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A10614 A treatise conteining two parts 1 An exhortation to true loue, loyaltie, and fidelitie to her Maiestie. 2 A treatise against treasons, rebellions, and such disloyalties. Written by Michael Renniger. Renniger, Michael, 1530-1609. 1587 (1587) STC 20888; ESTC S106425 154,771 309

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could neuer be gotten out againe But as Fabian saith they wer cōtinually abiding in one place or other till the time of Hardikinitus the last king of the Danes blood as the English Chronicle calleth him Fabian the 6 part cap. 198 who is called also Canutus of other And they did so ouerspread and ouerflow the land The Danes called Lord Danes in Englishmens howses that as Fabian telleth the Danes were as Lords in priuate mens houses and they called them Lord Danes They imployed the husbandmen to care sow the ground to works of al druggery as Fabiā saith the Dane held his wife at his pleasure his daughter seruant And when the husbandman came home he should scarsly haue of his owne as seruants had as Fabian reporteth it Yet for feare and dread in euery suche house where they had rule they called them Lord Dane But after the Danes were voyded the land in despite derision of them it was turned into a word of reproch whē one wold rebuke an other he would as Fabian saith for the most part call him Lurdane Lurdaine a word of reproch Is not this a notable glasse of experience in our own Countrie also to warne all true Englishmen to be warned and armed against all inuasions and forraine forces if they wil be maisters owners of their owne houses of their wiues childrē goods as by experience in their own Coūtrie heretofore they may see in such cases As we haue looked into the leaders Captains of the Saxons so let vs hear of the Captaines leaders of the Danes into this land The leaders of the Danes Fabian the 6 parte Hubba Hunguoar or Hungar Guttran or Garmund Fabian the 6 part cap. 172 Vnder king Etheldredus the 3. son of king Adaulphus Hubba Hunguoar or Hungar were Captaines and leaders of the Danes into the land Vnder king Aluredus one Guttran or Gothian or Garmund as the English Chro. calleth him was the great leader ruler of the Danes with whō king Alured made cōpositiō that he should be christned 20. of the cheefe and principall persons of them were Christned with him And he allotted to him East Anglia contayning Norfolke and Suffolke and parte of Cambridgeshire to abyde in But greedie Guttrū could not be satisfied with these coūtries for while he liued he continued a tyrant by the space of eleuen yeres An other Captain called Ciyto landed in East Englande vnder Edward surnamed the Elder Clyto And at last vnder Egelredus king of this land driuen to flie first into the Wight Swanus Fabian the 6 part cap. 198 Canutus Fabian the 6 part cap. 24. Edmund Ironside after into Normādy they aduanced their kingdom vnder Swanus king of Denmark after him vnder Canutus his son with whō king Edmund surnamed Ironside first diuided the land and after his death by treason of Edricus Canutus alone reigned ouer the whole land Thus of the leaders of the Danes and their diuiding of the lande and how at the last the whole land fell to their share Nowe though Hubba and Hungar their Captaines were slaine as Fabian reporteth out of Polichronicon Fabian the 6 part cap. 170 yet Captaine Hungar still remaineth Captain Hūgar the Dane who hungreth after the fat of this land and fain wold be bringing in of forraine forces to haue dealings in the land and in diuision to make thēselues a partie as the Saxons and Danes did and that they may fall a sharing the lande as Saxons and Danes did before and at length get the land and all as they did And by whatsoeuer name they bee called if wee looke into the right qualitie and disposition of suche though they are not captaine Hūgar in name yet in true meaning and intent they are of his right rase for they hūger after the land wold fain haue diuision amongst vs that they may make themselues a partie and so haue their confederates in the land to winde themselues in and at last to winne the land Though captaine Guttrum or Gurmond be dead Captaine Guitrum or Gurmond who coulde not bee satisfied with a share of great Countries in England but played the Tyrant and cutthroate still yet such greedie guttrans or gurmands remaine who gape ouer the Realme ready for occasions and woulde faine satisfie their greedy guts with the rauen and ransacking of it And is there any that hath true Englishe blood in him that can betray his owne Countrie and cast it as a pray into the rauening iawes greedy guts of such Guttrons or Hungars God keep our Prince and Realme from such Hungars Guttrons that