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A34038 The righteous branch growing out of the root of Jesse and healing the nations held forth in several sermons upon Isai. chap. 11, from vers. 1 to 10 : together with some few sermons relating to all who live under the shadow of the branch / by William Colvill. Colvill, William, d. 1675. 1673 (1673) Wing C5432; ESTC R26038 212,566 434

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Kings 19.14 And in the time of Athanasius the world groaned under Arianism and many sound believers were forced to hide themselves in caves and there to worship God 4. Mount Sion was firm and unmoveable so the Christian Church through the presence and protection of the Lord Jesus Christ will continue and endure even to the end of the world Mat. 16.18 Mat. 28.20 Quest It may be asked at what time this prophesie of so great peace and outward prosperity in the Christian Church was fulfilled Ans 1. That universal peace in the Roman Empire at the birth of our blessed Lord in the dayes of Augustus Cesar cannot be the peace spoken of here for that was before the preaching of the Gospel unto the Gentiles but the peace spoken of here is an effect of the Gospel preached and believed amongst them 2. This Prophesie was fulfilled in part even in the times of the holy Apostles when persecutors who sometime like wolves had scattered the flock of Jesus Christ were converted to the Christian faith and became like lambs of a meek and harmless disposition as was seen in Paul and also in the sometime malicious Priests Acts 6.7 and many of the multitude being sometime like boars enraged against Christ and his Disciples were by the power of the Gospel tamed and became of a peaceable spirit and conversation giving up themselves to be directed and guided by the Apostles in time coming Acts 2.37 38. 3. Many learned Divines think this Prophesie began to be fulfilled Anno Dom. 311. in the time of the Emperour Constantine the Great under whose happy reign there was an open and peaceable profession of the Christian Religion and freedom in a great part from the Heathen persecution at which time as many of them think was the beginning of the thousand years spoken of Rev. 20.3 during which time Satan or the Dragon was bound and restrained in a great measure from the former manner of persecution and they think these thousand years did expire Anno Dom. 1310. at the rising of the Ottoman Family among the Turks at which time Asia was overspread with Mahometism and soon after in the year 1415. Constantinople was taken by the Turkish Emperour Mahomet and the famous Temple of Sophia there was turned to Mahometan worship 4. This prophesie is fulfilled in part daily when some ungodly men who in former time hated the Church and the communion of Saints are by the preaching of the Gospel converted unto the believing of the truth unto the love of God and his holy Commandments and unto the sincere love of all Saints 5. Lastly It is probable as many learned men think who yet are not for the opinion of the Millenaries this prophesie shall be more visibly fulfilled at the incoming of the fulness of the Gentiles and at the national conversion of the Jews Because these great and frequent wars amongst Christians of one Nation against another and sometimes civil wars in one Nation among themselves are a great stumbling-block unto their conversion but when this stumbling-block shall be removed out of the way by a more universal peace amongst Christians themselves then shall the Jews dispersed now thorow the world amongst Christians joyn themselves to the Christian Church as it is prophesied Isa 2.4 Mic. 4.3 Nation shall not lift up a sword against nation neither shall they learn war any more This universal peace in all probability will not be untill the Gospel be preached unto many nations that are yet in heathenism according to the prophesie Isa 19.23 24. at which time the incalling of the fulness of the Gentiles and peace amongst themselves at least more than in former times will be a motive blessed of God for the inbringing of the nation of the Jews unto the Christian Church for it is said In that day shall there be an high way out of Egypt to Assyria and the Assyrians shall come into Egypt and the Egyptians into Assyria and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians in that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria even a blessing in the midst of the land Although the Christian Religion was planted in Assyria in the times of the Apostles for there was a Church then in Babylon 1 Pet. 5.13 and also a Church was planted in Egypt in Alexandria by the Evangelist Mark yet afterwards and at this day Assyria and Egypt are overspred with Mahometism But this text of Isaiah speaketh of restoring the Christian Religion to them before the incoming of the Jew● and that after their conversion to the Christian faith Israel shall be for a third companion in a Christian communion with them in the same Spiritual blessings It is true there will be still untill the consummation of the World some wicked and malicious men within the visible Church as tares mixed with the wheat untill the day of final separation but it is probable the chief Rulers themselves being converted to the Christian Faith shall be so over-ruled