States Ships and men of War set out by the Merchants Customs Tonnage Poundage Imposts and therewith maintained for their defence which therfore should be equally distributed to our English Merchants that are damnified undon by them towards the reparation of their losses who maintain them to enable and encourage them in their trading especially when much impoverished or undone by their losses and not all converted to the use of that some stile the Admiralty and State or Mariners who take them at whose cost they are not maintained The binding of all Captains of all States men of war to make good all the English Merchants and their Allies losses susteined by their default or negligence The resuming of all the late alienated ancient Lands rents revenues of the Crown got into private hands which ought to defray the constant expence of the Government now extorted for the most part by arbitrary new devices out of the exhausted peoples purses The speedy preventing of the late unparalleld wasts in all places of English Timber for shipping of which there is like to be such scarcity ere long as will both destroy our Navy and Fishing Trade All these and every of them will far more advance the Trade and Traffique of the Nation and the publike wealth and give all the people far better content and satisfaction ten thousand fold then this New distastefull pernicious project of bringing in the Iews against which I shall only discharge this ancient Canon of the 4th Council of Toledo in Spain under their most religious King Sysenandus in the year of our Lord 681. which thus batters all ecclesiastical and temporal promoters of this allegation for filthy Lucres sake with this direfull thunderbolt So great is certain mens lucre of money that some coveting after it according to the Apostles saying have erred from the faith For many hitherto of the Priests and Laity receiving gifts from the Iews foster their perfidiousnesse or infidelity by their patronage who not undeservedly are known to be of the body of Antichrist because they act against Christ Therefore whatsoever Bishop or Clergy m●n or secular person shall from henceforth give his suffrage to them against the Christian faith Either For reward or favour being as prophane sacrilegious really made accursed let him be reputed excommunicated from the Catholick Church and Kingdom of God because he is worthy to be separated from the Body of Christ who is made a Patron or Protector to the enemies of Christ I
Wayland Chief Justice of the Common Pleas 19. E. 1 Rot. Parl. rot 12. and these Jews then banished Exilium Hugonis le Dispenser patris filii Tottles Magna Charta f. 50 51. The double banishment of Peter de Gaverston out of England assensu communi Procerum Magnatum and of the King in Parliament Walsingham Hist Angliae p. 68 71 72. The Statute of 1 Edward the 3. c. 2. 11 Richard the 2. c. 2 3 4. for the banishment of Belknap and other Judges into Ireland 21. R. 2. Rot. Pa● l. n. 16. 17. For the banishment of Thomas Arundel Arch-bishop of Canterbury The Statute of 35 Eliz. c. 1. of 39 Eliz. c. 4. For banishing dangerous Sectaries Rogues out of the Realm after conviction upon Indictment only not before which could not be done by Law before these Acts Cooks 2 Institutes f. 47. Mr. St. Iohns speech against the Shipmony Judges p. 22 My New Discovery of the Prelates Tyranny p. 166 167 168. VValsingham Hist. Angliae p. 394 and other Testimonies as also by 1 E. 3. r. 5. 4 H. 4. c. 13. The Statute for the pressing of Souldiers for Ireland 17 Caroli Exact Collect p. 435. The Petition and Protestation of the Lords and Commons in Parliament against serving the King in person or contribution to his wars in Flanders and other forain parts 25 E. 1. Walsingham Hist. p. 35 37 38 c. nor yet in Gascoigne France Notmandy Scotland or Ireland Cooks 2 Instit p. 528. 4. H. 4. n. 48. 1 H. 5. n. 17. 7 H. 5. n. 9. 18 R. 2. n. 6. So none once banished the Realm by judgement or Act of Parliament can may or ought by the fundamental and known common Laws of England to be restored and recalled again but only by a like judgement Act and Restitution in full Parliament as is adjudged declared resolved by the cases and Petitions of the two Spencers and Peirce Gaveston VValsingham Ypodig Neustriae p. 152. and Hist Angl. p. 68. 71 72. Holinshed p. 328. Speeds History p. 674. The Printed Statute of 20 R. 2. c. 6. for the restitution of Belknap and the other exiled Judges 28 E. 3. Rot. Parl. n. 8. to 14. and 29 E. 3. Rot Parl. n. 29. touching the Repeal of the Judgement in Parl. against Roger Mortimer Earl of March 17 R. 2. Rot. Parl. n. 18. for the pardon and restitution of the Justices banished into Irel. 21 R. 2. n. 55. to 71. for confirmation of the repeal of the exile of Hugh de la Spencer Father Son An. 15. E. 2. and the revocation of the repeale thereof in 1 E. 3. A notable full Record in point 3 H. 7. 10. 4 H 7. 10. 1. H. 7. 4. 10 H. 7. 22 b. 15. E. 3 Fitz Pet●t 2. 9. E. 3. 23 24. 9 E. 4. 