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A52314 Evangelium regni = A joyful message of the kingdom : published by the holy Spirit of the love of Jesus Christ, and sent forth unto all nations of people which love the truth in Jesus Christ / set forth by H.N. ... ; translated out of Base-Almayn. Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580?; Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579. 1652 (1652) Wing N1124; ESTC R615 115,100 224

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according to the name and stock of his Father 7. Lia bare his first son and called him Ruben and signifieth unto us a Son of the vision 8 Again Lia bare him his second Son and called him Simeon and signifieth unto us harkning 9 Again Lia bare him his third Son and called him Levi and signifieth unto us adjoyned 10. Again Lia bare him his fourth Son and called him Iuda and signifieth unto us a confessing or thanksgiving 11. But Bilha Rachels maid bare him his fifth Son and called him Dan and signifieth unto us a Iudgement 12 Again Bilha bare him his sixth Son and called him Nepthalim and signifieth unto us a making equal 13. Then Zilpha Lias maid bare him his seventh Son and called him Gad and signifieth unto us Prepared or Girded up 14. Again Zilpha bar● him his eight Son and called him Aser and signifieth unto us Salvation or Blessedness 15. After that Lia bare him his ninth Son and called him Issachar and signifieth unto us a Reward 16. Again Lia bare him his tenth Son and called him Zabulon and signifieth unto us an Habitation or Dwelling place 17. But Rachel bare him his eleventh Son and called him Ioseph and signifieth unto us Perfection It signifieth also unto us Exalted as that ●he Perfection is worthy to be a Ruler and to govern Countries and People 18. Again Rachel bare him his twelfth Son and died and called him Ben-nom and signifieth unto us a Son of Sorrow But Iacob his father called him Ben-iamin and signifieth unto us A Son of the Right hand 19. MOreover Iacob with his whole house or Tribe came to dwel in Egypt which name signifieth unto us Strictness or Heaviness In which Land the Children of Iacob multiplied them into many people And they had not any other Ceremonies but such as had been by their Fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob namely the ministration of the Circumcision Which Circumcision they bare for a Covenant of God in their flesh to a true signe that they were God's elected people and did bear the laying away of the sin in their flesh 20. But whenas now these Tribes of Israel in Egypt multiplyed them exceedingly and became great and mighty of People so reigned the king of Egypt over them with in justice and this king of Egypt was named Pharao which name signifieth unto us One that is making naked or wasting 21. NOw whilst that these Tribes of Iacob were by the king Pharao sore afflicted in the land of Egypt and overlorded with injustice so cryed they unto the God of their Fathers And the Iord remembred his Covenant which he had made with Abraham to wit That he would be a Judge over the seed of Abraham in the land wherein they were oppressed And he had compassion on the misery of the children of Iacob and chose them out from among themselves one man of the Tribe of Levi named Moses which name signifieth unto us Fetched or taken up out of the Waters Through whom God would lead his People out of Egypt and r●lease them from the violent power of Pharao 22. And the Lord called this same Moses unto him and sent him unto the children of Israel and caused him to publish unto them the grace of the God of their Fathers and that the same God would lead them out of the Strictness deliver them from the violence of Pharao and bring them into a good land that floweth with milk and honey 23. Moreover the Lord prepared Moses an helper which should witness and manifest the word of Moses before the children of Israel and before Pharao king of Egypt which was also of the Tribe of Levi and Moses brother named Aaron which name signifieth unto us a Doctrine or an hill whereout Doctrine is rec●ived or that is Teaching 24. And the Lord wrought many signes and wonders in the land of Egypt in the presence of Pharao and of the children of Israel but before Pharao to the hardning of his heart and before the children of Israel that they should believe the God of their Fathers understand and know the power of his wonderful works and humble them under him and his Word which was shewed unto them by Moses and Aaron out of the living word of the God of heaven as also be obedient unto the same 25. All this wrought the Lord among the children of Israel through Moses and Aaron to the end that they should witness and set forth the Lord's word and will with his Institutions and Rites before the children of Israel 26. BUt whilst now the children of Israel had not any further sight nor knowledge of the house or tabernacle of