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A34849 A discourse of the covenants that God made with men before the law wherein the covenant of circumcision is more largely handled, and the invalidity of the plea for pædobaptism taken from thence discovered / by Nehemiah Coxe. Coxe, Nehemiah. 1681 (1681) Wing C6717; ESTC R7196 96,812 205

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be confounded without a manifest Hazard of the most important Articles in the Christian Religion And yet such is the mutual respect of all God's Covenant-Transactions with Abraham and such was to be his Dispensation towards the Church for some Ages following as did require a present Intermixture of the Promises and an involving of spiritual Blessings in the shade of temporal and of a spiritual Seed in a natural This I suppose is more evident then to admit a Denyal and other Relation of Abraham in the Covenants made with him the Scripture speaks not of neither can we prove thereby That any of the Covenants given to him were transacted with him simply under the Notion or in the Relation of an ordinary believing Parent or Head of a particular Houshold And therefore for the better understanding of these things it is necessary that with due Attention both to the History of the Old Testament the Light of the New we humbly enquire concerning 1. The Covenant of Grace as made with Abraham 2. The Covenant made with him for his natural Offspring And 3. Their mutual Respect and Dependence one upon the other § 4. To begin with the first That God did reveal the Covenant of Grace to Abraham as also the general nature of that Covenant and the Seed concerned in it we have plainly declared in that Account which the Holy Ghost gives of it in Gal. 3. 6 7 8 9 16 17. Verses which I shall here transcribe at large Vers 6. Even as Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for Righteousness 7. Know ye therefore that they which are of Faith the same are the Children of Abraham 8. And the Scripture foreseeing that God would justifie the Heathen thro' Faith preached before the Gospel unto Abraham saying In thee shall all Nations be blessed 9. So then they which be of Faith are blessed with faithful Abraham 16. Now to Abraham and his Seed were the Promises made he saith not And to Seeds as of many but as of one and to thy Seed which is Christ 17. And this I say that the Covenant that was confirm'd before of God in Christ the Law which was four hundred and thirty years after cannot disannul that it should make the Promise of none effect These Words contain the whole of what I intend in this Discourse the Sum of which as to my present Purpose I shall briefly collect in some Observations upon them § 5. First That the Gospel was preached to Abraham and the Covenant of Grace revealed to him we have asserted in such full Terms in this Context as none can rationally doubt thereof and moreover in ver 17. we have the Time of God's establishing this Covenant with him exactly noted It was saith the Text 430 years before the giving of the Law Gal. 3. 17. viz. on Mount Sinai Now the Law was given in a very little time after the Children of Israel came out of Egypt And from the giving of the first Promise to Abraham which we have recorded Gen. 12. 2 3. unto that very Night in which the Children of Israel were brought out of their Egyptian Bondage is the Computation of these Years made as will be evident to him that shall diligently compare the Chronology of those times with the express Testimony of Moses Exod. 12. 41. And it came to pass at the end of the 430 years even the self same day it came to pass that all the Hosts of the Lord went out from the Land of Egypt From the time of the first Promise to the end of Israel's sojourning in Egypt was 430 years tho' their Abode in Egypt was not near so long And from hence we collect 1. That in the Transaction of God with Abraham recorded Gen. 12. he did solemnly confirm his Covenant with him altho' Moses makes not express mention of the Term Covenant until another occasion be offered Gen. 15. 18. For the Promise there mentioned the Apostle asserts to be the Covenant confirmed of God in Christ unto Abraham 2. The Mercy of Israel's Redemption out of Egypt was in some respect to be referred to this Covenant as the Spring thereof tho' it was not immediately and in its own nature a New Covenant-Blessing to all that did partake in it And all the dealings of God with them as a select and peculiar People in Covenant with himself were in Subserviency to the great Ends of this Covenant with Abraham and therefore none of them may be interpreted to the Prejudice or disannulling of those Promises in which the Gospel was preached unto Abraham 3. By the Computation of Moses Exod. 12. it appears That the Promise we are speaking of was given to Abraham on the 15th day of the Month Abib the first Month according to the religious Account of the Jews on which day Israel a Typical Church obtained a Typical Redemption in the Interest of a Typical Passover And on that same day Christ our true Passover was sacrificed for us upon the Cross obtained eternal Redemption and by confirming the Covenant of Grace with his own Blood passed all the Promises thereof into * The Covenant of Grace is to be considered by us a Testamentary Covenant Conf. Heb. 7. 