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A68150 A briefe discourse of the scriptures Declaring the seuerall stories, liues, and deaths, of the fathers, from the Creation of Adam, vnto the death of Ioseph: very necessarie to be read and practised, for easie vnderstanding of the Scriptures in a short time. Hayne, Thomas, 1582-1645, attributed name. aut 1614 (1614) STC 12975; ESTC S115174 75,069 130

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or middlemost but in Gods free election standeth our eternall happines Three Angels appeared to Abraham in his Tent. Three foures of precious Stones were set in Aarons brest Three thinges reserued in the Arke The Booke of the Law The Potte of Manna Aarons Rodde that did alwayes florish Three taken vp in the Old Testament and three in the New Three partes was Ierusalem deuided into Three Letters the roote of euery word in the Hebrew tongue Three Captiuities of the Iewes Three times was the Temple grosly polluted by the Babylonians Antiochi Romanes Three times a yeare were the Iewes bound to come to Ierusalem to giue accompt of their Religion Three dayes nightes was Ionas in the Whales belly Three nightes and dayes was Christ in the Graue Three Iohns viz. Iohn Baptist Luke 1.60 Iohn Euangelist Mat. 4.21 Iohn Marke Act. 12.25 Job saued three Eliphaz Sophar Bildad Daniel saued three Ananias Azarias Mishael Noah saued three Sem. Cham. Japhet In the third seauenth Iubilee the Iewes fell away and then Ieremie said O Earth heare the worde of the Lord c. The Title ouer Christ on the Crosse was written in Three tongues Hebrew Greeke Latin Although it may not bee vrged that all these Threes haue full relation to the Trinitie seeing they fall not out by chaunce yet wee are not to despise the pleasant harmonie and comfortable vse of them but to thinke that the wisedome of God hath contriued saluation into such a sweet Art that verie children may learne the same and therefore the Scripture is called verie fitly a shallow water and a deepe fountaine shallow that the Lambe may wade and deepe that the Elephant may swimme FOVRE Foure Is a square number and vsuall Heber the fourth after the Flood Iuda the fourth sonne of Iacob Foure square signifieth true Religion Moses fourth sonne in the fourth age was Sacrificer to the Tribe of Dan. Foure times seuen Iubilees the time of Christes death Foure The forme of the heauenly Ierusalem FIVE Fiue the letters of Iehouah The fiue Vowels the sinewes of all Tongues Christ seedeth 5000. with Fiue Loaues SIXE Sixe The day of Adams creation which number is often times vsed in the Scripture to put vs in minde of the Creation Sixe hundred thousand fighting men came out of Egipt Sixe hundred yeares old was Noah at the flood Sixe times seuen Standinges had the Children of Israel in the Wildernes Sixe yeares was the land of Canaan in conquering Sixe Cities of refuge for one that killed a man by chance and not of malice had the Iewes to flie vnto Sixe times did the Children of Israel fall before Diuids time in the time of the Iudges SEVEN Seuen the number of the Sabaoth which number of Seuen as it is famous for the Creation so God comtinueth the same proportion throughout the Bible to the Redemption For as God the Father made the World in sixe dayes and rested the seuenth so God the Sonne hauing performed his Fathers will resteth the seuenth day in the Graue Seuen is a yeare of Grace Seuen Planets in the Firmament which Plato compareth to the number of seuen Starres in Apo. 1.16 Seuen yeares was the land of Canaan plagued for that Ioseph the beloued of the Lord should haue been slaine by his Brethren Seuen Stones in the Temple Gods seuenfold Wisedome or Prouidence in all his actions Seuen eyes to looke vpon the Building of euery Stone in in the Temple of Ierusalem Seuen yeares the land of Canaan was setling in rest Seuen yeares the Temple was in building Seuen yeares Nebuchadnetzar was a Beast for destroying the Temple Seuen Gates in the Temple before you come to the Holy of Holiest Seuen Branches did the Candlesticke in the Temple stand vpon which had 24. Knobbes signifying the sixe dayes worke the seuenth day of rest in the Creation Seuen Moneths was the Tabernacle in building Seuen Iubilees was the Arke in the house of Ioseph Seuen Trumpeters is a great number that doe alwayes sound Gods prayse Henoch the seuenth from Adam Heber the seuenth from Henoch Isaach the seuenth from Heber Moses the seuenth from Abraham Iosua the seuenth from Ephraim Elias taken vp in the seuenth age from Samuel Ioram the seuenth from Dauid Salomons Temple was consecrated in the seuenth moneth answerable to the birth of the Fathers The ceremonie of the Feast of Tabernacles continued seuen dayes After the comming from Egipt it was seuen times seuen dayes before the Law was giuen Seuen times seuen dayes after Christes resurrection descended the holy Ghost The stories of the Scriptures goe by seuens from Moses till Christs death thus Seuen yeares the land of Canaan was in conquering Seuen fifties for the glorie of Iosephs