the Lord then of the Fear of God the beginning or forefront of God his true Tabernacle and did bear the Circumcision for a signe of the true Covenant of God that they were the Lord's people and feared the living God in their flesh and were not yet entred into the Holy of the true Tabernacle of God so would God declare the Holy by them and bring them therein and even so build among them the Holy of his Sanctuary or true Tabernacle to a great name of his glory and to the blessing and salvation of his people also upon the earth Therefore God caused some better and godlyer thing to be published through Moses unto his people then that wherein they stood comprehended to the end that they should set their hope thereon and even so for to obtain the Rest be obedient unto the word of the Lord as also to their releasing from the violence of Ph●raoh depart out of Egypt 27. BEhold in the same time did the Lord with great signes and wonders make mani●est his Glory among the Children of Isra●l and even so to the end that his great N●me and wonderful power might also be known among all Heathen and he feared as a true God led his people Israel through Moses and Aaron with a mighty hand and forcible Arm out of the land of Egypt and se● forth and taught them through Moses his In●titutions and Laws for to observe those same in the good land whereinto the Lord would bring them 28. In which time there was no more spoken unto them of the circumcision of the flesh bu● of that which was neerer unto the consummation or perfection and of the inheriting of the good land which God had promised unto the seed of Abraham Isaac and Iacob 29. BUt when as now the Lord had led his people out of Egypt and through the wilderness even unto the red sea where they were pursued by Pharao so opened the Lord the red sea before them dividing it asunder and brought his people through Moses and A●ron undamaged therethorow 30. Bu● Pharao with all his might and power which entred also into the red sea for to destroy the children of Isr●el perished in the same so that not one of all
his Host escaped thereout nor remained alive 31. The which signifieth unto us in cleerness the perishing or going under of the ignorant or unknown sins which in the strictness reigned over Israel and burdned them very sore 32. The red Sea signifieth unto us the Hope namely for the People of the Lord an hope to come unto some better thing wherein the children of Israel obtained room when they were persecuted and which was opened before them that they might pass therethrough but closed or stopped before their enemies which persecuted them and went also therein with an hope to destroy the children of Israel and so they were all drowned therein 33. Thus the children of Israel journeyed through the protection of the Lord until they came unto the wilderness Sinai unto Mount Sinai which signifieth unto us a Thorny thicket or a thorny Desart 34. WHat we had here more to say of the multiplying of the children of Israel in Egypt and of their Departing or leading forth out of the same land is declared in the Glass of Righteousness The XI Chapter THe while now that the children of Israel became weary in their journey they murmured against Moses and Aaron and also against the Lord and became likewise unwilling to enter into the good land complayning that they were departed out of Egypt wherethrough we may perceive and understand that they have turned away from the doctrine and requiring of Moses as also from the right stock of Abraham and from his belief and were turned into their own knowledge and self seeking and for that cause they knew believed or understood not the works of God his waies Institutions and laws nor yet his word in such sort as their Fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob had known believed and understood 2. Therefore the Lord came down to the Children of Israel upon Mount Sinai and called unto him Moses and Aaron and caused his word to be heard exceeding loud of all the people making manifest unto them how that he was the Lord. He taught them likewise which or in what sort his law Commandments institutions and rites were wherein their Fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob had lived uprightly 3. Now when the Lord had caused them to hear his word exceeding loud they were afraid at the Sound of the same word because they loved him not nor yet knew his voice And for that cause they would not the Lord but Moses should speak unto them 4. HErewithal O ye goodwilling hearts consider and look into the matter how that the Lord would nor declare nor make known his secrets nor his councel mind or will of that which he either in the present time or in the time to come would do accomplish or atchieve with them unto such as had none other will desire or love unto him nor yet shewed thankfuln●ss for all the goodness love faithfulness and mercy wherewith God informed or trained them