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A41060 The standard of the Lord revealed he hath led and guided and preserved his people since Adam to this day ... : as also a clear manifestation by the Scriptures of the recovering and redeeming his spiritual seed and body, which is his church ... / given forth at Lancaster Castle 11 month 1665/6 by M.F. a prisoner of the Lord. Fox, Margaret Askew Fell, 1614-1702. 1667 (1667) Wing F635; ESTC R31504 106,903 137

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surely bring thee up again and Ioseph shall put his hand upon thine eyes So Iacob rose up and went into Egypt with his Sons and their Wives and their little ones were carried in the Waggons that Pharaoh sent for them and Pharaoh received them kindly and entreated them courteously as you may read in the 46. and 47. Chapter of Genesis and Israel dwelt in the Land of Egypt in the Country of Goshen and they had Possessions there and multiplyed exceedingly and Iacob lived in the Land of Egypt 17 years so the whole age of Iacob was 147 years and the time drew nigh that Israel must die and he called his Son Ioseph and said unto him if I have found grace in thy sight put I pray thee thine hand under my thigh and deal kindly and truly with me bury me not I pray thee in Egypt but I will lie with my Fathers and thou shalt carry me out of Egypt and bury me in their burying place And he said I will do as thou hast said and he said swear unto me and he sware unto him and Israel bowed himself upon his beds head And it came to pass after these things one told Ioseph thy Father is sick and he took with him his two Sons Manasseh and Ephraim and Iacob told Ioseph how God appeared to him at Luz in the Land of Canaan and blessed him and he said God said unto me I will make thee fruitful and multiply thee and make of thee a multitude of people and will give this Land to thy seed after thee for an everlasting possession and now thy two Sons Ephraim and Manasseh which were born in Egypt before I came they are mine as much as Reuben and Simeon And the Issue which thou hast after them shall be thine And Israel beheld Ioseph's Sons and said whose are these and Ioseph said unto his Father they are my Sons whom God hath given me in this place and he said bring them unto me and I will bless them Now the eyes of Israel were dim that he could not see and he brought them neer unto him and he kissed them and embraced them and Israel said unto Ioseph I had not thought to have seen thy face and loe God hath shewed me thy seed And Ioseph took them both Ephraim in his right hand towards Israels left and Manasseh in his left hand towards Israels right hand and brought them neer unto him And Israel stretched out his right hand and laid it upon Ephraims head who was the younger and his left hand upon Manassehs head guiding his hands wittingly for Manasseh was the first-born And he blessed Ioseph and said God before whom my Fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk the God which fed me all my life long unto this day the Angel which redeemed me from all evil bless the Lads and let my name be named on them and the name of my Fathers Abraham and Isaac and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth And when Ioseph saw that his Father laid his right hand upon the head of Ephraim it displeased him and he held up his Fathers hand to remove it from Ephraims head to Manassehs head and said not so my Father for this is the first born and his Father refused and said I know it my Son I know it he shall be great but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he and he blessed them that day saying in thee shall Israel bless saying God make thee as Ephraim and Manasseh And Israel said unto Ioseph behold I die but God shall be with you and bring you again into the Land of your Fathers And Iacob called unto him his Sons and said gather your selves together that I may tell you what shall befall you in the last days and hear ye Sons of Iacob and hearken unto Israel your Father here Iacob prophesied unto all his twelve Sons what they should be and gave every one their sentence and portion but more especially and largely he prophesieth of Iudah of whom our Lord sprang and this it the seed that we are to treat of Iudah thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise thine hand shall be in the neck of thine Enemies thy Fathers Children shall how down to thee Iudah is a Lions Whelp from the Prey my Son thou art gone up he stooped down he couched as a Lion and as an old Lion who shall rouse him up The Scepter shall not depart from Iudah nor the Law-Giver from between his feet until Shiloh come unto him shall the gathering of the people be binding his foal unto the Vine and his Asses Colt unto the choice Vine he washed his Garments in Wine and his Cloaths in the bloud of Grapes His Eyes shall be red with Wine and his teeth white with Milk Here is a holy and a glorious Prophesie of Iudah of which we shall shew more hereafter as also of all the rest of his Sons he prophesied unto them and told them what should come to pass to all the 12 Tribes of Israel as you may read Gen. 49. So after that he had charged them that they should bury him and carry him up into Canaan and bury him in that field which Abraham had bought where Abraham and Sarah was buryed and Isaac and Rebekah and Leah his Wife When Iacob had made an end of commanding his Sons he gathered up his feet into the bed and yielded up the Ghost and was gathered unto his people And Ioseph and his Brethren carried him up to Canaan to bury and the Elders of Pharaohs House went along with them and when they had buryed him and mourned for him Ioseph and his Brethren returned into Egypt So Ioseph and his Brethren continued in Egypt and Ioseph was tender and loving to his Brethren And when Joseph was 110 years old he dyed and Joseph took an Oath of the Children of Israel saying God will visit you and ye shall carry my bones from hence Gen. 50. Exodus SO Jacob and his Sons their Wives and their Children that went down into Egypt with him were seventy in number and Joseph died and all his Brethren and all that Generation Exod. 1.6 But their Children encreased abundantly and multiplied and waxed exceeding mighty and the Land was filled with them and Pharaoh that was kind and loving to Joseph and his brethren died and there arose a new King in Egypt which knew not Joseph and he stormed at the encrease of the Children of Israel and said they might deal wisely with them and so he began to afflict them and set Task-Masters over them and the Egyptians made them serve with rigour so that they made their lives bitter with hard bondage in Mortar and in Brick and in all manner of service and Pharaoh charged their Midwives to kill all their Male-children And Pharaoh charged all his people saying every Son that is born ye shall cast into the River but the Midwives feared God and did not as Pharaoh had
and cryed and the people wept and the Children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron and the whole Congregation said would God we had died in the Land of Egypt would God that we had died in the Wilderness and wherefore hath the Lord brought us up to this Land our Wives and our Children to be a Prey were it not better for us to return into Egypt let us make us a Captain and let us return into Egypt Here you may see how they requited the Lord and how evilly they dealt with him for all his mercies and his wonders which he wrought for them and many a time did they murmur and rebel against the Lord while Moses led them through the Wilderness even forty years long was the Lord grieved with them and tempted with them till he even swore in his wrath that they should not enter into his rest and all along ever since you may see how ill they dealt with the Lord and continually provoked him to anger by their abominations and worshipping of other Gods insomuch that he complains by his Prophet Isaiah hear O Heavens and give ear O earth for the Lord hath spoken I have nourished and brought up Children and they have rebelled against me the Oxe knows his owner c. as you may read through the first Chapter of Isaiah And again in Jer. 2. Be astonish'd O ye Heavens at this and be horribly afraid be ye very desolate saith the Lord for they have forgotten me the Fountain of living 〈…〉 and hewed And again the Apostle when he was speaking of his Kinsmen the Jews according to the flesh saith I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my Brethren my Kins●en according to the flesh who are Israelites to whom pertaineth the adoption and the glory and the Covenants and the giving of the Law and the service of God and the promises whose are the Fathers and of whom concerning the flesh Christ came who is over all God blessed for ever Rom. 9.3 4 5. And in the first of John when the Disciples were seeking for Christ Jesus turned and saith unto them what seek ye they said unto him Rabbi which being interpreted Master and one of them findeth his Brother and saith unto him we have found the Messiah which being interpreted is the Christ Jesus saw Nathaniel and saith of him behold an Israelite indeed in whom there is no guile ver 47. And Jesus himself saith to the woman of Samaria we know what we worship for salvation is of the Jews the woman saith I know that when the Mess●●h cometh which is called Christ he will tell us all things Jesus saith unto her I am he Joh. 4.22 to the 26. ver Thus the Lord performed his faithful Covenant and promise unto Abraham and to his seed of whom according to the flesh Christ came