house Seuen seuenties for the house of Iudah Seuen tennes for the Captiuity From the Captiuitie to the death of Christ seuen seuenties Moses Ceremonies for the most part were in the seuenth Moneth The Manna that was gathered on the sixt day serued for the seuenth The seuenth yeare the Iewes might not plough sow nor reape In the end of the seuen seuens was the yeare of Iubilee In the seuenth seuen from Cyrus the Walles of Ierusalem were built Seuen times 7000. of the Iewes came from Captiuitie Ioakim endeth the seuenth seuentie with affliction Seuen yeares plenty seuen yeares dearth in the land of Egipt figured by seuen eares of Corne seuen Kyne Noah liued seuen Iubilees after the flood Seuen thousand in the booke of Kings mencioned that neuer bowed their knees vnto Ball. Kaines house cut off in the seuenth age How often shall I forgiue my Brother till seuen times I say vntill seuen times seuentie times alluding vnto Daniels seuens EIGHT Eight The number of the persons saued in the Arke Eight The day of circumcision TEN Tenne Is a full number and the highest or last of simple numbers All Nations after the number of 10. begin againe for plaine teaching and plainnesse in reckoning Ten is the yeare of Iudgement or accompt You haue Ten words for the creation of the World And Ten wordes for the gouernment of the world The Tenth is a holy number as in Tythes which is giuen to vs to acknowledge our dueties In the Tenth moneth the Waters of the Flood abated Sem liued to see the Tenth age a great blessing Tenne Plagues were the Egyptians plagued with for afflicting Sems house Tenne Spies in the Wildernesse misbeleeued Tenne Tribes fell away at Roboams time Daniels Beast hath Tenne Hornes which doe represent Ten cruell Kinges The Beast in the Reuelation hath Tenne Hornes The Pope hath Tenne stately Kingdomes to assist him Noah is the Tenth from Adam Abraham the tenth from Noah TWELVE Twelue Signes in the Zodiacke Twelue Moneths in the yeare Twelue Fathers from the Flood to Iacob Twelue Sonnes of Iacob Twelue Fountaines in the Wildernesse Twelue Stones in Iordan Twelue Stones in Aarons brest Salomon had Twelue Stewards and Dauid Twelue valiant Captaines Salomon at Twelue yeares of age discided the
vpon his head seeing he persecuted Isaacke Arphaxad died being 438. yeares old Gen. 11.12.13 Isaacke borne Gen. 21.5 when Abraham is 100. yeares old and Sara 90. yeares old according to Gen. 17.17 HIs name signifieth Laughter When Isaacke is promised Sara laughed so did Abraham so did Ismael laugh at Isaacke These three laughters in Hebrew are expressed by one word but there is great difference Sara Laughed as at a thing vnlooked for for she sayd I am now nintie yeares old and my Lord an hundred shall I now giue my selfe vnto lust seeing it ceaseth to bee with mee as with other Women And the Lord sayd Is any thing vnpossible with God Abraham laughed as reioycing thereat for it is sayd Abraham beleeued in God and it was reckoned to him for righteousnesse Jsmael laughed as flouting at Isaacke as though hee were such a goodly fellow in whom the Promise should be established You haue this Storie renewed againe in the New Testament For the Angell Gabriel sayth vnto Marie For with God nothing is impossible Elizabeth commeth to salute Marie and she sayth Blessed is she that beleeueth for those thinges shal be performed which are told thee from the Lord. It is sayd of Abraham that hee laughed when the Angell promised he should haue a Sonne thereby signifying his reioycing Isaacks life was answerable to this ioy for he had no affliction in Canaan onely he was driuen to goe to Abimelech King of the Philistines and dwelt in Gerar where he was somewhat iniured Abraham praying for Ismael that God would blesse him he sayth I will make of him a mightie Nation but in Isaacke shall thy seed be called It is written that Abraham had two Sonnes one by a Seruant and one by a Free woman But he which was of the Seruant was after the Flesh and he which was of the Free woman was by Promise which thinges are spoken by an allegorie For these Mothers are the two Testaments the one which is Hagar of Mount Sinay for Hagar or Mount Sinay is a Mountaine in Arabia which gendreth vnto bondage and it answereth to Ierusalem which now is and she is in bondage with her Children But Ierusalem which is aboue is free which is the Mother of vs all for we are after the maner of Isaacke children of the Promise But as then hee which was borne after the flesh persecuted him that was borne after the spirit euen so is it now But what saith the Scripture Put out the Seruant her Sonne for the Sonne of the Seruant shall not be heire with the Sonne of the Free woman Then we are not Children of the Seruant but of the Free woman Gal. 4.21 2113. Ismael and Hagar are expelled Abrahams house Gen. 21.10 It was sayd vnto Abraham that his Seed should be afflicted in a Land that is not theirs 400. yeares and should serue them and they should intreat them euill Now if we reckon the time of the abode of the Children of Israel in Egipt wee shall finde