neither would he set up or perform the service of his true being according to his heavenly truth by them nor yet bring such unto his rest For they could not in their unbelief and disobedience comprehend or understand that which God required at their hands 5. In like manner will the Lord now also in these last days not make manifest his secret counsel mind and will unto the unbelievers and disobedient but unto them that seek him with all their heart believe and obey his word in the requiring of his service and have a desire to do his will The which cannot come to pass by any man but by them that have an unlust and unwil to themselves and that even so for the Lord's cause forsake hate and leave themselves and all what they have learned and taken on unto them 6. BEhold by such that love the wisdom of the Lord his word and Instruction and his righteousness will the Lord erect the service of his true being make manifest himself establish his promises and bring them unto his rest as also dwell live and walk in them 7. Therefore hath the Lord in times past not made manifest or erected his true service according to the heavenly truth or his being of perfect righteousness by the people which loved themselves and were unbelieving towards him and his ministers wherethrough the wrath of the Lord came upon them and they might not ent●r in his rest but hath let them see the same through Moses in images figures and shadows and hath even so set forth before them through Moses the patern which was figured forth according to the very true to an example of the very true and to a doctrine which reacheth or leadeth to the very true witnessing there withall before al eys of godly understanding that the very true and perfect of the same was with the Lord. 8. Which absolute or perfect being of the same example patern and doctrine God would in the time to come bring in plant and set up by the children of men which would believe God and be good willing unto the obedience of his requiring 9. Therefore chanced not the services of the images and figures only for their sakes which tempted God and where unbelieving but for our sakes we which are present●y in the end of the world stirr●d up and goodwilling unto the true being of God to the end that they all which love the Lord with all their heart and humble them under the obedience of the love might now understand and know the Lord's love and godness which he hath unto man and the true being or perfection of his lovely righteousness out of the images and figures also forsake and got out of themselves and so live therein 10. This same can we in the former figured example comprehend and understand like as we may also behold in the images that none other inhabiteth inheriteth or cometh unto the Kingdom full of the glory and maiesty of God but he that hath an unwil or unlust to himself and so cleaveth with whole heart unto Christ as is abovesaid The XII Chapter MOreover the Lord hath written his law institutions and rites in two tables of stone and given them unto Moses he shewed Moses also all the sanctuary of his tabernacle and gave him likewise therewith divers convenient laws or ordinances which he should set forth before the children o Israel which were ignorant of God's Law Institutions and Rites or of the convenient Ordinances of the Lord to the end that the Ordinances and Services of the Lord might be even so all prepared according to the same pattern which the Lord gave unto Moses upon mount Sinai and so the same prefiguration be observed with diligent service for a stedfast memorial of the same true Being in the Priests office of Aaron until that the glory of God and his love towards Israel should be brought through Christ the promises of God the Father to the
then did Iosue circumcise again all the males And the children of Israel took in with forcible hand all the whole land 2. And thus in process of time they brought the people in sujection and had many battels against their enemies until David the king of the Tribe of Iudah which vanquished and subdued in battel the enemies of Israel and of the Lord with all his own enemies wherethrough his son Salomon inherited the Kingdom of Israel in peace sate upon the seat of David his Father and ruled the whole land and the people of Israel through the Godly wisdom peaceably and judged them uprightly 3. This David was exceedingly beloved of the Lord in such wise that the Lord said that he had found a man according to his own heart And the Lord nameth him also in certain places of the Scripture my servant David the which signifieth unto us my service which is lovely 4. BEhold this righteous plant of David hath the God of heaven raised up by us now in the last time like as the Lord promised the same according to the Scriptures and hath ordained him in this day of his love to be a ruler which shall govern wisely He shall set up judgement and Righteousness again upon earth that