22. with Chap. 9. 16. an unalterable Testament § 6. Secondly The Sum and Substance of all spiritual and eternal Blessings was included in the Covenant and Promise given unto Abraham Gen. 12. In these words I will bless thee and thou shalt be a Blessing The Grace and Blessings of the New-Covenant were given and ensured unto Abraham for himself and moreover this Honour was conferred on him That he should be an Head of Covenant-Blessings as the Father of all true Believers No less is intended in those words thou shalt be a Blessing They suppose indeed that He should be blessed but the Promise terminates not in himself but also conveys Blessedness to many others thro' a Relation to him as his Children which is yet more fully exprest in that which follows In thee shall all Nations be blessed This general Promise intends not that every individual Person in every Nation should at any time be blessed in Abraham but that his Blessing should not be confined to any one Nation excluding others and that all in every Nation that were blessed should be so by virtue of the Covenant now made with Abraham and in a Relation to him as their Father This was the Gospel preached unto Abraham and a Promise of the Justification of the Heathen thro' Faith Gal. 3. 8. and in the Interest of this Blessing of Abraham they receive the Promise of the Spirit as being his Seed ver 14. And this Promise of a believing Seed which should with himself inherit the Blessings of the Covenant of Grace was farther confirmed unto Abraham a considerable time after this Gen. 15. compared with Rom. 4. 3 18. § 7. Thirdly This Covenant was made with Abraham in and thro' Jesus Christ It is not Abraham but
of the Covenant will admit of no such partial Interest therein so neither can this Opinion consist with the Analogy of Faith in other Respects For either the Stain of original Sin in these Infants is purged and the Dominion of Concupiscence in them destroyed when their Guilt is pardoned or it is not If it be then the case of these Infants in point of Perseverance is the same with that of Adult Persons that are under Grace by their actual Faith and then a final Apostacy from the Grace of the New Covenant must be allowed possible to befal the one as well as the other notwithstanding all the Provisions of the Covenant and Engagement of God there●n to make the Promise sure unto all the Seed But this the Author will not admit If he say that their Guilt is pardoned but their Natures are not renewed nor the Power of original Corruption destroyed so as that Sin shall not have Dominion over them It will be replyed that then notwithstanding their supposed Pardon they remain an unclean thing and so uncapable of Adminion into the Kingdom of Glory But the Truth is None are at any time justified before God but such as Christ hath loved and washed from their Sins in his Blood Rev. 1. 5. And none are washed by him but those that are in him as the second Adam It is by Union to him as the Root of the New-Covenant that the free Gift comes upon them to the Justification of Rom. 5. 14 c. Life And none can have Union to him but by the indwelling of his holy Spirit and wherever the Spirit of God applies the Blood of Christ for the Remission of Sins he doth it also for the purging of the Conscience from dead Works to serve the living God And as certainly as any derive a New-Covenant Right from Christ for Pardon they also receive a vital Influence from him for the Renovation of their Natures and conforming their Souls to his own Image And therefore to assert That the Grace of Christ is applyed to some for the Remission of Sins only or that the Guilt of any Sin can be pardoned to any Person and yet that Sin retain its Dominion over him is so far as I can discern both unscriptural and incoherent with the Doctrin that is according to Godliness 4. To conclude It is plain That a Believers Claim to the Blessings of the New-Covenant is in the Interest of Abraham's Seed and by virtue of the Promises given to him relating to such a Seed and not as Coordinate with him in Covenant-Interest They are not each one by this Covenant made the Father of a blessed Seed as Abraham was the Father of the Faithful neither can they claim the Promise for themselves and their Seed according to the Tenour of Abraham's Covenant and as he might but they must rest in a Relation to him as Children and so receive his Blessing that is the Blessing promised to him for his Seed and that by their own Faith and for themselves alone Believers because they are Abraham's Seed are blessed with faithful Abraham And If we be Christs then are we Abraham ' s Seed and Heirs according to the Promise Gal. 3. 