continually gape ouer her and vs to deuoure vs and giue true wisedome to all naturall subiects of England by such experience and examples of our Countrie heretofore to be warned against all such as practise by confederating themselues with forraine forces to bring suche Captaine Hungars or Guttrons vpon vs whose hunger cannot bee quenched but out of the body and bowels of this land Thus of the inuasion of the Danes and their leaders The inuasion of the Normans Fabian the 6 part ca. 217. After the Normans inuaded this land vnder William the Conquerour and king Harold being slaine in the field they subdued it The Normans had the preheminences of honours and offices in both estates The Englishmen were vnder them Fabian the 6 part ca. 222. and great tributes were laid on them and after sundrie attempts by sundrie persons made in vain the Englishmen learned to serue straungers into whose hands God had put thē The Romans The Romans ruled in this land had so good liking thereof that Seuerus the Emperour after his great victories of the Parthians and Arabians Seuerus the Emperor imploied himselfe here Fabian the 4 part cap. 61. and for the defence of the Coūtrie against the inuasion of the Pictes he caused a wall of Turues to be made of the length of 122. myles as Polichronicon witnesseth and at length in a battaile himselfe against Fulgenius Leader of the Pictes who inuaded the lande hee was slaine and buried at Yorke Fulgenius leader of the Picts The Troians The Troians vnder Brute first entered the lande and well liking the fruitfulnesse thereof determined heere to pitch their dwelling and by the Riuer of Thames they built a Citie which in remembrance of their owne Countrie they called Troy-nouant London and which after was enlarged by King Lud and was called Luds Towne and which nowe is called London as Fabian reporteth Thus of the experience examples and case of our Countrie touching forraine forces and inuasion of strangers If any warning will serue seeing God hath set vp so many warninges spectacles in the experience of our owne cases in our owne Countrie we should now receiue warning and be wise in such cases vnlesse wee will be still strangers in our owne stories and affaires
Gagwin ●n anna Reg. Franc. lib 2. Holderich the traitor i●●reward and seeing Gods iudgement on them vtterly they may shun and detest them The wickednesse of traitors commeth on their owne heads their mischief on their own pates What was Holderich the olde and ranke traitour and murderer his rewarde who of Fredegonde Queene of Soisons in Fraunce was hired to murder Queene Brunchild in her Courte Hee was putte to torture and the bastinado And after hee came to Queene Fredegond for her reward shee charging him with cowardice caused his hands and feete which in treasons and murders long he had abused to bee cut off and that was the traitours rewarde The two Traitours that of the same Fredegond were set sent to kill Sigisbert king of Mees or Austracia according to Fabian in his campe Ro. Cagw in annali Fran. ●ib 2. awaiting their time committing the murder were hewen of the souldiers in peeces Edricus the traitor Edricus surnamed of Strattō was a rank traitor first to Egelred after to king Edmond surnamed Ironside after him to king Canutus the first king of Danes that after Edmond reigned ouer the land to his own country in the inuasion of Danes How euer the Prince changed Edricus did not chang but was a traytor to his Prince a traytor to his Country He was grown in great estate of honour vnder king Egelredus and vnder others after But hee coulde not containe himselfe in his estate He turned truth into treason With many treasons hee trauailed and hee reaped the reward of his treasons in the end Because it is a notable example of our owne Countrie and worthy as a spectacle to be set vp to warne all I wil open it more at large Edricus was from a low state and birth as Fabian saith by king Egelredus first aduaunced to bee Duke of Mercia Fab. in chro 6. par ca. 199 and hee cōmited the conduct and regiment of soldiers vnto him And when vpon the kings commaundement hee hadde assembled the west Saxons to withstand the entrie of the Danes vnder Swanus their king and the hoastes should ioyne Edricus sicke when he should fight Edricus fayned himselfe sicke and fled from his people to the great aduantage and comfort of the enemies Thus when it cōmeth to a dead lift Fabian in Chro. the 6. part cap. 198 Edricus treasō in the battaile treason betrayeth al. And vnder king Edmond called Ironsid in a battaile in Worcestershire as Fabian telleth it when the Danes were like to be discomfited Edricus the traytor pight a dead mans head on a speares head and cryed to the English hoast Fabian in Chro. the 6. part