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B04263 A second part of Observations, censures, and confutations of divers errours in Mr. Hobbs his Leviathan beginning at the seventeenth chapter of that book. / By William Lucy, Bishop of S. David's.; Observations, censures, and confutations of notorious errours in Mr. Hobbes his Leviathan. Part 2 Lucy, William, 1594-1677. 1673 (1673) Wing L3454A; ESTC R220049 191,568 301

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man the foundation of all his duty from whence it is derived that he owes God his being soul and Body that he should be humble who was taken out of the dust and to dust he must return that he that made him can destroy him and the like which God being pretended to do no where else it is most reasonable to think it is done here CHAP. XXII SECT II. The doctrine of the new Testament and particularly the incarnation of our blessed Saviour and the manner of it not possible to be known without a revelation The truth of the incarnation evicted from the miraculous Life and Actions of our blessed Saviour and the prophecies of the Old Testament and especially of Isaias The Jewes witnesses of the truth of the Books of the Old Testament SO then this being a truth fit for a man to know it being impossible for man to know it without a revelation a man may justly be assured that it was revealed by God and so I will pass to the New Testament where we will consider the conception of the blessed Virgin as related there and so not possible to be recorded but from a divine revelation Men might be assured from the Prophets who writ before of it that there should be such a thing and that it should be about that time but that it should happen now and that this should be the Virgin which should be the mother of our Saviour that none could tell but by revelation no not she her self It is true when she found her self with child she might wonder how that should come about since she knew not man as she answered the Angel who foretold it to her Luke the 1. and the 24. but that it should be so contrived and perfected as it was by the overshadowing of the Highest this she could not have known but by a revelation But I doubt Mr. Hobbs will answer this was not so his wicked wit seems to imagine such a thing I will prove it therefore by the glorious fruit of her womb which shewed it self to arise from such a stock and living and dying as he did he could not be less than descended from such a supernatural generation Well then he was so conceived as is taught and this could not be taught but by divine revelation therefore he who taught it had divine revelation I must not spend time in particulars look upon all the Prophecies in the whole Book of God so many as their time is expired we find them all fufilled the Prophecies made to Abraham of the children of Israels long captivity in Aegypt and their extraction thence and plantation in the land of Canaan of all the great transactions of the highest affairs of the world The erection and destruction of all the great Monarchies which were punctually foretold and accomplished and foretold long before could these be foretold by any other way than by divine revelation Certainly it could not be nor can the wit of man think how it should be done Jaddus the high Priest shewed Alexander his own story foretold by Daniel Let us consider how the Prophets long before prophesied of Christ how the Prophet Isaiah writ like an antedated Evangelist differing only in these words shall and did only in the time Let us consider how not only those great and remarkable passages of his birth his miracles his death his resurrection but even such little things as the piercing of his side the parting of his garment casting lots for his vesture his burial were foretold hundreds of yeares before Let Mr. Hobbs or any other heathen tell me how these could be foretold without divine revelation But perhaps he will say as before these were not true books nor prophecies but fained since Christianity No even the Jewes themselves yet remaining in the world do consent unto them and are preserved by God a glorious witness of these truths who are the greatest enemies of Christianity CHAP. XXII SECT III. The former assertion further proved from the piety of the doctrines taught in the scriptures and excellency of the matter contained in them The power of the word of God and efficacy of Scripture above the reach of Philosophie BUt then consider the doctrines taught here they are so full of religious piety to God so full of such excellent moral conversation betwixt men that the wit of man could not invent them there must needs be divine revelation in them there was never any thing delivered by men meer men without divine revelation that had not imperfections in it he who reads the Philosophers may find it I do not love to rake their Dunghills and shew their filth but the duties taught in this book are so divine and so like God from whence they came that they are able to make a man absolutely good if practised Wherefore as a tree may be known by its fruits as the heart of man by his language so these Books may be known to be Gods by the heavenliness of the matters delivered in them which have such a power of sanctity in them as is able to make such as receive them of a more Godly disposition than other men yea than themselves at other times before they received these doctrines I could treat of a strange Metamorphosis in Saul to Paul who was a persecutor a destroyer and when converted with this doctrine accounted it joy to suffer and be persecuted for this cause As also of King David who to hide the shame of his adultery committed Murther and slept securely in his sin yet when awakened from that stupidity he was in and taught his state by the Prophet Nathan he cares for no shame of this world so God be pleased cares for nothing but the shame of his sin and made his penitence for it to be chaunted out in all ages for all Churches in the 51. Psalm So that there is a strange power and force in the word of God to turn men to godliness which no other hath And the great and mighty effects wrought by this scripture do fully evince it to be divine having divine power annexed to them Thus having shewed that the doctrines contained in scripture are fit for a man to believe they are divine and by divine revelation yea that they could not proceed from a pen which was not guided and assisted by the holy spirit we therefore may have assurance that they were such I shall come next to shew how we may be further assured from the manner of their delivery CHAP. XXII SECT IV. The second Argument from the difference of the Style of the Scriptures from the books of Philosophers The propositions and conclusions in Scripture not so much deduced from reason as asserted from the Majesty of God not disputing or endeavouring to perswade but commanding to do The rewards and punishments proposed in scripture of eternal truth impossible to be propounded or given but by God himself LEt a man look upon all the doctrines of the