So that you see he is a God that keepeth Covenant with his people though they broke his Commandments and his Laws and his Ordinances and his Statutes yet he fulfilled his Promises and Covenant to them concerning Christ coming in the flesh So now as the Law was given forth by Moses grace and truth cometh by Jesus Christ And so as the Children of Israel and all their Laws and the Ark of the Covenant and their Priests and their Offerings and their Sacrifices and their Sabbaths and their Temple the Apostle saith was but a Figure for the time then present in which were offered both Gifts and Sacrifices that could not make him that did the service perfect as pertaining to the conscience they could not make the Priests perfect as you may read at large in the 9. and 10. Chapters of the Hebrews Therefore the Lord had a further thing in his determination and Decree in the manifesting his Son Christ Jesus in the flesh of which we shall speak more hereafter And the Apostle saith Col. 2. let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink or in respect of an holy day or a new Moon or of the Sabbath days which are a shadow of things to come but the body is Christ And this is that seed which the Apostle saith the promise was made unto Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made he saith not to seeds as of many but as of one and to thy seed which seed is Christ Gal. 3.16 And so notwithstanding that they broke their Covenant with the Lord which stood in outward performances yet the Lord performed his promise and Covenant unto Abraham which is the seed Christ which the Lord calls a new and everlasting Covenant Heb. 8.10 Jer. 31.33 For saith the Apostle it is written that Abraham had two Sons the one by a bond-maid the other by a free-woman he who was of the bond-woman was born after the flesh and he of the free-woman was by promise which things are an Allegory for these are the two Covenants the one from Mount Sinai which gendereth to bondage which is Hagar for this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and answereth unto Jerusalem which now is and is in ●ondage with her Children Gal. 4.22 23 24 25. These are they we have treated on all along Jerusalem according to the flesh which were the visible people that the Lord owned in their day upon the Earth which had their Laws outward written in Tables of stone their Covenant outward which was an Ark their Priests whose lips were to preserve their knowledg were outward Priests which was the Tribe of Levi their Offerings and their Sacrifices outward their Sabbath every seventh day their Temple an outward Temple bu●lded at Jerusalem which they were all to go to worship at once a year as you may read in the Law of Moses and all these they did not perform according to the command of the Lord but broke Covenant on their parts with him So now this other seed which the Lord promised unto Abraham which all the Prophets bare witness of he changeth this first Covenant and this first Priesthood and the Law also as you may read Heb. 7. Now we saith the Apostle as Isaac was are the children of the promise for Jerusalem which now is free which is the mother of us all So then brethren we are not Children of the Bond-woman but of the free Gal. 4. So this seed Christ hath put an end to all that went before him he is the fulfilling and the substance of those that went before that were figures and types for he hath obtained a more excellent Ministry by how much also he is the Mediator of a better Covenant which is established upon better promises For if the first Covenant had been fruitless then should no place have been sought for the second but finding fault with the first he promised the second Heb. 8.6 7. as you may read in the most of the Prophesies of the Prophets who have not only relation to the first Covenant which we have treated on before but also to this second and New
The Standard of the Lord REVEALED By which He hath led and guided and preserved his people since Adam to this day as is manifested through the Scriptures and is shewed forth in this following Abstract AS ALSO A clear manifestation by the Scriptures of the Recovering and Redeeming his Spiritual Seed and Body which is his Church out of thraldom and Captivity which day is begun Then he remembred the days of old Moses and his people saying where is he that brought them up out of the Sea with the Shepherds of his flock where is he that put his holy Spirit within them that led them by the right hand of Moses with his glorious arm that led them through the deep as a Horse in the Wilderness that they should not stumble Isa 63.11 12 13. Neither said they where is the Lord that brought us up out of the Land of Egypt and led us through the Wilderness c. Jer. 2.6 But fear not thou O my servant Jacob and be not dismaied O Israel for behold I will save thee from the land of their Captivity and Jacob shall return and be in rest and at ease and none shall make them afraid Jer. 46.27 Isa 41.13.14 And I will bring again the Captivity of my people Israel and they shall build the waste Cities and inhabit them and they shall plant Vinyards and they shall drink of the Wine thereof and shall make Gardens and eat of the fruit thereof Amos 9.14 The Redeemer is come to Sion Jacob doth rejoice and Israel is glad Psal 53.6 Given forth at Lancaster Castle 11. month 1665 6 By M. F. a Prisoner of the Lord. Printed in the Year MDCLXVII The Epistle to the Reader Diligent Reader IF thou seriously consider that we are fallen into the last days and ages of the World in which the Lord of Heaven and Earth will come and plead with his Enemies and to recompence them according to their works Rev. 20.12 2 Cor. 5.10 Mat. 16.27 and that the terrible day of the Lord is coming with burns as an Oven and all his Enemies are before him as stubble and he will call all men high and low rich and poor to an account for their deeds done and reward every one according to their works whether they be good or whether they be bad The serious consideration of these things should put thee to a stand to search and to see how it stands between thee and the Lord. And if thou desires the knowledge of the living God and of his eternal Truth and desires to know the dealings of the Lord with his people and his seed here upon the earth since he made man and created him and gave him a being upon the earth look into this following Extract which is taken out of the Scriptures and thou mayst thereby see how the Lord hath led his seed and people from the beginning of the World until this present day As also his tender care and love that he hath exercised unto them all along as thou thy self will judge in the reading of this Treatise through which will be for thy own advantage and the building of thee up in the knowledge of the Lord and his Truth and also in the knowledge of the Scriptures which too many are and have been ignorant of and therefore have they dyed in their sins according as Christ saith if you do not believe that I am he ye shall dye in your sins Joh. 8.24 And none do believe that Jesus is Christ but who believes in his light and in his holy Spirit for that is the unction of the holy one the anointing which is the Christ which is the truth and is no lie and which leads into all truth which Christ Jesus promised he would send when he went to his Father in John 16. It is expedient for you saith he that I go away for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him unto you howbeit when the Spirit of truth is come he shall guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but he shall receive of mine and shew it unto you all things that the Father hath are mine therefore I said unto you he shall take of mine and shew it unto you thou mayst read of this at large in this Chapter So this is the very life of our knowledge of the truth to mind the light of the Lord Jesus Christ which is in thy heart and his Spirit that he hath put in thy inward parts and with that eye read this following Treatise in sobriety gentleness and meekness of Spirit without partiality or prejudice and thereby thou mayst gain knowledge and understanding into the truth of God and also into the Scriptures which it may be thou didst not know before Thou mayst also read in this following Book of the Redemption and bringing back of the Captivity of the Church of Christ whose day of redemption and deliverance comes as is shewed therein by the Scriptures and so as I said before being the time is short and the Lord cometh as a thief in the night ●nd the servant knoweth not at what hour his Lord cometh Therefore Christ saith it is good for you to be ready for in such an hour as you think not of the Son of man cometh blessed is the Servant whom the Lord when he cometh findeth watching watch therefore for you know not at what hour the Lord cometh Mat. 24. so in this time and day all people had need to be found watching lest they say peace when sudden destruction cometh upon them So in love to the Souls of all people upon the whole earth is this written and that it might be of advantage to all people is the end of the writing of this following book And the Lord that hath opened and moved by the power of his holy Spirit in writing of it make it also effectual and of use and service for the salvation of the Souls of all the Readers of it M. F. Genesis IN the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made Joh. 1. This is the testimony and the record of John the beloved Disciple that leaned on Jesus breast this agreeing with the first of Genesis In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and the earth was void and without form and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and God said let there be light and there was light 1 Joh. 5.7 So here is the record which is in heaven God the Spirit and the Word that was in the beginning with God by which all things were made and created the Heavens and the Earth the Sea and the firmament and all things that are therein and every living creature