29. Of the Covenant of Circumcision CHAP. V. The Subject of our present Inqiury the Promises gived to Abraham for his natural Off-spring these given forth gradually all summed up in the Covenant of Circumcision § 1. Gen. 12. 2. farther opened in its respect to the carnal Seed Abraham called out of Ur of the Chaldees Heb. 11. 8. conferred with Gen. 11. 32. their Harmony shewed § 2. Abraham comes into Canaan and builds an Altar his Journey into Egypt Return to Canaan parting from Lot the renewing of the Promise thereupon § 3. Gen. 13. 15. opened how the Promise of the Land of Canaan was made good to Abraham in what sence said to be an everlasting Possession § 4. The History in Gen. 15. considered the 6th Verse explained the Promise renewed and inlarged the Bondage of Israel in Egypt foretold The time limited to 400 Years when they began one reason why the Promise was no sooner to take place the Iniquity of the Amorites not yet full how the Curse of Parents comes righteously upon their Children § 5. The Seed of Abraham and their Inheritance first given by Promise One consequence of this Abraham goeth in to Hagar the Reason of it as yet no mention of a Distinction of Abraham's natural Offspring among themselves nor any distinguishing Character appointed for them his Seed in remote Generations as well as in an immediate Descent from him intended in the Promises § 6. The Covenant of Circumcision why so called Gen. 17. 1. opened This a Praeludium to the Sinai Covenant § 7. Gen. 17. 4 〈◊〉 opened The Promise of the New-Covenant rehearsed Two reasons thereof Abram's Name changed to Abraham How Circumcision became a Seal of the Righteousness of Faith briefly touched The necessity of distinguishing of the Promises given to Abraham and of the Seed to which they belong § 8. Gen. 17. 6. opened the first Intimation of a distinction of 〈◊〉 in Israel § 9. The general Scope of Gen. 17. 7 8. the word Everlasting how to be taken as applyed to this Covenant no proof of its being a Covenant of spiritual Blessings deducible from thence § 10. The Church-State of Israel after the Flesh the principal Blessing of this Covenant This evinced by the Story of Ishmael and Esau Their Exclusion from this Covenant The preference of Israel's Lot § 11. § 1. THE Method before laid down leads us in the next place to inquire after the Promises given to Abraham for his natural Off-spring and the Assurance of them which it pleased God to give him by Covenant-Transactions And here as formerly I shall diligently review the History that Moses wrote of these things by the Inspiration of the Holy Ghost and comparing the Promises made with the Records of their Accomplishment in other parts of holy Writ indeavour to collect from both the true Import and Extent of them with the proper Nature and Ends of that Covenant unto which in a peculiar manner they do belong Only this I shall premit to the whole That these Promises were not all made unto Abraham at one time Nor the Covenant of them perfected by one Transaction but they were given forth by several Parts and Degrees until at last the whole Charter of Priviledges and Blessings granted to the natural Offspring of Abraham was fairly drawn and the Covenant of them sealed by Circumcision This will immediately appear in the historical Account we shall have of these things and some Regard hereunto may be also remarked in the Progression of Stephen's Discourse when he gives a Recapitulation of them Act. 7. 5 6 7 8. § 2. In Gen. 12. 2. we find That when the God of Glory first appeared unto Abraham and called him out from his own Country from his Kindred and from his Fathers
House besides the Promise of spiritual Blessings that was given to him both for himself and his spiritual Seed he had also the Promise of a numerous Offspring which should naturally descend from him No less can be intended in these Words I will make of thee a great Nation than this Thou shalt be the Father of a great Nation which shall spring and issue from thy Loyns such is the plain Sence of the like Words to Moses Num. 14. 12. And this Promise with the rest Abraham embraced by Faith for to an Eye of Reason there was no present Likelihood of its Accomplishment seeing at this time he had no Child for want of which he also makes Complaint a considerable time after this Gen. 15. 2 3. and Sar● his Wife was barren Yet esteeming him faithful and able to make good his Word that ha● given him these Promises he embraced them and upon the Call of God * Cui non magis est dulce proprium tugurium quam palatia Poregrina Voluntaria Casa quam digesta Praetoria Cui non est durum illos conscio● n●●alium Par●●tes dulcia ill● 〈◊〉 mina atque amabilem larem quem parentum memoria ipsius Infantiae Rudimenta commendant Inter 〈◊〉 ergo tam 〈…〉 dulcia 〈…〉 Exi ait de 〈…〉 Quis haec 〈…〉 August forsook all that before was dear unto him and went out not knowing whither he went Heb. 11. 