by the power of divine grace that they will not hurt nor destroy in all the holy mountain of the Lord and Inferiors who are malicious shall be so overawed by the wise and powerful providence of God and also restrained by Rulers fearing God that they shall not be able to destroy in all the holy mountain That the incalling of the fulness of the Gentils will go before the incoming of the Jews appears from Isa 60.16 Thou shalt also suck the milk of the Gentiles and shalt suck the breast of kings and thou shalt know that I the Lord am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer the mighty one of Jacob. In these words the Prophet foretelleth that the Jewish Nation shall receive the doctrine of the Gospel from the Church of the Gentiles converted to the Christian Faith before them and the Apostle saith Rom. 11.25 Blindness in part is hapned to Israel until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in Therefore it is more than probable that the incalling of the fulness of the Gentiles shall preceed the incoming of the Jewish Nation unto the Christian Faith for although some particular persons in the times of the Apostles and also afterward received the Christian Faith yet the incoming of the body of the Jewish Nation was and is a mystery which God is his own good time will explain by bringing them into the communion of the Christian Church Oserv Men truly converted to the Christian Faith will forsake their former malice and bitter dispotion to hurt and harm others and will labour to be of a peaceable disposition and conversation this is evident from vers 8 and 9. It is evident also from the happy change which we may observe in true converts recorded in the Word of God as in the Ephesians amongst whom sometime there were men like wild beasts with whom Paul had an unpeaceable and fighting life 1 Cor. 15.32 but after their conversion to the Christian Faith there was a great change in them
his own good time can easily recompense all our temporal losses even in this world if it seem good in his eyes Is 61.7 For your shame you shall have double and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion therefore in their land they shall possess the double But certainly in that day of restoring all things all losses shall be recompenced though not in specie yet in value exceeding them very far therefore reckon with thy self that all the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us Rom. 8.18 Object 4. The faithful Lord hath promised to deliver out of temptation 1 Cor. 10.13 yet I am daily infested with sinful thoughts and sometime brought into bondage with my own consent Ans Yet it is the better that such thoughts are a grief to thy spirit as Hagar was to Sarah be of good courage the Lord in his own good time will cast out the bond-woman and her child even thy in-dwelling corruption and all the off-spring of it reverence the wisdom of God in suffering thy soul to be molested with these incursions and bickerings of that impure spirit he permits it that the grace of humility and prayer m●y be the more exercised by thee all the Canaanites were not driven out of the land of Canaan by the wise providence of God permitting and ordering it for good that the wilde beasts should not multiply in the land So the Lord in his wisdom permits the in-dwelling and stirrings of corruption within thy soul to preveen the encrease of pride and to keep thee humble and watchful and to stir thee up unto daily prayer for encrease of strength in the inner man Therefore give it not over but resist daily trusting to that promise Rom. 16.20 The God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly Thou art engaged into a good cause to fight against thy lusts although through the wiles of Satan at a time thou mayest be brought into bondage yet despair not of victory in end mourn as Peter did after his denyal in the high Priests Hall and if thou mournest bitterly for thy bondage it is not altogether voluntary when thou mourns for it there is some resistance to it from grace in thy will and he that gives grace to resist shall give victory in end Rom. 7.24 25. O wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. The father of the possessed child brought his son who had been infested and molested from his childhood and when the child was a-coming to Christ the unclean spirit did vex him and rent him but he went forward to our blessed Lord who charged that soul spirit to come out of him and enter no more into him Mark 9.17 c. So it may be thou art never more infested than when thou hast a resolution to go to Christ and walk after his Commandments yet rise up by repentance and resolution of new obedience who knows but thy mighty Lord will rebuke that unclean motion and say as he did to that unclean spirit I charge thee to come out of him and enter no more into him Object 5. But in the mean time my soul faints within me under great afflictions and desertions because there is neither appearance of comfort nor out-gate Answ As faithfulness cleaveth to his loins as a girdle so let faith in thine heart cleave to him and his promises for as the lungs like bellows do cool and refresh the heart that it faint not through much heat and labour so faith breathing the faithful and gracious promises of God into the fainting soul doth