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B07393 The doctrine of the Bible: or, Rules of Discipline. Briefelie gathered through the whole course of the Scripture, by waie of questions and answers.. 1608 (1608) STC 3024; ESTC S91084 142,227 493

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37.32 Qu. What was the fruit of these sins An. They procured disquiet of conscience in themeselues teares to their olde father whom they ought rather to haue comforted 37.34 Qu. Did this policy of theirs ere the more preuent the subiection which they feared An. No God prospered Joseph and gaue him fauour in the Court of Egypt Qu. With whom An. VVith Potiphars Pharaobs chiefe Steward Qu. How did Ioseph shew himselfe there to be the seruant of God An. In resisting the lust of Poptiphars wife Qu. What is the nature of lust being esisted An. It growes impudent and outragious chap. 39.14 Qu. Shew an instance An. Potiphars wife when she sawe Ioseph would not yeeld to her accused him that he would haue rauished her Quest Did God suffer her accusation to take effect An. Yes Ioseph was imprisoned Qu. He being guiltles why would God suffer that wrong to be laid vpon him An. For two causes Qu. Which be they An. First that by his strange de liuerance he might haue greater cause to glorifie his name and secondly to make his lewde disgrace a cause of higher promotion Qu. How was Ioseph deliuered An. By interpreting the Kinges dreame Qu. How was he aduanced An. Hee was made Ruler ouer all Egypt Qu. What was the plague God laide vpon his brethren for selling him An. They were oppressed with a mightie famine chap. 41.54 Qu. Whither came they for succour An. To their brother vnknowne Qu. What reuerence did they shewe vnto him An. They kneeled vnto him and called him Lord chap. 44.16 Qu. What vertue doe we learne by the example of Ioseph in this his high authoritie An. Three Qu. Which be they An. Charity clemency and humility Qu. How was he charitable An. He relieued his father and brohers with corne freely and without rempence chap. 42.25 Qu. How was he gentle An. In pardoning the wrongs that his broughers had done him chap. 45.5 Qu. Wherein was he humble An. In not despising his father and brothers poore Sheepheerds of Canaan though himselfe were the second person in Aegypt and in sending for his father to bee partaker of his happinesse Qu. Did Iqacob come thither An. Yes and died there Qu. What do we learne by his death Answ To desire of God to die as he did Qu. How was that An. Praying blessing and rehearsing the gracious benefits of God chap. 48 3.4.9 Qu. What zeale had Pharaoh being an Infidel towards his Idolatrous priests more then many Christians now-adaies haue toward the true Ministers of the eternall God An. Hee did not diminish their Church-liuings chap. 47.22 The end of Genesis Exodus Chap. 1. to 14. Question VVHy did God bring the house of Israel into Aegypt An. For two causes Qu. Which be they An. First to shew the trueth of his word for hee had said to Abraham they should be straungers from the land of Canaan the speace of foure hundred yeeres and suffer much oppression Gen. 14.15 Secondly to haue fit occasion to shew his loue toward them and the better to traine them vp in the knowledge and feare of him Qu. How came it to passe they were opprest here in Aegypt considering the good entertainement which they had at the first An. The continuance of time had worne out the fame and remembrance of Ioseph by reason that many Kings had raigned since the first Pharaoh and now the children of Israel were mightily encreased Qu. How were they encreased An. From seuenty persons for that was the whole number of them at their first comming to many hundred thousands Qu. Did that make the king repine against them An. Yes Qu. Why An. For two causes Qu. Which be they An. First in regard of their religion and next fearing least their multitudes should indanger his gouernment chap. 1. 