Iuda may now in this time be hopen and Israel dwel undismayed or without fear For his seed shall stand from henceforth before the Lord and sit upon the seat of David for evermore like as there is written thereof 5. Behold this covenant hath the Lord made thus in times past with his servant David and sworn to keep the same with him for evermore 6. But now when as Salomon which is the right seed of his Father David hath inheri●ed in peace the Kingdom of Israel and the seat of David his Father so builded he at the same time an house or temple within Ierusalem unto the name of the Lord and also an house for himself which was the house of Salomon and all lands and people humbled them under Salomon and his godly wisdom 7. Salomon signifieth unto us peaceable or one which is rich of peace Ierusalem signifieth unto us a vision of peace or of perf●ction 8. O Ye dearly beloved consider here the Mysterie of the works of God and the providence of his unsearchable wisdom and behold in the Jmages and figures what they shew forth unto us 9. Verily they will now in this day of love express some singular thing unto us and declare in this last time a great mysterie For in this day they make known unto us that it all which they signifie or whereof they give their cleerness shall now in this last time be erected according to the true being and fulfilled or accomplished according to the heavenly truth 10. But in all this former beauty and in the garnishing of the images and figures wherewith the Lord trained or informed he children of Israel that they might thereout know or understand the very true so served they at that time not the very true which God required out of the imagelike or figurative services but they served the images and figures and were subject to the service of the Levitical Priesthood after the order of Aaron Which service increased alwaies in glory to the multiplying and greater respecting of the righteousness 11. NOw after that Salomon was fallen asleep and buried with his Fathers so rented then the Kingdom of the children of Israel into two parts and ten Tribes of Israel fell away from the house of David and chose unto themselves another king named Ieroboam which name signifieth unto us an assaulting or a tempting of the People 12. Through this king which reigned over the ten Tribes of Israel they departed away from Ierusalem from the Temple of Salomon and from the services of the Priests after the order of Aaron and set up for themselves services and images at Beth-el and Dan and so brought the holy places into desolation They instituted Priests also which were not of the Tribe of Levi out of Aaron wherewith they observed the services falsly and did that which displeased the Lord and were for that cause at the last vanquished by the king Salmanaser which came from Assyria and by him led away out of the land and are yet estranged from the same even unto this same day in which the Lord will presently bring them again to their heritage and to the house of David 13. Beth-el signifieth unto us the house of God and Dan the judgement 〈◊〉 coming from Assyria signifieth unto u● a peace bound or knit together proceeding from the snares or sins which one ●ayeth to such a purpose or wherewith 〈…〉 assaulted or tempted like as their first king Ieroboam had brought in the same 14. What we had here more to say of the children of Israel of their disobedience against the Lord wherethrough they in times past remained without the rest of their uncircumcision or which is the uncircumcision of heart of Israel's casting out and how long they shall abide cast out from the Lord as also when they shall be restored or set up again is declared in the Glas● of Righteousness The XVI Chapter BUt the Stock of David and all what was of the Tribe of Iuda and Benjamin kept themselves together and held them unto the services of the Priesthood out of Levi according to the ordinance of Aaron like as the Lord had commanded the same which they observed at Ierusalem in the house of the Lord prepared by Salomon 2. Howbeit the tribes of Iuda and Benjamin sinned against the Lord and estranged them even so through a confusion or commixture unto intanglement from his law and from the requiring of the same wherethrough the Lord gave them over also at the last into the hands of the King Nabuchodonosor coming from Babel the which signifieth unto us a sighing or heaviness through strictness proceeding from a confusion or from a commixture which hath intangled or snared it self in it self 3. This Nabuchodonosor of Babel utterly destroyed the temple of the Lord which Salomon had builded and burned the same and Salomon's house also he brake down the wals of Ierusalem and carryed away all the vessels of silver and gold which were in the house of the Lord and the most part of the Citizens of Ierusalem into Babylon Wherethrough the government of their King of Iuda with their Psalms Songs and Mirth was utterly laid down the house of the Lord brought in desolation and the City of Ierusalem as a ruinated City made to heaps of stones Whereover Ieremy in his Lamentations greatly sighed wayled and wept 4. NOw when the tribes of Iuda were led away into Babylon so must they then for their sins or confusions cause wherein they had mingled and bewrapped themselves together serve there the King Nabuchodonosor 5. But after that or after the end
