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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A39227 The harmony of the Gospels in the holy history of the humiliation and sufferings of Jesus Christ from his incarnation to his death and burial published by John Eliot ... Eliot, John, 1604-1690. 1678 (1678) Wing E512; ESTC W4384 172,517 138

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birth his first entrance into the Flesh into this World was attended with great sufferings And as his life was the pretious life of a publick person so all his sufferings were the sufferings of a publick person the Redeemer of Gods Elect. And this is to be noted that in all his sufferings he did attend unto follow divine Counsel he did not rashly or without cause or call either expose himself to danger or engage into any difficulties alwayes he attended unto the command and direction of the Lord whatever the Lord appointed to him that he did and suffered in all which he is an holy pattern unto us in all our sufferings And when we celebrate in our Sacramenatl worship the sufferings of Jesus Christ we celebrate all his sufferings even from his first incarnation and these sufferings in his Infancy for all his sufferings are of the same kind and nature In this their flight into Egypt and tarrying there till the death of Herod the wise over-ruling providence of God did accomplish two eminent fa●ours for them 1. He compleated the Mantle which he drew over the birth of Jesus Christ which was very probably some dayes sooner then the time of their compleating the marriage in the sight of men would be correspondent unto for after her Conception she brought forth her first born according to the ordinary time of of the life of man and that was some distance of time afore the strict account of the time of the consummation of the marriage would allow in which case some observers no doubt were busying themselves but now they being sent away to Egypt and there abiding till the death of Herod all memory of such a critical observation was utterly removed out of the way 2. It may justly be here enquired how this poor couple with their babe subsisted in their long flight and tarriance from home and that among strangers in a strange land What provision had they for their sustenance In this matter Gods eminent providential care over them appeared for the wise men of the east offered gold frankincense and myrrh which were worth gold in Egypt And hereby the Lord made a supply of provision for their subsistence to bear all their charges in this difficult and chargeable flight O what a sovereign high hand of God is here magnified to provide and send men from the East among other ends to bring sustenance and provision for Joseph Mary and Jesus in their flight into Egypt This persecution that Herod raised against Jesus Christ in his Infancy was the first entertainment that he had among the Jews and it was very sharp but reached not his life he had other things to do and accomplish in this world before he left it We read of no more persecutions that he suffered until he entered his publick Ministry and then the chief Priests Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites were his persecutors and they did so malitiously cunningly and effectually follow the matter that they persecuted him to the death under their hands he finished his sufferings in this life which he came into the world to undergoe CAP. V. The Return of Iesus Christ out of Egypt into Israel the Church of God THough Gods dearest children may be banished out of the Church into the world yet they have no quiet and rest to continue there Godly hearts long for the enjoyment of Gods presence in his in●tituted worship They can ●●nd no rest in their souls so long as they are at a distance from the visible presence of God David is a lively Type of all this that Jesus the Son of David suffered Psal 84. per totum is a very lively description of the frame of Davids heart in the time of his banishment and flight and hereby is set forth with what frame of heart Jesus as Mediator and his parents were exercised in the mournfull time of their residence in Egypt all which time is a part of the suffering times of Jesus Christ in this world whereby he sanctified such a condition to his servants when he shall so try them O what longing desires were in their godly hearts to leave that dead world lying in Egyptian darkness and to come into the light of the Lord in the Land of Israel Psal 84.2 My Soul longeth yea even fainteth for the Courts of my God my heart and my flesh cryeth out for the living God But they were commanded to tarry till the Angel should bring them word and call them to return Math. 2.13 Be thou there till I bring thee word They were commanded to attend to divine direction in all their motions It was a great help to their holy hearts to be and stay in that dark land because God sent them thither it was also a great help to them in patient waiting for deliverance because they had a promise that deliverance should come For these words till I come express a purpose in the heart of the Lord to come who never faileth to accomplish all his purposes of love to his children and it is a promise to tell him when it will be fittin● and safe for their return When the time was come the Angel came according to his promise Math. 2.19.20 But when Herod was dead behold an Angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a Dream in Egypt saying arise and take the young child and his mother and goe into the Land of Israel for they are dead that sought the young childs life This was done Mat. 2.15 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophet Hos 11.2 Out of Egypt have I called my Son Gods calling of Israel out of Egypt was a Type of his calling his Son Jesus out of Egypt And this is to be noted that he sends him out of Egypt into the land of Israel out of that dark world into the Church where Gods presence was and where the light of God shined where the communion of Saints was to be enjoyed And when he cometh there he leaveth him to act according ●o his prudence And hereby the Lord put them into another dark and difficult ●ryal as will presently appear Joseph obeyeth gladly no doubt this divine Direction Mat. 2.21 He arose and ●ook the young child and his mother aod went into the Land of Israel Vnto what place ●e went it is not said but he soon heard that Archilaus reigned in his fathers stead ●oseph understanding him to be ambitious of the Kingdome as his father Herod ●ad been he feared to goe into Judea And now was he in a great straight No ●oubt they cryed to God for further divine direction whether to goe Then did ●he Lord give them a further particular direction Mat. 2.22.23 being warned of God in a dream he turned aside into the parts of Galile and came and dwelt in a city ●alled Nazaret This place the Lord did appoint for the place of the education ●f the child Galile was under another Jurisdiction it was a more obscure place where nobody