8. For it doth not appear that the Land of Canaan was mentioned to him at his first calling but rather an absolute Resignation of himself unto divine Goodness and Conduct was required of him and he knew no more than this that he must travel from his own to another Country which was to a Land that God would shew to him tho' as yet he knew not what or where it was And therefore tho' we read Gen. 11. 32. That he went from U● of the Chaldees to go into the Land of Canaan I conceive those Words are to be taken as an historical Anticipation and not a Relation of what fell within Abraham's Knowledg and Intention when he first undertook his Journey * Vid. Riveti exercitationes in 〈…〉 His Peregrination was in the Counsel of God determined to the Land of Canaan and by a divine Conduct he was brought thither tho' himself knew not the Place designed at least not till he came nearer to it viz. unto Haran where the Lord gave him a second Call after the Death of Terah to proceed in his Journey to the Land of Canaan Gen. 12. 4 5. § 3. When Abraham came into the Land of Canaan unto the Place of Sichem the plain of Moreh the Progeny of cursed Canaan being then the Inhabitants of the Country the Lord appeared unto him again and gave him a full and express Promise of that Land which for Pleasantness and Gen. 12. 6 7. Fertility was the Glory of all Lands for an Inheritance unto his Seed And there he first built an Altar unto the Lord that by worshipping him he might testifie his Gratitude for the Promise so freely given to him and also receive a Ratification of it in the Blood of his accepted Sacrifice Soon after this a Famine drives Abraham into Egypt and there Sarai's Chastity was indangered by the Egyptian King but the Gen. 12. 17. Psal 105. 13 14 15. Lord's rebuke upon him delivered his Servant from that Affliction and by his good Providence he was again brought back in Peace to the Land of Canaan All this time Lot Abraham's Brothers Son was with him but now their Substance being increased and some Contention happening between their Servants Abraham to take up the present Controversie and prevent the like makes a Proposal for their parting the one from the other which was accepted of by Lot Gen. 13. And after that Lot was separated from Abraham the Lord again renew and confirms the Promise of the Land of Canaan to him and of the great Increase of his Seed that should possess it with a special Command to Abraham to walk thro' it in the Length thereof and the Breadth thereof to survey and by Faith to take Possession of it while as yet he was a Stranger and had no Inheritance in it no not so much as to set his Foot on Act. 7. § 4. In the Promise thus renewed there are two things that require some farther Explanation First The Conveyance of this Inheritance is directly made first unto Abraham himself and then unto his Seed All the Land which thou seest to thee will I give it and to thy Seed Gen. 13. 15. Now it is evident Abraham had no Possession in it all his Days save that of a Burying-place which he after purchased for his Money paid to the full value thereof Gen. 23. And like was the Case also of Isaac and Jacob who were the Heirs of this Promise together with Abraham Heb. 11. 9. A Question therefore ariseth How was this Promisemade good to Abraham In Answer hereunto waving at present the Typical Respect of the promised Land and Abraham's Inheritance of the spiritual and heavenly Blessings signified thereby observe 1. That as to those Words to thee and to thy Seed the latter may be taken as an Interpretation of the former and then the sence is to thee that is to thy Seed The Hebrew Particle here used is undoubtedly to be taken in this sence in some other See Ainsw Annot. places and is to be interpreted not as Copulative by And but as explicative by Even or that is See 1 Chron. 21. 12. where it is so rendred And the like Interpretation must be given of it in 2 Sam. 17. 12. Of him and rather that is of all the Men that are with him there shall not be left so much as one Now this rendring removes all appearance of Difficulty from the Text. 2. A Man may have jus ad rem that hath not jus in re All Right is not persently actionable but a Man may have a Right to an Inheritance by Promise or otherwise without the Right of present Possession which he may not enter upon till a long time after or perhaps not himself but his Posterity are to be possessed of it by that Right which is at present made over to him Neither doth the annexing such Terms render the Promise vain or fruitless unto him that first receives it for the Assurance that the Good promised shall in its time certainly redound upon his Offspring is a present Comfort to himself as it is an Honour also for him this way to be made capable of transmitting such a Right to them And therefore it was a pleasing Thought to old Jacob when he lay dying That God would surely visit his Children and bring them up out of Egypt to inherit the promised Land Gen. 48. 5 20 21. tho' he went to his Fathers without sight of its Accomplishment As it was also a special Favour to Ephraim and Manasseth that