10. Qu. How did hee seeke to suppresse them An. Foure manner of waies Qu. VVhich be they Answ First in making slaues of them and next in going about to murder their men children Qu. Wherein consisted their seruitudes An. In making of bricke carrying of burdens and all other slauerie cha 1.14 Qu. How did Pharaoh goe about to murder their men children An. Two manner of waies Qu. Which be they An. First secretly in commanding the Midwiues at their hower of birth to destroy them but they not obeying his commaund he fell secondly into a more open and violent practise Qu. How was that An. He commanded his own people that whensoeuer they heard of the birth of and Hebrew man childe they should take it from the mother and cast it into the riuer chap. 1.22 Qu. How durst the Midwiues disobey the kings Edict An. Because as all Gods seruants ought to do they feared him more thā any earthly person Qu. Were the number of the people by these cruel proceeding lessened and diminished An. No the more they vext them the more they multiplied chapt 1. vers 12. Qu. What doe we learne by that An. That no tyranny can extinguish the Church of God Qu. How did God diuide the malice of Pharaoh An. In causing him to cherish and bring vp euen in his owne court that Hebtew child which afterward proued to be his destruction and the deliuerance of the children of Israel Qu. Who was that An. Moses Qu. How was he preserued An. When his mother had hid him three moneths from the tyrannie of the King and could hide him no longer she put him into a basket made of reedes and set it by the riuer side Qu. What became of him there An. King Pharaohs daughter walkeing that way found him put him to be nursed of his owne mother cha 2.3 Qu. VVhat appeareth in this An. The prouidence of God Qu. Wherein An. In that no humane pollicie can hinder that which he hath once deter mined Qu. What was the first crosse that God laid vpon Moses when he came to age An. The killing of an Aegyptian for which fact he was forced to flye Qu. Whither An. Into the land of Midian Qu. Who succoured him there An. Iethro and gaue him his daughter in mariage Qu. What trade of life did Moses vse An. Keeping of sheepe Qu. How did God appeare to Moses An. In a fiery bush chap. 3.2 Qu. Did the bush burne An. Yes but did not consume Qu. In that sense what doth it represent vnto vs An. The Church of God which should suffer persecution but neuer subuersion Qu. Wherefore did God appeare vnto Moses An. To send him forth for the deliuerance of his people Qu. What mooued him thereunto Ans Two things Qu. Which be they An. The remembrance of his couenant made to Abraham and the sighes and cries of the poore Israelites that daily pearced the gates of heauen ch 2.23 Qu. What comfort do we receiue from thence An. An assurance that GOD will heare our prayers in time of our affliction if we call to him Qu. Did Moses obey the commaundement of God about his returne to Aegypt An. At the first he was
THE DOCTRINE of the Bible Or RVLES of Discipline Briefelie gathered through the whole course of the Scripture by waie of Questions and Answers The knowledge of holy things is vnderstanding by it Kings raigne and Princes establish Iustice LONDON Printed by Richard Bradocke for Thomas Pauier and are to be sold at his shop at the entring in of the Exchange 1608. To the Reader Iudgements are prepared for Scorners Prouerbs 19 29. If any man long after life and to see good dayes let him refrain his tongue from euill 1 Pet 3 10 As you would that men should doe to ●●u so doe you to them Luke 31. L●●e couereth the multitude of f●alts 1. Pet. 4 8. Hee that loueth not knoweth not God for God is loue 1 Iohn 4 8. The Doctrine of the Olde and New Testament Question WHat is Doctrine Answ Precepts for the finding and racing out of sinne Qu. VVhat is the effect of doctrine An. Faith and vertuous liuing Qu. How manifold is doctrine An. Two fold either diuine or morall Qu. Diuine as how An. In our duty towards God Quest Morall as how Ans In our duety toward our selues and our brethren Qu. How many sorts of men may we call brethren An. Foure Qu. Which be they An. Such as are of one parentage one country one religion or of one mind by friendship Qu. How is morall doctrine deuided An. Into rules of duetye toward our superiors parents kinred of-spring family and inferiors Qu. How may this duty be infringed An. By the corruption of the flesh and all other actuall sinnes Qu. How many waies doth God teach An. Four manner of waies Qu. Which be they Ans By his word by his workes by his punishments and by his blessings Qu. Are these performed alway in his owne person An. No but more often by h. chosen Ministers Que. How are they intituled Ans By the names of Patria●kes Captaines Iudges Kings Prophet● Euangelists and Apostles Quest Which call you Patriarches Ans The first fathers of the church