shall be there and I will put a Division between my people and thy people and the Lord did so and on the morrow there came grievous swarms of Flies into the House of Pharaoh and into all the Houses of the Egyptians nevertheless Pharaohs heart was hardened again as the Lord said 6. The Lord said unto Moses go unto Pharaoh and say thus saith the Lord God of the Hebrews let my people go that they may serve me if thou wilt not behold the hand of the Lord is upon thy Cattel upon thy Horses upon thy Asses upon thy Camels upon thy Oxen and upon thy Sheep there shall be a very grievous murrain And the Lord did sever between the Cattel of Israel and the Cattel of the Egyptians so that nothing did die of all the Childrens of Israel Chap. 9. 7. And the Lord said unto Moses and Aaron take a handful of Ashes of the Furnace and let Moses sprinkle it towards Heaven in the sight of Pharaoh and it shall become a Boil breaking forth with Blains upon man and upon beast and Moses and Aaron did so And Boils came throughout all the Land of Egypt so that the Magitians could not stand before Moses because of the Boils but the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh that he would not hearken 8. And the Lord said unto Moses rise up early his the morning and stand before Pharaoh and say unto him thus saith the Lord God of the Hebrews Let my people go that they may serve me for I will at this time send all my Plagues upon thy heart and upon thy servants and upon thy people that thou mayest know there is none like me in all the earth for now I will stretch out mine hand that I may smite thee and thy people with Pestilence and thou shalt be cut off from the earth in very deed for this very cause have I raised thee up for to shew on thee my power that my name may be declared throughout all the earth behold to morrow about this time I will cause it to rain a very grievous hail such as hath not been in Egypt since the foundation thereof send therefore and gather thy Cattel and those that feared the word of the Lord among Pharaohs servants sent and gathered their Cattel but those that did not regard let them abide in the fields And the Lord said unto Moses stretch forth thine hand and Moses stretched forth his hand towards Heaven and the Lord sent Thunder and Hail and the fire ran along upon the ground and the Lord rained hail upon the Land of Egypt and fire mingled with hail very grievous such as there was none like it in all the Land of Egypt since it became a Nation and the hail smote man and beast all that was in the field and every herb in the field and brake down all the trees in the field only in the Land of Goshen where the Children of Israel were there was no hail 9. And the Lord said unto Moses go unto Pharaoh for I have hardned his heart and Moses and Aaron came unto Pharaoh and said thus saith the Lord God of the Hebrews how long wilt thou refuse to humble thy self before me let my people go that they may serve me else behold to morrow I will bring the Locusts in thy Coasts and they shall cover the face of the earth that one cannot be able to see the earth and they shall eat the residue of that which remaineth from the hail and they shall fill all the houses of thee and thy servants and all the Egyptians and they did so So that Pharaohs servants said how long shall this man be a snare unto us Let the men go that they may serve the Lord their God knowest thou not yet that Egypt is destroyed So Moses stretched forth his Rod over the Land of Egypt and the Lord brought an East-wind which brought in the Locusts so that they covered the face of the whole earth and the Land was darkned and they eat every herb of the Land and all the fruit of the trees which the hail had left and there remained not any green thing on the trees throughout all the Land of Egypt Then Pharaoh called for Aaron and Moses in haste and he said I have sinned against the Lord your God and against you and now therefore forgive I pray you my sin this once and entreat the Lord your God that he may take from me this death only and Moses went and entreated the Lord and the Lord sent a strong West-wind and took away the Locusts yet the heart of Pharaoh was hardened that he would not let Israel go 10. And the Lord said unto Moses stretch forth thy hands towards Heaven that there may be darkness over the Land of Egypt even darkness that may be felt and Moses stretched forth his hands towards Heaven and there was a thick darkness in all the Land of Egypt for three days they saw not one another neither any rose from his place for three days but all the Children of Israel had light in their dwellings but the Lord yet hardened Pharaohs heart that he would not let them go and Pharaoh said unto Moses get thee from me take heed to thy self see my face no more for in that day thou seest my face thou shalt die and Moses said unto him thou hast said well I will see thy face no more 11. And the Lord said unto Moses I will yet bring one Plague more upon Pharaoh afterwards he will let you go hence about midnight will I go into the midst of Egypt and all the first-born in the Land of Egypt shall die from the first-born of Pharaoh that sitteth upon the Throne even to the first of the Maid-servant that is behind the Mi●l and all the first-born of the beasts and there shall be a great cry through the Land of Egypt such as there hath been none like it neither shall be like it any more but against any of the Children of Israel shall not a Dog move his tongue that ye may know the Lord hath put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel Chap. 11. Then the Lord commanded the Children of Israel to keep the Passover and to offer a Lamb without blemish a male of the first year and to take the blood of it and strike the Posts of the Houses of the Children of Israel as you may read Chap. 12. And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the Houses where you are saith the Lord and when I see the bloud I will pass over you and the Plague shall not be upon you to destroy you when I smite the Land of Egypt ver 13 And at midnight the Lord smote all the first-born of the Land of Egypt from the first-born of Pharaoh that sat on the Throne to the first-born of the Captive that sat in the Dungeon and all the first-born of the Cattel And Pharaoh rose up in the night he and all his
servants and all the Egyptians and there was a great cry in Egypt for there was not a house in which there was not one dead And he called for Moses and Aaron by night and said arise and get ye forth from among my people both you and all the Children of Israel go serve the Lord as ye have said and bless me also And the Egyptians were urgent upon the people that they might send them out of the Land in haste for they said we be all dead men So the Children of Israel journied from Rameses to Succoth about six hundred thousand on foot that were men besides Children as you may read in this 12. Chapter And it came to pass at the end of 430 years even the self same day that all the Hosts of the Lord went out from the Land of Egypt it is a night much to be observed unto the Lord for bringing them up from the Land of Egypt this is that night to the Lord to be observed by all the Children of Israel ver 42. And they went up harnessed out of the Land of Egypt And Moses took the bones of Joseph with him for the Children of Israel had strictly sworn unto him and he said God will surely visit you and ye shall carry my bones away from hence ver 18 19. And the Lord said unto Moses sanctifie unto me all the first-born whatsoever openeth the Womb of man or beast among the Children of Israel it is mine as you may read at large Chap. 13. And it came to pass when Pharaoh let the People go that God led them not through the Land of the Philistines although that was neer but God led them about through the wilderness of the Red Sea and the Lord spake unto Moses saying speak unto the Children of Israel that they turn and encamp before Pi-habiroth between Migdol and the Sea over against Baal-Zephon for Pharaoh will say of the Children of Israel they are entangled in the Land the Wilderness hath shut them in and I will harden Pharaohs heart and he shall follow after them And it was told Pharaoh that the People were fled and his heart was hardned and the hearts of his Servants and they said why have we done this that we should let the People go from serving us And the King made ready his Chariots and he took 600 chosen Charlots of all the Chariots of Egypt and made Captains over every one of them And the Lord hardned the heart of the King of Egypt and he pursued after the Children of Israel but the Lord carried them out with a high hand but the Egyptians pursued after them all the Horses and Charlots of Pharaoh and his Horsemen and his Army and overtook them encamped by the Sea and when Pharaoh drew nigh the Children of Israel lift up their eyes and behold the Egyptians marched after them and they were sore afraid and the Children of Israel cryed unto the Lord and Moses said unto them fear ye not stand stil and see the salvation of the Lord which he will shew you this day for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day