by Jacob's Blessing each of them obtained a Right in Canaan equal with the Brethren of their Father and yet themselves enjoyed not the temporal Good of that Blessing but their Posterity after them And indeed that Lege Riveti exercitationem in Locum ubi dubium hoc proponitur accuratè solvitur is properly said to be given to Parents which is given to their Posterity upon the Account of that Promise which they have received and which makes them the Heads of that Covenant-Blessing which descends upon their Offspring And that the Fathers embraced the Promise in this sence is put beyond doubt by the express Limitation of the time of its Accomplishment in Gen. 15. 13 16. Secondly The other Difficulty ariseth from the Extent of the Pomise in point of time for here God promiseth to give this Land to Abraham and to his Seed for ever and again Gen. 17. 8. for an everlasting Possession whereas it is evident they have now for many Ages been disinherited of it But the Solution of this Doubt will be easie to him that consults the Use of these Terms in other Texts and the necessary Restriction of their Sence when applyed to the State or Concernments of Abraham's Seed in the Land of Canaan For the Priesthood of Levi is called an everlasting Priesthood Num. 25. 13. and the Gates of the Temple everlasting Doors Psal 24. 6. and this in the same sence as Canaan is said to be an everlasting Inheritance no more being intended than the Continuance of these for a long time viz. throughout the Old Testament Oeconomy until the days of the Messiah commonly spoken of by the Jews under the Notion of the World to come wherein a new State of things was to be expected and when their old Covenant Right and Priviledge was to expire as having its proper End and Degsin now fully accomplished § 5. In Gen. 15. we have an account of another solemn Transaction of God with Abraham wherein besides other things included and intermixt the Promises before given to Abraham concerning his carnal Seed and their Inheritance are renewed and farther explained in diverse Particulars And Abraham being now more stricken in years than when he first received the Promise and as yet having no Son tho' his eternal Happiness as well as other Blessings depended on the Seed that should be given to him he was now brought to a greater Tryal of his Faith then formerly and the present acting of it being rendred the more Illustrious by the Difficulties it overcame the Holy Ghost is pleased in this Place to give an express Testimony thereto ver 6. He believed in the Lord and he counted it to him for Righteousness And Conf. Rom. 4. this is the first time that either Believing or the Imputation of Righteousness is in terminis mentioned in the Scripture Not but that both these were true of Abraham before even from the first giving out of the Promise to him Gen. 12. He then believed in the Lord and he accounted it to him for Righteousness but as his Faith was now manifested in a higher Degree so it pleased God from this time to leave upon Record a more particular Encomium thereof than formerly And as a farther Token of Favour immediately hereupon follows that Explication and Inlargement of the Promise to his natural Offspring that was before mentioned Many things I shall pass over and only note here these few that follow as direct to my present Purpose 1. The Lord informs Abraham of the Affliction that should befall his Posterity and the seeming Death that should be upon the Promise before they were brought into the Inheritance of the Land of Canaan And also particularly limits the time thereof they should be afflicted four hundred Years the Account of which I suppose must take its Rise from the mocking of Isaac the Heir of the Promise by Ishmael the Son of Hagar the Egyptian from which to the deliverance of Israel from their Bondage in Egypt is exacty four hundred Years 2. The Lord gives Abraham an Assurance that in the appointed time he will redeem them from their Servitude and that by signal Judgments upon their Oppressors and so great Favour to them as should suddenly change their Condition from Want and Penury to the Enjoyment of great Riches and Substance Gen. 15. 14. And as for Abraham himself should go to his Fathers in Peace and be buryed in a good old Age and in the fourth Generation the Blessing of this Promise should certainly come upon his Posterity ver 15 16. The exact Accomplishment of all this you may read in the Book of Exodus all the Wonders there recorded being the Birth of these Promises Exod. 2. 24. Act. 7. 