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A52285 The cabinet of Hell unlocked, or, The late grand conspiracy emblazon'd with practical reflections thereon : in a sermon / preached at Havant April 16th 1696, being the publick day of thanksgiving, published at the importunity of the hearers by C.N. ... Nicholets, Charles. 1696 (1696) Wing N1085; ESTC R38116 25,348 31

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theirs Deut. 32.6 Do you thus requite the Lord Oh! Foolish People and Vnwise is he not thy Father that bought thee hath he not made thee and established thee He speaks not here of their first Creation as Kimhi well observes for that is common to all but of that special Favour vouchsafed unto them in making them his People distinct from the rest of the world and Moses calleth them foolish noting them to be the worst of Men So do you thus requite the Lord ye sons of Belial ye monsters of Nature ye Generation of Vipers Is he not a King of the greatest Goodness the most Innocent Life and of the most publick use that ever swayed the English Scepter Hath he not retrieved the Land from Destruction And must he be brought to Destruction himself for his so doing O unparalel'd Igratitude Fifhly This was a Linsy Woolsey Conspiracy a strange mixture of Nations and Parties united together though otherways of Sentiments differing enough to oppose the Wellfare of our Zion of the same mould with that we meet with Neh. 4.7 8. But it came to pass that when Sanballet Tobiah the Arrabians and the Ammonites the Ashbodites heard that the Walls of Jerusalem were made up and the breaches began to be stopped then they were very wroth and conspired all of them together to come and to fight against Jerusalem and to hinder it Great and wide was the breach in the late Reigns between the Church of England and those of the Dissenting way but by the Prudence Good Will and Gracious Inclination of the Governours of our Judah this breach is competently made up the Dissenters have their Liberty not only granted but secured and made firm by a Law and the moderate and sober part of the Church of England are therewith well satisfied but there are others that are raging mad at this happy composure as for instance Sanballat and Tobiah that is the Devil and the French the Arabians that is the wild Debauches and prophane Athiestical Persons of the Age the Ammonite that is the sly and subtil Papists the Ashdodites that is the furious hot spurr'd Church Predicants with a swarm of Priest-Ridden and Bigotted Fools O these are very wrath and even foam at the mouth because the Dissenters are permitted to live in quiet and have therefore all agreed together as one man though we must give the right hand of Fellowship to the Jesuits as the chief Ingineer to fight against our Jerusalem to open the Trenches again to make way for Constables and Informers to plunder mens Goods and haul their persons out of their habitations and cast them into Prisons for Worshiping God according to his Word Here now you have the foundation of the Plot and the true cause of it O King William King William If thou hadst refused to sign the Bill of Indulgence if thou hadst let loose the reins of the Law against thy peaceble Dissenting Subjects Hoc Ithacu velit et magno mercentur Atridae Thou wouldest have pleased all the aforementioned Parties and there would have been no Ploting against thee but because and only because thou art a Friend to our Jerusalem they are sworn Enemies to thee and vowed thy destruction But hark What voice is that I hear O! what melodious musick like the chiming of Aaron's golden bells Isa 29.8 It shall even be as when a hungry man dreameth and behold he eateth but he awaketh and his Soul is empty or as when a Thirsty man dreameth and behold he drinketh but he awaketh and behold he is faint and his soul hath appetite So shall the multitude of all the Nations be that fight against Mount Zion O Hallilujah Blessed be God we find it so this day Sixthly This is a Conspiracy grounded upon a false bottom supported with lies deceit viz. That our King supplanted the late King James and Usurped his Kingdoms this the Conspirators make their great plea for all their attempts against the Government thus we we find the Prophet falsly tax'd by Amaziah Amoz 7.10 Then Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent to Jereboam King of Israel saying Amos hath conspired against thee in the midst of the house of Israel the Land is not able to bear all his words Now I think it not impertinent to the work of this day to give you a short Narrative of the whole matter and then let the world judge whether this be a just charge upon the King His Majesty coming over at the Invitation of many of the Nobility and Gentry to give a check to the growth of Popery which they were not a little apprehensive would soon overwhelm the Land and to restore our Laws which were strangely perverted by the Arbitrary Gentlemen