it but 215. yeares for Iacob goeth into Egipt 185. yeares after the Promise of the 400. yeares So that they were not in Egipt full 400. yeares but they were afflicted first and last 400. yeares For Ismael the Egiptian flouteth Isaacke and beginneth the 400. yeare And Pharaoh the Egiptian in the end of 400. yeares afflicteth the Seed of Isaacke And as the Seed of Sem were afflicted by Cam 400. yeares so afterwardes about that time were they also afflicted by Iaphets seede ruling in Egipt It may be obiected How is Ismael an Egiptian seeing hee is of Abraham Hee is by the Mothers side an Egiptian for Hagar was of that Countrie and by this exposition it falleth out to be true We haue for to warrant this the like in the Storie of the Kinges where one beeing an Egiptian is called of the Kinges seede because one of his Auncestors marryed with a wife of Iuda This Storie is mentioned in 1. Chro. 2 34. it is thus sayd Shesan had no Sonnes but Daughters and Shesan had a seruant an Egiptian named Iarchthang Shesan gaue him his Daughter to wife In 2. King 25.22 after that the King of Babel had ouerthrowne Ierusalem he left people in the land of Iuda to till the ground and to exercise manuall trades which were made tributaries and he set Gedoliah ruler ouer them Then came Ismael the sonne of Nethaniah to Gedoliah to Mizpah and Gedoliah sware vnto them that they should not feare to serue the King for by that meanes it should be well with them they should dwel with them in the Land But in the seuenth moneth Ismael the sonne of Nethaniah the sonne of Elishama of the Kinges seede came and slew Gedoliah and he died Heere Ismael which was by his Fathers side Iarchthange an Egiptian is called of the Kinges seede sixteene ages after because his auncestor Iarchthange married one of Iuda And surely it is likely by this that the Kings seede was wonderfully decayed when as one by an Egiptian his great Grandfather hauing onely married in Iuda should be called of the blood Royall And without question Shesan was very wicked in despising the glorie of the Tribe of Juda which he openly shewed when he married his Daughter to an Egiptian His name in Hebrew answereth to Ismaels manners afterwards for the Hebrewes affirme that Iarchthange is so harsh and lothsome to be pronounced as no word of like tediousnesse in all the Hebrew tongue So likwise Ismaels manners are as detestable as the earth can afford Thus you see how Ismael Abrahams sonne may rightly be called an Egiptian Sara reasoneth with Abraham concerning the sending away of Hager and Ismael she might haue great cause to be grieued at the flouting of Ismael for we may imagine her to haue vsed such like speaches as these I haue been content to haue gone with you from Vr of the Chaldeans from my Fathers house and mine owne kindred Besides the tediousnesse of the trauell I haue susteined great vexation and disquietnesse by the feare which I might haue when you went to fight with the foure Kinges For my behauiour towardes you it hath alwayes been pleasing My selfe being barren I gaue you my Mayde that yet by her I might haue children for this euen Hagar despiseth mee It had been better forme to let Eliazar of Damascus haue enioyed the Blessing Now God hath sent me a Sonne see how he is flouted Surely if you doe mee right and that which appertaineth to iustice you must driue out this Bondwoman and her Sonne for this Sonne of the Bondwoman shall not be heire with my Sonne Isaacke This dealing of Sara God approoueth and willeth Abraham to heare her voyce though it seeme grieuous to him Heere we may see by the mocking of Ismael that the wicked euer persecuteth the godly Asa maketh a Law that whosoeuer will not seeke the Lord God of Israel shall be slaine The wicked make as seueere Lawes But heere
sold his Brethren sprinkleth the blood of a Kidde vpon his partie coloured Coate and brought it home to their Father and said a wilde Beast had slaine him Jacob was 20. yeares from his father Isaacke and did not see his face Ioseph was 20 yeares from his father Iacob before he seeth his face To shew that wherein a man offendeth therein he shall be punished Joseph the sonne of Jacob fedde Israel in Egipt as putting meat into the mouth of a Child Joseth the sonne of Jacoh taketh the child Jesus and his Mother Mary fleeth into Egipt Mat. 2.14 and properly putteth meate into the Childes mouth Er and Onan died Gen. 38.7 ER and Onan hauing committed a horrible sinne before God are slaine and no seed left vnto them Then according to the custome Thamar thought to haue had the third sonne Selah to haue raysed vp seed but Iuda neglecting it shee attyred her selfe like a light woman and lay in the way as Iuda should goe to the Sheepshearing Whom Iuda knew and at the time shee bare two Children Phares and Serah For which fact Iuda would haue burt her Whereby we may know that before the Law giuen by Moses they had the same equitie of Iustice for punishing of sinne that they had afterwards In Moses Law a Magistrate might not be condemned vnder three witnesses Thamar condemneth