ye shall see them no more for ever the Lord shall fight for you and hold your peace And the Lord said unto Moses speak unto the Children of Israel that they go forward but lift up thy Rod and stretch forth thy hand over the Sea and divide it and the Children of Israel shall go on dry ground in the midst of the Sea and I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians and they shall follow them And the Angel of God which went before the Camp of Israel removed and went behind them and the Pillar of a cloud which went before their face stood behind them and it came between the Camp of the Egyptians and the Camp of Israel and it was a cloud and darkness to them but it gave light by night to the Children of Israel so that one came not neer the other all the night and Moses stretched out his hand over the Sea and the Lord caused the Sea to go back by a strong East-wind all that night and the Children of Israel went into the midst of the Sea upon dry ground and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand and on their left 12. And the Egyptians pursued and went after them to the midst of the Sea all Pharaohs Chariots his Horses and his Horsemen and in the morning watch the Lord looked on the Host of the Egyptians through the Pillar of fire and the Cloud and troubled their Host and took off their Chariot-Wheels that they drove heavily so that the Egyptians said let us fly from the face of Israel for the Lord sighteth for them and against us and the Lord said unto Moses stretch out thy hand over the Sea that the waters may come upon the Egyptians upon their Chariots and upon their Horsemen and Moses stretched forth his hand over the Sea and the Sea returned to its strength and when the morning appeared the Egyptians fled against it and the Lord overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the Sea and the waters returned and covered their Chariots and their Horsemen and all the Host of Pharaoh that came into the Sea after them there remained not so much as one of them thus the Lord saved Israel that day out of the hands of the Egyptians and Israel saw the Egyptians dead upon the Sea shore Then sang Moses and the Children of Israel this Song unto the Lord c. Exod. 15. Thus the Lord wrought these 12 wonders upon Phara●h and the Egyptians all which made them harder and harder notwithstanding they could not with hold the Israelites when the Lord would deliver them for he brought them forth with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm and led them through the Wilderness where they met with many tryals and hardships it being a place not affording outward necessaries and they wanted Faith to trust in the arm and power of the Almighty which had so graciously and mercifully heard their cryes under their oppression and seen their sorrows and had delivered them out of their heavy bondage and darkness that they were in under the Egyptians and though he had shewed his mighty and wonderful works upon Pharaoh and his Host yet when they came to want what they desired they murmured exceedingly against the Lord and the Children of Israel said would to God we had dyed by the hand of the Lord in the Land of Egypt when we sat by the flesh-pots and when we did eat bread to the full for ye have brought us forth into this Wilderness to kill this whole Assembly with hunger then the Lord rained Manna from Heaven And it grieved the Lord that they murmured against him and the Lord said I have heard your murmurings at even ye shall eat flesh and in the morning ye shall be filled with bread and ye shall know that I am the Lord your God Exod. 16.12
Go forth of the Ark thou and thy Wife and thy Sons and thy Sons Wives with thee and bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee c. and Noah went forth and every living thing that was with him after his kind went forth out of the Ark. And Noah builded an Altar unto the Lord and took of every clean beast and of every clean fowl and offered burnt-offerings on the Altar and the Lord smelled a sweet savour and the Lord said in his heart I will not again curse the earth any more for mans sake for the imaginations of his heart are evil from his youth neither will I again smite any more every thing living as I have done while the earth remaineth seed time and harvest cold and heat Summer and Winter day and night shall not cease Gen. 8.20 21 22. And God blessed Noah and his Sons and said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and the fear of them and the dread of them shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every fowl of the air the power of all living the living creatures the Lord delivered into the hands of Noah and his Sons and the Lord said every thing that liveth shall be meat for you even as the green Herb I have given you all things but flesh with the life thereof which is the blood thereof you shall not eat And surely your blood of your lives will I require at the hand of every beast will I require it and at the hand of man and at the hand of every mans brother will I require the life of man Gen. 9.4 5. So here the Lord warned them before hand not to kill one another as Cain had done his brother no nor the beasts to kill them who so shedeth mans blood by man shall his blood be shed for in the image of God made he man ver 10. And to Noah and to his Sons he said be fruitful and multiply and bring forth abundance in the earth and multiply therein and behold I will establish my Covenant with you and with your seed after you neither shall all flesh be cut off any more neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth and God said this is a token of the Covenant that I will make between me and you I do set my Bow in the Cloud and it shall be seen in the Cloud and I will remember my Covenant and I will look upon it that I may remember the everlasting Covenant between me and every living Creature of all flesh upon the earth And the Sons of Noah that went forth of the Ark were Shem Ham and Japhet Ham is the Father of Canaan these are the three Sons of Noah and of them was the whole earth spread And Noah began to be a Husbandman and he planted a Vinyard and drank of the Wine and was drunk and he was uncovered within his Tent and Ham the Father of Canaan saw the nakedness of his Father and told his two Brethren without and Shem and Japhet took a Garment and laid it upon both their Shoulders and went backward and covered the nakedness of their Father and their Faces were backward and they saw not their Fathers nakedness ver 23. So this cursed Ham he could look upon his Fathers nakedness and lay it open to his Brethren but his Brethren covered his nakedness and could not look upon him And Noah when he awoke from his Wine he knew what his younger Son Ham had done unto him and he said cursed be Canaan a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren and he said blessed be the Lord God of Shem and Canaan shall be his servant and God shall enlarge Japhet and he shall dwell in the Tents of Shem and Canaan shall be his servant Here Noah had the inspiration of the Almighty and was a true Prophet concerning his three Sons and they which he blessed is blest and he whom he cursed is curst● and according to his Prophesie the Lord hath enlarged Japhet for of Japhet's stock is the Isles of the Gentiles as you may read Chap. 10. ver 5. And of Shem's stock came Abraham the Father of all the faithful to which the promise of the Lord is and Christ Jesus the seed of the promise is not only given a Covenant unto Abraham and his seed the Jews but he is also given a light to the Gentiles that he may be Gods salvation to the ends of the earth And so here is Noah's Prophesle fulfill'd upon Shem and Japhet that as they joined together in covering their Father's nakedness so Christ Jesus the everlasting Covenant hath joined them together in one and will be their salvation to the ends of the earth and so Japhet dwells in the Tents of Shem in God's Covenant of light And so Ha●'s stock is of the cursed seed he begat Cush and Cush begat Nimrod and he was a mighty hunter and a great man in the earth and the beginning of his Kingdom was Babel in the Land of Shinar as ye may read in Gen. 10. The whole earth at that time was of one Language and this Nimrod began to build a City in the plain of Shinar and this Ham's stock and Nimrod's stock they would go make brick and they would go build a City and a Tower whose top may reach to Heaven lest we be scattered upon the face of the earth say they and the Lord God came down to see the City which the Children of men builded and the Lord said let us go down and confound their language that they may not understand one anothers speech so the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of the earth and they left off to build the City therefore is the name of it called Babel because that there the Lord did confound the Language of all the earth and the cause of this was the pride of cursed Ham's stock and Nimrod that would be so great that he would build a Tower to Heaven that he might not be scattered but his Kingdom is Babel and from thence they were all s●attered and this was the beginning of many Languages even a curse from God upon Ham's stock for before the earth was all of one Language for Ham's stock is of the cursed seed and for their sakes the Language was confounded and they scattered over the earth Now the Generations of Shem you may read of in Gen. 11.10 to the end And Terah lived 70 years and begat Abram Nahor and Haran ver 26. and Haran begat Lot and Haran died before his Father Terah in the Land of his Nativity Hor of the Caldees and Abram and Nahor took them Wives the name of Abram's Wife was Sarai and the name of Nahor's Wife was Milcah and Terah took Ahram his Son and Lot the Son of Haran his Son's Son and Sarai his daughter-in-law his Son Abram's Wife and they went forth with him into Vz of the