then in power and God Blessing him with wonderful success for all the Nation flocked to him and every thing concurr'd to the succeeding Revolution in His Glorious march to London he sent the late Marquess of Hallifax the Lord Delameer and another to the late King advising him to retire to Ham House for the safety of his Person now any body knows that was not the way to France his going to Rochester was purely his own desire and without doubt to get away as fast as he could upon which the Convention when they sat Voted King James had Abdicated himself and the Throne thereby became Vacant Now I appeal to all the World What should the Nation do Would they have had us been as those of old when there was no King in Israel and every man did that which was right in their own eyes the case is too plain to be long insisted on and therefore O ye Jacobites if you will revenge King James's loss revenge it on the Pryers and Priests who gave him such pernicious Counsel and revenge it on his Court Parasites who left him in his Adversity of whom we may say in the words of David to Abner 1 Sam. 26.16 This thing is not good that thou hast done as the Lord liveth ye are worthy to dye because you have not kept your Master the Lords Anointed In a word revenge it upon the cowardly Officers who fled when they should have fought but let our Innocent King and guiltless Kingdom alone Seventhly This was a Bloody Barbarous Conspiracy such an one as Hoshea made against Pekah 2 Kings 15.30 And Hoshea the son of Elah made a Conspiracy against Pekah the son of Ramaliah and smote him and slew him and Reigned in his stead The Conspiracy was not only against his Kingdom but against his Life These Conspirators designed to wade through an ocean of Blood to their wished Haven The Blood of the King the Blood of his Guards and then the Blood of his Nobles and the Blood of his Subjects must be poured out like water to quench the burning rage of their Inveterate Mallice Oh! Cursed be their Anger for it was fierce and their wrath for it was cruel like the Ofspring of Manassah that Bloody King
who filled the streets of Jerusalem with Blood which the Lord would not pardon But now oh now they are fallen into the pit which themselves have digged and their violent dealing is come down upon their own pate that cry is gone up to heaven against them Quousq Domine and upon them is come all the Righteouss Blood shed in this Land these late years from the Blood of the Famous Lord Russel to all the Blood spilt in the West by bloody Jesseries of ever cursed Memory And now behold they are under a dreadful and yet a just dispensation as the pouring out the Third Viol in Rev. 16 and 15.6.7 And the Third Angel poured out his Viol upon the rivers and fountains of waters and they became Blood and I heard the Angel of the Waters say Thou art Righteous O Lord which art and wast and shalt be because thou hast judged thus For they have shed the Blood of Saints and Prophets and thou hast given them Blood to drink for they are worthy And I heard another out of the Alter say Even so Lord God Almighty true and righteous are thy Judgments O how just and right is that rod of Vengeance now upon them for all their bloody dealings against the best Men in our Land O! that they would see the just hand of God in making them to reap the fruit of their own doings and to drink of that Cup which they mingled for others more righteous than themselves 8thly This was a base ignominious Conspiracy like that in the second of Kings 21.23 And the Servants of Amon Conspired against him and slew the King in his own House Houses are Places of Rest and Security where may a Man expect Safety but in his own House But this was no Sanctuary for poor Amen for his Treacherous Enemies made a Butcher's Shambles of his Royal Pallace Our Dread Sovereign retiring from his Annual Toils and Labours in the Martial Camp for a little rest in the Winter Season thought as justly he might to find nothing but quietness and Security in his own Mansion amongst his own Subjects who were blessed and honoured with his Presence But so contrary to all expectation these Pigmire Cowards who durst not look him in the Face in the Field of War inhumanely resolved to Attack him in the place of Peace But the great God has graciously frustrated their horrid Design and by his wonderful Providence delivered up many of their Persons to be responsible unto Justice Though they thought themselves secure and did not doubt of the Event concluding in their Minds with their Brethren of Old Neh. 4.11 And our Adversaries said they shall not know nor see till we come in the midst of them and slay them and cause the Work to cease So these Conspirators the Adversaries of God and of his People and of the Liberties and Welfare of this Land said in their Hearts the King shall not know the Parliament shall not know the People shall not know till we come on a sudden in the midst of the Guards and slay