cap. 240 that it was the head of kinge Edmond to daunt the courages of English men and to set the Danes agog vpon them But king Edmond sped him to that parte of the field and so incouraged his souldiers that he had rather the better then the woorse After Edricus fearing the great courage and good successe of kinge Edmond and to saue his land as Fabian saith humbly shued to be receiued into his grace and fauour Fab. in chro 6. par ca. 204 swore to bee true subiect to him But olde trecherie would not suffer new sworne truth to take place in him for after when the hoasts of king Edmond and Canutus mette at Ashdown Edricus after long sight fled to the cōfort of the Danes Thus fighting and flying it was all one with Edricus for when hee should fight he would flee or be sick and haue some excuse and with smooth words set forth matters of small importance Edricus the traytors excuses His flying out of the battaile at Ashdowne he did so excuse as Fabian saith that no man might charge him with any defaulte Hee would turne himselfe vnto manye excuses as Poets fayne that Proteus kinge of Egypt would turne himselfe into manie formes Proteus king of Egypt because the manner was of the Egyptian kings to weare on their heades the formes and forepartes of a Lion Bull Dragon Caro Ste. in dictio Hist Poe. or armes of their estate and sometimes a tree or fire or fragrant ointmentes and thereof Poets fayned of Proteus that he chaunged himselfe into many formes So Edricus could change himselfe into many formes of excuses Hee was eloquent of speech as Fabian sayth and false of heart Fabian in Chro. 6. part cap. 199. and with faire wordes would blanch out fowle treasons Hee was onely constant in his inconstance warbling with a wayward minde and doubling in dealings of great importance He practised treason gainst his owne Country for the Danes vnder kinge Egeldredus and vnder kinge Edmond after him Fabian telleth the reporte of Guido King Edmōd killed at the withdraught howe by his and Edricus his sonne their treasons Edmond came to his death As hee satte at the withdraught Edridus his sonne awayting him strocke him with a speare into the fundament wherof shortely after hee died Then Edricus the father with great haste sped him to king Canutus Edricus the traitors head exalted on the highest gate who then with king Edmond reigned ouer halfe the lande for by composition for ending of ciuill warres the land was deuided betweene them and hee thought for his tidinges greatly to haue been exalted But king Canutus according to Guido his reporte cammaunded his head to be stricken of and pight on a speare and exalted vpon one of the highest gates of London Chronica Fructus temp the 6. parte Thus according to that storie Edricus was exalted for his treasons which returned to his own head Though it seeme fabulous to Polidore that Chronica Fructus temporum telleth of king Edmonds death and Edricus treason yet because of the strāgnes of the deuise I wil note it This Edrick of Stratton inuited king Edmond to lodge at his house and at night as the king should goe to his lodging in the way was set vppe a beautifull Image with a bowe bent and an arrowe in it and when the king approched to see it anone it discharged the arrowe and shot the king through the bodie for it was an engin made for that purpose to lure the king to the gase and to slea him And after that Edricke his report to king Knoght thereof for Canutus so is called hee abhorred him for his treason and as a traytor commaunded him to be bound and cast into the riuer of Thames Thus Chronica Fructus temporum rehearseth the storie or the deuise in steed of the storie as it seemeth to Polidor Fabian noteth out of Marian the Scot another varietie of the storie that king Edmond dyed at London of naturall sicknesse for there out of the same Marian he telleth that after the death of king Edmond Edricus flatterie Fabian in Chro. 6. par● cap. 205. this Edrick grew in such deepe fauour with king Knoght or Canut by his sugred wordes as
then disgarnished of the robes of his estate Polid. Hist Angl. lib. 18. and after put in execution Polidor telleth of a pacte or platte of treason made with Robert kinge of Scotes by him with his owne opinion in the ende Thus Sir Andrew Herkelies treason turned on his owne head in the ende Sir Roger Mortimer surnamed of Wigmor may for his aduauncemēt first Sir Roger Mortimer Fabian the 7 part in an 1324. corruption and treasons after well bee ioyned to him Vnder Edward the second being committed to the Tower hee made escape by giuing a sleeping drinke to his keepers as Fabian witnesseth Then he gotte him into Fraunce to Queene Isabell daughter to Philippe Lebew and wedded to kinge Edward Polidor Hist lib. 18. whom kinge