Caldees to go into the Land of Canaan Gen. 11.31 And the Lord said unto Abram get thee out of thy Country and from thy kindred and from thy Fathers house into a Land that I will shew thee and I will make of thee a great Nation and I will bless thee and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing and I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee and in thee shall all the Families of the earth be blessed So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him and Abram took Sarai his Wife and Lot his Brother's Son and all their substance that they had gathered and the Souls that they had got in Haran and they went forth to go into the Land of Canaan and into the Land of Canaan they came and Abram passed through the Land to Scchem unto the plain of Morch and the Canaanite was then in the Land this Canaanite was of Ham's stock and seed which afterward the Lord drove out to bring in his own seed of his Promise And the Lord appeared unto Abram and said unto thy feed will I give this Land and there Abram built an Altar unto the Lord who appeared unto him there in the Land though the Cana●nite was there and Abram removed from thence unto a mountain on the east of Bethel and pitched his Tent and there he builded an Altar unto the Lord and called upon the name of the Lord. And so journied towards the South and there was a grievous Famine in the Land and Abram and his Wife and Lot went down into Egypt to sojourn there because the Famine was great and there they stayed in Egypt till they were grown very rich in Cattel in Silver and in Gold And Abram came back again out of Egypt and his Wife and Lot and all that they had and he went on his journey from the South even to Bethel unto the place where his Tent had been in the beginning and unto the place of the Altar which he had made there at first there Abram called on the name of the Lord even in the Land which the Lord had given unto him he came back unto it from Egypt he and his Wife and Lot and all their substance and Cattel but their Servants and Herdsmen could not agree and Abram desired that there might be peace betwixt L●● and him because they were brethren and Abram said the whole Land is before thee separate thy self from me and take the one hand and I will take the other and Lot chose the plain of Jordan because it was well wat●red and as the Garden of the Lord and Abram dwelt in the Land of Canaan and Lot dwelt in the Cities of the plain and pitched his Tents towards Sodom but the men of Sodom were wicked and sinned before the Lord exceedingly for they were of Ham's stock and of that cursed seed for he was the Father of Canaan and the Lord said unto Abram after that Lot was separated from him list up now thine e●es and look from the place where thou art Northward and Southward and Eastward and Westward for all the Land which thou seest to the will I give and to thy seed for ever and I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth so that if thou canst number the dust of the earth then shall thy seed be numbred Abram removed his Tent and came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre which is in Hebron and builded there an Altar unto the Lord and called upon the name of the Lord Then there was a great battel fought about Sodom and Comorrah four Kings against five made War and they took Lot Abraham's brothers Son a Prisoner and all his goods And when Abram heard they had taken his Brother's Son captive he armed his servants that were born in his house and pursued them unto Dan and pursued them unto Hobah and he brought back all the Goods and he also brought again his brother Lot And when Abram returned back from the slauther of the Kings Melchisedec King of Salem brought forth bread and Wine and he was the Priest of the most high God and he blessed him and said blessed be Abram of the most high God possessor of Heaven and earth and blessed be the most high God which hath delivered thine enemies into thine hand and Abram gave him Tyths of all Now the Scripture saith that Christ the everlasting high Priest is after the Order of Melchisedec Psal 110.4 David saith the Lord hath sworn and will not repent thou art a Priest for ever after the Order of Melchisedec and the Apostle saith Heb. 6.20 whither the forerunner is entred even Jesus made an high Priest for ever after the Order of Melchisedec this cannot be of mortal man nor according to mans Order that Christ Jesus is made a Priest after the Apostle saith this Melchisedec King of Salem Priest of the most high God who met Abram returning from the slaughter of the Kings and blessed him to whom Abraham also gave a tenth part of all The Apostle gives the signification of his name first being by interpretation King of Righteousness after that King of Salem which is King of peace without Father without Mother without descent having neither beginning of days nor end of life but made like unto the Son of God abideth a Priest continually This is the interpretation the Apostle gives of him now consider saith the Apostle how great he is unto whom the Patriarch Abraham gave the tenth Now they that are of the Sons of Levi who receive the Office of Priesthood have a commandment to take Tythes according to the Law but he whose descent is not counted from them received Tythes of Abraham and blessed him that had the promise and without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better for if he had not been above Abraham he could not have blessed him for here men that die saith the Apostle receive Tythes but there he received them of whom it is witnessed that he liveth Heb. 7.8 What will it advantage the Priests of this age when they cannot prove by the Levetical Law Tythes to be lawful in these days because they profess themselves to be Ministers of the Gospel and their Order should be Gospel-Order and they bring Melchisedec that he took Tythes and they bring Abraham who is the seed that God hath blessed that had the promises of God unto him that paid them and they themselves are mortal sinful men that takes the Tythes and people that are loaden with sin and iniquity pays the Tythes what example have these from Melchisedec's Order after whose Order Christ Jesus the everlasting high Priest is made for Levi that took Tythes paid Tythes in Abraham unto Melchisedec for he was in the loins of his Father when Abraham met him if there were perfection in the Levitical Priesthood which is after the Order of Aaron what needed there another Priest after the Order of Melchisedec
made supplication unto him and prevailed he sound him in Bethel even the Lord the God of Hosts the Lord his memorial ver 5 Esau was a cunning hunter and Iacob was a plain man dwelling in Tents and Isaac loved Esau but Rebekah loved Iacob And Iacob sod pottage and Esau came from the field and he was faint and Esau said to Iacob feed me I pray thee with that same red pottage for I am faint therefore was his name called Edom and Iacob said sell me this day thy birthright and Esau said I am at the point to die and what shall this birthright do to me And he sware to him and he sold his birthright unto Iacob then Iacob gave Esau bread and pottage of Lentals and he did eat and drink and rose up and went his way thus Esau despised his Birth-right Gen. 25 26. to the end according to that of the Apostle Heb. 12.16 17. who for one morsel of meat sold his birth-right And there was a Famine in the Land and Isaac went unto Abimelech King of the Philistines and the Lord appeared unto him and said go not down into Egypt dwell in the Land which I shall tell thee of so journ in this Land and I will be with thee and I will bless thee for unto thee and unto thy seed I will give all these Countries and I will perform the Oath which I sware unto thy Father Abraham and I will make thy seed to multiply as the Stars of Heaven and will give unto thee all these Countries and in thy seed shall all the Nations be blessed because that Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge my Commandments my Statutes and my Laws so Isaac dwelt in Gerar and sowed in that Land and received in that year one hundred fold for the Lord blessed him And it came to pass when Isaac was old and his eyes were dim he called Esau his eldest Son and he said behold I am old and know not the day of my death therefore take thy Bow and thy weapons and go to the field to take me some Venison and make me savoury meat such as I love that my soul may bless thee before I die and Rebekah heard what Isaac spake unto Esau and when Esau was gone into the field to hunt Rebekah spake unto Jacob her Son saying I heard thy Father speak unto Esau thy Brother saying bring me Venison and make me savoury meat that I may eat and bless thee before the Lord before my death now therefore my Son obey my voice do that I command thee go to the flock fetch me two good Kids of the Goats and I will make thee savoury meat for thy Father such as he loveth and thou shalt bring it to thy Father that he may eat and that he may bless thee before his death and Jacob said to Rebekah his Mother my brother is an hairy man and I am a smooth man and my Father peradventure will feel me and I shall seem to him to be a deceiver and I shall bring a curse upon me and not a blessing And his Mother said unto him