the King and fall upon the unwary Subjects and so cause the work of preparing for the next Campaign to cease O rare Project O brave Contrivance Ah but though they would not let Man know it God knew it and has most wonderfully revealed it to the Comfort and rejoycing of the Godly and all the lovers of England's Prosperity but to Amazement and Confusion of her Enemies O how do the Dukes of Palestina tremble How do the Inhabitants of Canaan melt away how are all the Devotees of Rome gnawing their Fingers for Madness at this happy Disappointment Thus have I given you some short hints of this Conspiracy not with aggravating Imbellishments for truly 't is as uncapable of receiving any as I am of giving Res ipsa loquitur The thing it self speaks louder than I can do This day is that Scripture fulfilled Psalm 11.2 For the Wicked bend their Bow they make ready their Arrow upon the String that they may privily shoot at the upright in Heart The Bows of our Conspirators were ready their Arrows were upon the String to shoot at our upright-hearted Sovereign who designs ill to none and whose Pious Soul could hardly be brought to think so ill of the worst of Caitifs that they should have so base a Project against him concerning which I will allude to those words of Israel spoke in abhorrence to what was done to the Levite's Concubine Judges 19 30. And it was so that all that saw it said there was no such deed done no● seen from the Day that the Children of Israel came up out of the Land of Egypt unto this Day Consider of it take advice and speak your Minds Let us consider this Plot as promoted if not contrived by the greatest of Men as the Master-piece of the Jesuits subtilty as directly levelled at the Foundation of our Religion as most horridly ungrateful as the result of an Union among those who never in any thing else could unite as grounded upon a false bottom and Sham-pretence as most Hellishly Bloody and Barbarous as very Base and Ignominious I say let these things be well weighed and then consider of it and speak your Minds whether ever there was such a Conspiracy acted upon the Stage of England since it was a Civilized Nation and taking in all these Circumstances let any Man produce a parallel plot in any History whether Sacred or prophane whether ancient or modern and I will heartily thank him as the greatest Novelty he can oblige the Learned with but I am very well assured no such Parallel can be found O then How much are we bound to God for his steping in between us and the execution of so matchless a design Now let us a little consider What this Conspiracy is eventually and what God has by his over-ruling Providence wrought by it Verily he hath brought forth sweet out of this strong and meat out of this eater and Glory be to his name for ever First This Conspiracy shews the Judgment of God to be most dreadfully upon the Conspirators that he has blinded their Eyes hardned their Hearts infatuated their Counsels and left them so far to split upon this Fatal Rock of Combination that the same end might overtake them as Amons Murderers were brought to 2 Kings 21 24. And the People of the Land slew all them that conspired against King Amon. Oh! How long might these Virmin have lived as a Plague to our Land Hatching Mischief Contriving Plots and working Wickedness under ground if Heaven had not brought them upon the stage by this execrable design of theirs O! How has the hand of God been upon them that they might reel and stage and fall backward God has answered the Prayer of the Church with respect to these miserable wretches Psal 104.35 Let Sinners be consumed out of the Earth and let the wicked be no more These Conspirators were Sinners great Sinners first rate
Sinners and God has left them to blindness of heart that they might be consumed out of the Earth they were wicked above measure and therefore he has filled them with the devices of their own way that they might be no more Secondly This was a Conspiracy countermined by God's great Wisdom near a kin to that 2 Kings 14.19 Now they made a Conspiracy against him in Jerusalem and he fled to Lachish but they sent after him to Lachish and slew him there But this policy of the Conspirators did them no great kindness for Azariah his son was King after him and he built Elath and restored it to Judah And pray what has all the cunning stratagems and contrivances of our Jesuitical gang availed them no doubt they were cock-sure in succeeding and boasted before hand of the event As Pharoah when he vainly and triumphantly cryed out I will pursue I will overtake I will divide the spoil my Lust shall be satisfied upon them I will draw ●●e Sword my hand shall destroy them Well what was the end of this vain-glorious flourish why Moses tells us in the next words Thou didst play with thy wind the Sea covered them they sank as lead in the mighty waters so did our Enemies rant and boast before hand and so did our God appear to dash them