as Adam Enoch Abraham Isaac Iacob c. Quest Which call you Captaines Ans Such as had the leading of the Israelites from Aegypt to the land of Canaan and gaue directions in time of battle as Moses and Ioshua Quest Which call you Iudges Ans Such as executed Gods iudgements vpon the enemies of the church and did administer Iustice amongst his people at Ehud Shamgar Samson Gedeon Iphtah Samuel c. Quest Which call you Kings Ans The annoynted of God and soueraigne rulers of his people as Saule Dauid c. Qu. Which call you Prophets An. Such as by inspiration of the holy ghost did foretell the ruine of sin and the reward of vertue and were interpreters between God and man Qu Which call you Euangelists Au. The writers of the Gospell of Iesus Christ Que. Why are they called Euangelists Ans Because their workes containe the glad tidings of saluation to all that beleeue Qu. Which call you Apostles Ans The chosen Desciples of Christ as Simon Andrew Peter Iohn c. Chap. 1. to 15. Question WHat doe we learne by the creation of the world An. As touching the Creator three things Qu. VVhich be they An. His omnipotencie in creating all things of nothing His bounty in furnishing the world with all necessarie ornaments And his loue in giuing man dominion ouer all chap. 1.20 Qu. What do we learne as touching our selves An. three things Qu. Which be they An. The obseruation of the Sabaoth chap 22. Humility of minde in being made of the dust of the earth chap 2 7 And the reuerence which wee owe ●o mariage Qu. Why ought wee to reuerence mariage An. Because it was instituted of God himselfe and in Paradice cha 2.23 Quest How ought a man to loue his wife An. As himselfe being flesh of his flesh Qu. Where was man placed after his creation An. In Paradice Qu. Did he continue there An. No he fell Qu. Hovv An. By the malice of the Diuell Qu. What was his sinne An. Disobedience Qu How did God punish him An. He cursed him and his posterity wherein hee shewed his iustice chapter 3.13 Qu. How did he comfort him Ans By promising forgiuenes by the seede o● the woman Christ Iesus chap 3.14 Que. What did that shew An. His mercy Qu. How many waies did the curse of God extend vpon Adam Ans Foure manner of waies Quest Which be they Ans First the earth was made barren for his sake Secondly his posterity aswell as himselfe became bondmen to hell Thirdly all the dayes of his life he was to eate his bread in the sweat of his browes And fourthly he was thrust out of Paradice Qu. How vvas Eue punished An. Two manner of waies Quest Which be they An. First to bring foorth her children in sorrow And secondly to liue in subiection to her husband Qu How was the serpent punished An. Three manner of wayes Qu. Which be they An. First he was made the most cursed of all creatures Secondly he was to goe vpon his breast And thirdly to deuoure the dust of the earth Qu. Which was the second sinne of the world An. Murder Qu. Who committed it An. Caine. Qu. Vpon whome An. Vpon his brother Abel chapt 4.11 12. Qu. What vvas their quarrell An. About their sacrifices Qu. Why An. Because Abels was accepted and Cains was not chap 4 4.5 Quest Why did not God accept Caines Sacrifice Ansvv Because he did it more vpon custome then conscience Qu. Who taught them to sacrifice Ans Their Father Adam Quest How could he do that and the Law not giuen Ans The law of God is two foulde naturall imprinted in mens heart and traditionall pronounced from God written in the Bible Qu. VVhich of these two had Adam Ans The first Q. What was the punishment of Cain for killing his brother Abel Ans He was cursed of God and condemned for a runnagate Qu. Whome did God raise after the death o● Abel to build his Church vpon An His brother Sheth chap. 4. verse 25. Qu. Did the example of Caines punishment admonish the succeeding age to beware of sin An. No● as the world grew in yeeres so it grew in iniquity Qu. Jn vvhat manner An. It was wholy corrupt and full of cruelty chap. 6.11 Qu. By whom did God reprooue them Ans By Noah Q. How Ans In making it knowne hee would drowne the world by his preparing of the Arke Qu. Were the people reformed An. No they laughed at it and remained secure till the waters came vppon them Qu. Were all destroyed An. All but Noah and his family and some other for the preseruation of their kinne Qu. What mooued God that hee would not spare so much as the bruite beastes An. His detestation to sinne chapter 6.7 Qu. Who was the first figure of Christ An. Enoch Qu. How was he a figure of Christ An. In being taken body and soule vp into Heauen as Christ was chap. 5 24. Qu. Who was