Iuda by three witnesses his Seale Bracelet Staffe From this deed of Iuda wee may vnderstand the prerogatiue that his Brethren should prayse him could not be meant of himselfe but herein is manifest the giftes of God to be of Grace and not of Nature for if Iuda had been rare of godlinesse the prerogatiue of Nature might seeme to haue caused Christ to haue come of him Isaacke died Gen. 35.29 being 180. yeares old HEe is the longest liuer after Heber and liueth longer then Abraham to shew that he was a Child of Promise for if Abraham begetting him when he was old he should haue died quickly what rare blessing had it been to Abraham And therefore that the power of God might be seene euen in the weaknesse of man Isaacke hath a longer life then Abraham or any after him Herevpon it may be concluded the Booke of Tobias to be false because it maketh Tobias life so long and thereby seemeth to crosse Iacobs Blessing Besides wee shall finde that in Nehemias time they which came out of Captiuitie do out-liue any in the Scriptures that come after and these men were accounted old The longest liuer of them commeth short of Isaackes age Ezrom borne of him nothing is spoken Iacob goeth into Egipt Gen. 47.5 Hee is nourished of Ioseph 17. yeares NOw for this number of 215. how is that performed Gen. 15.13 where God sayth to Abraham Thy seed shall be euill intreated in a Land that is not theirs 400. yeares seeing they continue in Egipt but 215. yeares They were afflicted by some of Egipt 400. yeares for Ismael the Egiptian by Hagar mocketh Isaacke in the beginning of the 400. yeares and that Mocking in the Scripture is called Persecution And in the end of the 400. yeares they were afflicted vnto the comming out of Egipt so that they were not in Egipt 400. yeares but they were afflicted first and last 400. yeares Psal 105.23 Israel came into Egypt and Iacob was a Stranger in the land of Cham to confirme the couenant that hee made with Abraham and the oath that he sware vnto Isaacke which he appoynted to Iacob for a Law and to Israel for an euerlasting Testament saying Vnto thee will I giue the Land of Canaan the lot of your inheritance when as yet there were but a few of them and they Strangers in the Land what time as they went from one Nation to another and from one Kingdome to another people Hee suffered no man to doe them wrong but reprooued euen Kinges for their sakes saying Touch not mine Annoynted and doe my Prophets no harme Yet hee called for a Dearth vpon the Land and destroyed all the prouision of Bread But hee had sent a man before them Gen. 39.1 euen Ioseph which was sold to be a Bond-seruant whose feete were hurt in the Stockes and the Iron entered into his soule vntill the time that his cause was knowne The word of the Lord tryed him This Famine ouer all the land of Canaan may appeare to be a punishment on Iacobs samilie for selling Ioseph into Egipt IAcob goeth into Egipt and there telleth Pharaoh that hee was 130. yeares old though Pharaoh in his demaunde meant no more then a Heathen man would to wit to know his yeares and the age of his life ye● God so disposeth Jacobs answere that he signifieth vnto him that his comming into Egipt with Seauentie soules is answerable in a contrarie degree to the first scattering of the Seauentie Families at the building of the Tower of Babel In fourtie eight yeares there came three discentes from Iacob Whereby it appeareth that Iuda and Pharez could not be much elder when they begot children then Salomon was when he begot Roboam which was about twelue yeares of age By meanes of which speedy increase there were of these Seauentie in two hundred and fifteene yeares Six hundred thousand fighting Men besides Women and Children godly and of the household of fayth to shew how God could performe his Promise to Abraham that Hee would make his seede as the Starres of Heauen and as the Sand of the Sea-shore Heereupon Abacucke sayth that the Councels of God are eternall thereby teaching vs to marke diligently the time wherein God performeth his Promises which may be made familiar by examples in this sort It is sayd Gen. 3.15 The Seede of the Woman shall breake the head of the Serpent This was not performed till Christ tooke flesh of the Virgin and became Man which was 4000. yeares wanting but 70. after the Promise made to Adam Satan to try this tempteth Christ and is ouerthrowne Abraham goeth foorth of his Countrey to imbrace the Promise that God would giue him a Land 430. yeares before his Seede should enioy it But the true performance was long after that is to say in Christ as Zacharias speaketh Luk. 1. To performe the oath which he sware to our forefather Abraham that he would giue vs. God speaketh as though presently it should fall out but seeing one thousand yeares in his sight a●●●● one day we must marke how his Counsels are eternall It was spoken in King Achaz daies by Esay 7.14 Behold a Virgine shall conceaue a Sonne Hee nor his seede saw the performance thereof So was Isaacke a figure of Christ and the Lambe kept it in memorie Daniel in his time prophesieth of 70. Seauens or 490. yeares before Christ the King should be killed to performe euery Vision and Prophecie Iacob died in Egipt c. Gen. 49.33 HEe is brought from Egipt to Canaan to be buried in Hebron with Abraham and Isaacke as a signe that hee