1 b. with sundry other Records for the repeals of Iudgements and Acts of former Parliaments by the subsequent Judgments and Acts of other Parliaments in Cooks 4 Institutes c. 1. and Ashes Tables Parliament 16. and Statutes 68. Therefore the Jews being so long since by Judgement Edict and Decree both of the King and Parliament for ever banished out of England never since repealed or reversed neither may nor can by Law be readmitted reduced into England again but by common consent and Act of Parliament which I conceive they will never be able to obtain I have now presented you with a true Historical and exact Chronological Relation of the Jews first admission into England not in the time of the Emperour Constantine the great as some groundlesly would collect from his General Epistle to all Churches touching the Decrees of the Council of Nice and the Vnanimous observation of the Feast of Easter not after the Jewish computation wherein there is mention of the Churches in Britain as well as in Rome Africk Spain France and other places concurring with other Churches herein but not one syllable of any Jews therein or in Britain then nor in any other particular places but onely these general passages against Christians complying with them in their Paschal observation Ac primum quidem indigna res fuit sanctissimum eum diem imitatione atque consuetudine Iudaeorum celebrare qui manibus suis nefario flagitio contaminatis non injuria quoque animis sunt excaecato homines scelerati Quidni enim liceat gente ea rejecta rectiore verioreque ordine quem à primo passionis die hucusque servavimus ad futura quoque saecula observationis hujus ritum transmittere Item nihil nobis commune sit cum infestissima Iudaeorum turba c. Quin strictior ipsa atque exactior ratio flagitare videtur NEQUA NOBIS CUM IUDAEORUM PERJURIO COMMUNIO From whence no rational man can inferr that there were any Jews at that time observing their Jewish Passeover in Britain of which I can find no syllable in any Domestick or forreign Historians or Writers whatsoever nor yet that they inhabited here or were here in the Briton Saxon or Danish Kings reigns which if they had some of our Historians Synods Decrees and Laws in those ages would have mentioned it as well as the Gothish Spanish Histories Laws Councils and Constitutions where they resided in which there is not one syllable of them but only in the forecited Law foisled in amongst the Confessors to which doubtlesse it was puny but in Will the Conq. reign Together with their ill deportments misdemeanors suffrings massacres servile condition and manifold popular tumults against them during all the time of their residence in England final banishment out of it never yet to my knowledg collected into one intire History before The serious consideration whereof will in my weake judgement sufficiently satisfie convince the whole English Nation that they have just grounds and reasons in point of piety of policy never to re-admit them more into our Island and likewise resolve the very Jewes themselves that they have little cause or reason at all to desire to re-plant themselves in England where their ancestors in times past susteined so many miseries massacres affronts oppressions fleecings upon all occasions themselves can expect little better usage for the future To this principal part of my undertaking for fuller satisfaction I shall hereunto subjoyn a Taste of such Lawes Scriptures Reasons as seem strongly to plead yea conclude against their re-admission into England at least in that latitude and freedom as formerly they there enjoyed As 1. To erect new Synagogues Temples amongst us or turn any of our Churches Chapels into Synagogues for the free publique exercise of their Judaisme Jewish Worship Customes Religion diametrically contrary to the Gosple Person Kingdome Priesthood Offices Mediation Redemption of our Lord Jesus Christ which they thereby professedly deny renounce as false and fabulous 2ly To set up a Jewish Corporation or Fraternity amongst us in our Cities and Corporations distinct and separate from the English subject to their own immediate peculiar
Officers and Judges as heretofore 3ly To purchase Houses Habitations Rents Lands Exercise of all sorts of Trades and Manufactures amongst us as free Denizens or Merchants upon such terms and qualifications as shall be indulged to them 1. For our Laws and Statutes these following make directly or obliquely by way of necessary consequence against their re-admission 1. For their Jewish Synagogues worship Sacraments Religion these ancient pious Laws of our Saxon and Danish Kings made in their great Parliaments and Councils before the Jews first coming into England strongly oppose their admission now As namely the Laws of King Alfred and Guthern Lex 1. 2. of King Ethelred in the Council of Aenham c. 1. 3. 27 29 30. of Habam c. 1. with the Laws of King Cnute the Dane Lex 1. 