Edward with her sonne hadde sent into Fraunce to intreat a concord and peace betweene Charles the French king and him After the returne of Queene Isabell Prince Edward her son with force of armes after the deposing of Edward the 2. in the Parliament holden at London Fabian in an 1328. Fabian the 7 part in an 1326. Sir Roger Mortimer who returned likewise in their retinue was by the singular fauour of Queene Isabell in wthose Court he bare the sway aduaunced in the Parliament of Salisburie vnder Edward the third to bee Earle of March as Sir Andrew the aforesaid was vnder Edward the second his father preferred to bee Earle of Carlile or Cardoile as is mentioned before And in the end this Sir Roger of Wigmor was executed for treason against his Prince and Countrie as the same Sir Andrew was But this Sir Roger was mounted farre higher in fauour in the Court and in the regiment dealings of estate and cause of profite that did accrew to the Crowne And hee had great troupes and routes hanging on him Chronica Fructus temp the 7. parte as Chronica Fructus temporum telleth what a number of knightes were retayned to him when hee was taken The regiment of the lande and affayres of profitte passed through the Queenes hands and his And the Lordes before assigned to haue the guiding of the yong king were sequestred so that alone the rule of the lande as Fabian sayeth rested in the Queene and the said Sir Roger Fabian the 7. part in an 1328. And great things of the realme saith he were out of order But Sir Roger bare himself so high that at length hee plucked both the king and his Councell vppon him So that in time by the king his assent and the meanes of Sir William Montague and sir Rafe Stafford and sir Iohn Neuel and others hee was by a compassed meane as Fabian termeth it arrested and takē in the castle of Nottingham Fabian the 7 part in anno 1329. where the king and Queene then lay The keyes of the castle were daily and nightly vnder the ward and keeping of the said sir Roger as Fabian saith Chronica Fructus Temporum telleth Chro. Fruct temp 7. part that the Constable of the Tower led sir William Montague and his companie a priuie way vnder earth euen into the Tower where sir Roger was lodged From thence with sir Simon of Bedford and others he was sent to the Tower of London And in the end for his priuitie to the death of king Edward the second the king his father Fabian the 7 part in anno 1330. for other treasons charged and proued against him in the Parliament at London he was by authoritie of the same Parliament Fabian witnessing it iudged to death And vppon S. Andrewes euen next ensuing at London he was drawen and hanged He was charged not onely with treason against Edward the seconde the kings father to haue been the meanes of his most traiterous death fearing least nature woulde worke in the young king to set him at libertie againe Polidor hist Ang. lib. 18. as Polidore noteth and because Queene Isabel had written likewise letters of kindnesse vnto him but also hee was charged with treason against king Edward the 3. his sonne against his countrie to haue been the meane that the Scots escaped from the king at Stanhop park where they had fallen into the kings danger ne had byn the fauour of the said sir Roger then shewed to them further that an vnprofitable dishonorable peace as Fabian termeth it was by his meane concluded betweene the king and the Scots For first as Fabian writing of the Parliament of Northampton saith the king released to the Scots their fealtie and homage Fabian the 6 part in anno 1327. And he deliuered to them olde auncient writinges sealed with the seales of the kings of Scots Lords of the land both spiritual and temporal with many other Charters and Patentes by the which the kings of Scots obliged thē to bee ●eodaries to the crowne of England At which season also were deliuered certaine iewels which beforetimes had been wonne from the Scots The blacke crosse of Scotland Chro. Fruct temp in Edward ●qe 3. among the which the blacke Crosse of Scotland is specially named Chronica Fructus Temporū according to the blacke darknesse of the superstitious time saith that this black Crosse was a ful precious relike which good king Edward conquered in Scotland brought it out of the Abbey of Stone And maketh mentiō also of the famous Indenture called Ragman Ragman the Indenture of the homages and fealties of Scotlande which the Scots made to king Edward king Henry his son in which were conteined all the homages and fealties first of of the king of Scotland all the Prelates Earles and Barons of the Realme of Scotland with their seales set there vnder other charters remembrances that king Edward and his Barons had of their right in the aforesaid realm of