then the Law and the Services do in such wise change by the believers of the Anointed to wit out of the figures into the true being and out of the letter or serviceable word into the revealing of the holy Spirit of Christ there is also then by those same the Priests office changed For Christ the honorable Priest cometh unto them from the right hand of God the Father out of the heavenly Being which hath or useth not his servce after the manner or ordinance of Aaron which is yet a teaching or requiring to observe the Will or the Righteousness of the law of the Lord but after the manner or ordinance of Melchisedech which bringeth with him the Blessing the accomplishing of the Law or of the Lord's will the salvation of life and the anointing of the holy Ghost to a pledge of the godly inheritance and to an everlasting treasure or riches of God and reigneth in the righteousness of the same 7. Melchisedech signifieth unto us One that ruleth in the Perfection which is called a King of Righteousness And in him is the fulfilling of the Law and of the service of the Prophets Therefore the●e shall not one Letter nor the very least 〈◊〉 fall from the Law until all come to pass 8. OH alas How grosly then have certain wise of the world and Scripture learned over-reached them herein which have without diversity forsaken the Law and the service of the Elders Testament and of the Priests office after the ordinance of Aaron and set back the same as a thing unneedful not once distinguishing unto whom the service after the Ordinance of Aaron is yet necessary nor yet with whom the same at the appointed time ceaseth or leaveth of● 9. But have all for the most part cryed Christ Christ and we are Christians and attributed to themselves much freedom ere ever the time of the appearing of Christ or the anointing of the holy Ghost was come to pass or fulfilled with them in the accomplishing of the old Testament 10. Oh that they yet now awaked and took heed in the word of the service of love unto this gracious time and gave ear unto the same that they might understand their safe making and so then be rightly and according to the truth brought to the true Being that is unto Christ. 11. What we had here more to say of the foregoing service after the ordinance of Aaron or of the foregoing before the true light of the Elders of the holy Uunderstanding of the Levitical Priesthood of the Sabbath day of the Lord and of the Treasures of the Riches of God is declared in the Glass of Righteousness The XIV Chapter NOw when as all these forementioned holy things were prepared according to the commandment of the Lord so were there men sent forth into the land of Promise for to spy out the same 2. But when as now these were returned out of the same land certain reported unto the children of Israel that the battel wherewith the land was to be won was very tedious and that the land was invincible or that it was impossible to destroy the inhabitants wherethrough the people became unbelieving of the promses of the Lord and dismayed in heart unto battel and were afraid of their enemies which they through the mighty hand of their God should have destroyed and rooted out and they murmured against Moses and his ministration 3. Howbeit Iosue and Caleb which had also spyed out the same land brought good tydings namely that they could well win the same good land and destroy their enemies which dwelled therein 4. But they were not harkned to or believed because the people waxed unbeliev●ng of the word of the Lord and his promises and unlustful to the battel and complained sore that they remained not in Egypt to the end they might have died there 5. And even so out of fear and through unbelief and despair to win the battel against their enemies they wished that they might dy in the wilderness and that came to pass even so 6. For all they that had murmured continually against the Lord and bin unbelieving and disobedient unto him and the ministration and requiring of his word came not into the good land but Iosue and Caleb which cleaved with all their heart unto the Lord and believed and were obedient unto his word inherited the same Iosue signifieth unto us a Saviour Caleb the inward heart or minde 7. HEreout we may perceive ye dearly beloved that the circumcision of the resisters or disobedient unto the word of the Elders Moses and Aaron was through their unbelief and murmuring against the Lord and the Ministers of his word become an Uncircumcision and that