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A36539 A collection of texts of Scripture, with short notes upon them, and some other observations against the principal popish errors; Abrégé des controverses. English Drelincourt, Charles, 1595-1669.; Comber, Thomas, 1645-1699. 1688 (1688) Wing D2160B; ESTC R14004 125,272 218

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preach'd 2 Pet. 1. 19. We have a more sure Word of Prophecy whereunto ye do well to take heed St. Peter praises those that read the Prophets and why should Men he blamed then for reading the Apostles and Evangelists Note whereas he says vers 20. That no Prophe●cy of the Scripture is of any private Interpretation He doth not speak it to deter private Men from the reading or judging of the sense of it but to shew the sureness of their Rule that it was not first interpreted or written by the Fancy or Will of private Men but it came by the Will of God and holy Men of God spake therein as they were moved by the Holy Ghost ver 21. Acts 8. 27 28. Behold a Man of Ethiopia an Eunuch of great Authority and Power under Candace the Queen who had the charge of all her Treasure as he was returning from Jerusalem and fitting in his Chariot read Isaias the Prophet Observe that this Person was not a Church-man but a Treasurer or Minister of State to the Queen And Philip was sent to him by the Spirit to help him to understand the Prophecy he was reading Which is a clear Testimony of the holy Spirit 's approbation of his practice and is a great incouragement to others to do the like and in doing so to hope for the divine Direction and Blessing Acts 17. 11. 't is said The Bereans therefore were more noble than than those of Thessalonica in that they received the Word with all readiness and searched the Scriptures daily to know whether these things were so 'T is noted as an Instance of an excellent Spirit in them that they search'd the Scriptures for their satisfaction about what was delivered by the Apostles So 2 Tim. 3. 15. From a Child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures See here a Child exercised in the Holy Scriptures And this is noted by the Apostle as an excellent and praise-worthy thing in him Observe that the Apostle St. Paul addresses the most part of his Epistles not to the Priests or Bishops but to the Churches of God to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus and to all that call on the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ see Rom. 1. 7. 1 Cor. 1. 2. 2 Cor. 1. 1. Gal. 1. 2. Ephes 1. 1. And to shew clearly that he wrote to the People as well as to the Pastors he distinguishes them in his Epistle to the Philippians Chap. 1. 1. Paul and Timotheus the Servants of Jesus Christ To all the Saints that are at Philippi with the Bishops and Deacons So likewise St. James addresses his Epistle to the Twelve Tribes that are scattered abroad And St. Peter his first Epistle To the Strangers scattered throughout Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia and ●ithynia Chap. 1. 1. His second Epistle is yet more general To all those that have obtained like precious Faith with us through the Righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ St. John writes to Fathers to young Men and to Children Now what colour can there be to hinder those Persons from reading those Epistles that were sent and addrest to them Add to this that the Apostles did formally and expresly command and require Persons to read their Epistles Thus Col. 4. 16. When this Epistle is read among you cause that it be read also in the Church of the Laodiceans and that ye likewise read the Epistle from Laodicea So 1 Thess 5. 27. I charge you by the Lord that this Epistle be read to all the Holy Brethren And note that for this end they were writ in a Language best known to the generality of People As also all the Holy Scripture besides was writ in a Language that was best understood by the People for whom it was writ The Old Testament in Hebrew for the use of the Jews The New Testament in Greek that being the Language then most generally used And for this end there were Translations made of the Scriptures into the Languages of several Nations that People of all sorts might read them As to what is said 2 Pet. 3. 16. That in the Scriptures there are some things hard to be understood which many do wrest to their own destruction It is from the vice and rashness of Men that they do so wrest them which if they were of humble and teachable spirits they might avoid And therefore to prevent this wresting of them the Apostle doth not prohibit the People the reading of them but only cautions them that they be not led away with these Errors of the Wicked and directs them to grow more in knowledg the way to attain unto which is to peruse them with greater care and diligence And it is an unreasonable thing to build a Prohibition of reading the Scriptures upon a far-fetch'd consequence from this Text against so many express Commands to the contrary Yet see moreover Rev. 1. 3. Blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this Prophecy and keep those things that are written therein Note here the most difficult Book of Scripture is commended to Mens reading and the Spirit of God calls those Blessed that read and keep it And what reason can there be then to deter Men from reading the Gospels and Epistles of the Apostles which contain Things much more familiar and easy to be underst●●●●● Of the Church CHAP. IV. That the State of the Church is always visible Bellarm. de Eccles lib. 3. cap. 11. THat the Church of God shall continue in being in all Ages is not denied but that it shall be always gloriously and conspicuouly visible to the observation of all Persons that they may know whither to have recourse to it to join in communion with it and may be moved thereunto by its splendour is against many Scripture-Instances and Prophecies to the contrary Which many Times comes to pass through the prevailing of Corruptions in it or Persecutions against it which very much darken and obscure it So that a very few Persons may retain the purity of Doctrine in it and those not visible to the Notice of many others As for Example What was the Face of the Church then when God brought Abraham out of the 〈◊〉 of Infidels and Idolaters Gen. 12. What was the Face of the Church when Israel was in Egypt where they defiled themselves with the Idols of Egypt Ezek. 20. 7 8. Then they rebelled against me says God and would not hearken unto me they did not every Man cast away the Abominations of his Eyes neither did they forsake the Idols of Egypt then I said I will pour out my Fury upon them and mine Anger against them in the midst of the Land of Egypt Here was a very great Corruption in the State of the Church and that in the very chief and principal Points of Religion What was the Face of the Church in the Time of the Judges of Israel Judg. 2. 10 11 12 13. All that Generation were gathered unto their Fathers and
there arose another Generation after them that knew not the Lord nor yet his Works which he had done for Israel And the Children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord and served Baalim And they forsook the Lord God of their Fathers which brought them out of the Land of Egypt and followed other Gods of the Gods of the People that were round about them and bowed themselves to them and provoked the Lord to anger And they forsook the Lord and served Baal and Ashtaroth How was the Face of the Church disfigured at that Time when they publickly worshipp'd false Gods He that would see the several Ecclipses of the Church of Israel then let him read this History of the Judges particularly Chap. 2. 3 4 6 10. And 2 Chron. 15. 3. When Israel was for a long season without the True God and without a teaching Priest and without the Law. In the Reign of Rehoboam the Son of Solomon ten of the twelve Tribes of Israel revoked from the Service of God and publickly worshipp'd the Calves in Dan and Bethel which were made by the Commandment of Jeroboam 1 King. 12. And if you desire to see how much the Face of the Church was disfigured and how often the Service of God was interrupted read the History of the Kings The ten Tribes were the greatest part of the Church of Israel But in them the Church was so obscured in the Time of Ahab that Elijah complained 1 King. 19. 10. The Children of Israel have forsaken thy Covenant thrown down thine Altars and slain thy Prophets with the Sword and I even I only am left and they seek my Life to take it away God had indeed reserved to himself 7000 Men that had not bowed their Knees to Baal And 1 King. 18. 4. When Jezebel had put to death the Prophets of the Lord Obadia took an hundred Prophets and hid them by fifty in a Cave and sed them with Bread and Water So that there was a Church then left in Israel but i● was so obscured that Elijah himself could not see it In the Kingdom of Judah also there was sometimes the same obscure State of the Church As in the Time of Ahaz 2 Chron. 28. 24 25. For Ahaz gathered together the Vessels of the House of the Lord and cut them in pieces and shut up the Doors of the House of the Lord and he made him Altars in every corner of Jerusalem And in every several City of Judah he made high Places to burn Incense unto other Gods and to provoke to anger the Lord God of his Fathers Repeated again 2 Chron. 29. 6 7. There was no other Church of God then upon Earth but what was among the Children of Israel and Judah and there was not any one Temple dedicated to the Worship of the True God but that at Jerusalem But yet you see that was prophaned the Service of God banish'd Idolatry establish'd And what external Form of a Church then was there there where the true God was not acknowledged or served So in the Time of Manasseh 2 Chron. 33. 