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A92765 Gods warning to England by the voyce of his rod. Delivered in a sermon, preached at Margarets Westminster, before the Honourable House of Commons, at their late solemn fast, Octob. 30. 1644. By Henry Scudder, Rector of Collingborn-Ducis in Wiltshire. Published by order of the said House. Scudder, Henry, d. 1659? 1644 (1644) Wing S2139; Thomason E18_20; ESTC R209986 35,861 47

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hear ye the rod and who hath appointed it THe Word of the Lord came to the Prophet Micah in the dayes of Jotham Ahas and Hezekiah Kings of Judah This word concerned Samaria and Jerusalem the head Cities of the Kingdomes of Israel and Judah The word now read unto you concerneth us as well as them being written for our learning and for the admonition Rom. 15. 4. of us upon whom the ends of the world are come according as we are like to them in their sin and in their condition 1 Cor. 10. 11. In this Prophesie the Lord by this Prophet setteth before these Cities and Kingdomes the many and great sinnes which with an high hand they had committed against him And withall foretelleth them of those Judgements which he would certainly bring upon them if they continued in those their sins And that at last both kingdomes should be destroyed and captivated by their enemies the Assyrians and Chaldeans But withall to support and comfort the hearts of the faithfull that were found in those kingdomes he foretelleth the temporall deliverance of Judah out of the Babilonish Captivity also the everlasting deliverance of the Church of God to be gathered out of all Nations through the promised Messiah the Lord Jesus Christ The sins whereof he would convince and for which he denounceth Judgement against these Kingdomes were extream oppression by all from the Prince to the meanest according as they Micah 2. 1 2. had power in their hand The heads thereof judging for reward The Prophets and Priests were prophane and wicked all for their Micah 3. 11. covetousnesse teaching for hire and divining for money They were very licentious promising liberty saying Peace peace to Jer. 6. 13 14. the wicked The Prophets prophesying falsly and the Priests bearing Jer. 5. 31. rule by their means and the people loved to have it so They were also Idolaters Superstitious will-worshippers silencers as much as they could of the good Prophets and Ministers of the Word saying to the Scers see not and to the Prophets Prophesie not unto us Isa 30. 10. right things speak to us smooth things prophesie deceits They did set up and countenance false and wicked Prophets They notwithstanding these sinnes and other their abhominations and notwithstanding the severe threats of God were presumptuously secure because they had the Temple of the Lord a signe of his presence amongst them and because they professed the name and Religion of God having a forme of Godlinesse they promised to themselves impunity and freedome from the destroying Judgement They would yet as the Prophet saith Lean upon the Lord Micah 3. 11. and say Is not the Lord among us none evill can come upon us All which sins of theirs are aggravated by their ingratitude towards God who had been good unto them and had done great and wonderfull things for them from Shittim to Gilgall even Micah 6. 3 ● 5. from the miraculous leading them forth out of Egypt through the Wildernesse till he brought them into the Land of Canaan and untill this day At the time of this Prophesie the Kingdome of Judah was under the rod of Gods Judgements For in the dayes of Ahas Pekah the son of Remaliah King of Israel and Rezin King of Siria were 2 King 16. 5. confederate and came against Judah and came up even to Jerusalem and though they did not prevaile to take Jerusalem yet God delivered him and the people into the hand of the King of Syria so that They smote him and carried away a great multitude of them 2 Chron. 28. ● captive and brought them to Damascus And he was also delivered into the hand of the King of Israel who smote him with a great slaughter for one hundred and twenty thousand of the men of Judah were slain in one day which were all valiant men At which time 2 Chron. 28. 5 6 8. the Children of Israel carried away Captive of their brethren two hundred thousand women sons and daughters and took much spoil from them and brought the spoil to Samaria In his dayes also 2 Chron. 28. 17. the Edomites had come and smitten Judah and carried away captives The Philistims also invaded their Cities and took many of them with their villages and dwelt there God brought Judah very low at that time because they had transgressed sore against the Lord. This I have premised to leade you unto the Text and to 2 Chron. 28. 19. give some light for the better understanding of it Do we not as in a glasse see our selves in this kingdome of Judah wee being too to like them in their sin beginning also to be too like to them nay in a worse condition then they were if the Lord as he hath begun shall go on to powre out his wrath upon us The likenesse of our condition now with theirs then hath given me occasion to make choise of this Scripture to speak of it and to speak to you by it In these words God doth warn and advise his people what they The Text opened should do now they were under the rod of his anger and were like to be more sorely punished according as it had been denounced against them by his Prophets for their sins That whereas he had by fair and loving means spoken to them and warned them by his Prophets and had gently smitten them by the rod of his mouth that he might reclaim them and they were not sensible of his Word to obey it He now thinketh it best to teach and warn them by the rod of his hand and calleth upon them to hear and learn to be reformed by it Now concerning this admonition and Councell given the Prophet doth three things First to gain attention and that this Word might be entertained with the greater Authority he sheweth who it was that spake unto them Secondly who they were that would see God in his Judgements and would hear his voyce and would learn by his correction Thirdly what it is he warneth them of and adviseth them to do Every sentence in this verse is diversly rendred by Translators and Interpretors each of them two or three wayes but they agree in their scope namely That God would have them to hear him and turn to him that the judgement threatned might not come upon them I have diligently considered the severall readings and compared them with the Originall observing the context and scope of the place and do keep to the last Translation as it is now before you If I should rehearse them all and give reason why I make choise of this reading rather than other it would take up very much time and hinder the delivering of things more needfull First then the Voyce of the Lord cryeth to the City in this sentence we are to observe who speaketh and in what manner he speaketh and to whom The Voyce of the Lord that is God by his Prophet Micah uttereth