Scotland Fabian the 7 part in anno 1327. Of this Indenture Ragman mention is made also in the article obiected to this sir Roger at his arraignment before the iudges of the Parliament in London Thus the said sir Roger for sundrie treasons against his Prince Countrie was openly arraigned condemned executed as is aforesaid And thus of the treasons of Edric of Stratton of Eltrick the Admiral sir Andrew Hardikel sir Roger Mortimer of Wigmor and the executiō done on thē To these I will adde the notable exāple of Hebert Earle of Vermandois in France of his treason against Charles king of France surnamed the Simple Hebert his execution vnder Lewes the 5. of the name And the example of Q. Brunchild in France Brunchild for her treasons the strāge execution done on her Metius Suffetius And likewise on the murderers of Charles Earle of Flaunders on Metius Suffetius and on two Traitors of the chamber of Frotho king of Danes Polido And these abundantly may suffice for the ending of this treatise First touching Hebert his treasons against Charles the Simple Ro. Gag
Monsters that the fame of them should not be hard to wound the tender sent of nature that neere them there might be no speach of thē Would God such monsters in nature that are ready to betray their own Countries were so far from vs that we might not heare the fame of them much lesse that we should need to feare them But the greatest daunger is when they are in the bossome and bowels of our Countrie which secretlie gnawe in them and are readie to eate through them They may be compared to Sobna of whom the Prophet Esai maketh mentiō who was greatly aduaūced of the godlie king Hesechiah Sobna Esai 22. outwardlie bare his countenance that he would liue and die with him made for himself a sepulcher in Herusalem as if he would lay his bones there But he had a false hart a lingering in his hart after the Assyrians the enemies to his Prince and Countrie which made inuasion on them And his false hart deceiued him for he was carried away captiue into a far Coūtrie according to Gods threatning by the Prophet there he ended his life in confusion God deliuer vs from such Sobnaes that haue lingering harts after the enemies of our Prince Countrie whatsoeuer countenāce outwardly they make and lay open their trayterous harts and practises against the sacred person of our prince her royal estate our Countrie Thus of those that haue lingering in their harts after inuasions of forraine forces The 11. cheefe matter The 11. is what hath been the case of this Realme in inuasions of forraine forces and strangers heretofore and of other Countries in like case and what should be our refuge and stay against such inuasions Our own Country doth minister to vs sufficient experience in the case Of inuasion of strangers and forraine force The foūtaines are small that feede great riuers Of small occasions at first as out of fountaines issue grow and flow out great floods gulfes that ouerflow whole Countries We may see the experience in king Vortigerne his time King Vortigerne Aurelius Vter Who being distressed by troubles at home and fearing ciuil wars inuasiō by Aurelius Vter the sons of king Constantine whose death by treason he had procured and practised before sent for forraine forces Panims Saxons for his aid The inuasion of the Sax●● Horsus Hengist Fabian in his Cron. the 5. part cap. ●3 Then came in Horsus Hengist the Saxons first into this land for Vortigerne distrusting his own subiectes affied himselfe in strangers forrain forces in the end he was himselfe vnhorsed discōfited by Aurelius Vter whō he feared and the whole land was made a bootie pray for the Saxons They cāe in first stealing in by troupes after troupes companies after cōpanies The Caspian Sea Plinius nat ra Histo 〈◊〉 6. cap. 3. Like the Caspian Sea stealeth in and breaketh in at streightes at first as Plinie writeth but after moūteth into a great Sea ouerfloweth in the maine land First Horsus and Hengist came in with their cōpanies after the fame sprāg of the fat of the land Fabiā the 5. part cap. 83. Ella Porch Fabian the 5 part cap. 94. Vffa Fabian the 5. part cap. 96. as Fabian saith one Ella a Saxon came in with his 3. sons landed in the south part of Britō And after came in a Soxon named Porch with his two sons of whō the hauen Porchmouth is called as Fabiā noteth And one Vffa a Saxon with his troupes intruded himselfe into Norfolke and Suffolke and other Saxons in other places Finally as Catterpillers they deuoured the fat and fruite of the land they raigned the Britons serued This may be a president and mirror for Englishmen to looke into to see what hath beene the case of their Country when strangers and forraine forces haue come vpon them Let vs perticulerlie looke