in pieces according to that word I sa● 94.25 That frustrateth the Tokens of Lyers that maketh Diviner● mad he turneth wise men backward and maketh their knowledge foolishness Truly God had fulfilled his word with respect to this Conspiracy They agreed to strengthen one anothers hand and encourage one another in this Cursed Attempt as confident of success which they thought they had good ground enough for But God has frustrated these vipers and made them even mad with rage and anger and now they are turned backward so backward as 't is to be hoped they w●ll never be able to set forward any more Thirdly In this Conspiracy we may see the just hand of God and what our Sins deserve the cause of the last Conspiracy seems to be assigned 2 Cron. 25.27 Now after the time that Amaziah did turn away fro● from following the Lord they made a Conspiracy against him in Jerusalem Oh how many times have we turned aside from following the Lord notwithstanding he hath done so much for us and heaped so many favours upon us How have we requited him a great deal of evil for a great deal of good He has delivered us from the claw of the Lyon and the paw of the Bear He has rescued us from the pit of Popery and Slavery when we were so near falling into it He hath restored us judges as at the first and our Counsellors as at the beginning He has hedged us about with manifold Mercies and followed us with the due of Heavenly Blessings and when he expected and that justly that we should bring forth Grapes that is fruit meet for Repentance behold nothing but the wild grapes of Hipocrisie Laciviousness and all manner of Debaucheries so that our Land is become even a Sodom and the Inhabitants a Gomorrah No wonder then that God has suffered those Shemies to Curse and these sons of Belial to Plot against us But oh notwithstanding Provocation in the midst of Judgment he has remembred Mercy and steped in between us and our designed Destruction so that we may now apply these words to our selves Psalm 7● v. 58 to 66. For they provoked him to anger with their High Places and moved him to jealousie with their graven Images When God heard this he was wroth and greatly abborred Israel So that he forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh the tent which he placed among men And delivered his strength into Captivity and his Glory into the Enemi●s hand He gave his People over also unto the Sword and was wroth with his Inheritance The fire consumed their young men and their Maidens were not given to Marriage Their Priests fell by the Sword and their Widows made no lamentation Then the Lord awaked as one out of Sleep and like a mighty man that shouteth by reason of Wine And he smote his Enemies in the hinder parts he put them to a perpetual reproach Oh! Blessed be the Lord our God it has been just so with us Fourthly This is a foolish ridic●lous Conspiracy and shews the author to have as little sense as Grace as Saul said to the Benj mites 1 Sam. 22 7 8. Then Saul said unto his Servants that stood about him Hear now ye Benjamites will the son of Jesse give every one of you Fields and Vineards and make you all Captains of Thousands and Captains of Hundreds that all of you have Conspired against me So observing the same Antonomasia give me leave ro expostulate Oh ye Promoters and Managers of this Conspiracy Would the Papists would the French let you live in so much plenty ease and Liberty that you have been thus endeavouring to make them Masters of this Land So God upbraided the folly of his People of old Jer. 2. 10 11. For pass over the Isles of Chittim and see and send unto Kedar and consider diligently and see if there be such a thing Hath a Nation changed their Gods which are yet no Gods but my People have changed their Glory for that which doth not profit Truly I think all circumstances weighed such a piece of ridiculousness as our Conspirators are eminently guilty of in this design can hardly be matched in this or any other Age. Fifthly This is a Conspiracy beyond the sphere of reason such as the the wit of man cannot give a good account of or render a tollerable reason for as Saul demanded of Ahitub 1 Sam. 22.13 And Saul said unto him Why have ye Conspired against me thou and the son of Jesse in that thou hast given him Bread and a Sword and hast enquired of God for him that he should rise against me to lie in wait as at this day Upon much clearer Topicks of Reason and Sense we may argue the case and expostulate with these rash and unadvised Conspirators Why O Why have ye undertaken an enterprize that cannot be proped up with one Argument Why have ye engaged in a cause that cannot abide the test of the least rationallity Is the constitution of the English Government of no more worth Are the Liberties and Franchies we enjoy of no more value than to be sacrificed to a French Tyranny Did you think the distance between England and France so great that 't was hard for people to know the disproportion of the one and the others Government Verily you are much mistaken I am perswa●ed that scarce the meanest Plow-man in England but knows so much the difference between English Liberty and the slavery of the poor Vassals in France that he had rather be hang'd out of the way than ever suffer a French power to be uppermost in the Land therefore your striving to alter the best and the easiest of