revive the same Psal 27.14 Psal 42.5 Psal 119.81 When the Mariners in the Ship with Paul Acts 27. saw no light outward for directing their course they did cast out their Anchors and waited for the day so when thou who fears the Lord walkest in darkness and hath no light trust in the Name of thy faithful Lord and stay thy self upon thy God Isai 50.10 Remember for thy encouragement thy blessed Lord is faithful and compassionat Mat. 15.32 he had pity on the multitude who had continued with him three days without any bodily refreshment and would not send them away fasting lest they should faint in the way much more thy Lord full of compassion will not suffer a poor humble soul that hath been waiting on him by sincere obedience and for him by a lively hope purifying the heart and thirsting more and more for righteousness to depart out of this life without some refreshment in the inner man but as he did to that old expectant Simeon Luk. 2. he will give him Christ his Saviour into the arms of his faith that he may depart in peace in the hope of salvation VERSE VI. The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together and a little child shall lead them FRom this vers to the 10. is set down the great and admirable effects of Christs powerful government by his Spirit and Word to wit a strange change and metamorphosis of persons who before the light of the glorious Gospel did shine in their hearts were of a sensual and brutish disposition and of a wild and savage conversation who were rebellious against God and had an antipathy one against another who were like Wolves in oppression like Leopards and young Lions in fierceness like the Asp and Cockatrice in bitterness of spirit and venomousness in conversation but these after their conversion by the light of the Gospel shall live in obedience and peace with God and in concord with others who before them were in a state of grace The wolf shall dwell with the Lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid and the calf and the young lion c. that is they shall be so daunted by the power of grace with the Gospel that they shall live in a sweet communion and fellowship with these who were in Christ before them and also with these who sometimes were also bitter and malicious enemies to the godly even such as had been like Asps and Cockatrices shall be converted and made partakers of the meek and lowly Spirit of Christ The cause of all this change will be the light of the glorious Gospel as it is said in the end of vers 9. For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea As at the Sun-rising the wild beasts do return to their dens and caves so the light of the Gospel in such as are effectually called according to the eternal purpose of God will make their wild and beastly affections to hide themselves for shame and they shall have no pleasure in the unfruitful works of darkness and they shall cast away all their idol-lusts Isai 31.6 7. Hos 14.8 Observ
but thou shouldst be wise and learn to glory in the Lord alone with whom there is not a shadow of change thou shouldst observe the judgements of God on wicked men and learn to be wise in forsaking their evil wayes Act. 19.16 17 18 19. When many that believed saw the judgement of God upon the conjurers they burnt their magical Books and forsook their unlawful arts So the unclean person observing the judgement of God upon the harlot brought to a morsel of bread and upon the prodigal waster cloathed with rags and upon the proud man as Haman brought to open disgrace this should make others wise to salvation in being chast sober and humble Cato said truly in alledging wise men profited more by fools than fools did by wise men because wise men see the faults of fools and avoid them but fools will neither see their own faults nor follow the example of wise men 4. If thou would be truly wise frequent the company of these who are wise Pro. 13.20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed 5. As thou wouldst be wise pray to God for wisdom Jam. 1.5 If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given him Pro. 2.3 5. If thou liftest up thy voice for understanding then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord. Redeeming the time To redeem the time doth sometimes signifie to gain time by delaying and shifting of hard and difficult questions which might bring the answerer into great danger So Dan. 2.8 the King said to the Chaldeans who could not tell him the interpretation of his dream but desired that he would shew them first the dream he said I know of certainty that ye will gain the time To gain the time is rendered by the seventy Interpreters in the same word that is used here But we take the expression here to be borrowed from Travellers or Sojourners who sleeping too long in the short winter day do hastily rise and walk the faster redeeming the time that was lost by sleep and amend their pase all the rest of the day or it may be borrowed from Merchants preferring the opportunity of a good Mercat and of buying precious wares even to the time of their ordinary refreshment by eating and drinking Prov. 23.23 Buy the truth but sell it not that is with the hazard of any loss worldly lay thou hold upon the occasions and opportunities of learning the sacred Truths of God but upon no terms