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A77116 The worthy of Ephratah represented in a sermon at the funerals of the Right Honorable Edmund Earl of Mulgrave, Baron Sheffield of Botterwic. In the church of Burton-Stather, Sept. 21. 1658. / By Edward Boteler, sometimes fellow of Magdalen-Colledge in Cambridge, and now rector of Wintringham in the county of Lincoln. Boteler, Edward, d. 1670. 1659 (1659) Wing B3804; Thomason E2139_1; ESTC R208363 29,248 83

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Lords bonds in sunder Psal 2.3 cast not away his cords from you Do what you are bound to do where much is forgiven love much and where much is given do much Do thou worthily for te oportet it behoves thee To close this Greatness you see is a tye to goodness My Lords and Gentlemen you that are greater be better then others let your Holiness go in as good a place as your Honors let your riches of grace outvie your revenues Let your goodness top as many as your greatness make it appear though those two do not often meet yet it is not impossible they should come in conjunction Let not your heights make you barren as if you were under the curse of the Mountains of Gilboa 2 Sam. 1.21 that there should be neither dew nor rain upon you Oh let dew be upon Hermon and let it descend upon the Mountains of Zion Ps 133.3 for there the Lord commands the blessing even life for evermore That for the first Motive to do worthily Thou Boaz a great Man a Noble Person do thou worthily 2. The second is the place where such a person is resident Ephratah Do thou worthily in Ephratah In Ephratah Where 's that Enquire of a neighbor-word and it will tell us Ephratah is a disjointed name there is half of it behinde Beth-lehem belonging to it Beth-lehem and Ephratah are both one The Spirit of God using the like elegancy of expressing one place by two words elswhere Psa 76.2 At Salem is his Tabernacle and his dwelling place in Zion Both which speak but one Jerusalem Josh 19.15 Judg. 12.8 There was another Beth-lehem in Zebulon the birth-place of Judge Ibzan from which that it might be distinguished this of the Text is called sometimes Beth-lehem Judah sometimes Beth-lehem Ephratah This is that Beth-lehem of Judea Marth 2.1 so called by St. Matthew where some time after the Wise men sought the Sun by Star-light and found him without whom the world was lost Nor did the blood of Innocents here shed by Herod stain but illustrate the place it being the field Aetas rec dum habilis ad pugnam idonea catitit ad coronam Hier. where those little Champions who could not fight conquered and are crowned and by the charity and upon the credit of the Primitive Church are acknowledged to lead in the Van of the Noble Army of Martyrs which have been since Shiloh came It is observed to be situate on the very Umbilical point of the Earth from whence as from a Center Psa 19.4 the Lines of comfort might go out through all the Earth and the Word here made flesh to the ends of the World Sometimes you have both these names in one Mic. 5.2 And thou Beth-lehem Ephratah though thou be little among the thousands of Judah Sometimes one for both Gen. 35.19 Rachel died and was buried in the way to Ephratah which is Beth-lehem Sometimes both for one as here Do thou worthily in Ephratah and be famous in Beth-lehem Ephratah was so called from Ephrath the wife of Caleb say some others 1 Chron. 2.19 and St. Hierome among the rest ●p ad Eust 27. A fertilitate quâ locus ille aliis praestabat from that great and notable fruitfulness in which it excelled other places and so it is well coupled with Beth-lehem the house of Bread a fruitful Land makes Houses of Bread And most deservedly was this place called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fruitful especially if we look at that fruit which sprang here from the Root of Jesse David Isa 11.1 and Jesus the Son of David the best fruit that ever the Earth bore John 7.42 Hath not the Scripture said That Christ cometh of the seed of David and out of the Town of Beth-lehem where David was It shall be said of Beth-lehem Ephratah that this and that man were born in her Ps 87.5 and the Highest himself came out of her excellent things are spoken of thee O City of God! I cannot speak much of it now only thus Deut 12.5 It was a near neighbor to Jerusalem the place which God chose out of all the tribes to put his name there having that advantage which S. Paul speaks of that to them above many and among few others Ro. 3 2. Ro. 9.4 5. were committed the oracles of God to them pertained the adoption and the glory and the Covenants and the giving of the Law and the service of God and the promises of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came who is over all God blessed for ever Amen It was a City in whose palaces God was known for a refuge It was a City of Judah and in Judah is God known his name is great in Israel Here must Boaz do worthily here especially here if any where such a Theatre is only for worthy actions Do thou worthily in Ephratah Men and brethren We live in Ephratah a fruitful land and our houses are like Beth-lehem houses of bread The lines are fallen to us in pleasant places and we have a goodly heritage The fountain of Jacob is upon a land of corn and milk and honey Deut. 33.28 also our heavens drop down dew God crowns our years successively with his goodness and his clouds drop fatness And which is beyond all these Ps 65.11 how are we warmed with the glorious and desireable days of the Son of man Does not man eat Angels food and are we not dieted with the bread of heaven What a rich confluence of evangelical enjoyments have we lived under Ps 147.20 He hath not dealt so with every nation He hath fed us with the finest of all the wheat Ps 81.16 and satisfied us with the very honey out of the rock of goodness And now O man what doth the Lord thy God require of thee but to do worthily worthy of God his Gospel his goodness the Ephratah the Bethlehem thou livest in Isa 26 1● Let not all this favor be shewed thee and yet thou not learn righteousness Let it not be charg'd upon thee that in the land of uprightness thou still dealest unjustly and wilt not behold the majesty of the Lord. The cities wherein most of the mighty works were done Mat. 11.20 21. were upbraided and no less then a woe will serve Chorazin and Bethsaida because Tyre and Sidon under such manifestations and visits from heaven would have repented long before in sackcloth and ashes It was that which rendred the rape of the Gibcathites more odious Judg. 20.10 because it was folly in Israel they did evil in a good land And it was the emphatical goodness of Jeroboam's son 1 King 14.13 that in him was found some good thing toward the Lord God of Israel in the house of Jeroboam he was good in an ill house Considering where we live should make us consult what we do Places do notably circumstantiate actions remember Ephratah and do