into the storie of Hengist Hengists storie it is notable and worthy to be renued in remembrance of Englishmen When Hengist so liked the land Ronouen Hengists daughter Fabian the 5 part cap. 82. that he thought to plant himselfe here he sent for Ronouen his daughter who came in with 16. saile After he had got footing in the land first he conteined himselfe in certaine boundes but after at a Sea he brake ouer the bankes and ouerflowed the maine land He obtayned of king Votigerne first so much land as he could lay out with a Buls hide which he cut out into thonges and hee compassed a great circuit of ground with it Thongcastle Fabian the 5 part cap. 83. and built him a Castle thereon and he called it thonge Castle And after he left cutting out of thonges out of the Buls hide and be fell to cutting out Prouinces and Countries out of the maine land in the East part of Briton Then in steed of Thongcastle Fabian the 5 part cap. 89. Hengist king of Kent Fabian the 5 part cap. 95. Ella his kingdome Fabian the 5 part cap. 94. Vffa his kingdome Fabian the 5 part cap. 96. hee made himselfe kinge of Kent and raigned there 24. yeeres and after him Ochra his sonne ruled other 24. yeeres This kingdome endured aboue 300. yeeres as Fabian rehearseth out of Polichronicon Ella another Saxon set vp his kingdome ouer the South Saxons Aurelius being then king of Briton And Vffa an other Saxon reigned ouer the Eastangles now called Norfolke Suffolke Thus they fel a deuiding the land amōgst thē first they came in for aide of king Vortigerne when diuision was in the land and after they fell to deuiding the land and making shares to themselues till they got land and al. Will not such examples of our owne experience in our owne Countrie heretofore make Englishmen wise against al practises of inuasions and forraine forces What hartes or bowels of nature haue they which can haue any lingering hope after forraine forces Doe they looke to aduaunce themselues in the ruins of their Countrie Either they knowe not or haue forgotten the saying of Caesar Caesar I loue treason but I hate the traytor The verie heathens abhorred them notwithstanding they reaped benifite by them Let all true harted subiectes of England beware of them which by the dore of diuision at home would let in forraine forces to make their shares out of the bodie and bowels of our Countrie The inuasion of the Danes Let vs looke into the inuasions of the Danes also which is an other glasse of like experience for all true Englishmen to looke into In the first inuasion of the Danes when they descried diuision in the land they ioyned themselues with one part made thēselues a partie with the West Britons against Egbert king of west Saxōs Fabian the 6 part cap. 158 And after they had made themselues a partie in the land so had their confederates in the land they
and prouisions betrayed to the Danes the king driuen to forsake the land the Danes in peaceable possession reigned ouer it Canutus the elder first Pol. Angl. Hist li. 7. and Canutus the sonne after in the English Chronicle as Polidor saith falsly called Hardy-Canutus Polidor nameth before them Stueno called Swanus in the Englishe Chronicle Saxo Gram. Hist Danic lib. 10. Saxo Grammaticus who wrot the storie of the Danes 300. yeeres since telleth how Harald Earle Godwines sonne ridde the Danes of the lande by feastinge them with sumptuous entertainment firste and after by setting on them vnwares by night So that way they came in that way they went out by treasons they preuailed and by treasons they were dispatched as Saxo the wryter of their stories noteth Nothing could satisfie the Danes but the whole land No honours could satisfie Elfrick and Edrick that by sea and lande kinge Eldred first layed on them The Countrie wolud not conteine them the estates of honour would not houlde them They are like to those that haue the hungrie sicknesse called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Appetentia canina as Galen calleth it which is a deuouring and vnsatiable hunger Galenus de Symp. causis lib. 1. And as greedy stomackes surcharged with surfets are ouercome and quaile and bring the whole bodie to decay so their greedy appetits surcharged aboue strength bringeth their whole state to decay The greedinesse of traytors is like to the sicknesse Appetentia canina compared to rauening of Dogges for they would deuoure Princes and rauen Coūtries if they were powerable as their greedy stomackes serue them But looke on the ends of them whom the regiment by sea would not content as Elfrick nor Dukedome of Mertia by lande as Edrick Fabian reporting it the first was made blind by land that would not see by sea the other was cast into a stincking ditche as some note or his head was