sell thou or alienat the truth or the expression is borrowed from frugal men who retrench their Retinue Dyet and all Superfluities that by so doing they may redeem Houses or Lands morgaged formerly through misgovernment or prodigality It is a chief point of Christian wisdom to improve the time well for it is said here Be wise redeeming the time as were the wise Merchant the wise Builder and the wise Virgins spoken of in holy Scripture because time is precious Pro. 25.11 A word fitly or timously spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver Esther spoke in time in behalf of the Jews and Jacob sought the blessing in time and the wise Virgins provided oyl in time time past cannot be brought back again like the running of water that doth not return and it is wisdom for travellers to take the opportunity of the tide before it be spent as our time is spent here so will it be with us in eternity it will be evil with them for ever who spent the time of their life in following their lusts and sinful pleasures and did not redeem lost time by repenting in time Luk. 16.25 But Abraham said Son remember that thou in thy life-time receivedst thy good things and likewise Lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and thou art tormented Gal. 6.7 8. For whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap for he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting There be three differences of time as it is commonly taken to wit the time past present and to come we should walk wisely in reference to all these differences of times 1. When we look back to the time past that hath been mis-spent in the vanities and follies of sin we should be humbled as holy Job was Job 13.26 Thou writest bitter things against me and makest me to possess the iniquities of my youth as holy David was Psal 25.7 Remember not the sins of my youth nor my transgressions Cato though an Heathen repented as he said that he had mis-spent one day in idleness but all of us may say as Psal 90.9 Our years are spent as a tale that is told we are like some careless hearers who scarce know the subject and purpose of a tale before it be near an end so we know not the main end and purpose of our life which is to know God and to glorifie him when we have known him and the life of many is near to an end before they consider the great intendment of God in giving them life We may say as Eccles 11.10 Childhood and youth are vanity mis-spent idlely in doing little or no good and oft-times in doing evil and we may say as 1 Pet. 4.3 The time past may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles c. When we remember this mis-spent time we should mourn and resolve by the grace of God by amendment to redeem lost time and say and do as Job 34.32 That which I see not teach thou me if I have done iniquity I will do no more How many opportunities of well-doing have we sloathed and neglected As of thanksgiving to God for benefits received like unthankful Israel Hos 2.8 She did not know that I gave her corn c. Of prayer and calling upon the Name of God as Israel in the time of oppressing one another Psal 53.4 Have the workers of iniquity no knowledge who eat up my people as they eat bread they have not called upon God How have we neglected the opportunities of humbling our selves by fasting and prayer in a time of imminent or incumbent judgements Yea we have walked in revelling and riot contrary to the Lords sad dispensations Isai 22.12 14. We have neglected the opportunities of hearing the good Word of God Prov. 1.24 25. We have refused the gracious invitations of the Gospel like these men who made light of the Kings invitation to the Marriage-feast Mat. 22.5 We have abused the time of Gods patience that should have led us to repentance as it is said Rev. 2.21 Not only have we been negligent to lay hold upon the opportunities of well-doing but also we have been forward and hasty to take the occasions of evil-doing How many have been so malicious that like the cruel old Priest Annas they could not
not stiff-necked as your fathers were but yeeld your selves unto the Lord and serve the Lord your God c. Lay up provision of thy own personal experience of sad afflictions upon thy self in a time of thy former strayings from God and of the good such afflictions did to thee in stopping thy course of defection Psal 119.67 Before I was afflicted I went astray but now have I kept thy word And in a time of renewed afflictions be patient and submit to God who chastiseth his own children to this end especially that he may make them partakers of his holiness Heb. 12.10 In time of great affliction lay up provision from thy experience of his strength supporting thee and of his wisdom and power in delivering thee that in time coming thy heart may be established by confidence and dependence on him in new troubles Psal 42.6 O my God my soul is cast down within me therefore will I remember thee from the land of Jordan and of the Hermonites from the hill Mizar 2 Cor. 1.9 10. But we had the sentence of death in our selves that we should not trust in our selves but in God which raiseth the dead who delivered us from so great a death and doth deliver in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us 4. Lay up provision of self-denial and resolution for evil