from them and given to those that do not mister in the Word and Doctrine this can be nothing else but robbing of God and a great Sacriledge The same sins also may be charged upon us in England for which God had a controversie with his people and did judge them heretofore Hos 4. 1. Ezek. 22. 4. The knowledge of God is not in the Land This Kingdom notwithstanding the long time of our enjoying so plentifully the light of the Gospel doth yet remain extreme ignorant of God and their duty to him And this not onely in the dark places of it in Wales and far North and West but in the Countreys and Cities in the midst of the Kingdom 5. The sins of Swearing and Cursing of hellish and damming Blasphemie have overgrown this Land the cry whereof doth reach unto heaven besides the sin of Perjury concerning which sin God hath said that his curse shall remain and never depart from Ezek. 5. 3 4. the committers thereof nor from their houses till they be consumed with the timber thereof and the stones thereof All sorts of persons as Supreme and all Officers in the State from the Judge to the meanest all sorts of Jurours in any Jury and all sorts of Witnesses in all Courts they binde themselves to God by a solemn Oath How many Protestations Oaths and Covenants have been lately taken But have men kept their Oaths and do they keep them are they not broken by all that take them It had Eccles 5. 5 6. been much better for the Kingdom that we had not taken so many Oaths Vows and Protestations then having taken them not to keep them God is extremely incensed against a People guilty of Forswearing especially if the Oaths of State made by the supreme Magistrate 2 Sam. 21. 1. 2 Chron. 36. 13 to the Subject and of the Subject to the Magistrate be broken and violated We are blinde if we do not see that God is punishing this Nation for these sins of vain swearing cursing blasphemie and perjury We must call to remembrance these amongst other the sins of the Land to bewail them and make our Hos 4. 2 3. peace with God that he destroy us not for them Because of these the Land mourneth 6. The Land is also guilty of not opposing of the man of fin Popery and Idolatry unto the extirpation or it out of the Kingdom Idolatry hath not onely been tolerated to be committed in the secret Chambers of Imagery but allowed in places elsewhere We have complied much with Idolaters and Idolatry of Rome We may judge that for this also the Lord is punishing us The children of Israel did not drive out the Canaanites from amongst them therefore they were as pricks in their eyes and thorns Judg. 2. 3. in their sides And Joshua telleth them that for their compliances Josh 23. 13. with them they should remain to be snares and traps unto them and scourges in their sides and thorns in their eyes untill they should perish from the good land which the Lord their God had given them And they should make them sin against God and surely be a snare unto them as Moses telleth them Popish and Antichristian Religion Exod. 23 33. and Idolatry is as abominable to God as ever the Canaanitish Religion and Idolatry was For Rome is called The mother of Abominations Now whether the permitting of Popery and Papists amongst us have not been thorns in our eyes and pricks in our sides and have been snares and traps means of sin and vexation unto us God using them as rods and instruments to punish us I leave this to your consideration When the sons of God took them wives of the daughters of men Gen. 6. 2. when those of the true married those that were of a false Religion in the first Age of the world and when after that both before and after the Captivity Gods people by profession did marry strange wives the daughters of a strange god Gods judgements Gen. 6. 7. were upon the old world and all those States that were guilty of this sin As when the house of Judah made affinity with the house of Ahab we see what evil followed thereupon and what 2 Chron. 22. Ezra 9. 2 14. wrath it brought upon the Kingdom of Judah When Solomon a good King otherwise forgat himself and matched with Idolatrous wives sinning therein against God God gave him over to his folly though otherwise the wisest of men that whether in complement or otherwise he did accompany his wives to their Idolatrous Service whether he joyned with them therein it doth not so clearly appear yet he went thus far that it is said He went after Ashteroth the goddesse of the Zidonians and Milcom 1 Kings 11. 4 5 6 7. the abomination of the Amorites and he did build an high place for Chemosh the abomination of Moab For these very things God brought evil upon his Kingdom He raised up adversaries against him and what a division and rent it made in that Kingdom we do well know May not this be another cause why Gods wrath is gone out against us Let us hear the rod doth it not tell us so Let us humble our selves this day for these sins also that God may be pleased to throw away this his rod from us We are guilty of other sins for which as for that of Idolatry when they reign in a Kingdom God doth punish it with his severest Judgements 7. These are Oppression and the not executing of Justice and Judgement in a Land These were the sins of the Princes and Judges of Judah they were for bribes and rewards And all Judah Micah 3. 9 11. according as they had power did oppresse one another Hath it not been thus in in England and which should humble us and grieve us most complaints every where tell us even while we are smarting by the rod of God that these sins of oppression and not executing judgement do encrease upon us Are not many partiall and injurious in their Levies of moneys for the publike use of the State sparing themselves and friends laying intolerable burdens upon those who have been most free and are now lesse able to bear them Also are there not those who were entrusted with the Moneys of the State and to pay Souldiers that do manage their Trust so ill that the Souldier is necessitated to live upon free Quarter and spoil of those that pay ordinary great Taxes for the publike Service Men do exceedingly complain that they cannot have Justice It concerneth you to look to these things As these were crying sins heretofore and God hath brought upon us these Judgements if these continue and encrease we cannot but fear that these Judgements shall be continued and encreased untill these sins be reformed 8. Bloodguiltinesse is another provoking sin It cannot go Deut. 19. 13. well with a Kingdom where the guilt of innocent blood is not