upon me be thy curse my Son only obey my voice and go fetch them and he went and fetched them and brought them to his Mother and she made savoury meat such as his Father loved and Rebekah took raiment of her eldest Son Esau's and put them upon Jacob and she put the skins of the Kids upon his hands and upon the smooth of his neck and she gave the savoury meat and the bread that she had prepared into the hand of her Son Jacob and he came unto his Father and said my Father and he said here am I who ar● thou my Son and Iacob said unto his Father I am Esau thy first-born I have done according as thou badest me arise and eat of my Venison that thy soul may bless me and Isaac saidunto him how is it that thou hast found it so quickly my Son and he said because the Lord thy God brought it to me and Isaac said unto Iacob come near that I may feel thee whether thou be my very Son Esau or not and Iacob went near unto Isaac and he felt him and said the voice is Iacob's but the hands are the hands of Esau and he discerned him not because his hands were hairy as Esau's were so he blessed him and he said unto him art thou my very Son Esau and he said I am and he said bring it neer unto me that I may eat of my Sons Venison that my Soul may bless thee and Isaac said come near my Son and kiss me and he came near and kissed him and he smelled of his Raiment and blessed him and he said I give thee of the dew of Heaven and the fatness of the earth and plenty of Corn and Wine let all people serve thee and Nations bow down to thee be Lord over thy Brethren let thy Mothers Sons bow down unto thee cursed be every one that curseth thee and blessed be he that blesseth thee And as soon as Isaac had made an end of blessing Iacob Esau came from his hunting and brought his Venison and made savoury meat for his Father and said let my Father arise and eat of his Sons Venison that thy Soul may bless me and Isaac said unto him who art thou he said I am thy first-born Esau and Isaac trembled very exceedingly and he said where is he that hath brought me Venison and I have eaten before thou camest and I have blessed him yea and he shall be blessed and when Esau heard the words of his Father he cryed with an exceeding bitter cry and said bless me even me also my Father 〈◊〉 he said thy brother came with subtlety and hath taken away ●●y blessing and he said is he not rightly named Iacob for he hath supplanted me this two times he took away my birth-right and now behold he hath taken away my blessing Here is a Parable and a mystery concerning these passages for if Isaac had blessed Esau he had blessed the wrong birth for God calls himself by the name of the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob this is my name and my memorial for ever saith the Lord Exod. 3.15 And Christ Jesus saith that he is the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob Mat. 22.32 Certainly Iacob was the right seed which the blessing of the Lord was to for Cain was the first birth but he was the wrong seed And so Esau was the first birth but not the seed of the Promise which the blessing was to though Isaac loved Esau if he had given him the blessing it had not been so well but the Lord ordered it otherwise the Apostle saith by faith Isaac blessed Iacob and the very name of Iacob signifieth a Supplanter and so he was to supplant his Brother and root him out for Cain the elder Brother slew his Brother Abel but the Lord hath given
and thou saidest I will surely do thee good and make thy seed as the sand of the Sea which cannot be numbred And Jacob took 200 She-goats and 20 He-goats 200 Ews and 20 Rams 30 milch-Camels with their Colts 40 Kine and 10 Bulls twenty She-Asses and ten Foals and he delivered them unto his Servants and behold when Esau my Brother meeteth thee and asketh thee saying whose are these before thee thou shalt say they be thy servant Iacobs it is a Present sent unto my Lord Esau behold he is behind us and thus he commanded his Servants to say unto Esau when they met him And sent his two Wives and two Women servants and his eleven Sons over the Brook Jabbock and that night Iacob was left alone and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day and when he saw that he prevailed not against him he touched the hollow of Iacobs thigh and it was our of joint as he wrestled with him and he said let me go for the day breaketh and he said I will not let thee go unless thou bless me and he said unto him what is thy name and he said Iacob and he said thy name shall no more be called Iacob but Israel for as a Prince thou hast power with God and with men hast thou prevailed and Iacob called the name of that place Peniel for I have seen God face to face and my life is preserved And Iacob lifted up his eyes and behold Esau came and with him 400 men and he divided the Children unto Leah and unto Rachel and unto the two Handmaids and he put the Handmaids and their Children foremost and Leah and her Children after and Rachel and Ioseph hindermost and he passed over before them and bowed himself to the ground seven times until he came neer unto his Brother and this he did to stop his Brothers fury who had been enraged against him when they parted for he knew he was a proud man and a great man in the earth and so to allay his spirit and get past him for he was to pass through his Country did he make this Obeysance to him and Esau ran to meet him and embraced him and fell on his neck and kissed him and they wept and he lift up his eyes and saw the Women and the Children and he said whose are these with thee Iacob said these are the Children which God hath graciously given thy servant and the Women and the Children passed by him and they bowed themselves and he said what meanest thou by all this drove which I meet And Iacob said these are to find grace in the sight of my Lord and Esau said I have enough my brother keep that which thou hast to thy self and Iacob said nay I pray thee if I have found grace in thy sight receive my present at my hand because God hath dealt graciously with me and I have enough and he urged him and he took it And Esau would have gone on his journey with him but Iacob said my Lord knows that the Children are tender and the flocks are with young and we must lead them on softly as they are able to endure So Esau returned that day unto Seir and Iacob journied unto Succoth and came to Salem a City which is in the Land of Canaan And God said unto Iacob arise go up to Bethel and dwell there and make an Altar unto God that appeared unto thee when thou fledst from Esau thy Brother And Iacob said to all those that were with him Let us arise and go up to Bethel and let us make there an Altar unto God who answered me in the day of my distress and was with me in the way which I went So Iacob came to Luz which is in the Land of Canaan that is Bethel and built there an Altar and called upon the Lord and God appear'd unto Iacob again and blessed him and God said unto him thy name shall not any more be called Iacob but Israel shall be thy name and he called his name Israel And God said unto him I am God Almighty be fruitful and multiply a Nation and a company of Nations shall be of thee and Kings shall come out of thy loins and the Land which I gave Abraham and Isaac to thee will I give it and thy seed after thee and God went up from him And they journied from Bethel and there was but a little way to come to Ephrath and Rachel travelled and had hard labour and when she was in hard labour the Midwife said unto her fear not thou shalt have this Son also and it came to pass as her soul was departing that she called his name Benonl but his Father called his name Benjamin and Iacob set a Pillar upon her Grave and so Iacob came unto Isaac his Father unto Mamre unto the City of Arhab which is Hebron where Abraham and Isaac so journed and the days of Isaac were one hundred and fourscore years and Isaac gave up the Ghost and died and was gathered unto his people being old and full of days and his Sons Esate and Iacob buried him Gen. 35. In the next Chapter you may read the Generations of Esau who is Edom how he took Wives of the Daughters of Canaan but this is not the seed that I am to treat of this 36. Chapter of Genesis will shew the Off-spring of Esau And Iacob dwelt in the Land wherein his Father was a Stranger in the Land of Can●an Gen. 37. The History concerning Ioseph how his Father loved him and how his brethren envied him and how they intended to have killed him and took him and cast him into a Pit and how they sold him to the Ishmaelites and he was brought down to Egypt and Potiphar an Officer of Pharaoh an Egyptian bought him at the hand of the Ishmaelites which had carried him down thither and how the Lord was with Ioseph and preserved him from Potiphar's Wife how she betrayed him and accused him falsly but the Lord was with him and shewed him mercy and gave him favour in the sight of the Gaoler and how he came to be the Governour of Pharaoh's House and how he governed Egypt in the time of plenty that when the Dearth came there was Corn enough and how his Brethren came down into Egypt to buy Corn when the Famine was sore in the Land of Canaan and how he discovered himself to his Brethren and sent for his Father and Brethren and all their Families all this you may read of from the 37. Chapter to the 46. And Israel took his journey with all that he had and came to Beersheba and offered Sacrifice to the God of his Fathers and God spake unto him in the visions of the night and said Iacob and he said here am I. And God said I am the God of thy Fathers fear not to go into Egypt I will make of thee a great Nation I will go down with thee into Egypt and will