exalted on the highest gate of London as others tel of him who was not satisfied to haue his head exalted in the highest estate of honour vnder his Prince aboue all subiectes in the lande Fabian the 7 part ca. 260. Eight foote of lande houldeth him as in the funerall verse of Henry the second is mentioned whom beside England great climates and Countries would not contayne When the gates of England were committed to Elfrick and Edrick two such cappitall traytors so corrupted with treasons no maruaile though the Danes not onely rushed in but at length ouercame 〈◊〉 land If they had not fought with gold by traytors in the land they could not with their yron so haue made their way to haue wonne the land It is an old pollicie and practise of Danes Saxo Grammaticus writeth Saxo Gram. Hist Danicae lib. 2. whē that Frotho the first kinge of Danes of that name inuaded Scotland and the Englishmen came down to the reskew he seeing himselfe like to be ouerset that there was no trying of it with the yron blade deuised with glittering gold to fight against them Hee causeth all the gold that was in his hoast and stuffe of price to be strowed ouer the fildes as they should come And when they fell on their pray and were laden hee fell on them as Saxo saith and the Britons with their blood bought their pray So it hath been the aunciēt practise of Danes with gold to make their way for their yron And hauing 2. such gulfes of gold as Edrick and Elfrick were what maruaile though the gates of England were sette open to them As they got themselues in by gold and the infection of treason in the lande so they were as Saxo their owne Countreeman reporteth at last put out by the potte Saxo Gram. Hist Dani. lib. 5. when after great feasting they were ouerladen And Saxo confesseth it to be the infection of his Countrie Dani vt patria pace loquar siccandis certatim calicibus assuescunt The Danes saith he by my owne Countries leaue bee it spoken are wont to trie maisteries in making drie cuppes Fabian the 6. part cap. 200. King Edgar brought the Danes to obeisans and he bridled that vice in them by making a law against quaffing and appointing cuppes with nailes and markes to restraine that excesse which by example and prouoking of Danes began commonly to grow Thus of Elfrick maister or Admirall of king Eldred his Nauie and Edrick the two Capitall traytors of the land who betrayed their Prince and Countrie And beside them one Almaricus a Deacon of Canterbury the Cittie of Swanus being besieged 20. Fab. the 6. part ca. 200. Almaricus dayes betrayed it to the Danes This Almaricus had his life saued before by Elphegus Archbishoppe there and for recompence he betrayed him and the Cittie also There is no more vngratfull monster in the worlde then treason It will bee ready to teare out their throtes that haue saued their liues As for benefites they passe through them and washe ouer them as the seas our the sandes and shoares and they nothing the better One Hugh a Norman of Queene Emma aduaunced to bee Earle of Deuonshire for requitall of so great an honour betrayed Exeter to Swanus kinge of Danes as Fabian in his Chronicle telleth who beat downe the walles and brake into the land Fab. the 6. part ca. 198. Sir Andrew of Harkeles Fab. the 7. part in anno 1321 Sir Andrew of Harkeley for seruice done to kinge Edward the second in the Barrons warres in taking Thomas Earle of Lancaster and other Barrons was aduaunsed to be Earle of Carlile After that he was sent to leuie a great power to bringe to the kinge into the North against the Scotes But hee had deuoured so much gold of Sir Iames Douglas of Scotland Chronica Fructus temp the 7. parte Fabian the 7. part in an 1223. as Chronica Fructus temporum noteth that hee could not come in time to the kings aide at the battaile of Beigland Abbay So the king was like to haue beene taken at dinner his hoast was discomfited his treasure and great ordinance taken Then fame began to blow her trumpet that this was long of Sir Andrew of Harkley his treason In proces the Earle by the kinges commission was arreasted of Sir Anthonie Lucie Fabian in an 1224. and Fabian reporting it out of Gefferie of Mommuth was arrayned at Cordoile in Wales Fabian noted before that hee was of Edward the second made Earle of Carlile or Cardoile Polidor Hist Angl. lib. 18. Polidor calleth him Comitem Carleolensem and there conuicted for taking mony of the Scotes to betray the king for which treason he was there or after other at Westchester or Shrewlburie drawen and hanged and his head sente to London and sette on the Bridge Chro. Fruct temp 7. part Chronica Fructus Temporum telleth howe hee was for his treason first disgraded his spurres hewed from his heeles his sword broken ouer him and