in this booke beside those two sins afore spoken of For nication and Idolatry An. Foure other Qu. Which be they An. Murmuring against God distrust in his promises breach of his Sabboth rebelliō against his magistrates Quest How many times did they murmure An. Foure times Qu. When first An. Three daies after they departed from Sinai Que. How were they punished Ans The Lord consumed with fire the vtmost part of the host chap. 11. 1. Quest How the second time Ans They were weary of Manna lusted after flesh Quest How were they punished Ans They had flesh while they surfeted their surfet brought a greeuous plague vpon them insomuch as they dyed with meate in their mouthes chap 11.20 33. Quest How the third time Ans For water Quest Where Ans At Kadesh in the desert of Zin chap. 20. Quest How the fourth time Ans For bread and water Quest How were they punished Ans God sentfiery serpents that stung them to death chap 21.6 Qu. What caused the mercy of God at al times to put an end to their punishment An. Two things Qu. Which be they An. Their owne repentance first then the prayer of Moses Qu. How was this plague of fiery serpents remedied An. God commanded Moses to make a brasen Serpent and hand it vpon a ctosse and whosoeuer beeing stung lookt vp to it was cured Qu. VVhat was this a figure of An. The vertue of Christ whose hanging on the crosse is a soueraigne medicine for the sicknes of our soules if wee looke vp to him with the eies of faith Qu. How did they distrust Gods promise Ans In being come to the land of Canaan and desiring to goe backe to Aegypt or to bee buried in the wildernesle Qu. VVhat was the ground of that desire An. Their faintnesse of heart Qu VVherein An. In that though god had diuers times before sworne to giue them the land of Canaan for an euerlasting Inheritauce yet they feared to goe forward when they heard the land was inhabited with Giants Quest Os wheme did they heare that newes Ans Of the spies that were sent to search the land and bring of the fruite chap. 13 34. Qu. Who incouraged the people against this feare Ans Caleb and Ioshua Quest What would the people haue done to them for crossing their humour Ans Haue stoned them to death Quest How did God punish this distrust Ans Hee would haue quite destroyed them but for the prayer of Moses Quest How did hee then pacifie his wrath Ans Even with the iudgemente of their owne mouthes Quest How was that Ans As they desired rather to bee buried in the wildernes then to enter into the land of Promise euen so it came to passe for all that then liued from 20 yeares old and vpward died and were buried in the wildernes excepting Caleb and Ioshua Qu. What was the reason that the like punishment fell vpon Moses An. For his distrust too as appeares chap. 11.13 and chap. 20.10 Qu. What do we learne by that Ans That no man is so righteous but hee may fall Qu. By vvhome was the Saboth broke An. By an old man Qu. Wherein An. In gathering stickes to make him fire chap. 15 32.36 Qu How was he punished An. He was stoned to death Qu. What may vve learne by this An. If God were so seuere for gathering a few stickes on the Sabaoth hee will be farre more seuere to such as prophane his Sabbaoth by swearing drinking gaming whooring other lewd excrcises Qu. How many times did Israell murmure and rebell onely against Gods Magistrates Ans Twice Qu. Who were the first that rebelled An. Myriam and Aaron Qu. Against vvhom An. Against Moses Qu. What was the punishment An. Miriam was strucken with a leprosie Qu. How was she cured An. By the praier of Moses Qu. VVhat learne vve by that An. The vertue of meeknesse to pray for our enemies as Moses did chap. 12.13 Qu. VVhe rebelled the second time An. Korah Dathan Abiram and their accomplices Qu. VVhat vvas their rebellion An. They vsurped vpon the Priestes office and compared for worthinesse with Moses and Aaron Qu. VVhat became of them An. The earth opened and swallowed them vp aliue ch 16.31.32 Qu. How did God punish the people that tooke their parts after their death An. Fourteen thousand and seauen hundred died of the pestilence Qu. How did he yet further conuict their yebellion An. By prouing the house of Leui only chosen for the priesthood