4 5. Who built again the high Places which Hezekiah his Father had broken down and he reared up Altars to Baalim and made Groves and worshipped all the Host of Heaven and served them Also he built Altars in the House of the Lord whereof the Lord had said In Jerusalem shall my Name be for ever Which was as great a Promise as ever was made to any Church and if there had been any Promise designed ever to secure the State and Splendour of the Church in any place 〈◊〉 ●ould think this had been such an one If 〈◊〉 had been but a like Promise made or half 〈…〉 said of the Church of Rome what confi●●nt boasting and brags should we have had yet you see Jerusalem and the Temple filled with Idols And it is moreover to be observed that at this time the State of the Church was so corrupt that there were no Copies of the Law to be found extant among the People but the Book of the Law was found in the restoring of the Temple by Josiah at the reading of which as a new thing the King was mightily terrified 2 Chron. 34. 18 19 20. which is a plain Argument that the Law was but little known and the Copies of it generally lost And the Prophet Jeremy saith Jer. 11. 13. That according to the number of thy Cities were thy Gods O Judah And according to the number of the Streets of Jerusalem which is yet called the Holy City Matth. 27. 53. have ye set up Altars to that shameful thing to burn Incense unto Baal And what Corruptions did the Prophet Isaiah complain of before Chap. 1. In the time of the Captivity the whole Land was a des●lation and an astonishment Jer. 25. 11. the Temple of Jerusalem was demolish'd and the Service of God beaten down So in the New Testament there are Prophecies of great defections and much obscurity that there should be in the Church 2 Tim. 4. 3 4. For the time will come that they shall not endure sound Doctrine but after their own Lusts shall they heap to themselves Teachers having itching Ears And they shall turn away their Ears from the Truth and shall be turned unto Fables So 1 Tim. 4. 1. The Spirit speaketh expresly that in the latter Times some shall depart from the Faith giving heed to seducing Spirits and Doctrines of Devils or rather Doctrines concerning Demons or a sort of under-Gods or angelical Mediators with God speaking lies in hypocrisy having their Consciences ●eared with an hot Iron forbidding to marry and commanding 〈◊〉 abstain from Meats How well doth this agree to 4. Church of Rome Rev. 12. 6. The Woman by which the Church is represented fled into the Wilderness where she hath a place prepared of God there to lie hid for a time during the rage of the Dragon It is very unjust and unreasonable then to demand that at all times we should shew the visible State of the True Church Rev. 13. 15 16 17. The time is prophesied of that the second Beast shall cause that as many as will not worship the Image of the former Beast shall be killed And he causeth all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a Mark in their right hand and in their forehead and that no Man might buy or sell save he that had the Mark or Name of the Beast or the Number of his Name And how should the Church then during this Tyranny have a visible and flourishing State And the Papists themselves allow that in the time of Antichrist there shall be an universal defection for a time It is certain in Fact that many Churches founded by the Apostles themselves have quite fallen away to Mahometanism And in the time of Athanasius the whole World almost was become Arian And in the Ages just before the Reformation the Purity of the Church was so
is not done yet and how long then should we have stayed For these very Things which the Reformation rejects are still defended by her and all the Protestations and Applications that have been made to her have had no effect upon her to procure a Reformation on her part and we do not know when they will have But why must we stay till the Church of Rome had ordered the Reformation which we see would have been long enough What is the Church of Rome to us but as a Sister Church whatever she pretends of her Catholicism and Masterdom or Mistresship over the rest of the Churches which is refuted before And what hath she to do then to control our Reformation or to oblige us to stay her leisure Or why have not Princes and National Churches in themselves full Power and Authority to reform what is to be reformed in their own Precincts We see what the good Kings of the Jews Asa Hezekiah Josiah did And what did we do but what in a like case they did before And if the Church of Rome had had never so much an Authority over us yet if upon due Applications she would not reform Errors and redress Abuses and yet these Errors and Abuses be of a most pestilent and dangerous Nature to the Souls of Men and most contrary to the true Religion must we therefore persist in these false Beliefs and Practices whilst she thinks fit to retain them And hazard our Eternal Salvation in rejecting Divine Truth and contradicting the Light of our Minds and the true Gospel-Doctrine meerly out of respect to her Or must we