there was also no love of God but in all the love of themselves found among them 8. Whilst then they bowed not nor inclined the ears of their heart unto the doctrine of the word which was administred unto them by Moses and Aron but after their own good thinking were chusing this or that or somthing else even thus or even so so have they not known the truth nor yet understood the mysterie of the works of God For that cause also they were not made free of the truth● they entred not likewise into the holy of the true tabernacle of God nor have inherited the inheritance which God had promised unto the seed of Abraham 9. The which giveth us to understand that they are not Abraham's seed which bear only the circumcision on their flesh but they that are of his belief for the believers inherited the good land 10. Notwithstanding the glory of God was not at that time erected in his fulness nor the promises fulfilled which the Lord had promised to the salvation and blessing of the Heathen 11. For in his time the Lord would also visit the heathen declare his righteousness among them and even so according to his promises make Abraham a father of many heathen which should not be of the circumcision of the flesh but of his faith 12. But the murmurers and complainers which bare alwaies a care how it should go with themselves but thought very little on the glory of the Lord or on the magnifying of his holy name fell all into the indignation of the Lord and God shewed no compassion on them for their infidelity sake And therefore they must then remain without the Rest and dy in the Wilderness 13. But Iosue a leader or guide of Israel brought the remnant of the people of Israel unto Iordan which Iordan opened or divided it self asunder before them and so they went thorow the same even unto the borders of the good land Iordan signifieth unto us a River of Iudgement And it is the same River wherein Iohn the Baptist afterward baptised The XV. Chapter NOw when Israel was come into the borders of the good land
God was born or brought forth Whereunto all foregoing services with the images figures and shadows do induce and lead and cease therein and wherethrough the true God-service of the spiritual and heavenly goods is nakedly seen known ministred and inherited in full cleerness It is very true 4. NOw when as these forementioned figurative services had had their foregoing till unto Zacharias at which time Herod out of the power of Rome was king over the lands of Iuda so ministred Zacharias the Priest's office at the same time according to the ordinance of Abia that is in such wise as the Father of the Lord would have it or as it pleased him And Zacharias had a wife of the daughters of Aaron named Elisabeth 5. Herod signifieth unto us a Mountain of glory Rome signifieth unto us Puissance or strength These Romans not being out of Iuda but out of the Heathen were in the time of Zacharias lords over the land of Iuda Zacharias signifieth unto us the memory or remembrance of the Lord. Abia the Will of the Lord. Elizabeth the Oath or Covenant of God 6. And when as now Zacharias ministred the Priest's office before God according to the ordinance of Abia and that he burned incense in the Temple of the Lord so remembred the Lord the Oath or Covenant of his promises and sent at the same time his Angel Gabri●l 〈◊〉 Zacharias evangelized unto him that Elisabeth his wife should bear him a Son and his name should be called Iohn which name signifieth unto us the grace mercy of the Lord. Angel signifieth unto us a messenger or publisher Gabriel which published the same signifieth unto us the power or strength of God 7. Gabriel witnessed yet further to Zacharias unto thee and unto many people there shall be joy in the birth of Iohn For he shall be great before the Lord c. He shall go before the face of the Lord in the spirit and power of Elias which signifieth unto us in the spirit and power of God the Lord. 8. With these sayings there is made known unto us by the Angel Gabriel that the foregoing of Iohn before the face of the Lord should not chance in figures but according to the true being in the spirit and power of God the Lord in like manner as Zachariis also witnessed of Iohn when he was born read the first of Luke The XVIII Chapter NOw when the Lord had out of the imagelike foregoing after the manner of Aaron brought forth a true foregoer in the spirit and power of God the Lord or obtained him out of Zacharias and Eilzabeth his wife through whom he would begin his work or Office according to the true being so remembred he also his servant David or his beloved service and the oath which he had sworn unto him to wit that his seed should sit upon his seat 2. Whilest then the procreation of the seed of David according to the Genealogie stretched even unto Ioseph which was the right stock of the Kingly seed of David and that he had out of the same house of David a Virgin to wife