nor practicable and here we find it otherwise for God chose that King Saul and indeed it was the Law it should be so Deut. 1● 15 Nay to come closer as I shall shew hereafter it is impossible that the people who had no power given them from God should give it to a King none sure but the All-powerful God can give men power one over another And as this story confutes his abominable principles which destroy the foundation of Government so it doth that horrid and treasonable conclusion of his which plucks down all Government and hath been the Author of almost all Treasons that ever were that is that in defence of a mans life or himself from such hardship as may render his life irksome to him a man may take arms or kill any man or do any thing which may rescue him from it I have spoke to this before how unchristian a speech it is but now consider how destructive of peace it is in a setled Commonwealth There are no Traytors but pretend their Liberties are invaded they have no safety in their condition The Tyrant for so they will term any against whom they rebel takes away their fields their children illegally and the like he doth without Law The next they tell us is their life they will provide therefore against that and kill him No saith this His●ory when your King abuseth you with such oppression there is no such consequence to be drawn from the whole context that men should whet their Swords and be avenged There is no power above that of the Kings much less is there any such in his own Subjects But men in such a case must fly to the King of Kings who according to his infinite Wisdom Justice and Mercy will consider and help them when he thinks fit There is no appeal from a King but to his King and then when your own sins call for his judgments as it was here he will not hear your cryes which strongly intimates we must not fight but cry in that day when such things are done unto us prayers and tears are the only weapons allowed Christians in that case Righteous men must not think to go to heaven with pleasure and delight by pride and strugling against their Superiours but with patience suffering quietly by Faith believing Gods mercies and promises by hope that in his good time he will deliver them when he thinks fit gently submitting our selves under the mighty hand of God who out of his infinite wisdom suffers us justly to be so punished that in his good time he may exalt us SECT VIII The former conclusions illustrated from the fact of Ahab The condition of Subjects according to Master Hobbs his Doctrine the same with Slaves taken in War The people transfer no power to the King besides that which God had given him Samuels words not positive but menacing God himself concerned in the Election of Samuels Government Exorbitant power or absolute dominion not deduceable from this Text. Mr. Hobbs his conclusions fitted to the Rapine of the late Rebels in England whose actions he seems to approve YEt consider once more if this had been the right of Kings what a foolish as well as a wicked King had Ahab been who when by right he might have taken Naboths Vineyard would mourn and afflict himself because Naboth would not let him have it And indeed you may observe there that Naboth conceived no such right for else he would not have denied to yield that upon a good valuable consideration which was due by Law Well this Text being thus examined and some inferences made upon it let us now consider his collections out of it This saith he is absolute power and summed up in the last words you shall be his servants which is the last clause of the seventeenth verse Let a man consider here what Mr. Hobbs hath writ of servants in the former page where he sets down that men vanquished in war are servants and what their servitude is and he shall find all Subjects to be in a miserable condition such as will little differ from being in war for what can war do it can but subject mens estates their wives children and their lives to a Conquerors will and that by this Gentleman they are in always even in peace yea by that very reason that they are imbodied into a Commonwealth But he proceeds further Again when the people heard what power their King was to have yet they consented thereto and say thus We will be as all other Nations and our King shall judge our causes and go before us to conduct our wars I looked for these words but find them not either in ours or other Translations but indeed the sense is in the nineteenth and twentieth verses And so I let it pass His collection is Here is confirmed the right that Soveraigns have both to the Militia and to all Judicature in which is contained as abs●lute power as one man can possibly transfer to another But hark you Mr. Hobbs what is the meaning of that phrase transfer can it be thought that the peoples assent transfer'd any Authority which God did not give Certainly that is a greater Exaltation then ever man dreamt of until now But I am confident that the people took this as a menace of Samuel to deter them from having a King agreeing to the language used in the ninth verse by God to Samuel Protest solemnly to them or against them as it is in the margent of our Translations so they thought it a menace or threat and that you may conceive from the nineteenth verse which begins Nevertheless that is for all that menace or nequaquam as the vulgar Latin by no means will we be terrified but will have a King like other Nations they would be in this fashion but where can they find that fashion used in the world they had lived in Aegypt and Pharoah oppressed them mightily mistrusting them to be a dangerous people and a people that lived apart from the Aegyptians and had no communication with them But I do not read that they took the Land of Goshen from them which had formerly been given them by the King of Aegypt and those horrid oppressions were most wonderfully revenged by God upon Pharoah and his Aegyptians when the Israelites cryed to him for help because they were undeserved But saith Samuel You in this case shall cry and not be saved because you provoke these mischiefs being under a most excellent Government the immediate protection of God himself in which regard he saith in the seventh verse to Samuel They have not rejected thee but they have rejected me that I should not reign over them And although there were some miscarriages by Samuels Government that his Sons did not behave themselves well under him yet you may find in the twelfth Cap. third ver when Samuel resigned up his Government to Saul he could cal them to witness whether he had taken any mans