Inhabitants of Tyre Ashur also is joyned with them they have holpen the Children of Lot Selah Do unto them as unto the Midianites as to Sisera as to Jabin at the brook of Kison which perished at En-dor they became as dung for the Earth Make their Nobles like Oreb and like Zeeb yea all their Princes as Zebah and as Zalmuna Who said let us take to our selves the Houses of God in Possession The Epanalepsis in the first Verse shews when Enemies are so rampant in their Power so Predominant in their Conceits God will not long keep silence nor long hold his Peace no nor long be still But then he he will quickly rise up as on Mount Perezim and be Wrath as in the Valley of Gideon And surely then our Enemies coming up to the same height with these we may nay we ought to believe the Hand of God will be upon them as it was upon those several Nations who conspired against Zion And as Moses comforted the Hebrews with this Assertion The Egyptians whom ye have seen to day ye shall see them again no more for ever he then adds Exod 14.14 The Lord shall fight for you and ye shall hold your Peace That is ye shall be quiet and sedate in your Minds and not be over Anxious about it for without your Concurrence God will do the Work himself Ah Sirs God has appeared wonderfully in the Discovery of this Cursed Plot and if our Sins prevent not he will go on to finish the Work and make a final End Oh! look up look up Fifthly Then how should this make us reflect upon our Sins with true Repentance and unfeigned Sorrow which have provoked God to suffer the Enemy to make such a Progress in this Horrid Design even ready to be put in Execution This Improvement holy David made of his Son Absalom's Conspiracy when he was in a low Condition and Shimci railing at him and upon Abishai's offering to smite him he thus replied ● Sam. 16.10 And the King said What have I to do with you ye Sons of Zeruiah so let him curse because the Lord hath said unto him Curse David Who shall then say Wherefore hast thou done so As if he had said I am sensible I have many ways offended God and grieved his Holy Spirit and therefore I cannot but think and it highly becomes me so to judge it is of him as a just Judgment upon me that these Wicked Ones are let loose against me Oh that you and I and all the Inhabitants of the Land will make the like Answer this Day we have verily displeased the Great God we have Tempted him as at Missa we have provoked him as at the Waters of Mirribah we have turned aside from the good Old Way of Seriousness and Holiness and we have wandred in the By-paths of Wickedness and Abomination and therefore God has justly permitted these Agents of the Devil to plot our Ruin and Destruction and to come within a very little way of attaining it even as he said of Old Isa 10.5 ● O Assyrian the Rod of mine Anger and the staff in their Hand is mine Indignation I will send him against an Hypocritical Nation and against the People of my Wrath will I give him a Charge to take the Spoil and to take the Prey and to tread them down like the Mire of the Streets Mark it here is Vocabula Dolentis O Assyrian As if he had said It grieves me to Employ such Wicked Tools against my own People but I cannot help it their Sins are so great as even force me to it The Assirian is my Rod but 't is a sign I am angry indeed when I make use of such Rods. Well God sent the Assirians amongst us but he has countermanded them that we may make this use of it to lay every one his own Sins to heart Oh that the Nation would hear that voice crying loud in their ears Go and sin no more lest a worse thing come upon you 6thly Oh then we should learn by this and many other examples to have a care of such wicked practises to plot and contrive against Governments which being shame in this World and without the Infinite Mercy of God in the blood of Christ Eternal Torments in the other Felix quen saciunt aliena paricula cautum Solomon the wisest of Men said it before me and I by the Grace of God though the unworthiest of Men will say it after him Prov 24.21 22. My Son fear thou the Lord and the King and meddle not with them that are given to change for their Calamity shall rise suddenly and who knoweth the ruine of them both You see what Ruine has most deservedly overtaken them that desired a Change a sad Change It would have been a Change from Liberty to Slavery a Change from being English Subjects under the best of Kings to be French Vassals under the worst of Tyrants But my Beloved I hope nay I believe nay I know better things of you I am confident