not provide for our own wellfare our selves without which we should run the hazard of Eternal Perdition if others will not do it who ought Now this was the very Case The Corruptions of the Church of Rome were so very great both in Faith and Worship as may appear partly by this little Treatise and were so very dangerous and fatal to Mens Souls and so universally spread and so stifly maintained that there was no hope of a Reformation of them by that Church but the Council that was assembled to remove Corruptions setled them the stronger Because they could not be brought to a better mind to renounce these Errors must we therefore continue to err for company Or when we could no longer hold Communion with them without having a Communion in these Corruptions had we not a just cause then of separation from them Jer. 51. 9. We would have healed Babylon and she is not healed forsake her and let us go every one to his own Country It is just the same in our Case we have remonstrated to the Church of Rome her Errors and she hath not reformed them but on the contrary she hath excommunicated and persecuted with Fire and Sword those that have publish'd the Truth and therefore we had just cause to abandon her Communion 2 Cor. 6. 17 18. Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you and be a Father unto you and ye shall be my Sons and Daughters saith the Lord Almighty And Rev. 18. 4. Come out of her my People that ye be not partakers of her Sins and that ye receive not of her Plagues Here is our Call to do as we have done when we could no longer abide in the Communion of the Church of Rome without being defiled with her Sins and partaking of the Torment which is prepared for her we were then obliged to come out of her Rom. 16. 17. I beseech you Brethren mark them which cause Divisions and Offences contrary to the Doctrine which ye have learned and avoid them This we say the Church of Rome hath done so that we are required by the Apostle to mark and avoid them For Gal. 1. 9. Whosoever preacheth saith he another Gospel than that which ye have received let him be accursed And we have seen that the Church of Rome hath corrupted the Doctrine of the Gospel in many and very great Instances so that it looks like another Gospel than what was preach'd by our Saviour and his Apostles 1 John 5. 21. Little Children keep your selves from Idols And if the Church of Rome be guilty of Idolatry as hath been proved and we cannot keep to them without keeping to her Idolatry must we not then keep our selves from both For it is in vain to pretend that their Doctrines that is we say their Corruption is antient This was no warrant to the Jews formerly to follow the old Heathen Customs because of their Antiquity But saith Joshua Chap. 24. 14 15. Put away the Gods which your Fathers have served on the other side of the Flood and is Egypt and serve the Lord. And if it seem evil to you to serve the Lord chuse you this day whom you will serve whether the Gods which your Fathers served that were on the other side of the Flood or the Gods of the Amorites in whose Land ye dwell but as for me and my House we will serve the Lord. The like we say doth concern us And if others will persist still in their false Worship it doth not follow that we should do so too And therefore if the Worship of the Church of Rome be such as we prove it is in many Instances we are bound to renounce it though it were never so Ancient yea though it were older than Noah's Flood SECT III. They object to us the Divisions that are among the Reformed BUT what do they get by this Because there are Divisions among the Reformed is therefore the Reformation it self evil Or because we are divided among our selves in some things and some of us then must be in the Wrong doth it therefore follow that they are in the Right If this be an Argnment against the Reformation the same might have been an Argument against Christianity it self For as soon as Christianity spread it self abroad were there not Divisions then too amongst those that embrac'd it Some were for retaining the legal Ordinances and mixing the Ceremonies of the Law with the Gospel of Christ with whom the Apostles had great contention Some very famous Churches were leavened with this Error as that was which was in Galatia Other strange Heresies were broach'd in the Church of Corinth and obtained amongst many even in the Apostles Days And there soon arose many others that corrupted the Faith of the Gospel both in the Apostolical and following Ages Gnosticks Valentinians Marcionites Arians c. which spread far and wide and continued a long time Was this now a just Objection against Christianity that there were Divisions and Heresies among those that profess'd themselves Christians And how comes it then to be so mighty an Argument now against the Reformation We are sorry indeed to see it fall out so that there should be no better agreement amongst the Reformed and that there should any Heresies spring out of