named Mary which was betrothed unto him so hath the Lord according to his promises also visited the house of David and sent forth from him his Angel Gabriel into a City of Galilee named Nazareth unto the same Virgin Mary which was espoused unto the man Ioseph of the house of David as is abovesaid 3. Galilee signifieth unto us a turning or winding about Nazareth signifieth hallowed Mary a Doctress Ioseph one that is perfect or an exalting or great esteeming of the perfection 4. ANd Gabriel went in unto Mary and when he had saluted her he said unto her thou hast found mercy with God behold thou shalt conceive in the womb and bear a Son and shall call his name JESVS which name signifieth unto us Saviour 5. This same saith Gabriel shall be great be called a Son of the most highest And God the Lord shall give unto him the Seat of his Father David and he shall be a king over the house of Iacob for evermore and of his kingdom there shall be none end 6. When Mary had heard these sayings of Gabriel she askt him how the same should come to pass forasmuch as she knew no man 7. Gabriel answered her and said The holy Ghost shall come down from above out of the height upon thee and the power of the most High shall shine about thee Therefore shall also that holy one which shall be born of thee be called the Son of God 8. And Mary believ'd the word of the Lord and became with childe by the holy Ghost And rejoyced her in God her salvation 9. COnsider ye beloved how that there is shewed unto us and given us to understand through the speeches of the Angel Gabriel which he used with Mary that at the same time when the holy Ghost came through the power of the most high upon the Virgin Mary and procreated the true seed of promise the time of the procreating of the seed of Abraham according to the flesh turned it self about to wit that the holy and true seed of Abraham should not from thenceforth be conceived of the flesh but of the holy Ghost through the power of the most highest in the Belief and that the same should even so be born out of the true faith of Abraham for the seed out of the faith of Abraham and out of the pure Virgin Mary is the true seed of Promise to the blessing of all generations of the earth 10. And thus from that time forth the genealogie of the seed of Abraham according to the flesh cea●ed with the Believers For the upright children of the Belief which had their Descent out of the seed of the faith of Abraham and of the pure Virgin Mary as also from the holy Ghost were known to be the true seed of Abraham because the same seed was the seed of the promise of God the Father and was likewise in his mind according to the spirit the likeness of God his Father also Spirit and spiritual of the godly Nature and Being and according to the will of God wholy minded with God 11. AT the same time when Augustus the Emperor of Rome reigned and had made a stedfast peace in all lands whereover he ruled so caused he a Commandment to go forth from him that all the world should be ●axed every one in his own City 12. In which time Ioseph and Mary journeyed also unto the City of David named Beth-lehem that they might be taxed there seing that they were of the same City of David And even there in Beth-lehem Mary brought forth her first Son 13. Augustus signifieth unto us a great estimation or respecting of the thing that is glorious holy and increasing Beth-lehem an house of Bread 14. AT the same time when Mary had brought forth her first
sung from everlasting to everlasting and wherein all minds of pure hearts do dwell live and walk with freedome and Christian triumph in all love 5. THis great day-light of the most high God hath presently in his righteous Judgement shined about us Which great grace and mercy is chanced unto us for that we should publish the true Evangelie of the Kingdom of the same light in all the world for a witness unto all people and to peace and joy as also to an eternal mercifulness or pitying of the servants of the Lord or of all them that seek the Lord that the Scriptures mought become fulfilled and all such as remember the Lord be assembled in the body of Christ unto this his seat of the righteous judgement and to his Most holy of the true Tabernacle or house of his dwelling and not for our sake nor for any mans righteousness cause 6. For even so in all such sort as God hath now made manifest his wonderful work upon the earth must the Scripture be fulfilled his Most holy declared to an everlasting true and perfect light and evangelized or published in all the world to an everlasting rest and peace of his holy ones 7. For I say unto you verily that the Lord hath wrought this wonderful work of his love extended on us out of his grace for his own sake for to make his holy Name now in the last time according to his promises great and glorious in all Lands and so to declare his truth and righteousness upon the earth to shew his true God-service