Sonne from the malice of Athalia which had destroyed all the rest of the Kings seede and dieth being 130 yeares old While he liued Joas kept Religion and Worshipped the God of his Father After his death he fell away and suffered incense to be offered in the groues to whom Zacharias the Sonne of Barachias said Is this the reward of all my Fathers paines that as soone as my Father is dead you forsake the true God and worship the Gods of the Nations For which cause Ioas caused him to be slaine betweene the Alter and the Temple So that as death is contrarie to life and as at the birth of Seth and Abraham the graces of God were manifested to the world so at Iehoiadahs death the Tribe of Iuda lost all Religion It is a question how Torah being an Idolater could name Abram Hie Father son so doth the word signifie Hee might guesse like a worldly man that his Sonne Abram should be likely to be Rich and Mightie and so should haue many vnder him Howsoeuer it was this is certaine that God directed the tongue of this Idolater to set foorth and preach his glory though his life had no shew of vertue Here is an other question to be discussed of the age of Terah when he begat Abram Of Terah his age when he begat Abram SOme will haue Abram to be borne at Terahs Seuentieth yeare because in Gen. 11.26 it is sayd Terah liued seuentie yeares and begat Abram Nachor and Haran Wherevpon they gather that Abraham was the first borne because hee is put in the first place and that hee was borne in that yeare of Terah to wit the Seuentie But they marke not that Terahs Sonnes are reckoned not according to their age but according to their dignitie as Gen. 5. The sonnes of Noah Sem Cham and Iaphet are so rehearsed that in the first place there is mention made of Sem who for all that was not the first borne neither could be borne in the Fiue hundreth yeare of Noah fith two yeares after the Flood in which yeare he begat Arphaxad hee was but an hundreth yeares old Now the first of this opinon whom I follow was Caluine that famous Doctor of the Church of Geneua who in his Commentaries vpon Gen. 11.27 expresseth it in plaine wordes Him followed Beroaldus who did much in the illustrating of time and Mangoldus This demonstration is set downe Act. 7. Abraham is said to goe out of Haran after his father Terah died Now Terah liued 205. yeares And Abraham went out of Haran in the 75. yeare of his age which yeares if you subtract from Terahs age there remaine 130. yeares in which Abrams natiuitie falleth The same may be confirmed by Sarahs age Abrams wife who is thought to be the Daughter of Abrams brother Abram exceeded her no more but ten yeares whereupon it followeth that hee was borne long after him that was both his Brother and Father in law Abram therefore was called and began his Peregrination in the 2084. yeare of the world the very same day that his posteritie went out of Egipt namely the 15. of Nisan as it is sayd in Exod. 12. The third ioynct of this first time which containeth the diuine couenant of Abraham endeth in the yeare when the Law was giuen in which the Israelites by the goodnesse of God were brought foorth and deliuered out of Egipt by many and strange Miracles This containeth 430. yeares which is confirmed by the testimonie of S. Paul who expresly sayth Gal. 3.17 That the Law began 430. yeares after the confirming of the Couenant or Testament And concerning the confirmation of which Couenant he speaketh he expresseth in that which went before namely of that same which was made when being called of God he went out of Haran For in vers 8. hee cyteth the same Promise In thee shall all the Nations of the earth be blessed Which Gen. 12. is rehearsed in the narration of his calling vers 3. Hitherto also it appertaineth which is written Exod. 12. vers 40. The Peregrination of the Children of Israel as learnedly and truely translateth that worthy man Beroaldus which they dwelt in Egipt was Foure hundred and thirtie yeares Which surely the Seuenty Interpreters so translate that they account the Peregrination of the Fathers made in the Land of Canaan in this dwelling Neither doth the place of Gen. 15. vers 13. concerning the Seede of Abrham to be afflicted 400. yeares hinder it For Abrahams Peregrination is to be deriued frō his Calling and his Seed began to be afflicted when Isaacke the Sonne of Promise borne 25. yeares after his Calling being a Child peraduenture of fiue yeares old suffered the scoffinges of Ismael borne of the Hand-mayde which surely the Apostle Gal. 4.29 expressely nameth Persecution Adde hereunto the rest which Isaacke and Iacob suffered among Strangers Now that time wherein the Israelites abode in Egipt that it is farre wide of 400. yeares is clearer then the light at noone day to them which consider that Koath the