commanded them but saved the Children alive and the more they afflicted them the more they grew and multiplied Thus you see how kindly the Lord hath dealt with the seed of his promise and Covenant and how often he hath renewed his Promises and his Blessings and Mercies unto them hereafter you may see also how he took care all along of his seed that his Promise remained upon and how he committed them afterwards to the hand of Moses whom he preserved by his power who was nursed up by Pharaohs Daughter as you may read at large in Exod. 2. And when this cruel King of Egypt died the Children of Israel sighed and groaned under their bondage and the Lord heard their cry and God heard their groaning and God remembred his Covenant with Abraham with Isaac and with Jacob and God looked upon the Children of Israel and God had respect unto them and the Lord sent his Angel unto Moses to the Mount of God even to Horeb and he appeared to him in a flame of Fire out of the midst of a Bush and he looked and behold the bush burnt with fire and the bush was not consumed And Moses said I will now turn aside and see this great sight why the bush is not burned And when God saw he turned aside to see God called unto him out of the bush and said Moses Moses and he said here am I and he said draw not nigh hither put off thy shoes from thy feet for the place where thou standest is holy ground Moreover he said I am the God of thy Fathers the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob and Moses hid his face for he was afraid to look upon God and the Lord said I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt and have heard their cry by reason of their Task-Masters for I know their sorrows and I am come down to deliver them out of the hands of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that Land into a good Land come now therefore I will send thee unto Pharaoh that thou mayest bring my people the Children of Israel out of Egypt for I have heard their cries and seen their oppressions Here the Lord committed his seed into the hand of Moses a faithful Servant who came of Lavi both by Father and Mother which was Jacobs third Son So how Moses went unto Pharaoh with the Elders of Israel and wrought the Wonders of the Lord and his miracles before him and how Moses and Aaron brought them from under the Egyptian Bondage and the many Plagues that the Lord brought upon Pharaoh we shall shew hereafter And Moses said unto God who am I that I should go unto Pharaoh and the Lord said certainly I will be with thee and this shall be a token unto thee that when thou hast brought the people out of Egypt ye shall serve God in this Mount c. as you may read in Exod. Chap. 4.5 And thou shalt say unto Pharaph thus saith the Lord Israel is my Son even my first-born I say unto thee Let my Son go that he may serve me if thou refuse to let him go behold I will smite thy Son even thy first-born ver 23. Thus Moses and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh saying thus saith the Lord God of Israel let my people go that they may hold a Feast unto me in the Wilderness And Pharaoh said who is the Lord that I should obey his voice to let Israel go I know not the Lord neither will I let Israel go Chap. 5. So he caused the greater Tasks to be laid upon them that they should make their tale of Bricks without straw as you may read and the Lord said unto Moses Now thou shalt see what I will do unto Pharaoh And God spake unto Moses and said I am the Lord and I appeared unto Abraham unto Isaac and unto Jacob by the name of God Almighty but by my name Iehovah was I not known to them and have also established my Covenant with them to give them the Land of Canaan the Land of their Pilgrimage wherein they were strangers and I have also heard the groaning of the Children of Israel whom the Egyptians keep in bondage and I remember my Covenant wherefore say unto the Children of Israel I am the Lord and I will bring you from under the burdens of the Egyptians and I will rid you out of their bondage and I will redeem you with a stretched out arm and with great Judgments and I will take you to me for a people and I will be to you for a God and ye shall know that I am the Lord your God which bringeth you out from under the bondage of the Egyptians and I will bring you into the Land concerning the which I sware to give it to Abraham to Isaac and to Iacob and I will give it to you for an heritage I am the Lord Chap. 6.8 So Moses spake to the Children of Israel as you may read to the end of the Chapter And the Lord said unto Moses see I have made thee a God unto Pharaoh and Aaron thy brother a Prophet and thou shalt speak all that I command and Aaron thy Brother shall speak unto Pharaoh that he send the children of Israel out of his Land and I will harden Pharaohs heart c. Chap. 7. And so the Lord wrought his 12 miracles upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians as you may read from the 7. Chapter to the 14. where Pharaoh and his Hoste were overwhelmed in the red Sea 1. The first of his wonders was Aarons Rod that became a Serpent and swallowed up all the Egyptians Serpents 2. Moses smote the Waters with his Rod and they became blood and all the Fish in the River died Chap. 7.20.21 and the Magitians did so 3. He smote all the borders with Frogs and Aaron stretched forth his hand over the Waters and Frogs came up and covered the Land of Egypt and the Egyptians did so Chap. 8.6 7. 4. And again the Lord said unto Moses stretch forth thy Rod and smite the dust of the Land that it may become Lice and Aaron did so So that the dust of the Land became Lice throughout all the Land of Egypt and the Magitians would have done so but they could not then the Magitians said unto Pharaoh this is the finger of God but Pharaohs heart was hardned that he would not hear them as the Lord had said 5. The Lord said unto Moses rise early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh and say unto him thus saith the Lord let my people go and serve me else I will send swarms of Flies upon thee and upon thy Servants and upon thy people so that all the Houses of the Egyptians shall be full of swarms of Flies and also the ground and I will sever in that day the Land of Goshen in the which my people dwell so that none of the swarms of Flies
of them and burnt them upon the Altar according to the word of the Lord which the man of God proclaimed who cryed the same words then said he what title is this that I see and the men of the City said it is the Sepulchre of the man of God which came from Iudah and told these things which thou hast done to the Altar of Bethel 1 Kings 13.2 then said he let him alone let none remove his bones 2 Chron. 34.35 Chap. And this King Iosiah caused the Law of the Lord to be read and when he heard the words of it he rent his Cloaths because that his fore-Fathers had forsaken the Lord and burnt incense unto Baal and he sent to Huldah the Prophetess that dwelt in the Colledge in Ierusalem to enquire of the Lord concerning the people of Iudah and she said unto them thus saith the Lord God tell the man that sent you thus saith the Lord I will bring evil upon this place and upon the Inhabitants thereof even the words of the Book which the King of Iudah hath read because they have forsaken me and burnt incense unto other Gods that they might provoke me to anger therefore my wrath is kindled against this place and shall not be quenched Chap. 22. And the King sent and gathered unto him all the Elders of Iudah and Ierusalem and read the Law before them in the house of the Lord and the King stood by a Pillar and made a Covenant before the Lord and before all his people to walk after the Lord and to keep his Commandments as you may read Chap. 23. In his days Pharaoh Neehoh King of Egypt went up against the King of Assyria to the River Euphrates and King Iosiah went up against him whom when Pharaoh saw he slew him at Megiddo and the people of the Land took Jehoahaz Son of Josiah and annointed him King in his Fathers stead And Iehoahaz was thirty and three years old when he began to reign and he reigned three months in Ierusalem and he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord and the King of Egypt put him down at Ierusalem and made Eliakim his Brother King over Iudah and Ierusalem and turned his name to Iehojakim And Iehojakim was twenty and five years old when he began to reign and he reigned eleven years in Ierusalem and he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord and in his days the King of Babylon came up and the Lord sent against him the Bands of the Chaldees and Bands of the Syrians and Bands of the Moabites and Bands of the Children of Ammon and sent them against Iudah to destroy it according to the word of the Lord which he spake by his Servants the Prophets surely at the Commandment of the Lord came this upon Iudah to remove them out of his sight for the sins of Manasseh according to all that he did and also for the innocent blood that he shed for he filled Ierusalem with innocent blood Chap. 24. At that time Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon came up against the City of Ierusalem and he and his Servants besieged it and Iehojachim King of Iudah he and his Mother and his Princes and his Servants and his Officers went out to meet him and the King of Babylon took them and he carried out thence all the Treasures of the House of the Lord and the Treasures of the Kings House and cut in pieces all the Vessels