Qu. Hovv An. By a miracle Qu In vvhat manner Ans Aarons rod amongst the twelue that were put into the Tabernacle for the twelue Tribes of Israel did blossom and beare ripe Amonds Qu. VVhat is the inference of this example Ans How odious a thing it is in the sight of God to grudge against Magistrates and Rulers Quest How manie waies is a man subiect to sinne Ans Two manner of waies Quest Which be they Ans Of ignorance or presumption Quest What deserueth the first Ans Fauour Qu. What the second Ans Death chap. 15 27.30 Quest By how many witnesses ought a man by the law of God be conuicted in a case touching a mans life Ans By two and not vnder chap. 35.30 Qu. How long did God lead the Israelites to and fro in the wildernesse Ans Forty yeares Quest Why did he detaine them so long from their promised happinesse Ans To try their faith and by continuall exercising of them sometime with crosses sometime with blessinges to make them learne onely to trust in him and so in the end to appeare worthy heires of so blessed an inheritance The end of Numeri Deuteronomy Question WHat is contained in this booke of Deuteronomie An. An other repetition of the law Qu. VVhy An. Because they were dead to whom the law was first giuen Qu. How many things were they to obserue in reading the law An. Two things Qu. VVhich be they An. First neither to adde to it nor take from it chap 4 2. Secondly not only to learn it themselues but to teach it also to their posteritie chap. 4.9 Qu. In what manner did God admonish this new generation to be carefull of his law An. By the remembrance of two things Qu. Which be they An. The ingratitude of their Fathers who had prouoked his wrath and were dead and the wonderfull miracles and victories which he had brought to passe amongst them to assure them of his loue and protection Qu. Amongst the rest which is one of the speciall fauours God bestowed vpon them mentioned in this booke An. That in forty yeares space the garmentes of their forefathers neuer waxed old chap. 8.4 Qu. How doth he encourage them not to be afraid to enter into the land of Canaan An. Three manner of waies Qu. Which be they Ans First in that he was God and would be true of his promise for hee had sworne they should possesse it Secondly by telling them it was a most pleasant
and surfetting ch 1.5 Qu. What was the effect An. Men howled and cattle pined chap 1. 10. 18. Qu. What is the meanes to auoide such and the like plagues An. Repentance prayer chap. 1.14 Quest But Iuda not reformed by this plague what other dooth Ioel prophecie shall fall vpon them Ans The sword Qu. By whose practise Ans The king of Assyrians Qu. What kinde of fellow doth he describe him to be Ans One before whose face should stand terrour and behinde his backe destruction chap. 2 3 6. Qu. How doth hee teach vs to auoyde this plague Ans By repentance likewise and prayer Qu. What doth the Lord promise if we doe repent An. For scarcitie aboundance I will send you corne and wine and oyle saith the Lord and you shall bee satisfied chap. 2 19. And for warre peace I will remooue farre from you your enemies chap. 2 20 Qu. What doth he promise beside An. Increase of spirituall graces the confusion of them that were theyr enemies chap 3 7 18. Amos. Question OF what birth was Amos. An. A poore herdsmans son Qu. Where was he borne An. At Tecoa a poore towne six miles from Ierusalem Quest In whose dayes did he prophecy An. In the daies of Vzziah King of Iuda and Ieroboam king of Israel Qu. How dooth hee procure authority to his doctrine considering he was of so base a parentage An. By saying that his words are the words of God cha 3 3. Qu. Against whome doth hee first prophecy An. Against Damascus the Philistins Tyre the Idumeans Ammonites and Moabites Qu. What was his purpose in that Ans To shew if God punished the finnes of such as scarse had any knowledge of him much more woulde hee afflict the Iewes whome hee hadde from age to age nursed vp in his discipline Qu. Against vvhom doth hee next prophecie An. Against the kingdome of Israel and Iuda Qu. VVhat sins of theirs doth hee sinde out An. Cruelty presumption seeuritie lack of pitty hoording vp of Coine and couetousnes Qu. How were they cruell Ansvver They turned iudgement to wormwood that is in steade of equity they executed oppression chapter 5.7 Qu. VVhat was their punishment for that sinne Answer They should build houses and