Sonne of Leui went downe into Egipt and liued 133. yeares and that his Sonne Amram liued 137. yeares Exod. 6. and that Moses his Sonne was 80. yeares old when he went out of Egipt All which make but 350. yeares and if from these those yeares be subduced which they liued after their Sonnes were borne the yeares remayning would be few But these thinges Doctor Beroaldus and others haue learnedly set foorth Those notable men Bullinger Phlinspachius Scalinger and others agree vnto it It is said that Terah being 70. yeares old begetteth Abram Haran Nachor The Iewes say That Abraham was the eldest but thereby they bring notable absurdities for they agree that Sara was Harans Daughter she is but Ten yeeres younger than Abram and then Abram being elder than Haran and yet married his daughter but Ten yeares younger then her Husband Haran must needes beget her at Nine yeares of age which is impossible Therefore it is certaine that Nachor and Haran were elder then Abram For if wee looke to Gen. 12. and consider that Abram being Seuentie and fiue yeares old receiued the promise and to Saint Stephens Oration Act. 7.2 by which it appereth that Terah was dead before Abram had the promise or else the promise might haue had reference to Terah as well as to Abram we shall by good Arithmetique cast Terah at the birth of Abram to be 130. yeares for take 75. yeares out of 205. which is the time that Tenah liued and there remaineth 130 the age of Terah when he begat Abram To inlarge this further If Abram had beene the eldest Sem would not haue giuen him the blessing for then he should haue died before Sem and men doe not giue their inheritance to their sonnes which die in their life but he would rather haue kept it for Isaack with whom he liued 50. yeares this may be made plaine by another of the same sort Rebecca being with child and they
ascending and descending vpon the Sonne of man In this vision of the Ladder we see the whole Mediation of Christ is shewed to Jacob And if we duely consider it there could not be a fitter Similitude in the whole course of Nature to represent the Mediation then the Ladder for euen as in a Ladder if two or three Steppes be broken the Ladder is to no vse seeing we can neither ascend nor goe downe by it euen so the whole Mediation is so vnited knit togeather that by despising any one part wee bereaue our selues of the benefite of the whole After that Iacob was come to Haran hee serued Seauen yeares for Rachel Laban giueth him Leah and deceiueth him and vseth this excuse That it was not the vse of the Countrie that the younger should be serued before the elder Leah is sayd to be Contrite Heere we may see what it is to enioy the truth of Gods Religion and to worship him truely Leah committeth a great sinne and though God make her fruitfull yet this euent excuseth not the fault before committed Shee knew very well that she could not enioy saluation by staying with her Father and we are to make the best collection of the actions of the best Women and therefore no doubt the zeale that she had to know God made her to venture so farre No doubt this was a great sinne and yet a farre greater to haue been marryed to an vnfaythfull Husband for thereby there was no hope left for saluation And wee see that Christ chooseth to come of Leah by Iuda rather then of Rachel God himselfe onely knoweth how farre he will pardon so great offences Then hee serueth Seauen yeares for Rachel Leah is fruitfull shee hath Reuben and saith The Lord hath Looked on my tribulation Then she conceiued and bare Simeon and saith Because the Lord Heard that I was hated therefore he hath giuen me this Sonne Shee conceiued againe and bare Leui and sayth Now my Husband will be Ioyned vnto mee therefore she named him Leui Ioyned Then she bare Iuda and sayd Now will I Prayse the Lord. The Heathen by the light of Nature will confesse that the Lord looketh on their tribulation and helpeth them that he heareth their hatred and reuengeth it But they cannot for all these benefites prayse the Lord Therefore she as a Prophet knowing that Christ should come of Iuda Pray seth God for so glorious a blessing Then shee left bearing for a time Rachel giueth Bilha to Jacob she beareth Dan Iudgement and sayth God hath giuen Sentence on my side Afterwardes Nepthali Wraftling Leah doth the like and giueth Iacob Zilpha who beareth Gad a Companie and Asher Happy Leah after beareth Isachar Wages or Reward then Zebulon God hath giuen me a goodly Dowrie and last Dina a Daughter Iudgement So God shewed iudgements to the Sichemites for rauishing of her Fourteene yeares after Ioseph Encrease is borne A rare man and we commonly see that rare men haue great expectation before their birth After this Iacob like a good Philosopher enricheth himselfe by vsing Roddes of diuers colours Ioseph in Egipt vseth a kind of pollicie to take away the Landes from the people and to bring them to the King These actions at the first might seeme vnlawfull because the cause is hid from vs though afterwardes the purpose of God appearing they are