there is not one in this Congregation but has an English heart and knows a great deal better then to joyn with such a Virmin that delight not Peace but are always hatching and contriving Mischief the Good Lord either convert them or destroy them either shew them the Evil of their ways for their thorough and effectual conviction or hasten their confusion in their ways that they may be no longer a Plague to this poor and long harrased Land Give me leave to commend one Scripture to your serious consideration and the Lord give you Grace to have it always in your eye and imprinted upon your hearts 1 Thes 4.11 And that ye study to be quiet and to do your own business and to work with your own hands as we commanded you Be Ambitious to be quiet so is the Greek some think it their honour to be embroiled in contrivances and Conspiracies but oh do you account it your greatest honour your chiefest glory to be at Peace and to do Ta Idia that which properly belongs to you and let Governours and Governments alone 7thly We may learn That though men purposes 't is God alone that disposes hence Men may consult and lay their heads together to Plot but without God's permission all their Plotting will be but weaving Penelope's thread or as the Trojans last effort against the Graecians which the Poet thus elegantly sets forth Tela manu miseri jactabant unita Teutri Though God may suffer them to prevail against their fellow sinners yet we no where read they came to any effect against his own People for he that watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps and he hides all his in the hollow of his hand and therefore the sons of violence cannot come near to hurt them and their security from the designs of the wicked is made as firm as can be being signed with the Lords own hand Isa 54.17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall
prosper and every tongue that shall rise against thee in Judgment thou shalt condemn this is the heritage of the Servants of the Lord and their righteousness is of me saith the Lord. Men may whet their Sword and bend their Bows too shoot at People far better than themselves but the Lord will not suffer them to bring their wicked designs to pass Proud Pharoah thought himself cock sure of swallowing up Israel and of being enriched by them when he vauntingly cryed out not having respect as few such designs have to the over-ruling powers Above Exod. 15.9 10. The Enemy said I will pursue I will overtake I will divide the spoil ●y Lust shall be satisfied upon them I will draw the Sword my hand shall detroy them Thou didst blow with thy wind the Sea covered them they sank as lead in the mighty Waters He said he would pursue them and so he did else how should he overtake them he said he would overtake them and so he did else how should Israel be spectators as they were of his dreadful and most remarkable destruction but for dividing the spoil and draw his sword and having his Lust satisfyed upon them oh he missed of that 8thly Oh then we may learn the danger is never the greater to the People of God tho' many Enemies engage against them There were more than Forty of this Conspiracy and yet Paul preserved from being hurt by their Cursed Design As 't is all one with God to destroy his Enemies by few or by many so 't is all one with him to preserve his People from many of their Enemies as from few God knows how many Forties were in this Conspiracy we are commemorating this day and yet our Soveraign is safe the Land is safe and the Protestant Religion I hope secured tho' many have entered into a Hellish Combination to undermine it This was David's comfort and support notwithstanding the innumerable company of his Enemies Psal 118.10 11 12 13. All Nations compassed me about but in the name of the Lord will I destroy them they compassed me about yea they compassed me about but in the name of the Lord will I destroy them They compassed me about like bees they are quenched as the fire of Thorns for in the name of the Lord I will destroy them Thou hast thrust sore at me that I might fall but the Lord helped me David speaks here of his Enemies distributively they were of all Nations and then he speaks of them collectively as united in one man Thou hast thrust sore at me but yet the Lord helped him and in his name he destroyed that is overcame them all We may apply it to the present case the French the Irish and too many of the English encompassed our Sovereign about but God has helped him and set him above the reach of all their Mallice and our King does comfortably experience what his Predecessor did before him Psalm 27.2.3 When the wicked even my enemies and my foes came upon me to eat up my Flesh they stumbled and fell Though an Host should incamp against me my heart shall not fear Though War should rise against me in this will I be confident The Almighty has brought down his Enemies under his feet and made him confident in his saving health and oh