17. for it was not the Goodness of the People but the Stability of the Promise that all those things are to be ascribed to 3. A Reason is given for the referring of the Accomplishment of the Promise to this time Because the Nations whose Land they were to possess were not yet ripe for Judgment and the Measure of their Iniquity must be filled up before the Curse of Canaan was fully executed upon them Thus we see that although the Children of Canaan bare his Curse many Generations after him yet this Curse descended not upon them without a full Measure of their own Sin as there is no doubt but Canaan's partnership with Cham in his Wickedness did at first bring the Curse of his Father upon himself But to return 4. These things are expresly said to have been transacted in a way of Covenant with Abraham and also the Bounds of Israel's Inheritance are set and those Nations marked out by Name Gen. 15. 18 19 20 21. that were to be dispossessed and destroyed by them § 6. Before we pass on farther in the History of God's Transactions with Abraham respecting his natural Offspring Let it be observed 1. That as this Seed was afterwards raised up to Abraham by virtue of a Promise so the first Grant of the Land of Canaan to them for an Inheritance was by a gratuitous Promise also and that Promise past into the Form of a Covenant with Abraham long before the giving of the Law as a Condition of their Inheritance therein yea before the Institution of Circucmision And the Original of their Claim being from a free Promise the Severity of that Law which afterwards they came under was so far restrained thereby as that notwithstanding their manifold Breach of Covenant with God and Forfeiture of all legal Claim of their Rights and Priviledges in the Land of Canaan thereby they were never utterly cut off from that good Land nor ceased to be a peculiar People unto God until the End of their being made so was fully answered and that Promise expired with the Accomplishment of its Design in the Introduction of the Israel of God to the full Enjoyment of those spiritual Blessings which were the Substance of what was but darkly
than any other part of the Law first given by him and boasting in Circumcision is esteemed a boasting in the Flesh as much as boasting in any other Old-Testament Priviledg of the Jew Phil. 3. From all which we may safely conclude that the Covenant of Circumcision was of the same Kind with the Levitical Covenant afterwards annexed to it or rather built upon it for the full accomplishing of its Design I might also insist upon Levi's paying Tithes in Abraham which could not have been reckoned to him if he had not been in Abraham considered as an Head in some Covenant Transaction wherein Levi was Covenanted for by Abraham Neither could this have been pleaded by the Apostle as it is in Heb. 7. 9 10. if that Covenant in which the Levitical Priesthood was founded and to which it did belong had not been originally made with Abraham But I pass this § 8. Thirdly The Scriptures do every where affirm That the Lord brought up Israel out of Egypt formed their Church-State by establishing the Order of his solemn Worship among them and gave them the Land of Canaan in Possession in Remembrance of his Covenant with Abraham and for the fulfilling of the Promises thereof For Instance let these Places be well weighed Exod. 2. 24 25. Deut. 29. 10 13. Neh. 9. 7 8 9 c. Psal 78. with Psal 105. And herein was he known to them by his Name JEHOVAH as giving Being to his Promise in the actual Accomplishment of it which their Fathers did depend upon his Alsufficiency for Conf. Exod. 6. with Gen. 17. 1. Thus if we follow the Clue of Scripture in our Enquiries after the Original of the Covenant of Peculiarity made with Israel after the Flesh it will certainly guide us to that Covenant which God made with Abraham for his natural Offspring and sealed by Circumcision And yet that Covenant of Peculiarity is in the New Testament always styled Old and Carnal a Covenant from which the Gospel Covenant is distinguished and to which it is in many Respects opposed See Jer. 31. 31 34. and Heb. 8. 8 13. Neither doth there lye any just Exception against what hath been said from the Inlargement of the Terms and Articles of this Covenant in the Consummation thereof in the Wilderness for that will not in the least infer any substantial Difference of this Covenant from the Covenant of Circumcision seeing it is no more than God hath done by the Gospel with respect to the New-Covenant that was confirmed in Christ unto Abraham which being first summed up in one Promise In thee shall all Nations be blessed was abundantly inlarged cleared filled up with its own Ordinances and made the intire Rule of the Church's Obedience when the Fulness of Time came which that Promise had respect to And yet the New Testament is not another Gospel differing from that preached to Abraham or another Covenant differing from that before confirmed of God in Christ In like manner the filling up of this Covenant of Circumcision was reserved to the time of God's performing what he now promised unto Abraham without the least change of the Nature or Design of the Covenant it self § 9. We come now to the second Proposition viz. That from the first Establishment of this Covenant some of the immediate Seed of Abraham were excluded The Promises thereof did belong to Isaac's Line in their Generations from Age to Age but they did not appertain to the immediate Seed of Abraham by Hagar or by Keturah Their extent being restrained by the express Caution of God himself to whom it belonged to set the Bounds of this Covenant-Relation and Interest and that in the very first making of the Covenant of Circumcision with Abraham Read diligently Gen. 17. 