approoued Iuda borne his father Iacob being 87. yeares old HEe was the fourth Sonne of Iacob his mother nameth him Prayse God Whereby it appeareth that she looked for Redemption by Christ respecting the Promise concerning the Seed of the Woman to be accomplished in him It could not so haue appeared by naming Ruben Simeon or Leui for a wise Philosopher might haue giuen those names But Iuda contayning a name of heauenly comfort sheweth a spirit gouerned by the holy Ghost Iacob goeth from Laban Gen. 31.17 WHere he had bin twentie yeares two seuens a sixe in which number is contained the Creation and the Sabaoth And as any one may gather closely expressed seuen yeares plentie and seuen yeares dearth As he returned from Laban he feared his brother Esau But the Angell of God met him to comfort him therefore he calleth the name of the place Mahanaim that is Gods Hoste This Campe of Angels is repeated in the Song of Songes and applyed to Christ as the companie of an Armie So Dauid likewise affirmeth that the Angels of God doe pitch their Tentes about them that feare him When Absolom is destroyed Dauid and his Campe were at Mahanaim the place where the Angel mette Iacob Wherein we are to learne that God so disposeth the actions of his elect that hee regardeth their goinges out and their commings in and marketh all their Paths that whether they be at home with their Father or abroad among Strangers they are shadowed vnder the defence of the most High whose dwelling is in eternitie After this he wrastleth with the Sonne of God that is in likenesse of the same nature which he afterward tooke vpon him vntill the breake of the day and would not let him goe till he had blessed him Therefore hee called him Israel a Conquerour This is expounded in Oseas By his strength he had power with God To shew that as he had power with God so he should preuaile with men Then hee erected an Altar there and called it Penuel for sayth hee I haue seene Ged face to face This storie of Iacob is repeated in Iohn 1.47 where Christ sayth to Nathaniel Behold a true Israelite in whom there is no guile Nathaniel is called the true Israelite in that hee acknowledged Christ to be the Sonne of God which hee might know by casting Daniels Seauens Afterwardes hee is reconciled to his brother Esau and beyond Iordan hee dwelt neere Sichem where Dina is deflowred Er Onan Selah borne Er Onan were married to Thamar committed grieuous sins before God and therfore he destroyeth them Ioseph is sode into Egipt when he is 17. yeares old so long was he nourished at home of Iacob IOseph Dreameth that the Sunne Moone and eleuen Starres worshiped him Gen. 37.9 meaning his Father Mother and his eleuen Brethren of whom in the creation the twelue Signes in the Zodiacke had a full reference shewing thereby that God in his Counsell at the Creation had a great regard to the number of the Sonnes of Iacob which were to be borne more then two thousand yeares after He hath the like regard at the confusion of Tongues in setling Canaan and his eleuen Sonnes in a soyle which Iacobs sonnes should afterwards possesse For declaring this Dreame the poyson of the Serpent possessing his Brethrens heartes they were mooued with enuie and sold Joseph into Egipt Iuda caused him to be sold to saue his life but Iudas Iscariot that is which falleth away for reward sold Christ to loose his life Math. 26.15 Iacob deceiued his father Isaacke with a Kidd Gen. 37.31 When Ioseph is
looked for the Resurrection and inioying of the spiriturll Canaan This place Caleb afterwardes claymeth for an Inheritance when he commeth into the Land for it was the first Purchase and a signification of our Pilgrimage in this life hauing heere no abiding place Now let vs compare the Iourneyes of Abraham Iacob Iacobs sonnes and Christ together Abraham Was borne in Mesopotamia He goeth to Canaan He returneth to Egipt He dieth in Canaan Iacob Was borne in Canaan He goeth to Mesopotamia He returneth to Canaan He goeth into Egipt He is brought to Canaan Iacobs sonnes Are borne in Mesopotamia They dwell in Canaan They multiply in Egipt They returne to Canaan and after that are carried into Babel an other Egipt CHRIST Is borne in Canaan He goeth to Egipt He returneth to Canaan and there he dieth and bringeth a new Babel or Egipt the Romanes on the Iewes to destroy them Rambam an old Hebrew maketh another comparison in the euents thus Iacob himselfe was vsed well in Egipt but his posteritie was plagued by the Kings which liued after him in Egipt In Babylon those that went into captiuitie were plagued as Sidrack Misack Abednago but their posteritie found reliefe in Cirus and Darius conquering the Babilonians Now it is necessarie to speake of the place where Iacob died This place was Egipt Chams Countrie long agoe accursed Where it is spoken in the Prophets that in Egipt men spake with the tongue of Canaan The meaning of it is thus much That when Christ shall come to preach his teaching shall be of such power that it shall conuert in all Countries as well Egipt as Grecia Barbaria and all other