that we could bless his holy Name for it 9thly We should then learn not to be afraid of our Enemies let their malice be never so Potent let their power be never so Rampant God can soon cut their horns he can soon smite them on the cheek-bone and break out all their Teeth Hear what the Prophet says Isa 8.9 to 15 Associate your selves o ye people and ye shall be broken in pieces c. There is nothing more unbecoming Christianity than to fear the power of Adversaries how great soever nay there can be nothing more affronting unto God for we cannot fear them but we must distrust him and the effect of that will be that he may justly leave us to stumble and fall and be broken and snared and taken we are therefore commanded here to sanctify the Lord of Hosts that is to give Glory to the Lord of Hosts by believing in and firmly relying on his power that he can and his goodness that he will save us from the greatest rage of our Enemies and if we thus sanctify God God will bless us and be a Sanctuary to us ay and a pleasant one ●oo and will give us peace in his own good time therefore we need not we ought not to fear but rather argue for our encouragement and confidence in the Lord with the Apostle 2 Cor. 1.10 Who delivered us from so great a death and doth deliver in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us Oh the Great God has delivered our King and Kingdoms and he is even now delivering us and in him we trust that he will yet deliver us from all further Plots and Conspiracies 10thly Oh! Then we should Learn to Pray for our Soveraign This is the Apostolical Injunction 1 Tim. 1.2.3 I exhort therefore that first of all supplications prayers intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men For Kings and for all that are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour Oh! has our King so many Enemies have so many Plots been laid for his precious Life have the Bulls of Bashan been Roaring against him how ought we then to pray and pray hard for him how ought we to bear him upon our hearts before the Lord that he would keep him and be a Canapy of protection over him for indeed in Praying for him we pray for our selves for our Religion for our Liberties and for all that is Dear to us for under God they all depend on him if he be taken away Oh what will become of us 'T was a black day when our Famous Queen dyed but Oh it would be much blacker if he should be gone too Then we might in Sorrow of Heart say as once Job did Cap. 30.31 My harp is turned into mourning and ●y Organ into the voice of them that weep Surely our Joy would be turn'd ●nto sorrow our light into darkness and all our pleasant things would be ●id wast When he goes into Flanders Oh! Let us send up our Prayers ●ith strong Cries and Groans to Jehovah the God of Armies that he will command his Host of Angels to Encamp round about him that 〈◊〉 of his Enemies may have power to touch him That he may go 〈◊〉 in the Name and strength of the Lord the Lord mighty in Battel an●●● turn Laden with the plentiful experiences of his Goodness 11thly Then this should teach us to be united Are there so m●●● Conspirators more then forty ye then many forty 's of them and are 〈◊〉 Unanimous in their wicked designs and shall not we be united in the 〈◊〉 way Psal 133.1 Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to 〈◊〉 together in unity And as it is most pleasent so it is most safe For 〈◊〉 divisible est Corruptibile Oh! how excellent was Josephs advice Gen. 45. ●● So he sent his brethren away and they departed and he said unto them see 〈◊〉 ye fall not out by the way The Lord help us to mind and follow this go●●● Counsel now in this great and Critical day that is come upon us Oh! 〈◊〉 the two sticks may Cement and become one again if it be the Lords b●●sed will 12thly And lastly Oh then we should learn to set the Crown of 〈◊〉 great Deliverance upon Gods own head and give him the praise and Gl●●● of it Who hath delivered his servant from the hurtful Sword Psal 98. 〈◊〉 2. O sing unto the Lord a new song for he done marvellous things his right h●● and his holy arm hath gotten him the victory The Lord hath made known his ●●vation his righteousness hath he openly shewed in the sight of the heathen 〈◊〉 arm is here meant the strength and power of God by his right hand 〈◊〉 meant his glorious Majesty that has appear'd in so wonderful a man●● this day So that we may all cry out in the language of the Church 〈◊〉 124.6 7 8. Blessed be the Lord who hath not given us as a Prey 〈◊〉 their teeth Our Soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the Fowl●● the snare is broken and we are escaped Our help is in the name of 〈◊〉 Lord who made Heaven and Earth Oh that we could praise him inde●● for this never to be forgotten mercy with our Lips and in our Lives ●●membring always that great word Whoso offereth Praise Glorifie 〈◊〉 me and to him that ordereth his Conversation aright will I shew t●● Salvation of God FINIS