19 20 21. In Isaac shall thy Seed be called It was Isaac's Seed and not Ishmael's that the Lord would set apart for himself and would give the Land of Canaan unto and establish his solemn Worship among them to be a God unto them And ●et Abraham was as much a Believer and as much in Covenant with God as to his personal Interest in the ●ovenant of Grace when he begat the one as when he begat the other If it be objected That Ishmael was at first included and interested in the Covenant but was afterwards rejected and cast out for his prophane mocking at Isaac It will be answered That such a Supposition is against the express Words and Letter of the Text before urged and the Limitation which God the Author of the Covenant made of its Promises therein Before Ishmael was circumcised God declares that he gave not the Promises of his Covenant unto him but to Isaac with whom it should be established So that Ishmael's being cast out of Abraham's Family afterwards will in no wise infer that till then he was in Covenant but only thus much That then it was made more manifest than ever that the Covenant appertained not to him and that he must be concluded under the Exception that was before laid in against him And the divine Confirmation of what Sarah then required is grounded upon that Revelation of his Will that he now made unto Abraham as will be evident to him that compares Gen. 17. with Chap. 21. 12 13. Cast out the Bond Woman and her Son For in Isaac shall thy Seed be called And therfore Abraham did afterwards voluntarily send his Sons by Keturah far away from Isaac and from the promised Land Gen. 25. 1 6. altho' these were guilty of no such Wickedness as Ishmael who mocked at Isaac but for ought appears might be very holy and good Men the true Children of Abraham by Faith according to the Tenour of the Covenant of Grace tho' they might not be Joynt-Heirs with Isaac according to the Tenour of the Covenant of Circumcision § 10. It is moreover to be observed Notwithstanding the Covenant-Seed of Abraham was called in Isaac and his immediate Children were only two Sons Esau and Jacob yet the Right of this Covenant-Blessing did not equally descend upon them both but once more the Lord restrains it by the Rejection of Esau and choosing of Jacob and that before the Children had done either good or evil That the purpose of God according to Election might stand and that he might here set before us an awful Type of his Soveraingty in the after Dispensation of the Grace of the Gospel Esau indeed did afterwards by the profane selling of his Birth-right and despising the Inheritance render himself manifestly unworthy Conf. Gen. 25. 23. with Mal. 1. 2 Rom. 9. 10 13. of the Blessing but before this God had declared that Jacob and his Seed and not Esau should inherit the Promises of this Covenant And possibly it may be from hence that Isaac and Jacob are so particularly mentioned Act. 7. 8. because of the special Limitation of the Promises to them and because they were the Seed brought forth in the virtue of the Promise given
of the Promise enquired into I will be their God i. e. a God to them They shall have Interest in all the Perfections of my Nature For Either God is obliged by this Promise to communicate himself in the highest Degree possible to all those to whom it is made and to do the utmost for them that may be done without implying a Contradiction to his Being and the infinite Perfections thereof and so to bring them absolutely to the utmost Degree of Happiness that omnipotent Goodness can raise them to or else the Good promised must fall under some particular Limitation If it fall under any Limitation as certainly it doth Those Bounds must be set either by the Import of the Terms in which the Promise is made as considered absolutely and by themselves or some other way The first cannot be affirmed for the Terms are general and indeterminate Therefore it is some other way to be limited and that must be by the particular Promises and Conditions of that Covenant unto which this general Promise doth belong And if so then there is not nor can be any greater Good promised thereby then what the Nature of that Covenant admits of and its particular Promises give a Right in to them that are Parties concerned And these things being so None can from hence prove a Grant of spiritual Blessings to nor yet a Right in Gospel Ordinances for the carnal Seed of Abraham or of any Believer as such unless he could produce a particular Promise which did contain such a Grant or give such a Right unto them § 6. So then That which is principally intended and fully express'd in this