27 28 All which enact That the only true God and our Lord be loved worshipped in all ages by all the people with all their might the one Christian holy Catholick faith orthodoxly kept and the Churches of God to be diligently frequented throughout the Realm That all Paganisme and false Religions be renounced both in words and deeds That who ever wickedly resisteth the Laws of Christ shall be grievously fined and put to death and that all men should diligently seek out by all means Ut recta Christi religio maxime provehatur That the right Religion of Christ might be most of all advanced obtesting all Ecclesiiastical and secular persons again and again most earnestly to keep the sincere faith unanimously in the true God and the right Christian faith in a right manner diligently to hear the Teachers of Gods word studiously to follow their Doctrine and Precepts to maintain peace and tranquility in the Church of God and there diligently to pour forth their prayers All which particulars exclude all Jewish Synagogues and Judaisme and are of perpetual force being grounded on the very Law of God Moreover King Cnute his Ecclesiastical Laws made by the advise of his wise men to be observed throughout all England prohibited That no Christian should be sold or sent out of the Realm or banished amongst those who had not as yet embraced the faith in Christ lest per adventure those Souls should perish at anytime which our Lord Iesus Christ had redeemed with his own blood and life If Christians for this cause ought not to be sent sold or banished amongst Jews and Infidels much more then ought not Infidel Jews with their Jewish Synagogues Religion Ceremonies to be now introduced amongst us Christians to the hazard of many Christian Souls redeemed by Christs blood 2. All the Statutes concerning Uniformity of Common Servicc administration of the Sacraments as 1 Ed. 6. c. 1 2. 2 Ed. 6. c 1. 6 Ed. 6. c. 1. 1 Eliz. c. 2. 23 Eliz. c. 1. 35 Eliz. c. 1. 2. most of them still in force being never legally repealed do fully and directly oppugne the introduction of any Jewish Synagogues Service Sacraments Worship Ceremonies with the use of them in any place within our Realm 3. The Statutes of 3 E. 6. c. 10. 13 Eliz. c. 2. 23 El. c. 1. 28 Eliz. c. 2. 6. 35 Eliz. c. 1. 3 Iac. c. 4. against Popish Recusants Seminary Priests Iesuites Friers Masse-Books Agnus Dei's Popish Books Superstitions for preventing the withdrawing of the Subjects of this Realm from the publique Ordinances Sacraments and Religion here established and for speedy banishing all Seminary Priests and Jesuites and keeping them perpetually out of the Realm upon this account amongst others though professing Christ Christian Religion and agreeing with us in all Articles of the Creed and most fundamental points of Christianity Must in Substance Law Reason in this regard much more perpetually exclude abolish all Jews Jewish Priests Rabbies Synagogues worship Ceremonies Superstitions out of our Dominions being farre more dishonourable to Christ opposite to our Christian Religion and destructive to the peoples souls if once admitted then any Jesuits Seminary Priests Friers Popish Recusants or any Romish Masses Superstitions whatsoever And if the Jewish Priests Judaism and Jewish Ceremonies may be now set up and practised publiquely amongst us notwithstanding all these Statutes then much more Masse-Priests Masses Popery and Prelacy by the self same reason justice equity To these I might annex all the late Ordinances for the Directory The solemn League and Covenant and for Suppressing punishing of Heresy and Blasphemy therefore of Iudaism which is both Heresy and Blasphemy and Jewish assemblies the very Synagogues of Satan and Iews great blasphemers by Christs own resolution Rev. 2. 9. c. 3. 9. Acts 18. 6. Rom. 2. 21. With the late printed Instrument of Government which though it allows not only toleration but protection to all Sects and Religions professing faith in God through Iesus Christ though differing from the Doctrine and Discipline publtkely held forth in the Nation except only to Popery and Prelacy yet certainly it can no ways extend to the toleration or protection of Jews and their Antichristian blasphemies against Christ himself and the Gospel seeing they are so far from professing faith in Jesus Christ that they utterly renounce and professedly decry him to be the true Saviour and Messiah of the world rejecting the whole New Testament and Doctrin of the Gospel and so by consequence are necessarily secluded by this Instrument and Oath for its observation from practising their Jewish worship Ceremonies or erecting any Synagogues in our Nation for that purpose 2ly Though the Kings of England by the Law and their Prerogative may in sundry cases erect New Corporations of their Subjects by their Charters only yet notwithstanding no Corporation or Fraternity of Iews being meer Aliens may can or ought to be erected in England by the Fundamental Lawes and Constitutions of the Realm but only by full consent of the Nation in Parliament by special Acts of Parliament it being one of the greatest Intrenchments that can be upon the English Nations Rights Liberties Customs Priviledges Profit and a violation of all the ancient Charters Priviledges Rights Franchises confirmed to them by the Great Charter of England forty times since ratified by new Acts of Parliament This is evident by the Statutes of Magna Charta c. 9. 37. 34 E. 1. c. 4. 1. E. 3. c. 9. 14. E. 3. c. 1. 1. H. 4. c. 1. 2. H. 4. c. 1. 7. H. 4. c. 1. 9. H. 4. c. 1. 13. H. 4. c. 1. 3. H. 5. c. 1. 2. H. 6. c. 1. compared with 2 E. 3. c. 9. 27. E. 3. c. 1. to 29. 28 E. 3. 13. 15 36. E. 3. c. 7 19 H. 7. c. 12 and all other Acts for the Staple and Styliard and with 3. E. 4. c. 6. 1. R. 3. c. 9. 14 H. 8. c. 2. 21 H. 8. c. 16. 22 H. 8. c. 8. 32 H. 8. c. 16. touching Artificers Merchants and Aliens 3ly The preambles of the Statute of Merton 20 H. 3. 3 E. 1. with c. 17. 48. 6 E. 1.