times of persecution to come Mat. 16.24 If any man will come after me let him deny himself c. And he must be resolute as Paul Act. 21.13 I am ready not only to be bound but also to die at Jerusalem for the Name of the Lord Jesus From this Doctrine of Redeeming the time three sorts of persons are justly to be reproved 1. Slothful Idlers who redeem not the time but from day to day delay to put heart and hand to the work of their own salvation like the sluggard Prov. 6.10 Yet a little sleep a little slumber Such men are like to spend-thrifts who neglect the appointed time for redeeming their morgaged lands and afterward when they would they have not the opportunity Luk. 13.24 Strive to enter in at the strait gate for many I say unto you will seek to enter in and shall not be able 2. Such as trifle away their time as the Athenians did Act. 17.21 As these tatling widows did 1 Tim. 5.17 and as these busie bodies 2 Thess 3.11 Such also who spend more time in their excessive recreations and gaming 's than in their necessary and lawful employments especially such who spend much of their time in dycing and carding Such of old were severely fined by the laws both of Heathen and Christian Emperours and by the Canons of the Council of Eliberis were suspended from the holy Sacrament as witnesseth the learned Ductor dubitantium such prodigal triflers of precious time are like to some foolish persons who spend upon conceits and fancies the moneys that should have been imployed to redeem their morgages so these men play away their time which should be employed to redeem their former time that was ingaged to their former foolish courses 3. The debauched wasters of time in the works of darkness as uncleanness drunkenness oppression covetousness pride malice c. Such men redeem not the time but prodigally cast it away they are like unto profuse wasters who do not redeem the wodsett but take on more debt and in end bring themselves to sinful shameful and desperat poverty So these prodigal wasters and debauchers of their time bring themselves in end to an everlasting want of all comfort as the rich glutton did Luk. 16.23 24. Therefore let all sorts and conditions of men take with the warning to improve their time to the glory of God and to the advantage of their own salvation 1. Such as are in their adolescency and growing age they would improve their young years to the glorifying of their Creator Eccles 12.1 Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth Offer the first fruits of your age unto God that your after-age may be sanctified and blessed of the Lord if the first-fruits be holy the whole lump of your time and age will be holy Rom. 11.16 Plato to this purpose speaketh indeed like a divine Philosoph in his first book of his Repub. Young age saith he p●st over in vertue and in honest imployments is a comfortable nurse to entertain and cherish their old age but he that wasteth and debaucheth his young years when he comes to old age the remembrance of his former miscarriages in the time of his youth doth greatly afright him as infants awaked out of their sleep by loud noises are greatly terrified and afrighted In like manner those men that sleeped sometimes securely in the sins of their youth shall be awaked in their old age with the terrours of an accusing conscience and afrighted with the dreadful found of death and judgement and shall not have rest to their souls until they repent of the sins of their youth and by ●aith rest on the Lord Jesus Christ whose blood cleanseth from all unrighteousness 2. Such as are in their prime and meridian of their time who are now in their full strength of body and mind Improve your time well honour God with the strength of thy body give not thy strength and the flower of thy time to uncleanness and drunkenness like these cursed men Isa 5.22 Wo unto them that are mighty to drink wine by so doing they weaken the spirit and consume the body they turn the good gifts of God unto rebellion against himself as if a souldier should employ his levy-mony to buy armes wherewith he might fight against his King who gave it Reuben the beginning of Jacobs strength abused his own time and strength therefore his dignity and excellency was taken from him but Joseph improved well his youth and strength of body therefore God blessed him and his bow abode in strength in despight of all that shot at him Now is the time wherein your senses and judgement are ripe and quick use your time and judgement well that ye may have comfort in old age when senses and judgement will fail as they did in old Barzillay but if your quickness be set on edge upon vain inventions ye will be forced in your old age to say as Rom. 6.21 What pleasure have we or fruits in those things whereof we are now ashamed 3. And such who are in their decrept old age stouping toward the earth and the grave let them not imploy their short time and their affections wholly upon the things of the earth when by the course of nature they are near to be removed from it Let them not be busie in the things of the world and careless of the work of their own salvation I say to them as the Lord of the Vineyard said to those Matth. 20. Why stand ye all day idle ye are come to your eleventh hour your time is near run the night of death is near hand wherein no