fame Do thou worthily in Ephratah and be famous in Beth-lehem I Have done with the Text and now there 'll need but little to bring it and the Occasion together The persons Actions Fame all run so true a parallel every one is by this time ready to prevent me in the application First then for that eminent Person whose Obits we this day solemnise He was Boaz of antient and very honorable descent it would lead us up to the further end of our English antiquities to follow his Name to the rise of it And no small happiness it is for a people to have such in place if King Solomon's vast knowledge and full grown experience had taught him what happiness is Happy art thou Eccl. 10.17 O Land when thy King is the Son of Nobles Such Progenitors being often not always blessed in suitable productions Nec imbellem feroces Progenerant aquilae columbam Then for the Place you may read it in his Escucheons if you look at them you may find there both Ephratah and Beth-lehem Behold the Garbs Guil. Dis of Heral p. 151. the Sheaves and they signifie plenty or abundance that their first Bearer did deserve well for his hospitality there you have Ephratah Fruitfulness Idem p. 77. Look at the Cheveron and there the Heralds shew us the representation of a House in the roof or rafters of it there 's Beth-lehem a house of bread a plentiful house and such was his I need not go out of the Congregation for witnesses of it So that he which looks on his Escucheons may see another interpretation of Josephs dream Gen. 37.7 Lo his sheaf arose and stood upright and behold the sheaves that stood round about it did obeisance to his sheaf And if you say these are to be reckoned among the Quae non fecimus ipsi those Honors which came to him rather then he to them Let us go on to the parts of the Text and come to the Agendum the something to be done and there you shall find him nobly active and doing his part He was much for action his hand ever kept pace with and for the most part outwent his tongue He was not practised in false Courtship and perfectly hated that foolish ostentation which our Saviour chargeth upon the Pharisees Mat. 23.3 They say and do not He would do as much as others think enough to say And it was his grave and sober manner rather to do a favor then profess it He shewed his faith by his works Jam. 2.18 1 Joh. 3.18 Joh. 13.17 and loved not in word nor in tongue but in deed and in truth Reckoning of that only as happiness to know the things of God and to do them Next for the rule of doing it was that of the Text He did worthily take the word in what signification you please First he did decently things like himself We may say of his actions as Zeba and Zalmunna of the brethren of Gideon Judg. 8.18 As he was so were they each one resembled the children of a Prince You might see what he was by what he did every action spake it self the child of honor He hated any thing that looked like unworthiness And though he was very humble yet he knew how to be a man and no worm as well as when to be a worm and no man He knew when to lay his Honor in the dust and when to no dust lie upon his Honor He could tell when it was not seasonable nor handsom for his Honor to stoop of which some instance might be given but the time will not bear it Next He did deservingly meriting much and many ways And though we cannot say of him as of the Centurion He loved our Nation and hath built us a Synagogue Lu. 7 5. yet he loved this part of our Nation and to witness it declared not long before his death his intentions to repair and keep against the assaults of time our Synagogue I mean that elegant structure of the Cathedral at Lincoln as sometime his Grandfather when Lord President of the North interceded for the Conventual Church of Rippon And this I may say was done because purposed by him For so God tells David upon his design for building the Temple 1 King 8.18 Whereas it was in thine heart to build an house unto my name thou didst well that it was in thine heart This is a choise piece of desert I wish it may have some followers that such a purpose may not die and go to the dust with him Then He did exemplarily His whole life was a Copy of Vertue fairly written over with few very few blots He was one of those whom Tully calls loquentes leges speaking Laws unprinted Statutes in whom men might read their duties as well as hear them from him He knew what great evils evil great ones are that they have many followers go they whither they will and seldom go to hell alone Tutum est peccare authoribus illis And therefore he was a practical Comment upon that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the Apostle Eph. 5.15 See that you walk circumspectly or exactly Examples should be exact and so was he But more of this by and by He did excellently too His actions were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 right by the rule his dealings eaven and square Great was his integrity appearing in all parts both of commutative and distributive justice Those who dealt with him know his commutative and those who had been ill dealt with but for him may be thankful witnesses of his distributive justice I could benight my Auditory with a discourse of this subject but I must contract He was a Worthy I will not assign him his place let impartial posterity decide it whether among thirty or among three And now for that Exemplarity in which I shall engage all my following discourse not as if I were such a slave to the curse of the Council of Trent that I dare not but prefer the Vulgar Latine though but a translation before the Original but making now for my purpose I shall readily follow it and speak of some of those many vertues wherein the deceased Lord was very exemplary Of some I say for I do not I dare not undertake to give you in a perfect List of his numerous excellencies As well might the Spies who went to search the land Num. 13. engage to bring all the land upon their shoulders and lay it down before them that sent them It will be enough and as much as the declining day will allow v. 23. to let you see some Pomegranates some Bunches of grapes and some of the Figs they 'll give you a taste and make you some discoveries by their fruits you shall know them Mat. 7.16 Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles You may ghess at the gardens of the Hesperides when you see some of the golden apples which there grew And