furnished accomplished beautifyed even from a child did lead an eminent humane life in all humane excellencies perfections never any man like him all his actions from a child were pure and perfect in them all he acted as a publick person He was born a Saviour and was at no time devested of that office He perfectly fulfilled the Law in all the duties of childhood never had the world such a child in it Yet here was passive obedience also in all this in many respects all his glory was vailed from the worlds eye by a poor obscure low condition Here might be great instruction both to children and parents to all Believers yea and to all the enemies and dispisers of Jesus Christ But I will pass on in attending to the History of his holy life and bitter Sufferings CAP. VII The History of one famous Act of Wisdome and Grace which Jesus Christ did at twelve years of age Luk. 2.42 ad 51. AND when he was twelve years old they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast And when they had fulfilled the dayes as they returned the child Jesus tarried behind in Ierusalem and Joseph and his Mother knew not of it But they supposing him to have been in the company went a dayes journey and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance And when they found him not they turned back again to Ierusalem seeking him And it came to pass that after three dayes they found him in the temple sitting in the midst of the Doctors both hearing them and asking them Questions And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and Answers And when they saw him they were amazed and his Mother said unto him Son why hast thou thus dealt with us behold thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing And he said unto them How is it that ye sought me wist ye not that I must be about my Fathers business And they understood not the saying which he spake unto them In this History we may observe diverse weighty things 1. The time of it when he was about twelve years old an admirable specimen of the grace of God in him The grace of Christ hath eminently shined to many children especially in John Baptist in a most remarkable manner Gods Grace hath shined in sundry of our youth and children yea in some of our Indian children since their praying to God by which experiences this history touching this blessed child Jesus is rendred possible It is a Scripture Record and it were great unbelief to doubt of it The Lord hath given us this history for the encouragement both of Parents and children to take pains with them betimes to train them up in the knowledge of the Scriptures from a child as Timothy was by his godly mother Grand-mother 2. Tim. 1.5 3.15 No doubt this holy child Jesus did in his child-hood utter many gracious words and did many gracious actions but it hath pleased God to record only this one for the use of the Church in this world and hath covered all the rest with the mantle of silence God saw in his holy wisdome that the lustre of this one act was enough to shine out the rest are reserved to be opened and admired at the day of Judgment and in heaven to ●ll eternity 2. We see the religious conversation and practice of the godly in their perso●al attendance upon the publick worship of God according to his divine institu●ions We see also their religious and carefull education of their children and ●outh to go with them and attend upon the publick worship of God to be acquainted with it and accustomed to attend upon it even from their childhood as Hannah did by Samuel 1 Sam. 1.24 which greatly condemneth the practice of some in our dayes who seldome bring forth their children to the publick worship of God I have heard of some children of twelve yeers old that never were present at a publick Sabbath worship of God they know not what it is such as live in dark places in the out-skirts of the land know little or nothing of Religion of the service and worship of God 3. Here is to be noted the time of their returning home viz. when they had fulfilled the dayes and ●inished the service and worship which God commanded none of them stipped out and got away to run home before the worship of God was finished as too many of our people especially our ●outh are too frequently wont to doe The Parents of Jesus staid till all was finished and the child stayed with them It was their con●tant custome so to doe O how good it is to uphold a con●tant reverent waiting upon the Lord with godly fear for our God is a consuming fire Children must be trained up to serve God with reverence and fear 4. See the godly Zeal of this holy child Jesus for when the publick in●tituted worship was finished he was not weary and hasty to be gone glad to be out of the yoke of the service of God it was not a weariness to him as too often it is to us yea not only to children but to elder persons both men and women are too full of this infirmity tyred and weary of the service glad to be gone It was not so with Jesus for when he might have been gone with his parents when they went away after the worship was finished yet he stayed behind them And where stayed he not in any common place or vain company nor in any vain sports and pleasures but he stayed in the temple he went to the place of the education of youth into the Schools of instruction of youth A rare example for a child so to doe Too many of our youth will stay behind their parents and will not goe home in their company but what stay they about for no good but for sport and pleasure and where stay they sometimes in common places sometimes in profane places in taverns or other places where profane persons resort where they may serve their pleasures and lusts wherein they take more delight then in the service of God O youth youth learn of this holy child Jesus if you stay behind your Parents or if you go not home to your Parents let your tarryance be in the Temple or in some service of God or where you may do or receive some good 5. Here see his Parents vigilant diligent and solicitous care of their Child when they missed him in their company they went on the first dayes journy hoping that he was in the company of some of their kindred or neighbours and acquaintance for they knew that he was civil sociable and courteous but at night at that first dayes journeys end they searched for him inquired of all the Company they could hear no tidings of him none of them had seen him any where in the way Now are they filled with sorrow no quiet rest could they take that night up they rise in