not dwel in them and plant vineyardes not eate the grapes thereof ch 5 11 Qu Why An. Because the foundation was laid by the ruine of the poore Qu. Hovv vvere they presumptuous An. Notwithstanding Gods threatnings they still thought themselues innocent Qo Hovv doth he reprooue that sin An By asking a question Qu. What is the question An. Can a trumpet bee blowne in the citie and the people not bee afraid that is can God by his Prophets cry our against sinne and the people think there is no sin chap. 3 6. Qu. Hovv were they secure An. They stretcht themselues vpon beddes of Iuory eate the lambs of the flock had musick drunke wine in bolles but no man pittied the poore chap 6 4 5.6 Qu. What is the punishment for such people An. Their feasts shall bee turned to mourning their longs to lamentation and their ease into vnrest chap. 8.10.12 Qu. How vvere they couetous An. They swallowed vp the poore chap 4. Que. How vvas that An. By hoording vp thinges necessary for foode and clothing and so procuring a dearth that they might sell deer euen the very refuse of theire merchandise and make their greate measure small and their weight little chap 8.5 6. Qu. What hath the Lord svvorne hee vvill do to such people Qu. Hee hath sworne by the excellency of Iacob that he will neuer forget any of their workes chap. 8.7 Though they digge into hell thence hee will fetch them though they clime vp to heauen from thence he wil bring them though they sinke into the bottome of the sea there will he command the serpent to bite them and though they goe into captiuitie he will follow them with the sword and set his face against them there shal be no waie for thē to escape chap 9 2.3.4 Obadiah Question VVHat sinne doth Obadiah complain of An. The lack of charitie Qu. In whom An. In brother toward brother Qu. Who were they An. The Edomites against the Israelites Qu. Hovv were they brothers An. The Edomites came of Esau and the Jsraelites of Iacob Qu. What wrong did the Edomites to the Israelites An. Ioyned with their enemies reioyced at their destruction and holpe to beare away the spoyle chap 1 11 12 13. Qu. How did God punish them An. He made the house of Iacob a fire and the house of Ioseph a flame and set the Edomites betvveen them as stubble to be deuoured chap. 1 18. Ionah Question WHither was Ionah sent Ans To Niniueh the chiefe cittie of the Assyrians Qu. What to doe Ans To preach Qu. Did he obey the commandement of God An. No he broke it Qu. Hovv An. He vvent another way Qu. VVhither An. To Tarshish Qu. What mooued him to say so Ans His owne reason Qu. Why An. Because he thought if the Iewes repented not by his doctrine much lesse would the heathen Qu. How did he for passage An. Hyred a shippe and paid his fare Qu. When he was at Sea what happened An. A tempest Qu. Who caused that tempest An. God Qu. To what end Ans To check the disobedience of Ionah Qu. What did Ionah during the tempest An. Sleepe Qu. What did the Marriners An. Studied to find the cause of this disturbance Qu. After what manner An. By casting of lots Qu. To whom sell the Lott An. To Ionah Qu. What did the Mariners with Ionah An. Threw him into the sea Qu. VVas hee drowned An. No though his sinne deserued it yet God preserued him Qu. How An. He sent a whale that swallowed him Qu. What followed An. The tempest ceased and the Mariners glorified God Qu. But what did Ionah being in the fishes bellie An. Thought vpon his sinne cryed to the Lord. Qu. How did the Lord deliuer him An. Caused the fish to cast him vp vpon dry land Qu. How long had hee been in the fishes bellie Ans Three daies and three nights Qu. And what followed then An. The Lord spake to Ionah the second time and bade him arise and goe to Niniuch and preach repentance Qu. Did he now obey Ans Yes and cried in the streets Yet forty dayes Niniueh shall bee ouerthrowne Qu. How did the people entertaine his doctrine Ans With feare and trembling Qu. What did they An. Proclaimed a fast from the greatest to the smallest the King himselfe rose from his throne cast off his robe and put on sack-cloath commaunding all his subiects to do the like and that neither man nor beaste shoulde taste foode till they had cried to the Lorde for mercy Qu. When the Lord sawe their repentance vvhat did he An. Turned avvay his wrath and saued their citty Qu. How did Ionah take their deliuerance An. He vvas angry Qu. VVhy An. Because being a