to consecrate or hallow again the Holy of his true Tabernacle which hath a long time utterly lain waste with many abominations through his gracious word and service of Love out of the light of the Most holy and to set up again the daily offering which hath also ceased a long time for the abomination of desolations cause To the end that the same mought be ministred in his upright Service like as in times past to the purging and forgiveness of sins 8. EVen thus would t●e Lord let his Word of life be heard now in the last time upon earth that his promises mought be ●stablished the hungry souls satisfied with righteousness the Scripture fulfilled in all what God hath spoken through the Spirit of his Prophets and of his Christ and the man which hath utterly corrupted his understanding with the knowledge made safe and blessed out of his grace according to the promises The XXXV Chapter BEhold ye dearly beloved how that now in this present day the Scripture becometh fulfilled in all what it mentioneth of Christ of his seed and of the coming of his glory 2. Which coming of Christ in his glory like as the same was in times past published unto the heathen and also believed of them God hath now in the last time declared among the Heathen and shewed mercy on the Heathen before all other that the whole earth mought be filled with his glory like as there is written thereof As truly as I live saith the Lord the whole world shall be filled with the glory of God 3. Further saith the Lord through Esdras They that have not heard me shall notwithstanding believe me or put their trust in me and they to whom I have shewed no tokens shall do the thing that I command them They have seen no Prophets yet shall they call their unrighteousness to remembrance Therefore witness I mercy saith the Lord unto the People which are to come whose babes or little children rejoyce them with gladness And although they see me not with bodily eys yet believe they in the Spirit the thing that I say I will give unto them the Dukedom of Abraham Isaac and Iacob and of the Prophets 4. Further through Isaiah The Lord will display or set up a Banner far-abroad among the Heathen and allure them from the ends of the earth 5. Againe through Ezekiel I will bring my glory among the Heathen that all Heathen may see my Judgement that I have kept and my hand which I have stretched out over them to the end that the hous of Israel may thereby know that I the Lord am their God even from this day forth for evermore 6. Again over Israel O thou Daughter of Israel I will build thee again that thou shalt be firm and sure 7. Againe The habitations of Israel are very goodly For they are like broad valleys as the well-watered Gardens by the Rivers and as the Tabernacles which the Lord stablisheth even like the Cedars planted by the water side There shall water flow forth out of his bucket and his seed shall be a great water 8. BEhold In this present day is this Scripture fulfilled and according to the testimony of the Scripture the raising up and resurrection of the Lords dead cometh also to pass presently in this same day through the apearing of the coming of Christ in his Majesty Which resurrection of the dead seeing that the same is come unto us from Gods grace we do likewise in this present day to an Evangely or joyful Message of the Kingdom of God and Christ publish in all the world under the obedience of the love 9. In which resurrection of the dead God sheweth unto us that the time is now fulfilled that his dead or the dead which are fallen asleep in the Lord rise up in this day of his judgement and appear unto us in godly glory which shall also from hencefo●th live in us everlastingly with Christ and reign upon the earth wherein the Scripture becometh fulfilled in this present day like as there standeth written thereof 10. The Lord shall judge his people and he will have mercy on his servants or ministers For he shall behold that their power faileth them 11. Again The Lord slayeth and maketh alive he leadeth into hell and bringeth thereout again 12. The Lord maketh poor and rich he humbleth and exalteth 13. He lifteth up the needy out of the dust and exalteth the poor out of the mire that he mought set him among the Princes and let him inherit the seat of honour 14. Further the Lord saith touching his dead I will not contend for ever nor be always angry but there shall a spirit or winde blowe from my face and I will make breath 15. Again Christ speaketh touching him which believeth in him I will raise him again in the last day 16. Again The Lord hath appointed a day in which he will judge the compass or circuit of the earth with righteousness through one man in whom he hath decreed it which holdeth forth the Belief before every one inasmuch as God hath raised him from the death 17. Again There shall be no more death sorrow wailing nor pain for the first is passed by And he which sate upon the seat