the Countries of the Gentiles which knew not God soules vnto God which being conuerted shall speake the tongue of Canaan that is their tongues shall prayse God for their Redemption by Christ which is the tongue of Canaan This continueth yet true for there it no Countrie nor Nation where God hath not had or hath those which vnfaignedly beleeue the Gospell Yet if it be obiected that the tongue of Canaan was Hebrew how then shall a simple Ploughman vnderstand it This obiection is thus taken away It is not necessarie for a simple Ploughman or trades-man to be a skilfull Hebrecian for hee may be saued without the knowledge of the tongue seeing by the Bible translated hee may learne the Religion of Canaan and that learning will teach him the tongue of Canaan If they reply further that the Papistes say the Translations be corrupted and therefore it is necessarie he should be cunning in the originall For answere to this reply made from the Papistes argument If any doubt of the trueth of the Translations he may resort to learned Preachers which can easily resolue him And for the Papistes if the controuersie be betweene them and vs the originall must determine it It is sayd that Iacobs sonnes were of Cham. It is not meant his twelue Sonnes for they were borne before hee came into Egipt but that place of Scripture hath speciall referrence to the two sonnes of Ioseph Ephraim and Manasses who are recconed to be Iacobs Children For Ioseph marrying an Egiptian by whom he had them they by the Mothers side are of Cham and so Iacobs Children in this sense are of Cham. Thus much for the place Now followeth his Will Gen. 49.2 HEare yee Sonnes of Iacob and hearken to Israel your Father Heere hee repeateth his owne name Israel that is Mightie with God The occomplishment of this strength was fulfilled when they came from Egipt As there is no Common-wealth but standes of those that be Wanton of men ouerreached with Choller of Iudges of Husbandmen of Merchants of men of Trade of Warriours to defende from forraine inuasion so are Iacobs twelue Sonnes of all degrees in life In placing them heere thus their Dignitie is regarded and not their prerogatiue of Birth for then Reuben should be first IVD A hath the prerogatiue that His Brethren shall prayse him Yet if wee looke into his life this could not be meant of him for who looser then hee who lay with his daughter Thamar But herein is manifest the giftes of God to be of Grace and not of Nature For if Iuda had been rare for godlinesse then the prerogatiue of Nature might seeme to haue caused Christ to haue come of him Iuda his Storie of Prayse God is repeated by S. Paul Rom. 2.25 where he sayth Whose prayse is not of men but of God So euery man that knoweth the birth of Christ and imbraceth the truth thereof with constancie not turning for the loue of reward his prayse is of God though the world hate him JOSEPH hee Exceedes in vertue and therefore hath woonderfull blessinges for among the thirteene Iudges sixe are of his Tribe By which glory his posteritie began to despise the Tribe of Iuda for at Roboams time they say 1 Kin. 12. What haue we to doe with the house of Iessai What haue we to doe with the house of Dauid to your Tentes O Israel to your Tentes But the Lord plagued them with a Plague euer to be kept in memorie as the Prophet Ieremie sayth Ier. 7.12 Marke what I haue done to Siloh which was a Citie in the Tribe of Ephraim And in Psal 78.67 He forsooke the Tabernacle of Siloh euen the Tent that hee had pitched among them He refused the Tabernacle of Ioseph and choose not the Tribe of Ephraim but choose the Tribe of Iuda euen the hill of Sion which he loued Concerning the prosperitie of Iosephs house Nazeanzenus noteth that hee himselfe was more afrayde of the subtleties of Satan in his prosperitie then in his aduersities NEPHTALI Of him this onely is spoked Gen 49. Hee is a Hinde let goe giuing goodly wordes Which was performed when Barack of Nephtali and Debora of Ephraim sang for the ouerthrow of Sisera at the waters of Mageddon Iudg. 5.1 c. Now whereas you haue Abacuck to bring a messe of Pottage to Daniel in the Lions denne some Iew that made that neuer meant so but from that place of Abacuck The iust shall liue by his Fayth Abac. 2. fayneth a comparison that as Pottage preserueth this naturall life from perishing so the meditating by Fayth on the Promises of God in Christ kept our soules from wauering by distrust and by that confidence Daniel was saued from the mouth of the Lions BENIAMIN A child very vertuous Rachel calleth him Ben-oni Sonne of my sorrow but Israel calleth him Beniamin Sonne of my right hand Moses in Deut. 33.12 in his blessing sayth The beloued of the Lord shall dwell in safetie by him and God shall dwell betweene his shoulders And so he did for the Temple was afterwardes built in the Tribe of Beniamin His Tribe hath the first King though he be the meanest of the Tribes Beniamin continueth till the euening When the other Tribes fell away hee onely with Iuda at Roboams time hee onely with Iuda in Cyrus time ioyned