Ingagement is no more than the necessary Result of any Covenant-Transaction of God with Men For where his Truth is once ingaged in a Promise there all the Properties of his Nature are ingaged respectively for the making good of that Promise And therefore Such a Promise as in its own Nature contains no more than a general Assurance of any Covenant that God makes with Men cannot by it self be the distinguishing Character of any one Covenant in Opposition to or Contradistinction from another neither doth it determine of what kind the promised Blessings are or the way wherein they shall be injoyed And hence it is that you find this Promise equally and indifferently annexed both to the Old Covenant and the New the Covenant of Works and that of Grace The Truth of this will be manifest by a diligent Conference of Heb. 8. with Jer. 31. and this with Gen. 17. and Exod. 6. 7. and Deut. 26. 17 18. There is no Reason therefore to conclude Because we find this Promise in the Covenant of Grace every Covenant in which it is found must be of the same Nature for the Covenant is not measured by this Promise but è contra its special Import is limited by the Covenant to which it belongs § 7. Thus far I have indeavoured to set before you the Genuine Sence and true Interpretation of this great Promise in the Covenant of Circumcision and to give you the Reasons by which it is confirmed And it may add some farther Light to what hath been said briefly to represent the History of its Accomplishment from the holy Scriptures which take as followeth The Lord did abundantly bless Abraham Isaac and Jacob and guided them with his Eye in all their Peregrinations from Nation to Nation and from one Kingdom to another People and when he brake the whole Staff of Bread in the Land of Canaan and the adjacent Countrys he made Provision by a wonderful Series of Providences for the Sustentation of Jacob's Family by sending Joseph before them into the Land of Egypt and for their Sakes raising him unto a Capacity not only to secure them from Want but also to preserve the Lives of thousands more And when the House of Jacob was by this means brought into the Land of Egypt the Lord was with them there and when the time of the Promise drew nigh he caused them to increase and multiply exceedingly and tho' the Egyptians sought by all means to oppress them and dealt subtilely with them yet by all their Artifice and Cruelty they could make no Earnings of their Work for the more they oppressed them the more they grew And in the midst of their calamitous Distress Moses was brought forth whom the Lord had designed for a Deliverer and a Saviour unto them and in order thereunto he was preserved in a miraculous manner from all Dangers and Temptations from his Birth to the time that he was sent about his great Work And in the time when the Bondage of Israel grew to its Extremity the Lord's Eye was still open upon them and he heard their Cry and remembred his Covenant with their Fathers and sent Moses and Aaron to deliver them Then was his Bowe made quite naked Hab. 3. 9. in a Course of Miracles by Signs and Wonders and mighty Works for which his Name is celebrated unto all Generations and in that very day which he had set in the Promise to their Fathers he brought them out of the Land of Egypt and delivered them from the House of their Bondage with an high Hand yea he divided the Red-Sea before them and led them thro' the Deep as on dry Land but buried Pharaoh and all his Host in the same Waters that had been as a Wall on the Right-hand and on the Left while the redeemed of the Lord passed over He guided them also in the Wilderness and afforded the visible Token of his Presence with them in a Pillar of Cloud by Day and of Fire by Night From his Right-hand there went forth a fiery Law for them because he loved them by which he formed both their Civil and Ecclesiastical Polity wherein they were immediately subjected to himself and made a Kingdom of Priests and an holy Nation and the Lords Tabernacle was pitched in the midst of them so that there was no Nation under Heaven that had God so nigh as the Lord their God was unto them in all that they did call upon him for Moreover he gave his good Spirit to instruct them which was poured upon Moses Aaron and Miriam with the seventy Elders and those Prophets which from time to time God raised up among them He fed them also with Manna from Heaven and gave them Water out of the Rock to drink and all the time of their forty Years Travel in the Wilderness their Feet were not swollen neither did their Garments wax old He dryed up Jordan also and brought them into the Land of Canaan and drove out before them Nations more in number and mightier than they and there he blessed them with the Blessings of Heaven above and of the Earth beneath so that there failed not ought of any good thing which the Lord had spoken concerning them Josh 23. 14. but their State was made prosperous and happy bcause the Lord was their God Psal 144. ult