of Gold which Solomon the King of Israel had made in the Temple of the Lord and he carried away all Ierusalem and all the Princes and the mighty men of valour even ten thousand Captives and all the Crastsmen and the Smiths and there remained none save the poorest sort of the people And he carried away Iehoiachim into Babylon and the Kings Mother Judah and Jerusalem going into Babylon and the Kings Wives and his Officers he carried away captive from Ierusalem the mighty men of the Land even seven thousand and Craftsmen and Smiths a thousand all that were strong and apt to War them the King of Babylon brought captive to Babylon and he made his Fathers Brother King of Ierusalem and he reigned seven years until he rebelled against the King of Babylon and then the King of Babylon came against him and took him and then the havock and the spoil that was made at Ierusalem you may read in the twenty firth Chapter 2 Chr. 36. And thus the sins and abominations that the Children of Israel wrought against the Lord with their Kings that reigned over them and how the Lord by his Prophets would have turned them unto himself and how he sent precept upon precept and line upon line as you may read at large in the Prophesie of Isaiah and in the Prophesie of Ieremiah and Hosea prophesied in that time in the days of Vzziah Iotham Ahaz and Hezekiah and in the days of Ieroboam the Son of Ioash King of Israel The beginning of the word of the Lord by Hosea the Lord said unto Hosea go take thee a Wife of Whoredoms and the Children of Whoredoms for the Land hath committed great Whoredoms departing from the Lord. So he went and took Gomer the Daughter of Diblaim which conceived and bare a Son and the Lord said unto him call his name Iezreel for yet a little while and I will avenge the blood of Iezreel upon the House of Iehu and it shall come to pass in that day that I will break the bow of Israel in the Valley of Iezreel Hos 1. to 5. my people ask Counsel at their stocks and their staff declareth unto them for the spirit of Whoredoms have caused them to erre and they have gone a whoring from under their God they have dealt treacherously against the Lord the Princes of Iudah were like them that remove the bound therefore I will pour out my sury upon them like water saith the Lord Hos Chap. 4.5 and so on throughout that Book you may read how the Lord by his Prophet complains of their Idolatry The words of Amos who was amongst the Herdsmen which he saw concerning Israel in the days of Vzziah King of Iudah and in the daies of Ieroboam King of Israel two years before the earthquake and he said the Lord will roar from Zion and utter his voice from Ierusalem and the inhabitants of the Shepherds shall mourn and the top of Carmel Amos 1. Hear this word that the Lord hath spoken against you O Children of Israel against the whole Family which I brought up from the Land of Egypt saying ye only have I known of all the Families of the earth therefore will I punish you for your iniquities Amos 3.1 2. And the Prophet Ezekiel saith now it came to pass in the thirtieth year in the fourth month on the first day of the month as I was among the Captives that I saw the Visions of God here the Lord did not only prophesie before they went into
Servant the things which must shortly be done For the Lord God had prophesied of these things before by the Prophets and by Christ Jesus and his Apostles and saith unto Iohn seal not the Prophesie of the sayings of this Book for the time is at hand and behold I come quickly for my reward is with me to give unto every one according to his works And I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end the first and the last blessed are they that do his Commandements that they may have right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into the City I Jesus have sent mine Angel to testifie unto you these things to the Churches I am the Root and Off-spring of David and the bright morning Star and the Spirit and the Bride saith come and let him that heareth say come and let him that is athirst come and whosoever will let him take of the water of life freely He that testifieth these things saith surely I come quickly even Amen come Lord Jesus the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all Amen ver 20.21 Thus you may see in part the constancy and faithfulness of the Lord God how unchangeable and how un●lterable he is and what love and faithful care he hath had over his seed ever since he made man and gave him a being upon the Earth but indeed his love is everlasting for he had elected and decreed and determined Salvation and Redemption to his seed before the foundation of the world was and because he could not alter nor change therefore his seed was preserved as you may read in several places of the Scriptures because I change not therefore ye Sons of Jacob are not consumed and if the Lord had not left us this seed we had been as Sodom and like unto Gomorah But by this little tract that we have gone through the Scriptures since the Lord made man you may read the long-suffering and the patience of the Lord God and his kind dealing and his fatherly care over his seed even when they rebelled against him and that because of his faithfulness in keeping of his promises and Covenants which he so often promised and covenanted as hath been shewed not only unto Abraham unto Isaac and unto Iacob but also unto David as you may read at large in the Prophesie of Isaiah and in Ieremiah and the Book of Psalms often hath he redoubled his promises unto David and unto his seed for ever that as his Covenant was with the day and with the night so is his Covenant with David and his seed for ever and as he had sworn that the Waters should not go over the Earth so he had sworn that his Blessing and Covenant should be with David and his seed for ever which he hath faithfully performed of the seed of David he hath sent his Son And so the Lord hath led them along as you may read thorow this Treatise until Christ and according to his promise Christ came and took not upon him as Apostle saith the Nature of Angels but he took on him the seed of Abraham for he was made a little lower then the Angels for the suffering of death crowned with Glory and Honour that he by the Grace of God should tast of death for every man as you may read in Heb. 2. And he that thought it no robbery to be equal with the great God yet he took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of man and being found in the fashion of a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto the death even the death of the Cross wherefore God hath highly exalted him and given him a name better then every name that at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of the Father Phil. 2. So he hath gone thorow this great Work and finished it for as the Apostle saith so it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things to make the Captain of our Salvation perfect through sufferings for in the days of his flesh he offered up prayers and supplications Christs Sufferings with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death and was heard and though he was a Son yet learned he obedience by the things that he suffered and being made perfect through sufferings he became the Author of Eternal Salvation unto all them that obey him Heb. 5. So the price he hath paid and mans Salvation and Redemption he hath purchased by his own blood as Iohn saith Jesus Christ who is the faithful and true Witness the first begotten of the dead and the Prince of the Kings of the Earth unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood Rev. 1. And he according to his promise unto his Disciples that he would pour down his Spirit upon them and send them another Comforter and bad them stay at Ierusalem till the Spirit was poured on them from on high which was plentifully and richly fulfilled as the Scripture testifies for they were made partakers of it in a plentiful manner and the Apostles were made able Ministers of the Spirit by which they begat multitudes unto God and to the true Faith which is in Christ Jesus so that the light of the glorious Gospel shone gloriously among them and Christ had a glorious Church at that day as those Epistles which the Apostles wrote to the Churches being left upon Record bears a true testimony of the holy Spirit that was in them and all that live in the Spirit of the living God and is endowed and enriched with it bears witness to the Scriptures that they were given forth by the holy Spirit of God and by the inspiration of the Almighty But we may see that Christ and his holy Apostles had a foresight and a knowledge of the beauty and glory of this Church being vailed and that the night of Apostacy and darkness would come over as hath been already shewed and as you may read in the Scriptures which hath been fulfilled as experience of many ages can testifie for by most of the Records that we can find it is above twelve hundred years since the glorious beauty of the Church of Christ was stained but all this hath not come to pass without the fore-knowledge of the holy Prophets Christ and the Apostles And so now blessed and honoured be the glorious God our lot is fallen in a good Land and our time is a time of love and as we are fallen into the last age of the world so also we are risen with Christ Jesus the Sun of Righteousness who ariseth with healing in his wings and now the light of the glorious Gospel hath shined in our hearts and hath given us the knowledge of the glory of the invisible God in the face of Jesus Christ and this Gospel of the